00   Prolegomena. Teorija znanja i kulture. Propedeutika

001   Znanost i znanje. Organizacija intelektualnog rada

Does university performance matter for EU programmes in South East Europe [Elektronička građa] : case study Horizon 2020 / Suada Ajdarpašić, Gazmend Qorraj. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper examines the educational system in South East Europe (SEE) within the framework of opportunities coming from the European Union, particularly Horizon 2020, a recent EU innovation and research programme. The specific goal of this article is to measure the impact of the performance of universities in South East Europe and the likelihood of obtaining EU programmes, specifically Horizon 2020 projects. The additional aim is to investigate whether high-ranking universities are successful in obtaining Horizon 2020 projects and, more specifically, if university performance is a significant factor in the success rate in obtaining Horizon 2020 projects. In order to analyse this phenomenon empirically, we compare the main public universities of South East Europe and consider their overall performance in relation to EU programmes obtained. The final outcome of the paper is that there is a clear relationship between the university performance and obtaining Horizon 2020 projects. Therefore, the high performance of a university positively correlates with a high success rate in obtaining Horizon 2020 projects for most of the universities. - U ovom se radu analizira obrazovni sustav u jugoistočnoj Europi (JIE), u okviru mogućnosti koje pruža Europska Unija, a posebno Horizon 2020 – nedavno ustanovljeni program EU za inovacije i istraživanje. Poseban je cilj rada mjerenje utjecaja rezultata sveučilišta i vjerojatnosti dobivanje EU programa, odnosno – specifično, projekata financiranih iz Horizona 2020. Dodatni je cilj rada istražiti koliko su visokorangirana sveučilišta uspješna u dobivanju projekata iz Horizona 2020 te, još točnije, koliko su rezultati sveučilišta značajan čimbenik za stopu uspješnosti u natjecanje za Horizon 2020 projekte. Kako bi se izvršila empirijska analiza, uspoređuju se ključna javna sveučilišta na zapadnom Balkanu te se uspoređuju njihovi opći rezultati djelovanja s dobivenim EU programima. U radu se ukazuje da postoji jasna povezanost između rezultata djelovanja i dobivanja projekata Horizona 2020, odnosno pozitivna korelacija između rezultata sveučilišta i visoke stope uspješnosti u dobivanju Horizon projekata.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), 2 ; str. 1-10  
 Elektronička verzija članka
EU programi -- Obrazovni sustavi -- Sveučilišta -- Inovacije -- Menadžment -- Financiranje

ŠVARC, Jadranka
Znanstvenici o reformama znanosti iz 2013. [Elektronička građa] : kritička analiza / Jadranka Švarc, Drago Čengić, Saša Poljanec-Borić, Jasminka Lažnjak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 33-37. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Vlada Republike Hrvatske provela je 2013. godine niz reformi znanstvenoistraživačkog sustava s ciljem povećanja njegove izvrsnosti i međunarodne konkurentnosti. Želeći analizirati dosege spomenutih reformi, 2017. godine provedeno je istraživanje o tome kako znanstvenici, nakon četiri godine rada u novom sustavu, percipiraju promjene u strukturi znanstvenoistraživačkog rada. Empirijsko istraživanje provedeno je dvoetapno, kvalitativnom i kvantitativnom metodom, na namjernom kvotnom uzorku prema znanstvenim disciplinama, institucijama i zvanjima. Rezultati pokazuju da su reforme dovele do određenih organizacijskih unapređenja te do uvođenja veće kompetitivnosti u istraživačkoj zajednici, ali da su istovremeno proizvele i niz neželjenih posljedica, ugrozivši među ostalim materijalnu osnovu znanstvenog rada te transparentnost i javnost djelovanja znanstvenog sustava. Zbog toga je opravdano postaviti pitanje: je li potreban novi zaokret u hrvatskoj znanstvenoj politici. - Croatian Government has launched a series of reforms of the scientific system in 2013 aiming to increase its excellence and international competitiveness. In order to examine the achievements of these reforms, our research tried to explore how scientists perceived changes in the structure of the scientific research system four years after the new system was introduced. The research was conducted in two phases, using qualitative and quantitative methods, on a purposive quota sample according to scientific disciplines, institutions and scientific grades. The results suggest that the reforms have resulted in certain organizational advancements, and with a shift towards greater competitiveness in the research community, but at the same time they produced a number of unintended consequences, like endangering financial sustainability of research, transparency and openness of the scientific system. It is therefore reasonable to ask whether another change of direction of the Croatian science policy is needed.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 1 ; str. 7-38  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Znanstvenici -- Znanstvenoistraživački rad -- Znanstvena politika -- Javna politika -- Reforme

004   Računalna znanost i tehnologija. Računalstvo. Obrada podataka

HUĐEK, Ivona
Digital skills in enterprises according to the European digital entrepreneurship sub-indices [Elektronička građa] : cross-country empirical evidence / Ivona Huđek, Karin Širec, Polona Tominc. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Nowadays, the development of Internet technology and the effects of digital transformation are leading to the need for more skillful information and communications technology (ICT) specialists in almost every sector of the economy, in order to benefit from technological innovations. That also leads to the need for every employee to be prepared for new changes in production and service delivery processes. In this study, the factors of digital skills in enterprises that significantly affect the digital entrepreneurship start-up sub-index and digital entrepreneurship scale-up sub-index in the EU countries, are identified and the models are designed to analyse the relationships between the factors. In an increasingly digital world, where production processes and service delivery are continuously evolving, EU countries, that is, policymakers and entrepreneurs should be aware of the digital transformation and, thus, pay attention to the digital skills and provide learning opportunities and supportive environment for the workers in acquiring the new skills and knowledge. - U suvremenim uvjetima, razvoj internetske tehnologije i efekti digitalne transformacije uzrokuju potrebu za informacijskokomunikacijskim specijalistima, koji imaju višu razinu vještina, i to u gotovo svakom sektoru gospodarstva, a kako bi se ostvarila korist od tehnoloških inovacija. Navedeno dovodi i do potrebe pripreme svih zaposlenika za promjene proizvodnih, odnosno procesa pružanja usluga. U ovom se radu identificiraju čimbenici digitalnih vještina zaposlenika, koji značajno utječu na komponente indeksa stvaranja start-up poduzeća te digitalnog poduzetništva u zemljama-članicama EU-a. Također se dizajniraju modeli, potrebni za analizu odnosa između navedenih čimbenika. U sve više digitaliziranom svijetu, u kojem se proizvodni i uslužni procesi sve više mijenjaju, države-članice EU-a, odnosno donositelji njihovih javnih politika i poduzetnici, trebaju biti svjesni digitalne transformacije. Zbog toga trebaju obratiti pozornost na digitalne vještine te osigurati prilike za učenje, kao i okruženje, koje pruža podršku zaposlenicima u stjecanju novih znanja i vještina.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), 2 ; str. 107-119  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Digitalna ekonomija -- Poduzeća -- Digitalne vještine -- Digitalno poduzetništvo

MILOSAVLJEVIĆ, Marko, medijski stručnjak
Net neutrality in a "peripheral" but pioneering country [Elektronička građa] : policy processes, consequences, and developments in Slovenia / Marko Milosavljević, Melita Poler, Tanja Kerševan Smokvina.
Bibliografija: str. 48-52. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper analyses policies and regulation addressing net neutrality in Slovenia. It traces them from their bold beginnings in 2012 to their harmonisation with prevailing trends and practices in the European Union, following the enactment of EU rules on net neutrality in 2016. The study, based on qualitative document analysis and supplemented by interviews with stakeholders, showed that Slovenia was not successful in advocating stronger EU net neutrality safeguards. The rules of the single digital market within the EU with the limited subsidiarity of member states made it impossible to apply the original Slovenian legal safeguards. This indicates a reduced potential of nation states to advocate their communication policy objectives within the EU framework on one hand, and their ability to infl uence EU policymaking by encouraging a quicker common response with independent action on the other. Further research is required into the potential re-evaluation and extension of the concept of net neutrality, to address the full extent of discriminatory treatment of internet traffic, not limited solely to networks. - Ovaj rad analizira politike i propise koji se odnose na neutralnost interneta u Sloveniji. Prati ih od hrabrih početaka 2012. do njihovog usklađivanja s prevladavajućim trendovima i praksama u Europskoj uniji, nakon donošenja pravila EU-a o neutralnosti interneta u 2016. godini. Ova studija, utemeljena na kvalitativnoj analizi dokumenata i dopunjena intervjuima sa sudionicima cijelog procesa, pokazala je da Slovenija nije bila uspješna u zagovaranju jačih zaštitnih mjera neutralnosti interneta u Europskoj uniji. Pravila jedinstvenog digitalnog tržišta unutar EU s ograničenom supsidijarnošću država članica onemogućavaju tako primjenu izvornih slovenskih pravnih jamstava. S jedne strane, to ukazuje na manju mogućnost država članica da zagovaraju ciljeve svoje komunikacijske politike u okviru EU-a, i s druge strane, manju sposobnost da utječu na donošenje politika EU-a poticanjem bržeg zajedničkog odgovora s neovisnim djelovanjem. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja o potencijalnoj ponovnoj procjeni i proširenju koncepta neutralnosti interneta, koji je trenutno ograničen isključivo na Internet, kako bi u potpunosti obuhvatio i diskriminatorni odnos prema internetskom prometu.
U: Medijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1846-6605. - 25 (2019), 1 ; str. 33-53  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Internet -- Neutralnost interneta
Europska unija


Smart city initiatives in the context of digital transformation [Elektronička građa] : scope, services and technologies / Katarina Tomičić Pupek, Igor Pihir, Martina Tomičić Furjan. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 58 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Digital transformation is an emerging trend in developing the way how the work is being done, and it is present in the private and public sector, in all industries and fields of work. Smart cities, as one of the concepts related to digital transformation, is usually seen as a matter of local governments, as it is their responsibility to ensure a better quality of life for the citizens. Some cities have already taken advantages of possibilities offered by the concept of smart cities, creating new values to all stakeholders interacting in the living city ecosystems, thus serving as examples of good practice, while others are still developing and growing on their intentions to become smart. This paper provides a structured literature analysis and investigates key scope, services and technologies related to smart cities and digital transformation as concepts of empowering social and collaboration interactions, in order to identify leading factors in most smart city initiatives. - Digitalna transformacija je novi trend u načinu razvoja obavljanja posla, kako u privatnom, tako i u javnom sektoru, bez obzira na industriju, odnosno područje rada. "Pametni" se gradovi, kao jedan od koncepata u okviru digitalne transformacije, obično povezuju s lokalnom upravom, s obzirom da je njihova odgovornost osigurati bolju kvalitetu života građana. Neki su gradovi već iskoristili mogućnosti koje pruža koncept “pametnog grada”, stvarajući vrijednost za sve dionike živućeg gradskog eko-sustava, pa se mogu smatrati primjerima dobre prakse. Drugi se, pak, gradovi tek usmjeravaju i razvijaju prema ostvarivanju koncepta "pametnog grada". U ovom se radu pruža strukturirani pregled literature i analiziraju opseg, usluge i tehnologije, povezani s “pametnim gradovima” te digitalnom transformacijom, kao konceptima, usmjerenim na jačanje društvene interakcije i suradnje, a s ciljem utvrđivanja vodećih čimbenika u većini inicijativa "pametnih gradova".
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), 1 ; str. 39-54  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Digitalne tehnologije -- Informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije -- Gradovi

Software sensors for biomass concentration estimation in filamentous microorganism cultivation process [Elektronička građa] / Pavel Hrnčiřík, Tomáš Moucha, Jan Mareš, Jan Náhlík, Dagmar Janáčová. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Summary. - In this study, the potential of two software sensors for on-line estimation of biomass concentration during cultivation of filamentous microorganisms is examined. The first sensor is based on common bioreactor off-gas analyses, and uses the assumption of the biomass concentration linear dependence on the square root of cumulative O2 consumption. Parameters of the semi-empirical data-driven software sensor based on off-gas analysis were calculated from experimental cultivation data using linear regression. The second sensor is based on biocalorimetry, i.e., the on-line calculation of metabolic heat flux from general enthalpy balance of the bioreactor. The software sensor based on biocalorimetry thus essentially represents a model-driven approach, making use of a fundamental process model based on the enthalpy balance around the bioreactor. This approach has been combined with the experimental identification of the specific biomass heat production, which represents the main process-specific parameter of the software sensor based on biocalorimetry. For this sensor, the accuracy requirements on the process variable on-line measurements were also analysed. The experimental data from the pilot-scale antibiotics Nystatin production by a bacterium Streptomyces noursei were used to calculate the specific bioprocess heat production value using linear regression. The achieved results enabled us to propose a new on-line indicator calculated as the ratio of the outputs of both sensors, which can serve as a timely warning of the risk of undesired nutritional conditions of a culture characterized as underfeeding.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 1 ; str. 141-151  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Softverski senzori -- Biomasa -- Mikroorganizmi -- Kalorimetrija

Vidi br.: HA19-01413

Vidi br.: HA19-01403

Vidi br.: HA19-01371

Vidi br.: HA19-01422

Vidi br.: HA19-01418

Vidi br.: HA19-01503

Vidi br.: HA19-01412

Vidi br.: HA19-01473

Vidi br.: HA19-01423

Vidi br.: HA19-01334

Vidi br.: HA19-01540

Vidi br.: HA19-01628

Vidi br.: HA19-01470

Vidi br.: HA19-01417

Vidi br.: HA19-01351

005   Menadžment

Vidi br.: HA19-01540

Vidi br.: HA19-01628

Vidi br.: HA19-01447

Vidi br.: HA19-01451

Vidi br.: HA19-01467

Vidi br.: HA19-01474

01   Bibliografije. Katalozi

FRANČIĆ, Damjana
The bookshelf of the University library in Pula is (no longer) the last station of the travel [Elektronička građa] / Damjana Frančić.
Sadrži i: bibliografija Putopisi i terenski vodiči za Istru na str. 172-193. - Bibliografija: str. 194-195. - Abstract. - When arriving by train from the North to Istria, the last stop is the railway station in Pula, so the Library is the last station for travel books. We searched our fund for the travelogues exhibition and found that we have very little travelogues about Istria, and disproportionately more travelogues about distant parts of the world. The catalogs of other libraries in Europe and the world show many travel books about Istria, which are digitalised and now can be read on the internet.
U: Studia Polensia (Online). - ISSN 2459-6256. - 8 (2019), 1 ; str. 169-195  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Putopisi -- Digitalizirana građa -- Knjižnična građa
Sveučilišna knjižnica u Puli


Vidi br.: HA19-01337

02   Knjižničarstvo

Nepoznati Šulek [Elektronička građa] : naučitelj odhranjivanja i obučavatelj čitanja / Jelena Vignjević, Bernardina Petrović.
Biografska bilješka uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 107-108. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Bogoslav Šulek poznat je ponajprije kao jezikoslovac, leksikograf i publicist. U njegovu se radu posebno ističe prinos znanstvenomu nazivlju na hrvatskom jeziku, pa ga se naziva utemeljiteljem hrvatskoga znanstvenoga nazivlja. Međutim, slabo je i nedostatno razmatran Šulekov prinos didaktici kao općoj teoriji školskoga poučavanja i učenja, a napose metodici početnoga čitanja na hrvatskom jeziku, o čem se raspravlja u ovom radu. Bogoslav je Šulek naime 1850. u Zagrebu tiskom Franje Župana objavio Naputak za one, koji uče čitati i Malu čitanku za početnike. U tima dvjema knjižicama, prvoj namijenjenoj učiteljima i roditeljima, a drugoj učenicima, Bogoslav Šulek predstavlja tadašnjoj hrvatskoj školskoj javnosti novu metodu podučavanja čitanja – „Lautir-Methode“ – po kojoj se čitanje uči tako da se izgovara i pamti glas slova, a ne njegov naziv. Šulekov metodički priručnik i čitanka u ovom su radu sagledani u kontekstu onodobne metodike početnoga čitanja na hrvatskom jeziku, čime se pokazala njihova uloga prekretnice u dotadašnjem načinu opismenjavanja. - Bogoslav Šulek is recognised as a linguist, lexicographer and publicist. His lexicological work earned him the title of father of Croatian scientific terminology. However, his work in didactics as a general theory of school teaching and learning, and in the teaching methodology of initial reading in Croatian, has not yet been adequately researched. This part of Šulek’s work is the subject of the current article, in particular two books that he published in Zagreb in 1850: Naputak za one, koji uče čitati [Instructions for Those Who Are Learning to Read] and Mala čitanka za početnike [A Little Reader for Beginners]. In them, Šulek presented a new method of initial reading – the “Lautir-Methode”, or phonics. With this method, reading is taught so that the sound of the letter is pronounced, not its name. When Šulek’s books are considered in the context of the didactics of initial reading skills at that time, we can conclude that they were a turning point in the history of the methodology of teaching literacy in Croatian.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 8 (2019.), 1 ; str. 91-109  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Početno čitanje -- Metodika čitanja
Šulek, Bogoslav


Užitak u čitanju [Elektronička građa] : teme u literaturi za mlade objavljenoj u Hrvatskoj 2016. - 2019. godine / Ivana Martinović, Ivona Grgić, Elizabeta Kotromanović. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 325-326. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Ovaj rad sastoji se od teorijskog i empirijskog dijela. U teorijskom dijelu govori se ponajprije o svrsi čitanja, zatim se raspravlja o rezultatima koje mladi iz Hrvatske pokazuju na međunarodnim ispitivanjima pismenosti te o mogućim uzrocima pojave izostanka čitanja iz užitka kod mladih. Nadalje, govori se o motivima, interesima i navikama mladih na temelju rezultata ranije provedenih istraživanja. Autorice zauzimaju stav da je tema knjige jedan od čimbenika koji mogu potaknuti i motivirati mlade na čitanje. U radu se nadalje donosi pregled tema koje se pojavljuju u knjigama namijenjenim mladima objavljenim od 60-ih godina 20. st. naovamo. U empirijskom dijelu rada donose se rezultati istraživanja provedenog kombinacijom različitih metodoloških postupaka; stvaranjem popisa knjiga te analizom sadržaja, s ciljem utvrđivanja tema koje se pojavljuju u knjigama za mlade objavljenim u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 2016. do travnja 2019. godine. U zaključku istraživanja donose se ponajprije saznanja o tome koje su teme prisutne u knjigama za mlade. Zaključak na kraju rada objedinjuje spoznaje o tematici knjiga za mlade i onih do kojih se došlo temeljem proučavanja prethodnih istraživanja i teorijskih spoznaja o temama čitanja, te ukusima, navikama i interesima mladih za čitanje iz užitka kao i o ulozi tema knjiga u motivaciji mladih za takvu vrstu čitanja. - This paper consists of a theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part primarily focuses its attention on the purpose of reading, then discusses the results that the youth from Croatia achieve in international literacy studies and the possible causes of the lack of reading for pleasure among youth. Furthermore, the motives, interests and habits of young people are discussed based on the results of previous research. The authors take the view that the subject of the book is one of the factors that can stimulate and motivate young people to read. The paper further provides an overview of the topics that appear in books intended for young people published from the 60s of the 20th century onwards. The empirical part of the paper presents the results of the research conducted by a combination of different methodological procedures; creating a book list and analyzing the content, with the aim of determining the topics that appear in the books for young people published in Croatia from 2016 to April 2019. The conclusion of the research part of the paper is primarily focused on the topics that are present in the books for youth. The conclusion at the end of the paper brings together insight on the topics of the books for young people and knowledge gained from previous research and theoretical knowledge on reading topics, as well as the tastes, habits and interests of young people to read for pleasure and the role of topics of books in motivating young people for this type of reading.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 6 (2019), 2 ; str. 287-328  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Čitanje -- Mladi -- Čitanje iz užitka -- Knjige

Vidi br.: HA19-01349

Vidi br.: HA19-01626

Vidi br.: HA19-01346

050   Serijske publikacije. Periodika

MIHALJEVIĆ, Josip, povjesničar
Ekonomska povijest u Časopisu za suvremenu povijest (1969. - 2018.) [Elektronička građa] / Josip Mihaljević. - Graf. prikazi.
Sadrži i biliografiju radova o ekonomskim temama u Časopisu za suvremenu povijest (1969.-2018.), str. 774-781. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 781-783. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se prikazuje kako je u historiografskom časopisu (Časopis za suvremenu povijest) tretirana gospodarska povijest. U članku se najprije upućuje na moguće definicije pojma gospodarske povijesti te daje kratak osvrt na razvoj te znanstvene subdiscipline u svjetskoj i hrvatskoj historiografiji. Najveći dio članka posvećen je pregledu sadržaja relevantnih radova na stranicama Časopisa, a nakon toga autor prikazuje i analizira brojčane pokazatelje o broju članaka, tematici koja se obrađivala, kategorijama i autorima radova i priloga objavljivanih u Časopisu od njegova osnutka 1969. do kraja 2018. godine. Uz nekoliko tabličnih i grafičkih prikaza autor je kao poseban prilog načinio kompletnu bibliografiju članaka koji se odnose na teme iz gospodarske povijesti. - This paper offers an overview of the approaches to economic history in the Journal of Contemporary History. First, the possible definitions of the term ‘economic history’ are presented, along with a brief overview of the development of that scientific subdiscipline in Croatian and international historiography. The main part of the paper is devoted to an overview of the contents of relevant works printed in the Journal, which is followed by a description and analysis of the numeric indicators of articles, topics covered, categories, and authors of papers and other contributions published in the Journal from its launch in 1969 to the end of 2018. In addition to several tables and graphics, the author has compiled a full biography of 51 articles and 32 reviews related to economic history, which has been attached to the article as an appendix. The Journal of Contemporary History reflects a relatively poor presence of works dealing with economic history in Croatian historiography, but shows a different trend when its internal production is examined. The 1990s, which are usually regarded as a time when research in economic history within the frame of Croatian historiography waned, were also the decade when a greater number of works on economic history were published in the Journal than in any previous decade. This overview also points to the often highlighted problem of the lack of systematic support, i.e. the lack of institutional infrastructure and programmes aimed at supporting the development of economic history as well as the lack of team- and interdisciplinary work. Scientific production in this field depends on the enthusiasm of individuals, who are few in number. The most prominent author in this context is Mira Kolar Dimitrijević, who has written one-third of all economic history articles published in the Journal of Contemporary History.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 3 ; str. 741-784  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ekonomska povijest -- Historiografija -- Znanstveni časopisi

JELASKA Marijan, Zdravka
Pedeset godina Časopisa za suvremenu povijest [Elektronička građa] : bibliometrijska analiza : (1969. - 2018.) / Zdravka Jelaska Marijan. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 92-94. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Pedeset godina Časopisa za suvremenu povijest jasni je pokazatelj značaja tema kojima se bavi. Cilj ovoga rada je na temelju određenih bibliografske analize propitati kvantitativne pokazatelje rada te ukazati na promjene kroz koje je Časopis prolazio, ali i na kontinuitet rada i djelovanja. Uzorak za istraživanje činili su svi brojevi časopisa od 1969. do 2018. godine. Analiza će obuhvatiti opseg časopisa, sastav uredništva, broj znanstvenih radova i njihov opseg te autore znanstvenih radova. - The Journal of Contemporary History (Časopis za suvremenu povijest) has been published regularly every year during the half-century of its existence. A total of 134 volumes have been published in this period. The average length of the Journal was 700.64 pages per year. Deviations in the length of the Journal point to the existence of various favourable and unfavourable influences it has been exposed to during its history. Most of the yearly totals (23) were close to the average length, from 600 to 800 pages. The period with the obviously greatest length were the 2000s, when it greatly surpassed the average at between 900 and 1330 pages. This was likely due to the stable financial situation and employment of younger scholars through the model of junior researchers, which favourably influenced the number of scholars in the entire academic community, including the Journal’s field. The increased interest of the community for contemporary history topics after the war and political transition was probably also a factor in this. All editors were permanent employees of the Croatian Institute of History (previously the Institute of the History of the Workers’ Movement of Croatia / the Institute of Contemporary History), the publisher of the Journal. During most of the five decades of its existence, efforts were made to include scholars from other academic institutions alongside prominent scholars employed at the Institute. The analysis of the data on the length, number, and authorship of academic papers encompassed 1043 works published in the 1969–2018 period that had the qualities of academic papers, regardless of the classification used in the Journal at a given time. The average length of a paper fluctuated from 15 to 30 pages during the entire five-decade period of the Journal’s publishing, with the exception of the first year, when it surpassed the usual maximum.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 1 ; str. 59-96  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Znanstveni časopisi -- Bibliometrijska analiza -- Povijesni pregled

The younger generation's magazines in the eyes of the communist ideologues [Elektronička građa] / Aleš Gabrič.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 60-61. - Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - The contribution analyses the increasing criticism, voiced by the younger generation of Slovenian intellectuals from the first post-war years until the end of the 1950s. The critical attitude towards the pressing social issues started developing in the beginning of the 1950s, as Mladinska revija – the first post-war literary magazine, published between 1946 and 1951 – was still subject to thorough scrutiny by the authorities. In the period of its successor – the Beseda magazine between 1951 and 1957 – certain more radical debates or critiques of the existing situation were already published. This publication stopped coming out in 1957. However, contrary to what the authorities had expected, a similar circle of the associates of this magazine's successor, the Revija 57 magazine (published in 1957 and 1958), was even more critical of the situation in the state. This contribution thus follows two parallel processes: on the one hand the increasingly critical attitude of the younger-generation intellectuals towards the authorities; and on the other hand the mounting pressure that the authorities exerted against magazines that published critical texts. At first the publications were merely the focus of political disapproval, followed by the abolishment of subsidies and thus consequently the cancellation of the magazines; while towards the end of the 1950s we can already come across a judicial process against an author of socially-critical articles. The leading politicians at the end of the period under consideration already saw the younger generation of intellectuals as the (cultural) opposition. - In diesem Beitrag wird die zunehmende Kritik analysiert, mit der die jün-gere Generation slowenischer Intellektueller aktuelle gesellschaftliche Themen von den ersten Nachkriegsjahren bis zum Ende der 1950er Jahre behandelte. Diese kritische Einstellung entwickelte sich allmählich ab Anfang der 1950er, auch weil die erste Literaturzeitschrift der Nachkriegszeit Mladinska revija, die von 1946 bis 1951 erschien, weiterhin unter strenger behördlicher Aufsicht stand. In der von 1951 bis 1957 herausgegebenen Nachfolgezeitschrift Besedawurden bereits radikalere Abhandlungen und Gesellschaftskritiken veröffen-tlicht. Ein ähnlicher Kreis von Mitarbeitern der darauffolgenden Zeitschrift Revija 57 (die von 1957 bis 1958 veröffentlicht wurde) hatte eine noch kri-tischere Haltung gegenüber der Situation im Staat, was die Behörden so ni-cht erwartet hatten. Der Beitrag beleuchtet zwei parallel verlaufende Prozes-se: einerseits eine immer kritischere Einstellung der Intellektuellen der jünge-ren Generation zu den Behörden und andererseits der wachsende Druck der Behörden auf die Zeitschriften, in denen kritische Texte veröffentlicht wurden. Diese Publikationen waren zu Beginn nur ein Sammelbecken für politisch kri-tische Stimmen, später wurden ihnen alle Subventionen gestrichen, was letz-tlich auch zur Einstellung dieser Zeitschriften führte. Ende der 1950er Jahre gab es schon Gerichtsverfahren gegen die Autoren der gesellschaftlich kritisc-hen Artikel. Am Ende des betrachteten Zeitraums sahen führende Politiker die jüngere Generation der Intellektuellen als (Kultur) Opposition.
U: Review of Croatian history (Online). - ISSN 1848-9095. - 15 (2019), 1 ; str. 35-61  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Časopisi -- Mladi -- Komunizam

Vidi br.: HA19-01456

Vidi br.: HA19-01824

06   Organizacije. Udruge. Nagrade

The ban of Association of Croatian theatre volunteers by communist authorities in Croatia (1945 - 1947) [Elektronička građa] / Nenad Bukvić.
Prilog na str. 24-30. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 31-34. - Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - The article describes the ban of Association of Croatian Theatre Volunteers in Zagreb [Matica hrvatskih kazališnih dobrovoljaca, Zagreb], umbrella theatrical-volunteer organization in Croatia since the mid-1920s until Second World War. It was active in the country and abroad on popularisation of the art of drama, creation of the folk repertoire, as well as on bringing together acting societies, clubs and choirs. When the war ended, the Association applied for permission to restore its activities, but only in the Zagreb area. Its activities would be mainly related to education of actors – theatre volunteers and improving of theatre literature. The procedure of banning lasted from the autumn of 1945 until 5 February 1947, when the Government of the People's Republic of Croatia (PRC) [Vlada Narodne Republike Hrvatske] confirmed the ban order previously adopted by Ministry of Interior of the PRC [Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Narodne Republike Hrvatske]. Also, its whole property was confiscated in favour of the State. The article also draws attention to the engagement in that ban case, showed by Aleksandar Freudenreich, a prominent architect and theater worker, as well as secretary of the Association in whole period since its founding. The ban case was analyzed in a broader context of creating a new socialist culture, in accordance with the revolutionary ideology of the new communist government. - Der Artikel befasst sich mit dem Verbot des in Zagreb tätigen kroatischen Theaterfreiwilligenvereins. Der Verein war eine Dachorganisation von Theaterfreiwilligen, die ab Mitte der 1920er bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg im In- und Ausland tätig war. Er widmete sich der Popularisierung der Schauspielkunst, der Schaffung eines Volksrepertoires wie auch der Organisation von Schauspielvereinigungen, -klubs und -chören. Als der Krieg zu Ende war, beantragte der Verein eine Genehmigung für die Wiederaufnahme seiner Tätigkeit, aber nur innerhalb von Zagreb. Seine Aktivitäten bezogen sich hauptsächlich auf die Ausbildung von Schauspielern ‒ Theaterfreiwilligen sowie auf die Verbesserung der Theaterliteratur. Das Verbotsverfahren dauerte vom Herbst 1945 bis zum 5. Februar 1947, als die Regierung der Volksrepublik Kroatien (VRK) den Verbotsbefehl bestätigte, den zuvor das Innenministerium der VRK erlassen hatte. Das Gesamtvermögen des Vereins wurde vom Staat beschlagnahmt. Der Artikel geht auch auf den Einsatz des prominenten Architekten und Theaterarbeiters Aleksandar Freudenreich im Zusammenhang mit diesem Verbot ein, der selbst Sekretär des Vereins seit seiner Gründung gewesen war. Das Verbot wird im breiteren Kontext der Schaffung einer neuen sozialistischen Kultur analysiert, die im Einklang mit der revolutionären Ideologie der neuen kommunistischen Behörden stand.
U: Review of Croatian history (Online). - ISSN 1848-9095. - 15 (2019), 1 ; str. 9-34  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kazalište -- Volonteri -- Udruge -- Kulturna politika -- Komunizam -- Socijalistički realizam

Vidi br.: HA19-01825

069   Muzeji. Stalne izložbe

Displaying society [Elektronička građa] : Croatian museums and galleries between pedagogy and performativity / Ewa Wróblewska-Trochimiuk.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 52-54. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of the paper is to present selected Croatian museum and gallery exhibitions in the light of the phenomenon of museum transformation from the pedagogical into the performative model. Contemporary museums and art galleries initiate new forms of activity. In the old pedagogical model (dominant in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries) art institutions pretended to be neutral and specified education as their main task. This model has been replaced by a performative one which emphasizes cultural relativism, and focuses on the sensory aspect of perception, highlighting the role of the embodied and the sensual. This paper focuses on examples of three Croatian exhibitions: “Socijalizam i modernost. Umjetnost, kultura, politika 1950–1974” (Socialism and modernity. Art, culture, politics 1950–1974) (2011–2012), “Kome treba poduzeće? Slučaj Borovo 1988–1991” (Who needs a company? The case of Borovo 1988–1991) (2016), “Kako živi narod – izvještaj o pasivnosti” (How the people live – a report on passivity) (2016). I intend to show that in spite of widespread opinions to the contrary, museums have not moved away from their original pedagogical task. They still shape reception and they are still deeply interested in power. However, they do this by using modern performative tools – by creating a neural, haptic and multi-sensory relation between the recipient and the object. - Cilj je ovog rada prikazati odabrane izložbe u hrvatskim muzejima i galerijama iz perspektive transformacije muzeja iz pedagoškog u performativni model. Suvremeni muzeji i galerije uvode nove oblike aktivnosti. U starom pedagoškom modelu (dominantnom u devetnaestom i ranom dvadesetom stoljeću) umjetničke institucije hinile su neutralnost, određujući obrazovanje kao svoju temeljnu zadaću. Taj je model zamijenjen performativnim modelom, koji naglašava kulturni relativizam i usredotočuje se na senzorni aspekt percepcije, ističući ulogu otjelovljenja i senzornoga. Ovaj se članak bavi trima hrvatskim izložbama: “Socijalizam i modernost: umjetnost, kultura, politika 1950.–1974.” (2011–2012), “Kome treba poduzeće? Slučaj Borovo 1988.–1990.” (2016) te “Kako živi narod: izvještaj o pasivnosti” (2016). U radu pokazujem da – unatoč prevladavajućim mišljenjima – muzeji nisu odustali od svog izvornog pedagoškog zadatka. Još uvijek oblikuju recepciju i još su uvijek duboko zainteresirani za moć. Ipak, to čine pomoću suvremenih performativnih alata – stvaranjem neuralnih, haptičkih i multisenzornih veza između primatelja i objekta.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 56 (2019), 1 ; str. 41-54  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Muzeji -- Pedagoški muzej -- Performativni muzej -- Umjetnost

KUŠČEVIĆ, Dubravka
Stavovi studenata o muzeju kao okruženju u kojemu se odvija učenje [Elektronička građa] / Dubravka Kuščević, Marija Brajčić, Zvonimira Talijan. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 118-119. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U suvremenom svijetu muzeji kao kulturne institucije pedagoškom djelatnošću kontinuirano nastoje privući pozornost odgojno-obrazovnih institucija. U teorijskom dijelu rada stavljen je naglasak na muzej i njegovu odgojno-obrazovnu ulogu, pri čemu se opisuju ključni elementi i glavne karakteristike koje obilježavaju učenje u muzeju. U empirijskom dijelu rada predstavljeni su rezultati istraživanja koji donose mišljenja i stavove studenata društvenih i prirodnih znanosti o posjećivanju muzeja, provedbi nastave Likovne kulture u muzejskim prostorima te o muzeju kao prostoru neformalnog učenja. Ovim istraživanjem obuhvaćeni su studenti na smjerovima Učiteljski studij te Rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje na Filozofskom fakultetu u Splitu, kao i studenti Ekonomskog fakulteta, Prirodoslovno matematičkog fakulteta te Medicinskog fakulteta u Splitu. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 158 studenata: 52 studenta prirodnih znanosti i 106 s područja društvenih znanosti; 147 ispitanika bile su žene, a 11 muškarci. Rezultati su pokazali da se studenti prirodnih i društvenih znanosti ne razlikuju po svojim stavovima o muzejima odnosno studenti se u velikom broju slažu s tvrdnjama koje izražavaju pozitivne stavove o učenju u muzejskim prostorima. - In the modern world, museums as cultural institutions are constantly striving to attract the attention of educational institutions with their pedagogical activities. The theoretical part of the paper emphasizes the educational role of museums, describing the key elements and the main characteristics of learning in the museum. In the empirical part of the paper, we present the results of the research that show the attitudes of students from both social and natural sciences towards visiting museums, on the teaching of art science in the museum, and on the use of museums as an area for informal learning. The study was conducted among students of the Teacher Education and Pre-School Education at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, students at the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Split. A total of 158 students were included: 52 students of natural sciences and 106 from the field of social sciences. Of the total number of students, 147 were women, and 11 were men. The results showed that students of social and natural sciences have the same attitudes, i.e., both groups mostly agree with the claims which express positive attitudes about the importance of museum as good learning environment.
U: Metodički ogledi (Online). - ISSN 1848-2325. - 26 (2019), 1 ; str. 99-120  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kultura -- Muzeji -- Učenje -- Studenti -- Stavovi studenata

070   Novine. Tisak. Novinarstvo

FLORES Michel, Julieta
Challenging stereotypes with media and information literacy in Mexico [Elektronička građa] / Julieta Flores Michel, Margarita Emilia González Treviño, Alma Elena Gutiérrez Leyton. - Graf. prilozi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 11 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Information overload that affects digital natives and other generations in the 21st century makes it difficult for recipients to analyze the information’s truthfulness and quality. In this context, items of fake news pass as facts that could be interpreted as true, which may result in serious issues for the social fabric, especially if immersed in unstable or troublesome political and economic contexts. Still, the problem with disinformation is not limited to fake news because, even when content comes from trustworthy sources and verifiable facts, there are filters that present a subjective, biased and deformed reality. Within this context, we are submitting an example of a positive practice in media literacy targeting Research Methodology students at the Faculty of Communication. During this project, students analyzed the way women and men are shown on the cover of a local printed newspaper El Porvenir in the city of Monterrey, Mexico. In broad strokes, the results found a preference for stories showcasing men and stereotypes that place men in the public sphere and women in a private domain. - Pretrpanost informacijama, koja pogađa ne samo digitalne urođenike nego i digitalne pridošlice, čini proces provjere istinitosti i kvalitete informacija sve složenijim. Zbog toga se često događa da lažne vijesti prolaze kao činjenice koje se interpretiraju kao istina. To može rezultirati ozbiljnim problemima za društveno tkivo, osobito ako se društva nalaze u nestabilnim političkim i gospodarskim kontekstima. Ipak, problemi s dezinformacijama nisu ograničeni samo na lažne vijesti jer, čak i kada sadržaj dolazi iz vjerodostojnih izvora i provjerljivih činjenica, postoje filtri koji predstavljaju subjektivnu, pristranu i deformiranu stvarnost. U ovom radu predstavljamo primjer pozitivne prakse s područja medijske pismenosti usmjeren na studente koji pohađaju kolegij Metodologija istraživanja na Fakultetu komunikacijskih znanosti u Monterreyu, u Meksiku. Studenti su analizirali kako se žene i muškarce prikazuje na naslovnicama jednih lokalnih tiskanih dnevnih novina u Monterreyu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju usmjerenost prema pričama koje u prvi plan stavljaju muškarce te ih stereotipno prikazuju u javnoj sferi, a žene u privatnoj.
U: Medijske studije (Online). - ISSN 1848-5030. - 10 (2019), 19 ; str. 68-82  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Novine -- Medijska pismenost -- Informacijska pismenost -- Lažne vijesti -- Vjerodostojnost medija -- Rodni stereotipi

Mađarska revolucija 1956. u svjetlu hrvatskoga tiska [Elektronička građa] / Dinko Šokčević.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 857-860. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovom radu prikazan je odjek mađarske revolucije 1956. u hrvatskom tisku onoga vremena. Rad se uglavnom fokusira na članke i izvješća iz same 1956. godine, djelomično već od ljeta uoči izbijanja revolucije, najviše prostora posvećuje novinskim napisima iz vremena događaja (listopad, studeni, prosinac), a dijelom obuhvaća i napise u tisku iz prvih mjeseci 1957. godine. U radu se prikazuje i analizira odjek mađarskih zbivanja i u vodećim listovima Narodne Republike Hrvatske (Vjesnik, Narodni list), ali isto toliko važnosti pridaje se i člancima u tiskovinama hrvatske emigracije (Hrvatska revija, Hrvatska država, Hrvatski glas i drugi). Istodobno se rad osvrće i na splet tadašnjih jugoslavensko-mađarskih i jugoslavensko-sovjetskih odnosa. - This work covers the echoes of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 in the contemporaneous Croatian press. It is focused on articles and reports published in 1956, partly during the summer just before the revolution, and mostly on contemporaneous newspaper articles (October, November, December), also encompassing some articles published during the first months of 1957. Furthermore, this paper presents and analyses the echoes of the events in Hungary in the leading newspapers of the Socialist Republic of Croatia (Vjesnik, Narodni list), giving an equal amount of attention to articles published in the Croatian émigré press (Hrvatska revija, Hrvatska država, Hrvatski glas, etc.). In addition, the complex Yugoslav-Hungarian and Yugoslav-Soviet relations of that time are examined.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019),3 ; str.833-861  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Destaljinizacija -- Mađarsko-jugoslavenski odnosi -- Revolucija -- Narodni ustanak -- Sovjetski blok -- Tisak

Sudski postupci protiv katoličkoga tiska u komunističkoj Hrvatskoj 1960-ih i 1970-ih [Elektronička građa] / Anto Mikić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 209-210. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu su prikazani sudski postupci protiv katoličkih novina Mali koncil, Glas Koncila i Glasnik sv. Antuna Padovanskoga (poslije Veritas) te njihovih urednika i autora Franje Kuharića, Živka Kustića i Ivona Ćuka šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina XX. stoljeća. Na temelju izvornoga arhivskoga gradiva i relevantne literature rekonstruirano je sedam različitih sudskih postupaka, od prekršajnih preko postupaka zabrane raspačavanja i zapljene pojedinih članaka (araka na kojima su tiskani) ili brojeva spomenutih listova, pa sve do dva kaznena postupka – protiv Ivona Ćuka i Živka Kustića – kojima su tadašnje vlasti nastojale ograničiti pisanje katoličkoga tiska, a posredno i djelovanje Katoličke crkve u društvu. Služeći se različitim znanstvenim metodama – od metode deskripcije i komparacije arhivskoga gradiva, preko analize tadašnjih zakonskih propisa i sudskih spisa te sadržaja službenih kontakata tadašnjih državnih i crkvenih predstavnika i sve do analize pojedinih objavljenih članaka u tadašnjem katoličkom tisku – autor ovim radom dodatno rasvjetljuje ne samo pravne aspekte tih postupaka nego i njihovu političku pozadinu i motivaciju. - This paper examines and presents court proceedings against the Catholic newspapers Mali koncil (Little Council), Glas koncila (Voice of the Council), and Glasnik sv. Antuna Padovanskog (St Anthony of Padua’s Herald), later the Veritas, and their editors and authors Franjo Kuharić, Živko Kustić, and Ivon Ćuk during the 1960s and 1970s. Based on original archival material and relevant literature, seven court proceedings against Ivon Ćuk and Živko Kustić have been reconstructed. These include misdemeanour proceedings, the confiscation of or bans on the distribution of individual articles or issues of the mentioned papers, and two criminal proceedings, through which the communist authorities tried to limit the writing of the Catholic press and, indirectly, the activity of the Catholic Church in contemporaneous society. Using various research methods – analysis of contemporaneous legislation and court records, the contents of official correspondence between the then state and Church representatives, and individual articles published in the Catholic press – the author sheds further light on not only the legal aspects of these proceedings, but also their political background and motivation, placing them within the context of the contemporaneous relations between Church and state. The activities of the then Commission for Religious Matters of the Executive Committee of the Parliament of the Socialist Republic of Croatia regarding monitoring the contents of the Catholic press, resolving certain legal and political dilemmas related to initiating court proceedings, and its cooperation with the contemporaneous so-called “prosecution organs”, especially the District Public Prosecutor’s Office in Zagreb, are studied separately.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 1 ; str. 183-211  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Katolički tisak -- Komunizam -- Sudski postupci
Ćuk, Ivon -- Kustić, Živko -- Kuharić, Franjo


Vidi br.: HA19-01413

Vidi br.: HA19-01531

08   Poligrafije. Publikacije za djecu i mlade. Službene publikacije

RAMOS, Ana Margarida
The accordion format in the design of children's books [Elektronička građa] : close reading of a Portuguese collection / Ana Margarida Ramos. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 326-327. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This text aims to analyse accordion books in general and more specifically the collection of four accordion picturebooks titled “Desconcertina” [“Disconcerting”], published in Portugal between 2011 and 2015 by the designer André Letria. This article is divided into five parts and deals with a particular type of book object, namely accordion books. It starts by explaining the general format of an accordion picturebook and then goes on to discuss a selection of contemporary accordion picturebooks published between 2009 and 2016 in Europe and around the world. Finally, it presents a close reading of a Portuguese collection of accordion picturebooks by André Letria and discusses the importance of the materiality of accordion books in the promotion of interactivity in the reading process, challenging the readers’ competences. - Ovaj je rad usmjeren na analizu slikovnica oblika leporelo, osobito na nakladnički niz od četiriju takvih slikovnica dizajnera Andréa Letrije pod naslovom „Desconcertina“, objavljen u Portugalu u razdoblju od 2011. do 2015. godine. Članak je podijeljen na pet dijelova. Počinje načelnim objašnjenjem formata leporelo te potom razmatra izabrane primjere suvremenih leporelo-slikovnica objavljenih u Europi i širom svijeta od 2009. do 2016. godine. Konačno donosi detaljnu analizu portugalske zbirke leporelo-slikovnica Andréa Letrije te razmatra važnost materijalnosti toga formata za poticanje interaktivnosti procesa čitanja, pri čem potiče razvoj čitateljskih kompetencija.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 8 (2019), 2 ; str. 313-328  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slikovnice -- Leporelo -- Dizajniranje knjiga -- Format -- Interaktivno čitanje -- Materijalnost

Ideology conveyed via the material(ity) of picturebooks [Elektronička građa] / Angela Yannicopoulou.
Bibliografija i izvori: str. 339-341. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Picturebooks transmit messages through words and images and even through their format, but they transmit subtle subtext through their materiality. This paper examines how the material of the book-object is intentionally manipulated to contribute to an ideological significance of a picturebook as it complements and occasionally even contradicts the messages transmitted through words and pictures. This study reviews several picturebooks that use the materiality of the book as a moralising mechanism intended to expose the reader to the life lesson that as a member of society the responsibility for the environment and righting social injustices falls on all of us. - Slikovnice prenose poruke riječima i slikama, čak i svojim formatom, no one također posreduju suptilni podtekst i svojom materijalnošću. Rad istražuje hotimično upravljanje materijalom knjige predmeta kako bi se pridonijelo ideološkomu značenju slikovnice, s obzirom na to da materijal upotpunjuje poruku posredovanu riječima i slikama, ili joj katkada čak i proturječi. Analizira se nekoliko slikovnica u kojima se materijalnost rabi kao moralizatorski mehanizam s namjerom da se čitatelja izloži životnoj pouci, tj. spoznaji da odgovornost za okoliš i ispravljanje društvenih nepravda pripada svima nama kao članovima nekoga društva.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 8 (2019), 2 ; str. 329-341  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slikovnice -- Materijalnost -- Ideologija -- Materijali -- Knjiga predmet

HUANG, Honglan
Komagata's "paperscapes" [Elektronička građa] : theatricality and materiality in Blue to Blue / Honglan Huang. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 310-311. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In picturebooks, the text, the image and the material book compete or cooperate with each other to convey and perform the narrative. The incorporation of material elements into the picturebook narrative at the same time extends reading beyond a purely cognitive activity: the reader enacts and interprets the narrative by interacting physically with the architectural space of the book. In Katsumi Komagata’s Blue to Blue, the paper steps forward to take up a significant narrative role rather than retreating as the decorative backdrop or mere material support for the visual and textual elements. Not only do the qualities of the paper like texture, transparency and luminosity evoke features of the landscapes and characters in the story, but the shapes of the paper and the die-cuts also create physical depth and form characters that spring into life at the turning, poking and caressing of the reader’s hands. - U slikovnicama se tekst, slika i sama knjiga kao predmet međusobno natječu ili surađuju kako bi posredovali i predstavili pripovijed. Uključivanje materijalnih sastavnica u pripovjednu slikovnicu istodobno proširuje pojam čitanja preko granice čisto kognitivne aktivnosti: čitatelj izvodi i interpretira pripovijed na taj način tako što fizički surađuje s arhitektonskim prostorom knjige. U slikovnici Blue to Blue [Plavo do plavoga] Katsumija Komagate (1994), papir preuzima važnu pripovjednu ulogu umjesto povlačenja u ulogu dekorativne pozadine ili pukoga materijalnoga oslonca vizualnih i tekstualnih sastavnica. Osim što svojstva papira, kao na primjer tekstura, prozirnost i svjetlucavost, prizivaju značajke prikazanih krajolika i likova u priči, oblici papira i prorezi u njem također stvaraju dubinu i formiraju likove koji oživljavaju kad ih okreću, guraju ili miluju čitateljeve ruke.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 8 (2019), 2 ; str. 293-311  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slikovnice -- Japanske slikovnice -- Materijalnost -- Naratologija -- Kazališna uprizorenost -- Papir
Komagata, Katsumi


VERYERI Alaca, Ilgım
Materiality in picturebooks [Elektronička građa] : an introduction / Ilgım Veryeri Alaca.
Bilješka uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 254-255. - Summary. - Through this special issue, we seek to explore the educational, creative, and intimate qualities of materials and structures in picturebooks in emerging and existing book formats. From hornbooks to iPads, children’s reading experiences have been mediated via transforming book systems in ways serving to educate, to entertain, and to facilitate narrative. Material and sensory aspects of picturebooks also have the capacity to act as a third narrative system, operating besides words and images. These aspects may engage and challenge the child to comprehend a subject through the experiential handling of the picturebook, resulting in an embodied meaning-making process. Physical interactions may be explored further in printed as well as digital picturebooks with the rise of multimodal literacies supported by novel technologies that can cater for diverse needs. This special issue stems from a workshop entitled “The Material, Spatial and Sensory Encounters with the Picturebook Object” which took place at Koç University, İstanbul, in June 2017. It builds on the exchanges facilitated by the workshop, and aims to reflect on how book systems alter the way children perceive texts.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 8 (2019), 2 ; str. 243-255  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slikovnice -- Materijalnost

Picturebooks as objects [Elektronička građa] / Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer, Jörg Meibauer. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 275-277. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Based on recent studies on materiality, picturebook research, and cognitive studies, this paper investigates how children may perceive picturebooks as objects and their material properties. In this regard, we emphasise three dimensions of picturebooks as objects and relate them to developmental stages. The first dimension concerns the materials the picturebooks are composed of, such as paper, cardboard, wood, plastics, and cloth. The second dimension refers to the type of book, e.g. hardbacks, sets of cardboard sheets, fanfold books, pop-up books, and even hybrid objects such as books which are toys at the same time. Finally, this study focuses on the types of actions that are associated with picturebooks as objects, such as biting, building, piling up, setting up, painting, collecting, and arranging. In sum, we argue that an examination of the cognitive perspective is fundamental for the investigation of the social and cultural aspects of the materiality of picturebooks. - Oslanjajući se na novija istraživanja materijalnosti i slikovnice te na rezultate kognitivne znanosti, ovaj rad istražuje kako djeca opažaju slikovnicu kao predmet i kako opažaju njezina materijalna obilježja. U tom smislu naglašavamo tri dimenzije slikovnice kao predmeta i dovodimo ih u vezu sa stadijima dječjega razvoja. Prva dimenzija odnosi se na materijale od kojih se slikovnice izrađuju, kao što su papir, karton, drvo, plastika i tekstil. Druga se dimenzija odnosi na tip knjige, npr. tvrdoukoričena, sastavljena od kartonskih stranica, knjiga od presavijenih stranica, slikovnica-iskakalica, pa i hibridni predmeti kao što su knjige koje su ujedno i igračke. Konačno, rad razmatra i tipove aktivnosti povezane sa slikovnicom kao predmetom, primjerice: grizenje, građenje, stavljanje na hrpu, postavljanje, bojenje, skupljanje i raspoređivanje. U zaključku tvrdimo da je istraživanje kognitivnoga aspekta temeljno za razmatranje društvenih i kulturnih aspekata slikovničke materijalnosti.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 8 (2019), 2 ; str. 257-278  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slikovnice -- Predmet -- Materijalnost -- Kognitivna znanost -- Istraživanje slikovnice

Theorising materiality in children's digital books [Elektronička građa] / Natalia Kucirkova. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 289-291. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Participatory literacies are new ways of experiencing narratives and of "interpreting, making, sharing and belonging in increasingly globally and digitally mediated cultures" (Wohlwend 2017a: 62). This paper discusses the material features of children’s digital books and the extent to which they support participatory literacies. The material features of digital books are conceptualised in terms of their external and internal properties. Based on a theoretical discussion and empirical observations it is argued that specific internal material properties of children’s digital books, namely their interactivity and multimedia, are uniquely positioned to support participatory literacies and are therefore a site of novelty in children’s experiences of narratives. - Sudjelujuće pismenosti novi su načini upoznavanja pripovijedi kao i "tumačenja, stvaranja, dijeljenja i pripadanja u sve izrazitije globalnim i digitalno posredovanim kulturama" (Wohlwend 2017a: 62). Ovaj je rad usmjeren na materijalna obilježja digitalnih dječjih knjiga te razmatra do koje mjere one podupiru razvoj sudjelujućih pismenosti. Materijalna svojstva digitalnih knjiga promatraju se s obzirom na njihove vanjske i unutrašnje karakteristike. Na temelju teorijske rasprave i empirijskih zapažanja utvrđuje se da su određene unutrašnje materijalne karakteristike digitalnih dječjih knjiga, odnosno njihova interaktivnost i multimedijalnost, postavljene na jedinstven način tako da podržavaju sudjelujuće pismenosti i da stoga predstavljaju novost u dječjem iskustvu upoznavanja pripovijedi.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 8 (2019), 2 ; str. 279-292  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dječje knjige -- Digitalne knjige -- Interaktivnost -- Multimedija -- Materijalnost -- E-knjige -- Rana pismenost

Vidi br.: HA19-01482

Vidi br.: HA19-01798

09   Rukopisi. Rijetka i posebno značajna djela

Vidi br.: HA19-01388


11/12   Metafizika. Ontologija. Kozmologija. Estetika

Fromm’s notion of spontaneity as a solution to Foucault’s problem of freedom [Elektronička građa] / Luka Domjanović.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résumé ; Zusammenfassung. - In this paper, I attempt to apply Fromm’s notion of spontaneity to Foucault’s system of repression. It tends to shed new light on Foucault’s problem of freedom, using the notion which Foucault largely underestimates. Difficulties of such an application arise because of differences in Fromm’s and Foucault’s starting points in analysing the causes of human submission throughout history. Nonetheless, there is a point of convergence: Foucault and Fromm both describe a type of individual’s escape towards the institutions of power. Whether these institutions are highly formalised or not, highly complex or rather simple, dispersed or centralised, they designate repression on account of their lack of spontaneity. - U radu pokušavam primijeniti Frommov pojam spontanosti na Foucaultovu teoriju sustava represije. Ovom analogijom pokušava se iznova sagledati Foucaultov problem slobode, pomoću pojma koji Foucault uglavnom zanemaruje. Osnovna je teškoća takvog pristupa u različitim polazištima dvojice autora pri analizi uzroka ljudske podčinjenosti kroz povijest. Unatoč tome, članak će pokazati da je moguće pronaći točku konvergencije između Fromma i Foucaulta: oba autora opisuju svojevrsni bijeg pojedinca prema institucijama moći. Bilo da su te institucije formaliziranije ili rudimentarnije, raspršene ili centralizirane, zajednička im je osnova represija utemeljena na izbjegavanju bilo kakve spontanosti. - Dans cet article, je tente d’appliquer la notion de spontanéité de Fromm au système répressif de Foucault. Par cette analogie, nous cherchons à éclairer de nouveau le problème de la liberté chez Foucault, en utilisant la notion que Foucault sous-estime largement. Les difficultés d’une telle application sont dues à la différence des points de départ de Fromm et de Foucault dans l’analyse des causes de la soumission humaine à travers l’histoire. Néanmoins, les deux auteurs ont un point de convergence : Foucault et Fromm décrivent tous deux un type de fuite de l’individu vers les institutions du pouvoir. Que ces institutions soient hautement formalisées ou non, très complexes ou plutôt simples, dispersées ou centralisées, elles désignent la répression en raison de leur manque de spontanéité. - In diesem Artikel versuche ich, Fromms Begriff der Spontaneität auf Foucaults Unterdrückungssystem anzuwenden. Er neigt, ein neues Licht auf das Problem der Freiheit bei Foucault zu werfen, indem er den Begriff verwendet, den Foucault weitgehend vernachlässigt. Schwierigkeiten bei einer solchen Anwendung ergeben sich aus dem Unterschied zwischen Fromms und Foucaults Ausgangspunkten bei der Analyse der Ursachen für menschliche Unterwerfung im Laufe der Geschichte. Nichtsdestotrotz haben die Autoren einen Punkt der Konvergenz: Sowohl Foucault als auch Fromm beschreiben eine Art der Flucht des Individuums zu den Institutionen der Macht. Unabhängig davon, ob diese Institutionen hoch formalisiert oder nicht, hochkomplex oder eher einfach, verstreut oder zentralisiert sind, stehen sie für Unterdrückung infolge mangelnder Spontaneität.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 1 ; str. 125-139  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sloboda -- Spontanost -- Moć -- Represija
Fromm, Erich -- Foucault, Michel


BILLE Petersen, Anders
Kunstangst [Elektronička građa] : tjeskoba kao definirajući moment estetskog iskustva / Anders Bille Petersen, Nils Bloch-Sørensen ; s engleskog preveo Luka Janeš.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija:. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U ovom članku nastojimo uvesti pojam Kunstangst [dan. umjetnička tjeskoba] kao oznaku za destabilizirajuće i transformativno stanje koje umjetničko djelo može nametnuti svome promatraču. Do današnjih dana, umjetnički diskurs i kuratorij nastavljaju oblikovati prosvjetiteljski ideali. Ovo nasljeđe potiče nas da se riješimo svoje individualnosti, bilo da se stavimo na tuđe mjesto, bilo da težimo objektivnosti i ponovljivosti. Navedeno smatramo vrlo problematičnim, a da bismo preispitali znanstvene, racionalne i nepristrane pristupe, odlučili smo istražiti osobniji, intimniji odnos između umjetničkog djela i promatrača. Izraz Kunstangst proizlazi iz egzistencijalističke koncepcije tjeskobe, koja potječe od filozofije Sørena Kierkegaarda. Nadamo se da će nam prijenos tog egzistencijalističkog pojma pružiti novi estetski alat koji će nam omogućiti poništavanje lanaca prosvjetiteljske misli i pomoći u približavanju intenzitetu u srcu estetskog iskustva. Kao ispomoć pri aproprijaciji tako apstraktnog filozofskog pojma i njegovoj primjeni na estetiku, inkorporirat ćemo istraživanje psihologa Kazimierza Dabrowskog koji tvrdi da vanjski sukobi mogu izazvati tjeskobu koja – usmjeri li se pravilno – može postati transformativnim iskustvom. Slijedeći ovu liniju razmišljanja u estetskom kontekstu, vjerujemo da na taj način umjetničko iskustvo može nositi transformativni potencijal. - In this paper, we wish to propose a notion Kunstangst [Danish for art anxiety] as a designation for the destabilising and transformative state that art can impose on its spectator. To this day, art discourse and curation continue to be shaped by Enlightenment ideals. This legacy urges us to dispose of our individuality, either by putting ourselves in someone else’s place or by striving towards objectivity and repeatability. We regard this as highly problematic, and to question the scientific, rational, and disinterested approaches, we have chosen to investigate a more personal, intimate relation between artwork and spectator. The notion Kunstangst derives from the existentialist concept of anxiety, which originates in the philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard. We hope that the transfer of this existentialist concept will provide us with a new aesthetic tool that can enable us to undo the chains of Enlightenment thought and help us approximate the intensity at the heart of aesthetic experience. Aiding us in the appropriation of such an abstract philosophical concept and its application to aesthetics, we incorporate the research of psychologist Kazimierz Dabrowski. He claims that external conflicts can evoke anxiety, which can – if properly engaged with – become transformative experiences. Following this line of reasoning in an aesthetic context, we believe that this is how the art experience can have transformative potential.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 69-77  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Umjetnost -- Tjeskoba -- Psihologija -- Egzistencijalizam -- Subjektivnost
Kierkegaard, Søren -- Dabrowski, Kazimierz


JAREC, Morana
Love of the road and memories in the water [Elektronička građa] : affects in infrastructural spaces in Gorski Kotar / Morana Jarec. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 121-122. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The article presents various ways of transformation of infrastructural spaces in the region of Gorski Kotar (Croatia) into a symbolic place, through affects of the local population. The research is conducted within the context of the Lujzijana road, dating from the beginning of the 19th century, connecting the cities of Rijeka and Karlovac, and a dam with its vast artificial lake, built in the 1950s in the village of Lokve. Certain events, scenes, situations, narratives, practices and reactions as generators and consequences of affects are used as a base for the analysis. The study shows that people experience different kinds of affects in relation to both physical features of infrastructure and its influences, which are then expressed through literature, in plain conversations, through individual practice and organized activities. While the Lujzijana road, as an instance of cultural heritage, provokes feelings of love and respect, the dam and the lake create a hybrid place composed of joyous memories related to the time of the construction of the dam, as well as sad memories of the lost villages, flooded by the lake. - Rad pokazuje različite načine transformacije prostora infrastruktura u Gorskome kotaru (Hrvatska) u simboličko mjesto, kroz afekte lokalnog stanovništva. Istraživanje je provedeno u kontekstu dviju infrastruktura: Lujzinske ceste, koja datira s početka 19. stoljeća i spaja gradove Rijeku i Karlovac, te brane u Lokvama i njezina prostranog umjetnog jezera, sagrađene u pedesetim godinama 20. stoljeća. Određeni događaji, scene, situacije, narativi, prakse i reakcije kao pokretači i posljedice afekata korišteni su kao temelj za analizu. Istraživanje pokazuje da ljudi doživljavaju različite vrste afekata, povezane s fizičkim karakteristikama infrastruktura i njihovim utjecajima, te ih izražavaju kroz književnost, razgovore, individualnu praksu i organizirane aktivnosti. Dok Lujzinska cesta, shvaćana kao kulturna baština, izaziva osjećaje ljubavi i poštovanja, brana i jezero tvore hibridno mjesto radosnih sjećanja na vrijeme gradnje brane, kao i onih tužnih na potopljena sela.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 56 (2019), 2 ; str. 101-123  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Infrastruktura -- Transformacija prostora -- Afekti

Tragoedia Humana [Elektronička građa] : problem idealističkog promašaja / Bernard Špoljarić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Lociranje iskona duševnih patnji svojstvenih ljudskoj vrsti zahtjeva pristup predmetu koji se ne da reducirati na jednu od specijalističkih metoda prirodnih znanosti, psihologije, historije i sociologije, te nadilazi one partikularnosti koje bivaju nošene razgraničenim perspektivama; kulturološkim i historijskim razmacima. Pitanje duševnih patnji pitanje je općenito-ljudskog bića, stoga je pored interdisciplinarnom metodom sabranih uvida o naravi predmeta potrebno još filozofijski sagledati predmet, ne izolirano, nego u sprezi s onom cjelinom spram koje čovjek zadobiva svoje biće kao jedno od mnogih. U tom smislu, ovo istraživanje vođeno je idejom rascijepljenosti kao paradigmom onoga što se poima duševnom patnjom, s obzirom na to što patnja pretpostavlja neki nedostatak, a moguća rješenja traži polazeći od shvaćanja ljudskog stanja kao inherentno tragičnog stanja potrebitosti. - Locating the origin of psychic suffering akin to human kind requires an approach to the subject that cannot be reduced to any special method of natural sciences, psychology, history and sociology, and it oversteps particularities which are being carried by confined perspectives; cultural and historical spacing. The question of psychic suffering is a question regarding a human being in general, and thus except for insights compiled by the interdisciplinary method, we also need a philosophical investigation of the subject. It is not meant in the sense of isolation, rather as coupled with that wholeness by which a human being attains its being as being one among many. In a sense given, this investigation is guided by an idea of rupturedness as a paradigm of what is considered to be psychic suffering, conditioned by the fact that suffering presupposes a sort of deficiency. The paper seeks possible solutions starting from understanding the human condition as an inherently tragic state of neediness.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 213-223  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tragedija sustav -- Idealizam -- Bivstvo -- Apsolut -- Svejednota -- Dijalektika

Vidi br.: HA19-01372

Vidi br.: HA19-01796

13   Filozofija uma i filozofija duha. Metafizika duhovnog života. Paranormalno. Okultno

HTUT Maung, Hane
Panpsychism, conceivability, and dualism redux [Elektronička građa] / Hane Htut Maung.
Bibliografija: str. 168-170. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résumé ; Zusammenfassung. - In contemporary philosophy of mind, the conceivability argument against physicalism is often used to support a form of dualism, which takes consciousness to be ontologically fundamental and distinct from physical matter. Recently, some proponents of the conceivability argument have also shown interest in panpsychism, which is the view that mentality is ubiquitous in the natural world. This paper examines the extent to which panpsychism can be sustained if the conceivability argument is taken seriously. I argue that panpsychism’s ubiquity claim permits a strong reading or a weak reading. This presents a dilemma. On the one hand, the strong reading, which is typically characterised as a form of monism, is undermined by the conceivability argument. On the other hand, the weak reading, while compatible with the conceivability argument, turns out just to be a special case of dualism. I also show that the related position of panprotopsychism cannot provide a tenable monist position because it too cannot withstand the challenge of the conceivability argument. Therefore, if the conceivability argument is taken seriously, then we are committed to a dualist metaphysics, regardless of whether or not we accept the ubiquity claim. - U suvremenoj filozofiji uma, argument pojmljivosti obično se koristi protiv fizikalizma da bi se podržao oblik dualizma koji uzima da je svjesnost ontološki fundamentalna i različita od fizičke tvari. Posljednje vrijeme, neki podržavatelji argumenta pojmljivosti pokazali su zanimanje za panpsihizam, što je pogled prema kojemu se tvrdi da je umsko sveprisutno u prirodnom svijetu. Ovaj rad ispituje domet do kojega je panpsihizam održiv ako se argument pojmljivosti ozbiljno uzme u razmatranje. Argumentiram da panpsihička tvrdnja o sveprisutnosti dopušta i jako i slabo čitanjem što nas vodi do dileme. S jedne strane, jako čitanje, koje tipično karakterizira oblik monizma, argument pojmljivosti potkopava. S druge strane, slabo čitanje, premda je kompatibilno s argumentom pojmljivosti, samo je poseban slučaj dualizma. Također pokazujem da uz to vezana pozicija panprotopsihizma ne može ponuditi održivu monističku poziciju jer isto tako ne može podnijeti izazov argumenta pojmljivosti. Prema tome, ako se argument pojmljivosti ozbiljno uzme u obzir, moramo prihvatiti dualističku metafiziku neovisno o tome prihvaćamo li tvrdnju o sveprisutnosti. - Dans la philosophie de l’esprit contemporain, l’argument de concevabilité contre le physicalisme est souvent utilisé pour soutenir une forme de dualisme, qui suppose que la conscience est ontologiquement fondamentale et distincte de la matière physique. Certains partisans de l’argument de concevabilité ont récemment montré un intérêt pour le panpsychisme, la perspective selon laquelle la mentalité est omniprésente dans le monde naturel. Cet article examine dans quelle mesure le panpsychisme peut être soutenable si l’argument de concevabilité est sérieusement pris en considération. Je soutiens que l’affirmation du panpsychisme sur l’assertion de l’omniprésence permet une lecture forte ou faible, menant à un dilemme. D’une part, la lecture forte, typiquement caractérisée comme une forme de monisme est nui par l’argument de concevabilité. D’autre côté, la lecture faible, tout en étant compatible avec l’argument de concevabilité, se révèle simplement être un cas particulier de dualisme. Je montre également que la position correspondante du panprotopsychisme ne peut fournir une position moniste défendable, car elle ne peut pas non plus résister au défi de l’argument de concevabilité. Par conséquent, si l’argument de concevabilité est sérieusement pris en compte, nous nous engageons dans une métaphysique dualiste, que nous acceptions ou non l’assertion de l’omniprésence. - In der zeitgenössischen Philosophie des Geistes wird das Argument der Vorstellbarkeit gegen den Physikalismus oft verwendet, um eine Form des Dualismus zu unterstützen, bei der die Bewusstheit als ontologisch grundlegend angesehen wird und sich von der physischen Materie unterscheidet. In letzter Zeit haben einige Befürworter des Vorstellbarkeitsarguments auch Interesse am Panpsychismus bekundet, der Lehre, nach der das Mentale in der natürlichen Welt allgegenwärtig ist. Dieser Aufsatz untersucht, inwieweit der Panpsychismus aufrechterhalten werden kann, sofern das Argument der Vorstellbarkeit ernst genommen wird. Ich vertrete die Ansicht, dass die panpsychistische Behauptung über die Allgegenwart eine starke oder eine schwache Lesart zulässt, was in einem Dilemma resultiert. Einerseits wird die starke Lesart, die typischerweise als eine Form des Monismus charakterisiert wird, durch das Argument der Vorstellbarkeit ausgehöhlt. Andererseits erweist sich die schwache Lesart, obwohl sie mit dem Argument der Vorstellbarkeit vereinbar ist, lediglich als ein Sonderfall des Dualismus. Ich zeige auch, dass die similäre Position des Panprotopsychismus keine haltbare monistische Position liefern kann, da auch sie der Herausforderung des Vorstellbarkeitsarguments nicht standhalten kann. Falls wir das Argument der Vorstellbarkeit ernst nehmen, sind wir daher verpflichtet, sich zu einer dualistischen Metaphysik zu bekennen, unabhängig davon, ob wir die Allgegenwartsbehauptung akzeptieren oder nicht.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 1 ; str. 157-172  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Filozofija uma -- Svjesnost -- Dualizam -- Panpsihizam

14   Filozofski sustavi i gledišta

VASIĆ, Kristina
Autonomija umjetnosti iz jungovske perspektive [Elektronička građa] / Kristina Vasić ; s engleskog preveo Luka Janeš.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Predmet je istraživanja autonomija umjetnosti iz jungovske perspektive. Ono što je Jung pri vlastitom shvaćanju neovisnosti umjetničkog procesa imao na umu jest sloboda u odnosu na svjesnost umjetnikova uma, prije negoli njegova neovisnost o trenutnim društvenim, političkim ili kulturnim uvjetima. Prema Jungu, umjetnost je autonomna kada dolazi iz dubljih razina ljudske psihe, iz domene onog nesvjesnog. Da bih provjerila valjanost Jungova »autonomnog kompleksa«, analizirat ću empirijsku realnost umjetničkog stvaranja, prezentirajući sindrome profesionalnih umjetnika vezane uz kreativni proces. Također, propitat ću kategorički položenu i duboko ukorijenjenu ideju o bliskoj vezi između umjetničkog talenta i mentalne bolesti, nastojeći otkriti može li umjetnički proces biti neovisan od umjetničkog psihološkog stanja. Prema Jungovu pogledu, umjetnost se događa namjesto, a ne poradi potencijalne umjetnikove bolesti. Osim toga, njegovu ću mišljenju suprotstaviti Freudovo, za kojega je umjetničko djelo sublimacija seksualnog nagona ili proizvod neuroze, a ta je ideja za Junga je bila neprihvatljiva, s obzirom na to da je vjerovao u postojanje ne samo seksualnog nego i umjetničkog kompleksa. Naposljetku, pokušat ću dokazati da je Jungovo viđenje u prikazu umjetničkog procesa preciznije od Freudova i da njegovo naglašavanje autonomije u umjetnosti, iako radikalno, zaslužuje više pozornosti učenjaka na polju filozofije i psihologije umjetnosti. - The subject matter of the essay is the autonomy of art, which will be analysed from a Jungian perspective. What Jung had in mind with his notion of the independence of the artistic process is its freedom from the conscious mind of an artist, rather than its independence from the current social, political or cultural conditions. Art, according to Jung, is autonomous if it comes from deeper levels of the human psyche, and that is unconsciousness. To test the validity of Jung’s "autonomous complex", I will be checking the empirical reality of artistic creation, by providing professional artists’ accounts of the creative process. Also, I will challenge the categorically laid and the deeply rooted idea of a close link between artistic talent and mental illness, trying to see if the artistic process can be independent of an artist’s psychological state. In Jung’s view, art happens instead of and not because of potential illness of an artist. Additionally, I am going to contrast his view with Freud’s, for whom an artwork is a sublimation of sexual drive or a product of neurosis. This idea was not acceptable to Jung, as he believed in the existence of not only sexual but also art complex. Finally, I will try to argue that Jung’s view is more accurate in the depiction of artistic process than Freud’s and that his emphasis on the autonomy in art, although radical, deserves more attention from scholars in philosophy and psychology of art.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 79-95  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Autonomija umjetnosti -- Analitička psihologija -- Psihologija umjetnosti
Jung, Carl Gustav


The conditions of critical knowledge on capitalism or [Elektronička građa] : the conflict between the economy and philosophy / Alpar Lošonc.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résume ; Zusammenfassung. - Beginning with a presentation of the asymmetry between philosophical and economic reflection, the article assesses the possible effects of practical philosophy in relation to the critical analysis of the independent economic domain. The article emphasizes the importance of political genealogy of capitalism which explains conceptual mutations leading to a) autonomisation of economic reflection, b) self-hegemonic economic reflection, c) domination of “real abstraction” that reflects not mental operations but social practice in capitalism. It is necessary to conceive differences between economics, the economy and economic domain, as well as to establish mediation between these domains. It is important not to perceive theoretical production as passive reflection in relation to reality, but to consider the theory as a constitutive-practical factor, as the condensation of certain social relationships. For economics (“dismal science”), this means that it is co-constitutive in relation to “economic reality”. Practical philosophy can contribute to the self-awareness of economic reflection in three domains: a) the relevance of ideology in relation to the autonomy of the economic sphere, b) the importance of the measure for the economizing, c) the form–substance problem. Based on the effects in the mentioned domains, practical philosophy could evoke the fact that the core of the economy is something that transcends the phenomenon of economy. The foundation of the economy is based on non-economic categories. - Počinjući s predstavljanjem asimetrije između filozofske i ekonomske refleksije, rad istražuje moguće efekte praktičke filozofije u odnosu spram kritičke analize neovisne oblasti ekonomije. Rad naglašava važnost političke genealogije kapitalizma koja objašnjava konceptualne mutacije što vode do a) autonomizacije ekonomske refleksije, b) samo-hegemonske ekonomske refleksije i c) dominacije »zbiljske apstrakcije« kakva odražava ne toliko mentalne operacije koliko društvenu praksu u kapitalizmu. Važno je osmisliti razlikovanja među ekonomikom, ekonomijom i ekonomskom oblasti, kao i uspostaviti medijaciju među ovim domenama. Važno je da se teorijska proizvodnja ne opaža kao pasivna refleksija vezana za zbilju, nego da se razmatra teoriju kao konstitutivno-praktički faktor, kao zgušnjavanje određenih društvenih odnosa. Za ekonomiku (»turobnu znanost«), to znači da je su-konstitutivna prema »ekonomskoj zbilji«. Praktička filozofija može doprinijeti samosvjesnosti ekonomske refleksije na tri područja: a) važnost ideologije u svezi s autonomijom ekonomske sfere, b) važnost mjere za ekonomizaciju, c) problem oblik–sadržaj. Na osnovi efekata spomenutih domena, praktička filozofija mogla bi pobuditi činjenicu da je jezgra ekonomije nešto što transcendira fenomen ekonomije. Osnove su ekonomije u ne-ekonomskim kategorijama. - En présentant, au départ, l’asymétrie entre réflexion philosophique et économique, l’article examine les effets possibles de la philosophie pratique par rapport à l’analyse critique du domaine économique indépendant. L’article souligne l’importance de la généalogie politique du capitalisme qui explique les mutations conceptuelles menant à a) une autonomisation de la réflexion économique, b) la réflexion économique auto-hégémonique, c) la domination de l’ « abstraction véritable » qui ne reflète pas tellement des opérations mentales, mais des pratiques sociales dans le capitalisme. Il est nécessaire de concevoir des différences entre l’économie, les sciences économiques et le domaine économique, ainsi que d’établir une médiation entre ces domaines. De même, il importe de ne pas percevoir la production théorique Comme une réflexion passive en relation avec la réalité, mais de considérer la théorie comme un facteur constitutif pratique, comme une condensation de certaines relations sociales. Pour les sciences économiques (« science lamentable »), cela signifie qu’elles sont co-constitutives par rapport à la « réalité économique ». La philosophie pratique peut contribuer à la connaissance de soi de la réflexion économique dans trois domaines : a) la pertinence de l’idéologie par rapport à l’autonomie de la sphère économique, b) l’importance de la mesure pour réaliser l’économie, c) le problème de la forme et du contenu. La base de l’économie repose sur des catégories non économiques. - Ausgehend von einer Darstellung der Asymmetrie zwischen philosophischer und wirtschaftlicher Reflexion beurteilt der Artikel mögliche Auswirkungen der praktischen Philosophie in Bezug auf die kritische Analyse der unabhängigen Wirtschaftsdomäne. Der Artikel betont die Bedeutung der politischen Genealogie des Kapitalismus, die konzeptuelle Mutationen erklärt, die zu der a) Autonomisierung der ökonomischen Reflexion, b) selbsthegemonialen ökonomischen Reflexion und c) Dominanz der „realen Abstraktion“ führen, die nicht mentale Operationen, sondern vielmehr soziale Praktiken im Kapitalismus widerspiegelt. Es ist notwendig, Unterschiede zwischen Ökonomik, Ökonomie und der ökonomischen Domäne festzustellen, wie auch eine Vermittlung zwischen diesen Bereichen einzurichten. Fernerhin ist es wichtig, die theoretische Produktion nicht als passive Reflexion in Bezug auf die Realität wahrzunehmen, sondern die Theorie als konstitutiv-praktischen Faktor, als Verdichtung bestimmter sozialer Beziehungen einzuschätzen. Für die Ökonomik („düstere Wissenschaft“) bedeutet dies, dass sie in puncto „ökonomischer Realität“ mitkonstituierend ist. Die praktische Philosophie kann in drei Bereichen zur Selbstwahrnehmung der wirtschaftlichen Reflexion beitragen: a) die Relevanz der Ideologie hinsichtlich der Autonomie der Wirtschaftssphäre, b) die Bedeutung der Maßnahme für die Ökonomisierung, c) das Form-Inhalt-Problem. Basierend auf den Auswirkungen in den genannten Bereichen könnte die praktische Philosophie die Tatsache wachrufen, dass der Kern der Wirtschaft etwas ist, was das Phänomen der Wirtschaft transzendiert. Das Fundament der Wirtschaft fußt auf nicht wirtschaftlichen Kategorien.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 1 ; str. 29-44  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Roba -- Kapitalizam -- Autonomizacija -- Ekonomska refleksija
Marx, Karl


MIKULIĆ, Borislav, filozof
Čovjek, ali najbolji [Elektronička građa] : Romi u žrvnju radne, jezične i biološke teorije rase / Borislav Mikulić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 35-38. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Polazeći od paradoksa da Romi kao tradicionalni unutarevropski migranti u današnjoj “migrantskoj krizi” Evrope jedva predstavljaju temu, tekst obrađuje negativnu figuru “neradničkog nomada” koji od prvih početaka akademske refleksije o Romima u 18. stoljeću suodređuje njihovo razumijevanje u jednakoj mjeri kao i pitanje etničkog, rasnog i jezičnog porijekla; osobito u umjetnostima, predodžba o Romima obilježena je orijentalisitčkom figurom slobodnjaštva i seksualizirane drugosti premda sama književna građa često daje uporišta za drugačije samorazumijevanje Roma, protivno radno-teorijskom stereotipu. Nasuprot tome, rijetko prisustvo Roma u teorijskom diskursu filozofije odaje karakteristike anonimnog recikliranja povijesti Roma za pojmovni aparat filozofije. Taj se proces može očitati na postmodernoj kritici Kanta i formaciji pojma “nomadsko mišljenje” koje se u radu povezuje s Kantovom poredbom skeptika kao nomada i podvrgava detaljnijoj retoričkoj i logičkoj analizi. U drugom dijelu rada tematizira se ponovno “otkrivanje” Roma u kontekstu indijske kulturne i nacionalne politike 20. stoljeća na ideološkim pretpostavkama neohinduističkog pokreta Arya Samaj iz kasnog 19. stoljeća za “oplemenjivanje” (arijanizaciju) svijeta i konfrontira s predratnim nacističkim pokretom za “arizaciju” cijelog kulturnog svijeta u zloglasnom projektu Ahnenerbe [Nasljeđe predaka]. U završnom dijelu rada nacistička uzurpacija arijstva valorizira se kao potpuna simbolička deprivacija Roma koja čini podlogu za najradikalniji oblik obeščovječenja u nacističkom holokaustu bez potrebe za ikakvim opravdanjem, i konfrontira s paradigmatskim razumijevanjem čovječnosti, sadržanim u samom imenu “Rom”. - Starting with the paradox that the Roma, as traditional Central European itinerant people, seldom appear in recent European debates on the “Migration Crisis”, this paper addresses the notion of labour associated with the negative figure of the “lazy nomad”, which, from the beginnings of academic reflection about the Roma in the 18th century, determines both their public image and their ethnic, racial, and linguistic origin. Within this framework, special attention is paid to the fact that the Roma generally appear in art and culture as carriers of the “orientalist” syndrome of ‘gypsiness’ consisting of idealized and sexualized otherness and libertinage although the fictional narratives they appear in often provide evidences of a different self-understanding of the Roma opposing the stereotypes and prejudices concerning labour. Contrary to the literature, the rather sporadic presence of the Roma in the theoretical discourse of philosophy is characterized by a tacit recycling of their history for the conceptual apparatus of contemporary philosophy. Their anonymous presence can be illustrated by the postmodern inversion of Kant’s negative simile of sceptics in philosophy as nomads for the positive concept of ‘nomadic thought’. This figure can be traced back to its origin in Kant’s texts and submitted to a more detailed analysis of Kant’s relationship to the first known “Gypsy-Project” by his friend Christian Kraus. In the second part, the paper tackles the “rediscovery” of the Roma by the mid- 20th century Indian cultural and national politics based on the ideological assumptions of the late 19th century neo-Hinduist movement Arya Samaj, aiming at “Making the Universe Aryan”; it is confronted with the pre-war national-socialist movement, established and directed by H. Himmler, for the “Aryanization” (Arisierung) of the “entire cultural world” under the name Ancestors’ Heritage (Ahnenerbe).
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 56 (2019), 2 ; str. 7-39  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Romi -- Romski studiji -- Nomadski subjekt -- Etika rada -- Orijentalizam -- Arijstvo
Kant, Immanuel


Dubrovačka dokonica : (Otium Ragusinum) / Antun Nodilo.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Dubrovnik (Matica hrvatska). - ISSN 0353-8559. - N.s. 30 (2019), 1 ; str. 58-68
Ladanje -- Ladanjski prostor -- Filozofsko gledište

ÇIMEN, Ünsal
Francis Bacon and the relation between theology and natural philosophy [Elektronička građa] / Ünsal Çimen. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résumé ; Zusammenfassung. - The Reformation in European history was an attempt to remove ecclesiastical authority from political (or secular) authority and culture – a process called secularisation. During the eighteenth and especially nineteenth centuries, however, secularisation gained a different meaning, which is, briefly stated, evolving from religiousness to irreligiousness. Instead of referring to becoming free from religious tutelage, it began to refer to the total isolation of societies from religion. For those who saw secularisation as atheism, having ideas which were supportive of secularisation and having a religious basis was contradictory. For example, Francis Bacon was interpreted as non-secular due to his usage of the Bible as his reference to justify his ideas regarding the liberation of science from theology. Contrarily, in this paper, I argue that Bacon’s philosophy of nature is secular. To do this, alongside addressing Biblical references presented in his works, I will also explore how Bacon freed natural (or secular) knowledge from religious influences by removing final causes from natural philosophical inquiries. - U europskoj povijesti, Reformacija je bila pokušaj uklanjanja crkvenog autoriteta iz političkog (ili sekularnog) autoriteta i kulture – postupak koji nazivamo sekularizacija. Tijekom osamnaestog i napose devetnaestog stoljeća, sekularizacija je zadobila drugačije značenje koje, kratko rečeno, evoluira iz religioznosti u ireligioznost. Umjesto da se odnosi na postajanje slobodnim od crkvenog tutorstva, počelo se odnositi na potpunu izolaciju društva od religije. Za one koji su sekularizaciju vidjeli kao ateizam, istovremeno nositi sekularizacijske ideje i imati religijsku osnovu bilo je proturječno. Primjerice, Francis Bacon je interpretiran kao nesekularan zato što je koristio Bibliju kao izvor za opravdanje svojih ideja vezanih za oslobođenje znanosti od teologije. Suprotno tome, u ovom radu argumentiram da je Baconova prirodna filozofija sekularna. Da bih to dokazao, izuzev referiranja na biblijske izvore u njegovim radovima također ću istražiti kako je Bacon oslobodio prirodno (ili sekularno) znanje od religijskog utjecaja time što je uklonio konačne uzroke iz prirodofilozofskog ispitivanja. - Au fil de l’histoire européenne, la Réforme était une tentative d’éliminer l’autorité ecclésiastique de l’autorité et de la culture politique (ou laïque) – un processus appelé sécularisation. Au cours du XVIIIe siècle et surtout du XIXe siècle, la sécularisation acquit un sens différent, qui, brièvement dit, passe de la religion à l’irréligiosité. Au lieu de se référer à la libération de la tutelle religieuse, elle a commencé à se référer à une isolation absolue des sociétés de la religion. Pour ceux qui considéraient la sécularisation comme athéisme, avoir des idées favorables à la sécularisation et avoir une base religieuse était contradictoire. A titre d’exemple, Francis Bacon a été considéré comme non laïque en raison de son recours à la Bible comme référence pour justifier ses idées concernant la libération de la science de la théologie. Au contraire, dans cet article, je soutiens que la philosophie de la nature de Bacon est laïque. Afin de le démontrer, outre une étude des références bibliques présentées dans ses travaux, j’explorerai également comment Bacon a libéré le savoir naturel (ou laïc) d’influences religieuses en supprimant les causes finales des enquêtes philosophiques naturelles. - Die Reformation in der europäischen Geschichte war ein Versuch, die kirchliche Autorität von der politischen (oder säkularen) Autorität und Kultur zu entfernen – ein Prozess, der Säkularisierung genannt wird. Während des achtzehnten und insbesondere des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts erlangte die Säkularisierung jedoch eine andere Bedeutung, die sich, kurz gesagt, von Religiosität zu Irreligiösität entwickelt. Anstatt sich auf die Befreiung von religiöser Bevormundung zu beziehen, begann sie sich auf die völlige Isolation der Gesellschaften von der Religion zu konzentrieren. Für diejenigen, die Säkularisierung als Atheismus betrachteten, war es widersprüchlich, Ideen zu haben, die zugleich die Säkularisierung unterstützten und eine religiöse Grundlage hatten. Beispielshalber wurde Francis Bacon als nicht-säkular interpretiert, und zwar aufgrund seiner Verwendung der Bibel als Quelle, um seine Vorstellungen bezüglich der Befreiung der Wissenschaft von der Theologie zu rechtfertigen. Im Gegensatz dazu argumentiere ich in diesem Artikel, dass Bacons Naturphilosophie säkular ist. Um dies zu bekräftigen, werde ich abgesehen von der Adressierung der in seinen Werken vorgestellten biblischen Referenzen auch erforschen, wie Bacon natürliches (oder säkulares) Wissen von den religiösen Einflüssen befreite, indem er Endursachen aus naturphilosophischen Untersuchungen herausschnitt.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 1 ; str. 105-123  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sekularizacija -- Prirodna filozofija -- Teologija
Bacon, Francis


JURAK, Karlo, filozof
Historijskomaterijalistička kritika postmarksizma [Elektronička građa] : problem revolucionarnog subjekta / Karlo Jurak.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 37-39. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Marksistička teorija, kao i sve druge teorije, podliježe posljedicama podjele rada na materijalni i duhovni, koju Marx u Njemačkoj ideologiji označava kao prvu pravu podjelu rada u klasnim društvima. U fenomenu tzv. zapadnog marksizma, ali ponajviše u postmarksističkim transformacijama najbolje se vide te posljedice za sâm marksizam. Stoga je cilj ovoga rada primijeniti upravo historijskomaterijalističku metodu na postmarksizam te opisati i objasniti transformacije revolucionarnih subjektivnosti koje prate tu mutaciju u marksističkoj teoriji. Prije toga treba ugrubo napraviti periodizaciju marksizma služeći se nekim terminima Perryja Andersona te, na tom tragu, postmarksizam predstaviti kao drugu fazu zapadnog marksizma. U središnjem dijelu rada tako su predmet interesa glavne karakteristike postmarksizma koje uključuju zamjenu klasnih politika identitetskima, partikularizaciju i fragmentaciju društvenih borbi te kooptaciju borbi u dominantni društveno-politički okvir. Sve je to popraćeno obraćanjem pažnje na neke promjene u proizvodnim odnosima te na prateći neoliberalni zaokret na ekonomskom, političkom i kulturnom planu. Radi lakšeg razumijevanja tih transformacija izlaže se kratki pregled nekih preteča postmarksizma i teorijskih koncepata koji su znatno utjecali na postmarksističke teorije, a nakon toga objašnjavaju se najistaknutiji primjeri konstitucije različitih revolucionarnih subjektivnosti u nekim postmarksističkim teorijama. Na samom se kraju naglašava važnost nadilaženja tih partikularnih pozicija te teorijski afirmira univerzalizam i ističe njegova praktičko-politička važnost i potencijalnost. Time je dan bitan ulog povratku na historijska izvorišta marksizma koja su i omogućila njegovu autorefleksiju. - Marxist theory, as all other theories, is subject to the consequences of the division of labour into the material and the mental one. In The German Ideology Marx marked this division as the first real division of labour in class societies. Regarding Marxism itself, the consequences of this division are very obvious especially within the phenomenon of so-called Western Marxism, but most of all in post-Marxist transformations. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to apply the method of historical materialism to post-Marxism itself and to describe and explain the transformations of revolutionary subjectivities which follow this mutation in Marxist theory. Before that, it is necessary to roughly outline the periodization of Marxism relying on some terms coined by Perry Anderson and, on that trajectory, to present post-Marxism as the second phase of Western Marxism. Thus, the central part of the paper focuses on the main characteristics of post-Marxism such as replacement of class politics with identity politics, the particularisation and fragmentation of social struggles, and their cooptation in the dominant socio-political framework. All of that is accompanied by remarks on some changes in the relations of production and the concomitant neoliberal turn in the economic, political and cultural agenda. In order to allow for a better understanding of it all, a short review of some post-Marxist forerunners and theoretical concepts which have noticeably influenced post-Marxist theories is offered. This is followed by explanations of the most prominent examples of the constitution of different revolutionary subjectivities in some post-Marxist theories. Finally, the necessity of overcoming these particular positions and theoretically affirming universalism, including its practico-political importance and potentiality, is emphasized. This paves the way for the return to the historical sources of Marxism, which are what allowed for its auto-reflexivity in the first place.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 2 ; str. 7-40  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Marksistička teorija -- Postmarksizam -- Historijski materijalizam -- Revolucionarni subjekt -- Zapadni marksizam

GVOZDEN, Vladimir
Interactive commodity loop [Elektronička građa] / Vladimir Gvozden.
Bibliografija: str. 24-26. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résumé ; Zusammenfassung. - The commodity is recognized as an essential element of our world. If our relationship with commodity as the structuring form of capitalist society is an ongoing process of subjective work and the exchange of meanings, then the question of historical ontology becomes inevitable. Historical ontology means that “we constitute ourselves at a place and time, using materials that have a distinctive and historically formed organization” (I. Hacking). This paper is an attempt to interpret commodity through the extension of two concepts developed by Ian Hacking (the looping effect, the making up people), and their connection with the philosophical approach to economy. The looping effects of commodity create a special ambience, special forms of connection and separation, equality and hierarchy, community and singularity, freedom and affirmation. The article gives a short historical account of the emergence of the commodity loop (from the 1850s to 2001), and singles out the importance of the structural determinations of capitalism (the ideology of free market, property, state mechanisms, a specific type of culture, etc.). The “making up people” inside the commodity loop presumes the people who count, take part in the marketising, imagine the market in every situation, interiorize the market-conforming sense of guilt and responsibility, and, paradoxically, will be ready to be self-entrepreneurs, to participate in own making up. It is shown that contemporary doxa becomes evident from the perspective of the commodity loop, although it creates a context of harmony and reduces complexity. As the analysis goes deeper, we are discovering interactive nodes at steadily increasing levels of intensity but also two possible productive points of resistance (inequality, immigration). The commodity loop is an ontological fabric in which all threads are woven together, from political and economic to social and personal relationships. - Roba je prepoznata kao osnovna sastavnica našeg svijeta. Ako je naš odnos s robom kao strukturirajućim oblikom kapitalističkog društva aktualan proces subjektivna rada i razmjene značenja, onda pitanje povijesne ontologije postaje neizbježno. Povijesna ontologija znači da »konstituiramo sebe u mjestu i vremenu koristeći materijale distinktne i povijesno oblikovane organizacije« (I. Hacking). Ovo je istraživanje pokušaj interpretiranja robe putem ekstenzije dvaju koncepata koje je razvio Ian Hacking (efekt petlje, pravljenje ljudi) i njihovih veza s filozofskim pristupom ekonomiji. Efekt robne petlje stvara poseban ugođaj, posebne oblike povezivanja i razdvajanja, jednakosti i hijerarhije, zajednice i jednosti, slobode i afirmacije. Ovaj rad daje kratak povijesni pregled pojavljivanja robne petlje (od 1850. do 2001.) te izdvaja važnost strukturne određenosti kapitalizma (ideologija slobodnog tržišta, vlasništvo, državni mehanizmi, poseban tip kulture itd.). »pravljenje ljudi« unutar robne petlje pretpostavlja ljude koji broje, sudjeluju u marketizaciji, domišljaju tržište u svakoj situaciji, pounutruju osjećaj krivnje i odgovornosti pomoću kojih se opravdava tržište i, paradoksalno, budu bili spremni biti samo-poduzetnici, sudjelujući u pravljenju. Pokazuje se da suvremena doksa postaje očigledna iz perspektive robne petlje, premda stvara kontekst harmonije i reducira kompleksnost. Produbljivanjem analize otkrivamo interaktivne čvorove pri postojanom rastu stupnja intenzivnosti, ali i dvije, moguće produktivne, točke otpora (nejednakost, imigracija). Robna petlja ontološka je tkanina u kojoj su sve niti međusobno spletene, od političkih i ekonomskih do socijalnih i osobnih odnosa. Na kraju rada pokušavamo povezati Agambenov ideal profanacije s Hackingovim efektom upetljavanja. To vodi do zaključka da bi fantomska objektivnost robe trebala biti profanirana, što znači da se mora vratiti slobodnoj ljudskoj upotrebi. - La marchandise est reconnue comme un élément essentiel de notre monde. Si notre relation avec la marchandise en tant que forme structurante de la société capitaliste est un processus continu de travail subjectif et d’échange de signifiés, alors la question de l’ontologie historique devient inévitable. Ontologie historique signifie que « nous nous constituons à un endroit et à un moment en utilisant des matériaux qui possèdent une organisation distinctive et historiquement formée » (I. Hacking). Cet article tente d’interpréter la marchandise en étendant deux concepts développés par Ian Hacking (l’effet de boucle, façonner les gens) et leur lien avec l’approche philosophique appliquée à l’économie. Les effets de boucle de la marchandise créent une ambiance spéciale, des formes particulières de connexion et de séparation, d’égalité et hiérarchie, de communauté et singularité, de liberté et affirmation. L’article présente un bref historique de l’émergence de la boucle de la marchandise (des années 1850 à 2001) et souligne l’importance des déterminations structurelles du capitalisme (idéologie du marché libre, propriété, mécanismes étatiques, type de culture spécifique etc.). « Façonner les gens » dans la boucle de la marchandise suppose les gens qui comptent, participent à la commercialisation, imaginent le marché dans chaque situation, intériorisent le sens de la culpabilité et de la responsabilité qui sont conformes au marché et seront, paradoxalement, prêts à être autoentrepreneurs et à participer ainsi au façonnement d’eux-mêmes. Il est démontré que la doxa contemporaine devient évidente du point de vue de la boucle de la marchandise, bien qu’elle crée un contexte d’harmonie et réduit la complexité. - Die Ware wird als Kernbestandteil unserer Welt erkannt. Wenn unser Verhältnis zur Ware als strukturierender Form der kapitalistischen Gesellschaft ein kontinuierlicher Prozess subjektiver Arbeit und des Bedeutungsaustauschs ist, dann wird die Frage der historischen Ontologie unumgänglich. Historische Ontologie bedeutet, dass „wir uns mit Bezugnahme auf Ort und Zeit konstituieren und Materialien benutzen, die eine distinktive und historisch geformte Organisation haben“ (I. Hacking). Dieser Aufsatz ist ein Versuch, Waren durch die Erweiterung zweier von Ian Hacking entwickelter Konzepte [der Looping-Effekt, Leute (zurecht) machen] und deren Verbindung mit dem philosophischen Ansatz zur Wirtschaft zu interpretieren. Die Looping-Effekte der Waren erzeugen ein besonderes Ambiente, besondere Formen der Verbindung und Trennung, Gleichheit und Hierarchie, Gemeinschaft und Singularität, Freiheit und Affirmation. Der Artikel gibt ein kurzes historisches Resümee vom Aufkommen des Waren-Loops (von den 1850ern bis 2001) und legt Nachdruck auf die Wichtigkeit struktureller Bestimmungen des Kapitalismus (Ideologie des freien Marktes, Eigentum, staatliche Mechanismen, spezifische Art der Kultur usw.). Das (Zurecht)machen der Leute innerhalb der Warenschleife setzt Menschen voraus, die zählen, an der Marketisierung teilnehmen, sich den Markt in jeder Situation vorstellen, das marktkonforme Gefühl von Schuld und Verantwortung verinnerlichen und paradoxerweise bereit sind, Selbstunternehmer zu sein, um sich am eigenen (Zurecht)machen zu beteiligen.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 1 ; str. 13-28  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Roba -- Kapitalizam -- Profanacija -- Država -- Kultura -- Politika -- Ekonomija

ITTEN, Theodor
Nova Politika doživljaja i R. D. Laingove stare "nove ideje" [Elektronička građa] / Theodor Itten ; s engleskog preveo Luka Janeš.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - SSažetak ; Abstract. - U članku se istražuje psihoterapijsko nasljeđe R. D. Lainga i njegovo novo shvaćanje škotske psihodinamske psihijatrije, u sklopu čije ostavštine je prakticirao koncept – »pacijent je kao ja i ti«. Kritički ću evaluirati njegovo iskustveno svjedočanstvo psihoanalitičara i teoretičara unutar polja tzv. »antipsihijatrije«, »radikalne psihijatrije« i »avanti-psihijatrije«, obilježenog gnjevom i bijesom usmjerenima prema bezličnoj prirodi moderne psihijatrije, malignih utjecaja farmaceutske industrije, otuđujućeg karaktera suvremenog sveučilišnog obrazovanja – čimbenika prisutnih od sredine 1960-ih do kasnih 1980-ih. Fokus Nove politike doživljaja, usmjeren na radikalno društveno razmišljanje i interdisciplinarno istraživanje, temelji se na društvenim fenomenološko-empirijskim istraživanjima i razvoju integrativnog psihoterapijskog pristupa. - The psychotherapeutic legacy of R. D. Laing and his new take on Scottish psychodynamic psychiatry, in whose heritage he practised – “the patients are like you and me” – are explored. His testimony of experience as a psychoanalyst and theoretician, within the field of so-called “anti-psychiatry”, “radical psychiatry” and “avanti-psychiatry”, with the anger and outrage expressed towards the impersonal nature of modern psychiatry, the malign influence of the pharmaceutical industry, the alienating character of modern university education, spanning from the mid 1960’s to late 1980’s, are critically elaborated. The focus of the New Politics of Experience on radical social thinking and interdisciplinary study is based on social phenomenological empirical research and the development of an integrative psychotherapeutic approach.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 9-16  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Aporije psihe -- Psihoterapija -- Integrativna psihoterapija
Laing, Ronald David


Shopping, money, and higher values [Elektronička građa] / Predrag Cicovacki.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 4 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résumé ; Zusammenfassung. - In our consumerist world, our sense of values centers around the possession of money and the possibility of buying things we have never imagined we need. Shopping has become our lifestyle and even our sense of freedom seems to reduce to a choice between the brands. I examine this state of affairs from three perspectives: apologetic, critical, and one attempting to balance our obsession with money with a proper understanding of higher values. Following Nicolai Hartmann, I attempt to explain, defend, and further develop the last of these standpoints. - U našem konzumerističkom svijetu, naš se osjećaj za vrijednosti usredišnjuje oko posjedovanja novca i mogućnosti kupovanja stvari za koje nikada nismo zamišljali da ih trebamo. Kupovanje je postalo naša način života i čak naš osjećaj za slobodu kao da se reducira na izbor među oznacima. Sagledavam ovo stanje stvari iz tri perspektive: apologetske, kritičke i treće, kojom se pokušava uravnotežiti našu opsjednutost novcem putem ispravnog razumijevanja viših vrijednosti. Slijedeći Nicolaija Hartmanna, nastojim objasniti, obraniti i dalje razviti posljednju od tri dispozicije. - Dans notre monde consumériste, notre sens des valeurs est centré autour de la possession d’argent et la possibilité d’acheter des choses dont nous n’avions jamais imaginé avoir besoin. Acheter est devenu notre style de vie et même notre sentiment de liberté semble se réduire à un choix entre les marques. J’examine cet état de choses sous trois perspectives : apologétique, critique et une troisième, à savoir une tentative d’équilibrer notre obsession pour l’argent avec une compréhension appropriée des valeurs plus élevées. A la suite de Nicolaï Hartmann, j’essaye d’expliquer, de défendre et de développer davantage le dernier de ces points de vue. - In unserer Konsumwelt zentriert sich unser Wertgefühl um den Geldbesitz und die Möglichkeit zum Einkauf der Dinge, von denen wir nie gedacht haben, dass wir sie brauchen. Das Einkaufen ist zu unserem Lebensstil geworden und überdies scheint sich unser Freiheitsgefühl auf die Wahl zwischen den Marken zu reduzieren. Diesen Sachverhalt betrachte ich aus drei Perspektiven: der apologetischen, der kritischen und aus der dritten Perspektive, aus der man unsere Besessenheit von Geld durch das richtige Verständnis höherer Werte auszubalancieren versucht. Indem ich Nicolai Hartmann folge, versuche ich, den letzten der drei Blickwinkel zu explizieren, zu verteidigen sowie weiterzuentwickeln.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 1 ; str. 5-12  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Konzumerizam -- Novac -- Vrijednosti -- Kupovanje -- Sloboda
Hartmann, Nicolai


Žižekova nezavršena kopernikanska revolucija [Elektronička građa] / Eva Dolar Bahovec. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - S obzirom na znanstveni razvoj, psihoanaliza je uspoređivana s kopernikanskom ili darvinovskom revolucijom. Freud je svoje ime uvrstio u poznatu usporedbu s Kopernikom i Darwinom uvodeći pojam triju udaraca čovjekovu narcizmu, određujući svoje otkriće psihoanalize kao najopasniji posljednji udarac. Rad ispituje mogući kontinuitet serije najvećih znanstvenih revolucija u Jacquesa Derridaa i Slavoja Žižeka. Derrida je Koperniku, Darwinu i Freudu dodao ime Karla Marxa kao četvrti, remeteći udarac, određujući ga ‘u ime revolucije’ kao znatno goreg, postavljajući nas kao Marxove nasljednike u položaj duga i žalovanja. Derrida je iskoristio svoje frojdovsko čitanje Marxova udarca u kontekstu užasa oktobarske revolucije, staljinizma, holokausta i dr., dok je Slavoj Žižek, također povezujući Freuda i Marxa, ispitao nasljedstvo Kopernika, Darwina i Freuda pomoću ‘mnogih drugih’. Članak se usmjerava na Žižekovu ideju ‘mnogih drugih’, u kontekst stavljajući Lacanov povratak Freudu i prolongirajući ga u kontekstu feminističke revolucije. Zaključuje se da se Žižekovo obrazloženje Lacanova povratka Freuda bez i iza lacanovskog feminističko-psihoanalitičkog inzistiranja na središnjosti seksualne razlike može razumjeti kao Žižekova nedovršena kopernikanska revolucija. - Regarding scientific development, psychoanalysis has been compared to the Copernican and Darwinian revolution. Freud has added his name to the well-established comparison of Copernicus and Darwin by introducing his notion of three blows to man’s narcissism, defining his discovery of psychoanalysis as the most dangerous last blow. The presentation examines the possible continuation of the series of the biggest scientific revolution in Jacques Derrida and Slavoj Žižek. Derrida has added to Copernicus, Darwin and Freud the name of Karl Marx as the fourth, disrupting one, defining his blow ‘in the name of the revolution’ as a much worse one, putting us today as Marx’s heirs in the position of debt and mourning. Derrida used the Freudian reading of Marx’s blow concerning the horrors of the October revolution, Stalinism, holocaust etc., while Slavoj Žižek – also relating Freud to Marx – examined the succession of Copernicus, Darwin and Freud by ‘many others’. The presentation focuses on Žižek’s idea of these ‘many others’, putting it in the context of Lacan’s return to Freud and prolonging it regarding the feminist revolution. The conclusion is made that Žižek’s elaboration of Lacan’s return of Freud, without and beyond the Lacanian feminist-psychoanalytic insistence on the centrality of sexual difference, can be understood as Žižek’s unfinished Copernican revolution.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 49-56  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kopernikanska revolucija -- Seksualnost -- Feminizam
Žižek, Slavoj -- Derrida, Jacques


Vidi br.: HA19-01425

Vidi br.: HA19-01433

Vidi br.: HA19-01541

Vidi br.: HA19-01718

159.9   Psihologija

GODINIĆ, Danijela
Afirmacija psihološke uloge medija u procesima suvremene zapadne indoktrinacije [Elektronička građa] / Danijela Godinić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Temi psihološke uloge medija u procesima indoktrinacije političkih i korporativnih ideologija u zapadnim društvima pristupljeno je iz više perspektiva. Rad pruža pregled kritičke teorije medija, koja razmatra kako postmoderna propaganda pogoduje nastajanju fenomena ‘javnosti’ i institucije ‘PR-a’. Utvrđeno je da imperativ konzumerizma, koji inzistira na negaciji individualiteta, reproducira tipove osobnosti. Stoga je pojedinac modernog doba depersonalizirana individua koja je za konstrukciju svoje zbilje ovisna o medijima, političarima i oglašivačima te relativno novijim akterima – influencerima. Razmatra se kako kolektivni entiteti, sačinjeni od heterogenih pluralističkih institucija, mogu postati jezgra socijalnog ‘pathosa’. Rad nastoji dekonstruirati neke aspekte odnosa privrede, politike i medija te načina na koji se propagandnom retorikom utječe na psihu pojedinca i zajednica. - Multiple perspectives are applied in approaching the subject of psychological role the media plays in the processes of indoctrination of political and corporate ideologies in western socie ties. This paper provides a review of critical theory on the media, examining the way in which postmodern propaganda contributes to the formation of ‘the public’ and the institution of public relations. It is found that consumerist imperative, insisting on the negation of individuality, reproduces certain types of personalities, thus a modern day individual appears to be deper sonalised and highly depended upon media, politicians, advertisers and relatively recent agents – influencers – for the construction of their reality. The paper examines how collective enti ties, made up from heterogeneous pluralist institutions, can become the core of social ‘pathos’. Paper attempts to deconstruct some aspects of the existing relationships between the economy, politics and media, and investigate the way in which propagandistic rhetoric can influence the psyche of individuals and communities.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 135-158  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Javnost -- Politika -- Mediji -- Kapitalizam -- Odnosi s javnošću -- Filozofija medija

Effective communication in the healthcare settings [Elektronička građa] : are the graduates ready for it? / Aelita Skarbalienė, Egidijus Skarbalius, Lina Gedrime. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Social competences, and particularly good communication skills, are becoming increasingly important in contemporary professional environment. Although studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of different training strategies, many Lithuanian higher education institutions have not yet incorporated the training of communication skills in their curriculum. The aim of this paper is to assess the communication skills of healthcare students in Lithuania and indicate the benefits of their development. Students graduating from a variety of health sciences study programs (N=118) self-assessed their communication skills. The results show that participants their communication skills as average with some potential strengths, i.e. ability to talk about things of interest to every person in conversation, recognizing how others are reacting to what is being said, not interrupting others in the conversation, understanding other people’s feelings, ability to praise the person, etc. On the other hand, some skills and abilities need to be improved, i.e. expressing opinion in a non-aggressive manner, as well as thinking and speaking clearly, while being emotional. - Društvene kompetencije, a posebno dobre komunikacijske vještine, postaju sve značajnijima u suvremenom profesionalnom okruženju. Iako su dosadašnje studije pokazale učinkovitost različitih strategija obuke, brojne litvanske institucije visokog obrazovanja još uvijek nisu uključile obuku komunikacijskih vještina u svoje nastavni program. Cilj ovog rada je procijeniti komunikacijske vještine studenata zdravstva u Litvi te ustanoviti koristi od njihovog razvoja. U radu se iznosi samostalna procjena diplomiranih studenata različitih studija iz područja zdravstva (N = 118), koja se odnosi na vlastite komunikacijske vještine. Rezultati pokazuju da sudionici/e istraživanja cijene svoje komunikacijske vještine kao prosječne, s potencijalnim snagama, koje uključuju: sposobnost rasprave o temama od zajedničkog interesa, prepoznavanje kako sugovornici reagiraju na izrečeno, razumijevanja osjećaja sugovornika, sposobnost pohvale sugovornika, itd. S druge strane, potrebno je unaprijediti neke vještine i sposobnosti, kao što su neagresivno iskazivanje svojih stavova te jasno razmišljanje i govor u emocionalnim situacijama.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), spec. iss. ; str. 137-147  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Komunikacijske vještine -- Društvene kompetencije -- Studenti -- Zdravstvo -- Visoko obrazovanje

PEDIĆ, Paula
Konsolidacija pamćenja u primarnoj nesanici [Elektronička građa] = Memory consolidation in primary insomnia / Paula Pedić.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Pretpostavlja se da spavanje ima brojne funkcije, a jedna od njih je i konsolidacija pamćenja. Konsolidacija pamćenja je neurološki proces putem kojega se stvaraju trajni tragovi u dugoročnom pamćenju. Postavlja se pitanje što se događa s pamćenjem ako je spavanje poremećeno? Jedan od najčešćih poremećaja spavanja je primarna nesanica. Korpus dosadašnjih istraživanja pamćenja u primarnoj nesanici je ograničen, a znanstvena metoda ovih istraživanja različita, pa ne čudi da su dosadašnja istraživanja proceduralnog i deklarativnog pamćenja osoba s primarnom nesanicom polučila nesukladne rezultate. Cilj rada je prikazati odnos pamćenja i spavanja na primjeru primarne nesanice te sistematizirati rezultate dosadašnjih istraživanja. - It has been suggested that memory has many functions, with memory consolidation being one of them. Memory consolidation is a neurological process of making permanent memories. The question that arises is: what happens to memory if sleep is distorted? One of the most common sleeping disorders is primary insomnia. Not enough research has been done on the memory of patients with primary insomnia, and those existing research methods vary significantly, which leads to results inconsistencies. This review will focus on explaining the relationship between sleep and memory in primary insomnia and aims to give a brief overview of findings in existing literature.
U: . - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 3 ; str. 242-246  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nesanica -- Pamćenje -- Spavanje -- Neurološki procesi

Odnos svijesti (vremena-epohe) i predmetnosti u kockarskom umu [Elektronička građa] / Luka Maršić, Daniela Vojnović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj je rada prikazati fenomen ovisnosti o kocki kroz analizu promjene percepcije, privida, zamjedbe i fikcije u podlozi čega, pretpostavkom i posljedicom, stoje intramentalni i ekstramentalni procesi dostupni korekciji. Definirajući ovisnost kroz dvije dominantne varijable – teorijsku i praktičnu, koje se u širokom kontekstu mogu definirati kroz fiziološku i psihološku determiniranost osobe – suzili smo teoretski prostor za razumijevanje onog zdravog u čovjeku čiji se smisao usidrio u polju ovisnosti. Obrađujući duboku općenitost (samoodržanje) svakog bića, što podrazumijeva zadovoljenje primarnih nagonskih potreba, a istodobno zatomljujući specifičnosti vlastite osobe, slobodne individue, u izboru vlastitih želja i žudnja, onemogućili smo postavljanje pitanja smisla tog čovjeka. U tom ovisničkom prstenu, zatvorenom krugu vraćanja istoga kroz krivo izabrano sredstvo ugode, ponekad se gube jednostavni koncepti i moduli prepoznavanja rješenja. Stoga se ovim radom propituje jedan od modela koji bi se trebao inkorporirati u sustav tretmana ovisnosti i stvoriti te pozicionirati i treću, jednako važnu, a do sada nezastupljenu varijablu – varijablu smisla u tretmanu i razumijevanja kompleksnog pojma ovisnosti (u prvom redu kocke, klađenja i drugih hazarderskih igara na sreću, ali i ostalih sredstava ovisnosti) u zapadnoj civilizaciji kroz različita sredstva ugode. - This paper aims to present the gambling addiction phenomenon through the analysis of the change of perception, illusions, observation and fiction on which basis, with the assumption and the consequence, are standing intramental and extramental processes available for correction. By defining addiction through two dominant variables – theoretical and practical, which can be defined in a broad context through the physiological and psychological determinants of a person – we narrowed the theoretical space for understanding the healthy in a human being whose meaning was anchored in the field of the addiction. By elaborating the deep generality (self-preservation) of every being, which implies the fulfillment of the primary urgent needs, and at the same time suppressing of the specifics of our own person, free individual, in choosing our own desires and cravings, we have made it impossible to ask the question of this human being’s sense. In this addictive ring, a closed circle of returning of the same through the wrong choice of comfort means, sometimes simple concepts and solution recognition modules are lost. Therefore, this paper discusses one of the models that should be incorporated into the addiction treatment system and create and position the third, equally important, and by now unrecognized variable – a variable of meaning in the treatment and understanding of the complex concept of addiction (primarily gambling, bets and other daredevil games of chance, but also other addictive resources) in Western civilization through various means of comfort.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 201-212  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Svijest -- Ovisnost o kocki -- Intencionalnost -- Fikcija

Paradoks privatnosti [Elektronička građa] : empirijska provjera fenomena / Andro Pavuna. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 159-161. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Paradoks privatnosti označava diskrepanciju između deklariranog izražavanja visoke zabrinutosti za privatnost (privacy concerns) i istovremenog manifestiranja ponašanja kojim se iskazuje nebriga za privatnost, osobito kada su u pitanju društvene mreže i korištenje interneta. Cilj istraživanja bio je provjeriti manifestiraju li pojedinci koji su visoko zabrinuti za svoju privatnost ponašanja kojima je štite. Za istraživanje paradoksa privatnosti korištena je skala zabrinutosti za privatnost, konstruirana za ovo istraživanje na osnovi rezultata predistraživanja o načinima kako ispitanici razumiju privatnost i ugrožavanje privatnosti. Za mjerenje bihevioralnih varijabli korištene su tri skale prilagođene za primjenu u Hrvatskoj: društvena dimenzija kontrole ponašanja, opći oprez i tehnička zaštita. Sudionicima je postavljeno i nekoliko konkretnih pitanja o korištenju interneta i društvenih mreža. Istraživanje je provedeno primjenom ankete na prigodnom uzorku od ukupno 966 sudionika. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su postojanje paradoksa privatnosti na sve tri usporedbe na nivou p <0,001. Unatoč tome što je 90,7% sudionika navelo kako im je privatnost važna ili izrazito važna, velik broj sudionika koristi usluge onih tvrtki čiji je cijeli poslovni model baziran na prikupljanju, analiziranju i dijeljenju korisničkih podataka. Njih 99,3% koristi jednu od takvih tražilica, 86% neki od takvih servisa e-pošte, 88% koristi društvenu mrežu Facebook, na kojoj ih više od 73% ima navedeno svoje pravo ime i prezime te osobnu fotografiju. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju kako je sudionicima deklarativno važna njihova privatnost, no kako je se vrlo lako odriču kada se radi o korištenju interneta i društvenih mreža, što ima značajne implikacije na aktualnu raspravu o zaštiti privatnosti i osobnih podataka u digitalnom okruženju. - Privacy paradox is a phenomenon in which people who say they are concerned about their privacy behave as if they weren’t, especially when it comes to social networks and the use of the Internet. The aim of this research was to determine whether individuals who are highly concerned with their privacy exhibit privacy protecting behaviour in an expected manner. To explore the privacy paradox, a privacy concerns scale was developed for this research based on the results of a previous study. To measure behavioural variables, three scales were adapted for application in Croatia, including the social dimension of behavioural control, general caution and technical protection. Participants were also asked some specific questions about their use of Internet and social networks. The survey was conducted using a questionnaire that was given to a convenience sample of 966 participants. The obtained results showed the existence of a privacy paradox on all comparisons at p <0.001. Despite the fact that 90.7% of the participants stated that their privacy is important or extremely important to them, a large number of participants uses online services from companies whose entire business model is based on the collection, analysis and sharing of user data. 99.3% of participants reported the use of such search engines, 86% the use of such e-mail service, 88% reported using Facebook, while more than 73% of them have their real name, surname and personal photo posted on their profile. The results show that participants declaratively deem their privacy important, but they easily waive it over the use of Internet and social networks which has significant implications for the current debate on privacy and personal data protection in the digital environment.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 1 ; str. 132-162  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Privatnost -- Paradoks privatnosti -- Internet -- Društvene mreže

Tko je tu lud? [Elektronička građa] : "ludilo" kao pretpostavka umjetničkog djela / Goran Sunajko. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Rad estetički razmatra povezanost, odnosno neodvojivost umjetnosti i ‘ludila’. Ludilo kao psihologijski i psihijatrijski pojam ne postoji, on je društveni konstrukt i kvalifikativ koji se često koristi da bi društvena većina diskvalificirala društvenu manjinu ili pojedince koji odstupaju od većinskih vrijednosti. U radu se tumači kako umjetnost jest ludilo jer je za originalno umjetničko stvaranje potrebna ekscentričnost koja često dovodi do osude. Ludilo se u umjetnosti razmatra na dva temeljna načina. Prvi na razini objektivističke estetike kada je ludilo tema, odnosno objekt umjetničkog djela, a drugi na razini subjektivističke estetike kada je ludilo subjekt, odnosno autor umjetničkog djela. Prikazuju se remek-djela velikih svjetskih umjetnika koji su bolovali od određenih mentalnih bolesti uslijed kojih su dobivali sve veću inspiraciju. Zaključno se pokazuje kako je umjetnost u objektivnom i subjektivnom smislu kao nužna ekscentričnost neodvojiva od ludila koje je time preduvjet umjetničkog djela. - The paper aesthetically examines the connection, that is inseparability between art and ‘madness’. Madness as a psychological and psychiatric term does not exist, and it is a social construct and a qualification that is often used to by the social majority to disqualify social minority or individuals who deviate from values majority cares about. In this paper, I interpret how art, in this sense given, is madness because to have an original artistic creation, it is necessary to have eccentricity that often leads to condemnation. Madness in art is considered in two primary ways. The first way is on the level of objectivistic aesthetics where madness is a theme or the object of artwork, and the second way is on the level of subjectivistic aesthetics where madness is the subject, i.e. the author of artwork. I will refer to many masterpieces from renown world artists who suffered from certain mental illnesses, from which they gained ever greater inspiration. I conclude that art in both objective and subjective terms is a necessary eccentricity inseparable from madness, which is thereby a presupposition for artwork.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 119-134  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Umjetnost -- Estetika -- Psiha -- Ludilo -- Ekscentričnost

Vrijednosti obrazovanja i nastavnički identitet iz učeničke, roditeljske i nastavničke perspektive [Elektronička građa] / Marina Diković, Marlena Plavšić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografska bilješka uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 28-30. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U Hrvatskoj i svijetu manji je dio nastavničkoga kadra koji smatra da je nastavnička profesija cijenjena. Većina se autora i autorica slaže da i jačanje nastavničkoga identiteta moglo pomoći podizanju vrijednosti obrazovanja. Ciljevi istraživanja bili su: ispitati na koje načine obrazovanje doprinosi kvaliteti života i koje su prednosti nastavničke profesije, ispitati doživljaj statusa nastavničke profesije i promjena u obrazovnom sustavu te utvrditi motivaciju za nastavničku profesiju. Uzorak je obuhvaćao 74 učenika i učenica osnovnih i srednjih škola, 73 roditelja, 38 studenata i studentica nastavničkih studija te 35 osnovnoškolskih i srednjoškolskih nastavnika i nastavnica. Rezultati se interpretiraju u kontekstu Korthagenovog modela te pokazuju da nastavnici i nastavnice više spominju obilježja nastavničkoga identiteta koja se dotiču temeljnih vrijednosti, dok roditelji i učenici više spominju obilježja ponašanja i kompetencija. Zadaća je inicijalnoga obrazovanja nastavnika i nastavnica poticati mlade na promišljanje o vrijednostima nastavničke profesije jer će time cijeniti i poticati razvijanje vrijednosti nastavničkoga identiteta. - In Croatia, as well as around the world, teachers would rarely describe their profession as respected in the society. Most authors agree that the strengthening of the teacher’s identity might help in elevating the perceived value and the overall status of education. The objectives of this study are: to identify ways in which education increases the quality of life, to explore perception of teaching profession status, to examine the perception of both the teaching profession and changes in the educational system and, finally, to determine the motivation for becoming a teacher. The sample comprises 74 primary and secondary school students, 73 parents, 38 students of teacher studies and 35 primary and secondary school teachers. Results were interpreted in the context of Korthagen’s model. Results show that teachers view teacher’s identity as connected to the core values, while parents and students describe the teacher’s identity through characteristics related to behaviour and competences. The task of the initial teacher education is to encourage students to reflect upon the values of the teaching profession. Such reflection helps in building the core values of the teacher’s identity and increases one’s appreciation of it.
U: Metodički ogledi (Online). - ISSN 1848-2325. - 26 (2019), 1 ; str. 7-31  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nastavnička profesija -- Korthagenov model -- Nastavnici -- Roditelji -- Učenici

Vidi br.: HA19-01829

Vidi br.: HA19-01386

Vidi br.: HA19-01541

Vidi br.: HA19-01353

Vidi br.: HA19-01357

Vidi br.: HA19-01379

Vidi br.: HA19-01436

Vidi br.: HA19-01466

Vidi br.: HA19-01478

Vidi br.: HA19-01366

Vidi br.: HA19-01350

16   Logika. Simbolička logika. Matematička logika. Spoznajna teorija. Epistemologija

EISINGER Guimarães, Rômulo
"Kakav je osjećaj?" [Elektronička građa] : o onome što je posrijedi u sudovima ukusa i emocionalnom samoznanju / Rômulo Eisinger Guimarães ; s engleskog preveo Luka Janeš.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Unatoč nadaleko poznatoj latinskoj izreci prema kojoj se o ukusima ne treba raspravljati, o sudovima ukusa ipak (barem većina nas) raspravljamo. Međutim, na temelju čega? Ako se netko ne slaže s našom prosudbom, sudeći na drugačiji način od nas, tražimo argumente da bismo ga pokušali uvjeriti u suprotno. Ali koji su naši argumenti za to? Ovaj se članak bavi pitanjima o tome na čemu se zasnivaju argumenti koje koristimo da bismo opravdali naše sudove ukusa i koliko su takvi argumenti pouzdani? Od filozofije osamnaestog stoljeća do suvremene filozofije svijesti i uma, cilj je pokazati da sudovi ukusa uključuju samoznanje (posebno emocionalno samoznanje), a na pitanje »kakav je osjećaj«, koje se na prvi pogled čini jednostavno, čini se da nije lako odgovoriti. - Despite the widely known Latin proverb, according to which about tastes it should not be discussed, concerning judgments of taste, we (at least most of us) do dispute. However, based on what? If someone disagrees with our judgment, judging differently than us, we seek arguments to try to convince them otherwise. But by which arguments? The paper dwells on the issues about what underlies the arguments we use to justify our judgments of taste and how reliable these arguments are. From eighteenth-century philosophy to contemporary philosophy of consciousness and mind, the aim here is to show that judgments of taste involve self-knowledge (especially, emotional self-knowledge) and that the question “how does it feel?”, at first glance simple, does not seem to be so easy to answer.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 103-117  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Estetsko iskustvo -- Ukus -- Ljepota -- Emocionalna samospoznaja

Constructive methods in economics [Elektronička građa] / Arto Mutanen.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 54-55. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résume ; Zusammenfassung. - Constructive methods and constructivity have been under extensive discussion in the philosophy of science. In mathematics and experimental sciences, constructive methods have a long tradition. From experimental sciences, constructive methods broadened to empirical sciences, as constructive empiricism demonstrates. For the last few decades, scientists from social sciences have been discussing social constructionism, which is a new direction in this multidimensional tradition of constructive methods. In economics, mathematical methods such as game theory are generally used. The mathematisation of science can be done in the spirit of the pedagogic-scientific mode or technocratic-scientific mode, which both are present in economics. Mathematical and other constructive methods may allow us to find out scientific understanding for particular phenomena. However, there is a real danger that the whole of science becomes technocratic. The question is not about constructions, but the whole aim of science – whether it is pedagogical or not. - Konstruktivne su se metode i konstruktivnost intenzivno razmatrali u filozofiji znanosti. U matematici i eksperimentalnim znanostima imaju dugu tradiciju. Od eksperimentalnih znanosti proširile su se do empirijskih znanosti, kako konstruktivni empirizam i pokazuje. Posljednjih desetljeća znanstvenici iz društvenih znanosti bili su raspravljali socijalni konstruktivizam, što je novi smjer u ovoj višedimenzionalnoj tradiciji konstruktivne metode. U ekonomiji, matematičke metode, poput teorije igre, općenito se koriste. Matematizacija znanosti može se provoditi u duhu pedagoško-znanstvenog ili tehnokratsko-znanstvenog načina rada, a oboje su prisutni u ekonomiji. Matematičke i druge konstruktivne metode mogle bi nam omogućiti iznalaženje znanstvenog razumijevanja za pojedine fenomene. Međutim, postoji stvarna opasnost od pretvaranja čitave znanosti u tehnokratsku. Ne radi se o konstrukcijama, nego o cjelovitom cilju znanosti – je li pedagoški ili nije. - Les méthodes constructives et la constructivité ont fait l’objet de discussions approfondies en philosophie des sciences. En mathématiques et en sciences expérimentales, les méthodes constructives ont une longue tradition. Des sciences expérimentales, les méthodes constructives ont été élargies aux sciences empiriques, comme le démontre l’empirisme constructif. Au cours des dernières décennies, des chercheurs en sciences sociales ont discuté le constructivisme social, ce qui représente une nouvelle direction dans cette tradition multidimensionnelle de méthodes constructives. En économie, les méthodes mathématiques, comme la théorie des jeux sont généralement utilisées. La mathématisation des sciences peut être fait dans l’esprit du mode scientifique-pédagogique ou du mode scientifique-technocratique, qui sont tous deux présents en économie. Des méthodes mathématiques et autres méthodes constructives pourraient nous permettre de découvrir une compréhension scientifique de quelques phénomènes particuliers. Cependant, il existe un danger réel que toute la science devienne technocratique. Il ne s’agit pas de constructions, mais de l’objectif de la science dans son entier – s’il est pédagogique ou non. - Konstruktive Methoden und Konstruktivität wurden in der Philosophie der Wissenschaft ausführlich diskutiert. In der Mathematik und den experimentellen Wissenschaften haben konstruktive Methoden eine lange Tradition. Von den experimentellen Wissenschaften weiteten sich konstruktive Methoden auf empirische Wissenschaften aus, wie es der konstruktive Empirismus zeigt. In den letzten paar Jahrzehnten haben Wissenschaftler aus den Sozialwissenschaften den sozialen Konstruktionismus diskutiert, der eine neue Richtung in dieser mehrdimensionalen Tradition der konstruktiven Methoden darstellt. In der Ökonomie werden im Allgemeinen mathematische Methoden wie die Spieltheorie verwendet. Die Mathematisierung der Wissenschaft kann im Geiste des pädagogisch-wissenschaftlichen Modus oder des technokratisch-wissenschaftlichen Modus durchgeführt werden, die beide in der Ökonomie präsent sind. Mathematische und andere konstruktive Methoden können es uns ermöglichen, wissenschaftliches Verständnis für bestimmte Phänomene herauszufinden. Es besteht allerdings die reale Gefahr, dass die gesamte Wissenschaft technokratisch wird. Es geht nicht um Konstruktionen, sondern um das gesamte Ziel der Wissenschaft – ob es sich um ein pädagogisches Ziel handelt oder nicht.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 1 ; str. 45-57  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Konstruktivna metoda -- Egzaktnost -- Matematizacija -- Pedagoški pristup -- Znanstveni pristup -- Ekonomija

LEKIĆ Barunčić, Kristina
Epistemička nepravda, autizam i pokret neuroraznolikosti [Elektronička građa] / Kristina Lekić Barunčić ; s engleskog preveo Luka Janeš.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Znanje može biti stečeno kroz procese slušanja ili čitanja iskaza ostalih sudionika. U posebnom fokusu ovog rada jest kako, i posebice – kome – se pripisuje pouzdanost pri slušanju ili čitanju iskaza, posebice u smislu društveno-epistemičkih devijacija koje se pojavljuju u obliku epistemičke nepravde. Neurotipske osobe, pojedinci s tipičnim neurološkim stanjima i razvojnim putevima percipiraju, pojedince s poremećajem spektra autizma (ASD) kao odstupanje od neuro-normativnosti, nesposobne na jednakoj osnovi pridonositi skupu epistemičkih resursa i zajedničkih značenja. Potonje se odnosi na stereotipe o nepouzdanosti svjedočenja autističnih osoba o vlastitim iskustvima i uvjetima. S obzirom na to da su atipični socijalni i bihevioralni uvjeti autističnog udjela klinički klasificirani kao poremećaj, postavlja se pitanje možemo li opravdati neuspjeh proširivanja povjerenja na autistične osobe. - Knowledge can be acquired through the processes of listening or reading testimonies of other agents. How and, particular, to whom, one ascribes trustworthiness when listening or reading a testimony is of special interest in this paper, especially in terms of societal-epistemic deviations that appear in the form of epistemic injustice. Neurotypicals, individuals with typical neurological states and developmental pathways, perceive individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as an aberration from neuro-normativity, unable to contribute on an equal basis to the pool of epistemic resources and shared meanings. The latter is related to the stereotypes of the unreliability of autistic persons’ testimonies about their own experiences and conditions. Given that atypical social and behavioural conditions autistics share are clinically classified as a disorder, the question of whether we can justify the failure to extend trust to the autistics arises.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 171-188  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Spektar autističnih poremećaja -- Epistemička nepravda -- Epistemičko nasilje -- Neuroraznolikost

FATIĆ, Aleksandar, filozof
Predodžba i patologija u filozofiji i psihoterapiji [Elektronička građa] / Aleksandar Fatić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U članku se razmatra shvaćanje mentalnog poremećaja kao predodžbe, na tragu epistemičkog naslijeđa Kanta i Schopenhauera, koje predstavlja sastavni dio suvremenog shvaćanja mentalnog zdravlja kao zdravog »narativa« ili životne priče. Nadalje, u radu se razmatra evoluciju razumijevanja bolesti u psihijatriji i postepeni povratak lacanovske psihoanalize i klasične psihijatrije, koje svojim ključnim pojmovima utiru put srastanju klasične psihoterapije i suvremene filozofske prakse u onome što se može nazvati integrativnom psihoterapijom. - The paper discusses the conceptualisation of mental disorder as a representation, rather than an illness, and relates this perspective to the modern understanding of mental health as a healthy »narrative« or life story. The author proceeds to briefly consider the evolution of concepts of illness in psychiatry and a gradual reappearance of Lacanian psychoanalysis and psychiatry. The key concepts of Lacanian psychotherapy pave the way to a growing together of standard psychotherapy and modern philosophical practice within the novel concept of integrative psychotherapy.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 33-47  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Integrativna psihoterapija -- Mentalni poremećaj -- Psihoanaliza -- Filozofska praksa
Lacan, Jacques


POTRČ, Matjaž
Prosudbeno vjerovanje [Elektronička građa] / Matjaž Potrč ; s engleskog preveo Luka Janeš. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Što je vjerovanje? Da bi se odgovorilo na ovo pitanje, pokušat će se rekonstruirati oblikovanje-vjerovanja. Ono otkriva isprepletenost dviju dimenzija, a na gornjem se kraju nalazi istina kao objektivni teleološki cilj oblikovanja-vjerovanja. Ovaj cilj temelji se na gnijezdnoj hijerarhiji uzajamno podržanih podciljeva: objektivnih dokaza, transglobalne pouzdanosti, nečijeg doksastičkog senzibiliteta i nečega što je sve-u ultima facie doksastički privid. Donji kraj hijerarhije subjektivan je i deontičan, dok se u sredini miješaju teleološki i deontički elementi. Vanjski ili opisni sastojci za oblikovanje-vjerovanja postaju disciplinirani kroz ne-instrumentalnu teleologiju i deontologiju. Teleologija-deontologija koja se isprepliće u oblikovanju-vjerovanja otkriva da vjerovanje dijeli nekoliko značajki s valjanim sudom: s fenomenološkom osnovom, predanošću, senzibilitetom i odgovornošću. Ispreplitanje teleologije-deontologije također karakterizira i kvazi-agresivni prikaz intencionalnosti. Vjerovanje, poput onoga koje se pretežno pojavljuje u epistemologiji i etici, osigurava reduciranu verziju pravog suda, tako da je u stanju udovoljiti eksternalističkom i deskriptivističkom programu, uklanjajući teleologiju-deontologiju. Perspektiva prosudbenog vjerovanja oživljava se jednom kada epistemologija vrline i etika vrline dobiju svoju podršku kroz nečiji karakter. - What is a belief? To answer this question, the reconstruction of belief-formation is attempted. It reveals the intertwining of two dimensions. At the upper end, there is the truth as the objective teleological goal of belief-formation. This goal is based upon a nested hierarchy of mutually supported sub-goals: objective evidence, transglobal reliability, one’s doxastic sensibility, and one’s all-in ultima facie doxastic seeming. The lower end of the hierarchy is subjective and deontic, whereas, in the middle, teleological and deontic elements intermingle. Belief-formation external or descriptive ingredients get disciplined through non-instrumental teleology and deontics. Teleology-deontics intertwining in belief-formation reveals that a belief shares several characteristics with genuine judgment: phenomenological basis, commitment, sensibility and responsibility. Teleology-deontics intertwining also characterises quasi-agentive account of intentionality. Belief, such as it is predominantly forthcoming in epistemology and ethics, provides a reduced version of the genuine judgment, so that it can comply with externalist and descriptivist agenda, doing away with teleology-deontics intertwining. Judgmental belief perspective is revived once as virtue epistemology, and virtue ethics obtain their support through one’s character.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 189-199  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vjerovanje -- Izvorni sud -- Teleologija -- Deskriptivizam -- Deontička logika

KOŽIĆ, Štefanija
Psihoanaliza [Elektronička građa] : volja za promjenom / Štefanija Kožić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu se ispituje i razmatra psihoanaliza u kontekstu njemačkog idealizma i znanosti te pozicije slobodne volje i determinizma. Govori se o daljnjim konzekvencama psihoanalize u odnosu na determinizam koji je njen sastavni dio i o njenom položaju u odnosu na filozofiju. Također, propituju se načini i mogućnosti promjene subjekta, odnosno postavke o tome kako se subjekt, prema psihoanalizi, ne želi promijeniti, već održati stanje prethodne ugode. Cilj je terapije usmjeravanje subjekta na njegovo nesvjesno, čime se dolazi do auto-refleksije. Znanje koje subjekt dobiva refleksijom uvijek je u fazi rekonstruiranja te se nikad ne može privesti kraju i dovesti do apsolutnog znanja. Znanje i cjelokupna osobnost u konstantnoj su mijeni koja se odvija unutar subjekta, ali dijalektički – u odnosu na vanjski svijet. Iz pozicije klasičnog njemačkog idealizma razmatra se moment volje kao moguće početne točke slobode u promjeni subjekta, a koju psihoanaliza ne uzima u obzir. - The paper examines psychoanalysis in the context of German idealism and science, the position of free will and determinism. It deals with further consequences of psychoanalysis concerning determinism as its component, and its position regarding philosophy. The ways and possibilities of the change of subject are discussed, i.e. how the subject, according to psychoanalysis, does not want to change but maintains the state of previous pleasure. The goal of therapy is to direct a subject to their unconscious, which leads to self-reflection. This knowledge, which the subject receives by reflection, is always in the phase of reconstruction and can never come to an end and lead to absolute knowledge. Knowledge and the whole personality are in a constant change within the subject, but also dialectically related to the outside world. From the position of classical German idealism, the moment of will is considered as a possible starting point of freedom in the change of subject, thus for not taken into account by the psychoanalysis.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 57-68  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Psihoanaliza -- Znanje -- Volja -- Terapija -- Nesvjesno -- Determinizam

Tumačenje sebstva [Elektronička građa] : Paul Ricœur / Tanja Todorović.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Pitanje sebstva staro je koliko i čovjek, međutim, tek u suvremenosti, na temelju filozofije života, filozofije egzistencije i fenomenologije pokušava se pronaći adekvatna metoda za približavanje sebstvu. Kroz ovaj se rad pokazuju prednosti i mane Husserlove fenomenologije. Okret k istraživanju struktura subjektivnosti i inter-subjektivnosti predstavlja važnu ulogu u tumačenju sebstva. Ipak, pokazuje se da je Husserlovu metodu neophodno okrenuti od čiste do оkrnjene subjektivnosti u kojoj se raskriva anticipatorska uloga svijesti. Ova uloga važna je s obzirom na to da je za sebstvo presudno ne samo kako netko razumije sebe nego i kako stupa u akciju s-drugima. Akcije sebstva nikada nije moguće razumjeti iz pozicije čiste subjektivnosti jer je pitanje motiva pitanje osobnosti kao uvijek konkretnog povijesnog subjekta. Za razumijevanje sebstva presudno je pitanje kako ono razumije sebe u lancu intersubjektivnih odnosa. Na temelju ove razlike obrazlaže se razlika između »idealnog« i grešnog čovjeka, koju je već Nietzsche najavio. Iz tog razloga, metoda kojom se sebstvu pristupa mora biti hermeneutička. Ono sebe ne može utemeljiti u deskripciji, u mimetičkom podržavanju realnosti, a niti u pokušajima da se sebstvo odredi formalnim principima. Naš odnos prema drugima i prema nama samima uvijek iznova treba konstituirati ne samo zbog toga što iskustva diktiraju nove obrasce življenja nego i zato što sebstvo ima mogućnost promjene načina interpretiranja situacija i time sebe-autentičnog određivanja u svijetu. - The question of selfhood is a very old question; however, only in contemporary philosophy on the foundations of the philosophy of life, philosophy of existence and phenomenology, it is possible to find an adequate method that could enable us to approach the understanding of selfhood. To accomplish this task, the advantages and disadvantages of Husserl's phenomenology must be demonstrated. Here, the research of the structures of subjectivity and inter-subjectivity performs an important role in the interpretation of selfhood. Nevertheless, it has been shown that it is necessary to reverse Husserl’s method from pure subjectivity to fragmented subjectivity in which the anticipatory role of consciousness is being re-discovered. This is important for the interpretation of selfhood not just in a theoretical way, but also in showing that selfhood could be understood only in relation to others. Actions of the self can never be understood from the position of pure subjectivity because the question of motives is a question of personality that is always a concrete historical subject. The crucial point in understanding the selfhood is showing the way in which it understands itself in the chain of intersubjective relations. From this point, it is possible to distinguish “ideal” from sinful man, the difference which has been emphasized in Nietzsche's philosophy. The only method by which we can approach the question of selfhood is the hermeneutical method. It can’t be understood by description or in the attempts to deduce it on formalism and norms. Our relationship towards others and towards ourselves should be again and again re-constructed, not only because the experience itself dictates new patterns of life, but also because only the selfhood has the ability to change the way in which the situation is interpreted and thereby it can authentically determine itself in the world.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 17-31  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Subjektivnost -- Sebstvo -- Vrijednosti -- Život
Ricœur, Paul


17   Moralna filozofija. Etika. Praktična filozofija

KLUN, Branko
Andersheit und Verstehen [Elektronička građa] : eine hermeneutische Annäherung an Levinas / Branko Klun.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Zusammenfassung ; Sažetak ; Résume ; Abstract. - Levinas’ Ethik setzt eine radikale Andersheit voraus, die aus (onto)logischer Sicht undenkbar und unmöglich ist. Die jenseits des Verstehens situierte Andersheit des Anderen duldet keine hermeneutische Vermittlung. Dieser Beitrag versucht hingegen zu zeigen, dass Levinas’ methodologischer Ansatz, der sich auf eine „Phänomenologie“ des Antlitzes stützt, nicht auf eine hermeneutische Reflexion verzichten kann. Wenn die Hermeneutik und die mit ihr verbundene Ontologie im Unterschied zu Levinas als radikal offen aufgefasst werden, verlieren sie ihren einengenden und gewaltsamen Charakter. Dies führt zur Frage, ob nicht eine Vermittlung zwischen Levinas’ Ethik der Alterität und einer (ontologischen) Hermeneutik, die dieser Ethik entsprechen will, möglich ist. Diese Vermittlung zielt nicht auf eine neue Totalität, die das Grundanliegen von Levinas verraten würde, sondern auf ein tieferes Bewusstwerden der Andersheit und ihrer Konsequenzen für die Ethik. - Levinasova etika pretpostavlja radikalnu drugotnost kakva je iz (onto)logičkog gledišta nemisliva i nemoguća. Drugotnost drugog smještena je onkraj razumijevanja i ne izdržava hermeneutičku medijaciju. Oprečno tome, ovaj rad pokušava pokazati da Levinasov metodologijski pristup, a koji se oslanja na »fenomenologiju« lica, ne može biti bez hermeneutičke refleksije. Ako su hermeneutika i ontologija (koja se na hermeneutiku nadovezuje) domislive radikalnom otvorenošću, više ne sadrže opresivnu i nasilno osobnost koju im Levinas pripisuje. Vodi nas to do pitanja o tome postoji li mogućnost medijacije između Levinasove etike drugotnosti i (ontologijske) hermeneutike koja bi takvoj etici odgovarala. Takva medijacija ne bi ciljala na razvijanje nove potpunosti koja bi izdala glavnu Levinasovu brigu, već bi zamislila dublju svjesnost o drugotnosti i njenim posljedicama za etiku. - L’éthique de Levinas présuppose l’altérité radicale, une qui est impensable et impossible du point de vue (onto)logique. L’altérité de l’autre est située au-delà de la compréhension et ne tolère aucune médiation herméneutique. Par contre, cet article vise à montrer que l’approche méthodologique de Levinas, qui repose sur une « phénoménologie » du visage ne peut se passer d’une réflexion herméneutique. Si l’herméneutique et l’ontologie (qui lui est liée) sont conçues de manière radicalement ouverte, elles ne possèdent plus le caractère oppressif et violent que leur attribue Levinas. Ceci nous amène à la question de savoir s’il existe une possibilité de médiation entre l’éthique de l’altérité de Levinas et une herméneutique (ontologique) qui pourrait correspondre à son éthique. Une telle médiation ne viserait pas à concevoir une nouvelle totalité qui trahirait les préoccupations principales de Levinas, mais envisagerait plutôt une prise de conscience plus profonde de l’altérité et de ses conséquences pour l’éthique. - Levinas’ ethics presupposes radical alterity, which is unthinkable and impossible from the (onto)logical point of view. The alterity of the other is situated beyond understanding and does not tolerate any hermeneutic mediation. This paper, in contrast, tries to show that Levinas’ methodological approach, which relies on a “phenomenology” of the face, cannot do without a hermeneutical reflection. If hermeneutics and ontology (which is related to it) are conceived of in a radically open manner, they no longer possess the oppressive and violent character which Levinas ascribes to them. This leads to the question of whether there exists a possibility for mediation between Levinas’ ethics of alterity and (an ontological) hermeneutics which could correspond to his ethics. Such a mediation would not aim at devising a new totality which would betray the main concerns of Levinas, but rather envisages a deeper awareness of alterity and its consequences for ethics.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 1 ; str. 141-156  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drugotnost -- Razumijevanje -- Hermeneutika -- Etika
Levinas, Emmanuel


ČOVIĆ, Ante, filozof
Besmisao "primijenjene etike" [Elektronička građa] : od etičkog vakuuma do etičkog apsurda / Ante Čović.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Aktualni proces fragmentiranja etike na brojne posebne etike autor u polazištu članka ocjenjuje kao proces destruiranja etike kao filozofske discipline. To dovodi u vezu s povijesnim neuspjehom etike koja zbog kategorijalnih ograničenja nije bila u stanju odgovoriti na izazove uznapredovale znanstveno-tehničke civilizacije, uslijed čega je nastao »etički vakuum« (H. Jonas). U reakciji na etički vakuum nastale su brojne etičke inicijative koje autor, prema učincima na rehabilitaciju uloge tradicionalne etike i na stvaranje novog orijentacijskog okvira, razvrstava na destruktivnu i produktivnu liniju. Na produktivnoj crti prevladavanja etičkog vakuuma nastala je bioetika koja je, zajedno s drugim etičkim projektima, stvorila novo orijentacijsko ozračje koje autor naziva »novom etičkom kulturom«. Na destruktivnoj liniji, uz inflaciju posebnih etika, pojavio se i poseban oblik destrukcije u vidu implantiranja »primijenjene etike«, koju autor označava kao besmislen pojam, u tkivo tradicionalne etike. Potom autor izlaže tri glavna problema primijenjene etike. Prvi je glavni problem supstancijalne naravi i sastoji se u tome što ona nema i u načelu ne može imati neupitne norme kao objekt primjene. Drugi je glavni problem metodološke naravi i sastoji se u neprimjerenosti i neprihvaćenosti deduktivizma kao modela primjenjivanja etičkih normi na praksu. Treći je glavni problem uporabne naravi i sastoji se u razvijanju mita o praktičnosti primijenjene etike. Autor izvodi zaključak da primijenjena etika nije ni etički koncept ni etički projekt nego marketinški 'brend' koji se na etičkom planu ispostavlja kao besmisao. U poanti članka autor tvrdi da je primijenjena etika postala institucijom etičkog apsurda u onom trenutku kada je kao isprazna marketinška etiketa preuzela prazno mjesto objekta primjene i ulogu opće etike za nepovezani i nedefinirani konglomerat posebnih etika koje su pretvorene u njene grane. - The author considers the current process of fragmenting ethics into numerous special ethics at the starting point of the article as a process of destroying ethics as a philosophical discipline. He relates this to the historical failure of ethics which due to categorical limitations could not address the challenges of the advanced scientific-technical civilisation, resulting in an “ethical vacuum” (H. Jonas). In response to the ethical vacuum, a number of ethical initiatives have emerged which the author, according to the effects on the rehabilitation of the role of traditional ethics and on the creation of a new orientation framework, classifies on a destructive and productive line. On the productive line of overcoming the ethical vacuum, bioethics has emerged which, along with other ethical projects, has created a new orientation atmosphere that the author calls “a new ethical culture”. On the destructive line, along with the inflation of special ethics, a special form of destruction has emerged in terms of implanting “applied ethics”, which the author refers to as a nonsensical concept, into the fabric of traditional ethics. Then the author presents three main problems of applied ethics. The first is of a substantive nature and consists in the fact that applied ethics does not have and in principle cannot have unquestionable norms as an object of application. The second main problem is of a methodological nature and consists in the inappropriateness and non-acceptance of deductivism as a model of applying ethical norms to practice. The third main problem is of a practical nature and consists in developing the myth of the practicality of applied ethics. The author concludes that applied ethics is neither an ethical concept nor an ethical project but a market brand which on the ethical plane turns out to be nonsense.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 247-264  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Etika -- Bioetika -- Etički vakuum -- Primijenjena etika -- Etički apsurd

Ethics as usual? [Elektronička građa] : Gender differences in work ethic and grades / Arna Kristín Harðardóttir, Sigurður Guðjónsson, Inga Minelgaite, Kári Kristinsson. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 51 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This research focuses on female work ethics in Iceland, one of the most gender equal countries in the world. The Multidimensional Work Ethic Profile (MWEP) was used for measuring the work ethic of 238 students of both genders. Based on a convenience sample obtained from the School of Business, University of Iceland we tested two hypotheses. The first concerned whether women have a higher work ethic than men; the second whether female students have higher grades than their male counterparts. We found women to have both a higher work ethic and grades than men. Overall outcomes based on the MWEP revealed statistically significant differences between the averages of women and men, with the mean for women higher by 7.07 points. In addition, women’s average university grades were found to be statistically higher than those of men by a margin of 0.36 points. These results provide interesting insights into the potential contribution of women and men to the workplace, suggesting that women, on average, will be more productive and deliver superior performance. Furthermore, work-based research and evaluations are necessary to test this inference, including the research across different sectors of the Icelandic economy. - Ovaj se rad bavi radnom etikom žena na Islandu, jednoj od država s najvišom razinom spolne ravnopravnosti na svijetu. U radu se koristi multidimenzionalni profil radne etike za mjerenje radne etike 238 studenata obaju spolova. Na temelju prigodnog uzorka studenata poslovne škole Sveučilišta u Islandu, testirane su dvije hipoteze. Prva se odnosila na veći stupanj radne etike, a druga na veću razinu ocjena žena u odnosu na muškarce. Obje su hipoteze potvrđene, s obzirom da je, korištenjem multidimenzionalnog profila radne etike, dobivena statistički značajna razlika između prosjeka žena i muškaraca, pri čemu je prosjek žena bio veći za 7.07 bodova. Nadalje, prosječne ocjene studija žena su bile statistički značajno veće od ocjena muškaraca za iznos 0.36 jedinica ocjene. Dobiveni rezultati nude zanimljiv uvid u potencijalni radni doprinos žena i muškaraca, pri čemu se pokazuje da bi žene, u prosjeku, mogle biti produktivnije. Nadalje je potrebno istraživanje utemeljeno na praksi, kako bi se testirala postavljena tvrdnja, uključujući i istraživanja kroz različite sektore islandskog gospodarstva.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), 2 ; str. 11-21  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poslovna etika -- Spolne razlike

Ethisierung im Licht der Dichotomie von Recht und Moral [Elektronička građa] / Pavo Barišić, Ante Čović.
Tagung "Lošinjer Tage der Bioethik", Mali Lošinj, 21. Mai 2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Zusammenfassung ; Sažetak ; Abstract. Résumé. - Dieser Aufsatz versucht, die Tendenzen der zeitgenössischen Ethisierung in verschiedenen Bereichen des Lebens, von der Wirtschaft und Technik bis hin zur Wissenschaft und Politik, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rechtsdomäne, zu beleuchten. Die Schlüsselfrage lautet: Wie verhält sich die heutige massiv angewachsene Ethisierung der Lebenswelt zum Grundsatz der Trennung von Legalität und Moralität sowie zum rechtsstaatlichen Postulat des Rechts als des Minimums der Moral in der Gesellschaft? Als Rahmen für die Untersuchung dient die Aufteilung des Naturrechts in honestum, decorum und iustum bei Thomasius, ferner Kants Dichotomie der metaphysischen Anfangsgründe der Rechts- und Tugendlehre in der Metaphysik der Sitten, wo als Höhepunkt die aufklärerische Forderung nach einer strengen Scheidung der Sphäre der Legalität von der Moralität untermauert wurde. Es wird die Frage erörtert, ob zeitgenössische Ethisierungstendenzen das aufklärerische Erbe der Verteidigung der Menschenrechte untergraben. Ausgehend von diesem dichotomischen Modell wird erörtert, welche Auswirkungen die jüngere Ausweitung der Ethik im Berufsleben, in Medizin, Wissenschaft, Geschäftsbeziehungen sowie sonstige Formen der Ethik, ferner die massiven Gründungen von Ethikkommissionen, die politische Korrektheit und die öffentliche Meinungsbildung auf den Rahmen der menschlichen Grundfreiheiten haben. Zur Veranschaulichung werden zwei Fallbeispiele aus Kroatien angeführt: die normativen Mängel eines Ethikkodexes und der Missbrauch eines ethischen Gremiums zu politischen Zwecken. Abschließend wird festgestellt, dass die zeitgenössische Ethisierung gute Früchte tragen kann, sofern sie die Rechtsfragen und den Rechtsschutz fördert. Aber sie darf dabei nicht die Grenzen überschreiten und den Rechtsstaat untergraben. Die Trennung von Moral und Recht ist ein wichtiges Erbe des demokratischen Rechtsstaates. - Članak nastoji rasvijetliti tendencije suvremene etizacije u različitim područjima života, od gospodarstva i tehnike do znanosti i politike, s posebnim naglaskom na pravnu domenu. Ključno je pitanje: kako se danas masovno nabujala etizacija svijeta života odnosi prema načelu odvajanja prava i morala te prema vladavini prava kao minimuma morala u društvu? Teoretsko je polazište za ovo razmatranje Thomasiusova podjela naravnoga prava na honestum, decorum i iustum te Kantova dihotomija metafizičkih temelja nauka o pravu i kreposti u Metafizici ćudoređa. Taj je okvir upravo vrhunac prosvjetiteljskih nastojanja za strogim odvajanjem sfere zakonitosti i moralnosti. Postavlja se u tom sklopu pitanje, potkopavaju li suvremene etičke tendencije prosvjetiteljsko naslijeđe zaštite ljudskih prava. Na temelju takva dihotomna modela dalje se raščlanjuje utjecaj nedavne ekspanzije profesionalnih, medicinskih, znanstvenih, poslovnih i drugih oblika etike, masovno uspostavljanje etičkih povjerenstava, politička korektnost i djelovanje javnoga mnijenja na okvir ljudskih temeljnih sloboda. Za ilustraciju prikazana su dva ogledna primjera iz Hrvatske – normativni nedostaci etičkoga kodeksa i zloporaba etičkoga tijela u političke svrhe. U zaključku se obrazlaže kako suvremena etizacija može donijeti dobre plodove promicanjem ćudorednih pitanja i pravne zaštite. Međutim, ona ne smije prekoračivati granice i potkopavati vladavinu prava. Razdvajanje morala i prava znatna je baština demokratske ustavne države. Neobuzdana i preobilna etizacija raznih sfera, međutim, može biti pogubna za dobro uređenje i blagostanje u suvremenom, sve više pluralističkom i multikulturnom društvu. - This paper seeks to shed light on the trends of contemporary ethicisation in various areas of life, from business and technology to science and politics, with special emphasis on the legal domain. The key question is: how does nowadays immensely enlarged ethicisation of the lifeworld relate to the principle of separating legality from morality and the rule of law as the minimum of moral in the society? Theoretical framework for this analysis is Thomasius’ division of natural law into honestum, decorum and iustum, as well as Kant’s dichotomy of the metaphysical foundations of the doctrine of law and virtue in the Metaphysics of Morals. This framework represents the pinnacle of the demand of the Enlightenment era for a separation of the spheres of legality and morality. The question is raised as to whether contemporary ethical tendencies undermine the legacy of the Enlightenment regarding the protection of the human rights. Based on this dichotomous model, the impact of the recent expansion of professional, medical, scientific, business and other forms of ethics, the massive establishment of ethics committees, political correctness, and the mediation of public opinion on the framework of human fundamental freedoms is further elaborated. By way of illustration, two exemplary case studies from Croatia are presented—the normative flaws of a code of ethics and the misuse of an ethical body for political purposes. The conclusion elaborates how contemporary ethicisation can produce good results by promoting legal issues and legal protection. However, it should not exceed the limits and undermine the rule of law. The separation of morality and law is an important legacy of the democratic constitutional state. The unbridled and extensive ethicisation of various spheres, though, can be devastating to good order and well-being in the contemporary increasingly pluralistic and multicultural society. - Cet article vise à faire la lumière sur les tendances de l’éthisation contemporaine dans divers domaines de la vie : des affaires et technologie à la science et politique, en mettant un accent particulier sur le domaine juridique. La question clé est la suivante : quel est le rapport entre l’éthisation contemporaine du monde de la vie, massivement accrue, avec le principe de la séparation entre le droit et la morale et la primauté du droit en tant que minimum de morale ? La présupposition de départ pour cette réflexion est la division par Thomasius de la loi naturelle en honestum, decorum et iustum, ainsi que la dichotomie par Kant des fondements métaphysiques de la doctrine du droit et de la vertu dans la Métaphysique des Mœurs, ledit cadre représentant le comble de l’exigence des Lumières pour une séparation stricte entre les sphères de la légalité et de la moralité. La question se pose de savoir si les tendances éthiques contemporaines nuisent l’héritage des Lumières de la protection des droits de l’homme. Sur la base de ce modèle dichotomique, une analyse plus profonde est fournie ayant pour but de démontrer l’impact de l’expansion récente des formes de l’éthique professionnelle, médicale, scientifique, des affaires et autres, de la mise en place massive des comités d’éthique, de la rectitude politique et de la médiation de l’opinion publique. A titre d’illustration, deux études sur des cas exemplaires en Croatie sont ici traitées: les faiblesses normatives d’un code d’éthique et l’abus d’un organe éthique à des fins politiques. En conclusion, il est montré que l’éthisation contemporaine peut porter ses fruits en promouvant les questions morales et la protection juridique. Cependant, elle ne doit pas dépasser les limites de le régime du droit et le nuire.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 1 ; str. 87-103  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Etizacija -- Pravo -- Moral -- Etički kodeks -- Vrijednosni pluralizam -- Demokracija -- Vladavina prava

Prigovor savjesti i pravnička profesija [Elektronička građa] : kritički ogled o pravnoj (ne)kulturi / Josip Berdica, Tomislav Nedić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Rad je posvećen kritičkom propitkivanju odnosa između legitimno nametnutih pravnih obveza i prava na odbijanje takvih obveza na temelju prava na slobodu savjesti, odnosno prigovora savjesti. Kritička perspektiva kroz koju provodimo ovo propitkivanje jest pravnička profesija iz razloga što, osobito u okvirima istraživanja hrvatske pravne kulture, nema jasno artikuliranog odgovora na pitanje kako pomiriti ove dvije obveze unutar pravne profesije. U radu smo se na teorijskoj razini služili razumijevanjem prigovora savjesti kod Johna Rawlsa jer se radi o sustavnoj analizi pravednosti koja će subjektivno razumijevanje dobra (savjest) podređivati načelu ispravnoga (legitimno nametnutoj obvezi). Na praktičnoj smo razini najviše usredotočeni na osnove priznavanja prigovora savjesti među odvjetnicima kao i na preprekama u ostvarenju tog prava. - The paper deals with the critical questioning of the relation between legitimate imposed legal obligations and the rights to refuse these obligations based on the right of the freedom of conscience, i.e. conscientious objection. The critical perspective that is applied to conduct the questioning is a legal profession because, in Croatian legal culture, there is no articulated answer to the question of how to reconcile these two obligations within the legal profession. The paper draws on the comprehension of John Rawls’s theory of conscientious objection since it is a systematic analysis of justice that shall submit subjective understanding of the good (conscience) to the principle of right (legitimate imposed obligation). In practice, the focus is on the grounds for acknowledging conscientious objection among lawyers as well on the obstacles to exercising this right.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 225-245  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pravna profesija -- Odvjetnici -- Prigovor savjesti -- Pravna kultura
Rawls, John


WANG, Xinghua
Rousseauian heritage of Rawls’s moral psychology [Elektronička građa] / Xinghua Wang.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résume ; Zusammenfassung. - Some authors have noticed Rousseau's influence on Rawls's original position argument for justice as fairness, but few have argued for Rousseau’s influence on his moral psychology, which constitutes the first part of his stability argument. I will argue that Rawls’s account of moral development parallels, and is grounded in, Rousseau’s thoughts on amour-propre. In particular, I argue that (1) Rawls’s thesis that the sense of justice is derived from love and friendship is an illustration of Rousseau’s thesis that moral sentiments are derived from natural sentiments, that (2) Rawls’s explanation for how we acquire the reciprocity of disposition is grounded in Rousseau’s explanation of how amour-propre can be extended into the sense of justice, and that (3) Rawls’s thoughts on the principle of sympathy parallel Rousseau’s thoughts on compassion. - Rousseauov utjecaj na Rawlsov izvoran argument za pravdu kao poštenje neki su autori primijetili, ali malo je njih raspravljalo o Rousseauovu utjecaju na Rawlsovu psihologiju morala koja sačinjava prvi dio njegova argumenta o stabilnosti. Argumentirat ću da Rawlsov iskaz o moralnom razvoju podudara i zasniva se na Rousseauovu konceptu amour propre. Napose tvrdim da je (1) Rawlsova teza da osjećaj za pravdu proizlazi iz ljubavi i prijateljstva prikaz Rousseauove teze da moralni sentimenti proizlaze iz prirodnih sentimenata, da se (2) Rawlsovo objašnjenje o tome kako zadobivamo reciprocitet dispozicija zasniva na Rousseauovu objašnjenju kako amour-propre može biti produžen u smisao pravde, te da (3) Rawlsova misao o principu simpatije odgovara Rousseauovim mislima o suosjećajnosti. - Certains auteurs ont remarqué l’influence de Rousseau sur l’argument de la position originelle de Rawls en faveur de la justice comme équité, mais peu ont argumenté en faveur de l’influence de Rousseau sur sa psychologie morale, qui constitue la première partie de son argument de la stabilité. Je soutiendrai que le compte-rendu de Rawls sur le développement moral est un parallèle et il se fonde sur les réflexions de Rousseau sur l’amour-propre. En particulier, je soutiens que (1) la thèse de Rawls selon laquelle le sens de la justice procède de l’amour et de l’amitié est une illustration de la thèse de Rousseau selon laquelle les sentiments moraux procèdent de sentiments naturels, que (2) l’explication de Rawls sur la manière d’acquérir la réciprocité des dispositions est fondée sur l’explication de Rousseau sur la manière dont l’amour-propre peut être étendu au sens de la justice et que (3) les réflexions de Rawls sur le principe de sympathie correspondent aux pensées de Rousseau sur la compassion. - Rousseaus Einflussnahme auf Rawls’ ursprüngliches Argument für Gerechtigkeit als Fairness wurde zwar von einigen Autoren bemerkt, jedoch nur wenige haben sich für Rousseaus Einfluss auf Rawls’ Moralpsychologie ausgesprochen, die den ersten Teil seines Stabilitätsarguments ausmacht. Ich werde substanziieren, dass Rawls’ Bericht über die moralische Entwicklung mit Rousseaus Gedanken über die amour-propre übereinstimmt und darauf aufbaut. Insbesondere argumentiere ich, dass (1) Rawls’ These, der Sinn für Gerechtigkeit rühre von Liebe und Freundschaft her, eine Illustration von Rousseaus These ist, dass moralische Empfindungen auf natürlichen Empfindungen beruhen, dass (2) Rawls’ Auslegung, wie wir die Reziprozität der Disposition erlangen, auf Rousseaus Erklärung basiert, wie amour-propre auf den Gerechtigkeitssinn ausgedehnt werden kann und dass (3) Rawls’ Gedanken zum Prinzip der Sympathie mit Rousseaus Gedanken zum Mitgefühl korrespondieren.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 1 ; str. 207-220  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Moral -- Psihologija morala -- Pravda
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques -- Rawls, John


WANG, Hongjian
Tradition, [phrόnēsis] und praktische Philosophie [Elektronička građa] : über Gadamers kritische Aneignung von Heidegger / Hongjian Wang.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Grčka riječ u naslovu. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Zusammenfassung ; Sažetak ; Abstract ; Résume. - Im Unterschied zēum starken ontologischen Interesse Heideggers entwickelt Gadamer die Konzeption der Hermeneutik als praktischer Philosophie. Mit Heidegger schenkt Gadamer dem Begriff φρόνησις bei Aristoteles und dessen Unterschied zu τέχνη große Beachtung, gleichwohl entfernt er sich insofern von seinem Lehrer, als die Momente von σύνεσις und ἦθος, die von Heidegger vernachlässigt werden, wieder einmal freigelegt und betont werden. Darin ist die Vorantreibung der Methodologie charakteristisch, durch die der formale Ansatz bei Heidegger zum geschichtlichen Ansatz transformiert wird. Damit kann Gadamer einen anderen Weg der praktischen Philosophie als Heidegger gehen, wodurch jedoch gerade der von Heidegger beanspruchte vortheoretische Charakter der Philosophie garantiert wird. Auf diese Weise kommt Gadamers kritische Aneignung von Heidegger zustande, die aber eben die Bedeutung des ontologischen Ansatzes Heideggers in unserem Zeitalter bekundet. - U razlici spram Heideggerova snažnog ontološkog interesa, Gadamer razvija koncepciju hermeneutike kao praktičke filozofije. Na Heideggerovu tragu, Gadamer poklanja veliku pažnju pojmu φρόνησις kod Aristotela i njegovoj razlici spram τέχνη, ali se ipak udaljava od svoga učitelja utoliko što momente σύνεσις i ἦθος, koje je Heidegger zanemario, iznosi na vidjelo i naglašava. U tome je karakteristično razvijanje metodologije kojom se Heideggerov formalni pristup transformira u povijesni pristup. Zahvaljujući tome, Gadamer može poći drugačijim putem praktičke filozofije negoli Heidegger, čime se ipak jamči predteorijski karakter filozofije, koji je zahtijevao Heidegger. Na taj se način ostvaruje Gadamerovo kritičko usvajanje Heideggera, koje ipak očituje značenje Heideggerova ontološkog pristupa u našemu vremenu. - In contrast to Heidegger's strong ontological interest, Gadamer conceptualises hermeneutics as practical philosophy. Following Heidegger, Gadamer pays much attention to Aristotle's notion of φρόνησις and its difference from τέχνη. Nonetheless, Gadamer distances himself from his teacher in the sense that it emphasises σύνεσις and ἦθος, which Heidegger did not do. Here lies the characteristical development of a methodology which transforms Heidegger's formal approach into a historical. Thanks to that, Gadamer can go down a path of practical philosophy different from that of Heidegger, which ensures the pre-theoretical character of philosophy, something that Heidegger demanded. Gadamer's critical inclusion of Heidegger becomes fulfilled, and it reflects the meaning of Heidegger's ontological approach in our time. - Contrairement au fort intérêt ontologique de Heidegger, Gadamer développe la conception de l’herméneutique en tant que philosophie pratique. D’après Heidegger, Gadamer accorde une grande attention à la notion φρόνησις chez Aristote et à sa différence avec τέχνη, mais en même temps il se démarque de son professeur dans la mesure où les instances de σύνεσις et ἦθος, négligés par Heidegger, sont à nouveau exposés et soulignés. Cela caractérise l’avancement méthodologique qui transforme l’approche formelle de Heidegger en une approche historique. Ainsi, Gadamer peut prendre un autre chemin de la philosophie pratique que celui de Heidegger, par lequel toutefois reste garanti le caractère pré-théorique de la philosophie de Heidegger. De cette manière, l’appropriation critique de Heidegger par Gadamer est apparue, tout en exprimant l’importance de l’approche ontologique de Heidegger à notre époque.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 1 ; str. 191-206  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tradicija -- Sebstvo -- Praktična filozofija -- Mudrost
Heidegger, Martin -- Gadamer, Hans-Georg


Vidi br.: HA19-01796

Vidi br.: HA19-01504


21/29   Religijski sustavi. Religije i vjere

DUNDOVIĆ, Zdenko, svećenik
Bratovština kovača u Zadru i njezina matrikula iz 15. stoljeća [Elektronička građa] / Zdenko Dundović. - Ilustr.
Prilog na tal. jeziku na str. 249-256. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 257-259. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Matrikula Bratovštine kovača u Zadru pohranjena je u Znanstvenoj knjižnici u Zadru. Na temelju teksta matrikule razmotrit će se osnovne regule Bratovštine kovača u Zadru, prikazati njezino djelovanje i imena članova koji su spomenuti u matrikuli Bratovštine. Istražena dokumentacija usporedit će se s dosad objavljenom literaturom o Bratovštini kovača i nadopunit će se nedovršeni prikaz matrikule Vitaliana Brunellija iz 19. stoljeća. Cilj je rada ukazati na činjenicu da je Bratovština kovača u Zadru ustanovljena prije 1490. godine, kako je to pogrešno ustvrdio Brunelli, te otvoriti raspravu o njezinoj mogućoj poveznici s bratovštinom zadarskih zlatara. - The register of Zadar’s Fraternity of Blacksmiths is preserved at the Scientific Library in Zadar. Based on the text of the register, the author has examined the basic regulations of the Fraternity of Blacksmiths in order to reconstruct its activities and the names of its members. The investigated documentation has been compared with the previously published scholarly literature on the Fraternity of Blacksmiths and the incomplete 19th-century presentation of the register by Vitaliano Brunelli has been complemented. The aim of the paper is to indicate that the Fraternity of Blacksmiths in Zadar was established before 1490, contrary to what Brunelli erroneously stated, and to raise questions about its possible links to the Fraternity of Goldsmiths in Zadar.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 38 (2019), 56 ; str. 229-260  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Matrikule -- Bratovštine
Brunelli, Vitaliano
Bratovština kovača


PALUMBO, Antonella
The Compostellan devotion and the Michaelic one along the sheep tracks [Elektronička građa] : the Castel di Sangro - Lucera case in southern Italy / Antonella Palumbo.
Bibliografija: str. 94-98. - Abstract. - The following paper wants to explain in a generic way the importance of two sacred and charismatic medieval characters such as Saint James the Greater from Santiago de Compostela in Spain and Saint Michael Archangel from Monte Sant’Angelo in the South of Italy, through their main icons, the devotions, the anthropological approaches and the history of the pilgrimages that have called so many people in their own cities. Santiago de Compostela and Monte Sant’Angelo were two of the most important places in the Middle Age. The representation of the saints and their actions, which are described in ancient literary texts, explains the origin of the cults and the following development of the pilgrimages both through the main routes and through the alternative routes known as “tratturi” or sheep tracks. Especially for the Castel di Sangro – Lucera sheep track there are traces referred to the saints not only in the villages touched by the grassy track, but also on the path itself. There are aspects that are expressed better than others and they are essential for the important “Civilization of Pilgrimages” as the icons and the architectural structures: they can be defined as functional artistic ways to communicate to all people not only in the past. So, historical and artistic studies, but also anthropological and literature fields of study are the relevant methodological approach to better figure out the history of the compostellan and michaelic pilgrimages.
U: Studia Polensia (Online). - ISSN 2459-6256. - 8 (2019), 1 ; str. 81-98  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hodočašće -- Hodočasnički putovi
Sveti Jakov -- Sveti Mihael


GVERIĆ, Ante, arhivist
Dalmatinski episkopat i Prvi svjetski rat [Elektronička građa] / Ante Gverić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 502-505. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Na temelju arhivskih izvora i onodobnoga tiska u radu se prikazuje djelovanje dalmatinskih biskupa u vrijeme Prvoga svjetskog rata pod vidikom njihova odnosa prema Habsburškoj Monarhiji i njezinu ratnom angažmanu. Prikazuje se humanitarni i karitativni doprinos Crkve u Dalmaciji društvu zahvaćenom ratnim nedaćama, kao i njezina uloga potpore Monarhiji i caru iskazana u raznim vjerskim obredima čiji je cilj – osim vjerskih nakana – bilo podizanje ratnoga morala te beskompromisno iskazivanje lojalnosti vlastima. U kontekstu političkih gibanja posljednje dvije godine rata (od Svibanjske deklaracije 1917. do kraja rata) analiziraju se stavovi svećenstva i dalmatinskih biskupa prema političkim pitanjima, gdje se uočavaju znatna razmimoilaženja. Propast Austro-Ugarske Monarhije značit će promjenu političkih stavova većine dalmatinskih biskupa.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 2 ; str. 481-506  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prvi svjetski rat -- Biskupi -- Vjerski obredi -- Lojalnost vlastima

BECK, Boris
Narativ i dramatika psalma 73 [Elektronička građa] : orijentacija, dezorijentacija i reorijentacija / Boris Beck, Danijel Berković.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 121-122. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Psalam 73 nalazi se u središnjem dijelu biblijskog Psaltira, ne samo po smještaju nego i po temi patnje pravednika, a pitanje koje postavlja – o odsutnom Bogu koji dopušta da zli prosperiraju – ponavlja se na mnogim mjestima Svetog pisma (Job, Habakuk), naročito u tzv. mudrosnim psalmima, kao što je Psalam 49 ili Psalam 73. Psalmist u psalmu proživljava unutarnju dramu sumnje i učvršćivanja u vjeri, a dramatska struktura teksta povezana je s etapama njegove religiozne krize. Psalmist od pouzdane orijentacije prema Bogu zapada u dezorijentaciju te se na koncu reorijentira. Svaka od tih faza povezana je s promjenom dramaturške situacije i vremenske vizure, a teologija i naracija Psalma 73 nerazdruživo su povezane i nužno osvjetljavaju jedna drugu. Psalmist na početku psalma ispada iz biblijskog pogleda na uređenost svijeta, zapada u ponor sumnji koje doživljava kao poživotinjenje te se na koncu vraća na vjerom nadahnutu poziciju s koje je i krenuo. Psalmist je u tekstu otkrio svoju ispovijed i prorokovanje za druge, da bi slušateljima ili čitateljima bio uzor i vodič na duhovnom putovanju – da bi kao pojedinac pomogao uspostaviti vjeru u zajednici. - Psalm 73 occupies a central position in the biblical Psalter, not only physically but also with regard to the subject of the suffering of the just, and the question it poses  of an absent God who allows the evil to prosper - is repeated in many places of Scripture. The psalmist experiences an inner drama of doubt and reinforcement of faith in the psalm, and the dramatic structure of the text is linked to the stages of the religious crisis of the psalmist. The psalmist goes from a reliable orientation towards God to disorientation and ends in reorientation. Each of these phases is associated with the changing of the dramatic situation and time period, and the theology and narrative of Psalm 73 are inseparably linked and necessarily illuminate one another. At the outset of the psalm, the psalmist departs from the biblical view of the world's order, falls into the abyss of suspicion which he perceives as animalization, and ultimately returns to the inspired position of faith from which he started. In the text, the psalmist has revealed his confession and prophecy for others, to be a model and a guide to the readers or listeners on their own spiritual journey - to help as an individual to establish faith in the community.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 6 (2019), 1 ; str. 107-123  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Psalmi -- Narativ -- Dramatika -- Teodiceja -- Književna analiza

THELLMAN, Gregory S.
The narrative-theological function of Matthew's baptism command (Matthew 28:19b) [Elektronička građa] / Gregory S. Thellman. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 103-105. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Zapovijed krštenja u ime Presvetog Trojstva u Matejevu evanđelju (Mt 28,19) često se smatra nezgodnim u tom kontekstu te možebitno anakronističkim u svjetlu kasnije kršćanske trinitarne doktrine. U radu se tvrdi da je Mt 28,19 prilično prikladan, klimaktičan zaključak narativno-teološkog motiva koji prožima Matejevo evanđelje, u kojem se trojstvene ili barem dijadne formule koriste u kontekstima objave koji potvrđuju Isusovo božansko sinovstvo i mesijansku misiju: ili u malim apokalipsama ili unutar apokaliptičnog diskursa. Srž toga argumenta nalazi se u samome Isusovu krštenju (3,13−17), koje se predstavlja kao apokalipsa u kojoj božanski Očev glas otkriva Sinov identitet i pomazuje ga svojim Duhom, s izrečenim ciljem da „ispun[i] svu pravednost“. Objavu donosi Matej i to tako da je upućena publici u narativu te implicitno čitatelju, odnosno učeniku. Objava krštenja potom se usko povezuje s poduljim citatom Izaije (42,1–4) kod Mt 12, 18−21, još jednim tekstom o Trojstvu i preobraženju (17,1–8). I drugi se odlomci analiziraju radi utvrđivanja obrasca u čitavome Evanđelju. U narativu o uskrsnuću (28,1–20) pokazano je da je uskrsnuli Isus sada božanski, ali još uvijek utjelovljen objavitelj s božanskom vlašću (čašću) tako da se odlomak o sveopćem poslanju (njegovih učenika) (28,16–20) prikazuje kao božanska objava. Unutar te „krajnje apokalipse“ uskrsnuli Isus zapovijeda svojim sljedbenicima da od naroda stvaraju učenike naukom i krštenjem u ime Trojstva. Zapovijed krštenja, u svjetlu motiva Trojstva u čitavom evanđelju, ima retorički učinak pozivanjem Matejevih čitatelja − slušatelja da se poistovjećuju s Isusom u njegovu krštenju, tako da i oni imaju uspostavljeni sinovski odnos s Bogom i primaju pomazanje Duha Svetoga da nastave širiti Isusovu mesijansku misiju u svijetu, vođeni njegovim univerzalnim autoritetom i obećanom prisutnošću.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 6 (2019), 1 ; str. 81-106  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Krštenje -- Duh Sveti -- Bog otac -- Sveto Trojstvo -- Objava
Isus Krist


The role of (Christian) spirituality in the economy in the light of Laudato si' [Elektronička građa] / Ivan Platovnjak.
Bibliografija: str. 84-85. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résume ; Zusammenfassung. - The global economic crises at the beginning of the third millennium revealed the harmful consequences for the whole of society and the environment that the myth of the “deified” economy brings. Many researchers have been encouraged to begin exploring the causes of crises intensively. The author thinks that it is more important to look for ways to implement the economy in a way that serves the common good and a common home. The path to renewal of the economy the author sees described primarily in the direction that Pope Francis presented in the Laudato si'. Therefore, he puts forward the thesis that in the light of Laudato si' (Christian) spirituality plays an important role in the economy. To confirm the thesis, the author briefly defines economics and spirituality. Then follows a presentation of fundamental orientations based on the analysis in Laudato si' that could enable economic recovery. In the end, the author describes how a renewed Christian spirituality and dialogue can help individuals and communities make basic guidelines for a new economy. - Globalna ekonomska kriza na početku trećeg tisućljeća otkrila je štetne posljedice za čitavo društvo i okoliš što ih mit 'glorificirane' ekonomije donosi. Mnogi su istraživači bili ohrabreni započeti intenzivno istraživanje uzroka kriza. Autor smatra da je važnije tražiti načine implementiranja ekonomije na način putem kojeg će služiti zajedničkom dobru i zajedničkom domu. Put obnove ekonomije autor nalazi upisanim prvenstveno u smjeru koji je Papa Franjo predstavio u Laudato si'. Temeljem toga, autor iznosi tezu da u svjetlu Laudato si' (kršćanska) duhovnost igra važnu ulogu u ekonomiji. Da bi tu tezu potvrdio, autor sažeto definira ekonomiju i spiritualnost. Zatim slijedi prezentacija temeljnih orijentacija na osnovi analize iz Laudato si', koje bi mogle omogućiti ekonomski oporavak. Na kraju, autor opisuje kako obnovljena kršćanska duhovnost i dijalog mogu pomoći individuama i zajednicama u oblikovanju osnovnih smjernica za novu ekonomiju. - Les crises économiques mondiales du début du troisième millénaire ont révélé les conséquences néfastes pour l’ensemble de la société et de l’environnement générées par le mythe de l’économie « déifiée ». De nombreux chercheurs ont été encouragés à commencer une exploration intensive des causes des crises. L’auteur croit qu’il est plus important de chercher des moyens de mettre en œuvre l’économie de manière qu’elle serve le bien commun et la maison commune. L’auteur voit la voie du renouvellement de l’économie inscrite principalement dans la direction présentée par le pape François dans Laudato si'. Or, il propose la thèse selon laquelle, à la lumière de Laudato si', la spiritualité (chrétienne) joue un rôle important dans l’économie. Pour confirmer la thèse, l’auteur définit brièvement l’économie et la spiritualité. Vient ensuite une présentation des orientations fondamentales basée sur l’analyse de Laudato si' qui pourraient permettre la reprise économique. Finalement, l’auteur décrit comment une spiritualité et un dialogue chrétiens renouvelés peuvent aider les individus et les communautés à établir les principes de base pour une nouvelle économie. - Die globale Wirtschaftskrise zu Beginn des dritten Jahrtausends hat die schädlichen Folgen für die gesamte Gesellschaft und die Umwelt offengelegt, die der Mythos der „vergötterten“ Wirtschaft mit sich bringt. Viele Forscher wurden ermutigt, die Erforschung der Ursachen von Krisen intensiv in Angriff zu nehmen. Der Autor hält es für wichtiger, nach Wegen zu suchen, um die Wirtschaft so zu implementieren, dass sie dem Gemeinwohl und einem gemeinsamen Zuhause dient. Den Weg zur Erneuerung der Wirtschaft sieht der Autor in erster Linie in der Richtung beschrieben, die Papst Franziskus in Laudato si' vorstellte. Also unterbreitet er die These, dass im Lichte von Laudato si' die (christliche) Spiritualität eine wichtige Rolle in der Ökonomie spielt. Um die These zu bestätigen, definiert der Autor kurz Ökonomie und Spiritualität. Anschließend werden grundlegende Orientierungen vorgestellt, die auf der Analyse in Laudato si' beruhen und eine wirtschaftliche Erholung ermöglichen könnten. Zum Schluss schildert der Autor, wie eine erneuerte christliche Spiritualität und ein Dialog den Einzelpersonen und Gemeinschaften helfen können, grundlegende Richtlinien für eine neue Ökonomie festzulegen.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 1 ; str. 73-86  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ekonomika -- Kršćanstvo -- Duhovnost -- Ekonomska duhovnost -- Zajedničko dobro -- Dijalog

KRASICKI, Arkadiusz
Uloga metafore u Isusovoj polemici s Farizejima (Mk 2,18-20) [Elektronička građa] / Arkadiusz Krasicki, Ana Albin.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 167-168. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Biblija je temelj kulture i književnosti. Iako se čini pomalo zanemarenom u sadašnjosti ipak nije prestala žariti i odsijevati nadahnutom riječju te nije prestala biti uzorom književnih pravaca. Evanđelje je samo po sebi književna vrsta, a njegov autor rabi stilske figure kao što je na primjer metafora. Uloga evanđelista kao autora također je važna. Pomoću povijesno-kritičke metode otkriva se u odlomku Mk 2,18−20 izuzetnost metafore zaručnik, zaručnica i svadba (odnosno svatovi). Tri metafore stvaraju logičnu cjelinu. Pomoću te stilske figure čitatelj može prihvatiti Isusovu pouku u kojoj skriva svoj identitet. Polemika je samo izraz ili pak razlog za korištenje metafore koja je tipičnim izrazom židovskog poučavanja. Korištena metafora također postaje „mostom“ koji spaja prošlost sa sadašnjošću i time nadopunjava ograničenost povijesno-kritičke metode. Isus nije samo izrekao istraživane retke u doslovnom smislu. U njima se skriva i duhovni smisao koji upućuje na Kristovo spasenjsko poslanje. - The Bible is the foundation of culture and literature. Even though it seems somewhat neglected today, it still emanates and shines with inspirational words and continues to be a model for literary movements. The Gospel is a literary genre in itself, and its author uses stylistic devices, such as the metaphor. The role of the evangelists as authors is also important. Using the historical-critical method, the passage Mk 2: 18-20 reveals the exceptional nature of the metaphor fiancé, fiancée, and wedding (i.e. wedding guests). The three metaphors make up a logical unit. With the help of that stylistic device, the reader can accept Jesus' teaching in which he conceals his identity. A polemic is just an expression or a reason for using a metaphor, which is a common expression in Jewish teachings. The metaphor that is used also becomes a “bridge” connecting the past with the present and thereby complements the limitations of the historical-critical method. Jesus not only spoke the investigated lines in the literal sense. They also contain a hidden spiritual meaning that indicates Christ’s mission of salvation.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 6 (2019), 1 ; str. 151-169  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Metafora -- Duhovni smisao -- Polemika -- Egzegeza
Isus Krist


MǍCELARU, Marcel Valentin
Who can stand before a holy God? Literary artistry and theological imagination in the Ark Narrative [Elektronička građa] / Marcel V. Macelaru. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - This article advocates for an interpretation of biblical stories that takes into account their nature and the way in which they are told. The argument begins with observing the predicament of the biblical interpreter in using contemporary historical and/or literary methods to interpret an ancient text expected to convey a theological message. It then offers a close reading of the Ark Narrative (1 Sam 4:1b–7:1) which exemplifies how theological conclusions can be drawn on the basis of the story alone once its literary structure and dramatic development are identified. - U radu se predlaže tumačenje biblijskih priča tako da se uzme u obzir njihova priroda i način na koji se pripovijedaju. Rasprava započinje promatranjem situacije biblijskog tumača pri uporabi suvremenih povijesnih i/ili književnih metoda u tumačenju drevnoga teksta za koji se očekuje da prenosi teološku poruku. Zatim se donosi „pomno čitanje“ priče o Kovčegu saveza (1 Sam 4,1 − 7,1) koja ilustrira da se teološki zaključci mogu izvući na temelju same priče nakon što se identificiraju njezina književna struktura i dramski razvoj.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 6 (2019), 1 ; str. 171-181  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biblijske priče -- Povijesna kritika -- Književna kritika

Život svećenika u Trebinjsko-mrkanskoj biskupiji u 18. stoljeću na primjeru don Filipa Kuncula [Elektronička građa] / Antun Koncul.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 99-100. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Članak donosi prikaz života svećenika Trebinjsko-mrkanske biskupije u 18. stoljeću na primjeru don Filipa Kuncula, koji se zbog straha od turskoga progona sklonio na prostor Dubrovačke Republike, a taj svoj čin, kao i odbijanje naredbe da se vrati u biskupiju, trebao je braniti pred vlastitim biskupom. Na njegovu primjeru dan je kratak pregled odnosa unutar Katoličke crkve u Trebinjsko-mrkanskoj biskupiji, kao i njezinih odnosa prema tamošnjim osmanskim vlastima. - This paper presents the life of the Catholic clergy in the Trebinje-Mrkan diocese during the 18th century on the example of Don Filip Kuncul (1726-1771), who fled the diocese to the Republic of Dubrovnik in fear of Turkish persecution. As he refused to return to his office, he had to defend his case before his bishop. His example reveals two features of life in the area of ​​the Trebinje-Mrkan diocese during this period. Owing to its position at the frontier between the Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Dubrovnik, and the Venetian Republic, this diocese was characterized by a high emigration rate, as the population often fled to the Republic of Dubrovnik for various political, economic, social, and religious reasons. At the same time, the bishops of Trebinje-Mrkan, settled in Dubrovnik, lamented the lack of priests throughout the 18th century as one of the diocese’s gravest ailments, actively seeking to secure a sufficient number of priests to serve there. These features are well exemplified by Don Filip’s life. Due to his parents’ poverty, he was sent to serve in Dubrovnik as a boy. The then bishop of Trebinje-Mrkan, Sigismund Tudisi (1692-1760), contacted him at that time, persuaded him to receive the priestly orders, and then sent him to serve in his native parish of Gradac. However, his service at the parish was short-lived, only four years, because he incurred the wrath of the Ottoman authorities by helping in the transfer of a pregnant woman to the Republic of Dubrovnik and was forced to flee there himself. Due to his leaving the parish and his refusal to return to his post, Don Filip had to defend himself before Bishop Tudisi, who threatened him with excommunication. Finally, Don Filip sought and received protection in Rome from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and never returned to active service in the Trebinje diocese.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 38 (2019), 57 ; str. 89-101  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Trebinjsko-mrkanska biskupija


Vidi br.: HA19-01361

Vidi br.: HA19-01437

Vidi br.: HA19-01459

Vidi br.: HA19-01345

Vidi br.: HA19-01395

Vidi br.: HA19-01720

Vidi br.: HA19-01715

27   Kršćanstvo

272   Rimokatolička crkva


303   Metode društvenih znanosti

Vidi br.: HA19-01801

304   Društvena pitanja. Društvena praksa. Kulturna praksa

ANDRIĆ, Tonija
The middle-class entrepreneurial elite in Šibenik and Split [Elektronička građa] : (15th century) / Tonija Andrić, Ante Birin. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 127-129. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The paper explores the entrepreneurial elite of late medieval Šibenik and Split, based on the examples of prominent businessmen in the historical records preserved in the notarial records of the two cities. - Temeljem sačuvane građe šibenske i splitske notarske kancelarije, ovaj tekst proučava poslovnu elitu kasnosrednjovjekovnog Šibenika i Splita na primjerima nekih istaknutih poduzetnika. Tekst posebno razmatra suodnos poslovnog etabliranja i društvenog uspona istaknutih šibenskih građana Indrika de Indrico i Lovre Goniribića te uglednih pripadnika splitske komune Lapija Zanobijevog, Andrije Alešija i Antuna Hmelića. Na ovim primjerima uočava se gotovo posve identičan modus operandi predstavljenih građana u njihovu socijalnom i privrednom djelovanju.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 38 (2019), 56 ; str. 109-130  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzetništvo -- Građanstvo -- Notarski spisi

Unusual details of everyday life from the notary registry of Petrus, called Perençanus, a notary from Zadar (1365-1392) [Elektronička građa] / Anita Bartulović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 222-226. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Most of the contracts from the unpublished notary registry of the notary Petrus from Zadar, known as Perençanus (1365–1392) provide only the most basic information about the contractors, the type of legal business and its subject matter, witnesses, officials, etc. because of their usual formulaic nature. In this paper, we shall deal with contracts that break this uniformity common to medieval notary records by presenting unusual and interesting details of people’s lives, largely found in the formulae contrahentes, res and causa. The content of these contracts is analyzed at two levels: within the context of studying the medieval mentality and within the linguistic context. - Kao obrazac za sastavljanje srednjovjekovnih bilježničkih spisa pisanih na latinskome jeziku u upotrebi su bili različiti priručnici. Tako su se bilježnici zadarske komune druge polovice 14. stoljeća, a među njima i Petar zvan Perencan iz Padove (1365. ‒ 1392.), koristili priručnikom bolonjskoga profesora Rolandina Pasagerijeva Summa artis notariae koji je sastavljen sredinom 13. stoljeća. S obzirom na formulaično oblikovanje tih spisa kao i činjenice da sadržaj pravnih poslova pripada većinom sferi stvarnoga i obveznoga prava, među tisućama sačuvanih dokumenata iz četiriju busta Perencanova bilježničkoga registra može se izdvojiti tek četrdesetak njih koji donose neke neuobičajene i živopisne detalje iz osobnoga života pripadnika zadarske komune različite etničke pripadnosti i društvenih slojeva. Analizom civilizacijskoga konteksta izdvojenih detalja utvrđeno je da oni ne narušavaju formulaičnost iskaza jer imaju svoje utvrđeno mjesto u diplomatičkoj strukturi dokumenata. Detalji koji se odnose na više-manje uobičajene pojavnosti ili stavove kao i na društveno neprihvatljive oblike ponašanja u svakodnevnici srednjovjekovlja najčešće su integralni dio različitih vrsta ugovora i dokumenata u pojedinim formulama. Tako se u formuli causa spominju: požar, epidemija kuge, javno mnijenje o ženi u javnome životu, različiti izrazi emocionalnosti, kazne zatvorom, ubojstvo, mogućnost bigamije. U formuli res nalazi se: oslobađanje od odgovornosti za nehotično počinjeni požar kao i obveze vraćanja legata ako se utvrdi zamjena identiteta, kupovina serva, ugovorno utvrđen dogovor da se ne zalazi u krčme radnim danom, potvrda o primitku škrinje u vlasništvu zasužnjenih osoba, različiti prigovori, ugovaranje službe za nezakonito dijete, sporazum o razrješenju spornoga braka.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 38 (2019), 56 ; str. 201-228  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Svakodnevni život -- Bilježnički spisi
Perencan, Petar


Vidi br.: HA19-01831

Vidi br.: HA19-01816

305   Rodne studije. Osobe s interdisciplinarne točke gledišta

Vidi br.: HA19-01383

Vidi br.: HA19-01502

311   Statistika

Vidi br.: HA19-01536

314   Demografija

Demografska kretanja u Kotoru u vrijeme Drugoga morejskog rata (1714. - 1718.) [Elektronička građa] / Maja Katušić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 86-87. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se na temelju analize matičnih knjiga rođenih, vjenčanih i umrlih Župe sv. Tripuna prikazuju i analiziraju temeljne odrednice vezane uz demografska kretanja u Kotoru u vrijeme posljednjeg mletačko-osmanskog rata (1714. – 1718.). U mjeri u kojoj to dopuštaju izvori promatraju se promjene u kretanju broja rođenih, vjenčanih i umrlih u predratnome, ratnome i poslijeratnome razdoblju. Prikazuju se i veze broja rođenih, vjenčanih i umrlih s podrijetlom i zanimanjem aktera. Dobiveni kotorski rezultati uspoređuju se s kretanjima u Dubrovniku i Puli. - Based on the birth, marriage, and death records in the parish of St Tryphon in Kotor, the paper presents and analyses the key determinants of local demographic trends during the last Venetian-Ottoman war (1714-1718). To the extent permitted by the sources, the author has focused on the fluctuations in the number of births, marriages, and deaths in the pre-war, wartime, and post-war periods. Links between these numbers have been juxtaposed to the origins and professions of the persons involved and the results obtained from Kotor have been compared with the trends in Dubrovnik and Pula. These comparisons indicate that – although the Second Morean War was not fought in the immediate vicinity of Kotor – the war events had a considerable bearing on the town’s demographic trends. This is particularly evident in the mortality rate, which rose steeply when the war was most intense. Military migrations, that is, the arrival of soldiers in the town, also increased the biological potential of the population, which led to an increase in the marriage rate. These trends reveal Kotor’s military profile and show the soldiers (and their migrations) as an interesting social group.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 38 (2019), 57 ; str. 71-88  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Demografska kretanja -- Drugi morejski rat -- Matične knjige

The impact of EU citizenship on migrant integration [Elektronička građa] : the case of highly skilled migrants from Southeast Europe in Brussels / Snježana Gregurović.
Bibliografija: str. 119-121. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Migrations undertaken by highly skilled persons assume an important position in knowledge societies, especially in large global cities where there is a need for their work. This article is based on qualitative research conducted in Brussels in 2014, working with a sample (N=20) of highly skilled migrants from Southeast Europe. Through applying Bosswick and Heckmann's (2006) analytical framework, this research examines the influence of European Union citizenship on the system and social dimension to the integration of the researched group. Under system integration, the gaining and enacting of citizenship rights receives special attention, while with social integration, the identificational dimension to integration is in focus. The research results demonstrated that the possession of EU citizenship influences the integration outcome – to a greater extent in the case of system integration, and to a lesser extent with social integration. Given that the integration of highly skilled migrants in Brussels occurs within "international strata", rather than a national culture framework, the classic integration model does not function in Brussels. In the case of the integration of highly skilled migrants in a global city such as Brussels, it was shown that migrants do not attach an importance to (national) citizenship as long as they have EU citizenship. Highly skilled migrants from third countries do attach an importance to national citizenship so long as they do not have a work permit with which they are regulating their stay and provided that they plan to settle for a long time in Belgium. - Migracije visokoobrazovanih zauzimaju važno mjesto u društvima znanja, posebno u velikim svjetskim gradovima gdje postoji potreba za njihovim radom. Rad se temelji na kvalitativnom istraživanju provedenom 2014. godine u Bruxellesu na uzorku (N=20) visokoobrazovanih migranata iz jugoistočne Europe. Primjenom analitičkog okvira Wolfganga Bosswicka i Friedricha Heckmanna (2006) u istraživanju se ispituje utjecaj građanstva Europske unije na sistemsku i socijalnu dimenziju integracije istraživane skupine. Posebna pažnja u okviru sistemske integracije pridaje se stjecanju i realiziranju prava na državljanstvo, a kod socijalne integracije identifikacijskoj dimenziji integracije. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da posjedovanje građanstva Europske unije utječe na integracijske ishode pri čemu u većoj mjeri u slučaju sistemske integracije, a u manjoj kada je riječ o socijalnoj integraciji. S obzirom na to da se integracija visokoobrazovanih migranata u Bruxellesu odvija u okviru “međunarodne strate”, a ne u okviru nacionalne kulture, klasični integracijski obrazac u Bruxellesu ne funkcionira. Pokazalo se da u slučaju integracije visokoobrazovanih migranata u globalnom gradu kao što je Bruxelles migranti ne pridaju važnost (nacionalnom) državljanstvu ako imaju građanstvo Europske unije. Visokoobrazovani migranti iz trećih država pridaju mu važnost tek tada kada nemaju radnu dozvolu kojom reguliraju i boravak te ako se u Belgiji planiraju trajno nastaniti.
U: Etnološka tribina (Online). - ISSN 1848-9540. - 49 (2019), 42 ; str. 102-121  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Građanstvo -- Migranti -- Migracije -- Visokoobrazovani migranti -- Integracija
Europska unija


Migration, the perception of security risks and media interpretation frameworks in Croatia and Hungary [Elektronička građa] / Vlatko Cvrtila, Marija Slijepčević, Tomislav Levak. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 28-30. - Abstract. - Although they are the most vulnerable group of people, immigrants are often perceived as a threat, with immigration and terrorism issues put under a common denominator. Political discourse and mass media are contributing factors, which, when framing migrants as a threat and emphasizing the connection with terrorism in their reporting, can affect the perception of public safety risks. Framing migrants as a terrorist risk has a negative impact on migration-related policies, changing focus from humanitarian towards security issues. The European Union’s migration policy is humanitarian, but it is reconsidered by individual member states defining migration as a risk. In these countries, measures to prevent terrorism include the acceptance of restrictive immigration policies, e.g. in Hungary. In the process of securitization, migrants are interpreted as a risk and threat to the survival of traditional identity values. This problem is analysed through examples of Hungary, a country with an exceptionally restrictive migration policy, and neighbouring Croatia which was perceived as a transitional country for migrants and refugees on their way West during the European migration crisis in 2015 and 2016, much like Hungary. For this purpose, several components are considered: the results of longitudinal Eurobarometer surveys that can determine public opinion changes in EU member states, the trends and results of the Hungarian referendum on migration quotas from October 2016, and the selected research and analysis of trends and media coverage of this issue in media. It is an attempt to determine whether and to what extent the public, political authorities and media in Croatia and Hungary referred to “unintentional” or „forced migrants“ as the negative non- European Other, during the European migration crisis.
U: Studia Polensia (Online). - ISSN 2459-6256. - 8 (2019), 1 ; str. 7-30  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Migracije -- Terorizam -- Percepcija rizika -- Mediji

Vidi br.: HA19-01483

Vidi br.: HA19-01824

316   Sociologija

HOLY, Mirela
Analiza odabranih članaka o napadu kemijskim oružjem u Siriji u hrvatskim i njemačkim elektroničkim medijima [Elektronička građa] / Mirela Holy, Nikolina Borčić, Diana Tomić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija: str. 27-30. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rat u Siriji velika je prijetnja globalnoj sigurnosti, prepleteno polje vitalnih geopolitičkih interesa najvažnijih svjetskih sila – SAD-a i Rusije te njihovih saveznika. Rusija se politički i vojno pozicionirala na strani režima sirijskog predsjednika al-Assada protiv pobunjenika, dok je pozicija SAD-a i članica NATO-a ambivalentna. Osuđuje se nedemokratski režim sirijskog predsjednika i zahtijeva njegov opoziv te se istovremeno osuđuje teroristička prijetnja ISIS-a koji se stopio sa sirijskim pobunjeničkim pokretom. Korištenje kemijskog oružja u Siriji u travnju 2017. prijetilo je eskalacijom u otvoreni ratni sukob SAD-a i NATO-ovih saveznica s Rusijom, a to je bilo vidljivo i putem propagandnog djelovanja u medijima. S obzirom na činjenicu da se “proizvodnja pristanka” za politička rješenja i ratna djelovanja postiže korištenjem propagande, u radu se analizirao sadržaj elektroničkih medija na temu napada kemijskim oružjem u Siriji u dvjema članicama NATO-a, Njemačkoj i Hrvatskoj, odnosno je li se koristila propaganda prilikom izvještavanja o trima događajima ili pseudo-događajima, povezanih s korištenjem kemijskog oružja. - The war in Syria is a major threat to the global security, intertwined fi eld of crucial geopolitical interests of super-power states - the USA and Russia and their allies. Russia politically and military supports the regime of Syrian President al-Assad against the rebels, while the position of the United States and NATO members is ambivalent, simultaneously they condemn undemocratic regime of Syrian President and demand his recall as well as the terrorist threat of ISIS that fused with the Syrian rebel movement. Use of chemical weapons in Syria in April 2017 could led to open confl ict between USA plus NATO allies and Russia, and that is also visible through their propaganda activities in the media. Given the fact that the ‘manufacturing of consent’ for political solutions is usually achieved with propaganda, the paper analyses content of electronic media on the subject of chemical weapons attack in Syria in two NATO members, Germany and Croatia, especially the possibility of propaganda usage when reporting on three events or pseudo-events associated with the usage of chemical weapons.
U: Medijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1846-6605. - 25 (2019), 1 ; str. 5-31  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kemijsko oružje -- Ratna propaganda -- Mediji

MIHALJEVIĆ, Josip, arhivist
Analysis and creation of free sentiment analysis programs [Elektronička građa] / Josip Mihaljević. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija: str. 102-104. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper analyzes free online programs for sentiment analysis which can, on the bases of their algorithm, give a positive, negative or neutral opinion of a text. At the beginning of the paper sentiment analysis programs and techniques they use such as Naive Bayes and Recurrent Neural Networks are presented. The programs are divided into two categories for analysis. The fi rst category consists of sentiment analysis programs which analyze texts written or copied inside the user interface. The second category consists of programs for analyzing opinions posted on social networks, blogs, and other media sites. Programs from both categories were chosen for this research on the bases of positive reviews on computer science portals and their popularity on web search engin es such as Google and Bing. The accuracy of the programs from the fi rst category was checked by inserting the same sentence from movie reviews and comparing the results. Their additional options have also been analyzed. For the second category of programs, it was determined which social networks, blogs, and other social media they cover on the internet. The purpose of this analysis was to check the overall quality and options that free sentiment analysis programs provide. An example of how to create one’s own custom sentiment analyzer by using the available Python code and libraries found online is also given. Two simple programs were created using Python. The fi rst program belongs to the fi rst category of programs for analyzing an input text. This program serves as a pilot program for Croatian which gives only the basic analysis of sentences. The second program collects recent tweets from Twitter containing certain words and creates a pie chart based on the analysis of the results. - U radu se analiziraju besplatni računalni programi za analizu sentimenta (mišljenja, osjećaja, stava) koji mogu izraziti pozitivan, neutralan ili negativan stav o sadržaju teksta na temelju određenih kriterija unutar algoritma. Na početku rada objašnjava se što su programi za analizu sentimenta, kojim se tehnikama koriste te se iscrpno objašnjavaju dosadašnja istraživanja. Analiziraju se dvije skupine besplatnih mrežnih programa. Jedna skupina programa služi za analizu sadržaja napisanoga ili kopiranoga teksta, a druga za analizu sentimenta objava na društvenim mrežama, blogovima ili kojemu drugom obavještajnom tipu mrežnih stranica. Programi iz obiju skupina odabrani su na temelju recenzija s informatičkih portala te popularnosti na mrežnim tražilicama poput Googlea i Binga. Za prvu skupinu programa analizirane su tehnike koje se koriste za analizu teksta, dodatne mogućnosti koje se mogu koristiti tijekom analize teksta te se pokazuje koju procjenu sentimenta programi daju za odabrani dio teksta iz recenzije i koliko ga precizno analiziraju. Za drugu skupinu programa analizira se koje društvene mreže, blogove te ostale tipove obavještajnih stranica obuhvaćaju te na koji način prikazuju rezultate obrađene analizom. Iz analize obiju skupina programa dolazi se do zaključka o mogućnostima njihova korištenja te kvaliteti usluga. Također se prikazuje kako se može izraditi vlastiti program za analizu sentimenta s pomoću mrežno dostupnih kodova i dodataka za programski jezik Python. Na temelju tih dostupnih resursa napravljena su dva program od kojih prvi služi kao demoinačica za hrvatski jezik te daje informacije o stavu vezanom za upisani tekst, a drugi program dohvaća posljednje tweetove koji sadržavaju određenu riječ te izrađuje grafi kon koji prikazuje stavove u tweetovima koji sadržavaju tu riječ.
U: Medijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1846-6605. - 25 (2019), 1 ; str. 83-105  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Društvene mreže -- Analiza teksta -- Analiza sentimenta -- Izrada programa -- Algoritmi

OBAD, Orlanda
Brižno poduzetništvo u ženskim poslovnim praksama [Elektronička građa] : od reprodukcije do destrukcije patrijarhata / Orlanda Obad, Tea Škokić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 99-100. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se propituju rodno uvjetovane prepreke za uspješno poslovanje poduzetnica, posebice u segmentu ravnoteže privatnog i poslovnog života (work-life balance), rodno uvjetovane podjele kućanskih poslova unutar šireg problema socijalne reprodukcije u patrijarhalnim društvima te u segmentu stila vođenja poslovanja. Primijenjena je kvalitativna metodologija karakteristična za etnografska istraživanja – pomoću metode polustrukturiranog intervjua provedeni su razgovori s 24 poduzetnice, dok teorijski okvir pripada feminističkoj kritici roda i diskurzivnoj analizi. Istraživanje je provedeno u Bosni i Hercegovini, Hrvatskoj, na Kosovu i u Srbiji. Ključni nalazi pokazuju da specifične politike i mjere za bolje uključivanje žena u svijet poduzetništva nisu dovoljne ako isključuju širu kritiku patrijarhata, a time i prevladavajućeg koncepta poduzetništva, kroz rodno osviještene međusektorske politike. Novost koju ovo istraživanje donosi odnosi se na neformalne prakse koje žene prakticiraju u svojim formalnim i neformalnim poslovima, a koje imaju potencijala postati jednakovrijedni model poduzetničkog ponašanja. - In this article the authors examine gender-based obstacles to successful female entrepreneurs’ business practices, especially regarding work-life balance, gendered divisions of domestic labour within the wider problem of social reproduction in patriarchal societies, and business leadership. The authors have applied a qualitative methodology characteristic of ethnographic research. They analyse material from 24 semi-structured interviews with women entrepreneurs. The article’s theoretical perspective draws on the feminist critique of gender and discourse analysis, and the research was conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo and Serbia. The key findings demonstrate that policies and measures intended for the better inclusion of women in the world of entrepreneurship do not suffice unless they are embedded within a wider framework of the critique of patriarchy, as well as within a critique of the dominant concept of entrepreneurship, through gender-conscious intersectoral policies. This research’s originality lies in its focus on informal practices, which women perform in both their formal and informal businesses, and which have the potential to become an equally valid model of entrepreneurial behaviour.
U: Etnološka tribina (Online). - ISSN 1848-9540. - 49 (2019), 42 ; str. 80-101  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzetnice -- Privatan život -- Poslovan život -- Ravnoteža -- Stil vođenja

The denationalization and agencification of net neutrality policy in Lithuania [Elektronička građa] / Deimantas Jastramskis.
Bibliografija: str. 39-42. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper focuses on the making of communications policy in Lithuania, specifically regarding net neutrality. The study employs a multiple stream model to analyze the conditions of the political process and the activity of political actors. The paper claims that the Lithuanian communications policy has become essentially denationalized since the country’s accession to the European Union. The issue of net neutrality policy has been framed in the context of EU policy, while the national agenda of net neutrality policy lost its significance. The denationalization of the net neutrality policy-making was harmonized with the agencification of policy formulation stage. - Ovaj rad usredotočuje se na formiranje komunikacijske politike u Litvi, osobito u pogledu net neutralnosti. Istraživanje primjenjuje model višestrukih struja (multiple stream model) za analizu uvjeta političkih procesa i aktivnosti političkih sudionika. U radu se tvrdi kako je litvanska komunikacijska politika postala načelno denacionalizirana od ulaska zemlje u Europsku uniju. Pitanje politike net neutralnosti uklopljen je u kontekst politike EU-a, a nacionalna agenda politike net neutralnosti izgubila je na važnosti. Denacionalizacija donošenja politike net neutralnosti usklađena je s uključivanjem agencija u njezino formiranje.
U: Medijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1846-6605. - 25 (2019), 2 ; str. 29-43  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Komunikacijska politika -- Internet -- Denacionalizacija

Digital media literacy, school and contemporary parenting [Elektronička građa] / Lana Ciboci, Danijel Labaš. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 99-100. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Today’s societies live in a world where the media construct reality, which also affects each individual media user. Children and their parents spend most of their time with digital media and contents. Therefore, researchers emphasize the importance of digital literacy of media users. They analyse new phenomena, challenges and risks associated with the anthropological, cognitive and social development of children and young people. An important role in media and digital education is played not only by teachers and schools, but also by parents and family. The aim of this paper is to present and analyse the theoretical approaches to digital media literacy, so-called digital parenting, and to interpret the results of the latest research in Croatia devoted to the digital habits of parents, their attitudes towards parental mediation strategies as well as to their satisfaction with the programmes of media literacy in the education system. - Živimo u svijetu u kojem mediji konstruiraju stvarnost, ali i utječu na svakoga korisnika medija. Novim digitalnim medijima i njihovim sadržajima posebno su izložena djeca, pa znanstvenici u svojim istraživanjima veliku pozornost pridaju medijskoj i digitalnoj pismenosti. Pri tome vode računa o novim pojavama, izazovima i rizicima koji su povezani s antropološkim, kognitivnim i socijalnim razvojem djece i mladih. Posebnu pozornost posvećuju socijabilnosti djece i mladih, ali i korisnika medija općenito, rizicima razvijanja raznih oblika ovisnosti o internetu i digitalne demencije. Važnu ulogu u medijskom odgoju imaju ne samo učitelji i škole nego i roditelji i obitelj. Cilj je ovoga rada prikazati i analizirati teorijske pristupe medijskoj i digitalnoj pismenosti i takozvanom digitalnom roditeljstvu te izložiti i protumačiti rezultate najnovijih istraživanja u Hrvatskoj o digitalnim navikama djece, odnosno njihovih roditelja, te o ulozi i mjestu roditelja u procesu medijskoga opismenjavanja djece i mladih, kao i o njihovu zadovoljstvu programima medijske pismenosti u odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu.
U: Medijske studije (Online). - ISSN 1848-5030. - 10 (2019), 19 ; str. 83-101  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Medijska pismenost -- Digitalna pismenost -- Djeca -- Roditelji -- Strategije posredovanja

Dobra ili loša stara vremena? [Elektronička građa] : Socijalističko društvo i svakodnevni život Ljubljane i okolice očima usmenih izvora / Jelka Piškurić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. str. 439-443. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se razmatraju sjećanja na socijalizam i model konstrukcije socijalističke prošlosti u usmenim izvorima. Tražeći odgovor o organizaciji svakodnevnoga života, težište razmatranja bili su Ljubljana i njezino ruralno zaleđe. Nakon raspada Jugoslavije možemo pratiti različita sjećanja na socijalizam kao i poglede na to razdoblje. S jedne strane to je posljedica generacijskih razlika i životnih uvjeta koji su se promijenili tijekom desetljeća. Također su postojala različita iskustva stanovnika iz Ljubljane i onih iz ruralnoga zaleđa. Za prisjećanje su bili važni i drugi čimbenici: obitelj i njezino povijesno iskustvo, politička i svjetonazorska uvjerenja, javni diskursi te životne okolnosti u trenutku snimanja. Najveći dio sjećanja bio je posvećen poboljšanju životnoga standarda, području rada i rješavanju stambenoga pitanja. - This paper examines the memories of socialism and the model of constructing the socialist past in oral sources. Seeking answers regarding the organisation of everyday life, the focus of study was on Ljubljana and its rural surroundings. Presented here are the approaches to understanding everyday socialist life, the influence of various factors on memories of socialism, and the image of everyday socialist life in oral sources. Different life experiences were important in these recollections, as were other factors: family and its historical experience, political and world views, public discourses, and circumstances and discontent with the economic situation at the moment of recording. The time lapse from the end of socialism has freed the memories from former ideological frames, while the changed circumstances have prompted the creation of new myths. In their recollections, witnesses often compared and sought differences between past and present or stressed a different, i.e. unconventional, view of history. Socialism gradually introduced modernisation and urbanisation, changes in traditional roles and life, relative equality and social security, but also political and economic limitations. Public perception in the time of socialism was also influenced by the rising living standards. The sixties were a time of great changes in Ljubljana and its rural hinterland. Modernisation and new consumer goods gradually became present in urban and rural households, but there were great differences between them. The seventies brought the highest living standards since World War II and increased the quality of life of the entire population, while the gap between the urban and rural living standards and lifestyles became smaller. Based on oral sources, we can see that people were not greatly interested in politics, being more devoted to private life. The greatest part of their memories was devoted to improving living standards, their work, and resolving their housing problems.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 2 ; str. 423-444  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Socijalizam -- Svakodnevni život -- Usmeni izvori

KARBIĆ, Marija
Elites and space in the towns of medieval Slavonia [Elektronička građa] : the cases of Gradec/Zagreb and Varaždin / Marija Karbić, Bruno Škreblin, Anton Ravnikar, Ratko Vučetić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 151-154. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The paper focuses on the leading layer in the urban societies of medieval Slavonia, seeking to answer the following questions: Who comprised the urban elite in Slavonian towns? What were their professions and what properties did they own? What was the significance of family relations for the formation of elites, and what other factors could help an individual to join their ranks? An important issue regarding the urban elites is the relationship between the elites and urban space; thus, the spatial development of Gradec and Varaždin are discussed in the second part of the paper. - Rad se bavi vodećim slojem gradskih društava srednjovjekovne Slavonije analizirajući urbane elite zagrebačkog Gradeca i Varaždina, najrazvijenijih gradskih naselja na tom području. Istraživanje je bilo prvenstveno usmjereno na osobe koje su bile nosioci neke od istaknutih gradskih funkcija (sudac, prisežnik, vijećnik) i članove njihovih obitelji, jer su u manjim srednjovjekovnim gradovima poput Gradeca ili Varaždina osobe koje su bile uključene u politički život grada najčešće bile i dio društvene i gospodarske elite. Rad čine dvije većee cjeline, od kojih je prva posvećena analizi urbanih elita Gradeca i Varaždina. U njoj se govori o zanimanjima kojima su se pripadnici elite bavili i posjedima koje su držali, a posebna je pažnja posvećena pitanju značenja rodbinskih veza u oblikovanju elite, pri čemu se ističe i važna ulogu žena u tim procesima. Osim na važnost rodbinskih veza, upozorava se i na značenje drugih oblika društvenih veza (poslovnih, prijateljskih, etničkih) u formiranju elite, a raspravlja se i o drugim čimbenicima koji su mogli pomoći uključivanju pojedinca u redove elite. Drugi dio rada je, za razliku od prvog koji je usmjeren na same urbane elite, posvećen prostornoj organizaciji Gradeca i Varaždina, položaju nekretnina u vlasništvu pripadnika elite u gradu i odnosu elite s urbanim prostorom.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 38 (2019), 56 ; str. 131-155  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Urbane elite -- Prostorni razvoj

Fake or not fake? [Elektronička građa] : Perceptions of undergraduates on (dis)information and critical thinking / Ana Melro, Sara Pereira. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 64-66. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In an increasingly challenging media environment of post-truth and fake news, disinformation may impact the way young people perceive the world. In this study, we seek to understand how young people engage with news, their perceptions around disinformation, and how they see the relevance of critical thinking for their civic and political lives. Using a mixed method model, we developed a focus group activity with a total of 45 participants, based on the analysis of 562 questionnaires previously administered to first-year undergraduates of two Portuguese universities. The results show that although most students report limited critical analysis of information, they do reveal concerns about disinformation in their lives, suggesting a set of actions in order to combat fake news spread. Furthermore, the findings reinforce the need for news and media literacy that concerns a post-fact culture. - U sve izazovnijem medijskom okruženju tzv. post-istine i lažnih vijesti dezinformacija može utjecati na percepciju mladih ljudi o svijetu. U ovoj studiji nastojimo objasniti na koji način mladi ljudi pristupaju vijestima, kakva je njihova percepcija o dezinformacijama te koliko je, prema njihovu mišljenju, kritičko razmišljanje važno za njihov građanski i politički život. Na temelju analize 562 anketna upitnika koje su ispunili studenti prve godine preddiplomskih studija dvaju portugalskih sveučilišta formirane su fokus-grupe s ukupno 45 sudionika. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da studenti, iako priznaju da nedovoljno kritički analiziraju informacije, izražavaju zabrinutost zbog dezinformacija, sugerirajući niz aktivnosti za borbu protiv širenja lažnih vijesti. Nadalje, nalazi potvrđuju potrebu za pojačanom medijskom pismenošću u svijetu post-činjenica.
U: Medijske studije (Online). - ISSN 1848-5030. - 10 (2019), 19 ; str. 46-67  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Medijska pismenost -- Mladi -- Lažne vijesti -- Dezinformacije -- Kritičko razmišljanje

ÜNAL, Recep
The function and importance of fact-checking organizations in the era of fake news [Elektronička građa] : Teyit.Org, an example from Turkey / Recep Ünal, Alp Şahin Çiçeklioğlu. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 157-159. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The recent increase in usage of concepts such as ‘fake news’ or ‘post-truth’ reveals the importance of digital literacy especially on social media. In the digital era, people’s views on different topics are attempted to be manipulated with disinformation and fake news. Fake content is rapidly replacing the reality among new media users. It is stated with concepts such as ‘filter bubbles’ and ‘echo chambers’ that there is a greater tendency for people to be fed with content that is ideologically appropriate to their own views and to believe in fake news in this content. This article analyzes the structure and functioning of fact-checking organizations in the context of preventing propagation of fake news and improving digital literacy. The research is based on content analysis of verification activities of the fact-checking organization Teyit.org, which is a member of International Fact-Checking Network in Turkey, between January 1 and June 31, 2018. By conducting in-depth interviews with the verification team, propagation of fake news on social networks, fact-checking processes and their methods of combating fake news are revealed. Our article found that fake content spreading specifically through the Internet predominantly consists of political issues. - Sve veća upotreba pojmova kao što su „lažne vijesti“ ili „post-istina“ otkriva koliko je važna digitalna pismenost, osobito na društvenim mrežama. U digitalnoj eri mišljenja ljudi o pojedinim temama pokušavaju se mijenjati dezinformacijama i lažnim vijestima, pa korisnici novih medija sve više prihvaćaju lažne vijesti kao stvarnost. Pojmovi kao što su „mjehurići filtri“ (engl. filter bubbles) i „komore odjeka“ (engl. echo chambers) ukazuju na tendenciju da se ljude hrani sadržajem koji je ideološki u skladu s njihovim pogledima i koji podržava lažne vijesti. Ovaj rad analizira strukturu i funkcioniranje organizacija za provjeru činjenica u kontekstu prevencije propagiranja lažnih vijesti i poboljšanja digitalne pismenosti. Istraživanje je temeljeno na analizi sadržaja verifikacijskih aktivnosti organizacije za provjeru činjenica Teyit.org u Turskoj, članice Međunarodnog udruženja za provjeru činjenica, i to tijekom šest mjeseci, od 1. siječnja do 31. lipnja 2018. S članovima tima za provjeru činjenica provedeni su dubinski intervjui kako bi se otkrili procesi provjere činjenica i metode za borbu s lažnim vijestima. Ovaj rad pokazuje da se lažni sadržaj koji se širi internetom u najvećoj mjeri tiče politike.
U: Medijske studije (Online). - ISSN 1848-5030. - 10 (2019), 19 ; str. 140-160  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dezinformacije -- Lažne vijesti -- Činjenice -- Organizacije -- Digitalna pismenost

VINOD Bhatia, Kiran
'In times of crisis, followers of one true god unite' [Elektronička građa] : social media and the formation of online religious silos / Kiran Vinod Bhatia. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 135-138. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper is based on a research study designed to explore how adolescents, in situations of political polarization, deploy online networks to articulate, negotiate, and enact their political and religious identities. Based on social media ethnography tracing the online engagements of 44 high school students over a period of eighteen months, and supplemented with in-depth interviews conducted in their village communities, this study explores why social media networks emerge as ideological niches frequented by students to enact their participation as members of their respective religious communities. It suggests that in situation of experienced political polarization and discrimination, students use social media affordances to replicate their offline socio-political and religious engagements onto their virtual spaces and in the process reinforce their radical religious identities. - Rad se temelji na istraživanju koje ispituje kako adolescenti, u situacijama političke polariziranosti, razvijaju online zajednice da bi iznijeli, obrazložili i branili svoje političke i religijske identitete. Polazeći od etnografije društvenih medija, praćenjem online uključenosti 44 srednjoškolska učenika tijekom osamnaest mjeseci te provođenjem dubinskih intervjua u njihovim seoskim zajednicama, istraživanje nastoji odgovoriti na pitanje zašto se društvene mreže javljaju kao ideološke niše učenika gdje pokazuju svoju uključenost kao članovi određenih religijskih zajednica. To sugerira da u situacijama u kojima su iskusili političku polarizaciju i diskriminaciju učenici koriste pogodnosti društvenih medija da ponove svoj offline društveno-politički i religijski angažman u virtualnim prostorima te da u tome procesu osnaže svoj radikalni religijski identitet.
U: Medijske studije (Online). - ISSN 1848-5030. - 10 (2019), 19 ; str. 119-139  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Društveni mediji -- Etnografija -- Adolescenti -- Politička polarizacija -- Religijski identitet

Information disorders [Elektronička građa] : risks and opportunities for digital media and information literacy? / Divina Frau-Meigs. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 26-27. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper analyses the major modifications created by the “social turn” i.e. the emergence of social media. It presents the drastic change of ecosystem created by the three “continents” of the Internet. This sets up the context of deployment for “information disorders” such as radicalisation and disinformation. The analysis then considers the risks and opportunities for Media and Information Literacy: on the one hand, the rise of fact-checking and the increasing interference of social media platforms; on the other hand, the augmentation of the Media and Information Literacy epistemology and the Media and Information Literacy paradigm shift entailed by information disorders. It concludes on an agenda for Media and Information Literacy in 21st century. - Ovaj rad analizira velike promjene izazvane „društvenim zaokretom“, odnosno pojavom društvenih medija. U radu se predstavljaju drastične promjene ekosustava koje su izazvala tri “kontinenta” interneta, što je dovelo do razvoja “informacijskih poremećaja”, poput radikalizacije i dezinformiranja. Analiza zatim razmatra rizike i prilike za medijsku i informacijsku pismenost: s jedne strane, porast provjeravanja činjenica i pojačana interferencija platformi za društveno umrežavanje; s druge strane, povećanje polja znanja, vještina i stavova u okviru medijske i informacije pismenosti te pomak paradigme medijske i informacijske pismenosti koji sa sobom povlači informacijske poremećaje. Zaključno se donosi agenda medijske i informacijske pismenosti u 21. stoljeću.
U: Medijske studije (Online). - ISSN 1848-5030. - 10 (2019), 19 ; str. 10-28  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Medijska pismenost -- Informacijska pismenost -- Lažne vijesti -- Društveni mediji -- Informacijski poremećaji

Izvještavanje o krizi i krizno komuniciranje Agrokora u 2017. godini putem internetskih platformi Večernji.hr i Agrokor.hr [Elektronička građa] / Karlo Kanajet, Hrvoje Jakopović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija: str. 79-81. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Krizu organizacije označava situacija u kojoj se narušavaju redovite procedure funkcioniranja, a svaki izlazak iz uobičajenog toka djelovanja može dovesti i do pojačanog interesa medija. Kriza za neke organizacije zapravo počinje u onom trenutku kada je mediji proglase. Slučaj krize koncerna Agrokor u 2017. godini izazvao je veliku pozornost medija. Ovim se radom stoga proučavao slučaj kroz medijsko izvještavanje o Agrokoru na internetskom portalu Večernji.hr, u vrijeme kada se koncern suočavao s krizom izazvanom fi nancijskim problemima. Na taj su se način utvrdila obilježja i odrednice medijskog izvještavanja o Agrokoru i krizi na internetskom portalu Večernji.hr. S druge strane, analiza je obuhvatila službe- na internetska priopćenja Agrokora na mrežnoj stranici Agrokor.hr kako bi se utvrdilo kako je koncern kroz službene online kanale odgovorio na krizu. Rezultati izvještavanja o slučaju Agrokor i njegovom kriznom komuniciranju daju uvid u obilježja medijskog izvještavanja u slučaju krize ovakvih razmjera i kriznom komuniciranju putem internetskih priopćenja. Istraživanje je pokazalo da se u medijskom portretiranju krize značajan naglasak stavlja na prvog čovjeka organizacije. Tako se na internetskom portalu Večernji.hr u promatranom razdoblju u gotovo svakoj drugoj objavi spominjao osnivač Agrokora Ivica Todorić. Također, više od trećine objava sadržavalo je brojke u kontekstu krize, poput visine duga koncerna. Što se tiče samog Agrokora, rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako se organizacija u prvoj fazi suočavanja s krizom nije postavila aktivno. Službena internetska priopćenja na mrežnoj stranici Agrokor.hr, koja bi se ticala krize, izostala su, a poruke koje su putem portala Večernji.hr mogle doći do javnosti od strane koncerna sadržavale su elemente poricanja postojanja problema. Kako je kriza postajala sve složenija, Agrokor je bio prisiljen na promjenu komunikacije. - Organizational crisis refers to situation where standard procedures are undermined, and every turn out in regular fl ow of actions may lead to extensive media interest. For some organizations crisis actually begins when media announce it. The case of The Agrokor Group crisis in 2017 provoked signifi cant media attention. Therefore this essay studies the case of media coverage concerning Agrokor on Večernji.hr site, by the time The Group faced crisis caused by fi nancial diffi culties. Thereby the characteristics and determinants concerning Agrokor and crisis media coverage on Večernji.hr site are being examined. On the other hand, the analysis includes Agrokor offi cial web releases from Agrokor.hr site, in order to examine the way The Group handled the crisis via offi cial online channels. The results concerning Agrokor media coverage and its crisis communication give insight about media coverage of large crisis and crisis communication by means of releases. The research fi nds that in media portrayal of crisis signifi cant emphasis is put on the leading man of an organization. Hence in the observed period Večernji.hr site in nearly every second release mentions Agrokor founder Ivica Todorić. Likewise, more than one third of the releases mention fi gures concerning crisis, such as The Group’s debt rate. When it comes to Agrokor itself, research results show that the organization in the fi rst stage of dealing with the crisis didn’t implement active approach. There were no offi cial web releases concerning crisis on Agrokor.hr site, and the messages which via Večernji.hr site could fi nd their way to public consisted of problem denial features. As crisis become more complicated, Agrokor was forced into communication shift. Consequently in the second stage it uses specifi c crisis communication strategic components such as press conference, leading man of an organization visibility, communication uniformity and renaming.
U: Medijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1846-6605. - 25 (2019), 1 ; str. 55-82  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Odnosi s javnošću -- Krizno komuniciranje -- Strategije -- Internetski portali


Kulturno nasilje kao proces dugog trajanja [Elektronička građa] : od kolonijalizma do humanitarizma / Goran Tepšić, Miloš Vukelić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 127-130. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se polazi od teze da orijentalizam, kao oblik kulturnog nasilja, predstavlja strukturu dugog trajanja čija se matrica reprodukuje kroz diskurse i prakse različitih društvenih poredaka. Koristeći genealoški i longue durée pristup, autori analiziraju diskurse kolonijalizma, antisemitizma, nacionalizma i humanitarizma kako bi ukazali na dugotrajnost identitetske podele po liniji Zapad-Istok (Orijent), kao i na kontinuitet određenog kulturnog sadržaja koji implicira superiornost jedne i inferiornost druge strane. Analiza pokazuje i da svi ovi diskursi, iako međusobno različiti, mogu da se ukorene u orijentalističku matricu i da tako postanu instrument legitimacije i opravdavanja različitih oblika indirektnog (represija, eksploatacija) i direktnog nasilja (ratovi, genocid, etničko čišćenje). Cilj rada je razumevanje različitih oblika nasilja i njihove složenosti kao preduslov za bavljenje prevencijom nasilja. - The main hypothesis of the paper is that Orientalism, as a form of cultural violence, represents a long-term historical structure which is reproduced through discourses and practices of various social systems. The authors apply genealogy and longue durée approaches to analyze discourses of colonialism, antisemitism, nationalism, and humanitarianism, indicating the long-lasting identity division along the West-East (Orient) axis, as well as continuity of the cultural content that implies the superiority of the Self and the inferiority of the Other. The analysis also shows that all these discourses, although mutually different, can be rooted in the Orientalist matrix and thus become instruments for legitimizing and justifying various forms of indirect (repression, exploitation) and direct violence (wars, genocide, ethnic cleansing). The paper aims to understand the different forms of violence and their complexity as precondition for violence prevention.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 1 ; str. 109-131  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kulturno nasilje -- Orijentalizam -- Kolonijalizam -- Antisemitizam -- Nacionalizam -- Humanitarizam

Media literacy versus fake news [Elektronička građa] : critical thinking, resilience and civic engagement / Julian McDougall.
Bibliografija: str. 43-44. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This article shares research findings to support the case for media literacy education to facilitate resilient media engagement by young citizens. It shares the outcomes of a project funded by the US Embassy in London, which brought together leading researchers from the United States and UK with a range of key stakeholders, including journalists, teachers, students, librarians and information professionals. This ethnographic research consisted of interviews with prominent members of the stakeholder fields, four multi-stakeholder dialogic workshops and an extensive field review or literature, policy, pedagogic practice and existing educational resources. From the findings of this ethnography, the argument is presented that critical media literacy, if adopted as a mandatory subject in schools and taught as a dynamic literacy education, would better equip young citizens with resilience to ‘information disorder’ (Wardle and Derakhshan, 2017) than reactive resources (such as fact-checking and verification tools) and small-scale projects which focus primarily on competences. - Ovaj rad podupire tezu da je medijsko opismenjavanje ključ za povećanje otpornosti mladih građana pri korištenju medija. Rad prikazuje ishode projekta financiranog od strane veleposlanstva SAD-a u Londonu, koji je okupio vodeće istraživače iz SAD-a i UK-a, uključujući i veliki broj ključnih dionika, primjerice novinare, nastavnike, učenike, knjižničare i informacijske stručnjake. Etnografsko istraživanje uključivalo je intervjue s dionicima iz različitih područja, četiri radionice koje su pozvale na dijalog više dionika iz različitih područja te opsežan pregled literature, politike, pedagoške prakse i postojećih obrazovnih resursa. Nalazi ove etnografije potvrđuju da kritička medijska pismenost, ako je prihvaćena kao obavezan predmet u školama i podučava se kao dinamična pismenost, može bolje pripremiti mlade građane da budu otporni na „informacijske poremećaje“ (Wardle i Derakhshan, 2017) nego djelovanja koja nastaju kao reakcija na medijski poticaj (kao što su provjera činjenica i verifikacijski alati) te mali projekti koji se primarno fokusiraju na kompetencije.
U: Medijske studije (Online). - ISSN 1848-5030. - 10 (2019), 19 ; str. 29-45  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Medijska pismenost -- Lažne vijesti -- Dezinformacije -- Kritičko razmišljanje

PERUŠKO, Zrinjka
Medijatizacija i društvena promjena [Elektronička građa] : prilog istraživanju medijatizacije politike / Zrinjka Peruško.
Bibliografija: str. 181-187. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Članak analizira medijatizaciju kao empirijski proces i novi teorijski pristup. Raspravlja se razlika između pojmova medijacije i medijatizacije te drugi novi koncepti koje uvodi taj teorijski pristup u analizi interakcije medija i društvenih promjena. U članku se prezentiraju tri glavne perspektive u teoriji medijatizacije i najvažniji autori te prethodnici u komunikacijskoj i medijskoj teoriji i široj društveno-znanstvenoj (uglavnom sociološkoj) teoriji na kojima se istraživanja dinamike i posljedica medijatizacije danas temelje. Kulturna, materijalna i institucionalna perspektiva medijatizacije (posljednja uključuje i medijatizaciju politike) analiziraju se u odnosu na razumijevanje povijesnog perioda u kojem se odvija medijatizacija, komunikacijskih medija, širih teorijskih gabarita i rezultata empirijskih istraživanja. Zaključno se razmatra recepcija pristupa u Hrvatskoj u svjetlu napredovanja medijatizacijskih promjena iz makro perspektive medijskog sustava i iz mikro perspektive informativnih navika medijskih publika. - The article investigates mediatization as an empirical process and a new theoretical approach. Differences between the concepts of mediatization and mediation are examined, with other new concepts developed by this theoretical approach in the analysis of the interaction of media and social change. The article presents three key perspectives in mediatization theory and the most important authors who preceded it from the communication and media field, as well as from the broader social scientific theory (mainly sociological) which forms the basis for the contemporary research into the dynamics of mediatization. Cultural, material and institutional perspectives in the mediatization approach (the institutional also including the mediatization of politics) are analyzed in respect to their understanding of the historical periods in which mediatization takes place, of communication media, broader theoretical frameworks, and the results of empirical research. The article concludes with an analysis of the reception of the mediatization approach in Croatia in light of the progression of mediatization changes from the macro perspectives of the media system and the micro perspectives of the information habits of the media audiences.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 1 ; str. 163-187  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Medijatizacija -- Teorija medijatizacije -- Medijatizacija politike -- Sociologija medija -- Politička komunikacija -- Medijske publike

Mudrolije [Elektronička građa] : internetski memi poslovičnoga karaktera na primjeru mrežne stranice Mudrolije sa Twittera / Željko Predojević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 170-172. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se govori o tekstualnim internetskim memima poslovičnoga karaktera koji se oblikom i sadržajem vežu uz poslovicu, a načinom prenošenja uz usmenoknjiževnu poetiku. Opisuju se memi s instagramske mrežne stranice Mudrolije sa Twittera, koji se dijele u dvije skupine. U prvoj su memi koji parafraziraju postojeće poslovice, a u drugoj su oni koji strukturom i stilizacijom oponašaju žanr poslovice, a koji se mogu promatrati kao njezini surogati u suvremenim načinima komunikacije. Zamjećuje se kako se ti novi memi ponašaju poput klasičnih kratkih usmenoknjiževnih oblika u internetskoj komunikaciji te svojom popularnošću i repetitivnošću na mreži stvaraju nove poruke poslovičnoga karaktera. Memi nastaju po receptu provjerenoga (kratkoća, istinitost, iskustvo) – odnosno usmenoknjiževna poetika izlazi iz svoga ustaljenog usmenog načina prenošenja te se pojavljuje u virtualnome prostoru u kojemu prenosi poruke istoga značenja, ali u drugačijemu (virtualnom, mrežnom) obliku. - This article discusses the problem of proverbial textual internet memes. These can be compared with proverbs in their form and content, and with literary oral poetics in their means of transmission. All described memes are from the Instagram profile Mudrolije sa Twittera and they can be divided into two separate groups. In the first group are memes that paraphrase already existing proverbs, and in the second are memes that imitate the genre of proverbs in their structure and stylistics, and which can be considered their surrogates in online communication. It has been noted that these memes behave like short literary forms in internet communication and that they generate new online proverbial messages that can be compared with proverbs. These memes are created by imitating a proverbial form (shortness, truthfulness, experience) and transmitted in the same way as the short oral forms, but via different forms of communication – instead of verbal communication they are transmitted online, i.e. through virtual communication.
U: Etnološka tribina (Online). - ISSN 1848-9540. - 49 (2019), 42 ; str. 152-172  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Internetski mem -- Digitalni folklor -- Poslovice -- Usmenoknjiževna poetika -- Virtualna komunikacija -- Društvene mreže

Nadzor i žudnja u društvenim mrežama [Elektronička građa] : o diskursu kapitalista / Barbara Lovrinić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija: str.106-109. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Sveopća digitalizacija i tehnološki napredak pogodovali su jačanju tehnoloških divova (Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google i Microsoft) i akumulaciji profita na čemu se temelji današnja digitalna javna sfera. U obilju raznih platformi osobito je zanimljiv fenomen društvenih mreža. Dok društvene mreže korisnika čine „kraljemˮ u kreaciji vlastitoga virtualnog sadržaja i potiču kulturu dijeljenja, istovremeno ga lišavaju potpune kontrole nad svojim podacima koji se uglavnom iskorištavaju u komercijalne svrhe. Ovaj rad problematizira dva teorijska koncepta za razumijevanje odnosa moći vlasnika društvenih mreža i njihovih korisnika. Prvi je pojam nadzora kao sve važnijeg čimbenika u političkoj ekonomiji komunikacije. Drugi je lakanovski pojam žudnje za priznavanjem/prepoznavanjem jedinstvenosti kojim se ukazuje na izvor onoga što nas kao korisnike sprečava, ili nam bar djelomično onemogućava, da ono „nevidljivo” – upravljanje „velikim podacima” (big data) i nadzor nad profilima korisnika – povežemo s pitanjima političke ekonomije. U ovom radu, koncipiranom na temelju dvosmjerne komunikacije između vlasnika i korisnika društvenih mreža, nastojimo pokazati da stare teorije ne zastarijevaju u novom vidu odnosa tehnologije, komunikacije, politike i ekonomije. - Global digitalization processes and technological advancement have favoured the strengthening of the Big Five (Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft) and the accumulation of profits upon which the digital public sphere is currently based. In the age of algorithms and big data, digital media platforms play an important role in shaping users’ attitudes. The phenomenon of social media platforms is especially interesting – while they are enabling the user to be the “king” in creating his/her virtual content, the user is at the same time deprived of having control over the privacy of his/her data, which is mainly exploited for commercial purposes. This paper deals with two concepts for understanding the power relationship between the social media owners and their users. The first is the concept of surveillance as an increasingly important factor in the political economy of communication. The second is Lacan’s dialectic of user’s desire to be recognised and visible online, used here to point to the source of what is preventing us, as platform users, from being critical of the “invisible” – big data and surveillance of the profiles. Based on a two-way communication between the owners and users of social media, this paper argues that well established theories can shed light on the new issues emerging between technology, communication, politics and economics.
U: Medijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1846-6605. - 25 (2019), 2 ; str. 89-110  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Politička ekonomija -- Društvene mreže -- Algoritmi


CERVI, Laura
Similar politicians, different media [Elektronička građa] : media treatment of sex related scandals in Italy and the USA / Laura Cervi. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 176-178. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The article analyzes the media treatment of two sex scandals: the “Stormy Daniels scandal”, which involved the current US President Donald Trump in 2018 and the “Ruby scandal”, which involved Silvio Berlusconi in 2010, while he was Italy’s Prime Minister. By combining both quantitative and qualitative methodologies the aim is to discover whether the media treatment is different, as we can expect since the two countries belong to two different media systems, or if, following the theory of Americanization of political communication, the Italian media will tend to emulate the American model. Furthermore, another aim of this study is to detect whether a shift towards a more Polarized Pluralist model can be identified in the USA, as some authors have started foreseeing. The results will show that both countries’ media behave coherently with the traditional feature of their media system, the Polarized Pluralist and the Liberal. - Ovaj rad analizira medijski tretman dvaju seks-skandala: skandala „Stormy Daniels“ iz 2018. u koji je bio uključen sadašnji predsjednik SAD-a Donald Trump i skandala „Ruby“ u kojem je sudjelovao Silvio Berlusconi 2010. dok je bio talijanski premijer. U radu se koriste kvantitativne i kvalitativne metode, a cilj je otkriti je li medijski tretman navedenih događaja drukčiji, što očekujemo s obzirom na to da dvije zemlje pripadaju dvama različitim medijskim sustavima, te može li se očekivati, na tragu teorije amerikanizacije političke komunikacije, da bi talijanski mediji mogli biti skloni imitiranju američkog modela. Nadalje, drugi cilj ove studije jest otkriti može li se zaokret prema tzv. polariziranom pluralističkom (talijanskom) modelu pronaći u SAD-u, kako su pojedini autori počeli predviđati. Rezultati su pokazali da se mediji u obje zemlje drže svojih tradicionalnih načina tretiranja događaja koji zanimaju javnost.
U: Medijske studije (Online). - ISSN 1848-5030. - 10 (2019), 19 ; str. 161-179  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Medijsko izvještavanje -- Politička komunikacija -- Seks-skandali
Berlusconi, Silvio -- Trump, Donald


ŠTULHOFER, Aleksandar
Što je sve prošlo ispod radara - odgovor na polemički rad Dolenec i Širinić [Elektronička građa] / Aleksandar Štulhofer, Ivan Rimac, Vuk Vuković.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 12 jed.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 2 ; str. 147-154  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Egalitarni sindrom -- Osvrt
Dolenec, Danijela -- Širinić, Daniela


Ususret izazovima obrazovanja za medije i kulturu 21. stoljeća [Elektronička građa] : nova znanja i vještine za digitalno, interaktivno i participativno okruženje / Ana Martinoli. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija: str. 26-27. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Digitalizacija medija i demokratizacija alata i servisa koji se mogu koristiti za proizvodnju medijskih sadržaja trendovi su koji su kreirali nikad otvorenije, participativnije okruženje kada su u pitanju komunikacija, produkcija i razmjena medijskih sadržaja. Istovremeno, znanja i vještine sve se češće stječu u neformalnim udruženjima, neinstitucionaliziranim profesionalnim grupama, u online zajednicama u kojima ideje i znanja protječu nelinearno, često bez sistema hijerarhije, a nadograđuju se i utvrđuju u interaktivnim procesima. Ovakva kretanja neminovno mijenjaju očekivanja i zadatke formalnih obrazovnih institucija koja se često nedovoljno brzo prilagođavaju, ne odgovarajući na potrebe dinamičnog, umreženog, multimedijalnog tržišta. Cilj je ovoga rada istraživanje odabranih primjera dobre prakse u visokom obrazovanju, u području medijske produkcije i menadžmenta medija, koji demonstriraju neophodan interdisciplinarni pristup osmišljavanju edukativnih programa. - The digitalization of the media and the democratization of tools and services used for media production are trends that have created a open, participatory environment for communication, production and sharing of media content as never before. At the same time, knowledge and skills are increasingly acquired through informal associations, non-institutionalized professional groups, in online communities where ideas and knowledge flow in a non-linear way, often without a hierarchy system, and are upgraded and established through interactive processes. Such trends inevitably change the expectations and tasks of formal educational institutions, which often do not adapt quickly enough, failing to respond to the needs of a dynamic, networked, multimedia market. This text explore selected examples of good practice in higher education, in the field of media production and media management, demonstrating the necessary interdisciplinary approach to the future design of education curriculums.
U: Medijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1846-6605. - 25 (2019), 2 ; str. 5-28  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Digitalni mediji -- Obrazovanje -- Umrežavanje -- Menadžment medija

Who you're gonna call? [Elektronička građa] : The development of university digital leaders : a case study / Yota Dimitriadi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 115-117. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In our hyper-connected digitised educational world, university tutors are interested in capitalising on affordances of digital trends in teaching and learning. Students, under the alias of preservice- teachers, walk among them equipped with digital skills in areas of their interest. How can we encourage collaboration between tutors and students that can promote the use of the digital force wisely, support the development of students’ professional identities further and extend tutors’ digital competences? The story of nine tutors and eleven undergraduate pre-service-teachers working together on digital partnerships is set against discussions around digital leadership and citizenship. This case study aims to highlight how universities can respond to technology-driven change by engaging students further and support their awareness of digital citizenship. The overall results showed that the informal learning that students have capitalised outside the classroom can be used to scaffold their development of digital citizenship through offline community engagement. It demonstrates the advantage of using such opportunities as a means to encourage citizenship practices among university student communities and the positive impact that such synergies can have on all the participants. - U našem hiperpovezanom digitaliziranom obrazovnom svijetu sveučilišni nastavnici zainteresirani su za kapitaliziranje poželjnih digitalnih trendova u obrazovanju i učenju. Studenti, pod nazivom budućih nastavnika, nalaze se među njima opremljeni digitalnim vještinama. Kako možemo ohrabriti suradnju između sveučilišnih nastavnika i studenata koja može promovirati upotrebu digitalnih snaga na zajedničku korist i poduprijeti daljnji razvoj profesionalnih identiteta studenata, kaoi digitalne kompetencije sveučilišnih nastavnika? U radu donosimo priče devet nastavnika i jedanaest budućih nastavnika s preddiplomskih studija koji rade zajedno na digitalnom partnerstvu, raspravljajući o digitalnom vodstvu i digitalnom građanstvu. Ovom studijom slučaja želimo pokazati kako sveučilišta mogu odgovoriti na promjene izazvane tehnologijom tako da više uključe studente i podupru njihovu svijest o sebi kao o digitalnim građanima. Rezultati pokazuju da se neformalno obrazovanje koje su studenti stekli izvan učionica može upotrijebiti kako bi se podupro njihov razvoj kao digitalnih građana kroz offline angažiranost u zajednici.
U: Medijske studije (Online). - ISSN 1848-5030. - 10 (2019), 19 ; str. 102-118  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Digitalna pismenost -- Digitalno vodstvo -- Digitalno građanstvo

KUČIŠ, Vlasta
Zastupljenost i obilježja društveno neprihvatljivoga govora o političkim strankama na internetskim portalima na primjeru prosvjeda u Vukovaru 2018. godine [Elektronička građa] / Vlasta Kučiš, Nika Đuho, Ivan Balabanić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 85-86. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Korištenje društveno neprihvatljivoga govora u medijima postaje sve važnije pitanje i sve češći predmet analiza. On se može manifestirati u različitim oblicima što uvelike otežava njegovu identifikaciju i precizno definiranje te naposljetku otežava borbu protiv njegove upotrebe. U radu se prisutnost društveno neprihvatljivoga govora analizirala na najčitanijim domaćim internetskim portalima (Jutarnji.hr, Večernji.hr, Narod.hr, Dnevno.hr, Index.hr, Net.hr, Tportal.hr te Direktno.hr) te komentarima građana koji se odnose na prosvjed u Vukovaru, koji se održao u listopadu 2018. godine. Cilj analize medijskog sadržaja bio je utvrditi postojanje društveno neprihvatljivoga govora na primjeru političkih stranaka te utvrditi glavne načine izražavanja društveno neprihvatljivoga govora na odabranim internetskim portalima. Analizom je obuhvaćeno ukupno 906 komentara građana. Iako još uvijek ne postoji jednoznačna definicija društveno neprihvatljivoga govora, moguće je primijetiti da se on u svojim brojnim oblicima uglavnom pojavljuje kada je riječ o osjetljivim društvenim i političkim temama koje izazivaju snažne emocije te oko kojih još uvijek nije uspostavljen društveni i vrijednosni konsenzus. - Using socially unacceptable speech in the media, often referred to as hate speech, becomes an increasingly important issue and subject of analysis. It can be manifested in various forms, for example by using irony, metaphor, sarcasm or different euphemisms, which makes harder its identification and precise definition. The paper analyses the presence of socially unacceptable speech on the most popular Croatian internet portals (Jutarnji.hr, Večernji.hr, Narod.hr, Dnevno.hr, Index.hr, Net.hr, Tportal.hr and Direktno.hr) in journalists’ and citizens’ posts which refer to the protest in Vukovar in October 2018. The aim of the media analysis was to determine the existence of socially unacceptable speech on the example of political parties and to identify the main ways of expressing socially unacceptable speech on selected Internet portals. The analysis included a total of 906 posts. While there is still no unambiguous definition of socially unacceptable speech, it is possible to note that in its many forms it is mainly emerging when it comes to sensitive social and political themes that provoke strong emotions and around which social and value consensus has not yet been established.
U: Medijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1846-6605. - 25 (2019), 2 ; str. 69-87  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Medijski sadržaji -- Društveno neprihvatljiv govor -- Internetski portali -- Političke stranke -- Prosvjedi

Vidi br.: HA19-01331

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32   Politika

"Vratit ćemo narodu državu" - desni populizam, nacionalizam i novi izazovi [Elektronička građa] / Nenad Mišćević.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i internetski izvori: str. 61-65. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Tema rada je desni populizam, vrlo jak i raširen na cijeloj sjevernoj polutki; ovdje nas zanima naša zemlja i njoj najbliže. Najprije općenito karakteriziramo populizam, a onda razmatramo njegov odnos s najbližim mu pojavama, nacionalizmom i patriotizmom. Zanimljiv je fenomen u Hrvatskoj odsutnost snažnih jasno populističkih stranki usprkos snažnoj nacionalističkoj orijentaciji u izbornoj bazi; najjednostavnije je objašnjenje da je HDZ uspio preuzeti važne teme desnog populizma, a ipak sačuvati formu i ideologiju parlamentarne demokracije. Koliko je to rješenje stabilno vidjet će se u budućnosti. Uspon populizma promijenio je okvir političkih dilema kod nas i u svijetu; zastupnici suprotnih stajališta sada moraju ponovno promisliti pretpostavke na kojima djeluju i ponuditi nova rješenja. - The topic of the paper is right-wing populism, strong and widespread throughout the Northern Hemisphere; although the focus is on Croatia and its closest neighborhood. First, the author defines populism and then considers its relationship with its closest phenomena, nationalism, and patriotism. An interesting puzzle about Croatia is the absence of strong, clearly populist parties, despite a strong nationalist orientation in the electoral base; the simplest explanation is that the strongest party, HDZ (Croatian Democratic Union) has managed to take on important topics of right-wing populism while still preserving the form and ideology of parliamentary democracy. How stable this solution is will be seen in the future. The rise of populism has changed the frame of political contestation in our country and in the world; proponents of opposing political standpoints must now rethink the assumptions of their political action and offer new solutions.
U: Političke perspektive (Online). - ISSN 2335-027X. - 9 (2019), 1 ; str. 37-66  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Populizam -- Patriotizam -- Nacionalizam

Death and the city [Elektronička građa] : political corpses and the specters of Antigone / Hrvoje Cvijanović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 33-36. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The author argues that the politicization of life discussed by many modern and contemporary political thinkers cannot be treated differently, and hence without the similar curiosity and importance, from the politicization of death. The dead body represents a powerful symbol and as such it is often politicized. The paper deals with the problem of postmortem violence and juridico-political mechanisms aimed at excluding from the political body those not being alive but whose dead presence threats the living. For that purposes the author reconstructs Sophocles’ Antigone as a paradigmatic text whose reinterpretation and contextualization serve for rethinking the Greek conceptualization of the dead, and the ways in which the state penetrates into the realm of private attachments and funeral rites, especially when dealing with dead traitors/terrorists. Assuming an equal ontological status of every dead body, the author, on the one hand, defends mortalist humanism as an equal ability to grieve someone’s personal loss against the state-sanctioned politics of mourning, and on the other hand, argues that subjecting the dead to bare death, i.e. by turning them to political corpses as legally constituted dead human entities disposed to postmortem political exclusion, degradation, violence, or to other dehumanizing or depersonalizing practices, accounts for the illegitimate expansion of political power, and thus for the rule of terror, as well as for the ultimate human evil. - Autor tvrdi da se politizacija života, o kojoj govore mnogi moderni i suvremeni politički mislioci, ne može tretirati drugačije, a samim tim i bez sličnog zanimanja i važnosti, od politizacije smrti. Mrtvo tijelo predstavlja snažan simbol i kao takvo je često ispolitizirano. U radu se govori o problemu posmrtnog nasilja i pravno-političkim mehanizmima koji imaju za cilj isključiti iz političkog tijela one koji nisu živi, ali čija mrtva prisutnost prijeti živima. U tu svrhu autor rekonstruira Sofoklovu Antigonu kao paradigmatski tekst čija reinterpretacija i kontekstualizacija služi za ponovno promišljanje o grčkoj konceptualizaciji mrtvih, kao i o načinima na koje država prodire u domenu privatnih veza i pogrebnih obreda, posebice kad se bavi mrtvim izdajnicima/teroristima. Pretpostavljajući jednak ontološki status svakog mrtvog tijela, autor, s jedne strane, brani mortalistički humanizam kao jednaku mogućnost žalovanja nečijeg osobnog gubitka nasuprot državno određenim politikama žalovanja, a s druge, strane tvrdi da podvrgavanje mrtvih goloj smrti, tj. njihovim pretvaranjem u političke leševe kao pravno konstituirane mrtve ljudske entitete podložne posmrtnom političkom izopćenju, degradaciji, nasilju ili drugim dehumanizacijskim i depersonalizacijskim praksama, čini nelegitimno širenje političke moći, a samim time i vladavinu terora, kao i krajnje ljudsko zlo.
U: Političke perspektive (Online). - ISSN 2335-027X. - 9 (2019), 2 ; str. 7-37  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Smrt -- Politizacija smrti -- Dehumanizacija -- Politička moć -- Teror -- Zlo

Diskurs "post-istine" [Elektronička građa] : gdje je nestala istina u politici? / Leon Cvrtila. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 94-97. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad se bavi analizom i interpretacijom diskursa post-istine, to jest nizom narativa koji okružuju pojam „post-istine“ (eng. „post-truth“) koji je tijekom 2016. doživio eksploziju u javnoj sferi, inspiriran događajima Brexita i pobjede Donalda Trumpa na američkim izborima za predsjednika. Koristeći pristup kritičke analize diskursa te uvide sociologa Pierrea Bourdieua gradi se okvir za zahvaćanje predmeta, metodološki sklop za identifikaciju, prikupljanje i analizu podataka ali i za njegovo temeljno razumijevanje u kontekstu međuodnosa diskursa i društva. Na temelju internetskog pretraživanja prikupljeno je 419 relevantnih članaka na internetskim news portalima, magazinima, akademskim blogovima itd, od kojih je 203 ušlo u konačnu analizu. Prikupljeni sadržaj je sistematiziran te je diskurzivni sadržaj prikazan dijakronijski i tematski. Nakon detaljnog prikaza i interpretacije. Zaključuje se kako je diskurs post-istine ofanzivno-defanzivni poduhvat ocrtavanja linija političke i društvene borbe u suvremenom kontekstu. Ključan pojam istine je identificiran kao univerzalna vrijednost koja je ugrožena u sadašnjem trenutku od strane sila populista i demagoga koji su se okoristili nereguliranim medijima interneta i društvenih mreža. Diskurs post-istine poziva na ujedinjenje oko ideala istine, pod vodstvom onih koji imaju najveći uvid u nju – a to su znanstvenici, stručnjaci pa čak i novinari, shvaćeni kao nositelji epistemičkih vrlina. Na kraju, razmatra se budućnost i analitička korisnost pojma post-istine. Iako se on trudi razumjeti društvene promjene suvremenosti, u konačnici je preopterećen svojim političkim zahtjevima te stoga ne zadovoljava uvjete da postane koristan analitički pojam društvene znanosti. - This article deals with analysis and interpretations of “post-truth” discourse. The term “post-truth” is surrounded by a set of narratives which came into being during 2016, inspired by the events of Brexit and Donald Trump’s presidential election. Using the approach of critical discourse analysis and insights of Pierre Bourdieu, I construct a framework for collection and analysis of discourse, but also for interpreting it in the context of the discourse-society relation. Using internet search engines, 419 (of which 203 have been analysed) relevant articles have been collected among news sites, online magazines, academic blogs, etc. This content was systemically categorized and presented in a diachronic and thematic manner. After analysis and interpretation, the “posttruth” discourse is found to function as an attempt at drawing the lines of political struggle through presenting a particular interpretation of contemporary political and social phenomena. The key term “truth” is identified in the discourse as an universal value that is currently endangered by populists and demagogues using unregulated media spaces of social networks. The “post-truth” discourse calls upon unification around the ideal of “truth” under the leadership of those which have the greatest insight into “truth” – scientists, experts and even journalists, understood as carriers of epistemic virtue. In the end I discuss the usefulness and future of the term “post-truth”. Even though it attempts to understand and describe contemporary social change, this attempt is burdened by its political demands, and thus doesn’t meet the criteria to make it a useful analytic term in social science. I criticise it’s depoliticizing vision, where “epistemically-deprived” enemies are disqualified in moral terms, denying the legitimacy of their demands and representations.
U: Političke perspektive (Online). - ISSN 2335-027X. - 9 (2019), 2 ; str. 65-98  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Politika -- Istina -- Diskurs -- Kritička analiza -- Dezinformacije -- Društveni mediji
Bourdieu, Pierre


Ideologija, klasa i pitanje političke subjektivizacije u Bosni i Hercegovini [Elektronička građa] / Asim Mujkić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 63-64. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Autor propituje ulogu ideologije, mita i klase u razumijevanju kompleksnih procesa savremene političke subjektivizacije u BiH. Polazeći od revolucionarnog konteksta s početka devedesetih godina dvadesetog stoljeća koji razumijeva kao paralelni proces nacionalne i kapitalističke reaproprijacije, autor na pitanje pod kojim uslovima, diskurzivnim i institucionalnim, određene etničke razlike postaju politički relevantnima, postaju izvorom političke moći i mobilizacije, razvija odgovor u vidu antireprezentacionalističke hipoteze po kojoj su to s jedne strane diskurzivni i institucionalni uslovi “nacionalne države” shvaćene kao države homogenog etnonacionalnog domaćina i zanemarive etnonacionalne manjine, a s druge strane njima komplementarni diskurzivni i institucionalni uslovi kapitalističkog poretka iz kojega se nacionalni poredak historijski izdiže, a koji podrazumijeva klasnu strukturiranost. Subjekt proizvodnje nacionalno-kapitalističkog poretka je vladajuća klasa, u slučaju BiH klasa etnopolitičkih poduzetnika koja je u posjedu sredstava za proizvodnju društvenog života uopće: i materijalnog i onog simboličkog. - Author investigates the role of ideology, myth and class in understanding the complex contemporary processes of political subjectivization in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Starting from the revolutionary context from the beginning of the 1990s, which the author understands as a parallel process of national and capitalist re-appropriation, the author poses the question: which are the conditions, discursive and institutional, for specific ethnic differences to become politically relevant, to become the source of political power and mobilization. The answer is explored on the basis of the anti-representationalist hypothesis according to which, on the one hand, these are the discursive and institutional conditions of “nation-state” understood as a state of homogenous ethnonational host and negligible ethnonational minority, and, on the other hand, the discursive and institutional conditions of capitalist order from which nationalist order is historically developed presupposing its class structure. The subject of the production of national-capitalist order is the ruling class; in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the class of ethnopolitical entrepreneurs which is in possession of the means of production of social life in general: both in the material and in the symbolical sense.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 2 ; str. 41-65  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ideologija -- Mit -- Klasa -- Politička subjektivizacija

Kapitalizam/demokratija, reprezentacija [Elektronička građa] / Alpar Lošonc.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 22-26. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Članak se fokusira na odnos kapitalizma i demokracije s posebnim osvrtom na problem reprezentacije u okviru demokratije. U članku se pokušavaju sintetizirati konceptualne dileme i suprotstavljene tendencije, a sastoji se od tri dijela. U prvom dijelu, autor ističe tri različita gledišta o (ne)kompatibilnosti kapitalizma i demokracije, te jedno o irelevantnosti odnosa između kapitalizma i demokracije. U drugom dijelu razmatra se strukturalno-konjunkturalna komplikacija kapitalizma koja proizvodi negativna očekivanja i političke učinke. Povezuju se pomenuta očekivanja o ponavljanju krize iz 2007. s mogućnostima i kontinuitetima različitih protestnih pokreta koji su manifestacija potencijala demokratskog otproa. Konačno, u zadnjem dijelu, autor raspravlja o pitanju reprezentacije iz demokratske perspektive i ističe da su protestni pokreti nastali u vremenu krize, stvarali različite kontra-reprezentativne prakse koje nanovo problematizuju odnos kapitalizma i demokracije. Demokraciju se ne može „očistiti“ od svih heterogenih značenja, ali nas praksa kontra-reprezentacije podsjeća da demokracija još uvijek sadrži potencijal za otpor. - The paper focuses on the relationship between capitalism and democracy, with particular reference to the issue of representation in the framework of democracy. Furthermore, the paper (that attempts to synthesize conceptual dilemmas and analyze conjunctural tendencies) consists of three parts. In the first part, I highlight four different views regarding the compatibility and incompatibility of capitalism and democracy, with the orientations that make this relationship irrelevant. In part two, I discuss the conjunctural crisis tendencies of capitalism that produce negative expectations and produce political effects. I relate these expectations to the recurrence of the crisis that broke out in 2007, and treat the continuity of the various protest struggles that indicate a significant manifestation of the potential of democracy's resistance. Finally, in the last part, I discuss the issue of representation from the perspective of democracy and build on the previous two chapters. I emphasize that the aforementioned movements, the protest groups created by the crisis, were simultaneously developing different counter-representation practices, again problematizing the relationship between capitalism and democracy. There is no way for democracy to be cleansed of its heterogeneous meanings. However, the practice of counter-representationreminds us that democracy still contains the potential for resistance.
U: Političke perspektive (Online). - ISSN 2335-027X. - 9 (2019), 3 ; str. 7-27  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kapitalizam -- Demokracija -- Kriza -- Protesti -- Reprezentacija

Liberalna prava između radikalne demokratske kritike i neuspeha liberalizma [Elektronička građa] / Nenad Dimitrijević ; preveo s engleskog Jovica Pavlović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 83-85. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Ovaj rad polazi od stava da je nepoštovanje individualnih prava osnovni problem današnje liberalne demokratije. U njemu autor zauzima stav da demokratija nije vredna sama po sebi. Ustavna demokratija je legitiman politički režim samo ako je u stanju da afirmiše i zaštiti individualnu autonomiju svakog državljanina. Fokus teksta je na radikalno-demokratskoj kritici liberalnih prava, ali je ograničen na nekoliko važnih tačaka neslaganja između liberalno-demokratskog i radikalno-demokratskog razumevanja osnovnih prava. Analiza je fokusirana na one elemente liberalnog razumevanja prava koje radikalno-demokratska kritika vidi kao sporne. Drugi odeljak sumira pojam radikalne demokratije i nudi jednu moguću klasifikaciju različitih radikalno-demokratskih pristupa osnovnim pravima. Razlikuju se dva radikalno-demokratska pristupa: prvi odbacuje prava, dok drugi poziva na njihovo alternativno promišljanje. Treći odeljak prihvata radikalno-demokratski stav o potrebi redefinisanja standardne liberalne teze o relativnoj nezavisnosti lične, društvene i političke sfere. Normativni stav koji autor zastupa glasi da je kriza posledica dugotrajnog procesa u kome su liberalne demokratije postepeno napustile sopstvene vrednosne osnove. Na kraju, autor zaključuje da razmišljanje o mogućim putevima obnove pravnog i moralnog autoriteta liberalnih prava zahteva da preispitamo pojam liberalne jednakosti i da se zapitamo o održivosti konvencionalne liberalne institucionalne arhitekture. - This article departs from the claim that the fading respect for rights is the most troublesome feature of the current condition of liberal democracy. A background assumption is that democracy is not a value in itself. Constitutional democracy is a legitimate political arrangement only if it effectively upholds and protects personal autonomy of its citizens. The focus of the text is on the radical democratic critique of liberal rights, but it does not aim at offering a comprehensive overview of diverse radical democratic theories. It is organized around the points of contestation between radical democratic and liberal constitutionalist readings of rights. The second section of the article summarizes the concept of radical democracy and introduces a provisional classification of radical democratic approaches to rights. It distinguishes between two groups of theories: those that reject rights and those that call for a reconceptualization of rights along non-liberal lines. The analysis focuses on the points of contestation with liberal rights. Section three argues for the need to revisit the standard liberal reading of the relative separation between personal, social and political realms. The author’s main normative claim is that the crisis of liberal rights is an outcome of a long process in which liberal democracies gradually abandoned their normative foundations. When considering possible paths of rehabilitation of the legal and moral authority of liberal rights, thinking beyond the given is not the worst option. The core question is how to think of, and how to practically affirm, personal autonomy in the present context.
U: Političke perspektive (Online). - ISSN 2335-027X. - 9 (2019), 1 ; str. 67-78  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Liberalna prava -- Radikalno demokratska kritika -- Liberalizam -- Ustavna demokracija

Politika i pozorište kao čuvari zajedničkog sveta [Elektronička građa] / Bojan Kovačević.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 113-115. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Autor zastupa tezu da u istoriji evropske drame i pozorišta leži originalan odgovor na pitanje odnosa između poretka i promene koje je u središtu preokupacija klasičnih političkih mislilaca. Pozorište ima temeljni zadatak očuvanja zajedničkog sveta bez koga i samo ostaje lišeno smisla postojanja. Gurnuvši nas isprva u provaliju zapitanosti nad smislom, veliki dramski pisci nas potom iz nje izvlače odgovorom koji je njihovoj mašti šapnulo doba u kojem su živeli. Oni među njima koji su postojeći poredak čuvali, poput Eshila, Molijera i Rasina, gledaocima su obznanjivali njegovu utemeljujuću ideju. Oni, poput Getea i Šilera, čiji je umetnički genij u istoriji prepoznao svrhoviti razvoj ka republici slobodnih građana, pozorište su koristili kao mesto estetskog poučavanja društvene elite od koje se očekuje da dolazak novog zajedničkog sveta ubrza. Za stvaraoce u revolucionarnim vremenima, poput Brehta i Pirandela, pozorišne daske služile su kao nadahnuće za radikalnu promenu svih postojećih društvenih i političkih ustanova. Konačno, autorima poput Euripida, Ibzena, Čehova i Strindberga pozorište je omogućilo da zavape za starim svetom koji je ostao bez svoje ideje o poretku i zato nestaje. - In this paper the author claims that the history of European drama and theater contains an original answer to the classical political question of relation between an order and change. The theater’s fundamental goal is preservation of a common world in the absence of which the theater itself becomes meaningless. Confronting us at first with the abyss of searching for the meaning of life, the great dramatists than help us return to the normality by providing us with an answer whispered in their ear by the spiritual, historic and political circumstances of their age. Those among them aiming to preserve the existing order, such as Aeschylus, Molière and Racine, artistically revealed to the audiences the order’s grounding idea. For others, such as Goethe and Schiller, whose artistic genius recognized in the history signs of a development towards a republic of autonomous citizens, theater was a place for esthetic education of an elite expected to accelerate the process of coming into being of a new common world. Authors of revolutionary periods, such as Brecht and Pirandello, used theater to inspire radical change of all existing social and political institutions. Finally, to the authors such as Euripides, Ibsen, Chekhov and Strindberg, theater made it possible to cry out for an old common world that no longer has a grounding idea and therefore disappears.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 2 ; str. 87-115  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Politika -- Kazalište -- Drama -- Poredak

Politika straha i uzlet "novog despotizma" [Elektronička građa] / Milan Podunavac.
Godišnja konferencija Udruženja za političke nauke Srbije "Konflikt. Stabilnost. Demokratija?", Beograd, 28.-29.9.2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 54-55. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Demokratski optimizam devedestih godina prošlog veka zamenjuje osobita forma javnog razočarenja u demokratiju. Kriza demokratije praćena institucionalnim deficitima, konfuzijom, niskim stepenom upravljačke sposobnosti da se rešavaju pitanja siromaštva, nezaposlenosti, imigracije, korupcije, simptomi su ovoga stanja. Globalni val populizma najizoštreniji je izraz ove političke patologije. Početak novoga veka rađa uzlet otvorenog neprijateljstva prema demokratiji. Deskriptivni pristupi oslonjeni na proceduralnu dimenziju režima moći („hibridni režimi“, „ograničena demokratija“ „iliberalna demokratija“, „kompetitivni autoritarizam“ ) pokazuju se nedostatnim. U ovome radu autor se vraća klasičnom konceptu „despotizma“ i pokazuje normative i teorisjke prednosti ovoga koncepta („novi despotizam“) u analizi novoga režima moći koji izrasta na pretpostvkama sve šireg nepoverenja u demokratske instituciije. - The democratic optimism of the 1990s has been replaced by a particular form of public disillusionment with democracy. The crisis of democracy, accompanied by institutional deficits, confusion, low levels of management capacity to tackle poverty, unemployment, immigration, corruption, are symptoms of this condition. The global wave of populism is the sharpest expression of this political pathology. The beginning of the new century has given birth to an open hostility to democracy. Descriptive approaches based on the procedural dimension of the regime of power ("hybrid regimes", "limited democracy", "liberal democracy", "competitive authoritarianism") are proving insufficient to capture the new political system. In this paper, the author returns to the classical concept of "despotism" and shows the normative and theoretical advantages of this concept ("new despotism") in the analysis of a new regime of power that grows on the premise of growing distrust of democratic institutions.
U: Političke perspektive (Online). - ISSN 2335-027X. - 9 (2019), 3 ; str. 43-55  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Demokracija -- Kriza -- Populizam -- Despotizam -- Dobrovoljno ropstvo

BIRAČ, Dimitrije
Prilog analizi političkih govora Slobodana Miloševića (28.6.1989.) i Franje Tuđmana (24.2.1990.) [Elektronička građa] / Dimitrije Birač. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 83-86. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad je pokušaj analize gazimestanskog govora Miloševića i Tuđmanovog govora na prvom općem saboru HDZ-a. Intencija je pokazati da što se tiče samog govora Miloševića, on nije imao za primarni cilj nasilno razbijanje Jugoslavije, kao ni međurepubličke ratove. S druge strane, rad bi trebao pokazati da Tuđmanov govor, gledajući u cjelini, nije bio proustaški. U tom kontekstu, period koji se analizira završava neposredno uoči prvih višestranačkih parlamentarnih izbora u Hrvatskoj, dakle ne obrađuje dolazak HDZ-a na vlast. Također, apstrahira se od drugih društvenih aktera, bilo u Srbiji, bilo u Hrvatskoj, posebno Srba u Hrvatskoj. Provedena analiza političkih govora nema ni na koji način za cilj relativizaciju uloge dvaju protagonista niti ih abolira od političke odgovornosti za raspad Jugoslavije i nastale ratove. Sagledavanje i analiza njihovih govora izvršena je u kontekstu vremena u kome su održani i svijesno je apstrahiran naknadni razvoj političkih događaja u Jugoslaviji. Naravno, iako govornici nisu mogli pretpostaviti koje će biti krajnje posljedice njihovih govora, sigurno je da su obojica, kao već iskusni političari, mogli pretpostaviti da će oni proizvesti snažni efekt i podignuti tenzije u javnom prostoru. - The paper is an attempt to analyze Gazemestan speech made by Milosevic as well as Tudjman's speech at the first general assembly of the Croatian Democratic Union (CDU). Intention is to demonstrate that, concerning Milosevic's speech, its primry aim was nost violent breakup of Yugoslavia neither inter-republican wars. On the other hand, the paper should also demonstrate that Tudjman's speech, in total, was not ustasha oriented. In this context, analyzed period ends just before the first multiparty elections in Croatia, therefore it does not address the CDU's coming to power. It also abstracts from other social actors, whether in Serbia or Croatia, especially Serbs in Croatia. The analysis of these two political speeches is not relativizing in any way the role of two protagonists, nor does it abolish them from their political responsibility for the breakup of Yugoslavia and the resulting wars. Review and analysis of their speeches were made in the context of the time in which they were held and they consciously abstract the subsequent development of political events in Yugoslavia. Of course, although the speakers couldn't know what the ultimate consequences of their speeches would be, it is certain that they both intended to produce a powerful effect and raise tensions in the public space.
U: Političke perspektive (Online). - ISSN 2335-027X. - 9 (2019), 3 ; str. 57-86  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Politički govori
Milošević, Slobodan -- Tuđman, Franjo
Hrvatska demokratska zajednica -- Savez komunista Srbije -- Savez komunista Hrvatske


PETROVIĆ, Neven, filozof
Prosuđivanje političara na moralnoj osnovi [Elektronička građa] / Neven Petrović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 62-63. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Tekst preispituje rasprostranjenu praksom da se političarima ili kandidatima za političku funkciju nalaze moralni nedostaci te ih se zbog njih pokušava smijeniti ili im se ne dozvoljava da do funkcije uopće dođu. Glavna je autorova teza da je takva praksa u mnogim slučajevima iracionalna jer onemogućuje da na pozicije od javnog interesa dođu sposobni ljudi. Kako bi se ova tvrdnja obranila, spomenuti se moralni propusti najprije klasificiraju a potom se nude tri glavna argumenta kojima se želi pokazati da u barem tri vrste slučajeva političari svoj nemoral ne bi trebali plaćati funkcijom na kojoj se nalaze ili na koju aspiriraju. Na kraju se razmatraju i neki mogući prigovori iznesenom stajalištu. - The author examines a prevalent practice to find politicians or candidates running for office morally deficient and to demand either their removal from office or disqalification from the political race. The author’s main thesis is that such practice is, in many cases, irrational because it prevents qualified candidates from holding political offices. In order to defend this claim, these moral failures are first classified and then three main arguments are offered in order to show that in at least three types of cases politicians should not pay for their immorality with the political function they occupy or they aspire to occupy. Finally, some possible objections to the presented position are considered and answered.
U: Političke perspektive (Online). - ISSN 2335-027X. - 9 (2019), 2 ; str. 39-64  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Političari -- Politički realizam -- Moral -- Konsekvencijalizam

Razvoj institucionalnog ustroja hrvatske politike strukovnog obrazovanja [Elektronička građa] / Nikola Buković. - Graf. prikazi.
Prilozi: str. 120-122. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 116-119. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Zbog nepostojanja odgovarajuće teorijsko-konceptualne podloge relevantna analiza institucionalnih odrednica hrvatske politike strukovnog obrazovanja zahtijeva razvoj zasebnog, prilagođenog eksplanatornog modela. Stoga autor, uz odgovarajuće modifikacije, koristi široko prihvaćen okvir političke ekonomije razvoja vještina za stvaranje kodne liste koju primjenjuje na sve normativne i strateško-programske dokumente koji su uređivali hrvatski sustav strukovnog obrazovanja od neovisnosti do danas. Rezultati kvalitativne analize ukazuju kako je postojeći sustav hrvatskog strukovnog obrazovanja moguće opisati kao „državni s elementima krnje kolektivnosti u području obrazovanja za obrte“; dok je ključni mehanizam njegova stvaranja i održavanja prikladno nazvati „slojevanjem bez promjene institucionalne jezgre”. Empirijsko testiranje ovog mehanizma može bitno produbiti razumijevanje hrvatske politike strukovnog obrazovanja, ali i predstavljati osnovu ambicioznijeg komparativnog istraživanja politike strukovnog obrazovanja u postkomunističkim društvima. - The absence of an adequate theoretical and conceptual framework dictates that any relevant institutional analysis of Croatian vocational education policy requires a separate, tailor-made explanatory model. Consequently, elements of the political economy of skill formation, a broadly acclaimed conceptual framework, were modified for coding all policy documents governing Croatian vocational education system since the country’s independence. Results of such qualitative analysis indicate that the existing vocational education system is best described as “statism with elements of partial collectivism in training for crafts”; while the dominant mechanism behind it as “layering without affecting the institutional core”. Testing this mechanism could pave the way to a deeper understanding of Croatian vocational education policy; but also, more ambitious comparative research within the context of post-communist societies.
U: Političke perspektive (Online). - ISSN 2335-027X. - 9 (2019), 2 ; str. 99-122  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Javna politika -- Strukovno obrazovanje -- Razvoj vještina

FALSKI, Maciej
Semiotics of the "third force" [Elektronička građa] : MOST and the performative and visual dimension of political life in the post-electoral period in Croatia, 2015. / Maciej Falski. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 39-40. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The present paper analyzes the media representation of the idea of the "third force" in politics. The research focuses on how the notion is being staged and visualized in order to create the impression of a new and fresh agent in the race for power. The case of MOST, a political coalition which gained importance in the 2015 Croatian parliamentary election, seems particularly important and adequate for the purpose. I do not discuss programs, political aims or visions of the main political parties. Rather, I propose a semiotic analysis of public communication. Attention will be paid to performative aspects of television broadcasts, organization of the space where negotiations were held, visual relations between political actors. The broadcasts, and the broadly taken space of public contact, will be treated as a stage, and actions taking place on such a stage as a political drama, with a screenplay which may be, but is not necessarily, conscious and planned. When seen from this perspective, the focus of interest does not lie on the purposeful layout of seating in a meeting or a public communique, but on unconscious cultural patterns which have a great impact on our decisions, choices, and perceptions. Ultimately, the electoral success of MOST was related not only to its program, but also–or maybe mostly – to its performative policy and its consistent positioning as a new actor in the political field. - U ovom se članku analizira medijski prikaz pojma “treće snage” u području politike. Rad se bavi načinom na koji se pojam "treće snage" uprizoruje i vizualizira s ciljem stvaranja dojma o novosti i svježini agensa u utrci za moći. Slučaj Mosta, političke koalicije koja je dobila na važnosti na parlamentarnim izborima u Hrvatskoj 2015. godine, čini se posebno važnim i adekvatnim za navedenu analizu. U radu ne raspravljam o programima, političkim ciljevima ili vizijama glavnih političkih stranaka, nego dajem semiotičku analizu javne komunikacije. Posebno se bavim performativnim aspektima televizijskih emisija, organizacijom prostora gdje su se održavali pregovori i vizualnim odnosima među političkim dionicima. Televizijske emisije i čitav širi prostor javnog kontakta sagledat ću kao pozornicu, a djelovanja na tako shvaćenoj pozornici kao političku predstavu utemeljenu na scenariju koji može biti, ali nije nužno, svjestan i planiran. Iz navedene perspektive najzanimljivijim se ne čine planirani rasporedi prostora na sastanku ili u javnom obraćanju, nego nesvjesni kulturni obrasci koji imaju velik utjecaj na naše odluke, izbore i percepciju. Zaključno tvrdim da izborni uspjeh Mosta nije bio vezan isključivo uz njegov program nego i uz – ili ponajviše uz – njegovu performativnu politiku i konzistentno pozicioniranje kao novog igrača u političkom prostoru.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 56 (2019), 1 ; str. 27-40  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Semiotika -- Javna komunikacija -- Politički prostor -- Performativna analiza
Petrov, Božo


MENGER, Mariza
Teorija odlučivanja Herberta Simona [Elektronička građa] : decizionistički pristup organizaciji / Mariza Menger.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 83-85. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad se bavi decizionističkim pravcem u izučavanju organizacije i cilj mu je prikazati teoriju američkog nobelovca Herberta Simona kao njezinoga glavnog predstavnika. U radu se analiziraju neposredno Simonovi tekstovi, radovi drugih autora, njegovih bliskih suradnika, ali i kritičara, te domaća literatura koja se bavi odlučivanjem u organizaciji i problemom odlučivanja općenito. Iako je prepoznat njegov izvanredni doprinos disciplini, u domaćoj literaturi iz područja teorije organizacije nedostaje sustavan pregled Simonova rada. Cilj je ovog rada popuniti tu prazninu. U radu se najprije analiziraju temeljni koncepti Simonove teorije odlučivanja: racionalnost odlučivanja i, posebno, ograničenja racionalnosti, potraga za zadovoljavajućim rješenjem, heuristika, razlikovanje između programiranih i neprogramiranih odluka. Zatim se iznosi Simonovo razumijevanje organizacija argumentirajući kako ono počiva na razlikovanju između dvije vrste odluka: odluke o pristupanju u članstvo i drugih odluka koje se donose unutar organizacije. Konačno, zadnji dio rada bavi se kritikom Simonove teorije odlučivanja i teorije organizacije. - The paper deals with the decisionist approach to organization theory and presents the work of American Nobel laureate Herbert Simon as its chief representative. Information is collected from the work written by Simon himself, from books and papers authored by other people, most notably his close associates and critics, as well as Croatian literature dealing with decision-making in organizations and decision-making in general. Although his extraordinary contribution to several disciplines is recognized in the domestic literature, there is no systematic overview of Simon’s work. This paper aims to fill this void. First part of the paper tackles the basic concepts of Simon’s decisionmaking theory: rationality of decision-making and, in particular, bounded rationality, search for a satisfying solution (satisficing), heuristics, and differentiation between programmed and non-programmed decisions. The paper proceeds by presenting Simon’s understanding of decision-making within the organizational setting. It is argued that Simon’s understanding of organizations is anchored in the differentiation between two types of decisions: decision to participate and decision to produce (intraorganizational decisions). Finally, the last part of the paper explores criticism of Simon’s work.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 2 ; str. 66-86  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Decizionizam -- Teorija organizacije -- Teorija odlučivanja -- Racionalnost -- Heuristika
Simon, Herbert


TOPLAK, Cirila
Utjecaj primordijalnih društvenih formi na suvremene interpretacije demokracije na Zapadnom Balkanu [Elektronička građa] / Cirila Toplak.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Godišnja konferencija Udruženja za političke nauke Srbije "Konflikt. Stabilnost. Demokratija?", Beograd, 28.-29.9.2019. - Bibliografija i izvori: str. 40-41. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Tekst preispituje potencijal primordialnih društvenih formi – kao oblici otpora iz postkolonijalnih i subalternih studija – za razumijevanje suvremenog političkog života u post-jugoslovenskom regionu. Premisa istraživanja jest da je predstavnički demokratski sustav nije univerzalno prihvatljiv model, te da je on jedan oblik zapadne (političke i epistemološke) dominacije centra nad periferijom. Na tom osnovu postavlja se pitanje koliko je standardni zapadni model predstavničke demokracije doista prenosiv u zapadno-balkanska društva sa specifičnim političkim tradicijama i, posledično, koliko i na kakav način te političke tradicije utječu na „uvezeni“ zapadni demokratski model. A glavna je teza da povijesne forme društvenih praksi i odnosa, koje su autentične na tom prostoru, predstavljaju mogućnost reinterpretacije demokratskog sustavnog modela, pa i epistemološku emancipaciju. U tu svrhu sažeto su analizirane (povijesna) župa, naravnoverska zajednica i crkva bosanska. - The author examines the democratic potential of primordial social forms - as forms of resistance from postcolonial and subaltern studies - to understand contemporary political life in the post-Yugoslav region. The premise of the research is that the representative democratic system is not a universally acceptable model, and that it is a form of Western (political and epistemological) domination of the center over the periphery. Following this premise, the author asks whether, and to what extent is the standard Western model of representative democracy transferable to Western Balkan societies with their own specific political traditions and, consequently, to what extent these political traditions affect the "imported" Western democratic model. The main thesis of the article is that the historical forms of social practices and relationships that are authentic to this area represent the possibility of reinterpretation of the democratic model, including the opportunity of epistemological emancipation. For this purpose, the (historical) parish, the community of natural faith in Slovenia and the Bosnian church are analysed as primordial forms in the Western Balkans.
U: Političke perspektive (Online). - ISSN 2335-027X. - 9 (2019), 3 ; str. 29-42  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Povijesna župa -- Demokracija -- Demokratski sustav -- Crkva bosanska -- Epistemološka emancipacija -- Politička tradicija

Vidi br.: HA19-01329

Vidi br.: HA19-01416

Vidi br.: HA19-01420

Vidi br.: HA19-01362

Vidi br.: HA19-01419

Vidi br.: HA19-01826

Vidi br.: HA19-01407

Vidi br.: HA19-01581

321   Oblici političke organizacije. Države kao političke sile

BAKETA, Nikola
Promjena politike osiguravanja kvalitete na javnim sveučilištima u Hrvatskoj u periodu od 2001. do 2013. godine [Elektronička građa] / Nikola Baketa. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 68-73. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Autor u radu iz teorijske perspektive historijskog institucionalizma i koncepta promjene politike detektira i analizira pokretače promjene te ključne uvjete koji su omogućili ili spriječili promjenu politike osiguravanja kvalitete na javnim sveučilištima u Hrvatskoj u periodu od 2001. do 2013. godine. Radom je obuhvaćeno sedam javnih sveučilišta – Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Sveučilište u Splitu, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Sveučilište u Zadru, Sveučilište u Dubrovniku, te Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli. Koristeći se kvalitativnim metodama (usmjerena analiza sadržaja i polustrukturirani intervjui) kojima se prati proces promjene politike utvrđeno je da su glavni pokretači promjene izvanjski. Glavni zaključak je da institucionalna struktura može biti preduvjet koji omogućuje akterima provedbu promjene, ali da su pojedine karakteristike aktera, poput njihovih kapaciteta, nužne da bi se promjena i dogodila. - From the theoretical perspective of historical institutionalism and concept of policy change the author detects and analyzes the initiators of change and key conditions that enabled or prevented the change in quality assurance policy at public universities in Croatia from 2001 to 2013. The analysis includes seven public universities – the University of Zagreb, the University of Split, the University of Rijeka, the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, the University of Zadar, the University of Dubrovnik and the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula. Using qualitative methods (directed content analysis and semi-structured interviews) to follow the process of policy change, it has been established that the main motors of change are external. The main conclusion is that the institutional structure can be a prerequisite that enables actors to implement change, but that certain features of actors, such as their capacities, are necessary for policy change.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 1 ; str. 39-74  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sveučilište -- Kvaliteta -- Promjena politike -- Historijski institucionalizam

322   Odnosi između Crkve i države

Vidi br.: HA19-01345

Vidi br.: HA19-01390

323   Unutarnji poslovi. Unutarnja politika

MARTINIĆ Jerčić, Natko
Ubojstva hrvatskih policajaca 2. svibnja 1991. - najava velikosrpske agresije na Hrvatsku [Elektronička građa] / Natko Martinić Jerčić, Ante Nazor.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 147-149. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Među datumima koji se u kronologiji Domovinskoga rata ne smiju zanemariti, jer se tada dogodilo nešto što je znatno utjecalo na daljnji tijek događaja u Hrvatskoj, jest 2. svibnja 1991. godine. Toga je dana u Borovu Selu kraj Vukovara u Slavoniji i u Polači kraj Zadra u Dalmaciji iz zasjede ubijeno 13 hrvatskih policajaca, što je znatno pogoršalo već složenu sigurnosnu i političku situaciju u Hrvatskoj. Radi razumijevanja okolnosti („konteksta vremena”) u kojima su počinjena spomenuta ubojstva u radu će se ukratko osvrnuti na uzroke raspada Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije i na početak procesa demokratizacije suvremene Republike Hrvatske nakon višestranačkih izbora u travnju i svibnju 1990. te prikazati neke reakcije srpskih ekstremista na spomenuti proces, koje su prethodile ubojstvima 2. svibnja 1991., kao i reakciju hrvatske vlasti i Predsjedništva Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije, odnosno vodstva Srbije i Jugoslavenske narodne armije na spomenuti događaj. Naime, nakon toga krvoprolića Predsjedništvo Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije na sjednici od 7. do 9. svibnja 1991. pravno je omogućilo, zapravo legaliziralo, uporabu Jugoslavenske narodne armije u Hrvatskoj, službeno radi sprečavanja daljnjih sukoba. Spomenuta ubojstva, koja treba promatrati i u kontekstu pokušaja pobunjenih Srba u Hrvatskoj da izazovu reakciju Jugoslavenske narodne armije i uvođenje izvanrednoga stanja, uvela su Hrvatsku u razdoblje ni rata ni mira. Zapravo je 2. svibnja 1991. postalo jasno da su šanse za mirno rješenje hrvatsko-srpskih prijepora u Hrvatskoj sve manje. - 2 May 1991 holds a special place among the dates in the chronology of the Croatian War of Independence. It cannot be ignored because it is the date of an event that significantly influenced the further flow of events in Croatia. On that day, in Borovo selo near Vukovar in Slavonia and in Polača near Zadar in Dalmatia, 13 Croatian policemen were killed in an ambush, which significantly worsened the already complex security and political situation in Croatia. In order to understand the circumstances (historical context) of the mentioned murders, this work will briefly refer to the causes of the collapse of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the beginning of the democratisation process in Croatia after the multiparty elections in April and May 1990, show some of the reactions of Serb extremists to the mentioned process that preceded the 2 May 1991 murders, and the reactions of the Croatian authorities and the Presidency of Yugoslavia, i.e. the leadership of Serbia and the Yugoslav People’s Army, to the mentioned event. Namely, after the mentioned bloodshed, the Yugoslav Presidency reached the decision on its session of 7 to 9 May 1991 to legally allow, actually legalise, the use of the Yugoslav People’s Army in Croatia, officially to prevent further conflict. The mentioned murders, which should also be observed in the context of rebel Serb attempts in Croatia to provoke a reaction of the Yugoslav People’s Army and introduce a state of emergency, pushed Croatia into a period where there was neither war nor peace. Actually, 2 May 1991 signalled that the chances for the peaceful resolution of Croatian-Serbian disputes in Croatia were getting smaller.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 1 ; str. 123-150  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Srpska pobuna -- Domovinski rat -- Velikosrpska politika -- Policajci

Vidi br.: HA19-01339

Vidi br.: HA19-01340

Vidi br.: HA19-01487

Vidi br.: HA19-01778

Vidi br.: HA19-01738

327   Međunarodni odnosi. Svjetska politika. Međunarodni poslovi. Vanjska politika

PUH, Milan
Hrvati u Brazilu kao nevidljivo iseljeništvo [Elektronička građa] / Milan Puh.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 118-120. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U članku se obrađuje iseljenička zajednica u Brazilu pridošla iz Hrvatske, koja do sada nije bila sustavno istraživana, pa se smatra gotovo nepostojećom, tj. nevidljivom. Razlozi „nevidljivosti” te zajednice u Hrvatskoj, osobito njezinoj akademskoj zajednici, prepoznati su u pretpostavci da je Brazil bio često „odlagalište” nepoželjnih skupina iseljenika. Da bi se potkrijepila ta pretpostavka i opisalo mehanizme koji su doprinijeli toj nevidljivosti, u sažetom je obliku prikazan proces useljavanja u tri faze: do 1918., između dva svjetska rata i nakon 1945., s osvrtom na glavna povijesna događanja na području Hrvatske i Brazila vezana uz iseljeništvo, s naglaskom na državu i grad São Paulo. Da bi se što potpunije raspravila pitanja važna za razumijevanje ovoga fenomena, korišteni su razni modaliteti: kritička analiza prethodnih istraživanja, historiografski i statistički podaci te tiskovine. - In this paper, we present a thematic and methodological-theoretical history of immigration in Brazil, divided into three periods (up to 1918, from 1918 to 1945, and after 1945), in order to explain the causes of invisibility of this Croatian community and to point to the effects of the immigration policy that set up Brazil as the “disposal area” of marginal groups. We have pointed to historical events that prompted people to go from Croatia to Brazil, which made this country one of the three major emigrant recipients in Latin America even though not much attention has been given to it by the scientific community or in politics. We then interpreted the statistical data and estimates related to the number of immigrants in the country using a mixed methodology of quantitative and qualitative approaches to assess the current number of persons of Croatian heritage in Brazil. We continued with an analysis of prints, testimonies, and reports that describe the life of the community itself. These offer us insight into lower-level mechanisms that have influenced the deliberate disappearance of Croats, which has become one of the major characteristics of the community as a historical construct. In addition, we have highlighted ways in which media writing and some other instances were in constant dispute over the definition of the very experience of emigration, sometimes with positive viewpoints, but most often with negative ones, that over time became exclusive, thus contributing to the disappearance of Croats-Brazilians from the official destination maps. We end the article with a review of the relationship between the emigrant and his individual adjustment to the situation, which necessarily contributed to the hybrid identity that the Brazilian state officially encouraged, and enabled him to gain a better position and greater rights in the new society.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 1 ; str. 97-121  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvati -- Iseljeništvo

RIMAN, Barbara
Pavle Horvat u kontekstu slovensko-hrvatskih političkih odnosa od 1918. do 1945. i njegova književna obrada [Elektronička građa] / Barbara Riman, Kristina Riman.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 249-251. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se prikazuje djelovanje Pavla Horvata, Slovenca koji je bio aktivan u kontekstu povijesno-političkih događanja prije svega u vrijeme Drugoga svjetskog rata u Hrvatskoj. O njegovu životu i djelovanju ne zna se mnogo. U radu se donose nove informacije o njegovu političkom djelovanju, posebice na temelju napisa u slovenskom tisku, a potom se ta saznanja uspoređuju s književnom obradom istoimenoga lika u romanu Fara sv. Ivana (Župa sv. Ivana) autora Miška Kranjca. - Examining the data on Pavle Horvat published on the basis of scientific and professional papers as well as newspaper articles shows two basic views of his work. The first involves the beginnings of his public and political activity, and concerns a young man who wished to actively participate in the then current political events in Slovenia but, for various reasons, most of all probably his approach, failed. The second view is much more intense and focuses on moments from Horvat’s life that do not show him in a positive light, but as a “bad guy” who created a false public image of himself. Based on the gathered data, it is difficult to complete both images and it is certainly necessary to conduct more research in order to answer all questions. The data gleaned from the daily press is partial, as is the data from the documents. The second image, which can be seen from the gathered data, serves as the basis for forming the literary character of Pavle Horvat in the novel Fara sv. Ivana (The Parish of St John) by Miško Kranjec. In it, Horvat’s character is showed in a negative light, as a person who primarily fights for his personal interests under the guise of caring for Slovenians in Croatia. Such a literary formation may be based on documents and newspaper articles that were available to author Miško Kranjec, but could also be based on Kranjec’s subjective opinion, since it is obvious he knew Horvat personally and therefore immortalised him in his novel. Even though the character of Pavle Horvat is today almost unknown in Slovenian and Croatian historiography, it is precisely the literary formation of his character that prompts us to think about the less-known Slovenian-Croatian political relations in the interwar period and especially during World War II.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 1 ; str. 233-252  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slovenci -- Hrvati -- Politički odnosi -- Drugi svjetski rat
Horvat, Pavle -- Kranjec, Miško


ŽIVOTIĆ, Aleksandar
Sovjetska diplomacija o nastanku Nezavisne Države Hrvatske [Elektronička građa] / Aleksandar Životić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 478-479. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se na temelju do sada nepoznatih i nekorištenih dokumentarnih izvora sovjetskoga podrijetla predstavljaju i analiziraju stavovi sovjetske diplomacije prema uzrocima nastanka i okolnostima u kojima se formirala Nezavisna Država Hrvatska. U tekstu je prikazan sovjetski odnos prema samom činu njezina proglašenja, posljedicama koje je njezin nastanak imao na sudbinu jugoslavenske kraljevine i ulozi Italije i Njemačke u formiranju i prvim danima postojanja Nezavisne Države Hrvatske. Rad sadržava i pregled stavova Sovjetskoga Saveza prema hrvatskom pitanju u jugoslavenskoj državi međuratnoga perioda i sovjetskih diplomatskih ocjena međunarodnih razmjera hrvatskoga problema u međuraću i prvim danima Drugoga svjetskog rata. - During the interwar period, in the climate of a lack of regular diplomatic relations between the Yugoslav kingdom and Soviet Russia/the USSR, the Soviet side came to see the Yugoslav state as an artificial creation that needed to be destroyed. Later, the stance that the Yugoslav state needed to be reconstituted on a federal basis became more accepted. Despite a series of attempts to normalise interstate relations, a series of controversies, one of the most important being the Soviet stance towards the national question in Yugoslavia, resulted in a lack of regular diplomatic communication between the two states. After long negotiations, official diplomatic relations were established in summer 1940. The most influential Croatian political party – the Croatian Peasant Party led by Vladko Maček – supported the Yugoslav rapprochement with the USSR, seeing in it a sort of counterbalance to aggressive Italian policy towards the Balkans. The Soviet side saw Croatian-Serbian relations – the backbone of the Yugoslav state – as deeply conflicting interests of two opposed bourgeoisies that maintain their political monopoly through compromises and agreements and thus oppose the revolutionary strivings of the working people. They believed that Italy, and especially Germany, would try to use the deep-rooted contradictions between the Serbian and Croatian national bodies in the Yugoslav state in order to destabilise it from within. Soviet diplomacy was convinced that Germany would try to convert Croatia into a starting point for spreading its influence in the Yugoslav lands. They anticipated that, instead of the Croatian Peasant Party, the Axis forces would place their trust in the Ustasha movement and entrust its leader, Ante Pavelić, to lead an independent Croatian state, which would in fact be a puppet state similar to Slovakia.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 2 ; str. 465-480  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Diplomacija -- Hrvatsko pitanje -- Travanjski rat

Vidi br.: HA19-01741

Vidi br.: HA19-01445

Vidi br.: HA19-01400

Vidi br.: HA19-01344

328   Parlamenti. Narodna predstavništva. Vlade

Vidi br.: HA19-01730

329   Političke stranke i pokreti

Crveni Njegoš - novo, ideološko čitanje crnogorskoga mitropolita u prvim godinama komunističke vlasti [Elektronička građa] / Adnan Prekić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 876-877. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se analizira odnos komunističkih vlasti u Crnoj Gori prema crnogorskom mitropolitu i jednom od najvažnijih južnoslavenskih književnika XIX. stoljeća – Petru II. Petroviću Njegošu, čije je djelo Gorski vijenac kamen temeljac crnogorske duhovnosti. Za razliku od drugih stvaralaca iz XVIII. i XIX. stoljeća, koji su potpuno nebitni komunističkim vlastima, Njegoš kao jedan od simbola crnogorske duhovnosti dobiva novo, socijalističko tumačenje. Analizom referentne arhivske građe, periodičkoga tiska i drugih izvora na dva primjera (stogodišnjica objavljivanja Gorskoga vijenca 1947. i stogodišnjica Njegoševe smrti 1951.) objašnjava se odnos komunističkih vlasti prema Njegoševu stvaralaštvu. Na tim primjerima prepoznaju se jasne namjere komunističkih vlasti da Njegošev književni opus uklope u novi, ideološki kontekst socijalističke države. - The paper analyses the attitude of communist authorities in Montenegro towards the Montenegrin metropolitan and one of the most important South Slavic writers of the 19th century, Petar II Petrović Njegoš. His work, primarily the book Gorski vijenac, is said to be the cornerstone of Montenegrin spirituality. Unlike other writers of that period, the Communist Party could not dismiss Njegoš’s work. On the contrary, the work of the poet was interpreted in a new way by the Party, which used it in its efforts to build a new socialist society. Through the analysis of archival material, periodicals, and other sources, the author explains the new relationship of communist authorities towards the works of Petar II Petrović Njegoš. A special focus is placed on two events, the centenary of the publication of Gorski vijenac in 1947, and the centenary of Njegoš’s death in 1951, when the intentions of the Communist authorities to recognize and point out that the literary opus of Njegoš fits into a new, ideological context of a socialist state became clear.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 3 ; str. 863-878  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Crnogorska književnost -- Komunizam
Petrović Njegoš, Petar II
Komunistička partija


Disentangling Europe [Elektronička građa] : an assessment of the impact of the EU on party systems in member states / Sanja Badanjak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Appendix: str. 31-35. - Bibliografija: str. 27-30. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In many ways, the process of Europeanization has been running parallel to other processes, most prominently, that of globalization. While it appears that many of the changes, we see in the political landscapes of the member states can be attributed to the impact of the EU , it may also be the case that these are brought about by increased economic interdependence. The rise in popularity of niche parties and a hollowing out of alternatives with regard to economic policies are two of the most prominent effects that are found to be correlated with an increased participation in European integration. In this paper, I am assessing these claims against the alternative hypothesis, which places the causal power with globalization in general, rather than the integration specific to Europe. By employing matching techniques, I am providing a cleared picture of the dependence of the above mentioned domestic political outcomes on the parallel and often confounding processes of Europeanization and globalization. - Proces europeizacije se u mnogim aspektima zbivao istovremeno s drugim procesima, poglavito s procesom globalizacije. Iako se čini da upravo Europskoj uniji možemo pripisati promjene kojima svjedočimo u političkim krajolicima država članica, moguće je i da su one posljedica povećane ekonomske međuovisnosti, odnosno globalizacije. Rast popularnosti stranaka novih političkih niša i nepostojanje alternative postojećim ekonomskim politikama dva su najvažnija ishoda koja koreliraju s većom uključenošću države u procese europske integracije. U članku autorica analizira ove tvrdnje suprotstavljajući ih alternativnoj hipotezi da je uzročnik spomenutih promjena globalizacija općenito, a ne integracije koje su specifične samo za Europu. Koristeći tehnike „uparivanja”, autorica daje jasniju sliku povezanosti spomenutih političkih posljedica s istovremenim i često isprepletenim procesima europeizacije i globalizacije.
U: Političke perspektive (Online). - ISSN 2335-027X. - 9 (2019), 1 ; str. 7-35  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Europeizacija -- Globalizacija -- EU integracija -- Stranački sustavi -- Stranačka polarizacija

Odnos jugoslavenskoga i albanskoga komunističkog vrha od kraja Drugoga svjetskog rata do prekida odnosa (1945. - 1948.) [Elektronička građa] / Boris Suljagić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 229-230. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Članak se bavi temom odnosa vrha jugoslavenske i albanske komunističke partije od kraja Drugoga svjetskog rata do prekida odnosa sredinom 1948. godine. Do proljeća 1947. odnosi dviju partija poticali su razvoj gospodarske i vojne suradnje dviju zemalja. Ipak, patronat vrha Komunističke partije Jugoslavije nad Komunističkom partijom Albanije i samom Albanijom bio je prevelik za dio albanskoga rukovodstva. Kada je jugoslavenski vrh u proljeće 1947. odbio albanski gospodarski plan, odnosi su se počeli znatnije pogoršavati, što se sve više prenosilo i na odnose između Albanaca i Jugoslavena na radu u toj zemlji. Sovjetski Savez intervenirao je kada je Federativna Narodna Republika Jugoslavija htjela poslati divizije u Albaniju za zaštitu njezinih južnih granica s Grčkom. Do tada su (početkom 1948.) gospodarski odnosi dviju zemalja već pretrpjeli znatnu štetu. No, najveća šteta nastala je u odnosima među dvjema partijama i među ljudima. Međunarodni sukob Federativne Narodne Republike Jugoslavije i Sovjetskoga Saveza potaknut Rezolucijom Informbiroa bio je tako samo katalizator prekida već ozbiljno narušenih odnosa. - The article presents the relationship between the leaders of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia and the leaders of the Communist Party of Albania from the end of World War II till the break-up of relations of the two, namely from the spring of 1945 till mid-1948. This relationship had been of crucial importance in the mentioned period since the two communist parties had totalitarian power and control over their respective countries. Nevertheless, the Albanian communists were junior partners in this close cooperation. The most important fields of cooperation were the economy and military, where Albanians were supposed to receive the help and support of Yugoslavs, and be obedient in return. The Yugoslav side demonstrated a full control over Albanian economic policy by the rejection of the Albanian economic plan in the spring of 1947. Such economic plans were the tools of communists in socialist countries that allowed them to rule their countries and wield overwhelming influence over the people. Having insight into books and articles concerning the topic, the author has discovered that some questions have not yet been fully examined. The archival fonds of the representative of the Yugoslav communists in Albania, Savo Zlatić, have not been used. Furthermore, the sheer volume of the Albanian discontent as to how the Yugoslavs had helped them has not been established so far. Therefore, the aim of this article is to compare different sources and find as many unresolved questions as possible. The topic is politically sensitive and shows how much we may learn about the political history of the 20th century or, in other words, how delicate research about political history may be, given the lack of many studies that would examine myriad relevant topics and thus prepare the conditions to make syntheses about this topic as precise and complete as possible.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 1 ; str. 213-231  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Komunizam -- Gospodarska suradnja -- Vojna suradnja -- Gospodarski plan
Komunistička partija


Vidi br.: HA19-01423

Vidi br.: HA19-01827

33   Ekonomija. Ekonomske znanosti

Feedback intervention research historical review [Elektronička građa] : from single to multidimensional / Saulius Olencevicius.
Bibliografija: 53 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Feedback intervention research historically transformed focus from using single to using multidimensional factor analyses. Since researchers have been traditionally interested in determining how to predict future human behavior, the complexity of the feedback intervention research has grown gradually. The importance and multidimensionality of feedback construct on the individual level is presented by the key theories, which are reflected in the historical context, starting from the first "Law of effect", up to the hybrid "Feedback Intervention Theory". As a conclusion, possible future research direction is presented. - Istraživanje intervencija, zasnovanih na povratnim informacijama, transformiralo je svoj fokus s jednodimenzionalnih prema analizi multidimenzionalnih čimbenika. S obzirom da su istraživači tradicionalno bili zainteresirani za predviđanje budućeg ponašanja, kompleksnost istraživanja intervencija, zasnovanih na povratnim informacijama, polagano se povećavala. Značaj i multidimenzionalnost konstrukta povratne informacije na individualnoj razini prezentira se pomoću pregleda ključnih teorija u povijesnom kontekstu, počevši od prvog "zakona efekta", pa do hibridne "teorije intervencije putem povratnih informacija". U zaključku se prezentiraju budući istraživački pravci.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), 1 ; str. 55-69  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Povratne informacije -- Intervencije -- Razvoj -- Povijesni pregled

The interplay of technological innovation and business model innovation toward company performance [Elektronička građa] / Selma Smajlović, Bahrija Umihanić, Lejla Turulja. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 79 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This study aims to clarify the relation between technological innovation and business model innovation and their shared impact on the business success of medium and large enterprises. Drawing on the Resource-Based View, this paper offers a comprehensive research model that analyses the relationships between technological innovation and business model innovations and their impact on business success. Structural Equation Modelling is utilized for the analysis of a dataset collected in a Southeast European developing country among medium and large enterprises. The results show that technological innovation has a positive influence on business model innovation and that business model innovation positively impacts the success of a business. Finally, the results confirm the mediating role of business model innovation between technological innovation and company business success. This research adds to the existing literature by empirically investigating the relationship between technological innovation, business model innovation, and company success identifying an antecedent role in the relationship between technological innovation and business model innovation. - U ovom se radu pokušava pojasniti odnos između tehnološke inovacije i inovacije poslovnog modela, kao i njihovog zajedničkog djelovanja na poslovni uspjeh srednjih i velikih poduzeća. Koristeći polazišta resursne teorije konkurentske prednosti, u ovom se radu izlaže sveobuhvatni istraživački model, koji analizira odnose između tehnološke inovacije i inovacija poslovnog modela, kao i njihov utjecaj na poslovni uspjeh. Za analizu podataka, prikupljenih u zemlji u razvoju, iz područja jugoistočne Europe, koristi se modeliranje strukturnih jednadžbi. Rezultati ukazuju da tehnološka inovacija ima pozitivan utjecaj na inovaciju poslovnog modela, koja pozitivno utječe na poslovni uspjeh poduzeća. Na kraju se potvrđuje medijacijski utjecaj inovacije poslovnog modela na povezanost između tehnološke inovacije i poslovnog uspjeha poduzeća. Znanstveni doprinos ovog istraživanja temelji se na empirijskoj analizi odnosa između tehnološke inovacije, inovacije poslovnog modela i poslovnog uspjeha poduzeća, pri čemu se utvrđuju utjecajni čimbenici u odnosu između tehnološke inovacije i inovacije poslovnog modela.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), 2 ; str. 63-79  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tehnološke inovacije -- Poduzeća -- Poslovni modeli -- Konkurentnost -- Modeliranje strukturnih jednadžbi

KELAM, Ivica
Investor to state dispute settlement [Elektronička građa] : a challenge for democracy, ethics, the environment, and the rule of law / Ivica Kelam.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résume ; Zusammenfassung. - Until recently, international trade agreements did not cause any public reaction and were considered irrelevant to everyday life. The experience of the existing international trade agreements from NAFTA, through TPP, to TTIP and CETA, which are in the process of negotiations or ratification, has shown that they have a huge impact on the daily lives of citizens and affect the entire society and economy. These agreements are negotiated and concluded by neglecting ethical principles, democratic procedures, and human rights, where only economic interests are taken into account. In this paper we will explore how these agreements undermine universal ethical principles and democratic standards through the ISDS mechanism, imposing the economic interest of large capital against the welfare of society, the individual, and the environment. We will refer particularly to the work of Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, the United Nations Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order (also known as Special Rapporteur), who in his reports to the United Nations General Assembly and in media appearances fiercely criticises the ISDS mechanism and its implementation in agreements such as CETA and TTIP. - Donedavno, međunarodni trgovinski sporazumi nisu izazivali reakcije javnosti i smatrali su se nevažnima za svakodnevni život. Iskušavanje postojećih međunarodnih trgovinskih sporazuma, od NAFTA-e, preko TPP-a, do TTIP-a i CETA-e, koji su u procesu pregovaranja ili ratifikacije, pokazalo je da imaju ogroman utjecaj na svakodnevni život građana te da utječu na cijelo društvo i ekonomiju. Navedeni sporazumi pregovaraju se i zaključuju zanemarujući etičke principe, demokratske procedure i ljudska prava, a u obzir se uzimaju jedino ekonomski interesi. U ovom radu istražujemo kako ti sporazumi narušavaju svima svojstvene etičke principe i demokratske standarde putem izvan-sudskog postupka arbitraže (ISDS; engl. Investor to state dispute settlement), namećući ekonomski interes krupnog kapitala protiv dobrobiti društva, pojedinca i okoliša. Posebno ćemo se referirati na rad Alfreda-Mauricea de Zayasa, neovisna eksperta Ujedinjenih naroda za promicanje demokratskog i pravičnog poretka (također znan i kao posebni izvjestitelj), koji u izvještajima Općoj skupštini Ujedinjenih naroda te u medijima žestoko kritizira ISDS mehanizme i implementiranje u sporazume poput CETA-e i TTIP-a. - Jusqu’à récemment, les accords commerciaux internationaux n’ont pas suscité des réactions dans l’opinion publique et étaient considérés comme non pertinents dans la vie quotidienne. L’expérience dans le domaine des accords commerciaux internationaux en vigueur, de l’ALENA, en passant par le PTPGP, au PTCI et l’AECG, en cours de négociation ou de ratification, a montré qu’ils ont un impact considérable sur la vie quotidienne de l’ensemble de la société et de l’économie. Lesdits accords sont négociés et conclus en négligeant les principes éthiques, les procédures démocratiques et les droits humains, où seuls les intérêts économiques sont pris en compte. Dans cet article, nous explorerons la manière dont ces accords nuisent aux principes éthiques universels et les normes démocratiques par le biais du mécanisme ISDS, imposant l’intérêt économique des gros capitaux au détriment du bien-être de la société, de l’individu et de l’environnement. Nous ferons référence en particulier aux travaux d’Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, Expert indépendant auprès des Nations Unies pour la promotion d’un ordre international démocratique et équitable (également appelé Rapporteur spécial), qui, dans ses rapports à l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies et dans les interventions médiatiques, critique vivement le mécanisme ISDS et sa mise en œuvre dans des accords tels que le AECG et le PTCI. - irrelevant für das alltägliche Leben betrachtet. Die Erfahrungen mit den bestehenden internationalen Handelsabkommen, von NAFTA über TPP bis TTIP und CETA, die sich derweil im Prozess der Verhandlungen bzw. Ratifizierung befinden, haben gezeigt, dass sie eine enorme Einwirkung auf das tägliche Leben der Bürger ausüben und die gesamte Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft betreffen. Diese Abkommen werden ausgehandelt und geschlossen, indem ethische Grundsätze, demokratische Verfahren und Menschenrechte vernachlässigt werden, wobei nur wirtschaftliche Interessen berücksichtigt werden. In diesem Paper werden wir untersuchen, wie diese Abkommen durch den ISDS-Mechanismus universelle ethische Grundsätze und demokratische Standards untergraben und das wirtschaftliche Interesse des Großkapitals dem Wohl der Gesellschaft, des Einzelnen und der Umwelt auferlegen. Wir werden uns speziell auf die Arbeit von Alfred-Maurice de Zayas beziehen, dem Unabhängigen Experten der Vereinten Nationen für die Förderung einer demokratischen und gerechten internationalen Ordnung (auch als Sonderberichterstatter bekannt), der in seinen Berichten an die Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen sowie in seinen Medienauftritten den ISDS-Mechanismus und dessen Einbettung in die Abkommen wie CETA und TTIP heftig kritisiert.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 1 ; str. 59-71  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Trgovački sporazum -- Demokracija -- Kapitalizam -- Etika
Zayas, Alfred Maurice de


Vidi br.: HA19-01358

Vidi br.: HA19-01363

Vidi br.: HA19-01365

Vidi br.: HA19-01393

Vidi br.: HA19-01375

Vidi br.: HA19-01480

331   Rad. Zaposlenost. Posao. Ekonomika rada. Organizacija rada

Prekarnost [Elektronička građa] : ekonomsko-politički i društveni fenomen suvremenog svijeta / Hajrudin Hromadžić, Antonija Zgaljardić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 135-136. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad propituje primjenjivost koncepta i pojma prekarnost kao označitelja koji se odnosi na posljedice restrukturiranja rada i radnih uvjeta pod diktatom neoliberalnog režima. U uvjetima intenzivirane globalne kompetitivnosti čitavo radno aktivno stanovništvo biva podvrgnuto pritiscima prilagodbe tržištu. Kratkoročni i nestabilni radni ugovori postali su tipična pojavnost postindustrijskog društva, a poimanje vremena kao resursa poprimilo je drukčiju dimenziju. Hegemonija satnog vremena slomila se zbog zahtjeva za stalnom otvorenošću globalnom tržištu te imperativa permanentnog stanja pripravnosti, uključenosti i prilagodljivosti. Preplitanja kulturno-povijesnih mikroperspektiva i socio-ekonomskih makroperspektiva ukazuju na različite tendencije menadžmenta u kvantifikaciji radnog vremena, što otvara i problemsku perspektivu prekarnosti, odnosno ekonomske nesigurnosti. U tom kontekstu nakratko se analizira i primjer Hrvatske. - This article examines the applicability of the concept and term precarity as a signifier delineating the effects of the restructuring of work and working conditions determined by neoliberal regimes. In terms of intensified global competitiveness, the total working population is being subjected to the pressures of market regulation. Short-term and unstable working contracts have become a typical occurrence in post-industrial society, whereas the notion of time as a resource has gained an entirely different dimension. The hegemony of clock time has declined due to the requirement to be permanently open to the global market and its imperatives of being constantly on standby, available and flexible. The interweaving of the cultural-historical micro-perspective and socio-economic macro-perspective point to the various tendencies of management and the quantification of working time, bringing up the problematic of the precarity trap and economic insecurity. In this context, the example of Croatia is briefly analysed.
U: Etnološka tribina (Online). - ISSN 1848-9540. - 49 (2019), 42 ; str. 122-136  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rad -- Prekarnost -- Fleksibilnost -- Temporalnost -- Tržište rada -- Preživljavanje

Vidi br.: HA19-01589

Vidi br.: HA19-01481

332   Regionalna ekonomika. Teritorijalna ekonomika. Ekonomika stanovanja

Vidi br.: HA19-01830

336   Financije. Bankarstvo. Novac

Development of a successful microfinancing system [Elektronička građa] : actor-network theory perspective / Halina Waniak-Michalak, Jan Michalak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 38 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The article aims to answer the following research question: “How were actors mobilized to form a network for promoting microfinancing system in a transforming country?”. For this case study, we employ the actor-network theory (ANT) as a lens and interpretation tool. We used the focus research, in-depth interviews, and analysis of documents as sources in our study. The article shows how the different purposes of each actor can affect or hinder the achievement of benefits for all actors. We pointed to the goals and problems they had to solve, as to create a network to reach the primary goal which was the creation of a sustainable market economy in Poland. The focal actors (government, SMEs, banks, NGOs) had to create the microfinancing network, which works quite successfully. It enables access to capital to entrepreneurs who would not get it from banks. However, unethical acts, committed by some actors may cause the system to collapse or change in the future, as actors will adopt different goals and new actors will join in. A change in the method of the guarantee funds’ financing, limitation of EU financial resources, changing needs of entrepreneurs, further transformations of the Polish banking system - all these events may result in the creation of a new network of connections and a new system. - Ovaj rad želi odgovoriti na sljedeće istraživačko pitanje: „Kako se akteri mobiliziraju za stvaranje mreže, koja promovira sustav mikro-financiranja u zemlji u tranziciji?“. U ovoj se studiji slučaja koristi teorija aktera i mreža kao alat za promatranje i interpretaciju. Autori su koristili fokusne skupine, dubinske intervjue i analizu dokumenata kao izvore podataka. U radu se pokazuje da svaki od aktera, iz različitih razloga, može djelovati, odnosno ograničiti ostvarivanje koristi za sve aktere. Ukazuje se na ciljeve i probleme koje je trebalo riješiti, kako bi se kreirala mreža s primarnim ciljem kreiranja održivog tržišnog gospodarstva u Poljskoj. Ključni akteri (vlada, mala i srednja poduzeća, banke, nevladine organizacije) trebale su izgraditi mrežu za mikro-financiranje, koja prilično uspješno funkcionira. Ona osigurava pristup kapitalu poduzećima, koja ga ne mogu dobiti od banaka. Međutim, neetično ponašanje određenih aktera bi moglo djelovati na raspad ili promjenu sustava, kako akteri mijenjaju svoje ciljeve ili mu se novi akteri pridružuju. Promjene metoda financiranja garancijskih fondova, ograničenja financijskih resursa EU-a, promjene potreba poduzetnika, kao i daljnje transformacije poljskog bankovnog sustava mogu djelovati na stvaranje novih povezanosti unutar mreže, odnosno stvaranje novog sustava.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), 2 ; str. 39-61  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Banke -- Krediti -- Mikro-financiranje -- Mala i srednja poduzeća -- Tranzicijske zemlje

The effect of corporate social disclosure practice on reporting quality [Elektronička građa] : evidence from the insurance sector in Croatia / Ivana Dropulić, Marko Čular. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 45 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This research is striving to provide an insight into the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for the insurance sector while aiming to examine various corporate social responsibility initiatives undertaken by insurance companies in Croatia. There is a broad range of potential benefits from CSR for insurance companies such as long-term sustainability and profitability, yet only several research studies on CSR practices have thus far been conducted on the insurance sector. Hence, the purpose of this research is to determine the level of CSR reporting for insurance and reinsurance companies in Croatia and its impact on reporting quality. The empirical research is based on online reporting of six aspects of corporate social responsibility to determine Corporate Social Disclosure Index (CSDI). Reporting quality is measured with Disclosure Quality Index of annual report (DQI) which is structured in five phases. This research includes all 24 insurance and reinsurance companies in Croatia and the research findings show that all insurance and reinsurance companies in Croatia publish information at least concerning two aspects of CSR. It was found that they are the most transparent regarding the human resources aspect of CSR activities and the least transparent concerning environmental aspect of CSR activities. The overall level of CSR disclosure for insurance sector in Croatia is quite low, so we can conclude that insurance and reinsurance companies in Croatia do not have a high level of CSR online disclosure. Considering the issue of reporting quality, insurance and reinsurance companies have an average quality of annual report (AR), measured by DQI of annual report. According to research findings, CSR reporting on the Internet is positively associated with DQI which leads to the conclusion that more socially responsible insurance and reinsurance companies provide annual reports of a more superior quality. - U ovom se radu pokušava ponuditi uvid u značaj društvene odgovornost poduzeća (DOP) za sektor osiguravanja, kao i pružiti pregled različitih inicijativa DOP-a osiguravajućih društava u Hrvatskoj. Iako DOP pruža široki spektar potencijalnih koristi za osiguravajuća društva, uključujući dugoročnu održivost i profitabilnost, do sada je tek nekoliko radova analiziralo DOP hrvatskog sektora osiguranja. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja utvrditi razinu izvještavanja o DOP-u u hrvatskim društvima za osiguranje i reosiguranje, kao i njegov utjecaj na kvalitetu financijskog izvještavanja. Empirijsko se istraživanje temelji na analizi internetskog izvještavanja šest aspekata DOP-a, čime se utvrđuje indeks korporativnog izvještavanja o društveno korisnim aktivnostima. Kvaliteta financijskog izvještavanja mjeri se indeksom kvalitete godišnjeg izvješća poduzeća, koji se računa kroz pet koraka. U ovom se radu analiziraju sva 24 društva za osiguranje i reosiguranje u Hrvatskoj, a rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da sva ona publiciraju informacije o barem dvama aspektima DOP-a. Najtransparentnije se izvješćuje o aspektima DOP-a, povezanim s ljudskim resursima, a najmanje transparentno o djelatnostima DOP-a, povezanim s očuvanjem okoliša. Ukupna razina izvještavanja o DOP-u u hrvatskom je osiguravateljnom sektoru relativno niska, pa se zaključuje da je internetsko izvještavanje o DOP-u hrvatskih društava za osiguranje i reosiguranje nezadovoljavajuće. S obzirom na razinu financijskog izvještavanja, promatrana društva imaju osrednju razinu kvalitete godišnjeg izvješća, mjerenu prethodno spomenutim indeksom. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da je internetsko izvještavanje o DOP-u pozitivno povezano s indeksom kvalitete godišnjeg izvješća poduzeća, tj. društva s višom razinom društvene odgovornosti publiciraju i godišnja izvješća više kvalitete.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), 2 ; str. 23-38  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Društveno odgovorno poslovanje -- Poduzeća -- Osiguravajuća društva -- Financijska izvješća -- Indeks kvalitete

The impact of performance analysis on the financial management and control at public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation [Elektronička građa] / Fuad Čergić, Emira Kozarević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Organizations in today's extremely competitive environment need to devote significant time, energy as well as human and financial resources to the measurement of their efficiency, in order to increase their profit, reduce costs, better plan their assets and manage their budgets, as well as to improve budget controls and risk assessment. Therefore, they need performance models, including the Balanced Scorecard. Primarily intended for profit organizations, the Balanced Scorecard is today used in the public sector, as well. This paper presents the research into the utilization of the Balanced Scorecard in the public sector, examining whether the performance of higher education institutions may be improved by the design and utilization of the Balanced Scorecard model. - Organizacije, u današnjem, iznimno konkurentnom okruženju, trebaju posvetiti značajno vrijeme, energiju, kao i ljudske te financijske resurse mjerenju svoje učinkovitosti, kako bi povećale profit, smanjile troškove, bolje planirale svoju imovinu i upravljale budžetima, ali i unaprijedile budžetsku kontrolu i procjenu rizika. U tom su smislu potrebni modeli organizacijskih performansi, što uključuje i uravnoteženu tablicu rezultata (Balanced Scorecard). Iako je, prvenstveno, namijenjena profitnim organizacijama, ova se metoda danas koristi i u javnom sektoru. U ovom se radu predstavlja istraživanje korištenja uravnotežene tablice rezultata (Balanced Scorecarda) u javnom sektoru, pri čemu se analizira mogu li se performanse institucija visokog obrazovanja unaprijediti dizajniranjem i korištenjem modela uravnotežene tablice rezultata (Balanced Scorecarda).
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), 2 ; str. 145-153  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Financijsko upravljanje -- Javni sektor -- Sveučilišta

338   Gospodarsko stanje. Gospodarska politika. Gospodarsko planiranje. Proizvodnja. Usluge. Cijene

Vidi br.: HA19-01445

Vidi br.: HA19-01337

Vidi br.: HA19-01625

339   Trgovina. Međunarodni gospodarski odnosi. Svjetsko gospodarstvo

HABINC, Mateja
Commission shops as providers of basic household goods [Elektronička građa] : the case studies of Slovenia and Czechoslovakia / Mateja Habinc. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 148-151. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Mostly through the case studies of the Slovenian Komisija and Czechoslovak Chronor, Klenoty and Bazar stores, this article presents socialist commission shops as providers of basic household goods. It therefore contributes insights into the complexity of commission shops as a specific type of second-hand retail as well as insights into the complexity of types of retail and socialist consumerism in general. It briefly compares commission shops with some other socio-historically known forms of second-hand retail, while pointing to the differences and similarities among them. - Na temelju studija slučaja slovenskih trgovina Komisija i čehoslovačkih trgovina Chronor, Klenoty i Bazar u radu se predstavljaju socijalistički komisioni kao mjesta nabave osnovnih kućanskih potrepština. Na taj se način doprinosi boljem razumijevanju kompleksnosti takvih trgovina kao specifične vrste maloprodaje rabljene robe te kompleksnosti oblika maloprodaje i konzumerizma u socijalizmu općenito. Rad ukratko uspoređuje komisione s drugim poznatim društveno-povijesnim oblicima maloprodaje rabljene robe, ukazujući na njihove međusobne razlike i sličnosti.
U: Etnološka tribina (Online). - ISSN 1848-9540. - 49 (2019), 42 ; str. 137-151  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Komisioni -- Trgovine rabljene robe -- Konzumerizam -- Socijalizam

34   Pravo. Pravna znanost. Pomoćne pravne znanosti

"Unutarnja" kriza pravosuđa? [Elektronička građa] : Stavovi pripadnika pravničkih profesija o pravosuđu u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji / Marko Mrakovčić, Danilo Vuković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 101-104. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se analizira koliko pripadnici različitih pravničkih profesija u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji imaju povjerenja u institucije pravosudnih sustava i koliko su zadovoljni funkcioniranjem njihovih važnih dijelova. U prvom dijelu rada predstavljaju se argumenti kulturalističkog i institucionalnog pristupa u objašnjenju temelja povjerenja u institucije, određuju se karakteristike “dobrog” pravosuđa u kontekstu koncepta demokratske vladavine prava i daje se društveni kontekst provedbe pravosudnih reformi u obje zemlje u posljednjih dvadesetak godina. U drugom, empirijskom dijelu rada daje se prikaz rezultata analize podataka prikupljenih online anketnim istraživanjem provedenim 2018. godine u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji. Rezultati u obje zemlje pokazuju i nisku razinu povjerenja u institucije pravosudnog sustava i duboko nezadovoljstvo općim stanjem u pravosuđu i funkcioniranjem njegovih važnih dijelova. Pokazujući povezanost između (ne)povjerenja u institucije i (ne)zadovoljstva njihovim radom, analiza ide u prilog pretpostavkama institucionalne perspektive. Zaključujemo da dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na “unutarnju” krizu povjerenja u pravosuđu u obje zemlje koja prati evidentnu “izvanjsku” krizu srpskog pravosuđa i latentne napetosti u i oko hrvatskog pravosuđa. - In this paper we analyze attitudes of members of the legal professions in Croatia and Serbia with regards to the judicial systems – the trust in judicial institutions and satisfaction with their performance. In the first part of the paper we present arguments of the cultural and institutional approach to explaining the foundations of trust in institutions, then define the characteristics of a “good” judiciary in the context of the democratic rule of law, and present the socio-political context of judicial reform in both countries over the last twenty years. In the second, empirical part of the paper we analyze the data collected through the online survey conducted among members of the legal professions in 2018 in Croatia and Serbia. The results from both countries show a low level of trust in judiciary and deep dissatisfaction with the functioning of judiciary on a list of dimensions. Our analysis confirms the link between (dis)trust in institutions and (dis)satisfaction with their work and thus also the assumptions of the institutional perspective on trust. We conclude that the obtained results point to an “internal” crisis of trust in judiciary in both countries, which accompanies the evident “external” crisis of the Serbian judiciary and the latent tensions in and around the Croatian judiciary.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 1 ; str. 75-105  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pravosuđe -- Pravna profesija -- Kriza -- Legitimitet -- Povjerenje u institucije

Vidi br.: HA19-01384

Vidi br.: HA19-01385

341   Međunarodno pravo

Vidi br.: HA19-01460

342   Javno pravo. Ustavno pravo. Upravno pravo

Vidi br.: HA19-01544

343/344   Kazneno pravo (opće i posebno)

CERGNA, Sandro
Un caso di spionaggio del XVIII secolo [Elektronička građa] : il viaggio-ricognizione a Pola di un gruppo di funzionari dell'imperatore Asburgico. Appunti da una relazione anonima al conte e provveditore di Pola del 12 Aprile 1788 / Sandro Cergna. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 3 jed. - Riassunto ; Summary. - Nel lavoro si presenta il viaggio compiuto da un gruppo di funzionari della corte imperiale di Giuseppe II, nel 1788, da Fiume, attraverso alcune località della costa orientale dell’Istria, fino a Pola. Facendo riferimento al documento originale, una relazione anonima trasmessa al Conte e Provveditore della città istriana, custodito nell’archivio della biblioteca Universitaria di Pola, si riporta il tragitto della comitiva austro-ungarica e, più dettagliatamente, l’incontro del gruppo con l’anonimo informatore dell’allora Reggitore della città istriana, Angelo Maria Orio, neanch’egli nominato nella relazione. Il documento, accanto all’interesse odeporicoculturale dello scritto, rileva pure interessanti notizie di carattere storicopolitico, quali le nascoste motivazioni che hanno portato gli illustri personaggi a ricercare quante più informazioni sulla città, sul porto e sulle vie di comunicazione di Pola; il loro interessamento in merito alle politiche economiche e di difesa della Serenissima in queste terre, a meno di dieci anni dalla caduta della stessa. Illustra, inoltre, la situazione politica dell’Istria e delle realtà statali contermini del tempo. - This paper gives an account of a trip made by a group of officials ofEmperor Joseph II from 1788, from Rijeka to Pula, while passing through several towns and villages of the eastern coast of Istria. The original document, that is, an anonymous report addressed to the Governor of the Istrian city, has been preserved in the archives of the University Library in Pula. It describes the journey of the Austro-Hungarian group and, in more detail, their encounter with an anonymous intelligence officer of the then prefect of the Istrian city, Angelo Maria Orio, who was also not named in the report. This document, significant as a travelogue as well as in terms of culture, also contains interesting historical and political information, such as the hidden reasons why these famous characters sought as much information as possible about Pula, its port and transport routes; their interest in economic policy and defence of the Venetian Republic in this area not even ten years before its fall. It also describes the political situation in Istria and the state border situation at the time.
U: Studia Polensia (Online). - ISSN 2459-6256. - 8 (2019), 1 ; str. 161-168  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tajne službe -- Špijunaža

Vidi br.: HA19-01543

Vidi br.: HA19-01345

347   Građansko pravo

Vidi br.: HA19-01397

Vidi br.: HA19-01398

35   Javna uprava. Državni ustroj. Lokalna, regionalna, središnja uprava

351.74   Policija

Vidi br.: HA19-01439

Vidi br.: HA19-01832

355/359   Vojni poslovi. Ratna vještina. Vojna znanost. Obrana. Oružane snage

GODIĆ, Darjan
Domovinski rat u hrvatskim znanstvenim časopisima [Elektronička građa] / Darjan Godić, Domagoj Knežević.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 794-799. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Autori analiziraju kako se u vodećim društveno-humanističkim znanstvenim časopisima u Hrvatskoj obrađivala tematika Domovinskoga rata. Kronološki je rad podijeljen na dva razdoblja: od 1991. do 1999. te od 2000. do 2018. godine. Rad ne sadržava bibliografiju znanstvenih i stručnih radova na temu Domovinskoga rata, nego samo one najvažnije koji su, prema mišljenju autora, pridonijeli boljem razumijevanju Domovinskoga rata. - The Croatian War of Independence is of exceptional importance to Croatian society, but is often the subject of controversial interpretations. Most controversies have been resolved via scientific and professional papers published in Croatian academic journals. Therefore, this work presents a selective overview of the most significant scientific and professional papers on the Croatian War of Independence published in the leading social sciences and humanities journals in Croatia. In addition to the most important historiographical works on the Croatian War of Independence, the authors have analysed works from the fields of political science, sociology, law, and demographics that partially address the War. They have divided this paper into two chronological periods, in which they have analysed the changing of research interests and approaches to the topic of the war in Croatia. During the 1990s, the greatest part of the works on the Croatian War of Independence were published in the journals Politička misao, Društvena istraživanja, and Polemos. Despite objective difficulties, such as the inaccessibility of archival material, the mentioned journals contain quality works that have contributed towards a better understanding of the historical context of the Croatian War of Independence. The 2000s were marked by the process of de-Tuđmanisation, whose main characteristic was the denial of facts regarding the Croatian War of Independence. Although it negatively affected the social and political conditions in Croatia, de-Tuđmanisation resulted in numerous quality works covering the Croatian War of Independence, published in academic journals such as the Journal of Contemporary History, National Security and the Future, and Scrinia Slavonica. In contrast to public media and politics, the authors of these works approached the context of the Croatian War of Independence from outside the frame of daily politics.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 3 ; str. 785-800  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Domovinski rat -- Historiografija -- Detuđmanizacija -- Znanstveni časopisi

ČORALIĆ, Lovorka
Kotorski plemić i zapovjednik mletačkih prekomorskih pješaka Stjepan Buća i sastav njegove pukovnije (prva polovica 18. stoljeća) [Elektronička građa] / Lovorka Čoralić, Nikola Markulin. - Graf. prikazi.
Prilozi na str. 280-291. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 292-293. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Ovaj rad proučava vojnu karijeru Stjepana Buće, kotorskoga plemića i časnika mletačke vojske u 18. stoljeću. Pripadnici ove ugledne kotorske plemićke obitelji generacijama su se isticali u obnašanju važnih službi Mletačke Republike. Posljednjih desetljeća 17. stoljeća, u vrijeme ratova protiv Osmanlija, Buće ulaze u vojnu službu Republike. Upravo Stjepan, njegov brat Franjo i njihov otac Jeronim ostvaruju vrlo zapaženu vojnu karijeru. Stoga se proučavanjem vojne karijere ovih časnika, a rad je usredotočen na Stjepanovu, jasno ocrtava obrazac integracije lokalnih elita istočnojadranskoga prostora u mletački pomorski imperij. Sadržaj rada počiva na proučavanju izvorne građe nastale djelovanjem mletačke vojne administracije, koja se danas nalazi pohranjena u Archivio di Stato di Venezia i Državnome arhivu u Zadru. Glavni dio rada usmjeren je na analizu pješačke pukovnije Oltramarina u razdoblju od 1715. do 1741. godine, kojom je zapovijedao pukovnik Stjepan Buća. U prilogu rada donose se prijepisi dokumenata izravno vezanih uz vojno djelovanje Stjepana Buće kao pukovnika mletačkih pješačkih postrojbi. - One of the key preconditions for building up and maintaining the Venetian naval empire in the early modern period was a successful connection between the interests of the local elites and the central authorities. The Venetian possessions in the Eastern Adriatic were no exception to this rule, and the noble families from the communes of Dalmatia and Bokelj played a particularly important role in this respect. For generations, their members held various public posts of local significance throughout the said area. From the mid-17th century, the local elites were increasingly involved in the Venetian military service. In this way, the Venetian military organization in the Eastern Adriatic region became the most important field in which the interests of the central authorities in Venice and the local elites were intertwined and firmly connected. An excellent example for studying this form of integration between the local elites and the state is the noble family of Buća (Bucchia), one of the ancient and especially respectable noble kindreds of Kotor. After some members of the family distinguished themselves in important civil services of the Republic, the Buća became more intensely involved in the Venetian military organization during the last decades of the 17th century. Stjepan Buća, his brother Franjo, and their father Jeronim made an excellent military career. Studying the military path of these officers, and this paper focuses on Stjepan’s in particular, clearly outlines the pattern of integration of the Eastern Adriatic local elites into the Venetian maritime empire. The main part of the study is an analysis of the infantry regiment Oltramarina, commanded by Colonel Stjepan Buća, in the period from 1715 to 1741. The authors bring transcripts of various documents that are directly related to the military activity of Stjepan Buća as a colonel in Venetian infantry units.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 38 (2019), 56 ; str. 261-294  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mletačka vojska -- Vojni časnici
Buća, Stjepan


Operacija Hrvatske vojske "Vihor" u prosincu 1991. godine [Elektronička građa] / Domagoj Štefančić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 827-830. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Na temelju izvorne dokumentacije vojnih i civilnih ustanova pobunjenih hrvatskih Srba te postrojbi Jugoslavenske narodne armije prikazano je stanje i djelovanje srpskih snaga, uključujući Jugoslavensku narodnu armiju, na okupiranom prostoru općina Glina i Petrinja, na kojem je u prosincu 1991. izvedena operacija Hrvatske vojske "Vihor". Opisana su i borbena djelovanja hrvatskih snaga u tom dijelu Pokuplja koja su prethodila operaciji. Dan je temeljit uvid u pripremu i tijek protunapada srpskih snaga, iz kojega je očita njihova nadmoć u artiljeriji i oklopu te doprinos starješina Jugoslavenske narodne armije izvedbi protunapada. Na kraju su izneseni i uspoređeni gubici obiju strana u ljudstvu i borbenim sredstvima, čime su sumirani učinci i posljedice operacije "Vihor". - By referring to original documents of the military and civilian institutions of the rebel Serbs as well as those of the Yugoslav People’s Army, this paper outlines the state and the activity of the aggressor forces in the occupied area of the Glina and Petrinja Districts, where Operation Whirlwind was carried out in December 1991. The military activities of the Croatian forces in this part of the Pokuplje region that preceded the operation are also described. A thorough insight into the preparation and course of the enemy counterattack in Operation Whirlwind is given, with a comparison of losses on both belligerent sides. Considering everything stated, the aggressor's superiority in artillery and armour is obvious, as is the contribution of the Yugoslav People's Army in carrying out the counterattack.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 3 ; str. 801-831  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Domovinski rat -- Vojne operacije -- Teritorijalna obrana
Hrvatska vojska -- Jugoslavenska narodna armija


NUJIĆ, Pavao
Protestanti u službi Petrovaradinske pukovnije u drugoj polovici 18. stoljeća [Elektronička građa] / Pavao Nujić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 320-322. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Autor u radu analizira prisutnost protestanata u službi Petrovaradinske pukovnije na temelju službenih pukovnijskih serijalnih izvora i tri cjelovita popisa pukovnije iz 1767., 1772. i 1792. godine. Protestanti su promatrani iz perspektive aktivne vojne službe kao istaknuti pojedinci unutar časničkoga kadra i kao vjerska skupina i manjina među običnim krajišnicima. Prikazano je stabilno postojanje protestantskoga elementa na svim razinama pukovnijske službe kroz promatrana desetljeća 18. stoljeća, a što je predstavljalo posebnost Petrovaradinske pukovnije u odnosu na ostale pukovnije Slavonske i Hrvatske vojne krajine toga razdoblja. - The area of the Croatian and Slavonian Military Border the 18th century was inhabited by a Catholic and Orthodox population from which Grenzers were recruited, while other religious groups were severely limited in that regard. Protestants were present mostly only within the officer staff of certain regiments and they came from other parts of the Monarchy or even other countries as professionals and only stayed temporarily while their service lasted. In this regard, the Petrovaradin Regiment was not an exception and the arrival of Protestant officers can be traced back to 1767 in the documents and muster rolls of the regiment. A special case was the permanent inhabitation of Protestant families in the area of the Regiment, from which ordinary Grenzers were recruited. Their presence in the service was first noted in a muster roll from 1772 and, from then, can be continuously traced to all levels of the Regiment. The Petrovaradin regiment, therefore, had a steady Protestant minority in its composition throughout the final three decades of the 18th century, which was not common for Military Border.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 38 (2019), 56 ; str. 295-323  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vojna služba -- Protestanti -- Krajišnici
Petrovaradinska pukovnija


MEDIĆ, Jasmin
Zločini nad djecom i maloljetnicima u Prijedoru od 1992. do 1994. godine [Elektronička građa] / Jasmin Medić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 461-463. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Da bi zauzele kompletno područje općine Prijedor, srpske vojne i policijske snage napale su dijelove u kojima su Bošnjaci ili Hrvati bili većinsko stanovništvo. Tako je 24. svibnja 1992. napadnut Kozarac i njegova okolica, a ubrzo nakon toga područje Ljubije. Od 24. do 26. svibnja 1992. srpske su vlasti formirale logore Omarska, Keraterm, Trnopolje i nekoliko drugih mjesta zatočenja. Onamo su dovedeni i potom zatočeni Bošnjaci i Hrvati s područja grada i općine Prijedor. Zauzimanje općine završeno je u drugoj polovini srpnja 1992., kada su napadnuta bošnjačka i hrvatska sela na lijevoj obali Sane. Prema do sada prikupljenim podacima, na području općine Prijedor ubijeno je 3173 Bošnjaka i Hrvata. U svim spomenutim zločinima žrtve su bila i djeca i maloljetnici, ubijeni isključivo zbog svoje nacionalne ili vjerske pripadnosti. Pored toga bili su žrtve zatočenja, progona i drugih oblika zločina. U radu ćemo se fokusirati na ubojstva 102 djece i maloljetnika pozivajući se na evidencije o nestalim i ekshumiranim osobama. Datum njihova nestanka evidentiran je na osnovi prijave članova obitelji, što ne mora nužno značiti da su toga dana ubijeni. Pronalazak njihovih posmrtnih ostataka tijekom ekshumacija i činjenica da su ta tijela, ali i ona koja još uvijek nisu ekshumirana, evidentirana u bazi Međunarodne komisije za traženje nestalih (ICMP) dokazi su ubojstava djece i maloljetnika. - In order to take control of the entire Prijedor Municipality, Serbian military and police forces conducted attacks on areas in which Bosniaks or Croats were the majority population. Thus, Kozarac and its surroundings were attacked on 24 May 1992, soon followed by the Ljubija area. From 24 to 26 May 1992, the Serbian authorities formed the camps Omarska, Keraterm, and Trnopolje as well as several other places of internment. Captive Bosniaks and Croats from the city and municipality of Prijedor were brought and imprisoned there. The municipality was completely conquered in the second half of July 1992, when the Bosniak and Croat villages on the left bank of the Sana were attacked. According to data gathered thus far, 3,173 Bosniaks and Croats were killed on the territory of Prijedor Municipality. Victims of all the mentioned crimes included children and minors, killed exclusively due to their national or religious affiliation. In addition, many were subjected to imprisonment, expulsion, or other forms of crime. This paper is focused on the murders of 102 children and minors, based on records of missing and exhumed persons. The dates of their disappearances were recorded based on when their families reported them, which does not necessarily mean they were killed on those dates. The discovery of their remains during the exhumations and the fact that these bodies, and those that have yet to be exhumed, have been recorded in the database of the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) are proof of the murders of said children and minors.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 2 ; str. 445-464  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ratni zločini -- Djeca -- Maloljetnici -- Policija
Vojska Srpske Republike Bosne i Hercegovine


Vidi br.: HA19-01829

Vidi br.: HA19-01439

Vidi br.: HA19-01833

Vidi br.: HA19-01390

364/365   Socijalna skrb. Sigurnost stanovanja

VASILJEV Marchesi, Vanja
Kvalitativno istraživanje stavova o starenju i potrebama osoba starije životne dobi u Gradu Rijeci [Elektronička građa] : javnozdravstveni i bioetički aspekti = Qualitative research of attitudes about aging and the needs of elderly people in Rijeka : public health and bioethical aspects / Vanja Vasiljev Marchesi, Aleksandar Racz, Lovorka Bilajac, Darko Roviš, Tomislav Rukavina. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 46 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj: Cilj rada je utvrditi specifičnosti i stvarne potrebe, kao i mogućnosti za unaprjeđenje skrbi za starije osobe na području Grada Rijeke, oslanjajući se prvenstveno na javnozdravstvene i bioetičke aspekte. Ispitanici i metode: Ispitanici su podijeljeni u tri skupine: osobe starije životne dobi te formalni i neformalni pružatelji skrbi s područja Grada Rijeke. U svakoj skupini provedena je kvalitativna metoda fokus-grupe prema unaprijed određenom protokolu. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom 2015. godine, a obuhvatilo je ukupno 40 ispitanika: osobe starije životne dobi (N = 12), formalni pružatelji skrbi (N = 14) i neformalni pružatelji skrbi (N = 14). Rezultati: Dobiveni rezultati prikazani su u objedinjenim kategorijama za odgovarajuće tematske cjeline: percepcija starije dobi, očekivanja i potrebe, korištenje lijekova, organizacija zdravstvene skrbi, korištenje modernih tehnologija te unaprjeđenje zdravlja. Rezultati su pokazali da postoji potreba razvijanja infrastrukture i metoda samopomoći u zajednici s ciljem unaprjeđenja kvalitete života osoba starije životne dobi i produljenja samostalnosti. Zaključci: Rezultati ukazuju na potrebu integracije zdravstvene i socijalne skrbi uz podršku lokalne zajednice Grada Rijeke s posljedičnim smanjenjem troškova skrbi i unaprjeđenjem kvalitete života i produljenja samostalnosti osoba starije životne dobi. - Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the specificities and real needs as well as the possibilities for care improvement of elderly in the City of Rijeka primarily through public health and bioethics perspectives. Subjects and methods: The examinees were divided into three groups: elderly, and formal and informal caregivers from the City of Rijeka. In each group, a qualitative focus group method was performed according to a predetermined protocol. The study was conducted during 2015 and included a total number of 40 examinees: elderly (N = 12), formal caregivers (N = 14) and informal caregivers (N = 14). RESULTS: Study results are shown in integrated categories for particular thematic issues: perception of ageing, expectation and needs, usage of medicines, organization of health care, usage of modern technologies, and health promotion. Results have shown that there is a need for further development of infrastructure self-management methods in community in order to improve the quality of life and prolongation of independence of the elderly. Conclusions: The results indicate the need for integration of health and social care with the support of local community of the City of Rijeka with consequent reduction of care costs and the improvement of the quality of life and extended independence of the elderly.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 3 ; str. 247-259  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bioetika -- Starenje -- Skrb za starije osobe

Vidi br.: HA19-01448

368   Osiguranje

Vidi br.: HA19-01451

37   Obrazovanje

MODIĆ Stanke, Koraljka
A way to more effective education [Elektronička građa] : prospective teachers' interest in service-learning / Koraljka Modić Stanke, Valentina Ružić, Aleksandra Mindoljević Drakulić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - To become a teacher one must possess a minimum of pedagogical competences, obtained by the completion of pedagogical-psychological-didactic-methodical education. It is assumed that it will be followed by professional growth in the foreseeable future – but that does not necessarily happen. One way to provide a better head start for prospective teachers and their future students is to implement a service-learning (S-L) – a pedagogical approach that combines academic coursework with voluntary service in the community. The aim of this study is to determine the initial interest of students for engaging in service-learning within compulsory courses of pedagogical-psychological-didactic-methodical education and to investigate the relationship between the level of service-learning information and the reported interest in service-learning. Participants were 42 graduate students, divided into two groups – experimental (attended a lecture on service-learning between measurements) and control group (no intervention between two measurements). Results demonstrate high(est) interest for service learning within the course Psychology of Education. Prospective teachers that attended the lecture on service-learning became more interested in it. Most of the students think that engaging in service-learning would lead to higher motivation and better knowledge of the course. These findings should encourage teachers and policy-makers to consider the implementation of S-L in educational institutions in order to improve educational efficiency on all levels of the educational system. - Da bi osoba postala nastavnik(ica), mora posjedovati minimalne pedagoške kompetencije, koje se dobivaju završetkom pedagoško-psihološko-didaktičko-metodološkog (PPDM) obrazovanja. Pretpostavlja se da će ono biti praćeno profesionalnim napredovanjem u budućnosti, ali to se ne mora nužno i dogoditi. Jedan od načina za osiguranje boljeg početka karijere budućih nastavnika(ica) odnosi se na uvođenje društveno korisnog učenja (DKU) – pedagoškog pristupa, u kojem se kombiniraju akademsko učenje i volonterska praksa u zajednici. Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi inicijalni interes studenata za angažman u DKU u okviru PPDM obrazovanja, kao i istražiti vezu između razine informacija o DKU te iskazanog interesa za isto. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 42 studenata(ice) na diplomskoj razini, podijeljeni u dvije grupe: eksperimentalnoj (koja je pohađala predavanje o DKU) i kontrolnoj (u kojoj, između dvaju mjerenja, nije bilo intervencija). Rezultati ukazuju na veći interes za DKU u okviru kolegija psihologije obrazovanja. Budući nastavnici(e), koji su pohađali predavanje o DKU, iskazali su i veći interes za isto. Većina studenata smatra da bi angažman u DKU vodio do veće motivacije, kao i više razine znanja. Ovi bi rezultati trebali ohrabriti nastavnike i aktere obrazovne politike za uvođenje DKU u obrazovne ustanove, kako bi se unaprijedila učinkovitost obrazovanja na svim razinama obrazovnog sustava.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), 1 ; str. 121-136  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Društveno korisno učenje -- Studenti -- Motivacija studenata -- Interesi -- Obrazovanje nastavnika

RELJA, Renata
Analysis of elements and process of school principals' professionalization in Croatia [Elektronička građa] / Renata Relja, Toni Popović, Tea Gutović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 51 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - By combining the attributive-taxonomic and process approaches to the profession, resulting from different sociological traditions, the professional elements and the professionalization of school principals in Croatia are analysed. The research was conducted by survey method in 2017. The sample was convenient and included 73 principals who participated in the research activities of the Centre of Scientific Excellence for School Effectiveness and Management. Our results suggest that the job of school principals in Croatia cannot be considered a profession yet. There are no fundamental elements that differentiate the profession from an ordinary occupation. More specifically, there is a lack of expertise in the area of educational management and leadership (authority), cooperation with professional associations in defining the professional socialization (autonomy), as well as high social status (attractiveness) as a result of the state of previous elements. Given the contextual specificity, the discussion presents incentives, obstacles and recommendations for further professionalization of school principals in Croatia. The importance of professional education is emphasized, whose design and implementation should involve representatives of principals’ rofessional associations, as well as decentralization of education system so that theoretical expertise can be developed through the practice. As the trained practitioners focused on a benefit of the educational system stakeholders (altruism), the principals should set the conditions of the profession to make it more attractive for the best candidates. - Kombiniranjem atributivno-taksonomskog i procesnog pristupa profesiji, proizašlih unutar različitih socioloških tradicija, analiziraju se elementi profesije i profesionalizacija ravnatelja škola u Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom ankete tijekom 2017. godine. Uzorak je prigodan, a obuhvatio je 73 ravnatelja koji su sudjelovali u programu istraživačkih aktivnosti Znanstvenog centra izvrsnosti za školsku efektivnost i menadžment. Dovodeći ih u vezu s prethodnim istraživanjima Centra, naši rezultati pokazuju kako ravnatelje u Hrvatskoj ne možemo smatrati profesijom, jer izostaju temeljni elementi koji razlikuju zanimanje od profesije. Specifičnije, nedostaju ekspertiza u području obrazovnog upravljanja i vođenja (autoritet), suradnja sa strukovnim udrugama u definiranju profesionalne socijalizacije (autonomija) i visoki socijalni status (atraktivnost) kao posljedica prethodnih elemenata. Ukazujući na kontekstualne specifičnosti, u diskusiji se iznose poticaji, prepreke i preporuke za daljnju profesionalizaciju ravnatelja. Ističe se važnost profesionalnog obrazovanja u čijem osmišljavanju i provedbi trebaju sudjelovati predstavnici strukovnih udruženja ravnatelja, kao i decentralizacija školstva kako bi se ekspertiza mogla razvijati u praksi. Kao profesionalci usmjereni na dobrobit dionika sustava obrazovanja (altruizam), ravnatelji trebaju određivati uvjete profesije zbog njene atraktivnosti i privlačenja najboljih kandidata.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), spec. iss. ; str. 55-71  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obrazovanje -- Profesija -- Profesionalizacija -- Ravnatelji

GREGORČIČ Mrvar, Petra
Cooperation between head teachers and professional school counsellors in Slovenian schools [Elektronička građa] / Petra Gregorčič Mrvar, Metod Resman, Jana Kalin, Jasna Mažgon. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 33 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The characteristics of cooperation between head teachers and school counsellors are presented theoretically and empirically. Distributed leadership means that head teachers do not lead schools through school-based educators but rather together with them, with school counsellors playing an important role. Numerous research studies demonstrate that a strong head teacher–school counsellor relationship is a crucial component of meeting the vision, goals and well-being of the school. The findings of our research study, conducted among head teachers and school counsellors, show positive attitudes of both groups towards mutual cooperation. Both considered the cooperation to be good or very good, the head teachers rated it even better. It is interesting to observe that the head teachers found more support in school counsellors than vice versa. Also, more of the head teachers said they saw school counsellors as partners than did the school counsellors. It thus remains to be seen how school counsellors’ perception of the school leadership’s support in their work could be strengthened and how head teachers could be encouraged to support the work of the school counselling service even more, so that this relationship becomes reciprocal and that each party’s ability to perform their work will be enhanced by the strong relationship. - U ovom se radu teorijski i empirijski predstavljaju obilježja suradnje između ravnatelja i školskih pedagoga. Distribuirano liderstvo podrazumijeva da ravnatelji ne vode škole pomoću školskog osoblja, već zajedno s njima, pri čemu školski pedagozi imaju važnu ulogu. Različite istraživačke studije ukazuju da je odnos između ravnatelja i školskog pedagoga ključan za ostvarivanje vizije, ciljeva i dobrobiti u školi. Rezultati ovog istraživanja, provedenog među ravnateljima i pedagozima, pokazuju da obje skupine imaju pozitivne stavove prema međusobnoj suradnji. Obje skupine, također, smatraju da je postojeća suradnja dobra ili vrlo dobra, a ravnatelji je ocjenjuju kao još bolju. Zanimljivo je spomenuti da su ravnatelji imali veću podršku od strane pedagoga, negoli je to moguće primijetiti u obrnutom slučaju. Također treba napomenuti da je veći udjel ravnatelja vidio partnere u školskim pedagozima, negoli se isto može reći i za suprotan slučaj. Stoga ostaje otvorenim pitanjem kako školski pedagozi percipiraju ravnateljsku podršku svom poslu te kako bi ih se ravnatelje moglo ohrabriti na veću podršku pedagozima, kako bi se navedeni odnos mogao razvijati u recipročnom smislu te međusobno podupirati obavljanje obaju poslova.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), spec. iss. ; str. 89-106  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ravnatelji -- Pedagozi -- Suradnja -- Liderstvo

PAŽUR, Monika
Demokratsko školsko vođenje [Elektronička građa] : analiza dosadašnjih istraživanja i otvorena pitanja / Monika Pažur, Vesna Kovač.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 56-59. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Razvoj suvremenog demokratskog društva temelji se na integriranju temeljnih demokratskih vrijednosti u sve njegove sfere i dimenzije, pa tako i u područje odgoja i obrazovanja. Ovakvi se zahtjevi stavljaju i pred škole, a pritom se ključna uloga daje ravnatelju, koji je nositelj i voditelj svake inovacije u svojoj školi (Fullan, 2005; 2007; Bush i Middlewood, 2013; Pont, Nusch i Moorman, 2008; Stein, 2015). Jedan od tipova školskog vođenja koji odgovara ovim zahtjevima naziva se demokratsko školsko vođenje, čiji razvoj s jedne strane utječe na razvoj školske kulture koja se temelji na demokratskim vrijednostima i demokratskim normama, dok s druge strane, ono omogućuje svim uključenima, učenicima i odraslima, stjecanje znanja i razvoj vještina koje će ih učiniti aktivnim građanima. Cilj ovoga rada je analizirati dosadašnje spoznaje u području specifičnog tipa školskog vođenja pod nazivom demokratsko školsko vođenje. Posebna pozornost usmjerit će se na teorijsko-praktičnu operacionalizaciju konstrukta demokratskog školskog vođenja u dosadašnjim istraživanjima. Predstavit će se i analizirati istraživanja koja nude odgovore na pitanja zašto razvijati demokratsko školsko vođenje, kako se ono može razvijati te koja je njegova uloga u razvoju demokratske školske zajednice. - The development of the modern democratic society depends upon the successful integration of main democratic values in all its spheres, including education. Schools are faced with these challenges as well. The main role in the process of school change is given to the school principal, who is the leader of every innovation in school (Fullan, 2005; 2007; Bush, Middlewood, 2013; Pont, Nusch, Moorman, 2008; Stein, 2015). One out of many types of school leadership is called democratic school leadership. One of the goals of such leadership is the development of school culture that is based on democratic values and practices. Further on, the development of democratic school leadership opens an opportunity for students and teachers to gain knowledge an develop skills needed for them to become active citizens in their communities. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the existing literature in the field of democratic school leadership. Special focus is on the theoretical and practical operationalization of the democratic school leadership as it is presented the literature. Further, we shall analyze the possible answers to the questions of why and how to develop the democratic school leadership, and what is its role in the development of the democratic school community.
U: Metodički ogledi (Online). - ISSN 1848-2325. - 26 (2019), 1 ; str. 33-60  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ravnatelji -- Školsko vođenje -- Demokratske vrijednosti -- Školska kultura

KADUM, Sandra
Divergentno mišljenje u procesu suvremenoga odgoja i obrazovanja [Elektronička građa] / Sandra Kadum. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 96-98. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se govori o divergentnom mišljenju kao temeljnoj karakteristici stvaralaštva. Za razliku od konvergentnog mišljenja u kojemu je sve usmjereno ka jednom rješenju, divergentno mišljenje traži najraznovrsnija rješenja razmatrane problemske situacije (problema) i pritom su misli raspršene na vrlo raznolika moguća rješenja. Po svojoj naravi divergentno je mišljenje prevratničko i rušilačko, i kao takvo odstupa od postojećih misaonih pravila i obrazaca, unoseći pritom nered u postojeću misaonu skladnost i red. Svim učenicima, posebice onima koji mogu i hoće više, onima koji u odnosu prema svojim vršnjacima mnogo toga čine prije, više, brže, uspješnije, bolje i drugačije i koji imaju dosljedno bolja i viša postignuća, u procesu suvremenog odgoja i obrazovanja valja posvetiti posebnu pažnju, što je moguće ostvariti poticanjem divergentnog mišljenja. I stoga se u suvremenom odgoju i obrazovanju, pored znanstveno- konvergentnog oblikovanja mišljenja, mora ostaviti prostora i za divergentno mišljenje. - This paper discusses divergent thinking as a fundamental characteristic of creativity. Unlike convergent thinking where everything is focused on one solution, divergent thinking seeks the most varied solutions to the considered problem situation (problem) while thoughts are scattered on a variety of possible solutions. By its nature, divergent thinking is subversive and destructive and, as such, it deviates from the existing thinking rules and patterns, while bringing disorder into the existing harmony and order of thoughts. In the process of modern education, special attention must be dedicated to all students, but especially to those who can and want more, to those who, in relation to their peers, do a lot of things earlier, to a greater extent, faster, more successfully, better and differently and who consistently have better and higher achievements, which is possible to achieve by encouraging divergent thinking. Therefore, in the modern education, apart from the scientific-convergent shaping of thoughts, space for divergent thinking must also be enabled.
U: Metodički ogledi (Online). - ISSN 1848-2325. - 26 (2019), 1 ; str. 81-98  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Divergentno mišljenje -- Konvergentno mišljenje -- Mišljenje -- Stvaralaštvo -- Odgoj i obrazovanje

FILIPOVIĆ, Jelena, ekonomistica
How to recognize potential school leaders among primary school teachers [Elektronička građa] : framework based on financial literacy level and type of motivation / Jelena Filipović, Ana Popović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 29 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of this paper is to discuss the potential of primary school teachers for governing roles in schools. The level of teacher’s financial literacy is used as a proxy for their managerial potential – managerial competences. Using the Competence Motivation Theory as framework, the authors postulate that teachers with the higher perceived competence in financial literacy are at the same time intrinsically motivated to achieve mastery in this field. Therefore, the teacher’s perceived competence and type of motivation are combined with a set of individual and contextual determinants, highlighted in the previous research, and the framework for assessing teacher’s potential or aptness for the governing position in the school is proposed. The design of this framework is based on data collected via survey which included 954 primary school teachers from Serbia, and analysed by linear and multinomial regression and cluster analysis. The results demonstrate that teachers can be categorized into four different groups, with variable degree of their potential for the governing roles. Clusters vary according to teachers’ gender, subject they teach, location of the school, level of education and whether they are driven by extrinsicor intrinsic motivators. - U ovom se radu raspravlja o potencijalu nastavnika osnovnih škola za zauzimanje upravljačkih pozicija u školi. Razina financijske pismenosti se koristi kao proxy varijabla za menadžerski potencijal (menadžerske kompetencije). Korištenjem teorije kompetencijske motivacije, autori pretpostavljaju da viša razina percipiranih kompetencija u području financijske pismenosti istovremeno podrazumijeva i višu razinu intrinzične motivacije za ovladavanje menadžerskih područjem. Stoga se percipirane kompetencije nastavnika i tip njihove motivacije, uz skupinu pojedinačnih i kontekstualnih odrednica, određenih prethodnim istraživanjima, smatraju značajnima za izradu teorijskog okvira, koji ukazuje na potencijal nastavnika za zauzimanje ravnateljske pozicije. Teorijski se okvir oslanja na podatke, prikupljene anketom 954 nastavnika osnovnih škola u Srbiji te na statističku analizu, u kojoj su korištene linearna i multinomijalna regresija te analiza klastera. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se nastavnici mogu grupirati u četiri skupine, s različitim menadžerskim potencijalom. Klasteri se formiraju u skladu sa spolom nastavnika, predmetom kojeg podučavaju, lokacijom škole, razinom obrazovanja te tipom motivacije (ekstrinzičnom ili intrinzičnom).
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), spec. iss. ; str. 107-121  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nastavnici -- Ravnatelji -- Menadžment -- Financijska pismenost -- Motivacija -- Osnovne škole

Kako načiniti kristale limunske kiseline i šećera [Elektronička građa] / Milan Sikirica. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Učenici osnovnih škola gotovo redovito izvode pokus krstalizacije modre galice i kuhinjske soli. Modra galica je otrovna i štetna za okoliš, a veće kristale kuhinjske soli teško je dobiti. Umjesto pokusa kristalizacije modre galice i kuhinjske soli bolje je izvesti pokus kristalizacije limunske kiseline i običnoga šećera. Te su tvari jeftine, lako dostupne, biorazgradljive i nisu štetne za okoliš. - Middle school students almost regularly perform experiments of crystallization of copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate and kitchen salt. Copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate is poisonous and harmful to the environment, and larger crystals of kitchen salt are difficult to obtain. Instead of experimenting with the crystallization of copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate and kitchen salt, it is better to carry out crystallization of citric acid and common (table) sugar. These materials are inexpensive, easily accessible, biodegradable, and not environmentally hazardous.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 11/12 ; str. 609-614  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nastava kemije -- Kristalna struktura -- Kristalizacija -- Limunska kiselina -- Šećer -- Pokusi

The perceived school climate in Croatian elementary schools with poor, average and good school's learning environment [Elektronička građa] / Josip Burušić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 33 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The cross-sectional research design was used to investigate differences in teachers’ perception of school climate in schools with poor, average and good school’s learning environment, and to explore to what degree is possible to explain six school climate dimensions by school’s learning environment, some teacher’s characteristics and teaching practice experience. Participants in the study were 785 teachers from 44 primary schools in northern part of Croatia, 121 males and 579 females. Participants rated school climate in school where they teach and in addition provided information about various school’s learning environment. Schools which teachers perceived as having good school’s learning environment clearly differ in the level of school climate quality - school climate is significantly better in schools with better school’s learning environment. The performed hierarchical regression analyses, demonstrated in addition, how school’s learning environment and characteristics of teachers and teaching practice (e.g. gender, age, work experience and education level) are powerful predictors of (positive) school climate. In this paper, we provide possible explanation and stress importance on school climate as an essential concept in school effectiveness concerns and activities. - U ovom se radu koristi kros-sekcijski istraživački nacrt za istraživanje razlika u nastavničkoj percepciji školskog ozračja u školama s lošim, prosječnim i dobrim školskim okruženjem za učenje, kao i za utvrđivanje razina u kojoj je moguće objasniti šest dimenzija školskog ozračja pomoću školskog okruženja za učenje, obilježja nastavnika i njihove prakse u nastavi. U studiji je sudjelovalo 785 nastavnika/ica iz 44 osnovne škole u sjevernom dijelu Hrvatske, od čega 121 nastavnik i 579 nastavnica. Sudionici su ocjenjivali školsko ozračje u svojoj školi, kao i školsko okruženje za učenje. Škole, u kojima nastavnici/e okruženje za učenje percipiraju kao dobro, jasno se razlikuju s obzirom na kvalitetu školskog ozračja, pri čemu je ozračje mnogo bolje u školama s boljim okruženjem za učenje. U radu se koristi hijerarhijska regresijska analiza, koja pokazuje da su školsko okruženje za učenje, kao i obilježja nastavnika i njihove nastavne prakse (npr. spol, dob, radno iskustvo i razina obrazovanja) snažni prediktori pozitivnog školskog ozračja. Pružaju se moguća objašnjenja navedenih rezultata i naglašava značaj školskog ozračja kao koncepta, ključnog za pojam i aktivnosti, vezane uz školsku efektivnost.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), spec. iss. ; str. 1-15  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Školsko okruženje -- Školsko ozračje -- Osnovne škole -- Školska efektivnost

Personalisation of learning through digital storytelling [Elektronička građa] / Lina Kaminskienė, Nano Khetsuriani.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The article discusses curriculum management changes while trying to respond to the challenge of learning personalisation in the field of lower-secondary education in Lithuania. The paper investigates what transformations learning personalisation might bring into educational practices and how they change regular curriculum management practices starting from learning environment, new roles of teachers, combining individual and group work in the classroom environment and development of new learning scenarios. This article is based on the findings of a case study of one of the Lithuanian lower secondary schools, when a new learning scenario was implemented creatively applying a digital storytelling method. The research indicates that students’ active classroom participation increased, driven by the personalised approach and the use of diverse digital media. The article reveals that learning personalisation supported by technologies brings changes to the classroom management practices and strengthens teacher-student and peer-to-peer collaboration. - U ovom se radu raspravlja o kurikularnim promjenama, kao odgovoru na izazov personalizacije učenja u nižem srednjem obrazovanju u Litvi. U radu se raspravlja kakvu bi transformaciju mogla izazvati personalizacija učenja u obrazovnoj praksi te kako se mijenjaju redovite prakse upravljanja kurikulumom, počevši od obrazovnog okruženja, nove uloge nastavnika, kombiniranja individualnog i grupnog rada u razredu, pa do razvoja novih scenarija učenja. Rad se zasniva na rezultatima studije slučaja niže srednje škole u Litvi, u kojoj je na kreativan način primijenjen novi scenarij učenja, uz pomoć digitalnog pripovijedanja. Istraživanje ukazuje da se povećao angažman učenika za vrijeme sudjelovanja u nastavi, za što se glavni razlog može pronaći u personaliziranom pristupu i korištenju raznolikih digitalnih medija.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), 1 ; str. 153-166  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Digitalno pripovijedanje -- Digitalni mediji -- Personalizacija učenja -- Obrazovanje -- Kurikulum

VULETA, Kristina
Pitanja koja nastavnici engleskog kao stranog jezika postavljaju u nastavi [Elektronička građa] / Kristina Vuleta, Anna Martinović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 172-175. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Nastavnici postavljanjem pitanja doprinose procesu učenja stranog jezika i razvoju mišljenja višeg reda kod učenika. Pitanja su značajna za pokretanje interakcije u učionicama stranih jezika. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je dobiti uvid u vrste pitanja koje nastavnici koriste u poučavanju engleskog kao stranog jezika (engl. EFL). Metoda prikupljanja podataka uključivala je promatranje nastave koje se često koristi u istraživanjima u učionicama stranih jezika. Rezultati su pokazali da se u osnovnim i srednjim školama češće postavljaju pitanja nižeg reda od pitanja višeg reda, dok su složenija pitanja i setovi pitanja i odgovora pokazali veću učestalost pitanja višeg reda. Nadalje, složenost odgovora učenika ovisila je o vrsti pitanja koju je nastavnik postavio. Analiza je također pokazala da, usprkos tome što je bilo više pitanja koja su poticala na razmišljanje i samoizražavanje u srednjoj školi nego u osnovnoj školi, veliki broj prikupljenih pitanja nižeg reda ipak pokazuje potrebu za većom upotrebom pitanja višeg reda. - Teacher questions can help students in the learning process, as well as aid in the development of higher-order thinking skills. In language classrooms, teacher questions are a major way of initiating interaction. The general aim of this research was to investigate the types of questions used by language teachers in English as a foreign language (EFL) classrooms. The data collection method included classroom observations which is commonly used in second language classroom research. The results showed that in both elementary and high schools, there was greater frequency in the use of lower-order questions compared to higher-order questions, while more complex questions and answers sets yielded higher frequency of higher-order questions. Furthermore, the complexity of students’ responses depended on the type of questions posed by the teacher. The analysis also showed that although there were more questions that stimulated thinking and encouraged self-expression in high schools than in elementary schools; nevertheless, the large number of lower-order questions suggests the need for greater use of high-order thinking questions.
U: Metodički ogledi (Online). - ISSN 1848-2325. - 26 (2019), 1 ; str. 149-175  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Engleski jezik -- Nastava engleskog jezika -- Učenje jezika -- Pitanja

ŽELVYS, Rimantas
School leadership and educational effectiveness [Elektronička građa] : Lithuanian case in comparative perspective / Rimantas Želvys, Rita Dukynaitė, Jogaila Vaitekaitis, Audronė Jakaitienė. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 68 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper examines the links between student learning and school leadership focusing on Lithuania in comparative perspective. Different aspects of school leadership areas are being outlined, but after a more thorough analysis of the educational effectiveness perspective, it seems that the direct link between principal and student achievement is not that clear. In order to explain this, we further analysed the role which school autonomy plays in effective leadership and found that different countries chose different levels of power distribution. After revealing diversity in meta-analyses and reviews about the existing effect sizes of school decentralization we looked into different tasks on which school heads spend their time, and noticed that instructional leadership is most effective in adding value to student achievement. What exactly counts as instructional leadership is debated and may change depending on context. The presumption that leadership and school effectiveness are related, could be valid only if school accountability and autonomy particularities are taken into account, therefore the reforms in selection, recruitment and training of school heads could be expected to drive effectiveness of education systems only as far as the right balance of the three (accountability, autonomy, leadership) are found. - U ovom se radu analiziraju veze između učenja i školskog vođenja, s fokusom na Litvu, u komparativnoj perspektivi. Izlažu se različiti aspekti područja školskog vođenja, pri čemu se, nakon opsežnije analize perspektiva obrazovne efektivnosti, čini da direktna veza između ravnatelja i studentskih postignuća nije potpuno jasna. Kako bi smo objasnili navedeno, dodatno smo analizirali utjecaj autonomije škole u učinkovitom vođenju te zaključili da se razina distribucije moći razlikuje u različitim državama. Nakon utvrđivanja razlika u meta-analizama i preglednim radovima o postojećoj snazi efekata školske decentralizacije, analizirali smo trošenje vremena ravnatelja na različite aktivnosti i uočili da je instrukcijsko vođenje najučinkovitije u poticanju učeničkih postignuća. Pritom treba napomenuti da se raspravlja o definiciji instrukcijskog vođenja, a ona se može i mijenjati, ovisno o kontekstu. Pretpostavka da su školsko vođenje i efektivnost međuovisni može se smatrati točnom, samo ako se u obzir uzmu detalji, vezani uz odgovornost i autonomiju škole. Stoga se može i smatrati da reforme, povezane uz izbor, regrutiranje i obrazovanje ravnatelja mogu djelovati na efektivnost obrazovnih sustava, samo ukoliko se postigne odgovarajuća ravnoteža odgovornosti, autonomije i vođenja.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), spec. iss. ; str. 17-36  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Škola -- Efektivnost -- Ravnatelji -- Menadžment -- Autonomija -- Profesionalizam

Sustav za planiranje i implementaciju projektnih zadataka u nastavi informatike [Elektronička građa] / Sara Vrsaljko, Jozo Pivac, Vladimir Pleština. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Nastava i oblik poučavanja orijentiran na projekte i rješavanje projektnih zadataka predstavlja odmak od klasične nastave i samim time učenicima je drugačija i zanimljivija. U ovom radu je iznesen prijedlog jednostavnog sustava za planiranje nastave informatike orijentirane rješavanju projektnih zadataka, kao prijedlog učiteljima i nastavnicima za pripremanje učenika za složeniju, projektno zasnovanu nastavu. Takav sustav predviđa planiranje, definiranje cilja, ishoda, uvodno testiranje, realizaciju, provjerljivost ishoda te analizu zadovoljstva. Cilj je ovakvog pristupa da se učenicima kroz zanimljivu temu (miniprojekt) približi problematika iz nastavnog kurikuluma te da se, na temelju povratne informacije od učenika, ustanovi njihova motiviranost za složenije strategije učenja i poučavanja, kao što je projektna nastava. - Project-based learning and teaching is a qualitative departure from classical learning, and it is different and more interesting for pupils. This paper presents a proposal for a simple system for planning teaching Computer science oriented to solving project tasks, as a proposal for teachers to prepare pupils for more complex project-based learning. Such a system enables planning, defining the goal, outcomes, initial testing, realization, verification of results and satisfaction analysis. The aim of this approach is to bring pupils through an interesting topic (mini-project) to curriculum issues and, based on student feedback, identify their motivation for more complex strategies, such as project-based learning.
U: Politehnika (Online). - ISSN 2584-6264. - 3 (2019), 1 ; str. 21-39  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Programiranje -- Projektna nastava -- Nastava informatike

Teacher leadership for organizational change [Elektronička građa] / Milda Damkuvienė, Jūratė Valuckienė, Sigitas Balčiūnas. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 62 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of this article is to test the teacher leadership initiated by teacher professional development abroad, as a factor of organisational change in a structural equation model. Structural equation modelling was employed to analyse survey data collected from 218 teachers who participated in professional development activities abroad under Erasmus+ KA1 in 32 Lithuanian schools. The model expresses the relationship between teacher leadership and organizational change, where teacher professional development abroad is treated as an initial (self-development) dimension of teacher leadership. Results revealed the positive and significant relationship between teacher leadership and organizational change, where leadership is conceptualized as an ongoing relational process of selfdevelopment, dispersing ideas, involving others and gaining commitment. Findings of the study also depicted a positive and significant relationship of didactic competence (the dimension of self-development phase of leadership) with one of the dimensions of organizational change - learning in the classroom. - Cilj ovog rada je ispitati ulogu nastavničkog vođenja, nastalog uslijed profesionalnog razvoja u inozemstvu, kao čimbenika organizacijskih promjena, korištenjem modela strukturnih jednadžbi. Modeliranje strukturnih jednadžbi je korišteno za analizu anketnih podataka, prikupljenih od 218 nastavnika, koji su sudjelovali u aktivnostima profesionalnog usavršavanja u inozemstvu, u okviru programa Erasmus plus KA1 (Key Activity 1), u 32 litvanske škole. Model pokazuje postojanje odnosa između nastavničkog vođenja i organizacijskih promjena, pri čemu se profesionalno usavršavanje nastavnika u inozemstvu tretiralo kao inicijalna dimenzija nastavničkog vođenja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju pozitivnu i značajnu vezu između nastavničkog vođenja i organizacijskih promjena, pri čemu se vođenje konceptualizira kao trajni relacijski proces samostalnog profesionalnog razvoja, širenja ideja, uključivanja ostalih i povećanja vlastite predanosti. Rezultati studije, također, ukazuju na pozitivnu i značajnu vezu didaktičkih kompetencija (unutar dimenzije samostalnog razvoja nastavničkog vođenja) s jednom od dimenzija organizacijskih promjena, i to s učenjem u razredu.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), spec. iss. ; str. 37-52  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nastavnici -- Menadžment -- Nastavničko vođenje -- Organizacijske promjene

Teacher leadership in Lithuania [Elektronička građa] : are teachers prepared to cooperate? / Agne Brandisauskiene, Jurate Cesnaviciene, Ramute Bruzgeleviciene. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 34 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Over the past 25 years, Lithuania has established a system of education based on humanistic and democratic relationships. In this system, teacher leadership is highly important, as it serves as the basis for school community “reculturisation” and improvement. The aim of the current article is to overview the situation of teacher leadership in Lithuania, emphasising the aspect of teacher cooperation. The three characteristics of Lithuanian teacher leadership that we present demonstrate that teacher cooperation remains a challenge in the country. Teachers are reluctant to discuss and render improvement proposals, and lack experience of teamwork. Nevertheless, it is to be expected that the ongoing project “Time for Leaders,” will produce the necessary cultural change required to create a learning network of teachers and establish genuine, open and professional dialogue. - Kroz proteklih 25 godina, Litva je kreirala obrazovni sustav, zasnovan na humanističkim i demokratskim vrijednostima. U njemu se veliki značaj pridaje nastavničkom vođenju, koje služi kao temelj za "rekulturizaciju" i unapređenje školske zajednice. U ovom se radu pruža pregled spoznaja o nastavničkom vođenju u Litvi, pri čemu se naglašava aspekt nastavničke suradnje. Tri karakteristike nastavničke suradnje u Litvi, o kojima se raspravlja u članku, ukazuju da ona i dalje predstavlja izazov. Naime, nastavnici se opiru raspravi i izradi prijedloga za unapređenje te im nedostaje iskustvo timskog rada. Međutim, treba očekivati da će projekt "Vrijeme za vođenje", koji se još uvijek provodi, kreirati odgovarajuću promjenu kulture, potrebnu za stvaranje mreže učenja za nastavnike, kao i kreirati izvorni, otvoreni i stručni dijalog.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), spec. iss. ; str. 123-136  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nastavnici -- Suradnja -- Nastavničko vođenje

BREJC, Mateja
Training as strategy for school self-evaluation capacity building [Elektronička građa] / Mateja Brejc, Klemen Širok, Andrej Koren. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 45 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of the paper is to discuss the importance of school (self-) evaluation capacity building within quality assurance system in education in Slovenia. The research is focused on self-evaluation training program in 245 educational institutions. The results demonstrate its importance and pinpoints several challenges, i.e.: “how to build organizational (leaders’) evaluation capacity”, “learning transfer in practice”, and “how to choose among various evaluation capacity building strategies”. Building upon empirical findings, the paper suggests that the training as a sole strategy for capacity building does not suffice in the competitive, quality-driven educational context. Correspondingly, the model of self-evaluation capacity building for schools is presented and discussed. - U ovom se radu raspravlja o značaju kapaciteta za provedbu školske samoanalize, kao čimbenika sustava osiguranja kvalitete u slovenskom obrazovanju. Istraživanje se usmjerava na program obrazovanja za školsku samoanalizu u 245 obrazovnih institucija. Rezultati istraživanja utvrđuju nekoliko ključnih izazova, primjerice: "kako izgraditi kapacitet vođa za evaluaciju", "praktični transfer učenja" te "kako birati između različitih strategija izgradnje kapaciteta za evaluaciju". Na temelju empirijskih rezultata, smatra se da obrazovanje, kada se koristi kao jedina strategija za izgradnju evaluacijskog kapaciteta, nije adekvatno u kompetitivnom obrazovnom kontekstu, kojeg usmjerava predanost kvaliteti. Također se prezentira i raspravlja o modelu izgradnje kapaciteta za školsku samoanalizu.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), spec. iss. ; str. 73-87  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obrazovanje -- Kvaliteta obrazovanja -- Školska samoanaliza

Vidi br.: HA19-01421

Vidi br.: HA19-01373

Vidi br.: HA19-01335

Vidi br.: HA19-01341

Vidi br.: HA19-01492

373   Vrste općeobrazovnih škola. Predškolski odgoj

PINTAR, Željka
Društvene transformacije i pedagoške interpretacije poželjnog odgoja [Elektronička građa] / Željka Pintar.
Bibliografija: str. 77-79. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se tematiziraju promjene pedagoških paradigmi ovisno o društveno-povijesnom kontekstu u kojemu nastaju. Svaka pedagoška ideja razrađena u društvenim dokumentima koji oblikuju rad ustanova za rani i predškolski odgoj rezultat je kolektivnog promišljanja o viziji razvoja i napretka društva. Različita povijesna razdoblja, obilježena svojim znanjima, potrebama i interesima, oblikuju sebi svojstveno političko, gospodarsko, kulturno, obrazovno okruženje. Upravo je zato razumijevanje pojedinih pedagoških paradigmi moguće jedino kroz razmatranje i uvažavanje konteksta u kojemu se provode. Budući da ne postoje univerzalne pedagoške istine, potrebno je isticati važnost istraživačkog pristupa odgojno-obrazovnoj zbilji. Uočavanje karakteristika aktualne pedagoške paradigme kroz objektivnu percepciju njezinih pozitivnih i nedorečenih elemenata omogućuje njeno sustavno korigiranje na dobrobit djeteta kojemu je primarno namijenjena. - This paper discusses the changes in pedagogical paradigms depending on the socio-historical context in which they occur. Each pedagogical idea elaborated in the social documents that shape the work of early and pre-school institutions is the result of collective reflection on the vision of development and advancement of society. Different historical periods, marked by specific knowledge, needs and interests, form distinctive political, economic, cultural, and educational environments. It is precisely for this reason that understanding individual pedagogical paradigms is possible only through consideration and appreciation of the context in which they are carried out. As there are no universal pedagogical truths, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of a research approach to current educational system. Observing the characteristics of the current pedagogical paradigm through objective perception of its positive and imprecise elements allows its systematic correcting that focuses on the welfare of the child to whom it is predominantly intended for.
U: Metodički ogledi (Online). - ISSN 1848-2325. - 26 (2019), 1 ; str. 61-80  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Predškolski odgoj -- Predškolske ustanove -- Tradicionalni odgoj -- Suvremeni odgoj

Vidi br.: HA19-01493

376   Obrazovanje posebnih skupina osoba. Specijalne škole

Percipirani dobici u nedaćama oboljenja/invaliditeta [Elektronička građa] : edukacijom do lakšeg suočavanja i bolje podrške / Barbara Stamenković Tadić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 141-146. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati učinkovitost jednokratnih edukacija gimnazijalaca i studenata o pozitivnim učincima suočavanja s bolešću/invaliditetom (poput većeg cijenjenja zdravlja i života, promjene u životnim prioritetima, poboljšanja bliskih odnosa, vođenja zdravijeg stila života, većeg samopouzdanja, itd.). Prije i poslije edukacija prikupljeni su podaci od 11 učenika i 16 studenata pomoću semantičkog diferencijala te mjera za ispitivanje doživljaja stupnja hendikepiranosti, nesposobnosti i ovisnosti te mogućnosti vođenja sretnog i ispunjenog života kod osoba s kroničnom bolešću/invaliditetom. Podaci su analizirani jednosmjernim testom predznaka i jednosmjernim Wilcoxonovim testom ekvivalentnih parova. U završnim mjerenjima utvrđeni su pozitivniji prosječni opisi osoba s kroničnom bolešću/invaliditetom kod 7 učenika i 13 studenata. Najveća promjena stavova evidentirana je u smanjenju broja učenika koji oboljele doživljavaju nezadovoljnima i slabima te u smanjenju broja studenata koji oboljele doživljavaju nezadovoljnima i obeshrabrenima. Značajnija promjena stavova evidentirana je i u smanjenju broja sudionika koji oboljele doživljavaju slabima, tužnima, pasivnima i rezigniranima te u povećanju broja sudionika koji oboljele doživljavaju produktivnima. Nije došlo do promjene dominantno negativnih doživljaja oboljelih kao osoba s »hendikepom« te kao neprivlačnih, onesposobljenih i ovisnih o drugima. Nakon edukacija, više od 4/5 učenika i studenata izjavilo je da zbog stečenih spoznaja ima pozitivnije stavove prema bolesti i oboljelima te da će im one pomoći u unapređenju odnosa s oboljelim osobama i u suočavanju s bolestima tijekom života. U završnim mjerenjima utvrđeni pozitivniji stavovi sudionika prema bolesti/ invaliditetu i oboljelima sugeriraju relativnu učinkovitost provedenih edukacija te se preporuča njihova daljnja implementacija. - The goal of the research was to question the efficiency of one-time educational programs for high school and college students in positive effects of dealing with ailment/disability (such as more appreciation of health, changes in life priorities, better relationships, healthier lifestyle, more confidence, etc.). Before and after the educational programs we have gathered data from 11 high school students and 16 college students with semantic differential and measures for perceiving the stage of the handicap, disability and dependence as well as a possibility for a person with chronic illness/disability to lead a happy and fulfilled life. The data have been analyzed by a one sided Sign Test and a one sided Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. In the final measurements we have determined more positive average descriptions of people with a chronic disease/disability by 7 high school and 13 college students. The biggest change in attitude has been recorded in a decreased number of high school students who perceive the challenged as unhappy and weak and in a decreased number of college students who perceive the challenged as unhappy and discouraged. A significant change in attitudes has also been recorded in a decreased number of participants who consider the challenged as weak, sad, passive and resigned and in an increased number of participants who perceive the challenged as productive. There hasn’t been a change in dominantly negative attitudes towards the challenged as people with handicaps, unattractive, disabled and dependent. After the educational programs more than 4/5 of high school and college students declared that due to the acquired knowledge they have a more positive attitude towards the ailment and the challenged and that this will help them improve the relationship towards the challenged and in coping with ailments in their life.
U: Metodički ogledi (Online). - ISSN 1848-2325. - 26 (2019), 1 ; str. 121-147  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bolest -- Invaliditet -- Suočavanje s bolešću -- Socijalna podrška -- Stavovi -- Edukacija -- Evaluacija

377   Specijalizirana nastava. Strukovno obrazovanje

Obrazovanje učiteljica u slovenskim i hrvatskim zemljama Austro-Ugarske Monarhije - komparativna analiza [Elektronička građa] = Women's teacher education within Slovenian and Croatian regions of Austria-Hungary - comparative analysis / Monika Govekar-Okoliš. - Graf. prikazi.
Tekst na engl. jeziku na str. 591-616. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: 33 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad daje uvid u obrazovanje osnovnoškolskih učiteljica u slovenskim i hrvatskim zemljama Austro-Ugarske Monarhije preko zakonodavstva i organizacije ženskih učiteljskih škola. Istraživanje se sastoji od povijesne komparativne analize razdoblja između 1867. i 1914. godine. Pojavom Dvojne Monarhije dolazi do promjena u obrazovanju učiteljica. One se mogu najprije identificirati na temelju školskoga zakonodavstva. Učiteljice postaju državne službenice. Javljaju se nove državne ženske učiteljske škole, ali i one privatne s pravom javnosti. Analiza zakonodavstva pokazala je razlike između nastavnih planova u učiteljskim školama u slovenskim i hrvatskim zemljama unutar Monarhije. Komparacija njihovih aktivnosti također pokazuje razlike u razvoju, broju i organizaciji. U slovenskim zemljama, koje potpadaju pod austrijsko školsko zakonodavstvo, razvitak četverogodišnjih škola za učiteljice tekao je nešto brže nego u hrvatskim zemljama. Usporedba pokazuje da u slovenskim i hrvatskim zemljama dominiraju privatne škole za učiteljice. - This article is the first comparative study on the education of primary college women teachers in Slovenian and Croatian lands of Austria-Hungary through legislation and the organisation of women's teacher training colleges. The study consists of a historical comparative analysis covering the period from the emergence of the dualist Austria-Hungary (1867) until World War I (1914). During the period covered in this article, many changes were implemented in women's teacher education. Before the year 1869, women who wanted to become teachers acquired the necessary knowledge as nuns in monasteries, in private girls’ schools, or at home. The Austrian school legislation of 1869 had a quantitative and qualitative influence on the development and organisation of women’s teacher training colleges and on the quality of women’s teacher education. Women teachers became state employees. Analysis of the legislation showed differences between the syllabuses of women's teacher training colleges in Slovenian and Croatian lands. The syllabuses were adapted to the requirements of individual lands. A comparison of their activities also shows differences in development, number, and organisation. New state women’s teacher training colleges and private ones with public accreditation appeared. In Slovenian lands, under the Austrian school legislation, the development of four-year women’s teacher training colleges was somewhat faster than in Croatian lands. The comparison shows that private women’s teacher training colleges were predominant and women's teacher education became more standardised and professionalised both in Slovenian and Croatian lands.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 2 ; str. 567-616  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obrazovanje učiteljica -- Školsko zakonodavstvo -- Ženske učiteljske škole

Vidi br.: HA19-01434

378   Visokoškolsko obrazovanje. Sveučilišta. Akademski studij

ARBULA Blecich, Andrea
Insight into students' perception of teaching [Elektronička građa] : case of economic higher education institution / Andrea Arbula Blecich, Vinko Zaninović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 48 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of this paper is to analyse students’ perceptions of teaching from three different perspectives: students’ interest, teacher and course assessment. We use ordinal logistic model to quantify the effects of grade, pass rate and class size on results of evaluation of undergraduate and graduate courses held during the summer and winter semesters in the academic year 2016/2017. The data were collected using a standardised online questionnaire. Research results indicate that on the observed economic HEI, both teacher and course assessment is positively and significantly affected by student’s achieved grade, and by class size. Moreover, we find large and significant difference between students’ interest in study programmes delivered in Croatian and those delivered in English. Students enrolled in English study programme value pass rate over grade, as opposed to students enrolled in Croatian study programme. We attribute this to the different motivation of students, that is, students enrolled in English programme are more prone to participation in student mobility programmes. - Cilj ovog rada je analiza studentskih percepcija podučavanja iz triju različitih perspektiva: interesa studenata, nastavnika i procjene kolegija. Za kvantifikaciju efekata ocjena, prolaznosti i veličine nastavne skupine na evaluaciju preddiplomskih i diplomskih studija, održanih u 2016/17 godini, koristi se model ordinalne logističke regresije. Podaci su prikupljeni standardiziranim elektroničkim upitnikom, a rezultati ukazuju da je, na promatranom visokom učilištu, procjena nastavnika i kolegija pozitivno i značajno povezana s ostvarenim ocjenama te veličinom nastavne skupine. Štoviše, mogu se primijetiti velike i značajne razlike između interesa studenata u kolegijima, koji se izvode na hrvatskom i na engleskom jeziku. Studenti, koji slušaju engleski program, u većoj mjeri vrednuju prolaznost od ocjena, što je u suprotnosti sa studentima, koji slušaju hrvatski program. Navedeno pripisujemo različitoj motivaciji studenata, tj. većoj sklonosti mobilnosti studentima, upisanim na engleski nastavni program.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), 1 ; str. 137-152  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Podučavanje -- Studenti -- Percepcije studenata -- Ekonomija -- Visoka učilišta

SEDLAN König, Ljerka
Is there a mismatch between employers' and university teachers' perceptions on graduate employability in Croatia? [Elektronička građa] / Ljerka Sedlan König, Helga Maškarin Ribarić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 44 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Employability in graduates is considered to be an outcome universities should seek to achieve. At the same time, scholars rarely differentiate between “graduateness as a state after the completion of a course, and employability as an assessment of the economic worth of a student at that time” (Glover, Law and Youngman, 2002:293). This paper aims to study employability in higher education from the employers’ and university teachers’ perspective. It highlights the most highly valued employability competencies and attributes, and paints an interesting picture of perceptions university teachers and employers have of employability characteristics. The empirical research incorporates 134 responses from employers from Croatian companies of all sizes, and 124 from University teachers from two Croatian universities: University of Rijeka and Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek. The results indicate that the university teachers and employers have similar views regarding employability characteristics, but view differently the knowledge, skills and attributes significant for employment and the contribution of higher education to the improvement of these attributes. The results point to the necessity of Croatian universities to cooperate and communicate more efficiently with employers and employer associations in developing courses, and delivering relevant subject content. - Zapošljivost diplomiranih studenata se smatra ishodom, čijem bi ostvarenju sveučilišta trebala težiti. Nadalje, istraživači rijetko razlikuju “završenost studija kao stanje nakon završetka kolegija te zapošljivost kao ekonomsku vrijednost studenta u istom vremenu” (Glover, Law & Youngman, 2002:293). U ovom se radu želi analizirati zapošljivost nakon visokog obrazovanja, iz perspektive poslodavaca i sveučilišnih nastavnika. U njemu se naglašavaju najviše vrednovane kompetencije i atributi, vezani uz zapošljivost te prikazuje zanimljiva slika o percepciji karakteristika zapošljivosti, koju imaju sveučilišni nastavnici i poslodavci. U empirijskom istraživanju su korištena 134 odgovora poslodavaca (hrvatskih poduzeća svih veličina) te 124 odgovora sveučilišnih nastavnika, zaposlenih na Sveučilištu u Rijeci te Sveučilištu Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Rezultati ukazuju da sveučilišni nastavnici i poslodavci imaju slične poglede na karakteristike zapošljivosti, ali drugačije gledaju na znanja, vještine i atribute, značajne za zapošljivost, kao i na doprinos visokog obrazovanja unapređenju navedenih atributa. Naglašava se nužnost suradnje i komuniciranja između hrvatskih sveučilišta, poslodavaca te poslovnih udruga u području razvoja akademskih sadržaja i njihova podučavanja.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), 1 ; str. 87-102  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sveučilišni nastavnici -- Poslodavci -- Zapošljivost -- Kompetencije -- Visoko obrazovanje -- Partnerstvo

Vidi br.: HA19-01438

Vidi br.: HA19-01328

Vidi br.: HA19-01503

Vidi br.: HA19-01736

Vidi br.: HA19-01342

Vidi br.: HA19-01452

Vidi br.: HA19-01633

Vidi br.: HA19-01368

Vidi br.: HA19-01738

39   Kulturna antropologija. Etnografija. Običaji. Tradicija. Način života

MATHIS, Janelle
The contemporary lives of age-old tales [Elektronička građa] : characters, contexts, and critical issues / Janelle Mathis. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 24-25. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Aligned with the sociocultural nature of traditional tales and other folk literature of the Western world, this study examines three picturebooks to consider the significance of contemporary retellings of traditional tales. A critical content analysis approach to text and images employs select tenets of a particular theory for each book inclusive of childism, post-colonial, and archetype theories. The findings relate each book to current sociocultural issues: the agentic child in building community; colonial and post-colonial understandings; and identity, stereotypes, and archetypes. Additionally, environmental themes are woven through each. The findings support the ongoing significance of these living folktales for personal and community development as they connect intertextually across eras and national cultures. - Uz društvenokulturnu narav tradicionalnih priča i drugih oblika folklorne književnosti zapadnoga svijeta, ovaj rad istražuje tri slikovnice te razmatra suvremene inačice drevnih priča. Tekstu i slikama pristupa se kritičkom analizom sadržaja te se upotrebljavaju odabrane perspektive određenih teorija u raščlambi pojedinih naslova, uključujući teoriju djecizma (childism), postkolonijalnu i arhetipsku teoriju. Rezultati povezuju svaku analiziranu knjigu sa suvremenom sociokulturnom tematikom, tj. temom djelatnoga djeteta u uspostavljanju zajednice, kolonijalnoga i postkolonijalnoga razumijevanja, kao i identiteta, stereotipa i arhetipa. Osim toga, u svim se analizama provlači i tematika okoliša. Utvrđuje se trajna važnost živih folklornih priča za osobni razvoj i razvoj zajednice jer one intertekstualno povezuju različita razdoblja i nacionalne kulture.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 8 (2019.), 1 ; str. 11-26  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Folklorne priče -- Analiza sadržaja -- Djecizam -- Arhetipovi -- Postkolonijalno

Dancing transnationally [Elektronička građa] : Croatian immigrants in Sydney, Australia / Jeanette Mollenhauer. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 145-147. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper employs a transnational lens to explore traditional Croatian dance practices in Sydney, Australia. It looks first at individuals and their emotional ties with Croatia as expressed through participation in dance groups. Then, three strands of group activity are explored. Organisations provide structure for alliances between groups; pedagogical principles were brought from Croatia but have undergone modification for the Australian situation, and material exchanges across borders include costume purchase and financial remittances. The transnational framework produces a detailed analysis of dance in the Croatian community in Sydney. - Istraživanje plesa u dijaspori teorijski se može osloniti na okvir transnacionalizma. U tom se okviru promatraju aktivnosti u matičnom društvu i u društvu domaćinu te se otkrivaju istančane razlike između iskustava prve i druge generacije imigranata. Ovaj se rad bavi plesnim praksama hrvatskih imigranata u Sidneyu (Australija) na individualnoj i grupnoj razini. Na individualnoj razini, sudjelovanje u plesu snažno je sredstvo za utjelovljeno prisjećanje, evociranje uspomena na mjesta i ljude u staroj domovini. Sudionici su iskazivali i duboku želju za poticanjem druge i kasnijih generacija na nastavak bavljenja tradicionalnim hrvatskim plesovima, čak i uz aktivno sudjelovanje u širem australskom društvu. Na grupnoj razini, postojanje udruženja u hrvatskoj zajednici stvorilo je preduvjete za neformalne veze između plesnih ansambala. Pedagoške su se prakse prvotno zasnivale na hrvatskom načinu rada, ali su se s vremenom promijenile s obzirom na nove potrebe, prilagođavajući se željama i stavovima novih generacija. Na materijalnoj razini, prekogranična razmjena prvenstveno uključuje kupnju nošnji iz Hrvatske te korištenje plesnih skupina kao poticaj za prikupljanje sredstava za humanitarne projekte u Hrvatskoj. Općenito rekavši, transnacionalni teorijski okvir omogućuje temeljito istraživanje plesnih praksi hrvatske zajednice u Sidneyu.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 56 (2019), 1 ; str. 129-147  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Migracija -- Transnacionalizam -- Dijaspora -- Ples

FAKIN Bajec, Jasna
The interpretation and utilization of cultural heritage and its values by young people in Slovenia [Elektronička građa] : is heritage really boring and uninteresting? / Jasna Fakin Bajec.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 91-93. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper analyses approaches to involving young people in the processes of valuation, interpretation and utilization of local heritage to meet contemporary development challenges. The starting point is the finding that European development strategies highlight the various potentials of cultural heritage, but young people from western Slovenia hardly see any of these potentials. Moreover, the presented ethnographic research results show that young people are not very interested in heritage practices undertaken in their cities or villages. This paper’s results demonstrate how heritage may be introduced to young generations, how youth understand local heritage and its values, and what they think about voluntary activities in cultural fields. - U radu se analiziraju pristupi uključivanja mladih u procese vrednovanja, interpretacije i korištenja lokalne baštine ususret suvremenim izazovima razvoja. Polazi se od toga da europske razvojne strategije naglašavaju različite potencijale kulturne baštine, no mladi iz zapadne Slovenije teško uviđaju te potencijale. Nadalje, rezultati etnografskog istraživanja pokazuju da mladi nisu značajnije zainteresirani za prakse vezane uz baštinu koje se provode u njihovim gradovima i selima. Rezultati ovog rada pokazuju na koji se način baština može predstaviti mlađim generacijama, kako mladi razumiju lokalnu baštinu i njezine vrijednosti te što misle o volonterskim aktivnostima u području kulture.
U: Etnološka tribina (Online). - ISSN 1848-9540. - 49 (2019), 42 ; str. 173-193  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kulturna baština -- Baštinske vrijednosti -- Mladi -- Volonterske aktivnosti -- Neoliberalno društvo

Musings on ethnomusicology, interdisciplinarity, intradisciplinarity, and decoloniality [Elektronička građa] = Promišljanja o etnomuzikologiji, interdisciplinarnosti, intradisciplinarnosti i dekolonijalnosti / Naila Ceribašić, Regina F. Bendix, Ana Hofman, Olga Pashina, Timothy Rice, Jonathan P. J. Stock.
Tekst na hrv. jeziku na str. 40-79. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 76-79. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Thinking from the perspective of Croatian ethnomusicology as one of ethnomusicologies "at home", the author muses on the position of ethnomusicology on a global scale, and in particular how it relates to mainstream English-language ethnomusicology and other fringe ethnomusicologies, the interdisciplinary links with sister disciplines (primarily ethnology and cultural anthropology), and endeavours to decolonize ethnomusicology. By taking into account the issue of reciprocity (or the lack thereof) between various disciplines and the linguocentric predicament of (ethno)musicological studies, she argues that more intellectual effort than is being currently exerted should be invested into engaged comparison of one's own fieldwork, analytical processes and research outcomes with cross-cultural ethnomusicological literature and literature in other disciplines of music studies. Related to this is her suggestion to take the issue of decoloniality seriously. Therefore, instead of mere celebration of different ethnomusicologies, she proposes a combination of "bi-ethnomusicologicality" and "going pidgin" ethnomusicology as means for making ethnomusicology a more relevant discipline on a global scale. - Govoreći iz perspektive hrvatske etnomuzikologije kao jedne od etnomuzikologija “kod kuće”, autorica promišlja o poziciji etnomuzikologije na globalnoj razini, naročito što se tiče odnosa između mainstream etnomuzikologije na engleskom jeziku i drugih, rubnih etnomuzikologija, interdisciplinarnih povezivanja sa sestrinskim disciplinama (prvenstveno etnologijom i kulturnom antropologijom) te nastojanja za dekoloniziranjem etnomuzikologije. Uzevši u obzir pitanje recipročnosti (ili njezina manjka) među različitim disciplinama i (etno)muzikološku nepriliku s lingvocentrizmom, smatra da bi više intelektualne energije nego što je to danas slučaj trebalo uložiti u angažiranu usporedbu vlastitih terenskih i analitičkih procesa i rezultata istraživanja s kroskulturnom etnomuzikološkom literaturom, kao i literaturom u drugim disciplinama znanosti o glazbi. Povezan je s time i prijedlog da se pitanje dekolonijalnosti shvati ozbiljno. Stoga, umjesto pukog slavljenja različitih etnomuzikologija, predlaže kombinaciju “bietnomuzikologičnosti” i “udomaćujuće-pidžinizirajuće” etnomuzikologije kao načina da se etnomuzikologiju učini relevantnijom disciplinom na svjetskoj razini.
U: Etnološka tribina (Online). - ISSN 1848-9540. - 49 (2019), 42 ; str. 3-79  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Etnomuzikologija -- Interdisciplinarnost -- Intradisciplinarnost -- Dekolonijalnost

Svaka majka doji svoje dite, samo ako ima mlika [Elektronička građa] : kako čitamo Zbornik za narodni život i običaje južnih Slavena / Iva Pleše.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 70-73. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Etnografski zapisi s kraja 19. i početka 20. stoljeća, nastali u suglasju s Osnovom za sabiranje i proučavanje građe o narodnom životu te objavljeni u Zborniku za narodni život i običaje južnih Slavena, nude mogućnost razgradnje popularnog narativa o zlatnom dobu dojenja u prošlosti, prije razvoja industrije dojenačkih mliječnih pripravaka, te podupiru razumijevanje dojenja, suprotno diskursima o njegovoj prirodnosti, kao kulturno i društveno utemeljene prakse. Na temelju čitanja spomenutih etnografskih zapisa ovaj se tekst bavi odstupanjima od norme postavljene u Osnovi, a prihvaćene i u stručnoj literaturi, po kojoj (u seoskoj sredini na prijelazu stoljeća) (svaka) majka doji svoje dijete. Tekst se tako bavi problemima vezanim za dojenje i laktaciju s kojima su se susretale majke novorođenčadi i dojenčadi te tzv. umjetnom prehranom najmanje djece, a upućuje i na prakse davanja djeteta na dojenje, kombiniranja ženskog rada i brige o malome djetetu i sl. što sve govori i o uvjetima u kojima se dojenje odvijalo a koji su bili, za žene i djecu, izrazito nepovoljni. Tekst također upućuje na potencijal povezivanja uvida koje nudi Zbornik za narodni život i običaje sa suvremenim diskursima o dojenju. - Ethnographic accounts from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century that were written in accordance with the Osnova za sabiranje i proučavanje građe o narodnom životu (Foundations for Collecting and Studying Materials about Folk Life) and published in the Zbornik za narodni život i običaje južnih Slavena (Journal of Folk Life and Traditions of South Slavs) offer a possibility to explore contemporary narratives about the golden age of breastfeeding in the past, before the development of infant food industry. Based on the reading of these accounts, this paper deals with divergences from the norm as defined in the Osnova (Foundations) and accepted in the professional literature, according to which (in rural areas at the turn of the century) (each) mother breastfed her child. The paper deals with breastfeeding and lactation problems encountered by mothers of newborns and infants, the so-called artificial feeding, and also points to the practice of wet-nursing, combining women’s work with caring for infants, etc. which reveals the social context of breastfeeding that was often extremely disadvantageous for the mother and the child. The paper also shows the potential of connecting the insights offered in the Journal of Folk Life and Traditions of South Slavs with contemporary breastfeeding discourses.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 56 (2019), 2 ; str. 57-73  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dojenje -- Umjetna prehrana -- Djeca -- Slaveni -- Etnografija

Vidi br.: HA19-01417

Vidi br.: HA19-01733

Vidi br.: HA19-01717

Vidi br.: HA19-01737


502/504   Ekologija. Očuvanje prirodnih resursa. Opasnosti za okoliš. Zaštita okoliša

OSET, Željko
Environmental activism during communist era in Slovenia [Elektronička građa] / Željko Oset.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 76-79. - Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - Upon 1945, the Yugoslavian communist leadership put in motion ambitious strategy of industrialization and modernization regardless of costs, hence gradually evolving issues of environmental degradation were placed in a subservient position. Some planners deemed environmental degradation a necessary evil in order to fulfill pledges of development, progress, and better living standard. However, from the 1970s onwards environmental issues were addressed in urban planning, improvement of central-heating systems, by setting out emission thresholds, and mandatory environment clearance for credits approval for corporative entities, but law enforcement was not upheld to the highest standards and in full. The League of Communists of Slovenia allowed rather loosely knitted grass-roots environmental enthusiasts since the late 1960s; groups were comprised with well-educated citizens, which were mostly keen mountaineers. Environmentalists were especially active in urban areas mostly dealing with local issues (urban planning, sewage systems, contamination of the tap water, and excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers). In 1971, local environmental societies merged into the Association for Environmental Protection in Slovenia (AEPS), which in the late 1970s focused broadened scope of activities, mainly against the construction of hydroelectric power installations on the Soča River and the Mura River, and the Nuclear Power Plant Krško after the Chernobyl accident. In the 1970s, in Yugoslavia and Slovenia as well, concurrently with the West, modern legislation for environmental protection was adopted, and new self-government bodies for environmental issues comprising with politicians, lawyers, scientists, and environmentalists were established; thus the influence of AEPS somehow diminished. - Die jugoslawische kommunistische Führung leitete nach 1945 eine ehrge-izige Strategie der Industrialisierung und Modernisierung des Landes ein, un-geachtet der Kosten. Das führte zu einer Unterordnung der sich daraus entwic-kelnden Fragen der Umweltzerstörung. Einige Planer waren der Meinung, dass die Umweltzerstörung ein notwendiges Übel sei, um den Versprechen von En-twicklung, Fortschritt und einem besseren Lebensstandard gerecht zu werden. Aber ab den 1970er Jahren wurden Umweltfragen durch Stadtplanung, dur-ch verbesserte Zentralheizungssysteme, durch Festlegen von Schwellenwer-ten für Emissionen und durch eine obligatorische Einholung von Umweltsc-hutzgenehmigungen bei der Gewährung von Darlehen für Wirtschaftssubjek-te berücksichtigt. Bei der Umsetzung der Gesetze wurden die höchsten Nor-men jedoch nicht eingehalten. Der Bund der Kommunisten Sloweniens tolerierte ab Ende der 1960er Ja-hre die Tätigkeit recht verbreiteter Umweltenthusiasten. Diese Gruppen be-standen aus gut gebildeten Bürgern, die zumeist leidenschaftliche Bergsteiger waren. Umweltschützer waren besonders in städtischen Gebieten aktiv, wo sie sich mit örtlichen Fragen (Stadtplanung, Abwasser, Verschmutzung von Leitu-ngswasser und übermäßige Nutzung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln und Dünge-mitteln) befassten. Lokale Umweltschutzvereine bildeten 1971 den Verein für den Umwelts-chutz in Slowenien (AEPS), der sich Ende der 1970er Jahre auf die Ausweitu-ng seiner Aktivitäten konzentrierte. Diese richteten sich gegen den Bau von Wasserkraftwerken an den Flüssen Soča (Sontig) und Mur sowie, nach dem Unfall in Tschernobyl, gegen das Kernkraftwerk in Krško. In den 1970er Ja-hren wurde in Jugoslawien und Slowenien, zur gleichen Zeit wie im Westen, eine moderne Umweltschutzgesetzgebung verabschiedet.
U: Review of Croatian history (Online). - ISSN 1848-9095. - 15 (2019), 1 ; str. 63-79  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ekologija -- Ekološki aktivizam -- Komunizam

Vidi br.: HA19-01498

53   Fizika

GRBA, Marko
Modeli atoma u 20. i 21. stoljeću [Elektronička građa] / Marko Grba. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 22 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - O modelu atoma razmišljalo se još od antičke Grčke pa sve do polovine 20. stoljeća te bi se lako moglo pomisliti da se o atomima zna sve što se uopće može znati. Mnoge činjenice usvoje se već u srednjoj školi, a studenti kemije ili fizike zapravo malo mare kako se to točno gibaju elektroni u atomu ili odakle atomima masa. Doista, kako to da atomi uopće postoje, koji su preduvjeti postojanja atoma onakvih kakvi jesu? U članku je dan pregled osnovnih spoznaja o atomu danas, povijest modela atoma u proteklih stotinjak godina kao i nekih još neodgovorenih pitanja. - The model of the atom has been contemplated since ancient Greece up to, roughly, the first half of the 20th century and one might even say that we know everything there is to know about atoms. Many facts are learned already in high school, but the average Physics or Chemistry student thinks little of how the electrons move inside the atom, or from where atoms get their mass. Indeed, how do atoms exist at all? What are the conditions of their stability? Here, we give a survey of what we know about the atom today, of the history of the models of the atom in the past hundred years or so, as well as some still unanswered questions about the atom.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 5/6 ; str. 209-216  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Atom -- Modeli atoma -- Bohrov model atoma -- Kvantnoteorijski model atoma

What counts as "a" sound and how "to count" a sound [Elektronička građa] : the problems of individuating and identifying sounds / Jorge Luis Méndez-Martinez. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 187-189. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résume ; Zusammenfassung. - This paper addresses the problem of sound individuation (SI) and its connection to sound ontology (SO). It is argued that the problems of SI, such as aspatiality, extreme individuation, indexical perplexity and duration puzzles are due to SO's uncertainties. Besides, I describe the views in SO, including the wave view (WV), the property view (PV), and the event view (EV), as Cassey O’Callaghan defends it. According to O’Callaghan, EV offers clear standards to individuate sounds. However, this claim is countered by the consideration that any view could also defend the standards in SO, and thus, EV does not solve any of the problems mentioned above. As a way of showing the difficulties inherited by sound’s inner ontology, the problem of its linguistic representation is also addressed. The problem of SI can be developed within the frame of the philosophy of language and, specifically, regarding the discussion about mass vs count-sortal terms. Is the term sound a mass or a count-sortal? It is shown that, for reasons pertaining SO, the decision regarding the case of sound as a mass or count-sortal term remains open. SI is, thus, covered from the SO to the philosophy of language. - Istraživanje se bavi problemom individuacije zvuka (sound individuation – SI) i vezom s ontologijom zvuka (sound ontology – SO). Tvrdi se da problemi SI-a, poput aspacijalnosti, ekstremne individuacije, indeksikalne zamršenosti i pazličnosti trajanja postoje zbog nesigurnosti SO-a. Uz to, opisujem gledišta u SO-u, uključujući gledište o valu (wave view – WV), gledište o svojstvu (the property view – PV) i gledište o događaju (event view – EV), kako ih brani Cassey O’Callaghan. Prema O’Callaghanu, EV nudi jasne standarde za individuaciju zvuka. Međutim, tvrdnji se suprotstavlja razmatranje da se standardi mogu braniti bilo kojom pozicijom SO-a, stoga EV ne rješava ni jedan od navedenih problema. Da bi se pokazale poteškoće naslijeđene imanentnom ontologijom zvuka, razmatra se problem jezikoslovnog predstavljanja. Problem SI-a može se razviti unutar okvira filozofije jezika i, napose, u svezi s raspravom o masovnim usuprot brojeće-sortnim terminima. Je li termin zvuk masovna ili brojeće-sortna riječ? Pokazuje se da, zbog razloga pripadajućih SO-u, pitanje ostaje otvoreno. SI je, stoga, pokriveno od SO-a do filozofije jezika. - Cet article traite du problème de l’individualisation du son (sound individuation – SI) et de sa relation avec l’ontologie du son (sound ontology – SO). Il est avancé que les problèmes de SI, tels que l’aspatialité, l’individuation extrême, la perplexité indicielle et les énigmes de durée sont dus aux incertitudes de SO. Par ailleurs, je décris les vues dans SO, y compris la vue d’onde (wave view – WV), la vue de propriété (property view – PV) et la vue d’événement (event view – EV), comme Cassey O’Callaghan les défend. Selon O’Callaghan, EV propose des normes claires pour l’individualisation des sons. Cependant, cette affirmation est contrée par le fait que les normes pourraient également être défendues par n’importe quel vue de SO, de sorte que EV ne résout aucun des problèmes mentionnés. Afin de montrer les difficultés héritées de l’ontologie intérieure du son, le problème de sa représentation linguistique est également abordé. Le problème de SI peut être développé dans le cadre de la philosophie du langage et, en particulier, en ce qui concerne la discussion entre les termes de masse par opposition aux termes compte-sortaux. Le terme son, est-ce une masse ou un compte-sortal ? Il est démontré que, pour des raisons relevant de SO, la question reste ouverte. SI est donc couvert de SO jusqu’à la philosophie du langage. - Dieser Aufsatz befasst sich mit dem Problem der Individuation des Klangs (sound individuation – SI) und ihrer Verbindung zur Ontologie des Klangs (sound ontology – SO). Es wird argumentiert, dass die Probleme von SI, wie Aspatialität, extreme Individuation, indexikalische Wirrnis und die Puzzlehaftigkeit des Dauerns auf die Unsicherheiten von SO zurückzuführen sind. Darüber hinaus beschreibe ich Standpunkte in der SO, einschließlich Wellentheorie (wave view – WV), Eigenschaftstheorie (property view – PV) und Ereignistheorie (event view – EV), wie Cassey O’Callaghan sie verteidigt. O’Callaghan zufolge bietet EV klare Maßstäbe für die Individuierung von Klängen. Dieser Begründung ist jedoch die Erwägung entgegengesetzt, die Maßstäbe könnten auch von irgendeiner Ansicht in der SO verteidigt werden, sodass EV keines der oben genannten Probleme löse. Als ein Weg, um die Schwierigkeiten aufzuzeigen, welche von der dem Klang innewohnenden Ontologie geerbt sind, wird auch das Problem seiner sprachlichen Repräsentation angesprochen. Das Problem der SI kann im Rahmen der Sprachphilosophie und insbesondere hinsichtlich der Diskussion über Massen- gg. zähl-sortale Begriffe entwickelt werden. Ist der Begriff Klang ein Massen- oder ein zähl-sortaler Terminus? Es wird gezeigt, dass aus Gründen, die die SO betreffen, die Entscheidung über den Fall von Klang als Massen- bzw. zähl-sortalem Begriff dahingestellt bleibt. SI wird somit von der SO bis zur Sprachphilosophie abgedeckt.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 34 (2019), 1 ; str. 173-190  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zvuk -- Individuacija -- Identifikacija -- Akustika

54   Kemija. Kristalografija. Mineralogija

ŠVARC, Anera
Biocatalysis for the production of pharmaceutical intermediates [Elektronička građa] : statin precursors / Anera Švarc, Dino Skendrović, Ana Vrsalović Presečki. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 89 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The application of enzymes in chemical synthesis, due to the recent advances, has a strong impact in multiple industries, especially the pharmaceutical industry. Namely, the use of enzymes shows remarkable advantages over classical chemical catalysis and therefore it is considered a ‘green’ solution. By using novel techniques, it is possible to tailor the enzymes to adapt them for a given process. Today, several pharmaceutical companies are successfully producing valuable precursors for the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients using enzymes, some of them being statin precursors. Statins are hypolipidemics, drugs used for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and lowering cholesterol concentration in blood. Due to challenges in the chemical synthesis of statin intermediates, the production of statin intermediates using enzyme-catalysed reactions shows some notable advantages. Therefore, research and development laboratories, combined with reaction engineering techniques, have shifted their focus towards applying biochemical catalysis for the production of statin intermediates. - Napredak tehnologije usko je vezan uz primjenu enzima u kemijskoj sintezi. Biokataliza ima velik utjecaj na različite industrije a među njima se posebno ističe farmaceutska industrija. Primjena enzima pokazuje značajne prednosti u usporedbi s tehnikama klasične kemijske sinteze te se smatra i ‘zelenim’ rješenjem. Primjenjujući nove dostupne tehnike i tehnologije, enzime je moguće u potpunosti prilagoditi zahtjevima određenog procesa. Danas je poznato nekoliko farmaceutskih tvrtki koje uz pomoć enzima uspješno proizvode vrijedne intermedijare za proizvodnju aktivnih farmaceutskih spojeva, a u njih se ubrajaju i prekursori statina. Statini su hipolipidemici, lijekovi koji se upotrebljavaju za prevenciju kardiovaskularnih bolesti te za snižavanje koncentracije kolesterola u krvi. Metoda klasične kemijske sinteze intermedijara statina vrlo je zahtjevna te stoga njihova proizvodnja primjenom enzimski kataliziranih reakcija ima značajne prednosti. Iz tog razloga za proizvodnju intermedijara statina istraživanje i razvoj uz primjenu reakcijskog inženjerstva sve se više usmjeravaju prema primjeni biokatalize.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 9/10 ; str. 469-476  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biokataliza -- Enzimi -- Statini -- Intermedijari -- Farmaceutska industrija

Electrochemical sensors as simple and cheap devices for rapid determination of various species in environmental samples [Elektronička građa] / Mersiha Suljkanović, Malgorzata Grabarczyk, Cecylia Wardak, Marzena Adamczyk, Karolina Pietrzak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Summary. - The electrochemical methods are very good tool for determination of trace concentrations of various species in water samples. The analysis carried out using these methods are usually simple, fast and also the cost of the required equipment is much lower comparing to other instrumental methods. Furthermore, the electroanalytical methods are easy to automate and computerize. Among five major groups of these methods (potentiometry, voltammetry, coulometry, conductometry and dielectrometry), potentiometry and voltammetry attract the greatest attention of researchers. In this paper, experimental results of research related to development of procedures (voltammetric and potentiometric) for the determination of elements in environmental water samples were presented. Due to their common occurrence in environment and possible toxic effects on living organisms, vanadium and nitrate ions were selected for investigation. Optimization of voltammetric procedure for V(V) determination were carried out in matrix containing different surfactants and humic acids, using lead film electrode as a working electrode. Results showed that only nonionic surfactant Brij-35 did not interfere with the voltammetric signal. Other surfactants as well as humic acids reduced the signal, and possibility of their elimination with suitable resins were also investigated. Potentiometric measurements were consisted of preparation and determination of analytical properties of nitrate ion-selective electrodes with solid contact. The results showed that among three different membrane composition, the best response was achieved by membrane containing: Ni(Phen)2, THTDPCl, PVC and NPOE in the ratio of 1:2:33:64 wt. %, respectively.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 6 (2019), 1 ; str. 1-6  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Elektrokemijski senzori -- Voltametrija -- Vanadij -- Potenciometrija

RAOS, Nenad
Elementi i elementarne tvari [Elektronička građa] / Nenad Raos. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografska bilješka uz tekst ; bibliografija: 28 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad se bavi razvojem pojma elementa od antičkih vremena (Empedoklo, Aristotel) preko razdoblja alkemije i rane kemije (Paracelsus, Petar Bono, Boyle) te početaka moderne kemije (Lavoisier, Mendeljejev) do suvremenih shvaćanja utemeljenih na atomskoj teoriji. Pokazuje se da pojam elementa ima dva značenja, elementarne (jednostavne) tvari i elementa u užem smislu; dok se prvi pojam razvijao prateći napredak metoda kemijske analize, za razumijevanje drugog pojma, pojma elementa, bilo je nužno steći dublji uvid u narav kemijskih promjena. - The concept of element in the broader sense has two meanings. The first is quite practical: the product of chemical analysis which cannot be further decomposed (elementary or simple substance). The second is speculative: the part of a compound which remains unchanged by chemical reaction. However, the concept of element has been operative even before the advent of modern chemistry, finding its representation in classical Greek elements (water, earth, air, and fire) and tria prima of iatrochemists (mercury, salt, and sulphur). A short history of the concept of element is presented, with special emphasis on the natural philosophy of Empedocles, Aristotle, Paracelsus, Petrus Bonus, as well as on the more modern views on the nature of elements contemplated by Boyle, Lavoisier, and Mendeleev. The concept of element in the light of atomic theory is briefly discussed, especially regarding the large number of carbon alotrophs.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 7/8 ; str. 317-322  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nastava kemije -- Povijest kemije -- Filozofija kemije -- Periodni sustav elemenata

PTIČAR, Danijel
Izrada i upotreba digitalnog optičkog spektrometra u nastavi fizike u srednjoj školi [Elektronička građa] / Danijel Ptičar, Vesna Marić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 7 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Prilikom proučavanja valne prirode svijetlosti u srednjoj školi bilo bi korisno da škola posjeduje spektrometar kako bi učenici mogli vidjeti primjer upotrebe difrakcije svijetlosti za određivanje valnih duljina izvora svijetlosti. Također bi na vježbama učenici mogli proučavati od kojih valnih duljina se sastoje različiti izvori svijetlosti, te u određenim slučajevima određivati i kemijske elemente sadržane u izvoru svijetlosti. Kako se cijena komercijalnog spektrometra kreće oko 1000$, odlučili smo sami pokušati izraditi digitalni spektrometar uz pomoć mikroupravljača i linearnog CCD senzora. U samoj izradi, osim autora, dijelom su sudjelovali i učenici četvrtog razreda, smjera tehničara za računalstvo, u sklopu predmeta „Mikroupravljači“. Rezultat izrade spektrometra bio je uspješan, za cijenu od 20$ uspjeli smo napraviti digitalni spektrometar za spektar od 350 nm do 800 nm, preciznosti i rezolucije oko 1 nm, koji se vrlo dobro uklopio u nastavu fizike. U radu je opisana konstrukcija i kalibracija spektrometra, programski alati i komponente potrebne za izradu spektrometra, te najvažnije, primjena i upotreba ovako izrađenog spektrometra u nastavi fizike u srednjoj školi. - While studying the wave nature of light in high school, it would be useful for the school to have a spectrometer so the students could see the example of using the diffraction of light for determining the wave lengths of sources of light. The students would also be able to study which wave lengths different sources of light consist of and in some cases determine the chemical elements in the source of light. Considering the fact that the price of a commercial spectrometer is around $1000, we decided to try to make a digital spectrometer using a microcontroller and linear CDD sensors. With the help of the author, 4th grade computer technician students participated in the making of the spectrometer as part of their Microcontroller class. The result was quite successful, for the price of $20 we managed to make a digital spectrometer for a spectrum of 350 nm to 800 nm, precision and resolution of 1 nm and it was used in our physics classroom. This paper describes the construction and calibration of the spectrometer, the programming tools and components necessary for making a spectrometer and most importantly the use of a spectrometer like this in high school physics classrooms.
U: Politehnika (Online). - ISSN 2584-6264. - 3 (2019), 1 ; str. 13-20  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Spektrometar -- Valna optika -- Difrakcija -- Nastava fizike -- STEM

AŠPERGER, Danijela
Kromatografska analiza u sustavu kvalitete analitičkoga procesa u Zavodu za analitičku kemiju Fakulteta kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije [Elektronička građa] / Danijela Ašperger, Sandra Babić, Tomislav Bolanča, Dragana Mutavdžić Pavlović, Šime Ukić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Bez analitičke kemije nemoguće je zamisliti napredak mnogih područja ljudske djelatnosti. Spomenuti značaj ove grane kemije jedan je od glavnih razloga uspješnog opstanka i kontinuiranog razvoja Zavoda za analitičku kemiju unutar jednog tehničkog fakulteta, kao što je današnji Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije (FKIT) Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Dinamičnost razvoja analitičke kemije bila je neprestani poticaj nastavnicima Zavoda za prilagođavanjem svjetskim trendovima i sustavnim unaprjeđenjem nastavnog programa i istraživačkog rada. Početak nastavnog, znanstvenog, ali i stručnog djelovanja Zavoda temeljio se na klasičnim metodama analize, no potaknuta razvojem moderne analitičke opreme ubrzo se intenzivirala primjena brojnih kemijskih i fizikalno-kemijskih metoda analize, od kojih je danas najzastupljenija kromatografija. Naime, konac dvadesetog stoljeća ubrzanim je razvojem instrumentalnih tehnika, uvođenjem računala i činjenicom da su podatci analitičkih mjerenja postali temelj odlučivanja u medicini, zaštiti okoliša, razvoju materijala te osiguravanju kvalitete procesa i proizvoda, dao novi uzlet analitičkoj kemiji, a osobit procvat doživjela je kromatografija kao idealna tehnika za višekomponentnu analizu analita u tragovima. - Without analytical chemistry, it is impossible to imagine the progress of many areas of human activity. The aforementioned importance of this chemistry branch is one of the main reasons for the successful survival and continued development of the Department of analytical chemistry within a technical faculty, such as is the present-day Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology (FCET) University of Zagreb. The dynamics of the development of analytical chemistry was a constant encouragement to the teachers of the Department to adapt to world trends, and systematically improve the curriculum and research work. The beginning of the teaching, the scientific, as well as the professional activities of the Department of Analytical Chemistry was based on classical methods of analysis. However, stimulated by the development of modern analytical equipment, the application of numerous chemical and physicochemical methods of analysis was intensified, of which the most common being chromatography. Namely, the end of the twentieth century accelerated the development of instrumental techniques, the introduction of computers, and the fact that analytical measurement data became the basis of decision-making in medicine, environmental protection, material development, and assuring the quality of processes and products gave rise to analytical chemistry, especially chromatography, which is an ideal technique for multicomponent trace analyte analysis.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 9/10 ; str. 535-546  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Okoliš -- Analitička kemija -- Kromatografija -- Sustav kvalitete

Low-cost capillary electrophoresis instrumentation for assessment of rain water ionic composition [Elektronička građa] / Jakub Sandak, Jelena Gorbatsova, Piret Saar-Reismaa, Mihkel Kaljurand. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Summary. - The objective of this Short Term Scientific Mission was to test the suitability of capillary electrophoresis for determination of rain water chemical composition. The fully functional, open-hardware, low-cost instrument was assembled and tested. An original protocol for determination of the chemical content of rain water was established and validated in the pilot test. Capillary electrophoresis proofed its highest suitability for the detection and quantification of ions in different samples, indicating substantial differences between clean and dirty snow waters. The hydrostatic sample injection method has been found very efficient and straightforward in manual and laboratory routines. An important deliverable of the Short Term Scientific Mission was a set of multimedia materials for the promotion of CE technique and especially low-cost CE instrumentation.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 6 (2019), 1 ; str. 27-33  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kapilarna elektroforeza -- Kišnica -- Ionski sastav -- Kemijski sastav

Medicinal and pesticidal potentials of the constituents of the essential oil from Adenia cissampeloides leaves [Elektronička građa] / Modupe Ogunlesi, Wesley Okiei, Edith Ofor, Anthony Eniola. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 137 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Adenia cissampeloides (Planch. ex Hook.) Harms is used in alternative medicine primarily for the management of hypertension and several other diseases. Isolation and GC-MS analysis of five essential oils collected fractionally and over 4 h by hydrodistillation from the dried leaves were carried out. The constituents included phytol, α-linolenic acid, n-hexadecanoic acid, hexahydrofarnesyl acetone, (13S)-8,13-epoxy-labd-14-ene, kaur-16-ene, guaiol, α-gurjunene, and α-elemene. Several bioactivities of the constituents as well as their potential applications in medicine and the pharmaceutical and pesticidal industries are discussed. Essential oils from some other plants have several constituents in common with those isolated from A. cissampeloides. The bioactivities of such plants are used to suggest other possible applications of A. cissampeloides. - Adenia cissampeloides (Panch. ex. Hook.) Harms je biljka koja se u alternativnoj medicini primarno upotrebljava za ublažavanje hipertenzije i nekoliko drugih bolesti. Provedena je izolacija i GC-MS analiza pet esencijalnih ulja frakcijski izdvojenih za vrijeme hidrodestilacije osušenog lišća koja je trajala preko četiri sata. Ulja su sadržavala fitol, α-linolensku kiselinu, n-heksadekanoičnu kiselinu, heksahidrofarnezil aceton, (13S)-8,13-epoksi-labd-14-en, kaur-16-en, gvajol, α-gurjunen i α-elemen. Provedena je rasprava i o nekoliko različitih bioaktivnosti sastojaka kao i o njihovoj potencijalnoj primjeni u medicini, farmaciji i industriji pesticida. Sastojci izolirani iz A. cissampeloides postoje i u esencijalnim uljima nekih drugih biljaka. Bioaktivnosti takvih biljaka upućuju na to da postoje i druge moguće primjene A. cissampeloides.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 7-21  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ljekovito bilje -- Esencijalna ulja -- Bioaktivnost -- Hidrodestilacija -- Adenia cissampeloides

RAOS, Nenad
Postanak života i kemijska kombinatorika [Elektronička građa] / Nenad Raos. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bilješka uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Prikazan je račun permutacija i varijacija na primjeru prebrojavanja kopolimera aminokiselina (peptida) i nukleotida (nukleinskih kiselina) zadane duljine i sastava. Golem broj mogućih biopolimera umjesto da ukazuje na nemogućnost (nasumičnog) postanka života iz nežive tvari, pokazuje baš suprotno: velik broj varijacija preduvjet je prirodnog odabiranja, koje je vodilo do evolucije prvih autonomnih sustava (protostanica) selektivnim procesima (katalitičke reakcije na mineralnim katalizatorima i sl.). Na temelju izloženog mogu se izvesti zadatci iz kemije, biologije i matematike, što je prikazano na nekoliko primjera. - The calculation of permutations and variations of biopolymers reveals an enormous number of possible structures of proteins and nucleic acids; there is about 10260 possible polypeptides of length 200 formed of 20 protein amino acids and 103246 genomes with the same number of base pairs as the phage φX174 genome (5386 bp). Besides being a nice introduction into chemical combinatorics and combinatorics in general, such calculations provide an insight into the phenomenon of biological selectivity, as a general property of all living, from biomolecules to cells and species. Instead of being an argument in favour of intelligent design (because a functional, “live”, protein molecule cannot be allegedly formed by “pure chance” among the myriads of non-functional ones), it is rather an argument against the origin of life by design. Namely, the enormous number of randomly synthesized molecules on early Earth had enabled selection processes that gradually led to more and more developed systems.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 129-133  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nukleinske kiseline -- Postanak života -- Proteini -- Kreacionizam -- Evolucija

Solid-phase extraction of neonicotinoids residue from water [Elektronička građa] : comparison between extraction cartridges / Gorica Vuković, Dušan Marinković, Aleksandra Petrović, Bojan Konstantinović, Tijana Stojanović, Nikola Puvača, Vojislava Bursić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Summary. - The Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/840 established the watch list of substances for Union-wide monitoring in the field of water policy pursuant to Directive 2008/105/EC and Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/495. This Decision establishes additional substances and their maximum acceptable method detection limits including neonicotinoids (9-500 ng/L). During the pesticides extraction from water, the solid-phase extraction (SPE) column was used. Bakerbond spe™ SDB-1 SPE and Bond Elut Plexa were evaluated for the SPE of neonicotinoids (imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, acetamiprid, thiacloprid and clothianidin) from water. The comparation of the results of these two types of columns, was performed by spiking water samples at two levels (0.05 and 0.1 μg/L) in three replicates. The Bakerbond™ column quantitatively adsorbed these pesticides, with the obtained recoveries: 36.9 % for imidacloprid, 43.2 % for thiacloprid, 119.3 % for clothianidin, 64.6 % for acetamiprid and 53.6 % for thiamethoxam. Using Bond Elut Plexa the obtained recoveries were 66.9 % for imidacloprid, 72.9% for thiacloprid, 103.4 % for clothianidin, 67.4 % for acetamiprid and 45.2% for thiamethoxam. Both colums have low recovery values for thiametoxam, while the highest values were obtained by Bond Elut Plexa for thiacloprid, imidacloprid and acetamiprid. Great recoveries were achieved for clothianidin using both SPE columns.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 6 (2019), 2 ; str. 84-89  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Neonikotinoidi -- Voda -- Pesticidi -- Onečišćenje vode

MOLČANOV, Krešimir
Stereokemija na drugi način [Elektronička građa] : puževi, zrcala, koordinatni sustavi / Krešimir Molčanov. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovome se članku prikazuje sustavan pristup stereokemiji te tumačenju njezina središnjeg pojma, kiralnosti, jednostavnijim načinom koji se može prilagoditi nastavi kroz eksperimente. Polazeći od predmetâ iz svakodnevne uporabe (cipele, zrcala, puževi, itd.), dolazi se do općeg opisa kiralnosti, iz kojega se onda izvodi molekulska kiralnost. Tetraedarski se ugljikov atom može smatrati specijalnim slučajem, koji se može izvesti naknadno. - Chirality is the central concept of stereochemistry, but remains neglected at both high school and university levels. It is typically introduced through description of Pasteur’s historic resolution of enantiomers of tartaric acid, and teaching is usually centred on correct assignation of configurations R and S. This “classical” approach rarely proceeds further, thus leaving serious gaps in the students’ knowledge. In this paper, new and systematic approach to the introduction of the concept of chirality, is described. We start with every-day objects (shoes, mirrors, snails, etc.), from which a generalised concept of chirality is introduced. Once this groundwork is laid, molecular chirality is deduced; its commonly occurring special cases (such as R and S configurations of the tetrahedral carbon atom) are discussed later. This method of teaching basic concepts of stereochemistry can be easily adopted to learning through experiments.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 41-47  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Stereokemija -- Nastava kemije -- Kiralnost -- Apsolutne konfiguracije

TUŠEK, Dragutin
Suvremena sredstva za dekontaminaciju bojnih otrova [Elektronička građa] : I. dio - zeoliti i metal-organske mreže / Dragutin Tušek, Ivana Cetina, Vesna Pehar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 74 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Suvremena sredstva za dekontaminaciju bojnih otrova moraju biti djelotvorna i ekološki prihvatljiva. Iz tih razloga novija znanstvena istraživanja usmjerena su na ispitivanje djelotvornosti metalnih oksida, prirodnih i sintetskih zeolita te metal-organskih mreža u dekontaminaciji bojnih otrova i drugih toksičnih spojeva poput organofosfornih pesticida. Iako su prvotna istraživanja zeolita kao dekontaminanata bila usmjerena na istraživanje sintetskih zeolita, u posljednje vrijeme sve interesantniji su i prirodni zeoliti, u prvom redu klinoptilolit. Pokazalo se da metal-organske mreže na bazi cirkonija mogu uspješno razgraditi kemijske ratne agense i njihove simulante te da spadaju među najbrže katalizatore za hidrolizu živčanih bojnih otrova. Razvoj suvremenih materijala nije usmjeren samo na istraživanje dekontaminacijskih svojstava nego i u svrhu zaštitnih premaza i slojeva koji mogu imati i samo-dekontaminacijski učinak. - The modern decontaminants for chemical warfare agents must be effective and environmentally acceptable. For these reasons, recent scientific research has focused on the investigation of the efficacy of metal oxides, natural and synthetic zeolites and metal-organic frameworks (MOF) in decontamination of chemical warfare agents and other toxic compounds such as organophosphorus pesticides. Although the first zeolite decontaminants research have been directed to the investigation of synthetic zeolites, the natural zeolites have become more interesting, especially clinoptilolite. It has been shown that zirconium-based metal-organic frameworks (MOF) can successfully break down chemical warfare agents and their simulants and be among the fastest catalysts for the hydrolysis of nerve agents. Development of modern decontamination materials is not intended only to exploring decontamination properties, but also in development of protective coatings and layers with a self-decontamination effect.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 11/12 ; str. 599-608  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bojni otrovi -- Dekontaminacija -- Zeoliti -- Metal-organske mreže

GAZIVODA Kraljević, Tatjana
Znanstveno-istraživačka djelatnost Zavoda za organsku kemiju u razdoblju 2009. – 2019. [Elektronička građa] / Tatjana Gazivoda Kraljević, Marijana Hranjec, Silvana Raić-Malić, Irena Škorić, Dragana Vuk. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 56 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Od osnutka Zavoda za organsku kemiju Fakulteta kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, koji je 1922. god. osnovao prof. dr. Ivan Marek, te kasnije preko djelovanja nobelovca Vladimira Preloga i brojnih uspješnih generacija organskih kemičara, vidljiv je utjecaj ne samo na znanstvenu djelatnost Zavoda nego i na cjelokupnu hrvatsku kemijsku zajednicu, osobito u području organske sintetske i medicinske kemije. Preparativnu organsku kemiju profesor Prelog držao je nužnom odrednicom studija, koja je zahvaljujući njegovu djelovanju u Zavodu (1935. – 1941.) ostala glavna okosnica znanstveno-istraživačkog rada. Od samog osnivanja u laboratorijima Zavoda odvijaju se istraživanja iz područja sintetske organske i medicinske kemije i fotokemije, stječu se znanstveni stupnjevi i obrazuju brojni organski kemičari, među kojima su danas mnogi priznati znanstvenici u Hrvatskoj i svijetu. - Since its establishment in 1922 by Professor Ivan Marek and through the work of Nobel Prize winner Vladimir Prelog, the Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb, showed strong impact, not only on scientific activities of the Department, but on the entire Croatian scientific community, especially in the domain of organic synthetic and medicinal chemistry. Preparative organic chemistry, thanks to the work of Professor Prelog (1935–1941), has remained the main scientific research activity in the Department. Since the formation of the Department of Organic Chemistry, research work in the field of synthetic organic and medicinal chemistry, as well as photochemistry, is carried out in its laboratories, scientific degrees are achieved and numerous organic chemists have been educated, many of whom are now recognised scientists in Croatia and worldwide.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 9/10 ; str. 497-506  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Medicinska kemija -- Sintetska organska kemija -- Orhanska kemija -- Organska fotokemija
Zavod za organsku kemiju


Vidi br.: HA19-01652

Vidi br.: HA19-01550

Vidi br.: HA19-01545

Vidi br.: HA19-01651

Vidi br.: HA19-01638

Vidi br.: HA19-01468

Vidi br.: HA19-01637

Vidi br.: HA19-01685

55   Geologija. Meteorologija. Hidrologija

Vidi br.: HA19-01683

57   Biološke znanosti. Fizička antropologija. Bioraznolikost

GEIGER Zeman, Marija
"Zašto bih izgledala mlađe?" [Elektronička građa] : žene, starenje i svakodnevne prakse upravljanja tijelom / Marija Geiger Zeman, Zdenko Zeman. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija i izvori: str. 97-98. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Ljudsko tijelo je uronjeno u mrežu kompleksnih normi, očekivanja, pravila i izvedbi. Ono je svojevrstan "medij kulture" (Bordo 2003: 165) i sjecište individualnog i socijalnog (Gimlin 2002). Tijelo je i sredstvo osobnog izražavanja u svakodnevnom životu. Rod je jedna od krucijalnih kategorija za razumijevanje tijela. Analize tijela iz rodne perspektive pokazuju kako se kreira i prezentira orodnjeno (feminino ili maskulino) tijelo. Postoji diskrepancija između drugovalnih i trećevalnih feminističkih interpretacija različitih praksi uljepšavanja i proizvodnje normativnog femininog tijela. U radu se kategorija roda isprepliće s kategorijom dobi pri čemu su u fokusu analize iskustva i interpretacija vlastitih tijela iz pozicije starijih žena. Intervjui su provedeni sa starijim ženama, rezidenticama četiri doma za starije osobe u Zagrebu i Splitu. U fokusu analize je njihova percepcija vlastitog tijela i fizičkog izgleda, svakodnevne prakse održavanja funkcionalnosti tijela, svakodnevne prakse uljepšavanja te interpretacije recentnih dominantnih standarda ljepote. - The human body is immersed in a network of complex norms, expectations, rules and performances. It is a kind of "a medium of culture" (Bordo 2003: 165) and the intersection of the individual and the social (Gimlin 2002). The body is also a means of personal expression in everyday life. Gender is one of the crucial categories for understanding the body. Analyzing the body from the gender perspective shows how the gendered body is created and presented. There is a discrepancy between the second-wave and third-wave feminist interpretations of the various beautifying practices and the production of the normative feminine body. In this article, the category of gender is intertwined with the category of age, focusing on the analysis of experiences and interpretations of their own bodies from the position of older women. Interviews were conducted with older women, residents of four homes for older persons in Zagreb and Split. The analysis focuses on the self-perception of their own body and physical appearance, everyday practices of maintaining body functionalities, everyday practices of beautification and interpretations of recent dominant beauty standards.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 56 (2019), 2 ; str. 75-99  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Starenje -- Žene -- Tijelo -- Feminitet -- Fizički izgled -- Kvalitativna metodologija

Teaching biostatistics to medical students of the Altai State Medical University [Elektronička građa] Nina Trukhacheva, Nikolay Pupyrev, Ylia Alyabieva, Svetlana Tschernysheva. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Abstract. - The current research presents some principles and settings in teaching biostatistics. The purpose of study is to enhance the teaching of biostatistics in Russian medical schools and overcome some problems by applying new approaches and innovation techniques. The research included the questionnaire of students, teachers and postgraduates of the Altai State Medical University. There were applied different approaches and studying by means of learning system MOODLЕ with differentiated courses in biostatistics. Categorical data were analyzed using the chi-square test and a P-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The findings showed some new approaches and methods in education to improve the biostatistical competence of medical students. The changing in content of biostatistical course would increase students’ motivation if it were maximum approximated to the real medical cases. The analysis of the results proved that some approaches are more effective for teaching biostatistics. They allow students to study according to their personal educational goals and paths.
U: Politehnika (Online). - ISSN 2584-6264. - 3 (2019), 1 ; str. 7-11  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biostatistika -- Medicina utemeljena na dokazima -- Tehnologija integriranih krugova

Vidi br.: HA19-01497

Vidi br.: HA19-01591

575   Opća genetika. Opća citogenetika

HIRSCH, Francois
Ethics assessment in research proposals adopting CRISPR technology [Elektronička građa] / Francois Hirsch, Ron Iphofen, Zvonimir Koporc. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 39 jed. - Summary. - The rapid and exponential growth of genome editing has posed many challenges for bioethics. This article briefly explains the nature of the technique and the particularly rapid development of Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat (CRISPR) technology. The international and, specifically, European-level systems for assessing the ethical issues consequent on these developments are outlined and discussed. The challenges posed by cases in China are summarized to raise concerns about how a more shared, universally consistent appraisal of bioethical issues can be promoted.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 206-213  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Genska tehnologija -- Genomi -- Uređivanje genoma -- Etički osvrt

ČESNIK, Morana
Povećanje učinkovitosti bioremedijacije na razini gena [Elektronička građa] / Morana Česnik, Zvjezdana Findrik Blažević, Marija Vuković Domanovac. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 57 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Bioremedijacija se koristi potencijalom mikroorganizama pri uklanjanju onečišćenja iz okoliša. Metabolički putovi kojima se onečišćujuća tvar razgrađuje u manje toksične tvari vrlo su kompleksni. Naprednim tehnikama molekularne biologije mehanizmi bioremedijacije izučavaju se na razini gena. Gen zaslužan za proizvodnju proteina koji razgrađuje onečišćujuću tvar može se izolirati i unijeti u drugi organizam, čime nastaje organizam s poboljšanim bioremedijacijskim svojstvima. Brojna se svjetska istraživanja temelje na genetičkom inženjerstvu na mikroorganizmima, no najveću prepreku upotrebe takvih organizama u bioremedijaciji čine zakonski okviri te nedovoljno poznavanje posljedica njihova oslobađanja u okoliš. - Bioremediation uses the potential of microorganisms for the removal of contaminants from the environment. The metabolic pathways that degrade contaminants into less toxic substances are very complex. Bioremediation mechanisms are studied on the gene level using advanced molecular biology techniques. The gene responsible for the production of a protein that degrades the contaminant can be isolated and introduced into another organism, creating an organism with enhanced bioremediation properties. Scientific research worldwide focuses on genetically engineered microorganisms. However, the greatest obstacle in their application for bioremediation is the legal framework and insufficient knowledge of the consequences of their release into the environment.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 23-30  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bioremedijacija -- Proteini -- Mikroorganizmi -- Genetičko inženjerstvo -- Onečišćujuće tvari

576   Stanična biologija. Citologija

Vidi br.: HA19-01542

577   Biokemija. Molekularna biologija. Biofizika

A balanced scorecard for assessing a strategic plan in a clinical laboratory [Elektronička građa] / Luisa Alvarez, Anna Soler, Leonor Guiñón, Aurea Mira. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Summary. - The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a tool for strategic management that is used in many companies and organizations worldwide, both in the publicand private sector. With this purpose it has also been used in healthcare organizations and institutions but there are not many studies on the implementation of BSC methodology in the day-to-day clinical laboratory. This review shows the strategy for the development of a BSC, which includes theoretical perspective objectives, as well as some indicators and goals with which the monitoring and quantitative measurement of the achievements of a strategic plan in a clinical laboratory can be done. Moreover, the results of the indicators allow the prioritization of the initiatives to be implemented each year.The methodology for the development of the proposed BSC includes the following steps: definition of theoretical objectives of each of the perspectives most used in the management of a clinical laboratory (customers, financial, internal processes and learning) taking into account the vision and the organizational model of the laboratory; creation of a strategic map of perspective objectives; definition of the relevant indicators to follow up on the objectives in a quantitative manner and establishment of the goals. Whether or not the laboratory is a reference laboratory, in which specific and infrequent analysis and health population programs are performed, is another fact to take into account. In this review a BSC for a reference clinical laboratory of the Spanish public sector is shown.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 284-291  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Klinički laboratorij -- Upravljanje -- Strateški plan

VIDRANSKI, Valentina
Analytical evaluation of the new Seal Autoanalyzer 3 High Resolution for urinary iodine determination [Elektronička građa] / Valentina Vidranski, Maja Franceschi, Dražena Krilić, Tomislav Jukić, Ivan Mihaljević, Zvonko Kusić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 29 jed. - Summary. - The aim of the study was to evaluate the analytical performance of the new colorimetric, automatic analyser, Seal AutoAnalyzer 3 High Resolution (Seal AA3 HR) (Seal Analytical, Wisconsin, USA) for urinary iodine measurement.Materials and methods: This study included testing of several analytical features of the method involving: imprecision (within-run %CVr, between- run %CVb and total laboratory precision %CVl), measurement uncertainty, carryover, linearity and method comparison, with 70 urine samples including the measuring range (20 - 700 μg/L).Results: Within-run, %CVb and %CVl of two control levels were 2.03% and 3.04%, 0.51% and 2.61%, and 2.09% and 4.01%, respectively. Carryover effect was less than 1%. The linearity was good in the range of urinary iodine values between 60 and 500 μg/L (R2 = 0.99). Good agreement of urinary iodine values was found between manual technique and Seal AA3 HR, using Passing-Bablok regression (y = 7.84 (- 3.00 to 15.29) + 0.95 (0.90 to 1.00) x) and Blant-Altman test. Cusum test for linearity indicates that there is no significant deviation from linearity (P >0.1).Conclusions: The obtained results proved excellent precision, reproducibility and linearity, comparable to the already used, manual method. The New Seal AA3 HR automatic analyser is acceptable for urinary iodine measurement with very good analytical characteristics and can be used for urinary iodine epidemiological studies of the Croatian population.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 394-401  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Urin -- Jod -- Kolorimetrija -- Evaluacija metode

TIJAN, Paola
Antioksidativna aktivnost i kinetička analiza tokoferolnog ekstrakta iz različitih vrsta biljnih ulja [Elektronička građa] = Antioxidant activity and kinetic analysis of tocopherol extract obtained from different types of vegetable oils / Paola Tijan, Dalibor Broznić. - Ilustr.
10. studentski kongres Prehrana i klinička dijetoterapija, Rijeka, 10. - 11. 5. 2019. - Bibliografija: 35 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj: Utvrditi razliku u antioksidativnoj aktivnosti maslinovog, suncokretovog, bučinog i crnog ulja i njihovih tokoferolnih ekstrakata te proučiti kinetiku i mehanizam reakcije između slobodnih radikala i antioksidansa. Materijali i metode: Antioksidativna aktivnost ulja i tokoferolnih ekstrakata mjerena je spektrofotometrijski uz uporabu DPPH˙ (2,2-difenil-1-pikril-hidrazil), dok je Trolox ekvivalent poslužio kao referentni standard za kvantifikaciju rezultata dobivenih DPPH˙ testom. Pomoću kinetičkih monofaznih i bifaznih matematičkih modela procijenjena je i analizirana inhibicija signala DPPH˙. Rezultati: Vrijednost TEAC-a ukazuje da maslinovo i suncokretovo ulje (2,16 mmol/L) posjeduju jaču antioksidativnu aktivnost u odnosu na crno (1,85 mmol/L) i bučino ulje (1,68 mmol/L), a ujedno i intenzivniju inhibiciju DPPH˙ radikala. Tokoferolni ekstrakti imaju puno slabiji antioksidativni učinak od analiziranih biljnih ulja, pri čemu je najdjelotvorniji ekstrakt suncokretova ulja koji čini 22,1 % antioksidativne aktivnosti ulja, a najslabiji ekstrakt bučina ulja sa samo 13,9 %. Nestanak DPPH˙ radikala u uzorcima ulja odvija se u dva susljedna koraka, početnog eksponencijalnog koji se odvija unutar 7 min reakcije, ovisno o vrsti ulja, i drugog sporog, gdje su promjene proporcionalne s vremenom. Kod tokoferolnih ekstrakata brzi korak reakcije nije uočen, ukazujući time da se reakcija odvija mehanizmom kinetike prvog reda. Zaključak: Rezultati ukazuju da biljna ulja imaju jači učinak u inhibiciji radikala u odnosu na tokoferolne ekstrakte, pa se njihovom pravilnom konzumacijom potpomaže organizmu u „borbi“ protiv slobodnih radikala. Zapravo, najvažniji dio antioksidacijskog sustava obrane organizma od slobodnih radikala čini sinergističko djelovanje antioksidansa, odnosno antioksidansi u sinergiji imaju jači učinak nego sumarni učinak svih pojedinačnih antioksidansa.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 4 ; str. 350-360  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Antioksidativna aktivnost -- Biljno ulje -- Kinetička analiza -- Tokoferoli

TOMÁŠ, Šálek
Assessment of the degree of adherence of medical laboratories to KDIGO 2012 guideline for evaluation and management of CKD in Czechia and Slovakia [Elektronička građa] / Šálek Tomáš, Friedecký Bedřich, Kratochvíla Josef, Pelinková Květa, Budina Marek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 22 jed. - Summary. - The aim of the study is to assess the degree of adherence of medical laboratories to Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes(KDIGO) 2012 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in laboratory practice in Czechia andSlovakia.Materials and methods: An electronic questionnaire on adherence to KDIGO 2012 guideline was designed by an external quality assessment (EQA)provider SEKK spol. s.r.o. The questionnaire was placed and distributed through website to all medical biochemistry laboratories in Czechia and Slovakia(N = 396).Results: A total of 212 out of 396 laboratories responded to the questions, though some laboratories only answered some questions, those applicableto their practice. A total of 48 out of 212 laboratories adopted the KDIGO 2012 guideline in full extent. The metrological traceability of creatininemeasurement to standard reference material of SRM 967 was declared by 180 out of 210 laboratories (two of the responding laboratories did notmeasure creatinine). Thirty laboratories are not well educated on traceability of creatinine measurement and seven laboratories do not calculateestimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). Both urinary albumin concentration and albumin to creatinine ratio are reported by 144 out of 175 laboratories(37 of the responding laboratories did not measure urinary albumin).Conclusion: Majority of laboratories in Czechia and Slovakia adopted some parts of the KDIGO 2012 guideline in their practice, but only 23% of thelaboratories apply them completely. Thus, further education and action should be conducted to improve its implementation.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 3 ; str. 522-530  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Laboratoriji -- Kreatinin -- Cistatin C -- Glomerularna filtracija -- Postanalitička faza

LOPEZ, Benjamin
Classical pathway activity C3c, C4 and C1-inhibitor protein reference intervals determination in EDTA plasma [Elektronička građa] / Benjamin Lopez, Nicolas Bertier, Emmanuel Ledoult, Romane Joudinaud, Mehdi Maanaoui, Victoria Majerus, Emmanuelle Moitrot, Anne-Sophie Deleplancque, Stéphanie Rogeau, David Launay, Guillaume Lefèvre, Myriam Labalette, Sylvain Dubucquoi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Summary. - Reference intervals (RIs) for complement assays in EDTA plasma samples have not previously been published. The objectives of thepresent study were to validate and/or determine RIs for classical pathway (CP50) activity and C3c, C4 and C1 inhibitor protein (C1INH) assays and toassess the need for age-specific RIs in EDTA plasma.Materials and methods: We retrospectively evaluated a cohort of 387 patients attending our university hospital and known to be free of complement-modifying diseases. The need for age partitioning was assessed and RIs were calculated according to the CLSI protocol.Results: No need for age partitioning was evidenced for CP50 activity, C3c and C4 concentrations and RIs (90% CI) were calculated from the pooleddata: 35.4 (33.1-37.2) to 76.3 (73.7-83.6) U/mL for CP50 activity, 0.80 (0.75-0.87) to 1.64 (1.59-1.72) g/L for C3c, and 0.12 (0.10-0.14) to 0.38 (0.36-0.40) g/L for C4. Our results highlight a positive association between age and C1INH concentrations. We derived 3 age partitions (6 months to 30years, 30-50 and >50 years) and the related RIs: 0.20 (0.18-0.21) to 0.38 (0.36-0.40) g/L, 0.22 (0.20-0.24) to 0.39 (0.36-0.41) g/L and 0.25 (0.22-0.27)to 0.41 (0.40-0.43) g/L, respectively).Conclusions: The newly determined RIs for CP50 activity were higher than those provided by the manufacturer for EDTA plasma samples, whereasthose for C3c and C4 RIs were similar to the values provided for serum samples. The C1INH concentration and activity were found to be associatedwith age and age-specific RIs are mandatory for this analyte.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 3 ; str. 559-569  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Proteini -- C1 inhibitor -- EDTA plazma -- Referentne vrijednosti

ŠONJIĆ, Pavica, medicinska biokemičarka
Clinician's opinion about critical risk results proposed by the Croatian Chamber of Medical Biochemists [Elektronička građa] : a survey in one Croatian tertiary hospital / Pavica Šonjić, Ana Nikler, Dora Vuljanić, Lora Dukić, Ana-Maria Šimundić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Summary. - It has been recommended that each laboratory modify their critical result reporting practices to reflect the clinical needs of theirpatient populations. The aim of this survey was to assess how well critical laboratory values defined by the Croatian Chamber of Medical Biochemists(CCMB) correspond to the needs of the physicians at University hospital “Sveti Duh” (Zagreb, Croatia).Materials and methods: We conducted a survey among physicians from five departments in our hospital. Physicians were asked general questionsabout critical risk results (if and how they want to be informed). A list of critical risk results defined by the CCMB was offered and physicians wereasked to revise the existing critical risk results and suggest adding new parameters. Obtained data were presented as numbers. Where the numberof observations was low, ratios were used.Results: Survey response rate was 43% (52/121). Majority (48/52) wants to be informed of critical risk results, either personally (31/48) or througha colleague (32/48). They prefer to be informed about critical risk results of prothrombin time, platelet count, haemoglobin, glucose, creatinine, sodiumand potassium. Revisions in the CCMB critical risk result list are proposed by 13 out of 48 physicians. Neonatologists approved the CCMB’s list.Conclusions: Although most critical risk results defined by the CCMB correspond well to the needs of the physicians in our hospital, some revisionsare necessary to meet the particular needs of individual departments. Communication of critical risk results to those who have requested laboratorytesting is highly appreciated practice.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 3 ; str. 600-608  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Klinički laboratorij -- Vođenje laboratorija -- Postanalitička faza
Hrvatska komora medicinskih biokemičara


Description of interference in the measurement of troponin T by a high-sensitivity method [Elektronička građa] / Miguel Aliste-Fernández, Gemma Sole-Enrech, Ruth Cano-Corres, Silvia Teodoro-Marin, Eugenio Berlanga-Escalera. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Summary. - Measurement of high-sensitivity troponin T (hs-TnT) has become an essential step in the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction.This high-sensitivity method allows quantifying the concentration of troponin T in blood of healthy subjects with a lower inaccuracy compared toprevious reagent generations. However, the presence of certain compounds in the sample may interfere with the result. We present a patient whohad repeatedly high concentrations of hs-TnT in the serum sample that did not agreed with the signs and symptoms. In addition, ultrasensitive troponinI concentration was undetectable.Materials and methods: To investigate the presence of an interfering compound, different analysis were carried out. In order to discard macrocomplexes in the sample, the serum was precipitated with polyethylene glycol. In addition, the serum was incubated with Scantibodies HeterophilicBlocking Tube, which can block heterophilic antibodies. Finally, a size exclusion chromatography of the sample was performed by the manufacturer.What happened: The interfering substance was allocated into fractions with proteins of 150kDa, corresponding to high molecular weight proteinslike immunoglobulin G (IgG). This compound was responsible for the falsely elevated hs-TnT results and it affected only the high-sensitivity methods.Main lesson: The detected interfering compound was probably an IgG. This type of interference must be kept in mind in front of discordant results,even if they are extremely rare. Therefore, interdisciplinary cooperation between clinicians, laboratory and manufacturer is essential.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 413-419  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Troponin T -- Mjerenje -- Smetnje -- Infarkt miokarda

ERCAN, Müjgan
Determining biological variation of serum parathyroid hormone in healthyadults [Elektronička građa] / Müjgan Ercan, Emiş Deniz Akbulut, Esin Avcı, Çiğdem Yücel, Esra Fırat Oğuz, Turan Turhan, Muhittin Serdar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Summary. - Measurement of parathyroid hormone (PTH) is essential in the investigation and management of calcium metabolism disorders. Toassess the significance of any assay result when clinical decision making biological variation (BV) of the measurand must be taken into consideration. The aim of the present study is determining the BV parameters for serum PTH.Materials and methods: Blood samples were taken at weekly intervals from 20 healthy subjects for ten weeks in this prospective BV study. Serum “intact PTH” concentrations were measured with electrochemiluminescence method. Biological variation parameters were estimated using the approach proposed by Fraser.Results: The values of within-subject biological variation (CVI), between-subject biological variation (CVG), analytical variation (CVA), reference change value (RCV) and individuality index (II) for serum PTH were 21.1%, 24.9%, 3.8%, 59.4% and 0.8%, respectively. Within-subject biological variation and CVG were also determined according to gender separately; 18.5% and 24.0%; 26.2% and 18.6% for male and female, respectively. Calculated desirable precision and bias goals were <10.6% and <6.3%, respectively.Conclusion: This study may contribute to BV data on serum PTH as it includes a sufficient number of volunteers from both genders over an acceptable period of time. We do not recommend the usage of population-based reference intervals for serum PTH concentrations. Reference change value may be helpful for the evaluation of serial serum PTH results. Nonetheless, evaluation of data according to gender is necessary when setting analytical performance specifications.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 3 ; str. 506-512  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Paratiroidni hormon -- Biološka varijacija

ABRAHAM, Ransi Ann
Effect of temperature and time delay in centrifugation on stability of selectbiomarkers of nutrition and non-communicable diseases in blood samples [Elektronička građa] / Ransi Ann Abraham, Praween K. Agrawal, Rajib Acharya, Avina Sarna, Sowmya Ramesh, Robert Johnston, Arjan de Wagt, Nizamuddin Khan, Akash Banerjee Kurundkar, Arvind Pandey, Raghu Pullakhandam, Krishnapillai Madhavan Nair, Geeta Trilok Kumar, H. P. S. Sachdev, Umesh Kapil, Renu Saxena, Sila Deb, Ajay Khera, Lakshmy Ramakrishnan. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Summary. - Introduction: Preanalytical conditions are critical for blood sample integrity and poses challenge in surveys involving biochemical measurements.A cross sectional study was conducted to assess the stability of select biomarkers at conditions that mimic field situations in surveys.Material and methods: Blood from 420 volunteers was exposed to 2 – 8 °C, room temperature (RT), 22 – 30 °C and >30 °C for 30 min, 6 hours, 12hours and 24 hours prior to centrifugation. After different exposures, whole blood (N = 35) was used to assess stability of haemoglobin, HbA1c anderythrocyte folate; serum (N = 35) for assessing stability of ferritin, C-reactive protein (CRP), vitamins B12, A and D, zinc, soluble transferrin receptor(sTfR), total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), tryglicerides, albumin, total proteinand creatinine; and plasma (N = 35) was used for glucose. The mean % deviation of the analytes was compared with the total change limit (TCL),computed from analytical and intra-individual imprecision. Values that were within the TCL were deemed to be stable.Result: Creatinine (mean % deviation 14.6, TCL 5.9), haemoglobin (16.4%, TCL 4.4) and folate (33.6%, TCL 22.6) were unstable after 12 hours at 22-30°C, a temperature at which other analytes were stable. Creatinine was unstable even at RT for 12 hours (mean % deviation: 10.4). Albumin, CRP,glucose, cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides, vitamins B12 and A, sTfR and HbA1c were stable at all studied conditions.Conclusion: All analytes other than creatinine, folate and haemoglobin can be reliably estimated in blood samples exposed to 22-30°C for 12 hoursin community-based studies.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 359-371  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Uzorkovanje krvi -- Biomarkeri -- Nezarazne bolesti -- Predanalitička faza -- Temperatura -- Vremensko kašnjenje

LAPIĆ, Ivana
Effectiveness of minimum retesting intervals in managing repetitive laboratory testing [Elektronička građa] : experience from a Croatian university hospital / Ivana Lapić, Dunja Rogić, Mirjana Fuček, Ružica Galović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Summary. - Inappropriate laboratory retesting can be addressed by implementing minimum retesting intervals (MRI). The aim of our study was to assess the effectiveness of the implemented MRI protocol for inpatients.Materials and methods: Minimum retesting intervals were applied for 53 laboratory tests. The overall reduction of test requests, reduction incharges and reagent cost savings, frequency of MRI alert appearance as well as the rate of MRI acceptance and ignorance were calculated for a one-year period. Reasons for violating the MRI rule, hospital departments that contributed mostly to MRI rule violation, and the frequency of MRI violations between routine and emergency laboratory were evaluated.Results: During the one-year period, 106,780 requests violated the MRI rule, which corresponds to 14.8% of all requests received. 13,843 requests were cancelled, yielding a 1.9% reduction of requested tests. High-volume tests, namely complete blood count, C-reactive protein, alanine aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyltransferase and total bilirubin, accounted for 65% of all generated alerts and had the highest alert ignorance (>85%). The highest cancellation rate was observed for tumor markers and autoimmunity tests, for most being at least 50%. Annual charge reduction was 62,641 EUR while reagent cost savings were 11,408 EUR. Tests performed in the emergency laboratory had a higher alert appearance than the same routine tests. The most common reason for MRI violation was clinical justification based on the patient’s condition. Most frequently ignored MRI alerts were in the intensive care unit.Conclusion: MRI implementation showed limited effectiveness in reducing testing repetition and achieving financial savings, yet provided the basis for future improvements.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 3 ; str. 531-558  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Klinički laboratorij -- Predanalitička faza -- Analiza troškova
Klinički bolnički centar Zagreb


WEN Tan, Chuen
Elevated activated partial thromboplastin time-based clot waveform analysis markers have strong positive association with acute venous thromboembolism [Elektronička građa] / Chuen Wen Tan, McVin Hua Heng Cheen, Wan Hui Wong, Ian Qianhuang Wu, Brian Lee Wei Chua, Sahul Hameed Ahamedulla, Lai Heng Lee, Heng Joo Ng. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Summary. - A hypercoagulable state is a predisposition for venous thromboembolism (VTE). The activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)-based clot waveform analysis (CWA) is a global haemostatic measure but its role in assessment of hypercoagulability and thrombotic disorders is uncertain. We aimed to study the changes of CWA parameters in acute VTE. We hypothesized that patients with acute VTE would demonstrate higher CWA values than control patients without VTE and having elevated CWA parameters is associated with acute VTE.Materials and methods: Clot waveform analysis data from patients (N = 45) with objectively proven acute VTE who had an aPTT performed priorto initiation of anticoagulation were compared with controls (N = 111). The CWA parameters measured were min1, min2, max2 and delta change.Results: While the mean aPTT between VTE patients and controls did not differ (P = 0.830), the mean CWA parameters were significantly higheramong VTE patients than controls (min1, P <0.001; min2, P = 0.001; max2, P = 0.002; delta change, P <0.001). There were significantly more cases within the VTE group exhibiting CWA values above their reference intervals than the control group (all P <0.001), with the odds ratios for VTE of 8.0, 5.2, 4.8 and 18.6 for min1, min2, max2 and delta change, respectively (all P <0.001).Conclusions: Patients with acute VTE had elevated aPTT-based CWA parameters than controls. Higher CWA parameters were significantly associated with acute VTE.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 385-393  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zgrušavanje krvi -- Trombofilija -- Tromboza -- Venska tromboembolija

Escherichia coli spheroplasts in a Croatian patient misclassified by two urine sediment analysers as erythrocytes [Elektronička građa] : case report / Ana Nikler, Vanja Radišić Biljak, Helena Čičak, Nikolina Marić, Danijela Bejuk, Jose Antonio Tesser Poloni, Ana-Maria Simundic. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Summary. - It has already been reported that subinhibitory concentrations of β-lactam antibiotics can cause abnormal changes of bacterialforms, such as spheroplasts. Herein we report a case of Croatian male patient with Escherichia coli spheroplasts present in urine after treatment withtazobactam, on the tenth day of hospitalization. The aim of this report is to emphasize the inability of imaging based automated urine analysers torecognize some relatively uncommon forms of bacterial presentation in urine sediment.Materials and methods: During routine urine analysis, unusual particles were observed in patient urine. Urine sediment was examined by twourine analysers: Atellica 1500 (Siemens, Germany) and Iris iQ200 (Beckman Coulter, USA). Additionally, urine was sent for culture testing to Microbiologydepartment.Results: Both urine analysers didn’t indicate presence of bacteria in urine sediment. Unusual particles observed on the tenth day were classified aserythrocytes by both instruments. Dipstick test showed blood trace and microscopic analysis revealed bacteria in urine. Urine culture was positivefor Escherichia coli. Careful examination of urine sediment has confirmed that shapes present in urine were abnormal bacterial forms called spheroplasts.Conclusions: Imaging based automated urine analysers are not able to recognize bacterial spheroplasts in urine sediment misclassifying it as erythrocytes.Microscopic examination remains the gold standard for urines with blood trace or negative blood, in which erythrocytes are reported byurine analyser in urine sediment. Failure to identify and follow up such cases may lead to inaccurate treatment decisions and puts patient safety at risk.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 3 ; str. 609-613  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Urin -- Analiza urina -- Escherichia coli -- Sferoplasti -- Bakterijski oblici -- Pogrešna klasifikacija

Establishing the 99th percentile for high sensitivity cardiac troponin I in healthy blood donors from Southern Italy [Elektronička građa] / Luisa Agnello, Chiara Bellia, Concetta Scazzone, Giulia Bivona, Giorgia Iacolino, Caterina Maria Gambino, Maddalena Muratore, Bruna Lo Sasso, Marcello Ciaccio. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Summary. - Introduction: The knowledge of high sensitivity cardiac troponin I (hsTnI) distribution in a reference population is mandatory for its introduction in clinical practice. The aim of this study was to define the Upper Reference Limit (URL) of hsTnI measured by Single Molecule Counting technology (SMC) in an accurately selected reference population.Materials and methods: In the study 1140 blood donors were included and selected on the basis of medical history and biomarkers. High sensitivity cardiac troponin I was measured by SMC technology (Clarity, Singulex, Alamed, USA). The 99th percentile was calculated by the non-parametric method according to the Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute - CLSI C28-A3.Results: The median age was 41 years (IQR: 28 - 50) and 69% were males. The overall 99th percentile was 5 ng/L (90% CI: 4.2 - 5.6). When considering sex-related differences, we found slight differences between the 99th percentile in males and females. Moreover, the 99th percentile trended with age, especially in females.Conclusions: We defined the 99th percentile of hs-cTnI measured by SMC technology in a highly selected healthy population, with only minor differences between males and females. Our findings provide the basic criteria for the reliable interpretation of hsTnI concentrations measured by the SMC technology in clinical settings.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 402-406  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Infarkt miokarda -- Troponin I -- Referentne vrijednosti -- Darivatelji krvi

ENKO, Dietmar
Evaluation of a commercial liquid-chromatography high-resolutionmass-spectrometry method for the determination of hepcidin-25 [Elektronička građa] / Dietmar Enko, Sieglinde Zelzer, Günter Fauler, Markus Herrmann. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Summary. - Reliable determination of hepcidin-25, a key regulator of iron metabolism, is important. This study aimed at evaluating the performance of the Hepcidin-25 Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass-Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) Kit (Immundiagnostik AG, Bensheim, Germany) for quantification of the hepcidin-25 protein.Materials and methods: Precision, accuracy, linearity, and preanalytical requirements of the liquid-chromatography high-resolution massspectrometry (LC-HR-MS) method were evaluated. The imprecision and bias acceptance criteria were defined ≤ 15%. We investigated sample stability at room temperature (RT) and after repeated freeze and thaw cycles. Additionally, we assessed serum hepcidin-25 concentrations of 165 healthyadults referred for a medical check-up.Results: The hepcidin-25 LC-MS/MS assay was linear over the concentration range of 3 – 200 ng/mL. Within- and between-run precision ranged between 1.9 – 8.6% and 5.1 – 12.4%, respectively. The mean bias of the low and high control material was - 2.7% and 2.1%, respectively. At RT, serum samples were stable for 3 h (mean bias + 0.3%). After two and three freeze and thaw cycles, hepcidin-25 concentrations showed a bias of +8.0 and + 20%, respectively. Of 165 healthy adults, 109 females had a significantly lower median of 8.42 (range: 1.00 – 60.10) ng/mL compared to 56 males with 15.76 (range: 1.50 – 60.50) ng/mL (P = 0.002).Conclusions: The hepcidin-25 LC-MS/MS kit shows a broad analytical range and meets the imprecision and bias acceptance criteria of ≤ 15%. Serum samples can be stored at RT for 3 h and resist up to two freeze and thaw cycles.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 292-301  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hepcidin -- Spektometrija -- Kromatografija -- Preanalitička faza -- Proteinski biomarkeri

Flushing of an intravenous catheter [Elektronička građa] : a cause for unreliable laboratory results / Rutger C. C. Hengeveld, Maaike C. Gerards, Bianca E. Olofsen, Milan L. Ridderikhof, Victor F. H. A. Hakkenberg van Gaasbeek, Peter A. Leenhouts, Edmée C. van Dongen-Lases. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Summary. - Phlebotomy is an error-prone process in which mistakes are difficult to reveal. This case report describes the effect on laboratoryresults originating from a blood sample collected in close proximity to an intravenous catheter.Materials and methods: A 69-year-old male patient was referred to the Emergency department where pneumonia was suspected. Phlebotomywas performed to collect blood samples to assess electrolytes, renal function, liver function, infection and haematological parameters.Results: The laboratory analysis showed reduced potassium and calcium concentrations. To prevent life-threatening cardiac failure the cliniciandecided to correct those electrolytes. Remarkably, the electrocardiogram showed no abnormalities corresponding to hypokalaemia and hypocalcaemia.This observation, in combination with an overall increase in laboratory parameters with the exception of sodium and chloride, led to thesuspicion of a preanalytical error. Retrospectively, an intravenous catheter was inserted in close proximity of the puncture place but no continuousinfusion was started prior to phlebotomy. However, the intravenous catheter was flushed with sodium chloride. Since potential other causes wereexcluded, the flushing of the intravenous catheter with sodium chloride prior to phlebotomy was the most probable cause for the deviating laboratoryresults and subsequently for the unnecessary potassium and calcium suppletion.Conclusion: This case underlines the importance of caution in the interpretation of laboratory results obtained from specimens that are collected inthe proximity of an intravenous catheter, even in the absence of continuous infusion.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 3 ; str. 614-618  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Intravenski kateter -- Uzorkovanje krvi -- Flebotomija -- Preanalitička faza

Haemolysis and lipemia interfere with resistin and myeloperoxidase BioVendor ELISA assays [Elektronička građa] / Andrea Saracevic, Lora Dukic, Ana-Maria Simundic. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Summary. - The aim of our study was to investigate the influence of haemolysis and lipemia on resistin (RES) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) measurement by BioVendor enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA).Materials and methods: Blood was taken from healthy volunteers into lithium heparin tubes. Plasma samples were spiked with Lipofundin®emulsion (B. Braun Melsungen AG, Germany) for lipemia interference testing. Haemolysed samples were obtained by drawing aliquots of heparinized blood through a 26 gauge needle. Index of haemolysis (H), lipemia (L) and triglyceride concentration were measured on Abbott Architect c8000. Haemoglobin concentration was measured on Sysmex XN-1000. Concentrations of RES and MPO in all samples were determined with RES and MPO ELISA kits (BioVendor, Czech Republic). All measurements were performed in triplicate. Biases from the native samples were calculated for both analytes and compared with an arbitrary value (e.g. ± 10%).Results: Triglyceride concentration in the investigated samples ranged from 0.57 to 38.23 mmol/L, which corresponds to L index from - 0.01 to13.77. Haemoglobin concentration in all samples ranged from 0 to 8 g/L which correspond to H index from 0.05 to 8.77. Both MPO and RES showed significant biases at 1 g/L haemoglobin (58.7% and 66.7%, respectively). Also, both MPO and RES showed significant biases at 4.66 mmol/L triglycerides (33.8% and - 12.2%, respectively).Conclusions: Resistin BioVendor assays are affected by haemolysis and lipemia already at low degree of interferent. Haemolysis was found to interfere at 1 g/L haemoglobin for both assays, while lipemia interferes at 4.66 mmol/L of triglycerides.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 315-321  
 Elektronička verzija članka

BAJAÑA, Wilson
Impact of an Andean breakfast on biochemistry and immunochemistry laboratory tests [Elektronička građa] : an evaluation on behalf COLABIOCLI WG-PRE-LATAM / Wilson Bajaña, Eduardo Aranda, Maria Elena Arredondo, Lorena Michele Brennan-Bourdon, Marise Danielle Campelo, Edgar Espinoza, Silvia Flores, Patricia Ochoa, Veronica Vega, Beatriz Varela, Gabriel Lima-Oliveira. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Summary. - Introduction: In Andean countries, specifically in Ecuador, a food transition in the population has been observed because of economic growth. The Working Group for Preanalytical Phase in Latin America (WG-PRE-LATAM) of the Latin America Confederation of Clinical Biochemistry (COLABIOCLI) was established in 2017, and its main purpose is to study preanalytical variability and establish guidelines for preanalytical procedures in order to be implemented by clinical laboratories and healthcare professionals in Latin America. The aim of this study on behalf of COLABIOCLI WG-PRE-LATAM was to evaluate whether an Andean breakfast can interfere with routine biochemistry and immunochemistry laboratory tests.Materials and methods: We studied 20 healthy volunteers who consumed an Andean breakfast containing a standardized amount of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. We collected blood specimens for laboratory tests before breakfast and 1, 2, and 4 hours thereafter. Significant differences between samples were assessed by the Wilcoxon ranked-pairs test.Results: The Andean breakfast statistically (P ≤ 0.05), modified the results of the following tests: triglycerides, insulin, cortisol, thyroid stimulating hormone, free thyroxine, total protein, albumin, urea, creatinine, lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, lipase, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and uric acid.Conclusions: Andean breakfast can influence the routine biochemistry and immunochemistry laboratory tests and might expose patient safety to some risks. Therefore, the COLABIOCLI WG-PRE-LATAM calls attention and highlights that the fasting time needs to be carefully considered when performing blood testing in order to prevent spurious results and thus, reduce laboratory errors.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 302-314  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Laboratorijski testovi -- Uzorkovanje krvi -- Dijagnostičke pogreške -- Prehrana

The likelihood ratio and its graphical representation [Elektronička građa] / Farrokh Habibzadeh, Parham Habibzadeh. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Summary. - Diagnostic tests are important clinical tools. Bayes’ theorem and Bayesian approach are important methods for interpreting test results. The Bayesianfactor, the so-called likelihood ratio, has not always been well-understood. In this article, we try to discuss the likelihood ratio and its value for aspecific test result, a positive or negative test result, and a range of test results, along with their graphical representations.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 193-199  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dijagnostički testovi -- Omjer vjerojatnosti -- ROC krivulja

Optimizing laboratory defined macroprolactin algorithm [Elektronička građa] / Milica Šostarić, Adriana Bokulić, Domagoj Marijančević, Ivana Zec. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Summary. - Introduction: Macroprolactinaemia is a well-known analytical problem in diagnostics of hyperprolactinaemia usually detected with polyethyleneglycol (PEG) precipitation method. Since there is no harmonization in macroprolactin detection and reporting results, this study proposes and evaluates the usefulness of in-house developed algorithm. The aims were to determine the most suitable way of reporting results after PEG treatment and the possibilities of rationalizing the precipitation procedure.Materials and methods: This is a retrospective study based on extracted data for 1136 patients. Prolactin concentrations were measured beforeand after PEG precipitation on Roche cobas e601. Macroprolactinaemia was defined by percentage recovery and post-PEG prolactin concentrations.Results: Prevalence of macroprolactinaemia using recovery criteria of ≤ 40%, ≤ 60%, and post-PEG prolactin concentrations was 3.3%, 8.8% and 7.8%, respectively. Raising the cut-off value from the upper limit of the manufacturer’s reference interval to 32.9 μg/L does not drastically change detected macroprolactinaemia with recovery criteria. Post-PEG prolactin concentrations showed more than half of the patients with macroprolactinaemia would be overlooked. Regardless of the criteria, a cut-off of 47.0 μg/L would miss most of the macroprolactinaemic patients. Repeated recovery measurements of follow-up patients showed there is a significant difference with mean absolute bias of 9%.Conclusions: Post-PEG prolactin concentration with corresponding reference interval is the most suitable way of reporting results. All samples with prolactin concentration above the upper limit of the manufacturer’s reference interval should be submitted to PEG precipitation. Follow-up period could be prolonged since the difference between the recoveries of repeated measurements is not clinically significant.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 346-351  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prolaktin -- Hiperprolaktinemija -- Makroprolaktin -- Polietilen glikol

Optimizing moving average control procedures for small-volume laboratories [Elektronička građa] : can it be done? / Vera Lukić, Svetlana Ignjatović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Summary. - Moving average (MA) means calculating the average value from a set of patient results and further using that value for analytical qualitycontrol purposes. The aim of this study was to examine whether the selection, optimization and validation of MA procedures can be performedusing the already described bias detection simulation method and whether it is possible to select appropriate MA procedures for a laboratory with asmall daily testing volume.Materials and methods: The study was done on four analytes: creatinine, potassium, sodium and albumin. All patient results of these tests processedduring six months were taken from the laboratory information system. Using the MA Generator software, different MA procedures wereanalysed. Different inclusion criteria, calculation formulas, batch sizes and weighting factors were tested. Selection of optimal MA procedures wasbased on their ability to detect simulated biases of different sizes. After optimization, the validation of MA procedures was done. The results werepresented by bias detection curves and MA validation charts.Results: Simple MA procedures for albumin and sodium without truncation limits were selected as optimal. Exponentially weighted MA procedureswere found optimal for creatinine and potassium, with the upper truncation limits of 150 μmol/L and 6 mmol/L, respectively.Conclusions: It has been experimentally confirmed that it is possible to perform the selection, optimization and validation of MA procedures usingthe bias detection simulation method. Also, it is possible to define MA procedures optimal for a laboratory with a small daily testing volume.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 3 ; str. 587-599  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Laboratoriji -- Kontrola kvalitete

LENIČEK Krleža, Jasna
Post-analytical laboratory work [Elektronička građa] : national recommendations from the Working Group for Post-analytics on behalf of the Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine / Jasna Lenicek Krleza, Lorena Honovic, Jelena Vlasic Tanaskovic, Sonja Podolar, Vladimira Rimac, Anja Jokic. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 88 jed. - Summary. - The post-analytical phase is the final phase of the total testing process and involves evaluation of laboratory test results; release of test results in atimely manner to appropriate individuals, particularly critical results; and modification, annotation or revocation of results as necessary to supportclinical decision-making. Here we present a series of recommendations for post-analytical best practices, tailored to medical biochemistry laboratoriesin Croatia, which are intended to ensure alignment with national and international norms and guidelines. Implementation of the nationalrecommendations is illustrated through several examples.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 228-261  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Klinički laboratorij -- Postanalitička faza -- Preporuke
Hrvatsko društvo za medicinsku biokemiju i laboratorijsku medicinu


Preanalytical classical and alternative complement pathway activity loss [Elektronička građa] / Koen O. A. Vercauteren, Stijn Lambrecht, Joris Delanghe. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Summary. - Complement functional analyses provide insight into the integrity of the entire complement reaction cascade. These tests are suitable for investigating suspected complement deficiencies. Falsely reduced test outcomes may result from preanalytical instabilities of individual complement components. To generate rationale for this or potential alternative practices, this study aimed to extend the knowledge on the preanalytical stability of widely used tests to screen the complement system. We assessed the influence of time, temperature and EDTA on classical (CH50) and alternative pathway (AP50) functional assay test results.Materials and methods: We used nephelometric (C3d) and immunofixation (C3c) techniques to support the investigation of the preanalytical phase of basic complement system activity tests. Quantitative determination of classical and alternative pathway function was performed with a haemolytic activity assay and a C5b-9 neo-epitope ELISA-based assay respectively. Blood of five healthy volunteers was sampled and complement components allowed to degrade under different conditions.Results: CH50 and AP50 remain stable for approximately one week in serum samples incubated on ice. CH50 activity decreased almost twice as fast in EDTA plasma compared to serum at room temperature. AP50 activity contrastingly, decreased twice as slow in EDTA plasma compared to serum at room temperature.Conclusion: Serum on ice remains the preferred specimen for functional complement analyses. In the absence of serum transported on ice, serum kept at room temperature (not exceeding 24h) is suitable for classical and alternative pathway analyses. For alternative pathway analyses specifically, the C3-stabilising effect of EDTA allows for the extended use of EDTA plasma (not over 4 days). In these conditions, at least 85% of baseline complement activity remains.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 3 ; str. 498-505  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Komplement -- Hemolitička aktivnost -- Preanalitička faza

Protein Induced by Vitamin K Absence II (PIVKA-II) as a potential serological biomarker in pancreatic cancer [Elektronička građa] : a pilot study / Sara Tartaglione, Irene Pecorella, Serena Rita Zarrillo, Teresa Granato, Valentina Viggiani, Lucia Manganaro, Cinzia Marchese, Antonio Angeloni, Emanuela Anastasi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Summary. - Introduction: Protein induced by vitamin K absence II (PIVKA-II) is an abnormal prothrombin increased in gastrointestinal malignancy. We aimed to evaluate PIVKA-II in comparison to established pancreatic cancer (PC) biomarkers (CA 19-9, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and CA 242) measured in PC patients and in patients with benign pancreatic diseases.Materials and methods: We studied 26 PC patients (Group 1) and 20 patients with benign pancreatic diseases (Group 2). PIVKA-II and CEA were measured by chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay method (CLEIA) on LUMIPULSE G1200 (Fujirebio-Europe, Gent, Belgium), CA 19-9 and CA 242 were measured by ELSA (CisBio Bioassays, Codolet, France) and EIA (Fujirebio Diagnostics AB, Göteborg, Sweden), respectively. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed to assess biomarkers’ diagnostic characteristics in both groups.Results: Median and interquartile range (IQR) in Group 1 and Group 2 were: 1749.0 (320.2 – 3921.0) vs. 31.0 (23.0 – 43.0) mAU/mL (P <0.001) for PIVKA-II, 260.0 (158.7 – 272.0) vs. 45.2 (9.0 – 58.0) U/mL (P = 0.034) for CA 19-9, 104.0 (30.2 – 150.0) vs. 7.2 (4.8 – 26.0) U/mL (P <0.050) for CA 242, 9.4 (5.3 – 37.5) vs. 4.5 (1.8 – 7.0) ng/mL (P = 0.021) for CEA. Areas under the ROC curve of PIVKA-II, CA 19-9, CA 242, CEA were 0.86 (95% CI: 0.71 – 1.00), 0.58 (95% CI: 0.38 – 0.78), 0.73 (95% CI: 0.54 – 0.92), 0.64 (95% CI: 0.44 – 0.85), respectively.Conclusions: PIVKA-II is significantly higher in PC than in benign pancreatic diseases. PIVKA-II shows a rather good diagnostic performance compared to CA 19-9, CEA and CA242, thus its determination could help PC management.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 352-358  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rak gušterače -- Proteini -- Serološki biomarkeri -- Vitamin K

ZHAO, Kong-Nan
Rapid serum tube technology overcomes problems associated with use ofanticoagulants [Elektronička građa] / Kong-Nan Zhao, Goce Dimeski, John de Jersey, Lambro A Johnson, Michael Grant, Paul P Masci, Martin F Lavin. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Summary. - Failure to obtain complete blood clotting in serum is a common laboratory problem. Our aim was to determine whether snake prothrombinactivators are effective in clotting blood and producing quality serum for analyte measurement in anticoagulated patients.Materials and methods: Whole blood clotting was studied in a total of 64 blood samples (41 controls, 20 Warfarin patients, 3 anticoagulated patientsusing snake venom prothrombin activator (OsPA)) with plain tubes. Coagulation was analysed using a visual assay, Hyland-Clotek and thromboelastography.Healthy control blood was spiked with a range of anticoagulants to determine the effectiveness of OsPa-induced clotting. A pairedanalysis of a Dabigatran patient and a control investigated the effectiveness of the OsPA clotting tubes. Biochemical analytes (N = 31) were determinedfor 7 samples on chemistry and immunoassay analysers and compared with commercial tubes.Results: Snake venom prothrombin activators efficiently coagulated blood and plasma spiked with heparin and commonly used anticoagulants.Clotting was observed in the presence of anticoagulants whereas no clotting was observed in BDRST tubes containing 3 U/mL of heparin. Snake venomprothrombin activator enhanced heparinised blood clotting by shortening substantially the clotting time and improving significantly the strengthof the clot. Comparison of 31 analytes from the blood of five healthy and two anticoagulated participants gave very good agreement betweenthe analyte concentrations determined.Conclusions: Our results showed that the snake venom prothrombin activators OsPA and PtPA efficiently coagulated recalcified and fresh bloodswith or without added anticoagulants. These procoagulants produced high quality serum for accurate analyte measurement.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 3 ; str. 542-558  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Antikoagulansi -- Serum -- Zgrušavanje krvi

Reporting categories in urine test strip analysis [Elektronička građa] : Croatian survey and call for action / Ana Dojder, Dora Vuljanić, Valentina Špoljarić, Andrea Saračević, Lora Dukić, Jasna Leniček Krleža, Jelena Vlašić Tanasković, Ivana Maradin, Ana Grzunov, Ana-Maria Šimundić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Summary. - Introduction: In line with the national recommendations, Croatian medical laboratories report urine test strip qualitative analysis results using a categorized scale with defined number of categories. Since concentration ranges for measured analytes have not been provided by national professional authority, it is up to the laboratories to define their own categories. The aim of study was to assess the comparability of concentrations assigned to different categories used in reporting the results of dipstick urinalysis in Croatian laboratories.Material and methods: A questionnaire was e-mailed to all Croatian medical laboratories (N = 195). They were asked to provide the number of categories and respective concentrations for each parameter. Data were described as numbers and percentages. Values above the upper reference range limit, which were assigned as normal and/or trace category, were considered as false negative.Results: Response rate was 71% (139/195). Seventy percent (98/139) of laboratories report their results with either higher (77/98; 79%) or lower (2/98; 2%) number of categories, relative to the national recommendation, whereas 19/98 (19%) report their results as concentrations. Great heterogeneity of reporting categories was observed. Multiple categories were assigned to same concentrations and there was a large overlap of concentrations for most categories. Considerable proportion of laboratories reported false negative results for ketones (42%), leukocytes (30%) and glucose (21%).Conclusions: The concentrations assigned to categories used to report the results of dipstick urinalysis are not comparable among Croatian medical laboratories. There is an urgent need for harmonization and standardization of reporting the results of urine dipstick analysis in Croatia.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 372-384  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Urin -- Analiza urina -- Test trake -- Izvještavanje

Rewarding the quantity of peer review could harm biomedical research [Elektronička građa] / Aceil Al-Khatib, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 33 jed. - Summary. - Voluntary peer review is generally provided by researchers as a duty or service to their disciplines. They commit their expertise, knowledge and time freely without expecting rewards or compensation. Peer review can be perceived as a reciprocal mission that aims to safeguard the quality of publications by helping authors improve their manuscripts. While voluntary peer review adds value to research, rewarding the quantity or the volume of peer review is likely to lure academics into providing poor quality peer review. Consequently, the quantity of peer review may increase, but at the expense of quality, which may lead to unintended consequences and might negatively affect the quality of biomedical publications. This paper aims to present evidence that while voluntary peer review may aid researchers, pressurized peer review may create a perverse incentive that negatively affects the integrity of the biomedical research record. We closely examine one of the proposed models for rewarding peer review based on the quantity of peer review reports. This article also argues that peer review should remain a voluntary mission, and should not be prompted by the need to attain tenure or promotion.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 200-205  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biomedicinska istraživanja -- Recenzija -- Etika -- Izdavaštvo -- Autonomija

PEROVIĆ, Antonija
Time-dependent variation of ionized calcium in serum samples [Elektronička građa] / Antonija Perović, Marina Njire Bratičević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Summary. - Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare ionized calcium (iCa) concentrations in arterial heparinized blood and venous serum and toinvestigate time-dependent variation of iCa in serum samples centrifuged and analysed at different times.Materials and methods: Ionized calcium was measured (N = 25) in arterial blood within 20 min after puncture, and in serum within 10 min aftercentrifugation conducted 30 min after sampling. Effect of time between sampling and centrifugation was examined in three tubes (N = 30) centrifuged15, 30 and 60 min after sampling, and analysed within 10 min. Effect of time between centrifugation and analysis was investigated in threetubes (N = 31) centrifuged 30 min after sampling and analysed: 0-10, 30-40 and 90-100 min after centrifugation. Ionized calcium was measured onthe Siemens RapidLab 348EX analysers. Statistical significance was tested using Wilcoxon test and ANOVA analysis. Clinical significance was judgedagainst reference change values (RCV).Results: No statistically significant difference was found between iCa in arterial blood and serum (P = 0.274). A statistically significant decrease wasfound: in tubes centrifuged 60 and 15 min after sampling versus 30 min (P = 0.005, P = 0.003); and in tubes analysed 30-40 and 90-100 min aftercentrifugation versus 0-10 min (P = 0.021, P = 0.027). Clinically significant changes were observed: 60 versus 30 min (centrifugation) and 90-100versus 0-10 and 30-40 min (analysis).Conclusions: Timely analysed arterial blood and serum samples can be used interchangeably. To avoid clinically significant variations, serum tubesshould be centrifuged within 30 min after sampling, and analysis should be performed within 30 min after centrifugation.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 3 ; str. 570-578  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ionizirani kalcij -- Serum -- Heparin -- Uzorci -- Predanalitička faza

ŠEGULJA, Dragana
Verification study of free light chains assays on reagent-optimized analysers [Elektronička građa] / Dragana Šegulja, Danica Matišić, Karmela Barišić, Dunja Rogić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Summary. - Introduction: Our aim was to compare analytical specifications of two assays (monoclonal vs. polyclonal) for free light chains (FLCs) quantificationoptimized for two different analytical platforms, nephelometer ProSpec (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) and turbidimetric analyser Optilite (The BindingSite, Birmingham, UK).Materials and methods: The evaluation included verification of the precision, repeatability and reproducibility, estimation of accuracy and methodcomparison study with 37 serum samples of haematological patients. Kappa and lambda FLC were measured in each sample by both methodsand kappa/lambda ratio was calculated.Results: Results show satisfactory precision of both methods with coefficients of variation for ProSpec of CVwr = 2.20% and CVbr = 3.44%, and forOptilite CVwr = 2.82% and CVbr = 4.15%. Estimated bias for FLC lambda was higher on the ProSpec analyser, but bias for FLC kappa was higher on theOptilite analyser. Correlation coefficients were 0.98; P <0.001 for FLC kappa and 0.97; P <0.001 for FLC lambda. Considering normal/pathologicalFLC ratio moderate agreement within assays was detected (κ = 0.621). When the results were categorized according to criteria for progressive disease,4/37 (0.10) cases were differently classified. Lambda FLC values by Optilite in three samples with monoclonal FLC lambda were more than twelvetimes higher than by ProSpec. A 25% difference in FLC ratio was detected in 16/37 (0.43) and 50% difference in 13/37 (0.35) patients.Conclusions: All manufacturers’ precision claims could not be achieved in the verification study. The comparison of results to biological variationsdata showed that coefficients of variations are acceptable for both assays. The assays should not be used interchangeably in haematological patients.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 3 ; str. 579-586  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Imunološki testovi -- Monoklonalna gamopatija -- Reagensi

Vidi br.: HA19-01534

Vidi br.: HA19-01538

Vidi br.: HA19-01537

Vidi br.: HA19-01535

Vidi br.: HA19-01539

Vidi br.: HA19-01554

58   Botanika

Vidi br.: HA19-01699


61   Medicinske znanosti

An abrupt rise of coagulation error messages on ACL TOP automated analysers [Elektronička građa] / Bas Calcoen, Koen Desmet, Pieter Vermeersch. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Summary. - Introduction: Blood coagulation tests (BCT) are very important for clinicians to diagnose bleeding or thrombotic disorders and to monitor anticoagulanttherapy.Case description: On a Saturday morning, a laboratory technician noted an abrupt rise in the number of coagulation error messages on our ALCTOP analysers. Visual inspection revealed the presence of partially and/or fully clotted citrate tubes and prompted the clinical biologist to furtherinvestigate a potential preanalytical cause.Considered causes: Partially or fully clotted blood in citrate tubes can have multiple causes including improper mixing of the tube, under- or overfillingor combining blood samples from different tubes into one citrate tube.What happened: The affected citrate tubes originated mostly from the same clinical departments. Moreover, all the affected tubes shared thesame lot number (1 of 7 in use at the time). Visual inspection of 7 unopened boxes of 100 citrate tubes of this lot number revealed one box with ninecompletely empty and two partially filled tubes and one box with two partially filled tubes. No under-filled tubes were found in the other 5 boxes.Discussion: The blood to additive ratio is crucial for BCT. A sudden rise in clot errors should trigger a thorough investigation to identify the cause.Main lesson: Laboratories should regularly monitor and evaluate the percentage of clotted samples as a quality indicator at scheduled time points.A problem with the volume of additive in citrate tubes should be considered as a possible cause.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 420-426  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Uzorkovanje krvi -- Zgrušavanje krvi -- Preanalitička faza -- Dijagnostička pogreška

DELGADO Rodríguez, Jose A.
Assessment of a laboratory critical risk result notification protocol in a tertiary care hospital and their use in clinical decision making [Elektronička građa] / Jose A. Delgado Rodríguez, Maria I. Pastor García, Cristina Gómez Cobo, Antonia R. Pons Más, Isabel Llompart Alabern, Josep Miquel Bauça. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 29 jed. - Summary. - Communication of laboratory critical risk results is essential for patient safety, as it allows early decision making. Our aims were: 1) toretrospectively evaluate the current protocol for telephone notification of critical risk results in terms of rates, efficiency and recipient satisfaction, 2)to assess their use in clinical decision making and 3) to suggest alternative tools for a better assessment of notification protocols.Materials and methods: The biochemical critical risk result notifications reported during 12 months by routine and STAT laboratories in a tertiarycare hospital were reviewed. Total number of reports, time for the notification and main magnitudes with critical risk results were calculated. Theuse of notifications in clinical decision making was assessed by reviewing medical records. Satisfaction with the notification protocol was assessedthrough an online questionnaire to requesting physicians and nurses.Results: Critical result was yielded by 0.1% of total laboratory tests. Median time for notification was 3.2 min (STAT) and 16.9 min (routine). The magnitudeswith a greater number of critical results were glucose and potassium for routine analyses, and troponin, sodium for STAT. Most notificationswere not reflected in the medical records. Overall mean satisfaction with the protocol was 4.2/5.Conclusion: The results obtained indicate that the current protocol is appropriate. Nevertheless, there are some limitations that hamper the evaluationof the impact on clinical decision making. Alternatives were proposed for a proper and precise evaluation.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 3 ; str. 513-521  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Laboratorijski rezultati -- Kritični rizik -- Kliničko odlučivanje

IALONGO, Cristiano
Confidence interval of percentiles in skewed distribution [Elektronička građa] : the importance of the actual coverage probability in practical quality applications for laboratory medicine / Cristiano Ialongo. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Summary. - Quality indicators (QI) based on percentiles are widely used for managing quality in laboratory medicine nowadays. Due to their statistical nature, their estimation is affected by sampling so they should be always presented together with the confidence interval (CI). Since no methodological recommendation has been issued to date, our aim was investigating the suitability of the parametric method (LP-CI), the non-parametric binomial (NP-CI) and bootstrap (BCa-CI) procedures for the CI estimation of 2.5th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 97.5th percentile in skewed sets of data.Materials and methods: Skewness was reproduced by numeric simulation of a lognormal distribution in order to have samples with different right-tailing (moderate, heavy and very heavy) and size (20, 60 and 120). Performance was assessed with respect to the actual coverage probability (ACP, accuracy) against the confidence level of 1-α with α = 0.5, and the median interval length (MIL, precision).Results: The parametric method was accurate for sample size N ≥ 20 whereas both NP-CI and BCa-CI required N ≥ 60. However, for extreme percentiles of heavily right-tailed data, the required sample size increased to 60 and 120 units respectively. A case study also demonstrated the possibility to estimate the ACP from a single sample of real-life laboratory data.Conclusions: No method should be applied blindly to the estimation of CI, especially in small-sized and skewed samples. To this end, the accuracy of the method should be investigated through a numeric simulation that reproduces the same conditions of the real-life sample.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 3 ; str. 471-482  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Laboratorijska medicina -- Zdravstvena zaštita -- Kvaliteta zdravstvene zaštite -- Biostatistika -- Statistička analiza

Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine [Elektronička građa] : national recommendations for blood collection, processing, performance and reporting of results for coagulation screening assays prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time / Ana Bronić, Desiree Coen Herak, Sandra Margetić, Marija Milić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 61 jed. - Summary. - A modern diagnostic laboratory offers wide spectrum of coagulation assays utilized in the diagnosis and management of patients with haemostatic disorders, preoperative screening and anticoagulation therapy monitoring. The recent survey conducted among Croatian medical biochemistry and transfusion laboratories showed the existence of different practice policies in particular phases of laboratory process during coagulation testing and highlighted areas that need improvement. Lack of assay standardization together with non-harmonized test results between different measurementmethods, can potentially lead to incorrect decisions in patient’s treatment. Consequently, patient safety could be compromised. Therefore, recommended procedures related to preanalytical, analytical and postanalytical phases of prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, thrombin time, fibrinogen and D-dimer testing are provided in this review, aiming to help laboratories to generate accurate and reliable test results.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 262-283  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Medicinska biokemija -- Laboratorijska medicina -- Zgrušavanje krvi -- Fibrinogen -- Hemostaza -- Smjernice
Hrvatsko društvo za medicinsku biokemiju i laboratorijsku medicinu


European survey on preanalytical sample handling [Elektronička građa] : part 1 : How do European laboratories monitor the preanalytical phase? : On behalf of the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) Working Group for the Preanalytical Phase (WG-PRE) / Janne Cadamuro, Giuseppe Lippi, Alexander von Meyer, Mercedes Ibarz, Edmee van Dongen-Lases, Michael Cornes, Mads Nybo, Pieter Vermeersch, Kjell Grankvist, Joao Tiago Guimaraes, Gunn B.B. Kristensen, Barbara de la Salle, Ana-Maria Simundic. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 41 jed. - Summary. - Compared to other activities of the testing process, the preanalytical phase is plagued by a lower degree of standardization, which makes it more vulnerable to errors. With the aim of providing guidelines and recommendations, the EFLM WG-PRE issued a survey across European medical laboratories, to gather information on local preanalytical practices. This is part one of two coherent articles, which covers all practices on monitoring preanalytical quality except haemolysis, icterus and lipemia (HIL).Materials and methods: An online survey, containing 39 questions dealing with a broad spectrum of preanalytical issues, was disseminated to EFLM member countries. The survey included questions on willingness of laboratories to engage in preanalytical issues.Results: Overall, 1405 valid responses were received from 37 countries. 1265 (94%) responders declared to monitor preanalytical errors. Assessment, documentation and further use of this information varied widely among respondents and partially among countries. Many responders were interested in a preanalytical online platform, holding information on various aspects of the preanalytical phase (N = 1177; 87%), in a guideline for measurement and evaluation of preanalytical variables (N = 1235; 92%), and in preanalytical e-learning programs or webinars (N = 1125; 84%). Fewer responders were interested in, or already participating in, preanalytical EQA programs (N = 951; 71%).Conclusion: Although substantial heterogeneity was found across European laboratories on preanalytical phase monitoring, the interest in preanalytical issues was high. A large majority of participants indicated an interest in new guidelines regarding preanalytical variables and learning activities. This important data will be used by the WG-PRE for providing recommendations on the most critical issues.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 322-333  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Klinička kemija -- Laboratorijska medicina -- Uzorci -- Preanalitika -- Standardizacija

European survey on preanalytical sample handling [Elektronička građa] : part 2 : practices of European laboratories on monitoring and processing haemolytic, icteric and lipemic samples : on behalf of the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) Working Group for the Preanalytical Phase (WG-PRE) / Janne Cadamuro, Giuseppe Lippi, Alexander von Meyer, Mercedes Ibarz, Edmee van Dongen-Lases, Michael Cornes, Mads Nybo, Pieter Vermeersch, Kjell Grankvist, Joao Tiago Guimaraes, Gunn B.B. Kristensen, Barbara de la Salle, Ana-Maria Simundic. - Graf. prikazi.
Nastavak iz br 2/2019, str. 322-333. - Bibliografija: 40 jed. - Summary. - No guideline currently exists on how to detect or document haemolysis, icterus or lipemia (HIL) in blood samples, nor on subsequent use of this information. The EFLM WG-PRE has performed a survey for assessing current practices of European laboratories in HIL monitoring. This second part of two coherent articles is focused on HIL.Materials and methods: An online survey, containing 39 questions on preanalytical issues, was disseminated among EFLM member countries.Seventeen questions exclusively focused on assessment, management and follow-up actions of HIL in routine blood samples.Results: Overall, 1405 valid responses from 37 countries were received. A total of 1160 (86%) of all responders stating to analyse blood samples- monitored HIL. HIL was mostly checked in clinical chemistry samples and less frequently in those received for coagulation, therapeutic drug monitoring and serology/infectious disease testing. HIL detection by automatic HIL indices or visual inspection, along with haemolysis cut-offs definition, varied widely among responders. A quarter of responders performing automated HIL checks used internal quality controls. In haemolytic/icteric/lipemic samples, most responders (70%) only rejected HIL-sensitive parameters, whilst about 20% released all test results with general comments. Other responders did not analysed but rejected the entire sample, while some released all tests, without comments. Overall, 26% responders who monitored HIL were using this information for monitoring phlebotomy or sample transport quality.Conclusion: Strategies for monitoring and treating haemolytic, icteric or lipemic samples are quite heterogeneous in Europe. The WG-PRE will use these insights for developing and providing recommendations aimed at harmonizing strategies across Europe.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 334-345  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Klinička kemija -- Laboratorijska medicina -- Uzorci -- Preanalitika -- Standardizacija

STARC, Jasmina, ekonomistkinja
Nurses' satisfaction with the use of communication channels by their managers in Croatia and Slovenia [Elektronička građa] / Jasmina Starc, Marijana Neuberg, Karmen Erjavec. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 36 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Previous studies rather neglected the issue of how nurses are satisfied with the usage of communication channels by their managers. This paper aims to discover how nurses in Croatia and Slovenia are satisfied with their managers’ usage of communication channels, and also how this satisfaction is associated with the employee-organisation relationship. A self-administrated electronic questionnaire was conducted with 272 nurses in Croatia and Slovenia. The study results show that top nurse managers most commonly use mediated communication channels, while middle and executive nurse managers use more interpersonal communication channels. Employees are most satisfied when top nurse managers use emails, middle nurse managers face-to-face communication, emails and phone calls, and executive nurse managers face-to-face communication, emails, phone calls, instant messaging and internal social networks to communicate with them. Younger employees are significantly more satisfied with nurse managers’ use of new communication and information technologies. The study also shows that satisfaction with interpersonal communication used by the executive nurse managers is positively associated with employee-organization relationships and satisfaction with middle and top managers’ utilization of email in that relationship. - Prethodna su istraživanja zanemarivala zadovoljstvo medicinskih sestara korištenjem komunikacijskih kanala od strane njihovih menadžera. U ovom se radu želi utvrditi koliko su medicinske sestre u Hrvatskoj i Sloveniji zadovoljne s uporabom komunikacijskih kanala od strane svojih menadžera te koliko je zadovoljstvo povezano s odnosom između zaposlenika i organizacije. U okviru istraživanja, prikupljeni su podaci od 272 medicinske sestre u Hrvatskoj i Sloveniji, koristeći elektronički upitnik, koji su ispitanici(e) samostalno ispunjavali. Rezultati ukazuju da menadžeri medicinskih sestara na najvišoj razini uglavnom koriste indirektne komunikacijske kanale, dok se na srednjoj i nižoj razini organizacije uglavnom koriste osobni oblici komunikacije. Zaposlenici su najzadovoljniji kada menadžeri medicinskih sestara na najvišoj organizacijskoj razini koriste elektroničku poštu, dok je za srednju organizacijsku razinu zadovoljstvo najveće komunikacijom putem neposrednog kontakta, elektroničke pošte i telefona. Na najnižoj razini organizacije, zadovoljstvo je najveće, kada se komunicira neposrednim kontaktom, elektroničkom poštom, telefonom, elektroničkim porukama i internim društvenim mrežama. Mlađi su zaposlenici značajno zadovoljniji korištenjem novih komunikacijskih i informacijskih tehnologija. Istraživanje, također, pokazuje pozitivnu povezanost zadovoljstva neposrednom komunikacijom na najnižoj razini menadžmenta s odnosima između zaposlenika i organizacije. Nadalje, navedena se veza ostvaruje i na srednjoj te najvišoj razini menadžmenta, uz korištenje elektroničke pošte kao komunikacijskog sredstva.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), 2 ; str. 81-94  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zdravstvo -- Medicinske sestre -- Komunikacija -- Informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije -- Zaposlenici -- Menadžeri

Vidi br.: HA19-01523

Vidi br.: HA19-01531

Vidi br.: HA19-01524

Vidi br.: HA19-01514

Vidi br.: HA19-01507

Vidi br.: HA19-01519

Vidi br.: HA19-01506

Vidi br.: HA19-01521

Vidi br.: HA19-01526

Vidi br.: HA19-01509

Vidi br.: HA19-01513

Vidi br.: HA19-01515

Vidi br.: HA19-01532

Vidi br.: HA19-01510

Vidi br.: HA19-01529

Vidi br.: HA19-01527

Vidi br.: HA19-01533

Vidi br.: HA19-01517

Vidi br.: HA19-01511

Vidi br.: HA19-01525

Vidi br.: HA19-01520

612   Fiziologija

VUČKOVIĆ, Dragutin
Kompleksi [Elektronička građa] / Dragutin Vučković.
Bibliografija: 8 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Autor u članku govori o kompleksima sa stajališta analitičke psihologije C. G. Junga, o njihovom nastanku, manifestaciji i svrsi. Kao i svako znanstveno istraživanje, istraživanje psihe započinje konceptualizacijom određenih prirodnih pojava. Koncept svijesti, nesvjesnog i njihove dinamike osnova je teorije kompleksa. Ako postoji svijest, tada je nesvjesno direktna implikacija njenog postojanja. Autor pokušava opisati djelovanje nesvjesnog na svijest i promjene do koje dovodi asimilacija nesvjesnog sadržaja, tj. asimilacija kompleksa, sa zaključkom kako je asimilacija nesvjesnog sadržaja temelj psihičkog razvoja, kako izvan, tako i unutar psihoanalitičkog procesa. - In this paper, author discusses complexes from the standpoint of Carl Gustav Jung's analytical psychology, regarding their origin, manifestation and purpose. Like any scientific research, the research on psyche begins with the conceptualisation of certain natural phenomena. Concept of consciousness, unconsciousness and their dynamics is the basis of the theory of complexes. If there is a consciousness, then the unconsciousness is a direct implication for its existence. The author attempts to describe the work of unconscious on conscious and the changes that assimilation of unconscious content brings, that is, the assimilation of complexes. It is concluded that the assimilation of unconscious content is the base of psychic development, both outside and inside psychoanalytic processes.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 97-102  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kompleksi -- Emocije -- Asocijativni eksperiment -- Snovi
Jung, Carl Gustav


613   Higijena. Osobno zdravlje i higijena

DODIG, Slavica
Hallmarks of senescence and aging [Elektronička građa] / Slavica Dodig, Ivana Čepelak, Ivan Pavić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 90 jed. - Summary. - The complex process of biological aging, as an intrinsic feature of living beings, is the result of genetic and, to a greater extent, environmental factors and time. For many of the changes taking place in the body during aging, three factors are important: inflammation, immune aging and senescence (cellular aging, biological aging). Senescence is an irreversible form of long-term cell-cycle arrest, caused by excessive intracellular or extracellular stress or damage. The purpose of this cell-cycles arrest is to limit the proliferation of damaged cells, to eliminate accumulated harmful factors and to disable potential malignant cell transformation. As the biological age does not have to be in accordance with the chronological age, it is important to find specific hallmarks and biomarkers that could objectively determine the rate of age of a person. These biomarkers might be a valuable measure of physiological, i.e. biological age. Biomarkers should meet several criteria. For example, they have to predict the rate of aging, monitor a basic processthat underlies the aging process, be able to be tested repeatedly without harming the person. In addition, biomarkers have to be indicators of biological processes, pathogenic processes or pharmacological responses to therapeutic intervention. It is considered that the telomere length is the weak biomarker (with poor predictive accuracy), and there is currently no reliable biomarker that meets all the necessary criteria.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 3 ; str. 483-497  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Starenje -- Biološko starenje -- Biomarkeri -- Stanični ciklusi -- Obilježja

ŠOŠA, Ivan
Izgladnjivanje kao sudskomedicinski problem [Elektronička građa] = Starvation as an issue in legal medicine / Ivan Šoša, Filip Štefanac, Valter Stemberga. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 41 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Izgladnjivanje do smrti samo je iznimno uzrok smrti u razvijenim zemljama. Međutim, ova pojava može imati daleko veći značaj ako je sudskomedicinski gledano smrt posljedica namjernog uskraćivanja hrane. U takvim slučajevima zadatak specijalista sudske medicine ili patologa je razjasniti uzrok smrti i dati stručno mišljenje o stupnju i trajanju gladi. Za procjenu proteinsko-energijske pothranjenosti razvijeno je nekoliko klasifikacijskih sustava koji se također opisuju u članku. Mnogo je faktora vezanih uz dob koji mogu dovesti do gubitka apetita i smanjenja težine, te se u preglednom članku oni i razmatraju. Sudskomedicinski su posebno interesantni slučajevi izgladnjivanja u kojima su, u sklopu pojave zlostavljanja i zanemarivanja, pogođena djeca,. Upravo takve primjere iz literature i navodimo u radu, uz osvrt na osobe starije životne dobi. Ove su osobe, zbog nerazmjera u odnosu snaga, posebno ugrožena skupina, kod koje je također najčešći tip pothranjenosti proteinsko-energijska pothranjenost. - Starvation with a fatal outcome is just an exceptional cause of death in developed countries. However, this phenomenon may have far greater significance if a criminal case related-death is the consequence of deliberate denial of food. In such cases, the task of a specialist in the field of legal medicine or pathology is to clarify the cause of death and give a professional opinion on the degree and duration of violent starvation. For the evaluation of protein-energy malnutrition, several classification systems have been developed, which are also described in the article. There are many age-related factors that can lead to loss of appetite and weight loss, and they are being considered in this review article. Suddenly, specially interesting cases of starvation affect children, as a result of abuse and neglect. It is precisely these examples from the literature and we are cited in this paper, concerning older people. These people, due to the unbalanced relationship of strength, are particularly vulnerable to the group, which is also the most common type of malnutrition protein-energy malnutrition.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 3 ; str. 232-241  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Djeca -- Izgladnjivanje -- Zanemarivanje -- Sudska medicina

Strah i odluke o zdravlju djece [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Katarinčić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 96-99. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Aktualna tema u hrvatskoj javnosti već je dulje vrijeme propitivanje (obaveznog) procjepljivanja djece. Informacije o nužnosti i (ne)opravdanosti cijepljenja djece plasirane su u javnost različitim kanalima iz oprečnih okulara, često samo fragmentarno, što za posljedicu ima to da su ideje o cijepljenju u znatnoj mjeri obavijene različitim predrasudama i pretpostavkama, ali i polarizaciju neistomišljenika. Oprečna mišljenja i stavovi generirali su suprotstavljene pozicije onih koji obavezu cijepljenja zagovaraju i onih koji se toj obavezi opiru. Pritom se i jedna i druga strana iz različitih razloga osjećaju ugroženo i zastrašeno te im je objema zajednički strah (bilo od posljedica cijepljenja ili posljedica necijepljenja) te briga za zdravlje djece. Analiza je usmjerena na predodžbe, strahove i prijeporne točke artikulirane u javnom prostoru te produkciju i percepciju (ne)formalnih znanja. U središtu pozornosti je heterogena skupina kritičara cijepljenja koja, osim što uznemiruje dominantni diskurs, akumulira različite strahove koji su posljedica sumnji, nepovjerenja, (ne)informiranosti. Ukazivanjem na vrlo konkretne probleme i propuste u sustavu cijepljenja, ta skupina dovodi u pitanje obavezu na preventivni postupak. Iako se nadležnost odlučivanja i raspravljanja o cijepljenju dodjeljuje prvenstveno medicinskom i tek dijelom pravnom području, tema se propituje i iz drugih očišta, posebno njezini etički, politički i ideološki aspekti s obzirom na to da ideja kontroverzne medicinske intervencije zadire u odluke o zdravlju i bolestima djece koje uključuju ljudska prava, slobode i odgovornosti. - One of the most topical issues in Croatia over the last several years has been to question the (mandatory) vaccination of children. Information on child vaccination being necessary and/or (un)justified was released to the public using various channels and from various standpoints, often only fragmentarily, which resulted in the ideas about vaccination being largely related to various prejudices and preconceptions, leading to a polarization of the opposing sides. Contradictory opinions and attitudes generated opposing positions of those who advocate mandatory vaccination, and those who oppose it. Both sides feel threatened and scared for a variety of reasons; but what is common to both sides is fear (of consequences of vaccination or lack thereof) as well as concern for child health. The present analysis focuses on the images, fears and controversial points articulated in the public space and the production and perception of (in)formal knowledge. The paper centers on a heterogenous group of vaccination critics who, in addition to upsetting the dominant discourse, have various fears which are a result of doubts, distrust, (lack of) information. By pointing to specific problems and oversights in the system of vaccination, this group calls into question the mandatory preventive procedure. Although the competence to decide and discuss vaccination is primarily given to medical professionals and only in part to legal professionals, the topic is also examined from a different perspective, primarily in its ethical, political and ideological aspects, given that the idea of controversial medical intervention interferes with the such child health and illnesses choices which are related to human rights, freedoms and responsibilities.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 56 (2019), 1 ; str. 69-100  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Cijepljenje -- Djeca -- Zdravlje -- Strah -- Rizik -- Ljudska prava

Vidi br.: HA19-01508

Vidi br.: HA19-01615

Vidi br.: HA19-01486

Vidi br.: HA19-01522

Vidi br.: HA19-01693

614   Javno zdravstvo. Prevencija nesreća

Vidi br.: HA19-01781

615   Farmakologija. Terapeutika. Toksikologija

Amino acids composition and antioxidant activity of selected mushrooms from Bosnia and Herzegovina [Elektronička građa] / Mirsada Salihović, Aida Šapčanin, Ekrem Pehlić, Alija Uzunović, Selma Špirtović-Halilović, Melita Huremović. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Many studies highlight the health benefits of mushrooms, which are consequently becoming more and more interesting for researchers. The content of amino acids (AA), total phenolic content (TPC), and antioxidative activity (AAc) were determined in wild as well as cultivated mushrooms. The AA included: L-tryptophan (Trp), L-arginine (Arg), L-cysteine (Cys), L-methionine (Met), L-alanine (Ala), L-phenylalanine (Phe), L-lysine (Lys), L-valine (Val), L-glycine (Gly), and L-leucine (Leu). The wild mushrooms: Lactarius piperatus, Amanita caesarea, Lactarius deliciosus, Lycoperdon pyriforme, Macrolepiota procera, and cultivated mushrooms: Agaricus bisporus, Boletus aestivalis, Cantharellus cibarius, Pleurotus ostreatus, and Agaricus bisporus var. avellaneus were investigated in this study. The AA was determined by HPTLC method and quantified with a Camag TLC scanner and WINCAT software by scanning the plates at 540 nm. The TPC was spectrophotometrically estimated as gallic acid equivalents/g of fresh weight according to Folin-Ciocalteu’s method. The radical scavenging activity (RSA) of mushroom extracts was determined by DPPH assay. The highest content of Ala, Gly, Phe, Lys, Val, and Leu was found in Pleurotus ostreatus. The total phenolic content (mg GAE/g) in investigated mushrooms ranged from 1.90 to 35.56, and the % RSA ranged from 43.88 to 90.17. This study promotes the consumption of food rich in bioactive compounds, mushrooms being among such food. Further research on mushrooms from Bosnia and Herzegovina and their benefits in the overall maintenance of human health and protection from age-related diseases is necessary. - Mnoga istraživanja ističu zdravstvene prednosti gljiva, koje stoga postaju sve zanimljivije za konzumente i istraživače. Sadržaj aminokiselina (AA) i ukupnih fenola (TPC) te antioksidacijska aktivnost (AAc) utvrđeni su u samoniklim i kultiviranim gljivama. Analizirane AA su: L-triptofan (Trp), L-arginin (Arg), L-cistein (Cys), L-metionin (Met), L-alanin (Ala), L-fenilalanin (Phe), L-lizin (Lys), L-valin (Val), L-glicin (Gly) i L-leucin (Leu). Od samoniklih gljiva analizirane su: Lactarius piperatus, Amanita caesarea, Lactarius deliciosus, Lycoperdon pyriforme, Macrolepiota procera, a od kultiviranih gljiva ispitivane su: Agaricus bisporus, Boletus aestivalis, Cantharellus cibarius, Pleurotus ostreatus i Agaricus bisporus var. avellaneus. Određivanje AA provedeno je metodom HPTLC, a kvantifikacija je provedena skenerom Camag TLC i softverom WINCAT skeniranjem ploča na 540 nm. TPC je spektrofotometrijski određen kao ekvivalent galne kiseline/g svježe mase metodom Folin-Ciocalteu. Aktivnost hvatanja radikala (RSA) ekstrakata gljiva određena je DPPH testom. Najveći sadržaj Ala, Gly, Phe, Lys, Val i Leu nađen je u Pleurotus ostreatus. Sadržaj ukupnih fenola (mg GAE/g) u ispitivanim gljivama kretao se u rasponu od 1,90 do 35,56, a % RSA u rasponu od 43,88 do 90,17. Ovo istraživanje promovira konzumiranje hrane bogate bioaktivnim spojevima, kojima pripadaju i gljive. Stoga je nužno nastaviti istraživanje gljiva s područja Bosne i Hercegovine radi utvrđivanja njihove dobrobiti za cjelokupno održavanje zdravlja ljudi i zaštite od oboljenja povezanih sa starenjem.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 97-103  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gljive -- Aminokiseline -- Antioksidacijska aktivnost

ČUJ, Jakub
Evaluation of the effectivity of physiotherapy and regime management of patients on functioning of shoulder joint after implantation of total reverse endoprosthesis [Elektronička građa] = Procjena djelotvornosti fizioterapije i upravljanja režima pacijenata na funkcioniranje ramenog zgloba nakon implantacije ukupne reverzibilne endoproteze / Jakub Čuj, Miloslav Gajdoš, Pavol Nechvátal, Lucia Kendrová, Soňa Jandová, Bronislav Kračmar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of established regime and physiotherapy treatment described by Brems on patients after reverse arthroplasty of shoulder joint, their ability to perform activities of daily living, functional status of the shoulder girdle, and a range of motion. Methods: The research sample consisted of 60 patients, 57±2.9 years, with implanted total reverse endoprosthesis of shoulder joint. To assess the ability of performing the activities of daily living, we used the Simple Shoulder Test. Functional status of shoulder joint was evaluated through a “Constant Score” questionnaire. The range of movement was evaluated through the “Constant Score – Range of Motion“ questionnaire. The examined parameters were evaluated before surgery and a month after the surgery. During the one-month post-surgery period, all participants undergone the set of targeted physiotherapy treatment and kept the established regime. After one month of targeted physiotherapeutical treatment and correct regime management we observed significant differences in all examined parameters (p<0.001). Results: After one month of post-surgery physiotherapy, significant differences in the ability to perform certain activities of daily living, functioning of the operated shoulder joint and in the range of movement, have been reported. Conclusion: The results of our study confirmed that if patients follow this specific rehabilitation protocol and cooperate during various stages of recovery, there is a high probability that after one month, they can perform activities of daily living. - Cilj: Cilj studije bio je procijeniti učinak uspostavljenog režima i fizioterapeutskog tretmana koji je opisao Brems na pacijentima nakon reverzne artroplastike ramenog zgloba, njihove sposobnosti za obavljanje svakodnevnih aktivnosti, funkcionalno stanje ramena i raspon pokreta. Metode: Uzorak istraživanja sastojao se od 60 pacijenata, 57 ± 2,9 godina, s implantiranom ukupnom reverzibilnom endoprotezom ramenog zgloba. Da bismo procijenili sposobnost pacijenata za obavljanje svakodnevnih aktivnosti koristili smo test Simple shoulder. Funkcionalno stanje ramenog zgloba ocijenjeno je upitnikom “Constant score”. Raspon pokreta ocijenjen je upitnikom “Constant score – range of motion”. Razmatrani parametri procijenjeni su prije operacije i mjesec dana nakon operacije. Tijekom jednomjesečnog postoperativnog razdoblja svi su sudionici prošli skup ciljanog fizioterapeutskog tretmana i pridržavali se uspostavljenog režima. Nakon mjesec dana ciljanog fizioterapeutskog tretmana i ispravnog upravljanja režimom zabilježili smo značajne razlike u svim razmatranim parametrima (p ≤ 0.001). Rezultati: Nakon mjesec dana postoperativne fizioterapije zabilježene su bitne razlike u sposobnosti za obavljanje određenih aktivnosti svakodnevnog života, u funkcioniranju operiranog ramenog zgloba i u rasponu pokreta. Zaključak: Rezultati naše studije potvrdili su da, ako se pacijenti pridržavaju ovog specifičnog rehabilitacijskog protokola i surađuju tijekom različitih faza oporavka, postoji velika vjerojatnost da će nakon mjesec dana moći obavljati svakodnevne aktivnosti.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 3 ; str. 274-279  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fizioterapija -- Rameni zglob -- Rehabilitacija ramena -- Reverzibilna endoproteza ramena

BILEN Babić, Marijana
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and treatment of cystoid macular edema [Elektronička građa] = Nesteroidni protuupalni lijekovi u liječenju cistoidnog makularnog edema / Marijana Bilen Babić, Maja Merlak, Renata Gržetić-Lenac, Ivana Valković Antić, Petra Grubešić.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have become a significant therapeutic adjunctive tool in the routine and complicated intraocular surgery. Topical NSAIDs prevent intraoperative miosis, reduce pain, postoperative inflammation and incidence of cystoid macular edema (CME). Although there is no established protocol for prophylaxis of pseudophakic CME, due to the relationship between proinflammatory prostaglandins and CME, using corticosteroids and NSAIDs could prevent CME. NSAIDs have a synergistic antiinflammatory effect with steroids, but can also be used alone when corticosteroid therapy could be harmful. Prospective clinical trials need to define treatment protocol for topical NSAIDs use, due to their powerful influence to prevent perioperative complications. - Nesteroidni protuupalni lijekovi (NSAID, engl. nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs) postali su značajna dodatna terapija u rutinskim i kompliciranim intraokularnim operacijama. Topički NSAID-i sprječavaju intraoperativnu miozu, smanjuju bol, postoperativnu upalu i učestalost cistoidnog makularnog edema (CME). Iako nema uspostavljenog protokola za profilaksu pseudofakičnog CME-a, zbog veze između proupalnih prostaglandina i CME-a primjena topičkih kortikosteroida i topičkih NSAID-a može spriječiti CME. NSAID-i imaju sinergistički protuupalni učinak sa steroidima, ali se mogu upotrijebiti i sami kada bi kortikosteroidna terapija mogla biti rizična. Zbog njihovog snažnog utjecaja na prevenciju perioperativnih komplikacija potrebna su prospektivna klinička istraživanja za definiranje protokola terapijske primjene topičkih NSAID-a.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 2 ; str. 142-147  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Katarakta -- Makularni edem -- Nesteroidni upalni lijekovi -- Inhibitori ciklooksigenaze -- Prostaglandini

Povijesni razvoj institucionalizacije ranjivih skupina [Elektronička građa] : primjer Prihvatilišta odraslih Narodnog odbora grada Zagreba / Jelena Seferović.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 169-170. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Rad donosi povijesni pregled djelatnosti Prihvatilišta odraslih Narodnog odbora grada Zagreba od njegovog osnivanja 1953. do otvaranja nove podružnice 1978. Fokus je usmjeren na razmatranje politika zbrinjavanja pripadnika ranjivih skupina u ustanove socijalne skrbi na području Zagreba, uključujući osobe s psihičkim smetnjama. Pored toga, rad nastoji rasvijetliti početke (dugo)trajnog zbrinjavanja potonje populacije u domove za psihički bolesne odrasle osobe, danas zvane »domovi za odrasle«. Tematizira se njihova društvena stigmatizacija i tendencije smještanja u prostorno segregirane objekte. Arhivsko istraživanje, temeljeno na analizi službene dokumentacije Prihvatilišta, pokazuje da su ondašnje strategije socijalne zaštite i zaštite mentalnog zdravlja formalno zagovarale ideju o društvenoj ravnopravnosti, dok su zapravo bile orijentirane na protekciju većine od osoba s psihičkim smetnjama. - This article explores the activities of the Adult Shelter of the National Committee of the City of Zagreb since its foundation, from 1953 to 1978. The focus is on the consideration of the policy of taking care of vulnerable groups in social welfare institutions in the city of Zagreb, including persons with mental disorders. It seeks to illuminate the beginnings of the long-term care of the latter population in the homes for mentally ill adults, today known as homes for adults. In connection to this, their social stigmatisation and tendency of placement into spatially segregated objects are discussed. The research showed that the strategies of social protection and mental health protection, despite the then-advocated idea of equality between social categories, were at the time oriented towards the protection of the majority of community from persons with mental disorders.
U: Filozofska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1848-2309. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 159-170  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Socijalna politika -- Ranjive skupine -- Institucionalizacija -- Socijalna marginalizacija -- Psihički bolesnici -- Domovi za odrasle

Pregled poticaja za razvoj pedijatrijskih lijekova i broja pedijatrijskih kliničkih ispitivanja faze III u izabranim državama [Elektronička građa] = Review of incentives for pediatric drug development and of the number of phase III clinical trials in selected countries / Erna Knežević, Doris Rušić, Josipa Bukić, Joško Božić, Ana Šešelja Perišin, Dario Leskur, Darko Modun, Siniša Tomić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 48 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Procjenjuje se da više od 50 % lijekova korištenih u EU-u u pedijatrijske svrhe nikada nije bilo ispitano u toj populaciji. Cilj ovog članka bio je pregledati zakone i poticaje na klinička ispitivanja u pedijatrijskoj populaciji i usporediti ih s brojem kliničkih ispitivanja u pedijatrijskoj populaciji faze III koje financiraju industrije, kao i udjelom pedijatrijskih u ukupnom broju kliničkih ispitivanja faze III posljednjih deset godina. Napravljen je pregled poticaja za klinička ispitivanja u pedijatrijskoj populaciji i zakonskih okvira koji ih reguliraju za osamnaest država različite razvijenosti i EU. Za države uključene u istraživanje napravljen je pregledan broj pedijatrijskih kliničkih ispitivanja faze III koje je financirala industrija i njihova udjela u ukupnom broju kliničkih ispitivanja faze III koje je financirala industrija, registriranih u bazi clinicaltrials.gov u razdoblju od 2008. do 2017. godine. Najčešće usvojeni poticaji za razvoj pedijatrijskih lijekova bili su SPC ili višegodišnja patentna zaštita. Razvijeno zakonodavstvo sa sustavom obveza za njihovo provođenje imaju EU, SAD i Švicarska. Razvijene države imaju strogo regulirano zakonodavstvo i formirane poticaje za pedijatrijska klinička ispitivanja, ali se ispitivanja često provode u nerazvijenim državama zbog jednostavnosti i cijene. U EU-u, Japanu i Švicarskoj uočeni su trendovi porasta broja pedijatrijskih kliničkih ispitivanja nakon uvođenja inicijativa i poticaja za njihovo provođenje. Utvrđene su nejednakosti u stupnju reguliranosti obveze provođenja kliničkih ispitivanja u pedijatrijskoj populaciji među državama. Nije utvrđena povezanost broja ili udjela pedijatrijskih u ukupnom broju kliničkih ispitivanja faze III i stupnja regulacije obveza i poticaja za provođenje pedijatrijskih kliničkih ispitivanja u pojedinoj državi. - It is estimated that more than 50% of medicines used in pediatric in the EU have never been tested in that population. The aim of this article was to review the laws and incentives for clinical trials in the pediatric population and compare them to the number of phase III clinical trials in the pediatric population funded by the industry as well as their proportion in the total number of clinical trials of phase III over the last ten years. A review of clinical trials in a pediatric population and legal frameworks that regulates the same for eighteen states of different development and the EU has been made. For the countries included in the study, the number of pediatric clinical trials of phase III funded by the industry and their proportion in the total number of clinical trials of phase III funded by the industry registered in the clinicaltrials.gov database during the period from 2008 to 2017 was reviewed. The most commonly used incentives for the development of pediatric drugs were SPCs or years of patent protection. EU, the US and Switzerland have developed legislation with a system of obligations to implement them. Developed states have strictly regulated legislation and formed incentives for pediatric clinical trials, but research is often conducted in underdeveloped states for simplicity and price. In the EU, Japan and Switzerland, an increasing trend in the number of pediatric clinical trials have been observed after introducing initiatives and incentives to encourage them. Inequalities in the degree of regulation of the obligation to carry out clinical trials in pediatric population among states have been established. There was no link between the number or the proportion of pediatric patients in the total number of phase III clinical trials and the degree of regulation of the obligations and incentives for pediatric clinical trials in a particular country.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 4 ; str. 337-345  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Farmaceutsko zakonodavstvo -- Pedijatrijski lijekovi -- Klinička ispitivanja

MANDAL, Šaćira
Spectrophotometric determination of magnesium oxide content in supplements of magnesium [Elektronička građa] / Šaćira Mandal, Amra Alispahić, Alema Dedić, Hurija Džudžević Čančar. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Magnesium is an essential element and the intracellular divalent cation involved in many biochemical functions. People with magnesium deficiency must increase their intake of magnesium, usually in the form of various supplements. A common form of magnesium supplement widely available in pharmacies is magnesium oxide (MgO). In this work, the content of MgO was determined in pharmaceutical supplementations using spectrophotometry, based on the reaction between magnesium ions and eriochrome black T at a wavelength of 535 nm. The analysed content of MgO ranged from 360.5 to 386.5 mg MgO, which corresponds to the daily Mg recommended values (300 to 400 mg). - Magnezij je esencijalni element i intrastanični dvovalentni kation uključen u više biokemijskih funkcija. Osobe s manjkom magnezija moraju ga dodatno unositi i to često u obliku različitih pripravaka. Magnezijev oksid (MgO) najčešći je oblik pripravka s magnezijem koji je široko dostupan u ljekarnama. U ovom radu spektrofotometrijom je određen sadržaj MgO u farmaceutskim dodatcima temeljen na reakciji između magnezijevih iona i eriokrom crnog T na valnoj duljini od 535 nm. Analizirani sadržaj MgO kretao se u rasponu od 360,5 do 386,5 mg MgO, što odgovara dnevnim preporučenim vrijednostima unosa Mg (300 do 400 mg).
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 5/6 ; str. 197-200  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Magnezij -- Magnezijev oksid -- Suplementacija

Vidi br.: HA19-01377

Vidi br.: HA19-01364

Vidi br.: HA19-01576

Vidi br.: HA19-01677

Vidi br.: HA19-01658

Vidi br.: HA19-01634

Vidi br.: HA19-01691

Vidi br.: HA19-01698

616   Patologija. Klinička medicina

JAKŠIĆ, Ante, liječnik
Citološka dijagnoza tumora velikih žlijezda slinovnica (FNAC) [Elektronička građa] = Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) in diagnosis of salivary gland tumours / Ante Jakšić, Christophe Štemberger, Gordana Zamolo, Andrea Dekanić, Robert Cerović, Margita Belušić-Gobić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj: Tumori žlijezda slinovnica su rijetke neoplazme glave i vrata, no histološki čine vrlo heterogenu skupinu tumora. Važna metoda njihove dijagnostike je ultrazvučna pretraga žlijezda slinovnica uz citopunkciju tumorske promjene. Cilj rada je odrediti učestalost pojedine vrste tumora, specifičnost i senzitivnost citološkog nalaza te utvrditi stupanj podudarnosti između citološkog i patohistološkog nalaza. Ispitanici i metode: Ovim istraživanjem obuhvaćeno je 49 pacijenata operiranih zbog tumora velikih žlijezda slinovnica između 2015. i 2017. godine. Uključeni su samo pacijenti s prijeoperativnim citološkim nalazom i postoperativnim patohistološkim nalazom koji su međusobno uspoređeni. Rezultati: Najzastupljenija skupina pacijenata je ona iznad 60 godina (57 %). Doušna žlijezda bila je najčešće sijelo tumora u 94 % pacijenata. Prema citološkom nalazu dijagnosticirano je 40 dobroćudnih i 9 zloćudnih tumora. Patohistološkom analizom utvrđeno je 39 dobroćudnih i 10 zloćudnih tumora. Najčešće patohistološke dijagnoze bile su Warthinov tumor (cistadenolimfom) u 52,5 % i pleomorfni adenom u 37,5 % pacijenata. Senzitivnost citološkog nalaza iznosila je 90 %, dok je specifičnost bila 100 %. Kappa (κ) koeficijent bio je 0,93 (95 % CI = 0.687 – 0.979). Zaključak: U ovoj studiji citološka punkcija i analiza pokazala se kao vrlo dobra metoda u dijagnostici tumora velikih žlijezda slinovnica s visokom osjetljivošću i specifičnošću te izvrsnim stupnjem podudarnosti između citološkog nalaza i krajnje dijagnoze. - Aim: Salivary gland tumours are rare head and neck neoplasms that histologically make up a very heterogeneous tumour group. The most important diagnostic method is an ultrasound exam of the salivary gland with cytopunction of a tumour. The aim of the paper is to determine the specificity and sensitivity of the cytological findings and to determine the degree of agreement between the cytological and histopathological findings. Patients and methods: This study encompassed 49 patients who underwent surgery due to salivary gland tumors between 2015-2017. Only patients with preoperative cytologic findings and postoperative histopathological findings were compared. Results: The most frequent group of patients were those over 60 years (57%). The salivary gland was the most common cancer site in 94% of patients. According to the cytological finding, 40 benign and 9 malignant tumours were diagnosed. In the histopathological study of lesions, 39 were diagnosed as benign and 10 as malignant. The most common histopathological diagnosis was Warthin’s tumor (cystenolymphoma) in 52.5% and pleomorphic adenom in 37.5% of patients. Based on the data, sensitivity was 90% and specificity was 100%. Kappa statistics for the degree of agreement between fine needle aspiration cytology and histological results were 0.93 (95% CI = 0.687-0.979). Conclusion: In our study, FNAC proved to be a very good method in the diagnosis of salivary gland tumours with high sensitivity and specificity, and excellent degree of agreement between FNAC and final diagnosis.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 3 ; str. 291-295  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Žlijezde slinovnice -- Tumori -- Citološki nalaz -- Citopunkcija -- Patohistološki nalaz

Extremely severe vitamin B12 deficiency [Elektronička građa] : case presentation and review of literature = Ekstremno teška deficijencija vitamina B12 : prikaz slučaja i pregled literature / Ana Pupić-Bakrač, Antea Pervan, Jure Pupić-Bakrač, Jakov Končurat. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 54 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Aim: Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is nutrient from the vitamin B complex family. It is essential in the human body for deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis and for cellular energy production. Vitamine B12 deficiency is decrease in its serum concentration below 220 pmol/L, and it can be present in various range of hematologic and systemic symptoms and signs. The aim of this article is to provide extensive information on extreme forms of deficiency of vitamin B12. Case report: 83-year-old men presented with fatigue, intolerance of physical activity, vertigo, paresthesia in fingers, dispersion, epigastric pain, vomitting and loss of apetite. Vital parameters were within normal range, and physical examination did not reveal any patological findings, except icterus of sclera and subicterus of skin. Urgent laboratory findings showed erythrocytes 1.18 x 1012/L (4.34-5.72 x 1012/L), hemoglobin 50 g/L (138-175 g/L), mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 123.6 fL (83.0-97.2 fL), vitamin B12 <61 pmol/L (220-665 pmol/L). Patient started parenteral therapy with vitamin B12. After 5 days, rapid increase in reticulocyte count was observed, with haemogram stabilization within 6 weeks. In a follow-up period of two years, the patient had no symptoms. Conclusion: We presented patient with extreme deficiency of vitamin B12. Screening for vitamin B12 deficiency should be established in each patient with macrocytic anemia, even with slightly elevated MCV. - Cilj: Vitamin B12 (kobalamin) je nutrijent iz porodice vitamina B-kompleksa. U ljudskom organizmu esencijalan je za sintezu deoksiribonukleinske kiseline (DNK) i proizvodnju energije u stanicama. Deficijencija vitamina B12 jest pad njegove koncentracije u serumu ispod 220 pmol/L, a može se prezentirati u širokom rasponu hematoloških i sistemskih simptoma i znakova. Cilj ovog članka je pružiti ekstenzivnu informativnost o ekstremnim oblicima deficijencije vitamina B12. Prikaz slučaja: Pacijent u dobi od 83 godine javio se zbog iznemoglosti, intolerancije napora, vrtoglavica, trnaca u prstima, dekoncentracije, bola u epigastriju, povraćanja i gubitka apetita. Bio je normalnih vitalnih parametara, a fizikalnim pregledom nije pronađeno patološkog nalaza, osim žutice. Hitni laboratorijski nalazi bili su: eritrociti 1.18 x 1012/L (4.34 – 5.72 x 1012/L), hemoglobin 50 g/L (138 – 175 g/L), prosječni volumen eritrocita (MCV) 123.6 fL (83.0 – 97.2 fL), vitamin B12 <61 pmol/L (220 – 665 pmol/L). Započeta je parenteralna terapija s vitaminom B12. Nakon 5 dana zapažen je rapidan rast retikulocita, uz stabilizaciju hemograma u roku od 6 tjedana. U kontrolnom razdoblju od dvije godine nakon liječenja pacijent nije imao simptoma. Zaključak: Prikazali smo pacijenta s ekstremnom deficijencijom vitamina B12. Probir na deficijenciju vitamina B12 trebao bi biti proveden kod svakog pacijenta s makrocitnom anemijom, čak i s blago povišenim MCV-om.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 3 ; str. 301-310  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Megaloblastična anemija -- Vitamin B12 -- Deficijencija vitamina -- Terapija

Filaggrin and atopic march [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Čepelak, Slavica Dodig, Ivan Pavić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 97 jed. - Summary. - There is an increasing number of experimental, genetic and clinical evidence of atopic dermatitis expression as a pre-condition for later development of other atopic diseases such as asthma, food allergy and allergic rhinitis. Atopic dermatitis is a heterogeneous, recurrent childhood disease, also present in the adult age. It is increasingly attributed to systemic features and is characterized by immunological and skin barrier integrity and function dysregulation. To maintain the protective function of the skin barrier, in particular the maintenance of pH, hydration and antimicrobial functions, the filaggrin, among others, plays a significant role. Filaggrin is a multifunctional, histidine-rich, insoluble protein. The lack of filaggrin is associated with various cutaneous (e.g. ichthyosis vulgaris, allergic contact dermatitis)and non-cutaneous (e.g. diabetes, inflammatory conditions of the gastrointestinal tract) diseases and may be a result of genetic, immunological factors combined with environmental factors.In this review we summarised (emphasized) recent findings in understanding the role of filaggrin in atopic dermatitis and other diseases, participants in the atopic march.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 214-227  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Atopijski dermatitis -- Filagrin

RADIŠIĆ Biljak, Vanja
The first step in creating national Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) guidelines - aquestionnaire [Elektronička građa] / Vanja Radišić Biljak, Anders Grubb, Isabel Cachapuz Guerra, Etienne Cavalier, Stella Raymondo, Rosa Sierra-Amor, Michele Mussap, Shanthi Naidu Kamathan, Dogan Yucel, Pradip Datta, Takashi Wada, Flavio F. Alcantara. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 10 jed.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 3 ; str. 441-470  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kronična bubrežna bolest -- Smjernice
Međunarodna federacija kliničke kemije i laboratorijske medicine


High-sensitivity cardiac Troponin T delta concentration after repeat pulmonary vein isolation [Elektronička građa] / Ivan Zeljkovic, Sven Knecht, Florian Spies, Tobias Reichlin, Beat Schaer, Stefan Osswald, Michael Kühne, Christian Sticherling. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Summary. - Difference between high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T concentrations (hs-cTnT) before and after ablation procedure (delta concentration) reflects the amount of myocardial injury. The aim of the study was to investigate hs-cTnT prognostic power for predicting atrial fibrillation (AF) recurrence after repeat pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) procedure.Materials and methods: Consecutive patients with paroxysmal AF undergoing repeat PVI using a focal radiofrequency catheter were included in the study. Hs-cTnT was measured before and 18-24 hours after the procedure. Standardized 3, 6 and 12-month follow-up was performed. Cox-regression analysis was used to identify predictors of AF recurrence.Results: A total of 105 patients undergoing repeat PVI were analysed (24% female, median age 61 years). Median (interquartile range) hs-cTnT delta after repeat PVI was 283 (127 - 489) ng/L. After a median follow-up of 12 months, AF recurred in 24 (23%) patients. A weak linear relationship between the total radiofrequency energy delivery time and delta hs-cTnT was observed (Pearson R2 = 0.31, P = 0.030). Delta Hs-cTnT was not identified as a significant long-term predictor of AF recurrence after repeated PVI (P = 0.920).Conclusion: This was the first study evaluating the prognostic power of delta hs-cTnT in predicting AF recurrence after repeat PVI. Delta hs-cTnTdoes not predict AF recurrence after repeat PVI procedures. Systematic measurement of hs-cTnT after repeat PVI does not add information relevant to outcome.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 29 (2019), 2 ; str. 407-412  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Srčani troponim -- Fibrilacija atrija -- Izolacija plućne vene -- Troponin T

Metakroni karcinom larinksa [Elektronička građa] : prikaz slučaja = Metachronous laryngeal cancer : a case report / Stjepan Grabovac, Đurđica Grabovac, Zrinka Puharić, Jasna Begić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj: Ukazati na potrebu trajnog praćenja pacijenata kod kojih je zbog karcinoma učinjena parcijalna laringektomija. Prikaz slučaja: Prikazali smo pacijenta koji je u vremenskom razmaku od dvadeset godina tri puta imao karcinom larinksa. 1982. godine učinjena je parcijalna laringektomija. Drugi primarni tumor nastao je na sluznici ostatka larinksa 2000. godine, kada je učinjena traheotomija i laringofisura s ekscizijom tumora. Treće javljanje tumora bilo je 2002. godine kada je učinjena retraheotomija i totalna laringektomija. U sva tri javljanja radilo se o planocelularnom karcinomu. Pacijent je od 2000. godine bio pod redovitom kontrolom, a preminuo je 2013. godine u dobi od 85 godina. Zaključak: Pojava planocelularnog karcinoma larinksa moguća je godinama nakon uspješnog liječenja početnog tumora. Objašnjenje nalazimo u ostatku sluznice koja je obilježena poljima kancerizacije, što čini podlogu za nastanak novih tumora. - Aim: To point out the need for permanent monitoring of patients with partial laryngectomy due to cancer. Case report: We have shown a patient who has had the laryngeal cancer three times at intervals of twenty years In 1982, a partial laryngectomy was performed. The second primary tumour was formed on the mucosa of the rest of the larynx in 2000, when the tracheotomy and laryngofissure were performed. The third tumour incidence was in 2002, when retracheotomy and total laryngectomy were performed. In all three cases, there was the case of a planocellular carcinoma. The patient was regularly checked-up since 2000, but he passed away in 2013 at the age of 85. Conclusion: The appearance of the laryngeal planocellular carcinoma is possible years after the successful treatment of the primary tumour. The explanation is found in the remains of the mucosa, which is marked by the field of cancerisation, which is the basis for the incidence of new tumours.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 3 ; str. 296-300  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Metakroni karcinom larinksa -- Karcinom larinksa -- Laringektomija

Novosti u liječenju gestacijskog dijabetesa [Elektronička građa] = Update on treatment of gestational diabetes / Nika Hlača, Sanja Klobučar Majanović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 34 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Gestacijski dijabetes (GDM) najčešći je metabolički poremećaj u trudnica povezan s neželjenim ishodima trudnoće i dugoročnim zdravstvenim rizicima za majke i njihovo potomstvo. Prevalencija GDM-a u svijetu raste zbog epidemije debljine, sve starije dobi trudnica i strožih dijagnostičkih kriterija. Promjena životnog stila temeljena na uravnoteženoj prehrani i prirast tjelesne mase unutar poželjnih okvira imaju vodeću ulogu u liječenju GDM-a. Ako glikemijske ciljeve nije moguće ostvariti samo dijetom, indicirana je terapija inzulinom s obzirom na to da za oralne antihiperglikemike još nema dovoljno podataka o dugoročnoj sigurnosti. Budući da žene s GDM-om imaju doživotni rizik za razvoj šećerne bolesti tipa 2, potrebno je redovito praćenje i probir na šećernu bolest 4 do 12 tjedana nakon poroda te potom svake 1 do 3 godine. Cilj ovog članka je prikazati novosti u liječenju gestacijskog dijabetesa. - Gestational diabetes (GDM) is the most common metabolic disorder in pregnant women associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes and long-term maternal and offspring health risks. Worldwide GDM prevalence is increasing in the setting of the obesity epidemic, advanced maternal age, and tighter diagnostic criteria. Lifestyle interventions that promote healthy eating behaviours and healthy weight gain play a key role in the management of GDM. If glycemic targets are not achieved with diet alone, insulin therapy is recommended since oral antihyperglycemic agents lack long-term safety data. Because GDM is associated with an increased lifetime maternal risk for type 2 diabetes women should be followed up regularly and screened for diabetes 4- to 12-weeks postpartum and every 1–3 years thereafter. The aim of this article is to present an update on treatment of gestational diabetes.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 4 ; str. 330-336  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dijetoterapija -- Gestacijski dijabetes -- Inzulin -- Metformin

Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonija u imunokompromitiranog pacijenta neinficiranog virusom humane imunodeficijencije [Elektronička građa] : prikaz slučaja = Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia in non human immunodeficiency virus infected immunocompromised patient : case report / Klara Pospiš, Ivica Pavić.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj: Analizirati dijagnostičke postupke kod sumnje na pneumoniju u imunokompromitiranih pacijenata s naglaskom na molekularnu dijagnostiku koja omogućuje brzo identificiranje uzročnika i sukladno tome primjenu učinkovite kauzalne terapije. Prikaz slučaja: Pacijentica stara 64 godine primljena je u Kliniku za infektivne bolesti zbog febriliteta do 39 °C u trajanju od devet dana te blagog kašlja. Laboratorijski parametri ukazivali su na akutnu infekciju. Radiogram pluća pokazao je patološki intersticijski crtež bilateralno. Dosada je pacijenticu kontrolirao hematolog, s obzirom na to da je podvrgnuta alogenoj transplantaciji hematopoetskih matičnih stanica zbog akutne mijeloične leukemije. Postavila se sumnja na pneumoniju. Promptno su ordinirane hemokulture i urinokultura te je uzorak sputuma poslan na analizu. Budući da su kulture bile sterilne, a sputum bakteriološki i mikološki negativan, pacijentica je bila upućena na bronhoskopiju s bronhoalveolarnom lavažom (BAL). Mikrobiološka i citološka analiza ispirka nije bila specifična za postavljanje etiološke dijagnoze, stoga je uzorak obrađen testovima lančane reakcije polimerazom (engl. polymerase chain reaction; PCR) na prisutnost najčešćih respiratornih patogena, kao i na Mycobacterium tuberculosis i Pneumocystis jirovecii. U međuvremenu je učinjena kompjutorizirana tomografija visoke rezolucije (engl. high resolution computerized tomography, HRCT) toraksa koja je potvrdila obrazac atipične pneumonije obostrano. Po dobivanju pozitivnog nalaza PCR-a na Pneumocystis jirovecii iz bronhoalveolarnog lavata pacijentica se liječila trimetoprim-sulfometoksazolom i prednisonom te je otpuštena dobrog općeg stanja. Zaključak: Budući da je bolest brzo dijagnosticirana te je i odgovarajuće liječenje na vrijeme započeto, pacijentica je ozdravila od Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonije (PJP), koja ima prosječnu smrtnost od 30 – 50 %. - Aim: The aim of this paper is to analyse the procedure of diagnosing pneumonias in immunocompromised patients and to point out the importance of molecular diagnostic tests that enable the identification of pathogens causing the disease and administering adequate causal therapy accordingly. Case report: We report a case of a 64-years-old female patient presented with temperature up to 39 °C and mild cough for nine days. Patient was hospitalized in a clinic for infectious diseases. So far, the patient was controlled by hematologists due to allogenic transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells preformed because of acute myelogenous leukemia. In further diagnostic, laboratory parameters indicated acute infection and the radiogram of the lung showed pathological interstitial drawing bilaterally. Pneumonia was suspected as a most likely cause. Promptly ordered hemocultures and urinecultures were sterile, and the sputum was bacteriological and mycological negative, the patient was referred to bronchoalveolar lavage bronchoscopy. The microbiological and cytological analysis of the lavage was not specific to the etiologic diagnosis, therefore the sample was treated with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the presence of the most common respiratory pathogens, as well as on Mycobacteriumtuberculosis and Pneumocystis jirovecii. Meanwhile, a computerized high resolution tomography (HRCT) was performed, which confirmed the atypical pneumonia pattern bilaterally. After obtaining a positive PCR finding on Pneumocystis jirovecii from the bronchialveolar lavage, the patient was treated with trimethoprim-sulfomethoxazole and prednisone. Therapy was successful and patient was released in a good general condition. Conclusion: Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia has an average mortality of 30-50%. The patient was recovered, since the disease was diagnosed and appropriate treatment was initiated on time.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 4 ; str. 376-379  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pneumonija -- Pneumocystis jirovecii -- Kemoprofilaksa -- Dijagnostika

PREDOVIĆ, Ivona, studentica medicine
Primjena veno-venske izvantjelesne membranske oksigenacije kod pedijatrijskog pacijenta s teškom ozljedom mozga [Elektronička građa] : prikaz slučaja = Application of veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in pediatric patient with severe brain injury : case report / Ivona Predović, Zdravko Jurilj, Kazimir Juričić, Alen Protić.
Bibliografija: 7 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj: Veno-venska izvantjelesna membranska oksigenacija (engl. veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; VV ECMO) metoda je pružanja potpore funkciji pluća u pacijenata s teškim reverzibilnim zatajenjem respiracije. Prikazan je slučaj politraumatizirane pedijatrijske pacijentice s teškom ozljedom mozga s ciljem utvrđivanja može li se takve pacijente liječiti ovom metodom. Prikaz slučaja: U Jedinicu intenzivnog liječenja (JIL) zaprimljena je osmogodišnja pacijentica nastradala kao pješakinja u automobilskoj nesreći. Premještaj je bio dogovoren zbog nestabilnog stanja vitalnih funkcija tijekom operativnog zahvata u drugoj ustanovi. Pregledom su utvrđeni višestruki prijelomi viscerokranija, teška ozljeda mozga (subarahnoidalno krvarenje) i kontuzija pluća s razvojem akutnog respiratornog distres sindroma. Pacijentica je bila umjetno ventilirana i pri prijemu je izmjerena saturacija krvi kisikom 55 %. Pristupilo se postavljanju VV ECMO-a preko periferne kanulacije, na što se saturacija u arterijskoj krvi popravila. Kontrolirani su respiracijski parametri uredni uz VV ECMO, a nalazi slikovnih tehnika pokazali su potpunu resorpciju subarahnoidalnog krvarenja i hemoragičnih žarišta na mozgu, kao i puno bolju prozračnost obaju plućna krila. Tijekom sedmog dana pristupilo se odvajanju od VV ECMO-a, uz daljnju ventilacijsku potporu. Desetoga dana liječenja pacijentica se premjestila na pedijatrijski JIL. Zaključci: Unatoč raspravama i potencijalnim rizicima postavljanja VV ECMO-a, ovaj primjer potvrđuje kako teška ozljeda mozga ne predstavlja apsolutnu kontraindikaciju za primjenu VV-ECMO-a. Kao i kod drugih medicinskih intervencija, i ova metoda nosi rizike, zbog čega se mora utvrditi stvarna potreba za svakog pacijenta individualno. Nove mogućnosti otvaraju i sustavi koji ne zahtijevaju sistemsku primjenu antikoagulacije. - Aim: Veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VV ECMO) is used to support lung function in patients with severe respiratory failure. A case is presented of a pediatric polytraumatized patient with severe brain injury to determine whether such patients can be treated with this method. Case Report: An eight-year-old patient was admitted in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) after being injured in a car accident. Transfer from another institution was agreed upon due to an unstable condition of vital functions during an operation. Multiple viscerocranial fractures, severe brain injury (subarachnoid haemorrhage and contusions) and acute respiratory distress syndrome were determined by examination. Patient was artificially ventilated and at admission, had extremely low oxygen saturation of 55%. The VV ECMO was set up by peripheral cannulation, after which saturation in arterial blood significantly improved. The respiratory parameters were controlled with VV ECMO . Findings with imaging techniques showed complete resorption of subarachnoidal bleeding and haemorrhagic focal points on the brain and better lung transparency. During the seventh day, VV ECMO was removed, with further ventilation support. On the tenth day of treatment, the patient was transferred to pediatric ICU. Conclusions: Despite numerous debates and potential risks, this case shows that severe brain damage is not an absolute contraindication for the application of VV ECMO. Since it carries certain risks, it is necessary to determine the actual need for each patient individually. New systems that do not require systemic application of anticoagulation present another possibility in treating these patients.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 4 ; str. 380-384  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Akutna ozljeda pluća -- Heparin -- Izvantjelesna membranska oksigenacija -- Traumatska ozljeda mozga

Psorijaza – vidljivi ubojica [Elektronička građa] = Psoriasis – visible killer / Dora Gašparini, Marija Kaštelan.
Bibliografija: 41 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Psorijaza je jedna od najčešćih kroničnih kožnih bolesti s prevalencijom od 1,6 – 3 % u općoj populaciji, stoga je ta bolest vrlo važan javnozdravstveni problem. Riječ je o upalnom imunosno posredovanom poremećaju koji se na koži očituje eritematoskvamoznim plakovima na predilekcijskim mjestima. Psorijaza nije životno ugrožavajuća bolest, ali kardiovaskularni rizični čimbenici povezani s njom mogu dovesti do letalnog ishoda. Metabolički sindrom češće se dijagnosticira u pacijenata sa psorijazom u odnosu na opću populaciju, i to ponajviše u pacijentica starijih od 40 godina koje dugo boluju od teškog oblika bolesti. Etiologija razvoja metaboličkih poremećaja nije još u potpunosti razjašnjena, ali postoje dokazi da metaboličke promjene nisu isključivo posljedica dugotrajno aktivne kožne bolesti, već da i prethode prvoj pojavi bolesti. Imunosni odgovor posredovan T-pomoćničkim (engl. T helper, Th) Th1 i Th17 limfocitima sustavno prisutan u pacijenata sa psorijazom pridonosi razvoju ili pogoršanju šećerne bolesti, arterijske hipertenzije i pretilosti. Terapija psorijaze temelji se na liječenju kožne bolesti i komorbiditeta, a prilagođena je pojedinom pacijentu. Primjena metotreksata i bioloških lijekova poput infliksimaba, adalimumaba i etanercepta povezana je s nižim stopama mortaliteta, infarkta miokarda i moždanog udara te s poboljšanjem endotelne funkcije u odnosu na pacijente liječene drugim terapijskim mogućnostima. Pristup pacijentu sa psorijazom mora biti sveobuhvatan i multidisciplinaran te uključivati liječenje psorijaze uz prevenciju, rano prepoznavanje i odgovarajuće liječenje komorbiditeta. - Psoriasis is one of the most common chronic skin diseases with the prevalence of 1.6-3% in general population, therefore it is an important public health issue. It is an inflammatory immunomediated disorder that manifests as a eritematosquamous dermatosis with plaques on predilection areas. Psoriasis is not a life-threatening disease itself, however cardiovascular risk factors connected to it may lead to a lethal outcome. Metabolic syndrome is diagnosed in patients with psoriasis more often than in general population, especially in female patients older than 40 years old with a longer and more severe form of psoriasis. Etiology of the metabolic changes is still not completely understood, although there is evidence that metabolic changes are not exclusively the result of long active disease, but can precede the first onset of symptoms. T helper (Th) Th1- and Th17-cells-mediated immunological response systemically present in psoriasis contributes to the development or deterioration of diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure and obesity. Treatment of psoriasis is based on the management of skin disease and its comorbidities adjusted to individual patient. Use of methotrexate and biological agents such as infliximab, adalimumab and etanercept has shown lower rates of mortality, myocardial infarction and stroke with improvement of endothelial function in regards to patients treated with other therapeutical options. Approach to a patient suffering from psoriasis needs to be comprehensive and multidisciplinary, involving the management of psoriasis, prevention, early diagnosis and adequate management of its comorbidities.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 3 ; str. 215-223  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kardiovaskularne bolesti -- Komorbiditet -- Psorijaza -- Terapija

BATIČIĆ Pučar, Lara
Šećerna bolest i inhibitori DPP IV/CD26 [Elektronička građa] = Diabetes mellitus and DPP IV/CD26 Inhibitors / Lara Batičić, Lara Ivanović, Antonijo Grčić, Ester Pernjak Pugel, Jadranka Varljen, Dijana Detel.
Bibliografija: 100 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Šećerna bolest ili dijabetes (lat. diabetes mellitus) metabolička je bolest kronične naravi, karakterizirana perzistentnom hiperglikemijom te poremećajima u metabolizmu ugljikohidrata, masti i proteina. Bolest se dijeli na dijabetes tipa 1 i 2, gestacijski dijabetes te ostale, manje zastupljene oblike. Zbog velikog rasta incidencije i prevalencije bolesti, riječ je o značajnom javno-zdravstvenom problemu te jednom od deset vodećih uzroka smrtnosti u svijetu. Dipeptidil-peptidaza IV, odnosno molekula CD26 (DPP IV/CD26, EC, ubikvitaran je multifunkcionalan transmembranski i solubilni glikoprotein te serinska peptidaza, prepoznat kao krucijalan čimbenik u održavanju homeostaze glukoze u krvi, prije svega zbog mogućnosti razgradnje inkretina. Znanstvena i klinička ispitivanja ukazala su na visok terapijski potencijal inhibitora enzimske aktivnosti DPP IV/CD26 kod oboljelih od dijabetesa. Ovaj se pregledni rad fokusira na različite aspekte dijabetesa tipa 1 i 2 te novije mogućnosti terapije ovih oboljenja, s posebnim osvrtom na inhibitore DPP IV/CD26 kao efikasne terapijske opcije. - Diabetes (lat. Diabetes mellitus) is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by persistent hyperglycaemia and carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism disorders. Diabetes could be classified as type 1 or 2, gestational diabetes, and other, less common forms. Due to a prominent increase in the incidence and prevalence of the disease, it represents a significant public-health problem, being between the ten leading causes of mortality in the world. Dipeptidyl peptidase IV, or molecule CD26 (DPP IV / CD26, EC, is an ubiquitous multifunctional transmembrane and soluble glycoprotein and serine peptidase, recognized as a crucial factor in maintaining glucose homeostasis, primarily due to the ability to hydrolize incretins. Scientific and clinical studies have shown a high therapeutic potential of DPP IV/CD26 inhibitors in diabetic patients. This review focuses on various aspects of type 1 and 2 diabetes and newer treatment approaches for these diseases, with a special focus on DPP IV/CD26 inhibitors as effective therapeutic options.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 3 ; str. 200-214  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šećerna bolest -- Diabetes mellitus -- Inhibitori -- Dipeptidil-peptidaza IV

RUMORA, Marina
Tromboza splanhničkih vena kao rijedak uzrok akutnog abdominalnog bola [Elektronička građa] : prikaz slučaja = Splanchnic vein thrombosis as a rare cause of acute abdominal pain : case report / Marina Rumora, Sandra Milić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj: Prikazati slučaj pacijenta s akutnim abdominalnim bolom kojemu je dijagnosticirana tromboza splanhničkog venskog sustava, a uzrok je naknadno dokazana mijeloproliferativna bolest uz JAK2 V617F varijantu sekvence. Prikaz slučaja: 44-godišnji pacijent primljen je u hitnu medicinsku službu zbog akutizacije paraumbilikalnog bola koji je trajao 10-ak dana. U laboratorijskim nalazima bile su povišene vrijednosti alfa amilaze i upalnih parametara, zbog čega je pacijent hospitaliziran. Nativna snimka abdomena i ultrazvuk abdomena pokazivali su meteorizam tankog i debelog crijeva. Zbog nejasne dijagnoze učinjena je i kompjutorizirana tomografija (CT) abdomena koja je pokazala samo zamućeno mezenterijalno masno tkivo u korijenu mezenterija. Trećeg dana hospitalizacije zbog intenzivnijih bolova, koji nisu popustili ni na opiodne analgetike, učinjen je kontrolni CT abdomena koji je pokazivao trombozu v. portae, v. mesentericae superior i v. lienalis. Navedene promjene bile su praćene zadebljanjem stijenke tankog crijeva u smislu kongestije i raslojavanja stijenke, ali bez znakova jasne ishemije, te parcijalnim poremećajima perfuzije jetre uz prisutnost ascitesa. U terapiju je uveden niskomolekularni heparin u punoj dozi uz acetilsalicilnu kiselinu, a zbog dodatnog pogoršanja stanja sa znakovima paralitičkog ileusa i progresijom ishemijskih promjena tankog crijeva učinjena je hitna laparotomija. Za vrijeme hospitalizacije, hematološkom obradom dokazana je JAK2 V617F varijanta sekvence i mijeloproliferativna bolest koja je etiološki čimbenik tromboze portalnog sustava i ishemije crijeva. Zaključak: Uzrok akutnog bola u trbuhu može rijetko biti i tromboza splahničkog sustava, koja u kratkom vremenskom periodu može dovesti do životno ugrožavajućeg stanja. - Aim: To present a patient with acute abdominal pain diagnosed with acute thrombosis of the splannchnic vein system and subsequently diagnosed myeloproliferative disease and JAK2 V617F sequence variant. Case report: A 44-year-old patient was admitted to an emergency medical tract due to the acutization of paraumbilical abdominal pain that was present for 10 days, with mild intensity. In the laboratory findings, elevated values of alpha amylase and inflammatory parameters were elevated, wherefor patient was hospitalized. Native abdominal radiograph and abdominal ultrasound showed meteorism of the small intestine and colone. Due to unclear diagnosis, computerized tomography (CT) of the abdomen was performed, which showed blurred mesenterial fatty tissue at the mesenteric root. On the third day of hospitalization due to intense persistent pain that did not decrease with opioid analgetic threatment, a control CT scan was performed and showed thrombosis of v.Portae, v.Mesentericae superior and v.Lienalis. These changes were followed by thickening of the small intestine wall in terms of congestion and wall layering, but without signs of clear ischemia, and partial liver perfusion disorders in the presence of ascites. Low-molecular heparin was given in the full dose with acetylsalicylic acid, and due to an additional worsening of the condition with signs of paralytic ileus and the progression of ischemic changes in the bowel gland, emergency laparotomy was ordered. During hospitalization, a sequence variant of JAK2 V617F and myeloproliferative disease was confirmed, which is the etiological factor of thrombosis and ischemia of the portal system. Conclusion: The cause of acute abdominal pain may be, rarely, thrombosis of the splanchnic system that can lead to life-threatening condition in a short period of time.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 4 ; str. 385-390  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tromboza splanhničkog venskog sustava -- Abdominalna bol -- Infarkt crijeva

Tromboza venskih sinusa [Elektronička građa] = Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis / Anja Babić, Vladimira Vuletić.
Bibliografija: 39 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Tromboza venskih sinusa je rijedak uzrok moždanog udara. Najčešće se javlja u dobi od 20 do 50 godina. Češće se javlja kod žena nego kod muškaraca. Klinička slika je varijabilna, odnosno, pacijenti se mogu žaliti na glavobolju, slabost jedne polovice tijela ili se mogu prezentirati epileptičkim napadajem ili komatoznim stanjem svijesti. Kod pacijenata kod kojih posumnjamo na trombozu venskih sinusa trebamo učiniti magnetsku rezonanciju (MR) ili kompjutoriziranu tomografiju (CT) mozga odnosno MR venografiju (MRV) ili CT venografiju (CTV). Prognoza pacijenata ovisi o pravovremeno postavljenoj dijagnozi i liječenju uzroka bolesti. Posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća smanjena je smrtnost pacijenata od tromboze venskih sinusa. - Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVT) is a rare cause of cerebral infarction. Most of adults with CVT are aged 20–50 years. It is more common in women than in men. The presentation of symptoms is highly variable and symptoms may include headache, weakness of the face and limbs on one side of the body, epileptic seizures and comatose state. Patient should underwent to MRI or CT scanning of the brain and magnetic resonance venography or computed tomographic venography. Prognosis depends on early detection of the disease and detecting the cause. In the past few decades number of deaths from cerebral venous sinus thrombosis has decreased.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 3 ; str. 194-199  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tromboza venskih sinusa -- Glavobolja -- Moždani udar

Učinkovitost strukturirane edukacije osoba sa šećernom bolešću [Elektronička građa] = Effectiveness of structured education for patients with diabetes / Andrej Belančić, Anita Karanfilovski, Lara Čituljski, Jelena Rapaić, Sanja Klobučar Majanović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 44 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj: Procijeniti učinkovitost strukturirane edukacije za osobe sa šećernom bolešću po pitanju napretka u znanju i redukcije glikiranog hemoglobina HbA1c. Ispitanici i metode: Istraživanje je obuhvatilo ukupno 102 pacijenta (20 sa šećernom bolesti tipa 1 i 82 sa šećernom bolesti tipa 2), prosječne dobi 60 godina (20 – 80 godina), koji su u periodu od srpnja 2017. do siječnja 2018. bili upućeni u Dnevnu bolnicu za endokrinologiju, dijabetes i bolesti metabolizma Kliničkog bolničkog centra Rijeka s ciljem provođenja grupne strukturirane edukacije za osobe sa šećernom bolešću. Polaznici su zamoljeni da ispune upitnik prije početka edukacije te po njenu završetku. Upitnik se sastojao od 12 pitanja, od kojih je 11 bilo po principu točnog/netočnog odgovora, dok se posljednje pitanje iz upitnika odnosilo na pacijentovu samoprocjenu educiranosti o šećernoj bolesti (Tablica 1). Vrijednost glikiranog hemoglobina HbA1c mjerena je inicijalno te 3 mjeseca po provedenoj edukaciji. Za statističku obradu podataka korišteni su Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Office), MedCalc v12.1.3 (MedCalc Software bvba, Ostend, Belgium) i Statistica v13.3 (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States), a razina statističke značajnosti procijenjena je na P <0,05. Rezultati: Po završenoj edukaciji značajno se povisio broj postignutih točnih odgovora (4,1 ± 2,3 vs 9,3 ± 1,6, P <0,001), snizila se vrijednost glikiranog hemoglobina HbA1c (8,0 ± 1,8 % vs 7,1 ± 1,3 %, P <0,001) te utrostručio broj polaznika koji su za sebe smatrali da su adekvatno educirani o šećernoj bolesti (28,4 % vs 84,3 %, P <0,001). Zaključci: Po provedenoj edukaciji zabilježen je značajan napredak u znanju, popraćen redukcijom glikiranog hemoglobina HbA1c od 0,9 %, čime je dokazana učinkovitost strukturirane edukacije. - Aim: To evaluate the effect of diabetes structured education on knowledge and glycemic control. Patients and methods: The study included 102 patients with diabetes mellitus (20 patients with type 1 diabetes and 82 patients with type 2 diabetes), aged 20-80 years (median age 60 years), consecutively referred to Diabetes outpatient clinic structured education program at Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka, within a six month period. Patients were asked to complete 12-item questionnaire before the education program and immediately after its completion. The maximum possible score was 11 (1 point for each correctly answered item), since the last item of the questionnaire was knowledge self-assessment (Table 1). Glycated hemoglobin A1c was measured initially and 3 months after the education program. Data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Office), MedCalc v12.1.3 (MedCalc Software bvba, Ostend, Belgium) and Statistica v13.3 (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States). Criterion for statistical significance was estimated on P<0,05. Results: Significant improvement in knowledge was noticed after completion of the education program (4,1 ± 2,3 vs 9,3 ± 1,6, P <0,001), followed by a significant reduction in glycated hemoglobin A1c levels (8,0 ± 1,8% vs 7,1 ± 1,3%, P<0,001). Moreover, the education program resulted in threefold increase in the number of patiens who perceive themselves to be adequately educated on diabetes (28,4% vs 84,3%, P<0,001). Conclusions: The overall increase in knowledge and self-confidence followed by reduction of glycated hemoglobin A1c by 0,9%, confirmed the efficacy of diabetes structured education.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 3 ; str. 260-273  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šećerna bolest -- Edukacija -- Glikirani hemoglobin

Uloga Laboratorija za tipizaciju tkiva u povijesnom razvoju transplantacije bubrega u Rijeci [Elektronička građa] = The role of tissue typing Laboratory in the historical development of the kidney transplantation in Rijeka / Nataša Katalinić, Sanja Balen. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Prva uspješna transplantacija bubrega u Jugoslaviji ostvarena je u Rijeci 30. siječnja 1971. kao rezultat multidisciplinarne suradnje u kojoj su značajni doprinos pružili djelatnici Laboratorija za tipizaciju tkiva, tada bolnice „Dr. Zdravko Kučić“ na Sušaku, a danas Kliničkog bolničkog centra (KBC) u Rijeci. Upravo su intenzivne pripreme za zahvat transplantacije potakle osnivanje prvog Laboratorija za tipizaciju tkiva u Hrvatskoj pri Stanici, kasnije Zavodu za transfuzijsku medicinu. Ovim radom prikazan je utjecaj povijesnog razvoja Laboratorija na uspješnost transplantacijskog programa te postizanje i održavanje statusa riječkog KBC-a kao jednog od vodećih transplantacijskih centara u Hrvatskoj. Temeljem proučavanja povijesnih dokumenata Laboratorija i arhive KBC-a prikazan je razvoj tipizacije tkiva u Rijeci od osnutka Laboratorija 1971. do danas. Opisan je napredak u usvajanju novih metoda tipizacije tkiva u određivanju polimorfizma sustava HLA, probiru seruma pacijenata na prisustvo protutijela HLA i određivanju njihove specifičnosti, te križnih proba u svrhu otkrivanja donor-specifičnih protutijela. Odabir i primjena optimalnih metoda rada u Laboratoriju pridonijela je usvajanju najnovijih spoznaja u transplantacijskoj imunologiji i povijesnom razvoju transplantacijskog programa u Rijeci. - The first successful kidney transplantation in Yugoslavia was performed in Rijeka, on the 30th of January, 1971, at that time in the “Dr. Zdravko Kučić” Hospital at Sušak, and today in the Clinical Hospital Centre (CHC) in Rijeka. The transplantation was a result of a multidisciplinary cooperation where a significant contribution was provided by the Tissue Typing Laboratory employees. Intensive preparations for the transplant procedure have been crucial for the founding of the first Tissue Typing Laboratory in Croatia as a part of the Station, later the Transfusion Medicine Institute. This paper presents the impact of the historical development of the Laboratory on the success of the transplant programme, the achievement and maintenance of the status of the CHC Rijeka, as one of the leading transplant centre in Croatia. Based on the study of the historical documents of the Laboratory and CHC archives, the development of tissue typing in Rijeka has been presented here since the establishment of the Laboratory in 1971 until the present day. The progress has been described in the adoption of new tissue typing methods in determining the polymorphism of the HLA system, the serum screening for the presence of HLA antibodies and determination of their specificity, as well as crossmatches for detecting donor-specific antibodies. Selection and application of optimal work methods at the Tissue Typing Laboratory contributed to the adoption of the latest findings in transplant immunology and the historical development of the transplant programme in Rijeka.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 3 ; str. 224-231  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Transplantacija bubrega -- Transplantacijska imunologija -- Tkivna podudarnost -- Povijesni pregled
KBC Rijeka


Uspješno liječenje pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta u pacijenta s kroničnom hiperuricemijom [Elektronička građa] = Successful treatment of pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta in a patient with chronic hyperuricemia / Dora Gašparini, Marija Kaštelan. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 39 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj: Prikazati slučaj pacijenta s pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta, s predstavljanjem dijagnostičkih i terapijskih izazova ovog kliničkog entiteta. Prikaz slučaja: Tridesetogodišnji pacijent upućen je na Kliniku za dermatovenerologiju zbog kožnih promjena popraćenih svrbežom u trajanju od mjesec i pol dana. Crvene papule i papulokruste bile su prisutne na trupu, gornjim i donjim ekstremitetima, no na gornjim i donjim ekstremitetima bile su brojnije i jače izražene nego na trupu. Pacijent je naveo da je povremeno uzimao febuksostate za liječenje kronične hiperuricemije tijekom posljednje četiri godine. Započeta je lokalna terapija kombinacijom betametazona i gentamicina te peroralnim desloratadinom. U krvnoj slici uočene su neutropenija, povišene vrijednosti kolesterola lipoproteina niske gustoće i povišene vrijednosti urata. Učinjena je biopsija kožne promjene, a pacijentu je preporučen doksiciklin uz nastavak liječenja betametazonom i gentamicinom. Patohistološki nalaz opisivao je ulcerirani epidermis s edemom, granulacijskim tkivom i ekstravazacijom eritrocita u dnu ulceracije. Prema bazi ulceracije i subepidermalno nalazili su se infiltrati limfocita i histiocita, a epidermis je na rubovima ulceracije bio nepravilno hiperplastičan s izraženom spongiozom. Time je potvrđena dijagnoza pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta. Po završetku liječenja doksiciklinom došlo je do potpune regresije kožnih promjena i sniženja vrijednosti urata. Zaključci: U pacijenata s dijagnozom pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta potreban je povećan oprez u dijagnosticiranju i liječenju te redovito praćenje stanja zbog širokog spektra diferencijalnih dijagnoza i mogućnosti postavljanja krive dijagnoze. Nužna su daljnja istraživanja o etiopatogenetskoj osnovi ove bolesti s ciljem upotrebe tih znanja u uspješnijem liječenju. - Aim: To report a case of a patient with pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta, emphasising the challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of this clinical entity. Case report: A 30-year-old patient was referred to the Department of Dermatology and Venereology due to skin changes accompanied by itching persisting for one and a half month. Red papules and papulocrusts were found on the trunk, upper and lower limbs, but in a larger number and more severely affecting the trunk than the limbs. The patient stated the occasional use of febuxostat for the treatment of chronic hyperuricemia that has been diagnosed four years prior. Treatment with desloratadine and a combination of bethametasone and gentamicin was started. The laboratory results showed neutropenia, high levels of low density lipoprotein cholesterol and high levels of urate. The biopsy of the skin lesion has been done. Doxycycline treatment and continuing treatment with bethametasone and gentamicin were recommended to the patient. Pathohistological finding described ulcerated epidermis with oedema, granulation tissue and erythrocyte extravasation in the floor of the ulceration. Lymphocytic and histiocytic infiltrates were found in the base of the ulceration and subepidermally. The epidermis on the edge of the ulceration was irregularly hyperplastic and showed spongiosis. The diagnosis of pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta has been confirmed. Upon completion of doxycycline treatment skin changes were in regression and urate levels decreased. Conclusions: Not only caution in diagnosis and treatment, but also regular follow-up is necessary in patients diagnosed with pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta because of a wide range of differential diagnoses and a possibility of misdiagnosis. Further research on the etiopathogenesis of this disorder is needed in order to improve treatment outcomes.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 4 ; str. 370-375  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kožne bolesti -- Parapsorijaza -- Doksiciklin -- Pityriasis lichenoides

ŽUŽIĆ, Sabina
Usporedba doznih parametara digitalne sintetske mamografije s tomosintezom i standardne mamografije [Elektronička građa] = The parametric comperison of digital synthetic mammography with tomosynthesis and standard mammography / Sabina Žužić, Petra Valković Zujić, Damir Miletić, Lovro Tkalčić, Ana Diklić, Doris Šegota. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj: Osnovni cilj našeg istraživanja je usporedba doznih parametara i debljine komprimirane dojke kod mamografskog pregleda koji je izvršen digitalnom tomosintezom (engl. digital breast thomosynthesis; DBT) i standardne, 2D mamografije. Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanje je uključeno 200 ispitanica životne dobi od 40 do 81 godine (median 60,5 ± 10,6). Ispitanice su podijeljene u dvije skupine, ovisno o vrsti mamografskog pregleda. Ova retrospektivna analiza obuhvatila je pretrage koje su vršene na mamografskom uređaju Hologic Selenia Dimensions (Hologic, Bedford, Mass) u razdoblju od 1. veljače 2018. do 30. ožujka 2018. Rezultati: Hi-kvadrat testom isključila se statistički značajna razlika u gustoći parenhima dojki između dviju grupa ispitanica. T-test nije pokazao statistički značajnu razliku u dobi ispitanica, kao niti razlike u debljini komprimiranih dojki između dviju ispitanih skupina. Vrijednost srednje glandularne doze (engl. average glandular dose; AGD) kod DBT-a u odnosu na 2D mamografiju bila je viša 0,53 mGy za lijevu dojku, a 0,37 mGy za desnu dojku (3,83 / -1 mGy, p = 0.001; 3.82 / -0.9 mGy, p = 0.023). Zaključak: Usprkos statistički značajnoj razlici u AGD-u kod DBT-a u odnosu na 2D mamografiju između dviju skupina ispitanica, ona je unutar granica prihvatljivosti propisanih Pravilnikom o uvjetima za primjenu izvora ionizirajućeg zračenja u svrhu medicinskog i nemedicinskog ozračenja (NN 42/2018, 9. 5. 2018.), stoga smatramo da je opravdano uvođenje DBT-a kao standardne radiološke metode pregleda dojki. - Aim: The main goal of our research is to compare the thickness of the breast and the parameters of DBT and standard 2D mammography. Respondents and methods: The study included 200 respondents with an age range from 40 to 81 years, (median 60,5 ± 10,6). The respondents are divided into 2 groups depending on the type of mammograms they were subjected to. This retrospective analysis included tests performed on the mammography device Hologic Selenia Dimensions (Hologic, Bedford, Mass) in the period from February, 1st till March, 30th 2018. Results: Hi-square test excluded statistically significant difference in breast density. The T-test didn’t show any statistically significant difference in breast thickness between two groups. The mean values of the overall glandular dose of the DBT for left and rigt breast were 0.53 mGy and 0,37 mGy, respectively (3.83 / -1mGy, p = 0.001, 3.82 / -0.9 mGy, p = 0.023). The difference was statistically significant and dose was 20% greater in DBT. Conclusion: Despite the statistically significant difference in the absorbed glandular dose between the two groups, it remains within the limits of acceptability according to the guidelines provided by the Ordinance on Conditions for application of sources of ionizing radiation for the purpose of medical and non – medical irradiation (OG 42/2018, 9.5.2018). Digital breast tomosynthesis with S-mammography is an important imaging modality in early detection of pathological breast changes.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 4 ; str. 361-369  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Digitalna tomosinteza dojki -- Glandularna doza -- Mamografija -- Probir karcinoma dojke -- Sintetska mamografija -- Radiološka dijagnostika

Vidi br.: HA19-01376

Vidi br.: HA19-01549

Vidi br.: HA19-01355

Vidi br.: HA19-01369

Vidi br.: HA19-01528

Vidi br.: HA19-01516

Vidi br.: HA19-01530

Vidi br.: HA19-01512

Vidi br.: HA19-01518

616.31   Stomatologija

DEKANIĆ, Ana Maria
Izbjeljivanje zuba tehnikom "take-home" [Elektronička građa] = "Take-home" tooth bleaching / Ana Maria Dekanić, Renata Volf, Jelena Prpić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 37 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Izbjeljivanje zuba je aktualni estetski trend kojim se posvijetljuje postojeća boja zuba. Postoje razne tehnike izbjeljivanja, od onih u ordinaciji do onih koje se provode kod kuće. S obzirom na podrijetlo diskoloracija, stanje usne šupljine, indikacije i kontraindikacije, doktor dentalne medicine u dogovoru s pacijentom odabire najprikladniju tehniku izbjeljivanja. „Take-home“ je učinkovita i jednostavna tehnika izbjeljivanja pomoću udlage, koja se provodi kod kuće uz nadzor doktora dentalne medicine. Prije izbjeljivanja potrebno je sanirati usnu šupljinu te provesti profesionalno čišćenje mekih i tvrdih zubnih naslaga strojnim i ručnim instrumentima. Boju ispuna moguće je prilagoditi nakon izbjeljivanja izradom novog ispuna odgovarajuće boje. Izbjeljivanje se ne preporučuje pacijentima s parodontnom bolesti. Najčešće korišteni materijal je 10 – 16 %-tni karbamid-peroksid. Njegova se koncentracija može postupno i povećavati kako bi se izbjegle nuspojave, među kojima su najčešće preosjetljivost zuba i iritacija gingive. Postupak izbjeljivanja obično traje 10 – 14 dana po čeljusti. Cilj ovog članka je predstaviti u današnje vrijeme vrlo popularnu tehniku izbjeljivanja „take-home“, kao jedan od mogućih načina izbjeljivanja zuba. - Tooth bleaching is a current aesthetic trend which lightens the basic colour of the teeth. There are various bleaching techniques ranging from those performed in the dental office to those performed at home. Regarding the origin of discolorations, oral cavity condition, indications and contraindications, the doctor of dental medicine chooses in collaboration with the patient the most appropriate whitening technique. “Take-home” is an effective and simple bleaching technique performed by patients at home using trays, supervised by the dentist. Before the bleaching process, it is necessary to resolve the oral cavity health issues and perform the professional cleaning of soft and hard tooth deposits using power-driven and hand instruments. After bleaching old fillings may be replaced with new ones of the matching colour. Bleaching is not recommended for patients with periodontal disease. The most commonly used material is 10 – 16 % carbamide-peroxide. Its concentration may be gradually increased thus avoiding the side effects such as tooth sensitivity and gingival irritation. The bleaching procedure usually lasts 10 to 14 days per jaw. The aim of this article is to present a currently very popular "take-home" bleaching technique as one of several possible options of tooth bleaching.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 4 ; str. 322-328  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Izbjeljivanje zubi -- Preosjetljivost -- Udlaga

617   Kirurgija. Ortopedija. Oftalmologija

Akutna posteriorna multifokalna plakoidna pigmentna epiteliopatija (APMPPE) – moguća klinička slika okularne borelioze [Elektronička građa] : prikaz slučaja = Acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE) – a possible clinical picture of ocular borreliosis : case report / Tvrtka Benašić, Maja Vinković, Andrijana Kopić, Nenad Vukojević, Krešimir Mandić, Dubravka Biuk. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj: Prikazati slučaj pacijenta s akutnom posteriornom multifokalnom plakoidnom pigmentnom epiteliopatijom (APMPPE) u sklopu infekcije borelijom Lyme. Prikaz slučaja: Šesnaestogodišnjeg pacijenta uputio je pedijatar zbog naglog pada vidne oštrine na desnom oku. Vidna oštrina kod dolaska bila je 0,01 po Snellenu. Žalio se i na zatiljnu glavobolju unazad nekoliko dana i naveo ubod nepoznatog kukca s okolnim osipom na koži. Na oba oka na fundusu su se utvrdili znakovi korioretinitisa. Učinjena je optička koherentna tomografija (OCT, engl. optical coherence tomography), OCT-angiografija (OCT-A), vidno polje (VP), fluoresceinska angiografija (FA), angiografija indocijanin zelenilom (ICGA, engl. indocyanine green angiography), kompletna laboratorijska, serološka i imunološka obrada, rendgen srca i pluća, magnetska rezonancija (MR) mozga, pregled i konzultacija infektologa i neuropedijatra. Postavljena je dijagnoza APMPPE-a i uvedena peroralna terapija metilprednizolonom 0,5 mg/kg tjelesne težine i doksiciklinom 2 x 100 mg dnevno. Serodijagnostika je pokazala povišene vrijednosti IgM i IgG na Borreliu spp metodom imunoenzimske analize (ELISA, engl. Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay), što je bilo potvrđeno western blot analizom. Terapija je dovela do brzog poboljšanja kliničke slike i vidne oštrine na 0,75. Zaključci: Želimo naglasiti da je u slučaju APMPPE-a potrebno napraviti kompletnu obradu kako bi se isključile konkomitantne infekcije, a potrebno je posumnjati i na okularnu boreliozu, osobito u slučaju ugriza krpelja ili nepoznatog kukca, čak i kad se pacijenti ne sjećaju ugriza. Ovakav pristup omogućava promptno liječenje APMPPE-a i borelioze kako bi se smanjile okularne ili/i sistemske komplikacije. - Aim: To present a case report of a patient with acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE) with borreliosis. Case report: A 16-year-old male patient presented with a heavy visual acuity loss on the right eye (BCVA 0.01 on Snellen chart) and occipital headache that lasted a few days. He recalled a bite of an unknown bug and a skin rash around it. Acute chorioretinitis was present bilaterally. Optical coherence tomography (OCT), OCT-angiography (OCTA), visual field (VF), fluorescein angiography (FA), indocyanine green angiography (ICGA), complete laboratory, chest x ray, brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Infectologist and neuropediatric examination and consultation were made. The diagnosis of APMPPE was established and the oral therapy was induced (methylprednisolone 0.5 mg/ kg/day and doxycycline 2x100 mg/day). Elevated titres of IgM and IgG antibodies to Borrelia spp. were found on Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA) and confirmed by western-blot. A quick restoration of the clinical picture and visual acuity up to 0.75 were noticed after the administration of the therapy. Conclusions: It is important to emphasize that in the case of APMPPE it is necessary to exclude concomitant infections, especially ocular borreliosis, particularly in the case of a tick or any bug bite, even in cases when the patients do not remember the bug bite. In those circumstances the prompt therapy of APMPPE and borreliosis assures proper treatment, which diminishes ocular or systemic complications.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 2 ; str. 167-173  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Borrelia -- Korioretinitis -- Lymeova bolest

Apendicitis u trudnoći [Elektronička građa] = Appendicitis in pregnancy / Mario Milotić, Luciana Miljas, Vilma Grbas, Harry Grbas. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Akutni apendicitis jedan je od najčešćih uzroka razloga indiciranja neopstetričkog operativnog zahvata u trudnica. Iako se može prezentirati klasičnom kliničkom slikom, u trudnoći je zbog fizioloških i anatomskih promjena atipična slika češća. To čini dijagnozu ovog stanja kompliciranom te ona zahtijeva osim kliničkog pregleda i daljnje pretrage. One uključuju diferencijalnu krvnu sliku i CRP te slikovne pretrage. Činjenica da leukocitoza u trudnoći ne predstavlja patologiju te da CRP može pokazivati tendenciju rasta potvrđuje da ove metode nisu pretjerano uspješne. Od slikovnih pretraga najbolja se pokazala magnetska rezonancija, ali je njezina dostupnost ograničena. Liječenje se provodi kirurški, pri čemu postoje različiti pristupi. Iako postoje brojni radovi koji preferiraju otvorenu nad laparoskopskom apendektomijom, novija istraživanja pokazuju kako nema značajnih rizika za majku i fetus kod korištenja laparoskopskog pristupa. U novije se doba spominje i konzervativni način liječenja antibioticima, ali zbog mogućih komplikacija on se izbjegava, osim u slučajevima nedostupne kirurške skrbi. Akutni apendicitis je stanje koje treba brzo riješiti kako bi se izbjegle komplikacije koje u nekim slučajevima mogu izazvati značajne posljedice za majku i dijete. U članku je prikazan cjelovit pristup trudnici s apendicitisom uz korištenje najnovije literature. - Acute appendicitis (AA) is one of the most common non-obstetric indications for surgery in pregnant women. Even though it can present with a typical set of symptoms, in pregnancy due to the physiological and anatomical changes, an atypical presentation is more common. This makes the diagnosis of AA very complicated and it requires additional exams which include a blood work, CRP and imaging studies. Since leucocytosis and increased levels of CRP are physiological finding in pregnancy, those tests are not very helpful. MRI is the best imaging test in this situation, but its availability is limited. The treatment is surgical, and it includes two approaches: open appendectomy (OA) or laparoscopic appendectomy (LA). Even though many studies that predilect OA can be found, recent discoveries indicate that there is no statistically significant difference in the risk for the mother and foetus between the two approaches. Some studies introduce a non-operative approach as a valuable substitution for a surgical approach in case of AA especially in the areas where surgical care is limited or unavailable. AA in pregnancy is a condition that must be recognized and treated as soon as possible in order to avoid severe complications for the mother and the child. This review gives an integral approach to a pregnant woman with appendicitis, and it’s based on the latest published literature.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 4 ; str. 346-349  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Trudnoća -- Apendicitis -- Apendektomija -- Laparoskopija -- Upala slijepog crijeva

GALIOT Delić, Martina
Cistoidni edem makule kod giratne atrofije žilnice i mrežnice u sklopu hiperornitinemije [Elektronička građa] : prikaz slučaja = Cystoid macular edema in gyrate atrophy of choroid and retina associated with hyperornithinemia : case report / Martina Galiot Delić, Jelena Juri Mandić, Tomislav Jukić, Sanja Perić, Zlatko Juratovac, Petra Kristina Ivkić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj: Cilj rada je prikazati klinički tijek, dijagnostiku i liječenje šestgodišnje djevojčice s giratnom atrofijom i obostranim cistoidnim edemom makule. Prikaz slučaja: U četverogodišnje djevojčice tijekom sistematskog pregleda nađeni su slabija vidna oštrina i konvergentni strabizam. Nakon dvogodišnjeg liječenja slabovidnosti primjećuje se obostrani makularni edem te se dijete upućuje na daljnju obradu na Kliniku za oftalmologiju. Djevojčica je tada imala vidnu oštrinu 0.15 na oba oka, obostrani edem makule i ovalne zone korioretinalne atrofije na periferiji mrežnice. Uvedena je antiedematozna terapija. Učinjena je cjelovita klinička i laboratorijska obrada i u plazmi nađena visoka koncentracija ornitina, te je postavljena dijagnoza giratne atrofije (GA) korioretine. U terapiju je uveden piridoksin (vitamin B6). Po terapiji je došlo do neznatnog smanjenja koncentracije ornitina u plazmi te je uvedena i prehrana s ograničenim unosom proteina kojom se također nije postigao željeni učinak. Naposljetku je uz navedeno započeto liječenje aminokiselinom L-lizinom. Kombinacija navedenih terapijskih mjera dovela je do značajnog smanjenja koncentracije ornitina u plazmi, koja je smanjena na oko trećinu u odnosu na koncentracije prije početka liječenja. Uz laboratorijske pokazatelje bolje kontrole bolesti zamijećeno je prolazno kliničko poboljšanje, smanjenje makularnog edema, ali se progresija perifernih atrofičnih lezija nije zaustavila. Zaključak: Cistoidni edem makule u pacijenata s giratnom atrofijom praćen je oslabljenom vidnom oštrinom. Unatoč intenzivnom liječenju edem makule perzistira te je vidljiva daljnja progresija atrofičnih žarišta na periferiji fundusa. Smanjenje koncentracija ornitina u plazmi bitan je preduvjet za usporenje progresije bolesti i odgađanje trajnog gubitka vidne funkcije. - Aim: The aim is to present the clinical course, diagnostics and treatment of six-year-old girl with gyrate atrophy and bilateral cystoid macular edema. Case report: Four-year old girl was found with low vision and convergent strabismus in a systematic medical examination. After two years of the amblyopia treatment bilateral macular edema was detected and the child was refered to The Department of Ophthalmology. She presented with the both eyes best corrected visual acuity 0.15, bilateral cystoid macular edema and peripheral, oval zones of chorioretinal atrophy. Antiedematous therapy was administered. Clinical work-up revealed extremely high plasma concentrations of ornithine and the diagnosis of gyrate atrophy (GA) of the chorioretina due to the lack of mitochondrial enzyme ornithine aminotransferase was established. The therapy with pyridoxine (vitamin B6) was started. This treatment led to slight reduction of serum ornithin concentrations; hence, low-protein diet was introduced, but decrease of ornithine concentrations was still insufficient. Therefore, the treatment with amino acid L-lysine was introduced in the therapy. Plasma ornithine concentrations successfully decreased to almost one third of the initial concentration. There was a transient decrease of cystoid macular edema, but atrophic lesions of the peripheral fundus progressed. Conclusion: Cystoid macular edema in patients with gyrate atrophy was followed by impaired visual acuity. Despite the intensive treatment macular edema persisted and further progression of atrophic lesion on the fundus periphery was detected. The maintenance of low plasma ornithine levels is an essential prerequisite for slowing the development of the disease and postponing the permanent loss of visual function.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 2 ; str. 179-184  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bolesti oka -- Cistoidni edem makule -- Giratna atrofija -- Ornitin aminotransferaza

Cystoid macular edema after cataract surgery [Elektronička građa] = Cistoidni makularni edem nakon operacije katarakte / Maja Merlak, Renata Gržetić-Lenac, Marijana Bilen Babić, Ivana Valković Antić, Petra Grubešić, Tamara Paravić.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Pseudophakic cystoid macular edema (PCME) is the most common complication of cataract surgery and is one of the possible causes of low visual acuity after cataract surgery. Various factors are implicated in its development but the core mechanism is likely surgically induced anterior segment inflammation that results in the release of endogenous inflammatory mediators. Anti-inflammatory medicines, including steroid and nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs, are postulated as having a role in both the prophylaxis and treatment of PCME. This article presents an updated review on the pathogenesis, risk factors, prophylaxis and treatment in PCME that reflect current research and practice. - Cistoidni makularni edem komplikacija je nakon operacije katarakte i najčešći je uzrok loše vidne oštrine nakon operacije katarakte. Različiti su patofiziološki mehanizmi nastanka makularnog edema, ali najčešće se dovodi u vezu s postoperativnom upalom pri kojoj se oslobađaju medijatori upale i dovode do nakupljanja tekućine u području makule. Protuupalni lijekovi, uključujući steroide i nesteroidne antireumatike, imaju veliku ulogu u profilaksi i terapiji cistoidnog makularnog edema. U ovom preglednom članku prikazani su najnoviji stavovi o patogenetskom mehanizmu nastanka edema, rizičnim faktorima, profilaksi i terapiji, proizišli iz istraživanja i kliničke prakse.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 2 ; str. 152-158  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Inhibitori ciklooksigenaze -- Katarakta -- Makularni edem -- Prostaglandini

KOVAČEVIĆ, Damir, liječnik
Mikrokirurško liječenje rupture žute pjege [Elektronička građa] = Microsurgical treatment of macular holes / Damir Kovačević, Tea Čaljkušić-Mance, Lana Kostić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 58 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Ruptura žute pjege poremećaj je koji zahvaća najdelikatnije strukture centralne mrežnice. Neliječena uglavnom dovodi do značajnog gubitka centralne vidne oštrine. Mikrokirurško liječenje rupture žute pjege prvi put se spominje 1991. godine u radovima Kelly i Wendela. Od tih relativno jednostavnih početaka uz upotrebu klasičnih vitrektoma velikog promjera i upotrebe zraka kao tamponade na kraju operacije do razvoja bešavnih mikroincizijskih tehnologija prošlo je više od 20 godina. Uvođenjem ljuštenja membrane limitans interne uz pomoć posebnih vitalnih boja i novih vrsta tamponada poboljšao se anatomski i funkcionalni uspjeh ovih operacija. Upotrebom optičke koherentne tomografije omogućena je bolja analiza vitreoretinalnih promjena, kao i praćenje postoperativnih promjena u području žute pjege. Nove metode u liječenju kompliciranih ruptura žute pjege kao što su formiranje inverznog poklopca od tkiva membrane limitans interne, farmakološka vitreoliza, transplantacija retine te novi oblici konzervativnog liječenja kod početnih ruptura žute pjege daju nadu da sve mogućnosti liječenja ove bolesti nisu iscrpljene. - A macular hole is a disorder of the most delicate structures in the central retina. Left untreated it usually leads to severe loss of visual acquity. Microsurgical treatment of macular holes is first mentioned in 1991 by Kelly and Wendell. It has been more than 20 years since those rather simple beginnings using classical vitrectomes with bigger radius and air tamponade to the suture-free microincision technologies we use today. Internal limiting membrane peeling in combination with special vital dyes and new types of tamponade upgraded the anatomical and functional success of these surgeries. Usage of optic coherence tomography enables better analysis of vitreoretinal disorders and monitoring postoperative changes in the macular area. New methods in treatment of complicated macular holes such as inverted internal limiting membrane flap, pharmacologic vitreolysis, retinal transplantation and new options of conservative treatment in initial stages of macular holes give confidence that there is still room for improvement in treatment of macular holes.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 2 ; str. 133-141  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mikrokirurgija -- Ruptura žute pjege -- Vitrektomija -- Mrežnica

Nove mogućnosti liječenja „suhe” senilne makularne degeneracije [Elektronička građa] = Novel possibilities in treatment of dry age-related macular degeneration / Tea Čaljkušić-Mance, Zvjezdana Alpeza-Dunato, Tamara Mišljenović-Vučerić, Renata Gržetić-Lenac, Ivan Brumini. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 106 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Senilna makularna degeneracija (engl. age-related macular degeneration; AMD) jedan je od najvažnijih uzroka gubitka centralnog vida kod starije populacije. Dijelimo je na „vlažnu” i „suhu” formu, ovisno o prisutnosti koroidne neovaskularizacije (engl. choroidal neovascularization; CNV). Do sada nijedna terapija nije potvrđena i odobrena za liječenje geografske atrofije (engl. geographic atrophy; GA), najtežeg oblika „suhog” AMD-a, jer nije bilo moguće popraviti oštećenja retinalnog pigmentnog epitela (engl. retinal pigment epithelium; RPE) i fotoreceptora. Liječenje se svodilo na pokušaje zaustavljanja progresije oboljenja i širenja geografske atrofije. Namjera ovog članka je prikazati podatke novijih dovršenih i tekućih kliničkih ispitivanja s naglaskom na mjesto djelovanja potencijalnih lijekova. Danas su nam dostupne brojne nove dijagnostičke metode koje nam omogućavaju bolje praćenje morfoloških promjena mrežnice, RPE-a i žilnice, kao i širenja područja atrofije. Oksidativni stres, kronična upala, insuficijentni koroidalni protok krvi te depoziti lipofuscina za koje se pretpostavlja da bi imali važniju ulogu u razvoju bolesti predstavljaju potencijalne mete za djelovanje lijekova. Velik je broj tekućih studija koje istražuju moguća rješenja, kao što su protuupalni i neuroprotektivni lijekovi te matične stanice, dok će samo neki od lijekova biti dostupni na tržištu i pružiti nadu pacijentima za očuvanje centralnog vida, pa ih je potrebno dugoročno pratiti. Uključiti treba i tretman ispodpražnim i mikropulsnim laserom koji je kod nekih oboljenja mrežnice pokazao određene rezultate u revitalizaciji tkiva, a koji koristimo i na našoj Klinici, te su prvi kratkoročni rezultati skromni ali ohrabrujući i zahtijevaju daljnje tretmane i praćenje. - Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the most important cause of central vision lost in elderly. AMD is “wet” or “dry”, depending on choroidal neovascularization (CNV) presence. Currently, no treatment iz approved for geographic atrophy (GA), late form of “dry” AMD because of imposibillity to restore retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and photoreceptors. So, all earlier treatment only tried to slow down disease and spreading of GA. This review focuses on current data about potential targets for therapies evaluated in novel clinical trials. Novel diagnostic tools are available today for better monitoring of morfological changes in retina, RPE and choroid and spreading of atrophy zone. Several pathways, including oxidative stress, deposits of lipofuscin, chronic inflammation andchoroidal blood flow insufficiency, seem to play an important role in the pathogenesis of “dry” AMD and represent possible targets for new therapies. A great number of treatment for GA such as anti-inflammatory agents, neuroprotective agents and stem cells are under investigation with promising results in preliminary study, and only few will enter the market. Besides them we need to mention subtreshold and micropulse laser treatment with ability to revitalize tissue. We, also, used them on our Eye clinic with “short-term” follow-up and modest but encouraging results, so we need other studies with “long-term” follow-up.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 2 ; str. 121-132  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Geografska atrofija -- Makularna degeneracija -- Matične stanice -- Neuroprotektivni lijekovi -- Protuupalni lijekovi

Pregled informacija o trenutnom stanju retinalnih proteza (bioničko oko) [Elektronička građa] = A review on the current status of retinal prostheses (bionic eye) / Goran Pelčić, Ivan Brumini, Tea Čaljkušić-Mance, Zvjezdana Alpeza-Dunato, Ivana Crnković, Martina Brumini. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 44 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Argus® II prva je retinalna proteza odobrena za liječenje slijepih pacijenata koji boluju od retinalne pigmentoze. Godine 2011. primila je oznaku CE-a (engl. European Committee) te 2013. odobrenje FDA-a (engl. Food and Drug Administration). Retinalna proteza pruža stabilnu, sigurnu i dugotrajnu retinalnu stimulaciju. Poboljšanje vida s retinalnim protezama ovisi o poboljšanju vidne rezolucije, razvoju točnog neuralnog obrasca za obradu slike i poboljšanju biološke kompatibilnosti uređaja kako bi se osigurala dugotrajnost. Jednom tema narodne predaje i znanstvene fantastike, ideja povratka vida slijepim osobama danas se približava realnosti. - Argus® II, the first retinal prosthesis is approved for the treatment of patients with retinal pigmentosis. 2011 has received the CE (European Committee) designation and 2013 FDA (Food and Drug Administration) Approval. Retinal prosthesis provides a stable, safe and long-lasting retinal stimulation. The improvement of vision with retinal prosthesis depends on the improvement of the visual resolution, development of the correct neural form for imaging and improvement of the biological compatibility of the device to ensure durability. Once the theme of folklore and science fiction, the idea of returning sight to blind people today is approaching reality.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 2 ; str. 159-166  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prostetski vid -- Retinalna pigmentoza -- Retinalna proteza -- Bioničko oko

GRUBIĆ Kezele, Tanja
Procjena uspješnosti protetičke rehabilitacije osoba s amputacijom donjeg uda [Elektronička građa] = Evaluation of prosthetic rehabilitation success in patients with lower limb amputation / Tanja Grubić Kezele, Dunja Mršić, Endi Radović, Ariana Fužinac-Smojver. - Ilustr.
Sadrži i: prilog na str. 288-290. - Bibliografija: 22 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj: Protetička rehabilitacija nakon amputacije donjeg uda uključuje sve kompleksne postupke i interakcije rehabilitacijskog tima i pacijenta koje su usmjerene cilju uspostavljanja sigurnog i stabilnog hoda s protezom. Nakon otpuštanja iz rehabilitacijskog centra pacijent koristi protezu, sukladno dobi, stilu života i okolini u kojoj živi. Cilj: Cilj rada je procijeniti uspješnost protetičke rehabilitacije osoba s amputacijom donjeg uda koristeći indekse predviđene mobilnosti pacijenta (engl. Amputee Mobility Predictor; AMP) i brzinu hoda. Ispitanici i metode: U radu su korišteni podaci pacijenata iz baze podataka Zavoda za fizikalnu i rehabilitacijsku medicinu Kliničkog bolničkog centra u Rijeci, a pri tome su u skladu s Helsinškom deklaracijom ostali anonimni: dob, spol, vrsta i strana amputacije, AMP, brzina hoda i vrijeme provedeno u protezi. Od sto pacijenata s amputacijom 62 su bila transtibijalna (TT) i 38 transfemoralna (TF). U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 27 žena i 73 muškarca. Svim pacijentima je utvrđen AMP indeks prije rehabilitacijskog postupka (AMPnoPRO) te nakon završenog rehabilitacijskog postupka (AMPPRO). Rezultati: Nakon provedene protetičke rehabilitacije utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u konačnoj mobilnosti (AMP: p <0,001) i brzini hoda (p = 0,002) između TT i TF grupa, odnosno bolji rezultat su postigli pacijenti s nižom razinom amputacije (TT). Također je utvrđena statistički značajna povezanost između vremena provedenog u protezi i brzini hoda te AMP indeksa (p <0,001). Zaključak: Razina amputacije je važna stavka koja pridonosi konačnom ishodu rehabilitacijskog postupka, odnosno viša razina amputacije kod pacijenata (TF) predstavlja jedan oblik ograničenja za bolji uspjeh u odnosu na pacijente s nižom razinom amputacije (TT). - Aim: Prothetic rehabilitation after lower limb amputation includes all complex procedures and interactions between the rehabilitation team and the patient aimed for establishing a safe and stable walk with the prosthesis. After being released from the rehabilitation center, the patient uses the prosthesis, according to age, lifestyle and the environment in which he lives. Aim: The aim of the paper is to evaluate the success of the prosthetic rehabilitation after lower limb amputation patients using Amputee Mobility Predictor (AMP) and walking speed measures. Patients and methods: The following patients’ data ware taken from the database at the Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine of the Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka, used in purpose of this work only, and stayed anonymous according to the Helsinki Declaration: age, sex, type and side of amputation, AMP, walking speed and the time spent in the prosthesis. From the 100 patients with amputation, 62 of them was transtibial (TT) and 38 transfemoral (TF). The AMP index was established for all patients prior to the rehabilitation procedure (AMPnoPRO) and after the completed rehabilitation procedure (AMPPRO). Results: After the prosthetic rehabilitation, a statistically significant difference in ultimate mobility (AMP: p <0,001) and walking speed (p = 0.002) between the TT and the TF group was established, respectively, in a patients with a lower level of amputation (TT). A statistically significant correlation between the time spent in the prosthesis and walking speed and AMP index (p <0.001) was also established. Conclusion: The level of amputation is an important factor contributing to the ultimate outcome of the rehabilitation process, and a higher level of amputation in patients (TF) is one form of limitation for better success compared to patients with lower amputation levels (TT).
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 3 ; str. 280-290  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Amputacija -- Protetička rehabilitacija -- Brzina hoda

Progresija makularnog edema nakon operacije katarakte kod dijabetičara [Elektronička građa] = Progression of macular oedema following cataract surgery in a diabetic patient / Petra Grubešić, Maja Merlak, Renata Gržetić, Marijana Bilen Babić, Vedran Markušić, Tamara Paravić.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Operacija katarakte najizvođenija je operacija u medicini. Šećerna bolest, kao jedno od najčešćih kroničnih oboljenja, povezana je s češćim i ranijim nastankom katarakte u odnosu na zdravu populaciju. Budući da je riječ o mikroangiopatskoj bolesti, u većini slučajeva imamo prisutan određeni stupanj oštećenja hematookularne barijere radi čega su pacijenti skloniji postoperativom padu vidne oštrine. Uzroci pada vidne oštrine postoperativno kod pacijenta sa šećernom bolesti nakon nekomplicirane operacije katarakte odnose se na nastanak postoperativnog cistoidnog makularnog edema ili na progresiju postojećeg dijabetičkog edema makule. Pravilnim postavljanjem dijagnoze te ordiniranjem pravilne i pravodobne terapije, navedene postoperativne komplikacije mogu se uspješno liječiti. - Cataract surgery is the most performed surgery in modern medicine. Furthermore, diabetes mellitus is related to higher incidence and the earlier onset of cataract compared to a healthy population. As it is a microangiopathic disease, commonly there is a degree of hematoocular barrier damage which makes the patients susceptible to the postoperative drop in eye acuity. The causes of postoperative eye acuity reduction in diabetic patients following uncomplicated cataract surgery are related to the either onset of postoperative cystoid macular oedema or progression of existing diabetic macular oedema.Making the correct diagnosis and ensuring correct and timely therapy, postoperative complications can be succesfully treated.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019),2 ; str.148-151  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Katarakta -- Makularni edem -- Šećerna bolest -- Dijabetes

Purtscherova retinopatija [Elektronička građa] : prikaz slučaja = Purtscher’s retinopathy : case report / Tea Čaljkušić-Mance, Lana Kostić, Damir Kovačević, Zvjezdana Alpeza-Dunato, Tamara Mišljenović-Vučerić, Goran Pelčić, Martina Brumini. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj: Cilj rada je prikazati slučaj Purtscherove retinopatije, rijetke hemoragijske i vazookluzivne vaskulopatije koju obilježava nagli značajni pad vida povezan s teškom traumom glave bez značajne ozljede oka. Može se javiti i u sklopu nekih netraumatskih stanja i tada se naziva retinopatija slična Purtcherovoj. U većini slučajeva javlja se bilateralno, dok je rjeđa unilateralna pojava. Budući da još uvijek ne postoje službene smjernice za liječenje Purtscherove retinopatije, ona svakako predstavlja izazov za kliničare. Prikaz slučaja: 28-godišnji muškarac požalio se na izrazito pogoršanje vida lijevog oka dva dana nakon traume glave zadobivene pri padu s motocikla. Detaljnim oftalmološkim pregledom ustanovljen je uredan nalaz očne pozadine desnog oka, dok su lijevo ustanovljene promjene papile vidnog živca, te krvarenja i blijede, jasno ograničene zone retine (Purtscherove mrlje) te pamučasti eksudati. Idući korak uključivao je kompjutoriziranu tomografiju orbita, optičku koherentnu tomografiju makula i vidnog živca, fluoresceinsku angiografiju i perimetriju te je postavljena konačna dijagnoza Purtscherove retinopatije, a u konzultaciji s neurokirurgom uvedena je pulsna terapija metilprednizolonom. Gotovo potpun oporavak vida i promjena na očnoj pozadini postignut je za 3 mjeseca. Zaključci: Purtscherova retinopatija razmjerno je rijetka bolest, a jednostrano pojavljivanje još je i rjeđe. Nema egzaktnih smjernica za liječenje ove bolesti, naime, neki autori navode poboljšanje nakon terapije metilprednizolonom, a neki su zabilježili i određeni stupanj oporavka bez liječenja. Svakako je potrebno sistematsko praćenje slučajeva koji se pojave te razmjena iskustava u svrhu preciznijeg određivanja adekvatne, eventualno i nove terapije. - Aim: To present a case of Purtscher's retinopathy, rare haemorrhagic and vasoocclusive vasculopathy characterized by sudden blindness associated with severe head trauma with non-ocular trauma. It can occur in the complete absence of trauma and the term Purtscher-like retinopathy is used. In most cases it occurs bilaterally, less common unilateral occurence. Since there are still no official guidelines for Purtscher's retinopathy treatment, it represents a challenge. Case report: A 28-year-old male patient who had head trauma secondary to motorcycle accident was referred to our Clinic two days after the trauma for left unilateral visual loss. The patient underwent a detailed ophthalmological examination with no remarkable signs on the right eye and changes of optic nerve head and retinal hemorrhages, multiple white retinal patches (Purtscher's flecken) and cotton wool spots on the left eye. The next step including orbital computerized tomography , macular and optic nervae head optic coherent tomography, fluorescein angiography and perimetry was performed and the patient was finally diagnosed as Purtscher's retinopathy. After consultation with neurosurgeon the patient was treated with pulse methylprednisolone. Almost complete recovery of vision and retinal changes was achieved in 3 months. Conclusions: Purtscher retinopathy is a relatively rare disease; unilateral appearance is less common. There are no exact guidelines for the treatment, some authors cite improvement after therapy with methyl-prednisolone, and some have recorded a certain degree of recovery without treatment. It is necessary to monitor systematically the cases that arise and exchange experiences for the purpose of more precise determination of adequate, possibly new, therapies.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 2 ; str. 174-178  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mrežnica -- Krvarenje mrežnice -- Metilprednizolon -- Retinopatija

Vidi br.: HA19-01547

618   Ginekologija. Porodiljstvo

Raynaudov fenomen kao prva manifestacija seroznog karcinoma visokog gradusa [Elektronička građa] : prikaz slučaja = Raynaud’s phenomenom as a first manifestation of high grade serosus carcinoma : case report / Sara Turina, Senija Eminović, Ani Mihaljević Ferari, Emina Babarović, Tatjana Zekić, Srđan Novak. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj: Prikazati slučaj pacijentice s Raynaudovim fenomenom kao prvom manifestacijom seroznog karcinoma visokog gradusa te dijagnostički i terapijski postupak. Prikaz slučaja: Pacijentica stara 47 godina upućena je na Odjel za reumatologiju i kliničku imunologiju zbog pozitivnih antinuklearnih antitijela i Raynaudova fenomena. Kliničkim pregledom i laboratorijskom obradom isključena je sistemska bolest vezivnog tkiva. Ultrazvukom abdomena uočena je cistična tvorba u području zdjelice. Tumorski markeri CA-125, HE-4 bili su povišeni. PET/CT analizom (pozitronska emisijska tomografija / kompjutorizirana tomografija) uočeno je pojačano nakupljanje radiofarmaka u supra/retroklavikularnim limfnim čvorovima, zdjelično i paraaortalno. Citološka punkcija limfnog čvora na vratu upućivala je na metastatski slabodiferencirani adenokarcinom. Učinjena je laparoskopija desnog i lijevog jajnika, obostrana salpingektomija te zdjelična limfadenektomija. Patohistološka analiza potvrdila je da se radi o intraepitelnom seroznom karcinomu visokog gradusa jajovoda. Nakon dijagnostičke obrade provedeno je 6 ciklusa kemoterapije (Paklitaksel i Carboplatina). Na kontrolnom CT-u nije bilo znakova diseminacije osnovne bolesti. Pacijentica je trenutno dobrog općeg stanja i liječi se Olaparibom. Raynaudov fenomen je u značajnom poboljšanju. Zaključak: Serozni karcinom visokog gradusa može se prezentirati na atipičan način. Iznenadna pojava Raynaudova fenomena kod mlađih osoba treba pobuditi sumnju na moguću malignu bolest. - Aim: To present a case of a patient with Raynaud’s phenomenom as the first manifestation of a high grade serosus carcinoma. Case report: A 47-year-old female has been referred to the Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology due to the positive antinuclear antibodies and Raynaud’s phenomena. Both clinical examination and laboratory treatment excluded systemic connective tissue disease. Abdominal ultrasound revealed cystic formation in the pelvis area. Tumor markers CA-125, HE-4 were elevated. PET / CT analysis (positron emission tomography/computed tomography) observed increased radiotracer uptake involving supra/retroclavicular lymph nodes, pelvic and paraortal. The cytology of the lymph node at the neck indicated a metastatic weak-bound adenocarcinoma. Left and right ovarian laparoscopy, double salpingectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy were performed. The pathological analysis confirmed that it was intraepithelial serous high grade fallopian tube cancer. The patient went to 6 cycles of chemotherapy (Paclitaxel and Carboplatin). Follow up CT didn’t show any signs of dissemination of the underlying disease. The patient is currently in a good general condition and treated with Olaparib. Raynaud’s phenomenon is significantly improved. Conclusion: Serous high-grade cancer can be presented in an atipic manner. The sudden occurrence of Raynaud’s phenomena in younger people should raise doubts about possible malignancy.
U: Medicina Fluminensis (Online). - ISSN 1848-820X. - 55 (2019), 4 ; str. 391-395  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Karcinom jajnika -- Karcinom jajovoda -- Raynaudov fenomen -- Serozni karcinom visokog gradusa

Vidi br.: HA19-01570

62   Inženjerstvo. Tehnika. Tehnologija

621   Strojarstvo. Nuklearna tehnika. Strojevi

Vidi br.: HA19-01663

621.3   Elektrotehnika

PAESANI, Daniele
A multi-parameter miniature photometric analyser for fully automated environmental water monitoring [Elektronička građa] / Daniele Paesani. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 6 jed. - Summary. - Nowadays, the increasing demand for constant in-situ monitoring of clean water, wastewater and sea water requires the deployment of automated platforms capable of on-line autonomous sampling, extended unattended operation and of multi-analyte detection. The Micro Loop Injection Analyser (μLIA) system hereby presented relies on integrated additively manufactured opto-fluidic components which allow for increased performance solutions to be implemented cost-effectively and in miniaturised footprints, targeting a wide spectrum of applications which ranges from in-situ environmental monitoring and field water testing to industrial process analysis. Preliminary tests of the μLIA unit have shown good reproducibility and stability of the system and a good performance of its self-calibration routines.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 6 (2019), 1 ; str. 34-39  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Analiza vode -- Fotometrijska analiza -- Mikrofluidni uređaj

Vidi br.: HA19-01587

623   Vojna tehnika

Vidi br.: HA19-01402

624/625   Građevinarstvo. Građevinsko inženjerstvo i tehnika. Gradnja prometnica

RIZAJ, Gazmend
Diplomatski sporovi oko transbalkanskih željezničkih projekata od 1900. do 1912. u kontekstu albanskoga pitanja [Elektronička građa] / Gazmend Rizaj. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 933-934. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Članak donosi pogled iz diplomatskoga ugla na suparništvo i nesuglasice velikih sila i novih balkanskih država u vezi s projektima transbalkanskih željeznica. Temelji se uglavnom na arhivskoj građi diplomatske provenijencije. Od 1900. do 1912. razvio se diplomatski diskurs o balkanskim željeznicama, prije svega između Austro-Ugarske i Srbije (1906. – 1912.). Međutim, ti će projekti ostati samo na papiru zbog političkih prevrata na Balkanu od 1908. do 1912., a osobito zbog diplomatske krize koja je 1912. zavladala između Austro-Ugarske i Srbije zbog izlaska Srbije na Jadran preko albanskoga primorja. - This article offers a view from a diplomatic standpoint on the rivalry and disputes between the great powers and the newly-established Balkan states regarding the trans-Balkan railway projects in the 1900–1912 period. It is based mostly on archival material of a diplomatic provenance. Economic and geostrategic issues have always been closely linked. In the context of the Balkans, these issues became more important in the early 20th century, when a clash of economic, political, and strategic interests took place between the great powers and the new Balkan states. The ideas and projects of building trans-Balkan railways were created in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, mostly within the frame of Austria-Hungary, Italy, Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, and Greece, but the Ottoman Empire and other European powers also became involved in the matter. Although these states cited economic interests, the Sublime Porte, which was responsible for issuing building concessions, was convinced that political and strategic goals stood behind these railway projects, and therefore hesitated for several years. A diplomatic discourse on the Balkan railways developed in the 1906–1912 period, primarily between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. However, these projects remained only on paper due to sudden political upheavals in the Balkans in the 1908–1912 period, and particularly due to the diplomatic crisis that took place between Austria-Hungary and Serbia, related to Serbia’s attempts to secure access to the Adriatic via the Albanian littoral.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 3 ; str. 911-935  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Željeznički projekti -- Diplomatski sporovi

628   Tehnika javnog zdravstva. Sanitarna tehnika i uređaji. Rasvjetna tehnika

Doprinos kućnog kompostiranja zaštiti okoliša [Elektronička građa] / Ivona Vidović, Lidija Runko Luttenberger. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Polazeći od činjenice da je kompostiranje prirodni proces biorazgradnje kojim nastaje humus, u radu je analiziran nastanak procesa kompostiranja i istaknuta njegova višestruka korist za biljni, životinjski svijet i za ljude. Naglašava se dobrobit komposta i u usporavanju globalnog zatopljenja, jer se poboljšanjem strukture tla, povećava i udio ugljika u njemu. Obrađene su osnovne faze koje se odvijaju u zemlji kako bi nastao kompost kao finalni proizvod, a prikazane su i okolnosti koje se mogu javiti prilikom samog procesa kompostiranja, poput neugodnih mirisa, prevelike vlažnosti ili suhoće zemlje i odviše prisutnih kukaca. Autori se zalažu za primjenu kućnog kompostiranja, čime se odvaja i smanjuje količina kućnog otpada, jer više od 30% otpada čini biootpad i naglašavaju da se kućnim kompostiranjem ujedno od otpada stvara vrijedan proizvod koji doprinosi plodnosti tla. - Given that composting represents a natural process of biodegradation the product of which is humus, the paper analyses the onset of composting process and highlights its numerous benefits for flora, fauna and humans. Emphasized is the role compost has in reducing the effects of global warming through improving soil structure and the amount of carbon captured in it. Basic stages are described that take place in the soil the output whereof is compost, and issues that can arise during the composting process are listed, such as odours, excessive humidity or dryness of soil, and disproportionate presence of insects. The authors advocate implementation of home composting by which separation and reduction of volumes of municipal waste are achieved as bio-waste makes more than 30% of municipal waste and also point out that home composting results in a valuable product which contributes to soil fertility.
U: Politehnika (Online). - ISSN 2584-6264. - 3 (2019), 1 ; str. 41-50  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kućno kompostiranje -- Biootpad -- Biorazgradnja -- Humus

Maintenance issues of the vacuum sewer system [Elektronička građa] / Dino Obradović, Marija Šperac, Saša Marenjak. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 47-48. - Summary. - A sewer system is an indispensable part of every settlement which contributes to the protection of the environment and people. There are many types of sewer systems. In addition to the standard sewer systems (mixed, separated, etc.), there are the alternative, non-standard systems, and one of them is a vacuum sewer system. In order for a sewer system to function correctly and to perform its tasks successfully, it needs to be maintained properly and regularly. Generally speaking, maintenance is considered to be a series of activities performed in order to achieve that constructed buildings allow an adequate use and functionality for the purpose they were designed for. Considering these systems are relatively new and still rarely used, there is no general practice or rules for use and maintenance of the same, and, most importantly, there is no user experience or people responsible for managing the work and maintenance. The paper will present the general characteristics and parts of vacuum sewer systems. Maintenance recommendations will be given, and maintenance costs specified making reference to the literature available to the authors.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 6 (2019), 2 ; str. 40-48  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kanalizacija -- Vakuumska kanalizacija -- Održavanje -- Troškovi

Monitoring of waters status on the area of the waste landfill [Elektronička građa] : case study Piškornica / Jasna Nemčić-Jurec. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 57-58. - Summary. - The remediation of the municipal waste landfill reduces the harmful effects of inadequately disposed waste in the environment and reduce the risks on human health. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the efficiency of the remediation (2005 to 2012) of waste landfill of Piškornica. Groundwater from piezometers (P2, P3, P4 and P5) at Piškornica and surface water from the Gliboki stream (upstream and downstream) were analyzed, before and after the remediation. The results of the analyzed parameters (KPK, BPK5, electroconductivity, iron) showed significant decrease in values (p <0.05) and up to 82% (BPK5 in P5) after remediation. The most significant decrease in the value of the indicators was determined in the P5, which is nearest and downstream from the landfill body. Significant difference (p <0.05) was not found at the upstream and downstream locations of the Gliboki stream basin before and after remediation. The numerical model of the groundwater flow shows that groundwater pollution will not occur even in the worst scenario (the largest possible pumping of 420 l/s) of the current capacity of the Ivanščak source. The results contributed to decisions on water management and further monitoring of water plans on landfill area.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 6 (2019), 2 ; str. 49-58  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Odlagališta otpada -- Sanacija -- Podzemne vode -- Numerički modeli

DOLAR, Davor
Municipal wastewater reclamation and water reuse for irrigation by membrane processes [Elektronička građa] / D. Dolar, M. Racar, K. Košutić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Summary. - Municipal wastewater was treated by membrane bioreactor (MBR), and the obtained MBR effluent was then treated by reverse osmosis (RO), and nanofiltration (NF). The MBR effluent was additionally treated by reverse osmosis (XLE) and nanofiltration (NF90 and NF270) membranes. RO and NF permeate output streams were assessed for their utilization in agricultural irrigation. The MBR used a hollow fiber ZeeWeed 1 ultrafiltration membrane. Conductivity, turbidity, total suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand, and dissolved organic carbon were rejected by MBR with average values of 10 %, 100 %, 99.8 %, 96 %, and 88 %, respectively. Further treatment with RO/NF membranes showed additional reduction in all measured parameters. According to results, MBR effluent belongs to the ‘slight to moderate’ degree of restriction on use due to conductivity, chloride, and sodium concentrations. RO/NF permeate, based on all parameters, belongs to the ‘none’ degree of restriction on use, except on sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), where it belongs to the ‘severe’ degree of restriction on use. Based on conductivity and SAR parameters, assessment of produced water quality obtained by blending of two effluents (50 % of MBR and 50 % of NF270 permeate) resulted in an output stream appropriate for irrigation, proving that the blending of output streams in this ratio is a good strategy for agricultural irrigation.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 3 ; str. 417-425  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Otpadne vode -- Komunalne otpadne vode -- Membranski procesi -- Navodnjavanje

DOLAR, Davor
Obrada komunalne otpadne vode membranskim procesima [Elektronička građa] / Davor Dolar, Marko Racar, Krešimir Košutić, Nina Čavarović, Klara Karadakić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Industrijalizacija, porast populacije i urbanizacija glavni su uzroci stvaranja sve većih količina komunalnih otpadnih voda (KOV) koje, neobrađene, predstavljaju ozbiljnu prijetnju prirodnim vodonosnicima. Radi zaštite okoliša i prirodnih resursa potrebno je primjenjivati visokoučinkovite i okolišu naklonjene tehnologije obrade KOV-a. Cilj ovog rada bio je obrada KOV-a naprednim membranskim postupcima; membranskim bioreaktorom (MBR) te dodatnom obradom MBR efluenta s nanofiltracijom (NF) i reverznom osmozom (RO). Laboratorijska i pilot-obrada KOV-a MBR-om rezultirala je smanjenjem kemijske potrošnje kisika (KPK), biokemijske potrošnje kisika (BPK5), mutnoće i suspendiranih tvari za više od 92 %. Mikrobiološki parametri smanjeni su za 4,12 log10 do 4,88 log10. Naknadna obrada MBR efluenta s RO/NF membranama (XLE i NF270) pokazala je dodatno smanjenje svih mjerenih parametara. - Industrialization, population growth, and urbanization are the main causes for the generation of increasing quantities of municipal wastewater (MWW) which, untreated, pose a serious threat to natural aquifers. In order to protect the environment and natural resources, it is necessary to use high-efficiency and environmentally friendly technologies for the treatment of MWW. The goal of this work was treatment of MWW with advanced membrane processes; membrane bioreactor (MBR) and nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO). Laboratory and pilot treatment of MWW with MBR resulted in a reduction of more than 92 % in chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), turbidity and suspended matter. The number of microbiological parameters decreased by 4.12 log10 to 4.88 log10. Subsequent treatment of MBR effluent with RO/NF membranes (XLE and NF270) further reduced all measured parameters.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 9/10 ; str. 547-552  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Komunalna otpadna voda -- Otpadna voda -- Reverzna osmoza -- Nanofiltracija -- Membranski procesi

ESKIN, Murat Gökhan
Real-time water quality monitoring of an artificial lake using a portable, affordable, simple, Arduino-based open source sensor [Elektronička građa] / Murat Gökhan Eskin, Milad Torabfam, Elefteria Psillakis, Alessandra Cincinelli, Hasan Kurt, Meral Yüce. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 13-14. - Summary. - Water quality assessment is vital to identify existing problems and any changes that emerge in water sources over a period of time. Conventional water quality monitoring systems remain to be limited to on-site sample collection and further analysis in environmental laboratories. The progress in Arduino-based low-cost and open-source hardware has paved the way for the development of low-cost, portable, and on-site measuring platforms. In this work, we have assembled an Arduino-based open-source water testing platform out of commercially available sensors and controllers. The water testing system was powered by a 9 V battery and had the capability of measuring water turbidity, acidity, and temperature on-site in real-time. The calibration and validation studies were carried out to assess the measurement capabilities of turbidity and pH sensors in the lab using calibration samples and UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectroscopy. The water quality platform was tested in an artificial lake that is located at Sabanci University Campus (Istanbul, Turkey), which serves as a reservoir for treated wastewaters and rainwater. Untreated wastewater samples were collected from the wastewater treatment station of the university for comparison. The measurements performed on several locations along the coast of the artificial lake were also validated in the laboratory. The water testing platform showed significant potential for miniaturization and portability of such analytical platforms for on-site environmental monitoring.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 6 (2019), 1 ; str. 7-14  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Izvori -- Kvaliteta vode -- Umjetna jezera -- Senzori -- Zamućenje vode -- Kiselost vode -- Temperatura vode

IPŠIĆ, Irena
Water in the urban space of Dubrovnik [Elektronička građa] / Irena Ipšić, Ivana Lazarević. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 193-197. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Many city wells and public cisterns, along with the water supply system built from the spring in Šumet to the urban centre in the fifteenth century, are an eloquent testimony of the great concern of the Dubrovnik authorities to provide its inhabitants with a sufficient and regular supply of fresh water. The mapping of public water locations inside the walled city area indicates the elite urban parts inhabited by the bulk of the nobility. Prior to the construction of the aqueduct, it was the area of Bunićeva poljana, today's Ulica od puča, in which the majority of wells had been dug. After the construction of the aqueduct, and in conformity with new communal solutions, the elite part shifted northwards, around the Placa, main street, which transformed into a new city centre. - Dubrovačko područje je bogato vodom i izvorima, ali usprkos tomu briga o vodoopskrbi stanovništva grada datira, koliko znamo, još od kasne antike. Tome svjedoče pronađeni bunari na Bunićevoj poljani, ispod katedrale, u Ulici Od puča i na još nekim mjestima u gradu unutar zidina. Također, stanovništvo se vodom opskrbljivalo i sabiranjem kišnice u cisterne (gustijerne). Rastom broja stanovništva i opskrba vodom je postala upitna pogotovo za vrijeme ljetnih suša kada su cisterne presušivale, a voda u bunarima postajala preslana. Da bi riješila problem, dubrovačka vlada se odlučila graditi vodovodni sustav za čiju su izgradnju doveli stručnjake iz Italije. Nakon dovršetka izgradnje cijelog vodovodnog kanala po projektu Napolitanca Onofrija della Cave, počelo se s gradnjom fontani u samoj gradskoj jezgri. Jedna, Velika Onofrijeva smještena je na zapadnom kraju Place, ispred franjevačkog samostana i samostana klarisa, a druga i manja na istočnom kraju Place. Pored njih, u Gradu su se nalazile i židovska fontana, fontana u Kneževom dvoru, cisterne u franjevačkom i dominikanskom samostanu, ali i privatne cisterne u privatnim kućama i vlasteoskim palačama. Dovođenjem tekuće vode u grad poboljšala se kvaliteta života i higijenski uvjet, a time je omogućen i razvoj gospodarstva. Ove fontane su postali važni punktovi, sastajališta, mjesta oko kojih se odvijao život grada. O njihovoj važnosti svjedoči i činjenica da je najveći seksterij u francuskom popisu iz 1808. i u popisu stanovništva 1817. nazvan upravo po Velikoj Onofrijevoj fontani (Fontana Grande). Pronađeni pučevi na Bunićevoj poljani, u blizini krstionice, koja se nalazila na ovom trgu do 19. stoljeća, svetišta katedrale, odnosno ulaza u katedralu prije njezine preorijentacije u baroku, govori o važnosti ovog prostora. Tu je vjerojatno bila i kuća kneza Damjana Jude (+1205), nekadašnjeg prvog čovjeka grada što dodatno potkrepljuje ovu tvrdnju.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 38 (2019), 56 ; str. 181-198  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Voda -- Vodovod -- Zdenci -- Cisterne

Vidi br.: HA19-01672

Vidi br.: HA19-01643

Vidi br.: HA19-01639

Vidi br.: HA19-01580

Vidi br.: HA19-01693

Vidi br.: HA19-01690

Vidi br.: HA19-01645

629   Tehnika vozila

Ethics of work and discipline in transition [Elektronička građa] : Uljanik in late and post-socialism / Stefano Petrungaro. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 210-213. - Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - The article examines the development of the work discipline and the ethics of work in the shipyard Uljanik in Pula considering the period from the 1980s up to now. Combining oral sources, archival documents, and factory’s magazines, one first conclusion is that in the framework of the self-management system labour discipline was certainly not severe, but neither absent. It was rather in the first half of the 1990s that work discipline vanished, before to be reinstated, in quite new forms, from the second half of the 1990s onwards. Secondly, the article shows how the workers-managers relations worsened in the post-socialist years. This caused a profound emotional detachment by the workers from their work and the factory. In the absence of the older ethics of work, and of a mutual respect between workers and managers (both directors and foremen), what seems to have remained for managing work and the workers is only contemporary labour discipline. - Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit der Entwicklung der Arbeitsdisziplin und -ethik in der Schiffswerft Uljanik in Pula ab den 1980er Jahren bis heute. Die erste Schlussfolgerung ist, dass die Arbeitsdisziplin, obwohl sie im Rahmen des Selbstverwaltungssystems sicherlich nicht streng war, nicht komplett abwe-send war. Die Arbeitsdisziplin verschwand eher in der ersten Hälfte der 1990er Jahre und erschien in der zweiten Hälfte der 1990er Jahre wieder, jetzt aber in ganz neuer Form. Zweitens, der Artikel legt dar, wie sich das Verhältnis zwisc-hen Arbeitnehmern und Geschäftsführung in den post-sozialistischen Jahren verschlechtert hat. Dies trug dazu bei, dass sich die Arbeiter von ihrer Arbeit und ihrer Werft immer weiter emotional entfernt haben. Da es an einer älteren Arbeitsethik und am gegenseitigen Respekt zwischen Arbeitern und Geschäft-sführung mangelte, scheint es, dass für die Verwaltung der Arbeit und Arbeit-nehmer nur die moderne Arbeitsdisziplin in Frage kam.
U: Review of Croatian history (Online). - ISSN 1848-9095. - 15 (2019), 1 ; str. 191-213  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Brodogradnja -- Radna etika -- Radna disciplina -- Postsocijalizam
Uljanik (Pula)


631/635   Upravljanje seoskim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvom. Poljoprivreda. Agronomija. Hortikultura

TUCAK, Marijana
The characterization of isoflavone content in the Croratian red clover collection [Elektronička građa] / Marijana Tucak, Svetislav Popović, Daniela Horvat, Tihomir Čupić, Goran Krizmanić, Marija Viljevac Vuletić, Marija Ravlić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 39 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Red clover is a perennial forage crop rich in isoflavones, the bioactive compounds with a positive effect on human and animal health. The aim of the research was to determine a variation in the isoflavone contents in the Croatian red clover collection and to identify the most promising materials to be used in the breeding program for the development of new cultivars for specific purposes. Leaf samples of 29 red clover cultivars/populations (two cultivars, twenty breeding populations, and seven local populations) were collected in a full flowering stage, and the identification and quantification of isoflavones was performed using the HPLC analysis. The most common isoflavones in the red clover cultivars/populations were formononetin and biochanin A. A significant variation among the cultivars/populations in the total and individual isoflavone content was determined. The populations with very high and low contents of both the total and of the individual isoflavones were identified to be used for the breeding purposes in order to develop new forage cultivars, or for specific goals in the pharmaceutical industry. - Crvena djetelina višegodišnja je krmna kultura bogata izoflavonima, bioaktivnim spojevima s pozitivnim utjecajem na zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi varijabilnost sadržaja izoflavona hrvatske kolekcije crvene djeteline te identificirati najzanimljivije materijale koji će se koristiti u oplemenjivačkome programu za razvoj novih sorata za specifične namjene. Uzorci lista prikupljeni su u stadiju pune cvatnje iz 29 sorata/populacija crvene djeteline (dvije sorte, dvadeset oplemenjivačkih populacija, sedam lokalnih populacija), a identifikacija i kvantifikacija izoflavona obavljena je pomoću HPLC analize. Najzastupljeniji izoflavoni u sortama/populacijama crvene djeteline bili su formononetin i biohanin A. Utvrđena je značajna varijabilnost među sortama/populacijama u sadržaju ukupnih i individualnih izoflavona. Identificirane su populacije s vrlo visokim i niskim sadržajem kako ukupnih, tako i pojedinačnih izoflavona koje će se koristiti u oplemenjivačke svrhe za razvoj novih krmnih kultivara ili za specifične namjene u farmaceutskoj industriji.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 1 ; str. 3-11  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Crvena djetelina -- Sorte -- Izoflavoni -- Oplemenjivanje

The development of homozygous maize lines using an in vivo haploid induction in the Croatian germplasm [Elektronička građa] / Maja Mazur, Sonja Vila, Ivan Brkić, Antun Jambrović, Domagoj Šimić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The in vivo haploid induction has been widely applied to the maize breeding in recent decades, but it has not been used in the breeding programs in the Republic of Croatia by now. This study's objectives were to examine the haploid induction rates in the Croatian germplasm and to evaluate the properties of the D0 haploids, which are essential for a successful implementation of this method in breeding. The in vivo haploid induction was performed on 11 single-cross hybrids using the Zarodyshevy Marker Krasnodarsky (ZMK) inducer, and colchicine was used as a chromosome doubling agent. Emergence, misclassification rate, colchicine treatment survival, chromosome doubling rate and self-pollination success were examined in the D0 generation. The haploid induction rates ranged from 6.9 to 15.8%, which is consistent with the average induction rates characteristic of the ZMK inducer and the other modern ones. Significant differences were found among the populations of D0 haploids for all tested properties, except for self-pollination success. On average, the misclassification rates were lower, and the seedling survival rates were higher than those reported in other studies, indicating a possibility of a successful application of the doubled haploid method in maize breeding. - Indukcija haploida in vivo posljednjih se desetljeća sve više primjenjuje u oplemenjivanju kukuruza, ali se dosad nije koristila u oplemenjivačkim programima u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ciljevi ovoga istraživanja bili su utvrditi relativne frekvencije induciranih haploida kod germplazme koja se upotrebljava u domaćim oplemenjivačkim programima i ispitati svojstva haploida generacije D0 koja su važna za uspješnu primjenu ove metode u oplemenjivanju. Indukcija haploida in vivo obavljena je na 11 jednostrukih hibrida pomoću induktora ZMK, a za udvostručenje kromosoma korišten je kolhicin. U generaciji D0 ispitana su svojstva nicanja, pogrešne klasifikacije, preživljavanja tretmana kolhicinom, udvostručenja kromosoma i uspješnosti izvođenja samooplodnje. Relativna frekvencija haploida kretala se od 6,9 do 15,8%, što je usporedivo s prosječnim stopama indukcije specifičnim za induktor ZMK i druge moderne induktore. Statistički značajne razlike pronađene su između populacija haploida D0 za sva ispitana svojstva, osim za uspješnost izvođenja samooplodnje. U prosjeku, stope pogrešne klasifikacije bile su niže, a stope preživljavanja tretmana kolhicinom više u odnosu na one zabilježene u drugim istraživanjima, što ukazuje na mogućnost uspješne primjene metode udvostručenih haploida u oplemenjivanju.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 1 ; str. 19-25  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kukuruz -- Oplemenjivanje -- Udvostručenje kromosoma -- Indukcija haploida in vivo

Effect of drying method on supercritical CO2 extraction of grape seed oil [Elektronička građa] / Mario Jakobović, Darko Kiš, Krunoslav Aladić, Snježana Jakobović, Melita Lončarić, Stela Jokić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 38 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Aim of this study was to monitor the influence of drying method (naturally and chamber drying) and different sample preparation on supercritical CO2 extraction of oil from three grape seed varieties (Graševina, Zweigelt, Cabernet Sauvignon). The highest oil content was obtained from naturally dried screened and washed seeds of red variety Cabernet Sauvignon (14.85%) and lowest from chamber dried screened seeds of white variety Graševina (7.67%). Peroxide value ranged from 0.36 to 1.77 mmol O2/kg oil, free fatty acids 0.28-8.0%, and insoluble impurities 0.05-0.28%. Determined fatty acids were palmitic (6.98-11.58%), stearic (3.82-6.59%), oleic (14.90-19.97%) and linoleic acid (61.82-71.96%) in oil obtained from naturally dried seeds and 6.84-8.68%, 4.12-5.73%, 15.10-20.18% and 67.88-70.76% in oil from chamber dried seeds, respectively. In defatted cakes after supercritical CO2 extraction, protein and fibre content ranged from 8.17 to 9.85% and 34.58 to 43.96%, respectively. According to ANOVA results, sample preparation and drying method had statistically significant influence on grape seed oil extraction. - Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti utjecaj načina sušenja (prirodno i u komornome sušioniku), kao i same pripreme sjemenki grožđa, na ekstrakciju ulja superkritičnim CO2 iz triju sorata grožđa (graševina, Zweigelt, Cabernet Sauvignon). Najveći udio ulja ekstrahiran je iz prirodno osušenih i prethodno opranih sjemenki grožđa crne sorte Cabernet Sauvignon (14,85%), dok je najmanje ulja dobiveno iz sjemenki osušenih u komornome sušioniku bijele sorte graševina (7,67%). Vrijednost peroksidnoga broja dobivenih ulja bila je u rasponu 0,36-1,77 mmol O2/kg, slobodne masne kiseline 0,28-8,0%, a netopljive nečistoće 0,05-0,28%. U ulju dobivenome iz prirodno osušenih sjemenki grožđa određene su sljedeće masne kiseline: palmitinska (6,98-11,58%), stearinska (3,82-6,59%), oleinska (14,90-19,97%) i linolna kiselina (61,82-71,96%). U ulju sjemenki grožđa prethodno osušenih u komori određene su sljedeće masne kiseline: palmitinska (6,84-8,68%), stearinska (4,12-5,73%), oleinska (15,10-20,18%) i linolna kiselina (67,88-70,76%). Nakon ekstrakcije superkritičnim CO2 u odmašćenim pogačama određen je udio proteina (8,17-9,85%) i vlakana (34,58-43,96%). Priprema uzorka i način sušenja sjemenki grožđa te sorta imaju značajan utjecaj na ekstrakciju i kvalitetu dobivenoga ulja.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 1 ; str. 81-88  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sjemenke grožđa -- Grožđe -- Ulje -- Ekstrakcija -- Kvaliteta ulja

BRMEŽ, Mirjana
Effect of fluopyram and liquid chicken manure preparation on root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) in carrot crop [Elektronička građa] / Mirjana Brmez, Josipa Puskaric, Emilija Raspudic, Tamara Siber, Dinka Grubisic, Brigita Popovic. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of this study was to investigate the nematocidal effect of the preparations based on fluopyram (pesticide) and liquid chicken manure (natural amendment) on the population density of the root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne spp. in carrot crops. The field experiment was set up in four treatments: control (C), fluopyram (FLU), fluopyram and liquid chicken manure (FLU+LCM) and liquid chicken manure (LCM) by a random block design in four replicates. Population density of Meloidogyne spp. juveniles varied between the treatments, and the number of Meloidogyne spp. was significantly decreased in all treatments with fluopyram (FLU and FLU+LCM). All amended treatments (FLU, FLU+LCM, LCM) decreased galling of the roots and had a positive effect on carrot yield. The population of Meloidogyne spp. juveniles increased with the plant growth, regardless of the treatments applied. Fluopyram negatively affected the biodiversity indicating greater disturbance for the nematode community structure in the soil. It can be concluded that fluopyram and liquid chicken manure have nematicidal potential, while liquid chicken manure maintained or enhanced nematode biodiversity. - Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati nematocidni učinak pripravaka na bazi fluopirama (pesticid) i tekućega pilećeg stajnjaka (prirodni poboljšivač tla) na gustoću populacije ličinki nematoda korijenovih kvržica, Meloidogyne spp. Poljski pokus postavljen je u četiri tretmana: kontrola (C), fluopiram (FLU), fluopiram i tekući pileći stajnjak (FLU + LCM) te tekući pileći stajnjak (LCM) slučajnim blok-rasporedom u četiri ponavljanja. Gustoća populacije ličinki Meloidogyne spp. varirala je između tretmana, a broj ličinki Meloidogyne spp. značajno je smanjen u svim tretmanima s fluopiramom (FLU i FLU + LCM). Svi pripravci (FLU, FLU + LCM, LCM) utjecali su na smanjenje gukavosti korijena. Navedeni tretmani pozitivno su utjecali na prinos mrkve. Populacija ličinki Meloidogyne spp. porasla je razvojem biljaka, bez obzira na primijenjeni tretman. Fluopiram je negativno utjecao na bioraznolikost, koja ukazuje na veća uznemirenja u strukturi zajednice nematoda u tlu. Može se zaključiti kako pripravci na bazi fluopirama i tekućega pilećeg stajnjaka imaju nematocidni potencijal, a tekući pileći stajnjak održava ili povećava bioraznolikost nematoda.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 2 ; str. 25-30  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mrkva -- Prinos -- Gnojidba -- Pesticidi -- Fluopiram

Hazel plantation planning using GIS and multicriteria decision analysis [Elektronička građa] / Ivan Plaščak, Mladen Jurišić, Dorijan Radočaj, Željko Barač, Jerko Glavaš. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Spatial and environmental conditions on the agricultural land are invariable components and any plantation planning should take them into consideration. The conducted research presented methodology for suitability calculation of hazel plantations based on multicriteria analysis, performed in Vukovar-Srijem County. Nine criteria representing topographic, climate, pedology and infrastructure properties were modelled in GIS environment. Values of created layers were standardized using stepwise standardization and their respective weights were calculated by Analytical Hierarchical Process. These values were integrated using weighted linear combination, resulting with suitability values. The surrounding area of the City of Ilok had the highest suitability for hazel plantation in the studied locality, with maximum suitability 4.1 out of 5.0. Suitability was visualized on a thematic map, which enables farmers to interpret the data. - Poljoprivredno je zemljište stacionarna komponenta s prostornim i ekološkim uvjetima na koje se ne može utjecati, kao što su topografija i klima. Provedeno istraživanje predstavlja metodologiju za izračun pogodnosti nasada lijeske temeljenu na multikriterijskoj analizi i primijenjenu u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj županiji. Devet kriterija koji predstavljaju topografska, klimatska, pedološka i infrastrukturna svojstva modelirana su u GIS okruženju. Vrijednosti stvorenih slojeva standardizirane su pomoću postupne standardizacije, a njihove težine izračunate su analitičkim hijerarhijskim procesom. Te su vrijednosti integrirane pomoću težinske linearne kombinacije, što je rezultiralo vrijednostima pogodnosti. Područje najviše pogodnosti za nasade lijeske na području istraživanja okolica je grada Iloka, s maksimalnom prikladnošću 4,1 od mogućih 5,0. Razina pogodnosti vizualizirana je u obliku tematske karte, koja omogućuje poljoprivrednicima interpretaciju podataka.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 2 ; str. 79-85  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lijeska -- GIS -- Geografski informacijski sustav -- Multikriterijska analiza

The impact of different conservation soil tillage and nitrogen fertilization on wheat grain infection with Fusarium sp. [Elektronička građa] / Karolina Vrandečić, Danijel Jug, Jasenka Ćosić, Jelena Ilić, Irena Jug. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The effect of different conservation soil tillage (CST) treatments and different level of nitrogen fertilization on Fusarium wheat grain infection on two locations are presented in this paper. The research was conducted on winter wheat with different soil tillage treatments: conventional tillage to 30 cm depth, subsoiling to 35-40 cm depth, chiselling up to 25 cm, disk-harrowing to 10-15 cm and no-tillage, without any tillage treatments and three different nitrogen rates (N1 - amount reduced by 30% of recommended; N2 - according to standard recommendation and N3 - amount increased by 30% of recommended). The occurrence of Fusarium species was determined in all the tested variants of tillage and fertilization treatments. The effect of reduced fertilization (N1) on Fusarium sp. grain infection in all tillage treatments was statistically lower in comparison with other (N2 and N3) nitrogen treatments. The lowest percentage of wheat grains infected with Fusarium sp. was recorded in conventional tillage on location Magadenovac and no tillage treatments on location Cacinci. - U radu je prikazan utjecaj različitih konzervacijskih sustava obrade tla i različitih razina gnojidbe dušikom na zarazu zrna pšenice vrstama Fusarium. Pokus je postavljen na dvije lokacije s pet sustava obrade tla: konvencionalna obrada s oranjem do 30 cm, podrivanje na dubinu 35-40 cm, rahljenje do 25 cm, tanjuranje na 10-15 cm i te direktna sjetva bez ikakve obrade tla, kao i s tri razine gnojidbe dušikom: N1- umanjena za 30% u odnosu na preporuku; N2 - prema preporuci i N3 - uvećana za 30% u odnosu na preporuku. Pojava zrna zaraženih vrstama Fusarium utvrđena je u svim istraživanih tretmana. Postotak zaraženih zrna vrstama Fusarium bio je statistički značajno niži na tretmanu gnojidbe N1 u odnosu na varijante gnojidbe N2 i N3. Najniži postotak zaraženih zrna pšenice zabilježen je kod konvencionalne obrade tla u Magadenovcu i no tillage tretmana u Čačincima.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 1 ; str. 1-8  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pšenica -- Konzervacijska obrada tla -- Gnojidba dušikom

Influence of mulching on virus disease incidence, growth and yield of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum) [Elektronička građa] / Olawale Arogundade, Abiodun Salawu, Adeyemi Osijo, Kehinde T. Kareem. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Sweet pepper is attacked by a number of viruses which cause serious yield losses for many growers. The influence of mulching on virus disease incidence in sweet pepper was studied under irrigation in NIHORT. Healthy seedlings were transplanted to the field and arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD). Different mulch used included air-dried leaves of Azadirachta indica (Neem), Tithonia diversifolia (Tithonia), Neem + Tithonia (w/w) and plastic mulch (white, black and yellow) while the control had no mulch. Incidence and severity of virus-like diseases on growth and yield were evaluated. Result indicated that plants grown using white plastic mulch had the lowest disease incidence of 34.43%. Plants grown with Tithonia, Neem, and Neem + Tithonia mulch had high disease incidence of 100%, 88%, and 90.60% respectively. Average virus disease severity ranged from 2.30 and 3.33 on a scale of 1-5 scoring system. Symptoms observed on symptomatic plants include mosaic, mottle, wrinkle and leaf reduction. Plots treated with black plastic mulch produced the lowest fruit weight, while the white and yellow plastic mulch induced highest fruit weight found. The results obtained showed that white and yellow plastic mulches are effective management options for viruses of sweet pepper. - Slatku papriku napadaju brojni virusi, koji mnogim uzgajivačima uzrokuju ozbiljne gubitke prinosa. Utjecaj malčiranja na učestalost virusnih bolesti u slatke paprike proučen je tijekom navodnjavanja u Nacionalnome hortikulturnom istraživačkom institutu (NIHORT). Zdrave su sadnice presađene u polje i posložene prema nasumičnome potpunom bločnom rasporedu (RCBD). Različiti korišteni malč uključivao je zrakom sušene listove drveta Azadirachta indica (nima), Tithonia diversifolia (titonije), nima + titonije (bijeli / bijeli) i plastični malč (bijeli, crni i žuti), dok kontrolni tretman nije sadržavao malč. Vrjednovana je učestalost i težina virusnih bolesti s obzirom na rast i prinos. Rezultat je indicirao da su biljke uzgojene uz uporabu bijeloga plastičnog malča imale najmanju učestalost bolesti od 34,43%. Biljke uzgojene s malčem od titonije, nima te nima + titonije imale su visoku učestalost bolesti od 100, 88, odnosno 90,60%. Prosječna težina virusnih bolesti kretala se od 2,30 do 3,33 na ljestvici bodovnoga sustava od 1 do 5. Promatrani znaci na simptomatičnim biljkama uključuju mozaičnost, pjegavost, zgužvanost i smanjenje listova. Čestice tretirane crnim plastičnim malčem proizvele su najmanju težinu ploda, dok su bijeli i žuti plastični malč inducirali najvišu ustanovljenu težinu ploda. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da su bijeli i žuti plastični malčevi djelotvorne opcije upravljanja virusima slatke paprike.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 2 ; str. 38-44  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slatka paprika -- Virusne bolesti -- Malčiranje

ROMANJEK Fajdetić, Nataša
The influence of substrates having various origins on a nutritive value of champignon mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus Imbach) [Elektronička građa] / Nataša Romanjek Fajdetić, Brigita Popović, Nada Parađiković, Zdenko Lončarić, Božica Japundžić Palenkić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 33 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The metals such as Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn are the essential elements that have an important role in the human immune system. The aim of this research was to determine the concentration of nutritive values of macroelements (N, P, and K) and microelements (Fe and Zn) in a mushroom substrate and in a champignon mushroom fruiting body. A trial was conducted in the mushroom production company Romanjek LLC in Slavonski Brod, Croatia. It was conducted in four vegetation cycles on two different substrates, the one originating from Eastern Europe and the other originating from Northern Europe. At the end of the trial, the basic chemical properties of substrates and mushrooms were recorded. A comparison of investigated substrate measurements demonstrates that the highest content of elements N, P, and K was determined in the substrate 2 originating from Northern Europe, while the concentration of microelements Fe and Zn was higher in substrate 1, originating, from Eastern Europe. There was a statistically significant difference in a macroelement content in the mushrooms grown on the substrates of different origin, as well as in the transfer of Zn and Fe from a substrate to mushrooms. There was a higher accumulation of the transferred Zn in comparison to Fe in the mushrooms regardless of the origin of the substrate. - Šampinjoni su jedna od ekonomski najznačajnijih jestivih vrsta gljiva, iznimno dobre nutritivne vrijednosti, koja ima važnu ulogu u zdravoj prehrani. Metali Fe, Cu, Zn i Mn su esencijalni elementi koji imaju važnu ulogu u jačanju ljudskoga imuniteta. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi koncentracije makroelemenata (N, P i K) i mikroelemenata (Fe i Zn) u supstratima i plodnim tijelima gljiva. Pokus je postavljen u proizvodnji gljiva Romanjek d. o. o. (Slavonski Brod, Hrvatska) i provodio se tijekom četiri vegetacijska ciklusa na dva supstrata različitoga geografskog podrijetla. Jedan supstrat (supstrat 1) proizveden je u istočnoj Europi, a drugi (supstrat 2) u sjevernoj Europi. Na kraju pokusa analizirana su osnovna kemijska svojstva supstrata i uzoraka istraživanih gljiva. Usporedbom rezultata istraživanih supstrata ustanovljen je veći sadržaj N, P i K u supstratu 2 podrijetlom sa sjevera Europe, ali je koncentracija mikroelemenata Fe i Zn bila veća u supstratu 1, podrijetlom s istoka Europe. Statistički značajna razlika ustanovljena je u sadržaju makroelemenata u gljivama uzgojenim na supstratima različitoga podrijetla, kao i u transferu Zn i Fe iz supstrata u gljive. Osim toga, uspoređujući akumulaciju transferiranoga Zn i Fe, ustanovljena je veća akumulacija Zn u gljivama bez obzira na podrijetlo supstrata.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 1 ; str. 12-18  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šampinjoni -- Nutritivna vrijednost -- Teški metali -- Supstrat

GRUBIŠIĆ, Sanja, agronomka
Optimalan način sjetve pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.) za uzgoj pšenične trave [Elektronička građa] / Sanja Grubišić, Vedran Orkić, Sunčica Guberac, Sonja Petrović, Miroslav Lisjak, Marija Kristić, Andrijana Rebekić. - graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Pšenična trava predstavlja biljke pšenice u ranim stadijima uzgoja prije ulaska u fazu vlatanja. Zbog visoke koncentracije minerala, vitamina, enzima, klorofila i bioflavonoida, pšenična trava se koristi kao prirodni dodatak prehrani. Iako se može konzumirati u obliku praha i tableta, često se konzumira u obliku svježega soka, te ju stoga ljudi uzgajaju u kućanstvima. Veliki je problem u takvome uzgoju pojava i razvoj plijesni na supstratu i biljkama. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati razlike između površinske dezinfekcije sjemena te vrste i dezinfekcije podloge (bez podloge, kvarcni pijesak [dezinficiran i nedezinficiran] i Brillov supstrat [dezinficiran i nedezinficiran]) na pojavu plijesni, broj i masu biljaka (g) i količinu dobivenoga soka (ml) u dvije sorte pšenice (Ilirija i Katarina). Metode površinske dezinfekcije sjemena i dezinfekcije supstrata, koje su ispitivane u provedenome istraživanju, moguće je primijeniti u kućanstvu. Najveći broj biljaka i masa biljaka utvrđene su na Brill supstratu, neovisno o sorti. Između mase biljaka i količine dobivenoga soka utvrđena je pozitivna korelacija (r=0,98; p<0,01). Prosječna količina soka za sortu Iliriju bila je 7,85±2,93 ml, a za sortu Katarinu 5,08±2,21 ml. Najveća pojava i razvoj plijesni utvrđeni su pri uzgoju pšenične trave bez podloge. Na ispitivane parametre najveći utjecaj imali su sorta i podloga. - Wheatgrass represents wheat plants in the early stage of development, prior to the jointing stage. Due to its high concentration of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, chlorophyll, and bioflavonoids, wheatgrass is commonly used as a natural dietary supplement. Although it can be consumed in the form of powder or tablets, it is often consumed in the form of fresh juice, which is why wheatgrass is grown in households. The main problem in such cultivation is the occurrence of mildew on plants and substrate. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the differences in surface disinfection of seeds and the type and disinfection of substrate (no substrate, disinfected/non-disinfected quartz sand and disinfected/non-disinfected Brill substrate) on the incidence of mildew, the number of plants, plant weight (g) and the amount of juice obtained (ml) in two wheat cultivars (Ilirija and Katarina). The methods of seed-surface disinfection and substrate disinfection tested in this research can be applied in households. The highest number of plants per pot and highest average plant weight were determined on Brill substrate, regardless of wheat cultivar. A positive correlation was found between plant weight and the amount of juice obtained (r=0.98; p<0.01). An average amount of juice for cultivar Ilirija was 7.85±2.93 ml, while cultivar Katarina had an average of 5.08±2.21 ml of juice. The highest incidence of mildew was detected in wheatgrass cultivation without substrate. The obtained results indicate that the examined traits are under the strongest influence of cultivar and the type of substrate.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 2 ; str. 31-37  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pšenica -- Pšenična trava -- Plijesan -- Dezinfekcija sjemena -- Uvjeti uzgoja

VRANIĆ, Marina
Prediction of macro- and microelements content in Croatian common bean landraces (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) by NIR spectroscopy [Elektronička građa] / Marina Vranić, Marko Petek, Krešimir Bošnjak, Boris Lazarević, Klaudija Carović-Stanko. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In this study, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to predict the contents of essential macro- and microelements in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) accessions of most widespread Croatian landraces. Total of 175 samples were used for the model development by modified partial least square (MPLS), principal component regression (PCR) and partial least square (PLS) techniques. Based on the coefficients of determination (R2), standard error of calibration (SEC) and error of prediction (SEP) the models developed were (i) nearly applicable for nitrogen (N) (0.89, 0.12 and 0.45 respectively), (ii) poor for iron (Fe), cinc (Zn), potassium oxide (K2O) and potassium (K), (iii) usable for phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5), phosphorus (P), phytic acid (PA) and manganese (Mn). The MPLS regression statistics suggested the most accurate models developed comparing with PLS and PCR. It was concluded that a wider set of common bean samples needs to be used for macro- and microelements prediction by NIRS. - U ovome je istraživanju korištena spektroskopija u bliskome infracrvenom području (NIRS) za procjenu količine esencijalnih makro- i mikroelemenata u uzorcima najčešće uzgajanih kultivara graha (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ukupno 175 uzoraka graha korišteno je za razvoj kalibracije uporabom modificirane metode najmanjih kvadrata (MPLS), metode regresije osnovne komponente (PCR) i metode najmanjih kvadrata (PLS). S obzirom na koeficijent korelacije (R2), standardnu grešku kalibracije (SEC) i standardnu grešku procjene (SEP), razvijeni kalibracijski modeli su (i) gotovo primjenjivi za procjenu dušika (N) (0,89; 0,12 i 0,45), (ii) slabo primjenjivi za procjenu željeza (Fe), cinka (Zn), kalijevog oksida (K2O) i kalija (K) te (iii) upotrebljivi za fosfor pentoksid (P2O5), fosfor (P), fitinsku kiselinu (PA) i mangan (Mn). Najpouzdaniji kalibracijski modeli razvijeni su korištenjem regresijskoga modela MPLS u usporedbi s kalibracijskim modelima dobivenim korištenjem PLS-a i modelima PCR-a. Zaključeno je da je za procjenu makro- i mikroelemenata spektroskopijom u bliskome infracrvenom području (NIRS) potrebno prikupiti veći broj uzoraka graha širih varijacija istraživanih makro- i mikroelemenata.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 1 ; str. 48-55  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Grah -- Makroelementi -- Mikroelementi -- Minerali

Učinak količine i tipa dušičnoga gnojiva na agronomska svojstva duhana tipa virdžinija [Elektronička građa] / Ankica Budimir, Brankica Svitlica, Darko Kiš, Ana Lovrić, Hrvoje Šarčević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj ovoga rada bio je utvrditi učinak gnojidbe dušikom (N) od 30 odnosno od 45 kg/ha, kao i trima komercijalnim dušičnim gnojivima, CaNO3 (15% N), KAN (27% N) i YaraMilaTM Cropcare (8:11:23), na agronomska svojstva: prinos, cijenu i vrijednost suhoga lista, kao i na šest morfoloških svojstava duhana tipa virdžinija. U poljski pokus, proveden u četiri okoline, bila su uključena tri hrvatska kultivara duhana. Gnojidba dušikom imala je signifikantan učinak samo na komponente prinosa: duljinu, širinu i površinu 9. lista, čije su vrijednosti kod gnojidbe s 45 kg N/ha bile za 2,2; 3,5 odnosno 5,8% veće u odnosu na gnojidbu s 30 kg N/ha. Tip korištenoga dušičnog gnojiva nije imao signifikantan učinak niti na jedno ispitivano svojstvo. Uzorak korelacija između morfoloških i gospodarskih svojstava bio je pod utjecajem okoline, kao i razine gnojidbe. Iako nije utvrđen učinak gnojidbe na gospodarska svojstva, signifikantno povećanje komponenata prinosa kod gnojidbe s 45 kg N/ha, u usporedbi s 30 kg N/ha, upućuje na višu razinu gnojidbe kao jamstvo osiguranja visokih i stabilnih prinosa te kvalitete osušenoga lista. - The aim of this study was to determine the effect of nitrogen (N) fertilization rate of 30 and 45 N kg/ha, as well as three commercial N fertilizers, CaNO3 (15% N), KAN (27% N) and YaraMilaTM Cropcare (8:11:23) on the agronomic traits: yield, price, and value, as well as six morphological traits of flue-cured tobacco. The field experiments, which included three Croatian tobacco cultivars, were conducted in four environments. Nitrogen fertilization had a significant effect only on yield components: length, width and area of the 9th leaf, whose values for fertilization with 45 kg N/ha were 2.2%, 3.5%, and 5.8% higher, respectively, compared to fertilization with 30 kg N/ha. The type of N fertilizer did not have a significant effect on any of the traits. The pattern of correlations between morphological and economic traits was influenced by the environment, as well as by the level of fertilization. Although no effect of fertilization level on economic traits was found, the significant increase in yield components at 45 kg N/ha compared to 30 kg N/ha suggests a higher level of fertilization as a guarantee of ensuring high and stable yields and quality of the cured leaf.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 2 ; str. 11-17  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Duhan -- Virdžinijski duhan -- Gnojidba -- Prinos -- Dušik -- Kvaliteta

GRŠIĆ, Kristina
Uporaba klorofilmetra u procjeni zrelosti listova flue-cured duhana za berbu [Elektronička građa] / Kristina Gršić, Miroslav Čavlek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Da bi se utvrdila mogućnost korištenja klorofilmetra u procjeni optimalne zrelosti listova flue-cured duhana za berbu, provedeni su dvogodišnji poljski pokusi. Postupci u pokusu bili su gnojidba dušikom (25 i 35 kg ha-1) i vrijeme berbe (rana, srednja i kasna berba). Relativni sadržaj klorofila 7., 11., 15. i 17. lista mjeren je u vrijeme berbe. Nakon berbe i sušenja tih listova analizirani su prinos i cijena te sadržaj nikotina i reducirajućih šećera. Nije bilo signifikantnog utjecaja gnojidbe dušikom na prosječni prinos, cijenu i sadržaj reducirajućih šećera. Međutim, dobivene su dvije interakcije gnojidba x vrijeme berbe za prinos. Viša gnojidba dušikom rezultirala je višim prosječnim sadržajem nikotina, ali samo u 15. i 17. listu u 2010. S obzirom na vrijeme berbe rezultati istraživanja su, uz nekoliko izuzetaka, pokazali da su viši prinosi, cijene, sadržaji nikotina i sadržaji reducirajućih šećera ostvareni srednjom ili/i kasnom berbom. Za pronalaženje raspona indeksa sadržaja klorofila u okviru kojeg bi se trebala provoditi berba listova duhana korišteni su matematički parametri odnosa između indeksa sadržaja klorofila u vrijeme berbe i istraživanih svojstava. U ovom istraživanju optimalno vrijeme za berbu listova duhana bilo je u rasponu indeksa sadržaja klorofila od 11-15. - In order to determine the possibility of using chlorophyll meter to estimate the optimal ripeness of flue-cured tobacco leaves for harvest, two-year field experiments were carried out. Treatments in the experiments were fertilization with nitrogen (25 and 35 kg ha-1) and harvesting time (early, middle and late harvest). The relative chlorophyll content of leaves 7, 11, 15 and 17 was measured at harvest time. After harvesting and drying these leaves, yield and price, as well as the content of nicotine and reducing sugars, were analysed. There was no significant influence of nitrogen fertilization on average yield, price and reducing sugars content. However, two interactions fertilization x harvesting time for yield were obtained. Higher nitrogen fertilization resulted in higher average nicotine content, but only in the 15th and 17th leaf in 2010. Given the time of harvest, the results of the research, with a few exceptions, showed that higher yields, prices, nicotine contents and reducing sugars contents were achieved in the middle and/or late harvest. To find the chlorophyll content index range within which the tobacco leaf harvests should be carried out, the mathematical parameters of the relationship between chlorophyll content index at harvest and investigated properties were used. In this study, the optimal time for tobacco leaf harvesting was in the chlorophyll content index range of 11 to 15 CCI.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 2 ; str. 18-24  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Duhan -- Gnojidba dušikom -- Berba -- Klorofil

Usporedba metoda AA i Mehlich 3 za ekstrakciju kalcija i magnezija iz tala istočne Hrvatske [Elektronička građa] / Božica Japundžić-Palenkić, Vladimir Zebec, Nataša Romanjek Fajdetić, Mihaela Blažinkov, Slavica Antunović, Domagoj Rastija. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Kalcij i magnezij pripadaju skupini zemnoalkalijskih metala značajno zastupljenih u zemljinoj litosferi, odnosno skupini umjereno pokretnih makrohraniva koji imaju važnu ulogu u ishrani bilja. Svrha ovoga istraživanja jest usporedba količine ekstrahiranoga kalcija i magnezija otopinom amonijeva acetata (AA) i otopinom Mehlich 3 (Mehlich 3) iz tala istočne Hrvatske. Ukupno 200 uzoraka oraničnih horizonata (0 - 30 cm) najzastupljenijih tipova tala prikupljeni su u pet županija istočne Hrvatske 2012. godine. Nakon određivanja pH vrijednosti i sadržaja ukupnih karbonata u tlu grupirani su uzorci tla (uzorci s manje od 3,5 i više od 3,5% CaCO3). Utvrđeno je da metoda Mehlich 3 ekstrahira više kalcija i magnezija od metode AA, a razlike u količini ekstrahiranih kationa izraženije su kod karbonatnijih tala (>3,5% CaCO3), posebno za kalcij. U tlima s manjim sadržajem CaCO3 utvrđena je statistički vrlo značajna korelaciju (P≤0,01) između metoda AA i Mehlich 3 u količini ekstrahiranoga kalcija i magnezija. Statistički je vrlo značajna korelacija (P≤0,01) utvrđena i između količina Mg AA i Mg Mehlich 3 u tlima sa sadržajem CaCO3 većim od 3,5%, što obje metode čini pogodnima za određivanje magnezija neovisno o sadržaju CaCO3 u tlu. - Calcium and magnesium belong to a group of alkaline earth metals from lithosphere moderately mobile macronutrients which play an important role in plant nutrition. The aim of this paper was to compare quantities of extracted calcium and magnesium by ammonium acetate (AA) and by Mehlich 3 (Mehlich3) solutions from soils of eastern Croatia. The samples of the most representative soil types were gathered in five counties of eastern Croatia in 2012. After measuring the pH value and the overall carbonates being in soils, samples have been arranged into groups with less than 3.5% and more than 3.5% CaCO3. It was determined that Mehlich 3 method extracts more calcium and magnesium than AA method and differences were especially pronounced for calcium in soils containing more carbonates. In soils with less CaCO3 the statistically very significant correlation (P≤0.01) was determined between AA and Mehlich 3 methods regarding extracted calcium and magnesium. The results of these studies confirmed significant correlation (P≤0.01) between Mg AA and Mg Mehlich 3 methods in soils with more than 3.5% CaCO3 making both methods suitable for Mg determination regardless the soil CaCO3.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 1 ; str. 41-47  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tlo -- Makrohraniva -- Kalcij -- Magnezij

PALFI, Marina
Utjecaj eteričnih ulja na fitopatogene gljive [Elektronička građa] / Marina Palfi, Karolina Vrandečić, Vesna Popijač, Jasenka Ćosić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 70 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Primjena sintetskih fungicida predstavlja još uvijek najučinkovitiju zaštitu od uzročnika biljnih bolesti. Međutim, prekomjerna i dugotrajna uporaba fungicida može dovesti do mnogih štetnih nuspojava, poput štetnoga djelovanja na ljudsko zdravlje, zagađenja okoliša i rezistentnosti patogena. Biološki spojevi koji se nalaze u eteričnim uljima nemaju nikakve štetne učinke na ljude i okoliš, pa mogu biti jedna od značajnih alternativa sintetskim fungicidima. Eterična ulja su sekundarni metaboliti biljaka, a često posjeduju antifungalna, antibakterijska, insekticidna, antivirusna i nematocidna svojstva. Kemijski sastav i biološki učinak eteričnih ulja je složen i ovisi o vrsti biljke, dijelu biljke iz kojega se uzima, podrijetlu, pedoklimatskim uvjetima, vremenu žetve, sezoni berbe i prerade, kao i o uvjetima skladištenja, vrsti patogena, primijenjenoj količini, načinu ekstrakcije i načinu aplikacije. Zbog toga se provode mnoga istraživanja antifungalnoga djelovanja eteričnih ulja na različite fitopatogene in vitro i in vivo ne bi li se pronašla eterična ulja ili njihove kombinacije čiji je antifungalno djelovanje jednako djelovanju sintetskih fungicida. - The use of synthetic fungicides is still the most effective protection against phytopathogenic fungi. However, the excessive and long-term use of fungicide can lead to many adverse side effects such as adverse effects on human health, environmental pollution and pathogen resistance. Biological compounds extracted from plants, such as essential oils, do not have any adverse effects on humans and the environment so they can be one of the most important alternatives to synthetic fungicides. Essential oils are secondary metabolites of plants that often possess antifungal, antibacterial, insecticidal, antiviral and nematocidal properties. The chemical composition and the biological effect of essential oils is complex and dependent on the type of a plant, the part of the plant it is taken from, its origin, pedoclimatic conditions, harvest time, harvesting season and processing conditions, storage conditions, type of pathogen, amount applied and application. Therefore, many in vitro and in vivo studies of antifungal activity of essential oils to various fungopathogenic fungi are carried out in order to find essential oils or combinations thereof whose inhibitory growth potential of phytopathogenic fungi is comparable to synthetic fungicides.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 1 ; str. 32-40  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Antifungalno djelovanje -- Eterična ulja -- Fitopatogene gljive -- Kemijski sastav

JUKIĆ, Goran, agronom
Utjecaj genotipa, godine i lokacije na prinos, udio ulja i proteina u soji [Elektronička građa] : Glycine max (L.) Merr / Goran Jukić, Ivan Varnica, Krunoslav Dugalić, Ivana Rukavina, Vlado Guberac, Ivica Delić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Tijekom 2017. i 2018. godine provedena su poljska istraživanja o utjecaju genotipa, godine, lokacije te interakcija na prinos, udio ulja i proteina u soji. U pokus je uvršteno dvadeset najzastupljenijih genotipova soje koji u strukturi sjetve zauzimaju 75% sjetvenih površina. Pokus je postavljen na lokacijama Osijek i Kutjevo u dva ponavljanja po slučajnom blok-rasporedu. U 2018. godini ostvaren je prosječno veći prinos zrna, udio ulja i proteina prvenstveno zbog pravilnog rasporeda oborina. Lokacija Osijek u svim godinama istraživanja imala je prosječno veće prinose zrna, udio ulja i proteina. Prema dobivenim rezultatima analize varijance za genotip, interakciju genotipa x lokacija i genotip x godina dobivene su statistički visoko opravdane razlike (P<0,01) za prinos zrna. Za genotip i interakciju genotip x godina dobivene su statistički opravdane razlike (P<0,05) za udio ulja i proteina. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja doprinijet će pravilnom izboru genotipova ovisno o namjeni proizvodnje kako bi se iskoristio genetski potencijal genotipa koji je najpogodniji za određenu lokaciju. - During the years 2017 and 2018, field studies were carried out on the impact of year, location and interaction of genotype x location and genotype x year on yield, oil and protein content of soybean seed. The experiment included twenty most common soybean genotypes of different maturation groups, which have a 75% share in the sowing structure. The experiment was set up on locations Osijek and Kutjevo, in two repetitions, in a randomized block design. In 2018, an average higher seed yield, oil content and protein content were achieved primarily due to proper distribution of rainfall. Location Osijek in years of research had an average higher seed yield, and oil and protein content. According to the obtained results of the variance analysis for enotype, interaction of genotype x location and genotype x year, statistically highly justified differences (P<0.01) were obtained for seed yield. For genotype and interaction of genotype x year, statistically justified differences (P<0.05) were obtained for the oil and protein content. Research results will contribute to the proper selection of genotypes depending on the purpose of production in order to exploit the genetic potential of the genotype which is most suitable for a particular location.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 2 ; str. 3-10  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Soja -- Prinos -- Genotip -- Udio ulja -- Proteini

PETROVIĆ, Davor, agronom
Utjecaj selektivne aplikacije s ultrazvučnim senzorima na zanošenje i depozit tekućine u nasadu višnje [Elektronička građa] / Davor Petrović, Mladen Jurišić, Ivan Plaščak, Vinko Duvnjak, Monika Marković, Anamarija Banaj, Vjekoslav Tadić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu je prikazan utjecaj dvaju različitih sustava raspršivanja (klasičnoga i senzorskog) pomoću raspršivača Tifone Vento 1500, s različito podešenim tehničkim čimbenicima raspršivanja, na zemljišno i zračno zanošenje tekućine te depozit u krošnji. Istraživanje je obavljeno prema ISO normi 22866:2005 u nasadu višnje. Analizom varijance ispitan je utjecaj norme raspršivanja kao čimbenik A (A1 - 250 l ha-1; A2 - 200 l ha-1), tip mlaznica kao čimbenik B (B1 - Lechler TR 8002C; B2 - Lechler ITR 8002C) i brzina zračne struje ventilatora kao čimbenik C (C1 - 18 m s-1; C2 - 12 m s-1). Raspršivanje je obavljeno sa 4-postotnom otopinom organske boje Tartrazine, a filter-papirićima je prikupljena zanesena tekućina. Optimalizacijom tehničkih čimbenika raspršivanja ostvaruje se maksimalno smanjenje od 36,59% za zemljišno zanošenje te 75,05% za zračno zanošenje na 5 m udaljenosti od tretiranoga reda. Eksploatacijom ultrazvučnoga senzorskog sustava za selektivnu aplikaciju zemljišno zanošenje smanjuje se za 43,35%. U ovome slučaju zračno zanošenje na 5 m udaljenosti od tretiranoga reda smanjuje se za 66,57% te 79,61% na udaljenosti od 10 m. Maksimalno reduciranje zračnoga zanošenja na 10 m ostvareno je uporabom ITR mlaznica analizirajući oba sustava raspršivanja. Eksploatacija ultrazvučnoga senzorskog sustava nije negativno utjecala na depozit u krošnji jer iz dobivenih rezultata nije zabilježena značajna razlika između dvaju sustava raspršivanja (0,5%). Opremanje konvencionalnih raspršivača naprednim sustavima za selektivnu aplikaciju značajno doprinosi preciznosti nanošenja sredstva za zaštitu bilja, a time i smanjenju negativnoga utjecaja na okoliš. - In this research, the impact of two different spraying systems (classic and sensor with Tifone Vento 1500 air assisted sprayer) is shown on two types of drift (ground and air) and liquid deposit in the treetop. Technical spraying factors were set differently through the research according to treatments. The research was conducted according to ISO norm 22866 in a cherry orchard. With variance analysis, impact of spraying norm as factor A (A1 - 250 l ha-1; A2 - 200 l ha-1); nozzle type as factor B (B1 - Lechler TR 8002C; B2 - Lechler ITR 8002C) and air flow rate as factor C (C1 - 18 m s-1; C2 - 12 m s-1) was examined. Spraying was conducted with 4% dilution of tartazine organic dye, and drifted liquid was collected with filter papers. By optimizing the technical spraying factors, a maximum reduction of 36.59% for ground drift is achieved, as well as 75.05% for air drift at 5 m distance from the treated row. By exploiting the ultrasonic sensory system for selective application, ground drift was reduced by 43.35%. In this case the air drift at 5 m distance from the treated row was decreased by 66.57%, and 79.61% at a distance of 10 m. Maximum air drift reduction at 10 m was achieved by using an ITR nozzle for both spraying systems. The exploitation of ultrasonic sensory system did not have a negative effect on the deposit in the treetop, because no significant difference was found between these two spraying systems (0.5%). Equipping conventional sprayers with advanced systems for selective application greatly contributes to higher precision of pesticides application and with thereby reducing the negative impact on the environment.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 1 ; str. 89-98  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zaštita bilja -- Raspršivači -- Raspršivanje -- Senzori -- Selektivna aplikacija

BANAJ, Anamarija
Utjecaj sustava sjetve na prinos zrna kukuruza različitih FAO grupa [Elektronička građa] / Anamarija Banaj, Đuro Banaj, Vjekoslav Tadić, Davor Petrović, Bojan Stipešević. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu su prikazani rezultati prinosa zrna (kg ha-1) pri standardnoj sjetvi hibrida kukuruza i sjetvi u udvojene redove/sjetva u trake (engl. twin row sowing). Istraživanja su provedena od 2016. do 2018. godine na pokušalištu Fakulteta agrobiotehničkih znanosti, pokraj mjesta Tenja (45°31’1,83” s. z. š.; 18°46›37,5» i. z. d.). Na standardni sustav sjetve s razmakom redova od 70 cm sjetvom i sjetvom u udvojene redove s razmakom od 22 cm posijani su hibridi FAO grupa dozrijevanja: H1 = FAO 290, H2 = FAO 380, H3 = FAO 410, H4 = FAO 450 i H5 = FAO 590. U standardnoj sjetvi hibrid H1 ostvario je prosječni prinos od 11.450 kg ha-1, a sjetvom u udvojene redove 12.243 kg ha-1 zrna, odnosno 3,77-9,66% više od standardne sjetve, ovisno o godini uzgoja. Hibrid H2 sjetvom u udvojene redove ostvario je veći prinos za 6,46 do 10,97% u odnosu na standardnu sjetvu. Hibrid H3 u standardnoj sjetvi ostvario je prosječni prinos od 11.731 kg ha-1, a kod sjetve u udvojene redove 12.763 kg ha-1 (veći prinos zrna za 3,45-9,95%). Najveća razlika u prinosa zrna između sustava sjetve utvrđena je 2018. godine kod hibrida H4, koji je ostvario veći prinos sjetvom u udvojene redove, za 11,72%. Kod hibrida H5 utvrđene su najmanje razlike u prinosu zrna s obzirom na sustav sjetve, pa je u 2018. godina sjetva u trake ostvarila manji prinos za 0,59% s obzirom na standardnu sjetvu. - In this paper, the results of maize grain yield (kg ha-1) sown in standard and twin row technology are shown. The research has been conducted at the experimental field of Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences, near location of Tenja (45°31’1.83” N 18°46’3.5” E) in the period 2016-2018. Maize hybrids H1 = FAO 290, H2 = FAO 380, H3 = FAO 410, H4 = FAO 450 and H5 = FAO 590 were sown using standard sowing (row spacing at 70 cm) and twin row sowing (22 cm spacing between double rows). In standard sowing, hybrid H1 had the highest grain yield of 11,450 kg ha-1, whereas in twin row sowing it had 12,243 kg ha-1, which was higher by 3.77-9.66% than the standard, depending on the cultivation year. Hybrid H2 in twin row sowing had grain yield 6.46-10.97% greater than standard sowing. Hybrid H3 in standard sowing had average grain yield of 11,731 kg ha-1, whereas in twin row sowing, it was 12,763 kg ha-1 (greater by 3.45-9.95%). The highest grain yield difference between sowing technologies has been observed at H4 hybrid, with 11.72% greater yield at twin row sowing. At hybrid H5, the smallest differences were observed between sowing technologies, so in 2018, twin row sowing produced a lower yield by 0.59% relative to standard sowing.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 2 ; str. 62-70  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kukuruz -- Sjetva -- Prinos zrna

Vidi br.: HA19-01621

Vidi br.: HA19-01654

636/639   Stočarstvo i uzgoj životinja. Proizvodi domaćih životinja i divljači. Pčelarstvo. Držanje i uzgoj kukaca. Lovstvo. Ribarstvo. Ribogojstvo

A new finding of the European mudminnow (Umbra krameri, Walbaum 1792) in Croatia [Elektronička građa] / Dinko Jelkić, Anđelko Opačak, Siniša Ozimec, Senka Blažetić, Ras Lužaić, Nevena Vukajlović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Distribution of the European mudminnow, Umbra krameri, Walbaum 1792, in Croatia is scarce with only few confirmed localities. In order to confirm presence of the European mudminnow in amelioration canal network along the Drava River an electrofishing was conducted in the small Mlinski canal. Ten specimen of European mudminnow were caught During sampling. Using ImageJ software a truss network was constructed between landmark points on photographs of caught specimens. Total body lengths of caught European mudminnow ranged from 61 to 100 mm (72.00±11.52 mm) whereas standard one ranged from 52 to 85 mm (60.30±10.08 mm). Body weight were relatively small ranging from 1.81 to 7.59 g (3.80±1.89 g), while the Fulton condition factor ranged from 0.76 to 1.23 (0.96±0.15). This new locality of the European mudminnow is situated about 50 km downstream from the last confirmed site in Croatia. - Informacije o distribuciji crnke, Umbra krameri Walbaum 1792, u Hrvatskoj su oskudne, uključujući svega nekoliko potvrđenih lokaliteta. U svrhu potvrđivanja prisutnosti crnke u mreži melioracijskih kanala u blizini rijeke Drave, obavljeno je uzorkovanje ribe elektroagregatom na Mlinskome kanalu. Tijekom uzorkovanja ulovljeno je 10 primjeraka crnke. Korištenjem računalnoga programa ImageJ razvijena je metoda razgranate mreže na fotografijama ulovljenih crnki. Ukupna dužina ulovljenih crnki bila je od 61,00 do 100,00 mm (72,00±11,52 mm), a standardna dužina iznosila je od 52,00 do 85,00 mm (60,30±10,08 mm). Ukupna tjelesna masa bila je relativno mala, u rasponu od 1,81 do 7,59 g (3,80±1,89 g), dok je Fultonov kondicijski indeks iznosio od 0,76 do 1,23 (0,96±0,15). Ova nalazište crnke u Hrvatskoj smješteno je oko 50 km nizvodno od zadnjega potvrđenog lokaliteta uz tok rijeke Drave.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 1 ; str. 64-68  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Riba -- Umbridae -- Metoda razgranate mreže

BORŞ, Silviu-Ionuţ
Changes in climate conditions and their effects on production and reproduction of medium yielding cows in temperate continental climate [Elektronička građa] / Silviu-Ionuţ Borş, Iulian Ibănescu, Emesse Balla, Alina Borş. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 42 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The increased air temperature combined with the reduction of rainfall during hot season impairs the capacity of cows to maintain the optimal body temperature. This study tested the hypothesis that climate changes affect the medium yielding cows in temperate continental climate. The productive-reproductive parameters of 8607 milking cows from a dairy farm in North-eastern Romania were examined and correlated with changes in ambient temperatures and rainfall between the years of 1983 and 2010. We observed that the number of artificial inseminations served to cows showed a decreasing trend. The reduction in this parameter was significantly influenced by the increase in the average and maximum temperatures during hot season associated with the reduction in rainfall, as shown by regression analysis. Other studied parameters such as milk production, calving to conception interval, calving to first artificial insemination interval and conception rates at first, second and more than two services were not related to the changes in average annual temperatures, annual temperatures amplitude and annual precipitation quantities. This study suggests that, although present, the effects of climate changes on some productive-reproductive parameters of medium yielding cows in geographic areas with temperate continental climate are not as dramatic as described in other studies. - Povećana temperatura zraka u kombinaciji sa smanjenjem oborina tijekom razdoblja vrućine smanjuje sposobnost krava za održavanje optimalne tjelesne temperature. Ova studija testirala je hipotezu da klimatske promjene utječu na krave prosječne proizvodnje u umjereno kontinentalnoj klimi. Produktivno-reproduktivni parametri 8607 muznih krava u sjeveroistočnoj Rumunjskoj ispitani su i korelirani s promjenama temperature okoline i padalinama između 1983. i 2010. godine. Uočeno je da je broj umjetnih osjemenjivanja pokazao opadajući trend. Na smanjenje ovog parametra značajno je utjecalo povećanje prosječne i maksimalne temperature u vrućim razdobljima godine povezanim sa smanjenjem oborina, što je pokazala regresijska analiza. Ostali ispitivani parametri, kao što su proizvodnja mlijeka, razdoblje teljenja do ponovne koncepcije, razdoblje teljenja do prvog intervala umjetne oplodnje i stope začeća u prvoj, drugoj i više od dva osjemenjivanja nisu se odnosili na promjene u prosječnim godišnjim temperaturama, godišnjim amplitudama temperatura i godišnjim količinama oborina. Ova studija sugerira da, iako su prisutni, učinci klimatskih promjena na neke produktivno-reproduktivne parametre krava prosječne proizvodnje u geografskim područjima s umjerenom kontinentalnom klimom nisu tako dramatični kao što je o pisano u drugim istraživanjima.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 4 ; str. 264-275  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Stočarstvo -- Mliječne krave -- Klimatski parametri -- Prinosi

Comparison of statistical models for estimation of methane emission in dairy Simmentals based on animal recording data [Elektronička građa] / Vesna Gantner, Mirna Gavran, Krešimir Kuterovac, Maja Gregić, Goran Vučković, Ranko Gantner. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In the last decades we have witnessed increasingly pronounced climate change worldwide resulting in environment transformation in various regions by making it not convenient for agricultural and livestock production. The global livestock sector contributes to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission, but on the other hand, it can also deliver a significant share of the necessary mitigation effort. One of the most significant greenhouse gas is methane. Mitigation methods for the methane emissions in cattle can be classified as short and long term. Short-term methods imply increase of production per animal, reduction of number of animals and feeding optimization, while long-term methods imply genetic evaluation and selection based on methane emission variation. Prerequisite for genetic evaluation is selection of optimal indicators and models with high accuracy and easy applicability in routine Animal Recording. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate different models for methane emission estimation in dairy cows based on Animal Recording data. The results obtained indicate that data from regular Animal Recording could be used in estimation of methane emission of dairy Simmental cows enabling the population analysis and genetic evaluation of dairy cattle for methane emission. Given the very high variability determined in estimated methane emission values regarding the used statistical models and aiming high accuracy of genetic evaluation it is recommended to define estimation models for body weight, dry matter intake and methane emission based on parameters (type traits and test-day records) of particular dairy cattle population. The stated will enable genetic evaluation of dairy cattle for methane emission as well as selection of cows with lower methane emission intensity. Finally, this will lead to environmentally sustainable milk production. - Posljednjih desetljeća svjedočimo sve izraženijim klimatskim promjenama diljem svijeta, koje su rezultirale preobrazbom okoliša u različitim regijama čineći ga nepogodnim za poljoprivrednu, a osobito za stočarsku proizvodnju. Globalni stočarski sektor značajno doprinosi antropogenoj emisiji stakleničkih plinova, no, s druge strane, također može značajno doprinijeti mjerama ublažavanja. Jedan od najznačajnijih stakleničkih plinova je metan. Metode ublažavanja emisija metana u goveda mogu se klasificirati kao kratkoročne i dugoročne. Kratkoročne metode podrazumijevaju povećanje proizvodnje po životinji, smanjenje broja životinja i optimizaciju hranidbe, dok dugoročne metode podrazumijevaju genetsku evaluaciju i selekciju na temelju varijacija u emisiji metana. Preduvjet za genetsku evaluaciju je izbor optimalnih indikatora i modela koji su vrlo točni i lako primjenjivi u rutinskoj kontroli proizvodnosti. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je procijeniti različite modele za procjenu emisije metana u mliječnih krava na temelju podataka kontrole proizvodnosti. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na to da bi se podatci kontrole proizvodnosti mogli koristiti za procjenu emisije metana kod mliječnih simentalskih krava, što omogućuje analizu populacije i genetsku evaluaciju mliječnih goveda za emisiju metana. S obzirom na utvrđenu vrlo visoku varijabilnost u procijenjenim vrijednostima emisije metana u odnosu na korišteni statistički model te s ciljem visoke točnosti genetske evaluacije, preporučuje se definiranje modela procjene tjelesne mase, unosa suhe tvari i emisije metana na temelju parametara (ocjene eksterijera te zapisi na kontrolni dan) populacije pojedinih mliječnih goveda. Model će omogućiti genetsku evaluaciju mliječnih goveda za emisiju metana, kao i selekciju krava s manjom emisijom metana. Primjena navedenoga u konačnici će dovesti do ekološki prihvatljivije proizvodnje mlijeka.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 1 ; str. 76-80  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mliječne krave -- Simentalsko govedo -- Emisija metana -- Statistički modeli

RAKO, Ante, agronom
Effect of composition and proteolysis on textural characteristics of Croatian cheese ripen in a lamb skin sack (Sir iz mišine) [Elektronička građa] / Ante Rako, Milna Tudor Kalit, Denis Petrović, Samir Kalit, Zorica Rako. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 45 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The objective of this study was to determine the effect of composition and proteolysis on textural characteristics of Croatian cheese in a lamb skin sack (Sir iz mišine) over a ripening period of 30 days. Ten ovine milk cheese batches were manufactured according to the traditional manufacturing procedures. The content of total solids, fat, proteins (P<0.05) and salt (P<0.01) significantly increased during cheese ripening. Results of this research showed that αs1-casein hydrolysed more rapid in comparison to the β-casein. An extensive and significant (P<0.05) degradation of αs1-casein was accompanied by significant (P<0.05) accumulation of αs1-I-casein. Although β-casein degradation occurred in cheese to a moderate degree, these changes were not statistically significant. However, the level of γ-casein increased significantly (P<0.01) in cheese throughout ripening. Due to the extensive proteolysis, both TCA-SN (P<0.01) and WSN (P<0.05) significantly increased throughout ripening time. Results showed significant decrease (P<0.05) in hardness, cohesiveness and springiness during cheese ripening along with progress of proteolysis. Weakening effect of caseinolysis predominated over the strengthening effect of moisture loss in the texture development of cheese, which could be attributed to the specific conditions in the animal skin sack during ripening. - Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi promjene fizikalno-kemijskih, proteolitičkih i teksturnih značajki sira iz mišine tijekom zrenja od 30 dana. Prema tradicionalnom postupku proizvodnje, proizvedeno je 10 šarži sira. Udio suhe tvari, masti, proteina (P<0.05) i soli (P<0.01) se značajno povećavao tijekom zrenja sira. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali bržu razgradnju αs1 kazeina u odnosu na β-kazein. Opsežna i značajna (P<0.05) razgradnja αs1 kazeina je popraćena značajnim (P<0.05) povećanjem udjela αs1-I-kazeina. Iako je utvrđena umjerena razgradnja β-kazeina u siru, statistički značajne razlike nisu utvrđene. Međutim, udio γ-kazeina se značajno (P<0,01) povećavao tijekom zrenja sira. Kao posljedica intenzivne proteolize, došlo je do značajnog povećanja udjela TCA-SN (P<0,01) i WSN (P<0,05). Rezultati su pokazali značajno (P<0,05) smanjenje čvrstoće, kohezivnosti i elastičnosti tijekom zrenja sira odnosno s progresom proteolize. Učinak omekšavanja sira kao posljedica kazeinolize nadvladao je učinak učvršćivanja sira kao posljedica gubitka vlage, što se može pripisati specifičnim uvjetima u mišini tijekom zrenja sira.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 1 ; str. 21-29  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sir -- Sir iz mišine -- Kemijski sastav -- Proteoliza -- Zrenje sira -- Tekstura sira

KRÓL, Jolanta
Effect of the feeding system and the production season on the protein fraction content in milk [Elektronička građa] / Jolanta Król, Aneta Brodziak, Witold Chabuz, Zygmunt Litwińczuk, Joanna Barłowska. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The objective of the present research was to analyse the protein fraction content in milk, with particular regard to whey proteins, in dependence on the cows’ feeding system (group 1 - extensive, 2 - semi-intensive, 3 - intensive) and production season (spring-summer and autumn-winter). Chemical analysis of the fodder was the base for calculation of energy and protein coverage of nutritional dose. A total of 1,133 milk samples were evaluated (550 in winter and 583 in summer). The milk samples were examined for the somatic cell count (SCC), the basic chemical composition, casein and whey proteins: α-lactalbumin, β-lactoglobulin, bovine serum albumin (BSA), lactoferrin and lysozyme. Higher content of crude protein, including casein, was noticed in milk obtained from cows coming from semi-intensive and intensive farms. However, milk taken from cows fed according to the group 1, which was based on fodder from permanent grasslands, had the highest concentration of major whey proteins - both in the summer (pasture and hay) and winter (hay and haylage) seasons. With the increase of silage and industrial fodder in the feed ration, the content of whey proteins - mainly β-lactoglobulin and lactoferrin - decreased, which was confirmed by the obtained negative correlation coefficients. - Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati sadržaj proteinske frakcije mlijeka, s posebnim naglaskom na protein sirutke, ovisno o sustavu hranidbe krava (grupa 1 - ekstenzivni, 2 - djelomično intenzivni, 3 - intenzivni) kao i sezoni laktacije (proljeće-ljeto i jesen-zima). Kemijske analize krmiva bile su temelj za izračun dostatnosti energije i proteina u dnevnom unosu nutrijenata. Ukupno je ispitano 1133 uzorka mlijeka (550 zimi i 583 ljeti), a određivani su ukupan broj somatskih stanica (SCC), osnovni kemijski sastav, te udjeli kazeina i proteina sirutke - α-laktalbumin, β-laktoglobulin, albumin krvnog seruma (BSA), laktoferin i lizozim. Viši udio ukupnih proteina, uključujući kazein, utvrđen je u mlijeku krava s farmi s djelomično intenzivnim i intenzivnim sustavom hranidbe. Međutim, neovisno o sezoni laktacije, najveće koncentracije proteina sirutke utvrđene su u mlijeku krava svrstanih u grupu 1, čija se hranidba temeljila na kontinuiranoj ispaši (ljeti - ispaša i sijeno; zimi - sijeno i silaža). Porastom udjela silaže i industrijskih krmiva u hranidbi, udjel proteina sirutke (prije svega β-laktoglobulina i laktoferina) je padao, što je potvrđeno i dobivenim negativnim koeficijentima korelacije.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 2 ; str. 98-107  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mlijeko -- Proteini sirutke -- Hranidba krava -- Laktacija -- Ekstenzivan uzgoj -- Intenzivan uzgoj

Effects of additional colostrum feeding on the levels of protein fractions in calves' serum [Elektronička građa] / Edyta Wojtas, Marta Iwaszkiewicz, Andrzej Zachwieja, Ewa Pecka-Kiełb, Katarzyna Paczyńska, Joanna Tumanowicz. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of additional colostrum feeding to new born calves on levels of selected serum protein fractions. The study was conducted on a commercial dairy farm. Twenty-four cows of Polish Holstein-Friesian breed and their calves were included in the trial. Chemical composition, the somatic cell count (SCC), the total bacteria count (TBC) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration were determined in colostrum samples. Blood was collected via jugular vein puncture from a total of 24 calves at the 36th hour of life. Total serum protein (TSP), as well as its fractions (albumins, globulins) and IgG concentration were determined. Greater IgG, total protein, albumins and globulins concentrations were found in serum of calves fed colostrum four times compared with three times on the first day of life. It was concluded that increasing the number of colostrum feedings to four times can be beneficial to forming of passive immunity of newborn calves. - Cilj ove studije bio je istražiti utjecaj dodatnog hranjenja novorođene teladi kolostrumom u prvim satima života na odabrane razine proteinskih frakcija u serumu. Studija je provedena na komercijalnom gospodarstvu za proizvodnju mlijeka. Dvadeset i četiri krave poljskog holstein-frizijskog goveda i njihove teladi bili su uključeni u istraživanje. Osnovni sastav, broj somatskih stanica (BSS), ukupan broj bakterija (UBB) i koncentracija imunoglobulina G (IgG) određeni su u uzorcima kolostruma. Krv je uzeta punkcijom jugularne vene od ukupno 24 teleta drugog dana života. Određeni su ukupni proteini u serumu, njihove frakcije (albumini, globulini) i koncentracije IgG-a. U serumu teladi hranjene kolostrumom četiri puta određene su veće koncentracije IgG-a, ukupnih proteina, albumina i globulina u usporedbi s onima hranjenim tri puta prvog dana života. Zaključeno je kako povećanje broja hranjenja kolostrumom na četiri puta može biti korisno za stvaranje pasivnog imuniteta kod novorođene teladi.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 3 ; str. 206-210  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Telad -- Hranjenje -- Kolostrum -- Proteini

ŠPEHAR, Marija
Estimation of genetic parameters for dairy traits using repeatability animal models based on test-day data for Alpine goat in Croatia [Elektronička građa] / Marija Špehar, Danijel Mulc, Zdravko Barać, Boro Mioč, Ante Kasap. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 49 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for daily milk yield (DMY), fat (FC), and protein content (PC) using 329.022 test-day records of 23.756 Alpine does. Single trait repeatability animal model was applied. Parity, litter size, season, and lactation stage (Ali-Schaeffer’s curve) were fitted in the fixed, while herd, herd-test-day, permanent environment (within lactations) and additive genetic effect in the random part of the model. Variance components were estimated using Residual Maximum Likelihood Method in the VCE-6 program. Additive genetic effect explained 23 %, 16 % and 25 % of DMY, FC and PC variability which is in general agreement with numerous previous reports for dairy goat breeds. Among the non-genetic effects, herd explained 24 %, 12 %, and 9 %, herd-test-day 17 %, 29 %, and 30 %, and permanent environment 16 %, 3 %, and 5 % of DMY, FC and PC variability, respectively. The estimated parameters and developed single trait repeatability test-day models will serve as a basic tool in BLUP based genetic evaluation of Alpine breed in Croatia. - Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti genetske parametre za dnevnu količinu mlijeka (DKM), udio mliječne masti (UM) i udio proteina u mlijeku (UP) temeljem 329,022 fenotipskih zapisa na dan kontrole mliječnosti koza pasmine Alpina (ukupno 23,756). Pri procjeni genetskih parametara za svako pojedino svojstvo korišten je model životinja s ponovljenim mjerenjima za jedno svojstvo (engl. single-trait repeatability animal model). U fiksnom dijelu modela korišteni su redoslijed laktacije, veličina legla, sezona laktacije i stadij laktacije (Ali-Schaeffer-ova krivulja). U slučajnom dijelu modela korišteni su utjecaji: stada, testnog dana unutar stada, trajnih okolišnih čimbenika unutar redoslijeda laktacije i aditivnih genetskih učinaka. Komponente varijance procijenjene su metodom REML u programu VCE-6. Udjeli aditivne genetske varijance u ukupnoj fenotipskoj varijanci DKM, UM i UP bili su redom 23 %, 16 % i 25 %, što je u suglasju s brojnim publiciranim heritabilitetima za ova svojstva kod mliječnih pasmina koza. Udio varijance negenetskih čimbenika za svojstva DKM, UM i UP bili su redom 24 %, 12 %, i 9 % za utjecaj stada, 17 %, 29 %, i 30 % za utjecaj testnog dana unutar stada i 16 %, 3 % i 5 % za utjecaj trajnih okolišnih čimbenika unutar laktacije. Procijenjeni parametri i razvijeni statistički modeli biti će korišteni u rutinskom genetskom vrednovanju alpskih koza za svojstva mliječnosti u Hrvatskoj.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 4 ; str. 215-221  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mlijeko -- Koze -- Alpina koza -- Svojstva mliječnosti -- Genetski parametri

Functional and sensory properties of olives fortified spreadable cheese [Elektronička građa] / Maja Repajić, Anamarija Grudenić, Branka Levaj. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 40 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of olive type (green and black) and content on quality and sensory properties of spreadable cheese with olives. Total solids, pH value, colour (colourimetric), total phenols by Folin-Ciocalteau method and antioxidant capacity (FRAP) of the raw materials as well as of the prepared samples were examined. Furthermore, samples of spreadable cheese with olives were sensory evaluated using the Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA). ANOVA showed that the applied sources of variation significantly affected the majority of investigated parameters. Samples with black olives had slightly higher dry matter content and pH value, and were characterized by darker and dull colour. The determined total phenols contents and antioxidant capacity showed a good potential of spreadable cheese with olives as a functional food, whereby green olives samples had higher total phenols content as well as antioxidant capacity. Generally, sensory properties of all samples were very well scored, indicating their good acceptability by consumers. Samples with black olives accomplished higher scores for flavour harmony and overall acceptability, where spreadable cheese with the highest olive content emphasized with the highest scores for these properties. - Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati utjecaj tipa (crne i zelene) i udjela masline na kvalitetu i senzorska svojstva sirnog namaza s maslinama. U uzorcima polaznih sirovina te pripremljenog sirnog namaza s maslinama određeni su ukupna suha tvar, pH vrijednost, boja (kolorimetrijski), sadržaj ukupnih fenola Folin-Ciocalteau metodom i antioksidacijski kapacitet (FRAP). Nadalje, uzorci sirnog namaza senzorski su ocijenjeni kvantitativnom deskriptivnom analizom (QDA). ANOVA je pokazala da su primijenjeni izvori varijacija značajno utjecali na većinu ispitivanih parametara. Uzorci s crnim maslinama imali su nešto viši udio suhe tvari, pH vrijednost te tamniju i zasićeniju boju. Određeni sadržaj ukupnih fenola i antioksidacijski kapacitet ukazuju na dobar potencijal sirnog namaza s maslinama kao funkcionalne hrane, gdje su uzorci sa zelenim maslinama sadržavali više ukupnih fenola i antioksidacijski kapacitet. Općenito, senzorska svojstva svih uzoraka su vrlo dobro ocijenjena, što upućuje na njihovu dobru prihvatljivost kod potrošača. Uzorci s crnim maslinama postigli su više ocjene za harmoničnost arome i ukupnu prihvatljivost, gdje se uzorak sirnog namaza s najvišim udjelom maslina istaknuo najvišim ocjenama za navedena svojstva.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 2 ; str. 125-137  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sirni namaz -- Kvaliteta -- Masline -- Fenoli -- Senzorska svojstva

Health-promoting value of cow, sheep and goat milk and yogurts [Elektronička građa] / Beata Paszczyk, Elżbieta Tońska, Joanna Łuczyńska. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 53 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The purpose of the presented study was to determine the fatty acid composition, health lipid indices content and selected micro and macronutrients in cow, sheep and goat milk and yogurts produced there of. Fatty acid composition was determined by the GC-FID method using a 100-m capillary column with CP Sil 88 phase. Microelements (iron, zinc, copper and manganese) and macroelements (magnesium and calcium) were analysed using flame atomic absorption spectrometry, whereas sodium and potassium were determined by the emission method. Phosphorus was analysed by the colorimetric method. The conducted study demonstrated that sheep, cow and goat milks and yogurts were characterized by different contents of fatty acids, micro- and macroelements. Sheep milk and yogurts could be regarded as richer sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), (4.41 and 4.35 % of total fatty acids, respectively), n-3 fatty acids (1.05 % of total fatty acids). These samples also had lower n6/n3 ratio (1.93 and 1.92, respectively) and the lowest value index of Thrombogenicity (TI) in comparison to the other analyzed milk and yogurt samples. In turn, goat milk and yogurts were characterized by the highest content of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), (18.07 and 18.17 % of total fatty acids, respectively) the lowest content of saturated fatty acids (SFA), (54.62 and 54.93 %, respectively) and the lowest value index of Atherogenicity (AI) (2.79 and 2.84, respectively). Concentrations of all analyzed microand macroelements were significantly (P<0.05) higher in yogurts than in milk samples used for their production. Goat yogurts contained higher concentrations of copper, iron, and potassium compared to sheep and cow yogurts. In turn, sheep yogurts had more zinc, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus than the other analyzed yogurt samples. - Svrha ovog rada bila je odrediti sastav masnih kiselina te lipida s povoljnim zdravstvenim učincima kao i odabranih mikro- i makroelemenata u kravljem, ovčjem i kozjem mlijeku i jogurtu. Sastav masnih kiselina određivan je GC-FID metodom pomoću 100-m kapilarne kolone s CP Sil 88 fazom. Makroelementi (željezo, cink, bakar i mangan) i mikroelementi (magnezij i kalcij) određivani su primjenom plamene atomske apsorpcijske spektrometrije, dok su natrij i kalij određivani emisijskom metodom. Udio fosfora određen je kolorimetrijskom metodom. Ovo istraživanje pokazalo je da ovčje, kravlje i kozje mlijeko te jogurti sadrže različite količine masnih kiselina, mikro- i makroelemenata. Ovčje mlijeko i jogurt su se pokazali boljim izvorom višestruko nezasićenih masnih kiselina (PUFA) (4,41 odnosno 4,35 % ukupnih masnih kiselina) i n-3 masnih kiselina (1,05 % ukupnih masnih kiselina). U usporedbi s ostalim uzorcima mlijeka i jogurta, ovi uzorci također su imali manji omjer n6/n3 masnih kiselina (1,93, odnosno 1,92) kao i najniži indeks trombogenosti (TI). S druge strane kozje mlijeko i jogurt sadržavali su najviše koncentracije kratkolančanih masnih kiselina (SCFA), (18,07 odnosno 18,17 % ukupnih masnih kiselina), najniže koncentracije zasićenih masnih kiselina (SFA), (54,62 odnosno 54,93 %, ukupnih masnih kiselina) i najniži indeks aterogenosti (AI) (2,79 odnosno 2,84). Koncentracije svih određivanih mikro- i makroelemenata bile su značajno (P<0,05) više u jogurtu nego u mlijeku. Kozji jogurt sadržavao je više koncentracije bakra, željeza i kalija u odnosu na ovčji i kravlji jogurt. S druge strane, ovčji jogurt je sadržavao više cinka, magnezija, kalcija i fosfora u odnosu na ostale vrste analiziranih jogurta.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 3 ; str. 182-192  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mlijeko -- Jogurt -- Zdravstvena vrijednost -- Masne kiseline -- Mineralne tvari

Impact of the volume and the profile of volatile fatty acids in the rumen fermentation on cow productivity and milk composition [Elektronička građa] / Katarzyna Mikołajczyk, Ewa Pecka-Kiełb, Andrzej Zachwieja. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 37 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of the research was to establish relations between the selected rumen fermentation products and the milk composition in dairy cows. The experiment was conducted on 10 Polish Holstein-Friesian cows of black and white variety. The animals were kept in the free stall housing system and fed with the total mixed ration (TMR). The herd’s milk production was assessed using the A4 method and the milk analyses were obtained from the milk recordings. The rumen digesta were sampled two hours after the morning delivery of TMR using a stomach pump. The sampled digesta were diluted with buffer, homogenized and the obtained suspension was analysed using gas chromatograph with the FID detector to determine the total concentration of volatile fatty acids (VFA) and the percentage of individual VFAs. Milk composition was obtained from the RW-1 reports, and the Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated for the obtained parameters. It was determined that propionate and the relation of propionate to butyrate in the rumen digesta increased the protein content and its fractions in milk. The volatile fatty acids utilization coefficient in the rumen digesta a positive correlation to protein contents and a negative correlation to the level of caseins in milk were shown. Processes taking place in the cow rumen significantly influence the composition and quality of milk. The knowledge of volatile fatty acids content and the of individual VFAs allows for the management of the rumen fermentation in order to obtain better technological parameters of milk. - Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi odnose između odabranih produkata fermentacije u buragu i sastava mlijeka muznih krava. Istraživanje je provedeno na 10 krava pasmine holstein-friesian. Životinje su držane u slobodnom stajskom uzgoju i hranjene TMR-om. Produktivnost stada određena je pomoću A4 metode, a podaci o sastavu mlijeka dobiveni su iz centralnog sustava praćenja. Ferment iz buraga izuzet je pomoću želučane pumpe 2 sata nakon jutarnje hranidbe smjesom TMR. Izuzeti uzorci razrijeđeni su puferom i homogenizirani, a dobivena suspenzija je analizirana pomoću plinskog kromatografa opremljenog s FID detektorom kako bi se odredila koncentracija ukupnih, kao i udjeli pojedinačnih hlapivih masnih kiselina (VFA). Sastav mlijeka preuzet je iz zapisa sustava praćenja RW-1, a koeficijent korelacije prema Pearsonu je izračunat iz dobivenih parametara. Utvrđeno je da se odnos propionat/butirat u fermentu buraga povećava s povećanjem udjela proteina i proteinskih frakcija u mlijeku. Koeficijent iskoristivosti hlapivih masnih kiselina u fermentu buraga pokazao je pozitivnu korelaciju s udjelom proteina i negativnu korelaciju s koncentracijom kazeina u mlijeku. Procesi koji se odvijaju u kravljem buragu značajno utječu na sastav i kvalitetu mlijeka. Spoznaje o ukupnom sadržaju kao i sadržaju pojedinih hlapivih masnih kiselina omogućuju podešavanje upravljanja fermentacijom u buragu u svrhu dobivanja boljih tehnoloških svojstava mlijeka.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 4 ; str. 222-228  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mliječne krave -- Mlijeko -- Sastav mlijeka -- Ferment buraga -- Masne kiseline

Importance of sensory evaluation in assessment of egg quality [Elektronička građa] / Polonca Margeta, Gordana Kralik, Manuela Grčević, Danica Hanžek, Zlata Kralik.
Bibliografija: 36 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The sensory evaluation is a scientific discipline used to evoke, measure, analyze and interpret reactions to stimuli perceived through senses of sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. Sensory evaluation applies principles of experimental design and statistical analysis to the use of human senses aiming to isolate the sensory properties of foods themselves and provide important and useful information to product developers, food scientists, and managers about the sensory characteristics of food products. To achieve the scientific control of the sensory evaluation test, good laboratory practice should be applied. It includes defining the test objective and test type, selection of right assessors, ensuring right test area, handling and preparing the sample in appropriate way, paying attention to test set-up and storing the test data safe in logical order. Regarding eggs, sensory characteristics are usually evaluated on eggs enriched with bioactive compounds. Sensory studies are often conducted either with trained (in accordance with international reference standards) or untrained panelists. Sensory evaluation of eggs after addition of different compounds is of great importance because sensory attributes such as aroma, flavor, aftertaste and overall acceptability of enriched eggs are very important to consumers. - Senzorna procjena je znanstvena disciplina koja se koristi za evociranje, mjerenje, analizu i tumačenje reakcija na podražaje koji se percipiraju kroz osjetila vida, mirisa, dodira, okusa i sluha. Senzorna procjena primjenjuje načela eksperimentalnoga oblikovanja i statističke analize za korištenje ljudskih osjetila u pokušaju izoliranja osjetilnih svojstava hrane i daje važne i korisne informacije proizvođačima, znanstvenicima koji se bave hranom te menadžerima o osjetilnim karakteristikama prehrambenih proizvoda. Da bi se postigla znanstvena kontrola senzornoga testa procjene, potrebno je primijeniti dobru laboratorijsku praksu, koja uključuje definiranje cilja i tipa ispitivanja, odabir pravih procjenitelja, osiguravanje odgovarajućega područja ispitivanja, rukovanje i pripremanje uzorka na odgovarajući način, vodeći računa o tome da je postavljanje ispitivanja i pohranjivanje podataka ispitivanja sigurno i u logičkom redoslijedu. Kada se radi o jajima, osjetilna svojstva obično se procjenjuju na jajima obogaćenim bioaktivnim spojevima. Senzorne studije često se (u skladu s međunarodnim referentnim standardima) provode s obučenim ili neobučenim panelistima. Senzorna procjena jaja nakon dodavanja različitih spojeva od izuzetne je važnosti, jer su senzorna obilježja, kao što su aroma, okus, naknadni okus i sveukupna prihvatljivost obogaćenih jaja, vrlo važna potrošačima.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 1 ; str. 56-63  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Jaja -- Senzorna procjena -- Obogaćivanje hrane -- Kvaliteta jaja

Management of blood lipid profile and oxidative status in Holstein and Simmental dairy cows during lactation [Elektronička građa] / Dejan Obućinski, Dragan Soleša, Denis Kučević, Radivoj Prodanović, Mirela Tomaš Simin, Dragana Ljubojević Pelić, Olivera Đuragić, Nikola Puvača. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 43 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Managing and determination of the blood lipid profile and oxidative status are useful tool to show the influence of foreign chemical substances on production of dairy cows. Investigation of various biomarkers of oxidative stress related to various problems in the production dairy cows presents a very important issue. The aim of this research was to investigate different biological markers in two different breeds of dairy cows – the Holstein Friesian and the Simmental, during different stages of lactation. The total of 60 Holstein Friesian and Simmental cows were divided into two treatments (HF and S) which was further divided into three groups each, respectively. Lactating groups of each cow breed was divided into three stages at early lactation of 32-75 days (HF1 and S1), peak lactation of 80-165 days (HF2 and S2) and low lactation of 175 days onward (HF3 and S3). During the research the total milk production and the percentage of milk fat and protein were determined. Blood samples were collected from jugular vein of each cow, the serum was harvested without anticoagulant and stored at -20 °C in small aliquots till further analysis. Serum was then analyzed for triglyceride, cholesterol, HDL, LDL, AST, ALT, GGT, the total antioxidant status (TAS), the total oxidant status (TOS), MDA, SOD, catalase and paraoxonase (PON1). Significantly (P<0.05) higher values of cholesterol, TOS and SOD at peak lactation stage was observed in all cows. A gradual decline from early lactation to low lactation was observed in the values of triglycerides and ALT, while MDA gradually increased from the same stage in all cows. The values of LDL and catalase showed an irregular pattern of variations in various lactation stages among all groups. The Holstein Friesian breed showed significantly higher values of ALT and PON1, while values of HDL, TAS and TOS were the lowest in Simmental group (P<0.05). - Upravljanje i određivanje lipidnog profila krvi i oksidacijskog statusa vrlo je korisno sredstvo za dokazivanje utjecaja stranih kemijskih tvari na proizvodnju mliječnih krava. Istraživanje različitih biomarkera oksidativnog stresa povezanog s različitim problemima u proizvodnji mliječnih krava predstavlja vrlo važno pitanje. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti različite biološke markere krava holstein i simentalske pasmine, tijekom različitih faza laktacije. Ukupno 60 krava holstein i simentalske pasmine podijeljeno je u dva tretmana (HF i S) koji su dalje podijeljeni u tri skupine. Skupine svake pasmine krava bile su podijeljene u tri faze u ranoj laktaciji od 32-75 dana (HF1 i S1), maksimalna laktacija 80-165 dana (HF2 i S2) i niska laktacija od 175 dana nadalje (HF3 i S3). Tijekom pokusa utvrđena je ukupna proizvodnja mlijeka i postotak mliječne masti i proteina. Uzorci krvi su uzeti iz jugularne vene svake krave, dok serum je sakupljen bez antikoagulanta i pohranjen na -20 °C u malim alikvotima do daljnje analize. Serum je zatim analiziran na trigliceride, kolesterol, HDL, LDL, AST, ALT, GGT, ukupni antioksidacijski status (TAS), ukupni oksidacijski status (TOS), MDA, SOD, katalaze i paraoksonaze (PON1). Značajno (P<0,05) su se pokazale visoke vrijednosti kolesterola, TOS-a i SOD-a na vrhuncu laktacije kod svih krava. Postupno opadanje od rane laktacije do niske laktacije uočeno je u vrijednostima triglicerida, ALT, dok je MDA postupno rasla iz iste faze u svih krava, dok su LDL i katalaza pokazale nepravilan raspon varijacija u različitim fazama laktacije među svim skupinama. Holstein pasmina pokazala je značajno više vrijednosti ALT i PON1 (level of signifikance), dok su vrijednosti HDL, TAS i TOS bile niže u simentalskoj skupini. Pokazujući znakove oksidativnog stresa, zaključeno je da metabolički napori krava tijekom vrha laktacije utječu na istražene parametre.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 2 ; str. 116-124  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mliječne krave -- Holstein pasmina -- Simentalska pasmina -- Laktacija -- Proizvodnja mlijeka -- Stres -- Biomarkeri

Microbiological quality of mare's milk and trends in chemical composition by comparison of different analytical methods [Elektronička građa] / Ana Končurat, Lidija Kozačinski, Nina Bilandžić, Željka Cvrtila, Tomislav Sukalić, Marija Sedak, Miroslav Benić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In this study the quality of Croatian coldblooded mare’s milk during six months lactation period was investigated. Samples of milk were collected throughout six month’s lactation, from 22 mares and included three consecutive lactations. Physicochemical properties (pH, °SH, density) and chemical composition of raw mare milk have been studied. Fat, lactose, protein and solid non fat contents were analysed by infrared spectrophotometry and by conventional methods. Somatic cell count and microbiological parametres such as the total bacterial count, Enterobacteriaceae, coagulase positive staphylococci as well as presence of pathogens, Salmonella species and Listeria monocytogenes were also researched. Results are presented as comparison of standard and instrumental methods for chemical analysis (fat, protein, solid non fat, lactose). The mean values are presented as trends during lactation. Results were analysed by Stata 10.0. For results obtained by using different methods there were significant differences between methods for milk fat on 10th day, lactose content on 10th and 60th day, and total solids non fat on 60th day of lactation. Values of milk fat, protein, lactose and solids non fat obtained on the 40th, 60th, 120th and 180th days of lactation by IR spectrometry were compared with the value obtained on the 10th day of lactation by the same method (IR spectrometry). Milk of the Croatian coldblooded mares showed stabile chemical composition for all ingredients except lactose (p=0.0001), and high microbiological quality throughout the lactation period. - U ovom je radu istražena kvaliteta mlijeka hrvatskih hladnokrvnih kobila tijekom šestmjesečne laktacije. Uzorci mlijeka prikupljeni su od 22 kobile kroz tri uzastopne laktacije. Proučavane su fizikalno-kemijske osobine (pH, SH, gustoća) i kemijski sastav sirovog kobiljeg mlijeka. Mliječna mast, laktoza, bjelančevine i bezmasna suha tvar analizirani su infracrvenom spektrofotometrijom i konvencionalnim metodama. Utvrđen je broj somatskih stanica te ukupni broj bakterija. Od mikrobioloških parametara pretražene su Enterobacteriaceae, koagulazni pozitivni stafilokoki i utvrđeno je odsustvo patogena (Salmonella vrste i Listeria monocytogenes). Rezultati su prikazani kao usporedba standardnih i instrumentalnih metoda za kemijske analize (masti, bjelančevine, bezmasna suha tvar, laktoza). Srednje vrijednosti prikazane su kao trendovi tijekom laktacije. Rezultati su statistički analizirani pomoću programa Stata 10.0. Za rezultate dobivene primjenom različitih metoda zabilježene su statistički značajne razlike između metoda u udjelu mliječne masti 10. dana laktacije, sadržaj laktoze 10. i 60. dana te ukupne suhe tvari 60. dana laktacije. Vrijednosti mliječne masti, bjelančevina, laktoze i bezmasne suhe tvari dobivene 40., 60., 120. i 180. dana laktacije IR spektrometrijom uspoređene su s vrijednošću dobivenom 10. dana laktacijeistom metodom (IR spektrometrija). Mlijeko hrvatskih hladnokrvnih kobila pokazalo je stabilan kemijski sastav za sve sastojke osim laktoze (p=0.0001) i visoku mikrobiološku kvalitetu tijekom cijelog laktacijskog razdoblja.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 2 ; str. 138-146  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mlijeko -- Kobilje mlijeko -- Kemijski sastav -- Mikrobiološka kvaliteta -- Analitičke metode

ŠPEHAR, Marija
Opportunities of implementing the genomic selection in small populations - the Croatian case [Elektronička građa] / Marija Špehar, Zdenko Ivkić, Ivica Vranić, Josip Crnčić, Maja Dražić, Davor Pašalić, Zdravko Barać. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 35 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The implementation of genomic selection (GS) together with the changes caused by globalization and trade liberalization of breeding material often raise the question of sustainability of breeding programs in small cattle populations/countries. The objective of this study was to describe the steps in the implementation of GS in small populations of Croatian Simmental (SIM) and Holstein (HOL) breeds; to show the results of its implementation; and to present the perspectives of GS for these populations. In order to improve the selection of SIM bulls, Croatia joined the German-Austrian genomic evaluation system in July 2013. The main goal of the GS in HOL population was selection of bull’s dams at a young age which started in 2016 through the inclusion in German HOL genomic evaluation system. In total, 268 SIM and 96 HOL calves were selected, genotyped, and genomically tested until the end of 2017. The criterion for the entry of SIM bulls in the artificial insemination (AI) centres is the total merit index over 130 and candidates should not be carriers of specific monogenic defects or be recessive for them. Based on these criteria, seven young bulls were selected as for AI. The criteria for the selection of HOL females are the total merit index of 150, without monogenic defects and so far none of them reached these standards. The future perspective for HOL breed is international IgHol project for small HOL populations representing the possibility for cost-efficient solutions of GS. The implementation of GS brought opportunity to Croatian breeders to use semen of bulls from the national breeding program. Genomics for females becomes an attractive option to capitalise the benefits of using this technology. - Tehnološki napredak i uvođenje genomske selekcije potaknuti globalizacijom i liberalizacijom tržišta rasplodnog materijala doveli su u pitanje održivost postojećih nacionalnih uzgojnih programa posebice u manjim državama. Cilj ovog rada je bio: opisati postupke pri uvođenju i provedbi genomske selekcije u malim populacijama simentalske (SIM) i holstein (HOL) pasmine goveda u Republici Hrvatskoj (HR); predstaviti rezultate uvođenja genomske selekcije; i prikazati perspektive koje genomika nudi za ove populacije. S ciljem unapređenja odabira SIM bikova, RH se pridružila sustavu genomskog vrednovanja Njemačke i Austrije u srpnju 2013. godine. Cilj uvođenja genomske selekcije za HOL populaciju temeljio se na odabiru potencijalnih bikovskih majki u ranoj dobi, a započeo je 2016. godine uključenjem u sustav njemačkog genomskog vrednovanja za HOL pasminu. Ukupno je 268 SIM i 96 HOL teladi odabrano, genotipizirano i za njih je bilo provedeno genomsko vrednovanje. Preporučeni kriterij za ulazak mladih SIM bikova u centre za umjetno osjemenjivanje je genomski optimizirana uzgojna vrijednost za ukupan selekcijski indeks iznad 130, a ujedno kandidati ne smiju ispoljavati genetske defekte niti biti nositelji istih. Na osnovi ovih kriterija, sedam je mladih bikova bilo uključeno u sustav umjetnog osjemenjivanja. Preporučeni kriterij za odabir ženskih grla HOL pasmine je ukupni selekcijski indeks iznad 150, a kandidatkinje ne smiju ispoljavati niti biti nositeljice genetskih defekata. Do sada niti jedno genotipizirano žensko grlo nije zadovoljilo ove standarde. Alternativa njemačkom sustavu genomskog vrednovanja je međunarodni projekt za male HOL populacije (IgHol) koji predstavlja mogućnost ekonomski prihvatljive genomske selekcije. Provođenje aktivnosti genomske selekcije u RH omogućilo je korištenje sjemena bikova iz nacionalnog uzgojnog programa.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 2 ; str. 86-97  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Govedo -- Simentalska pasmina -- Holstein pasmina -- Genomska selekcija

KLIR, Željka
An overview on the use of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) in animal nutrition [Elektronička građa] / Željka Klir, Josip Novoselec, Zvonko Antunović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 41 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of the paper was to research the possibility of using hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) in animal nutrition. In animal nutrition, hemp seeds can be used, as well as hempseed cake, and hemp oil as supplement in feed mixtures. Hemp seeds are rich in crude protein and crude fat with adequate proportions of linoleic (LA, C18:2 n-6) and linolenic (ALA, C18:3 n-3) acid. The addition of hemp oil in diets of dairy goats increased milk fat with increasing conjugated fatty acid (CLA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) proportions. When feeding ewes with addition of hemp seeds (180 g/day) or hempseed cake (480 g/day), higher milk fat content was observed with higher proportions of LA, CLA and ALA. Addition of hempseed cake (143 g/ kg DM) in diets of cows increased milk yield, compared to the control group and the group with higher levels of hempseed cake (233 or 318 g/kg DM). Nutrition of laying hens with hemp seeds in diet (10 and 20%) provided enrichment of yolk fat with ALA, and did not negatively influence laying performance. The aforementioned indicated possibility of using hemp in diets of animals without major changes in production, and with possible increase of desirable fatty acids in animal products. - Cilj je ovoga rada istražiti mogućnost upotrebe konoplje (Cannabis sativa L.) u hranidbi domaćih životinja. U hranidbi domaćih životinja mogu se koristiti sjemenke, pogača od sjemenki konoplje i ulje konoplje kao dodatak krmnim smjesama. Sjemenke konoplje su bogate sirovim bjelančevinama i sirovim mastima s odgovarajućom koncentracijom nezasićenih masnih kiselina, osobito linolnom (LA, C18:2 n-6) i linolenskom (ALA, C18:3 n-3) kiselinom. Dodatak ulja konoplje u obroke koza u laktaciji povećao je udio masti u mlijeku te je doveo do povećanja koncentracije konjugirane linolne (CLA) kiseline i polinezasićenih masnih kiselina (PUFA). Pri hranidbi ovaca krmnim smjesama s dodatkom sjemenki konoplje (180 g/dan) ili pogače sjemenki konoplje (480 g/dan) utvrđeno je povećanje količine mliječne masti, kao i povećanje koncentracije LA, CLA i ALA. Pogača sjemenki konoplje (143 g/kg ST) u obrocima krava povećala je količinu proizvedenoga mlijeka u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom i skupinom krava koje su konzumirale više razine pogače sjemenki konoplje (233 ili 318 g/kg ST). Hranidba kokoši nesilica pogačom sjemenki konoplje u obrocima (10 i 20%) rezultirala je obogaćivanjem žumanjka ALA-om, pri čemu nije utvrđen negativan utjecaj na pokazatelje nesivosti. Navedeno ukazuje na mogućnost upotrebe konoplje u obrocima domaćih životinja bez većih promjena u proizvodnji, uz mogućnost povećanja poželjnih masnih kiselina u animalnim proizvodima.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 2 ; str. 52-61  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Konoplja -- Hranidba -- Domaće životinje -- Mesni proizvodi

Performance indicators of broilers fed propolis and bee pollen additive [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Prakatur, Ivan Miškulin, Dalida Galović, Zvonimir Steiner, Božica Lachner, Matija Domaćinović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of this study was to determine the effect of diet supplementation with propolis and/or bee pollen on the performance indicators of broilers. This experimental study was conducted on 200 Ross 308 broilers equally distributed by sex and divided into five groups. Throughout the whole study the control group of chickens was fed feed mixture. Feed mixture fed to the experimental groups of chickens contained additives (propolis and/or bee pollen, each supplement separately or in combination in a certain proportion). The average values of broilers body weight were significantly higher on 7th (p=0.001), 14th, 21st, 28th, 35th (p<0.001) and 42nd (p=0.002) day of feeding in the experimental groups of broilers compared to the control group. The average values of broilers weight gain were significantly higher on 1st (p<0.001), 2nd (p=0.002), 3rd (p<0.001), 4th (p=0.029) and 5th (p=0.009) week of feeding in the experimental groups of broilers compared to the control group. This study has undoubtedly shown that propolis and bee pollen have significant positive effect on performance indicators of broilers. - Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati učinak hranidbe uz dodatak propolisa i/ili pčelinjega peluda na proizvodne pokazatelje brojlera. Ovaj pokus proveden je na 200 brojlera provenijencije Ross 308 ravnomjerno raspoređenih po spolu, koji su bili podijeljeni u pet skupina. Tijekom cijeloga pokusa kontrolna je skupina brojlera bila hranjena krmnom smjesom, dok su pokusne skupine brojlera hranjene istom krmnom smjesom uz dodatak propolisa i pčelinjeg peluda, svakim dodatkom zasebno ili u kombinaciji u određenome omjeru. Prosječne vrijednosti tjelesne mase brojlera bile su znatno više 7. (p=0,001), 14., 21., 28., 35. (p<0,001) i 42. (p=0,002) dana tova u pokusnim skupinama brojlera u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. Prosječne vrijednosti prirasta bile su znatno više 1. (p<0,001), 2. (p=0,002), 3. (p<0,001), 4. (p= 0,029) i 5. (p=0,009) tjedna tova u pokusnim skupinama brojlera u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. Ovo istraživanje je nedvojbeno pokazalo kako propolis i pčelinji pelud imaju značajan pozitivan učinak na proizvodne pokazatelje brojlera.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 1 ; str. 69-75  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Brojleri -- Hranidba -- Pčelinji pelud -- Prirast tjelesne mase -- Propolis -- Tjelesna masa

Persistence of heat stress effect in dairy cows [Elektronička građa] / Vesna Gantner, Tina Bobić, Klemen Potočnik, Maja Gregić, Denis Kučević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 45 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In order to determine the persistence of heat stress effect in dairy cows regarding the breed, parity and susceptibility to heat stress, over 1.9 million of test-day records from Holstein and Simmental cows reared in Croatia were used. The persistence of heat stress effect in the subsequent milk recordings was determined in cows that had significant decrease of daily milk yield at different THI threshold value (65, 70, 75, 80, and 85). The obtained results indicate that cows heat stressed at lower THI threshold value had higher proportional drop of daily milk yield in subsequent milk recordings. Also, primiparous and Simmentals experienced higher proportional drop when compared to multiparous and Holsteins. The negative effect of heat stress on daily milk contents that existed in all cows was more pronounced in the 2nd subsequent milk recording. The determined increase of somatic cell count in more heat stress sensitive Holsteins (THI in 65, 70, 75) indicates that Holstein cows, in terms of heat stress, also become more susceptible to mastitis. Finally, the lower was the THI threshold value, the stronger and more persistent was the heat stress effect. Considering the quite probable increase of the frequency of heat stress days, it is necessary to develop an adequate strategy for dairy farming. Aiming the accurate answer to the problem of heat stress in this region, it is necessary to conduct further research on genetic evaluation. - U cilju utvrđivanja perzistencije utjecaja toplinskog stresa u mliječnih krava i to u ovisnosti o pasmini, redoslijedu laktacije te osjetljivosti na toplinski stres analizirano je preko 1,9 milijuna zapisa na kontrolni dan mliječnih krava uzgajanih u Hrvatskoj. Perzistencija utjecaja toplinskog stresa pri sukcesivnim kontrolama mliječnosti utvrđivana je u krava koje su imale signifikantan pad dnevne količine mlijeka pri različitim graničnim vrijednostima THI-a (65, 70, 75, 80, i 85). Utvrđeni rezultati ukazuju da krave koje su doživjele toplinski stres pri nižim vrijednostima THI-a imaju veći pad u dnevnoj proizvodnji mlijeka u narednim kontrolama. Nadalje, prvotelke te krave simentalske pasmine imale su relativno veći pad proizvodnje komparabilno sa grlima u višim laktacijama te holstein pasminom. Negativni utjecaj toplinskog stresa na dnevni sadržaj mlijeka utvrđen je u svih krava te je bio izraženiji u drugoj sukcesivnoj kontroli komparabilno s prvom. Utvrđeni porast broja somatskih stanica u holstein pasmine osjetljivije na toplinski stres (THI 65, 70, 75) indicira da holstein krave u uvjetima toplinskog stresa postaju podložnije pojavi mastitisa. U konačnici, što je niža THI threshold vrijednost, to je izraženiji i dugotrajniji utjecaj toplinskog stresa. Imajući na umu vrlo vjerojatne promjene klime u smjeru povećanja frekvencije dana sa toplinskim stresom, nužan je razvoj adekvatnih strategija za mliječno govedarstvo. U cilju pronalaska rješenja za problem toplinskog stresa u ovoj regiji nužna je provedba daljnjih istraživanja u cilju genetske evaluacije na rezistentnost na toplinski stres.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 1 ; str. 30-41  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mliječne krave -- Simentalska pasmina -- Holstein pasmina -- Toplinski stres -- Mlijeko -- Karakteristike mlijeka

Quarter milking parameters by lactation in dairy cows [Elektronička građa] / Ramutė Mišeikienė, Saulius Tušas, Paulius Matusevičius, Sigita Kerzienė. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The study was conducted on 229 dairy cows in Lithuania. DeLaval milking robots were used for cows’ milking. Milk yield (kg), milking duration (min), milk flow (kg/min), peak flow rates (kg/min) by cow lactation in separate udder quarters were analyzed. The statistical analysis of the research data was performed using the data collection and analysis program package Statistical Package for Social Science 22 for Windows, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and One-Factor Dispersion Analysis (ANOVA) model. Distribution of the udder quarters is very important in the cow milking process. Milk yield from cow front udder quarters was about 4.6 kg (42.2 %) and from rear udder quarters 6.32 kg (57.8 %) (P<0.05). The milk content in front quarters was significantly lower than in the rear udder quarters in all dairy cows (P<0.05). Cows of the first lactation showed lower milk production per milking in all udder quarters when compared to other lactation cows (P<0.05). The duration of milking of cows in third and more lactation in front quarters was shorter than that of the first lactation cows (P<0.005). Along the increase in the number of cows’ lactations, the milking time in the front quarters decreased. The average milk flow and the peak flow in the first lactation cows were found to be lower than that in older cows (P<0.05). - Ova studija provedena je na 229 muznih krava u Litvi, a za mužnju korišteni su roboti tvrte DeLaval. Pritom su u svakoj pojedinoj četvrti vimena, ovisno o broju laktacija određivani prinos mlijeka (kg), trajanje mužnje (min), protok mlijeka (kg/min) i najviše vrijednosti protoka (kg/min). Statistička analiza prikupljenih podatka napravljena je pomoću programskog paketa Statistical Package for Social Science 22 za Windows, Kolmogorov-Smirnovog testa i modela analize varijance s jednim utjecajnim faktorom (ANOVA). Raspodjela četvrti vimena vrlo je važna u postupku mužnje. Prinos mlijeka u prednjim četvrtima vimena iznosio je oko 4,6 kg (42,2 %), a u zadnjim 6,32 kg (57,8 %) (P<0,05). Dakle, količina mlijeka bila je značajno manja (P<0,05) u prednjim četvrtima vimena u svih ispitivanih muznih krava. Uzimajući u obzir proizvodnju mlijeka u svim četvrtima vimena, mliječnost krava u prvoj laktaciji značajno je manja (P<0,05) u odnosu na krave s većim brojem laktacija. Trajanje mužnje prednjih četvrti vimena krava u trećoj i višoj laktaciji bilo je kraće nego u krava u prvoj laktaciji (P<0,005). S porastom broja laktacija opadalo je trajanje mužnje u prednjim četvrtima. Prosječan protok mlijeka i njegova maksimalna vrijednost bili su niži kod krava u prvoj laktaciju u odnosu na starije krave (P<0,05).
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 2 ; str. 108-115  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mliječne krave -- Strojna mužnja -- Laktacija -- Vime

Simulacija glavnih agrarno-političkih pokazatelja tržišta goveđega mesa u Republici Hrvatskoj AGMEMOD modelom parcijalne ravnoteže [Elektronička građa] / David Kranjac, Krunoslav Zmaić, Ivan Štefanić, Sanja Jelić Milković, Nikola Raguž, Emil Erjavec. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Srednjoročna simulacija razvoja glavnih agrarno-političkih pokazatelja tržišta goveđega mesa u Hrvatskoj do 2030. godine izrađena je putem modela parcijalne ravnoteže AGMEMOD (AGricultural MEmber State MODeling). Rezultati modela do kraja simuliranoga razdoblja, uz pretpostavku nastavka postojećih mjera i instrumenata Zajedničke poljoprivredne politike, potvrđuju razvoj negativnih trendova u sklopu tržišta goveđega mesa uočenih pregledom povijesnih podataka. Do kraja simuliranoga razdoblja očekuje se smanjenje ukupnoga broja goveda za 8,63% i proizvodnje goveđega mesa za 24,46%, dok domaća potrošnja raste za 25,91%. Negativni proizvodni pokazatelji uz rastuću domaću potrošnju mogli bi uzrokovati rast uvoza goveđega mesa za 82,68%, uz stupanj samodostatnosti od 49% do 2030. godine. Cijena goveđega mesa od ulaska Hrvatske u Europsku uniju je stabilna, te se stabilan razvoj, uz blagi trend smanjenja, očekuje do kraja simuliranoga razdoblja. - The mid-term simulation of the main agrarian policy indicators development of Croatian beef meat market by 2030 was made by the AGMEMOD (AGricultural MEmber State MODelling) partial equilibrium model. Model results until the end of the simulated period, assuming the continuation of the existing measures and instruments of the Common Agricultural Policy, confirm the development of negative trends within the beef market, observed through the review of historical data. By the end of the simulated period, it is expected that the total number of cattle will be reduced by 8.63%, and beef meat production by 24.46%, while domestic consumption will be growing by 25.91%. Negative production indicators with growing domestic consumption could cause the growth of beef meat imports by 82.68%, with a self-sufficiency level of 49% by 2030. Since Croatia’s accession to the European Union, producers’ price of beef meat has been stable, and stable development, with a slight downward trend, is expected until the end of the simulated period.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 2 ; str. 45-51  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Govedina -- Tržište -- Model parcijalne ravnoteže

Vidi br.: HA19-01618

636.09   Veterinarska znanost

64   Ekonomika kućanstva. Domaćinstvo. Vođenje kućanstva

VERYERI Alaca, Ilgım
Honing emergent literacy via food [Elektronička građa] : edible reading / Ilgım Veryeri Alaca. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 355-357. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This study explores the honing of children’s emerging literacy skills through the use of food that is inspired by children’s books. Besides digital and printed books, edible texts have the potential to aid language acquisition and literary appreciation. When edible materials and children’s books are synthesised into a new form to facilitate edible readings, the combination may inspire more families to engage in everyday literacy activities with their children. Using historical examples of edible reading that support emergent literacy, this work investigates how children have fed on edible materialities that appeal to their senses on multiple levels. As well as traditional methods, this study looks at innovative methods of food printing and production such as 2D and 3D printing technologies and how these may be integrated into edible texts through prototypes presented by the author. - Istražuje se način brušenja, tj. uvježbavanja vještine dječje rane pismenosti uz pomoć namirnica inspiriranih dječjim knjigama. Osim digitalnih i tiskanih knjiga, i jestivi tekstovi imaju potencijal pomoći usvajanju jezika i upoznavanju književnosti. Kad se jestivi materijali i dječje knjige sintetiziraju u novi oblik kako bi se olakšalo jestivo čitanje, ta kombinacija može potaknuti veći broj obitelji na zajedničko sudjelovanje sa svojom djecom u svakodnevnim aktivnostima usmjerenima na razvoj pismenosti. U osloncu na povijesne primjere jestivoga čitanja koji podupiru ranu pismenost, istražuje se kako su se djeca hranila jestivim tekstovima koji su poticali njihove osjete na višestrukim razinama. Razmatraju se ne samo tradicionalne metode, nego i inovativne metode tiskanja na hrani i nove tehnologije kao što su dvodimenzionalni i trodimenzionalni tisak te se razmatra kako bi se one mogle uključiti u proizvodnju jestivih tekstova i to uz pomoć prototipa jestivih namirnica koje je osmislila i ovdje prikazala autorica rada.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 8 (2019), 2 ; str. 343-357  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dječje knjige -- Čitanje -- Jestivi materijali -- Višeosjetilni pristup -- Rana pismenost

65   Komunikacijska i prijevozna industrija. Računovodstvo. Poslovno upravljanje. Odnosi s javnošću

655   Grafička industrija. Tiskarstvo. Izdavaštvo. Knjižarstvo

Vidi br.: HA19-01825

Vidi br.: HA19-01626

Vidi br.: HA19-01647

656   Prijevozne i poštanske usluge. Organizacija i kontrola prometa

BARIĆ, Nikica
Željezničke prometnice u obalnom pojasu Nezavisne Države Hrvatske do kapitulacije Kraljevine Italije [Elektronička građa] / Nikica Barić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 907-908. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U članku se, znatnim dijelom na temelju novih arhivskih izvora, prikazuje stanje željezničkih prometnica u obalnom pojasu Nezavisne Države Hrvatske. Talijanska vojska preuzela je početkom rujna 1941. upravu u tom pojasu. Članak prati stanje na tim prometnicima do talijanske kapitulacije u rujnu 1943. godine. Kroz ovo istraživanje može se doći do određenih novih spoznaja o odnosima Nezavisne Države Hrvatske i Kraljevine Italije, ali i do novih spoznaja kada je riječ o prometnim vezama, u konkretnom slučaju željezničkim, koje su u ratnim okolnostima povezivale krajeve uz jadransku obalu sa zaleđem, odnosno Zagrebom i drugim krajevima sjeverno od rijeke Save. - The paper presents the state of railway traffic in the coastal belt of the Independent State of Croatia (Nezavisna Država Hrvatska, NDH) and the railway lines that connected that area with Zagreb and the rest of the NDH. These lines were the Zagreb–Rijeka (Fiume) line, the Lika line from Zagreb to Split, and the Bosnian narrow gauge line from Brod na Savi via Sarajevo to Mostar and Dubrovnik. In early September 1941, the Italian army took over command of the civilian and military NDH authorities in the coastal zone, and accordingly over the rail lines in that area. Relations between the NDH and Kingdom of Italy were formally those of close alliance and cooperation. In reality, however, the fact that the Italians annexed certain parts of Croatian coastal territory in May 1941 as well as the Italian occupation of the coastal zone caused mutual distrust and disagreements between the Italians and the NDH regime. Such relations were also visible in the railway traffic, where Italians often assumed command and control without consulting the Croatian State Railways. Already during late 1941, the Partisan movement directed its attacks on railway communications. Partisans committed hundreds of attacks on railway and trains, and soon traffic was heavily disrupted and limited on all railway lines connecting the coastal belt with Zagreb and the hinterland. In early 1943, Italian troops withdrew from Lika, and Partisans quickly took control over that region. After that, the Lika railway from Zagreb to Dalmatia was cut, and it did not become operational until after the war. After the Italian armistice with the Allies and the disintegration of Italian troops in the NDH and areas annexed in 1941, the Zagreb–Rijeka line was also cut. Only the Bosnian narrow gauge line remained operational as a link between the coastal parts of the NDH and its hinterland.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 3 ; str. 879-910  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Željeznički promet
Hrvatske državne željeznice -- Vojska Kraljevine Italije


657   Računovodstvo

PERVAN, Ivica, ekonomist
The impact of integrated information systems on management accounting [Elektronička građa] : case of Croatia / Ivica Pervan, Ivana Dropulić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 22 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The main aim of this study is to analyze how implementation of integrated information systems (IIS) effects management accounting. Findings based on data collected from 108 Croatian firms confirmed that IIS implementation caused significant management accounting changes. Estimated regression models revealed that the most important IIS characteristic were the analytical capabilities since it positively influenced management accounting changes in four dimensions: internal reporting, budgeting, application of modern accounting techniques and management accounting employees’ jobs. The quality of IIS implementation statistically significantly and positively influenced changes related to data collection and internal reporting. In the segment of budgeting, the quality of implementation of specialized budgeting software had significant and positive influence. The only negative correlation found was the one between the uncertainty of business environment and adoption of modern accounting techniques. Findings from this study provide unique insight into effects of IIS implementation in Croatian firms and can be used by different stakeholders. Firms and IIS vendors should put special focus on implementation of business analytics modules in order to achieve comprehensive benefits in management accounting practices. Providers of accountant’s education should consider the fact that contemporary IIS systems’ environment calls for development of additional skills in the area of information technology, business processes and business communication. - Glavni cilj ovog rada je analiza implementacije efekata integriranih informacijskih sustava (IIS) na menadžersko računovodstvo. Rezultati, utemeljeni na podacima, prikupljenim od 108 hrvatskih poduzeća, potvrđuju da implementacija IIS-a djeluje na značajne promjene u menadžerskom računovodstvu. Regresijski modeli pokazuju da su najznačajnije obilježje IIS-a njegove analitičke sposobnosti, s obzirom da pozitivno djeluju na promjene menadžerskog računovodstva u četirima dimenzijama: internom izvještavanju, budžetiranju, promjeni suvremenih računovodstvenih tehnika i poslovima menadžerskih računovođa. Kvaliteta implementacije IIS-a statistički je signifikantno i značajno utjecala na promjene, povezane s prikupljanjem podataka i internim izvještavanjem. Kod budžetiranja, kvaliteta implementacije specijaliziranog softvera za budžetiranje je imala značajan i pozitivan utjecaj. Jedina negativna korelacija odnosi se na neizvjesnost poslovne okoline i prihvaćanje suvremenih računovodstvenih tehnika. Rezultati ovog rada pružaju jedinstven uvid u efekte implementacije IIS-a u hrvatskim poduzećima, a mogu ih koristiti različiti dionici. Poduzeća i dobavljači IIS sustava bi se trebali usredotočiti na implementaciju modula poslovne inteligencije, kako bi postigli značajne koristi u praksi menadžerskog računovodstva. Pružatelji računovodstvenog obrazovanja bi trebali razmotriti činjenicu da okruženje suvremenih IIS sustava zahtijeva razvoj dodatnih vještina u područjima informatičke tehnologije, poslovnih procesa i poslovne komunikacije.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), 1 ; str. 21-38  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Menadžersko računovodstvo -- Integrirani informacijski sustavi

658   Poslovni menadžment, upravljanje, administracija. Organizacija poslovanja

ŠKAFAR, Branko
(In)effectiveness of quality management systems and models of excellence in practice [Elektronička građa] / Branko Škafar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper presents some tools, used to ensure quality and excellence in organizations. On the way to ensure quality and excellence, which enable efficiency and effectiveness, organizations are assisted by well-known tools, with their common features being discussed. Based on the research, findings on the (non)functioning of these tools are given, with the focus on popular tools, such as ISO 9001, the EFQM model, etc. Results of the survey are used to suggest how to make the quality and excellence tools more useful and direct their usage toward realization of organizational effectiveness. - U ovom se radu predstavljaju neki od alata upravljanja kvalitetom i poslovnom izvrsnošću u organizacijama. U nastojanju za osiguranjem kvalitete i poslovne izvrsnosti, a kao preduvjet efikasnosti i efektivnosti, organizacijama pomažu dobro poznati alati, o čijim se obilježjima raspravlja. Na temelju rezultata istraživanja, ukazuje se na (ne)funkcioniranje navedenih alata, pri čemu se fokus stavlja na alate, poput ISO 9001, EFQM model, i slične. Rezultati ankete se koriste za iskazivanje preporuka o učinkovitijem korištenju alata upravljanja kvalitetom i poslovnom izvrsnošću te njihovom usmjeravanju prema postizanju organizacijske efektivnosti.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), 1 ; str. 71-84  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Efektivnost -- Upravljanje kvalitetom -- Poslovna izvrsnost

ISLAMI, Xhavit
Barriers hindering the entry of new firms to the competitive market and profitability of incumbents [Elektronička građa] / Xhavit Islami, Vjosa Islami, Marija Topuzovska Latkovikj, Enis Mulloli. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 67 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Recently, entering new firms into a competitive market is getting harder due to different industry barriers. Addressing this concern, the aim of this paper is to measure the relationship between industry barriers that prevent the entry of new rivals and increase the profitability of incumbent firms. The study was based on the data of one hundred and seven executives of firms that operate in the Republic of Kosovo, and it attempts to assert and order the market entry barriers. The responses were collected by questionnaires and the econometric model was constructed, to test this relationship. The findings were obtained using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and multivariate regression. Econometric results indicated that seven dimensions of industry barriers have a direct and positive impact on the profitability of incumbents and serve as barriers for new firms to enter the market, and showed that business executives in Kosovo perceive capital requirements of non-incumbents as the most important entry barrier, whereas access to distribution channels as the least important. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed and explained. - U posljednje je vrijeme ulazak novih poduzeća na konkurentna tržišta sve težu zbog različitih industrijskih barijera. Ovaj rad tretira navedenu problematiku te kao svoj cilj postavlja mjerenje odnosa između industrijskih barijera, koje sprečavaju ulaz novih rivala te povećanja profitabilnosti postojećih konkurenata. Studija se temelji na podacima, dobivenih od 107 menadžera poduzeća, koja posluju na području Republike Kosovo, pri čemu pokušava potvrditi i po značaju poredati barijere za ulaz na tržište. Odgovori su prikupljeni putem upitnika, a za testiranje prethodno opisane veze, konstruiran je ekonometrijski model. Rezultati istraživanja su dobiveni korištenjem deskriptivne statistike, Pearsonovog koeficijenta korelacije i multivarijantne regresije. Ekonometrijski rezultati ukazuju da sedam dimenzija industrijskih barijera imaju direktan i pozitivan utjecaj na profitabilnost postojećih konkurenata te da predstavljaju barijere novim poduzećima za ulazak na tržište. Također se pokazuje da menadžeri na Kosovu percipiraju kapitalne zahtjeve, koji se postavljaju pred nova poduzeća, kao najznačajniju ulaznu barijeru, dok je pristup distribucijskim kanalima najmanje važan. U radu se diskutiraju dobiveni rezultati i objašnjavaju njihove teorijske te praktične implikacije.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), 2 ; str. 121-143  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzeća -- Tržište -- Konkurentnost -- Profitabilnost

How management tools holistically support enterprises' operation in supply chains? [Elektronička građa] / Sonja Treven, Duško Uršič, Walled Rashad. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 77 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The paper examines how utilization of management tools supports enterprises’ operating in supply chains. The paper critically reviews the results of a previous, survey-based study, with a sample of 198 employees from Slovenian organizations, who assessed utilization of management tools in their organizations. With hierarchical regression analysis authors test the associations between management tools’ usage and enterprises operating in supply chain; the impact was controlled with the most significant personal and organizational drivers of management-tools usage. Results show that loyalty management, core competences, and scenario and contingency planning are most strongly associated with the supply chain management’s activities in organizations. The traditional supply chain management’ tools, like outsourcing, lean production and total quality management, are currently not considered to be important vehicles for supporting enterprises’ participation in supply chains. The results from this study suggest rethinking of the current focus of management tools utilization, when organizations try to improve their participation in supply chains. More management tools were measured than in earlier studies regarding management tools, supporting enterprises’ participation in supply chain; relations between management-tools utilization and enterprise participation in supply chain were empirically examined. In addition, the most commonly used management tools were considered simultaneously, which had not been done in prior studies. - U ovom se radu istražuje kako korištenje menadžerskih alata podržava operacije poduzeća u lancima nabave. Daje se kritički pregled rezultata prethodne studije, zasnovane na anketi 198 zaposlenika slovenskih organizacija, koji su procjenjivali korištenje menadžerskih alata u svojim organizacijama. Korištenjem hijerarhijske regresije, autori testiraju povezanost između korištenje menadžerskih alata i operacija poduzeća u lancima vrijednostima, pro čemu se utjecaj kontrolira varijablama, koje uključuju najznačajnije osobne i organizacijske pokretače korištenja menadžerskih alata. Rezultati pokazuju da su upravljanje lojalnošću, ključne kompetencije te scenarijsko i kontigencijsko planiranje najsnažnije povezane s aktivnošću organizacija u lancima vrijednosti. Tradicionalni alati upravljanja lancima nabave, poput outsourcinga, lean proizvodnje i potpunog upravljanja kvalitetom se ne smatraju značajnim pokretačima sudjelovanja poduzeća u lancima opskrbe. Rezultati ove studije sugeriraju da je potrebno ponovno promišljati korištenje menadžerskih alata, u uvjetima kada poduzeća pokušavaju unaprijediti svoje sudjelovanje u lancima opskrbe. U ovom se radu analizira veći broj menadžerskih alata, negoli u prethodnim studijama, koje su se bavile menadžerskim alatima, koji podržavaju sudjelovanje u lancima opskrbe te su empirijski analizirani odnosi između korištenja menadžerskih alata te sudjelovanja poduzeća u lancima opskrbe. Također je analizirano istovremeno korištenje najčešćih menadžerskih alata, što nije bio slučaj u prethodnim studijama.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), 1 ; str. 1-20  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lanci opskrbe -- Upravljanje -- Poduzeća -- Menadžment

The importance of partnerships in supply chains [Elektronička građa] / Anja Kmetec, Bojan Rosi, Sonja Mlaker Kač. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 40 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The article deals with an overview of various theories and studies examining the concepts of partnerships, relationships and strategic alliances. We present various perspectives and theories dealing with these concepts, in connection and interdependence with the supply chain and the supply chain management. In conclusion, we try to establish a model to become the basis for our further study of strategic alliances and their strengths. - U radu se pruža prikaz različitih teorija i studija, koje istražuju koncept partnerstava, odnosa i strateških saveza. Autori prezentiraju različite perspektive i teorije koje se odnose na navedene koncepte, u svezi, odnosno u ovisnosti o konceptu lanca opskrbe i upravljanja njime. U sažetku se pokušava doći do modela, koji bi mogao poslužiti kao temelj za buduća istraživanja strateških saveza i njihovih snaga.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), 2 ; str. 95-106  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lanci opskrbe -- Upravljanje -- Partnerstvo

Perceived trends in viewing the future by Croatian and Slovenian business students [Elektronička građa] : implications for managerial education / Judita Peterlin, Daniela Garbin Praničević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 50 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper presents appreciative inquiry (AI) methodology in the context of management education. Therefore, we propose that AI, which focuses on positive aspects of doing business, needs to be implemented into management education of future managers in Slovenia and Croatia and we provide empirical evidence of thinking patterns of business students studying at the University of Ljubljana and the University of Split. For comparison, we investigated the previous experiences and future expectations of business students in Croatia and Slovenia. Empirical part is composed of two parts: qualitatively based AI and a quantitative study, based on statistical methods. Results show a positive outlook of business students in both countries. - Rad prezentira rezultate primjene metodologije afirmativnog istraživanja (AI) u menadžmentu obrazovanja. U tom kontekstu se predlaže primjena afirmativnog istraživanja, koje je usmjereno na pozitivne aspekte poslovanja, u proces obrazovanja budućih menadžera, te se prilažu empirijski nalazi obrazaca razmišljanja studenata Sveučilišta u Ljubljani i Sveučilišta u Splitu. Nadalje se metodom usporedbe, istražuju prethodna iskustva i buduća očekivanja studenata poslovne ekonomije u Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj. Empirijski dio sadržava dva dijela: kvalitativni dio temeljen na afirmativnom istraživanju i kvantitativni dio temeljen na statističkim metodama. Rezultati ukazuju na pozitivan pogled prema budućnosti kod studenata poslovne ekonomije u obje zemlje.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 24 (2019), 1 ; str. 103-120  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Menadžment -- Poslovna ekonomija -- Obrazovanje -- Studenti -- Istraživanje

Vidi br.: HA19-01330

659   Reklama. Informiranje. Odnosi s javnošću

Vidi br.: HA19-01419

66   Kemijska tehnologija. Kemijska i srodne industrije

3D-tiskani oralni dozirni oblici punjeni disperzijom ulja i djelatne tvari [Elektronička građa] / Andrea Milićević, Matija Gretić, Gordana Matijašić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija:. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovom radu ispitana je mogućnost izrade oralnih dozirnih oblika tehnologijom 3D-tiska. Printani oblici podvrgnuti su in vitro ispitivanju oslobađanja djelatne tvari a rezultati su obrađeni u dodatku za Microsoft Excel, DDSolver. Proizvedeno je šest različitih čvrstih pripravaka. Rezultati ispitivanja oslobađanja djelatne tvari pokazali su profile oslobađanja s početnom vremenskom zadrškom, funkcijski povezanom s debljinom stijenke oblika. Profili su dobro opisani Peppas-Sahlinovim modelom. Pokazano je da tehnologija 3D-tiska ima potencijal postati metodom za jednostavnu i brzu izradu personaliziranih dozirnih oblika s odgođenim oslobađanjem. - In this study, the possibility of producing pharmaceutical dosage forms by 3D printing technology is examined. In vitro dissolution tests were performed with printed dosage forms, and the results analysed in Microsoft Excel Add-In, DDSolver. 3D printing has provided six different models of solid dosage forms. The results of dissolution test have shown release profiles with initial time delay. The profiles are described by the Peppas-Sahlin model. It is shown that 3D printing technology has the potential to become a method for quick and simple production of personalized dosage forms with delayed release.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 9/10 ; str. 389-396  
 Elektronička verzija članka
3D tisak -- Personalizirani lijekovi -- Odgođeno oslobađanje

KURAJICA, Stanislav
A brief review on the use of chelation agents in sol-gel synthesis with emphasis on β-diketones and β-ketoesters [Elektronička građa] / S. Kurajica. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 47 jed. - Summary. - Metal alkoxides are the most commonly used sol-gel process precursors. Most alkoxides show excessive reactivity towards water. That leads to rapid hydrolysis, metal hydroxide formation, and immediate precipitation. The reactivity of alkoxides can be reduced by modification with chelation agents. Chelation influences the gelation process, which is reflected in gel structure and properties of the final material. In this short review, the chelation process, the oligomerization phenomena, and the influence of the chelating agent on the gel structure are discussed. Peculiarities of the use of FTIR and NMR, as methods particularly suitable for the investigation of chelation process, are described taking ethyl acetoacetate as an example.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 3 ; str. 295-301  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Alkoksidi -- Kelacija -- FTIR spektroskopija -- Nuklearna magnetska rezonancija -- Sol-gel postupak

İNAN, Benan
A comparative study of bioprocess performance for improvement of bioethanol production from macroalgae [Elektronička građa] / Benan İnan, Didem Özçimen. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 33 jed. - Summary. - In the last decade, studies that have focused on biodiesel production from algal biomass have been replaced with bioethanol production from algae, because bioethanol production from algae seems more promising when assessed on economic terms. Most coastal areas are covered with macroalgae, which are considered as a waste, and thus become a great problem for the municipality. Instead of their disposal, they can be alternatively utilized for bioethanol production. In this study, macroalgae located in the coastal regions of the Marmara Sea were collected and utilized for bioethanol production, and effects of the concentration of pre-treatment chemicals, pre-treatment temperature, and pre-treatment time on bioethanol yield were investigated. The highest bioethanol yields for dilute acid and alkaline pre-treatments were obtained under the conditions of 2 N sulfuric acid and 0.15 N potassium hydroxide solutions at the pre-treatment temperature of 100 °C and pre-treatment time of 60 minutes.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 1 ; str. 133-140  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bioetanol -- Bioprocesi -- Biomasa -- Makroalge

VARSHOUEE, Gholam Hossain
A mathematical model for investigating the effect of reaction temperature and hydrogen amount on the catalyst yield during propylene polymerization [Elektronička građa] / Gholam Hossain Varshouee, Amir Heydarinasab, Ali Vaziri, Seyed Mehdi Ghafelebashi Zarand. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In this study, the effect of reaction temperature and hydrogen amount, as the most effective process variables on the Ziegler-Natta catalysts yield during propylene polymerization, was investigated with the aid of a validated mathematical model. The approach applied in this modelling was the polymer moment balance technique (population balance approach) derived from the statistics expected value. The model was coded in MATLAB® & Simulink®, and then validated by experimental data coming from a laboratory-scale reactor. The main target of this study was to gain considerable insight into Ziegler-Natta catalyst performance against variables change. The model might be applicable for catalyst makers to evaluate and improve their catalysts, and could also be useful for process chemical engineers to easily operate the plant, replace new catalyst, optimise process conditions, generate new formulation for a new grade, and use maximum catalytic potential. Accordingly, the model could be applied in basic and applied research in this field. - U ovom radu ispitan je učinak temperature reakcije i količine vodika, kao najučinkovitijih procesnih varijabli na iskorištenje Ziegler-Nattinog katalizatora tijekom polimerizacije propilena pomoću validiranog matematičkog modela. Pristup koji je primijenjen u ovom modeliranju bila je tehnika ravnoteže polimernih momenata (pristup populacijske ravnoteže) izvedena iz očekivane statističke vrijednosti. Model je kodiran u programima MATLAB® i Simulink®, a zatim potvrđen eksperimentalnim podatcima iz laboratorijskog reaktora. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je dobiti uvid u učinkovitost Ziegler-Nattinog katalizatora u odnosu na promjenu varijabli. Model bi mogao biti primjenjiv proizvođačima katalizatora kod procjene i poboljšanja njihovih katalizatora, a također bi mogao biti koristan procesnim kemijskim inženjerima za lakše upravljanje postrojenjem, zamjenu novog katalizatora, optimiziranje procesnih uvjeta i iskorištenje maksimalnog katalitičkog potencijala. Sukladno tome, model bi se mogao primijeniti u temeljnim i primijenjenim istraživanjima u ovom području.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 7/8 ; str. 269-280  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Polimerizacija propilena -- Modeliranje -- Matematički modeli -- Katalizator -- Temperatura reakcije

ZHENG, Shu-Qin
Adsorption of Cu2+, Zn2+, and Ni2+ ions onto the adsorbent prepared from fluid catalytic cracking spent catalyst fines and diatomite [Elektronička građa] / Shu Qin Zheng, Si Cheng Liu, Pei Qing Zhang, Cheng Yang, Ting Wang. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - An adsorbent prepared from fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) spent catalyst fines and diatomite, and its adsorption of Cu2+, Zn2+, and Ni2+ ions were investigated. The adsorbent was characterized by XRD, SEM, and N2 adsorption-desorption techniques. The results showed that the specific surface area and pore volume of adsorbent increased with the increase in FCC spent catalyst fines. The influence factors on the adsorption of the adsorbents were studied. The suitable adsorption conditions were: pH value of 5.0, ratio of solid to liquid of 1 : 600 (g:ml), adsorption time of 4 h, room temperature. The adsorption of metal ions varied with the type of metal cations. The adsorption isotherms suggested that the sequence of the adsorption efficiency was Cu2+ >Zn2+ >Ni2+. The amount of Cu2+, Zn2+, and Ni2+ metal ion adsorbed onto the adsorbent was 49.17 mg g–1, 46.83 mg g–1, and 35.72 mg g–1, respectively. The adsorption data of Cu2+, Zn2+, and Ni2+ ions fitted well with the Freundlich adsorption isotherm model. - Ispitivan je adsorbens pripremljen iz katalizatora za katalitičko krekiranje u vrtložnom sloju (FCC) i diatomita, te njegova adsorpcija iona Cu2+, Zn2+ i Ni2+. Adsorbens je karakteriziran XRD, SEM i N2adsorpcijsko-desorpcijskim tehnikama. Rezultati su pokazali da se specifična površina i volumen pora adsorbensa povećavaju s povećanjem količine potrošenog katalizatora FCC. Proučavani su čimbenici utjecaja na adsorpciju adsorbensa. Prikladni uvjeti adsorpcije bili su: pH vrijednost 5,0, omjer čvrste tvari i kapljevine 1 : 600 (g:ml), vrijeme adsorpcije 4 h i sobna temperatura. Adsorpcija metalnih iona varira s tipom metalnih kationa. Adsorpcijske izoterme pokazale su da je slijed učinkovitosti adsorpcije Cu2+ >Zn2+>Ni2+. Količina metalnih iona Cu2+, Zn2+ i Ni2+ adsorbiranih na adsorbensu iznosila je 49,17 mg g–1, 46,83 mg g–1, odnosno 35,72 mg g–1. Podatci o adsorpciji iona Cu2+, Zn2+ i Ni2+ slijede model Freundlichove adsorpcijske izoterme.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 5/6 ; str. 201-208  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Teški metali -- Adsorpcija -- FCC katalizator -- Diatomit

Advanced oxidation treatments of olive mill wastewater [Elektronička građa] / Mia Ivanov, Katarina Perić, Tea Štefanec, Višnja Stulić, Klara Kraljić, Goran Smoljanić, Tibela Landeka Dragičević, Zoran Herceg, Tomislava Vukušić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 77-78. - Summary. - New and innovative advanced oxidative processes for wastewater treatments are currently in the focus of scientific research and development for possible industrial implantation. The main aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cold plasma treatment, high intensity ultrasound and UV radiation with the addition of additives: H2O2, TiO2, FeCl3 x 6H2O on degradation and removal of complex organic compounds from olive mill wastewater (OMWW). Olive mill wastewater represents a potential ecological problem when it is raw disposed into the environment, because of its high organic load. OMWW samples (with and without additives) were treated by high-voltage plasma discharge at frequencies 60 Hz and 120 Hz in combination with pumped gases (nitrogen, air and oxygen) for 30 minutes, by UV radiation for 30 minutes and 10 minutes by high intensity ultrasound. Physico-chemical parameters of quality, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and total dissolved carbon (TOC) were determined. The results have shown the efficacy of plasma treatment in degradation of organic compounds as well as degradation and reduction of polyphenolic compounds. Reduction of colour and total dissolved carbon occurred in all treated samples, mostly with the addition of FeCl3 x 6H2O. Treatment with UV radiation and ultrasound proved to be the most efficient resulting in the 50% reduction of organic compounds after a 10-minute treatment.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 6 (2019), 2 ; str. 71-78  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Otpadne vode -- Obrada otpadnih voda -- Proizvodnja maslinovog ulja -- Oksidacijske metode

LJUBEK, Gabrijela
Aktivni materijali koji se upotrebljavaju u superkondenzatorima [Elektronička građa] / Gabrijela Ljubek, Marijana Kraljić Roković. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 116 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U posljednjih desetak godina napravljen je značajan iskorak u razvoju aktivnih materijala koji se upotrebljavaju u superkondenzatorima i u dizajniranju samog superkondenzatora. Stoga je u ovom radu dan kratak pregled istraživanja aktivnih materijala za superkondenzatore te je navedena njihova osnovna podjela temeljena na mehanizmima skladištenja naboja. Iz navedenih istraživanja može se zaključiti kako je za uspješan razvoj materijala nužno razumijevanje mehanizma skladištenja naboja i povezivanje strukturnih svojstava materijala s elektrokemijskim svojstvima. Spoznaje o mehanizmu skladištenja omogućuju ciljano dizajniranje materijala te kombiniranje elektroda s različitim mehanizmima, što u konačnici utječe na svojstva ali i na primjenu superkondenzatora. Najznačajniji materijali u ovom području su materijali temeljeni na ugljiku, vodljivi polimeri i metalni oksidi. - In the last decade, significant breakthrough has been achieved in both the field of active materials and the design of supercapacitors. Herein, we give an overview of the recent advances in this field, and point out the main groups of material that are characterized by the charge-storage mechanism. From the available research literature, it may be concluded that a fundamental understanding of the charge-storage mechanism as well as determining the relationship between the structural properties of materials and electrochemical performances is important for successful development of supercapacitor. The mechanism insight enables targeted material design and the possibility of combining different electrodes that affect the final properties and application of supercapacitor. The most important materials for supercapacitor application are carbon-based materials, conducting polymers, and metal oxides.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 9/10 ; str. 507-520  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Metalni oksidi -- Superkondenzator -- Aktivni materijal -- Pseudokapacitet -- Ugljik -- Vodljivi polimeri

Alginate lyase of a novel algae fermentation strain [Elektronička građa] / Wen Zhang, X. Xia, Z. Zhang. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 37 jed. - Summary. - A novel algae fermentation strain was obtained in our previous work. This strain can produce alginate lyase and alcohol dehydrogenase used for the ethanol fermentation from algae. This research investigated the fermentation, separation and purification of alginate lyase, and the molecular weight of alginate lyase was determined. The optimum conditions for enzyme fermentation were as follows: fermentation medium with 20 g L–1 alginate, initial pH 6.0, and temperature 35 °C. The flasks were cultured in a shaking incubator at 120 rpm for 96 h. The enzyme was purified using the method of salting out, dialysis, and gel chromatography. After purification, the SDS-PAGE method was used to determine the molecular weight of the protein. The molecular weight of alginate lyase was 30–35 KDa. This research contributes to algae biodegradation and fuels production from algae.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 1 ; str. 125-131  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Etanol -- Smeđe alge -- Alginska kiselina

Ammonia concentration monitoring using Arduino platform [Elektronička građa] / Marko Petric, Filip Dodigović, Ivana Grčić, Petar Mrakužić, Lucija Radetić, Mateo Topić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Summary. - In order to evaluate the efficacy of ammonia photocatalysis, it is necessary to continuously monitor its concentration during the process. This paper presents ammonia concentration monitoring using a low cost (non-professional) electronic device. The device is based on an open source electronic platform, and it is composed of the MQ-137 ammonia detection sensor, connected to the Croduino Basic 2 board. Sensitive material of the sensor is a metal oxide (SnO2). The change in the ammonia concentration causes a change in the electrical resistance, which is measured and used for the ammonia concentration estimation. Four measurements, with ammonia concentration ranging from 0-500 ppm were performed in the controlled environment. With the purpose of the device calibration and repeatability test, along with a low-cost device, the monitoring was carried out also with a professional device, Geotech GA5000 gas analyser. Using the information provided in the sensor datasheet, together with the measured data, the measurement error of the low-cost device was assessed. After calibration, ammonia concentrations measured using a low-cost device, are consistent with those obtained from the professional device.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 6 (2019), 1 ; str. 21-26  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fotokatalizator -- Koncentracija amonijaka -- Fotokataliza amonijaka

Application of electrocoagulation for water conditioning [Elektronička građa] / Hana Posavčić, Ivan Halkijević, Živko Vuković. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 68-70. - Summary. - Water conditioning is a method of removing altering minerals, chemicals and contaminants from a water source and it is carried out on facilities equipped with the corresponding electro-mechanical equipment. Although efficient, conventional processes typically use several complex devices connected to a single functional unit, which are often expensive to maintain and occupy large areas. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to present the electrocoagulation (EC) method as an alternative to conventional water conditioning processes. The examples of previous studies of the EC process application is presented in this paper. The focus of the paper is to investigate the influence of the certain operational parameters such as pH, temperature, electrode material, etc., on the efficiency of pollutant removal such as Escherichia coli and elevated concentrations of iron, arsenic, manganese, ammonia and others. Further, an economic analysis is made, which, from an economic point of view, shows when it is feasible to use the EC in the conditioning process. Furthermore, a case study of electrocoagulation process for Total Nitrogen (TN) removal is presented. According to results, 69.7 % of TN was removed with aluminum electrodes after 240 minutes. For this case, total operating costs were 7.60 €/m3.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 6 (2019), 2 ; str. 59-70  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Elektrokoagulacija -- Kondicioniranje voda

Biocatalytic synthesis of polymeric esters used as emulsifiers [Elektronička građa] / S. Ortega-Requena, M. Serrano-Arnaldos, M. C. Montiel, F. Máximo, J. Bastida, M. D. Murcia. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 34 jed. - Summary. - Polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR) is a polymeric ester widely used as emulsifier in the food industry. In this work, PGPR biocatalytic synthesis was carried out in a onestep solvent-free enzymatic process using lipase CALB immobilized in Lewatit® Monoplus MP 64 by adsorption. The optimal immobilization conditions were determined: initial enzyme concentration of 13 mg of Lowry protein per mL phosphate buffer pH 7, and ricinoleic acid as a support activator. An immobilized derivative with 35.93 ± 4.90 mg of Lowry protein per g of dry support was obtained. It was used as a catalyst for PGPR production in open air and vacuum batch reactors, and the results obtained showed that only when the reaction equilibrium was shifted towards ester production by means of water removal, the PGPR produced fulfilled the European legislation (acid value ≤ 6 mg of KOH per g of product).
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 1 ; str. 79-86  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biokataliza -- Enzimi -- Esterifikacija -- Lipaza

VUKOVIĆ Domanovac, Marija
Bioremedijacija farmaceutske otpadne vode [Elektronička građa] / Marija Vuković Domanovac, Monika Šabić Runjavec, Nikolina Janton, Dajana Kučić Grgić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 63 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Onečišćenje okoliša jedan je od glavnih izazova današnje civilizacije. Porast broja svjetskog stanovništva i urbanizacija, posebice u zemljama u razvoju, dovodi do nastajanja većih količina otpadnih voda. U današnje vrijeme, emisije industrijskih otpadnih voda predstavljaju sve veći problem uz moguće negativne učinke na zdravlje ljudi i okoliš. Farmaceutske otpadne vode mogu biti visoko opterećene organskim i anorganskim tvarima te toksične za ekosustav. Prije nego li se otpadna voda ispusti u okoliš, potrebno ju je obraditi kako bi se zadovoljili zakonom propisani uvjeti. Biološka obrada široko je zastupljena jer je učinkovita, ekonomična i okolišno prihvatljiva. Bioremedijacijom iskorištava se mikrobni metabolizam u optimalnim okolišnim uvjetima za uklanjanje onečišćujućih tvari te se dodatno može poboljšati bioaugmentacijom. - Environmental pollution is one of the major challenges of today’s civilization. The increase in world population and urbanization, especially in developing countries, leads to the production of greater amounts of wastewater. Nowadays, industrial wastewater emissions are an increasing problem and may have adverse effects on human health and the environment. Pharmaceutical wastewater can be highly loaded with organic and inorganic substances as well as toxic for the ecosystem. Before the wastewater is discharged into the environment, it must be treated to meet the legal requirements. Biological treatment is widely applied as an effective, economical and environmentally friendly solution. Bioremediation uses microbial metabolism in optimal environmental conditions for the removal of pollutants and can be further enhanced by bioaugmentation.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 9/10 ; str. 437-445  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bioremedijacija -- Bioaugmentacija -- Otpadne vode -- Farmaceutske otpadne vode

ROGINA, Anamarija
Bone-mimicking injectable gelatine/hydroxyapatite hydrogels [Elektronička građa] / Anamarija Rogina, Nikolina Šandrk, Laura Teruel-Biosca, Maja Antunović, Marica Ivanković, Gloria Gallego Ferrer. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Summary. - Bioactive synthetic hydrogels have emerged as promising materials because they can provide molecularly tailored biofunctions and adjustable mechanical properties. To mimic the mineralogical and organic components of the natural bone, hydroxyapatite and a tyramine conjugate of gelatine were combined in this study. The effect of various amounts of in situ synthesized hydroxyapatite in gelatine-tyramine on the morphology and physical properties of injectable hydrogels was investigated. Mineralogical identification confirmed successful precipitation of in situ formed hydroxyapatite. Better distribution of hydroxyapatite crystal agglomerates within modified gelatine was found at 5 % of hydroxyapatite, which could be responsible for increased storage modulus with respect to pure gelatine hydrogel. Prepared composite hydrogels are non-toxic and support the proliferation of Hek293 cells.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 3 ; str. 325-335  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hidrogelovi -- Želatina -- Hidroksiapatit -- Kosti -- Reologija -- Citotoksičnost

Combined chemical and thermal sintering for high conductivity inkjet-printed silver nanoink on flexible substrates [Elektronička građa] / Irena Ivanišević, Petar Kassal, Andrea Milinković, Anamarija Rogina, Stjepan Milardović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 39 jed. - Summary. - Electrical conductivity is a key factor in measuring performance of printed electronics, but the conductivity of inkjet-printed silver nanoinks greatly depends on post-fabrication sintering. In this work, two different conductive silver nanoinks, in which the silver nanoparticles were stabilized by two different capping agents – Poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) and Poly(methacrylic acid) (PMA) – were synthesized. The inks were inkjet-printed on flexible PET substrates, coated with an additional polycation layer, which facilitated chemical sintering. The printed features were then exposed to moderately elevated temperatures to evaluate the effect of combined chemical and thermal sintering. Both inks produced conductive features at room temperature, and the conductivity increased with both temperature and duration of sintering. At temperatures above 100 °C, the choice of capping agent had no pronounced effect on conductivity, which approached very high values of 50 % of bulk silver in all cases. The lowest resistivity (2.24 μΩ cm) was obtained after sintering at 120 °C for 180 min. By combining chemical and conventional thermal sintering, we have produced remarkably conductive silver electrodes on flexible substrates, while using low-cost and simple processes.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 3 ; str. 377-384  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Električna vodljivost -- Vodljiva tinta -- Tekuće srebro -- Inkjet tisak -- Sinteriranje

MELZI, Naima
Comparative study of predicting the molecular diffusion coefficient for polar and non-polar binary gas using neural networks and multiple linear regressions [Elektronička građa] / Naima Melzi, Latifa Khaouane, Yamina Ammi, Salah Hanini, Maamar Laidi, Hamid Zentou. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 36 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In the current study, an artificial neural network (ANN) and multiple linear regressions (MLR) have been used to develop predictive models for the estimation of molecular diffusion coefficients of 1252 polar and non-polar binary gases at multiple pressures over a wide range of temperatures and substances. The quality and reliability of each method were estimated in terms of the correlation coefficient (R), mean squared errors (MSE), root mean squared error (RMSE), and in terms of external validation coefficients (Q2ext). The comparison between the artificial neural network (ANN) and the multiple linear regressions (MLR) revealed that the neural network models showed a good predicting ability with lower errors (the roots of the mean squared errors in the total database were 0.1400 for ANN1 and 0.1300 for ANN2), and (root mean squared errors in the total databases were 0.5172 for MLR1 and 0.5000 for MLR2). - U ovoj studiji primijenjene su umjetna neuronska mreža (ANN) i model višestruke linearne regresije (MLR) za razvoj prediktivnih modela za procjenu koeficijenata molekularne difuzije 1252 polarnih i nepolarnih binarnih plinova pri višestrukim tlakovima u širokom rasponu temperatura i tvari. Kvaliteta i pouzdanost svake metode procijenjeni su pomoću korelacijskog koeficijenta (R), srednjih kvadratnih pogrešaka (MSE), korijena srednje kvadratne pogreške (RMSE) te koeficijenata vanjske validacije (Q2ext). Usporedba između umjetne neuronske mreže (ANN) i višestrukih linearnih regresija (MLR) otkrila je da modeli neuronske mreže pokazuju dobru sposobnost predviđanja s nižim pogreškama (korijeni srednjih kvadratnih pogrešaka u ukupnoj bazi podataka bili su 0,1400 za ANN1 i 0 (1300 za ANN2 a pogreške korijena srednje vrijednosti u ukupnim bazama podataka bile su 0,5172 za MLR1 i 0,5000 za MLR2).
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 11/12 ; str. 573-582  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Neuronske mreže -- Umjetne neuronske mreže -- Molekularna difuzija -- Višestruke linearne regresije -- Plinovi

Comparison of various column packing materials efficiency for hydrocarbons and aqueous mixtures [Elektronička građa] / Jiří Zbytovský, Tomáš Sommer, Martin Zapletal, Jiří Trejbal. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 35 jed. - Summary. - The efficiency of industrial column packings is commonly tested by standard hydrocarbon mixtures. However, a reduced efficiency value is often observed, particularly during distillation of aqueous mixtures. In this paper, distillation experiments with various binary mixtures were carried out on different column packings to evaluate relative separation efficiencies of mixtures for each packing material. Each of the binary mixtures, which comprised heptane–methylcyclohexane, ethanol–water, morpholine–water, and acetic acid–water, was distilled under atmospheric pressure and total reflux ratio on column packings that were made of PTFE, ceramic, zirconium metal, and inox steel 316. According to the results, aqueous solutions of morpholine and acetic acid generally exhibited low relative separation efficiency (in comparison with standard mixture of heptane–methylcyclohexane), ranging between 40 % and 80 %. The highest relative efficiencies were observed with packings made of steel and ceramic. These observations will be useful for the future design of distillation columns, especially for aqueous solutions.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 2 ; str. 183-190  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ugljikovodici -- Octena kiselina -- Destilacija

KRISTAN Mioč, Ekatarina
Corrosion protection by octadecylphosphonic acid in flow conditions [Elektronička građa] / Ekatarina Kristan Mioč, Helena Otmačić Ćurković. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Summary. - The aim of this work was to examine the influence of the flow rate of corrosive media on the stability of self-assembled films of octadecylphosphonic acid on copper-nickel alloy and stainless steel. The studies were conducted in river and seawater in a laboratory scale flow system. Corrosion behaviour of protected and unprotected alloys was examined by electrochemical techniques, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and polarization measurements. The results show that octadecylphosphonic acid films can efficiently protect copper-nickel and stainless steel from corrosion in flowing natural waters. The flow of corrosive media had the highest influence on the stability of films on CuNi in seawater, while in all other studied cases, the protective properties of ODPA film changed insignificantly with the change of the flow rate.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 3 ; str. 395-403  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zaštita od korozije -- Legure -- Čelik -- Elektrokemijski procesi -- Voda

KONG, Xiangjun
Design, synthesis and characterization of bitumen emulsifiers based on molecular simulation [Elektronička građa] / Xiangjun Kong, Jinlan Wang, Zupei Liang, Lijun Zhang, Junhe Zhao. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Under the guidance of molecular simulation technology, the Monte Carlo molecular mechanics simulation was used to calculate the compatibility of different lipophilic groups with each component of bitumen, and the compatibility of different hydrophilic groups with water. Based on the calculated results of interaction parameters Chi and mixture energy Emix, the preferred structures of lipophilic and hydrophilic groups of bitumen emulsifier were determined. The target bitumen emulsifier was then synthesized by the reaction of organic acid and polyamine. The molecular simulation results showed that the compatibility of lipophilic group T11 with the bitumen was the best, and the mixing ability of the hydrophilic group H5 with water was excellent. The experimental results show that the preferred structures T11H5 had a good emulsifying performance to prepare emulsified bitumen with good storage stability, consistent with the results of the molecular simulation. - Za izračun kompatibilnosti različitih lipofilnih skupina sa svakom komponentom bitumena i kompatibilnosti različitih hidrofilnih skupina s vodom primijenjena je Monte Carlo simulacija molekularne mehanike. Na temelju izračunatih parametara interakcije Chi i energije miješanja Emix određene su preferirane lipofilne i hidrofilne skupine emulgatora za bitumen. Željeni emulgator za bitumen sintetiziran je reakcijom organske kiseline i poliamina. Rezultati molekularne simulacije pokazali su da najbolju kompatibilnost s bitumenom ima lipofilna skupina T11, a da hidrofilna skupina H5 ima odličnu mješljivost s vodom. Prema eksperimentalnim rezultatima, preferirana struktura T11H5 ima dobra svojstva emulgiranja za pripremu bitumena, a emulzija ostaje stabilna pri skladištenju što je u skladu s rezultatima molekularne simulacije.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 1-6  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Molekularna simulacija -- Bitumen -- Emulgator -- Emulgirani bitumen

VARSHOUEE, Gholam Hossain
Determination of optimal reaction temperature and hydrogen amount for propylene polymerization by a mathematical model [Elektronička građa] / Gholam Hossain Varshouee, Amir Heydarinasab, Ali Vaziri, Seyed Mehdi Ghafelebashi Zarand. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Regarding the complexity of Ziegler-Natta catalyst kinetics in polypropylene polymerization, so far, there is no adequate model to determine the best process conditions for predicting average molecular weight and dispersity as the most crucial final product properties index. Consequently, a validated model has been developed which describes the relationship between the kinetic model and the existing gap using the polymer moment balance approach. It was concluded that increasing reaction temperature and hydrogen amount are useful and improve the final product indices to a certain limit, but afterwards they have harmful effects on the indices. - S obzirom na kinetičku složenost Ziegler-Natta katalizatora u polipropilenskoj polimerizaciji, za sada ne postoji odgovarajući model za određivanje optimalnih uvjeta procesa za predviđanje prosječne molekularne mase i disperzije kao najvažnijih indeksa svojstava konačnog proizvoda. Slijedom toga, razvijen je validirani model koji opisuje odnos između kinetičkog modela i postojećeg jaza pristupom ravnoteže momenata. Zaključeno je da su povišena temperatura reakcije i količina vodika korisni i do određene granice poboljšavaju indekse gotovog proizvoda, ali nakon toga na indekse imaju štetni učinak.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 119-127  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Polimerizacija propilena -- Optimizacija -- Disperznost -- Matematičko modeliranje -- Molekularna težina

PALA, Ayşegül
The effect of different nanocatalysts for photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue [Elektronička građa] / Ayşegül Pala, Güneş Kurşun. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Summary. - The aim of this study was to investigate photodegradation of Methylene Blue (MB) in water by using ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles. Adsorption and photocatalytic oxidation studies were carried out by using produced TiO2, commercial TiO2 and commercial ZnO nanoparticles. In order to evaluate performance tests, 5 mg/l of MB solution was used. The samples were mixed in the dark for 2 hours for establishing adsorption-desorption equilibrium. The photocatalytic tests of the samples were performed by assessing the decomposition rate of MB solutions under UV light. The results of the photocatalytic showed that the highest color removal efficiencies was obtained by TiO2 catalyst where Methylene blue solution was completely degraded.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 6 (2019), 2 ; str. 79-83  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fotokatalitička razgradnja -- Metilensko modrilo -- Nano-katalizatori

YAN, L. L.
Effects of phosphorus on loosely bound and tightly bound extracellular polymer substances in aerobic granular sludge [Elektronička građa] / L. L. Yan, L. B. Yu, Q. P. Liu, X. L. Zhang, Y. Liu, M. Y. Zhang, S. Liu, Y. Ren, Z. L. Chen. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 35 jed. - Summary. - The stability of aerobic granular sludge (AGS) is closely related to its extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). In this study, the composition and physicochemical characteristics of EPS in AGS were determined to evaluate their roles in AGS stability. The study evaluated the influence of influent phosphorus concentration on EPS protein (PN), polysaccharide (PS) and orthophosphate content, zeta potential (ζ) and fluorescence spectrum (EEM) in loosely bound EPS (LB-EPS) and tightly bound EPS (TB-EPS). With higher influent phosphorus concentration, the PN, PS and orthophosphate content were higher, as was the zeta potential in TB-EPS, but it had less influence on LB-EPS. Three-dimensional, synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy and fluorescence region integral (FRI) showed that protein-like substances were the primary components of LB-EPS and TB-EPS. Phosphorus had a dynamic quenching effect on EPS at a concentration between 0 mg L–1 and 17.5 mg L–1, which is the indirect production of phosphorus by cations. An increased concentration of influent phosphorus was beneficial to AGS stability.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 1 ; str. 59-68  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fosfor -- Polimeri -- Aerobni zrnati mulj

Effects of Raschig ring packing patterns on pressure drop, heat transfer, methane conversion, and coke deposition on a semi-pilot-scale packed bed reformer [Elektronička građa] / Nattaporn Chutichairattanaphum, Phavanee Narataruksa, Karn Pana-suppamassadu, Sabaithip Tungkamani, Chaiwat Prapainainar, Siwaruk Chotiwan, Worawat Wattanathana. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 29 jed. - Summary. - The effects of Raschig ring packing patterns on the efficiency of dry methane reforming reactions were investigated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The present study aims to understand the behavior of fluid flow in packed bed reactors, especially under low reactor-to-ring ratios between 4 and 8. Three packing patterns were studied: vertical staggered (VS), chessboard staggered (CS), and reciprocal staggered (RS). It was determined that packing pattern notably affected pressure drop across the reactor length. The VS pattern produced the lowest pressure drop of 223 mPa, while the CS and RS patterns produced pressure drops of 228 mPa and 308 mPa, respectively. The values of methane conversion can be increased by ca. 2 % by selecting a more suitable packing pattern (i.e., 76 % for the VS pattern and 74 % for the CS and RS patterns).
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 2 ; str. 191-211  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kemijski procesi -- Kemijski reaktor -- Metan -- Kemijska kinetika

MITAR, Anamarija
Ekstrakcija i ispitivanje stabilnosti polifenola komine masline u prirodnim eutektičkim otapalima [Elektronička građa] / Anamarija Mitar, Dajana Kučić Grgić, Jasna Prlić Kardum. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Polifenolni spojevi, zaostali u komini koja je nusproizvod u proizvodnji maslinova ulja, antioksidansi su koji imaju pozitivan učinak na ljudsko zdravlje. Za izdvajanje polifenola sve češće se primjenjuju prirodna eutektička otapala koje karakterizira netoksičnost, biorazgradljivost, nezapaljivost te niska cijena. U ovom radu upotrijebljeno je prirodno niskotemperaturno eutektičko otapalo (NADES) pripravljeno od triju komponenti: DL-jabučne kiseline, D-fruktoze i glicerola (MaFruGly) s različitim udjelima vode koji omogućavaju uspješnu ekstrakciju polifenola. Određena je optimalna metoda ekstrakcije, a nakon provedene ekstrakcije, ekstrakti su podvrgnuti mikrobiološkoj analizi te je praćena stabilnost izdvojenih polifenola. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su najuspješnije metode za ekstrakciju polifenola mikrovalno ultrazvučna te ekstrakcija ultrazvučnom sondom, a NADES s 30 % vode optimalno otapalo za održavanje stabilnosti polifenola. - Polyphenols, left in olive pomace, which is a by-product in the production of olive oil, are antioxidants that have a positive effect on human health. For the extraction of polyphenols, the use of natural deep eutectic solvents is increasingly encountered, characterised by non-toxicity, biodegradability, nonflammability, and low price. In this work, a natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES) was prepared from three components: malic acid, D-fructose, and glycerol (MaFruGly) with different water contents that allow successful extraction of polyphenols. The optimal extraction method was determined. Following extraction, the microbial activity was tested and stability of the isolated polyphenols monitored. Research has shown that the most successful methods for polyphenol extraction are microwave ultrasound and ultrasonic probe extraction, and NADES with 30 % water has proven to be the optimal solvent for maintaining the stability of polyphenols.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 9/10 ; str. 407-414  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Polifenoli -- Ekstrakcija -- Eutektička otapala -- Stabilnost polifenola

MARINHO Fonseca, Rafaela
Electrochemical behavior of AISI 1020 steel in type C commercial gasolines [Elektronička građa] / Rafaela Marinho Fonseca, Ricardo Adriano Dorledo de Faria, Jéssica Cristine da Silva Evangelista, Lucas Henrique Oliveira Souza, Beatriz Araújo Batista, Renata Braga Soares, Vanessa de Freitas Cunha Lins. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 22 jed. - Summary. - In the present paper, the corrosion behavior of 1020 carbon steel in commercial gasoline-ethanol blends was investigated. The composition of each gasoline-ethanol blend was evaluated by infrared spectroscopy, and the ethanol content was determined by the ABNT 13992 reference method. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and polarization methods were employed to evaluate corrosion resistance and penetration rates. Statistical analyses revealed that the gasoline’s solution resistance governs the corrosion process, the RON (Research Octane Number) and MON (Motor Octane Number) numbers as well as the olefin content being more related to the corrosion rates. The polarization resistance had minor impact on the corrosion process.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 2 ; str. 221-227  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bioetanol -- Ugljični čelik -- Otpornost na koroziju -- Elektrokemijska impedancijska spektroskopija

GOVORČIN Bajsić, Emi
Elektroispredeni polikaprolakton za kontrolirani prijenos lijekova [Elektronička građa] / Emi Govorčin Bajsić, Emilija Zdraveva, Budimir Mijović, Tamara Holjevac Grgurić, Mirna Tominac Trcin, Tea Zubin Ferri. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Tkivno inženjerstvo dobra je alternativa za razvoj tkiva ili potencijalnih organa iz pacijentova vlastitog staničnog materijala, a kako bi se smanjio problem nedostatka organa za transplantaciju. Elektroispredeni materijali su dobri kandidati kod primjene u biomedicini tj. kao nosači za uzgoj tkivnih stanica. Kod regeneracije tkiva mogu dodatno prenositi lijekove kontrolirano prema terapiji. U ovom je radu istraživano kontrolirano otpuštanje antibiotika Cefuroxima (CFU) koji se upotrebljava u terapiji okularnog tkiva. Elektroispredeni su polikaprolaktonski nosači uz dodatak CFU-a u udjelima od 1, 2, 5 i 10 mas %. Uspješna kapsulacija antibiotika potvrđena je pojavom novih karakterističnih pikova u FTIR spektrima elektroispredenih mješavina. Dodatkom antibiotika i povećanjem njegove koncentracije dobivaju se vlakna homogenijeg izgleda s manjim brojem deformacija po duljini vlakna. UV-VIS spektrofotometrijom praćeno je vrijeme otpuštanja antibiotika iz elektroispredenih PCL/CFU nosača. Dobiveno je povećanje apsorbancije antibiotika s vremenom i porastom koncentracije lijeka u nosaču. - Tissue engineering is a good alternative for the development of tissue or potential organs from the patient’s own cell material in order to reduce the problem of organ transplant deficiency. Electrospun materials are good candidates for use in biomedicine, as scaffolds for tissue cells culture. Additionally, these scaffolds can provide controlled drug release in tissue regenerative therapies. In this paper, controlled release of antibiotic Cefuroxim (CFU), which is used for ocular tissue therapy, was investigated. The polycaprolactone scaffolds were prepared by electrospinning with the addition of CFU in the amount of 1, 2, 5, and 10 wt %. The successful antibiotic capsulation was confirmed by the new characteristic peaks appearing in the FTIR spectra of the electrospun blends. With the addition of antibiotic and increase in its concentration, fibres with more uniform morphology and less deformations along the fibres length were obtained. The release of antibiotic from PCL scaffolds was determined by UV–VIS spectrophotometer. Obtained was an increase in absorption of antibiotics with time and with increased drug concentration in the scaffolds.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 9/10 ; str. 375-380  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Elektroispredanje -- Polikaprolakton -- Vlaknasti nosači -- Tkivno inženjerstvo

Enhanced removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions using poly(pyrrole)-g-poly(acrylic acid-co- acrylamide)/Fe3O4 magnetic hydrogel nanocomposite adsorbent [Elektronička građa] / Hossein Hosseinzadeh, M. M. Tabatabai Asl. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 70 jed. - Summary. - In the present work, the structural characterization and chromium adsorption behavior of a novel poly(pyrrole)-based magnetic hydrogel nanocomposite (MHN) is reported. This product was prepared using free-radical copolymerization of pyrrole (Py), acrylic acid (AA) and acrylamide (AM) monomers, and subsequent in situ synthesis of magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles. The structure of MHNs was then characterized by FTIR, SEM, TEM, XRD, UV-Vis and VSM techniques, and a mechanism for the preparation of MHNs is also proposed. The maximum Cr(VI) adsorption capacity (208 mg g–1) was achieved under the optimum conditions that were found to be: AA = 0.25 mol L–1, AM = 1.2 mol L–1, agitation time = 90 min, solution pH = 1.0, ion concentration = 100 mg L–1, adsorbent dose = 50 mg, and temperature = 65 °C. Further, the calculated values of the thermodynamic parameters (ΔH° = 31.33kJ mol–1, ΔS° = 105.67 J K–1 mol–1, ΔG° = –61.33 kJ mol–1) revealed that ion adsorption is a spontaneous and endothermic process. In general, the results indicated that the synthesized MHNs with specific properties can be used in wastewater treatment applications.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 1 ; str. 19-33  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hidrogel -- Nanokompoziti -- Adsorpcija -- Vodene otopine

OCELIĆ Bulatović, Vesna
Environmentally friendly packaging materials based on thermoplastic starch [Elektronička građa] / Vesna Ocelić Bulatović, Lucija Mandić, Anamarija Turković, Dajana Kučić Grgić, Antun Jozinović, Romana Zovko, Emi Govorčin Bajsić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 46 jed. - Summary. - Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) is extensively used as packaging material, and as such has a short service life, but long environmental persistence. The alternative to reducing the impact of LDPE as packaging material on the environment is to blend it with carbohydrate-based polymers, like starch. Therefore, the focus of this investigation was to prepare bio-based blends of LDPE and thermoplastic starch (TPS) containing different amounts of TPS using a Brabender kneading chamber. Due to incompatibility of LDPE/ TPS blends, a styrene–ethylene/butylene–styrene block copolymer, grafted with maleic anhydride (SEBS-g-MA) containing 2 mol % anhydride groups, was added as a compatibilizer. The effect of the biodegradable, hydrophilic TPS, its content, and the incorporation of the compatibilizer on the properties of LDPE/TPS blends were analysed. The characterization was performed by means of thermogravimetric analysis (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and water absorption (WA). Based on the results of the morphological structure, a good dispersion of the TPS phase in LDPE matrix was obtained with the incorporation of compatibilizer, which resulted in better thermal and barrier properties of these materials.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 3 ; str. 347-361  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ambalaža -- Termoplastika -- Škrob -- Polietilen

OLA, Pius Dore
Extraction mechanism of ferric and manganese ions with aqueous two-phase system formed by ionic liquid and polyethylene glycol [Elektronička građa] / Pius Dore Ola, M. Matsumoto. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Summary. - In this work, we employed an aqueous two-phase system formed by an ionic liquid and polyethylene glycol for the separation of Fe(III), which is the most commonly used metal in the world, and Mn(II), which is currently used in many industries. We found that the extraction mechanisms of Fe(III) and Mn(II) were strongly influenced by the concentration of the hydrochloric acid that dissolved the metal salt. The ion pair reaction was the predominant mechanism that generated the Fe(III) and Mn(II) extractions. At a lower concentration of hydrochloric acid, metal ions were extracted because of the reaction between a metal cation and a dodecylsulfonate anion. At a higher concentration of hydrochloric acid, the reaction between a metal chlorocomplex anion and a hexylmethylimidazolium cation also proceeded. The aqueous two-phase system, composed of ionic liquid and polyethylene glycol, is promising for metal separation based on the difference in the affinity of metal with alkyl-sulfonate in a low HCl concentration and in the stability constant of metal chlorocomplex in a high HCl concentration. The maximum extractability of Fe(III) and Mn(III) was 57.8 and 75.3 %, respectively, with 0.3 mol dm–3 hydrochloric acid concentration.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 2 ; str. 229-234  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ekstrakcija otapala -- Ionska tekućina -- Vodeni dvofazni sustav -- Željezo -- Mangan

MILČIĆ, Nevena
Fitoremedijacija [Elektronička građa] : pregled stanja i perspektiva / Nevena Milčić, Zvjezdana Findrik Blažević, Marija Vuković Domanovac. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 70 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Remedijacija tala onečišćenih kompleksnim mješavinama organskih tvari i teških metala jedan je od najvećih izazova obnavljanja okoliša. Fitoremedijacija je naziv za skup postupaka koji upotrebljavaju biljke, njihove enzime i prisutne mikroorganizme iz zone korijenja za izolaciju, transport, detoksikaciju i mineralizaciju ksenobiotika, čime se smanjuje njihova koncentracija, pokretljivost ili toksični učinci. Fitoekstrakcija, fitostabilizacija, fitovolatizacija, fitorazgradnja i rizorazgradnja imaju velik potencijal za nedestruktivnu remedijaciju tala, što pokazuju brojna istraživanja u laboratorijskom mjerilu. Kako bi fitoremedijacija postala pouzdana tehnologija za širok spektar primjena u većem mjerilu, potrebno je ulagati resurse u nova istraživanja s ciljem boljeg razumijevanja procesa u cjelini, posebice na genetičkoj i biokemijskoj razini. - Remediation of soils contaminated with complex mixtures of organic compounds and heavy metals is one of the greatest challenges of environmental renewal. Phytoremediation is the name for a set of techniques that employ plants, their enzymes, and associated microorganisms in the root zone for isolation, transport, detoxification, and mineralization of xenobiotics in the soil, thereby reducing their concentration, mobility or toxic effects. Phytoextraction, phytostabilization, phytovolatization, phytodegradation, and rhizodegradation have a great potential for non-destructive remediation of soils as shown by numerous laboratory-scale studies. In order for phytoremediation to become a reliable technology for a wide range of applications at a larger scale, resources need to be invested in a new research with an aim to better understand the process as a whole, especially at the genetic and biochemical levels.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 9/10 ; str. 447-456  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Teški metali -- Fitoremedijacija -- Ksenobiotici -- Onečišćenje tla -- Organske tvari

ZEBIĆ Avdičević, Maja
Flux decline study of tubular ceramic and flat sheet UF membranes in textile wastewater treatment [Elektronička građa] / Maja Zebić Avdičević, Krešimir Košutić, Slaven Dobrović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 47 jed. - Summary. - This work gives an assessment of the application of two ultrafiltration membrane types, which are the same in pore size but different in chemistry and configuration module, for textile wastewater treatment. Characterization was based on the solute rejection data of two commercial membranes, flat sheet polyethersulfone (PES) and tubular multichannel ceramic membrane, and flux decline was provided using polyethylene glycol (PEG) solutions of different molar mass. The permeate flux recovery after chemical cleaning was evaluated, and the efficiency of wastewater treatment was estimated on the basis of the analysis of textile wastewater and permeate. The permeate flux decline study showed that fouling was less likely to occur when PES membrane was used for wastewater treatment. PES flat membrane has proven to be more effective in the treatment of wastewater with total organic carbon (TOC) and colour removal efficiency of 72 % and 85 % respectively.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 3 ; str. 405-415  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tekstilne otpadne vode -- Membranski procesi -- Keramička membrana -- Polimerna membrana

JOKIĆ, Stela
High-voltage electric discharge extraction of bioactive compounds from the cocoa bean shell [Elektronička građa] / Stela Jokić, Nika Pavlović, Antun Jozinović, Đurđica Ačkar, Jurislav Babić, Drago Šubarić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 33 jed. - Summary. - This study is focused on the application of high-voltage electric discharge (HVED) to recover some bioactive compounds from the cocoa bean shell. Different extraction times (30, 60, 90 min), frequencies (40, 70, 100 Hz) and solvent-solid ratios (10, 30 and 50 mL g–1) were used to obtain cocoa bean shell extracts. Desired bioactive compounds, methylxanthines and phenolic compounds were measured in obtained extracts by high-pressure liquid chromatography with diode array detector. The obtained extracts showed that theobromine was the most abundant, ranging from 2530.13 to 6031.51 mg kg–1, while caffeine content was in the range from 316.08 to 849.88 mg kg–1. In addition, significant amounts of phenolic compounds were found, namely catechin (115.91 to 284.33 mg kg–1), epicatechin (20.20 to 358.90 mg kg–1), and gallic acid (80.28 to 219.17 mg kg–1). Results showed that different parameters of HVED extraction have statistically significant influence on cocoa bean shell composition, suggesting how this byproduct can be used in the production of valuable extracts.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 2 ; str. 271-280  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bioaktivni spojevi -- Kakaova ljuska -- Nusproizvodi -- Električno pražnjenje

LUČIĆ Blagojević, Sanja
Influence of carbon nanotubes on polyamide properties [Elektronička građa] / Sanja Lučić Blagojević, Nicol Šorgo, Zrinka Buhin Šturlić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Summary. - In this study, the addition of carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) and modified carbon nanotubes (MWCNT-COOH) in the range of 0.5 wt. % to 5 wt. % in polyamide (PA) obtained as a residue upon 3D printing, was investigated. PA and nanocomposite samples were prepared by melt mixing. PA/MWCNT and PA/MWCNT-COOH nanocomposites were characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), THB thermal conductivity determination method, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and tensile test. Results of DSC analysis showed that both types of carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) acted as nucleation centres of PA matrix, but had no effect on the order of the crystalline structure. Due to the polar nature of the surface and better dispersion, MWCNT-COOH filler accelerated PA crystallization more significantly compared to MWCNT. Due to the presence of nanofiller, the PA chains had limited motion space, which interfered with the crystallization process of the matrix. The thermal stability of the PA matrix increased with the addition of both MWCNT and MWCNT-COOH fillers. Higher thermal conductivity was achieved with the addition of MWCNT-COOH filler compared to the addition of MWCNT. The results of the tensile test showed that with the addition of both types of MWCNT fillers in the PA matrix, the modulus of elasticity and yield stress had reduced, but the yield strain increased. Results of the EIS showed that MWCNT nanofiller had not changed the electrical conductivity regardless of modification.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 3 ; str. 337-346  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Električna vodljivost -- Ugljikove nanocjevčice -- Poliamid -- Toplinska svojstva -- Mehanička svojstva

Influence of sparger type and regime of fluid on biomass and lipid productivity of Chlorella vulgaris culture in a pilot airlift photobioreactor [Elektronička građa] / Yaremi Lopez-Hernandez, Carlos Orozco, Ines Garcia-Peña, Jorge Ramirez-Muñoz, Luis G. Torres. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 36 jed. - Summary. - The effect of different types of spargers and the influence of the air flow rate on biomass and lipids production by Chlorella vulgaris was evaluated. These data allowed correlation of the hydrodynamic behavior of the photobioreactor with the byproducts production. The hydrodynamic characterization was developed by determining the mixing time (tM), hold-up, and total volumetric mass transfer coefficient of CO2, kLa(CO2)T, at increasing air flow rates for three different spargers: star-shaped, cross-shaped and porous glass surface sparger. The hydrodynamic characterization showed that the tM decreased, while the hold-up values and the kLa(CO2)T increased as a result of the increment in the volumetric air flow rate between 5 to 17 L min–1. The highest biomass and lipid concentrations were determined at the higher aeration rate (20 L min–1), which was correlated with the lower tM, the higher hold-up and kLa(CO2)T values. Biomass and lipid production showed an inverse correlation. The highest biomass concentration (750 mg L–1) and the lowest lipid concentration (10 mg L–1) were measured with the star sparger. In contrast, when the lowest biomass concentration was obtained (240 mg L–1), the highest lipid concentration of 196 mg L–1 was measured with the glass sparger. The maximum biomass productivity values were determined at the lower aeration rate and the star sparger, with the minimum power per unit of volume, which could be useful for a cost-effective process.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 1 ; str. 87-98  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biomasa -- Lipidi -- Mikroalge -- Hidrodinamička karakterizacija

DOLABELLA, Luiza Marilac Pereira
Inhibitory effect of ethanolic extract of propolis on corrosion of ferritic stainless steel in chloride media [Elektronička građa] / Luiza Marilac Pereira Dolabella, Thalys Eduardo dos Santos, Tulio Matencio, Wander Luiz Vasconcelos, Vanessa F. C. Lins. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Summary. - This work evaluates the inhibitory effect of ethanolic extract of propolis (EEP) on the corrosion of AISI 409 stainless steel (SS) in chloride media. Additions of 100, 200, and 500 μL of EEP in an aqueous sodium chloride solution were performed. The inhibitory effect on the SS was evaluated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements up to 720 hours in immersion. EEP additions of 200 μL and 500 μL increased the polarization resistance of the SS. After 720 hours of immersion, the highest impedance was identified for the SS in solution with 500 μL of EEP. The maximum inhibition efficiency observed for addition of 500 μL of EEP in solution was 98.1 %, after 360 h of immersion.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 2 ; str. 213-219  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kloridi -- Propolis -- Inhibitor korozije -- Nehrđajući čelik -- Elektrokemijska impedancijska spektroskopija

BUKVA, Mersa
Iron content in fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices samples marketed in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina [Elektronička građa] / Mersa Bukva, Delila Kapo, Nudžeima Huseinbašić, Sabina Gojak-Salimović, Jasna Huremović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 42 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Iron deficiency anaemia is one of the major health problems that affects cognitive performance, physical capacity, immune status, and reproductive performance. The iron content in 35 food samples (fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices) marketed in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina was determined. Тhe iron content in the fruits and vegetables was determined using FAAS spectrometry, and in the herbs and spices samples by UV/Vis spectrophotometry. Experimentally determined content was: fruits (2.91–39.27 mg kg–1), vegetables (6.33–107 mg kg–1), herbs (135–962 mg kg–1), and spices (59.00–918 mg kg–1). Daily intakes for different plant samples were also calculated. The food samples were arranged by iron concentration in the following descending order: herbs and tea >spices >vegetables >fruits. The results from this study were compared with previously published data. The obtained values are in the area of common values. The iron content and the factors that increase its bioavailability can help in the selection of proper foods to be included in the daily diet. - Anemija zbog nedostatka željeza, jedan je od glavnih zdravstvenih problema, a utječe na kognitivne sposobnosti, fizički kapacitet, imunološki status i reproduktivnu sposobnost. Utvrđen je sadržaj željeza u ukupno 35 uzoraka hrane (voće, povrće, ljekovito bilje i začini) s tržišta u Sarajevu u Bosni i Hercegovini. Sadržaj željeza u voću i povrću određen je FAAS spektrometrijom, a u uzorcima ljekovitog bilja i začina UV/Vis spektrofotometrijom. Utvrđen je sljedeći sadržaj: voće (2,91 – 39,27 mg kg–1), povrće (6,33 – 107 mg kg–1), ljekovito bilje (135 – 962 mg kg–1) i začini (59,00 – 918 mg kg–1). Također su izračunati dnevni unosi za različite uzorke biljnog materijala. Prema koncentracijama željeza uzorci su raspoređeni u sljedećim serijama: ljekovito bilje >začini >povrće >voće. Rezultati ovog istraživanja uspoređeni su s prethodno objavljenim podatcima. Dobivene vrijednosti nalaze se u području literaturnih podataka. Sadržaj željeza i čimbenici koji povećavaju njegovu bioraspoloživost mogu pomoći u odabiru odgovarajuće hrane za svakodnevnu prehranu.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 7/8 ; str. 281-287  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Voće -- Povrće -- Željezo -- Začini -- Ljekovito bilje -- Spektrofotometrija

JALIL, Mohd Jumain
Kinetics of epoxidized oleic acid derived from palm oil by in situ generated performic acid [Elektronička građa] / Mohd Jumain Jalil, Mohd Saufi Md Zaini, Aliff Farhan Mohd Yamin, Siu Hua Chang, Norhashimah Mora, Abdul Hadi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Epoxidized palm oleic acid is often regarded as a highly valuable oleochemical due to its wide range of industrial applications, including cosmetics, personal care, and pharmaceutical products. In this study, oleic acid derived from palm oil with iodine value of 98.99 g/100 g, containing 75 % of oleic acid, 12 % of linoleic acid, 6.5 % of palmitic acid, and 6.5 % of stearic acid was epoxidised by in situ generated performic acid with hydrogen peroxide as oxygen donor and formic acid as active oxygen carrier in the presence of catalytic amount of inorganic acid. The rate constant for epoxidation of oleic acid was found to be 1.133 ∙ 10–3 mol–1 s–1 and activation energy was 91.12 kJ mol–1 at temperature of 75 °C. In addition, thermodynamic parameters such as enthalpy, entropy, and free energy of activation were 88.2 kJ mol–1, −67.90 J mol–1 K–1, and 88.36 kJ mol–1, respectively. Relative conversion data showed that it was possible to develop epoxides from locally available, natural, renewable resources such as palm oil. - Epoksidirana palmina oleinska kiselina često se smatra vrlo vrijednom oleokemijskom tvari zbog širokog raspona industrijskih primjena, uključujući kozmetiku, osobnu njegu i farmaceutske proizvode. U ovoj studiji, oleinska kiselina potekla iz palmina ulja s jodnim brojem 98,99 g/100 g, koja sadrži 75 % oleinske kiseline, 12 % linoleinske kiseline, 6,5 % palmitinske kiseline i 6,5 % stearinske kiseline, epoksidizirana je in situ proizvedenom performičnom kiselinom s vodikovim peroksidom kao donorom kisika i mravljom kiselinom kao aktivnim nosačem kisika u prisutnosti katalitičke količine anorganske kiseline. Konstanta brzine za epoksidaciju oleinske kiseline bila je 1,133 ∙ 10–3 mol–1 s–1, a energija aktivacije 91,12 kJ mol–1pri temperaturi 75 °C. Termodinamički parametri kao što su entalpija, entropija i slobodna energija aktivacije iznosili su 88,2 kJ mol–1, −67,90 J mol–1 K–1, odnosno 88,36 kJ mol–1. Relativni podatci konverzije pokazali su da je moguće razviti epokside iz lokalnih, prirodnih i obnovljivih izvora kao što je palmino ulje.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 5/6 ; str. 181-187  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Epoksidacija -- Palmino ulje -- Kinetička studija -- Epksidi -- Energija aktivacije

KUČIĆ, Dajana
Kompostiranje agroindustrijskog otpada, biootpada i biorazgradljivog komunalnog otpada u adijabatskom reaktoru [Elektronička građa] / Dajana Kučić Grgić, Felicita Briški, Vesna Ocelić Bulatović, Marija Vuković Domanovac, Tomislav Domanovac, Monika Šabić Runjavec, Martina Miloloža, Matija Cvetnić. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 29 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovom radu provedena je biološka obrada agroindustrijskog otpada (P1), biootpada (P2) i biorazgradljivog komunalnog otpada (P3) procesom kompostiranja u adijabatskom reaktoru tijekom 21 dana. U pokusima P1, P2 i P3 postignuta je maksimalna temperatura od 52, 55 i 57 °C, a termofilna faza je trajala 8, 5 i 6 dana. Ukupno je nastalo 122, 407 i 389 g kgHT0–1 CO2 odnosno 89, 148 i 559 mg kgHT0–1 NH3. pH-vrijednost je na početku procesa bila u neutralnom području, a na kraju u blago lužnatom području. Vlažnost supstrata se povećala za oko 5 %, dok se omjer C/N smanjivao uslijed smanjenja udjela organskog C te povećanja udjela N. Shodno navedenom, postignuta je konverzija od 48 %, 71 % odnosno 56 % u pokusima P1, P2 i P3. - The aim of this work was biological treatment of agroindustrial waste (P1), biowaste (P2) and biodegradable municipal solid waste (P3) by the composting process in adiabatic reactor during 21 days. In experiments P1, P2, and P3, a maximum temperature of 52, 55, and 57 °C was reached, and the thermophilic phase lasted 8, 5, and 6 days. The cumulative evolved CO2 and NH3 was 122, 407, and 389 g kgVM0−1 and 89, 148, and 559 mg kgVM0−1, respectively. The pH value at the beginning of the process was in the neutral and at the end in the slightly alkaline domain. The substrate humidity increased by about 5 %, while the C/N ratio decreased due to a decrease in the organic C content and an increase in N content. Consequently, a conversion of 48 %, 71 %, and 56 %, respectively, was achieved in experiments P1, P2, and P3.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 9/10 ; str. 381-388  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kompostiranje -- Agroindustrijski otpad -- Biootpad -- Biorazgradljivi otpad -- Adijabatski reaktor

KUČIĆ, Dajana
Konvencionalne cigarete vs. alternativni uređaji [Elektronička građa] : štetnost po zdravlje čovjeka i ekosustav / Dajana Kučić Grgić, Iva Bićanić, Nina Čavarović, Petra Pohanić, Vesna Ocelić Bulatović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 45 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Duhanski dim prvi je sprječiv uzrok smrti, a pušenje je danas sve manje prihvatljivo u mnogim društvenim segmentima. Radi vlastitog opstanka na tržištu duhanska industrija posljednjih desetak godina razvija alternativne proizvode – ENDS (engl. electrical nicotine delivery system) i HNBT (engl. heat-not-burn), kako bi ponudila manje štetnu opciju potrošačima. Proizvođači e-cigareta pozivaju se na deklaraciju GRAS, koja se odnosi isključivo na konzumiranje ingestijom, dok je već i udisanje samog aerosola, koji nastaje kod oba navedena proizvoda, štetno. E-cigarete stvaraju aerosol zagrijavanjem e-tekućine, dok se HNBT uređaji temelje na zagrijavanju komprimiranog lišća duhana, čime nastaju štetni spojevi iako u znatno manjim koncentracijama nego kod konvencionalnih cigareta. - Tobacco smoke is the leading preventable cause of death worldwide, and smoking has become a less desirable habit in many social segments. Therefore, during the last decade, the tobacco industry has developed some alternatives – ENDS and HNBT products, in order to offer a less harmful option for consumers. E-cigarette manufacturers are referred to the GRAS declaration which refers exclusively to ingestion, while the inhalation of the aerosol itself, which occurs in both of these products, is harmful. E-cigarettes create an aerosol by heating e-liquid, and HNBT devices are based on heating the coated tobacco leaves thus producing harmful compounds although at considerably lower concentrations than conventional cigarettes.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 11/12 ; str. 591-598  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Duhanski dim -- E-cigareta -- Elektronička cigareta -- Štetni učinci -- Aerosol

Magnetically responsive materials for solid phase extraction [Elektronička građa] / Ivo Safarik, Jitka Prochazkova, Eva Baldikova, Kristyna Pospiskova. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Summary. - Magnetically responsive materials have found many important applications in analytical chemistry. In this short review the basic information about Magnetic solid phase extraction and Magnetic textile solid phase extraction is given. These analytical techniques enable to preconcentrate target biologically active compounds or pollutants from water samples. Both procedures enable to lower the limit of detection using conventional analytical procedures.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 6 (2019), 1 ; str. 15-20  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Analitička kemija -- Magnetska ekstrakcija -- Analitičke tehnike -- Pročišćavanje voda

Miscibility and properties of low molecular mass poly(l-lactide) and poly(methyl methacrylate) blends [Elektronička građa] / Elvira Vidović, Fabio Faraguna, Ante Jukić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 40 jed. - Summary. - Modification of biobased PLLA properties by mixing with conventional PMMA via melt mixing in Brabender mixer was performed. Despite negative results of theoretical miscibility calculations by the group contribution approach of Coleman, Graf and Painter, homogeneous blend morphologies were prepared as recorded with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). All PLLA/PMMA blends displayed a single glass transition temperature. With increasing fraction of PMMA in blends, the increase in Tg from 58 °C to 93 °C was recorded by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Added PMMA improved mechanical properties, while the flexibility of PLLA/PMMA blends gradually decreased as revealed by DMA measurements.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 3 ; str. 363-376  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Polimeri -- Polilaktidi -- Mješavine -- Proizvodnja -- Mehanička svojstva -- Toplinska svojstva

BARKI, Hadjer
Modelling of adsorption of methane, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, their binary mixtures, and their ternary mixture on activated carbons using artificial neural network [Elektronička građa] / Hadjer Barki, Latifa Khaouane, Salah Hanini. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 67 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This work examines the use of neural networks in modelling the adsorption process of gas mixtures (CO2, CH4, and N2) on different activated carbons. Seven feed-forward neural network models, characterized by different structures, were constructed with the aim of predicting the adsorption of gas mixtures. A set of 417, 625, 143, 87, 64, 64, and 40 data points for NN1 to NN7, respectively, were used to test the neural networks. Of the total data, 60 %, 20 %, and 20 % were used, respectively, for training, validation, and testing of the seven models. Results show a good fit between the predicted and experimental values for each model; good correlations were found (R = 0.99656 for NN1, R = 0.99284 for NN2, R = 0.99388 for NN3, R = 0.99639 for Q1 for NN4, R = 0.99472 for Q2 for NN4, R = 0.99716 for Q1 for NN5, R = 0.99752 for Q3 for NN5, R = 0.99746 for Q2 for NN6, R = 0.99783 for Q3 for NN6, R = 0.9946 for Q1 for NN7, R = 0.99089 for Q2 for NN7, and R = 0.9947 for Q3 for NN7). Moreover, the comparison between the predicted results and the classical models (Gibbs model, Generalized dual-site Langmuir model, and Ideal Adsorption Solution Theory) shows that the neural network models gave far better results. - U ovom radu ispitana je primjena neuronskih mreža u modeliranju procesa adsorpcije smjese plinova (CO2, CH4 i N2) na različitim aktivnim ugljicima. Izrađeno je sedam modela neuronskih mreža, karakteriziranih različitim strukturama s ciljem predviđanja adsorpcije smjesa plinova. Za testiranje neuronskih mreža primijenjen je skup od 417, 625, 143, 87, 64, 64 i 40 podatkovnih točaka za NN1 do NN7. Od ukupnih podataka 60 %, 20 % i 20 % rabljeno je za obuku, validaciju i testiranje sedam modela. Rezultati pokazuju dobar odnos predviđenih i eksperimentalnih vrijednosti za svaki model; pronađene su dobre korelacije (R = 0,99656 za NN1, R = 0,99284 za NN2, R = 0,99388 za NN3, R = 0,99639 za Q1 za NN4, R = 0,99472 za Q2 za NN4, R = 0,99716 za Q1 za NN5, R = 0,99972 za Q3 za NN5, R = 0,99746 za Q2 za NN6, R = 0,99783 za Q3 za NN6, R = 0,9946 za Q1 za NN7, R = 0,99089 za Q2 za NN7 i R = 0,9947 za Q3 za NN7). Dodatno, usporedba predviđenih rezultata i klasičnih modela (Gibbsov model, generalizirani Langmuirov model i teorija idealne adsorpcije otopine) pokazuje da su modeli neuronskih mreža dali daleko bolje rezultate.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 7/8 ; str. 289-302  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Modeliranje -- Adsorpcija -- Aktivni ugljen -- Smjesa plinova -- Neuronske mreže

Nanofluidi kao medij za prijenos topline [Elektronička građa] / Roko Blažic, Fabio Faraguna, Elvira Vidović, Ante Jukić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 44 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U posljednjih 20 godina nanofluidi su privukli pažnju znanstvene zajednice te se broj radova na temu nanofluida tijekom godina znatno povećao. Povećana toplinska vodljivost fluida uslijed dodatka nanočestica osnovno je svojstvo koje je potaknulo intenzivno istraživanje nanofluida. S obzirom na to da u industriji uvijek postoji težnja poboljšanju učinkovitosti proizvodnih procesa, pa tako i procesa hlađenja procesnih struja, povećana toplinska vodljivost rashladnih fluida otvara mogućnosti za postizanje navedenog cilja. U ovom radu dan je pregled metoda priprave nanofluida te opis parametara koji utječu na njihovu toplinsku vodljivost. Dan je i osvrt na modele kojima se opisuje toplinska vodljivost nanofluida te pregled mogućih mehanizama koji doprinose povećanju njihove toplinske vodljivosti. - Nanofluids have attracted the attention of the scientific community during last twenty years and the number of papers on nanofluids has increased significantly as a result. The increased thermal conductivity of the fluid due to the addition of nanoparticles is a basic feature that has raised intensive research on nanofluids. Considering a permanent urge in the industry to improve efficiency of production processes, including the cooling streams of processes, the increased thermal conductivity of cooling fluids opens the possibility of achieving that goal. This paper provides an overview of nanofluid preparation methods and a description of parameters that affect the thermal conductivity of nanofluids. Also, the overviews of few models that describe the thermal conductivity of nanofluids as well as of possible mechanisms that contribute to the increase in thermal conductivity of nanofluids are given.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 9/10 ; str. 521-533  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nanofluidi -- Nanočestice -- Toplinska vodljivost -- Stabilnost nanofluida

MACAN, Jelena, kemijska inženjerka
Nanošenje fotokatalitičkih ZnO slojeva na podloge različite geometrije [Elektronička građa] / Jelena Macan, Monika Kovačević, Maja Lipovski, Mihovil Medić, Ivana Grčić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Ispitivan je način priprave fotokatalitički aktivnog ZnO sloja taloženjem iz otopine. Slojevi bazičnog cinkova acetata (LBZA) uspješno su naneseni na podloge različitih morfologija, a prethodna hidroliza podloge pogoduje dobivanju debljih i čvršće vezanih slojeva. No postupak priprave znatno je osjetljiv na varijacije u uvjetima što čini prevlačenje većih površina zahtjevnijim. Reproducibilnost fotokatalitičke aktivnosti ZnO slojeva dobivenih žarenjem LBZA slaba je i varira do 50 %, bez jasne pravilnosti. - Preparation of photocatalytically active ZnO layer by chemical bath deposition was investigated. Layers of layered basic zinc acetate (LBZA) were successfully deposited on substrates of varying morphologies, and the substrate hydrolysis led to formation of thicker and better adhering layers. However, the process was quite sensitive to variations in conditions, which makes coating of larger surfaces more challenging. Photocatalytic activity of ZnO layers obtained from LBZA by calcining had poor reproducibility, varying up to 50 % without obvious regularity.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 11/12 ; str. 583-590  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Cinkov oksid -- Fotokatalitička razgradnja -- Modifikacija površine -- Mikrostruktura

YANEVA, Zvezdelina Lyubenova
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug solid-state microencapsulation on green activated carbon [Elektronička građa] : mass transfer and host-guest interactions / Zvezdelina Lyubenova Yaneva. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 46 jed. - Summary. - The present study investigated the drug-carrier capacity of green activated carbon derived from fruit stones by steam-gas activation (ACSTA) towards the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) ibuprofen (IBU), and assessed the host-guest interactions and mass transfer mechanism/s of the drug microencapsulation and in vitro release processes. The mass transfer studies outlined that the process of IBU encapsulation on ACSTA microparticles was predominantly controlled by intraparticle solid phase diffusion.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 2 ; str. 249-269  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ibuprofen -- Mikrokapsulacija -- Aktivni ugljen

KURAJICA, Stanislav
Određivanje zabranjene zone poluvodiča metodom UV-Vis difuzne refleksijske spektroskopije [Elektronička građa] / Stanislav Kurajica, Vilko Mandić, Marija Tkalčević, Katarina Mužina, Ivana Katarina Munda. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu je dan pregled pojmova i jednadžbi vezanih uz određivanje zabranjene zone metodom difuzne refleksijske spektroskopije i uporabu Taucova grafičkog prikaza. Kako bi se demonstrirao postupak i vrednovala sama metoda, primjenom metode određena je zabranjena zona komercijalnih uzoraka anatasa, rutila, cinkita i hematita. Na temelju eksperimentalno dobivenih vrijednosti širine zabranjene zone komentirana je točnost metode te osjetljivost pri razlikovanju poluvodiča s direktnim i indirektnim prijelazima. Pokazano je da Taucova metoda nije besprijekorna niti u pogledu točnosti niti razlikovanja indirektnih i direktnih elektronskih prijelaza u poluvodičkim materijalima, ali je vrlo praktičan način određivanja širine zabranjene zone poluvodiča budući da ne zahtijeva pretjerano skupu instrumentaciju a obrada eksperimentalnih podataka relativno je jednostavna. - For the application of semiconductors, an important factor is the band gap, i.e., the minimum energy required for the transfer of electrons from the valence to the conduction band. One of the possible methods for band gap determination is diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and Tauc plot. In this paper, an overview of the terms and equations related to the said method is given, as well as its utilization in the determination of band gaps of commercial samples of various metal oxides. Thus, the procedure is demonstrated and evaluated through the determination of indirect and direct band gap values of anatase (TiO2), rutile (TiO2), zincite (ZnO), and hematite (Fe2O3). All samples were beforehand analysed and identified by X-ray powder diffraction on Shimadzu XRD 6000 diffractometer with CuKα radiation working in a step scan mode with steps of 0.02° and counting time of 0.6 s. It was determined that all samples are well crystallized with relatively large crystallite sizes. UV-Vis spectra of the samples, as well as barite, which was used as a reference, were obtained on the UV-Vis spectrometer with an integrating sphere in total reflectance mode. The UV-Vis DRS spectra were transformed to Kubelka-Munk function, after which Tauc plot was used for the determination of the indirect and direct band gap values of all samples. The obtained values for anatase were 3.20 eV for indirect transition and 3.41 eV for direct transition, and for rutile 3.00 eV for indirect transition and 3.11 eV for direct transition. The zincite sample showed an indirect band gap of 3.19 eV and direct band gap of 3.25 eV, while the obtained indirect band gap value for hematite was 1.96 eV and direct band gap value 2.15 eV.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 9/10 ; str. 415-426  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Metalni oksidi -- Difuzna refleksijska spektroskopija -- Poluvodiči -- Taucov grafički prikaz

MITAR, Anamarija
Physicochemical properties, cytotoxicity, and antioxidative activity of natural deep eutectic solvents containing organic acid [Elektronička građa] / Anamarija Mitar, Manuela Panić, Jasna Prlić Kardum, Jasna Halambek, Aleksandra Sander, Kristina Zagajski Kučan, Ivana Radojčić Redovniković, Kristina Radošević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 54 jed. - Summary. - Natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) may be considered ‘designer solvents’ due to their numerous structural variations and the possibility of tailoring their physicochemical properties. Prior to their industrial application, characterization of NADES is essential, including determination of their physicochemical properties, cytotoxicity, and antioxidative activity. The most important physicochemical properties of eight prepared NADES (choline chloride:malic acid, proline:malic acid, choline chloride:proline:malic acid, betaine:malic acid, malic acid:glucose, malic acid:glucose:glycerol, choline chloride:citric acid, and betaine:citric acid) were measured as functions of temperature and water content. In general, the structure of prepared NADES greatly influences their physical properties, which could be successfully modified and adjusted by addition of water. All tested NADES were absolutely benign and noncorrosive for investigated steel X6CrNiTi18-10. Furthermore, cytotoxicity of prepared solvents was assessed toward three human cell lines (HEK-293T, HeLa, and MCF-7 cells), and antioxidative activity was measured by the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) method. With regard to cell viability, all tested NADES containing carboxylic acid could be classified as practically harmless and considered environmentally safe. The ORAC values indicated that the tested NADES displayed antioxidative activity.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 1 ; str. 1-18  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva -- Eutektička otapala -- Antioksidativno djelovanje -- Citotoksičnost -- Korozija

Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) production from natural gas by a methanotroph native bacterium in a bubble column bioreactor [Elektronička građa] / Kianoush Khosravi-Darani, Fatemeh Yazdian, Fatemeh Babapour, A. R. Amirsadeghi. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 49 jed. - Summary. - Reducing the total cost of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) production as an attractive substitute for conventional petrochemical plastics still remains an unsolved problem. The aim of this research was the screening of PHB-producing microorganisms and selection of the best suitable medium for microbial growth and PHB production from methane. A new isolated methanotroph for PHB production from natural gas was studied in different media. After selection of the suitable medium, the effect of five process variables (content of nitrogen source, disodium hydrogen phosphate, methane to air ratio, seed age, and pH) on PHB production was investigated in a bubble column bioreactor. Also, hydrodynamic and mass transfer factors (flow regime, mixing time, gas hold up, and kLa) were considered. At optimum operating conditions and engineering parameters in a bubble column, PHB content in the dried biomass reached 25 % w/w. The results showed that pH is the most important variable in the selected conditions.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 1 ; str. 69-77  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prirodni plin -- Poli(3-hidroksibutirat) -- Bakterije -- Metanotrofi -- Kemijski reaktor

GRUBIŠIĆ, Marina, bioprocesna inženjerka
Potential of microalgae for the production of different biotechnological products [Elektronička građa] / M. Grubišić, M. Ivančić Šantek, B. Šantek. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 122 jed. - Summary. - Microalgae have been recognized as powerful phototrophic cell-factories whose applications range from biomass production for food and feed purposes to the production of high-value products and biofuels. Microalgae have been considered a source of functional ingredients, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, polysaccharides, essential minerals, vitamins and bioactive peptides that can have positive effects on human and animal health. Besides having high nutritional value due to the high percentage of proteins in their composition, microalgae generate high-value products, such as pigments, polysaccharides, bio-hydrogen, and even bio-polyesters with plastic-like properties. Algal biomass that remains after product recovery can be used as forage, biofertilizer or feedstock for biogas production. This step in overall algal production is important from an economic point of view due to the reduction in production costs. This paper presents the detailed study of the biotechnologically most important microalgae strains, and the design principles of photobioreactors for their cultivation. In addition, the main existing and potential high-value products derivable from microalgae, as well as utilization of microalgae for phytoremediation and biogas production, were reviewed.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 2 ; str. 161-181  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mikroalge -- Bioreaktori -- Biotehnologija

Predicting the pressure drop of corrugated sheet structured packings in deep vacuum applications [Elektronička građa] / Žarko Olujić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Summary. - Advanced corrugated sheet structured packings are considered a natural choice for deep vacuum distillation. In many of these applications that occur at absolute pressures below 0.01 bar at the top of the column, the low density gas/vapor driven by pressure ascends through an irrigated packed bed under laminar flow conditions. This implies that the packing geometry features aiming to reduce the form drag of advanced packing may not be as effective, if at all, as experienced in common applications where turbulent flow prevails. To consider this appropriately, a theoretically founded expression for laminar flow friction factor has been incorporated into Delft model (DM). With this extension, the predicted pressure drop within laminar flow region approaches closely that estimated using well-established empirical model available in software package SULCOL. In absence of adequate experimental evidence, extended DM was validated using newest data obtained at FRI with an advanced wire gauze structured packing in total reflux experiments carried out with paraxylene/orthoxylene system at 0.02 and 0.1 bar top pressure in a column with internal diameter of 1.22 m.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 3 ; str. 303-323  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Destilacija -- Pad tlaka -- Vakuum destilacija

Prediction of climatic parameters from physicochemical parameters using artificial neural networks [Elektronička građa] : case study of Ain Defla (Algeria) / Lamia Gheraba, Latifa Khaouane, Othmane Benkortbi, Salah Hanini, Mabrouk Hamadache. - Ilustr.
Sadrži i: priloge na str. 312-316. - Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The knowledge of the climate of a region is a primordial task in that it allows predictions of climatic parameters in the future. In this study, monthly maximum and minimum air temperature (Tair,min, Tair,max), relative humidity (RH), and sunshine duration (SD) were modelled by multiple linear regression (MLR), and multilayer perceptron methods (MLP). For the four climatic parameters, the internal and external validations of MLP-ANN model showed high R2 and Q2 values in the range 0.81–0.98. The agreement between calculated and experimental values confirmed the ability of ANN-based equation to predict these parameters quickly and at lower cost. - Poznavanje klime neke regije osnovni je zadatak jer omogućuje predviđanje klimatskih parametara u budućnosti. U ovom su istraživanju maksimalna i minimalna mjesečna temperatura zraka (Tair,min, Tair,max), relativna vlažnost (RH) i trajanje sunčeve svjetlosti (SD) modelirani višestrukom linearnom regresijom (MLR) i višeslojnim perceptronskim metodama (MLP). Za četiri klimatska parametra interna i eksterna validacija modela MLP-ANN pokazala je visoke vrijednosti R2 i Q2 u području 0,81 – 0,98. Usklađenost izračunatih i eksperimentalnih vrijednosti potvrdilo je da jednadžba temeljena na ANN-u brzo i uz niže troškove predviđa te parametre.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 7/8 ; str. 303-316  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Modeliranje -- Neuronska mreža -- Fizikalno-kemijski parametri -- Klimatski parametri

Preferentna imena konstitucijskih jedinica koja se upotrebljavaju u imenima polimera na osnovi strukture [Elektronička građa] : (II. dio) / Werner Mormann, Karl-Heinz Hellwich, Jiazhong Chen i Edward S. Wilks ; prevela Vida Jarm. - Ilustr.
Izvornik: Werner Mormann, Karl-Heinz Hellwich, Jiazhong Chen, Edward S. Wilks/ Prefered names of constitutional units for use in structure- based names of polymers (IUPAC Recommendations 2016) // Pure Appl. Chem. 89 (11) (2017) 1695–1736. - Bibliografija: 22 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Načinjen je popis konstitucijskih jedinica, KJ, tablica 1, koje se u skladu s pravilima IUPAC-ovog imenovanja upotrebljavaju za tvorbu imena polimera. Popis sadržava KJ-e komercijalnih i dobro poznatih polimera kao i KJ-e pomoću kojih su imenovani polimeri u IUPAC-ovim dokumentima. Za svaku je konstitucijsku jedinicu dano preferentno ime. Popis sadržava i druga prihvatljiva imena te imena koja se zbog zastarjelosti ili netočnosti ne bi trebala upotrebljavati iako su u prošlosti ili u drugim okolnostima upotrebljavana kao točna. U tablici 2 navedena su imena najčešćih polimera i to na osnovi strukture, na osnovi podrijetla i zadržana uvriježena imena polimera kao i imena koja su zbog zastarjelosti i netočnosti neprihvatljiva. Obje tablice zamjenjuju slične tablice i imena, sadržane u prethodnim dokumentima. Pravila navedena u tim dokumentima i dalje vrijede, a imena konstitucijskih jedinica treba prilagoditi pravilima ovog dokumenta. Preferentna imena konstitucijskih jedinica navedena u tablici 1 treba upotrebljavati u imenovanju na osnovi strukture pravilnih i nepravilnih polimera. - A list of constitutional units (CU) used for naming polymers according to IUPAC nomenclature rules is provided. This list contains CUs of commercial and well-known polymers, as well as CUs which have been used in polymer-nomenclature-related IUPAC documents. A preferred name is provided for each constitutional unit. Other acceptable names and names which must not be used because they are outdated or incorrect, although they may have been correct in the past or in a different context, are also listed. A second table contains names of common polymers: structure-based, source-based, and retained traditional polymer names, as well as names that are not acceptable, again because they are outdated or incorrect. These tables supersede similar tables and names in previous documents. The rules given in those documents are still valid, but names of constitutional units should be checked for agreement with the present document. The preferred names of constitutional units should be used in structure-based names of regular and irregular polymers.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 31-39  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Polimeri -- Imenovanje polimera -- Stručno nazivlje -- Preferentno ime konstitucijske jedinice


PAVLOVIĆ, Kristina, kemijska inženjerka
Primjena cijevnih mezo- i mikroreaktora u organskoj sintezi i fotokemiji - Go With the Flow! [Elektronička građa] / Kristina Pavlović, Ana Ratković, Martin Gojun, Anita Šalić, Bruno Zelić, Irena Škorić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 53 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U organskoj kemiji sve se više pažnje posvećuje sintezi u mikro- i mezo- protočnim sustavima (engl. flow chemistry), koja ima brojne prednosti nad šaržnom sintezom. Glavne prednosti provedbe organske sinteze u takvim protočnim reaktorima su veća učinkovitost, ekološka prihvatljivost i sigurnost. Unatoč tome sinteza u protočnim sustavima ne može se primjenjivati kao univerzalni pristup za sve probleme koji mogu zateći organske sintetske kemičare te prije provedbe odabranih reakcija treba razmotriti isplativost s obzirom na šaržnu sintezu. Sigurnosti i ekološkoj prihvatljivosti sinteza u protočnim reaktorima značajno doprinosi upotreba malog volumena kemikalija i otapala budući da se reakcije provode u mikro- ili mezo- reaktorima napravljenima u pravilu od inertnih materijala. Zbog brojnih prednosti, organske reakcije u protočnim sustavima predmet su kontinuiranog istraživanja, pri čemu se uvjeti provedbe reakcija optimiraju u svrhu povećanja učinkovitosti i sigurnosti procesa te njegova uvećanja. - In organic chemistry, more attention is paid to syntheses in micro- and meso-flow systems, which has a number of advantages over batch synthesis. The main advantages of the implementation of organic synthesis in flow reactors are greater efficiency, ecological acceptability and safety. Despite this, the chemistry of flow systems cannot be used as a universal approach for all problems that can be considered by organic synthetic chemists, and prior to the implementation of selected reactions, it is worth considering the cost-effectiveness of batch synthesis. The safety and environmental eligibility of synthesis in flow reactors significantly contributes to the use of a small volume of chemicals and solvents, since the reactions are carried out in micro- or mezo-reactors made, usually, from inert materials. Due to the numerous advantages of organic reactions in flow systems, they are under continuous research. The reaction conditions are optimised in order to increase the efficiency and safety of processes and their magnification.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 9/10 ; str. 477-485  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fotokemija -- Organska sinteza -- Mikroreaktori -- Protočni reaktori -- Protočni sustavi

MILČIĆ, Nevena
Primjena matematičkog modeliranja u razvoju enzimskih kaskadnih reakcija [Elektronička građa] / Nevena Milčić, Morana Česnik, Martina Sudar, Zvjezdana Findrik Blažević. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 57 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - “Sustavska biokataliza” (engl. systems biocatalysis), odnosno provedba kaskadnih reakcija koje oponašaju stanične metaboličke puteve danas se sve češće primjenjuje. Kaskadne reakcije imaju brojne prednosti nad tradicionalnim kemijskim postupcima, međutim, za uspješnu optimizaciju i prenošenje takvih kompleksnih sustava u veće, industrijsko mjerilo potrebno je primijeniti reakcijsko inženjerstvo. U ovom preglednom radu navedeni su primjeri uspješne primjene matematičkog modeliranja na razvoj enzimskih kaskadnih reakcija koji pokazuju važnost i potencijal te metodologije. - Today, systems biocatalysis, i.e., the implementation of cascade reactions that mimic cellular metabolic pathways, is increasingly being used. Cascade reactions have numerous advantages over traditional chemical processes; however, in order to successfully optimize and transfer such complex systems to a larger, industrial scale, it is necessary to apply reaction engineering. This review paper provides examples of the successful application of mathematical modelling in development of enzymatic cascade reactions that demonstrate the importance and potential of this methodology.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 9/10 ; str. 427-436  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Reakcijsko inženjerstvo -- Biokataliza -- Modeliranje -- Optimizacija -- Enzimski sustavi

GILJA, Vanja
Primjena naprednih polimernih materijala [Elektronička građa] / Vanja Gilja, Zvonimir Katančić, Ljerka Kratofil Krehula, Ana Peršić, Zlata Hrnjak-Murgić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Sve intenzivniji razvoj naprednih polimernih materijala kao što su polimerne mješavine i (nano)kompoziti nude brojna inovativna rješenja za različitu upotrebu, što ima velik ekonomski značaj za plastičnu industriju i područja u kojima se primjenjuju. Napredne tehnike modificiranja polimera razvile su se gotovo do krajnjih granica, a znatno su poboljšale omjer troškova i svojstava nastalih modifikacijom strukture polimera. Miješanje različitih polimera, priprema (nano)kompozita te stvaranje višeslojnih materijala, laminata neke su od najznačajnijih tehnika modifikacije. Pri tome postoje sinergistička djelovanja između komponenti, kako bi se postigli izvrsni učinci koji su prilagođeni specifičnim primjenama, kao npr. antimikrobno djelovanje, blokiranje ultraljubičastog svjetla, smanjenje gorivosti, fotokatalitičko djelovanje, a u radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja polimernih nanokompozita s ciljem modifikacije navedenih svojstava. - The intense development of advanced polymer materials, such as polymer blends and (nano)composites, offers a number of innovative solutions for different applications, which is of great economic importance for the plastics industry and the fields in which they are applied. Advanced polymer modification techniques have pushed the limit, and have significantly improved the cost/properties ratio engendered by manipulating the structure of polymers. Blending dissimilar polymers, preparing composites where polymer matrix is modified by fillers, and creating multilayer structures and laminates are some of the most significant polymer modification techniques. In such modification, synergistic effects between the components are required in order to achieve excellent performances tailored to specific applications, such as antimicrobial activity, blocking ultraviolet light, reducing flammability, photocatalytic activity. This paper presents the results of the research on polymer nanocomposites aimed at the modification of the aforementioned properties.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 9/10 ; str. 487-496  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Polimeri -- Polimerni materijali -- Nanokompoziti -- Antimikrobna aktivnost -- Usporivači gorenja -- Fotokatalizatori

Primjena niskotemperaturnih eutektičkih otapala u predobradi otpadnih životinjskih masti i pročišćavanju sintetiziranog biodizela [Elektronička građa] / Ana Petračić, Aleksandra Sander, Marija Ćurić, Dora Furač, Albina Šimičević, Jelena Parlov Vuković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovom je radu istražena mogućnost primjene niskotemperaturnih eutektičkih otapala za ekstrakcijsku deacidifikaciju otpadnih životinjskih masti te uklanjanje glicerola i glicerida iz sirovog biodizela. Istraživanje je uključilo odabir povoljnog katalizatora te masenog omjera katalizatora, metanola i masti koji bi rezultirali najvećom konverzijom triglicerida u metilne estere masnih kiselina. Definirano je potrebno vrijeme pročišćavanja sirovog biodizela te optimalan maseni omjer otapala i sirovog biodizela. Ekstrakcijskom deacidifikacijom pomoću niskotemperaturnog eutektičkog otapala na bazi kalijeva karbonata uspješno je reducirana kiselost sirovine uz relativno mali utrošak otapala (maseni omjer otapala i masti: 0,25 : 1,00) i kratko vrijeme trajanja procesa (30 min). Kalijev hidroksid pokazao se kao učinkovitiji katalizator. Udio katalizatora u reakcijskoj smjesi utječe više na konverziju masti od udjela metanola. Udio glicerola i glicerida reduciran je ekstrakcijom pomoću niskotemperaturnog eutektičkog otapala na bazi kolin klorida na vrijednosti manje od standardom propisane vrijednosti (EN 14214:2019). Odabrano se otapalo pokazalo selektivnim zbog toga što nije došlo do redukcije udjela metilnih estera. Pri masenom omjeru otapala i biodizela 1 : 1 i 90 min trajanja ekstrakcije postignuti su najbolji rezultati. Pročišćeni biodizel također zadovoljava standard kvalitete s obzirom na udio estera, gustoću i viskoznost. - Given the fact that biodiesel produced from oil used in the food industry is not competitive with fossil-based diesel, it is necessary to use cheaper raw materials for its production. Thereby, waste edible oil, by-products of the manufacturing process of edible oils, inedible oils, and waste animal fat are considered the economically acceptable raw materials. The goal of this work was to investigate the applicability of deep eutectic solvents for extractive deacidification of waste animal fats and removal of glycerol and glycerides from crude biodiesel. Extractive deacidification of waste animal fat was conducted using deep eutectic solvent potassium carbonate – ethylene glycol (1 : 10, mol.), and it was used in mass ratio 1 : 4 (solvent : fat), at 60 °C for 30 min. Total acid number was reduced from 26.63 to 1.1 mg KOH/g fat. After purification of the feedstock, biodiesel was synthesised with different catalysts (KOH and NaOH), and KOH exhibited better conversion; therefore it was chosen for further experiments. In order to define the optimal reaction conditions, the influence of mass ratio catalyst : methanol : fat on the conversion of triglycerides into fatty acid methyl esters was investigated. At all reaction conditions, high quality biodiesel was obtained, i.e., the ester content was above the EN 14214 limit (96.5 %). The influence of catalyst load was greater than of methanol. At the highest concentration of catalyst, neutralisation of free fatty acids occurred. Biodiesel synthesised at 1 : 40 : 100 (KOH : methanol : fat) was chosen as the best, and was used for further experiments – extraction of glycerol and glycerides from crude biodiesel. For that purpose, deep eutectic solvent choline chloride – ethylene glycol (1 : 2.5, mol.) was used. The influence of mass ratio solvent : biodiesel and extraction duration was investigated. Increase in mass ratio and extraction duration resulted in a slight increase in ester content.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 9/10 ; str. 397-405  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biodizel -- Ekstrakcija -- Deacidifikacija -- Eutektička otapala -- Otpadne životinjske masti

Priprava 3D poroznih nosača za inženjerstvo koštanog tkiva [Elektronička građa] / Marica Ivanković, Leonard Bauer, Antonia Ressler, Anamarija Rogina, Maja Antunović, Hrvoje Ivanković. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 35 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Inženjerstvo koštanog tkiva brzorastuće je polje istraživanja usmjereno na razvoj bioaktivnih 3D poroznih nosača, kao privremenih izvanstaničnih matrica, koji podržavaju prianjanje, umnažanje i diferencijaciju stanica te potiču stvaranje koštanog tkiva in vivo. Više od deset godina istraživanja naše grupe posvećena su razvoju novih materijala i postupaka za pripravu 3D poroznih nosača za inženjerstvo koštanog tkiva. Kao mogući nosači istraživani su porozni skeleti morskih organizama te kompozitni materijali i hidrogelovi na temelju biorazgradljivih polimera i bioresorbirajuće hidroksiapatitne keramike. U ovom radu dan je prikaz naših istraživanja i glavnih postignuća, objavljenih u međunarodnim znanstvenim publikacijama. - Bone tissue engineering (BTE) is a fast growing field focused on the development of bioactive 3D porous scaffolds as temporary extracellular matrixes that support cell attachment, proliferation and differentiation, and stimulate bone tissue formation in vivo. Over more than ten years, our group has been devoted to developing new biomaterials and methods to prepare 3D porous scaffolds for BTE applications. The potential of natural porous structures such as marine skeletons, composite materials, and hydrogels based on biodegradable polymers and bioresorbable hydroxyapatite ceramics have been studied. In this paper, an overview of our research and main achievements, published in international scientific publications, is provided.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 9/10 ; str. 457-468  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Inženjerstvo koštanog tkiva -- Biorazgradljivi polimeri -- Hidroksiapatit -- Hidrogelovi -- Porozna struktura

PTIČEK Siročić, Anita
Recikliranje otpadne gume devulkanizacijom [Elektronička građa] / Anita Ptiček Siročić, Franjo Florijanić, Maja Šokman, Dragana Dogančić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća polimeri i polimerni materijali postali su neizostavni dio različitih grana industrije i svakodnevnog života. Zbog vrlo raširene upotrebe elastomera nastaju velike količine gumenog otpada, što je opterećenje za okoliš te zahtijeva posebne mjere zbrinjavanja kako bi se smanjio njihov negativan utjecaj na okoliš. Uzorci polimernih mješavina na bazi prirodnog (NR) i stiren-butadienskog kaučuka (SBR) pripremljeni su u dvije serije s ciljem ispitivanja mehaničkih (prekidna čvrstoća, prekidno istezanje, ispitivanje čvrstoće na zarez) i reoloških svojstava te krajnje upotrebe u proizvodnji gumenih pružnih prijelaza. Prva serija uzoraka pripremljena je s gumenim prahom, a u drugu seriju umiješan je devulkanizirani gumeni prah. Uzorci su miješani na laboratorijskom mikseru te homogenizirani na laboratorijskom dvovaljku, a proces prešanja proveden je na hidrauličkoj preši. Dobiveni rezultati ispitivanja mehaničkih i reoloških svojstava pokazali su da je za NR/SBR polimernu mješavinu koja bi se upotrebljavala za pružne prijelaze znatno bolja opcija dodatak gumenog praha koji je dodatno devulkaniziran. - Environmental protection requires constant improvement of quality and the environmental management system in accordance with the international standards and laws in order to reduce human impact on the environment and responsibly manage natural resources. Environmentally acceptable recycling of waste tires and other rubber products is one of the biggest ecological challenges today. Landfilling or dumping of tires causes serious long-term pollution. The lack of alternatives for tire recycling increases their disposal in landfills. Recycling is currently the most effective way to improve the sustainability of the environment. The purpose of this work was to determine the optimal composition of the rubber blend to be used for rubber track crossings production, and to examine the ratio of individual components, i.e., milled recycled tires, and milled and devulcanized tires in order to determine which option is more environmentally friendly and financially viable. In the first series of samples, recycled rubber powder (milled recycled tires) was mixed with a polymer blend of natural rubber and styrene-butadiene rubber, while the second series was milled and the devulcanized tires mixed with natural rubber and styrene-butadiene rubber. Rheological and mechanical properties of all the samples were measured according to appropriate standards. The results showed that an increase in the ratio of rubber powder increased the values of minimal rotation resistance and proportionally reduced the maximum rotation resistance. Minor deviations in the values of the vulcanization rate indicated that various ratios of added rubber powder had no significant effect on the rate of vulcanization of individual samples.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 5/6 ; str. 189-195  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Polimeri -- Guma -- Recikliranje -- Mehanička svojstva -- Reološka svojstva -- Devulkanizacija -- Otpad

YENER, Huriye Banu
Removal of Cefdinir from aqueous solution using nanostructure adsorbents of TiO2, SiO2 and TiO2/SiO2 [Elektronička građa] : equilibrium, thermodynamic and kinetic studies / Huriye Banu Yener. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 62 jed. - Summary. - The adsorptive removal of cefdinir, an antibiotic, from aqueous solutions on TiO2, SiO2 and TiO2/SiO2 nanostructures was studied by batch experiments. The SiO2 particles were obtained from rice husk ash. Investigated were the effects of the solution pH, adsorbent dosage, initial adsorbate concentration, and solution temperature on both cefdinir uptake and removal. The studies suggest that the adsorption of cefdinir on the nanostructures was mainly due to the electrostatic interaction between the ionic adsorbate molecules and charged adsorbent surface sites. The adsorption isotherm data of TiO2 and SiO2 fit well to the Langmuir isotherm model and the Freundlich model for TiO2/SiO2. The thermodynamic studies indicated favorable and spontaneous occurrence of adsorption. The kinetic data of TiO2 fitted best with PSO reaction model equation, and was described well by Weber-Morris diffusion model with dominating control mechanism of intraparticle diffusion and limited contribution of internal film diffusion.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 2 ; str. 235-248  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Cefdinir -- Antibiotici -- Adsorpcija -- Termodinamička ispitivanja -- Kinetička ispitivanja

ZARGHI, Mohammad Hasan
Removal of estrogen hormones (17β-estradiol and estrone) from aqueous solutions using rice husk silica [Elektronička građa] / Mohammad Hasan Zarghi, Aliakbar Roudbari, Sahand Jorfi, Neamat Jaafarzadeh. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 59 jed. - Summary. - The aim of this study was to investigate the removal of estrogen hormones (17β-estradiol and estrone) from aqueous solutions using rice husk extracted silica. Rice husk was collected from rice factories in Mazandaran province (Iran) and the adsorbent was prepared in a furnace at 800 °C for 4 h, after acid leaching with hydrochloric and sulfuric acid mixture. Optimal operating parameters for estrogen removal were determined, including initial pH values (4–9), adsorbent dosages (0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 g L–1), contact times (30, 60, 90, and 120 min), and initial concentrations of 17β-estradiol and estrone (10, 40, 70 and 100 ng L–1); one-factor-at-a-time method was used. The method of electrochemiluminescence was used to measure the concentration of hormones. Kinetic adsorption models and adsorption isotherms were also studied. The maximum removal efficiency (%) of 17β-estradiol (E2) and estrone (E1) hormones of 95.5 and 93.1 %, respectively, was obtained at optimal conditions of pH 4, 1.5 g L–1 of adsorbent dosage, 60 min of contact time and 10 ng L–1 initial concentrations of E2 and E1. Pseudo first-order kinetic model and Langmuir adsorption isotherm had the best fit with experimental data for both estrogen hormones, following nonlinear regression procedure. Rice husk silica could be considered as effective and accessible adsorbent for removal of estrogenic hormones.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 2 ; str. 281-293  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vodena otopina -- Estrogeni -- Rižina ljuska -- Adsorpcija

Sadržaj teških metala i metaloida u vodi za piće u Unsko-sanskoj županiji Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine [Elektronička građa] / Ekrem Pehlić, Nevzeta Ljubijankić, Huska Jukić, Aida Šapčanin, Husein Nanić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Unsko-sanska županija bogata je prirodnom izvorskom vodom, kojom se opskrbljuje stanovništvo. Po prvi put je ispitana procjena kakvoće toksičnih i esencijalnih teških metala i metaloida u vodi za piće iz više izvorišta u osam općina i to: Bihaću, Cazinu, Bosanskoj Krupi, Bužimu, Velikoj Kladuši, Bosanskom Petrovcu, Sanskom Mostu i Ključu. U svibnju 2016. godine iz svake općine analizirano je po tri uzorka vode (ukupno 24). Mjerene su koncentracije arsena, olova, kadmija, kroma, nikla, kobalta, molibdena, fosfora, cinka i bakra. U pet uzoraka vode uočene su povećane koncentracije za Ni (do 20 µg dm–3) i Cr (do 50 µg dm–3) i smatraju se prirodnim podrijetlom. Međutim, u većem broju uzoraka (osam) koncentracije As su odstupale od dozvoljenih (do 10 µg dm–3), s maksimumom od 14,05 µg dm–3 i vjerojatno su od samog sastava zemljišta, ali i antropogenih izvora zbog postojanja odlagališta otpada u široj regiji izvorišta. Vrijednosti koncentracija ostalih elemenata Cd, Pb, Co, Cu, P, Mo i Zn bile su u granicama maksimalno dozvoljenih propisanih Pravilnicima u BiH, Direktivom o vodi za ljudsku potrošnju 98/83/EC, kao i smjernicama Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHO). Sadržaj teških metala i metaloida u vodi za piće na području Unsko-sanske županije, osim za As ne predstavljaju opasnost za zdravlje ljudi. - The Una-Sana Canton is rich in natural spring water that supplies the population. Performed for the first time was a quality assessment of toxic and essential heavy metals and metalloids in drinking water from several sources in eight municipalities: Bihac, Cazin, Bosanska Krupa, Buzim, Velika Kladusa, Bosanski Petrovac, Sanski Most, and Kljuc. In May 2016, three samples were taken from each municipality (total 24). The concentrations of arsenic, lead, cadmium, chromium, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, phosphorus, zinc, and copper were measured. In a small number of water samples, slightly increased concentrations of Ni (up to 20 µg dm–3) and Cr (up to 50 µg dm–3) were found, and considered to be of natural origin. However, in the majority of samples, the As concentrations differed from the allowed concentration (up to 10 µg dm–3), with a maximum of 14.05 µg dm–3, which probably originates from the very composition of the soil, but also from anthropogenic sources due to the existence of a landfill in the wider region of the source. The concentrations of other elements, Cd, Pb, Co, Cu, P, Mo, and Zn were within the maximum permissible limits prescribed by the Regulations of B&H, the EU Drinking Water Directive 98/83/EC, as well as the WHO guidelines. Except for As, the content of heavy metals and metalloids in the drinking water of Una-Sana Canton is not a danger to human health.
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 105-109  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Teški metali -- Voda za piće

RAIĆ, Matea
Structural and capacitive properties of graphene obtained by a green method of graphene oxide reduction [Elektronička građa] / Matea Raić, Denis Sačer, Marijana Kraljić Roković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 46 jed. - Summary. - In this study, a green method was applied in order to reduce graphene oxide (GO). Reduction was carried out at 80 °C in the presence of phenolic compounds from olive leaf extract (OLE), and olive mill wastewater (OMW) as a reducing agent. Owning to the natural origin of the reducing agent, this method is environmentally friendly. Reduction was carried out at pH=7 and pH=10 in the presence of OLE, and at pH=10 in the presence of OMW. The reduction process was monitored using UV/Vis spectroscopy. The structural properties of the reduced graphene oxide (rGO) samples were characterized by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Structural studies demonstrated that a part of the oxygen functionalities in the graphene oxide structure had been removed, which resulted in increased electrical conductivity as proved by the four-point probe method. Better reduction efficiency, as well as better capacitive properties, were obtained at increased pH value. Capacitive properties of rGO were determined using the cyclic voltammetry technique. The influence of the different reducing agents, OLE and OMW, on rGO capacitive properties is also shown in this work.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 3 ; str. 385-393  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Grafen -- Grafen oksid -- List masline -- Otpadne vode

Study on sustainable recovery and extraction of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) produced by Cupriavidus necator using waste glycerol for medical applications [Elektronička građa] / Geeta Gahlawat, Sanjeev Kumar Soni. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 41 jed. - Summary. - The current study shows that Cupriavidus necator has the ability to grow on waste glycerol as carbon source, and can synthesize a highly thermostable copolymer poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate). Batch cultivation on waste glycerol showed accumulation of 6.76 g L–1 biomass containing 4.84 g L–1 poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) copolymer with 3-hydroxyvalerate content of 24.6 mol%. A novel recovery strategy was developed for the extraction of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) copolymer from Cupriavidus necator using recyclable solvents, i.e., propylene carbonate, butyl acetate, isoamyl alcohol, and ethyl acetate. Propylene carbonate demonstrated the recovery efficiency of 90 % and polymer purity of 95 %, at 120 °C after 30 min. Ethyl acetate exhibited a higher efficiency than butyl acetate in terms of recovering the copolymer from cells. Ethyl acetate extraction demonstrated a recovery yield of 96 % and purity of 93 % at 100 °C. Efficacy of an anionic surfactant, linear alkylbenzene sulfonic acid (LAS), was also tested for extraction, and it showed maximum yield of 84 % and purity of 90 % at 80 °C and pH 5.0. Extraction of copolymer using these solvents could help in replacing generally used chlorinated toxic solvents, such as 1,2 dichloroethane and chloroform. Further, GPC, TGA and DSC analysis revealed that the thermo-physical properties were not significantly affected by the extraction method. However, the molecular weight distribution of the polymer showed a variation depending on the type of solvent used for extraction. Subsequently, endotoxins were removed efficiently to less than 5 EU g–1 of copolymer using alkali at optimized conditions of 6 h digestion time and 2.5 N NaOH concentration for medical applications.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 1 ; str. 99-110  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poliester -- Polihidroksialkanoati -- Bakterije -- Glicerol -- Medicinske svrhe

GHAFARI, Shokouh
Surfactant-enhanced bioremediation of n-hexadecane-contaminated soil using halo-tolerant bacteria Paenibacillus glucanolyticus sp. strain T7-AHV isolated from marine environment [Elektronička građa] / Shokouh Ghafari, Zeynab Baboli, A. Neisi, S. A. Mirzaee, Reza Darvishi Cheshmeh Soltani, Reza Saeedi, Mehrnoosh Abtahi, Sahand Jorfi. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 58 jed. - Summary. - A halo-tolerant bacterial strain Paenibacillus glucanolyticus sp. strain T7-AHV isolated from marine environment was used for bioremediation of n-hexadecane-contaminated soil. Soil/water ratio, initial inoculums volume, surfactant addition, n-hexadecane concentration, and salinity were investigated. The possibility of biosurfactant production by isolated strain was also studied, and the results demonstrated that it was not a biosurfactant producer, based on measurement of the surface tension of culture broth. Both tween 80 and rhamnolipid enhanced the biodegradation of n-hexadecane significantly up to 44 and 46 %, respectively. A biodegradation rate of 39.7 % was observed at salinity level of up to 2 %, and the biodegradation efficiency decreased significantly at higher salinity concentrations. A natural hydrocarbon-contaminated soil sample with total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) concentration of 1437 mg kg–1 was subjected to bioremediation using the selected conditions of operational parameters, and a biodegradation rate of 22.1 % was obtained.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 1 ; str. 111-123  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bioremedijacija -- Onečišćenje tla -- Bakterije -- Surfaktanti

Treatment of bisphenol-A using sonication-assisted photo-fenton hybrid process [Elektronička građa] : influence of reaction parameters / Meral Dükkancı. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 59 jed. - Summary. - Sonication-assisted photo-Fenton oxidation of an endocrine disrupting compound, bisphenol-A (BPA), was studied under visible-light irradiation in the presence of a LaFeO3 perovskite catalyst. The effects of the parameters: initial BPA concentration ([BPA]0), H2O2 concentration ([H2O2]0), catalyst loading, initial pH of the BPA solution, and reaction temperature were studied on the sonication-assisted photo-Fenton oxidation of an aqueous BPA solution. The optimum conditions for the oxidation were determined to be: [BPA]0 = 10 ppm, [H2O2]0 = 4.8 mM, catalyst loading = 0.75 g L–1, pH = 2.6, temperature = 313 K. During all runs, sonication power of 40 W, visible lights power of 150 W+150 W, BPA solution volume (0.5 L), and stirring speed of 500 rpm were kept constant. Under these conditions, degradation of 56.3 %, COD removal of 50.9 %, and TOC removal of 15.6 % were achieved after 6 h of reaction. The small amount of iron that leached into the solution indicated high stability of the catalyst. The sonication-assisted photo-Fenton oxidation of BPA was described by the second order kinetics with an activation energy of 15.34 kJ mol–1. Toxicity tests were also performed and the results revealed that the intermediates formed in the sonication-assisted photo-Fenton oxidation of BPA were less toxic compared to the parent BPA molecule at a neutral pH value. However, the same interpretation was not valid at the acidic pH of 2.6.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 1 ; str. 43-57  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bisfenol A -- Toksičnost -- Ultrazvuk -- Oksidacija

DARVISHI Cheshmeh Soltani, Reza
Ultrasonically facilitated electrochemical degradation of acetaminophen using nanocomposite porous cathode and Pt anode [Elektronička građa] / Reza Darvishi Cheshmeh Soltani, M. Mashayekhi. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 35 jed. - Summary. - In the present research study, an electrochemical process (EC) equipped with a porous cathode was combined with ultrasound (US) to efficiently degrade acetaminophen (ACE) as the target pollutant. The carbonaceous porous cathode was used for in situ generation of hydrogen peroxide. The generation of hydrogen through the cathodic reduction was current-dependent. As a result, the combination of US with EC resulted in the highest degradation efficiency (%) of 74.6 %. Increasing the concentration of Na2SO4 (as supporting electrolyte) from 0.01 to 0.1 M led to enhanced ACE degradation efficiency (%) from 50.6 to 75.7 %, respectively, while a significant drop in ACE removal efficiency from 93.0 to 22.0 % occurred when the initial concentration of ACE increased from 1 to 10 mg L–1, respectively. The operation of US/EC with pulse mode of US irradiation led to a slight increase in ACE degradation efficiency (%) (79.0 %). The presence of halide compounds (chloride ions) significantly enhanced the removal of ACE (96.1 %), while alcoholic compounds, especially methanol, produced a substantial suppressive effect on the treatment of ACE.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 1 ; str. 35-42  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Acetaminofen -- Farmaceutski aktivni spojevi -- Vodikov peroksid -- Ultrazvuk

Vidi br.: HA19-01498

Vidi br.: HA19-01495

Vidi br.: HA19-01713

Vidi br.: HA19-01585

Vidi br.: HA19-01490

Vidi br.: HA19-01500

Vidi br.: HA19-01586

Vidi br.: HA19-01333

662   Eksplozivi. Goriva

MATOŠEVIĆ, Damir, inženjer
The influence of digestate concentration during cultivation on the quality of biogas obtained from the anaerobic digestion of duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza) [Elektronička građa] / Damir Matošević, Davor Kralik, Irena Rapčan, Daria Jovičić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Duckweed is a widespread type of tiny free-floating plants of the flowering class. A typical representative of the family of the cowhide (Lemnaceae) is a large duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza) and it is very common on Croatian inland waters. Like all other species of duckweeds, it is characterized by the possibility of vegetative and sexual reproduction and very rapid growth. It has the ability to remove nitrogen, phosphorus and some heavy metals from the substrate and is considered a very desirable raw material for biogas production for several reasons. The necessity of reducing environmental pollution of nitrates from agricultural production and the ability to grow water lenses under eutrophic conditions have sparked this research. The primary objective of the study is to determine the possibilities of continuously growing large duckweed at different concentrations of digestates for the purpose of biogas production. The secondary goal is to determine the dependence between the different digestate concentrations used for the duckweed green mass production and the quantity and quality of the biogas obtained through the anaerobic digestion process at thermophilic conditions. - Vodena leća je široko rasprostranjena vrsta sitnih slobodno plivajućih biljaka iz razreda cvjetnica. Tipičan predstavnik porodice kozlačevki (Lemnaceae) je velika vodena leća (Spirodela polyrhiza) i vrlo je česta na vodenim površinama kontinentalne Hrvatske. Kao i sve ostale vrste vodenih leća, karakterizira ju mogućnost vegetativnoga i spolnog razmnožavanja te vrlo brz rast. Smatra se vrlo poželjnom sirovinom za proizvodnju bioplina iz nekoliko razloga. Nužnost smanjenja zagađenja okoliša nitratima iz poljoprivredne proizvodnje te sposobnost rasta vodenih leća u eutrofnim uvjetima potaknuli su ovo istraživanje. Primarni cilj istraživanja jest utvrditi mogućnosti kontinuiranoga uzgoja velike vodene leće na različitim koncentracijama digestata, sa ciljem proizvodnje bioplina. Sekundarni je cilj utvrditi zavisnost između različitih koncentracija digestata korištenih za proizvodnju zelene mase vodene leće te kvantitete i kvalitete bioplina dobivenog postupkom anaerobne digestije pri termofilnim uvjetima.
U: Poljoprivreda (Online). - ISSN 1848-8080. - 25 (2019), 2 ; str. 71-78  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vodena leća -- Spirodela polyrhiza -- Bioplin -- Digestat -- Anaerobna razgradnja

663   Industrijska mikrobiologija. Industrijska mikologija. Industrija vrenja. Industrija pića. Industrija opojnih sredstava

LISAK Jakopović, Katarina
Bioactive components derived from bovine milk [Elektronička građa] / Katarina Lisak Jakopović, Irena Barukčić, Rajka Božanić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 55 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In recent years, functional foods and bioactive components in foods have drawn a lot of attention as well as interest of food scientists, nutritionists, health professionals, and consumers. The advent of this new food category has been facilitated by increasing scientific knowledge about the metabolic and genomic effects of diet and specific dietary components on human health. The relationship between health and diet is well known and it is a main key for prevention of variety of diseases. Milk is considered as a very good source of bioactive components and it has been known to contain macro- as well as micronutrients of high nutritional and therapeutic value. Also, bioactive components have been exploited from milk and dairy products for application in functional foods and for potential pharmaceutical use. Biologically active compounds guard neonates and adults against pathogens and illnesses. Some major bioactive components of milk are derived from caseins, whey proteins, lipids, lactoferrine, vitamins, immunoglobulins and growth factors. The aim of this paper was to provide an overview and explain the health effects of already known and recently detected bioactive components derived from bovine milk on humans. - Funkcionalna hrana i bioaktivni sastojci hrane posljednjih su godina privukli veliku pažnju i zanimanje znanstvenika, nutricionista, zdravstvenih djelatnika te samih potrošača. Samo saznanje o funkcionalnoj hrani uvelike je olakšano napretkom znanosti te spoznajama o metaboličkim i genomskim utjecajem na prehranu te utjecajem određenih sastojaka hrane na ljudsko zdravlje. Poveznica zdravlja i prehrane je dobro poznata i glavni je ključ za prevenciju mnogih bolesti. Mlijeko se smatra izuzetno dobrim izvorom bioaktivnih sastojaka, a odavno je poznato da je namirnica s dobrim sastavom makro- i mikronutrijenata. Osim što se bioaktivni sastojci mlijeka prirodno nalaze u mlijeku i mliječnim proizvodima, oni se iz istih izoliraju te se koriste kao bioaktivni sastojci za proizvodnju funkcionalne hrane ili pak u farmaceutskoj industriji. Bioaktivni sastojci mlijeka imaju zaštitnu ulogu, kod novorođenčadi i odraslih, protiv patogena i bolesti. Glavni bioaktivni funkcionalni sastojci mlijeka nastaju iz kazeina, proteina sirutke, mliječne masti, laktoferina, vitamina, imunoglobulina i faktora rasta. Stoga je cilj rada bio dati pregled poznatih i onih tek nedavno detektiranih bioaktivnih sastojaka mlijeka te njihov utjecaj na zdravlje čovjeka.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 3 ; str. 151-161  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mlijeko -- Kravlje mlijeko -- Bioaktivni sastojci -- Bioaktivni peptidi -- Bioaktivni lipidi

AGATA Witczak, Agata
The comparison of probiotic monocultures influence on organochlorine pesticides changes in fermented beverages from cow and goat milk during cold storage [Elektronička građa] / Agata Agata Witczak, Anna Mituniewicz-Małek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The effect of selected probiotic monocultures addition as a method of organochlorine pesticides (OCP) residues reduction in fermented beverages manufactured from cow and goat milk during cold storage was examined. Supplementation of traditional yogurt starter by single monoculture or a mixture of two monocultures has resulted in a decrease of OCPs in products during cold storage. Extension of the cold storage period up to 14 days resulted in further losses in the content of the analysed compounds. Regardless of the milk type used for beverage production, beverages prepared from the mixture of two monocultures (Lb. acidophilus LA-5 and Bifidobacterium BB-12) showed significantly greater decrease of pesticides content in comparison to beverages containing only LA-5. The maximum decrease (from 5.39 % to 20.7 %) in OCP was determined during the 14-day cold storage, and was few percent higher in beverages manufactured from goat milk. - U ovom je radu ispitivan utjecaj odabranih probiotičkih monokultura na smanjenje koncentracije rezidua organokloriranih pesticida (OCP) tijekom skladištenja fermentiranih napitaka od kravljeg i kozjeg mlijeka. Tijekom hladnog skladištenja dodatak monokultura ili mješovitih kultura probiotičkih sojeva klasično proizvedenim jogurtima rezultirao je snižavanjem koncentracije OCP u ispitivanim uzorcima. Produljenjem perioda skladištenja na 14 dana došlo je do dodatnog snižavanja analiziranih rezidua. Veći pad koncentracije rezidua pesticida zabilježen je u jogurtima koji su sadržavali mješovitu kulturu (Lb. Acidophilus LA-5 i Bifidobacterium BB-12) nego u uzorcima koji su sadržavali samo soj LA-5. Takvi trendovi su utvrđeni u svim uzrocima s mješovitom probiotičkom kulturom, neovisno o vrsti mlijeka korištenoj za njihovu proizvodnju. Najveći pad koncentracije pesticida zabilježen je tijekom 14 dana hladnog skladištenja i kretao se između 39 % to 20,7 %, te je bio nešto viši u uzorcima kozjeg jogurta.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 3 ; str. 172-181  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fermentirani napitci -- Probiotičke bakterije -- Bifidobacterium -- Acidophilus -- Organoklorirani pesticidi

AKIN, M. Serdar
Designing an industrial protocol to develop a new fat-reduced- ice cream formulation by replacing stabilizers with microbial transglutaminase enzyme [Elektronička građa] / M. Serdar Akin, Busra Goncu, Mutlu B. Akin. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 46 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In this study, the possibility of replacing stabilizers with microbial transglutaminase (MTG) enzyme in fat-reduced ice cream production was studied. In addition, the stage of adding (before or after the heat treatment) the MTG enzyme to ice cream was also investigated. Five different ice creams (A and C containing 1 unit MTG/g protein without stabilizer, B and D containing 0.5 unit MTG/g protein and 0.35 % stabilizer, which also consist of the mixture of Carrageenan (E 407), Guar gum (E 412), Xanthan gum (E 415) and Sodium alginate (E 401), and E (control) containing 0.7 % stabilizer) were manufactured. MTG has been added to samples A and B after heat treatment while it was added to C and D samples before the heat treatment. An experimental analysis related to the overrun, viscosity melting properties, pH, titratable acidity, dry matter, fat, protein, sensorial and microstructural properties of ice creams was carried out. According to the results, the amount and the adding stage of MTG significantly affected overrun, melting, viscosity, coldness, firmness, smoothness, mouth coating, color, appearance, taste, smell scores, and also microstructure of ice creams (p<0.01). Results also showed that MTG could be used together with other stabilizers after heat treatment in the production of ice cream. Moreover, our findings demonstrated that sample B was the closest to control in terms of sensorial properties. - U ovoj studiji je istražena mogućnost zamjene stabilizatora mikrobnom transglutaminazom (MTG) u proizvodnji sladoleda sa smanjenim udjelom masti. Pri tom je također ispitivan utjecaj vremena dodavanja MTG (prije ili nakon toplinske obrade) na svojstva sladoleda. Proizvedeno je 5 različitih uzoraka sladoleda: A i C s 1 jedinicom MTG/g proteina, bez stabilizatora; B i D s 0,5 jedinica MTG/g proteina i 0,35 % stabilizatora, (smjesa karagenana (E 407), guar gume (E 412), ksantan gume (E 415) i natrijevog alginata (E 401)) i E (kontrola) s 0,7 % stabilizatora. MTG je dodavan uzorcima A i B nakon, a uzrocima C i D prije toplinske obrade. Svim uzorcima su određivani porast volumena, viskoznost, svojstva topljenja, pH, titracijska kiselost, suha tvar, udio masti i proteina, senzorska svojstva i mikrostruktura. Sukladno dobivenim rezultatima količina i vrijeme dodatka MTG značajno su utjecali na porast volumena, topljenje, viskoznost, osjet hladnoće, čvrstoću, glatkoću, punoću okusa u ustima, boju, izgled, okus, miris te na mikrostrukturu sladoleda (p<0,01). Također se pokazalo da se MTG može koristiti skupa sa stabilizatorima, no u tom slučaju se treba dodavati nakon toplinske obrade sladoledne smjese. Zaključno, uzorak B se prema rezultatima senzorske analize pokazao najsličnijim kontrolnom uzorku.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 3 ; str. 162-171  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sladoled -- Udio masti -- Transglutaminaza -- Kvaliteta -- Mikrostruktura

The effects of different spices on chemical, biochemical, textural and sensory properties of White cheeses during ripening [Elektronička građa] / Zekai Tarakçi, Fahrettin Deveci. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 48 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of this study was to test the effects of various spices on the physicochemical and sensory properties of white cheese. Six different white cheeses were produced by incorporating the spices of black cumin, mint, thyme, red pepper and isot pepper at a ratio of 3 % (w/v) of the cheese milk. All cheeses were vacuum-packed and ripened at 4±1°C. On the 2nd, 15th, 30th, 60th and 90th days of ripening, dry matter, fat, pH, titratable acidity, salt, total proteins, ripening index, non-protein nitrogen rate, amino nitrogen rate, electrophoretic casein fractions, textural and sensory properties were determined. Isot pepper and black cumin increased the proteolysis rates of white cheeses with higher degradation rates on β-casein fraction, indicating that these cheese samples had more pronounced ripening. On the other hand, thyme and isot pepper were more effective on αs1-casein fraction. All tested spices, except isot pepper, contributed to the sensory properties of white cheeses, by increasing the consumer acceptance. This study reveals spice addition had positive effects on chemical, biochemical and sensory characteristics of white cheese, and thus, white cheese with spice addition is an alternative novel product with a good potential. - Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati utjecaj različitih začina na fizikalno-kemijska i senzorska svojstva sireva u salamuri. Šest različitih vrsa sira u salamuri proizvedeno je dodatkom 3 % (w/v) začina poput crnog kima, mente, timijana, crvenog papra i crnog papra u mlijeko za podsiravanje. Svi sirevi su pakirani u vakuum i dozrijevali su pri 4±1°C. Uzorcima su određivani ukupna suha tvar, udio masti, pH, titracijska kiselost, ukupni protein, indeks zrenja, udjel neproteinskih dušičnih tvari, udjel dušika u amino obliku, frakcije kazeina pomoću elektroforeze, senzorska i teksturalna svojstva. Naveden analize provođene su nakon 2, 15, 30, 60 i 90 dana skladištenja. Crni papar i crni kim utjecali su na povećanje stupnja proteolize bijelih sireva, i to prije svega na povećanje stupnja degradacije frakcije β-kazeina što je ukazivalo na intenzivnije zrenje kod ovih sireva. S druge strane, timijan i crni papar više su poticali hidrolizu αs1-kazeina. Osim crnog papra, s i ostali začini pozitivno su utjecali na senzorska svojstva bijelih sireva te povećavali njegovu prihvatljivost od strane potrošača. Rezultati ove studije potvrđuju kako dodatak začina pozitivno utječe na kemijska, biokemijska i senzorska svojstva bijelog sira, a tako obogaćeni sir predstavlja alternativni novi proizvod visokog potencijala.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 1 ; str. 64-77  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sir -- Bijeli sir -- Zrenje -- Tekstura -- Začini

The impact of bacterial cultures on changes in contents of PCB congeners in yoghurt and bioyoghurt [Elektronička građa] : alternative methods for PCB reduction in dairy products / Agata Witczak, Anna Mituniewicz-Małek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Persistent organic pollutants, including polychlorinated biphenyls, may pose serious health hazard to consumers due to their lipophilic character as well as their high stability and toxicity. They are common in milk and also in dairy products. Therefore, to provide consumers with food of the lowest possible level of pollutants, it is important to estimate the influence of technological processes in milk and dairy products manufacture on changes in the contents of toxic PCB congeners. The PCB congeners content was determined using gas chromatography with mass spectrometry. Our study showed that yoghurt starter cultures turned out to be an effective tool in decreasing the toxicity equivalent of yoghurts. The presence of additional two starter cultures of bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium sp. In the A.B.T. bioyoghurt starter culture was most likely the reason of the highest efficiency of this culture to reduce the value of toxicity equivalent (TEQPCB) in bioyoghurts (reduction by nearly 50 %). However, none of the four tested starter cultures of yoghurts and bioyoghurts ensured complete biodegradation of any of the tested PCB congeners. These cultures contributed to a distinct reduction in contents of the PCB congeners in the finished products and, simultaneously, to a significant increase in PCB 28 and PCB 77, which may result from the degradation of more chlorinated congeners. In consequence it can improve the quality of fermented dairy products. - Postojani organski kontaminanti poput polikloriranih bifenila zbog lipofilnog karaktera, visoke stabilnosti te toksičnosti mogu predstavljati ozbiljan rizik za zdravlje potrošača. Oni se mogu nalaziti u mlijeku pa tako i u mliječnim proizvodima. Kako bi se potrošačima osigurala sigurna hrana s najmanjom mogućom razinom kontaminanata, važno je odrediti utjecaj tehnoloških postupaka koji se primjenjuju u preradi mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda na promjene koncentracije toksičnih metabolita PBC-a. Koncentracije metabolita PCB-a određene su primjenom plinske kromatografije s masenom spektrometrijom. Ovo istraživanje pokazalo je da su jogurtne starter kulture učinkovite u snižavanju toksičnih metabolita u jogurtima. Prisutnost dvaju dodatnih sojeva - Lactobacillus acidophilus i Bifidobacterium sp. u starter kulturi A.B.T. bio-jogurta je najvjerojatnije razlog za najvišu određenu učinkovitost u redukciji koncentracije toksičnih metabolita (TEQPCB) u uzrocima bio-jogurta (redukcija za približno 50 %). Međutim, nijedna od ispitivanih starter kultura jogurta i bio-jogurta nije osigurala potpunu razgradnju ispitivanih metabolita PCB-a. Navedene starter kulture znatno su potpomogle redukciju koncentracije metabolita PBC-a u gotovim proizvodima, no istovremeno je zabilježen porast koncentracije metabolita PCB 28 i PCB 77, što može biti rezultat razgradnje metabolita višeg stupnja klorinacije. Zaključno, primijenjene kulture imaju potencijal u svrhu poboljšanja kvalitete fermentiranih mliječnih proizvoda.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 1 ; str. 53-63  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mliječni proizvodi -- Jogurt -- Poliklorirani bifenili -- Starter-kulture

The impact of different commercial probiotic cultures with starters on technological, physicochemical and sensorial properties of a traditional yogurt-based appetizer "Cacık" [Elektronička građa] / Seda Altuntas, Mihriban Korukluoglu. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 48 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The selection of proper probiotic culture is essential for maintaining adequate numbers of viable cells until consumption since potential adverse interaction between selected strain and starter culture. This study examined the suitability of Cacık as a potential probiotic carrier including Lactobacillus acidophilus 74-2, Lactobacillus rhamnosus Howaru HN001TM and Bifidobacterium longum BB536 in different combinations. The presence of three probiotic strains caused higher post acidification and shorter fermentation time associated to higher counts of L. bulgaricus. Except for certain combinations containing B. longum BB536, the counts of individual probiotic bacteria were higher than 6 log g-1 for all probiotic supplemented Cacık samples. Results showed that bacterial interaction was decisive for survival over 21 days of storage. Probiotic products containing only B. longum BB536 or B. longum BB536 with L. acidophilus 74-2 did not accomplish in terms of the technological point, since the viable cell counts decerased for 2.45 log and 1.95 log per g, respecitevly, throughout the storage period. In three of totally four combinations included L. rhamnosus Howaru HN001TM alone or combined with other probiotic bacteria, the viable cell counts of L. rhamnosus Howaru HN001TM remained at the inoculated level, while the counts significantly increased in co-culture with L. acidophilus 74-2. Considering the overall sensorial attributes and survival of probiotics, Cacık supplemented with L. rhamnosus Howaru HN001TM alone, combinations of B. longum BB536 and L. rhamnosus Howaru HN001TM or L. acidophilus 74-2 and L. rhamnosus Howaru HN001TM or by all of the three tested probiotics, were suggested as suitable for further production. - Izbor odgovarajuće probiotičke kulture neophodan je za održavanje adekvatnog broja živih stanica do potrošnje, budući da postoji potencijalno nepovoljna interakcija između odabranog soja i starter kulture. Ova studija ispitala je prikladnost Cacıka kao potencijalnog nositelja probiotika, uključujući Lactobacillus acidophilus 74-2, Lactobacillus rhamnosus Howaru HN001TM i Bifidobacterium longum BB536 u različitim kombinacijama. Prisutnost tri probiotika uzrokovala je višu postacidifikaciju i kraće vrijeme fermentacije povezano s većim brojem stanica soja L. bulgaricus. Osim određenih kombinacija koje sadrže B. longum BB536, broj pojedinačnih probiotičkih bakterija bio je veći od 6 log g-1 za sve uzorke Cacık s dodatkom probiotika. Rezultati su pokazali da je bakterijska interakcija bila presudna za preživljavanje tijekom 21 dana skladištenja. U uzorcima koji su sadržavali soj B. longum BB536 sam ili u kombinaciji sa sojem L. acidophilus 74-2 zabilježen je pad broja živih stanica za 2,45 log i 1,95 log po g, zbog čega su se ove kombinacije pokazale neuspješnima u smislu kreiranja probiotičkog proizvoda. U tri od ukupno četiri uzorka koji su sadržavali soj L. rhamnosus Howaru HN001TM sam ili u kombinaciji s drugim probiotičkim sojevima, broj živih stanica L. rhamnosus Howaru HN001TM održao se na početnoj inokuliranoj razini, dok se značajno povećao u ko-kulturi s L. acidophilus 74-2. Uzimajući u obzir ukupna senzorska svojstva i preživljavanje probiotika, Cacık s dodatkom pojedinačnih sojeva L. rhamnosus Howaru HN001TM ili B. longum BB536 i L. rhamnosus Howaru HN001TM ili L. acidophilus 74-2 i L. rhamnosus Howaru HN001TM ili sva tri probiotika može se smatrati pogodnim za daljnju proizvodnju.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 3 ; str. 193-205  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Probiotici -- Jogurt -- Tehnološka svojstva -- Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva -- Senzorska svojstva -- Aditivi

Impact of technology and storage on fatty acids profile in dairy products [Elektronička građa] / Lina Laučienė, Vaida Andrulevičiūtė, Ingrida Sinkevičienė, Artūras Kašauskas, Laima Urbšienė, Loreta Šernienė. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In the present study fatty acid (FA) composition in four main groups of dairy products was determined to investigate their development during processing and storage. Fresh cheese, sour cream, butter, and ultra-high temperature (UHT) milk representing differences in technological approach were chosen for the study. Fatty acids methyl esters (FAME) were quantified using a gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with a mass spectrometer (MS) and a capillary column SP-2560. The concentrations and profile of FA in final products were primarily dependent on the FA content of raw milk for UHT milk and fresh cheese production or in the raw cream for sour cream and butter. The shelf life had a significant impact (P<0.05) only in UHT milk and butter, whereby unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) decreased significantly in UHT milk, while PUFA decreased significantly in butter. - U ovom je radu u četiri glavne vrste mliječnih proizvoda utvrđivan sastav masnih kiselina (FA), kao i njihov udio tijekom prerade i čuvanja. Kako bi se utvrdio utjecaj tehnološkog postupka, za istraživanje su odabrani svježi sir, kiselo vrhnje, maslac i trajno mlijeko obrađeno režimom UHT toplinske obrade. Metilni esteri masnih kiselina (FAME) određeni su pomoću plinskog kromatografa (GC) opremljenog masenim detektorom (MS) i kapilarnom kolonom SP-2560. Koncentracije i profil FA u krajnjim proizvodima su prije svega ovisili o koncentraciji FA u sirovom mlijeku prije UHT obrade mlijeka ili proizvodnje svježeg sira, odnosno o udjelima FA u svježem siru i sirovom vrhnju. Rok trajanja imao je značajan utjecaj (P<0,05) samo u UHT obrađenom mlijeku i u maslacu gdje je utvrđen pad koncentracije nezasićenih (UFA - samo mlijeko) i višestrukonezasićenih (PUFA - mlijeko i maslac) masnih kiselina.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 4 ; str. 229-238  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mlijeko -- Masne kiseline -- Mliječni proizvodi -- Prerada -- Skladištenje

TABOADA, Natalia
Improving the conjugated linoleic acid content and the sensorial characteristics of Argentinean semi-hard goat cheeses by adding cultures of native lactic acid bacteria [Elektronička građa] / Natalia Taboada, Carina Van Nieuwenhove, Roxana Medina, Soledad López Alzogaray. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 35 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In this study the physicochemical, microbiological, and fatty acid compositions together with the specific esterase activities of semi-hard goat cheeses made from native strains as starter and adjunct cultures were evaluated and compared against those of manufactured using commercial culture cheeses. The physicochemical composition was similar among cheeses, while the lactic acid bacteria were the predominant microbiota in all samples. The highest specific esterase activities were detected in cheeses with native strains. The fatty acid profile was significantly affected by native strains during the ripening time (60 days) since the conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) level increased from 0.60 to 1.03 g 100 g-1 of fatty acids, whereas cheeses with commercial starter showed a CLA content of about 0.60 g of fatty acids. In cheeses with native strains, it was detected the highest desirable fatty acids, Δ9-desaturase and CLA desaturase indexes and the lowest atherogenicity index. The native strains inoculated as starter and adjunct cultures, grew conveniently in the cheese, developed their full potential as reflected by the profile of the metabolites released during ripening and in the global sensory perception of cheeses, and contributed thus to the development of a healthier food. - U ovom radu uspoređivani su fizikalno-kemijski i mikrobiološki parametri, te sastav masnih kiselina i aktivnost specifičnih esteraza u polutvrdim kozjim sirevima proizvedenim pomoću nativnih sojeva bakterija mliječne kiseline (BMK) u odnosu na sireve proizvedene pomoću komercijalnih starter kultura. Fizikalno-kemijski parametri bili su slični, a mikrofloru su uglavnom sačinjavali BMK kao dominantni sojevi u svim sirevima. Najviše vrijednosti specifičnih esteraza utvrđene su kod sireva s nativnim sojevima BMK. Sastav masnih kiselina značajno je ovisio o prisutnosti nativnih sojeva BMK tijekom razdoblja zrenja (60 dana), s obzirom da je koncentracija konjugirane linolne kiseline (CLA) porasla s 0,60 na 1,03 g 100 g-1, dok su sirevi s komercijalnim starter kulturama sadržavali oko 0,60 g CLA na 100 g ukupnih masnih kiselina. Nadalje, u sirevima s nativnim sojevima BMK utvrđena je najviša koncentracija poželjnih masnih kiselina, kao i Δ9-desaturaza te CLA desaturaza indeksi; dok im je indeks aterogenosti bio najniži. Nativni sojevi korišteni kao starter ili kao pomoćne kulture pokazali su dobru sposobnost rasta u siru, a njihovi pozitivni učinci odrazili su se putem metabolita nastalih tijekom procesa zrenja na poželjna senzorska svojstva sireva, što u konačnici doprinosi procesu razvoja zdrave hrane.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 4 ; str. 251-263  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sir -- Kozji sir -- Pomoćne kulture -- Masne kiseline -- Linolna kiselina -- Esteraze

Influence of purple basil extract (Ocimum basilicum L.) on chemical composition, rheology and antioxidant activity of set-type yoghurt [Elektronička građa] / Hacer Gurkan, Osman Seracettin Boran, Ali Adnan Hayaloglu. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Four different types of yoghurt were manufactured using purple basil which was added to milk as water extract or powder forms at levels of 1.0 % and 0.4 % (w/w). Physicochemical and rheological properties, antioxidant capacity, color and total phenolic contents of yoghurt samples were measured during 21 days of storage. None of changes were observed for titratable acidity, pH and hardness parameters of yoghurt samples; however, some changes were observed during storage. The contents for total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity [2,2'-Azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid diammonium salt (ABTS+*) and 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH*) values] were dramatically higher in powder-added yoghurt samples than those of its water extract counterparts, while the lowest total phenolics and ABTS+* were observed in control sample during storage. The values for storage and loss modulus were higher in water extract-added samples than powder-added counterparts. In conclusion, no significant effect of the addition of powder or water extract of basil was observed on gross chemical characteristics of yoghurt, while use of basil powder positively contributed to antioxidant activity and changed the rheological behavior of yoghurt gel. - U ovom istraživanju proizvedene su 4 vrste jogurta obogaćenog ljubičastim bosiljkom koji je dodavan u obliku vodenog ekstrakta ili kao prah u količinama 1,0 % i 0,4 % (w/w). Tako dobiveni uzorci jogurta skladišteni su 21 dan unutar kojih su im određivana fizikalno-kemijska i reološka svojstva, antioksidacijski kapacitet, boja i koncentracija ukupnih fenola. Nisu utvrđene promjene u titracijskoj kiselosti, pH vrijednosti i čvrstoći gruša, međutim, određene promjene zabilježene su prilikom skladištenja. Koncentracija ukupnih fenola i antioksidacijski kapacitet [diamonijeva sol 2,2’-azino-bis(3-etilbenzotazolin-6-sulfonske kiseline (ABTS+*) i 2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil(DPPH*)] bili su znatno veći u uzorcima jogurta kojima je dodavan prah u usporedbi s uzorcima kojima je dodavan vodeni ekstrakt, dok je najniža koncentracija ukupnih fenola i najniža ABTS vrijednost utvrđena u kontrolnom uzorku prilikom skladištenja. Vrijednosti određivanih reoloških parametara za promjene tijekom skladištenja i gubitak konzistencije bili su veći kod uzoraka s dodatkom vodenog ekstrakta. Zaključno, nije utvrđen značajan utjecaj dodatka praha ili vodenog ekstrakta bosiljka na kemijski sastav i svojstva jogurta, dok je pozitivno utjecao na antioksidacijski kapacitet i izmijenio reološka svojstva jogurta.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 1 ; str. 42-52  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Jogurt -- Bosiljak -- Ocimum basilicum -- Kemijski sastav -- Antioksidacijski kapacitet -- Reološka svojstva

SHARAFI, Sharmineh
Optimization and evaluation of textural properties of ultra-filtrated low-fat cheese containing galactomannan and Novagel gum [Elektronička građa] / Sharmineh Sharafi, Leila Nateghi, Orang Eyvazzade, Maryam Ebrahimi Taj Abadi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 37 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The general aim of this research was to optimise textural properties and to evaluate the possibility of producing ultra-filtrated low-fat cheese (7-9 % (w/w)), containing various concentrations of galactomannan and Novagel (0.1-0.5 % w/w), and assessing textural properties of produced low-fat cheeses and comparing them with full fat ones. According to the results, reducing fat implies increasing the hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess and chewiness of the tested samples. On the other hand, adding galactomannan gum and Novagel, and increasing their concentration, implies reducing all of the above mentioned textural properties. According to the results, increasing the amount of fat and using galactomannan and Novagel gum, implies increasing the adhesiveness and springiness of the tested treatments. The results showed that textural properties including hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, gumminess and chewiness, of sample containing 9 % (w/w) fat, 0.5 % (w/w) galactomannan, and 0.3 % (w/w) Novagel were not of significantly different from the control sample and was selected as the superior sample. Multiple optimization of the low-fat cheeses textural properties via Response Surface Method (RSM) software showed that the treatment containing 9 % (w/w) fat, 0.1 % (w/w) Novagel and 0.46% (w/w) galactomannan fulfils 84 % of desirable properties of a full fat cheese. - Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je optimizirati teksturu i utvrditi mogućnost proizvodnje niskomasnog sira (7-9 % (w/w)) od ultrafiltriranog mlijeka uz dodatak različitih koncentracija galaktomanana i Novagela (0,1-0,5 % w/w), te ih usporediti sa sirevima od punomasnog mlijeka. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, smanjenje udjela masti rezultira povećanjem tvrdoće, kohezivnosti, gumenosti i žvakljivosti testiranih uzoraka. S druge strane, dodatak galaktomanana i Novagela, te povećanje njihove koncentracije uzrokuje smanjenje tvrdoće, kohezivnosti, gumenosti i žvakljivosti sireva. Rezultati su također pokazali kako se prethodno spomenuti parametri teksture u uzorku s 9 % (w/w) masti, 0,5 % (w/w) galaktomanana i 0,3 % (w/w) Novagela nisu značajno razlikovali od istih kod kontrolnog uzorka sira, te je stoga navedeni uzorak niskomasnog sira odabran kao optimalan. Višestruko optimiranje parametara teksture niskomasnih sireva pomoću metode odzivnih površina (RSM) pokazalo je kako uzorak s 9 % (w/w) masti, 0,1 % (w/w) Novagela i 0,46 % (w/w) galaktomanana pokazuje 84 %-tno poklapanje s poželjnim svojstvima punomasnih sireva.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 4 ; str. 239-250  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sir -- Niskomasni sir -- Galaktomanan -- Hidrokoloid -- Ultrafiltracija

Packaging perspective of milk and dairy products [Elektronička građa] / Mario Ščetar, Irena Barukčić, Mia Kurek, Katarina Lisak Jakopović, Rajka Božanić, Kata Galić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 134 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Packaging of dairy products develops continuously along with advances in material technologies, which are in turn a response to demands of consumers. This article aimed to give an overview of currently available dairy packaging systems. Novel dairy packaging systems include new packaging technologies such as the modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) that is widely used nowadays, especially for dairy product like cheese. Application of edible packaging could significantly reduce the costs of cheese packaging by reducing the amount of usually required packaging material. Nanomaterials and active packaging might be useful for extending the shelf life of dairy products by reducing material permeability or negative sensory characteristics of batch processing. Forms of active packaging relevant to dairy foods include oxygen scavenging, carbon dioxide absorbers, moisture and/or flavour/odour taints absorbers; releasing compounds (carbon dioxide, ethanol, antioxidants and/or other preservatives); maintaining temperature control and/or compensating temperature changes and antimicrobial packaging. Antimicrobial packaging is gaining interest from packaging scientists and industry due to its potential for providing quality and their safety benefits. The greatest challenge from the ecological point of view is biodegradable packaging. The main challenges for low waste materials are the durability of the packaging correlated with product shelf life as well as the ecological perspective. - Metode pakiranja mliječnih proizvoda neprekidno se razvijaju u skladu s razvojem ambalažnih materijala, te u skladu sa zahtjevima potrošača. Cilj ovog preglednog rada je pružiti uvid u trenutno dostupne nove metode pakiranja mliječnih proizvoda. Pakiranje u modificiranoj atmosferi (MAP) prvenstveno se primjenjuje u sirarstvu. Uporaba jestivih pakiranja značajno je smanjila uobičajeni utrošak ambalažnog materijala za pakiranje sira. Nanomaterijali i aktivno pakiranje mogu se primijeniti u svrhu produljenja roka valjanosti bilo smanjenjem propusnosti materijala ili smanjenjem pojave nepoželjnih senzorskih svojstava mliječnih proizvoda i time utjecati na produljenje njihove kvalitete. U aktivno pakiranje ubrajaju se primjerice izračivači kisika, apsorberi ugljikova dioksida, regulatori vlage/okusa/mirisa, antioksidansi i/ili drugi konzervansi, održavanje nadzora nad temperaturom i/ili kompenziranje temperaturnih promjena, antimikrobno pakiranje, itd. Antimikrobno pakiranje privlači sve više pažnje kako znanstvenika tako i industrije budući da istovremeno omogućava održavanje kvalitete i zdravstvene ispravnosti proizvoda. S ekološkog aspekta najzanimljivijim se smatra pakiranje u biorazgradljivu ambalažu. Glavni izazovi za takve materijale su omogućiti osiguravanje čvrstoće i integriteta pakovine u odnosu na trajnost proizvoda.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 1 ; str. 3-20  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mlijeko -- Mliječni proizvodi -- Pakiranje -- Jestiva ambalaža

JAMNIK, Polona
Potential of bovine kappa - casein as biomarker for detection of adulteration of goat's milk with cow's milk [Elektronička građa] / Polona Jamnik, Helena Volk, Nives Ogrinc, Barbara Jeršek. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Using two-dimensional (2-D) electrophoresis it was shown that bovine kappa-casein could be an appropriate biomarker of adulteration of goat’s milk with cow’s milk not only in raw milk, but also for milk thermally processed by pasteurization or treated with ultra-high-temperature. The presence of cow’s milk in goat’s milk was detected at level of 2 %. Furthermore, position of bovine kappa-casein spots on 2-D gels remained unchanged even with samples from two different geographical origins, Belgium and Slovenia. These results show that neither thermal processing nor different geographical area seem to affect the position of bovine kappa-casein spots on 2-D gels. - Korištenjem dvodimenzionalne elektroforeze dokazano je da kravlji kapa-kazein može biti odgovarajući biomarker za utvrđivanje patvorenja kozjeg mlijeka kravljim mlijekom, ne samo u sirovom mlijeku, već i za mlijeko koje se termički obrađuje pasterizacijom ili ultra-visokom temperaturom. Prisutnost kravljeg mlijeka u kozjem mlijeku moguće je detektirati na razini od 2 %. Nadalje, položaj proteinskih mrlja kapa-kazeina na 2-D gelovima ostao je nepromijenjen uspoređujući uzorke mlijeka različitog geografskog podrijetla, Belgije i Slovenije. Ovi rezultati pokazuju da ni toplinska obrada niti različito geografsko podrijetlo ne utječu na položaj kravljih proteinskih mrlja kapa-kazeina na 2-D gelovima.
U: Mljekarstvo.com. - ISSN 1846-4025. - 69 (2019), 1 ; str. 78-84  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kozje mlijeko -- Patvorenje -- Kapa-kazein -- Toplinska obrada -- Zemljopisno podrijetlo

The role of redox potential measurement in oak barrel wine maturation [Elektronička građa] / Marin Berovič, J. Nemanič. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Summary. - Redox potential measurement was efficiently used for monitoring the two-year maturation process of cultivar Blau Fränkisch wine in 225-L oak barrels. Redox potential of maturing wine was measured at six levels from the top to the bottom of the barrel. During the process of wine maturation, the formation and heterogeneity of redox layers, as well as the formation of various oxidoreductive zones were indicated. The end of barrel maturation process was represented with homogeneity of all redox zones where no differences in all measured levels were indicated.
U: Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (Online). - ISSN 1846-5153. - 33 (2019), 1 ; str. 153-160  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vino -- Fermentacija vina -- Redoks potencijal -- Hrastove bačve

Vidi br.: HA19-01615

Vidi br.: HA19-01619

Vidi br.: HA19-01610

Vidi br.: HA19-01614

Vidi br.: HA19-01611

665   Ulja. Masti. Voskovi. Ljepila. Gume. Smole

Vidi br.: HA19-01603

669   Metalurgija

IVANIĆ, Ivana, inženjerka metalurgije
The influence of heat treatment on microstructure and phase transformation Temperatures of Cu-Al-Ni shape memory alloy [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Ivanić, Stjepan Kožuh, Tamara Holjevac Grgurić, Borut Kosec, Mirko Gojić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper presents the results of thermal and microstructural analysis of Cu-Al-Ni shape memory alloy before and after heat treatment. After casting, a bar of Cu-12.8 Al-4.1 Ni (wt.%) alloy, obtained by the vertical continuous casting technique, was subjected to a certain heat treatment procedure. Solution annealing was performed at 850 °C for 60 min, followed by water quenching. Tempering was then performed at four different temperatures (150 °C, 200 °C, 250 °C and 300 °C). The microstructural results were obtained by optical and scanning electron microscopy. Thermodynamic calculation of ternary Cu-Al-Ni system under equilibrium was performed using Thermo-Calc 5 software. Phase transformation temperatures were determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The DSC results show the highest values of transformation temperatures in as-cast state. After solution annealing and tempering, the transformation temperatures show lower values with exceptional stability of Ms temperature (martensite start temperature). - U radu su prikazani rezultati toplinske i mikrostrukturne analize Cu-Al-Ni slitine s prisjetljivosti oblika prije i nakon toplinske obrade. Nakon lijevanja, šipka slitine Cu-12.8 Al-4.1 Ni (mas. %) dobivena tehnikom vertikalnog kontinuiranog lijevanja, podvrgnuta je određenom postupku toplinske obrade. Provedeno je homogenizacijsko žarenje pri 850 °C, zadržavanje na toj temperaturi 60 min i hlađenje u vodi. Nakon toga je provedeno popuštanje na četiri različite temperature (150 °C, 200 °C, 250 °C i 300 °C). Mikrostrukturna analiza provedena je optičkim i pretražnim elektronskim mikroskopom. Termodinamički proračun ravnotežnog ternarnog Cu-Al-Ni sustava proveden je pomoću Thermo-Calc 5 softvera. Temperature fazne transformacije određene su diferencijalnom pretražnom kalorimetrijom (DSC). Rezultati DSC-a pokazuju najveće vrijednosti temperatura fazne transformacije u lijevanom stanju. Nakon homogenizacijskog žarenja i popuštanja temperature fazne transformacije pokazuju niže vrijednosti s iznimnom stabilnošću Ms temperature (temperatura početka nastajanja martenzita).
U: Kemija u industriji (Online). - ISSN 1334-9090. - 68 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 111-118  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Toplinska obrada -- Mikrostruktura -- Legure -- Fazna transformacija

67/68   Različite industrije, zanati i obrti

Vidi br.: HA19-01594


SVEŠTAROV Šimat, Margarita
Od postmoderne metafore do metamoderne alegorije svijeta : (skice nenapisanog i fragmenti napisanog u dijagonalnim razgrtanjima i čitanjima) / Margarita Sveštarov Šimat. - Fotogr.
Sadrži i: Dubravka Lošić : Lovkinja snova / Ozren Prohić: str. 145-146. - Bibliografska bilješka uz tekst.
U: Dubrovnik (Matica hrvatska). - ISSN 0353-8559. - N.s. 30 (2019), 1 ; str. 137-146
Hrvatska umjetnost 21. st. -- Konceptualna umjetnost
Lošić, Dubravka


TOMIĆ, Radoslav, povjesničar umjetnosti
Tri kopije u Dubrovniku prema djelima francuskih i flamanskih majstora : (Simon Vouet, Peter Paul Rubens, Anthonis van Dyck) / Radoslav Tomić. - Fotogr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Dubrovnik (Matica hrvatska). - ISSN 0353-8559. - N.s. 30 (2019), 1 ; str. 45-52
Povijest umjetnosti 16./17. st. -- Sakralna umjetnost -- Francusko slikarstvo -- Flamansko slikarstvo
Vouet, Simon -- Rubens, Peter Paul -- Van Dyck, Anthonis
Franjevački samostan u Dubrovniku


Vidi br.: HA19-01353

7.0   Teorija umjetnosti

Ambivalentni emocionalni registri subverzivne afirmacije kao političko-umjetničkog postupka [Elektronička građa] : projekt Janez Janša / Una Bauer.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 55-56. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Iako se emocionalni registri često zanemaruju u evaluaciji konceptualnih projekata, ovaj članak tvrdi da je, primjerice u slučaju projekta Janez Janša, koji se služi strategijom subverzivne afirmacije, upravo njegova afektivna ambivalentnost ono što ga čini relevantnim i u umjetničkom i u političkom smislu. Mijenjanje imena trojice umjetnika u ime identično imenu političkog dinosaura Janeza Janše dovelo je do kompleksnih reakcija njihovih obitelji, prijatelja i umjetničkog konteksta kojem pripadaju. Te afektivne reakcije duboko su relevantne za razumijevanje ovog projekta, koji istovremeno želi i ne želi biti umjetnički, odnosno realizira se kroz vlastitu neodlučivost u tom smislu. - Although emotional registers are often disregarded when it comes to the evaluation of conceptual projects, this article claims that, in the case of the Janez Janša project, which engages procedures of subversive affirmation, it is precisely its affective ambivalence which makes it relevant both artistically and politically. The name change of three artists to the name identical with the name borne by one of Slovenian political dinosaurs, Janez Janša, brought about complex reactions of their families, friends and the artistic context in which they operate. Those affective reactions are deeply relevant for the understanding of this project, which simultaneously attempts and refuses to present itself as artistic; in other words, it articulates itself through its own ambivalence.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 56 (2019), 2 ; str. 41-56  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Konceptualna umjetnost -- Subverzivna afirmacija
Janša, Janez


Art as a space for practicing localness [Elektronička građa] : contemporary reframing of naïve art in Vojvodina (Kovačica) and in Silesia (Janów group) / Magdalena Bogusławska.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 66-67. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This article deals with art functioning as a practice of localness and an identity activity. Discussing two examples – the town of Kovačica in Serbia, inhabited by the Slovak minority, and the Nikiszowiec housing estate located in Silesia, Poland – the author shows how the so-called naïve art today participates in the creation of a sense of belonging to a given place, its memory, the image of its past and the articulation of ethnic and cultural specificity, both on a micro and macro scale (region, national culture, state). In both cases, localness is treated as a task and as a project. Artistic activities undertaken by the individuals from the local communities serve to shape and display the iconographic codes and visual representations, as well as to stimulate the institutionalisation of activities related to the experience and identity of the place. Such instrumentalisation also connotes the reframing of art – a change in its communicative, civilizational or ideological-political context – and leads to the transformation of its semantics, social existence and its status in the field of artistic practices. - Ovaj se članak bavi umjetnošću koja funkcionira kao praksa lokalnosti i identitetska aktivnost. Na temelju rasprave o dvama primjerima – gradu Kovačici u Srbiji, u kojem živi slovačka manjina i naselju Nikiszowiec u Šleskoj u Poljskoj – autorica pokazuje kako tzv. naivna umjetnost danas sudjeluje u stvaranju osjećaja pripadnosti mjestu, njegovom pamćenju, prikazu njegove prošlosti i artikulaciji etničkih i kulturnih specifičnosti, kako na mikro- tako i na makrorazini (regija, nacionalna kultura, država). U oba slučaja lokalnost se shvaća kao zadatak i kao projekt. Umjetničke aktivnosti pripadnika lokalnih zajednica služe kao način oblikovanja i prikazivanja ikonografskih kodova i vizualnih prikaza, kao i način poticanja institucionalizacije aktivnosti vezanih uz iskustvo i identitet mjesta. Takva instrumentalizacija ima za posljedicu preoblikovanje umjetnosti, odnosno promjenu njezina komunikacijskog, civilizacijskog i ideološko-političkog konteksta koja dovodi do transformacije njezina značenja, društvenog postojanja i statusa u polju umjetničkih praksi.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 56 (2019), 1 ; str. 55-67  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Naivna umjetnost -- Vizualni kod -- Identitetska praksa -- Preoblikovanje

ŠIRCA, Alen Albin
Barok kao kulturološki koncept [Elektronička građa] / Alen Albin Širca.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 252-253. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Nakon što je Heinrich Wölfflin uveo pojam baroka u povijest umjetnosti, taj se izraz brzo proširio na sva područja humanistike, nalazeći svoje mjesto i u znanosti o književnosti. Usporedno s takvim, u osnovi historijskim razumijevanjem, od Nietzscheova se doba razvijalo i transhistorijsko shvaćanje baroka kao dekadentnog stila koji se može javiti u svakoj epohi. U posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća književna teorija izrodila je i pojam „neobaroka“, kako bi razjasnila konstrukciju alternativnih povijesti modernosti, imunih na esencijalističku logiku suvremenog kapitalizma. U članku se, nadalje, oslanjam na „heterološku“ interpretaciju modernosti kakvu je razvio francuski teoretičar Michel de Certeau. On je u djelu La Fable mystique (1982) ustvrdio da u baroknoj mističkoj književnosti odlučujuća uloga ne pripada radikalnom prijelomu sa srednjim vijekom, već da je riječ o novom načinu uporabe (re-employment) postojećih diskursa, koji izbjegavaju svako zatvaranje u okvire institucije. Uvjet mogućnosti takvih diskurzivnih strategija je poseban odnos prema radikalnoj drugosti. Iz takvog odnosa ne nastaje stabilni kartezijanski subjektivitet, već subjekt koji biva za drugog/Drugoga. Pretpostavka da je mistična književnost simptom modernosti kao takve utire put uvidu u izvorni, „atopični“ prostor, koji nadilazi puke društvene i političke projekte emancipacije. Tu je riječ o svojevrsnom transcendentalnom razumijevanju modernosti kao uvjeta mogućnosti onog modela subjektivnosti, diskurzivnosti i prakse koji je svagda usmjeren ka jednoj heterološkoj etici. - After Heinrich Wölfflin introduced the notion of Baroque in the history of art, the term rapidly expanded to all areas of humanities, including the realm of literary studies. In parallel with this historical understanding, the transhistorical understanding of Baroque as a decadent style that can occur in every epoch was developing, at least from Nietzsche’s era on. In the last decades, literary theory has developed the term “Neo-Baroque” in order to clarify the construction of alternative histories of modernity that would be immune to the essentialist logic of modern capitalism. In the article, I draw on the “heterologic” interpretation of modernity developed by the French theoretician Michel de Certeau. In his work La Fable mystique (1982), he argues that Baroque mystical literature does not establish the radical rupture from the Middle Ages, but rather a new mode of uses (re-employment) of existing discourses, which avoids any closure within the frames of institutions. The precondition of such discursive strategies is a special relationship to radical alterity. Such a relationship does not foster stable Cartesian subjectivity, but rather a subject that is for the other/Other. The assumption that mystical literature functions as a symptom of modernity in general paves the way to an insight into the originary, “atopic” space that goes beyond the mere social and political projects of emancipation. What is at stake here is a kind of transcendental understanding of modernity as a condition of the possibility of the subjectivity, discursiveness and practice, which are focused on a heterological ethics.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 6 (2019), 1 ; str. 241-254  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Barok -- Neobarok -- Modernost -- Alteritet
Certeau, Michel de


BILIĆ, Darka
Dvostruki bedem u Šibeniku - funkcija, valorizacija i prezentacija [Elektronička građa] / Darka Bilić, Krasanka Majer Jurišić, Josip Pavić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 43-45. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Da bi osigurala vojnu i političku prevlast u gradovima u kojima je pri preuzimanju vlasti naišla na otpor, Mletačka Republika je početkom 15. stoljeća užurbano pristupila obnovi postojećih utvrda i izgradnji novih. U Šibeniku je svoju posadu smjestila u srednjovjekovnom gradskom kaštelu iznad grada te ga povezala s obalom šibenskog zaljeva utvrđenim prolazom, „putom spasa“, planirajući njime dopremiti pojačanja u slučaju opsade kaštela ili ga iskoristiti za povlačenje posade u slučaju njegova pada u neprijateljske ruke. Put spasa sagrađen je u formi dvostrukog bedema. Imao je kulu na ulazu i još jednu koja je prolaz dijelila na dva dijela. Premda nikad nije poslužio svrsi za koju je bio izgrađen, komunikacija kroz dvostruki bedem mogla se uspostavljati na dvije razine: stubama i rampama postavljenim na tlu i preko šetnica pri vrhu dvaju paralelnih zidnih plašteva. Prema do sada dostupnim podacima proizlazi da je šibenski put spasa jedinstvena pojava u dalmatinskoj vojnoj arhitekturi, a među nadasve rijetko sačuvanim primjerima na teritoriju Mletačke Republike ističe se svojom monumentalnošću, jasnoćom forme i prepoznatljivošću u gotovo svim elementima. - At the beginning of the 15th century, the Republic of Venice quickly started rebuilding existing fortifications and constructing new ones in order to secure military and political dominance in the cities that resisted its rule. In Šibenik, the Republic placed its garrison in the medieval citadel above the city and connected it to the coast in the bay of Šibenik with a fortified passage, a road of salvation, planning to use it for reinforcements in case of a siege, or for the garrison’s retreat in the event it fell into enemy hands. The road of salvation was built in the form of a double rampart, and had a tower at the entrance, and another one that divided the passage into two parts. Even though it was never used for the purpose it was originally built for, communication through the double rampart could take place on two levels: the stairs and ramps on the ground, and over the walkway at the top of two parallel wall claddings. The road of salvation in Šibenik is the only known example in Dalmatian fortification architecture. There are no other examples of a road of salvation of this size with defined dimensions and form on the Dalmatian coast, and with almost all preserved elements. According to the available data, its form is unique amongst the fortifications of the Republic of Venice, some of which have recently received the status of world heritage site. Therefore, when restoring and presenting this monument, it is important to bear in mind not to violate its unity, historical identity and clarity of various forms of design, especially the interesting and unique communication on two different levels, original functions and materials. The road of salvation in Šibenik is extremely valuable for the history of fortifications and architecture in Dalmatia in general, Croatian cultural heritage, and, in a broader context, for the history of fortifications in the Republic of Venice.
U: Portal (Hrvatski restauratorski zavod. Online). - ISSN 1848-6681. - (2019), 10 ; str. 27-45  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vojna arhitektura -- Utvrde -- Bedemi -- Konzervatorsko-restauratorska istraživanja

Gotički poliptih iz trogirske crkvice Gospe pokraj Mora i kontekstualizacija njezina rasutog inventara [Elektronička građa] / Žana Matulić Bilač. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 69-70. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Poliptih iz predromaničke čiovske crkvice Gospe pokraj Mora, koji se atribuira krugu Dujma Vučkovića, svjedoči o prostornom, povijesnom, umjetničkom i tehnološkom kontekstu svojega nastanka. Izvorno je stajao na glavnom oltaru unutar skošene kvadratne apside crkve. Nakon restauracije 1974. godine, muzealiziran je unutar Zbirke crkvene umjetnosti trogirske katedrale sv. Lovre. U tekstu se reinterpretiraju poznati i donose novi izvori o izvornom izgledu interijera crkvice Gospe pokraj Mora, u nastojanju da se rekonstruira, doduše imaginarno, njezin nekadašnji inventar, danas rasut po čiovskim crkvicama, trogirskoj katedrali i samostanima. Prvotni prostorni kontekst toga inventara i Vučkovićeva poliptiha zauvijek je nestao „obnovom“ crkve 1997. godine, koja nije uvažila nijedan povijesni sloj. U fokusu teksta se u osnovnim crtama analizira povijesnoumjetnička atribucija slike krugu Dujma Vučkovića iz 1974. godine, a u kontekstu novijih spoznaja koje uključuju rezultate tehničkih ispitivanja uz analogije (u različitom opsegu) s istraženim djelima 15. stoljeća u Dalmaciji, koja se s tom slikom u povijesnoumjetničkoj literaturi dovode u vezu. Daje se također i kritički osvrt na prethodne restauratorske postupke te se opisuje model i tijek dovršenih konzervatorsko-restauratorskih radova provedenih u Hrvatskom restauratorskom zavodu od 2011. do 2016. godine, u kojima su istražene tehničke značajke slike, rekonstruiran izvorni oblik i oslik poliptiha koji je bio među najoštećenijim takvim djelima našega kasnosrednjovjekovnog slikarstva. - The polyptych from the pre-Romanesque church of Our Lady by the Sea is dated to the 15th century and attributed to the circle of Dujam Vušković. Even though decontextualised, as is the rest of the inventory from the church, it tells us about the spatial, historical, artistic and technological context of its creation and duration as if it were still embedded in the high altar of the church inside the bevelled square apse for which it was made. The polyptych was removed from the altar in 1974 due to a number of factors that threatened it, and since then has become part of the permanent exhibition of the Collection of Ecclesiastical Art of St. Lawrence’s Cathedral, Trogir. Taking into account known sources, as well as discovering new ones, that mention the church and its inventory in relation to their properties today and focus on links to the polyptych and its historical modifications, we have discovered a large part of the historical context of its creation and duration. It now seems that, through every detail, it is still an integral part of the high-altar apse in the church. This is the only place it can reclaim the dignity and meaning it recivedt when it was made, and which survived during the long and turbulent history of the church and its inventory, first described in 1579, and today scattered in Čiovo’s churches and monasteries, as well as the cathedral.
U: Portal (Hrvatski restauratorski zavod. Online). - ISSN 1848-6681. - (2019), 10 ; str. 47-71  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poliptih -- Gotika -- Crkveni inventar -- Konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi
Vučković, Dujam
Crkva Gospe pokraj Mora


DUH, Jelena
Ikonografija autoriteta [Elektronička građa] : crkva sv. Brcka na Kalniku i njezin slikarski program / Jelena Duh, Krešimir Karlo. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 23-25. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovom radu predstavljeni su rezultati konzervatorsko-restauratorskih istraživanja i radova izvedenih između 2012. i 2018. godine na crkvi sv. Brcka u Kalniku. Njihova interpretacija donosi nove spoznaje o graditeljskoj genezi crkve, kao i o povijesti, tehnologiji, značenju, donatorima i stilskim obilježjima prvoga slikarskog sloja u lađi crkve, datiranog u kraj 14. stoljeća. Rezultati istraživačkih radova na građevini također se uspoređuju s dosadašnjim tezama i interpretacijama graditeljske povijesti crkve sv. Brcka te se smještaju u kontekst graditeljske aktivnosti na području srednjovjekovne Brezovice (Kalnika) i Kalničke gore u 14. stoljeću. - In the context of medieval architecture in continental Croatia, the church of St. Brice in Kalnik is a unique monument, primarily because of the correlation between the wall paintings in the nave and the sanctuary. Over the last six centuries, the church has undergone many changes and extensions. Traces of the structure’s complex architectural history are almost non-existent in written sources, and its reconstruction relies solely on the research and valorisation of both the architectural corpus and the phases of wall paintings in the sanctuary and nave. Centuries of gathering and furthering the knowledge about this unique building, from the first description of the church, in a text by Ivan Kukuljević Sakcinski in 1859, to the latest conservation and restoration, carried out by the Croatian Conservation Institute since 2012, have tried to answer questions about the history and construction of the church, its construction phases, workshops and patrons. The turning point for valorisation was in 1952, when Ana Deanović discovered two series of medieval wall paintings in the church, beneath the damaged 19thcentury wall paintings. The two series of wall paintings have different stylistic, artistic and technological ranges, and are dated to the late 14th and early 16th centuries. New insights from conservation, restoration and archaeological research (2012–2018) require recontextualisation and revalorisation of the existing theories and insights about the church, its function, the purpose of the belfry/tower, and the oldest wall paintings in the nave, as well as their iconography and painting technique. The discovery of damaged wall paintings on the south wall of the nave in 2012, portraying the family of the patron with a Franciscan saint, is analogous to the paintings discovered in 1952.
U: Portal (Hrvatski restauratorski zavod. Online). - ISSN 1848-6681. - (2019), 10 ; str. 7-25  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Srednjovjekovna arhitektura -- Zidni oslik -- Konzervatorsko-restauratorska istraživanja
Crkva sv. Brcka


GAZDE, Davor
Konzervatorska načela u praksi [Elektronička građa] : primjer ormara iz Kaštel Lukšića / Davor Gazde. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija: str. 111. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Sakristijski ormar iz Kaštel Lukšića jedan je od najljepših sačuvanih primjera primijenjenog umjetničkog drvorezbarstva profanog karaktera u Dalmaciji. Trodijelni ormar monumentalnih je dimenzija, arhitektonskog tipa, a kvalitetom obrade ističe se bogato rezbareno krunište na kojem se nalaze dva groteskna lica maskerona, kao i listovi akantusa koji se isprepliću s volutnim ukrasima. Izradio ga je nepoznati majstor, najvjerojatnije sredinom 17. stoljeća. Izvorno je bio profanog karaktera, a poslije je korišten kao sakristijski ormar. Ormar je nađen u sakristiji stare župne crkve Blažene Djevice Marije u Kaštel Lukšiću, ali to nije njegovo izvorno mjesto. U tekstu su predstavljeni konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi obavljeni u svrhu usklađivanja stabilnosti i prezentabilnosti s maksimalnim očuvanjem povijesnih slojeva. S obzirom na zatečeno stanje ormara, kao i na višeslojne povijesne tragove koje smo odlučili sačuvati i prezentirati, to nije bio nimalo jednostavan zadatak. Iznesen je i razvoj idejnog koncepta obnove, a navode se i misli filozofa i teoretičara konzerviranja i restauriranja, koje su nam bile svojevrsna inspiracija u nastojanju da provedemo optimalnu konzervatorsko-restauratorsku valorizaciju. - This paper presents the conservation of a 17th century cabinet from the old parish church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kaštel Lukšić. In addition to the usual description of the work that is carried out, we have tried to explain why we had to re-examine our approach to valorisation of conservation and restoration. We tried to view this item not only in the context of conservation, restoration and art history, but also in a broader context, which has helped us identify clues and answers that are found on this item. No one can guess what questions will be asked in the future; and, with that in mind, we have devised a plan of reconstruction aimed at presenting the dual historical significance of this item. Furniture, perhaps unlike any other item, tells us about the lives of the people who used it, as well as the spaces in which it was placed. The cabinet from Kaštel Lukšić is one of the most beautiful examples of secular wood carving in Dalmatia, and even Croatia. The architectural three-piece cabinet of monumental dimensions has a quality of workmanship that stands out because of its richly carved crown, which houses two stylized ‘mascaron’ faces along with acanthus leaves intertwined with spirals. It was made by an unknown master in mid 17th century. Originally, it had a secular character, but later it was converted into a sacristy cabinet.
U: Portal (Hrvatski restauratorski zavod. Online). - ISSN 1848-6681. - (2019), 10 ; str. 97-112  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Namještaj -- Ormar -- Sakristija -- Konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi

Konzerviranje i restauriranje bakropisa chine-collé Mencija Clementa Crnčića [Elektronička građa] / Iva Gobić Vitolović, Sanja Serhatlić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija: str. 191. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Članak opisuje nova saznanja o tehničkom aspektu grafika Mencija Clementa Crnčića, kao i nove pristupe u restauriranju grafika chine-collé, čiji se nosilac sastoji od dvaju slojeva papira, različite strukture i gramature, spojenih u procesu tiskanja. Opisani su postupci konzerviranja i restauriranja koloriranog bakropisa chine-collé naziva Pod zidom koji je pretrpio znatna oštećenja uzrokovana kemijskim, mehaničkim i biološkim čimbenicima. Uz poderotine, napuknuća i brojna oštećenja površinskog sloja nosioca i medija, estetskom dojmu i vrijednosti umjetnine uvelike su naštetile diskoloracija te masna i vodena mrlja. S obzirom na to da se radi o laminiranom papirnatom nosiocu, poseban izazov u radu bilo je provođenje mokrih tretmana, u cilju uklanjanja mrlja, diskoloracije i kiselosti iz papira, zbog rizika od delaminacije. Nakon opsežnih kemijsko-fizikalnih istraživanja i provedenih suhih tretmana, pokazalo se nužnim (te uz poseban oprez mogućim) provesti tretmane u vodenim otopinama, koji su uključivali pranje, neutralizaciju i izbjeljivanje papira. Izvedena je metoda bijeljenja na suncu, kao najblaža i najsigurnija metoda bijeljenja papira, čija je prednost i to što se izvodi istovremeno s postupkom neutralizacije, u vodenoj otopini kalcijeva hidroksida. Takav pristup rezultirao je uspješnim uklanjanjem mrlja i diskoloracije, čime je postignuto željeno estetsko i strukturno poboljšanje stanja umjetnine. - The paper describes the treatment of the chine-collé colour etching Pod zidom, made around 1910 by Menci Clement Crnčić (1865–1930). The artwork was executed on paper with a composite structure, that consists of the imagebearing layer made of thin hand-made paper (chine), adhered to the secondary support (plate paper) made of heavier machine-made paper, during the printing process. The print suffered from severe damage caused by grime, insects, water and inadequate handling and storage. In addition to extensive surface and ingrained dirt on both sides of the paper, nearly the whole top third of the print was significantly discoloured by an oil stain, and the bottom right corner by a water stain (tide line). The paper support became brittle due to acidity, which, in addition to mishandling, resulted in mechanical damage: tears, fraying and cracking, particularly around the margins and in the upper part of the print, with a crack running almost the entire length of the horizontal line. Silverfish (Lepisma saccharina) caused significant abrasion on the top layer of the paper support, on both the margins and the image, leading to several holes, and adding to the paper’s fragility.
U: Portal (Hrvatski restauratorski zavod. Online). - ISSN 1848-6681. - (2019), 10 ; str. 173-192  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bakropisi -- Grafika -- Konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi -- Papir -- Fizikalno-kemijska analiza
Crnčić, Menci Clement


ŠUMAN, Orest
Prijenos slika Kristofora Krile Antunovića na novi nosilac [Elektronička građa] / Orest Šuman, Elio Karamatić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija i izvori: 8 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Svaki zahvat koji mijenja ili uklanja dio izvornika neizbježno je diskutabilan, a među takvima svakako posebno mjesto zauzima metoda transfera. Ovaj tekst, uz kratki uvod u tehniku i povijest nastanka te metode, bavi se okolnostima koje su u recentnoj restauraciji dovele do izbora upravo takvog zahvata na vrijednoj umjetnini iz programa Hrvatskog restauratorskog zavoda. Slike Sv. Ivan Krstitelj i sv. Blaž sa sv. Katarinom i Sv. Nikola i sv. Antun opat sa sv. Dominikom Kristofora Krile Antunovića dijelovi su cjeline glavnog oltara Uznesenja Bogorodice u crkvi sv. Marije od Pakljene na Šipanu. Postupak o kojem je riječ izveden je na slikama 2016. godine. Detaljno je predstavljen tijek radova, posebno mjere i odluke donesene na temelju razmatranja i procjene stanja umjetnine te učinkovitosti prethodno izvedenih postupaka. Uz to su razmotreni i razlozi odabira pojedinih suvremenih materijala i tehnika, a u zaključnom dijelu teksta razmatra se odražavanje iskustva obavljenog zahvata na vrednovanje primijenjene metode. - Any intervention that changes or removes part of the original is inevitably debatable, and the transfer method certainly holds a special place among such interventions. This text, with a brief introduction about the technique and history of its origin, deals with the circumstances that have led us, in recent restoration practices, to carry out just such a process on a valuable artwork from the Croatian Conservation Institute. Transferring a painting from the original support to a new one is one of the most complex and dangerous restoration procedures for structural changes of paintings. It is a radical and irreversible method that significantly affects the integrity of the material, as well as the aesthetic characteristics of the work of art. In the past, many paintings were transferred from wood to canvas, which was considered more stable and practical, thus changing the original technological concept and characteristic curvature of the surface of paintings on wood. Depending on how much of the original wood is removed, the process can be characterized as a complete or partial transfer. In the latter case, a thin layer of wood (a few millimetres) is retained, while in the case of a complete transfer, the entire support is removed to the chalk carrier. In addition to rapidly accelerating technological development, the past century has also brought a more restrained approach to restoration, reflected in the introduction of minimalist chalk into the ethics of the restoration profession. Today, a process whose legitimacy was not questioned for nearly two centuries is relatively controversial and is generally considered justified only in exceptional cases. The complete transfer was performed in 2016 on paintings of St. John the Baptist, St. Blaise with St. Catherine, and St. Nicholas and St. Anthony the Abbot with St. Dominic, by Kristofor Krile Antunović, from the high altar of the Assumption of the Virgin in the church of St. Mary in Pakljena, on Šipan.
U: Portal (Hrvatski restauratorski zavod. Online). - ISSN 1848-6681. - (2019), 10 ; str. 193-207  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slikarstvo -- Štafelajno slikarstvo -- Transfer slika -- Restauriranje
Tizian -- Antunović, Kristofor Krile


Renesansna misnica od zlatnog baršuna iz hvarske katedrale [Elektronička građa] / Marta Budicin, Sandra Lucić Vujičić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija: str. 94-96. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Misnica od zlatnog baršuna te pripadajuća stola i manipul izlošci su stalnog postava Biskupskog muzeja katedrale sv. Stjepana I. pape i mučenika u Hvaru. Predmeti su datirani u kraj 15. i početak 16. stoljeća, a pretpostavka je da su venecijanske provenijencije. Svrha ovog istraživanja je prezentacija baršuna misnice iz toga vrijednog liturgijskog kompleta, izvedenih cjelovitih konzervatorsko-restauratorskih radova i pokušaj određivanja vremena i mjesta izrade na osnovi stilske i tehničke analize te komparacije srodnih materijala. - The gold velvet chasuble from the Cathedral of St. Stephen I, Pope and Martyr, is a remarkable example of the so-called velluto a riccio d’oro golden velvet, a unique decorative typology in our area. It was made using purple cut silk velvet with a pattern of complex axisymmetric composition of a maglie ovaliformi typology formed with connected pointed ovals of twisted stylized branches with a motif of luxurious rosette and sempervivum tectorum succulent flowers, buds of the same plant, as well as hibiscus, pomegranate and thistle flowers, pomegranate fruit, and cones on pine twigs. It is a patterned silk cut velvet with gros de Tours ground weave, formed by ground warp and weft threads. The decoration base is woven with yellow covering lancé weft and thin gilded threads (filé), also in the lancé effect. The velvet ornament is formed by purple silk-fibre cut pile warp, and two gilded wefts: a thinner gilded lancé thread and a thicker gilded broché thread. Both gilded threads are used to create the bouclé effect on the motifs. The motifs are framed with a thin, continuous contour line of purple cut velvet.
U: Portal (Hrvatski restauratorski zavod. Online). - ISSN 1848-6681. - (2019), 10 ; str. 73-96  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Liturgijski tekstil -- Misno ruho -- Baršun -- Restauriranje
Hvarska katedrala


MARIĆ, Matija, povjesničar umjetnosti
Stropni medaljoni iz dvorca Adamović-Hellenbach-Mikšić u Svetoj Heleni [Elektronička građa] : povijesni kontekst, datacija i interpretacija / Matija Marić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija i izvori: 18 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad obuhvaća istraživanje povijesnih podataka o dvorcu, njegovim vlasnicima te građevinskim preinakama. Prema tim podacima, medaljoni su povijesno kontekstualizirani. Na temelju arhivskih fotografija i dostupnih arhitektonskih nacrta dvorca izrađen je 3D model mogućeg izgleda stropa, koji je uklopljen u shematsku elevaciju prostorije u kojoj se nekad nalazio. Nakon toga interpretiraju se svi dokazi za dataciju medaljona te se medaljoni promatraju s dva moguća aspekta: najprije u kontekstu trendova unutarnjeg uređenja reprezentativnih stambenih prostora druge polovice 19. stoljeća i potom u kontekstu mogućih uzora za ikonografski motiv prikazanih amoreta. - Two ceiling medallions from the Adamović-HellenbachMikšić manor house in Sveta Helena, near Sveti Ivan Zelina, were once part of a wooden ceiling in one of the two main halls. In 2003, they became part of the Sveti Ivan Zelina Museum collection following the collapse of the manor house roof along with the wooden ceilings. We do not know their original location, and they are the only remaining part of the interior decoration saved from the ruins. The medallions are two massive profiled wooden frames made out of oak with circular gouache paintings on papier mâché on wood. The paintings portray two amoretti playing with flowers in the clouds. Conservation and restoration started in 2011 at the Croatian Conservation Institute by carrying out of preventive protection, primary conservation and research on both medallions, and the work was completed during 2014 and 2015. Based on historical information about the manor house, and the results of the research conducted by the Natural Science Laboratory of the Croatian Conservation Institute, the medallions and the entire ceiling can be dated in the last quarter of the 19th century. The old manor house in Sveta Helena, owned by the Mikšić family, was severely damaged during the large 1880 earthquake in Zagreb and its surroundings. The Mikšić family later built a new manor house on the foundations of the old one. New ceilings were also made at the same time, one of which contained these medallions. Laboratory analysis of the paper carrier indicated the presence of lignin, meaning the paper was produced from raw wood which was commercially used in the second half of the 19th century.
U: Portal (Hrvatski restauratorski zavod. Online). - ISSN 1848-6681. - (2019), 10 ; str. 145-157  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Medaljoni -- Stropni medaljoni -- Dvorci -- Umjetnine na papiru -- Amoreti -- Neobarok -- Konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi

RADIĆ, Slobodan
Sustavi za osiguranje trajne napetosti slika na platnu [Elektronička građa] / Slobodan Radić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija i izvori: 14 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Sredinom 15. stoljeća platno kao nosilac postalo je alternativa drvu. Počele su se izrađivati slike na platnu, a slijedio ih je razvoj podokvira. Polovicom 18. stoljeća uvode se podokviri s kajlama, a nedugo zatim i podokviri s kutnim rastezačima. Obje vrste podokvira stvaraju prekomjernu silu u kutovima, što dovodi do raznovrsnih oštećenja slika. Pedesetih godina 20. stoljeća osmišljen je sustav elastičnog napinjanja, čime su odvojene mehanička potpora i napinjanje slike, koje su do tada bile „povjerene“ isključivo podokviru. Godine 1957. taj se sustav primjenjuje u Restauratorskom zavodu u Zadru, a potkraj osamdesetih godina prošloga stoljeća usvaja se u Hrvatskom restauratorskom zavodu i otada se kontinuirano primjenjuje. Takvim načinom do sada je napeto više od dvadeset slika, uglavnom velikih formata. Način izvedbe podokvira i napinjanja prilagođen je svakoj slici, ovisno o njihovu stanju očuvanosti, dimenzijama, obliku i uvjetima smještaja. Dugogodišnjim praćenjem stanja očuvanosti napetih slika, nisu primijećene deformacije podokvira, nosioca i slojeva boje. Napetost slika je zadovoljavajuća pa se može zaključiti da sustav dobro funkcionira, iako se može razvijati i modernizirati primjenom novih materijala te praćenjem i proučavanjem inozemnih iskustava. - In the mid-15th century, oil paintings began to be painted on canvas, so the development of the stretcher followed the use of canvas as a carrier. The first stretching on the stretcher bars is performed together with setting up the canvas through impregnation and preparation, and cannot be corrected. If paintings stretched on a fixed stretcher are exposed to adverse microclimatic conditions, the forces of the material resist each other, which often leads to deformation and damage to the paintings, as well as excessive loss of tension on the stretcher. The situation is often exacerbated by the decay of the wooden frame, often at the same time as the loss of elasticity of the canvas. Throughout history, various stretchers have been created, from the simplest to those with keys. In the late 18th century, expansion-bolt stretchers came to be used in order to resolve the issue of continuous stretching of paintings. Excessive and constant tension in the corners leads to the same effect as in fixed stretchers: that is, stress is concentrated in the corners, leading to various damage to the canvas. Stretchers were considered to perform two functions: mechanical support and provision of tension for the painting. In reality, due to its structure, the stretcher is only able to properly perform mechanical support of the canvas. In the early 1950s, Roberto Carità separated mechanical support and tension of the canvas, which had previously been left to the stretcher. He devised the method of elastic tension for canvases at the Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro, in Rome, which sparked a real revolution. With this method, and using different elastic springs and regulating their force, we get elastic tensioning that allows equal continuous tension of the canvas in all directions, regardless of the mechanical support exerted by the stretcher.
U: Portal (Hrvatski restauratorski zavod. Online). - ISSN 1848-6681. - (2019), 10 ; str. 209-223  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slike na platnu -- Veliki formati -- Podokviri -- Elastična napetost -- Mikroklimatski uvjeti

BEGIĆ Jarić, Majda
Upotreba neodimijskih magneta za montažu velikih umjetnina na papiru [Elektronička građa] / Majda Begić Jarić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija i izvori: 7 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cjeloviti konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi u trajanju od dvije godine na dva stropna medaljona iz 19. stoljeća iz kurije Adamović-Hellenbach-Mikšić u Svetoj Heleni izvedeni su na Odsjeku za papir i kožu Hrvatskog restauratorskog zavoda. Dva medaljona sastoje se od ukrasnog drvenog okvira i slike izvedene u tehnici gvaš na industrijski rađenom papirnatom nosiocu koji je dodatno zalijepljen na papirnati nosilac te je sve zalijepljeno i pričvršćeno čavlima na donje drvene daske od pripadajućeg ukrasnog drvenog okvira. Izvođenje svih restauratorskih faza bio je veliki izazov, no rješavanje problema načina montaže crteža od gvaša na papirnatom nosiocu u postojeće drvene okvire nakon restauracije, a pri tome izbjegavanje kontakta dvaju različitih materijala, dovelo je do upotrebe neodimijskih magneta. Osmišljen je prilagodljiv, jednostavan, brz, reverzibilan i lako manipulativan prototip montiranja slike u gvašu na papirnatom nosiocu u drveni ukrasni okvir. Taj se prototip pratio nekoliko mjeseci i nije pokazao nikakve promjene, pa je na osnovi toga odlučeno da se na isti način primijeni jednako montiranje originalnih gvaševa na papiru. Takav financijski pristupačan i prihvatljiv način montiranja, kao i upotreba neodimijskih magneta, prvi put je izveden u Hrvatskom restauratorskom zavodu na Odsjeku za papir i kožu. - Conservation and restoration of two 19th-century ceiling medallions (160 cm in diameter) from the AdamovićHellenbach-Mikšić manor house in Sveta Helena near Zagreb took three years (2013–2016). The work was carried out at the Section for Paper and Leather of the Croatian Conservation Institute. Medallion I and Medallion II, which were heavily damaged, consist of a decorative paper carrier which was glued to another paper carrier. The paintings were glued and nailed to wooden boards of the decorative wooden frame. Even though the conservation process was quite challenging, solving the problem of mounting gouache paintings on paper into frames, possible final presentation, storage and returning the restored paintings on paper to the existing wooden decorative frame led me to a more innovative mounting method. An art-friendly, simple, fast, reversible and easy-to-execute design needed to be devised in order to avoid the usual method of mounting restored gouache paintings on paper by placing them directly on the baseboards of a decorative wooden frame. A prototype for mounting a gouache painting on paper into a wooden decorative frame was designed and monitored for several months in varying climatic conditions (from winter to early autumn). Satisfactory results of the mounting method showed that a circular painting on paper of large dimensions can be safely glued to Japanese paper that serves as a new support and assumes the role of the carrier that is additionally mounted in a circle on a solid support made out of acid-free cardboard using strips of Japanese paper. The paper-mounted gouache painting on its paper carrier is stable and fixed, so neodymium magnets of adjusted strength can be glued to the back of the cardboard in a radial arrangement. The magnets are mirrored on the wooden base of the corresponding decorative frame and the archival cardboard that serves as the support for the restored artwork.
U: Portal (Hrvatski restauratorski zavod. Online). - ISSN 1848-6681. - (2019), 10 ; str. 159-171  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Umjetnine na papiru -- Neodimijski magneti -- Medaljoni -- Konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi -- Gvaš

Vidi br.: HA19-01357

Vidi br.: HA19-01370

Vidi br.: HA19-01372

Vidi br.: HA19-01374

Vidi br.: HA19-01341

Vidi br.: HA19-01348

Vidi br.: HA19-01731

Vidi br.: HA19-01730

72   Arhitektura

JAKIR, Aleksandar
"Spomenici su prošlost i budućnost." [Elektronička građa] : Politički i administrativni mehanizmi financiranja spomenika za vrijeme socijalističke Jugoslavije / Aleksandar Jakir.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i internetski izvori: str. 176-179. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Na temelju novije literature koja se bavi proučavanjem kulture sjećanja i izvora iz različitih fondova pohranjenih u Arhivu Jugoslavije u Beogradu ovaj rad želi dati prilog raspravi o socijalističkim spomenicima za vrijeme Federativne Narodne Republike Jugoslavije / Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije prikazom nekih političkih i administrativnih mehanizama njihova financiranja unutar socijalističkoga sustava, a razmatra se i pitanje odnosa prema spomenicima i kulturi sjećanja s aspekta vlasti, tj. iz perspektive države i državnih institucija u tom razdoblju. Posebna pozornost dana je, kako je često nazivan, „najpoznatijem partizanskom spomeniku na prostoru bivše SFRJ”, skulpturi "Bitka na Sutjesci" kipara Miodraga Živkovića na Tjentištu iz 1971. godine. - The intent of this paper is to provide a contribution to the discussion of socialist monuments during the time of socialist Yugoslavia based on the recent literature dealing with the study of memory culture as well as sources from various fonds stored in the Yugoslav Archives in Belgrade, by displaying some of the political and administrative mechanisms of the funding of these monuments within the federal Yugoslav system. Also discussed are questions about the attitudes towards monuments within this period from the perspective of memory culture, and how it was propagated from central state institutions during the time of socialist Yugoslavia. Special attention is given to, as it is has often been called, the most famous Partisan monument on the territory of the former Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia, the sculpture devoted to the "Battle of Sutjeska" by Miodrag Živković at Tjentište, from 1971.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 1 ; str. 151-182  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Spomenici -- Socijalistički spomenici -- Kultura sjećanja
Memorijalni kompleks Tjentište


Banski dvori [Elektronička građa] : gradnja, obnove, naručitelji / Petar Puhmajer, Bernarda Ratančić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 128-129. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Banski dvori izvorno su podrazumijevali građevinu na južnom dijelu zapadne strane Trga sv. Marka u Zagrebu. Na njezinu se mjestu u 17. stoljeću nalazila kuća Petra Zrinskog, koju je nakon 1766. znatno dogradio grof Petar Troilo Sermage, uspostavivši reprezentativnu baroknu palaču. Daljnje obnove uslijedile su početkom 19. stoljeća, kad je palača uređena za bana Ignjata Gyulaya, čime je poprimila današnji izgled i naziv Banski dvori. Pripojenjem susjedne, sjeverne palače Rauch, za bana Franje Vlašića (1832. – 1836.), sklop je dvostruko povećan te je od tada u jedinstvenoj funkciji stalnog sjedišta banske vlasti. U vrijeme bana Ivana Mažuranića izvodi se veća obnova s dogradnjom sjeverozapadnog dijela za Vladine urede i uređenjem banskog stana u južnom dijelu 1875. – 1882., a sklop se adaptira i u više navrata tijekom 20. stoljeća. Građevinski slojevito zdanje doživjelo je najveće promjene upravo u vrijeme nekih istaknutih protagonista političkoga života Hrvatske, a upravo zato je u svim zahvatima i modernizaciji zadržalo svoj reprezentativni karakter. - Banski Dvori (Ban’s Palace) originally included a building on the south side of the west perimeter of St. Mark’s Square in Zagreb. This location was occupied by the house of count Petar Zrinski in the 17th century, along with a few other houses, an armoury and St. Ursula’s Chapel. The area was rebuilt and upgraded after 1766 by count Petar Troilo Sermage, who established a magnificent baroque palace facing the square. Further renovations followed at the beginning of the 19th century, when the palace became the seat of ban Ignjat Gyulay, due to which it was further rebuilt and redesigned in 1808–11 by architect Ivan Eyther and thence titled “Banski Dvori”. During ban Franjo Vlašić’s rule in 1832–40, the neighbouring Rauch Palace, bordering to the north, was added to the complex, which was greatly enlarged as a result and converted to government offices on the basis of designs by architect Ludwig Berger.
U: Portal (Hrvatski restauratorski zavod. Online). - ISSN 1848-6681. - (2019), 10 ; str. 113-129  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Arhitektura -- Barok -- Klasicizam -- Građevinski radovi
Banski dvori


JAKAŠA Borić, Viki
Kompleks hotela Neptun (Brioni) na Brijunu Velom [Elektronička građa] : izgradnja i transformacije / Viki Jakaša Borić, Biserka Dumbović Bilušić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija: 19 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Članak donosi prikaz transformacija hotelskog kompleksa Neptun na Brijunu Velom, građenog prema projektima bečkog arhitekta Eduarda Kramera od 1910. do 1912. godine. Na temelju Kramerovih projekata, povijesne fotodokumentacije i analize postojećeg stanja, hotelski se kompleks razmatra u kontekstu onodobne hotelske izgradnje na području Kvarnera, koja početkom 20. stoljeća s razvojem turizma doživljava preobrazbu. Riječ je prije svega o napuštanju zatvorenog historicističkog koncepta u korist razvedenijeg tlocrta i lođama rastvorenih pročelja, kao i bogatije ponude društveno-kulturnih i rekreacijskih sadržaja, što je podrazumijevalo uvođenje javnih prostora kao što su kinodvorana, plesna dvorana, dvorana za slušanje glazbe, prostor za društvene igre, zimski bazen i sl. Istovremeno secesijski vokabular uz natruhe moderne dobiva primat u odnosu na prethodno dominantni neostilski izričaj. Kompleks je, međutim, znatno izmijenjen nizom intervencija nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, a posebno je zanimljiv zahvat koji se izvodi prema projektu slovenskog arhitekta Vinka Glanza na najvećoj zgradi kompleksa – Neptunu III. Naime, u povodu planiranog sastanka predstavnika nesvrstanih zemalja 1956. na Brijunu Velom, Glanz dobiva zadatak od Vlade SFRJ da kompleks hotela Neptun, koji predstavlja vrata otoka, preoblikuje u skladu s političkim aspiracijama ondašnje Jugoslavije. Radom su predstavljeni dosad neobjavljeni nacrti Vinka Glanza za pregradnju Neptuna III, kao i idejno rješenje za preoblikovanje cijeloga kompleksa. Osim Glanzovih intervencija, utvrđene su sve kasnije važnije promjene, poput pregradnje bazenske zgrade i zgrade Neptuna II. Ti su zahvati pridonijeli potpunoj diferencijaciji dijelova prvotno homogene cjeline, što otvara brojna pitanja u vezi s budućom obnovom i prezentacijom kompleksa. - The text presents the transformation of the Neptun hotel complex on Veliki Brijun, based on the project by architect Eduard Kramer of Vienna and built between 1910 and 1912. Based on Kramer’s projects, historical photo-documentation and analysis of the current condition, the hotel complex was examined in the context of hotel construction in the Kvarner area, which was transformed with the development of tourism at the beginning of the twentieth century. The closed historicist concept was abandoned in favour of the more complex ground floor and open façades with loggias, as well as more social and recreational activities, which implied the introduction of public spaces such as a cinema, dance hall, music room, games room, indoor swimming pools, etc.
U: Portal (Hrvatski restauratorski zavod. Online). - ISSN 1848-6681. - (2019), 10 ; str. 131-143  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hotelski kompleks -- Historicizam -- Secesija -- Moderna -- Izgradnja -- Obnova
Kramer, Eduard -- Glanz, Vinko


Socially engaged architecture of the 1950s and its transformations [Elektronička građa] : the example of Zagreb's Workers' University / Jasna Galjer, Sanja Lončar. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 219-221. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper investigates the links between architecture and its social purpose and focuses specifically on the building and institution known today as the Public Open University Zagreb (Pučko otvoreno učilište Zagreb – POUZ), which was previously called Moša Pijade Workers' (and People's) University (Radničko (i narodno) sveučilište "Moša Pijade" – RANS). The paper examines the innovative and experimental nature of the architectural concept of socially engaged architecture as part of the societal modernisation of the 1950s and 1960s, as well as changes to its function up to the present post-socialist condition. The authors discuss the complex relationship between employees, beneficiaries, programmes and the architectural design and the political, economic and social context. The aim is to explore sociocultural categories and how culture, work, education and the city interacted with one another during different time periods. By using theoretical and methodological insights gleaned from cultural anthropological approaches to space and architecture, the paper demonstrates how the identity, significance and values ascribed to the production of public space were shaped, medialized and modified through time. - U radu se istražuju poveznice između arhitekture i njezine društvene uloge na primjeru zgrade i ustanove Pučkog otvorenog učilišta Zagreb (POUZ), nekada Radničkog (i narodnog) sveučilišta "Moša Pijade" (RANS). Težište je na inovativnom i eksperimentalnom karakteru arhitektonskog koncepta društveno angažirane arhitekture u kontekstu modernizacije društva 1950-ih i 1960-ih godina, kao i na promjenama njezine funkcije u postsocijalističkom razdoblju. Autorice istražuju kompleksan odnos zaposlenika, korisnika, programa i arhitektonskog dizajna s jedne, te političkog, ekonomskog i društvenog konteksta s druge strane. Cilj je istražiti sociokulturne kategorije i odnose između kulture, rada, obrazovanja i grada u različitim razdobljima. Pritom se, korištenjem kulturnoantropoloških teorijskih i metodoloških pristupa prostoru i arhitekturi, razmatra kako su se identitet, važnost i vrijednosti koje su pripisivane javnom prostoru oblikovali, medijalizirali i mijenjali tijekom vremena.
U: Etnološka tribina (Online). - ISSN 1848-9540. - 49 (2019), 42 ; str. 194-222  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Arhitektura -- Transformacije -- Radnička sveučilišta -- Socijalizam -- Modernizam
Radničko sveučilište Moša Pijade -- Pučko otvoreno učilište Zagreb


Vidi br.: HA19-01719

Vidi br.: HA19-01721

74   Crtanje. Primijenjena umjetnost i umjetnički obrt

Carnivalesque humour in Ça, c'est Filarmo, Nic [Elektronička građa] / Nikola Novaković. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 52-53. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The article analyses the humour in Hermann Huppen and Morphée’s series of comic books about a boy called Nick, with primary focus on the third issue, Ça, c’est Filarmo, Nic [That’s Filarmo, Nick]. Drawing on Bakhtin’s theory of the carnivalesque, the article identifies a variety of humorous devices, including wordplay, puns, quotations, unusual transformations, and mésalliances. Special attention is paid to the visual level of the comic book. Humour is located in visual metamorphoses, invisible “phantom” panels, and the incongruity between words and images. The article also addresses the comic book’s intertextual ties with Little Nemo in Slumberland, a series of comic strips from the early 20th century, and compares the way authority is represented and challenged in the two texts. The impossible spaces that Nick traverses within the chronotope of the road are examined as places that invert the usual hierarchies and relations, allowing Nick to experience a level of agency usually reserved for adults. The end of Nick’s travels across the dreamscape is examined as both a departure and continuation of the pattern from Little Nemo, and as a logical conclusion of a temporary carnivalesque subversion of traditional structures that dominate the adult world. - U radu se analizira humor u serijalu stripova Hermanna Huppena i Morphéea o dječaku Niku, a primarni je fokus na trećem dijelu, Ça, c’est Filarmo, Nic (Nik i gospodin Filarmo). Koristeći se Bahtinovom teorijom karnevalesknoga, članak ističe niz komičnih postupaka poput igre riječima, dosjetaka, citata, neobičnih transformacija te mezalijansa. Posebna je pažnja posvećena vizualnoj razini stripa. Humor se prepoznaje u vizualnim metamorfozama, nevidljivim fantomskim kadrovima te proturječnom prožimanju riječi i slika. Članak se također bavi intertekstualnim sponama sa stripom Little Nemo in Slumberland [Mali Nemo u Drijemozemskoj], serijalom stripova s početka dvadesetoga stoljeća, te uspoređuje način na koji se u obama tekstovima predstavlja i osporava autoritete. Nemogući prostori kojima Nik prolazi unutar kronotopa puta proučavaju se kao mjesta koja izvrću uobičajene hijerarhije i odnose, omogućavajući Niku da iskusi razinu djelovanja koja je inače rezervirana za odrasle. Svršetak Nikovih putovanja svijetom snova proučava se kao istovremen prekid i nastavak obrasca posuđenoga iz stripa Little Nemo, te kao logičan završetak privremene karnevaleskne subverzije tradicionalnih struktura koje dominiraju svijetom odraslih.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 8 (2019.), 1 ; str. 27-54  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Karneval -- Karnevaleskno -- Humor -- Strip

ŠKRGIĆ, Ilhana
Figurative representation of death in the Italian comic book Dylan Dog [Elektronička građa] / Ilhana Škrgić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 276-278. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The canonical representation of death as the Grim Reaper is a well-known trope in art. The main aim of this paper is to analyze this trope as it appears in selected instalments of the Italian comics series Dylan Dog. Fauconnier and Turner have extensively discussed its complexity by describing it in terms of the Blending Theory/Conceptual Theory model. As a complex integration of several mental spaces, including a space with an individual human being dying, and a harvest space, the Grim Reaper blend involves metaphoric and metonymic interactions of non-counterpart elements (Fauconnier & Turner 1998). This model will be used as a starting point in the analysis of the corpus consisting of four separate Dylan Dog stories. In the selected issues, the Grim Reaper appears in both the traditional version: a skeleton-like creature dressed in a monk’s robe and holding a scythe, as well as variants in which its appearance gains new and unusual characteristics. It will be demonstrated how the artists' use of the comics medium, with its combination of written text and static visuals, enables certain creative varieties on the classic trope. - Tradicionalno predstavljanje smrti kao Sablasnog kosca poznat je trop u umjetnosti. Glavni je cilj ovog rada analiza ovog tropa u izabranim izdanjima talijanskog stripa Dylan Dog. Fauconnier i Turner iscrpno su razmatrali njegovu kompleksnost opisivajući ga uz pomoć modela teorije blenda/konceptualne teorije integracije. Kao kompleksna integracija nekoliko mentalnih prostora, uključujući prostor smrti individualnog ljudskog bića, te prostora žetve, blend “Sablasnog kosca” (“The Grim Reaper”) uključuje metaforičke i metonimijske integracije neistovjetnih elemenata (Fauconnier i Turner 1998). Ovaj model bit će korišten kao početna točka u analizi korpusa koji se sastoji od četiri različite priče Dylana Doga. U izabranim izdanjima, Sablasni se kosac pojavljuje u tradicionalnoj verziji: stvorenje nalik na kostura obučeno u redovničku halju koje drži kòsu, kao i u varijantama u kojima njegov izgled dobiva nove i neobične karakteristike. Bit će prikazano kako upotreba medija stripa od strane umjetnika, uz pomoć kombinacije pisanog teksta i statičkih vizualnih elemenata, omogućava određene kreativne varijante klasičnog tropa.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 2 ; str. 255-278  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Metafora -- Metonimija -- Stripovi -- Grafičke novele

Vidi br.: HA19-01722

Vidi br.: HA19-01725

75   Slikarstvo

Vidi br.: HA19-01721

Vidi br.: HA19-01726

Vidi br.: HA19-01728

Vidi br.: HA19-01727

Vidi br.: HA19-01724

Vidi br.: HA19-01720

Vidi br.: HA19-01756

Vidi br.: HA19-01715

76   Grafička umjetnost

Vidi br.: HA19-01723

77   Fotografija i srodni postupci

GRŽINA, Hrvoje
Dagerotipija u Zagrebu (1839. - 1855.) [Elektronička građa] / Hrvoje Gržina.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 117-118. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Članak rekapitulira postojeće i donosi brojne nove podatke o dagerotipijskoj djelatnosti u Zagrebu sredinom devetnaestoga stoljeća. Slijedom napisa objavljenih u onodobnim novinama rekonstruira se ozračje dolaska novoga izuma u Zagreb 1839. godine kao i razina spoznaje o ovome ranome fotografskom procesu u hrvatskome društvu. Posebna je pozornost poklonjena Demetru Novakoviću, prvomu hrvatskom dagerotipistu koji je, po svemu sudeći, poduku za izradu dagerotipija dobio izravno u Parizu u vrijeme javne demonstracije procesa. Rad ostalih praktičara – uglavnom putujućih dagerotipista – koji su djelovali u glavnome hrvatskom gradu ocrtan je na temelju podataka dostupnih kroz novinske oglase i nešto literature. Među njima valja istaknuti Johanna Boscha, predstavnika takozvane Bečke škole dagerotipije te Ferdinanda Rahmanna i Josepha Kallaina, čije rivalstvo i nadmetanje u kvaliteti izrade dagerotipija predstavlja prvi zabilježeni primjer fotografske konkurencije na hrvatskome prostoru. - This paper summarizes the existing and brings numerous new data on daguerreotypy in Zagreb in the mid-19th century. Based on various articles published in the periodicals of the time, the author evokes the atmosphere around the arrival of this invention in Zagreb (1839) and reconstructs the level of knowledge about this early photographic process in the Croatian society. A particular focus has been placed on Demetar Novaković, the first Croatian daguerreotypist, who most probably acquired this technique during his stay in Paris at the time when the process was publicly demonstrated. The work of other daguerreotypists active in the Croatian capital – mostly travelling from place to place – has been outlined based on the information available through newspaper ads and scholarly literature. They notably include Johann Bosch, a representative of the so-called Vienna school of daguerreotypy, as well as Ferdinand Rahmann and Joseph Kallain, whose rivalry and competition in the quality of daguerreotyping is the first recorded example of photographic competition in Croatia.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 38 (2019), 57 ; str. 103-119  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dagerotipija -- Novine -- Oglasi -- Povijesni prikaz

78   Glazba. Glazbeni instrumenti i oprema

Kulturni kapital mladih [Elektronička građa] : preferencije i transmisija popularnih glazbenih žanrova među studentima Sveučilišta u Zagrebu / Filip Trbojević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija: str. 65-66. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se teorijski i empirijski, metodom online ankete na prigodnom uzorku (N = 632), istražuju dva aspekta glazbene konzumacije studenata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu: njihove glazbene preferencije te u kojoj su mjeri one posljedica transmisije glazbenog ukusa s njihovih roditelja, oslanjajući se pritom na koncept kulturnog kapitala Pierrea Bourdieua. Rezultati pokazuju da studenti najviši stupanj preferencija pokazuju spram rock ili blues, dok uvjerljivo najmanje preferiraju turbofolk glazbu. Utvrđene su i razlike s obzirom na socioekonomske odrednice, a najvažniji je rezultat taj da su glazbene preferencije studenata neovisne o njihovom materijalnom statusu. Zatim, utvrđena je pozitivna veza između studenata i njihovih roditelja u pogledu slušanja klasične te rock ili blues glazbe, što ukazuje na to da roditeljski glazbeni ukus usmjerava glazbene preferencije njihove djece k određenim glazbenim stilovima. Rezultati upućuju na pojavu novih (hibridnih) kulturnih formi, na potrebu redefiniranja strogih razgraničenja i kulturnih hijerarhija koje se temelje na ideji „visokeˮ kulture, kao i na uvažavanje toga da se međusobna dinamika ekonomskog i kulturnog kapitala mijenja. - Theoretically and empirically, using the online survey method with an appropriate sample (N = 632), the paper investigates two aspects of music consumption among students of the University of Zagreb – their musical preferences and to which extent these preferences result from transmission of their parents’ musical taste. In investigating the aforementioned aspects, the paper relies on Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of cultural capital. The results show that students express most preferences for rock music or the blues, while turbo-folk is arguably the least preferred genre. Differences were also found regarding socioeconomic characteristics, and the most important findings are those showing that the students’ musical preferences are independent of their economic status. Moreover, when it comes to listening classical music, rock music or the blues, a positive correlation between students and their parents was found, which indicates that the parents’ musical taste directs their children’s musical preferences towards certain music styles. The results of the study point to the emergence of new (hybrid) cultural forms, the need to redefine the strict demarcations and cultural hierarchies based on the idea of ‘high culture’ as well as the need to acknowledge the fact that the mutual dynamics of economic and cultural capital are changing.
U: Medijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1846-6605. - 25 (2019), 2 ; str. 45-67  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Glazba -- Studenti -- Glazbene preferencije -- Glazbeni žanrovi -- Kulturna potrošnja -- Kulturni kapital -- Anketa
Sveučilište u Zagrebu


Sevdalinka i Zagreb do kraja 1950-ih [Elektronička građa] : pokušaj rekonstrukcije / Naila Ceribašić, Hana Zdunić, Petra Ćaleta, Matija Jerković, Iva Božić, Matea De Bona, Klara Zečević Bogojević. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 188-191. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Članak dokumentira prisutnost sevdalinke u zagrebačkoj, a djelomice i široj hrvatskoj javnosti do kraja 1950-ih. Premda je riječ o glazbenom žanru karakterističnom za Bosnu i Hercegovinu, već od sredine 19. stoljeća (a prema nekim tumačenjima već i od 16. stoljeća) sevdalinka je utkana i u hrvatski kulturni imaginarij. Do početnog desetljeća 20. stoljeća, najvažnije izvore čine popularne tekstualne pjesmarice (zagrebačkog knjižara Lavoslava Župana koja zapravo predstavlja zagrebačku objavu zbirke Vuka Stefanovića Karadžića, te Gjure Deželića i Augusta Kaznačića), notne zbirke Franje Kuhača i dvojice glazbenika iz Hrvatske koji su dio radnog vijeka djelovali u Sarajevu (Šandor Bosiljevac i Bogomir Kačerovsky) te podaci iz periodike u vezi recepcije sevdalinke. Nadalje, u članku je potanje analizirana uključenost i kontekstualizacija sevdalinke u zbirkama Saliha Odobašića, Hamida Dizdara i Branimira Sakača, koje se može uzeti za paradigmatske što se tiče novih fizionomija sevdalinskog imagema u razdoblju između dva svjetska rata, u doba Nezavisne Države Hrvatske, odnosno po utemeljenju socijalističke Jugoslavije. Naredni je dio članka posvećen prisutnosti sevdalinke u programima zagrebačke radijske postaje, a unutar toga posebice Hamdiji Samardžiću, koji je bio jedan od vodećih nositelja sevdalinke u Zagrebu od potkraj 1930-ih do sredine 1950-ih. Najdetaljnije je obrađena diskografska produkcija sevdalinke vezana uz Zagreb, počevši od najranijih snimki za Gramophone Company u razdoblju od 1907. do 1909. godine i prodajnih kataloga zagrebačke trgovine gramofonskih ploča Mavra Druckera, pa preko sevdalinke u produkciji zagrebačkih tvrtki Edison Bell Penkala i Elektroton, do sevdalinke u produkciji Jugotona od 1947. do kraja 1950-ih, kada šelak ploče na 78 ok./min. izlaze iz uporabe i ujedno se pojavljuju i druge relevantne jugoslavenske diskografske tvrtke. - This article documents the presence of sevdalinka songs in Zagreb, and to a degree in the wider Croatian public, until the end of the 1950s. Although sevdalinka is a musical genre characteristic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, it was interwoven into the Croatian cultural imaginary, starting from the middle of the 19th century (or, according to some interpretations, as early as the 16th century). Up to the first decade of the 20th century, the most important sources include popular textual songbooks (by Zagreb bookseller Lavoslav Župan; this songbook was actually a reissue of the Vuk Stefanović Karadžić’s songbook, as well as songbooks by Gjuro Deželić and August Kaznačić), Franjo Kuhač’s folksong collection and collections of musical arrangements by two Croatian musicians working in Sarajevo (Šandor Bosiljevac and Bogomir Kačerovsky), and data from periodicals related to the reception of sevdalinka. Further on, the article analyses the inclusion and contextualization of sevdalinka in the collections by Salih Odobašić, Hamid Dizdar, and Branimir Sakač, which may be taken as paradigmatic of new features of the image of sevdalinka in the period between the two world wars, during the Independent State of Croatia, and in the early years of the socialist Yugoslavia. The next part of the article is dedicated to the presence of sevdalinka in the programs of the Zagreb Radio Station, and in particular to Hamdija Samardžić, who was one of the leading singers of sevdalinka in Zagreb from the late 1930s to the mid-1950s.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 56 (2019), 1 ; str. 149-191  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Glazba -- Pjesme -- Sevdalinke -- Pjesmarice -- Radio -- Diskografija -- Povijesni prikaz

Vidi br.: HA19-01485

Vidi br.: HA19-01779

791   Kinematografija. Filmovi

Popular history in the classroom [Elektronička građa] : constructing a narrative of national identities in Britain / Lejla Mulalić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 389-390. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - This paper discusses the historical documentary as an increasingly popular and largely untheorised form of non-academic history. Placed between academic history and the popular medium of television and film, an authored historical documentary presented by a celebrity historian transcends various cultural binaries and demands to be considered on its own terms as a particular way of approaching history. Having in mind its subversive potential as well as its popular appeal, the paper is particularly concerned with the construction of national identities in the historical documentaries of Simon Schama (A History of Britain) and Michael Wood (The Great British Story), in order to elucidate the advantages of their use in the history classroom.Since every classroom exists within a particular socio-historical context, this discussion of British identities is positioned in the English Department’s history class in Sarajevo, within the context of post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina as a reminder that we never teach in a historical vacuum. While comparing Schama’s and Wood’s approaches to history, a number of questions emerge concerning the role of the historian in the construction of particular historical meanings; the use of narrative to present historical information; and the relevance of the documentary’s visual language in conveying specific interpretations of history. The paper attempts to answer these questions and explain how critical engagement with a historical documentary can help students learn not only about the content of history, but also about the processes behind the meanings we consume, which, ultimately, reveal a great deal about us as consumers. - U ovom se radu razmatra povijesni dokumentarac kao specifičan oblik prikazivanja povijesti čija popularnost sve više raste, premda još ne postoji dovoljno razvijena teorijska svijest o tom obliku neakademske povijesti. Pozicioniran između akademskog proučavanja prošlosti i popularnih medija poput televizije i filma, autorski povijesni dokumentarac, iza kojeg stoji poznati povjesničar, nadilazi različite kulturne dihotomije i zahtijeva da mu pristupimo kao zasebnom obliku povijesti. Imajući na umu subverzivni potencijal te popularnost te forme, u ovome se radu posebna pozornost posvećuje konstruiranju nacionalnih identiteta u dokumentarcima Simona Schame (A History of Britain) i Michaela Wooda (The Great British Story) kako bi se istakle prednosti njihove uporabe u podučavanju povijesti. Budući da svaka učionica egzistira unutar specifičnog društveno-povijesnog konteksta, ovo razmatranje britanskih identiteta pozicionirano je unutar kolegija o britanskoj povijesti na Odsjeku za anglistiku u Sarajevu, u širem kontekstu poslijeratne Bosne i Hercegovine, što ujedno predstavlja i podsjetnik da nikad ne poučavamo u povijesnom vakuumu. Pri poredbi Shamina i Woodova pristupa povijesti nameće se niz pitanja u vezi s ulogom povjesničara u konstruiranju specifičnih značenja prošlosti, uporabe pripovijesti za predočavanje znanja o prošlosti i značaja vizualnog jezika dokumentaraca kod uobličavanja interpretacija povijesti. Ovaj rad nastoji odgovoriti na ta pitanja i objasniti kako se studenti, kroz kritičko promišljanje povijesnog dokumentarca, mogu upoznati ne samo sa sadržajem povijesti već i s procesima u pozadini značenja koja konzumiramo, čime se, u konačnici, otkriva mnogo toga i o nama kao konzumentima.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 6 (2019), 2 ; str. 367-391  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Povijesni dokumentarac -- Film -- Nacionalni identitet -- Povijest
Wood, Michael -- Schama, Simon


Problems and perspectives of Croatian cinema [Elektronička građa] : interview analysis / Dario Dunatov, Marija Lončar, Zorana Šiljug Vučica.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija: 12 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Contemporary social trends such as globalization and technological develop- ment affect national cinema as well as world cinema in general. Discussions about national cinema should therefore be placed within the context of the nation-state itself and transnationally. The continuity of fi lm industry in Croatia exists from the very beginnings of the fi lm, but it as a product of the cinema that is closely related to social, political and economic circumstances which had multiple implications on its development. The aim of the paper was to examine the features of Croatian national cinema as well as the aspects of its affi rmation and reception, which ultimately enabled understanding of the developmental and integrative factors of Croatian cinema. Insight into the developmental and integrative factors of Croatian cinema presents a wider picture of the problems and perspectives of Croatian national cinema today. The qualitative approach was used in the research and semistructured interviews were conducted with interviewees closely related to film and film production. The analysis shows diffi culties in developing a specifi c style and achieving greater international visibility. An important moment was the establishment of Croatian Audiovisual Centre which devised a plan for Croatian national cinema and brought fi nancial independence. This consequently led to the rise of investments and quality of fi lms and even to international festival visibility of Croatian cinema. At the beginning of the 21st century Croatian fi lm industry developed infrastructure, provided support for young fi lmmakers and created the preconditions for quality and innovative fi lm titles. - Suvremeni društveni trendovi, kao što su procesi globalizacije, tehnološki razvoji i slično, utječu na nacionalnu kinematografi ju, ali i na svjetsku kinematografi ju općenito. Rasprave oko nacionalne kinematografi je nužno je stoga smještati unutar konteksta same države-nacije, a jednako tako i transnacionalno. Kontinuitet fi lmske djelatnosti u Hrvatskoj postoji od samih početaka fi lma, ali ona je proizvod kinematografi je koja je usko vezana uz društvene, političke i ekonomske prilike koje su višestruko utjecale na njezin razvoj. Cilj rada bio je ispitati značajke hrvatske kinematografi je te aspekte njezine afi rmacije i recepcije, što je u konačnici omogućilo razumijevanje razvojnih i integrativnih čimbenika hrvatskog fi lma. Uvid u razvojne i integrativne čimbenike hrvatskog fi lma predstavlja širu sliku problema i perspektiva hrvatske kinematografi je danas. U istraživanju je korišten kvalitativni pristup i provedeni su polustrukturirani intervjui sa sugovornicima usko povezanim s fi lmom i fi lmskom djelatnošću. Analiza pokazuje svojevrsne poteškoće u razvijanju specifi čnog stila i postizanju veće međunarodne vidljivosti. Važan trenutak bila je uspostava Hrvatskog audiovizualnog centra koji je izradio plan za hrvatsku kinematografi ju i doveo do fi nancijske neovisnosti što je utjecalo na ulaganja i kvalitetu hrvatskih fi lmova, pa i na njihovu međunarodnu festivalsku vidljivost. Početkom 21. stoljeća hrvatska kinematografi ja razvila je infrastrukturu, pružila podršku mladim fi lmašima i stvorila preduvjete za kvalitetne i inovativne filmske naslove.
U: Medijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1846-6605. - 25 (2019), 1 ; str. 107-124  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kinematografija -- Hrvatski film -- Društveni kontekst -- Politički konteks -- Razvoj
Hrvatski audiovizualni centar


792   Kazalište

ČALE Feldman, Lada
In memoriam Tonku Lonzi : (28. rujna 1930. - 23. prosinca 2018.) / Lada Čale Feldman, Dora Ruždjak Podolski, Alma Prica. - Fotogr.
Sadrži i: Velikan teatra Igara / Dora Ruždjak Podolski: str. 152-153. Spomen profesoru / Alma Prica: str. 154-155.
U: Dubrovnik (Matica hrvatska). - ISSN 0353-8559. - N.s. 30 (2019), 1 ; str. 148-155
Hrvatska dramska umjetnost 20./21. st. -- Glumci -- Životopis
Lonza, Tonko
Dubrovačke ljetne igre


Vidi br.: HA19-01430

Vidi br.: HA19-01340

793/794   Društvene zabave i razonoda. Umjetnost pokreta. Ples

Vidi br.: HA19-01483

796/799   Sport

Pregled nacionalnih modela sportske diplomacije u svijetu i perspektiva razvoja hrvatskog modela sportske diplomacije [Elektronička građa] / Luka Leško.
Bibliografija: str. 103-108. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Ulogu sporta kao sredstva diplomacije zagovaraju predstavnici konstruktivističke teorije međunarodnih odnosa. Cilj rada je dati pregled nacionalnih modela sportske diplomacije (Australije, Francuske, SAD , Norveške, Rusije, Kine, Japana i Brazila), te ukazati na perspektivu razvoja hrvatskog modela sportske diplomacije. Pozitivni učinci sporta na državne ciljeve ostvaruju se putem nacionalnih modela sportske diplomacije koji obuhvaćaju: korištenje sportske uspješnosti u jačanju meke moći države, uključenje sportaša u političke i diplomatske procese, korištenje sporta kao diplomatskog instrumenta putem međunarodnih razvojnih programa, organizaciju sportskih događaja itd. Identificirana su područja na koja hrvatski sport može pozitivno utjecati, poput međunarodnih odnosa, poboljšanja imidža države u svijetu, jačanja nacionalne kohezije, zatim turističke, demografske, ekonomske i javnozdravstvene dobrobiti, socijalne inkluzije, jačanja kulture volonterizma itd. Sustavno prepoznata važnost sporta od strane države od krucijalnog je značaja. Preporučuje se međuresorna izrada nacionalne strategije sportske diplomacije ili separatnih programa sa sličnim ciljevima. - The role of sport as a tool of diplomacy is recognized by representatives of the constructivist theory of international relations. The aim of the study is to give a review of several national models of sports diplomacy (Australia, France, USA, Norway, Russia, China, Japan, Brazil) in the world and to point to the opportunities for developing a Croatian model of sports diplomacy. The positive effects of sport on national goals may be achieved through models which include: the use of sporting success in strengthening soft power of the country, involving athletes in political and diplomatic processes, use of sport as a diplomatic instrument through international development programs, the organization of sporting events etc. The potential areas in which Croatian sport may have a positive influence are: international relations; improving the image of the country in the world; strengthening national cohesion; tourism, demography, economy and public health; social inclusion; strengthening the culture of volunteerism etc. It is crucial for a country to recognize the potentials of sports in these many areas of social and political life. An interdepartmental creation of a national sports diplomacy strategy or separate programs with similar goals is recommended.
U: Političke perspektive (Online). - ISSN 2335-027X. - 9 (2019), 1 ; str. 87-108  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sport -- Sportska diplomacija -- Strategije -- Međunarodni odnosi -- Olimpijske igre


81   Lingvistika i jezici

KUVAČ Kraljević, Jelena
(Psiho)lingvistička obilježja riječi : određenje, opis i klinički kontekst / Jelena Kuvač Kraljević i Marina Olujić Tomazin.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka, od 3. do 5. svibnja 2018. - Bibliografija: 181-185 str. - Abstract.
U: Jezik i um. - ISSN . - str. 171-186
Leksička obrada -- (Psiho)lingvistička obilježja -- Komunikacijski poremećaji

CAP, Piotr
A critical note on the evolution of social theoretical and linguistic underpinnings of contemporary discourse studies [Elektronička građa] / Piotr Cap. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 347-351. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper gives a critical overview of analytical approaches dominating the field of discourse studies in the last three decades, from the perspective of their philosophical and formative bases: social constructionism and linguistics. It explores different conceptions of the theoretical nexus between these two bases leading to the emergence of three distinct yet complementary strands of thought (i–iii). The paper starts with poststructuralist views of discourse salient in (i) Laclau and Mouffe’s Discourse Theory. Laclau and Mouffe’s assumption that no discourse is a closed entity but rather transformed through contact with other discourses is taken as the introductory premise to present a large family of (ii) critical discourse studies, characterized as text-analytical practices explaining how discourse partakes in the production and negotiations of ideological meanings. Finally, the paper discusses (iii) three recent discourse analytical models: Discourse Space Theory, Critical Metaphor Analysis, and Legitimization-Proximization Model. These new theories make a further (and thus far final) step toward consolidation of the social-theoretical and linguistic bases in contemporary discourse studies. The empirical benefits of this consolidation are discussed in the last part of the paper, which includes a case study where the new models are used in the analysis of Polish anti-immigration discourse. - Rad donosi kritički pregled najzastupljenijih analitičkih pristupa u području proučavanja diskursa u posljednja tri desetljeća, i to iz perspektive njihovih filozofskih i formativnih ishodišta: društvenog konstruktivizma i lingvistike. Razmatraju se različite koncepcije teorijskih poveznica između ova dva ishodišta što dovodi do pojave tri različita, ali komplementarna pravca mišljenja (i-iii). Rad započinje poststrukturalističkim prikazima diskursa koji prevladavaju u (i) Laclauovoj i Mouffeovoj teoriji diskursa. Laclauova i Mouffeova pretpostavka da nijedan diskurs nije zatvorena cjelina, već se mijenja kroz kontakt s drugim diskursima, uzeta je kao uvodna premisa za predstavljanje velike obitelji (ii) kritičkih studija diskursa, koje su predstavljene kao tekstualno-analitički postupci s pomoću kojih se objašnjava kako diskurs sudjeluje u stvaranju i dogovaranju ideoloških značenja. Naposljetku, u radu se razmatraju (iii) tri nova modela analize diskursa: teorija diskursnih prostora, kritička analiza metafore i model legitimizacije i proksimizacije. Te nove teorije čine još jedan (i dosad najsnažniji) korak ka konsolidaciji društveno-teorijskih i lingvističkih temelja u suvremenim proučavanjima diskursa. Empirijske prednosti ove konsolidacije razmatraju se u posljednjem dijelu rada, koji uključuje studiju slučaja u kojoj se u analizi poljskog antiimigracijskog diskursa koriste spomenuti novi modeli.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 2 ; str. 325-352  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Diskurs -- Društveni konstruktivizam -- Kritičke studije -- Lingvistika -- Društvena teorija

Albanska, češka i mađarska manjina u Hrvatskoj : metalingvistička osviještenost u učenju stranih jezika / Petra Karabin i Kristina Cergol Kovačević.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka, od 3. do 5. svibnja 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 273-274 str. - Abstract.
U: Jezik i um. - ISSN . - str. 263-276
Učenje stranih jezika -- Govornici manjinskih jezika -- Metalingvistička osviještenost

MIŠČIN, Evelina
Creating medical glossary for classroom purposes / Evelina Miščin.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka, od 3. do 5. svibnja 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 294-295. - Sažetak.
U: Jezik i um. - ISSN . - str. 277-296
ESP -- Glosar -- Medicinski engleski -- Vokabular

Dvojezična zajednica : želja za komunikacijom na manjinskom jeziku / Vesna Deželjin.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka, od 3. do 5. svibnja 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 259-260. - Abstract.
U: Jezik i um. - ISSN . - str. 251-262
Italofona enklava -- Želja za komunikacijom -- Samopercepcija komunikacijske kompetencije

The expression of path in three satellite-framed languages [Elektronička građa] : a cognitive study of Polish, Russian, and English / Joanna Łozińska. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 57-60. - Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - Cross-linguistic studies of the lexicalization of motion tend to contrast satellite- with verb-framed languages (e.g. Slobin 1996; 2004; Cardini 2008; Özçalışkan & Slobin 2003; Kopecka 2004; Fargard et al. 2013, etc.) and concentrate less frequently on intra-typological analyses (but cf. e.g. Filipović 2007; Hasko 2010; Ibarretxe-Antuñano 2009; Ibarretxe-Antuñano & Hijazo-Gascón 2012). Even fewer studies contrast genetically related languages (but cf. e.g. Łozińska 2018). The main aim of this study was to establish the path-saliency cline of three satellite-framed languages: Polish, Russian, and English. The analysis was based on elicited data. The overall patterns of expressing the path of motion in the three languages were shown to be caused by their belonging to the same typological category. The differences could be attributed, to a large extent, to differences in the morphological structures and in the lexical repertoires of motion-coding expressions available to the speakers of the three languages. However, the analysis of descriptions of three specific spatial situations (i.e. vertical, boundary-crossing, and deictic relations) pointed to other factors that may influence path coding in the three languages. Thus, despite the satellite-verb character of the languages examined and the morpho-syntactic differences between them, all our participants, who were native speakers of the three languages examined, tended to code vertical relations by means of path verbs. The number of tokens of path verbs used to code this particular spatial relation was found to be higher than the number of tokens of path verbs used to code deictic or boundary-crossing motion. - Das Hauptziel dieser Studie ist die Ermittlung der Grammatikalisierung des Pfad-Hervorragens in drei Satellite-Framed Languages: Polnisch, Russisch und Englisch. Die Analyse basierte auf hervorgerufenen Daten. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die allgemeinen Muster für den Ausdruck des Pfads der Bewegung in den drei Sprachen durch ihre Zugehörigkeit zur selben typologischen Kategorie begründet werden. Die Unterschiede können den Unterschieden in den morphologischen Strukturen und den lexikalischen Repertois von Bewegungs-kodierenden Ausdrücken zugeordnet werden, die den Sprechern der drei Sprachen zur Verfügung stehen. Die Analyse der Beschreibungen von drei räumlichen Situationen (d. h. vertikale, grenzüberschreitende und deiktische Beziehungen) deutete jedoch auf andere Faktoren, die die Pfadkodierung in den drei Sprachen beeinflussen können. Somit tendierten – trotz des Satelliten-Verb-Charakters der drei untersuchten Sprachen und der morpho-syntaktischen Unterschiede zwischen ihnen – alle unsere Teilnehmer zur Kodierung vertikaler Beziehungen mithilfe von Pfadverben. Die Anzahl der Zeichen von Pfadverben, die zur Kodierung dieser speziellen räumlichen Beziehung verwendet wurde, erwies sich als höher als die Anzahl der Zeichen von Pfadverben, die zur Kodierung von deiktischen oder grenzüberschreitenden Bewegungen verwendet wurden.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 1 ; str. 31-61  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Glagoli kretanja -- Lingvističke studije -- Verbalni prefiks

Garden plants and butter knives [Elektronička građa] : the effects of lexical and relation priming on nominal compound processing by native and non-native speakers of English / Frane Malenica, Lucija Žinić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Sadrži i: priloge na str. 528-530. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 523-527. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Compounds are a frequent occurrence in the English language, but the way in which speakers, both native and non-native, process compounds is still a topic of discussion. Two factors have an influence on the recog-nition speed of compounds – lexical priming and relation priming. The former refers to faster recognition if a target and a prime compound share a common lexeme, while the latter refers to the inner relationships be-tween modifiers and heads within a compound. The study conducted by Gagné & Spalding (2004) shows a significant effect of relation priming on recognition of familiar compounds, while De Cat et al. (2015) report that highly proficient non-native participants use similar strategies for processing compounds as native speakers. The aim of this paper is to rep-licate these results by using sense-nonsense tasks with familiar com-pounds and native and highly proficient non-native participants to exam-ine the effects of lexical and relation priming in these two groups. We hypothesize that the native speakers should provide faster reaction times and higher accuracy rates but that both groups would display similar fa-cilitation effects with different types of primes, which the results of the study confirm. - Složenice su česta pojava u engleskom jeziku ali način na koji ih izvorni i neizvorni govornici procesiraju još je predmet lingvističkih rasprava. Dvije vrste čimbenika imaju utjecaj na brzinu prepoznavanja složenica – leksičko usmjeravanje i odnosno usmjeravanje. Prva se vrsta čimbenika ogleda u višoj brzini prepoznavanja u slučajevima kad ciljana i usmjerivačka složenica sadrže zajednički leksem, dok druga vrsta označava podudarnost značenjskog odnosa između modifikatora i glave složenice. Istraživanje koje su proveli Gagné & Spalding (2004) pokazalo je statistički značajan pozitivan utjecaj odnosnog usmjeravanja na prepoznavanje postojećih složenica, a De Cat i suradnici (2015) navode kako pri procesiranju složenica neizvorni govornici s visokom razinom jezične kompetencije koriste slične strategije kao i izvorni govornici. Cilj je ovog istraživanja replicirati ove rezultate korištenjem zadatka procjene smislenosti postojećih složenica na skupini izvornih i neizvornih govornika, kako bi se dodatno istražili učinci leksičkog i odnosnog usmjeravanja kod ovih dviju skupina ispitanika.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 3 ; str. 497-530  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Složenice -- Leksičko usmjeravanje -- Imenske složenice -- Izvorni govornici -- Neizvorni govornici

BUTIĆ, Dolores
Jezične osobitosti kasnosrednjovjekovnog djela : Obsidio Iadrensis / Dolores Butić.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka, od 3. do 5. svibnja 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 335-336. - Abstract.
U: Jezik i um. - ISSN . - str. 321-336
Obsidio Iadrensis -- Epistula auctoris

Kako normativnu preporuku donosi terminolog, a kako standardolog? / Lana Hudeček i Milica Mihaljević.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka, od 3. do 5. svibnja 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 27-30 str. - Abstract.
U: Jezik i um. - ISSN . - str. 3-30
Terminološko normiranje -- Normativna načela -- Standardološko normiranje

ŠARIĆ, Antonija
Kognitivna dimenzija u međukulturnoj komunikaciji / Antonija Šarić, Lahorka Budić, Anica Perković.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka, od 3. do 5. svibnja 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 7 jed. - Abstract.
U: Jezik i um. - ISSN . - str. 309-320
Jezik u međukulturnim kontaktima -- Međukulturna komunikacija -- Stereotipi

JELČIĆ, Ana, lingvistkinja
Kognitivno-semantička analiza hrvatskih i njemačkih poredbenih frazema s fitonimskom komponetom / Ana Jelčić.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka, od 3. do 5. svibnja 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 96-97. - Abstract.
U: Jezik i um. - ISSN . - str. 87-98
Poredbeni frazem -- Konceptualno polje -- Semantička dekompozicija

Konverzacijska interakcija sa Sophiom / Bernes Aljukić. - Ilustr.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka, od 3. do 5. svibnja 2018. - Bibliografija: str. 246-248. - Abstract.
U: Jezik i um. - ISSN . - str. 227-249
Sophia -- Televizijski intervju -- Konverzacijska analiza

BLAGUS Bartolec, Goranka
Korpus umom korisnika (na što treba pripaziti u korpusno utemeljenom istraživanju) / Goranka Blagus Bartolec i Ivana Matas Ivanković.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka, od 3. do 5. svibnja 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 41-42 str. - Abstract.
U: Jezik i um. - ISSN . - str. 31-42
hrWaC -- Hrvatski jezik -- Korisnička perspektiva

MARTINEK, Svitlana
LIGHT and DARK [Elektronička građa] : oppositional metaphor as the interaction of cognitive mechanisms / Svitlana Martinek.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija i izvori: str. 299-301. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Cognitive Linguistics, which primarily deals with the conceptual structures of human mind via their language manifestation, opens new prospects in studying binary oppositions. Despite numerous researches of this phenomenon, lots of questions raised here do not have exhaustive answers. What we need is not only inquiry oriented toward ascertainment of the universality (or the degree of universality) of some binary oppositions, but studies of their system in a certain linguaculture within a given time period. The precise study of interrelations among various symbolic domains in this sphere is another important problem. Furthermore, binary oppositions should not be seen as stable and unchangeable structures presented within human consciousness but they must be regarded as the external manifestation of specific cognitive mechanisms. This paper presents an empirical investigation of the binary opposition light-dark based on the method of an associative experiment. The analysis of the responses clearly reveals binary oppositions which are deep-rooted in the speakers’ consciousness and which closely interact. These oppositions build a rich background for the metaphorical interchange between corresponding domains which create a whole system where the correlating parts are used for the metaphoric designation of each other. The main focus of this study is the interaction of cognitive mechanisms of contradistinction with conceptual metaphor and further analysis of the result of this process in a language. - Kognitivna lingvistika, koja se prvenstveno bavi konceptualnim strukturama ljudskog uma manifestiranima u jeziku, otvara nove puteve proučavanja binarnih opreka. Usprkos brojnim proučavanjima ove pojave još za mnoštvo pitanja nemamo iscrpne odgovore. Ono što je potrebno je ne samo istraživanje usmjereno prema potvrđivanju univerzalnosti (ili stupnja univerzalnosti) neke binarne opreke već i proučavanje njihovog sustava unutar određene jezično-kulturne zajednice unutar određenog vremenskog perioda. Značajan problem predstavlja i precizno proučavanje međuodnosa različitih simboličkih domena u ovoj sferi. Nadalje, binarne opreke ne valja promatrati kao stabilne i nepromjenjive strukture prisutne u ljudskoj svijesti nego kao izvanjske manifestacije specifičnih kognitivnih mehanizama. Ovaj je članak empirijsko ispitivanje binarne opreke svjetlo-tama metodološki utemeljeno na asocijativnom eksperimentu. Analiza reakcija jasno pokazuje opreke koje su duboko ukorijenjene u svijesti govornika i koje su u tijesnoj interakciji. Te opreke tvore bogatu pozadinu za metaforičku interakciju odgovarajućih domena koje stvaraju cijeli sustav unutar kojega se dijelovi rabe za međusobno metaforičko prikazivanje. Žarište zanimanja ovog istraživanja je interakcija kognitivnih mehanizama kontradistinkcije i konceptualne metafore te daljnja analiza ishoda tog procesa u jeziku.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 2 ; str. 279-302  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Asocijativni eksperiment -- Konceptualna metafora -- Binarne opreke -- Kognitivna lingvistika

ČULIG, Janja
Light as a visual source domain for the divine in the 17th century painting [Elektronička građa] / Janja Čulig. - Fotogr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Sadrži i: slikovne priloge na str. 322-324. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 320. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of this paper is to explain the motivation behind the creation of religious visual art in which light plays the role of the signifier of divine presence. We will endeavor to show that representations of light in paintings from a particular socio-cultural period and context are based on metaphorization. The meaning that arises from this metaphorization establishes a connection between depicted light and the basic conceptual metaphor KNOWING IS SEEING. Our aim is to show that the understanding of these kinds of representations by the viewer as the presence of the divine is based on the fundamental human capacity to conceptualize abstract notions through concrete ones. We propose that a visual representation of light would not be completely understandable if the viewer did not possess an inherent knowledge of basic conceptual metaphors of light. The visual material selected for this article comprises samples of 17th century religious paintings of the Western artistic tradition, in which light serves as the primary carrier of divine meaning and the central element of the composition. Our proposition is based on the conjoining of two disciplines into an interdisciplinary approach to analyzing paintings from the Baroque period. The selected theoretical framework includes Conceptual Metaphor Theory and the conceptualization of abstract notions (Lakoff & Johnson 1980; Gibbs 1994, 2008; Kövecses 2005; Forceville & Urios-Aparisi 2009; Sharifian 2011; Raffaelli 2012; Forceville 2017), as well as art-historical insights into the utilization of pictorial elements of light in the formal visual language of the Baroque (Haskell 1963; Lambert 2007; Toman 2007; Cvetnić 2007). The significance of this kind of research lies in the prospects of interdisciplinary approaches to concepts in general. - Cilj je ovoga rada ukazati na motivaciju iza likovne umjetnosti vjerske tematike u kojoj svjetlost igra ulogu označitelja božanske prisutnosti. Pokušat ćemo pokazati da se prikazi svjetlosti u slikama nastalima unutar specifičnoga društveno-kulturnoga vremena i konteksta temelje na metaforizaciji. Značenje koje proizlazi iz takve metaforizacije povezuje prikazanu svjetlost i temeljnu pojmovnu metaforu znati je vidjeti. Ovaj rad pokazuje da promatrač može razumjeti ovakve prikaze svjetlosti kao božansku prisutnost zahvaljujući temeljnoj ljudskoj sposobnosti da apstraktne pojavnosti opojmljuje putem konkretnih. Predlažemo da ovakvi prikazi svjetlosti ne bi bili u potpunosti razumljivi promatraču kada ne bi posjedovao znanje o temeljnim pojmovnim metaforama svjetlosti. Vizualni materijal odabran za ovaj rad obuhvaća primjere vjerskih slika iz sedamnaestoga stoljeća nastale u zapadnoeuropskoj umjetničkoj tradiciji. U njima prikazana svjetlost služi kao temeljni nositelj značenja božanske prisutnosti te kao središnji element kompozicije. Rad se temelji na spajanju dviju znanstvenih disciplina u interdisciplinarni pristup analizi slikovnoga materijala nastaloga u vrijeme baroka. Odabrani teorijski okvir uključuje Teoriju pojmovne metafore i opojmljivanje apstraktnih pojavnosti (Lakoff i Johnson 1980; Gibbs 1994, 2008; Kövecses 2005; Forceville i Urios-Aparisi 2009; Sharifian 2011; Raffaelli 2012; Forceville 2017), te povijesno-umjetničke uvide u uporabu slikovnih elemenata svjetlosti u formalnome slikovnome jeziku baroka (Haskell 1963; Lambert 2007; Toman 2007; Cvetnić 2007). Značaj ovakvoga pristupa ogleda se u mogućnostima interdisciplinarnih istraživanja pojmova, a spajanje znanstveno-istraživačkih perspektiva moglo bi omogućiti nove uvide u pojam svjetlosti.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 2 ; str. 303-324  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slikarstvo -- Svjetlost -- Društveno-kulturni kontekst -- Teorija pojmovne metafore -- Opojmljivanje

Metafore s ciljnom domenom VRIJEME u engleskom, njemačkom i hrvatskom jeziku / Iva Grubišić Ćurić.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka, od 3. do 5. svibnja 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 82-85 str.. - Abstract.
U: Jezik i um. - ISSN . - str. 73-86
Konceptualna metafora -- Ciljna domena VRIJEME -- Korpusni pristup

LUČIĆ, Radovan, lingvist
Minimalna satnica s maksimalnim ishodima : prijedlog za izvedbu nastave hrvatskog kao stranog jezika u osiromašenom akademskom kurikulu / Radovan Lučić i Anja Nežić.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka, od 3. do 5. svibnja 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: str. 307-308. - Abstract.
U: Jezik i um. - ISSN . - str. 297-308
Hrvatski kao strani jezik -- Izrada kurikula -- Kognitivne kompetencije

ALADROVIĆ Slovaček, Katarina
Obilježja dječijega leksika u primarnome obrazovanju / Katarina Aladrović Slovaček i Željko Agić. - Graf. prikazi.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka, od 3. do 5. svibnja 2018. - Bibliografija: 196-198 str. - Abstract.
U: Jezik i um. - ISSN . - str. 187-200
Dječiji leksik -- Nastava hrvatskog jezika -- Lektira -- Čitanje

HORGA, Damir
Odnos govorne disfluentnosti i govornih pogrešaka / Damir Horga i Vlasta Erdeljac. - Graf. prikazi.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka, od 3. do 5. svibnja 2018. - Bibliografija: 221-224 str. - Abstract.
U: Jezik i um. - ISSN . - str. 201-226
Govorna fluetnost/disfluentnost -- Govorne pogreške -- Govorna proizvodnja

KRAWCZAK, Karolina
Operationalising construal [Elektronička građa] : a corpus-based study in cognition and communication constructions / Karolina Krawczak, Dylan Glynn. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 25-29. - Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - This study seeks to demonstrate that the Behavioural Profile Approach, specifically Multifactorial Usage-Feature Analysis (Geeraerts et al. 1994; Gries 2003), can be used to quantitatively describe lexico-grammatical construal (Langacker 1987; 1999). It examines the of – about constructional alternation for the complementation of cognition and communica-tion predicates. The predicates sampled include know, speak, talk, and think distributed across the two prepositions in British and American Eng-lish. In total, a sample of some 700 occurrences are analysed; the annota-tion schema is based on previous literature in the field (Radden 1981; Rudzka-Ostyn 2003; Dirven 2003; Lindstromberg 2010). Using a combi-nation of mixed-effects logistic regression, multiple correspondence analysis, and loglinear analysis, the study is able to successfully identify a behavioural profile of the two alternations, which can be interpreted as an operationalisation of the opposing construals. Although distinct pro-files are obtained, an adequate means for separating the conceptual con-tribution of the predicate and the complement will require further investi-gation. - Die vorliegende Studie versucht zu veranschaulichen, dass die Erstellung eines sgn. Verhaltensprofils (Behavioural Profile) und insbesondere die multifaktorielle Merkmalsanalyse (Multifactorial Usage-Feature Analysis, Geeraerts et al. 1994; Gries 2003) zur quantitativen Beschreibung von lexiko-grammatischer konzeptueller Profilierung (Langacker 1987, 1999) eingesetzt werden kann. Es wird die Alternanz zwischen of und about als Komplementen bei kognitiven und kommunikativen Prädikaten untersucht. Die Untersuchung umfasst die Prädikate know, speak, talk und think verteilt auf die zwei genannten Präpositionen im britischen und amerikanischen Englisch. Insgesamt wurde ein Korpus von 700 Belegen analysiert, das Annotationsschema beruht auf bereits bestehenden Untersuchungen in diesem Gebiet (Radden 1981; Rudzka-Ostyn 2003; Dirven 2003; Lindstromberg 2010). Durch den Einsatz einer Kombination aus logistischer Regression mit gemischten Effekten, multipler Korrespondenzanalyse and loglinearer Analyse konnte erfolgreich ein Verhaltensprofil für die Alternanz identifiziert werden, das als Operationalisierung der gegensätzlichen Interpretationen betrachtet werden kann. Obwohl sich deutliche Profile zeigen, sind weitere Untersuchungen nötig, um adäquate Mittel für die Trennung des konzeptuellen Beitrags des Prädikats und des Komplements zu finden.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 1 ; str. 1-30  
 Elektronička verzija članka

Organizacija pripovjednoga diskursa [Elektronička građa] : anafora i kohezija u dječjem pripovijedanju / Ivana Trtanj. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 598-600. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovom se radu opisuje razvoj dječje pripovjedne sposobnosti i to kroz analizu uporabu anafore u funkciji stvaranja kohezivnoga diskursa. Istraživačka su pitanja usredotočena na to jesu li zamjenice i elipse koje rabe četverogodišnjaci i desetogodišnjaci u koreferentnom odnosu s antecedentom na koji se odnose, kada se javljaju koreferentni odnosi unutar rečenice te koja je vrsta koreferentne veze najčešća. Rezultati našega istraživanja potvrdili su pretpostavke da djeca prije šeste godine ne koreferiraju zamjenice i elipse s antecedentom na kojega se odnose te da se koreferentne veze unutar rečenice povećavaju s porastom kronološke dobi. Također, istraživanje je potvrdilo da je najčešća vrsta koreferentnih veza subjekt – subjekt. - The paper describes the development of children’s narrative ability by analysing the use of anaphora as a means of creating cohesive discourse. Our study seeks to establish whether the pronouns and ellipses used by 4- and 10-year olds are co-referential with their antecedents, at what age co-referential relations start to manifest within a sentence, and what type of co-referential relations is the most prevalent one. The results have confirmed our hypotheses that children under the age of six do not use their pronouns and ellipses co-referentially with their antecedents, that the presence of co-referential links within a sentence increases with age, and that the dominant type of co-referential relations is subject-subject.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 3 ; str. 583-601  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Djeca -- Pripovijedanje -- Pripovjedni diskurs -- Anafora -- Kohezija

Proceduralni sadržaj pragmatičnog karaktera / Barbara Vodanović.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka, od 3. do 5. svibnja 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 52-53 str. - Abstract.
U: Jezik i um. - ISSN . - str. 43-54
Konektor i -- Proceduralni sadržaj -- Interpretativnost -- Polifonija

Redaktura strojnih prijevoda - sve važniji prevoditeljski zadatak / Goranka Antunović i Nataša Pavlović. - Graf. prikazi.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka, od 3. do 5. svibnja 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 162-165 str. - Abstract.
U: Jezik i um. - ISSN . - str. 147-167
Strojno prevođenje -- Redaktura strojnih prijevoda -- Dostupnost izvornika -- Vrste pogrešaka

Reformulation markers in academic discourse [Elektronička građa] : a cross-linguistic and cross-disciplinary study / Jolanta Šinkūnienė. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 551-553. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Using quantitative and qualitative approaches alongside contrastive analysis, this paper investigates distribution frequency and functions of reformulation markers employed in academic discourse in two languages (English and Lithuanian) and three science fields (humanities, medicine, technology). The English language data is taken from the academic language sub-corpus of the Corpus of Contemporary American English, while the Lithuanian language data comes from the Corpus Academicum Lithuanicum, a specialised synchronic corpus of written academic Lithuanian. The results show that it is the humanities scholars who employ reformulation markers most frequently in both languages. They also employ a wider range of reformulation markers and use them in more diverse ways than scholars in the hard fields. The most frequent function of reformulation markers irrespective of language and science field is the interpretation of explicit content. The analysis highlights the importance of the discipline and genre in the distribution and use of reformulation markers. - Na temelju kontrastivne analize te uporabom kvantitativnog i kvalitativnog metodološkog pristupa, u radu se istražuju distribucija i funkcije objasnidbenih konektora u korpusu tekstova iz humanističkih, medicinskih i tehničkih znanosti u engleskom i litvanskom jeziku. Engleski primjeri prikupljeni su iz dijela (potkorpusa) Korpusa suvremenog američkog engleskog jezika (COCA) koji čine znanstveni tekstovi, dok je za analizu litvanskog jezika korišten specijalizirani sinkronijski korpus pisanog akademskog litvanskog jezika (Corpus Academicum Lithuanicum). Analiza pokazuje da se u oba jezika objasnidbeni konektori najčešće pojavljuju u tekstovima pisaca iz humanističkih znanosti. Rezultati također ukazuju na to da u odnosu na pisce tekstova iz tehničkih i medicinskih znanosti, pisci u humanističkim znanostima koriste raznovrsnije konektore za ostvarivanje više različitih funkcija u tekstu. Neovisno o jeziku i znanstvenom području, najčešća funkcija objasnidbenih konektora je interpretacija eksplicitnog sadržaja. Rad naglašava važnost znanstvenog područja i žanra u distribuciji i uporabi objasnidbenih konektora.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 3 ; str. 531-553  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Objasnidbeni konektori -- Korpusna lingvistika -- Engleski jezik -- Litavski jezik

The relationship between lexical complexity measures and language learning beliefs [Elektronička građa] / Ervin Kovačević. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 578-581. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Although the relationship between language proficiency and learner beliefs is generally viewed as weak, indirect, and distant, there are empirical findings which show that the relationship between syntactic complexity measures and language learning beliefs is statistically tangible. Since syntactic complexity is only one constituent of the linguistic complexity system, it seems plausible to question whether other constituents of the system are also in statistically measurable relationships with language learning beliefs. This research project explores the relationship between 25 lexical complexity measures (Lu 2012; 2014) and four subscales of language learning beliefs that are suggested for Horwitz’s (2013) Beliefs about Language Learning Inventory—BALLI 2.0 (Kovačević 2017). For three semesters (Fall 2014, Spring and Fall 2015), 152 freshman students at the International University of Sarajevo responded to BALLI 2.0 and wrote in-class exam essays which were converted into an electronic format. The results show 15 statistically significant correlation coefficients between 14 lexical complexity measures and three BALLI 2.0 subscales. Overall, it may be concluded that the relationship between lexical complexity measures and language learning beliefs is statistically detectable. The findings imply that the lexical complexity framework offers valuable opportunities for exploring how and to what extent particular individual differences manifest in foreign language production. - Iako se odnos između jezičnog umijeća i vjerovanja o učenju općenito opisuje kao slab i neizravan, postoje empirijski dokazi da je veza između mjernih jedinica sintaktičke složenosti i vjerovanja o učenju jezika statistički opipljiva. Budući da je sintaktička složenost samo jedan od podsustava jezične složenosti, potrebno je ispitati jesu li i ostali podsustavi u statistički mjerljivom odnosu s takvim vjerovanjima. U ovoj se studiji istražuje veza između 25 indeksa leksičke složenosti (Lu 2012; 2014) i četiri podljestvice vjerovanja o učenju jezika izvedene iz instrumenta Vjerovanja o učenju jezika (The Beliefs about Language Learning Inventory—BALLI 2.0, Horwitz 2013; Kovačević 2017). Tijekom tri semestra (zimski semestar akademske godine 2014./2015., te ljetni i zimski semestar akademske godine 2015./2016.) prikupljen je uzorak eseja 152 studenta prve godine preddiplomskih programa na Međunarodnom sveučilištu u Sarajevu. Rezultati pokazuju 15 statistički značajnih koeficijenata korelacije između 14 indeksa leksičke složenosti i tri podljestvice BALLI 2.0. Na temelju rezultata može se zaključiti da je veza između indeksa leksičke složenosti i vjerovanja o učenju stranog jezika statistički mjerljiva. Na temelju rezultate analize može se izvesti zaključak da konstrukt leksičke složenosti predstavlja koristan okvir za proučavanje načina na koji, i opsega u kojemu se individualne razlike manifestiraju u uporabi stranog jezika.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 3 ; str. 555-582  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Strani jezici -- Učenje jezika -- Jezična složenost -- Leksička složenost

Sinonimni eponimski i neeponimski nazivi u jeziku prirodnih i tehničkih znanosti / Snježana Kereković. - Graf. prikazi.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka, od 3. do 5. svibnja 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 9 jed. - Abstract.
U: Jezik i um. - ISSN . - str. 99-118
Eponimski nazivi -- Neeponimski nazivi -- Sinonimi -- Transparentnost

Sportske metafore u nesportskome publicističkom diskursu / Iva Polić.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka, od 3. do 5. svibnja 2018. - Bibliografija: 70-71 str. - Abstract.
U: Jezik i um. - ISSN . - str. 55-72
Metafora -- Sport -- Publicistički diskurz -- Politički diskurz

NIGOEVIĆ, Magdalena
Sull'uso del vocabolo 'balcanizzazione' nell'italiano contemporaneo / Magdalena Nigoević i Mislav Vušković. - graf. prikazi.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka, od 3. do 5. svibnja 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 17 jed. - Abstract.
U: Jezik i um. - ISSN . - str. 119-131
Balkanizacija -- Novine -- Talijanski jezik -- Determinologizacija

DECKERT, Mikołaj
Translatorial and non-translatorial automaticity [Elektronička građa] : an integrative account / Mikołaj Deckert. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 108-117. - Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - The paper examines empirically a subset of cognitive processes in trainee translators with the objective of gaining an insight into their decision-making. Specifically, we are interested in the nature and role of automated processing – above all, how pronounced it can be and how it influences the quality of decisions. The paper’s objective is then to come up with an integrative view of the relationship between translatorial automaticity and cognitive automaticity in general, viz. that not associated with translation. This could help us better capture some of the characteristics of translator behaviour and supplement our understanding of translation competence. Results from experiments with trainees reported in the paper show no correlation between the two dimensions of automated processing, and indicate that translatorial automaticity could be harder to override than its more general counterpart. - Zweck dieser Abhandlung ist die empirische Untersuchung einer Teilmenge kognitiver Prozesse bei Übersetzern in der Ausbildung mit dem Ziel, einen Einblick in deren Entscheidungsfindung zu gewinnen. Dabei ist insbesondere die Art und Funktion der automatisierten Verarbeitung von Interesse – v. a. wie ausgeprägt diese sein kann und wie sie die Qualität von Entscheidungen beeinflusst. Ein weiteres Ziel der Abhandlung ist es, zu einer integrativen Sicht auf die Beziehung zwischen translatorischer Automatizität und kognitiver Automatizität allgemein, d. h. nicht im Zusammenhang mit Übersetzung, zu gelangen. Dies könnte zur besseren Erfassung bestimmter Merkmale des Übersetzerverhaltens beitragen und unser Verständnis der Übersetzungskompetenz verbessern. Die in der Abhandlung erläuterten Ergebnisse aus Experimenten mit Übersetzern in der Ausbildung weisen auf keinen Zusammenhang zwischen den beiden Dimensionen der automatisierten Verarbeitung hin und zeigen, dass sich die Ausschaltung der translatorischen Automatizität im Gegensatz zu der Ausschaltung ihres allgemeineren Gegenstücks als schwieriger erweisen könnte.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 1 ; str. 85-118  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prevođenje -- Prijevod -- Kognitivni procesi

Why do sparkles make a sound in English? [Elektronička građa] : the impact of media exposure on child L2 vocabulary acquisition / Mateja Hendrih, Stela Letica Krevelj.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 470-472. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Due to their features of multi-modal presentation and their abundance in terms of availability and diversity, the media have been assumed to have a distinct effect on second language acquisition (SLA). Although their beneficial effect on overall SLA has been found in various studies, very few of them examined the characteristics of different types of media in relation to how they may influence second language (L2) vocabulary acquisition at an early age. We present a case study of a 9-year-old Croatian girl who had achieved high competence in the English language primarily through exposure to television (TV) content in English. We examined her production for the evidence that some features of television as a medium might have influenced the development of her vocabulary and the way she experienced and used the L2. The production data was collected in a series of unstructured conversations in the informal atmosphere of the participant’s home. Additional data on the participant’s language learning background were collected in interviews with the participant and her parents. The results suggest that exposure to TV as a medium, which provides opportunities for repeated exposure to rich input, contextualized language, and a combination of visual and aural stimuli, may have an important influence on L2 vocabulary acquisition. However, it has to be emphasized that the influence was evidenced in the production of a highly motivated language learner in an environment that was truly supportive of her language development. - Medijima se, zbog njihovih značajki poput mogućnosti višemodalnog prikaza te široke dostupnosti i raznolikosti, često pripisuje poseban utjecaj na ovladavanje stranim jezikom. Iako su razna istraživanja utvrdila dobrobiti izloženosti medijima na drugom jeziku, malo je istraživanja koja ispituju obilježja raznih vrsta medija i njihova utjecaja na usvajanje vokabulara. Ovaj rad prikaz je studije slučaja devetogodišnje djevojčice iz Hrvatske koja je postigla visoku razinu jezičnog umijeća u engleskom jeziku prvenstveno putem izloženosti televizijskim sadržajima na tom jeziku. Analizirali smo njezinu jezičnu produkciju da bismo utvrdili jesu li pojedine značajke televizije kao medija možebitno utjecale na razvoj njezina vokabulara te na način na koji doživljava i koristi drugi jezik. Podaci o jezičnoj produkciji sudionice prikupljani su u njezinu domu, tijekom niza nestrukturiranih razgovora u neformalnoj atmosferi. Podaci o učenju jezika i jezičnom okruženju prikupljeni su putem intervjua sa sudionicom i njezinim roditelji-ma. Rezultati ukazuju da izloženost televiziji, kao mediju koji pruža priliku za opeto-vanu izloženost bogatom jezičnom unosu, kontekstualiziranom jeziku i kombinaciji vi-zualnih i zvučnih podražaja, može imati značajan utjecaj na ovladavanje vokabularom drugog jezika. Pritom treba naglasiti da je utjecaj uočen u jezičnoj produkciji visokomo-tivirane učenice engleskoga jezika u okruženju koje istinski podržava njezin jezični razvoj.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 3 ; str. 447-473  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Strani jezici -- Učenje stranog jezika -- Engleski jezici -- Mediji -- Televizija -- Izvanškolske aktivnosti

BLAGUS, Monika
Značaj stručnog znanja za adekvatno razumijevanje i prevođenje stručnog teksta / Monika Blagus.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka, od 3. do 5. svibnja 2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst; bibliografija: 143-144 str. - Abstract.
U: Jezik i um. - ISSN . - str. 133-146
Stručno prevođenje -- Stručno zvanje -- Razumijevanje

Vidi br.: HA19-01799

Vidi br.: HA19-01734

811.11   Germanski jezici

811.111   Engleski jezik

ILC, Gašper
Images of scales [Elektronička građa] : an English-Slovenian contrastive analysis of idiomatic minimizers and maximizers / Gašper Ilc, Frančiška Lipovšek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 80-84. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The paper investigates the syntactic, semantic, and cultural properties of minimizers and maximizers from a contrastive perspective. Minimizers and maximizers are scalar constructions whose function is to strengthen the speaker’s (negative) assertion by pointing to the minimal (minimizers) or the maximal (maximizers) point on a pragmatic scale. The syntactic analysis reveals that these items are predominantly sub-clausal (V+NP/PP or NP/PP), and polarity sensitive, requiring the presence of a polarity licenser. The lexical analysis identifies three possibilities with regard to lexical selections in the two languages: a complete, partial, and a non-existent lexico-semantic overlap. Furthermore, the corpus data indicate that there is considerable variation in the lexical items appearing in minimizers and maximizers (e.g., give a damn/shit/toss/fuck/monkey’s/fig/rat’s (arse, ass, fart)/hoot). Even though minimizers and maximizers in both languages involve the metaphor more is up, less is down / good is up, bad is down and part-for-whole metonymy, the analysis shows that the lexical selection in the two languages diverges due to different cultural conceptualisations and cultural background. The observation and results of the analysis presented herein aim at contributing to a better understanding of idiomatic expressions from the viewpoint of contrastive linguistics, cultural studies, and cultural conceptualisation. - U radu se istražuju sintaktička, semantička i kulturna obilježja minimizatora i maksimizatora iz kontrastivne perspektive. Minimizatori i maksimizatori skalarne su konstrukcije, čija je funkcija pojačavanje govornikove (negativne) tvrdnje pokazivanjem na minimalnu (minimizatori) ili maksimalnu (maksimizatori) točku na pragmatičkoj skali. Sintaktička analiza otkriva da je većinom riječ o podrečeničnim jedinicama (GLAGOL + IMENSKA SKUPINA/PRIJEDLOŽNA SKUPINA ili IMENSKA SKUPINA/PRIJEDLOŽNA SKUPINA), koje su osjetljive na polarnost, odnosno zahtijevaju prisutnost izraza koji dopušta polarnost. Leksičkom raščlambom utvrđene su tri mogućnosti leksičkog odabira u dvama jezicima: potpuno, djelomično i nepostojeće leksičko-semantičko preklapanje. Usto, podaci dobiveni iz korpusa pokazuju da postoji značajna varijacija u leksičkim jedinicama koje se pojavljuju u minimizatorima i maksimizatorima (npr. give a damn/shit/toss/fuck/monkey's/fig/rat's (arse, ass, fart)/hoot). Iako minimizatori i maksimizatori u oba jezika uključuju metafore VIŠE JE GORE, MANJE JE DOLJE/DOBRO JE GORE, LOŠE JE DOLJE te metonimiju DIO-ZA-CJELINU, analiza pokazuje da se leksički odabir u dvama jezicima razlikuje zbog različite kulturne konceptualizacije i kulturne pozadine. Zapažanja i rezultati izneseni u ovom radu nastoje doprinijeti boljem razumijevanju idiomatskih izraza s gledišta kontrastivne lingvistike, kulturnih studija i kulturne konceptualizacije.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 1 ; str. 63-84  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kognitivna semantika -- Kontrastivna analiza -- Kulturna konceptualizacija

STOPAR, Andrej, lingvist
Perception of General British monophthongs [Elektronička građa] : the case of Slovene students of English as a foreign language / Andrej Stopar. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 492-495. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The paper presents an experimental study on the perception of the Gen-eral British monophthongs that was conducted in three stages in 2014–2018. The vowels observed are studied by (i) comparing the vowel sys-tems of General British and Slovene, and (ii) by conducting an experi-ment on their perception. The analysis focuses on the participants’ over-all performance, their most frequent misperceptions, and their progress over the course of one semester. The results indicate: that the previously observed production difficulties mirror perception difficulties; that the discriminative failures of FL vowels are not entirely predictable by com-paring vowel systems; that new sound contrasts are assimilated in differ-ent ways; and that the participants’ perception of foreign language pho-nemes can benefit from explicit instruction. - Rad predstavlja eksperimentalno istraživanje o percepciji jednoglasnika standardnoga engleskog jezika, koje je provedeno u trima etapama, u razdoblju od 2014. do 2018. godine. Promatrani vokali istraženi su (i) usporedbom engleskoga i slovenskoga vokalskog sustava te (ii) provođenjem eksperimenta u njihovoj percepciji. Raščlambom se u središte pozornosti stavlja ukupna izvedba sudionika, najučestalije neusklađenosti u poimanju te njihovo napredovanje tijekom nastave unutar jednoga semestra. Rezultati ukazuju na činjenicu: da se promatrana izvedba iz prethodnih istraživanja odražava i u poteškoćama u percepciji jednoglasnika, da usporedbom vokalskih sustava nije u potpunosti moguće predvidjeti diskriminacijske pogreške kod vokala stranoga jezika, da se opreke kod novih vokala usvajaju / izjednačavaju na različite načine te da se percepcija fonema stranoga jezika prema jasno izloženim uputama može poboljšati.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 3 ; str. 475-496  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Engleski jezik -- Strani jezik -- Vokali -- Fonetika -- Slovenski jezik

Taste and sight [Elektronička građa] : a corpus analysis of English adjective-noun constructions / Jodi L. Sandford. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 250-253. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Embodiment is central to the Cognitive Linguistics enterprise. The grounding of language in body experience is one of the major tenets of linguistic description at various levels of analysis. We receive the infor-mation of the world around us through the bodily sensations; i.e. we per-ceive, then process and conceptualize it. Research into the sensory do-mains has continued to elicit further examination of how we use meta-phoric and metonymic cross-modal conceptualization in language. Inves-tigation has been carried out both on the single sense domains of touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight, but also on cross-modality or synesthetic phenomena. Linguistic transfer between various senses seems to respect a hierarchy from the lower (touch, taste, smell) to the higher senses (hear-ing and sight), even though some variation of this hierarchy has been noted. The present study is the first part of a two-fold analysis of cross-modal linguistic mappings that exist between the senses of taste and sight. The objective is to verify what collocations occur between the two do-mains: do they respect the hierarchy, and how frequent, or how strong are they? Corpus analysis of the construction of the adjective + noun type are in keeping with existing literature: the sensory domain that func-tions as source is understood as an adjective modifying another sensory domain, which is found in the form of a noun. This research concentrates on cross-modal pairs found through a corpus-based analysis of taste ad-jectives in the description of vision nouns, e.g. delicious colors. Linguis-tic data were retrieved from corpora that allow for comparison of the ac-tual usage and definition of these constructions. These include the Cor-pus of Contemporary American English (COCA), and the Mapping Meta-phor with the Historical Thesaurus of English. The experimental method-ology is in keeping with the usage-based approach of Cognitive Linguis-tics, considering frequency and relevance. - Otjelovljenost je središnji pojam u okviru kognitivnolingvističke paradigme. Utemeljenost jezika u tjelesnom iskustvu jedna je od glavnih postavki u opisu jezika na različitim razinama. Putem tjelesnih osjeta primamo, a potom obrađujemo i konceptualiziramo, informacije o svijetu. Istraživanja osjetilnih domena kontinuirano potiču daljnje studije o tome kako se koristimo metaforičkom i metonimijskom višeosjetilnom konceptualizacijom u jeziku. Istražuju se pojedinačne osjetilne domene dodira, okusa, mirisa, sluha i vida, ali i višeosjetilnost, odnosno sinestetske pojave. Jezični prijenos između različitih osjeta, čini se, ravna se prema hijerarhiji koja ide od nižih (dodir, okus, miris) prema višim osjetima (sluh i vid), iako su zapažena neka odstupanja. Ova je studija prvi dio dvodijelne analize jezičnih preslikavanja koja uključuju modalitete okusa i vida. Cilj je utvrditi koje se kolokacije uspostavljaju među dvama domenama, ravnaju li se one prema spomenutoj hijerahiji, koliko su česte te koliko su jake. Rezultati analize korpusa konstrukcija tipa pridjev + imenica podudaraju se s nalazima iz literature: osjetilna domena koja funkcionira kao izvorna domena interpretira se kao pridjev koji modificira drugu osjetilnu domenu koja se leksikalizira kao imenica. Ovo se istraživanje usredotočuje na parove pronađene korpusnom analizom pridjeva koji označavaju okus kao modifikatora imenica koje označavaju vidne podražaje, npr. delicious colours (‘ukusne boje’). Jezični podatci crpljeni su iz korpusa koji omogućuju usporedbu aktualne porabe i definiciju tih konstrukcija (Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) te Mapping Metaphor with the Historical Thesaurus of English). Eksperimentalna metodologija, tj. uočavanje čestotnosti i relevantnosti, u skladu je s uporabnim modelom kognitivne lingvistike.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 2 ; str. 221-254  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Engleski jezik -- Jezične konstrukcije -- Višeosjetilnost -- Korpusna lingvistika -- Kolokacije

Textual and pictorial representations in strategic thinking about linguistic meaning [Elektronička građa] / Marta Šarčanin, Renata Geld. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 443-445. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of this study was to investigate L2 speakers’ ability to think strategically about linguistic meaning by asking them to make sense of particle verb (PV) constructions, a particularly demanding aspect of the English language for L2 speakers. Our focus was on meaning construal strategies in textual and pictorial representations of 22 figurative PVs with the particle down. The participants were asked to express themselves verbally and visually, and we were interested in the nature of their answers as well as their relationship. More specifically, we wished to determine the salience of particular elements in the participants’ strategic meaning construal, the type of relationship between textual and pictorial representations and, finally, potential dominance of one mode over another, which was examined in terms of the well-established concepts of “relay” and “anchorage”. The results showed that participants generally related the meaning of the PV construction to its components in their textual answers, whereas in pictorial answers their main tendency was to attend to the figurative meaning of the PV. Furthermore, their textual and pictorial answers most frequently depended on each other, which allowed us to determine that the text-picture relationship was predominantly that of relay, i.e. that text was perceived as more significant in the text-picture relationship. - Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati sposobnost strateškog razmišljanja o značenju kod govornika engleskoga kao drugog jezika. Od sudionika se tražilo uočiti potencijalnu smislenost 22 figurativna značenja engleskih fraznih glagola s topološkom česticom down, što je iznimno zahtjevan zadatak za govornike engleskog kao drugog jezika. U središtu nam je zanimanja bilo dvomodalno konstruiranje značenja, odnosno prikaz značenja riječju i slikom. Analizirali smo sadržaj odgovora te odnos dvaju modaliteta. Željeli smo utvrditi koji elementi su najistaknutiji, na koji način ulaze u međusobne odnose, te koja vrsta odnosa dominira. Od osobitog su nam interesa bile sastavnice fraznoga glagola – topološke i leksičke čestice. Rezultati su pokazali da su sudionici skloniji smislenost značenja fraznih glagola pripisati topološkim i leksičkim sastavnicama u svojim pisanim odgovorima. S druge strane, u crtežima su naglašenija figurativna značenja ponuđena u upitniku. Također je ustanovljeno da su tekstualni odgovori i crteži uglavnom povezani. U analizi odnosa korištene su Barthesove funkcije – relej i sidrište. Pokazalo se da je odnos tekstualnih odgovora i crteža najčešće imao relejnu funkciju, odnosno da je u odnosu teksta i slike značajnija bila uloga teksta.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 3 ; str. 423-445  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Engleski jezik -- Glagoli -- Značenje -- Tekstualni prikaz -- Slikovni prikaz

Vidi br.: HA19-01471

Vidi br.: HA19-01765

Vidi br.: HA19-01748

Vidi br.: HA19-01780

Vidi br.: HA19-01771

Vidi br.: HA19-01761

811.112   Njemački jezik

LUKŠIĆ, Sandra
Prividna nereferencijalnost kao način stjecanja imuniteta govornika [Elektronička građa] / Sandra Lukšić, Irena Zovko Dinković.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 386-389. - Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung. - U radu se na pragmatičko-semantičkoj razini istražuje prividno nereferencijalna uporaba zamjeničke imenice čovjek i zamjenice man u funkciji subjekta za izražavanje neodređene osobnosti u hrvatskom i njemačkom jeziku. Prividno nereferencijalna uporaba navedenih izraza podrazumijeva njihovu uporabu u situacijama kada se isti referiraju na konkretne, ali prikrivene referente, neovisno o njihovu spolu. Cilj je rada prikazati na koji način takva uporaba subjektivne perspektive govornika može biti zamijenjena objektivn(ij)om te koje su pragmatičke implikacije takve zamjene. Metodologija rada uključuje analizu primjera prividno nerefencijalne uporabe zamjeničke imenice čovjek i zamjenice man na građi koja je ekscerpirana iz hrvatskih i njemačkih tiskovina (Jutarnji list, Večernji list, 24 sata, Spiegel, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung), iz pripovjetke Das Verbrechen (Grijeh) Mele Hartwig i romana Na rubu pameti Miroslava Krleže. Analizirani primjeri uporabe kategoriziraju se sukladno vlastitoj dvojnoj tipologiji i pristupu temi prividne nereferencijalnosti. Rezultati analize pokazuju da prividno nereferencijalna uporaba izraza čovjek i man može predstavljati snažan mehanizam provedbe strategije imunizacije subjekta (govornika, činitelja, doživljača, pisca, odnosno naratora), koji stječe imunitet tako što se distancira od svog iskaza, odmiče od vlastitog iskustva uopćavajući ga, prikriva egocentričnost te neizravno pomiče svoju odgovornost na druge kolektivne entitete. - In diesem Beitrag wird auf der pragmatisch-semantischen Ebene der quasi-nichtreferentielle Gebrauch der pronominalen Ausdrücke čovjek und man im kroatischen und deutschen Zeitungs- und Erzähldiskurs untersucht, der zum Ausdruck einer unbestimmten Persönlichkeit dient. Der quasi-nichtreferentielle Gebrauch dieser Pronomen impliziert ihre Verwendung in Situationen, in denen sie auf bestimmte, von ihrem Geschlecht unabhängige, aber verdeckte Referenten hinweisen. Die Analyse soll zeigen wie eine subjektive Perspektive mit Hilfe vom quasi-nichtreferentiellen Pronominagebrauch durch eine objektive ersetzt werden kann, und was die potentiellen pragmatischen Implikationen dieser Ersetzung sind. Das Verfahren der Datenerfassung umfasst die Analyse vom quasi-nichtreferentiellen Gebrauch der beiden Ausdrücke in kroatischen und deutschen Zeitungen (Jutarnji list, Večernji list, 24 sata, Spiegel, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung), sowie in der Novelle Das Verbrechen von Mela Hartwig und im Roman Na rubu pameti von Miroslav Krleža. Die analysierten Beispiele werden nach der Typologie und dem Ansatz von Wales (1980b), Helbig (1997) und Kordić (2001) kategorisiert. Die Ergebnisse der Analyse zeigen, dass der quasi-nichtreferentielle Gebrauch dieser Pronomen einen leistungsfähigen Mechanismus zur Umsetzung der Immunisierungsstrategie des Sprechers (des Akteurs, des Empfinders, des Autors und/oder des Erzählers) darstellen kann. Der Subjekt gewinnt seine Immunität indem er sich von der Äußerung und seiner eigenen Erfahrung distanziert, so dass er sie verallgemeinert, seine Egozentrik verbergt und implizit seine Verantwortung auf andere kollektive Einheiten überträgt.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 2 ; str. 353-390  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Imenice -- Nereferencijalna uporaba -- Pragmatika -- Hrvatski jezik -- Njemački jezik

811.16   Slavenski jezici

ZAJC, Marko
The language tribunal debate in 1982 [Elektronička građa] : perceptions of Slovenian language and "Yugoslav" immigrants in early 1980s / Marko Zajc.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 125-128. - Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - The article deals with a public debate on the institute of Jezikovno razsodišče (Linguistic Tribunal) after the Cankarjev dom incident that occurred on 22 March 1982. The first public pan-Yugoslavian debate about the nature of the Slovenian nationalism in 1980s merged the problem with the use of the Slovenian language and that of the position of immigrants who had come to the Socialist Republic of Slovenia from other Yugoslavian republics into a dangerous blend of linguistic, cultural, economic and political disagreement. - In diesem Artikel ist von einer öffentlichen Debatte über das Institut Spra-chgerichtshof nach einem Zwischenfall im Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana am 22. März 1982 die Rede. Die erste öffentlic-he panjugoslawische Debatte über den Charakter des slowenischen Nationa-lismus in den 1980er Jahren steht im Zusammenhang mit dem Problem des Gebrauchs der slowenischen Sprache und der Stellung der Zuzügler, die aus anderen jugoslawischen Teilrepubliken in die Sozialistische Republik Slowe-nien zugezogen waren. Daraus entstand eine gefährliche Mischung sprachlic-her, kultureller, wirtschaftlicher und politischer Unstimmigkeiten.
U: Review of Croatian history (Online). - ISSN 1848-9095. - 15 (2019), 1 ; str. 107-128  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slovenski jezik -- Nacionalizam -- Imigranti

Vidi br.: HA19-01773

811.163.42   Hrvatski jezik

KIŠ Žuvela, Sanja
The embodied and the cultural in the conceptualization of pitch space in Croatian [Elektronička građa] / Sanja Kiš Žuvela, Ana Ostroški Anić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 215-218. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Most conceptual metaphors that conceptualize musical pitch rely heavily on human perception, images and experience structured through spatial and orientation image schemas such as the schema of verticality. The paper analyses conceptual metaphors that structure pitch relations in terms of vertical space, thickness and size as they appear in the Croatian musical terminology. The image schemas of verticality and size are analysed within the conceptual metaphors pitch relations are relations in vertical space and pitch relations are relations in size in order to define to what extent their motivation is embodied and universal, and what can be attributed to cross-cultural and cross-linguistic influences present in the creation and understanding of music terminology in Croatia. - Konceptualne metafore kojima se konceptualizira visina glazbenoga tona uvelike počivaju na ljudskoj percepciji, predodžbi i iskustvu strukturiranom prostornim i orijentacijskim predodžbenim shemama kao što je shema vertikalnosti. U ovome se radu analiziraju konceptualne metafore koje strukturiraju odnose visina tonova s obzirom na vertikalni prostor, debljinu i veličinu, a koje se pojavljuju u hrvatskom glazbenom nazivlju. Predodžbene sheme vertikalnosti i veličine analiziraju se unutar konceptualnih metafora odnosi visina tonova jesu odnosi u vertikalnom prostoru i odnosi visina tonova jesu odnosi veličine da bi se odredilo u kojoj je mjeri njihova motivacija utjelovljena i univerzalna, a što se može pripisati međukulturnim i međujezičnim utjecajima koji su postojali tijekom stvaranja i razumijevanja glazbenoga nazivlja u Hrvatskoj.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 2 ; str. 199-219  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Konceptualizacija -- Glazba -- Teorija glazbe -- Visina tona

From šećerna tabla to čoCROlada [Elektronička građa] : a study of multilingual discourse on Croatian food labels / Emilija Mustapić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 142-145. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The study of linguistic landscape (LL) encompasses the language of public signs, commercial billboards, and other forms of written texts displayed in public (mostly urban) spaces of a particular geographical location. Its dual function, informational and symbolic, provides fertile ground for research into multilingualism, a phenomenon prevalent in today’s society. LL is made up of both large-scale entities such as billboards, and smaller everyday items such as leaflets, posters, and food labels. The aim of this paper is to explore the multilingual discourse on Croatian food labels with a special focus on the advent of words and expressions from the English language. Our quantitative examination of chocolate labels from the 1960s until 2010, presented in the first part of the paper, suggests that the Croatian LL has indeed embraced English (and other languages to some extent) and shifted from primarily monolingual to multilingual practice. Our qualitative analysis of contemporary Croatian chocolate labels in terms of language content relationship and visual arrangement, presented in the second part, indicates a strong English influence on shaping the Croatian LL in the realm of food labelling. It, therefore, confirms the widely held idea that English has become a key component of product marketing. - Proučavanje jezičnoga krajobraza obuhvaća jezik znakova javnih ustanova, komercijalnih veleplakata i drugih oblika pisanih tekstova koji su izloženi u javnim (većinom urbanim) prostorima određenog geografskog područja. Njegova dvojna uloga, informativna i simbolička, predstavlja plodno tlo za istraživanje višejezičnosti, sveprisutnog fenomena u današnjem društvu. Jezični krajobraz sastoji se od većih entiteta kao što su veleplakati, ali i manjih, svakodnevnih poput letaka, postera i prehrambenih omota. Cilj je ovoga rada istražiti i opisati višejezični diskurs na omotima hrvatskih prehrambenih proizvoda uz poseban naglasak na pojavu riječi i izraza iz engleskog jezika. Kvantitativno istraživanje čokoladnih omota provedeno za razdoblje od 1960-ih do 2010. godine u prvom dijelu rada pokazuje kako je hrvatski jezični krajobraz usvojio engleski jezik (kao i neke druge jezike do određene mjere) te je od prvenstveno jednojezičnoga postao višejezičan. Kvalitativna analiza suvremenih omota hrvatskih čokolada u drugom dijelu rada provedena na primjeru odnosa jezičnog sadržaja te vizualnih karakteristika omotâ potvrđuje izražen utjecaj engleskog jezika na oblikovanje hrvatskog jezičnog krajobraza u području prehrambenih omota. Time se potvrđuje opće prihvaćena ideja kako je engleski jezik postao ključna sastavnica u oglašavanju proizvoda.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 1 ; str. 119-146  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Jezični krajobraz -- Ambalaža -- Prehrambeni proizvodi -- Višejezičnost -- Engleski jezik

BERTOŠA, Mislava
Između diskursa o prostoru i diskursa prostora [Elektronička građa] : mogućnosti lingvo-semiotičke analize devetnaestostoljetnih tekstova o gradnji i dogradnjama Zavoda za umobolne u Stenjevcu / Mislava Bertoša.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 170-173. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U članku se iz perspektive semiotike prostora analiziraju temeljni dokumenti o osnivanju, ustroju i prostornim preinakama Zavoda za umobolne u Stenjevcu. Oslanjajući se na analitičko-diskursne modele ispituje se način na koji je u njima legitimiziran diskurs o prostornom ustroju stenjevečkog Zavoda i izdvajaju tri temeljna principa (estetski, ekonomski i utilitarni) s pomoću kojih je legitimizacija postignuta, te se identificiraju temeljni topoi i ispituje njihova argumentacija u različitim kontekstima. Posebno se analiziraju tekstovi u kojima različiti stručnjaci raspravljaju o budućem spacijalnom ustroju Zavoda i odmjeravaju prednosti i nedostatke dvaju temeljnih modela spacijalne organizacije ludničkih prostora u 19. stoljeću – paviljonskog i monolitnog. Rezultati analize pokazuju su da su neka od temeljnih obilježja diskursa o prostornom uređenju Zavoda u Stenjevcu ekonomičnost, povoljnost i oportunost te funkcionalnost i svrhovitost. Oni se promatraju u sprezi s kontekstom razdoblja, ponajprije s prevladavajućim društvenim vrijednostima i devetnaestostoljetnim idejama o liječenju umobolnika. - This paper introduces a semiotic and discourse analysis of the main documents on the foundation, organization, and future space plannings of the Institute for the Insane in Stenjevec near Zagreb. Using the perspective of the semiotics of space and discourse-analytical models, the paper examines the means of legitimizing the discourse on space organization of the Institute. Three basic principles of legitimization are identified and analysed: esthetic, economic, and utilitarian. Also, the main topoi are identified, and their argumentation in different contexts is examined. Special attention is paid to the texts in which different experts of the time discuss future spatial organization of the Institute, and weigh advantages and disadvantages of the two basic models for the madhouses of 19th century Europe: the villa system and the monolithic model. Results show that the discourse on spatial reconstructions and future planning was economic, opportune, financially motivated, and function- and purpose-driven. These features are further analysed in light of the historical context, especially the social values of the time and 19th century ideas on the treatment of the insane.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 1 ; str. 147-173  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Semiotika prostora -- Diskursna analiza -- Legitimizacija -- Topos
Zavod za umobolne u Stenjevcu


KRUŽIĆ, Barbara
Metafora, metonimija, frazem i eufemizam [Elektronička građa] : o čemu govorimo kada govorimo o smrti? / Barbara Kružić, Goran Tanacković Faletar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 415-418. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj je ovoga rada istražiti hrvatski frazeološki korpus vezan uz komunikaciju o smrti i umiranju, s posebnim obzirom na njegov eufemizacijski, odnosno disfemizacijski potencijal, a potom i ispitati jesu li s formiranjem tih dviju kategorija povezani isti ili različiti kognitivni mehanizmi. Radna je pretpostavka autorȃ ovoga rada da su eufemizmi u tom smislu češće temeljeni na metaforičkom načelu, s obzirom na to da konceptualna metafora kao dvodomenski model omogućuje konceptualni pomak iz traumatične ciljne domene tabua u kakvu ugodniju i komunikacijski prihvatljiviju iskustvenu domenu izvora, dok su disfemizmi u većoj mjeri vezani uz konceptualnu metonimiju koja, kao kognitivni mehanizam čija se izvorna i ciljna sastavnica, tj. pokretač i aktivna zona, zadržavaju u okviru iste konceptualne domene, ne pruža mogućnost konceptualnoga „bijega“ iz traumatičnoga područja, već izravno imenuje neki od njegovih aspekata. Kako bi se ispitala utemeljenost takve pretpostavke, autori rada proveli su anketno ispitivanje o hrvatskome frazeološkom inventaru vezanom uz semantičko polje smrti i umiranja, a njegovi rezultati potom su obrađeni te analizirani u metodološkim okvirima kognitivnoga pristupa metafori i metonimiji. Pokazalo se da nešto više od polovice frazema ispitanici koriste u svrhu eufemizacije, a najčešće se u tome posežu za konceptualnom metaforom smrt je san. - The objective of this paper is to examine a corpus of Croatian phraseological units about death and dying with particular regard to their euphemistic, i.e. dysphemistic potential. We then explore whether their euphemistic or dysphemistic potential can be related to the same or different cognitive mechanisms. Our working hypothesis is that euphemisms are more readily grounded in cognitive metaphors, since, as a two-domain model, conceptual metaphor enables a conceptual shift between domains, i.e. from a traumatic taboo target domain into a more pleasant and communication-friendly source domain. Dysphemisms, in turn, are more closely related to conceptual metonymy, a cognitive mechanism where the source and the target components, i.e. the vehicle and active zone remain within the same conceptual domain. As such, conceptual metonymy does not allow for the conceptual “escape” from, but rather highlights some aspects of the traumatic target domain. To assess the plausibility of this hypothesis, we conducted a survey among 49 speakers of Croatian, examining the Croatian phraseological inventory related to the semantic field of death and dying and interpreted the findings in light of the cognitive linguistic approach to metaphor and metonymy. The results have shown that over half the phraseological units examined are used euphemistically, with the conceptual metaphor death is a dream accounting for the majority of those examples.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 20 (2019), 2 ; str. 391-418  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Eufemizam -- Hrvatski jezik -- Frazem -- Konceptualna metafora -- Konceptualna metonimija -- Smrt

Some examples of Croatian dialects' influence on the lexical diversity of the contemporary linguistic idiom of Zadar among non-native elderly speakers [Elektronička građa] / Slavica Vrsaljko. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 148-149. - Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - The synchronic linguistic situation of the urban idiom in the city of Zadar is a result of several strands of dialectal influence: Neo-Shtokavian dialect spoken in the hinterland, Chakavian ikavian (“ikavski”) idiom spoken in the coastal region of Croatia, Central Chakavian ikavian-ekavian (“ikavski-ekavski”) dialect and standard Croatian. Lisac established that the contemporary Zadar idiom consists of a mixture of two Croatian dialects, Chakavian and Shtokavian, each in turn further subdivided into Central Chakavian and South Chakavian, Bosnian-Herzegovinian and East Herzegovinian, respectively. Due to varied historical circumstances, within these dialects we find a number of loanwords, mostly Turkish in Shtokavian and Romance borrowings in the Chakavian dialect. To this end the paper uses linguistic contact theory, applied in research on dialects, and explores influence in one direction only: it explores the presence of Turkish loanwords in Croatian idiom of Zadar (in its Shtokavian dialectal component) and Romance loanwords in the Zadar idiom (in its Chakavian component) but not the influence of Croatian on either Turkish or Romance languages. Hence the recipient language is Croatian (here specifically its Zadar idiom) while the donor languages are Turkish and Romance languages, mainly Venetian Italian but also standard Italian, and in some cases we are dealing with linguistic relics of Romance Dalmatian language in Croatian. We have selected to analyse Turkish loanwords in the Shtokavian dialect and Romance loanwords in the Chakavian dialect (within the Zadar idiom) because they are the most frequent foreign borrowings in the Zadar idiom, especially Romance elements that pervade the varieties of Croatian spoken in the coastal region (they often remain on a regional level only but some have passed from Chakavian into Croatian standard). - Die synchronische Sprachsituation des städtischen Idioms in Zadar ist das Ergebnis einer Reihe von dialektalen Einflüssen: der neo-štokawische Dialekt, der im Hinterland gesprochen wird, das čakawisch-ikawische Idiom, das in der Küstenregion Kroatiens gesprochen wird, das mittelčakawische ikawis-ch-ekawische Idiom und die kroatische Standardsprache. Der Sprachforsc-her Lisac hat festgestellt, dass das zeitgenössische Idiom der Stadt Zadar eine Mischung zweier kroatischer Dialekte, nämlich des čakawischen und des što-kavischen, sei. Der čakawische Dialekt sei darüberhinaus in den mittel- und südčakawischen und der štokawische in den bosnisch-herzegowinischen und ost-herzegowinischen einzuteilen. Infolge unterschiedlicher historischer Umstände haben sich zahlreich Lehnwörter in diese Dialekte eingeschlichen. Im štokawischen Dialekt han-delt es sich zumeist um türkische und im čakawischen um romanische Leh-nwörter. Diese Arbeit verwendet die Theorie von Sprachkontakten, die man auf die Forschung von Dialekten anwendet und die den Einfluss nur in jewe-ils einer Richtung untersucht: das Vorhandensein türkischer Lehnwörter (in seiner štokawischen dialektalen Komponente) und romanischer Lehnwörter (in seiner čakawischen Komponente) im Idiom der Stadt Zadar, aber nicht den Einfluss der kroatischen auf die türkische oder romanische Sprache. Da-her ist das Kroatische die Empfangssprache (hier konkret das Idiom in Zadar) und die Gebersprachen sind jeweils das Türkische und das Romanische, zume-ist das venezianische Italienisch bzw. die italienische Standardsprache. In eini-gen Fällen werden die sprachlichen Überreste der romanischen dalmatischen Sprache im Kroatischen untersucht. Zur Analyse wurden türkische Lehnwör-ter im štokawischen Dialekt und romanische Lehnwörter im čakawischen Dia-lekt (innerhalb des Zadarer Idioms) ausgewählt.
U: Review of Croatian history (Online). - ISSN 1848-9095. - 15 (2019), 1 ; str. 131-149  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Narječja -- Štokavsko narječje -- Čakavsko narječje -- Idiomi -- Turcizmi

Vidi br.: HA19-01335

Vidi br.: HA19-01810

82   Književnost

Vidi br.: HA19-01733

Vidi br.: HA19-01395

Vidi br.: HA19-01394

821   Svjetska književnost

821.11   Germanske književnosti

Athol Mayhew's travelogue "Montenegro as we saw it" as a literary cultural postcard of Montenegro [Elektronička građa] / Ana Pejović.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Abstract. - In this paper we shall depict an imaginary journey through Athol Mayhew’s Montenegrin chronotope. More precisely, we shall present heterotopia as an associative space of evocative elements by which the author, apart from spatial and temporal, also provides a mimetic paradigm of an unfolding story. We shall describe the ways Athol Mayhew’s travel narrative “Montenegro As We Saw It” achieves its cultural and historical coding through emphasizing its intellectual, monologic, associative, essayistic, existential and dramatic mimetic paradigm.
U: Studia Polensia (Online). - ISSN 2459-6256. - 8 (2019), 1 ; str. 99-117  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mayhew, Athol

821.111   Engleska književnost. Književnosti engleskog jezičnog izraza

"Jack be nimble, Jack be quick---" [Elektronička građa] : a curious existence in Emma Donoghue's Room / Noémi Albert.
Bibliografija: str. 410-412. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Emma Donoghue’s 2010 novel presents a mother and son in confinement, locked in a soundproof garden shed. The text operates with the dichotomy of inside/outside, recognizable in such different manifestations as the son’s perception of the world, confinement and escape, and others. These dualities reflect on the novel’s most prominent issue, which is trauma as experienced by Ma and Jack, respectively. Its investigation comprises the core of the paper, which entails a careful analysis of the peculiar bond between mother and son, breastfeeding a five-year-old in confinement, and the role language plays in the novel. The analysis of these issues will ultimately shed light on existence itself as particularized in the two characters. In the novel, this existence comes to the fore through the focus on the fundamental human values that stand at the core of their personas and their connection. - Soba (2010.) Emme Donoghue roman je o majci i sinu zatočenima u zvučno izoliranom spremištu. Roman se bavi dihotomijom unutar/izvan prisutnoj npr. u sinovoj percepciji svijeta, zatočeništvu i bijegu, i dr. Ove dualnosti sastavni su dio romana – traume koje proživljavaju i Ma i Jack. Cilj je rada iščitavanje traume u narativnom prostoru romana, a obuhvaća detaljnu analizu neobične povezanosti majke i sina, dojenje petogodišnjaka u zatočeništvu te ulogu jezika u romanu. Analiza ovih elemenata pojasnit će ideju življenja utjelovljenu u likovima Ma i Jacka koja počiva na osnovnim ljudskim vrijednostima prisutnima u njihovim osobnostima i njihovoj povezanosti.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 6 (2019), 2 ; str. 393-412  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kanadska književnost -- Romani -- Trauma -- Zatočeništvo -- Književna analiza
Donoghue, Emma


The acceptance of death in Raymond Carver's "A Small, Good Thing" [Elektronička građa] / Tea Duza.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper discusses the ways Raymond Carver depicts death in one of his most well-known short stories “A Small, Good Thing.” It deals with Carver’s minimalism as a literary device used to portray the communication (or lack of it) between the characters. The paper may be divided into three parts, showing the different stages of dealing with the protagonist Scotty’s death that his parents go through. The first part addresses denial, grief, and different ways in which people react to the death of a loved one. The second part elaborates on miscommunication as a leitmotif in Carver’s stories and shows the complete breakage of communication between the characters; namely between Scotty’s parents and the doctor, the baker, and the nurses, to name a few. The final part delves into the act of eating as a small, good gesture of kindness that brings people together and calms them down when a person dies. The end asserts that we constantly attempt to understand one another and, unfortunately, often fail to do so because of the unreliable and multi-faceted nature of language. - Ovaj rad analizira načine prihvaćanja smrti u jednoj od najpoznatijih pripovijedaka Raymonda Carvera „Mala dobra stvar“, s posebnim osvrtom na Carverov minimalizam kao književno sredstvo prikaza komunikacije (ili njezina nedostatka) među likovima. Rad se može podijeliti na tri dijela od kojih svaki prikazuje različite razine prihvaćanja smrti djeteta kroz koje prolaze Scottyjevi roditelji. Prvi se dio bavi poricanjem, tugom i drugim osjećajima kao reakcijama na smrt voljene osobe. Drugi dio analizira pogrešan način komunikacije kao lajtmotiv u Carverovim pripovijetkama te ga pronalazi u potpunom prekidu komunikacije među likovima pripovijetke – Scottyjevim roditeljima i liječnikom, pekarom, medicinskim sestrama i dr. Posljednji dio iščitava čin jedenja kao malu dobru gestu ljubaznosti koja povezuje ljude te ih smiruje kad voljena osoba umre. Rad završava zaključkom kako neprestano pokušavamo razumjeti jedni druge premda to nažalost često ne uspijevamo zbog nepouzdane i raznolike prirode jezika.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 6 (2019), 2 ; str. 413-422  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Američka književnost -- Pripovijetke -- Smrt -- Minimalizam -- Književna analiza
Carver, Raymond


KAO, Justine Shu-Ting
Body, space, and sensations in Edgar Allan Poe's "A Predicament" [Elektronička građa] / Justine Shu-Ting Kao.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 344-345. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper aims to examine the sensationalism of Blackwood’s Magazine as evident in Poe’s tale “A Predicament” and how Poe disengages from the tradition of Blackwoods. On the one hand, Poe conflates Psyche Zenobia’s adventure into a Gothic Cathedral with the Blackwood’s sensationalistic experience, which treats vehement sensations as the prime condition for stimulating the mind’s engagement with a spiritual vision of a world beyond the material world. On the other, Poe’s tale disengages itself from the tradition of Blackwood’s Magazine: Zenobia loses her sensations altogether in the quest for final knowledge and there is no return to her real life. This paper will further look at the mutilated/deformed body in Poe’s “A Predicament” as a body in pain, or without pain, through which the mind engages its imagination. It will also discuss how Poe, through Zenobia’s gaze and speculation upon a sublime cathedral, installs an aesthetic appreciation that distances an imaginary space from reality and facilitates self-mesmerism through which Zenobia is grounded in the earthly world, both physically and spiritually. - Cilj je ovog rada analizirati prikaz senzacionalizma Blackwood’s Magazinea u pripovijetci „Nevolja” Edgara Allana Poea te Poeovo propitivanje tog senzacionalizma. Poe istovremeno isprepliće pustolovine Psyche Zenobije u Gotičkoj katedrali i Blackwood’s senzacionalističko iskustvo, koje snažne osjete smatra glavnim stimulirajućim uvjetom za interakciju uma sa spiritualnom vizijom svijeta izvan materijalnog svijeta, ali se i distancira od tradicije Blackwood’s Magazinea. Zenobia u potpunosti gubi svoje osjete u potrazi za ultimativnim znanjem te se ne može vratiti svom stvarnom životu. Rad se bavi i osakaćenim/deformiranim tijelom u Poeovoj pripovijetci kao tijelom koje osjeti, ili ne osjeti bol te tako omogućuje umu da se koristi imaginacijom. Naposljetku, rad pokazuje kako Poe, pomoću Zenobijina pogleda i razmišljanjima o uzvišenosti katedrale, promiče estetski doživljaj koji odvaja imaginaran prostor od stvarnosti te stvara samoopčinjenost koja smješta Zenobiju i fizički i spiritualno u zemaljski svijet.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 6 (2019), 2 ; str. 329-346  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Američka književnost -- Deformirano tijelo -- Osjeti -- Gotička katedrala -- Književna analiza
Poe, Edgar Allan


From tradition to modernity [Elektronička građa] : Nina’s quest for hybrid identity in Manju Kapur’s The Immigrant / Ali Salami, Farnoosh Pirayesh.
Bibliografija: str. 363-365. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The paper explores the liberating power of Bhabha’s concept of hybridity in Manju Kapur’s novel The Immigrant. By concentrating on Nina’s immigration to Canada, the novel addresses her early affliction due to the cultural clash between the East and West, tradition and modernity, her assimilation problems, as well as her gradual assimilation, her in-betweenness, transformation in her roles and identity, and survival in the host world. She opens a space in-between the home and host culture, mediates between them, and becomes the citizen of two worlds; she thus enters the third space, i.e. she stands in-between two cultures prioritizing neither the home nor the host culture but the middle ground and emerges as a hybrid who occupies the in-between space and develops a double vision. Using Homi Bhabha’s insights, this study seeks to demonstrate that being positioned in the third space, i.e. moving beyond the polarities and challenging the fixedness of identity and experiencing in-betweenness – being neither one nor the other, might pave the way for her liberation. The paper is to show that Nina is neither one nor the other, i.e. neither a traditional nor a modern woman but both, simultaneously transcending and reconciling the tradition and modernity. - Rad proučava oslobađajuću moć Bhabhinog koncepta hibridnosti u romanu Imigrantica Manju Kapur. Prateći imigriranje protagonistice Nine u Kanadu, roman prikazuje njezine početne teškoće zbog kulturalnih razlika između Istoka i Zapada, tradicije i suvremenosti, njezine probleme s asimilacijom kao i njezin život između dvije sredine, promjenu njezine društvene uloge i identiteta te preživljavanje u novom svijetu. Nina ulazi u prostor između vlastite i nove kulture, posreduje između njih i živi u oba svijeta; na taj način, ona postaje dijelom trećeg prostora, tj. nalazi se u sredini ne dajući prednost ni jednoj ni drugoj kulturi, hibridom koji nastanjuje prostor između te razvija dvostruku svijest. Cilj je ovog rada primjenom Homi Bhabhinih teorijskih koncepata pokazati da biti dijelom trećeg prostora, tj. nadići suprotnosti, propitati ukalupljenost identiteta i iskusiti život u sredini – ne pripadati ni jednoj ni drugoj kulturi – može funkcionirati kao oblik Ninina oslobođenja. Nina nije ni tradicionalna ni suvremena žena nego oboje jer istovremeno i nadilazi i pomiruje tradiciju i suvremenost.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 6 (2019), 2 ; str. 347-366  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Indijska književnost -- Engleski jezik -- Književna analiza -- Hibridnost -- Hibridnost -- Imigracija
Kapur, Manju


BOND, Edward
Ljeto : "jedna europska drama" = (Summer - "a European play") / Edward Bond ; prevela s engleskoga [i uvod napisala] Acija Alfirević. - Fotogr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz uvodni tekst.
U: Dubrovnik (Matica hrvatska). - ISSN 0353-8559. - N.s. 30 (2019), 1 ; str. 94-134
Britanska književnost 20. st. -- Dramska književnost -- Drama

Masculinity beyond repair [Elektronička građa] : aging, pathology, and the male body in Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections / Stela Dujakovic.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 488-490. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This article explores representations of male aging in Jonathan Franzen’s The Corrections (2001) by looking at theories of aging, pathology, and hegemonic masculinity. While, in general, academic discourses about aging tend to link old age to pathology, the focus on gender stereotypes adds another layer to the perception of aging in Franzen’s novel. The Corrections is constructed around an aged patriarch who is not only struck by the illnesses of old age but, more importantly, he keeps clinging to an idealized masculine identity he is no longer able to maintain as an old man. Drawing on the difficulties of identity construction concerning Aging Studies and the lack of what Gabriela Spector-Mersel defines as “masculinity scripts,” my article illustrates how literary representations can construct male losses as symptoms of a silent virus that appears to break out in the aged body. The article will show that these (lived) hegemonic concepts of masculinity establish the male as a dominant collective but simultaneously constitute the inevitable failure of the individual. Hegemonic masculinities then have a disabling impact on the old man as is mirrored in Franzen’s doomed protagonist who becomes the victim of his own concepts of masculinity. - Rad istražuje prikaze muškog starenja u Korekcijama (2001) Jonathana Franzena s obzirom na teorije starenja, patologije i hegemonijske muškosti. I dok su, općenito gledano, akademski diskursi o starenju uglavnom skloni povezivanju starosti s patologijom, usredotočenost na rodne stereotipe otkriva slojevitost viđenja starenja u Franzenovu romanu. U središtu Korekcija nalazi se ostarjeli patrijarh kojega ne pogađa samo staračka bolest, već se on – što je još važnije – i dalje grčevito drži idealizirana muškog identiteta koji, kao starac, više nije u stanju utjelovljivati. Temeljeći se na poteškoćama oblikovanja identiteta u sklopu studija starenja te na nedostatku onoga što Gabriela Spector-Mersel definira „skriptama muškosti“, rad pokazuje kako književni prikazi mogu konstruirati muške gubitke kao simptome tihoga virusa koji se naoko javlja u ostarjelom tijelu. Rad pokazuje da ti (proživljeni) hegemonijski pojmovi muškosti uspostavljaju muškarce kao dominantan kolektiv, ali istodobno uvjetuju neizbježan neuspjeh pojedinca. Hegemonijske muškosti u tom smislu slabe starca, što se očituje u Franzenovu nesretnom glavnom liku koji postaje žrtvom vlastitih koncepata muškosti.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 6 (2019), 2 ; str. 469-491  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Američka književnost -- Starenje -- Muškost -- Književna analiza
Franzen, Jonathan


BAKRAČ, Miluša
Montenegro in travelogue Black lamb and grey falcon [Elektronička građa] : a journey through Yugoslavia, 1941 [by] Rebecca West / Miluša Bakrač.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Abstract. - The subject of this paper will be the presentation of Montenegro in the travelogue Black Lamb and Grey Falcon by Rebecca West. This travelogue will be analysed from the literary-historical, literary-theoretical and imagological perspectives. We will deal with the chronotope of Montenegro (Kolashin, Podgorica, Cetinje and Budva) and the national identity of the Montenegrin people from the viewpoint of a travelogue narrator that does not belong to that nation, as well as the creation of trans- national identities. We will also pay attention to the construction of ethnic stereotypes and their (non)duration in time. The paper will also include a comparison of characters and events depicted in the travelogue with historical figures and the events on which they are modelled. “The key assumption of the literary-historical approach to the travelogue discourse is finding its typical places, shaping specific rhetoric of the travelogue based on a few backings from the narratology to the history of mentality.” (Duda 1998, 92) The presentation of Montenegro in the travelogue Black Lamb and Grey Falcon will be based on Duda’s assumptions and Bakhtin’s perception of chronotope as “the essential interconnection of time and space relations” (Bakhtin 1989, 193). We will also take into account the views of Gerard Genette and Mieke Bal.
U: Studia Polensia (Online). - ISSN 2459-6256. - 8 (2019), 1 ; str. 31-51  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Putopis -- Književna analiza -- Identitet -- Stereotip
West, Rebecca


ŠESNIĆ, Jelena
The past and present of age and ageing in The Country of the Pointed Firs and Olive Kitteridge [Elektronička građa] / Jelena Šesnić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 466-467. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The text examines the well-known late-nineteenth century novel The Country of the Pointed Firs (1896) by Sarah Orne Jewett and the early twenty-first century novel Olive Kitteridge (2008) by Elizabeth Strout, and sets them in several distinct but intersecting contexts within a larger argument about the reading methodology motivated by age studies and their growing appreciation in the humanities. This argument is then extended in the sections focusing on pastoralism and the way it incorporates, or evades, the question of age and ageing. The next section takes up the possibilities opened up by the pastoral mode and links them to another strain of fiction to which both texts belong despite the temporal distance, that of regionalism and its long tradition specifically in New England fiction examined from the vantage point of age. Finally, the last section of the argument adds further considerations not only of the parallels but also of telling differences between the two texts due to the different temporal and cultural context in which they strive to represent age and ageing. By focusing on emotions and their display as part of the narrative of ageing, both texts (Olive Kitteridge in particular) meaningfully illustrate the issue of age with its many ramifications for the contemporary Western societies. The two texts thus show a transition in American culture in the representations of age and ageing from its pre-scientific phase (in Jewett’s text) to the current medicalized and scientific view of age and its consequences (in Strout’s text). - Tekst razmatra klasični roman američke književnost s konca 19. stoljeća, The Country of the Pointed Firs (Kraj šiljastih jela, 1896), spisateljice Sare Orne Jewett i roman Olive Kitteridge, spisateljice Elizabeth Strout, s početka 21. stoljeća (2008) te ih postavlja u međusobne kontekste unutar interpretacije inspirirane studijima starenja i njihove sve veće prepoznatljivosti u humanistici. Ovaj se argument potom dopunjuje pojmom pastoralizma, osobito s obzirom na to kako uključuje ili isključuje pitanja dobi i starenja. Oba se teksta potom stavljaju u kontekst regionalne proze i njezine duge tradicije osobito u prozi Nove Engleske, promatrano iz očišta dobi. Konačno, značajne sličnosti ali i razlike između oba teksta nadaju se razmatranju na koji način različiti vremenski i kulturni konteksti utječu na prikaz osjećaja i njihova izražavanja u njima. Promotrene razlike ilustriraju na koji način pitanje starenja, i njegove brojne popratne pojave, utječu na suvremena zapadna društva. Oba teksta, dakle, pokazuju prijelaz u američkoj kulturi od prikaza dobi i starenja u predznanstvenoj fazi (Jewett) do suvremenoga medikaliziranog i znanstvenog pogleda na starost i njezine posljedice (Strout).
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 6 (2019), 2 ; str. 443-468  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Američka književnost -- Roman -- Književna analiza -- Pastoralizam -- Regionalizam
Strout, Elizabeth -- Jewett, Sarah Orne


The spectre of death in Don DeLillo's Zero K [Elektronička građa] / Lovro Furjanić.
Bibliografija: str. 510-511. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper offers a basic overview of the transhumanist movement, particularly its approach to ageing. The transhumanist philosophy of ageing strives both towards prolonging the human life and removing the ill effects of ageing. Special emphasis will be put on cryopreservation, which is a currently relevant and functional, albeit controversial, method of suspending death. A group of traditional issues regarding cryonic technology, such as its biological feasibility, will be evaluated. Following the detailed theoretical investigation, Don DeLillo’s Zero K will be analyzed based on the philosophical background of the transhumanist movement, the evaluation of the desirability of cryonic technology, and its rendering of ageing and death. Zero K subtly brings to attention the economic background of this complex technical process, which is often a blind spot in discussions regarding the positive and negative aspects of cryonics. Transhumanism espouses the wide availability of human enhancement methods, but Zero K draws attention to wealth as the demarcation line between those who can choose to enjoy the benefits of technology and those who remain excluded regardless of their choice. In this context, Zero K confronts the potential of cryopreservation with reality and draws attention to points of tension within the transhumanist approach to ageing. - Ovaj članak nudi osnovni pregled transhumanističkog pokreta s posebnim naglaskom na transhumanistički pristup starenju. Transhumanistička filozofija starenja teži produženju ljudskog života i uklanjanju negativnih posljedica starenja. Krioprezervacija, koja je neovisno o kontroverznosti trenutačno relevantna i funkcionalna metoda zaustavljanja smrti bit će posebno naglašena. Tekst sadrži procjenu skupine tradicionalnih problema s krioničkom tehnologijom, poput njezine biološke izvedivosti. To će detaljno teorijsko promišljanje pratiti analiza DeLillova romana Zero K na temelju filozofske podloge transhumanističkog pokreta, procjene poželjnosti krioničke tehnologije i prikaza starenja i smrti u romanu. Roman suptilno privlači pozornost ekonomskoj pozadini ovog složenog tehničkog procesa, koja je često slijepa pjega u diskusijama o pozitivnim i negativnim aspektima krionike. Transhumanizam se zalaže za široku dostupnost metoda poboljšanja čovjeka, ali Zero K privlači pozornost bogatstvu kao demarkacijskoj liniji između onih koji mogu izabrati da uživaju u dobrobitima tehnologije i onih koji ostaju isključeni neovisno o vlastitom izboru. U tom kontekstu DeLillov roman suočava mogućnost krioprezervacije sa stvarnošću i privlači pozornost točkama tenzije unutar transhumanističkog pristupa starenju.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 6 (2019), 2 ; str. 493-512  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Američka književnost -- Romani -- Transhumanizam -- Krionika -- Starenje -- Književna analiza
DeLillo, Don


821.112.2   Njemačka književnost. Književnosti njemačkog jezičnog izraza

NOVAK, Sonja, kulturologinja
Maschinenmensch und Geistesmensch im Drama Thomas Bernhards Der Ignorant und der Wahnsinnige [Elektronička građa] / Sonja Novak.
Bibliografija: str. 219. - Zusammenfassung ; Sažetak ; Abstract. - Thomas Bernhard baut seine Protagonisten auf Basis seiner eigenen ästhetischen Kategorie des „Geistesmenschen“. Diese Geistesmenschen quälen die anderen Gestalten mit ihren Monologen, in denen sie die Gesellschaft kritisieren, sind jedoch selber mangelhaft. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird eine weitere ästhetische Kategorie der Gestalten identifiziert und untersucht, die des „Maschinenmenschen“. Es wird behauptet, dass Geistes- und Maschinenmenschen in Bernhards Drama Der Ignorant und der Wahnsinnige in Abhängigkeitsbeziehungen zueinander stehen. Obwohl man Geistes- und Maschinenmenschen als Gegensätze betrachten kann, wird die Analyse beweisen, dass sie beide Teile desselben Systems sind. Bernhards Geistesmensch, der Doktor und Maschinenmensch, die Opernsängerin (die sogar buchstäblich als eine „Koloraturmaschine“ bezeichnet wird) entsprechen dem Konzept von Wunschmaschinen von Gilles Deleuze und Felix Guattari in Anti-Ödipus. Kapitalismus und Schizophrenie 1 und Tausend Plateaus. Kapitalismus und Schizophrenie II. Bernhards Doktor ist als entmenschlicht und als Teil der Prozesse und des Systems zu betrachten, weil er das Biologische überwinden möchte. Bernhards Maschinenmensch ist gleichzeitig die Verkörperung des Künstlichen; ihr Körper ist eine Maschine, deren Aufgabe ist, jeden Abend ihre perfekte Stimme zu produzieren, um der (Kultur-)Industrie ihre Ware immer wieder anbieten zu können. Das Erreichen des „organlosen Körpers“ bedeutet für die beiden ihre Freiheit vom System und eine Rückkehr in die Menschlichkeit. - „Čovjek duha“ Thomasa Bernharda estetska je kategorija na osnovi koje on gradi svoje protagoniste u književnim djelima. Često se radi o tiranima i fanaticima u potrazi za ultimativnom istinom i moći koji u svojim monološkim tiradama kritiziraju svijet i društvo oko sebe, a istodobno nisu ništa bolji od tog istog svijeta i društva; jednako su puni mana. Rad istražuje još jednu vrstu Bernhardovih likova, koji su naizgled sporedni, ali su čvrsto povezani s „ljudima duha“ i u toj su vezi često u podređenom, ovisnom odnosu. Za potrebe ovog rada će ta kategorija biti nazvana ljudi-strojevi. U drami Der Ignorant und der Wahnsinnige Thomasa Bernharda, kao „čovjek duha“ pojavljuje se Doktor, dok se kao čovjek-stroj pojavljuje Operna pjevačica (ona je i doslovno i figurativno opisana kao stroj, „Koloraturmaschine“). Iako po karakteristikama suprotni, ti su likovi u međusobno ovisnom odnosu i dva su lica onoga što Gilles Deleuze i Felix Guattari nazivaju „žudećim strojevima“ u djelu Anti-Edip. Kapitalizam i shizofrenija 1 i Tisuću platoa: kapitalizam i shizofrenija 2. Kao dijelovi iste mašinerije i sustava povezanih i međusobno ovisnih strojeva, svaki od njih na svoj način pokušava ostvariti ono što Deleuze i Guattari nazivaju „tijelo bez organa“ kao kategoriju slobode od sustava i međusobne ovisnosti: Bernhardov intelektualac Doktor tako doslovno tijekom cijele drame drži predavanje o tome kako secirati ljudsko tijelo i kako ukloniti organe jedan po jedan, dok se Operna pjevačica pokušava izbaviti od stroja kojemu služi – kulturne industrije. Dostizanje kategorije „tijela bez organa“ za njih znači slobodu od sustava strojeva i mogućnost povratka u ljudskost. - The so called “Geistesmensch” is Thomas Bernhard's aesthetic basis when creating a protagonist in his literary works. His “Geistesmenschen” [intellectuals] are often fanatic characters in pursuit of the ultimate truth or power and who have tiresome monologues in which they critique the world and the society. Yet they themselves are no better than this world and the society they criticize; they are also full of flaws. This paper examines another kind of Bernhard's protagonists, who are depicted as being in a subordinate, dependent relationship with these “Geistesmenschen” and are described as their opposites. For the purposes of this paper, they will be called “Maschinenmenschen” [human machines or mechanic humans]. In Thomas Bernhard's play Der Ignorant und der Wahnsinnige the character of the Doctor appears as the “Geistesmensch,” while the character of an Opera Singer appears literally and figuratively as a human machine (“Koloraturmaschine”). As opposite characters entangled in a co-dependent relationship, they represent what Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari call a system of “desiring machines” as described in their work Anti-Ödpius: Capitalism and Schizophrenia 1 and A Thousand Plateuas: Capitalism and Schizophrenia 2. As parts of the same machinery, they strive towards achieving what Deleuze and Guattari call “a body without organs” which represents a kind of freedom from their dependency on each other and the system: Bernhard's intellectual, the Doctor, describes throughout the play how to dissect the human body and in his monologues depicts very vividly how to remove its organs, while the human machine, the Opera Singer, is trying to pry herself loose from the machinery of the cultural industry she is a part of. Achieving a “body without organs” would for them mean freedom from the system of entangled machines and the possibility to become human again.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 6 (2019), 1 ; str. 207-221  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Književni likovi -- Književna analiza -- Austrijska književnost -- Njemački jezik
Bernhard, Thomas -- Deleuze, Gilles -- Guattari, Felix


JUG, Stephanie
Wilde Mädchen der Deutschsprachigen Literatur in Slawonien [Elektronička građa] / Stephanie Jug.
Bibliografska bilješka uz tekst ; bibliografija: 13 jed. - Zusammenfassung ; Sažetak ; Summary. - Der Beitrag untersucht die literarische Figur des jungen Mädchens in Slawonien. An drei Beispielen (Victor von Reisners Das angenehme Erbe, Roda Rodas Die Streiche des Junkers Marius und Wilmea Vukelichs Spuren der Vergangenheit) werden die literarischen Eigenschaften von Mädchen gezeigt, um sie mit der Tradition der sogenannten Mädchenbücher auf dem deutschsprachigen Gebiet vergleichen zu können. Die Figurenanalyse stützt sich auf die von Christa Stocker vorgeschlagenen Elemente: explizite und implizite Beschreibung von Bewegung, Natürlichkeit, Auffälligkeit, mentalitätsgeschichtliche Implikationen und Personenbezeichnungen. Die vergleichende Analyse zeigt, dass sich nur Victor von Reisner in seiner Rollengestaltung innerhalb des Rahmens der von Mädchenbüchern vorgeschriebenen Normen bewegt. Roda Roda und Wilma von Vukelich verleihen ihren Mädchenfiguren ungewöhnliche Eigenschaften, die sich nicht in die Einteilung zwischen wohl erzogenem und unerzogenem Mädchen einfügen lassen. Obwohl sie Eigenschaften von wilden Mädchen, d. h. Mädchen, die sich untypisch benehmen, zeigen, werden sie in den analysierten Texten nicht als unerzogen eingeschätzt oder sanktioniert. Ganz im Gegenteil: Ihre Eigenschaften, die sie als wild erscheinen lassen, geben ihnen eine Besonderheit und Charaktertiefe, die sie als erwachsene Frauen beibehalten. In allen drei Texten prägen die Eigenschaften der Region den Charakter der literarischen Mädchenfigur. - U radu se proučava lik djevojke u njemačkoj književnosti iz Slavonije. Na trima primjerima (Das angenehme Erbe Victora von Reisnera, Die Streiche des Junkers Marius Rode Rode i Spuren der Vergangenheit Wilme Vukelich) prikazuju se karakteristike likova djevojaka koje se zatim uspoređuju s karakteristikama koje takozvani djevojački romani promiču na njemačkom govornom području. Pri analizi lika djevojke koriste se elementi koje predlaže Christa Stocker: eksplicitni i implicitni opisi kretanja, prirodnost, nametljivost, ukazivanje na mentalitet koji je u tom razdoblju pripisivan djevojkama i nazivlje. Analiza i usporedba pokazali su da samo Victor von Reisner u svojem oblikovanju lika djevojke ostaje u okvirima dominantnih normi koje preporučuju i djevojački romani. Roda Roda i Wilma Vukelich svojim likovima djevojaka pridaju neobične karakteristike koje se ne mogu svrstati u ustaljene okvire odgojene i neodgojene djevojke. Iako one pokazuju karakteristike divlje djevojke, to jest djevojke koja po svojim osobinama nije tipična, u proučenim ih se djelima ne vrednuje i u konačnici ne sankcionira kao neodgojene. Naprotiv, njihove karakteristike, zbog kojih ih se poima kao divlje, daju im posebnu osebujnost i karakternu dubinu, koju zadržavaju i kao odrasle žene. Pokazalo se da sva tri teksta regionalne karakteristike utječu na karakter lika djevojke. - The paper analyzes the image of the young girl in German literature from Slavonia. The characteristics of young girls are shown on three examples (Victor von Reisner's Das angenehme Erbe, Roda Roda's Die Streiche des Junkers Marius and Wilma Vukelich's Spuren der Vergangenheit), which are then compared to the characteristics of young girls as depicted in German novels for young girls. The elements suggested by Christa Stocker are used in the analysis: explicit and implicit descriptions of movement, naturalness, officiousness, a state of mind attributed to young girls during the period in question and terminology. The analysis and comparison show that only Victor von Reisner portrays the young girl within the norms prescribed by novels for young girls. Roda Roda and Wilma Vukelich give their girl protagonists unusual characteristics that cannot be classified as well-behaved or ill-mannered. Although they show characteristics of wild young girls, i. e. girls that are not stereotypical, they are not judged or sanctioned as ill-mannered. On the contrary, the characteristics that make them seem wild give them a special distinctiveness and character depth which they preserve as adult women as well. The analyses also shows that in all three texts the regional characteristics influence the character of the young girl.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 6 (2019), 1 ; str. 185-205  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Njemačka književnost -- Romani -- Likovi -- Djevojke -- Stereotipi

821.12   Latinska književnost

Mitsko kao filozofska metoda u Vergilijevoj Eneidi [Elektronička građa] / Filip Krajina, Zdravko Perić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 145-147. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovom radu razmatramo moguća tumačenja Vergilijeve Eneide iz filozofske perspektive, što uključuje homerski, stoički i epikurejski element, jer usporedba Homerovih epova i Eneide u oblikovanju književnog teksta i filozofičnosti pokazuju podudarnosti. Platonički utjecaj na Vergilija, posredstvom Cicerona i njegova eklektičkog filozofskog pristupa, stoji u učenju o vrlini. Stoga je bitno razdvojiti ideje navedenih filozofskih sustava u Vergilijevu epu te obrazložiti njegov modus izlaganja mitskom filozofskom metodom. Fabulu i uzročno-posljedične veze epa vodi Božja sudbina koja je stoički shvaćena, što znači da je cjelokupna fabularna konstrukcija podređena stvaranju podloge za osnutak Rima kao carstva kojem je Bog namijenio da vlada pravedno i dobro. Uz etičku sastavnicu veže se i ontološka, zato što filozofiju epikurejaca i stoika karakterizira podjela filozofije na etiku, logiku i filozofiju prirode. Enejin model karakterizacije nije stvoren prema stoičkom modelu mudraca, a ni prema epikurejskom, nego glavnu ulogu igra homerski faktor, jer Eneja ipak izražava emocije ljutnje i bijesa kao većina antičkih junaka poput Ahileja i Odiseja, koji, vođeni emotivnom boli i tugom zbog gubitka voljene osobe, postaju osvetnički nasilni. Razlog takvom pripovjednom motivu je idealiziranje emotivnih muškaraca u helenskom, a takvim utjecajem onda i u rimskom razdoblju. Dakle, ono što je bilo presudno u oblikovanju glavnog junaka te njegova odnosa prema božanskom je rimska kultura i njezini etičko-ontološki zahtjevi manifestirani religijski. Začetnik mitske filozofske metode strukturirane u epskom pjesništvu je Homer, čiji kasniji utjecaj uspostavlja princip oblikovanja epa. Radi se o metodi iznošenja ideologizirane etike, zbog čega i je kulturalna, a formira se estetiziranjem mitološkog. - In this paper we discuss potential interpretations of Vergil's Aeneid from a philosophical perspective, which includes the Homeric, Stoical and Epicurean element, because the comparison of Homer's epics and Vergil’s Aeneid in the figuration of a literary text and philosophicity shows congruence. Platonic influence on Vergil, through Cicero and his eclectic philosophical approach, lies in the teaching of virtue. It is therefore essential to separate the ideas of the aforementioned philosophical systems in Vergil's epic and explain his mode of exposition by the mythical philosophical method. The plot and the causal and consequential links in the epic are controlled by God's Fate which is Stoically understood, meaning that the whole narrative structure is subordinated to the founding of Rome as an empire which God had intended to rule justly and well. Along with the ethical component, there is a relation with the ontological, because the philosophy of the Epicureans and the Stoics is characterized by the division of philosophy into ethics, logic and philosophy of nature. Aeneas’ model of characterization was not created according to the Stoic wise man ideal nor to the Epicurean, but the main role is that of a Homeric hero, as Aeneas still expresses emotions of anger and fury, as do most of the ancient heroes like Achilles and Odysseus, who, guided by emotional pain and grief owing to losing loved ones, became vengefully violent. The reason of such narrative motif is the idealization of emotional men in the Hellenistic period, as well as in the Roman period. Therefore, what was crucial in shaping the main character and his relationship towards the divine is the Roman culture and its ethical-ontological demands, which are manifested in religious form.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 6 (2019), 1 ; str. 125-149  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Etika -- Mit -- Ontologija
Ciceron -- Eneida -- Vergilije


Prva knjiga / Ilija Crijević ; prevela s latinskog [i uvod napisala] Zrinka Blažević. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: 555. obljetnica Ilije Crijevića (1463.-1520.). - Sadrži i: Aelius Lampridius Cervinus : Ilija Crijević (1463. - 1520.) : Carmina : Pjesme / Zrinka Blažević: str. 5-6. - Sadrži i: pojašnjenja prevoditeljice uz tekst.
U: Dubrovnik (Matica hrvatska). - ISSN 0353-8559. - N.s. 30 (2019), 1 ; str. 4-42
Hrvatska književnost 15./16. st. -- Hrvatski humanizam -- Hrvatski latinizam -- Hrvatski latinisti
Crijević, Ilija


821.13   Romanske književnosti

Materiality in Bruno Munari's book objects [Elektronička građa] : the case of Nella notte buia and I Prelibri / Marnie Campagnaro. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 377-378. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper reviews the primacy of materiality in Bruno Munari’s work based on the case study of two of his picturebooks. Bruno Munari was one of 20th-century Italy’s most eclectic figures. Over the course of his lengthy career as an artist and designer, Munari explored the field of materiality in children’s books with exceedingly favourable results. His picturebooks set a precedent in the field of children’s literature, and they are highly valued even today. Children are fascinated by the opportunity to organise the experience of reading more freely thanks to innovative graphic and typographic mechanisms that fully exploit the editorial potential of materials such as paper, construction paper, and cardboard, but also transparent or semi-transparent sheets of acetate film, wood, plastic, sponge, and so on. In this paper, I describe the exclusive relationship that Munari developed over the years with the book as an object in all its various components (text and paratext). To do so, I discuss two of Munari’s significant editorial projects, the picturebook entitled Nella notte buia [In the Dark of the Night] (1956) and I Prelibri [Prebooks] (1980). I analyse the ways in which the Milanese artist succeeded in exploiting all the communicative, aesthetic and educational potential of these books’ material dimension. - Rad razmatra primat materijalnosti u djelima Brune Munarija na primjeru dviju njegovih slikovnica. Bruno Munari bio je jedan od najraznorodnijih talijanskih umjetnika 20. stoljeća. Tijekom duge karijere umjetnika i dizajnera, Munari je istraživao materijalnost dječjih knjiga s iznimno vrijednim rezultatima. Njegove su slikovnice postavile novu paradigmu u području dječje književnosti te su iznimno cijenjene sve do danas. Djeca oduševljeno prihvaćaju mogućnost slobodnoga strukturiranja procesa čitanja koje im nude inovativni grafički i tipografski mehanizmi, do kraja iskorištavajući urednički potencijal materijala kao što su obični papir, papir za modeliranje i karton, ali također i prozirne ili poluprozirne folije, drvo, plastika, spužva itd. U ovom se članku opisuje ekskluzivni Munarijev odnos s knjigom kao predmetom u svim njezinim različitim sastavnicama (uključujući tekst i paratekst), koji je razvio tijekom godina. U tu svrhu razmatraju se dva Munarijeva važna urednička projekta, tj. slikovnica Nella notte buia [U mračnoj noći] (1956) i I Prelibri [Predknjige] (1980). Analiziraju se načini na koje je milanski umjetnik uspio iskoristiti različite komunikativne, estetičke i obrazovne potencijale materijalne dimenzije navedenih publikacija.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 8 (2019), 2 ; str. 359-379  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slikovnice -- Materijalnost -- Taktilnost -- Višemodalna pismenost
Munari, Bruno


Pinokio u hrvatskim prijevodima [Elektronička građa] : strategije prenošenja kulturnoga konteksta / Marija Andraka. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 71-73. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se istražuju hrvatski prijevodi Pinokija od prvoga prijevoda 1943. do današnjih dana. Prvi prijevod uspoređuje se s njegovim kasnijim izdanjima te s ponovljenim prijevodima nastalima 1990-ih i kasnije. Izraz „ponovljeni prijevod“ odnosi se na novi prijevod u istom jeziku već ranije prevedenoga djela (Koskinen i Paloposki 2010). U ovom se radu ponovljeni prijevodi istražuju i u okviru teorijskih postavaka koje razumiju prijevod kao adaptaciju (Klingberg 1986). Dva su glavna cilja istraživanja: (1) utvrđuje se postoje li razlike između prvoga prijevoda iz 1943., njegovih ponovljenih izdanja nakon 1945. i triju ponovljenih prijevoda nastala tijekom 1990-ih i kasnije, s obzirom na različit sociopolitički kontekst u kojem su se pojavili i na utjecaj ideologije na prijevode (v. Pokorn 2012, Hameršak i Zima 2015); (2) na temelju usporedbe prijevoda kulturno specifičnih jedinica, kao što su osobna imena, nazivi za hranu, regionalni i dijalektalni izrazi, tuđice, arhaizmi i frazemi, uspoređuju se prevoditeljske strategije u različitim vremenskim razdobljima i društveno-kulturnim kontekstima te se primjenom hipoteze ponovljenoga prijevoda uz pomoć primjera odomaćivanja i otuđivanja kulturnih sadržaja razmatraju motivi za ponovno prevođenje. - The paper looks into Croatian translations of Pinocchio, from its first translation, its later editions, to its retranslations in the 1990s and later. The term “retranslation” is used to refer to a new translation into the same target language of a previously translated work (Koskinen and Paloposki 2010). Pinocchio was first translated into Croatian in 1943 by writer and translator Vjekoslav Kaleb. This translation appeared in numerous editions after 1945 and is still being read by schoolchildren in Croatia. It co-exists with a number of retranslations, which appeared since 1996, in a completely different socio-political and cultural setting. The process of retranslation is interpreted with respect to the retranslation hypothesis. Translation as adaptation (Klingberg 1986) is also used as a theoretical basis for cultural content analysis. The aim of the research is twofold: (1) to establish possible differences between the first translation, its later editions (published after 1945) and the retranslations (published in the 1990s and later), which occurred due to the different sociopolitical context in which they appeared (see Pokorn 2012); (2) to identify culture-specific items, such as personal names, foodstuffs, regional expressions, etc., and to compare the solutions of the translators in different translations; the identified culture-specific units are analysed according to the level of domestication and foreignisation in the translations, and the reasons for retranslations are considered.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 8 (2019.), 1 ; str. 55-75  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prijevodi -- Ponovljeni prijevod -- Kulturni kontekst -- Sociopolitički kontekst -- Ideologija

Vidi br.: HA19-01346

821.16   Slavenske književnosti

Poetic side of a travelogue through the "Accord of different worlds" [Elektronička građa] / Nina Alihodžić-Hadžialić.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Abstract. - The subject dealt with in this work is non-hegemonic discourse which, in the spectre of philological interests, denounces the phenomena of hierarchialisation and dehierarchialisation linked to the problem of capturing the concept of the function a border has while being disseminated through literary theory and practice throughout travelogue as a literary form. By enquiring about cultural heritage applied in literature from Odyssey’s travels and challenges, this research has attempted to emphatically “listen poetically” to all aspects of human existence subjected by some to the border line of such worlds. Thus I here write about an exemplary travelogue which uses conceptual mechanism of its text based on the movement disputing then a conventional usage of literary language, which is today recognized as a form of violence as old as the very western history itself is. For that purpose, the work has incorporated analytical viewing of novelistic, essayistic and travelogue like literary heritage using travelogue essays Majka voda by Tvrtko Kulenovic, the most famous Bosnian-Herzegovinian writer and essayist. It is a travelogue of great significance taking us from “postmodern Odyssey” to its specific “ideology of water” and “religion of seas”. The ephemeral border between a body travelling to a body of travelling in his travelogue Majka voda takes us to the point of merging of two cultural circles. Poetic dimension may be inferred from Kulenovic’s suggestions: “Indeed, is there any shame in the fact that it is more intelligent to sail rather than row (...) That artistic skill is obtained more easily through the “eastern” relaxed surrender then through the “western” intent and concentration (attempt to forcibly control mind equals the attempt to even out the waves of the sea). Who hits the target, misses all? (...) We must be capable of changing our shape as water does. (...) In the beginning there was no word, but water.
U: Studia Polensia (Online). - ISSN 2459-6256. - 8 (2019), 1 ; str. 53-65  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bosanskohercegovačka književnost -- Teorija književnosti -- Putopis -- Dekonstrukcija -- Iterologija -- Postmodernizam -- Postkolonijalizam

821.163.42   Hrvatska književnost

The Croatian thousand-year dream [Elektronička građa] : narrative as the society effect / Zrinka Breglec.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 25-26. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This article explores the phenomenon of nation as narrative. This approach is rooted in political theory, more specifically, in post-foundational thought and poststructuralist narratology. The article is significantly informed by the so-called performative turn, especially in historiography. It will therefore focus on narrative and hi/story, as it is understood by Rancière: as a discourse which originally belongs to literature yet keeps escaping it. Relying on a literary technique, history constitutes itself as a science: this is why we can approach it by employing methods similar, albeit not identical, to those used to approach literature. The main argument put forward in this article is that society, understood in Laclauian terms, does not exist, whereas the (Croatian) society effect, that is, the illusion of society as a totality, is produced by the narrative of the so-called Croatian thousand-year dream. In other words, what Hobsbawm dubs the invention of tradition is founded upon the narrative’s past, while the impact of the present of this narrative’s narration is excluded from the mechanisms of the ontology of nationalism. - U ovome se radu fenomen nacije promatra kao (pri)povijest. Kao polazište za takvo razmatranje uzima se politička teorija, točnije postutemeljiteljska teorijska struja te poststrukturalistička naratologija. Važna pojava za ovaj rad je tzv. performativni obrat, posebice u historiografiji. U fokusu će dakle biti priča, odnosno (pri)povijest, na način na koji je shvaća Ranciere: kao diskurs koji originalno pripada literaturi, ali joj čitavo vrijeme izmiče. Koristeći književnu tehniku povijest se konstituira kao znanost – upravo joj je zbog toga moguće pristupiti sličnim, iako ne istovjetnim metodama kao i književnosti. Temeljna teza ovoga rada jest da društvo, laklauovski shvaćeno, ne postoji, dok se efekt (hrvatskog) društva, odnosno privid društva kao totaliteta stvara pričom o takozvanom hrvatskom tisućljetnom snu. Drugim riječima: ono što Hobsbawm naziva izmišljanjem tradicije temelji se na prošlom vremenu priče, dok se utjecaj sadašnjeg vremena pripovijedanja te priče isključuje iz mehanizama ontologije nacionalizma.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 56 (2019), 1 ; str. 7-26  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Društvo -- Hrvatsko društvo -- Hrvatska književnost -- Dekonstrukcijska historiografija

Dijalektika jedenja i govorenja u dramama Ive Brešana [Elektronička građa] / Gordana Čupković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 127-128. - Sažetak ; Summary. - S aspekta kognitivne semantike razmatraju se primjeri u Brešanovim dramama u kojima se izravno kontrastiraju jedenje i govorenje. Riječ je o primjerima kojima se posreduju književni toposi i konvencionalni izrazi koji svoje utemeljenje imaju u konceptualnim metaforama: ideje su hrana i um je spremnik i koji su i oblik specifičnoga tematiziranja jezika u novim pučkim komadima. Polazeći od klasičnih kognitivnih razmatranja (Lakoff i Johnson 1999) i Deleuzeova (2015) razmatranja dijalektike jedenja i govorenja kao odnosa unutarnjeg i vanjskog artikulira se dvojakost kulturnog modela gozbe – manifestacija razmjene ideja, svijesti i duhovnog te manifestacija hedonizma, unutarnjeg, nesvjesnog i tjelesnog – koja u Brešanovim dramama nalazi specifičan socijalnokritički oblik. - This paper investigates the contrast of eating and speaking from the theoretical standpoint of cognitive semantics, as it appears in plays written by Ivo Brešan. These examples are mediated by literary archetypes and conventional expressions based on the ideas are food and the mind is a container conceptual metaphors. They are also a specific way to problematize language in new folk plays. Starting from the classical cognitive view (Lakoff and Johnson 1999), and Deleuze’s (2015) dialectics of eating and speaking as a relationship between the inner and the outer, the paper articulates the duality of the cultural model of banquet: manifestations of the exchange of ideas, consciousness and spirituality, and manifestations of hedonism, inner, unconsciousness and physical.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 56 (2019), 1 ; str. 117-128  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kognitivna semantika -- Konceptualna metafora -- Dramski jezik -- Hrana -- Drame
Brešan, Ivo


Dubrovnik by Tadijanović [Elektronička građa] : a space of intimate in the service of the eternal / Tonći Lazibat. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Abstract. - From the very beginnings of its founding, the city has had a great significance: started as the center of social life, in a diachronic sense it has become a place of gathering of different centers of power, the public space, as well as the space of the private - by weaving collective and individual memory into it. The latter is recognized in Tadijanović’s Poems of Dubrovnik, a collection of fourteen poems for which the poet finds inspiration in the Town of Poets, over and over again, during the seventy- years time span. It is the city he loved from the very first moment, but in which he was loved as well, thus he often comes back in his thoughts, linking past, present and future. We have highlighted the four phases of his writing inspired by the Eternal City and have related the theme-motive background with the poet’s age. It is noticed that, in relation to the youthful and playful first love, the worries, the enthusiasm and the exhilaration, his later lyric is pervaded by philosophical concerns about the meaning of life, death, transience and the life’s drab, but he does not therefor diminish the importance of Dubrovnik. With his first and last poem he creates a kind of alpha and omega of his Dubrovnik opus, signifying Dubrovnik as one perfectly finished mindset, by its cyclical reminding on the circle and thus on the reproducibility of the life cycle: birth - life - death - rebirth (through re-readings of poems, in the poet’s case).
U: Studia Polensia (Online). - ISSN 2459-6256. - 8 (2019), 1 ; str. 67-80  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 20. st. -- Hrvatsko pjesništvo 20. st. -- Književna analiza
Tadijanović, Dragutin


ŠUTALO, Goranka
Identity and cultural memory in Cvit razgovora naroda i jezika iliričkoga aliti rvackoga (The Flower of conversation of Illyrian or Croatian people and language) (1747) by Filip Grabovac [Elektronička građa] / Goranka Šutalo, Josipa Tomašić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 181-183. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This article deals with the textual construction of identity and the strategy of remembrance in Cvit razgovora naroda i jezika iliričkoga aliti rvackoga [The Flower of Conversation of Illyrian or Croatian people and language] (1747) by Filip Grabovac. Using the imagological analytical apparatus, the phenomenon of constituting confessional (Catholic) identity and (dominant Eastern Orthodox) alterity is discussed. The analysis focuses on textual construction or representation of confessional identities, or alterities, wherein numerous value-charged expressions are present. Given the importance of the sociohistorical context in imagological research, the paper takes into account not only the history of literature, but also the history of culture. In addition to imagological treatment, Grabovac’s text is also examined within the framework of cultural memory; discursive strategies of remembrance which maintain the constructed identity are analysed, firm reference points of memory and symbolic figures to which memory adheres are identified. - Istraživački je interes usmjeren na tekstnu konstrukciju identiteta i strategije pamćenja u Grabovčevu Cvitu razgovora naroda i jezika iliričkoga aliti rvackoga (1747). Uz pomoć imagološke analitičke metode obrađuje se fenomen konstituiranja konfesionalnog (katoličkog) identiteta i (dominantno pravoslavnog) alteriteta. Istraživački je interes stoga fokusiran na tekstnu konstrukciju ili reprezentaciju konfesionalnih identiteta, odnosno alteriteta, u kojoj se mogu uočiti brojni aksiološki obojeni iskazi. Sukladno imagološkoj istraživačkoj paradigmi, istraživanje se, osim na književnopovijesne, oslanja i na kulturnopovijesne spoznaje. Uz imagološku analizu, Grabovčev se tekst promatra i u okviru teorija kulturnoga pamćenja, analiziraju se diskurzivne strategije pamćenja kojima se konstruirani identitet održava, izdvajaju se čvrste referentne točke pamćenja i simboličke figure na koje se pamćenje naslanja.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 56 (2019), 2 ; str. 157-183  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Identitet -- Alteritet -- Kulturno pamćenje -- Imagologija
Grabovac, Filip


JURDANA, Vjekoslava
Liburnia as a mansion of Central Europe [Elektronička građa] : memoirs and literary testimony by Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić / Vjekoslava Jurdana. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Sadrži i: priloge na str. 135-138. - Bibliografija: 9 jed. ; izvori: 4 jed. - Abstract. - Liburnia is a geographic region along the eastern coast of Istria, bordered by Učka, Preluk and Plomin Bay. Its linguistic and cultural dimensions are strongly determined by its geological, geographical and political uniqueness. In the middle of the 19 th century, this area began to develop as an elite Central European tourist destination. Within the Austro- Hungarian Monarchy, Opatija was a well-known Liburnian winter and summer resort. Members of the royal families, composers and writers came to visit Opatija, including the famous Croatian writer Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić. Based on documents recently discovered in Ivana’s correspondence, this paper documents and depicts her stays in Liburnia, which have not been researched and written about before. Moreover, the recent literature related to tourist and cultural history of Liburnia emphasizes numerous famous guests who visited this area, but fails to mention Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić. In addition to Ivana’s correspondence, this paper analyses her portrayal of Liburnia based on her memoirs and lyrical prose. Her work is an expressive testimony of the development of the culture of travel of the 19 th century Central-European upper class. Ultimately, it is a valuable portrayal of Liburnia at the end of the 19 th and beginning of the 20 th centuries, which was the time of its intense tourist expansion.
U: Studia Polensia (Online). - ISSN 2459-6256. - 8 (2019), 1 ; str. 119-138  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 19./20. st. -- Kulturna povijest -- Kultura putovanja -- Korespondencija
Brlić-Mažuranić, Ivana


Magnificat anima mea Dominum [Elektronička građa] : hrvatski prepjev i egzegeza Marka Marulića / Zvonko Pandžić. - Ilustr. ; faks.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija i rukopisi: str. 74-78. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Fazit. - Autor u ovoj studiji nastavlja svoja istraživanja iz 2009. o izgubljenim djelima hrvatske proze koja je Marko Marulić (1450. – 1524.) sastavio za svoju sestru Biru (Elviru, Veru), o čemu piše on sam, ali i njegov bliski prijatelj Frane Božićević. Analizirana je egzegeza Magnificata iz Firentinskoga zbornika (Ashb. 1582) tako što je autor usporedno čitao tekst tog hrvatskog rukopisnog izlaganja iz Firence i odgovarajući tiskani tekst latinske Biblije (1489) iz privatne biblioteke Marka Marulića, na kojoj je on svojeručno bilježio rubne glose i minijaturne crteže. Utvrđeno je da autor egzegeze, rukopis potječe iz Splita, dijelom preuzima, prevodi i parafrazira komentare Nikole od Lyre koji su objavljeni usporedno – stih po stih – s latinskim tekstom Biblije koju je posjedovao i glosirao Marulić. Kako nijedan ini pisac iz Splita njegova doba nije posjedovao, a kamoli glosirao rečenu Bibliju, zaključeno je da je Marulić, uz brojne druge dokaze i indicije, i zbog te činjenice, autor spomenute egzegeze i Firentinskoga zbornika. Time je konačno verificirana dugo osporavana teza Carla Verdianija (1957) kojom je Maruliću atribuirano autorstvo tog zbornika. Tom je verifikacijom pogođen i čitav niz inih hrvatskih proznih rukopisa koje također valja pripisati autoru Marku Maruliću. S pogledom na skorašnju 500. obljetnicu smrti oca hrvatske književnosti (1524. – 2024.) autorovi nalazi stavljaju hrvatsku filologiju pred velike kritičko-izdavačke izazove. - In this paper, the author continues his research started in 2009 on the lost Croatian prose texts compiled by Marko Marulić (1450–1524) for his sister Bira (Elvira, Vera), authored by himself and his close friend Frane Božićević. The author analyses the exegesis of Magnificat from Firentinski zbornik [Florentine Miscellany Ms. Ashb. 1582] of this handwritten manuscript preserved in Florence by comparing it to the corresponding printed text of the Latin Bible (1489) from Marko Marulić’s private library, with his own notes and miniature drawings. It is deducted that the author of the exegesis – the manuscript originates from Split – partly takes over, translates, and paraphrases the commentaries of Nicholas of Lyra, published in parallel – verse by verse – with the Latin text from the Bible, owned and annotated by Marulić. Since no other writer from Split of his time possessed nor, furthermore, annotated the Bible, it was concluded that Marulić, along with other copious evidence and indications, is the author of the said exegesis and of Firentinski zbornik. This at last confirms Carlo Verdiani’s (1957) long-contested thesis, attributing the authorship of the compilation of texts to Marulić. This verification has affected a whole range of Croatian prose manuscripts, which should also be attributed to Marko Marulić. In view of the fast-approaching 500th anniversary of the father of Croatian literature’s death (1524–2024), the author's findings face a more demanding Croa-tian philology with major text-critical and editorial challenges. - Mit dem vorliegenden Beitrag setzt der Verfasser seine Forschungen (2009) zu verlorenen Handschriften kroatischer Prosa fort, die Marko Marulić (1450–1524) für seine Schwester Bira (Elvira, Vera) zusammengestellt hat und deren Existenz von dessen Zeitgenossen sicher bezeugt wird. Analysiert wurde hier die Exegese des Magnificat aus dem Florentiner Sammel-band (Ashb. 1582) dergestalt, dass der Verfasser den Text der kroatischen handschriftlichen Exegese aus Florenz und den entsprechenden gedruckten Text der lateinischen Bibel (1489) aus der Privatbibliothek Marko Marulićs, in dem dieser eigenhändig Randnotizen und Markie-rungen angebracht hat, vergleichend gelesen hat. Es ist gesichert, dass der Autor der Exegese, deren Handschrift aus Split stammt, die Kommentare des Nikolaus von Lyra gerade aus jener lateinischen Bibel teilweise übernimmt, übersetzt und paraphrasiert, die er besessen und die Marulić glossiert hat. Da kein einziger Schreiber seiner Zeit aus Split die genannte Bibel beses-sen, geschweige denn glossiert hat, wird daraus der Schluss gezogen, dass (auch) deshalb Ma-rulić der Autor der genannten Exegese und des Florentiner Sammelbandes bis f. 120 ist. Da-mit wird endgültig die lange bestrittene These Carlo Verdianis (1957) verifiziert, nach der die Autorschaft dieses Sammelbandes Marulić zugeschrieben wurde. Von dieser Verifikation bet-roffen ist auch eine ganze Reihe weiterer kroatischen Prosa-Kodizes, die ebenfalls Marulić zugeschrieben werden dürfen. Mit Hinblick auf den baldigen 500. Jahrestag des Todes des Vaters der kroatischen Literatur (1524) stellen die Funde des Verfassers die kroatische Philo-logie vor große editorische Herausforderungen.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 6 (2019), 1 ; str. 7-80  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Firentinski zbornik
Hrvatska književnost 15./16. st. -- Latinski jezik -- Egzegeza -- Rukopisi -- Kodeksi
Marulić, Marko


Marulićev diskurs o djevičanstvu u Instituciji i Evanđelistaru [Elektronička građa] / Dubravka Dulibić-Paljar.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 138-141. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Polazeći od suvremene feminističke književnohistoriografske i historiografske problematizacije djevičanstva, u članku se analizira Marulićev diskurs o djevičanstvu u moralnoteološkim spisima Institucija (1506) i Evanđelistar (1516). Analizom se navedenih djela nastoji razabrati i razumjeti način kojim se djevičanstvo kao složena i imanentno proturječna konstrukcija u Marulićevim tekstovima uspostavljala iznova obnavljajući svoja ishodišna utemeljenja, dok se naglasak postavlja na fenomen ženske asketske virilnosti, osobito karakterističan za rane tipove ženske svetosti koji prevladavaju u Instituciji. - Marulić’s moral and theological work De institutione bene uiuendi per exempla sanctorum (1506) is a collection of saints’ lives and inspiring episodes from the Holy Scripture which have been narratively transformed into the literary form of an exemplum. Set out to provide spiritual edification by means of moral examples, De institutione particularly addresses ascetic female readers (virgins and widows). In doing so, Marulić’s practical moral narrative does not develop a systematic conceptualisation of virginity, while in Euangelistarium (1516), a moral and theological work complementary to De institutione, virginity is elaborated upon extensively, mostly according to 1 Corinthians 7 and Jerome’s exegesis on virginity. Based on these notions, this article focuses on the discourse of virginity in Marulić’s writings. More specifically, the article examines Marulić’s exemplification of female hagiography in De institutione with particular regard to the phenomenon of female ascetic virility which was characteristic for early types of female sanctity.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 56 (2019), 2 ; str. 125-141  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hagiografija -- Djevičanstvo
Marulić, Marko


Motiv straha i njegovi mehanizmi u hrvatskoj fantastičnoj noveli 19. stoljeća [Elektronička građa] / Domagoj Brozović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 114-115. - Sažetak : Summary. - Budući da je u svjetskoj književnosti od romantizma nadalje najveći dio fantastične dionice pripovjedne književnosti formiran oko ideje straha od nepoznatoga i neobjašnjivoga, ovaj je prilog usmjeren na manifestacije te emocije u odabranim primjerima hrvatske fantastične novele 19. stoljeća. U raspravi se problematizira i tematsko-žanrovska pripadnost kanonskih novela, i to upravo s obzirom na prisutnost motiva straha. U književnostima zapadnog kruga u 19. se stoljeću pojačano javljaju fantastični pripovjedni žanrovi kojima je motiv straha glavni narativni pokretač, a pojedini elementi fantastički intonirane književnosti s obilježjima književnoga horora prisutni su i u odabranome istraživačkom korpusu: od romantičarskih obilježja Jorgovanićeve fantastike preko premošćivanja realističke poetike i okretanja misticizmu u Gjalskijevoj novelistici do modernističke psihologizacije Matoša i Leskovara. Iako se u tradicionalnoj hrvatskoj književnoj historiografiji zadani korpus nije tumačio kroz prizmu motiva straha, njegova prisutnost otvara niz istraživačkih pitanja poput, primjerice, kako se strah manifestira u pripovjednom tekstu, kojoj pripovjednoj razini emocija straha zapravo pripada, kako motiv straha sudjeluje u proizvodnji fantastičnog i irealnog itd. - Given that from Romanticism onward the fantastic in world narrative fiction centers around the idea of fear of the unknown and inexplicable, this paper explores the manifestations of this emotion in selected Croatian fantastic stories from the 19th century. Since the concept of genre is a variable category dependent on a number of literary and non-literary factors, this paper also discusses topic and genre qualification, especially considering the presence of motifs related to the emotion of fear. In the Western literature of the 19th century, the fantastic narrative genre with the motive of fear as the main narrative core is quite frequent. Some elements of fantastically intoned literature with features of literary horror are also present in the research corpus: from the romantic features of Jorgovanić’s fantasy, the bridging of realistic poetics and the turn to mysticism in Gjalski’s stories to the modernist psychologization of Matoš and Leskovar. Although traditional Croatian literary historiography does not interpret its basic corpus through the prism of the motif of fear, its presence leads to a number of research questions: how does fear manifest itself in the narrative text?, which narrative level does the emotion of fear belong to?, how does the motif of fear participate in the production of the fantastic and irreal? etc.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 56 (2019), 1 ; str. 101-116  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Strah -- Novele -- Fantastika -- Horor -- Misticizam

Nasamo sa Gradom : (izbor) / Jakša Fiamengo. - Faks., fotogr., note.
Zastupljeni autori nekrologa: Joško Božanić, Slavica Stojan, Ante Mekinić, Ivica Badurina, Tonko Maroević, Luko Paljetak, Tahir Mujičić. - Sadržaj: Detalji iz Dulčića ; Gradićevo ; Nasamo sa Gradom ; Café Libertina ; Novela od Grada i druge pjesme.
U: Dubrovnik (Matica hrvatska). - ISSN 0353-8559. - N.s. 30 (2019), 1 ; str. 158-184
Hrvatska književnost 20./21. st. -- Hrvatsko pjesništvo -- Poezija
Fiamengo, Jakša


Oporbeno jezikoslovlje Drage Štambuka [Elektronička građa] : zlatna formula hrvatskoga jezika "ča-kaj-što" / Anđela Milinović-Hrga.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 67-68. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se raščlanjuje pjesnička zbirka Drage Štambuka „Kad su mȉši balȁli molfrȋnu“ (2017.) kojom autor ustrajno promiče načelo trojednosti hrvatskoga jezika sažeto u „zlatnoj formuli ča-kaj-što“. Pokazuje se kako se autor svojim jezičnim izborima svjesno vraća na izvore hrvatskoga jezika „pamteći“ u vlastitu pjesničkom kodu stariju i noviju hrvatsku književnojezičnu tradiciju. Primjeri se razmatraju glavninom na leksičkoj razini. - The paper analyses Drago Štambuk's poetry collection Kad su mȉši balȁli molfrȋnu (2017), by which the author persistently promotes the trinity principle of the Croatian language summarized in the “golden formula of ča-kaj-što”. In his language choices, the author consciously reverts to the sources of the Croatian language by "remembering" in his own poetic code the older and newer Croatian literary tradition. Examples are presented primarily at the lexical level.
U: Kaj (Online). - ISSN 1848-7920. - 52 (2019), 3/4 ; str. 63-68  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatsko pjesništvo 21. st. -- Hrvatska književnojezična baština -- Hrvatski jezik
Štambuk, Drago


Poslovice u Vitezovićevu Odiljenju sigetskom [Elektronička građa] / Vanja Budišćak.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 154-155. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Među brojnim književnim žanrovima što ih je Pavao Ritter Vitezović (1652. – 1713.) uključio u svoj vrstovno hibridan “spjev” Odiljenje sigetsko (1684) posebno mjesto pripada poslovicama. Raspršene u sva četiri dijela teksta, poslovice su jedan od najzastupljenijih žanrova u Odiljenju, ali i u Vitezovićevu bogatom i raznorodnom stvaralačkom opusu uopće. U radu se stoga upozorava na značenjsku (semantičku) raznolikost poslovica u Odiljenju sigetskom, istražuje njihovo moguće porijeklo (usmena/pisana književnost) i funkcija unutar samoga “spjeva”, a uspoređuje ih se i s poslovicama iz nekih drugih Vitezovićevih djela na hrvatskom jeziku. Analiza će pokazati da je sveprisutnost poslovica u Odiljenju zapravo odjek izrazite barokne sklonosti (usmenoknjiževnim) poslovicama i paremiologizmima, ali i jasan dokaz Vitezovićeve želje da svoje djelo približi (i) slabije obrazovanim čitateljima. - Amongst numerous literary genres which Pavao Ritter Vitezović (1652 – 1713) included in his hybrid “epic poem” Odiljenje sigetsko [The siege of Siget] (1684) proverbs have a special place. Dispersed in all four parts of the text, proverbs are one of the most common genres in Odiljenje, as well as in Vitezović’s heterogenous and extensive oeuvre. This article deals with the semantic diversity of proverbs in Odiljenje sigetsko, explores their possible origin (oral / written literature) and their function within the “poem”, and compares them with proverbs from other selected Vitezović’s works in Croatian. The analysis demonstrates that the omnipresence of proverbs in Odiljenje is essentially an echo of the clear baroque propensity for (oral) proverbs and proverbial forms, as well as evidence of Vitezović’s strong desire to make his work available to less educated readers.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 56 (2019), 2 ; str. 143-155  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poslovice -- Usmena književnost
Ritter Vitezović, Pavao


SLUNJSKI, Kristina
Utjecaj popularnokulturne spektakularnosti na pojavnost novih likova u suvremenom hrvatskom dječjem romanu [Elektronička građa] / Kristina Slunjski.
Bilješka uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 88-89. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Popularnokulturni utjecaji primjetni su u svim aspektima ljudskoga života pa tako i u umjetnosti. S obzirom na nedovoljnu istraženost utjecaja popularne kulture u kontekstu dječje književnosti, u radu se razmatra njezina interakcija sa suvremenim hrvatskim dječjim romanom. Točnije, interferencija popularne kulture i dječje romaneskne produkcije promatra se na korpusu od 12 dječjih romana objavljenih od 1970. godine, odnosno od vremena kada popularnokulturne silnice dobivaju na značenju u kontekstu postmodernističkih promjena. Elementi se popularne kulture u dječje romane podjednako unose namjerno, kako bi romaneskna produkcija bila zanimljiva dječjim recipijentima i kako bi je oni dobro prihvatili, ali i bez posebnih intencija autora, koji ih u svoja djela unose nehotice jer su i sami okruženi sadržajima popularne kulture. Pritom se u fokus stavlja pojavnost novih likova, konstrukata popularne kulture, čije je uvrštavanje u lepezu romanesknih likova dječje književnosti potaknuto najočitijim popularnokulturnim obilježjem – spektakularnošću. U radu se ponajprije detektiraju navedeni likovi, ali i načini na koje ih suvremena dječja romaneskna produkcija oblikuje. - The influences of popular culture are noticed in all aspects of human life, including art. Given the inadequate exploration of the effect of popular culture in the context of children’s literature, the paper discusses its interaction with contemporary Croatian children’s novels. Specifically, the incursion of popular culture in children’s literature was observed in a corpus of 12 children’s novels published since 1970, that is, from the time when the pull of popular culture was gaining force in the context of postmodernist change. Therefore, elements of popular culture are introduced in children’s novels deliberately to make the titles interesting and attractive to child recipients. However, authors sometimes introduce such features unintentionally, simply because they are immersed in the context of popular culture themselves. The focus of the paper is on the emergence of new characters, constructs of popular culture, whose inclusion in the range of characters of children’s literature is inspired by the most prominent popular-cultural feature – spectacularity. Thus, the paper identifies these characters, as well as the ways in which contemporary children’s novels shape them.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 8 (2019.), 1 ; str. 77-89  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski dječji roman -- Popularna kultura -- Postmodernizam -- Spektakularnost

Vidi br.: HA19-01799

Vidi br.: HA19-01797

821.18/.8   Druge književnosti na prirodnim jezicima

"A reális élet által szuggerált anyag" [Elektronička građa] : Mészöly Miklós hagyatéka a Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeumban / Diana Marjanovics.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 237-238. - Absztrakt ; Sažetak ; Abstract. - A tanulmány a nagyhatású Mészöly Miklós-életműhöz kapcsolódó kéziratos hagyatékot az 1950-es, 1960-as évek irodalmi, politikai kontextusában vizsgálja. A genetikus kritika szemléletmódját érvényesítő kutatás – az autográf feljegyzéseket, naplóbejegyzéseket, vázlatokat, gépelt kéziratokat vizsgálva – azon szöveganyagokra fókuszál, melyek a művek előmunkálatait szemléltetik, a keletkezés- és kiadástörténet részleteinek megismerését segítik. A dolgozat a korai Mészöly-próza műveire (Az atléta halála [1966]; Saulus [1968]; Pontos történetek, útközben [1970]) koncentrálva dolgozza fel a Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum Mészöly-hagyatékának anyagát. Az alkotói műhelymunka különféle szakaszait dokumentáló, mindeddig a hagyatékban lappangó írások alapján kevéssé ismert élettényekről, hatástörténeti összefüggésekről értesülhetünk. - U ovom se ogledu razmatra ostavština rukopisa uglednog mađarskog pisca Miklósa Meszölyja u književnom i političkom kontekstu 1950-ih i 1960-ih godina prošloga stoljeća. Istraživanje ostavštine temelji se na genetičkoj kritici – na istraživanju autografskih i dnevničkih bilješki, pisanih koncepata, raznih originalnih rukopisa – te fokusira na prethodne inačice konačnoga Meszölyjevih tekstova. Te inačice upoznaju čitatelja s detaljima nastanka i povijesti objavljivanja autorovih djela. Rad se koncentrira na ranije proze autora Az atléta halála (Smrt atletičara, 1966), Pontos történetek, útközben (Točne priče, usput, 1970), Saulus (1968) u okviru ostavštine koja se čuva u Književnom Muzeju „Petőfi” (Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum). Važni i do sada nepoznati tekstovi iz raznih razdoblja Meszölyjeve radionice otkrivaju manje poznate događaje autorova života, pozadinske veze njegova stvaralaštva i otvaraju nove puteve u interpretaciji navedenih djela. - The paper discusses the legacy of the renowned Hungarian writer, Miklós Mészöly, in the literary and political context of the ’50s and ’60s of the last century. The research is based on genetic criticism − on the exploration of autograph diary notes, written drafts, various original manuscripts − and focuses on previous versions of Mészöly’s final texts. The study deals with a specific part of Mészöly’s wide-ranging œuvre. The paper focuses on the early prose works Az atléta halála (Death of an Athlete, 1966), Saulus (Saul, 1968), and Pontos történetek, útközben (Exact Stories on the Road, 1970) that have had a poetically and theoretically stimulating effect on the Hungarian contemporary authors and scholars. The paper includes several important and formerly unknown documents from the Mészöly heritage collection, kept in the Petőfi Literary Museum, which revise the interpretations of Mészöly’s above-mentioned works.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 6 (2019), 1 ; str. 223-240  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mađarska književnost -- Tekstologija -- Genetička kritika
Meszoly, Miklos
Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum


Vidi br.: HA19-01788

Vidi br.: HA19-01815


908   Studije područja. Proučavanje lokaliteta

The environment of the Phlegraean Fields between bibliographic and iconographic sources [Elektronička građa] / Matteo Borriello. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Abstract. - Since ancient times, the Phlegraean Fields were one of the most popular travel destinations. For the particular geological characteristics of the territory, the nobility of ancient Rome built numerous pleasure villas, especially in the area between Pozzuoli, Baia and Bacoli, and later, in the modern and contemporary age, the travellers of the Grand Tour made the Phlegraean fields a real centre of tourism known all over the world. Over the centuries, through their travels, local and foreign scholars described the environment of the Phlegraean fields in their travel notebooks, often accompanied by sketches and drawings. In addition to these precious proofs, of particular interest are the articles published in the architecture and engineering periodicals within which projects of buildings are reported to be placed along the coastal strip, changing its original appearance. Through the analysis of bibliographic, documentary and iconographic sources, such as the guides of monsignor Pompeo Sarnelli, “La Guida de’ forestieri, curiosi di vedere, e di riconoscere le cose più memorabili di Pozzuoli, Baja, Cuma, Miseno, Gaeta. Ed altri luoghi circonvicini”, and canon Andrea de Jorio, “Guida di Pozzuoli e contorno”, the drawings of the French architect Prosper Barbot and the periodical “Bollettino del Collegio degli Ingegneri e Architetti in Napoli”, this paper intends to illustrate the environment of the Phlegraean fields during the XVIII and XIX centuries, making a comparison with the environment of the contemporary urban context. From the comparison of the sources it emerged how the image of the Phlegrean landscape has rapidly changed over the centuries. Today, most of the archaeological monuments and the same coastline are covered by a poor quality contemporary building, the result of the lack of control of the institutions, and which today gives the image of an environment of great but disordered beauty.
U: Studia Polensia (Online). - ISSN 2459-6256. - 8 (2019), 1 ; str. 139-160  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Arhitektura -- Okoliš -- Krajolik -- Bibliografski izvori

908(497.5)   Proučavanje lokaliteta Hrvatske

Vidi br.: HA19-01334

Vidi br.: HA19-01354

92   Biografske studije. Genealogija. Heraldika. Zastave

Emigracijske godine u Dalmaciji u memoarima Katinke Andrássy / Franciska Ćurković Major. - Fotogr.
Prijevod je izrađen u okvir seminara Prevođenje književnih tekstova s mađarskog na hrvatski jezik na Katedri za hungarologiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu ak. god. 2016./2017., voditeljica seminara: Franciska Ćurković Major. - Uvodni tekst: Emigracijske godine u memoarima Katinke Andrássy / Franciska Ćurković-Major: str. 71-79. - Sadrži i: Zajedno u progonstvu : (sjećanja) / Katinka Andrássy ; preveli Ana Čutura, Eva Hoyt-Nikolić, Antonija Jelavić, Nikola Kušćer, Valerija Šantek, Dorotea Šoja. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 79.
U: Dubrovnik (Matica hrvatska). - ISSN 0353-8559. - N.s. 30 (2019), 1 ; str. 71-84
Mađarska povijest 20. st. -- Emigracija -- Autobiografska proza
Andrássy, Katinka


The noble families of Butovan and Botono in medieval Zadar [Elektronička građa] : family structure, property reconstruction, and social life / Sandra Begonja, Zrinka Nikolić Jakus. - Graf. prikazi.
Prilozi na str. 95-101. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 102-106. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper presents the genealogy (family structure), urban family estates, and social life of the Zadar-based noble families of Butovan and Botono during the 13th and 14th centuries (until the 1390s) in order to determine their similarities and differences (whether they were one or two different families). - U ovom radu istražena je temeljna rekonstrukcija okvirnih genealogija (obiteljska struktura), gradskih obiteljskih posjeda i društvenog života zadarskih plemićkih obitelji Butovan i Botono u razdoblju 13. i 14. stoljeća (do 1390-ih). Istraživanje je provedeno na temelju različitih izvora, u prvom redu objavljenog i neobjavljenog arhivskog materijala Državnog arhiva u Zadru (notarski i sudski dokumenti). S obzirom na veličinu, razgranatost obiteljske strukture, društvene veze kao i smještaj gradskih nekretnina (odvojenost obiteljskih posjeda), riječ je o dvije različite obitelji koje su imale zabilježen društveni utjecaj u određenim razdobljima 13. i 14. stoljeća. Među njima su postojale bliske obiteljske veze, potvrđene kroz nekoliko generacija čak i u smještaju njihovih glavnih obiteljskih posjeda na istim gradskim lokacijama. Za razliku od Butovan, obitelj (rod) Botono imala je više glavnih obiteljskih posjeda u blizini najvažnijih gradskih samostana i crkvi kao i komunalnih građevina, što svjedoči o njihovim vezama sa tim istim institucijama. Te veze mogu se jasno uočiti i kroz obnašanje različitih komunalnih (i kraljevskih) i crkvenih dužnosti pojedinih njihovih članova u drugoj polovici 14. stoljeća. Iako malobrojnija, obitelj Butovan imala je velik društveni utjecaj u najvišim crkvenim (prva polovica 14. stoljeća) ali i u određenim političkim krugovima (druga polovica 14. stoljeća), što ukazuje da su pripadali krugu starijih i uglednijih zadarskih plemićkih obitelji. Obje obitelji su se povezivale različitim vezama i sa ostalim plemićkim obiteljima unutar i izvan Zadra a koje su većinom pripadale „pro-anžuvinskoj“ političkoj struji u drugoj polovici 14. stoljeća.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 38 (2019), 56 ; str. 75-107  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Plemićke obitelji -- Genealogija -- Urbana povijest -- Društvena povijest

MARKOVIĆ, Savo, povjesničar
Od Bara i Dubrovnika do Ancone [Elektronička građa] : posljednja volja Prokulijana Camillova Besalija / Savo Marković. - Ilustr.
Prilog na lat. jeziku na str. 57-63. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 64-67. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Studijama genealoške prozopografije proširuju se spoznaje o osobama koje se njima tematiziraju i upotpunjuju životopisi njihovih najbližih rođaka i prijatelja, čime se rasvjetljava cijela društvena epoha. U spisima Državnoga arhiva u Dubrovniku na osam stranica nalazi se dokument registriran 23. ožujka 1590. godine, koji sadrži oporuku i kodicil Prokulijana Camillova Besalija, sastavljene u studenome 1589. godine u Anconi, kao i raspodjelu sprovedenu po tim izjavama volje u razdoblju od 1589. do 1595. godine. Izjava posljednje volje barskoga izgnanika preminuloga u pokrajini Marche, sina patricijke Paole iz roda Prokulijan i glasovitoga talijanskog renesansnog pjesnika Camilla, brata također poznatoga humanista, dubrovačkoga kancelara Viktora, znakovito je svjedočanstvo migracija, životnih staza i trgovačkih tokova toga vremena. - Based on the studies of genealogical prosopography, the paper expands the knowledge about the Besali family, originating from Bar in the mid-16th century and extinguished in Dubrovnik in the mid-17th century. The document, although related basically to one of its members, contains some unknown facts that complement the resumes of his closest relatives and friends, enlightening the whole social era. The State Archives in Dubrovnik preserve eight pages of a document registered on March 23, 1590, which contains the testament and the codicil of Prokulijan Camillo’s Besali, made on 10 and 19 November 1589 in Ancona, along with the distribution made according to these wills in the period between 1 December 1589 and 1591/95. The source provides a specific insight into the lives of the Besali family members who were moving and settling in both sides of the Adriatic. Significant geopolitical changes and threats to security caused them to leave their homeland and reside or stay for prolonged periods in different cities, trying to recreate and continue their existences in those areas. This confirms the permeation of cultural horizons and the interdependence of the Adriatic and Mediterranean spaces. Because of his personal name, coming from his mother’s family, historiographers have long confused Prokulijan Besali with his renowned father. By throwing light on his activity, it has been revealed that the testator, who resided in Ancona, was involved in trade, financially supported by the capital of Dubrovnik’s and Italian traders. Prokulijan’s abiding in Italy not only did not raise the issue of assimilation, but also opened much greater opportunities for the provision of commodities, borrowings, investments, and social ascent. Judging from Besali’s accounts, his trade routes from Ancona and the Marche may have included Venice, Milan, Florence, and the Levant. Among his business associates some very prestigious names have been recognized.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 38 (2019), 57 ; str. 31-69  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Oporuke -- Iseljenici -- Trgovci
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku


Pisma Antonija Oreškovića u Arhivu obitelji Brlić kao povijesni izvor [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Marijić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 152-154. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U Arhivu obitelji Brlić sačuvana su pisma Antonija Oreškovića Andriji Torkvatu Brliću iz perioda 1857. do 1868. godine. Njihovo poznanstvo i korespondencija od temeljne su važnosti za rekonstrukciju odnosa Narodne stranke s Kneževinom Srbijom i zbivanja u ključnome razdoblju konačnoga državnog preuređenja Habsburške Monarhije 1867. godine, što je dugoročno određivalo i položaj Hrvatske. Narodna stranka i biskup Strossmayer, u to presudno vrijeme za Hrvatsku, svoju politiku su podredili ugovorenomu programu sa Srbijom s ciljem stvaranja nezavisne južnoslavenske države. - The Brlić family archive preserves letters written by Antonije Orešković to Andrija Torkvat Brlić from 1857 to 1868. Their acquaintance and correspondence were fundamental to the revival of the relations between the People’s Party and the Principality of Serbia in a crucial period of the final state transformation of the Habsburg Monarchy in 1867, which also determined Croatia’s position in the long run. During that decisive period, the People’s Party and Bishop Strossmayer subordinated their policies to a contractual program with Serbia aimed at creating an independent South Slavic state.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 38 (2019), 57 ; str. 121-155  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Korespondencija -- Pisma -- Obiteljski arhivi
Orešković, Antonije -- Obitelj Brlić
Arhiv obitelji Brlić


Prilog povijesti dubrovačkoga antuninskog roda Kladorubovići [Elektronička građa] / Esad Kurtović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 27-29. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Dubrovački antuninski rod Kladorubovići podrijetlom je iz Cernicea, a ne iz Srebrenice, što je suprotno ponudi Čingrijine genealogije antunina / Vlajkijeve genealogije antunina.Težnja zavažnijim podrijetlom roda rezultirala je pogrešnom postavkom. Pronađene informacije o Mirku Pribinjiću Kladorubu povezane su s Cernicom kod Gacka. Ovdje je prezentiranim materijalomskrenuta pozornost na potrebu da se analizira podrijetlo pojedinih obitelji i rodova kao i da se navedeni rod Kladorubovića detaljnije istraži. - The Ragusan society is an open and rewarding research topic as well as a space for the creative engagement of researchers from various professions. An important basis for its evaluation is Vlajki’s genealogy of the Antunines (VGA), a kind of a “memory book” of this social layer, shaped according to the needs of constructing the markers of their identity (Zrinka Pešorda Vardić). The VGA is not only a chronicle based on primary sources, but also a partial recapitulation of the oral tradition that was shaped in line with the contemporary requirements and deliberate interventions from later times. The earliest information about certain families in the VGA should be subjected to additional enquiry, and this paper treats one such case, the Kladorubović kindred. Namely, contrary to the claims of the VGA, the founder of the family, Mirko Pribinjić, also known as Kladorup, was not a member of nobility, his arrival to Ragusa was not connected to the murder committed in the Bosnian royal court, and he did not come from Srebrenica, but rather from Cernica. The person who made these claims about the Kladorubovići in the VGA unjustifiably favoured Srebrenica over Cernica. The presented sources show that the reconstruction of the Kladorubović family tree is an open task. Further research of archival sources regarding the descendants of Radonja and Stjepko Mirković will allows us to create a more complete image of the family. Through archival documents we have gathered information about the cousin of Marko Pribinjić, his son Stjepko Mirković, as well as his descendants and daughter Dominika, all of them absent from the VGA. Even though they are mentioned in passing, these documents uncover the business arrangements, dwelling places, connections to others, and the rise of the family on the social ladder. The gathered sources suffice for a monograph study about the Kladorubovići.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 38 (2019), 57 ; str. 7-30  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Genealogija -- Obitelji -- Antunini -- Bratovštine
Bratovština svetoga Antuna


BENYOVSKY Latin, Irena
Urban elite and the Dubrovnik area from the late 13th century to the black death [Elektronička građa] : Mençe and Ljutica family estates in the burgus of Dubrovnik - three generations of neighbours from two social strata / Irena Benyovsky Latin, Zrinka Pešorda Vardić, Gordan Ravančić, Ivana Haničar Buljan. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 65-72. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper focuses on the spatial distribution of Dubrovnik’s urban elite, observed on the examples of the families of Matijaš de Mençe and Anđelo Ljutica, in the period from the late 13th to the mid-14th century and the time of Black Death. Using the methods of social topography and prosopography, the authors have studied the interrelation of the social and ownership statuses of these families, addressing the question of their social and spatial interconnections. In the early 14th century, both families belonged to the elite urban circles, but with a key difference: one of them was noble, and the other a family of commoners. - U radu se prati prostorni razmještaj dubrovačke gradske elite na primjerima obitelji Mençe i Ljutica u razdoblju od uvođenja notarskih spisa (posljednjih desetljeća 13. stoljeća) do sredine 14. stoljeća (vremena Crne smrti). Kombiniranom metodom socijalne topografije i prozopografije autori su nastojali pratiti međuodnos društvenog i posjedovnog statusa ovih obitelji, te raščlaniti pitanje društvene i prostorne povezanosti dviju obitelji, koje su obje po svom statusu početkom 14. stoljeća bile dijelom elitnog gradskog sloja, s ključnom razlikom po kojoj je jedna bila plemićka, a druga pučka. Autori su nastojali naglasiti povezanost društva i prostora u srednjovjekovnom gradu. U radu su ubicirali nekretnine koje su posjedovali ili kojima su se koristili pripadnici nekoliko generacija spomenutih obitelji. Analizirano je njihovo grupiranje u određenim zonama dubrovačkoga predgrađa (kasnije središta grada) koje su ovisile o obiteljskim i profesionalnim vezama, ali i općem razvoju toga dijela grada. To je razdoblje vrlo dinamično u gospodarskom, demografskom, društvenom ali i urbanističkom smislu. Grad se intezivno razvijao i prostorno širio prema sjeveru, gdje su se oblikovale nove poslovno-stambene zone te političko, administrativno i gospodarsko središte grada. Epidemijom kuge 1348. godine te dolaskom Dubrovnika pod vlast ugarske krune deset godina kasnije završava jedna faza društveno-prostornog razvoja grada, u kojoj su obitelji Mençe i Ljutica bile poslovno i obiteljski aktivne.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 38 (2019), 56 ; str. 15-73  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Socijalna topografija -- Građanstvo -- Elite

Vidi br.: HA19-01398

Vidi br.: HA19-01388

Vidi br.: HA19-01441

Vidi br.: HA19-01830

Vidi br.: HA19-01443

Vidi br.: HA19-01809

Vidi br.: HA19-01740

93   Povijest

930   Povijesna znanost. Pomoćne povijesne znanosti

Historiografija i popularna historija u vrijeme Hrvatskoga proljeća [Elektronička građa] / Tomislav Branđolica, Filip Šimetin Šegvić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 734-739. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Razdoblje od 1967. do kraja 1971. obilježeno je rastom broja sve slobodnijih, nedogmatskih i antidogmatskih javnih istupa o raznim pitanjima iz znanosti, kulture, ekonomije i politike. U vrijeme vrhunca hrvatskoga proljeća ti su procesi dodatno intenzivirani. Povijesni kontekst toga vremena polazišna je točka za ispitivanje kolika je bila razina slobode, ali i popularnoga i popularizatorskoga pristupa kada se govorilo o strogo povijesnim temama. Razmotrit će se i u kojoj je mjeri u javnom diskursu bio zastupljen znanstveni, a u kojoj mjeri popularni historiografski izričaj. Istraživanje će biti ostvareno širokim zahvatom u suvremene masovne medije, časopise, novine, popularnu publicistiku te znanstvenu produkciju važnijih onovremenih institucija poput Filozofskoga fakulteta u Zagrebu, Instituta za historiju radničkog pokreta Hrvatske i Matice hrvatske. Za potrebe rada proučit će se onodobne povijesne sinteze i tada publicirani znanstveni radovi. Unoseći koncept popularne historije, nastojat će se doprinijeti novom shvaćanju već klasične naracije o povijesti hrvatske historiografije u socijalizmu koja uključuje teme izgradnje istraživačkih institucija, historiografskih škola, poznanstvenjenja i prilaženja politici ili otklona od nje. - The time from 1967 to 1971 was marked by a rise in free, non-dogmatic, and anti-dogmatic public manifestations in various fields of science, culture, economics, and politics. At the high point of the Croatian Spring movement, these processes were highly intensified through the public voicing of expectations and thoughts on the necessity for change in historiography and the contemporary humanities and social sciences in general. The historical context of the times will serve as a starting point for examining the level of freedom as well as the prevalence of popular and popularizing approaches to historical topics. The levels of scholarly versus popular discourse in the writing of historical works will also be looked into. Defining popular history as a specific historiographical genre, we shall delve into a wide swathe of contemporary mass media, journals, magazines, newspapers, and popular non-fiction as well as scholarly works of some of the more important institutions of the times: the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, the Croatian Institute of the History of the Workers’ Movement, and the Matica hrvatska cultural institution. Contemporaneous syntheses of Croatian history will also be explored. Looking into the main individuals (such as Jaroslav Šidak, the doyen of Croatian historiography, the dissenting public intellectual and historian Franjo Tuđman, the non-fiction writer Zvonimir Kulundžić, and other scholars), institutions, and anniversaries that marked the times, alongside the approach of popular history, a new contribution can be given to the classical narration on the history of Croatian historiography in socialist times, which has up to now included the topics of the development of research institutions and historiographical schools, ‘scientification’, and processes of deviation and alignment to the general political and regime line of the times.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 3 ; str. 699-740  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Historiografija -- Hrvatsko proljeće -- Popularna historija -- Povijesne sinteze -- Obljetnice -- Institucije

Historiografski tekst i historijski kontekst [Elektronička građa] : historiografija o Nijemcima na prostoru Jugoslavije 1919. - 2019. / Zoran Janjetović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 38-55. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad zavisno od vremena i mjesta nastanka analizira historiografsku literaturu koja je nastala o Nijemcima (folksdojčerima) na teritoriju koji je obuhvaćala Jugoslavija posljednjih sto godina. - The paper deals with the representation of the Ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) in the historiography of the territory once comprising Yugoslavia. The author divides his subject matter according to regions (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina) and periods (inter-war, communist, and post-communist). During the first period, the Volksdeutsche were not a prominent topic in historiography of the three leading Yugoslav peoples, not even in Slovenia, which had the longest history of ethnic strife between the Slovenes and the Germans. It was the Ethnic German authors who published the most works on the Volksdeutsche in this period. Most of them appeared in the 1930s, as many Danube Swabian settlements celebrated the 150th or 200th anniversaries of the arrival of the Germans. After WWII, in which the Ethnic Germans had sided with the invaders and were afterwards collectively punished by the new communist authorities, they acquired the image of the “bad guys” of post-war historiography. During the first 15-odd years, works on them were scarce, although several official papers and memoranda enumerating their war crimes and treasonable activities before and during WWII were written soon after the end of the war. In the course of the 1960s, several important works appeared and set the trend for the 1970s and part of the 1980s. Most of them were published in Slovenia. These works also covered the longest time span. In other parts of Yugoslavia, works on the Volksdeutsche usually dealt with their colonization or with WWII. Works on WWII always insisted on German war crimes, persecution of Jews, and combat against the Partisans. Since the mid-1980s, the image of the Volksdeutsche has become more realistic and less biased.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 1 ; str. 13-57  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nijemci -- Folksdojčeri -- Historiografija -- Drugi svjetski rat -- Logori

Neovisnost Albanije 1912. na temelju njemačke diplomatske dokumentacije [Elektronička građa] / Ismije Beshiri.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 264-265. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Događaji koji su prethodili neovisnosti Albanije podrobno su dokumentirani u njemačkom diplomatskom arhivu. Njemački diplomati iz regije, u Istanbulu, Ateni, Sofiji, Solunu, Skopju i Cetinju, kao i oni u glavnim gradovima velesila, u Londonu, Rimu, Sankt Peterburgu i Beču, izvještavali su Berlin o događanjima u europskom dijelu Osmanskoga Carstva. Cilj je ovoga rada proučiti spomenute dokumente i učiniti ih dostupnima široj javnosti i novim generacijama povjesničara. Bibliografija njemačkoga Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Auswaertiges Amt, Politisches Archiv Findbuch, Auswaertiges Amt 1867-1920 katalogizira sve dokumente o Albaniji pod vladavinom Carigrada do 1914. jer je njemačko veleposlanstvo u Carigradu do 1914. bilo zaduženo za Albaniju. Te je godine Njemačka prvi put otvorila veleposlanstvo u Tirani te se od tada dokumenti za Albaniju katalogiziraju zasebno. Iz arhivirane dokumentacije vidljivo je da je Njemačka bila vrlo zainteresirana za događanja u Albaniji te da je aktivno podržavala albansku neovisnost, odnosno uspostavljanje albanske države. - The events preceding the independence of Albania are documented in detail in German diplomatic archives. German diplomats from the region, in Istanbul, Athens, Sofia, Thessaloniki, Skopje, and Cetinje as well as in the major powers’ capitals – London, Rome, St Petersburg, and Vienna – reported to Berlin on the events in the European part of the Ottoman Empire. The goal of this paper is to study the mentioned documents and make them available to the broader public and younger generations of historians. The bibliography of the German Foreign Ministry, Auswaertiges Amt, Politisches Archiv Findbuch, Auswaertiges Amt 1867 – 1920 Oxford, Teil I und II, 1956, catalogues all available documents on Albania under Ottoman rule till 1914 because the German embassy in Istanbul was responsible for Albania at that time. In 1914, Germany opened its first embassy in Tirana, and from then on documents for Albania were catalogued separately. The archived documents show that Germany was very interested in the events in Albania and actively supported Albanian independence, i.e. the establishment of an Albanian state.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 1 ; str. 253-266  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Neovisnost -- Diplomatska dokumentacija

Od kronologije prema teorijskim konceptima - iseljenička problematika u hrvatskoj historiografiji na uzorku radova objavljenih u Časopisu za suvremenu povijest [Elektronička građa] / Ivan Hrstić, Marica Marinović Golubić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 379-383. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U članku se na temelju 39 radova posvećenih iseljeničkoj tematici, objavljenih u Časopisu za suvremenu povijest od 1969. do 2018., analizira istraženost povijesti hrvatskoga iseljeništva unutar hrvatske historiografije. Analiza je provedena na dvije razine. S jedne strane problematizirana je opća (pod)zastupljenost navedene tematike u kontekstu cjelokupne hrvatske historiografije, a potom je postavljeno pitanje utjecaja dominantnoga narativa na istraživanje kroz tri ključne domene: izbor tema, upotreba karakteristične metodologije te sama interpretacija. Pritom su odvojeno promatrana dva razdoblja, za vrijeme Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije te po ostvarenju samostalnosti Republike Hrvatske. Usporedno s tim dijelom analize osnovne karakteristike radova na temu hrvatskoga iseljeništva kontekstualizirane su s dosezima stranih historiografija te srodnih znanstvenih disciplina s aspekta primjene teorijskih i metodoloških okvira istraživanja. - This article encompasses an analysis of research on the process of the formation and development of Croatian émigré communities in Croatian historiography based on 39 papers devoted to this topic, published from 1969 to 2018. The analysis was conducted on two levels. The general (under)representation of the topic in the context of Croatian historiography as a whole is examined first, followed by the issue of the influence of the dominant narrative on research through three key domains: the selection of topics, the use of characteristic methodology, and the interpretation itself. In this context, two periods have been examined separately – during the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and after the Republic of Croatia achieved independence. Parallel with this part of the analysis, the basic characteristics of papers on the topic of Croatian émigrés have been contextualised in regard to the achievements of foreign historiography and related scientific disciplines from the aspect of applying theoretical and methodological research frameworks. The reasons for the poor representation of this topic include high politicisation in regard to the critical stance of a large part of the émigré population towards the political system in Yugoslavia till 1991 and the difficult accessibility of archival material and relevant literature on immigrant associations. The analysis did not find any direct influence of politics, i.e. ideology, on the researchers, but there was a shift in the focus of research in line with changes in the social context, from the (pro-)Yugoslav émigré communities towards the predominantly anti-Yugoslav ones in works published after 1991. The predominant characteristic of the analysed works in both periods is the lack of an interpretation of the activities of examined individuals, events, and processes in a broader theoretical framework.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 2 ; str. 361-386  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatsko iseljeništvo -- Historiografija -- Društvena povijest -- Interdisciplinarnost

An overview of historiographical editions published by Matica Hrvatska (1918-1996) [Elektronička građa] / Stipe Kljaić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 187-190. - Summary. - This article focuses on the historiographical editions published by Matica Hrvatska from 1918 to the first half of the 1990s, which influenced the formation of Croatia’s intellectual and cultural identity over a period of almost a century. Historiographical editions have been chronologically divided into three significant periods of their publication, which correspond to important historical and political epochs: the first period being from the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the entry of the Croatian people into the first Yugoslav state in 1918 to the collapse of the Independent State of Croatia in 1945; the second from the establishment of the second Yugoslavia until its disintegration, from 1945 to 1989; and the third from the beginning of the democratic changes in 1990 and the creation of the present Croatian state. The article shows that the works published by Matica mirrored in many ways the political aspirations of each epoch, as has been amply documented in this article. The historiographical editions published by Matica Hrvatska during the 20th century undoubtedly reflect various political and social changes that influenced the publishing policy of this oldest Croatian cultural institution. Its publishing activity experienced a particular boom during the presidency of Filip Lukas between 1928 and 1945, which is certainly one of the most productive periods in the history of Matica in terms of publishing and of cultural promotion. Unlike the socialist period, when national themes were suppressed and avoided in a certain way, and there were almost no publications on local history, in the said period Matica not only focused on national history, but also printed numerous editions dealing with the local histories of individual Croatian cities and regions.
U: Review of Croatian history (Online). - ISSN 1848-9095. - 15 (2019), 1 ; str. 165-190  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Historiografija -- Izdanja -- Nakladništvo
Matica hrvatska


Suvremena hrvatska povijest i nevolje s revizionizmom [Elektronička građa] / Davor Marijan.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 414-420. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U Hrvatskoj se pojam povijesni revizionizam javio početkom XX. stoljeća. Pojam revizionizam do tada je bio isključivo u sferi marksizma, što je u slučaju Hrvatske (i Jugoslavije) bila stvarnost od 1945. do 1990. godine. Pojam povijesni revizionizam uveo je Slavko Goldstein, osoba koja nije bila po vokaciji povjesničar, no taj je pojam od tada prisutan na lijevom krilu historiografije i hrvatskoga društva. U radu se objašnjavaju okolnosti kako je pojam ušao u uporabu i dovodi u pitanje smislenost njegova korištenja. - The term ‘historical revisionism’ appeared in Croatia at the beginning of the 21st century. The term ‘revisionism’ in communist Yugoslavia fell exclusively within the sphere of Marxism and signified a standpoint that advocated abandonment of the dictatorship of the proletariat and an acceptance of the rules of parliamentary democratic struggle. The term ‘historical revisionism’ appeared in the Goldstein family circle in 2001. A key role in this was played by publisher, writer, and influential political activist Slavko Goldstein. The term was then systematically exploited by his son, the historian Ivo Goldstein, and is today very common among the left and far-left wing of Croatian society. In 2001, S. Goldstein claimed that revisionism in Croatia had appeared in 1989–90 ‘as a historiographical retardation and socio-political anomaly. In contrast to Western countries, it was tolerated and encouraged by the country’s new political leadership from 1990 on, and partially adopted into its political programme. Its general characteristic and basic starting point is – fetishisation of the state and fetishisation of the Croatian state-building idea!’ With strong media support and political backing, S. Goldstein managed to turn something nonsensical into a question of ‘vital importance’. Calling someone out for revisionism in science, and therefore historiography, is absurd, because ‘any statement becomes outdated and eventually needs revising’. Calling out for historical revisionism therefore aims to thwart any attempt to question the image of World War II that was created in communist Yugoslavia before 1990, and dissuade potential researchers. The question of whether scholars are ‘revisers’ or ‘revisionists’ is therefore a waste of time.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 2 ; str. 385-421  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Historiografija -- Revizionizam
Goldstein, Slavko -- Tuđman, Franjo


ŠARIĆ, Tatjana
To be or not to be in culture [Elektronička građa] : activities of The League of Communists of Croatia Ideological Commission (1956-1965) / Tatjana Šarić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 104-105. - Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - The League of Communists of Croatia (LCC) Central Committee (CC) Ideological Commission as its task force, was one of the most important creators of cultural policy in the People's Republic of Croatia (PRC) / Socialist Republic of Croatia (SRC). Established in 1956 after 1952 dismantled Agitation and Propaganda Commissions, the Ideological Commission inherited part of the jurisdiction of former Agitprop, but it also took over those of the LCC CC Personnel Commissions, particularly with regard to political schools and membership education. The most important activity of this commission was to monitor and analyze the phenomenon of overall cultural, educational and scientific activity in Croatia, and suggesting to the LCC CC to take positions towards them, according to the given ideological current. This has become the decisive factor in cultural policy without whose approval or recommendation projects could not be realized. This paper will therefore concentrate precisely on this activity of the Ideological Commission and give a brief overview of its activity in the supervision of various forms of cultural activity - art, literature, film and media - press, radio and television, while its work in education and science, because of the broadness of the topic, in this case, will be left out. The Commission's activities surveyed in this paper are limited by the period between 1956 (its founding) and 1965 (the 5th LCC CC Congress) when the Commission was organizationally restructured and divided into several areas. - Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Arbeitsweisen der Zentralen ideologischen Kommission des Bundes der Kommunisten Kroatiens von ihrer Gründung 1956 bis zu ihrer Umstrukturierung und Einteilung in etliche Arbeitsgebi-ete 1965 zu untersuchen. Der Fokus liegt aber nicht auf der Gesamtarbeit der Kommission, denn sie umfasste ein breites Spektrum ideologischer Aktivi-täten, vielmehr wird aus Platzgründen nur eine kurze Übersicht über eine Rei-he spezifischer Themen gegeben, nämlich das Verhältnis der Kommission zur kroatischen Kultur sowie ihren Einfluss darauf in der Presse, im Fernsehen, Rundfunk, in der Literatur, im Film und in der Kunst. Die Ideologische Kom-mission des Zentralkomitees des Bundes der Kommunisten Kroatiens was zweifelsohne ein bedeutender leitender Faktor für das kulturelle Schaffen in Kroatien von 1956 bis 1965. Als die Politik zwischen Ost und West und im St-reit über die weitere innerstaatliche Entwicklung zwischen Zentralismus und Föderalismus hin und her balancierte, war es Aufgabe der Ideologischen Kom-mission, die gesamte ideologische Arbeit in allen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen zu überwachen. Sie entstand 1956, ein Jahr nach der Bundeskommission, als eine indirekte Nachfolgerin der ehemaligen Agitprop-Kommission mit einer, zumindest formal, weniger direkten, aber stärker führenden Rolle. Unter an-derem gehörten auch die Tätigkeiten im Kulturbereich zu ihren Kompetenzen. Damals versuchte man, die Einheit des Staates zu stärken und die sozialistische Kultur hätte einer der Faktoren dieser Einheit werden sollen. Diese Arbeit will eine knappe Übersicht über die Aktivitäten der Ideologischen Kommission des Zentralkomitees des Bundes der Kommunisten Kroatiens in diesem Bere-ich geben, einschließlich der Aufsicht über die unterschiedlichen Formen der Kulturtätigkeiten, wie etwa in der Kunst, Literatur, im Film sowie in Presse, Rundfunk und Fernsehen.
U: Review of Croatian history (Online). - ISSN 1848-9095. - 15 (2019), 1 ; str. 81-105  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kultura -- Književnost -- Mediji -- Socijalizam -- Komunizam -- Ideologija
Savez komunista Hrvatske


Vidi br.: HA19-01818

Vidi br.: HA19-01456

930.85   Kulturna povijest

GRGAS, Stipe
Uniformity and difference of ageing [Elektronička građa] / Stipe Grgas.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 439-440. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The author proposes that ageing and old age can be seen as a universal process but also as something that can be differentiated both by time and place. In the central part of the article, the author contends that one way of approaching the topic, particularly if it is addressed as part of the United States polity, is through the lens of American Studies and, more specifically, through the work of R.W.B. Lewis and his idea of the American Adam. It is precisely the self-image of the United States as a country of youth that elides the significance of ageing from the disciplinary agenda. In addition, the author contends that the American socio-economic order marginalizes ageing as incompatible with its dynamics. In the onclusion, the author up dates the issue and shows how today’s pension schemes affect what as precisely designated as a time of retirement. - Koliko god je starenje univerzalna kategorija autor ukazuje na činjenicu da taj proces nije podjednako registriran u različitim kulturama. Pišući iz perspektive američkih studija i stavljajući poseban naglasak na sintagmu „američki Adam“ C. S. Lewisa, autor članka ukazuje na osebujan način kako američke identitetske strategije tretiraju starost kao nešto strano naciji koja se poima kao „uvijek mlada“ zemlja. U daljnjoj raspravi ukazuje se na međuuvjetovanost takvog poimanja ljudskog trajanja i američkog ekonomskog ustroja i kako se sve to odražava na procese u američkoj suvremenosti.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 6 (2019), 2 ; str. 427-441  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Starenje -- Mladost -- Američki studiji -- Američki Adam
Lewis, R. W. B. -- Trump, Donald


930.85(497.5)   Kulturna povijest Hrvatske

Vidi br.: HA19-01815

94   Opća povijest. Povijest pojedinih zemalja i naroda

Vidi br.: HA19-01823

Vidi br.: HA19-01399

Vidi br.: HA19-01817

Vidi br.: HA19-01337

Vidi br.: HA19-01443

Vidi br.: HA19-01344

94(497.5)   Povijest Hrvatske

Analiza emocija u iskazima preživjelih iz sustava logora Gospić-Jadovno-Pag u ljeto 1941. godine [Elektronička građa] / Igor Drvendžija, Vinko Drača.
Bibliografija: str. 141-143. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovom radu autori istražuju emocije preživjelih logoraša iz sustava logora Gospić-Jadovno-Pag u kojem su u ljeto 1941. ubijani ljudi srpskog i židovskog etniciteta te komunisti i ostali politički protivnici ustaškog režima. Pristup proučavanja emocija bazira se na svjedočanstvima koja je objavio povjesničar Đuro Zatezalo. U radu se prvo govori o analizi emocija u historiji s naročitim osvrtom na svjedočanstva preživjelih kao poseban i izuzetno važan izvor u studijama Holokausta i genocida. Autori također problematiziraju intenciju zapisivača, sjećanje i emocije kao aspekte koje povjesničar koji analizira svjedočanstva mora imati na umu. Daje se i opis djelovanja rasnih zakona Nezavisne Države Hrvatske i logora smrti Gospić-Jadovno-Pag, nakon čega se sustavno analiziraju emotivi izneseni u svjedočanstvima. Pritom se fokus istraživanja usmjerava na emocije straha, strepnje, nade i radosti. Također se problematizira odnos sjećanja i emocija te način na koji protok vremena može izmijeniti intenzitet i sadržaj emocije, što može biti vrijedan metodološki prilog proučavateljima povijesti genocida i oralne povijesti uopće. - In this paper the authors analyze the emotions of survivors of the camp system Gospić-Jadovno-Pag, where people of Serb and Jewish ethnic descent were murdered during the summer of 1941, as well as communists and other political enemies of the ustashi regime. The approach to the study of emotions is based on the eyewitness accounts published by the historian Đuro Zatezalo. The paper starts with an analysis of the emotions in history with a particular emphasis on the testimonies of survivors as a distinctive and extremely important source in the studies of the Holocaust and genocide. Afterwards, the authors examine the intentions of those who collected the testimonies, as well as memories and emotions as aspects which a historian who researches testimonies ought to have in mind. A description of the impact of race laws issued by the Independent State of Croatia is provided together with an overview of the history of the camp system Gospić-Jadovno-Pag, followed by an analysis of the emotives expressed in the testimonies, with the focus on the emotions of fear, anxiety, hope and joy. The relation between recollection and emotions is also discussed, in addition to the way in which the flow of time can alter the intensity and the contents of emotion, which can provide a valuable methodological insight to the researchers focusing on the history of genocide and oral history.
U: Politička misao (Online). - ISSN 1846-8721. - 56 (2019), 2 ; str. 116-144  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ratna stradanja -- Civili -- Svjedočanstva -- Emocije -- Logori -- Drugi svjetski rat

HUZJAN, Vladimir
Expropriation of feudal property in the interwar period [Elektronička građa] : examples of free and royal town of Varaždin and Stari grad seniorate possession belonging to counts of Erdödy / Vladimir Huzjan. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: 9 jed. - Summary ; Zusammenfassung. - Prior to the agricultural reform, the free and royal town of Varaždin owned 1.228 jutros of arable land. The agricultural reform divided 1.038 jutros, the army claimed 100 jutros for its needs, whereas only 90 jutros were left under the ownership of the Town. Previous to the agricultural reform, in the war year of 1917, money received from the lease of the land made up more than 5 percent of the town income. However, having entered the new state union and due to the introduction of the agricultural reform as well as new and higher taxes in 1923, the land lease revenue made up barely 0,2 percent of the town budget. A buyer could enter expropriated land of the Town of Varaždin into the land register only when reimbursement had been payed off, and he also had to build a house there within the next three years. Farmers obtained the land on a temporary one-year lease. Having taken everything into consideration, the agricultural reform failed to increase prosperity, on the contrary, it brought along direct financial losses for the Town of Varaždin. Namely, in March 1939, during a Municipal Council sitting members commented that the Town of Varaždin ceased to be the administration centre of the northern Croatia due to the loss of financial directive and county jurisdiction, whereas it also lost significant financial income due to the seizure of large amounts of land for the agricultural reform. For the purpose of illustration, it would be interesting to see where the properties owned by the Town of Varaždin were located; however, due to the large number of cadastral parcels, its drawing is beyond the scope of this paper. Regarding the seniorate possession of the Stari grad, Rudolf II Habsburg gave it to count Toma Erdödy and his heirs who managed the property up to the first half of the 20th century. - Die königliche Freistadt Varaždin besaß vor der Agrarreform 1.228 Mor-gen Ackerland. Während der Agrarreform wurden 1.038 Morgen Land verte-ilt, das Heer nahm für seine Bedürfnisse etwa 100 Morgen und der Stadt blieb nur 90 Morgen übrig. Im Kriegsjahr 1917, vor der Agrarreform, machte das Pa-chtgeld mehr als fünf Prozent der städtischen Einnahmen aus. Aber mit dem Eintritt in eine neue staatliche Gemeinschaft und nach der durchgeführten Agrarreform sowie der Einführung neuer und höherer Steuern entfiel 1923 kaum 0,2 Prozent des städtischen Haushaltes auf die Einnahmen von der Ver-pachtung. Das enteignete Land der Stadt Varaždin konnte in den Grundbüc-hern auf den Käufer erst nach der Entrichtung einer Entschädigung übertra-gen werden. Der Käufer war auch verpflichtet binnen drei Jahre ein Haus zu erbauen. Landwirte konnten das Land zeitweilig auf ein Jahr in Pacht nehmen. Allgemein gesehen brachte die Agrarreform keinen Fortschritt und die Varaž-diner Stadtkasse musste dabei einen direkten Verlust erleiden. Auf der Sitzung des Stadtmagistrats, die im März 1930 stattfand, kommentierten die Stadträte, dass die Stadt Varaždin durch den Verlust der Finanzdirektion und seines Ko-mitatsbereichs aufhörte, das Verwaltungszentrum Nordkroatiens zu sein. Dur-ch die Enteignung des Großgrundbesitzes während der Agrarreform erlitt die Stadt einen beträchtlichen Einnahmenverlust. Es wäre zur Illustration intere-ssant zu sehen, wo die Stadt Varaždin ihre Besitztümer hatte. Da es sich um viele Parzellen handelt, geht ihre Darstellung über den Rahmen dieser Arbe-it hinaus. Das Senioratgut Stari grad wurde von Rudolf II. Habsburg 1607 dem Grafen Tamás Erdődy und seinen Nachfolgern geschenkt, die es bis hin in die erste Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts verwalteten.
U: Review of Croatian history (Online). - ISSN 1848-9095. - 15 (2019), 1 ; str. 151-163  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Eksproprijacija -- Agrarna reforma
Erdödy, obitelj


Istrian and Dalmatian towns - urban space and the elites [Elektronička građa] : the cases of Rovinj and Rab (Middle Ages and Early Modern Period) / Dušan Mlacović, Marija Mogorović Crljenko, Danijela Doblanović Šuran. - Ilustr.
Prilozi na str. 174-177. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 178-179. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The authors focus on the issue of urban elites in two Adriatic cities, Rab and Rovinj, which differ in their origins and development alike. Rab is an ancient civitas, while Rovinj was classified as a terra in the Venetian administrative system. The two cities also differ in the amount of their preserved written sources. Whereas the medieval sources for Rovinj are only sporadic, for Rab there are a number of notarial books from the late Middle Ages, which allows for a different approach to the spatial identification of urban elites than in Rovinj’s case. Based on the available sources, the paper compares the development, significance, and status of urban elites in both cities. - U središtu je ovoga rada propitkivanje položaja, značaja i uopće određivanje gradskih elita u gradovima Rabu i Rovinju. Dva se grada međusobno razlikuju, napose u antičkom i srednjovjekovnom razdoblju, što je vezano i uz njihov nastanak i kasniji položaj, a samim time i definiranje gradskih elita u gradskome prostoru. Dok je Rab bio civitas, Rovinju je u mletačkom upravnom sustavu dodijeljen naslov terra. U geografskom smislu također postoje broje razlike koje određuju prostore stanovanja elita, a i sačuvani izvori na temelju kojih se elite mogu smjestiti u gradski prostor fizički, ali i statusno. Za Rovinj primjerice nema sačuvanih bilježničkih knjiga sve do kraja 16. stoljeća, dok za Rab one postoje i za razdoblje kasnoga srednjeg vijeka. Bilježničke knjige rječito progovaraju o ulozi, položaju i statusu gradskih elita. U njihovu nedostatku u slučaju Rovinja, poslužili smo se matičnim knjigama, popisima stanovnika i njihovih dobara, ali i preživjelim ostacima kuća koje nedvosmisleno govore o njihovu nastanku, gradnji i vlasnicima. Usporedba Raba i Rovinja u predmoderno doba ukazuje na niz mogućih manifestacija urbanih sredina na istočnojadranskoj obali. Rovinj je po svom razvoju kad je riječ o funkcioniranju gradskih elita unutar gradskoga prostora moguće usporediti sa Šibenikom, dok je Rabu primjerice bliži istarski Poreč ili Kotor na samome jugu Jadrana.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 38 (2019), 56 ; str. 157-180  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Urbana povijest -- Gradske elite

KOTA, Miroslav
Preustroj sigurnosnoga sustava banske Hrvatske 1915. godine [Elektronička građa] / Miroslav Kota.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 561-564. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Druge godine Velikoga rata preustrojava se sigurnosni sustav banske Hrvatske. Tom prilikom Središnja defenzivno doglasna služba, koja je obavljala poslove tajne državne policije, kao samostalno tijelo pri Zemaljskoj vladi postaje njezinom sastavnicom, ulazeći u sastav novoosnovanoga Odsjeka IV-B za pogranična redarstvena satništva Odjela za unutarnje poslove Zemaljske vlade. Razlozi preustroja, pored političkih, osobito sukoba vojnih i civilnih vlasti, bili su i raznovrsni funkcionalni. Zahvaljujući potrebama obrane Zemaljska vlada preko te službe počinje dobivati i dio financijskih podataka koji su joj do tada bili nedostupni jer su izlazili iz okvira autonomnih poslova banske Hrvatske. U članku se na temelju arhivskoga gradiva i relevantne historiografske literature te dijelom i tiska predstavlja i analizira preustroj sigurnosnoga sustava 1915. godine. - During the second year of the Great War, the state security system of Banal Croatia was restructured to include the Central Counterintelligence Service (SDDS), which had previously functioned as a secret police, as an independent body of the Land Government. The SDDS became part of the newly established Department IV-B, responsible for border patrol units, under the Land Government’s Internal Affairs Section. The reasons for this restructuring were of a political nature, specifically related to the conflict between military and civilian authorities, but also due to various functional reasons. Political reasons for the 1915 restructuring of Banal Croatia’s security system reflected the aspirations of both its Croatian civilian authorities and Hungary to gain greater control over the SDDS, as it was growing too familiar with the military authorities, which put the work of the Croat-Serb Coalition, and therefore the Hungarian dominance over Banal Croatia, in jeopardy. In fact, a majority of the Coalition’s distinguished members were illegally connected to the institutions that were unquestionably built on Greater Serbian ideals. The war itself was partially caused by Serbian aspirations to implement a Greater Serbian national-political programme. The Croatian civilian executive authorities not only avoided taking legal action against high treason, but also hesitated to bring the accused before the law for fear of losing the compromised Coalition. Instead, the civilian authorities would intervene in favour of the accused so as to prevent the crumbling of the Coalition, which was a guarantee to the regime that Banal Croatia would remain under Hungarian economic and political control, even if this endangered the entire Monarchy.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 2 ; str. 535-565  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prvi svjetski rat -- Sigurnosni sustav -- Preustroj
Središnja defenzivno doglasna služba


VUK, Ivan, povjesničar
Pripojenje Međimurja Kraljevstvu Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca [Elektronička građa] : od neuspjeloga pokušaja 13. studenog do uspješnoga zaposjedanja Međimurja 24. prosinca 1918. godine / Ivan Vuk. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 529-531. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Autor na temelju arhivske građe iz Zagreba i Beograda, novinskih izvještaja i stručne literature daje prikaz događanja u Međimurju koja su uslijedila nakon narodnih istupa ili Međimurske revolucije. Prikazan je pokušaj zaposjedanja 13. studenog 1918., koji je zbog nedovoljne pripremljenosti propao. Uslijedile su intenzivne pripreme za drugu vojnu akciju, koja je uspješno provedena 24. prosinca 1918., kada je Međimurje vojnim putem pripojeno ostatku hrvatskih zemalja, tj. novoosnovanome Kraljevstvu Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca. - After the establishment of the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs, the Međimurje region, then part of the Hungarian Zalad County, desired to become part of the newly-created state. After the capitulation of Austria-Hungary, there were riots in Međimurje, better known as the Međimurje Revolution or the Public Actions (narodni istupi). The Hungarian authorities responded by introducing martial law, resulting in over a hundred death sentences being carried out. News on these deplorable events first reached neighbouring Varaždin and the local national council, which thus became a centre of information from where news was forwarded to the central National Council in Zagreb. In the evening of 13 November 1918, a military operation aimed to occupy Međimurje was launched from Varaždin, but it failed due to a lack of preparation. This paper analyses the reasons why the mentioned action failed. The Belgrade Ceasefire was signed on the same day, and Međimurje remained within the borders of Hungary. Intense preparations for the organisation of a new military operation followed. The central National Council in Zagreb turned to the Serbian army for help, but was turned down. On 24 December 1918, a second attempt to occupy the area was initiated. Lieutenant Colonel Slavko Kvaternik was appointed to lead the Croatian forces, while their field commander was Lieutenant Colonel Dragutin Perko. In only a few hours, the army of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes occupied Međimurje without facing any resistance. In this way, the area bordered by the Mura and Drava Rivers was annexed to the other Croatian lands, i.e. the newly-established Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Online). - ISSN 1848-9079. - 51 (2019), 2 ; str. 507-533  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vojne akcije -- Pripojenje teritorija

Vidi br.: HA19-01455

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