00   Prolegomena. Teorija znanja i kulture. Propedeutika

001   Znanost i znanje. Organizacija intelektualnog rada

ZORETIĆ, Gordana
Upravljanje znanjem u funkciji individualnog i profesionalnog razvoja zaposlenika [Elektronička građa] / Gordana Zoretić, Ondina Čižmek Vuković, Helena Radovanić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija i internetski izvori: 27 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U suvremenom svijetu okruženje je vrlo dinamično i promjenjivo pa se svaka organizacija tijekom svoga postojanja suočava s izazovom: kako se čim prije i uspješnije prilagoditi zahtjevima nacionalnog i svjetskog tržišta. Organizacijama su stoga, kao nužnost dugoročnog opstanka na tržištu, ključni njezini zaposlenici. Njihovo se znanje i sposobnosti te vrijednosti i prepoznatljivost kojima organizacija raspolaže mogu pretvoriti u vrijednost na tržištu. Za kontinuirano stvaranje vrijednosti iznimno je važno ulaganje u individualni i profesionalni razvoj zaposlenika, odnosno u ljudski potencijal. Stoga bi proces upravljanja znanjem neminovno trebao rezultirati poboljšanim kompetencijama zaposlenika, odnosno povećanjem njihove proaktivnosti, originalnosti, kreativnosti i fleksibilnosti. Učinkovito upravljanje ljudskim potencijalom te suradnja menadžmenta i zaposlenika vrlo je složen proces u kojem se od menadžmenta očekuje da utječe na zaposlenike, da stvara i potiče kulturu učenja, rada, razvoja i dijeljenja znanja te inovativnosti i komunikacije pri čemu se trebaju usuglasiti interesi zaposlenika i interesi organizacije. - In the contemporary world, the environment is very dynamic and ever-changing, so every organization, during its existence, faces a challenge: how to adapt to the requirements of the national and global market as soon and assuccessfully as possible. For organizations, therefore, as a necessity for long-term survival in the market, its employees are crucial. Their knowledge and skills, as well as values and recognizability that are at disposal to organisation, can be turned into market value. For continuous creation of value, it is extremely important to invest in the individual and professional development of employees, that is, in human potential. Therefore, the knowledge management process should inevitably result in improved employee competencies, as well as in increase of their proactivity, originality, creativity and flexibility. Effective human resource management and cooperation between management and employees is a very complex process in which management is expected to influence employees, to create and encourage a culture of learning, work, development and knowledge sharing, innovation and communication, but also to reconcile employee interests and interests of the organisation.
U: Zbornik sveučilišta Libertas (Online). - ISSN 2584-6167. - 5 (2020), 5 ; str. 87-103  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zaposlenici -- Ljudski potencijal -- Upravljanje znanjem -- Individualni razvoj -- Profesionalni razvoj

Vidi br.: HA20-02401

Vidi br.: HA20-02347

Vidi br.: HA20-02595

Vidi br.: HA20-02182

Vidi br.: HA20-02215

Vidi br.: HA20-02200

Vidi br.: HA20-02202

004   Računalna znanost i tehnologija. Računalstvo. Obrada podataka

BABIČ, Matej
A new systemic taxonomy of cyber criminal activity [Elektronička građa] / Matej Babič, Damir Purković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 26-27. - Abstract. - Cybercrime commonly refers to a broad range of different criminal activities that involve computers and information systems, either as primary tools or as primary targets. Cybercrime Science combines the methodology of Crime Science with the technology of Information Security. The few existing taxonomies of Cybercrime provide only general insights into the benefits of information structures; they are neither complete nor elaborated in a systemic manner to provide a proper framework guided by real system-principles. The main problem with such taxonomies is the inability to dynamically upgrade, which is why there is no timely cybersecurity actions. The current and past approaches were based mainly on the technical nature of cyberattacks and such approaches classified the impact of the activities from a criminological perspective. In this article, we present a systemic taxonomy of Cybercrime, based on definitions of the field items and the related data specifications. We develop a new method for estimating the fractal dimension of networks to explore a new taxonomy of Cybercrime activity. This method can serve to dynamically upgrade taxonomy and thus accelerate the prevention of cybercrime.
U: Politehnika (Online). - ISSN 2584-6264. - 4 (2020), 1 ; str. 17-27  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kibernetički kriminal -- Cyber-kriminal -- Informacijska sigurnost -- Teorija sustava

BELIGA, Slobodan
Automatska ekstrakcija ključnih riječi iz teksta standardnim računalnim postupcima [Elektronička građa] / Slobodan Beliga. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 14-16. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Automatska ekstrakcija ključnih riječi iz teksta aktualan je istraživački problem u području računalne analize prirodnog jezika i pretraživanja informacija. Iako su razvijene brojne metode za ekstrakciju ključnih riječi iz teksta, njihova učinkovitost ovisna je o brojnim faktorima poput pristupa kojim su konstruirane, domene na koju su prilagođene, vrste jezika ili zadataka za koji su konstruirane i sl., a samim time prostor za napredak u smislu nadogradnje i poboljšanja, uvijek postoji. U ovom radu objašnjene su i rekonstruirane dvije postojeće metode – RAKE i MAUI, a koje su standardni predstavnici nenadzirane i nadzirane skupine metoda. Eksperimentalno je ispitano mogu li metode uspješno ekstrahirati ključne riječi iz tekstova pisanih na talijanskom jeziku, na kojem do sada nisu usporedno testirane. Za potrebe eksperimenta prikupljeni su i ručno označeni talijanski tekstovi. Efikasnost MAUI metode pokazala se perspektivnijom u odnosu na RAKE metodu što je već ranije potvrđeno u eksperimentu ekstrakcije ključnih riječi iz tekstova pisanih na engleskom jeziku. - Automatic keyword extraction takes a great interest as a research issue in the field of natural language processing and information retrieval. Although numerous methods for keyword extraction task have been developed, their effectiveness depends on many factors such as the approach used in method development, the domain to which they are adapted, the type of language or tasks for which they are constructed, etc., and still, there is a room for progress and improvements. In this paper, two existing methods are explained and reconstructed - RAKE and MAUI, which are the standard representatives of the unsupervised and supervised group of keyword extraction methods. It was experimentally tested whether the methods could successfully extract keywords from texts written in Italian, which had not been tested so far. For the experimental purposes, Italian texts were collected and annotated with keywords. The effectiveness of the MAUI method proved to be more promising than the RAKE method, which was confirmed earlier in the keyword extraction experiment from texts written in English.
U: Politehnika (Online). - ISSN 2584-6264. - 4 (2020), 1 ; str. 7-16  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Računalna lingvistika -- Računalni algoritmi -- Automatska ekstrakcija riječi -- Ključne riječi -- Talijanski jezik

Benefits and dangers of the internet from the perspective of parents of primary school students [Elektronička građa] / Tena Velki, Marlies Ivanković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 52-53. - Summary. - The aim of this study was to examine parents' perceptions of the online benefits and dangers that their children encounter. Ninety-six parents participated in the study (82.3% mothers and 17.7% fathers). Participants, parents of children attending primary school, filled out a questionnaire consisting of sociodemographic questions and a scale of attitudes about the benefits and dangers of electronic media (computers, the Internet and mobile phones). The results of the research showed that the frequency of the Internet use is related to the parents’ perception of the benefits and dangers of the Internet. It was found that the more often parents use the internet, the less danger they perceive, and more benefits, and vice versa, the less often they use the Internet, they perceive more dangers and fewer benefits. At the same time, the results showed that the level of parental education is not significantly related to their perception of the benefits or dangers that their children encounter on the Internet. By increasing awareness of this issue and examining the actual state, teachers can specifically educate children and also parents about the safe use of the Internet.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 66 (2020), 1 ; str. 43-53  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Internet -- Opasnosti -- Prednosti -- Roditeljska percepcija

Computer system validation [Elektronička građa] : example of quality management system design and process implementation / Borut Rusjan. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 34 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The purpose of this paper is to present a Quality Management System (QMS) for computer systems validation and to identify and demonstrate the validation process on a practical case of a pharmaceutical company. Based on the European and the US legal requirements, we define QMS for computer system validation elements. Validation process example based on the use of a general V-model provides a thorough understanding of the actual validation implementation in practice. Computer system validation in a concrete organization can be implemented, based on general and specific standard operating procedures which form the QMS. Planning, Specifying, Development/Building, Verification and Report validation activities are presented through process diagrams based on a practical Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) manufacturing computer-aided system validation example. Empirical part employed two research strategies: a single case study and action research. Presented computer system validation QMS and process can provide a guideline for all companies where computer systems are important. Although the presented QMS and process for the computer system validation are related to a specific pharmaceutical company case and its legal requirements, the experience from this highly regulated industry can be appropriately used in other less regulated industries. For verification of the proposed model, they need to be further tested within the pharmaceutical and other less regulated industries. - Cilj ovog rada je prezentacija sustava upravljanja kvalitetom (Quality Management System - QMS) za validaciju računalnih sustava te prikaz validacijskog procesa na praktičnom slučaju farmaceutske tvrtke. Na temelju europskih i američkih pravnih zahtjeva, definiramo QMS za validaciju elemenata računalnog sustava. Primjer procesa validacije, zasnovan na korištenju općeg V-modela, pruža detaljno razumijevanje praktične implementacije validacije u praksi. Validacija računalnog sustava u konkretnoj organizaciji može se temeljiti na općim i specifičnim standardnim operativnim procedurama, koje formiraju QMS. Validacijske aktivnosti planiranja, specificiranja, razvoja/izgradnje, verificiranja i izvještavanja se prezentiraju korištenjem procesnih dijagrama, zasnovanih na praktičnom primjeru validacije računalnog sustava za upravljanje proizvodnjom Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA). Empirijski dio rada koristi dvije istraživačke strategije: studiju slučaja i akcijsko istraživanje. Predstavljeni proces validacije, kao i primjer računalnog sustava za upravljanje kvalitetom mogu pružiti smjernice za sva poduzeća, kojima su računalni sustavi značajni. Iako se prezentirani QMS i proces validacije računalnog sustava zasnivaju na primjeru konkretnog farmaceutskog poduzeća i njegovih pravnih zahtjeva, iskustva iz visoko regulirane industrije se mogu na odgovarajući način koristiti i u manje reguliranim industrijama. Za verifikaciju predloženog modela, potrebno ih je dalje testirati, kako u farmaceutskim, tako i u drugim, manje reguliranim industrijama.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), 2 ; str. 1-23  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Farmaceutska industrija -- Računalni sustavi -- Upravljanje kvalitetom -- Implementacija

Cyber situational awareness in critical infrastructure protection [Elektronička građa] / Jouni Pöyhönen, Jyri Rajamäki, Harri Ruoslahti, Martti Lehto. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 8-10. - Abstract. - The European Union promotes collaboration between authorities and the private sector, and the providers of the most critical services to society face security related obligations. In this paper, critical infrastructure is seen as a system of systems that can be subject to cyber-attacks and other disturbances. Situational awareness (SA) enhances preparations for and decision-making during assessed and unforeseen disruptive incidents, and promoting Cyber effective situational awareness (CSA) requires information sharing between the different interest groups. This research is constructive in nature, where innovative constructions developed as solutions for domain-specific real world problems, while the research question is: “How can cyber situational awareness protect critical infrastructures?” The Observe – Orient – Decide – Act (OODA) loop is examined as a way to promote collaboration towards a shared situational picture, awareness and understanding to meet challenges of forming CSA in relation to risk assessment (RA) and improving resilience. Three levels of organizational decision-making are examined in relation a five-layer cyber structure of an organization to provide a more comprehensive systems view of organizational cyber security. Successful, crisis-management efforts enable organizations to sustain and resume operations, minimize losses, and adapt to manage future incidents, as many critical infrastructures typically lack resilience and may easily lose essential functionality when hit by an adverse event. Situation awareness is the main prerequisite towards cyber security. Without situation awareness, it is impossible to systematically prevent, identify, and protect the system from cyber incidents.
U: Annals of disaster risk sciences (Online). - ISSN 2623-8934. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-10  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Cyber sigurnost -- Kritične infrastrukture -- Procjena rizika -- OODA petlja

SUCIU, George
Cyber-physical threat detection platform designed for healthcare systems [Elektronička građa] / George Suciu, Mari-Anais Sachian, Ioana Petre, Daniel Petrache, Gabriel Petrescu, Vasiliki Mantzana, Ilias Gkotsis, Fabrizio Bertone, Luca Viarengo, Silvia Andronello. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 6-7. - Abstract. - Hospitals are responsible for delivering healthcare services to patients in need. These services are large and complex and get affected by multiple interacting actors, such as doctors, nurses, patients, citizens, medical suppliers, health insurance providers. Lately, hospitals around the world are one of the main targets when it comes to terrorist attacks, the cyber realm being the principal source. The healthcare sector is particularly vulnerable due to heavy involvement in patient personal and health information, time constraints, and complex day-to-day operations. In addition to cyber-threats, physical threats are increasingly growing and even healthcare facilities are not immune to them. Malicious intended people created cyber threatening attacks with the purpose to systematically collect evidence against the healthcare system, to advocate for the end of such attacks, and to endanger people's lives or to use the stolen personal data for bad intended actions. Henceforth it is necessary to build a platform that will get alerts and incidents at a fast pace in real-time to prevent any casualties at low cost. SAFECARE project aims to offer protection to hospitals and increase the compliance for the European regulations and security regarding ethics and privacy for health services. This paper presents a solution that will enhance security in hospitals. The primary platform will be built based on a BTMS (Building Threat Monitoring System) where events, incidents, and alerts will be transmitted by sensors from hospital rooms in real-time. Several scenarios were thought to simulate different types of attacks against hospitals and according to the scenarios, various prototypes will be built for assuring the security of the personal and patients from various hospitals.
U: Annals of disaster risk sciences (Online). - ISSN 2623-8934. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-7  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Cyber-sigurnost -- Zdravstvo -- Sigurnost

TOMIĆ Rotim, Silvana
Cybersecurity talent shortage [Elektronička građa] / Silvana Tomić Rotim, Višnja Komnenić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Abstract. - Different reports show that organizations face a number of hurdles in their efforts to better protect sensitive data. Most frequently mentioned is the challenge of enforcing security policy across the data lifecycle (57%), followed by lack of expert staff (50%), and lack of budget (48%). This article includes the statistics regarding cybersecurity threats and attacks, professionals’ shortage and the expected knowledge, skills and experience for doing this kind of job. Also the article offers some possible solutions for solving this problem, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of different options.
U: Annals of disaster risk sciences (Online). - ISSN 2623-8934. - 3 (2020), 2  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Cyber sigurnost -- Zaštita podataka -- Sigurnost

Didaktičko i tehničko vrednovanje platforme Arduino [Elektronička građa] : studija slučaja / Antonio Svedružić, Danijel Ptičar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 48-49. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - S obzirom na sve češću primjenu platforme Arduino u nastavi mnogih školskih predmeta nameće se pitanje njene didaktičke i tehničke vrijednosti. Zbog toga je provjereno u kojoj mjeri platforma Arduino omogućuje konstruktivističko, samoregulirano, kontekstualno i suradničko učenje te podupire li navedene oblike učenja njeno tehničko oblikovanje. Na uzorku učitelja i nastavnika iz tzv. STEM područja (N=40) s iskustvom u radu na platformi anketnim upitnikom su provjereni didaktički i tehnički elementi vrednovanja. Uz to, procjena didaktičke i tehničke vrijednosti platforme dodatno je provjerena intervjuom s obrazovnim stručnjacima koji imaju iskustvo u primjeni platforme u nastavi. Ukupno gledajući, dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da učitelji i nastavnici pozitivno procjenjuju sve didaktičke sastavnice učenja i tehnička obilježja platforme, a osobito visoko konstruktivističku i kontekstualnu mogućnost učenja pomoću platforme. Rezultati intervjua dodatno su potvrdili njenu obrazovnu vrijednost i pokazali da platforma omogućuje aktivno učenje u realnom okruženju, kontekstualno učenje koje potiče motivaciju, suradnju s ostalim učenicima i samoučenje podržano velikom bazom online projekata. Doprinos prikazane evaluacije je ukazati na didaktičke i tehničke mogućnosti platforme s ciljem značajnijeg korištenja njezinog obrazovnog i znanstvenog potencijala. - Given the increasing use of the Arduino platform in the of many school subjects, the question of its didactic and technological value is being raised. Therefore, it has been tested to what extent the Arduino platform enables constructivist, self-regulated, contextual and collaborative learning, and whether its aforementioned forms of learning support its technical design. A sample of 40 STEM teachers with experience in working on the platform examined the didactic and technological elements of the evaluation. In addition, the assessment of the didactic and technological value of the platform was further verified by an interview with educational professionals with years of experience in implementing the platform in teaching. Overall, the results show that teachers positively assess all the didactic components of learning and the technological features of the platform, and in particular the highly constructivist and contextual learning opportunity of the platform. The interview results further confirmed its educational value and showed that the platform enables active learning in a real-world environment; contextual learning that encourages motivation, collaboration with other students and self-learning supported by a large database of online projects. The contribution of the evaluation presented is to point out the didactic and technological capabilities of the platform in order to make greater use of its educational and scientific potential.
U: Politehnika (Online). - ISSN 2584-6264. - 4 (2020), 1 ; str. 37-50  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Osnovno školstvo -- Alati za učenje -- Konstruktivističko učenje -- Mikroupravljač -- Vrednovanje -- Računalni alati

KOVAITĖ, Kristina
Digital communication channels in Industry 4.0 implementation [Elektronička građa] : the role of internal communication / Kristina Kovaitė, Paulius Šūmakaris, Jelena Stankevičienė. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 56 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Industry 4.0 describes a phenomenon which augments business models and also communication channels in commercial enterprises. This paper analyses scientific publications related to the business model changes driven by Industry 4.0, and also digital internal communication channels used to reduce risks in the process. The paper is based upon a systematic review of scientific publications and evaluation by experts. The research revealed a gap between internal communication through digital channels and the change process in Industry 4.0-driven business models. Each channel has its mission and contributes to reducing risk during the change process. Since there is no universal digital channel for internal communication, different digital communication channels are efficient at different stages of change. The paper makes recommendations for enterprises, related to the effectiveness of digital communication channels during the business model transformation. It further contributes to existing knowledge by expanding the change process model and aligning the change process with features of digital communication channels. The research focused on the manufacturing sector, exploring digital communication channels used to reduce risk during the change process, which is a limitation of this study, along with assumption of a basic level of digital competences in the enterprise. - Industrija 4.0 opisuje fenomen, koji proširuje poslovne modele, ali i komunikacijske kanale u poduzećima. U ovom se radu analiziraju znanstvena saznanja, koja se odnose na promjene poslovnih modela, uslijed uvođenja Industrije 4.0, kao i uporabe digitalnih komunikacijskih kanala, s ciljem smanjivanja rizika ovog procesa. Rad se zasniva na sistematskom pregledu znanstvenih publikacija i ekspertnoj evaluaciji. Istraživanje je otkrilo jaz između interne komunikacije u digitalnim kanalima i procesa promjena poslovnih modela, vođenih načelima Industrije 4.0. Svaki kanal ima svoje usmjerenje i doprinosi smanjenju rizika tijekom procesa promjena. S obzirom da nema univerzalnog digitalnog kanala za internu komunikaciju, različiti su komunikacijski kanali učinkoviti tijekom procesa provedbe promjena. U ovom se radu iskazuju preporuke poduzećima, vezane uz efikasnost digitalnih komunikacijskih kanala tijekom procesa promjene poslovnog modela. Rad, nadalje, doprinosi povećanju postojećeg znanja proširenjem modela promjena te usklađivanjem modela promjena s karakteristikama digitalnih komunikacijskih kanala. Istraživanje se fokusiralo na proizvodni sektor, analizirajući digitalne komunikacijske kanale, korištene za smanjivanje rizika tijekom procesa promjena, a što predstavlja ograničenje istraživanja, uz pretpostavku o postojanju temeljne razine digitalnih kompetencija u poduzeću.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), 1 ; str. 171-191  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Industrija 4.0 -- Interna komunikacija -- Digitalizacija -- Komunikacijski kanali

Efficient dam management using SQL and GIS [Elektronička građa] / Mario Jancetić, Nikola Kranjčić, Milan Rezo. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Summary. - This paper discusses use of SQL and GIS tools in nowadays dam management. Dam management requires the use of a highly-sophisticated measuring, monitoring and general management tools, since it is not only economical aspect of importance of these projects, but also about the security risks that require the highest possible caution and a precisely-developed control systems. Therefore, SQL and GIS are tools to be considered and implemented. GIS is widely used in spatial planning and connected management processes - because it allows easy way of storage, processing, analysis, modelling and display of spatial data. It has a wide range of features and is used in many areas. Structured Query Language (SQL) is a programming language for databases, written to be easy to understand and to use. SQL provides integration and presentation of data, optimization, easy reporting and analysis. In hand of trained professional analysts, SQL can make database search efficient and flexible, which is the key feature in demanding management processes as dam management).
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 50-55  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Brane -- Upravljanje branama -- GIS -- SQL (programski jezik)

SEŇOVÁ, Andrea
Eurointegration tendencies in implementation of 'Industry 4.0' in European companies [Elektronička građa] / Andrea Seňová, Lucia Šebeščáková. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The current level of technological development made it possible to predict upcoming changes, the expected commercial availability of breakthrough technologies and the impact they will have on business organization, manufacturing and labor market. The fourth industrial revolution, driven by automation, digital technology and Big Data, is expected to start in a few years. The number one external risk currently perceived by companies is digital disruption. The aim of the paper is to examine the current trends in terms of technological development and workforce transition for the preparedness of companies and labor market for the upcoming changes. The paper reviews the results of research, indicating the dominant orientation of companies, with regards to the expected digital disruption, trends shaping the fourth industrial revolution and strategies for preparation for the upcoming changes. - Trenutna razina tehnološkog razvoja omogućuje predviđanje budućih promjena, očekivanu komercijalnu raspoloživost revolucionarnih tehnologija i utjecaj koje će imati na poslovne organizacije, proizvodnju i tržište rada. Četvrta industrijska revolucija, koju pokreću automatizacija, digitalne tehnologije i „veliki podaci“, očekuje se za nekoliko godina. Pritom je najveći vanjski rizik, kojeg trenutno poduzeća percipiraju, digitalna disrupcija. Cilj je ovog rada istražiti trenutne trendove u području tehnološkog razvoja i tranzicije radne snage, u smislu spremnosti oba čimbenika za predstojeće promjene. U radu se daje pregled rezultata istraživanja, koji ukazuju na dominantnu orijentaciju poduzeća, s obzirom na očekivanu digitalnu disrupciju, trendove koji će oblikovati četvrtu industrijsku revoluciju i strategije pripreme za predstojeće promjene.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), 2 ; str. 251-261  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Industrija 4.0 -- Poduzeća -- Automatizacija -- Digitalizacija -- Tržište rada

TOMIĆ Rotim, Silvana
Implementing cybersecurity measures in transport organisation [Elektronička građa] / Silvana Tomić Rotim. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 8 jed. - Abstract. - The Article describes the phases of implementing the necessary measures according to Cybersecurity Regulation for critical infrastructure and ISO 27032 standard. As a base for identification of the necessary measures in transport organization the risk assessment has been done. The Risk Management Methodology has been described as well as the results of the risk assessment. The main aspects of risk treatment with the most suitable measures for Cyber risks are identified. Also as very important aspect of protecting critical transport infrastructure we have identified the critical services and prepared business continuity plans. The main steps and results in providing the acceptable level of availability and opportunities for continuity are presented and explained.
U: Annals of disaster risk sciences (Online). - ISSN 2623-8934. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-10  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Cyber sigurnost -- Promet -- Kritične infrastrukture -- Upravljanje rizicima -- Kontinuitet poslovanja

Improving cyber security with resilience [Elektronička građa] / Dejan Škanata. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija: str. 8-9. - Abstract. - Cyber security is commonly defined as the practice of protecting computers, networks, programs and data from unauthorized access or malicious attacks that are aimed for exploitation. Hence, cyber security is focused primary on malicious activities prevention and protection from occurring. Prevention and protection objectives have been usually achieved by applying traditional risk assessment and management procedures. Despite these efforts it has been shown that complete security of IT systems and data is almost impossible to achieve. Namely, by increasing number and type of different cyber threats the cyber incidents are becoming inevitable. Thus, even the strong cyber security is not enough anymore. Because of that organizations need to build the cyber resilience which mainly deals with system respond and recovery after disruptive event occurring. Cyber security combined with cyber resilience opens a new perspective towards better overall security of IT systems.
U: Annals of disaster risk sciences (Online). - ISSN 2623-8934. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-10  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Cyber sigurnost -- Informacijski sustavi -- Upravljanje rizicima

GARCIA, Álvaro
Improving image transmission by using polar codes and successive cancellation list decoding [Elektronička građa] / Álvaro Garcia, Maria De Lourdes Melo Guedes Alcoforado, Francisco Madeiro, Valdemar Cardoso da Rocha Jr. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 15-17. - Abstract. - This paper investigates the transmission of grey scale images encoded with polar codes and de-coded with successive cancellation list (SCL) decoders in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise. Po-lar codes seem a natural choice for this application be-cause of their error-correction efficiency combined with fast decoding. Computer simulations are carried out for evaluating the influence of different code block lengths in the quality of the decoded images. At the encoder a default polar code construction is used in combination with binary phase shift keying modulation. The results are compared with those obtained by using the clas-sic successive cancellation (SC) decoding introduced by Arikan. The quality of the reconstructed images is assessed by using peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and the structural similarity (SSIM) index. Curves of PSNR and SSIM versus code block length are presented il-lustrating the improvement in performance of SCL in comparison with SC.
U: Annals of disaster risk sciences (Online). - ISSN 2623-8934. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-17  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dodatni bijeli Gaussov šum -- AWGN -- Kodiranje slike -- Prijenos slike

RABUZIN, Kornelije
Istraživanja u području grafovskih baza podataka [Elektronička građa] / Kornelije Rabuzin, Robert Kudelić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 53-54. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Kako smo unatrag nekoliko godina dobili određena sredstva (tzv. sveučilišne potpore) kojima smo istraživali određene aspekte grafovskih baza podataka, odlučili smo rezultate istraživanja predstaviti i hrvatskoj akademskoj i stručnoj zajednici. Smatramo kako su istraživanja bila kvalitetna i da rezultati istih imaju potencijal za širu primjenu i implementaciju u dostupnim sustavima za upravljanje grafovskim bazama podataka. Također, postoje i određene mogućnosti za proširenje implementiranih rješenja, kao i prostor za dodatna istraživanja i preslikavanja relacijskih u koncepte grafovskih baza podataka. - We received certain funds (so-called University grants) a few years ago to explore certain aspects of graph databases. In this study, we decided to share the results of the research to the Croatian academic and professional community. We believe that the research was of high quality and that the results have the potential for wider application and implementation in the available graph database management systems. In addition, there are certain possibilities for expanding the implemented solutions, and there is space for additional research and mapping of relational into graph database concepts.
U: Politehnika (Online). - ISSN 2584-6264. - 4 (2020), 2 ; str. 47-54  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Grafovske baze podataka -- Baze podataka -- Računalni sustavi -- Integritetna ograničenja

PEREIRA, Evandro Leonel
Measures to improve the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure in Brazil [Elektronička građa] / Evandro Leonel Pereira, Aristides Sebastião Lopes Carneiro, Eder Ruschel, Marcio De Lima Corcovado, Jordan Da Silva Paiva, Francisco Eduardo Medved. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 8-9. - Abstract. - In the current context of global interconnectivity, the cybersecurity of critical infrastructures (CI) is of utmost importance to the private and public sectors. In this regard, based on the analysis of elaborated guidelines and norms, gaps were identified that may hinder the implementation of CI protection measures, facing threats of all kinds, affecting population well-being, economic power and contributing to weakening the reputation of a country in the concert of nations. Considering the dynamic nature and the speed of technological evolution, this study aims to raise subsidies for the improvement of the cybersecurity of CI in Brazil, pointing out norms to be elaborated or adopted, good practices and strategic actions to be followed. The methodology used in the development of this work begins with bibliographic and document research, and through comparative analysis, points out the most relevant, existing standards and initiatives. A diagnosis of the Brazilian situation is provided including field research, a solution proposal and finally an analytical discussion of proposed actions.
U: Annals of disaster risk sciences (Online). - ISSN 2623-8934. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-9  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Cyber-sigurnost -- Kritične infrastrukture -- Sigurnosne mjere

SYCHEV, Svyatoslav
The model for assessing the security level of instant messaging information systems [Elektronička građa] / Svyatoslav Sychev, Denis Bekasov. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 8. - Abstract. - The analysis of existing information systems for transmitting multimedia messages is carried out, a generalized conceptual definition for describing the architectures of such systems is proposed. The classification of messaging systems and their architectures is given. The key threats that should be considered when developing messaging systems in various application domains are identified. Based on the analysis of threats, a set of criteria has been determined for assessing the architectures of information systems for transmitting messages. A model which allows to make an assessment of parameters affecting the security of instant messaging information systems based on the characteristics of its elements is proposed.
U: Annals of disaster risk sciences (Online). - ISSN 2623-8934. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-8  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Informacijski sustavi -- Sigurnost -- Slanje poruka -- Prijenos podataka -- Klijent-server -- Peer-to-peer mreža

LJUBIČIĆ, Nikolina
Napadi ubacivanjem SQL izraza - prevencija i obrana [Elektronička građa] / Nikolina Ljubičić, Danijela Jakšić, Patrizia Poščić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 328-329. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Napad ubacivanjem SQL izraza jedna je od najozbiljnijih prijetnji sigurnosti aplikacija zasnovanih nad bazom podataka. Ona omogućuje napadaču da stekne kontrolu nad bazom podataka aplikacije, čime napadač dobiva mogućnost izmjene podataka. Mnoga se istraživanja usmjeravaju na ovaj problem. Brojni su autori predložili različite pristupe za otkrivanje i sprječavanje ove ranjivosti, no koliko je ovaj problem i dan danas prisutan govori i činjenica da ni ti pristupi ne predstavljaju u potpunosti uspješno rješenje. U ovom radu opisano je nekoliko vrsta napada ubacivanjem SQL izraza te različiti alati i metode koji mogu pružiti određenu prevenciju i obranu od tih napada. Predložene su različite metode za rješavanje problema napada ubacivanjem SQL izraza u obliku opsežnih pregleda varijacija napada ubacivanjem SQL izraza te njihovih opisa i primjera, kako bi se bolje spoznao njihov štetan utjecaj i krajnje posljedice. Štoviše, u radu je dan i kratak pregled prijedloga pojedinih autora vezanih uz prevenciju i obranu od napada ubacivanjem SQL izraza. Na kraju je iznesen zaključak uz objektivan pregled i analizu cjelokupnog istraživanja. Glavni doprinos rada je pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja i pristupa vezanih uz: a) prevenciju napada ubacivanjem SQL izraza i b) obranu od napada ubacivanjem SQL izraza. - SQL injection is one of the most serious security threats to applications that have their own database. In fact, it allows the attacker to gain control of the application database by giving attacker the ability to modify the data. Many researchers have been trying to solve this problem. They have suggested different approaches to detect and prevent this vulnerability, but even these approaches do not fully represent a successful solution. This paper introduces several types of SQL injection attacks, as well as various tools and methods that can provide some prevention and defense against these attacks. Various methods have been proposed to address the problem of SQL injection attacks in the form of extensive reviews of variations of SQL injection attacks. Also, descriptions and examples were offered in order to understand their adverse impact and the consequences better.This paper also provides a brief overview of what some authors suggest when it comes to preventing and defending from SQL injection. Finally, a conclusion is drawn with an objective review and analysis of the overall research. The main contribution of the paper is an overview of the research available so far, limited to relational databases and categorized on: a) prevention of SQL injection and b) defence from SQL injection.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 313-330  
 Elektronička verzija članka
SQL (programski jezik) -- Baze podataka -- Hakiranje -- Računalna sigurnost -- Prevencija

LOZIĆ, Joško
Pandora streaming radio [Elektronička građa] : saturacija u industriji streaming platformi / Joško Lozić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 63 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Razvoj interneta i digitalizacija proizvodnih procesa izravno su utjecali na radikalne zaokrete u menadžerskim strategijama medijske industrije. Nove medijske industrije razvijale su se usporedo s naglim tehnološkim napretkom te su rušile barijere koje su izgrađene u prošlom stoljeću. Streaming industrija dio je nove medijske industrije koja nastaje u 21. stoljeću, a već pokazuje znakove saturacije te se konkurenti udružuju kako bi zadržali i proširili tržišni udio. Cilj je ovog rada analizirati menadžerske strategije i način upravljanja platformom Pandora Media u kontekstu financijskog poslovnog rezultata. Analiza rezultata poslovanja ukazuje na gubitke koje Pandora Media ostvaruje iz operativnog poslovanja, ali i potpunu promjenu menadžerskih strategija. Iako pripada obitelji novih medijskih industrija, odnosno nove menadžerske paradigme, Pandora Media vratila se u okrilje klasičnog menadžerskog modela zadržavajući temeljna obilježja streaming industrije. Streaming industrija, iako jedna od najmlađih industrija unutar medijske industrije, već bilježi prve znakove zasićenja. - The development of the Internet and the digitalization of production processes have directly influenced radical changes in the management strategies of the media industry. New media industries have evolved in parallel with rapid technological advances and have broken down the barriers that were built in the last century. The streaming industry is part of a new media industry emerging in the 21st century and is already showing signs of saturation and competitors are teaming up to maintain and expand market share. The aim of this paper is to analyse the management strategies and management of Pandora Media in the context of financial business results. The analysis of business results indicates the losses that Pandora Media realizes from operating operations, but also a complete change in management strategies. Although it belongs to the family of new media industries, ie the new management paradigm, Pandora Media has returned to the classic management model, retaining the basic characteristics of the streaming industry. The streaming industry, although one of the youngest industries within the media industry, is already recording the first signs of saturation.
U: Zbornik sveučilišta Libertas (Online). - ISSN 2584-6167. - 5 (2020), 5 ; str. 137-157  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mediji -- Medijska industrija -- Radio -- Streaming platforme -- Menadžerske strategije
Pandora Media


PETRACHE, Ana Lavinia
Security in quantum computing [Elektronička građa] / Ana Lavinia Petrache, George Suciu. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 6. - Abstract. - Quantum key distribution will bring more confidentiality and privacy of communication in the future ICT world and will solve the eavesdropping issue. Domains regarded are e-government, e-commerce, e-health, transmission of biometric data, intelligent transport systems and more. So far, quantum researches focus on using properties of the qubit to bring improvements in technologies from our days. The purpose of this paper is to describe the quantum encryption methods. These methods can bring more efficiency of security in existing communications. In this matter, many encryption architectures have been proposed. As an example, the QKD architecture is presented in this paper.
U: Annals of disaster risk sciences (Online). - ISSN 2623-8934. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-6  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Enkripcija -- Kvantno računarstvo -- Kvantna kriptografija -- Sigurnost

TOLIĆ, Ivan, inženjer prometa
Video game consumer profiles [Elektronička građa] / Ivan Tolić, Vanja Šimunec, Dijana Vuković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija i internetski izvori: 69 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The video game development path is full of drastic changes. The growth and strengthening of technology and the growth of innovation in the technology sector have inevitably led to the growth of this industry, which is nowadays achieving unexpected, enviable results. The basic human need for entertainment and socializing contributes to the popularity of video games. Today, video games are played by people of all ages and genders, and the most common reasons for playing video games are fun, socializing, learning, and reducing stress, but video games also provide interactive entertainment, unlike books, movies or theatre performances. The popularity of video games is witnessed by numerous communities on social networks through which professional gamers share their experiences, tips and video game reviews, and there are statistics that support this popularity and growth. The features offered by the video game industry do not need to be particularly emphasized because the results, statistics and enthusiastic players speak for themselves. This paper deals with the demographics and behaviour of consumers playing video games. The aim is to identify the main features of the user, video game players, and to identify and determine user habits and trends affecting the users. The consumer is a social and cultural being. At the same time, he is an individual for himself, a member of a family, a member of a group or a certain class or class in society, a representative of a particular nation, race, religion, nationality of a particular country, etc. The consumer is a person who has the money (assets) and a will to buy the goods or a service. In this paper, the above consumer definitions will be brought in correlation with the video game market, with an industry that encompasses various forms of modern entertainment. It is shown that technology and new modes of entertainment are present among all, and that we need to adjust the time we live in. - Put razvoja videoigara ispunjen je drastičnim promjenama. Rast i jačanje tehnologija i porast inovacija u tehnološkom sektoru neminovno su doveli do jačanja i rasta te industrije koja danas postiže neočekivane, zavidne rezultate. Osnovna ljudska potreba za zabavom i druženjem pridonosi popularnosti videoigara. Danas videoigre igraju ljudi svih uzrasta i spolova, a najčešći razlozi igranja videoigara su zabava, druženje, učenje i rješavanje stresa, no videoigre omogućuju i interaktivnu zabavu, za razliku od knjige, filma ili predstave. Popularnosti videoigara svjedoče brojne zajednice na društvenim mrežama putem kojih profesionalni igrači dijele svoja iskustva, savjete te recenzije videoigara, a tu su i statistike koje potkrepljuju tu popularnost i rast. Mogućnosti koje nudi industrija videoigara nije potrebno naročito naglašavati jer rezultati, statistike i oduševljeni igrači govore sami za sebe. Ovaj se rad bavi ponašanjem potrošača koji igraju videoigre. Cilj je utvrditi glavna obilježja korisnika, tj. igrača videoigara te prepoznati i odrediti navike korisnika i trendove koji utječu na korisnike. Potrošač je društveno i kulturno biće. On je u isto vrijeme individua za sebe, član obitelji, pripadnik grupe ili određene društvene klase ili sloja, predstavnik određene nacije, rase, vjere, državljanin određene zemlje i drugo. Potrošač je osoba koja posjeduje novac (sredstva) i volju za kupovinom proizvoda i usluga. U ovome radu, te definicije potrošača stavit će se u korelaciju s tržištem videoigara, s industrijom koja obuhvaća različite oblike moderne zabave. Pokazuje se da su tehnologija i novi načini zabave prisutni među svima te da se potrebno prilagoditi vremenu u kojem živimo. Igranje nekog oblika videoigara postala je normalna aktivnost svakog normalnog modernog pojedinca.
U: Zbornik sveučilišta Libertas (Online). - ISSN 2584-6167. - 5 (2020), 5 ; str. 51-66  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Videoigre -- Gameri -- Ponašanje potrošača -- Društvene mreže

Vidi br.: HA20-02597

Vidi br.: HA20-02168

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Vidi br.: HA20-02447

Vidi br.: HA20-02312

Vidi br.: HA20-02536

Vidi br.: HA20-02302

Vidi br.: HA20-02314

005   Menadžment

TONDER, Chanté van
A framework for digital transformation and business model innovation [Elektronička građa] / Chanté van Tonder, Chris Schachtebeck, Cecile Nieuwenhuizen, Bart Bossink. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 69 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - With the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, businesses are adapting to the use of digitalisation which requires the digital transformation of their existing business models. However, there is limited empirical research on this phenomenon. The purpose of this study is twofold: (i) to develop a framework for businesses to digitally transform their business models and (ii) to examine literature in order to identify and analyse the constructs underlying the three concepts of Digitalisation, Digital Transformation and Business Model Innovation. The study is qualitative in nature and is based on a narrative review. Relevant articles were identified by using international bibliographic databases and scrutinised using thematic analysis. The findings reveal that the first two constructs require digital capabilities and a digital strategy. The third construct requires digital transformation in the realm of customer-centricity, resources, processes and profit. A set of propositions was formulated and the commonalities were mapped. Based upon this map, a conceptual framework was developed. The findings will assist in the development of future instruments that can guide businesses to digitally transform existing business model elements. This study aims to fill the gap on how business model innovation should be pursued through digital transformation by developing a conceptual framework. - S napredovanjem koncepta četvrte industrijske revolucije, poduzeća se prilagođavaju uporabi digitalizacije, koja zahtijeva i digitalnu transformaciju postojećih poslovnih modela. Međutim, o ovom fenomenu postoji samo ograničena količina empirijskih istraživanja. Cilj ove studije je dvostruki: (i) razviti teorijski okvir za poduzeća, kako bi podvrgli svoje poslovne modele digitalnoj transformaciji te (ii) analizirati literaturu, kako bi se identificirali i utvrdili konstrukti, na kojima se temelje koncepti digitalizacije, digitalne transformacije i inovacije poslovnog modela. Studija je kvalitativne prirode i temelji se na opisnom pregledu literature. Relevantni su članci identificirani korištenjem međunarodnih bibliografskih baza te su temeljito proučeni korištenjem tematske analize. Rezultati otkrivaju da prva dva konstrukta zahtijevaju digitalne sposobnosti i digitalnu strategiju. Treći konstrukt zahtijeva digitalnu transformaciju u području orijentacije prema kupcima, resursa, procesa i dobiti. Formulira se grupa istraživačkih propozicija te se mapiraju sličnosti između koncepata. Na temelju dobivene mape, razvija se konceptualni teorijski okvir. Rezultati istraživanja će biti od pomoći u razvoju budućih instrumenata, koji mogu voditi poduzeća u digitalnoj transformaciji postojećih elemenata poslovnog modela. Ovim se radom, putem izrade konceptualnog okvira, namjerava dati znanstveni doprinos u području inovacije poslovnog modela putem digitalne transformacije.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), 2 ; str. 111-132  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poslovni modeli -- Inovacije -- Digitalizacija -- Digitalna transformacija

MANTZANA, Vasiliki
Airports’ crisis management processes and stakeholders involved [Elektronička građa] / Vasiliki Mantzana, Eftichia Georgiou, Ioannis Chasiotis, Ilias Gkotsis, Tim H. Stelkens-Kobsch, Vasileios Kazoukas, Nikolaos Papagiannopoulos, Anastasios Nikas, Filippos Komninos. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 8. - Abstract. - Airports are exposed to various physical incidents that can be classified as aviation and non-aviation related incidents, including terrorist attacks, bombings, natural disasters (e.g. earthquake or tsunami and man-made disasters such as terrorist attacks) etc. (Kanyi, Kamau, & Mireri, 2016). In addition to this, cyber-attacks to airport operations are emerging especially with the increasing use of Information Systems (IS), such as electronic tags for baggage handling and tracking, remote check-in, smart boarding gates, faster and more reliable security screening technologies and biometric immigration controls etc. Any physical or cyber incident that causes loss of infrastructure or massive patient surge, such as natural disasters, terrorist acts, or chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or explosive hazards could affect the airports’ services provision and could cause overwhelming pressure. During the crisis management, several stakeholders that have different needs and requirements, get involved in the process, trying to cooperate, respond and support recovery and impact mitigation. The aim of this paper is to present a holistic security agenda that defines the stakeholders involved in the respective processes followed during the crisis management cycle. This agenda is based both on normative literature, such as relevant standards, guidelines, and practices and on knowledge and feedback extrapolated from a case study conducted in the context of the SATIE project (H2020-GA832969). In meeting paper’s aim, initially the normative review of the phases of the crisis management cycle (preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation) in the context of airports as well as general practices applied, are presented. Moreover, the key airport stakeholders and operation centres involved in airports operations, as well as during the crisis management are analysed.
U: Annals of disaster risk sciences (Online). - ISSN 2623-8934. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-8  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zračne luke -- Krizni menadžment -- Sigurnost

Business continuity for critical infrastructure operators [Elektronička građa] / Harri Ruoslahti. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 7-8. - Abstract. - Critical infrastructures often lack resilience and easily lose critical functionalities if hit by adverse events. Continuity management strategies for critical infrastructure operators and the networks that they form, rely also on the functionality of other interrelated networks. Disruptions in operations may affect society and for this reason, securing the operations of critical infrastructure operators is important. The technological impacts of CPS become evident to the resilience of all fields of critical infrastructure, but there is also human elements to take into account. The research question of this study is: How to enhance business continuity of critical infrastructure? This case study research uses qualitative methods collected by conducting interviews of resilience and continuity professionals who work with Finnish critical infrastructure. Resilience and continuity management are key for critical infrastructure operators. Important factors identified were identifying risks, critical activities, key personnel, creating guidelines and procedures, and open communication, which themes were recognised as important to improve resilience and manage continuity.
U: Annals of disaster risk sciences (Online). - ISSN 2623-8934. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-8  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kritične infrastrukture -- Kontinuitet poslovanja -- Procjena rizika

Determinants of entrepreneurial intentions [Elektronička građa] : empirical evidence from Croatian perspective / Davor Širola. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 184-186. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The growing body of literature is arguing that entrepreneurial intentions play a significant role in the decision-making process of becoming an entrepreneur. Bolstering the entrepreneurial and innovation-oriented mindsets, primarily among younger generations, might be considered crucial for the successful economic and social evolvement. Detecting the appropriate reasons which induce youngsters, especially students, to become entrepreneurs is a potentially valuable input for different policymakers and a problem explored in this paper. Personal attitudes, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control are called motivational ‘antecedents’ of entrepreneurial intentions and has been thoroughly studied within the theory of planned behaviour, developed by Ajzen (1991). The applicability of Ajzen’s model for predicting the main antecedents of entrepreneurial intentions were successfully tested in this study among students with or without international studying experience, as well as distinctions considering several background (individual and social) factors. The results of the correlation and regression analysis pointed out that personal attitudes towards entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial ability represent the most relevant components of the theory of planned behaviour model, while subjective norms have a minor role. Statistically significant differences were found in six factors: age, family background, household incomes, profession, country of origin, and student exchange programmes. These results confirmed previous conclusions about the explanation power of Ajzen’s model to predict entrepreneurial intentions and brought empirical evidence about studying abroad experience which has a noticeable impact on predictors of entrepreneurial intention among students, which potentially deserves additional incentives from policymakers and higher education institutions. - Rastući opus literature zastupa da poduzetničke namjere imaju krucijalnu ulogu u oblikovanju poduzetničkog ponašanja, kao i u procesu donošenja odluka o postajanju poduzetnikom. Podupiranje poduzetničkog i inovacijama orijentiranog načina razmišljanja, prvenstveno među mladima, može biti ključno za uspješan ekonomski i društveni razvoj. Otkrivanje pravih razloga koji potiču mlade, posebno studente da postanu poduzetnici, potencijalno čini vrijedan input različitim donositeljima politika i problem istraživan u ovom radu. Osobni stavovi, subjektivne norme i percipirana kontrola ponašanja predstavljaju motivacijske pretpostavke koje utječu na poduzetničke namjere i iscrpno se istražuju unutar teorije planiranog ponašanja koju je razvio Ajzen (1991). Primjenjivost Ajzenovog modela za predviđanje glavnih pretpostavki poduzetničkih namjera, ovom je studijom uspješno testirano na uzorku studenata sa ili bez iskustva studiranja u inozemstvu, kao i razlike nastale zbog utjecaja brojnih pozadinskih čimbenika (individualnih i društvenih). Rezutati korelacijske i regresijske analize pokazali su da osobni stavovi prema poduzetništvu i poduzetničke sposobnosti predstavljaju najutjecajnije komponente modela teorije planiranog ponašanja, dok subjektivne norme imaju skromniju ulogu. Statistički značajne razlike zabilježene su kod analize šest provjeravanih pozadinskih čimbenika kontrolnih varijabli (dob, poduzetničko obiteljsko porijeklo, prihodi kućanstava, zanimanje, država porijekla ispitanika i programi razmjene studenata). Ovi rezultati su potvrdili zaključke brojnih prethodnih istraživanja Ajzenovog modela i dali nove empirijske dokaze o studiranju u inozemstvu koji značajno utječe na prediktore poduzetničkih namjera među studentima što potencijalno zaslužuje dodatne poticaje nositelja politika i visokoškolskih institucija.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 169-187  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzetnici -- Poduzetničke namjere -- Teorija planiranog ponašanja

ROCCO, Sanja
The difference of managerial approach in more or less design-oriented companies [Elektronička građa] / Sanja Rocco, Aleksandra Selinšek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 72 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - While the market orientation of companies has been thoroughly analysed, a review of the marketing literature indicates that there is significantly less research on Design Orientation, and especially on their relationship. This paper analyzes the variables of Design and Market Orientation on the basis of existing models and develops the measurement instrument for future research. The study also investigates the impact of managerial approach on the exploitation of design resources in the company. Two hypotheses are developed: the first on the DO-MO relationship, acknowledging the multiple dimensions of Design Orientation and the second on the difference in managerial approach between more and less design-oriented companies. The first, qualitative stage of the research served to re-examine the research constructs and variables, while an Internet survey was used in the second, quantitative stage, among managers and CEOs from Croatian companies. The design dimensions in our final model represented intermediaries between Market Orientation, managerial approach, and market outcomes. Results confirm that managers in non-design oriented companies differ from those in design-oriented companies by perceived design value. Managers’ and CEOs’ awareness of design, its value and potentials, are of great importance for design implementation and Design Orientation of a company as a whole, especially in SMEs. Managerial approach, according to results, has a direct effect on Design Orientation, but it also influences Market Orientation, both directly and indirectly, as well as business success. Findings of this study can have implications for scholars, as well as for managers in practice, especially in emerging economies, which lack research in Design Orientation. Future research should be expanded to other countries in the region. - Dok je marketinška orijentacija poduzeća detaljno analizirana, pregled marketinške literature pokazuje da postoji značajno manje istraživanja orijentacije prema dizajnu, a posebno nedostaje literature o njihovom međusobnom odnosu. U ovom se radu analiziraju varijable orijentacije prema dizajnu i marketingu, temeljem postojećih istraživanja te se razvija mjerni instrument za buduća istraživanja. Također se istražuje djelovanje menadžerskog pristupa na korištenje dizajnerskih resursa poduzeća. U radu se iznose dvije hipoteze: prva se odnosi na odnosi između dizajnerske i marketinške orijentacije, pri čemu se uzimaju u obzir različite dimenzije orijentacije prema dizajnu, dok se druga hipoteza odnosi na razlike u menadžerskom pristupu, u poduzećima s većom, ili manjom orijentacijom prema dizajnu. U prvoj, kvalitativnoj fazi istraživanja, evaluirale su se istraživački konstrukti i varijable, dok se u drugoj, kvantitativnoj fazi istraživanja, koristila internetska anketa menadžera ipredsjednika/ica uprava hrvatskih poduzeća. U našem završnom modelu, dimenzije dizajna predstavljaju posredničke varijable između marketinške orijentacije, menadžerskog pristupa i tržišnih rezultata. Empirijski rezultati potvrđuju da se menadžeri, u poduzećima koja nisu orijentirana prema dizajnu, razlikuju od onih u poduzećima orijentiranim prema dizajnu, s obzirom na percipiranu vrijednost dizajna. Svijest menadžera i predsjednika/ica uprava o dizajnu, njegovoj vrijednosti i potencijalu od velikog su značaja za implementaciju dizajna te orijentacije poduzeća kao cjeline prema dizajnu, a što posebno dolazi do izražaja u malim i srednjim poduzećima. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, menadžerski pristup direktno utječe na orijentaciju prema dizajnu, ali i na marketinšku orijentaciju te, kako direktno, tako i indirektno utječe i na ostvarene poslovne rezultate.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), 1 ; str. 193-213  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzeća -- Dizajn -- Marketing -- Menadžment

ŠMAGUC, Tamara
Entrepreneurs' social capital in struggles within market field [Elektronička građa] : the case of the Croatian software industry / Tamara Šmaguc, Ksenija Vuković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 87 jed. - Summary ;Sažetak. - By understanding social capital as a link between the concept of social embeddedness and networking, this paper seeks to contribute to the understanding of the high-tech entrepreneurship process as a socially situated and influenced practice. Through in-depth examination of Croatian entrepreneurs in the software industry, we address the issues of which manifestations of social capital are significant in certain aspects of the entrepreneurial process and how entrepreneurs mobilize them in the competition for economic and other valuable resources on the “social stage”. In terms of methodology, the research uses techniques and procedures of the constructivist grounded theory. Empirical data were collected through in-depth face-to-face interviews with 77 respondents from 70 Croatian companies and a search of relevant secondary data sources. The analysis of the empirical material was carried out using initial, focused and axial coding techniques, accompanied by theoretical sampling and the application of the constant comparison method. Results of the research, articulated by the conceptual tool of Bourdieu's theory, show that social capital is manifested in a wide range of network formations and such network is modified by the development progress of the company. In general, a rich reservoir of social capital facilitates the entrepreneur's search for financial resources and supports the construction of a base of cultural and symbolic capital, with informal networks and acquaintances of entrepreneurs standing out for their ease of conversion to other forms of capital. - Razumijevanjem društvenog kapitala, kao poveznice koncepata društvene ukorijenjenosti te prakse umrežavanja, ovim se radom nastoji doprinijeti razumijevanju procesa visoko-tehnološkog poduzetništva kao društveno određene i ovisne prakse. Korištenjem dubinskih intervjua s hrvatskim poduzetnicima u softverskoj industriji, analiziramo pitanja značajnosti pojave socijalnog kapitala u određenim aspektima poduzetničkog procesa te kako ga poduzetnici koriste u borbi za ekonomske i druge vrijedne resurse na „društvenoj pozornici“. U metodološkom smislu, u istraživanju se koriste tehnike i procedure konstruktivističke metode utemeljene teorije (grounded theory). Empirijski su podaci prikupljeni dubinskim osobnim intervjuima sa 77 ispitanika iz 70 hrvatskih poduzeća, kao i pretragom za relevantnim sekundarnim izvorima podataka. Analiza empirijskog materijala je obavljena korištenjem tehnika inicijalnog, fokusiranog i aksijalnog kodiranja, praćenih teorijskim uzorkovanjem i primjenom metode stalne usporedbe. Rezultati istraživanja, iskazani kroz konceptualni okvir Bourdieuove teorije, pokazuju da se društveni kapital iskazuje kroz formiranje širokog spektra mreža, na koje utječe razvoj poduzeća. Općenito se može reći da bogati rezervoar društvenog kapitala olakšava poduzetnicima potragu za financijskim resursima te potpomaže razvoj baze kulturnog i simboličkog kapitala, pri čemu se posebno ističu neformalne mreže i poznanstva poduzetnika, koja se mogu lako pretvoriti u druge oblike kapitala.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), 2 ; str. 83-110  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Društveni kapital -- Softverska industrija -- Umrežavanje -- Bourdieuova teorija prakse -- Poduzetništvo -- Internacionalizacija

PERIĆ, Julia
Exploring business models of nonprofit organizations [Elektronička građa] / Julia Perić, Anamarija Delić, Marina Stanić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Business models are usually used to describe how business entities sustain their competitive advantage, offer their customers better value and create good cooperation with their partners. While the literature is rich with best practice examples among for-profit business entities, nonprofit organizations (NPOs) are rarely observed and compared through the business model concept. Nonprofit organizations are mostly viewed as mission-driven organizations, which is why the business side is often rather neglected. The success of nonprofit organizations is usually measured by their impact in the community, which makes their activities dynamic and very much dependable on their business ecosystem. The goal of this paper is to identify specific characteristics of business models in the nonprofit sector, to evaluate how well nonprofit organizations communicate their value proposition to their customers, what distinguishes them from other nonprofits and what they are doing to develop a successful and sustainable organization. The empirical study covers 10 Croatian nonprofit organizations. The business model canvas is used to describe and compare their business models. The findings represent a good basis for understanding the performance of nonprofit organizations, and can serve as a framework for specific policies and programs aimed at development of nonprofit organizations. - Poslovni modeli se obično koriste za opis kako poslovni subjekti održavaju svoju konkurentsku prednost, pružaju kupcima veću vrijednost i ustrojavaju bolju suradnju s poslovnim partnerima. Dok postoji bogata literatura o primjerima najbolje prakse za profitne subjekte, neprofitne se organizacije rijetko promatraju i uspoređuju korištenjem koncepta poslovnog modela. Neprofitne se organizacija uglavnom analiziraju kao vođene misijom, zbog čega je njihova poslovna strana uglavnom zanemarena. Uspjeh neprofitnih organizacije obično se mjeri njihovim utjecajem u zajednici, što čini djelovanje istih dinamičnim i veoma ovisnim o poslovnom ekosustavu. Cilj je ovog rada utvrditi specifičnosti poslovnih modela u neprofitnom sektoru, kako bi se utvrdilo koliko dobro neprofitne organizacije komuniciraju kupcima (korisnicima) svoju ponudu vrijednosti, što ih razlikuje od drugih organizacija i što rade, s ciljem razvoja uspješne i održive organizacije. U empirijskoj se studiji analizira 10 hrvatskih neprofitnih organizacija. Za opis i usporedbu njihovih poslovnih modela koristi se koncepcija platna poslovnog modela. Rezultati predstavljaju dobru osnovu za razumijevanje učinka neprofitnih organizacija te mogu poslužiti kao okvir za donošenje specifičnih politika i programa, namijenjenih razvoju neprofitnih organizacija.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), 2 ; str. 181-194  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Neprofitne organizacije -- Poslovni modeli -- Studija slučaja

How important is entrepreneurial orientation for family businnes? [Elektronička građa] / Thea Visser, Louise van Scheers. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 89 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The purpose of this article is to explore how important is the entrepreneurial orientation for family businesses. Entrepreneurial orientation is an important concept within the entrepreneurship field and it should be maintained through family generations. Proactiveness, risk-taking and innovativeness form the essence of entrepreneurial orientation, while the generational level is an influential variable, related to entrepreneurial orientation. A preliminary and conceptual study of the described problem was undertaken. Although risk-taking is essential in developing entrepreneurship and sustaining the family legacy, family businesses are risk-averse, due to concerns about reduction in family wealth. Entrepreneurial orientation may be strong at the founder stage, but it decreases as the business moves through generations. Entrepreneurial families should have an entrepreneurial orientation towards business activities, as it provides the vision to mobilise the knowledge within the family business. Strong and consistent family leadership is needed to create a climate favouring entrepreneurial orientation. Families should develop an entrepreneurial spirit and orientation that can sustain the current generation and the entire family into the future. - Cilj ovog rada je istražiti koliko je poduzetnička orijentacija važna za obiteljska poduzeća. Poduzetnička orijentacije je značajan concept u području poduzetništva i treba je održavati kroz više generacija u obitelji. Proaktivnost, preuzimanje rizika i inovativnost predstavljaju bit poduzetničke orijentacije, dok je broj generacija uključenih u poslovanje utjecajna varijabla, povezana s poduzetničkom orijentacijom. Provedena je preliminarna i konceptualna studija opisanog problema. Iako je preuzimanje rizika ključno za razvoj poduzetništva i održavanje obiteljske tradicije, obiteljska poduzeća su nesklona riziku, s obzirom na zabrinutost za smanjenje obiteljskog bogatstva. Poduzetnička orijentacija može biti snažna u fazi osnivanja poduzeća, ali se smanjuje, kako poduzeće prelazi u ruke članova novih generacija. Poduzetničke bi obitelji trebale imati poduzetničku orijentaciju prema poslovnim aktivnostima, s obzirom da ista pruža viziju, potrebnu za mobilizaciju znanja u obiteljskim poduzećima. Da bi se stvorila klima, koja podupire poduzetničku orijentaciju, potrebno je snažno i konzistentno obiteljsko vodstvo, a obitelji bi trebale razvijati poduzetnički duh i orijentaciju, koje mogu i u budćnosti održati trenutnu generaciju, ali i obitelj u cjelini.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), 2 ; str. 235-250  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzeća -- Obiteljska poduzeća -- Poduzetnička orijentacija -- Međugeneracijsko poduzetništvo -- Inovativnost

TROJAK, Nataša
How to select a true leader? [Elektronička građa] : Introducing methods for measurement of implicit power motive / Nataša Trojak, Zvonimir Galić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 86 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Organizations mark the life of every individual, and the success and well-being of an individual largely depends on the success of organizations they belong to. The success of an organization is significantly influenced by those who are in charge of it, leaders or managers, so it is important for organizations to choose those who will do this job well. There is a large number of studies with the subject of successful leadership, and the dominant ones are those in which the traits of a successful leader are investigated. One of the traits identified as an important element of a leader’s success is the power motive. It consists of implicit and explicit dimensions, and the implicit dimension has been shown to be an important, and yet mostly overlooked, determinant of leadership performance. Measurement of the implicit dimension requires specially crafted instruments, including the “classic” Thematic Apperception Test, as well as recently introduced instruments such as the Implicit Association Test and the Conditional Reasoning Test for Power Motive. In this paper, we argue that introduction of the tests that assess implicit power motive to human resource management practice of business organizations might significantly improve selection procedures for leadership positions. - Organizacije obilježavaju život svakog pojedinca, a o njihovoj uspješnosti ovise njihova uspješnost i dobrobit. Na uspjeh organizacije značajno utječu oni koji njima upravljaju – vođe, odnosno menadžeri, zbog čega je važno odabrati one, koji će taj posao dobro obavljati. Cijeli niz istraživanja bavi se temom uspješnog vođenja, a dominantna su ona u kojima se traže osobine uspješnih vođa. Jedna od osobina, koja je identificirana kao važan element uspješnosti vođe je i motiv za moći. On se sastoji od implicitne i eksplicitne dimenzije, a upravo se implicitna dimenzija pokazala važnom odrednicom uspješnosti vođenja. Mjerenje implicitne dimenzije zahtijeva posebno kreirane instrumente, među kojima se ističe „klasični“ test tematske apercepcije, ali i novi instrumenti, kao što su test implicitnih asocijacija i test uvjetovanog rezoniranja. U ovom radu tvrdimo da uvođenje testova, koji procjenjuju implicitni motiv za moći, u upravljanje ljudskim potencijalima poslovnih organizacija može značajno poboljšati procese selekcije za vodeće pozicije.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), 1 ; str. 235-253  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Menadžeri -- Vođa -- Uspješnost -- Osobine ličnosti -- Upravljanje ljudskim potencijalima -- Psihološki testovi

An interdisciplinary learning approach to ecological business [Elektronička građa] : using examples of best practice / Marina Valentukevičienė, Vytis Valatka. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - It is a widely held view among educationists that the most effective way to facilitate a holistic learning approach is to present visual, ready-to-use, practical examples. Thus, our study follows the general scope of the course “Socially responsible ecological business”, which is currently offered to master students at the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU). We contend that teaching materials should be presented visually using case studies and examples. Indeed, simple guidance is one of the vital learning tools for students. Accordingly, and in line with the aims of the course, the observations and experience of differences in global culture and our inclusion of a wide range of ecological examples were central to the design of our international case study. In particular, students found the case study on ecological business both useful and applicable in the real world. - Široko je rašireno stajalište obrazovnih djelatnika da je najučinkovitiji način koji omogućava holistički pristup učenju predstavljanje vizualnih, praktičnih primjera koji su spremni za upotrebu. Naše istraživanje prati opći sadržaj kolegija „Društveno odgovorno ekološko poslovanje“, koji se trenutno nudi studentima diplomskih studija na tehničkom sveučilištu Vilnius Gediminas (VGTU). Tvrdimo da bi nastavni materijali trebali biti predstavljeni vizualno koristeći studije slučaja i primjere. Jednostavno usmjeravanje jedan je od ključnih alata za učenje. U skladu s tim i u skladu s ciljevima kolegija, zapažanja i iskustva razlika u globalnoj kulturi te naše uključivanje širokog spektra ekoloških primjera bili su presudni za kreiranje naše međunarodne studije slučaja. Studenti su smatrali da je studija slučaja o ekološkom poslovanju posebno korisna i primjenjiva u stvarnom svijetu.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), spec. iss. ; str. 133-144  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poslovne vještine -- Projektantska praksa -- Ekološko poslovanje -- Interdisciplinarni pristup

NAKIĆ, Stanislav
Motivacija kao čimbenik razvoja ljudskih resursa [Elektronička građa] = Motivation factor of human resources development / Stanislav Nakić, Kemal Lindov. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 15-16. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Menadžment ljudskih resursa od izuzetne važnosti je za uspješno poslovanje svake organizacije. Da bih menadžment resursa opravdao ulogu u poslovanju važan čimbenik je motivacija ljudskih resursa. Ovaj rad se bavio istraživanjem motivacije ljudskih resursa u 120 organizacija u Federaciji BiH, primjenom induktivne i deduktivne metode, metode analize, apstrakcije, deskripcije… Cilj istraživanja bio je dokazati da su ljudski resursi i njihova motivacija bitan čimbenik poslovanja i ostvarenja pozitivnih poslovnih rezultata. Logičnim i analitičkim postupkom potvrđene su hipoteze istraživanja:-74% ispitanika smatra da je nužna potreba motivacije ljudskih resursa, -53,7% ispitanika smatra da njihova poduzeća trebaju znatno više ulagati u edukaciju, obrazovanje i obuku zaposlenih,-40,5% ispitanika mišljenja je da će zadovoljni radnici bolje i kvalitetnije obavljati radne zadatke,-50,7% ispitanika zna da poduzeće ima jasnu strategiju motivacije ljudskih resursa. - Human resource management is extremely important for the successful operation of any organization. In order for resource management to justify its role in business, an important factor is the motivation of human resources. This paper investigated the motivation of human resources in 120 organizations in the Federation of BiH, the application of inductive and deductive methods, methods of analysis, abstraction, description… The aim of the study was to prove that human resources and their motivation are important factors in achieving positive business results. The logical and analytical procedure confirmed the research hypotheses:-74% of respondents believe that the need to motivate human resources is necessary,-53.7% of respondents believe that their companies should invest significantly more in education, training and employee training, -40.5% of respondents are of the opinion that satisfied workers will perform work tasks better and with better quality,-50.7% of respondents know that the company has a clear strategy for motivating human resources.
U: Glasilo Future. - ISSN 2623-6575. - 3 (2020), 3 ; str. 1-16  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Motivacija -- Strategije motivacije -- Menadžment ljudskih potencijala -- Pozitivno iskustvo -- Kvaliteta posla

DE Valk, Giliam
On screening and the insider threat - a methodological exploration [Elektronička građa] / Giliam de Valk.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Abstract. - An under researched issue in security is screening combined with the insider threat. One of the problems is the lack of data. Human Resource Management (HRM) departments don’t like to disclose cases and modus operandi. Also the filing is incomplete. It leads to a situation in which theory building is hardly possible. Therefore, this explorative essay is written from a more methodological perspective. From the scarce information that was obtained from expert practitioners, there seems not to be such a thing as a standard profile of an insider threat. At the same time, an estimated 75% of the offenders has shown to have been actually bona fide at the original pre-employment screening. It calls for a reflection on current screening practices. Such an approach has its limitations. Scenarios for offenders cannot be built, because the causes are too diverse and the cases too unique. As files are hardly kept – and HRM departments are not so willing to share – a big data approach is also not a likely option. A way out could be to test the loyalty of employees. In such a system, the emphasis will be on a so-called during-employment screening. The interviewer, together with the applicant, will assess the applicant’s vulnerabilities. After this assessment, the applicant will be tested on his/her vulnerabilities during his/her entire career, Also, there needs to be a shift in the culture at HRM departments. They have to change from steering on mistakes, into being a safety net for employees that have (personal) problems. It also implies a change in interaction – from discussion to dialogue. Finally, in a working environment that is evolving towards a more networked way of working – compared to the classic hierarchical office work – the rethinking concerning the screening practices will only be the more pressing.
U: National security and the future (Online). - ISSN 1846-1425. - 20 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 35-50  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kritična infrastruktura -- Ljudski resursi -- Sigurnost -- Menadžment

STRAŠEK, Aleksander
Open innovation and business performance improvement in strategic business alliances [Elektronička građa] / Aleksander Strašek, Franci Pušavec, Borut Likar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 22 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The purpose of the research was to investigate whether the companies involved in strategic business alliances (henceforth referred to as the SBA) have a higher level of open innovation and better business results in the metal industry in the EU country, namely Slovenia. The survey was carried out in 115 companies, where the aforementioned relations and their influence were studied applying appropriate statistical methods (e.g. the Mann-Whitney Test, Chi-Square statistics, t-test, etc.). The sample encompassed four clusters and R&D centres from metal-processing industry. The results showed that SBA have a significantly strong impact on companies’ open innovation as well as more efficient cooperation with universities and research institutions. Among the companies involved in SBA, the portion of innovations generated in cooperation with their business partners accounted for 57.7%, while those, not involved in SBA, the same indicator amounts to 19%. In addition, the results showed that the majority of business results, in companies involved in SBA, were above average, compared to the industry sector average values. The value added per employee within companies involved in the SBA was significantly higher than the industry average, as well as the profits; difference was more than threefold. It may be concluded that SBA represent an important bridge in the transformation from a closed innovation model to a model of open innovation, resulting in better business performance. Important implication for companies is related to the message that cooperation with competitors may bring value added to all companies involved. - Razlog ovog istraživanja je utvrditi imaju li poduzeća, uključena u strateške poslovne saveze, višu razinu otvorenih inovacije i poslove rezultate u metalskoj industriji u jednoj zemlji-članici EU-a (Sloveniji). Anketom je obuhvaćeno 115 poduzeća, u kojoj su analizirane prethodno spomenuti odnosi i utjecaji, korištenjem odgovarajućih statističkih metoda (Mann-Whitneyevim testom, Hi-kvadrat testom, t-testom, itd.). Uzorak je uključivao četiri klastera poduzeća te centara za istraživanje i razvoj iz metalske industrije. Rezultati su pokazali da strateški poslovni savezi imaju značajan utjecaj na otvorenu inovaciju u poduzećima, kao i na učinkovitost suradnje sa sveučilištima i istraživačkim institucijama. Među poduzećima, uključenim u strateške saveze, udjel inovacija, stvorenih u suradnji s poslovnim partnerima iznosi 57.7%, dok je, kod poduzeća izvan strateških saveza, vrijednost istog indikatora 19%. Nadalje, rezultati su pokazali da je većina poslovnih rezultata, u poduzećima angažiranim u strateškim savezima, natprosječna, u odnosu na industrijski prosjek. Dodana vrijednost po zaposlenom u ovim je poduzećima bila značajno veća od industrijskog prosjeka, kao i dobit, za koju je razlika bila više od trostruke. Može se zaključiti da strateški savezi predstavljaju značajan alat za transformaciju zatvorenog prema otvorenom modelu inovacije, uz bolje poslovne rezultate. Značajna implikacija za poduzeća odnosi se na poruku da suradnja s konkurentima može donijeti dodanu vrijednost za sve uključene.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), 1 ; str. 133-144  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzeća -- Inovacije -- Poslovni rezultati -- Strateški savezi

BANG, Henry Ngenyam
An overview of the Covid-19 crisis management in Cameroon [Elektronička građa] : decentralised governance response needed / Henry Ngenyam Bang. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 82 jed. - Abstract. - This article provides insights into Cameroon’s crisis management of the coronavirus pandemic via an exploratory and descriptive qualitative research. Thematic analysis of data was done using a framework approach; the Comprehensive Pandemic Risk Management System (CPRMS) underpins the research and provided structure, order, and clarity to the article. From the findings, one can deduce that the government is working hard to mitigate the potentially awful consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. The authorities implemented temporary containment and infection control measures to stem virus spread and have relied heavily on international and humanitarian organisations for financial/technical help to operationalise the pandemic response. Attempts to control the spread of the virus, however, have been challenging. Deficiencies abound in many areas including slowness to institute containment measures after the first infected cases; Cameroon’s fragile/weak health infrastructure; insufficient critical care units and health workers disproportionately distributed in the country; safety concerns with insufficient protective equipment for health workers; overly centralised pandemic response at the national level to the detriment of the regions and lower administrative units; government politicising the response by refusing contributions/donations from opposition parties; high cost for COVID-19 treatment limiting access to healthcare and insufficient trust in health systems ability to deal with COVID-19. Recommendations are supplied on how to improve the coronavirus response as infections skyrocket. The recommendations also address enhancing later epidemics/pandemics and Cameroon’s health system.
U: Annals of disaster risk sciences (Online). - ISSN . - 3 (2020),2  
 Elektronička verzija članka
COVID-19 -- Krizni menadžment -- Pandemija COVID-19

Proposal of a new research construct in female entrepreneurship [Elektronička građa] / Mateja Vadnjal, Jaka Vadnjal, Alenka Bernik Dermol. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 42 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Entrepreneurship has been a gender-defined phenomenon for several decades. It has been presented as a typically male domain which for its demanding performance requires typical male characteristics. In this paper, we follow the suggestions of researchers of female entrepreneurs and focus on the research of three groups of female entrepreneurs. We propose that female entrepreneurs in different life stages have distinguished forms of human and social capital, and we apply the factors of those capitals to be measured. We observe the influence of parents, maternity as a metaphor for family involvement and family responsibilities, friends, and the broader environment on social capital. We discussed female entrepreneurship using two functions - as emotional support and incentives and as an instrumental social capital that provides access to information, resources and business partners. We added previous entrepreneurial experience, the level of education attained, business knowledge acquired at school and specific training, industry experience, previous managerial experience to the human capital function. With our model, we introduced the theory of life expectancy of women into entrepreneurship theory, which brings us closer to understanding the external influences on entrepreneurial aspirations and motivations of women of different ages. - Poduzetništvo je rodno definirani fenomen već nekoliko desetljeća. Predstavljeno je kao tipično muška domena čije zahtjevne performanse zahtijevaju tipične muške karakteristike. U ovom radu slijedimo prijedloge istraživača koji istražuju poduzetnice te se usredotočujemo na istraživanje tri skupine poduzetnica. Predlažemo da poduzetnice u različitim životnim fazama imaju različite oblike ljudskog i socijalnog kapitala i primjenjujemo čimbenike tih kapitala koji se mjere. Utjecaj roditelja, majčinstva promatramo kao metaforu obiteljske uključenosti i obiteljskih obveza, prijatelja i šireg okruženja na društveni kapital. Raspravljamo o ženskom poduzetništvu koristeći dvije funkcije - emocionalna potpora i poticaji te instrumentalni socijalni kapital koji omogućuje pristup informacijama, resursima i poslovnim partnerima. Funkciji ljudskog kapitala dodali smo prethodno poduzetničko iskustvo, stečenu razinu obrazovanja, poslovno znanje stečeno tijekom formalnog obrazovanja i specifično osposobljavanje, iskustvo u industriji, prethodno menadžersko iskustvo. Svojim smo modelom u teoriju poduzetništva uveli teoriju očekivanog života žena, koja nam približava razumijevanje vanjskih utjecaja na poduzetničke težnje i motivaciju žena različitih dobnih skupina.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), spec. iss. ; str. 63-80  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzetništvo -- Žene -- Žensko poduzetništvo -- Socijalni kapital -- Životni vijek -- Karijera

SLIŠKOVIĆ, Tamara, ekonomistica
Realizacija projekata baziranih na konceptu "pametnih" gradova u Hrvatskoj s osvrtom na grad Jastrebarsko [Elektronička građa] = Implementation of projects based on the concept of "smart" cities in Croatia - the city of Jastrebarsko case study / Tamara Slišković, Ivona Vrhovec. - Graf. prikazi,.
Bibliografija: str. 79-80. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Primjena napredne tehnologije potpuno je promijenila građane, gradove i zajednice, stvarajući inteligentno i pametno društvo. Prije svega, potrebno je ukazati na važnost primjene inovativnih rješenja prilagođenih potrebama gradova i građana. Korištenjem inovativnih pristupa, gradovi su u mogućnosti poboljšati gospodarsku sliku te učiniti urbani život prikladnijim i boljim mjestom za život. U članku se analizira proces implementacije određenih komponenti pametnih gradova u Hrvatskoj. Cilj članka je istražiti koncept pametnoga grada, njihovu strukturu i funkciju te analizirati pametna rješenja u primjeni koncepta pametnih gradova na području Hrvatske, s posebnim osvrtom na grad Jastrebarsko. Primijenjeno je kvantitativno istraživanje putem anketnog upitnika (n=129) na području grada Jastrebarsko. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju uključenost hrvatskih gradova u proces implementacije pametnih rješenja i pozitivan utjecaj novih metoda urbanog upravljanja, koje omogućuju interaktivne, inkluzivne i inovativne urbane sustave, rješavaju dileme o urbanom razvoju, osiguravaju potrebe stanovnika, kontinuirano optimiziraju i poboljšavaju, te na kraju postižu održivi urbani razvoj. - The application of advanced technology has completely transformed citizens, cities and communities, creating an intelligent and smart society. First of all, it is necessary to point out the importance of applying innovative solutions tailored to the needs of cities and citizens. By using innovative approaches, cities are able to improve the economic picture and make urban life a more convenient and better place to live. The article analyses the process of implementing certain components of smart cities in Croatia. The aim of the article is to explore the concept of a smart city, their structure and function and to analyse smart solutions in the application of the concept of smart cities in Croatia, with special reference to the city of Jastrebarsko. Quantitative research was applied through a questionnaire (n=129) in the Jastrebarsko area. The results of the research show the involvement of Croatian cities in the process of implementation of smart solutions and the positive impact of new urban governance methods, which enable interactive, inclusive and innovative urban systems, solve urban development dilemmas, ensure residents' needs, continuously optimise and improve, and ultimately achieve sustainable urban development.
U: Notitia. - ISSN 1849-9066. - 6 (2020), 1 ; str. 63-80  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pametni grad -- Pametna infrastruktura -- Pametna rješenja

VRCHOTA, Jaroslav
Teleworking in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) before the onset of coronavirus crisis in the Czech Republic [Elektronička građa] / Jaroslav Vrchota, Monika Maříková, Petr Řehoř. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 53 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Due to the new information and communication technologies, it is now possible to disconnect work from space and time and to take advantage of new ways of organizing work. One of the options is teleworking (TW), currently being implemented throughout Europe due to the condition created by the coronavirus pandemic. The aim of the paper is twofold: (i) to analyse a range of factors (size of the enterprise; foreign owner; written strategy; project-driven enterprise; disabilities; work-life balance; benefits, lack of workers, illness, lower cost, relax at work and comfort; renting space, IT level) influencing the duration of TW implementation in the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and (ii) to better define the differences between the SMEs where TW was introduced in a short time, and those introducing it over a longer period. Out of the total of 31 factors, six factors have been proved to have a different impact on the duration of TW implementation (TW implementation due to higher efficiency; monitoring is performed only according to the results; the managers see the disadvantage of TW in its possible misuse; the enterprises use internal TW regulations; the managers see the main advantage as higher operational flexibility; the introduction of TW, due to the balance of work and family life). All together, 44,000 SMEs in the Czech Republic were invited into the research. The data were collected from 1,018 enterprises, with 60% of the enterprises using TW actively; on average, these enterprises have been using it for seven years. - Zbog razvoja novih informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija, danas postaje moguće razdvojiti posao od vremena i mjesta njegova obavljanja te koristiti nove mogućnosti za njegovu organizaciju. Jedna od opcija je i rad na daljinu, koji se trenutno provodi širom Europe, zbog uvjeta, koji nastaju zbog pandemije koronavirusa. Cilj rada je dvostruki: (a) analizirati niz čimbenika (veličinu poduzeća, vlasništvo, formalizaciju strategije, projektnu usmjerenost poduzeća, posebne potrebe zaposlenika, odnos radnog i privatnog života, pogodnosti za zaposlenike, nedostatak radne snage, bolest zaposlenika, niže troškove, mogućnost opuštanja i komfora na radnom mjestu, najam poslovnog prostora i razinu informatičke opremljenosti), koji djeluju na duljinu implementacije rada na daljinu u malim i srednjim poduzećima (MSP) te (b) bolje odrediti razlike između MSP-a, u kojima je rad na daljinu uveden u kraćem, u odnosu na MSP-ove, koji su ga uvodili dulje vrijeme. Od ukupno analiziranog 31 čimbenika, za šest (implementacija rada na daljinu zbog više učinkovitosti; nadzor samo nad rezultatima rada; menadžment shvaća mogućnosti zlouporabe rada na daljinu; poduzeća koriste interne propise za rad na daljinu; menadžeri uviđaju da je veća operativna fleksibilnost temeljna prednost rada na daljinu; uvođenje rada na daljinu zbog uravnoteženja rada i obiteljskog života) utvrđeno je da imaju različito djelovanje na duljinu implementacije rada na daljinu. Ukupno je 44,000 MSP-ova iz Češke Republike pozvano na sudjelovanje u istraživanju. Podaci su prikupljeni od 1,018 poduzeća, od čega je 60% aktivno koristilo rad na daljinu, i to u prosječnom trajanju od sedam godina.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), 2 ; str. 151-164  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mala i srednja poduzeća -- Rad na daljinu -- Menadžment -- Karijera

Zastupljenost žena u upravljačkim strukturama odabranog hrvatskog farmaceutskog poduzeća [Elektronička građa] / Matej Perkov. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovome radu govori se o stanju ravnopravnosti spolova u Republici Hrvatskoj te aktivnostima i mjerama koje se u tom području poduzimaju za smanjenje ili uklanjanje neravnomjerne zastupljenosti muškaraca i žena u upravljačkim strukturama. Cilj je rada prikazati izazove nerazmjerne zastupljenosti muškaraca i žena na rukovodećim pozicijama u europskim i hrvatskim poslovnim organizacijama. Ravnopravnost spolova predstavlja stratešku srž razvoja svih politika EU jer ni jedna država članica nije još postigla potpunu ravnopravnost. Zadnjih nekoliko dekada Europska je unija učinila značajan iskorak u smanjenju disproporcija kako bi se u praksi provelo načelo jednakosti spolova. Europska komisija želi da najmanje polovica žena bude u upravljačkim strukturama, ali će EU – ako se nastavi današnja dinamika – ostvariti ravnopravnost spolova tek za 60 godina! Svojim znanjima, vještinama i sposobnostima žene su postale ravnopravne kandidatkinje za članice upravljačkih struktura. Na međunarodnoj, regionalnoj i nacionalnoj razini poduzimaju se brojne mjere, donose strategije, planovi djelovanja, međunarodni ugovori, zakoni i drugi propisi, a s ciljem postizanja stvarne ravnopravnosti žena i muškaraca u svim područjima privatnog i javnog života. Istraživačka je hipoteza da u upravljačkim strukturama ravnopravnost spolova nije adekvatna. - This paper discusses the state of gender equality in the Republic of Croatia and the activities and measures that are being taken to reduce or eliminate the unequal representation of men and women in governance structures. The aim of this paper was to present the challenges of disproportionate representation of men and women in management positions in European and Croatian business organizations. Gender equality is the strategic core of all EU policies, as no member state has yet achieved full equality. In the last few decades, the EU has taken a significant step towards reducing disparities in order to put the principle of gender equality into practice. The European Commission wants at least half of women to be in governing structures, but the EU - if today’s dynamics continue - will achieve gender equality only in 60 years! With their knowledge, skills and abilities, women have become equal candidates for members of management structures. Numerous measures are taken at the international, regional, and national levels, strategies, action plans, international treaties, laws and other regulations are adopted, with the aim of achieving real equality between women and men, in all areas of private and public life. The research hypothesis is that gender equality is not adequate in management structures.
U: Zbornik sveučilišta Libertas (Online). - ISSN 2584-6167. - 5 (2020), 5 ; str. 159-173  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ravnopravnost spolova -- Poduzeća -- Žene -- Položaj žena -- Rukovodeće pozicije

Vidi br.: HA20-02365

Vidi br.: HA20-02201

Vidi br.: HA20-02211

Vidi br.: HA20-02362

Vidi br.: HA20-02258

Vidi br.: HA20-02052

Vidi br.: HA20-02387

Vidi br.: HA20-02045

Vidi br.: HA20-02339

Vidi br.: HA20-02050

Vidi br.: HA20-02082

Vidi br.: HA20-02041

Vidi br.: HA20-02048

Vidi br.: HA20-02413

Vidi br.: HA20-02054

007   Teorija komunikacija. Kibernetika

Vidi br.: HA20-02326

Vidi br.: HA20-02322

008   Civilizacija. Kultura. Napredak

Economics of uniqueness in Croatian historic towns [Elektronička građa] : looking for new urban models / Nataša Urošević, Danijela Grubišić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 35 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The paper will elaborate on the current situation and development perspectives in selected Croatian historic towns, reflecting upon innovative models of urban regeneration and social revitalization. Looking for new urban models in the challenging global context, the authors applied the concept of cultural economy or the economics of uniqueness, which connects sustainable urban development with strategic mobilisation of unique local cultural resources. As a case study, the current situation in the cities of Pula and Šibenik (Croatia) was elaborated, which are characterized by the transition from former military and industrial urban models to cultural tourism destinations. - U radu je prikazana trenutna situacija i perspektive razvoja u odabranim hrvatskim povijesnim gradovima, promišljajući o inovativnim modelima urbane obnove i društvene revitalizacije. U potrazi za novim urbanim modelima u izazovnom globalnom kontekstu, autori su primijenili koncept kulturne ekonomije ili ekonomije jedinstvenosti, koja povezuje održivi urbani razvoj sa strateškom mobilizacijom jedinstvenih lokalnih kulturnih resursa. Kao studija slučaja prikazana je trenutna situacija u gradovima Puli i Šibeniku (Hrvatska), koje karakterizira prijelaz s nekadašnjih vojnih i industrijskih urbanih modela na odredišta kulturnog turizma.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), spec. iss. ; str. 145-159  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kulturni turizam -- Povijesni gradovi -- Održivi razvoj

Managing substitutive and complementary technologies in cultural institutions [Elektronička građa] : market/mission perspectives / Artur Modlinski, Luis Moreira Pinto. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Digitalization and artificial intelligence are changing modern business organizations. New technologies help to analyze business environment, track customers, control work performance and improve prod-ucts. The aforementioned phenomenon has received considerably little attention in current literature on culture management. Our goal is to find (1) what types of technologies are used by cultural institutions (CIs) and (2) for what reason. The hypothesis of the article is that CIs use various technologies and tools. Websites, leaflets and audiovisual materials of 139 CIs around the world (theaters, art galleries, opera houses, museums) were analyzed. It was found that CIs use both complementary (CT) as well as substitutive technologies (ST) for managerial and mission-oriented purposes. In our article, the matrix of technologies used by CIs is proposed. Our findings suggest that CIs adapt to changing technological environment by implementing tools that support them in the mission’s fulfillment and management. Moreover, new technologies are used by CIs as both employees’ reinforcement as well as their replace-ment. - Digitalizacija i umjetna inteligencija mijenjaju moderne poslovne organizacije. Nove tehnologije pomažu pri analizi poslovnog okruženja, praćenju kupaca, kontroli radne uspješnosti i poboljšanju proizvoda. Spomenutom fenomenu posvećeno je malo pozornosti u suvremenoj literaturi o upravljanju kulturom. Cilj nam je utvrditi (1) koje vrste tehnologija kulturne institucije (KI) koriste i (2) iz kojeg razloga. Hipoteza istraživanja je da se KI koriste raznim tehnologijama i alatima. Analizirane su mrežne stranice, letci i audiovizualni materijali 139 kulturnih institucija širom svijeta (kazališta, umjetničkih galerija, opernih kuća i muzeja), te je utvrđeno da KI koriste komplementarne (KT) i zamjenske tehnologije (ZT) u svrhu upravljanja i orijentiranosti na misiju. U članku je predložena matrica tehnologija koje koriste KI. Rezultati sugeriraju da se KI prilagođavaju promjeni tehnološkog okruženja primjenom alata koji ih podržavaju u ispunjavanju i upravljanju misijom. Štoviše, KI često koriste nove tehnologije kako bi osnažili zaposlenike, ali i zamijenili ih.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), spec. iss. ; str. 1-10  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kulturne ustanove -- Kulturni menadžment -- Kulturološke studije -- Upravljanje baštinom -- Umjetna inteligencija -- Digitalizacija

Vidi br.: HA20-02188

01   Bibliografije. Katalozi

Ekumenska bibliografija u časopisu Nova revija (1922. - 1841.) [Elektronička građa] : popis i kratka analiza = Ecumenical bibliography in the journal "Nova revija" (1922-1941) : list and brief analysis / Ivan Macut.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Članak pod naslovom Ekumenska bibliografija u časopisu Nova revija (1922. – 1941.) uz uvod i zaključak, podijeljen je na tri dijela. U uvodu autor ukratko piše o nastanku časopisa Nova revija. Prvo poglavlje posvećeno je detaljnoj ekumenskoj bibliografiji časopisa i to od 1922. do 1941. godine, dakle od početka pa do prestanka izlaženja. U ostalim poglavljima autor donosi grupiranje ekumenske bibliografije po pojedinim teološkim i ekumenskim temama te ih autor nakon toga predstavlja i analizira. Obrađene su tri teme: Prva svjetska konferencija praktičnog kršćanstva u Švedskoj, Euharistija i Pitanje papinstva. Autorov je zaključak da su svi tekstovi u skladu s ondašnjim stavom Katoličke Crkve, teološkim postavkama i promišljanjima onoga vremena te da svi skupa promiču ekumenizam povratka, a što je i bila tendencija u pred-saborskoj katoličkoj ekumenskoj teologiji. - The article entitled Ecumenical Bibliography in the journal “Nova Revija” (1922-1941), with an introduction and conclusion, is divided into three parts. In the introduction, the author briefly writes about the emergence of the “Nova Revija”. The first chapter is dedicated to a detailed ecumenical bibliography of the journal from 1922 to 1941, from the beginning to the end of its publication. In other chapters, the author presents the grouping of ecumenical bibliography according to theological and ecumenical topics, and then he presents and analyzes them. Three topics are covered: the First World Conference of Practical Christianity in Sweden, the Eucharist and the issue of papacy. The author's conclusion is that all the texts are in accordance with that-time position of the Catholic Church, with the theological tenets and reflections of the time and that they all together promote the ecumenism of return, which was a tendency in pre-Council Catholic ecumenical theology.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 60 (2020), 1 ; str. 68-90  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Časopisi -- Bibliografija -- Ekumenizam
Grabić, Petar


Filozofska bibliografija u časopisu Kulturni radnik (1948. - 1990.) [Elektronička građa] = Philosophical bibliography in the journal "Kulturni radnik" (1948-1990) / Ivan Macut.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad je uz uvod i zaključak, podijeljen na dva dijela. U uvodu autor ukratko rekapitulira stanje filozofskih časopisa kod nas u razdoblju od 1945. do 1991. godine. U prvom poglavlju predstavlja se kratko osnutak Organa Saveza kulturnih-prosvjetnih društava Hrvatske te se progovara o nastanku i svrsi pokretanja časopisa Kulturni radnik. U drugom poglavlju autor kronološkim redom donosi popis čitave filozofske produkcije u cjelokupnom vremenu izlaska časopisa Kulturni radnik (1948. – 1990.). U zaključku autor daje skupnu ocjenu filozofskih tekstova, kao i procjenu važnosti časopisa Kulturni radnik za filozofsko stvaralaštvo u razdoblju nakon Drugoga svjetskog rada pa sve do 1991. godine. - The paper is divided into two parts with introduction and conclusion. In the introduction, the author briefly recapitulates the state of philosophical journals in our country from 1945 to 1991. The first chapter briefly presents the establishment of the Body of the Union of Cultural and Educational Societies of Croatia, and discusses the origin and purpose of launching the journal “Kulturni Radnik“(“Cultural Worker”). In the second chapter, the author presents, in chronological order, a list of the entire philosophical production during the whole period of publication of the journal “Kulturni Radnik” (1948-1990). In conclusion, the author gives a summary evaluation of philosophical texts, as well as an assessment of the importance of the journal “Kulturni Radnik” for philosophical creativity in the period after World War II until 1991.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 60 (2020), 2 ; str. 191-216  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Filozofija -- Bibliografija -- Časopisi -- Marksizam

Vidi br.: HA20-02092

02   Knjižničarstvo

Časopis National security and the future [Elektronička građa] : bibliometrijska analiza u razdoblju od 2000. godine do 2018. godine / Đilda Pečarić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 6 jed. - Sažetak. - U radu je bibliometrijskim metodama analiziran časopis National Security and The Future. Obrađeno je razdoblje od prvog broja časopisa objavljenog 2000. godine do zadnjeg broja objavljenog u 2018. godini. Analizirana građa je prikupljena s portala HRČAK (Portal hrvatskih znanstvenih i stručnih časopisa) ili sa stranice samog časopisa. Ukupno je prikupljeno i analizirano objavljenih 257 članaka, koje potpisuje 134 različita autora tijekom 19 godina izlaženja časopisa. Analizom su obuhvaćeni različiti parametri od autora, čitanost časopisa do ključnih riječi i supojavnosti ključnih riječi točnije pojavnosti i supojavnosti obrađenih tema.
U: National security and the future (Online). - ISSN 1846-1425. - 20 (2019), 3 ; str. 53-86  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Časopisi -- Znanstvena komunikacija -- Bibliometrija -- Čitanost

Uloga knjižnica kao komunikacijskog resursa održivog turizma [Elektronička građa] / Ivo Tokić, Ksenija Tokić.
Bibliografija: str. 77-78. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Održivi razvoj podrazumijeva gospodarski i društveni razvoj zajednice koji je usklađen s trajnim očuvanjem njezinih prirodnih, ljudskih i društvenih resursa tako da se čuva sklad postojećih odnosa i korištenja resursa, kao i da se omogućava njihov daljnji razvoj i korištenje u budućnosti. Kulturna baština jedan je od ključnih resursa neke zajednice koji joj daje identitet, ali i omogućava uključivanje ljudi u sve društvene i ekonomske tokove u suvremenom svijetu. Knjižnice su jedne od ključnih ustanova za očuvanje kulturne baštine neke zajednice. U ovom radu ukazuje se na mogućnosti korištenja knjižničnih potencijala kao komunikacijskih resursa razvoja održivog turizma koji bi omogućio ekonomsku i društvenu korist lokalnoj zajednici putem afirmacije njezinoga kulturnog identiteta. - Sustainable development means such economic and social development of the community that is harmonized with the permanent preservation of its natural, human and social resources in a way that preserves the harmony of existing relations and use of resources and allows their further development and use in the future. Cultural heritage is one of the key resources of a community that gives it an identity, but also enables the inclusion of people in all social and economic trends in the modern world. Libraries are one of the key institutions for preserving the cultural heritage of a community. This paper points out the possibilities of using library potentials as communication resources for the development of sustainable tourism that would provide economic and social benefits to the local community through the affirmation of its cultural identity.
U: Suvremene teme. - ISSN 1847-2397. - 11 (2020), 1 ; str. 69-79  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Knjižnice -- Održivi turizam -- Komunikacijski resursi

Vidi br.: HA20-02595

030   Opća referentna djela

SMOLČIĆ, Ivan, leksikograf
Tablični prikazi kao prilozi strukturiranosti enciklopedičkih djela [Elektronička građa] / Ivan Smolčić, Zdenko Jecić, Petra Bago. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 1036-1037. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Enciklopedička djela čine sintezu znanja područja koje obrađuju, nerijetko i ukupnih ljudskih dosega u vremenu u kojem nastaju. Važan dio njihova koncepta čini strukturiranost sadržaja radi lakšega pronalaženja, razumijevanja i korištenja željenom informacijom. Važan element te strukturiranosti mogu činiti unificirani tablični prikazi podataka. ovaj rad istražuje zastupljenost, način organizacije i funkcionalnost tabličnih prikaza u nizu enciklopedičkih djela, a osobito onih za koja je utvrđeno da se koriste tabličnim prikazima kao elementima strukturiranosti. Istraživanje je provedeno na svjetskim enciklopedičkim izdanjima (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Encyclopedia Americana, Chambersʼs Encyclopaedia, World Book Encyclopedia, Brockhaus Enzyklopädie, La Grande Encyclopédie, Wikipedija) te projektima hrvatske enciklopedike (Hrvatska enciklopedija, Proleksis enciklopedija i Hrvatska tehnička enciklopedija). Sadržajnom analizom enciklopedičkih projekata utvrđeni su zastupljenost i sadržaj tabličnih prikaza te različitosti i sličnosti vrsta tih prikaza i njihova sadržaja. Također, analizirane su funkcionalnosti takva oblika strukturiranoga sadržaja u mrežnim izdanjima nekih projekata. Pokazalo se kako unificirani tablični prikazi koji prate pojedine tipske članke najviše pridonose strukturiranosti enciklopedičkih djela te otvaraju nove mogućnosti za unutarnje i vanjsko povezivanje sadržaja, razvoja ontologija i sl. evolucija tabličnih prikaza u enciklopedičkim izdanjima, od pukih prikaza usustavljenih podataka u tradicionalnim (tiskanim) izdanjima do sastavnica elemenata strukture mrežnih izdanja, otvara nove mogućnosti u razvoju enciklopedike i dovodi do promjena u pristupu izvedbi mrežnih enciklopedičkih projekata. - Encyclopedic works are a synthesis of knowledge of a certain field of interest, and often of the whole human achievement at the time in which they arise. As highly informative works of a tertiary type, an important part of their concept is content structure, the purpose of which is to make them easier to understand and use. This paper explores the extent of tables, their means of organization, and their functionality in encyclopedic works. This research was conducted on well-known traditional (printed) encyclopedic works, such as the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Encyclopedia Americana, Chambers’s Encyclopaedia, World Book Encyclopedia, Brockhaus Enzyklopädie, La Grande Encyclopédie, as well as croatian encyclopedic works: Croatian Encyclopedia, Proleksis Encyclopedia, Croatian Encyclopedia of Technology. Content analysis was conducted on tables in encyclopedic projects as important components of the structure of relevant data, providing an overview of the extent of tables and their content in selected encyclopedic works. by comparing the results of the content analysis of multiple encyclopedic works, differences, and similarities in table types and their content are shown to indicate possibilities and requisites when compiling such highly structured content. Furthermore, insight is provided into the functionalities of such structured content in online editions of some of these encyclopedic works as well as of Wikipedia as the most commonly used online encyclopaedia. The aim of this paper is to present the evolution of tables in encyclopedic works, from the mere rendering of systematized data in traditional works to tables as elements of structure in online works that can be used to develop ontologies, this, in turn, generates new possibilities in the development of encyclopedic studies and a new approach to the creation of online encyclopedic works.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 1019-1038  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Enciklopedika -- Leksikografija -- Enciklopedije -- Struktura -- Tablični prikaz

050   Serijske publikacije. Periodika

National security and the future journal contributors from 2000. to 2019. [Elektronička građa] / Đilda Pečarić.
The first issue of the National Security and The Future journal was published in 2000. In the first 20 years of journal, 134 authors published 257 papers. In this paper we provide an alphabetical overview of the authors and their biographical information. The authors' biographical information is published in its original form as it was published in the journal. The information about the authors is published in the language (English or Croatian) used for the publication of their paper in the journal. Biographical information is not updated and it refers to the year in which the papers were published. The author's information also includes information on the issue number or numbers of the journal in which the author's papers were published. Only the author's name and the issue number or numbers in which the author published their papers are given for the papers that do not include the biographical information of the author.
U: National security and the future (Online). - ISSN 1846-1425. - 20 (2019), 3 ; str. 101-171  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Časopisi -- Autori članaka -- Biografije

TUĐMAN, Miroslav
Prvih 20 godina časopisa National security and the future [Elektronička građa] / Miroslav Tuđman. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract. - The author gives an overview of the history of National Security and the Future (NSF). The first editorial board accepted a clear vision and mission of the NSF. That is why the NSF had to react to the political circumstances in which the journal has operated for 20 years. In the first period, international circumstances and the policy of detuđmanization directly influenced the choice of topics and papers published in the journal. For the past five years, the NSF has paid particular attention to the security of national and European critical infrastructure. A total of 257 texts were published on more than 8,000 pages and authored by 134 authors from 25 countries. The NSF has published studies on historical forgery, information operations, production of "fake news" and contributions to the theory and methodology of intelligence activities.
U: National security and the future (Online). - ISSN 1846-1425. - 20 (2019), 3 ; str. 7-52  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Časopisi -- Sigurnost -- Nacionalna sigurnost

Vidi br.: HA20-02085

Vidi br.: HA20-02315

Vidi br.: HA20-02084

Vidi br.: HA20-02083

Vidi br.: HA20-02822

06   Organizacije. Udruge. Nagrade

Vidi br.: HA20-02192

Vidi br.: HA20-02069

Vidi br.: HA20-02318

070   Novine. Tisak. Novinarstvo

PETERNEL, Marija Mojca
Deutschsprachige slowenische Zeitungen und Banus Jelačić im Revolutionsjahr 1848 [Elektronička građa] : eine Analyse am Beispiel von der Cillier Zeitung und dem Sloveniens Blatt / Marija Mojca Peternel.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 89-90. - Zusammenfassung ; Sažetak. - Nach der Aufhebung der Zensur im März 1848 erschienen überall in der Habsburger Monarchie neue Zeitungen und die Pressefreiheit fand auch in den Ländern mit slowenischer Bevölkerung ihren konkreten Niederschlag. In diese Recherche wurden ausschließlich die durch die Revolution „geborenen“ deutschen Zeitungen einbezogen. Ihre Sprache war Deutsch, weil die deutsche Sprache in jener Zeit den gebildeten slowenischen Bürgern viel vertrauter war als Slowenisch. Da das Jahr 1848/49 durch die Revolution geprägt war, und die Zeitungen Spiegel ihrer Zeit sind, trugen diese einen ausgeprägt politischen Charakter. In diesem Zusammenhang wollten wir ihre Beziehungen zum Banus Josip Jelačić untersuchen, vor allem die Reaktionen auf seine Aktivitäten im Revolutionsjahr. - Kao rezultat ukidanja cenzure u ožujku 1848. godine širom Habsburške Monarhije pojavljuju se nove novine, a sloboda tiska imala je konkretnog odjeka i u zemljama sa slovenskim stanovništvom. U ovo istraživanje uključene su samo novine na njemačkom jeziku koje je “iznjedrilaˮ revolucija. Njihov je jezik bio njemački jer je u to vrijeme taj jezik bio daleko poznatiji slovenskim obrazovanim građanima nego slovenski. Budući da je godinu 1848./49. obilježila revolucija, a novine su uvijek zrcalo svoga vremena, i ovi su listovi imali izražen politički karakter. U tom smo okviru željeli ispitati njihov stav prema banu Josipu Jelačiću i način na koji su reagirali na njegove aktivnosti tijekom revolucionarne godine.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 39 (2020), 58 ; str. 75-91  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Novine -- Slovenske novine -- Njemački jezik -- Sloboda tiska -- Revolucija 1848./49.
Jelačić, Josip


MILINKOV, Smiljana
Historical continuity of private and public [Elektronička građa] : household and motherhood from the perspective of female journalists in Vojvodina / Smiljana Milinkov.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary. - The paper addresses the patriarchal model of understanding family relationships as an exclusively private sphere with specified and unchanging roles for men and women. In socialist Yugoslavia, despite support for women's emancipation in principle, the model of the patriarchal family and invisible work at home was not called into question and was not a focus of official policy. With the fall of socialism and the growth of nationalist ideology in the 1990s, there was a re-traditionalization and a return of women to the private sphere, and emphasis was placed on their contribution to the survival of the family during a socio-economic crisis. Based on personal and professional memories of female reporters in Vojvodina of different ages, this paper will examine the relationship between private and public: family roles, maternity, motherhood, and professional careers. The conclusions point to identifying gender identity with traditional roles, which, due to an overlap with a journalist’s obligations, contributes to either suppressing female identity as it relates to professional identity or turning women into superheroines who are equally successful at being mothers, wives, homemakers, and female reporters. These issues could continue to further limit a more effective merging of gender and professional identity and hamper the development of a gender-sensitive culture in journalism. Thus, it does not contribute to the improvement of women's social positions.
U: History in flux (Online). - ISSN 2706-4441. - 2 (2020), 2 ; str. 73-91  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Novinarke -- Majčinstvo -- Kućanstvo -- Socijalizam -- Rodne uloge -- Profesija

HEBRANG Grgić, Ivana
Modeli komunikacije hrvatskih iseljenika u Novom Zelandu [Elektronička građa] : od usmene predaje do društvenih mreža / Ivana Hebrang Grgić, Ana Barbarić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 104-106. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Hrvatski iseljenici počeli su odlaziti u Novi Zeland u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća. Usmena komunikacija koja je prevladavala u to vrijeme bila je ograničena na mali broj sudionika. Prvi iskorak prema pisanoj komunikaciji bilo je pokretanje prvih novina na hrvatskom jeziku 1899. godine. Uslijedili su novi naslovi što ukazuje na izuzetnu potrebu hrvatskih iseljenika za informacijama na hrvatskom jeziku. Na temelju uvida u primjerke pronađene u novozelandskim knjižnicama i arhivima, u radu se opisuju novine koje su izlazile od 19. do 21. stoljeća te primjeri stranica na društvenim mrežama. Zaključuje se o izmjenama komunikacijskih modela i o njihovoj povezanosti s društveno-povijesnim kontekstom. Prilog je bibliografija svih serijskih publikacija koje su objavljivali Hrvati u Novom Zelandu. - Croatian emigrants began settling in New Zealand in the second half of the 19th century. Oral communication prevailing at the time was limited to a small number of participants. The launch of the first newspaper in Croatian in 1899 marked the first step towards written communication. The subsequent emergence of new titles indicated that Croatian emigrants wanted information in Croatian. Based on the copies found in New Zealand libraries and archives, the paper describes the newspapers published from the 19th to the 21st century, as well as some social networking sites. The conclusion discusses the change of communication models and its connection with the social and historical context. The appendix contains bibliography which features all newspapers published by Croats in New Zealand.
U: Medijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1846-6605. - 26 (2020), 1 ; str. 87-108  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvati -- Iseljenici -- Iseljenički tisak -- Novine -- Bibliografija

Prilog novinarskom pitanju [Elektronička građa] : o nekim problemima novinarske prakse i neprevladanog nasljeđa / Enis Zebić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Temeljem tridesetogodišnjeg novinarskog iskustva u dnevnom novinarstvu autor analizira neke segmente hrvatskog medijskog prostora, a posebnu pozornost posvećuje nužnosti većeg profesionalizma i odgovornijem odnosu prema činjenicama. Nedostatna razina profesionalizma našla je plodno tlo na nasljeđu žutog, neprofesionalnog i mrzilačkog novinarstva u nekim mainstream medijima početkom devedesetih. - Based on 30 years of journalist experience in daily journalism, the author analyzes some segments of the Croatian media environment, and pays special attention to the need for greater professionalism and a more responsible attitude to the facts. Certain lack of professionalism found fertile ground in the legacy of yellow, unprofessional and hateful journalism in some mainstream media in the early 1990’s.
U: In medias res (Zagreb, Online). - ISSN 1848-6304. - 9 (2020), 17 ; str. 2639-2648  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Novinarstvo -- Profesionalizam -- Sankcije

IVANUŠ, Željana
Studija slučaja 24sata [Elektronička građa] : mjesto edukativnih tema u tabloidnom novinarstvu / Željana Ivanuš. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija i internetski izvori: str. 126-127. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U fokusu interesa tabloidnih novina poznate su i slavne osobe, tračevi, skandali, sudski procesi i druge slične teme. Postavlja se pitanje mogu li čitatelji išta naučiti iz takvih novina? Kroz studiju slučaja hrvatskoga dnevnog tabloida 24sata znanstvenom metodom analize sadržaja istražuje se edukativna funkcija tabloidnih novina. Istraživanjem je potvrđena hipoteza da se edukativne teme povremeno pojavljuju na naslovnicama 24sata. Naime, na 98 naslovnica (28 %) od ukupno 351, koliko ih je bilo u 2017. godini, objavljeno je 108 naslova kojima su najavljene edukativne teme. Najviše tema bilo je vezano uz zdravlje, kulinarstvo, zaštitu potrošača i financije. Edukativne teme dobivaju redovito veliki prostor na naslovnici jer su 44 teme bile glavna priča dana, odnosno šlager A, 26 tema bilo je šlager B, a 38 tema bile su male najave, odnosno mali šlageri. Novine zadržavaju tabloidni stil uređivanja i kod takvih tema jer su najavljene jakim tabloidnim naslovima, nadnaslovima i podnaslovima te su grafički pojačani primjenom crvene i crne boje uz velike fotografije ili infografiku. - Celebrities, gossips, scandals, lawsuits, etc. are in the focus of tabloid newspapers. The main question is - can the audience learn anything from those newspapers? A case study of the Croatian daily tabloid 24sata by the scientific method of content analysis explores the educational function of the tabloid newspaper. The research confirmed the hypothesis that educational topics occasionally appear on the front pages of 24sata. On the 98 front pages (28%) out of the 351 published in the year 2017 108 had headlines announcing educational topics. Most of them were about health, cooking, consumer protection and finances. Educational topics often get plenty of space on the front page, since 44 of them were the main story of the day, 26 were second story and 38 of those topics had smaller headlines. Still, even with these topics the paper keeps the tabloid style of editing, since they were announced with strong and tabloid headlines, as well as being graphically highlighted with the use of red and black colors, big photos or infographics.
U: Medijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1846-6605. - 26 (2020), 1 ; str. 109-128  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tabloidi -- Novine -- Naslovnice -- Edukativna funkcija


Zavist - pukotina u karakteru novinara - reportera [Elektronička građa] / Mirko Jakovljević.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 5 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad se bavi analizom ličnosti televizijskog reportera. Posao novinara - reportera izuzetno je zahtjevan. Njime se može baviti jedino zrela ličnost. Osim pozitivnih osobina jedna od „pukotina“ u karakteru čovjekovog bića i zrele ličnosti je zavist. Što je zavist? Kada se javlja zavist kod novinara? Šta ukazuje na to da novinar - reporter zavidi drugom novinaru? Kako prevladavati zavist?. - The paper deals with the analysis of a television reporter’s personality. The job of a journalist-reporter is extremely demanding. Only mature personality can deal with it. Apart from its positive qualities, one of the “fissures” in the character of a human being and mature personality is envy. What is envy? When does it manifest inside a journalist? What indicates that a journalist-reporter envies another journalist? How to overcome envy?.
U: In medias res (Zagreb, Online). - ISSN 1848-6304. - 9 (2020), 17 ; str. 2631-2637  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Novinari -- Reporteri -- Ličnost -- Zavist

Vidi br.: HA20-02315

Vidi br.: HA20-02182

08   Poligrafije. Publikacije za djecu i mlade. Službene publikacije

GRILLI, Giorgia
The new non-fiction picturebook for children [Elektronička građa] : mending the rift between science and art / Giorgia Grilli.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 88-89. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Specific to our modern world is the dualism between scientific research and the humanities, between the knowledge derived from the natural sciences, with their positive experimental approach, and the indemonstrable yet profound intuitions and insights revealed to us by literature, poetry, art, philosophy and physical and emotional engagement with the world. Official Western culture has tended to create an unbridgeable divide between these two aspects of knowing that seem mutually exclusive (Snow 1977). Today, however, a new genre of book for children, the artistic non-fiction picturebook, is bringing these two worlds together in a surprisingly refreshing way. This paper investigates how vital the blending of these two perspectives is, and why the creative, beautifully crafted, powerfully illustrated non-fiction picturebook allows an innovative and culturally crucial approach to knowledge. - Za naše je moderno doba karakterističan dualizam između znanstvenoga istraživanja i humanističkih znanosti, između spoznaja prirodnih znanosti, s njihovim pozitivno eksperimentalnim pristupom, i neprovjerljivih pa ipak dubokih intuicija i uvida koje nam otkrivaju književnost, poezija, umjetnost, filozofija te fizičko i emocionalno bavljenje svijetom. Službena zapadna kultura nastoji stvoriti nepremostiv jaz između tih dvaju aspekata spoznavanja koji se čine uzajamno isključivima (Snow 1977). Danas, međutim, nova vrsta dječje knjige, umjetnička nefikcionalna slikovnica, povezuje ta dva svijeta na iznenađujuće svjež način. U radu se istražuje koliko je vitalno stapanje tih dviju perspektiva i zašto kreativna, lijepo načinjena nefikcionalna slikovnica s moćnom vizualnošću omogućuje inovativan i kulturno presudan pristup znanju.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 9 (2020), 1 ; str. 75-89  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nefikcionalnost -- Slikovnice -- Nakladništvo -- Znanje -- Ilustracije

RAMOS, Ana Margarida
Picturebook format [Elektronička građa] : beyond the relationship between words and pictures : an overview of the Portuguese editorial panorama / Ana Margarida Ramos. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 71-74. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The purpose of this paper is to present picturebooks as a special format instead of a literary genre, due to the growing relevance of book design and peritextual elements in defining the characteristics of this art form. The creative investment in the peritexts has implications in the construction of the message and in the reading process, creating an original artefact. The paper also describes different types of picturebooks and explores the influence of the picturebook format on other genres, underlining its importance in contemporary Portuguese publishing. - Zbog sve veće važnosti knjiškoga dizajna i peritekstnih sastavnica u isticanju osobina slikovnice kao umjetničke forme, u radu se ona predstavlja kao poseban format, a ne kao književni žanr. Kreativni ulog u različite oblike periteksta utječe na tvorbu poruke i na stvaranje izvornoga artefakta u procesu čitanja slikovnice. Također se opisuju različiti tipovi slikovnica i istražuje utjecaj slikovničkoga formata na druge žanrove, pri čem se ističe i njegova važnost za suvremeno portugalsko izdavaštvo.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 9 (2020), 1 ; str. 61-74  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slikovnice -- Dizajn knjiga -- Nakladništvo -- Ilustracije


1(091)   Povijest filozofije

Vidi br.: HA20-02392

11/12   Metafizika. Ontologija. Kozmologija. Estetika

The Good [Elektronička građa] : an investigation into the relationships among the concepts of the Good, the highest good, goodness, final goodness and non-instrumental goodness / Daniel Rönnedal.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 249-251. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résumé ; Zusammenfassung. - This paper is about The Good and its relation to various kinds of goodness. I will investigate what it means to say that something is a highest good, a final all-inclusive, complete, or greatest good, and I will consider some definitions of ‘instrumental’ and ‘non-instrumental’ goodness. I will prove several interesting theorems about The Good and explore some of the essential relationships between various kinds of goodness. - Rad se bavi Dobrim i njegovom vezom s različitim vrstama dobrote. Istražit ću što znači reći da je nešto najviše dobro, sveukupno, potpuno ili najveće dobro, te ću razmotriti neke definicije ‘instrumentne’ i ‘neinstrumentne’ dobrote. Dokazat ću nekoliko zanimljivih teorema o Dobru i istražiti neke bitne veze među različitim vrstama dobrote. - Ce travail porte sur le Bien et sur le lien qu’il entretient avec les différentes formes bonté. Je rechercherai quelle est la signification selon laquelle quelque chose constitue le bien suprême, général, total ou le plus grand bien, et j’examinerai quelques définitions de la bonté « instrumentale » et « non instrumentale ». Je démontrerai un nombre de théorèmes intéressants sur le Bien et rechercherai certains liens essentiels parmi les différentes formes de bonté. - Das Paper befasst sich mit dem Guten und dessen Verknüpfung mit verschiedenen Arten von Güte. Ich werde ergründen, was es bedeutet zu sagen, dass etwas höchstes Gut, Gesamtgut, vollständiges Gut oder größtes Gut ist, und hiermit einige Definitionen von „instrumenteller“ und „nicht instrumenteller“ Güte in Augenschein nehmen. Ich werde für einige interessante Theoreme über das Gute Beweis erbringen und darüber hinaus etliche wesentliche Zusammenhänge zwischen unterschiedlichen Arten von Güte untersuchen.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 35 (2020), 1 ; str. 235-252  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dobrota -- Dobro -- Summum bonum

ŽITKO, Pavao
Gubitak sadržaja u suvremenoj humanističkoj i filozofijskoj misli kroz prikaz razvoja škole kritičkog ontologizma [Elektronička građa] / Pavao Žitko.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 11 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U ovom se radu kriza humanistike promatra kroz prizmu aktualnog stanja filozofijske misli s kritičke pozicije talijanskog ontologizma. Utemeljujući status filozofije za cjeloviti pristup mogućnosti, dosega i sadržaja ljudske spoznaje opravdava se dvjema polaznim premisama: s povijesno-znanstvenog gledišta filozofijom se dugo vremena smatrala cjelovitost ljudskog znanja bez zasebnog disciplinarnog dijeljenja te posljedičnog ograničavanja na specifičnu domenu njegove metode i argumenta istraživanja, dok je filozofija danas pojmljena tek kao jedno od znanstvenih područja humanističke deklinacije. Sa spekulativno-sadržajnog, pak, stajališta filozofija je doživjela istu evolucijsku sudbinu grananja k vlastitim specifičnostima, analognu progresivnom razvoju prirodnih znanosti i njihovih spoznajnih prodiranja u strukture stvarnosti. Filozofija je, dakle, i kao disciplina doživjela sistemsko cijepanje ovisno o argumentu njezina istraživanja: filozofija povijesti, filozofija uma, estetika, logika, ontologija, filozofija prava itd., gubeći tako iz vida činjenicu da jedino humanističko područje u kojem se promišlja jedinstvenost svakog specifičnog argumenta spoznaje jest spekulativno područje filozofijske misli. Jedini argument koji ujedinjuje sve pojedinačne znanosti jest bitak kao takav kojim se aktualna filozofija gotovo uopće ne bavi. Gubitak sadržaja u domeni suvremene filozofijske misli spekulativna je opaska Pantalea Carabellesea (1877. – 1948.), utemeljitelja talijanske kritičke ontologije, filozofijskog pravca idealističke provenijencije i akademski zastupljenog ponajviše na Sveučilištu u Perugii, a koja se korisnom ukazuje po pitanju analize nerazmjera u današnjoj percepciji važnosti i stvarne relevantnosti humanistike. - The paper observes the crisis of the humanities through the prism of the current state of philosophical thought from the critical position of Italian ontologism. From a historical and scientific point of view, philosophy has long been considered as encompassing all human knowledge without a disciplinary division and consequent limitation to its specific domain. Today, philosophy is understood only as one of the scientific fields of humanistic declension. From the speculative point of view, philosophy has experienced the same evolutionary destiny of branching towards its own specifics, analogous to the progressive development of natural sciences and their cognitive penetration into the structures of reality. Philosophy has, therefore, experienced a systematic split as a discipline, depending on the argument of its research: philosophy of history, philosophy of mind, aesthetics, logic, ontology, philosophy of law, etc., thus losing sight of the fact that the speculative realm of philosophical thought is the only humanistic field in which the uniqueness of each specific argument of cognition is thought through. The only argument that unites all individual sciences is being as such, which the current philosophy hardly deals with at all. The loss of content in contemporary philosophical thought is a speculative remark of the Italian critical ontology, an idealistic philosophical direction that is academically represented mostly at the University of Perugia. It is most useful when analyzing the disparity in the contemporary perception of importance and the real relevance of the humanities.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 367-378  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ontologizam -- Metafizika -- Svijest -- Subjekt -- Razum

Vidi br.: HA20-02126

13   Filozofija uma i filozofija duha. Metafizika duhovnog života. Paranormalno. Okultno

Pojava, ideja, um [Elektronička građa] = Apperance, idea, mind / Dario Škarica.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Jednim svojim dijelom članak je posvećen dvjema nesvjesnim presumpcijama bitno vezanima uz naše (perceptivno i misaono) znanje: presumpciji stvarnosti i presumpciji bitne idealnosti stvari. Presumpcija stvarnosti drži naše osjete primarno pojavom stvarnosti, zbilje (a ne tek pojavom u našem umu). Pritom, u skladu sa samom idejom stvarnosti, da bi se uistinu potvrdila kao pojava nečeg stvarnog i zbiljskog, pojava mora u sadržajnom pogledu biti i javna i objektivno određena. U tom se smislu naše perceptivno znanje pokazuje bitno utemeljenim i na senzornoj informaciji i na ideji stvarnosti. Presumpcija bitne idealnosti stvari drži mogućnost, nemogućnost i nužnost pojedine stvari bitno ovisnom o njezinoj ideji, je li (ta ideja) u sebi protuslovna ili neprotuslovna, odnosno (kad je riječ o nužnome) je li njoj oprečna ideja u sebi protuslovna ili neprotuslovna. U tom smislu, naše se (misaono) znanje o mogućem, nemogućem i nužnom pokazuje utemeljenim na ideji protuslovlja. Drugim svojim dijelom članak je posvećen epistemološkim implikacijama dvaju međusobno suprotnih shvaćanja ideje što dominiraju zapadnom filozofskom tradicijom. Ako su, naime, ideje tek reprezentacije u našem umu, onda subjektivizam u pogledu našeg znanja (bilo perceptivnog, bilo misaonog) čini se da je neizbježan. Ali, ako su ideje sama bit stvari, onda je naše znanje (bilo perceptivno, utemeljeno na ideji stvarnosti, bilo misaono, utemeljeno na ideji protuslovlja) objektivno određeno. Pokazuje se, dakle, da u pozadini tih dvaju međusobno suprotnih shvaćanja ideje leži suprotnost između subjektivističke i objektivističke koncepcije našeg uma i znanja. - One main topic of this paper concerns two unconscious presumptions inevitably tied to our (perceptual and intellectual) knowledge: the presumption of reality and the presumption of the essential ideality of things. The presumption of reality holds that our sensations are primarily appearances of actual reality (and not just appearances in our mind). Here, in accordance with the very idea of reality, an appearance has to be, with respect to its content, both public and objectively determined, in order to confirm itself as truly an appearance of something actual and real. In that sense, our perceptual knowledge turns out to be essentially founded both on sensory information and on the idea of reality. The presumption of the essential ideality of things holds the possibility, impossibility and necessity of a thing essentially dependent on its idea, i. e. on whether the idea is internally consistent or inconsistent and (when it comes to the necessary) on whether its contradictory idea is internally consistent or inconsistent. In that sense, our (intellectual) knowledge of the possible, impossible and necessary turns out to be founded on the idea of contradiction. Another main topic of this paper, closely connected to the first one, concerns the epistemological implications of the two opposite conceptions of idea that dominate the Western tradition of philosophy. Namely, if ideas are but representations in our mind, then subjectivism with respect to our knowledge (whether perceptual or intellectual) seems to be unavoidable. However, if ideas are the very essences of things, then our knowledge (whether perceptual, founded on the idea of reality, or intellectual, founded on the idea of contradiction) is objectively determined. Thus, what lies behind the two opposite conceptions of idea turns out to be the opposition between the subjectivist and objectivist conception of our mind and knowledge.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 60 (2020), 3 ; str. 273-292  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Percepcija -- Pojava -- Ideja -- Um -- Spoznajno opravdanje

14   Filozofski sustavi i gledišta

Complementarism and consolationism [Elektronička građa] : mapping out a 21st-century African philosophical trajectory / Ada Agada.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résumé ; Zusammenfassung. - African philosophy has been compelled to constantly define itself in relation to a domineering Western philosophy given the historical circumstances of colonialism and the dual heritage of the professional African philosopher, who is at once an African by cultural affiliation and a participant in Western civilisation by reason of their Western education. Many notable African philosophers have responded to the challenge posed by the tremendous success of Western philosophy by philosophising in ways that seek to transcend a purely Afrocentric agenda on the one hand and an uncritical acceptance of Western philosophical methods on the other hand. In this paper, I present and interrogate the response of the noted Nigerian philosopher, Innocent Asouzu, to the crisis of identity in African philosophy. I demonstrate that Asouzu’s ibuanyidanda philosophy of complementarism is a philosophical synthesis that seeks to transcend the famous universalism-particularism divide in African philosophy. Adopting an expository, analytical, and evaluative methodology, I show how the philosophical current of consolationism advances the philosophical trajectory Asouzu was blazing. I introduce into African philosophical discourse the universal category of consolation which supplies a panpsychist framework for exploring meaning in a tragic universe. - Afrička je filozofija bila primorana stalno se određivati u odnosu prema dominantnoj zapadnoj filozofiji, što je bilo uvjetovano povijesnim okolnostima kolonijalizma i dvostrukog nasljeđa profesionalnog afričkog filozofa, afričkog po kulturnoj povezanosti, ali sudionika u zapadnoj civilizaciji temeljem njihove zapadnjačke izobrazbe. Mnogi su poznati afrički filozofi odgovorili na izazov nametnut iznimnim uspjehom zapadne filozofije time što su, s jedne strane, filozofirali na načine koji teže nadilaziti čistu afrocentričku agendu, a s druge strane, nekritički prihvatili zapadnofilozofijske metode. U ovom radu predstavljam te istražujem odgovore poznatog nigerijskog filozofa Innocenta Asouzua na krizu identiteta u afričkoj filozofiji. Demonstriram da je Asouzuova filozofija ibuanyidandijskog komplementarizma filozofijska sinteza koja teži nadilaženju famoznog prijepora između univerzalizma i partikularizma nalazivog u afričkog filozofiji. Primjenjujući ekspozitornu, analitičku i vrednujuću metodologiju, pokazujem kako filozofijska struja konzolacionizma unapređuje filozofijsku putanju kojom se Asouzu kretao. U afričku filozofiju uvodim opću kategoriju utjehe koja podaruje panpsihistički okvir za istraživanje smisla u tragičnom svemiru. - La philosophie africaine a été souvent contrainte de se subordonner à la philosophie occidentale dominante, ce qui a été conditionné par les circonstances historiques du colonialisme et du double héritage de philosophe professionnel africain, africain en regard de son lien culturel, mais acteur au sein de la culture occidentale sur la base de son éducation occidentale. Un grand nombre de philosophes africains éminents ont relevé le défi imposé par le succès de la philosophie occidentale en cela qu’ils ont, d’un côté, philosophé d’une manière qui cherche à dépasser le pure enseignement afrocentriste, et de l’autre, refusé d’accepter les méthodes philosophiques occidentales sans regard critique. Dans ce travail, je présente et recherche les réponses de l’éminent philosophe nigérian Innocent Asouzu à la crise identitaire au sein de la philosophie africaine. Je démontre que la philosophie Ibuanyidande du complémentarisme de Asouzu est une synthèse philosophique qui tente de dépasser la querelle bien connue entre l’universalisme et le particularisme présente dans la philosophie africaine. En appliquant une méthodologie expositoire, analytique et évaluative, je montre comment le courant philosophique du consolationnisme contribue au développement de la trajectoire philosophique dans laquelle Asouzu se situait. J’introduis la catégorie générale de consolation qui donne un cadre panpsychique pour la recherche du sens dans l’univers tragique. - Die afrikanische Philosophie sah sich gezwungen, sich in ihrer Beziehung zur vorherrschenden westlichen Philosophie immerfort bestimmen zu müssen, was durch die historischen Umstände des Kolonialismus und des doppelten Erbes eines professionellen afrikanischen Philosophen bedingt war: Einerseits handelt es sich da um einen durch den kulturellen Konnex afrikanischen Philosophen, andererseits auch um den vermöge seiner westlichen Bildung an der westlichen Zivilisation beteiligten Philosophen. Zahlreiche bekannte afrikanische Philosophen sind auf die durch den außergewöhnlichen Erfolg der westlichen Philosophie auferlegte Herausforderung eingegangen, indem sie in einer Art philosophierten, die dazu neigt, einesteils die reine afrozentrische Agenda und anderenteils die unkritische Aufnahme der westlich-philosophischen Methoden zu überschreiten. In diesem Artikel präsentiere und erforsche ich die Reaktionen des prominenten nigerianischen Philosophen Innocent Asouzu auf die Identitätskrise in der afrikanischen Philosophie. Ich demonstriere, dass Asouzus Philosophie des Ibuanyidanda-Komplementarismus eine philosophische Synthese ist, die danach trachtet, die famose Kontroverse zwischen Universalismus und dem in der afrikanischen Philosophie vertretenen Partikularismus zu überwinden. Indem ich die expositorische, analytische und bewertende Methodologie anwende, zeige ich, wie die philosophische Strömung des Konsolationismus die philosophische Bahn vorwärtsbringt, die Asouzu eingeschlagen hat. Ich führe in die afrikanische Philosophie eine allgemeine Kategorie des Trostes ein, die einen panpsychistischen Rahmen für die Erforschung des Sinns im tragischen Universum anfacht.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 35 (2020), 1 ; str. 135-153  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Komplementarizam -- Konzolacionizam -- Afrička filozofija -- Raspoloženje -- Panpsihizam

Humanistika iz perspektive transhumanizma i posthumanizma [Elektronička građa] / Milijana Mičunović, Boris Bosančić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 400-402. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Transhumanizam je intelektualni, kulturni, znanstveni i umjetnički pokret koji, temeljen na sprezi znanosti, tehnologije i gospodarstva, podržava i potiče razvoj i uporabu novih znanstvenih i tehnoloških rješenja za poboljšanje ljudskih fizičkih, mentalnih i drugih sposobnosti. S druge strane, posthumanizam predstavlja termin koji se ponajviše veže uz redefiniranje pojma ljudskog, odnosno humanog u skladu s ontoepistemološkim, znanstvenim i biotehnološkim razvojem s kraja dvadesetog i početka dvadeset i prvog stoljeća. Neminovno se preklapajući, ta dva pokreta ili pravca mišljenja neumitno utječu i na razvoj humanistike koju u današnje vrijeme obilježava tzv. tiha kriza koja se očituje u zanemarivanju ne samo umjetnosti i humanističkih znanosti, već i imaginacije, kreativnosti i kritičkog mišljenja u svakom znanstvenom području. O budućnosti humanističkih znanosti iz perspektive transhumanizma i njegova sustava vrijednosti moguće je izdvojiti dva glavna uvida ili poveznice. Prvi se tiče pozicioniranja humanistike, odnosno njezina odnosa spram prirodnih i tehničkih znanosti, dok se drugi tiče pitanja vrijednosti i vještina koje humanističke znanosti žele promicati, posebno u odnosu na izazove koje donosi znanstveno-tehnološka revolucija. Iz posthumanističke perspektive pak predlaže se potpuna rekonfiguracija humanističkih znanosti koja bi dovela do toga da se čovjek ukloni iz središta humanističkih istraživanja. Stoga, humanistika mora mutirati u posthumanistiku, ultrahumanistiku i metahumanistiku, ako ne želi (p)ostati irelevantna i po strani razvoja i kretanja u suvremenom društvu. Kritička posthumanistika, u skladu s tim, predstavlja interdisciplinarno područje usmjereno na nove diskurse u području nehumanog, transhumanog, metahumanog i posthumanog, odnosno na različite percepcije fenomena ‘humanog’, a posljedično i percepcije humanistike u posthumanom dobu. - Transhumanism is an intellectual, cultural, scientific, and artistic movement based on the convergence of science, technology, and economy. It supports the growth and application of new scientific and technological solutions in enhancing physical, mental, and other human abilities. On the other hand, posthumanism is a term (or a school of thought) that mostly refers to the redefining of the concept of human(e) in terms of the onto-epistemological, scientific, and biotechnological progress at the end of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first century. Inevitably overlapping, these two movements or schools of thought imminently influence the evolution of the humanities, which are currently experiencing the so-called silent crisis. This crisis manifests in neglecting not only arts and humanities, but also the process of imagination, creativity, and critical thinking in every scientific area. The future of the humanities from the perspective of transhumanism and its value system implies two possible insights. The first refers to the issue of the humanities’ positioning, that is, their relationship towards natural and technical sciences. The other points out the issue of values and skills that the humanities should promote, especially regarding the challenges of the scientific and technological revolution. From the perspective of the posthumanities comes an idea of a complete reconfiguration of the humanities that would replace man as a central figure of humanities’ research. Thus, if the humanities wish to stay relevant and participated in the latest developments, they must morph into posthumanities, ultra-humanities, and metahumanities. Accordingly, critical posthumanities represent an interdisciplinary field focused on new discourse in the area of nonhuman, transhuman, metahuman, and posthuman, that is, a field focused on different perceptions of the concept of “human,” and thus the perception of the humanities in the posthuman age.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 379-404  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Humanističke znanosti -- Transhumanizam -- Posthumanizam

Madness and literature [Elektronička građa] : Foucault’s encounter / Labinot Kelmendi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résumé ; Zusammenfassung. - The purpose of this paper is to outline the connection between literature, madness and language in Foucault’s philosophy. In the first part of the paper, these three discursive bases are situated in the “cosmos of madness” in the sense of what Serres calls “the archaeology of psychology” and Caputo “the deconstruction of psychology”. This part marks the language of literature as a decomposing space of the “tribunal of the cogito” (Derrida). The second part explicates the impetus of “literature language”, trying to promote lunatic manifestations that are the works of three authors, Dostoevsky, De Sade and Artaud, and how their work has a symbiotic connection with the work of Foucault. The paper ends with the connection of the unreasonable and parrēsia as an opportunity that could be manifested only in literature as a habitus to exist in. Finally, as Foucault notes, the “language of literature” is the “language of madness” or the possibility of freedom of the expression of our Being. - Svrha je priloga ocrtati vezu među književnošću, ludilom i jezikom u Foucaultovoj filozofiji. U prvom dijelu rada tri se diskurzivne baze smještaju u »kozmos ludila« u smislu kako to Serres zove »arheologija psihologije«, a Caputo »dekonstrukcija psihologije«. Ovaj dio obilježava jezik književnosti kao prostor dekomponiranja »tribunala cogita« (Derrida). Drugi dio eksplicira impetus »jezika književnosti«, nastojeći promicati lunatičke manifestacije Dostojevskog, De Sadea i Artauda, te kako njihovi radovi imaju simbiotičke veze s Foucaultovim radom. Rad završava raspravom o nerazumnom i parrēsiji kao prilici koja se može pojaviti samo u književnosti kao mjestu opstojanja. Konačno, kako Foucault bilježi, »jezik književnosti« jest »jezik ludila« ili mogućnost slobode izražavanja našega Bitka. - L’objectif de ce texte est d’établir un lien entre la littérature, la folie et le langage dans la philosophie de Foucault. La première partie du travail institue trois bases discursives dans le « cosmos de la folie » au sens de « archéologie de la psychologie » comme l’entend Serres, ou de « déconstruction de la psychologie », selon Caputo. Cette partie caractérise le langage de la littérature comme espace de décomposition du « tribunal du cogito » (Derrida). La deuxième partie explicite l’impetus du « langage de la littérature » visant à promouvoir les manifestations lunatiques de Dostoïevski, du Marquis de Sade et d’Artaud, et la manière dont leurs travaux présentent un lien symbiotique avec le travail de Foucault. Le travail se termine par une discussion sur le déraisonnable et la parrêsia comme occasion qui peut faire son apparition seulement dans la littérature en tant que lieu d’existence. Enfin, à la manière dont Foucault le caractérise, « le langage de la littérature » est le « le langage de la folie » ou la possibilité de liberté d’expression de notre Être. - Der Zweck des Beitrags ist es, den Zusammenhang zwischen Literatur, Wahnsinn und Sprache in Foucaults Philosophie zu schildern. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden drei diskursive Grundlagen in den „Kosmos des Wahnsinns“ gestellt, in dem Sinne, wie Serres es die „Archäologie der Psychologie“ und Caputo es die „Dekonstruktion der Psychologie“ nennt. Dieser Teil kennzeichnet die Sprache der Literatur als einen Raum für die Dekomponierung des „Tribunals des Cogito“ (Derrida). Der zweite Teil expliziert den Impetus der „Sprache der Literatur“, indem er die lunatischen Manifestationen von Dostojewski, De Sade und Artaud sowie die symbiotischen Verbindungen ihrer Werke zum Werk Foucaults zu akzentuieren trachtet. Das Paper schließt mit einer Erörterung über das Unvernünftige und die Parrhesie (parrēsia) als Gelegenheit, die lediglich in der Literatur als dem Ort des Fortbestands auftauchen kann. Letzten Endes, wie Foucault es notiert, ist die „Sprache der Literatur“ eben die „Sprache des Wahnsinns“ oder die Möglichkeit zur Ausdrucksfreiheit unseres Seins.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 35 (2020), 1 ; str. 45-62  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Književnost -- Jezik -- Ludilo
Foucault, Michel


AMIR, Lydia
Meaning, happiness, and misery - an inquiry into philosophy’s scope and limitations [Elektronička građa] / Lydia Amir.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Zusammenfassung ; Résumé. - Publications in philosophical practice sometimes refer to the role philosophers had as doctors of the soul and subsequently maintain that practical philosophers should rekindle this role. One hundred fifty years after the birth of scientific psychology, this claim should be reassessed, and if found wanting, philosophy’s possible role along the psychological doctors of the soul should be clarified. Thus, this article enquires into philosophy’s contemporary usefulness for individuals by differentiating amongst the four or five main ways in which it can be practically helpful today. - Publikacije u filozofijskoj praksi ponekad se referiraju na ulogu koju su filozofi imali kao liječnici duše i nastavno na to smatraju da bi praktički filozofi morali njegovati tu ulogu. Sto i pedeset godina nakon rođenja znanstvene psihologije, ta bi se tvrdnja trebala ponovno razmotriti i nađe li se manjkavom, moguća uloga filozofije među psihologijskim doktorima duše trebala bi se razjasniti. Stoga ovaj rad razmatra aktualnu korisnost filozofije za pojedince, diferencirajući četiri-pet glavnih puteva njene upotrebljivosti danas. - Die Publikationen in der philosophischen Praxis rekurrieren zuweilen auf die Rolle, die Philosophen als Ärzte der Seele spielten, und vertreten des Weiteren die Ansicht, dass praktische Philosophen diese Rolle fördern sollten. Einhundertfünfzig Jahre nach der Geburt der wissenschaftlichen Psychologie sollte diese Behauptung überdacht und, falls sie als mangelhaft befunden wird, die etwaige Rolle der Philosophie unter den psychologischen Ärzten der Seele geklärt werden. Daher wird in diesem Artikel die aktuelle Nützlichkeit der Philosophie für den Einzelnen ergründet, wobei zwischen vier bis fünf Hauptwegen ihrer Verwendbarkeit heutzutage differenziert wird. - Les publications en philosophie pratique se réfèrent quelquefois au rôle que les philosophes avaient en tant que médecins de l’âme, et ainsi estiment que les philosophes pratiques devraient cultiver ce rôle. Cette proposition devrait être reconsidérée cent cinquante ans après la naissance de la psychologie scientifique. Si elle s’avère erronée, le rôle possible de la philosophie parmi les doctrines psychologiques devrait être précisé. Ainsi, ce travail analyse l’utilité actuelle de la philosophie pour les individus en faisant la différence entre quatre, cinq possibilités principales concernant son application aujourd’hui.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 35 (2020), 2 ; str. 295-304  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Filozofija -- Korisnost -- Smisao -- Sreća -- Ideali -- Korisnost

S onu stranu okrutnosti [Elektronička građa] : opasni prijatelj zastrašujuće psihoanalize / Ugo Vlaisavljević.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 309-311. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U ovom radu predlažemo izvjesno ‘čitanje izbliza’ izlaganja koje je Jacques Derrida imao na međunarodnom skupu psihoanalitičara, koji je pod naslovom Les États généraux de Psychanalyse održan u srpnju 2000. godine. Slaveći stogodišnjicu objave Freudova Tumačenja snova, ovaj reprezentativni skup upriličen je pod okriljem ‘političke metafore’ sugerirane njegovim povijesno bremenitim naslovom i datumima održavanja. U Derridainu obraćanju metafora revolucije bila je mnogo više nego tek blještavi amblem skupa koji izražava volju organizatora da se naglasi revolucionarni karakter Freudova ‘izuma’ ili da se pobudi entuzijazam sudionika za rješavanje aktualne krize njihove profesije po uzoru na Opće staleže iz 1789. godine. Tek je u svome kasnom radu, a posebice u ovom uvodnom predavanju posvećenom ljudskoj okrutnosti i njezinim novijim povijesnim preobrazbama, Derrida počeo istraživati dekonstruktivne političke potencijale psihoanalize. Njegova hipoteza o nadmoći psihoanalize nad svim drugim diskursima u bavljenju ovim nadasve političkim pitanjem pretpostavlja da postoji, iako još ne sasvim priznata ili čak izložena velikim otporima, politika inherentna Freudovoj teoriji. Naznačena u njegovim kasnim spisima, Freudova ‘progresivna politika', već angažirana u podrivanju principa državnog suvereniteta, budući da se pokazala sposobnom da ukaže na strategiju prolaska ‘s onu stranu nagona smrti', poziva na stvaranje nove revolucionarne psihoanalize s onu stranu svih principa. U ovom će radu posebno biti važno iznijeti na vidjelo da Derridaino politički usmjereno čitanje Freudove ostavštine bitno ovisi o njegovoj posebnoj i jedinstvenoj poziciji "prijatelja psihoanalize". - The article proposes a close reading of Jacques Derrida’s address to the Estates General of Psychoanalysis, held in Paris in July 2000. In celebrating the centenary of Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams, the representative international gathering of psychoanalysts took place under the umbrella of a “political metaphor” suggested by its historically significant title and dates. In Derrida’s address, the metaphor of revolution was far more than just a bright emblem of the meeting, expressing the organizers’ wish to emphasize the revolutionary character of Freud’s “invention” or to encourage the participants’ en- thusiasm for solving the current crisis of their profession in the manner inspired by the Estates General in 1789. It is only in his late work, and particularly in this introductory lecture dealing with human cruelty and its recent historical mutations, that Derrida began to explore the deconstructive political potentialities of psychoanalysis. His hypothesis on the superiority of psychoanalysis over all other discourses in dealing with this highly political issue assumes that there is, although not yet fully recognized, or even strongly opposed, a politics inherent to Freud’s theory. Outlined in his later writings, Freud’s “progressive politics,” already engaged in a subversion of the principle of state sovereignty, as proved to be able to indicate a strategy of going "beyond the death drive," calls for creating a new, revolutionary psychoanalysis beyond all principles. The article attempts to reveal that Derrida's politically oriented reading of Freud’s legacy crucially depends on his unique position of "the friend of psychoanalysis.".
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 289-312  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Psihoanaliza -- Okrutnost -- Suverenitet -- Revolucija
Derrida, Jacques -- Freud, Sigmund


PAIĆ, Žarko
Sveučilište i tehnosfera [Elektronička građa] : kraj humanistike i mogućnosti obrata? / Žarko Paić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 337-338. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U članku se tematizira odnos između sveučilišta kao ideje ozbiljenja znanstveno-tehničkih mogućnosti „napretka“ i „razvitka“ čovjeka na kraju metafizike i onog što proizlazi iz razumijevanja tehnosfere kao vladavine „umjetne inteligencije“ i „umjetnoga života“ analizom četiriju temeljnih pojmova kibernetike: informacije ‒ povratne sprege (feedback) ‒ kontrole ‒ komunikacije. Kritičkom analizom mjerodavnih pristupa tom problemu unutar poststrukturalističkog kruga mišljenja od Jeana-Franҫoisa Lyotarda do Jacquesa Derridae autor pokazuje da se očuvanje „biti“ onoga što nazivamo humanistikom kao mišljenjem ‒ kazivanjem „na“ egzistencijalnu otvorenost čovjeka može izvesti jedino obratom u samoj „biti“ života izvan redukcije na njegove biogenetske procese. Kada život u svojoj posljednjoj mogućnosti produhovljenja postaje autopoietički sustav koji u tehnologiziranju bitka gubi značajke jednokratnosti i neizvjesnosti, a umjesto toga biva singularnošću i proračunljivošću, znanje „o“ kibernetičkoj razlici čovjeka i svijeta iziskuje radikalnu transformaciju. Ali ne više znanosti i njihova povijesno-epohalnoga mjesta odvijanja svjetske povijesti kao što je to ideja sveučilišta od Humboldta do tzv. Bolonjske reforme. Posljednja transformacija s kojom zapadnjačka metafizika kao onto-teo-kozmo-antropologija gubi vlastitu „bit“ odnosi se na ozbiljenje mogućnosti onog što je Friedrich W. Nietzsche namijenio ideji čovjeka ‒ da bude most između „životinje“ i „nadčovjeka“. Članak ima za nakanu ekstenzivnom analizom autorova pojma tehnosfere, kako je to izvedeno u petoknjižju istoimena naziva (Tehnosfera I-V) pokušati promisliti konzekvencije nove paradigme tehnoznanstvene konstrukcije „umjetnoga života“ za budućnost ideje sveučilišta i moguće nove „misije“ humanistike u tom sklopu. - The article discusses the relationship between universities as the idea of realizing scientific and technical possibilities of “progress” and “development” of man at the end of metaphysics and that which arises from understanding the technosphere as the rule of “artificial intelligence” and “artificial life” through the analysis of four basic concepts of cybernetics: information-feedback-controls-communications. By critically analyzing relevant approaches to this problem within the poststructuralist circle of thought from Jean-François Lyotard to Jacques Derrida, the author shows that preserving the “essence” of what we call the humanities as a thought-saying “on” the existential openness of man can only be done by its reduction to biogenetic processes. When life, in its last possibility of spiritualization, becomes an autopoietic system that loses the features of uniqueness and uncertainty in the technologization of Being and instead becomes singularity and calculability, the knowledge of the “cybernetic difference between man and the world” requires a radical transformation. But not the transformation of science and its historical and epochal place of world history as is the idea of the university from Humboldt to the so-called Bologna reforms. The last transformation with which the Western metaphysics as an onto-theo-cosmo-anthropology loses its own “essence” concerns the realization of the possibility of what Friedrich Nietzsche intended for the idea of man - to be a bridge between an “animal” and “superman.” The article intends to reconsider the consequences of the new paradigm of technological structure of “artificial life” for the future of the idea of the university and possibly new “missions” of the humanities in that context.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 313-339  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sveučilište -- Humanistika -- Tehnosfera -- Kibernetika -- Umjetni život

MARINOVIĆ, Saša, filozof
Tijelo kao medij svijeta [Elektronička građa] / Saša Marinović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 15 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Pokušat ćemo povezati Merleau-Pontyjevo tumačenje tijela-subjekta s idejom medijalnosti. Tijelo tako postaje medijacijska osnova, kako ljudskog tijela spram ljudskog tijela, tako i ljudskog tijela i svijeta te ljudskog tijela i bitka. Unutar fenomenološkog polja mrežnog su-odnošenja odvija se tako korporalna intersubjektivna igra, klasičnim rječnikom rečeno čovjeka i prirode, u kojoj je čovjek konstituiran prirodom kao što je i priroda konstituirana čovjekom i sve to putem tehnike kao onoga što tek treba biti. - We will try to link Merleau-Ponty’s interpretation of the body-subject with the idea of mediation. The body thus becomes the mediating part of the human body towards the human body, human body and the world, and also human body and the Being. Within the phenomenological field of network interaction there is a corporate intersubjective game, usually speaking, between the man and the nature, in which man is constituted by nature as nature is constituted by man, and all this through technique as something that is yet to be.
U: In medias res (Zagreb, Online). - ISSN 1848-6304. - 9 (2020), 16 ; str. 2593-2605  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mediji -- Tijelo -- Medijalnost -- Percepcija -- Bitak
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice


KVOČIĆ, Augustin
Uloga i značenje vjere u kontekstu viteza vjere kao paragona Kierkegaardove filozofije religije [Elektronička građa] / Augustin Kvočić.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U XIX. stoljeću, Kierkegaardov pojam vjere određuje početak egzistencijalističke misli jer uvodi velik broj tema s kojima će se egzistencijalizam XX. stoljeća baviti te dalje razvijati, pritom polazeći od individue, i to ne samo u intelektualnom nego i u emocionalnom smislu kao cjelovitoga bića, odnosno subjekta koji nastoji živjeti autentično i slobodno. Naime, riječ je temama poput samoostvarenja pojedinca, anksioznosti, očaja, apsurdnosti življenja i sl. Za Kierkegaarda vjera je polazišna točka k samoostvarenju u puninu ljudskoga bića, a moguća je samo kao vjera u Boga, tj. kao privatni i jedinstveni odnos pojedinca i Boga. Kierkegaard primjer takve vjere utjelovljuje u liku Abrahama, za kojega tvrdi da je vitez vjere, odnosno paragon kojemu svi trebamo stremiti. U radu će se istražiti uloga i značenje vjere u kontekstu viteza vjere kao paragona Kierkegaardove filozofije religije. - In the 19th century, Kierkegaard’s concept of faith determined the beginning of existential thought because it introduced a large number of topics that would be used and further developed by 20th-century existentialism, whose starting point was the individual – not only in the intellectual, but also the emotional sense, as an integral being – i.e. a subject that strives to live authentically and freely. The topics in question include individual self-actualisation, anxiety, despair, the absurdity of living, and so on. For Kierkegaard, faith is the starting point for self-actualisation into the fullness of a human being, and is only possible as a belief in God, i.e. a private and unique relationship between an individual and God. Kierkegaard considers Abraham an embodiment of such faith, a knight of faith, i.e. a paragon whom we should aspire to emulate. In this paper I shall therefore explore the role and significance of faith in the context of the knight of faith as a paragon of Kierkegaard’s philosophy of religion.
U: Studia lexicographica (Online). - ISSN 2459-5578. - 14 (2020), 26 ; str. 131-146  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Filozofija religije -- Vjera -- Samoostvarenje -- Egzistencijalizam
Kierkegaard, Søren


OTT, Margus
Wang Yangming’s notions of primary knowledge and primary ability [Elektronička građa] / Margus Ott.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 193-195. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résumé ; Zusammenfassung. - The paper first establishes that Wang Yangming’s (1472–1529) notion of primary knowledge (liangzhi) does not entail subjective idealism but is rather related to the transcendental subjectivity in the phenomenological sense. Then, the paper discusses the question of whether Wang also has the concept of primary ability (liangneng). The paper argues that it can be seen in two central topics of Wang: "knowledge and action are one" (zhixing heyi) and "regarding Heaven and Earth and myriad things as one (rhizomatic) body" or considering them as "originally one with my (rhizomatic) body" . It is shown how primary knowledge and ability are two aspects of the same phenomenon. It is true on the level of the virtual "rhizomatic body" (ti), not on the level of things considered as fully formed and actualized (xing), as they appear in the empirical mind, clouded by desires (yu) that become fixated on the level of the actual. These desires can be discarded by the "extension of (primary) knowledge" zhi (liang)zhi. A parallel concept of "extension of (primary) ability" (zhi liangneng), not used by Wang Yangming, could be added to the system. - Rad najprije utvrđuje da iz pojma prvobitnog znanja (liangzhi) Wanga Yangminga (1472. – 1529.) ne slijedi subjektivni idealizam te da je vezan za transcendentalnu subjektivnost u smislu fenomenologije. Zatim, raspravlja se o pitanju ima li Wang pojam prvobitne sposobnosti (liangneng). Argumentira se da se može naći u dvije glavne Wangove teme – "znanje i radnja jedno su" (zhixing heyi) te "razmatrati Nebo i Zemlju i mnoštvo stvari kao jedno (rizomatično) tijelo" ili ih smatrati "izvorno jednim s mojim (rizomatičnim) tijelom". Pokazuje se da su prvobitno znanje i sposobnost dva aspekta isto fenomena. Istinito je na razini virtualnog "rizomatskog tijela" (ti), a ne na razini stvari razmatranih kao potpuno oblikovane i aktualizirane (xing), kako se pojavljuju u empirijskom umu, zamagljeni žudnjama (yu) koje postaju fiksirane na razini aktualnog. Te se žudnje mogu razriješiti putem "proširenja (prvobitnog) znanja" zhi (liang)zhi. Usporedni pojam "proširenja (prvobitne) sposobnosti" (zhi liangneng), koji Wang Yangming ne koristi, može se unijeti u sustav. - Dans un premier temps, ce travail démontre que du concept de connaissance primaire (liangzhi) de Wang Yangming (1472–1529) ne s’ensuit pas l’idéalisme subjectif et qu’il est en lien avec la subjectivité transcendantale au sens phénoménologique. Ensuite, la question de savoir si la philosophie de Wang Yangming contient le concept de pouvoir primaire (liangneng) est abordée. Il est argumenté qu’il est possible de le retrouver au sein de deux notions élaborées par Wang Yangming – « la connaissance et l’action ne font qu’un » (zhixing heyi) et « considerer le Ciel et la Terre et la multitude des choses comme corps (rhizomatique) » – ou considérer qu’ils « font originellement un avec mon corps (rhizomatique) ». Il est démontré que la connaissance primaire et la faculté primaire sont deux aspects du même phénomène. C’est vrai au niveau virtuel du « corps rhizomatique » (ti), et non pas au niveau des choses considérées comme formées et actualisées (xing) dans leur totalité, telles qu’elles apparaissent dans la raison empirique obscurcie par les désirs (yu) qui se fixent au niveau de l’actuel. Il est possible de se défaire de ces désirs par « extension de la connaissance (primaire) (zhi (liang)zhi. Le concept comparatif de « extension de la connaissance (primaire) » (zhi liangneng), qui n’est pas présent chez Wang Yangming, peut être introduit dans son système. - Die Arbeit stellt zunächst fest, aus dem Begriff des ursprünglichen Wissens (liangzhi) bei Wang Yangming (1472–1529) folgt es nicht ein subjektiven Idealismus und mit der transzendentalen Subjektivität im phänomenologischen Sinne zusammenhängt. Als Nächstes wird die Frage diskutiert, ob Wang den Begriff des ursprünglichen Könnens (liangneng) verwendet. Es wird argumentiert, dass er sich in Wangs zwei Hauptthemen finden lässt – „Wissen und Handeln sind eine Einheit“ (zhixing heyi) wie auch in „Himmel und Erde und unzählige Dinge als einen (rhizomatischen) Körper betrachten“ oder sie als die „ursprüngliche Einheit mit meinem (rhizomatischen) Körper“ ansehen. Es stellt sich heraus, dass das ursprüngliche Wissen und Können zwei Aspekte desselben Phänomens sind. Die Wahrhaftigkeit befindet sich auf der Ebene des virtuellen „rhizomatischen Körpers“ und nicht auf der Ebene der Dinge, die als vollständig geformt und aktualisiert aufgefasst werden (xing), wie sie in der empirischen Vernunft in Erscheinung treten, getrübt vom Begehren (yu), das auf der Ebene des Aktuellen fixiert wird. Dieses Begehren kann durch die „Erweiterung des (ursprünglichen) Wissens“ (zhi (liang)zhi) verworfen werden. Der parallele Begriff „Erweiterung des (ursprünglichen) Könnens“ (zhi liangneng), den Wang Yangming nicht verwendet, kann in das System eingeführt werden.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 35 (2020), 1 ; str. 173-196  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kineska filozofija -- Intencionalnost -- Antropocentrizam -- Intersubjektivnost -- Znanje
Yangming, Wang


Vidi br.: HA20-02125

Vidi br.: HA20-02084

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Vidi br.: HA20-02850

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Vidi br.: HA20-02165

159.9   Psihologija

Construction and Validation of the Parental Assessment Questionnaire for Children's Emotional Competence (URPEKD) [Elektronička građa] / Anela Nikčević Milković, Denis Jurković, Ana Jerković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 21-22. - Summary. - The aim of the research was to construct and validate The Parental Assessment Questionnaire for Children's Emotional Competence (URPEKD). The factorial structure, reliability, validity and sensitivity of the whole questionnaire, as well as the discriminability of individual items were checked, and the best items selected to be captured by the measurement construct were selected. Factor analysis resulted in a two-factor solution that explained 59.845 % of the total variance. The first factor that is saturated with eight items is called The perception, understanding and expression of one's emotions. The second factor that is saturated with six items is called Perception, understanding, and expression of others' emotions. The reliability of the entire scale, as well as its subscales is satisfactory. The construct validity of the URPEKD instrument was verified by its association with a similar instrument for students - UEK-45 (Takšić, 2002). There is a significant correlation between the stated factors of both questionnaires indicating satisfactory validity. The instrument is suitable for the use of measuring primary school children’s emotional competence by their parents.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 66 (2020), 1 ; str. 11-22  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Emocionalne kompetencije -- Djeca -- Roditelji -- Faktorska analiza

ERDEŠI, Josipa
The effects of implementing a gratitude development program on the quality of life and happiness of upper elementary school students [Elektronička građa] / Josipa Erdeši, Željka Mendek Ocelić, Gorka Vuletić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Summary. - The aim of this paper is to test the impact of the implementation of gratitude development program on the quality of life and happiness of sixth, seventh and eighth grade elementary school students. The total of 79 students of one elementary school from a rural part of Eastern Croatia participated in the research, divided into experimental (N = 39) and control (N = 40) groups. The gratitude development program was conducted once a day for a period of four weeks. The Personal Well-Being Index for School Children and the Subjective Happiness Scale were administered before and after the program. The results were processed by a two-way analysis of variance with repeated measurements on the first factor. There was a significant increase in the level of overall quality of life and specific quality of life domains in the experimental group in comparison to the control group. There were no significant changes in happiness level in the experimental group after the program. The findings contribute to a better understanding of the relationship of gratitude, the quality of life and the experience of happiness. Also, the results indicate the importance of using psychological interventions that can improve the quality of life of students in the educational context. The paper extensively discusses the usefulness of this research and its implications for future research.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 66 (2020), 1 ; str. 23-31  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Osnovna škola -- Učenici -- Kvaliteta života -- Sreća -- Zahvalnost

Ego complexities [Elektronička građa] / Bernard Špoljarić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résumé ; Zusammenfassung. - The research on the complexities of ego has its starting point in the self, understood as a complex concept, superior to the diagnostic constructs that tend to perform the medical-qualitative evaluation of each self. Besides explaining the notion, the aim is to emphasise the clear distinction between egoism and narcissism, with narcissism being merely one of the possible modes and explanations of self, i.e. general and universal domain of subjectivity. Complexities primarily indicate the unsolved intricacy of ego, together with the associated concepts of subjectivity and individuality. The outline of the general model of the ego, its constitution and operability, provides a possible common basis for a therapeutic, philosophical and moral understanding of aporias related to the psychopathological states present in the seemingly emancipated complete individual. - Istraživanje kompleksnosti ega polazi od jastva kao složenog koncepta, pretpostavljenog pridolazećim dijagnostičkim konstruktima, kojima se svako pojedino jastvo želi medicinskikvalitativno evaluirati. Uz objašnjenje pojma, cilj je ukazati na jasnu distinkciju između egoizma i narcizma, pri čemu je narcizam tek jedan od mogućih modaliteta eksplikacija jastva odnosno opće i univerzalne domene subjektivnosti. Kompleksnost ovdje u prvom redu ukazuje na samu po sebi nerazjašnjenu složenost ega te pripadajućih koncepata subjektivnosti i individualnosti. Prikaz općeg modela ega, njegovog sastava i operativnosti, pruža mogući zajednički temelj za terapeutsko, filozofijsko i moralno shvaćanje aporija vezanih uz psihopatologijska stanja prisutna kod naizgled emancipirane dovršene jedinke. - Les recherches sur la complexité de l’ego prennent pour point de départ le concept du moi en tant que concept organisé, présupposé dans l’élaboration des diagnostics en émergence, par le biais desquels chaque moi individuel est évalué médicalement et qualitativement. En expliquant ce concept, le but est de mettre en évidence la distinction claire entre l’ego et le narcissisme, avec le narcissisme comme l’une des possibles modalités d’explicitation du moi, c’est-à-dire des domaines généraux et universels de la subjectivité. La complexité se réfère ici avant tout à l’organisation en elle-même inexpliquée de l’ego et des concepts associés de subjectivité et d’individualité. La présentation générale du modèle de l’ego, sa composition et son fonctionnement, offre une base commune pour une compréhension thérapeutique, philosophique et morale des apories liées aux états psychopathologiques présents chez, en apparence, des individus émancipés et accomplis. - Die Erforschung der Komplexität des Ego geht von der Ichheit als einem vielschichtigen Konzept aus, das angesichts der hinzutretenden diagnostischen Konstrukte vorausgesetzt wird, mit denen man jedwede einzelne Ichheit medizinisch-qualitativ zu evaluieren sucht. Neben der Erklärung des Begriffs ist man bestrebt, auf eine klare Distinktion zwischen Egoismus und Narzissmus hinzuweisen – mit Narzissmus als erst einer der möglichen Modalitäten der Explikation der Ichheit bzw. der allgemeinen und universellen Domäne der Subjektivität. Diesbezüglich verweist die Komplexität in erster Linie auf eine an sich unaufgeklärte Vielschichtigkeit des Ego sowie der dazugehörigen Konzepte der Subjektivität und Individualität. Die Darstellung des allgemeinen Modells des Ego, seiner Zusammensetzung und Operativität, bietet eine etwaige gemeinsame Grundlage für eine therapeutische, philosophische und moralische Auffassung der Aporien, die zu den psychopathologischen Zuständen gebunden sind, die sich bei einem scheinbar emanzipierten vollendeten Individuum nachweisen lassen.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 35 (2020), 1 ; str. 7-24  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kognicija -- Egoizam -- Narcizam -- Jastvo -- Psiha -- Subjektivnost

MANDIĆ, Sabina
Kockanje mladih iz perspektive stručnih suradnika u srednjim školama [Elektronička građa] / Sabina Mandić, Lucija Lamešić, Neven Ricijaš. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 67 jed. - Sažetak. - Kockanje predstavlja relativno novi oblik rizičnog ponašanja na našim prostorima, a suvremena hrvatska i inozemna znanstvena istraživanja govore u prilog važnosti prevalencije problematičnog kockanja srednjoškolaca. Cilj ovog rada jest istražiti percepciju stručnih suradnika o kockanju mladih u srednjim školama čiji je posao, među ostalim, detekcija rizičnih ponašanja mladih te osiguravanje preventivnih i ranih intervencija. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 120 stručnih suradnika iz 18 hrvatskih županija. Rezultati općenito pokazuju njihovo relativno rijetko susretanje s problemima kockanja kod mladih te podcjenjivanje prevalencije ovog rizičnog ponašanja iako su ispitanici svjesni značajne pristupačnosti kockarskih proizvoda mladima. Istovremeno se stručni suradnici ne procjenjuju dovoljno kompetentnima za pružanje adekvatnih intervencija u ovom području te nisu u dovoljnoj mjeri upoznati s razvijenim edukacijama i intervencijama na našim prostorima. Rezultate se komentiralo u kontekstu njihove važnosti za praksu s ciljem osiguravanja nužnih profesionalnih znanja i vještina.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 2 ; str. 349-371  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Igre na sreću -- Kockanje -- Mladi -- Kompetencije -- Stručni suradnici -- Srednja škola

RAJIĆ, Stajka
Mathematics and music game in the function of child's social and emotional development [Elektronička građa] / Stajka Rajić, Vesna Todorčević, Alma Tasevska. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Summary. - The paper presents empirical research, aiming to present the extent to which the application of the concrete mathematical and musical play contributes to the child’s social and emotional development. The research was conducted in two international schools in Belgrade, using the play titled ‘Musical Monkeys’ and in collaboration with the Music-Math team from Mexico who are the creators of the mentioned game. The results have shown that this kind of approach in working with children encourages activity and engagement, self-confidence, empathy, team work, integrity, tolerance and enthusiasm, while requiring and encouraging collaboration and constructive communication, cooperation and respect among students in the process of solving a set of mathematical and/ or musical tasks. The obtained results confirm that the children established connection between the mathematical and musical segments involving a high level of emotional and social skills – collaboration, communication, empathy, enthusiasm, commitment, curiosity for the game and felt benefits of team work, tolerance and respect while solving the given educational tasks.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 1 ; str. 209-225  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Matematika -- Glazba -- Djeca -- Emocionalne vještine -- Edukativne igre -- Društvene vještine

VLAH, Nataša
Social creativity of early primary school pupils and behavioral patterns in school conflicts [Elektronička građa] / Nataša Vlah, Darko Lončarić, Anamaria Brižan. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 56 jed. - Summary. - According to the theory of conflict resolution, in the school, as an educational institution, systematic influences on constructive social behaviors and quality choices are possible. The study aimed to determine the relation-ship between the creative potential of early primary school pupils and their patterns of behavior in school conflicts. Early primary school pupils (N = 73; 55.1% girls) participated in the research by solving the EPoC-SOC test of po-tential social creativity. Their teachers (N = 16; 38-60 years; 96% women) assessed three patterns of pupil behavior (winning, avoiding, and cooperation). Non-standardized results were used to assess divergent-exploratory thinking as well as convergent-integrative thinking in tasks with dyad social relations and group tasks. Correlation analysis found only a statistically significant negative association between the avoidance pattern and achievement on the tasks of convergent-integrative social creativity. The obtained results suggest the need for further research on the relationship between pupils’ social competency and behavior in conflicts.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 1 ; str. 29-48  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Učenici -- Razredna nastava -- Socijalna kreativnost -- Konfliktne situacije -- Obrasci ponašanja

VLAH, Nataša
Socijalna kreativnost učenika razredne nastave i obrasci ponašanja u sukobima u školi [Elektronička građa] / Nataša Vlah, Darko Lončarić, Anamaria Brižan. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 56 jed. - Sažetak. - Prema teoriji rješavanja sukoba, u školi, kao odgojno-obrazovnoj instituciji, mogući su sustavni utjecaji na konstruktivna socijalna ponašanja i kvalitetne izbore. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi povezanost između kreativnog potencijala učenika razredne nastave i njihovih obrazaca ponašanja u sukobima u školi. Učenici razredne nastave (N=73; 55.1% djevojčica) sudjelovali su u istraživanju rješavanjem testa potencijalne socijalne kreativnosti EPoC-SOC. Tri obrasca učeničkih ponašanja (pobjeđivanje, izbjegavanje i suradnja) procjenjivale su njihove učiteljice i učitelji (N=16; 38-60 godina; 96% žene). Nestandardizirani rezultati korišteni su za procjenu divergentno-eksplorativnog mišljenja kao i konvergentno-integrativnog mišljenja u zadacima s dijadnim socijalnim odnosima i u grupnim zadacima. Korelacijskom analizom utvrđena je samo statistički značajna negativna povezanost obrasca izbjegavanja s postignućem na zadacima konvergentno-integrativne socijalne kreativnosti. Dobiveni rezultati sugeriraju potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjima povezanosti učenikove socijalne kompetentnosti i ponašanja u sukobima.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 1 ; str. 9-28  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Učenici -- Razredna nastava -- Socijalna kreativnost -- Konfliktne situacije -- Obrasci ponašanja

MANDIĆ, Sabina
Youth gambling from the perspective of high-school counsellors [Elektronička građa] / Sabina Mandić, Lucija Lamešić, Neven Ricijaš. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 67 jed. - Summary. - Gambling is a relatively new form of risk behaviour in our area. Modern Croatian and foreign scientific studies suggest that there is a considerable prevalence of problem gambling among high­school students. The aim of this paper is to explore how high­school counsellors perceive youth gambling. In addition to other tasks, they are responsible for detecting risk behaviour among youths and ensuring prevention and early intervention. This research was conducted among 120 counsellors from 18 Croatian counties. In general, the results show that they encounter issues surrounding youth gambling relatively rarely and they underestimate the prevalence of this risk behaviour, despite being aware of the fact that gambling products are easily accessible to youths. At the same time, counsellors do not perceive themselves sufficiently competent to provide adequate interventions in this field and they are not familiar enough with the developed training and interventions in Croatia. The results are interpreted in terms of their practical implications and with the aim of ensuring necessary professional knowledge and skills.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 2 ; str. 373-396  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Igre na sreću -- Kockanje -- Mladi -- Kompetencije -- Stručni suradnici -- Srednja škola

Vidi br.: HA20-02349

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16   Logika. Simbolička logika. Matematička logika. Spoznajna teorija. Epistemologija

Against epistemological virus of scepticism [Elektronička građa] : Davidson on objectivity of knowledge / Kenan Šljivo.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résumé ; Zusammenfassung. - This paper provides a short overview of approaches to epistemological issues as represented by Donald Davidson, an American philosopher. This is an attempt to analyse Davidson’s essential postulates, in order to construct a framework for understanding a highly authentic epistemological position and the way in which it appears as an antipode to the sceptical epistemological strategies. In other words – the goal is to identify a coordinate system, through a set of postulates, from which Davidson projects his epistemological attitudes. For that purpose, the paper presents the developmental process of Davidson’s epistemological thought that goes through triangulation of notions subjective, intersubjective, and objective. The paper places special emphasis on Davidson’s concentration on communicative practices and intersubjectivity as the only topoi in which the issue of objectivity can be raised. - Ovaj rad daje kratak pregled pristupa epistemološkim pitanjima koja u svom učenju zastupa američki filozof Donald Davidson. U pitanju je pokušaj da se putem analize temeljnih Davidsonovih postavki pokuša načiniti okvir za razumijevanje jedne vrlo autentične epistemološke pozicije i načina na koji se ona pojavljuje kao antipod skeptičkim epistemološkim strategijama. Drugim riječima, želi se u formi skupa postulata identificirati koordinatni sistem iz kojeg Davidson projektira svoje epistemološke stavove. U tu je svrhu u radu prikazan razvojni proces Davidsonove epistemološke misli, koji ide kroz triangulaciju pojmova subjektivno, intersubjektivno i objektivno. Ono što je u radu posebno osvijetljeno jest Davidsonov okret prema komunikativnim praksama i intersubjektivnosti kao jedinim toposima u kojima se pitanje o objektivnosti znanja može uopće postaviti. - Ce travail présente un bref aperçu de l’approche aux questions épistémologiques que défend le philosophe américain Donald Davidson dans son enseignement. Il est question ici de tenter de constituer un cadre afin de comprendre une position épistémologique hautement authentique et la manière dont elle apparaît en tant qu’antipode aux stratégies épistémologiques sceptiques par le biais d’une analyse des théories fondamentales de Davidson. En d’autres termes, il s’agit d’identifier sous la forme d’un ensemble de postulats le système de coordonnées à partir duquel Davidson établit ses positions épistémologiques. À cette fin, ce travail montre le processus de développement des pensées épistémologiques de Davidson qui se meut dans la triangulation des concepts de subjectif, intersubjectif et objectif. Ce qui est particulièrement mis en lumière dans ce travail est le tournant que Davidson opère envers les pratiques de communication et d’intersubjectivité comme uniques topos au sein desquelles il est uniquement possible d’aborder la question sur l’objectivité de la connaissance. - Diese Arbeit verschafft einen kurzen Überblick über die Herangehensweise an die epistemologischen Fragen, die der amerikanische Philosoph Donald Davidson in seiner Lehre vertritt. Es handelt sich um einen Versuch, durch die Analyse von Davidsons Grundpostulaten einen Rahmen für das Verständnis einer äußerst authentischen epistemologischen Position zu schaffen, sowie der Art und Weise, wie sie als Antipode der skeptischen epistemologischen Strategien in Erscheinung tritt. Mit anderen Worten: Die Intention ist es, in Form einer Sammlung von Postulaten das Koordinatensystem zu identifizieren, aus dem Davidson seine epistemologischen Sichtweisen projektiert. Zu diesem Zweck wurde in dem Paper der Entwicklungsprozess von Davidsons epistemologischem Gedanken präsentiert, der die Triangulation von Begriffen subjektiv, intersubjektiv und objektiv durchläuft. Was in dem Paper besonders in den Vordergrund rückt, ist Davidsons Hinwendung zu Kommunikationspraktiken und Intersubjektivität als den einzigen Topoi, in denen die Frage nach der Objektivität des Wissens überhaupt gestellt werden kann.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 35 (2020), 1 ; str. 253-262  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Znanje -- Skepticizam -- Eksternalizam -- Subjektivnost -- Intersubjektivnost -- Objektivnost
Davidson, Donald


Istina u Akvinca, Merciera i Zimmermanna [Elektronička građa] = Truth in Aquinas, Mercier, and Zimmermann / Dario Škarica.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Glavna je tema rada Tomin pojam istine, posebno njegova distinkcija između istine uma (veritas intellectus) i istine stvari (veritas rerum). Pritom je veritas intellectus (logička istina) istražena u punom njenu značenju, tj. ne samo kao podudaranje sudova s njihovim objektima nego i kao svrha kojoj sudovi prirodno teže, kao i unutar njezine vlastite svrhe (znanja). Unutar ove rasprave izložene su i neke misli o naravi suda, znatno prožete Tominom distinkcijom između praktičnog i spekulativnog znanja. Nadalje, pokazano je da Tomin termin veritas rerum obuhvaća dva veoma različita pojma istine: prvo, pojam objektivne istine, koji se tiče stvari kao objekata naših sudova i normi njihove istinitosti, i drugo, pojam ontološke istine, koji se tiče stvari u mjeri u kojoj one reflektiraju Božje ideje kao svoje egzemplarne uzroke i norme svoje stvarnosti. Konačno, utvrđeno je da Mercier i Zimmermann sekulariziraju Tomin pojam istine, ali sekularizacijom bitno provizornog karaktera. - The main topic of this paper is Thomas Aquinas's concept of truth, particularly his distinction between the truth of intellect (veritas intellectus) and the truth of things (veritas rerum). Here, veritas intellectus (logical truth) is considered in its full sense, i. e., not only as mere correspondence of judgements to their objects, but also as the natural aim of judgements and within its own natural aim, which is knowledge. Within this discussion, some thoughts are presented concerning the nature of judgement, which are considerably permeated with Thomas's distinction between practical and speculative knowledge. Next, Thomas's term veritas rerum is proven to encompass two rather different notions of truth, the first being the notion of objective truth, referring to things as objects of our judgements and norms of their truth, and the second being the notion of ontological truth, referring to things insofar as they reflect divine ideas as their exemplar causes and norms of their reality. Finally, Mercier's and Zimmermann's secularization of Thomas's concept of truth is identified and shown to be essentially provisional in character.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 60 (2020), 1 ; str. 5-28  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Istina -- Istina uma -- Istina stvari -- Logička istina -- Objektivna istina -- Ontološka istina -- Sud
Thomas Aquinas, sanctus -- Sveti Toma Akvinski -- Mercier, Désiré-Joseph -- Zimmermann, Stjepan


PEŠIĆ, Boško
Rorty’s metaphilosophy and the critique of epistemology [Elektronička građa] / Boško Pešić, Mislav Uzunić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résumé ; Zusammenfassung. - Richard Rorty is a contemporary philosopher of analytic philosophical tradition who shifted his career to a metaphilosophical critique of epistemology. The basis for Rorty’s critique lies in his rejection of Cartesian dualism, which leads him to a conclusion that every attempt at achieving truth by the way of knowing essences is destined for failure. Instead, Rorty argues for a search for understanding via conversation – a process which he called edification – and which would lead to the elimination of the epistemological problem of knowledge altogether. His metaphilosophical endeavor wants hermeneutics to supplant epistemology and become the fundamental philosophical approach. However, Rorty underemphasizes the importance of truth for hermeneutics, a deficiency of his which the paper will try to amend in order to show that Rorty’s skepticism regarding truth makes it problematic for his position to claim rapport with hermeneutics. After detailing Rorty’s metaphilosophical programme, which was mainly established in Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, the paper will explore the (in)compatibility of his position with hermeneutics, most notably with Gadamer’s. This leads to the conclusion that it would be a mistake to consider Rorty’s (meta)philosophy as an offshoot of hermeneutics or being completely compatible with it, considering he gives primacy to social problems over truth. - Richard Rorty suvremeni je filozof analitičke filozofijske tradicije koji je svoje karijerno usmjerenje skrenuo na metafilozofijsku kritiku epistemologije. Osnova Rortyjeve kritike leži u njegovu odbijanju kartezijanskog dualizma, što ga dovodi do zaključka da je svaki pokušaj dosezanja istine putem znanja o bitima osuđen na propast. Umjesto toga, Rorty argumentira u korist traženja razumijevanja putem razgovora – postupka koji zove eidifikacija – koji bi vodio do potpunog uklanjanja epistemologijskog problema znanja. Njegov metafilozofijski poduhvat želi hermeneutikom zamijeniti epistemologiju i time je uspostaviti kao temeljni filozofijski pristup. Međutim, Rorty nedovoljno naglašava važnost istine za hermeneutiku. To je manjak koji će ovo istraživanje pokušati nadoknaditi da bi pokazalo kako je Rortyjev skepticizam po pitanju istine problematičan za njegovu vlastitu poziciju bliskosti s hermeneutikom. Nakon opisivanja Rortyjeva metafilozofijskog programa, temeljno uspostavljenog u Filozofija i ogledalo prirode, rad istražuje (ne)kompatibilnost Rortyjeve pozicije s hermeneutikom, prvenstveno s Gademerovom. Dolazimo do zaključka da bi pogrešno bilo smatrati Rortyjevu (meta)filozofiju izdankom hermeneutike ili potpuno kompatibilnu s njome, uzimajući u obzir da prednost pred istinom daje društvenim problemima. - Richard Rorty est un philosophe contemporain de tradition analytique qui a orienté sa carrière professionnelle vers une critique philosophique de la métaphilosophie. Le fondement de la philosophie de Rorty repose sur son rejet du dualisme cartésien, ce qui le mène à la conclusion que toute tentative d’atteindre la vérité par la connaissance des essences est vouée à l’échec. Au lieu de cela, Rorty argumente en faveur d’une recherche de la compréhension par le biais de la conversation – procédé qu’il nomme édification – qui serait censée complètement remédier au problème épistémologique de la connaissance. Son entreprise métaphilosophique se donne pour ambition de remplacer l’herméneutique par l’épistémologie et ainsi de l’instituer en tant qu’approche philosophique fondamentale. Cependant, Rorty ne met pas suffisamment l’accent sur l’importance de la vérité pour l’herméneutique, insuffisance que cette recherche va tenter de pallier en vue de montrer que son scepticisme, pour ce qui est de la vérité, est problématique en ce qui concerne la relation d’affinité qu’entretient sa propre position avec l’herméneutique. Après avoir décrit le programme métaphilosophique de Rorty, clairement établi dans La philosophie et le miroir de la nature, ce travail examine la (non) compatibilité de la position de Rorty avec l’herméneutique, principalement avec Gadamer. Nous arrivons à la conclusion qu’il serait fallacieux de considérer la (méta)philosophie de Rorty comme une branche de l’herméneutique, ou de penser qu’elle serait complètement compatible avec elle, tout en gardant en vue qu’il donne la priorité aux problèmes sociétales et non à la vérité. - Richard Rorty ist ein zeitgenössischer Philosoph der analytischen philosophischen Tradition, der seine berufliche Ausrichtung auf die metaphilosophische Kritik der Epistemologie richtete. Das Fundament von Rortys Kritik liegt in seiner Ablehnung des kartesianischen Dualismus, was ihn zu der Schlussfolgerung führt, dass jeder Versuch, durch das Wissen über die Wesen zur Wahrheit zu gelangen, zum Scheitern verurteilt ist. Stattdessen argumentiert Rorty dafür, durch Konversation nach Verständnis zu suchen – ein Prozess, den er als Edifikation bezeichnet – der zur vollständigen Beseitigung des epistemologischen Problems des Wissens führen würde. Sein metaphilosophisches Bestreben ist es, die Epistemologie durch die Hermeneutik zu ersetzen und sie damit als grundlegenden philosophischen Ansatz zu etablieren. Allerdings betont Rorty die Wichtigkeit der Wahrheit für die Hermeneutik nur unzureichend. Dies ist ein Nachteil, den diese Studie auszugleichen sucht, um aufzuweisen, wie problematisch Rortys Skeptizismus in puncto Wahrheit für seine eigene Position der Nähe zur Hermeneutik ist. Nach der Darlegung von Rortys metaphilosophischem Programm, das in Der Spiegel der Natur gründlich verankert ist, erforscht die Arbeit die (In-)Kompatibilität von Rortys Position mit der Hermeneutik, in erster Linie mit der von Gadamer. Wir kommen zu dem Fazit, dass es unzutreffend wäre, Rortys (Meta-)Philosophie als Ableger der Hermeneutik zu betrachten oder sie als vollständig damit kompatibel einzuschätzen, wenn man bedenkt, dass er den gesellschaftlichen Problemen den Vorrang vor der Wahrheit gewährt.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 35 (2020), 1 ; str. 197-216  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Metafilozofija -- Epistemologija -- Hermeneutika -- Istina
Rorty, Richard


POTRČ, Matjaž
Zero point content [Elektronička građa] / Matjaž Potrč.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 131-132. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résumé ; Zusammenfassung. - The strategy is to first present the usual content atomistic fullness approaches, in their occurrent and dispositional guises. Then, the focal point semantic treatments are summarized. This difference may be explained through workings of chromatic illumination from the local external information inviting incline surrounding at the background cognitive landscape, in two directions. First, the external information is appreciated, and thus becomes a total cognitive state non-dimensional point at the middle level of the cognitive system’s description. At the upper level of description, total cognitive state content obtains its experiential richness from the multiple characteristics present in the mentioned local environment, and appreciated in it, without which they would be explicitly represented in epistemic agent’s consciousness. Failure of this second step leads to the requirement of content’s explicit representation. In comparison, the failure to apply chromatic illumination to the external information leads to the externalist focal point semantic strategies. - Strategija je najprije predstaviti uobičajene pristupe sadržajne atomističke potpunosti, u njihovim okurentnim i dispozicijskim oblicima. Zatim, sažima se semantički tretman fokalne točke. Razlika se može objasniti radom kromatičke iluminacije iz izvanjske lokalne informacije, pozivajući strma okruženja u pozadini kognitivnog pejzaža, u dva smjera. Prvo, uzima se u obzir izvanjska informacija, čime se dolazi do potpunog kognitivnog stanja nedimenzionalne točke u srednjoj razini opisa kognitivnog sustava. Na gornjoj razini opisa, sadržaj totalnog kognitivnog stanja zaprima svoje iskustveno bogatstvo iz više karakteristika prisutnih u spomenutom lokalnom okruženju, te su u njemu prihvaćene, bez čega bi bile eksplicitno reprezentirane u svijesti epistemičkog agenta. Neuspjeh drugog koraka vodi do obveze na eksplicitnu predodžbu sadržaja. Usporedno, neuspjeh primjene kromatičke iluminacije na izvanjsku informaciju vodi do strategija eksternalističke semantičke fokalne točke. - Notre stratégie consiste à présenter en premier lieu les approches habituelles de la complétude atomistique substantielle, sous leurs formes d’occurrences et de dispositions. En second lieu, nous résumons le traitement sémantique du point focal. La différence peut être expliquée par le biais du travail d’illumination chromatique à partir d’une information externe, faisant appel à un environnement rude en arrière plan du paysage cognitif qui s’engage dans deux directions. Premièrement, l’information externe, au travers laquelle nous parvenons à un état cognitif complet du point non dimensionnel au niveau intermédiaire de la description du système cognitif, est examinée. Au niveau supérieur de la description, l’état cognitif complet reçoit sa richesse d’expérience à partir de plusieurs caractéristiques présentes dans l’environnement local mentionné qui y sont acceptées, sans quoi elles seraient explicitement représentées dans la conscience de l’agent épistémique. L’échec de la deuxième étape conduit à une représentation explicite du contenu. En comparaison, l’échec de l’application de l’illumination chromatique sur l’information externe mène à des stratégies du point focal d’externalisme sémantique. - Die Strategie besteht zunächst darin, die gebräuchlichen Ansätze der inhaltlichen atomistischen Vollkommenheit in ihren okkurenten und dispositionalen Formen darzustellen. Anschließend wird die semantische Behandlung des fokalen Punkts zusammengefasst. Der Unterschied lässt sich durch die Aktivität der chromatischen Illumination aus der externen lokalen Information, indem man steile Umgebungen im Hintergrund der kognitiven Landschaft anspricht, in zwei Richtungen erläutern. Zunächst wird die externe Information berücksichtigt, womit man zu einem vollkommenen kognitiven Zustand des nicht dimensionalen Punkts in der mittleren Ebene der Beschreibung des kognitiven Systems gelangt. Auf der oberen Ebene der Beschreibung erwirbt der Inhalt des totalen kognitiven Zustands seinen Erfahrungsreichtum aus mehreren Merkmalen, die in der erwähnten lokalen Umgebung vorhanden und in dieser akzeptiert sind, ohne die sie im Bewusstsein des epistemischen Agenten explizit repräsentiert würden. Das Scheitern des zweiten Schritts führt zu der Verpflichtung zu einer expliziten Darstellung des Inhalts. Parallel dazu führt der Fehlschlag, die chromatische Illumination auf die externe Information anzuwenden, zu den Strategien des externalistischen semantischen fokalen Punkts.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 35 (2020), 1 ; str. 113-133  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sadržaj -- Nulta točka -- Morfološki sadržaj -- Dinamička kognicija -- Kognitivni pejzaž

17   Moralna filozofija. Etika. Praktična filozofija

The humanist at the table [Elektronička građa] : on the pleasure of feasting during the Polish renaissance / Dawid Barbarzak.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 41-44. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Italian humanists’ discoveries of ancient texts and printed editions of such ancient works as Lucretius’ De rerum natura, Plato’s Symposium or Apicius’ De re coquinaria strongly influenced the renewal of the Epicurean category of pleasure (voluptas) and created a new approach to eating. Many Italian humanists began emphasizing bodily needs and stressed their importance. We can find these ideas in the works of Lorenzo Valla (De voluptate, 1431), Marsilio Ficino (De voluptate, 1457) or Bartolomeo Platina (the author of the first printed cookbook De honesta voluptate et valetudine, ca. 1465-68) who recognized that food could be also consumed for pleasure. The phenomenon of the philosophical and literary banquet became common practice among Italian, and later also Polish, humanists. Such associations as the Roman Academy, Florentine Academy, or Polish Sodalitas litteraria Vistulana were the place of humanistic discussion, which was valued more than luxurious food. It is reflected in 16th-century Polish poetry (Filippo Buonaccorsi „Callimachus”, Conrad Celtis; Paweł z Krosna; Jan Dantyszek „Dantiscus” and others) and philosophical treaties such as Mikołaj Rej’s Wizerunek własny, 1558, inspired by Palingenius’ Zodiacus vitae, or Łukasz Górnicki’s Dworzanin polski, 1566, inspired by Baldassare Castiglione’s Il corteggiano. The quoted authors recommend moderation in drinking and criticize Polish and German drunkenness. Dining with friends could also serve as remedy for vanitas or all kinds of sorrow, according to the tradition of Anacreontic and Horatian poetry. We can see it clearly in Foricoenia of Jan Kochanowski (1584), where the joy of drinking wine and singing at the table interweaves with reflection on the human condition and vanishing. - Na obnovu Epikurova koncepta voluptas i pristupa jedenju/uživanju u jelu snažno je utjecalo to što su talijanski humanisti otkrili i tiskali antičke tekstove, poput Lukrecijeva De rerum natura, Platonova Symposium ili Apicijeve De re coquinaria. Mnogi su talijanski humanisti počeli isticati potrebe tijela i naglašavati njihovu važnost. Te se ideje mogu pronaći u djelima autora Lorenza Valle (De voluptate, 1431), Marsilija Ficina (De voluptate, 1457) ili Bartolomea Platina (pisca prve tiskane kuharice De honesta voluptate et valetudine, oko 1465. – 1468.), koji su zastupali stajalište da se hrana može konzumirati i iz razloga užitka. Fenomen filozofskog i književnoga banketa/gozbe postao je uobičajena praksa među talijanskim, a kasnije i među poljskim humanistima. Institucije poput Rimske akademije, Firentinske akademije ili poljske Sodalitas litteraria Vistulana postale su mjesto okupljanja humanista i akademskih rasprava koje su bile na većoj cijeni nego luksuzna hrana. Takvo se stajalište odražava u poljskoj poeziji 16. stoljeća (Filippo Buonaccorsi Callimachus, Conrad Celtis; Paweł z Krosna; Jan Dantyszek Dantiscus i drugi) i filozofskim rapravama poput Wizerunek własny Mikołaja Reja iz 1558., djela nadahnutoga Palingenijevim Zodiacus vitae, ili djela Dworzanin polski iz 1566. Łukasza Górnickog, čija je inspiracija bio Il corteggiano Baldassara Castiglionea. Citirani autori preporučaju umjereno uživanje u piću i kritiziraju poljsku i germansku navadu pijančevanja. Uživanje u jelu s prijateljima može poslužiti i kao lijek za vanitas, ali i protiv svih oblika tuge, sukladno tradiciji Anakreontova i Horacijeva pjesništva. To se jasno vidi u Foricoenia Jana Kochanowskog (1584), gdje se uživanje u vinu i pjesmi za gozbenim stolom izmjenjuje s refleksijama o ljudskoj prolaznosti.
U: Tabula (Pula. Online). - ISSN 1849-1685. - (2020), 17 ; str. 21-46  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Književnost -- Humanizam -- Renesansa -- Epikurizam -- Užitak -- Jedenje

RUPČIĆ Kelam, Darija
The mythical pursuit of happiness - a mirage of happiness [Elektronička građa] : a brief overview of the philosophy of happiness / Darija Rupčić Kelam, Ivica Kelam.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résumé ; Zusammenfassung. - According to some authors, there are several significant projects on the human agenda in the twenty-first century. One of them is the pursuit to find the key to personal happiness. Increasingly, people are beginning to see that systems once created to strengthen a nation, such as the education, the health system, and the welfare system, should serve the happiness and well-being of the individual, not the other way around. Thus, the right to the pursuit of happiness has been transformed into a natural right to happiness. Harari argues that GDP per capita, as a primary measure of national performance assessment, should be supplemented or replaced by GDH – gross domestic happiness. In this paper, we will examine some of the dominant ideologies and strategies aimed at achieving this goal. Optimization of human experience, self deception strategies, and the doctrine of harmony all serve as filters of the reality of the individual. It is necessary to deceive people, to bring them into the state of cheerfulness, to become a cheaper, more productive, and optimal worker in service of capital. The very idea of achieving social harmony is a control mechanism aimed at maintaining balance within the corporate community. Nevertheless, what lies behind the tyranny of unity and the pursuit of happiness is turning into a life that conceals reality and leads to a more profound and further depletion of the range of social, emotional, and personal relationships. Can recognizing a wide range of human emotions, as well as the essential determinants of a human being, such as caring and empathy, help us to live an authentic and happier life?. - Po nekim autorima, postoji nekoliko značajnih projekata o ljudskom pitanju u dvadeset i prvom stoljeću. Jedan je od njih potraga za ključem osobne sreće. U porastu je vjerovanje među ljudima da sustavi koji su nekada bili stvoreni da bi osnažili naciju, poput obrazovnog sustava, zdravstvenog sustava i sustava skrbi, trebaju služiti sreći i dobrobiti pojedinca, a ne obratno. Time se pravo na potragu za srećom preoblikovalo u prirodno pravo na sreću. Harari tvrdi da se BDP po glavi stanovnika, kao glavna mjera uspješnosti države, mora dopuniti ili zamijeniti BDS-om – bruto domaćom srećom. U ovom članku ispitat ćemo neke od vodećih ideologija i strategija usmjerenih na postizanje toga cilja. Optimizacija ljudskog iskustva, samo-obmanjujuće strategije i doktrina harmonije služe kao filtri zbilje pojedinca. Važno je zavarati ljude, dovesti ih u stanje radosnosti u kojem bi postali jeftiniji, produktivniji i optimalniji radnici u službi kapitala. Ideja postizanja društvene harmonije upravljački je mehanizam usmjeren na održavanje balansa unutar korporacijske zajednice. Ono što se nalazi iza tiranije jedinstva i potrage za srećom pretvara se u život koji zakriva stvarnost i vodi k dubljoj i daljnjoj potrošnji društvenih, emocionalnih i osobnih veza. Može li nam raspoznavanje širokog spektra ljudskih emocija i bitnih određenja ljudskog bića, poput brige i empatije, pomoći živjeti autentičnijim i sretnijim životom? Pojam sigurnog života, vođen ideologijom sklada i devizom koju Bauman opisuje riječima »ne talasaj«, ideja je života protivnog avanturi, šansi i riziku kao dokazano lažna alternativa životu pobune i žudnje za promjenom mišljenja, a time i žudnje za stvarnom srećom, usuprot iluziji sreće. - Selon certains auteurs, il existe quelques projets importants liés à la question humaine au XXIème siècle. L’un d’entre eux est la quête du bonheur personnel. La croyance selon laquelle les systèmes qui avaient été autrefois créés pour consolider la nation, tels que le système éducatif et le système de santé et de soins, doivent servir le bonheur et le bien-être de l’individu, et non inversement, est en augmentation. De cette manière, le droit à la quête du bonheur s’est transformé en droit naturel au bonheur. Harari affirme que le PIB par habitant, en tant que mesure principale pour quantifier la réussite économique d’un pays, doit être complété ou échangé par le BIB – bonheur intérieur brut. Cet article va questionner certaines des idéologies et stratégies dominantes orientées vers la réalisation de cet objectif. L’optimisation de l’expérience humaine, les stratégies auto-illusoires et la doctrine de l’harmonie servent comme filtres pour la réalité de l’individu. Il est important de tromper les gens, les mettre dans un état de joie, afin qu’ils deviennent de la main d’œuvre bon marché, qu’ils soient plus productifs et produisent des résultats optimaux. L’idée d’acquérir l’harmonie sociale est un mécanisme de gouvernance visant à maintenir l’équilibre au sein des communautés corporatives. Ce qui se trouve derrière la tyrannie de l’unité et la quête du bonheur se transforme en une vie qui masque la réalité et mène à une nouvelle et plus grande consommation des liens sociaux, émotionnels et personnels. L’identification du large spectre des émotions humaines et des déterminations essentielles de l’être humain, telles la considération et l’empathie, peut-elle nous aider à vivre une vie plus authentique et plus heureuse ?. - Einigen Autoren zufolge gibt es im einundzwanzigsten Jahrhundert etliche bedeutende Projekte zur Frage des Menschen. Eines davon ist die Suche nach dem Schlüssel zum persönlichen Glück. Unter den Menschen wächst der Glaube, dass Systeme, die einst geschaffen wurden, um eine Nation zu stärken, wie das Bildungssystem, das Gesundheitssystem und das Fürsorgesystem, dem Glück und dem Wohlergehen des Einzelnen dienen sollten und nicht umgekehrt. So wurde das Recht, Glück zu suchen, in ein natürliches Recht auf Glück überführt. Harari stellt die Behauptung auf, dass das Pro-Kopf-BIP als Hauptmaßstab für die Leistungsfähigkeit eines Landes durch das BIG – Bruttoinlandsglück – ergänzt oder ersetzt werden muss. In diesem Artikel werden wir einige der führenden Ideologien und Strategien untersuchen, die dieses Ziel anvisieren. Die Optimierung der menschlichen Erfahrung, selbsttäuschende Strategien und die Doktrin der Harmonie fungieren als Filter der Realität eines Individuums. Es ist wichtig, die Menschen irrezuführen, sie in einen Zustand der Freude zu versetzen, damit sie billigere, produktivere und optimalere Arbeitskräfte im Dienste des Kapitals werden. Die Idee, gesellschaftliche Harmonie zu erreichen, ist ein Lenkmechanismus, der darauf abzielt, das Gleichgewicht innerhalb der korporativen Gemeinschaft aufrechtzuerhalten. Was sich hinter der Tyrannei der Einheit und dem Streben nach Glück befindet, verwandelt sich in ein Leben, das die Realität verschleiert und zu einer tieferen und weiteren Abnutzung sozialer, emotionaler und persönlicher Beziehungen führt. Kann uns das Erkennen eines breiten Spektrums der menschlichen Emotionen und bedeutenden Bestimmungen eines Menschenwesens wie Fürsorge und Empathie helfen, ein authentischeres und glücklicheres Leben zu leben?.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 35 (2020), 1 ; str. 79-95  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sreća -- Ideologija -- Emocije -- Tiranija -- Iluzija
Badiou, Alain


Rival concepts of courage [Elektronička građa] : MacIntyrean enquiry / Anita Calvert.
Bibliografija: str. 169-170. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résumé ; Zusammenfassung. - Aristotle’s thoughts about courage in Nicomachean Ethics remain the most common topic of discussion about the virtue. However, if Alasdair MacIntyre’s enquiry of virtues is applied, we start to wonder if we have only fragments of that ancient concept of courage in liberal societies today. The images of courage change. We can talk about Aristotelian insights and tell stories about medieval knights, but current tradition and its prominent moral characters shape our comprehension and exercise of virtues. A MacIntyrean threefold approach to virtue with respect to a) practice, b) narrative unity of life and c) tradition reveals two rival concepts of courage: the virtue of courage of excellence and the virtue of courage of efficiency. Which one we will cheer for and which one will prevail depends upon the kind of courage we will employ and adopt as our second, habitual nature. - Aristotelove misli o hrabrosti u Nikomahovoj etici i dalje su najučestalije štivo rasprava o vrlini. Međutim, ako primijenimo razmatranje o vrlinama Alasdaira MacIntyrea, postavlja se pitanje o tome raspolažemo li u suvremenim liberalnim društvima tek fragmentima drevnog pojma hrabrosti. Slika hrabrosti izmijenila se. Možemo govoriti o aristotelovskim uvidima i pričati o srednjovječnim vitezovima, ali sadašnja su tradicija i karakter njena morala ti što oblikuju naše razumijevanje i korištenje vrlina. MacIntyreovski trostruki pristup vrlinama, uzimajući u obzir a) praksu, b) pripovjedno jedinstvo života i c) tradiciju, otkriva dva suparnička pojma hrabrosti: vrlina hrabrosti izvrsnosti i vrlinu hrabrosti učinkovitosti. Koja će prevladati ovisi o tome kakvu ćemo hrabrost usvojiti kao našu drugu prirodu navike. - Les pensées d’Aristote sur le courage dans l’Éthique à Nicomaque constituent encore le lieu de débat le plus commun sur les vertus. Cependant, si l’on applique les considérations de Alasdair MacIntyre, se pose la question de savoir si l’on dispose, au sein des sociétés libérales contemporaines, uniquement de fragments du concept ancien de courage. L’image du courage a changé. Il est possible de parler des idées aristotéliciennes et des chevaliers du Moyen-Âge, mais c’est bien la tradition actuelle et le caractère de sa morale qui façonnent notre compréhension et l’usage des vertus. L’approche à trois niveaux de MacIntyre des vertus prenant en considération a) la pratique, b) l’unité narrative de la vie et c) la tradition, dévoile deux concepts antagonistes du courage : la vertu du courage en tant qu’excellence et la vertu du courage en tant qu’efficience. Lequel de ces concepts l’emportera dépend du courage que nous adopterons en tant que seconde nature d’habitude. - Aristoteles‘ Gedanken über die Tapferkeit in Nikomachische Ethik bleiben weiterhin die häufigste Stätte der Diskussion über die Tugend. Wenn wir indessen unsere Erörterung über die Tugenden bei Alasdair MacIntyre ändern, wirft sich die Frage auf, ob uns in modernen liberalen Gesellschaften nicht mehr als Fragmente des uralten Tapferkeitsbegriffs zu Gebote stehen. Das Bild von der Tapferkeit hat sich verändert. Wir können über aristotelische Einsichten und über mittelalterliche Ritter reden, aber es sind die gegenwärtige Tradition und der Charakter ihrer Moral, die unser Verständnis und unseren Gebrauch von Tugenden prägen. Die macintyresche dreifache Herangehensweise an Tugenden unter Berücksichtigung von a) Praxis, b) narrativer Einheit des Lebens und c) Tradition offenbart zwei konkurrierende Begriffe von Tapferkeit: die Tugend der Tapferkeit des Vorzüglichseins sowie die Tugend der Tapferkeit des Wirksamseins. Welcher Begriff die Oberhand gewinnt, hängt davon ab, was für eine Tapferkeit wir als unsere zweite Natur der Gewohnheit annehmen.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 35 (2020), 1 ; str. 155-171  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrabrost -- Vrline -- Izvrsnost -- Učinkovitost -- Praksa
MacIntyre, Alasdair


Vidi br.: HA20-02184

Vidi br.: HA20-02389

Vidi br.: HA20-02112

Vidi br.: HA20-02236

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Vidi br.: HA20-02831


21/29   Religijski sustavi. Religije i vjere

SABETTA, Antonio
Annunciare la gioia del Vangelo nell'areopago della contemporaneità [Elektronička građa] : conoscere l2'"a chi" ci rivolgiamo per meglio comunicare il "Chi" =To announce the joy of the Gospel in the Areopagus of the modern world : knowing to whom we turn to, we better communicate Him / Antonio Sabetta.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Riassunto ; Summary. - Viviamo un cambiamento d’epoca che sta radicalmente trasformando sia l’identità dell’Occidente sia ponendo nuove e radicali sfide al cristianesimo chiamato ad inculturarsi di nuovo in una realtà che da esso si sta progressivamente allontanando. L’articolo in una prima parte ricostruisce alcuni tratti salienti della postmodernità e dell’esperienza religiosa postmoderna per poi soffermarsi su alcune questioni decisive per l’annuncio credibile del vangelo. Preso atto dell’inadeguatezza di alcune rappresentazioni trasmesse di Dio, della Chiesa, e della fede, l’articolo cerca di valorizzare alcune istanze della sensibilità contem-poranea. Soprattutto insiste sulla necessità di rimettere al centro la domanda di senso e su-perare la crisi della ragione per ritrovare per ricostruire l’alleanza tra fede e ragione ricono-scendo nel logos lo strumento per annunciare il vangelo e dialogare con le culture. - We are experiencing a change of times that is radically transforming the identity of the Western world and creating new and radical challenges to Christianity which is called to get involved again in reality that is progressively shifting away from it. The first part of the article reconstructs some important features of postmodernity and postmodern reli-gious experience and then focuses on some crucial issues for the credible announcement of the Gospel. Acknowledging the inadequacy of some views of God, of the Church, and of faith, the article tries to highlight some instances of contemporary sensibility. Above all, it insists on the need for bringing the question of meaning back to the centre and to over-come the crisis of reason in order to rebuild the alliance between faith and reason by rec-ognizing in the logos the ground to announce the Gospel and dialogue with cultures.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 60 (2020), 3 ; str. 319-346  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kršćanstvo -- Vjera -- Razum -- Evangelizacija -- Vjersko iskustvo -- Postmodernizam

PETROV, Emanuel
Blagoslov kao susret samoostvarenja osobnosti [Elektronička građa] = Blessing as an encounter of self-realization of personality / Emanuel Petrov.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Polazeći od iskonske stvarnosti saveza između Boga i čovjeka, autor traži odgovore na pitanja čovjekove egzistencije i njegova identiteta. Kao interakcija dara i uzdarja međusobni odnosi prožimaju čovjekovu osobnost, te diktiraju zajedništvo s drugim osobama. Riječ je o iskustvu traženja samoga sebe u međusobnome perihoretskom prožimanju osoba, a da drugoga ili samoga sebe ne orobi. Stoga su sloboda i ljubav dvije temeljne odrednice čovjekove egzistencije. Konačno, promatrajući temeljnu strukturu blagoslova, a zahvaljujući »euloškom pokušaju« Lothara Liesa, dolazimo do egzistencijalne istine o čovjeku kao biću susreta, koje kroz odnos s drugim osobama stupa u odnos s Bogom, koji je sama ljubav i tako konačno spoznaje i ostvaruje sebe samoga kao ljubljeno stvorenje kojemu je darovan život vječni i nepropadljiva egzistencija. - Starting from the primordial reality of the covenant between God and man, the author seeks answers to the questions of man's existence and his identity. As an interaction of gift and contribution, interpersonal relationships permeate man's personality, and dictate communion with other people. It is an experience of searching for oneself in the perihoretic permeation of persons, without robbing another or oneself. Therefore, freedom and love are two fundamental determinants of human existence. Finally, observing the basic structure of blessing, and thanks to the "eulogical attempt" of Lothar Lies, we come to the existential truth about man as a being of encounter, who through a relationship with others enters into a relationship with God, who is love itself and thus finally gets to know himself and realizes himself as a beloved creature to whom eternal life and imperishable existence have been given.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 60 (2020), 4 ; str. 373-389  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Osoba -- Identitet -- Egzistencija -- Blagoslov -- Susret

KORYL, Jakub
By grammar alone? [Elektronička građa] : Humanism overcome and the hermeneutics of Matthias Flacius Illyricus / Jakub Koryl.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 254-255. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Wilhelm Dilthey once admitted that Matthias Flacius Illyricus either appropriated the fourth book of Augustine’s De Doctrina Christiana in detail or took advantage of all of the early Christian exegesis in general in his Clavis Sacrae Scripturae. The aim of this paper is partly polemical. While Flacius himself frequently proved Dilthey’s unfavorable judgment to be correct, he also followed the innovatory footsteps of biblical philologists such as Gianozzo Manetti, Lorenzo Valla and Desiderius Erasmus in order to reaffirm and concretize the Lutheran principle of the intelligibility of Scripture based on its strictly immanent, that is to say grammatical, investigation. Consequently, I would like to discuss the Clavis Sacrae Scripturae as the confessional yet deliberate outcome of the grammatical and rhetorical curriculum of studia humanitatis. All of this, however, will not lead to the conclusion that the Clavis should still remain the enterprise of a less distinguished follower. For decisions made by Flacius regarding the tradition of patristic, medieval, and humanistic exegesis was constantly founded upon the heuristically critical and genuinely hermeneutical principle. Therefore, it is worth asking what this principle was, or more precisely, how can man use philological tools that do not deprive God of his unconditioned sovereignty. - Jednom je Wilhelm Dilthey ocijenio da je Matija Vlačić Ilirik u svojoj Clavis Sacrae Scripturae ili u potpunosti usvojio Augustinovu De Doctrina Christiana ili pak iskoristio sve ranije kršćanske egzegeze općenito. Cilj je ovoga rada dijelom polemičke naravi: s jedne strane Vlačić često potvrđuje istinitost te Diltheyeve po njega nepovoljne tvrdnje, dok s druge strane kroči inovativnim stopama biblijskih filologa (Gianozzo Manetti, Lorenzo Valla i Desiderius Erasmus) nastojeći reafirmirati i konkretizirati luteranski princip razumijevanja Svetog pisma na temelju strogo imanentnoga, dakle gramatičkoga, ispitivanja. Posljedično, u radu se propituje Clavis Sacrae Scripturae kao konfesionalni, ali istovremeno i slobodno promišljeni ishod gramatičkog i retoričkog kurikula studia humanitatis. To međutim ne vodi k zaključku da Clavis treba i dalje smatrati pothvatom manje cijenjenoga sljedbenika jer su neke Vlačićeve odluke u smislu patrističke tradicije, srednjovjekovne i humanističke egzegeze dosljedno utemeljene na heurističkoj kritici i istinskom hermeneutičkom principu. To čini legitimnim propitivanje o kojem je principu riječ, ili preciznije: na koji način čovjek može primjenjivati filološke alate koji Boga ne lišavaju njegove neprikosnovenosti?.
U: Tabula (Pula. Online). - ISSN 1849-1685. - (2020), 17 ; str. 239-257  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sola scriptura -- Hermeneutika -- Gramatika -- Tradicija
Vlačić Ilirik, Matija


DOMAZET, Anđelko
Crkva i povlašteno mjesto siromašnih u Božjem narodu [Elektronička građa] = The Church and privileged place of the poor among the people of God / Anđelko Domazet.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Evanđeosko načelo siromaštva ima nezaobilaznu ulogu s obzirom na život i poslanje Crkve u suvremenom svijetu. Kako bi vjerodostojno svjedočila Isusovu poruku o čovjekoljubivome, milosrdnom i pravednom Bogu, ona je pozvana prakticirati duh siromaštva i biti Crkva siromašnih i obespravljenih. U prvom dijelu rada želimo produbiti biblijsku i kristološku dimenziju shvaćanja siromaštva. Stoga analiziramo evanđeosko siromaštvo iz perspektive Isusova navještaja kraljevstva Božjega i prakse prve Crkve. U drugome dijelu, u svjetlu koncilske vizije Crkve i katoličkoga socijalnog nauka, nastojimo istaknuti strukturalni značaj ‘opcije za siromašne’ u poslanju Crkve. Solidarnost sa siromasima i socijalno ugroženima, sa svima onima koji su na bilo koji način obespravljeni u doba globalizacije i neoliberalnog kapitalizma, društvena je i duhovna vrijednost temeljnih postavki kršćanskog svjedočenja u ovom svijetu. - The life and mission of the Church in the modern world are guided by the evangelical principle of poverty. In order to faithfully witness Jesus ’message of humane, merciful adjust God, she is called to practice the spirit of poverty and to be the Church of the poor and disempowered. The first part of the paper clarifies the biblical and Christological dimension of the concept of poverty. Thus, the evangelical poverty is analysed in the context of Jesus ’ proclamation of the kingdom of God, and the practice of the first Church. The second part of the paper highlights the structural significance of ‘option for the poor’, in the mission of the Church, in the light of the Council ’s vision of the Church, and the Catholic social teaching. The basic form of Christian witnessing in this world can be expressed through the Church ’s solidarity with the poor, socially vulnerable, and with all those who are in any way disempowered in the age of globalization and neoliberal capitalism.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 60 (2020), 1 ; str. 55-67  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Evanđeosko siromaštvo -- Siromašni -- Katolički socijalni nauk -- Teologija oslobođenja -- Globalizacija

ĆURIĆ, Tomislav, svećenik
Dijalog liturgije i umjetnosti [Elektronička građa] : prijedlozi i smjernice za oblikovanje i uređenje liturgijskog prostora = Dialogue of liturgy and art suggestions and guidelines for design and arrangement of liturgical space / Tomislav Ćurić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Članak donosi prijedloge smjernica za ostvarenje kreativnog dijaloga između umjetnika i Crkve pri realizaciji konkretnih projekata. Namjera je izraditi niz kriterija i smjernica utemeljenih na provjerenim teološkim principima, duhu obnove Drugoga vatikanskog sabora i poslijesaborskoga razdoblja. Prijedlog smjernica i kriterioloških naznaka arhitektonskog i umjetničkog oblikovanja za liturgiju nipošto ne kani dati definitivni i zaključani sustav, već razraditi niz primijenjenih elemenata koji mogu potpomoći pri usmjeravanju, planiranju, ostvarivanju i vrednovanju suvremenih djela. U prijedlogu smjernica pokušat će se raspraviti i integrirati postojeće crkvene norme sadržane u liturgijskim knjigama. - The article brings proposals for guidelines for the realization of creative dialogue between artists and the Church in the implementation of specific projects. The intention is to develop a series of criteria and guidelines based on verified theological principles, on the spirit of the renewal of the Second Vatican Council and the post-Council period. The proposal of guidelines and criterion indications of architectural and artistic design for the liturgy does not intend to give a definite and final system, but to develop a series of applied elements that can help guide, plan, realize and evaluate contemporary works. The proposed guidelines will try to discuss and integrate the existing church norms contained in the liturgical books.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 60 (2020), 3 ; str. 293-318  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Liturgija -- Liturgijski prostor -- Sakralna umjetnost -- Sakralna arhitektura

VULIĆ, Boris
Gli elementi fondamentali dei dogmi cattolici [Elektronička građa] = Temeljni elementi katoličkih dogmi / Boris Vulić, Tomislav Ćurić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Riassunto ; Sažetak. - L’articolo individua i quattro elementi fondamentali dei dogmi cattolici: dialogico, ecclesiale, storico-escatologico e dossologico-soteriologico. Un dogma è sempre il frutto del dialogo tra la Chiesa e Dio che si è rivelato. Tutti coloro che credono in Gesù Cristo devono stare in unità, cioè nella comunione della fede. Tale unità si riflette anche nell’unità che si crea per mezzo delle affermazioni di fede pronunciate da parte della Chiesa. La storia diventa ‘luogo’ privilegiato per l’approfondimento dei contenuti della rivelazione da parte del popolo di Dio. La rivelazione definitiva del mistero divino che gli apostoli hanno ricevuto da Gesù Cristo non può essere subito abbracciata ed espressa pienamente a causa della ricchezza del suo contenuto. Essa viene chiarita e spiegata nella misura in cui riesce a divenire oggetto di riflessione. Un dogma, infatti, è come il segno visibile della realtà invisibile, un ‘sacramento verbale’. Mentre un dogma proclama la rivelazione già realizzata, allo stesso tempo è aperto e orientato alla pienezza escatologica, in attesa della piena manifestazione di Cristo. Di solito si parla di motivi storico-giuridici alla base della nascita dei dogmi. Le circostanze storiche, però, nonostante la loro indubbia importanza, non sono gli unici elementi che contribuirono a determinare il senso e lo sviluppo dei dogmi. Un elemento eminente di tale processo è costituito dalla liturgia. Ogni dogma, malgrado il suo eventuale carattere antieretico, abbia sempre il suo senso dossologico come suo senso fondamentale e costitutivo. - Članak izdvaja četiri temeljna elementa katoličkih dogmi: dijaloški, crkveni, povijesno-eshatološki i doksološko-soteriološki. Dogma je uvijek plod dijaloga Crkve i Boga koji se objavio. Svi oni koji vjeruju u Isusa Krista moraju biti u jedinstvu, odnosno u zajedništvu vjere. To jedinstvo ogleda se i u jedinstvu koje se stvara iskazima vjere koje daje Crkva. Povijest postaje privilegirano 'mjesto' za produbljivanje sadržaja objave od strane Božjeg naroda. Konačno objavljenje božanskog otajstva koje su apostoli primili od Isusa Krista ne može se odmah prigrliti i u potpunosti izraziti zbog bogatstva njegova sadržaja. Ona se pojašnjava i objašnjava do te mjere da uspijeva postati objekt refleksije. Doista, dogma je poput vidljivog znaka nevidljive stvarnosti, 'verbalni sakrament'. Dok dogma naviješta već ostvarenu objavu, istodobno je otvorena i orijentirana na eshatološku puninu, iščekujući potpuno Kristovo očitovanje. Obično se govori o povijesno-pravnim razlozima koji su bili temelj rađanja dogmi. Povijesne okolnosti, ipak, usprkos njihovoj nedvojbenoj važnosti, nisu jedini elementi koji su pridonijeli određivanju značenja i razvoja dogmi. Istaknuti element ovog procesa jest svakako i liturgija. Svaka dogma, usprkos svom mogućem anti-heretičkom karakteru, uvijek ima svoj doksološki smisao kao svoj temeljni i konstitutivni smisao.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 60 (2020), 4 ; str. 434-454  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Katoličanstvo -- Dogmatska teologija -- Crkveno učiteljstvo
Katolička crkva


LAZAR, Istvan David
Il cinghiale Marsus in terra della Pannonia [Elektronička građa] : controversia tra Marcus Pitačić e Péter Beregszászi (?) / István Dávid Lázár.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 288-289. - Riassunto ; Sažetak. - Appena nominato, il nuovo vescovo della diocesi di Győr, György Draskovich, aveva convocato il sinodo per l’estate dell’anno 1579, nella città di Szombathely. Nel primo giorno del sinodo, su invito del nuovo vescovo, il gesuita croato Marcus Pitačić pronunciò un discorso che trattava dei criteri per divenire prete, della morale che la comunità esigeva da parte del clero e dell’istituzione del celibato, attaccando e confutando le relative dottrine dei protestanti. La reazione al discorso di Pitačić da parte dei protestanti non arrivò subito ma si fece aspettare per un decennio e mezzo. Nel 1585 uscì il libro di Péter Beregszászi, Apologia pro ecclesiis reformatis, actis impiis Synodi Sabariensis opposita, che contiene sia l’Oratio di Pitačić sia la risposta di Beregszászi, in cui egli smentisce punto per punto le asserzioni del gesuita. Il fatto che, due anni dopo, venne pubblicato a Basel il volume De controversiis religionis hoc seculo motis adversaria quaedam scripta, in quibus utriusque partis dissidentium argumenta, ad Scripturae divinae canonem explorantur et Iesuitis potissimum respondetur, mostra l’importanza dei due testi dell’Apologia che, assieme ad alcuni libelli apparsi negli anni ’80, viene interamente riproposta nel detto volume. A seguito della breve presentazione riassuntiva della vita di Pitačić, l’articolo offre un quadro sintetico della sua controversia con Beregszászi, ricca di argomentazioni e di mezzi retorico-linguistici che servivano al predicatore protestante per rendere ridicoli i gesuiti e contestare l’autenticità delle parole del suo avversario. - Novoizabrani biskup dijeceze Győr Juraj Drašković odmah po imenovanju sazvao je ljetnu sinodu za godinu 1579. u gradu Sambotelu. Prvoga dana sinode, na poziv novoga biskupa, hrvatski isusovac Marko Pitačić održao je govor o kriterijima za postajanje svećenikom, o moralnosti koju društvo zahtijeva od klera i o instituciji celibata, napadajući i osporavajući vezane protestantske doktrine. Odgovor protestanata na Pitačićev govor nije stigao odmah – trebalo ga je čekati desetljeće i pol. Godine 1585. izašla je knjiga Petra Beregszászija Apologia pro ecclesiis reformatis, actis impiis Synodi Sabariensis opposita, koja je sadržavala i Pitačićev govor i Beregszászijev odgovor, u kojemu je točku po točku pobijao Pitačićeve tvrdnje. Činjenica da je dvije godine potom u Baselu objavljen volumen De controversiis religionis hoc seculo motis adversaria quaedam scripta, in quibus utriusque partis dissidentium argumenta, ad Scripturae divinae canonem explorantur et Iesuitis potissimum respondetur ukazuje na važnost dvaju tekstova Apologije, koji su ondje iznova objavljeni zajedno s drugim knjižicama iz 1580-ih. U članku se kratko prikazuje Pitačićev život, nakon čega se daje sintetička slika njegova prijepora s Beregszászijem, bogatog argumentacijom te retoričkim i jezičnim sredstvima koja su protestantskome propovjedniku trebala poslužiti kako bi ismijao isusovce i opovrgao autentičnost protivnikovih riječi.
U: Tabula (Pula. Online). - ISSN 1849-1685. - (2020), 17 ; str. 275-291  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Teološke rasprave -- Svećeništvo -- Protestantizam
Pitačić, Marko -- Beregszászi, Péter


SCHALLER, Christian
In der Gegenwart erschließen - für die Zukunft bewahren [Elektronička građa] : die Aufgaben und Ziele des Institut Papst Benedikt XVI. im Dienst der Theologie von Joseph Ratzinger / Benedikt XVI = Otvoriti sadašnjosti - sačuvati za budućnost : zadaci i ciljevi Instituta Pape Benedikta XVI. u službi teologije Josipa Ratzingera / Benedikta XVI. / Christian Schaller.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Zusammenfassung ; Sažetak. - Die vorliegende Abhandlung stellt die Ziele und Aufgaben des 2008 in Regensburg gegründeten Institut Papst Benedikt XVI. vor. Vorerst geht es um die Edition der „Joseph Ratzinger Gesammelte Schriften“ (JRGS). Mit diesem Projekt möchte das Institut das umfangreiche theologische Werk von Joseph Ratzinger der Gegenwart zugänglich machen und es für die Zukunft zur Verfügung stellen. Die Schilderung der Ziele und Aufgaben des Instituts wird durch den zusammenfassenden Überblick über die Hauptmerkmale der Theologie von Joseph Ratzinger erweitert. Während seines 60-jährigen theologischen Wirkens hat Joseph Ratzinger fast in allen Bereichen des theologischen Denkens mitgewirkt und mit Schrift und Wort tiefe Spuren hinterlassen. Ähnlich wie seine berühmten Zeitgenossen wie von Balthasar, De Lubac, Rahner und Congar ist er ein Förderer der „neuen Theologie“, die auf der Heiligen Schrift, der Tradition und der Liturgie der Kirche gründet. Seine Theologie ist mit der Verkündigung verbunden, die den Zusammenhang von Glaube und Vernunft hervorhebt, das Gespräch mit der Gegenwart sucht, Gottes Wirkung in der Geschichte offenbart, zum persönlichen Verhältnis zu Christus einlädt und die Unmittelbarkeit des Glaubens aufzeigt. Außerdem stellt der Artikel den Inhalt jedes einzelnen der 16 Bände der Gesammelten Schriften dar, von denen 11 bereits veröffentlicht sind, wobei der 6., 7., 8., 9. sowie der 13. und 14. Band aus zwei bzw. drei Teilbänden bestehen. Neben der Edition leitet das Institut ein Archiv, eine Bibliothek, veröffentlich den Jahresband „Mitteilungen“ und koordiniert die „Ratzinger Studien“ mit bisher 18 veröffentlichten Bänden, in denen verschiedene Themen der Theologie Ratzingers wissenschaftlich erforscht werden. - Ovaj rad opisuje ciljeve i zadatke Instituta Pape Benedikta XVI., koji je g. 2008. osnovan u Regensburgu. U prvom redu riječ je o objelodanjivanju „Sabranih djela Josipa Ratzingera“ (JRGS) čime Institut želi Ratzingerovo teološko djelo učiniti dostupnim sadašnjosti i sačuvati ga za budućnost. Sam opis ciljeva i zadataka Instituta proširuje se sažetim pregledom glavnih karakteristika Ratzingerove teologije. Tijekom 60 godina plodna rada Josip Ratzinger sudjelovao je gotovo u svim područjima teološke misli te svojim djelima ostavio duboke tragove u katoličkoj teologiji. Slično svojim poznatim suvremenicima kao što su von Balthasar, De Lubac, Rahner i Congar i on je promicatelj „nove teologije“ koja se temelji na Svetom pismu, tradiciji i liturgiji Crkve. Njegovo bogoslovlje povezano je s kršćanskim navještajem, naglašava povezanost vjere i razuma, stupa u kontakt sa sadašnjim vremenom, otkriva Božje djelovanje u povijesti, potiče na personalni susret s Kristom te pokazuje neposrednost same vjere. Članak, nadalje, predstavlja sadržaj svakog od 16 svezaka Sabranih djela, od kojih je 11 već objelodanjeno. Svesci 6, 7, 8, 9, 13 i 14 sastoje se od dva ili tri dijela. Uz ediciju Sabranih djela, Institut uređuje Ratzingerov arhiv, biblioteku, objavljuje godišnjak „Mitteilungen“ i koordinira „Ratzinger Studien“ s dosad objavljenih 18 svezaka u kojima međunarodni teolozi znanstveno proučavaju različite teme Ratzingerove teologije.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 60 (2020), 2 ; str. 160-174  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ratzinger, Joseph -- Papa Benedikt XVI.


Integralna ekologija i franjevci [Elektronička građa] = Integral ecology and the Franciscans / Luka Tomašević.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Autor je članak podijelio na sljedeći način: uz uvod i zaključak, rad se dijeli na sljedeća poglavlja: 1. Kratka povijest ekološke problematike u Crkvi; 2. Misao pape Franje; 3. Doprinos franjevačke tradicije. Već je na konferenciji Ujedinjenih naroda o okolišu u Rio de Janeiru kardinal Martini uime pape Pavla VI. govorio o ekološkim problemima u svijetu, a papa Ivan Pavao II. na svjetski Dan mira 1990. godine uputio je poruku Mir s Bogom Stvoriteljem – mir s cjelokupnim stvorenjem. Papa Franjo također se bavi ekološkom problematikom, nadahnut sv. Franjom Asiškim. Franjevačka paradigma nadilazi današnju fragmentarnu viziju svijeta koja vlada u znanosti i koja naglašava sukob umjesto suradnje. Ekološka filozofija trebala bi shvatiti da različitost ne onemogućuje relaciju, već je čini još autentičnijom jer smo, istina, svi različiti, ali ovisni jedni o drugima. - The author divided the article as follows: with the introduction and conclusion, the paper is divided into the following chapters: 1. A brief history of environmental issues in the Church; 2. Thought of Pope Francis; 3. The contribution of the Franciscan tradition. Already at the United Nations Conference on the Environment in Rio de Janeiro, Cardinal Martini on behalf of Pope Paul VI spoke about environmental problems in the world, and Pope John Paul II, on World Peace Day in 1990, sent the message: Peace with God the Creator - peace with all creation. Pope Francis also deals with environmental issues, inspired by St. Francis of Assisi. The Franciscan paradigm transcends today’s fragmentary vision of the world that rules in science and that emphasizes conflict instead of cooperation. Ecological philosophy should understand that diversity does not make the relationship impossible, but makes it even more authentic because we are, it is true, all different, but dependent on each other.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 60 (2020), 4 ; str. 390-405  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ekologija -- Integralna ekologija
Papa Franjo -- Franciscus, papa -- Sv. Franjo Asiški


Krsna slava neretvanskih katolika prije Drugoga svjetskog rata [Elektronička građa] = Family Patron-Saint’s Day of Roman Catholic population of Neretva valley before World War II / Ivo Mišur. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovom radu obradit će se podatci o običaju slavljenja krsne slave u Hrvata rimokatolika u dolini Neretve koje je prikupio don Radovan Jerković do 1941. godine. Istraživanje će obuhvatiti sljedeće župe: Bagalovići, Desne, Borovce-Nova Sela, Komin, Metković, Slivno, Vid i Vidonje. Analizirat će se učestalost i geografska rasprostranjenost slavljenja pojedinih svetaca te na temelju tih podataka izvući zaključci. - This work deals with the phenomena of celebration of the Family Patron-Saint’s Day (Krsna Slava) among the Roman Catholic population in the Neretva valley in Croatia. Krsna Slava is widespread among several countries and different nations in Balkans. Its origins are not known. First and most complete lists of the Neretva families and their patron saints were made in 1941 by Radovan Jerković. He collected data in Bagalovići, Borovci-Nova Sela, Desne, Metković, Komin, Slivno, Vid and Vidonje. Almost half of families celebrate All Saints (1st November). In the past, the families who immigrated to the Neretva valley and had not already had their own patron saint, chose All Saints to be their patrons. This means that this custom is not originally from the Neretva valley. Other saints celebrated by the Neretva families are St. Nicholas, St. Martin, Epiphany, St. Thomas, St. Michael, St. Stephan and St. John. These data are analyzed from different angles trying to understand the roots of this custom in the Neretva valley. Komin, Vidonje and Metković should be the original centres of Krsna Slava celebrating.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 60 (2020), 2 ; str. 175-190  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Krsna slava -- Rimokatolici -- Narodni običaji

Narav došašća prema zbornoj molitvi Prve nedjelje došašća [Elektronička građa] = The nature of Advent according to the congregational prayer of the First Sunday of Advent / Domagoj Volarević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Zborna molitva jedna je od predsjedateljskih molitava (pokraj darovne i popričesne) koje su u euharistijskom slavlju pridržane svećeniku. Njome se, kako to zgodno izriče Opća uredba Rimskoga misala, izriče narav slavlja. Došašće ili advent, vrijeme je u liturgijskoj godini koje kronološki neposredno prethodi Božiću, ali se također nastavlja nakon tzv. posljednjih nedjelja kroz godinu. Takav vremenski položaj daje mu mogućnost simbolizma i simboličkih elemenata kojima govori i poučava i o Božiću, dakle Kristovu rođenju ili prvom dolasku u tijelu, ali i o drugom Kristovu dolasku u slavi. Konačno nedjelja kao osnovni kršćanski blagdan, određuje ritam cijeloj crkvenoj, liturgijskoj godini. Naravno, i u došašću. Nedjelje su stoga osnove razvoja poruke i teologije svakoga liturgijskoga ciklusa. Tako zborne molitve u nedjelje došašće izriču na sažet i jezgrovit način ono što se slavi. Prva nedjelja došašća i njezina zborna molitva u euharistijskom slavlju svojevrsni je uvod u došašće i upućuje na daljnji razvoj i tumačenje značenja i naravi ne samo te nedjelje, već, možemo reći, i cijeloga došašća. Kroz prizmu značenja osnovnih pojmova u zbornoj molitvi Prve nedjelje došašća te njihovo tumačenje u kontekstu slavlja, osvjetlat ćemo neke manje naglašene vidove došašća. - The Collect is one of the presiding prayers (in addition to the Prayer over the Offerings and Prayer after Communion) that are reserved for the priest in the Eucharistic celebration. As the Roman Missal aptly states, it expresses the nature of celebration. Advent is the time in the liturgical year that chronologically precedes Christmas, but also continues after the so called last weeks of the ordinary time in the liturgical year. Such a temporal position gives it the possibility of the symbolism and symbolic elements that speak and teach about Christmas, i.e. about the birth of Christ or his first arrival in the body, or more precisely according to St. John – in the flesh, but also about the second arrival of Christ in glory as well. Finally, Sunday as the basic Christian holiday gives a determined rhythm to the whole liturgical year, during Advent too. Sundays are therefore the foundation of the development of the message and theology of each liturgical cycle. Thus Collects during the Sundays of Advent express in a concise and succinct way what is being celebrated. The first Sunday of Advent and its Collect during the Eucharistic celebration are a kind of an introduction to Advent and they point to the further development and interpretation of the meaning and nature not only of that Sunday, but also, we can say, the whole Advent. Through the prism of the meaning of the basic terms in the Collect of the first Sunday of Advent and their interpretation in the context of celebration, we will shed light on some less emphasized aspects of Advent.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 60 (2020), 4 ; str. 406-433  
 Elektronička verzija članka
došašće, zborna molitva, vjernici, revnost, kraljevstvo nebesko

Newman and Strossmayer on the relationship between the Church and the State [Elektronička građa] : (I) / Šimo Šokčević, Tihomir Živić.
Nastavlja se. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 250-251. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The relationship between the Catholic Church and the state, and between the Church and the state in general, is a very topical issue, and theoreticians at the present time provide various models that render assistance to the comprehension of that relationship. The complexity and extensiveness of the problem necessitates that it should be dealt with in two parts (articles). Basically, our objective was to represent the deliberations of John Henry Newman (1801‒1890) and Josip Juraj Strossmayer (1815‒1905), which we consider to be exceptionally valuable and relevant even today. Through such an analysis, we intended to examine how the deliberations of these two great thinkers of the nineteenth century may contribute to a better cooperation between the Catholic Church and the state in present‐day Europe. In this, the first article, in which we deal with Newman’s and Strossmayer’s perceptions of the relationship between the Catholic Church and the state, at the very outset we feature the context in which Newman and Strossmayer each take a closer look at that relationship. This context is characterized by liberalism, but with numerous negative connotations that suffocate the originally positive meaning of liberalism. A negative context of liberalism is an aggravating circumstance in the comprehension of the relationship between the Catholic Church and the state, and on the other hand, from the position of a modern liberal state, Newman’s and Strossmayer’s comprehension of history, in whose center is the principle of God’s Providence, is also qualified in this way, which simultaneously renders the Catholic Church consistent and authentic, unlike the modern liberal state, which frequently assumes utopian and ideological characteristics. For this very reason, that difference regularly seems insurmountable. - Odnos Katoličke Crkve i države te Crkve i države uopće vrlo je aktualno pitanje, pa teoretičari danas podastiru različite modele koji pomažu njegovu poimanju. Složenost i opširnost problema zahtijevaju da se njime bavimo u dvama dijelovima (člancima). Općenito, naš je cilj bio predstaviti promišljanja Johna Henryja Newmana (1801. – 1890.) i Josipa Jurja Strossmayera (1815. – 1905.), koja držimo iznimno vrijednima i bitnima i danas. Takvom smo raščlambom nastojali ispitati kako bi prosudbe tih dvaju velikih mislilaca 19. stoljeća mogle doprinijeti boljoj suradnji između Katoličke Crkve i države u današnjoj Europi. U prvome dijelu, u kojem tematiziramo Newmanovo i Strossmayerovo shvaćanje odnosa Katoličke Crkve i države, na samome početku prikazujemo kontekst u kojem Newman i Strossmayer problematiziraju taj odnos. Taj kontekst karakterizira liberalizam, no s brojnim negativnim konotacijama koje guše njegovo izvorno pozitivno značenje. Negativni kontekst liberalizma otežavajuća je okolnost pri poimanju odnosa Katoličke Crkve i države, a s druge se strane, s pozicije suvremene liberalne države, Newmanovo i Strossmayerovo shvaćanje povijesti, u čijem je središtu načelo Božje providnosti, također tako kvalificira, što istodobno Katoličku Crkvu čini konzistentnom i autentičnom, za razliku od suvremene liberalne države, koja često poprima utopijske i ideološke karakteristike. Upravo stoga ta se razlika redovito doimlje nepremostivom. Naposljetku, primjećujemo da se ta pitanja dodatno kompliciraju pogrješnom predodžbom Dogme o papinskoj nezabludivosti, koju se ne shvaća u duhu sklada savjesti i autoriteta.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 225-253  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Newman, John Henry -- Strossmayer, Josip Juraj
Katolička crkva


GRGIĆ, Miljenka
Poučak služiteljima Riječi u 2 Tim 1,6-14 [Elektronička građa] = Lesson to the servants of the Word in 2 TIM 1,6-14 / Miljenka Grgić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Studija proučava Pavlov poticaj Timoteju u 2 Tim 1,6-24 pod vidom praktične pouke služiteljima Riječi. Prvi dio studije (1.) analizira literarni smještaj, strukturu i retoriku odlomka u 2 Tim 1,6-24 i detektira razloge uvjerljivosti fiktivnog poticaja, te izvodi poučke za formuliranje ekshortacije služiteljima Riječi: ona treba biti smještena u životni kontekst služitelja Riječi (1.1.) i utemeljena na detaljnoj ekspoziciji (1.2.) te uključivati kompleks spasonosnih činjenica, koje utječu na cjelokupnu osobnost služitelja Riječi (1.3.). Drugi dio studije (2.) analizira lik Timoteja u 2 Tim 1,6-14 i pokazuje da je on kao Pavlov nasljednik u jedincatoj službi dan kao model služiteljima Riječi, a ne crkvenim upraviteljima (2.1.). Analiza podsjetnika Timoteju u 2 Tim 1,6-8 otkriva osnovnu značajku autentičnog služitelja Riječi, koja ga razlikuje od formalnog služitelja i koja se očituje samo u situaciji navještaja osporavane Riječi. Autentični služitelj ima karizmu od Boga, te slijedi dinamiku Riječi i izlaže sebe poradi Riječi za spasenje drugih (2.2.2.). Formalni služitelj nema karizmu od Boga, te u navještaju slijedi ljudsku logiku i sputava osporavanu Riječ (2.2.1.). U zaključku studije iznose se glavni rezultati i ukazuje na važnost crkvenog priznanja karizme Riječi, koje se može očitovati na razne načine, formalne i neformalne. - The study explores Paul’s exhortation to Timothy in 2 Tim 1,6-14 as a practical lesson to the servants of the Word. The first part of the study (1.) examines the literary setting, structure and rhetoric of 2 Tim 1,6-14, it detects the reasons which make the exhortation compelling, and it deduces practical lessons for the formulation of the exhortation to the servants of the Word: it has to be placed in the servants’ life setting (1.1.), based upon a detailed exposition (1.2.) and contain salvific facts which influence the entire personality of the servants (1.3.). The second part of the study (2.) observes the figure of Timothy and shows that he, as Paul’s successor in a unique service, is given as a model of the servants of the Word, not the church leaders (2.1.). The analysis of Paul’s reminder to Timothy in 2 Tim 1,6-8 discloses the fundamental characteristic of the authentic servant of the Word, which distinguishes him from the formal servant and is evident only in the situation of the proclamation of the contested Word. The authentic servant has a charisma from God, so he follows the dynamic of the Word and exposes himself on behalf of the contested Word for the salvation of others (2.2.2.). The formal servant does not have the charisma, so he follows the human logic and holds back the contested Word (2.2.1.). The conclusion of the study summarizes the results and points out the importance of the ecclesiastic recognition of the charisma of the Word, which can be articulated in various ways, formal and informal.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 60 (2020), 3 ; str. 245-272  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Riječ Božja -- Ekshortacija -- Polaganje ruku -- Karizma -- Duh Sveti

DUNDOVIĆ, Zdenko, svećenik
Povijesno-pravni kontekst otmice, silovanja i prisilne ženidbe na području Ninske biskupije u 18. stoljeću [Elektronička građa] : primjer Agate Zubčić iz Poličnika / Zdenko Dundović, Klara Ćavar.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 69-72. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se na temelju izvornika iz Državnoga arhiva u Veneciji i Arhiva Zadarske nadbiskupije razmatra slučaj otmice, silovanja i prisile na ženidbu Agate Zubčić iz Poličnika. Na temelju zapisnika sudskoga procesa, koji se vodio u kancelariji ninskoga kneza, razmotrit će se povijesno-pravni kontekst problematike otmice, silovanja i prisilne ženidbe na području Ninske biskupije u 18. stoljeću. Analizom izvornoga gradiva te usporedbom s navodima i razmatranjima u znanstvenoj literaturi ukazat će se na uzroke i posljedice otmica, silovanja i prisilne ženidbe u razmatranome razdoblju s posebnim osvrtom na mletačku legislativu i kanonsko pravo Katoličke Crkve o tome pitanju te konkretno (ne)provođenje zakonskih normi u praksi. - Based on the original documents from the State Archives in Venice and the Archives of the Zadar Archdiocese, the paper discusses the case of abduction, rape, and forced marriage of Agata Zubčić from Poličnik. Based on the court minutes kept in the office of the Count of Nin, the historical and legal context of the issue of abduction, rape, and forced marriage in the Nin Diocese during the 18th century has been considered. An analysis of the primary sources and their comparison with the insights and conclusions of scholarly literature have helped identify the causes and consequences of abductions, rapes, and forced marriages in the period under consideration, with special reference to Venetian legislation and Catholic canon law concerning this issue and the (non-)implementation of these legal norms in practice.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 39 (2020), 58 ; str. 45-72  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kanonsko pravo -- Prisilna ženidba -- Otmice -- Silovanje
Ninska biskupija


GRGIĆ, Miljenka
Sadržajni odmak i metodološka vjernost [Elektronička građa] : Pavlov model čuvanja predaje prema Drugoj Timoteju = Substantive shift and methodological fidelity : Paul’s model of keeping tradition according to the second letter to Timothy / Miljenka Grgić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Studija osvjetljuje čuvanje Pavlove nauke u Pastoralnim poslanicama, analizirajući govor o Pavlovu evanđelju u 2 Tim 1,8-11 (1.) i Pavlovu pologu u 2 Tim 1,12-14 (2.). Prvi dio studije utvrđuje da evanđelje Pastoralnih poslanica govori o trima etapama i trima protagonistima povijesti spasenja: Božjem planu prije vremena, Kristovu povijesnom pojavku i naviještaju evanđelja, koji je utemeljen Kristovim ukazanjem Pavlu. Analiza otkriva da to evanđelje karakteriziraju monoteizam i pavlinizam: Bog djeluje u svim trima etapama spasenja, Krist samo u vrijeme svoga povijesnog pojavka, a Pavao je dionik Kristova događaja i ima apostolski prioritet u vremenu navještaja evanđelja. Drugi dio studije utvrđuje da se Pavlov polog odnosi na tradiciju koja se razvila nakon Pavla i koja je našla svoj izričaj u Pastoralnim poslanicama. Toj tradiciji autor daje normativnost, nazivajući je tehničkim terminom iz prava o depozitu i pokazujući da predstavlja legitimni razvoj Pavlove usmene predaje. U zaključku studije pokazuje se da govor o Pavlovu evanđelju i pologu služi tomu da obrani autorovo prihvaćanje kasnijih tradicija i odmak od Pavlove nauke. Pred dilemom „Pavlova norma ili novost“ autor Pastoralnih poslanica izabrao je kompromis „sadržajni odmak i metodološka vjernost Pavlu“, te je predložio taj model kao Pavlov model crkvenim upraviteljima. - The study enlightens the keeping of Paul’s teachings in Pastoral Letters, analyzing the discourse about Paul’s gospel in 2 Tim 1,8-11 (1.) and Paul’s deposit in 2 Tim 1,12-14 (2.). The first part of the study finds that Paul’s gospel in Pastoral Letters speaks of three stages and three protagonists of the salvation history: God’s plan prior to time, Christ’s historical event, and the gospel proclamation, which was founded by Christ’s apparition to Paul. The analysis reveals that this gospel is characterized by monotheism and Paulinism: God acts in all three periods of the salvation history, Christ only in the second period, and Paul is a participant of Christ’s event and has an apostolic priority at the time of the gospel proclamation. The second part of the study shows that Paul’s deposit refers to a Pauline tradition which developed after Paul’s death and is represented in Pastoral Letters. The author gives to that tradition the status of norm, calling it with the technical term from the deposit law and showing that is represents a legitimate development of Paul’s oral tradition. In the conclusion of the study, it is shown that the discourse about Paul’s gospel and deposit in Pastoral Letters serves to defend the author’s acceptance of later traditions and divergence from Paul’s teachings. In the face of the dilemma „Paul’s norm or novelty“, the author of Pastoral Letters has chosen a compromise „substantive shift and methodological fidelity to Paul”, and he proposed that model as Paul’s model to church leaders.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 60 (2020), 1 ; str. 29-54  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Evanđelje -- Polog -- Pavlova teologija -- Spasitelj

BALABANIĆ, Ivan, sociolog
The social doctrine and presence of the Catholic Church in the media [Elektronička građa] / Ivan Balabanić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 14 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The social doctrine of the Church involves greater commitment and engagement of the Church in social problems as well as the promotion of relationships that serve justice and peace. The Catholic Church first began relating mass media to its social teaching in the 19th century. As the Church aimed at a broader scope of public, it dealt with means of social communication and examined it through numerous sources – papal encyclicals, conciliar and episcopal documents. The relationship between the Catholic Church and the media is not simple. Approaches to ethics, morality, responsibility and dignity of human beings are sometimes different in media reports and in the aims of the Church in its social doctrine which should provide all members of the society with a sense of direction and instruction for everyday actions. Through the documents presented here, the Church has shown a readiness to face the media as well as the possibility to use them for advancing justice, truth, peace and freedom. - Kao teološko-filozofsko promišljanje o čovjeku i njegovu životu u društvu, socijalni nauk Crkve proizlazi iz papinskih, biskupskih i koncilskih dokumenata. Stoga su glavne teme socijalnog nauka Crkve ljudska osoba, društvena solidarnost i supsidijarnost. U tom nauku, a u svjetlu kršćanskog poimanja ljudske osobe te načela solidarnosti i subsidijarnosti, nude se kršćanski odgovori na neka teška i zamršena pitanja, među kojima se, već više od stotinu godina, ističe tzv. socijalno pitanje, a od druge polovine 20. stoljeća i pitanje uloga koje imaju sredstva društvene komunikacije, mass media. U ovom članku se pokazuje kako odnos Katoličke crkve i medija nije jednostavan: kako se taj nauk izrazio u doba „borbe protiv modernizma“, kako nakon pojave industrijske revolucije, a kako u ‘informacijsko doba’ koje još traje. Može se vidjeti da je pristup etici, moralu, odgovornosti i dostojanstvu ljudske osobe u mainstream medijskom prostoru često oprečno različit od odgovora koje nudi Crkva. Da mediji informaciju u tom prostoru samo ne prenose, nego da ga i stvaraju. Za Crkvu, gledajući njezin socijalni nauk koji bi trebao služiti svim članovima društva kao orijentir i uputa za svakodnevno djelovanje, važno je istinito i cjelovito prenošenje informacija. Kroz ovdje pobrojane dokumente može se vidjeti da Crkva pokazuje spremnost na suočavanje s medijskim izazovima, jednako kao i za mogućnost njihova korištenja u promicanju socijalne pravde, istine, mira i slobode u traženju zajedničkog dobra.
U: In medias res (Zagreb, Online). - ISSN 1848-6304. - 9 (2020), 16 ; str. 2533-2543  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Socijalni nauk Crkve -- Mediji -- Papinske enciklike
Katolička crkva


Televizija i ljudska duša [Elektronička građa] / Daniela Blaževska.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 2614-2616. - Sažetak ; Summary. - "Kakva je korist čovjeku ako sav svijet zadobije a duši svojoj naudi? Ili kakav će otkup dati čovjek za dušu svoju?" Cilj ljudskog života je spasenje duše. Čovjek mora čuvati svoju dušu od štetnih prizora. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti kako televizija kao masovni medij utječe na ljudsku dušu, pri čemu autorica analizira utjecaj televizije na um, želju i volju čovjeka koji je izložen medijskim sadržajima. U radu se izvode zaključci o negativnim efektima televizije na ljudsku dušu te se preporuča selektivna i što kraća izloženost televizijskim programima. - "What is the benefit of the human if he obtains the whole world and damage the soul? Or what kind of ransom will give the man for his soul?" (Mt 16, 26, Mk 8, 36-37). The goal of the human life is the salvation of the soul. The human must save his soul from the harmful sights. The aim of this paper is to research how the television as mass media influence on the human soul. Thus, the author analyzes the influence of television on the mind, wish and will of the human that is exposed to media contents. In the paper are offered conclusions about the negative effects of television on human souls and it is recommended selective and as short as possible exposure to television programs.
U: In medias res (Zagreb, Online). - ISSN 1848-6304. - 9 (2020), 16 ; str. 2607-2616  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Televizija -- Ljudska duša -- Masovni mediji

The understanding of spirituality among Slovene catholics on the basis of the survey "Sacrifice in Christian spirituality" [Elektronička građa] / Ivan Platovnjak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résumé ; Zusammenfassung. - When we take into account the number of parishes, convents and monasteries, retreat houses, etc., that are part of the Roman Catholic Church in Slovenia, we see that there is considerable activity in the area of spirituality. We can ask ourselves the following question: how do Slovene Catholics understand spirituality? In this article, the author tries to answer these questions by first defining spirituality, after which he presents the analysis of questions answered by Slovene Catholics in the online survey “Sacrifice in Christian Spirituality”. Furthermore, he explains to what extent secular spirituality can be traced in the understanding of spirituality among Slovene Catholics, and in what ways Pope Francis’ teachings on Catholic spirituality can encourage them to truly understand and actualise it more deeply. - Uzmemo li u obzir broj župa, ženskih i muških samostana, utočišta itd., koje pripadaju Rimokatoličkoj crkvi u Sloveniji, uočljiv je visok stupanj duhovne aktivnosti. Postavljamo sljedeće pitanje: kako slovenski katolici razumiju duhovnost? U ovom radu, autor pokušava odgovoriti na pitanje najprije određujući što je duhovnost, nakon čega predstavlja analizu pitanja na koje su odgovorili slovenski katolici u mrežnoj anketi »Žrtva u kršćanskoj duhovnosti«. Nadalje, autor objašnjava do koje mjere sekularna duhovnost može biti praćena u razumijevanju duhovnosti među slovenskim katolicima te na koji način učenja Pape Franje o duhovnosti mogu vjernike potaknuti da doista razumiju duhovnosti i dublje je aktualiziraju. - Si nous prenons en compte le nombre de paroisses, couvents, monastères, abbayes, etc., qui appartiennent à l’Église catholique romaine en Slovénie, le niveau élevé d’activité spirituelle est clairement visible. Nous posons la question suivante : comment les catholiques slovènes comprennent la spiritualité ? Dans ce travail, l’auteur tente de répondre à cette question, d’abord en déterminant ce qu’est la spiritualité, pour ensuite présenter l’analyse de la question à laquelle ont répondu les catholiques slovènes dans le sondage en ligne « Victime au sein de la spiritualité catholique ». Par la suite, l’auteur explique dans quelles mesures la spiritualité séculaire peut être utilisée pour comprendre la spiritualité chez les catholiques slovènes et de quelle manière les enseignements de Pape François sur la spiritualité peuvent encourager les croyants à réellement comprendre la spiritualité et à l’actualiser de manière plus profonde. - Berücksichtigt man die Anzahl der Pfarreien, Frauen und Männerklöster, Zufluchtsstätten usw., die der Römisch-katholischen Kirche in Slowenien angehören, ist ein hohes Maß an geistlicher Aktivität bemerkbar. Wir stellen die folgende Frage: Wie verstehen slowenische Katholiken die Spiritualität? In diesem Artikel versucht der Autor, diese Frage zu beantworten, indem er eingangs festsetzt, was Spiritualität ist, wonach er eine Analyse der Fragen präsentiert, die von slowenischen Katholiken in der Onlineumfrage „Opfer in der christlichen Spiritualität“ beantwortet wurden. Fernerhin erläutert der Autor, inwieweit die säkulare Spiritualität beim Verständnis der Spiritualität unter den slowenischen Katholiken nachgewiesen werden kann und in welcher Art die Lehren von Papst Franziskus über Spiritualität die Gläubigen beflügeln können, die Spiritualität wahrlich zu verstehen und sie tiefer zu aktualisieren.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 35 (2020), 1 ; str. 217-234  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Duhovnost -- Sekularna duhovnost -- Katolička duhovnost -- Katolici
Papa Franjo -- Franciscus, papa


KIM, Jeong Hwan
Village tutelary deities as cultural and axiological symbols in Korea and Romania [Elektronička građa] / Jeong Hwan Kim. - Fotogr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 22-23. - Abstract. - An artistic creation expressed as a cultural phenomenon symbolizes the characteristics of a nation’s soul and mental life. And the cultural heritage of a nation, which shows us the religious symbols and signs in the great nature to be harmonized with the profane and the sacred, is also easily found in the East and the West. Troytsa, Jangseung, Sotdae: these can be taken as representative. Regarding the Romanian cultural heritage of Troytsa, the village tutelary deity conforms very similarly to Korean Jangseung and Sotdae. Jangseung and Sotdae, representative popular sculptured creations of Korean folk beliefs, and which are related to the totem pole, are close to villagers’ lives, being the divine protection of the village’s peace, as well as functioning as a signpost and a boundary, ensuring a good harvest and preventing misfortune, etc. A Sotdae, which features a bird on top of a pole, is recognized as an object of belief mixed between the “Tree of the World” and the “Bird of the Soul” in northern-cultural Asian shamanism. Unlike them, the Romanian Troytsa, which took root in an ancient faith (the Totem of the Tree), is a divine, sculptured creation mixed with Christianity, generally located at the entrance of a village or at an intersection of roads. These tutelary deities and their variations share functions and characteristics, but their features and patterns are different. Jangseung have angry and fearful countenances in order to turn away diseases and evil spirits, but Sotdae and Troytsa maintain the style of a menhir or a column as one of the folk beliefs related to the totem pole. Even today, Troytsa, Jangseung, Sotdae are being generated and developed as representative cultural prototypes and village tutelary deities.
U: Cross-cultural studies review (Online). - ISSN 2718-2509. - 1 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 9-23  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Narodna vjerovanja -- Simboli -- Kulturno nasljeđe -- Totemski stup

Vidi br.: HA20-02868

Vidi br.: HA20-02868

Vidi br.: HA20-02869

Vidi br.: HA20-02301

Vidi br.: HA20-02862

Vidi br.: HA20-02108

Vidi br.: HA20-02845

Vidi br.: HA20-02724

Vidi br.: HA20-02083

Vidi br.: HA20-02119

Vidi br.: HA20-02318

27   Kršćanstvo

272   Rimokatolička crkva


305   Rodne studije. Osobe s interdisciplinarne točke gledišta

Vidi br.: HA20-02091

311   Statistika

PAPIĆ, Milan
Nova metoda klaster analize u MS Excelu na primjeru istraživanja modela regionalizacije Republike Hrvatske [Elektronička građa] / Milan Papić, Davor Žmegač, Igor Zovak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 5 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Klaster analiza služi kao statistička tehnika za utvrđivanje relativno homogenih grupa objekata, odnosno za kategorizaciju pojedinih jedinica analize uzimajući u obzir njihovu sličnost, odnosno različitost prema mjerenim obilježjima. Klaster analiza relativno je složena tehnika zbog čega ne nailazi na širu primjenu u akademskoj zajednici. U ovome radu prikazan je relativno jednostavan način na koji se primjenom MS Excela može napraviti analiza i bez detaljnog poznavanja matematike, odnosno korištenja složenijih statističkih programa. Jednostavnost i primjenjivost analize te dostupnost programa za izradu trebao bi pridonijeti široj upotrebi tog alata u akademskoj zajednici. - Cluster analysis is used as a statistical technique for determining relatively homogeneous groups of objects, with the aim of categorizing individual units of analysis considering their similarity or differences according to measured characteristics. Cluster analysis is a relatively complex technique, which is probably reason why it does not find a wider practical application in the academic community. This paper presents a relatively simple way with using MS Excel is possible to make an analysis without detailed knowledge of mathematics theory, or the use of complex statistical programs. The simplicity and applicability of presented method analysis in paper and the availability of required program, should contribute to the widespread use of this tool in the academic community.
U: Zbornik sveučilišta Libertas (Online). - ISSN 2584-6167. - 5 (2020), 5 ; str. 131-136  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Klaster analiza -- Regionalizacija -- MS Excel -- Gospodarska specijalizacija

Vidi br.: HA20-02270

314   Demografija

BOŽIĆ Bogović, Dubravka
Demographic indicators in the registers of marriages of the 18th century Parish of Miholjac [Elektronička građa] / Dubravka Božić Bogović, Mihaela Komar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 174-175. - Summary. - This paper, using historical demography methods, as well as quantitative, analytical and descriptive methods, determines, analyses and interprets the demographic indicators contained in the registers of marriages of the 18th century Parish of Miholjac. In addition to identifying the corpus of the data contained in the registers of marriages, to be potentially used as indicators of certain demographic facts relating to the past of the population of the 18th century Donji Miholjac and its immediate surroundings, the paper also determines the annual, seasonal, monthly and daily distribution of marriages and examines the level of the impact which social, religious, cultural, and economic factors had on entering into marriage. The assumption that the population of the 18th century Parish of Miholjac did not enter the demographic transition phase, in other words that it exhibits characteristics specific to pre-transitional societies, is verified by determining the age of newlyweds when entering marriage and by analysing remarriages.
U: Review of Croatian history (Online). - ISSN 1848-9095. - 16 (2020), 1 ; str. 159-175  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Matične knjige vjenčanih -- Bračne zajednice -- Povijesna demografija

STOJIĆ Mitrović, Marta
Izbeglice (refugees), azilanti (asylum seekers) and ilegalni migranti (illegal migrants) in administrative and public discourse in Serbia [Elektronička građa] : an overview of concepts in a diachronic perspective / Marta Stojić Mitrović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 164-167. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The present discourse concerning asylum and irregular migration, with all its concepts and institutions, techniques and code of conduct, was introduced in the Republic of Serbia through the EU Accession process. As a prerequisite for visa liberalization with the EU (achieved in 2009), Serbia signed readmission agreements with the EU and its member-states and adopted the Asylum Law (Zakon o azilu 2007) and the Law on Foreigners (Zakon o strancima 2008). However, related notions and legal instruments existed in the periods that preceded it. In this text I offer a diachronic overview of conceptual and procedural differences and discuss their entanglements, merging, spilling over and confrontation. In such a way, my aim is to point out their use as political statements in particular, as performatives affecting national and international political contexts. - Sadašnji diskurs o azilu i iregularnoj migraciji, sa svim njegovim konceptima i institucijama, tehnikama i kodeksom ponašanja, uveden je u Republiku Srbiju kroz tzv. proces pristupanja Europskoj uniji. Kao preduvjet liberalizacije viznog režima s Europskom unijom (postignute 2009. godine), Srbija je potpisala sporazume o readmisiji s Europskom unijom i njezinim državama članicama, te usvojila Zakon o azilu (2007.) i Zakon o strancima (2008.). Međutim, bliski pojmovi i pravni instrumenti postojali su i prethodnim periodima. U ovom tekstu dajem dijakronijski pregled konceptualnih i proceduralnih razlika i govorim o njihovim preplitanjima, spajanju, prelijevanju i sučeljavanju. Time pokušavam indicirati prije svega njihovu uporabu u svojstvu političkih izjava, tj. kao performative koji utječu na nacionalni i međunarodni politički kontekst.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 57 (2020), 2 ; str. 147-167  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Izbjeglice -- Azil -- Migranti

Promjene naseljenosti otoka Krka / Marta Hamzić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Pilar (Zagreb). - ISSN 1846-3010. - 14 (2019), 1/2(27/28) ; str. 139-160  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Naseljenost -- Geografska obilježja -- GIS -- Geografski informacijski sustav -- Korelacijska analiza

Sjećanja slovenskih izgnanaca iz Zagreba na prisilno iseljavanje iz Slovenije tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata / Filip Škiljan, Barbara Riman.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Pilar (Zagreb). - ISSN 1846-3010. - 14 (2019), 1/2(27/28) ; str. 115-137  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slovenci -- Prisilne migracije -- Prisilna iseljavanja -- Prognanici -- Drugi svjetski rat

Vidi br.: HA20-02167

Vidi br.: HA20-02730

316   Sociologija

"What is there to talk about with these women?" [Elektronička građa] : The heterogeneity of female workers and their interactions at fish canning factories on the East Adriatic Coast / Iva Kosmos. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 29-30. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This article explores the highly heterogeneous social structure of female workers at two fish canneries: Kvarner on the island of Lošinj and Plavica on the island of Cres. The heterogenous workforce reflected certain characteristics of Yugoslav society. First, there was regional and ethnic diversity. Second, there were differences created by rapid modernization, especially between educated and uneducated women who possessed different types of knowledge and embodied different behavioral norms. The third set of differences between workers was based on a traditional patriarchal idea of female propriety which existed simultaneously alongside the socialist idea of a “working woman”. Lastly, the position of workers was also shaped through the tension between appreciation of industrial and physical labor in socialism and tourist imagination of the Adriatic coast. Workers’ narratives and the visual material testify to social hierarchies and differences, but also to negotiations of these positions and different affiliations, all of which depended on their various situations and interests. The stories from different factories also point to different possibilities of social relations, interactions and community building. While workers from Kvarner in Lošinj on occasions remained disintegrated, workers from Plavica on Cres traversed boundaries more easily and formed a close-knit network and community. This was due to the different working and living conditions in the two factories, including a policy of organized leisure and social events, which were a consequence of different periods in which the factories operated, different roles that they had in the local community and different factory management. - Članak ističe heterogenu društvenu strukturu radnica u tvornicama ribljih konzervi Kvarner na Lošinju i Plavica na Cresu. Heterogena radna snaga odražavala je neke karakteristike tadašnjeg jugoslavenskog društva. Najprije regionalnu i etničku raznovrsnost. Zatim razlike nastale užurbanom modernizacijom između pismenih i nepismenih žena koje su posjedovale različite vrste znanja te utjelovljivale drugačije norme ponašanja. Treći set razlika temelji se na tradicionalnoj patrijarhalnoj ideji o ženskoj primjerenosti koja je postojala istodobno sa socijalističkom idejom “žene radnice”. Konačno, status rada i radnica ogledao se i kroz napetost između industrijskog rada i turističke imaginacije jadranske obale koja se kosila s visokim vrednovanjem fizičkog rada u socijalizmu. Priče radnica i vizualni materijal svjedoče o društvenih hijerarhijama i razlikama, ali također o pregovaranju ustaljenih pozicija i različitim udruživanjima koja su ovisila o različitim situacijama i interesima. Svjedočenja iz dviju tvornica govore i o različitim mogućnostima društvenih odnosa, interakcije i gradnje zajednice. Dok radnice iz lošinjskog Kvarnera nisu uvijek tvorile čvrstu zajednicu, radnice iz creske Plavice lakše su prelazile međusobne granice i formirale gusto prepletenu društvenu mrežu. To proučavam kao rezultat različitih radnih i životnih uvjeta, tvorničke politike organiziranog slobodnog vremena i društvenog života, što su opet posljedice različitih perioda u kojima su tvornice radile, različitih uloga koje su imale u lokalnoj zajednici i vođenja tvornice.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 57 (2020), 1 ; str. 9-31  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Radnice -- Društvena heterogenost -- Socijalistička društvenost -- Industrijska baština -- Tvornice ribljih konzervi

Anthropology in security science [Elektronička građa] / Katarina Stolarikova.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Security is in general closely linked to any activity of individuals and society as a whole, and bound to social relations, which are always decisive in shaping the security strategies of individual states. Security is one of the most important values of society and culture. Security and conflict resolution should be an object of the interdisciplinary approach. Socio-cultural anthropology applied in security studies is a valuable and effective source of knowledge protecting all actors. Only with a proper understanding of the operational environment with its variables and elements, it is possible to assure effective and human use of power and military decision-making tools and methods. While this paper brings the ideas of many authors, sociocultural anthropology is not that widely used in the military. - Bezbednost je generalno usko povezana sa bilo kojom aktivnošću pojedinaca i društva u celini i vezana za društvene odnose koji su uvek presudni u oblikovanju bezbednosnih strategija pojedinih država. Bezbednost je jedna od najvažnijih vrednosti društva i kulture. Bezbednost i rešavanje sukoba treba da budu predmet interdisciplinarnog pristupa. Socio-kulturna antropologija primenjena u studijama bezbednosti vredan je i efikasan izvor znanja koji štiti sve aktere. Samo uz pravilno razumevanje operativnog okruženja sa njegovim promenlјivim i elementima, moguće je obezbediti efikasnu i lјudsku upotrebu moći i alata i metoda vojnog odlučivanja. Iako ovaj rad donosi ideje mnogih autora, socio-kulturna antropologija nije toliko široko korišćena u vojsci.
U: Security Science Journal (Online). - ISSN 2737-9493. - 1 (2020), 2 ; str. 22-31  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Antropologija -- Sigurnost -- Interdisciplinarni pristup -- Društveni odnosi -- Vojska

FILIPOVIĆ, Tomislav, medicinski tehničar
Attitudes and knowledge of students on sexuality in three secondary schools [Elektronička građa] / Tomislav Filipović, Zrinka Puharić, Drita Puharić, Mario Gašić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Introduction. Sexuality of children and adolescents in Croatia is still considered a taboo, and sexually transmitted diseases are a significant global public health problem that is constantly growing. As a frequent consequence of irresponsible sexual behaviour and early sexual intercourse, we are faced with the problem of juvenile, most often unwanted, pregnancy. Contraceptives are used to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies, and the most vulnerable group are the adolescents. The primary task is to educate the youth prior to them entering active sexual life. Aim. To collect and analyse data on sexual habits, attitudes and knowledge of adolescents. To assess the need for additional education and preventive programmes. Methods. 130 high school students, aged 17-19, participated in the survey. For testing purposes, a questionnaire was used. The questionnaire was conducted voluntarily and was completely anonymous, and a written consent was obtained from parents of juvenile participants. Results. The adolescent subjects in this study showed insufficient knowledge of sexuality, namely the menstrual cycle, contraceptives and emergency contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases. They showed knowledge of things they could get acquainted with on a daily basis through the media and other information outlets. Conclusion. According to the results obtained by the research, we can conclude that higher quality education of the youth is necessary, with the aim of expanding their knowledge of sexuality in order to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and the occurrence of unwanted juvenile pregnancies. - Uvod. Spolnost djece i adolescenata u Hrvatskoj se još uvijek smatra tabu-temom, a upravo su spolno prenosive bolesti znatan globalni javnozdravstveni problem koji je u konstantnom porastu. Kao česta posljedica neodgovornoga spolnog ponašanja i prijevremenog stupanja u spolne odnose, javlja se i problem maloljetničke, najčešće neželjene trudnoće. Kontracepcijska sredstva služe za prevenciju spolno prenosivih bolesti i neželjenih trudnoća, a najugroženija skupina upravo su adolescenti. Primarna je zadaća edukacija mladih prije njihova ulaska u aktivni spolni život. Cilj. Prikupljati i analizirati podatke o seksualnim navikama, stavovima i znanju adolescenata. Procijeniti potrebu za dodatnom edukacijom i preventivnim programima. Metode. U istraživanju sudjelovalo je 130 učenika srednjih škola u dobi od 17 do 19 godina. U svrhu ispitivanja upotrijebljen je anketni upitnik. Anketa se ispunjavala dobrovoljno te je bila u potpunosti anonimna, a za maloljetne ispitanike dobiven je pismeni pristanak roditelja. Rezultati. Adolescenti koji su bili ispitanici u ovome istraživanju pokazali su nedovoljno znanje o spolnosti, točnije o menstrualnom ciklusu, kontracepciji i hitnoj kontracepciji te o spolno prenosivim bolestima. Znanje su pokazivali o općim stvarima, koje uglavnom svakodnevno susreću kroz medijske i ostale sadržaje. Zaključak. Prema dobivenim rezultatima istraživanja možemo zaključiti da je potrebna kvalitetnija edukacija mladih u cilju proširenja znanja o spolnosti u svrhu prevencije spolno prenosivih bolesti i pojave neželjenih maloljetničkih trudnoća.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 4 (2020), 2 ; str. 157-164  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Adolescenti -- Spolnost -- Kontracepcija -- Spolno prenosive bolesti

The body [Elektronička građa] : narcissism of the media / Željko Rutović.
Bibliografija: 2 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The popular media industry of spectacle with instruments of “seduction” produces “voluntary cosent” of man in acceptance, imitation and evaluation of distribution of corporate consumer culture. In this world man plays role beyond his ontological need and self-conscious realization of subject as thinking creature. The aim of this paper is to problematize socio-cultural phenomenology of body transfiguration, impressions and experiences in opticum of consumerist globalization. The new construction of “new” body is modeled on techniques of instrumentalisation, stereotyping and hybridization of narcissism as the primary reprezentational principle of such media experience. - Popularna medijska spektakl industrija instrumentima “ zavođenja “ proizvodi “ dobrovoljnu saglasnost “ čovjeka u prihvatanju, oponašanju i vredonosnoj distribuciji korporativno-potrošačke kulture. U tom svijetu čovjek igra uloge van njegovih ontoloških potreba i samosvjesne realizacije subjekta kao misaonog bića. Rad ima za cilj problematizaciju socijalno-kulturološke fenomenologije transfiguracije, prikazivanja i doživljaja tijela u optikumu konzumerističke globalizacije. Novokonstrukcija “novog” tijela modelira se tehnikama instrumentalizacije, stereotipizacije i hibridizacije narcizma kao primarnog prikazivačkog načela takvog medijskog iskustva.
U: In medias res (Zagreb, Online). - ISSN 1848-6304. - 9 (2020), 16 ; str. 2499-2510  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tijelo -- Narcizam -- Mediji -- Globalizacija -- Stereotipizacija -- Konzumerizam

Buntovništvo i nemogućnost komunikacijske društvene svijesti [Elektronička građa] / Dario Terzić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i internetski izvori: str. 2628-2629. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Komunikacija podrazumijeva prihvaćanje, odbijanje, razumijevanje, neslaganje, pobunu. Bunimo se protiv samovolje. Čak se niti prvi pobunjenik, Prometej, ne suprotstavlja svim bogovima, a naročito ne prirodi i svemu stvorenom. On se suprotstavlja Zeusovoj samovolji. „Pobunjeni čovjek je“, kaže Albert Camus, „čovjek koji kaže - ne“. Pobuna može biti metafizička (Kain, De Sade, Striner, Nietzsche), povijesna (Spartak, Bakunjin, Marx, Lenjin, Mussolini), umjetnička (Rimbaud, Van Gogh, Zolla, Majakovski, Brando). Šezdesetih godina prošlog vijeka isticali su se i karakteri društveno angažiranih buntovnika. Kellner nam govori i o „imploziji identiteta“ i pri tome podrazumijeva stanja u kojima se identitet konstruira pomoću imagea i stila. O buntovništvu su razmišljali i pisali i Hobbes, Locke, Habermas, Thorreau, Bey, Onfray, Passerin d’Entreves, Gibran i brojni drugi. Pravo na pobunu se ne shvaća uvijek kao opće ljudsko pravo. - Communication implies acceptance, rejection, understanding, disagreement, rebellion. We fight against arbitrariness. Even the first rebel, Prometheus, does not oppose all the gods, especially the nature and everything created. He opposes Zeus’s arbitrariness. „The rebellious man is“, says Albert Camus, „a man who says - no”. Rebellion can be metaphysical (Kain, De Sade), romantics, nihilists, surrealists, Striner, Nietzsche, historical (Spartacus, Bakunin, Marx, Lenin, Mussolini), artistic (Rimbaud, Van Gogh, Zolla, Mayakovsky, Brando). In the 1960s, the character of socially engaged rebels was emphasized. Kellner tells us about the “implosion of identity”, and in doing so implies situations in which identity is constructed using image and style. Hobbes, Locke, Habermas, Thorreau, Bey, Onfray, Passerin d’Entreves, Gibran and many others have contemplated and written about rebellion. The right of rebellion is not always understood as a general human right.
U: In medias res (Zagreb, Online). - ISSN 1848-6304. - 9 (2020), 17 ; str. 2621-2630  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Komunikacija -- Otpor -- Neposlušnost -- Anarhizam

Can intracommunicology assist the philosophy of the media? [Elektronička građa] / Fahira Fejzić-Čengić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: 9 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In 2014, the famous researcher and Nobel laureate Bruce Lipton proved that human thoughts, not just thinking, are energy, they are real and have power. “‘Do not doubt that you command your body and mind... If thoughts are weak and life is like that. Our thoughts are energy and have the power to create.” These can be simple connections, analogies, combinations, or mature, coherent conclusions. Then, at higher mental levels, human thinking often gives birth to very significant, occasionally even ingenious and grandiose thoughts, which in turn become bearers of new energies, social inventions, practices, and interpersonal relations that were previously unimaginable. Human thoughts are power. - Jednom prilikom je poznati istraživač i nobelovac Bruce Lipton u toku 2014. godine dokazao da ljudske misli, ne samo razmišljanje, su energija, one su stvarne i imaju moć. ‘Nemojte sumnjati u to što naređujete svom tijelu i umu...Ako su misli slabe i život je takav. Naše misli su energija i imaju moć da stvaraju.’Mogu to biti jednostavna povezivanja, analogije, kombinacije ili zrela koherentna zaključivanja. Potom, na višim umnim razinama ljudsko mišljenje porađa često vrlo značajne, pa na momente i ingeniozne i grandiozne misli koje potom postaju nosioci novih energija, društvenih izuma, praksi i međuljudskih odnosa koji su bili dotad nezamislivi. Ljudske misli su moć.
U: In medias res (Zagreb, Online). - ISSN 1848-6304. - 9 (2020), 16 ; str. 2523-2532  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Intrakomunikologija -- Filozofija medija -- Mišljenje -- Percepcija -- Placebo

Cultural heritage-based urban festival as a tool to promote local identity and city marketing [Elektronička građa] : the case of the Radvaň Fair in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia / Alexandra Bitušíková.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 143-145. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper deals with the processes of transformation of an urban festival – the Radvaň Fair in the city of Banská Bystrica, Slovakia – in a comprehensive way and from a chronological point of view. The main focus is on the development of the festival in the post-1989 (post-communist) period. The fair has been organised continuously since 1655 and went through a number of transformations. Its function has changed from a primarily commercial event of three centuries to a significant cultural and social hallmark festival in the 21st century. The key research questions concern the role of cultural heritage-based festival in identity building and city marketing, and the relationship between the festival and place (location). The paper also addresses the question of potential use/misuse of cultural heritage in current political discourse and practice. - Ovaj se rad bavi procesima transformacije urbanog festivala – sajma Radvaň u gradu Banská Bystrica u Slovačkoj – na sveobuhvatan način i iz kronološke perspektive. Glavni je fokus na razvoju festivala u postkomunističkom razdoblju nakon 1989. godine. Sajam se održava bez prekida od 1655. godine te je prošao kroz nekoliko transformacija. Njegova se funkcija promijenila od prvenstveno komercijalne, koju je imao tijekom tri stoljeća, do značajnog kulturno-društvenog događaja u 21. stoljeću. Glavna istraživačka pitanja vezana su uz ulogu tog festivala utemeljenog na kulturnoj baštini u izgradnji identiteta i promidžbi grada, kao i odnos između festivala i mjesta (lokacije). U radu se također obrađuje pitanje potencijalnog korištenja/zlouporabe kulturne baštine u trenutnom političkom diskursu i praksi.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 57 (2020), 2 ; str. 131-146  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Urbani festivali -- Kulturna baština -- Lokalni identitet

SALIU, Hasan
The evolution of the concept of public diplomacy from the perspective of communication stakeholders [Elektronička građa] / Hasan Saliu.
Bibliografija: str. 83-86. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The purpose of this article was to analyse the concept of public diplomacy from the perspective of communication actors. Public diplomacy implies the communication between state and non-state actors and the foreign public, and the process of informing, influencing, establishing long-term relations and realizing foreign policy goals. While most studies to date view such communication activities as social interactions, some scholars consider them to be foreign policy activities, in which case the concept of public diplomacy is explained in terms of an interdisciplinary approach. Through the critical literature review, this article argues that public diplomacy shows the interaction between different communication stakeholders and the foreign public, where the former give direct messages and often achieve the desired effects through communication channels. By analysing public diplomacy activities carried out by communication actors, the article concludes that the concept of public diplomacy is clearly defined and more structured in communication sciences. - Svrha je ovog članka analizirati koncept javne diplomacije iz perspektive aktera komunikacije. Javna diplomacija podrazumijeva komunikaciju državnih i nedržavnih aktera sa stranom javnošću, informiranje, utjecaj, stvaranje dugoročnih odnosa kao i ostvarivanje vanjske politike. Dok većina studija do danas takve komunikacijske aktivnosti gleda kao društvene interakcije, neki znanstvenici smatraju ih aktivnostima vanjske politike, pri čemu se pojam javne diplomacije objašnjava interdisciplinarnim pristupom. Ovaj članak, kroz pregled literature, tvrdi da se javna diplomacija zapravo odnosi na interakciju između različitih dionika komunikacije i strane javnosti, gdje prve daju izravne poruke i često, putem kanala komunikacije, postižu željene efekte. Analizirajući aktivnosti javne diplomacije od strane aktera u komunikaciji, zaključuje se da je koncept javne diplomacije jasno definiran i najviše strukturiran unutar komunikacijskih znanosti.
U: Medijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1846-6605. - 26 (2020), 1 ; str. 69-86  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Javna diplomacija -- Mediji -- Komunikacija -- Javnost -- Informacije

Fast choices and emancipatory spaces [Elektronička građa] : complex reality of online dating apps / Iva Paska.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 2555-2557. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Contemporary digital environments are increasingly changing the ways in which we live and interact. One of the fields where this is evident is the field of intimate relationships. At the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century mobile dating applications are becoming a common way of meeting potential partners. The purpose of this paper is to explore the implications of this and to look more closely how online dating in the age of mobile applications is changing the field of intimate relationships, as well as to note the complexity of this phenomenon. - Suvremena digitalna okruženja sve više mijenjaju načine na koje živimo te bivamo u interakciji. Intimni odnosi su jedno od područja na koja ona utječu. Mobilne aplikacije za upoznavanje su na početku trećeg desetljeća 21. stoljeća sve uobičajeniji način upoznavanja potencijalnih partnera. Svrha ovog rada je istražiti implikacije ovakvog načina upoznavanja te pobliže promotriti način na koji online upoznavanje mijenja područje intimnih odnosa u dobu mobilnih aplikacija, kao i obratiti pozornost na kompleksnost navedenog fenomena.
U: In medias res (Zagreb, Online). - ISSN 1848-6304. - 9 (2020), 16 ; str. 2545-2557  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Digitalni mediji -- Ljubavne veze -- Online upoznavanje -- Aplikacije za upoznavanje
Tinder -- OkCupid


PETROVIĆ, Tanja, antropologinja
Fish canning industry and the rhythm of social life in the Northeastern Adriatic [Elektronička građa] / Tanja Petrović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 47-49. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The article discusses the social world formed around canneries in small coastal and insular towns in the northeastern Adriatic. Although associated with hard, unpleasant labor and demanding work conditions, the fish canning industry, particularly in the period of late socialism, offered a framework in which a meaningful social life was organized and lived. In this way, the local impact of canneries reached much beyond providing financial means to its employees. To understand the social meaning of fish canning in the Yugoslav Adriatic, the article focuses on the relationship between the now largely vanished local fish canning industry and tourism that is increasingly becoming the dominant (and the only) source of income for local communities. Lefebvre’s concept of rhythmanalysis proves to be a productive lens to view the complex and often ambiguous relationship between the two industries, and to narrate the history of fish canning through the senses – what was seen, heard, smelled, felt. These intense, embodied, sensorial memories caution us that the dominant claims and narratives which interpret the replacement of industry with tourism (and other tertiary sector activities) as a necessary, inevitable and desirable developmental step should not be taken for granted. - Prilog osvjetljava društveni svijet koji se oblikovao oko tvornica za konzerviranje ribe u malim obalnim i otočkim naseljima na sjeveroističnom Jadranu. Iako se povezuje s teškim, neugodnim radom i izuzetno zahtjevnim uvjetima rada, industrija prerade ribe, naročito u periodu poznog socijalizma, nudila je okvir u kojemu je organiziran smisleni društveni život ne samo radnica i radnika nego i čitavih lokalnih zajednica. Zato je značaj lokalnih tvornica za preradu ribe bitno nadilazio osiguravanje sredstava za život zaposlenih i njihovih obitelji. U prilogu se društvena značenja prerade ribe na jugoslavenskom Jadranu osvjetljavaju kroz prizmu odnosa između te industrije, koja je u velikoj mjeri nestala, i turizma, koji postaje dominantan (i često jedini) izvor prihoda za lokalne zajednice. Koncept ritmoanalize Henryja Lefebvrea pokazao se produktivnim za promatranje kompleksnih i često dvosmislenih odnosa između dviju industrija kao i za pripovijedanje povijesti konzerviranja ribe kroz slike, zvukove, mirise, osjećaje. Ova intenzivna utjelovljena, senzorna sjećanja na rad u tvornicama ribljih konzervi problematiziraju i destabiliziraju dominantne interpretacije zamjene industrije turizmom (i drugim tercijarnim aktivnostima) kao neophodnog, neizbježnog i poželjnog razvojnog koraka.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 57 (2020), 1 ; str. 33-49  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Društveni život -- Industrijska baština -- Konzerviranje ribe -- Rad -- Socijalizam

SANTOS, João Pedro
From iron to the industrial cloud [Elektronička građa] : memory and (de)industrialization at the Lisnave and Setenave shipyards / João Pedro Santos.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 105-106. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In the 1960s, Portugal lived through a period of rapid industrialization in what became known as the golden cycle of Portuguese industry. This late industrialization makes Portugal one of the countries ruled by a peripheral Fordism, which is particularly relevant in the region of Setúbal, since several heavy industry companies settled there, among them Setenave and Lisnave. These shipyards are described by workers as being “a city within the city” mostly given their dimension and labour contingent. However, this industrial “city” was more than a place of economic production; it was also a place for sociability. Informed by semi-structured in-depth interviews with former shipyard workers, and focused on the meaning they attribute to the changes experienced between the 1970s and the deindustrialization period of the 1980s, this article analyses the transition from a working culture based on solidarity to a culture dominated by competition and individualism. - Tijekom 1960-ih Portugal je doživio brzu industrijalizaciju, a navedeno je razdoblje postalo poznato kao zlatni ciklus portugalske industrije. Kasna industrijalizacija značila je da je Portugal jedna od država u kojoj je vladao periferni fordizam, što je imalo posebnu važnost za pokrajinu Setúbal, gdje je niknulo nekoliko tvornica teške industrije, između ostalog Setenave i Lisnave. Radnici opisuju ova brodogradilišta kao “grad unutar grada”, uglavnom zbog njihove veličine i broja radnika. Međutim, ovaj “grad” bio je više od mjesta proizvodnje, riječ je bila i o mjestu druženja. Na temelju polustrukturiranih dubinskih intervjua s bivšim zaposlenicima ovih brodogradilišta, a na temelju značenja koje oni pripisuju promjenama koje su iskusili između 1970-ih i razdoblja deindustrijalizacije tijekom 1980-ih, u ovom se radu analizira prijelaz iz radničke kulture utemeljene na solidarnosti prema kulturi u kojoj dominira konkurencija i individualizam.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 57 (2020), 1 ; str. 93-107  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Deindustrijalizacija -- Brodogradilišta -- Radnička klasa -- Pamćenje

POLJAK, Marko, ekonomist
Govor mržnje u hrvatskom medijskom prostoru [Elektronička građa] / Marko Poljak, Jelena Hadžić, Maša Martinić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 2739-2743. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Autori u svom radu razmatraju aktualni problem zakonski reguliranog neprihvatljivog ponašanja u Hrvatskom medijskom prostoru, uključujući i društvene mreže, koncentrirajući se na problem govora mržnje. Temeljno je pitanje je li prisutnost govora mržnje u porastu. Primjenom metode analize sadržaja, a na obuhvatu kompletnog medijskog prostora Hrvatske, autori zaključuju da je porast prisutnosti neprihvatljivog ponašanja i govora mržnje hrvatska svakodnevica. Osnovom dobivenih rezultata istraživački napori autora usmjeravaju se prema detekciji vrsta govora mržnje i na njihove primjere pojavnosti pri čemu detekcija pojavnosti neprihvatljivog govora a i govora mržnje pripada vrsti usmjerenoj prema etnicitetu, religiji i izbjeglicama. U primjeni detekcije, obrade i analize su računalne tehnologije na čijem razvoju i testiranju rezultata autori nastavljaju istraživanje. Treći istraživački napor autora usmjeren je prema događajima koji su prisutni u medijskom prostoru, a odnose se na neprihvatljivi govor, te kvalitativnom i kvantitativnom analizom sadržaja daju kontekstualni okvir najvažnijih događaja. - In this paper, authors are considering current problem of legally regulated unacceptable behavior in Croatian media space, social networks included, by focusing on hate speech. Fundamental question is whether hate speech presence is on the rise. Through content analysis of the entire Croatian media content, authors find an increase of unacceptable behavior and hate speech. Based on results, research is focused on detection of types of hate speech and examples of their occurrence whereas this type targets ethnicity, religion and migrants. Third research is focused on events present in media space, targeting unacceptable behavior and provide contextual frame of important events using qualitative and quantitative content analysis and NLP technologies. Research continues with development of NLP technologies for detecting, processing and analyzing media content.
U: In medias res (Zagreb, Online). - ISSN 1848-6304. - 9 (2020), 17 ; str. 2709-2744  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Društvene mreže -- Govor mržnje -- Medijski sadržaji -- Računalne tehnologije

Hvarska renesansna intelektualna polja [Elektronička građa] / Aldo Čavić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 92-94. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Dalmatian communes in the fifteenth century were discrete political organisms, structured as aristocratic republics, whose inhabitants felt their commune to be their only homeland. There existed, however, a wider social space, the foundation of whose process of integration was based on people, their relationships and the proximity of the structures of their belief systems, which can be divided into a larger, so-called „Adriatic social space” which is achieved over the whole of the Adriatic, both the Croatian and Italian portions, and the narrower „Eastern Adriatic”, in the land of the Schiavona, created by their intellectual activities, relationships and the communication between the nobility from the Dalmatian communes, most evident in the creation of the space of humanist and renaissance literature, the space of the Dalmatian res publice litterarie. This „literary republic” exceeded the narrow borders of the communes, the domovina, and also the class divisions inside the commune, as both noble and popular authors participated in it. Like all republics, among the members existed a hierarchical ladder with roles played by specific members of the „republic”. This social space of the Dalmatian literary republic is researched in light of the theories of French sociologist and philosopher Pierre Bourdieu on intellectual and cultural fields, proceeding from the premise that behind each act of intellectual and artistic creation there lies a hidden relation between the creator and his work, conditioned by the social connections among which the acts of creation and communication are upheld, that is to say, the work itself is conditioned by the position of the creator in his intellectual field. In this paper, 47 communicative texts, for the most part epistles, dating up to the 1570s are analyzed, whose senders or receivers were Croatian authors.
U: Tabula (Pula. Online). - ISSN 1849-1685. - (2020), 17 ; str. 67-103  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Renesansa -- Književnici -- Poslanice -- Intelektualna povijest

AKLAN, Anna Katalin
Inspired by Gandhi [Elektronička građa] : Mahatma Gandhi's influence on significant leaders of nonviolence / Anna Katalin Aklan.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 16 jed. - Summary. - The leader of the Indian independence movement, Mahatma Gandhi, left an invaluable legacy: he proved to the world that it was possible to achieve political aims without the use of violence. He was the first political activist to develop strategies of nonviolent mass resistance based on a solid philosophical and uniquely religious foundation. Since Gandhi’s death in 1948, in many parts of the world, this legacy has been received and continued by others facing oppression, inequality, or a lack of human rights. This article is a tribute to five of the most faithful followers of Gandhi who have acknowledged his inspiration for their political activities and in choosing nonviolence as a political method and way of life: Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Martin Luther King, Louis Massignon, the Dalai Lama, and Malala Yousafzai. This article describes their formative leadership and their significance and impact on regional and global politics and history.
U: History in flux (Online). - ISSN 2706-4441. - 2 (2020), 2 ; str. 115-124  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nenasilje -- Pasivni otpor -- Ljudska prava -- Sljedbenici
Gandhi, Mahatma


MAKSIMOVIĆ, Jelena, pedagoginja
Kompetencije nastavnika za medijsko obrazovanje [Elektronička građa] / Jelena Maksimović, Jelena Osmanović, Anastasija Mamutović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 2703-2705. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U moderno doba kompetencije za medijsko obrazovanje postale su integralno svojstvo uspješnog nastavnika. Usprkos tome, tematika medijske pismenosti nastavnog kadra na našim prostorima nije još uvijek temeljno istražena. Iz tog razloga cilj istraživanja odnosio se na ispitivanje medijske pismenosti i kompetencija nastavnika za medijsko obrazovanje. U istraživanju je korištena petero - stupanjska skala procjene Kompetencije nastavnika za medijsko obrazovanje (KNMO) sastavljena od 31 itema. Prvi segment skale procjene odnosio se na ispitivanje kompetencija nastavnika za upotrebu medijskih sredstava, drugi segment odnosio se na svrhu upotrebe medija i treći na spremnost nastavnika da unapređuju vlastite kompetencije za medijsko obrazovanje. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 152 nastavnika (na području Niša, Dimitrovgrada, Zaječara, Merošine i Oblačine) čiji su stavovi analizirani u odnosu na predmetno područje (prirodnih/tehničkih i društveno - humanističkih znanosti), godine starosti, (do 35 i više od 35), godine radnog staža (do 10; od 10 do 20 i više od 20) i stručno usavršavanje u oblasti medijskog obrazovanja. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da 75% ispitanika sebe smatra medijski kompetentnom osobom i da nastavnici najpozitivnije procjenjuju vlastite kompetencije za upotrebu e - maila, programa Word, internet siteova; računara; medijskih uređaja kao što su fotoaparat, kamera, radio i televizija i Power point prezentacija. Niži stupanj povjerenja u vlastite kompetencije za upotrebu medijskih sredstava nastavnici su iskazali kada je bila riječ o upotrebi programa Excel i društvenih mreža kao što su Facebook i Instagram. Rezultati istraživanja također su pokazali da se nastavnički kadar na našim prostorima najčešće suočava s teškoćama prilikom tendencije da kreira blog o vlastitom odgojno - obrazovnom radu i primjeni obrazovnog softvera u radu s učenicima. - In the modern age, competencies for media education have become an integral feature of a successful teacher. Nevertheless, the topic of media literacy of teachers in our area has not yet been thoroughly researched. For this reason, the aim of the research was to examine media literacy and teacher competencies for media education. The research used a five - level scale of assessment of Teacher Competence for Media Education (KNMO) consisting of 31 items. The first segment of the assessment scale referred to the examination of teachers’ competencies for the use of media, the second segment referred to the purpose of using the media and the third to the readiness of teachers to improve their own competencies for media education. The research involved 152 teachers (in the area of Nis, Dimitrovgrad, Zajecar, Merošina and Oblačina) whose attitudes were analyzed in relation to the subject area (natural / technical and social sciences), age, (up to 35 and more than 35) , years of work experience (up to 10; from 10 to 20 and more than 20) and professional training in the field of media education. The results of the research showed that 75% of the respondents consider themselves a media - competent person and that teachers most positively assess their own competencies for the use of e - mail, Word, internet sites; computers; media devices such as camera, camcorder, radio and television and Power point presentation. Teachers expressed a lower level of confidence in their own competencies for the use of media resources when it came to the use of Excel and social networks such as Facebook and Instagram. The results of the research also showed that teachers in our area most often face difficulties in the tendency to create a blog about their own educational work and the application of educational software in working with students.
U: In medias res (Zagreb, Online). - ISSN 1848-6304. - 9 (2020), 17 ; str. 2685-2707  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mediji -- Medijska pismenost -- Nastavnici -- Kompetencije nastavnika

BAGARIĆ, Petar, etnolog
Leisure, loafing, and life as work [Elektronička građa] : discourses on non-work and a new working class / Petar Bagarić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 125-127. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Although leisure and idleness are promoted as a panacea for the problems of postmodern man, everyday logic of postindustrial societies is still subjected to the logic of “total work”. Throughout modernism, the discourse of leisure allowed for a certain separation of the worker from the work regime. However, this discourse lost its function in postmodernism due to the contemporary erasure of boundaries between life, work, and the self. The disappearance of these boundaries, due to technological development and newer forms of work organization, is an important element on the basis of which the contemporary middle class gradually assumes the position of the former working class within the system. Thus, it can be concluded that the fundamental way in which the avoidance of the world of total work is possible today is not leisure, free, fulfilled, and meaningful time, but shallow loafing, a stolen free moment otherwise scheduled for work. - Iako na razini svakodnevnice ostvaruje logiku totalnog rada, postindustrijsko društvo promiče dokolicu i lijenost kao panaceu za probleme koji muče suvremenog čovjeka. No, za razliku od moderne, kad je putem dokolice određeni odmak od svijeta rada bio moguć, dokoličarski diskurs u postmoderni ne ispunjava tu funkciju budući da nestaju granice između života, rada i sebstva. Nestanak tih granica, uslijed razvoja tehnološkog okružja i novih organizacija rada, važan je element na temelju kojeg nekadašnja srednja klasa postupno preuzima poziciju radničke klase unutar sustava. Budući da je tako, može se zaključiti da je temeljni način na osnovi kojeg se danas može ostvariti odmak u odnosu na svijet rada, ne dokolica, slobodno ali racionalno ispunjeno vrijeme, nego isprazno zabušavanje – prisvojeno slobodno vrijeme ostvareno u trenucima predviđenima za rad.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 57 (2020), 1 ; str. 109-128  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Radnička klasa -- Srednja klasa -- Postindustrijsko društvo -- Dokolica -- Rad

VUJIĆ, Jure, pravnik
The meaning of biopolitics in the age of numerical revolution [Elektronička građa] : what has remained of Foucault's and McLuhan's legacy? : The contours of a new expository society / Jure Vujić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i internetski izvori: 10 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Marshall McLuhan, in the 1960s, coined the well-known phrase “the world is a global village” at a time when the Internet did not exist, and new communication and media technologies were about to transform the world into a planetary village via interconnection. However, McLuhan may not have anticipated that accelerated technological advances would be made possible by communication without a “physical mediator-factor” and that the utilitarian and instrumental dimension of communication would give way to cultural and social domination and manipulation. In the numerical age, Foucault’s notion of “bio-politics” as a system of complete control and regulation of the body and life by means of science and technology is, at first glance, an outdated term, belonging to the past of modern, biopolitical and repressive societies. The numerical control is today based on a deep urge for individual and narcissistic exhibitionism in the new expository society. - U doba kada internet još nije postojao, 60 - tih godina prošloga stoljeća, Marshall McLuhan iznosi poznatu sintagmu „svijet je globalno selo“, a nove su komunikacijske i medijske tehnologije trebale putem međuovisnosti transformirati svijet u međuplanetarno selo. Međutim, McLuhan možda nije niti slutio da će ubrzani tehnološki napredak omogućiti komunikaciju bez „fizičkog posrednika - čimbenika“, te da će utilitarna i instrumentalna dimenzija komunikacije prepustiti mjesto kulturno - društvenoj dominaciji i manipulaciji. U numeričko doba, i Foucaultov pojam „bio - politike“ kao sustava potpunog nadzora i reguliranja tijela i života pomoću znanosti, tehnologije, na prvi pogled glasi kao povijesno konzumirani pojam koji pripada prošlosti moderne, bio - političkim i represivnim društvima. Numerička kontrola danas se temelji na dubokom porivu individualnog i narcističkog egzibicionizma unutar novog društva izloženosti.
U: In medias res (Zagreb, Online). - ISSN 1848-6304. - 9 (2020), 17 ; str. 2745-2752  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biopolitika -- Mediji -- Društvo
Foucault, Michel -- McLuhan, Herbert Marshall


DELIĆ, Amela
Medium is a weapon [Elektronička građa] : bias in crisis situations / Amela Delić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 17 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper analyzes the ways in which the media can be abused to foster the most extreme political propaganda using the example of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. After having propagated social values such as unity, harmony, brotherhood and anti-fascist heritage, in the late 1980s Serbian and Croatian media came under control of nationalists who manipulated them into propagating hatred, nationalism and xenophobia. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, such practice followed the outbreak of the Bosnian war and resulted in several media outlets which took the same course of action. Some media outlets will fully endorse McLuhan’s idea of technical intermediaries as modern weapons and even go one step further in their warlike messages than the political parties that formed them. The most striking examples are Bosnian-based TV Pale, Croatian daily newspaper Vjesnik and Serbian newspaper Politika (especially the Echoes and Reactions newspaper section). With their actions such media will confirm that the most dangerous form of media bias is precisely propaganda bias as defined by Denis McQuail. Its destructive power is illustrated on the example of the bloody Yugoslav break-up fueled by their spreading of misinformation. - Na primjeru medija država nekadašnje Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije. u radu analiziramo način na koji se mediji mogu zloupotrijebiti u svrhu najstrašnije političke propagande. Iz položaja posrednika bratstva i jedinstva, sloge, antifašističkog naslijeđa, ponosa i prkosa narodnooslobodilačke borbe i pokreta, mediji su u Srbiji i Hrvatskoj krajem 80-ih godina došli u vlast nacionalista koji će ih preobraziti u posrednike mržnje, nacionalizma i ksenofobije. U Bosni i Hercegovini mediji su izbjegli propagandno djelovanje do početka agresije na Bosnu i Hercegovinu nakon čega će i u ovoj državi u ratu postojati nekoliko medija koji propagiraju netoleranciju. Pojedini će mediji u potpunosti potvrditi McLuhanovu ideju tehničkih posrednika kao suvremenog oružja, te će u ratnohuškačkim porukama otići korak dalje od političkih stranaka koje su ih oformile. Najupečatljiviji takvi primjeri su TV Pale iz Bosne i Hercegovine, dnevni list Vjesnik iz Hrvatske, te list Politika (posebno rubrika Odjeci i reagovanja) iz Srbije. Svojim će djelovanjem ovakvi mediji potvrditi da je najopasniji oblik medijske pristranosti upravo propagandna pristranost kako je definira Denis McQuail, a njezina se destruktivna moć pokazala u strahotama ratova koji su u ovim državama uslijedili.
U: In medias res (Zagreb, Online). - ISSN 1848-6304. - 9 (2020), 17 ; str. 2753-2774  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mediji -- Oružje -- Rat -- Propaganda -- Pristranost

RAPIĆ, Darko
Nasilje u kontekstu europske migracijske krize [Elektronička građa] = Violence in context of European migration crisis / Darko Rapić, Šimun Bilokapić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Migracije i migracijska kriza zaposjeda cijelu Europu. Ne samo njezin teritorij, nego njezin duh, misao i osjećaje. Europa je prisiljena promišljati, planirati, a nerijetko i strahovati. Netko je nepoznat i prijeteći ovdje, među nama. Netko tko straši. Jedan od okidača za njezin hitan angažman svakako je strah od stvarnog ili mogućeg nasilja (pre)često tematiziranog u sredstvima društvenog priopćivanja. Događa se, nažalost, da strah od nasilja i nepoznatog postaje sredstvo zastrašivanja domaćeg stanovništva usmjereno protiv onih koji su potrebni možda samo razumijevanja i prihvaćanja. Stoga, osnovna nakana ovoga rada sastoji se u tome da, na temelju razumijevanja bitnih obilježja fenomena nasilja, podrobnijeg razmatranja nekih statističkih elemenata migracijske krize, naročito činjenice da su migranti i izbjeglice i počinitelji i žrtve nasilja, pokaže kako ne postoje konkretni dokazi koji bi na poseban način povezivali migracije i nasilje u smislu značajnijeg povećanja nasilja povezanog upravo s migracijama. Migracijska kriza i 'nepoznat netko' ne rješava se manipulacijama, strahom, prijetnjom i nasiljem, nego aktualizacijom temeljnih evanđeoskih vrednota ljubavi i solidarnosti, prihvaćanja i gostoljubivosti. - Migration and the migration crisis are taking over the whole Europe. Not just its territory, but its spirit, thought and feelings. Europe is forced to think, plan, and often be scared. Someone unknown and threatening is here, among us. It is someone who scares us. One of the triggers for Europe’s urgent engagement is certainly the fear of actual or possible violence (too) often themed in the media. Unfortunately, it happens that the fear of violence and the unknown becomes a means of intimidating the local population against those who need perhaps only understanding and acceptance. Therefore, the basic purpose of this paper is to show, on the basis of understanding the essential features of the phenomenon of violence, and on the basis of a close rexamination of some of the statistical elements of the migration crisis, in particular the fact that migrants are both perpetrators and victims of violence, that there is no concrete evidence that would specifically link migration and violence in the sense of a significant increase in migration-related violence. The migrant crisis and the 'unknown someone' are not solved by manipulation, fear, threat and violence, but by the actualization of the fundamental evangelical values of love and solidarity, acceptance and hospitality.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 60 (2020), 2 ; str. 133-159  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nasilje -- Migranti -- Izbjeglice -- Migracijska kriza -- Kršćanske vrijednosti -- Islam

Net neutrality policy debate in Croatia [Elektronička građa] : origins and policy actors / Mato Brautović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 25-27. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This study examines the debate on net neutrality in the Croatian public sphere, its origin and connection to similar debates in the United States and the EU. The study also tries to answer who the policy actors that influence the NN debate are, how the policy-making process concerning this topic was carried out in Croatia, and what the role of the mainstream media is. Empirical data was collected from documents and posts regarding net neutrality found on government, media, NGO and industry websites. The findings show that there are two parallel debates on net neutrality and the character of the Croatian policy-making process: the debate that is going on in the mainstream and online media, where international topics and actors (the US, the EU) dominate, and the debate that is happening in the Croatian public sphere, which is carried out as part of panels and conferences (mainly organised by the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries). Although the mainstream media reported positively about net neutrality, they have failed to bring the process of policy-making and the corresponding debate closer to the general public, as was the case in the US or Western Europe. - Ova studija predstavlja raspravu o neutralnosti mreže (NN) u hrvatskoj javnoj sferi, njezinu nastanku i povezanosti sa sličnim raspravama u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i Europskoj uniji. Studija također pokušava odgovoriti na pitanje tko su akteri javnih politika koji utječu na debatu o net neutralnosti, kako se odvijao proces donošenja javne politike o NN-u te koja je uloga medija. Empirijski podaci prikupljeni su iz dokumenata i objava na internetskim stranicama vlade, medija, nevladinih organizacija i industrije. Podaci pokazuju dvije paralelne debate o neutralnosti mreže i karakteru hrvatskog procesa stvaranja javnih politika: debata koja se događa u mainstream i online medijima s dominacijom međunarodnih tema i aktera (SAD, EU) i druga debata koja je skrivena od hrvatske javne sfere, a koja se odvija na panelima i konferencijama koje uglavnom organizira Hrvatska regulatorna agencija za mrežne djelatnosti. Iako su mainstream mediji pozitivno izvijestili o neutralnosti mreže, oni nisu uspjeli približiti proces kreiranja javnih politika i debate o NN javnosti kao što je to bio slučaj u SAD-u ili u Zapadnoj Europi.
U: Medijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1846-6605. - 26 (2020), 1 ; str. 9-28  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Javna politika -- Internet -- Neutralnost mreže -- E-debate -- Digitalni mediji

ROMOLIĆ, Tomislav
Osječko društvo od 1868. do 1914. [Elektronička građa] / Tomislav Romolić, Petra Sršić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i internetski izvori: str. 94-95. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovom članku prikazani su i analizirani različiti aspekti osječkoga društva u razdoblju od potpisivanja Hrvatsko-ugarske nagodbe 1868. godine do početka Prvoga svjetskog rata 1914. godine. Nakon kratkoga pregleda bitnijih infrastrukturnih i građevinskih projekata u navedenom razdoblju, autori ostatak rada posvećuju pregledu društvenih slojeva na području grada Osijeka. Posebna pažnja posvećena je radničkoj klasi koja je, zbog industrijskog razvoja grada u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća, postala jedan od najznačajnijih faktora osječkoga društva. Marginalne skupine, posebno Židovi, Romi, prostitutke i prosjaci, posebno su istaknuti. Spomenut je i multietnički i višejezični karakter grada kojim je Osijek razvijao svoj identitet. Konačno, članak je kratkim navođenjem novoosnovanih društava i udruženja prikazao rastuće građansko djelovanje i aktivizam. Također, isticanjem društveno-kulturnih aktivnosti građana svih slojeva pokazuje se sva živost Osijeka u ovom periodu. - The article presents and analyses different aspects of Osijek’s society in the period between the signing of the Croatian – Hungarian Settlement of 1868 and the start of World War I. in 1914. After a short overview of important infrastructural and construction projects in the said period, the authors devote the rest of the paper to examining the social classes of Osijek. Special attention is given to the working class and marginalized groups. Also mentioned is the multiethnic and multilingual aspect of the city, through which Osijek developed its identity. Finally, the article briefly mentions newly created clubs and organizations which showcased the growing social movement and activism among the citizenry. Likewise, by highlighting the sociocultural activity of citizens from all social classes, the vibrancy of Osijek in this period is fully shown.
U: Pleter (Online). - ISSN 2757-0460. - 4 (2020), 4 ; str. 71-96  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Društvo -- Društveni slojevi -- Radništvo -- Marginalne skupine -- Etnički identitet -- Modernizacija

Our factory [Elektronička građa] : textile workers' memories and experiences in Slovenia / Nina Vodopivec.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 67-70. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The article deals with textile workers’ memories of a socialist factory and industrial work in Slovenia, and their experiences during numerous contemporary restructurings and social transformations. It argues that textile workers were heavily marked by the disintegration of their community and loss of social recognition. The loss of the factory was experienced as personal and social loss, the loss of dignity and self-worth. Such experiences are connected to historically shaped meanings of factories, the role and position of industrial workers in the past socialist landscape, with particular memories and experiences of work. The metanarrative of socialist industrialization depicted them as protagonists of modernization and social development. They were co-creators of the industrial miracle, local infrastructure and social standard. They now felt robbed and dispossessed in a material and symbolic sense. The society showed little interest in their experience of such a loss. The absence of research and little attention paid to such questions by the society is connected to the way in which the society dealt with economic restructuring in Slovenia. The local experience is compared with other post-socialist ethnographies and industrial worker ethnographies in the transformed capitalist world. - Rad se bavi sjećanjima tekstilnih radnica i radnika na socijalističku tvornicu i rad u Sloveniji te njihovim iskustvima tijekom mnogih suvremenih restrukturiranja i društvenih transformacija. Tekstilni radnici su bili obilježeni dezintegracijom zajednice i gubitkom društvenog prepoznavanja. Propast tvornice doživljavali su kao osobni i društveni gubitak: gubitak dostojanstva i vlastite vrijednosti. Takva su iskustva povezana s povijesno oblikovanim značenjima tvornice, ulogom i položajem industrijskih radnica i radnika u prošlom, socijalističkom okruženju, s konkretnim sjećanjima i radnim iskustvima. Metanarativ socijalističke industrijalizacije prikazivao ih je kao protagoniste modernizacije i društvenog razvoja. Oni su bili sutvorci industrijskog čuda, lokalne infrastrukture i društvenog standarda. Danas se osjećaju opljačkanima i razvlaštenima u materijalnom i simboličkom smislu. Društvo je pokazalo malo interesa za doživljaj takvog gubitka. Manjak istraživanja i pažnje koje društvo posvećuje takvim pitanjima povezani su sa specifičnim načinom na koji se društvo bavilo gospodarskim restrukturiranjem u Sloveniji. Autorica lokalne doživljaje uspoređuje s drugim postsocijalističkim etnografijama i etnografijama industrijskih radnica i radnika u preoblikovanom kapitalističkom svijetu.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 57 (2020), 1 ; str. 51-70  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sjećanja -- Tvornice -- Radnici -- Rad -- Socijalizam

Philosophy and consciousness in the future [Elektronička građa] : cyborgs and artificial intelligence waiting for immortality / Nenad Vertovšek, Ivana Greguric Knežević.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 8 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Natural sciences and technologies place artificial intelligence, robotics and cyborgs at the centre of human attention. However, virtual and augmented reality and the unthinkable possibilities of the future media and communication between individuals and social groups might be deeper and broader than we think, and evolve in forms we have not hoped for. If philosophy wants to focus on the essence of scientific-technical age, it must reflect on the very foundations of computer-operational thinking, because artificial intelligence has already started to develop its own consciousness and may, in the future, devise a strategy of development beyond man and without man. - Prirodne znanosti i tehnologije stavljaju u središte ljudske pozornosti umjetnu inteligenciju, robotiku i kiborge. Međutim, virtualna i proširena stvarnost te nezamislive mogućnosti budućih medija i komunikacija između pojedinaca i društvenih skupina mogle bi biti dublje i šire nego što mislimo i razvijati se u oblicima kojima se još ne nadamo. Ako se filozofija želi orjentirati u biti znanstveno – tehničkog doba, ona mora misliti same temelje računalno – operativnog mišljenja jer umjetna inteligencija već danas razvija vlastitu svjesnost a u budućnosti i strategiju razvoja mimo čovjeka i bez čovjeka.
U: In medias res (Zagreb, Online). - ISSN 1848-6304. - 9 (2020), 16 ; str. 2511-2522  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Budućnost -- Filozofija -- Komunikacija -- Mediji -- Umjetna inteligencija -- Kiborzi

The possibility of critique in an era ruled by the media [Elektronička građa] / Divna Vuksanović, Dragan Ćalović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 10 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Taking the philosophy of media as a starting point, this text examines the possibilities, forms and status of critique in our times which are dominated, at least in the West, by what is known as media culture. On the one hand, the text avoids reducing systemic and strategic critique of capitalism to merely a critical point of view, while on the other it problematizes and examines the critique of modern media practices. The authors implicitly conclude that merely asking these questions paves the road to comprehensive critical action, within the existing systems of this media universe, as well as beyond it, i.e. in the particular socio-economic system of thought and action. This text also examines the possibility of achieving critical practices through art, and in the context of emerging new technologies. Possibilities for critique within the framework of new media art are explored in particular, as this might revolutionize not only media practices, but also the social, historical and economical practices of capitalism as such. - U članku se, sa stanovišta filozofije medija, otvara pitanje o potencijalima, načinima i položaju kritike u našem dobu koje karakteriše, bar kada je reč o zapadnim kulturnim krugovima, dominacija tzv. medijske kulture. S jedne strane, izbegava se redukcija sistemske i strateške kritike sveta kapitala na puko kritičko mišljenje, dok se, s druge strane, problemski preispituje kritika delujuća unutar savremenih medijskih praksi. Autori implicitno zaključuju da je već samo otvaranje ovakvih pitanja utiranje puta za sveobuhvatno kritičko delovanje, kako unutar zatečenih sistema medijskog univerzuma, tako i izvan njega, odnosno u konkretnom društveno-ekonomskom sistemu mišljenja i delovanja. Takođe, u tekstu se razmatra mogućnost kritičkih praksi posredstvom umetnosti, odnosno unutar konteksta dejstva novih tehnologija. U tom smislu, posebno se istražuju potencijali za kritiku u okvirima novomedijske umetnosti, što bi trebalo da predstavlja uvod u revolucionisanje ne samo medijske, već i društveno-povesno-ekonomske prakse u eri kapitalizma.
U: In medias res (Zagreb, Online). - ISSN 1848-6304. - 9 (2020), 16 ; str. 2489-2498  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kritika -- Mediji -- Kapitalizam -- Filozofija medija -- Novomedijska umjetnost

Preliminary communication and research in humanistic sociology series [Elektronička građa] : models for adoption of new technologies considering influence of communication on individuals' behavior / Maša Martinić, Jelena Hadžić, Marko Poljak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 2574-2576. - Summary ; Sažetak. - New technology is referred as any set of productive techniques which offers a significant improvement. What is seen as new’ is obviously subject to continual redefinition, as successive changes in technology are undertaken. The social and political impact of new technologies is complex being subject to variations in managerial strategies, worker resistance, and a host of other cultural and political circumstances. User adoption of new technologies and the models explaining their behaviors is an ongoing research problem. Identifying the factors that affect the adoption of new technologies is understood by developing technology adoption models and theories with different theoretical insights, variables and measurements. To recognize the needs and acceptance of individuals is to realize the factors that drive user acceptance or rejection of technologies. Researchers can conceptualize underlying technology models and theories that may affect the previous, current and future application of technology adoption. As a case study, 50 users of new technology in Croatia were questioned regarding pros and cons and was determined majority will benefit from the use. - Novom tehnologijom naziva se bilo koji skup produktivnih tehnika koji nudi značajna poboljšanja. Ono što se vidi kao novo očito je podložno neprestanoj redefiniciji, budući da se događaju uzastopne promjene u razvoju tehnologije. Društveni i politički učinak novih tehnologija složen je i podložan razlikama u upravljačkim strategijama, otporu radnika i mnoštvom drugih kulturnih i političkih okolnosti. Korisničko usvajanje novih tehnologija i modela koji objašnjavaju njihova ponašanja je aktualan istraživački problem. Utvrđivanje čimbenika koji utječu na prihvaćanje novih tehnologija razumijeva se razvojem modela prihvaćanja tehnologije i teorija s različitim teoretskim uvidima, varijablama i mjerenjima. Prepoznavanje potreba pojedinaca ujedno je i prepoznavanje čimbenika koji utječu na prihvaćanje ili odbijanje novih tehnologija. Istraživači danas mogu konceptualizirati modele prihvaćanja koji mogu utjecati na prethodne, trenutačne, ali i buduće primjene navedenih modela. Tijekom studije slučaja, 50 korisnika nove tehnologije u Hrvatskoj je ispitano za prednosti i mane te je zaključeno da će većina imati koristi od iste.
U: In medias res (Zagreb, Online). - ISSN 1848-6304. - 9 (2020), 16 ; str. 2559-2577  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Komunikologija -- Nove tehnologije -- Društvena humanistika

Primjena blockchain tehnologije u medijskoj ekologiji [Elektronička građa] / Marin Milković, Jasminka Samardžija, Mira Ognjan. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija i internetski izvori: str. 47-52. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovom se članku daje pregledan uvid u dosadašnju primjenu blockchain tehnologije u medijskoj ekologiji iz znanstvenog diskursa. Cilj rada je istražiti trenutno stanje blockchain tehnologije i njezine primjene u medijima posebice na području medijske ekologije, zaštite i unovčenja autorskih prava u digitalnim medijima. Pregledom i analizom suvremenih znanstvenih istraživanja o blockchain tehnologiji moguće je zaključiti da bi blockchain tehnologija mogla doprinijeti rješavanju brojnih problema medijske ekologije počevši od lažnih vijesti, narušenih autorskih prava, netransparentne monetizacije autorskih prava te skrivene propagande. Ova tehnologija, kreatorima medijskih sadržaja, nameće odgovornost za objavljene medijske sadržaje jer je u svakom trenutku moguće utvrditi izvor sadržaja kao i povijest izmjena sadržaja koju nije moguće brisati niti modificirati. Zahvaljujući blockchain tehnologiji, u svakom je trenutku moguće nedvojbeno utvrditi tko je autor medijskog sadržaja i opseg korištenja autorskog djela. Kroz pametne ugovore moguće je regulirati sve aspekte autorskih prava. Zahvaljujući blockchainu i tehnologiji mikroplaćanja autori imaju mogućnost unovčavanja svojih autorskih prava sukladno opsegu korištenja autorskih djela. Kako se ovaj pregledni rad temelji na akademskim izvorima podataka, u budućim istraživanjima bilo bi interesantno analizirati i sistematizizirati mogućnosti aplikacija temeljenih na blockchain tehnologiji koje se uspješno primjenjuju u medijskoj industriji, a do sada još nisu prijavljene u znanstvenoj literaturi. - This article provides an insight into the current application of blockchain technologies from a scholarly perspective. The paper aims to investigate the current state of blockchain technology and its application in the media, especially in the field of media ecology, copyright protection and digital media monetization. After thorough research, we have concluded that blockchain technology can contribute to solving numerous media ecology problems such as fake news, copyright infringement, non-transparent copyright monetization and hidden propaganda. This technology imposes responsibility on media content creators for what they publish because it makes it possible to determine at any time the source of the content as well as its history of changes (which cannot be deleted nor modified). Thanks to smart contracts, the author can regulate all aspects of copyright. One of the main benefits of blockchain technology is that authors can make a profit according to the usage of their work, which can also be tracked via blockchain technology. Since this article is based on academic data sources, future research could be based not only on academic data sources but also on the successful application of blockchain technology in the media industry, which has not been reported on in academic literature yet.
U: Medijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1846-6605. - 26 (2020), 1 ; str. 29-52  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Blockchain tehnologija -- Medijska ekologija -- Lažne vijesti -- Autorska prava

ĆURKOVIĆ, Jozefina
Radnička kultura kao uporište društvenog sjećanja [Elektronička građa] : primjer tvornice Dalmatinka u Sinju / Jozefina Ćurković.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 88-91. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad donosi studiju slučaja propale tvornice konca i pamučnog prediva Dalmatinka u Sinju, s fokusom na radničku kulturu kao uporište društvenog sjećanja. Počevši s historijatom tvornice, preko koncepta radništva u kontekstu jugoslavenskog socijalizma, u tekstu se detektiraju ključni elementi za konstrukciju sjećanja radnika na tvornicu. Na temelju kazivanja nekadašnjih radnica istražuje se relacija radnik-tvornica kroz međuodnos koncepata životne povijesti i osobne povijesti te u vezi s konstruktom socija­lističkog čovjeka. U posljednjem dijelu rad se koncentrira na suvremene interpretacije nematerijalnog nasljeđa Dalmatinke. Analiza djelovanja izložbeno-edukativnog projekta usmjerenog na revalorizaciju njezina doprinosa razvoju grada u infrastrukturnom, ekonomskom i kulturološkom pogledu pokazuje čvrstu ukotvljenost Dalmatinke u društvenom sjećanju lokalne zajednice. - This paper presents a case study of the thread and cotton yarn factory Dalmatinka in Sinj, focusing on workers’ culture as the backbone of collective memory within the local community. Starting with the history of this industrial plant, through the elaboration of the concept of labor in the context of socialist Yugoslavia, the study identifies several narrative elements as the basis for the construction of workers’ memory. Based on their accounts, the relationship between workers and the factory is explored through the concepts of life history and life story and in relation to the construct of the socialist man. Following these conclusions, the paper concentrates on contemporary interpretations of Dalmatinka’s immaterial heritage. An analysis of a civil initiative project, aimed at reevaluating the factory’s contribution to town’s infrastructural, economic and cultural development, indicates a sustained presence of Dalmatinka in the collective memory.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 57 (2020), 1 ; str. 71-91  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Društveno sjećanje -- Samoupravljanje -- Radnička kultura -- Tvornice
Dalmatinka, Sinj


Reflection on the (un)power of men in the context of post-war everyday life of Croatian war veterans with mental disorders from World War I [Elektronička građa] / Jelena Seferović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 40-42. - Summary ; Sažetak ; Résumé ; Zusammenfassung. - This paper discusses the resocialisation of the Croatian war veterans with mental disorders from World War I. It is based on an analysis of the psychiatric patient files of soldiers who were treated in two Croatian psychiatric hospitals from 1919 to 1924. Their process of social reintegration into the community after return from the battlefield is considered concerning their (in)ability to realise normative expectations regarding the gender role of men. The intention was to research whether this circumstance in part contributed to the development of feelings of powerlessness in the latter stage and consequently caused their antisocial behaviour as a result of which they were socially excluded from their home community. - U radu se raspravlja o resocijalizaciji hrvatskih branitelja s psihičkim smetnjama iz Prvog svjetskog rata. Analiza se temelji na istraživanju psihijatrijskih povijesti bolesti vojnika koji su se liječili u dvije hrvatske psihijatrijske bolnice od 1919. do 1924. godine. Proces njihove socijalne reintegracije u zajednicu nakon povratka s ratišta razmatra se u odnosu na njihovu nemogućnost ispunjavanja normativnih očekivanja vezanih za rodnu uloge muškaraca. Namjera je bila istražiti je li ta okolnost dijelom pridonijela razvoju osjećaja nemoći kod veterana te posljedično uzrokovala njihova asocijalna ponašanja zbog kojih su bili socijalno isključivani iz svoje matične zajednice. - Ce travail discute de la resocialisation des vétérans croates ayant des troubles psychologiques suite à la Première Guerre mondiale. L’analyse se fonde sur la recherche des dossiers médicaux de soldats pris en charge par deux hôpitaux psychiatriques croates de 1919 à 1920. Le processus de leur réintégration sociale au sein de la communauté, suite à leur retour du champ de bataille, est examiné en relation avec leur impossibilité à combler les attentes liées aux rôles de genre attribués aux hommes. L’intention est d’examiner dans quelle mesure cet environnement a partiellement contribué à créer un sentiment de non puissance chez ces derniers, et est, par conséquent, en cause du comportement asocial en raison duquel ils ont été exclus socialement de leur communauté d’origine. - In der Abhandlung wird die Resozialisierung kroatischer Verteidiger mit psychischen Störungen aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg erörtert. Die Analyse stützt sich auf eine Studie zu den psychiatrischen Krankengeschichten von Soldaten, die von 1919 bis 1924 in zwei kroatischen psychiatrischen Krankenhäusern behandelt wurden. Der Prozess ihrer sozialen Wiedereingliederung in die Gemeinschaft nach der Rückkehr vom Kriegsschauplatz wird im Zusammenhang mit ihrem Unvermögen betrachtet, normative Erwartungen bezüglich der Genderrollen der Männer einzulösen. Die Intention war zu untersuchen, ob dieser Begleitumstand teilweise zur Entwicklung von Ohnmachtsgefühlen bei Letzteren beitrug und mithin deren asoziales Verhalten verursachte, aufgrund dessen sie sozial von ihrer Heimatgemeinschaft ausgeschlossen wurden.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 35 (2020), 1 ; str. 25-44  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prvi svjetski rat -- Ratni veterani -- Psihičke smetnje -- Resocijalizacija -- Rodne uloge -- Muškarci -- Povijest psihijatrije

ŠURAN, Fulvio
Sloboda na rubu novih medija [Elektronička građa] / Fulvio Šuran.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 9 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Nove tehnologije vode nas u umjetnu dimenziju stvarnosti u kojoj se svakodnevna objektivna i opipljiva realnost pretvara u nematerijalne entitete, u digitalne informacije. Medijska hipnoza favorizira tromost kritičke svijesti i etičke savjesti, dok prikazane slike pridonose strukturiranju takozvane “patologije normalnosti” koja, upravo zato što je široko rasprostranjena, ostaje nezapažena. Treba pojasniti da se ne radi samo o novim tehnologijama, već o novom modelu društva koji se uspostavlja i koji uključuje različite aspekte mišljenja, osjećaja i djelovanja čovjeka, preoblikovane djelatnošću novih medija. Pokušat će se stoga preispitati, za njihovu egzistencijalnu, društvenu i političku vrijednost neka posebno značajna područja ovdje obrađene poveznice (linka) jedne jedinstvene tematike: čovjeka. - New technologies are taking us into an artificial dimension in which everyday reality is translated into immaterial entities, into digital information. Media hypnosis favors the torpor of critical and ethical conscience, while model images contribute to structuring the so - called “pathology of normality”, which, precisely because it is widely diffused, goes unnoticed. To clarify that it is not just about new technologies, but a new model of society, which is being established and that involves different aspects of thinking, feeling and acting human, transformed by the action of the new media. We will therefore try to examine some particularly significant areas for their existential, social and political value, treated here as many links of a single topic: man.
U: In medias res (Zagreb, Online). - ISSN 1848-6304. - 9 (2020), 16 ; str. 2579-2592  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nove tehnologije -- Mediji -- Percepcija stvarnosti -- Sloboda -- Kritičko mišljenje -- Identitet

BARA, Mario
Some aspects of socialist modernization in the Croatian cities [Elektronička građa] / Mario Bara. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 23-26. - Summary. - The paper focuses on the period of socialist modernization in Croatian urban settings, in a country guided by ideologically shaped administrative measures, absence of social pluralism, and private economic initiatives. The socialist regime mainly promoted the announced transformation of social and economic relations, as well as technical progress, in the urban areas, where cultural and symbolic interventions took place along with the technical ones. The socialist city was to become an ideal city that met all the needs of the “working people”. Industrialization and urbanization caused labour migration from rural to urban areas. Due to the large number of new residents in the cities, the authorities paid much attention to housing policies. Accelerated construction resulted in a discrepancy with the existing urban and communal infrastructure. The consequences of half a century of socialist modernization in the cities were most evident in the altered population structure. At the beginning of the observed period, only one quarter of the population lived in cities, but when the socialist epoch ended, this ratio was over 50 %. The negative consequences of socialist modernization in the cities could be seen in the polarized development of the main urban centres, the unevenly developed network of medium-sized and small towns, and the depopulation of a significant part of rural areas.
U: Review of Croatian history (Online). - ISSN 1848-9095. - 16 (2020), 1 ; str. 9-26  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gradovi -- Urbanizacija -- Modernizacija -- Socijalizam

TUKSAR, Sunčana
Transmedijske funkcije filmskih stilskih figura i jezičnih odstupanja od norme u informativnim televizijskim emisijama [Elektronička građa] / Sunčana Tuksar, Irena Ostrički Gerber. - Ilustr., graf. prilozi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i mrežni izvori: str. 60-63. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Govorimo li o komunikološkoj funkciji medija u globalno umreženom društvu, danas je gotovo nezamislivo promišljanje tih funkcija bez problematiziranja njihove transmedijske naravi. Oslanjajući se na sociosemiotičku analizu, rad istražuje funkcije leksičkih odstupanja od jezične norme i to u hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku te televiziji i filmu. Svrha rada je ponajprije pokazati na koji način odstupanja u engleskome jeziku (sleng) u filmu Jima Jarmuscha Noć na zemlji (1991) uspostavljaju kulturološke koncepte te upućuju na usvajanje interkulturalnih kompetencija. Usto, analiza zahvaća i ulogu upotrebe anglicizama u hrvatskome jeziku kako na javnoj televiziji tako i komercijalnim televizijama. Udružene analize upućuju na daljnju sociolingvističku raspravu o potrebi kritičke jezične i vizualne pismenosti u medijima kao i činjenicu da su otkloni od normi iznimno važni pri usvajanju vizualne i medijske pismenosti u globalnoj kulturi. Odnos masovnih medija i jezika nije samo uputa na njihova intrinzično komunikološka svojstva već i jasan podsjetnik na stalnu premreženost društvenog i humanističkog područja. - When it comes to communicative functions of the media, nowadays it is almost impossible to investigate such functions in a globally connected society without taking into further account their transmedial nature. Drawing from the sociosemiotic analysis this paper investigates some functions of lexical aberrations in both Croatian and English, as well as in television and film. The aim of the paper is primarily to show how lexical aberrations in English (slang) in Jim Jarmusch’s film Night on Earth (1991) establish cultural concepts and point towards the acknowledgement of intercultural competences. Also, the analysis encompasses the role of Anglicisms in the Croatian language in both public and commercial televisions. Joint analyses point towards a further sociolinguistic argument about linguistic literacy in the media, but also towards a fact that the lexical aberrations are of extreme importance regarding visual and media literacy in a global culture. The relationship between mass media and language is not only the reference to their intrinsic communicative traits but also a vivid reminder of constant intertwining of the humanistic and social area.
U: Suvremene teme. - ISSN 1847-2397. - 11 (2020), 1 ; str. 51-67  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mediji -- Televizijske emisije -- Transmedijalnost -- Globalizacija -- Jezična odstupanja -- Kultura

Utjecaj društvenih mreža na samopoštovanje i mentalno zdravlje mladih [Elektronička građa] / Iris Jerončić Tomić, Rosanda Mulić, Antonija Milišić Jadrić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 14 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Samopoštovanje je procjena vlastitog samopouzdanja u tri dimenzije: fizički izgled, romantična atraktivnost te sposobnost formiranja i održavanja bliskih prijateljstava. To je način na koji ljudi percipiraju vlastitu vrijednost i misle da su vrijedni drugima. Društvene mreže su medij na kojem imamo priliku oblikovati sliku o sebi stvaranjem jedinstvenih profila kako bismo prikazali željenu sliku o sebi. Pojedinci komuniciraju i angažiraju se u živote drugih ljudi pomoću slika koje su stvorili o njima, otkrivanjem osobnih detalja i stvaranja uvida u živote drugih. Upotreba društvenih mreža ima negativne i pozitivne učinke. Osobnost i razina samopoštovanja su utjecajni čimbenici komunikacije pojedinca s drugim ljudima. - Self-esteem is an evaluation of a person’s own self-worth; comprising three-dimension: physical appearance, romantic attractiveness, and the ability to form and maintain close friendships. Self-esteem is the perception of how people perceive their own value well as their value to others. Social networks are media that provide the opportunity to shape a picture of ourselves by creating unique profiles to show the desired image of ourselves. Individuals communicate with other people through the images they have created about these people, discovering personal details and creating insights into the lives of others. The use of social networks haves negative and positive effects. Personality and self-esteem are influential factors of communication of the individual with other people.
U: In medias res (Zagreb, Online). - ISSN 1848-6304. - 9 (2020), 17 ; str. 2649-2654  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Društvene mreže -- Mladi -- Samopoštovanje -- Mentalno zdravlje

MAK, Karlo
YouTube regionalizacija Europe i položaj Hrvatske [Elektronička građa] / Karlo Mak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 70-71. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Polazeći od pretpostavke da je kulturne regije moguće detektirati pomoću online poslužitelja popularne kulture kakav je YouTube, cilj ove studije bio je definirati (virtualne) kulturne regije Europe. Budući da YouTube osigurava geolocirane podatke najpopularnijih videozapisa (trending), regionalizacija je izvršena na temelju zajedničkih videa koje su pojedine zemljeimale u trendingu. Pokazalo se da države koje su geografski bliskije te između kojih ne postoji značajnija jezična barijera tendiraju formirati zajednički kulturni prostor. Zato ne čudi da Hrvatska pripada južnoslavenskoj regiji u kojoj je posebno upućena na Srbiju s obzirom na to da iz te zemlje derivira natpolovičnu većinu videosadržaja u trendingu. - Assuming that the cultural regions can be detected by using the online servers of popular culture such as YouTube, the aim of this study was to define (virtual) cultural regions of Europe. Since YouTube provides geolocated data for the most popular videos, regionalization was based on shared videos that individual countries had in YouTube Trending. It has been shown that countries that are geographically closer and between which there is no significant language barrier tend to form a common cultural space. Therefore, it is not a surprise that Croatia is part of the South Slavic region. Besides, more than half of the video content in Croatian Trending was produced in Serbia.
U: Međunarodne studije (Online). - ISSN 2459-623X. - 20 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 59-72  
 Elektronička verzija članka
YouTube -- Regionalizacija -- Trending -- Kulturni prostor

Znanjem protiv autocenzure, 60 uzbudljivih godina [Elektronička građa] / Ana Đurković, Aleksandra Brakus. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 2665-2666. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cjeloživotna edukacija u JMU RTS neophodna je zbog konstantnog obrazovanja novinara i svih ostalih kadrova JMU RTS, radi stvaranja profesionalaca od integriteta čiji se rad bazira na javnom interesu u skladu sa Medijskim zakonima i Etičkim kodeksom, verifikaciji pravih od lažnih vesti i obrani od autocenzure i uredničke cenzure. - Lifelong education at JMU RTS is necessery becouse of the constant education of jurnalists and all other personnel of JMU RTS in order to create professionals of intergrity whose work is based on the public interest in accordance with the Media Laws and Code of Ethics, the establishment verification against false news and self-censorship and editorial censorship.
U: In medias res (Zagreb, Online). - ISSN 1848-6304. - 9 (2020), 17 ; str. 2655-2667  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Cjeloživotno obrazovanje -- Mediji -- Televizija -- Radio -- Komunikacija -- Cenzura -- Javni interes

Vidi br.: HA20-02217

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32   Politika

Dinko Čutura, Stjepan Sarkotić : posljednji zemaljski poglavar Bosne i Hercegovine, AGM, Zagreb, 2019. : [prikaz] / Zlatko Matijević. - Ilustr.
U: Pilar (Zagreb). - ISSN 1846-3010. - 14 (2019), 1/2(27/28) ; str. 199-201  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Čutura, Dinko -- Sarkotić, Stjepan
Politika -- Vojna povijest


SECCHI Tarugi, Luisa
Etica e politica di Lorenzo il Magnifico [Elektronička građa] / Luisa Secchi Tarugi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 343. - Riassunto ; Summary. - Lorenzo de’ Medici, uomo di profonda fede, data la mirabile educazione ricevuta in famiglia, accettò il governo della città dopo la morte del padre, Piero il Gottoso, come dovere, sentendone il peso, data la sua giovane età di 21 anni, secondo quanto lui stesso dice “mal volentieri accettai”. In tutta la sua vita, non molto lunga, privilegiò come fine il conseguimento del bene comune e non il proprio interesse. Attento anche alle situazioni dei meno fortunati, come il popolo fiorentino e i contadini del Mugello, si rivelò un abile politico che riuscì ad equilibrare la politica dei vari staterelli italiani, ma non dimenticò mai quale fosse il traguardo vero della vita dell’uomo e cioè guardare verso Dio staccandosi dalle ambizioni della vita terrena. Soprattutto raccomandò ai figli di saper governare diventando esempio “perché il signore deve essere servo de’ suoi servi” come scrive nella Sacra rappresentazione di Giovanni e Paolo messa in scena il 17 febbraio 1491 nella Compagnia del Vangelista. - Lorenzo de’ Medici, čovjek duboke vjere, u obitelji je primio izvrsno obrazovanje, a po smrti svoga oca Piera de’ Medicija prihvatio je upravu gradom kao dužnost koju je osjećao kao teret s obzirom na svoju dob od 21 godine, za koju je sam rekao “nerado sam je prihvatio”. U cijelom svome životu, koji nije bio dug, prednost je davao općem dobru, a ne vlastitim interesima. Posvećivao je pozornost i položaju manje sretnih, kao što su to bili florentinski puk i seljaci Mugella, a pokazao se i kao sposoban političar koji je uspijevao balansirati politiku raznih talijanskih državica, ne zaboravljajući na istinski cilj ljudskoga života – biti usmjeren k Bogu ne prijanjajući uz stremljenja prizemnoga života. Posebice je preporučivao potomcima neka znaju vladati tako da sami budu primjer “jer gospodar treba biti sluga svojih slugu”, kako piše u Sacra rappresentazione di Giovanni e Paolo, djelu postavljenom na scenu 17. veljače 1491. u Compagnia del Vangelista.
U: Tabula (Pula. Online). - ISSN 1849-1685. - (2020), 17 ; str. 331-344  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Religioznost -- Politika -- Etika
Lorenzo Veličanstveni -- Tornabuoni, Lucrezia -- Ficino, Marsilio


ROJNIĆ, Dobrinka
Geopolitical discourse [Elektronička građa] : where and what is Eurasia? / Dobrinka Rojnić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 55-57. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Contemporary geopolitical discourses are to a large extent shaped by networks of global actors with different sources of power. In such networkskey source of power is not just a territory, but also effective and vibrant economic policies that are shaped by countries, companies and other economic actors. The growing attention on geopolitical and geostrategic issues have placed the issue of economic integration high on the list of policy and governance priorities in last two decades. While every country, region, alliance shapes its own geopolitical and geostrategic positioning by formulating and implementing its own energy policy, such policies are to a large extent influenced with what takes place in the territory of Eurasia. In geopolitical discourses, Eurasia has been in the focus of scholarly and political discussions for quite some time now. Previous reviews of geopolitical discourses on Eurasia have showed, however, that while the concept of Eurasia is often employed in the context of its relations with western democracies, the boundaries or properties of concept itself still remain unclear. This paper aims to tackle this problem and define Eurasia in geographical as well as cultural, political and social terms. The literature review and document analysis are, thus, employed to offer the answer to the question: “What and who is Eurasia?” While answering to the question, this paper takes into account the important role Eurasia plays for European Union as a territory with significant energy resources and with a consequential attractivity for economic integration with European Union and its members states. In order to offer the answer to the question “What and who is Eurasia?”, in order to unfold the dimensions of its geopolitical domination, the paper focuses on cultural, economic, geopolitical and social dimensions. - Suvremeni geopolitički diskursi u velikoj su mjeri oblikovani mrežom globalnih aktera s različitim izvorom moći. U takvoj mreži, ključni izvor moći nije klasični teritorij već snažna i djelotvorna ekonomska politika država, kompanija i gospodarskih aktera. U zadnjim dvama desetljećima 21. stoljeća, u geopolitičkim i geostrateškim pitanjima veliku su pažnju zauzele ekonomske integracije koje se nalaze na prioritetnim listama dnevnog reda politika i upravljanja politikom. Dok svaka država, regija, savez svoje geopolitičko i geostrateško pozicioniranje započinje formuliranjem i implementiranjem svojih politika, istodobno su one pod utjecajem zbivanja na teritoriju Euroazije. Euroazija je u geopolitičkom diskursu već prilično dugo u središtu diskusije znanstvenika i političara. Prethodna istraživanja geopolitičkih diskursa o Euroaziji pokazala su zaokupljenost odnosima sa „zapadnim svijetom” dok je sama granica odnosno koncept još uvijek ostao nejasan. Cilj je ovoga rada riješiti taj problem i definirati Euroaziju u geografskom, kulturološkom, ekonomskom i socijalnom smislu. Pregled literature i analiza dokumenata tako su omogućili odgovor na pitanje „gdje je i što je Euroazija?” Odgovarajući na to pitanje, ovaj rad uzima u obzir važnost uloge Euroazije kao aktera s Europskom unijom i to kao teritorija sa značajno bogatim energetskim resursima i posljedično atraktivnog područja za ekonomske integracije s Europskom unijom i njezinim članicama. Kako bi se ponudio odgovor „gdje je i što je Euroazija?” te razotkrila dimenzija njezine geopolitičke dominacije, rad je fokusiran na njezinu kulturološku, ekonomsku, geopolitičku i socijalnu dimenziju.
U: Međunarodne studije (Online). - ISSN 2459-623X. - 20 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 39-58  
 Elektronička verzija članka


GRGIĆ, Stipica, povjesničar
Političke bilješke Ante Trumbića : 1930. - 1938., prir. Stjepan Matković i Marko Trogrliž, Hrvatski institut za povijest, Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, Zagreb, Split, 2019., sv. I. (1930. - 1934.) ; sv. II. (1935. - 1938.) : [prikaz] / Stipica Grgić. - Ilustr.
U: Pilar (Zagreb). - ISSN 1846-3010. - 14 (2019), 1/2(27/28) ; str. 193-196  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Matković, Stjepan -- Trogrliž, Marko -- Trumbić, Ante
Politika -- Hrvatska povijest


MATKOVIĆ, Stjepan, povjesničar
Političke uspomene Stjepana Zagorca : u vrtlogu hrvatske politike / Stjepan Matković, Zlatko Matijević.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Pilar (Zagreb). - ISSN 1846-3010. - 14 (2019), 1/2(27/28) ; str. 9-73  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Politička povijest -- Novi kurs -- Riječka rezolucija -- Hrvatsko-srpska koalicija -- Pravaštvo
Zagorac, Stjepan


SIMIĆ, Ljiljana
The relevance of EU external cultural synergies [Elektronička građa] : the external action strategy and institutional intercultural attitudes / Ljiljana Simić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 22 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - European Union (EU) is a supra-ideological construct in permanent change. Changing times bring the European External Action Service (EEAS) to its cultural strategy. EU external cultural strategy with the complexity of political and social realities defines the two main steps followed in this study: a) EU intercultural strategy analysis, and b) the role and the place of EU Delegations (EU Dels) and the European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC). The basis of the analysis is the qualitative approach. It analyses various institutional manifestations of power and status discrepancies in the EU on a macro and micro institutional level. How does the EU manage to communicate its values and identity in a context of potential cultural and ideological differences? Does ”wanting to understand the other” seem neglected, whereas ”wanting to get understood“ seems to have become an EU intercultural attitude driver? The aim of this paper is to identify the process and relevance of EU cultural synergies and its external intercultural image through various involved actors. - Digitalizacija i umjetna inteligencija mijenjaju moderne poslovne organizacije. Nove tehnologije pomažu pri analizi poslovnog okruženja, praćenju kupaca, kontroli radne uspješnosti i poboljšanju proizvoda. Spomenutom fenomenu posvećeno je malo pozornosti u suvremenoj literaturi o upravljanju kulturom. Cilj nam je utvrditi (1) koje vrste tehnologija kulturne institucije (KI) koriste i (2) iz kojeg razloga. Hipoteza istraživanja je da se KI koriste raznim tehnologijama i alatima. Analizirane su mrežne stranice, letci i audiovizualni materijali 139 kulturnih institucija širom svijeta (kazališta, umjetničkih galerija, opernih kuća i muzeja), te je utvrđeno da KI koriste komplementarne (KT) i zamjenske tehnologije (ZT) u svrhu upravljanja i orijentiranosti na misiju. U članku je predložena matrica tehnologija koje koriste KI. Rezultati sugeriraju da se KI prilagođavaju promjeni tehnološkog okruženja primjenom alata koji ih podržavaju u ispunjavanju i upravljanju misijom. Štoviše, KI često koriste nove tehnologije kako bi osnažili zaposlenike, ali i zamijenili ih.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), spec. iss. ; str. 11-28  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kulturna diplomacija -- Tehnologija -- Umjetna inteligencija -- Kulturološke studije -- Upravljanje baštinom -- Digitalizacija
Europska unija


Tomislav Jonjić, Ivo Pilar : pisac, političar, ideolog (1898.-1918.), AGM, Zagreb, 2020. : [prikaz] / Zlatko Matijević. - Ilustr.
U: Pilar (Zagreb). - ISSN 1846-3010. - 14 (2019), 1/2(27/28) ; str. 187-189  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pilar, Ivo
Politika -- Politička ideologija


BUŠIĆ, Julienne Eden
Wasteland of political correctness [Elektronička građa] / Julienne Busic.
Članan objavljen 6.2.1997. u Vjesniku.
U: National security and the future (Online). - ISSN 1846-1425. - 21 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 103-112  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rat -- Politika -- Politička korektnost
Tuđman, Franjo


Vidi br.: HA20-02168

Vidi br.: HA20-02867

Vidi br.: HA20-02866

Vidi br.: HA20-02742

Vidi br.: HA20-02743

Vidi br.: HA20-02744

321   Oblici političke organizacije. Države kao političke sile

Tra umide mura di cemento t'immagini un po' di libertà [Elektronička građa] : poesia e proletariato nell'Ungheria interbellica / Vito Paoletić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 48-49. - Riassunto ; Summary. - Nel presente contributo si vuole riassumere il rapporto tra il mondo delle lettere, in primis quello della poesia lirica, e il proletariato ungherese quale suo motivo nel difficile periodo di transizione tra le due guerre mondiali. In Ungheria, gli anni Venti e Trenta furono contrassegnati da profonde trasformazioni geopolitiche e instabilità economica, il che portò vaste fasce della popolazione all’orlo di una crisi esistenziale: per il proletariato dell’epoca, e non solo per esso, oppressione e miseria erano all’ordine del giorno. Nel contributo si indaga su come abbiano sentito e sofferto nonché come abbiano espresso la paralisi del quarto stato tre importanti e diversi poeti dell’epoca: l’impressionista Juhász, l’esistenzialista József e l’avanguardista Kassák. - This paper aims at presenting the relationship between literature, above all poetry, and the working class as its motif in interwar Hungary. Geopolitical changes and economic instability shaped the Twenties and Thirties in Hungary, which took the population to the borderline of an existential crisis: back in those years, the working class, and not only this class, was confronted with oppression and poverty on a daily basis. This article looks at how the state of paralisis of working class people was felt and turned into poetry by three important and divergent poets of that period: the impressionist Juhász, the existentialist József and the avantgardiste Kassák.
U: Studia Polensia (Online). - ISSN 2459-6256. - 9 (2020), 1 ; str. 25-50  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mađarska književnost -- Međuratna književnost -- Poezija -- Radnička klasa

Vidi br.: HA20-02170

Vidi br.: HA20-02175

Vidi br.: HA20-02149

Vidi br.: HA20-02158

322   Odnosi između Crkve i države

Vidi br.: HA20-02136

323   Unutarnji poslovi. Unutarnja politika

BEKAVAC, Stjepan
A purposelless effort [Elektronička građa] : European Community and Croatian Serbs / Stjepan Bekavac, Ivica Miškulin.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: 12 jed. - Summary. - In this paper, the authors analyses the relation of international community (European Community) to minority legislation of Republic of Croatia in 1991-1992. In concrete, establishing beyond dispute and evaluating the reasons why the Yugoslavia Peace Conference or special institution which European Community formed in order to find a peaceful solution of the conflict, pressed Zagreb strongly to make deep changes of minority legislation. Special attention is given to the Conference's fixation on special status or regional political autonomy for the territories of Republic of Croatia with Serbian majority.
U: Review of Croatian history (Online). - ISSN 1848-9095. - 16 (2020), 1 ; str. 145-158  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nacionalne manjine -- Srbi
Europska zajednica


SHAY, Shaul
Albania and the Iranian terror threat [Elektronička građa] / Shaul Shay.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 42-43. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The national security of countries and the security of the international system are the cornerstones for the stability and prosperity of the international system. Terrorism in general and state-supported terrorism in particular pose a major threat to the security and stability of the international system. In the course of almost 40 years Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism and has a long and bloody history of terror attacks. Since 2017 the Iranian regime’s terrorist activities appear to be on the rise on European soil. The Iranian regime appears committed to a strategy of targeting Iranian decedents and Western and Israeli interests, even in Europe. Albania, a close US ally has found itself on the frontline of the clash between the West and Iran and Albania has been at the center of terrorist activities organized by Iran, due to hosting the Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK). - Nacionalna sigurnost zemalja i sigurnost međunarodnog sistema su kamen temeljac za stabilnost i prosperitet međunarodnog sistema. Terorizam uopšte i terorizam koji podržava država posebno predstavljaju veliku prijetnju sigurnosti i stabilnosti međunarodnog sistema. Tokom skoro 40 godina Iran je vode ći državni sponzor terorizma i ima dugu i krvavu istoriju terorističkih napada. Od 2017. godine, terorističke aktivnosti iranskog režima su u porastu na tlu Evrope. Čini se da je iranski režim privržen strategiji ciljanja iranskih potomaka i zapadnih i izraelskih interesa, čak i u Evropi. Albanija, bliski saveznik SAD-a, našla se na prvoj liniji sukoba između Zapada i Irana, a Albanija je bila u središtu terorističkih aktivnosti koje je organizovao Iran, zbog domaćina mudžahida-e-Khalka (MEK).
U: Security Science Journal (Online). - ISSN 2737-9493. - 1 (2020), 1 ; str. 35-44  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Terorizam -- Nacionalna sigurnost


The development of Muslim nation in Bosnia and Herzegovina [Elektronička građa] / Danuta Gibas-Krzak.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 189-192. - Summary. - The main goal of this article is to show the conditions and circumstances of the formation of Muslim nation in communist Yugoslavia and the increase of its significance during and after the civil war 1992-1995. Furthermore, author presents the characteristics of contemporary nationalism, and distinguishes specific Balkan nationalism, which is often chauvinistic, ahistorical, militant and exclusive, of ethnocultural character. The identity of Bosnian Muslims originated from belief that their origin, language and culture related to Bosnia and Herzegovina, which makes them different from the Turks and other Islamic nations living in the Ottoman Empire. The genesis of forming Muslim nation in Yugoslavia is interpreted in various ways by the researchers. There is a hypothesis that it has been developed thanks to activity of young people who convinced Josip Broz Tito that such decision would reduce tensions between the Serbs and Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to the Author, Muslim inhabitants of Bosnia and Herzegovina can’t be a separate nation, above all, since the followers of Islam were nationally indifferent, and their cultural legacy is completely different than Serbian and Croatian legacy.
U: Review of Croatian history (Online). - ISSN 1848-9095. - 16 (2020), 1 ; str. 177-192  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Muslimani -- Nacije -- Nacionalizam -- Etnički sukobi

Vidi br.: HA20-02297

Vidi br.: HA20-02208

324   Izbori. Plebisciti. Referendumi. Izborni rezultati

Sekuritizacija iregularnih migracija u kampanji za predsjedničke izbore u Republici Hrvatskoj 2019./2020. [Elektronička građa] / Goran Džidić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 46-49. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Nekoliko godina nakon vrhunca migracijske krize iz 2015. godine, ovaj oblik nevojne prijetnje postao je važan dio političke debate na nacionalnoj i nadnacionalnoj razini Europske unije. Republika Hrvatska, kao država koja je dio tzv. balkanskog pravca migracija, nije iznimka. Migracijska kriza iz 2015./2016. godine predstavljala je jedno od glavnih pitanja o kojem se raspravljalo tijekom kampanje za predsjedničke izbore 2019./2020. godine u Republici Hrvatskoj. U radu se kritičkom analizom diskursa istražuju stavovi predsjedničkih kandidata Zorana Milanovića i Kolinde Grabar-Kitarović vezani za sigurnosne izazove koje predstavljaju masovne migracije. Kao jedinice analize, u istraživanju su korištene izjave predsjedničkih kandidata prezentirane na tri televizijska sučeljavanja održana tijekom kampanje za predsjedničke izbore. - A few years after the peak of the 2015 migration crisis, this type of nonmilitary threat has become an important part of the political debate at national and supranational level of the European Union. The Republic of Croatia, as a part of the so-called Balkan Route, is no exception. Migration crisis from the 2015/2016 represents one of the most important issues discussed during the 2019/2020 presidential election campaign in the Republic of Croatia. Applying critical discourse analysis, this paper aims to explore the views of presidential candidates Zoran Milanović and Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović regarding the security challenges caused by mass migration. Units of analysis are the statements of the presidential candidates presented at the three television debates held during the presidential election campaign.
U: Suvremene teme. - ISSN 1847-2397. - 11 (2020), 1 ; str. 27-50  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Predsjednički izbori -- Sekuritizacija -- Migracije -- Kritička analiza diskursa
Europska unija


325   Zauzimanje teritorija. Kolonizacija. Kolonijalizam

Vidi br.: HA20-02872

Vidi br.: HA20-02857

327   Međunarodni odnosi. Svjetska politika. Međunarodni poslovi. Vanjska politika

"Diamond stage" in Sino-Croatian relations [Elektronička građa] / Ivica Bakota.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 174-176. - Abstract. - By borrowing an ad hoc concept 'diamond stage' uttered by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang during his visit to Croatia in April 2019 to describe a new stage in Sino-Croatian bilateral relations, this article sets to analyse the reasons behind this flattering diplomatic designation. It departs from the context of weak, historically distant and asymmetrical Sino-Croatian cooperation (SCC), giving, firstly, a short account on historical relations between China and Croatia and, secondly, relying on small state power scholarship in IR, depicting the opening and advancing of SCC. While categories of state size, geographical proximity, bilateral history and relational capacity are relatively pointless given the previous track of SCC, the dynamics of decreasing asymmetry between a small state and a big power helps to understand the recent upcoming of a new, 'diamond' stage in bilateral relations. Therefore, the article proposes several features as particularly relevant for understanding decreased asymmetry in SCC.
U: Croatian international relations review (Online). - ISSN 1848-5782. - 26 (2020), 86 ; str. 156-176  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Međunarodni odnosi -- Povijesni odnosi

A coming age of micro game of power [Elektronička građa] : history and reality / Zhang Jiadong.
Bibliografija: 7 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The traditional theory of international relations, whether it is realism, liberalism, constructivism, or scientific behaviorism, define sovereign states as a unified body in international arena. It has consistent interests, and naturally also has consistent foreign policy goals and means. In the 20th century, and especially during the two World Wars and the Cold War, this conceptual abstraction was very accurate. But after the end of the Cold War, especially in the 21st century, this concept gradually went against the reality of international relations. On the one hand, the comprehensive strength of a country cannot directly transform competitive advantages in specific areas; on the other hand, the main resistance of many countries, including superpowers, may not be another power, but different domestic interest groups as well as international non state actors. This has caused traditional international relations theories, from hypotheses to conceptual and inferential levels, to be unable to explain the world today. - Tradicionalna teorija međunarodnih odnosa, bilo da je to realizam, liberalizam, konstruktivizam ili naučni biheviorizam, definiše suverene države kao jedinstveno telo u međunarodnoj areni. Ima konzistentne interese, a naravno i konzistentne spoljnopolitičke ciljeve i sredstva. U 20.veku, a posebno tokom dva svetska rata i hladnog rata, ova konceptualna apstrakcija bila je veoma tačna. Ali nakon završetka hladnog rata, posebno u 21. veku, ovaj koncept je postepeno išao u suprotnost sa stvarnoš ću međunarodnih odnosa. S jedne strane, sveobuhvatna snaga zemlje ne može direktno transformisati konkurentske prednosti u određenim oblastima; s druge strane, glavni otpor mnogih zemalja, uključujući supersile, možda nije druga sila, već različite domaće interesne grupe kao i međunarodni nedržavni akteri. To je uzrokovalo da tradicionalne teorije međunarodnih odnosa, od hipoteza do konceptualnog i inferencijalnog nivoa, danas nisu u stanju objasniti svet.
U: Security Science Journal (Online). - ISSN 2737-9493. - 1 (2020), 1 ; str. 101-112  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Međunarodni odnosi -- Globalizacija

FORCA, Božidar
Actual challenges, risks and security safety [Elektronička građa] / Božidar Forca, Dragoljub Sekulović, Igor Vukonjanski. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 81-82. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Security is one of the most common terms in the modern world. This statement is supported by the fact that the term security is used in a wide range of areas. The subject of this paper is national security and the challenges, risks and threats to that security in contemporary international relations. The purpose of the work is twofold. First, to show the diversity of theoretical understanding of the term challenge, risk and threat by various authors. On the other hand, the overriding goal is to analyze the relationship to the challenges, risks and threats in different countries. When it comes to national security, challenges, risks and threats, most often, are identified in a document called the national security strategy. This document, as one of the highest in the hierarchy of political acts of every state, when it comes to security, is passed by almost all modern states of the world. The analysis of numerous national security strategies has revealed that it is possible to identify: 1) the challenges, risks and threats that appear in all strategies, 2) the challenges, risks and threats of security that appear in most strategies, and 3) the challenges, risks and threats of security which are country specific. - Bezbednost je jedan od najfrekventnijih termina savremenog sveta. Ta konstatacija potkrepljena je činjenicom da se termin bezbednost koristi u širokom spektru oblasti. Predmet ovog rada jeste nacionalna bezbednost i izazovi, rizici i pretnje toj bezbednosti u savremenim međunarodnim odnosima. Cilj rada je dvostruk. Prvo, da se pokaže raznolikost teorijskog poimanja termina izazov, rizik i pretnje od strane raznih autora. S druge strane, težišni cilj jeste analiza odnosa prema izazovima, rizicima i pretnjama u različitim držvama. Kad je u pitanju nacionalna bezbednost, izazovi, rizici i pretnje, najčešće, identifikuju se u dokumentu koji se naziva strategija nacionalne bezbednosti. Taj dokument, kao jedan od najviših u hijerarhiji političkih akata svake države, kada je bezbednost u pitanju, donose gotovo sve savremene države sveta. Analizom brojnih strategija nacionalne bezbednosti pokazalo se da je moguće identifikovati: 1) izazove, rizike i pretnje koji se pojavljuju u svim strategijama, 2) izazove, rizike i pretnje bezbednosti, koje se pojavljuju u većini strategija i 3) izazove, rizike i pretnje bezbednosti koji su specifični za pojedine zemlje.
U: Security Science Journal (Online). - ISSN 2737-9493. - 1 (2020), 1 ; str. 65-83  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sigurnost -- Strategije -- Izazovi -- Rizici -- Prijetnja

Bogdan Radica kao svjedok bijede (dijela) hrvatske političke emigracije [Elektronička građa] / Stevo Đurašković.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 180-183. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U članku se prikazuje kritika hrvatske političke emigracije od njezina sudionika Bogdana Radice. Polazeći od koncepta bijede malih istočnoeuropskih država poznatoga mađarskog povjesničara Istvána Bibόa, članak pokazuje kako je Radica bijedu (dijela) hrvatske političke emigracije detektirao u njezinu odbijanju integraciji u društva zapadne Europe i SAD-a zbog odbacivanja vrijednosti liberalne demokracije, stoga je emigracija, prema Radici, propustila ispuniti najvažnije zadaće: pokušati djelovati na javnost i društvene elite zapadnih zemalja u smjeru ostvarenja samostalne Hrvatske. Naposljetku, Radica analizira fenomen terorizma najmlađega emigrantskog vala 1970-ih godina preko koncepta dinarskog poluinteligenta izvedenog iz koncepta poluinteligencije Jósea Ortege Y Gasseta, kojim se Radica već koristio u opisivanju situacije u Hrvatskoj i Jugoslaviji 1945. godine. - The article presents a critique of Croatian political emigration by its participant Bogdan Radica. Framing the article into the concept of The Miseries of East European Small States by the famous Hungarian historian István Bibό, the article exposes the Bogdan Radica narrative on the misery (of part) of the Croatian political emigration. This misery Radica first and foremost finds in the rejection of the integration into western European and the respective US societies due to a disdain for the values of liberal democracy widespread in emigre circles. In Radica’s opinion, the Croatian political emigration failed to fulfil its most important task: to spread the word on the righteousness of the demands for Croatian independence in Western European and the US public respectively. Eventually, Radica offers a subtle analysis of the terrorist inclinations of the youngest emigrant waves in the 1970s by using a concept of the “Dinaric semi-intellectual” appropriated from the concept of the semi-intelligent by famous Spanish philosopher Jóse Ortega Y Gasset; the concept which Radica already previously deployed in describing Croatia and Yugoslavia in the immediate aftermath of World War II.
U: Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu (Online). - ISSN 2459-5128. - (2020), 13 ; str. 171-184  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Politička emigracija -- Liberalna demokracija
Radica, Bogdan


FIGHEL, Jonathan
Bridging the gap between "science" and "security" [Elektronička građa] / Jonathan Fighel.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 62-63. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Security is multidimensional in nature and diverse in practice. This diversity leads to difficulty in providing a single all-encompassing definition for the many applied domains of security. Security cannot be considered singular in concept definition, as definition is dependent on applied context. Security incorporates diverse and multi-disciplined actors, originating and practicing across many disciplines. This multidimensional nature of security results unclear understanding of a definition for the concept of security. Bridging the gap between the traditional definitions of science and the undefined definition of what is Security can be achieved through Scientific Security Research methodologies that will be engaged and implemented in the exploration, analysis and conclusions of the systematic and organized body of knowledge. - Bezbednost je višedimenzionalne prirode i raznolika u praksi. Ova raznolikost dovodi do poteškoća u pružanju jedinstvene sveobuhvatne definicije za mnoge primenjene oblasti bezbednosti. Bezbednost se u definiciji koncepta ne može smatrati jedinstvenom, jer definicija zavisi od primijenjenog konteksta. Bezbednost uključuje različite i multidisciplinirane aktere, koji potiču i vežbaju u mnogim disciplinama. Ova višedimenzionalna priroda bezbednosti rezultira nejasnim razumevanjem definicije pojma bezbednosti. Uklanjanje jaza između tradicionalnih definicija nauke i neodređene definicije šta je bezbednost može se postići naučnim metodama u nauci bezbednosti koje će biti angažovane i primenjene u istraživanju, analizi i zaključcima sistematskog i organizovanog skupa znanja.
U: Security Science Journal (Online). - ISSN 2737-9493. - 1 (2020), 1 ; str. 57-64  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sigurnost -- Znanost -- Definicija -- Procjena rizika

CESAREC, Ivana, inženjerka kriznog menadžmenta
The concept of human security as a basis for the application of big data concept in establishment of early warning aystem for crisis management in the Republic of Croatia [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Cesarec, Robert Mikac, Davor Spevec.
Bibliografija: str. 93-95. - Abstract. - We live in a globalized world characterized by constant crises in numerous social and geographical areas. Political instability, climate change, overpopulation, uncontrolled migration, poor governance, crime, as well as many other factors create the circumstances from which crises can develop. Each crisis given its causes and possible consequences requires different approaches and response systems. This research focuses on considering modern technological solutions that have the purpose of alerting and protecting individuals from risks and threats that can lead to their suffering, caused by natural, technical-technological and anthropogenic crisis events. It also aims to link the theory of human security and the big data concept and present their application through the development of the early warning system for crisis management in the Republic of Croatia. This research has significant value because it analyses and describes the establishment of a particular system in the world.
U: Croatian international relations review (Online). - ISSN 1848-5782. - 26 (2020), 86 ; str. 72-95  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ljudska sigurnost -- Veliki podaci -- Krizni menadžment

KAZANSKY, Rastislav
The conflict theory as a pillar of security science [Elektronička građa] / Rastislav Kazansky. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 29 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research on conflict theory has developed rapidly, particularly in the last 15 years. This note provides an overview of conflict theory utilizing a cross-classification, wherein such research is classified both by analytic approaches and by areas of application. The note also presents an extensive bibliography of publications in conflict theory. This contribution tries to present introductions to conflict theory as a pillar of security science and ist importance to the national and international level today. The goal of this contribution presents the background for the next theoretical analysis of conflicts, methods employed to resolve them, and how they may be prevented. The work is an introduction to these issues. It attempts to include a wide range of topics dealt with by the study of conflict resolution and prevention. The included deeper analysis of the issue of conflict prevention is a key part of the work. Emphasis is put on the theory and practice of conflicts, due to the importance of conflict escalation prevention in the pre-conflict phase, the phase of conflict transformation, and during the process of post-conflict reconstruction. - Istraživanja teorije sukoba brzo su se razvijala, posebno u poslednjih 15 godina. Ovaj rad daje pregled teorije sukoba koristeći unakrsnu klasifikaciju, pri čemu se takva istraživanja klasifikuju i prema analitičkim pristupima i prema oblastima primene. Rad je također zasnovan na obimnoj bibliografskoj građi u teoriji sukoba. Naučni doprinos ogleda se u pokušaju da teoriju sukoba predstavi kao stub nauke o bezbednosti i od suštinske je važnosti za nacionalnu i međunarodnu bezbednost danas. Cilј ovog rada predstavlјa teorijska analiza sukoba, metode koje se koriste za njihovo rešavanje i način na koji mogu biti sprečeni. Rad pokušava da uklјuči širok spektar tema u funkciji proučavanja, rešavanja i prevencije sukoba. Uklјučena je dublјa analiza pitanja sprečavanja sukoba kao centralni deo rada. Akcenat je stavlјen na teoriju i praksu sukoba, zbog važnosti sprečavanja eskalacije sukoba u pretkonfliktnoj fazi, fazi transformacije sukoba i tokom procesa postkonfliktne rekonstrukcije.
U: Security Science Journal (Online). - ISSN 2737-9493. - 1 (2020), 2 ; str. 32-48  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sigurnost -- Sukob -- Teorija sukoba -- Teorijska analiza

ÖZIGCI, Yunus Emre
Crimea as Saguntum? [Elektronička građa] : a phenomenological approach to the Ukrainian crisis within the framework of a transforming post-bipolar structure / Yunus Emre Özigci.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 65-70. - Abstract. - The developments in Ukraine in 2014, namely the annexation of Crimea and the secessionist upheaval in Donetsk and Lugansk areas caused — or appeared as the content of — a rift between the “West” and Russia. The core questions of this article explore the nature of this rift and its significance on the shape of the international system in their relatedness to the Ukrainian crisis. The concepts employed in the study belong to phenomenology as adapted to the field of international relations, in order to answer to the apparent need to develop a tool that would enable us to ground the study on its subjective/intersubjective infrastructure that is adequate to the nature of the concepts of state, territory, international system and relations. Within this framework, the Ukrainian crisis and Crimean annexation appear as a positional and systemic content that marks a new temporal phase of the post-bipolar intersubjectivity. An existential framework shall thus be provided to policy contents, as a posteriori yet “real” elements of the phenomena which may be extended, on subjective/intersubjective grounds of international relations, towards positional and systemic horizons as defining and restraining fundamentals of causal interactions.
U: Croatian international relations review (Online). - ISSN 1848-5782. - 26 (2020), 86 ; str. 42-70  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Međunarodni odnosi -- Fenomenologija

STOPIĆ, Zvonimir, povjesničar
Croatia and the Chinese "17+1" cooperation framework [Elektronička građa] / Zvonimir Stopić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 152-154. - Abstract. - Since the Pelješac bridge construction project was awarded to the Chinese company China Road and Bridge Cooperation (CRBC) in January 2018, the Sino-Croatian relations reached a new high point. Since then, and contrary to Croatia’s past activity and interest, Croatia not only opted to more actively participate in the “17+1” cooperation framework, but even stepped forward by hosting the latest “17+1” summit, held in April 2019. The rekindled relations have since been, on the surface, bursting with possibilities regarding investment, exchanges of personnel, and cooperation on various levels. However, years of neglect, especially on the Croatian side, had created a situation in which Croatia is critically falling behind in experts, Chinese-speaking talents, and various aspects of knowledge needed to support this level of cooperation. Furthermore, judging by the press releases and the lack of clarifications from the Croatian government regarding the short-term decisions and the long-term direction the renewed Sino-Croatian friendship is taking, general understanding of how concepts such as the “17+1” or the Belt and Road Initiative actually reflect on Croatia with regards to their influence on the wider regional and global circumstances is also lacking. This paper analyses the width of the uneven approach China and Croatia are taking in the development of their relations and will attempt to address the issues and challenges that could arise from this unevenness.
U: Croatian international relations review (Online). - ISSN 1848-5782. - 26 (2020), 86 ; str. 130-154  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Međunarodni odnosi -- Strategija razvoja
Inicijativa Pojas i put


RAŠIDAGIĆ, Ešref Kenan
Development of Turkish foreign policy towards the Western Balkans with focus on Bosnia and Herzegovina [Elektronička građa] / Ešref Kenan Rašidagić, Zora Hesova.
Bibliografija: str. 123-129. - Abstract. - Under the AKP government, Turkey’s foreign policy towards the Western Balkans, and Bosnia and Herzegovina in particular, has led many analysts to suspect it of possessing neo-imperial, or so-called neo-Ottoman, objectives. These suspicions have been compounded by the repeated declarations of former Prime Minister Davutoğlu and current President Erdoğan that the history and religious identity shared by Turks and Western Balkan Muslims forms the basis of both Turkish-Balkan relations and a common future. Critical examination of official Ankara’s attitudes toward the Western Balkans in general, and especially Bosnia and Herzegovina, identifies four distinct phases in which cultural, historical, and religious appeals morphed into the set of distinctive foreign policies. These policies have also been shaped by pragmatic pursuits of regional influence, the effects of internal (Turkish) transformations, and more recently, the ad hoc policies of President Erdoğan. This article will reconstruct the development of Turkish foreign policy since 1990, from multilateral and soft power efforts to religious and economic objectives, and will analyse the limits of this policy.
U: Croatian international relations review (Online). - ISSN 1848-5782. - 26 (2020), 86 ; str. 96-129  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vanjska politika -- Neoosmanizam

GAJSKI, Bruno Korea
Diplomacija Nezavisne Države Hrvatske [Elektronička građa] : akteri i procesi / Bruno Korea Gajski.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 36-37. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Autor iznosi ključne postupke diplomacije Nezavisne Države Hrvatske: od ustrojstva ministarstva vanjskih poslova u travnju 1941. do zadnjih pokušaja spašavanja NDH u svibnju 1945. U članku su prezentirani svi relevantni događaji za diplomaciju NDH s naglaskom na najvažnije aktere u pojedinim diplomatskim akcijama. Navedeni su svi ministri vanjskih poslova koji su bili na čelu ministarstva, njihove diplomatske aktivnosti te razlozi njihove smjene ili ostavke. Članak također daje uvid u krajnju zavisnost ustaškog režima prema fašističkim saveznicama, Njemačkoj i Italiji – obrađujući odnos sa svakom od njih posebno. Učestalo mijenjanje ministara vanjskih poslova i poslanika u najvažnijim državama za NDH izraz je visoke nestabilnosti i podčinjenosti ustaškog režima okupacijskim silama. - The author presents the key moments of the diplomacy of the Independent State of Croatia: from the organization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in April 1941 to the last attempts to save the Independent State of Croatia in May 1945. The article presents all relevant events for the diplomacy of the Independent State of Croatia with a focus on the most important participant in certain diplomatic actions. The paper lists all foreign ministers who headed the ministry, their diplomatic activities and the reasons for their dismissal or resignation. The article also provides an insight into the utmost dependence of the Ustasha regime on fascist allies, Germany and Italy. processing the relationship with each of them separately. The frequent change of foreign ministers and ambassadors in the most important states for the NDH is an expression of high instability and subordination of the Ustasha regime to the occupying forces.
U: Međunarodne studije (Online). - ISSN 2459-623X. - 20 (2020),1/2 ; str.15-37  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lorković, Mladen


The fate of the Western Balkans regional security subcomplex - the necessity of regional cooperation [Elektronička građa] / Petar Djukić, Darko Obradović.
Bibliografija: str. 62-63. - Summary ; Sažetak. - We refer to the Western Balkans as a regional security subcomplex that is only part of a wider, European complex. It consists of all the states of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, except Slovenia, including Albania. It is a region that had a very turbulent past and which is still, in many ways, specific. Relations between the countries of the Western Balkans are determined by unresolved issues from the past, very intense regional security dynamics, as well as projections of the interests of global powers. However, even in such circumstances, regional cooperation is imperative in the fight against terrorism, illegal migration, transnational organized crime, and other serious threats and challenges to regional security and stability. The paper will present the basic geopolitical and security characteristics of the regional security subcomplex Western Balkans. Based on that, we will be able to get a full picture of the necessity of regional cooperation in the Western Balkans in the light of Euro-Atlantic integration and the construction of a kind of security community in the region. - Zapadni Balkan nazivamo regionalnim bezbednosnim podkompleksom koji je samo deo šireg evropskog kompleksa. Sastoji se od svih država bivše Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije, osim Slovenije, uklјučujući Albaniju. To je region koji je imao vrlo burnu prošlost i koji je i dalјe, na mnogo načina, specifičan. Odnose između država zapadnog Balkana određuju nerešena pitanja iz prošlosti, vrlo intenzivna dinamika regionalne bezbednosti, kao i projekcije interesa globalnih sila. Međutim, čak iu takvim okolnostima, regionalna saradnja je imperativ u borbi protiv terorizma, ilegalnih migracija, transnacionalnog organizovanog kriminala i drugih ozbilјnih pretnji i izazova za regionalnu bezbednost i stabilnost. U radu će biti predstavlјene osnovne geopolitičke i bezbednosne karakteristike regionalnog bezbednosnog podkompleksa Zapadni Balkan. Na osnovu toga, moći ćemo da steknemo potpunu sliku o neophodnosti regionalne saradnje na zapadnom Balkanu u svetlu evroatlantskih integracija i izgradnje svojevrsne bezbednosne zajednice u regionu.
U: Security Science Journal (Online). - ISSN 2737-9493. - 1 (2020), 2 ; str. 49-64  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sigurnost -- Regionalna sigurnost -- Regionalna suradnja -- Međunarodni odnosi

MAISAIA, Vakhtang
Georgia's security environment and combating terrorism - new challenges and threat in 21st century [Elektronička građa] / Vakhtang Maisaia, Eteri Khanjaliashvili. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 120-121. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The article discusses Georgia’s security environment in the lens of terrorism. Taking into account that 21st century took the importance of terrorism on a global scale it became not only concern of word politic but domestic politics as well. It is the act of violence initiated by humans and are often of a malicious nature. That is a reason for increased attention toward it. Although Georgia is not among the countries with high risk of terrorist attack, there are some challenges in this respect. However, before estimating the threats coming from terrorism, first, we need to clarify conceptual meaning of security for Georgia and what are the main threats for it. Security environment in Georgia is linked with Russian occupation and terrorism, especially with Chechen fighters in Syria and Iraq who sometimes are associated with Pankisi gorge (east Georgia). Returning back these fighters in Georgia may cause some danger for its security. But Georgia has close ties with international society and it cooperates with different organizations with this respect. - U članku se govori o bezbednosnom okruženju Gruzije u svetlu terorizma. Uzimajući u obzir da je u 21. vek dat značaj terorizmu na globalnom nivou, i to ne samo na svetskom, već i na nivou unutrašnjih politika. To je nasilje koje vrše ljudi, i često je zlonamerne prirode. U tome je razlog za povećanu pažnju prema njemu. Iako Gruzija nije među zemljama sa visokim rizikom terorističkih napada, u tom pogledu postoje određeni izazovi. Međutim, pre nego što procenimo pretnje koje dolaze od terorizma, prvo moramo razjasniti konceptualno značenje bezbednosti za Gruziju i koje su glavne pretnje po nju. Sigurnosno okruženje u Gruziji povezano je sa ruskom okupacijom i terorizmom, posebno sa čečenskim borcima u Siriji i Iraku koji su ponekad povezani sa klisurama Pankisija (istočna Džordžija). Povratak ovih boraca u Gruziju može prouzrokovati određenu opasnost po sigurnost.
U: Security Science Journal (Online). - ISSN 2737-9493. - 1 (2020), 1 ; str. 113-121  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sigurnost -- Terorizam -- Antiterorizam

RADOVIĆ Kapor, Ana
Kritike međunarodne zajednice prema Hrvatskoj 1995. - 1999. [Elektronička građa] / Ana Radović Kapor, Vladimir Filipović.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 169-172. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U članku se analiziraju kritike usmjerene prema Republici Hrvatskoj koje su dolazile iz međunarodne zajednice u razdoblju od završetka operacije Oluja 1995. do kraja 1999. Pojam međunarodna zajednica shvaćen je kao paradigmatski okvir unutar kojega se formira stanoviti dominantni narativ. Analizirana su izvješća koja su objavljivale različite institucije: OESS, Human Rights Watch, američki State Department. Uz to, analizirana je arhiva novina New York Times u predmetnom razdoblju kao primjer sukreatora javnog narativa. Članak je podijeljen prema temama kritike koje su uočene u istraženim izvorima: položaj Srba i povrat izbjeglica, ljudska i manjinska prava, medijske slobode, manjkavosti demokracije i provedba Daytonskog sporazuma. - The article analyzes the criticism of the international community towards the Republic of Croatia, from the finalization of Operation Storm in 1995 to the end of 1999. The term “international community” refers to a paradigmatic framework, within which a certain dominant narrative is formed. Reports published by various institutions were analyzed: OSCE, Human Rights Watch, and the US State Department. Also, the archive of the New York Times for the same period was analyzed as an example of a public narrative co-creator. The article is divided according to the topics of criticism noted during the research: the position of Serbs and the return of refugees, human and minority rights, freedom of the media, the shortcomings of democracy, and the implementation of the Dayton Agreement.
U: Međunarodne studije (Online). - ISSN 2459-623X. - 20 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 155-172  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ljudska prava -- Povratak prognanika -- Medijske slobode -- Izborni zakon -- Daytonski sporazum

Living in the vicinity of the Yugoslav-Hungarian border (1945-1960) [Elektronička građa] : breaks and continuities : a case study of Hercegszántó (Santovo) / Péter Vukman.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: 45 jed. - Summary. - The history of Hungarian–Yugoslav relations was characterized by frequent changes after 1945. The rapid improvement of bilateral relations was abruptly interrupted by the escalation of the Soviet–Yugoslav conflict in 1948–1949. Tensions eased only after 1953 when a slow and time-consuming process of normalization started between the two states. These often-dramatic twists and turns had a profound and often intense impact on the everyday lives of those Hungarians and ethnic South Slavs who lived in the vicinity of the Hungarian–Yugoslav border. Breaks, changes, and continuities can all be observed at the local level. In this article, I will examine these factors in the case of South Slavic minorities living in Hercegszántó (Santovo), a village located in an area known as the Baja triangle. In the first part of the paper, I will provide the reader with some background information on the history of Hungarian–Yugoslav relations, with a particular emphasis on minorities. Then in the second part, I will analyse the ethnic and social composition of the village, its history after World War II, the effects of rapidly deteriorating Hungarian–Yugoslav relations after 1948 and, finally, the hopes and fears of the local Magyars and South Slavs during the period of normalization (1953–1956). My conclusions are based on archival research mostly carried out at several Hungarian archives.
U: History in flux (Online). - ISSN 2706-4441. - 2 (2020), 2 ; str. 9-27  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mađarsko-jugoslavenski odnosi -- Granični položaj -- Nacionalne manjine -- Južnoslavenske manjine

On the norms and habits of the European Union as a meta-organisation [Elektronička građa] / Marina V. Strezhneva.
Bibliografija: str. 24-31. - Abstract. - With the aim of methodological reflection, this article analyses the three approaches (realist, constructivist and relational) in international relations theory most commonly employed to study foreign policy and the global influence of the European Union. Pivotal notions such as 'agency', 'identity', 'norms', 'system' and 'practice' provide us with navigation points between these approaches, enabling us to achieve a clearer impression of the many different meanings these terms can contain. These meanings, in their turn, fix the direction, limitations and scope of any concrete theoretic analysis. This article is meant to draw particular attention to Bourdieuvian practice theory and Alexander Bogdanov's tektology as two differing variants of relationism, with a view to overcoming certain deficiencies in application to the studies of the EU of methodological individualism, as employed in more 'traditional' theories. To illustrate the relationalist way of theorising when dealing with the paradoxes of the EU external policies and global role, a follow-up interpretation, based on tektology, is given in conclusion to the resilience turn in the EU global strategy.
U: Croatian international relations review (Online). - ISSN 1848-5782. - 26 (2020), 87 ; str. 6-31  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Međunarodni odnosi -- Teorija organizacije -- Otpornost


DUKIĆ, Bernard, povjesničar
Politički islam (islamizam), terorizam i utjecaj islamskih zemalja u Bosni i Hercegovini [Elektronička građa] / Bernard Dukić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 81 jed. - Sažetak. - U tradiciji islama kao religije postoje ekspanzivne ideje i metode. Cilj islamistički orijentiranih muslimana u konačnici je živjeti u jednoj državi sa šerijatskim zakonom. Politički islam je krajnja posljedica takve ideje, te se u političkom islamu islam instrumentalizira u političke svrhe želeći pokoriti sve nemuslimanske narode i države s kojim su u vječnom sukobu (Dahr el Harb - Kuća Rata). U Bosni i Hercegovini, islamizam je postojao tijekom 20.st., a intezivirao se nakon Drugog svjetskog rata djelovanjem Alije Izetbegovića i njegove grupe. Tijekom rata u BiH 1992.-1995.g., u toj su zemlji djelovale mnoge terorističke skupine, obavještajne službe islamskih zemalja, a i uspostavljena je i službena Muslimanska/Bošnjačka stranka SDA. Nakon rata, mnogi teroristi su ostali, a skupine koje ostaju prijetnja su vehabijska zajednica, terorističke organizacije (kao Al Qai'da), kao i skupine povezane s Muslimanskim bratstvom.
U: National security and the future (Online). - ISSN 1846-1425. - 21 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 49-94  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Islamizam -- Šerijat -- Terorizam -- Vehabizam
Izetbegović, Alija


Razvoj i demokratizacija obavještajne službe u Argentini (1946. - 2001.) [Elektronička građa] / Lidija Kos Stanišić, Ante Šunjić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 133-136. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad predstavlja studiju slučaja razvoja i demokratizacije glavne obavještajne službe Argentine u razdoblju od 1946. do 2001. Autori koriste tradicionalni historijski i institucionalni pristup, a rad se nalazi na razmeđi obavještajnih studija i studija demokratizacije. Teza autora glasi: nakon što je glavna obavještajna argentinska služba, kao jedan od najmoćnijih izvanustavnih veto aktera, uspjela postići svoj glavni cilj – da ne bude kažnjena za zločine koje je počinila tijekom vojne vladavine – dobrovoljno se podvrgnula predsjednicima koji su je, kao i autokratski prethodnici, uglavnom koristili za ostanak na vlasti. - The paper presents a case study of the development and democratization of Argentina’s main intelligence agency in the period from 1946 to 2001. The authors use a traditional historical and institutional approach, and the paper is located at the intersection of intelligence and democratization studies. The author’s thesis is - after Argentina’s main intelligence service, as one of the most powerful non-constitutional veto actors, managed to achieve its main goal - not to be punished for crimes committed during military rule - it voluntarily submitted to presidents who, as well as autocratic predecessors, mostly used it to stay in power.
U: Međunarodne studije (Online). - ISSN 2459-623X. - 20 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 115-136  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obavještajne službe -- Autokracija -- Demokratizacija

GUDALOV, Nikolay N.
The resilience of the EU neighbours to the south and to the east [Elektronička građa] : a comparative analysis / Nikolay N. Gudalov, Evgeny Yu Treshchenkov.
Bibliografija: str. 33-41. - Abstract. - Resilience is a widespread concept and a key priority for the EU. We focus on resilience’s relations with stability. These notions have been subject to ongoing theoretical debate and have not been clearly separated in EU discourses. We explore how resilience and stability have been used regarding the Southern and Eastern dimensions of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and suggest how their different meanings may be better distinguished and conceptualised. Resilience has penetrated the ENP’s discourses unevenly and attracted the limited interest of the neighbours. Besides, the EU’s policies will likely face numerous practical problems mostly similar to the ENP’s both dimensions. The EU’s policies themselves have disturbed stability in its neighbourhood, and now, even restoring the old stability would be problematic, let alone attaining a more positive one. Furthermore, the EU could impose its views regarding stability and/or resilience. Also, Brussels could de facto uphold negative stability and/or resilience.
U: Croatian international relations review (Online). - ISSN 1848-5782. - 26 (2020), 86 ; str. 6-41  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Politička stabilnost -- Europska politika susjedstva -- Otpornost


Security as an independent scientific discipline - a contribution to a comprehensive security study to meet the requirements of the contemporary globalized world [Elektronička građa] / Orhan Dragaš.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 98-99. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The study of security, in all its aspects, traditionally faces a number of problems, from terminology and meaning, to definition and the corpus of knowledge. Only when we resolve these problems can we deliver a successful formulation of security science as an independent discipline. The “Security concept” is often subject to more scrutiny than the general ambit of security science, which would interpret this concept within its own framework. There remains a lack of any unique and comprehensive definition of Security concept, which tends to be viewed as an interaction with the security object. We, attempt to define it through two questions: Security for whom? And Security based on which values? The international reality at the beginning of the 21st century presented a challenge to the academic sector to redefine the dominant existing principles of the security concept. This meant the need for the state to move aside as the long-standing predominant security controller and thus for academics to observe security as a general prerequisite for the functioning of any system, be it a state, database, business, environment or citizen, etc. The field of ​​security is still dominantly studied within the context of some other academic discipline, principally social sciences, such as sociology and criminology. However, there is a growing need to study security in the context of technological sciences, bearing in mind the increasing significance of security of information systems, databases and so on. Research has shown that the security field already has sufficient categories (fields) that would constitute its unique “corpus of knowledge”, as an important prerequisite for qualifying security as an independent science. - Proučavanje bezbednosti u svim aspektima tradicionalno se suočava sa brojnim teškoćama, od terminologije i značenja, do definicije i korpusa znanja. Tek kada budu razrešene ove dileme, mogu da se donesu uspešne formulacije nauke o bezbednosti kao nezavisne discipline. „Koncept bezbednosti“ često je podložan da privuče više pažnje nego opšti opseg nauke o bezbednosti, koja bi ovaj koncept tumačila u sopstvenom okviru. Ostaje nedostatak bilo koje jedinstvene i sveobuhvatne definicije koncepta bezbednosti, koja ima tendenciju da se posmatra kao interakcija sa bezbednosnim objektom. Mi to pokušavamo da definišemo kroz dva pitanja: Bezbednost za koga? A bezbednost na osnovu kojih vrednosti? Međunarodna stvarnost početkom 21. veka predstavljala je izazov akademskom sektoru da redefiniše dominantne postojeće principe bezbednosnog koncepta. To je značilo potrebu da se država odmakne kao dugogodišnji dominantni kontrolor bezbednosti, a samim tim i da sledbenici akademskog obrazovanja bezbednost posmatraju kao opšti preduslov funkcionisanja bilo kog sistema, bilo da je to država, baza podataka, posao, okruženje ili građani itd. .Polje bezbednosti još uvek je dominantno proučavano u kontekstu neke druge akademske discipline, uglavnom društvenih nauka, poput sociologije i kriminologije. Međutim, postoji sve veća potreba za proučavanjem bezbednosti u kontekstu tehnoloških nauka, imajući u vidu sve veći značaj bezbednost informacionih sistema, baza podataka i tako dalje. Istraživanje je pokazalo da polje bezbednosti već ima dovoljno kategorija (polja) koje bi mogle sadržavati jedinstveni „korpus znanja“, kao važan preduslov za kvalifikaciju bezbednosti kao nezavisne nauke.
U: Security Science Journal (Online). - ISSN 2737-9493. - 1 (2020), 1 ; str. 85-100  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sigurnost -- Znanost -- Svijet -- Globalizacija

BILANDŽIĆ, Mirko, politolog
Znanstvena istraživanja pogrešaka obavještajnih službi [Elektronička građa] : problemi i kontroverze / Mirko Bilandžić, Tomislav Dokman.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 152-154. - Summary. - Obavještajne pogreške pobuđuju zanimanje šire znanstveno-stručne javnosti zadnjih osamdeset godina i prema određenim procjenama najistraživanija su tema iz područja obavještajnih studija. Temeljna funkcija istraživanja pogrešaka obavještajnih službi usmjerena je partikularno prema unapređenju obavještajnog djelovanja, odnosno minimiziranju obavještajnih pogrešaka u cjelini. Međutim, to područje karakterizira nedostupnost izvornih, to jest primarnih podataka iz srca obavještajne institucije i neposredni uvid u sve faze obavještajnog procesa što predstavlja kontroverzno mjesto u provedbi objektivnog, nepristranog i spoznajnog znanstvenog istraživanja. Unatoč nedostupnosti primarnih podataka, znanstvenici i eksperti iz područja obavještajnih studija koriste se sekundarnim izvorima koji su rezultat institucionalnih istraga koje države provode nakon pojave obavještajne pogreške. Stoga u ovome radu utvrđujemo mogu li se obavještajne pogreške istraživati znanstveno ili analize obavještajnih pogrešaka imaju karakteristike stručne analize. - Intelligence failures have aroused the interest of the general scientific and professional public for the past eighty years and, according to certain estimates, are the most researched topic in the field of intelligence studies. The basic function of investigating intelligence failures is directed in particular towards improving intelligence activities, ie minimizing these failures as a whole. However, this area is characterized by the unavailability of primary data from the heart of the intelligence institution and direct insight into all phases of the intelligence process, which is controversial in the implementation of objective, impartial and cognitive scientific research. Despite the lack of primary data, scientists and experts in the field of intelligence studies use secondary sources that are the result of institutional investigations conducted by states after the occurrence of an intelligence failure. Therefore, this paper determines whether intelligence failures can be scientifically analysed, or whether these analyses have features of an expert analysis.
U: Međunarodne studije (Online). - ISSN 2459-623X. - 20 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 137-154  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obavještajne studije -- Obavještajne službe -- Obavještajne pogreške -- Znanstvena istraživanja

Vidi br.: HA20-02325

Vidi br.: HA20-02300

Vidi br.: HA20-02871

Vidi br.: HA20-02727

Vidi br.: HA20-02156

Vidi br.: HA20-02162

Vidi br.: HA20-02330

328   Parlamenti. Narodna predstavništva. Vlade

How do Lithuanian citizens perceive the European Parliament? [Elektronička građa] : EU legitimacy issue and trust in the European Parliament / Sima Rakutienė, Ingrida Unikaitė-Jakuntavičienė. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 80-84. - Abstract. - This article examines the problem of legitimacy within the EU political system and focuses on the political power and recognition of the only one directly elected EU institution – the European Parliament. Historically, being the weaker house of the EU legislative system, throughout the last decades, the European Parliament has increased the political authority dramatically. These political changes should have risen the participation of the EU citizens in the elections and the legitimacy of this EU institution. Analysing the Lithuanian case, based on the qualitative interviewing of politicians and quantitative survey of citizens, the authors claim that while most of Lithuanians recognise the significance of the European Parliament and the turnout in the European elections has increased, the European Parliamentary elections remain, however, of secondary importance.
U: Croatian international relations review (Online). - ISSN 1848-5782. - 26 (2020), 87 ; str. 64-84  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Legitimnost -- Povjerenje u institucije
Europski parlament


329   Političke stranke i pokreti

"Borbenost" u politici Čiste stranke prava (Starčevićeve hrvatske stranke prava / Stranke prava) / Mislav Gabelica.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Pilar (Zagreb). - ISSN 1846-3010. - 14 (2019), 1/2(27/28) ; str. 75-114  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Politika -- Demonstracije -- Studentska mladež -- Radnici -- Aneksija -- Prvi svjetski rat
Čista stranka prava -- Starčevićeva hrvatska stranka prava


MLADENOV Jovanović, Srđan
A new political scarecrow? [Elektronička građa] : The political program and activity of the "Serbian Right" / Srđan Mladenov Jovanović.
Bibliografija: str. 20-25. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The organization known as Srpska desnica (SD; the Serbian Right Wing) during 2019 become increasingly seen in the Serbian media, as well as receiving augmented visibility on posters throughout the country. With their recent electoral success in the town of Medveđa, as well as their announcement that they are turning into an official party that would enter the 2020 parliamentary elections, coupled with the troublesome past of their leader, Miša Vacić, the situation calls for investigation. In this article, we are putting Miša Vacić’s public and political engagement under a magnifying glass, positioning him within the broader nationalist political spectrum of the country, engaging his official political program. We shall furthermore define the concept of the political scarecrow, a political party or figure that serves primarily to frighten, as shall be clear from the case study that this is the role of his organization. - Organizacija poznata pod imenom Srpska desnica (SD) tijekom 2019. postaje sve prisutnija u srpskim medijima te dobiva istaknutije mjesto na plakatima diljem zemlje. Njihov nedavni izborni uspjeh u Medveđi i najava prerastanja u političku stranku koja će sudjelovati na parlamentarnim izborima 2020., kao i problematična prošlost njihova lidera Miše Vacića, povod su za pomnije istraživanje. U ovom članku stavljamo pod povećalo javno i političko djelovanje Miše Vacića, kao i njegov politički program, kontekstualizirajući ih u okviru šireg nacionalističkog političkog spektra zemlje. Nadalje, objasnit ćemo koncept „političkog strašila“, odnosno političke stranke ili osobe čija je primarna uloga zastrašivanje, što je kao što će jasno pokazati studija slučaja upravo uloga njegove organizacije.
U: Suvremene teme. - ISSN 1847-2397. - 11 (2020), 1 ; str. 11-26  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Političke stranke -- Desnica -- Izbori
Vacić, Miša
Srpska desnica


Mislav Gabelica, Pravaštvo u Požeškoj županiji od 1895. do 1914., "Naklada Slap", Jastrebarsko, 2020. : [prikaz] / Zlatko Matijević. - Ilustr.
U: Pilar (Zagreb). - ISSN 1846-3010. - 14 (2019), 1/2(27/28) ; str. 190-192  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gabelica, Mislav
Političke stranke


33   Ekonomija. Ekonomske znanosti

Upravljanje imovinom / Marko Primorac, Marko Ignjatović. - Graf. prikazi.
Financije županija, gradova i općina. - Bibliografija: 14 jed.
U: Financije županija, gradova i općina. - ISSN . - str. 403-438
Upravljanje imovinom -- Financijska imovina

Vidi br.: HA20-02577

Vidi br.: HA20-02265

Vidi br.: HA20-02587

Vidi br.: HA20-02584

Vidi br.: HA20-02718

Vidi br.: HA20-02467

331   Rad. Zaposlenost. Posao. Ekonomika rada. Organizacija rada

RONSIN, Juliette
"It was Peugeot that brought us here!" [Elektronička građa] : Trajectories of (post-) Yugoslav workers in France through the prism of Peugeot's recruitments, 1965 to the present / Juliette Ronsin.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: 27 jed. - Summary. - The objective of this article is to analyze the consequences of the political, social, and economic ruptures of Yugoslavia and France on the trajectories of Yugoslavs recruited by the Peugeot company in France after the the 1965 Franco-Yugoslav bilateral agreement on the employment of temporary labor. Using a monographic approach to the case of the employment area of Sochaux, it is clear that (post-)Yugoslav workers went through periods of upheaval and even disillusionment after their arrival in France. This study mainly deals with a generation of men born in the 1940s and 1950s and recruited by Peugeot from 1965 onwards, but also includes other members of the family and the plurality of generations. The history of Yugoslav immigration to France has rarely been the subject of research, although studying it makes it possible to analyze relations between a western country and a communist country and the consequences of the breakup of a country for emigrants living abroad. To do so, this article relies on archival sources (files on foreigners kept in the archives of prefectures, archives of associations, and the Peugeot company’s archives) and on interviews with former workers.
U: History in flux (Online). - ISSN 2706-4441. - 2 (2020), 2 ; str. 53-68  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rad -- Radnici -- Emigracija -- Imigracija -- Autoindustrija


Emigrazione artigiana stagionale dalle montagne del bellunese ai paesi dell'Europa centro-orientale tra fine ottocento e inizi novecento [Elektronička građa] / Laura Campanale.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 168-171 ; elektronički izvori: str. 172-173. - Riassunto ; Summary. - Il presente contributo tratta dei flussi migratori stagionali che tra fine Ottocento e inizi Novecento si diressero dalla montagna veneta verso i territori dell’Europa centro-orientale. Soprattutto il Bellunese fu interessato a partire dalla metà dell’Ottocento da una considerevole migrazione stagionale verso l’Europa centro-orientale, che, in inverno, trovò impiego nella ristrutturazione stradale e ferroviaria o nei lavori connessi al taglio delle piante. Nei mesi estivi se ne aggiunse, tuttavia, un’altra di venditori ambulanti di dolciumi, a cui subentrò in seguito la vendita del gelato. Tracce di entrambi i flussi si rinvengono nei racconti orali del mio campione che riferisce di una forma singolare e tuttora attiva di emigrazione stagionale. Praticata dal lontano 1880 da intere vallate dell’Alto Veneto, essa si rivolse inizialmente a Vienna e ai territori limitrofi dell’Impero asburgico e, subito dopo la II guerra mondiale, soprattutto alla Germania. Il materiale qui proposto, desunto dalla mia tesi di dottorato dal titolo I gelatieri veneti in Germania. Un’indagine sociolinguistica, pubblicata nel 2006 dalla Peter Lang di Francoforte sul Meno, si fonda su un’indagine quantitativa e qualitativa. Grazie alle testimonianze autentiche sarà, pertanto, possibile intraprendere un “viaggio” nella memoria di intere vallate montane, “consacrate” da secoli, all’emigrazione stagionale artigianale. - The present contribution focuses on seasonal migrations from the Venetian mountains to the territories of the Middle-East Europe. In mid1800, a qualified group of seasonal migrants emigrated, especially from “Bellunese” to Eastern Europe; and were employed during the winter season for the construction of roads and railways or for woodcutting jobs. During the summer months, a large number of itinerant candy sellers joined this flow of emigration, to which the sale of ice cream subsequently took over. A trace of both of these flows of migration still remains in the documented oral accounts of Venetian ice-cream makers, to which they referred to as a unique and still active form of seasonal emigration, which have been practiced by the entire Northern-Veneto valley since 1880. First of all, they went to Vienna and to the neighboring territories of the Hapsburg Empire, then throughout Europe, especially in Germany immediately after the II° world war. This material was abstracted from my doctorate thesis entitled I gelatieri veneti in Germania. Un’indagine sociolinguistica (Venetian icecream makers in Germany: A sociolinguistic analysis) and published in 2006 by Peter Lang (Frankfurt). It is based on both qualitative and quantitative investigation. Furthermore, thanks to the authentic testimonies, it will be possible to take a “journey” down the memory lane of mountain valleys, that is dedicated to the seasonal craft emigration.
U: Studia Polensia (Online). - ISSN 2459-6256. - 9 (2020), 1 ; str. 143-173  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sezonske migracije -- Obrtnici

Employee engagement and work-related outcomes [Elektronička građa] : the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina / Emil Knezović, Arnela Đilović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 75 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This study examines the specific work-related outcomes of employee engagement such as affective commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and intention to quit in the context of Bosnia and Herzegovina. For this purpose, employee engagement was divided into job and organization engagement. We used the quantitative research instrument and the cross-sectional survey method for primary data collection. The final sample consisted of 682 usable responses. By using the hierarchical regression analysis, we found that both job and organization engagement have a positive and significant relationship with affective commitment and organizational citizenship behavior, while in the case of intentions to quit, only organization engagement was negatively related. The results show that companies can achieve several benefits by focusing on employee engagement. - U ovoj se studiji istražuju specifični radni ishodi angažmana zaposlenika, kao što su afektivna predanost, ponašanje povezano s organizacijskim građanstvom te namjera za napuštanjem poduzeća, i to u bosansko-hercegovačkom kontekstu. U tu je svrhu angažman zaposlenika podijeljen u segmente angažmana, povezane s poslom i organizacijom. Koristili smo kvantitativni istraživački instrument i kros-sekcijski nacrt anketnog istraživanja za prikupljanje primarnih podataka. Završni se uzorak sastoji od 682 upotrebljiva odgovora. Uporabom hijerarhijske regresijske analize, utvrđena je pozitivna i signifikantna veza s afektivnom predanošću te ponašanjem, povezanim s organizacijskim građanstvom, dok je, u slučaju namjere davanja otkaza, postojala negativna povezanost, ali samo s organizacijskim angažmanom. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da poduzeća mogu postići nekoliko različitih koristi pomoću fokusiranja na angažman zaposlenika.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), 2 ; str. 133-150  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzeća -- Zaposlenici -- Radni angažman -- Afektivna predanost

Implementation of flexicurity in Slovenia [Elektronička građa] / Suzana Laporšek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 45-48. - Summary. - Flexicurity remains an important policy instrument in the EU and will be especiallyimportant in the changing economic and labor market environment, characterized with changing nature of work and development of new forms of work. Purpose. This paper examines the implementation of flexicurity policies in Slovenia and compares them with the EU countries. Design/methodology/approach. As there is no uniform measure of flexicurity, the analysis is structured in accordance with four elements of flexicurity policies, developed within the EU, and suitable indicators: (i) flexibility of contractual relations; (ii) lifelong learning; (iii) active labor market policies; and (iv) social protection system. Analysis uses descriptive statistics for last available years and compares these data with crisis year 2010. Data for international comparisons were obtained from the European Commission, Eurostat and Organization for the Economic Co-operation and Development, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia and the Employment Service of Slovenia. Findings and iImplications. Slovenia has in the past already performed labor market reforms that relate to flexicurity components, yet there is still room for improvement. These are especially needed in the field of lifelong learning and expenditures for active labor market policies, where Slovenia is at the tail of the EU countries. In the front of flexibility, a significant decline in the employment protection was noticed with the last legislative change in 2013, which aimed at reducing segmentation and increasing labor market flexibility. In the front of social protection, Slovenia is among the EU countries with the most generous social systems, which, on the other hand, create high work disincentives. Limitations. This study focuses only on the presentation of the recent indicators of flexicurity components, which is one of its major limitation.
U: Review of innovation and competitiveness (Online). - ISSN 1849-9015. - 6 (2020), 1 ; str. 21-48  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tržište rada -- Fleksibilnost
Europska unija


ŠANTEK, Domagoj
Occupational health and safety specialist in Croatian and Portuguese legislation [Elektronička građa] / Domagoj Šantek, Sandra Debeljak, Rui Isidoro.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 389-390. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The domain of occupational safety and health at work is put for regulation through directives by founding agreements. This means that the institutions of the European Union prescribe minimum standards of safety and health at work through directives and Member States need to accomplish goals that a particular directive pursues. At the same time, this means that each Member State can also set stricter standards than the ones prescribed through directives and for this reason some differences in regulations of individual Member States can be noticed. In this paper, authors focus on the role of occupational safety specialist and the manner in which the Republic of Croatia and the Portuguese Republic, in their legislation, prescribe obligations of the employer in terms of contracting the performance of occupational health and safety tasks with an occupational safety specialist or an external service. Authors furthermore examine required conditions which occupational safety specialist must meet to perform those tasks. Apart from outlining the Croatian and Portuguese legislation, authors also present and define fundamental similarities and differences in the regulations within this domain of security legislation. - Osnivačkim ugovorima određeno je da se područje sigurnosti i zaštite zdravlja na radu uređuje putem direktiva. To znači da institucije Europske unije putem direktiva propisuju minimalne standarde sigurnosti i zaštite na radu, a države članice obvezne su ostvariti ciljeve koje pojedina direktiva postavlja. Istovremeno to znači da svaka država članica može propisati i strože standarde od onih propisanih direktivama pa se iz tog razloga mogu uočiti i određene razlike u propisima pojedinih država članica. Autori se u radu usmjeravaju na ulogu stručnjaka zaštite na radu i način na koji Hrvatska i Portugal u svojem zakonodavstvu propisuju obveze poslodavca u pogledu ugovaranja poslova zaštite na radu sa stručnjakom zaštite na radu ili vanjskom službom. Nadalje, autori ispituju uvjete koje mora ispunjavati stručnjak zaštite na radu za obavljanje svojih poslova. Uz prikaz hrvatskog i portugalskog zakonodavstva, autori definiraju i prikazuju i temeljne sličnosti i razlike u propisima unutar ovog područja zakonodavstva sigurnosti.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 375-391  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zaštita na radu -- Zakonodavstvo -- Direktive

ZHILLA, Eralda
Perceived justice at workplace and organizational commitment [Elektronička građa] / Eralda Zhilla, Arjana Muçaj, Blerina Hoti. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 48 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the employees’ perception of justice at the workplace, in relation to the organizational commitment. The study was carried out in Kosovo and its findings contribute to the service industry, being the most developed in that region. This especially applies to the banking sector, which is still in a transitional phase in Kosovo, with the potential benefit, in terms of better qualification of the staff. The data is collected from a sample of 256 participants, mainly from the banking sector (N=148), but also other sectors, such as the public sector (N=28), private business (N=34), NGOs (N=26) and others (N=20). This study hypothesizes that the perceived organizational justice has a positive effect on organizational commitment, with the empirical results supporting the hypothesis. - Cilj ovoga rada bio je istražiti odnos između pravednosti na radnom mjestu, kako je percipiraju zaposlenici, u odnosu prema odanosti organizaciji. Istraživanje je provedeno na Kosovu, a njegovi rezultati doprinose uslužnoj djelatnosti, kao najrazvijenoj u navedenoj regiji. Ovo se posebno odnosi na bankarski sektor, koje je na Kosovu još uvijek u fazi tranzicije, a može imati koristi od ovog istraživanja u smislu boljeg kvalificiranja djelatnika. Podaci su prikupljeni na uzorku od 256 sudionika, uglavnom iz bankarskog sektora (N = 148), ali i ostalih sektora kao što su javni sektor (N = 28), privatni sektor (N = 34), nevladine organizacije (N = 26) i drugi sektori (N = 20). Hipoteza istraživanja je da percepcija organizacijske pravednosti pozitivno utječe na odanost organizaciji, što je potvrđeno u empirijskom istraživanju.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), spec. iss. ; str. 81-94  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zaposlenici -- Radno mjesto -- Pravednost -- Organizacijska predanost

DUNDOVIĆ, Kristina
Rad na siguran način u skučenim prostorima [Elektronička građa] / Kristina Dundović, Stela Stašić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 410-411. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Skučeni prostor može se definirati kao prostor koji je dovoljno velik da radnik u njega može u potpunosti ući i obaviti posao, nije dizajniran za stalan boravak radnika i ima ograničenja pri ulasku ili izlasku. Najveće opasnosti u skučenim prostorima povezane su s atmosferskim uvjetima tih prostora. Atmosfera unutar različitih skučenih prostora ovisi o vrsti prostora, radovima koji se odvijaju unutar njega i onome što je u njima ranije bilo pohranjeno. Najučestalije opasnosti u skučenim prostorima su opasnost od gušenja, opasnost od požara i/ili eksplozije i opasnost od trovanja. Rad u skučenim prostorima predstavlja visokorizičnu aktivnost stoga je provođenje mjera zaštite na radu od ključne važnosti za očuvanje zdravlja i sigurnosti svih radnika koji ulaze i rade u takvim prostorima.Svrha ovog rada je istražiti i analizirati opasnosti i štetnosti povezane s radom u skučenim prostorima. Cilj rada je teorijski prikazati i opisati mjere i postupke za rad na siguran način u skučenim prostorima. - A confined space can be defined as a space large enough for a worker to fully enter in it and do the work, as a space that is not designed for permanent residence of workers and has restrictions on entry or exit. The greatest hazards in confined spaces are related to the atmospheric conditions of those spaces. The atmosphere inside the confined spaces depends on the type of the space, the work that is taking place inside and on what has previously been stored there. The most common hazards in confined spaces are the risk of suffocation, the risk of fire and / or explosion and the risk of poisoning. Work in confined spaces is a high-risk activity, so the implementation of occupational safety measures is crucial for maintaining the health and safety of all workers who enter and work in such spaces.Key words: occupational safety measures,hazards, confined spaces.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 395-412  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rad -- Mjere zaštite -- Opasnosti -- Skučeni prostori

Vidi br.: HA20-02747

Vidi br.: HA20-02164

Vidi br.: HA20-02073

Vidi br.: HA20-02575

Vidi br.: HA20-02052

Vidi br.: HA20-02657

Vidi br.: HA20-02041

Vidi br.: HA20-02590

Vidi br.: HA20-02386

332   Regionalna ekonomika. Teritorijalna ekonomika. Ekonomika stanovanja

RAVLIĆ, Sanela
The impact of the IPA cross-border co-operation Hungary - Croatia 2007 - 2013 programme - infrastructure, tourism and human capital [Elektronička građa] / Sanela Ravlić, Jerko Glavaš, Mislav Šimunić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 147-148. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The main purpose of the paper is to move towards quantification and clear distinction of invested IPA funds in the CBC area of Hungary and Croatia 2007. - 2013. Objective of the paper is to provide an insight into the real impact of allocated financial resources to the extent that was not examined so far at the level of institutions (lead beneficiary and project partners) and target group members. The main research questions is what is the impact that implemented projects in IPA CBC HU – CRO had in terms of different types of institutions, types of activities (educational or infrastructure), beneficiaries in local communities and regional development? The research was conducted in April/May 2018. The questionnaire consisted of 41 variables. Interview was the corrective method. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS v23. Total of 102 respondents participated, representing 358 institutions that implemented projects in the cross-border area. Data were first analysed using descriptive statistics, then compared by using t-test and ANOVA Chi-square test was performed to determine the likelihood of correlation between variables. Paper shows obtained results on personal, organisational and regional level. The outcome confirms the difference between human capital in institutions that implement projects and high dependence of EU funds in entire region. Beneficiaries are more aware of impact that lifelong learning activities can have on their labour market competitiveness. Investment in sustainable environment, tourism, development of economic cooperation, infrastructure and common human capacities will have a significant impact in the region. - Glavna svrha ovog rada jest kvantificiranje i jasno razlikovanje postignuća uloženih IPA sredstava na području prekogranične suradnje Mađarske i Hrvatske 2007. - 2013. Cilj rada je pružiti uvid u stvarni utjecaj dodijeljenih financijskih sredstava u mjeri koja dosad nije ispitivana na razini institucija (vodeći korisnik i projektni partneri) i članova ciljne skupine. Glavno istraživačko pitanje jest kakav utjecaj su imali implementirani projekti u IPA CBC HU - CRO u pogledu različitih institucija, vrsta aktivnosti, korisnika u lokalnim zajednicama i regionalnog razvoja? Istraživanje je provedeno u travnju/svibnju 2018. godine. Upitnik se sastojao od 41 varijable. Intervju je bio korektivna metoda. Analiza podataka provedena je pomoću SPSS v23. Ukupno su sudjelovala 102 ispitanika, predstavnika 358 institucija koje su provodile projekte u prekograničnom području. Podaci su prvo analizirani korištenjem deskriptivne statistike, zatim uspoređeni pomoću t-testa i provedenog ANOVA Chi-kvadrat kako bi se utvrdila vjerojatnost korelacije između varijabli. Rad prikazuje rezultate na osobnoj, organizacijskoj i regionalnoj razini. Potvrđena je razlika ljudskog kapitala u različitim institucijama koje provode projekte i visoka ovisnosti EU fondova u cijeloj regiji. Krajnji korisnici su svjesniji utjecaja koji aktivnosti cjeloživotnog učenja mogu imati na njihovu konkurentnost na tržištu rada. Ulaganje u održivo okruženje, turizam, razvoj gospodarske suradnje, infrastrukturu i zajedničke ljudske kapacitete imat će značajan utjecaj na regiju.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 135-149  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Regionalni razvoj -- IPA prekogranični program -- Ljudski kapital
Europska unija


Regionalna politika i fondovi EU / Jakša Puljiz. - Graf. prikazi.
Financije županija, gradova i općina. - Bibliografija: 29 jed.
U: Financije županija, gradova i općina. - ISSN . - str. 439-465
Regionalna politika -- Fondovi EU

334   Oblici organizacije i suradnje u gospodarstvu

MANDIĆ, Ana, ekonomistica
Analysis of key challenges of family businesses [Elektronička građa] : the Croatian context / Ana Mandić, Vlatka Mandić.
Bibliografija: str. 80-83. - Abstract. - Family business represents the most common form of the company ownership and makes around 70% to 90% of all firms around the globe depending on the definition one uses. It is estimated that worldwide, family firms account for about 40% to 70% of employment and GDP. The aim of this paper is to provide overview of main characteristics of family business in general and to analyze key challenges family businesses generally are facing today. Additional aim of the paper is to provide overview of research on family business in Croatia and to analyze characteristic and challenges of family businesses in Croatia. Paper provides brief overview of key trends which can have negative implications on companies, their owners, as well as for a wide network of stakeholders such as family members, customers, suppliers, employees, banks, local government and the national economy in general. Some of the challenges discussed in the paper could be relevant to all types of firms. However, with reference to family business these challenges may be more salient than in nonfamily firms or they may need to be addressed differently.
U: International journal of contemporary business and entrepreneurship (Online). - ISSN 2718-4153. - 1 (2020), 2 ; str. 67-83  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obiteljska poduzeća -- Poslovanje -- Poslovni izazovi

Vidi br.: HA20-02070

336   Financije. Bankarstvo. Novac

ADEDOKUN, Adeniyi Jimmy
An autoregressive analysis of the determinants of private savings in Nigeria [Elektronička građa] / Adeniyi J. Adedokun, Olabusuyi R. Falayi, Adebowale M. Adeleke. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 18-19. - Summary. - Purpose. Despite the increasing trend of private savings in Nigeria, the country is still characterised by low investment and output growth, thus, suggesting that the average saving rate is still far from being impressive. This study investigates the determinants of private savings in Nigeria. Methodology. Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model using annual time series data from 1981 to 2016 within the theoretical framework derived from the life-cycle hypothesis is employed in this study. The key variables under investigation are private savings, income, dependency ratio, real interest rate, social security payment, financial development and macroeconomic stability. The data used for analysis are sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin (2016) and World Development Indicator (2016). Findings. The results show that lifetime income and social security payment have significant positive relationship with private saving in the long-run, while adult dependency has significant negative relationship. In the short-run, adult dependency and social security payment have significant positive relationship with private savings. In addition, the result shows that 62% of deviation from the long-run equilibrium level of private savings is annually corrected for by the model estimated. Originality. This research investigates both the long-run and short-run effects of the various determinants of private savings in Nigeria. Thus, the study can serve as eye opener to the important variables that can improve the level of private savings in Nigeria.
U: Review of innovation and competitiveness (Online). - ISSN 1849-9015. - 6 (2020), 1 ; str. 5-20  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Štednja -- Privatna štednja

Characteristics of the hidden economy in Hungary before and after the regime change [Elektronička građa] / Éva Fenyvesi, Tibor Pintér. - Graf. prikazi.
8th International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship, Dubrovnik, 17.-18.4.2020. - Bibliografija: str. 11-13. - Abstract. - Lately, economists and policymakers have been paying even closer attention to the hidden economy. Indeed, it makes a difference to the economy how much money goes into the state coffers. To uncover the hidden economy, however, it is necessary to be familiar with its nature and manifestations. In this paper, with the aid of previous research and literature, we attempt to illustrate the characteristics of the hidden economy in Hungary before and after the regime change and to map out the steps that have been taken to uncover it. This publication was preceded by a systematic literature review on the definition, causes, and effects of the hidden economy, consisting of the collection of both data and literature related to the domestic hidden economy. The following summarizes the results from the synthesis of literature: The Hungarian hidden economy existed even before the regime change and took a variety of different forms. These include tips, bribes, informal payments, unauthorized work and patchwork, moonlighting, unauthorized rental of real estate, use of the social property for personal gain, gains from the infringement of customs and exchange law, tax fraud by craftsmen and retailers, theft of public property, and corruption. Since 1990, not only have the dynamics of the hidden economy strengthened, but its types of activities have changed significantly as well. These include, but are not limited to: omitting a portion of revenue from the register; recognizing non-incurred material production costs among expenditures; including an excessive portion of personal household maintenance costs among production costs; organizing business and study trips abroad; finder’s fee; end-of-year depreciation or ‘transfer’ of inventories; wages of registered employees paid out of pocket; employment of unreported employees; parallel company formation; the economic activity of unincorporated individuals and the income generated thereby.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 1-13  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ekonomska politika -- Porezi -- Elektronička trgovina -- Siva ekonomija

Covid-19 crisis [Elektronička građa] : opportunity for banks to reshape service models and foster digital transformation / Petra Kelecic. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 59-61. - Abstract. - The coronavirus situation is causing widespread concern and economic hardship for society, consumers and businesses worldwide. As for entire world, COVD-19 is the most serious challenge to financial institutions in long time. Banks are called upon to manage this new phase with urgency and aptness, to help deflect a worldwide recession. Until recently, majority of banks were focused on empowering both the psychical and digital distribution models. The “new normal” calls for reassessing of priorities and pushes new distribution model where psychical and digital are combined and act as one, with interconnected capabilities. This paper highlights importance of long-term positioning in post covid world, as market forces and customer behavior potentially change coming out of this crisis. In order to manage revenue and customer expectations, new customer-centric and digital based ecosystem should be established, leveraging on the latest technologies, aiming at increasing remote sales and market penetration. Having that in mind, article aims to shed light on key factors important for retail banking success in this “new future”.
U: International journal of contemporary business and entrepreneurship (Online). - ISSN 2718-4153. - 1 (2020), 1 ; str. 50-61  
 Elektronička verzija članka
COVID-19 -- Bankarstvo -- Digitalne tehnologije -- Korisničko iskustvo

YILDIZ, Münevvere
The effects of macroeconomic factors on bank loan interest rates in Turkey [Elektronička građa] / Münevvere Yıldız. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 82-86. - Abstract. - The purpose of the study to reveal how interest rates on loans offered to consumers by banks in Turkey are affected by macroeconomic factors. For this purpose, the personal loan interest rate is considered as the consumer loan interest rate, mortgage loan interest rate and vehicle loan interest rate. Macroeconomic factors, inflation, gold, exchange rate and money supply are included in the analysis. Three models have been established using monthly data for the period January 2009-June 2020. Firstly, cointegration test was applied to the models and it was determined that there is at least one cointegration relationship in each model. Long-term estimation results for the models are obtained by using the FMOLS method. In general, it was observed that the increase in the exchange rate tended to increase the bank loan interest rates, while the increase in the money supply lowered the bank loan interest rates. As a result of the causality analysis, bidirectional causality relationship from consumer loan interest rate to money supply and inflation, unidirectional causality from interest rate to gold price, unidirectional causality relationship from exchange rate to interest rate was determined. Unidirectional causality relationship from mortgage loan interest rate to money supply, unidirectional causality from exchange rate to interest rate was found. While it was determined that there is a bidirectional causality relationship between vehicle loan interest rate and money supply, gold price and inflation. It is expected that these results may guide banks and policymakers to determine interest rate policies.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 70-86  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Makroekonomski čimbenici -- Kamate -- Bankovni krediti

TRIULZI, Umberto
Ethics and economics in the world of globalized finance [Elektronička građa] / Umberto Triulzi.
Bibliografija: 109 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The paper analyzes the reasons that led, in the years following the nineteenth century, to a vision of economic phenomena distant from ethics. After a brief introduction on the meaning of the concept of economics in the ancient world, the article describes which factors contributed most to developing an image of human behaviour motivated only by perfect rationality, self-interest, wealth maximization, showing the reasons that have separated economics and finance from ethics. The paper then deals with the theme of how to bring finance closer to the real economy starting from the need to search for solutions capable of producing radical changes in the business models of companies and in the financing investments aimed at maximizing social inclusion and collective well-being. The final part describes the initiatives promoted by the EU for the development of the Capital Market Union and the instrument recently introduced by the EU to develop finance long-term investments, the ELTIFs. In the conclusion, we present a proposal for the creation of a new innovative asset class, the Infrastructure Mortgage Backed Security, for the promotion of investments in infrastructures responding to the needs of investors and requiring business models based on shared ethic values and on the responsibility of all the agents working inside and outside the companies. - U radu se analiziraju razlozi koji su, u godinama nakon devetnaestog stoljeća, doveli do promatranja ekonomskih fenomena iz gledišta udaljenih od etike. Nakon kratkog uvoda o značenju pojma ekonomije u drevnom svijetu, članak opisuje koji su čimbenici najviše pridonijeli razvoju slike ljudskog ponašanja koje je motivirano samo savršenom racionalnošću, vlastitim interesima, maksimizacijom bogatstva, te pokazuje razloge koji su razdvojili ekonomiju i financije od etike. Članak se zatim bavi pitanjem kako približiti financije stvarnom gospodarstvu polazeći od potrebe za traženjem rješenja koja mogu proizvesti radikalne promjene u poslovnim modelima poduzeća te u financiranju ulaganja usmjerenih na maksimizaciju socijalne uključenosti i kolektivne dobrobiti. Završni dio članka opisuje, s jedne strane, inicijative koje promiče EU, a usmjerene su ka razvoju tržišta kapitala Unije te, s druge strane, instrument koji je EU nedavno uvela u svrhu razvoja financiranja dugoročnih ulaganja, tj. ELTIF (eng. The European Long Term Investment Fund), odnosno Europski dugoročni investicijski fond. U zaključku donosimo prijedlog za stvaranje inovativne klase imovine, Infrastructure Mortgage Backed Security, s ciljem promicanja ulaganja u infrastrukturu koja odgovara potrebama investitora i zahtijeva razvoj poslovnih modela temeljenih na zajedničkim etičkim vrijednostima i odgovornosti svih agenata koji rade unutar i izvan tvrtki.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), spec. iss. ; str. 95-112  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Etika -- Ekonomija -- Financije -- Ekonomski rast -- Vrijednosnice

Financial markets in the period of uncertainty [Elektronička građa] : focus on the Slovak financial market / Igor Turuk, Marcela Passova. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 49. - Abstract. - Economic environment has changed significantly in recent days due to the COVID19 and measures the governments apply to combat it will inevitably cause the substantial shrinkage of economies due to reduced economic activities on the national as well as global levels. As a result, financial markets have been under great stress because there is no prediction on the size, scope, and duration of this situation. Simultaneously this causes a great uncertainty. It is obvious that financial markets play crucial role in the general good standing of economies because they are serving as a channel through which funds are transferred to and between entities on the market. Financial and monetary systems are a part of the economic system whereby for the latter it is important the former to be as stable as possible. In order this to be achieved or at least risks caused by uncertainty to be reduced both in short-term as well as long-term perspectives a wide scope of traditional as well as modern the financial market regulations have been applied and here we are going to present at least some of them.
U: International journal of contemporary business and entrepreneurship (Online). - ISSN 2718-4153. - 1 (2020), 1 ; str. 40-49  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Financijsko tržište -- Gospodarstvo -- Stabilnost -- Propisi -- Rizici

Fiskalne nejednakosti i fiskalna neravnoteža / Marko Primorac. - Graf. prikazi.
Financije županija, gradova i općina. - Bibliografija: 46 jed.
U: Financije županija, gradova i općina. - ISSN . - str. 287-327
Fiskalna decentralizacija -- Fiskalna neravnoteža

BAJO, Anto
Fiskalni federalizam / Anto Bajo, Marko Primorac, Saša Drezgić. - Graf. prikazi.
Financije županija, gradova i općina. - Bibliografija: 58 jed.
U: Financije županija, gradova i općina. - ISSN . - str. 90-125
Fiskalni federalizam -- Javne financije

ŠUMAN Tolić, Meri
Izvori prihoda lokalnih jedinica vlasti / Meri Šuman Tolić, Anto Bajo, Marko Primorac. - Graf. prikazi.
Financije županija, gradova i općina. - Bibliografija: 50 jed.
U: Financije županija, gradova i općina. - ISSN . - str. 209-250
Lokalne jedinice -- Prihodi

Nominalna konvergencija i dinamika prilagodbe Republike Hrvatske europodručju [Elektronička građa] / Ante Samodol, Hana Ćatović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Da bi uvela euro kao službenu valutu, država kandidatkinja za europodručje mora ispuniti kriterije iz Maastrichta ili kriterije nominalne konvergencije i tako dokazati dostatnu razinu nominalne konvergencije. Kriteriji nominalne konvergencije svojevrsna su zaštita europodručja od rizika makroekonomskih nestabilnosti. Drugim riječima, dostatna razina nominalne konvergencije ukazuje na razinu spremnosti države kandidatkinje za integraciju u monetarni režim europodručja. U ovome radu konkretno je analizirana dinamika prilagodbe Republike Hrvatske procesu pristupanja europodručju. To je u prvom redu obuhvatilo monetarno i fiskalno pozicioniranje države u odnosu na nominalne kriterije. S obzirom na to da je tečaj eura i kune nominalno sidro cjelokupne dosadašnje monetarne politike, a devizne transakcije ključne u kreiranju i povlačenju primarnog novca, u središtu je ovog istraživanja tečaj kune prema euru. Iako se tečaj kune prema euru slobodno formira na deviznom tržištu ovisno o kretanjima ponude i potražnje za devizama, središnja banka uključuje se na devizno tržište kao posljedica jačeg kolebanja tečaja. Da Hrvatska narodna banka vodi politiku tzv. upravljanoga fluktuirajućeg tečaja i da je nominalni tečaj kune prema euru stabilan, pokazao je i model u kojem primjenom višestruke regresijske analize nezavisne varijable koje obilježavaju monetarne i fiskalne uvjete, uopće nemaju utjecaj na tečaj kune prema euru. To je očito bilo i ostaje primarno i isključivo pitanje tečajne politike središnje banke neovisno o interakciji tečaja s drugim varijablama ili ekonomskim i financijskim posljedicama koje donosi takva tečajna politika. - In order to introduce the euro as its official currency, a candidate country for the euro area must meet the Maastricht criteria or nominal convergence criteria and thus prove a sufficient level of nominal convergence. The convergence criteria represent a sort of protection of the euro area from the risk of macroeconomic instability, i.e. a sufficient level of nominal convergence indicates the level of readiness of the candidate country for integration into the monetary regime of the euro area. This paper specifically analyzes the dynamics of the adjustment of the Republic of Croatia around the process of accession to the euro area. This primarily included monetary and fiscal positioning of the state in relation to nominal criteria. Given that the EUR/HRK exchange rate is the nominal anchor of the entire monetary policy to this day and that the foreign exchange transactions are crucial in creation and withdrawal of reserve money, the focus of this research is the exchange rate of the Croatian kuna against the euro. Although the exchange rate of the Croatian kuna against the euro is freely formed on the foreign exchange market, depending on foreign exchange supply and demand, the central bank joins the foreign exchange market in cases of stronger exchange rate fluctuations. The fact that the CNB pursues a policy of so-called managed floating exchange rate and that the nominal exchange rate of Croatian kuna against the euro is stable, was also confirmed by a model applying multiple regression analysis of independent variables that characterize monetary and fiscal conditions no impact on the exchange rate of the Croatian kuna against the euro was made. This has obviously been and remains the primary and exclusive issue of the central bank’s exchange rate policy, regardless of the exchange rate’s interaction with other variables or the economic and financial consequences of such an exchange rate policy.
U: Zbornik sveučilišta Libertas (Online). - ISSN 2584-6167. - 5 (2020), 5 ; str. 175-189  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Monetarni sustav -- Euro -- Europodručje -- Konvergencijski kriteriji -- Tečaj eura -- Tečaj kune

BLAŽIĆ, Helena
Porez na nekretnine / Helena Blažić, Marko Ignjatović. - Graf. prikazi.
Financije županija, gradova i općina. - Bibliografija: 18 jed.
U: Financije županija, gradova i općina. - ISSN . - str. 251-285
Porez na nekretnine -- Porez na imovinu

Struktura javnog sektora / Nikša Nikolić i Paško Burnać. - Graf. prikazi.
Financije županija, gradova i općina. - Bibliografija: 13 jed.
U: Financije županija, gradova i općina. - ISSN . - str.10-40
Javni sektor -- Javna poduzeća -- Struktura

Utjecaj poreza na dobit na kretanje izravnih stranih ulaganja u zemljama članicama Europske unije [Elektronička građa] / Igor Banović, Helena Blažić, Saša Drezgić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 55-57. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Većina raspoloživog kapitala nalazi se u posjedu pravnih osoba, odnosno poduzeća (najčešće multinacionalnih kompanija) sklonih ulaganju u širenje vlastitog poslovanja, što ne donosi samo dodatno uvećanje profita poduzeća, već indirektno utječe i na povećanje zaposlenosti, rast gospodarstva, razvoj domaćeg financijskog tržišta te općeniti napredak države. Zato države širom svijeta aktivno utječu na formiranje povoljnog poslovnog okruženja koje će imati učinak na povećan priliv izravnih stranih ulaganja (Foreign Direct Investments – FDI). Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi utjecaj oporezivanja dobiti na privlačenje izravnih stranih ulaganja u zemljama članicama Europske unije. Statička panel analiza provedena je za razdoblje od 1998. do 2017. godine na 28 zemalja članica u cjelini, te posebno na starim članicama (EU 15) i novim članicama (EU13). Uz različite kontrolne varijable, kao nezavisna varijabla analizirane su različite stope poreza na dobit – zakonska (službena, nominalna) stopa poreza na dobit i efektivne (prosječna i granična) porezne stope u cilju ispitivanja stvarnog poreznog opterećenja trgovačkih društava i njihovog utjecaja na kretanje izravnih stranih ulaganja. Zaključeno je kako porez na dobit značajno utječe na kretanje izravnih stranih ulaganja trgovačkih društava u novim zemljama članicama Europske unije (koje karakterizira niže porezno opterećenje), ali ne kao primarni čimbenik, pri čemu se ističe društveni proizvod. U tom kontekstu najveći utjecaj ima efektivna prosječna porezna stopa. - The most part of available capital owns private entities (usually multinational companies), inclined to expand their business. The impact of that is not only the maximization of their profits, but also positive effects on employment, economic growth, development of domestic financial markets and general prosperity of one country. Those are some reasons why most countries of the world actively strive to form favorable business environment, that will have positive impact to attract foreign direct investments (FDI). The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of corporate income taxation on attracting FDI flows in the EU member countries. The statistical panel analysis is conducted in the period from 1998 to 2017 for 28 EU member countries, separately for old (EU 15) and new member countries (EU13). Besides different control variables, different corporate income tax rates – statutory corporate income tax rate and effective (average and marginal) corporate income tax rates are analyzed as the independent variables in order to investigate the real tax burden of corporations and its impact on the FDI flows. It is concluded that the tax policy influences significantly the FDI flows of the corporations in the new EU member countries (that are characterized by the lower tax burden), but not as the primary factor (unlike GDP). Among the tax rates, there is the strongest influence of the effective average tax rate.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 41-58  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Porez na dobit -- Izravna strana ulaganja -- Poduzeća

CVITKO Cicvarić, Branimir
Volatility of cryptocurrencies [Elektronička građa] = Volatilnost kriptovaluta / Branimir Cvitko Cicvarić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 22-23. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Many models have been developed to model, estimate and forecast financial time series volatility, amongst which are the most popular autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) model introduced by Engle (1982) and generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model introduced by Bollerslev (1986). The aim of this paper is to determine which type of ARCH/GARCH models can fit the best following cryptocurrencies: Ethereum, Neo, Ripple, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash and Dogecoin. It is found that the EGARCH model is the best fitted model for Ethereum, Zcash and Neo, PARCH model is the best fitted model for Ripple, while for Litecoin, Dash and Dogecoin it depends on the selected distribution and information criterion. - Brojni modeli su razvijeni kako bi se modelirala, procijenila i predvidjela volatilnost financijskih vremenskih serija, među kojima su najpopularniji autoregresijski model uvjetne heteroskedastičnosti (ARCH) kojega je osmislio Engle (1982) i generalizirani model uvjetne heteroskedastičnosti (GARCH) kojega je osmislio Bollerslev (1986). Cilj ovog rada je odrediti koji oblik ARCH/GARCH modela najbolje odgovara sljedećim kriptovalutama: Ethereumu, Neu, Rippleu, Litecoinu, Dashu, Zcashu i Dogecoinu. Utvrđeno je kako EGARCH model najbolje odgovara Ethereumu, Zcashu i Neu, PARCH model najbolje odgovara Rippleu, dok za Litecoin, Dash i Dogecoin izbor najboljeg modela ovisi o odabranoj distribuciji i informacijskom kriteriju.
U: Notitia. - ISSN 1849-9066. - 6 (2020), 1 ; str. 13-23  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kriptovalute -- Heteroskedastičnost -- Volatilnost -- GARCH model -- ARCH model

DARIE, Flavius
Volatility of the Dow Jones Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology index in the context of the coronavirus crisis [Elektronička građa] / Flavius Darie, Ileana Tache. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 52-54. - Abstract. - This paper’s analysis was triggered by the outbreak of the new virus COVID-19. In December 2019, the Chinese officials alerted the World Health Organization (WHO) of the existence of an unknown deadly virus. Coronavirus has rapidly spread across the world - to Europe, Middle East and the USA, forcing the World Health Organization to declare COVID-19 a global pandemic. Its spread has generated major concerns for the health and economic sectors. Meanwhile, all countries hope for the development of a vaccine. Using as a research method the EGARCH model, this paper investigates if it can be applied to model the trend of volatility of the pharmaceuticals and biotechnology markets, especially during the health crisis. More specifically, this paper tries to identify whether different specifications of univariate GARCH models can usefully anticipate volatility in the stock indices market. The study uses estimates from both a symmetric and an asymmetric GARCH models, namely GARCH (1, 1) and EGARCH models, for the Dow Jones Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology index (DJUSPN). The dataset is extracted from “Investing.com” and covers the period September 2019 - August 2020, resulting in a total of approximately 252 daily closing prices. The data focuses on the response of the highest capitalized pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies from the US to combat the outbreak of the coronavirus. This study concludes that the EGARCH model is better than the unconditional volatility and the conditional GARCH (1, 1) volatility and it is best suited for modelling and forecasting the fluctuations of the stock indexes.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 42-54  
 Elektronička verzija članka
COVID-19 -- Farmaceutsko tržište -- Volatilnost -- EGARCH model -- Burzovni indeksi

BILAS, Vlatka
What is the relationship between FDI and economic growth? [Elektronička građa] : Evidence from EU15 countries / Vlatka Bilas. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 268-270. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of the paper is to examine the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI) and economic growth in EU15 countries over the period 2002-2018. EU15 makes a group of countries which entered the EU prior to the biggest enlargement in 2004, namely latest in 1995 (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom). Paper findings contribute to the existing literature on the impact of FDI on economic growth. It employs different unit root tests, panel cointegration test (ARDL model) and Granger causality. Estimated panel ARDL model found some evidence that there are long-run equilibrium between LogGDP, LogFDI and LogFDIP series. The rate of adjustment back to equilibrium is between 4.43% and 5.95%. The long-run coefficients are all positive, but not all of them are statistically significant. In case of LogFDIP series long-run coefficients are statistically significant, varying between 0.1226 and 0.4398. These coefficients indicate that 1% increase in LogFDIP (logarithm of FDI to GDP) increases LogGDP between 0.1226% and 0.4398%. Results of Dumitrescu-Hurlin panel causality test indicated that there is only unidirectional causal relationship from GDP growth rate to FDI growth rate, and from GDP growth rate to LogFDIP. Conclusively, there is only a weak evidence that FDI had statistically significant impact on the GDP in EU15 countries. - Cilj rada je istražiti povezanost inozemnih izravnih ulaganja (FDI) i ekonomskog rasta u zemljama EU15 tijekom razdoblja 2002-2018. EU15 čini skupina zemalja koje su ušle u Europsku uniju prije najvećeg proširenja 2004. godine, a posljednji put 1995. godine (Austrija, Belgija, Danska, Finska, Francuska, Njemačka, Grčka, Irska, Italija, Luksemburg, Nizozemska, Portugal, Španjolska, Švedska i Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo). Zaključci iz rada doprinose postojećoj literaturi o utjecaju inozemnih izravnih ulaganja na ekonomski rast. U radu se koriste testovi jediničnih korijena, testovi panel kointegracije (ARDL model) i Grangerova uzročnost. Prema procijenjenom ARDL modelu postoji dugotrajna ravnoteža između LogGDP, LogFDI i LogFDIP (logaritam udjela FDI u BDP-u) serija. Stopa prilagođavanja vraćanja u ravnotežu je između 4,43% i 5,95%. Svi koeficijenti su pozitivni u dugom roku, ali nisu svi statistički značajni. U slučaju LogFDIP serije, koeficijenti su statistički značajni i variraju između 0,1226 i 0,4398. Ti koeficijenti pokazuju da porast LogFDIP od 1% povećava LogGDP između 0,1226% i 0,4398% u dugom roku. Rezultati Dumitrescu-Hurlin testa uzročnosti pokazali su kako postoji samo jednosmjerna uzročna veza od stope rasta BDP-a i stope rasta FDI te stope rasta BDP-a prema LogFDIP. Zaključno, postoje slabi dokazi da su inozemna izravna ulaganja imala statistički značajan utjecaj na BDP u zemljama EU15.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 253-281  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Izravna strana ulaganja -- Ekonomski rast -- Grangerova uzročnost

Vidi br.: HA20-02863

Vidi br.: HA20-02307

Vidi br.: HA20-02582

Vidi br.: HA20-02338

Vidi br.: HA20-02583

Vidi br.: HA20-02311

Vidi br.: HA20-02309

Vidi br.: HA20-02286

Vidi br.: HA20-02576

Vidi br.: HA20-02287

Vidi br.: HA20-02586

Vidi br.: HA20-02221

338   Gospodarsko stanje. Gospodarska politika. Gospodarsko planiranje. Proizvodnja. Usluge. Cijene

FRANC, Sanja
The dilemma over Washington consensus guidelines or industrial policy [Elektronička građa] : lessons from Croatia = Dilema između primjene smjernica Washingtonskog konsenzusa ili industrijske politike : primjer Hrvatske / Sanja Franc, Antea Barišić, Zoran Wittine. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 60-62. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - During the 1990s Croatia went through the process of transition to market economy mostly following the Washington Consensus policy guidelines. Since the period before the last global financial crisis, Croatia has shown almost no convergence to developed European Union member states and has been among the least developed ones. This paper examines the causes of Croatian development lag, while providing an overview of contemporary development policies and international production fragmentation trends that affected them. The paper points out to several important factors that shaped the Croatian development path. Expectations from foreign capital were overrated, as the foreign direct investment consisted mainly of brownfield investment in large monopolistic companies and was rarely directed to export-oriented sectors. Accession to the World Trade Organisation was followed by stronger growth of imports than exports and joining the European Union did not bring economic growth as fast as expected. Lack of industrial policy implementation has led Croatia to deindustrialisation and increasing importance of the tourism sector as a form of the Dutch disease. - Hrvatska je potkraj prošlog stoljeća prošla kroz proces tranzicije na tržišno gospodarstvo uglavnom slijedeći smjernice Washingtonskog konsenzusa. U razdoblju prije posljednje globalne financijske krize, Hrvatska nije pokazala gotovo nikakvu konvergenciju s razvijenim članicama Europske unije te je pripadala skupini najmanje razvijenih članica. Ovaj rad istražuje uzroke zaostajanja Hrvatske, pružajući istovremeno pregled suvremenih razvojnih politika i međunarodnih trendova fragmentacije proizvodnje koji su na njih utjecali. Rad ukazuje na nekoliko važnih čimbenika koji su oblikovali hrvatski razvojni put. Očekivanja od priljeva stranog kapitala bila su precijenjena, jer su se izravna inozemna ulaganja uglavnom sastojala od brownfield ulaganja u velika monopolistička poduzeća i rijetko su bila usmjerena na izvozno orijentirane sektore. Pristupanje Svjetskoj trgovinskoj organizaciji popraćen je snažnijim rastom uvoza od izvoza, a pridruživanje Europskoj uniji nije donijelo gospodarski rast onako brzo kako se očekivalo. Nedostatak implementacije industrijske politike doveo je Hrvatsku do deindustrijalizacije i sve veće važnosti turističkog sektora kao oblika nizozemske bolesti.
U: Notitia. - ISSN 1849-9066. - 6 (2020), 1 ; str. 49-62  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Globalni lanci vrijednosti -- Industrijska politika -- Nizozemska bolest

GRIMA, Simon
The impact of COVID-19 on Malta and its economy and sustainable strategies [Elektronička građa] / Simon Grima, Rebecca Dalli Gonzi, Eleftherios Thalassinos. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 68-73. - Abstract. - The preparedness for outbreaks of pandemics such as the COVID-19 is a major concern for health authorities and leaders as extensive studies in the past have been reported and well documented. However, engaging with the response to an outbreak demands many decisions with enormous implications on a population and its regions. A review of past response mechanisms sheds light on different scenarios to provide an understanding of the challenges that will emerge, depicting trends, changes to GDP and the impact on the economy and employment. With this article, we aim to identify and bring to light the challenges faced by Malta during the pandemic we are currently facing – COVID. This will help risk managers and leaders understand the devastating social and economic impact of such disruptions and act proactively to avoid repetition and embarrassments of being unprepared. Moreover, we aim to provide an understanding of the expected cascading economic domino effects, which may result from the workforce unavailability, during a pandemic and the mistakes in the estimation, if any, that could have been avoided. A desk research study technique was adopted whereby data was collected from existing sources, including government websites, online statistics, published reports, trends and internal data to the local Maltese markets. The COVID-19 phenomena led to new measures being taken worldwide as professionals, leaders, academics and businesses took unprecedented steps to change their business as usual strategies. This in turn brought about various questions and discussions on how islands like Malta controlled their situation.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 53-73  
 Elektronička verzija članka
COVID-19 -- Upravljanje rizicima -- Održivost -- Gospodarstvo

VOLNER, Hrvoje
The industrial colony of Belišće [Elektronička građa] : factory facilities, infrastructure, and transportation on Gutmann's estate / Hrvoje Volner. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 105-107. - Summary. - Gutmann’s company became involved with industrial wood processing in the mid-19th century, due to the demand for railroad ties for the purpose of building a railway network in the post-revolutionary Habsburg Monarchy. In the wood processing business, the company would hold its steady place word for almost a century, until the Ustasha regime and then the Communist government put an end to its tradition. Its fate was finally sealed in 1946 by the District People’s Court in Zagreb. Belišće was founded in 1884 and within a few years acquired the form of an industrial settlement with factory facilities, warehouses, administrative buildings, cultural centres, and typical apartment buildings. By the end of the interwar period, Belišće had the population of a smaller urban settlement, with a post office serving a number of surrounding villages, factories, a port on the river Drava, and a railway network as a starting point in connecting Slavonia-Podravina with the foot of Mount Papuk in Voćin.Gutmann’s industrial plants, infrastructure and workers were the backbone of a successful family business, which consequently built the township of Belišće.
U: Review of Croatian history (Online). - ISSN 1848-9095. - 16 (2020), 1 ; str. 93-107  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Industrija -- Urbanizacija -- Željeznica -- Radnici -- Povijest

KARAČIĆ, Domagoj, ekonomist
Komunalno gospodarstvo u Republici Hrvatskoj / Domagoj Karačić, Sandra Krtalić. - Graf. prikazi.
Financije županija, gradova i općina. - Bibliografija: 24 jed.
U: Financije županija, gradova i općina. - ISSN . - str. 171-208
Komunalno gospodarstvo -- Komunalne djelatnosti

KRNIĆ, Branko
Likvidnost nefinancijskih poduzeća hrvatskog gospodarstva [Elektronička građa] : razlike između gospodarskih djelatnosti u razdoblju recesije / Branko Krnić, Marko Ban. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj je ovog rada istražiti performanse nefinancijskih poduzeća hrvatskog gospodarstva s aspekta likvidnosti te identificirati razlike po toj osnovi između gospodarskih djelatnosti u razdoblju recesije. U tu se svrhu analizira razina i dinamika promjena odabranih pokazatelja. U obuhvat je uključeno prvih sedam djelatnosti prema ostvarenom udjelu u ukupnim prihodima ili ukupno zaposlenima u hrvatskom gospodarstvu, odnosno sektoru nefinancijskih poduzeća. Utvrđene su znatne razlike u razini i dinamici promjena analiziranih pokazatelja te njihova značajna pogoršanja u razdoblju recesije hrvatskog gospodarstva. Identificirane su također sličnosti i razlike u jačini povezanosti sastavnica tih pokazatelja. U razdoblju recesije utvrđene su znatne razlike između gospodarskih djelatnosti u razini likvidnosti. Nalazi istraživanja mogu biti relevantni na makrorazini nositeljima regulacije i ekonomskih politika u spoznavanju promjena razine likvidnosti u hrvatskom gospodarstvu, što kao analitička podloga može pridonijeti pronalaženju mjera za poboljšanja na tom području. - The aim of this research is to investigate the performance of nonfinancial companies of the Croatian economy from the aspect of liquidity and to identify the differences on that basis between the economic activities in the period of recession. For this purpose, we analyzed the level and dynamic of the changes of the selected financial indicators. The analysis covered the first seven economic activities based on the highest share in total revenues or the total number of employees in the Croatian economy, or more precisely, in the sector of nonfinancial companies. Significant differences were identified in the level and dynamic of the changes of the analyzed financial indicators as well as their serious worsening in the period of recession of the Croatian economy. Also, we identified the similarities and differences between the direction and strength of the connection between the components of these financial indicators. In the period of recession, major differences between the economic activities in the level of liquidity were identified. The findings of this research may be relevant on the macro level for regulators and economic policy makers in the understanding the differences of the level of liquidity in the Croatian economy, which can, as an analytical base, contribute to finding measures for improvements in that area.
U: Zbornik sveučilišta Libertas (Online). - ISSN 2584-6167. - 5 (2020), 5 ; str. 5-26  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzeća -- Nefinancijska poduzeća -- Likvidnost -- Gospodarstvo -- Gospodarske djelatnosti -- Recesija

Vidi br.: HA20-02870

Vidi br.: HA20-02564

Vidi br.: HA20-02282

Vidi br.: HA20-02149

Vidi br.: HA20-02544

Vidi br.: HA20-02237

Vidi br.: HA20-02244

Vidi br.: HA20-02247

338.48   Turizam

KILIÇ, Burhan
A conceptual review of last chance tourism [Elektronička građa] : the case of Turkey / Burhan Kiliç, Nisan Yozukmaz. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 331-335. - Summary. - Being always a popular issue despite being called differently on media, last chance tourism (LCT) has become a significant matter in tourism literature in recent years due to the increase in global warming and world population. Even though LCT has emerged in relation to visit demands to destinations under the threat of disappearance in Arctic regions, the concept is now not only used for destinations disappearing due to environmental changes but also for places disappearing due to anthropogenic reasons. The most important aspects of this concept are its relation with other tourism types and the paradox that it creates because of its impacts on the environment. These two aspects of this concept are still discussed in tourism literature. With regard to this discussion, the purpose of this study is to examine LCT and its paradox in the literature in detail; to discuss the term with regard to Turkey and to determine possible last chance destinations in Turkey with an emphasis on Hasankeyf (Batman). For this aim, a detailed literature review and an online search with keywords such as “places under threat” were conducted. As a result of this study, it is revealed that there are many LCT destinations in Turkey which have been dragged into being a LCT destination as a result of misgovernment and Hasankeyf (Batman) has been already recognized as a LCT destination by the tourists and therefore can be evaluated within LCT literature in future research in a more detailed and empirical way.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 3 ; str. 322-335  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Turizam posljednje prilike -- Ekološka svijest -- Promjene okoliša -- Izumiranje

LOPES, Vânia
A strategy for a sustainable tourism development of the Greek Island of Chios [Elektronička građa] / Vânia Lopes, Sara Moreno Pires, Rui Costa. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 259-260. - Summary. - Despite several advances to comprehend tourism impacts and its relationship with sustainable development challenges, there is still a lack of worldwide examples of strategies for sustainable tourism development of destinations. Particularly in less developed European regions, tourism development strategies are still poorly implemented, emphasising the need to support them towards more balanced policies and actions that can effectively promote a sustainable tourism destination. The Island of Chios in Greece faces several challenges in order to develop such a strategy. Besides being a region particularly affected by the financial and refugee crisis of the last years, the Island does not have a Land Use Plan approved so far or any Strategy or Plan for Tourism. As such, the main goal of this paper is to propose a planning framework for sustainable tourism development of the Island of Chios considering the United Nations Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. To accomplish such goal, the research involved a serious of different steps through an action-research approach based on a three-month internship at the local municipality. The qualitative and quantitative methodology was developed with the input of local key stakeholders and it enabled to identify the critical need for developing a sustainable tourism strategy for the territory. Results show that Chios is a destination with potential growth and increased competitiveness and attractiveness for visitors but major steps would have to be taken for the establishment of a participatory sustainable tourism strategic plan that could involve all the stakeholders and promote a sustainable growth and a more balanced development of the region.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 3 ; str. 243-260  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Održivi turizam -- Turističke strategije -- Planiranje -- Razvoj

MANGLIS, Angelos
The Accessible Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites (AUCHS) as a sustainable tourism development opportunity in the Mediterranean Region [Elektronička građa] / Angelos Manglis, Anastasia Fourkiotou, Dimitra Papadopoulou.
Bibliografija: str. 502-503. - Summary. - This article is about the multi-dimensional value of the Accessible Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites (AUCHS) for coastal areas and islands in the Mediterranean Region, especially as an opportunity for sustainable blue growth. It is an attempt to underline the need for the broad promotion of Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH) and to highlight the contribution of innovative technologies for direct and indirect accessibility to underwater cultural heritage remains. The paper further demonstrates how the AUCHS can become niches of touristic development for an area whilst offering multifaceted socioeconomic benefits to the local communities.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 4 ; str. 499-503  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Podvodna kulturna baština -- Održivi turizam -- Razvoj turizma

Artificial neural networks in modelling seasonal tourism demand - case study of Croatia [Elektronička građa] / Maja Gregorić, Tea Baldigara. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 37-38. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The purpose of this paper is to design an artificial neural network in the attempt to define the data generating process of the number of German tourist arrivals in Croatia considering the strong seasonal character of empirical data. The presence of seasonal unit roots in tourism demand determinants is analysed using the approach developed by Hylleberg, Engle, Granger and Yoo – Hegy test. The study is based on seasonality analysis and Artificial Neural Networks approach in building a model which intend to describe the behaviour of the German tourist flows to Croatia. Different neural network architectures were trained and tested, and after the modelling phase, the forecasting accuracy and model performances were analysed. Model performance and forecasting accuracy evaluation was tested using the mean absolute percentage error. Based on the augmented HEGY test procedure it can be concluded the German tourist arrivals to the Republic of Croatia have nonstationary behaviour associated with the zero frequency and seasonal frequency. Taking this into consideration, in the analysis of the phenomenon it is necessary to consider its seasonal character. Given the importance of the tourism for Croatian economic development, the research results could be useful, for both, researchers and practitioners, in the process of planning and routing the future Croatian hotel industry development and improvement of business performances. - Svrha je ovog rada dizajnirati umjetnu neuronsku mrežu sa ciljem definiranja procesa generiranja podataka o broju dolazaka njemačkih turista u Hrvatsku, uzimajući u obzir sezonski karakter empirijskih podataka. Prisutnost sezonskoga jediničnog korijena u odrednicama turističke potražnje analizirana je pristupom koji su razvili Hylleberg, Engle, Granger and Yoo – Hegyijevim testom. Istraživanje je temeljeno na analizi sezonalnosti i umjetnim neuronskim mrežama u stvaranju modela koji za cilj ima opisati ponašanje njemačkih turističkih tokova u Hrvatskoj. Trenirane su i testirane različite arhitekture neuronskih mreža, te je nakon faze modeliranja ocijenjena pouzdanost i analizirane su performanse modela. Prognostička pouzdanost modela testirana je srednje apsolutnom postotnom pogreškom. Temeljem rezultata Hegyijevog testa može se zaključiti kako je serija broja dolazaka njemačkih turista nestacionarna, na razini nulte i sezonske frekvencije. Uzimajući to u obzir, u analizi navedene pojave potrebno je uvažiti njezin sezonski karakter. S obzirom na važnost turizma za ekonomski razvoj Hrvatske, ovo bi istraživanje trebalo koristiti, kako istraživačima tako i praktičarima, u procesu planiranja razvoja hrvatske turističke industrije i u poboljšanja poslovnih performansi.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 19-39  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Turistička potražnja -- Sezonalnost -- Generiranje podataka -- Umjetne neuronske mreže

KOSTADINOVA Popova, Katina
Assessment of the potential of Varna City as a smart tourist destination [Elektronička građa] / Katina Kostadinova Popova, Miroslava Malinova Malcheva. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 319-321. - Summary. - In recent years digitalization became a mainstream factor for socio-economic development and improvement of quality of life. The concepts of “smart cities” and “smart tourist destinations” are real consequences of the global urbanization process. Nowadays, digitalization is a privilege for every destination oriented towards young people and innovation initiatives. Intelligent destinations require development of optimal urban management models bound by considerable investments. The current study examines the potential of the Sea capital of Bulgaria – Varna to become a smart tourism destination. The used methodology is based on the selection of three scientific tools – PESTEL analysis, SWOT analysis and Delphi method. The major findings showed that the need of digitalization will become an important feature of the tourist supply in Varna. The city is a fast-growing academic destination and an attractive center for many young people. The tendency to use innovative technologies before and during the stay in a destination, typical for every young person, creates numerous opportunities for Varna. The introduction of ICT in the modern life of the residents and the guests of the city should be done through a precise assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the digitalization process.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 3 ; str. 308-321  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turističke destinacije -- Pametni gradovi -- Digitalizacija

Bibliometric analysis of social entrepreneurship in gastronomy tourism [Elektronička građa] / Duygu Celebi, Ige Pirnar, Engin Deniz Eris. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 65-67. - Summary. - The definition of "entrepreneurship" briefly stands for setting up a new business by taking financial and other risks to gain profits. Phenomenon of “social entrepreneurship” has emerged as a follow up concept of entrepreneurship, as a critical issue in the context of both improvement and wellbeing of societies. Social entrepreneurship focuses on social problems rather than profit maximization and is especially important for gastronomy tourism due to the social local benefits as cultural integration and employment it brings. In order to understand the promising research areas and explore the research gap in the gastronomical social entrepreneurship applications, bibliometric analysis is chosen since studies are limited in the gastronomy tourism as well as social entrepreneurship. The research in subject area consisted on keywords that are used as search items for articles title section to select articles that are more accurate for the aim of the research. The analysis shows that there are 20 articles with the combination of related key word variations. When the methodologies of the related articles is analyzed, it is understood that qualitative research with multiple and comparative case study is chosen for almost all the related articles. The reason might be due to the characteristics of the research topic and novelty, thus, rarity of true to life gastronomical social innovation applications. This study is expected to guide future studies by providing general overview of the studies and the research gap in social entrepreneurship and gastronomy tourism.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 1 ; str. 58-67  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gastronomski turizam -- Društveno poduzetništvo -- Bibliometrijska analiza

BRŠČIĆ, Kristina
Can indicators for sustainable tourism improve tourism planning in the coastal destinations? [Elektronička građa] : Empirical evidence from Catalonia, Istrian Region and Tuscany Region / Kristina Brščić, Lluis Prats Planaguma, Antonio Raschi, Valentina Marchi, Tina Šugar, Katarina Lovrečić, Danijela Poljuha. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 153-155. - Summary. - Due to the continuous increase of the tourism industry, tourism destinations need to be managed under a sustainable framework, with the main aim of minimizing the adverse effects caused by tourism flows. In recent years, several attempts have been made to measure those effects and value the level of sustainability of every destination. A clear example of this is the European Tourism Indicator System (ETIS). In the paper, the results are presented of a project which aimed to test indicators of sustainable tourism in coastal destinations of Catalonia, Istrian Region, and Tuscany Region. The results of 33 collected indicators are available on the online platform of the project INTERREG MED MITOMED+. During the first year, in every category of indicators (economic, social-cultural and environmental) only some indicators were collected, which was expected because different regions apply different methodologies. The collected data is the starting point that shows destinations how the indicator can be obtained and what its purpose is. Furthermore, collected data can help local and regional tourism stakeholders to prevent factors of risk, to take decisions and to improve the implementation of policies for sustainable maritime and coastal tourism development in the Mediterranean area.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 2 ; str. 144-155  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Održivi turizam -- Održivi razvoj -- Turističke destinacije

NGO, Vu Minh
Customer agility and firm performance in the tourism industry [Elektronička građa] / Vu Minh Ngo, Hieu Minh Vu. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 79-82. - Summary. - The growing importance of agility in any business process is universally accepted and extensively investigated in different disciplines. However, lacking empirical pieces of evidence for the suggested theoretical framework of agility hinders its application in the practices. Thus, this study attempts to address this issue by empirically testing a framework of customer agility’s antecedents and consequences using the tourism industry context. The framework is tested on data collected from 231 Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the tourism industry in Vietnam and analyzed using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Findings suggest that not all attributes of customer agility exert positive impacts on the firm’s performance and human factors are posited as the most important antecedents for organizational agility. A number of practical implications are also suggested from the research findings.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 1 ; str. 68-82  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turistička industrija -- Potrošači -- Agilnost potrošača -- Mala i srednja poduzeća -- Upravljanje znanjem

Destinacijski menadžment u funkciji razvoja kulturnog turizma kontinentalne Hrvatske - primjer destinacije Križevci [Elektronička građa] / Tea Golja, Romana Lekić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 135-141. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Konkurentnost turističke destinacije definira se kao njezina sposobnost da kreira i sustavno integrira turističke proizvode, odnosno usluge i doživljaje više dodane vrijednosti. Razvoj destinacijskog menadžmenta i strateško pozicioniranje kroz odabrane turističke proizvode, odnosno doživljaje te upravljanje kako lancem vrijednosti s jedne strane, tako i iskustvom posjetitelja s druge, su uvjeti bez kojih se niti jedna destinacija ne može razviti. Turistički proizvod se formira prvenstveno na destinacijskoj, a dijelom i na regionalno razini, čime regije i (u novije vrijeme) destinacije postaju sredstvo razmjene, odnosno ono što se na turističkom tržištu nudi i prodaje. Stoga proces upravljanja turističkim destinacijama, iako u velikoj mjeri virtualan i nestandardiziran, danas postaje ne samo važnim nego i nužnim poslom i pretpostavkom za konkurentski i održivi rast turizma destinacije – bez obzira na njenu veličinu. Svrha ovog istraživanja je utvrditi mogućnosti i prilike za razvoj proizvoda kulturnog turizma u Križevcima. Provedena su istraživanja u destinaciji i to fokus grupe i anketno ispitivanje. Cilj je dvojaki. Primarno želi se potaknuti osmišljavanje inovativnih proizvoda kulturnog turizma temeljeno na resursnoj osnovi Križevaca. Sekundarno, želi se ukazati na prilike za unapređenje, posebice na važnost i ulogu destinacijskog menadžmenta u razvoju faktora atraktivnosti koji snažno utječu na destinacijsku konkurentnost. U radu se uspostavlja poveznica između teorijskog određenja koncepta kulturnog turizma i destinacijskog menadžmenta te rezultata empirijskih istraživanja. Rezultati ukazuju da lokalno stanovništvo prepoznaju resursnu osnovu Križevaca kao snažan potencijal za razvoj proizvoda kulturnog turizma. No, evidentan je jaz između sadašnje ponude doživljaja kulturnog turizma i mogućnosti koje destinacija ima s obzirom na svoju resursnu osnovu. - Competitiveness of tourist destinations is defined as its ability to create and successfully integrate tourist products, i.e. services and experiences of more added value. The development of destination management and strategic positioning through selected tourist products, i.e experiences, and management of both the value chain on the one hand, and the experience of visitors on the other, are preconditions for sustainable tourism development. The tourist product is formed primarily at the destination level, and partly at the regional level, which makes regions and (more recently) destinations a means of exchange, i.e. what is offered and sold on the tourist market. Therefore, the process of managing tourist destinations today, although largely a virtual and nonstandardized, is becoming not only important but also a necessary activity and a prerequisite for competitive and sustainable tourism growth in destination - regardless of its size. The purpose of this research is to determine the opportunities for the development of cultural tourism products in Križevci. Primary research was conducted in Križevci - focus groups and online survey. The resource base of the destination is observed. The goal is twofold. The primary aim is to encourage the development of innovative cultural tourism products based on the attraction base of the destination. Secondarily, authors want to point to opportunities for improvement, especially the importance and role of destination management in the development of attractiveness factors that strongly affect the destination competitiveness. The paper establishes a link between the theoretical definition of the concept of cultural tourism and destination management and the results of empirical research. Results indicate that residents recognize the potential of cultural resources of Križevci for development of cultural tourism products.
U: Studia Polensia (Online). - ISSN 2459-6256. - 9 (2020), 1 ; str. 103-142  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Destinacijski menadžment -- Kulturni turizam -- Književni turizam -- Manifestacijski turizam

Destination management organisations as meta-designers [Elektronička građa] : insights from Germany and Montenegro / Monika Bachinger, Ana Tripković Marković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 305-307. - Summary. - DMOs increasingly find themselves managing complex socio-technological systems. They face ‘wicked problems’ at the point where humans and technological systems intersect. Such problems require the remit of DMOs to grow from its current status of meta-management into the new concept of meta-design. Whereas meta-management relies on strategic planning and a predictable future, meta-design takes into account unpredictable dynamics of destinations as experience production systems. The term meta-design implies designing design; it targets those structures and processes in destinations that facilitate the co-production of tourism experiences. Based on a survey in Germany and Montenegro this paper investigates whether, and to what degree, DMOs practice meta-design, what factors characterise their meta-design and what circumstances drive them to take on the task of meta-design. Results show that only a small number of DMOs in both countries practice meta-design. The DMOs who adhere most closely to such a role operate at a superordinate geographical level. Digitalisation and user-centeredness are important features of meta-design; however, DMOs realise both of these features to different degrees. Contact with service providers along with available networking resources influence DMOs to practice meta-design. Differences exist between Montenegro and Germany due to their markets and normative settings. In discussing these results, some practical recommendations and further fields of research have been formulated.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 3 ; str. 294-307  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Destinacijski menadžment -- Digitalizacija -- Korisnici -- Metadizajn

GUERREIRO, Maria Manuela
The dynamic nature of the city image [Elektronička građa] : do image components evolve over time? / Manuela Guerreiro, Júlio Mendes, Carlos Fortuna, Patrícia Pinto. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 94-99. - Summary. - In this study, we propose that the city image is a multidimensional construct influenced by its image components which, together, affect tourist behaviour in a dynamic process. The general objective of this research is to understand the dynamic nature of a major tourism destination image and the relationships among its components from the tourists’ perspective. This study is exploratory and descriptive. Data was collected from tourists’ surveys applied in two different moments at Istanbul: before the launching of the European Capital of Culture (ECoC) (Moment 1), and one year later, during the ECoC (Moment 2). The proposed model was estimated and tested using structural equation modelling (SEM). The comparison of data from the two moments indicates different patterns of relationships. Findings contribute to a better understanding of the dynamic nature of a city image by investigating the relationships among different image components in two different moments, before and after a major cultural event. Future studies should investigate further the unique image construct given the importance of local identity in brand and event communication. Additionally, research should investigate the impact of events on the formation of the affective component of image and behavioural intentions among tourists.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 1 ; str. 83-99  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Gradovi -- Imidž grada -- Kulturni događaji

The effect of sensation seeking on holiday preference [Elektronička građa] : a comparison among domestic tourists according to their level of change seeking / Oya Yıldırım, Abdul Celıl Cakıcı. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 109-111. - Summary. - Tourists’ holiday preferences may change with changing consumption habits and various impulses, such as sensation seeking and change seeking. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of domestic tourists' sensation seeking on their holiday preferences according to their level of change seeking. A questionnaire was developed based on previous literature and data were collected among domestic tourists who inhabit the Adana city center and who had holiday at least once a year. Overall, data from 1,580 respondents entered the data analysis stage. Using stepwise clustering, participants were divided into two groups: high level of change seekers and low level of change seekers. It was found that individuals who had high level of change seeking attitudes displayed more sensational seeking than individuals who had low level of change seeking. The findings also showed that people with high level of change seeking had significantly higher motivations for beach, culture and adventure holidays.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 1 ; str. 100-111  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turisti -- Ponašanje turista -- Senzacije -- Promjene

FERJANIĆ Hodak, Danijela
Examining recent research in the field of sharing economy in tourism [Elektronička građa] : bibliometric and content analysis / Danijela Ferjanić Hodak, Vanja Krajinović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 412-414. - Summary. - Sharing economy has become a rather troublesome concept and business model in the process of tourism development during the recent years. Despite its undoubtful economic benefits for service providers and consumers, there are numerous negative impacts which can be related to the sharing economy, ultimately leading to unsustainable tourism development on destination level. In general, sharing economy can be attributed numerous benefits, but in terms of tourism, it recently became closely related to the issue of overtourism, thus becoming one of the initiators of negative attitude of the local community towards the future tourism development. Therefore, the concept of sharing economy has been in the focus of numerous researchers during the last several years, with increasing number of papers being published since 2016. This research is focused on analyzing the evolution and importance of sharing economy within the tourism study. The focus is given to the bibliographic analysis of journal articles within the “sharing economy in tourism” search. Additionally, based on qualitative content analysis the aim is to identify current state of the research in this field and to determine research gap with respect to the issue of overtourism and to identify future research potentials.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 4 ; str. 402-414  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Ekonomija dijeljenja -- Bibliografska analiza -- Sadržajna analiza


The impact of blockchain technology on tourism intermediation [Elektronička građa] / Sara Melkić, Nevenka Čavlek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 142-143. - Summary. - Contemporary tourism has undergone many changes in the last decade, mainly due to expansion of the new technology. The use of new technology has had more positive than negative impacts on tourism intermediation, but none of them triggered a radical change. Blockchain technology has been one of the most discussed topics especially after 2016 due to its all opportunities, but also threats. Even though it is still somewhat unfamiliar, it is a form of technology which has a great potential to cause a revolution in traditional business activities, as it is predicted by futurists. For now, this phenomenon has only been recognized by bigger tourism intermediaries, technology-oriented companies. Such fast changes require even faster adaptations of all tourism intermediaries and this is challenging because most of stakeholders are not familiar with the use and the impact of blockchain. Therefore, in this paper the authors will try to provide answers by presenting a SWOT analysis of blockchain technology implications on activities undertaken by all participants in tourism intermediation. It implies to conclusion that everyone will face various challenges in its implementation which have to be considered seriously. The use and the general understanding of blockchain technology is still in an initial stage, so it is crucial that tourism research takes a proactive role in the exploration of this field of study. Furthermore, as trends are dynamic and evolve rapidly, the topic becomes particularly challenging for scientists in bridging practice into theory. Therefore, this theory-based paper on an overall assumption contributes to a better understanding of this phenomenon and raises the awareness for further research.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 2 ; str. 130-143  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Blockchain tehnologija -- Turistički posrednici -- Poslovna evolucija -- SWOT analiza

SOLDIĆ Frleta, Daniela
Insights into differences in residents' attitudes [Elektronička građa] : tourism impacts and support for future development / Daniela Soldić Frleta, Dora Smolčić Jurdana. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 179-180. - Summary. - This study investigates the differences in residents’ perceptions of various tourism impacts as well as residents’ level of support for future tourism development with regard to their employment status (employed in tourism, employed in other industries, and others: students, unemployed persons, retirees). Moreover, the objective was to find out in what way those perceptions influence the residents’ level of support for future tourism development. The results show that there are statistically significant differences in perceptions of economic, socio-cultural, environmental and overall tourism impacts between the three groups of stakeholders. Respondents working in tourism expressed the strongest support for future development, while students, unemployed persons and retired residents tended to be less supportive. The main contribution of this study lies in the insights it provides into the attitudes of different groups of destination stakeholders regarding tourism impacts as well as into their support for future tourism development.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 2 ; str. 170-180  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Utjecaj turizma -- Razvoj turizma -- Stanovnici

Investigating the intersection between sustainable tourism and community-based tourism [Elektronička građa] / Andrea Giampiccoli, Oliver Mtapuri, Anna Dłużewska. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 430-433. - Summary. - This paper interrogates the intersection between sustainable tourism and community-based tourism (CBT). It is a conceptual paper that unpacks the conceptualization of tourism and traces the emergence of sustainable tourism as one of the responses to conventional/mass tourism. The history of conventional tourism shows that, like any form of tourism, it has both positive and negative impacts on destinations. It is against this backdrop that CBT emerged. To achieve its aim, this article examined the main principles and attributes of CBT in CBT manuals and handbooks, focusing on two key concepts - sustainability and the environment. This examination revealed a significant mismatch in the conception of sustainability, while it is a fundamental requirement in tourism to tackle its negative environmental impacts. Environmental sustainability is considered more implicit in CBT, while it is often less regarded in conventional/mass tourism. We argue that the sustainability of tourism should be an intrinsic and universal principle of all forms of tourism that governments should enforce. The fact that conventional tourism produces most of the environmental damage, it is for this reason that it should elevate its role to become a solid promoter of sustainable measures for environmentally-friendly and sustainability-friendly practices instead.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 4 ; str. 415-433  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Održivi turizam -- Ekološka održivost -- Lokalna zajednica

Measuring and monitoring sustainability of coastal tourism destinations in the Mediterranean [Elektronička građa] / Harry Coccossis, Antonia Koutsopoulou. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 493-495. - Summary. - A key component towards sustainability in coastal tourist destinations is to establish monitoring and evaluation schemes in order to measure the impacts of tourism on the economy, society and the environment. Although there is a great deal of frameworks providing the methodological baseline for developing the essential monitoring schemes, the relevant literature has shown that a challenge still exists on adapting these general frameworks to the particularities of the destinations under assessment. This paper presents a framework that measures and monitors sustainability at the local level by introducing a three-tier system of indicators. The framework manages to incorporate the different types of tourism activities as well as the special characteristics of coastal tourist destinations in the Mediterranean while at the same time allows for comparisons among them. The paper emphasizes the role of local stakeholders’ engagement in the development of the monitoring framework and discusses the challenges that emerged during the process. Essentially, the paper provides an alternative way for adjusting general frameworks to allow sustainability evaluations at the local level. In this sense, five types of coastal tourism destinations have been identified as critical in the case of the Mediterranean: beach/maritime destinations, urban/cultural, cruising, recreational boating and nature/ecotourism destinations.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 4 ; str. 482-498  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Turističke destinacije -- Održivost turizma -- Obala

Modeliranje utjecaja ugleda turističke destinacije prisutnog u društvenim medijima na zadovoljstvo turista [Elektronička građa] / Jelena Mušanović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 96-100. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Prije pojave korisnički generiranih sadržaja dijeljenje osobnog iskustva i doživljaja turističke ponude u destinaciji bilo je ograničeno na uži krug prijatelja i obitelji. Danas, turisti (korisnici društvenih medija) razmjenjuju mišljenja putem suvremenih medija na mreži na način da oblikuju ugled turističke destinacije i utječu na odluku o putovanju potencijalnih turista. Svrha ovog istraživanja je ispitati ugled turističke destinacije prisutan u društvenim medijima i njegov utjecaj na zadovoljstvo turista. Empirijsko istraživanje provedeno je na zapadnoj obali Istre (Hrvatska) primjenom upitnika na uzorku od 305 turista koji su se prije putovanja na društvenim medijima informirali o destinaciji. Primjenom metode parcijalnih najmanjih kvadrata modeliranja strukturnim jednadžbama (PLSSEM) izvršena je analiza procjene strukturnog modela i utjecaja ugleda turističke destinacije prisutnog u društvenim medijima na zadovoljstvo turista. Testirani strukturni model ocjenjuje se važnim i pouzdanim instrumentom za mjerenje utjecaja ugleda turističke destinacije prisutnog u društvenim medijima na zadovoljstvo turista te pruža osnovu za buduća istraživanja i za kontinuirano praćenje poboljšanja ugleda turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista elementima turističke ponude. - Before the appearance of user-generated content (UGC), sharing personal travel experiences through social media applications was limited to a narrow circle of friends and family. Today, tourists (social media users) exchange opinions via modern media online and shape the tourism destination reputation, thus affecting the travel decision of potential tourists. The purpose of this study is to examine the tourism destination reputation on social media and its impact on tourist satisfaction. The empirical research was conducted on the western coast of Istria (Croatia), using data from a survey of a sample of 305 tourists who were informed about the tourist destination on social media before traveling to the destination. Partial least squares were used to assess the structural model and impact of tourism destination reputation on social media on tourist satisfaction. The structural model is considered as a valid and reliable instrument for measuring the impact of tourism destination reputation on social media on tourist satisfaction. The results of this study and the proposed conceptual model provide a basis for future research and for the continuous monitoring and improving of the tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction with the elements of tourism supply.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 77-101  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turističke destinacije -- Zadovoljstvo turista -- Društveni mediji -- Statistička analiza

BOURAS, Christos J.
An online tool on sustainable water management [Elektronička građa] / Christos Bouras, Vasileios Kokkinos, Evangelos Michos. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 464-465. - Summary. - Water demand strains supply capacity in the Mediterranean coastal areas, affecting negatively the maintenance of natural and cultural heritage. Tackling this subject, the “Coastal areas sustainable tourism water management in the Mediterranean - CASTWATER” project aims to support sustainable tourism water management in Mediterranean (MED) coastal areas, by improving the monitoring and assessment of the water sustainability performance of tourism. To this end, the elaboration of an online tool to monitor and assess sustainable tourism water management was envisaged and developed, primarily addressed to tourism sector small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The CASTWATER online tool was designed to so as to provide two different functionalities. On the one hand, SMEs can self-evaluate their performance in sustainable water management and efficiently acknowledge possible actions that promote water efficiency in their tourism establishments. On the other hand, the tool measures, at both regional and local level, the levels of good governance and the effectiveness of water-tourism policies in order to improve sustainable water management. The approach presented in this work is heavily based on the initial technical specifications and end-user feedback, aiding SMEs in understanding, comparing, assessing and rating their performance regarding water efficiency and sustainable water management.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 4 ; str. 450-465  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Upravljanje vodama -- Online alati -- Opskrba vodom -- Održivi turizam

ČORAK, Sanda
Opportunities for tourism recovery and development during and after COVID-19 [Elektronička građa] : views of tourism scholars versus tourism practitioners / Sanda Čorak, Snježana Boranić Živoder, Zrinka Marušić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 446-449. - Summary. - For many years, tourism scholars have been investigating tourism development issues and disseminating their research results through papers published in academic journals. Although there is evidence that their viewpoints are in discrepancy with the viewpoints of tourism practitioners, these inconsistencies were rarely investigated and juxtaposed. As the global health pandemic caused by COVID-19 stopped travel and tourism all over the world, it created time for both groups of tourism experts to reflect on the various opportunities and challenges that the tourism sector will face in the future. Using the qualitative research design, the authors had the chance to collect, analyse and discuss the views of tourism experts on the recovery phase and possible changes to tourism in Croatia. Data was obtained through semi structured interviews of tourism practitioners from public and private sectors, and through literary review of published opinion papers by international scholars. The aim of the research was focused on the comparison of their views on the short-term recovery of tourism, as well as the long-term possibilities to transform the sector towards a more sustainable and more inclusive sector that is able to utilize the regional competitive advantages in the best possible way. The research results revealed more similarities regarding the attitudes on the recovery during short-term period, as opposed to more dissimilarity on the long-term future of tourism in Croatia. According to the research results, the future of tourism would benefit from the experience and knowledge of both groups combined – practitioners and scholars.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 4 ; str. 434-449  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- COVID-19 -- Pandemijska kriza -- Oporavak turizma -- Održivost turizma

Overtourism and tourismphobia [Elektronička građa] : a systematic literature review / Medéia Veríssimo, Michelle Moraes, Zélia Breda, Alan Guizi, Carlos Costa. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 166-169. - Summary. - This paper aims at examining how overtourism and tourismphobia are being approached as emergent research topics in current tourism literature. It conducts an analysis of 154 documents, indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection and Scopus databases. The study follows a quantitative and qualitative approach, with the support of VOSviewer and HistCite softwares for a descriptive content analysis. The analysis focuses on highlighting important aspects in terms of the most frequent publication sources (authors and journals); co-citation, as well as dimensions and research streams; methodologies used; results obtained; and implications for future research. The literature review unveiled that the concepts of overtourism and tourismphobia are usually related to destinations’ development, negative impacts, and tourism policies and regulation. Results show that, although tourism excesses and conflicts have been studied for long, ‘overtourism’ and ‘tourismphobia’ have become usual terms, mainly within the past three years. Even though the adoption of the terms can be considered by some as a ‘trend’, the in-depth analysis of the topics shed light on how ‘old’ concepts can evolve to adapt to contemporary tourism issues. Further studies are needed in tracking the evolution of these topics and their implications on the future of tourism.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 2 ; str. 156-169  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Istraživanje turizma -- Pregled literature -- Baze podataka

PAVLIĆ, Ivana, ekonomistica
The perception of travellers and the World Heritage Site image [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Pavlić, Barbara Puh, Ljubica Mišković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 191-194. - Summary. - The paper investigates the main image determinants of World Heritage Site (WHS) among different types of travellers. The main purpose is to define the main features of different types of travellers (tourists and cruise ship visitors) and to determine the attributes that create their particularly perceived image of WHS. In order to gain the main aims, empirical research, based on questionnaire on randomly–chosen travellers visiting WHS, was carried. The sample consisted of 547 tourists and 472 cruise ship visitors who visited WHS - Old city of Dubrovnik (OCD) in the period April 1st – October 1st 2016. Research spatial framework consists of multiple-use protected area with buffer zone. Explorative factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and structural equation modelling (SEM) were applied. The results show that there are differences between image formation among different types of travellers regarding cognitive and affective image elements. The obtained results can be used as a base model for investigating the influence of the information sources, socio-demographics and motivation on mediating ones (cognitive and affective evaluation), and finally on the dependent variable of the overall image of the WHS perceived by different traveller categories.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 2 ; str. 181-194  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turisti -- Svjetska baština -- Kulturna baština -- Kruzeri

Profiling of Airbnb's activities in Ecuador's main cities [Elektronička građa] / Silvana Astudillo, Ana Lucia Serrano López, Diana López, Barbara Sofía Pasaco González. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 399-401. - Summary. - Airbnb in Ecuador is a platform offering since 2008 a new lodging concept that best can be described as a sharing economy model through the rental of private rooms and apartments. The article provides an overview of Airbnb’s activities in Ecuador, more in particular in 22 cities, respectively the capitals of 22 provinces, using the 16 metrics available on the platform of AirDNA. Factor analysis was applied to reduce the number of variables to three main surrogate variables (lodging typology, prices and rates, market metrics) that characterizes Airbnb and retains the original factor variability. Additionally, based on the occupation frequency of Airbnb’s rental places the cluster analysis permitted to group the cities in which Airbnb is active on the basis of the following indicators: amazon destinations, traditions, sun and beach, nature culture and events, and the country’s capital. The research provided a clear image of Airbnb’s approach and impact on the formal accommodation sector, which ultimately will enable the sector to come up with innovative products to compete more efficiently Airbnb’s market range.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 4 ; str. 389-401  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Turistički smještaj -- Online-platforme -- Online rezervacije
Airbnb -- AirDNA


BERTAN, Serkan
Restaurant rankings factors in gastronomy tourism [Elektronička građa] / Serkan Bertan. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 39-42. - Summary. - Factors that affect rankings of restaurants are not clearly known despite the importance of these businesses in promoting the cuisine and local foods within the scope of gastronomy tourism. Restaurants need to be rated in order to encourage and award restaurants as well as to help consumers. The aim of this study is to reveal the factors that affect restaurant ranking. With this purpose, content analysis was conducted on data gathered through document reviews and interviews. The results of the content analysis revealed 5 themes: ranking according to food and beverage, ingredients, personnel, atmosphere and service. The most important theme in the ranking of restaurants within the scope of gastronomy tourism was revealed to be food and beverage. Food and beverage was followed by ingredients, personnel, atmosphere and service respectively as the most emphasized factors. If they want to succeed in gastronomy tourism by fulfilling certain standards, to receive the attention they deserve and to become a gastronomic reference, restaurants need to place importance on the themes of food and beverage, ingredients, personnel, atmosphere and service.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 1 ; str. 34-42  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gastronomija -- Gastronomski turizam -- Restorani -- Ugostiteljski objekti -- Rangiranje restorana

MATIZA, Tafadzwa
The salient place brand factor(s) influencing medical tourism to South Africa [Elektronička građa] / Tafadzwa Matiza, Elmarie Slabbert. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 348-352. - Summary. - Regardless of its importance to the global tourism economy, there is still limited academic inquiry relating to Africa within the context of non-traditional tourism typologies, such as medical tourism. This article contributes to the broader understanding of the potential factors influencing medical tourism by extending place branding theory to the decision-making process of tourists within the South African medical tourism context. The present study examines the place brand - medical tourism nexus using data generated from a sample of n=233 conveniently sampled inbound tourists. Exploratory Factor and Multiple Regression Analyses were applied to the data. It emerged that South Africa's socio-cultural place brand was found to be a statistically significant heuristic cue, positively influencing medical tourism to the country, pivoting aspects such as the country's cultural practices and colonial heritage, as some of the key considerations in the decision making the process of tourists when considering South Africa as a medical tourism destination. Critically, the results associate medical tourism with the socio-cultural profile of South Africa, through the place brand as a heuristic cue for information symmetry. The study enriches both place branding and medical tourism discourse by providing empirical evidence of the nexus between the two constructs. Practically, destination marketers are provided with critical insights into tourist perspectives, and it is recommended that African governments and medical tourism facilitators collaborate to develop a nation branding theory-based framework as a decision support model for proactively managing and communicating the image of South Africa as a medical tourism destination.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 3 ; str. 336-353  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zdravstveni turizam -- Brend mjesta -- Sociokulturni čimbenici

Seasonality of crime in Croatia [Elektronička građa] : a relationship with tourism / Hrvoje Mataković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 205-206. - Summary. - Peace, safety, and security are the primary conditions for successful tourism development and security threats such as terrorism, crime or potential war conflicts can strongly affect tourism. Of these threats, crime is the most widespread. Certain types of crime are seasonal and some criminal offences are more often committed at a particular time of the year, week or day. The aim of this paper is to determine whether there is a connection between the seasonality of crime and tourism in Croatia. In order to achieve this aim, the correlation analysis was applied on monthly data from 2007 to 2018, using Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient to measure the strength of the relationship between crime and tourism. The analysis covered reported criminal offences that may be related to tourism. The conducted analysis found a statistically significant correlation between the tourist arrivals and stays and almost all types of reported criminal offences, and this correlation was stronger for property crimes and weaker for violent crimes. The obtained results can help law enforcement agencies to allocate police officers in specific periods of time and thus to provide adequate resources to respond to crime, such as additional police officers during the summer or other seasons.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 2 ; str. 195-206  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Kriminal -- Sezonalnost

State of art [Elektronička građa] : održivo upravljanje mračnim turizmom prema teoriji dionika = State of art : sustainable dark tourism management according to stakeholder theory / Sanja Dolenec, Ksenija Vodeb. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 35-38. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Turistička valorizacija baštine konflikata može potaknuti pomirbu, ali i nove sukobe. Ciljevi su rada produbiti razumijevanje interesa dionika i učinaka interesa dionika na održivost oblika turizma denotiranog u korpusu literature konstruktom „mračni turizam“. Pregled literature objavljene od 2011. do 2019. u renomiranim bazama podataka, izabrane metodama integrativnog pregleda i teorijskog okvira održivosti prema teoriji dionika, upućuje na zaključke da: (1) je svaki primjer mračnoga turizma jedinstven glede održivosti prema teoriji dionika, (2) relativno održiv mračni turizam čuva posebno ozračje i integritet lokaliteta; propitkuje prikladnost njegova razvoja; uključuje relevantne dionike, nosi im koristi i konstantno uvažava njihovu osjetljivost; lokalnu zajednicu i turiste smatra najosjetljivijim dionicima koji mogu uključivati žrtve, njihove nasljednike te ostale povezane s tragedijom; osvještava društvo o sprečavanju tragedija; usklađen je s vladajućom politikom. Ove bi znanstvene spoznaje trebale doprinijeti razumijevanju osnova održivosti mračnoga turizma te pospješiti formuliranje strategija održivog upravljanja mračnim turizmom koje potiče pomirbu u postkonfliktnim društvima. - Dark tourism can contribute to reconciliation in post-conflict societies, but can also foster new conflicts. The research aims to deepen the understanding of stakeholders' interests and their implications on the sustainability of specific type of tourism, known as dark tourism, in the corpus of literature. A state of art proposal of renowned databases from 2011 to 2019, using methods of integrative literature review and theoretical framework of sustainability, indicates the following: (1) each dark tourism practice is unique, (2) relatively sustainable dark tourism supports the unique aura and integrity of its site, questions the appropriateness of its development, includes relevant stakeholders, benefits them and constantly respects their sensibility, recognises that local communities and tourists are the most vulnerable stakeholder groups and often include victims, their descendants and all those connected to the tragedies, encourages the creation of a society that seeks to prevent tragic events and is aligned with the ruling policy. These scientific findings can contribute to the understanding of the basics of sustainable dark tourism and reinforce the development of strategies of sustainable management of dark tourism, much needed in fostering the reconciliation in the post-conflict societies.
U: Notitia. - ISSN 1849-9066. - 6 (2020), 1 ; str. 25-38  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Mračni turizam -- Održivost -- Teorija dionika

BAILOA, Sandra
Strategic tourism planning in Portugal [Elektronička građa] : challenges for the national tourism development / Sandra Bailoa, Pedro Cravo. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 372-373. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The growth of tourism in Portugal allowed leveraging the economy on the last decade more than any other economic activity. The positive results in many indicators, such as the contribution to GDP, exports and revenues, show that it has been considered an engine of the economy that has produced effects in all the regions of the country. Also contributing to these results were the various strategies that the government has continually defined over the past two decades. This paper starts with a brief literature review and presents a descriptive analysis of the main long-term instruments that feature the Portuguese strategy for tourism, showing the important role that planning can have on the management of the impacts that come from the implementation of these activities. Also, the results of the main indicators (published by several different sources) are presented. The results reveal that there are still several issues that need addressing, so the main challenges for tourism development in Portugal are exposed. - Rast turizma u Portugalu pridonio je ekonomskom zamahu u posljednjem desetljeću više od bilo koje druge ekonomske aktivnosti. Pozitivni rezultati mnogih pokazatelja, kao što su doprinos BDP-u, izvozu i prihodima, pokazuju da je turizam bio poticaj ekonomiji koji je utjecao na sve regije u zemlji. Također, doprinos ovim rezultatima dale su i različite strategije koje je vlada kontinuirano definirala tijekom posljednja dva desetljeća. Rad započinje s kratkim prikazom literature i predstavlja deskriptivnu analizu glavnih dugoročnih instrumenata koji uključuju portugalsku strategiju u turizmu, pokazujući važnost uloge koju planiranje može imati na upravljanje učincima koji proizlaze iz primjene tih aktivnosti. Nadalje, rezultati glavnih pokazatelja (objavljenih u nekoliko različitih izvora) su prikazani. Rezultati otkrivaju da postoji nekoliko problema kojima treba pristupiti te su predstavljeni glavni izazovi za razvoj turizma u Portugalu.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 353-374  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Strateško planiranje -- Nacionalne strategije -- Razvoj turizma

Testing a holistic model of tourist destination loyalty [Elektronička građa] / Iva Bulatovic. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 357-358. - Summary. - The purpose of the present study is to test a holistic destination loyalty model using the case of Budva in Montenegro. The model combines the following six variables: tourist satisfaction, loyalty and preferences, destination performance, perceived value and destination image. The structural equation modelling (SEM) approach is adopted. Model tests confirm good fit of the data to the proposed model and it is recommended to further validate the model using other destination settings.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 3 ; str. 354-358  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turističke destinacije -- Zadovoljstvo turista -- Odanost turista -- Destinacijski imidž -- Holistički model

ALIYEV, Khatai
Testing tourism-led economic growth and economic-driven tourism growth hypotheses [Elektronička građa] : the case of Georgia / Khatai Aliyev, Nargiz Ahmadova. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 55-57. - Summary. - This paper empirically investigates a causal relationship between tourism and economic growth in Georgia for 1997-2018 period by employing ARDLBT approach to cointegration. Results reject economic-driven tourism growth hypothesis for Georgia and reveal that impact of tourism development over economic growth is negative in the long-run, in contrary positive in the short-run. Obtained results suggest that there is a possibility to have a tourism resource curse in the long-term in Georgia. Georgian government should build a tourism strategy to avoid crowding out of human capital from industrial production and decrease the share of imports for the needs of tourism sector.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 1 ; str. 43-57  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Gospodarski rast

Tourism observatories for monitoring MED destinations performance [Elektronička građa] : the case of ShapeTourism project / Dario Bertocchi, Nicola Camatti, Jan Van der Borg. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 479-481. - Summary. - Following the precedent set by the Tourism Observatory (TO) run by the European Commission-DG GROW a few years ago, several initiatives have taken place to design and manage tourism observatories at both the transnational and local level. However, these initiatives do not yet seem able to provide adequate operational responses to the challenges that the Commission launched with the original TO. While the opportunities offered by the Web 2.0 still do not seem to have been sufficiently taken advantage of, such initiatives also have not yet developed suitable methodologies to operationally include the tourism industry in the studies and monitoring performed by the TOs. This work presents the lesion learnt from the ShapeTourism prototype including two different tools: an observatory with official and unofficial indicators, and a simulation tool to predict different scenarios and different sustainability levels, designed specifically to overcome the aforementioned limits. The prototype was tested in 2017 on the entire eligible area of ​​the 2014-2020 MED Programme covering 52 regions. The potentialities of this tool are shown through the creation on indicators, benchmarking and applications.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 4 ; str. 466-481  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turističke destinacije -- Upravljanje destinacijom

NAJEV Čačija, Ljiljana
Toward a model of relationship between the overall and the destination attributes satisfaction [Elektronička građa] : an exploratory study / Ljiljana Najev Čačija, Davorka Mikulić, Daša Dragnić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 39 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This study presents a preliminary research towards a conceptual model of relationship between the overall and the destination attributes satisfaction. Precisely, the paper explores and classifies destination pull factors as a precondition to design a conceptual model. Therefore, the first step was to categorise destination attributes into meaningful groups of pull factors that provide greater efficiency in achieving and maintaining a desired perception of destination quality, measured by tourists’ satisfaction. The exploratory factor analysis was conducted on the sample of 289 tourists visiting the town of Split (Croatia). The required prior statistical preconditions were successfully met and the principal component analysis was conducted on 20 items with Varimax rotation method. Based on the results, four pull factors were retained in the final analysis, explaining 54.760% of the variance. In the final categorisation, factor loading was above 0.4 for all four extracted factors, with reliability of measurement scales. Major findings of this study confirm that destination attributes can be grouped in a meaningful way regarding tourist satisfaction and indicate that the extracted pull factors, representing both common and unique destination attributes, have the potential to be generally applicable. The extracted factors are the primary or fundamental offer components; additional/expanded offer components; tertiary or tendency/affinity/preference offer components and specific offer components. Recommendations for further research are given, in order to explore to what extent the tourists’ overall satisfaction is related to their satisfaction with destination attributes, and to expand the model with the impact of other moderating elements. - U ovoj se studiji predstavlja preliminarno istraživanje, usmjereno prema razvoju konceptualnog modela odnosa između ukupnog i zadovoljstva atributima destinacije. Točnije rečeno, u radu se ispituju i klasificiraju čimbenici privlačenja od strane destinacije, kao pretpostavka za dizajniranje konceptualnog istraživačkog modela. Stoga je, kao prvi istraživački korak, provedena kategorizacija atributa destinacije u logične skupine čimbenika privlačenja, koji omogućavaju veću učinkovitost postizanja i održavanja željene razine kvalitete destinacije, mjerene pomoću zadovoljstva turista. Na uzorku od 289 turistističkih posjetitelja grada Splita provedena je eksploratorna faktorska analiza (EFA). Uz zadovoljavanje statističkih preduvjeta, analiza glavnih komponenti, uz Varimax rotaciju, provedena je na 20 čestica. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata, zadržana su četiri faktora privlačenja, koji objašnjavaju 54,76% varijance. U završnom koraku, faktorska opterećenja su iznosila više od 0,4 za sve identificirane faktore s pouzdanim mjernim ljestvicama. Najvažniji zaključci ove studije potvrđuju da se atributi destinacije mogu grupirati na smislen način, korištenjem zadovoljstva turista kao temelja grupiranja, kao i da identificirani čimbenici privlačenja – kako posebna, tako i opća obilježja destinacije – imaju potencijal za generalizaciju. Identificirani faktori su: primarne/temeljne, dodatne/proširene i tercijarne (povezane s individualnim ukusima te preferencijama), kao i specifične komponente ponude. Identificiraju se preporuke za buduća istraživanja, kako bi se utvrdilo do koje mjere je ukupno zadovoljstvo turista povezano s njihovim zadovoljstvom obilježjima destinacije te proširio model s ostalim elementima, koji imaju posrednički utjecaj.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), 2 ; str. 67-81  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turističke destinacije -- Marketing destinacija -- Menadžment destinacija -- Zadovoljstvo turista

ESHUN, Gabriel
Towards sustainable ecotourism development in Ghana [Elektronička građa] : contributions of the local communities / Gabriel Eshun, Tembi M. Tichaawa. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 275-277. - Summary. - The study, which focused on Bobiri Forest Reserve and Butterfly Sanctuary in Ghana, sought to identify the challenges that the local communities face in contributing to the sustainability of the Sanctuary, to categorise the benefits that the local communities derive from ecotourism, and to evaluate the local involvement toward the sustainability of the Sanctuary. A mixed-methodological approach was employed in the data collection and analysis. Semi-structured questionnaires were administered to 387 respondents, selected from the six surrounding communities, at the study site. The study also purposively selected and interviewed some key informants. The study revealed that the local communities did not contribute much to the sustainability of the Sanctuary. At the time of the study, the national government received most of its economic benefits at the expense of the local communities. The study recommends the involvement of the neighbouring communities in the development of ecotourism in the Sanctuary, as well as the introduction of structures that help to ensure equitable distribution of the economic benefits accruing from ecotourism.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 3 ; str. 261-277  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ekoturizam -- Održivi turizam -- Lokalna zajednica

ENDRES, Renata
Treba li smanjiti ili povećati poreze u turizmu? [Elektronička građa] / Renata Endres, A. Bryan Endres. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Porez na dodanu vrijednost u turizmu ima ključnu ulogu u poticanju razvoja turizma, ostvarivanju konkurentne pozicije turističke destinacije te prikupljanju prihoda ostvarenih od turizma. Dosadašnjom izmjenom visine stopa poreza na dodanu vrijednost u turizmu hrvatska vlada nastojala je ostvariti konkurentnost hrvatske turističke destinacije, uz maksimiziranje iznosa prihoda prikupljenih od turizma. U radu se upotrebljavaju sekundarni podaci za razdoblje od 1998. do 2020., a cilj je rada analizirati alternativan pristup oporezivanju smještaja i ugostiteljstva, sličan onome koji primjenjuje SAD, da bi se ostvarili bolji fiskalni i ekonomski učinci. U rezultatima analize prikazuju se prednosti i nedostaci povišene i snižene stope poreza na dodanu vrijednost u turizmu Hrvatske, odnosno turističkih poreza SAD-a. - Value added tax in tourism has a key role in stimulating tourism development, improving competitiveness and generating revenue. The Croatian government has periodically adjusted the value added tax rate in tourism in an attempt to increase the country’s tourism competitiveness while maximizing revenues. Using secondary data from 1998 to 2020, the aim of this paper is to analyze an alternative approach, more similar to the tax policy principles applied in the USA, to achieve improved fiscal and economic output. The results of the analysis show the advantages and disadvantages of increased and reduced value added tax rate on tourism in Croatia and tourism taxes in the USA.
U: Zbornik sveučilišta Libertas (Online). - ISSN 2584-6167. - 5 (2020), 5 ; str. 67-85  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Oporezivanje turizma -- Javne financije -- Konkurentnost -- Bruto domaći proizvod

Utjecaj sezonskih oscilacija na kretanja cijene dionica u sektoru turizma [Elektronička građa] / Vedran Šarlija, Vesna Buterin, Denis Buterin. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 292. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Turizam i djelatnosti povezane s turizmom značajan su čimbenik hrvatskog gospodarstva, s jasnim naznakama nastavka takvih trendova i u budućnosti. Istraživanja pokazuju kako se udio turizma u hrvatskom bruto domaćem proizvodu povećao, a sve su više primjetna nastojanja za podizanjem kvalitete turističke ponude i produžavanja turističke sezone. Nositelji takvih inicijativa od kojih se očekuju povećani povrati u dugom roku zasad su uglavnom turistička poduzeća s najvećim financijskim potencijalom. U ovom radu autori istražuju je li kretanje cijene dionica takvih trgovačkih društava povezano s povećanim prihodima u vrijeme sezone, odnosno je li kretanje cijene povezano sa sezonskim oscilacijama ili je povezano s njihovom dugoročnom poslovnom politikom. Istraživanje je pokazalo da sezonske promjene imaju određeni utjecaj, ali nedovoljan da značajnije determiniraju kretanje cijene vrijednosnica na financijskom tržištu promatranih poduzeća. Unatoč značajnom povećanju prihoda, trend je silazan, a naznake njegovog obrata u kratkom i srednjem roku nisu uočene, što može ukazivati na nepovjerenje ulagača u takav oblik razvoja turističkih poduzeća. - Tourism and tourism-related activities are a significant factor in the Croatian economy, with clear indications of the continuation of such trends in the future. Research shows that the share of tourism in the Croatian gross domestic product has increased, and efforts to raise the quality of the tourist offer and extend the tourist season are becoming more noticeable. Holders of such initiatives, which are expected to increase long-term returns, are currently mostly tourism companies with the highest financial potential. In this paper, the authors investigate whether the movement in the stock price of such companies is associated with increased revenues during the season, that is, whether the price movement is related to seasonal fluctuations or is related to their long-term business policy. The research has shown that seasonal changes have some influence, but not sufficient to significantly determine the price movement of securities in the financial market of observed enterprises. Despite a significant increase in revenue, the trend is downward and indications of its turnaround have not been observed in the short and medium term, which may indicate investors’ lack of confidence in this form of tourism business development.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 283-293  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Turistička poduzeća -- Financijska tržišta -- Tehnička analiza

BALAKRISHNAN Nair, Bipithalal
What makes inauthenticity dangerous [Elektronička građa] : an explorative study of ethnic cuisine and tourism / Bipithalal Balakrishnan Nair, Satyajit Sinha, M.R. Dileep. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 384-388. - Summary. - This study inspects the dangers of being inauthentic while posing as apostles of authentic, ethnic service providers in tourism. The concept of authenticity was adopted to understand how the commodification of cultural features, especially food, of a multiethnic destination influences the realness of traditional cuisine. The study was conducted in Goa, India, also known as tourist Mecca. The research findings demonstrate that tourism acts as a dominant player in creating a transfigurative replica of tourist’s expectations. This makes touristified versions of traditional foods, severely influencing the integrity of regional cuisines. These results are useful in understanding how inauthentic practices challenge the cultural identity of the destination.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 4 ; str. 371-388  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Kulturni identitet -- Hrana -- Postkolonijalno društvo -- Autentičnost -- Održivost

LOJO, Aureli
Young Chinese in Europe [Elektronička građa] : travel behavior and new trends based on evidence from Spain / Aureli Lojo. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 17-20. - Summary. - Chinese tourism in Europe has tripled over the last decade to reach 6 million tourists in 2018. Understanding tourist behavior allows for improvement of the tourist experience and better management of destinations. To these ends, this study analyzes (1) the motivations, expectations and satisfaction of Chinese tourists and (2) defines the main differences between young Chinese (18-29 years old) and more mature Chinese tourists. Data is extracted from 360 survey questionnaires that were administered to tourists after their trips to Europe. Destination Spain, in Western Europe, is selected as the case study. Mean analysis, one-factor ANOVA and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) have been conducted. The results show that more mature travelers have significant differences in the travel arrangements, motivations, expectations and evaluations of their trips than do younger travelers. Younger tourists chose independent trips, while the more mature ones chose either full group packages or independent trips. The younger have a wider range of motivations and preferences for activities at their destinations. New trends in Chinese tourists visiting Europe are discussed and implications for the destination are explored.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 1 ; str. 7-20  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Turisti -- Kinezi -- Ponašanje turista

Zaštita zdravlja zaposlenika u turističkom sektoru [Elektronička građa] / Ivan Puškar, Silvija Vitner Marković, Sabina Ajdinović.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Zaposlenici u turističkom sektoru snažno su izloženi riziku obolijevanja od zaraznih bolesti, posebno oni koji su u direktnom kontaktu s gostima iz cijelog svijeta poput hotelskog osoblja, turističkih vodiča, zrakoplovnog osoblja i slično. Rizik je tim veći što do prijenosa zarazne bolesti može doći kada još simptomi zaraze kod osoba nisu manifestirani. Također, zaposlenici u turističkom sektoru mogu biti izravni prenositelji zaraznih bolesti u određenom trenutku, a da toga nisu ni svjesni. Turistička i druga putovanja u takvom slučaju mogu poslužiti kao izvrstan medij za prenošenje zaraznih bolesti u vrlo kratkom vremenu iz jednog područja u drugo, s jednog kontinenta na drugi. Zaposlenici turističkog sektora trebaju znati zaraznu bolest prepoznati u ranoj fazi te promptno pristupiti poduzimanju zaštitnih mjera. Predmet ovog rada podrazumijeva vrlo aktualnu problematiku koja se odnosi na zaštitu zdravlja zaposlenika u turističkom sektoru s naglaskom na zaštitu od zaraznih bolesti. Cilj je rada analizirati suvremene mehanizme zaštite zdravlja turističkih djelatnika od obolijevanja od zaraznih bolesti u svijetu, a time i u Republici Hrvatskoj. - Employees in the tourism sector are strongly exposed to the risk of contracting infectious diseases, especially those who are in direct contact with tourists from around the world such as hotel staff, tour guides, etc. The risk is high because the transmission of infectious diseases can occur when symptoms of infection are not manifested. Also, employees in the tourism sector can be direct carriers of infectious diseases at a given time without even being aware of it. Tourists and travelers can serve as an excellent medium for the transmission of infectious diseases in a very short time from one area to another, from one continent to another. Employees in the tourism sector should know how to recognize an infectious disease at an early stage, and promptly start taking protective measures. The subject of this paper is the protection of employees’ health in the tourism sector with an emphasis on protection against infectious diseases. The aim of this paper is to analyze modern mechanisms for protecting the health of employees in the tourism sector from infectious diseases in the world, and thus in the Republic of Croatia.
U: Zbornik sveučilišta Libertas (Online). - ISSN 2584-6167. - 5 (2020), 5 ; str. 105-111  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Zaposlenici -- Zaštita zdravlja -- Zarazne bolesti -- Zdravstveni rizici

Vidi br.: HA20-02155

Vidi br.: HA20-02547

Vidi br.: HA20-02589

Vidi br.: HA20-02081

Vidi br.: HA20-02594

Vidi br.: HA20-02086

339   Trgovina. Međunarodni gospodarski odnosi. Svjetsko gospodarstvo

MORIĆ Milovanović, Bojan
Analysis of tobacco industry attractiveness [Elektronička građa] : case of Croatia / Bojan Moric Milovanovic, Darko Solaja. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 15-16. - Abstract. - Tobacco industry is one of the most profitable global industries with the steady increase in global demand for tobacco and tobacco related products. Tobacco industry in Croatia has a centuries-old tradition and tobacco is one of the most important non-food agricultural crops produced in Croatia. Moreover, tobacco industry in Croatia is one of the major revenue sources of the government’s budget. The aim of this paper is to determine whether tobacco industry in Croatia is attractive enough for a new player willing to enter the market. Paper provides brief overview of the tobacco industry and the impact it has on Croatian economy. Furthermore, paper explains how excise duties and product prices changed over time, shows market consolidation and concentration before and after the EU accession, and in detail depicts forces which determine industry’s profitability, i.e. its attractiveness.
U: International journal of contemporary business and entrepreneurship (Online). - ISSN 2718-4153. - 1 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-16  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Duhanska industrija -- Tržište -- Profitabilnost

TURUK, Mladen
Digital due diligence [Elektronička građa] : a complementary perspective to the traditional approach / Mladen Turuk, Bojan Morić Milovanović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 65-66. - Abstract. - Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) represent one of the most common ways for firms to achieve non-organic growth, and one of the main stages in the typical M&A transaction is due diligence of the target company. The aim of this paper is to provide a guideline for conducting due diligence process in the digital environment. After a brief introduction on the nature, purpose and elements of the due diligence, the paper elaborates various risks, and psychological and contextual hazards often occurred during due diligence process. Special attention has been paid to the elaboration of the role and importance of the digital due diligence as a new concept in today’s contemporary ‘digital’ economy. The outcome of this paper is to provide a comparison between ‘traditional’ and ‘digital’ due diligence, digital due diligence methodology, and easy understandable check list for conducting the process of digital due diligence.
U: International journal of contemporary business and entrepreneurship (Online). - ISSN 2718-4153. - 1 (2020), 2 ; str. 54-66  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Due diligence -- Analiza poslovanja -- Digitalno okruženje -- Prodaja poduzeća

BAŠIĆ, Maja, ekonomistica
Factors influencing online and in-store purchase of telecommunications services and equipment in Croatia [Elektronička građa] / Maja Bašić, Marin Gaćina, Iva Blažević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 11-12. - Abstract. - The purpose of this paper is to examine differences in factors affecting the probability of online and in-store purchase of telecommunications equipment in the Republic of Croatia. Online questionnaire survey conducted in September 2019 gathered responses that identified respondents’: method of telecommunications services and equipment purchase, their information gathering tools, factors affecting respondents’ telecommunications services and equipment purchasing decisions in general, and online and in-store purchasing decisions. 125 gathered responses were analysed using a binomial logistic regression. The results state that general factors incite respondents to purchase telecommunications equipment and services instore. Factors inciting online purchases are enabling factors and cause respondents to purchase telecommunications services and equipment online. Responses were further divided into subsamples depending on gender and education level. Results are consistent in tested subsamples. In the sample of male respondents, the results are consistent, while the female subsample shows does not exhibit statistically significant results. Furthermore, subsamples that allowed education level differences showed the results are supported for the subsample of respondents with higher education, and are not supported for respondents with secondary education.
U: International journal of contemporary business and entrepreneurship (Online). - ISSN 2718-4153. - 1 (2020), 2 ; str. 1-12  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Telekomunikacijska industrija -- Maloprodaja -- Kupovne navike -- Online prodaja

Institutional distance [Elektronička građa] : construct of isomorphism relevant to multinational companies / Ana Krajnović.
8th International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship, Dubrovnik, 17.-18.4.2020. - Bibliografija: str. 22-24. - Abstract. - The institutional environment in which multinational companies act is unique and complex. It is unique in the sense that the subsidiaries of multinational companies are facing dual pressures from both the host country and the country of the parent company. Further, the complexity of the environment presumes the need for global integration and the need for the local adaptation. Although some countries are characterized by a more favourable institutional environment for establishing and expanding business, in other countries the institutional environment is a challenge for multinational companies. In this paper, the author will present the current theoretical knowledge and references in already conducted research regarding the institutional distance in the context of multinational companies and their subsidiaries.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 15-24  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Institucionalno okruženje -- Multinacionalne kompanije -- Izomorfizam

Nizozemska istočnoindijska kompanija [Elektronička građa] / Omer Meržić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 53-54. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Nizozemska istočnoindijska kompanija jedna je od najznačajnijih kompanija u povijesti čovječanstva. U njenom višestoljetnom postojanju ona je promijenila dotadašnju ekonomsku praksu, koja i danas postoji. U ovom radu je dat kraći pregled povijesti Nizozemske istočnoindijske kompanije počevši od nastanka Nizozemske i njenog jačanja do te mjere da ta novonastala država može parirati Engleskoj. Predstavljena je kronologija Nizozemske istočnoindijske kompanije od njenog nastanka do njenog gašenja, te su data njena postignuća tijekom postojanja kompanije. - The Dutch East India Company is one of the most important companies in the history of mankind. Throughout the many years of its existence the Dutch East India Company changed the stale economic practices and introduced new ones, some of which are still relevant nowadays. This paper gives a brief overview of the history of the Dutch East India Company starting from the founding of the Netherlands to it growing strong enough to rival even the England itself. Chronology of the Dutch East India Company presented in this paper follows the company from its creation until its shutdown as well as its achievements that have been made during the company’s existence.
U: Pleter (Online). - ISSN 2757-0460. - 4 (2020), 4 ; str. 41-54  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Trgovina -- Kompanije -- Moderno doba

Vidi br.: HA20-02233

Vidi br.: HA20-02308

Vidi br.: HA20-02596

34   Pravo. Pravna znanost. Pomoćne pravne znanosti

MRŠIĆ, Gordana
Zlouporaba prava na pristup sudu [Elektronička građa] / Gordana Mršić, Gordana Bartolin Vojta.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 32 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se opisuje zlouporaba prava na pristup sudu kroz njegova tri najvažnija vida, a to su pravo na podnošenje tužbe sudu, pravo na donošenje meritorne odluke i pravo na povoljnu meritornu odluku. Sudska praksa pokazuje da postoje tužitelji koji podnošenjem neosnovanih tužbenih zahtjeva čine zlouporabu prava na pristup sudu, jer pravo na pravnu zaštitu kao temeljno ljudsko pravo ima i svoja ograničenja kako ne bi došlo u koliziju s drugim temeljnim vrijednostima pravnog poretka. Ističe se cilj cjelokupne politike zabrane zlouporabe prava na pristup sudu, koji podrazumijeva preventivno i represivno djelovanje na počinitelje, a koji se ostvaruje kompromisom zakonodavca i sudova, odnosno svih subjekata koji sudjeluju u zaštiti pravnog poretka. U zaključnom dijelu, ukazuje se na pravna sredstva za sprečavanje zlouporabe prava na pristup sudu. - The paper describes the abuse of the right of access to court through its three most important aspects, namely the right to file a lawsuit in court, the right to make a decision on the merits and the right to a favorable decision on the merits. The case law shows that there are plaintiffs who, by filing unfounded claims, abuse the right of access to a court, because the right to legal protection as a fundamental human right has its limitations in order not to conflict with other fundamental values of the legal order. The goal of the entire policy of banning the abuse of the right of access to court is emphasized, which implies preventive and repressive action against perpetrators, and which is achieved by compromise between the legislator and the courts, ie all entities involved in protecting the legal order. In the concluding part, the legal means for preventing the abuse of the right of access to court are pointed out.
U: Zbornik sveučilišta Libertas (Online). - ISSN 2584-6167. - 5 (2020), 5 ; str. 113-130  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zlouporaba prava -- Pristup sudu -- Zaštita prava

341   Međunarodno pravo

PILIĆ, Marko
Europska pravna regulativa suzbijanja terorizma i biosigurnosnih ugroza [Elektronička građa] / Marko Pilić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 112-114. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Borba protiv terorizma i svih njegovih pojavnih oblika globalni je izazov koji zahtijeva stalnu koordinaciju pravnog i praktičnog aspekta međunarodnih i nacionalnih tijela. Relevantan pravni okvir omogućava harmonizirano djelovanje niza aktera protiv tog teškog kaznenog djela. Zato i ne čude stalna nastojanja Europske unije za poboljšanjem pravnog sustava u cilju suzbijanja terorizma. Autor u prvom dijelu rada daje prikaz kaznenopravnog okvira u borbi protiv terorizma, osobito promjena koje su se dogodile u samoj definiciji terorizma te proširenju terorističkih aktivnosti. Drugi dio rada posvećen je aktivnostima Europske unije u suzbijanju jednog specifičnog modaliteta terorizma, bioterorizma, u smjeru smanjivanja pristupa rizičnim i opasnim materijalima, osiguravanja veće spremnosti kao odgovora mogućim biološkim sigurnosnim rizicima, ojačavanja unutarnjih i vanjskih veza s ključnim regionalnim i međunarodnim partnerima Europske unije te povećanja znanja o potencijalnim rizicima. Konačno, autor daje prikaz praktičnih implikacija terorizma na područje Europske unije iz statističkih pokazatelja Europola i CBRN incidenata. - The fight against terrorism and all its manifestations is a global challenge that requires constant coordination of the legal and practical aspects of international and national bodies. The relevant legal framework allows for the harmonized action of a range of actors against this serious crime. That is why it is not surprising that the European Union is constantly striving to improve the legal system in order to combat terrorism. In the first part of the paper, the author gives an overview of the criminal law framework in the fight against terrorism, especially the changes that have taken place in the very definition of terrorism and the expansion of terrorist activities. The second part of the paper is dedicated to the activities of the European Union in combating a specific modality of terrorism, bioterrorism, in the direction of reducing access to hazards and hazardous materials, ensuring greater preparedness in response to possible biological security risks, strengthening internal and external ties with key regional and international partners. increase knowledge of potential risks. Finally, the author gives an overview of the practical implications of terrorism on the territory of the European Union from Europol’s statistical indicators and the incidents regarding CBRN attacks.
U: Međunarodne studije (Online). - ISSN 2459-623X. - 20 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 97-114  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pravna regulativa -- Terorizam -- Biosigurnosni rizici


Measuring the success of the presidency of the Council of the EU [Elektronička građa] : Austria and Croatia in comparative perspective / Igor Vidačak, Tomislav Milošić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 59-63. - Abstract. - This paper aims to contribute to the ongoing debate on criteria for measuring the performance of the rotating Presidencies of the Council of the EU. The comparison between Austria and Croatia, two countries that concluded the two most recent Council Presidency Trios, can be illustrative in identifying the main factors that can influence the overall performance of rotating Presidencies. Based on the series of quantitative and qualitative indicators, the overall score of both countries’ Presidencies turned to be positive, despite some failures of these Presidencies to demonstrate a firm commitment to fundamental EU values. In view of the lack of evaluations of the Council Presidencies based on verifiable, measurable indicators, this paper seeks to contribute to the development of a more objective methodological framework for the assessment of the future Presidencies of the Council as a still under-researched area within EU studies.
U: Croatian international relations review (Online). - ISSN 1848-5782. - 26 (2020), 87 ; str. 32-63  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rotirajuće predsjedništvo -- Uspješnost
Vijeće Europske unije


NATO - EU collaboration on hybrid threats [Elektronička građa] : cooperation out of necessity with potential consequences on international legal framework / Laris Gaiser.
Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 22-23. - Abstract. - This article analyzes the current state of collaboration between NATO and the EU, with particular reference to the hybrid conflict sector. There has always existed a close relationship of interdependence between the two organizations. In 2016, this interdependence experienced a collaborative surge with the signing of a joint declaration at the Warsaw Summit. Since then,NATO and the European Union have actively collaborated in various sectors, including hybrid warfare. In the future, both organizations will need to improve the exchange of information and intelligence collaboration. However, this analysis aims to point out that NATO and the EU, if they wish to limit the scope of their opponents’ manoeuvrability, since hybrid conflict tends to develop below the threshold of what is generally accepted as the definition of armed conflict, will have to work together to outline a new legal framework that redefines the definition of armed conflict.
U: National security and the future (Online). - ISSN 1846-1425. - 20 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 13-23  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hibridno ratovanje -- Pravni okviri


KLIN, Tomasz
The significance of foreign military bases as instruments of spheres of influence [Elektronička građa] / Tomasz Klin. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 139-144. - Abstract. - The category of the sphere of influence can explain some contemporary international processes. To define that category, however, much stress is laid on great powers’ exclusivity within their spheres of influence. The author takes into consideration the thesis of the aforementioned exclusivity’s erosion. Because foreign military bases are essential instruments of spheres of influence due to their strong impact on security policy, it is worth investigating their presence in this context. Specifically, the author carries out an in-depth study of military bases of more than one major power in one host country. Further, the article discusses the extent to which the gradual erosion of exclusivity undermines the significance of spheres of influence as such. In conclusion, the author states that the case of Djibouti undermines the idea of great power exclusivity. Yet, other cases do not provide sufficient evidence on such deep transformation because of either limited periods of bases’ existence or great power cooperative attitudes.
U: Croatian international relations review (Online). - ISSN 1848-5782. - 26 (2020), 87 ; str. 120-144  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vojne baze -- Strane vojne baze -- Sigurnosna politika -- Politički utjecaj -- Globalizacija

Vidi br.: HA20-02464

Vidi br.: HA20-02226

Vidi br.: HA20-02304

342   Javno pravo. Ustavno pravo. Upravno pravo

Vidi br.: HA20-02464

Vidi br.: HA20-02146

Vidi br.: HA20-02588

Vidi br.: HA20-02209

343/344   Kazneno pravo (opće i posebno)

MATIĆ, Tomislav, povjesničar
The expulsion of Germans from the Chapter of Zagreb in 1458 [Elektronička građa] / Tomislav Matić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 137-140. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In 1458, seven canons of the Chapter of Zagreb were expelled by Bishop Demetrius Čupor and his supporters. In their protest before the pope, they claimed that the only reason for that was because they were Germans. Upon examining their careers and the current political situation within the Kingdom of Hungary, it becomes clear that, although an anti-German and generally anti-foreigner sentiment was present in the country (which is apparent in the laws passed by King Matthias), the real reasons for their expulsion were political. Bishop Demetrius had spent more than a decade fighting for the bishopric against his rivals, who were protected by the Counts of Celje, the then patrons of the Diocese of Zagreb. Most of the expelled canons had been given their offices by the said family, and some of them maintained close relations with Emperor Frederick III. The fact that most of the expelled canons returned to the chapter soon after their expulsion further indicates its political background. Those who returned once again became esteemed and trusted members of the chapter. Those who did not return – three out of seven – were all in the emperor’s service, and the chapter took special steps to prevent them from reclaiming their offices. - Ovaj rad bavi se slučajem izgona sedmorice kanonika iz Zagrebačkog kaptola 1458 godine. U žalbi koju su iznijeli pred papom, rečeni kanonici ustvrdili su da je jedini razlog za njihovo protjerivanje bilo to što su Nijemci. Istraživanjem slučaja ustanovljeno je da je glavni pokretač tih događaja bio biskup Demetrije Čupor, koji se tek nedugo prije toga, nakon petnaestak godina pravne i oružane borbe, domogao kontrole nad Zagrebačkom biskupijom. U radu se nastoji utvrditi razloge za Demetrijevo neprijateljsko postupanje prema njemačkim kanonicima, pri čemu je ustanovljeno da nije postojala čvrsta zakonska podloga za njihov izgon iako su on i njegovi pobornici tvrdili da jest. Čini se da je u to vrijeme zaista vladala određena antinjemačka klima u Ugarskom Kraljevstvu, ali se vjerojatnijim čini da je Demetrije ciljao točno određenu skupinu kanonika te da izlučni kriterij nije bio to što su bili Nijemci. Iako je neosporno da je nagrađivanje vlastitih pobornika nadarbinama izgnanih kanonika bilo jedan od njegovih motiva, čini se da su se na meti progona našli kanonici koji su podržavali grofove Celjske ili pak cara Fridrika III. Habsburga, dakle protivnike Demetrija i njegove strane u ugarskim dinastičkim sukobima. U prilog tome govori i to što se većina izgnanih kanonika relativno brzo vratila u Kaptol, ali oni koji su bili čvršće vezani uz cara nisu, nego su svoje karijere nastavili u Svetom Rimskom Carstvu.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 39 (2020), 59 ; str. 123-141  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Crkvena povijest -- Nijemci -- Etnička netolerancija
Zagrebačka biskupija


Vidi br.: HA20-02042

Vidi br.: HA20-02278

347   Građansko pravo

347.7   Trgovačko pravo. Pravo trgovačkih društava

Vidi br.: HA20-02818

35   Javna uprava. Državni ustroj. Lokalna, regionalna, središnja uprava

BERTONE, Fabrizio
Artificial intelligence techniques to prevent cyber attacks on smart grids [Elektronička građa] / Fabrizio Bertone, Francesco Lubrano, Klodiana Goga. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 7-9. - Abstract. - Energy is one of the main elements that allows society to maintain its living standards and continue as usual. For this reason, the energy distribution is both one of the most important and targeted by attacks Critical Infrastructure. Many of the other Critical Infrastructures rely on energy to work reliably. Some states are particularly interested in getting stealth access to -and take control of- energy production and distribution of other Nations. This way they can create huge disruption and get a significant advantage in case of conflict. In the recent past, we could observe some real-life demonstrations of this fact. The introduction of smart grids and ICT in the management of energy infrastructures has great benefits but also introduces new attack surfaces and ways for attackers to gain control. As a benefit, we can also collect more data and metrics to better understand the state of the grid. New techniques based on Artificial Intelligence and machine learning can take advantage of the available data to help the protection of the infrastructures and detect ongoing threats. Smart Meters which are connected intelligent devices spread over the grid and the geographical distribution of the population. For this reason, they can be very useful data collection assets but also a target for attack. In this paper, the authors consider and analyze various innovative techniques that can be used to enhance the security and reliability of Smart Grids.
U: Annals of disaster risk sciences (Online). - ISSN 2623-8934. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-9  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Cyber sigurnost -- Umjetna inteligencija -- Pametne mreže -- Energetska infrastruktura

Artificial neural networks for airport runway safety systems [Elektronička građa] / Denis Bekasov. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 5-6. - Abstract. - This paper presents the analysis of the existing approaches to ensuring the safety of aircraft`s takeoff and landing at airport runways using video surveillance systems. The subject area is formalized, and security threats and measures to prevent them are assessed. Optional architecture of the system designed for detection and classification of moving objects in the airport runway area is presented. The architecture is based on Neural Networks with AI elements. Also the original method of runway objects’ trajectory tracking is proposed. And finally, the research results of the applicability of the proposed architecture are presented.
U: Annals of disaster risk sciences (Online). - ISSN 2623-8934. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-6  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zračne luke -- Sigurnost -- Umjetne neuronske mreže -- Uzletno-sletna staza

CESAREC, Ivana, inženjerka kriznog menadžmenta
Beyond physical threats [Elektronička građa] : cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure as a challenge of changing security environment - overview of cyber-security legislation and implementation in SEE countries / Ivana Cesarec.
Bibliografija: str. 11-13. - Abstract. - States, organizations and individuals are becoming targets of both individual and state-sponsored cyber-attacks, by those who recognize the impact of disrupting security systems and effect to people and governments. The energy sector is seen as one of the main targets of cyber-attacks against critical infrastructure, but transport, public sector services, telecommunications and critical (manufacturing) industries are also very vulnerable. One of most used example of cyber-attack is the Ukraine power grid attack in 2015 that left 230,000 people without power for up to 6 hours. Another most high profile example of a cyber-attack against critical infrastructure is the Stuxnet computer virus (first used on Iranian nuclear facility) which could be adapted to attack the SCADA systems (industrial control systems) used by many critical infrastructures in Europe. Wide range of critical infrastructure sectors are reliant on industrial control systems for monitoring processes and controlling physical devices (sensors, pumps, etc.) and for that reason, physical connected devices that support industrial processes are becoming more vulnerable. Not all critical infrastructure operators in all sectors are adequately prepared to manage protection (and raise resilience) effectively across both cyber and physical environments. Additionally there are few challenges in implementation of protection measures, such as lack of collaboration between private and public sector and low levels of awareness on existence of national key legislation. From supranational aspect, in relation to this papers topic, the European Union has took first step in defense to cyber threats in 2016 with „Directive on security of network and information systems“ (NIS Directive) by prescribing member states to adopt more rigid cyber-security standards.
U: Annals of disaster risk sciences (Online). - ISSN 2623-8934. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-13  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Cyber sigurnost -- Zakonodavstvo

PAVLINOVIĆ Mršić, Slađana
Determinants of household recycling [Elektronička građa] / Slađana Pavlinović Mršić, Anita Stojan. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - A case of managing a public utility in post-transitional context is elaborated in this paper. The aim is to identify main determinants of household recycling, in order to make recommendations for design of appropriate recycling policy in Split (Croatia). Based on the overview of relevant literature, individual motivation towards waste selection is explored and preliminary survey results are presented. Implications for local policy-making and management of local public utilities are discussed. - U ovom se radu izlaže studija slučaja upravljanja javnim komunalnim poduzećem u post-tranzicijskom kontekstu. Cilj rada je identificirati ključne odrednice recikliranja u domaćinstvima, kako bi se izradile preporuke za donošenje odgovarajuće politike recikliranja u gradu Splitu (u Hrvatskoj). Na temelju pregleda relevantne literature, analizira se motivacija za odvajan je otpada te se prezentiraju rezultati preliminarne ankete. Diskutiraju se implikacije za lokalne javne politike i menadžment lokalnih komunalnih poduzeća.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), 1 ; str. 293-302  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Recikliranje otpada -- Komunalna poduzeća -- Lokalna uprava

Determiniranje obilježja djelotvornosti javnog sektora i javnog menadžmenta [Elektronička građa] / Dejan Miljenović, Goran Kutnjak, Pavle Jakovac. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 308-310. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Javni sektor u suvremenom poslovnom okruženju biva izložen isti m utjecajima globalnog poslovanja, društvenih i kulturnih promjena kao i privatni sektor, te se sukladno tome prilagođava postojećim socio-ekonomskim potrebama. Zadaća je javnog sektora da zajedno s privatnim sektorom unaprjeđuje društvo, stvara predispozicije društvenog rasta i razvoja, utječe na pozitivno određenje nacionalnih ekonomija i rada poslovnih subjekata u svrhu stvaranja novih vrijednosti. Također, kao javni servis, javni sektor osigurava pravovremeno, kvalitetno i sadržajno ostvarenje interesa građana. Stoga je nužno definirati i razvijati oblike javnog menadžmenta koji se mogu odgovarajuće prilagoditi promjenama okruženja i djelotvorno upravljati različitim aspektima internih funkcija javnog sektora. Cilj rada je istražiti temeljna obilježja suvremenog javnog sektora i na temelju toga odrediti potrebne modalitete javnog menadžmenta. Metodologija istraživanja temelji se na analizi strukture javnog sektora s osvrtom na Republiku Hrvatsku, uz pregled javnih upravljačkih odnosa koji u njemu trenutno postoje. Pritom se uvažava diverzifikacija javnog sektora na opću državu (javnu upravu) i javna (društvena) poduzeća. Svaka razina javnog sektora ima svoje podrazine djelovanja u različitim vidovima djelatnosti sa specifičnim ciljevima i zahtjevima, što pred javni menadžment postavlja uvjet uske specijaliziranosti, multidisciplinarnosti i interaktivnosti s različitim subjektima poslovnog okruženja. Rezultati istraživanja očituju se u predlaganju razvojnog modela menadžmenta s ciljem povećanja reagibilnosti javnog sektora na promjene u suvremenom društvenom i poslovnom okruženju. Istovremeno se kao glavni zaključak nameće da je razvoj transparentnog javnog menadžmenta preduvjet razvoja javnog sektora koji može uspješno zadovoljavati potrebe i pratiti interese svih njegovih korisnika u 21. stoljeću. - The public sector operating in the modern business environment is exposed to the impacts of global business, social and cultural changes to the same extent as the private sector and is, therefore, equally adjusting to the existing socio-economic requests. The general objective of the public sector is, in alignment with the private sector, to improve society, create predispositions to social growth and development, influence the positive determination of national economies and business entities in order to create new values. With the notion of a ̋public service ̋, the public sector ensures timely engaged, high quality and content realization of citizens' public interests. Therefore, it is necessary to define and develop models of public management that will adapt to changes in the social environment and effectively manage various aspects of the public sector's internal functions. The aim of this paper is to explore modern aspects of the public sector and to determine adequate public management modalities. The research methodology is based on analysis of the public sector structures in the Republic of Croatia, accompanied with a review of current public governance relationships. Respectfully, the public sector is divided into the general government (public administration) and public (social) companies. Each level of the public sector has its own sub-sectors with different activities, specific goals and requirements. This also requires public management to set the conditions for specialization, multidisciplinary approach and interactivity with different subjects from the business environment. Research results indicate the development of a public management model intended to increase public sector responsiveness to contemporary changes in the social and business environment.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 295-311  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Javni sektor -- Javna poduzeća -- Javni menadžment

BAJO, Anto
Dug i zaduživanje lokalnih jedinica vlasti / Anto Bajo, Marko Primorac, Davor Galinec. - Graf. prikazi.
Financije županija, gradova i općina. - Bibliografija: 29 jed.
U: Financije županija, gradova i općina. - ISSN . - str. 329-365
Lokalne jedinice -- Zaduživanje -- Dug

Influence of market orientation and stakeholder management on the performance of Croatian cities [Elektronička građa] / Davor Širola, Zoran Mihanović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 82 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The implementation of market orientation plays a valuable role in the complex public sector, because it enables numerous entities responsible for the development of different levels of public administration to respond more efficiently to the demands of its users and other stakeholders. The current fragmented territorial structure and low level of decentralization reduce the developmental potential of local administrations in Croatia. However, these obstacles do not relieve the Croatian local administration of their responsibility to fulfil their social mission. The empirical measurement of quantitative and qualitative indicators in Croatian city administrations have determined a medium level of their market orientation. The results of correlation analysis have revealed a statistically significant difference between market orientation levels towards each of the nine analyzed groups of stakeholders. As presumed, the city administrations exhibit the highest market orientation level toward citizens. Additionally, the research has confirmed the positive influence of higher multiple stakeholder market orientation of city administrations on their subjectively measured performance. These results should be observed and assessed, taking into account the fact that the Republic of Croatia does not prescribe a legal obligation to monitor the city administration performance nor directly encourages it. - Implementacija marketinške orijentacije ima važnu ulogu u složenom javnom sektoru, budući da omogućava brojnim subjektima, odgovornim za razvoj različitih razina javne uprave, da efikasnije odgovore na potrebe svojih korisnika i ostalih dionika. Postojeća fragmentirana teritorijalna struktura te niska razina fiskalne i upravljačke decentralizacije slabe razvojni potencijal lokalne samouprave u Hrvatskoj, ali ne oslobađaju hrvatske gradske uprave odgovornosti ispunjavanja svoje društvene misije. Empirijskim istraživanjem kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih pokazatelja u hrvatskim gradskim upravama utvrđena je srednja razina njihove marketinške orijentacije. Rezultati korelacijske analize pokazali su statistički značajne razlike u marketinškoj orijentaciji prema svakoj od devet analiziranih skupina dionika. Slijedom očekivanja, gradske uprave iskazuju najveću marketinšku orijentiranost prema građanima. Pored toga, istraživanje je potvrdilo pozitivan utjecaj više razine marketinške orijentacije gradskih uprava prema višestrukim dionicima na njihove subjektivno mjerene performanse. Ove rezultate treba promatrati i procjenjivati, imajući u vidu činjenicu da Republika Hrvatska zakonski ne obvezuje, niti izravno potiče praćenje performansi gradskih uprava.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), 2 ; str. 41-66  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gradska uprava -- Marketing -- Marketinška orijentacija -- Tržišna orijentacija

Ovlasti i odgovornosti lokalnih jedinica / Sandra Krtalić, Meri Šuman-Tolić, Marko Primorac. - Graf. prikazi.
Financije županija, gradova i općina. - Bibliografija: 31 jed.
U: Financije županija, gradova i općina. - ISSN . - str. 127-169
Lokalne jedinice -- Ovlasti -- Odgovornost -- Javne funkcije -- Fiskalni federalizam

ĐUREK, Valentina
Primjena metoda odlučivanja u lokalnoj samoupravi [Elektronička građa] / Valentina Đurek, Claudia Sedda. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 223-225. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Suradnja s udrugama u provedbi javnih politika najčešće se očituje kroz različite oblike financijske i nefinancijske podrške koje jedinice lokalne samouprave pružaju programima i projektima od interesa za opće dobro. Ta vrsta međusektorske suradnje ima veliki potencijal za generiranje brojnih pozitivnih promjena i stvaranje prijeko potrebnih sinergija za održiv društveni i gospodarski razvoj. U kojoj će mjeri taj potencijal biti ostvaren, uvelike ovisi o kvaliteti kriterija, standarda i postupaka za dodjelu financijskih i nefinancijskih podrški, kao i organizacijskim i ljudskim resursima unutar javnih institucija nužnih za uspješno praćenje i vrednovanje ugovorenih modela podrške. Glavni cilj ovog rada je na primjeru pokazati kako je moguće unaprijediti kvalitetu donošenja odluka u lokalnoj samoupravi primjenom metoda odlučivanja u procesu donošenja odluka o financiranju udruga u kulturi. Na primjeru će se odrediti važnost (težinski koeficijenti) kriterija i podkriterija za procjenu kvalitete projekata/prijava udruga u kulturi (N = 18) s područja Grada Zaboka. Isto tako, u ovom radu AHP metoda primijenit će se za izradu modela rangiranja programa/projekata u kulturi koji su financirani iz proračuna Grada Zaboka. Model će se validirati na povijesnim podacima iz 2018. godine. - Collaboration with associations has been shown through various financial and non-financial support provided by local governments to programs and projects of general interest. This kind of cross-sectoral cooperation has great potential for generating many positive changes and creating the necessary synergies for sustainable social and economic development. To what extent this potential can be achieved largely depends on the quality of criteria, standards and procedures for granting financial and non-financial support as well as the organizational and human resources of public institutions that must successfully monitor and evaluate contracted support products. The main purpose of this paper was to determine whether it is possible to improve the quality of decision making in local government by using decision making methods in decision-making process regarding the financing of cultural associations. For example, the importance (weighting coefficients) of criteria and subcriteria for quality assessment of projects / applications of cultural associations (N = 18) will be determined from the area of Zabok. Likewise, in this paper, the AHP method will be used to create a model of program / project rating in cultural association that is financed from the budget of the City of Zabok. The model will be validated on historical data from 2018.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 203-226  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lokalna samouprava -- Metode odlučivanja -- Udruge

Proračuni lokalnih jedinica vlasti / Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović. - Graf. prikazi.
Financije županija, gradova i općina. - Bibliografija: 20 jed.
U: Financije županija, gradova i općina. - ISSN . - str. 41-88
Proračun -- Proračunsko računovodstvo -- Lokalne jedinice -- Revizija proračuna

Your hospital needs you [Elektronička građa] : eliciting positive cybersecurity behaviours from healthcare staff / Dawn Branley-Bell, Lynne Coventry, Elizabeth Sillence, Sabina Magalini, Pasquale Mari, Aimilia Magkanaraki, Kalliopi Anastasopoulou. - Graf. prikazi.
Sadrži: prilozi na str. 11-14. - Bibliografija: str. 8-10. - Abstract. - Staff behaviour plays a key role in the cybersecurity position of an organisation. Despite this, behaviour-change interventions are not commonly applied within the field of cybersecurity. Behaviour change technique could be particularly beneficial given increasing concerns around healthcare cybersecurity risks; particularly following the 2017 WannaCry ransomware attack which had devastating results on healthcare services. Cyber-risk is particularly concerning within healthcare given the criticality of medical systems and the potential impacts of a cyberbreach or attack. In worst case scenarios, cybersecurity incidents could result in patient harm or even fatalities. Whilst there has been concerted investment in improving healthcare’s technological defences against cyberthreat, the same level of investment has not been made in healthcare staff. This has left staff behaviour as a vulnerability which can be exploited by attackers. This paper introduces a structured approach to help organisations work through four key steps that we refer to as the AIDE approach to Assess, Identify, Develop and Evaluate behaviour change techniques to facilitate more secure behaviour. We include a worked example of how we are applying this approach to the development of interventions to mitigate insecure cybersecurity behaviours in a healthcare context.
U: Annals of disaster risk sciences (Online). - ISSN 2623-8934. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-14  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Cyber sigurnost -- Zdravstvo -- Medicinski sustavi -- Sigurnost

Vidi br.: HA20-02145

Vidi br.: HA20-02240

Vidi br.: HA20-02064

Vidi br.: HA20-02076

Vidi br.: HA20-02046

Vidi br.: HA20-02057

Vidi br.: HA20-02202

Vidi br.: HA20-02230

Vidi br.: HA20-02193

351.74   Policija

TESTA, Alberto
Making sense of extremism in the Bosnian football terraces [Elektronička građa] : an initial analysis / Alberto Testa.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 13 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper presents an initial assessment of the results of a four-month research project studying Ultras in BiH. This research contributed to the Bosnia & Herzegovina Resilience Initiative (BHRI) Programme (implemented by the International Organization for Migration - United Nations, funded and closely coordinated with the U.S. Agency for International Development -USAID) aiming to reduce the threat of violent extremism in BiH and to counter extremist efforts to deepen or exploit communal tensions. - Ovaj rad predstavlja početnu procenu rezultata četvoromesečnog istraživačkog projekta koji proučava Ultrase u BiH. Ovo istraživanje je doprinelo programu Bosanskohercegovačke inicijative za otpornost (BHRI) (sprovodi ga Međunarodna organizacija za migracije-Ujedinjene nacije, a finansiralo i bliže koordinisano s Američkom agencijom za međunarodni razvoj - USAID) s ciljem da se smanji pretnja nasilnim ekstremizmom u BiH i suzbijanje ekstremističkih napora za produbljivanje ili iskorišćavanje komunalnih tenzija.
U: Security Science Journal (Online). - ISSN 2737-9493. - 1 (2020), 1 ; str. 21-34  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nogomet -- Navijačke skupine -- Javna sigurnost

TODOROVIĆ, Branislav
Security science as a scientific discipline - technological aspects [Elektronička građa] / Branislav Todorović, Darko Trifunović.
Bibliografija: 6 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The paper argues the facts that the growth and expansion of its domain, in combination with its own procedures and methodologies, justifies the existence of Security Science. The paper starts with the global opinion overview of security as a scientific discipline. With the focus on technological segments, a possible scientific approach to security analysis (SA) is presented in detail. Finally, examples are provided regarding the use of mathematics modelling and tools for data analysis and interpretation in security domain. - Rad razmatra činjenice da rast i ekspanzija odgovarajućeg domena, u kombinaciji sa sopstvenim procedurama i metodologijama, opravdava postojanje nauke o bezbednosti. Rad započinje globalnim pregledom mišljenja o bezbednosti kao naučnoj disciplini. Uz fokusiranje na tehnološke segmente, detaljno je predstavljen odgovarajući naučni pristup analizi bezbednosti (SA – security analysis). Takodje su dati primeri koji se odnose na upotrebu matematičkog modeliranja i alata za analizu i interpretaciju podataka u bezbednosnom domenu.
U: Security Science Journal (Online). - ISSN 2737-9493. - 1 (2020), 1 ; str. 9-20  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sigurnost -- Znanstvena disciplina -- Analiza sigurnosti -- Cyber sigurnost -- Matematičko modeliranje

Vidi br.: HA20-02200

Vidi br.: HA20-02198

Vidi br.: HA20-02215

355/359   Vojni poslovi. Ratna vještina. Vojna znanost. Obrana. Oružane snage

20 godina o dezinformacijama, krivotvorinama i medijskim manipulacijama [Elektronička građa] / Roman Domović.
Dopala me čast da napišem tekst povodom dvadesete obljetnice izlaska časopisa National Security and the Future. Budući da sam i sam u njemu objavio nekoliko radova čija je tematika bila analiza medijskih manipulacija vezanih uz predsjednika Tuđmana i Domovinski rat, osvrt na časopis dat ću iz toga kuta i izdvojiti neke članke koji su pridonijeli boljem razumijevanju određenih događaja. Časopis National Security and the Future otvorio je vrata objavljivanju znanstvenih i stručnih radova koji u okviru različitih znanstvenih područja proučavaju tematiku stvaranja lažne realnosti o događajima iz Domovinskog rata i nasuprot tome predstavljaju činjenice. Osim toga, u časopisu su objavljeni i ranije neobjavljeni dokumenti iz arhiva predsjednika Tuđmana kao i dokumenti koji se nalaze u arhivi Haaškoga suda, ali sada lakše dostupni putem mrežnih stranica časopisa i portala hrvatskih znanstvenih i stručnih časopisa Hrčak.
U: National security and the future (Online). - ISSN 1846-1425. - 20 (2019), 3 ; str. 89-99  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Domovinski rat -- Dezinformacije -- Mediji

Case for geospatial border surveillance on the Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia border in response to the migrant crisis and hybrid warfare [Elektronička građa] / Amer Smailbegović, Nedžad Korajlić, Jasmin Ahić, Ivan Toth. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Abstract. - Bosnia-Herzegovina and Republic of Croatia share 931km of border (494km land and 425km riverine), which has been contentious for the greater part of the modern European history and represented one of the hardest and most-militarized border demarcating the frontiers of the major empires. Nowadays, it is in the process of becoming another hard-border between the Schengen-Zone EU and non-EU Western Balkans. In this study we are considering several strategic elements required for planning of effective and constructive border security, while countering variety of pseudo-hybrid warfare operations as well as tactical considerations when responding to crisis, communications and overall control of the fluid frontier. Strategic elements taken into consideration are: a) overall contiguity of the border, b) communications network / trafficability at border-crossing and c) geospatial support in the intelligence preparation of the area. Tactical elements considered are a) real-time geospatial support during operations b) alternative communications and vetting of alternative communications c) defensive operations (e.g. drone defense, jamming defense, incursion prevention). We are considering lessons-learned from the hostilities and frozen-conflicts in Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Yemen and potential future conflagrations in Trans-Dnistria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo* and the Baltics. We are using several criteria in understanding the required geospatial preparations required to undertake or defend against mass-migrations and potential hybrid threats such as unresolved territorial issues, population density information, infrastructure condition, land-use and overall completeness and availability of geospatial data.* Designation without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.
U: Annals of disaster risk sciences (Online). - ISSN 2623-8934. - 3 (2020), 2  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Granična sigurnost -- Migrantska kriza -- Hibridni rat -- Geoprostor

PASSAKOU, Pinelopy Nely
The concept of security in Ancient Greece [Elektronička građa] : an analysis through Ancient Greek intellectuals / Pinelopy Nely Passakou.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - An early stage of a specific custom linked to the Ancient Olympic Games can be considered as one of the most powerful messages of the Greeks regarding their general views on security matters. For ancient Greeks, security was closely linked to war. Back then, the war went beyond protection from enemy invasion, something we would by definition call security nowadays. The article reviews the concept of security (“ἀσφάλεια,” asfalia) and its meaning as stability against and prevention of possible falls, and to be protected from danger. - Rani stadijum specifičnog običaja vezanog za Drevne olimpijske igre može se smatrati jednom od najmoćnijih poruka Grka u pogledu njihovih opštih stavova o bezbednosnim pitanjima. Za stare Grke sigurnost je bila usko povezana sa ratom. Tada je rat prevazišao zaštitu od neprijatelјske invazije, nešto što bismo danas po definiciji nazvali bezbednošću. U članku se daje pregled koncepta bezbednosti („αζθαλεια“, asfalia) i njegovog značenja kao stabilnosti i sprečavanja mogućih padova i zaštite od opasnosti.
U: Security Science Journal (Online). - ISSN 2737-9493. - 1 (2020), 2 ; str. 90-96  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sigurnost -- Ratovi -- Invazija -- Neprijatelj

BOUKS, Barak
COVID-19 pandemia [Elektronička građa] : did Jihadi terror movements redefined their modus operandum or is it implementation of a calculated rationale designated to regain territories & assets / Barak Bouks. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 53-55. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Religious terror movements have long since been associated with violent Jihad and suicide bombings. As such, associated Jihadist perpetrators operate according to specific Muslim Fatwas (Clerical permissions), in order to carry out suicide attacks against their chosen targets. These perpetrators proclaim their willing to die for a definitive cause, regardless of any danger, as they expect an affluent after life in heaven. As COVID 19 erupted, the world came to a standstill and closure. The new situation affected terror movements globally. While previously Jihadists used to be regarded as fearless towards any death threat, COVID 19 is changing such former thoughts. Radical clerics issued new warnings for these Jihadists, to be aware of infected areas, temporarily making Europe practically a non-target for terror operations. This new significant modus operandum is an important topic for research. For the first time suicide bombers and Jihadists implement self-preservation techniques, while death itself is being considered as a threat rather than an achievement. This study finds that these perpetrators implement rational, calculated tactics, as religion is considered to be a part of this tactic, yet, they are not monolithic. They operate differently from one country to another, while having to review constantly the effectiveness of their operation vis-à-vis the support of the local population. - Religijski teroristički pokreti odavno su povezani sa nasilnim džihadom i samoubilačkim bombaškim napadima. Kao takvi, pridruženi džihadistički počinioci deluju u skladu sa specifičnim muslimanskim Fatvasima (sveštenim dozvolama), u cilju sprovođenja samoubilačkih napada na izabrane ciljeve. Ovi počinioci proglašavaju spremnim da umru iz konačnog razloga, bez obzira na bilo kakvu opasnost, jer očekuju bogataše posle nebeskog života. Kako je COVID 19 eruptirao, svet se zaustavio i zatvorio. Nova situacija je uticala na teroristička kretanja širom sveta. Dok su se prethodno džihadisti smatrali neustrašivim pred bilo kakvom pretnjom smrću, COVID 19 menja takve ranije misli. Radikalni sveštenici izdali su nova upozorenja ovim džihadistima, da bi bili svesni zaraženih područja, što Evropu privremeno čini praktično neciljanim terorističkim operacijama. Ovaj novi značajni operativni modus je važna tema za istraživanje. Po prvi put bombaši samoubice i džihadisti sprovode tehnike samoodržanja, dok se sama smrt smatra prijetnjom, a ne postignućem. Ova studija otkriva da ovi počinioci sprovode racionalnu, proračunatu taktiku, jer religije smatraju delom ove taktike, ali ipak nisu monolitne. Oni deluju drugačije od zemlje do zemlje, a stalno moraju da preispituju efikasnost svog delovanja u odnosu na - u odnosu na podršku lokalnog stanovništva.
U: Security Science Journal (Online). - ISSN 2737-9493. - 1 (2020), 1 ; str. 45-56  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pandemija COVID-19 -- Terorizam -- Religijski teror -- Samoubojice -- Džihad


Elements of critical infrastructure resilience [Elektronička građa] / Darko Trifunović.
International Expert Forum, Zagreb Security Forum 2018., Zagreb, 16.-17.3.2018. - Bibliografija: str. 60-61. - Abstract. - This Article points to key elements of Critical Infrastructure Resilience (CIR) and how they differ from Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP). CIP is still very important and one of the key systems that the society relies upon to ensure the continuity of operation of CI. However, CIP cannot predict an adequate number of major threats that would allow to conduct the preparedness and response at the level which would ensure the sufficient operation of CI in all cases. In that sense CIR sets a new paradigm with a quality that reduces vulnerability, minimizes the consequences of threats, accelerates response and recovery, and facilitates adaptation to a disruptive event. Some selected concepts of CIR with examples are presented in the Article that should assist in further development and enhancement of resilience of subsystems and infrastructures as a whole, resulting in more secure CI.
U: National security and the future (Online). - ISSN 1846-1425. - 20 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 51-61  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kritična infrastruktura -- Sigurnosne prijetnje -- Otpornost -- Nacionalna sigurnost

JAMBREŠIĆ Kirin, Renata
Fear, humanity and managing the heritage of war [Elektronička građa] : two narratives from Western Slavonia / Renata Jambrešić Kirin ; translated by Armin Protulipac.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 157-160. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Using the concepts of affective community (Ahmed 2015; Hutchison 2016) and affective management of “war heritage” (Logan and Reeves 2009; Gegner and Ziino 2012; Lončar 2014; Stublić 2019), the article examines how social subjects in Western Slavonia – a microlocation with many places of memory and a dense accumulation of historical traumas within them – are constructed as resisting and/or conforming to the dominant hegemonic policy of remembering the Homeland War as the “cornerstone of reasoning” in Croatia (Blanuša 2017). The examples analysed range from the activities of a local “memory agent” and the founder of a digital archive of local history to the reception of a book of testimonies and a documentary on the humanity of Pakrac’s medics in the war (Lessons on Humanity, 2017 and 2019). Based on these examples, I identified different strategies of cultural, pedagogical and ideological re-presentation and re-animation of local war heritage in the social and digital environment. These strategies are different responses to the fear that the feeling of social connection to war events and veterans as symbols of national unity and pride has been ebbing away. However, there has also been a noticeable shift on the Croatian (semi-)periphery from a ceremonial commemorative culture to a digital culture of memory of war, fostered by affective communities which transcend local, ethnic and generational boundaries. The second shift is semantic – the tendency to replace victimological and triumphalist war narratives with those of “humanitarian heroism” and positive war stories about humanity, about helping and rescuing people from the "enemy side". - Uz pomoć pojmova afektivne zajednice (Ahmed 2015; Hutchison 2016) i afektivnog upravljanja baštinom rata (Logan i Reeves 2009; Gegner i Ziino 2012; Lončar 2014; Stublić 2019), rad propituje kako se na prostoru zapadne Slavonije – mikrolokaciji s mnoštvom mjesta sjećanja i gustom sedimentacijom povijesnih trauma u njima – oblikuju društveni subjekti u otporu i/ili suglasju s dominantom hegemonijskom politikom pamćenja Domovinskog rata kao “okosnicom svakog prosuđivanja” (Blanuša 2017) vrednota u hrvatskom društvu. Analizirani primjeri uključuju aktivnosti lokalnog kreatora kulturnog sjećanja (engl. memory agent) i utemeljitelja digitalnog arhiva lokalne povijesti te recepciju knjige svjedočenja i dokumentarni film o humanosti pakračkih medicinara u ratu (Pouke o čovječnosti, 2017 i 2019). Uz pomoć ovih primjera ukazala sam na različite strategije kulturalne, pedagoške i ideološke re-prezentacije te re-animacije lokalne baštine rata u socijalnom i digitalnom okružju kao različite odgovore na bojazan da slabi osjećaj društvene povezanosti s ratnim događajima i braniteljima kao simbolima nacionalnog jedinstva i ponosa. Međutim, pokazalo se da je i na hrvatskoj (polu)periferiji zamjetan pomak od ceremonijalne komemorativne kulture prema digitalnoj kulturi sjećanja na rat koju njeguju afektivne zajednice koje nadilaze lokalne, etničke i generacijske granice. Drugi pomak je semantički – težnja da se viktimološke i trijumfalističke ratne naracije zamijene onima o “humanitarnom herojstvu” i pozitivnim ratnim pričama o čovječnosti, o pomaganju i spašavanju pripadnika "neprijateljske strane".
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 57 (2020), 1 ; str. 135-161  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rat -- Baština rata -- Sjećanje -- Kulturno sjećanje -- Tjeskoba -- Strah -- Humanitarno herojstvo

Hannibal’s elephants and the Liburnians [Elektronička građa] / Nada Bulić, Maria Mariola Glavan, Daniel Nečas Hraste. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 62-63. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The second Punic war is a relatively well-known episode from Roman history. Reliable, detailed ancient sources such as Livy and Polybius, however, don’t say much on the topic of Hannibal’s provisions from his native Carthage. One of the questions related to the provisions is where Hannibal’s elephants came from after the battle of Cannae, as after traversing the Etrurian swamp Hannibal only had one elephant left (Livy XXII 2). Immediately after the victory at Cannae Hannibal sends a delegation requesting logistics and the Carthaginian senate decides to send him military aid, among which were 4000 Numidians and 40 elephants (Livy XXIII 11-13). In the meantime, Hannibal penetrates Campania already accompanied by elephants at the Siege of Casilinum (Livy XXIII 18). The authors of this paper believe that Hannibal’s path to Cannae was part of a premeditated military plan, according to which the Carthaginian army needed to pick up supplies near Cannae, with the Liburnians playing an important role in opening channels of communication and supplies. Several facts support this theory, most importantly the following: – one of the few suitable ports that Hannibal could count upon to be less guarded by the Romans than more northern ports, such as Ariminum, is found near Cannae; – an enormous amount of money from Africa is in circulation in Liburnia right at the time of the war with Hannibal; It is known that political entities on the eastern coast of the Adriatic had an anti-Roman political agenda during the time of the second Punic war, coordinating themselves with Macedonia among others, which became an ally of Hannibal and with which Rome went to war in 214 B.C, with which the two Illyrian wars right before and right after the war with Hannibal are related. - Drugi punski rat relativno je dobro poznata epizoda iz rimske povijesti. Ipak, inače pouzdani, pa i dosta detaljni antički izvori – prije svega Livije i Polibije – ne govore detaljno o Hanibalovoj komunikaciji i opskrbi iz matične Kartage. Jedno od pitanja vezanih uz opskrbu je odakle Hanibalu slonovi nakon bitke kod Kane. Naime, nakon prolaska kroz etrurske močvare Hanibalu je ostao samo jedan slon (Livije XXII 2). Odmah nakon pobjede kod Kane, Hanibal u Kartagu šalje izaslanstvo s molbom za logistiku i kartaški senat mu odluči poslati vojnu pomoć, među ostalim 4000 Numiđana i 40 slonova (Livije XXIII 11-13). U međuvremenu Hanibal prodire u Kampaniju i tamo već u opsadi Casilinuma ima slonove (Livije XXIII 18). Autori članka smatraju da je Hanibalov put jadranskom obalom prema Kani, nakon bitke kod Trazimenskoga jezera, dio unaprijed smišljenoga vojnog plana, prema kojem se kartaška vojska trebala opskrbiti upravo kod Kane, i da su pritom u ostvarivanju komunikacije i opskrbljivanju značajnu ulogu trebali odigrati Liburni. Tomu u prilog govori nekoliko činjenica, prije svega ove: – kod Kane je jedna od rijetkih prikladnih luka za koje je Hanibal mogao računati da će ih Rimljani manje štititi nego sjevernije luke, npr. Ariminij; – na području Liburnije upravo u vrijeme rata s Hanibalom kola iznimno mnogo afričkoga novca. Autorice smatraju da izvori upućuju na svojevrstan saveznički transportno- trgovinsko-komunikacijski odnos između Hanibala, Liburna i Kartage koji treba dodatno sagledati u kontekstu djelovanja proturimske koalicije političkih tvorevina na istočnoj obali Jadrana.
U: Tabula (Pula. Online). - ISSN 1849-1685. - (2020), 17 ; str. 47-66  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drugi punski rat -- Ratna opskrba -- Slonovi


Hibridne prijetnje u 21.stoljeću - teorija i istraživanje nazivlja u Bosni i Hercegovini [Elektronička građa] / Robert Kolobara. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 137-140. - Sažetak. - Trenutačno živimo u doba masovne tehnologije i globalnoga društva koje je bombardirano informacijama, te je više nego ikad potrebno da razumijemo i ocijenimo narav komunikacije i onoga što nam ona dostavlja. Osnova uporabe moći i distribucije resursa tako se promijenila i postalo je uvelike očito da će nove metode širenja poruka na velike geografske udaljenosti, sa značajno većim brzinama, fundamentalno promijeniti prirodu ljudske interakcije. U današnjem je svijetu interes i briga za manipulacijom javnoga mišljenja, formiranjem stavova i utjecajem na ponašanje dostiglo je razine bez presedana. Hibridne prijetnje i ratovi postali su prvoklasno sigurnosno pitanje 21. stoljeća te nagovještaj i putokaz sigurnosne budućnosti. Ovaj rad se bavi teorijom i istraživanjem termina hibridnog ratovanja i prijetni u Bosni i Hercegovini kroz socijološko terensko anketno ispitivanje stanovnika s ciljem induktivnog utvrđivanja stupnja znanja javnosti o istima.
U: National security and the future (Online). - ISSN 1846-1425. - 20 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 113-140  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hibridne prijetnje -- Hibridno ratovanje -- Informacije -- Sigurnost

Historical perspectives and legal aspects of cyber warfare [Elektronička građa] / Zoran Jovanovski, Andrej Iliev, Anita Ilieva Nikolovska. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija: 25 jed; elektronički izvori: 7 jed. - Abstract. - Historical development of cyber warfare follows three major historical periods: first period follows the technological advances of information technology during the 1980s until the end of the Cold War in 1990, second period is from the end of the Cold War to the terrorist attacks in United States during 11-th september 2001 year and the third period is from the terrorist attacks in United States during 11-th september 2001 year onwards. Each of the mentioned historical periods follows a specific doctrine and strategy of dealing with the national security threats from cyberspace. The world super powers and the world states, introduce appropriate strategies and national policies to deal with the consequences of this kind of warfare. Expression of cyberspace is linked to a short story titled "Burning Chrome" in the 1982 year written by American author William Gibson. In the following years, this word turned out to be conspicuously related to online PC systems. According to NATO, people are part of cyberspace. According to this, NATO defines that cyberspace is more than just internet, including not only hardware, software and information systems, but also peoples and social interaction with these networks. The first cyber warfare weapon ever known in history was Stuxnet. Stuxnet's objective was to physically annihilate a military target. Stuxnet has contaminated more than 60,000 PCs around the world, mostly in Iran. While international cooperation is essential, each nation should in near future develop a National foundation, its own national cyber security strategy, authorities and capabilities. Every nation state, should require effective coordination and cooperation among governmental entities at the national and sub-national levels as well as the private sector and civil society.
U: Annals of disaster risk sciences (Online). - ISSN 2623-8934. - 3 (2020), 2  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Cyber sigurnost -- Kibernetički rat -- Povijest razvoj -- Nacionalne strategije -- Pravni koncepti

Hybrid and cyber warfare - international problems and joint solutions [Elektronička građa] / Darko Trifunović, Darko Obradović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 15 jed. - Abstract. - Hybrid warfare is a significant threat to National Security and Countries in last 10 years. Hybrid activities are not new, but environment of cyberspace is completely different than before. We are witnessing a great expansion of the aforementioned fifth combat space, which knows no borders, fences, social or cultural barriers. Hybrid war as a form of endangering the security of sovereign states is primarily based on subversive activities in order to paralyze the state apparatus with the ultimate goal of changing the political leadership. This change of political leadership in the earlier period of history was far simpler and most often began and ended with armed aggression, the use of armed rebellion, or a coup. As modern societies increasingly turn to reliable alliances, mechanisms of collective security, conventional methods have become for quite some time less effective and outdated. The use of disinformation as an integral method of Hybrid Warfare has its roots in the concept of "ideological subversion". Ideological subversion is a term firstly defined by KGB in 1970th. KGB invented “Ideological subversion” as a tool of special warfare against civilians and administrative employees. To make it easier to follow the case study, the authors of the Hybrid War operation divide it into four phases: Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis, and Stabilization. For Russia, the Balkans hold significant historic, cultural, and religious connections—shared ties that are actively propagated, and at times exaggerated, by Russian public diplomacy efforts and media narratives.
U: National security and the future (Online). - ISSN 1846-1425. - 21 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 23-48  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hibridni rat -- Cyber rat -- Sigurnost -- Obavještajne službe

AKRAP, Gordan
Hybrid challenges require hybrid, scientifically based, responses [Elektronička građa] / Gordan Akrap.
Abstract. - New security challenges are looking for new security paradigms in order that state and societies can successfully face with them on preventive level. Due to the rapid influence of hybrid threats to almost all areas of our lives today, we must change our attitude toward those problems and introduce and transform existing intelligence and security studies as a separate science in order to prepare our societies for security challenges that are already here.
U: National security and the future (Online). - ISSN 1846-1425. - 20 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 25-33  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sigurnosni izazovi -- Hibridne prijetnje -- Prevencija

Hybrid threats in 21st century - theory and research of the term in Bosnia And Herzegovina [Elektronička građa] / Robert Kolobara. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 109-112. - Abstract. - We live in the era of mass technology and global society bombarded by information and now more than ever we need to understand and assess the nature of communication and what it relays. Basis for the use of power and resources distribution has thus changed and it became quite obvious that the new methods of dissemination of messages to great distances, at considerably greater speed, will fundamentally change the nature of human interaction. In the contemporary world, interest and care for manipulation of public opinion, forming of attitudes and influence on behaviour reached unprecedented levels. Hybrid threats and wars became a first-class security issue of 21st century, and a sign and an indication of the security in the future. This work deals with theory and research of the term hybrid warfare and threats in Bosnia and Herzegovina through a sociological field survey of the population aiming to inductively establish the level of public knowledge on it.
U: National security and the future (Online). - ISSN 1846-1425. - 20 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 85-112  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hibridne prijetnje -- Hibridno ratovanje -- Informacije -- Sigurnost

AKRAP, Gordan
Hybrid warfare case studies - Croatia and Ukraine [Elektronička građa] / Gordan Akrap, Viacheslav Semenienko.
Bibliografija:. - Abstract. - Croatia’s Homeland war and aggression to Ukraine are clear examples that can be described with term Hybrid warfare. Different phases during conflict and war (every conflict is not a war; every war is a conflict) has a lot of similarities, but also has a difference. It is important to make deeper analysis to provide better and efficient lessons-learned preventive and active measures for future conflicts. This article starts with a short overview of Croatia’s Homeland war and continues with short overview of Ukrainian experience. It contains lessons-learned tools and suggestions for future activities.
U: National security and the future (Online). - ISSN 1846-1425. - 21 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 9-22  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hibridni rat -- Domovinski rat

Maritime cyber threats and challenges [Elektronička građa] / Eyal Pinko.
Abstract. - The maritime trade becomes crucial for countries' economy, security and sovereignty. Side by side to the growth of shipping, the vessels themselves and the sea-ports become more and more sophisticated, advanced and controlled by computerized and automated systems. Most of the maritime industry companies (from sea ports to shipping companies) are not ready and protected enough against cyber-attacks. Furthermore, there are no world regulation for the maritime industry yet, although the IMO (International Maritime Organization) is working on regulation that will fit the maritime industry, focusing on vessels. The IMO regulation is expecting to be implemented during 2021.
U: National security and the future (Online). - ISSN 1846-1425. - 20 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 63-70  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pomorska industrija -- Pomorska trgovina -- Cyber sigurnost -- Cyber napadi -- Morske luke

BARIĆ, Nikica
Posjeti stranih ratnih brodova Splitu tijekom 1970-ih i 1980-ih godina [Elektronička građa] / Nikica Barić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 7 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Na temelju dokumenata Službe državne sigurnosti Socijalističke Republike Hrvatske u prilogu su prikazani posjeti stranih ratnih brodova Splitu tijekom 1970-ih i 1980-ih godina. U tom razdoblju hladnoga rata i blokovske podjele, Jugoslavija je izvanblokovska zemlja i istaknuta članica Pokreta nesvrstanih. Navedeni izvori omogućuju prikazivanje kronologije posjeta ratnih brodova stranih mornarica Splitu koji su najviše posjećivali američki i sovjetski ratni brodovi. Također, navedeni izvori prikazuju kako je jugoslavenska strana nadzirala predstavnike stranih država i kako su ti predstavnici gledali na Jugoslaviju i na grad Split. - The paper is based on the reports of the State Security of socialist Yugoslavia reporting on the visits of foreign warships to the coastal town of Split during the 1970s and 1980s. During this phase of the Cold War and bloc division, Yugoslavia was a non-bloc country and an important member of the Non-aligned movement. During the 1970s and 1980s American and Soviets warships visited Split most often. Italian warships also made numerous visits to Split, while visits of warships from other countries were less frequent. State security reports show how that service spied on foreign representatives during the visits of their warships to Split and how officers of foreign navies, according to the relations of their country toward Yugoslavia, communicated with their Yugoslav hosts and how they perceived Yugoslavia, as well as Split.
U: Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu (Online). - ISSN 2459-5128. - (2020), 13 ; str. 151-170  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ratna mornarica -- Ratni brodovi -- Hladni rat
Služba državne sigurnosti


TSAILAS, Demetrios
The reaction of the armed forces to hybrid threats - the Greek case [Elektronička građa] / Demetrios Tsailas.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 5 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - We know that the strategy must create the basic knowledge that links both the ways and the means to achieve the desired political goals and strategic results. This logical method is a continuous thought process that provides strategic intent and informs ways, creating links to strategic planning that lead to the use of means, in military operations. This factor is the element that includes calculating, sleight and creating a logic or chain of results in strategy. In this paper, after considering a strategy distillation, we will analyze the context of hybrid warfare in strategic planning, which is of particular concern to us in Greek-Turkish relations. - Znamo da strategija mora stvoriti osnovno znanje koje povezuje načine i sredstva za postizanje želјenih političkih cilјeva i strateških rezultata. Ova logična metoda je kontinuirani misaoni proces koji pruža strateške namere i informiše načine, stvarajući veze sa strateškim planiranjem koje dovode do upotrebe sredstava u vojnim operacijama. Ovaj faktor je element koji uklјučuje proračun, spretnost istvaranje logike ili lanca rezultata u strategiji. U ovom radu, nakon razmatranja ključnih elemenata strategije, analiziraćemo kontekst hibridnog ratovanja u strateškom planiranju, što posebno zabrinjava u slučaju grčko-turskih komplikovanih odnosa.
U: Security Science Journal (Online). - ISSN 2737-9493. - 1 (2020), 2 ; str. 79-89  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vojska -- Strateško planiranje -- Hibridne prijetnje -- Međunarodni odnosi

PASTOR, Rudolf
Regional security - the dynamics of the Russian Federation military and budget support provided to Abkhazia in 2008-2009 [Elektronička građa] / Rudolf Pastor, Pavel Bučka. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 29 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Both the Georgian-Abkhazian War of 1992-93 and the five-day War of 2008 led to the subsequent presence of the Russian Federation Armed Forces in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Both de jure internationally unrecognized states without any Georgian governmental administration executive power over them present a major conflict seemingly frozen in time. „Status quo“ is represented on the Abkhazian and the South Ossetia side supported by their Russian patrons and by Georgia on the other side. The Russian Federation military presence prevents Georgia to execute any rights and functions over breakaway states under the Russian protectorate. The military power of the Russian Federation projected in Abkhazia, including aid provided by Russia since 2008 until 2019, is the topic of the following article. Russia is ensuring its dominance over both regions not only through its military presence but also by providing financial and material aid. Approximately 45% of the state budget of Abkhazia provided by Russia in 2019 excluding material support is self-explanatory to understand the strategic importance of both territories located in the Southern Caucasus. Abkhazia is located next to the Black Sea and both close to the Caspian Sea, considered by the Russian Federation the predominant sphere of its strategic interests in this region. - I Gruzijsko- abhaški rat 1992-93. i petodnevni rat 2008. doveli su do naknadnog prisustva oružanih snaga Ruske Federacije u Abhaziji i Južnoj Osetiji. Obe de jure međunarodno nepriznate države bez izvršne vlasti gruzijske vladine uprave nad njima predstavlјaju veliki zamrznuti sukob. „Status kuo“ je predstavlјen na abhaškoj i južnoj Osetiji, a podržavaju ih njihovi ruski pokrovitelјi i Gruzija na drugoj strani. Vojno prisustvo Ruske Federacije sprečava Gruziju da izvršava bilo koja prava i funkcije nad otceplјenim državama pod ruskim protektoratom. Vojna moć Ruske Federacije projektovana u Abhaziji, uklјučujući pomoć koju je Rusija pružala od 2008. do 2019. godine, tema je ovog rada. Rusija osigurava svoju dominaciju nad oba regiona ne samo svojim vojnim prisustvom već i pružanjem finansijske i materijalne pomoći. Približno 45% državnog budžeta Abhazije, koji je Rusija obezbedila 2019. godine, isklјučujući materijalnu podršku, dovoljno je za razumevanje strateške važnosti obe teritorije smeštene na Južnom Kavkazu za Rusiju. Abhazija se nalazi pored Crnog mora i u blizini Kaspijskog mora, koju Ruska Federacija smatra pretežnom sferom svojih strateških interesa u ovom regionu.
U: Security Science Journal (Online). - ISSN 2737-9493. - 1 (2020), 2 ; str. 65-78  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sigurnost -- Regionalna sigurnost -- Nezavisnost -- Sukobi -- Gruzijsko-Abhaški rat

Security challenges and guideline proposals for the development of underwater security [Elektronička građa] / Tonći Prodan, Josip Kasum, Marin Stošić, Ćiro Ugrin. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Abstract. - Maritime affairs are of great importance to the world economy, which is why the security of this area is of the utmost importance. Maritime security can be disrupted in a number of ways, and in this paper the greatest emphasis is placed on underwater security. Although states are making efforts to safeguard maritime and underwater security, there is still plenty of room to raise underwater security to a much higher level.
U: National security and the future (Online). - ISSN 1846-1425. - 20 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 71-84  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pomorstvo -- Sigurnost -- Podvodna sigurnost -- Kritična infrastruktura

ČORALIĆ, Lovorka
Splićani - Croati a cavallo u mletačkim prekojadranskim kopnenim postrojbama u 18. stoljeću [Elektronička građa] / Lovorka Čoralić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 247-248. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Središnje istraživačko zanimanje ovoga rada usmjereno je na proučavanje udjela Splićana u profesionalnoj mletačkoj konjaničkoj postrojbi (Croati a cavallo, Cavalleria Croati) tijekom 18. stoljeća. Rad se zasniva na istraživanju gradiva iz Archivio di Stato di Venezia (fond: Inquisitori sopra l'amministrazione dei pubblici ruoli). Na osnovi navedenoga gradiva, kao i postojećih spoznaja iz historiografije, analizira se vremenski okvir djelovanja Splićana u rečenoj postrojbi, način njihova bilježenja, trajanje vojne službe, udio pripadnika iz istih obitelji, osobne (tjelesne) značajke vojnika, kao i mjesto njihova popisivanja te zapovjedni kadar jedinica u kojima su bili prisutni. Zaključak rada jest da su Splićani činili vrlo zapažen dio hrvatskoga konjaništva pod stijegom Serenissime te da ovdje provedena raščlamba teži pridonijeti boljemu poznavanju vojne povijesti Dalmacije (u konkretnome slučaju grada Splita) i Mletačke Republike u posljednjemu stoljeću njihova opstojanja u zajedničkoj državi. - As part of the study of the military history of Dalmatia and the Venetian Republic through several centuries of existence in a common state union, the share of Croats in the Venetian military forces has been assessed as extremely significant. Operating as the local (territorial) units, as well as members of professional forces (Fanti oltramarini – infantry; Croati a cavallo, Cavalleria Croati – cavalry), soldiers from Dalmatia made a notable contribution to the preservation of Venetian territorial acquisitions from Veneto (terraferma) to the south of the eastern Adriatic coast. Investigation of this issue is complex and requires an analysis of documents stored in the Archivio di Stato di Venezia and the State Archive in Zadar, as well as other Croatian and international archival institutions and libraries. Following several years of research on this issue, this paper focuses on the role of Spalatans in the Croatian cavalry under the standard of St Mark in the 18th century, and is based on an analysis of sources from the collection of Inquisitori sopra l’amministrazione dei pubblici ruoli in the central Venetian state archives. Based on the said documents, as well as previous historiographical insights, the author focuses on the time frame of the Spalatans’ participation in the abovementioned cavalry unit, the method of their documentation, the duration of military service, the share of members from the same families, personal (physical) features of soldiers, the location of their documentation, and the command staff of the units in which they operated. The presence of Spalatans in Venetian cavalry can been observed throughout the century, while the places of their activity (documentation) reflect the distribution of Venetian acquisitions from the terraferma through Dalmatia and the Bay of Kotor to Greece, also testifying to the mobility of elite Venetian land units.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 39 (2020), 59 ; str. 229-249  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vojna povijest -- Konjaničke postrojbe

AKRAP, Gordan
Why security science? [Elektronička građa] / Gordan Akrap, Ivica Mandić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 9 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In this paper, the authors are discussing the need to introduce security sciences as a new scientific field within the existing organization of social sciences. The development of quality, usable, and functional human knowledge and skills have been guaranteed safe and undisturbed development of individuals and communities since the beginning of their existence. The development of society has led to a change of paradigms on which reflections and analyses about security, conflict and war rested. This, in turn, brings us to the situation of the need to change those paradigms of organization, principles, concepts, and theories of security as a new scientific discipline that should enable the continuation of safe and unhindered development of human society. - U ovom radu autori razmatraju potrebu uvođenja nauke o bezbednosti kao nove naučne oblasti u okviru postojeće organizacije društvenih nauka. Razvoj kvalitetnih, upotreblјivih i funkcionalnih lјudskih znanja i veština garantovan je za siguran i nesmetan razvoj pojedinaca i zajednica od početka njihovog postojanja. Razvoj društva doveo je do promene paradigmi na kojima su počivale refleksije i analize o bezbednosti, sukobu i ratu. To nas, pak, dovodi u situaciju potrebe da se promene te paradigme organizacije, principi, koncepti i teorije bezbednosti kao nova naučna disciplina koja treba da omogući nastavak sigurnog i nesmetanog razvoja lјudskog društva.
U: Security Science Journal (Online). - ISSN 2737-9493. - 1 (2020), 2 ; str. 8-21  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sigurnost -- Znanstvena disciplina -- Društvene znanosti -- Upravljanje

Vidi br.: HA20-02190

Vidi br.: HA20-02299

Vidi br.: HA20-02300

Vidi br.: HA20-02090

Vidi br.: HA20-02089

Vidi br.: HA20-02176

Vidi br.: HA20-02183

Vidi br.: HA20-02871

Vidi br.: HA20-02731

Vidi br.: HA20-02166

Vidi br.: HA20-02150

Vidi br.: HA20-02193

364/365   Socijalna skrb. Sigurnost stanovanja

VIDOVIĆ Vondra, Suzana
Attitudes of health professionals and primary school staff towards the separation of children from families and foster care [Elektronička građa] / Suzana Vidović Vondra, Sanja Narić, Ana Pavelić Tremac, Josipa Kurtović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - In Croatia, the process of deinstitutionalization of childcare is underway, and it should increase the placement of children in non-institutional forms of care such as foster care. The aim of the study was to examine attitudes towards foster care and child separation among school and adult mental health professionals. The sample consisted of 159 respondents (employees of elementary schools in Kutina, Popovača and Velika Ludina and employees of the Neuropsychiatric Hospital “Dr. Ivan Barbot” in Popovača). The survey covered all relevant sociodemographic variables, and the Scale of Attitudes Towards Separation of Children from Family and the Attitudes Towards Foster Care Scale were used to examine attitudes [Kamenov, Sladovic Franz & Ajdukovic, 2005]. In the sample examined, attitudes to foster care and separation are slightly positive, indicating that there is plenty of room for activities aimed at empowering these views. If further attitudes are to be strengthened, therefore the population of potential future foster parents is also expected to expand. It is important to highlight the role of healthcare professionals involved in the mental health care of foster children and to consider their role in modifying general attitudes towards foster care for children and their role in building an optimal foster care system. - U Hrvatskoj je u tijeku proces deinstitucionalizacije skrbi za djecu u sklopu kojeg treba povećati smještaj djece u izvaninstitucijske oblike skrbi poput udomiteljstva. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati stavove prema udomiteljstvu i izdvajanju djece među školskim djelatnicima i djelatnicima sektora mentalnog zdravlja odraslih, kao i razlike u stavovima između dvije skupine stručnjaka. Uzorak je sačinjavalo ukupno 159 ispitanika (djelatnici osnovnih škola u Kutini, Popovači i Velikoj Ludini te djelatnici Neuropsihijatrijske bolnice „Dr. Ivan Barbot” u Popovači). Istraživanjem su obuhvaćene sve relevantne sociodemografske varijable, a za ispitivanje stavova primijenjena je Skala stavova prema izdvajanju djece iz obitelji te Skala stavova prema udomiteljstvu (Kamenov, Sladović Franz i Ajduković, 2005). U ispitanom uzorku stavovi o udomiteljstvu i izdvajanju blago su pozitivni, što govori da ima prostora za provođenje aktivnosti usmjerenih na osnaživanje ovih stavova. Ako bi se radilo na dodatnom osnaživanju stavova, za očekivati je i širenje populacije potencijalnih budućih udomitelja. Važno je istaknuti ulogu zdravstvenih djelatnika koji su uključeni u skrb za mentalno zdravlje udomljene djece te razmotriti njihovu ulogu u modificiranju općih stavova prema udomljavanju djece, kao i njihovu ulogu u izgradnji optimalnog sustava udomljavanja.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 4 (2020), 1 ; str. 33-45  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Stavovi -- Udomiteljstvo -- Izdvajanje djece -- Zdravstveni djelatnici -- Učitelji

Mirovinske reforme kao trajno globalno pitanje i dizajniranje mirovinskog sustava [Elektronička građa] : slučaj Hrvatske / Ante Samodol. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 93-95. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj je ovoga rada povezivanje stvarnih fiskalnih uvjeta i rezultata provedbe mirovinske reforme po modelu Svjetske banke u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju 2002. – 2019. Od 2002. hrvatski mirovinski sustav počiva na trima stupovima: međugeneracijska solidarnost (prvi), obvezni mirovinski fondovi (drugi) i dobrovoljni mirovinski fondovi (treći). Kao ključni razlozi provođenja mirovinske reforme navodili su se fiskalni i demografski razlozi. Trenutačni rezultati pokazuju da se stanje mirovinskog sustava pogoršalo u odnosu na razdoblje prije reforme. Mirovinski izdaci u prvome stupu kontinuirano rastu i nadmašuju prihode, što se pokriva transferima iz proračuna. Tranzicijski trošak zbog drugog stupa raste, opterećuje javne financije i veći je nekoliko puta od prinosa obveznih fondova. Ne postoje permanentni izvori za pokriće tranzicijskog troška. Formalno, privatna imovina na privatnim računima članova koristi se kao državna imovina. Vlade jednom koriste imovinu fondova za financiranje proračunskog deficita dopuštajući nekim članovima prijenos imovine i prijelaz iz drugog stupa u prvi stup. Sljedeći put se na dogovorenim aukcijama središnje banke kupuju državne obveznice iz imovine fondova radi kupnje novih izdanja središnje države. Treći put, središnja banka u dogovoru s vladom kreditira mirovinske fondove koji onda kupuju državne obveznice, stvarajući financijski vrtlog helikopterskog novca. Dok deficit prvog stupa i tranzicijski trošak drugog stupa kontinuirano rastu, dotle je dugoročno dizajniranje fiskalne i ekonomske održivosti mirovinskog sustava samo podređeni cilj u odnosu na kratkoročne političke ciljeve. Je li vrijeme za re-reformu?. - The aim of this paper is to connect the actual fiscal conditions and the results of the implementation of the pension reform according to the model of the World Bank in Croatia in the period 2002–2019. Since 2002 the Croatian pension system has been based on three pillars: pay-as-you-go (I), mandatory pension funds (II) and voluntary pension funds (III). Fiscal and demographic reasons were cited as key reasons for implementing pension reform. Current results show that the state of the pension system has deteriorated compared to the period before the reform. Pension expenditures in the first pillar continuously grow and exceed revenues, which is covered by transfers from the budget. The transition cost due to the second pillar is rising, burdening public finances and is several times higher than the income of mandatory funds. There are no permanent sources to cover the transition cost. Formally, private property on the private accounts of members is used as public assets. Governments once use the assets of funds to finance the budget deficit by allowing some members to transfer assets and transition from pillar II to pillar I. The other time, at agreed auctions of the central bank, government bonds are purchased from the assets of the funds in order to purchase new issues of the central government. In the third case, the central bank, in agreement with the government, lends to pension funds that then buy government bonds, creating a financial whirl of helicopter money. While deficit of pillar I and transition cost of pillar II are steadily growing, the long-term design of the fiscal and economic sustainability of the pension system is only a secondary goal compared to short-term political goals. Is it time for re-reform?.
U: Međunarodne studije (Online). - ISSN 2459-623X. - 20 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 73-95  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mirovinska reforma -- Obvezni mirovinski fondovi -- Proračunski deficit -- Tranzicijski troškovi
Svjetska banka


Vidi br.: HA20-02394

Vidi br.: HA20-02822

366   Potrošnja. Zaštita potrošača

An integration of customer value and customer relationship in urban centres and peripheries [Elektronička građa] : research implications for business practice and business studies / Rasa Smaliukiene, Svajone Bekesiene, Gabriele Lipciute. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 36 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of customer values in building customer relationships with regard to the urban factor. This paper seeks to empirically explain how the urban factor affects customer preferences as the differences between customers from urban centres and those from the peripheries are still notable despite globalization and cultural levelling. The article presents a theoretical framework explaining the role of customer value in building customer relationship. In this sense, customer value follows the general rules stipulating the business-customer relationship and includes steps such as trust building, commitment, satisfaction and loyalty. After grounding the theoretical construct, it is tested using a data set of 364 customers across Lithuania. Exhaustive CHAID (Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector) is used for model testing and re-classification. The results from this study report that there are statistically significant differences between customers’ preferences in urban centres and in the periphery. The decision made by the customer to stay loyal to a business has a certain logical dependency. For customers in urban centres, functional value needs to be supplemented by emotional value. Only such a composition of values encourages them to remain loyal to the business. On the other hand, customer loyalty in the periphery is determined by high trust in business, customer commitment and perceived social value. The value of this paper lies in its original theoretical construct where customer value and customer relationship have an effect on customer loyalty, as well as in testing this construct in relation to the urban factor. Additionally, research implications suggest that the findings may be important for business practice and business studies. - Cilj ovog istraživanja je istražiti ulogu koju vrijednost za kupca ima pri izgradnji odnosa s kupcima s obzirom na urbani faktor. Ovaj rad pokušava empirijski objasniti kako urbani faktor utječe na preferencije kupaca jer su razlike između kupaca u urbanim središtima i onih s periferije još uvijek uočljive unatoč globalizaciji i kulturnom ujednačavanju. Članak donosi teorijski okvir koji objašnjava ulogu koju vrijednost za kupca ima pri izgradnji odnosa s kupcima. U tom smislu, vrijednost za kupce slijedi opća pravila koja propisuje odnos s kupcima i uključuje korake poput izgradnje povjerenja, predanosti, zadovoljstva i vjernosti. Teorijski model istraživanja postavljen je pomoću skupa podataka dobivenih od 364 kupca diljem Litve, koji se zatim testira i reklasificira koristeći CHAID (Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection) model stabla odlučivanja. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da postoje statistički značajne razlike između preferencija kupaca u urbanim središtima i onih na periferiji. Odluka kupca da ostane vjeran tvrtki pokazuje određenu logičku ovisnost. Kupcima u urbanim središtima funkcionalnu vrijednost treba nadopuniti emocionalnom vrijednošću jer ih samo takav sklop vrijednosti potiče da ostanu vjerni tvrtki. S druge strane, vjernost kupaca na periferiji određuje veliko povjerenje u tvrtku, predanost kupaca i percepcija društvene vrijednosti. Vrijednost ovog rada leži s jedne strane u izvornom teorijskom konstruktu gdje vrijednost za kupca i odnos s kupcem utječu na vjernost kupca, a s druge strane u ispitivanju ovog konstrukta u odnosu na urbani faktor. Osim toga, implikacije istraživanja sugeriraju da bi rezultati mogli biti važni za poslovnu praksu i poslovne studije.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), spec. iss. ; str. 43-61  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kupci -- Vjernost kupca -- Poslovna praksa -- Poslovne studije -- Urbani faktor

OKWU, Andy Titus
Public family spending, labour productivity, income inequality and poverty gap in the group of seven countries [Elektronička građa] : empirical evidence from panel data / Andy Titus Okwu, Rowland Tochukwu Obiakor, Timothy Chidi Obiwuru, Margret N. Kabuoh, Emeka Okoro Akpa. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 72-75. - Summary. - Purpose. Comparable data on distribution of family income provide reference point for determining economic performance of any country, opportunity to assess effects of income inequality and poverty drivers that are either country- or region-specific. This study analysed the effectiveness of composite indices of public spending on family benefits, labour productivity, macroeconomic performance indicators and moderating factors in reducing income inequality and poverty gap in the Group of Seven (G7) countries from 1980 to 2019. Methodology. The study employed fixed effects Least Squares regression model in panel environment within the framework of empirical econometric methodologies. The composite indices comprised public spending on family benefits in cash and kind, unemployment allowance payments, tax on personal income, labour productivity, harmonised unemployment rate, consumer price index, real GDP growth rate, GDP per capita and per hour worked, fertility rate and trade. After graphical analysis of the data, order of integration was via unit root tests. Hausman test was carried out to choose between fixed and random effects models. Subsequently, parameters of the models were estimated and evaluated for significance at the 0.05 critical level. Findings. The results showed that percentage changes in income inequality and poverty gap indices differed for same percentage change in components of the composite indices. Some variable-specific percentage changes in income inequality and poverty gap were statistically significant, while others were not. However, the overall percentage changes was statistically significant. The paper concluded that while some specific effectiveness of the explanatory variables in reducing income inequality and poverty gap was not significant, their joint effectiveness significantly reduced poverty.
U: Review of innovation and competitiveness (Online). - ISSN 1849-9015. - 6 (2020), 1 ; str. 49-77  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Potrošnja -- Potrošnja kućanstva -- Obiteljska potrošnja -- Obiteljski dohodak -- Proizvodnost rada -- Siromaštvo

Vidi br.: HA20-02062

368   Osiguranje

Critical success factors in insurance companies [Elektronička građa] / Jasmina Selimović, Danijela Martinović, Džana Hurko. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 41 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The topic of this research are critical success factors (CSFs) with a focus on factors that constitute the basis for the success of insurance companies. There are no critical success factors common to all enterprises, all areas and all activities. In insurance companies, key performance indicators primarily depend on the service quality and the level of customer satisfaction. In contemporary business conditions, the relevance of the service has been increasingly important. Therefore, the concept named 5P is suggested, standing for purpose, pride, partnership, protection and personalization, as these five factors define the requirements that must be met, if the insurer’s service is to be perceived to be of high-quality, achieve client satisfaction and build client loyalty. The paper presents a research into the perception of insurance service and factors of insurance quality in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH). Research results correspond to the 5P concept and reveal the security factor as the most important factor for the insured. A fast and efficient payment of claims, the attitude of the salespeople toward the insured, described in terms of respectful and knowledgeable staff, as well as the clarity of promotion and the availability of insurance service also ranked high. - Tema ovog rada su kritični čimbenici uspjeha, s fokusom na društva za osiguranje. Ne postoje kritični čimbenici uspjeha zajednički za sva poduzeća, područja i aktivnosti. U društvima za osiguranje, oni prvenstveno ovise o kvalitetu usluge te razini zadovoljstva korisnika. U suvremenim uvjetima poslovanja, poseban se značaj pridaje usluzi. Stoga se predlaže korištenje koncepta 5P, čije su sastavnice svrha poslovanja (purpose, engl.), ponos, partnerstvo, sigurnost/zaštita (protection, engl.) te personalizacija, kao čimbenici, koji određuju zahtjeve, potrebne za percepciju usluge društva za osiguranje kao visoko kvalitetnog, ali i za postizanje zadovoljstva te izgradnju lojalnosti klijenata. U radu se predstavljaju rezultati istraživanja percepcije osiguravateljne usluge te čimbenici postizanja kvalitete osiguranja u entitetu Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine (FBiH). Rezultati istraživanja odgovaraju konceptu 5P te otkrivaju čimbenik sigurnosti kao najznačajniji za osiguranike. Brza i učinkovita isplata šteta, stav prodajnog osoblja prema osiguranicima, koji se može opisati u terminima poštovanja i poznavanja poslovne problematike, kao i jasnoća promocije te dostupnost osiguravateljne usluge, također su se plasirali na visoke pozicije u istraživanju.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), 1 ; str. 215-233  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Osiguravajuća društva -- Čimbenici uspjeha

37   Obrazovanje

KNEŽEVIĆ, Andrea, rusistica
(Izgubljeni) identitet ruskoga jezika u turizmu : (s osvrtom na stanje u suvremenom hrvatskom jeziku) / Andrea Knežević.
Zbornik 4. međunarodne konferencije Strani jezici i turizam, Zadar, 8. - 9. studenoga 2018. - Bibliografija: 209-210 str. ; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Strani jezici i turizam. - ISSN . - str. 195-212
Ruski jezik u turizmu -- Jezično posuđivanje -- Anglizmi

VARGA, Matija, informatičar
Analysis of the use of online teaching tools in specific circumstances [Elektronička građa] / Matija Varga. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 24. - Abstract. - E-learning can be viewed from a technical and pedagogical aspect, so the application of e-learning in teaching requires ICT knowledge and skills and pedagogical competencies for the use of ICT in teaching. Work on the topic: "Analysis of the use of online teaching tools in specific circumstances" consists of two parts. The first part of the paper, which uses a scientific method of content analysis, presents types of online teaching tools in specific circumstances and explanations of online teaching tools in specific circumstances. Also, the advantages and disadvantages of the online learning tools (as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the LMS, i.e. learning management system) are described. The second part of the paper presents the research results obtained by the scientific method of interviewing. Based on the surveys, answers (results) were obtained to the nine questions asked. Hypotheses were set in the paper: Ht1 and Ha1 and Ht2 and Ha2. Based on the results obtained by interviewing the respondents (analysis of answers), the paper confirmed the basic hypotheses (Ht1 and Ht2), while the alternative hypotheses (Ha1 and Ha2) have been rejected.
U: Politehnika (Online). - ISSN 2584-6264. - 4 (2020), 2 ; str. 19-24  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Online nastava -- E-učenje -- LMS -- Sustavi za učenje

KUČIŠ, Vlasta
Brudet od bakalara ili Fischragout Italienisch? : komparativna analiza dalmatinskih hrvatsko-njemačkih jelovnika / Vlasta Kučiš, Helga Begonja.
Zbornik 4. međunarodne konferencije Strani jezici i turizam, Zadar, 8. - 9. studenoga 2018. - Bibliografija: 136-138 str. ; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Strani jezici i turizam. - ISSN . - str. 119-140
Turizam -- Hrvatsko-njemački jelovnici -- Prevođenje -- Teorija skoposa

MARTINOVIĆ, Saša, pedagog
Chess as an extracurricular activity [Elektronička građa] / Saša Martinović, Ivan Markić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 41 jed. - Summary. - Extracurricular activities as a variety of organizational forms of students gathering in free extracurricular time at elementary school have predominantly cultural, artistic, sporting, technical, recreational or scientific character (Cindrić, 1992). Through them, students meet their needs and develop the culture of using their leisure time. Thanks to its pedagogic potential, chess is increasingly used as an educational tool and taught in elementary schools around the world. This trend begins to follow Croatia, where chess in many schools is carried out as an extracurricular and/or extracurricular activity. In this paper we will present and analyze the advantages that chess has for the elementary school students and empirically determine the occurrence of chess as an extracurricular activity in the schools in the City of Zagreb. Also, based on the results of the qualitative research, the views of the chess teachers regarding advantages of chess implementation, ways of determining the interests of students, and teaching methods used in chess teaching will be presented.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 1 ; str. 243-259  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šah -- Izvannastavne aktivnosti -- Osnovna škola -- Nastavne metode -- Usavršavanje učitelja

Education philosophies - the key to understanding the role of teacher's beliefs in education practice [Elektronička građa] / Sani Kunac.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 33 jed. - Summary. - The contemporary paradigm in pedagogy is focused on a holistic development of an individual through a curricular approach, accentuating the results of learning and teaching. The important and active role of a student in class is emphasized, but also the importance of teacher’s role as the person who shapes the learning environment and who organizes the teaching process. The teacher’s educational philosophy and their beliefs in the background have a great impact on their teaching practice and their actions during class. But there are still discrepancies in definition, identification and classification of educational philosophies. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the educational philosophy literature, to contribute to the construct definition, to point out the importance of educational philosophy research within pedagogy and to point out the connection between the teacher's educational philosophy and the different aspects of their educational impact.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 2 ; str. 553-572  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nastava -- Nastavnici -- Odgojno­obrazovna praksa -- Odgojno­obrazovne filozofije

KRPAN, Tomislav, germanist
Einsatz von Reiseberichten im Fremdsprachenunterricht der Fachrichtung Tourismus / Tomislav Krpan.
Zbornik 4. međunarodne konferencije Strani jezici i turizam, Zadar, 8. - 9. studenoga 2018. - Bibliografija: 93-94 str. ; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Strani jezici i turizam. - ISSN . - str. 71-96
Njemački jezik -- Učenje stranog jezika -- Didaktika u literaturi

E-Lerning: Eine sinnvolle Ergänzung im Fremdsprachenunterricht ? : Eine Analyse an der Abteilung für Germanistik an der Philosophischen Fakultät in Rijeka / Dario Maršanić, Manuela Svoboda.
Zbornik 4. međunarodne konferencije Strani jezici i turizam, Zadar, 8. - 9. studenoga 2018. - Bibliografija: 65-67 str. ; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Strani jezici i turizam. - ISSN . - str. 51-68
E-učenje -- Njemački kao strani jezik

Fokus na pokus [Elektronička građa] / Karolina Dvojković, Sanja Pavlović Šijanović, Kristina Kristek. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 57. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Prirodni procesi idealni su primjer za provođenje nastave usmjerene prema djelovanju koja daje učenicima mogućnost preuzimanja inicijative u učenju gdje radoznalost, kreativnost i eksperimentiranje s idejama nadmašuju zacrtani plan tradicionalne nastavne teme. Ako se u cijeli proces uključe interdisciplinarnost i informacijsko – komunikacijske tehnologije, teorijski koncepti postaju realistični, učenicima olakšavaju razumijevanje realnih događanja kojima svjedoče svaki dan. U našoj svakodnevici promatramo i doživljavamo stanja flore i faune kroz osjetila za miris, sluh, vid itd. Međutim, postoji mogućnost dokazivanja da se mogu doživjeti i druge informacije u našoj okolini. Paralelnim snimanjem i bilježenjem u vidljivom i infracrvenom spektru dobivamo dvostruke informacije naše okoline. Kako izgledaju objekti i priroda u bliskom infracrvenom spektru? Informacije koje nose objekti, biljke i živa bića u bliskom infracrvenom spektru moguće je usporediti sa doživljajem u spektru kojega percipira naše oko. Postoji korelacija refleksije svjetla između vizualne i infracrvene apsorpcije. Razlika vizualne i infracrvene apsorpcije svjetla na flori i fauni omogućuje kamuflaže u kretanju i u okolišu. Skrivanje u flori i fauni posebno je zanimljivo. U radu pokazujemo sinkroniziranu interdisciplinarnost i primjenu tehnologije u odgojno – obrazovnom procesu u kojemu se uspostavlja odnos sa „stvarnim životom“, životnim okruženjem učenika, uzajamnom povezanosti stvari u životu sa svim ostalim aspektima određene znanosti, discipline ili predmeta, a rezultat je aktivnosti koje u sinergiji provode učenici. prirodoslovno-matematičkog usmjerenja i nastavnici. - Natural processes are an ideal example of action-oriented teaching that gives students the opportunity to take the initiative in learning where curiosity, creativity, and experimentation with ideas go beyond the set scenario of a traditional teaching topic. If interdisciplinarity and information and communication technologies are included in the process, theoretical concepts become realistic, making it easier for students to understand the real events they witness every day. In our everyday life, we observe and experience the state of flora and fauna through the senses of smell, hearing, sight, etc. However, there is the possibility of proving that other information can be experienced in our environment. By parallel recording in the visible and infrared spectrum, we obtain double information about our environment. What do objects and nature look like in the near-infrared spectrum? The information carried by objects, plants, and living beings in the near-infrared spectrum can be compared to the experience in the spectrum perceived by our eye. There is a correlation of light reflection between visual and infrared absorption. The difference between visual and infrared light absorption on flora and fauna allows camouflage in motion and in the environment. Hiding in flora and fauna is especially interesting. The paper shows the synchronized interdisciplinarity and application of technology in the educational process in which a relationship is established with "real life", the living environment of students, and the interconnectedness of things in life with all other aspects of science, discipline or subject. The result is activities that are carried out in synergy by students of science and mathematics and teachers.
U: Politehnika (Online). - ISSN 2584-6264. - 4 (2020), 1 ; str. 51-58  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Infracrveni spektar -- Digitalna fotografija -- Nastava -- Interdisciplinarnost -- Prirodoslovlje

Francuski jezik u turizmu i jezična politika Crne Gore na primjeru općine Kotor / Ivona Jovanović, Isidora Lazarević-Milivojević.
Zbornik 4. međunarodne konferencije Strani jezici i turizam, Zadar, 8. - 9. studenoga 2018. - Bibliografija: 228-230 str. ; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Strani jezici i turizam. - ISSN . - str. 213-232
Francuski jezik -- Turizam -- Jezična politika

SUŚWIŁŁO, Małgorzata
Gifted student in a polish school in the perception of teachers, parents and the child [Elektronička građa] : the interpretative research / Małgorzata Suświłło. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper presents research into the social, emotional, and academic functioning of gifted students in the classroom. An outline is provided of the theoretical foundations of the problem, starting with its definition and presentation of giftedness models. It then discusses the functioning of gifted students in the perspective of other authors. This study aims to examine the performance of a gifted student in a class in the selected state primary school, based on the perception of teachers, parents and the child in question. The study uses the qualitative strategy and the interpretational approach. Gifted students (six cases) were nominated by their form teachers. Empirical data collected during free-form and unstructured interviews were subjected to a qualitative analysis. By arranging the data from interviews with parents, teachers, and gifted students themselves, a picture was constructed of their functioning. To do that, metaphorical categories of gifted students were separately created for each scope (social, emotional, academic). The study analyses the performance of gifted students and compares them to theoretical assumptions. - Ovaj rad istražuje socijalno, emocionalno i akademsko funkcioniranje darovitih učenika u razredu. Najprije se iznosi teorijski okvir problema počevši od njegova određenja i predstavljanja modela darovitosti. Zatim se raspravlja o funkcioniranju darovitih učenika iz perspektive drugih autora. Cilj je ovog istraživanja ispitati uspješnost darovitog učenika u razredu u odabranoj državnoj osnovnoj školi na temelju percepcije učitelja, roditelja i djeteta. Upotrijebljena je kvalitativna metodologija i interpretacijski pristup u istraživanju. Darovite učenike (šest slučajeva) predložili su njihovi razrednici. Empirijski podatci prikupljeni tijekom slobodnih i nestrukturiranih intervjua podvrgnuti su kvalitativnoj analizi. Nakon obrade podataka prikupljenih iz razgovora s roditeljima, učiteljima i darovitim učenicima stvorena je slika o njihovu funkcioniranju. U tu svrhu metaforičke kategorije darovitih učenika izrađene su odvojeno za svaki opseg (socijalni, emocionalni, akademski). U radu se analizira uspješnost darovitih učenika i uspoređuju rezultati s teorijskim pretpostavkama.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 2 ; str. 441-460  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Daroviti učenici -- Emocionalno funkcioniranje -- Odgojno-obrazovno funkcioniranje -- Socijalno funkcioniranje -- Roditelji -- Učitelji

CERINSKI, Tomislav
Hope for the future? [Elektronička građa] : The future teachers' attitudes towards the core values of the National curriculum framework and towards education system / Tomislav Cerinski. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 51 jed. - Summary. - Near the end of the winter semester of the school year 2018/2019 the attitudes of students of graduate studies at Faculty of Science (PMF), educational studies at Faculty of Science, Department of Physics (PMF-F) and Faculty of Education (UF), Čakovec Department (N=151) were analysed, regarding the core values of the National Curriculum Framework (NOK) and education system. „The questionnaire of attitudes towards values as fundamental components of the National Curriculum Framework“ and „Questionnaire of students’ attitudes towards education system“. The aim of the study was to determine if there were any differences among students of UF and PMF-F regarding their attitudes towards the core values of NOK and regarding attitudes towards education system. A significant difference in attitudes was established, regarding identity, solidarity, responsability and pupil teacher partnership (students of UF and female students in general appreciate these values more) whereas there were no differences regarding acquired knowledge, teaching process and atmosphere. More than 90% of students of UF expressed their wish to pursue a career in school education, while less than 50% of students of PMF-F agreed with them. The results call for further research of students’ attitudes and of reasons for decreased interest of students of education studies of PMF-F to participate in school education processes.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 1 ; str. 153-171  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nastavnici -- Učitelji -- Studenti -- Škola -- Odgoj i obrazovanje -- Kurikulum

Kulturni elementi u udžbenicima talijanskoga jezika / Loreta Šimunić.
Zbornik 4. međunarodne konferencije Strani jezici i turizam, Zadar, 8. - 9. studenoga 2018. - Bibliografija: 114-117 str. ; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Strani jezici i turizam. - ISSN . - str. 97-118
Udžbenici talijanskog jezika -- Kulturni elementi -- Hrvatski obrazovni dokument

LABAK, Irena
Managing the development of pedagogical competences [Elektronička građa] / Irena Labak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 65 jed. - Summary. - Competence implies the ability or expertise of an individual to successfully master a variety of goals. There are general competences that are transferrable and profession­independent, and specific, profession­dependent competences. Everyone uses both specific and general competences in their personal and professional life. Teachers need numerous competences to be able to do their job, and these are called pedagogical competences. Pedagogical competences, like other competences, are not static and cannot fully be acquired during professional education. Moreover, they are dynamic and require a lifetime of dedication, development, and growth. This paper discusses and suggests methods for teachers to monitor and plan the development of pedagogical competences in their everyday work so as not to become passive observers in their professional growth. The paper suggests a model of iterative reflections that gather feedback on the effectiveness of development and identifies novel requirements for continuous development.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 2 ; str. 481-500  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nastavnici -- Učitelji -- Profesionalni razvoj -- Kompetencije

SUŠAC, Vlado
Multimodal Aspects of Foreign Language Teaching for Tourism Purposes / Vlado Sušac.
Zbornik 4. međunarodne konferencije Strani jezici i turizam, Zadar, 8. - 9. studenoga 2018. - Bibliografija: 47-49 str. ; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Strani jezici i turizam. - ISSN . - str. 31-50
ESP -- Turizam -- Semiotika -- Učenje stranog jezika

CERINSKI, Tomislav
Nada u budućnost? [Elektronička građa] : Stavovi budućih učitelja prema temeljnim vrijednostima Nacionalnog okvirnog kurikuluma i prema odgoju i obrazovanju / Tomislav Cerinski. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 51 jed. - Sažetak. - Krajem zimskog semestra akademske godine 2018./2019. ispitani su stavovi studenata diplomskih studija Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta u Zagrebu (PMF), nastavnički smjerovi fizike (PMF-F) i Učiteljskog fakulteta (UF), odsjek Čakovec (N=151) prema temeljnim vrijednostima Nacionalnog okvirnog kurikuluma (NOK) te prema odgoju i obrazovanju. Korišteni su „Upitnik o stavovima prema vrijednostima kao temeljnim sastavnicama Nacionalnog okvirnog kurikuluma“ i „Upitnik o stavovima studenata prema odgoju i obrazovanju“. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati postoje li razlike između studenata UF-a i PMF-F-a u stavovima o vrijednostima NOK-u te u stavovima o odgoju i obrazovanju. Utvrđena je značajna razlika u stavovima prema identitetu, solidarnosti, odgovornosti i partnerstvu učenika i učitelja (studenti UF-a procjenjuju više vrijednosti, ali isto tako i općenito sve studentice), dok razlika u stavovima prema znanju i prema nastavnom procesu i atmosferi nije utvrđena. Više od 90 % studenata UF-a istaknulo je da planira graditi karijeru u obrazovnom sustavu, dok je isto istaknulo manje od 50 % studenata PMFF-a. Dobiveni rezultati potiču daljnja istraživanja stavova studenata i razloga smanjenog interesa studenata nastavničkog smjera fizike za rad u odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 1 ; str. 133-152  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nastavnici -- Učitelji -- Studenti -- Škola -- Odgoj i obrazovanje -- Kurikulum

Obilježja prezentacije hrvatske gastrokulturne baštine u Zadru / Đani Bunja.
Zbornik 4. međunarodne konferencije Strani jezici i turizam, Zadar, 8. - 9. studenoga 2018. - Bibliografija: 170-174 str. - Abstract.
U: Strani jezici i turizam. - ISSN . - str. 141-176
Turizam -- Gastrokultura -- Prevođenje

BAŠIĆ, Anamarija
Odgoj za medije u hrvatskom obrazovnom sustavu [Elektronička građa] / Anamarija Bašić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: 15 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovom radu tematizira se pojam medija te primjeri pozitivne prakse njihova upotrebljavanja u nastavi Hrvatskoga jezika i Povijesti kao nastavnih sredstava i pomagala. Daje se pregled nastavnih sadržaja kulture i medija prema Kurikulumu za nastavni predmet Hrvatski jezik za osnovne škole i gimnazije u Republici Hrvatskoj iz 2019. godine. Upozorava se na negativan utjecaj tehnologije i medija, prvenstveno interneta i društvenih mreža na razvoj kognitivnih procesa kod djece, ali se navode i primjeri dobre prakse. - This paper discusses media and gives examples of positive practise in teaching about media as well as using it in school subjects such as Croatian language and history. The author gives an overview of the 2019 curriculum regarding media education as a part of Croatian language subject in elementary schools and high schools. Readers are warned of negative influence that technology and media, especially the Internet and social networks, have on children and the development of their cognitive processes.
U: Pleter (Online). - ISSN 2757-0460. - 4 (2020), 4 ; str. 115-134  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mediji -- Odgoj i obrazovanje -- Kurikulum -- Internet -- Društvene mreže -- Multimedija -- Nastava hrvatskog jezika


Odgojno-obrazovne filozofije - ključ razumijevanja uloge nastavnikovih uvjerenja u odgojno-obrazovnoj praksi [Elektronička građa] / Sani Kunac.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 33 jed. - Sažetak. - Suvremena je paradigma u pedagogiji usmjerena na holistički razvoj pojedinaca kurikulnim pristupom s naglaskom na ishode učenja i poučavanja. Naglašava se aktivna uloga učenika u nastavi, ali i važnost uloge nastavnika kao osobe koja oblikuje nastavno okruženje i organizira nastavni proces. Odgojno­obrazovne filozofije nastavnikā i uvjerenja koja su im u pozadini uvelike utječu na njihovu odgojno­obrazovnu praksu i djelovanje u nastavi. No još uvijek postoji neujednačenost u definiranju, identifikaciji i klasifikaciji odgojno­obrazovnih filozofija. Cilj je ovoga rada dati pregled literature o odgojno­obrazovnim filozofijama, pridonijeti određenju konstrukta, uputiti na važnost istraživanja odgojno­obrazovnih filozofija unutar pedagogije te uputiti na povezanost između odgojno­obrazovnih filozofija nastavnika i različitih vidova njihova odgojno­obrazovnog djelovanja.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 2 ; str. 533-552  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nastava -- Nastavnici -- Odgojno­obrazovna praksa -- Odgojno­obrazovne filozofije

Organizational consulting models and performance improvement [Elektronička građa] : the case of rural schools in Lithuania / Rasa Nedzinskaite-Maciuniene, Agne Brandisauskiene, Jurate Cesnaviciene, Ramute Bruzgeleviciene. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 50 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This study is concerned with a possible organizational consulting model of schools in rural areas with unfavorable social, economic and cultural (SEC) environments. Specifically, the study offers a case study analysis of five rural schools of one Lithuanian municipality. The results yield a conceptual framework for a model of rural school consultation. The proposed model is in line with the theoretical approaches of the dynamic and the ecological theories. The obtained research results offer suggestions and insights for organizational development theory and practice. - U ovom se radu raspravlja o mogućem modelu organizacijskih konzultacija u školama u ruralnim područjima, s nepovoljnim socijalnim, ekonomskim i kulturnim (SEK) okruženjem. U istraživanju se analiziraju studije slučaja peterih ruralnih škola u jednoj županiji u Litvi. Na temelju navedenog se prezentira konceptualni model organizacijskih konzultacija za ruralne škole. Predloženi model je usklađen s teorijskim pristupima dinamičkih i ekoloških teorija. Dobiveni rezultati predstavljaju prijedloge i uvid u teoriju i praksu organizacijskog razvoja.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), 2 ; str. 195-213  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Škole -- Ruralna područja -- Organizacijski razvoj -- Efektivnsot

Pedagogy workshops for promoting prosocial behaviour among students [Elektronička građa] : case study / Dajana Bičanić, Maja Brust Nemet. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 74-75. - Summary. - Prosocial behaviour refers to intentional behaviour aimed at helping others or having a positive influence on others. A community to which a child belongs plays a great role in developing prosocial behaviour. Therefore, great attention should be about the development of the prosocial behaviour in the classroom, which will fully contribute to the student's empathy development, active listening skills, being able to work collaboratively, being able to resolve conflict constructively and self-esteem development as well as self-confidence development. Pedagogical workshops can contribute to a better understanding of a child’s personality. According to that, their focus is on the actual process whose purpose is to provide each participant with the feeling of equality and belonging. The aim of this paper was to investigate whether pedagogical workshops encourage prosocial behaviour in students. The study was conducted during March 2019 and included methodological triangulation (participatory observation, sociometric test and interview) among students of one class departments in a rural area of Slavonia, Croatia. The results of the qualitative research showed that pedagogical workshops provide the conditions necessary to encourage prosocial behaviour in students. Also, the research showed that pedagogical workshops are related to the strengthening of social relations within the group and that certain activities are related to the student's development of empathy, self-confidence and constructive conflict resolution.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 66 (2020), 1 ; str. 67-75  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prosocijalno ponašanje -- Pedagoške radionice -- Socijalne kompetencije -- Studenti

MARIN, Gabrijela
Računalne provjere znanja u sustavu Moodle u kontekstu diferencijacije vrednovanja [Elektronička građa] / Gabrijela Marin, Sanja Fabac. - Graf. prilozi.
Prilozi na str. 26-27. - Bibliografija: str. 25-26. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom nastave na daljinu (školske godine 2019./2020.), na uzorku od 49 učenika dvaju prvih razreda Medicinske škole Ante Kuzmanića, u Zadru. Cilj istraživanja je bio empirijski istražiti mogućnost korištenja brzih računalnih provjera u pristupu vrednovanju naučenog, u uvjetima pandemije. Tijekom četiri tjedna učenici su poučavani asinkrono-korištenjem digitalnih sadržaja u digitalnoj bilježnici (OneNote Class Notebook) i sinkrono-korištenjem video poziva. Uspješnost online poučavanja provjerena je rješavanjem tri vremenski ograničene računalne provjere, u sustavu Moodle. Svaka od računalnih provjera sadržavala je određen omjer pitanja koja provjeravaju različite kognitivne razine. Nakon što su učenici riješili računalnu provjeru srednje razine, morali su odabrati računalnu provjeru osnovne ili napredne razine. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da unatoč detaljno razrađenim aktivnosti učenika i nastavnika u online poučavanju, nastava na daljinu nije rezultirala željenim ishodima, odnosno postotak ukupne riješenosti u svakoj od tri računalne provjere je bio manji od 50%. Suprotno postavljenoj hipotezi učenici najveća postignuća ostvaruju u računalnoj provjeri srednje razine, a broj sati koje je nastavnik koristio za poučavanje nije utjecao na postignuća učenika. U skladu s postavljenom hipotezom učenici najbolje rješavaju zadatke prve kognitivne razine. Unatoč dobivenim rezultatima, platforma za učenje Moodle, u kojoj nastavnik može kreirati banku zadataka različitih kognitivnih razina, otvara put za diferencijaciju vrednovanja u skladu s različitim potrebama i interesima učenika. - A survey was conducted during the period of online teaching (school year 2019. / 2020.) on a sample of 49 students of two first grade at the Ante Kuzmanic Medical School, in Zadar. The aim of the study was to explore computer-based exams as assessment method at assessment of learning, in the period of pandemic. Over the period of four weeks, students were taught online; asynchronously-through digital content in OneNote Class Notebook and synchronously using video calls. The efficiency of online teaching had been checked by three computer-based exams, in time limited conditions, using Moodle. Each exam had precisely determined ratio of questions with different cognitive levels. After the students had taken their first online exam - level medium, they had to choose one of two other exams: level - basic or level - advanced. The results indicate that despite carefully planned instructional procedures, online teaching had a poor impact on student’s learning outcomes, because students’ achievement in every exam was lower than 50%. Contrary to the hypothesis students are most successful in first online exam (level – medium) and number of hours of online teaching had no effect on a student’s achievement. Accordant to the hypothesis students are most successful in solving the questions of the first cognitive level. Nevertheless, considering these findings, by using the learning platform Moodle, the teacher can create a test bank what opens the possibility for differentiation of assessment process, accordant to different learning needs and interests of students.
U: Educatio biologiae. - ISSN 1849-6520. - (2020), 6 ; str. 16-28  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Učenje -- Srednje škole -- Računalne provjere -- Vrednovanje naučenog -- Kognitivne razine

The role of a pedagogue in the advancement of teaching in a contemporary school [Elektronička građa] / Sara Kakuk, Tea Zelembrz.
Bibliografija: str. 121-123. - Summary. - An expert associate pedagogue is a key carrier of the developmental-pedagogical activity in a school. The aim of this activity is to foresee, design, encourage, and guide the development of the educational activity of a school for the purpose of synchronizing the needs of students and their developmental potentials. A pedagogue’s area of work is extremely large. It refers to attendance in all areas of the developmental-pedagogical process, starting with planning and programming and goes all the way to the evaluation of the achieved results. Also, the pedagogue has an important role in the advancement of the developmental-pedagogical process, from monitoring the educational process to organizing professional development and implementation and encouragement of active research. Monitoring the developmental-pedagogical process refers to monitoring the achievements of developmental and educational plans and programs and the quality of monitoring the same, monitoring of the actualization of extracurricular activities and the direct actualization of the developmental-pedagogical process. Professional development modernizes the knowledge of the teachers which they gained during the beginning of their education and perfects their professional skills. The role of the pedagogue is to encourage teachers and motivate them for active research with which teachers solve perceived problems and advance their practice towards the set goals. Using theoretical analysis, this paper will give an overview of certain areas of a pedagogue’s methods in teaching and school with an emphasis on more contemporary context. The aim of this paper is to provide an insight into certain areas of action of an expert associate pedagogue, which are in service of improving the educational process of a contemporary school.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 66 (2020), 1 ; str. 111-123  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pedagozi -- Nastava -- Stručno usavršavanje

MILETIĆ, Josip, kroatist
The role of marketing in the management of upbringing and education institution [Elektronička građa] / Josip Miletić.
Bibliografska bilješka uz tekst ; bibliografija: 32 jed. - Summary. - The paper addresses the role of marketing in the management of upbringing and education institution. We analyzed the characteristics of upbringing and education seen as a public good as well as the characteristics of marketing seen as business philosophy and business function. Furthermore, the paper explains the compatibility of marketing and education analyzing the specifics of these two activities. We identified the problems the management of upbringing and education institution faces, which all can be resolved in a quality manner by marketing approach. Marketing of upbringing and education institution has an increasing role and importance, marketing approach being the basis for the effective functioning of upbringing and education institutions.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 1 ; str. 277-293  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Menadžment -- Škole -- Odgoj i obrazovanje

PAVIN Banović, Alta
Social networks for better education and better grades [Elektronička građa] / Alta Pavin Banović, Sanja Dravinski. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Summary. - The goal of the paper is to show the results of a research conducted among students of Medical School Osijek on the use of social media as tools for exchanging educational content with their teachers, which leads to a better adoption of the content and better grades. Teachers and students learn about social media through preventive programs. The research method is an online survey conducted in 10 class departments. Results: Modern social media used in teaching enable better communication between students and teachers, faster information flow and easier preparation of students for school as well as development of a positive attitude on the use of social media in the teaching process.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 66 (2020), 1 ; str. 55-65  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Društvene mreže -- Komunikacija -- Učenje -- Srednjoškolci

MARTINOVIĆ, Saša, pedagog
Šah kao izvannastavna aktivnost [Elektronička građa] / Saša Martinović, Ivan Markić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 41 jed. - Sažetak. - Izvannastavne aktivnosti kao različiti organizacijski oblici okupljanja učenika u slobodno izvannastavno vrijeme u školi imaju pretežito kulturnoumjetničko, športsko, tehničko, rekreacijsko ili znanstveno obilježje (Cindrić, 1992). Kroz njih učenici zadovoljavaju svoje potrebe i razvijaju kulturu korištenja slobodnog vremena. Zahvaljujući svom pedagoškom potencijalu, šah se sve više implementira u kurikulume škola i poučava na svim razinama obrazovanja. Ovaj trend počinje pratiti i Hrvatska, u kojoj se šah u mnogo škola provodi kao izvannastavna i/ili izvanškolska aktivnost. U ovome radu prikazat će se i analizirati prednosti koje bavljenje šahom ima za učenike osnovnih škola te će se empirijskim istraživanjam utvrditi pojavnost izvannastavne aktivnosti šaha u školama Grada Zagreba. Temeljem rezultata kvalitativnog istraživanja prikazat će se stavovi voditelja šaha kao izvannastavne aktivnosti o prednostima njegove implementacije, načinima utvrđivanja interesa te o načinima rada voditelja i polaznika/učenika.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 1 ; str. 227-241  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šah -- Izvannastavne aktivnosti -- Osnovna škola -- Nastavne metode -- Usavršavanje učitelja

MILETIĆ, Josip, kroatist
Uloga marketinga u upravljanju odgojnoobrazovnom ustanovom [Elektronička građa] / Josip Miletić.
Bibliografska bilješka uz tekst ; bibliografija: 32 jed. - Sažetak. - U radu se problematizira uloga marketinga u upravljanju odgojno-obrazovnom ustanovom. Analiziraju se obilježja odgojno-obrazovne djelatnosti kao javnog dobra te marketinga kao poslovne filozofije i poslovne funkcije. Obrazlaže se kompatibilnost marketinga i obrazovanja kroz analizu specifičnosti tih dviju djelatnosti. Utvrđuju se problemi na koje uprava odgojno-obrazovne ustanove nailazi u svome radu, a koje se marketinškim pristupom može kvalitetno riješiti. Marketing odgojno-obrazovne ustanove ima sve veću ulogu i važnost jer je marketinški pristup osnova učinkovita djelovanja odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 1 ; str. 261-276  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Menadžment -- Škole -- Odgoj i obrazovanje

OREL Frank, Tina
UNESCO Presentation in English, Italian and German On-site Brochure material as a Type of Tourism Discourse Text / Tina Orel Frank, Nina Lovec, Ljudmila Sinkovič.
Zbornik 4. međunarodne konferencije Strani jezici i turizam, Zadar, 8. - 9. studenoga 2018. - Bibliografija: 188-191 str. - Abstract.
U: Strani jezici i turizam. - ISSN . - str. 177-191
Turizam -- Baština -- Turistički diskurz


LABAK, Irena
Upravljanje razvojem pedagoških kompetencija [Elektronička građa] / Irena Labak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 65 jed. - Sažetak. - Kompetencija podrazumijeva sposobnost ili stručnost pojedinca za uspješno ovladavanje različitih ciljeva. Razlikuju se opće kompetencije, prenosive i neovisne o profesiji, i specifične kompetencije koje su profesionalno ovisne. Svaki pojedinac djeluje u svojem osobnom ili profesionalnom životu koristeći se jednima i drugima. Nastavnicima za obavljanje njihova posla potrebne su brojne kompetencije koje se u radu jednim imenom nazivaju pedagoškim kompetencijama koje, kao i ostale kompetencije, nisu statične i ne mogu se u potpunosti steći tijekom inicijalnog obrazovanja, nego su vrlo dinamične i razvijaju se cijelog života. U radu je predloženo i raspravljeno kako nastavnici tijekom svojega svakodnevnog rada mogu planirati i pratiti vlastiti razvoj pedagoških kompetencija ne bi li bili pasivni sudionici vlastitoga profesionalnog razvoja. Predložen je model ponavljajućih refleksija tijekom kojih se prikupljaju povratne informacije o učinkovitosti razvoja i utvrđivanja novih potreba za daljnji razvoj.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 2 ; str. 461-480  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nastavnici -- Učitelji -- Profesionalni razvoj -- Kompetencije

BRETT, David
Using Sem-grams to Study Metaphors in Travel Journalism / David F. Brett, Antonio Pinna.
Zbornik 4. međunarodne konferencije Strani jezici i turizam, Zadar, 8. - 9. studenoga 2018. - Bibliografija: 27-29 str. ; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract.
U: Strani jezici i turizam. - ISSN . - str. 13-30
Putopisno novinarstvo -- Frazeologija -- Metafore

ALUJEVIĆ, Marijana
L'uso dei proverbi nell'insegnamento della lingua italiana [Elektronička građa] / Marijana Alujević, Mira Braović Plavša.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i internetski izvori: 23 jed. - Riassunto ; Summary. - I proverbi con la loro forma particolare, fissa e concisa, ritmicamente organizzata e stimolante adempiono un ruolo di trasferimento d’esperienze, sapere popolare e cognizioni essenziali per la sopravvivenza. Vengono considerati validi strumenti per raggiungere diversi obiettivi educativi e per chiarire il rapporto tra cultura e lingua. La complessità nel collocare e nell’analizzare la struttura dei proverbi spesso scoraggia i docenti ostacolando l᾽impiego didattico di questa inesauribile fonte di diverse sfaccettature didattiche. In questo contributo vengono proposti svariati usi dei proverbi nell’apprendimento dell’italiano come lingua straniera. Un᾽unità didattica, anche nelle sue fasi principali, offre molteplici possibilità di applicazione dei proverbi in tutti gli ambiti dell’insegnamento di base: lessicale, grammaticale, morfosintattico e fonologico. Contemporaneamente apre orizzonti di valore civico culturale. La padronanza dei proverbi in una lingua straniera è un indicatore valido e rilevante della competenza interculturale che fa parte integrante della competenza comunicativa. I proverbi sono nello stesso tempo un incentivo per gli insegnanti a inoltrarsi in significati linguistici non sempre espliciti, difficili da interpretare e dominare a pieno. - Proverbs are an effective rhetorical means of transmitting accumulated knowledge and experiences in a metaphorical, fixed, and memorable form. However, they are rarely used as educational tools in foreign language teaching due to the complexity in defining and analyzing the structure of proverbs. This often discourages teachers and prevents their didactic exploitation as a source of teaching activities. This paper proposes different uses of proverbs in teaching Italian as a foreign language in relation appointed to different phases of the teaching unit. By inserting the repertoire of proverbs gradually with the advancement of knowledge, the learners’ vocabulary is enriched and in such a way they can interpret the an interlocutors’ implicit intentions, to negotiate the implied and ambiguous meanings and to discover cultural and spatio-temporal references along with the values of the target culture. Finally, the mastery of proverbs in a foreign language is a valid and relevant indicator of intercultural competence which is an integral part of communicative competence.
U: Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu (Online). - ISSN 2459-5128. - (2020), 13 ; str. 185-200  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poslovice -- Strani jezici -- Učenje -- Didaktičke jedinice

Utjecaj zainteresiranosti i nepoticanog samoreguliranog učenja na krajnji ishod učenja građe i svojstva tla [Elektronička građa] / Marina Balažinec, Ines Radanović, Mirela Sertić Perić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 61-63. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Za uspješno savladavanje gradiva pri poučavanju, neophodno je pobuditi interes učenika za kontekst poučavanja izborom prikladnih aktivnosti učenja. Pri tome je vrlo važan i odnos učenika prema učenju te način kako samostalno uče nakon početnog učenja u školi. Ovo istraživanje usmjereno je na ispitivanje povezanosti: (i) početne zainteresiranosti učenika za teme vezane uz tematsku cjelinu Tlo, (ii) strategija učenja koje učenici koriste tijekom učenja i (iii) uspjeha na pisanoj provjeri znanja provedenoj na kraju obrađene tematske cjeline Tlo. Istraživanje je provedeno u dva odjeljenja petog razreda III. Osnovne škole Varaždin na 43 učenika. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako su učenici u dobi od 11 godina izrazito zainteresirani za učenje tema vezanih uz Tlo te su učenici koji su slabije riješili ispit, kao i oni učenici koji su ga riješili vrlo uspješno na početku učenja, iskazali jednaku zainteresiranost za učenje o tlu. Učenici koji intuitivno samostalno sistematiziraju gradivo uz namjeru uočavanja povezivanja, prepoznaju primjenu svog znanja u aktivnostima poput projekata te imaju visoku intrinzičnu motivaciju za učenje Prirode i trude se biti uspješni na nastavi, čak i ako im se ne sviđa ono što uče. Za razliku od njih, učenici koji uspješno rješavaju samo zadatke reproduktivnog karaktera nisu skloni povezivanju svog znanja i često uče napamet. Također učenici usmjereni na reproduktivno učenje ne prepoznaju da aktivnosti provedene tijekom učenja i poučavanja mogu poslužiti kao osnova s kojom mogu povezati ranije obrađena znanja. Za potrebe poticanja učenika na razmišljanje i samoregulirajuće učenje, s učenicima bi se trebale češće provoditi aktivnosti u kojima se traži argumentirano povezivanje stečenog znanja pri generiranju objašnjenja. - To successfully master the learning objectives, it is necessary to arouse students' interest in the context of teaching, by choosing appropriate teaching activities. Thereby, the attitude of students towards learning and the way they learn independently after the initial learning in school is also very important. This study focuses on examining the relationship between: (i) students' initial interest in topics related to the Soil unit, (ii) learning strategies used by students during learning, and (iii) success in the written exam conducted at the end of the Soil unit. The study was conducted in two departments of the fifth grade in the III. Elementary school Varaždin with 43 students. The research showed that 11-year-old students are extremely interested in learning about soil-related topics. Students who had low success in the written exam, as well as those who excelled at the exam at the beginning of learning, showed equal interest in learning about soil. Students who intuitively systematize the learning material to notice connections, recognize the application of their knowledge in activities such as projects and have a high intrinsic motivation to learn Nature and strive to be successful in learning, even if they do not like what they learn. In contrast, students who successfully solve only reproductive tasks, do not tend to connect their knowledge and often learn by heart. Also, students focused on reproductive learning do not recognize that activities carried out during teaching and learning can serve as a basis for relating previously processed knowledge. To encourage students to think and self-regulate learning, students should be frequently exposed to opportunities to argue the acquired knowledge in generating explanations.
U: Educatio biologiae. - ISSN 1849-6520. - (2020), 6 ; str. 46-64  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Učenici -- Interes -- Učenje -- Samoregulirano učenje

NADINE Passeri, Katja
Zastupljenost njemačkog jezika u hrvatskom turizmu i u državnim školama na Kvarneru / Katja Nadine Passeri.
Zbornik 4. međunarodne konferencije Strani jezici i turizam, Zadar, 8. - 9. studenoga 2018. - Bibliografija: 246-247 str. - Abstract.
U: Strani jezici i turizam. - ISSN . - str. 233-247
Njemački jezik -- Edukacija -- Turizam

Vidi br.: HA20-02116

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Vidi br.: HA20-02815

Vidi br.: HA20-02473

Vidi br.: HA20-02163

373   Vrste općeobrazovnih škola. Predškolski odgoj

The contribution of temperament and parental behaviour to the developmental outcomes of preschool children [Elektronička građa] / Tina Božiković, Ina Reić Ercegovac, Katija Kalebić Jakupčević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 43 jed. - Summary. - The aim of this study was to examine whether the dimensions of parental behavioural style contribute to the explanation of the developmental characteristics of preschool children beyond children’s temperamental characteristics. A total of 194 parents of one preschool child, of which 95.36% were mother, participated in the study. The EASI temperament survey, the Multidimensional Assessment of Parenting Scale and the Preschool Child Development Assessment Questionnaire were used. The results suggested a significant correlation between the dimensions of temperament according to the EASI model (emotionality, activity, sociability and impulsivity), the functional developmental characteristics of the child and some dimensions of parenting. No significant differences were found in the assessments of temperamental characteristics and developmental outcomes between boys and girls. The results of regression analyses showed that temperamental dimensions assessments explained significant portion of preschool children developmental outcomes variance (between 56% and 74%). Furthermore, with temperamental characteristics being controlled for, the dimensions of parental behaviour did not significantly increase portion of explained criteria variance. In addition to the limitations of the study, the results were discussed in the context of existing knowledge on the developmental outcomes of preschool children with special emphasis on the importance of recognizing and understanding temperament as an important determinant of development in early ages.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 2 ; str. 419-440  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Djeca predškolske dobi -- Razvojna obilježja -- Roditeljsko ponašanje -- Temperament

Doprinos temperamenta i roditeljskog ponašanja razvojnim ishodima djece predškolske dobi [Elektronička građa] / Tina Božiković, Ina Reić Ercegovac, Katija Kalebić Jakupčević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 43 jed. - Sažetak. - Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati pridonose li dimenzije roditeljskog ponašajnog stila objašnjenju razvojnih obilježja djece predškolske dobi i povrh dječjih temperamentalnih značajki. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 194 roditelja jednog djeteta predškolske dobi, od čega 95.36 % majki. Primijenjeni su Upitnik temperamenta EASI, Multidimenzijski upitnik roditeljstva i Upitnik za procjenu razvoja djeteta predškolske dobi. Rezultati su uputili na značajnu povezanost između dimenzija temperamenta prema modelu EASI (emocionalnost, aktivnost, socijabilnost i impulzivnost), funkcionalnih razvojnih obilježja djeteta i nekih dimenzija roditeljstva. Nisu utvrđene znatne razlike u procjenama temperamentalnih obilježja i razvojnih ishoda između dječaka i djevojčica. Rezultati regresijskih analiza pokazali su da je procjenama temperamentalnih dimenzija moguće objasniti visokih 56 % – 74 % varijance razvojnih ishoda djece predškolske dobi, ali i da dimenzije roditeljskog ponašanja dodatno ne pridonose objašnjenju varijance razvojnih obilježja djece uz kontrolu temperamenta. Uz ograničenja provedenog istraživanja, rezultati su interpretirani u kontekstu postojećih spoznaja o utjecajima na razvojne ishode djece predškolske dobi s posebnim naglaskom na važnost prepoznavanja i razumijevanja temperamenta kao važne odrednice razvoja u dječjoj dobi.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 2 ; str. 397-417  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Djeca predškolske dobi -- Razvojna obilježja -- Roditeljsko ponašanje -- Temperament

Fostering children's creativity in preschool institutions [Elektronička građa] / Marina Đuranović, Irena Klasnić, Irena Matešić.
Bibliografija: 97 jed. - Summary. - Alongside family, preschool institutions present the most important factor of preschool children’s growth and development. They are places where children live, grow, learn and play. The preschool institution’s curriculum has to be flexible, open, adjusted to children’s needs and abilities, and founded on creativity. Children’s creativity can be fostered and developed through all activities in preschool institutions: play, music activities, art activities, drama, kinesiological and many other activities. A significant role in fostering children’s creativity falls upon the preschool teachers who, in order to successfully develop creativity in children, need to be aware of its importance and themselves work in an environment that supports creativity. The goal of this work is to raise awareness about fostering and developing children’s creativity and creation since the earliest child’s age as one of eight key competences for lifelong education.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 1 ; str. 111-132  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kreativnost -- Stvaralaštvo -- Djeca predškolske dobi -- Odgojitelji -- Otvoreni kurikulum -- Predškolske ustanove

Motivacija za rad i izgaranje učitelja informatike, tehničke kulture i strukovnih predmeta [Elektronička građa] / Ivica Boljat. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 17-18. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Provedeno je istraživanje na uzorku od 2829 učitelja osnovnih i nastavnika srednjih škola iz svih hrvatskih županija s ciljem otkrivanja njihove percepcije radnih uvjeta kao potencijalnih stresora i njihovoj povezanosti s motivacijom za rad, simptomima izgaranja i namjerom za napuštanje posla. Anketom su ispitani stavovi učitelja potaknuti Skaalvikovim istraživanjima. Faktorskom analizom dobiveni su vrlo slični rezultati. Dodana su i pitanja o opterećenju učitelja u online nastavi uzrokovanoj COVOD-19 pandemijom, o pritisku na samostalnost učitelja od strane ravnatelja i roditelja te o društvenom statusu učitelja. U radu se stavlja naglasak na analizu rezultata koji se odnose na 504 učitelja i nastavnika informatike, tehničke kulture i srodnih strukovnih predmeta. Pokazale su se razlike u stavovima s obzirom na spol, godine staža, razinu škole u kojoj su zaposleni, vrstu studija kojeg su završili te napredovanje učitelja. Kvalitativnom analizom komentara učitelja detektirali su se glavni izvori nezadovoljstva iz perspektive učitelja, kao i potpora ovakvim istraživanjima i nada da će rezultati utjecati na promjenu odnosa Ministarstva prema učiteljima. - A survey was conducted on a sample of 2829 primary and secondary school teachers from all Croatian counties with the aim of revealing their perception of working conditions as potential stressors and their relationship to work motivation, burnout symptoms and intention to leave work. The survey examined teachers' attitudes motivated by Skaalvik's research. Factor analysis yielded very similar results. Questions were added about the workload of teachers in online teaching caused by the COVOD-19 pandemic, about the pressure on teacher independence by principals and parents, and about the social status of teachers. The paper emphasizes the analysis of results related to 504 teachers of informatics, technology education and related vocational subjects. Differences in attitudes were shown with regard to gender, years of service, and the level of school in which they are employed, the type of studies they completed and the promotion of teachers. Qualitative analysis of teachers 'comments revealed the main sources of dissatisfaction from the teachers' perspective, as well as support for such research and hope that the results will change the Ministry's attitude towards teachers.
U: Politehnika (Online). - ISSN 2584-6264. - 4 (2020), 2 ; str. 7-18  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Učitelji -- Motivacija -- Stres -- Izgaranje na poslu -- Burnout sindrom -- Zadovoljstvo poslom

MAVRAČIĆ Miković, Ivana
Parental and educational perception of mutual responsibility and the influence of certain factors on successful mutual partnership cooperation [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Mavračić Miković, Daria Tot. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 41-42. - Summary. - The partnership of educators and parents is in the centre of scientific interest and is one of the fundamental principles of good practice in kindergartens. Often the educators experience such a partnership as stressful in their professional mode of action (Epstein, 2013; Bleach, 2015). This paper seeks to highlight the need to strengthen the professional knowledge and skills of educators to build and develop partnerships with parents. They can be achieved in the course of their professional development, by means of active participation and altering of the existing practices. Therefore, the aim of this research was to examine attitudes and the opinions of parents and educators about their cooperation and partnership. The sample consists of 203 parents and educators from the institutions for early and preschool education from the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County. Hypotheses have been set that are related to the assessment of the importance of cooperation through the participants' own responsibility and also the influence of factors that influence a successful parent educator partnership. Results suggest that respondents highly value mutual collaborative relationships, but do not recognize partnerships as a higher form of cooperation between educators and parents.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 66 (2020), 1 ; str. 33-42  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Odgojitelji -- Roditelji -- Suradnja -- Partnerstvo

Poticanje dječje kreativnosti u predškolskim ustanovama [Elektronička građa] / Marina Đuranović, Irena Klasnić, Irena Matešić.
Bibliografija: 97 jed. - Sažetak. - Uz obitelj, predškolske ustanove predstavljaju najvažniji čimbenik rasta i razvoja djeteta predškolske dobi. To su mjesta dječjega življenja, razvoja, učenja i igre. Kurikulum predškolskih ustanova mora biti fleksibilan, otvoren, prilagođen dječjim potrebama i mogućnostima. Kreativnost mora biti temelj predškolskoga kurikuluma. Dječja se kreativnost može poticati i razvijati kroz sve aktivnosti u predškolskim ustanovama: igru, glazbene, likovne, dramske, kineziološke i brojne druge aktivnosti. U poticanju dječje kreativnosti važnu ulogu imaju odgojitelji, a da bi ju kod djece uspješno razvijali moraju biti svjesni njezine važnosti te i sami trebaju raditi u okruženju koje potiče njihovu kreativnost. Cilj je ovoga rada osvijestiti važnost poticanja i razvoja dječje kreativnosti i stvaralaštva još od najranije dječje dobi kao jedne od osam ključnih kompetencija za cjeloživotno obrazovanje.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 1 ; str. 89-109  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kreativnost -- Stvaralaštvo -- Djeca predškolske dobi -- Odgojitelji -- Otvoreni kurikulum -- Predškolske ustanove

Primjena učenja temeljenog na projektima u nastavi tehničke kulture [Elektronička građa] / Mislav Briševac, Damir Purković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 36-37. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Razvoj gospodarstva neke zemlje čvrsto je povezan s razvojem tehnologije i tehničkog odgojno-obrazovnog područja. Tehničko i inženjersko znanje karakterizira raznovrsnost i visoko nepredvidiva dinamika razvoja. Stoga je ovo područje učenja i poučavanja podložno promjenama i usklađivanju s dinamikom razvoja tehnologije te problemima uspješnog ostvarivanja ciljeva nastave. Kako bi se ti problemi neutralizirali, u suvremenu nastavu je potrebno implementirati i kontekstualne pristupe učenju i poučavanju, poput učenja temeljenog na projektima. U ovom radu se elaborira takva implementacija u okviru kurikuluma nastavnog predmeta Tehnička kultura. Kao predložak za implementaciju korišten je model kontekstualnog učenja i razvoja učenika. U tom smislu projektna nastava i učenje zauzimaju središnje mjesto u kurikulumu, tijekom čega se ostvaruje većina ishoda učenja. U radu se ujedno donosi primjer implementacije za 8. razred, što učiteljima i praktičarima može olakšati vlastitu operacionalizaciju kurikuluma. Pri tom učitelj i nadalje ostaje glavni kreator i moderator nastave, pri čemu je važno postaviti određena ograničenja učenicima, predvidjeti prijedloge za rješavanje problema te voditi učenike ka uspješnom dovršetku aktivnosti. Unatoč tome, stvarni učinak primjene ovakvog pristupa na postignuća učenika bit će moguće evaluirati tek ako zaživi u stvarnoj nastavnoj praksi, što se očekuje u skoroj budućnosti. - The development of each country's economy is closely linked to the development of technology and technical education. Technological and engineering knowledge is characterized by diversity and highly unpredictable development dynamics. Therefore, this area of ​​learning and teaching is subject to change and harmonization with the dynamics of technology development and the problems of successfully achieving the goals of teaching. In order to neutralize these problems, contextual approaches to learning and teaching, such as project-based learning, need to be implemented in modern teaching. This paper elaborates on such implementation within the curriculum of the subject Technical Culture. A model of contextual learning and student development was used as a template for implementation. In this sense, project teaching and learning occupy a central place in the curriculum, during which most learning outcomes are achieved. The paper also provides an example of implementation for 8th grade, which can make it easier for teachers and practitioners to operationalize their own curriculum. At the same time, the teacher remains the main creator and moderator of teaching, where it is important to set certain restrictions for students, anticipate suggestions for solving problems and guide students to the successful completion of activities. Nevertheless, the real effect of applying this approach on student achievement will be possible to evaluate only if it comes to life in real teaching practice, which is expected in the near future.
U: Politehnika (Online). - ISSN 2584-6264. - 4 (2020), 2 ; str. 25-37  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kontekstualni pristup -- Kurikulum -- Tehnička kultura -- Projektna nastava

Production systems in primary education [Elektronička građa] / Igor Vitrih. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 46. - Abstract. - In the article I try to present the contents of production systems (general theoretical starting points and concrete examples from practice) in connection with the contents of the Slovenian primary school curriculum in the subject Technic and Technology and its elective subjects (Processing of materials - wood). I sought these connections mainly from the curriculum in the primary school curriculum, which relates to learning about wood, wood semi-finished products, wood machining and tried to connect them with the previously mentioned contents of production systems and thus give students a broader insight into such content.
U: Politehnika (Online). - ISSN 2584-6264. - 4 (2020), 2 ; str. 39-46  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Osnovno školstvo -- Projektni rad -- Proizvodni sustavi -- Nastava tehničke kulture

Tradicijska igra i suvremeni kurikulum [Elektronička građa] : mišljenje roditelja i odgajatelja / Ivana Visković, Jelena Topić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 50 jed. - Sažetak. - Promjene socijalnih interakcija u suvremenom društvu ograničavaju prijenos tradicijske igre kao značajnog segmenta kulturne nematerijale baštine. Pretpostavlja se da bi uvođenje tradicijske igre u institucionalni RPOO doprinjelo njenom očuvanju. Ispitano je mišljenje odgajatelja i roditelja djece rane i predškolske dobi o važnosti i svrhovitosti primjene tradicijske igre u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu. Važnost tradicijske igre značajnije procjenjuju ispitanici starije nego mlađe životne dobi, te visokooobrazovani nego nižeobrazovani ispitanici. Mjesto odrastanja ispitanika povezano je s procjenom ograničenja tradicijske igre. Procjena igre na otvorenom bez nadzora odraslih pozitivno korelira s procjenom zaokupljenosti djece virtualnim svijetom. Provedba akcijskih istraživanja o mogućnosti implementacije tradicijske igre uz longitudinalna istraživanja dječjeg razvoja, moguće bi ukazala na važnost tradicijske igre.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 1 ; str. 49-67  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Djeca predškolske dobi -- Igra -- Tradicijske igre -- Nematerijalna kulturna baština -- Suvremeni kurikulum -- Roditelji -- Odgojitelji

PINTAR, Željka
Tradicionalna paradigma i progresivizam suvremene paradigme ranoga i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja [Elektronička građa] / Željka Pintar.
Bibliografija: 49 jed. - Sažetak. - Povijesna izmjena pedagoških ideja i usmjerenja koja ih utemeljuju pokazuju upućenost pedagogije prema općim tijekovima društvenog razvoja. Svako povijesno razdoblje stvara interpretativan okvir odgoja djece. Tumačenja odgojno-obrazovnih koncepata zavisna su od političko-ekonomsko-gospodarskog konteksta življenja zajednice, opće filozofije koja se društveno zagovara i značajki razvoja raznih znanstvenih disciplina. Uvažavajući društveni kontekst, pedagoška paradigma konceptualizira se stvarajući autentične znanstvene spoznaje i prihvaćajući saznanja komplementarnih znanosti. Radom se razmatraju sličnosti i razlike tradicionalne i suvremene pedagoške paradigme vezane uz kontekst ranog i predškolskog odgoja. Također se izdvajaju znanstvene pretpostavke, polazišta i istraživanja disciplina s kojima suvremena odgojno-obrazovna paradigma dijeli isti predmet interesa, a pomoću kojih osmišljava i na temelju kojih zastupa svoj odgojno-obrazovni pristup. Problematizira se način implementacije suvremenih odgojno-obrazovnih koncepata u praksu ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja. Kroz prethodno navedena težišta promatra se na koji način suvremeni pedagoški koncept zastupa svoj autentičan pristup i u kojoj mjeri njegovi principi odmiču, a koliko se nastavljaju na prevladane pedagoške prakse.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 1 ; str. 173-189  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje -- Pedagoška paradigma

PINTAR, Željka
Traditional paradigm and progressivism of contemporary paradigm in early and preschool education [Elektronička građa] / Željka Pintar.
Bibliografija: 49 jed. - Summary. - Historical changes in pedagogical ideas and orientations that underpin them show that pedagogy orientates towards the general course of social development. Each historical period creates an interpretative framework for children upbringing. Interpretations of educational concepts depend on the political-economic context of community life, general philosophy advocated by society, and the characteristics of development of various scientific disciplines. Taking into account the social context, pedagogical paradigm is conceptualized by creating authentic scientific knowledge and accepting the knowledge of complementary sciences. This paper discusses similarities and differences between traditional and contemporary pedagogical paradigms in relation to the context of early and preschool education. It also highlights scientific assumptions, starting points and studies of the disciplines with which the contemporary educational paradigm shares the same subject of interest, and through which it conceives and underpins its educational approach. It also problematizes introduction of contemporary educational concepts into practice of early and preschool education. The aforementioned allows focusing on the way in which contemporary pedagogical concept represents its authentic approach, how its principles depart, and in what way they continue on pre-established pedagogical practices.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 1 ; str. 191-207  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje -- Pedagoška paradigma

Traditional play and contemporary curriculum [Elektronička građa] : parents' and teachers opinions / Ivana Visković, Jelena Topić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 50 jed. - Summary. - Changes in social interactions in contemporary society limit the transmission of the traditional play as a significant segment of cultural intangible heritage. It is assumed that the introduction of the traditional play in the institutional Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) would contribute to its preservation.The opinions of teachers and parents of children of early and preschool age on the importance and purposefulness of the application of traditional play in the educational process were examined.The importance of traditional play was assessed more significantly by participants of older than younger age, and those highly educated than those less educated.The place where the participants grew up was related to the assessment of the limitations of the traditional play. Assessing outdoor play without adult supervision positively correlates with assessing children’s preoccupation with the virtual world. Conducting action research on the possibility of implementing traditional play, along with longitudinal research on children’s development, could possibly indicate the importance of traditional play.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 1 ; str. 69-87  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Djeca predškolske dobi -- Igra -- Tradicijske igre -- Nematerijalna kulturna baština -- Suvremeni kurikulum -- Roditelji -- Odgojitelji

BOJ, Nataša
Virtualni model školskog atrija [Elektronička građa] / Nataša Boj, Aleksandra Tonković. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 64-65. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - In the current globalization era, contemporary education has to take project-focused approach to teaching. Project was held in III OŠ ČK where visual model of the central school hall was designed, by implementing knowledge of subjects of Mathematics, Informatics and Technical Studies. Prior to the projects' start, survey has been held among students (N=108, M=52%, F=48%) to gain insights into what their opinion is on practically oriented teaching in the School. Sample included the students of 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade. The survey results showed that students think project assignments are being done overall more within elective courses. While working on this particular project, students were able to apply knowledge of Mathematics, Informatics, as well as Technical studies. Specifically, students examined school hall's surfaces (grass / wood / stone). Students made calculations of hall surfaces for the purpose of making price list. Price list included costs of each material used, and was gathered though googling on Internet. Further, students using ICT assembled the virtual model of the school hall. By use of 3D modelling, students made elements of the school hall - Pitagora's tree and a hexagonal prism. Other elements such as flowers have been added as photos downloaded from the internet. Subsequently, presentation following each project phase has been done. Further research is needed to gain deeper insights into practice-oriented assignments among students between grades 5 and 8. Recommendation is also to include projects/practical assignments as a compulsory part of curriculum.
U: Politehnika (Online). - ISSN 2584-6264. - 4 (2020), 1 ; str. 59-65  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Projektna nastava -- Osnovna škola -- Suradničko učenje -- Projekti

Vidi br.: HA20-02721

Vidi br.: HA20-02049

Vidi br.: HA20-02793

376   Obrazovanje posebnih skupina osoba. Specijalne škole

BITI, Marina
O misaonim procesima osoba s poremećajem iz autističkog spektra iz perspektive filmskog medija [Elektronička građa] : slučaj Temple Grandin / Marina Biti, Eva Brlek.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Neurokognitivna perspektiva primjenjuje se kao ishodište za prepoznavanje objektivnih uzroka poremećaja iz autističkog spektra, kao i komunikacijskih teškoća koje proizlaze iz samog poremećaja. To se ishodište nadograđuje kroz studiju slučaja praćenu posredstvom filmskog djela Temple Grandin redatelja Micka Jacksona. Upozorava se na sposobnost filmskog medija i kreativnih praksi da komunikacijske teškoće osoba s poremećajem iz autističkog spektra približe svijesti većine te da doprinese kvalitetnijem tretiranju pacijenata, kao i prevladavanju društvenih predrasuda, unapređivanju kvalitete komunikacije te višem stupnju integracije osoba s poremećajem iz autističkog spektra u sferu socijalne stvarnosti. - Objective causes of Autistic Spectrum Disorder as well as difficulties in communication are being scrutinized from a neurocognitive perspective. The platform for the discussion goes on to being expanded further in a case study observed through the prism of Mick Jackson’s film Temple Grandin. The analysis points to properties of the film medium, and of creative practices in general, that enable deeper insight into cases of Autistic Spectrum Disorder, helping to eliminate prejudicial attitudes that persons suffering from ASD often encounter in the social environment, contributing to better forms of their treatment and enabling enhancements in the area of communicative practices, thus increasing their chances for fuller integration into the social sphere.
U: Medijska istraživanja (Online). - ISSN 1846-6605. - 26 (2020), 1 ; str. 53-68  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Autizam -- Poremećaji iz autističkog spektra -- Teorija uma -- Misaoni procesi -- Komunikacijske teškoće -- Film

Zadovoljstvo poslom, doživljaj smislenosti posla i socijalna podrška kod logopeda u Hrvatskoj [Elektronička građa] = Job satisfaction, job meaningfulness, and social support of speech and language pathologists in Croatia / Katarina Matijević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 74 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Zadovoljstvo poslom je procjena karakteristike posla i emocionalnog iskustva na poslu. Smatra se kako zadovoljstvo poslom čini skup stavova o pojedinim dijelovima posla. Najčešće spomenuti izvori zadovoljstva su općenito direktan rad s ljudima, nezavisnost posla, prilika raditi posao u skladu sa svojim unutrašnjim vrijednostima i dobri međuljudski odnosi na radnome mjestu. Brojna istraživanja upućuju na povezanost zadovoljstva poslom i emocionalne i fizičke dobrobiti pojedinca, kao i općega zadovoljstva životom. Iako su istraživanja zadovoljstva poslom prvenstveno provođena u industrijskom kontekstu, zadnjih se godina sve više istražuju činitelji koji dovode do zadovoljstva/nezadovoljstva poslom osoba koje profesionalno pomažu drugim ljudima. Na osnovi dosadašnjih istraživanja, socijalna podrška utječe na zadovoljstvo poslom i doživljaj smislenosti posla. Povezanost zadovoljstva poslom i smislenosti posla potvrđeno je istraživanjem Grive i Joekesa (2003), gdje na taj odnos utječu i sociodemografski čimbenici. Cilj ovog istraživanjaje utvrditi stupanj zadovoljstva poslom logopeda u odnosu na njihove sociodemografske podatke, kao i utvrđivanje povezanosti socijalne podrške i doživljaja smislenosti posla sa zadovoljstvom poslom logopeda u Republici Hrvatskoj. Predmet istraživanja su zadovoljstvo poslom, smislenost posla i socijalna podrška u logopedskoj profesiji. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 117 logopeda. Najpozitivnije odgovore ispitanici su imali na skalama zadovoljstva poslom iskali smislenosti posla, što ide u prilog tome dasu logopedi u Hrvatskoj zadovoljni poslom, te svoj posao smatraju smislenim. Nešto slabiji rezultat ostvaren je na skali socijalne podrške, koja se pokazala prediktivnom za doživljaj smislenosti posla. Rezultati pokazuju povezanost istraživanih konstrukata, te da zadovoljstvo poslom potpuno posreduje odnosu između socijalne podrške i doživljaja smislenosti posla. - Job satisfaction is the assessment of job characteristics and emotional experience at work, meaning that job satisfaction consists of the set of attitudes about particular parts of the job. The most frequently mentioned sources of job satisfaction are direct work with people, job independence, the opportunity to do work in accordance with intrinsic values and good interpersonal relationships at the workplace. Numerous studies suggest the association between job satisfaction and individual's emotional and physical well-being, as well as the overall life satisfaction. Although job satisfaction studies have primarily been conducted in the industrial context, in recent yearsfactors that lead to job satisfaction/dissatisfaction in people who professionally assist other people have been increasingly explored. According to the research conducted so far, social support affects job satisfaction and the experience of the meaning of work. The association between job satisfaction and job meaningfulness was confirmed in a study by Griva and Joekes (2003) in which this relationship was also influenced by sociodemographic factors. The aim of this research was to determine the degree of job satisfaction of speech and language pathologists in relation to their socio-demographic data, as well as to determine the connection between social support and experience of meaningful work with job satisfaction of speech and language pathologists in the Republic of Croatia. The subject of the research was job satisfaction, job meaningfulness and social support in speech and language pathology profession. The study involved 117 speech and language pathologists. Respondents had the most positive answers on job satisfaction scales and job meaningfulness scale, which indicates that speech and language pathologists in Croatia are satisfied with their job and consider it meaningful.
U: Logopedija (Online). - ISSN 1849-4706. - 10 (2020), 1 ; str. 7-14  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Logopedi -- Smislenost posla -- Socijalna podrška -- Zadovoljstvo poslom

Vidi br.: HA20-02720

Vidi br.: HA20-02113

Vidi br.: HA20-02117

Vidi br.: HA20-02791

Vidi br.: HA20-02516

Vidi br.: HA20-02515

Vidi br.: HA20-02461

377   Specijalizirana nastava. Strukovno obrazovanje

Vidi br.: HA20-02709

378   Visokoškolsko obrazovanje. Sveučilišta. Akademski studij

Determinants of students' entrepreneurial intention [Elektronička građa] : an empirical research / Luka Zovko, Ivana Bilić, Želimir Dulčić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 61 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - As to contribute to the literature on entrepreneurial intention, a survey was conducted on a sample of Croatian students and their entrepreneurial intentions, by using Ajzen's (1991) theory of planned behaviour. This theory determines intention through attitudes, behavioural control (self-efficacy), and social norms. Additional four determinants were investigated: role models, education, needs for achievement, and propensity towards risk. We propose that individuals exposed to role models and entrepreneurial education, as well as those who have a higher level of need for achievement and propensity towards risk, are more likely to set up a venture. The survey was conducted at the Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, University of Split, Croatia and the obtained data were analysed by using the structural equation modelling technique. A total of 160 survey responses from students were obtained. It was found that attitudes and propensity towards risk positively affect entrepreneurial intention. Surprisingly, self-efficacy and social norms, in addition to role models, education, and the need for achievement, failed to produce a significant effect on entrepreneurial intention. - Kako bi se unaprijedila literatura o poduzetničkim namjerama, provedena je anketa na uzorku hrvatskih studenata o njihovim poduzetničkim namjerama, korištenjem Ajzenove (1991) teorije planiranog ponašanja. Ova teorija objašnjava namjeru temeljem stavova, ponašajne kontrole (samo-efikanosti) i društvenih normi. Pritom se koriste i četiri dodatne odrednice: društveni uzori, obrazovanje, potreba za postignućem i sklonost riziku. Smatramo da je za pojedince, koji su izloženi djelovanju društvenih uzora i poduzetničkom obrazovanju, kao i za one, koji imaju višu razinu potreba za postignućem i sklonosti riziku, vjerojatnije da će pokrenuti samostalno poslovanje. Anketa je provedena na Ekonomskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Splitu, a dobiveni su podaci analizirani korištenjem metode modeliranja strukturnih jednadžbi. Ukupno je prikupljeno 160 odgovora na anketu. Rezultati istraživanja govore da stavovi i sklonost riziku pozitivno djeluju na poduzetničke namjere. No, iznenađujuće je da samo-efikasnost i društvene norme, kao i izloženost djelovanju društvenih uzora, obrazovanje i potreba za postignućem, ne stvaraju značajne efekte povećanja poduzetničke namjere.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), 1 ; str. 25-44  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Studenti -- Poduzetništvo -- Poduzetničke namjere -- Istraživanje

ČUKLJEK, Snježana
Reasons for student enrollment in nursing studies [Elektronička građa] / Snježana Čukljek, Janko Babić, Ana Marija Hošnjak, Sanja Ledinski Fičko, Martina Smrekar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The aim of the research was to determine the reasons for students enrolling in nursing studies, priorities in the choice of studies and differences in the reasons and priorities for choosing enrollment with regard to previously completed high school. The research was conducted on full-time nursing students of the University of Applied Health Sciences who enrolled in the first year of study in the academic year 2017/2018 and 2018/2019. For the purpose of the research, an anonymous questionnaire was used. The questionnaire includes questions related to demographic data and questions about the reasons related to enrollment in nursing studies, whether any of their family members or friends work in the health care system and whether any of the members of their family is a health worker. Students were required to rank their choice of the study of nursing on a scale of 1 to 10 at the time of enrollment. Students who have previously completed high school for nurses most often stated the expansion of existing knowledge, the acquisition of new knowledge, and the continuation of previous education as the reasons for enrolling in nursing studies. Students who have completed other types of high schools stated interest in medicine, nursing, health, helping others, good employment opportunities, and nursing being interesting as reasons for enrollment. Participants in this research significantly more often stated that their family members do not work in the health care system. When enrolling in the study, the majority of the students’ first choice was the study of nursing at the higher education institution where the research was conducted – in the 2017 74.7% of participants, and in 2018 67.3% of participants. There is no statistically significant difference in the average ranking of the choice of the nursing study with respect to the year of enrollment (p=0.692). - Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi razloge upisa studenata na studij sestrinstva, prioritete u izboru studija te razlike u razlozima i prioritetima izbora upisa na studij s obzirom na prethodno završenu srednju školu. Istraživanje je provedeno na studentima redovnog studija sestrinstva Zdravstvenog veleučilišta koji su upisali prvu godinu studija u akademskim godinama 2017./2018. i 2018./2019. U svrhu istraživanja primijenjen je anonimni upitnik koji obuhvaća pitanja koja se odnose na demografske podatke i pitanja koja se odnose na razloge povezane s upisom na studij sestrinstva, radi li netko od članova njihove obitelji ili prijatelja u sustavu zdravstva te je li netko od članova njihove obitelji zdravstveni radnik. Studenti su morali navesti na kojem se mjestu odabira na skali od 1 do 10 nalazio studij sestrinstva prilikom upisa na visoka učilišta. Studenti koji su prethodno završili srednju školu za medicinske sestre kao razloge za upis na studij sestrinstva najčešće navode proširivanje postojećih znanja, stjecanje novih znanja i nastavak prethodnog obrazovanja. Studenti koji su završili druge srednje škole kao razloge za upis navode interes za medicinu, sestrinstvo, zdravstvo, pomaganje drugima, dobre mogućnosti zapošljavanja i to da im je sestrinstvo zanimljivo. Ispitanici u ovom istraživanju znatno češće navode da članovi obitelji ne rade u zdravstvu. Prilikom upisa na studij većina studenata na prvom je mjestu navela studij sestrinstva pri visokoškolskoj ustanovi na kojoj je provedeno istraživanje, u uzorku 2017. 74,7% ispitanika, a 2018. 67,3 % ispitanika. Nema statistički značajne razlike u prosječnom rangu odabira studija sestrinstva s obzirom na godinu upisa studija (p = 0,692). Podaci o razlozima upisa na studij mogu pomoći pri planiranju promocije studija i sestrinske profesije u javnosti kako bi potaknuli studente na upis.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 4 (2020), 2 ; str. 183-191  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sestrinstvo -- Visokoškolsko obrazovanje -- Upis studenata

Samorazumevanje krize humanistike protiv "invazivne" instrumentalne racionalnosti [Elektronička građa] / Alpar Lošonc.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 361-365. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Rad se sastoji iz tri dela sa uvodom i konkluzijom. U prvom delu humanistika se sagledava u perspektivi humanizacije i objašnjava se zašto tumačenje njene krize nije samorazumljivo. Na osnovu toga se tretiraju simptomi krize humanistike sada već na osnovu samorazumevanja izabranih aktera čime se tematizuju takvi fenomeni kao što je situacija u obrazovanju, kao i konstelacija određenih oblika znanja koji su neizostavni u pogledu političkog uokvirenja demokratizacije. Osovina kriznih samotumačenja se prezentuje u tome što postoji hegemonski oblik ekonomske racionalnosti koji „invazivnim ispoljavanjem“ transformiše okvire humanistike. Kako može humanistika da reaguje na nastalu situaciju? U drugom delu se traži odgovor upravo na ovo pitanje: koje oblike refleksivnosti može ona da razvija da bi se opirala pomenutoj hegemoniji? Humanistika sadrži u sebi idiosinkratične potencijale koji joj omogućavaju da rastvori vladajuće ideologeme u pogledu instrumentalne racionalnosti i utilitarizma. „Ekonomska humanistika“ je oblik refleksije za humanistiku koja se konfrontira sa pomenutom hegemonijom. U trećem delu se krizom određena humanistika kontekstualizuje posredstvom istorijske dinamike apstraktnosti i pokazuje se zašto je humanistici stalo do toga da reflektira na savremenu finalizaciju apstraktnosti povodom humanizacije. Najzad, iznosi se tvrdnja da mada sadašnja ekspanzija apstraktnosti pogađa humanistiku, kriza podrazumeva postojanje prostora mogućnosti u kojem egzistira neodlučenost. - The paper consists of three parts together with the introduction and conclusion. The first part considered the humanities in the perspective of humanization and explains why the interpretation of its crisis is not self-evident. The symptoms of the crisis are treated on the basis of self-understanding of selected actors thematizing such phenomena as is the situation in education, as well as the constellation of certain forms of knowledge that are indispensable in terms of political framing of democratization. The axis of crisis self-interpretations presents itself by the fact that it features a hegemonic form of economic rationality which “invasively” transforms the framework of the humanities. How can the humanities react to the situation? The second part seeks to answer this very question: what forms of reflexivity can be developed in order to resist the mentioned hegemony? The humanities contain idiosyncratic potentials that enable them to dissolve the ruling ideologies in terms of instrumental rationality and utilitarianism. “Economic humanities” are a form of reflection for the humanities that confronts the mentioned hegemony. The third part contextualizes the crisis-determined humanities through historical dynamics of abstraction and shows why the humanities care about reflecting on the modern finalization of abstraction on the occasion of humanization. Finally, the paper argues that, although the current expansion of abstraction affects the humanities, the crisis implies the existence of a space of possibility in which indecision exists.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 341-366  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Humanistika -- Ekonomizacija -- Instrumentalna racionalnost

ČIRIĆ, Nedim
Samovrjednovanje izvrsnosti didaktičko-metodičke organizacije nastavnog rada u sveučilišnoj nastavi [Elektronička građa] / Nedim Čirić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 36 jed. - Sažetak. - Ukupna izvrsnost sveučilišne nastave najviše ovisi o pedagoškim i didaktičko­metodičkim kompetencijama sveučilišnih nastavnika. Za razvoj i unaprjeđenje sveučilišne nastave važno je osuvremenjivanje nastavnog procesa koje ne podrazumijeva samo osuvremenjivanje kurikula, nego cjelokupnoga didaktičko­metodičkog organiziranja nastavnoga rada. Pritom je potrebno naglasiti zadovoljstvo i potrebe studenata, kompetencije visokoškolskih nastavnika i očekivanja radnog tržišta. Cilj ovoga rada bio je ustvrditi koja je sastavnica didaktičko­metodičkog organiziranja sveučilišne nastave najvažniji čimbenik izvrsnosti nastavnog rada te kako sveučilišni nastavnici Univerziteta u Tuzli vrjednuju vlastitu izvrsnost didaktičko­metodičkog organiziranja nastavnog rada. Koristilo se analitičko­deskriptivnim upitnikom kao inačicom analitičko­deskriptivne metode, postupcima analize sadržaja i anketiranjem. Pretpostavljeno je kako postoji statistički značajna razlika u samovrjednovanju važnosti čimbenika izvrsnosti didaktičko­metodičke organizacije nastavnog rada visokoškolskih nastavnika Univerziteta u Tuzli te da se samovrjednovanja važnosti pojedinih čimbenika izvrsnosti sveučilišne nastave razlikuju s obzirom na dob, spol, znanstveno­nastavno/umjetničko zvanje, godine radnog iskustva u visokoškolskim ustanovama te znanstveno područje kojemu Fakultet pripada. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako su izvrsnost planiranja i pripremanja te izvrsnost izbora nastavnih metoda najvažniji čimbenici ukupne izvrsnosti organiziranja sveučilišne nastave, a 90 % nastavnog osoblja ocjenjuje kako je nastava koju organiziraju visoke razine izvrsnosti.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 2 ; str. 501-515  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sveučilišna nastava -- Izvrsnost sveučilišne nastave -- Samovrednovanje -- Nastavne metode -- Nastavna sredstva -- Didaktika

ČIRIĆ, Nedim
Self-evaluation of excellence of didactical-methodical organization of university teaching [Elektronička građa] / Nedim Čirić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 36 jed. - Summary. - The total excellence of university teaching largely depends on pedagogical and didactical­methodical competencies of university professors. The development and promotion of academic teaching is enabled by the modernization of the teaching process which does not encompass only modernization of curriculum but the entire didactical­methodical organization of teaching. Pleasure and requirements of students are to be accentuated accordingly, as well as competencies of teachers and expectations of labor market. The purpose of this paper is to establish which element of didactical­methodical organization of university teaching is the most important dimension of excellence of teaching as well as in what way university professors perform self­evaluation of the excellence of didactical­methodical organization of teaching at the University of Tuzla. The analytical­descriptive survey method was used as a variant of analytical­descriptive method as well as procedures of analysis of contents and polling. It is supposed that there is statistically significant difference in self­evaluation of the importance of elements of excellence in didactical­methodical organization of teaching at the University of Tuzla and that self­evaluations of the importance of individual elements of excellence of university teaching differ with regard to age, sex, teaching/academic title, years of experience in academic institutions and scientific field the faculty belongs to. The results of this research show that the excellence of planning and preparation and excellence in choice of teaching methods are the most important elements of excellence in the organization of university teaching, and that 90% of teaching personnel evaluates that the classes they organize are at very high level of excellence.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 2 ; str. 517-531  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sveučilišna nastava -- Izvrsnost sveučilišne nastave -- Samovrednovanje -- Nastavne metode -- Nastavna sredstva -- Didaktika

Universale o particolare? [Elektronička građa] : insegnamento e filosofia nella Repubblica Nobiliare della Polonia - Lituania nella prima epoca moderna / Joanna Pietrzak-Thébault.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 308-311. - Riassunto ; Sažetak. - La Polonia nei tempi del Rinascimento si situava su un territorio ben diverso rispetto a quello di oggi: molto più esteso e rivolto molto di più verso l’oriente. Un territorio polonizzato, a volte perfino trattato come colonizzato (secondo un punto di vista), dove pochi centri culturali, anche se alcuni di un grande rilievo, furono sparsi attraverso un vasto territorio. Essi non rispecchiavano la realtà delle etnie presenti entro i confini della Repubblica Nobiliare ma influivano fortemente il mescolarsi ulteriore e lo sviluppo dei paradigmi culturali del vasto paese. Tracciare la storia del pensiero umanistico nonché quello della diffusione della filosofia e della retorica pare facilitato da un panorama delle istituzioni d’insegnamento, a cominciare dall’Accademia di Cracovia, la futura Università Jagellonica, fondata nel 1364. Il centro accademico concorreva con la corte reale che continuava a costituire un luogo particolarmente vivace della vita intellettuale. L’influsso degli studi intensi dello Stagirita si facevano sentire perfino nel centro di studi rabbinici nella città di Kazimierz nelle vicinanze del castello e dell’ateneo. Se l’insegnamento della filosofia nel corso del Cinquecento attraversa fasi diverse, per chiudersi finalmente verso la fine del secolo in un nominalismo eclettico e rigido, appare comunque una nuova forma dell’ateneo ideata su modello del Collegio Regio parigino, apparentemente capace di rinnovare non soltanto l’insegnamento ma anche la ricerca filosofica. L’Accademia di Jan Zamoysk situata nella sua città di Zamość ne costituisce, soprattutto durante il primo Seicento, il centro più vivace. Una svolta verso l’insegnamento pragmatico, al servizio degli affari pubblici è ormai visibile. - Odnosi između humanizma i različitih renesansnih struja koje dolaze s juga Europe i njihovi ostvaraji na sjeveru ne mogu se promatrati samo kao utjecaji ili posuđivanja. Svaka zemlja ili, radije svako kulturno podneblje, razvija vlastiti humanizam i renesansu, koji se razlikuju čak i time koliko traju. Primjer Poljsko-Litavske Unije pokazuje koliko je takvo mišljenje opravdano. Od vremena uvođenja filozofije i retorike na krakovskoj akademiji (budućem Jagiellonskom univerzitetu) ondje postoji i jasna pragmatična tendencija. Programi akademije u Zamośću i kolegija s protestantskim pečatom iz baltičkih gradova razvijali su se u vlastitom smjeru. Na temelju široke edukativne aktivnosti isusovačkih kolegija od šezdesetih godina 16. stoljeća afirmira se trajan, pragmatičan i građanski humanizam.
U: Tabula (Pula. Online). - ISSN 1849-1685. - (2020), 17 ; str. 293-313  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sveučilište -- Kolegiji -- Filozofija -- Retorika -- Obrazovanje

Vidi br.: HA20-02557

Vidi br.: HA20-02575

Vidi br.: HA20-02102

Vidi br.: HA20-02471

39   Kulturna antropologija. Etnografija. Običaji. Tradicija. Način života

A theoretical analysis of food meaning in anthropology and sociology [Elektronička građa] / Semra Aktaş-Polat, Serkan Polat. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 288-293. - Summary. - The purpose of this study is to present a theoretical analysis that seeks an answer on the question of what the meanings of food are in anthropology and sociology. As a result of the analysis, it is determined that food has three main meanings (i) consumption, (ii) transfer, and (iii) identity. Moreover, six sub-meanings are found under these three main meanings. Consumption is represented by hedonic and symbolic sub-meanings, transfer is represented by culture and emotion sub-meanings, and identity is represented by personal and national identity sub-meanings. One of the reasons that make this work unique is that it defines and categorizes meanings of food in terms of individual and society. Another value added by this study is the Food Meaning Diagram (FMD) as a contribution to the literature. Furthermore, the study provides a basis for the construction of research in the related fields and to guide the studies to be carried out within the framework of human sciences.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 3 ; str. 278-293  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrana -- Antropologija hrane -- Sociologija hrane -- Značenje hrane

POLGAR, Nataša
Cultural codes of fear [Elektronička građa] : genre, gender, (male) madness / Nataša Polgar.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 30-32. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper focuses on a specific type of archival material from the first psychiatric institution in Croatia, the Stenjevec Royal National Institute for the Insane in Zagreb, today the Vrapče University Psychiatric Hospital, dating from the period from its foundation in 1879 until 1900. More specifically, it focuses on patient narratives featuring fantastical beings, i.e., narrations about their life relying on the genre of belief legends. Based on this material, which is considered to be an important albeit atypical folkloristic corpus, the paper analyzes and interprets the status and functions of the genre of belief legends (more specifically, the memorate) in daily life narratives, personal stories and in coding affects (primarily fear). The role of belief legends is examined not only from the perspective of oral tradition and literature, but also in terms of their social and psychological position, and through the lens of psychiatric discourse of the time, which recognizes such narratives merely as symptoms of madness, translating and coding them as the language of abnormality and psychopathology. - U tekstu je fokus na specifičnoj arhivskoj građi prve psihijatrijske institucije, Kraljevskog zemaljskog zavoda za umobolne Stenjevec u Zagrebu, današnje Klinike za psihijatriju Vrapče, iz njezina prvoga razdoblja od otvaranja 1879. do 1900. godine, točnije na naracijama pacijenata u kojima se pojavljuju fantastična bića, odnosno koji se u pripovijedanju o vlastitu životu oslanjaju na žanr predaje. Na temelju te građe, koju autorica prepoznaje kao važan, iako netipičan folkloristički korpus, analizira se i interpretira status i funkcije žanra predaja, to jest memorata, u pripovijedanjima o svakodnevnome životu, osobnim pripovijestima te kodiranju afekata, ponajprije straha, ne samo u usmenoj tradiciji i književnosti nego i u njihovoj društvenoj te psihološkoj dimenziji, ali i u psihijatrijskome diskursu koji takve naracije prepoznaje tek kao simptome ludila, odnosno prevodi ih i kodira kao jezik nenormalnosti i psihopatologije.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 57 (2020), 2 ; str. 7-32  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Psihijatrijske ustanove -- Psihijatrijski diskurs -- Strah -- Afekti -- Ludilo -- Hegemonijski maskulinitet
Klinika za psihijatriju Vrapče


BERBIĆ Kolar, Emina
Kobaška šetana kola - prinosi proučavanju slavonske nematerijalne kulturne baštine [Elektronička građa] / Emina Berbić Kolar, Josip Jagodar. - Note.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 140-143. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Radom će se prikazati kulturološki i identitetski značaj šetanih kola posavskoga sela Slavonski Kobaš i to: kola „polako“ i kola „na brzo“ kao dio nematerijalne kulturne baštine i tradicije hrvatskoga naroda. Šetana kola zaštićena su kao nematerijalno kulturno dobro od 2009. godine. Točnije rečeno, zaštićena su drežnička šetana kola, a predmetom ovoga rada bit će kobaška šetana kola koja pripadaju istom geografskom i kulturološkom krugu kao i drežnička. Šetana kola važan su element kulturnoga identiteta šokačke kulture i šokačkoga identiteta. Cilj je rada dati doprinos proučavanju šetanih kola koja su neopravdano zanemarena i u znanstvenim, i u stručnim krugovima, a čiji je značaj i u kulturološkom, i u etnološkom, i u povijesnom, i u lingvističkom, i književnopovijesnom kontekstu izrazito velik te ukazuje na mogućnost proučavanja slojevitosti tekstova šetanih kola kao predložaka za iščitavanje povijesti, usmene književnosti, jezika vremena u kojemu su nastajala, etnologije, identiteta i općenito kulturološkoga poimanja naroda za koji su vezana kao dio kulturne baštine i identiteta jednoga kraja. Rad se temelji na metodama. - The paper shows the cultural and identity significance of the walked circle-dance of the Posavina village of Slavonski Kobaš, namely: the “slowl” and the “quick” circle-dance as part of the intangible cultural heritage and tradition of the Croatian people. The šetana walked circle-dances, have been protected as intangible cultural property since 2009. Specifically, the Drežnica walked circle-dances are protected, and the subject of this paper are the Kobaš walked circle-dances, which belong to the same geographical and cultural circle as the Drežnica dances. The walked circle-dances are an important element of the cultural identity of the Šokac culture and identity. The aim of the paper is to contribute to the study of walked circle-dances, which are unjustifiably neglected in scientific and professional circles. The significance of walked circle-dances is extremely large in cultural, ethnological, linguistic and literary historical contexts and suggests the possibility of studying the layers of these dances as templates for interpreting history, oral literature, the language of the time in which they originated, ethnology, identity, and generally the cultural understanding of the peoples to whom they are bound as part of the cultural heritage and identity of one locality. The work is based on the methods of field material collection (texts of walked circle-dances), analysing and systemizing the collected material and working on the available archival material. Finally, recommendations are made for possible further research.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 121-144  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nematerijalna kulturna baština -- Usmena književnost -- Šetana kola -- Mjesni govor

MARKOVIĆ, Jelena, etnologinja
The silence of fear, silencing by fear and the fear of silence [Elektronička građa] / Jelena Marković ; translated by Armin Protulipac.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 190-194. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Although the aim of this paper is primarily to provide a theoretical contribution to our understanding of silence, it is also based on an ethnographic study conducted in Lika, a region of Croatia marked by a history of conflict and violence. Silence, in addition to having diverse functions and effects, is also characterised by different durations (it can be measured in seconds as well as in decades). It can be, and often is, filled with other potentially communicable non-verbal aspects (emotions and affects, gestures, sounds, etc.). It can also be more or less dependent on – and even steered by – the opinions, experiences and viewpoints of other individuals and communities. In short, this paper deals with the silences found in the course of the research within the framework of numerous typologies of silence, focusing on contextually dependent and ambivalent effects of silence, its “emptiness”, duration and actors (both individuals and communities). This paper deals with silences and silencing at the macrolevel (which includes their affective and social functions), as well as their effect at the microlevel of interpersonal interaction, everyday life and fieldwork encounters. The effects of the network of silences on the public presentation of the findings resulting from studying silence will also be discussed. - Iako je rad zamišljen kao teorijski prilog razumijevanju različitih praksi šutnje koje su povezane s poviješću konflikta i nasilja, on se temelji na istraživanju koje je provedeno u Lici, hrvatskoj regiji koju autorica prepoznaje kao lokalitet koji je rezervoar strahova, anksioznosti, trauma i njima pripadajućih šutnji s dugom povijesti. Osim što šutnja ima različite funkcije i učinke, ona ima i vrlo raznoliku trajnost (može se mjeriti sekundama, ali i desetljećima), može biti i često jest popunjena drugim potencijalno komunikabilnim neverbalnim aspektima (emocijama i afektima, gestama, zvukovima i sl.) te može biti više ili manje ovisna o mišljenjima, iskustvima i stavovima drugih pojedinaca i zajednica te upravljana njima. Ukratko, u tekstu se šutnje zabilježene tijekom istraživanja promatraju u okviru brojnih tipologija šutnje te se pomnije razmatraju kontekstualno ovisni i ambivalentni učinci šutnje, njezine “praznine”, trajanje i njezini akteri (pojedinci i zajednice). U tekstu se raspravlja o šutnjama i utišavanjima na makrorazini te njihovim afektivnim i društvenim funkcijama kao i o njihovim učincima na mikrorazini u interpersonalnim interakcijama i svakodnevnom životu, etnografskim susretima. Raspravlja se i o reperkusijama mreže šutnji na javnu prezentaciju rezultata istraživanja šutnje.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 57 (2020), 1 ; str. 163-195  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šutnja -- Strah -- Anksioznost

HONG, Sogu
Weddings in Korea and Ukraine [Elektronička građa] / Sogu Hong. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 45. - Abstract. - Koreans and Ukrainians are two different nations in many aspects, such as geography, language, ethnicity, culture, and so on. It may seem difficult to find something in common between them. However, in terms of folk culture, especially wedding rituals, I would say that the two nations have many things in common. This study attempts to compare the traditional wedding rituals of the two nations which were performed among commoners between the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. Through this study, we can understand that the basic structure of the wedding rituals of both cultures have much in common. Even though the ritual forms and contents are different from each other, both cultures use many similar objects and symbolic expressions for the wedding ceremony. This study also deals with how women’s work, romance and new aspirations of social class transformed the marriage tradition, and how rituals were influenced by the intervention of the governments’ authority in personal life.
U: Cross-cultural studies review (Online). - ISSN 2718-2509. - 1 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 25-45  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vjenčanja -- Tradicija -- Običaji -- Folklor

Vidi br.: HA20-02444

Vidi br.: HA20-02223

Vidi br.: HA20-02138

Vidi br.: HA20-02832

Vidi br.: HA20-02146

Vidi br.: HA20-02320

Vidi br.: HA20-02164

Vidi br.: HA20-02830

Vidi br.: HA20-02170

Vidi br.: HA20-02134

Vidi br.: HA20-02369

Vidi br.: HA20-02150


502/504   Ekologija. Očuvanje prirodnih resursa. Opasnosti za okoliš. Zaštita okoliša

STENEK, Marina
Development and assessment of development strategy alternatives in strategic environmental assessment [Elektronička građa] / Marina Stenek, Bojana Nardi, Nenad Mikulić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Summary. - Development and evaluation of alternatives is a key process in the strategic environmental assessment (SEA), which enables improvement of the environment, informed decision-making, greater transparency and better opportunities for public participation. It is also the most challenging part of the assessment, because the alternatives are often avoided or considered to the extent to meet the legal requirements. The absence of alternatives in the assessment process significantly diminishes the contribution of SEA to the environmental protection system. The paper will outline the generally applicable methodology for the development and assessment of alternatives in the SEA process, on the example of the Development Strategy of the City of Solin, which is based on the development of the environmental alternative, which significantly contributes to the development of sustainable strategic solutions.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 95-100  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Okoliš -- Strategije razvoja -- Procjena okoliša

Emission of fine particles (PM2.5) from residential biomass combustion in Croatia and how to reduce it [Elektronička građa] / Mirela Poljanac. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 93-94. - Summary. - Wood burning in residential appliances is very represented in the Republic of Croatia. It is a main or an additional form of heating for many households in rural and urban areas and is therefore an important source of air pollution. The choice of energy and the combustion appliance used in home have a significant impact on PM2.5 emissions. The paper informs the reader about PM2.5 emissions, their main sources and impacts on human health, environment, climate, air quality, and the reason why PM2.5 emissions from residential wood burning are harmful. Paper also gives an overview of spatial PM2.5 emission distribution in Croatia, their five air quality zones and four agglomerations. The paper analyses the sources and their contribution to PM2.5 emissions with the relevance of PM2.5 emissions from residential plants, the use of fuels in residential plants and their contribution to PM2.5 emissions and PM2.5 emissions by fuel combustion technologies in residential sector. Appropriate strategies, policies, and actions to reduce the impact of residential biomass (wood) burning on the environment, air quality and human health are considered.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 84-94  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Onečišćenje zraka -- Kakvoća zraka -- Lebdeće čestice -- Izgaranje -- Zaštita okoliša

PTIČEK Siročić, Anita
Wastewater treatment in the city of Koprivnica [Elektronička građa] / Anita Ptiček Siročić, Ivana Mlinarić, Dragana Dogančić, Nikola Sakač, Sanja Horvat. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Summary. - Basedon the concept of sustainable development, water must be stored and protected for present and future generations. This also means saving the water through wastewater treatment. The primary role of the wastewater treatment plants is to treat wastewaters upto a satisfactory level of quality as close as possible to the natural state. The central wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) of the City of Koprivnica treats wastewater including the tertiary wastewater. Due to considerable fluctuations in wastewater volumes and loads, sequential batch reactor (SBR) technology was selected as the best solution for wastewater treatment. The final stage of treatment at the WWTP of the City of Koprivnica is the process of sludge treatment by aerobic stabilization, dehydration and MID-MIX technology, which produces a chemicallyinert powder –solidificate. Solidificate can be used in civil engineering or it can be disposed tolandfill without environmental impact. This paper analyses the physical-chemical indicators of wastewater quality (chemical oxygen demand -COD, biological oxygen demand -BOD5, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, suspended matter) on wastewater samples from the WWTP of the City of Koprivnica in a period from 2014 to 2016. The results indicate that the treatedwastewater has a satisfactory quality and that the WWTP of the City of Koprivnica works efficiently.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 2 ; str. 296-306  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Otpadne vode -- Pročišćavanje otpadnih voda -- Uređaj za pročišćavanje voda -- Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva -- Kvaliteta vode

Vidi br.: HA20-02279

Vidi br.: HA20-02285

Vidi br.: HA20-02253

Vidi br.: HA20-02268

Vidi br.: HA20-02468

Vidi br.: HA20-02133

Vidi br.: HA20-02072

Vidi br.: HA20-02305

Vidi br.: HA20-02541

Vidi br.: HA20-02542

Vidi br.: HA20-02411

Vidi br.: HA20-02552

51   Matematika

NOVAK, Ivan, ekonomist
Comparative analysis of innovation performance of European Union countries [Elektronička građa] = Komparativna analiza inovacijskog učinka zemalja Europske unije / Ivan Novak. - Graf. prikazi.
Prilozi na str. 10-11. - Bibliografija: str. 8-9. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - This paper aims to examine the innovation performance of 28 European Union countries. Hypothesis of the paper states there is a significant difference of innovation performance between the old and the new EU members. Furthermore, the role of SMEs regarding innovation capacity may not be the same across EU. Using K-means clustering results indicated Germany, Ireland, France, Luxemburg and Austria as the most innovative countries and Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia as the least innovative countries. Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom and Spain were found to have a medium level of innovation performance. Furthermore, United Kingdom surpassed the average innovation level of the cluster for the small sized enterprises. Croatia was below the average level of the cluster regardless of the size of the enterprise. Romania was the outlier with the least innovation. In order to facilitate more innovation these findings may be valuable in creating more country specific recommendations for entrepreneurial policy. - Cilj ovog rada je ispitati inovacijske učinke 28 zemalja Europske unije. Hipoteza rada navodi da postoji značajna razlika u inovacijskoj izvedbi između starih i novih članica EU. Nadalje, uloga MSP-a u pogledu inovacijskih kapaciteta možda nije na istoj razini u cijeloj EU. Korištenje rezultata klasteriranja K-sredinama označilo je Njemačku, Irsku, Francusku, Luksemburg i Austriju kao najinovativnije zemlje, a Bugarsku, Estoniju, Latviju, Mađarsku, Poljsku i Slovačku kao najmanje inovativne zemlje. Utvrđeno je da Češka, Hrvatska, Cipar, Danska, Finska, Grčka, Italija, Litva, Malta, Nizozemska, Portugal, Slovenija, Švedska, Velika Britanija i Španjolska imaju srednju razinu inovacijske izvedbe. Nadalje, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo premašilo je prosječnu razinu inovativnosti klastera za mala poduzeća. Hrvatska je bila ispod prosječne razine klastera bez obzira na veličinu poduzeća. Rumunjska je odstupala s najmanje inovacija. Kako bi se olakšalo više inovacija, ovi nalazi mogu biti korisni u stvaranju više preporuka za poduzetničku politiku specifičnih za pojedinu zemlju.
U: Notitia. - ISSN 1849-9066. - 6 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-11  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mala i srednja poduzeća -- Analiza klastera -- Inovacije


Distance product cubics [Elektronička građa] / Boris Odehnal. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The locus of points that determine a constant product of their distances to the sides of a triangle is a cubic curve in the projectively closed Euclidean triangle plane. In this paper, algebraic and geometric properties of these distance product cubics shall be studied. These cubics span a pencil of cubics that contains only one rational and non-degenerate cubic curve which is known as the Bataille acnodal cubic determined by the product of the actual trilinear coordinates of the centroid of the base triangle. Each triangle center defines a distance product cubic. It turns out that only a small number of triangle centers share their distance product cubic with other centers. All distance product cubics share the real points of inflection which lie on the line at infinity. The cubics' dual curves, their Hessians, and especially those distance product cubics that are defined by particular triangle centers shall be studied. - U projektivno zatvorenoj Euklidskoj ravnini trokuta geometrijsko mjesto točaka trokuta kojima je umnožak udaljenosti od stranica trokuta konstantan je jedna kubika. Proučavat će se algebarska i geometrijska svojstva tih kubika konstantnog umnoška udaljenosti. Takve kubike čine pramen kubika koje sadrže samo jednu racionalnu nedegeneriranu kubiku poznatu kao Batailleova kubika s izoliranom točkom, a koja je određena umnoškom pravih trilinearnih koordinata težišta temeljnog trokuta. Svaka točka trokuta određuje jednu kubiku konstantnog umnoška udaljenosti. Ispostavlja se da mali broj točaka trokuta međusobno dijele kubiku konstantnog umnoška udaljenosti. Sve kubike konstantnog umnoška udaljenosti dijele realne točke infleksije koje leže na pravcu u beskonačnosti. Proučavat će se dualne krivulje kubike, njihove Hessianove matrice i posebno one kubike konstantnog umnoška udaljenosti koje su odre\5ene poznatim točkama trokuta.
U: Kog (Online). - ISSN 1846-4068. - (2020), 24 ; str. 29-40  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Trokut -- Točke trokuta -- Kubika -- Trilinearna udaljenost -- Konstantni umnožak -- Steinerova upisana elipsa

BEARE, William
The Feuerbach theorem and cyclography in universal geometry [Elektronička građa] / William Beare, Norman J. Wildberger. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - We have another look at the Feuerbach theorem with a view to extending it in an oriented way to finite fields using the purely algebraic approach of rational trigonometry and universal geometry. Our approach starts with the tangent lines to three rational points on the unit circle, and all subsequent formulas involve the three parameters that define them. Tangency of incircles is treated in the oriented setting via a simplified form of cyclography. Some interesting features of the finite field case are discussed. - Dajemo drugačiji pogled na Feuerbachov teorem s ciljem da ga se orijentirano proširi na konačna polja koristeći isključivo algebarski pristup racionalne trigonometrije i univerzalne geometrije. Naš pristup počinje s tangentama u tri racionalne točke na jediničnoj kružnici, i sve naknadne formule uključuju tri parametra koja ih definiraju.Tangencijalnost upisanih kružnica promatra se u orijentiranom okruženju koristeći pojednostavljene forme ciklografije. Promatraju se neka zanimljiva događanja u slučaju konačnih polja.
U: Kog (Online). - ISSN 1846-4068. - (2020), 24 ; str. 47-58  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Feuerbachov teorem -- Univerzalna geometrija -- Ciklografija -- Konačna polja -- Upisana kružnica

MILIN Šipuš, Željka
Generalized helices on a lightlike cone in 3-dimensional Lorentz-Minkowski space [Elektronička građa] / Željka Milin Šipuš, Ivana Protrka, Ljiljana Primorac Gajčić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 5 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - In this paper we provide characterizations and give some properties of generalized helices in 3-dimensional Lorentz-Minkowski space that lie on a lightlike cone. Furthermore, by analyzing their projections, which turn out to be Euclidean or Lorentzian logarithmic spiral, we present their parametrizations. In particular, we also analyze planar generalized helices, that is planar intersections of a lightlike cone. - U radu je dana karaketrizacija općih zavojnica u 3-dimenzionalnom Lorentz-Minkowskijevom prostoru koje leže na svjetlosnom stošcu te su predstavljena njihova svojstva. Nadalje, analizirajući njihove projekcije, koje su euklidske ili Lorentzove logaritamske spirale, odredili smo i njihove parametrizacije. Kao specijalan slučaj analizirane su ravninske opće zavojnice, tj. presjeci ravnine i svjetlosnog stošca.
U: Kog (Online). - ISSN 1846-4068. - (2020), 24 ; str. 41-46  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lorentz-Minkowskijev prostor -- Krivulje konstantnog nagiba -- Opća zavojnica -- Svjetlosni stožac

CHOI, Si Chun
Parabolic triangles, poles and centroid relations [Elektronička građa] / Si Chun Choi, Norman J. Wildberger. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 8 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - We investigate affine properties of centroids formed by three points on a parabola together with the polar triangle formed from the tangents. And we make a wide ranging conjecture about the extension of these results to general conics. - Istražujemo afina svojstva težištata koja određuju tri točke na paraboli i vrhovi njihovog polarnog trokuta. Donosimo pretpostavku o proširenju dobivenih rezultata na sve konike.
U: Kog (Online). - ISSN 1846-4068. - (2020), 24 ; str. 3-11  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Afina geometrija -- Parabola -- Težište -- Konike

GARCIA, Ronaldo
Steiner's hat [Elektronička građa] : a constant-area deltoid associated with the ellipse / Ronaldo Garcia, Dan Reznik, Hellmuth Stachel, Mark Helman. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The Negative Pedal Curve (NPC) of the Ellipse with respect to a boundary point M is a 3-cusp closed-curve which is the affine image of the Steiner Deltoid. Over all M the family has invariant area and displays an array of interesting properties. - Negativno nožišna krivulja elipse s obzirom na neku njezinu točku M je zatvorena krivulja s tri šiljka koja je afina slika Steinerove deltoide. Za sve točke M na elipsi krivulje dobivene familije imaju istu površinu i niz zanimljivih svojstava.
U: Kog (Online). - ISSN 1846-4068. - (2020), 24 ; str. 12-28  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Steinerova krivulja -- Elipsa -- Evolute -- Ponceletov teorem

Vidi br.: HA20-02245

Vidi br.: HA20-02114

Vidi br.: HA20-02545

52   Astronomija. Astrofizika. Svemirska istraživanja

528   Geodezija

Possibility of using Landsat satellite recordings in visualization and detection of thermal islands in the area of the city Vinkovci [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Petrinjak, Nikola Kranjčić, Milan Rezo, Bojan Đurin. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Summary. - All satellite data is generated as a record of electromagnetic radiation detected on the satellite sensor. The product of collecting information in remote explorations is a digital satellite record consisting of a pixel network representing the smallest surface that a particular sensor can collect, which is also a spatial resolution of the image. The position of each pixel is determined in the Cartesian coordinate system. To allow the ability to monitor climate change or mitigate the consequences of a natural disaster, the USGS has developed the Earth Explorer tool. USGS (US Geological Institute) provides science on natural hazards endangering life and existence; water, energy, minerals and other natural resources we rely on. This analysis will highlight the ability to use and monitor satellite imagery using the Earth Explorer browser. All satellite images are processed in QGIS. The spatial resolution of the satellite index (NDVI) as a quantitative measure of the state of the vegetation cover was tested on Landsat 8 images in the area of the city of Vinkovci. Highlighted natural disasters are thermal islands, and damage to the forest cover.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 18-28  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Termalni otoci -- Satelitske snimke -- Prirodne katastrofe -- Poplave

Vidi br.: HA20-02051

53   Fizika

BANIĆ, Bojan
Analiza utjecaja mikroklimatskih uvjeta u učionicama na rezultate vrednovanja učenika [Elektronička građa] / Bojan Banić, Janja Banić, Vesna Novosel-Martinić, Andreja Veršić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U školskoj godini 2018./2019. u Prvoj gimnaziji Varaždin provedeno je istraživanje mikroklimatskih uvjeta na rezultate vrednovanja učenika. Cilj našeg projekta je dokazati ili opovrgnuti utjecaj mikroklime na uspješnost učenika i to u konkretnim situacijama, odnosno prilikom uobičajenog načina provjera znanja: pisanih provjera. Budući da se i ispiti državne mature u ovom trenutku temelje na takvom modelu provjere znanja, smatramo da je važno identificirati korelaciju između mikroklime i uspješnosti učenika na provjeri znanja, a u slučaju potvrde značajnog utjecaja doprinijeti i razvoju standarda uređenja postojećih školskih prostora ili izgradnji novih. Ispitivani mikroklimatski uvjeti bili su temperatura, relativna vlažnost, strujanje zraka. Testiranje je provedeno u 10 različitih učionica i 5 različitih predmeta ili skupina predmeta. Rezultati ukazuju na lošije rezultate vrednovanja pri većim odstupanjima od preporučenih vrijednosti promatranih mikroklimatskih uvjeta. - In the 2018/2019 school year at the Prva gimnazija Varaždin in Varaždin, a study of microclimatic conditions was conducted on the results of student evaluation. The goal of our project is to prove or disprove the impact of the microclimate on student performance in specific situations, that is, in the usual way of knowledge testing: written tests. Given that state examinations are currently based on such a model of assessment, we believe that it is important to identify a correlation between the microclimate and student performance in the knowledge test and, if confirmed, to contribute to the development of standards for the existing school premises or the construction of new ones. The microclimatic conditions tested were temperature, relative humidity and airflow. Testing was conducted in 10 different classrooms and five different subjects or groups of subjects. The results indicate poorer evaluation results at greater deviations from the recommended values of observed microclimatic conditions.
U: Politehnika (Online). - ISSN 2584-6264. - 4 (2020), 1 ; str. 29-36  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Učionice -- Mikroklimatski uvjeti -- Zatvoreni prostori -- Toplinska ugodnost -- Eksperimentalna mjerenja -- Vrednovanje znanja
Prva gimnazija Varaždin


Vidi br.: HA20-02347

54   Kemija. Kristalografija. Mineralogija

SAKAČ, Nikola
Application of spectrophotometric fingerprint in cluster analysis for starch origin determination [Elektronička građa] / Nikola Sakač, Maja Karnaš, Jasminka Dobša, Marija Jozanović, Vlatka Gvozdić, Elvira Kovač-Andrić, Marija Kraševac Sakač, Bojan Šarkanj. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The botanical origin of starch is of importance in industrial applications and food pro-cessing because it may influence the properties of the final product. Current microscopic methods are time-consuming. Starch consists of an origin-dependent amylose/amylopec-tin ratio. Triiodide ions bind characteristically to the amylose and amylopectin depending on the botanical origin of the starch. The absorbance of the starch-triiodide complex was measured for wheat, potato, corn, rye, barley, rice, tapioca and unknown origin starch, and within the different cultivars. Each starch sample had specific parameters: starch-triio-dide complex peak wavelength maximum (λmax/nm), maximum absorbance change at λmax (ΔA) and λmax shift towards the unknown origin starch sample values. The visible ab-sorption spectra (500-800 nm) for each starch sample were used as a unique fingerprint, and then elaborated by cluster analysis. The cluster analysis managed to distinguish data of two clusters, a cereal type cluster and a potato/tapioca/rice starch cluster. The cereal subclusters extensively distinguished wheat/barley/rye starches from corn starches. Data for cultivars were mostly in good agreement within the same subclaster. The proposed method that combines cluster analysis and visible absorbance data for starch-triiodide complex was able to distinguish starch of different botanical origins and cultivars within the same species. This method is simpler and more convenient than standard time-con-suming methods. - Botaničko podrijetlo škroba je od velike važnosti za primjenu u industriji i proizvodnji hrane jer može bitno utjecati na svojstva krajnjeg proizvoda. Trenutno dostupne mikroskopske metode za određivanje podrijetla škroba su dugotrajne. Škrob se sastoji od amiloze i amilopektina, čiji omjer ovisi o njegovom botaničkom podrijetlu. Trijodidni ioni se obično vežu za amilozu i amilopektin, a njihovo vezivanje ovisi o podrijetlu škroba. U ovom je istraživanju mjeren apsorpcijski spektar kompleksa škrob-trijodid različitih vrsta, kao što su pšenica, krumpir, kukuruz, raž, ječam, riža, tapioka i škrob nepoznatog podrijetla, te različitih sorata iste vrste. Svaki je uzorak škroba imao specifične parametre: maksimalnu valnu duljinu pika za kompleks škrob-trijodid (λmax/nm), maksimalnu promjenu apsorbancije pri λmax (ΔA) i pomak λmax prema uzorku škroba nepoznatog botaničkog podrijetla. Vidljivi je dio apsorpcijskog spektra (500-800 nm) za svaki uzorak škroba dao jedinstveni otisak, koji je zatim obrađen klaster analizom. Tom su analizom podaci razdvojeni u dva klastera, jedan klaster žitarica i drugi klaster krumpira, tapioke i riže. Unutar klastera škrobova žitarica u podklastere su se izrazito razdvojili škrobovi pšenice, ječma i raži od kukuruznih škrobova. Podaci o sortama dobro su se grupirali unutar istog podklastera. Predložena metoda, koja kombinira klaster analizu i podatke dobivene mjerenjem apsorbancije vidljivog dijela spektra kompleksa škrob-trijodid, uspješno je razvrstala škrobove na osnovi njihove pripadnosti vrstama te sortama unutar iste vrste. Metoda je jednostavnija i praktičnija za uporabu od standardnih dugotrajnih metoda.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 1 ; str. 5-11  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Škrob -- Botaničko podrijetlo -- Klaster analiza -- Spektrofotometrijski otisak

ŠEREMET, Danijela
An insight into the chemical composition of ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea L.) by means of macrocomponent analysis and fractionation of phenolic compounds [Elektronička građa] / Danijela Šeremet, Aleksandra Vojvodić Cebin, Ana Mandura, Ivana Žepić, Ksenija Marković, Draženka Komes. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 137-138. - Summary. - Ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea L.) has been used for generations in folk medicine to treat various diseases. Up until today, the information about its chemical and bioactive composition is still rather incomplete. The aim of this study was to evaluate macro- and microcomposition of ground ivy including the polyphenolic profile. In the present study, different phenolic fractions (free soluble, esterified, glycosylated and insoluble-bound phenolic fractions) of ground ivy were prepared and analysed using spectrophotometric methods (total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity) and HPLC-PAD methodology. Regarding the macrocomposition, the results revealed that most of the ground ivy dry matter was composed of insoluble dietary fibre (48.96% dmb) followed by proteins (17.92% dmb). Minerals also markedly contributed to the dry matter (12.74% dmb) with potassium as the main macroelement (48.49 mg/g dmb). Dominant phenolic compounds in ground ivy extract were: rosmarinic (6.64 mg/g dmb) and chlorogenic acid (1.11 mg/g dmb), and flavonol rutin (1.87 mg/g dmb). Fractionation of phenolic compounds from ground ivy confirmed that dominant esters were indeed those of caffeic acid, while glycosides those of quercetin, which corresponded to the majority of identified compounds in the initial extract. Insoluble-bound phenolics were not represented in notable content. This study provided additional reference for macro- and microcomponent and phenolic composition of rather underutilized but valuable medicinal plant – ground ivy, to be used in further research of its health properties.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 15 (2020), 3/4 ; str. 133-138  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Glechoma hederacea L. -- Prizemni bršljan -- Kemijski sastav -- Fenolni spojevi

MLINARIĆ, Patricia
Monitoring of some dissolved heavy metals in surface waters of north-west Croatia from year 2016 to 2018 [Elektronička građa] / Patricia Mlinarić, Nikola Sakač, Anita Ptiček Siročić, Irena Tomiek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Summary. - Heavy metals have a negative impact on environment and wildlife. In waters, heavy metals appear in two forms, as dissolved and bioavailable; and as solid and non-soluble. We monitored the concentration of dissolved copper, nickel, manganese and iron in water samples at five river locations of north-west Croatia from 2016 to 2018. Concentrations of dissolved nickel measured at Melačka river, near Vularija in Međimurje county and HE Čakovec dam, near Štefanec in Međimurje county were below 5 µg/l and could be considered as not polluted. Concentrations of dissolved copper measured at Plitvica river, near Zbela in Varaždinska county and Horvatska, near Veliko Trgovišće in Krapinsko-Zagorska county were mostly below 5 µg/l and could be considered as not polluted. At Kosteljina river near Jalšje at the Krapinsko-Zagorska county concentrations of dissolved copper were mostly below 5 µg/l; concentrations of dissolved manganese and iron were higher especially during second part of the year, with some fluctuations. For this reason, Kosteljina river could be considered as medium polluted.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 56-62  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Onečišćenje voda -- Teški metali -- Rijeke

55   Geologija. Meteorologija. Hidrologija

Back to the future - Andrija Mohorovičić lecture (1909) & Zagreb (2020) M5.5 earthquake [Elektronička građa] / Davor Stanko, Snježana Markušić, Davorin Penava. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Summary. - This review paper relates original Mohorovičić, A. lecture DJELOVANJE POTRESA NA ZGRADE (1909, 1911) and its English translation EARTHQUAKE EFFECTS ON BUILDINGS (2009) with M5.5 Zagreb 2020 earthquake damage. Mohorovičić said in Introduction of his lecture in 1909: “another strong earthquake is needed to remind people that the building techniques should be further developed and improved…”. Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894) said once: “The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions”. This should remined us that going Back to the Future after strong earthquake, we must go Back to the Past, and look after Mohorovičić’s 15 rules how to build earthquake-resistant buildings. He tells us how to build, and unfortunately, we were left unprepared again and didn’t listen wisdom words of an “old man”.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-10  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Potresi -- Građevine -- Zgrade
Mohorovičić, Andrija


Overall seismic risk in Bosnia-Herzegovina/Dalmatia region of Croatia and elements of perfect crisis in an earthquake aftermath [Elektronička građa] / Amer Smailbegović, Nedžad Korajlić, Ivan Toth. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 22 jed. - Abstract. - Bosnia-Herzegovina and southern-coastal/hinterland-region of Dalmatia, Republic of Croatia are a part of the same seismo-tectonic province and share a considerable and real threat of high-magnitude earthquakes. Numerous Magnitude 6 (Richter) and above earthquakes have been recorded in the past 500 years and some of them have resulted in a considerable loss of life, material and even prestige or geopolitical significance (e.g. the demise of Ragusa in the earthquake of 1667). Given the propensity of the region for destructive earthquakes, complex geomorphological framework and challenging infrastructure, still recovering in parts from the Yugoslav civil wars of the 1990s., the region may yield a “perfect” crisis in the aftermath of a major earthquake event. Taking into consideration unchecked development of several metropolitan areas, lack of oversight and permitting, decaying infrastructure as well as unresolved political ambiguities and territorial disputes, a potential destructive earthquake may create several cascading crises, especially if it coincides with some other challenging events (e.g. winter storms). This study is taking into consideration several scenarios, their possible effects and resulting conditions upon which cascading crises may arise in the aftermath of a magnitude 7+ earthquake affecting several major urban areas in southern and central Bosnia-Herzegovina and the southern Dalmatian region of Croatia. These scenarios are intended to provide training aids and risk assessments in countering the destructive forces after the earthquake, expected to test the current crisis-management models.
U: Annals of disaster risk sciences (Online). - ISSN 2623-8934. - 3 (2020), 2  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Potresi -- Seizmički rizik -- Upravljanje krizom

Vidi br.: HA20-02783

Vidi br.: HA20-02271

Vidi br.: HA20-02316

56   Paleontologija

Environmental history in Central Croatia for the last two millennia - vegetation, fire and hydrological changes under climate and human impact [Elektronička građa] = Dvije tisuće godina okolišnih promjena na području središnje Hrvatske - vegetacija, požari i hidrologija utjecani klimatskim prilikama i ljudskim pritiskom / Dario Hruševar, Koraljka Bakrač, Slobodan Miko, Nikolina Ilijanić, Ozren Hasan, Mirna Mamić, Tatjana Puljak, Anita Vucić, Katarina Husnjak Malovec, Martina Weber, Božena Mitić. - Graf. prikazi.
Tekst usporedno na engl. i hrv. jeziku. - Bibliografija i internetski izvori: str. 155-164. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper presents the paleoenvironmental reconstruction of a mire sequence near the village Blatuša, with a focus on changes in vegetation composition, hydrological regime and fire history of the Banovina/Kordun area during the last two millennia. For this purpose, pollen, non-pollen and charcoal analysis were done. By the application of CONISS statistical analysis three different pollen assemblage (sub)zones could have been distinguished: a dominance of alder-beech/oaks from the 2nd to the middle of the 7th century, followed by a prevalence of grasses-beech/oaks till the end of the 13th century. Finally, an assemblage of grasses-hornbeam/oaks populated the area from the 14th to the beginning of the 20th century. The high abundance of peat mosses (Sphagnum) from the 11th to the end of the 14th century must indicate increased precipitation and higher frequencies of rainfall during the Medieval Climate Anomaly. Transition from an ombrotrophic to minerotrophic phase of mire evolution during the Little Ice Age is caused by changing in moisture level, with somewhat wetter period prevailing till the middle of the 17th century followed by drier conditions till the beginning of the 20th century. Although cereal pollen grains first appear from the layers dated to the late 14th century and the proportion of secondary anthropogenic indicators were low during the entire Middle Ages, a large number of charcoal particles suggests stronger anthropogenic activity than indicated by observed changes in vegetation composition. Still, a sharp rise of non-arboreal pollen during the Migration period most likely reflect a general natural succession process on mire surface than persuable proof of Avaric-Slavic impact on vegetation. Direct anthropogenic pressure indicated by weeds and cereal pollen can be tracked from the Late Middle Ages onwards. - U ovome radu predstavljena je paleookolišna rekonstrukcija creta u blizini sela Blatuše, s naglaskom na promjene u strukturi i sastavu vegetacije, hidrološkoga režima i povijesti požara na području Banovine/Korduna tijekom posljednja dva tisućljeća. U svrhu paleookolišne interpretacije, napravljena je analiza akumuliranoga peluda, nepeludnih palinomorfa i pougljenjenih čestica. Upotrebom CONISS statističkoga modela mogu se razlučiti tri različite (pod)zone akumulacije: vegetacija „joha-bukva/hrastovi“ dominanira razdobljem od 2. stoljeća do sredine 7. stoljeća, nakon čega slijedi dominacija vegetacije „trave-bukva/hrastovi“ do kraja 13. stoljeća, te naposlijetku vegetacije „trave-grab/hrastovi“ u razdoblju od 14. do početka 20. stoljeća. Obilje spora maha tresetara (Sphagnum) u razdoblju od 11. do kraja 14. stoljeća vjerojatno je utjecano povećanom količinom oborina i učestalijim padalinama tijekom srednjovjekovne klimatske anomalije. Prijelaz iz ombrotrofije u minerotrofiju same cretne površine, tijekom maloga ledenog doba, uzrokovan je promjenom zasićenosti supstrata vodom, s nešto vlažnijim razdobljem do sredine 17. stoljeća i djelomično sušnijim do početka 20. stoljeća. Iako se pelud žitarica ne pojavljuje do kraja 14. stoljeća i udjeli sekundarnih antropogenih indikatora su niski tijekom cijeloga razdoblja srednjeg vijeka, veliki broj pougljenjenih čestica ukazuje na jaču antropogenu aktivnost no što se to može iščitati iz promjenama u biljnome pokrovu. Ipak, snažan porast udjela peluda nedrvenastih vrsta tijekom Seobe naroda više je rezultat procesa sukcesije na površini samoga creta nego nepobitan dokaz avarsko-slavenskoga utjecaja na sastav i strukturu vegetacije. Izravni antropogeni pritisak, koji se očituje učestalom pojavom peluda korovnih vrsta i žitarica, može se pratiti tek od razdoblja kasnoga srednjeg vijeka nadalje.
U: Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu (Online). - ISSN 1848-6371. - 37 (2020) ; str. 117-164  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Klimatske promjene -- Promjene okoliša -- Palinologija -- Cretovi -- Malo ledeno doba

57   Biološke znanosti. Fizička antropologija. Bioraznolikost

ŽUNEC, Renata
A review of HLA and COVID-19 association studies [Elektronička građa] / Renata Zunec. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Abstract. - Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is reported to vary across different populations in the prevalence of infection, in the death rate of patients, in the severity of symptoms and in the drug response of patients. Among host genetic factors that can influence all these attributes human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genetic system stands out as one of the leading candidates. Case-control studies, large-scale population-based studies, as well as experimental bioinformatics studies are of utmost importance to confirm HLA susceptibility spectrum of COVID-19. This review presents the results of the first case-control and epidemiological studies performed in several populations, early after the pandemic breakout. The results are pointing to several susceptible and protective HLA alleles and haplotypes associations with COVID-19, some of which might be of interest for the future studies in Croatia, due to its common presence in the population. However, further multiple investigations from around the world, as numerous as possible, are needed to confirm or deteriorate these preliminary results.
U: Molecular and experimental biology in medicine. - ISSN 2584-671X. - 3 (2020), 2 ; str. 25-30  
 Elektronička verzija članka
COVID-19 -- HLA-antigeni -- Asocijacijska studija

BRNJARCHEVSKA Blazhevska, Teodora
Comparison of ELISA and chemiluminescence immunoassay methods for quantification of human Placental growth factor in serum [Elektronička građa] / Teodora Brnjarchevska Blazhevska, Kristina Skeparovska, Bashkim Ismaili, Olgica Sibinovska, Meri Kirijas, Gorjan Milanovski, Boban Dobrevski, Aleksandar Petlichkovski. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Abstract. - Placental growth factor (PlGF) is crucial during placental development in early pregnancy. Several studies in pregnancies with complications such as preeclampsia or small for gestational age neonates find that PlGF levels are significantly lower in the first trimester, which implies that the concentration of PlGF could be used as an early screening biomarker for these conditions. This study aimed to compare the performance of chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the quantification of human PlGF in serum. This is a comparative study on 88 pregnant women in the first trimester subjected to measurement of PlGF in serum using two commercially available kits: Human PlGF Quantikine HS ELISA (R&D Systems) and PlGF CLIA (Snibe). The overall coefficient of correlation between the tests was 0.93. When the cut-off value of 40 pg/mL was applied, it dropped significantly to 0.50 towards the lower values, while remaining an excellent 0.91 in the group with higher concentrations of PlGF. While R&D Systems’s ELISA seems to have better sensitivity, it is not very convenient to use for a small number of samples. Snibe’s CLIA automated method is user-friendly, fast and powerful. Both tests show excellent performance when indicating risk-free pregnancies.
U: Molecular and experimental biology in medicine. - ISSN 2584-671X. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 57-61  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Placentni faktor rasta -- Trudnoća -- ELISA test -- CLIA test

Croatian Society of Clinical Embryologists - guidelines on the epidemiological framework for the implementation of medically assisted reproduction (MAR) procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic regarding the safety of patients and medical health workers [Elektronička građa] / Sanja Vujisic Zivkovic, Marijana Baricevic, Kristina Cavlovic, Mia Cerina, Andrea Cukusic Kalajzic, Marija Dundovic, Daria Hafner, Nina Gelo, Dejan Ljiljak, Katarina Matkovic, Ana Smolcic, Sonja Sogoric Sevo, Davor Stimac, Tamara Tramisak Milakovic, Sanja Zovkic, Patrik Stanic. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Abstract. - Due to the high virulence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the infection rate in the community has led to a state of pandemic, leading to the introduction of new emergency measures all over the world. With the aim of controlling and preventing the SARS-CoV-2 viral epidemic, the health institutions performing medically assisted reproduction (MAR) suspended any new MAR treatments in order to reduce the burden on the health care system and implement current social distancing recommendations. Considering the favorable epidemiological situation in Croatia, our perspective is that it is time to conceive, plan and bring forth guidelines for restarting work in MAR centres, taking into account the selection of patients and organization of good laboratory and clinical practices with emphasis on the safety of patients and health workers. In regard to epidemiological knowledge, it is important to establish the reorganization of work in MAR centres including epidemiological measures of reducing unnecessary stays in closed spaces, the usage of protective gear by patients and health workers and disinfection of the working spaces and equipment.
U: Molecular and experimental biology in medicine. - ISSN 2584-671X. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 9-16  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Medicinski potpomognuta oplodnja -- COVID-19 -- Epidemiološke mjere
Hrvatsko društvo kliničkih embriologa


PAIĆ, Ana-Marija
Poučavanje o ljudskoj spolnosti [Elektronička građa] Ana-Marija Paić, Irena Labak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 9-10. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi koliko se učitelji s određenim radnim iskustvom osjećaju kompetentno poučavati o ljudskoj spolnosti te kako procjenjuju važnost pojedinih tema za poučavanje o ljudskoj spolnosti. Također je cilj utvrditi koje teme nikad ili rijetko poučavaju, kao i razloge takvog odabira. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom školske godine 2019./2020. na uzorku od 52 učitelja Prirode i Biologije. Provedena je online anketa u kojoj su učitelji pomoću skale od 1 do 5 procjenjivali svoje slaganje s tvrdnjama koje se odnose na procjenu: (i) kompetentnosti za poučavanje o ljudskoj spolnosti, (ii) važnosti tema za poučavanje o ljudskoj spolnosti te (iii) tema koje nikad ili rijetko poučavaju. Provedena je i procjena utjecaja određenih čimbenika na odabir teme koje nikad ili rijetko poučavaju. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da se učitelji osjećaju djelomično kompetentnima poučavati o ljudskoj spolnosti pri čemu teme Masturbacija i Različite seksualne orijentacije (homoseksualnost, biseksualnost, transrodnost,…) procjenjuju važnima, ali ih i navode kao teme koje, uz teme Emocije i Nasilje u vezama, nikada ili rijetko poučavaju. Kao glavne razloge za nepoučavanje pojedinih tema vezanih uz ljudsku spolnost navode nedovoljnu količinu vremena za izvedbu sata i činjenicu da pojedine teme nisu određene ishodima. Učitelji većinom procjenjuju kako religija i stavovi učenika i nastavnika uopće ne utječu na odabir tema za poučavanje o ljudskoj spolnosti, a oni s više godina radnog iskustva većinom procjenjuju kako stavovi društva, ali i roditelja djelomično utječu na odabir teme za poučavanje o ljudskoj spolnosti. - The aim of the research is to determine if experienced teachers feel competent to teach human sexuality and how they assess the importance of certain topics in human sexuality education. Additionally, the paper aims to assess which topics are rarely or never taught in human sexuality classes, as well as the reasons for such a choice. The research was conducted via online survey in the school year 2019/2020 and included 52 Nature and Biology teachers. The teachers used a 1 – 5 scale to mark their agreement with the statements related to their assessment of: (i) competence for teaching human sexuality, (ii) importance of topics in teaching human sexuality, and (iii) topics they rarely or never teach. An assessment of the effect of certain factors on the selection of topics teachers rarely or never teach was also conducted. The research found that teachers feel partially competent to teach human sexuality, they find the topics such as Masturbation and Various sexual orientations (homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderism…) important, but also list them, in addition to Emotions and Violence in relationships, as topics they rarely or never teach. The main reasons listed for not teaching certain topics related to human sexuality are lack of time to conduct the lesson and the fact that certain topics are not defined by curriculum outcomes. Teachers mostly believe that the religion and attitudes of students and themselves do not affect the choice of topics in the human sexuality classes, but those with more experience mostly state that the attitudes of society and parents partly affect the choice of topics in human sexuality classes.
U: Educatio biologiae. - ISSN 1849-6520. - (2020), 6 ; str. 1-11  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Spolnost -- Spolni odgoj -- Odgoj i obrazovanje -- Kompetentnost -- Sustav vrijednosti

MILOVIĆ, Milenko
Prirodna obilježja Svilaje s pregledom istraživanja flore i vegetacije [Elektronička građa] / Milenko Milović, Nenad Jasprica, Damira Tafra, Marija Pandža, Vesna Krpina. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 46-50. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Svilaja (1508 m n. v.) je planina u Dalmatinskoj Zagori, u središnjem dijelu unutrašnje Dalmacije. Flora i vegetacija planine Svilaje do sada nije sustavno istraživana. Od 2013. obavljaju se opsežna terenska istraživanja s ciljem inventarizacije ukupne flore. U ovom radu su, na temelju dostupnih podataka iz literature, prikazana obilježja reljefa, klime i fitogeografski položaj s općim pregledom vegetacije. U glavnom dijelu rada prikazan je detaljni pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja flore i vegetacije Svilaje. Analizirani su samo oni literaturni podaci o nalazima biljnih svojti i zajednica čija su nalazišta (lokaliteti) unutar granica istraživanog područja. Prema analiziranim literaturnim podacima, do sada je za područje Svilaje zabilježeno približno 700 svojti vaskularne flore, među kojima je značajan broj endemičnih, ugroženih i zaštićenih svojti kao npr.: Arenaria orbicularis, Astragalus monspessulanus ssp. illyricus, Crocus biflorus ssp. weldenii, Dianthus sylvestris ssp. tergestinus, Edraianthus tenuifolius, Hyacinthella dalmatica, Pulsatilla grandis, Thymus bracteosus, itd. Prema dosadašnjim saznanjima Svilaja se odlikuje iznimno bogatom florom orhideja (Orchidaceae): Coeloglossum viride, Dactylorhiza maculata, Gymnadenia conopsea, Listera ovata, Ophrys apifera, O. dinarica, O. tetraloniae, Orchis militaris, O. morio, O. tridentata, Platanthera chlorantha, itd. Točan broj prethodno zabilježenih svojti i biljnih zajednica nije moguće preciznije utvrditi zbog razlika u shvaćanju granica Svilaje i nepreciznom navođenju lokaliteta u prethodno objavljenim radovima. Podaci o dosadašnjim istraživanjima neophodno su polazište za sustavna istraživanja flore Svilaje koja su u tijeku. - Svilaja Mt (1508 m a.s.l.) is a mountain located in the central part of the hinterland of Dalmatia, i.e. in Dalmatian Zagora. Until now, the flora and vegetation of the Svilaja Mt. have not been systematically investigated. Based on the analysis of the literature, in this paper the general characteristics of the relief, climate and phytogeographic position of the Svilaja Mt, with general overview of vegetation, are presented. The paper also provides a detailed overview of the data on previous research of the flora and vegetation of the mountain. These analyses were necessary as a starting point for planning and conducting extensive field research in order to inventory the total flora underway since 2013. Here, we analysed only literature data on findings of the plant taxa and communities recorded on the localities within the boundaries of the study area. Based on our study on existing literature, about 700 vascular plant taxa have been reported so far in the Svilaja Mt, including a significant number of endemic, endangered and protected taxa, such as: Arenaria orbicularis, Astragalus monspessulanus ssp. illyricus, Crocus biflorus ssp. weldenii, Dianthus sylvestris ssp. tergestinus, Edraianthus tenuifolius, gentiana dinarica, Hyacinthella dalmatica, Pulsatilla grandis, Thymus bracteosus, etc. To the present knowledge Svilaja Mt is characterized by an extremely rich and diverse orchid flora (Orchidaceae): Coeloglossum viride, Dactylorhiza maculata, Gymnadenia conopsea, Listera ovata, Ophrys apifera, O. dinarica, O. tetraloniae, Orchis militaris, O. morio, O. tridentata, Platanthera chlorantha, etc. Due to differences in the understanding of the mountain ranges and inconsistencies in localities indication the exact number of plant taxa and communities previuosly recorded in literature has not been determined more precisely. Most of the information are old and there have been no systematic updating.
U: Glasnik Hrvatskog botaničkog društva. - ISSN 1848-8102. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 29-50  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Flora -- Vegetacija -- Endemi -- Orhideje -- Klima -- Reljef -- Povijesni pregled

Routine procedures and preventive measures in tissue banking and cell therapy during COVID-19 pandemic [Elektronička građa] / Marija Zekusic, Marina Bujic Mihica, Anamarija Jularic, Tamara Dolenec, Marija Skoko, Ivana Vrgoc Zimic, Tiha Vucemilo. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Abstract. - Following the rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 worldwide, this article describes routine procedures and preventive measures for tissue banking and cell therapy in University Hospital Centre “Sestre milosrdnice” in the Republic of Croatia. This paper describes our current practice for preventing contamination and microbiological environmental monitoring of cleanrooms, the protection of healthcare personnel as well as patients from SARS-CoV-2. These measures are based on the recommendations obtained from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia, the Croatian Institute of Public Health and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. We also present data on samples collected and treated in this period in comparison to normal work conditions before COVID-19.
U: Molecular and experimental biology in medicine. - ISSN 2584-671X. - 3 (2020), 2 ; str. 50-55  
 Elektronička verzija članka
COVID-19 -- Stanična terapija -- Banka tkiva

Vidi br.: HA20-02459

Vidi br.: HA20-02855

Vidi br.: HA20-02854

Vidi br.: HA20-02106

575   Opća genetika. Opća citogenetika

MOROŽIN Pohovski, Leona
A new case of intragenic deletion of the TCF4 gene without features of Pitt-Hopkins syndrome [Elektronička građa] / Leona Morozin Pohovski, Adriana Bobinec, Ana-Maria Measic, Ivona Sansovic, Ingeborg Barisic. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 7 jed. - Abstract. - Different genomic alterations affecting the TCF4 gene are usually associated with Pitt-Hopkins syndrome (PTHS). This syndrome is a rare neurodevelopmental genetic disorder characterized by distinctive facial features, abnormal breathing, psychomotor delay and severe intellectual disability (ID). The genomic alterations include whole or partial gene deletion; balanced translocation disrupting the coding sequence of the gene; and intragenic variants. The TCF4 gene encodes a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor 4. Using alternative promoters, TCF4 can be transcribed from a number of alternative initial exons, allowing for translation of variable protein isoforms containing different functional domains. Full-length TCF4 has two activation domains (AD1 and AD2) that are thought to modulate transcriptional activity, a NLS domain (nuclear localization signal) that controls subcellular localization and bHLH domain. Typical PTHS patients have aberration localized between exons 9 and 18 of the gene. On the other hand, variants affecting the first protein coding exons give rise to mild non-syndromic ID. We present a ten-year-old girl with psychomotor delay and mild ID without the typical features of PTHS. Genetic investigation using array-based comparative genomic hybridization, revealed a 73.45 kb deletion within the TCF4 gene. The deletion encompassing only exon 6 (NM_001083962). This deletion was not detected in both parents. Cytogenetic analysis excluded balanced translocation disrupting the coding sequence of the gene. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case described in literature involving only exon 6. The findings in our patients support the notion that position of the alteration in TCF4 is relevant to the phenotype. Reporting our case we want to contribute to the phenotype-genotype correlation in patients with intragenomic deletion of TCF4 gene.
U: Molecular and experimental biology in medicine. - ISSN 2584-671X. - 3 (2020), 2 ; str. 56-58  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pitt-Hopkins sindrom -- Gen TCF4 -- Kromosomi

Antenatal detection of chromosomal abnormalities combining QF-PCR and cytogenetic analysis [Elektronička građa] / Ana Vicic, Vedrana Skaro, Petar Projic, Petra Korac, Romana Gjergja-Juraski, Feodora Stipoljev. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 36 jed. - Abstract. - Aim: To compare the diagnostic values and limitations of quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction (QF-PCR) and conventional cytogenetic analysis in prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities. Methods: A prospective study included simultaneous QF-PCR and cytogenetic analysis of 133 prenatal samples routinely obtained by amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS). Additionally, QF-PCR analysis was performed on 14 tissue samples collected after termination of pregnancy (TOP) for which karyotyping could not be performed due to culture failure. Results: Among 133 analyzed prenatal samples, chromosomal abnormalities were diagnosed in 12 cases (9%), including 10 cases of numerical chromosomal aberrations and two cases with unbalanced structural rearrangements. Nine out of 12 chromosomal abnormalities were also detected with QF-PCR. However, all cases of major aneuploidies were successfully disclosed with QF-PCR, resulting in 100% detection rate for chromosomes 21, 18, 13, X and Y. Using a set of markers specific for chromosomes 21, 18 and 13, QF-PCR analysis of tissues collected after TOP revealed chromosomopathy in 21.4% of cases (two cases of trisomy 18 and one triploidy). A comparison of STR markers confirmed monozygosity in two monochorionic/diamniotic twin pregnancies. Conclusion: QF-PCR has been shown as a rapid and reliable method for prenatal diagnosis of the most common chromosomal aneuploidies, and as an adequate alternative to conventional karyotyping in cases where cytogenetic analysis is not possible due to failure of culturing process. However, conventional cytogenetics still presents a gold standard for the detection of structural aberrations and rare aneuploidies.
U: Molecular and experimental biology in medicine. - ISSN 2584-671X. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 34-43  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kromosomska abnormalnost -- Citogenetska analiza -- Prenatalna dijagnostika -- Pobačaj

JUKIĆ, Lucija, molekularna biologinja
Case report - pre-transplant testing and post-transplant monitoring for an HLA-immunized recipient in heart transplantation [Elektronička građa] / Lucija Jukic, Biserka Palfi, Bosko Skoric, Marija Burek Kamenaric. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Abstract. - We report the workflow of immunogenetic pre-transplant testing and post-transplant monitoring in the case of a recipient immunized to human leucocyte antigens (HLA) who was waitlisted for heart transplantation. The recipient underwent heart transplantation across preformed HLA class I Donor Specific Antibodies (DSAs) detected by solid phase Luminex screening method but not by complement dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) screening method. The CDC lymphocyte crossmatch, which was performed retrospectively, was a weak positive. Post-transplant DSA monitoring by Luminex method revealed the decrease of HLA-A1, A25 and B57 DSAs with, at the same time, an increase of HLA-B8 DSA, as well as weak transient non-DSA HLA-DP antibodies. This case presents the importance of extensive immunogenetic testing and monitoring for identifying recipients with increased immunological risk for successful heart transplantation.
U: Molecular and experimental biology in medicine. - ISSN 2584-671X. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 52-56  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Transplantacija srca -- HLA-antigeni -- Imunogenetika

Cytogenomics of murine melanoma cell lines C57/B1 and B16-F0 [Elektronička građa] / Mattia Manferrari, Martina Rincic, Thomas Liehr, Shaymaa Azawi. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 22 jed. - Abstract. - In melanoma, one of the most aggressive human tumors, early diagnosis is still the best strategy to increase survival rates. C57/B1 and B16-F0 are murine cell lines frequently applied in basic and applied melanoma research. Thus, it is striking, that cytogenomic features of these two cell lines are not known yet. In the present study, molecular cytogenetics and array-comparative genomic hybridization were done in C57/B1 and B16-F0 cells and the resulting imbalances and breakpoints were translated into the human genome. Both cell lines derived from each other and had an isochromosome 12 and a balanced translocation of chromosomes 3 and 13 in common. Interestingly, both cell lines presented aberrations which were also observed in human skin but not in human eye or uveal melanoma.
U: Molecular and experimental biology in medicine. - ISSN 2584-671X. - 3 (2020), 2 ; str. 39-44  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Molekularna citogenetika -- Molekularna kariotipizacija -- Melanom -- Mišje stanice

Detection of a rare mutation in a Noonan syndrome suspected patient [Elektronička građa] : a case report / Boban Dobrevski, Elena Shukarova Angelovska, Meri Kirijas, Gorjan Milanovski, Teodora Brnjarchevska Blazhevska, Frosina Boceska, Aleksandar Petlichkovski. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Abstract. - Noonan syndrome (NS) is a genetic autosomal dominant condition, caused by mutations in PTPN11 and other genes. The aim of this report is to highlight a finding of a rare mutation in the RAF1 gene in a six-year-old child evaluated for Noonan Syndrome. An Ampliseq Research Panel covering A2ML1, BRAF, CBL, HRAS, KRAS, MAP2K1, MAP2K2, NRAS, PTPN11, RAF1, RIT1, SHOC2, SOS1 and SPRED1 genes was used on the Ion Torrent platform. Out of 54 variants detected, a single nucleotide missense mutation c.483T>G in the RAF1 gene was classified as likely pathogenic, based on a single previous submission to Clinvar. Further investigations may shed light on the possible role of this variant in the pathogenesis of Noonan Syndrome and other RASopathies.
U: Molecular and experimental biology in medicine. - ISSN 2584-671X. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 44-47  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Noonan sindrom -- Genetske bolesti -- Mutacije gena

Distribution of minor histocompatibility antigens HA-1, HA-2 and HA-8 in the Croatian population [Elektronička građa] / Ana Posavec, Renata Zunec. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Abstract. - Minor histocompatibility antigens (mHAgs) are polymorphic, endogenously synthetized products recognized by alloreactive T cells in the context of major histocompatibility complex molecules. Recipients of allogeneic bone marrow grafts run the risk of graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), even when the donor is an HLA-identical sibling. This may be caused by disparities in mHAgs between the donor and the recipient, with the antigen present in the recipient and not in the donor. In such cases, T cells in the transplanted donor marrow respond to the recipient’s mHAgs. We determined the allele, genotype and phenotype frequencies for mHAgs HA-1, HA-2 and HA-8 in 102 healthy, unrelated individuals previously typed for HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-DR. We compared the results with existing studies in other populations and found no significant differences between allele, genotype and phenotype frequencies in the Croatian population and frequencies reported for Caucasian population. The results presented will be used for further studies investigating the role of mHAgs in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
U: Molecular and experimental biology in medicine. - ISSN 2584-671X. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 29-33  
 Elektronička verzija članka
HLA-antigeni -- Transplantacija hematopoetskih matičnih stanica -- Histokompatibilnost

GRGIĆ, Ivana, biologinja
Hepatitis B virus genotyping, detection of reverse transcriptase resistance and immune escape mutations in persons with chronic hepatitis B from Croatia [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Grgic, Ivana Herceg, Lana Gorenec, Ivan Kurelac, Adriana Vince, Snjezana Zidovec Lepej. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 35 jed. - Abstract. - Approximately 257 million people worldwide live with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, which, if left untreated, can lead to liver cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma. The hepatitis B virus is a DNA virus with a reverse transcriptase that has no exonuclease activity, which results in a high mutation rate. Reverse transcriptase inhibitors, which interfere with viral replication, are used to treat the infection. Mutations in the A-B reverse transcriptase interdomain can be associated with resistance to antiviral drugs, as well as immune escape. The aim of this study was to analyze HBV genotypes circulating in the Croatian population and analyze resistance as well as immune escape mutations. A selected A-B reverse transcriptase interdomain was sequenced using the Sanger method. HBV genotypes, subtypes, drug resistance as well as immune escape mutations were analyzed using the Geno2Pheno algorithm in 30 patients with chronic hepatitis B. Genotype A (subtype A2) was detected in 20% and genotype D (subtypes D1, D2 and D3) in 80% of viral isolates. Drug resistance mutations rtL180M and rtM204V were detected only in genotype A isolates. Immune escape mutations R122K and sT131N were detected in all genotype A isolates, while mutations sD144E, sM133I, sM133L, sP120S, sQ101H and sR122K were detected in 8 genotype D isolates. Genotype distribution and the prevalence of mutations observed in this study are in accordance with data from the majority of other European countries.
U: Molecular and experimental biology in medicine. - ISSN 2584-671X. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 23-28  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kronični hepatitis B -- Reverzna transkripcija -- Mutacija imunološkog bijega -- Genotipizacija

Long-term survival of the transplanted kidney and the clinical relevance of donor-specific antibodies [Elektronička građa] / Eva Svobodova, Antonij Slavcev, Janka Slatinska, Sarka Valhova, Eva Honsova, Jelena Skibova, Ilja Striz, Ondrej Viklicky. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Abstract. - The aim of our study was to evaluate the relevance of donor-specific antibodies (DSA) as defined by solid-phase single-antigen (SA) assays for predicting long-term graft survival after kidney transplantation. Sera from 132 kidney transplant recipients were retrospectively tested before, 3, 6 and 12 months after transplantation. The incidence of rejection and graft survival was followed up for 7 years. We found 29 episodes of acute cellular rejection (CR), 21 cases of antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) and 18 graft failures due to immunological reasons. Pre-transplant DSA and DSA three months after transplantation correlated with an increased rate of AMR and impaired graft function. After the fourth year, recipients with persistent DSA were at a higher risk of graft failure (p = 0.0317). Antibody specificity was prevailingly to HLA class I antigens (66.6% DSA, 75% non-DSA). During the first year after transplantation, the number of patients with non-DSA decreased (30.3% to 10.7%), while, due to de novo production of antibodies, the number of DSA positive patients remained constant. Conclusion: Detection of antibodies to HLA antigens using solid-phase assays, especially single-antigen bead technology before and three months after transplantation is predictive for increased incidence of antibody-mediated rejection and impaired long-term kidney graft survival.
U: Molecular and experimental biology in medicine. - ISSN 2584-671X. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 17-22  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Transplantacija bubrega -- Donor specifična antitijela -- Odbacivanje presatka -- HLA-antigeni

miR-7 and miR-34a sequence cloning and expression in a1235 glioblastoma cell line [Elektronička građa] / Dora Kolic, Luka Horvat, Maja Setinc, Mariastefania Antica, Maja Matulic. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 34 jed. - Abstract. - miRNAs are small non-coding RNAs which have an important role in signalling circuits regulating different cell processes. miR-7 and miR-34a are known as tumour suppressors, and both of them can interfere with cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and migration. We constructed plasmids containing pri-miRNA sequences for these two miRNAs and introduced them into the A1235 glioblastoma cell line. Clones containing increased expression of processed miR-7 and miR-34a were obtained. The proliferation and sensitivity to alkylation agent of transfected cells were similar to those of control cells. Our results indicate that an increase in miR-7 and miR34 expression alone in A1235 glioblastoma cells is not sufficient to change their proliferation or sensitivity to the influence of alkylating agents.
U: Molecular and experimental biology in medicine. - ISSN 2584-671X. - 3 (2020), 2 ; str. 31-38  
 Elektronička verzija članka
MikroRNA -- Stanične linije glioblastoma -- Tumor-supresorski gen

Vidi br.: HA20-02490

576   Stanična biologija. Citologija

Vidi br.: HA20-02422

577   Biokemija. Molekularna biologija. Biofizika

JAMES, Samaila
Effect of extraction variables on total phenol yield in some selected legumes indigenous to Nigeria [Elektronička građa] / Samaila James, Titus Ugochukwu Nwabueze, Gregory I. Onwuka, Joel Ndife, Suleiman James Amuga. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 8-10. - Summary. - There are increasing research efforts on the possibilities of the utilization of natural sources of bioactive compounds for the dietary management of certain degenerative diseases due to their deleterious health effects associated with the the use of synthetic chemicals. Therefore, this study evaluated the yield of total phenol from bambaranut, cowpea, red bean and pigeon pea. A set of single factor experiments, namely solvent types (acetone, ethanol and methanol), solvent concentration (20 – 100 %, v/v), extraction time (30 – 50 min) and extraction temperature (40 – 60 °C), were evaluated for the optimization of total phenol recovery. The results show that extraction variables significantly (p <0.05) affected the total phenol yield. Ethanol at 60% concentration (v/v) incubated at 50 °C for 40 min gave the highest total phenol (217.11 mg/100 g) yield in bambaranut. In cowpea, ethanol at 90% concentration (v/v) incubated at 50 °C for 50 min gave the highest total phenol (192.61 mg/100 g). Methanol at 100% concentration incubated at 50 °C for 40 min gave the highest total phenol (212.00 mg/100 g) in the red bean while methanol at 100 % concentration (v/v) incubated at 50 °C for 40 min gave the highest total phenol (196.33 mg/100 g) in pigeon pea.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-10  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mahunarke -- Fitokemikalije -- Bioaktivni sastojci -- Fenoli -- Ekstrakcija -- Otapala

Methodology for the determination of polyphenol bioaccessibility [Elektronička građa] / Jozo Ištuk, Drago Šubarić, Lidija Jakobek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 276-279. - Summary. - Polyphenols are secondary metabolites of plants, commonly present in the human diet. Since they exhibit a wide range of bioactivities, polyphenols are extensively studied in the fields of nutrition and human health. Current studies have shown a high interest in determining the bioaccessibility of polyphenols, the amount of polyphenols that becomes available for absorption in the digestive tract. Bioaccessibility can be determined with the help of in vitro static gastrointestinal (GI) digestion models. In such a methodology, food samples containing polyphenols are subjected to a series of conditions that mimic the human gastrointestinal tract, with associated parameters. A high number of GI models with slightly different parameters were published. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature, focusing on the determination of polyphenol bioaccessibility and the parameters used in these GI digestion models, such as time, temperature, and pH of digestion, as well as enzyme concentrations. Gastrointestinal digestion models consist of oral, gastric and small intestine phases. These models provide a simple and reliable methodology which enables insight into the amount of bioaccessible polyphenols.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 2 ; str. 268-279  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Polifenoli -- Bioraspoloživost -- Biološka dostupnost -- Prehrana -- Laneno sjeme -- Probavni trakt -- Simulacija probave -- In vitro istraživanje

JAKOBEK Barron, Lidija
Polyphenol content, profile, and distribution in old, traditional apple varieties [Elektronička građa] / Lidija Jakobek, Jozo Ištuk, Ivana Buljeta, Sandra Voća, Jasna Šic Žlabur, Jasmin Lesičar, Martina Skendrović Babojelić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 116-117. - Summary. - Apples are an important source of polyphenols in the human diet. They have also shown many potentially beneficial effects on human health. Old, traditional apple varieties grown in the past could also be valuable varieties but little is known about their polyphenolic compounds and characteristics in general. The aim of this study was to collect 25 old, traditional apple varieties, to determine their polyphenolic profile and the amounts of total polyphenols in the peel and flesh, and to compare them with a commercial variety. To the best of our knowledge, some of those varieties have never been studied before (‘Mašanka’, ‘Bobovac’, ‘Batulenka’, ‘Krastavka’). Total polyphenols were determined by using the Folin-Ciocalteu method and individual polyphenol identification was done by using an RP-HPLC. The flesh contained 170 to 941 mg kg-1 fresh weight (FW) of total polyphenols, and the peel contained 931 to 3791 mg kg-1 FW. In comparison to the commercial variety, the peel of all old varieties had higher polyphenol content, while the flesh of only some old varieties was richer in polyphenols. Principal component analysis showed possible clustering. Eighteen individual polyphenols were distributed in apple peel and flesh. The dominant polyphenol subgroups in the peel were flavonols (18 to 80 %) and flavan-3-ols (6 to 66 %), and in the flesh those subgroups were phenolic acids (41 to 85 %) and flavan-3-ols (3-49 %).
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 1 ; str. 110-117  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Jabuka -- Polifenoli -- Flavonoli -- Antocijani -- Sorte jabuka -- Tradicionalne sorte -- Kardiovaskularno zdravlje

Vidi br.: HA20-02453

Vidi br.: HA20-02627

Vidi br.: HA20-02446

Vidi br.: HA20-02442

Vidi br.: HA20-02550

Vidi br.: HA20-02556

Vidi br.: HA20-02608

578/579   Virologija. Mikrobiologija

CHAUDHARY, Jinal Kesharbhai
Antidiabetic and hypolipidaemic action of finger millet (Eleusine coracana)-enriched probiotic fermented milk [Elektronička građa] : an in vivo rat study / Jinal Kesharbhai Chaudhary, Sreeja Mudgal. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 50 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. Diabetes is a chronic multi-system disease having long term consequences to the health of people suffering from it. This study investigates the role of finger millet (Eleusine coracana)-enriched probiotic fermented milk in alleviating the diabetic complications in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.Experimental approach. The probiotic strain used in the study was Lactobacillus helveticus MTCC 5463. Study comprised six groups each containing 6 Sprague Dawley rats: two controls (nondiabetic and diabetic), and four diabetic groups fed finger millet-enriched probiotic fermented milk, probiotic fermented milk, finger millet flour or metformin (standard drug). Samples were administered orally for four weeks, and parameters associated with diabetic disorders were studied.Results and conclusions. Oral administration of finger millet-enriched milk significantly (p<0.001) decreased (64.26 %) the fasting blood glucose level of diabetic rats compared to metformin (56.43 %) and diabetic groups receiving the probiotic fermented milk (18.88 %) and finger millet flour (47.14 %) after four weeks of treatment. The finger millet-enriched milk significantly ameliorated the diabetic symptoms polyphagia and polydipsia and improved body mass. In diabetic control group, body mass was reduced up to 15.60 % at the end of experiment, while in the group receiving the probiotic fermented milk, body mass significantly (p<0.0001) increased by about 5-30 %. Significant (p<0.0001) reduction in total cholesterol, triglyceride levels in the groups treated with finger millet flour, finger millet-enriched probiotic fermented milk and probiotic fermented milk was observed compared to diabetic control rats. The probiotic fermented milk enriched with finger millet caused significant (p<0.05) decrease in low-density lipoprotein and very-low-density lipoprotein levels (p<0.0001) and insignificant increase in high-density lipoprotein level. - Pozadina istraživanja. Dijabetes je kronična multisustavna bolest koja ima dugoročne posljedice na zdravlje bolesnika. U ovom je radu ispitan utjecaj probiotički fermentiranog mlijeka obogaćenog prstastim prosom (Eleusine coracana) na ublažavanje komplikacija uzrokovanih dijabetesom kod štakora kojima je dijabetes izazvan primjenom streptozotocina. Eksperimentalni pristup. U radu su korišteni probiotički soj Lactobacillus helveticus MTCC 5463 i šest skupina po šest Sprague Dawley štakora: dvije kontrolne skupine (s dijabetesom i bez njega), te četiri skupine štakora hranjenih probiotički fermentiranim mlijekom obogaćenim prstastim prosom, zatim samo probiotički fermentiranim mlijekom, brašnom prstastog prosa ili metforminom (uobičajenim lijekom). Štakori su hranjeni peroralnim putem tijekom četiri tjedna, a mjereni su parametri koji se povezuju s dijabetičkim poremećajima. Rezultati i zaključci. Peroralnom primjenom mlijeka obogaćenog prstastim prosom značajno (p<0,001) se nakon četiri tjedna smanjila razina glukoze natašte u štakorima s dijabetesom, u usporedbi sa štakorima hranjenim metforminom (56,43 %) i dijabetičkim skupinama hranjenim probiotički fermentiranim mlijekom (18,88 %) i brašnom prstastog prosa (47,14 %). Mlijeko obogaćeno prstastim prosom bitno je ublažilo simptome dijabetesa, kao što su polifagija i polidipsija, te je pridonijelo porastu tjelesne mase štakora. Do završetka pokusa tjelesna se masa u kontrolnoj skupini s dijabetesom smanjila za 15,60 %, dok se u grupi hranjenoj probiotički fermentiranim mlijekom bitno (p<0,0001) povećala za 5-30 %. U usporedbi s istom kontrolnom skupinom, u grupama hranjenim brašnom prstastog prosa, probiotički fermentiranim mlijekom obogaćenim prstastim prosom ili probiotički fermentiranim mlijekom bitno (p<0,0001) su se smanjile koncentracije ukupnih kolesterola i triglicerida.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 2 ; str. 192-202  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mlijeko -- Fermentirano mlijeko -- Antidijabetički potencijal -- Funkcionalna hrana -- Probiotici -- Proso -- Eleusine coracana -- Dijabetes

ŽIDOVEC Lepej, Snježana
Biological features of SARS-CoV-2 and current approaches to antiviral therapy and vaccination [Elektronička građa] : a review / Snjezana Zidovec Lepej, Petra Korac, Dijana Skoric, Margarita Batovic, Paula Grskovic, Valerija Begic, Suzana Harabajsa, Leona Radmanic, Petra Simicic. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 133 jed. - Abstract. - Since the first description of patients with pneumonia of unknown origin in Wuhan in December 2019, unprecedented efforts of the international scientific community led to the identification and molecular characterization of its etiological agent, e.g. SARS-CoV-2. The global pandemic of COVID-19 represents an outstanding challenge for the scientists and medical professionals worldwide. In this review, we discuss the most important aspects of SARS-CoV-2 biology and virology including antiviral and immunomodulatory treatment strategies as well as vaccine development.
U: Molecular and experimental biology in medicine. - ISSN 2584-671X. - 3 (2020), 2 ; str. 1-16  
 Elektronička verzija članka
COVID-19 -- SARS-CoV-2 -- Antivirusna terapija -- Imunomodulacijsko liječenje -- Cijepljenje

MARINAC, Julijana
Comparison of three methods for detection of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies [Elektronička građa] / Julijana Marinac, Petra Korac, Hana Breyer Priselac. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Abstract. - A novel positive-sense RNA virus named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was identified in December 2019 in China. It is a systemic disease that includes severe respiratory distress, coronavirus disease 19 (Covid-19). The primary way of transmitting this virus is person-to-person contact via respiratory droplets, but it can also be transmitted by contaminated surfaces. Symptoms range from mild to severe, and the virus spreads quickly. On 11 March 2020 Covid-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The standard way to identify the presence of the virus is to detect its genome using real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). It can be applied to respiratory tract samples such as nasopharyngeal swabs, sputum and bronchoalveolar lavage. In order to identify contact with the virus and immunological response of the individual, tests based on immunoassays were developed. Many of those tests were produced in short periods of time and they mostly differ on the sample that can be used (serum, plasma or whole blood), complexity and/or expense, and the class of the antibody they detect. The reliability of such tests is of high importance for epidemiological surveys as well as for the development of a vaccine. The aim of this study was to compare three commercially available immunoassay tests. Our results show that different serological tests have different sensitivity and specificity, and that the rapid option, which is the easiest to perform and has the lowest cost, provides the least reliable results.
U: Molecular and experimental biology in medicine. - ISSN 2584-671X. - 3 (2020), 2 ; str. 45-49  
 Elektronička verzija članka
SARS-CoV-2 -- COVID-19 -- Imunološki testovi -- Serološki testovi

COVID-19 i maske [Elektronička građa] : što znamo do sada? / Višnja Nesek Adam, Jasna Mesarić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - SARS-CoV-2 pripada skupini betakoronavirusa koji uzrokuju bolest nazvanu COVID-19. Infekcija se prenosi kapljično, a moguć je prijenos i putem aerosola. Pandemija koronavirusa zahvatila je cijeli svijet, a broj oboljelih svakodnevno se povećava. Dok se ne pronađe učinkovito cjepivo i/ili lijekovi važno je provoditi sigurnosne zaštitne mjere kako bi se smanjilo širenje virusa. Održavanje fizičkog razmaka, higijena ruku i obveza nošenja zaštitnih maski tri su temeljne zaštitne mjere koje mogu pridonijeti sprečavanju širenja virusa. Učinkovitost pojedinih mjera još uvijek je predmet znanstvenih i neznanstvenih rasprava, dovodeći tako do proturječnih i zbunjujućih poruka široj javnosti. Iako u literaturi ne postoje kvalitetne studije koje bi potvrdile učinkovitost nošenja maski, većina objavljenih govori u prilog njihovoj učinkovitosti. U ovome radu dajemo pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja u pogledu učinkovitosti maski u sprečavanju širenja SARS-CoV-2 virusa. - SARS-CoV-2 belongs to a group of beta-coronaviruses that cause a disease called COVID-19. The infection is transmitted by droplets and aerosol transmission is also possible. The coronavirus pandemic has spread all over the world, and the number of patients is increasing every day. Until effective vaccine and/or medication is founded it is important to implement safety precautions to reduce the spread of the virus. Maintaining physical distance, hand hygiene and the obligation to wear protective masks are three basic protective measures that can help prevent the spread of the virus. The effectiveness of certain measures is still the subject of scientific and unscientific debates, thus leading to contradictory and confusing messages to the general public. Although there are no quality studies in literature that would confirm the effectiveness of wearing masks, most published papers contributes to their effectiveness. In this paper, we provide an overview of previous research regarding the effectiveness of masks in preventing the spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus.
U: Zbornik sveučilišta Libertas (Online). - ISSN 2584-6167. - 5 (2020), 5 ; str. 191-198  
 Elektronička verzija članka
COVID-19 -- Zaštitne maske

NOVAK, Mario, biotehnolog
Fotoheterotrofni uzgoj ljubičaste nesumporne bakterije Rhodovulum adriaticum na hranjivim podlogama s različitim izvorima ugljika [Elektronička građa] = Photoheterotrophic cultivation of purple non-sulphur bacterium Rhodovulum adriaticum on the media with different carbon sources / Mario Novak, Antonija Trontel, Nenad Marđetko, Veronika Matoković, Marko Sarić, Mladen Pavlečić, Božidar Šantek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 122-123. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Ljubičaste nesumporne bakterije zanimljive su s ekološkog i ekonomskog stajališta u održivim biotehnološkim procesima proizvodnje biogoriva, biokemikalija, biopolimera, biomase odnosno sintezi specifičnih spojeva kao što su npr. karotenoidi i pigmenti. Za uspostavu ekološki i ekonomski održivih bioprocesa nužan je adekavatan odabir radnih mikroorganizama, sirovina i uvjeta kultivacije, a dobar primjer za to je razvoj bioprocesa na obnovljivim sirovinama kao što su to lignocelulozne sirovine. U ovom istraživanju proučavan je fotoheterotrofni uzgoj ljubičaste nesumporne bakterije Rhodovulum adriaticum DSM 2781 na tekućim hranjivim podlogama koje sadrže glukozu i/ili ksilozu kao izvore ugljika s ciljem dobivanja bakterijske biomase i fotosintetskih pigmenata. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su najveće vrijednosti pokazatelja uspješnosti bioprocesa (YX = 2,095 g L-1; YX/S = 0,54 g g-1i Pr = 0,022 g L-1h-1) vezanih u dobivanje biomase ostvareni kod uzgoja na hranjivoj podlozi s 5 g L-1 glukoze. Uzgoj R. adriaticum DSM 2781 na hranjivoj podlozi s 3 g L-1 glukoze i ksiloze pokazao se najuspješnji za dobivanje fotosintetskih pigmenata (ukupni pigmenti 13,27 mg g-1 biomase) uz zadovoljavajuće ostale pokazatelje uspješnosti bioprocesa (YX = 1,507 g L-1; YX/S = 0,22 g g-1i Pr = 0,017 g L-1h-1). - Purple non-sulphur bacteria are interesting from ecologic and economic point of view in sustainable biotechnological production of biofuels, biochemicals, biopolymers and biomass as well as specific compounds such as carotenoids and pigments. In order to establish ecological and economic sustainable bioprocesses it is necessary to select adequate working microorganisms, raw materials and cultivation conditions. Development of bioprocesses on the renewable raw materials (e.g. lignocellulose containing feedstocks) are good example for such bioprocess types. In this research, the photoheterotrophic cultivation of purple non-sulfur bacteria Rhodovulum adriaticum DSM 2781 was studied on the liquid media containing glucose or /and xylose as a carbon sources in order to produce bacterial biomass and photosynthetic pigments. Results obtained in this study show that the highest values of bioprocess efficiency parameters (YX = 2,095 g L-1 ; YX/S = 0,54 g g-1 i Pr = 0,022 g L-1 h -1 ) related to the biomass production were observed during bacterial cultivation on media with 5 g L-1. Cultivation of R. adriaticum DSM 2781 on the media with 3 g L-1 glucose and xylose shows the highest total photosynthetic pigments content (13,27 mg g-1 biomass) together with satisfy other bioprocess efficiency parameters (YX = 1,507 g L-1 ; YX/S = 0,22 g g-1 i Pr = 0,017 g L-1 h -1 ).
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 15 (2020), 3/4 ; str. 115-123  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bakterije -- Rhodovulum adriaticum -- Hranjive podloge -- Glukoza -- Ksiloza -- Bakterijska biomasa -- Fotosintetski pigmenti

Modelling the inactivation and possible regrowth of Salmonella enterica treated with chlorophyllin-chitosan complex and visible light [Elektronička građa] / María Isabel Rodríguez-López, Vicente M. Gómez-López, Viktorija Lukseviciute, Zivile Luksiene. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The study focuses on predictive modelling of inactivation of Salmonella enterica after treatment with chlorophyllin-chitosan complex and visible light. Salmonella cells were incubated with chlorophyllin-chitosan complex (0.001 % chlorophyllin and 0.1 % chitosan) for different times (5-60 min) and then illuminated with visible light (λ=405 nm, He=38 J/cm2). Inactivation curves and post-treatment regrowth curves were built based on microbiological viability tests and data were fitted to ten inactivation and two regrowth models. The photoactivated complex reduced Salmonella population, which were unable to regrow. Weibull and Baranyi models were the best to describe the inactivation and regrowth kinetics respectively. In conclusion, data from the kinetic analysis and predictive modelling confirmed that photoactivated chlorophyllin-chitosan complex is a promising non-thermal approach for inactivation of Gram-negative pathogens, since no bacterial regrowth after treatment has been predicted. - U fokusu je ovoga rada bilo razviti model predviđanja inaktivacije stanica bakterije Salmonella enterica nakon obrade otopinom klorofilina i kitozana i izlaganja vidljivoj svjetlosti. Stanice bakterije tretirane su otopinom 0,001 % klorofilina i 0,1 % kitozana tijekom 5-60 min i zatim izložene vidljivoj svjetlosti (λ=405 nm, He=38 J/cm2). Krivulje inaktivacije i ponovnog rasta izrađene su na osnovi podataka dobivenih ispitivanjem preživljavanja bakterija, obrađenih pomoću deset modela inaktivacije i dva modela ponovnog rasta. Nakon obrade otopinom klorofilina i kitozana aktiviranih svjetlošću smanjio se broj stanica bakterije Salmonella enterica, koje nakon toga nisu ponovno rasle. Weibullova distribucija najbolje je opisivala kinetiku inaktivacije, a Baranyijev model kinetiku ponovnog rasta. Zaključeno je da podaci dobiveni kinetičkom analizom i prediktivnim modeliranjem potvrđuju da se pomoću otopine klorofilina i kitozana aktiviranih svjetlošću mogu inaktivirati stanice Gram-negativnih patogenih bakterija, jer upotrijebljeni modeli predviđaju da nakon obrade neće doći do ponovnog rasta bakterija.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 1 ; str. 64-70  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bakterije -- Salmonella enterica -- Fotoosjetljivost -- Klorofilin -- Kitozan -- Mikroorganizmi

SAIDI, Yasmine
Polyphasic characterisation of non-starter lactic acid bacteria from Algerian raw camel's milk and their technological aptitudes [Elektronička građa] / Yasmine Saidi, Beatriz del Rio, Djamel Eddine Senouci, Begoña Redruello, Beatriz Martinez, Victor Ladero, Mebrouk Kihal, Miguel A. Alvarez. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 49 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. Consumption of spontaneously fermented camel’s milk is common in Algeria, making it a feasible source of diverse lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with the potential to be used as adjunct cultures to improve quality and safety of fermented dairy products.Experimental approach. Twelve raw camel´s milk samples were used as a source of indigenous LAB, which were further characterised by examining 39 phenotypic traits with technological relevance.Results and conclusions. Thirty-five non-starter LAB (NSLAB) were isolated from 12 Algerian raw camel's milk samples and they were microbiologically, biochemically and genetically characterised. Some isolates showed proteolytic activity, acidifying capacity, the ability to use citrate, and to produce dextran and acetoin. Ethanol, acetaldehyde, methyl acetate, acetoin and acetic acid were the major volatile compounds detected. Cluster analysis performed using the unweighted group with arithmetic average (UPGMA) method, and based on the thirty-nine phenotypic characteristics investigated, reflected the microbial diversity that can be found in raw camel´s milk.Novelty and scientific contribution. The isolated strains, from a non-typical source, showed interesting technological traits to be considered as potential adjunct cultures. Cluster analysis based on the examined phenotypic characteristics proved to be a useful tool for the typification of isolates when no genetic information is available. These findings may be of use towards an industrialised production of camel's milk dairy products. - Pozadina istraživanja. Spontano fermentirano devino mlijeko često se konzumira u Alžiru, što ga čini održivim izvorom različitih bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja, koje se mogu dodati starter kulturi radi poboljšanja kakvoće i sigurnosti fermentiranih mliječnih proizvoda. Eksperimentalni pristup. Dvanaest uzoraka sirovog devinog mlijeka upotrijebljeno je kao izvor autohtonih bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja, koje su zatim okarakterizirane pomoću 39 fenotipskih osobina što imaju tehnološki značaj. Rezultati i zaključci. Trideset i devet nestarterskih bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja izolirano je iz 12 uzoraka alžirskog sirovog devinog mlijeka, te je mikrobiološki, biokemijski i genetički okarakterizirano. Neki su izolati imali proteolitičku aktivnost, svojstvo zakiseljavanja, sposobnost korištenja citrata i proizvodnje dekstrana i acetoina. Etanol, acetaldehid, metil-acetat, acetoin i octena kiselina glavni su hlapljivi spojevi pronađeni u uzorcima. Klasterskom analizom pomoću metode UPGMA (engl. unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean) određena je prosječna udaljenost klastera na osnovu trideset i devet ispitanih fenotipskih značajki, te je potvrđena mikrobiološka raznolikost sirovog devinog mlijeka. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Sojevi izolirani iz netipičnog izvora imali su zanimljive tehnološke značajke koje ih čine prikladnim za dodavanje starter kulturi. Klasterska analiza na osnovu ispitanih fenotipskih osobina pokazala se kao koristan alat za tipiziranje izolata u slučaju kad ne postoje genetske informacije o sojevima. Ove spoznaje mogu se primijeniti u industrijskoj proizvodnji prerađevina devinog mlijeka.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 3 ; str. 260-272  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Devino mlijeko -- Bakterije mliječno-kiselog vrenja -- Molekularna identifikacija -- Zakiseljavanje -- Proteolitička aktivnost -- Biogeni amini

Vidi br.: HA20-02427

Vidi br.: HA20-02518

58   Botanika

OSO, Babatunde Joseph
Assessment of in vitro biological properties of aqueous extracts of Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng, Thymus vulgaris L., and Ocimum gratissimum L. leaves [Elektronička građa] / Babatunde Joseph Oso, Oludare Michael Ogunyemi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 246-248. - Summary. - This study investigated the in vitro biological properties of aqueous extracts of dried leaves of Murraya koenigii, Thymus vulgaris, and Ocimum gratissimum. The phenolic and flavonoid contents were evaluated colorimetrically. The antioxidant capacities were assessed through scavenging of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH•), 2,2’-azinobis (3-ethylobenzothiazoline-6-sulphonate) radical (ABTS+) and nitric oxide (NO); the reducing potentials and total antioxidant capacities were also estimated. The anti-inflammatory potentials were investigated through the inhibitions of lipoxygenase activity, albumin denaturation, and proteinase activity. The inhibitory actions against α-amylase, α-glucosidase, sucrase and albumin glycation were also evaluated. The extracts contained significant amounts of phenolic compounds with the extract of T. vulgaris having the highest concentrations of phenolics and flavonoids; correspondingly, the extract of T. vulgaris had the lowest IC50 values for DPPH•, ABTS+, and NO scavenging. The extract of T. vulgaris significantly inhibited (p<0.05) lipoxygenase activity, albumin denaturation and proteinase activity similar to indomethacin. The actions of the extracts against carbohydrate digesting enzymes and the formation of protein modification varied significantly (p<0.05). This study provides insight into the functional and medicnial properties of M. koenigii, T. vulgaris, and O. Gratissimum.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 2 ; str. 238-248  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Začinsko bilje -- Iscrpak lišća -- Curry -- Murraya koenigii L. -- Timijan -- Thymus vulgaris L. -- Bosiljak -- Ocimum gratissimum L. -- Protuupalna svojstva -- Antioksidacijski učinak -- Ljekovita svojstva -- In vitro istraživanje

Biološka raznolikost u urbanom planiranju [Elektronička građa] / Damir Viličić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 27-28. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U velikim gradovima raste potreba za suvremenim urbanim planiranjem. Urbano planiranje uključuje krajobrazno oblikovanje, krajobraznu ekologiju i inovativna rješenja. „Zelena tehnologija“ i veća biološka raznolikost čini „zeleni servis“ grada koji omogućava zdraviji i jeftiniji život građana. Ekološko uređivanje javnih površina i privatnih vrtova treba biti u skladu s globalnim projektom o urbanoj biološkoj raznolikosti kojem je primjerice grad Zagreb pristupio još 2007. godine. Osnovni cilj tog projekta sastoji se u osmišljavanju koridora kojim se povezuju javne površine i privatni vrtovi u središtu grada s prirodnim okolišem u njegovoj okolici. - Large cities provide increasing need for modern urban planning. Urban planning involves landscape design, landscape ecology and innovative solutions. “Green technology” and greater biological diversity make “green service” allowing cheaper and healthier citizen’s life. Ecological management of public areas and private gardens should be in line with the global project on urban biodiversity which, for example, the city of Zagreb joined in 2007. The main goal of this project consists in creating corridors that connects public spaces and private gardens in the city center with the natural environment around the city.
U: Glasnik Hrvatskog botaničkog društva. - ISSN 1848-8102. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 19-28  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biološka raznolikost -- Ekološka zaštita -- Urbano planiranje -- Parkovi -- Zelena tehnologija

OLABINJO, Oyebola Odunayo
Comparative study of extraction yield and antioxidant property of sweet orange peels (Citrus sinensis) essential oil [Elektronička građa] / Oyebola Odunayo Olabinjo, Alessandra Lopez Oliveira. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 191-192. - Summary. - The research evaluates the extraction yield and antioxidant potentials of essential oil (EO) of sweet orange peels using pressurized liquid extraction (PLE), Soxhlet (Sox) and hydro distillation (HD). The extracts were investigated to find out the antioxidant properties using 2, 2 -diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) and 2, 2 azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonate) radical (ABTS•+). PLE and Soxhlet extracted essential oil showed additional polyphenol compounds and tannins using thin layerchromatogram (TLC) and chemical analyses,respectively. Hydrodistillation indicating a pure essential oil without identified tannins and polyphenols with the highest ABTS activity compared to other produced essential oils of PLE and Soxhlet. The major chemical constituents of the pure essential oil were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and they include limonene (90.72%), myrcene (2.82%) and octanol acetate (1.24%). PLE had moderate high yield within short extraction time and the highest antioxidant (DPPH) and can be adjusted to individual materials to maximize the extraction yield and antioxidant property.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 2 ; str. 184-192  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Naranča -- Citrus sinensis -- Eterično ulje -- Ekstrakcija -- Hidrodestilacija -- Antioksidativna svojstva -- Usporedba i analiza

KARIGIDI, Kayode Olayele
Enhancement of polyphenols and antioxidant and inhibitory properties of Corchorus olitorius and Amaranthus hybridus leaves by the ultraviolet-C treatment [Elektronička građa] / Kayode Olayele Karigidi, Olufunke Omowunmi Adebogun. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 209-210. - Summary. - The effect of the postharvest (Ultraviolet-C) treatment on total phenolics, total flavonoids, total antioxidant capacity, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl scavenging activity(DPPH),and reducing power of Corchorus olitorius(CO) and Amaranthus hybridus(AH)was investigated. Their abilities to inhibit induced lipid peroxidation, α-amylase,and α-glucosidase after the ultraviolet-C treatment were also evaluated. The leaves were exposed to ultraviolet-C radiation for 10 min. Total phenolics, total flavonoids, total antioxidant capacity, DPPH scavenging ability,and reducing power were significantly (p <0.05) increased after the ultraviolet-C treatment. Also,their abilities to inhibit SNP-induced lipid peroxidation, α-amylase and α-glucosidase were also enhanced significantly (p <0.05). Therefore,apart from using ultraviolet-C radiation in water purification, it can be used to enhance health-promoting components in fruit and vegetables.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 2 ; str. 203-210  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Corchorus olitorius -- Juta -- Amaranthus hybridus -- Amarant -- Šćir -- Funkcionalna hrana -- Fenoli -- Flavonoidi -- Lipidna peroksidacija -- Antioksidativna svojstva -- Ultraljubičasto zračenje -- UV-C zrake

Etnobotanička primjena samoniklog bilja [Elektronička građa] : hrana i lijek za ljude i životinje na području općine Šestanovac (Dalmatinska Zagora, Hrvatska) = Ethnobotanical use of wild growing plants : food, feed and folk medicine in Šestanovac municipality area (Dalmatinska Zagora, Croatia) / Maja Krželj, Ivana Vitasović Kosić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Čovjek nikada nije napustio korištenje samoniklog bilja u različite svrhe; kao hranu (za ljude i životinje), odjeću, obuću, lijekove, oruđe i oružje tj. za sve što mu je potrebno. Stoga, u cilju očuvanja tradicionalne nematerijalne baštine kao i biljne raznolikosti u ovom su Etnobotaničkom istraživanju, provedenom tijekom 2018. godine, prikupljena tradicionalna narodna znanja o primjeni jestivog i ljekovitog bilja na području općine Šestanovac (Dalmatinska Zagora). Ukupno je zabilježena upotreba 94 svojte, njihovi lokalni nazivi, te načini Korištenja bilja. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da se najveći broj vrsta samoniklih biljaka najčešće koristi kao: sirove salate ili kuhano povrće (29), sirovo divlje voće (13), svakodnevni i/ili medicinski čajevi (33), začinske biljke (5), a 25 ih ima specifičnu medicinsku uporabu. Najveći broj vrsta pripada porodicama Lamiaceae (12), Rosaceae (11) i Asteraceae (10). Prema načinu upotrebe inventarizirane biljke su podijeljene na 4 skupine: hrana za ljude, ljekovito bilje, hrana za životinje i prirodni insekticidi. Vrste s najvećom frekvencijom Spominjanja su šparoga (Asparagus acutifolius L.), koromač (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) i kopriva (Urtica dioica L.), koji se kuhaju zasebno ili kao mješavina lisnatog samoniklog povrća „mišancija“, lovor (Laurus nobilis L.) i ružmarin (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) koji se koriste kao začin i medicinski čaj, kadulja (Salvia officinalis L.) i divlja ruža ili šipurina (Rosa canina L.) koje se uobičajeno koriste kao svakodnevni čaj. Najneobičnija upotreba na istraživanom području je za čuvarkuću (Sempervivum tectorum L.) koja uz široko poznatu upotrebu protiv uhobolje, pomaže kod upalih procesa nakon uboda komarca te bilu slavulju ili bjelušinu (Inula verbascifolia (Willd.) Hausskn.) koja se u nedostatku slame koristi kao stelja (podloga) životinjama u staji. - Man has never abandoned the use of wild growing plants for various purposes; as food (for humans and animals), clothing, footwear, medicines, tools and weapons i.e. for everything he needs. Therefore, in order to preserve the traditional nonmaterial heritage as well as plant diversity, this ethnobotanical research, conducted in 2018, collected traditional folk knowledge on the application of edible and medicinal plants in the municipality of Šestanovac (Dalmatinska Zagora). A total of 94 taxa, their local names, and ways of using plants were recorded. The results of this research show that the largest number of species of wild growing plants are most often used as: raw salads or cooked vegetables (29), raw wild fruits (13), daily and / or medicinal teas (33), herbs (5), and 25 of them have a specific medical use. The largest number of species belongs to the families Lamiaceae (12), Rosaceae (11) and Asteraceae (10). According to the use, the inventoried plants are divided into 4 groups: food for humans, medicinal plants, animal feed and natural insecticides. The species with the highest frequency are asparagus (Asparagus acutifolius L.), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) and nettle (Urtica dioica L.), cooked separately or with other green vegetables, laurel (Laurus nobilis L.) and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) used as spice and medicinal tea, sage (Salvia officinalis L.) and rosehip (Rosa canina L.) commonly used as everyday tea. The most unusual use in the studied area is of the Sempervivum tectorum L., which in addition to the well-known use against earache, helps with inflammatory processes after mosquito bites and Inula verbascifolia (Willd.) Hausskn.), which is used as litter for animals in the barn. The collected plant taxa are herbarized, digialized and stored in the herbarium of the Agronomy Faculty, available online (http://herbarium.agr.hr/).
U: Krmiva (Online). - ISSN 1848-901X. - 62 (2020), 1 ; str. 3-13  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ljekovito bilje -- Samoniklo bilje -- Jestivo bilje -- Digitalizacija -- Narodna medicina

The genus Aurinia Desv. (Brassicaceae) in ZA and ZAHO herbaria [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Rešetnik, Iva Betević Dadić, Marina Babić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - This paper presents the collection of the genus Aurinia Desv. species in ZA and ZAHO herbaria. The revision and the analyses of the material are presented. Herbarium specimens from these two herbaria were digitized and the data from the original herbarium labels were inserted in the Flora Croatica Database. A total of 203 herbarium sheets were digitized and nine taxa (A. corymbosa Griesb., A. leucadea (Guss.) K. Koch ssp. leucadea, A. leucadea (Guss.) K. Koch ssp. media (Host) Plazibat, A. petraea (Ard.) Schur, A. petraea (Ard.) Schur ssp. microcarpa (Vis.) Plazibat, A. saxatilis (L.) Desv., A. saxatilis (L.) Desv. ssp. orientalis (Ard.) T. R. Dudley, A. saxatilis (L.) Desv. ssp. saxatilis, A. sinuata (L.) Griseb.) were registered within studied collections. The specimens originate from 16 European countries and the majority of herbarium sheets were collected in Croatia. The majority of specimens were collected between 1900s and 1950s. The comparison between the recorded distribution data in the Flora Croatica Database and the distribution based on herbarium specimens is made and the herbarium specimens generally well represent the distribution range of studied taxa. - U radu je prikazana zastupljenost vrsta roda Aurinia Desv. u sklopu herbarijskih zbirki ZA i ZAHO. Napravljena je revizija i analiza svih herbarijskih primjeraka. Herbarijski primjerci su digitalizirani, a podaci s originalnih herbarijskih etiketa su uneseni u bazu podataka Flora Croatica. Digitalizirano je ukupno 203 herbarijskih listova i zabilježeno je devet svojti (A. corymbosa Griesb., A. leucadea (Guss.) K. Koch ssp. leucadea, A. leucadea (Guss.) K. Koch ssp. media (Host) Plazibat, A. petraea (Ard.) Schur,A. petraea (Ard.) Schur ssp. microcarpa (Vis.) Plazibat, A. saxatilis (L.) Desv., A. saxatilis (L.) Desv. ssp. orientalis (Ard.) T. R. Dudley, A. saxatilis (L.) Desv. ssp. saxatilis, A. sinuata (L.) Griseb.). Primjerci potječu iz 16 europskih zemalja, te je većina primjeraka sakupljena na području Republike Hrvatske. Većina herbarijskih primjeraka je sakupljena između 1900-1950 godine. Učinjena je usporedba podataka o rasprostranjenosti tih vrsta u Flora Croatica bazi podataka s onima o njihovoj rasprostranjenosti prema herbarijskim primjercima, te se distribucija herbarijskih primjeraka uglavnom dobro poklapa sa stvarnom rasprostranjenosti istraživanih svojti.
U: Glasnik Hrvatskog botaničkog društva. - ISSN 1848-8102. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-7  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Aurinia -- Herbarijske zbirke -- Digitalizacija

OSO, Babatunde
The influence of varying cooking temperatures on the antioxidant properties of the aqueous extract of Piper guineense (Schumach & Thonn) seeds [Elektronička građa] / Babatunde Oso, Ige Olaoye. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 215-217. - Summary. - The study assessed the influence of varying cooking temperatures on the antioxidant properties of the aqueous extract of Piper guineense seeds. Different portions of the aqueous extract of P. guineense seeds were cooked at different temperatures which include 50 oC, 70 oC, and 90 oC for 10 minutes, while the remaining portion was allowed to stand for 10 minutes at room temperature of 29 oC and all were assessed for the evaluations of reducing power, radical scavenging capacities, and total phenolic contents. The results showed that there was a significant increase in the ferric reducing power at 90 oC, however, there was no significant difference between the raw and the cooked P. guineense seeds at 50 oC and 70 oC. In addition, the radical scavenging potential of the extract was highest at 70 oC, however, none of the cooked P. guineense seeds at the selected temperatures exhibited lower DPPH scavenging property. A similar trend was observed for the phenolic content of the extract with a significant reduction at 90 oC.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 2 ; str. 211-217  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ljekovite biljke -- Piper guineense -- Ashanti papar -- Sjemenke -- Ekstrakt -- Vodeni ekstrakt -- Kuhanje -- Temperatura -- Antioksidativna svojstva

Inventory of the historical Dianthus sylvestris herbarium materials from Herbarium Croaticum and Herbarium Ivo and Marija Horvat [Elektronička građa] / Ana Terlević, Ivana Rešetnik. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - In order to initiate a taxonomical revision of the Dianthus sylvestris group, an inventory of historical herbarium materials from ZA and ZAHO collections was conducted. Herbarium specimens of D. sylvestris group from these two herbaria were digitized and the data from the original herbarium labels were inserted in the Flora Croatica Database. A total of 344 herbarium sheets were digitized and six taxa (D. sylvestris Wulfen in Jacq. ssp. sylvestris, D. sylvestris ssp. tergestinus (Rchb.) Hayek, D. sylvestris ssp. longicaulis (Ten.) Greuter et Burdet, D. sylvestris ssp. nodosus (Tausch) Hayek, D. siculus C. Presl and D. arrosti C. Presl) were registered within studied collections. Inventory of herbarium sheets from ZA and ZAHO historical collections provided a significant insight into historical distributional data of D. sylvestris taxa related to the area of the Balkan Peninsula, which is a prerequisite for accurate taxonomic/ geographic sampling for further morphological and molecular analyses. - Kako bi se započelo s taksonomskom revizijom grupe svojti koje pripadaju Dianthus sylvestris, provedeno je popisivanje povijesnog herbarijskog materijala iz zbirki ZA i ZAHO. Herbarijski primjerci vrsta koje pripadaju grupi D. sylvestris su digitalizirani, a podaci s originalnih herbarijskih etiketa su uneseni u bazu podataka Flora Croatica. Digitalizirano je ukupno 344 herbarijskih listova i zabilježeno je šest svojti (D. sylvestris Wulfen in Jacq. ssp. sylvestris, D. sylvestris ssp. tergestinus (Rchb.) Hayek, D. sylvestris ssp. longicaulis (Ten.) Greuter et Burdet, D. sylvestris ssp. nodosus (Tausch) Hayek, D. siculus C. Presl i D. arrosti C. Presl). Popisivanje herbarijskih listova ovih svojti iz ZA i ZAHO pruža uvid u povijesne podatke o rasprostranjenosti svojti iz grupe D. sylvestris na području balkanskog poluotoka, što je preduvjet za ispravno taksonomsko/geografsko uzorkovanje za daljnje morfološke i molekularne analize.
U: Glasnik Hrvatskog botaničkog društva. - ISSN 1848-8102. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 8-14  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dianthus sylvestris -- Herbarijske zbirke -- Baze podataka -- Digitalizacija -- Rasprostranjenost

LONČAR, Goran, ekolog
Removal methods for invasive species Amorpha fruticosa - example of Odransko polje [Elektronička građa] / Goran Lončar, Vladimir Hršak, Maja Kerovec, Stjepan Dekanić, Domagoj Vranješ. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 83. - Summary. - Amorpha fruticosa is an invasive plant species that occurs in wide range of habitat types, including lowland floodplains. It grows very dense and changes the composition of communities by suppressing indigenous species, resulting in significantly reduced variety of flora in the area. In Odransko polje Amorpha fruticosa is widely spread. One of the tasks of Appropriate assessment of project "Flood protection system of Sisak area" was to determine the locations where material for embankment construction should be taken. The locations should be acceptable both from the aspect of nature protection and from the economic point of view (proximity to embankment due to lowering material transport costs, locations which are not private property, etc.). The locations where A. fruticosa is dominant plant were suggested for excavation. This paper will give overview of removal and disposal methods for this invasive species, which reduce the possibility of its spreading and re-appearing. Also, positive impacts of using proposed locations for material excavation will be shown – decrease in A. fruticosa abundance, increase of habitat diversity, increase in the presence of target habitats and target species habitats etc. Additionally, good practices for selection of excavation sites will be given, including guidelines for their sanation and landscape design.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 75-83  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Amorpha fruticosa -- Invazivne vrste -- Poplavna područja

MASLO, Semir
Sison amomum L. (Apiaceae), a new species in the flora of Bosnia and Herzegovina [Elektronička građa] / Semir Maslo, Šemso Šarić, Nermina Sarajlić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 17-18. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Sison amomum L. (Apiaceae) was recorded for the first time in Bosnia and Herzegovina during a fieldwork in the vicinity of the city of Tuzla (northeast Bosnia) in September 2019. This study reports the newly discovered localities and presents a short morphological description of the species. - U rujnu 2019. u Bosni i Hercegovini je po prvi put zabilježena vrsta Sison amomum L. (Apiaceae) u okolici grada Tuzle (sjeveroistočna Bosna). U radu se iznosi kratak opis morfoloških karakteristika vrste kao i karta rasprostranjenosti vrste u Bosni i Hercegovini.
U: Glasnik Hrvatskog botaničkog društva. - ISSN 1848-8102. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 15-18  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sison amomum L. -- Vaskularna flora -- Morfološke karakteristike -- Rasprostranjenost

NWAEHUJOR, Idorenyin
Studies on in-vitro anti-inflammatory and antioxidant potentials of Annona muricata leaf extracts [Elektronička građa] / Idorenyin Nwaehujor, Samuel Akande, Olubunmi Atolani, Gabriel Olatunji. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 182-183. - Summary. - Inflammation has stimulated significant worldwide scientific interest because of its implication in many human diseases. Most inflammations are caused by reactive oxygen species or free radicals. Annona muricata leaf extracts were investigated for their in-vitro antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potentials. Annona muricata leaves were dried at room temperature, blended using a mill, and extracted with solvents of varying degree of polarities. The solvents used were hexane, ethyl acetate,and ethanol. After sequential extraction, the crude extracts were examined for their in-vitro anti-inflammatory activities on lipoxygenase inhibition, proteinase inhibition, albumin denaturation inhibition, and red blood cell membrane stabilization assays, while the antioxidant activities were examined using DPPH, ABTS and hydrogen peroxide assays. The results showed that the ethanol extract had significantly higher albumin denaturation inhibition activity at 500 μg/mL (p <0.01). The activity of all the extracts on proteinase inhibition decreased with the increase in concentration of the extracts. Indomethacin (standard), ethanol extract, and ethyl acetate extract exhibited a dose-dependent increase in lipoxygenase activity. The ethanol extract showed high red blood cell membrane stabilization activity at 500 μg/mL and the activity was comparable with that of the standard (diclofenac). Hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity of the extracts and standard (Vitamin C) were comparable at 20 –100 μg/mL. The ethanol extract showed significantly higher(p <0.01) DPPH radical scavenging activity compared with other extracts. A similar trend was also observed for ABTS radical scavenging activity. Generally, the ethanol extract exhibited higher anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities in most of the assays, this could be attributed to the polar compounds present in the extract.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 2 ; str. 177-183  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Graviola -- Annona muricata -- Biljni ekstrakti -- Protuupalna svojstva -- Antioksidacijski potencijal -- Otapala -- Polarnost

Tehnike i biljne vrste u aranžiranju cvijeća [Elektronička građa] = Techniques and plant species in arrangement of flowers / Vesna Židovec, Iva Antić, Ines Han Dovedan, Dubravka Dujmović Purgar. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 28-29. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U uređenju interijera, osim lončanica koristi se i zelenilo i cvjetne vrste za rez. Cvjetni dizajn ima dugu povijest razvoja te postoje određene tehnike i pravila slaganja biljnog materijala. Promjene u cvjetnom dizajnu podložne su modi, ali ovise i o godišnjem dobu s obzirom na povremenu ili trajnu dostupnost cvijeća i zelenila. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi osnovne tehnike u izradi cvjetnih aranžmana i instalacija; vrste zelenila i cvjetne vrste koje se koriste u cvjetnom dizajnu; odrediti koje su biljne vrste stalno prisutne u primjeni, a koje imaju sezonski karakter na području grada Zagreba - Zelena tržnica i u cvjetnom salonu 'Arkadija' (Zagreb). Pregledom literature ustanovljeno je da je tijekom povijesti cvjetnog dizajna zabilježena izrada girlandi, vijenaca, 'roga obilja', uporaba autohtonih biljnih vrsta, zelenila i cvjetnih vrsta za rez te voća. Brojne biljne vrste imale su simboličku ulogu s kulminacijom u Viktorijansko vrijeme. Osnovne tehnike koje se danas koriste pri izradi cvjetnih aranžmana su osnovna ili spiralna tehnika, paralelna tehnika, a u izradi vijenaca vezanje, nabadanje i tehnika poput izrade rimskog vijenca. Terenskim istraživanjem u ponudi zelenila zabilježeno je 38 vrsta iz 27 porodica, dok je u ponudi cvjetnih vrsta za rez bilo 50 vrsta iz 29 porodica. Sezonski karakter ima 13 zabilježenih vrsta zelenila i 36 cvjetnih vrsta za rez, dok je 25 vrsta zelenila i 14 cvjetnih vrsta u ponudi tijekom cijele godine. - In interior design, not just potted plants, but greenery and cut flower are also used. Floral design has a long history of development and there are certain techniques and rules for arranging plant material. They change according to fashion, but also to seasonal changes due to the occasional or permanent availability of flowers and greenery. The aim of this research was to determine what are the basic techniques in making flower arrangements and installations; what greenery and cut flowers are used in floral design; determine which plant species are constantly present in the application, and which have a seasonal character; the state of the flower market in the area of the city of Zagreb - Green Market and in the flower salon 'Arkadija' (Zagreb). From the literature it was discovered that throughout of floral design history, the arranging of garlands, wreaths, ‘horns of plenty’, the use of indigenous plant species, greenery and cut flowers and fruit has been recorded. Numerous plant species played a symbolic role with a culmination in Victorian times. The basic techniques used today in flower design are the basic or spiral technique, the parallel technique, and in making wreaths by tying, stabbing and techniques such as making a Roman wreath. By field research in the offer of greenery, 38 species from 27 families were recorded, while in the offer of cut flower, 50 species from 29 families. The seasonal character had 13 recorded species of greenery and 36 cut flower species, while 25 types of greenery and 14 cut flower species werein offer throughout the year.
U: Glasilo Future. - ISSN 2623-6575. - 3 (2020), 4 ; str. 13-29  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Cvijeće -- Floristika -- Cvjetne vrste -- Cvjetni aranžmani -- Aranžiranje cvijeća

Vidi br.: HA20-02414

Vidi br.: HA20-02419

59   Zoologija

Monitoring of hard ticks at urban recreational sites in the City of Zagreb from 2016 to 2018 [Elektronička građa] = Praćenje tvrdih krpelja u urbanim rekreacijskim odredištima grada Zagreba od 2016. do 2018. godine / Marko Vucelja, Linda Bjedov, Marko Boljfetić, Ana Klobučar, Stjepan Krčmar, Svjetlana Borak, Magdalena Modrić, Karin Juričić, Vanja Peleš, Josip Margaletić, Tatjana Vilibić Čavlek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 55 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - As tick-borne disease incidence and distribution is increasing worldwide, there is a true need for better understanding of the distributional ecology of their vectors. The aim of this study was to determine the diversity of hard ticks fauna (Acari: Ixodidae) and their seasonal dynamics in different habitats at three urban recreational sites in Croatia’s capital, the City of Zagreb, known as the natural foci of Lyme borreliosis and tick borne encephalitis. Within a three-year period (2016 - 2018), the only species detected was Ixodes ricinus Linnaeus, 1758. Using flag dragging method 506 ticks were sampled; 273 (54%) in their nymphal stage, 166 (33%) as larvae and 64 (13%) as adults. The highest abundance of ticks was recorded at forest habitat. Seasonal activity showed their peaks at midspring and midsummer. Continuous monitoring of hard tick population in urban areas should and could become a standard method of tick-borne diseases prevention. - Kako se učestalost i rasprostranjenost krpeljnih bolesti širom svijeta povećava, postoji stvarna potreba za boljim razumijevanjem distribucijske ekologije njihovih vektora. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti raznolikost faune tvrdih krpelja (Acari: Ixodidae) i njihovu sezonsku dinamiku na različitim staništima u tri urbana rekreacijska odredišta u glavnom gradu Hrvatske, Zagrebu, poznatom kao prirodnom žarištu lajmske borelioze i krpeljnog meningoencefalitisa. Tijekom trogodišnjeg razdoblja (2016. - 2018. god.) jedina determinirana vrsta bila je Ixodes ricinus Linnaeus, 1758. Metodom krpeljne zatege, prikupljeno je 506 jedinki tvrdih krpelja, od čega 273 (54%) u razvojnom stadiju nimfe, 166 (33%) u stadiju ličinke i 64 (13%) u odraslom stadiju. Najveći broj krpelja sakupljen je u šumskom staništu. Sezonska aktivnost krpelja dosezala je maksimume sredinom proljeća i sredinom ljeta. Kontinuirano praćenje populacije tvrdih krpelja u urbanim područjima trebalo bi, i moglo bi, postati standardna metoda prevencije bolesti koje prenose krpelji.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 39 (2019), 2 ; str. 33-39  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tvrdi krpelji -- Krpelji -- Ixodes ricinus


60   Biotehnologija. Genetičko inženjerstvo. Produkti kloniranja

Povijesni i tehnološki razvoj genetičkoga inženjerstva u Hrvatskoj [Elektronička građa] / Vlatka Godinić Mikulčić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 127-130. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Rad donosi pregled pojmova i spoznaja o genetičkom inženjerstvu te njegova razvoja u drugoj polovici XX. stoljeća do danas u svijetu i u Hrvatskoj. Genetičko inženjerstvo je naziv koji je pretrpio najveće pojmovne deformacije u biologiji i stoga su u radu jednoznačno objašnjeni važni pojmovi. Kako podatci i dokumentacija o genetičkom inženjerstvu u širem opsegu nisu dostupni javnosti, u radu se donosi sustavan pregled njegova razvoja u Hrvatskoj te su prikazane uloge pojedinaca, njihove interakcije i doprinosi. Već su u 1970-ima hrvatska farmaceutska industrija, kao i istraživačke institucije u Hrvatskoj, bile poprište zamaha biotehnologije i genetičkoga inženjerstva u istraživanju i razvoju proizvoda. Različite istraživačke grupe, većinom okupljene oko sastavnica Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (napose Prehrambeno-biotehnološkoga fakulteta i Prirodoslovno-matematičkoga fakulteta), Instituta Ruđer Bošković i PLIVE, rabe tehnologiju rekombinantne DNA za svoja osnovna istraživanja. Osim kronologije zbivanja povezanih s temom genetičkoga inženjerstva, rad opisuje i zasluge znanstvenika (M. Demereca, V. Johanides, M. Alačević, Ž. Trgovčevića, Ž. Kućana, S. Jelaske, V. Gamulin, V. Delića, I. Weygand-Đurašević, Z. Zgage, S. Jelenića, i dr.) u području genetičkoga inženjerstva. - The paper provides an overview of concepts and knowledge about genetic engineering and its development in Croatia and abroad from the second half of the 20th century to the present day. Genetic engineering is the biological term that has undergone the greatest conceptual deformations, and therefore some important concepts are unambiguously explained in the paper. As data and documentation on this are not widely available to the public, a systematic overview of the development of genetic engineering in Croatia as well as the roles of individuals, their interactions and contributions is also presented. As early as the 1970s, the Croatian pharmaceutical industry and research institutions in Croatia produced a wave of biotechnological and genetic engineering research and product development. Various research groups, mostly gathered around the constituents of the University of Zagreb (especially the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology and the Faculty of Science), the Ruđer Bošković Institute and PLIVA, use recombinant DNA technology for their basic research. In addition to a chronology of events related to genetic engineering, the paper also describes the work and merits of scientists M. Demerec, V. Johanides, M. Alačević, Ž. Trgovčević, Ž. Kućan, S. Jelaska, V. Gamulin, V. Delić, I. Weygand-Đurašević, Z. Zgaga, S. Jelenić, and others in the field of genetic engineering.
U: Studia lexicographica (Online). - ISSN 2459-5578. - 14 (2020), 26 ; str. 91-130  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Genetičko inženjerstvo -- Rekombinantna DNK -- Geni -- Kloniranje -- Farmaceutska industrija -- Biotehnologija

Proizvodnja cjepiva protiv gripe - dosezi i izazovi [Elektronička građa] = Trends and challenges in influenza vaccine technology / Igor Slivac, Ena Buljubašić, Višnja Gaurina Srček, Marijan Logarušić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 92-93. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Gripa (ili influenca) je virusna, infektivna i respiratorna bolest koja godišnje zarazi do milijardu ljudi diljem svijeta. Pojavljuje se svake godine kao sezonska gripa, no u povijesti se svakih nekoliko desetaka godina javljala i kao pandemija. Njezin nepovoljan učinak na pojedinca i društvo može se spriječiti upotrebom cjepiva, tj. cijepljenjem. Prvo odobreno cjepivo protiv gripe proizvedeno je u embrioniranom kokošjem jajetu prije skoro 80 godina, a po sličnom tehnološkom načelu proizvode se i današnja cjepiva. Napredak u razumijevanju stanične biologije te unaprjeđenje proizvodnih postupaka pomoću kulture stanica omogućilo je stručnjacima prijelaz s konvencionalnih na nove, produktivnije i brže proizvodne postupke. U radu se najprije razmatra epidemiloški aspekt gripe, struktura virusa gripe, a zatim dosezi i izazovi u suvremenoj proizvodnji cjepiva protiv gripe. U završnom dijelu ističu se potrebe i trendovi u izradi univerzalnog cjepiva protiv gripe. - Influenza (flu) is a viral, contagious, respiratory disease that annually infects up to a billion people worldwide. It appears each year as a seasonal flu, but through history, it appeared as pandemic illness once in every several decades. Its harmful effects on human health and consequently to the society can be prevented by vaccination. The first approved influenza vaccine was made almost 80 years ago using embryonated hen eggs and the same technology is still in use for most available vaccines today. The development of cell biology and improvement of cell culture manufacturing techniques enabled the transition from conventional to novel, more efficient vaccine production methods. In this work we describe the epidemiology of influenza, influenza virus structure as well as current influenza vaccine manufacturing approaches. A brief overview of universal vaccine development and its urgency is discussed in the final section of the paper.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 15 (2020), 3/4 ; str. 83-93  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biotehnologija -- Virusna cjepiva -- Virus gripe -- Gripa -- Cijepljenje

Vidi br.: HA20-02437

61   Medicinske znanosti

Vidi br.: HA20-02768

Vidi br.: HA20-02277

Vidi br.: HA20-02745

612   Fiziologija

Vidi br.: HA20-02431

613   Higijena. Osobno zdravlje i higijena

GUINÉ, Raquel Pinho Ferreira
Consumption of fibre rich foods [Elektronička građa] : comparative study in different countries / Raquel P. F. Guiné, Sofia G. Florença, Marcela Leal, Ivana Rumbak, Irena Barić, Drazenka Komes, Zvonimir Satalić, Marijana Sarić, Monica Tarcea, Zita Fazakas, Viktória Szűcs, Júlia Harangozó, Dace Klava, Evita Straumite. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 75-76. - Summary. - Foods such as fruit, vegetables, and cereals, and particularly whole grain, are rich in dietary fibre and have been proved to have multiple beneficial effects for the human health. The present research was designed to assess some eating practices related to fibre-rich foods in different countries, namely Argentina, Croatia, Hungary, Latvia, Portugal, and Romania. A cross-sectional descriptive study was undertaken on a sample of 4905 adult participants, obeying all ethical guidelines for this type of research. Regarding the data treatment, basic statistics was complemented with the tree classification analysis. Generally, the results show a low consumption of salads and vegetables, i.e., up to 11 servings/week (for 78.2% of participants), with Croatia in the lead (86.6%). Regarding fruit, a great majority of data also indicated low consumption (92.3%), most especially for Latvia (98.3%). The level of consumption of whole cereals was also low (72.6%), particularly for Latvia (90.0%). The tree classification analysis showed that while the first discriminant variable for the consumption of salads and vegetables was country, followed by education, for the consumption of fruit, it was country and then sex, and finally, for the consumption of whole cereals, it was sex and followed by country. The results allowed the conclusion that the consumption of foods rich in dietary fibre was very low for these countries, highlighting the necessity to implement strategies that incentivise the consumption of such foods, which are very important for a healthy diet.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 1 ; str. 67-76  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zdrava prehrana -- Prehrambene navike -- Biljna vlakna -- Prehrambena vlakna -- Anketno istraživanje

Factors affecting consumers' preferences for products from aquaculture [Elektronička građa] / Greta Krešić, Elena Dujmić, Dina Lončarić, Anamarija Buneta, Nikolina Liović, Snježana Zrnčić, Jelka Pleadin.
Bibliografija: str. 292-295. - Summary. - Fish is an essential component of a balanced and healthy diet and the present demand for fish cannot be sustained by capture fisheries. Consequently, aquaculture is currently the fastest growing food production industry in the world, contributing to more than half of the global fish production intended for human consumption. Although the image of aquaculture is not necessarily negative per se, consumers around the world still have a greater preference for wild fish. Therefore, the aim of this review is to critically evaluate some of the factors which may affect consumer preferences: socio-demographic characteristics of consumers, quality and safety perception of products from aquaculture, price of aquaculture products and socio-economic aspects of aquaculture, and concerns about the negative impact of aquaculture on the environment and about the sustainability of the production method. A literature review confirmed that age is the most influential sociodemographic variable. Being younger, female or having higher income and a higher education level can result in greater preference for aquaculture products. The image of farmed fish suffers from a perception of lower quality in terms of taste, health and nutritional value and, in some cases, even from low safety perceptions. On the other hand, farmed fish is believed to have lower prices and greater availability. Additionally, economic benefits are one of the main advantages of aquaculture. Mixed results emerge, however, with regard to the environmental impact of aquaculture, but sustainable production may compensate for possible environmental concerns and drive preference for farmed fish.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 2 ; str. 287-295  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Riba -- Uzgojena riba -- Akvakultura -- Ribolov -- Potrošači -- Prehrambene navike -- Sociodemografski čimbenici -- Obrazovanost

GALIĆ Lukšić, Snježana
Hygienic habits and living conditions of Romani population in the Sisak-Moslavina County [Elektronička građa] / Snježana Galić Lukšić, Goran Lapat, Jelena Lučan. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Aim. To establish the degree of consciousness of the importance of hygiene among the Romani population in the Sisak-Moslavina County and to examine whether there are differences in children’s health care of non-Romani population considering the number of hospitalized Romani children in general and especially regarding respiratory diseases. Methods. The study was conducted on 100 parents of hospitalized children, 50 of them being members of the Romani population and 50 being members of non-Romani population. It was done by means of a questionnaire specially designed for this study. The categorical data is represented by the absolute and relative frequencies, while the numerical data is described with the median and the limits of the interquartile span. Categorical variable differences were tested using Fisher’s exact test. The normality of numerical variable distribution was tested using the Shapiro-Wilk test. The differences in numerical variables between two independent groups were tested using the Mann-Whitney U test. Results. The results show that due to respiratory diseases a significantly large number of Romani children (43%) were hospitalized once in six months. Fewer children of Romani research subjects who have indoor plumbing were hospitalized. Romani families tend to visit a doctor when a child is injured or for a regular check-up rather than to seek a doctor’s advice. In non-Romani families, children tend to shower every day, have their own towel and better personal hygiene habits than children of Romani families. The results clearly show hygiene habits differ greatly between Romani and non-Romani families. Neglecting their children’s personal hygiene habits in Romani families points to a problem of insufficient education of the parents. Conclusion. - Cilj. Pokazati stupanj razvijenosti svijesti o važnosti higijene među romskom populacijom u Sisačko-moslavačkoj županiji. Ispitati postoje li razlike u brizi o zdravlju djece neromske populacije s obzirom na broj hospitalizirane djece romske populacije općenito i s obzirom na respiratorna oboljenja. Metode. Ispitivanje je provedeno na 100 roditelja trenutačno hospitalizirane djece: 50 pripadnika romske populacije i 50 pripadnika neromske populacije, s pomoću anketnog upitnika posebno konstruiranog za ovo istraživanje. Kategorijski podaci predstavljeni su apsolutnom i relativnom frekvencijom. Numerički podaci opisani su medijanom i granicama interkvartalnog raspona. Razlike u kategorijskim varijablama testirane su Fisherovim egzaktnim testom. Normalnost raspodjele numeričkih varijabli testirana je Shapiro-Wilkovim testom. Razlike numeričkih varijabli između dviju nezavisnih skupina testirane su Mann-Whitneyjevim U testom. Rezultati. Iz rezultata je vidljivo da je zbog respiratornih oboljenja jednom u šest mjeseci hospitalizirano znatno više djece (43 %) iz romskih obitelji. Kod romskih obitelji znatno manje djece hospitalizirano je kod ispitanika koji imaju gradski vodovod u kući. Djecu iz romskih obitelji znatno više vode liječniku kad su ozlijeđena, na redovitu kontrolu, a znatno manje idu liječniku kad samo trebaju neki savjet. U neromskim obiteljima znatno se više djece tušira svaki dan, svatko ima svoj ručnik i bolje razvijene higijenske navike. Iz rezultata je vidljivo da se poznavanje higijenskih navika znatno razlikuje u slučajevima romskih i neromskih obitelji. Zanemarivanje osobnih higijenskih navika djece unutar romskih obitelji ukazuje na problem nedovoljne edukacije roditelja. Zaključak. Rezultati ukazuju na važnost konstantnog poticanja i educiranja članova obitelji i romske, kao i neromske populacije o važnosti higijene i razvijanju higijenskih navika, posebice unutar obitelji.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 4 (2020), 2 ; str. 165-181  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Romi -- Higijenske navike -- Djeca -- Respiratorne bolesti

SALOPEK Bogavčić, Iva
O pitanjima alkoholizma i protualkoholnoga djelovanja početkom 20. stoljeća u Trojednoj Kraljevini [Elektronička građa] / Iva Salopek Bogavčić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 144-146. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Članak na temelju arhivskih fondova čuvanih u državnim arhivima, statističkih pokazatelja, relevantne literature, novina te članaka iz časopisa “Novi naraštajˮ i “Novi životˮ sagledava problematiku alkoholizma i početke borbe protiv alkoholizma do 1914. godine na prostoru Kraljevine Hrvatske i Slavonije te Kraljevine Dalmacije. Pitanje ozbiljnosti alkoholizma na našim prostorima aktualizirali su Fran Gudrum Oriovčanin, Nikola Đurić i Andrija Štampar kritički sagledavši problem u svojim pisanim osvrtima te pokretanjem edicija i dvaju časopisa na tu temu. U članku se propituju uzroci pojave takvih društava, društveni stereotipi o alkoholu kao i prva statistička vrednovanja utjecaja alkoholizma na društvo. Formiranjem Društva apstinenata u Kraljevini Hrvatskoj i Slavoniji godine 1912. započeo je sustavniji formalni oblik borbe protiv alkoholizma, koji je s vremenom zaživio osnivanjem podružnica po manjim mjestima diljem Kraljevina. Vrhunac djelovanja protualkoholnoga pokreta uviđa se u organizaciji izložbe godine 1914. u Umjetničkome paviljonu kao i u sudjelovanju hrvatskoga predstavnika na IV. austrijskome antialkoholnom kongresu u Brnu. - Based on an analysis of archival material, newspapers, and the magazines “New Generation” and “New Life”, the article examines the problem of alcoholism and the beginning of struggle against it before 1914 in the Kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia and the Kingdom of Dalmatia. Modern anti-alcohol action started in the Slavonian area, where the devastating consequences of drinking alcoholic beverages were observed on many occasions. The custom of drinking alcoholic beverages had been present there since old times due to tradition, hard work, and agricultural crops, but it was only with the grapevine diseases and the industrial production of alcoholic beverages that the fragile balance in the moderation of drinking was disturbed. The problem of excessive consumption of alcohol and its harmful consequences for individuals and the society alike was diagnosed almost simultaneously by Fran Gudrum Oriovčanin, Nikola Đurić, and Andrija Štampar, who critically identified the problem and indicated its seriousness in numerous scholarly publications, also launching two magazines on the subject. As early as 1904, Fran Gudrum Oriovčanin wrote about the harmfulness of alcoholic beverages and in 1906, together with Nikola Đurić, he launched the first anti-alcohol magazine and developed a program to combat alcoholism. The article examines the emergence of the earliest abstinence societies, the social stereotypes about alcohol, and the first statistical evaluations of the impact of alcoholism on the society. The foundations for the Society of Abstainers in the Kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia were laid as early as 1906, but its formal activities started only in 1912. The Society based its work on the insights of modern science and statistics, trying to change the stereotypes and popular customs in cooperation with the social elite by publishing articles, leaflets, and brochures, organizing subsidiary branches and lectures.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 39 (2020), 58 ; str. 111-149  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Alkohol -- Alkoholizam -- Protualkoholni pokret
Štampar, Andrija


Poučavanje teme Prehrana čovjeka putem istraživačkog učenja i osnovnih načela teorije izbora i kvalitetne škole [Elektronička građa] / Ana Petelinec, Ema Nikša, Dominik Grudiček, Mirela Sertić Perić. - Graf. prikazi.
Prilozi na str. 77-79. - Bibliografija: str. 76-77. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Nepravilna prehrana je sve veći problem u modernim društvima, a javlja se već kod djece i adolescenata. Glavni cilj ovog rada je ukazati na metode i oblike poučavanja pomoću kojih se može osvijestiti važnost pravilne prehrane kod djece osnovnoškolskog uzrasta. Provedeno je učeničko istraživanje prehrane učenika petog i sedmog razreda osnovne škole, kako bi se utvrdio dnevni broj obroka i raznolikost prehrane učenika, a na osnovu rezultata istraživanja, učenike se - kroz prilagodbu nastavnih aktivnosti interesima učenika - vodilo u učenju o zdravim prehrambenim navikama. Rezultati učeničkog istraživanja pokazali su da učenici koji su sudjelovali u istraživanju konzumiraju najmanje tri obroka i barem jednu vrstu voća ili povrća dnevno, što povezujemo s prethodnim istraživanjima koja tumače da na prehrambene navike djece i mladih uvelike utječu različiti okolišni čimbenici, poput prehrambenih navika roditelja, tradicije i medija. Rezultati učeničkog istraživanja poslužili su kao osnova za daljnje poučavanje o temi pravilne prehrane čovjeka, odnosno za izgradnju predviđenih bioloških koncepata i učeničkih stavova te za razvijanje sposobnosti primjene usvojenih znanja o prehrani na primjerima iz svakodnevnog života. Kroz sve nastavne aktivnosti opisane u ovom radu, učenici su pokazali interes za temu pravilne prehrane i voljni su razviti zdravije prehrambene navike, a mi iznosimo mišljenje da bi se to moglo i postići primjenom osnovnih načela kvalitetne škole i teorije izbora u nastavi, koji se temelje na tome da učenici samostalno odabiru svoje buduće ponašanje i/ili korigiraju postojeće navike temeljem informacija koje samostalno prikupe i obrade. U jednom dijelu ovog istraživanja, nastavni sadržaj je prilagođen interesu učenika, što je rezultiralo velikom aktivnošću učenika, ukazujući na pozitivne učinke primjene načela kvalitetne škole i teorije izbora u nastavi biologije. - Malnutrition is a growing problem in modern societies and is already occurring among children and adolescents. The main goal of this study was to point out the methods and forms of teaching that can be used to raise awareness of the importance of healthy nutrition among primary school students. Student research on the nutrition of fifth and seventh-grade elementary school students were conducted to investigate the daily meals and the diversity of students’ nutrition. Based on the research results, by adapting teaching activities to students' interests, students were guided in learning about healthy eating habits. The results of student research showed that students who participated in the study daily consumed at least three meals and at least one type of fruit or vegetable. We link these findings to previous research explaining that children's and young people's eating habits are greatly influenced by various environmental factors, such as parents' eating habits, traditions and media. The results of the student research served as a basis for further teaching on the topic of healthy human nutrition, i.e. for building predicted biological concepts and student attitudes, and for developing the ability to apply the acquired knowledge about nutrition on everyday life examples. During the teaching activities, students expressed their interest in the topic of healthy nutrition and in developing healthier eating habits. We are of opinion that this could be achieved by applying the basic principles of quality school and theory of choice during teaching, which is based on students independently choosing their future behaviour and/or on correcting their existing habits, based on information they independently collect and process.
U: Educatio biologiae. - ISSN 1849-6520. - (2020), 6 ; str. 65-80  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prehrana -- Učenici -- Nastava biologije -- Istraživački rad

ŠADEK, Tihana
Utjecaj paleolitičke prehrane u trajanju od 12 tjedana na tjelesnu masu, HbA1c i kvalitetu života kod osoba oboljelih od dijabetesa tipa 2 [Elektronička građa] = Influence of 12 weeks of Paleolithic diet on body weight, HbA1c and quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes / Tihana Šadek, Ana Vukelić, Manja Prašek, Zvonimir Šatalić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 70-71. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U današnje doba dijabetes tipa 2 jedno je od najčešćih kroničnih oboljenja kod kojeg se s vremenom, zbog loše metaboličke regulacije, razvijaju različite zdravstvene komplikacije. Osnovni princip liječenja dijabetesa tipa 2 je prehrana uz redovitu tjelesnu aktivnost, samokontrola i peroralna terapija prema uputi liječnika. Kako paleolitička prehrana ima karakteristike koje bi mogle biti od koristi u kontroli dijabetesa tipa 2, od nedavno se istražuje kao moguća prevencija i dijetoterapija. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati utjecaj paleolitičke prehrane na tjelesnu masu, indeks tjelesne mase kao i na parametar dugoročne glikemije (HbA1c) te procijeniti njenu prihvatljivost kod oboljelih i utjecaj na kvalitetu života. Osam ispitanika s dijabetesom tipa 2 slijedilo je načela paleolitičke prehrane u trajanju od 12 tjedana. Nakon intervencije došlo je do vrlo malog smanjenja u tjelesnoj masi (1,4 %) i HbA1c (0,1 %) te se umjereno povećala kvaliteta života u pogledu društvenih odnosa (10,9 %) i utjecaja okoline (6,6 %). Paleolitička prehrana se pokazala prihvatljiva prema percepciji zdravstvenog utjecaja, lakoći pridržavanja, stupnju sitosti, ukusnosti, smanjenoj potrebi za slatkom hranom, lakoći nabave namirnica te prema percepciji općeg zdravlja i blagostanja, dok je financijski trošak predstavljao jedini faktor neprihvatljivosti ovakvog načina prehrane. - Today, type 2 diabetes is one of the most common chronic conditions in which various health complications develop over the time due to the poor metabolic regulation. The basic principle for the treatment of type 2 diabetes is nutrition with regular physical activity, self-check and prescribed medications. As the Paleolithic diet has characteristics that could be of use in control of type 2 diabetes, it has recently been explored as a possible prevention and diet therapy. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of the Paleolithic diet on body weight, body mass index as well as on the parameter of long-term glycemic control (HbA1c) and to assess its acceptability in patients and influence on quality of life. Eight participants with type 2 diabetes followed the Paleolithic diet for 12 weeks. After the intervention, there was a very small decrease in body weight (1.4 %) and HbA1c (0.1 %), and a moderate increase in quality of life in terms of social relations (10.9 %) and environmental impact (6.6 %). The Paleolithic diet has been proven acceptable according to the perception of health impact, ease of adherence, degree of satiety, overall taste, decreased desire to eat sugary foods, ease of purchasing food, and perception of general health and well-being, while financial cost was the only factor of the unacceptability of this diet.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 15 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 65-71  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Paleolitička prehrana -- Dijabetes tipa 2 -- HbA1c -- Tjelesna masa -- Kvaliteta života

PERŠA, Krešimir
Vokalni zamor kod djelatnika u pozivnim centrima [Elektronička građa] = Vocal fatigue of employees in call centres / Krešimir Perša. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj je ovog istraživanja primijeniti hrvatsku verziju upitnika Indeks vokalnog zamora (VFI-C), radi ispitivanja i usporedbe pojave vokalnog zamora u skupini zagrebačkih djelatnika pozivnih centara (N=80) i skupini vokalnih neprofesionalaca (N=80), starijih od 18 godina. Rezultati samoprocjene u skupini vokalnih profesionalaca uspoređeni su u odnosu na demografske značajke. Statističkom analizom potvrđene su značajne razlike u prijavljenom vokalnom zamoru između vokalnih profesionalaca i neprofesionalaca, kao i utjecaj spola na neke aspekte samoprocjene vokalnog zamora u skupini vokalnih profesionalaca. - The aim of this research was to apply the Croatian version of the Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI-C) questionnaire to examine and compare the occurrence of vocal fatigue in the group of Zagreb call centre employees (N=80) and in the group of vocal non-professionals (N=80) over 18 years of age. The results of self-assessment in the group of vocal professionals were compared in relation to the demographic characteristics. Statistical analysis confirmed significant differences in reported vocal fatigue between vocal professionals and vocal non-professionals, as well as the influence of gender on some aspects of vocal fatigue self-assessment in the group of vocal professionals.
U: Logopedija (Online). - ISSN 1849-4706. - 10 (2020), 1 ; str. 34-41  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pozivni centri -- Vokalni zamor -- Indeks vokalnog zamora

Vidi br.: HA20-02553

Vidi br.: HA20-02151

Vidi br.: HA20-02717

Vidi br.: HA20-02228

614   Javno zdravstvo. Prevencija nesreća

TOMA, Denis
A comparison of temporal life satisfaction of nursing students in the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Bulgaria [Elektronička građa] / Denis Toma, Yulia Chusova, Mara Županić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Introduction. Temporal satisfaction with life can be defined as satisfaction of an individual with their past, present and future life. When conducting a classic study of satisfaction with life, the focus is placed on different periods in life in order to avoid a potential error in measuring satisfaction with life. Closely connected to the concept of satisfaction with life is the concept of happiness, which represents a momentary, passing experience. Although it is pleasant, it can last for a shorter or longer time period. Satisfaction with life is a much more complex concept. Many authors define it as a general feeling or opinion about the life of an individual. There are a number of factors from different areas of life that contribute to satisfaction with life. They include work, romantic relationships, relations with family and friends, personal growth and health, among others. The measures of satisfaction with life are generally subjective or they are based on variables that an individual considers especially important in their own life. Aim. The aim is to question and compare the differences in temporal satisfaction with life among nursing students in Croatia and Bulgaria. Methods. The study included 100 nursing students, out of which 50 students are studying in the Republic of Croatia and 50 in the Republic of Bulgaria. The study used a questionnaire as an instrument of research. The questionnaire was The Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale (hereinafter TSWLS), which was devised in 1998 by Pavot and associates. Results. A statistically significant difference was found in 9 out of 15 statements. Furthermore, a statistically noticeable difference is seen in the average evaluation of overall temporal satisfaction with life between Croatian and Bulgarian nursing students. Conclusion. The study determined statistically significant differences in temporal satisfaction with life amongst students of nursing from Croatia and Bulgaria. - Uvod. Temporalno zadovoljstvo životom može se definirati kao zadovoljstvo pojedinca prošlim, sadašnjim i budućim životom. Kako bi se smanjila potencijalna pogreška mjerenja zadovoljstva životom, u klasično istraživanje zadovoljstva životom stavlja se fokus na različita životna razdoblja. Usko uz pojam zadovoljstva životom veže se pojam sreće koja predstavlja trenutačno, prolazno iskustvo; iako je ugodno, može se dogoditi da traje duže ili kraće. Zadovoljstvo životom, s druge strane, mnogo je kompleksniji pojam, odnosno brojni autori definiraju ga kao opći osjećaj o životu pojedinca. Postoji mnogo čimbenika koji pridonose zadovoljstvu životom s brojnih područja, uključujući posao, romantične veze, odnose s obitelji i prijateljima, osobni razvoj, zdravlje te mnoge druge faktore. Mjere zadovoljstva životom općenito su subjektivne ili se temelje na varijablama koje pojedinac smatra osobno važnima u vlastitom životu. Cilj. Ispitati i usporediti razlike u temporalnom zadovoljstvu životom studenata sestrinstva Republike Hrvatske i Republike Bugarske. Metode. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno ukupno 100 studenata sestrinstva, od čega 50 ispitanika studira sestrinstvo u Republici Hrvatskoj, a 50 u Republici Bugarskoj. U istraživanju se kao instrument ispitivanja primijenio anketni upitnik Skala temporalnog zadovoljstva životom (Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale, dalje u tekstu TSWLS), koju su 1998. godine osmislili Pavot i suradnici. Rezultati. Pronađena je statistički značajna razlika u ocjenama devet od 15 tvrdnji. Nadalje, statistički značajna razlika vidljiva je u prosječnoj ocjeni ukupnoga temporalnog zadovoljstva životom između studenata sestrinstva iz RH i RB. Zaključak. Istraživanjem su utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u temporalnom zadovoljstvu životom studenata sestrinstva iz Republike Hrvatske i Republike Bugarske.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 4 (2020), 1 ; str. 103-111  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zadovoljstvo životom -- Studenti sestrinstva

VUKOVIĆ, Ljiljana
Assessment of nurses' workload in intensive care unit by use of scoring systems [Elektronička građa] / Ljiljana Vuković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Aim. To assess the level of correlation between two scoring systems: patient categorization according to the Croatian Nursing Council consensus and Nine Equivalents of Nursing Manpower Use Score (NEMS) and their ability to determine if the number of nurses working in the intensive care unit (ICU) is optimal to provide adequate nursing care, and to assess the level of correlation between the severity of patients’ illness and the level of nurses’ satisfaction with provided care. Methods. Research was performed in surgical ICU of the Clinical Department of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Dubrava, in the period between January 8th and April 14th, 2014. 256 patients aged 18-92 years were included in the study. Patient categorization and NEMS were calculated each day during the first 7 days of the ICU stay. NEMS was calculated using a pre-made table of variables and categorization was calculated using an electronic form included in nursing electronic patient files. Satisfaction of provided care was expressed using the Likert scale (1-5). Results. Study results have shown a moderate but significant level of correlation between the categorization and NEMS scores. Mean NEMS score during the first 7 days in the ICU was 26.93 ± 4.64 and the highest measured values were at day 4 (30.34±8.1) after which they started decreasing. Mean cumulative NEMS throughout the whole ICU stay was 269.3. According to the fact that according to NEMS scoring system one nurse can provide maximum of 45 points for 24 hours, the results have shown that a 10 bed ICU needs at least 5.98 (6) nurses to provide adequate level of care. Average categorization score was 57.83±4.29 and the highest recorded score was at day 7 (59.7±4.44). According to the categorization scoring system time needed to provide care for one 4th category patient throughout 24 hours is 10 or more hours. - Cilj. Odrediti povezanost između dva različita bodovna sustava; kategorizacije bolesnika i Nine Equivalents of Nursing Manpower Use Score (NEMS) i njihovu sposobnost da pokažu je li broj medicinskih sestara u jedinici intenzivne medicine optimalan za pružanje kvalitetne zdravstvene njege. Utvrditi povezanost između težine stanja bolesnika i zadovoljstva medicinskih sestara kvalitetom pružene skrbi. Metode. Istraživanje je provedeno u Kliničkoj bolnici Dubrava na Odjelu intenzivne medicine Klinike za anesteziologiju, reanimatologiju i intenzivnu medicinu u razdoblju od 8. siječnja do 14. travnja 2014. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 265 bolesnika u dobi između 18 i 92 godine. Kategorizacija i Nine Equivalents of Nursing Manpower Use Score određivali su se svaki dan, od prvog do sedmog dana hospitalizacije u jedinici intenzivne medicine. Također su uvršteni podaci od protekla 24 sata iz medicinske dokumentacije. Nine Equivalents of Nursing Manpower Use Score računan je uz pomoć predviđene tablice i uputa za izračunavanje, a kategorizacija je unošena u elektroničkom obliku u sestrinsku dokumentaciju bolesnika. Medicinske sestre svoje su zadovoljstvo kvalitetom pružene skrbi ocjenjivale na Likertovoj ljestvici ocjenama od 1 do 5. Rezultati. U provedenom istraživanju dokazana je visoka povezanost između kategorizacije i NEMS-a. Prosječan NEMS prvih sedam dana hospitalizacije bolesnika u jedinici intenzivne medicine iznosio je 26,93 ±4,64, a najveću vrijednost je imao tijekom četvrtog dana (30,34 ±8,10), nakon čega je počeo padati. Kumulativni NEMS cjelokupne jedinice intenzivne medicine iznosio je 269,3. U skladu s činjenicom da prema NEMS-u jedna medicinska sestra tijekom 24 sata može odraditi do najviše 45 bodova, rezultati su pokazali da je u jedinici intenzivne medicine (10 kreveta) potrebno najmanje 5,98, odnosno šest medicinskih sestara kako bi odgovarajuće zbrinule bolesnike.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 4 (2020), 1 ; str. 59-71  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Medicinske sestre -- Radno opterećenje -- Jedinica intenzivnog liječenja

The challenges to the emergency medical services to be recognised as a human right in international human rights law [Elektronička građa] / Jenna Uusitalo.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 110-119. - Abstract. - The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are emergency services generally been designed to provide urgent treatment of patients with life-threatening conditions outside medical facilities. Even though the EMS belongs to the category of socio-economic rights, it nevertheless has great significance in safeguarding one of the most fundamental human rights, the right to life. In fact, international humanitarian law has recognised this important connection by establishing explicit legal rules that oblige states to ensure urgent medical care for the wounded and sick. International human rights law, on the other hand, has no such expressed provisions. However, the problem is not the lack of legal rules applicable to the EMS as such but rather the challenges in human rights perception, which hinder the EMS being perceived as a valuable human right. Therefore, this article essentially argues that international human rights law does not recognise the EMS as a human right sufficiently and that more thorough actions are required from the UN Committee of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) in this regard.
U: Croatian international relations review (Online). - ISSN 1848-5782. - 26 (2020), 87 ; str. 86-119  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hitna medicinska pomoć -- Zdravstvena zaštita -- Ljudska prava -- Međunarodno pravo

Comparison of the effectiveness of manual cleaning, hydrogen peroxide vapour and ultraviolet-c in disinfection of hospital equipment [Elektronička građa] = Usporedba učinkovitosti ručnog čišćenja, pare vodikovog peroksida i ultraljubičastog C zračenja u dezinfekciji bolničke opreme / Yosra Sedaghat, Seifollah Gholampour, Farhad Tabatabai Ghomshe. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Hospitals are the focus of many infections which cause the intensification of the patients’ illness and even their death. The number of bacteria on various hospital equipment was counted before and after being disinfected with manual cleaning (MC), hydrogen peroxide vapour (HPV) and ultraviolet-C (UV-C). The effectiveness of disinfection of hospital beds in intensive care unit (ICU) using the three methods MC, HPV and UV-C has been 66.67%, 100% and 50%, respectively. Hence, the effectiveness of HPV method in the disinfection of this unit has been higher than others. The effectiveness of otoscope disinfection in the ICU and blood pressure meter in the operating room with three methods of MC, HPV and UV-C has been 0%, 50% and 100%, respectively. So, for disinfecting these small outfits, UV-C method has proven to be the best one. In case of programming, the correct move of portable UV-Cs for complete coverage of massive equipment, disinfection with UV-C method may be considered more effective than other methods. - Bolničke sredine izvorište su mnogih infekcija koje mogu uzrokovati pogoršanje bolesti kod pacijenata, pa čak i njihovu smrt. Broj bakterija na različitoj medicinskoj opremi analizirao se prije i nakon dezinfekcije, odnosno ručnog čišćenja, korištenja pare vodikovog peroksida i ultraljubičastog-C svjetla (UV-C). Učinkovitost dezinfekcije bolničkih kreveta u jedinicama intenzivnog liječenja, koristeći ove tri metode, iznosila je 66,67% za ručno čišćenje, 100% za upotrebu pare vodikova peroksida te 50% za UV-C zračenje. Dakle, učinkovitost pare vodikovog peroksida u dezinfekciji bolničkih kreveta bila je veća u usporedbi s ostalim metodama. Učinkovitost dezinfekcije otoskopa u jedinicama intenzivnog liječenja i tlakomjera u operacijskim dvoranama, korištenjem ove tri metode, iznosila je 0% za ručno čišćenje, 50% za upotrebu pare vodikovog peroksida te 100% za UV-C zračenje. Dakle, ultraljubičasto C zračenje pokazalo se najučinkovitijom metodom za dezinfekciju manje opreme. Ova metoda dezinfekcije, u slučaju mogućnosti programiranja te ispravnog prijenosa uređaja za dezinfekciju UV-C zračenjem, radi potpune pokrivenosti veće opreme, može se smatrati učinkovitijom od ostalih metoda.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 39 (2019), 3 ; str. 66-84  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dezinfekcija -- Bolnička oprema -- Ultraljubičasto-C zračenje -- Vodikov peroksid

ULM, Lea
Covid-19 and the environment - the role of the Public Health Institute [Elektronička građa] / Lea Ulm, Ivana Hrga, Matijana Jergovic, Marko Maric, Ivancica Kovacek, Sonja Tolic, Ana Klobucar, Irena Zilic, Vesna Susnjara, Zelimira Cvetkovic, Barbara Stjepanovic, Ana Vecenaj, Adela Krivohlavek, Vanja Tesic, Mirjana Lana Kosanovic Licina, Zvonimir Sostar, Sandra Sikic. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Abstract. - The Croatian National Health Care Act defines the areas of activities of the public health institute, including the activities of the epidemiology of infectious diseases and chronic non-communicable diseases, public health, health promotion, environmental health, microbiology, school and adolescent medicine, mental health and addiction prevention at Zagreb City level. This paper reviews the highly variable activities in the Andrija Štampar Teaching Institute of Public Health with the aim of promoting a comprehensive approach to the COVID-19 pandemic. Human and analytical resources in the Institute, activities and rapid implementation of innovations testify to the high capacities for adaptation to emerging risks. In the Institute, it is possible to carry out a whole range of tests and to monitor the environmental factors with predominant impact on human health and safety of the Zagreb environment. The supply of safe water for human consumption in the Republic of Croatia during the current COVID-19 crisis has been uninterrupted and in accordance with applicable legislation. Also, our laboratories have been developing and introducing a method for wastewater testing for SARS-CoV-2 presence. The sludge from wastewater treatment plants is used in agriculture, and potential risks associated with the COVID-19 outbreak should be assessed prior to each application on the soil. Increased use of disinfectants during the epidemic may present a higher risk to the aquatic environment. Air quality monitoring indicates a positive impact on air quality as result of isolation measures.
U: Molecular and experimental biology in medicine. - ISSN 2584-671X. - 3 (2020), 2 ; str. 17-24  
 Elektronička verzija članka
COVID-19 -- Javno zdravstvo -- Ekotoksičnost -- Okoliš
Nastavni zavod za javno zdravstvo Dr. Andrija Štampar


VRTODUŠIĆ Hrgović, Ana-Marija
Employee engagement and improvement as important principles of TQM in public health institutes [Elektronička građa] / Ana-Marija Vrtodušić Hrgović, Kristina Črnjar, Ivana Škarica. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 198-200. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Quality assurance in public health presents one of the key factors in the quality of health service. Accordingly, there is increasing awareness of the need to integrate quality systems and their principles into the healthcare system. Their role is important in the context of quality assurance in accordance with patient requirements as well as in the process of improving the quality of health care service. They are essential for the successful implementation of a quality management system and refer to customer focus, leadership, engagement of people, process approach, improvement, evidence–based decision making, and relationship management. This paper presents the results of a study among Croatian Institutes of Public Health with regard to the level of implementation of quality principles related to employee engagement, improvement and internal customer focus. Analysis focused on the relationship between focus on internal customer (employees) and improvements as well as the employee engagement and improvement respectively. Results show there is a strong positive relationship between employee engagement and improvements, while between internal customer focus and improvement the relationship has not been verified. In the context of standardization of quality of public health services, the paper aims to expand theoretical knowledge about TQM principles, with the emphasis on the employee engagement, internal customer focus (employees) and process improvement. The results can serve as a basis for improving the existing practice of quality management system implementation in the public health sector, with emphasis on employees. - Osiguranje kvalitete u javnom zdravstvu predstavlja jedan od ključnih čimbenika kvalitete zdravstvene usluge. Sukladno tome raste svijest o nužnosti integriranja sustava kvalitete i njihovih načela u zdravstveni sustav. Njihova je uloga važna u kontekstu osiguranja kvalitete u skladu sa zahtjevima pacijenata kao i u procesu poboljšanja kvalitete zdravstvene usluge. Ključni su za uspješnu provedbu sustava upravljanja kvalitetom i odnose se na : usmjerenost na kupca, vodstvo, uključenost ljudi, procesni pristup, poboljšavanje, donošenje odluka na temelju činjenica i upravljanje odnosima, U ovom se radu daje prikaz rezultata istraživanja o razini primjene načela TQM-a u Zavodima za javno zdravstvo u Republici Hrvatskoj a vezano uz uključenost zaposlenika, poboljšanja i fokus na internog kupca. Analiza je usmjerena na utvrđivanje veze između uključivanja zaposlenika i poboljšanja te fokusa na unutarnjeg kupca (zaposlenika) i poboljšanja. Rezultati pokazuju da postoji snažna povezanost između uključenosti ljudi i poboljšanja, dok između primjene poboljšanja i usmjerenosti na unutarnjeg kupca nije utvrđena povezanost. U kontekstu standardizacije kvalitete usluga u javnom zdravstvu rad ima za cilj proširiti teorijske spoznaje o TQM načelima i to posebno za uključenost zaposlenika, fokus na internog kupca (zaposlenika) i poboljšanja procesa. Dobiveni rezultati mogu poslužiti kao osnova za poboljšanje postojeće prakse implementacije TQM-a u javno zdravstvenom sustavu s posebnim naglaskom na ulogu zaposlenika u tom procesu.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 189-201  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Javno zdravstvo -- Zaposlenici -- Upravljanje kvalitetom -- TQM

OYEDELE, Oluwawapelumi A.
Food safety in the face of climate change [Elektronička građa] : consequences for consumers / Oluwawapelumi A. Oyedele, Muiz O. Akinyemi, Tihomir Kovač, Ukpai A. Eze, Chibundu N. Ezekiel. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 284-286. - Summary. - Food safety encompasses the elimination of biological, chemical, and physical hazards along the food chain; however, climate change, an abnormal change in weather conditions, is a threat to food safety due to irregularities in the elements of weather essential for food production. Such factors include elevated atmospheric carbon (IV) oxide (CO2), precipitation, rainfall, and temperature. Considering that the aim of food safety is to eliminate food hazards along the food chain, it is threatened by climate change in several ways, resulting in adverse effects such as severe consequences for livestock production, harmful algal bloom, mycotoxins (produced by mycotoxigenic fungi on crops), residues of pesticides and tenacious contaminants, and pathogenic microorganisms from contaminated water. These climate changes include landslides and avalanches, drought and extreme heat waves, drought, heavy precipitation, flooding and tropical storms, ocean warming, climate change related acidification, and changes in ocean salinity. Therefore, there is a great need to employ adaptive strategies such as the establishment of a food safety management programme which would expound on the need to detect food hazards in food as a result of climate change. This programme should include setting up awareness for consumers, the improvement of epidemiological surveillance, improved co-ordination among food safety organizations, public health officials, and veterinary officials, amongst others. Thus, to achieve the sustainable development goal two, of eradicating hunger, it is imperative to harness the strategies for reducing the food safety hazards associated with climate change.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 2 ; str. 280-286  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Proizvodnja hrane -- Sigurnost hrane -- Klimatske promjene -- Potrošači

Household preparedness for natural disasters [Elektronička građa] : a review of literature / Jelena Kitanović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 48 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Numerous literature reviews have been carried out in the area of household preparedness activities for natural disasters. The present study aims to summarize the latest findings of natural disaster preparedness levels and aims to address the following research questions: What evidence is there for natural disaster preparedness levels? What are the demographic characteristics and potential variables that influence natural disaster preparedness? What has been reported in major bibliographic databases? The first step involved a systematic search to identify relevant studies published between 1995 and 2019 in the following electronic databases EBSCOhost, Scopus, ScienceDirect, and Web of Science. Nineteen studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the final review. By analysing the available literature, it has been observed that the in the area of preparedness activities for natural disasters most households do not have a rapid development plan for preparation. Although little research has been done on the preparedness of the older population, it will be necessary to analyse which communication methods would be used in case of a natural disaster, as well as look into the benefits of their use for networking and rapid communication of information before and during the natural disaster. - U području pripreme kućanstava za elementarne nepogode provedeno je mnogo istraživanja. Cilj ove studije bio je pregledati i sažeti najnovija saznanja o razinama pripremljenosti za elementarne nepogode. Cilj je ovog istraživanja pronaći odgovore na sljedeća istraživačka pitanja: Koji su dokazi o razinama pripremljenosti za elementarne nepogode? Koje su demografske karakteristike i potencijalne varijable koje utječu na pripremljenost na elementarne nepogode? Prvi je korak uključivao sustavno pretraživanje kako bi se identificirale relevantne studije objavljene između 1995. i 2019. u sljedećim elektroničkim bazama podataka: EBSCOhost, Scopus, ScienceDirect i Web of Science. U ovom je istraživanju devetnaest studija ispunilo kriterije uključivanja te je uključeno u završni pregled. Analizom pregleda literature uočeno je da u području pripremljenosti kućanstava za elementarne nepogode većina kućanstava nema plan za pripremu. Iako je proveden malen broj istraživanja o pripremljenosti starije populacije, bit će potrebno analizirati koje će se komunikacijske metode rabiti u slučajevima elementarnih nepogoda te koja će biti korist njihove uporabe za umrežavanje i brzu komunikaciju prije i tijekom elementarne nepogode.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 4 (2020), 1 ; str. 113-125  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Elementarne nepogode -- Nesreće -- Starije osobe -- Kućanstvo -- Pregled literature

ICU nurses' perception of visits to patients [Elektronička građa] / Ines Dobrinić, Slađana Režić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Introduction. Visits to patients are part of a positive and effective strategy of helping patients and their families to better adapt to the stress caused by a patient’s admission to an intensive care unit (ICU). Aim. To determine the ICU nurses’ perception of visits to patients. Methods. The study was conducted at the University Hospital Centre Zagreb (UHC). The cross-sectional study included nurses who work in ICUs. An anonymous, self-designed questionnaire was used and filled in by 44 respondents. The questionnaire consisted of 17 closed-ended questions pertaining to demographic data, questions related to information on visits and questions about the concept of open visits. Results. Out of the total number of 44 respondents, 25 respondents stated that their ICU has booklets about the manner of visits and visiting hours, and that they hand them out to families, while 19 respondents stated that they do not have such booklets. 61% of the respondents feel they have sufficient training to communicate with the patient’s family. 41% of the respondents said that the visits had a positive effect on the patient’s condition and only 2% stated that the visits had no positive effect. 57 % of the respondents think that visits sometimes have a positive effect on the patient’s condition. Of the total number of respondents, 84% feel that visiting hours should be limited. Respondents feel that visits sometimes impede them in their work (66%), while 59% of the respondents feel that visits help spread infections. Out of the total number of respondents, only 32% of them stated that they were familiar with the open ICU concept. Conclusion. More than half of the respondents stated that they have a written visiting policy on ICU wards, and that they are trained to communicate with the family members of patients. Most respondents feel that visits contribute to the spread of infections and that they would limit children’s visits to the ICU. - Uvod. Posjeti bolesnicima dio su pozitivne i učinkovite strategije koja pomaže bolesnicima i njihovim obiteljima da se bolje prilagode stresu koji nastaje prilikom prijama na odjel intenzivnog liječenja. Cilj. Cilj je rada utvrditi percepciju medicinskih sestara na odjelima intenzivne skrbi o posjetima bolesnicima. Metode. Istraživanje je provedeno u KBC-u Zagreb. Presječno istraživanje uključivalo je medicinske sestre koje rade na odjelima intenzivne skrbi. Primijenjena je anonimna anketa kreirana za ovo istraživanje, koju je ispunilo četrdeset i četiri ispitanika. Anketa se sastojala od 17 pitanja zatvorenog tipa koja su se odnosila na demografske podatke, pitanja povezana s informacijama o posjetima te pitanja o konceptu otvorenih posjeta. Rezultati. Od ukupnog broja od 44 ispitanika, 25 ispitanika navodi da postoje brošure o načinu i vremenu posjeta koje daju obitelji, dok 19 ispitanika navodi kako kod njih ne postoje takve brošure. Dovoljnu edukaciju za komunikaciju s obitelji bolesnika navodi da ima 61 % ispitanika. Da posjeti imaju pozitivan učinak na stanje bolesnika odgovorilo je 41 % ispitanika, a samo 2 % ispitanika smatra da posjeti nemaju pozitivan učinak. 57 % ispitanika smatra da posjeti ponekad imaju pozitivan učinak na stanje bolesnika. Od ukupnog broja ispitanika čak ih 84 % smatra da bi vrijeme posjeta trebalo biti ograničeno. Ispitanici smatraju da posjeti ponekad ometaju njihov rad (66 %), a 59 % ispitanika smatra da posjeti pridonose širenju infekcija. Od ukupnog broja ispitanika samo 32 % navodi kako im je poznat koncept otvorenog JIL-a. Zaključak. Više od pola ispitanika navodi kako imaju pisanu politiku posjeta na odjelima jedinice za intenzivno liječenje te da su educirani za komunikaciju s članovima obitelji bolesnika. Većina ispitanika smatra kako posjeti pridonose širenju infekcija te bi ograničili posjete djece u JIL-u.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 4 (2020), 1 ; str. 91-101  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Medicinske sestre -- Intenzivna skrb -- Posjeti bolesnicima

VIDOVIĆ Roguljić, Ana
Infant and young child feeding in Croatian nursing programs [Elektronička građa] : a cross-sectional analysis / Ana Vidović Roguljić, Irena Zakarija-Grković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Introduction. Breastfeeding rates in Croatia are far from WHO recommendations, with only 8% of women exclusively breastfeeding at 6 months. Nurses play a key role in supporting optimal infant feeding; therefore, their undergraduate training should cover this topic. Aim. The aim of this study was to determine if infant feeding is part of undergraduate nursing programs in Croatia, and to analyse relevant textbooks. Methods. Between January and March 2019, all publicly available nursing undergraduate curricula (N=9) for the 2018/2019 academic year were assessed. Required textbooks were analysed by two independent assessors using the WHO Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for textbooks for medical students and allied health professionals. Results. Infant feeding was included in all the curricula. The mean number of topics from the Model Chapter covered in the four evaluated textbooks was 30.4%, of which 2.7% were classified as correct and thorough, 21% as correct and brief, and 6.7% as incorrect. Fields most poorly covered were: ‘Policy, health system and community actions’ and ‘Appropriate feeding in exceptionally difficult circumstances’. Discussion. This is one of only a few published studies looking at nursing textbook content related to infant feeding. Less than a third of topics, considered mandatory for health professional education, were covered in the required textbooks. Conclusion. Even though infant feeding was part of all assessed nursing curricula in Croatia, the required textbooks were largely outdated, incomplete and at times incorrect. - Uvod. Stope dojenja u Hrvatskoj daleko su od preporuka SZO-a, pri čemu samo 8 % žena isključivo doji djecu u dobi od šest mjeseci. Medicinske sestre igraju ključnu ulogu u pružanju potpore optimalnoj prehrani dojenčadi, stoga bi njihovo preddiplomsko obrazovanje trebalo obuhvaćati navedenu temu. Cilj. Ciljevi ove studije bili su utvrditi je li prehrana dojenčadi dio preddiplomskog kurikuluma sestrinstva u Hrvatskoj te analizirati relevantne udžbenike. Metode. Između siječnja i ožujka 2019. ocjenjivani su javno dostupni preddiplomski kurikulumi studija sestrinstva (N = 9) za akademsku godinu 2018./2019. Relevantne udžbenike analizirala su dva neovisna ocjenjivača koji su se koristili Priručnikom SZO-a o prehrani dojenčadi i male djece za zdravstvene djelatnike. Rezultati. Prehrana dojenčadi bila je zastupljena u svim nastavnim kurikulumima. Prosječan broj tema iz Priručnika SZO-a obuhvaćenih u četiri evaluirana udžbenika iznosio je 30,4 %, od čega je 2,7 % ocijenjeno kao prisutno i potpuno navedeno, 21 % prisutno i djelomično navedeno, a 6,7 % kao netočno. Slabo zastupljene teme bile su: „Politika, zdravstveni sustav i akcije u zajednici” i „Odgovarajuća prehrana u iznimno teškim okolnostima”. Rasprava. Ovo je jedna od rijetkih studija i prva u Hrvatskoj koja se bavi temom prehrane dojenčadi na preddiplomskim studijima sestrinstva kroz procjenu kurikuluma i sadržaja u relevantnim udžbenicima. Analizom udžbenika ustanovljeno je manje od trećine preporučenog sadržaja na temu prehrane dojenčadi. Zaključak. Iako su svi javno dostupni kurikulumi u Hrvatskoj imali zastupljenu temu o prehrani dojenčadi, ocjenjivani udžbenici uglavnom su zastarjeli, a navedeni sadržaj nepotpun i ponekad pogrešan.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 4 (2020), 1 ; str. 127-136  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dojenje -- Dojenčad -- Mala djeca -- Sestrinstvo -- Kurikulum -- Medicinske sestre

Job satisfaction [Elektronička građa] : a predictor of working efficiency and intentions to remain in nursing / Sajma Ajhenberger, Jelena Hodak, Ivana Vadlja, Dunja Anić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Introduction. We consider job satisfaction through the prism of the work we do, the working conditions, the relationships with colleagues and superiors, and the opportunity to advance and earn. Nurses make up 50% of the total workforce in the healthcare system and it is beyond question that their number in the system directly affects the quality of nursing care. The most common dissatisfaction at work is insufficient staff, poor working conditions, poor relationship with colleagues and superiors, and impossibility to advance. Aim. The objectives of the study were to examine the satisfaction of nurses in the job and to assess whether they were considering leaving their current job and how they were assessing their health and working productivity. Methods. The study involved 155 nurses from three Clinical Hospital Centers in Croatia (Osijek, Rijeka and Zagreb). The study was designed as a cross-sectional study. It started on January 1, and ended on June 30, 2018. The first part refers to the demographic dana of the respondents, while the second part contains questions related to the intention of leaving the present job, self-assessment of health status and working productivity and job satisfaction. Results. In the answers to job satisfaction claims, the respondents with the bachelor’s and master’s degree in nursing compared to the respondents who completed secondary education, responded with a higher percentage that they were dissatisfied with the working conditions and the possibility of promotion (46.2%). They are dissatisfied with the relationship with their superiors (70%), as well as with the work they do (54%). Respondents at all levels of education are equally satisfied with their relationships with colleagues and with their earnings. Conclusion. Most of the respondents are satisfied with the relationship with their superiors, colleagues and work, and dissatisfied with the possibility of advancement and salary. - Uvod. Zadovoljstvo poslom promatramo kroz prizmu posla koji obavljamo, uvjete rada, odnose s kolegama i nadređenima te mogućnosti napredovanja i zarade. Budući da medicinske sestre čine 50 % radne snage u zdravstvenom sustavu, neupitno je da njihov broj u sustavu direktno utječe na kvalitetu sestrinske skrbi. Kao najčešće nezadovoljstvo na poslu medicinske sestre navode: nedovoljan broj djelatnika, loše uvjete rada, loše odnose s kolegama i nadređenima te nemogućnost napredovanja. Cilj. Ciljevi istraživanja bili su ispitati zadovoljstvo medicinskih sestara i tehničara poslom i procijeniti razmišljaju li o napuštanju sadašnjeg posla te kako procjenjuju svoje zdravstveno stanje i radnu produktivnost. Metode. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 155 medicinskih sestara i tehničara iz tri klinička bolnička centra u Hrvatskoj (Osijek, Rijeka i Zagreb). Istraživanje je bilo ustrojeno kao presječna studija provedena od 1. siječnja do 30. lipnja 2018. Prvi dio odnosi se na demografske podatke ispitanika, dok su u drugom dijelu sadržana pitanja koja se odnose na namjeru napuštanja sadašnjeg posla, samoprocjenu zdravstvenog stanja i radne produktivnosti te zadovoljstva poslom. Rezultati. Na tvrdnje povezane sa zadovoljstvom poslom ispitanici s VSS-om u odnosu na one sa SSS-om odgovorili su u većem postotku da su nezadovoljni uvjetima u kojima rade i mogućnošću napredovanja (46,2 %). Odnosom sa svojim nadređenima zadovoljno je oko 70 %, a poslom koji obavljaju 54 % ispitanika. Odnosom s kolegama i zaradom približno su podjednako zadovoljni ispitanici svih razina obrazovanja. Zaključak. Najveći broj ispitanika zadovoljan je odnosom s nadređenima, kolegama i poslom, a nezadovoljan mogućnošću napredovanja i plaćom. Većinom su odgovorili da rijetko i s vremena na vrijeme razmišljaju o napuštanju posla, a svoje zdravlje procjenjuju dobrim i radnu produktivnost uobičajenom.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 4 (2020), 2 ; str. 193-203  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sestrinstvo -- Medicinske sestre -- Zadovoljstvo poslom -- Učinkovitost -- Zdravlje

LEDINSKI Fičko, Sanja
Nursing student’s knowledge about understanding and prevention of needle stick injury [Elektronička građa] / Sanja Ledinski Fičko, Matija Mlinar, Ana Marija Hošnjak, Martina Smrekar, Biljana Kurtović, Janko Babić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Introduction. Needle stick injury (NSI) is an occupational health and safety issue. Nursing students are prone to NSI due to lack of experience with handling needles and sharps. Aim. To determine the level of knowledge about the prevention of NSI and examine the level of knowledge about the post-exposure procedure and the students’ understanding of NSI. Methods. The study was conducted in 2017 at the University of Applied Health Sciences in Zagreb. The participants were nursing students from all regions of Croatia. The data was collected using a questionnaire containing 17 questions specifically designed for this study. One question had three subquestions and one had five subquestions regarding the knowledge of how to react if a needle stick injury occurs. The participants also responded to a questionnaire on their socio-demographic data. Results. The study included 149 students. The results show that 16 students have experienced NSI. A statistically significant difference was observed among students who have finished a secondary medical school in the answers about post-NSI interventions and in answers to the question of whether the needle should be recapped. The respondents from medical schools answered correctly. A statistically significant difference was observed among students from non-medical secondary schools in the answers about education on post-exposition procedures and in the answers about necessary action following a needle stick injury. The respondents from non-medical secondary schools had higher scores. Conclusion. The results of this study can be used to establish appropriate education strategies, increase the awareness of needle stick injuries and minimize the occurrence of these injuries among nursing students in Croatia. - Uvod. Ubodni incident predstavlja problem povezan s profesionalnim zdravljem i sigurnošću. Studenti sestrinstva skloni su nastanku ubodnog incidenta zbog nedostatka iskustva pri rukovanju iglama i oštrim predmetima. Cilj. Odrediti razinu znanja o prevenciji i postekspozicijskoj proceduri te poimanju ubodnog incidenta. Metode. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom 2017. godine na Zdravstvenom veleučilištu u Zagrebu. Sudionici su bili studenti studija sestrinstva u dobi od 18 godina i više. Podaci su prikupljeni s pomoću upitnika koji sadrži 17 pitanja, posebno dizajniranog za ovo istraživanje. Prvo pitanje imalo je imalo tri potpitanja, drugo pet potpitanja povezanih sa znanjem kako reagirati ako se dogodi ubodni incident, a treće trinaest potpitanja povezanih s percepcijom opasnosti ubodnog incidenta s obzirom na karakteristike pacijenata. Sudionici su također odgovorili na pitanja o sociodemografskim podacima. Rezultati. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 149 studenata. Rezultati istraživanja utvrdili su kako je 16 studenata doživjelo ubodni incident. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika kod studenata koji su završili srednju medicinsku školu u odgovorima povezanima s intervencijama u slučaju ubodnog incidenta i u odgovorima na pitanje o tome treba li vratiti poklopac na iglu nakon upotrebe. Studenti koji su završili srednju medicinsku školu odgovorili su točno. Statistički značajna razlika utvrđena je kod studenata koji nisu završili srednju medicinsku školu u odgovorima povezanima s postekspozicijskim mjerama i intervencijama nakon pojave ubodnog incidenta. Studenti koji nisu završili srednju medicinsku školu imali su bolji rezultat. Zaključak. Rezultati ovog istraživanja mogu se upotrijebiti za izradu odgovarajućih obrazovnih strategija za povećanje svijesti o ubodnom incidentu te prevenciju njegove pojave među studentima sestrinstva u Hrvatskoj.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 4 (2020), 1 ; str. 73-80  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ubodni incident -- Studenti sestrinstva -- Preventivni programi

An overview of fall prevention strategies among adult patients in hospital settings [Elektronička građa] / Mladen Jurišković, Martina Smrekar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Falls present a major challenge for health care systems: they correlate with poor patient outcomes, extend the length of hospitalization, and increase overall medical expenditure. According to existing literature, risk factors for the occurrence of falls include the male gender, urinary incontinence, muscle weakness, agitation or confusion, and dementia. Studies have shown that the combined practice of identifying risk factors and implementing appropriate fall prevention interventions leads to a reduction in the incidence of falls among hospital patients. As the largest group of health professionals committed to providing high-quality care, nurses play an important role in preventing falls among patient populations. In order to prevent falls and maintain patient safety, it is important to identify the most effective strategies for fall prevention. This study presents an overview of previously published strategies and intervention practices on fall prevention in hospital settings around the world. The most common interventions include fall risk assessment, environment/equipment modifications, patient education/family education on fall prevention interventions, staff education on fall reporting and fall prevention, fall risk alerts, medication management, physical fitness of patients, assistance with transfer and toileting and effective team communication and leadership. Ultimately, it is incumbent upon nurses, other health-care professionals and the entire hospital system to develop effective strategies in order to prevent falls among hospitalised patients. - Padovi predstavljaju velik problem zdravstvenog sustava. Povezani su s lošim ishodima bolesti, produžuju dužinu boravka u bolnici i uzrokuju povećane troškove za zdravstveni sustav. Prema postojećoj literaturi, postoje mnogi faktori rizika za pad: muški spol, urinarna inkontinencija, slabost mišića, uznemirenost ili konfuzija, demencija. Identifikacija rizičnih čimbenika povezanih s provedbom odgovarajućih intervencija sprječavanja pada pokazala se učinkovitom u smanjenju učestalosti padova među bolničkim pacijentima. Medicinske sestre čine najveću skupinu zdravstvenih radnika. Cilj im je pružiti visokokvalitetnu zdravstvenu njegu. Također, imaju važnu ulogu u prevenciji pada. Da bi se spriječio pad i održala sigurnost pacijenta, važno je identificirati najučinkovitije strategije prevencije pada. Cilj je ovog rada predstaviti pregled objavljenih strategija i intervencijskih programa o prevenciji pada u bolničkim uvjetima. Rezultati različitih studija širom svijeta identificirali su sljedeće najučestalije intervencije za prevenciju pada: procjena rizika od pada, modifikacija okoline, edukacija pacijenata/obitelji o intervencijama za prevenciju pada, edukacija medicinskih sestara o dokumentiranju padova i strategijama prevencije pada, upozorenja o riziku za pad, učinkovita primjena lijekova, poticanje fizičke aktivnosti, osiguranje pomoći pri kretnju i odlasku do toaleta te učinkovita komunikacija unutar tima i vodstvo tima. Važno je naglasiti da je velika odgovornost na medicinskim sestrama, drugim zdravstvenim radnicima i cijeloj bolničkoj organizaciji da razviju učinkovite strategije kako bi se spriječio pad.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 4 (2020), 2 ; str. 219-225  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Padovi -- Pacijenti -- Prevencija padova -- Medicinske sestre -- Pregled literature

FRANJO, Jasminka
Patient satisfaction with the work of nurses in primary health care [Elektronička građa] / Jasminka Franjo, Slađana Režić, Boris Tot. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Introduction. Patient satisfaction with provided health care is an important indicator of health care quality. Research on patient satisfaction has been very frequent in recent years. Aim. A prospective, cross-sectional study was conducted at the Health Centre of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia between April and June 2019. The aim of this study was to examine the satisfaction of patients with the work of nurses in primary health care. Methods. A standardized Nursing Practitioner Satisfaction Survey questionnaire, for which we received the author’s approval, was used. The study involved 200 patients from the Health Centre of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia. Patients who came to the Health Centre’s outpatient clinics requiring only the services of nurses were included in the study. Out of 200 patients surveyed, 185 questionnaires were filled out correctly, while 15 were filled out incorrectly. Results. Patients from the Health Centre of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia are satisfied with the work of nurses in primary health care. There is no statistically significant difference in the satisfaction with the work of nurses in primary health care according to gender, education, marital or working status. There is a statistically significant difference in patient satisfaction with the work of nurses according to the respondents’ age, where respondents in the age group between 26 and 40 years are less satisfied (Kruskal-Wallis test, Me=3.8). There is a statistically significant difference in the satisfaction of patients with the work of nurses in primary health care according to the respondents’ annual income, where satisfaction is more pronounced among respondents with an annual income between 26.000 to 35.000 HRK and in the range between 36.000 to 45.000 HRK (Kruskal-Wallis test, p<0.01). - Uvod. Zadovoljstvo pacijenata pruženom zdravstvenom njegom jedan je od važnih indikatora kvalitete zdravstvene skrbi i zadnjih se godina učestalo provode istraživanja na temu zadovoljstva pacijenata. Cilj. Provedeno je prospektivno presječno istraživanje u Domu zdravlja Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova Republike Hrvatske u periodu od travnja do lipnja 2019. godine. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati zadovoljstvo pacijenata radom medicinskih sestara/tehničara u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zašiti. Metode. Primijenjen je standardizirani upitnik Nursing Practitioner Satisfaction Survey, za koji smo dobili odobrenje autorice. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 200 pacijenata Doma zdravlja Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova Republike Hrvatske. U istraživanje su bili uključeni pacijenti koji su došli u ambulante Doma zdravlja i trebali usluge samo medicinskih sestara/tehničara. Od 200 anketiranih pacijenata 185 anketa ispravno je ispunjenih, dok je 15 anketa bilo neispravno ispunjeno. Rezultati. Pacijenti Doma zdravlja Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova Republike Hrvatske zadovoljni su radom medicinskih sestara/tehničara u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti. Ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u zadovoljstvu radom medicinskih sestara/tehničara u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti prema spolu, stručnoj spremi, bračnom te radnom statusu. Statistički je značajna razlika u zadovoljstvu pacijenata radom medicinskih sestara/tehničara prema dobi ispitanika, nezadovoljniji su ispitanici u dobnoj skupini od 26 do 40 godina (Kruskal-Wallisov test, Me = 3,8). Postoji statistički značajna razlika u zadovoljstvu pacijenata radom medicinskih sestara/tehničara u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti prema visini godišnjih prihoda ispitanika, gdje je zadovoljstvo u većoj mjeri prisutno kod ispitanika s godišnjim prihodima u rasponu od 26.000,00 kn do 35.000,00 kn i rasponu od 36.000,00 kn do 45.000,00 kn (Kruskal-Wallisov test, p <0,01).
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 4 (2020), 1 ; str. 5-19  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zdravstvo -- Primarna zdravstvena zaštita -- Zadovoljstvo pacijenata -- Medicinske sestre

ZUBEC, Božica
The patients' opinion of the health visitor efficiency [Elektronička građa] / Božica Zubec, Jelena Lučan. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Aim. To test the users’ contentment with the health visiting service, to see if the users are getting enough information about their health condition, to see if the users feel they are being frequently visited by the health visitor and to check whether something needs to be changed in the health visiting service work. Methods. The research was carried out as a term study. 128 users of the health visiting service of Health Centre Sisak participated in a 25-question survey. The answers were defined by the Likert scale. Results. 82 respondents (65%) believe that the service is exceptionally organised and 95 of them (75%) are getting all the necessary information about their health condition. 89 respondents (71%) are visited by the service once a month. Some of the suggestions on how to improve the service are the following: more frequent visits, introduction of the afternoon shift for the employed respondents and larger number of health visitors which would prolong their stay at the respondent’s home. Conclusion. The users of the health visitor service have positive attitude towards the service and they feel they are getting enough information about their health condition. - Cilj. Ispitati zadovoljstvo korisnika patronažne službe, ispitati dobivaju li korisnici dovoljno informacija od patronažne sestre o svojem zdravstvenom stanju, smatraju li da ih patronažna sestra učestalo posjećuje te što bi promijenili u radu patronažne službe. Metode. Istraživanje je provedeno kao presječna studija. Ukupno je sudjelovalo 128 korisnika patronažne službe Doma zdravlja Sisak s pomoću anketnog upitnika koji se sastoji od 25 pitanja. Odgovori se definiraju primjenom Likertove skale procjena. Rezultati. Da je organiziranost patronažne službe izvrsna slaže se 82 (65 %) ispitanika, a da od patronažne sestre dobije većinu potrebnih informacija o svojem zdravstvenom stanju navodi 95 (75 %) ispitanika. Patronažna sestra većinu ispitanika posjećuje, njih 89 (71 %) jednom mjesečno. Najčešći su prijedlozi za poboljšanje funkcioniranja patronažne službe češći posjeti, zatim uvođenje poslijepodnevne smjene za ispitanike koji su u radnom odnosu te da bi se trebao povećati broj patronažnih sestara, čime bi svaka patronažna sestra mogla dulje ostati kod ispitanika. Zaključak. Korisnici patronažne službe imaju pozitive stavove prema patronažnoj službi i dobivaju dovoljno informacija od patronažne sestre o svojem zdravstvenom stanju.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 4 (2020), 1 ; str. 47-58  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Patronažna njega -- Patronažna sestra -- Zadovoljstvo korisnika

Vidi br.: HA20-02554

Vidi br.: HA20-02290

Vidi br.: HA20-02452

Vidi br.: HA20-02500

Vidi br.: HA20-02507

Vidi br.: HA20-02388

Vidi br.: HA20-02076

Vidi br.: HA20-02312

Vidi br.: HA20-02047

615   Farmakologija. Terapeutika. Toksikologija

AYENI, Kolawole I.
Aflatoxin contamination of maize vended in Ondo state, Nigeria, and health risk assessments [Elektronička građa] / Kolawole I. Ayeni, Oluwatosin M. Akinyemi, Tihomir Kovač, Chibundu N. Ezekiel. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 127-129. - Summary. - Aflatoxin contamination of maize is a serious food safety problem worldwide. Despite the widespread consumption of maize in Nigeria, there is limited data on aflatoxin contents of maize vended in open markets in Ondo state, Nigeria. A total of 140 maize samples randomly purchased from major markets in four locations in Ondo state, were screened for total aflatoxins using an ELISA method. Exposure and health risk assessments were performed for the maize consumers by the deterministic and Margin of exposure (MOE) approaches, respectively. About 99% of the maize were contaminated with total aflatoxins (range: 0.65–265 µg/kg; mean: 125.9 µg/kg). Aflatoxin levels exceeding the 4 µg/kg set by the European Union for total aflatoxins were found in 88% of the maize whilst more than one half contained at least 100 µg/kg aflatoxins. The average probable daily intake values were 830, 332 and 138 ng/kg bw/day for the average children, adolescent and adult populations, respectively. Consequently, MOEs for the respective populations were 0.20, 0.51 and 1.23, suggesting a high level of health risk for consumers of maize vended in open markets in Ondo state due to high aflatoxin levels. Maize farmers and households in Ondo state need urgent aflatoxin mitigation interventions.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 1 ; str. 123-129  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kukuruz -- Zea mays L. -- Sigurnost hrane -- Zagađenje hrane -- Mikotoksini -- Aflatoksin -- Zdravstveni rizici

Differences in perception of stress of physiotherapists employed in various departments [Elektronička građa] / Mia Milojević, Ivan Brumini, Ivana Crnković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Stress in the workplace represents a specific type of stress, stemming from the work environment. Stressful situations at work can trigger negative emotions that are linked with anxiety, tension, depression, fatigue and lack of working motivation. The aim of this research is to investigate differences in the perception of stress of physiotherapists employed in various departments. The research was conducted using an online questionnaire aimed at 123 physiotherapists in the Republic of Croatia. The results have showed that respondents perceived their workplace as moderately stressful. Considering the difference in the experience and perception of stress with regard to the department where physiotherapists work, the results have showed that there is a statistically significant difference in the level of perceived stress among the respondents with regard to the department in which they are employed. It was found that respondents employed in orthopaedics perceived stress to a lesser extent than those individuals employed in health centres and in the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation. The differences in the perception of stress among the respondents who are employed in other departments have shown no statistically significant difference. It was shown that the respondents of 20–25 years of age were found to exhibit statistically significantly lower levels of perceived stress compared to subjects of 26–36 years of age. There is no noted statistically significant difference in the perception of stress among other age groups. It was determined that participants with a lower net monthly salary exhibit statistically significant greater lever of perceived stress in comparison to participants with a net monthly salary that is greater than the average. - Stres na radnom mjestu specifična je vrsta stresa, čiji je izvor u radnom okolišu. Stresne situacije na poslu mogu izazvati negativne emocije koje se povezuju s anksioznošću, napetošću i nedostatkom motivacije za rad. Cilj je ovog rada ispitati razlike u percepciji stresa fizioterapeuta zaposlenih na različitim odjelima. Istraživanje je provedeno putem online upitnika među 123 fizioterapeuta na području Republike Hrvatske. Rezultati su pokazali da ispitanici doživljavaju svoje radno mjesto umjereno stresnim. Što se tiče razlike u doživljaju i percepciji stresa s obzirom na odjel na kojem fizioterapeuti rade, rezultati pokazuju da postoji statistički značajna razlika u razini percipiranog stresa među ispitanicima s obzirom na odjel na kojem su zaposleni. Utvrđeno je da ispitanici zaposleni na ortopediji u statistički značajno manjoj mjeri percipiraju stres u odnosu na ispitanike koji su zaposleni u domovima zdravlja te na odjelu fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije. Razlika u percepciji stresa među ispitanicima zaposlenima na ostalim odjelima ne pokazuje statistički značajnu razliku. Utvrđeno je da ispitanici u dobi od 20 do 25 godina pokazuju statistički značajno manju razinu percipiranog stresa u odnosu na ispitanike u dobi od 26 do 36 godina. Između ostalih dobnih skupina ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u percepciji stresa. Utvrđeno je i da ispitanici s neto mjesečnom plaćom manjom od prosječne pokazuju statistički značajno veću razinu percipiranog stresa u odnosu na ispitanike s neto plaćom većom od prosječne. Rezultati istraživanja prikazuju da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u razini percipiranog stresa među ispitanicima s obzirom na spol, godine radnog staža, stručnu spremu ili bračni status.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 4 (2020), 1 ; str. 21-31  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Stres na radu -- Fizioterapeuti -- Kliničko okruženje -- Dob

VERHAZ, Antonija
Efficacy and safety of ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir ± dasabuvir regimen in haemodialysis patients with hepatitis C virus infection [Elektronička građa] : a case series = Učinkovitost i sigurnost kombinacije ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir ± dasabuvir u bolesnika na hemodijalizi s infekcijom virusom hepatitisa C : prikaz serije bolesnika / Antonija Verhaz, Tanja Macanović-Kostić, Olja Čuković, Ljiljana Pašić, Tatjana Roganović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Background: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is common among patients on haemodialysis (HD) therapy and is an important cause of morbidity and mortality. In patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), the risks for negative outcomes are significantly higher in HCV-infected patients than in those without HCV infection, including progression to cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma and liver-related mortality. Ombitasvir (OBV), paritaprevir (PTV), ritonavir (r), and dasabuvir (DSV) are all hepatically metabolized and, therefore, require no dose adjustment in patients with any degree of renal impairment. Aims: We studied the safety and efficacy of OBV/PTV/r + DSV in a small group of HCV infected patients on haemodialysis therapy. Methods: Treatment course with ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir and dasabuvir; (3-DAA regimen of OBV/PTV/r+DSV±RBV) was analysed. Pre-treatment evaluation of HCV infection included HCV RNA, genotype, and liver fibrosis assed by transient fibroelastography (FibroScan). The stage 5 CKD was defined as an eGFR of <15 mL/min/1.73 m2, respectively; those on haemodialysis were considered to have stage 5 CKD or end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Demographic data and concomitant medication were retrieved from patients’ records. The primary endpoint was sustained virologic response at post-treatment week 12 (SVR12). We collected data on on-treatment adverse events (AEs), serious AEs, and laboratory abnormalities. Results: Among 7 treated patients, 6 were male and 1 female, all were infected with genotype 1 (5 GT1b, 2 GT1a). Patient had compensated liver cirrhosis and six patients did not have liver cirrhosis, none were liver transplant recipients. All of seven patients completed 12 weeks of treatment and achieved SVR12. Concomitant medication had to be modified with the treatment initiation in 5 out of 7 patients. - Uvod: Infekcija virusom hepatitisa C (HCV) česta je među bolesnicima na hemodijalizi (HD) i važan je uzrok morbiditeta i mortaliteta. Kod bolesnika s kroničnom bolesti bubrega (CKD), rizici za negativne ishode značajno su veći u pacijenata zaraženih HCV-om nego u onih bez HCV infekcije, uključujući napredovanje u cirozu, hepatocelularni karcinom i smrtnost povezanu s jetrom. Ombitasvir (OBV), paritaprevir (PTV), ritonavir (r) i dasabuvir (DSV) metaboliziraju se u jetri i stoga ne zahtijevaju prilagodbu doze u bolesnika s bilo kojim stupnjem oštećenja bubrega. Ciljevi: Proučavali smo sigurnost i djelotvornost OBV/PTV/r+DSV u maloj skupini pacijenata zaraženih HCV-om na terapiji hemodijalizom. Metode: Analizirali smo liječenje ombitasvir / paritaprevir / ritonavir i dasabuvir; (3-DAA režim OBV / PTV / r + DSV ± RBV). Primarna završna točka bila je održivi virološki odgovor 12 tjedana nakon liječenja (SVR12). Prikupili smo podatke o nuspojavama (AEs), ozbiljnim neželjenim učincima i abnormalnostima laboratorija. Rezultati: Od 7 liječenih bolesnika, 6 su bili muški i 1 ženski, a svi su bili zaraženi genotipom 1 (5 GT1b, 2 GT1a). Jedan pacijent imao je kompenziranu cirozu jetre, a šest bolesnika nije imalo cirozu jetre te niti jedan nije bio primatelj transplantata jetre. Svih sedam bolesnika završilo je 12 tjedana liječenja i postiglo SVR12. Istodobni lijekovi morali su se mijenjati s početkom liječenja kod 5 od 7 bolesnika. Jedan od bolesnika imao je značajno smanjenje razine hemoglobina, broja bijelih krvnih stanica i trombocita tijekom razdoblja liječenja. Najčešće nuspojave bile su mučnina, proljev. Nuspojave su primarno bile blage, a nijedan pacijent nije prekinuo liječenje zbog AE. Zaključak: Liječenje OBV / PTV / r + DSV ± RBV bilo je dobro podnošljivo i rezultiralo je visokim stopama SVR12 (100%) za bolesnike s HCV GT1b/1a na hemodijalizi.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 23-27  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hepatitis C -- Hemodijaliza -- Farmakoterapija -- Antivirusni lijekovi

ILIĆ, Martina, fizioterapeutkinja
Fizioterapija bolesnika liječenih transplantacijom krvotvornih matičnih stanica [Elektronička građa] / Martina Ilić, Damir Nemet. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Fizioterapija ima svoje mjesto u gotovo svim granama medicine, pa i kao dio liječenja bolesnika s malignim bolestima. U ovome se radu razmatra uloga fizioterapije u bolesnika s hematološkim malignim bolestima liječenih transplantacijom krvotvornih matičnih stanica. Prikazan je tijek liječenja transplantacijom krvotvornih matičnih stanica od pripreme za transplantaciju do razdoblja nakon transplantacije te problemi i komplikacije koje se pritom javljaju. Liječenje transplantacijom praćeno je nizom komplikacija kao što su promjene na muskoloskeletnom sustavu te na kardiovaskularnom i respiratornom sustavu. Posebno je izražen problem akutne i kronične reakcije transplantata protiv primatelja (graft versus host disease, GvHD). Način liječenja kojem je bolesnik podvrgnut i sve komplikacije rezultiraju raznolikim ozbiljnim tjelesnim promjenama koje utječu na fizičko stanje i kvalitetu života bolesnika, pa i na krajnji ishod liječenja. Fizioterapija tih bolesnika iznimno je važna u svakom trenutku liječenja, a njezini učinci na kvalitetu života bolesnika, smanjenje komplikacija i konačni ishod liječenja relativno su slabo istraženi. Zbog specifičnoga stanja i komplikacija nakon transplantacije hematološkim je bolesnicima potreban jedinstven i složen pristup u fizioterapijskim procedurama. Međutim, ne postoje jasna uputstva i protokoli koje bi fizioterapeuti nužno slijedili i provodili u bolesnika liječenih transplantacijom krvotvornih matičnih stanica. Opisana su dosadašnja iskustva i navedeni mogući pristupi fizioterapiji tih bolesnika. - Physiotherapy has its place in almost all branches of medicine, even as part of the treatment of patients with malignant diseases. This paper discusses the role of physiotherapy in patients with hematological malignancies treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The course of treatment with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from the preparation for transplantation to the period after transplantation and the problems and complications that occur are presented. Transplantation treatment was accompanied by a number of complications such as changes in the musculoskeletal system and in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The problem of acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) is particularly pronounced. The treatment to which the patient is subjected and consecutive complications result in a variety of serious physical changes that affect the physical condition, quality of life of the patient and the final outcome of treatment. Physiotherapy of these patients is extremely important at all times of treatment, and its effects on the quality of life of patients, reduction of complications, and the final outcome of treatment are relatively poorly investigated. Due to the specific condition and complications after transplantation, hematological patients need a unique and complex approach in physiotherapy procedures. However, there are no clear guidelines and protocols that physiotherapists would necessarily follow and implement in patients treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Previous experiences are described and possible approaches to physiotherapy of these patients are listed.
U: Zbornik sveučilišta Libertas (Online). - ISSN 2584-6167. - 5 (2020), 5 ; str. 199-216  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hematološki bolesnici -- Transplantacija krvotvornih matičnih stanica -- Kvaliteta života -- Fizioterapija

SIJAMHODŽIĆ Sulić, Rejhana
Oštećenje jetre uzrokovano lijekovima = Drug-induced liver injury / Rejhana Sijamhodžić, Natali Roža, Matea Iglić Debelić, Irena Hrstić. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Hepatologija danas - odabrane teme. - Bibliografija: 45 jed. - Summary.
U: Medicus (Zagreb. 1992). - ISSN 1330-013X. - 29 (2020), 1 ; str. 7-12  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lijekovi -- Oštećenje jetre -- Hepatotoksičnost

FRANÇA, Demétrius Alves
Peripatetic psychotherapy [Elektronička građa] : a case study about a teenager and his lived experience / Demétrius Alves França.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Abstract ; Sažetak ; Résumé ; Zusammenfassung. - This paper will present an original, and, in the context of its philosophical endeavour, highly fruitful and propulsive kind of the psychotherapy process called the peripatetic psychotherapy, also known as the therapeutic accompaniment. The argumentative plot is based on the empirical example of its impact to one Brazilian teenager who did not respond to conventional psychotherapy. Being in social isolation, he refused to attend school, presenting typical symptoms of depression and social phobia, but he had no final diagnosis. The therapeutic work lasted two years and three months, easing his return to the school environment, his ability to make friends and his autonomy in the social interactions, indicating wide-reaching benefits of the peripatetic psychotherapy. In this article, the focus will be on the phenomeno-structural psychopathology compound of the given approach, recognized as the fundamental, universal part of the psychotherapeutic mereology process. - Rad predstavlja izvoran i u kontekstu filozofijskog angažmana visoko plodan te propulzivan psihoterapijski pristup naziva peripatetička psihoterapija, još poznat i kao terapijska pratnja. Rasprava se zasniva na empirijskom primjeru utiska takve terapije na jednog brazilskog tinejdžera koji nije reagirao na konvencionalnu psihoterapiju. Bivajući u društvenoj izolaciji, odbio je odlaziti u školu i pokazivao tipične znakove depresije i društvene fobije, ali nije imao konačnu dijagnozu. Terapijski je rad trajao dvije godine i tri mjeseca, olakšavajući mu povratak u školsko okruženje, poboljšavajući sposobnost nalaženja prijatelja i autonomiju u društvenoj interakciji, što upućuje na širokopojasne prednosti peripatetičke psihoterapije. U ovom radu, fokus će biti na elementu fenomenalno-strukturalne psihopatologije u danom pristupu, prepoznate kao temeljni, opći dio mereološkog procesa psihoterapeutike. - Ce travail présente une approche psychothérapeutique originale, très fructueuse dans le contexte de l’engagement philosophique, et prometteuse du nom de psychothérapie péripatéticienne, connue également comme thérapie d’accompagnement. La discussion se fonde sur un exemple empirique et l’effet d’une telle thérapie sur un adolescent brésilien chez qui les thérapies conventionnelles n’ont pas porté leurs fruits. Étant en situation d’isolement social, il refusait d’aller à l’école et présentait des signes typiques de dépression et de phobie sociale, sans pour autant qu’un diagnostic définitif n’ait été posé. Le travail thérapeutique, qui a duré deux ans et trois mois, lui a facilité son retour dans le milieu scolaire et renforcé son aptitude à se faire des amis en affirmant son autonomie dans les interactions sociales, ce qui nous renvoie aux considérables avantages de la psychothérapie péripatéticienne. Dans ce travail, l’accent sera mis sur l’élément phénoméno-structural de la pychopathologie dans l’approche donnée, reconnue comme partie générale du processus méréologique de la pychothérapeutique. - Die Arbeit präsentiert einen originellen und im Kontext des philosophischen Engagements hochersprießlichen und propulsiven psychotherapeutischen Ansatz, der als peripatetische Psychotherapie bezeichnet wird und überdies als therapeutische Begleitung bekannt ist. Die Abhandlung basiert auf einem empirischen Beispiel für die Wirkung einer solchen Therapie auf einen brasilianischen Teenager, der nicht auf eine konventionelle Psychotherapie ansprach. In sozialer Isolation lebend, weigerte er sich, zur Schule zu gehen, und wies typische Anzeichen von Depression und sozialer Phobie auf, hatte jedoch keine endgültige Diagnose. Die therapeutische Arbeit dauerte zwei Jahre und drei Monate und erleichterte seine Rückkehr in das schulische Umfeld, verbesserte seine Fähigkeit, Freunde zu finden sowie seine Autonomie in der sozialen Interaktion, was auf die breit gefächerten Vorteile der peripatetischen Psychotherapie hindeutet. In diesem Artikel wird der Schwerpunkt auf einem Element der phänomenal-strukturellen Psychopathologie in dem gegebenen Ansatz liegen, die als grundlegender allgemeiner Bestandteil des mereologischen Prozesses der Psychotherapeutik wahrgenommen wird.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 35 (2020), 1 ; str. 97-112  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fenomeno-strukturalna psihopatologija -- Peripatetička psihoterapija -- Terapijska pratnja -- Društvena izolacija -- Depresija

VITALI Čepo, Dubravka
Preporuke o primjeni probiotika u ljekarničkoj praksi = Pharmacist recommendations on the use of probiotics / Dubravka Vitali Čepo, Martina Prusac, Olgica Velkovski Škopić, Alena Tatarević. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Hepatologija danas - odabrane teme. - Bibliografija: 163 jed. - Summary.
U: Medicus (Zagreb. 1992). - ISSN 1330-013X. - 29 (2020), 1 ; str. 115-134  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Probiotici -- Crijevna mikrobiota -- Ljekarnička praksa

Probiotici i prebiotici : koncept / Goran Hauser, Indira Benjak Horvat, Marko Zelić, Martina Prusac, Olgica Velkovski Škopić. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Hepatologija danas - odabrane teme. - Bibliografija: 119 jed.
U: Medicus (Zagreb. 1992). - ISSN 1330-013X. - 29 (2020), 1 ; str. 95-114  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Probiotici -- Prebiotici

BLAGAIĆ, Marijana
Sigurnost fizioterapeuta u pandemiji bolesti COVID-19 [Elektronička građa] / Marijana Blagaić, Jasna Mesarić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografska bilješka uz tekst ; bibliografija: 23 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Fizioterapeuti kao stručnjaci za pokret i vježbanje svoju djelatnost obavljaju na svim razinama zdravstvene zaštite i imaju prepoznatu važnu ulogu u pandemiji bolesti COVID-19. Fizioterapijska skrb potrebna je u akutnom (jedinica intenzivne skrbi), subakutnom (bolnički odjel) i dugotrajnom liječenju (oporavak izvan bolnice) te u zajednici. Rad prikazuje sadašnje osnovne epidemiološke spoznaje o bolesti COVID-19, pristup mjerama sigurnosti i zaštite za fizioterapeuta u stacionarnoj i ambulantnoj fizioterapijskoj skrbi te higijenske standarde radnog okruženja i rehabilitacijske standarde u liječenju oboljelih. - Physiotherapists, as experts in movement and exercise, perform physiotherapyy care at all levels of health care and have a recognized important role in the COVID-19 pandemic. Physiotherapy care is needed in acute (intensive care unit), subacute (hospital ward) and long-term treatment (recovery outside the hospital) and in the community. This paper presents the current basic epidemiological findings on COVID-19, access to safety and protection measures for physiotherapists in inpatient and outpatient physiotherapy care, and hygienic standards of the working environment and rehabilitation standards in the treatment of patients.
U: Zbornik sveučilišta Libertas (Online). - ISSN 2584-6167. - 5 (2020), 5 ; str. 225-236  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fizioterapija -- Fizioterapeuti -- Pandemija COVID-19 -- Zaštitne mjere -- Sigurnost

Utjecaj prethodne terapije statinima na ishod liječenja sepse iz opće populacije [Elektronička građa] = The impact of prior statin therapy on the outcomes of community-acquired sepsis / Iva Miškulin, Marija Križić, Marija Santini, Bruno Baršić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 37 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Usprkos znatnom napretku medicine smrtnost od sepse i danas je i dalje izrazito visoka. Stoga se ulažu velika sredstva u potrazi za novim lijekovima koji modificiraju upalni odgovor domaćina. Nakon provedenih eksperimentalnih istraživanja znanstvenici su dokazali protuupalna, imunomodulatorna i antikoagulacijska svojstva inhibitora 3-hidroksi-3-metil-glutaril koenzim A reduktaze, poznatijih pod nazivom statini, a koji se trenutno koriste za kontrolu hiperlipidemije i smatraju se korisnim u prevenciji kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Proveli smo sustavni pregled do sada objavljene literature o povezanosti prethodne uporabe statina sa smrtnošću i drugim kliničkim ishodima sepse iz opće populacije. Pretragom baze podataka PubMed pronađeno je osamnaest istraživanja, dvanaest kohortnih (pet prospektivnih, sedam retrospektivnih), pet randomiziranih kliničkih pokusa i jedno slučaj-kontrola istraživanje. Osam istraživanja ukazuju na povezanost prethodne uporabe statina i smanjene smrtnosti sepse, dok deset radova negira tu povezanost. Iako neke studije sugeriraju da statini imaju pozitivnu ulogu u liječenju bolesnika sa sepsom, većina takvih studija su retrospektivna i imaju metodoloških ograničenja. Zbog toga smatramo da su potrebne veće randomizirane kliničke studije koje bi omogućile donošenje konkretnih zaključaka o uvođenju terapije statinima u kliničku praksu liječenja sepse. - Despite considerable progress in medicine, mortality from sepsis is still extremely high. Therefore, great efforts are being made in the search for new drugs that modify immune response of the host. Scientists have shown anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and anticoagulant properties of the 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors, known as statins, which are currently used for the control of hyperlipidemia, and are considered to be useful in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. We conducted a systematic review of the published literature examining the effect of previous statin treatment on mortality and other clinical outcomes in patients with community-acquired sepsis. Searching our database PubMed we found eighteen studies, twelve of them cohort (five prospective and seven retrospective), five randomized clinical trials, and one case-control. Eight studies indicate that there is a correlation between prior statin use and reduced sepsis mortality, while the other ten studies deny that correlation. Although some research suggest that statins may have a positive role in the treatment of patients with sepsis, most of these studies are retrospective and have methodological limitations. Therefore, we consider that larger randomized clinical trial studies are needed to enable concrete conclusions to be drawn about the introduction of statin therapy into the clinical practice of sepsis treatment.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 40 (2020), 1 ; str. 20-34  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Statini -- Farmakoterapija -- Sepsa -- Mortalitet

Važnost tjelesnog vježbanja za osobe s dijagnosticiranom multiplom sklerozom [Elektronička građa] / Josip Miočić, Milica Komšo. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Istraživanjem se željelo utvrditi utjecaj tjelesnog vježbanja na stupanj zadovoljstva i socijalizacije te zdravstveni status polaznika programa. U istraživanje je uključeno 29 polaznika, a anketa je provedena na 29 ispitanika, od kojih je 85 % žena, a 15% muškaraca. Dominiraju ispitanici u dobi od 35 do 45 godina (80 %). Istraživanjem su se iskristalizirali odgovori da su ispitanici zadovoljni programom, da im je socijalizacija i inkluzija u društvo poboljšana te da zdravstveni status nije pogoršan, sve kao posljedica provedenih tjelesnih vježbi. Temeljem provedenog istraživanja utvrđeno je da su ispitanici izuzetno motivirani za daljnju provedbu programa nakon utvrđenih blagodati provedbe programa, sukladno postavljenom cilju istraživanja i primjenom alata koji su primjereni toj društvenoj skupini. Daljnjom primjenom i prakticiranjem tjelesnog vježbanja kod osoba s MS-om moguć je pozitivan utjecaj na njihov status u društvu, kao i općenito poboljšanje svakodnevnog života. - The study sought to determine the impact of exercise on the level of satisfaction and socialization and health status of the program participants. The study included 29 participants, and the survey was conducted on 29 respondents, of whom 85 % were women and 15% were men. It was dominated by respondents aged 35 to 45 years (80 %). The survey crystallized the answers that the respondents were satisfied with the program, that their socialization, inclusion in society had improved, and that their health status had not deteriorated due to the physical exercises performed. Based on the conducted research, it was found that the respondents are extremely motivated for further implementation of the program based on the established benefits of program implementation, in accordance with the set research goal and using tools that are appropriate for this social group of our citizens. Continued use and practice of physical exercise in people with MS may have a positive impact on their status in society, which will contribute to the positive transfer of daily life of an individual in society in a variety of problems in the area of people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.
U: Zbornik sveučilišta Libertas (Online). - ISSN 2584-6167. - 5 (2020), 5 ; str. 27-34  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tjelesno vježbanje -- Multipla skleroza -- Demijelinizacija -- Zadovoljstvo -- Zdravlje

Vidi br.: HA20-02410

Vidi br.: HA20-02605

Vidi br.: HA20-02443

Vidi br.: HA20-02450

Vidi br.: HA20-02246

Vidi br.: HA20-02511

Vidi br.: HA20-02527

Vidi br.: HA20-02531

Vidi br.: HA20-02521

616   Patologija. Klinička medicina

Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis following spider bite [Elektronička građa] = Akutni diseminirani encefalomijelitis nakon ugriza pauka / Petra Bago Rožanković, Maristela Stojić, Jasna Badžak. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is an inflammatory, demyelinating disease of the central nervous system that occurs as an immunological response to a viral or bacterial infection or an immunization. We describe a patient with clinical presentation and radiological features of ADEM that appeared after a spider bite. Corticosteroid therapy did not produce satisfied treatment response. The patient recovered after five days of immunoglobulin therapy. The cross-reactivity between spider toxin and myelin could explain pathophysiological mechanism of demyelination. ADEM should be considered as a possible complication of a spider bite. - Akutni diseminirajući encefalomijelitis (ADEM) upalna je, demijelinizirajuća bolest središnjeg živčanog sustava koja se pojavljuje kao imunološki odgovor na virusnu ili bakterijsku infekciju ili cijepljenje. Prikazujemo bolesnika s kliničkom prezentacijom i radiološkim manifestacijama ADEM-a koji je nastao nakon ugriza pauka. Kortikosteroidna terapija nije postigla zadovoljavajući rezultat u liječenju. Bolesnik se oporavio nakon pet dana liječenja imunoglobulinima. Križna reaktivnost između paukovog toksina i mijelina mogla bi objasniti patofiziološki mehanizam demijelinizacije. O ADEM-u treba razmišljati kao mogućoj komplikaciji ugriza pauka.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 40 (2020), 1 ; str. 38-40  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Akutni diseminirajući encefalomijelitis -- ADEM -- Ugriz pauka

Adjunctive treatment of leptospirosis with corticosteroids [Elektronička građa] : a case report = Liječenje leptospiroze kortikosteroidima : prikaz bolesnika / Božana Miklaušić Pavić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Leptospirosis is one of the most globally widespread zoonosis caused by pathogenic spirochetes from genus Leptospira spp. Icteric leptospirosis is a severe form of the disease which affects 5-15% of patients with leptospirosis, is often rapidly progressive and has a high mortality rate. Early diagnosis of leptospirosis is crucial for initiation of adequate antimicrobial therapy in order to prevent the advent of complications and reduce mortality. Literature offers an increasing amount of evidence that early application of corticosteroids affects the course of the disease, prevents the onset of multiorgan failure, reduces mortality and reduces the duration of hospitalization. This paper is a case report of a patient with severe icteric leptospirosis who was treated with antimicrobial and corticosteroid therapy. The patient recovered fully, with no remaining morbidity after the severe disease. - Leptospiroza je jedna od globalno najraširenijih zoonoza, uzrokovana patogenim spiralnim bakterijama iz roda Leptospira spp. Ikterična leptospiroza je teški oblik bolesti koji se javlja kod 5-15 % bolesnika i često ima brzu progresiju i visoku smrtnost. Pravovremena sumnja i dokaz leptospiroze ključni su za početak adekvatne terapije kako bi se spriječio razvoj teškog oblika bolesti i smanjila smrtnost. U dostupnoj literaturi sve je više dokaza kako rana primjena kortikosteroida kod teških kliničkih oblika utječe na tijek bolesti, sprječava razvoj multiorganskog zatajenja organa, smanjuje smrtnost i skraćuje vrijeme hospitalizacije. Ovo je prikaz bolesnika s teškom ikteričnom leptospirozom koji je liječen antimikrobnom i kortikosteroidnom terapijom. Bolesnik se u potpunosti oporavio bez zaostalih posljedica teške bolesti.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 39 (2019), 2 ; str. 50-53  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Leptospiroza -- Weilova bolest -- Kortikosteroidi

TUPEK, Katarina
AML in remission, originating from MDS-RARS-T, expands the underlying JAK2 V617F mutated clone [Elektronička građa] / Katarina Marija Tupek, Anja Leljak, Ana Livun, Zeljko Prka, Vlatko Pejsa, Rajko Kusec. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 33 jed. - Abstract. - A mutation in the JAK2 gene is commonly found in patients with MPN, which can sometimes lead to secondary AML. In this case study, we are reporting on an interesting case of secondary AML originating from MDS-RARS-T. The patient had no gross chromosomal changes, and we found that he was JAK2 V617F-mutated. His BM showed 53% of myeloid blasts. After the induction of combined therapy of Venetoclax and Azacytidine, a complete remission of the disease was achieved. However, instead of the expected decrease in the mutated JAK2 alleles, we documented a rise from the initial 55% to 79% of mutated alleles. This can be explained by the fact that treatment for AML targets only one subclone.
U: Molecular and experimental biology in medicine. - ISSN 2584-671X. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 48-51  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Akutna mijeloična leukemija -- Gen JAK2 -- PCR

BOŽIĆ, Dorotea, liječnica
Autoimune bolesti jetre = Autoimmune liver diseases / Dorotea Božić Ozretić, Ivan Žaja, Nikola Perković. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Hepatologija danas - odabrane teme. - Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Summary.
U: Medicus (Zagreb. 1992). - ISSN 1330-013X. - 29 (2020), 1 ; str. 73-79  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bolesti jetre -- Autoimune bolesti -- Autoimuni hepatitis -- Ciroza jetre

Bivalvularni infektivni endokarditis uzrokovan bakterijom Staphylococcus aureus u prethodno zdrave trudnice [Elektronička građa] : prikaz slučaja = Bivalvular Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis in a young pregnant woman without known previous risk factors : a case report / Đurđica Cekinović Grbeša, Biserka Trošelj Vukić, Igor Grubješić, Samira Knežević, Lari Gorup, Irena Slavuljica, Ivica Pavić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Infektivni endokarditis značajan je uzrok pobola i smrtnosti. Posebno je težak klinički entitet u trudnica s obzirom na određeni stupanj imunosupresije u trudnoći, kao i zbog značajnih promjena kardiovaskularne funkcije u trudnica. Većina infektivnih endokarditisa, pa i u trudnoći, uzrokovana je bakterijama, a dominantno je zahvaćen jedan srčani zalistak, najučestalije mitralnog ušća. U ovom radu je prikazan slučaj liječenja i ishoda endokarditisa mitralnog i aortnog zaliska uzrokovanog bakterijom Staphylococcus aureus u prethodno zdrave trudnice. - Infectious endocarditis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. It is a particularly difficult clinical entity in pregnant women due to a certain degree of immunosuppression in pregnancy, as well as due to significant changes in cardiovascular function in pregnant women. Most infectious endocarditis cases, even in pregnancy, are caused by bacteria, with one heart valve, most commonly the mitral orifice, predominantly affected. This paper presents treatment and outcome of mitral and aortic valve endocarditis caused by Staphylococcus aureus in a previously healthy pregnant woman.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 40 (2020), 2 ; str. 75-78  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Endokarditis -- Bakterijske infekcije -- Stafilokoki -- Trudnoća

ATELJ, Anita
Bolesnici liječeni u Jedinici intenzivnog liječenja Klinike za infektivne bolesti "Dr. Fran Mihaljević" u Zagrebu zbog bolesti COVID-19 [Elektronička građa] = Critically ill patients with COVID-19 treated in the Intensive Care Unit at the University Hospital for Infectious Diseases „Dr. Fran Mihaljević“ in Zagreb / Anita Atelj, Vladimir Krajinović, Marija Santini, Neven Papić, Martina Vargović, Viktor Kotarski, Branimir Gjurašin, Juraj Krznarić, Marko Kutleša. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj: Opisati karakteristike bolesnika, tijek bolesti, terapiju te ishod i komplikacije kod kritično oboljelih s COVID-19 liječenih u Jedinici intenzivnog liječenja (JIL) Klinike za infektivne bolesti „Dr. Fran Mihaljević“ (KZIB) u Zagrebu. Materijali i metode: Opservacijska retrospektivna studija 38 odraslih bolesnika liječenih u JIL KZIB s dokazanim COVID-19 u razdoblju od 11. ožujka do 6. lipnja 2020. godine. Rezultati: Od ukupno 167 bolesnika s COVID-19 liječenih u KZIB, u JIL-u je liječeno 38 bolesnika (22,8%). Medijan dobi JIL bolesnika bio je 69.5 godina (33-85), umrlih 70 (43-85), a preživjelih 66 godina (33-80). Većina je bolesnika bila muškog spola (26 bolesnika ili 68%). Od komorbiditeta najčešći su bili arterijska hipertenzija (20- 53%), šećerna bolest (9-24%) te ishemijska bolest srca (8-21%). Svi su bolesnici primljeni zbog hipoksemijskog respiratornog zatajenja. Osim respiratornog zatajenja s primjenom mehaničke ventilacije u 30 (79%) bolesnika, česti su bili šok (25- 66%) te akutno bubrežno zatajenje (21- 55% bolesnika). Metode kontinuiranog nadomještanja bubrežne funkcije primjenjene su kod 13 (34%) bolesnika. Medijan trajanja hospitalizacije u JIL-u bio je 18 (3-68) dana, a mehaničke ventilacije 17 (5-43) dana. Ukupni je mortalitet bio 50%, a kod bolesnika koji su zahtijevali mehaničku ventilaciju 63%. Smrtnost je bila najveća u dobnoj skupini iznad 65. godine. Zaključak: Bolesnici s COVID-19, liječeni u JIL-u, često su i dugotrajno mehanički ventilirani, a tijekom boravka imaju brojne komplikacije bolesti i intenzivnog liječenja te visoku smrtnost. Najveća je smrtnost kod muškaraca starijih od 65 godina s arterijskom hipertenzijom, šećernom bolesti i ishemijskom bolesti srca. - Objective: To describe the characteristics, clinical course, treatment, outcomes and complications in critically ill patients with COVID-19 treated in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the University Hospital for Infectious Diseases „Dr. Fran Mihaljević“ (UHID) in Zagreb. Materials and methods: A retrospective observational study of 38 adult patients with COVID-19 treated in the ICU at UHID between March 11 and June 6, 2020. Results: Among the 167 patients with COVID-19 treated at the UHID, 38 (22,8%) were admitted to the ICU. The mean age of these patients was 69.5 (33-85) years, 70 (43-85) years in deceased patients and 66 (33-80) in survivors. The majority of patients were male (26 patients- 68%). The most common comorbidities were arterial hypertension (20- 53%), diabetes mellitus (9- 24%) and ischaemic heart disease (8- 21%). All patients were admitted for hypoxaemic respiratory failure. In addition to acute respiratory failure with the need for mechanical ventilation (30- 79%), shock (25- 66%) and acute renal insufficiency (21- 55%) were common. Continuous renal replacement therapy was used in 13 (34%) patients. The median duration of ICU stay was 18 (3-68) days and of mechanical ventilation 19 (5-43) days. Overall mortality was 50%, 63% in patients who received mechanical ventilation and it was the highest in patients over 65 years of age. Conclusions: Patients with COVID-19, treated in the ICU, often require prolonged mechanical ventilation, have numerous complications of critical illness and ICU treatment, and high mortality rates. Mortality rate is highest in men over 65 years with comorbiditeies – arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and ischaemic heart disease.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 40 (2020), 2 ; str. 55-63  
 Elektronička verzija članka
COVID-19 -- Bolesnici -- Intenzivno liječenje
Klinika za infektivne bolesti Dr. Fran Mihaljević u Zagrebu.


OLUWASEGUN Ayenigbara, Israel
Chronic alcohol use and accompanying noncommunicable diseases [Elektronička građa] / Israel Oluwasegun Ayenigbara. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 99 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Introduction. Heavy and chronic alcohol use connotes frequent, continuous and persistent consumption of alcoholic drinks over an extended period of time. Importantly, heavy consumption of alcohol causes many health problems to the drinker and the society at large, as over 5.1% of the global burden of morbidity and injuries are attributable to alcohol usage alone. Aim. The purpose of this study is to identify some of the noncommunicable diseases that are associated with chronic alcohol consumption through a systematic and narrative review, with detailed descriptions of the occurrences. Methods. A systematic and narrative review of literature that evaluates noncommunicable diseases associated with chronic alcohol consumption was carried out using Google, Medline and databases of major international health organizations. Keywords used as search terms were alcoholism, chronic alcohol use and heavy alcohol use; these terms were matched with occurrences and risk of noncommunicable diseases. Studies included in this review are clinical trials, meta-analyses, randomized controlled trials, and systematic and review articles. Results. The findings revealed that chronic alcohol use is either a single or joint risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, arthritis, brain malfunction, cancer (most commonly of the oropharynx, larynx, oesophagus, liver, colon, rectum or breast), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, epilepsy, heart diseases and cardiovascular diseases, immune system dysfunction, malnourishment and vitamin deficiencies, mood disorders, bipolar disorder and depression, osteoporosis and bone malformation, pancreatitis, and ulcers and gastrointestinal problems. Conclusion. - Uvod. Prekomjeran i kroničan unos alkohola predstavlja učestalo, kontinuirano i ustrajno konzumiranje alkoholnih pića tijekom dužeg razdoblja. Prekomjerna konzumacija alkohola uzrokuje brojne zdravstvene probleme pojedincu, ali i cijelome društvu, te se više od 5,1 % globalnog moraliteta i bolesti pripisuje isključivo konzumaciji alkohola. Cilj. Svrha je ovog istraživanja sustavnim pregledom literature i detaljnim opisom pojava prepoznati nezarazne bolesti koje se vežu uz kroničnu konzumaciju alkohola. Metode. Sustavni pregled literature kojim se utvrdilo koje su nezarazne bolesti povezane s konzumacijom alkohola proveden je upotrebom Googlea, Medlinea i baza podataka velikih međunarodnih zdravstvenih organizacija. Ključne riječi upotrijebljene pri pretraživanju bile su alkoholizam i kronična konzumacija alkohola. Te se pojmove povezalo s pojavama i rizikom od nezaraznih bolesti. Istraživanja uključena u ovaj pregled obuhvaćaju klinička ispitivanja, metaanalize, kontrolirana klinička ispitivanja sa slučajnim uzorkom te pregledne članke. Rezultati. Istraživanje je pokazalo da kronična konzumacija alkohola predstavlja jedan od čimbenika rizika za Alzheimerovu bolest i demenciju, artritis, nepravilnu moždanu funkciju, rak (najčešće rak ždrijela, jednjaka, jetre, debelog crijeva, rektuma i dojke), kroničnu opstruktivnu bolest pluća, dijabetes, epilepsiju, bolesti srca i kardiovaskularne bolesti, disfunkciju imunološkog sustava, pothranjenost i nedostatak vitamina, poremećaje raspoloženja, bipolarni poremećaj i depresiju, osteoporozu i deformaciju kosti, upalu gušterače te čireve i gastrointestinalne probleme.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 4 (2020), 2 ; str. 227-242  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Konzumacija alkohola -- Zdravstveni rizici -- Nezarazne bolesti

Comparison of the novel Uroquattro HB&L™ system and classical phenotypic method for rapid screening of multidrug-resistant organism colonization at the University Hospital Centre Split, Croatia [Elektronička građa] = Usporedba nove brze metode Uroquattro HB&L™ s klasičnom fenotipskom metodom probira kliconoštva višestruko-otpornim organizmima u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Split, Hrvatska / Jelena Marinović, Anita Novak, Žana Rubić, Ivana Goić-Barišić, Marina Radić, Miroslav Barišić, Marija Tonkić.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Background. Infections caused by multidrug-resistant organisms (MDRO) are difficult to treat and associated with poor outcomes for patients. Therefore, early identification and management of colonization are essential as first steps in infection prevention. Culture-based methods have been widely used for MDRO screening. The turnaround time (TAT) for the identification of carriers varies between 48-72 h with this method. The aim of our study was to compare the performance of the new rapid semiautomatic method for detection of MDRO (HB&L Uroquattro, Alifax) with standard cultivation on selective media. Methods. Twenty-one axillary, 20 nose and 19 rectal swabs were taken in duplicate on two selected days at the University Hospital Centre Split, Croatia. Swabs were cultivated and MDRO isolates were identified on selective media (Chromagar MRSA and Chromagar ESBL) according to the standard operating procedure. Novel Alifax method was performed according to manufacturer’s instructions. Results. TAT for the new method was significantly lower (6.5 h) in comparison to the classical method. With classical method, 10 extended spectrum ß-lactamases (ESBL) producing strains from 10 different rectal specimens were isolated on Chromagar ESBL media. Exactly the same specimens were positive for the presence of ESBL-producing bacteria by rapid Alifax method. On selective Chromagar MRSA media, 11 MDRO were isolated, while rapid method detected 11 MDRO from the same specimens. Conclusions. High concordance of positive and negative results obtained with classical and rapid method is encouraging. However, our study was performed on a small sample size and further research with larger sample size is needed. - Uvod: Infekcije uzrokovane višestruko otpornim organizmima (MDRO) se teško liječe i često imaju nepovoljan ishod za bolesnika. Budući da infekciji najčešće prethodi kolonizacija, rana identifikacija koloniziranih bolesnika je neophodna u prevenciji nastanka infekcije. Za probir MDRO najčešće se koriste kultivacijske metode kojima vrijeme potrebno za izdavanje nalaza (TAT) iznosi od 48 do 72 h. Cilj ove studije bio je usporediti rezultate nove, brze, poluautomatske metode za detekciju MDRO (HB&L Uroquattro, Alifax) sa standardnom kultivacijom na selektivnim podlogama. Metode/materijali: Tijekom dva nasumično odabrana dana, bolesnicima hospitaliziranima u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Split, uzorkovano je ukupno 21 aksilarnih, 19 rektalnih te 20 briseva vestibuluma nosa. Svaki obrisak je prikupljen u duplikatu, jedan za kultivacijsku, a drugi za brzu poluatomatsku metodu. Brisevi su kultivirani i MDRO izolati identificirani na selektivnim podlogama (Chromagar MRSA i Chromagar ESBL) prema standardnom laboratorijskom protokolu. Nova Alifaxova metoda je provedena prema uputama proizvođača. Rezultati: U usporedbi s klasičnom metodom, TAT nove metode je bio značajno kraći (6,5 h). Klasičnom metodom je na Chromagar ESBL selektivnom mediju izolirano 10 sojeva koji stvaraju ß-laktamaze proširenog spektra (ESBL) iz 10 različitih rektalnih uzoraka. Isti uzorci su bili pozitivni na prisustvo ESBL- producirajućih bakterija brzom Alifaxovom metodom. Kultivacijom na selektivnom Chromagar MRSA mediju i brzom metodom otkriveno je 11 uzoraka pozitivnih na prisustvo MDRO. Zaključak: Visoki stupanj podudarnosti otkrivanja pozitivnih i negativnih uzoraka dobiven klasičnom i novom metodom, kao i značajno skraćivanje TAT-a novom metodom je ohrabrujući. Budući je studija provedena na relativno malom uzorku, potrebno je istraživanje proširiti na veći broj ispitanika.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 40 (2020), 1 ; str. 15-19  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bakterijske infekcije -- MDR bakterije -- Staphylococcus aureus -- Beta-laktamaze -- Lasersko liječenje

COVID-19 i trudnoća [Elektronička građa] = COVID-19 and pregnancy / Adam Vrbanić, Gordan Zlopaša, Joško Lešin. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 50 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - COVID-19 je bolest uzrokovana novim koronavirusom nazvanim SARS-CoV-2. Virus se iznimno brzo proširio cijelim svijetom te tako predstavio veliki izazov svim zdravstvenim sustavima. Budući je riječ o novootkrivenom virusu, veliki se napori još uvijek ulažu u razumijevanje virusa i bolesti koju uzrokuje te potrazi za učinkovitim lijekom/cjepivom. O COVID-19 i trudnoći još uvijek nedostaje informacija zbog nedostatnog broja slučajeva opisanih u literaturi te prekratkog razdoblja trajanja bolesti. U daljnjem smo tekstu opisali trenutne spoznaje o utjecaju virusa na trudnoću, porođaj i postpartalno razdoblje koristeći podatke sa službenih stranica i znanstvenih radova objavljenih do 9. svibnja 2020. godine. Klinički je tijek bolesti kod trudnica sličan onome u općoj populaciji. Loš utjecaj virusa na tijek i ishod trudnoće još uvijek nije dokazan. Još uvijek nema sigurnih dokaza o vertikalnoj transmisiji niti transmisiji virusa putem majčinog mlijeka. - COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2. The virus has spread throughout the world in a very short time, thus becoming a great challenge to every healthcare system. Great efforts are still being made attempting to clarify the characteristics of the virus, the disease it is causing and also in discovering an efficacious antiviral drug or vaccine. There is still a lack of information about COVID-19 in pregnancy due to a short duration of the disease and a small number of cases described in literature. This paper describes current insights about the effect of the virus on the pregnancy, delivery and postpartal period by using information from the official websites and articles published by May 9, 2020. Clinical course of the disease in pregnant women is very similar to its course in general population. There is still no evidence on the negative effect of the virus on the course and outcome of pregnancy. Also, there is still no strong evidence of vertical transmission of the virus or its transmission through breastfeeding.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 40 (2020), 2 ; str. 68-74  
 Elektronička verzija članka
COVID-19 -- Trudnoća -- Porođaj -- Vertikalna transmisija -- Dojenje

SEDLIĆ, Marija
Cryoglobulinemia and sensorimotor polyneuropathy [Elektronička građa] : a case report = Krioglobulinemija i senzomotorna polineuropatija : prikaz bolesnika / Marija Sedlić, Gordana Sičaja, Krešimir Luetić, Hrvoje Budinčević. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Secondary cryoglobulinemia is the most common extrahepatic manifestation of hepatitis C. There are different genotypes of hepatitis C, and the ones that are most frequently associated with cryoglobulinemia are genotypes 1b and 2a. Cryoglobulinemia affects various organs and can cause vasculitis, arthralgia, skin changes, glomerulonephritis and neurological manifestations, including peripheral neuropathy. The aim of this report was to emphasize the importance of early diagnosis of hepatitis C infection in patients who are presenting with sensomotor polyneuropathy. - Sekundarna krioglobulinemija najčešća je ekstrahepatalna manifestacija hepatitisa C. Postoje različiti genotipovi hepatitisa C, a najčešće povezani s krioglobulinemijom su genotipovi 1b i 2a. Krioglobulinemija može dovesti do različitih organskih oštećenja te rezultirati brojnim komplikacijama poput vaskulitisa, artralgija, promjena na koži, glomerulonefritisa i neuroloških manifestacija, uključujući perifernu neuropatiju. Cilj ovog prikaza bolesnika je naglasiti važnost rane dijagnoze hepatitisa C kod bolesnika sa senzomotornom polineuropatijom.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 40 (2020), 1 ; str. 35-37  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Krioglobulinemija -- Polineuropatija -- Hepatitis C

Detection of IgG against Rickettsia typhi [Elektronička građa] : a population-based study in southern Kazakhstan = Detekcija IgG protutijela na Rickettsia typhi : populacijska studija u južnom Kazahstanu / Yuliya V. Perfilyeva, Anna S. Nizkorodova, Zhanna A. Berdygulova, Yekaterina O. Ostapchuk, Dinara A. Naizabayeva, Alena S. Neupokoyeva, Tatyana V. Kuznetsova, Tatyana S. Shishkina, Gulzhan N. Abuova, Ravilya A. Yegemberdiyeva, Akerke O. Bissenbay, Elina R. Maltseva, Seidigapbar M. Mamadaliyev, Andrey M. Dmitrovsky. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Background. Rickettsia typhi belongs to the typhus group of rickettsiae and causes endemic typhus. Cases of endemic typhus and seropositivity to R. typhi have been reported in the neighbouring China and Russia. However, little is known of the endemic typhus in Kazakhstan. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of IgG antibodies to R. typhi in the population of southern region of Kazakhstan. Methods. A total of 253 individuals (142 women, 111 men) aged from 1 to 71 years were recruited into the study. Detection of serum IgG antibodies against R. typhi was performed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results. The overall R. typhi seropositivity has reached 34.4%. The highest seroprevalence of 91.8% was recorded in the Turkestan Region. The lowest seropositivity of 6.1% was detected in the village Lepsinsk, Almaty Region. The seroprevalence did not differ significantly between genders. Seropositivity in adult individuals was not significantly associated with age, but positive results were not detected in the age group of children under 14 years. Conclusion. The obtained results confirm active circulation of R. typhi in the Turkestan and Almaty Regions of Kazakhstan. The data indicate an urgent need for further studies aimed to evaluate the clinical impact caused by R. typhi in the southern region of Kazakhstan. - Uvod. Rickettsia typhi svrstava se u skupinu pjegavih tifusa i uzrokuje endemski tifus. Slučajevi endemskog tifusa i seropozitivnosti na R. typhi zabilježeni su u susjednoj Kini i Rusiji. Međutim, o endemskom tifusu u Kazahstanu se malo zna. Svrha ove studije bila je procijeniti prevalenciju IgG protutijela na R. typhi u populaciji južne regije Kazahstana. Metode. U istraživanje je uključeno ukupno 253 osoba (142 žena, 111 muškaraca) u dobi od 1 do 71 godine. Detekcija serumskih IgG protutijela na R. typhi provedena je imunoenzimskim ELISA testom. Rezultati. Ukupna seropozitivnost na R. typhi iznosila je 34,4%. Najveća seroprevalencija od 91,8% zabilježena je u regiji Turkestan. Najniža seropozitivnost od 6,1% otkrivena je u selu Lepsinsk, regija Almaty. Seroprevalencija se nije značajno razlikovala prema spolu. Seropozitivnost kod odraslih pojedinaca nije bila značajno povezana s dobi, ali pozitivni rezultati nisu otkriveni u dobnoj skupini djece mlađe od 14 godina. Zaključak. Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju aktivnu cirkulaciju R. typhij u regijama Turkestan i Almaty u Kazahstanu. Podaci ukazuju na hitnu potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjima čiji je cilj procijeniti klinički učinak R. typhi u južnoj regiji Kazahstana.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 39 (2019), 4 ; str. 113-118  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rickettsia typhi -- Tifus -- IgG protutijela -- Prevalencija

VILIBIĆ Čavlek, Tatjana
Diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection [Elektronička građa] : preliminary results of six serology tests = Dijagnostika SARS-CoV-2 infekcije : preliminarni rezultati šest seroloških testova / Tatjana Vilibić-Čavlek, Vladimir Stevanović, Irena Tabain, Ljiljana Perić, Dario Sabadi, Željka Hruškar, Ljiljana Milašinčić, Ljiljana Antolašić, Maja Bogdanić, Vladimir Savić, Ljubo Barbić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The most important use of serology in the COVID-19 diagnostics is for determination of the extent of disease in the population. However, immunoassays could represent an additional diagnostic method, especially in patients with exposure history and clinical symptoms compatible with COVID-19 who failed to be confirmed by RT-PCR. We analyzed the preliminary results of six serology tests for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2. Three point-of-care lateral flow chromatographic immunoassays (POC): ACRO, AMP and ENCODE and three enzyme immunoassays (ELISA): DiaPro, Vircell and Euroimmun were used. A total of 15 serum samples from COVID-19 patients and 15 serum samples from asymptomatic persons were tested. Time of sampling for COVID-19 patients was 4 – 10 days (N=4), 11 – 19 days (N=6) and 20 – 34 days (N=5) after disease onset. Initially reactive results were confirmed using a virus neutralization test (VNT). In COVID-19 patients (N=15), IgM/IgA positive detection rates were 9/60.0% (ACRO), 11/73.3% (AMP, ENCODE, Euroimmun), 12/80.0% (DiaPro) and 13/86.6% (Vircell). Overall IgG detection rates were 10//66.6% (AMP, Euroimmun) and 11/73.3% (other tests). According to the sampling time, positive detection rates were as follows: a) days 4 – 10: 1/25.0% and 2/50.0% (IgM/IgA and IgG); b) days 11 –19: 4/66.6%-6/100% (IgM/IgA), 4/66.6% and 5/83.3% (IgG); c) days 20 – 34: 4/80.0% and 5/100% (IgM/IgA), 5/100% (IgG). One asymptomatic participant tested IgM/IgA positive using ACRO, DiaPro and Vircell was confirmed seropositive using a VNT. In a group of asymptomatic persons detected seronegative using a VNT (N=14), IgM/IgA negative detection rates were 12/85.7% (ACRO), 13/92.8% (DiaPro, Vircell) and 14/100% (AMP, ENCODE, Euroimmun). IgG negative detection rates were 13/92.8% (ACRO) and 14/100% (other tests). ELISA tests showed a higher overall IgM/IgA sensitivity compared to POC tests in patients with COVID-19, while the IgG sensitivity was similar in both POC and ELISA. - Najznačajnija primjena seroloških testova u dijagnostici COVID-19 je u svrhu procjene proširenosti bolesti u populaciji. Međutim, imunotestovi mogu poslužiti kao dodatni dijagnostički postupak, posebice kod bolesnika s podatkom o izloženosti COVID-19 i prisutnim kliničkim simptomima, kod kojih je rezultat RT-PCR testa bio negativan. U ovome smo radu analizirali preliminarne rezultate šest seroloških testova za dijagnostiku SARS-CoV-2. Korištena su tri 'point-of care' imunokromatografska testa (POC): ACRO, AMP i ENCODE te tri imunoenzimska testa (DiaPro, Vircell i Euroimmun). Testirano je ukupno 15 uzoraka seruma bolesnika s COVID-19 infekcijom i 15 uzoraka seruma asimptomatskih osoba. Vrijeme uzorkovanja kod bolesnika s COVID-19 iznosilo je 4 – 10 dana (N=4), 11 – 19 dana (N=6) te 20 – 34 dana (N=5) od početka bolesti. Svi su početno reaktivni rezultati potvrđeni testom neutralizacije virusa (VNT). Kod bolesnika s COVID-19 (N=15), učestalost detekcije IgM/IgA protutijela iznosila je 9/60,0% (ACRO), 11/73,3% (AMP, ENCODE, Euroimmun), 12/80,0% (DiaPro) te 13/86,6% (Vircell). Učestalost detekcije IgG protutijela iznosila je 10/66,6% (AMP, Euroimmun) te 11/73,3% (ostali testovi). Ovisno o vremenu uzorkovanja, učestalost detekcije protutijela iznosila je: a) 4-10. dana: 1/25,0% i 2/50,0% (IgM/IgA i IgG); b) 11-19. dana: 4/66,6%-6/100% (IgM/IgA), 4/66,6% i 5/83,3% (IgG; c) 20-34. dana: 4/80,0% i 5/100% (IgM/IgA), 5/100% (IgG). U jedne asimptomatske osobe s dokazanim IgM/IgA protutijelima testom ACRO, DiaPro i Vircell potvrđena su neutralizacijska protutijela. U skupini seronegativnih asimptomatskih osoba dokazanih VNT testom (N=14), negativan nalaz IgM/IgA je nađen u 12/85,7% (ACRO), 13/92,8% (DiaPro, Vircell) i 14/100% (AMP, ENCODE, Euroimmun) uzoraka, dok je negativan nalaz IgG dokazan kod 13/92,8% (ACRO) te 14/100% (ostali testovi) uzoraka.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 40 (2020), 2 ; str. 50-54  
 Elektronička verzija članka
COVID-19 -- SARS-CoV-2 -- Serološka dijagnostika -- Point-of-care testiranje -- ELISA test

The effects of preoperative education, marking and adequate positioning of stoma on self-esteem and the quality of life of patients with intestinal ostomy and their families [Elektronička građa] / Vesna Konjevoda, Snježana Čukljek, Sanja Ledinski Fičko, Martina Smrekar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Aim. The purpose of this systematic review is to examine all available research studies on quality of life of ostomy patients and their families, which is contingent upon the effects of adequate preoperational education, the best and most acceptable ostomy site marking on the patients’ abdomen, and subsequently, the effect on the ostomy patients’ self-esteem. Methods. A literature search was carried out using scientific electronic databases - Science Direct, PubMed and Medline. Analysed period was from 2010 to 2016 in order to get insight into the most recent findings. Search terms included preoperative education, stoma marking, quality of life, self-esteem, influence on family life. Overview of articles was made in three stages. Results. We found 1440 scientific articles. In the first stage, we eliminated 1271 articles because they were unsuitable. In the second stage, we analysed 34 articles and made a conclusion based on 13 full text available articles. Conclusion. The patient is content while being treated in the hospital; however, only after the patient has been released do the hardships occur, which are often the main cause of discontent, isolation, anxiety, and fear – thus resulting in diminished quality of life. Preoperational education and marking the most acceptable place for ostomy procedure significantly affect the self-esteem and the quality of life of ostomy patients and their families. Ostomy patients need to be followed up, and the home care system, as well as the support systems of public health care for patients with a gastrointestinal ostomy, need to be strengthened. - Cilj. Svrha je ovog sustavnog pregleda proučiti sva dostupna istraživanja kvalitete života pacijenata sa stomom i njihovih obitelji, što ovisi o učincima primjerene prijeoperacijske edukacije, najboljeg i najprihvatljivijeg mjesta za stomu označenog na pacijentovu abdomenu te poslijeoperacijskom učinku na samopouzdanje pacijenta sa stomom. Metode. Provedeno je istraživanje literature s pomoću znanstvenih elektroničkih baza podataka Science Direct PubMed i Medline. Proučen je period između 2010. i 2016. kako bi se dobio uvid u najnovije rezultate istraživanja. Pri pretraživanju upotrijebljeni su sljedeći pojmovi: prijeoperacijska edukacija, označavanje mjesta za stomu, kvaliteta života, samopouzdanje, utjecaj na obiteljski život. Pregled članaka proveden je u tri faze. Rezultati. Pronađeno je 1440 znanstvenih članaka. U prvoj fazi eliminiran je 1271 članak koji nije odgovarao istraživanju. U drugoj fazi analizirana su 34 članka te je donesen zaključak na temelju 13 dostupnih cjelovitih tekstova. Zaključak. Pacijent je zadovoljan za vrijeme liječenja u bolnici; no problemi nastupaju nakon otpuštanja iz bolnice, a često su uzroci nezadovoljstva, osamljenosti, anksioznosti i straha – sve to dovodi do snižene kvalitete života. Prijeoperacijska edukacija i označavanje najprihvatljivijeg mjesta za stomu znatno utječu na samopouzdanje i kvalitetu života pacijenata s ostomijom i njihovih obitelji. Potrebno je kontinuirano pratiti pacijente sa stomom te unaprijediti sustav kućne njege i sustav javnozdravstvene podrške za pacijente s gastrointestinalnom stomom.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 4 (2020), 2 ; str. 205-217  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prijeoperacijska edukacija -- Stoma -- Kvaliteta života

Etiologija i ishod bakterijskih infekcija kod bolesnika s cirozom jetre [Elektronička građa] : retrospektivna kohortna studija = Etiology and outcome of bacterial infections in patients with liver cirrhosis : a retrospective cohort study / Juraj Krznarić, Neven Papić, Iva Butić, Davorka Dušek, Ivan Kurelac, Adriana Vince. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Introduction: Bacterial infections are a common cause of complications and decompensation in patients with liver cirrhosis. The objective of this study is to evaluate the etiology, clinical manifestations, course and outcome of bacterial infections and identify mortality predictors in patients with liver cirrhosis and sepsis. Materials/Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study involving 257 patients hospitalized at the University Hospital for Infectious Diseases, Zagreb over a five-year period (2011 - 2015). We analysed demographical, clinical, and microbiological data in order to identify the mortality predictors. Results: The most common clinical syndrome on admission was bacteremia of unknown origin. Chronic liver disease (CLD) was previously diagnosed in 39,2 % of patients. In 50,0 % of the cases, CLD was alcohol induced. The causative agent was isolated in 71,4 % of patients, mostly from blood cultures. Empirical therapy was corrected in 11,2 % of cases (according to microbiological findings). Median time of adequate antimicrobial therapy onset was 3 days. Complications occurred in 62,2 % of patients. Hospital stay mortality rate was 28,5 %. Delayed adequate antimicrobial therapy for a period ≥ 72 hours, invasive mechanical ventilation and acute renal failure were independently associated with fatal outcomes. Conclusion: This study describes the epidemiology and etiology of bacteriemia in liver cirrhosis patients in Croatia. Since infection is the initial sign of cirrhosis presence in our cohort, systematic screening for timely detection of CLD and prevention of complications is crucial. High rate of multiple drug resistant infections from the general population underscores the need to develop national guidelines for empirical treatment of bacterial infections in patients with liver cirrhosis.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 39 (2019), 4 ; str. 106-112  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bakterijemija -- Ciroza jetre -- Antibiotici -- Empirijsko liječenje

KARIN, Andrea
Etiology, incidence and mortality in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia in adult general surgery and cardiac surgery intensive care units in University Hospital Dubrava [Elektronička građa] = Etiologija, incidencija i smrtnost u bolesnika s pneumonijom povezanom s mehaničkom ventilacijom u jedinicama intenzivnog liječenja opće i kardijalne kirurgije u Kliničkoj bolnici Dubrava / Andrea Karin, Jasminka Peršec, Katerina Bakran, Marko Pražetina, Andrej Šribar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) and hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP) strongly contribute to morbidity and mortality in intensive care units. Hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP) is pneumonia occurring 48 hours upon admission and appears not to be incubating at the time of admission. Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a type of HAP developing in intubated patients after more than 48 hours upon mechanical ventilation. HAP and VAP are common and serious complications present in hospitalized patients. Since the diagnosis of VAP and HAP are rarely documented, we wanted to assess the incidence of VAP in General Surgery and Cardiac Surgery Intensive Care Units in 2018 and analyse the patients and procedures related factors. Patients intubated and ventilated more than 96 hours during 2018 were included. Our findings have shown that incidence of VAP in two analysed ICUs in UH Dubrava is in line with VAP incidence found in literature due to successful preventive strategies and timely initiation of antimicrobial therapy and other adjunctive procedures. - Pneumonija povezana s mehaničkom ventilacijom (engl. ventilator-associated pneumonia, VAP) i pneumonija stečena u bolnici (engl. hospital acquired pneumonia, HAP) snažno doprinose pobolu i smrtnosti u jedinicama za intenzivno liječenje. Bolnička pneumonija se javlja 48 sati nakon prijema u bolnicu i čini se da za vrijeme prijema nema inkubacije. Pneumonija povezana s mehaničkom ventilacijom (VAP) je vrsta bolničke pneumonije koja se razvija kod intubiranih bolesnika nakon više od 48 sati mehaničke ventilacije. HAP i VAP predstavljaju uobičajene i ozbiljne komplikacije kod hospitaliziranih bolesnika. Budući se VAP i HAP dijagnoze rijetko dokumentiraju, željeli smo procijeniti učestalost pneumonija povezanih s mehaničkom ventilacijom u jedinicama intenzivnog liječenja opće i kardijalne kirurgije u 2018. godini. U analizu su uključeni bolesnici koji su intubirani i ventilirani više od 96 sati tijekom 2018. godine. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je učestalost VAP-a u dvije jedinice za intenzivno liječenje u Kliničkoj bolnici Dubrava u skladu s učestalošću VAP-a utvrđenom u literaturi zahvaljujući provođenju uspješnih preventivnih strategija i pravodobnog započinjanja antimikrobne terapije i drugih dodatnih procedura.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 39 (2019), 4 ; str. 124-128  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pneumonija -- Mehanička ventilacija -- Antimikrobna terapija -- Traheotomija

First three months of COVID-19 in Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina [Elektronička građa] : comparative assessment of disease control measures = Prva tri mjeseca COVID-19 u Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji, Srbiji i Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine : komparativna analiza mjera za suzbijanje bolesti / Nika Lazić, Vanja Lazić, Branko Kolarić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The uncertainty surrounding the emerging coronavirus threat prompted countries to adopt various disease control measures (DCMs). This study compares the DCMs and the epicurves in Croatia, Slovenia, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia in the first three months of COVID-19 epidemic. The open-source data of COVID-19 confirmed case and the DCMs were analyzed. For comparison between countries, seven benchmark DCMs were used: closure of educational institutions, complete lockdown, borders closure, public transport ban, restriction of movement within the country, easing of the lockdown measure, and the borders re-opening. The time passed from the first detected and confirmed COVID-19 case and each DCM was recorded as well as the time between the epidemic declaration and each DCM. The results describe comparatively the time flow of the DCMs across the countries and relative to the number of confirmed cases. - Nesigurnost oko novonastale prijetnje od koronavirusa potaknula je pojedine zemlje na usvajanje raznih mjera za suzbijanje bolesti (engl. disease control measures, DCMs). Ovim istraživanjem usporedili smo mjere za suzbijanje bolesti i epidemijske krivulje u Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji, Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine i Srbiji u prva tri mjeseca epidemije COVID-19. Analizirani su podaci iz otvorenih izvora o potvrđenim slučajevima COVID-19 i mjerama suzbijanja bolesti. Za usporedbu među zemljama korišteno je sedam referentnih mjera suzbijanja bolesti: zatvaranje obrazovnih institucija, potpuno zatvaranje zemlje (engl. lockdown), zatvaranje granica, zabrana javnog prijevoza, ograničenje kretanja unutar zemlje, ublažavanje mjere zatvaranja i ponovno otvaranje granica. Zabilježeno je proteklo vrijeme od prvog otkrivenog i potvrđenog slučaja bolesti COVID-19 do uvođenja svake mjere za suzbijanje bolesti, kao i vrijeme od proglašenja epidemije do uvođenja svake pojedine mjere. Rezultati usporedno opisuju vremenski tijek uvođenja mjera za suzbijanje bolesti u analiziranim zemljama u odnosu na broj potvrđenih slučajeva.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 40 (2020), 2 ; str. 43-49  
 Elektronička verzija članka
COVID-19 -- Epidemija -- Zarazne bolesti -- Suzbijanje bolesti

DINJAR Kujundžić, Petra
Hepatitis E induced "acute-on-chronic" liver failure - do we transplant or not? [Elektronička građa] = "Acute-on-chronic" zatajenje jetre uzrokovano hepatitis E virusnom infekcijom - transplantirati ili ne? / Petra Dinjar Kujundžić, Jadranka Pavičić Šarić, Ljiljana Betica Radić, Adriana Vince, Ana Ostojić, Ivan-Budimir Bekan, Anna Mrzljak.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Hepatitis E virus is a pathogen of worldwide significance. In developed countries, foodborne transmission of zoonotic genotypes is the most common route of infection. Transfusion transmitted infection is also an important source of infection, particularly in immunocompromised population. In most cases, HEV infection is asymptomatic or presents as an acute self-limiting hepatitis. Rarely it leads to fulminant hepatitis or „acute-on- chronic” liver failure in people with pre-existing chronic liver diseases. The aim of this report is to present the first documented case of HEV-related „acute-on-chronic” liver failure in Croatia in a patient with chronic liver disease listed for liver transplantation. Due to increasing incidence in industrialised countries, HEV infection should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of acute hepatitis and in patients with unexplained worsening of chronic liver disease. - Hepatitis E virusna (HEV) infekcija zarazna je bolest s rastućom stopom pojavnosti diljem svijeta. U razvijenim zemljama, najčešći put prijenosa zoonotskih genotipova HEV virusa je putem hrane, dok prijenos putem krvnih derivata predstavlja važan izvor infekcije u imunokompromitiranim populacijama. U većini slučajeva, HEV infekcija je asimptomatska ili se uglavnom prezentira u obliku akutnog samolimitirajućeg hepatitisa, rijetko dovodeći do fulminantnog hepatitisa ili „acute-on-chronic” zatajenja jetre kod osoba s pre-egzistentnim bolestima jetre. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati prvi dokumentirani slučaj „acute-on-chronic” zatajenja jetre izazvanog HEV-om u Hrvatskoj kod bolesnika s kroničnom bolesti jetre koji je bio uvršten na listu za transplantaciju jetre. Zbog povećane učestalosti u razvijenim zemljama, HEV infekciju treba uvijek razmotriti u diferencijalnoj dijagnozi akutnog hepatitisa i kod bolesnika s nejasnim pogoršanjem kronične bolesti jetre.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 28-30  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hepatitis E -- Transplantacija jetre -- Zatajenje jetre

Hepatocelularni karcinom i nealkoholna masna bolest jetre = Hepatocellular carcinoma and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease / Tajana Stevanović Grahovac, Nadija Skenderević, Božena Delija, Ivana Mikolašević. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Hepatologija danas - odabrane teme. - Bibliografija: 17 jed.
U: Medicus (Zagreb. 1992). - ISSN 1330-013X. - 29 (2020), 1 ; str. 43-47  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nealkoholna bolest masne jetre -- Hepatocelularni karcinom -- Incidencija

VILIBIĆ Čavlek, Tatjana
Importance of multidisciplinary and regional collaboration in integrated West Nile virus surveillance - the "One Health" concept [Elektronička građa] = Značaj multidisciplinarne i regionalne suradnje u integriranom nadzoru West Nile virusa - koncept "Jedno zdravlje" / Tatjana Vilibić-Čavlek, Tamaš Petrović, Vladimir Savić, Milanko Šekler, Ana Klobučar, Dušan Petrić, Irena Tabain, Dejan Vidanović, Maja Bogdanić, Gospava Lazić, Ivana Cvjetković-Hrnjaković, Vladimir Stevanović, Vesna Milošević, Bojana Tešović, Nataša Janev-Holcer, Diana Lupulović, Luka Radmanić, Sava Lazić, Pavle Jeličić, Ljubo Barbić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 52 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - West Nile virus (WNV) is nowadays one of the most widely distributed arboviruses. In the last two decades, small or large WNV epidemics and epizootics are continuously reported in Europe. In this review, we present the epidemiological characteristics of WNV infections detected in Croatia and Serbia within the “One Health” context. Presented results confirm the importance of multidisciplinary and regional collaboration in the diagnosis and surveillance of this (re-)emerging viral zoonosis. - West Nile virus (WNV) danas je jedan od najrasprostranjenijih arbovirusa. U posljednja se dva desetljeća WNV infekcije kontinuirano pojavljuju na području Europe u obliku manjih ili većih epidemija i epizootija. U ovom preglednom radu prikazujemo epidemiološke značajke WNV infekcija koje su dokazane na području Hrvatske i Srbije u kontekstu “Jednog zdravlja”. Prikazani rezultati potvrđuju značaj multidisciplinarne i regionalne suradnje u dijagnostici i praćenju ove (re-)emergentne virusne zoonoze.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 39 (2019), 2 ; str. 40-47  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Virus zapadnog Nila -- Arbovirusi -- Epidemiološke značajke -- Zoonoze

Initial assessment and monitoring of nutritional status and malignant pain in lung cancer patients [Elektronička građa] / Sandra Karabatić, Andreja Šajnić, Snježana Čukljek, Ivana Lukić Franolić, Sanja Pleština, Miroslav Samaržija. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 76 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Introduction. Lung cancer is a complex disease and requires a multidisciplinary approach to achieve the best results in treatment, to increase the survival rate while preserving the quality of life of the sufferer. The nutritional status of the patient is an important factor affecting outcome and recovery from disease or injury. We question whether there is a link between nutritional status and malignant pain in lung cancer patients. Aim. A prospective trial was conducted to determine the distribution of respondents by frequency of pain according to a validated Visual Analog Scale (VAS), distribution of respondents who reported reduced food intake and distribution of factors that have led to the reduced food intake. Methods. A prospective trial was conducted at the Department for respiratory diseases Jordanovac, University Hospital Center Zagreb, Croatia, on a sample of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer to determine the frequency, characteristics and treatment of chronic malignant pain (N=76). These are the results from November 2013 to June 2014. For pain assessment, we used a validated VAS. For the identification of patients at risk of malnutrition we used Nutritional risk screening tool (NRS 2002). For a rough estimate of total body adiposity, we measured dermal thicknesses using a standard calliper. Monitoring of patients was documented in the form of nursing documentation. A component of nursing documentation was designed to monitor the nutritional status of cancer patients and has been implemented at the Department for respiratory diseases Jordanovac as required documentation. The component included collecting the following data: the stage and type of cancer and treatment, demographic characteristics, age, gender, vital signs, body weight and height, body mass index (BMI), subjective symptoms such as pain, fatigue and nausea, reduction ad rezones of food consumption. Results. - Uvod. Rak pluća jest kompleksna bolest i zahtijeva multidisciplinarni pristup kako bi se postigli što bolji rezultati u liječenju i povećala stopa preživljavanja uz istodobno očuvanje kvalitete života oboljelog. Nutritivni status bolesnika pokazao se važnim čimbenikom koji utječe na ishod i oporavak od bolesti ili ozljede. Postavljamo pitanje postoji li poveznica između nutritivnog statusa i maligne boli u bolesnika s rakom pluća. Cilj. Provedeno je prospektivno istraživanje kako bi se utvrdila raspodjela ispitanika prema učestalosti bolova prema validiranoj vizualnoj analognoj skali (VAS), raspodjela ispitanika koji su prijavili smanjeni unos hrane i raspodjela čimbenika koji su doveli do smanjenog unosa hrane. Metode. Istraživanje je provedeno na Zavodu za tumore pluća i sredoprsja Klinike za plućne bolesti Jordanovac Kliničkoga bolničkog centra Zagreb, na uzorku bolesnika s uznapredovalim rakom pluća nemalih stanica (N = 76). u periodu od studenoga 2013. do lipnja 2014. Za procjenu boli primijenjen je validirani VAS. Za identifikaciju pacijenata s rizikom od pothranjenosti primijenjen je alat za provjeru prehrambenih rizika (NRS 2002). Za grubu procjenu količine masnog tkiva koristili smo se kaliperom. Praćenje bolesnika dokumentirano je u obliku sestrinske dokumentacije. Sastavnica sestrinske dokumentacije osmišljena je za praćenje prehrambenog stanja oboljelih od karcinoma i implementirana je na Odjelu za respiratorne bolesti Jordanovac kao potrebna dokumentacija. Sastavnica je obuhvatila prikupljanje sljedećih podataka: stadij bolesti i tip karcinoma, tip i stadij liječenja, demografske karakteristike ispitanika, debljina kožnog nabora, standardizirani upitnik o pothranjenosti Nutritional NRS 20021, vitalni znakovi, tjelesna težina, tjelesna visina, indeks tjelesne mase, subjektivna procjena pacijenta; bol, umor i mučnina, razlozi smanjene prehrane.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 4 (2020), 2 ; str. 143-155  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rak pluća -- Nutritivni status -- Bol

PUŽ, Petra
Kako razlikovati alkoholnu od nealkoholne bolesti jetre? = How to distinguish between alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver disease? / Petra Puž, Toni Jurić, Mia Klapan, Anđela Lukić. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Hepatologija danas - odabrane teme. - Bibliografija: 48 jed.
U: Medicus (Zagreb. 1992). - ISSN 1330-013X. - 29 (2020), 1 ; str. 19-26  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Jetrena lezija -- Alkoholna bolest jetre -- Nealkoholna bolest masne jetre

Kolestatske bolesti jetre = Cholestatic liver diseases / Vedrana Vlahović, Lucija Virović Jukić, Sanja Stojsavljević Shapeski, Neven Ljubičić, Davor Hrabar. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Hepatologija danas - odabrane teme. - Bibliografija: 57 jed.
U: Medicus (Zagreb. 1992). - ISSN 1330-013X. - 29 (2020), 1 ; str. 53-61  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bolesti jetre -- Kolestatske bolesti jetre -- Kolestaza

KNEŽEVIĆ Štromar, Ivana
Komplikacije ciroze jetre i kako ih liječiti = Liver cirrhosis complications and their treatment / Ivana Knežević Štromar, Matea Majerović. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Hepatologija danas - odabrane teme. - Bibliografija: 60 jed.
U: Medicus (Zagreb. 1992). - ISSN 1330-013X. - 29 (2020), 1 ; str. 63-71  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bolesti jetre -- Ciroza jetre -- Fibroza jetre -- Komplikacije

Kortikosteroidi kod teške pneumonije [Elektronička građa] = Corticosteroids in severe pneumonia / Viktor Kotarski.
Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Pneumonija iz opće populacije je još uvijek uzrok značajnog morbiditeta i mortaliteta, usprkos učinkovitoj antimikrobnoj terapiji. Smatra se da je neuspjeh u liječenju, barem djelomično, uzrokovan pretjeranim upalnim odgovorom na infekciju. Kortikosteroidi su se do sada pokazali djelotvornima u smirivanju upale i poboljšanju ishoda liječenja nekoliko infektivnih bolesti. Stoga su, također, provedene brojne studije na temelju kojih je ispitivan utjecaj kortikosteroida na ishod liječenja bolesnika s pneumonijom iz opće populacije. Iako je većina studija pokazala pozitivan efekt u smislu bržeg postizanja kliničke stabilnosti, skraćenja vremena hospitalizacije ili antimikrobne terapije, u većini njih nije pronađena razlika u smrtnosti. Iako se u novim smjernicama iz 2019. godine za liječenje pneumonije (IDSA i NICE) ne preporučuje rutinsko davanje kortikosteroida, pojedini ih stručnjaci ipak preporučuju kao opciju u liječenju isključivo teške pneumonije, uz napomenu kako je potrebno istražiti koje će skupine bolesnika imati najviše koristi od kortikosteroida te optimalnu dozu i trajanje liječenja. - Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality despite appropriate antimicrobial treatment. Treatment failure is, at least in part, caused by excessive inflammatory response to infection. Corticosteroids have been proven effective in improving treatment outcomes in several infectious diseases. With this rationale, many studies have been conducted to determine whether the immunomodulatory effect of steroids would also be beneficial in treatment of CAP. Although many studies did demonstrate shorter time to clinical stability, shorter antimicrobial treatment, and shorter hospitalization, most of them have failed to demonstrate survival benefit. Generally speaking, the latest guidelines for treatment of CAP (published in 2019 by IDSA and NICE, respectively) do not recommend the routine use of corticosteroids, but some experts still recommend their use in case of severe CAP. Further studies are needed to determine which groups of patients are most likely to benefit from corticosteroids and what are the optimal dose and duration of treatment.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 39 (2019), 4 ; str. 119-123  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pneumonija -- Farmakoterapija -- Kortikosteroidi

Krpeljni meningoencefalitis povezan s konzumacijom nepasteriziranog kozjeg mlijeka, Gorski kotar, 2019. godine [Elektronička građa] : prikaz kliničkih slučajeva = Tick-borne encephalitis due to consumption of raw goat milk, Gorski kotar, 2019 : clinical case reports / Samira Knežević, Irena Slavuljica, Danijela Lakošeljac, Ninoslava Vicković, Đurđica Cekinović Grbeša, Lari Gorup, Marina Bubonja Šonje, Dobrica Rončević, Maja Ilić, Maja Bogdanić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Virus krpeljnog meningoencefalitisa (KME) najčešći je uzročnik infekcija središnjeg živčanog sustava u endemskim područjima srednje Europe. Radi se o prirodno žarišnoj zoonozi, čiji rezervoar čine šumski glodavci, domaće i divlje životinje, a čovjek se zarazi prigodno, ubodom inficiranog krpelja. U posljednje je vrijeme sve više izvješća o epidemijama KME povezanih s konzumacijom svježeg mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda. Cilj je rada prikazati kliničke značajke i tijek bolesti kod oboljelih od KME u tijeku grupiranja u Primorsko- goranskoj županiji (lipanj 2019. godine), povezanog s konzumacijom nepasteriziranog kozjeg mlijeka iz istog izvora. Tri su bolesnika hospitalizirana s kliničkom slikom meningitisa, a kod dvoje se infekcija prezentirala kao febrilna bolest s mijalgijama i općom slabošću. Kod svih je bolesnika infekcija potvrđena serološkom obradom. Niti jedan bolesnik nije bio cijepljen protiv KME niti je imao podatak o ugrizu krpelja. Ovim radom želimo ukazati na zdravstvene opasnosti prehrambenih navika konzumiranja sirovog mlijeka koje u današnje vrijeme postaje sve popularnije, osobito među zagovornicima „zdrave hrane“. - Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is the most common central nervous system (CNS) infection in the endemic areas of Central Europe. TBE is a zoonosis whose reservoir are forest rodents, and other mammals and vectors are Ixodes ticks. Humans become infected through a tick bite, but recently many TBE outbreaks after consumption of unpasteurized milk and dairy products from infected livestock have been described. The aim of this study was to analyze clinical characteristics of five TBE cases who were infected after consumption of unpasteurized goat milk and dairy products from a small family farm in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County (June 2019). Tree patients developed CNS infection while two had febrile illness. None of the infected patients reported a history of a tick-bite or were vaccinated against TBE. The infection was confirmed by detection of TBE specific antibodies. Since "healthy" lifestyle that encourages consumption of raw milk and dairy products is increasingly fashionable, we would like to point out the importance of pasteurizing or boiling milk before the consumption.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 39 (2019), 3 ; str. 93-97  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Virus krpeljnog meningoencefalitisa -- Nepasterizirano mlijeko -- Kozje mlijeko

MARUŠIĆ, Marinko
Laboratorijske pretrage u bolestima jetre = Laboratory tests in liver diseases / Marinko Marušić, Matej Paić, Mia Knobloch, Krešimir Luetić, Dragan Jurčić. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Hepatologija danas - odabrane teme. - Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Summary.
U: Medicus (Zagreb. 1992). - ISSN 1330-013X. - 29 (2020), 1 ; str. 13-18  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bolesti jetre -- Laboratorijske pretrage -- Jetrena lezija

FILIPEC Kanižaj, Tajana
Liječenje nealkoholne masne bolesti jetre (NAFLD) = Treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) / Tajana Filipec Kanižaj, Maja Mijić, Ivana Mikolašević. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Hepatologija danas - odabrane teme. - Bibliografija: 20 jed.
U: Medicus (Zagreb. 1992). - ISSN 1330-013X. - 29 (2020), 1 ; str. 49-52  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nealkoholna bolest masne jetre -- Liječenje -- Terapija

Logopedska praksa s poremećajima glasa u Hrvatskoj [Elektronička građa] = Speech-language therapy practice with voice disorders in Croatia / Marija Jozipović, Petra Ramljak, Iva Renić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Poremećaji glasa dio su logopedske djelatnosti koja uključuje prevenciju, dijagnostiku i terapiju za poboljšanje glasovne proizvodnje. Cilj ovog istraživanja je dobivanje boljeg uvida u logopedski rad u kontekstu poremećaja glasa u Republici Hrvatskoj, što pridonosi unapređenju obrazovanja i logopedske djelatnosti u navedenom području. Istraživanje je bilo namijenjeno radno aktivnim logopedima iz Republike Hrvatske, a provedeno je elektroničkom anketom pod nazivom „Praksa poremećaja glasa u Hrvatskoj“. Anketa je sadržavala ukupno 22 ispitne čestice, koje su se odnosile na sljedeća područja: a) educiranost i znanja sudionika o poremećajima glasa, b) iskustvo u radu s populacijom s poremećajem glasa i c) mišljenja o mogućim rješenjima za unapređenje prakse poremećaja glasa u Republici Hrvatskoj. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 108 logopeda iz šesnaest županija. Problematika poremećaja glasa u općoj populaciji još nije dovoljno osviještena, a postoji potreba za njenim prepoznavanjem i tretiranjem. Istraživanje je pokazalo da logopedi nakon studija osjećaju nedostatak kompetencija za pružanje logopedskih usluga osobama s poremećajima glasa. Dodatno zabrinjava činjenica da se osjećaj kompetencije ne povećava radnim iskustvom, već uglavnom ostaje isti. Zaključno, na osnovi rezultata ovog istraživanja, postoji potreba za unapređenjem obrazovanja i rada u području poremećaja glasa s više kolegija u planu i programu studija, više sati prakse, čitanja stručnih članaka, pohađanja edukacija i boljeg umrežavanja logopeda. - Speech and language pathology includes prevention, assessment, diagnostics and therapy of voice disorders in order to improve voice production. The main goal of this research is to gain insight into speech and language pathologist's (SLP) practice in the field of voice pathology in Croatia, which could enable practice and education improvements. The research was carried out among employed speech and language pathologists using an online survey called Voice disorders practice in Croatia. The survey consisted of 22 items divided into following parts: a) participants’ knowledge and education in voice disorders, b) their clinical experience with voice disorders, and c) outlook on possible solutions for practice improvement. The total of 108 SLPs from different parts of Croatia filled out the survey. Data was analyzed using descriptive and nonparametric statistical method. Lack of awareness in voice disorders is still considered an issue among general population. There is still the need for its recognition and treatment. Results show that SLPs do not feel competent enough to use their knowledge in voice pathology after finishing their studies. Additional concern is that feeling of competence does not increase among SPLs with more years of working experience. According to the results of this research, it is necessary to improve education and practice in the field of voice disorders in the form of more courses, practical experience, reading of scientific literature, workshops and networking among experts.
U: Logopedija (Online). - ISSN 1849-4706. - 10 (2020), 1 ; str. 15-22  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poremećaji glasa -- Logopedi -- Logopedska praksa

BLAŽI, Draženka
Načini hranjenja i roditeljska zabrinutost kod djece s različitim vrstama orofacijalnih rascjepa [Elektronička građa] = Feeding requirements and parental concerns for children with cleft lip or palate / Draženka Blaži, Dora Knežević, Ivana Zglavnik. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 29 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Orofacijalni rascjepi primarno su strukturalna malformacija, no zbog svoje prirode utječu i na određene razvojne funkcije i mogu uzrokovati teškoće u području jezika, govora, sluha, glasa, hranjenja i gutanja, dentalne probleme, kao i psihosocijalne teškoće (Kummer, 2013; Peterson-Falzone i sur., 2016). Upravo je hranjenje jedan od prvih izazova s kojim se roditelji djece s orofacijalnim rascjepima susreću, a čak 97 % roditelja informacije o hranjenju smatraju najvažnijima u razdoblju odmah nakon poroda (Young, 2001). Stoga je cilj ovog rada dati uvid u načine hranjenja kod djece s raznim vrstama rascjepa i ispitati povezanost između vrste rascjepa i roditeljske zabrinutosti. Istraživanje pokazuje da se uporaba specijaliziranih bočica povećava s opsegom i složenošću rascjepa, kao i hranjenje putem nazogastrične sonde, a roditelje najviše brine nazalna regurgitacija. A opažene frekvencije – koje mogu ukazivati na povezanost između vrste rascjepa i zabrinutosti roditelja zbog zagrcavanja, nemogućnosti dojenja, dehidracije djeteta, teškoća koordinacije disanja i gutanja tijekom hranjenja, te produljenog trajanja hranjenja – ne razlikuju se značajno od očekivanih, ali postoji tendencija veće zabrinutosti roditelja djece s kompletnim rascjepom. - Cleft lip and palate (CL/P) are primarily structural malformations, but due to their nature they also affect certain developmental functions and may cause speech and language difficulties, hearing impairments, voice disorders, feeding and swallowing difficulties, dental deviations as well as psychosocial issues (Kummer, 2013; Peterson-Falzone et al., 2017). Feeding children with the cleft lip and palate is one of the first challenges parents encounter, and Young and colleagues (2001) demonstrated that 97 % of parents thought that one of the most important things to discuss were feeding challenges. The main goal of this research was to get an insight into different feeding methods of children with different type of CL/P and to explore if there is a connection between different types of CL/P and parental concerns. This study demonstrated that modified bottles as well as nasogastric feeding are used more often with children who have more severe cleft. Parents are most concerned about nasal regurgitation, while other concerns such as choking and gagging, inability to breastfeed, dehydration, inability to establish suck–swallow–breathe sequence and prolonged time of feeding were not significantly different from the expected frequency, but there is the tendency of increased concern in parents with children with complete cleft.
U: Logopedija (Online). - ISSN 1849-4706. - 10 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-6  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Orofacijalni rascjepi -- Teškoće hranjenja -- Djeca -- Roditeljska zabrinutost

Nealkoholna masna bolest jetre i kada učiniti biopsiju jetre? = Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and indications for performing liver biopsy / Ivana Mikolašević, Nadija Skenderević, Dubravka Bočkor, Sanja Zubak Mokrović, Ana Mijić, Vjekoslava Amerl-Šakić, Sandra Milić, Tajana Filipec Kanižaj. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Hepatologija danas - odabrane teme. - Bibliografija: 28 jed.
U: Medicus (Zagreb. 1992). - ISSN 1330-013X. - 29 (2020), 1 ; str. 37-41  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nealkoholna bolest masne jetre -- Biopsija jetre -- Ciroza

Neinvazivna ventilacija u COVID-19 bolesnika [Elektronička građa] / Filip Šiljeg, Višnja Nesek Adam.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovome su radu prikazani temeljni principi primjene respiracijske potpore u neintubiranih COVID-19 bolesnika. U pretraživanju su korištene bibliografske baze podataka i servisi Medline/PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, ScienceDirect i ResearchGate uz korištenje ključnih riječi: potrbušni položaj, neinvazivna ventilacija, terapija visokim protokom kisika, COVID-19, SARSCoV-2, aerosolizirajući postupci. Radovi pretraživani u posljednjih deset godina čine teorijsku okosnicu tematike koja se obrađuje ovim radom. Temeljem literaturnih podataka, primjena potrbušnog položaja, neinvazivna ventilacija i terapija visokim protokom kisika na nosnu kanilu može se primijeniti u liječenju COVID-19 bolesnika s umjereno teškim akutnim zatajenjem disanja. Usprkos dokazanoj učinkovitosti potrbušnog položaja, neinvazivne ventilacije i terapija visokim protokom kisika na nosnu kanilu u liječenju COVID-19 bolesnika s umjereno teškim akutnom zatajenjem disanja, potrebna su istraživanja kako bi se procijenio odnos rizika i korisnosti, ali i sigurnosti primjene tih postupaka kada je riječ o medicinskom osoblju i mogućnosti prijenosa infekcije. - This paper presents the basic principles of respiratory support in non-intubated COVID-19 patients. The search used bibliographic databases and services: Medline / PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, ScienceDirect and ResearchGate using the following keywords: abdominal position, non-invasive ventilation, high oxygen flow therapy, COVID-19, SARSCoV-2, aerosolization procedures. The papers searched in the last 10 years form the theoretical backbone of the topic covered by this article. Based on literature data, the use of abdominal position, non-invasive ventilation, and high oxygen flow therapy to the nasal cannula can be used in the treatment of COVID-19 patients with moderate to severe acute respiratory failure. Despite the proven efficacy of abdominal position, non-invasive ventilation and high oxygen flow therapy to the nasal cannula in the treatment of COVID-19 patients with moderate to severe acute respiratory failure, research is needed to assess the risk-benefit balance and safety of medical procedures, medical staff and the possibility of infection transmission.
U: Zbornik sveučilišta Libertas (Online). - ISSN 2584-6167. - 5 (2020), 5 ; str. 217-223  
 Elektronička verzija članka
COVID-19 -- Neinvazivna ventilacija -- Terapija visokim protokom kisika -- Nosna kanila

Non-resolving atelectasis after foreign body aspiration in a 17-month-old boy [Elektronička građa] : a case report = Perzistirajuća atelektaza nakon aspiracije stranog tijela u 17-mjesečnog dječaka : prikaz bolesnika / Diana Didović, Ivana Valenčak-Ignjatić, Tomislav Baudoin, Srđan Roglić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Foreign body aspiration is an important emergency and cause of morbidity and mortality in children. We present a 17-month-old boy who developed pneumonia and atelectasis a few weeks after unnoticed peanut inhalation. Despite prompt foreign body removal atelectasis persisted for three months. This case highlights the importance of timely diagnosis and treatment of foreign body aspiration. - Aspiracija stranog tijela je hitno stanje te važan uzrok morbiditeta i mortaliteta u dječjoj dobi. Prikazujemo 17-mjesečnog dječaka s upalom pluća i atelektazom nekoliko tjedana nakon neprimjećene aspiracije kikirikija. Atelektaza je perzistirala tri mjeseca usprkos promptnom uklanjanju stranog tijela. Ovaj prikaz naglašava važnost pravovremene dijagnoze i liječenja nakon aspiracije stranog tijela.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 39 (2019), 2 ; str. 54-57  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Aspiracija -- Strano tijelo -- Pneumonija -- Atelektaza -- Dijete

Okončanje HIV-epidemije u Hrvatskoj [Elektronička građa] = Ending the HIV epidemic in Croatia / Josip Begovac.
Bibliografija: 6 jed.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 39 (2019), 2 ; str. 48-49  
 Elektronička verzija članka
HIV -- Epidemija

KUNA, Lucija
Pojava hepatocelularnog karcinoma u pacijenata oboljelih od kroničnog hepatitisa C liječenih direktnodjelujućim antivirusnim lijekovima = Occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with direct-acting antiviral therapy / Lucija Kuna, Martina Smolić, Tomislav Kizivat, Robert Smolić. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Hepatologija danas - odabrane teme. - Bibliografija: 57 jed. - Summary.
U: Medicus (Zagreb. 1992). - ISSN 1330-013X. - 29 (2020), 1 ; str. 81-88  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hepatocelularni karcinom -- Hepatitis C -- Kronični hepatitis -- Antivirusni lijekovi

Praktični pristup dijagnostici bolesti nealkoholne masne jetre = A practical approach to diagnosing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease / Ivica Grgurević. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Hepatologija danas - odabrane teme. - Bibliografija: 50 jed.
U: Medicus (Zagreb. 1992). - ISSN 1330-013X. - 29 (2020), 1 ; str. 27-35  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nealkoholna bolest masne jetre -- Debljina -- Fibroza -- Ciroza -- Metabolički sindrom -- Elastografija

MIHALJ, Mirko, liječnik
Pregled bolničkih infekcija i najčešćih uzročnika u multidisciplinarnoj jedinici za intenzivno liječenje u državi sa srednjim do visokim dohotkom [Elektronička građa] = Hospital infections and predominant pathogens in multidisciplinary intensive care unit in an upper middle income country / Mirko Mihalj, Dajana Vladić, Boris Matić, Zoran Karlović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 42 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Uvod: Cilj je ovog istraživanja utvrditi pojavnost bolničkih infekcija u multidisciplinarnoj jedinici za intenzivno liječenje (JIL) Sveučilišne kliničke bolnice Mostar i ustanoviti koji su patogeni mikroorganizmi najčešći uzročnici istih. Ispitanici i metode: U ovu retrospektivnu studiju uključeni su pacijenti hospitalizirani u JIL-u duže od 48 sati, u razdoblju od 1.1.2017. do 31.12.2017. godine. Za analizu su korišteni uzorci hemokultura, urinokultura i bronhoaspirata koji su uzimani 48 sata nakon prijema bolesnika u JIL. Svi su podaci preuzeti iz informacijskog bolničkog sustava, a za analizu su korištene deskriptivne statističke metode. Rezultati: Od ukupno 644 bolesnika primljenih u JIL u datom razdoblju, 277 je odgovaralo postavljenim kriterijima, od kojih je pak 70 (25,27%) sa stopom 33,3/1000 bolesničkih dana bilo s potvrđenom bolničkom infekcijom (BI). Od navedenih bolesnika, 13 (18,57%) je imalo infekciju dvaju organskih sustava, dok su kod 5 (7,15%) bolesnika klinički uzročnici dokazani u trima organskim sustavima. Prevladavale su infekcije respiratornog sustava (54,84%) – sa stopom 18,3/1000, potom infekcije mokraćnog sustava (26,88%) – sa stopom 8,9/1000, a najrjeđe su dokazane infekcije krvotoka (18,28%) – sa stopom 6,1/1000. Acinetobacter baumannii i Pseudomonas aeruginosa bili su najčešći uzročnici respiratornih infekcija i infekcija krvotoka. Najčešći uzročnici urinarnih infekcija su Enterococcus spp i Candida albicans. Zaključak: Bolničke infekcije značajan su zdravstveni problem koji povećava morbiditet i mortalitet bolesnika, naročito u jedinicama za intenzivno liječenje te je, stoga, potrebno poduzeti značajne mjere kako bi se smanjila njihova učestalost. Prema rezultatima našeg istraživanja, zastupljenost infekcija respiratornog sustava u JIL-u viša je nego u većini drugih sličnih istraživanja. - Introduction: The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of hospital infections in the multidisciplinary intensive care unit (ICU) of the Mostar University Clinical Hospital and the most common pathogenic microorganisms causing them. Methods: This retrospective study involved patients admitted to the ICU for more than 48 hours, from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017. Blood cultures, urinary cultures and bronchial aspirate samples were used for analysis, taken 48 hours after admission to the ICU. All data were collected from the information hospital system, and descriptive statistical methods were used for the purpose of conducting the analysis. Results: Out of 644 patients admitted to the ICU in the given period, 277 were included in our study, out of whom 70 (25.27%), with a rate of 33.3/1000 hospital days, had at least one confirmed hospital infection. Altogether 13 patients (18.57%) had an infection in two organ systems, while 5 (7.15%) patients had positive microbiological samples in three organ systems. Predominant clinical form of infections in these patients were respiratory infections (54.84%) – with a rate of 18.3/1000, then urinary tract infections (26.88%) – with a rate of 8.9/1000 and bloodstream infections (18.28%) – with a rate of 6.1/1000. Acinetobacter baumannii and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were the most common cause of respiratory and bloodstream infections, while urinary infections were caused mostly by Enterococcus spp and Candida albicans. Conclusion: Hospital infections remain a major health problem that increases the morbidity and mortality of patients, especially in intensive care units and therefore, significant measures should be taken to reduce their incidence. Respiratory infections in our ICU are the most common, with higher incidence rate than in most other similar studies.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 39 (2019), 3 ; str. 85-92  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bolničke infekcije -- Intenzivno liječenje -- Etiologija

Primarni bilijarni kolangitis : prikaz slučaja i pregled literature = Primary biliary cholangitis : case report and review of literature / Ivana Mikolašević, Nadija Skenderević. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Hepatologija danas - odabrane teme. - Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Summary.
U: Medicus (Zagreb. 1992). - ISSN 1330-013X. - 29 (2020), 1 ; str. 89-94  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Primarni bilijarni kolangitis -- Ciroza jetre -- Autoimuni poremećaj -- Kolestaza -- Terapija

ŠEPEC Rožmarić, Lana
Profile of invasive group A and group B streptococcal infections in patients hospitalized at the University Hospital for Infectious Diseases "Dr. Fran Mihaljević" during the period from 2011 to 2018 [Elektronička građa] = Profil invazivnih infekcija izazvanih invazivnim sojevima streptokoka grupe A i B kod pacijenata hospitaliziranih u Klinici za infektivne bolesti "Dr. Fran Mihaljević" u razdoblju od 2011. do 2018. godine / Lana Šepec Rožmarić, Suzana Bukovski. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 4 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Aim: Beta-haemolytic streptococci (BHS) rarely cause invasive disease (ID). Usually the most common cause of ID is group B BHS (BHS-B). However, in our recent routine work higher number of group A BHS (BHS-A) isolates from blood was noted. The aim of this study was to report trends and findings by group BHS-A and BHS-B causing laboratory confirmed disease from 2011 to 2018 at the University Hospital for Infectious Diseases „Dr. Fran Mihaljević”. Methods: Data on patients from the electronic database of microbiological laboratory at UHID for the period 2011-2018 was collected and analysed. Results: During the period 2011-2018, 151 BHS A and B were identified from normally sterile body sites. Most isolates were from blood cultures (96.7%). BHS-A and BHS-B were isolated almost equally. The highest number of isolates was recorded in 2012 and 2017. The number of BHS A isolates peaked in 2012, 54% more than BHS-B, and 50% more in 2016. Children presented 19.9% of patients, and were mostly isolated with BHS-A. 80.1% patients were adults. Adults predominated in the age group >65 years. 12 children and 18 adults were hospitalised in intensive care unit. Conclusion: Invasive group A and group B streptococcal infections predominantly affect most vulnerable age groups, children and elderly. In this study invasive BHS disease is most common among adults above 65 years of age. BHS-A was most common cause of invasive disease among paediatric patients as well as in the age group above 65 years. Typing and characterization of BHS-A isolates due to its characteristics should be foreseen as important diagnostic tool, especially to monitor changes in virulence and to prevent potential outbreaks. - Cilj: Beta hemolitički streptokoki (BHS) su rjeđe uzročnici invazivne bolesti (IB). Očekivano je BHS grupe B češći izolat kod bolesnika s IB. Međutim, u rutinskom radu u posljednje je vrijeme uočeno sve više izolata BHS grupe A iz krvi. Stoga je cilj bio analizirati pojavnost i učestalost IB uzrokovane BHS grupe A i B kod bolesnika liječenih u Klinici za infektivne bolesti (KIB) u dužem periodu. Metode: Podatci o bolesnicima i BHS za razdoblje 2011.- 2018. godine prikupljeni su iz elektronske baze podataka Centralnog dijagnostičkog laboratorija KIB te je učinjena podatkovna analiza. Rezultati: Tijekom razdoblja od 2011. do 2018. god. iz primarno sterilnih uzoraka identificirano je 151 BHS A i B. Većina izolata bila je iz krvi – 96,7%. Podjednako je bilo izolata BHS A i BHS B. Najviše izolata zabilježeno je 2012. i 2017. godine. BHS A izolata bilo je najviše u 2012. godini, 54% više od BHS B, a u 2016.g. 50 % više od broja BHS B izolata. U skupini djece koja je činila 19,9% bolesnika, najčešći je izolat bio BHS A. Odrasli su činili 80,1% bolesnika. Većina oboljelih bili su stariji od 65 godina. Na odjelima za intenzivno liječenje hospitalizirano je 12 djece i 18 odraslih. Zaključak: Invazivne infekcije BHS A i B utječu na najranjivije dobne skupine, djecu i starije. U našoj studiji oboljeli su najčešće bili bolesnici stariji od 65 godina. BHS-A bio je češće uzrok IB u dječjoj skupini. Zbog karakteristika BHS-A bilo bi dobro imati mogućnost upotpuniti dijagnostiku karakterizacijom BHS-A izolata osobito u nadzoru promjena u virulenciji. To bi također bio doprinos u praćenju i evidenciji potencijalnih epidemija.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 40 (2020), 1 ; str. 11-14  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bakterijske infekcije -- Beta hemolitički streptokok -- Hemokultura -- Intenzivno liječenje

SULAVER, Željana
Prolongirano liječenje diseminirane ehinokokoze [Elektronička građa] : prikaz bolesnika = Prolonged treatment of disseminated echinococcosis : a case report / Željana Sulaver, Siniša Skočibušić, Jadranka Nikolić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cistična ehinokokoza (CE), koju uzrokuje E. granulosus, zoonotska je bolest koja se pojavljuje na gotovo svim kontinentima, a endemična je za područje Mediterana. Bolest se najčešće prezentira afekcijom jednog organa i solitarnom cistom, a kod manjeg broja bolesnika radi se o diseminiranoj bolesti koja pogađa višestruke organe. U ovom je radu prezentirana mlada žena s diseminiranom ehinokokozom kod koje su hidatidne ciste verificirane u jetrima, slezeni, plućima, bubrezima i perikardu. Zbog specifičnosti oblika bolesti, dobi bolesnice te zbog čestih relapsa bolesti nakon završetka terapije, liječena je albendazolom kroz duži vremenski period. Želimo prezentirati nešto drugačiji modus liječenja ehinokokokze koji je rezultirao povoljnom regresijom i kontrolom bolesti. - Cystic echinococcosis (CE), which is caused by E. granulosus, is a zoonotic disease present in almost every continent and endemic for the Mediterranean. The disease is principally presented with the involvement of a single organ and mainly with solitary cyst but in the smaller number of patients it can be a case of disseminated disease affecting multiple organs. In this report we present a young woman with disseminated echinococcosis with multiple hydatid cysts verified in liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys and pericard. Due to the specific form of disease, patient`s age and common relapses after the end of therapy, the patient was treated with albendazole for a prolonged period of time. We would like to present a somewhat different approach to the treatment of echinococcosis which resulted in regression and better control of the disease.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 39 (2019), 3 ; str. 98-103  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ehinokokoza -- Zoonoze -- Antihelmintici -- Albendazol -- Hidatidna cista

Promjene stadija fibroze i steatoze jetre u bolesnika s kroničnim hepatitisom C koji su liječeni direktno djelujućim antivirusnim lijekovima i postigli trajni virološki odgovor [Elektronička građa] = Changes in the stage of fibrosis and steatosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus treated with direct-acting antiviral drugs who achieved sustained virological response / Leona Radmanić, Neven Papić, Ivan Kurelac, Davorka Dušek, Snježana Židovec Lepej, Adriana Vince. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Hepatitis C vodeći je uzrok kronične bolesti jetre, hepatocelularnog karcinoma i važna indikacija za transplantaciju jetre. Glavni cilj liječenja je postizanje trajnog virološkog odgovora koji označava negativnu viremiju 12 tjedana nakon završetka liječenja (SVR, od engl. sustained virological response). Uvođenjem antivirusnih lijekova s izravnim djelovanjem, povećala se stopa SVR-a, skratilo vrijeme trajanja terapije i utjecalo se na stadij fibroze i steatoze jetre nakon liječenja. Cilj ovog rada bio je analizirati promjenu stadija fibroze (F1-F4) i steatoze (S0-S3) primjenom tranzijentne elastografije u prethodno neliječenih bolesnika s kroničnim hepatitisom C (n=205) koji su postigli trajni virološki odgovor, a bili liječeni isključivo direktno djelujućim antivirusnim lijekovima (DAA). - Hepatitis C is the leading cause of chronic liver disease, hepatocellular carcinoma and an important indication for liver transplantation. The main objective of the treatment is to achieve a sustained virological response defined as a negative HCV RNA 12 weeks after completion of therapy (SVR). Direct-acting antivirals have been developed to treat chronic HCV infection. They have resulted in increased SVR rates, shorter and simpler treatment regimens, and minimal adverse effects. The aim of this study was to analyze the change in the stage of fibrosis (F1-F4) and steatosis (S0-S3) using transient elastography in treating naive patients with chronic hepatitis C (n = 205) who achieved a sustained virological response and were treated exclusively with directly acting antiviral drugs (DAA).
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 39 (2019), 3 ; str. 60-65  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kronični hepatitis C -- Fibroza -- Steatoza -- Antivirusni lijekovi -- Virološki odgovor

The role of HLA typing in rheumatic diseases [Elektronička građa] / Luca Mascaretti, Elena Bevilacqua. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 53 jed. - Abstract. - Association between HLA-DR4 and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been known for 4 decades, and amino acid sites within HLA-DRB1 (11/13, 71, 74) are highly associated with RA. HLA is not useful for diagnosis or prognosis, but it may help predict severe and erosive disease. Since 90% of patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and 50-70% of other spondyloarthritis (SpA) patients are HLA-B*27 positive, HLA is a stronghold of diagnostic algorithms. Genetic predisposition to juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is mainly due to HLA class II, and to a lesser extent to HLA class I. Although HLA plays a role in rheumatic disorders, its clinical relevance is not homogeneous. When classical biomarkers are lacking or in complex cases, HLA typing may provide support for the management of patients.
U: Molecular and experimental biology in medicine. - ISSN 2584-671X. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-8  
 Elektronička verzija članka
HLA-antigeni -- Reumatoidni artritis -- Spondiloartritis -- Juvenilni idiopatski artritis

JANEV Holcer, Nataša
The role of mosquito surveillance in monitoring arboviral infections in Croatia [Elektronička građa] = Uloga praćenja komaraca u kontroli arbovirusnih infekcija u Hrvatskoj / Nataša Janev Holcer, Lovro Bucić, Pavle Jeličić, Tatjana Vilibić-Čavlek, Krunoslav Capak. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - In accordance with the noticed growing trend in the number of vector-borne disease cases, the extent of public health significance of this problem is also increasing. However, the strengthening of capacities for suppression of these outbreaks is present. With the aim of protecting population from arbovirus infections, there is a need for continuous monitoring and evaluation of risk factors related to vectors and vector borne diseases and human health, for which data is acquired through monitoring programs. In order to address these issues, several activities must be integrated and taken into consideration: vector surveillance, entomological activity, early detection system, preventive measures, counter-epidemic measures and virus detection in vectors, reservoirs or infected animals. There is a legal framework regarding mosquito monitoring on a local, as well as national level. Additionally, at the initiative of the Croatian Institute of Public Health, invasive mosquito species monitoring is being implemented and continuously conducted since 2016. - U skladu s uočenim trendom porasta broja slučajeva zaraznih bolesti koje se prenose vektorima, dolazi do povećanja razmjera javnozdravstvenog problema, no s druge strane i do jačanja kapaciteta u svrhu suzbijanja navedenih bolesti. S ciljem zaštite populacije od arbovirusnih infekcija nameće se potreba za kontinuiranom provedbom praćenja i procjenom rizika utjecaja vektora i vektorskih bolesti na zdravlje, za što je neophodno prikupljanje podataka kroz programe praćenja. U problematici zaraznih bolesti koje se prenose vektorima potrebno je integrirano obuhvatiti aktivnosti koje se odnose na nadzor nad vektorima, entomološke djelatnosti, sustav ranog otkrivanja, preventivno suzbijanje, protuepidemijske mjere te praćenja prisutnosti virusa u vektorima, rezervoarima ili zaraženim životinjama. U Hrvatskoj je zakonom propisano praćenje komaraca na lokalnoj i na državnoj razini te je na inicijativu Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo uspostavljen monitoring invazivnih vrsta komaraca koji se kontinuirano provodi od 2016. godine.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 15-22  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bolesti prenosive vektorima -- Arbovirusne infekcije -- Komarci

KATUŠIĆ, Ana, rehabilitatorica
Uloga glazbe i muzikoterapije u programu kardiovaskularne rehabilitacije = The role of music and music therapy in cardiac rehabilitation / Ana Katušić, Ksenija Burić, Mario Ivanuša. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Hepatologija danas - odabrane teme. - Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Summary.
U: Medicus (Zagreb. 1992). - ISSN 1330-013X. - 29 (2020), 1 ; str. 137-142  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kardiovaskularna rehabilitacija -- Glazba -- Muzikoterapija

KRIŽIĆ, Marija, liječnica
Utjecaj prethodne terapije statinima na težinu kliničke slike sepse iz opće populacije [Elektronička građa] = The impact of prior statin therapy on the severity of community acquired sepsis / Marija Križić, Iva Miškulin, Marija Santini, Bruno Baršić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 22 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Uvod: Smrtnost sepse je visoka usprkos antimikrobnim lijekovima, stoga se ispituju imunomodulatorni lijekovi, između ostalih i statini. Cilj: Pokazati imaju li bolesnici prethodno liječeni statinima lakši klinički oblik i manju smrtnost sepse. Ustroj: Retrospektivno kohortno, opservacijsko istraživanje, usporedba prethodno liječenih i prethodno neliječenih statinima. Ispitanici: Sepsa iz opće populacije, bakterijski izolat iz hemokultura, dob ≥ 50 god. Rezultati: Uključeno 899 bolesnika, 116 (12.9%) prethodno liječenih statinima. Bez statistički značajnih razlika u izraženosti parametara sustavnog upalnog odgovora. Medijan SOFA zbroja u prethodno liječenih statinima iznosio je 2.0 kao i u skupini prethodno neliječenih (p=0.117). Ukupna smrtnost 9.2%, prethodno liječeni 6.0%, prethodno neliječeni 9.7%, (p=0.231). Nema razlike u 28-dnevnoj smrtnosti (log-rank test, p=0.693). Zaključak: Nema statistički značajne razlike u težini kliničke slike kao ni u smrtnosti sepse između bolesnika prethodno liječenih i prethodno neliječenih statinima. - Introduction: Sepsis mortality is high despite antimicrobial drugs, therefore immunomodulatory drugs (including statins) are being investigated. Objective: To show whether patients with prior statin therapy had less severe clinical presentation and lower mortality of sepsis. Design: Retrospective, cohort, observational study, comparison of patients with and without prior statin therapy. Patients: Community-acquired sepsis, age ≥ 50 years, bacterial isolate from blood cultures. Results: 899 patients included, 116 (12.9%) with prior statin therapy. No significant difference in SIRS parameters. Median SOFA score 2.0 in both groups (p= 0.1179). Total mortality 9.2%, in prior statin group 6.0%, in nonprior statin group 9.7% (p=0.231). No difference in 28-day mortality, log-rank test, p=0.693). Conclusion: There are no statistically significant differences in the severity and mortality of community acquired sepsis in patients with and without prior statin therapy.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 40 (2020), 1 ; str. 3-10  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sepsa -- Statini -- Farmakoterapija -- Mortalitet

Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome [Elektronička građa] : a case report and differential diagnosis of uveitis and meningitis = Sindrom Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada : prikaz bolesnika i diferencijalna dijagnoza uveitisa i meningitisa / Marija Santini, Mirna Vučemilo, Andro Vujević, Mateja Vujica, Barbara Vukić, Marija Štanfel, Željka Petelin Gadže, Ivan Jovanović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome is an autoimmune, multisystem disease and important cause of uveitis. In this case report we address the significance of reliable diagnostics and including autoimmune diseases in differential diagnosis of uveitis and meningitis syndrome. - Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada sindrom je autoimuna, multisistemska bolest i važan uzrok uveitisa. Ovim prikazom bolesnika naglašavamo važnost pouzdane dijagnostike te uključivanje autoimunih bolesti u diferencijalnu dijagnozu sindroma uveitisa i meningitisa.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 39 (2019), 4 ; str. 129-132  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Autoimune bolesti -- Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada sindrom -- Borrelia burgdorferi -- Uveitis -- Meningitis

SAVIĆ, Vladimir, veterinar
Zoonotic potential of currently circulating avian influenza viruses [Elektronička građa] = Zoonotski potencijal trenutno cirkulirajućih virusa ptičje gripe / Vladimir Savić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 65 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Over the past and the current centuries, human influenza pandemics have been attributable to viruses with an avian ancestry. Birds are the main source of influenza A viruses and harbour a variety of antigenic subtypes. Certain avian influenza viruses are capable for cross-species transmission including human infections. Although sustained intrehuman transmission of such viruses has not been documented so far, each human infection with avian influenza viruses provides chances for the virus adaptation towards efficient transmission within human population. Here are reviewed currently circulating avian influenza viruses that are of major significance for public health. - Pandemije humane influence tijekom prošlog i ovog stoljeća pripisuju se virusima ptičjeg podrijetla. Ptice su glavni izvor virusa influence A i domaćini su različitim antigenskim podtipovima. Određeni virusi influence ptica imaju svojstvo prijenosa na različite vrste domaćina uključujući i ljude. Premda održivi interhumani prijenos takvih virusa do sada nije dokumentiran, svaka humana infekcija virusima influence ptica pruža im mogućnost prilagodbe prema učinkovitom prijenosu unutar ljudske populacije. Ovdje su razmotreni trenutno cirkulirajući virusi influence ptica koji su od najveće važnosti za javno zdravstvo.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 8-14  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zoonoze -- Virus influence A -- Ptičja gripa -- H5N1 -- H7N9 -- H9N2

Vidi br.: HA20-02417

Vidi br.: HA20-02416

Vidi br.: HA20-02420

Vidi br.: HA20-02460

Vidi br.: HA20-02394

Vidi br.: HA20-02112

Vidi br.: HA20-02176

Vidi br.: HA20-02803

Vidi br.: HA20-02480

Vidi br.: HA20-02479

Vidi br.: HA20-02481

Vidi br.: HA20-02487

617   Kirurgija. Ortopedija. Oftalmologija

Oftalmološki aspekti COVID-19 [Elektronička građa] : pregled literature i naše iskustvo = Ophthalmological aspects of COVID-19 : literature review and our experience / Dina Lešin Gaćina, Nenad Vukojević, Igor Petriček, Sonja Jandroković, Ivan Škegro, Petra Kristina Ivkić.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Posljednjih se mjeseci suočavamo s pandemijom uzrokovanom novim, izuzetno zaraznim virusom, koja je izazvala globalnu zdravstvenu krizu. Svjetska je zdravstvena organizacija virus nazvala SARS-CoV-2 (SARS-coronavirus-2), a bolest koju uzrokuje COVID-19 (engl. coronavirus disease-2019). Primarni način prenošenja SARS-CoV-2 je primarnim kontaktom i kapljičnim putem. Čini se kako postoji mogućnost prijenosa virusa i zaraženom površinom oka i sekretima. Tijekom kliničkog pregleda neizbježan je blizak kontakt oftalmologa s bolesnicima, što može predstavljati rizik od prijenosa infekcije. Iako konjunktivitis nije uobičajeni znak COVID-19, postoje izvještaji koji govore o mogućim okularnim manifestacijama bolesti. Stoga se naglašava važnost primjene preventivnih mjera radi kontrole širenja zaraze za oftalmologe, ostale zdravstvene djelatnike i bolesnike tijekom oftalmološkog pregleda. Objavljujemo najnovije podatke iz literature i smjernice za oftalmološku djelatnost te iznosimo naše iskustvo s Klinike za očne bolesti Kliničkog bolničkog centra Zagreb tijekom epidemije SARS-CoV-2. - In recent months we have encountered a pandemic caused by a new highly contagious virus that has evolved into a global healthcare crisis. The World Health Organization has named the virus SARS-CoV-2 (SARS-coronavirus-2) and disease caused by it COVID-19 ("coronavirus disease"). The primary route of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is direct person-to-person contact and through droplets. It seems that there is a possibility of ocular transmission of the virus by contagious ocular surface and discharges. Close contact between ophthalmologists and patients is unavoidable during clinical examination and this may pose a risk for infection transmission. Although conjunctivitis is not a common sign of COVID-19, there are reports about possible ocular manifestations of the disease. Therefore, the importance of implementation of preventive measures to control the transmission of infection for ophthalmologists, healthcare professionals and patients during the ophthalmological examination is emphasized. We report the latest published data from literature and guidelines for ophthalmologic practice and introduce our experience from Department of Ophthalmology, Clinical Hospital Center Zagreb during SARS-CoV-2 epidemic.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 40 (2020), 2 ; str. 64-67  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Oko -- Oftalmologija -- COVID-19 -- SARS-CoV-2

Standard multimodal postoperative analgesia might not be equally effective when comparing anterior and posterior spondylodesis [Elektronička građa] / Josipa Dovranić, Matija Bagarić, Marija Karača, Vladimir Trkulja, Danijel Matek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Introduction. Surgical treatment of structural adolescent scoliosis, either through anterior or posterior spinal fusion, results in severe pain. Aim. In comparison with the anterior approach, the posterior approach is considered advantageous in that several spine curvatures can be corrected in a single operative act. The aim was to compare the effectiveness of a morphine-based multimodal protocol over the first 48 postoperative hours in anterior and posterior surgeries. Methods. This retrospective chart review included consecutive adolescents (10-21 years of age) treated using either the anterior (n=28) or the posterior (n=30) approach at a single hospital centre over 3 years (2015-2017). Intravenous morphine (48 mg/24 hours) was administered at hourly intervals; pain was assessed using an 11-point (higher score=worse pain) visual analogue scale on 12 occasions during the first 24 hours and on 3 occasions during the second 24 hours. Additional analgesia (non-opioid or weak opioid) was delivered on demand and/or according to medical assessment. Results. With adjustments for age and number of affected spinal segments, VAS pain scores were lower in the anterior approach, overall (48 hours) (difference = -18%, 95% CI -30 to -5), and particularly over hours 0-3 (-23%, 95% CI -36 to -7%) and hours 4-6 (-26%, 95% CI -40 to -10%) after the surgery. The rate of additional analgesic administrations was comparable throughout the observed period (rate ratios around 1.0). Conclusion. The evaluated intravenous morphinebased multimodal analgesic protocol appeared less effective in surgeries using the posterior approach, suggesting that the two approaches might require different protocols for the same level of analgesia. - Uvod. Kirurško liječenje strukturalnih adolescentnih skolioza prednjim ili stražnjim kirurškim pristupom za posljedicu ima jaku poslijeoperacijsku bol. Cilj. U usporedbi s prednjim pristupom, smatra se da stražnji pristup ima prednosti u mogućnosti liječenja više skoliotičnih zavoja kralježnice u jednom operativnom aktu. Željeli smo usporediti uspješnost multimodalnog protokola za bol temeljenog na morfiju u prvih 48 sati poslijeoperacijskog tijeka kod pacijenata operiranih prednjim i stražnjim pristupom. Metode. Ovaj retrospektivni pregled obuhvatio je uzastopne adolescentne pacijente (u dobi od 10 do 21 godine) liječene prednjim (n = 28) i stražnjim (n = 30) pristupom u jednom bolničkom centru kroz tri godine (2015. – 2017.). Intravenska aplikacija morfija (48 mg / 24 h) provedena je u intervalima od jednog sata, bol je evaluirana primjenom vizualne analogne skale (VAS za bol) u 11 točaka (veći broj = intenzivnija bol) u 12 navrata tijekom prva 24 sata te tri navrata tijekom druga 24 sata. Dodatni analgetici (neopioidni ili slabi opioidni) aplicirani su prema subjektivnim potrebama pacijenata ili procjeni medicinskog osoblja. Rezultati. Uz korekcije za dob i broj spinalnih segmenata zahvaćenih operacijskim liječenjem, VAS za bol bila je niža kod prednjeg pristupa, ukupno (48 sati) (razlika = –18 %, 95 % CI –30 do –5 %) i posebno u periodu od 0 do 3 sata (–23 %, 95 % CI –36 do –7 %) i periodu od 4 do 6 sati (–26%, 95 % CI –40 do -10 %) nakon operacijskog zahvata. Stopa dodatno administriranih analgetika bila je usporediva tijekom čitavoga promatranog perioda (omjer stopa 1,0). Zaključak. Promatrani intravenski multimodalni protokol baziran na morfiju pokazao se manje uspješnim u pacijenata operiranih stražnjim pristupom, sugerirajući da dva promatrana kirurška pristupa zahtijevaju različite protokole za isti stupanj analgezije.
U: Croatian nursing journal (Online). - ISSN 2584-6531. - 4 (2020), 1 ; str. 81-89  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Skolioza -- Spondilodeza -- Kirurško liječenje -- Bol -- Analgetici

Vidi br.: HA20-02428

Vidi br.: HA20-02423

62   Inženjerstvo. Tehnika. Tehnologija

Vidi br.: HA20-02378

Vidi br.: HA20-02384

621   Strojarstvo. Nuklearna tehnika. Strojevi

621.3   Elektrotehnika

Hybrid VLC communications system for increased security based on Raspberry Pi microcomputer [Elektronička građa] / Andrei Scheianu, George Suciu, Alexandru Drosu, Ioana Petre, Delia Miu. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 16. - Abstract. - VLC (Visible Light Communications) technology represents nowadays a new paradigm that could have a significant impact on future wireless communications. Although this technology has many advantages, one of the most common problem generated by the use of optical communication systems (based on the light in the visible spectrum), is the increased degree of disruption of the communication channel under the direct sunlight influence. The purpose of this article is to present the technological developments specific to the VLC/IR-RF (Visible Light Communication / Infrared - Radio-Frequency) hybrid system developed in the framework of a scientific research project started in 2017, which were recorded during the first half of 2019. This system based on multiple sensory devices such as temperature, motion, light intensity, dust, IR and microbolometer sensors will present the ability of intelligent monitoring and control of indoor environments (houses, office buildings, universities, campuses, etc.). From the point of view of the final purpose of the project, this will result in a hybrid bidirectional optical communication system capable of supporting high transfer rates, increased resistance to the specific sunlight disturbance, and the possibility of transmitting sensory information over long distances. The previous experimentation activities undertaken during the project were based on the use of the Arduino UNO development boards. Currently, it has been chosen to replace them with the development boards based on the ARM Cortex-A53 processor, in order to improve the system’s performance. The Arduino development boards have limited the performance of the communications system from the point of view of the transfer speeds and distances. The new Raspberry Pi development boards, being a complete operating and control system, presents high operational performances that can be used in favor of the final goal of the project.
U: Annals of disaster risk sciences (Online). - ISSN 2623-8934. - 3 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-17  
 Elektronička verzija članka
VLC -- Komunikacija vidljivom svjetlošću -- Bežične komunikacije -- Radio-frekvencije

ANIĆ, Tomislav, povjesničar
Modernization of Zagreb in the first half of the 20th century through the prism of electrification [Elektronička građa] / Tomislav Anić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 73-75. - Summary. - Based on the current scholarly literature, daily press, and published archival sources, the author has reconstructed the process of modernization of Zagreb through the prism of electrification. After the initial amazement that the public demonstrations of electric power caused, it became an indispensable energy source in everyday use. Ultimately, the amount of its consumption in industry and per capita is an indicator of development in a particular area.
U: Review of Croatian history (Online). - ISSN 1848-9095. - 16 (2020), 1 ; str. 59-76  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Elektrifikacija -- Modernizacija -- Periferija

BENČIĆ, Zvonko
O nazivu učinska / energetska elektronika [Elektronička građa] / Zvonko Benčić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 170-171. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu je istražena uporaba imenica učin i pridjeva učinski u hrvatskom elektrotehničkom nazivlju, od objave Šulekova Hrvatsko-njemačko-talijanskoga rječnika znanstvenoga nazivlja 1874. godine do danas. Utvrđeno je da naziv energetska elektronika obuhvaća samo dio učinske elektronike, i to onaj koji se koristi u elektroenergetici. Naziv učinska elektronika u skladu je s nazivima u većini europskih jezika, npr. s nazivima na engleskom, njemačkom, francuskom, ruskom, talijanskom i slovenskom jeziku te zadovoljava sva terminološka načela. - The use of the noun učin (effect) and adjective učinski (effective) in Croatian electrotechnical terminology is examined, covering the period from the publication of Šulek’s Hrvatsko-njemačko-talijanski rječnik znanstvenog nazivlja [Croatian-German-Italian Dictionary of Scientific Terminology] in 1874 until today. It has been established that the term energetska elektronika (energy electronics) encompasses only part of meaning of učinska elektronika (power electronics), that is, the part used in power engineering. The term učinska elektronika is in line with the terminology used in most European languages (e. g. English, German, French, Russian, Italian, Slovenian) and satisfies all the principles of the formation of professional terminology.
U: Studia lexicographica (Online). - ISSN 2459-5578. - 14 (2020), 26 ; str. 147-171  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Strukovno nazivlje -- Elektrotehnika -- Hrvatski jezik

RAJIČ, Goran
An overview of telephony development in Zagreb (1881-1981) [Elektronička građa] / Goran Rajič.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 39-42. - Summary. - Within a mere hundred years from the appearance of the first telephone in Zagreb in 1881 until the establishment of the first electronic telephone exchange in 1981, telephony in Zagreb went through several formative periods to assert itself. Zagreb was transformed from a provincial town in the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy to the economic and cultural centre of Croatia. In that period, due to technological development, many changes took place that influenced the accessibility and price of the most popular telecommunications technology in the 20th century. At first a status symbol reserved for the wealthiest citizens, telephone gradually became accessible to all inhabitants of the city. In the decades after World War II, the new telephone infrastructure was constructed under the unfavourable conditions of technological underdevelopment, scarcity of professionals, and meagre financial resources. Nevertheless, despite all the aggravating circumstances, telephony managed to become an inevitable part of Zagreb’s everyday life. Modern telecommunications rest on these very steps that fixed telephony took in its development, and are therefore an indicator of the technological as well as cultural development of Zagreb.
U: Review of Croatian history (Online). - ISSN 1848-9095. - 16 (2020), 1 ; str. 27-42  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Telefonija -- Telekomunikacije -- Telekomunikacijski razvoj

622   Rudarstvo

Vidi br.: HA20-02669

624/625   Građevinarstvo. Građevinsko inženjerstvo i tehnika. Gradnja prometnica

PENAVA, Davorin
Architectural and engineering design criteria for earthquake resistant masonry infilled RC frames containing openings [Elektronička građa] / Davorin Penava, Daniel Alejandro Arciniega Larrea, Filip Anić, Lars Abrahamczyk. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 17. - Summary. - In earthquake resistant design of RC frame structures, the definition of masonry infilled frame is often split between reinforced concrete and the masonry structures. However, it is known that the frame elements and the masonry wall work as a coupled system. Additionally, a dedicate chapter for the definitions of openings size, quantity and position is missing. The definition of a full, partial or non-masonry infilled frame with opening is not establish in engineering and architectural codes; rather, recommendations are given. A competent masonry infilled frame with openings would mean to correlate the architectural and engineering concepts as to define an engineered or non-engineered infilled wall. Likewise, certain boundaries should be established using both the architectural and engineering concepts to relate the importance of illumination and air ventilation product of the openings and masonry infilled frame failure patterns.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 11-17  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Potresno projektiranje -- Arhitektonsko projektiranje -- Armiranobetonski okviri

JUG, Jasmin
Methods for reducing the environmental impact of rock mass excavation [Elektronička građa] / Jasmin Jug, Kristijan Grabar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 38. - Summary. - Many engineering projects and interventions have negative effects on the environment. Rock excavation in civil engineering, either in mining or in construction, often is unthinkable without the use of explosive. However, blasting can have extensive adverse environmental impacts, like vibrations, noise, dust and chemical contamination. Therefore, it is better to avoid blasting activities near urban areas, protected animal habitats, sensitive historic buildings, water protection zones, pipelines, etc. While mechanical excavation is often longer lasting and more expensive, in some cases it may adequately replace blasting, where the applicability of mechanical excavation methods greatly dependent on the rock mass characteristics which should excavate. This paper provides practical examples of using existing methods for the assessment of the applicability of excavation technologies. In order to minimize the project impact on the environment, mechanical excavation was applied in some cases. In one case, the blasting could not be avoided, but controlled careful blasting techniques were applied.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 29-38  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Iskop -- Mehanički iskop -- Miniranje -- Utjecaj na okoliš

Vidi br.: HA20-02412

626/627   Hidrotehnika

Vidi br.: HA20-02051

628   Tehnika javnog zdravstva. Sanitarna tehnika i uređaji. Rasvjetna tehnika

MIKULIĆ, Nenad, kemijski tehnolog
Assessment of water quality status in the impact area of the "Piškornica" landfill [Elektronička građa] / Nenad Mikulić, Roko Andričević, Hrvoje Gotovac, Matea Kalčiček, Bojana Nardi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Summary. - Disposal of household and industrial waste at the Piškornica site began in 1982 on what was then an unmanaged landfill cell, which allowed contamination to pass into underground layers. Landfill rehabilitation was conducted between 2005 and 2013 and conformed to the environmental protection conditions and measures that were prescribed by an EIA procedure, but rehabilitation still has not been fully completed. An environmental permit was issued for rehabilitation of the landfill. The decision and environmental permit prescribed groundwater quality monitoring. Prior to these documents, five piezometers were placed into operation in 1991. The objective of this paper is to determine the potential differences in ground and surface water quality that may have resulted from landfill operations, effectiveness of the rehabilitation efforts, and the potential risk of contamination of the Ivanščak water well. The results of the research were subjected to statistical analyses (e.g., T-test and ANOVA). Based on the regional flow model, a numerical groundwater flow model and contamination transport model were created, which provided scenarios for the potential spread of pollution from the Piškornica landfill while considering different water well operation regimes. It was concluded that a) even though rehabilitation has not been completed, the groundwater quality status improved and b) none of the analysed real flow scenarios generated redirection of streamline patterns towards the Ivanščak water well. Considering future development and likely increase of the Ivanščak well capacity, the expansion of monitoring was proposed for additional measuring locations.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 101-112  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Odlagališta otpada -- Sanacija odlagališta -- Kakvoća vode -- Onečišćenje

NKESHITA, Fidelis C.
Removal of pollutants from abattoir wastewater using a pilot-scale bamboo constructed wetland system [Elektronička građa] / Fidelis C. Nkeshita, A. [Adebola] A. Adekunle, R. B. Onaneye, O. Yusuf. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 73-74. - Summary. - Wastewater from abattoir sources in urban areas can adversely affect the environment and cause health problems. This research investigated the ability of a bamboo constructed wetland system (BCWS) using Bambusa vulgaris, to treat wastewater from abattoir by removing nutrients and organics. This study adopted pilot scale reactors with bed dimension of 1 m length x 1 m width x 1 m depth to simulate a horizontal sub-surface flow constructed wetland and planted with six strands of bamboo plants. Parameters analyzed include the nutrients (in the form of phosphate and nitrate) and the organics (in the form of Chemical oxygen demand, COD and Biochemical oxygen demand, BOD). The effluent analysis that were carried out within a 28-day retention period showed that there was a very good decrease in the nutrient pollutant parameters; phosphate (99.6 %), nitrate (98.5 %). The organics showed a lesser performance with a 39.3 % removal efficiency for COD and 49.9 % removal efficiency for BOD. Bamboo can be used in a BCWS for low cost green technology in urban areas and can be improved upon by increasing the number of bamboo shoot in order to have a larger root system.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 70-74  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Otpadne vode -- Klaonice -- Fitoremedijacija -- Bambus

Vidi br.: HA20-02400

Vidi br.: HA20-02305

629   Tehnika vozila

HODGES, Andrew
Between emic and etic [Elektronička građa] : "systematic" and "creative" destruction during the Croatian shipbuilding crisis / Andrew Hodges. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary. - This article examines the trope of systematic destruction (sustavno/sistemsko uništavanje) and traces how it was mobilized during the 2018 Croatian shipbuilding crisis. First, an ethnographic vignette introduces the political actors and issues at stake during the crisis. The literature on post-socialist labor transformations and deindustrialization in South-East Europe is reviewed, and the tensions between political actors and policy are described. The concept of “predatory privatization” and the etic concept of “creative destruction” are then discussed as a prelude to an analysis of the emic concept of “systematic destruction.” Finally, the relations between the different concepts are described and the emotive power and political uses of the “systematic destruction” trope are explored and placed in the wider context of post-Yugoslav deindustrialization.
U: History in flux (Online). - ISSN 2706-4441. - 2 (2020), 2 ; str. 95-110  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Brodogradnja -- Brodogradilišta -- Kriza


Utjecaj dodatnog tereta na dinamiku polovinskog modela vozila pri prelasku preko umjetne izbočine [Elektronička građa] / Robert Obajdin, Goranka Štimac Rončević, Sanjin Braut. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovom radu opisan je matematički model vozila s četiri stupnja slobode gibanja tzv. polovinski model vozila te postupak modeliranja umjetne izbočine. Dimenzije izbočina propisane su Pravilnikom i ovise o ograničenjima brzine. Za izabrani tip automobila provedene su potrebne simulacije kako bi se prikazao utjecaj dodatnog tereta na gibanje težišta vozila pri prelasku preko umjetne izbočine. Sve numeričke simulacije provedene su u programskom paketu Matlab/Simulink. Rezultati simulacija prikazani su tablično, gdje je dana usporedba maksimalnih vrijednosti pomaka i ubrzanja vozila i kotača pri brzinama vožnje 20 km/h, 30 km/h i 50 km/h u dva promatrana slučaja, tj. bez i s dodatnim teretom. U vremenskoj domeni prikazani su odzivi vertikalnih i kutnih pomaka i ubrzanja vozila pri brzinama 30 i 50 km/h. - In this paper a mathematical model of a vehicle with four degrees of freedom i.e. half vehicle model and a procedure for modelling artificial bumps are described. The dimensions of the artificial bumps are prescribed by the Rulebook and depend on speed limits. To show the influence of additional cargo on vehicle movement when driving across artificial bumps, for the selected type of car, required numerical simulations are carried out. All numerical simulations are carried out in the Matlab/Simulink software package. The simulation results are presented in the table form, where the comparison of the maximum values of vehicle and wheel displacements and accelerations for three vehicle speeds(v = 20 km/h, v = 30 km/h and v = 50 km/h) and for two cases, i.e. without and with additional cargo, is given. Vertical and angular displacements and accelerations of the vehicle are also shown in the time domain for speeds 30 and 50 km/h.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 413-426  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dinamika vozila -- Umjetne izbočine -- Numerička simulacija

Vidi br.: HA20-02159

Vidi br.: HA20-02222

630   Šumarstvo

Elementi rasta stabala talijanske (Alnus cordata /Loisel./ Duby) i crne johe (Alnus glutinosa /L./ Gaertn.) u linijskim nasadima na Fruškoj gori (Srbija) [Elektronička građa] = Growth characteristics of Italian alder (Alnus cordata /Loisel./ Duby) and black alder (Alnus glutinosa /L./ Gaertn.) in linear plantations at Fruška Gora (Serbia) / Martin Bobinac, Siniša Andrašev, Nikola Šušić, Andrijana Bauer-Živković, Đura Jorgić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 14-18. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu su prikazani elementi rasta stabala u linijskim nasadima talijanske johe (Alnus cordata /Loisel./ Duby) u starosti 11 i 16 godina i crne johe (Alnus glutinosa /L./ Gaertn.) u starosti 100 godina u sličnim stanišnim uvjetima na Fruškoj gori (Srbija). Nasadi su osnovani na antropogeno izmijenjenom staništu lužnjaka i graba u potočnoj dolini, na nadmorskoj visini oko 120 m. Talijanska joha predstavlja novounijetu vrstu u Srbiju 2004. godine, a nasad crne johe je u kategoriji najstarijih nasada te vrste na Fruškoj gori. Komparacija elemenata rasta stabala talijanske johe u starosti 16 godina, kada je srednja i dominantna visina stabala iznosila 19,5 i 21,0 m, a srednji i dominantni promjer na prsnoj visini 47,0 i 59,4 cm, i elemenata rasta stabala crne johe u starosti 100 godina na istom lokalitetu, gdje je srednja i dominantna visina stabala iznosila 24,0 i 25,2 m, a srednji i dominantni promjer na prsnoj visini 48,7 i 62,1 cm, ukazala je da su promjeri talijanske johe oko 95%, a visine oko 81% od vrijednosti istih elementa rasta kod crne johe. Izvedeni elementi rasta nasada (na bazi preračuna da se po hektaru nalazi 200 stabala) ukazuju da veličina temeljnice oko 35 m2•ha−1 i volumena nasada oko 300 m3∙ha−1 kod talijanske johe u starosti 16 godina iznose oko 90% od istih veličina kod crne johe u starosti 100 godina. Na osnovu početnih rezultata uzgoja talijanska joha može predstavljati potencijalno primjenjivu vrstu: kao brzorastuća u šumskim plantažama i dekorativna u urbanim područjima. - The paper presents the growth characteristics of trees in linear plantations of Italian alder (Alnus cordata /Loisel./ Duby) at ages 11 and 16 years and black alder (Alnus glutinosa /L./Gaertn.) at age 100 years in similar site conditions at Fruška Gora (Serbia). The plantations were raised on anthropogenically modified site of pedunculate oak and European hornbeam in a stream valley at 120 m above sea level. Italian alder was recently introduced species in Serbia (in 2004) while the black alder plantation is one of the oldest of that kind at Fruška Gora. A comparison of growth characteristics of Italian and black alder was performed. In Italian alder, mean and dominant height were 19.5 and 21.0 m and mean and dominant diameter at breast height 47.0 and 59.4 cm at age 16 years. In black alder, at age 100 years, mean and dominant height of the trees was 24.0 and 25.2 m and mean and dominant diameter at breast height 48.7 and 62.1 cm. This shows that the diameters of Italian alder are around 95% of that of black alder and 81% of that of black alder in terms of height growth. On the basis of the calculation that there are 200 trees per hectare in the plantations, the basal area is around 35 m2•ha−1 and standing volume around 300 m3∙ha−1in Italian alder at age 16 years, that is around 90% of the same growth characteristics in black alder at age 100 years. The initial results of growing Italian alder show that the species can be used as a fast-growing tree species in plantations and as decorative tree species in urban areas.
U: Glasilo Future. - ISSN 2623-6575. - 3 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 1-18  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Joha -- Talijanska joga -- Crna joha -- Nasadi johe -- Rast

Gospodarska važnost sastojina alepskog bora (Pinus halepensis Mill.) na širem šibenskom primorju [Elektronička građa] = Economic importance of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) stands in wider Šibenik area / Ivan Tekić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 48-52. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Ruralna depopulacija i razvoj nepoljoprivrednih aktivnosti su doveli do drastičnih promjena u krajobraznoj dinamici u priobalnoj Hrvatskoj koja se najviše očituje ubrzanim širenjem šumskih površina, između ostalog i onih alepskog bora. Ova vrsta nikad nije našla primjenu među lokalnim stanovništvom tako da ne postoji tržište za njenu sirovinu, ali joj se važnost ponajprije ogleda kroz brojne općekorisne funkcije koje najveći utjecaj imaju u imaju na turizam. Nasadi alepskog bora u šibenskom području su imali odlučujuću važnost za lociranje turističkih sadržaja i apartmanskih naselja te kao takvi imaju iznimnu ulogu u razvoju turizma ovog područja. Istraživanja su pokazala da alepski bor u nedostatku drugih vrsta visokog rasta na ovom području ima veliku važnost u estetskom i vizualnom doživljaju krajobraza te je bitan element u općoj turističkoj ponudi. Unatoč tome nekontrolirano širenje alepskog bora sve češće se negativno doživljava zbog povezanosti sa šumskim požarima koji su direktna prijetnja turizmu i drugim gospodarskim aktivnostima. Zbog toga je sustavno vrednovanje i gospodarenje sastojinama alepskog bora od iznimne nužnosti ne samo za zaštitu od požara već za iskorištavanje punog potencijala koji ova vrsta ima za turizam i rekreaciju. - Rural depopulation and development of non-agricultural activities have caused dramatic changes in the landscape dynamics of coastal Croatia which are most evident in rapid expansion of woodland areas, including those of Aleppo pine. This species was never used by the local population and a market for its raw materials never developed, but its importance is evident through numerous non-material forest values which have the biggest effect on tourism. Aleppo pine stands in Šibenik area had a crucial role in determining the location of tourist infrastructure and apartment settlements and thus had an invaluable role for the development of tourism. Research has shown that in absence of other tall tree species Aleppo pine is important for aesthetic and visual experience of landscape and is a crucial factor in overall tourist offer. Despite this, uncontrollable expansion of Aleppo pine is more and more negatively perceived because of its connection with forest fires which are a direct threat to tourism and other economic activities. Because of this, systematic valorisation and management of Aleppo pine stands is of crucial importance not only because of forest fire mitigation but because it is necessary for exploitation of Aleppo pines’ full potential for tourism and recreation.
U: Glasilo Future. - ISSN 2623-6575. - 3 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 30-52  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Alepski bor -- Pinus halepensis Mill. -- Gospodarska važnost -- Turizam -- Šumski požari

Vidi br.: HA20-02448

631/635   Upravljanje seoskim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvom. Poljoprivreda. Agronomija. Hortikultura

Economic evaluation of different strategy for weed management in garlic production [Elektronička građa] / Edita Štefanić, Đorđe Maletić, Dinko Zima, Ivan Štefanić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 452-453. - Summary ; Sažetak. - A field experiment was conducted to evaluate various weed management options on garlic (Alium sativum L.) production in Northeastern Croatia. This study focus on how different strategies of weed control affects weed community composition and economic benefit of weed management. An experiment was arranged as a complete block design with three different weed management strategies: chemical control (PRE EM and POST EM), mechanical control (three times during the season), and combination of chemical and mechanical treatments, together with weeded checks. Data on weed density, fresh above weed biomass and garlic yield per m2 were collected at the end of the growing season, and were subjected to statistical and economic analysis. The mayor weeds found in the experimental plots were: Sorghum halepense, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Cirsium arvense and Chenopodium album. The various weed growth (density and biomass) and yield varied with application of weed management practices. Significantly lower values of weed density and fresh above weed biomass were recorded on plots with mechanical and combination of chemical and mechanical treatments compared to weeded check. Chemical application gave in this study insufficient weed control and resulted in lower yields compared to the mechanical treatments and combination of mechanical and mechanical weed control. The best cost: benefit ratio was observed on treatment with combination of chemical and mechanical weed control and can be successfully applied to boost up the bulb yield in garlic and to harvest the maximum profit for farmers. - Poljski pokus je proveden na području sjeveroistočne Hrvatske s ciljem evaluacije različitih strategija suzbijanja korova u češnjaku (Alium sativum L.). Predmet ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi kako različite strategije suzbijanja korova utječu na korovnu zajednicu u češnjaku i kakav je ekonomski učinak svakog od istraživanih tretmana. Pokus je postavljen po slučajnom blok rasporedu sa tri različita tretmana suzbijanja korova: kemijsko (sa PRE-EM i POST-EM primjenom), mehaničko (tri puta tijekom vegetacijske sezone) i kombinaciju kemijskog i mehaničkog suzbijanja. Zakorovljena, kontrolna varijanta je također bila uključena u pokus. Dobiveni podatci o gustoći korova, svježoj nadzemnoj biomasi korova i prinosu češnjaka prikupljeni su na kraju vegetacijske sezone te statistički i ekonomski analizirani. Najznačajniji korovi tijekom provedbe pokusa bili su: Sorghum halepense, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Cirsium arvense and Chenopodium album. Primjenjene strategije suzbijanja korova različito su utjecale na gustoću i nadzemnu biomasu korova te na prinos češnjaka. Signifikantno manja gustoća korova i njihova nadzemna biomasa u usporedbi sa zakorovjenom kontrolom utvrđena je na parcelama s mehaničkim suzbijanjem korova i s kombinacijom mehaničkog i kemijskog suzbiljanja. Aplikacija herbicida u ovom pokusu nije se pokazala uspješnom i ostvarila je na kraju vegetacijske sezone signifikantno niži prinos u odnosu na ostale tretmane. Tretman s najboljem omjerom troškova i koristi jest kombinacija kemijskog i mehaničkog suzbijanja korova i može se preporučiti farmerima kao uspješna strategija za postizanje visokog pronosa i ostvarenja maksimalnog profita.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 445-454  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Češnjak -- Suzbijanje korova -- Ekonomska analiza

The effect of two different fertilisers on the quality of Viola x wittrockiana Gams. seedlings [Elektronička građa] / Margarita Davitkovska, Zvezda Bogevska, Boris Dorbić, Vjekoslav Tanaskovic, Romina Kabranova. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 21-22. - Summary. - This research was carried out to analyse the effect of diverse types of fertilisers on the morphological features of pansy seedlings (Viola x wittrockiana Gams.), as well as to decide on the most appropriate concentration of fertiliser in order to obtain the highest seedlings quality. Two different types of liquid fertilisers were used in this experiment - Magnicvet and Magnihortal with six treatments. Each treatment comprised 30 plants or a total of 180 plants in the experiment were used. 30 plants per treatment were measured, 50 days after planting into plastic containers. The following biometric parameters were analysed: plant height (mm), stem thickness (mm), number of branches and number of flower buds. Measurements of biometric parameters showed that the liquid mineral fertiliser Magnihortal with NPK 10-5-5 + micro elements is more appropriate as compared with the liquid mineral fertiliser Magnicvet with NPK 7-1-5 + micro elements concerning the reinforced nutrition and eventually the enhanced quality of Viola x wittrockiana Gams. seedlings. Treatment V (Magnihortal 0.3 %) showed the highest average height of seedlings, average stem thickness and average number of branches, while the treatment VI (Magnihortal 0.4 %) showed the highest average number of flower buds.
U: Glasilo Future. - ISSN 2623-6575. - 3 (2020), 5/6 ; str. 16-22  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Maćuhice -- Sadnice -- Gnojiva -- Biometrijske karakteristike

MAKINDE, Folasade
Improvement of nutritional, functional and pasting properties of long and short local rice grains during germination [Elektronička građa] / Folasade Makinde, Damilola Olmori. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 201-202. - Summary. - Poor nutritive value of cereals results in the prevalence of disease and poor physical development among the vulnerable groups in developing African nations. Most importantly, germination of these edible seeds had been shown to increase nutrient content further and reduce anti-nutrients. The objective of the current research was to investigate the effects of germination on nutritional, functional and pasting properties of long and short grain rice grown in the northern part of Nigeria. The rough paddy rice (long and short grain) was cleaned, washed thoroughly in water and soaked in water 1:2 w/v for 24 hr at ambient temperature (26±2 oC). The drained rice was placed in the jute bags and germinated at temperature 35 ± 2 °C and relative humidity 95 ± 2% for 1, 3 and 5 days. After germination, the grains were dried to 12% moisture content. Non-germinated grains were included as control. Nutritional, functional and pasting properties were determined in grain flours using standard methods. Germination process significantly (p≤0.05) increased the protein, fat and fibre content of both rice types. Germination also caused a significant interference in the calcium, potassium and zinc concentration of both rice types. Bulk density values ranged between 0.74-0.94 and 0.66-0.86 g/mL for long and short grain, respectively. There was a significant difference (p≤0.05) among the samples in water absorption capacity (1.54-2.60 g/mL), oil absorption capacity (1.78-3.75 g/mL) and swelling power (2.87-4.56 g/g) with the non-germinated samples having the highest values. Similarly, there were significant differences in pasting properties such as viscosity and pasting time of non-germinated and germinated rice types. Therefore, germination process enhanced nutritional and functional properties though pasting properties of both rice types were adversely affected.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 2 ; str. 193-202  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Riža -- Zrno -- Klijavost -- Rižino brašno -- Hranidbena vrijednost -- Funkcionalna svojstva -- Usporedba i analiza

Lovastatin production by Aspergillus sclerotiorum using agricultural waste [Elektronička građa] / Jutarut Iewkittayakorn, Kannika Kuechoo, Yaowapa Sukpondma, Vatcharin Rukachaisirikul, Souwalak Phongpaichit, Wilaiwan Chotigeat. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. Lovastatin is a well-known drug used to reduce hypercholesterolaemia. However, the cost of lovastatin production is still high. Therefore, alternative low-cost carbon sources for the production of lovastatin are desirable.Experimental approach. Four different agricultural wastes, namely corn trunks, rice husks, wild sugarcane, and soya bean sludge, were tested separately as substrates to produce lovastatin using a new fungal strain, Aspergillus sclerotiorum PSU-RSPG 178, under both submerged and solid-state fermentation (SSF).Results and conclusions. Of these substrates and cultivation systems, soya bean sludge gave the highest lovastatin yield on dry mass basis of 0.04 mg/g after 14 days of SSF at 25 °C. Therefore, the soya bean sludge was separately supplemented with glucose, wheat flour, trace elements, palm oil, urea and molasses. The addition of the palm oil enhanced the lovastatin yield to 0.99 mg/g. In addition, the optimum conditions, which gave a lovastatin yield of (20±2) mg/g after 18 days of SSF, were soya bean sludge containing 80 % moisture (dry basis) at a ratio of soya bean sludge (g) to mycelial agar plugs of 1:4, and a ratio of soya bean sludge (g) to palm oil (mL) of 1:2. Besides, the lovastatin yields obtained from SSF using fresh or dry soya bean sludge were not significantly different.Novelty and scientific contribution. We conclude that A. sclerotiorum PSU-RSPG 178 has a good potential as an alternative strain for producing lovastatin using soya bean sludge supplemented with palm oil as a carbon source. - Pozadina istraživanja. Lovastatin je poznati lijek za liječenje hiperkolesterolemije. Međutim, cijena njegove prozvodnje je još uvijek visoka. Stoga je potrebno pronaći jeftiniji izvor ugljika za proizvodnju lovastatina. Eksperimentalni pristup. Ispitana je mogućnost uporabe četiriju različitih uzoraka poljoprivrednog otpada, i to: stabljika kukuruza, rižinih ljusaka, divlje vrste šećerne trske i uljnog taloga zaostaolog nakon proizvodnje sojinog ulja, kao supstrata za proizvodnju lovastatina submerznim uzgojem i fermentacijom na čvrstoj podlozi s pomoću novog soja plijesni Aspergillus sclerotiorum PSU-RSPG 178. Rezultati i zaključci. Među ispitanim supstratima i metodama uzgoja, najveći je prinos lovastatina od 0,04 mg/g suhe tvari dobiven uzgojem na uljnom talogu nastalom pri proizvodnji sojinog ulja, pri temperaturi od 25 °C tijekom 14 dana fermentacije na čvrstoj podlozi. Stoga su tom talogu kao izvori ugljika zasebno dodani glukoza, pšenično brašno, elementi u tragovima, palmino ulje, urea i melasa. Dodatkom palminog ulja prinos lovastatina povećao se na 0,99 mg/g. Optimalni uvjeti pri kojima je dobiveno (20±2) mg/g lovastatina nakon 18 dana fermentacije na čvrstoj podlozi bili su: uljni talog s udjelom vlage u suhoj tvari od 80 %, omjer taloga (u g) i micelijskih diskova od 1:4, te omjer taloga (u g) i palminog ulja (u mL) od 1:2. Osim toga, zaključeno je da prinosi lovastatina dobiveni fermentacijom na čvrstoj podlozi od svježeg ili sušenog uljnog taloga nisu bili bitno različiti.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 2 ; str. 230-236  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poljoprivredni otpad -- Plijesni -- Aspergillus sclerotiorum -- Lovastatin -- Fermentacija

Mišljenje proizvođača ekoloških prehrambenih proizvoda o mogućnostima razvoja ekološke poljoprivrede u Hrvatskoj [Elektronička građa] / Tina Šugar, Kristina Brščić, Tanja Kocković Zaborski. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 467-468. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U posljednjih nekoliko godina zabilježen je trend rasta površina pod ekološkom proizvodnjom u Hrvatskoj. Razvoj ekološke poljoprivredne proizvodnje sve je više potican kao model proizvodnje koji je od presudne važnosti za očuvanje najvažnijih prirodnih resursa u proizvodnji hrane, u Hrvatskoj i Europi. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi mišljenja ekoloških proizvođača o ograničenjima i mogućnostima razvoja ekološke poljoprivrede u Hrvatskoj. U članku su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja provedenog na manifestaciji “Pazi što jedeš” održanoj u Puli 2015. godine. Sudionici su bili izlagači na sajmu, proizvođači ekoloških prehrambenih proizvoda iz Hrvatske. U istraživanju je sudjelovao 41 proizvođač ekoloških proizvoda. Glavni rezultati studije odnose se na opće informacije o proizvodnji ekološke hrane, vrstama proizvodnje i načinu distribucije. Također, dobiveno je mišljenje proizvođača o najčešćim problemima koji se javljaju u ekološkoj proizvodnji hrane. Rezultati mogu poslužiti kao informativna podloga o stajalištima proizvođača o problemima proizvodnje ekološke hrane kao i za kreiranje budućih aktivnosti u cilju jačanja ekološke proizvodnje u Hrvatskoj te kao podloga za kreiranje budućih istraživanja. - In the last few years, the trend of growing areas of organic agricultural land in Croatia has been recorded. The development of organic production is increasingly encouraging as a production model which is of crucial importance for the conservation of the most important natural resources in food production, in Croatia and Europe. The paper aimed to determine the opinions of organic producers about the limitations and possibilities of organic agriculture development in Croatia. In the paper, the results of the survey conducted in the “Watch What You Eat” event held in Pula in 2015 were presented. The participants were exhibitors on the fair, producers of organic food products from Croatia. In total, 41 producers participated in the study. The main results of the study are general information on organic food production, type of production and distribution channels. Also, the opinion of producers on the most common problems that occur in organic food production was obtained. The results can serve as information on producer’s views on organic food production problems for the development of future actions towards to enhancement of organic food production in Croatia as well as a base for the creation of future researches.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 455-469  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ekološka poljoprivreda -- Ekološki proizvodi -- Proizvođači

ONIRETI, Foyinsade Morinola
Nutrients, antinutrients and amino acids profile of malted quality protein maize (Zea Mays L.) based ready-to-eat breakfast cereal fortified with vegetable biomaterials [Elektronička građa] / Foyinsade Morinola Onireti, Abiodun Victor Ikujenlola. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 265-267. - Summary. - Breakfast cereal was formulated from malted quality protein maize fortified with cowpea and garden egg with the view to producing a breakfast cereal of high nutrient density. The biomaterials were processed using standard methods to flour samples and blended at various ratios. The blended samples were pregelatinized, flaked, toasted and packaged. The flour and products were analysed for proximate, minerals, anti-nutrients, amino acids profile and dietary fibre using standard methods. The results showed that, as more garden egg was added, protein (9.94 – 10.67 %), fat (4.84 – 6.12 %) and fibre (4.19 – 7.07 %) increased. The amino acids profile recorded a boost with addition of cowpea but reduced with garden egg. The tannin (0.55 – 0.66 %), alkaloids (0.01 – 1.49 %), soluble (7.04 – 10.50 %) and insoluble fibre (23.38 – 30.50 %) increased with garden egg increase. However, the mineral content reduced with addition of garden egg. The study concluded that inclusion of cowpea and garden egg to breakfast cereal formulation boosted the nutritional value.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 2 ; str. 258-267  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kukuruz -- Zea mays -- Grah metraš -- Vigna unguiculata -- Patlidžan -- Solanum melongena L. -- Obogaćivanje hrane -- Doručak -- Obogaćivanje hrane -- Hranjive tvari -- Alkaloidi -- Aminokiseline -- Dijetalna vlakna -- Minerali -- Bjelančevine

ALAKA, Funke T.
Nutritional composition of formulated complementary food produced from blends of malted and unmalted yellow maize (Zea mays), soybean (Glycine max), and tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus) flour [Elektronička građa] / Funke T. Alaka, Abiodun V. Ikujenlola, Oluwaseun P. Bamidele. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 256-257. - Summary. - Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) and micronutrient deficiencies among infants and children in developing countries have been a major concern of the World Health Organization. Formulation of complementary food from local sources of raw materials can be of great help in solving the problems of protein energy malnutrition. This study determined the nutritional composition of four formulated complementary foods from malted yellow maize, pre-gelatinized yellow maize, soybean, and tiger nut flour. The results showed an increase in protein content (17.6, 16.9, 20.4 & 19.7 %), crude fat (14.9, 12.9, 13.0 & 12.9 %) and energy (433.1, 419.4, 421.5 & 426.6 %) when compared with the control sample. The functional properties also competed favourably with the control sample, with the formulated samples having water absorption capacity (171.9, 169.0, 184.1 & 167.4 %), swelling power (27.9, 25.2, 29.8 and 28.1 %), and bulk density at the same level for all the formulated samples (0.5 g/ml). The formulated samples contained a higher amount of iron and magnesium, and the anti-nutritional factors fell below the hazard level. In conclusion, formulated complementary food made from locally sourced raw materials has enough nutritional composition to be able to combat PEM and micronutrient deficiencies among infants and children.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 2 ; str. 249-257  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Komplementarna hrana -- Brašno -- Mješavina brašna -- Kukuruz -- Zea mays -- Soja -- Glycine max -- Tigrov orah -- Cyperus esculentus -- Kemijski sastav -- Hranidbena vrijednost -- Djeca -- Pothranjenost -- Nedostatak bjelančevina -- Nedostatak minerala -- Nedostatak vitamina

Percepcije i stavovi o ukrasnim karakteristikama i primjeni različitih kultivara afričke ljubičice (Saintpaulia ionantha L.) [Elektronička građa] = Perceptions and attitudes on ornamental features and the use of different cultivars of african violet (Saintpaulia ionantha L.) / Boris Dorbić, Jelena Pavić, Željko Španjol, Emilija Friganović, Ana Vujošević, Sandra Vuković. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 34-35. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Od 20. stoljeću pa do danas poznat je veliki broj kultivara afričke ljubičice. Ova vrsta ubrzo je zauzela mjesto među najomiljenijim kućnim biljkama. Afričku ljubičicu karakteriziraju dekorativni srcoliki listovi na dugim peteljkama i cvjetovi koji mogu biti različito obojani. Za njezin rast i razvoj najpogodniji su gotovi supstrati. Tijekom ljetnog perioda vrsta preferira osvijetljeni dio interijera bez direktne sunčeve svjetlosti. Za vrijeme cvatnje ljubičicu je potrebno umjereno zalijevati, a nakon cvatnje ona zahtjeva manju količinu vode. Afričku ljubičicu je tijekom cvatnje dovoljno gnojiti jednom tjedno. Vrsta se uglavnom razmnožava lisnim reznicama ili sjemenom. U radu je kao izvor primarnih podataka korišteno i anketno ispitivanje čiji je cilj bio istražiti percepciju i stavove ispitanika o ukrasnim karakteristikama i primjeni različitih kultivara afričke ljubičice. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da se ispitanicima u pogledu ukrasnih karakteristika nešto više sviđaju kultivari s posebnijim izgledom listova i cvjetova, a s gledišta primjene ljubičice u različitim interijerima ispitanici bi više koristili klasičnije tipove kultivara afričke ljubičice. Održavanje vrste percipiraju kao uglavnom lagano. Navedeno preliminarno istraživanje može poslužiti prilikom krajobraznog oblikovanja interijera i tehnolozima s aspekta proizvodnje i prodaje. - Since the 20th century a large number of cultivars of African violet (Saintpaulia ionantha L.) have been known. This species has soon positioned itself among the most popular house plants. African violet has been characterised by decorative heart-shaped leaves on long stems and different flower colours. Ready-to-use substrates are the best choice for its growth and development. During the summer period it prefers parts of the interior with a lot of light without direct exposure to sunlight. During bloom the violet requires moderate amounts of water, while after bloom it requires a reduced amount of water. In addition, during bloom African violet needs to be fertilised once a week. The species is primarily propagated through leaf cuttings or seeds. The primary source of information used in this work was also survey testing whose objective was to explore the perception and attitudes of the respondents on ornamental features and the use of different cultivars of African violet. The findings have shown that in terms of ornamental features the respondents slightly prefer the cultivars with a more special appearance of leaves and flowers, while from the aspect of use of violets in different interiors, the respondents prefer to use more classic types of cultivars of this violet species. The maintenance of the African violet is normally perceived as non-demanding. The previously mentioned preliminary research can be used upon interior landscape design and technologists can use it from the aspect of production and sale.
U: Glasilo Future. - ISSN 2623-6575. - 3 (2020), 5/6 ; str. 23-35  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Afrička ljubičica, uzgoj, ukrasne karakteristike, primjena, percepcije i stavovi -- Saintpaulia ionantha L. -- Uzgoj -- Ukrasne karakteristike -- Kultivari

OGUNDELE, Gabriel F.
Physicochemical properties and storage stability of mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) cultivated on single (sawdust) and mixed substrates (sawdust and oil palm fibre) [Elektronička građa] / Gabriel F. Ogundele, Oluwaseun P. Bamidele. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 154-155. - Summary. - Oyster mushroom nutrients have been rated side by side with proteins in meat and eggs. Oyster mushrooms are high in vitamins and essential amino acids, but their cultivation is poor. Oil palm fibre is being used in making material strength in mechanical engineering with little or no use in the cultivation of food products. This study determined the physicochemical properties and storage stability of mushroomscultivated on single and mixed substrates (sawdust and oil palm fibre). Oil palm fibre mixed with sawdust at different ratios (95:5, 90:10 and 85:15) was used to grow oyster mushroomsin other to turn waste to wealth. The oyster mushroomscultivated on both single and mixed substratesweresubjected to proximate composition analysis (22.99, 4.54, 6.93,and 6.98%, for crude protein, fat, fibre, and ash),mineral content (5.92 mg/100g for sodium and 25.76 mg/100g for potassium), amino acid profile (155.85 mg/g for a total essential amino acid), fatty acid profile (43.82% for linoleic acid), anti-nutritional factor, and storage stability for three months. The mushroomscultivated on the mixed substrate (oil palm fibre + sawdust) havea higher proximate composition, mineral content, amino acid profile,and fatty acid profiles than mushroomscultivated on a single substrate (sawdust). Although the peroxide value of the oyster mushroom samples from the mixed substrates increased with storage time, the peroxide value was lower than 10 meq/kg of fat throughout the storage period,which means the samples could still be considered stable during storage. Cultivation of oyster mushroomson mixed substrates of oil palm fibreand sawdust should be encouraged for highly nutritious oyster mushroom production. Oil palm fibre can also serve as a raw material in mushroom cultivation.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 2 ; str. 146-155  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gljive -- Bukovača -- Pleurotus ostreatus -- Uzgoj -- Lignoceluloza -- Podloga -- Piljevina -- Skladištenje -- Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva

VITASOVIĆ Kosić, Ivana
Prikaz studentske terenske nastave na širem području mjesta Plomin (Plominska gora, Hrvatska) [Elektronička građa] = Display of student fieldwork teaching in the wider area of Plomin (Plominska gora, Croatia) / Ivana Vitasović Kosić, Mirjana Šipek, Nina Šajna. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 49-50. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj ovog stručnog rada bio je predstaviti određene tematske nastavne jedinice koje se praktično obrađuju u obliku terenske nastave u okviru kolegija "Fitocenologija" i "Ekologija staništa i biljnih zajednica", a izvode se na Agronomskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Terenska nastava odvijala se na širem području mjesta Plomin i Plominske gore, području vrlo bogate i raznolike flore, gdje nalazimo mnoge endemične i ugrožene svojte te različite tipove staništa, kao i različite tipove eu- i submediteranske vegetacije. Plomin i okolica poučan su primjer kako utjecaj čovjeka u prostoru može biti pozitivan i/ili negativan. Bez aktivnosti čovjeka i njegovih domaćih životinja raznolikost prirodnih samoniklih orhideja (porodica Orchidaceae) bila bi mnogo manja. Spajanjem biljne i animalne proizvodnje maksimalno se može iskoristiti potencijal prirodnih datosti, štiteći pri tome biološku raznolikost svojti i staništa. Ova terenska nastava osmišljena je kako bi se studentima krajobrazne arhitekture i agroekologije omogućilo da se upoznaju s endemskom i ugroženom florom te mediteranskom vegetacijom Istre. Studenti su dobili znanje o mogućnostima obnove degradiranih staništa. Terenska nastava je također studentima pružila priliku da razumiju pozitivne i negativne promjene u krajobrazu povezane s tekovinama industrijske djelatnosti. Štoviše, studenti su mogli prepoznati da negativni utjecaji značajno narušavaju vizualnu i sadržajnu vrijednost krajobraza. Uz to, studentima je pružena prilika da kušaju tradicionalne recepture samoniklih biljaka koje rastu na različitim vrstama staništa. Prezentirane aktivnosti vode ka razumijevanju koliko je važno održivo upravljati poljoprivrednim zemljištem, primjenjivati načela ekološke poljoprivrede i očuvati tradicionalne namjene tla, biljaka i životinja, što u konačnici pozitivno utječe na očuvanje bioraznolikosti. - The aim of this professional paper was to present certain thematic teaching units that are practically processed in the form of fieldwork within the courses "Phytocenology" and "Ecology of habitats and plant communities", which are held at University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture. The fieldwork took place in the wider area of Plomin and Plominska gora, a locality very rich in diverse flora, endemic and endangered taxa, and various plant habitats and types of eu-and sub-Mediterranean vegetation. Plomin and its surroundings are an instructive example of how human influence on local ladscape can be positive and / or negative. Without activities of humans and livestock, the diversity of natural wild orchids (Orchidaceae family) would be much smaller. By integrating plant and animal production, the potential of natural resources can be used to the maximum, while protecting the biological diversity of taxa and habitats. This field trip was designed to enable students of landscape architecture and agroecology to get familiar with the endemic and endangered flora and Mediterranean vegetation of Istria. Students were provided with the knowledge about the possibilities of restoration of degraded habitats. The field trip also represented an opportunity for students to understand positive and negative changes in the landscape related to the achievements of industrial activity. What is more, students were able to recognize that negative impacts significantly impair visual and content value of the landscape. Additionally, students were provided an opportunity to taste traditional wildgrowing plants, which grow in different habitat types. Presented activities lead toward an understanding how important it is to sustainably manage agricultural land, apply organic farming, and preserve traditional uses of soil, plants and animals, which ultimately has a positive impact on biodiversity conservation.
U: Glasilo Future. - ISSN 2623-6575. - 3 (2020), 3 ; str. 34-50  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Terenska nastava -- Vegetacija -- Flora -- Endemi
Agronomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu


Technical efficiency of agriculture in EU countries [Elektronička građa] / Robert Rusielik, Beata Szczecińska. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 165-167. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The study attempts to assess the technical efficiency of agriculture in European Union countries. Two methods were used for this purpose. One was to establish a ranking and separate typological groups of countries similar to each other in terms of technical efficiency of agriculture, using the Hellwig’s taxonomic measure of development. The second one concerned the measurement of technical efficiency of EU countries using the DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) method. A set of 6 variables determining the technology of agricultural activity was adopted for the model. The model assuming the variable effects of the BCC scale was adopted for the study. Based on the variables adopted for the DEA model, a set of diagnostic indicators was defined, which finally included 5 indicators. Based on these indicators, by means of a linear ordering method based on a synthetic variable, countries were grouped into 4 groups bringing together countries from the lowest to the highest efficiency. The results of both methods overlap in the part concerning the countries with the best efficiency. In other groups there are slight discrepancies that may result from limited access to information and selection of variables for research. - Istraživanje pokušava ocijeniti tehnološku efikasnost poljoprivrede u zemljama Europske Unije. Dvije su metode korištene u tu svrhu. Jedna se koristila kako bi se utvrdilo rangiranje i posebne tipološke skupine zemalja koje nalikuju jedne drugima u pogledu tehnološke efikasnosti poljoprivrede koristeći Hellwigovo taksonomsko mjerenje razvoja. Druga se bavi mjerenjem tehnološke efikasnosti zemalja EU upotrebljavajući analizu omeđivanja podataka (AOMP). Niz od 6 varijabli, koje određuju tehnologiju poljoprivredne aktivnosti, prilagođen je ovomu modelu. Model koji pretpostavlja utjecaj varijabli modelom BCC prilagođen je ovom istraživanju. Temeljeno na varijablama usvojenima za analizu omeđivanja podataka (AOMP), definiran je niz dijagnostičkih pokazatelja, koje su konačno uključile 5 pokazatelja. Zasnovano na ovim pokazateljima, pomoću metode linearnog poretka prema sintetskoj varijabli, zemlje su grupirane u 4 grupe spajajući zemlje najniže i najviše efikasnosti. Rezultati obiju metoda se preklapaju u dijelu koji se odnosi na zemlje s najvećom efikasnosti. U drugim grupama postoje neznatne diskrepancije do kojih je moglo doći ograničenim pristupom informacijama i izborom varijabli za istraživanje.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 151-168  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poljoprivreda -- Efikasnost -- Tehnologija -- Istraživanje

Tehnologija dorade i skladištenja maka [Elektronička građa] = Poppy processing and storage technology / Ana Matin, Tajana Krička, Emilija Friganović, Dino Tučić, Mateja Grubor. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 9-12. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Mak je uvriježeni zajednički naziv za nekoliko vrsta iz roda Papaver, porodice Papaveraceae, od kojih je komercijalno najvažnija Papaver somniferum L. koja se uzgaja radi proizvodnje opijuma, ulja i sjemenki. Upravo visoki sadržaj ulja u sjemenkama maka čini ga jako kvarljivim, stoga sjemenke nakon berbe treba odmah očistiti i osušiti iz razloga što se sjeme maka može skladištiti s najviše 8 % vlage. Skladišta u kojima se čuva sjeme moraju biti suha, prozračna i bez stranih mirisa, a sjeme zdravo, uniformne boje, veličine i oblika. Također je moguća i dodatna dorada maka mljevenjem, kondicioniranjem i prešanjem. - Poppy has become a common name for several species from the Papaver genus, the Papaveraceae family, of which the most commercially important is P. somniferum, which is grown for the production of opium, edible oil and seeds. It is the high oil content in poppy seed that makes it very perishable, so the seed should be cleaned, dried immediately after harvesting because poppy seed can be stored with a maximum of 8 % moisture content. Warehouses where seed is stored must be dry, airy and free of foreign odors, and seed should be healthy, uniform in color, size and shape. It is also possible to further process the poppy seed by grinding, conditioning and pressing.
U: Glasilo Future. - ISSN 2623-6575. - 3 (2020), 4 ; str. 1-12  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mak -- Dorada -- Čišćenje -- Sušenje -- Skladištenje

Ukrasne vrijednosti i inventarizacija povrtnih vrsta u dekorativnim privatnim vrtovima na području grada Knina [Elektronička građa] = Ornamental values and inventorying of vegetable garden plants in decorative private gardens in the territory of the city of Knin / Boris Dorbić, Biljana Jurić-Ćivro, Željko Španjol, Emilija Friganović, Branka Ljevnaić-Mašić, Margarita Davitkovska, Zvezda Bogevska. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 41-42. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Povrtne vrste su oduvijek bile sastavni dio ukrasnog vrta. One vrtu daje karakteristike ležernosti, a ujedno su i korisno te dekorativne ukoliko se ispravno ukomponiraju u vrtnu površinu. U radu je prikazan značaj i važnost povrtnjaka kao sastavnog djela vrta, kao i ukrasne karakteristike pojedinih povrtnih kultura. U istraživačkom dijelu rada obavljena je inventarizacija povrtnih kultura u privatnim ukrasnim vrtovima na području grada Knina. Taksonomskom analizom obuhvaćeno je 20 svojti i to kritosjemenjače, sve svojte, među kojima su dvosupnice (16; 80 %) u većoj mjeri zastupljenije od jednosupnica (4; 20 %), a svrstane su u devet porodica. S najvećim brojem vrsta ističe se porodica Solanaceae (4 vrste). - Vegetable garden plants have always been an integral part of decorative gardens. They provide the garden with features of casualness, while simultaneously also being useful and ornamental if they are properly incorporated into the garden area. The paper presents the significance and the importance of vegetable garden as an integral part of the garden, as well as ornamental characteristics of individual vegetable garden plant types. The research segment of the paper provides inventorying of vegetable garden plant types in decorative private gardens in the territory of the city of Knin. Taxonomic analysis included 20 plant species, i.e. Angiospermae, all the species, which also includes Dicotyledonae (16; 80 %), whose share is higher than that of Monocotyledonae (4; 20 %) and they have been grouped in nine families. It is important to highlight the plant family Solanaceae that has the largest number of species (4 species).
U: Glasilo Future. - ISSN 2623-6575. - 3 (2020), 4 ; str. 30-42  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vrtovi -- Povrtne vrste -- Ukrasne karakteristike -- Inventarizacija

Utjecaj gnojidbe i sorte na komponente prinosa salate (Lactuca sativa L.) [Elektronička građa] = Influence of fertilization and variety on components of lettuce yield (Lactuca sativa L.) / Aleksandra Govedarica-Lučić, Sanid Pašić, Alma Rahimić, Nikolina Kulina, Vedrana Bogdanović, Nataša Jovanović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 27-29. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Salata (Lactuca sativa L.) je veoma važna i široko rasprostranjena povrtna kultura. Zbog brojnih nutritivnih i ljekovitih karakteristika, salata ima značajnu ulogu u prevenciji bolesti. Biološke karakteristike salate i njen specifičan rast i razvoj predstavljaju osnovu za uspostavljanje optimalnog načina uzgoja. U cilju da se postignu odgovarajući visoki prinosi, vrši se prihrana različitim organskim, mineralnim i mikrobiološkim gnojivima. Ona imaju veliki značaj prilikom rasta i razvoja salate, a osim toga utječu i na njene kvalitativne karakteristike. Cilj istraživanja je bio utvrditi učinak primjene različitih gnojiva na kvalitetu i kvantitetu različitih sorti salate u proljetnoj proizvodnji. Postavljen je dvofaktorijalni pokus (gnojivo x sorta) po slučajnom blok sustavu u plasteniku bez grijanja, na privatnoj parceli, na lokalitetu Lukavica, područje grada Istočno Sarajevo. Tijekom istraživanja ispitivan je utjecaj gnojiva (kontrola, Slavol, Fitofert hemisuper) na dvije sorte salate (Santoro RZ i Kiribati RZ) i to na: dužinu korjena (cm), broj listova, masu nadzemnog dijela biljke (g) i prinos (kg/m2). Najveća dužina korjena zabilježena je na varijanti gnojiva s fitofertom (10,02 cm) i u usporedbi s kontrolnom varijantom (8,55 cm) razlika je bila statistički značajna. Najveći prinos (509,5 kg/100m2) ostvaren je na varijanti gnojidbe s mikrobiološkim gnojivom, a najmanji na kontrolnoj varijanti (250 kg/100 m2). Razlike u ostvarenom prinosu unutar sorti nisu bile statistički opravdane. - Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is a very important and widespread vegetable crop. It is important in the prevention of disease due to its many nutritional and medicinal characteristics. The biological characteristics of lettuce and its specific growth and development are the basis for establishing the optimal method of cultivation. Fertilization with various organic, mineral and microbiological fertilizers was carried out in order to achieve a correspondingly high yield. Fertilizer is of great importance in the growth and development of lettuce, and in addition affect its qualitative characteristics. The aim of the study was to determine the effects of the application of different fertilizers on the quality and quantity of different varieties of lettuce in spring production. A two-factor experiment (fertilizer x variety) was set up according to a random block system in a greenhouse without heating, on a private plot, at the Lukavica site, in the East Sarajevo area. During the research, the effect of fertilizer (control, Slavol, Fitofert hemisuper) on two lettuce varieties (Santoro RZ and Kiribati RZ) was investigated: root length (cm), number of leaves, mass of overhead part of the plant (g) and yield (kg/m2). The highest root length was recorded on the fertilizer variant with fitofert (10.02 cm) and compared with the control variant (8.55 cm) the difference was statistically significant. The highest yield (509.5 kg /100m2) was on the microbial fertilizer variant and the lowest on the control variant (250 kg /100 m2). Differences in yields within varieties were not statistically justified.
U: Glasilo Future. - ISSN 2623-6575. - 3 (2020.), 1/2 ; str. 19-29  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Salata -- Lactuca sativa L. -- Gnojiva -- Sorte -- Prinosi

Utjecaj malčiranja na kontrolu korova i agronomska svojstva salate [Elektronička građa] = Effect of malching on weed control and agronomic properties of lettuce / Dejan Kovačević, Lidija Milenković, Dragana Lalević, Ljubomir Šunić, Zoran Ilić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 12-15. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Istraživanja su imala za cilj odrediti značaj utjecaja zastiranja tla različitim vrstama malča na kontrolu korova, prinos i kvalitetu dvije sorte salate (Lactuca sativa var. capitata) ‘Mafalda’ i ‘Bataille. Primjena zastiranja se odražava na povećanje temperature tla, Ispod crne polietilenske folije temperature tla je bila za 2˚С viša u usporedbi s temperaturom ispod bijelo/crne folije i agrotekstila, i za 3-5˚С u odnosu na zastiranje organskim malčem (karton, slama, piljevina, kompost) i kontrolu (ne malčirano tlo). U suzbijanju korovnih vrsta, polietilenske folije su pokazale mnogo veću učinkovitost (95,1-97,8 %) u usporedbi s organskim malčem. Najveća prisutnost korova bila je na malču sa slamom (46 biljaka/m²) u usporedbi s kontrolom (23 biljaka/m²). Pri malčiranju kompostom prinos je bio značajno do vrlo značajno veći (‘Bataille’- 4,64 kg/m² ; Mafalda’ 4,98 kg/m²) u odnosu na ostale tretmane. Malčiranje slamom kod sorte ‘Bataille’ doprinijelo je smanjenom prinosu (2,80 kg/m²). Malčiranje kompostom i crnom polietilenskom folijom utječe na značajno povećanje mase po biljci i indeks lisne površine, kao osnovnih parametara prinosa. Sorta ‘Mafalda’ je u uvjetima zastiranja pokazala veću otpornost na fiziološke poremećaje u usporedbi sa sortom ‘Bataille’. - The purpose of this study was to determine the significance of the influence of soil cover with different types of mulch on weed control, yield and quality of two varieties of lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. capitata) ‘Mafalda‘ and ‘Bataille‘. The application of mulching is reflected in the increase of soil temperature. Under the black polyethylene foil was 2˚C higher compared to white / black foil and agrotextiles, and 3-5˚C in relation to the mulch with organic mulch (cardboard, straw, sawdust, compost) and control (unmulched soil). In weed control, polyethylene films showed much higher efficiency (95.1-97.8 %) than organic mulch. The highest proportion of weeds was on straw mulch (46 plants/m²) compared to control (23 plants/m²). When mulching with compost, the yield was significantly to very significantly higher (‘Bataille’ 4.64 kg/m²; ‘Mafalda’ 4.98 kg/m²) compared to other treatments. Straw mulching in the Bataille variety contributes to a reduced yield (2.80 kg/m2). Mulching with compost and black polyethylene foil affects a significant increase in mass per plant and leaf area index, as a basic yield parameters. The ‘Mafalda’ variety showed greater resistance to physiological disorders under cover conditions compared to the ‘Bataille’ variety.
U: Glasilo Future. - ISSN 2623-6575. - 3 (2020), 5/6 ; str. 1-15  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Salata -- Lactuca sativa L. -- Malčiranje -- Korovi -- Prinosi

Vidi br.: HA20-02451

Vidi br.: HA20-02635

Vidi br.: HA20-02628

Vidi br.: HA20-02430

Vidi br.: HA20-02625

Vidi br.: HA20-02477

Vidi br.: HA20-02432

636/639   Stočarstvo i uzgoj životinja. Proizvodi domaćih životinja i divljači. Pčelarstvo. Držanje i uzgoj kukaca. Lovstvo. Ribarstvo. Ribogojstvo

OLAGUNJU, Aderonke Ibidunni
The differential effects of cooking methods on the nutritional properties and quality attributes of meat from various animal sources [Elektronička građa] / Aderonke Ibidunni Olagunju, Ifeanyi Daniel Nwachukwu. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 45-47. - Summary. - This study investigated the various effects of two food product processing methods (boiling and grilling) on the nutritional composition (fatty acid, amino acid profiles) of meat from cows, goats, and rabbits. Freshly slaughtered animals were cleaned and subjected to boiling and grilling. Cooking loss varied with cooking methods; grilling resulted in the highest cooking loss, especially in cow meat (52.95%). Data from the proximate composition analysis revealed that both raw and grilled meat samples of rabbit meat contained the highest amount of protein (22.93 and 22.20 %, respectively) when compared to the corresponding samples from the other two animal sources. Additionally, rabbit meat contained a low level of fat (1.85%), which was not significantly different than the boiled samples (1.75, 1.76 %). Boiling and grilling significantly increased the in vitro protein digestibility of meat. The meat showed significant sources of both essential and non-essential amino acids. Rabbit meat showed a higher proportion of essential amino acids and a higher protein efficiency ratio. Boiled goat meat had a lower proportion of saturated fatty acids (SFA), boiled meat had higher polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) than its grilled counterpart. Goat meat showed a favourable fatty acid profile. Thus, goat and rabbit meat are healthier alternatives to beef, and both boiling and grilling are useful in maintaining the nutritional qualities of meat.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 1 ; str. 37-47  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Meso -- Govedo -- Koza -- Kunići -- Kuhanje -- Pečenje -- Bjelančevine -- Aminokiseline -- Nezasićene masne kiseline -- Probavljivost -- Hranidbena vrijednost -- Organoleptička svojstva

Economic performance of production of Croatian cheese ripened in a lamb skin sack (Sir iz mišine) [Elektronička građa] / Lovorka Blažević, Marija Vrdoljak, Jadranka Frece, Boris Dorbić, Anita Pamuković, Andrijana Kegalj, Sandra Mandinić, Vesna Očić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 76. - Summary. - Cheeses matured in skin sack is traditionally produced in several Mediterranean countries, which in Croatia has been retained in the territory of Dalmatian hinterland. The characteristic of this cheese is its piquant flavour and aroma, as a consequence of ripening in anaerobic conditions in lamb skin. This type of cheese has been recognized and has its customers in the wider area of the Croatia, and it is an interesting touristic product. The major constraint is that the production of this type of cheese in Croatia has been reduced to sporadic production in several families that preserve the tradition of their ancestors and the produced quantities are insufficient to meet customers needs. In 2009, Dalmatian hinterland had 11 registered producers of this type of cheese, while there are currently only 2. A production and economic analysis was performed of the remaining producers in order to determine the production performance. Both family farms produce cheese from sheep milk, while the first farm owns 300 sheep and the second 500. The selling price of cheese reaches HRK 150 per kilo, which ensures the achievement of cost-effectiveness of production. The producers point out that all the produced quantity is sold to known customers through on-farm sales and the demand exceeds the supply. Such a product would arise extreme interest among tourists, while the basic prerequisite for that is increase of the annual production of cheese by increase of the number of producers, as well as their clustering and protection of the product by one of the quality marks at the EU level.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 15 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 72-76  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sir iz mišine -- Proizvodnja -- Gospodarski učinci

KAIĆ, Ana, agronomka
Effect of sex, age at slaughter and aging period on water-holding capacity and tenderness of meat of Posavina horse breed [Elektronička građa] / Ana Kaić, Darija Gačić, Silvester Žgur, Barbara Luštrek, Ivan Širić, Klemen Potočnik. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi sposobnost zadržavanja vode (kalo odmrzavanja – TL i kalo kuhanja – CL) i mekoću mesa (Warner-Bratzler sila presijecanja, WBSF) posavskog konja obzirom na spol, dob pri klanju i dužinu zrenja. U istraživanje je sveukupno bilo uključeno 12 životinja (6 muških i 6 ženskih) pasmine posavski konj. Prosječna dob životinja bila je 18 mjeseci (od 6 do 36 mjeseci). Uzorci mesa potrebni za daljnju analizu izuzeti su s najdužeg leđnog mišića (M. longissimus dorsi) nakon zrenja od 14, odnosno 28 dana. Dobiveni podaci analizirani su pomoću SAS/STAT softverskog paketa verzija 9.4. Utvrđene srednje vrijednosti za TL, CL i WBSF su bile kako slijedi: 8,41%, 19,24% i 26,04 N. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da spol, dob pri klanju i dužina zrenja značajno ne utječu na sposobnost zadržavanja vode i mekoću mesa posavskog konja (p>0,05). Istraživanjem su dobivene nove spoznaje o kakvoći mesa posavskog konja koje bi svakako trebale pridonijeti budućim istraživanjima u svrhu potpunijeg razumijevanja kakvoće konjskog mesa. - The aim of this study was to determine water-holding capacity (thawing loss – TL and cooking loss – CL) and tenderness (Warner-Bratzler shear force, WBSF) of meat of Posavina horse breed considering sex, age at slaughter and aging period. Altogether, 12 animals of Posavina horse breed (6 males and 6 females) were involved in the study. The average age of the animals was 18 months and ranged from six to 36 months. Muscle samples for the analysis were taken from the M. longissimus dorsi of each carcass after the aging period of 14 days and 28 days. Water-holding capacity and tenderness of meat of Posavina horse breed were analyzed using the SAS/STAT software package version 9.4. The mean values for TL, CL, and WBSF were 8.41%, 19.24%, and 26.04 N, respectively. The results showed that TL, CL, and WBSF of meat of Posavina horse breed are not significantly affected by sex, slaughter age or aging period (p>0.05). This study gave a new insight into the meat quality traits of Posavina horse breed which could contribute to further necessary research to complete an understanding of horse meat quality.
U: Stočarstvo (Online). - ISSN 1848-9044. - 74 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 3-8  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Posavski konj -- Konjsko meso -- Meso -- Mekoća mesa -- Zadržavanje vode

PRPIĆ, Maja, veterinarka
Higijena držanja i zdravlje stada mliječnih krava [Elektronička građa] / Maja Prpić, Kristina Matković, Ivana Sabolek, Željko Pavičić, Mario Ostović.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Prevencija bolesti na razini stada dobiva sve više na važnosti. Tako je osmišljen koncept planiranja i upravljanja zdravljem stada, uključujući mliječne krave, čijim se preventivnim mjerama nastoje očuvati zdravlje i dobrobit životinja te dobra proizvodnost. Stoga higijena držanja životinja ima krucijalnu ulogu u konceptu zdravlja stada, uključujući smještaj i mikroklimatske uvjete, njegu životinja, higijenu hrane i vode te biosigurnost na farmama. Suradnja između doktora veterinarske medicine i stočara od iznimne je važnosti. Doktori veterinarske medicine svojim znanjem, savjetima, praćenjem stada i edukacijom stočara pomažu u očuvanju zdravlja i proizvodnosti životinja, profitabilnosti proizvodnje i kvalitete proizvoda. - The increasing importance is being paid to herd-level disease prevention. Therefore, the concept of herd health planning and management including dairy cows has been designed to ensure animal health and welfare, and good productivity by use of preventive measures. Consequently, animal housing hygiene is crucial for the herd health concept, including accommodation and microclimatic conditions, animal care, food and water hygiene, and farm biosecurity. The cooperation between veterinarians and farmers is of utmost importance. With their knowledge, advices, monitoring of herds and education of farmers, the veterinarians have been helping to preserve animal health and productivity, production profitability and product quality.
U: Stočarstvo (Online). - ISSN 1848-9044. - 74 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 9-13  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mliječne krave -- Zdravlje stada -- Dobrobit životinja -- Prevencija bolesti

New insights in cheese yield capacity of the milk of Italian brown and Italian friesian cattle in the production of high-moisture mozzarela [Elektronička građa] / Piero Franceschi, Massimo Malacarne, Michele Faccia, Michele Faccia, Attilio Rossoni, Enrico Santus, Paolo Formaggioni, Andrea Summer. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of κ-casein B content in milk on the yield of high-moisture mozzarella cheese. The study was carried out by monitoring the production of eight mozzarella cheese batches at four cheesemaking factories. At each factory, two cheesemaking trials were performed in parallel: one using bulk milk from Italian Brown cattle and the other using bulk milk from Italian Friesian cattle. The average κ-casein B content was 0.04 g per 100 g in the Italian Friesian cows’ milk, whereas it was four times higher in the Italian Brown cows’ milk, reaching values of 0.16 g per 100 g. Both the κ-casein B content and κ-casein B to casein ratio were positively correlated with actual cheese yield. Both parameters showed correlation coefficient values over 0.9, higher than for any other protein fraction. The influence of the level of κ-casein on the increase of the yield is probably due to smaller and more homogeneous micelles, with more efficient rennet coagulation. Consequently, milk with higher κ-casein B content produces a more elastic curd that withstands better the technological treatments and limits losses during curd mincing and stretching. In conclusion, the Italian Brown cows’ milk, characterized by higher κ-casein content than the Italian Friesian’s one, allowed a yield increase of about 2.65 %, which is a very relevant result for both farms and cheesemaking factories. - Svrha je ovoga rada bila ispitati utjecaj udjela κ-kazeina B u mlijeku na prinos mozzarelle s velikim udjelom vlage. Tijekom istraživanja praćena je proizvodnja osam šarži mozzarelle u četiri sirane. U svakoj sirani su provedena dva paralelna postupka proizvodnje sira: jedan iz spremnika za mlijeko talijanskog smeđeg goveda i drugi iz spremnika za mlijeko talijanskog frizijskog goveda. Prosječni udjel κ-kazeina B u mlijeku talijanskog frizijskog goveda bio je 0,04 g u 100 g, dok je u mlijeku talijanskog smeđeg goveda bio četerostruko veći i iznosio 0,16 g u 100 g. Udjel κ-kazeina B i omjer κ-kazeina B i kazeina u mlijeku bili su u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa stvarnim prinosom sira. Za oba je parametra koeficijent korelacije bio veći od 0,9; veći nego za bilo koju drugu frakciju proteina. Povećanje prinosa sira dobivenog od mlijeka s većim udjelom κ-kazeina B vjerojatno je posljedica prisutnosti manjih i homogenijih kazeinskih micela koje pospješuju koagulaciju mlijeka nakon dodatka sirila. Shodno tome, iz mlijeka s većim udjelom κ-kazeina B dobiva se elastičniji gruš, koji bolje podnosi daljnje tehnološke postupke i smanjuje gubitke što mogu nastati prilikom njegovog usitnjavanja i rastezanja. Može se zaključiti da je prinos sira dobivenog od mlijeka talijanskog smeđeg goveda, kojeg karakterizira veći udjel κ-kazeina, za 2,65 % veći od prinosa sira dobivenog od mlijeka talijanskog frizijskog goveda, što je značajan podatak i za uzgajivače goveda i za sirare.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 1 ; str. 91-97  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sir -- Mozzarella -- Proizvodnja sira -- Prinosi -- Smeđe govedo

HORVATEK Tomić, Danijela
Prevalence and zoonotic potential of avian chlamydia in Croatia [Elektronička građa] = Pojavnost i zoonotski potencijal klamidija ptica u Hrvatskoj / Danijela Horvatek Tomić, Željko Gottstein, Maja Lukač, Iva Pem Novosel, Estella Prukner-Radovčić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 38 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Background: Zoonotic Chlamydia (C.) psittaci, can be found in different bird species, but also in other animals and humans. Recently, new species have been described, as C. gallinacea and C. avium, changing the perspective of a single causative agent of avian chlamydiosis. Genotypes of C. psittaci differ, according to their pathogenicity, and the ones isolated from parrots, turkeys and ducks are particularly pathogenic to bird breeders or owners, veterinarians, poultry farms and slaughterhouse workers. Infections in humans may pass unapparent or to the onset of systemic lung inflammation. Asymptomatic infection is most commonly found in birds, but acute systemic or chronic infections are also possible. Material and Methods: Presence of C. psittaci in birds in Croatia must be reported by law, and all registered flocks of pigeons, parrots and other birds must be examined once, and pet shops at least twice a year. In the period from 2008 to 2017, a total of 3283 avian samples were examined by real-time PCR and the presence of Chlamydiaceae, C. psittaci and C. gallinacea were detected in faecal samples or swabs. Results and Conclusions: In total, 12% of the samples were found positive for Chlamydiaceae. From the 2015, the presence of C. psittaci has also routinely been determined, whereas 34.01% positive avian samples proved to be C. psittaci. Findings of chlamydia in various avian species indicates the importance of proper implementation of the protective measures, by taking into account the zoonotic potential of chlamydia originating from birds and poultry. - Uvod: Bakteriju C. psittaci moguće je pronaći kod različitih vrsta ptica, ali i kod drugih životinja i ljudi. Nedavno su opisane nove vrste, C. gallinacea i C. avium, čijim se nalazom mijenja slika jednog od uzročnika klamidioze u ptica. Genotipovi C. psittaci razlikuju se prema svojoj patogenosti, a oni izdvojeni iz papiga, purana i pataka posebno su patogeni za uzgajivače ili vlasnike ptica, veterinare, radnike na peradarskim farmama i u klaonicama. Infekcije kod ljudi mogu proći inaparentno ili uz teške kliničke znakove upale pluća. Asimptomatska infekcija se najčešće javlja kod ptica, no moguće su i akutne sistemske ili kronične infekcije. Materijali i metode: Prisutnost C. psittaci kod ptica u Hrvatskoj mora se prijaviti prema zakonu, a sva registrirana jata golubova, papiga i drugih ptica moraju se pregledati jednom, a trgovine za kućne ljubimce najmanje dva puta godišnje. U razdoblju od 2008. do 2017. godine ukupno je pregledano 3283 uzoraka ptica primjenom metode PCR-a u stvarnom vremenu, a prisutnost Chlamydiaceae, C. psittaci i C. gallinacea dokazana je u uzorcima izmeta ili obriscima organa. Rezultati i rasprava: Ukupno je 12% uzoraka bilo pozitivno na Chlamydiaceae. Od 2015. godine, prisutnost C. psittaci također je rutinski određena te se 34.01% pozitivnih uzoraka identificiralo kao C. psittaci. Nalazi klamidije kod različitih ptičjih vrsta ukazuju na važnost pravilne provedbe zaštitnih mjera, uzimajući u obzir zoonotski potencijal klamidije koja potječe od ptica i peradi.
U: Infektološki glasnik (Online). - ISSN 1848-7769. - 39 (2019), 1 ; str. 3-7  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Chlamydia sp. -- Ptice -- Zoonoze

VRANIĆ, Marina
Utjecaj dodatka sirutke na hranidbenu vrijednost fermentirane krme poluprirodnog travnjaka [Elektronička građa] = The effect of whey supplementation on the nutritive value of fermented forage from semi-natural grassland / Marina Vranić, Krešimir Bošnjak, Tomislav Mašek, Kristina Starčević, Božica Lukšić, Goran Kiš, Lucija Stjepčević, Božica Lukšić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj dodatka sirutke u prahu provenutoj biljnoj masi poluprirodnog travnjaka na hranidbenu vrijednost fermentirane krme i kvalitetu fermentacije u silosu. Korišteno je pet razina dodatka sirutke u prahu kg-1 silirane suhe tvari (ST) krme poluprirodnog travnjaka: (i) 0 g; (ii) 13 g; (iii) 65 g; (iv) 130 g; (v) 260 g (tretmani T0, T13, T65, T130 i T260 respektivno). Biljna je masa silirana u laboratorijskim silosima. Silosi su otvoreni 40. dan od zatvaranja radi procjene hranidbene vrijednosti fermentirane krme i kvalitete NIR spektroskopijom. Zaključeno je da sirutka u prahu, kao dodatak provenutoj biljnoj masi poluprirodnog travnjaka prilikom siliranja, linearno povećava sadržaj ST (P<0,05), korigirane ST (KST) (P<0,01), sirovih proteina (SP) (P<0,001), neutralnih detergent vlakana (NDV) (P<0,001), fermentirajuće metaboličke energije u metaboličkoj energiji (FME/ME) (P<0,001), probavljivost organske tvari u ST (D-vrijednost) (P<0,001), faktor konzumacije za goveda (P<0,001), faktor konzumacije za ovce (P<0,001), a smanjuje pH vrijednost (P<0,05), sadržaj organske tvari (OT) (P<0,001), sadržaj amonijskog dušika (NH3-N) (P<0,001) i rezidua šećera (P<0,001) u fermentiranoj krmi. - The aim of the study was to determine the effect of dried whey supplementation, at ensiling forage from semi-natural grassland, on the nutritive value of fermented forage and the quality of fermentation. Wilted forage from semi-natural grassland was supplemented with five levels of dried whey kg-1 of dry matter (DM) at ensiling into laboratory siloses: (i) 0 g; (ii) 13 g; (iii) 65 g; (iv) 130 g; (v) 260 g (treatments T0, T13, T65, T130 and T260 respectively). The siloses were opened after 40 days of ensiling to evaluate the nutritive value of fermented forage and the fermentation quality by NIR spectroscopy. It was concluded that dried whey, supplemented at ensiling to wilted forage from semi-natural grassland, linearly increases the content of DM (P<0.05), corrected DM (CDM) (P<0.01), crude protein (CP) (P<0.001), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) (P<0.001), fermenting metabolic energy in the metabolic energy (FME/ME) (P<0.001), digestibility of organic matter (OM) in the DM (D-value) (0.001), intake factor for cattle (P<0.001), intake factor for sheep (P<0.001), while reducing the pH (P<0.05), OM (P<0.001), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) (P<0.001) and sugar residues (P<0.001) in fermented forage.
U: Krmiva (Online). - ISSN 1848-901X. - 62 (2020), 1 ; str. 15-21  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Krma -- Sirutka -- Hranidbena vrijednost -- Fermentirana krma -- Poluprirodni travnjak

VRANIĆ, Marina
Utjecaj dodatka sirutke sjenaži lucerne na sadržaj masnih kiselina u buragu kastriranih ovnova [Elektronička građa] / Marina Vranić, Krešimir Bošnjak, Tomislav Mašek, Katarina Lovrić, Mateo Papac, Krešimir Krapinec, Goran Kiš. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 36 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj dodatka sirutke u prahu sjenaži lucerne (SL) na udio masnih kiselina u buragu kastriranih ovnova. U istraživanju su korištena 3 hranidbena tretmana: (i) 100% SL; (ii) sjenaža lucerne uz dodatak 5 g sirutke kg-1 tjelesne mase kastriranih ovnova (SL5) i (iii) sjenaža lucerne uz dodatak 10 g sirutke kg-1 tjelesne mase kastriranih ovnova (SL10). Dodatak sirutke u prahu SL smanjio je udio octene kiseline u buragu kastriranih ovnova (P<0,001), te povećao udio propionske (P<0,001) i mliječne kiseline (P<0,001). Kod tretmana SL5 i SL10 je utvrđen viši udio (P<0,01) izomaslačne kiseline u usporedbi s tretmanom SL. Kod tretmana SL10 je utvrđen viši udio izovalerijanske kiseline u usporedbi s tretmanom SL i SL5 (P<0,001). Zaključeno je da dodatak sirutke u prahu obroku baziranom na sjenaži lucerne smanjuje udio octene kiseline, a povećava udio propionske i maslačne kiseline u buragu kastriranih ovnova. - The objective of this study was to determine the effect of dry whey supplementation to alfalfa haylage (AH) on fatty acids concentration in the rumen of whether sheep. Total of 3 feeding treatments were used in the study: (i) 100% AH; (ii) AH supplemeneted with of 5 g whey kg-1 body weight of wether sheep (AH5) and (iii) AH supplemeneted with 10 g whey kg-1 body weight of wether sheep (AH10). The supplementation of whey to AH reduced the proportion of acetic acid in the rumen of wether sheep (P<0.001), and increased the proportion of propionic (P<0.001) and butyric acid (P<0.001). In the AH5 and AH10 treatments, a higher proportion (P<0.01) of isobutyric acid was found compared to the AH treatment. A higher proportion of isovaleric acid was determined in the AH10 treatment compared to the AH and AH5 treatment (P<0.001). It was concluded that the supplementation of whey to alfalfa haylage reduces the proportion of acetic acid and increases the proportion of propionic and butyric acid in the rumen of wether sheep.
U: Stočarstvo (Online). - ISSN 1848-9044. - 74 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 24-33  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Preživači -- Sjenaža lucerneg -- Sirutka u prahu -- Masne kiseline -- Burag

VRANIĆ, Marina
Utjecaj dodatka vlažnog zrna kukuruza sjenaži lucerne na konzumaciju i balans vode kastriranih ovnova [Elektronička građa] / Marina Vranić, Krešimir Bošnjak, Krešimir Krapinec, Barbara Oštarić, Vilena Šuman, Goran Kiš. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj dodatka vlažnog zrna kukuruza (VZK) sjenaži lucerne (SL) na ad libitum konzumaciju i balans vode kastriranih ovnova. Istraživanje se sastojalo od 3 hranidbena tretmana: (i) hranidba samo SL, (ii) hranidba SL uz dodatak 5 g VZK kg-1 tjelesne mase kastriranih ovnova (SL5) i (iii) hranidba SL uz dodatak 10 g VZK kg-1 tjelesne mase kastriranih ovnova (SL10). Pokus je bio postavljen kao 3x3 latinski kvadrat. Životinje su hranjene 2x dnevno, cijelo su vrijeme imale na raspolaganju vodu ad libitum. Kod tretmana SL5 i SL10 je utvrđena niža konzumacija vode napajanjem (P<0,05) i niža konzumacija vode hranom (P<0,05) u usporedbi s tretmanom SL. Dodatak VZK SL je smanjio lučenje vode urinom (P<0,05), a povećao lučenje vode fecesom (P<0,05) u usporedbi s tretmanom SL. Kod tretmana SL5 je izlučeno više urina (P<0,05) u usporedbi s tretmanom SL10. Dodatak VZK SL je smanjio balans vode kastriranih ovnova (P<0,05) u usporedbi s balansom vode kastrata hranjenih samo sjenažom lucerne. Zaključeno je da dodatak VZK obroku baziranom na SL utječe na konzumaciju i lučenje vode iz organizma te balans vode kastriranih ovnova. - The objective of this study was to determine the effect of fermented corn grain (FC) supplementation to alfalfa haylage (AH) on ad libitum water intake and water balance by wether sheep. The study consisted of 3 feeding treatments: (i) feeding AH only (AH); (ii) feeding AH with the supplementation of 5 g FC kg-1 body weight of wether sheep (AH5) and (iii) feeding AH with the supplementation of 10 g FC kg-1 body weight of wether sheep (SL10). The experiment was set up as a 3x3 Latin square. The animals were fed twice a day, all the time they had at libitum acces to fresh water. In the AH5 and AH10 treatments, lower water intake by drinking (P<0.05) and lower intake from food (P<0.05) were found in comparison with the AH treatment. The supplementation of AH with FC decreased urinary water excretion (P <0.05) and increased faecal water excretion (P<0.05) compared to AH treatment only. AH5 treatment excreted more urine (P<0.05) compared to AH10 treatment. The FC supplementation to AH reduced the water balance of wethers (P<0.05) compared to the water balance of wether sheep fed AH only. It was concluded that the addition of FC to a AH based diet affects water intake and excretion in wether sheep.
U: Stočarstvo (Online). - ISSN 1848-9044. - 74 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 14-23  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Preživači -- Sjenaža lucerne -- Kukuruz -- Konzumacija vode

Vidi br.: HA20-02439

Vidi br.: HA20-02609

Vidi br.: HA20-02627

Vidi br.: HA20-02456

Vidi br.: HA20-02506

Vidi br.: HA20-02533

636.09   Veterinarska znanost

64   Ekonomika kućanstva. Domaćinstvo. Vođenje kućanstva

Vidi br.: HA20-02393

Vidi br.: HA20-02288

640.4   Hotelijerstvo. Ugostiteljstvo. Catering

LEE, Chew Ging
Are we explaining the movement of hotel room rates correctly? [Elektronička građa] / Chew Ging Lee. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 32-33. - Summary. - Demand function, inverse demand function or market equilibrium condition has been used to estimate the empirical models that explain the movement of hotel room rates. However, hotels generally face excess supply of rooms. This research paper develops a simple theoretical model to link hotel room rates to excess supply of hotel rooms. The annual data of Singapore from 1991 to 2017 is used to test this framework. Due to small sample size, with only 27 observations, the bounds testing approach to cointegration is applied on the annual data of hotel industry in Singapore because the obtained estimators are super-consistent. It is found that average hotel room rate and average hotel occupancy rate are cointegrated to confirm hotel room rates and excess supply of hotel rooms are inversely correlated. In order to avoid model mis-specification, major crises are captured by dummy variables which are treated as fixed regressors in the bounds testing approach to cointegration. The empirical and theoretical frameworks used in this study suggest that when hotel occupancy rate is used as an independent variable in modelling the determination of hotel room rates, a researcher is adopting excess supply framework developed in this paper. Furthermore, this framework teaches students in tourism a simplified way to explain the movement of hotel room rates, while still reminding students about the complexity of hotel industry.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 1 ; str. 21-33  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hoteli -- Cijene usluga -- Ponuda -- Kointegracija

UEHARA, Wataru
Foreign food consumption as an extraordinary experience [Elektronička građa] : a comparative study on the perceived value of Japanese and Thai consumers / Wataru Uehara, Nuttapol Assarut. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 128-129. - Summary. - The purpose of this research is to explore the perceived value of extraordinary experience and compare it with an ordinary one in the context of food consumption. We examine how Japanese and Thai people perceive local ordinary food and foreign extraordinary food. We used a perceived value scale and past experience for independent variables and customers’ general attitudes for dependent variable. We collect survey data in Japan and Thailand and conduct analyses by PLS-SEM. Five factors are extracted as elements of perceived value. The most influential factor of Japanese attitudes toward local food is conditional value, followed by emotional and epistemic value and menu variety. Conversely, value for money is the only factor that affects Thai customers’ attitudes. In the case of foreign food, Japanese respondents are most affected by emotional and epistemic value, followed by functional value (quality), and menu variety. Past experience has a significant negative effect on consumers’ attitude. For Thai respondents, emotional and epistemic value is the most influential factor, followed by functional value (value for money), and past experience. We found significant differences of perceived value of local food and foreign foods.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 2 ; str. 120-129  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrana -- Konzumacija hrane -- Percipirana vrijednost -- Potrošači

GARBIN Praničević, Daniela
ICTs in the hospitality industry [Elektronička građa] : an importance-performance analysis among small family-owned hotels / Daniela Garbin Praničević, Ante Mandić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 230-234. - Summary. - This study delivers the importance-performance analysis of the information and communication technology (ICT) driven solutions among small and family-owned hotels (SFH) in Croatia. The analysis reflects the opinions of owners of 21 SFH, all of which are members of the National Association of Family and Small Hotels (OMH). The findings demonstrated the existence of a significant gap between the perception of the importance of specific innovations and actual hotel performances. In most cases, hotel performances are rated significantly lower than the perceived importance of particular innovation, which indicate that resources should be better and more wisely allocated. In some cases, hotels do not recognise the benefits of ICTs used or are not satisfied with the results. The primary constraint for higher integration of the ICTs within this sample is the lack of financial resources. The study reveals the importance-performance gaps within the perception of technological innovations in the SFHs, elaborates on potential constraints for more substantial reliance on ICTs and discusses the possible implications. Finally, the study provides recommendations for future research.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 2 ; str. 221-234  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hoteli -- Obiteljski hoteli -- Ugostiteljske inovacije -- Informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije

SUSAETA, Lourdes
Influence of limiting beliefs in soft employability skills [Elektronička građa] : an analysis for the hospitality sector / Lourdes Susaeta, Frank Babinger, Natalia Muñoz. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 218-220. - Summary. - The purpose of this paper is to identify the main soft skills demanded by the hospitality industry, under the perception of master´s degree students and the influence of limiting beliefs in skills development. After a literature review, we lead a fieldwork based on workshops in which we conducted two questionnaires and we analyze the behaviour of students through the method of tutor observation. The results show a relationship between their soft-skills, and a significative negative correlation between perceived skills and the limiting beliefs. With this exploratory paper, we try to contribute to the better knowledge of new factors that may be hindering the development of the soft skills demanded in postgraduate students in the hospitality sector. These preliminary conclusions can be useful for both postgraduate schools and companies in their selection and training processes.
U: Tourism (Zagreb. Online). - ISSN 1849-1545. - 68 (2020), 2 ; str. 207-220  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ugostiteljstvo -- Zapošljavanje -- Studenti -- Vještine

KARANOVIĆ, Goran, ekonomist
Profitability performance under capital structure and other company characteristics [Elektronička građa] : an empirical study of Croatian hotel industry / Goran Karanović, Ana Štambuk, Davor Jagodić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 239-241. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The main objective of this paper is to explore how capital structure and other financial characteristics of companies influence Croatian hotel industry performance. This study’s key goal is to analyze the debt-equity structure of hotel industry and to demonstrate its correlation with financial performance. The high significance and impact of hotel industry on the economy in Croatia was main reason why authors opted to investigate it. This study was carried out using panel data methodology on a sample of 19 Croatian hotel companies listed on the Zagreb Stock Exchange during the period of 2003-2017. Return on assets and return on equity were used as performance proxies and dependent variables. Twelve variables as capital structure measures and other company characteristics – cash ratio, current liquidity ratio, structure ratio, debt ratio, debt factor (in years), equity to non-current assets, total assets turnover, current assets turnover, accounts receivables, activity ratio, return on revenue and crises during the 2009-2015 period – were used as independent variables. The findings suggest that cash ratio, structure ratio, debt factor (in years), equity to non-current assets, total assets turnover, activity ratio, accounts receivables, return on revenue and crises in the 2009-2015 period are related to the financial performance of the Croatian hotel industry. Although profitability performance theory and influence of capital structure and other company characteristic on it is widely studied in financial literature, there are not many studies examining the hotel industry, especially in Croatia. Finally, this study should provide managers with additional insights in making optimal financial decisions. - Glavni je cilj ovog rada istražiti kako struktura kapitala i ostalih financijskih karakteristika poduzeća utječu na učinak profitabilnosti hrvatske hotelske industrije. Ključni cilj ove studije je analizirati strukturu duga i kapitala hotelske industrije i objasniti njezinu povezanost s financijskim rezultatima. Veliki značaj i utjecaj hotelijerstva na gospodarstvo je glavni razlog zašto su se autori odlučili istražiti ga. Ova je studija provedena korištenjem panel dana metodologije na uzorku od 19 hrvatskih hotelskih poduzeća koje kotiraju na Zagrebačkoj burzi u razdoblju od 2003. do 2017. godine. Povrat imovine i povrat na kapital korišteni su kao posrednici i ovisne varijable. Dvanaest varijabli kao mjere kapitalne strukture i ostale karakteristike poduzeća – koeficijent trenutne likvidnosti, koeficijent tekuće likvidnosti, koeficijent financijske stabilnosti, koeficijent zaduženosti, faktor zaduženosti (broj godina), stupanj pokrića dugotrajne imovine vlastitim izvorima, koeficijent obrtaja ukupne imovine, koeficijent obrtaja kratkotrajne imovine, vrijeme naplate kratkotrajnih potraživanja, ekonomičnost ukupnog poslovanja, rentabilnost prometa bruto i kriza u razdoblju 2009. - 2015. – korišteni su kao nezavisne varijable. Rezultati indiciraju da su koeficijent trenutne likvidnosti, koeficijent financijske stabilnosti, faktor zaduženosti (broj godina), stupanj pokrića dugotrajne imovine vlastitim izvorima, koeficijent obrtaja ukupne imovine, ekonomičnost ukupnog poslovanja, vrijeme naplate kratkotrajnih potraživanja, rentabilnost prometa bruto i kriza u razdoblju 2009. - 2015. povezani s financijskim učinkom hrvatske hotelske industrije. Iako teorija učinka profitabilnosti te utjecaj strukture kapitala i ostalih značajki poduzeća su široko proučavana u financijskoj literaturi, nema mnogo studija koje se bave hotelijerstvom, posebno u Hrvatskoj.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 227-242  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hotelska industrija -- Poduzeća -- Profitabilnost -- Struktura kapitala

Vidi br.: HA20-02276

65   Komunikacijska i prijevozna industrija. Računovodstvo. Poslovno upravljanje. Odnosi s javnošću

RUPČIĆ, Nataša
Upravljanje znanjem : suvremena sržna kompetencija / Nataša Rupčić, Matej Žic. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Summary.
U: Praktični menadžment. - ISSN 1847-8107. - 3 (2012), 5 ; str. 21-18  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ekonomija -- Upravljanje znanjem -- Kompetencije -- Efikasnost poduzeća

654   Telekomunikacije i daljinsko upravljanje

Vidi br.: HA20-02079

Vidi br.: HA20-02060

655   Grafička industrija. Tiskarstvo. Izdavaštvo. Knjižarstvo

DAMIANI, Martina
La centralità politico-culturale di Venezia negli scambi epistolari del primo Cinquecento [Elektronička građa] / Martina Damiani.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 119-121. - Riassunto ; Sažetak. - Pietro Aretino intrattiene da Venezia diverse corrispondenze con personaggi di spicco del panorama politico e culturale, come traspare dai nomi altisonanti presenti nelle sue Lettere. Quando decide di rendere noti i suoi contatti epistolari e di includerli in un libro, ottiene un immediato successo che spinge il suo editore, Francesco Marcolini, a stampare nuove edizioni dell’opera. Con l’intento di ribadire il suo primato nell’epistolografia in volgare, Aretino biasima gli scrittori e i tipografi che pubblicano, subito dopo di lui, una moltitudine di libri di lettere, imitandolo. Dalla sua critica esonera però le persone più in vista di Venezia, tra cui Paolo Manuzio, prolifico autore ed editore di raccolte epistolari. Il presente lavoro si propone di analizzare quelle lettere che svelano il complesso meccanismo editoriale che sta dietro agli scambi epistolari del primo Cinquecento. - Pietro Aretino održava iz Venecije razne korespondencije s važnim ličnostima iz političkih i kulturnih sfera, kao što je vidljivo iz uglednih imena prisutnih u njegovim Pismima (Lettere). Kada odluči obznaniti svoje epistolarne kontakte i uvrstiti ih u knjigu, odmah postiže veliku slavu, što će potaknuti njegovog izdavača, Francesca Marcolinija, na objavu novih izdanja toga djela. S nakanom da naglasi svoj primat u epistolografiji na narodnom jeziku, Aretino osuđuje pisce i tiskare koji objavljuju, odmah nakon njega, veliki broj knjiga pisama, imitirajući ga. Kritike pošteđuje najuglednije članove venecijanskoga društva, među kojima Paola Manuzija, plodnoga pisca i urednika epistolarnih zbirki. U ovom radu analiziraju se pisma koja razotkrivaju složeni urednički mehanizam koji stoji iza epistolarnih razmjena u prvoj polovici 16. stoljeća.
U: Tabula (Pula. Online). - ISSN 1849-1685. - (2020), 17 ; str. 105-123  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tiskare -- Knjige pisama

Tako vam je bilo nekoć [Elektronička građa] : nakladnički niz dječje književnosti Vinka Vošickoga / Marko Gregur. - Ilustr.
Nekoliko primjera iz ostavštine Vinka Vošickoga na str. 258-266. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 255-256. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Koprivnički tiskar Vinko Vošicki u više desetljeća djelovanja istaknuo se objavljivanjem djela Miroslava Krleže i Augusta Cesarca u vrijeme Obznane, ali i pokretanjem nekoliko nakladničkih nizova. Jedan od njih je nakladnički niz dječje književnosti Tako vam je bilo nekoć koji je preuzeo od njemačkih izdavača Dresdner Jugendschriften Verlaga i Verlagshaus Freye. Ukupno je u razdoblju od 1919. do 1946. objavljeno 56 sveščića koji su bili jeftini i prodavali se u više izdanja te utjecali na mnogobrojnu djecu u Hrvatskoj, ali i izvan nje. Iako je tijekom Drugoga svjetskoga rata tiskao materijal za partizane, kasnije je i zbog toga nakladničkoga niza imao problema s komunističkim vlastima, trpio medijske napade i na koncu, nakon što mu je tiskara oduzeta, završio u šezdesetodnevnom zatvoru. - Vinko Vošicki, a Koprivnica-based printer, active for over three decades, has mostly been known as a publisher of the Croatian left-wing authors Miroslav Krleža and August Cesarec in the 1920s, at the time when the government of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes banned all communist activities. He also established several publishing series, one of them being a serial of children’s popular literature Tako vam je bilo nekoć [Once Upon a Time] that he took over from the German publishers Dresdner Jugendschriften Verlag and Verlagshaus Freya. From 1919 to 1946, fifty-six low-cost single-signature paperback booklets were published, often reprinted several times. These booklets had an impact on many child readers in Croatia and beyond. During the Second World War, Vošicki printed some materials for the partisans, who also took his printing machines to the front. Nevertheless, when the war was over, Vošicki had trouble with the Communist authorities, in part also because of this serial publication, suffered media attacks and, finally, after they closed his business in 1946, he was sentenced to 60 days in prison.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 9 (2020), 2 ; str. 233-266  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dječja književnost -- Serijske publikacije -- Popularna književnost -- Nakladništvo
Vošicki, Vinko


Vidi br.: HA20-02861

Vidi br.: HA20-02096

Vidi br.: HA20-02097

656   Prijevozne i poštanske usluge. Organizacija i kontrola prometa

RUDIĆ, Barbara
Razvoj kontejnerizacije u svijetu i analiza kontejnerskog prometa u luci Rijeka [Elektronička građa] / Barbara Rudić, Erika Gržin. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 440-441. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Kontejnerizacija je utjecala na razvoj međunarodne trgovine, te je postala nezamjenjiv oblik prijevoza robe, spajajući pomorski, cestovni i željeznički prijevoz u cjeloviti transportni lanac. Stoga je cilj ovog rada ukazati na važnost kontejnerizacije, prikazati stanje kontejnerskog prometa u svijetu i analizirati kontejnerski promet u Hrvatskoj na primjeru luke Rijeka. Rad sadržava razvoj kontejnerizacije te pokazatelje vezane za promet kontejnera u najvećim svjetskim morskim lukama, kao i pokazatelje najvećih kontejnerskih brodara. U radu je naglašena važnost glavnih elemenata kontejnerizacije te ostali sudionici u sustavu kontejnerizacije. Prikupljeni podaci analizirani su primjenom metoda deskriptivne statističke analize. Rezultati pokazuju konstantni rast svih elemenata kontejnerizacije na svjetskoj razini. Na razini Hrvatske, na primjeru luke Rijeka, također su vidljivi pozitivni rezultati na području kontejnerskog prometa. - Containerization has influenced the development of international trade and has become an irreplaceable transport mode combining maritime, road and rail transport in a complete transport chain. The purpose of this paper is to show the importance of containerization, to give an overview of the situation of the container traffic in the world and to analyse the container traffic in Croatia, taking Rijeka as an example. The paper focuses on the development of containerization, as well as on indicators connected with the container traffic in the world's busiest seaports together with the indicators from the largest container ship operators. The paper stresses the importance of the main elements of containerization and other participants in the system of containerization. The collected data has been analysed using descriptive statistics. The results obtained show continuous growth of all the elements of containerization on the global level. In Croatia, using Rijeka as an example, positive results are also visible in the field of container transport.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 427-442  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kontejnerski promet -- Kontejnerski brodovi -- Kontejnerske luke -- Analiza

Zadovoljstvo mladih korisnika uslugama paketnih dostavljača u Republici Hrvatskoj [Elektronička građa] / Dora Naletina, Mate Damić, Luka Meštrović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 348-350. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Posljednjih godina, uloga paketne dostave u urbanim područjima kontinuirano raste, prvenstveno zbog ubrzanog rasta online kupovine, a navedeno nije zaobišlo niti hrvatsko tržište. Pristupanjem Hrvatske Europskoj uniji, tržište poštanskih usluga se liberaliziralo te su se stvorili preduvjeti za proširenje postojeće ponude usluga, porast konkurencije kao i povećanje količine prenesenih paketa. Na tržištu paketne distribucije u Republici Hrvatskoj djeluju gotovo svi svjetski poznati pružatelji usluga. Uzevši u obzir kako upravo mladi korisnici u najvećoj mjeri koriste informacijske tehnologije, a samim time i kupovinu putem iste, nameće se potreba istraživanja njihova zadovoljstva kvalitetom usluga paketnih dostavljača na području Republike Hrvatske. Cilj ovog rada je, na temelju provedenog primarnog istraživanja, ispitati zadovoljstvo mladih korisnika uslugama paketnih dostavljača u Republici Hrvatskoj. Pouzdanost usluge i poštivanje roka dostave potvrđeni su kao najvažniji čimbenici koji determiniraju zadovoljstvo mladog korisnika kvalitetom cjelokupne usluge. Ispitanici su kao najmanje važno istaknuli prepoznatljivost imena poduzeća koje im pruža usluge paketne distribucije. Poduzeća koja posluju na ovom tržištu moraju poboljšati dostupnost informacija, brzinu i sigurnost dostave paketa, ali i ulagati u daljnju modernizaciju. - In the last years, the role of parcel delivery in urban areas has been continuously growing, first and foremost because of the intense importance online commerce is gaining. This is also true of the Croatian market. With the Croatian accession to the European Union, postal services market has liberalized which has created suitable preconditions for the existing services, growth of competition and more packages to be delivered. Almost all world-renown service providers are present on the Croatian parcel distribution market. Bearing in mind that mostly younger population uses information technologies, and therein shop online, their satisfaction with the services provided by the parcel delivery companies in Croatia should be investigated. Therefore, the purpose of this research paper is, based on the primary research, to explore how well young users are satisfied with the package delivery services in Croatia. Reliability and punctuality have been confirmed as the most significant factors that determine the level of satisfaction of the young users with the quality of the overall service. The research also suggests that recognition of the company’s name is the least important element. Companies that operate on this market have to improve information availability, work on providing safe and timely delivery and invest in further modernization.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 331-351  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Paketna dostava -- Paketna pošiljka -- Zadovoljstvo korisnika

Vidi br.: HA20-02866

Vidi br.: HA20-02053

657   Računovodstvo

Vidi br.: HA20-02311

658   Poslovni menadžment, upravljanje, administracija. Organizacija poslovanja

BAJO, Anto
Alternativni modeli nabave / Anto Bajo, Damir Juričić, Domagoj Dodig. - Graf. prikazi.
Financije županija, gradova i općina. - Bibliografija: 43 jed.
U: Financije županija, gradova i općina. - ISSN . - str. 367-401
Nabava -- Financiranje -- Investicijski projekti

The compliance of the Romanian listed companies with the principles and provisions of the corporate governance code [Elektronička građa] / Oana Bogdan, Alin Dumitrescu. - Graf. prikazi.
8th International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship, Dubrovnik, 17.-18.4.2020. - Bibliografija: str. 69. - Abstract. - Starting from the research assumption that the Corporate Governance Code issued by Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) aims at building an internationally attractive capital market in Romania, based on best practices, transparency and trust that encourages companies to build a strong relationship with their shareholders and other stakeholders, communicate effectively and transparently and show openness towards all potential investors, in this paper we would like to present the degree of compliance of the companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange with the principles and provisions of the Corporate Governance Code. The aim of this paper is achieved by presenting and commenting on the principles issued by the BSE regarding the corporate governance and by analysing the Corporate Governance Reports of the companies, presenting at the same time the compliance of the listed companies with these principles and provisions, by using the data issued in 2018 by the entities included in our study, namely the listed companies on the main market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange. Our analysis reflects that, although the provisions and principles of the Corporate Governance Code are not mandatory for the listed companies, they are largely implemented in the activity of companies because an efficient corporate governance system can represent a competitive advantage for any economic entity in the context of globalisation.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 55-69  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Korporativno upravljanje -- Tržište kapitala

Corporate governance guideline relevance to Maltese family public interest companies a small state perspective [Elektronička građa] / Peter Baldacchino, Karl Cachia, Norbert Tabone, Simon Grima, Frank Bezzina. - Graf. prikazi.
8th International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship, Dubrovnik, 17.-18.4.2020. - Bibliografija: str. 37-41. - Abstract. - The objectives of this paper are to investigate the relevance of guidelines on good corporate governance (CG) to family public interest companies (PICs) within the small state of Malta and to recommend how existing guidelines may be improved and tailored for such companies. An explanatory mixed-methods empirical approach is adopted with a structured questionnaire being first administered to 17 respondents in 12 PICs owned by different families. This was then followed by semi-structured interviews with the representatives of 11 of these PICs. Findings indicate that there is a need for the existing guidelines to be improved for them to become more in line with the needs of PICs which are characterised by dominant family interests. In this respect, this paper recommends possible principles and guidelines that may be used by the relevant authorities either to improve the existing PIC guidelines or to issue a new set of guidelines aimed specifically for family PICs. Given the peculiarities of such companies, it is clear that the guidelines have to contain elements that address the CG structure, such as the need to formally document a family governance plan. Clearer guidance is needed on the appointment and composition of the Board of Directors, on the employment, conduct, compensation and performance evaluation of managers, as well as on the composition of the ownership of family PICs. Additionally, the paper concludes that a relevant factor for family PICs in carrying out improvements to their CG is that they continue to place more importance than other PICs to their continued existence.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 14-41  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Korporativno upravljanje -- Javni interes -- Obiteljska poduzeća

TURUK, Mladen
Digital strategy [Elektronička građa] / Mladen Turuk. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 74-76. - Abstract. - The digital strategy presents a framework for digital business transformation and an inevitable requirement for achieving success in a digital world. The pace of change and innovation in digital businesses is not slowing down and today almost no business can ignore its digital aspect but what drives digital transformation is a strategy, not technology. Therefore, the ability to digitally reimagine the business is determined by a clear digital strategy, and the leaders able to implement it in the organization. Inertia is not the solution to uncertainty. Having a clear vision, goals and objectives help organizations to reduce this ambiguity and adapt to an everchanging digital environment. Agile outperforms the traditional approach and new, innovative organizations replace incumbents that do not adapt fast enough in a process known as creative destruction.
U: International journal of contemporary business and entrepreneurship (Online). - ISSN 2718-4153. - 1 (2020), 1 ; str. 62-76  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Digitalno poslovanje -- Poslovni modeli -- E-poslovanje

PEPUR, Sandra
Factors behind trade credit financing of SMEs in Croatia [Elektronička građa] / Sandra Pepur, Dujam Kovač, Marijana Ćurak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 73-75. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) contribute to the national economy in terms of employment, added value, knowledge generation, and innovation. However, their potential and in the case of economic downturns even their survival is affected by the difficulties in their access to external financing under acceptable terms and adequate timing and amount. In the case of asymmetric information problems, which make SMEs more sensitive to financial market imperfections, trade credit can be a valuable source of financing. In the European Union, trade credit is among the most relevant external funding sources and it is among the most important alternatives to financial intermediaries’ financing. However, there are substantial differences between the countries with respect to availability and use of trade credit. Therefore, this research examines determining (company-specific and country-specific) factors behind the use of trade credit as a financing source in Croatia. The empirical analysis is based on the data for 1,225 SMEs operating in Croatia in the period from 2008 to 2017 and is done using the panel data methodology. The findings confirm that firms’ characteristics, as well as the characteristics of financial, macroeconomic and legal environment in which the firms operate, influence the use of trade credit in SMEs in Croatia. The paper contributes to relatively scarce empirical evidence on the determinants of trade credit use by SMEs in South-East European countries. - Mala i srednja poduzeća (SME) doprinose nacionalnom gospodarstvu u smislu zaposlenosti, dodane vrijednosti, znanja i inovacija. Međutim, poteškoće u pristupu vanjskim financijama pod prihvatljivim uvjetima, odgovarajućim rokovima i dovoljnim iznosima utječu na njihove potencijale, a u slučaju ekonomskih nestabilnosti čak i na njihov opstanak. U situaciji informacijske asimetrije, uslijed koje su SME osjetljiviji na tržišne nesavršenosti, trgovački kredit može biti vrijedan izvor financiranja. U Europskoj uniji trgovački kredit je jedan on najznačajnijih vanjskih izvora financiranja i jedan je od najvažnijih alternativa financiranju putem financijskih posrednika. Međutim, među zemljama postoje značajne razlike u dostupnosti i korištenju trgovačkog kredita. Stoga ovo istraživanje ispituje čimbenike (specifične za poduzeća i specifične za zemlju) koji utječu na korištenje trgovačkog kredita kao izvora financiranja u Hrvatskoj. Empirijska analiza temelji se na podacima za 1225 malih i srednjih poduzeća koja su poslovala u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 2008. do 2017. te na korištenju panel metodologije. Rezultati potvrđuju da obilježja poduzeća, kao i značajke financijskog, makroekonomskog i institucionalnog okruženja u kojemu tvrtke djeluju, utječu na korištenje trgovačkog kredita kao izvora financiranja SME u Hrvatskoj. Rad doprinosi relativno oskudnom broju empirijskih potvrda odrednica trgovačkog kredita od strane SME u zemljama Srednjoistočne Europe.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 59-76  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mala i srednja poduzeća -- Financiranje -- Krediti

Good and transparent management of state-owned companies - reality or utopia? [Elektronička građa] / Janez Balantič. - Graf. prikazi.
8th International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship, Dubrovnik, 17.-18.4.2020. - Bibliografija: str. 52. - Abstract. - Certain tasks in the Republic of Slovenia are in the domain of the state or local community. In order to carry out these tasks, state-owned or public companies have been established.The management of such companies is not always good and transparent, and as a result, it often leads to considerable damage to public property. Such situations are mostly caused by poor management by the management boards, and rarely by poor and inadequate control by the supervisory boards. They are also the result of poor and inadequate communication between the management and supervisory boards. Unfortunately, poor governance does not occur in isolated cases and the mismanagement of such companies is often only introduced to the public through affairs that are presented in the media.There are, however, also some positive exceptions with good and transparent corporate governance that bring profits to the shareholders and, consequently, lower the prices of individual services for citizens.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 39-52  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Javna poduzeća -- Korporativno upravljanje -- Dobra praksa -- Lokalna zajednica

The impact of corporate respect for human rights on the competitiveness and long-term business stability [Elektronička građa] / Ana Čertanec.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 32-37. - Abstract. - Business enterprises operate in a constantly changing business environment. If they are to be successful in the long term they need to be constantly adapting to new situations and seeking new ways of improving their competitiveness. While the classic theories argue that businesses only have economic goals, modern ones emphasize the importance of broader social goals, such as ensuring long-term stability and protecting the interests of all stakeholders. This also involves respecting human rights but enterprises too often neglect this responsibility, seeing it as an unnecessary financial burden. In this paper the author argues that long-term respect for human rights has a positive impact on competitiveness and long-term business stability. The author first defines the basic terms before presenting the theoretical foundations for a positive correlation between corporate respect for human rights and competitiveness and long-term business stability. Finally, the author presents the results of her own empirical study.
U: International journal of contemporary business and entrepreneurship (Online). - ISSN 2718-4153. - 1 (2020), 2 ; str. 13-37  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ljudska prava -- Konkurentnost -- Korporativna društvena odgovornost -- Poslovanje

MATOŠEVIĆ Radić, Mijana
Increasing tourism through social entrepreneurship - the case of Croatia [Elektronička građa] / Mijana Matošević Radić, Ivona Jukić, Antonija Roje. - Graf. prikazi.
8th International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship, Dubrovnik, 17.-18.4.2020. - Bibliografija: str. 35-38. - Abstract. - Social entrepreneurship is a relatively new topic of interest within the academic and the literature on it is limited. With the increase of interest in recent years from various interest groups, the concept of social enterprise has become more widespread. The purpose of this paper is to explore the link between social entrepreneurship and voluntourism, as one of the types of special interest tourism. Voluntourism, according to the concept of sustainable community development, relate all the stakeholders of such development. Moreover, social entrepreneurship could become an important vehicle for sustainable development of destinations. This paper proposes that niche tourism products and more specifically, voluntourism projects, under the prism of social entrepreneurship, can become the means towards Croatian product diversification and long-term environmental, social and economic sustainability. Quantitative research was conducted and the methodology entails a case study approach. Results indicate that there is a limited number of projects concerning social entrepreneurship in voluntourism in Croatia and also that discussed projects are not recognized. This study assessed the situation in Croatia and although it was comprehensive under conditions of limited data availability, it cannot speak to social entrepreneurship in voluntourism globally, but it can offer a foundation for future research in this area.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 25-38  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Socijalno poduzetništvo -- Volonterski turizam -- Održivost

The influence of entrepreneurship in youth unemployment in transition and MENA countries [Elektronička građa] / Rejhan Sulejman. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 250. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Even though young people do not have enough work experience and skills, there is no doubt that they are an important source of the economic growth. However, the integration of young individuals to the labor market faces difficulties because of the missing experience, so one of the tools used to integrate them easily in the market has been entrepreneurship. In the last decade the concept ‘entrepreneurship’ and ‘entrepreneur’ have become very popular especially among youth. Studies show that young people are becoming interested in start-up businesses because they think about what they can do for themselves instead of what the government can do for them. The aim of this paper is to identify the relationship of entrepreneurship with youth unemployment in transition and Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries for the period 2008 – 2016. An econometric analysis of panel data for the 33 countries is executed in Stata 12, to identify whether entrepreneurship can be used as a tool to decrease youth unemployment. There is no universal method to measure entrepreneurship, so data collected from different countries can bring incorrect results. In order to avoid incorrectness and misleading results we use TEA (total-early stage entrepreneurial activity) for entrepreneurship, from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, which uses the same methodology for data collection in every country. This study proves the theories from the literature review stating that young people have ambitions and are interested in starting their own business. - Iako mladi ljudi nemaju dovoljno radnog iskustva i vještina, nema sumnje da su oni važan izvor ekonomskog rasta. Međutim, integracija mladih osoba na tržištu rada suočava se s poteškoćama zbog nedostatka iskustva pa je jedan od alata, koji se koriste da bi se lakše integrirali na tržištu, poduzetništvo. U zadnjem desetljeću koncepti „poduzetništvo“ i „poduzetnik“ postali su vrlo popularni, pogotovo među mladima. Istraživanja su pokazala da mladi ljudi postaju zainteresirani za startupove zato jer razmišljaju što mogu učiniti za sebe, a ne što vlada može učiniti za njih. Cilj je ovoga rada prepoznati odnos poduzetništva s nezaposlenosti mladih u tranzicijskim zemljama i zemljama Bliskog istoka i Sjeverne AFRIKE (eng. MENA) za razdoblje od 2008. do 2016. godine. Ekonometrijska analiza panel podataka za 33 zemlje izvršena je u programu Stata 12 kako bi se prepoznalo može li poduzetništvo biti korišteno kao alat da se smanji nezaposlenost među mladima. Nema univerzalne metode kojom bi se mjerili pokazatelji poduzetništva pa prikupljeni podatci iz različitih zemalja mogu dati pogrešne rezultate. Kako bi se izbjegla netočnost i rezultati koji bi nas mogli zavaravati korišten je indeks TEA (ukupna poduzetnička aktivnost u ranoj fazi) za poduzetništvo iz studije globalnog poduzetničkog nadzora, koji koristi istu metodologiju za prikupljanje podataka u svakoj zemlji. Ovo istraživanje potvrđuje teorije navedene u prikazu literature tvrdeći da mladi ljudi imaju ambicije i da su zainteresirani za osnivanje vlastite tvrtke.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 243-251  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzetništvo -- Nezaposlenost -- Mladi -- Tranzicijske zemlje

MARTINOVIĆ, Marija, ekonomistica
Kulturuloški aspekti poslovnog pregovaranja menadžera hrvatskih poduzeća [Elektronička građa] / Marija Martinović, Katija Vojvodić, Ana Pušić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 115-118. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U kontekstu poslovnog pregovaranja od presudne je važnosti razumijevanje razlika među kulturama i njihovog utjecaja na pregovarački proces i ishode pregovaranja. Štoviše, kulturološka osviještenost omogućuje pregovaračima anticipiranje i tumačenje ponašanja suprotne pregovaračke strane te olakšava postizanje željenih ciljeva i unapređuje rezultate pregovaranja. Cilj je ovoga rada bio istražiti utjecaj odabranih obilježja hrvatskih pregovarača (dob, pozicija u poduzeću i učestalost pregovaranja) na kulturološke aspekte pregovaranja (tituliranje, neverbalnu komunikaciju i iskazivanje emocija). Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 256 poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj. Rezultati istraživanja ukazali su na postojanje pozitivne korelacije između sljedećih varijabli: iskazivanje emocija i učestalost pregovaranja, dob i tituliranje te učestalost pregovaranja i neverbalna komunikacija. Multilinearna hijerarhijska regresija dala je detaljniji uvid u odnos među varijablama. Beta koeficijent ukazao je na statistički značajnu ovisnost iskazivanja emocija i neverbalne komunikacije o prediktoru učestalost pregovaranja te tituliranja o prediktoru dob. Rad pruža uvid u hrvatsku pregovaračku praksu i može poslužiti kao polazište za provođenje budućih empirijskih istraživanja. - In the context of negotiation, it is of the utmost importance to understand the differences across cultures and their impact on the negotiation process and its outcomes. Furthermore, cultural awareness allows negotiators to anticipate and interpret their counterpart’s behaviour. Consequently, it facilitates achieving the desired negotiating objectives and enhances negotiation performance. The aim of this paper was to explore the impact of the selected features of Croatian negotiators (age, hierarchical level and negotiation frequency) on cultural aspects of negotiation (use of titles, nonverbal communication and expression of emotion). The research was conducted on a sample of 256 firms in the Republic of Croatia. The research results revealed a positive correlation between the following variables: expression of emotion and negotiation frequency, age and the use of titles and negotiation frequency and nonverbal communication. Multilinear hierarchical regression provided a more detailed insight into the correlation between variables. Beta coefficient showed a statistically significant dependence of variables expression of emotion and nonverbal communication on the predictor negotiation frequency; as well as the dependence of the variable use of titles on the predictor age. The paper provides insights into the Croatian negotiation practice and it could serve as a basis for conducting future empirical research in the field.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 103-119  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Menadžeri -- Poslovno pregovaranje -- Kulturološki aspekti

The performance factors of non-profit basketball clubs [Elektronička građa] : the case of basketball clubs from South-East Europe / Igor Ivaskovic. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 36-39. - Abstract. - Using the data from 73 non-profit basketball clubs from four post-transitional Southeast European countries the article examines the potential causal relationship between 165 variables divided into four groups (organizational environment, strategies, human resource management (HRM), and behavior and feelings of organizational members) and two different aspects of organizational performance, namely competitive-financial and recreational-non-financial. The multiple regression analyses results disclose direct impact of the strategic focus on the organizational performance. The study provides explanation how the importance of different objectives from an aspect of club leadership affect the chances of enhancing the sport clubs performance from both perspectives. Higher performance is achieved by specialized clubs that pursue only one aspect of performance and strive for those goals that positively affect the same performance perspective. On the other hand, the HRM – performance analysis shows that many HRM factors correlate with organizational performance. However, regression analysis did not confirm any significant direct impact, which indicates that this causal relationship is indirect.
U: International journal of contemporary business and entrepreneurship (Online). - ISSN 2718-4153. - 1 (2020), 1 ; str. 17-39  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Neprofitne organizacije -- Sportski klubovi -- Uspješnost -- Faktori uspjeha -- Organizacija

Personnel and human resource management specifics of basketball clubs [Elektronička građa] : the case of posttransitional South-East European countries / Igor Ivašković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 51-53. - Abstract. - The article aims to explore and present the personnel structures and human resource management specifics of basketball clubs from four post-transitional South-East European countries. First, the author presents the post-transitional context, by conducting analyses of variance ant t-tests highlights the differences between clubs at different quality levels regarding financing and the degree of professionalization, and describes the implications on the personnel structures. The second part analyzes the impact of various stakeholders on human resource management processes, and in that context presents the head coach’s role in observed basketball clubs. The findings show the higher quality clubs have better infrastructure, larger financial budgets and obtain higher percentage of funds from private sources. First-division clubs are more professionalized and have larger administrative organizational parts compared to their second and third division counterparts. The largest share of responsibility for organizational performance is on head coaches, athletes, and clubs' presidents. The sporting directors’ influence on human resource management related decisions and their responsibility for the performance increase, while the influence of the clubs' presidents decreases with the quality of division. Finally, sponsors' representatives and athletes’ agents are also relatively more influential in higher-ranked clubs.
U: International journal of contemporary business and entrepreneurship (Online). - ISSN 2718-4153. - 1 (2020), 2 ; str. 38-53  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ljudski resursi -- Upravljanje ljudskim resursima -- Neprofitne organizacije -- Sportski klubovi

Potentials and possibilities of branding intangible cultural heritage using the example of Šibenski botun [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Schildenfeld, Stana Odak Krasić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija i internetski izvori: 12 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The tourist market is expanding quickly and tourists are becoming more demanding and selective. Therefore, tourism requires creating an image and a brand based on an authentic identity by using innovative and enticing ideas that will result in attracting the attention of target audiences. “Šibenski botun” with its historical, social and cultural potential, as cultural heritage represents an ideal platform for the branding process and the development of cultural tourism. To begin with the branding process, it was necessary to explore the perception of the local community as one of the primary audiences. To this end, a questionnaire was used as a measuring instrument in the data collection method on a previously selected sample. The study confirmed a hypothesis that Šibenik residents were not perceiving “Šibenski botun” as the city’s brand, but as an extremely important souvenir. Using three structured interviews possibilities and potentials of “Šibenski botun” have been studied for the purpose of the branding process. - Tržište turističke ponude svakodnevno raste, a turisti postaju sve zahtjevniji i izbirljiviji. Turizam stoga zahtijeva stvaranje imidža i brenda koji se temelji na stvarnom i autentičnom identitetu, korištenjem inovativnih, privlačnih ideja koje će rezultirati pozornošću ciljnih javnosti. Šibenski botun kao kulturno nasljeđe sa svojim povijesnim, društvenim i kulturnim potencijalima predstavlja idealnu platformu za proces brendiranja i razvoja kulturnog turizma. Kako bi se započeo proces brendiranja, bilo je potrebno istražiti percepciju lokalne zajednice kao jedne od primarnih javnosti. Koristeći anketni upitnik kao mjerni instrument u metodi prikupljanja podataka na odabranom uzorku, potvrđena je hipoteza kako stanovnici Šibenika ne percipiraju šibenski botun kao brend grada, već kao iznimno važan suvenir. Na temelju triju strukturiranih intervjua istražene su mogućnosti i potencijali šibenskog botuna za potrebe procesa brendiranja.
U: Suvremene teme. - ISSN 1847-2397. - 11 (2020), 1 ; str. 84-95  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Brend -- Brendiranje -- Kulturni turizam -- Nematerijalna kulturna baština -- Šibenski botun

VLAČIĆ, Ernest
The relevance of the absorptive capacity in firms' innovation strategies measured via bibliometric analysis [Elektronička građa] / Ernest Vlačić, Marina Dabić, Marli Gonan Božac. - Graf. prikazi.
5th International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship, Dubrovnik, 7.-8.4.2017. - Bibliografija: str. 12-14. - Abstract. - Absorptive capacity (ACAP) as a function of systematic knowledge management is widely recognized as the catalyst for successful innovation performance in firms, particularly when it comes to identifying business opportunity information from the outside world and assimilating it into a firm’s innovation process. The concept of absorptive capacity became a widely researched topic in the area of organization and management, consequently, the definition of the ACAP components, its operationalization and outcomes, is extremely heterogeneous and has greatly affected the research production on ACAP. Therefore, the question arising is: Which approach to absorptive capacity will enable it is being truly recognized as a concept at a global level, and in which areas of economy and business is ACAP most frequently encountered, particularly when it is connected to innovation processes? Based on a sample of 1288 papers within Web of Science Core Collection, this paper presents a bibliometric analysis of relevant publications on ACAP with the specific aim of gaining a deeper insight into the relevance of the impact of absorptive capacity on a firm’s innovation strategy. The results were systematized in a form of quantitative bibliographic review. The purpose of the analysis was to determine the existing level of the empirical and theoretical efforts in the research on ACAP, with a particular focus on firms and their innovation processes as well as knowledge management processes.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-14  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Apsorpcijski kapacitet -- Inovacijski procesi -- Upravljanje znanjem -- Strateško upravljanje -- Bibliometrijska analiza

The role and importance of celebrities in achieving customer satisfaction and loyalty [Elektronička građa] / Sanjica Pavlović, Dijana Vuković, Anica Hunjet. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 38 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of this research is to gain a better insight into customer satisfaction and loyalty as a result of celebrity brand endorsements, based on the data collected through primary and secondary research. The paper explores the concept of brand, as well as consumer attitudes towards brands and the use of celebrities in advertising. A brand is a name, symbol or design that identifies a product or service that is commonly associated with quality. In today’s market, celebrities are a vital element of brand advertising and a major factor in driving product sales. New media advertising has become essential for successful communication with the contemporary consumer. - Cilj je ovoga istraživanja na temelju prikupljenih podataka putem primarnog te sekundarnog istraživanja dobiti uvid u lojalnost potrošača na tržištu prema utjecaju slavnih osoba i marki. Istraživanje također obuhvaća pojmovnu važnost marke te odnos potrošača prema markama i slavne osobe u oglašavanju. Marka je prepoznatljiva oznaka ili ime nekog proizvoda i usluga koji se uvijek smatraju kvalitetnim. Slavne osobe postale su neizostavan atribut u suvremenom oglašavanju i distribuciji marki, odnosno brendova na tržištu. Investiranje u oglašavanje putem novih medija i društvenih mreža postalo je obavezni dio u marketinškoj komunikaciji.
U: Zbornik sveučilišta Libertas (Online). - ISSN 2584-6167. - 5 (2020), 5 ; str. 35-50  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slavne osobe -- Oglašavanje -- Marketing -- Marka proizvoda -- Brend -- Potrošači -- Zadovoljstvo potrošača -- Lojalnost potrošača

SOPTA, Martina
Upravljanje digitalnom transformacijom državnog poduzeća [Elektronička građa] = Digital transformation management of a state-owned enterprise / Martina Sopta. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 48. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U jeku globalne zdravstvene krize prouzročene pandemijom bolesti COVID-19, nužno je pronaći strateška rješenja za poduzeća. Jedno od takvih operacionalnih izazova je svakako digitalizacija poslovanja. Uspjehe provođenja i upravljanja digitalno transformacijom ovisi o menadžmentu i odlučnosti provedbe iste. Kada je riječ o državni poduzećima, svjesni smo situacije u Republici Hrvatskoj gdje sve više državnih poduzeća u svom djelokrugu posla podliježe novim trendovima. Rijetki su oni koji time čine i iskorak van standardnog core poslovanja i time svojem poduzeću daju dodatnu konkurentsku prednost, a jedno od tih poduzeća je svakako Hrvatska pošta d.d. Sa stanovišta korporacijskog rasta, osobito je važna ona praksa koja je usko povezana sa investiranjem u inovacije, tako da procedure, postupci i pravila kojih se menedžment drži pri praktičnom odlučivanju o investiranju u inovacije postaju značajni izvori temeljem kojih se može proširiti znanje o korporacijskom rastu. Istraživanje ovih specifičnosti, kompletirat će sliku o faktorima, uvjetima i okolnostima koje djeluju u realizaciji korporacijskog rasta hrvatskog državnog poduzeća. - In the midst of the global health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to find strategic solutions for enterprises. One of such operational challenges is certainly the digitalization of business. The success of the implementation and management of digital transformation depends on the management and determination to implement it. When it comes to state-owned enterprises, we are aware of the situation in the Republic of Croatia where more and more state-owned enterprises are subject to new trends in their scope of work. Those who make a step beyond the standard core business and thus give their enterprise an additional competitive advantage are rare, and one of these enterprises is certainly Hrvatska pošta d.d. From the point of view of corporate growth, the practice that is closely related to investing in innovation is especially important, so that the procedures, processes and rules that management follows when making practical decisions about investing in innovation become important sources for expanding knowledge about corporate growth. The research of these specifics will complete the picture of the factors, conditions and circumstances that operate in the realization of the corporate growth of the Croatian state-owned enterprise.
U: Notitia. - ISSN 1849-9066. - 6 (2020), 1 ; str. 39-48  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Digitalna transformacija -- Državna poduzeća -- Inovacije

NAKIĆ, Stanislav
Upravljanje zalihama kao čimbenik uspješnog poslovanja hrvatskih poduzeća [Elektronička građa] = Inventory management as a factor of successful business of Croatian companies / Stanislav Nakić, Valentina Vinšalek Stipić, Marina Milinković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 32-33. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Zalihe su materijali, robe i/ili sirovine pohranjeni u skladišta s ciljem osiguranja normalne proizvodnje i zadovoljstva kupaca. Zalihama je moguće manipulirati tako da se ne prikazivanje stanja kretanja, promjene podaci koristeći fleksibilnost računovodstvenih regulatorskih okvira. Upravljanje zalihama od izuzetne je važnosti za uspješno poslovanje poduzeća te je u ovom radu prikazano istraživanje na uzorku od 127 hrvatskih poduzeća. Ovim istraživanjem nastojalo se doći do spoznaje u kolikoj mjeri poduzeća vode politiku upravljanja zalihama, odnosno provjeriti provode li u dovoljnoj mjeri poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj politiku upravljanja zalihama, njihovo praćenje, analizu samih zaliha odnosno njihovu kurentnost, te koje metode i tehnike najčešće poduzeća koriste za praćenje zaliha u poslovanju. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da poduzeća u RH u dovoljno mjeri provode politiku upravljanja zalihama, iako poduzeća iz promatranog uzorka najčešće primjenjuju metodu za kontrolu troškova zaliha JIT (just-in-time) što može biti vrlo rizično za upravljački menadžment poduzeća. - Inventories are materials stored in warehouses with the aim of ensuring normal production and customer satisfaction. Inventories can be manipulated by changing the data on the presentation of the state of movement using the flexibility of accounting regulatory frameworks. Inventory management is extremely important for the successful operation of companies, and this gift presents research on a sample of 127 Croatian companies. This research sought to understand the extent to which companies pursue inventory management policy, ie to check whether companies in the Republic of Croatia sufficiently implement inventory management policy, their monitoring, analysis of inventories and their current, and which methods and techniques companies most often use to inventory tracking in business. The research found that companies in the Republic of Croatia sufficiently implement the inventory management policy, although companies from the observed sample most often apply the method of inventory cost control JIT (just-in-time), which can be very risky for company management.
U: Glasilo Future. - ISSN 2623-6575. - 3 (2020), 3 ; str. 17-33  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzeća -- Poslovanje -- Uspješnost poslovanja -- Upravljanje zalihama

Utjecaj spolne zastupljenosti u upravljačkim pozicijama na profitabilnost velikih poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj [Elektronička građa] / Željko Mateljak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 15-16. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Svako poduzeće nastoji organizirati svoje poslovanje primjerenim upravljačkim modelom koji se provodi kroz upravne organe u odnosu na trenutno poslovno okruženje. Temeljni upravni organi u mnogim poduzećima su skupština društva, upravni odbor i nadzorni odbor. Naglasak u ovom radu bio je na analizi spolne zastupljenosti u upravljačkim pozicijama odnosno postoji li razlika u ostvarivanju profitabilnosti kod velikih poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj u odnosu na zastupljenost žena i muškaraca u upravljačkim pozicijama. Predmet ovog rada je prepoznati važnost spolne zastupljenosti u upravljačkim pozicijama kod velikih poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj. Problem ovog rada je utvrditi na koji način spolna zastupljenost u upravljačkim pozicijama doprinosi postizanju veće profitabilnosti kod velikih poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj. Temeljna hipoteza rada je da postoji statistički značajna razlika između spolne zastupljenosti u upravljačkim pozicijama i profitabilnosti velikih poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje se provodi na 148 velikih poduzeća iznad 600 zaposlenika u Republici Hrvatskoj. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika između profitabilnosti i spolne zastupljenosti u upravljačkim pozicijama kod velikih poduzeća iznad 600 zaposlenika u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ovo je istraživanje osnova za daljnja istraživanja na ovu temu u Republici Hrvatskoj. - Each company endeavors to organize its operations with an appropriate management model implemented through governing bodies in relation to the current business environment. The basic governing bodies of many companies are the General Board, the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board. The emphasis in this paper was on the analysis of gender representation in managerial positions, that is, whether there is a difference in the profitability of large enterprises in the Republic of Croatia compared to the representation of women and men in managerial positions. The subject of this paper is to recognize the importance of gender representation in management positions in large enterprises in the Republic of Croatia. The problem of this paper is determine how gender representation in management positions contributes to greater profitability in large enterprises in the Republic of Croatia. The basic hypothesis of the paper is that there is a statistically significant difference between gender representation in management positions and the profitability of large enterprises in the Republic of Croatia. The survey is conducted on 148 large companies with over 600 employees in the Republic of Croatia. The results of the research showed that there is no statistically significant difference between profitability and gender representation in management positions in large enterprises with more than 600 employees in the Republic of Croatia. This research is the basis for further research on this topic in the Republic of Croatia.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-17  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzeća -- Upravljanje -- Upravljačke pozicije -- Spolna zastupljenost -- Profitabilnost

Vidi br.: HA20-02723

Vidi br.: HA20-02379

Vidi br.: HA20-02260

Vidi br.: HA20-02358

Vidi br.: HA20-02224

Vidi br.: HA20-02079

Vidi br.: HA20-02337

Vidi br.: HA20-02067

Vidi br.: HA20-02231

Vidi br.: HA20-02306

Vidi br.: HA20-02065

659   Reklama. Informiranje. Odnosi s javnošću

ŠEHIĆ, Lejla
The effects of digital media buying on advertisers [Elektronička građa] / Lejla Šehić, Almir Peštek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 36 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Although the Internet has become the essence of communication, from an advertiser’s perspective digital advertising remains underexplored. This paper examines the effects of digital media buying efforts on advertisers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, while looking into the methodology of digital media usage behind the actual effects. A combination of secondary research analysis and qualitative research techniques was used. The empirical part is based on in-depth interviews with advertisers and representatives from the digital advertising industry.Perceptions and knowledge of digital advertising are the key drivers for a successful implementation of digital media buying, and advertisers in Bosnia and Herzegovina are aware of its most distinctive qualities. The success of the media buying campaigns relies on brand objectives and choosing the means suited for fulfilling the given goals, which in turn leads to the findings that the focus of companies’ strategies is directed towards the cost-efficient medium usage, rather than solely performance-oriented ones. Measurement of the effects and return on the investment depends on the success of setting up a goal and isolating digital from other marketing efforts. - Iako Internet postaje ključnim aspektom komunikacije, iz perspective oglašivača, digitalno oglašavanje ostaje nedovoljno istraženo. U ovom se radu analiziraju efekti zakupa digitalnih medija na oglašivače u Bosni i Hercegovini, uz proučavanje metodologije korištenja digitalnih medija, koja ne uzima u obzir samo tekuće efekte. Pritom se koristi kombinacija analize sekundarnih rezultata istraživanja s kvalitativnim istraživačkim tehnikama. Empirijski dio rada temelji se na dubinskim intervjuima s oglašivačima i predstavnicima industrije digitalnog oglašavanja. Percepcije i poznavanje digitalnog oglašavanja ključni su pokretači uspješne primjene zakupa digitalnih medija, a navedenog su svjesni i oglašivači iz Bosne i Hercegovine. Uspješnost medijskih kampanja oslanja se na ciljeve tržišne marke te izbor sredstava, prilagođenih za njihovu realizaciju, što, nadalje, dovodi do saznanja o fokusu strategija poduzeća prema troškovno efikasnom korištenja medija, umjesto isključivog usmjerenja prema ciljevima. Mjerenje efekata i povrata na investiciju ovisi o uspješnosti postavljanja ciljeva te izdvajanja digitalnog marketinga od ostalih marketinških napora.
U: Management (Split. Online). - ISSN 1846-3363. - 25 (2020), 1 ; str. 279-291  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mediji -- Marketing -- Digitalno oglašavanje

Preliminary qualitative analysis and implications of wood products perception on social media [Elektronička građa] = Preliminarna kvalitativna analiza i posljedice percepcije drvnih proizvoda u društvenim medijima / Jana Šujanová, Renata Nováková, Gabriela Pavlendová, Dagmar Cagáňová, Natália Canet. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The article presents the results of the qualitative research of social media, managed by the Institute of the Civil Society, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, in cooperation with the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. The research aimed to analyse different areas of the current management challenges and their perception of the selected social networks. The study concentrates on the presentation of the chosen manufacturers of the automotive industry and furniture industry on social media. The content analysis was based on the VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and Entiment Reasoner) lexicon that was explicitly tuned to sentiments expressed in social media and QDA software. - članku su prikazani rezultati kvalitativnog istraživanja društvenih medija koje je proveo Zavod za civilno društvo Sveučilišta Svetog Ćirila i Metoda u Trnavi u suradnji sa znanstvenicima Slovačkoga tehnološkog sveučilišta u Bratislavi. Cilj istraživanja bio je analizirati različita područja aktualnih menadžerskih izazova i njihovu percepciju na odabranim društvenim mrežama. Studija je koncentrirana na prezentaciju proizvoda izabranih iz automobilske industrije i industrije namještaja u društvenim medijima. Analiza sadržaja temeljila se na leksikonu VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and Entiment Reasoner), koji je eksplicitno utemeljen na dojmovima izraženim u društvenim medijima i na QDA softveru.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 71 (2020), 3 ; str. 295-300  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Društveni mediji -- Društvene mreže -- Automobilska industrija -- Industrija namještaja -- Kvalitativna analiza

Vidi br.: HA20-02308

66   Kemijska tehnologija. Kemijska i srodne industrije

Lipoxygenase and its relationship with ethylene during ripening of genetically modified tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) [Elektronička građa] / Arturo Alberto Velázquez-López, Javier De La Cruz-Medina, Hugo Sergio García, Gilber Vela-Gutiérrez, Cristóbal Torres-Palacios, Elizabeth León-García. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 35 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. TomloxB is the main isoform of lipoxygenase associated with ripening and senescence of fruits. On the other hand, ethylene, a gaseous hormone, is essential for the regulation of ripening in climacteric fruits like tomatoes. However, the relationship between TomloxB and ethylene production has not been thoroughly studied. Therefore, we aim to assess the effect of exogenous ethylene in transgenic tomatoes that contain a silenced TomloxB gene, and subsequently evaluate lipoxygenase activity, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase and ethylene production; as well as to quantify the expression of the genes encoding 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase and TomloxB.Experimental approach. To investigate the effect of lipoxygenase and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase activity, fruits harvested at the stages of break, turning and pink were used. Tomatoes at break stage collected from transgenic and wild type plants were used to determine ethylene production and gene expression. Genetically modified and wild type tomato fruits were exposed to 100 μL/L exogenous ethylene. Lipoxygenase activity was measured spectrophotometrically. Activity of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase and ethylene production were determined by gas chromatography. Oligonucleotides for differentially expressed genes: 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase and TomloxB were used to determine gene expression by real-time PCR.Results and conclusions. The data showed that silencing of TomloxB caused a reduction in lipoxygenase activity and ethylene production in tomato fruits, and also reduced 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase activity. - Pozadina istraživanja. TomloxB je glavna izoforma lipoksigenaze koja utječe na dozrijevanje i starenje voća, dok je etilen, biljni hormon koji se oslobađa u obliku plina, nužan za regulaciju sazrijevanja klimakteričnog voća poput rajčice. No, odnos između izoforme TomloxB i proizvodnje etilena nije dosad detaljno istražen. Stoga je svrha ovoga rada bila procijeniti učinak dodatka etilena na sazrijevanje transgene rajčice koja sadržava utišani gen TomloxB i odrediti aktivnosti lipoksigenaze i oksidaze 1-aminociklopropan-1-karboksilne kiseline te proizvodnju etilena u plodu rajčice. Također je određena ekspresija gena koji kodiraju oksidazu 1-aminociklopropan-1-karboksilne kiseline i gen TomloxB. Eksperimentalni pristup. Za istraživanje utjecaja lipoksigenaze i oksidaze 1-aminociklopropan-1-karboksilne kiseline, voće je brano u različitim fazama dozrijevanja ploda: pri prvoj pojavi ružičaste boje, kad je cijeli plod ružičast i potpuno crveni plod. Proizvodnja etilena i ekpresija gena određeni su u transgenim rajčicama i onima divljeg tipa ubranim u fazi kad plod tek poprima ružičastu boju. Genetički modificirane rajčice i divlji tip rajčica tretirane su s 100 μL/L etilena. Zatim je spektrofotometrijski mjerena aktivnost lipoksigenaze. Aktivnost oksidaze 1-aminociklopropan-1-karboksilne kiseline i prozvodnja etilena određeni su plinskom kromatografijom. Za određivanje ekspresije gena metodom PCR u stvarnom vremenu upotrijebljeni su oligonukleotidi za različito eksprimirane gene, i to za oksidazu 1-aminociklopropan-1-karboksilne kiseline i TomloxB.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 2 ; str. 223-229  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rajčica -- Genetički inženjering -- Lipoksigenaza -- Etilen

DRAGOVIĆ, Sanja, inženjerka bioprocesnog inženjerstva
The mastic tree (Pistacia lentiscus L.) leaves as source of BACs [Elektronička građa] : effect of growing location, phenological stage and extraction solvent on phenolic content / Sanja Dragović, Verica Dragović-Uzelac, Sandra Pedisić, Zrinka Čošić, Maja Friščić, Ivona Elez Garofulić, Zoran Zorić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 43 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. Mastic tree (Pistacia lentiscus L.) of the Anacardiaceae family is an evergreen shrub from Mediterranean countries where it is used in traditional medicine. Analysis of P. lentiscus leaf, stem, fruit and root extracts showed high concentrations of principal groups of secondary metabolites (flavonoids, phenolic acids and tannins), suggesting the plant possesses great biological potential. Therefore, the aim of this research is to evaluate the impact of environmental parameters and the extraction solvent type on the concentration of phenols in mastic tree leaf extracts grown at four different locations along the Adriatic coast (Barbariga, Lun, Hvar and Vela Luka) during three phenological stages (early flowering, early fruiting and late fruiting).Experimental approach. Since mastic tree plant has phenolic compounds with different structures and chemical properties, ethanolic and methanolic leaf extracts were analysed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with UV/Vis PDA detector. Phenolic compounds were identified by comparing the retention times and spectral data with those of standards at 280 and 340 nm.Results and conclusions. In all samples, phenolic acids and flavonol glycosides were quantified, while catechin was quantified only in methanolic extracts. The 5-O-galloylquinic acid was determined as a predominant phenolic compound in all samples followed by monogalloyl glucose, 3,5-di-O-galloylquinic acid, 3,4,5-tri-O-galloylquinic acid and gallic acid, respectively. Myricetin-3-O-rhamnoside was found to be the predominant flavonol glycoside followed by myricetin-3-O-glucoside, myricetin-3-O-glucuronide, quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside and derivative of flavonol glycoside. The mass concentration of these compounds significantly varied during different phenological stages, at different growing locations and used extraction solvents. - Pozadina istraživanja. Tršlja (Pistacia lentiscus L.) je zimzeleni grm iz porodice Anacardiaceae, rasprostranjen u mediteranskim zemljama, gdje se koristi u narodnoj medicini. Dosadašnja istraživanja ekstrakata lista, stapke, ploda i korijena P. lentiscus pokazuju da biljka sadržava veliku koncentraciju sekundarnih metabolita (flavonoida, fenolnih kiselina i tanina), što upućuje na zaključak da ima izvrstan biološki potencijal. Stoga je svrha ovoga rada bila procijeniti utjecaj okolišnih čimbenika i vrste ekstrakcijskog otapala na koncentraciju fenola u listu tršlje uzgojene na četiri različite lokacije duž Jadranske obale (Barbariga, Lun, Hvar i Vela Luka) tijekom tri fenološke faze (faze cvatnje, ranog ploda i zrelog ploda). Eksperimentalni pristup. Budući da listovi tršlje sadržavaju fenolne spojeve koji se razlikuju po strukturi i kemijskim svojstvima, ispitivanje etanolnih i metanolnih ekstrakata provedeno je visokodjelotvornom tekućinskom kromatografijom (HPLC) s UV-Vis PDA detektorom. Fenolni spojevi su identificirani usporedbom retencijskih vremena i dobivenih spektara s odgovarajućim standardima pri 280 i 340 nm. Rezultati i zaključci. U svim su uzorcima određene koncentracije fenolnih kiselina i flavonol glikozida, dok je koncentracija katehina određena samo u metanolnim ekstraktima. Prevladavajući fenolni spoj bila je 5-O-galoilkininska kiselina, zatim su slijedili monogaloil-glukoza, 3,5-di-O-galoilkininska kiselina, 3,4,5-tri-O-galoilkininska kiselina i galna kiselina. Dominantni flavonol glikozid bio je miricetin-3-O-ramnozid, zatim miricetin-3-O-glukozid, miricetin-3-O-glukuronid, kvercetin-3-O-ramnozid i derivat flavonol glikozida. Rezultati pokazuju da masene koncentracije navedenih spojeva variraju ovisno o fenološkoj fazi, lokaciji i korištenom otapalu. Najveće masene koncentracije fenola utvrđene su u uzorcima lista tršlje ubranim na lokaciji Hvar te ekstrahiranim s 80 %-tnom otopinom metanola.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 3 ; str. 303-313  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tršlja -- Pistacia lentiscus L. -- Listovi tršlje -- Fenoli -- Ekstrakcijsko otapalo

BABIĆ, Kristina, kemijska inženjerka
The removal of neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid in an annular photoreactor [Elektronička građa] / Kristina Babić, Vesna Tomašić, Ivana Grčić, Marina Duplančić, Zoran Gomzi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Summary. - Heterogeneous photocatalysis has recently attracted an increasing interest of scientists and experts who deal with the waste water and air treatment. An important area of application is removal of persistent organic pollutants, which can not be easily destroyed by conventional methods. Among these pollutants are neonicotinoid insecticides, which are widely used all over the world and currently are included in the watch list of substances of the European Commission within the Water Framework Directive. Therefore, there is a need to study their influence on the environment and to develop appropriate technologies for their removal. In this work, the photolytic and photocatalytic degradation of neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid in an annular photoreactor with recirculation under different working conditions (irradiation source, pH, type and concentration of the catalyst) was studied. The photolytic degradation was examined using lamps that emit UVA, UVC and simulated sun light. The photocatalytic experiments in the suspension involved the use of commercial titanium dioxide (TiO2 P25, Degussa/Evonik), commercial TiO2 P25 pre-treated with UVC irradiation prior to use in the catalytic system and nitrogen-doped TiO2 (CCR 200 N produced by Cinkarna Celje). The catalysts were characterized using XRD, UV/Vis-DRS and BET analysis. The most efficient photocatalyst was then immobilized on the glass woving fibre, using peroxotitanic acid (produced by Cinkarna Celje) as a binder. The degree of degradation of imidacloprid was determined using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). According to the obtained results, UVC-treated TiO2 showed the best efficiency among the examined catalysts in the slurry reactor while using lamp that simulates the sun irradiation. The imidacloprid degradation rate increases with the increase in the catalyst concentration. The immobilized UVC-treated catalyst gave satisfying results in terms of stability, activity and reuse.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 63-69  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Heterogena fotokataliza -- Neonikotinoidni insekticidi -- Imidakloprid -- Prstenasti reaktor

VENKATESWARULU, Thirupati Chinna
Screening of Ipomoea tuba leaf extract for identification of bioactive compounds and evaluation of its in vitro antiproliferative activity against MCF-7 and HeLa cells [Elektronička građa] / Thirupati Chinna Venkateswarulu, Gaddam Eswaraiah, Srirama Krupanidhi, Karlapudi Abraham Peele, Indira Mikkili, Alugunulla Venkata Narayana, Bharath Kumar Ravuru, John Babu Dulla, Ranga Rao Ambati. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Mangroves contain a wide range of bioactive compounds with pharmacological activities. In the present study, we analysed the separation and detection of phytoconstituents with the methanol extract of Ipomoea tuba leaf using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and tested its in vitro cytotoxicity effect against MCF-7 and HeLa cells. Phytochemical compounds such as docosanoic, octadecatrienoic and cis-9-octadecanoic acids, triterpenoid γ-sitosterol, and terpene alcohol in methanol extract of I. tuba leaf were identified. Furthermore, in vitro antiproliferative activity of the extract of I. tuba leaf was evaluated using MCF-7 and HeLa cells. The results indicated a reduction of cell viability of 37.43 and 41.89 % of MCF-7 and HeLa cells respectively. The methanol extract of I. tuba leaf proved to be effective in protecting the cells against oxidative stress. This is the first report on the in vitro cytotoxicity effect of I. tuba leaf extract on MCF-7 and HeLa cells. - Biljke mangrova sadržavaju širok raspon bioaktivnih sastojaka s farmakološkim svojstvima. U ovom su radu iz lišća slaka (Ipomoea tuba) pomoću metanola ekstrahirani fitokonstituenti, čiji je sastav određen metodom plinske kromatografije/masene spektrometrije (GC-MS), te je in vitro ispitan njihov antiproliferacijski učinak na tumorske stanične linije MCF-7 i HeLa. U ekstraktu lišća su pronađene fitokemikalije poput: behenične, α-linolenske i linolne kiseline, triterpenoida γ-sitosterola i terpenskih alkohola. Zatim je in vitro ispitan antiproliferacijski učinak ekstrakta na tumorske stanične linije i utvrđeno je da je došlo do smanjenja vijabilnosti stanične linije MCF-7 za 37,43 % i HeLa za 41,89 %. Zaključeno je da je ekstrakt lišća slaka dobiven primjenom metanola kao otapala učinkovit u zaštiti stanica od oksidacijskog stresa. Ovo je prvi izvještaj o in vitro citotoksičnom učinku ekstrakta lišća slaka na stanične linije MCF-7 i HeLa.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 1 ; str. 71-75  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mangrove -- Ipomoea tuba -- Bioaktivni sastojci -- Antiproliferativno djelovanje -- Citotoksični učinak

Vidi br.: HA20-02551

Vidi br.: HA20-02409

Vidi br.: HA20-02567

663   Industrijska mikrobiologija. Industrijska mikologija. Industrija vrenja. Industrija pića. Industrija opojnih sredstava

MIRANDA, Lucas Caldeirão Rodrigues
Acetic acid fermentation of soybean molasses and characterisation of the produced vinegar [Elektronička građa] / Lucas Caldeirão Rodrigues Miranda, Rodrigo José Gomes, José Marcos Gontijo Mandarino, Elza Iouko Ida, Wilma Aparecida Spinosa. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Soybean molasses is a by-product from the production of protein concentrate from soybean meal that predominantly contains sugars, with sucrose as the major component. In Brazil, soybean molasses is used for animal feed or it is discarded, although some industries use it to produce ethanol. This study aims to evaluate the parameters required for the acetic acid fermentation of soybean molasses, and characterise the resultant vinegar. To study the most suitable parameters for the acetic acid fermentation, vinegar was produced from the alcoholic fermentation of soybean molasses through eight fermentation cycles: five for adaptation and three for production. The average acidity of the acetic acid fermentation product was 50.60 g/L, with an acetic acid fermentation yield, total yield of acetic acid in broth and productivity 65.01 %, 92.76 % and 0.033 g/(L·h), respectively. The vinegar produced from soybean molasses had an acidity of 5.07 % (m/V), residual ethanol content 0.17 % (m/V), sugars 7.86 % (m/V), dry extract 14.67 % (m/V), ash 2.27 % (m/V) and a density of 1.023 g/cm3. The contents of total phenolics and isoflavone decreased after the alcohol and acetic acid fermentations. Moreover, the isoflavone profile of the fermented product comprised only three forms: daidzein, glycitin and genistin. According to our results, 3460 L of vinegar can be produced for every tonne of soy molasses, with an acetic acid concentration of 40 g/L, the minimum required by the legislation on vinegar production. Thus, these findings demonstrate that soy molasses represents a useful raw material for the production of vinegar. - Sojina melasa nusproizvod je proizvodnje proteinskih koncentrata iz sojine sačme, koja uglavnom sadržava šećere, i to saharozu kao glavni sastojak. U Brazilu se sojina melasa koristi za ishranu stoke ili se odbacuje, iako se u nekim industrijama koristi za proizvodnju etanola. Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je procijeniti parametre neophodne za dobivanje octene kiseline iz sojine melase te okarakterizirati proizvedeni ocat. Za određivanje najpovoljnijih parametara octenog vrenja, alkoholnim vrenjem sojine melase je tijekom osam faza proizvodnje dobiven ocat, i to u pet faza adaptacije i tri faze proizvodnje. Prosječna kiselost proizvoda bila je 50,60 g/L, prinos octene kiseline 65,01 %, ukupni prinos octene kiseline u podlozi 92,76 % i iskorištenje 0,033 g/(L·h). Ocat dobiven iz sojine melase imao je kiselost od 5,07 % (m/V), rezidualni udjel etanola 0,17 % (m/V), šećera 7,89 % (m/V), suhog ekstrakta 14,67 % (m/V), pepela 2,27 % (m/V) i gustoću od 1,023 g/cm3. Udjeli ukupnih fenola i izoflavona smanjili su se nakon alkoholnog i octenog vrenja. Nadalje, u proizvodu su bila pristuna samo tri oblika izoflavona: daidzein, glicitin i genistin. Iz dobivenih rezultata zaključeno je da se iz svake tone sojine melase može proizvesti 3460 L octa, s koncentracijom octene kiseline od 40 g/L, koja je prema propisima u Brazilu minimalni preduvjet za stavljanje octa u promet. Ovo istraživanje potvrđuje da je sojina melasa sirovina koja se može uspješno koristiti u proizvodnji octa.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 1 ; str. 84-90  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ocat -- Octeno vrenje -- Sojina melasa -- Nusproizvodi

BELUHAN, Sunčica
Adding value in barley malt rootlets as a source of 5'-phosphodiesterase [Elektronička građa] : biochemical and thermodynamic evaluation of enzyme activity / Sunčica Beluhan, Ivana Karmelić, Mirela Ivančić Šantek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 36-37. - Summary. - A thermostable 5’-phosphodiesterase (5’-PDE, EC was extracted from barley (Hordeum distichum var. Rex) malt rootlets. The purification procedure comprised acetone precipitation, S-Sepharose cation-exchange and DEAE-Sepharose anion-exchange chromatography. The enzyme was purified 101-fold with a recovery of 22% and a specific activity of 81.9 U mg-1 protein, Optimum enzyme activity was obtained at 70 °C, and pH 8.9. The SDS-PAGE profiling of the purified protein exhibited molecular weight of 116 kDa and revealed three sub-unit fractions of 26, 43, and 56 kDa making up its active configuration. The kinetic constants Km and Vmax were determined as 0.25 mM and 0.816 mmol min-1, respectively. Thermodynamic studies showed that the thermal inactivation of purified barley malt rootlets 5’-PDE followed the first-order kinetics, indicating inactivation energy (Ed) of 134 kJ mol-1. The half-life (t1/2) at 70 °C was estimated as 169 min. Thermodynamic parameters ΔH*, ΔS* and ΔG* were determined as a function of temperature and were 131.15 kJ mol-1, 37.01 kJ mol-1 K-1 and 118.4 kJ mol-1, respectively. The purified enzyme has long half-life with 11 days at 0 °C, 37 hours at 4 °C and 11 hours at room temperature. These results provide useful information about the factors that affects the activity of barley malt rootlets 5’-PDE and suggests a good indication for application of this enzyme in pharmaceutical and food industry.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 15 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 27-37  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ječmeni slad -- Enzimi -- Fosfodiesteraza -- Termička stabilnost -- Termodinamički parametri

OSUJI, Chijioke Maduka
Colour analysis of syrup from malted and unmalted rice of different varieties [Elektronička građa] / Chijioke Maduka Osuji, Chigozie Emmanuel Ofoedu, Gloria Chienyenwa Omeire, Moses Ojukwu. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 137-138. - Summary. - The colour of rice syrup produced from flours of malted and unmalted rice of different varieties treated with a combination of starch hydrolyzing enzymes were analysed using CIE-LAB Spectrophotometric colorimeter after being filtered and/or centrifuged. The resulting syrups were processed as filtered unmalted hydrolyzed rice (FUHR), filtered malted hydrolyzed rice (FMHR), centrifuged unmalted hydrolyzed rice (CUHR) and centrifuged malted hydrolyzed rice (CMHR). Results showed that L* ranged from 60.16 to 68.57, a* ranged from 10.49 to 11.13 and b* ranged from 55.34 to 64.56. The magnitude of the colour values was an indication of the intensity of the rice syrup colour. Hue angle (oH*) ranged from 79.08o to 80.36o indicating less yellow in the CIE-LAB colour space and brown colour spectrum in the visible region of opponent colour chart. Total colour difference (ΔE) of syrups ranged from 0.50 to 1.72 for ΔEunmalted while ΔEmalted ranged from 0.49 to 1.76. However, the ΔEfiltered ranged from 5.89 to 11.19 while ΔEcentrifuged ranged from 5.54 to 9.47 indicating that filtration and centrifugation contributed to non-significant difference (p>0.05) in colour attributes (ΔE) of the rice syrup, whereas very distinct colour difference (ΔE) was observed between rice syrups from malted and unmalted samples.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 1 ; str. 130-138  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Riža -- Sorte -- Slad -- Rižin sirup -- Kemijski sastav -- Fizikalna svojstva -- Filtriranje -- Centrifugiranje -- Boja -- Kolorimetrija

Dromedary milk protein hydrolysates show enhanced antioxidant and functional properties [Elektronička građa] / Olfa Oussaief, Zeineb Jrad, Isabelle Adt, Touhami Khorchani, Halima El-Hatmi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 46 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. Milk protein hydrolysates have received particular attention due to their health-promoting effects. Dromedary milk differs from the milk of other dairy animals in the composition and structure of its protein components, which give it unique properties. The bioactivity and functionality of whole dromedary milk proteins and their enzymatic hydrolysates have not received much attention, hence this study aims to investigate the effect of enzymatic hydrolysis of dromedary milk proteins on their antioxidant activities and functional properties.Experimental approach. Dromedary milk proteins were treated using four proteolytic enzymes (pepsin, trypsin, α-chymotrypsin and papain) and two mixtures of enzymes (pancreatin and pronase). The degree of hydrolysis was measured to verify the hydrolysis of the proteins. The sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and gel filtration chromatography served to determine the molecular mass distribution of the hydrolysates while reversed phase-high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) was conducted to explore their hydrophobicity. The antioxidant activities were evaluated using various in vitro tests, including 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) radical scavenging capacities, iron(III) reducing ability and chelating activity. Besides, functional properties such as solubility, foaming and emulsification were assessed.Results and conclusions. Dromedary milk protein hydrolysates exhibited different degrees of hydrolysis ranging from 17.69 to 41.86 %. Apart from that, the hydrolysates showed different electrophoretic patterns, molecular mass distribution and RP-HPLC profiles demonstrating the heterogeneity of the resulting peptides in terms of molecular mass and polarity. The hydrolysates displayed significantly higher antioxidant capacities than the undigested proteins at all the tested concentrations. - Pozadina istraživanja. Hidrolizati proteina mlijeka su naročito zanimljivi zbog njihovog pozitivnog utjecaja na zdravlje. Devino mlijeko razlikuje se od mlijeka ostalih životinja po sastavu i strukturi proteina, što mu daje jedinstvena svojstva. Biološka aktivnost i funkcionalnost proteina punomasnog devinog mlijeka i njihovih hidrolizata nije još detaljno ispitana, stoga je svrha ovoga rada bila ispitati utjecaj enzimske hidrolize proteina devinog mlijeka na njihovu antioksidacijsku aktivnost i funkcionalna svojstva. Eksperimentalni pristup. Proteini devinog mlijeka tretirani su s četiri proteolitička enzima: pepsinom, tripsinom, α-kimotripsinom i papainom, te s dvije smjese enzima: pankreatinom i pronazom. Izmjeren je stupanj hidrolize proteina. Raspodjela molekulskih masa hidrolizata ispitana je pomoću poliakrilamid gel elektroforeze u prisutnosti natrijevog dodecil sulfata (SDS-PAGE) i gel-filtracijske kromatografije, dok je njihova hidrofobnost ispitana visokodjelotvornom tekućinskom kromatografijom obrnutih faza (RP-HPLC). Antioksidacijska aktivnost mjerena je različitim in vitro testovima, kao što su: uklanjanje radikala 2,2'-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazila (DPPH) i 2,2’-azino-bis(3-etilbenzotiazolin-6-sulfonske kiseline) (ABTS), sposobnost reduciranja željeza(III) i keliranja. Osim toga, ocijenjena su i funkcionalna svojstva hidrolizata, poput topljivosti, pjenjenja i emulgiranja.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 2 ; str. 147-158  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mlijeko -- Devino mlijeko -- Proteolitički enzimi -- Hidrolizat proteina -- Antioksidacijska aktivnost -- Funkcionalna svojstva

Effect of accelerated solvent extraction conditions on the isolation of bioactive compounds from fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) seeds [Elektronička građa] / Maja Repajić, Sara Ekić, Valentina Kruk, Verica Dragović Uzelac. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 106. - Summary. - This study focused to establish the optimal conditions of accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), i.e., temperature, static extraction time and number of extraction cycles, for the isolation of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) seeds phenols and pigments using 96% ethanol as an extraction solvent. Hence, extraction conditions of temperature (80 and 110 °C), static extraction time (5 and 10 min) and number of extraction cycle (1, 2, 3 and 4) were varied. Obtained extracts were spectrophotometrically analyzed for the content of total phenols (TP), total chlorophylls (TCHL) and total carotenoids (TCAR). Applied extraction conditions had a significant (p<0.01) influence on the yields of analyzed compounds, except for static extraction time on TCAR (p=0.11). Based on the results of statistical analysis, the highest levels of TP and TCHL were achieved at the most invasive conditions (110 °C/10 min/4 cycles), while shorter period was sufficient to reach the highest TCAR yield (110 °C/5 min/3 cycles). In summary, ASE demonstrated to be effective extraction technique for the isolation of fennel seeds hydrophilic and lipophilic bioactive compounds.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 15 (2020), 3/4 ; str. 102-106  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Komorač -- Sjeme -- Bioaktivni spojevi -- Ekstrakcija otapalima -- Fenoli -- Pigmenti

OLÁHNÉ Horváth, Borbála
Effects of high sugar content on fermentation dynamics and some metabolites of wine-related yeast species Saccharomyces cerevisiae, S. uvarum and Starmerella bacillaris [Elektronička građa] / Borbála Oláhné Horváth, Diána Nyitrainé Sárdy, Nikolett Kellner, Ildikó Magyar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Starmerella bacillaris (synonym Candida zemplinina) is an important non-Saccharomyces yeast in winemaking with valuable oenological properties, accompanying Saccharomyces species in sweet wine fermentation, and has also been suggested for application as combined starter culture in dry or sweet wines. In this study, the major metabolites and nitrogen utilization of these yeasts are evaluated in the musts with high or extremely high sugar concentration. The change in the metabolic footprint of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces uvarum and Starmerella bacillaris strains was compared when they were present as pure cultures in chemically defined grape juice medium with 220 and 320 g/L of sugar, to represent a fully matured and an overripe grape. Surprisingly, the extreme sugar concentration did not result in a considerable change in the rate of sugar consumption; only a shift of the sugar consumption curves could be noticed for all species, especially for Starmerella bacillaris. At the extreme sugar concentration, Starmerella bacillaris showed excellent glycerol production, moderate nitrogen demand together with a noticeable proline utilisation. The change in the overall metabolite pattern of Starmerella bacillaris allowed clear discrimination from the change of the Saccharomyces species. In this experiment, the adequacy of this non-Saccharomyces yeast for co-fermentation in juices with high sugar concentration is highlighted. Moreover, the results suggest that Starmerella bacillaris has a more active adaptation mechanism to extremely high sugar concentration. - Starmerella bacillaris (sinonim: Candida zemplinina) važan je vinski ne-Saccharomyces kvasac izraženih enoloških značajki, koji zajedno s kvascima iz roda Saccharomyces sudjeluje u fermentaciji slatkih vina, a može se koristiti i u starter kulturi za proizvodnju suhih ili slatkih vina. U ovom su radu ispitani glavni metaboliti ovih kvasaca te njihova potrošnja dušika u moštovima s visokim ili ekstremno visokim koncentracijama šećera. Uspoređen je metabolički otisak čistih kultura kvasaca vrsta Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces uvarum i Starmerella bacillaris u kemijski definiranom mediju koji predstavlja grožđani sok s koncentracijom šećera od 220 g/L (kao u zrelom grožđu) i 320 g/L (kao u prezrelom grožđu). Iznenađujuće je da ekstremno visoka koncentracija šećera nije dovela do znatno veće potrošnje šećera, već je samo došlo do pomaka krivulje potrošnje, i to naročito kod kvasca Starmerella bacillaris. Pri ekstremno visokim koncentracijama šećera kvasac Starmerella bacillaris izuzetno je dobro proizvodio glicerol, umjereno trošio dušik i izraženije koristio prolin. Promjena metaboličkog otiska kvasca Starmerella bacillaris omogućila je njegovu jasnu distinkciju od kvasaca roda Saccharomyces. U ovom je istraživanju naglašena prikladnost ovog kvasca za kofermentaciju sokova s visokom koncentracijom šećera. Nadalje, rezultati pokazuju da se kvasac Starmerella bacillaris aktivnije prilagođava ekstremno visokim koncentracijama šećera.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 1 ; str. 76-83  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kvasci -- Vinski kvasci -- Fermentacija -- Koncentracija šećera

TULLI, Fiorella
Electrochemical and spectrophotometric methods for polyphenol and ascorbic acid determination in fruit and vegetable extracts [Elektronička građa] / Fiorella Tulli, María Laura Lemos, Diego R. Gutiérrez, Silvia del C. Rodríguez, Beatriz A. López de Mishima, Verónica I. Paz Zanini. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 44 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables are considered sources of antioxidant compounds. However, their shelf life is limited due to nutritional, quality and safety deterioration. Therefore, in recent decades, various methods have been reported for food processing and preservation, as well as for the determination of antioxidant compounds, due to their many benefits when consumed. The aim of the present work is to compare the performance of electrochemical and spectrophotometric methods in the analysis of the content of polyphenolic compounds and ascorbic acid in extracts from fruits (eggplant), edible roots (carrot) and leaves (rocket, lettuce and chard), and evaluate their capability to detect small changes in the antioxidant content in the eggplant extracts previously irradiated with different UV-C light intensities.Experimental approach. Polyphenolic compounds and ascorbic acid were determined by electrochemical and spectrophotometric methods. An enzymatic biosensor and a nanocomposite sensor were used for polyphenolic compounds and ascorbic acid, respectively, in electrochemical measurements, while Folin-Ciocalteu and Kampfenkel methods were used for spectrophotometric measurements.Results and conclusion. Results obtained through the different methodologies were comparable and consistent with each other. Both methods allowed determining the content of ascorbic acid and polyphenolic compounds in the fruit and vegetable extracts. Moreover, both techniques enable the detection of the analyte concentration changes in samples exposed to different UV-C intensities and storage days. Finally, it was observed that the antioxidant capacity depends on the type of food, treatment and storage period. - Pozadina istraživanja. Svježe rezano voće i povrće smatra se dobrim izvorom antioksidacijskih spojeva. Međutim, njihova trajnost je ograničena zbog smanjenja kakvoće proizvoda, nutritivnih vrijednosti i sigurnosti. Stoga su u posljednje vrijeme razvijeni različiti postupci obrade i čuvanja hrane te određivanja antioksidacijskih spojeva koji nakon konzumacije imaju višestruko povoljan učinak na zdravlje. Svrha je ovoga rada bila usporediti rezultate analize sastava polifenola i askorbinske kiseline u ekstraktima voća (patlidžan), jestivog korijenja (mrkva) i lišća (radič, zelena salata i blitva) dobivene elektrokemijskom i spektrofotometrijskom metodom, te procijeniti njihovu mogućnost detekcije neznatne promjene sastava antioksidacijskih spojeva u ekstraktu ploda patlidžana izloženom UV-C svjetlosti različitog intenziteta. Eksperimentalni pristup. Polifenolni spojevi i askorbinska kiselina određeni su elektrokemijskom i spektrofotometrijskom metodom. Za određivanje polifenolnih spojeva elektrokemijskom metodom korišten je enzimski biosenzor, a za određivanje askorbinske kiseline nanokompozitni biosenzor. Za spektrofotometrijska mjerenja korištene su sljedeće metode: Folin-Ciocalteu i metoda koju su razvili Kampfenkel i suradnici.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 2 ; str. 183-191  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Povrće -- Voće -- Polifenoli -- Askorbinska kiselina -- Elektrokemijska metoda -- Spektrofotometrijska metoda

Evaluation of process conditions for ultrasonic spray freeze drying of transglutaminase [Elektronička građa] / Hilal Isleroglu, Izzet Turker. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 46 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In this study, a commercial transglutaminase enzyme was dried using an ultrasonic spray freeze drying method and the effects of the process conditions were optimized to maximize the final transglutaminase activity. Accordingly, process parameters affecting enzyme activity were selected, such as nozzle frequency (48 and 120 kHz), flow rate (2, 5 and 8 mL/min) and plate temperature for secondary drying (25, 35 and 45 °C). Moreover, the effects of different pH values (pH=2.0 and 9.0) and high temperature (80 °C) on enzyme activity, physical properties and particle morphology of transglutaminase were discussed. According to the results, transglutaminase preserved its activity despite ultrasonic spray freeze drying. Sonication enhanced the enzyme activity. Using the desirability function method, the optimum process conditions were determined to be flow rate 3.10 mL/min, plate temperature 45 °C and nozzle frequency 120 kHz. The predicted activity ratio was 1.17, and experimentally obtained ratio was 1.14±0.02. Furthermore, enzyme produced by ultrasonic spray freeze drying had low moisture values (2.92-4.36 %) at 8 h of drying. When the morphological structure of the transglutaminase particles produced by ultrasonic spray freeze drying under the optimum conditions was examined, spherical particles with pores on their surfaces were observed. In addition, flow properties of the transglutaminase powders were considered as fair under most conditions according to the Carr index. - U ovom je istraživanju komercijalni enzim transglutaminaza sušen pomoću ultrazvučnog raspršivanja i zamrzavanja, te je optimiran učinak procesnih parametara radi postizanja maksimalne aktivnosti transglutaminaze pri završetku procesa. U skladu s tim odabrani su parametri koji utječu na aktivnost enzima, kao što su: frekvencija mlaznica (48 i 120 kHz), protok (2, 5 i 8 mL/min) i temperatura ploče sekundarnog sušenja (25, 35 i 45 °C). Također, ispitan je utjecaj različitih pH-vrijednosti (pH=2,0 i 9,0) i visoke temperature (80 °C) na enzimsku aktivnost, fizikalna svojstva i morfologiju čestica transglutaminaze. Rezultati pokazuju da je aktivnost enzima bila očuvana usprkos utjecaju ultrazvučnog sušenja raspršivanjem i zamrzavanjem. Upotreba ultrazvuka povećala je aktivnost enzima. Optimiranjem metode prema principu poželjnosti određene su optimalne vrijednosti parametara: protok od 3,10 mL/min, temperatura ploče 45 °C i frekvencija mlaznica 120 kHz. Predviđeni omjer aktivnosti enzima nakon postupka sušenja i početne aktivnosti enzima u otopini bio je 1,17; a eksperimentalno utvrđeni omjer 1,14±0,02. Nadalje, enzim je nakon 8 sati sušenja imao mali udjel vlage (2,92-4,36 %). Ispitivanje morfološke strukture čestica enzima nakon ultrazvučnog sušenja raspršivanjem i zamrzavanjem pri optimalnim uvjetima otkrilo je da su čestice bile sferične s porama na površini. Također, prema Carrovom indeksu protok dobivenog praha bio je dobar pri većini uvjeta.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 1 ; str. 38-48  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Transglutaminaza -- Sušenje raspršivanjem -- Ultrasonikacija -- Enzimska aktivnost

QI, Yuanjin
Evaluation of the antidepressant effect of the functional beverage containing active peptides, menthol and eleutheroside, and investigation of its mechanism of action in mice [Elektronička građa] / Yuanjin Qi, Huizhen Zhang, Sha Liang, Jiajia Chen, Xiaoni Yan, Zhouyu Duan, Deyang Zhou, Zhicheng Li. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 47 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. Depression has become a global threat to human health. In order to solve it, researchers have conducted multi-faceted studies including diet. Many food-derived bioactive substances have shown antidepressant effects. However, there are few studies on the design of industrialized food with antidepressant effect. This study aims to evaluate the antidepressant effect of afunctional beverage made from several ingredients with potential antidepressant function and investigate its antidepressant mechanisms.Experimental approach. The beverage consists of peppermint oil, active peptides derived from bovine milk casein and Acanthopanax senticosus extract (ASE) whose active ingredient is eleutheroside. Different amounts of ASE were evaluated to determine the optimal concentration of eleutheroside in this functional beverage to deliver the best antidepressant effect through extensive behavioral testing, including preliminary acute stress experiments and further chronic unpredictable mild stress test.Results and conclusions. The results demonstrated that the beverage with 15 mg/kg of eleutheroside could significantly reduce the mice’s immobility time of tail suspension test and forced swimming test, recover mice’s sucrose preference and behavior changes in the open field test, improve the contents of dopamine, norepinephrine, 5-hydroxytryptamine and the activity of superoxide dismutase and reduce the content of malondialdehyde in mice’s brains, which indicated that the improvement of monoamine neurotransmitter systems and antioxidation was one potential mechanism of antidepressant action.Novelty and scientific contribution. This study provides a design of antidepressant functional beverage and an efficient way for the prevention and treatment of depression. - Pozadina istraživanja. Depresija je postala globalna prijetnja ljudskom zdravlju. Znanstvenici provode različita ispitivanja uključujući i analizu prehrane kako bi riješili taj problem. Mnogi bioaktivni spojevi iz hrane imaju antidepresivni učinak. No, mali se broj istraživanja bavi razvojem industrijskih prehrambenih proizvoda s antidepresivnim učinkom. Svrha je ovoga rada bila ocijeniti antidepresivni učinak i mehanizme djelovanja funkcionalnog napitka pripremljenog od nekoliko sastojaka s mogućim antidepresivnim svojstvima. Eksperimentalni pristup. Napitak se sastoji od ulja paprene metvice, aktivnih peptida iz kazeina kravljeg mlijeka i ekstrakta sibirskog ginsenga (Acanthopanax senticosus), čiji je aktivni sastojak eleuterozid. Ispitan je dodatak različitih udjela ekstrakta sibirskog ginsenga da bi se utvrdila optimalna koncentracija eleuterozida u ovom funkcionalnom napitku, radi postizanja najboljeg antidepresivnog učinka. Provedena su opsežna ispitivanja ponašanja, uključujući preliminarne testove akutnog stresa te kroničnog nepredvidljivog blagog stresa. Rezultati i zaključci. Rezultati pokazuju da napitak s 15 mg/kg eleuterozida može bitno smanjiti vrijeme mirovanja miša u testovima vješanja za rep i prisilnog plivanja, pozitivno utjecati na preferenciju saharoze i promjene ponašanja u testu otvorenog polja, povećati udjel dopamina, norepinefrina, serotonina i aktivnost superoksid dismutaze, te smanjiti udjel malondialdehida u mozgu miševa. To potvrđuje da su poboljšana neurotransmisija monoamina i antioksidacijski status mogući mehanizmi antidepresivnog učinka. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. U ovom je radu predložen sastav funkcionalnog napitka s antidepresivnim svojstvima za učinkovitu prevenciju i liječenje depresije.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 3 ; str. 295-302  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Funkcionalni napitci -- Antidepresivno djelovanje -- Antioksidacijsko djelovanje -- Eleuterozid -- Monoamin

Formulation of a tropical beverage by applying heat treatment and high hydrostatic pressure [Elektronička građa] / Carla Marengo-Orozco, Martha Patricia Tarazona-Díaz, Ligia Inés Rodríguez. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 33 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. Passion fruit and carrot have a good antioxidant capacity; however, their consumption is low. There is no information on their use in beverages or in processes such as high hydrostatic pressure, which provides the safety of the drink without affecting its quality. Experimental approach. In this study the effect of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP; 500 MPa for 250 s at 25 °C) and thermal processing (at 65 °C for 10 min, 75 °C for 2 min and 95 °C for 1 min) were evaluated in the formulation of a cold-pressed beverage from purple passion fruit, green passion fruit and carrot juice, taking into account antioxidant capacity, vitamin C concentration, sensorial evaluation and microbiological growth at 8 °C. Results and conclusions. The formulation containing 67 % purple passion fruit, 17 % green passion fruit and 17 % carrot was the one that stood out with its antioxidant capacity, high vitamin C concentration and sensorial evaluation. The HHP treatment preserved the antioxidant capacity and vitamin C concentration, and resulted in the best scent. Juices stored at 8 °C did not show microbial growth. Novelty and scientific contribution. In this study, we used tropical raw materials with good sensory acceptance and antioxidant capacity that could be used in the production of high value-added foods. Additionally, the research demonstrated that HHP is a conservation method that maintains the antioxidant capacity, vitamin C and aroma of the beverage to a greater extent than thermal treatments; the latter is of interest for its use in minimally processed products and functional food. - Pozadina istraživanja. Marakuja i mrkva imaju dobar antioksidacijski kapacitet, međutim ne konzumiraju se u velikoj mjeri. U literaturi ne postoje informacije o njihovoj primjeni u proizvodnji pića ili o postupku njihove obrade visokim hidrostatskim tlakom pomoću kojeg se dobiva siguran i kvalitetan napitak. Eksperimentalni pristup. U radu je ispitan utjecaj visokog hidrostatskog tlaka (500 MPa tijekom 250 s pri 25 °C) i toplinske obrade (65 °C tijekom 10 min, 75 °C tijekom 2 min i 95 °C tijekom 1 min) na antioksidacijski kapacitet, koncentraciju vitamina C, senzorska svojstva i rast mikroorganizama na 8 °C u hladno prešanim napicima proizvedenim od ljubičaste i zelene marakuje te soka mrkve. Rezultati i zaključci. Napitak koji je sadržavao 67 % ljubičaste marakuje, 17 % zelene marakuje i 17 % mrkve imao je najveći antioksidacijski kapacitet i koncentraciju vitamina C te najbolja senzorska svojstva. Obrada visokim hidrostatskim tlakom očuvala je antioksidacijska svojstva i koncentraciju vitamina C, a napitak dobiven tim postupkom imao je i najbolji miris. U sokovima skladištenim na 8 °C nije zamijećen rast mikroorganizama. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. U radu je upotrijebljeno tropsko voće dobre senzorske prihvatljivosti i dobrog antioksidacijskog kapaciteta kao sirovina za proizvodnju prehrambenih proizvoda velike dodane vrijednosti. Osim toga, istraživanje je pokazalo da je obrada visokim hidrostatskim tlakom metoda konzerviranja kojom se u većoj mjeri mogu očuvati antioksidacijski kapacitet, koncentracija vitamina C i aroma napitka nego pomoću toplinske obrade, pri čemu je očuvanje arome naročito važno u proizvodnji minimalno prerađene i funkcionalne hrane.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 3 ; str. 239-248  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Marakuja -- Mrkva -- Napitci -- Toplinska obrada -- Visoki hidrostatski tlak -- Antioksidacijski kapacitet

High-throughput, sequence-based analysis of the microbiota of Greek kefir grains from two geographic regions [Elektronička građa] / Mary S. Kalamaki, Apostolos S. Angelidis. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 50 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. Kefir is a natural probiotic drink traditionally produced by milk fermentation using kefir grains. Kefir grains are composed of a complex population of bacteria and yeasts embedded in a polysaccharide-protein matrix. The geographic origin of kefir grains may largely influence their microbial composition and the associated kefir drink properties. Although the detailed bacterial composition of kefir grains from several geographic regions has been reported, to date, analogous data about the microbiome of Greek kefir are lacking. Hence, the aim of this study is to investigate the structure and the diversity of the bacterial community of Greek kefir grains.Experimental approach. The bacterial community structure and diversity of two different kefir grains from distant geographic regions in Greece were examined via high-throughput sequencing analysis, a culture-independent metagenomic approach, targeting the 16S rRNA V4 variable region, in order to gain a deeper understanding of their bacterial population diversities.Results and conclusions. Firmicutes (a phylum that includes lactic acid bacteria) was strikingly dominant amongst the identified bacterial phyla, with over 99 % of the sequences from both kefir grains classified to this phylum. At the family level, Lactobacillaceae sequences accounted for more than 98 % of the operational taxonomic units (OTUs), followed by Ruminococcaceae, Lahnospiraceae, Bacteroidaceae and other bacterial families of lesser abundance. Α relatively small number of bacterial genera dominated, with Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens being the most abundant in both kefir grains (95.0 % of OTUs in kefir A and 96.3 % of OTUs in kefir B). - Pozadina istraživanja. Kefir je prirodni probiotički napitak koji se tradicionalno dobiva fermentacijom mlijeka s kefirnim zrncima. Kefirna zrnca sadržavaju združenu populaciju bakterija i kvasaca uklopljenih u proteinsko-polisaharidni matriks. Geografsko porijeklo kefirnih zrnaca može bitno utjecati na njihov mikrobni sastav, a time i na svojstva dobivenog napitka. Iako u literaturi nalazimo detaljne podatke o sastavu kefirnih zrnaca iz različitih geografskih područja, nema dostupnih informacija o mikrobiomu grčkog kefira. Stoga je svrha ovoga rada bila ispitati strukturu i raznolikost bakterijske zajednice grčkih kefirnih zrnaca. Eksperimentalni pristup. Metodom sekvenciranja visoke propusnosti ispitani su struktura i raznolikost sastava kefirnih zrnaca iz dvaju geografski udaljenih područja u Grčkoj, radi boljeg razumijevanja raznolikosti bakterijskih populacija u zrncima. Ovaj pristup ispitivanju metagenoma, koji ne ovisi o kulturi, za sekvenciranje koristi gen 16S rRNA sa segmentima oko V4 varijabilne regije. Rezultati i zaključci. Koljeno Firmicutes (kojem pripadaju i bakterije mliječno-kiselog vrenja), s 99 % sekvenci u oba uzorka kefirnih zrnaca, izrazito je dominiralo među identificiranim bakterijama. Na razini porodice, sekvence Lactobacillaceae bile su zastupljene s više od 98 % jedinica (engl. operational taxonomic units, OTU), zatim slijede: Ruminococcaceae, Lahnospiraceae, Bacteroidaceae, te ostale, manje zastupljene porodice. Relativno je mali broj vrsta bakterija dominirao, od kojih je nazastupljenija bila bakterija Lac¬tobacillus kefiranofaciens, i to s 95,0 % jedinica u kefiru A i 96,3 % jedinica u kefiru B.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 2 ; str. 138-146  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kefir -- Bakterijske vrste -- Probiotički napitci -- Geografsko porijeklo

HPLC analysis of phenolic compounds and flavonoids with overlapping peaks [Elektronička građa] / Luke Mizzi, Christina Chatzitzika, Ruben Gatt, Vasilis Valdramidis. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 44 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The identification and quantification of phenolic compounds and flavonoids in various natural food products is typically conducted using HPLC analysis. Their analysis is particularly complex since most natural food products contain a large number of different phenolic compounds, many of which have similar chemical characteristics such as polarity, which makes complete separation of all eluents extremely difficult. In this work we present and validate a method for the quantitative determination of the concentration of two compounds with similar retention times, i.e. they show overlapping peaks in a mixed solution. Two pairs of phenolic compounds were investigated: caffeic and vanillic acids and ferulic and p-coumaric acids. This technique takes advantage of the different absorbances of the two phenolic compounds in the eluent at various wavelengths and can be used for the quantitative determination of the concentration of these compounds even if they are not separated in the HPLC column. The presented method could be used to interpret the results of HPLC analysis of food products which possess a vast spectrum of phenolic compounds and flavonoids. - Identifikacija i kvantifikacija fenolnih spojeva i flavonoida u različitim prehrambenim proizvodima najčešće se provodi pomoću metode HPLC. Njihova je analiza iznimno složena s obzirom na to da većina prehrambenih proizvoda sadržava brojne fenolne spojeve, od kojih mnogi imaju slična kemijska svojstva, poput polarnosti, što otežava njihovu potpunu separaciju. U ovom radu predstavljamo potvrđenu metodu kvantitativnog određivanja koncentracije dvaju spojeva sličnog vremena zadržavanja, tj. koji u smjesi daju preklapajuće signale (pikove). Provedena je analiza dvaju parova fenolnih spojeva: kavene i vanilinske kiseline te ferulične i p-kumarne kiseline. Prednost ove metode je što dva fenolna spoja u otapalu drukčije apsorbiraju svjetlost različitih valnih duljina, čime je olakšano njihovo kvantitativno određivanje, čak iako nisu razdvojeni u HPLC koloni. Opisana metoda može se upotrijebiti za interpretaciju rezultata HPLC analize prehrambenih proizvoda koji sadržavaju širok spektar fenolnih spojeva i flavonoida.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 1 ; str. 12-19  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fenolni spojevi -- Flavonoidi -- Prehrambeni proizvodi -- HPLC

VUKUŠIĆ, Tomislava
Impact of heat-assisted HVED plasma treatment on quality of apple juice [Elektronička građa] / Tomislava Vukušić Pavičić, Danijela Šeremet, Nadica Maltar-Strmečki, Višnja Stulić, Zoran Zorić, Zoran Herceg. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 113-114. - Summary. - High voltage electrical discharge (HVED) plasma processing receives more and more attention due to its potential to assure microbial safety and retain quality of treated products. The influence of combined thermal and high voltage electrical discharge plasma treatment on apple juice quality was investigated. Apple juice samples were treated under defined plasma treatment parameters of time (3, 6 and 9 min), frequency (60, 90 and 120 Hz) and temperature (30, 40 and 50 oC) in hybrid plasma reactor. Prior to treatment, juice samples were inoculated with Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 204508 to investigate inactivation possibilities of plasma treatment on yeasts as common juice microorganisms. Quality parameters (pH, electrical conductivity, phenolic content and antioxidant activity) of treated and untreated apple juice were investigated and compared. Results have shown effectiveness of HVED plasma treatment in yeast inactivation up to 6.6 log10 in 9 min of treatment at 120 Hz and temperature of 40 oC. In treated samples there were no significant changes in phenolic content.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 15 (2020), 3/4 ; str. 107-114  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sok od jabuke -- Antioksidativno djelovanje -- Plazma -- Saccharomyces cerevisiae

RAJI, Akeem Olayemi
Influence of ambient storage condition on the nutritional quality of selected freeze dried instant Nigerian soups [Elektronička građa] / Akeem Olayemi Raji, Rahman Akinoso. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 145-146. - Summary. - Traditional soups are culturally acceptable soups that are rich in nutrients, but conventional preservation methods such as reheating after use and frozen storage diminish their nutrient qualities. Freeze drying is a dehydration method which has a great ability to retain food nutrients, but there is scanty of scientific data on its application to Nigerian soups preservation. Soups (Ila, Ewedu, Ogbono and Kuka) were prepared using standard recipes, freeze-dried, packaged in polyvinylchloride and stored at ambient condition for 8 weeks. Moisture, protein, fat, crude fibre, ash, carbohydrate, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and vitamins were determined at 14 days interval using standard methods. Data were analysed using ANOVA at p = 0.05. Moisture, protein, fat, crude fibre, ash and carbohydrate contents of the soups ranged from 6.33-7.57%, 25.93-43.86 %, 7.19-43.86 %, 13.52-17.16 %, 8.45-10.80 % and 0.65-27.97 % respectively. Iron, calcium, sodium, potassium and phosphorus varied from 9.26-13.47 mg/100g, 73.57-245.23 mg/100g, 150.78-281.72 mg/100g, 209.22-352.07 mg/100g and 286.18-363.52 mg/100g respectively. The predominant vitamins (mg/100g) were A (66.69-137.49), B (22.73-88.74) and E (64.20-207.23). Freeze-drying reduced soups moisture contents by 90.0-90.8 %, thus increased the concentrations of other constituents. The nutrients quality of the freeze dried soups was well maintained for a storage period of two months, but cannot be further guaranteed due to slight decrease in their fat contents which indicates an increase in lipid oxidation.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 15 (2020), 3/4 ; str. 139-146  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Juhe -- Sušenje smrzavanjem -- Konzerviranje -- Nutritivna vrijednost -- Skladištenje

BIGETTI Guergoletto, Karla
Influence of spray-drying and room temperature storage on the anti- and prooxidant properties of fermented juçara pulp [Elektronička građa] / Karla Bigetti Guergoletto, Kamila Landucci Bonifácio, Décio Sabbatini Barbosa, Daniel Farinha Valezi, Aroldo Salviato, Eduardo Di Mauro, Elza Iouko Ida, Sandra Garcia. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 43 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Many fruits and vegetables contain compounds with antioxidant properties, but the processing and storage conditions of the food industry may damage these beneficial compounds and produce free radicals that are associated with oxidative stress. This study aims to evaluate in vitro the antioxidant capacity and prooxidant effects of juçara pulp fermented with Lactobacillus reuteri or Lactobacillus plantarum before and after spray-drying with maltodextrin, gum arabic or gelatin and storage at 25 °C for 90 days. The antioxidant capacity was assessed by measuring the ability to scavenge reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the neutrophil respiratory burst and free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH), and by determining the total phenolic content. The prooxidant effects were analyzed as free radical formation measured by electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR). Fermentation by both bacteria increased the antioxidant activity, while the spray-drying process decreased the content of phenolic compounds (65-85 %) and the DPPH scavenging ability, depending on the carrier usage. All of the samples inhibited ROS in the neutrophil burst, and the juçara pulp fermented by L. reuteri and dried with gum arabic exhibited the best performance. Spray-drying did not influence the intensity or type of free radicals detected by EPR. However, storage at room temperature decreased the antioxidant capacity and increased free radical formation. - Mnoge vrste voća i povrća sadržavaju spojeve koji imaju antioksidacijska svojstva, no njihova prerada i skladištenje u prehrambenim pogonima mogu oštetiti te vrijedne sastojke i dovesti do nastanka slobodnih radikala koji zatim uzrokuju oksidacijski stres. Svrha je ovoga rada bila ispitati in vitro antioksidacijski i prooksidacijski učinak pulpe plodova palme Euterpe edulis (juçara) fermentirane s pomoću bakterija Lactobacillus reuteri ili Lactobacillus plantarum, i to prije i nakon sušenja raspršivanjem uz uporabu maltodekstrina, arapske gume ili želatine kao nosača te skladištenja pri 25 °C tijekom 90 dana. Antioksidacijski učinak je procijenjen na osnovi sposobnosti uklanjanja reaktivnih kisikovih spojeva (ROS) tijekom oksidativnog praska neutrofila i slobodnih 2,2-difenil-1-pikril hidrazil (DPPH) radikala, te određivanjem ukupnog udjela fenolnih spojeva. Prooksidacijski učinak je ispitan mjerenjem količine oslobođenih radikala pomoću elektronske paramagnetske rezonancije (EPR). Fermentacija s pomoću obje bakterije povećala je antioksidacijsku aktivnost, dok je sušenje raspršivanjem smanjilo udjel fenolnih spojeva za 65-85 % te sposobnost uklanjanja DPPH radikala, ovisno o upotrijebljenom nosaču. Svi su uzorci inhibirali ROS tijekom oksidativnog praska neutrofila, pri čemu je pulpa fermentirana s pomoću L. reuteri i sušena uz dodatak arapske gume kao nosača imala najveći učinak. Sušenje raspršivanjem nije utjecalo na intenzitet ili vrstu slobodnih radikala detektiranih pomoću metode EPR. Međutim, skladištenjem na sobnoj temperaturi smanjio se antioksidacijski učinak i povećala količina oslobođenih radikala iz fermentirane pulpe.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 1 ; str. 29-37  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Palma -- Euterpe edulis Mart. -- Fermentirana hrana -- Sušeno voće -- Antioksidacijska svojstva -- Lactobacillus reuteri -- Lactobacillus plantarum

Isolation and identification of indigenous wine yeasts and their use in alioholic fermentation [Elektronička građa] / Polona Zabukovec, Neža Čadež, Franc Čuš. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 40 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. In our study, spontaneous alcoholic fermentations were carried out to isolate non-Saccharomyces and Saccharomyces yeasts from grape must from different vine--growing regions in Slovenia. Additionally, the diversity of native Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains was evaluated during the process.Experimental approach. During spontaneous alcoholic fermentations the yeast population of non-Saccharomyces and Saccharomyces yeasts was sampled. We used eleven microsatellite markers to determine the genetic diversity of S. cerevisiae strains. In addition, different ratios of the indigenous strains of S. cerevisiae, Hanseniaspora uvarum and Starmerella bacillaris were tested for their possible use in alcoholic fermentation with inoculated yeasts by monitoring its course and measuring the concentration of aroma compounds in wine.Results and conclusions. Sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of ribosomal DNA showed that of 64 isolates, 46 strains represent S. cerevisiae and 18 strains belong to non-Saccharomyces yeasts. The identified non Saccharomyces yeast species were H. uvarum, Pichia kudriavzevii, Saturnispora diversa and S. bacillaris. The dendrogram grouped S. cerevisiae strains into 14 groups. The number of S. cervisiae strains isolated from the musts was 10 (Posavje), 11 (Podravje) and 25 (Primorska vine-growing region). On the other hand, the alcoholic fermentation with inoculated yeasts, in which the native S. cerevisiae strain predominated over H. uvarum and S. bacillaris, gave the most promising result due to the highest alcohol volume fraction, the lowest acetic acid concentration and significantly higher concentrations of volatile thiols 3-mercaptohexyl acetate (3MHA) and 3-mercaptohexan-1-ol (3MH), 2-methylpropanol, 2-methylbutanol, 3-methylbutanol and 2-phenylethanol) in the produced wine. - Pozadina istraživanja. U ovom su istraživanju provedena spontana alkoholna vrenja radi izolacije ne-Saccharomyces i Saccharomyces kvasaca iz mošta proizvedenog u različitim vinogradarskim regijama Slovenije. Istovremeno je ocijenjena raznolikost autohtonih sojeva kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Eksperimentalni pristup. Tijekom spontanog alkoholnog vrenja uzeti su uzorci populacija Saccharomyces i ne-Saccharomyces kvasaca. Za određivanje genetičke raznolikosti sojeva kvasca S. cerevisiae koristili smo 11 mikrosatelitskih markera. Osim toga, ispitana je mogućnost primjene različitih omjera autohtonih sojeva kvasaca S. cerevisiae, Hanseniaspora uvarum i Starmerella bacillaris u alkoholnom vrenju s inokuliranim kvascima, pri čemu su praćene koncentracije sastojaka arome vina tijekom vrenja. Rezultati i zaključci. Sekvenciranjem je transkribiranih internih razdjelnih zona (engl. internal transcribed spacer, ITS) ribosomalne DNA utvrđeno da su od 64 izolata njih 46 sojevi kvasca S. cerevisiae , a 18 sojevi ne-Saccharomyces kvasaca. Identificirani su sljedeći sojevi ne-Saccharomyces kvasaca: H. uvarum, Pichia kudriavzevii, Saturnispora diversa i S. bacillaris. U dendrogramu su sojevi kvasca S. cerevisiae grupirani u 14 skupina. Iz mošta proizvedenog u vinogradarskom području Posavja izolirano je 10, na području Podravja 11, a iz Primorske 25 sojeva kvasca S. cerevisiae. S druge strane, najbolji su rezultati postignuti kad je alkoholno vrenje provedeno s inokuliranim kvascima, i to kad autohtoni soj kvasca S. cerevisiae prevlada nad H. uvarum i S. bacillaris, pri čemu se postižu najveći volumni udjel alkohola, najniža koncentracija octene kiseline i bitno veće koncentracije hlapljivih tiola 3-merkaptoheksil acetata (3MHA) i 3-merkaptoheksan-1-ola (3MH), 2-metilpropanola, 2-metilbutanola, 3-metilbutanola i 2-feniletanola u dobivenom vinu.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 3 ; str. 337-347  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Alkoholno vrenje -- Kvasci -- Vino -- Starter-kulture

Lipid composition of Sheffersomyces stipitis M12 strain grown on glycerol as a carbon source [Elektronička građa] / Stela Križanović, Damir Stanzer, Jasna Mrvčić, Karla Hanousek-Čiča, Elizabeta Kralj, Gordana Čanadi Jurešić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 45 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. In this study the content and composition of lipids in ergosterol-reduced Sheffersomyces stipitis M12 strain grown on glycerol as a carbon source is determined. Blocking the ergosterol synthesis route in yeast cells is a recently proposed method for increasing S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) production. Experimental approach. The batch cultivation of M12 yeast was carried out under aerobic conditions in a laboratory bioreactor with glycerol as carbon source, and with pulsed addition of methionine. Glycerol and SAM content were monitored by high-performance liquid chromatography, while fatty acid composition of different lipid classes, separated by solid phase extraction, was determined by gas chromatography.Results and conclusion. Despite the reduced amount of ergosterol in yeast cells, thanks to the reorganized lipid metabolism, M12 strain achieved high biomass yield and SAM production. Neutral lipids prevailed (making more than 75 % of total lipids), but their content and composition differed significantly in the two tested types of yeast. Unsaturated and C18 fatty acids prevailed in both the M12 strain and wild type. In all fractions except free fatty acids, the index of unsaturation in M12 strain was lower than in the wild strain. Our tested strain adjusts itself by changing the content of lipids (mainly phospholipids, sterols and sterol esters), and with desaturation adjustments, to maintain proper functioning and fulfil increased energy needs.Novelty and scientific contribution. Reorganization of S. stipitis lipid composition caused by blocking the metabolic pathway of ergosterol synthesis was presented. A simple scheme of actual lipid metabolism during active SAM production in S. stipitis, grown on glycerol was constructed and shown. This fundamental knowledge of lipid metabolic pathways will be a helpful tool in improving S. stipitis as an expression host and a model organism, opening new perspectives for its applied research. - Pozadina istraživanja. U ovom je istraživanju određen sadržaj i sastav lipida u soju kvasca Sheffersomyces stipitis M12 s narušenom biosintezom ergosterola, uzgojenom na glicerolu kao izvoru ugljika. Zaustavljanje biosintetskog puta ergosterola jedna je od metoda koja se u novije vrijeme primjenjuje za povećanje udjela S-adenozil-L-metionina (SAM) u biomasi kvasca. Eksperimentalni pristup. Šaržni je uzgoj kvasca M12 proveden aerobno u laboratorijskom bioreaktoru, s glicerolom kao izvorom ugljika i uz pulsni dodatak metionina. Koncentracija glicerola i maseni udjel SAM-a određeni su tekućinskom kromatografijom visoke djelotvornosti, dok je masnokiselinski sastav svih klasa lipida, odijeljenih ekstrakcijom na čvrstoj fazi, utvrđen plinskom kromatografijom. Rezultati i zaključci. Usprkos manjem udjelu ergosterola u kvascu M12, zbog reorganizacije metabolizma lipida ostvareni su veliki prirast biomase i prinos SAM-a. U tom soju kvasca prevladavali su neutralni lipidi (više od 75 % ukupnih lipida), no njihov sadržaj i sastav bio je značajno izmijenjen u odnosu na divlji tip kvasca. Nezasićene i C18 masne kiseline prevladavale su u obje vrste kvasca. U svim je frakcijama, osim u frakciji slobodnih masnih kiselina, indeks nezasićenosti bio niži u soju M12 u usporedbi s divljim tipom kvasca. Soj M12 je u promijenjenim uvjetima rasta nesmetano funkcionirao i zadovoljio sve svoje energetske potrebe mijenjanjem sastava lipida (osobito fosfolipida, sterola i sterolnih estera) i ugađanjem njihove nezasićenosti.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 2 ; str. 203-213  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kvasac -- Lipidi -- Sheffersomyces stipitis -- Glicerol

Microencapsulation of red grape juice by freeze drying and application in jelly formulation [Elektronička građa] / Liliana Mihalcea, Vasilica Barbu, Elena Enachi, Doina Georgeta Andronoiu, Gabriela Râpeanu, Maricica Stoica, Loredana Dumitrașcu, Nicoleta Stănciuc. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 40 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of this work is to obtain new food products enriched with bioactive compounds from concentrated grape juice microencapsulated by freeze drying using a whey protein isolate- chitosan system. The obtained powder showed an encapsulation efficiency of (86.1±4.0) %, with an anthocyanin mass fraction (expressed as cyanidin-3-O-glucoside equivalent) of (1.4±0.2) mg/g, while the total polyphenolic (expressed as gallic acid equivalents) and flavonoid (expressed as catechin equivalents) mass fractions were (3.3±0.6) and (1.6±0.5) mg/g, respectively. The confocal laser microscopy revealed the presence of the flavonoid pigments wrapped inside the matrix, whereas the anthocyanins were grouped into large and compact clusters. The microencapsulated powder was used for jelly formulation. The new food formulations have a satisfactory anthocyanin mass fraction ranging from (0.03±0.01) to (0.12±0.02) mg/g, while no significant differences were observed in flavonoid content. All the value-added jelly showed appreciable antioxidant activity. The in vitro digestibility results confirm a slow release of anthocyanins from the food matrices during simulated gastric digestion and a significant release of the bioactive compounds into the gut. The addition of microencapsulated powder caused a significant decrease in firmness, cohesiveness and springiness, leading to the destabilization of the gel structure, while reducing the attraction forces between the matrix components. The sensorial analysis indicated that the panellists preferred the sample with grape juice the most. - Svrha je ovoga rada bila proizvesti nove prehrambene proizvode obogaćene bioaktivnim sastojcima iz koncentriranog soka od crvenog grožđa, mikroinkapsuliranog pomoću sušenja zamrzavanjem u otopini izolata proteina sirutke i kitozana. Dobiven je prah s učinkovitošću enkapsulacije od (86,1±4,0) %, masenih udjela antocijana (izraženih kao ekvivalenti cijanidin-3-O-glukozida) od (1,4±0,2) mg/g, ukupnih polifenola (izraženih kao ekvivalenti galne kiseline) od (3,3±0,6) mg/g i flavonoida (izraženih kao ekvivalenti katehina) od (1,6±0,5) mg/g. Konfokalnom laserskom mikroskopijom otkriveno je da su flavonoidni pigmenti bili umotani u matriks, dok su antocijani tvorili velike i kompaktne nakupine. Mikroinkapsulirani prah je zatim upotrijebljen za proizvodnju želea. Novi prehrambeni proizvodi imali su zadovoljavajući maseni udjel antocijana, i to od (0,03±0,01) do (0,12±0,02) mg/g, dok se udjel flavonoida nije bitno promijenio. Svi želei su imali znatnu antioksidacijsku aktivnost. Rezultati ispitivanja probavljivosti in vitro potvrdili su je da tijekom simulirane probave došlo do polaganog otpuštanja antocijana iz hrane u želucu, a zatim znatnog otpuštanja bioaktivnih sastojaka u crijevima. Dodatak mikroinkapsuliranog praha znatno je smanjio tvrdoću, kohezivnost i elastičnost želea, što je dovelo do destabilizacije strukture gela i smanjenja privlačnih sila između komponenata matriksa. Sensorska analiza pokazala je da su panelisti preferirali uzorak želea pripremljen od grožđanog soka.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 1 ; str. 20-28  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mikroinkapsulacija antocijana -- Sok od grožđa -- Žele -- Sušenje zamrzavanjem -- Probavljivost -- Proteini sirutke -- Kitozan

ACHAM, Israel Okpunyi
Physicochemical, microbiological and sensory quality of juice mix produced from watermelon fruit pulp and baobab fruit pulp powder [Elektronička građa] / Israel Okpunyi Acham, Mike Ojotu Eke, Joseph Edah. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 54-55. - Summary. - Juice blending is one of the methods that can improve the nutritional quality of juices. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of juice product produced from blends of watermelon fruit pulp juice and baobab fruit pulp powder. This study was also aimed at promoting the use of underutilized African baobab and leverage on the benefits that can be derived from blending these two wonderful plant resources. Four blend ratios and codes of 100:0 (W100), 80:20 (W80B20), 60:40 (W60B40) and 50:50 (W50B50) were developed for watermelon fruit pulp juice and baobab fruit pulp powder, respectively. The physicochemical attributes, mineral composition, microbiological and sensory attributes of the samples were analyzed using standard methods. The increase in baobab fruit pulp powder concentration in watermelon fruit pulp juice increased the titratable acidity (0.24 to 0.48 %), total sugar content (6.0 to7.85 oBrix), total solid (1.30 to 1.37 %), viscosity (473.67 to 730.30 cP), Vitamin C (126.25 to 236.70 mg/100 mL), Vitamin A (18.67 to 80.33 mg/100 mL), calcium (1.97 to 3.46 %), potassium (1.09 to 2.07 %) and iron (3.10 to 4.43 ppm) contents, while decreasing the pH (5.19 to 4.08), total viable count (4.0×104 to 2.0×102 cfu/mL), yeast and mould count (3.2×104 to 0.0×100 cfu/mL) as well as sensory attributes whose values ranged from 3.80 to 7.60 on a 9-point hedonic scale. Therefore, blending watermelon fruit pulp juice and baobab fruit pulp powder has the ability to enhance the physicochemical , micronutrient content, microbiological and sensory characteristics of the samples.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 1 ; str. 48-55  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lubenica -- Citrullus lanatus -- Baobab -- Adansonia digitata -- Voćni sok -- Pulpa u prahu -- Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva -- Vitamini -- Minerali -- Mikrobiološka kakvoća -- Organoleptička svojstva

NAZ, Nosheen
Phytochemical screening and antioxidant evaluation of millet varieties of Pakistan [Elektronička građa] / Nosheen Naz, Ambreen Naz, Allah Rukha, Shabbir Ahmad, Ummara Waheed, Kashif Razzaq, Umar Farooq, Nighat Raza. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 121-122. - Summary. - The current research was planned to measure the comparative phytochemical and anti-oxidative potential of aqueous and methanolic extracts of two indigenously grown millet varieties of Pakistan. The locally available millet varieties, i.e. MB-87 and AF-POP flours were chemically characterized through the proximate and mineral analysis. The antioxidant extract was prepared in water and methanol. The extracts were screened for saponins, terpenoids, flavonoids and tannins; methanolic extract of MB-87 and AF-POP showed flavonoids in an average quantity (++), whilst aqueous extract had only trace (+) values. The phytochemical screening showed the presence of saponins only in the aqueous extract of both varieties. However, terpenoids and tannins were present in both methanolic and aqueous extracts. During antioxidant evaluation, millet methanolic extracts showed higher level of TPC and DPPH of MB-87 and AF-POP as 0.30±0.001 & 0.23±0.0012 mg GAE/g and 48±0.96 &46±1.09%, respectively. However, the β-carotene activity of the aqueous extract of both varieties (MB-87 and AF-POP) was recorded higher. In a nutshell, the methanolic extract of MB-87 has an appreciable atioxidant profile. Furher research should be planned to screen the important constituents of Pakistani millet varieties.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 1 ; str. 118-122  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Proso -- Sorte -- Fitokemikalije -- Fenoli -- Antioksidansi

Propionic acid [Elektronička građa] : method of production, current state and perspectives / Vahid Ranaei, Zahra Pilevar, Amin Mousavi Khaneghah, Hedayat Hosseini. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 129 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - During the past years, there has been a growing interest in the bioproduction of propionic acid by Propionibacterium. One of the major limitations of the existing models lies in their low productivity yield. Hence, many strategies have been proposed in order to circumvent this obstacle. This article provides a comprehensive synthesis and review of important biotechnological aspects of propionic acid production as a common ingredient in food and biotechnology industries. We first discuss some of the most important production processes, mainly focusing on biological production. Then, we provide a summary of important propionic acid producers, including Propionibacterium freudenreichii and Propionibacterium acidipropionici, as well as a wide range of reported growth/production media. Furthermore, we describe bioprocess variables that can have impact on the production yield. Finally, we propose methods for the extraction and analysis of propionic acid and put forward strategies for overcoming the limitations of competitive microbial production from the economical point of view. Several factors influence the propionic acid concentration and productivity such as culture conditions, type and bioreactor scale; however, the pH value and temperature are the most important ones. Given that there are many reports about propionic acid production from glucose, whey permeate, glycerol, lactic acid, hemicelluloses, hydrolyzed corn meal, lactose, sugarcane molasses and enzymatically hydrolyzed whole wheat flour, only few review articles evaluate biotechnological aspects, i.e. bioprocess variables. - U posljednje je vrijeme porastao interes za biološku proizvodnju propionske kiseline s pomoću bakterije Propionibacterium. Glavni nedostatak postojećih modela je slab prinos, zbog čega su predložene različite strategije rješavanja tog problema. U ovom su radu opsežno prikazana bitna biotehnološka obilježja postupaka dobivanja propionske kiseline, jednog od uobičajenih sastojaka u prehrambenoj i biotehnološkoj proizvodnji. U prvom dijelu opisujemo najznačajnije proizvodne procese, s naglaskom na biološku proizvodnju, a zatim navodimo bakterije koje proizvode propionsku kiselinu, kao što su Propionibacterium freudenreichii i Propionibacterium acidipropionici, te različite podloge za rast ili proizvodnju. Osim toga, opisujemo varijable procesa koje mogu utjecati na prinos. Naposljetku, predlažemo metode ekstrakcije i analize dobivene propionske kiseline, te ističemo strategije pomoću kojih se mogu zaobići ekonomska ograničenja procesa uzrokovana kompeticijom mikroorganizama tijekom proizvodnje. Na koncentraciju propionske kiseline i produktivnost procesa utječe više čimbenika, kao što su: sastav podloge, tip i veličina bioreaktora te pH-vrijednost i temperatura kao najvažniji čimbenici. Objavljen je velik broj radova o proizvodnji propionske kiseline iz glukoze, permeata sirutke, glicerola, mliječne kiseline, hemiceluloze, hidrolizirane sačme kukuruznih klica, laktoze, melase šećerne trske, te brašna od cjelovitog zrna pšenice hidroliziranog pomoću enzima, ali vrlo mali broj revijalnih prikaza procjenjuje biotehnološke aspekte proizodnje, odnosno varijable bioprocesa.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 2 ; str. 115-127  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Propionska kiselina -- Propionibacterium -- Glicerol -- Fermentacija

SPME-GC-MS and multivariate analysis of sensory properties of cheese in a sack matured with probiotic starter cultures [Elektronička građa] / Deni Kostelac, Marija Vrdoljak, Ksenija Markov, Ivančica Delaš, Tjaša Jug, Jasenka Gajdoš Kljusurić, Željko Jakopović, Iva Čanak, Marko Jelić, Jadranka Frece. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 49 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. Cheese in a sack is a traditional cheese produced in Croatia. Types of cheese with similar production technology are made in other countries but chemical and microbiological composition varies between regions. Traditionally, cheese in a sack is produced without the addition of starter cultures. Addition of beneficial probiotic cultures to numerous dairy products has documented advantages. Effects that the addition of probiotic bacteria to traditional cheese have on aroma compounds and sensory properties have not been fully investigated. The aim of this study is to determine the sensory properties and differences in the aromatic profiles between cheese samples ripened in a lambskin sack, produced traditionally without the addition of any starter culture, or with the addition of probiotic bacteria.Experimental approach. In this study, cheese in a sack was produced with the addition of probiotic cultures Lactobacillus plantarum B and L. lactis ssp. lactis S1. During ripening volatile aroma compounds were analysed with a solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Sensory properties were evaluated by trained tasters who are familiar with the traditional taste of the cheese from a sack. The results of aroma composition and taste scores were then compared using factorial and principal component analyses.Results and conclusions. Chromatography showed differences in the composition of aroma compounds and the sensory properties between the cheese produced with Lactobacillus starter cultures and the control cheese, traditionally produced without a starter culture. The addition of probiotic cultures L. plantarum B and L. lactis ssp. lactis S1 resulted in products with better sensory properties and chemical profile of volatile aromatic compounds.Novelty and scientific contribution. This study investigates the usage of naturally present probiotic cultures as starter cultures in cheese in a sack production. - Pozadina istraživanja. Sir iz mišine je tradicionalni sir koji se proizvodi u Hrvatskoj. Sirevi dobiveni sličnom tehnologijom proizvode se i u drugim zemljama, no njihov kemijski i mikrobiološki sastav varira među regijama. Tradicionalno se sir iz mišine proizvodi bez dodatka starter kultura. Dodatak korisnih probiotičkih kultura brojnim mliječnim proizvodima ima dokumentirane prednosti. Učinci probiotičkih bakterija na aromatske spojeve i senzorska svojstva tradicionalnih sireva nisu u potpunosti istraženi. Svrha je ovog istraživanja bila utvrditi senzorska svojstva i razlike u aromatskim profilima uzoraka sira iz mišine, proizvedenog na tradicionalan način, bez dodatka starter kultura, ili uz dodatak probiotičkih bakterija. Eksperimentalni pristup. U ovom je istraživanju sir iz mišine proizveden uz dodatak probiotičkih kultura Lactobacillus plantarum B i L. lactis ssp. lactis S1. Tijekom zrenja su mikroekstrakcijom na čvrstoj fazi pomoću plinske kromatografije-masene spektrometrije ispitani hlapljivi aromatski spojevi. Senzorska svojstva su ocijenili obučeni senzoričari, upoznati s tradicionalnim okusom sira iz mišine. Rezultati ispitivanja arome i senzorskih svojstava su zatim uspoređeni pomoću faktorske analize i analize glavnih sastavnica. Rezultati i zaključci. Kromatografskom su analizom utvrđene razlike u sastavu aromatskih spojeva i senzorskih svojstava sira proizvedenog pomoću starter kultura Lactobacillus i kontrolnog uzorka sira proizvedenog na tradicionalan način, bez dodatka starter kultura. Dodatak probiotičkih kultura L. plantarum B i L. lactis ssp. lactis S1 rezultirao je proizvodima s boljim senzorskim svojstvima i kemijskim profilom hlapljivih aromatskih spojeva. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Ova studija istražuje primjenu prirodno prisutnih probiotičkih kultura kao starter kultura u proizvodnji sira iz mišine.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 2 ; str. 128-137  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sir -- Sir iz mišine -- Zrenje sira -- Probiotičke bakterije -- Starter-kulture -- Aromatski profili

KORALEGEDARA, Indika Dilrukshi
Synthesis of nano-scale biopolymer particles from legume protein isolates and carrageenan [Elektronička građa] / Indika Dilrukshi Koralegedara, Charith Aravinda Hettiarachchi, Batugahage Don Rohitha Prasantha, Kuruppu Mudiyanselage Swarna Wimalasiri. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 47 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. Food proteins and polysaccharides can be used for the synthesis of nano-scale biopolymer particles with potential applications in the fields of food and pharmaceuticals. This study focuses on utilizing legume proteins for the production of biopolymer particles via regulation of their electrostatic interactions with carrageenan.Experimental approach. Protein isolates were obtained from mung bean (Vigna radiata), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and black gram (Vigna mungo) and their protein profiles were determined. Next, these isolates were allowed to interact with carrageenan at pH=5.0-7.0 to determine optimum conditions for obtaining nano-scale biopolymer particles. Selected biopolymer mixtures were then subjected to a heat treatment (85 °C for 20 min) to enhance the interactions among biopolymers.Results and conclusion. Nano-scale biopolymer complexes were obtained at pH=6.5. They were roughly spherical in shape with a majority having a diameter in the range of approx. 100-150 nm. Heating of the biopolymer mixtures increased the diameter of the biopolymer particles by approx. 2.5-fold. In addition, their negative surface charge was increased, stabilizing them against aggregation over a broader pH range (4.0-7.0), enhancing their potential to be utilized in food matrices.Novelty and scientific contribution. This study reports the applicability of mung bean, cowpea and black gram proteins for the synthesis of stable biopolymer particles. These biopolymer particles can be potentially used for the encapsulation and delivery of bioactive components. - Pozadina istraživanja. Proteini i polisaharidi iz namirnica mogu se upotrijebiti za sintezu biopolimernih nanočestica koje se koriste u proizvodnji hrane i farmaceutskih proizvoda. U fokusu je ovoga rada bila proizvodnja biopolimernih nanočestica iz proteina mahunarki, pri čemu je regulirana njihova elektrostatska interakcija s karagenanom. Eksperimentalni pristup. Određeni su profili izolata proteina dobivenih iz zlatnog graha (Vigna radiata), mletačkog graha (Vigna unguiculata) i crnog grama (Vigna mungo). Zatim je izolatima dodan karagenan te se tijekom njihove interakcije podešavala pH-vrijednost od 5,0 do 7,0 radi određivanja optimalnih uvjeta za dobivanje biopolimernih nanočestica. Nakon toga su odabrane smjese polimera zagrijavane 20 min na 85 °C kako bi se potakla interakcija između biopolimera. Rezultati i zaključci. Kompleksi biopolimernih nanočestica dobiveni su pri pH-vrijednosti od 6,5. Čestice su uglavnom bile sferičnog oblika, promjera otprilike 100-150 nm. Zagrijavanjem im se povećao promjer za otprilike 2,5 puta. Osim toga, negativni površinski naboj se povećao, čime se smanjila agregacija čestica u širem rasponu pH-vrijednosti (4,0-7,0) te povećala mogućnost njihove primjene u hrani. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. U radu je prikazana mogućnost primjene proteina zlatnog graha, mletačkog graha i crnog grama u sintezi stabilnih biopolimernih nanočestica, koje se mogu upotrijebiti za inkapsulaciju i prijenos bioaktivnih spojeva.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 2 ; str. 214-222  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biopolimerne čestice -- Mahunarke -- Proteini -- Polisaharidi -- Karagenan

Toksični učinci mikotoksina [Elektronička građa] : mehanizam djelovanja i mikotoksikoze = Toxic effects of mycotoxins : mechanism of action and mycotoxicosis / Jelka Pleadin, Tina Lešić, Ivana Kmetič, Ksenija Markov, Manuela Zadravec, Jadranka Frece, Maja Kiš, Bojan Šarkanj. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 9-10. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Mikotoksini predstavljaju prirodne toksine koji učestalo kontaminiraju hranu i hranu za životinje, a primarno ih sintetiziraju plijesni iz rodova Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Alternaria i Claviceps. Ove tvari predstavljaju vrlo stabilne spojeve, otporne na različite uvjete proizvodnje, prerade i skladištenja hrane. Mikotoksini mogu prouzročiti niz štetnih učinaka po zdravlje ljudi i životinja, tzv. mikotoksikoze, uključujući karcinogenost, mutagenost, genotoksičnost, imunotoksičnost, neurotoksičnost, hepatotoksičnost, nefrotoksičnost, te druge, pri čemu često istovremeno djeluju na više ciljnih mjesta u organizmu, u ovisnosti o toksičnosti samog mikotoksina te dozi i vremenu izloženosti. Za veliki broj mikotoksina još uvijek nema dovoljno dokaza o njihovim štetnim učincima na ljudsko zdravlje, ali se temeljem utvrđene osjetljivosti različitih životinjskih vrsta pretpostavlja da i u ljudi mogu izazvati slična djelovanja. Ujedno, za većinu mikotoksina koji se učestalo zajednički pojavljuju u hrani i hrani za životinje nisu razjašnjeni njihovi učinci u organizmu koji mogu varirati od antagonističkih do sinergističkih. Ovaj rad daje pregled mehanizama djelovanja mikotoksina od najvećeg javnozdravstvenog značaja i njihovih toksičnih učinaka u organizmu. - Mycotoxins are naturally occurring toxins that frequently contaminate food and feed and are primarily synthesized by moulds from the genera Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Alternaria and Claviceps. These substances are very stable compounds, resistant to different conditions of food production, processing and storage. Mycotoxins can cause a number of adverse effects on human and animal health, so-called mycotoxicoses, including carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, genotoxicity, immunotoxicity, neurotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, and others, often acting simultaneously at multiple target sites in the body, depending on the toxicity of the mycotoxin itself and the dose and time of exposure. A large number of mycotoxins still lack sufficient evidence of their adverse effects on human health, but based on the established susceptibility of different animal species, it is assumed that similar effects can be induced in humans. At the same time, for most mycotoxins that occur frequently in food and feed, their effects in the body have not been elucidated and can vary from antagonistic to synergistic. This paper provides an overview of the mechanisms of action of mycotoxins of major public health importance and their toxic effects in the body.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 15 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 3-10  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mikotoksini -- Mikotoksikoze -- Mehanizam djelovanja -- Toksični učinci -- Hrana -- Hrana za životinje

Vidi br.: HA20-02458

Vidi br.: HA20-02410

Vidi br.: HA20-02564

Vidi br.: HA20-02439

Vidi br.: HA20-02433

664   Proizvodnja i konzerviranje krutih prehrambenih proizvoda

A practical application of sensory and rheological measurement in the development of fish pâté quality attributes [Elektronička građa] / Jasmina Ranilović, Josip Bebek, Helena Tomić - Obrdalj, Davorka Gajari, Tanja Cvetković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 151. - Summary. - The flavor and texture of fish pâté are the most important attributes for consumers. The aim of the study was to analyze and compare commercial fish pâté with a laboratory prototype by combining sensory and rheological measurements. Quantitative Descriptive Analysis and Texture profile were established by expert sensory panelists, while the texture was additionally examined through rheological measurement. The results show a statistically significant difference between samples in relation to four flavor characteristics (color, fish odor, flavor saltiness, p <0.05) and five texture characteristics (surface, plasticity, spreadability, density, graininess, p <0.05). Regarding texture profile, the commercial fish pâté showed firmer density, and spreadability than does the laboratory prototype. Sensory and rheological data for both samples were highly positively correlated. Although the laboratory prototype has reached a certain level of desirable characteristics of fish pate (color, taste, spices) the acceptability of the observed differences in texture should be examined on a representative sample of consumers.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 15 (2020), 3/4 ; str. 147-151  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Riblja pašteta -- Senzorska analiza -- Reološka svojstva -- Kvaliteta

BOLOGNESI, Vinicius Jose
Brine solution with hydrocolloids used to enhance the properties of sterilized meat [Elektronička građa] / Vinicius Jose Bolognesi, Michele Rigon Spier, Carlos Eduardo Rocha Garcia. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 50 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. Retort processing is one of the most widely used methods of thermal inactivation that provides convenient, ready-to-eat foods. Although this technology remains widespread, it can be revamped through processing of novel ingredients such as gums. This article aims to investigate the effect of the hydrocolloids collagen, soy protein isolate, carrageenan and modified starch with different salt mass fractions on the retorted meat products.Experimental approach. Firstly, solutions of the added hydrocolloids of different salt mass fractions in order to stimulate the salting-in effect were studied. Lipid oxidation, syneresis and water activity were analysed during shelf life to find the best overall treatments. Lastly, sensory and texture analyses were then performed to assess the impact of the added hydrocolloids.Results and conclusions. Yield, cooking loss and water-holding capacity had better results when higher salt mass fractions with hydrocolloids were used. The physicochemical results distinguished collagen from the other tested hydrocolloids. Syneresis remained in similar ranges regardless of the treatment. No difference was observed in water activity either. However, sterilization, vacuum sealing and the addition of a hydrocolloid contributed to low oxidation levels in all treatments. Lastly, sensory, texture and shear force analyses confirmed that the products with collagen were harder and firmer than the control samples, which explains the preference of control samples by the panellists. Nevertheless, assessors did not perceive the presence of collagen.Novelty and scientific contribution. Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of the retorted meat can be considerably improved when brine and hydrocolloids are combined with the retort technology. - Pozadina istraživanja. Obrada u tlačnoj posudi, tzv. retorti, jedna je od najčešćih metoda toplinske inaktivacije koja se koristi u proizvodnji gotove hrane. Iako je ova tehnologija vrlo rasprostranjena, njezina se primjena može modernizirati pomoću novih sastojaka, kao što su gume. Svrha je ovoga rada bila ispitati utjecaj dodatka hidrokoloida, i to kolagena, izolata proteina soje, karagenana i modificiranog škroba te različitih masenih udjela soli na mesne proizvode obrađene u tlačnoj posudi. Eksperimentalni pristup. Prvo su ispitane otopine različitih masenih udjela soli s dodatkom hidrokoloida za određivanje učinka soljenja. Zatim su tijekom skladištenja radi odabira najboljeg postupka obrade ispitani sljedeći parametri: oksidacija lipida, sinereza i aktivitet vode. Naposljetku su ispitana senzorska i teksturna svojstva proizvoda radi utvrđivanja učinka dodanih hidrokoloida.Rezultati i zaključci. Primjenom većih masenih udjela soli uz dodatak hidrokoloida dobiveni su bolji rezultati prinosa, kala kuhanja i sposobnosti zadržavanja vode. Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva kolagena razlikovala su se od ostalih ispitanih hidrokoloida. Vrijednosti sinereze ostale su slične neovisno o postupku obrade. Također nisu opažene razlike niti u vrijednostima aktiviteta vode. Međutim, nakon sterilizacije, vakumiranja i dodatka hidrokoloida smanjila se oksidacija svih uzoraka. Naposljetku, ispitivanja senzorskih i teksturnih svojstava te smične sile potvrdila su da su proizvodi s dodatkom kolagena bili čvršći i tvrđi od kontrolnog uzorka, koji je zbog toga dobio bolje ocjene. Usprkos tome, panelisti nisu opazili prisutnost kolagena u uzorcima. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Obradom mesa u tlačnoj posudi u kombinaciji s dodatkom hidrokoloida salamuri poboljšana su njegova fizikalno-kemijska i senzorska svojstva.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 2 ; str. 173-182  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Meso -- Mesni proizvodi -- Kolagen -- Oksidacija lipida -- Salamura -- Skladištenje -- Hidrokoloidi

FREITAS, Mírian Luisa Faria
Buriti oil emulsions as affected by soy protein isolate/high-methoxyl pectin ratio, oil content and homogenization pressure [Elektronička građa] / Mírian Luisa Faria Freitas, Ana Paula Badan Ribeiro, Vânia Regina Nicoletti. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 52 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. Emulsion technology is a suitable way of encapsulating, protecting and releasing hydrophobic bioactive compounds for application in food industries, but they are thermodynamically unstable systems. Good results have been achieved for emulsions stabilized by protein-polysaccharide complexes subjected to high-pressure homogenization. Improved stabilization of oil-in-water emulsions results from electrostatic complexes formed between proteins and polysaccharides at pH lower than the protein isoelectric point, which adsorb at the oil-water interface. In addition, polysaccharides contribute to emulsion stability by increasing viscosity of the continuous phase. The aim of this work is to investigate the production of carotenoid-rich buriti oil emulsions using soy protein isolate and high-methoxyl pectin as stabilizers. Experimental approach. Using a rotatable central composite experimental design, we assessed the effects of oil content, soy protein isolate/high-methoxyl pectin ratio and homogenization pressure on the stability, droplet size, electrical conductivity, electrical charge, microstructure and rheological behaviour of the emulsions.Results and conclusions. An optimized emulsion was produced with 28 % buriti oil, 55 % soy protein isolate, and homogenization pressure of 380·105 Pa. This emulsion was stable for at least seven days, presenting reduced average droplet size, low electrical conductivity and high modulus of negative charges. The mechanical spectra showed that the emulsion behaved as a viscoelastic gel under oscillatory, non-destructive shearing, whereas shearthinning behaviour took place under steady shear conditions. - Pozadina istraživanja. Tehnologija emulgiranja prikladna je za inkapsulaciju, zaštitu i oslobađanje hidrofobnih biološki aktivnih tvari koje se koriste u prehrambenoj industriji, no emulzije nisu termodinamički stabilne. Dobri su rezultati postignuti s emulzijama stabiliziranim pomoću kompleksa proteina i polisaharida homogeniziranih pod visokim pritiskom. Poboljšana je stabilnost emulzija ulja u vodi rezultat elektrostatičkih kompleksa nastalih između proteina i polisaharida pri pH-vrijednostima nižim od izoelektrične točke proteina što adsorbiraju na granici faza ulje/voda. Osim toga, polisaharidi povećavaju viskozitet kontinuirane faze i time pridonose stabilnosti emulzije. Svrha je ovoga rada bila ispitati proizvodnju emulzija buriti ulja bogatog karotenoidima koristeći izolat sojinog proteina i pektin s velikim udjelom metoksila kao stabilizatore. Eksperimentalni pristup. Primjenom centralno složenog rotacijskog dizajna procijenili smo utjecaj sastava ulja, omjera izolata sojinog proteina i pektina s velikim udjelom metoksila te pritiska homogenizacije na stabilnost, veličinu kapljica, električnu vodljivost, električni naboj, mikrostrukturu i reološka svojstva emulzija. Rezultati i zaključci. Optimalna je emulzija dobivena primjenom 28 % buriti ulja, 55 % izolata sojinog proteina i pritiska homogenizacije od 380·105 Pa. Imala je manju prosječnu veličinu kapljica, nižu električnu vodljivost i veći modul negativnog naboja od ostalih emulzija, te je zadržala stabilnost tijekom najmanje sedam dana. Mehanički su spektri pokazali da je pri oscilirajućem smičnom opterećenju emulzija imala svojstva viskoelastičnog gela, a pri stabilnom je smičnom opterećenju pokazala osobine smičnog naprezanja.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 2 ; str. 159-172  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ulja -- Buriti ulja -- Disperzni sustavi -- Elektrostatička interakcija -- Pektin -- Sojini proteini -- Metoksil

ELSORADY, Muhammad Elsayed
Characterization and functional properties of proteins isolated from flaxseed cake and sesame cake [Elektronička građa] / Muhammad Elsayed Elsorady. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 82-83. - Summary. - Flaxseed protein isolate (FPI) and sesame protein isolate (SPI) were extracted from flaxseed and sesame cake as by-products, and their functional properties (water holding and fat absorption capacities, bulk density, least gelling concentration, solubility, and emulsifying properties) were determined. Bulk density of the SPI (0.162 g/ml) was lower than that of the FPI (0.175 g/ml). The water absorption capacity of the FPI (305.66%) was higher than that of the SPI (288.93%). The oil absorption capacity and least gelling capacity of the FPI and SPI were 127.48, 3.6, 134.39, and 5%, respectively. The least solubility occurred at pH 4.0 and it was 24.54, 9.56% for FPI and SPI, respectively. Levels of pH and salt concentrations were used as dependent variables for the characterization of emulsifying capacity, activity, and emulsion stability, as well as foaming capacity and foam stability. The addition of NaCl at concentrations up to 1.0 M improved these characteristics. The SPI and FPI had a minimum emulsion capacity (74.54 and 100.20 ml oil/g protein, respectively) and a minimum foam capacity (14.25 and 17.35 %, respectively) at pH 4. The FPI and SPI were found to be highly soluble at acidic and alkaline pH and their emulsifying and foaming properties were high. Moreover, their bulk density, water absorption, and fat absorption capacities and least gelling capacity properties were good. Therefore, the FPI and SPI can be used in food formulation systems.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 1 ; str. 77-83  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lan -- Linum usitatissimum -- Laneno sjeme -- Sezam -- Sesamum indicum -- Bjelančevine -- Izolat -- Funkcionalna svojstva

SODIPO, Mopelola
Development and nutritional evaluation of a complementary diet from fermented provitamin-a-biofortified maize (Zea mays L.) and germinated lentil seeds (Lens culinaris) [Elektronička građa] / Mopelola Sodipo, Ayomide Oluwagbenga, Olusola Jolayemi, Oluranti Lawal. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 98-100. - Summary. - Breast milk often becomes insufficient to meet the nutritional needs of infants from 6 months onwards, and thus there is a need to introduce complementary diets. This study aimed at formulating complementary diets by combining fermented provitamin A biofortified maize flour with germinated lentil flour in ratios of 100%, 90:10%, 80:20% and 70:30%. They were evaluated for proximate composition, functional properties, mineral composition, carotenoid content, anti-nutrient content, amino acid profile and organoleptic properties. The protein contents ranged from 10.65 to 28.17%, 100%; germinated lentil flour (O6R) had the highest value, while the energy values of the diets ranged from 395.62 to 404.13 Kcal/100 g. The foaming capacity, foaming stability, water absorption capacity and bulk density increased, while the oil absorption capacity and dispersibility decreased as the lentils increased. The swelling capacity ranged from 39.92 to 69.42 %. The viscosity increased as the temperature dropped. The potassium and calcium contents increased with increased in the addition of lentils. Sodium and iron contents were high in the sample AM4 (fermented 100% provitamin A biofortified maize). The carotenoid content ranged from 0.80 to 1.27 mg/100 g. The anti-nutritional contents (phytate and oxalate) were reduced, while the trypsin inhibitor increased. The most abundant essential amino acid was leucine, while glutamic acid was the most abundant non-essential amino acid. It was observed that as lentil seed increased, the amino acids increased too. The values obtained for essential amino acid met up with the recommended standards, except for tryptophan, methionine, threonine and cystine. The sample TU1 (70% fermented provitamin A biofortifed maize and 30% germinated lentils seed) was the most acceptable by the panelists compared to the commercial baby formula (control). Therefore, this complementary diet may serve as means to combat protein-energy malnutrition in infants.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 1 ; str. 90-100  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nedostatak vitamina A -- Obogaćivanje hrane -- Dodaci prehrani -- Provitamin A -- Kukuruz -- Zea mays L. -- Leća -- Lens culinaris -- Klijanje sjemena -- Aminokiseline -- Fizikalno-kemijski pokazatelji -- Hranidbena vrijednost -- Organoleptička svojstva

The effect of extracts and essential oil from invasive Solidago spp. and Fallopia japonica on crop-borne fungi and wheat germination [Elektronička građa] / Sabina Anžlovar, Damjan Janeš, Jasna Dolenc Koce. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 49 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. Many plant extracts and essential oils show antibacterial and antifungal activities, with potential to replace the use of synthetic fungicides. We used invasive alien plants goldenrod (Solidago spp.) and Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica) as source materials to determine their antifungal activities against seed-associated fungi from wheat grain (Alternaria alternata, Alternaria infectoria, Aspergillus flavus, Epicoccum nigrum and Fusarium poae).Experimental approach. Aqueous and organic extracts (ethanol, methanol and acetone) were prepared from leaves and flowers of S. canadensis, S. gigantea and S. virgaurea, and leaves and rhizomes of F. japonica. Additionally, essential oils were distilled from Solidago flowers and leaves. The extracts and essential oils were tested as inhibitors of fungal growth in vitro. Solidago essential oils were tested also as antifungal agents for protection of wheat grain by determining its fungal infection and germination rate.Results and conclusions. The extracts showed a wide spectrum of low to moderate antifungal activities, with those of Solidago spp. generally more effective than those of F. japonica, and organic extracts more effective than aqueous extracts. The essential oils from leaves and flowers had similar antifungal activity and whole shoots can be collected for their production. This study presents the systematic study of the composition of essential oils from flowers and leaves of three widely distributed Solidago spp. in Slovenia, with the major constituents of terpenes and terpenoids α-pinene, germacrene D and bornyl acetate.Novelty and scientific contribution. The study presents the first use of Solidago spp. and Fallopia japonica extracts and essential oils against fungal strains isolated from wheat grain. - Pozadina istraživanja. Mnogi biljni ekstrakti i esencijalna ulja imaju antibakterijsku i antifungalnu aktivnost, pa se mogu koristiti umjesto sintetskih fungicida. Upotrijebili smo invazivne strane vrste roda zlatnica (Solidago spp.) i japanski dvornik (Fallopia japonica) kao materijal za ispitivanje njihovog antifungalnog učinka na gljivice što se nalaze na zrnu pšenice (Alternaria alternata, Alternaria infectoria, Aspergillus flavus, Epicoccum nigrum i Fusarium poae). Eksperimentalni pristup. Pripremljeni su vodeni ekstrakti i oni dobiveni pomoću organskih otapala (etanola, metanola i acetona) lišća i cvjetova gustocvjetne, velikocvjetne i prave zlatnice (S. canadensis, S. gigantea i S. virgaurea), te lišća i rizoma japanskog dvornika (F. japonica). Uz to, destilacijom su dobivena esencijalna ulja cvjetova i lišća zlatnica. Ispitan je in vitro inhibicijski učinak ekstrakata i esencijalnih ulja na rast gljivica. Određen je i antifungalni učinak esencijalnih ulja zlatnica na zrnu pšenice i to ispitivanjem brzine gljivične infekcije i klijanja. Rezultati i zaključci. Ekstrakti su pokazali širok spektar antifungalnog učinka, od malog do srednje velikog, pri čemu su ekstrakti zlatnica bili učinkovitiji od ekstrakata japanskog dvornika, a organski ekstrakti učinkovitiji od vodenih ekstrakata. Esencijalna ulja iz lišća i cvjetova imala su sličnu antifungalnu aktivnost, pa je zaključeno da se cijeli izboji mogu koristiti za proizvodnju ulja. Ovaj rad predstavlja sistematsko istraživanje sastava esencijalnih ulja iz cvjetova i lišća triju vrsta zlatnica (Solidago spp.) rasprostranjenih u Sloveniji, pri čemu su glavni sastojci terpena i terpenoida bili α-pinen, germakren D i bornil acetat. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. U radu su po prvi put upotrijebljeni ekstrakti zlatnica i japanskog dvornika te esencijalna ulja zlatnica za suzbijanje gljivica izoliranih iz zrna pšenice.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 3 ; str. 273-283  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fallopia japonica -- Solidago spp. -- Antifungalna aktivnost -- Esencijalno ulje -- Ekstrakti -- Fitopatogene gljivice -- Pšenica

ABEL, Grace Igbele
Effect of heat treatments on the drying behaviour, moisture content and oil yield of Balanites aegyptiaca kernels [Elektronička građa] / Grace Igbele Abel, Adebayo Ojo Adebiyi, Foline Folorunsho Olayemi, Patricia Onoghoeto Pessu. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 163-164. - Summary. - The influence of different heat treatments, including oven drying at 40, 50, 60 and 70°C for 60, 120 and 180 minutes at each temperature, roasting, boiling for 5, 10, and 15 minutes, sun and solar drying for 480 and 720 minutes, on the drying behaviour, moisture content and oil yield of Balanite aegyptiaca kernels (BaKs) was investigated. The moisture contents on wet basis were determined by the oven drying method at 105C for 4 hours and calculated from both weight loss data and dry solid weight of the kernel samples,while oil was extracted with n-hexane using Soxhlet apparatus. The experiments were conducted in triplicates. Low moisture contents of 2.726 and 2.426% at drying times of 60 and 120 minutes were obtained in Balanites aegyptiaca kernels dried at 70C, while drying at 40, 50 and 60C for 180 minutes gave low moisture contents of 3.973, 3.861 and 3.779%, respectively. The drying of Balanite aegyptiaca kernels occured in the falling rate period. The moisture contents of Balanites aegyptiaca kernels oven-dried at 40, 50, 60 and 70C decreased with increasing drying time when compared to the raw kernels. Similarly, the average oil yield of Balanite aegyptiaca kernels decreased with increasing temperature in the following order: raw>40C>50C>60C>70 C. The highest oil yield (45.345%)was obtained in the boiled kernels and the least oil yield (37.790%) in those kernels dried at 70 C. Results from this study justify the use of boiling in traditional Balanite kernel oil extraction process as it gave the highest oil yield.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 2 ; str. 156-164  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Uljarice -- Pustinjska datulja -- Balanites aegyptiaca -- Toplinska obrada -- Sušenje -- Vlaga -- Prinos ulja

OYEYINKA, Samson Adeoye
Effect of microwave treatment on cooking time, colour, sensory and nutritional properties of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) [Elektronička građa] / Samson A. Oyeyinka, Aishat O. Ajisafe, Olaide A. Akintayo, Oluyinka A. Iyiola, Adewumi T. Oyeyinka, Sogo J. Olatunde, Abdul-Hameed A. Badmos, Beatrice M. Fasogbon, Nikita Patel. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 15-16. - Summary. - Bambara groundnut is a leguminous crop that currently experiences a low level of utilisation because it is hard-to-cook and difficulty to dehull. In this study, the effects of different microwaving power of 450, 500, 600 and 750 W and time (0, 30, 60, 120 and 240 s) on cooking time, colour, sensory and nutritional properties of Bambara groundnut using standard methods were investigated. Microwaving generally reduced the cooking time of Bambara groundnut. The cooking time reduced by approximately 28, 46, 52 and 55% when Bambara groundnut was microwaved at 450, 500, 600 and 750 W for 240 s, respectively. Microwaving did not significantly (p>0.05) affect the colour and appearance of the grain. Bambara groundnut had similar lightness values (60.66-63.15), but slightly different a (3.38-5.57) and b values (16.16-19.20) after microwaving. Protein (23.90-26.88%) and carbohydrate (47.85-58.58%) were the major components of raw and microwaved grains. Microwaved grains showed higher digestibility values (approx. 78-85%) compared to the raw Bambara groundnut (approx. 71%). Mean sensory scores revealed that Bambara groundnut microwaved at 600 W for 240 s had comparable acceptability with the control sample. Microwaving can be used to reduce cooking time of Bambara groundnut, improve protein content and digestibility without significantly altering the sensory properties.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 15 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 11-16  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vigna subterranea -- Bambara grah -- Nutritivna svojstva -- Vrijeme kuhanja -- Mikrovalovi

ODESEYE, Abdulhameed Adewale
The effect of processing variables on the biscuit-making potential of cocoyam-brewer's spent grain flour blends [Elektronička građa] / Abdulhameed Adewale Odeseye, Samuel Olusegun Awonorin, Rukayat Oluwadamilola Abdussalaam, Lateef Oladimeji Sanni, Tajudeen Muraina Adeniyi Olayanju. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 64-66. - Summary. - In developing nations, the use of composite flours in baked products through value addition is increasing. This study investigated the effect of processing variables on the biscuit-making potential of cocoyam-brewer spent grain flour (CYF-BSG) blends. Blends were prepared in ratios (100:0, 90:10, 80:20, and 70:30). Response Surface Methodology consisting of three independent variables at three levels: CYF-BSG (90:10, 80:20, and 70:30) flour blends, mixing time (5, 10 and 15 minutes), and baking time (30, 40, and 50 minutes) were employed to optimize the effects on the biscuits’ proximate and physical properties. The results showed that moisture, protein, crude fibre, carbohydrates, and ash were significantly (p<0.05) affected by brewer spent grain (BSG) substitution. The protein was significantly (p<0.05) affected by baking time and the interactive effect of mixing and baking time, while the texture was significantly (p<0.05) affected by baking time and the interactive effect of the BSG substitution and mixing time. The spread ratio was significantly (p<0.05) linearly affected by the BSG substitution and the interactive effect of mixing and baking time. The optimum conditions for producing the biscuits based on 65.29% desirability were 25.24% BSG substitution, 13.54 minutes mixing time, and 33.14 minutes baking time at 160 °C baking temperature. This study showed that CYF-BSG flour blends have great potential for biscuit-making.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 1 ; str. 56-66  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Taro -- Colocasia esculenta -- Pivarska industrija -- Prerada -- Brašno -- Mješavina brašna -- Pekarski proizvodi -- Keksi -- Optimizacija

Effect of selected starter cultures on production, properties and shelf life of fresh type cheese [Elektronička građa] / Irena Barukčić, Marta Keškić, Katarina Lisak Jakopović, Sven Karlović, Rajka Božanić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 131-132. - Summary. - The aim of this study was to examine the influence of different starter cultures including protective culture on the production and properties of fresh cheese. Fresh cheeses were produced from pasteurized milk by adding mesophilic starter cultures, mesophilic cultures and liquid rennet and by adding protective culture. All samples were analysed for acidity (active and titratable), microbiological quality, texture, colour and sensory properties during 21 days of cold storage. Additionally, milk fat, the total dry matter, total proteins and mineral content were determined in all cheese samples on the first day of storage. It could be observed that the used mesophilic culture in general did not affect chemical composition of cheese. As expected, during the storage period acidity in all cheeses decreased, while the number of microorganisms increased, whereby that changes were significantly slowed down in cheese produced by adding protective culture. Scores of sensory evaluation were high during the entire storage period for all cheeses, but samples containing and cheese protective cultures achieved the highest score (18.56) at the first as well as at the last day of storage (17.98). According to all analyses, it is evident that the shelf life of cheese produced by adding protective culture has been prolonged for 12 days in comparison to samples produced without protective culture, and accounted 21 days when properly cool stored. In conclusion, the addition of protective culture might be useful for extending the shelf life and maintaining sensory properties as well as colour of fresh cheese.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 15 (2020), 3/4 ; str. 124-132  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Svježi sir -- Starter-kulture -- Svojstva sira -- Rok trajanja

MALOMO, Adekunbi
The effect of the substitution of acha (Digitaria exilis) and soybean on the chemical composition and sensory properties of maize masa [Elektronička građa] / Adekunbi Malomo, Sumbo Abiose. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 107-109. - Summary. - Masa is a traditional food mainly produced from maize, rice, and millet. Different concentrations of acha, an underutilized cereal rich essential acid and soybean, was used to enrich masa. This study investigated the effect of the substitution of acha and soybean on the nutritional and organoleptic properties of masa produced from maize. The proximate composition, mineral composition, and antinutrients were determined using standard methods. Sensory evaluation was also carried out to determine the acceptability of the masa products. The result of the proximate composition showed an increase in crude protein, crude fat, and total ash, and a decrease in crude fibre and carbohydrate content, during the period of fermentation. Moisture, crude protein, crude fat, total ash, crude fibre, and carbohydrate contents of masa ranged between 17.10 – 23.80 %, 6.86- 10.67%, 12.78- 18.78 %, 0.58-1.24 %, 0.79 – 1.07 %, and 42.95 – 61.89 %, respectively. Crude protein, total ash, and crude fat content increased with the increase in substitution with soybean. Calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, and zinc contents were within the range of 5.79 – 13.70 mg/kg, 2.54 – 7.20 mg/kg, 1.14 – 2.65 mg/kg, 2.96 – 6.03 mg/kg, and 0.76 – 1.05 mg/kg, respectively. Masa produced from 100% acha had the highest calcium, magnesium, and iron contents. Tannin, phytic acid, and trypsin inhibitor activity decreased during fermentation and were lowest in masa produced from 100% acha. Substitution of masa with soybean improved the colour, taste, and aroma of fried masa samples. Substitution of maize with 20% acha and 20% soybean increased the nutritional quality and overall acceptability of masa. This study therefore suggested the use of acha and soybean in the production of masa with a high nutritional and sensory profile.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 1 ; str. 101-109  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fonio -- Bijeli fonio -- Digitaria exilis -- Soja -- Glycine max -- Kukuruz -- Zea mays L. -- Obogaćivanje hrane -- Kemijski sastav -- Hranidbena vrijednost -- Organoleptička svojstva

NAVARRO, José Luis
Effect of wholewheat flour particle shape obtained by different milling processes on physicochemical characteristics and quality of bread [Elektronička građa] / José Luis Navarro, Malena Moiraghi, Fernanda Micaela Quiroga, Alberto Edel León, María Eugenia Steffolani. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 51 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. Wholewheat flour is a very good source of nutritional compounds and functional ingredients for human diet. However, it causes negative effect on bread quality. Different milling techniques can be used to obtain wholewheat flour, minimizing the negative effect of both bran and germ on bread quality. The aim of this work is to study the effect of particle size and shape of wholegrain flour on the interaction among the different components, water distribution, dough rheology and bread volume.Experimental approach. Wholewheat flour of three varieties (Klein Rayo, Fuste and INTA 815) was obtained in cyclonic, hammer and roller mills. The characteristics of wholewheat flour were explored, and the water distribution and rheological properties of dough were determined by thermogravimetric analysis and Mixolab test, respectively. Finally, microscale bread was prepared.Results and conclusions. The amount of water-soluble pentosans, damaged starch and wet gluten was affected by the milling procedure. Regarding dough rheological properties, wholewheat flour obtained in hammer mill had the lowest water absorption capacity and the highest developing time. This result could be mainly attributed to particle shape in these samples with large amount of endosperm attached to the bran, hindering protein unfolding. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that both fine and large bran particle size seem to have the same effect on water properties in wholewheat dough during heating. Bread made with Klein Rayo variety had the highest specific volume, indicating that wheat with high protein content and breadmaking quality is needed to make wholewheat bread. The results of this work showed that particle shape, rather than particle size, affected the quality of wholewheat flour for breadmaking.Novelty and scientific contribution. Milling type and particle shape of the wholewheat flour had a greater effect than the wheat variety. - Pozadina istraživanja. Brašno od cjelovitog zrna pšenice vrlo je dobar izvor hranjivih spojeva i funkcionalnih sastojaka pogodnih za prehranu. Međutim, negativno utječe na kakvoću kruha. Za dobivanje brašna od cjelovitog zrna pšenice koriste se različite metode meljave koje mogu smanjiti negativan učinak mekinja i klica na kakvoću kruha. Svrha je ovoga rada bila ispitati učinak veličine i oblika čestica brašna od cjelovitog zrna pšenice na interakciju sastojaka kruha, distribuciju vode, reološka svojstva tijesta i volumen kruha.Eksperimentalni pristup. Brašno od cjelovitog zrna triju sorata pšenice (Klein Rayo, Fuste i INTA 815) proizvedeno je u ciklonskom mlinu, te u mlinu čekićaru i onom s valjcima. Ispitana su svojstva dobivenog brašna, te je termogravimetrijskom analizom ispitana distribucija vode a pomoću Mixolaba reološka svojstva tijesta. Na kraju su pripremljeni mali uzorci kruščića. Rezultati i zaključci. Metoda meljave utjecala je na udjel pentosana topljivih u vodi, oštećenog škroba i vlažnog glutena. Što se tiče reoloških svojstava tijesta, brašno od cjelovitog zrna pšenice dobiveno u mlinu čekićaru najslabije je apsorbiralo vodu a tijestu je trebalo najdulje da se razvije. Za to je vjerojatno odgovoran oblik čestica u uzorcima brašna u kojima veća količina endosperma na mekinjama sprječava odmatanje proteina. Termogravimetrijska je analiza pokazala da i sitne i velike čestice mekinja imaju jednak utjecaj na svojstva vode u tijestu tijekom zagrijavanja. Kruh dobiven od pšenice sorte Klein Rayo imao je najveći specifični volumen, što potvrđuje da se za dobivanje kruha od cjelovitog zrna pšenice treba upotrijebiti kvalitetno brašno s velikim udjelom proteina. Rezultati pokazuju da oblik čestica, a ne njihova veličina utječu na kvalitetu krušnog brašna dobivenog od cjelovitog zrna pšenice.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 3 ; str. 325-336  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Brašno -- Cjelovito zrno pšenice -- Termogravimetrijska analiza -- Volumen kruha

RASAQ, Semiu Abolore
The effects of cassava variety, fertilizer type and dosage on physical and sensory characteristics of cassava-wheat composite bread [Elektronička građa] / Semiu Abolore Rasaq, Taofiq Akinyemi Shittu, Gbemisola Jamiu Fadimu, Adebayo Abass, Olajumoke Omoniyi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 35-36. - Summary. - Substitution of wheat flour with high quality cassava flour (HQCF) in bread making is economically important in Nigeria as wheat is mainly imported. Different treatments are applied to cassava used for HQCF production and the effects of such a treatment on cassava-wheat bread quality is scarce in literature. This study was conducted to study the effects of cassava varieties (TME 419, TMS 30572), fertilizer type ((NPK 15-15-15, 20-10-10, 12-12-17) and dosage (150, 300 kg/ha) on physical and sensory characteristics of cassava-wheat composite bread according to General Linear Model (GLM) analysis. According to the results, the independent variables had varying effects on the composite bread quality. While the main effect of fertilizer type was significant for oven spring and crumb moisture content, the interactive effects of fertilizer type and dosage significantly influenced crumb texture and taste. In spite of the significant differences in certain physical and sensory attributes, the overall acceptability of bread samples did not differ significantly. HQCF from cassava variety TMS 30572 showed the best performance in making composite cassava-wheat bread in terms of physical and sensory properties.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 1 ; str. 27-36  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Manikoa -- Manihot esculenta -- Brašno -- Mješavina brašna -- Pšenica -- Triticum aestivum -- Kruh -- Pekarski proizvodi -- Prehrambena svojstva -- Organoleptička svojstva

Encapsulation and degradation kinetics of bioactive compounds from sweet potato peel during storage [Elektronička građa] / Vanja Šeregelj, Gordana Ćetković, Jasna Čanadanović-Brunet, Vesna Tumbas Šaponjac, Jelena Vulić, Slađana Stajčić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 49 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. The aim of this work is to evaluate utilization of sweet potato peel as a source of bioactive compounds. The effect of solvents (acetone and acetone/ethanol mixture) on the extraction efficiency of total carotenoids and phenolics from sweet potato tuber, flesh and peel, and antioxidant activity were investigated. Sweet potato peel extract stood out in terms of antioxidant activity and was chosen for encapsulation by spray and freeze-drying.Experimental approach. Encapsulation is an effective method to improve phytochemical stability by entrapping the core material with a coating agent. In this study, spray and freeze-drying techniques were applied for improving the stability of bioactive compounds (carotenoids and phenolics) using whey protein as a coating material. The main advantages of the applied techniques over the other encapsulation techniques are simplicity, continuity, effectiveness, availability and applicability.Results and conclusions. Physicochemical characteristics revealed that spray drying resulted in the formation of lower size particles, better flow properties and encapsulation efficiency of carotenoids. The retention of encapsulated and non-encapsulated bioactive compounds was monitored during storage in daylight and dark conditions. Storage conditions affected the carotenoid retention, whereas higher degradation rate of all samples was observable in daylight. Phenolic compounds exhibited higher retention in all investigated samples. Degradation kinetic parameters suggest the longer shelf life of spray dried encapsulated extract and potent method for stabilization of bioactive ingredients.Novelty and scientific contribution. This study demonstrates that the spray drying technique and utilization of sweet potato peel have a big potential for the development of functional additives with improved nutritional, colour and bioactive properties. - Pozadina istraživanja. Svrha je ovog istraživanja bila procijeniti mogućnost korištenja ljuske slatkog krumpira kao izvora bioaktivnih spojeva. Ispitan je utjecaj otapala (acetona i smjese acetona i etanola) na učinkovitost ekstrakcije ukupnih karotenoida i polifenola iz gomolja, mesa i ljuske slatkog krumpira. Ekstrakt ljuske slatkog krumpira isticao se dobrom antioksidativnom aktivnošću, pa je odabran za inkapsulaciju pomoću sušenja raspršivanjem i liofilizacije. Eksperimentalni pristup. Inkapsulacija je učinkovita metoda poboljšavanja stabilnosti fitokemikalija zadržavanjem aktivne komponente unutar nosača. U ovom su radu tehnike sušenja raspršivanjem i liofilizacijom upotrijebljene za poboljšanje stabilnosti bioaktivnih spojeva (karotenoida i polifenola), uz korištenje proteina sirutke kao nosača. Glavne prednosti primjenjenih metoda u odnosu na ostale tehnike inkapsulacije su jednostavnost, kontinuitet, efikasnost, dostupnost i primjenjivost. Rezultati i zaključci. Na osnovi rezultata fizičko-kemijske karakterizacije može se zaključiti da su tehnikom sušenja raspršivanjem dobivene čestice inkapsulata manjih dimenzija, s boljim svojstvima protočnosti i boljom učinkovitosti inkapsulacije karotenoida. Retencija inkapsuliranih i neinkapsuliranih bioaktivnih spojeva praćena je tijekom skladištenja na dnevnoj svjetlosti i u mraku. Uvjeti skladištenja utjecali su na retenciju karotenoida, dok je veća brzina degradacije karotenoida zamijećena u svim uzorcima skladištenim na dnevnoj svjetlosti. Fenolni spojevi imali su veću retenciju u svim ispitanim uzorcima. Kinetički parametri degradacije sugeriraju da je dulji rok trajanja inkapsuliranog ekstrakta postignut sušenjem raspršivanjem, te da je ta metoda dobra za stabilizaciju ispitanih bioaktivnih spojeva.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 3 ; str. 314-324  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Krumpir -- Bioaktivni spojevi -- Inkapsulacija -- Skladištenje

CASTRO Reis, Lívia Viana de
Evaluation of nanostructured lipid carriers produced with interesterified buriti oil [Elektronička građa] / Lívia Viana de Castro Reis, Karina Magna Leão, Paula Speranza, Ana Paula Badan Ribeiro, Gabriela Alves Macedo, Juliana Alves Macedo. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 56 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. Extracted from the pulp of an Amazonian fruit, buriti oil is rich in micronutrients with antioxidant properties and high biological value. The few studies available indicate that this oil could be used in a wide range of applications; however, there are no studies that work on the improvement of the characteristics of this oil for commercial application. The enzymatic interesterification is one of the tools available to improve the properties of oils and fats and our recent studies have demonstrated that the lipase could specifically act on buriti oil to produce structured lipids rich in oleic acid, while preserving most of the minor compounds present in this oil. Still looking for ways to expand the applicability of this raw oil, in this work, we are interested in studying the behaviour of this structured oil in nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs).Experimental approach. The NLCs were produced with interesterified buriti oil and the stability, droplet size, electrical charge, microstructure, polymorphism and antioxidant activity of the samples were evaluated by oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) methods.Results and conclusions. The results showed that the interesterification formed more unsaturated triacylglycerols (TAGs), and NLCs prepared with interesterified buriti oil had smaller droplets than NLCs with crude buriti oil. Particles remained stable throughout the storage period and NLCs exhibited complex polymorphism with the presence of three crystalline forms. The ORAC value was approx. 23 % higher in nanolipid carries with structured lipids than in the nanolipid carriers with crude buriti oil, and the FRAP value 16 % higher, demonstrating the influence of interesterification on the antioxidant activity of nanocarriers. Thus, NLCs prepared with interesterified buriti oil had small droplets, high stability and antioxidant capacity, and have a potential for nutritional and biological. - Pozadina istraživanja. Ulje buritija, izolirano iz pulpe amazonskog ploda, bogato je mikroelementima s antioksidativnim svojstvima i velikom biološkom vrijednošću. Nekoliko dostupnih istraživanja pokazuju da bi ovo ulje moglo imati široki spektar primjene, međutim nijedno istraživanje nije se dosad bavilo poboljšanjem njegovih značajki za komercijalnu primjenu. Enzimska interesterifikacija je jedna od dostupnih metoda za poboljšanje svojstava ulja i masti, a rezultati naših nedavnih ispitivanja pokazuju da lipaza specifično djeluje na ulje buritija, pri čemu nastaju strukturirani lipidi bogati oleinskom kiselinom, a istodobno se očuva većina spojeva prisutnih u manjim količinama u ulju. U ovom smo radu, tragajući za dodatnim načinima proširenja primjene sirovog ulja buritija, proučavali ponašanje strukturiranog ulja u nanostrukturiranim lipidnim nosačima. Eksperimentalni pristup. Nanostrukturirani lipidni nosači proizvedeni su iz interesterificiranog ulja buritija, a njhova stabilnost, veličina kapljica, električni naboj, mikrostruktura, polimorfizam i antioksidativno djelovanje procijenjeni su pomoću metoda ORAC (engl. oxygen radical absorbance capacity) i FRAP (engl. ferric reducing antioxidant power). Rezultati i zaključci. Rezultati pokazuju da je interesterifikacijom nastalo više nezasićenih triacilglicerola, a nanostrukturirani lipidni nosači pripremljeni s interesterificiranim uljem buritija imali su manje kapljice od onih dobivenih iz sirovog ulja buritija. Čestice su ostale stabilne tijekom skladištenja, a nanostrukturirani lipidni nosači pokazali su složeni polimorfizam uz prisutnost triju kristalnih oblika. ORAC vrijednost bila je približno 23 % veća u nanolipidnim nosačima sa strukturiranim lipidima nego u nanolipidnim nosačima sa sirovim uljem buritija, a FRAP vrijednost bila je 16 % veća, što potvrđuje utjecaj interesterifikacije na antioksidacijsku aktivnost nanonosača.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 3 ; str. 284-294  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ulje buritija -- Enzimska interesterifikacija -- Lipidi -- Antioksidativna aktivnost

TEKIN, Mehmet
Identification of durum wheat cultivars and their tetraploid relatives with low cadmium content [Elektronička građa] / Mehmet Tekin, Ahmet Cat, Sahriye Sönmez, Taner Akar. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In this study, 71 durum wheat cultivars (Triticum durum Desf.), 22 emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum L.) and 11 wild emmer (Triticum dicoccoides L.) genotypes were genetically characterized to determine the alleles associated with high cadmium (Cd) content. After genotypic characterization, 14 cultivars selected among all genotypes with low and high Cd content were phenotyped by a pot experiment to verify the genotypic data. Identification of 32 durum wheat, one emmer wheat and four wild emmer genotypes showed that they have alleles associated with high Cd content, while 68 genotypes of which 39 durum wheat, 21 emmer wheat and 7 wild emmer cultivars had alleles associated with low Cd content. Moreover, phenotypic data obtained from pot experiment were similar to the molecular data. To sum up, the marker successfully classified durum wheat cultivars into either high or low accumulators and these results can be safely used in breeding programs to improve new durum wheat cultivars with alleles associated with low Cd content. Due to routine use of phosphorus fertilizers in agricultural areas and other anthropogenic factors related to Cd toxicity, new durum wheat cultivars with low Cd content should be urgently developed for safe production of macaroni or other types of wheat products for human and animal consumption. - U ovom su radu okarakterizirani genotipovi 71 kultivara tvrde pšenice (Triticum durum Desf.), 22 kultivara dvozrnca (Triticum dicoccum L.) i 11 kultivara divlje dvozrne pšenice (Triticum dicoccoides L.) u svrhu pronalaska alela povezanih s većim udjelom kadmija. Nakon toga je uzgojem u posudi ispitan fenotip 14 odabranih kultivara s malim i velikim udjelom kadmija, radi potvrde genotipskih podataka. Identificirana su 32 genotipa tvrde (durum) pšenice, jedan kultivar dvozrnca i četiri kultivara divlje dvozrne pšenice koji sadržavaju alele povezane s velikim udjelom kadmija, te 68 genotipova koji sadržavaju alele povezane s malim udjelom kadmija, i to 39 kultivara durum pšenice, 21 dvozrnca i 7 divlje dvozrne pšenice. Povrh toga, fenotipske karakteristike uočene nakon uzgoja u posudama potvrdile su rezultate molekularne analize. Marker je uspješno upotrijebljen za klasifikaciju kultivara durum pšenice u one s velikim ili malim udjelom kadmija, pa je zaključeno da se može upotrijebiti u programu uzgoja novih kultivara durum pšenice koja sadržava alele povezane s malim udjelom kadmija. Zbog rutinske primjene fosfornih gnojiva na poljoprivrednim površinama i utjecaja ostalih antropogenih čimbenika što dovode do akumulacije toksičnog kadmija, treba čim prije razviti nove kultivare durum pšenice s malim udjelom kadmija za sigurnu proizvodnju makarona i ostalih tipova pšeničnih proizvoda za prehranu ljudi i ishranu stoke.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 1 ; str. 49-56  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Durum pšenica -- Tetraploidna pšenica -- Kadmij -- Pšenični proizvodi

OLATIDOYE, Olawale Paul
Influence of hydrocolloids addition (carboxymethylcellulose and guargum) on some quality attributes of wheat and high quality cassava flour and its bread making potentials [Elektronička građa] / Olawale Paul Olatidoye, Abdulrazak Shittu, Sunday Samuel Sobowale, Wasiu Ajani Olayemi, Isi Favour Adeluka. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 52-53. - Summary. - High quality cassava flour (HQCF) is now widely used production of baked foods in Nigeria but bread quality is impaired when it is used in the bread formulation. In order to overcome this problem, six breads samples were produced from wheat/HQCF/hydrocolloid:T0100%wheat flour(control);T190:9:CMC;T290:9:GG;T3,80:18:CMC;T4,80:18:GG;T570:27:CMC;T670:27:GG. The flour blends were analyzed for functional, colour and pasting properties while breads characteristics and sensory evaluation were performed in order to assess effect of hydrocolloids on bread. The results showed composite flour with hydrocolloids had the highest bulk density (0.704g/ml), water absorption capacity (2.98m/g), least gelation concentration (4.4g/g), oil absorption capacity (0.71m/g), while control had the highest swelling capacity (1.68g/g). Significant differences at p<0.05 were found on the pasting properties of addition of hydrocolloids with lower pasting temperature (71oC) and time (6.08 min). Bread quality attributes such as loaf volume, specific loaf volume, oven spring, crust colour, crumb colour and firmness of the fresh breads significantly improved with the addition of hydrocolloids compared with bread produced without improvers. The results show that high quality cassava flour could be incorporated up to 18% with carboxymethylcellulose at 2% level without affecting its overall acceptability and thereby enhance the potential for using locally produced flours in bread baking. Sensory score of bread from the addition of hydrocolloids were all acceptable by the panelist. The addition of hydrocolloids could be used as an effective means of improving the quality of gluten free bread.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 15 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 45-53  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kruh -- Brašno -- Manioka -- Hidrokoloidi

OLATIDOYE, Olawale Paul
Influence of roasting conditions on physicochemical and fatty acid profile of raw and roasted cashew kernel (Anacardium occidentale) grown in Nigeria [Elektronička građa] / Olawale Paul Olatidoye, Taofik Akinyemi Shittu, Samuel Olusegun Awonorin, Emmanuel Sunday Ajisegiri. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 25-26. - Summary. - This study aimed at evaluating the effect of roasting conditions on some physicochemical and nutritional properties of cashew nut lipid fractions at different temperature (100–160ᵒC) and time (20–60 min). Raw and roasted cashew nuts were also analyzed for their composition in fatty acid by GC-FID. Physicochemical properties of the oil showed that the oil yield of roasted cashew nut oil (56.67-31.67%) was significantly higher compared to unroasted oil (47.43%). Also, cashew nut oil with mean values revealed that acid (12-0.86 mg KOH/g of oil); saponification value (138.10-169.06 mgKOH/g of oil), iodine value (55.50-36.19 mg of I/100g of oil); TBA(0.012-0.18mg); p-anisidine value (0.55-0.66); peroxide value (7.26-3.05 meq/kg) and free fatty acid (1.07-1.50 % oleic acid) which indicated that cashew nut oil is edible, non-drying and may not be suitable for soap making. Results of GC-FID analysis of the ethyl esters of saturated and unsaturated fatty acid of raw and roasted cashew nut showed that unsaturated fatty acids represented 60.57% for unroasted samples with roasted samples (79.67–83.67%) while saturated fatty acids recorded (16.11–37.65%). The fatty acid composition of the oils shows the presence of four main fatty acids: palmitic (9.25–29.50%); stearic (4.4–9.34%); oleic (34.75–65.60%); and linoleic (1.35–20.66%) with high oleic to linoleic ratio associated with high oil stability. The order of increase is oleic >linoleic >palmitic >stearic in all the samples irrespective of roasting conditions. The result showed that minor changes occur in the fatty acids composition as the roasting temperature and time increased. It was concluded that the heat treatment used does not significantly affect the fatty acid profile content of cashew nuts preserving its antioxidant activity along with other bioactive compounds contained therein.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 15 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 17-26  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Indijski oraščić -- Pečenje -- Masne kiseline -- Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva -- Oleinska kiselina -- Linolna kiselina

SOBOWALE, Sunday Samuel
Influence of temperature and thickness on thin layer drying characteristics of onion (Allium cepa L.) varieties and rehydration capacity [Elektronička građa] / Sunday Samuel Sobowale, Oluwole Benjamin Omotoso, Yusuf Olamide Kewuyemi, Olawale Paul Olatidoye. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 174-176. - Summary. - Nonlinear regression analysis was conducted for thin layer drying characteristics of two onion varieties (white and red) and some quality characteristics were also examined. The experimental data obtained at drying temperatures of 40, 50, and 60 oC and thicknesses of 2, 4 and 6 mm, was subsequently fitted into four commonly used models (Henderson and Pabis, Lewis, Page, and logarithmic). Moisture diffusivity and activation energy ranged from 8.9 × 10-10 to 8.4 × 10-9 m2/s and 55.98 to 65.68 KJ/mol, respectively. Significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in the colour profile and rehydration ratio. The optimum desirable colour was obtained at 50 oC with 2 mm thick onion slices and the observed higher rehydration ratio indicates good quality of dried onions. Among the four selected drying models, the Page model predicted optimally (R2>0.9) and was found to be better in describing dried onion varieties, while the Lewis model provided the least fit.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 2 ; str. 165-176  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Luk -- Allium cepa L. -- Sušenje -- Temperatura -- Rehidracija -- Optimizacija -- Regresijska analiza -- Nelinearna regresija

Investigation of wheat germ and oil characteristics with regard to different stabilization techniques [Elektronička građa] / Derya Arslan, M. Kürşat Demir, Ayşenur Acar, Fatma Nur Arslan. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 38 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Pozadina istraživanja. Upotreba pšeničnih klica i njihovog ulja ograničena je zbog velike aktivnosti enzima u klicama i prisutnosti nezasićenih masnih kiselina u ulju, što zahtijeva primjenu stabilizacijskih tehnika. Eksperimentalni pristup. U ovom su istraživanju procijenjeni učinci metoda stabilizacije (suho zagrijavanje u konvekcijskoj pećnici na 90 i 160 °C, mikrovalno zračenje na 180 i 360 W i uparavanje u autoklavu) na pšenične klice i njihovo ulje. Rezultati i zaključci. Uparavanje je prouzročilo najdramatičnije promjene aktivnosti lipoksigenaze, udjela slobodnih masnih kiselina, aktivnosti uklanjanja radikala DPPH i masenih udjela tokoferola i tokotrienola. Niži peroksidni broj izmjeren je u uzorcima ulja obrađenim konvekcijskim zagrijavanjem (160 °C) i parom na temperaturama iznad 100 °C. Međutim, vrijednosti p-anisidina u uzorcima tretiranim na višim temperaturama bile su znatno veće od onih u uzorcima stabiliziranim pri nižim temperaturama. Zagrijavanje u pećnici na 160 °C je nakon uparavanja bilo jedno od najučinkovitijih postupaka za inaktivaciju lipoksigenaze. Primjena pare bitno je smanjila maseni udjel ukupnih tokoferola, što je izravno povezano s povećanim gubitkom β-tokoferola. Suprotno tome, pronađeno je znatno više γ- i δ-tokoferola te homologa tokotrienola u uparenim uzorcima. Izomeri najotporniji na procese stabilizacije bili su α-tokoferol i γ-tokotrienol. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da metoda zagrijavanja u pećnici na visokoj temperaturi, koja se često koristi u industriji za toplinsku stabilizaciju pšeničnih klica, ne poboljšava njihovu oksidacijsku stabilnost u usporedbi s obradom parom i mikrovalovima. Uparavanje odgađa oksidacijske procese u klici te inhibira aktivnost lipoksigenaze, a osim toga smanjuje gubitak tokotrienola.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 3 ; str. 348-355  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ulje pšeničnih klica -- Stabilizacija -- Lipoksigenaza -- Tokoferoli -- Tokotrienoli

FADEYEBI, Adeshina
Isothermal adsorption modelling of pupuru flour [Elektronička građa] / Adeshina Fadeyebi, Janet Oluwatoyin Alaba. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 236-237. - Summary. - The amount of moisture adsorbed by stored food products usually varies with temperature and relative humidity at a constant pressure. This research was carried out to determine the sorption isotherm behaviour of pupuru flour in the temperature and water activity (aw) ranges of 10−50 oC and 0.10−0.93 using gravimetric method. The Guggenheim-Anderson-De Boer (GAB), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET), Oswin and Smith sorption equations, formulated for the sorption characterization of starchy foods, were used to constitute the models. The results show that the sorption isotherm curve is similar to a Type II classification typical of starchy foods. Also, the sorption parameters (Mo, C and K) were generally higher for the products stored at 10 oC and 0.10 aw. The parameter K decreases with an increase in the temperature for the GAB and the Smith models, but remains inconsistent for the Oswin model. The Mo increases with an increase in the temperature for the GAB and Smith models. The GAB, Oswin and Smith models were generally adequate and valid with an MSE<10% and a high degree of fitness (R2 and R2adj >90%). This indicates their ability to predict the sorption isortherm characteristics of the pupuru flour within its range of the aw and the storage temperature.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 2 ; str. 229-237  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Manioka -- Brašno -- Fermentacija -- Skladištenje -- Vlaga -- Adsorpcija -- Izoterme -- Gravimetrijska metoda

ALIYU, Adamu
Kinetics of the thermal degradation of lycopene in tomatoes [Elektronička građa] / Adamu Aliyu, Alkasim Kabiruyunusa, Nura Abdullahi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 88-89. - Summary. - This research studied the kinetics of the thermal degradation of lycopene in tomatoes using elevated temperature testing. Understanding the nature and the extent of sensitive nutrient degradation in tomatoes will assist in reducing postharvest nutrient losses during storage and processing. Ripe tomatoes were sorted, washed, and blinded. Juice was obtained by filtering the blinded pulp through a muslin cloth. The samples were heated using a water bath at 70, 80, 90, and 100 °C for 20, 40, 60, and 80 minutes. The determination of lycopene was done using spectrophotometric methods at 503 nm, in hexane: ethanol: acetone (2:1:1 v/v/v) lycopene extract. The concentrations of lycopene were determined immediately after processing. The data was found to fit into first order equations. Degradation constants (k), D-value, and half-life for the thermal degradation of lycopene were determined at each processing temperature. Models were also developed for each of the chosen temperatures, which can be used to predict the degradation pattern of lycopene at other processing conditions. Z-value, Q10, and activation energy for the degradation of lycopene were also determined. Analyses showed a considerable decrease in lycopene concentration and decimal reduction time (D-value), and a significant increase in the thermal degradation rate (k) during heating from 70 to 100 °C. The finding shows that the degradation of lycopene in tomatoes followed the first order kinetics and it shows that the lycopene content decreased at 80 to 100 °C.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 1 ; str. 84-89  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rajčica -- Lycopersicon lycopersicum L. -- Likopen -- Toplinska razgradnja -- Kinetika -- Antioksidativna svojstva

AWOFADEJU, Jonathan Oluwayemisi Foluke
Nutritional and sensory evaluation of wheat-maize cookies enriched with African walnut (Tetracarpidium conophorum) seed protein isolate [Elektronička građa] / Jonathan Oluwayemisi Foluke Awofadeju, Abiodun Adekunle Olapade. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 63-64. - Summary. - The study examined the nutritional composition and sensory attributes of cookie. In this study, blends of commercial wheat (CWF), yellow maize flours (YMF) and African walnut protein isolate (AWPI) were optimized for cookie production. The cookies were studied in a completely randomized design and assessment of the proximate composition was conducted. The best cookie samples with high protein and fiber, low fat and highest rating in sensory attributes were selected for the determination of vitamins and mineral composition. The result revealed that the control cookie was highest in moisture, fat and carbohydrate but lower in protein, ash and fibre. Enriched cookie 36.69g CWF, 39.57g YMF, 23.74g AWPI and 42.86g CWF, 42.86g YMF, 14.29g AWPI were highest in protein and fibre, respectively while 55.56g CWF, 33.33g YMF, 11.11g AWPI was low in fat. Overall acceptability was highest in control cookie followed by enriched cookie 55.56g CWF, 33.33g YMF, 11.11g AWPI. The vitamin composition of the selected enriched samples show that sample 42.86g CWF, 42.86g YMF, 14.29g AWPI had the highest value of 2.53 mg/100 g in ascorbic acid; sample 55.56g CWF, 33.33g YMF, 11.11g AWPI scored the highest value of 0.14, 0.07 and 1.33 mg /100 g in thiamine, riboflavin and niacin respectively, while sample 36.69g CWF, 39.57g YMF, 23.74g AWPI scored highest in vitamin A (276.67 mg/100g). The cookie sample 36.69g CWF, 39.57g YMF, 23.74g AWPI shows the highest values of 130.00, 0.043, 9.77, 333.33 and 85.00 for calcium, manganese, iron, sodium and phosphorus, respectively. The study recommends the use of flour proportion in sample 55.56g CWF, 33.33g YMF, 11.11g AWPI as an improvement of the nutritional and sensory attributes of enriched cookie.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 15 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 54-64  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Keksi -- Nutritivni sastav -- Pšenica -- Kukuruz -- Nigerijski orah -- Tetracarpidium conophorum -- Proteinski izolat -- Organoleptička svojstva

OLATIDOYE, Olawale Paul
Nutritional profile, protein quality, and biological value of raw and roasted cashew kernels (Anacardium occidentale) grown in southwest Nigeria [Elektronička građa] / Olawale Paul Olatidoye, Taofik Akinyemi Shittu, Samuel Olusegun Anwonorin, Emmanuel Sunday Akin Ajisegiri. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 18-19. - Summary. - Cashew kernels are one of the most concentrated food products due to their fat and protein content and they are used in puddings and bakery products, hence the determination of their protein quality is an important nutritional factor in dietary protein requirements. Therefore, the study aimed at evaluating the effect of roasting conditions on the protein quality of cashew kernels at the temperature of 100–160 °C and time (20–60 min), and then analysing for the amino acid profile by GC-FID; protein predicted efficiency ratio (P-PER), essential amino acid index (EAAI), and the Isoelectric point (pI). About 2.0 kg of dried cashew kernels used were defatted using chloroform/methanol (2:1/v/v) as the extraction solvent and then analysed using standard methods. The results showed that seventeen amino acids were present in cashew nuts, where glutamic acid (15.27g/100gN); aspartic acid (12.20g/100gN); lysine (6.09g/100g N), and phenylalanine (5.06g/100g N) were predominant. Eight essential amino acids were present in cashew kernels, the highest value of 7.33g/100g were for lysine (6.09g/100gN); 1.70g/100gN (histidine); 3.42g/100gN (threonine); 3.63g/100gN (valine); 3.57 g/100gN (isoleucine); 7.33g/100gN (leucine); and 5.06g/100gN (phenylalanine). Roasting reduced the lysine content by 18.4%, phenylalanine by 12.06%, and aspartic acid by 41.4% at 160°C for 60 min, while serine (58.9%); glutamic acid (19.7%); arginine (47.4%), and histidine (115.9%) were increased, suggesting that cashew nuts contain high quality protein. P-PER results were 2.57 (raw), 171-2.61 (roasted); EAAI is 1.55(raw) and 1.38-1.55 (roasted), BV% is 76.15 (raw) and 67.61-76.89 (roasted); the Isoelectric points were 4.65 (raw) and 3.87- 4.54 (roasted), The Leu/Ileu ratio was 2.12 (raw) and 2.01-2.67 (roasted). It was concluded that the heat treatment used does not significantly affect the amino acid profile of cashew kernels, thus preserving their nutritional quality.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 1 ; str. 11-19  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Indijski oraščić -- Anacardium occidentale -- Prženje -- Bjelančevine -- Aminokiseline -- Hranidbena vrijednost -- Organoleptička svojstva

The optimisation of biscuit formulation with grape and aronia pomace powders as cocoa substitutes [Elektronička građa] / Dunja Molnar, Dubravka Novotni, Judith Krisch, Tomislav Bosiljkov, Mario Ščetar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 43-44. - Summary. - By-products of fruit processing, such as grapes and aronia pomace, are rich in fibre and polyphenols, and their application in bakery products could significantly improve nutritional value, bioactive potential and shelf life of final product. This research aimed at optimising wholemeal biscuit formulation with grape and aronia pomaces as partial substitutes for cocoa powder, using the desirability function. Ten formulations with the mixture of cocoa powder, grape and aronia pomace powders in different ratios (0-100%) were tested. The physical properties (texture, colour, thickness, diameter, spread factor), the sensory acceptability of biscuits, and microbiological safety were investigated. The interaction of all three mixture components significantly affected the instrumentally measured redness a* and liking of texture. Biscuit diameter, yellowness b*, and liking of flavour were affected by the interaction of aronia and grape pomace. Biscuit height, spread ratio, hardness, flexibility, toughness, appearance, and odour were not significantly influenced by the mixture composition. The optimized mixture composition contained cocoa, grape pomace, and aronia pomace in the ratio 76.4 : 17.5 : 6.1 (respectively), with the desirability of 0.78. After confirmation, biscuits with that mixture were proven better than the control, that contained 100% cocoa, in terms of decreased hardness (-23%) and toughness (-19%), having the same sensory acceptability, and were microbiologically safe for 5 months. The findings of this study indicate that aronia and grape pomace could be used as partial substitutes for cocoa powder up to 24.3% in the production of wholemeal biscuits.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 15 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 38-44  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Keksi -- Komina aronije -- Komina grožđa -- Zamjena za kakao

OFOEDU, Chigozie Emmanuel
Production and comparative evaluation of leather products from pawpaw (Carica papaya) and banana (Musa acuminata) fruit pulp [Elektronička građa] / Chigozie Emmanuel Ofoedu, Collins Nkeoma Ubbaonu, Ijeoma Maureen Agunwah, Nkiru Euphresia Odimegwu, Faith Kosisochukwu Okeke, Chioma Doris Obi. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 227-228. - Summary. - Food wastage as a result of postharvest losses is responsible for about one-third of the entire annual harvest wasted world over. Postharvest losses occur due to the lack of processing and preservation technologies of the surplus harvest, as well as the unavailability of properly trained personnel. Therefore, in the bid to minimize food wastage from postharvest losses, some perishable tropical fruits were processed into fruit leathers. Fresh banana and pawpaw fruits were used to produce banana leather, pawpaw leather, and composite (banana & pawpaw) leather. The fresh fruits were washed, peeled, deseeded, sliced, mashed, and dried in an oven to produce flexible leather sheets of the fruits. The fresh fruit pulps and the fruit leathers were analysed for nutritional (proximate, vitamin and mineral) compositions and sensory qualities using standard methods. The results showed that significant differences (p<0.05) exist between the fresh fruits and fruit leathers. The moisture content of the fruit leathers ranged from 23.36% to 23.84%, protein contents ranged from 8.32% to 8.76%, while the carbohydrate contents ranged from 61.07% to 62.01%. The vitamin E in the fruit leathers increased significantly (30 – 34 µg/100 g) while vitamin B9 in the fruit leathers decreased significantly after drying, when compared with their corresponding fresh fruits. In addition, vitamin C decreased in the banana products (52.96 to 17.65 mg/100 g) and in the pawpaw products (123.56 to 52.96 mg/100 g) after processing, but magnesium, potassium, and calcium increased significantly in the fruit leathers. The general acceptability of the fruit leathers from the sensorial perspective showed that pawpaw leather was slightly liked (6.40) while banana leather (7.10) and composite leather (7.50) were liked moderately. Though the banana fruit leather and composite fruit leather were not significantly different, the sensory scores showed that the composite fruit leather was more preferred.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 2 ; str. 218-228  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Voće -- Voćna pulpa -- Sušenje -- Sušeno voće -- Papaja -- Carica papaya -- Banana -- Musa acuminata -- Kemijski sastav -- Hranidbena vrijednost -- Organoleptička svojstva

Properties of dried apricots pretreated by ultrasound-assisted osmotic dehydration and application of active coatings [Elektronička građa] / Roghieh Sakooei-Vayghan, Seyed Hadi Peighambardoust, Javad Hesari, Maral Soltanzadeh, Donatella Peressini. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 36 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Research background. The worldwide demand for healthy and sulphur-free dried vegetables and fruits has grown. Combined ultrasound-assisted osmotic dehydration (UOD) and application of active coatings incorporating natural preservatives represents an attractive alternative to sulphuring to preserve the sensorial and nutritional quality of dried fruits. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of osmotic dehydration (OD) and UOD, and the use of pectin coatings (alone or with citric acid or ascorbic acid) on physical, textural and microstructural properties of hot air-dried apricots.Experimental approach. Fresh apricot cubes (1 cm3) were pretreated with either OD at 55 °C for 30 and 45 min or UOD at two ultrasonic frequencies of 25 and 35 kHz for 30 and 45 min followed by application of active coatings with pectin alone, pectin with citric acid or pectin with ascorbic acid for 10 min. All pretreated coated samples were then hot air-dried at 60 °C until a final moisture content of 20 % (wet basis) was reached. Physical (shrinkage, apparent and bulk densities), chemical (browning value and water activity) and textural properties (firmness and shrinkage), microstructure and microbial load of dried apricots were studied.Results and conclusions. Application of OD and UOD improved physical and textural properties of the dried apricots. Moreover, apparent and bulk densities, rehydration capacity of OD and UOD pretreated samples increased, while shrinkage, water activity and microbial load decreased. Firmness of UOD pretreated samples was significantly (p<0.05) lower than that of OD ones. Likewise, increasing ultrasound frequency from 25 to 35 kHz led to a significant decrease in Fmax values of dried apricots. Furthermore, coating of the processed samples with pectin and citric acid increased Fmax value and decreased rehydration capacity of dried apricots. Scanning electron microscopy of both OD and UOD samples illustrated improvement of textural properties. - Pozadina istraživanja. U svijetu je porasla potražnja za zdravim sušenim povrćem i voćem koje ne sadržava sumpor. Kombiniranjem osmotske dehidracije potpomognute ultrazvukom i aktivnih omotača koji sadržavaju prirodne konzervanse dobiva se poželjna alternativa sumporenju, sa svrhom očuvanja senzorske kakvoće i hranjive vrijednosti suhog voća. Svrha je ovog istraživanja bila ispitati učinak osmotske dehidracije te one potpomognute ultrazvukom i pektinskih omotača (bez dodatka ili s dodatkom limunske ili askorbinske kiseline) na fizička, teksturna i mikrostrukturna svojstva marelica sušenih na vrućem zraku. Eksperimentalni pristup. Svježe kockice marelice (1 cm3) prethodno su obrađene osmotskom dehidracijom na 55 °C tijekom 30 i 45 min ili osmotskom dehidracijom potpomognutom ultrazvukom pri dvije frekvencije od 25 i 35 kHz tijekom 30 i 45 min, te na 10 min uronjene u otopinu pektina, bez dodatka ili s dodatkom limunske ili askorbinske kiseline. Svi prethodno obrađeni obloženi uzorci su zatim sušeni vrućim zrakom na 60 °C do postizanja konačnog udjela vlage od 20 % (mokre tvari). Ispitana su fizička (skupljanje, nasipna gustoća i gustoća nakon potresanja), kemijska (posmeđivanje i aktivitet vode) i teksturna (čvrstoća i skupljanje) svojstva te mikrostruktura i broj mikroorganizama u sušenim marelicama. Rezultati i zaključci. Prethodna obrada osmotskom dehidracijom (s ultrazvukom ili bez njega) poboljšala je fizička i teksturna svojstva sušenih marelica. Štoviše, povećali su se nasipna gustoća i gustoća nakon potresanja te rehidracijski kapacitet, a smanjili skupljanje uzoraka, aktivitet vode i broj mikroorganizama. Čvrstoća uzoraka prethodno obrađenih osmotskom dehidracijom potpomognutom ultrazvukom bila je bitno (p<0,05) niža od one uzoraka obrađenih samo osmotskom dehidracijom. Također, povećanje frekvencije ultrazvuka s 25 na 35 kHz dovelo je do značajnog smanjenja vrijednosti Fmax sušenih marelica.
U: Food technology and biotechnology (Online). - ISSN 1334-2606. - 58 (2020), 3 ; str. 249-259  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Marelica -- Sušenje vrućim zrakom -- Osmotska dehidracija -- Fizikalna svojstva

Upscaling cassava processing machines and products in Liberia [Elektronička građa] / Wasiu Awoyale, Robert Asiedu, William Kawalawu, Peter Kolawole, Thierno Diallo, Michael Edet, Medinat Oluwatoyin Adetunji. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Summary. - Cassava is produced by more than 80% of farming households and is an important contributor to gross domestic product (GDP) in Liberia. It is therefore important to assess the status of cassava processing into food and other products. A total of one hundred and sixty (160) well-structured questionnaires were used for the collection of information from eight counties, with twenty respondents from each county. It was found out that all the counties lack adequate modern cassava processing machines, with almost all cassava processing operations being done with rudimentary equipment. Gari and wet fufu are common products in Liberian markets, with no high-quality cassava flour (HQCF) or derivatives. Consequently, user and gender friendly processing machines were installed in six established modern cassava processing centres, and new cassava products, such as fufu powder, tapioca, and HQCF with its value-added products (10% bread and pastries), were introduced. This upscaling will enhance the cassava value chain in Liberia with improvement in livelihoods, especially for vulnerable women and unemployed youth.
U: Croatian journal of food science and technology (Online). - ISSN 1848-9923. - 12 (2020), 1 ; str. 20-26  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Manioka -- Manihot esculenta -- Prerada -- Strojevi za obradu -- Zapošljavanje -- Bruto domaći proizvod

Vakuum sušenje u prehrambenoj industriji [Elektronička građa] = Vacuum drying in food Industry / Marko Marelja, Filip Dujmić, Damir Ježek, Marko Škegro, Tomislav Bosiljkov, Sven Karlović, Monika Lasić, Mladen Brnčić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 100-101. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Sušenje je jedan od najstarijih i najekonomičnijih procesa produljenja trajnosti hrane. Osušeni proizvodi imaju manju masu i volumen što olakšava i smanjuje troškove pakiranja, skladištenja i transporta. Nedostatci prilikom konvencionalnog sušenja prehrambenih sirovina su toplinska razgradnja nutritivno vrijednih sastojaka, boje, mogući gubitci arome, nepoželjne promjene oblika i teksturalnih svojstava te enzimsko posmeđivanje. Ti nedostatci se mogu značajno smanjiti sušenjem u vakuumu. Konvencionalno vakuum sušenje i mikrovalno vakuum sušenje te sušenje zamrzavanjem u vakuumu su najpoznatiji procesi sušenja u vakuumu. Prednosti sušenja u vakuumu su niže temperature sušenja što rezultira većim očuvanjem hranjivih tvari proizvoda odnosno boljom kvalitetom sušenog proizvoda. - Drying is one of the oldest and most cost-effective ways of preserving foods used to prolong the shelf life of food. The reduced volume and moisture of the dried product facilitates and minimizes packaging, storage and transportation costs. Disadvantages in conventional drying of food are heat degradation of nutrient ingredients, color, possible flavor loss, undesirable shapes and texture alterations, enzymatic browning. These shortcomings can be significantly reduced by drying at reduced pressure. Conventional vacuum drying, microwave-vacuum drying, and freeze-drying processes are the most known vacuum drying processes. The benefits of vacuum drying are lower drying temperatures and consequently higher preservation of nutrients resulting in a better product quality.
U: Hrvatski časopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam (Online). - ISSN 1847-7461. - 15 (2020), 3/4 ; str. 94-101  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prehrambena industrija -- Sušenje -- Vakuum sušenje -- Mikrovalovi -- Liofilizacija -- Potrošnja energije -- Nutritivna vrijednost

Vidi br.: HA20-02468

Vidi br.: HA20-02440

666   Industrija stakla. Keramika. Cement i beton

Vidi br.: HA20-02852

67/68   Različite industrije, zanati i obrti

TEIXEIRA, Divinio Eterno
Adhesivity of bio-based anhydrous citric acid, tannin-citric acid and ricinoleic acid in the properties of formaldehyde-free medium density particleboard (MDP) [Elektronička građa] = Mogućnost primjene ekološki prihvatljivoga anhidrida limunske kiseline, taninskolimunske kiseline i ricinoleinske kiseline kao ljepila za proizvodnju iverica srednje gustoće (MDP) bez formaldehida / Divino Eterno Teixeira, Danielle do Carmo Pereira, Ana Paula Diniz Nakamura, Sarah Silva Brum. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 29 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Particles of flooded gum (Eucalyptus grandis) were bonded using three bio-based adhesives - anhydrous citric acid (CA), tannin-citric acid (TCA) and ricinoleic acid (RA) - from renewable sources and hot pressed to produce medium density particleboard (MDP). The bonding capacity of such adhesives and properties of the MDP were evaluated and compared to the requirements of seven grades of particleboards, according to the EN 312 (2010) standard. The RA did not create adhesion reaction with the wood particles. Adhesives formulated with CA and TCA presented capacity to bond eucalyptus particles into MDP confirmed by esterification reactions of the FTIRS analysis. MDP bonded with CA met requirements as high as grade P5 of the EN 312 (2010) standard for static modulus of elasticity (MOE) and internal bond (IB) and P2 for modulus of rupture (MOR). Panels bonded with TCA met requirements up to grade P3 for MOE, however, did not withstand water absorption. - Za izradu iverice srednje gustoće (MDP) upotrijebljeno je iverje drva eukalipta (Eucalyptus grandis) lijepljeno trima ekološki prihvatljivim ljepilima dobivenim iz obnovljivih izvora na bazi anhidrida limunske kiseline (CA), taninsko-limunske kiseline (TCA) i ricinoleinske kiseline (RA) te prešano u vrućoj preši. Kvaliteta lijepljenja tim ljepilima i svojstva iverice ocijenjeni su usporedbom sa sedam klasa uporabe prema normi EN 312 (2010). Ljepilo RA nije uspjelo povezati drvno iverje. Ljepila CA i TCA pokazala su sposobnost lijepljenja eukaliptova iverja pri izradi MDP ploče, što je potvrđeno reakcijom esterifikacije u FTIR analizi. MDP ploča izrađena primjenom CA ljepila udovoljava visokim zahtjevima klase uporabe P5 prema EN 312 (2010) za modul elastičnosti (MOE) i čvrstoću na raslojavanje (IB) te klase P2 za modul loma (MOR). Ploče izrađene uporabom TCA ljepila ispunile su zahtjeve klase uporabe P3 za modul elastičnosti (MOE), ali nisu zadovoljile zahtjeve o upijanju vode.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 71 (2020), 3 ; str. 235-242  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Iverica -- Drvo -- Eukaliptus -- Ljepila -- FTIR spektroskopija

Characterisation and modelling of drying kinetics of thin ash and oak wood lamellas dried with infrared radiation and hot air [Elektronička građa] = Karakterizacija i modeliranje kinetike sušenja tankih lamela drva jasena i hrasta infracrvenim zračenjem i vrućim zrakom / Aleš Straže, Miljenko Klarić, Zlatko Budrović, Stjepan Pervan. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Infrared and hot air drying characteristics of thin ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) and oak (Quercus robur L.) wood lamellas were experimentally determined using an infrared and hot air laboratory device. Drying curves of 2 mm thick lamellas were established in the temperature range between 60 °C and 90 °C, and fitted by Fick’s diffusion model. Drying efficiency, drying rate and effective diffusivity have been estimated and compared between the used drying techniques. Moisture ratio exponentially decayed with duration of the process at all used temperatures. Effective diffusivity was greater in ash than oak wood, and it was not significantly influenced by the drying technique. The increased bound water diffusivity with increased drying temperature that caused shortening of the drying process was confirmed in both wood species. Similar activation energy was determined with both wood species, lower when the IR drying technique was used. - Obilježja infracrvenog sušenja i sušenja vrućim zrakom tankih lamela drva jasena (Fraxinus excelsior L.) i drva hrasta (Quercus robur L.) utvrđene su eksperimentalno uz pomoć laboratorijskih uređaja za infracrveno sušenje i sušenje vrućim zrakom. Krivulje sušenja lamela debljine 2 mm utvrđene su u rasponu temperatura između 60 i 90 °C te su prilagođene Fickovu difuzijskome modelu. Učinkovitost i brzina sušenja te efektivna difuznost procijenjene su i uspoređene unutar primijenjenih tehnika sušenja. Omjer sadržaja vode eksponencijalno se smanjuje s trajanjem procesa pri svim temperaturama primijenjenima u eksperimentu. Efektivna je difuznost drva jasena bila veća nego drva hrasta, a tehnike sušenja nisu znatnije utjecale na nju. Za obje vrste drva potvrđena je veća difuznost vezane vode s povećanjem temperature sušenja, što je uzrokovalo skraćenje procesa sušenja. Slična je energija aktivacije utvrđena za obje vrste drva, a niža je zabilježena pri IC tehnikama sušenja.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 71 (2020), 2 ; str. 171-177  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sušenje drva -- Kinetika sušenja -- sušenje vrućim zrakom -- Infracrveno sušenje -- Difuzija vlage

ZAHEDI, Meysam
Characterization of engineering elastic parameters of oriented strand board (OSB) manufactured from poplar (Populus deltoides) strands using ultrasonic contact pulse transmission [Elektronička građa] = Karakterizacija parametara elastičnosti ploče s orijentiranim makroiverjem (OSB) proizvedene od iverja drva topole (Populus deltoides) uz pomoć ultrazvučnoga kontaktnog prijenosa impulsa / Meysam Zahedi, Saeed Kazemi Najafi, Josef Füssl, Majid Elyasi. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - When using wood and wood-based composites, it is necessary to determine the elastic constants of these engineered materials. Oriented strand board (OSB), as structural wood based panel, plays a significant role in the building sector, but the accessibility of such elastic constants of OSB is mostly limited. For this purpose, this study aimed at determining the elastic wave velocity, stiffness and all elastic constants of OSB made from Poplar (Populus deltoides) strands using ultrasonic through–transmission technique. Laboratory OSBs with the mean density of 760 kg/m3 were made with the average strand sizes of 0.6 mm in thickness, 120 mm in length and 30 mm in width. 8 % phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resin was used with the pressing conditions of 3.43 N/mm2, 190 °C and 600 s as pressure, temperature and time of pressing, respectively. The OSBs were assumed as an orthotropic model. Three modulus of elasticity (E1, E2, and E3), three shear modulus (G12, G13 and G23), and six Poisson’s ratios (v12, v21, v13, v31, v23, v32) were calculated by longitudinal, transversal and quasi-transversal waves velocities. Ultrasonically determined stiffness coefficients of OSB were investigated by representative volume elements (RVE). Therefore, the separation of scales requirement is satisfied, and the measured velocities can be applied to determine the engineering elastic parameters of the examined OSB. The results indicate that modulus of elasticity and shear modulus are in the same order of magnitude in comparison with other references, and the values of Poisson’s ratios are valid in ultrasonic range measurement. In conclusion, the ultrasonic contact pulse transmission shows great potential to determine the characterization of elastic wave velocity, stiffness and engineering elastic parameters. - Za primjenu drva i kompozita na bazi drva iznimno je važno odrediti konstante elastičnosti tih konstrukcijskih materijala. Ploča s orijentiranim makroiverjem (OSB ploča), kao strukturna ploča na bazi drva, ima široku primjenu u građevnom sektoru, a pristup takvim konstantama elastičnosti OSB ploča uglavnom je ograničen. Stoga je cilj ove studije bio odrediti brzinu elastičnog vala, krutost i sve konstante elastičnosti OSB ploča proizvedenih od makroiverja topole (Populus deltoides) primjenom ultrazvučne tehnike. Od iverja prosječne debljine 0,6 mm, duljine 120 mm i širine 30 mm laboratorijski su izrađene OSB ploče srednje gustoće 760 kg/m3. Upotrijebljena je 8 %-tna fenol-formaldehidna (PF) smola u ovim uvjetima prešanja: tlak je bio 3,43 N/mm2, temperatura 190 °C, a proces prešanja trajao je 600 s. Pretpostavljeno je da su OSB ploče ortotropni modeli. Na temelju srednjih vrijednosti uzdužne, poprečne i kvazipoprečne brzine valova izračunana su tri modula elastičnosti (E1, E2 i E3), tri modula smicanja (G12, G13 i G23) i šest Poissonovih omjera v12, v21, v13, v31, v23, v32). Ultrazvučno utvrđene krutosti OSB ploča ispitivane su reprezentativnim volumnim elementima (RVE). Dakle, ispunjen je zahtjev za odvajanje skala, a izmjerene se brzine mogu primijeniti za određivanje inženjerskih parametara elastičnosti ispitivanih OSB ploča. Rezultati pokazuju da su moduli elastičnosti i moduli smicanja istog reda veličine u usporedbi s drugim referencama, a vrijednosti Poissonovih omjera vrijede u mjerenjima ultrazvučnog raspona. Zaključno, ultrazvučni kontaktni prijenos impulsa pokazuje velik potencijal za određivanje brzine elastičnih valova, krutosti i konstrukcijskih parametara elastičnosti materijala.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 71 (2020), 3 ; str. 227-234  
 Elektronička verzija članka
OSB ploče -- Topola -- Konstrukcijski parametri -- Elastičnost -- Ultrazvučni valovi

PELIT, Huseyin
Effect of water repellents on hygroscopicity and dimensional stability of densified fir and aspen woods [Elektronička građa] = Utjecaj vodoodbojnih sredstava na higroskopnost i dimenzijsku stabilnost ugušćenog drva jele i drva jasike / Huseyin Pelit, Fatih Emiroglu. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 48 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - This study investigated the effect of pre-impregnation with water-repellent agents on the hygroscopicity and dimensional stability of fir (Abies bornmulleriana Mattf.) and aspen (Populus tremula L.) woods. After pre-vacuum treatment, the samples were impregnated at atmospheric pressure with paraffin, linseed oil and styrene, and then densified at compression rates of 20 % and 40 % at 120, 150 and 180 °C. The results showed that water repellents significantly affected the hygroscopicity and dimensional stability of the densified wood samples. Compression recovery rate (CRR), thickness swelling (TS), equilibrium moisture content (EMC), and water absorption (WA) values of the densified samples decreased with impregnation pretreatments. The linseed oil treatment gave more positive CRR and TS results than paraffin. Lower EMC and WA values were found in the paraffin-treated samples. However, the most successful results for all tested properties were determined in the styrene pretreated samples in which hygroscopicity decreased and dimensional stability increased (especially for aspen) due to increases in the compression rate and temperature related to densification conditions. In the styrene pretreated samples, the high temperature (180 °C) and compression rate (40 %) significantly reduced CRR, TS, EMC and WA, total dimensional stability was nearly achieved and the water repellent effectiveness was close to 100 %. - U radu se prikazuje istraživanje utjecaja predimpregnacije drva jele (Abies bornmulleriana Mattf.) i jasike (Populus tremula L.) vodoodbojnim sredstvima na njihovu higroskopnost i dimenzijsku stabilnost. Nakon vakuumske obrade uzorci su pri atmosferskom tlaku impregnirani parafinom, lanenim uljem i stirenom. Zatim je provedeno ugušćivanje sa stupnjevima ugušćenja 20 i 40 % pri temperaturi od 120, 150 i 180 °C. Rezultati su pokazali da vodoodbojna sredstva značajno utječu na higroskopnost i dimenzijsku stabilnost uzoraka ugušćenog drva. Predimpregnacijom uzoraka smanjili su se stupanj povrata ugušćenja (CRR), debljinsko bubrenje (TS), ravnotežni sadržaj vode (EMC) i apsorpcija vode (WA) ugušćenih uzoraka. Postupkom s lanenim uljem smanjeni su povrat ugušćenja i debljinsko bubrenje u usporedbi s postupkom impregnacije parafinom. Na uzorcima impregniranim parafinom utvrđene su niže vrijednosti ravnotežnog sadržaja vode i apsorpcije vode. Međutim, najbolji rezultati svih istraživanih svojstava dobiveni su na uzorcima impregniranima stirenom, kojima se zbog povećanja brzine i temperature ugušćivanja smanjila higroskopnost i povećala dimenzijska stabilnost (posebice drva jasike). Na uzorcima impregniranima stirenom i ugušćenima pri temperaturi od 180 °C sa stupnjem ugušćenja 40 % znatno su se smanjili stupanj povrata ugušćenja, debljinsko bubrenje, ravnotežni sadržaj vode i apsorpcija vode te je postignuta gotovo potpuna dimenzijska stabilnost i učinkovitost odbijanja vode (blizu 100 %).
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 71 (2020), 1 ; str. 29-40  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ugušćivanje -- Dimenzijska stabilnost -- Higroskopnost -- Impregnacija -- Vodoodbojna sredstva

Enhanced abrasion resistance of coated particleboard pre-treated with atmospheric plasma [Elektronička građa] = Pojačana otpornost na abraziju premazanih iverica prethodno obrađenih atmosferskom plazmom / Jure Žigon, Sebastian Dahle, Marko Petrič, Matjaž Pavlič. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 41 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - This study aims to investigate the influence of atmospheric plasma treatment on the abrasion resistance of particleboards, as an example of a wood-based material, coated with a waterborne finish. The treatment of the substrate, prior to coating application, using a floating-electrode dielectric barrier discharge (FE-DBD) plasma, resulted in an enhanced abrasion resistance of the coated particleboards in comparison to the untreated ones during the abrasion test with a duration of 200 revolutions. This finding was related to lower contact angles of water and coating after treatment with plasma and greater hardness of the coating on the treated substrates. The micrographs of the sample cross sections recorded with scanning electron microscope showed differences in the amounts of remained coating on the abraded areas. Investigation with attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed that treatment of the substrate with plasma did not affect the chemical composition nor the curing and structure of the later applied coating. Further studies should be performed to determine the resistance properties of such surface systems to other impacts. - Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti utjecaj atmosferske plazme na otpornost iverica na abraziju, kao primjer materijala na bazi drva premazanoga vodenim premazom. Tijekom ispitivanja abrazije u trajanju od 200 ciklusa obrada iverica uz pomoć plazme (FE-DBD) prije nanošenja premaza rezultirala je poboljšanom otpornošću premazanih iverica na abraziju u usporedbi s neobrađenom ivericom. Rezultat istraživanja povezan je s nižim kontaktnim kutom vode i premaznog materijala nakon obrade iverica plazmom i s većom tvrdoćom premaza na podlozi obrađenoj plazmom. Mikrografi je presjeka uzorka dobivene pretražnim elektronskim mikroskopom pokazale su razlike u količini preostalog premaza na površinama ispitanima na otpornost na habanje. Ispitivanje infracrvenom spektroskopijom uz prigušenu totalnu refleksiju pokazalo je da obrada podloge plazmom nije utjecala na kemijski sastav ni na otvrdnjavanje i strukturu kasnije nanesenog premaza. Potrebno je provesti daljnja ispitivanja kako bi se dodatno utvrdila otpornost takvih površinskih sustava.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 71 (2020), 2 ; str. 129-137  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Iverica -- Abrazija -- Zaštitni premaz -- Plazma

Experimental study on combustion properties and thermo-gravimetric analyses of oriented strand board (OSB) [Elektronička građa] = Eksperimentalna istraživanja svojstava gorenja i termogravimetrijska analiza ploča iverica s usmjerenim makroiverjem (OSB) / Fatih Yapici. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - This study investigates the effects of types of adhesives on the combustion properties of oriented strand board panels (OSB). Combustion test was performed according to ASTM E69 standard. Mass reduction, change of temperature and released gas (CO, NO, O2) were measured every 30 seconds during this test. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of the OSBs was also carried out. While the highest temperature value of combustion was only obtained for the samples with phenol-formaldehyde at both outer and inner layer of test panels, the lowest temperature value was obtained for test samples with phenol-formaldehyde on the outer layer and isocyanate on the atinner layer. In the results of TGA, test mass reduction of OSBs was similar to each other, and most of the mass loss occurred at the temperatures between 200 and 400 °C. - U ovom su istraživanju ispitivani učinci različitih adheziva na svojstva gorenja ploča iverica s usmjerenim makroiverjem (OSB ploče). Ispitivanje gorenja provedeno je prema normi ASTM E69. Tijekom ispitivanja svakih je 30 sekundi mjereno smanjenje mase, promjena temperature i ispušteni plinovi (CO, NO, O2). Provedena je i termogravimetrijska analiza (TGA) OSB ploče. Dok su najveće vrijednosti temperature gorenja u vanjskome i unutarnjem sloju ispitivanih ploča zabilježene samo na uzorcima s fenol-formaldehidom, najniža vrijednost temperature izmjerena je za ispitne uzorke s fenol-formaldehidom u vanjskom sloju i izocijanatom u unutarnjim slojevima. Po rezultatima TGA analize testovi smanjenja mase OSB ploča bili su međusobno slični, a najveći gubitak mase dogodio se pri temperaturama između 200 i 400 °C.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 71 (2020), 1 ; str. 55-60  
 Elektronička verzija članka
OSB ploče -- Gorenje -- Termogravimetrijska analiza -- Fenol-formaldehid

An in vitro study on antifungal properties, total polyphenolic content and antioxidant activity of different parts of selected fruit trees [Elektronička građa] = In vitro istraživanje protugljivičnih svojstava, ukupnog sadržaja polifenola i antioksidativne aktivnosti različitih dijelova odabranih voćkarica / Derya Ustaömer, Elif Topaloğlu, Bilge Yilmaz, Hüseyin Serencam, İlhan Deniz. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The purpose of this study was to investigate the antifungal properties, total polyphenolic content and antioxidant activity of sapwood, heartwood and bark parts obtained from three different fruit trees; olive (Olea europaea L.), loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) and date plum (Diospyros lotus L.) grown in Turkey. Firstly, the hydrodistillation products (essential oil, hydrosol, hot-water extract) were acquired from these parts of selected trees, and methanol and ethanol extracts of the same samples were also prepared for the analysis. The antifungal activities of essential oil, hydrosol, hot-water extract, ethanol and methanol extracts were determined against wood-rot fungus Coniophora puteana. In addition, polyphenol contents and antioxidant activities of ethanol and methanol extracts were investigated. According to the results, generally, the essential oil of the parts of three fruit trees was found to inhibit the fungal growth. All hot water extracts and hydrosols of these trees showed no antifungal activity against C. puteana. It was found that olive tree had higher antifungal activity than loquat and date plum trees. The methanol extract of loquat bark gave the highest total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and condensed tannin content compared to parts of the other trees. Furthermore, the highest total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity among three fruit trees were determined in ethanol and methanol extracts of the bark and heartwood of loquat tree. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the parts of studied fruit trees have less or more antifungal and antioxidant activity depending on the experimental parameters, and therefore they can be evaluated as alternative natural antifungal and antioxidant sources. - Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti protugljivična svojstva, ukupni sadržaj polifenola i antioksidativne aktivnosti bjeljike, srži i dijelova kore drva triju voćkarica koje se uzgajaju u Turskoj: masline (Olea europaea L.), nušpule (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) i draguna (Diospyros lotus L.). Najprije su od dijelova odabranih stabala izolirani produkti hidrodestilacije (esencijalna ulja, hidrosol, vodeni ekstrakt), a zatim su za analizu izolirani i ekstrakti u metanolu i etanolu. Protugljivična aktivnost esencijalnog ulja, hidrosola, vodenog ekstrakta te ekstrakata u metanolu i etanolu određena je na primjeru gljive uzročnice smeđe truleži, Coniophora puteana. Osim toga, istraženi su sadržaj polifenola i antioksidativna aktivnost ekstrakta u metanolu i etanolu. Rezultati pokazuju da esencijalna ulja iz dijelova voćkarica usporavaju rast gljiva. Svi vodeni ekstrakti i hidrosol nisu pokazali protugljivično djelovanje na C. puteana. Utvrđeno je da drvo masline ima jaču protugljivičnu aktivnost nego drvo nušpule i drvo draguna. Ekstrakt kore nušpule u metanolu ima najveći ukupni sadržaj fenola, ukupni sadržaj flavonoida i kondenziranog tanina u usporedbi s dijelovima ostalih vrsta drva. Nadalje, za ekstrakt kore i srži drva nušpule u etanolu i metanolu utvrđen je najveći ukupni sadržaj polifenola i antioksidativna aktivnost od svih triju voćkarica. Na temelju tih rezultata može se zaključiti da dijelovi istraživanih voćkarica imaju manje ili više protugljivično i antioksidativno djelovanje, ovisno o parametrima istraživanja te se stoga mogu ocijeniti kao alternativni prirodni izvori protugljivičnih i antioksidativnih sredstava.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 71 (2020), 4 ; str. 355-363  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kora drveta -- Antioksidacijska svojstva -- Protugljivično djelovanje -- Polifenoli

Some properties of eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana L.) particleboard panels made using modified starch as binder [Elektronička građa] = Svojstva iverice izrađene od drva crvenog cedra i modificiranog škroba kao veziva / Onur Ulker, Salim Hiziroglu. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The objective of this study was to evaluate physical and mechanical properties of experimental panels manufactured from eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana L.) using modified starch as binder. Modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR), internal bond strength (IB), hardness and dimensional stability in the form of thickness swelling and water absorption in addition to surface quality of the samples were tested. Panels were manufactured at three density levels, which are 0.60 g/cm3, 0.70 g/cm3 and 0.80 g/cm3. The highest MOE, MOR and IB values for the samples having 0.80 g/cm3 density were determined as 2207.16 MPa, 15.17 MPa and 0.87 MPa, respectively. Thickness swelling values of the samples soaked in water for 2 h ranged from 15.38 % to 23.23 %. Micrographs taken on the samples using scanning electron microscope revealed that starch was uniformly distributed within the particles. Based on the findings in this study, it appears that eastern red cedar would have a potential as a raw material to manufacture particleboard panel using modifi ed starch as green adhesive with accepted physical and mechanical properties. - Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti fizička i mehanička svojstva eksperimentalnih ploča proizvedenih od drva crvenog cedra (Juniperus virginiana L.) uz upotrebu modificiranog škroba kao veziva. U eksperimentu su na osnovi debljinskog bubrenja i upijanja vode ispitivani modul elastičnosti (MOE), modul loma (MOR), međuslojna čvrstoća (IB), tvrdoća i dimenzijska stabilnost, kao i kvaliteta površine uzoraka. Ploče su proizvedene u tri gustoće: 0,6; 0,7 i 0,8 g/cm3. Najveće vrijednosti MOE, MOR i IB za uzorke gustoće 0,8 g/cm3 bili su redom: 2207,16 MPa; 15,7 MPa i 0,87 MPa. Vrijednosti debljinskog bubrenja uzoraka potapanih u vodi tijekom dva sata kretale su se u rasponu od 15,38 do 23,23 %. Mikrografi je snimljene na uzorcima elektronskim pretražnim mikroskopom otkrile su da je škrob ravnomjerno raspoređen unutar iverja. Na temelju rezultata ovoga istraživanja, čini se da bi drvo crvenog cedra moglo biti potencijalna sirovina za proizvodnju iverica, uz uporabu modificiranog škroba kao ekološki prihvatljivog ljepila poželjnih fizičkih i mehaničkih svojstava.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 71 (2020), 4 ; str. 371-377  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Iverica -- Ljepilo -- Škrob -- Mehanička svojstva -- Fizička svojstva

TAŞ, Hasan Hüseyin
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) stalks as alternative raw material for cement bonded particleboard [Elektronička građa] = Suncokretove stabljike (Helianthus annuus) kao alternativna sirovina za cementom vezane ploče iverice / Hasan Hüseyin Taş, Fatih Mehmet Kul. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 45 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Sunflower stalks (Helianthus annuus) were studied as an alternative raw material for cement bonded particleboard. Experimental cement bonded particleboards measuring 500 mm × 500 mm × 12 mm with nominal density of 1300 kg/m3 were produced using different ratios of sunflower stalk particles with wood. Properties of the cement bonded particleboards evaluated include water absorption, thickness swelling, screw withdrawal strength and bending properties. Results of the study showed that the addition of small amount of sunflower stalks in the production of cement bonded particleboard does not significantly influence the properties tested. Inclusion of more stalks in the mixture significantly decreases mechanical properties and raises thickness swelling and water absorption values of the cement bonded particleboard. Results indicate that boards which include a small amount of sunflower stalks provide properties required by the standards for general purpose-use cement bonded particleboards. - U radu se opisuje istraživanje stabljike suncokreta (Helianthus annuus) kao alternativne sirovine za proizvodnju cementom vezanih ploča iverica. Eksperimentalne cementom vezane ploče iverice dimenzija 500 mm × 500 mm × 12 mm i gustoće 1300 kg/m3 izrađene su s različitim omjerima iverja od suncokretovih stabljika i drva. Pritom su istraživana ova svojstva tih ploča iverica: sposobnost upijanja vode, debljinsko bubrenje, izvlačna sila vijaka i savijanje. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da mali dodatak suncokretovih stabljika u proizvodnji cementom vezanih ploča iverica ne utječe znatnije na ispitivana svojstva. Dodavanjem veće količine stabljika u smjesu bitno slabe mehanička svojstva te se povećava debljinsko bubrenje i upojnost cementom vezanih ploča iverica. Rezultati pokazuju da ploče s malom količinom suncokretovih stabljika zadovoljavaju propisane zahtjeve za opću uporabu cementom vezanih ploča iverica.
U: Drvna industrija (Online). - ISSN 1847-1153. - 71 (2020), 1 ; str. 41-46  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Iverica -- Suncokret -- Stabljika -- Cementno vezana iverica -- Fizička svojstva -- Mehanička svojstva

Vidi br.: HA20-02601

69   Građevinski zanat. Građevinski materijali

Vidi br.: HA20-02853


7.0   Teorija umjetnosti

The subversive icon of pregnancy in opposition to the culture of fear [Elektronička građa] : visual practices in a local context / Suzana Marjanić ; translated by Andrea Rožić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 214-216. - Sažetak ; Summary. - This paper problematizes the subversive icon of pregnancy and offers a linear overview of its various iterations in juxtaposition to the culture of fear, starting with Vlasta Delimar, whose installation Pregnancy (Trudnoća, 1987), inscribes her in the feminist and women’s art history of the Yugoslav/Croatian context as the first domestic artist who employed photo-documentation, or photo-performance, to document her own pregnancy. She performed her pregnancy in the manner of a goddess, sexualizing it by means of the Baubo pose. Next, the paper addresses the interpretations of the subversion achieved by the pregnant belly in Sanja Iveković’s work Lady Rosa of Luxembourg (2001). The sequence is further contextualized by the distressing confessional of Martina Križanić, a younger generation artist, who visualized the subversive representation of motherhood (Changing Booths, installation, 2017) from her own perspective and without fear, in the first local exhibition about pregnancy Woman – Pregnant Woman – Mother: Green Spheres and Necropolitics (Žena – trudnica – majka: zelene sfere i nekropolitike, Vladimir Bužančić Gallery, Zagreb 2017, curated by Anita Zlomislić). - U članku interpretiram subverzivnu ikonu trudnoće u linearnom hodu, suprotstavljenu kulturi straha: od Vlaste Delimar koja je ambijentom Trudnoća (1987) upisana u feminističku i žensku povijest umjetnosti jugoslavenskoga/hrvatskoga konteksta kao prva domaća umjetnica koja je fotodokumentacijom, fotopeformansom dokumentirala vlastitu trudnoću; izvela je trudnoću na način boginje i pritom je seksualizirala Baubinom pozom. Nadalje, zaustavljam se na interpretacijama subverzije trudničkim trbuhom što ju je ostvarila u svome radu Lady Rosa of Luxembourg (2001) Sanja Iveković, da bih niz kontekstualizirala potresnom pričom-ispovijedi umjetnice mlađe generacije Martine Križanić, koja je na prvoj domaćoj izložbi o trudnoći Žena – trudnica – majka: zelene sfere i nekropolitike (Galerija Vladimir Bužančić, Zagreb 2017., kustosica Anita Zlomislić) vizualizirala subverzivno majčinstva (instalacija Kabine za presvlačenje, 2017), iz vlastite perspektive, i to bez straha.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 57 (2020), 1 ; str. 197-216  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Trudnoća -- Suvremena umjetnost -- Fotoperformans -- Subverzija straha
Delimar, Vlasta -- Iveković, Sanja -- Križanić, Martina


Vidi br.: HA20-02067

Vidi br.: HA20-02818

71   Prostorno planiranje. Regionalno, urbano i ruralno planiranje. Krajobrazi, parkovi, vrtovi

MANIN, Marino
Construction of the miners' town in Raša (1936/37) [Elektronička građa] / Marino Manin, Hrvoje Čapo.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 121-123. - Summary. - Although historiography (as part of the local history of the Labin region and its coal mines) and scholarly literature from other disciplines (primarily the history of architecture) have addressed different aspects of the construction of the miners’ town in Raša, this paper focuses on the reasons, circumstances, and processes of infrastructure construction in Arsia / Raša, based both on a critical evaluation of the present research and on a study of archival sources. It has been observed that Raša – built within 547 days from April 1936 to November 1937 – was not primarily a project of the fascist regime intended to serve its glorification, but was constructed by the administration of the coal mine due to its need of new workers, in the context of increasing the production of coal for industrial and transportation purposes (railroad, navy, and maritime transport) at the time when approximately 1,000,000 tons or 10% of the Italian needs for this energy resource were pumped from the Raška Basin. The town’s construction was preceded by extensive land reclamation works in the area.
U: Review of Croatian history (Online). - ISSN 1848-9095. - 16 (2020), 1 ; str. 109-123  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rudnici ugljena -- Crni ugljen -- Radna snaga -- Razvoj grada

MILKOVIĆ, Kristina
The foundation of Mirogoj as central cemetery of Zagreb [Elektronička građa] / Kristina Milković.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 58. - Summary. - The paper presents the foundation of Mirogoj in 1876 as the central cemetery of Zagreb. Since the 1850s, Zagreb had been developing as the capital of Croatia in the modern sense of the word, as a Gründerstadt. As early as the 1860s, the public was of the opinion that a central cemetery should be established outside the city limits. This idea came to fruition in the mid-1870s, in the context of urbanization and modernization of the city. The founding of Mirogoj was an expression of modernity and self-awareness of the bourgeois society, as well as the new sensibilities and aesthetics characteristic of the 19th century.
U: Review of Croatian history (Online). - ISSN 1848-9095. - 16 (2020), 1 ; str. 43-58  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Groblja -- Modernizacija -- Kulturna povijest

Indicators of the housing stock in Zagreb from 1945 until the late 1960s [Elektronička građa] / Lidija Bencetić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 90-91. - Summary. - This paper uses Zagreb as a case study for assessing the development of a socialist city and the housing issues that this development implied. After World War II, Zagreb experienced steep demographic growth owing to a large influx of rural population, and to a lesser extent as a result of natality increase. In 1946, the city had about 270 thousand inhabitants, and in 1969 about 570 thousand. Due to the accelerated industrial development, it needed new workforce, but lacked housing, and its infrastructure was not sufficiently developed to meet the needs of all its residents. Housing construction was based on both social and private initiatives, whereby socially funded projects were multi-storey buildings and the privately funded ones single-storey houses. Due to these private constructions, that is, houses with one storey only, Zagreb resembled a village rather than a city. In assessing the housing construction of Zagreb and its urban development in general after World War II, we are inclined to agree with Davor Stipetić’s statement that Zagreb arose as an architectural enterprise that lacked planning in its development.
U: Review of Croatian history (Online). - ISSN 1848-9095. - 16 (2020), 1 ; str. 77-91  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Stanogradnja -- Stambeni fond -- Urbanizam -- Arhitektura -- Socijalizam

Integration of natural elements into the traditional house (of Khorezm region, Uzbekistan) for the climate improvement [Elektronička građa] / Bonu Azizova, Anna Osello. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija:. - Summary. - This article is dedicated to the analysis and recommendations for the solution of a number of landscape problems related to architecture in the Khiva city. In particular, the advice is given on the use of methods such as "Chor-minor", "Chor-bag", which had existed in the Middle Ages.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 43-49  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Krajobrazno uređenje -- Zelene površine -- Vrtovi -- Prirodni elementi -- Vodeni elementi

BRLIĆ, Ivan, profesor povijesti
The life and decline of a planned industrial town [Elektronička građa] : the case of Lički Osik / Ivan Brlić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 137-138. - Summary. - This paper discusses the emergence, existence, and fate of a planned, systematic town in a passive region of the then Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia – later renamed to Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – in the period after World War II. The author critically assesses the reasons for the creation and construction of a modern town at the locality of ​​Lički Osik in central Lika. The town was entirely dependent on and shared the same fate with the military industrial facility “Marko Orešković”, as it was built to support its production. Economic, social, and cultural ups and downs marked the half-century existence of this town, defining both its uncertain present and its promising future. Based on unpublished archival documents from that period, the author has reconstructed the reasons and modes of existence of the planned military enterprise as well as the associated town, which remains emblematic as an unrealistic and misunderstood economic development project in this part of Croatia.
U: Review of Croatian history (Online). - ISSN 1848-9095. - 16 (2020), 1 ; str. 125-141  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Urbanizam -- Gospodarski razvoj -- Socijalizam -- Vojna industrija

Vidi br.: HA20-02078

Vidi br.: HA20-02178

Vidi br.: HA20-02448

Vidi br.: HA20-02441

72   Arhitektura

Ancient city connected with the name of the well "Kheyvaq" [Elektronička građa] / Gavkhar Durdiyeva, Adilbek Zargarov, Ergashbek Salayev. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 4 jed. - Summary. - In this article analytical information and facts about ancient monuments that play a main role in the 2500 years` history of Khiva, monuments of Museum reserve of Ichan Kala which locate on 26 hectares, The well Kheyvaq that is considered cultural and precious heritage of Khiva, The Gates of Ichan Kala and the walls in the length of 2600 meters that surround totally 54 ancient monuments, are presented.
U: Inženjerstvo okoliša (Online). - ISSN 1849-5079. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 39-42  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kulturna baština -- Arhitektonski spomenici

Vidi br.: HA20-02860

Vidi br.: HA20-02856

Vidi br.: HA20-02765

Vidi br.: HA20-02129

73   Kiparstvo i srodne umjetnosti

Andrea Buvina era anche un intagliatore o solo un pittore? / Guido Tigler. - ilustr.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali: 1214. - 2014. Split, održan od 23. do 24. rujna 2014. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali. - ISSN . - str. 71-118
Drvene vratnice -- Splitska katedrala
Budvina, Andrija -- Bernard iz Perugie


Andrija Buvina : Painter and Woodcarver, a Master Rooted in the Historical and Artistic Reality of the Split and Dalmatia of the 1200s. / Joško Belamarić. - ilustr.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali: 1214. - 2014. Split, održan od 23. do 24. rujna 2014. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali. - ISSN . - str. 25-70
Romaničke drvene vratnice -- Drvena skulptura
Budvina, Andrija


BUŽANČIĆ, Radoslav
Andrija Buvina and Radovan : The Salvation Message on the Portals of the Split and Trogir Cathedrals / Radoslav Bužančić. - ilustr.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali: 1214. - 2014. Split, održan od 23. do 24. rujna 2014. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali. - ISSN . - str. 311-346
Kasna romanika -- Portali katedrala
Buvina, Andrija


GÁL, Judit
Archbishop Bernard (1200-1217) between Split and Hungary / Judit Gál i Mirko Sardelić. - ilustr.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali: 1214. - 2014. Split, održan od 23. do 24. rujna 2014. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali. - ISSN . - str. 253-272
Osvajanje Zadra -- Krivovjerje
Bernard iz Perugie


BARRAL i Altet, Xavier
Bernardus faber me fecit, Giraldus me fecit : la revendication des portes romanes en bois ornées de ferronneries / Xavier Barral i Altet. - ilustr.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali: 1214. - 2014. Split, održan od 23. do 24. rujna 2014. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali. - ISSN . - str. 395-418
Romanika -- Drvene vratnice -- Kovani ukrasi

SVEDRUŽIĆ Šeparović, Ivana
Drveni gotički stropovi u Splitu, primjeri iz palače Papalić i palače Grisogono / Ivana Svedružić Šeparović. - ilustr.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali: 1214. - 2014. Split, održan od 23. do 24. rujna 2014. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali. - ISSN . - str. 441-462
Gotički stupovi -- Palača Papalić -- Palača Grisogono
Juraj Dalmatinac


MOR, Luca
I dolenti in legno di Cividale del Friuli : Per una ricomposizione (inderogabile) con il crocifisso del duomo / Luca Mor. - ilustr.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali: 1214. - 2014. Split, održan od 23. do 24. rujna 2014. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali. - ISSN . - str. 419-440
Drvene skulpture -- Kasna romanika -- Raspelo katedrale iz Cividalea

JOZIĆ, Branko
Iluminirani kodeks 626 C iz Riznice splitske stolnice : zagonetke i gonetanja / Branko Jozić. - ilustr.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali: 1214. - 2014. Split, održan od 23. do 24. rujna 2014. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Riassunto.
U: Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali. - ISSN . - str. 273-310
Iluminirani kodeks -- Origen
Splitski nadbiskup Bernard


ĆORIĆ, Franko
Master Buvina’s Door : A Unique Testimony to the Paradigm Shift in the Theory of Monument Protection and Methodological Experimentation / Franko Ćorić. - ilustr.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali: 1214. - 2014. Split, održan od 23. do 24. rujna 2014. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali. - ISSN . - str. 161-188
Splitksa katedrala -- Drvene vratnice -- Restauriranje
Budvina, Andrija


CURZI, Gaetano
Medieval Wooden Doors in Central Italy : a Reconsideration / Gaetano Curzi. - ilustr.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali: 1214. - 2014. Split, održan od 23. do 24. rujna 2014. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali. - ISSN . - str. 347-368
Drvene vratnice -- Drvene skulpture

Ornamentalni korpus Buvininih vratnica / Daniela Matetić Poljak. - ilustr.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali: 1214. - 2014. Split, održan od 23. do 24. rujna 2014. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali. - ISSN . - str. 211-252
Ornamentalni motivi -- Romanička skulptura -- Buvine vratnice

Prilog jednoj kiparskoj ranoromaničkoj radionici u Splitu [Elektronička građa] / Daniela Matetić Poljak. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 143-146. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U članku je provedena stilska i ikonografska analiza konzole s prikazom lava koja je kao spolij bila ugrađena na zabatu kuće Mangjer u Splitu. Kuća se nalazila na križanju Manđerove i Bribirske ulice. Nakon njezina rušenja, konzola je prenesena u Samostan sestara milosrdnica svetog Vinka Paulskog u Splitu, gdje se i danas čuva. Izvorni arhitektonski kontekst konzole nije poznat. Tipski i stilski srodan joj je par konzola na portalu crkve svetog Mikule (sv. Nikole) u Velom Varošu u Splitu. Autorica ih grupira u krug iste ranoromaničke radionice koja je djelovala koncem 11. i početkom 12. stoljeća. Konzola s kuće Mangjer nastaje nedugo nakon para konzola sa Svetog Mikule. Izradio ju je majstor koji dobro poznaje potonje konzole, vješto kopira njihovu kompoziciju i dimenzije. U oblikovanju zahtjevnijih dijelova (poput lavlje glave ili akantusova lista na konzolici pod lavljom figurom) otkriva nešto slabiji oblikovni kapacitet u odnosu na predložak. - In this paper, the stylistic and iconographic analysis of a console with a depiction of a lion, which was installed as spolia on the gable of the Mangjer house in Split, was performed. The house was situated at the intersection of Manđerova Street and Bribirska Street. After its demolition, the console was transferred to the Monastery of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul in Split, where it is still kept today. The original architectural context of the console is unknown. In terms of type and style, this console is similar to a couple of consoles on the portal of the Church of St. Mikula (St. Nicholas) in Veli Varoš, Split. The author groups them within the same early Romanesque workshop circle which operated in the late 11th and early 12th centuries. The console from the Mangjer house was created shortly after the abovementioned consoles from Saint Mikula. It was made by a master craftsman who had good knowledge of the latter consoles, skilfully copying their composition and dimensions. The design of more complex parts (such as the lion’s head or the acanthus leaf on a small console under the lion’s figure), when compared to the original template, reveals a lesser design capacity.
U: Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu (Online). - ISSN 2459-5128. - (2020), 13 ; str. 131-150  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Arhitektonska skulptura -- Kiparstvo -- Ranoromaničke radionice -- Ikonografija -- Lav

The Romanesque Wooden Doors of Split Cathedral : Research, Conservation and Protection 2014. – 2018. / Žana Matulić Bilač. - ilustr.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali: 1214. - 2014. Split, održan od 23. do 24. rujna 2014. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali. - ISSN . - str. 119-160
Romanička drvena vrata -- Splitska katedrala -- Konzervacija -- Virtualna rekonstrukcija
Budvina, Andrija


The Romanesque wooen door leaves in St. Maria im kapitol in Cologne : state of research and iinvestigation topics / Regina Urbanek. - ilustr.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali: 1214. - 2014. Split, održan od 23. do 24. rujna 2014. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali. - ISSN . - str. 369-394
Romanika -- Drvene vratnice -- Skulpture

INDEKEU, Charles
Traceological Investigation of the Wooden Door of the Split Cathedral / Charles Indekeu. - ilustr.
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali: 1214. - 2014. Split, održan od 23. do 24. rujna 2014. - Bibliografija: str. 194; Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Vratnice Andrije Buvine u splitskoj katedrali. - ISSN . - str. 189-210
Tehnika rezbarenja drva -- Tradicionalni alati -- Vratnice splitske katedrale
Budvina, Andrija


78   Glazba. Glazbeni instrumenti i oprema

"Tko će, ako ne mi sami?" [Elektronička građa] : primjenjivost DIY koncepata na primjeru suvremene kantautorske scene u Zagrebu / Tanja Halužan.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 102-105. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad nudi uvid u istraživanje nezavisnih glazbenih praksi u kontekstu društvenih zajednica promatranih kroz teorijsko-interpretativni okvir scene. S naglaskom usmjerenim lokalnoj interpretaciji stvaranja, izvedbe i potrošnje kantautorske glazbe, razmatra jednu od tvorbenih konvencija ugrađenih u suvremenu kantautorsku scenu u Zagrebu: svestranost glazbenika i preuzimanje inicijative primjenom do-it-yourself (DIY) načela, poetika i estetika. Osim u samom stvaralačkom i izvođačkom procesu, moguće ih je detektirati i na polju promocije i izdavaštva, a upravo otisci njihove primjene nude mogućnost ocrtavanja skice razvoja suvremene kantautorske scene u Zagrebu. Pregledom kroz neke od formativnih DIY programa i projekata koji su poslužili kao platforma za promoviranje glazbenika te njihovo međusobno povezivanje, rad donosi primjere primjenjivosti DIY koncepata te propituje razloge opiranja kantautora ustaljenim obrascima stvaranja i potrošnje popularne glazbe, kao i pojedinim općim društvenim i ekonomskim uzusima. - This article explores independent music practices in the context of communities as observed through the theoretical-interpretive framework of ‘The scene (Straw 1991)’. With a focus on local interpretations of creating, performing, and consuming singer-songwriter music, the article discusses key features of the contemporary singer-songwriter scene in Zagreb: the musicians’ versatility and their application of do-it-yourself (DIY) principles, poetics and aesthetics. In addition to their importance in the creation and performing processes, these two ideas can also be detected in the areas of promotion and publishing. Observing how they are applied makes it possible to trace the development of the contemporary singer-songwriter scene in Zagreb. By presenting some of the formative DIY programs and projects that have served as a platform for promoting and connecting musicians, this article provides examples of the applicability of DIY concepts, but also questions the reasons for singer-songwriters’ resistance to the established forms of popular music production and consumption, as well as to some common social and economic conventions.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 57 (2020), 2 ; str. 79-105  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Glazbena industrija -- Glazbena praksa -- Kantautorska scena

MRĐEN, Marina
Glazbeni život Dubrovnika u 15. i 16. stoljeću [Elektronička građa] / Marina Mrđen. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 39. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Today only literature and a few musical pieces bear witness what music life in the 15th and 16th century Dubrovnik looked like. The development of church music had its own separate way regarding secular music. The church music was developed in cathedral schools and performed mostly a cappella. When talking about instrumental church music, we should underline the role of the organ as the most dominant instrument which required high playing skills and good knowledge of musical theory. On the other hand, the company of musicians gathered in the Rector’s Palace, sponsored by the government, performed mostly secular music but also participated in church festivities and fairs. Even though the music played an important role in the official government matters, it also held a key role in everyday life.
U: Pleter (Online). - ISSN 2757-0460. - 4 (2020), 4 ; str. 9-40  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Glazba -- Crkvena glazba -- Svjetovna glazba -- Glazbenici -- Instrumenti

Multimodal metaphor as the source of parodic integration in hip hop music videos [Elektronička građa] / Gordana Čupković, Silvana Dunat. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 77-78. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper deals with multimodal metaphors as the basis of parodic integration in selected videos and album covers by rap artist Krešo Bengalka and his band Kiša metaka. The case studies of parodic integration are marked by a spectacle that significantly contributes to the blend. The study focuses on multimodal integration and disintegration and on the reversal of the conventional way of representing both the relation between the interior and exterior and the relation between the static and the dynamic. - Interpretiraju se izdvojeni primjeri višeosjetilnih metafora u spotovima i naslovnicama albuma kojima su predstavljeni rap uradci Kreše Kulašina, poznatog pod umjetničkim imenom Krešo Bengalka, te skupine Kiša metaka. Proučavanim se višeosjetilnim metaforama društveni kriticizam ukalupljuje u spektakl kao tipično obilježje gangsta žanra. Analizom izdvojenih primjera upućuje se na konceptualnu integraciju kao jedan od važnih mehanizama proizvodnje parodijskoga odmaka koji je vidljiv u izobličenju konvencionalnih prikaza eksterijera i interijera, statičnosti i dinamičnosti, kao i u kontrastiranju osjetilnih senzacija (auditivnih, vizualnih i verbalnih).
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 57 (2020), 2 ; str. 65-78  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kognitivna semantika -- Konceptualna metafora -- Višeosjetilna metafora -- Glazbeni spotovi -- Hip-hop izvođači -- Gangsta rap -- Parodija

Vidi br.: HA20-02836

Vidi br.: HA20-02837

Vidi br.: HA20-02114

Vidi br.: HA20-02530

791   Kinematografija. Filmovi

Cesare Zavattini’s poetics of objectivity [Elektronička građa] / Etami Borjan.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 519. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Cesare Zavattini was an acclaimed neorealist screenwriter and a theorist of neorealism. He has played a pivotal role in the critical rethinking of the new postwar Italian cinema although many of his concepts were considered avant-garde for that period. He stood for a direct, spontaneous, and immediate cinema with real people and real events. Despite his desire to eliminate all that was fictional from his films, Zavattini’s concept of new realist cinema cannot simply be described as a documentary approach. He was not so much interested in making documentary films but in making documentary-like fictions. He believed in the potential of cinema to reach a wide audience and in its capacity to be aesthetically subversive. The aspiration for an avant-garde cinema that would reach the masses was a naïve attempt that was too radical for the Italian cinema at the time. Most of his ideas were not accepted in Italy, but he was admired by young filmmakers all over the world. Some of his ideas were realized a few decades later in the works of the famous cinéma vérité and independent avant-garde filmmakers. Throughout his career, Zavattini argued that cinema should be socially committed art. He believed that neorealist films should direct the viewer’s gaze toward specific social issues and voice a subjective judgment on it. In neorealist films, fictional style and documentary rhetoric make the illusion that the experience of characters stands for the experience of the audience. - Cesare Zavattini bio je poznati neorealistički scenarist i teoretičar neorealizma. Imao je ključnu ulogu u kritičkom promišljanju novog poslijeratnog talijanskog filma premda su većinu njegovih ideja smatrali avangardnima za to vrijeme. Zalagao se za direktan, spontan i neposredan film sa stvarnim ljudima i stvarnim događajima. Usprkos želji da eliminira sve što je fikcionalno iz svojih filmova, Zavattinijev koncept novog neorealističkog filma ne može se jednostavno svesti pod formulu dokumentarca. On nije bio toliko zainteresiran za snimanje dokumentaraca koliko za snimanje doku-fikcije. Vjerovao je da film može doprijeti do široke publike, ali i da ima mogućnost da bude estetski subverzivan. Ideja o avangardnom filmu koji može doprijeti do mase bio je naivan pokušaj koji je bio preradikalan za talijanski film tog vremena. Većina njegovih ideja nije bila prihvaćena u Italiji, ali bio je uzor mladim sineastima diljem svijeta. Neke od njegovih ideja realizirat će se nekoliko desetljeća kasnije u filmovima poznatih cinéma vérité i nezavisnih avangardnih redatelja. Cijelu svoju karijeru Zavattini je tvrdio da film mora biti društveno angažirana umjetnost. Vjerovao je da neorealistički filmovi trebaju usmjeriti pogled gledatelja na određene društvene probleme i iznijeti subjektivan stav o njima. U neorealističkim filmovima fikcija i dokumentaristička retorika stvaraju iluziju da iskustvo likova predstavlja iskustvo publike.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 505-520  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Film -- Talijanski neorealizam -- Talijanska kinematografija
Zavattini, Cesare


Disneyjevi animirani antropomorfi [Elektronička građa] / Nada Kujundžić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 59-62. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Dopadljive antropomorfne životinje zacijelo su jedno od najprepoznatljivijih obilježja animiranih filmova američkog studija Walt Disney. Snjeguljica i sedam patuljaka (1937.), prvi cjelovečernji animirani Disneyjev film, uz naslovne likove uključuje i niz dobroćudnih šumskih životinja koje pomažu junakinji, štiteći je i obavljajući kućanske poslove. S obzirom na golem uspjeh Snjeguljice, motiv životinjskih pomagača iskorišten je i u narednim filmovima, te s vremenom postaje neizostavan dio Disneyjevog repertoara. U istraživačkom fokusu ovoga rada upravo su životinjski likovi (tj. likovi ne-ljudskih životinja) u dugometražnim animiranim Disneyjevim filmovima. Korpus istraživanja obuhvaća 48 filmova nastalih u razdoblju od 1937. do 2019. godine. Oslanjajući se na kulturnu animalistiku i postojeća interdisciplinarna istraživanja Disneyjeve animirane produkcije (tzv. Disney studies), rad analizira prikaze životinjskih likova, napose njihovu antropomorfizaciju i način na koji je njihov status protagonista/antagonista vizualno kodiran, te odnos ljudskih i životinjskih likova. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na dominantno antropocentričnu perspektivu analiziranih filmova. - Playful anthropomorphic animals are probably one of the most recognizable traits of the animated features produced by the Walt Disney Animation Studio. In addition to its eponymous heroes and heroine, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), Disney’s first full-length animated feature, included a group of benevolent forest animals which helped the heroine by protecting her and doing household chores. Given the immense success of Snow White, the motif of animal helpers/companions was used in the films that followed, eventually becoming a permanent feature of Disney’s repertoire. This paper focuses on animal (i.e. non-human animal) characters in Disney’s full-length animated feature films. The research corpus encompasses 48 films released between 1937 and 2019. Situated within the frameworks of Disney studies and cultural animal studies, the paper analyses the representation of animal characters, especially their anthropomorphisation and the way their protagonist/antagonist status is visually coded, as well as the relationship between human and animal characters. The research results point to a predominantly anthropocentric perspective of the analysed films.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 57 (2020), 2 ; str. 49-63  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Animirani film -- Antropomorfnost -- Kulturna animalistika -- Životinje
Walt Disney Animation Studio


To unsee the sea [Elektronička građa] : modern refugees on screen / Paula Jurišić.
Bibliografija: str. 143-144. - Abstract. - This article provides a glimpse into the echo of the European refugee crisis in contemporary European cinema and the modes of narration deployed in representations of the phenomenon that is rapidly changing the European political and cultural landscape. The representation of the crisis seems to be bringing about a crisis of representation. Mainstream media refugee images are penetrating both the big screens and television production. Drama and victimhood are, consequently, inevitably becoming the dominant modes of narration (See Rosi’s Fuocoammare), but a growing number of filmmakers address the issue in rather creative ways, bravely experimenting with the nature of the cinematic event as a whole.
U: Cross-cultural studies review (Online). - ISSN 2718-2509. - 1 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 127-144  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Europska kinematografija -- Film -- Izbjeglička kriza -- Gledatelj

Vidi br.: HA20-02385

Vidi br.: HA20-02743

792   Kazalište

"Strani teritorij" plesa kao kazališne umjetnosti / Maja Đurinović.
19. Krležini dani u Osijeku, 2019. - Bibliografija: str. 247-248 ; bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Tri desetljeća Krležinih dana u Osijeku. - ISSN . - str. 242-249
Balet -- Suvremeni ples -- Plesno kazalište

(Ne)vidljiva zagrebačka scena na prijelazu milenija / Višnja Kačić Rogošić.
19. Krležini dani u Osijeku, 2019. - Bibliografija: str. 226-227 ; bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Tri desetljeća Krležinih dana u Osijeku. - ISSN . - str. 216-228
Nova zgrebačka scena -- Alternativno kazalište -- Performans

GOSPIĆ Županović, Ana
Dramsko pismo Slobodana Šnajdera u kontekstu Gašparovićeva teatrološkog opusa / Ana Gospić Županović.
19. Krležini dani u Osijeku, 2019. - Bibliografija: 8 jed; bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Tri desetljeća Krležinih dana u Osijeku. - ISSN . - str. 60-66
Hrvatska drama -- Književno-kritička analiza
Gašparović, Darko -- Šnajder, Slobodan


BOŠKOVIĆ, Ivan, profesor književnosti
Fabrijevi interventi na Krležinim danima u Osijeku / Ivan Bošković.
19. Krležini dani u Osijeku, 2019. - Bibliografija: str. 77-78. - Summary.
U: Tri desetljeća Krležinih dana u Osijeku. - ISSN . - str. 67-78
Kazališni interventi -- Glazbeno kazalište
Fabrio, Nedjeljko


Ivkovićevo kazališno razdoblje / Ljubomir Stanojević. - Ilustr.
19. Krležini dani u Osijeku, 2019. - Bibliografija: 6 jed. ; bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Tri desetljeća Krležinih dana u Osijeku. - ISSN . - str. 30-38
Ivković, Zvonimir
Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Osijeku


Izvan teatra i/ili onkraj pozornice : etnoteatrologija i feministička kritika na Krležinim danima u Osijeku : primjer - Ivan Lozica i Lada Čale Fedman iz Instituta za entologiju i fokloristiku / Suzana Marjanić. - Ilustr.
19. Krležini dani u Osijeku, 2019. - Bibliografija: str. 90-92 ; bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Tri desetljeća Krležinih dana u Osijeku. - ISSN . - str. 79-93
Etnoteatrologija -- Feministička kritika

VARJAČIĆ, Marijan, teatrolog
Kajkavsko kazalište i Krležini dani / Marijan Varjačić.
19. Krležini dani u Osijeku, 2019. - Bibliografija: str. 190-191 ; bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Tri desetljeća Krležinih dana u Osijeku. - ISSN . - str. 183-192
Kajkavski jezik i kazalište -- Kajkavska gluma -- Kajkavski kazalište

Krleža - Osijek - srednjoeuropski prostor / Branka Brlenić-Vujić.
19. Krležini dani u Osijeku, 2019. - Bibliografija: str. 44-45 ; bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Tri desetljeća Krležinih dana u Osijeku. - ISSN . - str. 39-45
Duhovni krajolik Osijeka -- Srednjoeuropski prostor
Krleža, Miroslav


Krležini dani ,,prije preporoda“ / Antun Pavešković.
19. Krležini dani u Osijeku, 2019. - Bibliografija: str. 136-142 ; bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Tri desetljeća Krležinih dana u Osijeku. - ISSN . - str. 123-142
Drama -- Kazalište -- Režija

ŽUŽUL, Ivana
Krležini dani u Osijeku : književna povijest iz ruke pjesnika a ne povjesničara / Ivana Žužul.
19. Krležini dani u Osijeku, 2019. - Bibliografija: str. 121-122 ; bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Tri desetljeća Krležinih dana u Osijeku. - ISSN . - str. 111-122
Kazališna historiografija -- Književna historiografija -- Kazališna manifestacija

Krležini dani u Osijeku : zatočnik hrvatske teatrologije / Martina Petranović.
19. Krležini dani u Osijeku, 2019. - Bibliografija: str. 108-110 ; bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Tri desetljeća Krležinih dana u Osijeku. - ISSN . - str. 94-110
Hrvatska teatrologija -- Kazališna historiografija -- Hrvatska drama

LJUBIĆ, Lucija
Krležini dani u Osijeku i hrvatska drama od 1990. do danas / Lucija Ljubić.
19. Krležini dani u Osijeku, 2019. - Bibliografija: str. 213-214 ; bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Tri desetljeća Krležinih dana u Osijeku. - ISSN . - str. 204-215
Suvremena hrvatska drama -- Suvremeni hrvatski dramatičari
Krležini dani


Miroslav S. Mađer kao dramski pisac / Hrvojka Mihanović-Salopek.
19. Krležini dani u Osijeku, 2019. - Bibliografija: str. 152-153 ; bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Tri desetljeća Krležinih dana u Osijeku. - ISSN . - str. 143-153
Radiodrama -- Dramske adaptacije -- Dječje igre
Mađer, Miroslav S.


DEVALD Roksandić, Mihaela
Pedagoški odnos kao potencijal promjene u baletnom školovanju [Elektronička građa] / Mihaela Devald Roksandić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 127-129. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovom radu baletno se školovanje promatra iz pedagogijske perspektive, odnosno biva sagledano kao odgojno-obrazovni proces čiju centralnu dimenziju čini pedagoški odnos između nastavnika i učenika. Analiziraju se opresivne pedagoške prakse, stavovi i vrijednosti koji se, unutar baletne obrazovne vertikale, tradicijski prenose “s koljena na koljeno” bez kritičkog propitivanja. Poseban je fokus na pravima djeteta i njihovu poštivanju u procesu odgoja i obrazovanja, uz analizu diskriminatornih obrazaca selekcije djece koji i danas egzistiraju u baletnim školama diljem svijeta. Tako se fokus pomiče s onog što je “važno za profesiju” na nužnost uvažavanja najboljeg interesa djeteta u procesu baletnog školovanja. U obradi teme primijenjena je autoetnografska metoda istraživanja, pri čemu su kao kvalitativni podaci korištena i različita osobna iskustva stečena kroz školovanje i plesačku te pedagošku karijeru. Temeljem tih iskustava i teorijskog istraživanja ovaj rad pokušava ponuditi rješenja za promjenu u procesu baletnog školovanja te ih pronalazi upravo u potencijalnom pedagogijskom doprinosu baletnoj pedagogiji. Mogućnost promjene kvalitete odnosa između nastavnika i učenika prezentirana je kroz pedagoški odnos s obzirom na to da osvještavanje i artikulacija svih segmenata pedagoškog odnosa donose potencijal promjene koji je nužan u procesu baletnog školovanja. Zahtjevom za pedagogičnim artikuliranjem pedagoškog odnosa, kao temeljnog pedagoškog koncepta u baletnom školovanju, i dalje se uvažavaju zahtjevi koje pred dijete postavlja baletna umjetnost, ali se istovremeno afirmiraju prava i najbolji interes djeteta. - This paper explores ballet education from a pedagogical perspective, viewing it primarily as an educational process. In this sense, oppressive pedagogical practices are analyzed, defined as attitudes and values that are traditionally transmitted from one generation to the next within the ballet educational hierarchy without critical questioning. The paper focuses on the Rights of the Child and their human rights in the educational process, analyzing the discriminatory patterns of child selection that continue to exist in ballet schools around the world even today. Thus, the focus shifts from what is “important to the profession” to regarding the best interests and welfare of the child in the ballet educational process. The approach is qualitative, and based on autoethnography, where various personal experiences are included, experiences gained through education, dancing and teaching. Based on these experiences and theoretical research, the paper attempts to offer a change in the process of ballet education and finds it precisely in its pedagogical contribution to ballet pedagogy. The needed change is the shift in the quality of the teacher-student relationship, and it is presented as a pedagogical relationship because it is the awareness and articulation of all segments of the pedagogical relationship that bring about the potential change that is necessary for the ballet education process. The articulation of the pedagogical relationship as a basic pedagogical concept still respects the demands of ballet art, but at the same time does not neglect the child’s position within ballet education as well as the child’s best interest in it.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 57 (2020), 2 ; str. 107-129  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Balet -- Baletno školovanje -- Baletno tijelo -- Diskriminacija -- Pedagoška praksa -- Autoritarnost

Postdramatic tragedy and fear [Elektronička građa] : the case of Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio's Tragedia Endogonidia / Una Bauer.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 232-234. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This article engages with conceptual constellations which allow a contemporary postdramatic theatre production, specifically Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio’s theatrical series Tragedia Endogonidia (2002 – 2004) to be regarded as a tragedy or a series of tragedies. Particular emphasis is given to the role of fear in understanding Tragedia Endogonidia as a tragedy. My claim is that Tragedia Endogonidia contributed to the modification of contemporary understanding of tragedy to, at the same time, a more abstract and a more explicitly material one, where the anchoring of the tragic into a concrete human destiny and the resolution of a plot is replaced by “plotting of the sensorial” or “plotting of the image”, driven by anticipation directly related to an unspecified feeling of discomfort and fear. - Ovaj se članak bavi konceptualnim konstelacijama pod kojima možemo analizirati suvremenu postdramsku kazališnu predstavu, konkretno kazališnu seriju Tragedia Endogonidia (2002 – 2004) kazališne skupine Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio kao tragediju ili niz tragedija, sa specifičnim naglaskom na ulozi straha u razumijevanju Tragedije Endogonidije kao tragedije. Smatram da je Tragedia Endogonidia doprinijela promjeni suvremenog razumijevanja tragedije prema onom, u isto vrijeme apstraktnijem i eksplicitnije materijalnijem, gdje je sidrenje tragičnog u konkretnoj ljudskoj sudbini i razrješenje kroz zaplet zamijenjeno “zaplitanjem senzorijalnog” ili “zaplitanjem slike”, realizirano anticipacijom povezanom s neodređenim osjećajem neugode i straha.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 57 (2020), 1 ; str. 217-234  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tragedija -- Strah -- Paradoks -- Kazališne predstave
Societas Raffaello Sanzio's


Pučka drama i pučko kazalište na Krležinim danima u širem teatrološkom kontekstu / Ozana Iveković.
19. Krležini dani u Osijeku, 2019. - Bibliografija: str. 174-181 ; bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Tri desetljeća Krležinih dana u Osijeku. - ISSN . - str. 154-182
Pučka drama -- Pučko kazalište

Redatelji i režija u osječkim izlaganjima Branka Hećimovića / Boris Senker.
19. Krležini dani u Osijeku, 2019. - Bibliografija: str. 26-27. - Summary.
U: Tri desetljeća Krležinih dana u Osijeku. - ISSN . - str. 11-29
Redatelji -- Režija
Hećimović, Branko


Smjernice za daljnji razvoj Krležinih dana u Osijeku / Mira Muhoberac.
19. Krležini dani u Osijeku, 2019. - Bibliografija: 5 jed. ; bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Tri desetljeća Krležinih dana u Osijeku. - ISSN . - str. 250-256
Svjetovi umjetnosti -- Internetske platforme -- Kazališni muzej
Krležini dani u Osijeku


CAR-MIHEC, Adriana
Teatrološki prinosi Darka Gašparoviča Krležinim danima u Osijeku / Adriana Car-Mihec.
19. Krležini dani u Osijeku, 2019. - Bibliografija: str. 55-59 ; bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Tri desetljeća Krležinih dana u Osijeku. - ISSN . - str. 46-59
Nacionalno glumište -- Dramatizacija
Gašparović, Darko


Tema balet / Ana Lederer.
19. Krležini dani u Osijeku, 2019. - Bibliografija: str. 239-240 ; bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Tri desetljeća Krležinih dana u Osijeku. - ISSN . - str. 229-241
Balet -- Nacionalna kazališta -- Klasični balet -- Suvremeni ples

Zbornik Krležini dani i Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Osijeku / Ivan Trojan.
19. Krležini dani u Osijeku, 2019. - Bibliografija: str. 199-202 ; bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Tri desetljeća Krležinih dana u Osijeku. - ISSN . - str. 193-203
Hrvatsko narodno kazlište u Osijeku -- Krležini dani u Osijeku

Vidi br.: HA20-02816

793/794   Društvene zabave i razonoda. Umjetnost pokreta. Ples

BRČIĆ, Iva, sociologinja
Utjecaj video igara na djecu [Elektronička građa] / Iva Brčić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: 13 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Video igre su postale glavni vid dječje zabave i način kako će djeca ispuniti svoje slobodno vrijeme. Više nisu samo povremena povlastica koju dijete dobije nakon što obavi svoje zadatke, već su postale sastavni dio svakodnevnog života. Postale su stalno dostupne na raznim igraćim konzolama, na kompjuterima, tabletima i mobitelima. U Hrvatskoj gotovo 90 % djece igra neku vrstu video igara . U ovom radu pažnja će biti usmjerena na razloge popularnosti video igara među djecom. Proučavat će se negativni utjecaji na dječje ponašanje, zdravlje i psihofizički razvoj. Također će se izučavati i pozitivna strana video igara i kako one mogu pridonijeti razvoju dječjih sposobnosti i pomoći u usvajanju brojnih znanja. U radu će biti objašnjeno i na koji način se može poticati pozitivan utjecaj video igara, a kako umanjiti onaj negativan. - Video games have become the most important aspect of entertainment for children and the way how they spend their free time. Video games aren’t a privilege that children have after they do their chores anymore. They are a part of children’s everyday life. They can be played on gaming consoles, on computers, tablets, and smartphones. Almost 90% of children in Croatia play some kind of video game. This paper will focus on the reasons for the popularity of video games among children. Negative influences on children’s behavior, health, and psychophysical development will be studied. The positive side of video games will also be explored and how they can contribute to the development of children’s skills and help them acquire knowledge. The paper will explain how the positive impact of video games can be encouraged and how to reduce the negative ones.
U: In medias res (Zagreb, Online). - ISSN 1848-6304. - 9 (2020), 17 ; str. 2669-2684  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Videoigre -- Djeca -- Ovisnost -- Pozitivni utjecaji -- Negativni utjecaji -- Virtualna socijalizacija

Vidi br.: HA20-02364

Vidi br.: HA20-02113

Vidi br.: HA20-02343

Vidi br.: HA20-02117

Vidi br.: HA20-02062

796/799   Sport

JARDAS Antonić, Jelena
Data envelopment analysis in measuring the efficiency of volleyball teams in Primorsko-Goranska County [Elektronička građa] / Jelena Jardas Antonić, Kristina Kregar, Nenad Vretenar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 132-133. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Every sport organisation strives to evaluate its performance: its weaknesses and strengths. Measuring efficiency and sports are two interrelated concepts and it is not surprising that most of the research on sports is focused on analysing the efficiency of teams according to player techniques, attack and defence efficiency. However, there are very few studies based on the analysis of financial factors such as teams’ revenue and costs. In this paper two Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models were used to evaluate 16 young cadet volleyball teams in Primorsko-Goranska County based on two economic inputs. The paper aims to explain the importance of teams’ financial resources in achieving sports efficiency. To analyse the relative efficiency of teams, two frequently used models are employed, the Banker Charnes Cooper (BCC) and the Charnes Cooper Rhodes (CCR) model. In the end, a super efficiency analysis was conducted to make a distinction in efficiency scores between efficient units. Analyses showed that financial factors are not crucial factors for efficiency score and gave possibility to use obtained results and improve the performance of inefficient volleyball teams. The study was conducted on a sample of 16 teams through 4 inputs and 1 output collected during 2017/2018 season. - Svaka sportska organizacija ulaže značajan trud u evaluaciju svoje učinkovitosti, svojih slabosti i snaga. Mjerenje efikasnosti i sport su međusobno isprepleteni pojmovi i nije iznenađujuće da je većina istraživanja u području sporta usredotočena na analize efikasnosti sportskih momčadi vezano uz tehniku igrača, efikasnost napada i obrane, a rijetko bazirano na financijskim čimbenicima poput prihoda i troškova momčadi. U ovom radu su promatrajući ekonomske inpute upotrjebljena dva modela metode omeđivanja podataka (DEA) za ocjenu šesnaest mlađih kadetskih odbojkaških momčadi u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji. Analizom se pokušalo utvrditi značajnost financijskih sredstava koje timovi imaju na raspolaganju u postizanju efikasnosti sportskih rezultata. Za analizu relativne efikasnost momčadi, upotrijebilo se dva učestalo korištena modela Banker Chames Cooperov (BCC) i Chames Cooper Rhodesov (CCR) model. Na kraju je izvršena analiza superefikasnosti kako bi se moglo razlučiti rezultate efikasnosti između efikasnih jedinica. Analiza je izvršena na uzorku od 16 momčadi uz pomoć 4 inputa i jednog outputa u sezoni 2017-2018.
U: Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci (Online). - ISSN 1849-1723. - 8 (2020), 1 ; str. 121-134  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Odbojka -- Sportski timovi -- Relativna efikasnost -- Ekonomski čimbenici

ŽUPAN Tadijanov, Daria
Differences in motor abilities among the students of the Department of Kinesiology in Osijek [Elektronička građa] / Daria Župan Tadijanov. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Summary. - The aim of this research was to determine the differences in motor abilities between two generations of students of the Kinesiology Department with the Faculty of Education in Osijek, as part of Basic Kinesiological Transformations course and also to determine the differences based on gender. Subject sample consisted of 112 students of Kinesiology, of which 53 subjects were from the first generation and 59 subjects from the second. Tests for assessment of motor abilities of repetitive power and strength were pull-ups, sit-ups, chest presses and back squats. A significant difference in motor abilities between the two generations of Kinesiology Department students was observed only in the motor test for assessment of repetitive power – pull-ups - among male students, whereby male students of the second generation achieved significantly better results. Differences between the two generations of female students have not been observed in any of the assessment tests. While analysing the differences based on gender, it has been observed that male students achieve significantly better results than female students in all the assessment tests of power and strength, except in sit-ups. The reason for the significant differences observed between the two generations of students of the Kinesiology Department only in the test for assessment of repetitive power – pull-ups – probably lies in the fact that the pull-ups, because of the complexity needed for executing them correctly, have caused a higher degree of motivation while training, whereas other tests did not appear to be equally motivating. The differences observed based on gender correspond to standard differences which appear as a result of sexual dimorphism, even though the subjects in question were a homogenised group of kinesiology students.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 66 (2020), 1 ; str. 97-103  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kineziologija -- Studenti -- Motoričke sposobnosti
Kineziološki fakultet Osijek


Kinesiology terminology in Croatian sign language [Elektronička građa] / Ana Vuljanić, Dragana Tišma, Angel Naumovski. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Summary. - The kinesiological areas of education, sport, sports recreation and kinesitherapy of children and youth with hearing impairment present a methodological and didactical problem, which occurs due to the specific characteristics that people with hearing impairment possess. The communication aspect of the work with children and youth with hearing impairment is considerably limited. Therefore, to ensure an optimal and continuous kinesiological process, it is important to know all the specificities of working with them. The main goal of this paper is to outline some general recommendations and adjustments related to the work with children and youth with hearing impairment in kinesiological areas. Special attention will be given to the communication systems and the presentation of kinesiological terminology in the Croatian sign language in order to optimize the communication aspect. This professional paper is an introduction to a more comprehensive manual on the specifics of children and youth with hearing impairment in the motor environment, specialties of kinesiological education, with the addition of general recommendations and adaptations for work and a wider presentation of kinesiological terminology in the Croatian sign language. The basic knowledge on the methodological, didactic and communication approach to children and youth with hearing impairment in the field of kinesiological education, as well as other kinesiological orientations will be given to the educators, teachers and professors who are not sufficiently informed and adequately educated in this field during their studies, as well as to the current students of the same orientations.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 66 (2020), 1 ; str. 125-131  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kineziologija -- Terminologija -- Obrazovanje -- Osobe s oštećenjem sluha -- Znakovni jezik

Orijentacijsko globe natjecanje - važan motivacijski čimbenik u implementaciji Programa GLOBE [Elektronička građa] / Diana Garašić. - Fotogr.
Prilozi na str. 41-44. - Bibliografija: str. 39-40. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Program GLOBE je međunarodni, znanstveno-obrazovni program koji se u Republici Hrvatskoj ostvaruje od 1995. godine na temelju međudržavnog sporazuma. Škole u programu obavljaju mjerenja i opažanja u svojem okolišu, u području atmosfere, tla, vode i pokrova, a rezultate upisuju u jedinstvenu svjetsku bazu podataka. Program predviđa svakodnevna atmosferska mjerenja te povremene izlaske učenika na terensku nastavu radi mjerenja i opažanja u području istraživanja vode, tla i pokrova. Suvremenost obrazovne komponente u primjeni ovog programa prepoznaje se sljedećim značajkama: interdisciplinarnost, iskustveno učenje, praktičan rad i terenska nastava, korištenje suvremene tehnologije. Sve to, uz timski rad i vještinu orijentacije u prostoru promiče Orijentacijsko GLOBE natjecanje u sklopu godišnjih susreta GLOBE škola. Ti susreti predstavljaju mogućnost okupljanja, povezivanja i razmjene iskustva učenika i nastavnika i dokazalo se, tijekom 22 godine provedbe kao značajan motivacijski čimbenik za provedbu Programa GLOBE u školama. - The GLOBE program is an international, science and education program that has been implemented in the Republic of Croatia since 1995 on the basis of an international agreement. Schools involved in the program perform measurements and observations in their environment, in the field of atmosphere, soil, water, land cover and record the results in a common database. The program requires daily atmospheric measurements and students' field trips for measurements and observations in the field of water, soil and cover research. The modernity of GLOBE educational component can be recognized in following features: interdisciplinarity, experiential learning, hands on and field work, the use of modern technology. All this, along with students' teamwork and the skills of orientation in the unknown area, is promoted by the GLOBE Survey Competition, as the part of Annual meetings of GLOBE schools. These meetings represent an opportunity for GLOBE participants to gather, make new contacts and exchange experiences of GLOBE implementation. During 22 years of implementation, these meetings have proven as a significant motivating factor for the implementation of the GLOBE Program.
U: Educatio biologiae. - ISSN 1849-6520. - (2020), 6 ; str. 33-45  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Orijentacijsko natjecanje -- Orijentacijsko trčanje -- Interdisciplinarnost -- Timski rad -- Učenici

Physical activity level of students of the Faculty of Education during the COVID-19 virus epidemic [Elektronička građa] / Jurica Lovrinčević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 110. - Summary. - Physical activity is an integral part and a vital factor in our lives. Scientists consider physical inactivity to be a major public health problem of the 21st century (Blair, 2009). The objective of this paper was to determine the physical activity level of students of the Faculty of Education in Osijek during the COVID-19 virus epidemic. Furthermore, the paper analyzed the difference in physical activity levels between male and female students. There were 100 participants included in the research, 50 female and 50 male students. The level of physical activity in students was assessed via a short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ - SF). The results indicate an average high level of physical activity in all students. There is a statistically significant difference between male and female students, with male students being more physically active than female students.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 66 (2020), 1 ; str. 105-110  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Studenti -- Zdravlje -- Fizička aktivnost -- COVID-19

GALIĆ, Tvrtko
Važnost promocije u sveučilišnome sportu na fakultetskoj razini - analiza slučaja [Elektronička građa] : Fakultet za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti u Osijeku 2014.-2020. = The importance of the promotion of university sport on the faculty level - case analysis : Faculty of Education Osijek 2014 to 2020 / Tvrtko Galić, Mijo Ćurić, Antun Biloš. - Graf. prikazi.
Tekst ne engl. jeziku na str. 87-96. - Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The ways of informing students about the activities which are organized on a faculty or university level daily present an increasing challenge. The very aim of this work is to analyze and compare ways of informing students of the Faculty of Education about the sport activities on the faculty and university level. The way of informing students about the activities will be compared with the ways of informing about general sport activities in order to identify possible deviation from two different types of activities. Promotion being one of the marketing elements, so is the appliance of adequate promotion tools very important in all social processes. Numerous examples, especially in sport, proved that the activities of the sport participants will not be successful without the adequate use of promotion. University sport in developed countries surely occupies an important place in the academic community; from that point of view it is very important to determine the way of managing the university sport. The university sport in the Republic of Croatia is becoming more significant element of students' activities every day, and the promotion contributes to that. Apart from comparing the ways of informing about sport and regular activities, this paper will provide the time comparison of the mentioned researches between 2014 and 2020. The comparison of the same data with the time lag will provide the best picture of the changes in the ways of informing in a 6-year-period. The obtained results have shown that even after six years, students continue to prefer certain communication channels, i.e. they remain primary. - Način informiranja studenata o aktivnostima koje se organiziraju na fakultetskoj ili sveučilišnoj razini svakoga dana predstavlja sve veći izazov. Upravo je svrha ovog rada analizirati i usporediti načine informiranja studenata Fakulteta za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti u Osijeku o sportskim aktivnostima na razini Fakulteta i Sveučilišta. Način informiranja studenata o sportskim aktivnostima također će se usporediti s načinima informiranja o općenitim sportskim aktivnostima kako bi se utvrdila moguća odstupanja u odnosu na dvije različite vrste aktivnosti. Kako je promocija jedan od elementa marketinškoga spleta, tako je i primjena odgovarajućih promocijskih alata vrlo bitna u svim društvenim procesima. Mnogobrojni primjeri, posebice u sportu, pokazali su da bez odgovarajuće primjene promocijskoga spleta aktivnosti sportskih dionika neće ostvariti željeni učinak. Sveučilišni sport u razvijenim zemljama zasigurno zauzima važno mjesto u akademskoj zajednici i s toga gledišta vrlo je važno na koji će se način upravljati sveučilišnim sportom. Sveučilišni sport i u Republici Hrvatskoj svakoga dana postaje sve značajniji čimbenik studenskih aktivnosti, čemu zasigurno doprinosi i njegova promocija. Osim usporedbe o načinima informiranja između sportskih i općenitih aktivnosti u ovome radu napravit će se i vremenska usporedba spomenutih istraživanja provedenih 2014. godine i 2020. godine. Usporedba istih podataka s vremenskim odmakom dat će najbolju sliku o promjenama u načinu informiranja u razdoblju od šest godina. Upravo su dobiveni rezultati pokazali kako i nakon šest godina studenti i dalje preferiraju određene komunikacijske kanale, odnosno da su im određeni komunikacijski kanali i nakon šest godina i dalje primarni.
U: Život i škola (Online). - ISSN 1849-0972. - 66 (2020), 1 ; str. 77-96  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sport -- Menadžment -- Sportski menadžment -- Sveučilišni sport -- Marketing
Fakultet za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti u Osijeku


Vidi br.: HA20-02593

Vidi br.: HA20-02592

Vidi br.: HA20-02313


80   Filologija. Prozodija. Retorika

ŠIMIĆ, Krešimir, kroatist
Bilješka o filologiji [Elektronička građa] / Krešimir Šimić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 447-450. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U članku se prvo analizira polemika između Ulricha von Wilamowitz-Möllendorffa i Friedricha Nietzschea nastala povodom objavljivanja Nietzscheove prve knjige Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik (1872), a zatim i polemika između Waltera Jacksona Batea i Paula de Mana povodom objavljivanja Bateova članka The Crisis in English Studies. Iz spomenutih polemika nastoji se ocrtati osnovne smjernice u devetnaestostoljetnom i dvadesetostoljetnom razumijevanju filologije. Konačno, donosi se vlastito viđenje filologije iz vizure kršćanske tradicije, odnosno evanđeoske tvrdnje: καὶ ὁ λόγος σὰρξ ἐγένετο (Iv 1, 14). - The article analyzes the controversy between Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Möllendorff and Friedrich Nietzsche, which began after the publication of Nietzsche’s first book Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik (1872), followed by the controversy between Walter Jackson Bate and Paul de Man on the occasion of the publication of Bate’s article The Crisis in English Studies (Harvard Magazine 85, 1982). With the help of the two polemics, the author outlines the basic guidelines in the nineteenth-century and twen- tieth-century understanding of philology. Finally, the article brings the author’s own view of philology from the point of view of Christian tradition, that is, the evangelical statement: καὶ ὁ λόγος σὰρξ ξγένετο (John 1,14).
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 425-451  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Filologija -- Vjera
Wilamowitz-Möllendorffa, Ulric von -- Bate, Walter Jackson -- Nietzsche, Friedrich -- De Man, Paul


81   Lingvistika i jezici

"Deep lexicography" - fad or opportunity? [Elektronička građa] / Nikola Ljubešić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 850-851. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In recent years, we are witnessing staggering improvements in various semantic data processing tasks due to the developments in the area of deep learning, ranging from image and video processing to speech processing, and natural language understanding. In this paper, we discuss the opportunities and challenges that these developments pose for the area of electronic lexicography. We primarily focus on the concept of representation learning of the basic elements of language, namely words, and the applicability of these word representations to lexicography. We first discuss well-known approaches to learning static representations of words, the so-called word embeddings, and their usage in lexicography-related tasks such as semantic shift detection, and cross-lingual prediction of lexical features such as concreteness and imageability. We wrap up the paper with the most recent developments in the area of word representation learning in form of learning dynamic, context-aware representations of words, showcasing some dynamic word embedding examples, and discussing improvements on lexicography-relevant tasks of word sense disambiguation and word sense induction. - Posljednjih smo godina svjedoci velikoga napretka u različitim zadatcima inteligentne obrade podataka koji je posljedica razvoja dubokoga učenja. ti zadatci uključuju i obradu slike, videa, govora te razumijevanje jezika. u ovome se radu raspravlja o prilikama i izazovima koje taj napredak omogućuje u području digitalne leksikografije. Veći se dio rada odnosi na učenje prikaza različitih elemenata jezika – riječi, leksema te izjava – i njihovu primjenu u leksikografiji. Prikazuju se dobro poznati postupci učenja statičkih vektorskih prikaza riječi te njihova primjena u zadatcima poput prepoznavanja semantičkih pomaka te predviđanja leksičkih značajka riječi. u radu se dalje govori o višejezičnoj razini učenja prikaza riječi te se rad zaključuje prikazom novijih postignuća u području strojnoga razumijevanja jezika – dinamičkih, kontekstnih prikaza riječi.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 839-852  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Digitalna leksikografija -- Duboko učenje -- Jezik

An analysis of paratexts in the (re)translations of Oliver Twist into Croatian [Elektronička građa] / Edin Badić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 57-58. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of the present study is to analyse paratextual elements in Croatian (re)translations of Charles Dickens’ classic social novel Oliver Twist; or, The Parish Boy’s Progress (1837–1839). We will explore the level of paratextual (in)visibility of translators in the (re)translations of Oliver Twist and observe how their (in)visibility might affect the reading and interpretation of the novel. The fact that Oliver Twist has been on the reading lists for Croatian primary schoolers ever since the early 1950s may account for the intense interest in the novel on the part of Croatian publishers. The first edition of Oliver Twist into Croatian appeared in 1901 and, since then, three (re) translations have been published, as well as a large number of reprints. The findings aim to contribute to a better understanding of Croatian translation history, shedding light on different approaches to translating children’s literature and the effects such translation practices may have had on the expectations of the target readership. - Cilj je istraživanja analizirati paratekstualne elemente u hrvatskim prijevodima istaknutoga socijalnoga romana Charlesa Dickensa Oliver Twist; or, The Parish Boy’s Progress (1837. – 1839.). U radu se istražuje razina paratekstualne (ne)vidljivosti prevoditeljā u (ponovnim) prijevodima Olivera Twista te se promatra kako je njihova (ne)vidljivost mogla utjecati na čitanje i tumačenje ovoga klasika. Oliver Twist nalazi se na popisima lektire za osnovnu školu još od ranih 1950-ih, čime bi se moglo objasniti snažno zanimanje hrvatskih izdavača za roman. Prvo izdanje Olivera Twista na hrvatskom pojavilo se 1901. i otad su objavljena tri (ponovna) prijevoda, kao i velik broj pretisaka. Rezultatima istraživanja želi se pridonijeti boljemu razumijevanju hrvatske povijesti prevođenja te rasvijetliti različite pristupe prevođenju dječje književnosti i utjecaje koje je takva prevoditeljska praksa mogla imati na očekivanja ciljnoga čitateljstva.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 9 (2020), 1 ; str. 37-59  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Književno prevođenje -- Engleski jezik -- Hrvatski jezik -- Dječja književnost -- Paratekst

Brussels - boss, bully or the big brother? [Elektronička građa] : framing conflict in contemporary Hungarian political rhetoric / Réka Benczes, Lilla Petronella Szabó. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 364-368. - Summary ; Sažetak. - According to political realism, conflict is an immanent feature of world politics (Morgenthau 1948/1973). Drawing on this basic premise, it can be expected that the conflict frame is routinely exploited by politicians to explain and justify their foreign policy (Musolff 2016). Conflict is especially prevalent in populist narratives, where the “pure people” are juxtaposed with the “corrupt elite” (Mudde 2004). Accordingly, we hypothesized that the current Hungarian populist government would also frame its turbulent relationship with the EU by metaphorically conceptualizing it as a violent conflict. Drawing on a discourse dynamics approach to metaphor identification (Cameron et al. 2009; 2010), we analysed the metaphorical framing of the term Brüsszel (‘Brussels’) found in articles published on official government websites between 2015 and 2017. Our results indicate that explicit manifestation of the conflict frame in the form of violent conflict (such as a military operation) is less prevalent in contemporary government rhetoric, as opposed to the eu as person frame. This latter conceptualization, however, is manifested by metaphorical scenarios that evoke conflictual relations with varying degrees (and thus feed into populist narratives) by making sense of the EU as an authority figure, a partner in a joint venture, a bully, and an opponent in a battle. - Gledano iz perspektive političkog realizma, sukob je osobina svojstvena svjetskoj politici (Morgenthau 1948/1973). Polazeći od ove osnovne premise, može se očekivati ​​da političari rutinski koriste okvir sukoba kako bi objasnili i opravdali svoju vanjsku politiku (Musolff 2016). Sukob je osobito raširen u populističkim narativima, gdje se „čisti ljudi“ uspoređuju s „korumpiranom elitom“ (Mudde 2004). U skladu s navedenim, pretpostavili smo da će aktualna mađarska populistička vlada svoj turbulentni odnos s EU-om isto tako oblikovati metaforički, konceptualizirajući ga kao nasilni sukob. Oslanjajući se na pristup diskursne dinamike u identificiranju metafora (Cameron et al. 2009; 2010), analizirali smo metaforičko uokvirivanje pojma Brüsszel (‚Bruxelles’) pronađeno u člancima objavljenim na službenim web stranicama mađarske vlade u razdoblju između 2015. i 2017. Naši rezultati ukazuju na to da je eksplicitno jezično ostvarenje okvira osukoba u obliku nasilnog sukoba (poput vojne operacije) u suvremenoj vladinoj retorici manje rašireno, za razliku od okvira EU kao osoba. Ova potonja konceptualizacija, međutim, ostvaruje se kroz metaforičke scenarije koji evociraju konfliktne odnose različitih stupnjeva intenziteta (i tako nadograđuju populistički narativ) prikazujući EU kao autoritarnu figuru, partnera u zajedničkom pothvatu, nasilnika i protivnika u bitci.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 21 (2020), 3 ; str. 345-369  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Politička retorika -- Sukob


ALUJEVIĆ, Marijana
Comparative analysis of a specific type of lexical collocation (light verb + noun) in Croatian, Italian and English language and its use in classroom teaching of lexis [Elektronička građa] / Marijana Alujević, Tanja Brešan Ančić, Dijana Vinčić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 51 jed. - Summary. - The aim of this paper is to provide an overview and the analysis of collocations, one of the most significant aspects of idiomatic use of language. A special emphasis has been put on a comparative review of the most common Light Verb Constructions consisting of light verbs (cro. lagani glagoli, ital. verbi supporto) and nouns in Croatian, English and Italian language. The aforementioned construction is chosen since it is extremely common in the early stages of language acquisition. Moreover, the aim of the conducted contrastive analysis has been to determine overlaps in order to use the examples of positive transfer in teaching lexis (English/Italian – L2), as well as to prevent negative interference such as false analogies. The research is based on the assumption that the number of completely concordant collocations taught in the early stages of foreign language acquisition is limited. Thus, prompt detection and putting emphasis on their relevance is essential. Following the discussion of the results of the contrastive analysis, the relevance of teaching collocations, i.e. presenting the most common collocations simultaneously with new vocabulary will be stressed. In accordance with the above­mentioned, we believe that collocational approach is the most useful and effective in teaching languages.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 2 ; str. 331-348  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Strani jezici -- Usvajanje stranog jezika -- Hrvatski jezik -- Talijanski jezik -- Engleski jezik -- Kolokacijski pristup -- Kontrastivna analiza -- Leksik

JURKOVIĆ, Ivan, povjesničar
Family ties and written multilingual heritage of the Frankapani at the dawn of the early modern period [Elektronička građa] / Ivan Jurković. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 219-225. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In the second half of the fifteenth and the first half of the sixteenth century the Frankapani of Krk, Senj, and Modruš were at the peak of their power. This family of Croatian counts was networked through marriage from the Adriatic to the Baltic Sea with Italian, Hungarian, Austrian, and German royal and aristocratic families. Their presence in the courts of their next of kin, as well as their in-laws, is therefore not surprising, whether it be the Roman Curia or the Hohenzollern Branderburger Palace in Berlin. In such a wide system of communications, the Frankapani presented themselves to the European public as a multilingual family ready to promulgate not only the written heritage nurtured during the Middle Ages in Croatia (Latin and Glagolitic), but also ready to adopt, promote, and disseminate the written heritage of their spouses (Italian, German, Hungarian). The following examples attest to this statement: the Roman breviary translated into the German language by Christopher Frankapan and his wife Apollonia Lang printed in 1518 in Venice, the anti-Turkish speech in Latin delivered by Christopher’s father, Bernardin, before the German assembly in Nuremberg and printed in 1522 for the occasion, the translated epistles of Saint Paul, from Latin to Hungarian, donated by Catherine Frankapan married to Gabriel (Gábor) Perényi, printed in Krakow in 1533, and the first Croatian- language breviary written in the Latin script, rather than in the Glagolitic, commissioned by Catherine Frankapan married to Nicholas Zrinski, published in 1560 in Padua. - Druga je polovica 15. i prva polovica 16. stoljeća razdoblje vrhunca moći Frankapana Krčkih, Senjskih i Modruških. Ta je hrvatska grofovska obitelj bračnim vezama bila umrežena od Jadrana do Baltika s talijanskim, ugarskim, austrijskim i njemačkim vladarskim i velikaškim obiteljima. Ne čudi stoga njihova nazočnost na dvorovima moćnika koji su im bili u prvom koljenu srodstva, ali isto tako i na dvorovima zajedničke im svojte, počevši od Rimske kurije pa do dvora Hohenzollerna Brandenburških u Berlinu. U takvom se širokom sustavu veza Frankapani predstavljaju europskoj javnosti kao multilingvalna obitelj spremna na širenje ne samo pisane baštine njegovane tijekom srednjeg vijeka u Hrvatskoj (latinske i glagoljaške), već i na usvajanje, promoviranje i širenje pisane baštine svojih supružnika (talijanske, njemačke, mađarske). Tomu svjedoče primjerice Rimski brevijar preveden na njemački jezik Krste Frankapana i supruge mu Apolonije Lang otisnut 1518. god. u Veneciji, protuturski govor na latinskom jeziku Krstina oca Bernardina pred njemačkim staležima otisnut 1522. god. u Nürnbergu, doniranje prijevoda s latinskoga na mađarski jezik poslanica sv. Pavla Katarine Frankapan udane za Gabrijela (Gábora) Perényija, koji je i tiskan u Krakovu 1533. god. te prvi časoslov otisnut latiničkim, a ne glagoljskim slovima na hrvatskom jeziku Katarine Frankapan udane za Nikolu Zrinskog, objavljen 1560. god. u Padovi.
U: Tabula (Pula. Online). - ISSN 1849-1685. - (2020), 17 ; str. 205-237  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pisana baština -- Prijevodi
Obitelj Frankopan


Jezična uporaba i stavovi hrvatskih imigranata u Irskoj [Elektronička građa] / Sanja Škifić, Katarina Grbas. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 56-58. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Imigracija u Irskoj, uključujući imigraciju Hrvata u tu zemlju, u posljednje vrijeme u znatnom je porastu. Stoga Irska u posljednjih nekoliko godina nastoji pronaći načine na koje se imigrantima može osigurati odgovarajuća kulturna i jezična integracija u irsko društvo. Ovaj rad se bavi istraživanjem jezične uporabe i stavova hrvatskih imigranata u Irskoj. U istraživanju koje je provedeno od lipnja do kolovoza 2019. godine sudjelovala su 82 hrvatska imigranta u Irskoj. Za potrebe istraživanja korišten je upitnik koji se sastojao od četiriju dijelova i koji su ispitanici ispunjavali preko društvene mreže Facebook. Od ispitanika se tražilo da odgovore na pitanja vezana za vlastito iskustvo emigracije u Irsku, a većina jezičnih pitanja odnosila se na engleski, i to na pojedine aspekte učenja, razine poznavanja i uporabe engleskoga jezika u različitim kontekstima. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju, između ostaloga, da većina ispitanika ima pozitivan stav prema boravku u Irskoj te engleskome jeziku. Većina njih procijenila je svoju trenutačnu razinu znanja engleskoga jezika mnogo boljom od prosjeka. Iako znanje engleskoga jezika većinom nije procijenjeno ključnim za pronalazak posla u Irskoj, ipak ga je značajan broj ispitanika procijenio bitnim prilikom njihova zaposlenja. - Immigration in Ireland, including the Croatian one, has risen significantly in recent times. That is why in the last several years Ireland has been trying to find ways of ensuring the adequate cultural and linguistic integration of immigrants into Irish society. This paper deals with the language use and attitudes among Croatian immigrants in Ireland. The research that was conducted in the period from June to August 2019 included 82 Croatian immigrants in Ireland. It included the application of a questionnaire that consisted of four parts and that was filled out by the participants through the Facebook social network. The participants were asked questions connected to their emigration to Ireland. Most of the language-related questions included a reference to the English language, with a focus on specific aspects related to the process of learning, knowledge and use of English in different contexts. The results of the research suggest, among other things, that most participants have a positive attitude towards residing in Ireland and towards the English language. Most of them evaluated their current knowledge of English as better than average. Although the knowledge of English was not predominantly evaluated as crucial for finding employment in Ireland, still a significant number of participants evaluated it as relevant for their employment.
U: Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu (Online). - ISSN 2459-5128. - (2020), 13 ; str. 41-64  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Imigracijska politika -- Jezična politika -- Hrvati -- Imigranti -- Engleski jezik

VRGOČ, Dalibor
Juxtaposing the croatian military terminology of two groundbreaking 19th century dictionaries [Elektronička građa] / Dalibor Vrgoč, Bernardina Petrović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 88-90. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The aim of this paper was to revisit and shed new light on the generally accepted view that the impact of German-Illyrian dictionary (Nĕmačko-ilirski slovar) by Ivan Mažuranić and Jakov Užarević of 1842 on Bogoslav Šulek’s German-Croatian dictionary (Nĕmačko-hrvatski rĕčnik) of 1860 was decisive and indispensable in many aspects, nothing if not a fundamental dictionary in Šulek’s work. This research was undertaken to put to the test this assertion by investigating more in depth the military subcorpora of both dictionaries, especially bearing in mind Šulek being the founding father of Croatian military terminology. The primary goal was to excerpt Croatian military terminology from both dictionaries in order for them to be mutually juxtaposed and made subject to a combination of quantitative and qualitative research. In terms of quantitative outcomes, we tried to detect and register German headwords and their corresponding Croatian equivalents to the most comprehensive extent possible, having produced two parallel subcorpora. The results of the correlational analysis prompted us to re-evaluate the proportions of Mažuranić and Užarević’s influence on Šulek. In terms of qualitative results, the research primarily outlined the spectrum of word-formation methods in both dictionaries and linguistic purism tendencies. In the final analysis, it can be reasonably assumed that Šulek did resort to the German-Illyrian dictionary as one of his valuable sources but in all likelihood as an auxiliary one, let alone a fundamental one. - Cilj je ovoga istraživanja preispitati i baciti novo svjetlo na prošireni stav u literaturi kako je utjecaj Nĕmačko-ilirskoga slovara Ivana Mažuranića i Jakova Užarevića iz 1842. na Nĕmačko-hrvatski rĕčnik Bogoslava Šuleka iz 1860. bio u mnogočemu presudan i neizostavan. Štoviše, da je bio temeljnim rječnikom Šulekova rada. Ovim se radom ta tvrdnja dublje istražuje na vojnom nazivlju obaju rječnika, a posebno imajući na umu kako se Bogoslava Šuleka smatra utemeljiteljem hrvatskog vojnog nazivlja. Primarni je cilj bio ekscerpirati vojno nazivlje obaju rječnika kako bi ga se međusobno supostavilo i podvrgnulo kombinaciji kvantitativne i kvalitativne raščlambe. U smislu kvantitativnih rezultata, nastojalo se u što iscrpnijoj mjeri pronaći i zabilježiti njemačke polazne natuknice i njihove hrvatske ekvivalente iz čega su proizišla dva paralelna potkorpusa. Rezultati suodnosne raščlambe znakovito su rasvijetlili dosege utjecaja Mažuranić-Užarevićeva rječnika na Šulekov rječnik. U smislu kvalitativnih rezultata, istraživanjem se izložila u glavnim crtama prije svega razrađenost tvorbenih obrazaca obaju rječnika i njihova puristička nastojanja. U konačnici, čini se opravdano pretpostaviti kako Šulek jest posezao za Mažuranić- Užarevićevim rječnikom kao jednom od svojih vrijednih izvora, no po svoj prilici kao pomoćnim rječnikom, a daleko od toga kao temeljem svojega rječnika.
U: Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu (Online). - ISSN 2459-5128. - (2020), 13 ; str. 65-91  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nazivlje -- Hrvatsko nazivlje -- Vojno nazivlje -- Rječnici -- Njemački jezik -- Njemačko-hrvatski rječnik -- Njemačko-ilirski slovar
Mažuranić, Ivan -- Šulek, Bogoslav


ALUJEVIĆ, Marijana
Komparativni prikaz odabranih leksičkih kolokacija (lagani glagol + imenica) u hrvatskom, talijanskom i engleskom jeziku i njihova primjena u nastavi [Elektronička građa] / Marijana Alujević, Tanja Brešan Ančić, Dijana Vinčić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 52 jed. - Sažetak. - Ovaj rad tematizira jedno od najvažnijih područja idiomatskog jezika, kolokacije. Posebna se pozornost pritom posvećuje komparativnom prikazu najčešćih konstrukcija sastavljenih od laganog glagola (tal. „verbi supporto“, engl. „light verbs“) i imenice u hrvatskom, engleskom i talijanskom jeziku. Ta je konstrukcija odabrana za analiziranje jer je iznimno česta u najranijem stupnju usvajanja jezika, a cilj usporedbe bio je odrediti podudarnosti u svrhu korištenja pozitivna prijenosa pri poučavanju leksika u talijanskom i engleskom kao stranom jeziku, odnosno spriječiti negativan prijenos u vidu pogrešnih analogija. Istraživanje se temelji na pretpostavci da je količina potpunih podudarnosti u kolokacijama koje se poučavaju u ranim stadijima učenja stranog jezika ograničena, stoga ih je potrebno pravodobno uočiti i svratiti na njih pozornost. Dakle, nakon rasprave o rezultatima usporedne analize istaknuta je važnost poučavanja kolokacija u nastavi, tj. važnost predstavljanja najčešćih kolokacija usporedno s predstavljanjem nove riječi. U skladu s navedenim, zastupa se stav da bi pri učenju jezika bilo korisno i djelotvorno odabrati kolokacijski pristup.
U: Školski vjesnik (Online). - ISSN 1849-532X. - 69 (2020), 2 ; str. 313-330  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Strani jezici -- Usvajanje stranog jezika -- Hrvatski jezik -- Talijanski jezik -- Engleski jezik -- Kolokacijski pristup -- Kontrastivna analiza -- Leksik

ŠELOV, Sergej Dmitrievič
Konceptual' n'yj uroven' termina [Elektronička građa] : op'yt formalizacii i komp' juternogo v'yčislenija / Sergej Dmitrievič Šelov. - Graf. prikazi.
Ćir. - Bibliografija: str. 1102. - Rezyume ; Abstract ; Sažetak. - Opredelimost' odnikh terminov cherez drugiye mozhet lezhat' v osnove idei kontseptual'nogo urovnya termina, kotoraya mozhet rasprostranyat'sya na terminologiyu samykh raznykh nauk i distsiplin. Dlya razrabotki formal'noy modeli kontseptual'nogo urovnya termina primenyayutsya nekotoryye ponyatiya teorii grafov, v chastnosti, vvoditsya ponyatiye grafa neposredstvennoy opredelimosti < (x, y), gde x < y togda i tol'ko togda, kogda chlen x neposredstvenno opredelen cherez chlen y. Togda kontseptual'nyy uroven' L (x) termina x opredelyayetsya kak maksimal'naya dlina vsekh putey ot lyubogo termina k terminu x v grafe < (x, y). Chtoby vychislit' samyy dlinnyy (korotkiy) put' v grafe k terminam, mozhno ispol'zovat' standartnyye algoritmy dlya vychisleniya putey v grafe k vershine X. Yesli v sisteme terminologicheskikh opredeleniy net porochnykh krugov, to ideya kontseptual'nogo urovnya kazhdogo termina dayet naiboleye ubeditel'nyye rezul'taty. Odnako, dazhe yesli v etoy sisteme i sushchestvuyut logicheskiye krugi, formalizatsiya etoy zhe idei mozhet byt' obobshchena i privesti k vpolne udovletvoritel'nym rezul'tatam. - Definability of some terms through others could underlie the idea of a conceptual level of a term which can cover various sciences and domains. To develop a formal model of the conceptual level of the term, some concepts of graph theory are applied, in particular, the notion of a direct definability graph <(x, y) is introduced, where x
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 1095-1103  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lingvistika -- Nazivlje -- Definicije -- Formalizacija

ARHAR Holdt, Špela
Language teachers and crowdsourcing [Elektronička građa] : insights from a cross-European survey / Špela Arhar Holdt, Rina Zviel-Girshin, Elżbieta Gajek, Isabel Durán-Muñoz, Petra Bago, Karën Fort, Ciler Hatipoglu, Ramunė Kasperavičienė, Svetla Koeva, Ivana Lazić Konjik, Lina Miloshevska, Antonia Ordulj, Christos Rodosthenous, Elena Volodina, Tassja Weber, Lorenzo Zanasi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 26-27. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The paper presents a cross-European survey on teachers and crowdsourcing. The survey examines how familiar language teachers are with the concept of crowdsourcing and addresses their attitude towards including crowdsourcing into language teaching activities. The survey was administrated via an online questionnaire and collected volunteers’ data on: (a) teachers’ experience with organizing crowdsourcing activities for students/pupils, (b) the development of crowdsourced resources and materials as well as (c) teachers’ motivation for participating in or employing crowdsourcing activities. The questionnaire was disseminated in over 30 European countries. The final sample comprises 1129 language teachers aged 20 to 65, mostly working at institutions of tertiary education. The data indicates that many participants are not familiar with the concept of crowdsourcing resulting in a low rate of crowdsourcing activities in the classroom. However, a high percentage of responding teachers is potentially willing to crowdsource teaching materials for the language(s) they teach. They are particularly willing to collaborate with other teachers in the creation of interactive digital learning materials, and to select, edit, and share language examples for exercises or tests. Since the inclusion of crowdsourcing activities in language teaching is still in its initial stage, steps for further research are highlighted. - U radu je predstavljeno europsko istraživanje o nastavnicima i gomilizaciji (engl. crowdsourcing). U istraživanju je ispitano koliko su nastavnici jezika upoznati s konceptom gomilizacije te su ispitani njihovi stavovi o uključivanju gomilizacije u aktivnosti poučavanja jezika. Istraživanje je provedeno s pomoću mrežnog upitnika, a prikupljani su podatci o: (a) iskustvu nastavnika u organizaciji gomilizacijskih aktivnosti s učenicima/studentima, (b) razvoju gomilizacijskih resursa i materijala, kao i (c) motivaciji nastavnika za sudjelovanjem u gomilizaciji i upotrebi njezinih aktivnosti. Upitnik je distribuiran u više od 30 europskih zemalja. Uzorak obuhvaća 1129 nastavnika jezika u dobi od 20 do 65 godina, koji rade uglavnom u institucijama tercijarnog obrazovanja. Podatci upućuju na to da ispitanici nisu upoznati s konceptom gomilizacije, zbog čega je niska stopa gomilizacijskih aktivnosti u učionici. Međutim, velik je postotak nastavnika koji su voljni sudjelovati u gomilizaciji kako bi se razvili obrazovni sadržaji za jezike koje poučavaju. Posebno su voljni surađivati s drugim nastavnicima u stvaranju interaktivnih digitalnih obrazovnih sadržaja te odabirati, uređivati i dijeliti jezične primjere za vježbe i testove. Budući da je uključivanje gomilizacijskih aktivnosti u poučavanje jezika još u povojima, istaknuti su koraci za daljnja istraživanja.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-28  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Jezici -- Poučavanje jezika -- Nastavnici -- Gomilizacija -- Crowdsourcing -- Jezična infrastruktura

STANOJEVIĆ, Mateusz Milan
Metafora na razmeđu koncepata, jezika i diskursa [Elektronička građa] / Mateusz-Milan Stanojević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 171-177. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovom se radu izlaže „treći put“ u često suprotnim shvaćanjima metafora kao konceptualne odnosno diskursne pojave. Metafora se sagledava kao sposobnost metaforizacije koja je zajednička i globalna, ali koja na presudan način ovisi o lokalnim faktorima. Ističu se jezični čimbenici koji utječu na metafore: eksplicitnost odnosno implicitnost, različita metaforičnost različitih gramatičkih oblika i leksičke značajke izraza koji se odnose na izvornu domenu. Na diskursnoj razini govori se o grozdovima metafora i ulozi metafora u stvaranju emocionalnog stila. Navedeni se elementi smještaju među suvremene teorije metafore, posebice trodimenzionalnu teoriju metafore Gerarda Steena i Kövecsesev kontekstualni model metafore. Na kraju se izvlače metodološke posljedice opisanog „trećeg puta“ za istraživanje metafora. - This paper presents “a third way” between seeing metaphor as a conceptual or a discursive phenomenon. Metaphor is presented as the ability to metaphorize which is common and global, but which depends on local factors in a significant way. The following linguistic factors which have an impact on metaphor are mentioned: explicitness or implicitness of metaphors, different metaphoricity of different grammatical forms and lexical characteristics of source-domain expressions. On the level of discourse, metaphorical clusters and the role of metaphor in the creation of emotional styles are dealt with. The presented views are situated among contemporary theories of metaphor, especially the three-dimensional metaphor theory presented by Gerard Steen, and Kövecses’s contextual model. The paper ends with an overview of methodological consequences of the presented viewpoint for the research of metaphor.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 21 (2020), 2 ; str. 149-178  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Metafora -- Konceptualna metafora -- Diskursna metafora -- Gramatika -- Diskurs

BAŠIĆ, Iva, fonetičarka
Metodologija akustičkih snimanja [Elektronička građa] / Iva Bašić, Zdravka Biočina. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 35-39. - Sažetak ; Summary. - S obzirom na to da različiti ciljevi istraživanja zahtijevaju i različite metodološke postavke, izuzetno je važno ispravno procijeniti koji su postupci nužni i dovoljni kako bi se valjano ispitala postavljena istraživačka pitanja. U ovome se radu istražio utjecaj uvjeta akustičkih snimanja na procjenu vrijednosti akustičkih parametara: formantske frekvencije vokala i osnovnoga tona glasa. Za potrebe istraživanja snimljeni su spontani govor i čitanje dvaju govornika (jedan muški i jedan ženski glas) u različitim uvjetima te su statistički testirane razlike izmjerenih akustičkih vrijednosti u odnosu na različite uvjete snimanja. Od mjera fundamentalne frekvencije najrobusnijima pokazale su se bazična vrijednost i medijan, a od formantskih frekvencija treći formant. Najznačajnije su razlike u vrijednostima u neoptimalnim udaljenostima govornika od mikrofona. - Sociolinguistics and sociophonetics place the native speaker in the center of their research. Since different research goals demand a different methodological setting it is very important to assess which steps are necessary and sufficient to answer the research questions. Thus the authors of this paper recorded more than 300 speakers, which gave them ample methodological experience but also opened a lot of questions. In many previous studies, the importance of the optimal conditions of recording which contribute to a spontaneous spoken reaction of the speaker is emphasised, especially for the purpose of collecting audio material of dialect speech. The influences of different speaking styles, microphone distance (Vermeulen 2009; Fraser 2017) and head position (Jovičić et al. 2015) on acoustical parameters in English, Dutch, Serbian, etc. ware examined in a smaller number of acoustic studies. This paper will look into conditions of acoustic recording and their influence on different acoustic parameters (formant frequencies and fundamental frequency). For the purposes of this research two speakers (one male and one female voice) with a healthy voice and speech and language development were recorded. In the first part of the research, the speakers read a short text, while in the second part spontaneous speech was recorded. Both speakers were recorded in the morning and in the afternoon in two different settings: in a sound booth and in a room with a lower noise level, both with a high-quality recorder. The speakers were also recorded at a different distance from the microphone and with different head positions. Three research questions were formulated: will different a) terms of recording b) conditions of recording and c) distance and head position relative to the microphone influence the values of formant frequencies and the fundamental frequency?.
U: Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu (Online). - ISSN 2459-5128. - (2020), 13 ; str. 19-40  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sociofonetika -- Akustička snimanja -- Metodologija -- Frekvencija glasa

Nekotor'ye sovremenn'ye vopros'y terminografii [Elektronička građa] / Vladimir Dubičinskij.
Ćir. - Bibliografija: str. 562-565. - Rezyume ; Abstract ; Sažetak. - V stat'ye raskryvayetsya osnovnoy spektr voprosov, kotoryye v nastoyashcheye vremya reshayet terminografiya – sinteticheskaya nauka o teorii i praktike sozdaniya terminologicheskikh slovarey. Osveshchayutsya: naiboleye vazhnyye problemy sovremennoy teorii terminografii; osnovnyye vidy i etapy sozdaniya terminologicheskikh slovarey; trebovaniya k nim; alfavitnyy, alfavitno-gnezdovoy i ideograficheskiy printsipy sostavleniya slovarey; standartizatsiya terminologii kak vid terminograficheskoy deyatel'nosti; uchebnaya terminografiya; komp'yuterizatsiya terminografii i dr. - In the paper, a variety of problems is outlined, which are nowadays solved by terminography – a synthetical science about the theory and practice of terminological dictionary’ creation. The following issues are addressed: most important problems in the modern terminography theory; main types, stages, and requirements of terminological dictionary compilation; alphabet, alphabet-nesting, and ideographical principles of dictionaries creation; standardization of terminology as a terminographic activity; didactical terminography; computerization of terminography, etc. - U radu se navodi niz problema kojima se danas bavi terminografija – sintetička znanost o teoriji i praksi izrade terminoloških rječnika. Govori se o ovim pitanjima: najčešći problemi moderne terminografske teorije, osnovni tipovi, faze i zahtjevi koji se odnose na izradu terminoloških rječnika, abecediranje, abecedno smještanje i ideografsko načelo stvaranja rječnika, normiranje nazivlja kao terminografska djelatnost, didaktička terminografija, uporaba računala u terminografiji itd.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 547-566  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Terminografija -- Rječnici -- Terminološki rječnik -- Normiranje naziva -- Didaktička terminografija

VIDOVIĆ, Domagoj, lingvist
Pogled u tivatsku toponimiju [Elektronička građa] / Domagoj Vidović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 87-89. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U ovome se radu obrađuje četiristotinjak toponima u Tivtu i okolici. U uvodnome se dijelu iznose temeljni povijesni i demografski podatci za obrađeno područje (naselja Bogdašići, Gornja i Donja Lastva, Kavač, Lepetane, Mrčevac te Tivat). U središnjemu se dijelu mjesni toponimi razvrstavaju prema motivaciji i s obzirom na jezično postanje. Uz temeljni su se slavenski (hrvatski) sloj u tivatskoj toponimiji očuvali različiti supstratni i adstratni uglavnom romanski prežitci. - This paper will analyse approximately 400 toponyms in Tivat and its vicinity. The introductory part of the paper presents the basic historical and demographic data for the studied area (the settlements Bogdašići, Gornja Lastva, Donja Lastva, Kavač, Lepetane, Mrčevac, and Tivat). The central part of the paper classifies the local toponyms according to motivation and linguistic origin. In addition to the basic Slavic (Croatian) layer, the toponymy of Tivat has preserved various substrate and adstrate traits, mostly of Romanic origin.
U: Studia lexicographica (Online). - ISSN 2459-5578. - 14 (2020), 26 ; str. 65-89  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Toponimi -- Ojkonimi

Prava teksta [Elektronička građa] : neograničena semioza i granice tumačenja - tragom semiotike Umberta Eca / Ružica Pšihistal.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 497-500. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Čitatelju je Eco otvorio vrata još u predsemiotičkoj fazi (Opera aperta, 1962), a potom ga je i naslovom (Lector in fabula, 1979) smjestio u samo središte „priče“ o semiotici književnosti. Preuzevši Peirceov pojam neograničene semioze kao ključ za semiotičku otvorenost teksta, što posljedično otvara potencijalno neograničen broj interpretativnih pokušaja u ekspanziji značenja, Eco je gotovo skrupulozno za- brinut za pogrešna tumačenja semioze. Njegovo ustrajno zagovaranje suradničkoga odnosa čitatelja i teksta sve snažnije poprima oblik apologetskoga zalaganja za prava teksta i nužde ocrtavanja minimalnih granica tumačenja (The Limits of Interpretation, 1990). Potencijalno neograničena semioza, poučavao je Eco, ne vodi apsolutnoj slobodi čitatelja, ne znači da interpretacija nema kriterije i da sve interpretacije imaju happy end. Bio je to glas koji se nije čuo. Eksponencijalni rast čitateljskih „prava“ i „sloboda“ bio je nezaustavljiv u poststrukturalizmu. Zašto su dekonstrukcija i rodni studiji, kao primjeri isključujućih perspektiva (radikalne otvorenosti teksta prepuštenog neograničenoj semiozi / radikalne zatvorenosti teksta koji ima samo ono značenje koje je unaprijed zadano), prekršaji suradničkoga odnosa prema tekstu i možemo li u Ecovoj interpretativnoj semiotici pronaći epistemološka i metodološka uporišta za zaštitu ili ekološku održivost teksta pitanja su koja otvara ova studija. - Eco opened the door to the reader already in the pre-semiotic phase (Opera aperta, 1962), and then through the title (Lector in fabula, 1979) he positioned the reader in the very center of the “story” about the semiotics of literature. In taking over Peirce’s concept of unlimited semiosis as the key to the semiotic openness of the text that offers a potentially unlimited number of interpretive attempts in the expansion of meaning,Eco is almost scrupulously concerned about misinterpretations of semiosis. His persistent advocacy of a collaborative relationship between the reader and the text is increasingly taking the form of an apologetic advocacy for the rights of the text and the necessity of delineating the minimum limits of interpretation (The Limits of Interpretation,1990). As Eco taught, the potentially limitless semiosis does not lead to the absolute reader freedom, it does not mean that interpretation has no criteria and that all interpretations have a happy ending. It was a silent voice. The exponential growth of readers’ “rights” and “freedoms” was unstoppable in poststructuralism. This study poses the questions as to why deconstruction and gender studies, as examples of exclusive perspectives (radical openness of the text left to limitless semiosis / radical closedness of the text that has only a predetermined meaning), are violations of the collaborative attitude toward the text and whether we can find in Eco’s interpretive semiotics the epistemological and methodological foundations for the protection or environmental sustainability of the text.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 477-501  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Književna semiotika -- Semioza -- Tekst
Eco, Umberto


LJUBAS, Sandra
Utjecaj višejezičnosti vrednovatelja na ljudsku procjenu kvalitete strojnih prijevoda [Elektronička građa] / Sandra Ljubas. - Graf. prikazi.
Sadrži i: priloge na str. 230-234. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 227-229. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovom se radu predstavlja istraživanje o utjecaju višejezičnosti vrednovatelja na subjektivnu metodu vrednovanja kvalitete strojnih prijevoda. Subjektivnost ove metode najčešće se očituje u niskim razinama slaganja u ocjenama vrednovatelja. U ovom su preliminarnom istraživanju jedna skupina jednojezičnih i jedna skupina dvojezičnih ispitanika vrednovale kvalitetu istih strojno prevedenih segmenata na razinama točnosti i tečnosti. Segmenti su prevedeni alatom Google Prevoditelj. Jednojezični ispitanici uz strojni prijevod na raspolaganje su dobili i referentni ljudski prijevod, dok su dvojezični ispitanici kvalitetu uspoređivali s izvornikom. Cilj je bio utvrditi kako razlike među jednojezičnim i višejezičnim vrednovateljima uvjetuju način provođenja vrednovanja s obzirom na dužinu trajanja postupka vrednovanja, na odstupanja u prosječnoj ocjeni vrednovanja i analizu uzroka koji uvjetuju razlike u vrednovanju. Analizom rezultata utvrđeno je da dvojezični vrednovatelji u prosjeku daju lošije ocjene izlaznim podacima i da im je potrebno više vremena za vrednovanje, ali nije utvrđeno da kod jedne skupine postoji tendencija prema višoj razini konzistentnosti. - This paper presents a study of the impact of multilingualism on the subjective method of evaluating machine translation quality. The subjectivity of this method is usually manifested in the low level of inter-coder agreement. In this preliminary research, two groups of human judges, the first comprised of monolingual and the second of bilingual respondents, evaluated the accuracy and fluency of the same set of machine-translated text segments. The segments have been translated with Google Translate. The monolingual respondents compared the MT-generated output with a human translation and the bilingual respondents with the original text. The aim of this study was to determine how the discrepancies between monolingual and bilingual respondents shape evaluation patterns with respect to the length of the evaluation process, potential deviations in the median evaluation score and the analysis of causes influencing these evaluation discrepancies. The qualitative analysis has shown that bilingual respondents in general give lower scores to output data, but need more time to complete the evaluation process than monolinguals. However, no tendency towards a higher level of inter-coder agreement has been noted in either group of human judges.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 21 (2020), 2 ; str. 207-235  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Strojno prevođenje -- Višejezičnost -- Vrednovanje -- Subjektivna procjena

GARABÍK, Radovan
Word embedding based on large-scale web corpora as a powerful lexicographic tool [Elektronička građa] / Radovan Garabík. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 617-618. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The Aranea Project offers a set of comparable corpora for two dozens of (mostly European) languages providing a convenient dataset for nLP applications that require training on large amounts of data. The article presents word embedding models trained on the Aranea corpora and an online interface to query the models and visualize the results. The implementation is aimed towards lexicographic use but can be also useful in other fields of linguistic study since the vector space is a plausible model of semantic space of word meanings. Three different models are available – one for a combination of part of speech and lemma, one for raw word forms, and one based on fastText algorithm uses subword vectors and is not limited to whole or known words in finding their semantic relations. The article is describing the interface and major modes of its functionality; it does not try to perform detailed linguistic analysis of presented examples. - Projekt Aranea sadržava niz usporednih korpusa za 24 (uglavnom europskih) jezika. on pruža prikladan skup podataka za aplikacije za obradu prirodnoga jezika (nLP) koje zahtijevaju učenje na velikoj količini podataka. u radu se prikazuju modeli vektorskoga prikaza riječi koji su uspostavljeni učenjem na korpusima Aranea te mrežno sučelje kako bi se propitali modeli i vizualizirali rezultati. To može biti korisno za leksikografsku praksu, ali i u drugim područjima leksikografskoga proučavanja jer je vektorski prostor vjerodostojan model semantičkoga prostora značenja riječi. Postoje tri moguća modela: prvi za kombinaciju vrste riječi i leme, drugi za sirove forme riječi i treći koji se temelji na algoritmu fastText koji upotrebljava vektore na razini nižoj od riječi i nije ograničen na cijele riječi ili poznate riječi pri pronalaženju semantičkih odnosa. u radu se opisuju sučelje i osnovni modeli njegova funkcioniranja, ali se ne pokušava provesti iscrpna jezična analiza prikazanih primjera.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 603-618  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Jezični korpus -- Vektorska sličnost -- Semantička sličnost -- Mrežni korpusi -- Vizualizacija

Vidi br.: HA20-02340

Vidi br.: HA20-02348

Vidi br.: HA20-02366

Vidi br.: HA20-02351

Vidi br.: HA20-02342

Vidi br.: HA20-02355

Vidi br.: HA20-02371

Vidi br.: HA20-02353

Vidi br.: HA20-02346

Vidi br.: HA20-02345

Vidi br.: HA20-02368

Vidi br.: HA20-02821

Vidi br.: HA20-02692

Vidi br.: HA20-02369

811.11   Germanski jezici

811.111   Engleski jezik

MUSOLFF, Andreas
Can political rhetoric ever be "too persuasive"? [Elektronička građa] : The combination of proverb and hyperbole in the case of having the cake and eating it / Andreas Musolff. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 300-302. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Can the use of linguistic devices to achieve persuasion, such as metaphor, irony and hyperbole, ever be “too persuasive”, i.e., overshoot its rhetorical aim? More specifically, can the combination of such devices be “too much of a good thing” in that it commits speakers (and approving hearers) to actions that they were not part of their persuasion intentions? This paper investigates the semantic and pragmatic development of the Brexit-related applications of the metaphorical proverb, You cannot have your cake and eat it, during 2016–2019 in British public discourse. At the start of that period, the proverb’s reversal into the assertion “We can have our cake and eat it!” by the then Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and other “Brexiteers” became a highly prominent endorsement of Brexit and its supposed benefits for the UK; it even temporarily set the agenda for the public perception of UK–EU negotiations. Over time it became an object of hyperbolic praise as well as derision and recently seems to have lost much of its persuasive force. The paper argues that the proverb’s new reversed application by Johnson was initially successful in reviving its metaphorical meaning and framing it in a hyperbolic rhetorical context but that it also pushed Brexit proponents to an “all-or-nothing” outcome of the conflict narrative, both vis-à-vis the EU and within the British political debate. Thus, rhetorical success can lead to argumentative (and political) commitments that may have been not foreseen by the speaker and may run counter to their persuasive interests. - Može li upotreba jezičnih sredstava, poput metafore, ironije i hiperbole, u svrhu uvjeravanja, biti „preuvjerljiva“, tj. može li pro(e)mašiti svoj retorički cilj? Odnosno, može li se kombinacijom takvih sredstava ipak pretjerati te tako govornike (i sklone čitatelje) obvezati na djelovanja koja nisu bila zamišljena kao ishod uvjeravanja? U ovom se radu istražuju semantičke i pragmatične promjene u primjeni metaforičke engleske poslovice You cannot have your cake and eat it u kontekstu Brexita u britanskom javnom diskursu u razdoblju od 2016. do 2019. Na početku tog razdoblja tadašnji ministar vanjskih poslova Boris Johnson i drugi zagovornici Brexita modificiraju tu poslovicu u tvrdnju „We can have our cake and eat it“, koja utjelovljuje jasnu potporu Brexitu i njegovim navodnim koristima za Veliku Britaniju; čak je jedno vrijeme odredila smjer u kojem se kretala percepcija javnosti o pregovorima između UK-a i EU-a. S vremenom je postala predmet pretjerane hvale s jedne strane, te poruge s druge strane, a u posljednje je vrijeme, kako se čini, izgubila znatan dio svoje uvjerljivosti. U radu se tvrdi da je Johnsonova modifikacija poslovice u početku uspješno oživjela njezino metaforično značenje i uokvirila ju u hiperboličkom retoričkom kontekstu, ali da je isto tako zagovornike Brexita usmjerila na očekivanje ishoda „sve ili ništa“ kako u odnosu na narativ sukoba o EU-u tako i u odnosu na narativ unutarnje britanske političke rasprave. Prema tome, retorički uspjeh može nametnuti argumentativne (i političke) obveze koje govornik možda nije predvidio i koje mogu biti u suprotnosti s njegovim željenim ishodom uvjeravanja.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 21 (2020), 3 ; str. 285-303  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Politička retorika -- Argumentacija -- Hiperbola -- Metafora -- Uvjeravanje

ŠKRGIĆ, Ilhana
The Otherness and the consumer [Elektronička građa] : external and internal horror as rhetorical framing devices on the silver screen and in real time / Ilhana Škrgić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 421-424. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper aims to analyze the main paradigms of the horror genre and their equivalents in the conservative – liberal political division in the United States by exploring the dominant political rhetoric and its specific framing devices as mirrored in horror cinema. The analysis focuses on two distinct celluloid works by John Carpenter: The Thing (1982), and They Live (1988), themselves constructed as subversive commentaries on the carefully intertwined American and global culture of fear and consumerism. The framing devices include the division of citizens based on race and other characteristics, the “us vs. them” mentality, negation of (inter)national unity and coexistence, the symbolism of the color red, as well as repetition and hyperbole. As powerful persuasive tools in the hands of the political elite, these devices influence the US citizens by appealing to their beliefs. These beliefs are based on models of morality (Lakoff 2002). The dualism of horror is also discussed, i.e. external versus internal horror (the Otherness outside and the alien within in Ognjanović 2016), and the way in which the binary quality of the genre informs and guides cinematic artworks in their exploration of society, especially one fraught with political and social issues. The paper investigates why the two analyzed films are important for a discussion of contemporary American society and how the horror genre can be seen as a prism through which various issues can be explored. - Cilj je rada analizirati glavne paradigme horor žanra i njihovih istovrijednosti u konzervativno-liberalnoj političkoj podjeli u Sjedinjenim Državama istraživanjem dominantne političke retorike i njenih specifičnih sredstava uokvirivanja koje se odražavaju u kinematografiji horora. Analiza se usredotočuje na dva upečatljiva celuloidna rada Johna Carpentera: Stvor (The Thing 1982.), i Oni žive (They Live 1988.), načinjena kao subverzivan komentar pažljivo isprepletene američke i globalne kulture straha i potrošačke kulture. Sredstva uokvirivanja uključuju podjelu građana na temelju rase i drugih značajki, mentalitet “mi protiv njih”, poricanje (među)narodnog jedinstva i suživota, simbolizam crvene boje, te ponavljanje i hiperbolu. Kao snažni alati uvjeravanja u rukama političke elite, ova sredstva utječu na američke građane time što se pozivaju na njihova uvjerenja. Ova uvjerenja su zasnovana na modelima moralnosti (Lakoff 2002). Dualizam horora također je razmatran, tj. vanjski nasuprot unutarnjeg horora (Drugost izvan nas i stranac unutar nas u Ognjanović 2016), kao i način na koji binarna kvaliteta žanra informira i vodi filmska djela u istraživanju društva, posebice ona prožeta političkim i društvenim problemima. Stoga, rad istražuje zašto su dva analizirana filma važna za promišljanje o suvremenom američkom društvu, te mogućnost promatranja horor žanra kao prizme kroz koju se istražuju različite teme.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 21 (2020), 3 ; str. 395-424  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Politički diskurs -- Retoričko sredstvo -- Horror filmovi -- Potrošačka kultura -- Drugost -- Uokvirivanje

The president and the viper [Elektronička građa] : political satire and conceptual blending theory / Sanja Berberović, Nihada Delibegović Džanić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 388-392. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Applying conceptual blending theory, the paper analyses the construction of the meaning of a satirical text ridiculing the language employed by politicians to frame the debate on current political and social issues. In particular, it focuses on the language used by Donald Trump in explaining his anti-immigration stances through a poem based on the fable about the farmer and the viper, and a satirical text providing a new version of the poem, which criticizes Trump’s immigration policy. The paper examines the creation of the humorous meaning of the text in conceptual blending. The humorous meaning is created in the blended space due to the unusual combination of related structures, which results in incongruity (Coulson 2002; Marín-Arrese 2003). Furthermore, as blending can be used as a rhetorical tool influencing the audience to change the reality and even act upon it (Coulson 2006; Coulson & Oakley 2006; Coulson & Pascual 2006; Oakley & Coulson 2008), the analysis of the construction of the meaning of the satirical text as a product of conceptual blending can reveal rhetorical and argumentative goals in political discourse. - Primjenjujući teoriju konceptualne integracije, u ovom se radu analizira nastajanje značenja satiričkog teksta koji ismijava jezik kojim se koriste političari kako bi uobličili rasprave o trenutačnim političkim i društvenim problemima. Rad se bavi jezikom kojim se koristi Donald Trump kako bi predstavio svoje antiimigracijske stavove pjesmom temeljenom na basni o farmeru i zmiji i satiričnim tekstom koji daje novu verziju pjesme, te kritizira Trumpovu politiku vezanu za imigraciju. Rad istražuje nastajanje humorističnog značenja ovog teksta u konceptualnoj integraciji. Ovo značenje nastaje u integriranom prostoru zbog neobične kombinacije povezanih struktura što rezultira nastajanjem nekongruentnosti u integriranom prostoru (Coulson 2002; Marín-Arrese 2003). Nadalje, kako se blending može koristiti kao retoričko sredstvo koje može utjecati na javnost da promijeni stvarnost, čak i da djeluje (Coulson 2006; Coulson i Oakley 2006; Coulson i Pascual 2006; Oakley i Coulson 2008), analiza nastajanja značenja ovog satiričnog teksta kao proizvoda konceptualne integracije može otkriti retoričke ciljeve u političkom diskursu.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 21 (2020), 3 ; str. 371-393  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Teorija konceptualne integracije -- Politički diskurs -- Politički humor -- Politička satira

BRDAR, Mario
The role of metaphors and metonymies in framing the transplantation discourse [Elektronička građa] / Mario Brdar, Rita Brdar-Szabó. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 338-343. - Summary. - This article studies figurative uses of metaphors and metonymies utilized to frame the discourse of transplantology. We assume a somewhat wider view of framing than is usually found in the literature and argue that framing effects can be observed on a cline stretching from the private to the institutional pole. We combine this approach with the findings of the prospect theory that distinguishes between gain-framing and loss-framing as two strategic choices in tackling an issue in discourse. The framing tools, as we show in our analysis of authentic materials, in order to be effective need to be adapted to the section of, or the point on, the cline occupied by a particular subtype of discourse. Although the focus in the cognitive linguistic literature is on how conceptual metaphors are employed in framing discourse, we point out that metonymies, interacting with these metaphors, can also play a very important role. The framing tools used in public campaign aimed at winning new organ donors are strategically mostly gain-framed, and as a rule globally based on the gift metaphor. It seems that the metaphorical use of gift as a global choice in institutional contexts is not very efficient since it is too general and vague to make discourse more persuasive at the personal level, as expected in the light of the exemplification theory. This metaphor is more effective when adapted accordingly, as we demonstrated on some campaigns supported by or based on metonymic presentation of various aspects stressing the quality of life after transplantation. - U prilogu se proučava figurativna uporaba metafora i metonimija u uokvirivanju diskursa transplantologije. Polazimo od šireg shvaćanja pojave uokvirivanja od onog koje je općeprihvaćeno u literaturi te tvrdimo da se toj pojavi može pristupiti kao kontinuumu s dva pola: osobnom i institucionalnom. Ovaj se pristup kombinira s teorijom izglednosti unutar koje se postulira gubitno i dobitno uokvirivanje kao dvije strateške mogućnosti izbora. Kako bi bila svrsishodna, sredstva koja se rabe za uokvirivanje, kako pokazujemo na autentičnim materijalima, trebaju se prilagoditi odsječku kontinuuma na koji se može smjestiti određeni podtip diskursa. Iako je u kognitivno lingvističkoj literaturi naglasak gotovo uvijek na ulozi metafore u uokvirivanju diskursa, ističemo da i doprinos metonimije, u suradnji s metaforama, može biti od velikog značaja. Sredstva koja se rabe zauokvirivanje u javnim kampanjama kojima je cilj pridobivanje novih donora organa u pravilu se temelje na konceptualnoj metafori poklona. Pokazuje se da metaforička uporaba koncepta poklona kao globalnog izbora u institucijskim kontekstima nije učinkovita jer je preopćenita i neodređena a da bi mogla biti uvjerljiva na osobnom nivou, kao što se i može predvidjeti u okviru teorije oprimjerivanja. Spomenuta je metafora učinkovitija kada se prikladno prilagodi, kako pokazujemo na nekim primjerima kampanja koje su poduprte ili se temelje na metonimijskom prikazu različitih aspekata koji naglašavaju kvalitetu života nakon transplantacije.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 21 (2020), 3 ; str. 305-344  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Metafora -- Metonimija -- Zdravstveni diskurs -- Uokvirivanje

Vidi br.: HA20-02777

Vidi br.: HA20-02769

Vidi br.: HA20-02727

Vidi br.: HA20-02846

811.112   Njemački jezik

MÖHRS, Christine
The microstructure of a lexicographical resource of spoken German [Elektronička građa] : meanings and functions of the lemma eben / Christine Möhrs, Sarah Torres Cajo. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 935-939. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper presents the corpus-based lexicographical prototype that was developed within the framework of the project Lexik des gesprochenen Deutsch (=LeGeDe) as a thirdparty funded project. Research results regarding the information offered in dictionaries have shown that there is a necessity for information on spoken lexis and its interactional functions. The resulting LeGeDe-prototype is based on these needs and desiderata and is thus an innovative example for the adequate representation of spoken language in online dictionaries. It is available online since September 2019 (https://www.owid.de/legede/). In the following sections, after first focusing on the presentation of the project’s goals, the data basis, the intended end user, and the applied methods, we will illustrate the microstructure of the prototype and the information provided in a dictionary entry based on the lemma eben. Finally, we will summarize innovative aspects that are important for the implementation of such a resource. - U radu se prikazuju struktura, funkcije i mogućnosti LeGeDe-prototipa analizirajući rječnički članak natuknice eben. Taj elektronički izvor pruža podatke o jedinicama govornoga njemačkog te daje pregled bogatstva značenja i interakcijskih funkcija različitih natuknica. Stoga je on vrijedan izvor u različitim znanstvenim područjima, primjerice u primijenjenoj lingvistici, te se može upotrebljavati pri oblikovanju obrazovnih materijala. Budući da je razvoj korpusno utemeljenoga rječnika govornoga njemačkog novost utemeljena na uporabi primjerenih metoda za analizu, strukturu i opis jedinica govornoga jezika, može se upotrijebiti kao primjer i putokaz za slične projekte drugih jezika. Stoga projekt njeguje razmjenu znanstvenih podataka u području jezikoslovlja te je prekretnica u leksikografiji.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 921-939  
 Elektronička verzija članka
E-leksikografija -- Njemački jezik -- Govorni jezik -- Modalne čestice

Vidi br.: HA20-02090

Vidi br.: HA20-02786

Vidi br.: HA20-02777

811.12   Latinski jezik

Latinski jezik u ugovorima srednjovjekovnoga Dubrovnika s osvrtom na povezanost s Bosnom [Elektronička građa] / Drago Župarić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 401-402. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad se temelji na spisima iz Državnog arhiva u Dubrovniku (DADU) nastalim između XIII. i sredine XV. stoljeća, odnosno do pada Bosne pod osmansku vlast. Njihov se srednjovjekovni latinitet temelji na klasičnome, a znatno se podudara s latinitetom kakav rabe ostali narodi onovremene Europe. Kako je riječ o raznim spisima, odnosno ugovorima, u njima se zapaža znatan romanski utjecaj, uz elemente živoga govora. U radu se opisuju neke karakteristike latinskoga jezika ugovora sklopljenih u dubrovačkoj kancelariji, osvrće se i na ostale elemente ugovora (mjere, zanati, službe i titule, sastav dubrovačke vlade i sl.). Brojni ugovori nastali od XIII. do sredine XV. st. koji se čuvaju u DADU sadržavaju zadužnice registrirane u notarijatu, ugovore o gradnji objekata (kuća, cisterni i sl.), prijevozu robe, kupnji i prodaji, punomoći, oporukama, agrarnim ugovorima, tužbama, iskazima svjedoka i drugim poslovima. - This paper is based on research on documents from the State Archives in Dubrovnik (DADU), created between the thirteenth and the mid-fifteenth century, that is, in the period dating before the fall of Bosnia to Ottoman rule. The Medieval Latin used in them is based on Classical Latin, and greatly corresponded to the Latin used by other nations in Europe at that time. As many different types of documents, or contracts, are covered here, the influence of Romance languages is felt, along with elements of the vernacular. In this paper, some characteristics of the Latin used in contracts concluded in the chancelleries of Dubrovnik are described, also taking into considering other elements of the contracts (units of measurement, trades, posts and titles, the makeup of the government of Dubrovnik, etc.). Many of the contracts which were created between the thirteenth and mid-fifteenth century which are preserved in DADU contain bonds registered in the notary, contracts for the construction of buildings (houses, cisterns, etc.), for the transportation of goods, buying and selling, authorization, agrarian contracts, claims, witness statements, as well as other business ventures.
U: Tabula (Pula. Online). - ISSN 1849-1685. - (2020), 17 ; str. 381-404  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Latinski jezik -- Ugovori -- Trgovinska razmjena
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku


Vidi br.: HA20-02796

811.13   Romanski jezici

ROMANO, Franco
Aspetti socioculturali nella prassi glottodidattica [Elektronička građa] / Franco Romano.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 101. - Riassunto ; Summary. - L’insegnamento della lingua italiana non può essere separato mai del tutto dagli aspetti culturali della nostra storia e civiltà, in quanto esiste tra i due una profonda e intima interconnessione. Diversi esiti linguistici e altrettanti enunciati o idiomatismi si spiegano proprio con l’ausilio di ragioni storiche, sociali e antropologiche, in una parola “culturali”, proprie del Paese. Una delle possibili chiavi di volta per trasmettere ai discenti stranieri elementi della nostra civiltà è quella di partire dalle loro osservazioni critiche e coinvolgerli in qualità di giudici dei nostri stili di vita, delle nostre abitudini e della nostra mentalità per porli al centro del processo di apprendimento in una veste più attiva, partecipe e interlocutoria. - To teach Italian language to foreign students necessarily means to teach Italian culture and civilization as well, since there is an intimate connection between these two disciplines. As a matter of fact, many linguistic items, communicative formulas, idiomatic expressions, colloquial features, as well as various elements of speech originate from historical, social and anthropological reasons, i.e. from what is generally called “culture”. Since foreign students are good observers of our habits and behaviours, a possible way, among others, to teach elements of Italian culture and civilization is to start from their observations and get them actively involved in the learning process by playing the role of critics.
U: Studia Polensia (Online). - ISSN 2459-6256. - 9 (2020), 1 ; str. 89-102  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Talijanski jezik -- Učenje jezika -- Učenje stranog jezika -- Kultura -- Proces učenja

Vidi br.: HA20-02797

811.14   Grčki jezik

Vidi br.: HA20-02759

811.16   Slavenski jezici

HEO, Yong
Consonantal structures in phonetics and phonology [Elektronička građa] : cases from Slavic languages / Yong Heo. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 64-65. - Summary. - The purpose of this study is to present and compare two different approaches (a phonetic approach and a phonological one) for the speech sound systems of natural languages. To this end, this study investigates natural speech sound systems with the consonantal systems of four Slavic languages, Russian, Polish, Czech and Serbian and Croatian, on the basis of phonetic and phonological approaches. In the phonetic approach, the consonant inventories of the four Slavic languages are analyzed with the theory of maximal and sufficient dispersion and the size principle, together with a frequency-based statistical approach. Segmental universals are discussed regarding sound types such as obstruents and sonorants. From the phonetic approach, it is shown that Slavic consonant systems are very unusual in terms of natural languages. Palatalized sounds in Russian and affricates and fricatives in Russian and Polish support that the Slavic consonantal system is far removed from the general aspect of human languages. On the other hand, with the phonological approach, four of the five feature-based principles proposed by Clements are employed to reveal the universals of the languages. They are Feature Economy, Marked Feature Avoidance, Robustness and Phonological enhancement. What we have seen is that some unsolved problems from the phonetic approach are explained by phonological accounts. The fact that Russian has plenty of segments represented by [+palatal] may not be unusual with respect to a feature-based approach. In addition, while the phonetic approach claims that Slavic languages (in particular, Russian and Polish) have different consonantal systems from the general aspect of natural languages because of the marked segments, the phonological approach accounts for the universals of these languages in the light of Robustness and Feature Economy.
U: Cross-cultural studies review (Online). - ISSN 2718-2509. - 1 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 47-65  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slavenski jezici -- Fonetika -- Fonologija -- Padeži -- Konsonantski sustav

GANTAR, Polona
Dictionary of modern Slovene [Elektronička građa] : from Slovene lexical database to digital dictionary database / Polona Gantar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 601-602. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The ability to process language data has become fundamental to the development of technologies in various areas of human life in the digital world. The development of digitally readable linguistic resources, methods, and tools is, therefore, also a key challenge for the contemporary Slovene language. This challenge has been recognized in the Slovene language community both at the professional and state level and has been the subject of many activities over the past ten years, which will be presented in this paper. The idea of a comprehensive dictionary database covering all levels of linguistic description in modern Slovene, from the morphological and lexical levels to the syntactic level, has already formulated within the framework of the European Social Fund’s Communication in Slovene (2008-2013) project; the Slovene Lexical Database was also created within the framework of this project. Two goals were pursued in designing the Slovene Lexical Database (SLD): creating linguistic descriptions of Slovene intended for human users that would also be useful for the machine processing of Slovene. Ever since the construction of the first Slovene corpus, it has become evident that there is a need for a description of modern Slovene based on real language data, and that it is necessary to understand the needs of language users to create useful language reference works. It also became apparent that only the digital medium enables the comprehensiveness of language description and that the design of the database must be adapted to it from the start. Also, the description must follow best practices as closely as possible in terms of formats and international standards, as this enables the inclusion of Slovene into a wider network of resources, such as Open Linked Data, babelNet and ELExIS. - Ideja sveobuhvatne rječničke baze koja uključuje sve razine jezičnoga opisa suvremenoga slovenskog jezika od morfološke i leksičke do sintaktičke prvotno je formulirana u okviru projekta Sporazumijevanje na slovenskomu jeziku (2008. – 2013.). U cilju ostvarenja ideje o stvaranju sveobuhvatne digitalne rječničke baze stvorene su dvije neovisne baze podataka: Kolokacijski rječnik suvremenoga slovenskoga jezika i automatski generiran Tezaurus modernoga slovenskoga jezika. Jedna od novina u obama rječnicima koncept je responzivnoga rječnika, koji uključuje masovnu podršku. Digitalna rječnička baza sadržava sve razine jezičnoga opisa: morfološku nadograđenu Sloleksom, izraznu s opisom konstrukcija višerječnih jedinica te sintaktičku s formalizacijom modela glagolskih valencija. Svaka od postojećih baza podataka sadržava specifične jezične podatke koji će biti uključeni u sveobuhvatnu Slovensku digitalnu rječničku bazu podataka, koja će sadržavati temeljni jezikoslovni opis slovenskoga jezika čiji korisnici mogu biti ljudi i strojevi.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 589-602  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slovenski jezik -- E-rječnici -- Baze podataka -- E-leksikografija

Elektronska forma Rečnika SANU kao izvor za izradu Rečnika srpske lingvističke terminologije [Elektronička građa] / Vladan Jovanović, Ružica Levuškina. - Graf. prikazi.
Ćir. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 728-730. - Rezime ; Abstract ; Sažetak. - U radu se istražuju lingvistički termini u Rečniku SANU dobijeni metodom ekstrahovanja ove leksike iz digitalne forme ovog rečnika, koju zasad čini 20 objavljenih knjiga (A–pogdegod). Osim predstavljanja metodoloških postupaka pomoću kojih se došlo do rečničkog korpusa lingvističkih termina, u radu se utvrđuje relevantnost korpusa dobijenog pomenutim metodama, a deo dobijenog materijala sravnjuje se i proverava sa materijalom u drugim rečnicima – u prvom redu specijalnim rečnicima lingvističkih termina. Cilj rada je da se pokaže kako i u kojoj meri elektronska forma Rečnika SANU može poslužiti kao relevantna baza za izradu Rečnika srpske lingvističke terminologije. - This paper analyzes linguistic terms in the Dictionary of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (RSANU) extracted from the digital version of the dictionary. Twenty volumes of the dictionary have been published so far (А-погдегод) and they are in the process of digitalization. In addition to the presentation of the methods for the extraction of linguistic terms, the paper also deals with the relevance of a corpus compiled in this manner. A part of the corpus is checked against the material from other dictionaries, primarily a number of specialized dictionaries of linguistic terms. The paper aims to provide an answer to the following questions: Can the electronic RSANU dictionary be used as a relevant resource for the creation of the Dictionary of Serbian linguistic terminology and, if so, to what extent. - U radu se istražuje jezikoslovno nazivlje u Rečniku SANU koje je dobiveno crpenjem naziva iz digitalnoga oblika rječnika, koji se zasad sastoji od 20 objavljenih knjiga (A–pogdegod). Osim predstavljanja metodoloških postupaka s pomoću kojih se došlo do rječničkoga korpusa jezikoslovnoga nazivlja, u radu se utvrđuje relevantnost korpusa dobivenoga tim metodom, a dio se građe provjerava i u drugim rječnicima – u prvome redu strukovnim rječnicima jezikoslovnoga nazivlja. Cilj je rada pokazati kako i u kojoj mjeri elektronički oblik Rečnika SANU može poslužiti kao relevantna baza za izradu Rečnika srpske lingvističke terminologije.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 717-731  
 Elektronička verzija članka
E-leksikografija -- Rječnici -- Lingvistika -- Strukovno nazivlje -- Srpski jezik

ARHAR Holdt, Špela
How users responded to a responsive dictionary [Elektronička građa] : the case of the thesaurus of modern Slovene / Špela Arhar Holdt. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 481-482. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The Thesaurus of Modern Slovene is a responsive dictionary: it is compiled automatically from existing language resources while further developments of the dictionary include user participation. Many of the features introduced by the responsive model are new to the Slovene language community (e.g. data is extracted automatically and includes some errors; nonexperts are involved in dictionary compilation; the resource is never truly finished). With financial support from the Slovene Ministry of culture, a survey was conducted to gauge (potential) user opinions on the new features. The paper presents the results of the survey (n = 671) including statistical analyses of dependencies between the respondents’ opinions and their reported familiarity with the new dictionary, their age, and their professional occupation. - Slovar spomenk sodobne slovenščine odzivni je rječnik koji je automatski generiran iz postojećih jezičnih resursa, a daljnji razvoj rječnika uključuje sudjelovanje korisnika. Mnoge značajke odzivnoga rječnika nove su slovenskoj jezičnoj zajednici (npr. podatci se crpe automatski i imaju određene pogreške, nestručnjaci sudjeluju u sastavljanju rječnika koji nikad nije u potpunosti završen). Uz financijsku potporu Slovenskoga ministarstva kulture provedeno je istraživanje kako bi se utvrdili stavovi korisnika o tim novim značajkama. U radu se prikazuju rezultati istraživanja (n = 671) uključujući statističku analizu zavisnosti stavova sudionika istraživanja i njihova poznavanja novoga rječnika, dobi i zanimanja.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 465-482  
 Elektronička verzija članka
E-leksikografija -- Slovenski jezik -- Jezični resursi -- Odzivni rječnik -- Korisnici -- Stavovi

Multilingual dictionary of keywords as a tool for the digital bibliographic database of world Slavic linguistics [Elektronička građa] / Paweł Kowalski. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 793-794. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The paper presents the structure of a multilingual dictionary of keywords, which is an integral part of the bibliographic database of Slavic linguistics iSybislaw representing the digital information retrieval system (www.isybislaw.ispan.waw.pl). The lexical units (keywords) of the language of keywords used in the system are represented primarily by linguistic terms. In spite of a different denotation – the keywords directly denote sets of documents, and indirectly the non-documentary reality, while the terms denote elements of linguistic reality – they are formally equal with linguistic terms, which allows them to map the semantic field of a particular discipline, in this case Slavic linguistics. The dictionary is therefore a domain-based online specialist dictionary, which is a tool for users of the bibliographic database of Slavic linguistics. The dictionary is addressed to all those who deal with linguistics and linguistic terminology, first of all to scholar-linguists, Ph.D. students and students of philologies, as well as translators of academic papers in the field of linguistics. - Rad prikazuje strukturu višejezičnoga rječnika ključnih riječi koji je sastavni dio bibliografske baze slavenske lingvistike iSybislaw (www.isybislaw.ispan.waw.pl). Ključne su riječi u bazi prije svega jezikoslovni nazivi. Označavaju skupove dokumenata i mapiraju semantičko polje posebne discipline, u ovome slučaju slavenskoga jezikoslovija. Rječnik je, dakle, internetski specijalni rječnik utemeljen na jezikoslovnoj domeni koji služi kao alat za korisnike bibliografske baze. Rječnik je namijenjen svima koji se bave jezikoslovljem i jezikoslovnim nazivljem, prije svega znanstvenicima jezikoslovcima, studentima filologija, doktorandima te prevoditeljima znanstvenih radova iz područja jezikoslovlja.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 783-795  
 Elektronička verzija članka
E-leksikografija -- Terminološka leksikografija -- Lingvistička terminologija -- Višejezični rječnik -- Slavenska lingvistika

RESIĆ, Elmira
Nerestriktivna relativna rečenica kao parentetik [Elektronička građa] / Elmira Resić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 336-338. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U ovome ćemo radu nastojati opisati umetnute nerestriktivne relativne rečenice kao tipične parentetičke strukture. Opis će podrazumijevati njihovu sintaksičku i semantičku interpretaciju, ali i naznake o njihovoj pragmatičkoj ulozi i zasnivat će se na analizi primjera pronađenih u korpusu tekstova koji pripadaju različitim stilovima bosanskoga jezika. Rad je podijeljen u tri dijela. U prvom ćemo dijelu definirati parentetike i dati pregled dosadašnjih pristupa u analiziranju te pojave. U drugome dijelu rada fokusirat ćemo se na definiranje i analizu umetnutih nerestriktivnih relativnih rečenica, a u trećem će se dijelu izdvojiti najznačajnija zapažanja. - In this paper, we will seek to describe inserted non-restrictive relative sentences as typical parenthetical structures. The description will include their syntactic and semantic interpretation, as well as indications about their pragmatic role, and will be based on an analysis of examples found in a corpus of texts belonging to different styles of Bosnian language. The paper is divided into three parts. In the first part, we will define parentheticals and give an overview of the approaches taken so far in analyzing this phenomenon. In the second part of the paper, we will focus on defining and analyzing the inserted non-restrictive relative sentences, and in the third part, we will highlight the most significant observations.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 1 ; str. 317-338  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bosanski jezik -- Sintaksa -- Semantika -- Parentetici -- Relativna rečenica

KOZDRA, Michał
Osnovn'ye položenija učebnogo tematičeskogo slovarja russko-pol' skih leksičeskih parallelej [Elektronička građa] / Michał Kozdra. - Ilustr.
Ćir. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 811-813. - Rezyume ; Abstract ; Sažetak. - Tsel'yu stat'i yavlyayetsya predstavleniye osnovnykh printsipov postroyeniya Uchebnogo tematicheskogo slovarya russko-pol'skikh leksicheskikh paralleley. V slovare opisany leksicheskiye paralleli, t.ye. skhodnyye po vneshney (foneticheskoy) forme leksicheskiye yedinitsy russkogo i pol'skogo yazykov s polnym/chastichnym sovpadeniyem ili polnym nesovpadeniyem znacheniy. Slovar' adresovan izuchayushchim russkiy i pol'skiy yazyki. Pervaya chast' slovarya posvyashchena opisaniyu kulinarnoy leksiki. Ob"yem slovarya sostavlyayet primerno 300 slovarnykh statey, soderzhashchikh pary russko-pol'skikh leksicheskikh paralleley. Protsess leksikografirovaniya v Slovare predusmatrivayet protseduru otbora zagolovochnykh yedinits, raspolozheniya znacheniy, postroyeniya slovarnoy stat'i, tolkovaniya, a takzhe privedeniya illyustrativnykh primerov. V stat'ye osveshchayutsya takzhe vozmozhnosti i sposoby primeneniya v Slovare printsipov mul'timodal'nosti, t.ye. privlecheniya polikodovykh ob"yektov dlya uluchsheniya protsessov zapominaniya, chto sushchestvenno v protsesse izucheniya inostrannogo yazyka. - The purpose of this paper is to present the main assumptions of The Learner’s Thematic Dictionary of Russian-Polish Lexical Parallels. The article presents a new type of dictionary that describes lexical parallels, i.e. words that are similar phonetically and have full or partial correspondence of meaning or completely different meanings. Target groups of the dictionary users are learners of the Russian and Polish languages, translators, as well as teachers. The first part of the dictionary is devoted to the description of culinary vocabulary. The volume of the dictionary is approximately 300 dictionary entries containing pairs of Russian-Polish lexical parallels. The process of the lexicographic description in the Dictionary assumes the procedure for selecting entries, arranging meanings, creating a dictionary entry, defining, and giving illustrative examples. The paper also highlights the possibilities of applying the principles of multimodality, i.e. attracting multicode objects to improve memorization processes, which are essential in the process of learning a foreign language. The paper has also shown the ways in which to include multimodal components in the Dictionary. - Svrha je ovoga rada predstaviti osnovne pretpostavke Tematskoga rječnika ruskopoljskih leksičkih paralela za neizvorne govornike. Riječ je o novome tipu rječnika koji opisuje leksičke paralele, tj. riječi koje su fonetski slične, a značenje im se djelomično ili potpuno preklapa ili, pak, imaju posve različito značenje. Ciljna su skupina korisnika ovoga rječnika osobe koje uče ruski i poljski jezik, prevoditelji i poučavatelji. Prvi je dio rječnika posvećen opisu rječnika kuharstva. Rječnik ima približno 300 rječničkih natuknica koje sadržavaju parove rusko-poljskih leksičkih paralela. Postupak leksikografskoga opisa u rječniku pretpostavlja odabir naziva, razvrstavanje značenja, oblikovanje rječničkoga članka, definiranje i oprimjerivanje. U radu se također ističe mogućnost primjene načela višemodalnosti, tj. pridruživanje višekodnih objekata kako bi se olakšali procesi pamćenja, koji su ključni u procesu učenja stranoga jezika. U radu se također pokazuju načini na koje se uključuju višemodalne sastavnice u rječnik.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 797-814  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rječnici -- Leksikografija -- Ruski jezik -- Poljski jezik -- Leksičke paralele -- Ruski kao strani jezik

PERDIH, Andrej
Portal Fran [Elektronička građa] : od začetkov do danes / Andrej Perdih. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 1016-1017. - Povzetek ; Abstract ; Sažetak. - Internetni Portal Fran: Slovarji Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU je bil vzpostavljen oktobra 2014 in je prevzel mesto glavnega slovarskega portala za slovenski jezik. Prispevek opisuje nadaljnji razvoj portala od leta 2015 do septembra leta 2019, ko je bilo v ospredju vključevanje novih vsebin ter izboljšanje funkcionalnosti, prikaza in uporabniške izkušnje ter izdelava aplikacij za operacijske sisteme Android in iOS. Ob kontinuiranem postopnem razvoju portala je bilo največ inovativnih rešitev pripravljenih pri tistih slovarjih, ki izkoriščajo možnosti digitalne objave slovarjev, in sicer mrežni grafični prikaz medleksemskih razmerij, slikovni in zvočni material ter uporaba zemljevida za identifikacijo lokacije narečnih slovarjev. Prikazani so tudi načini vključevanja dodatnih vsebin, ki portal vsebinsko širijo iz slovarskega portala v osrednji portal o slovenskem jeziku. - The Fran: Dictionaries of the Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language ZRC SAZU web portal was launched in october 2014. the content of the portal describes the Slovenian language in its contemporary literary, dialectal, and historical forms. At the time of publication, it consisted of 21 dictionaries and linguistic atlases, two language counseling services, and hyperlinks to corpora and other language resources. The article focuses on the later development of the portal, wherein the main goals were the inclusion of new content and improvements to its functionality, visualization, user experience, and development of applications for Android and ioS operating systems. From 2015 to September 2019, the number of dictionaries published on the portal rose to 36. Several previously unpublished dictionaries, other language resources, and software have been added, including the ZRCola special characters input system, and the Slovenian grammars and orthographic dictionaries sub-portal consisting of publications from 1584 until the present day. Continued development of the portal has brought various innovative solutions for the presentation of dictionaries in the digital form, e.g. graphic representation of interlexemic relations, image and sound material, and the use of maps for easier geographical presentation of the areas dialectal dictionaries cover. the article also presents approaches to the integration of additional content that extends the role of the portal to the central web portal on the Slovenian language. - Internetski Portal Fran: Rječnici Instituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU osnovan je u listopadu 2014. Zauzeo je mjesto glavnog rječničkog portala za slovenski jezik. U članku se opisuje daljnji razvoj portala od godine 2015. do rujna 2019., kad je fokus bio na integriranju novih sadržaja i poboljšanju funkcionalnosti, prikaza i korisničkog iskustva te izgradnji aplikacija za operativne sustave Android i iOS. Kontinuiranim razvojem portala razvijena su najinovativnija rješenja za one rječnike koji se koriste mogućnostima digitalnog objavljivanja rječnika, odnosno mrežnim grafičkim prikazom međuleksemskih odnosa, slikovnim i zvučnim materijalima i mapama za identificiranje mjesta u dijalektnim rječnicima. Također se pokazuju načini integriranja dodatnih sadržaja koji portal sadržajno proširuju s rječničkog portala na središnji portal o slovenskom jeziku.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 997-1018  
 Elektronička verzija članka
E-leksikografija -- Rječnici -- Internetski portali -- Slovenski jezik

The prehistory of the Slavic vowel system [Elektronička građa] : (a reply to Mate Kapović) / Frederik Kortlandt.
Bibliografske billješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 139-140. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The methodological differences between Kapović and myself are threefold: (1) He disregards the chronological aspects of linguistic developments. As a result, he mixes up elements from different stages of development. (2) He disregards the linguistic system in which developments take place. As a result, he reconstructs typologically improbable linguistic systems. (3) He multiplies the input criteria of his rules in order to arrive at the correct output. The larger the number of input distinctions, the easier it becomes to generate any desired output. A combination of these devices renders his treatment opaque and confuses the issues at hand. - Metodološke su razlike između Kapovića i mene trojake: (1) On zanemaruje kronološki aspekt jezičnoga razvoja. Posljedica je toga miješanje elemenata iz različitih razvojnih etapa. (2) On zanemaruje jezični sustav koji se razvija. Posljedica je toga rekonstrukcija jezičnih sustava koji su tipološki malo vjerojatni. (3) On umnožava ulazne kriterije svojih pravila kako bi dobio točan rezultat. Što je više ulaznih razlika, lakše je generirati bilo koji željeni rezultat. Kombinacija tih postupaka čini njegov pristup nerazumljivim.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 1 ; str. 133-140  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slavenski jezici -- Akcentuacija -- Vokalska dužina -- Povijesna akcentologija
Kapović, Mate


JEMEC Tomazin, Mateja
Slovenska terminološka spletišča in njihove zasnove [Elektronička građa] / Mateja Jemec Tomazin, Mojca Žagar Karer. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 714-715. - Povzetek ; Abstract ; Sažetak. - V razpravi so predstavljena in analizirana slovenska prostodostopna terminološka spletišča in spletne strani nekaterih terminoloških slovarskih projektov, ki se razlikujejo po številu virov oziroma strokovnih področij, zasnovi, številu avtorjev, obsežnosti itd. Glavni namen je bil ugotoviti možnosti predstavitve raznolikih terminoloških virov v novem terminološkem portalu, pri čemer je treba upoštevati, da imajo različni uporabniki terminologije različne potrebe. - For many years, in language policy documents in Slovenia, the establishing of a terminology portal that would integrate all available terminological resources was planned. Therefore, we have analyzed freely accessible Slovenian terminological websites (Terminologišče, Termania, Evroterm) and individual specialized dictionary projects (Islovar, EZS glosar, Slovar zavarovalnih izrazov). These resources have different designs, one or more authors, various number of resources or subject fields, some of them contain definitions and equivalents, so the question arises on how to reasonably combine them in one place. It is very important to determine its primary addressee in the initial phase of planning of the portal since different terminology users (e.g. subject field experts, translators, proofreaders) have different needs. Therefore, it is very important to consider how to organize terminological resources and ensure their updating. We find the Croatian Terminology Portal (http://nazivlje.hr/) which offers a unique search engine for all terminological sources that are a part of larger groups, sufficiently transparent and user-friendly for that purpose. - Već dugi niz godina u službenim dokumentima povezanim s jezičnom politikom u Sloveniji predviđa se postavljanje zajedničkoga terminološkog portala koji bi objedinio sve raspoložive terminološke izvore, pa smo stoga analizirali slobodno dostupne internetske stranice slovenske terminologije (Terminologišče, Termania, Evroterm) i pojedinih specijaliziranih rječnika (npr. Islovar, Rječnik EZS, Rječnik pojmova osiguranja).Analizirani izvori međusobno se razlikuju dizajnom, brojem autora, izvorima ili tematskim područjima, neki od njih sadržavaju definicije i ekvivalente, pa se postavlja pitanje kako ih sve opravdano navesti na jednom mjestu. Veoma je važno već u početnoj fazi planiranja izrade portala odrediti ciljnoga korisnika jer različiti korisnici (npr. različiti stručnjaci, prevoditelji, lektori i drugi) imaju različite potrebe. To podrazumijeva važnost razmatranja načina organizacije terminoloških izvora i postupke njihova ažuriranja. Upravo stoga smatramo da je rješenje Hrvatskoga terminološkog portala (http://nazivlje.hr/) koje nudi zajedničku tražilicu za sve terminološke izvore, uvrštene u veće skupine i pregledno razvrstane u terminološke izvore, dovoljno transparentno i za tu svrhu prilagođeno korisniku.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 693-716  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slovenski jezik -- Strukovno nazivlje -- Rječnik nazivlja -- Baze podataka -- E-portali

ČERNYŠEVA, Margarita Ivanovna
Sostavlenie, razrabotka i soprovoždenie èlektronnogo slovarja grecizmov v russkom jaz'yke XI–XVII vv [Elektronička građa] / Margarita Ivanovna Černyševa, Elena Igorevna Deržavina, Valerija Alekseevna Morozova. - Graf. prikazi.
Ćir. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 542-545. - Rezyume ; Abstract ; Sažetak. - Informatsiya, predstavlennaya v krupnykh trudakh po paleo-, medioslavyanskoy i russkoy istoricheskoy leksikografii, nuzhdayetsya v postoyannom peresmotre, popolnenii i obnovlenii. Eto osobenno zametno, naprimer, pri podgotovke «Slovarya russkogo yazyka XI–XVII vv.» (SlRYA XI–XVII vv.), a takzhe pri sozdanii «Elektronnogo istoricheskogo slovarya zaimstvovannoy leksiki v russkom yazyke XI–XVII vv.» i yego chasti – «Elektronnogo slovarya gretsizmov v russkom yazyke XI–XVII vv.» (ESgr). Poskol'ku postoyanno proiskhodit popolneniye istochnikovoy bazy SlRYA XI–XVII vv., to nakaplivayutsya svedeniya, kasayushchiyesya leksikograficheski ne opisannykh leksem, udrevneniya tsitatnogo materiala, interpretatsii semantiki redkikh slov, a takzhe vyyavleniya novykh foneticheskikh i morfologicheskikh variantov inoyazychnoy leksiki. S pomoshch'yu sozdannogo v ramkakh proyekta sovremennogo instrumentariya vpervyye budet predstavlen v elektronnom vide polnyy ob"yem gretsizmov, kotoryye vstretilis' v pamyatnikakh russkoy pis'mennosti XI–XVII vv., odnako do sikh por ne poluchili ischerpyvayushchego opisaniya. soprovozhdat'sya provedeniyem istoriko-lek. - Information represented in paleo- and medioslavistic and Russian historical lexicographic researches needs constant revision and updates. This is especially noticeable, for example, during the preparation of the Dictionary of the 11th-17th Century Russian Language (DRL), as well as in the creation of the Electronic Dictionary of Borrowings in the 11th-17th Century Russian Language and the Electronic Dictionary of Greek Words in the 11th-17th Century Russian Language (EDGr). The data on undescribed lexemes, ancient quotes, the semantics of rare words, phonetic and morphological variants for the dictionaries constantly accrues, because the database of source materials updates constantly. With the use of contemporary applications, the extensive data on Greek words in Russian, which were found in the monuments of 11th-17th century Russian literature, but have not yet been fully described, the results of the current project will be presented as an electronic source. The formation of EDGr will be accompanied by carrying out lexicological, comparative, typological, and cultural research, which have an independent scientific value. Technical issues of the current study are dedicated to the description of the database construction, infosearch and web-designing principles applied to the project of developing the web-dictionary. The data for dictionary entry generation is structured as a relational database using the SQLite management system. Website development is based on the Django framework with the use of the programming language Python (3.5+ version). The website allows an extended search of the whole database content. The website will be available for public use on the Internet via an original domain name. - Podatci dobiveni paleoslavističkim istraživanjima, istraživanjima srednjevjekovnoga slavenskoga i istraživanjima povijesne leksikografije trebaju se stalno posuvremenjivati i dorađivati. To dolazi do izražaja pri pripremi Rječnika ruskoga jezika od 11. do 17. stoljeća (DRL) i pri sastavljanju Elektroničkoga rječnika posuđenica u ruskome jeziku od 11. do 17. stoljeća i Elektroničkoga rječnika grčkih riječi u ruskome jeziku od 11. do 17. stoljeća (EDGr). Podatci o neopisanim riječima, antičkim citatima, značenju rijetkih riječi, fonološkim i morfološkim inačicama stalno se dopunjuju jer se baza podataka izvorne građe stalno posuvremenjuje. Uporabom suvremenih aplikacija prikupljaju se iscrpni podatci o grčkim riječima u ruskome koji se nalaze na spomenicima ruske literature od 11. do 17. stoljeća, ali još nisu u potpunosti opisani, pa će rezultati ovoga projekta biti predstavljeni u elektroničkome obliku. Usporedno s izradom EDGr-a provodit će se leksikološka, komparativna, tipološka i kulturološka istraživanja koja imaju neovisnu znanstvenu vrijednost. Tehnička pitanja opisana u ovome radu odnose se na opis strukture baze podataka, pretraživanje podataka i načela mrežnoga dizajna koja se odnose na projekt razvoja mrežnoga rječnika. Podatci za oblikovanje natuknica oblikovani su kao relacijska baza podataka s pomoću sustava upravljanja SQLite. Mrežne stranice izrađuju se u radnome okružju Django s pomoću programskoga jezika Python (inačica 3.5+). Mrežne stranice omogućuju iscrpnu pretragu sadržaja baze podataka. Mrežne stranice bit će dostupne za javnu uporabu na internetu s pomoću izvornoga imena domene.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 529-546  
 Elektronička verzija članka
E-leksikografija -- Ruski jezik -- Grecizmi

IVAŠČENKO, Viktorija
Terminografična baza danih TERM_IN u mižslov'jans'komu dialozi [Elektronička građa] : arhitektonika ta proektuvannja / Viktorija Ivaščenko, Halyna Horbenko, Serhij Hidenko. - Graf. prikazi.
Ćir. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 688-690. - Rezyume ; Abstract ; Sažetak. - Z ohlyadu na informatsiyno-znannyevi zapyty suchasnoho suspilʹstva znachnykh obertiv sʹohodni nabyraye e-terminohrafiya. Odnym iz yiyi prykladnykh aspektiv ye proyektuvannya ta vedennya terminohrafichnykh baz danykh, virtualʹnykh terminohrafichnykh laboratoriy yak riznovydiv i/abo skladnykiv slovnykovykh baz, bibliotek slovnykovykh pratsʹ, slovnykovykh portaliv, slovnykovykh vebstorinok, oriyentovanykh ne lyshe na natsionalʹni priorytety, a y na intehratsiyu do svitovykh leksykohrafichnykh system u napryami rozbudovy bahatomovnykh elektronnykh resursiv. Uzahalʹnennya slovʺyansʹkoho terminohrafichnoho dosvidu kintsya KHKH – pochatku KHKHI st. u formati ukladannya bibliohrafichnoho pokazhchyka Slovʺyansʹka terminohrafiya (1990 – 2017) zadlya yoho utrymannya v interaktyvnomu aktualizovanomu stani vymahaye stvorennya bahatomovnoyi terminohrafichnoyi bazy danykh TERM_IN. Proponovanyy dlya proyektuvannya na sayti Terminolohichnoyi komisiyi pry Mizhnarodnomu komiteti slavistiv novyy intehrovanyy resurs peredbachaye prohramne zabezpechennya z mozhlyvistyu vyboru korystuvatsʹkoho interfeysu anhliysʹkoyu ta 10-ma slovʺyansʹkymy movamy (ukrayinsʹkoyu, polʹsʹkoyu, rosiysʹkoyu, bilorusʹkoyu, khorvat·sʹkoyu, slovensʹkoyu, chesʹkoyu, slovatsʹkoyu, serbsʹkoyu, makedonsʹkoyu). Takyy resurs spryyatyme chastkovomu vyrishennyu problemy zabezpechennya fakhivtsiv u haluzi Ivaščenko i dr.indd 669 4.11.2020. 12:01:03 670 Rasprave 46/2 (2020.) str. 669–691 terminolohiyi informatsiyeyu pro nayavni slavistychni terminohrafichni pratsi, zibrani na odniy tekhnolohichniy platformi v yedyniy systemi bibliohrafichnoho zapysu. - Due to the information and knowledge requests of modern society, e-terminography is developing rapidly nowadays. One of its applied aspects is the design and maintenance of terminographic databases, virtual terminology laboratories as varieties, and/ or components of vocabulary databases, vocabulary libraries, dictionary works, dictionary portals, vocabulary web pages focused both on national and world priorities towards developing multilingual electronic resources. The generalization of the Slavic terminographic experience of the late XXth – early XXIth centuries in the format of drafting bibliographic index Slavic Terminography (1990 – 2017) to keep it interactive and up-to-date online requires the creation of the TERM_IN multilingual terminographic database. The proposed new integrated resource for design on the site of the Terminological Commission of the International Committee of Slavs provides software with the ability to select the user interface in English and 10 Slavic languages (Ukrainian, Polish, Russian, Belarusian, Croatian, Slovenian, Serbian, Czech, Slovak, Macedonian). Such a resource shall contribute to the partial solution of the problem of providing terminology specialists with information on available Slavic terminographic works collected on one technological platform in a single bibliographic record system. - E-terminografija zahtjevno je znanstvenoistraživačko područje koje uzima u obzir informacijske i informatološke izazove suvremenoga društva. Jedan je od njezinih primijenjenih aspekata izgradnja i upravljanje terminografskim bazama podataka i virtualnim terminografskim laboratorijima kao vrstom i/ili sastavnicom leksikografskih baza, knjižnica leksikografskih djela, leksikografskih portala i leksikografskih mrežnih stranica, orijentiranih ne samo na nacionalne prioritete nego i na uklapanje u svjetske leksikografske sustave radi izgradnje višejezičnih elektroničkih izvora. Objedinjavanje slavenskoga terminografskog iskustva na kraju 20. i na početku 21. stoljeća te uspostava bibliografskoga popisa Slavenska terminografija (1990. – 2017.) zahtijeva ustrojavanje višejezične terminografske baze podataka TERM_IN kako bi se omogućilo da bibliografski popis bude interaktivan i ažuran. Novi integrirani izvor, koji će biti dostupan na stranicama Terminološke komisije Međunarodnoga slavističkog komiteta, pretpostavlja postojanje računalne podrške s mogućnošću izbora korisničkoga sučelja na engleskome i na deset slavenskih jezika (ukrajinskome, poljskome, ruskome, bjeloruskome, hrvatskome, slovenskome, češkome, slovačkome, srpskome i makedonskome). Taj će izvor omogućiti stručnjacima koji se bave terminologijom pristup podatcima o objavljenim slavističkim terminografskim radovima, dostupnim na jedinstvenoj tehnološkoj platformi u ujednačenome sustavu bibliografskoga zapisa.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 669-691  
 Elektronička verzija članka
E-terminografija -- Slavenski jezici -- Baze podataka -- Bibliografski zapisi -- Korisničko sučelje

Uporaba novih medijev v narečnem slovaropisju na primeru Slovarja starega orodja v govoru Loškega Potoka [Elektronička građa] / Vera Smole, Helena Gabrijelčič Tomc, Alenka Kavčič. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 7 jed. - Povzetek ; Abstract ; Sažetak. - V prispevku so predstavljeni zasnova in uresničitev narečnega tematskega slovarja, ki mu nove tehnološke možnosti omogočajo, da je spletni oziroma e-slovar, interaktivni (z multimedijskimi vsebinami) in rastoči (dopolnjujoči), poleg tega pa ima tudi estetsko celostno grafično podobo, kar vse vpliva na potencialne uporabnike. - The paper presents the design and implementation of a thematic dialectal dictionary that uses new technological possibilities of e-media to be transformed into an e-dictionary. It is web-based, interactive (with multimedia content), and growing (supplementing articles), it has an aesthetic graphic identity. All this influences the potential endusers. - Ovaj članak predstavlja koncept i realizaciju dijalektnoga tematskoga rječnika, kome elektronički medij nudi mogućnost da bude online ili e-rječnik, interaktivan (s multimedijskim sadržajima) i komplementaran, a također da ima integriran estetski grafički dizajn, što sve utječe na potencijalne korisnike.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 1039-1057  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slovenski jezik -- E-leksikografija -- Rječnici -- Dijalektalni rječnici -- Interaktivnost

Usporedba mrežnih valencijskih rječnika u slavenskim jezicima [Elektronička građa] / Matea Birtić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 507-510. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu se prikazuje pet mrežnih rječnika nastalih u svrhu opisa (glagolske) valentnosti u slavenskim jezicima. Uspoređuju se lingvistički i leksikografski opisi valentnosti te se ne razmatra njihova računalna osnova. četiri mrežna valencijska rječnika (ruski FrameBank, češki VALLEX, hrvatski CROVALLEX i poljski Walenty) detaljno se uspoređuju s e-Glavom, mrežnim valencijskim rječnikom hrvatskoga jezika koji se izrađuje u Institutu za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje. na kraju rada opisuju se slična i različita svojstva svih spomenutih rječnika. Rječnici se razlikuju odnosom prema svršenim i nesvršenim te povratnim glagolima, odnosom prema adjunktima (dodatcima), polaznom točkom u shvaćanju valentnosti (semantička ili sintaktička) te bilježenjem uže (obvezne, neobvezne dopune i dodatci) ili šire valentnosti (sintaktičke preoblike poput pasiva, recipročnosti ili bezličnosti). - The aim of the paper is to compare the representation of valency in five online valency dictionaries of Slavic languages (the Russian FrameBank, the Czech VALLEX, the Polish Walenty, and two online valency dictionaries of Croatian, Crovallex and e-Glava). FrameBank, VALLEX, Walenty, and CROVALLEX are compared in detail with e-Glava and at the end all five online resources are correlated. The five dictionaries are based on various linguistic traditions, but despite that, some parts of their description are similar due to common features of Slavic languages. due to rich case systems, the morphological description is indispensable in these valency dictionaries.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 483-510  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Leksikografija -- Slavenski jezici -- Mrežni rječnici -- Glagolska valentnost

Veb-alat za upravljanje građom Rečnika SANU i anotacija listića [Elektronička građa] / Rada Stijović, Ranka Stanković, Mihailo Škorić. - Ilustr.
Ćir. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 1092-1093. - Rezime ; Summary ; Sažetak. - Građa na osnovu koje se izrađuje Rečnik srpskohrvatskog književnog i narodnog jezika SANU, a koja sadrži materijal iz preko 4.500 pisanih izvora i 300 rukopisnih zbirki reči sa područja narodnih govora štokavskog narečja, zabeležena je na oko 5.000.000 listića. Bogat leksički materijal, koji obuhvata književni i narodni jezik u protekla dva veka i na osnovu koga treba da se napiše još najmanje 15 tomova Rečnika, pruža mogućnost i za raznovrsna lingvistička i vanlingvistička istraživanja. Iz tog razloga se pristupilo digitalizaciji građe i njenoj organizaciji u digitalni repozitorijum, koji će omogućiti da se ovi u najvećem broju vrlo trošni listići sačuvaju, da se učine podesnim za automatizaciju rada na Rečniku, što vodi znatnom ubrzanju njegove izrade, kao i da se građa zapisana na njima učini dostupnom naučnoj, stručnoj i široj kulturnoj javnosti. U radu će biti predstavljena veb-aplikacija koja je kreirana za upravljanje elektronskim verzijama listića i rezultati dosadašnjeg rada. - The material for the development of the Dictionary of the Serbo-Croatian Standard and Vernacular Language was collected across 160 years and is recorded on roughly 5,000,000 lexicographic citation cards. It was manually excerpted from over 4,500 written sources and collected in the field in all pronunciations of the Štokavian dialect. At least 15 new volumes of the dictionary are planned based on these card files. They can also serve as the basis for various phonetic, morphological, and syntactic research, as well as for analysing language development over the past two centuries, dialectal specifics from the time when the collections were created (often the only data on the speech of a region at the time of collection), and etymological studies. Its cultural value is also exceptional, as it includes contributions from many illustrious names in Serbian cultural history – Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, Jovan Skerlić, Radoje Domanović, Isidora Sekulić, Milan Rešetar, etc. This precious, delicate material was scanned from 2016-2018, and in 2017, a web application was developed to efficiently annotate the electronic cards. It was further enhanced based on user needs, enabling (in addition to constricted annotation, where only card headwords were marked) a more detailed annotation including dictionary entry form, homonym tag, attestation and bibliographic reference, abbreviation in the dictionary, and card type (handwritten, typed). This paper will present the web tool and annotation results from the letter P to Š. So far, 12 different annotators have been working on the annotations, 3-5 annotating simultaneously at any moment with varying intensity. Of the 813 sections with 2,010,508 paper slips, 795 sections with 1,934,583 paper slips were processed with constricted annotation, including 201,487 different headwords. Annotation results will offer an estimation of the remaining number of words for the dictionary SASA with headword list. - Građa koja je poslužila za izradu Rečnika srpskohrvatskoga književnog i narodnog jezika SANU, a koja sadržava materijal iz više od 4500 pisanih izvora i 300 rukopisnih zbirka riječi s područja narodnih govora štokavskoga narječja, zabilježena je na otprilike 5 000 000 listića. Bogat leksički materijal, na kojemu se nalazi književni i narodni jezik posljednjih dvaju stoljeća i na temelju kojega bi trebalo napisati još najmanje 15 svezaka rječnika, pruža mogućnost i za raznovrsna lingvistička i izvanlingvistička istraživanja. Zbog toga se pristupilo digitalizaciji građe i njezinoj organizaciji u digitalni repozitorij, koji će omogućiti to da se vrlo trošni listići u najvećemu broju sačuvaju i da se učine prikladnim za automatizaciju rada na rječniku. To vodi znatnomu ubrzanju njegove izrade, kao i tomu da se zapisana građa učini dostupnom stručnoj i široj kulturnoj javnosti. U radu je predstavljena mrežna aplikacija koja je izrađena za upravljanje elektroničkim verzijama listića te su prikazani rezultati dosadašnjega rada.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 1085-1094  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Leksikografska građa -- E-leksikografija -- Digitalizacija -- Rječnici

BULIĆ, Halid
Značenja sufiksa -suz u bosanskom jeziku [Elektronička građa] / Halid Bulić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 60-61. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Među riječima koje su u bosanski jezik došle iz turskog jezika mnogo je onih koje su tvorene sufiksom -suz. Osnovno značenje sufiksa -suz u turskom jeziku je ‘bez’, odnosno ‘odsustvo onoga što je iskazano osnovom riječi’. Ono se obično zadržava i u posuđenicama u bosanskom jeziku. Međutim, istraživanje pokazuje da to nije uvijek tako. U savremenom bosanskom jeziku postoji više riječi u kojima sufiks -suz ima značenje drukčije od izvornog, odnosno u kojima ne označava odsustvo ili nedostatak onoga što je kazano osnovom riječi. Većina posuđenica iz turskog u bosanski jezik koje se završavaju sufiksom -suz označavaju odsustvo nečeg što je dobro i poželjno pa, prema tome, označavaju negativne pojave. Zbog toga je novo značenje sufiksa -suz ‘nosilac loše osobine’. Takvo je značenje prisutno u riječima hatèrsuz, belájsuz, problémsuz, drvènsuz, harámsuz, beznafàksuz i bezbismilèsuz. - Many loanwords of Turkish origin in the Bosnian language are created by the suffix -suz. The basic meaning of the suffix -suz in Turkish is ‘without’ or ‘the absence of what is expressed by the stem of the word’. It is usually preserved in loanwords in Bosnian. However, the research shows that this is not always the case. In the modern Bosnian language, there are several words in which the suffix -suz has a meaning other than the original, that is, in which it does not signify the absence or lack of what is stated by the stem of the word. Most loanwords from Turkish to Bosnian created by the suffix -suz mean the absence of something good or desirable, so they signify negative phenomena. For this reason, the new meaning of the suffix -suz is ‘carrier of a negative characteristic’. Such a meaning is present in the words hatèrsuz, belájsuz, problémsuz, drvènsuz, harámsuz, beznafàksuz, and bezbismilèsuz.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 1 ; str. 49-61  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bosanski jezik -- Posuđenice -- Turcizmi -- Značenje

Vidi br.: HA20-02790

811.163.42   Hrvatski jezik

Analiza tvorbenih načina u hrvatskome nazivlju arhitekture i urbanizma s osobitim osvrtom na značenje [Elektronička građa] / Neda Borić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 47-48. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu se korpusnim tipom istraživanja analiziraju tvorbeni načini u hrvatskome nazivlju arhitekture i urbanizma. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata izvedena je njihova tipologija i opisane su njihove specifičnosti. Analiza je upotpunjena osvrtom na semantičke aspekte koji ukazuju na čvrstu isprepletenost morfoloških i značenjskih aspekata u stvaranju naziva ovisno o specifičnome kognitivnom makrokontekstu, odnosno specifičnoj domeni upotrebe. Rad može koristiti budućim istraživanjima nazivljā drugih struka te poslužiti kao polazište u radu na normizaciji i usustavljivanju nazivlja arhitekture i urbanizma. - This corpus-based research focuses on the analysis of word-formation types in Croatian architecture and urban planning terminology. The most common processes of term formation are identified and described with special emphasis on some unique features that characterize architecture terminology. The analysis also provides valuable insight into semantic aspects involved in these processes proving that morphological and semantic patterns in the formation of terms are closely intertwined and that they are inextricably linked with the specific cognitive macrocontext (the domain of use).
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 1 ; str. 29-48  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Tvorba riječi -- Tvorbeni načini -- Strukovno nazivlje -- Arhitektura -- Morfološko-semantički obrasci

Analiza uporabe hrvatskih egzonima s obzirom na obilježja geografskoga objekta [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Crljenko. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 61-63. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Uporaba egzonima jedan je od najranijih izazova za stručnjake koji se na međunarodnoj razini bave geografskim imenima. Prevladavajuće je motrište da egzonimi ometaju međunarodnu komunikaciju pa njihovu uporabu treba smanjiti. Drugo je mišljenje da su egzonimi sastavni dio rječnika jezične zajednice koja ih stvara i rabi, važan su dio njezina kulturnog nasljeđa i identiteta te ih ne treba zanemarivati. U novije se vrijeme učvršćuje ideja o srednjem rješenju prema kojem egzonime treba rabiti različito, ovisno o dobnim skupinama korisnika, namjeni publikacije i vrsti komunikacije (međunarodnoj ili nacionalnoj). Slijedeći to motrište, članovi Radne skupine za egzonime pri UNGEGN-u donijeli su zaključke vezane uz globalno zajedničke karakteristike egzonima i kriterije njihove uporabe. Tri kriterija odnose se na obilježja geografskoga objekta za koji se rabi egzonim (tip, veličina, važnost, poznatost i lokacija objekta). U radu se kvantitativnom analizom brojnosti i zastupljenosti hrvatskih egzonima u nekoliko kategorija pokazuje da je uporaba hrvatskih egzonima sukladna tim kriterijima, što znači da se egzonimi rabe: a) kad geografski objekt ima bliske i tradicionalne veze s hrvatskom jezičnom zajednicom, a najčešće je riječ o geografski bližim objektima; b) kad je objekt povijesno ili danas važan, globalno i/ili za hrvatske govornike; c) kad se objekt prostire na više govornih područja. - The use of exonyms is one of the earliest challenges faced by experts who deal with geographical names on an international level. The prevalent view is that exonyms hinder international communication and their use should therefore be reduced. Another opinion is that exonyms are a constituent part of the vocabulary of the linguistic community that creates and uses them, an important part of cultural heritage and identity, and should therefore not be overlooked. Recently, the idea that a middle ground should be found is gaining traction; according to it, exonyms should be used differently depending on the users’ age groups, the purpose of the publication they appear in, and the type of communication (international or national). Following this view, members of the UNGEGN Working Group on Exonyms have reached conclusions regarding the globally shared characteristics of exonyms and the criteria of their use. Three criteria are related to the characteristics of the geographical features for which the exonym is used (type, size, importance, familiarity, and location). Qualitative analysis of the number and distribution of Croatian exonyms in several categories shows that the use of Croatian exonyms is in accordance with these criteria. This means that exonyms are used: a) when a geographical feature has close and traditional ties with the Croatian linguistic community – most commonly features that are geographically nearby; b) when the feature is historically or currently important, globally and/or for Croatian language speakers; c) when the feature covers more than one speaking area.
U: Studia lexicographica (Online). - ISSN 2459-5578. - 14 (2020), 26 ; str. 37-63  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Egzonimi -- Prilagođenice -- Geografska imena -- Toponimi

FONOVIĆ Cvijanović, Teodora
Bog u leksikografskoj mreži [Elektronička građa] / Teodora Fonović Cvijanović, Blaženka Martinović, Vanessa Vitković Marčeta. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija i izvori: str. 585-587. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Suvremena hrvatska leksikografija plodna je i raznovrsna, no postoje dvojbe koje se preslikavaju iz izdanja u izdanje (što je, dijelom, neizbježno u otvorenome sustavu kao što je leksik). Leksikografske dvojbe množe se i novima kad se leksik izmjesti u novi medij, u e-rječnik ili mrežni rječnik (primjerice otvara se pitanje korpusne utemeljenosti te ozvučivanja leksičkih jedinica ili audiorječnika). U ovome se radu suvremene dvojbe oprimjeruju leksičkim jedinicama sa sastavnicom „bog” jer donose cijelu paletu otvorenih pitanja, naime dotičemo se pravopisne (kako bog/Bog zapovijeda), gramatičke (npr. bog kao imenica i kao uzvik), leksičke (žali Bože / žalibože) i prozodijske (bogtepítaj ili bogtepȋtaj) norme. Dakle, iako je riječ o dvojbama koje se zasigurno odnose na opsežniji korpus (kao što je pitanje gramatikalizacije, pragmatike oblika, (de)onimizacije i frazeologizacije), sužava se pogled na jednu tvorbenu porodicu koji ipak analogijom može iznjedriti općenitija rješenja. Nudi se i primjer mogućega zvučnog zapisa u budućim mrežnim rječnicima te se preispituje korpusna utemeljenost sadašnjih leksikografskih rješenja. - Modern Croatian lexicography is rich and diverse but not free of dilemmas, passed on from one edition to another (an occurrence that is partly inevitable in an open system such as the lexicon). Modern lexicographical dilemmas increase in number when the lexicon is transferred to a new medium, to an e-dictionary (for instance, the question arises regarding the audio recording of lexical units and the attestedness in the corpus). In this paper, modern dilemmas are exemplified by the entries based on the word bog (god), because they raise numerous questions: we have addressed the orthographical (žali Bože / žalibože) and prosodical (bogtepítaj or bogtepȋtaj) norms. Thus, although these dilemmas certainly refer to a wider corpus (e.g. the question of grammaticalization, pragmatics of forms, (de-)onymization, and phraseologization), we have limited our scrutiny to a single derivational family which can still, through analogy, lead to more general solutions. We offer an example of possible audio versions of particular entries in future e-dictionaries and reassess the attestedness of current lexicographical solutions in the corpus.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 567-587  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Leksikografija -- Natuknice -- E-rječnici -- Audiorječnik -- Zvučni zapisi

KOCIJAN, Kristina
Building Croatian medical dictionary from medical corpus [Elektronička građa] / Kristina Kocijan, Silvia Kurolt, Linda Mijić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 779-781. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The overall objective of this project is to define linguistic models at the lexical and syntactic levels that appear in the health domain, depending on the type of corpus. In the first phase of the project, the texts forming the medical corpus A – MedCorA (2,232 pharmaceutical instructions for medicaments available in Croatia) were prepared. The terminology found in this corpus was analyzed and the semantic subdomains (anatomy, condition, microorganism, chemistry, etc.) within the medical domain were defined and added to the dictionary entries. These dictionary resources were used as the foundation for the second phase in which NooJ morphological grammars were built allowing annotation of medical terminology in the corpus. Said grammars were built to allow for recognizing Latinisms, as well as Latin expressions written with Croatian case endings, not only Croatian words. Prepared resources are made available to a broader scientific community via Sketch Engine for further research in the field of medicine enabling additional research and development of algorithms for, among others, medical documents classification, medical texts’ information retrieval or machine translation of medical documentation, taking into account quality and reliability as well as terminology variability. - Osnovni je cilj ovoga projekta definiranje leksičkih i sintaktičkih jezičnih modela koji se pojavljuju u području medicine, a ovisno o vrsti korpusa. U prvoj fazi projekta prikupljeni su tekstovi koji čine medicinski korpus A – MedCorA (2232 farmaceutske upute za lijekove dostupne u Hrvatskoj). Nazivlje je iz korpusa analizirano, a potom su definirane semantičke poddomene (anatomija, stanja, mikroorganizmi, kemija itd.) unutar medicinske domene. Semantičke su oznake dodane u rječnik, gdje su poslužile kao osnova za drugu fazu projekta u kojoj su izrađene i NooJ morfološke gramatike za prepoznavanje i označavanje latinizama kao i latinskih izraza koji se koriste hrvatskim padežnim nastavcima. Pripremljeni resursi stavljaju se na raspolaganje široj znanstvenoj zajednici putem SketchEnginea za daljnja istraživanja u području obrade jezika i medicine, omogućujući pritom nova istraživanja i razvoj algoritama za, među ostalim, klasifikaciju medicinskih dokumenata, pronalaženje podataka u medicinskim tekstovima, prevođenje medicinske dokumentacije, a uzimajući u obzir kvalitetu i pouzdanost podataka, ali i terminološku varijabilnost.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 765-782  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Stručno nazivlje -- Obrada jezika -- Semantičke oznake -- Medicinske znanosti

PERAK, Benedikt
Corpus-based syntactic-semantic graph analysis [Elektronička građa] : semantic domains of the concept feeling / Benedikt Perak, Tajana Ban Kirigin. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 994-995. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This research exemplifies the corpus-based graph approach to the syntactic-semantic analysis of a concept feeling using the Construction Grammar Conceptual network methodology. by constructing a lexical network from grammatically tagged collocations of the english and the Croatian web corpora, the structure of the semantic domains is revealed as a set of sub-graphs derived from the source lexeme’s friend-of-a-friend graph. the subgraph structures, calculated with the community detection algorithm, are interpreted as the semantic domains associated with the source lexeme’s conceptual matrix. lexical structures are analyzed using a centrality algorithm that determines the overall rank of the salience and semantic relatedness to the source concept feeling. this empirical approach can be used for developing nlP methods and tasks, such as computing semantic similarity, sense disambiguation, sense structuring, as well as for comparative corpus and cross-cultural studies. ConGraCnet has a web application on the page http://emocnet.uniri.hr/congracnet. - Ova studija prikazuje metodu ConGraCnet na primjeru korpusne sintaktičko-semantičke analize s pomoću grafova pojma osjećaj/feeling. analizom mreža leksičkih kolokacija koordinirane konstrukcije iz korpusa enTenTen i hrWac struktura semantičkih domena ishodišnih pojmova razlučuje se algoritmom prepoznavanja graf-zajednica. leksičke se zajednice sagledavaju kao apstrakcija semantičkih domena povezanih s pojmovnom matricom ishodišnoga leksema. Korištenjem algoritmom centralnosti koji prepoznaje istaknuto umrežene lekseme određuje se stupanj povezanosti semantičke domene s izvornim pojmom. ovaj empirijski pristup može se upotrebljavati za razvijanje nlP metoda za prepoznavanje semantičke sličnosti, razlučivanja višeznačnosti, strukturiranje značenja te za komparativne korpusne i međukulturne studije. Metoda ConGraCnet objavljena je kao mrežna aplikacija na stranici http://emocnet.uniri.hr/congracnet.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 957-996  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Korpusna analiza -- Sintaktičko-semantička analiza -- Leksička analiza

The Croatian web dictionary - Mrežnik project [Elektronička građa] : goals and achievements / Lana Hudeček, Milica Mihaljević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 663-667. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The Croatian Web Dictionary – Mrežnik project is at the moment of writing of this paper at the end of the third year. The project goals are to compile an e-dictionary of the Croatian language that is online, free, corpus-based, monolingual, hypertext, searchable, normative, and based on the contemporary results of e-lexicography and computational linguistics. Mrežnik consists of three modules: for adult native speakers of Croatian, schoolchildren, and non-native speakers of Croatian. It will be the central meeting point of the existing language resources of the Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics but also of the language resources created within the project. Croatian Web Dictionary – Mrežnik is conceived as a dynamic dictionary that can be further compiled and edited even after the end of the four-year project and the result of the project will be the model for the growing Croatian e-dictionary that will be a long-term project of the Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics. - Projekt Hrvatski mrežni rječnik – Mrežnik u trenutku pisanja ovoga rada na kraju je treće projektne godine. Cilj je projekta objava slobodno dostupnoga, na korpusu utemeljenoga, hipertekstoga, pretraživoga normativnog jednojezičnog mrežnog rječnika hrvatskoga jezika utemeljenoga na postignućima suvremene e-leksikografije i računalnoga jezikoslovlja. Mrežnik uključuje tri modula: modul za odrasle govornike hrvatskoga jezika, modul za učenike nižih razreda osnovne škole te modul za osobe koje uče hrvatski kao ini jezik. Mrežnik je zamišljen kao mjesto povezivanja postojećih jezičnih izvora Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, ali u sklopu projekta bit će izrađeni i novi jezični izvori. Nakon završetka četverogodišnjega projektnog razdoblja zamišljeno je da projekt Hrvatski mrežni rječnik – Mrežnik postane trajni projekt Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje te da se rječnički sadržaj stalno proširuje i dopunjuje te s vremena na vrijeme objavljuju nove inačice.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 645-667  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- E-rječnici -- E-leksikografija

Dvojina u Psaltiru (1530.), Knjižicama krsta (1531.) i Od bitija redovničkoga knjižicama (1531.) Šimuna Kožičića Benje [Elektronička građa] / Sanja Zubčić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 446-449. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu se analizira status dvojine kao morfološke kategorije broja u trima izdanjima riječke glagoljske tiskare Šimuna Kožičića Benje: Psaltiru, Knjižicama krsta i Od bitija redovničkoga knjižicama. Dvojina se promatra kao morfološki i sintaktički fenomen, tj. analiziraju se morfološke značajke te sročnost s pridjevima, zamjenicama i glagolima. Cilj je ove analize uputiti na eventualne razlike u zastupljenosti dvojine kao izuzetno važnoga i snažnoga stilskoga markera u Kožičićevim liturgijskim i neliturgijskim djelima te na temelju toga zaključiti o sveukupnoj njegovoj književnojezičnoj koncepciji. S obzirom na u literaturi opserviranu polarizaciju jezika hrvatskoglagoljskih tekstova ovisno o vrsti i sadržaju teksta, obratit će se pozornost na vrstu i tip sadržaja teksta te na različite tekstne obrasce. - The paper analyses the status of the dual as a morphological category in three editions of the Glagolitic printing press of Šimun Kožičić Benja: Psaltir (the Psalterium), Knjižice krsta (Books of the Cross) and Od bitija redovničkoga knjižice (Books on the Life of Priests). The dual is observed as a morphological and syntactic phenomenon, that is both its morphological features and agreement with adjectives, pronouns, and verbs are analyzed. The present analysis aims to uncover potential differences in the representation of the dual as an important and powerful stylistic device in Kožičić’s liturgical and nonliturgical works and thus point to conclusions about his overall literary and linguistic conception. Considering the polarisation of the language of Croatian Glagolitic texts with respect to their type and content, different textual patterns will be taken into consideration.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 1 ; str. 433-449  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dvojina -- Glagoljska književnost
Kožičić Benja, Šimun


RAJLE, Lorna
Dvosložni i trosložni prijedlozi kao toničke riječi u osječkom govoru [Elektronička građa] / Lorna Rajle. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 90-91. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Jedan od problema ortoepske norme oko kojega akcentolozi vode rasprave jest pravilo prenošenja naglaska na prednaglasnicu u slučaju kada tonička riječ ima silazni naglasak jer je u hrvatskom standardu neusuglašena „(ne)obveznost pomicanja naglasaka te neutralnost takvih ostvaraja...“ (Martinović 2018). Sredinom prošlog stoljeća uočeno je da u naglasnoj cjelini koju čini prednaglasnica i tonička riječ prenošenje naglaska ovisi o duljini naglasnice i da se ono češće provodi ako je naglasnica kraća pa je propisano da se naglasak obvezno treba prenositi s jednosložnih i dvosložnih naglasnica dok je s trosložnih i višesložnih riječi dopušteno i neprenošenje naglaska. Međutim ni takvo „prilagođeno“ pravilo uglavnom se nije provodilo tada, niti se danas provodi, čak ni u govoru nekih izvornih novoštokavaca. Delaš (2003) navodi da se u izvornih novoštokavaca naglasak s nekih zamjenica prenosi na jednosložni prijedlog dok se na dvosložni ili višesložni prijedlog naglasak ne prenosi pa se problem prenošenja naglaska na prednaglasnicu može promatrati ne samo s gledišta duljine toničke riječi nego i s gledišta duljine prednaglasnice. Premda naglasni ostvaraji izvornih govornika ne moraju nužno postati dijelom ortoepske norme, da bi se ona usustavila, važno je poznavati govorne navike što većeg broja govornika različitih dijalektnih osnovica. U radu se opisuju naglasne navike Osječana s posebnim osvrtom na izraze u kojima naglasnu cjelinu čini prijedlog s osobnom, pokaznom i povratnom zamjenicom te je svrha istražiti uvjetuje li u tim slučajevima duljina prijedloga prenošenje naglaska na prednaglasnicu. - One of the widely discussed problems of the orthoepic standard is the rule of the accent retraction to the proclitic when the tonic word has a descending accent, because in the Croatian standard there is inconsistency in relation to the „(non)obligatory shift of accents and the neutrality of such spoken realisations ...“ (Martinović 2018). Around the middle of the last century, it was observed that in the phrase consisting of the proclitic and the tonic word, the accent retraction depended on the length of the clitic and that it was more often performed when the clitic was shorter. This led to the rule of accent retraction in case of one-syllable and two-syllable clitics, whereas in words with three or more syllables the accent does not need to be retracted. However, this “adjusted” rule was not followed at that time and has not been followed since then, not even in the spoken language of some native speakers of the New Shtokavian variety. Delaš (2003) reports that New Shtokavian speakers retract the accent to the one-syllable preposition but they do not do so with two-syllable or multi-syllable prepositions. Therefore, the problem of accent retraction to the proclitic may be viewed not only in regard to the length of the tonic word, but also in regard of the length of the proclitic. Although the accent realisations of native speakers do not necessarily become part of the orthoepic norm, in order for the rule to become established, it is important to know the speech habits of as many speakers as possible, from different dialectal backgrounds. The paper describes the accentuating habits of Osijek residents with special reference to expressions in which the accentuated whole is made of a preposition with the personal, demonstrative, and reflexive pronoun. Its purpose is to establish whether preposition length in these phrases is related to the accent retraction to the proclitic.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 21 (2020), 1 ; str. 81-92  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Osječki govor -- Akcentuacija -- Naglasni sustav -- Prednaglasnice

LEWIS, Kristian
False friends in terminology [Elektronička građa] : Croatian lost in translation / Kristian Lewis. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 161-163. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Every terminology system strives to be as systematic as possible and able to eliminate system errors. In the context of error identification, it is more than obvious that linguistic errors, apart from other system errors, occur quite frequently. This paper is focused on the linguistic and translation phenomenon of false friends, especially as a potentially threatening cause of misunderstanding between two terminological systems. The European Union has also addressed this problem to some extent, primarily because of the huge amount of documents translated on a daily basis. This paper analyses 25 corpus-based pairs of Croatian-English false friends and gives recommendations on how to avoid terminological false friends in translation. - Svaki terminološki sustav nastoji biti što uređeniji i isključiti iz sebe pogreške. Kad je riječ o uočavanju pogrešaka u tome sustavu, zamjetno je da se među ostalim sustavnim pogreškama često pojavljuju i jezične. U ovome radu pozornost se posvećuje jezičnomu i prevoditeljskomu fenomenu lažnih prijatelja. Oni se razmatraju kao potencijalni uzrok nesporazuma između dvaju terminoloških sustava. Europska unija također se donekle usredotočila na spomenuti problem, ponajprije zbog velike količine dokumenata koji se svakodnevno prevode. U radu ćemo analizirati 25 parova hrvatsko-engleskih lažnih prijatelja koje smo izdvojili iz korpusa te ćemo predložiti kako izbjeći pojavu lažnih prijatelja pri prevođenju nazivlja.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 1 ; str. 141-164  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Engleski jezik -- Prevođenje -- Lažni prijatelji -- Terminologija

Fonološke karakteristike čakavskih kopnenih govora zadarske okolice [Elektronička građa] / Nataša Šprljan.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 403-404. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U ovome radu izvršen je detaljan fonološki opis čakavskih kopnenih govora zadarske okolice uz osnovne napomene o morfologiji. Rad se temelji na primjerima dobivenima od izvornih govornika tijekom terenskih istraživanja. Za svaku relevantnu pojavu paralelno se navode primjeri iz svih govora, nakon čega slijedi usporedba sa susjednim novoštokavskim govorima. Radu su priloženi i ogledni primjeri nekih od ispitanih govora dobiveni transkripcijom zvučnih zapisa snimljenih na terenu. Na temelju primjerā iznesenih u ovome radu možemo ustvrditi da su fonološke značajke čakavskih kopnenih govora zadarske okolice izvorno čakavske, kao i to da su, zbog višestoljetnih bliskih kontakata s novoštokavskim govorima susjednih naselja, do određene mjere narušene. - In this article, a detailed phonological description of the Chakavian idioms of the Zadar mainland is given. The description includes some principal morphological features as well. The article is based on the examples obtained from the native speakers of the idioms during the field research of the author. In the first two chapters, the historicalgeographic context and the methodology are explained. After this, some general features of the Chakavian idioms of the Zadar mainland are given. The phonological description includes vocalism, consonantism and accentology. Each feature is explained and exemplified for each Chakavian idiom, comparing them to the adjacent Shtokavian idioms. The morphological description includes examples of noun and verb forms. In the conclusion, two main statements are given. Despite the great influence that Shtokavian idioms of the adjacent villages have made to the phonology and the morphology of the Chakavian idioms in question, their Chakavian origin is confirmed by some characteristic archaisms (accentology in the first place). At the end of the article, the examples of some idioms in question are given, which are obtained from the transcription of the spontaneous speech of the native speakers.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 1 ; str. 373-405  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Čakavsko narječje -- Štokavsko narječje -- Fonologija -- Morfologija

MUŽEK, Matija
Fonološki opis govora Tuškanā [Elektronička građa] / Matija Mužek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 251-252. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu se opisuje fonologija govora Tuškana. Govor Tuškana primjer je rubnog prigorskog kajkavskog govora kakav dosada nije bio opisan, blizak govoru Ozlja, ali s ekavskim odrazom jata. Opisuju se vokalizam, konsonantizam i prozodija tuškanskog govora s osvrtom na susjedne govore. Posebna je pozornost posvećena vokalizmu i prozodiji. U vokalizmu govor Tuškana pokazuje prijelazne osobine koje govor Ozlja povezuju s govorom Prodindola. U prozodiji govor Tuškana pokazuje velike sličnosti s govorom Ozlja, koje ukazuju na to da su oba govora nesumnjivo starinački, izvorni kajkavski govori, iako posjeduju određene prijelazne osobine. - The local dialect of Tuškani belongs to the Prigorski dialect of the Kajkavian dialect group. It is a representative of the group of local dialects spoken along the Kupa river, which forms a link between the unusual ikavian-ekavian local dialects similar to that of Ozalj and the more usual ekavian local dialects similar to that of Prodindol. The local dialect of Tuškani differs from that of Ozalj mainly in the reflex of the Common Slavic vowel jat: ekavian in Tuškani, ikavian-ekavian in Ozalj. In other aspects these two local dialects are so similar that they undoubtedly share a common origin: as the local dialect of Tuškani is certainly a true Kajkavian dialect, although a peripheral one and with some transitional features, the local dialect of Ozalj must also be an originally Kajkavian dialect rather than being a kajkavized Čakavian local dialect. The majority of features the two local dialects share are typically Kajkavian. The vowel system of the Tuškani local dialect is analyzed in detail. It is shown that it developed in a typically Kajkavian fashion (two e-like vowels, vowel rectangle rather than a vowel triangle, transformation of quantity contrasts into quality contrasts, fronting of o and u, vowel reduction) from a typical Kajkavian starting point. The only exception to this statement is the absence of the typical Kajkavian merger of schwa and jat: schwa has instead relatively recently and incompletely merged with a. The consonant system of the Tuškani local dialect is examined in comparatively less detail. Here the local dialect of Tuškani combines typical Kajkavian characteristics (Common Slavic *dj >j, word-final devoicing, depalatalization of l, palatalization of l) with features untypical of Kajkavian in general, but still relatively widespread in the Prigorski dialect (preservation of the contrast between č and ć, consistent second iotation, presence of ś and ź, v which is sometimes a sonorant).
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 1 ; str. 191-254  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kajkavsko narječje -- Prigorski dijalekt -- Naglasak -- Akcentuacija -- Fonološki opis

From specialized web corpora of tourism to a learner’s dictionary [Elektronička građa] / Irena Srdanović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 1080-1082. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper presents the two approaches used in creating specialized web corpora of Croatian tourism in Japanese for their usage in building a specialized learners’ dictionary. Both approaches use the WebBootCat technology (Baroni et al. 2006, Kilgarriff et al. 2014) to automatically create specialized web corpora. The first approach creates the corpora from the selected seed words most relevant to the topic. The second approach specifies a number of web pages that cover tourism-oriented information on specified regions, cities, and sites in Croatia available in Japanese, which are then used for web corpora creation inside the Sketch Engine platform. Both approaches provide specialized web corpora small in size, but quite useful for lexical profiling in the specific field of tourism. In the process of dictionary creation, the second approach has proven to be especially useful for the selection of lexical items, while both approaches have proven to be highly useful for the exploration and selection of authentic examples from the corpora. The research exposes some shortcomings in Japanese language processing, such as errors in the lemmatization of some culturally specific terms and indicates the need to refine existing language processing tools in Japanese. The Japanese-Croatian bilingual learner’s dictionary (Srdanović 2018) is currently in the pilot phase and is being used and built by learners and teachers through the open-source dictionary platform Lexonomy (Mechura 2017). In addition to the fact that work on the bilingual dictionary is useful as a means for training students in language analysis and description using modern technologies (e.g. corpora, corpus query systems, dictionary editing platform), the dictionary is also important in educating new personnel capable of working in tourism using the Japanese language, which is strongly needed. - U ovom radu predstavljena su dva pristupa u stvaranju specijaliziranih mrežnih korpusa o hrvatskom turizmu na japanskome jeziku za potrebe izrade specijaliziranoga dvojezičnog japansko-hrvatskog rječnika za učenike japanskoga jezika. Oba pristupa koriste se tehnologijom WebBootCat unutar platforme Sketch Engine za automatsko stvaranje specijaliziranih mrežnih korpusa (Baroni i dr. 2006, Kilgarriff i dr. 2014). Prvi pristup stvara korpus iz odabranih riječi, odn. polaznih pojmova (eng. seed words) koje su najrelevantnije za temu. Drugi pristup skuplja brojne mrežne stranice sa sadržajima o turizmu u određenim regijama, gradovima i mjestima u Hrvatskoj napisanim na japanskome jeziku, koje se zatim upotrebljavaju za stvaranje mrežnih korpusa. Oba pristupa pružaju specijalizirane internetske korpuse koji su, bez obzira na malu veličinu, korisni za profiliranje leksika u određenome području, u ovome slučaju u području turizma. U procesu stvaranja rječnika drugi se pristup pokazao osobito korisnim za odabir natuknica, dok su se oba pristupa pokazala vrlo korisnim za istraživanje i odabir autentičnih primjera iz korpusa. Uočeni su i određeni nedostatci u jezičnoj obradi podataka na japanskome jeziku, npr. pogreške u lematizaciji nekih pojmova i naziva svojstvenih određenoj kulturi te je ukazano na potrebu za usavršavanjem postojećih alata za jezičnu obradu podataka na japanskome jeziku. Japansko-hrvatski dvojezični rječnik namijenjen učenicima japanskoga jezika trenutačno je u eksperimentalnoj fazi te se učenici i nastavnici njime koriste i grade ga s pomoću otvorene platforme za izradu mrežnih rječnika Lexonomy (Mechura 2017).
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 1059-1083  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rječnici -- Specijalizirani rječnici -- Hrvatski jezik -- Japanski jezik -- Mrežni korpusi -- Turizam

ŠNJARIĆ, Mirjana
Glagolsko-imeničke kolokacije hrvatskoga, njemačkoga i engleskoga općeznanstvenog jezika u općoj dvojezičnoj e-leksikografiji [Elektronička građa] / Mirjana Šnjarić, Mirjana Borucinsky. - Ilustr ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 1123-1126. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Ovaj rad bavi se leksičkim sredstvima standardnoga jezika preuzetim u jezik znanstvene komunikacije. Zbog razlike u kolokacijskim značenjima koja se ostvaruju u hrvatskome, njemačkome i engleskome jeziku, čestih značenjskih dvojbi prevoditelja znanstvene literature i autora znanstvenih tekstova kao i nedovoljne pokrivenosti toga područja leksika i leksičkih relacija u hrvatsko-njemačkim i hrvatsko-engleskim općim dvojezičnim rječnicima rad upozorava na činjenicu da za korisnika s hrvatskim kao izvornim jezikom ostaje nedostupan jedan važan sloj leksika znanstvenoga jezika. Autorice upućuju na nedostatak pokrivenosti općeznanstvenih glagolsko-imeničkih kolokacija u postojećim tiskanim općim dvojezičnim rječnicima s hrvatskim jezikom kao izvornim jezikom rječnika te na potrebu poboljšanja leksikografskoga prikaza kolokacija u strukturi rječničkoga članka. Prijedlozi autorica mogu pridonijeti poboljšanju leksikografskoga prikaza kolokacija u postojećim dvojezičnim rječnicima, a pohranjivanje popisanih i opisanih općeznanstvenih glagolskoimeničkih kolokacijskih obrazaca u elektroničkome repozitoriju podataka odabranih za prikaz u trojezičnoj usporedbi hrvatskoga, njemačkoga i engleskoga jezika može poslužiti kao temelj dorade postojećih dvojezičnih rječnika, ali i kao temelj izrade budućih dvojezičnih i trojezičnih mrežnih rječnika specijaliziranih za općeznanstveni jezik u kojima bi kolokacijama pripadalo izdvojeno mjesto. Na odabranim primjerima glagolsko-imeničkih kolokacija iz područja humanističkih znanosti (npr. Belege heranziehen, razmotriti znanstvene dokaze, to consider facts; Theorie herausarbeiten, razviti teoriju, to develop / to formulate a theory) i njihovoj međujezičnoj usporedbi ilustrirat će se razlike u značenjima i nejasnoće s kojima se suočava hrvatski korisnik. - This paper deals with lexical means of general language which are also a part of the common language of science. Due to differences in collocational meanings between Croatian, German and English, both authors of scientific texts and translators face many difficulties when attempting to find proper functional translational equivalents in a target language. This part of the lexicon and lexical relations are not adequately covered in Croatian-German and Croatian-English general bilingual dictionaries and as a result, an important layer of the common language of science remains unavailable for dictionary users whose L1 is Croatian. The authors argue that improvements are needed to the lexicographic representation of collocations in general bilingual dictionaries, they provide arguments and suggestions as to how to improve the presentation of collocations in printed bilingual dictionaries by relying on computerbased methods. Furthermore, a list of verb-noun collocations for the three aforementioned languages created for the purposes of this study may serve as a basis for improving existing bilingual dictionaries as well as bilingual and multilingual e-dictionaries specializing in the general language of science, in which collocations should take a more prominent place. 146 selected examples of verb-noun collocations typically found in texts on the arts and humanities (e.g. Belege heranziehen, razmotriti znanstvene dokaze, to consider facts; Theorie herausarbeiten, razviti teoriju, to develop / formulate a theory) will show that these three languages complement each other. Furthermore, a contrastive analysis will illustrate how divergent meanings can be avoided by improving the representation of collocations typically found in the common language of science in bilingual and multilingual dictionaries of Croatian, German and English, thus making this specific layer of the lexicon more available to the dictionary user.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 1105-1127  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Engleski jezik -- Njemački jezik -- Glagolsko-imeničke kolokacije -- Općeznanstveni jezik

VIDOVIĆ, Domagoj, lingvist
Hrvatski naglasni sustav između deskriptivnoga i preskriptivnoga pristupa [Elektronička građa] / Domagoj Vidović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 22-24. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se opisuju različiti sustavi naglašivanja s osobitim osvrtom na Školski rječnik hrvatskoga jezika i Hrvatski mrežni rječnik (Mrežnik). Posebno se problematiziraju četiri teme: 1) odnos priručnika prema standardnojezičnim naglasnim pravilima, 2) pitanje uporabne norme s posebnim osvrtom na naglasni inventar i dijalektnu sliku, 3) provedba načela normativne hijerarhije u naglasnoj normi te 4) primjeri obrade iz dvaju navedenih rječnika. - The paper describes different systems of accentuation with a special emphasis on two dictionaries, viz. Školski rječnik hrvatskoga jezika and Hrvatski mrežni rječnik – Mrežnik. It focuses on four issues: 1. the approach to accentuation rules of the standard language in language manuals, 2. the question of the usage norm with an overview on the inventory of accents and the dialectological picture, 3. the normative hierarchy in the accentuation norm, and 4. examples of accentuated forms from these two dictionaries.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 21 (2020), 1 ; str. 7-25  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Naglasna norma -- Mjesni govori -- Deskriptivni pristup -- Preskriptivni pristup

MIHALJEVIĆ, Josip, arhivist
Igrifikacija Hrvatskoga mrežnog rječnika - Mrežnika [Elektronička građa] / Josip Mihaljević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 894-897. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Mrežni rječnici katkad sadržavaju multimedijske sadržaje koji mogu uključivati i igre. Igre se najčešće nalaze u dječjim leksikografskim izdanjima te se mogu nalaziti na multimedijskim diskovima koji su dodatak tiskanim knjigama. Većina multimedijskoga sadržaja trenutačno se izdaje za mrežu. Primjere obrazovnih igra za učenje rječničkoga sadržaja možemo npr. vidjeti na mrežnim stranicama rječnika Merriam-Webster, a u Hrvatskoj na multimedijskome disku uz Prvi školski rječnik, u internetskim igrama koje slijede Prvi školski pravopis te na stranicama Arhivističkoga rječnika, na kojima se nalazi poveznica na daktilografsku igru. Nažalost, većina mrežnih stranica rječnika ne sadržava zabavne obrazovne sadržaje koji bi privukli korisnike te na zabavan način pomogli djeci, ali i odraslima, da nauče određene rječničke sadržaje poput značenja riječi, oblika riječi, izgovora, pravopisa, sintaktičkih i semantičkih veza među riječima itd. Igrifikacija je proces uključivanja pravila, elemenata ili mehanika igara u određene situacije kako bismo ih učinili zabavnijima. U radu će se objasniti proces igrifikacije rječničkoga sadržaja Hrvatskoga mrežnog rječnika – Mrežnika te ponuditi model igrifikacije mrežnoga rječnika. Prikazat će se različite igre poput kvizova, pamtilica, igara povezivanja riječi i slika itd. koje se mogu implementirati u strukturu rječnika ili staviti na mrežne stranice rječnika. Objasnit će se tehnologija koja se primjenjuje za izradu tih igara. Analizirat će se i drugi mogući elementi igrifikacije koji se mogu implementirati u igre poput bodovanja i rangiranja korisnika u natjecateljskim igrama te davanja značaka (engl. badge) najboljim igračima. - Web dictionaries sometimes contain multimedia such as games. Games usually accompany lexicographic works for children and can appear on special optical media. Now, most multimedia content accompanying the content of lexicographic works is published online. Examples of dictionaries that have games for learning vocabulary are Merriam-Webster dictionaries; in Croatia, games come on CD with the printed First School Dictionary, while online games accompany the First Croatian Orthography Manual. There is also a link to a typing game on the site of the Croatian Archive Dictionary. Unfortunately, most dictionary websites do not contain entertaining educational content such as games to help their users learn certain words, different forms of words, semantic and syntactic relations between words, spelling, pronunciation, etc. Gamification is a process in which gaming mechanics and elements are applied to a non-gaming situation to make it more entertaining. This paper explains the process of gamifying the dictionary content of the Croatian Web Dictionary – Mrežnik. Gamification is conducted by using games for learning orthography, grammar (phonology, morphology, syntax), vocabulary, and culture. Many different games are implemented into the dictionary structure. These games include quizzes, memory games, crossword puzzles, drag-anddrop games etc. The technological solutions used to develop these games are explained. Other gamification elements that can be implemented into online dictionaries, such as badges for successfully finding words or leaderboards in competitive games are also presented.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 871-898  
 Elektronička verzija članka
E-leksikografija -- Rječnici -- Hrvatski jezik -- Obrazovne igre -- Učenje jezika -- Igrifikacija

HORVAT, Marijana
Istraživanje povijesti hrvatskoga jezika u digitalno doba [Elektronička građa] / Marijana Horvat.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 641-642. - Summary ; Abstract. - Hrvatska ima dugu tradiciju priređivanja djela u području povijesnoga jezikoslovlja i raspolaže mnogim vrijednim izdanjima te je veoma važno da se ta tradicija nastavi i prilagodi današnjemu digitalnom dobu. U ovome radu ponudit će se model retrodigitalizacije starih hrvatskih gramatika jer postojeći retrodigitalizirani resursi ne uključuju gramatike. - Croatian philology has a long tradition of publishing reference books in the field of historical linguistics; it is very important to continue and foster this tradition in the future, as well as to adapt it to the modern digital era. Recent large-scale digitization initiatives have focused heavily on historical texts. Many reasons have led to the increasing digitization of archival documents, library and museum material, and collections of old books and manuscripts stored in monasteries. one of the main reasons for the digitization of old texts is to protect the original document from possible damage resulting from inappropriate handling. the use of digital copies instead of original documents is necessary to protect and preserve old written texts, as they are the most reliable way to back up original documents. Another very important reason for digitizing old texts is to make them more accessible to scholars, experts, and the public. In this way, young people who prefer using digital media will become more easily acquainted with cultural heritage that would otherwise be inaccessible to them. the digitization model of old Croatian grammar books will be discussed, as the existing resources do not include grammar books from the pre-standard period of the Croatian language.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 635-643  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Gramatike -- Dopreporodne gramatike -- Digitalna humanistika -- Digitalizacija

Jezično pitanje u časopisu Srba katolika Srđ (1902. - 1908.) [Elektronička građa] : teze, polemike, modeli argumentacije / Maciej Czerwiński.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 89-91. - Summary. - U radu se analiziraju članci objavljeni u kulturno-političkom časopisu Srđ iz Dubrovnika tijekom njegova izlaženja (1902. – 1908.) kojima je glavna preokupacija jezik. Autor polazi od imaginarija Srba katolika u Dubrovniku da bi pokazao kako su se jezična pitanja problematizirala, odnosno kakva su bila stajališta uredništva i autora prema dubrovačkom govoru te prema dubrovačkoj književnosti – u prošlosti i danas. Na takav se način pokušava razumjeti uloga jezika u određivanju nacionalnog identiteta grada. Analiziraju se svi članci koji su relevantni za to pitanje, napose polemike i pregledi književnosti. Autor se fokusira ne samo na iznesene teze nego i na modele argumentiranja, čime želi istaknuti neke nedosljednosti tih koncepcija te posljedice njihove primjene. - In this study, the articles published in the Dubrovnik cultural-political journal Srđ throughout the whole period of its publication (1902–1908) which deal with linguistic questions are taken into consideration. Beginning with an overview of the imagery of the movement of ‘Serbs Catholics in Dubrovnik, the researcher aims to demonstrate how linguistic issues were conceptualized, i.e. how the editors and published authors referred to the Dubrovnik vernacular and literature – now and in the past. In this way, the researcher aims at understanding the role of language in the determination of the national identity of the city. In the study, all articles which are relevant to this issue are analyzed, in particular polemics and companions to literature. The researcher focuses not only on the theses but also on the modes of argumentation to single out inconsistencies of the ideas in question and hence the outcomes of their use.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 1 ; str. 63-92  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dubrovačka književnost -- Srbi katolici -- Jezično pitanje -- Vernakulari -- Dubrovački govor

HORVAT, Marijana
Jezikoslovno nazivlje u gramatikama M. A. Relkovića i G. Vinjalića [Elektronička građa] / Marijana Horvat, Martina Kramarić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 107-108. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U članku se analizira jezikoslovno nazivlje u dvjema gramatikama iz 18. st., Relkovićevoj Novoj slavonskoj, i nimačkoj gramatici (11767.) i Vinjalićevoj rukopisnoj gramatici Principi della grammatica [...] Grammatica prima in lingua slava, italiana et latina. Relkovićeva je gramatika prva vrlo opsežna gramatika hrvatskoga jezika pisana hrvatskim jezikom, i to kontrastivno, u suodnosu prema njemačkome jeziku. Rukopisna Vinjalićeva gramatika pisana je trojezično, a donedavno uglavnom nije bila predmetom interesa jezikoslovne javnosti. Kako svaki naziv u promatranim gramatikama nema uvijek svoju hrvatsku inačicu, nužno je bilo u istraživanju osvrnuti se i na latinsko nazivlje jer su promatrane gramatike pisane prema latinskomu modelu. Budući da su u postojećim potvrdama hrvatskoga nazivlja uočene sličnosti s prethodnicima (npr. s nazivljem u J. Mikalje, L. Šitovića, T. Babića, B. Tadijanovića), primjeri su stavljeni u kontekst izgradnje hrvatskoga jezikoslovnog nazivlja. Stoga se ovim radom nastoji pokazati koliko su se u izgradnji hrvatskih naziva dvojica promatranih gramatičara rukovodila uporabnom normom i već ovjerenim modelima u tvorbi novih naziva te koliko se njihovim novotvorbama koriste kasniji gramatičari.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 1 ; str. 93-109  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Dopreporodne gramatike -- Jezikoslovno nazivlje
Relković, Matija Antun -- Vinjalić, Gašpar


GRČIĆ Simeunović, Larisa
Klasifikacijska uloga pridjeva u području geomorfologije krša [Elektronička građa] / Larisa Grčić Simeunović, Uroš Stepišnik, Špela Vintar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 631-632. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Na temelju jednojezičnog korpusa na hrvatskom jeziku provedena je analiza kombinacijskog potencijala ključnih naziva kako bi se odredila relevantna pojmovna obilježja za kategorizaciju krških fenomena. Korpusni rezultati ukazali su na važnu ulogu pridjeva u određivanju geomorfoloških pojmova i njihovo svrstavanje unutar taksonomije. Predloženim modelom organizacije specijaliziranih pojmova i njihovih modifikatora u radu se nastoji predvidjeti odnos između nominalnih osnova i pridjevskih modifikatora uz pretpostavku da je skup pojmovnih odnosa uvjetovan semantičkom kategorijom pojma, tj. imeničke osnove. Analiza potvrđuje pretpostavku prema kojoj su atributi nužan element definicijskih obrazaca krških fenomena. Osim toga rezultati istraživanja ilustriraju povezanost kombinacijskog potencijala članova pojedine klase i vrijednosti atributa po kojima se članovi međusobno razlikuju. - Based on the monolingual Croatian corpus, we analysed the combinatory potential of key terms to determine the relevant conceptual characteristics for the categorization of karst phenomena. The corpus results suggested an important role of adjectives in defining geomorphological terms and their classification within a taxonomy. The proposed model of the organization of specialized terms and their modifiers has been pursued to predict the relationship between nominal bases and adjective modifiers, assuming that a set of conceptual relationships is conditioned by the semantic category of the term. The analysis confirms that attributes are an important element of the defining patterns as well as the values expressed by adjectives.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 619-633  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Strukovno nazivlje -- Pridjevi -- Geomorfologija krša

BLAGUS Bartolec, Goranka
Kolokacijski potencijal glagolsko-prijedložnih sveza u hrvatskome jeziku [Elektronička građa] / Goranka Blagus Bartolec. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 525-527. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Prijedlozi se kao vrsta riječi tradicionalno povezuju s imenicama u određenome padežu tvoreći s njima gramatičku cjelinu, tj. prijedložno-padežni izraz (Matas Ivanković 2009.; Barić i dr. 1997.). Ovdje je namjera s leksikološkoga aspekta uputiti na značenjsku vezu između glagola i prijedloga, koja s jedne strane proistječe iz valencijske snage pojedinih glagola da otvaraju mjesto prijedložno-padežnim dopunama, a s druge strane iz mogućnosti prijedloga da pobliže odredi značenjski potencijal glagola u određenoj komunikacijskoj situaciji. U radu se na primjerima preuzetima iz Kolokacijske baze hrvatskoga jezika Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje opisuju kolokacijska obilježja glagolsko-prijedložnih sveza u skladu s kriterijima prema kojima se mogu svrstati u takvu skupinu sveza. U gramatičkim se opisima hrvatskoga jezika prijedložno-padežne strukture uz glagole uglavnom određuju kao vrsta dopune ili dodatka, dok na leksikološkoj razini, dakle kao vrsta čvrstih sveza, nisu sustavno opisane. Analizom je obuhvaćeno sljedeće: 1. koji su glagoli s obzirom na svoja primarna značenja nositelji takvih sveza, 2. koji su prijedlozi najčešće sastavnice takvih sveza, 3. podjela glagolsko-prijedložnih kolokacija u hrvatskome jeziku. - Prepositions have traditionally been associated with nouns in a particular case, forming with them a grammatical entity, ie a prepositional-case phrase (Matas Ivanković 2009; Barić et al. 1997). The intention here is to point out, from a lexicological point of view, the semantic relations between verbs and prepositions, which, on the one hand, arises from the valence strength of verbs to open the place of prepositional case complements, and on the other, from the possibility of prepositions to determine more closely the semantic potential of the verb in a particular communication context. Analyzing examples taken from the Croatian Collocation Database of the Institute of Croatian language and linguistics collocation features of verbal prepositional phrases are described following the criteria by which such structures can be considered collocations. In grammatical descriptions of Croatian, the prepositional case phrases along with the verbs are generally defined as complements, while at the lexicological level, they are not systematically described as a type of fixed phrases. The analysis includes the following: 1. which verbs are, by their primary meanings, the bearers of these phrases, 2. what are prepositions of the most common components of these phrases, 3. the division of verbal prepositional collocations in Croatian.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 511-527  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Glagolsko-prijedložne sveze -- Kolokacije

VIDOVIĆ, Domagoj, lingvist
Morfološko-naglasna obrada glagola u Mrežniku [Elektronička građa] / Domagoj Vidović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 1143-1146. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U ovome se radu opisuje morfološko-naglasna obradba glagola u Mrežniku. U uvodnome se dijelu naznačuju temeljne odrednice razvoja hrvatske naglasne norme od XIX. stoljeća s posebnim naglaskom na utjecaj hrvatskih dijalektologa, povjesničara jezika i akcentologa na njezin razvoj. Ujedno se stanje u hrvatskome standardnom jeziku uspoređuje sa stanjem u tipološki srodnim europskim tonskim jezicima. U središnjemu se dijelu rada opisuju načela naglašivanja u Mrežniku te iznose primjeri obradbe glagola. - This paper describes the morphological and accentological verbal system in Mrežnik. In the introductory part, the basic trends in the development of Croatian accentological norm from the 19th century until the preset are analyzed with the focus on the influence of Croatian dialectologists, language historians, and accentologists on its development. The state-of-the-art in standard Croatian is compared to that in typologically similar European tonic languages. In the central part of the paper, principles of accentuation in Mrežnik are described and some examples of verbal accentuation are given.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 1129-1146  
 Elektronička verzija članka
E-leksikografija -- Glagoli -- Rječnici -- Morfologija -- Naglasci

SKENDER Libhard, Inja
O okazionalizmima [Elektronička građa] : kako nastaju u njemačkome i kako ih se može prevoditi na hrvatski / Inja Skender Libhard. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronični izvori: str. 367-371. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj je ovoga rada rasvijetliti pojam okazionalizma na temelju istraživanja hrvatskih i njemačkih jezikoslovaca jer se okazionalizmi u aktualnoj literaturi shvaćaju na različite načine. Naime, često se spominju samo u kontekstu neologizama, čime se umanjuje njihova važnost kao važne podskupine leksičkih inovacija. Naglasak stavljamo na rječogradne postupke kojima okazionalizmi nastaju te na mogućnosti njihova prevođenja. Donosimo i rezultate analize stotinu njemačkih okazionalizama s obzirom na na rječogradbu i prijevod na hrvatski. Pritom okazionalizme smatramo kulturno specifičnim leksičkim jedinicama koje su nužno povezane s određenom jezičnom zajednicom u određenom trenutku s jedne strane te inovativnošću svojeg autora odnosno kontekstom u kojem se pojavljuju s druge strane. - The aim of this paper is to tackle the concept of nonce words based on the research of Croatian and German linguists, considering the variety of approaches to nonce words in contemporary scholarship. Nonce words are frequently studied only within the domain of neologisms, which undervalues their importance as a significant subcategory of lexical innovations. This paper places emphasis on the word-building processes in the creation of nonce words and the options for translating them. We present the results of the analysis of around a hundred German nonce words with regard to their word-building patterns and their translation into Croatian. In the analysis we consider nonce words to be culturespecific units which are on the one hand necessarily related to a language community at a certain point in time and on the other to the innovativeness of their author and the context in which they appear.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 1 ; str. 339-372  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Okazionalizmi -- Leksičke inovacije -- Prevođenje -- Kulturno specifični izrazi -- Njemački jezik -- Hrvatski jezik

Od gramatike do komunikacije i natrag [Elektronička građa] : primjer zanaglasnih dužina / Blaženka Martinović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 47-50. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Normativni priručnici najmanje su odmicali od tzv. klasičnog naglašavanja upravo na primjeru zanaglasnih dužina. Pomake čine tek suvremene gramatike u kojima se razdvaja „gramatika“ od „komunikacije“, čime se naznačuje da je status dužine u komunikaciji (dakle u uporabi, uzusu) drukčiji. Budući da je dužina, između ostalog, vezana uz određene sufikse i gramatičke morfeme, a s druge strane krajnje dužine prve se reduciraju u govoru, raskorak uzusa i propisane norme čini se i većim. Komparativnom analizom priručnika utvrđuje se jesu li učinjeni pomaci u smjeru komunikacije. Analizom uzusa (govornika visinskog i udarnog sustava) ukazuje se na mjesta na kojima je dužina (ne)stabilnija te se pojašnjava zašto se dužina reducira ili nestaje, kada se pozornost preusmjeri s gramatike na komunikaciju. - Normative manuals have deviated least from the so-called classical accentuation, in particular in the case of post-tonic length. Changes have only been made in modern grammars in which “grammar” is separated from “communication”, thereby implying a different status of length in communication (i.e. in usage). Since length is linked, among others, with certain suffixes and grammatical endings but is the first to be reduced in speech when word-final, the gap between usage and codified norm appears even greater. We perform a comparative analysis of various manuals to establish whether they have considered the realisation of the post-tonic length in communication. Also, by analyzing usage (in speakers with a pitch-accent and a stess-accent system) we draw attention to places where length is more (un)stable, and propose explanations for length becoming more and more attenuated or even disappearing as one turns away from grammar to focus on communication.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 21 (2020), 1 ; str. 27-51  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Akcentuacija -- Naglasci -- Zanaglasna dužina -- Gramatika -- Komunikacija

MIKELIĆ Preradović, Nives
Označavanje pogrešaka u CroLTeC-u (računalnom učeničkom korpusu hrvatskog kao inog jezika) [Elektronička građa] / Nives Mikelić Preradović. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 917-919. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu je opisana shema za označavanje pogrešaka u CroLTeC-u – prvom računalnom učeničkom korpusu hrvatskog kao inog jezika. Shema označavanja pogrešaka djelomično se temelji na shemi upotrijebljenoj u razvojnom korpusu slovenskog jezika – Šolaru i shemi koja se upotrebljava u korpusu Cambridge Learner te je prilagođena hrvatskom jeziku. Shema je razvijena kako bi se označio dio tekstova u korpusu CroLTeC te kako bi se omogućilo istraživačima i stručnjacima koji se bave proučavanjem hrvatskog kao inog jezika da uoče koji aspekti jezika određenim skupinama učenika uzrokuju najviše poteškoća u usvajanju hrvatskog te da prilagode nastavne materijale različitim skupinama učenika (ne samo s obzirom na njihovo poznavanje hrvatskog jezika nego i s obzirom na materinski jezik). - The paper describes the error-tagging scheme developed for the CroLTeC learner corpus (http://nlp.ffzg.hr/resources/corpora/croltec/) – the first electronic learner corpus of Croatian as a foreign language. CroLTeC contains essays collected from 755 students with 36 different mother tongues, among which the most prominent were Spanish, English, German, Polish, Chinese, French, and Arabic. It consists of 4,747 essays, out of which 1,217 were digitally born, while 3530 essays were scanned, transcribed in RTF format, and converted into XML format. CroLTeC has a total of 1,054,287 tokens, and essays have been collected on all 6 levels of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) at Croaticum – Center for Croatian as Second and Foreign Language at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, Department of Information Sciences, Natural Language Processing group. All CroLTeC essays contain metadata about the title, number, and type of essay (homework, part of an exam or field class, etc.). Data were lemmatized and annotated with morphosyntactic tags with the ReLDI tagger (Ljubešić et al., 2016). Also, the corpus is searchable by age, sex, language proficiency level, and the mother tongue of the learner. The error-tagging scheme is partially based on Šolar (the scheme of Developmental corpus of Slovene) and the error-coding of the Cambridge Learner Corpus and further tailored to the Croatian language. The goal of the development of the error-tagging scheme is to build a sub-corpus that will serve as a repository of authentic data about the learner’s interlanguage. It should enable researchers and teachers of Croatian as a foreign language to explore the interlanguage, to discover the aspects of the grammar that are the most difficult to master and to tailor teaching materials to different groups of learners (not only according to their Croatian language proficiency level but also to their first language).
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 899-920  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Hrvatski kao strani jezik -- Označavanje pogrešaka -- Učenje jezika

Par - nepar - aspektni par [Elektronička građa] / Zrinka Kolaković. - Graf. prikazi.
Sadrži i: prilog na str. 144-146. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 137-143. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Na postojanje prijepora u svezi s terminom „aspektni par“ upućuju čak i sami aspektolozi u svojim radovima (v. npr. Janda 2007a; 2007b; 2008; Zaliznjak i dr. 2010; Gorbova 2011). U kroatističkoj se tradiciji njegova kontroverznost možda ponajbolje uočava na dvama mjestima upravo u samim opisima aspektnih parova. S jedne strane, ističe se nužnost identičnosti leksičkoga sadržaja glagolā u opreci da bi ih se moglo smatrati aspektnim parom. S druge pak strane, utvrđivanje te identičnosti provodi se na temelju izraza, odnosno tvorbe riječi pa se sadržaj glagola tvorenih sufiksacijom (uz poneke iznimke) smatra identičnim, dok se za prefiksaciju tvrdi da uvijek unosi nove nijanse značenja (usp. Silić 1978: 46–49). U ovome se radu kritičkom raščlambom navoda iz literature pokušavaju potvrditi prethodno spomenuta problematična mjesta. Pritom se posebna pozornost posvećuje usporednome prikazu značenja onih glagolskih parova koje se u literaturi obično smatra prototipnima i onih kojima se u pojedinim radovima odriče takav status. Nasljedujući postavke nekih aspektologa koji se bave ruskim jezikom, u ovome se radu nastoji pokazati kako morfologija nije dovoljno uporište semantičkome istraživanju identičnosti sadržaja (usp. Maslov 1948: 305) te se razmatra uzimanje u obzir i drugih kriterija, kao što su primjerice akcionalna obilježja glagola (leksički aspekt), komplementarne rečenične i tekstne aspektne funkcije (v. npr. Lehmann 2009a). Osim toga, nastoji se osvijestiti činjenica da glagoli prema svojim akcionalnim obilježjima pripadaju različitim tipovima (leksički aspekt) te da ne mogu svi ostvarivati istu vrstu opreke (v. npr. Breu 1980; 1985; 1994; Janda 2007a; 2007b; 2008; Lehmann 1981; 1984; 1988; 2009a). - Even aspectologists themselves (e.g. Janda 2007a; 2007b; 2008; Zaliznjak et al. 2010; Gorbova 2011) admit that the term “aspectual pair” is rather notoriously controversial. In the Croatian tradition, its controversiality can perhaps be best observed in the very description of aspectual pairs. On the one hand, the basic criterion for the formation of aspectual pairs is that the verbs in opposition should have identical meanings. On the other hand, the verification process of this lexical identity focuses wholly on the form of the derivative, i.e. its word-formation pattern, and not its lexical content. According to this way of thinking derivatives formed by suffixation (with semelfactive -nu- suffixed derivatives as the exceptions) are considered to be lexically identical with their base verbs. In contrast, it is claimed that prefixation always introduces shifts in lexical meaning, and therefore prefixed derivatives are not considered to be true aspectual pairs of their imperfective base verbs (cf. Silić 1978: 46–49). Following the views of some German aspectologists who predominantly deal with Russian, this paper seeks to show that morphology, i.e. word-formation patterns, cannot be used as the only criterion in the process of verifying semantic equivalence of a (I)PFV derivative and its base verb (cf. Maslov 1948: 305). Accordingly, it considers other criteria, such as the actional properties of verbs (lexical aspect), and complementary sentential and textual aspectual functions (cf. Lehmann 2009a). An additional objective of this paper it to raise awareness that verbs have different actional properties (lexical aspect) and consequently cannot form the same types of opposition (cf. Breu 1980; 1985; 1994; Janda 2007a; 2007b; 2008; Lehmann 1981; 1984; 1988; 2009a).
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 21 (2020), 2 ; str. 103-147  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Aspektni par -- Tvorba riječi -- Derivacija -- Leksičko značenje -- Akcionalnost

PAVIĆ Pintarić, Anita
Phraseme mit übernatürlichen Komponenten und Pseudo-Kinegramme [Elektronička građa] : zwei Merkmale von Konfliktdialogen in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur / Anita Pavić Pintarić, Urška Valenčič Arh.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 274-277. - Zusammenfassung ; Abstract ; Sažetak. - Dieser Aufsatz befasst sich mit Phrasemen, die übernatürliche Komponenten wie Gott, Teufel oder Engel enthalten, und mit Pseudo-Kinegrammen, d. h. Phrasemen, die auf Bewegungen hinweisen, die als ungewöhnlich, fast übernatürlich verstanden werden können. Ziel ist es, Dialoge der kroatischen und slowenischen Literatur für Kinder und Jugendliche zu untersuchen, in denen die Figuren miteinander in Konflikt stehen. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass diese Phraseme in literarischen Dialogen verwendet werden, um das Gesagte hervorzuheben oder sich mit Beschreibungen des nonverbalen Verhaltens auf Emotionen zu beziehen. Die Arbeit zielt darauf ab, folgende Fragen zu beantworten: In welchen Konfliktsituationen und an welcher Textstelle werden die untersuchten Phraseme verwendet? Welche Funktionen haben die untersuchten Phraseme in Konfliktsituationen? Werden die untersuchten Phraseme in den Konfliktsituationen in ihrer üblichen oder geänderten Form verwendet?. - This article investigates phrasemes with supernatural components and pseudokinegrams (phrasemes with fictitious body movements and reactions) that are used in conflict dialogues of Croatian and Slovenian literary works for children and youth. The analysis shows that the characters in the corpus of both languages use phrasemes with supernatural components in direct speech. Pseudo-kinegrams are used in character speech or descriptions of nonverbal behavior. In pseudo-kinegrams of both languages, facial expressions, body language, and gestures appear most often. Both types of idioms are used primarily to express negative emotions, but they do not cause a conflict, they rather reinforce what was said or serve as a final thought. - Ovaj članak istražuje frazeme s nadnaravnim komponentama te pseudokinegrame (frazeme s fiktivnim pokretima tijela i reakcijama) koji se upotrebljavaju u konfliktnim dijalozima hrvatskih i slovenskih književnih djela za djecu i mlade. Provedena analiza pokazuje kako likovi u korpusu obaju jezika upotrebljavaju frazeme s nadnaravnim komponentama u direktnom govoru. Pseudokinegrami rabe se u govoru likova ili u opisu njihova neverbalnog ponašanja. Pri tome se u pseudokinegramima obaju jezika najčešće pojavljuju mimika, govor tijela i gestika. Obje vrste frazema rabe se prije svega za izricanje negativnih emocija, ali ne izazivaju konflikt, već služe za pojačanje izrečenoga ili služe kao završna misao.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 1 ; str. 255-278  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Frazemi -- Hrvatski jezik -- Slovenski jezik -- Književnost za djecu i mlade

VUK, Ivana, logopedinja
Početno pisanje slova u hrvatskom jeziku [Elektronička građa] = Initial writing in Croatian language / Ivana Vuk, Mirjana Lenček, Jasmina Ivšac Pavliša. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 73 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Početno pisanje slova u hrvatskom jeziku nedostatno je istraženo, a neupitna je njegova vrijednost za akademski uspjeh. Podaci o rukopisnoj izvedbi slova mogu biti prvi pokazatelji odstupanja u pisanju i osigurati pravodobnu procjenu početnog pisanja, kao i postupke za sprečavanje pravih problema u pisanju. Procjena početnog pisanja treba uključiti i kriterije pisanja slova, potom riječi i teksta. U radu su primijenjeni kriteriji za opis pisanja slova: prostorni smještaj, izvedenost linija, zatvorenost i detalj. Prema ovim kriterijima, vrednovana su napisana velika formalna školska slova hrvatske latinice kod 72 učenika prvih razreda osnovne škole. Ispitano je i imenovanje velikih i malih formalnih školskih slova. Istraživanje pokazuje da su djeca prvoga razreda uspješno ovladala pisanjem velikih formalnih slova (ukupna uspješnost pisanja je, prema navedenim kriterijima, 89 %). Prvoškolcima su, za pisanje, najzahtjevnija slova B, D, O – koja pripadaju skupini za čije je izvođenje potrebno kombiniranje ravnih i zaobljenih linija. Promatrajući zahtjevnost pisanja slova prema naznačenim kriterijima, najzahtjevnije je postizanje zatvorenih linija. Prvoškolci najlakše ispisuju I, L, V – slova ravnih linija. Iznenađujuće, obilježje izvođenja detalja, kod slova s dijakritičkim znacima, najuspješnije je svladano. Utvrđena je statistički značajna povezanost imenovanja i pisanja slova, kao i u mnogim drugim istraživanjima. Premda istraživanje ima ograničenja, posebno u malom broju ispitanika, primijenjeni kriteriji procjene rukopisa mogu biti osnova za logopedsku procjenu u domeni pisanja, kao i za planiranje aktivnosti predvještina pisanja ili terapijskih postupaka za početno pisanje. - Initial writing in Croatian language has been insufficiently researched, although the value of writing for academic success is undisputable. The handwriting data can be the first indicators of deviations in handwriting performance and provide timely assessment of initial writing as well as procedures to prevent real writing problems. The assessment of initial writing should include criteria for writing letters, followed by words and text. This paper elaborates the criteria for describing letter writing through four parameters: spacing, line execution, closure and detail. The same criteria were used to define the performance of writing Croatian Latin uppercase block letters in 72 first-grade primary school students. Letter naming of uppercase and lowercase block letters was also examined. The results of this study showed that first-grade students successfully mastered writing of uppercase block letters (the overall result of writing according to the mentioned criteria is 89 %). The most demanding letters for first-graders are B, D, O – letters belonging to the group of letters consisting of the combination of straight and curved lines. Students find it easy to write letters I, L, V – letters containing straight lines. Having in mind the complexity of writing letters according to the stated criteria, achieving closed lines in letters seems to be the most demanding. Surprisingly, the feature of performing detail, present in letters with diacritical marks, was most successfully mastered. There is a statistically significant correlation between letter naming and letter writing, as is the case in other studies.
U: Logopedija (Online). - ISSN 1849-4706. - 10 (2020), 1 ; str. 23-33  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Početno pisanje -- Pisanje slova -- Rukopisna izvedba -- Hrvatski jezik

Pragmatika i leksikografija [Elektronička građa] : deiktici kao izazov suvremene leksikografije / Virna Karlić, Petra Bago.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori : str. 761-762. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu se analiziraju leksikografski opisi deiktičkih izraza u suvremenim jednojezičnim rječnicima hrvatskoga jezika. Posebna pozornost posvećena je deikticima „na granici punoznačnosti” (Kordić 2002) – skupini leksema čiji opis leksikografima predstavlja poseban izazov jer se njihovo puno značenje/referent uspostavlja tek u kontekstu realizacije konkretnoga iskaza. Rad je podijeljen u tri dijela. Uvodno poglavlje posvećeno je definiciji, obilježjima i vrstama deikse, dok se u središnjemu dijelu rada analiziraju primjeri rječničkih definicija osobnih (ja), društvenih (ti/Vi), mjesnih (ovdje), vremenskih (sada) i diskursnih (sada i ovdje) deiktika iz triju hrvatskih jednojezičnika (Hrvatski jezični portal, Rječnik hrvatskoga jezika Vladimira Anića te Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga standardnog jezika skupine autora). U završnome se poglavlju iznose zaključci provedene analize te se ukazuje na prednosti primjene (korpusne) pragmatike u leksikografiji. - The paper deals with the problem of the lexicographic description of deictic expressions in contemporary monolingual dictionaries of the Croatian language. The term “deixis” refers to a group of language units that indicate elements of situational and/or discourse context in the utterance ̶such as participants, time, and place of the speech event (Lyons 1977). Deictic expressions belong to a group of lexemes that are especially challenging for lexicographers because their full meaning or referent is established or identified only within the specific speech event. For these reasons, the characteristics of deixis are a constant reminder of the fact that natural languages were primarily designed for use in face-to-face interaction, and that a language can only be analyzed to a certain extent without taking into account these facts (Levinson 1983). In this paper, we conduct an analysis of the definitions of meanings and descriptions of the functions of deictic expressions in Croatian lexicography based on selected representative examples of personal, temporal, spatial, discourse, and social deixis. We identify the shortcomings of the selected dictionaries and suggest possible solutions to the identified problems by applying the methods of corpus pragmatics.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 749-763  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Deiksa -- Pragmatika -- Korpusna pragmatika -- Leksikografija

KOLAR Billege, Martina
Primjena standardnih školskih slova u primarnome obrazovanju [Elektronička građa] / Martina Kolar Billege, Valentina Vidović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 130-131. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Nastava početnoga čitanja i pisanja na hrvatskome jeziku temelji se na prijenosu govorenoga modaliteta jezika u pisani uz preduvjet razvoja fonološke svjesnosti. Poučavanje početnoga pisanja ostvaruje se s pomoću standardnih školskih slova, normiranih Hrvatskim pravopisom Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje i obveznih za primjenu od 2014. godine u svim metodičkim predlošcima za poučavanje u primarnome obrazovanju. Cilj je ovoga rada ispitati u kojoj mjeri učenici četvrtih razreda osnovnih škola s područja Republike Hrvatske (N = 354) odstupaju od standarda oblikovanja svakoga pojedinog slova i povezivanja slova te ispitati je li u tekstovima učenika narušena čitljivost slova. Statistički značajne razlike utvrđene su s obzirom na spol učenika i godine radnoga staža učitelja. Rezultati su pokazali da dječaci statistički značajno više odstupaju od standarda pisanja, kao i od povezivanja. Učenici učitelja s više godina radnoga staža uglavnom su manje odstupali u pisanju standardnih školskih slova nego učenici učitelja s manje godina radnoga staža. Čitljivost slova u učeničkim radovima u većemu postotnom udjelu nije narušena. - Teaching initial reading and writing in the Croatian language is based on the transfer of the spoken language modality into the written one with the precondition of the development of phonological awareness. Initial writing is taught using the standard school script, standardized by the Croatian Orthographic Manual of the Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics (2013) and compulsory in every methodical template for teaching in primary education since 2014. The aim of this paper is to test the extent of aberration of fourth-grade primary school students in the Republic of Croatia (N = 354) from the standard letter formation in forming each particular letter and its connection, as well as to examine whether the students’ texts exhibit impaired letter legibility. Statistically significant differences have been determined regarding the students’ gender and teachers’ service years. The results have revealed that boys show a statistically more significant aberration in forming some of the letters, as well as in their connecting. Students of the teachers with more service years have mostly shown less aberration from the standard letter formation than students of the teachers with less service years. The letter legibility in students’ texts is for a larger percentage unimpaired.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 1 ; str. 111-131  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Osnovnoškolsko obrazovanje -- Čitanje -- Pisanje

Promišljanja o pravopisu u hrvatskoj poratnoj emigraciji [Elektronička građa] / Vice Šunjić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 429-430. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Abstrait. - U ovome će radu biti riječi o pogledima predstavnika hrvatske poratne emigracije na dvije pravopisne koncepcije koje su se izmjenjivale u hrvatskoj pravopisnoj praksi. Uz nekolicinu onih koji su zagovarali povratak morfonološkoj, korijenskoj ili etimološkoj pravopisnoj koncepciji pišući svoja jezikoslovna i književna djela po pravilima morfonološkoga/ korijenskoga pisanja postojala je i velika većina koja je ustrajala na upotrebi pravopisa zasnovana pretežito na fonološkome načelu. Za njih je pitanje povratka morfonološkome/ korijenskome pravopisu značilo oživljavanje jedne prekinute pravopisne tradicije kojom bi se zanemarila i obezvrijedila sva dostignuća u razvoju hrvatskoga književnog jezika između dvaju svjetskih ratova. - In the paper, the viewpoints of the representatives of the Croatian post-war emigration in regards to two orthographical concepts, which interchanged in the Croatian orthographical practice, is discussed. Among those who advocated for the return to the morphonological or etymological orthographical concept by writing their linguistic and literary works in accordance with the rules of the morphonological/etymological writing, there was also the majority of those who insisted on the usage of orthography predominantly based on the phonological principle. For them, the question of returning to the morphonological (etymological) orthography meant the revival of an interrupted orthographical tradition, which would neglect and devaluate all of the accomplishments in the development of the Croatian literary language in the interwar period. - Après la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, quelques intellectuels croates émigrés ont proposé d’accepter l’orthographe étymologique de la langue croate. Ainsi par exemple, le politicien Vladko Maček publia un article intitulé „La langue et l’orthographe croates“ Hrvatska revija (no 4, X/1960: 416–419) en se servant de l’orthographe étymologique. Dans cet article, il s’opposa vivement contre l’orthographe phonétique utilisée généralement en Croatie et à l’étranger. Parallèlement, le poète croate émigré, Lucijan Kordić publia un livre de poèmes Exodus (1964) en faisant lui aussi usage de l’orthographe étymologique. Petar Tutavac Bilić, écrivain et linguiste croate, qui vivait en Argentine, avait publié une revue culturelle Svitlenik et un livre d’orthographe croate étymologique en dialecte ikavien. Selon lui, l’unique orthographe que tous les Croates devraient employer serait l’’orthographe étymologique. Contrairement aux intellectuels en faveur de l’orthographe étymologique, Vinko Nikolić, éditeur de Hrvatska revija (La Revue croate) pendant près de quatre décennies, écrivait exclusivement en orthographe phonétique croate. Mentionnons également quelques linguistes croates en émigration, tels Christopher Spalatin et Vinko Grubišić, qui, dans leurs écrits défendirent l’orthographe phonétique en soulignant que l’usage de l’orthographe étymologique fut repris en 1941 pendant l’État indendant croate, ce qui signifiait l’interruption de la longue tradition linguistique croate de l’entre-deux-guerres. Les auteurs de cet article traitent des différentes tendances linguistiques et orthographiques des émigrés croates après la Deuxième Guerre mondiale.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 1 ; str. 407-431  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Korijenski pravopis -- Fonološki pravopis -- Morfonološki pravopis -- Hrvati -- Poratni emigranti -- Kroatisti

LOVRIĆ Jović, Ivana
Rasprava o prirodi i slovopisu veličanstvenoga jezika hrvatskoga [Elektronička građa] : Appendinijeva Grammatica della lingua illirica iz 1808. godine / Ivana Lovrić Jović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 186-187 ; izvori: 1 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract ; Riassunto. - Frano Marija Appendini dubrovački je Talijan, još jedan u nizu onih koji su hrvatski jezik htjeli opisati i time usustaviti. Odmah nakon dolaska Dubrovačke Republike pod francusku vlast, na talijanskome je jeziku 1808. godine izdao gramatiku hrvatskoga jezika, tad nazvanoga ilirskim: Grammatica della lingua illirica kako bi svijet upoznao s najsavršenijim jezikom od svih na svijetu. Prethodile su mu druge štokavske gramatike (Kašićeva, Della Bellina, Tadijanovićeva, Reljkovićeva, Lanosovićeva, Jurinova i Voltićeva), pa je imao prilike birati uzore, a izabrao je Kašića i Della Bellu. Prvo izdanje Gramatike ima 360 stranica. Podijeljena je u dva dijela, a najveća joj vrijednost leži u najopširnijoj dopreporodnoj sintaksi. Bila je predmetom prijepora – kritika i pohvala suvremenika, a kao jezični je priručnik popularna bila barem četrdesetak godina. U radu se opisuje Appendinijevo poimanje hrvatskoga jezika i predstavljanje njegova slovopisa. Autor Gramatike opisao je hrvatski izgovor vrlo detaljno, uhom Talijana. Pritom je pokušavao uzeti u obzir višestrukosti dijalektnih ostvaraja talijanskoga jezika (venecijanski, rimski) i hrvatskoga jezika (dubrovački, bosanski, dalmatinski, istarski i kajkavski) – kako po pitanju izgovora tako i po pitanju slovopisa. Appendinijevo tumačenje slovopisnih pitanja bilo je relevantno znajući da je bio na čelu povjerenstva koje je imalo za zadatak urediti grafijsko pitanje, a sastavljeno je na poticaj austrijske Pokrajinske vlade, 1820. godine u Zadru. - Francesco Maria Appendini was an Italian Jesuit who adopted the Republic of Ragusa as his own country. He was appointed professor of rhetoric at the Scolopi College. In 1808 he published Grammatica della lingua illirica, Grammar of the Croatian language (at that time named Illyrian), which he wrote following the norms of the written Stokavian literature and existing lexicographical works. His Grammar is based on the Dubrovnik (Ragusa) dialect which he recommended as the norm for the Illyrian standard language. The preface is an apology of the Illyrian language and a list of major Slavic “dialects” (Russian, Polish, Bohemian, Illyrian). Appendini gives a critical survey of his predecessors – grammarians and lexicographers (Kašić, Della Bella, Tadijanović, Reljković, Lanosović, Jurin, and Voltić) and proposes a unified orthography. The first edition of his Grammar had 360 pages, divided into two parts, and its greatest value lies in the most extensive pre-Renaissance syntax. It was the subject of controversy as it was both criticized and praised by his contemporaries and as a language manual, it was popular for at least forty years. The paper describes Appendini’s understanding of the Croatian language and the presentation of its orthography. The author of the Grammar described Croatian pronunciation, as heard by an Italian, in detail. In doing so, he tried to take into account the multiplicity of dialectal achievements of the Italian language (Venetian, Roman) and the Croatian language (Dubrovnik, Bosnian, Dalmatian, Istrian, and Kajkavian) – both in terms of pronunciation and spelling. Appendini’s interpretation of orthography issues was relevant as he was the Head of the Commission appointed by the Austrian District Government in Zadar in 1820 and he task of the Commission was to regulate the orthographic issues. - Francesco Maria Appendini è un italiano di Dubrovnik, uno dei tanti che, con la visione di stabilire la lingua croata, l’ha, per cominciare, descritto. Subito dopo che la Repubblica di Dubrovnik passò sotto il dominio francese, nel 1808 pubblicò la grammatica della lingua croata (all’epoca detta illirica): Grammatica della lingua illirica, per introdurre al mondo la lingua più perfetta di tutte al mondo. È stato preceduto da altre grammatiche stokaviane (Kašić, Della Bellina, Tadijanović, Reljković, Lanosović, Jurin e Voltić), quindi ha avuto l’opportunità di scegliere modelli dei quali ha scelto Kašić e Della Bella. La prima edizione della Grammatica ha 329 pagine ed è suddivisa in due parti. Il suo valore maggiore sta nell’ampia sintassi, la più vasta delle grammatiche croate compilate nel periodo prima della standardizzazione. È stata pure oggetto di controversie – critiche e lodi dei suoi contemporanei – ma, da manuale di lingua, è stata in uso per almeno quarant’anni. Nell’articolo si descrive l’atteggiamento di Appendini verso la lingua croata e verso la sua grafia. L’autore ha cercato in dettaglio e obiettivamente di descrivere la pronuncia da parte di un parlante italiano, prendendo in considerazione i vari dialetti italiani (veneziano, romano) e croati (raguseo, bosniaco, dalmata, istriano e kaikaviano) – entrambi in termini di pronuncia e grafia. La sua argomentazione sulla questione della grafia era rilevante sapendolo a capo della commissione stabilita per regolare la questione grafica che è stata formata su iniziativa del governo provinciale austriaco, nel 1820 a Zara.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 1 ; str. 165-189  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Dopreporodne gramatike -- Genetska pripadnost jezika -- Dubrovački govor -- Slovopis
Appendini, Franjo Marija


PERIĆ Gavrančić, Sanja
Sic etiam Croati [Elektronička građa] : bilješke o hrvatskome jeziku u humanističko-renesansnim jezičnim repertorijima / Sanja Perić Gavrančić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 26-27. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se donose rezultati istraživanja latinskih povijesnojezičnih izvora koji otkrivaju što su o jeziku i pismu Hrvata znali europski renesansni humanisti prije nego što su prvi pokušaji kodifikacije hrvatskoga jezika u povijesnome i ideološkome kontekstu katoličke obnove osigurali njegovo službeno uključivanje u jezični zemljovid Europe. Šesnaestostoljetna je res publica litteraria, zahvaljujući intenzivnim humanističkim kontaktima i vezama, između ostalih tema omogućila i širenje ideje humanističkoga ilirizma koji je uključivao i pitanje jezika slavenskih naroda, pa tako i hrvatskoga. Sudionici te ranonovovjekovne zajednice intelektualaca razmjenjivali su, i u svojim raspravama diljem Europe objavljivali, podatke o hrvatskome jeziku i pismu. Takve su bilješke potvrđene u djelima francuskoga lingvista Guillauma Postela (Linguarum duodecim characteribus differentium alphabetum, 1538., Pariz) te švicarskih filologa Theodora Bibliandera (De ratione communi omnium linguarum et litterarum commentarius, 1548., Zürich) i Conrada Gesnera (Mithridates sive de differentiis linguarum tum veterum tum quae hodie apud diversas nationes in toto orbe terrarum in usu sunt, 1555., Zürich). U humanističkim je početcima kontrastivne lingvistike sudjelovao i jedan hrvatski latinist. Riječ je o Bartolu Đurđeviću i njegovu djelu o nevoljama kršćanskih zarobljenika pod turskom vlašću (De afflictione tam captivorum quam etiam sub Turcae tributo viventium Christianorum, 1544., Antverpen). Đurđević je prikazao razlike između hrvatskoga i turskoga jezika, objavio mali hrvatsko-latinski rječnik i tekst Očenaša, koji je kao ogledni tekst ilirskoga jezika citiran u spomenutome Biblianderovu i Gesnerovu repertoriju svjetskih jezika. - It is commonly believed that the appearance of the multilingual dictionaries of Vrančić and Mikalja as well as Kašić’s grammar ensured the legitimacy of the Croatian language among other European languages. However, some publications compiled by 16th century European linguists show that the Croatian language had already acquired this status within the scholarly and scientific network of learned men – the res publica litteraria. This paper presents several 16th century European scholars who shared information on the Croatian language and published it in their treatises: the French humanist Guillaume Postel (Linguarum duodecim characteribus differentium alphabetum, 1538, Paris), the Swiss linguist Theodor Bibliander (De ratione communi omnium linguarum et litterarum commentarius, 1548, Zurich), and the Swiss scholar Conrad Gessner (Mithridates sive de differentiis linguarum tum veterum tum quae hodie apud diversas nationes in toto orbe terrarum in usu sunt, 1555, Zurich). The eminent Croatian Latinist Bartol Đurđević also contributed to the beginnings of Renaissance linguistics with his book describing the suffering of Christians in Turkish captivity and in Turkish-occupied Europe – De afflictione tam captivorum quam etiam sub Turcae tributo viventium Christianorum (1544). Although his work was not essentially linguistically oriented, Đurđević provided some linguistic material to show how greatly the Croatian language (the so-called lingua Sclavonica) differed from Turkish. He supplemented his book with a Croatian-Latin glossary and the Croatian version of the Lord’s Prayer, which is also quoted in Bibliander’s and Gessner’s studies of different European languages as a sample text for the Illyrian language.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 39 (2020), 58 ; str. 7-28  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ilirski jezik -- Hrvatski jezik -- Renesansno jezikoslovlje
Đurđević, Bartol -- Gesner, Conrad -- Bibliander, Theodor -- Postel, Guillaume


LALLI Paćelat, Ivana
Službena dvojezičnost u Istarskoj županiji [Elektronička građa] : stanje i perspektive / Ivana Lalli Paćelat, Marija Brkić Bakarić, Isabella Matticchio. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 833-836. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Službena dvojezičnost pretpostavlja svakodnevno stvaranje usporednih tekstova u dvojezičnim područjima. Slučaj je takav i u Istarskoj županiji, u kojoj se tekstovi obično sastavljaju na hrvatskome, a zatim se prevode na talijanski jezik. zbog činjenice da je riječ o službenim tekstovima i zbog konteksta uporabe talijanskoga jezika vrlo je važno imati precizno i ujednačeno nazivlje te razvijene jezične tehnologije koje bi omogućile brže i kvalitetnije prevođenje u dvojezičnim institucijama u Istarskoj županiji. Ciljevi su ovoga rada: (1) prikazati ostvarivanje ravnopravne službene uporabe talijanskoga kao manjinskoga jezika u Istarskoj županiji (1a) analizom prevedenih sadržaja na službenim mrežnim stranicama službeno dvojezičnih gradova i općina i (1b) prikazom dosadašnje prakse prevođenja te (2) ukazati na važnost i nužnost razvoja jezičnih tehnologija (2a) prikazom trendova u razvoju jezičnih tehnologija u sličnim dvojezičnim i višejezičnim institucijama, (2b) prikazom pripreme usporednoga korpusa administrativnih tekstova Istarske županije i (2c) analizom postojećega nazivlja provedenom na priređenome korpusu. Rezultati analize dostupnosti dvojezičnih sadržaja na mrežnim stranicama te analize nazivlja provedene na usporednome korpusu pokazali su da je nužno razviti i upotrebljavati prevoditeljske alate i jezične izvore prilagođene talijanskomu kao manjinskomu jeziku kako bi se olakšalo i ubrzalo prevođenje, a time i omogućilo uspješnije ostvarivanje ravnopravne uporabe talijanskoga kao manjinskoga jezika. - Official bilingualism assumes the daily creation of parallel texts in bilingual areas. this is also the case in Istria County, where texts are usually written in Croatian and then translated into Italian. Given the official nature of texts and the context of the Italian language usage, it is extremely important to have a precise and uniform terminology, as well as well-developed language technologies, which would allow a faster and more accurate translation processes in bilingual institutions of Croatia. the aims of this paper are (1) to investigate the equal use of both Croatian and Italian as a minority language in the Istrian County through (1a) an analysis of the translated content on the official websites of the officially bilingual cities and municipalities and through (1b) an overview of current translation practices, and (2) to highlight the importance and necessity of the development of language technology through (2a) the presentation of trends in the development of language technology in similar bilingual and multilingual institutions, (2b) the presentation of the parallel corpus compiled from administrative texts of the Istrian County and (2c) the analysis of existing terminology conducted on the compiled corpus. the analysis of the availability of bilingual content on websites and the terminology extracted from the compiled parallel corpus indicates the need to develop and use translation tools and linguistic resources tailored to the Italian language as a minority language, in order to facilitate and accelerate the translation activity, thus allowing a more efficient use of Italian as a minority language.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 815-837  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Jezične tehnologije -- Dvojezičnost -- Prevođenje

MATAS Ivanković, Ivana
Tvorba brojevnih riječi u Hrvatskome mrežnom rječniku - Mrežniku [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Matas Ivanković.
Bibliografija: str. 869-870. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Brojevi su raznolika vrsta riječi, mogu biti jednočlani i višečlani, neki su sklonjivi, neki su nesklonjivi, u brojeve se ubrajaju i brojevne imenice i brojevni pridjevi, pa se i tipovi sklonidbe razlikuju. unatoč tome, opisu njihove tvorbe posvećeno je malo prostora. Babić u Tvorbi riječi u hrvatskome književnome jeziku to tumači ovako: „Koliko među zamjenicama, brojevima, prijedlozima i veznicima i ima tvorbenih riječi, to ih je samo nekoliko i tipovi više nisu plodni. To su većinom za tvorbu riječi zatvoreni sustavi, jer nema novih osnova, često s malim brojem jedinica...ˮ (Babić 2002: 15). u Hrvatskome mrežnom rječniku – Mrežniku predviđeno je da se obradi i tvorba riječi, no pri obradi brojeva i riječi motiviranih brojevima pokazalo se da dosadašnji opisi tvorbe koji se nalaze u gramatikama ne nude sva rješenja, što ih čini manjkavima. u radu će se analizirati tvorba brojeva i riječi tvorenih od brojeva koje su obrađene u Mrežniku. - Numbers are usually defined as words that describe how many units there are of what the word denotes, or how many units should be counted to come to some object. They are a heterogeneous group; they can be simple or complex, some are declinable while some are indeclinable. As a word group, numbers include nouns and adjectives, so the types of declination are different. Despite this diversity, the description of their word formation is not as detailed. In Tvorba riječi u hrvatskome književnome jeziku, Babić explains: “Among the pronouns, numbers, prepositions, and conjunctions, there are words formed from others, but these are just a few, and the types of formation are no longer productive. From the aspect of word formation, these are mostly closed systems, because there are no new root words, and there is a small number of units...” (Babić 2002: 15). Word-formation data will be provided in the Croatian Web Dictionary – Mrežnik, but when describing numbers and words motivated by numbers, it has been shown that current descriptions in grammars are not sufficient. In this paper, the wordformatting models of numbers and words formed from numbers included in Mrežnik are analyzed and roots and suffixes are determined.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 853-870  
 Elektronička verzija članka
E-leksikografija -- Hrvatski jezik -- Brojevi -- Brojevne riječi -- Tvorba riječi

Varijantni frazemi u e-rječniku [Elektronička građa] / Jelena Parizoska, Ivana Filipović Petrović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 952-954. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U ovome se radu prikazuje leksikografska obrada varijantnih frazema u mrežnome Frazeološkom rječniku hrvatskoga jezika koji je u izradi, a utemeljen je na podatcima iz računalnoga korpusa hrWaC. U tome se rječniku varijante različitih vrsta (leksičke, tvorbene i sintaktičke) bilježe u istoj natuknici jer imaju zajedničku konceptualnu osnovu. To odražava kognitivnolingvistički pristup frazemima, u kojem se varijante promatraju kao jezične manifestacije različitih konceptualizacija iste situacije, a među kojima zbog toga mogu postojati razlike u leksičkom sastavu, strukturi, značenju i upotrebi. Također, varijantni oblici istoga frazema mogu se razlikovati po stupnju konvencionaliziranosti, pa se redoslijed njihova navođenja u tome e-rječniku temelji na frekvenciji upotrebe prema podatcima iz hrWaC-a. Takva leksikografska obrada frazeološke varijantnosti odražava stvarnu upotrebu, a korisnici dobivaju potpunu i preciznu informaciju o različitim oblicima frazema i njihovim značenjima u suvremenome hrvatskome jeziku. - This paper gives an overview of the lexicographic treatment of idiom variations in the Online Dictionary of Croatian Idioms (under development), which is compiled using the hrWaC corpus. In this dictionary, different types of variations (lexical, syntactic and derived forms) are listed in the same entry because they share the same conceptual core. This reflects the Cognitive Linguistic approach to idioms: variations are viewed as expressions of different conceptualizations of the same situation, and may therefore display differences in lexis, structure, meaning and usage. Furthermore, variant forms of an idiom may be at different levels of conventionality, which is why they are arranged within the entry according to the frequency of occurrence in hrWaC. Such treatment of idiom variations reflects real usage and provides dictionary users with complete and precise information on the different forms and meanings of idioms in modern Croatian.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 941-955  
 Elektronička verzija članka
E-leksikografija -- Hrvatski jezik -- Frazeološke varijante

Vitae Patrum u egzemplima glagoljskih knjiga Disipula iz 16. stoljeća [Elektronička građa] / Andrea Radošević.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 311-316. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U radu se analiziraju tekstovi iz Vitae Patrum koji se u obliku egzempla pojavljuju u glagoljskim Disipulima iz 16. st. Istražuje se na koji su način anegdote monaške tematike prilagođene dominikanskoj duhovnosti unutar koje je nastala latinska zbirka propovijedi Sermones Discipuli. Također se uspoređuje odnos prema monaškim motivima u četirima prijepisima Disipula. S obzirom na to da su u dosadašnjim medievističkim studijama objavljeni uglavnom izvori predložaka egzempla iz Heroltova Egzemplara, istraživanju glagoljskih Disipula prethodilo je utvrđivanje predložaka četiriju latinskih egzempla koji se pojavljuju u dvama Heroltovim propovjednim ciklusima: sermones de tempore i sermones de sanctis. Otkriveno je kako je riječ o trima egzemplima nastalim prema anegdotama iz Verba seniorum te jednoj anegdoti Ivana Egipatskoga koja je zapisana u tekstovima Historia Lausiaca i Historia monachorum. Iz Heroltova Egzemplara u Disipule je dospjela jedna anegdota iz Verba seniorum, čija tri izvora u svojoj raspravi detaljno navodi Hermand (1995). U radu se opisuju književnopovijesne, stilske i jezične značajke glagoljskih egzempla. Naime, upravo se proučavanjem zbirkā propovijedi, koje najčešće sadržavaju više kompiliranih monaških anegdota, može rasvijetliti hrvatski srednjovjekovni korpus Vitae Patrum. Cilj je istraživanja upotpuniti sliku recepcije Vitae Patrum u hrvatskoj srednjovjekovnoj književnosti te pridonijeti poznavanju uporabe jezika u kratkim narativnim tekstovima 16. st. Na kraju rada prvi se put objavljuje transliteracija svih pet egzempla. Svaki egzempl donosi se u nekoliko prijepisa (ne u svima), pri čemu su obuhvaćena sva četiri rukopisa Disipula. - In this paper the author analyses texts from the Vitae Patrum that appear in the form of exemplum in the four Glagolitic manuscripts from the 16th century that are known as Disipuli. The first part of the paper focuses on the analysis of the Dominican’s use of the monastic anecdotes, especially regarding the Latin sermon collection Sermones Discipuli according to which Croatian translation was created. The relationship towards monastic themes in four Glagolitic manuscripts is further compared. In the previous medievistic studies (Hermand 1995) only the sources of the exempla from Herolt’s Promptuarium Exemplorum were identified. The sources of several Latin exempla from two Herolt’s cycles (sermones de tempore, sermones de sanctis) are here determined for the first time. The research has shown that four exempla were compiled from Verba seniorum and one exemplum is borrowed from the anecdote of John Lycopolis that is written in Historia Lausiaca and Historia monachorum. In the second part of the paper, the linguistic and stylistic characteristics of the exempla are described. The aim of the research is to expand the knowledge about the reception of the Vitae Patrum in the Croatian medieval literature but also about the corpus of Croatian late medieval short narratives. Namely, one part of the Croatian medieval corpus of Vitae Patrum could be substantially completed by exploring sermon collections because they usually contain at least several monastic anecdotes. At the end of the paper, the transliteration of all five exempla is published for the first time.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 1 ; str. 279-316  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Egzempl, Sermones Disipuli, -- Starohrvatski jezik -- Čakavski jezik -- Glagoljski rukopisi

RAJLE, Lorna
Zanaglasne dužine u osječkom govoru [Elektronička građa] / Lorna Rajle, Elenmari Pletikos Olof, Blaženka Martinović. - Graf. prikazi.
Sadrži i: priloge na str. 74-79. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 73. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Jedno je od nestabilnih mjesta hrvatske ortoepske norme naglasni sustav i u okviru njega izgovor/ostvaraj zanaglasnih dužina. Novija istraživanja hrvatskoga govora pokazuju da u mnogim hrvatskim urbanim govorima nestaje razlikovanje (ili ga i nema) dugih i kratkih zanaglasnih slogova te da je reduciranje dužina prisutno i u govorima s novoštokavskim četveronaglasnim sustavom (Pletikos Olof 2013). Ta se pojava često objašnjava posljedicom obilježenosti i niskog stupnja poželjnosti ostvarivanja zanaglasnih dužina među govornicima hrvatskog jezika (Škarić i Lazić 2002). Budući da standardna norma treba određivati ono što je stilski neutralno i neobilježeno, jezikoslovci u tom segmentu prešutno prihvaćaju odmak od propisa. U svjetlu proučavanja hrvatskih urbanih govora cilj je rada opisati ostvaraje zanaglasnih dužina u osječkom govoru (posebice u paradigmi imenica e‑vrste, u nekim sufiksima te u prezentu glagola i određenim oblicima pridjeva) te ih usporediti s ostvarajem modelskoga govornika hrvatskoga standarda kada namjerno izgovara i ne izgovara zanaglasne dužine, čije vrijednosti trajanja uzimamo kao referentne vrijednosti za kategorije dugi i kratki. Dosadašnja su istraživanja pokazala da se u Osijeku, čiji govor pripada novoštokavskom četveronaglasnom sustavu, najčešće gube dužine koje nisu neposredno iza uzlaznih naglasaka te da slabe (ali se najčešće ne gube) i dužine iza uzlaznih naglasaka, osobito iza dugouzlaznog (Benić 2007), no ne postoji sustavniji opis zanaglasnih dužina u navedenim kategorijama riječi. Istraživanje se temelji na analizi govora Osječana koji su čitali rečenice zasićene riječima s očekivanim dužinama. Rezultati su pokazali da u osječkom govoru postoji tendencija reduciranja zanaglasnih dužina u pojedinim oblicima, ali rjeđe iza uzlaznih naglasaka. - One of the unstable spots of the Croatian orthoepic norm is the accentual system and the pronunciation of post-accentual lengths. Recent research on Croatian speech indicates that long and short post-accentual syllables in Croatian urban dialects are mostly not distinguished, and even in the dialects with the Neoštokavian four-accent system the long post-accentual syllables are being reduced (Pletikos Olof 2013). This phenomenon is frequently attributed to the markedness and the low level of prestige of post-accentual lengths among speakers of Croatian (Škarić & Lazić 2002). Because the standard norm should determine the stylistically neutral and the unmarked, linguists quietly accept the lapse from the regulations in this segment. In the light of studying Croatian urban dialects, this paper aims to describe the realizations of post-accentual lengths in the speech of Osijek, particularly in genitive and instrumental cases of e-declension nouns, in some suffixes, and in the present tense and definite adjective forms. The results are compared with the lengths produced by a model speaker of Standard Croatian when she is intentionally producing and not producing the length. The lengths in her speech are taken as a reference point for the categories of long and short. Previous research has shown that in Osijek, whose speech belongs to the Neoštokavian four-accent system, the lengths not immediately following rising accents most commonly disappear, and the lengths following rising accents weaken (but they do not disappear), especially those following the long-rising accent (Benić 2007). Still, a systematic description of post-accentual lengths for the mentioned word categories does not exist. This research is based on the speech analysis of people from Osijek who read sentences saturated with words with lengths.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 21 (2020), 1 ; str. 53-80  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Osječki govor -- Akcentuacija -- Zanaglasne dužine -- Urbani govori

Vidi br.: HA20-02538

Vidi br.: HA20-02738

811.18/.8   Drugi (prirodni) jezici

Digital etymological dictionary of the oldest vocabulary of Finnish [Elektronička građa] / Santeri Junttila, Sampsa Holopainen, Juho Pystynen.
Bibliografija: str. 744-747. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This paper presents the new project Digital etymological dictionary of the oldest vocabulary of Finnish (University of Helsinki, funded by the Kone Foundation) and discusses the present state and challenges of the (especially digital) etymological resources of the Finnic languages and Uralic languages in general. It is also shown how crowdsourcing of etymology can work, and how the present platform could be used in the etymological lexicography of other languages and language families. - U radu se predstavlja novi projekt Digitalni etimološki rječnik najstarijega finskog leksika (sveučilište u Helsinkiju, financira ga zaklada Kone) i prikazuje trenutačno stanje i izazovi (posebno u vezi s digitalizacijom) koji stoje pred etimološkim izvorima za finske i uralske jezike općenito. također se pokazuje kako se masovna podrška može primijeniti u etimologiji i kako prikazana platforma može biti upotrijebljena u etimološkoj leksikografiji drugih jezika i jezičnih porodica.
U: Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1849-0379. - 46 (2020), 2 ; str. 733-747  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Finski jezik -- Finski jezici -- Uralski jezici -- E-rječnici -- Etimologija -- Digitalna humanistika

Vidi br.: HA20-02776

82   Književnost

"Handle, wie Dir Dein Dämon vorschreibt!" [Elektronička građa] : die illusionistische Weltanschauung Oskar Panizzas und ihre Aporien / Damir Smiljanić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Zusammenfassung ; Sažetak ; Résumé ; Summary. - Im Aufsatz wird die Rede sein sowohl vom turbulenten Leben des deutschen Schriftstellers, Essayisten und Satirikers Oskar Panizza (1853–1921) als auch von seinem Konflikt mit dem Gesetz und der Obrigkeit, weshalb er ein Jahr im Gefängnis verbringen musste. Auf der Grenze zwischen Realität und Illusion, Genie und Wahnsinn balancierend, hat dieser charismatische Autor ein Leben voller Widersprüche durchlebt: Er hat als Arzt für mentale Krankheiten begonnen, wurde dann aber Schriftsteller, um seine Lebensodyssee in einem Sanatorium zu beenden. Im Anschluss an Max Stirner hat Panizza den Illusionismus als berechtigte Weltanschauung vertreten: Halluzination ist das eigentlich Reale, die Realität bloß eingebildet. Im Aufsatz soll aber gezeigt werden, dass es sich nicht um einen geistig umnebelten kreativen Kopf handelt, sondern um jemanden, der die Grenze zwischen dem Normalen und Abnormalen hinterfragt hat, womit er im bestimmten Sinne die kommende Kritik der normativen Voraussetzungen der institutionalisierten Psychiatrie vorweggenommen hat. - U članku će biti riječi o burnom životu njemačkog pisca, esejista i satiričara Oskara Panizze (1853. – 1921.), kao i o njegovu sukobu sa zakonom i vlašću, zbog čega je morao provesti godinu dana u zatvoru. Balansirajući na granici između stvarnog i iluzornog, genijalnosti i ludila, ovaj karizmatični autor proživio je život pun proturječja: započeo je kao liječnik za mentalne bolesti, postao pisac, a svoju životnu odiseju okončao kao pacijent u sanatoriju. Nadovezujući se na Maxa Stirnera, Panizza je zastupao iluzionizam kao legitiman pogled na svijet: halucinacija je ono stvarno, a stvarnost samo umišljena. U članku će se pokazati da se ne radi o stvaratelju pomračenog uma, već o nekome tko je preispitivao granicu između normalnog i nenormalnog, u izvjesnom smislu anticipirajući nadolazeću kritiku normativnih postavki institucionalne psihijatrije. - Il sera question dans cet article de la vie tumultueuse d’Oskar Panizza (1853-1921), écrivain allemand, essayiste et satiriste, et également de ses démêlés avec la loi et les autorités, en raison de quoi il a dû passer une année en prison. Se situant à la limite entre le réel et l’illusoire, le génie et la folie, cet auteur charismatique a vécu une vie pleine de contradictions : il a débuté en tant que médecin spécialiste des maladies mentales, est devenu écrivain, et l’odyssée de sa vie a pris fin dans un hôpital psychiatrique. En s’appuyant sur Max Stirner, Panizza a défendu l’illusionnisme comme regard légitime sur le monde : l’hallucination est le vrai, et la réalité n’est qu’imaginaire. Cet article montrera qu’il n’est pas question d’un créateur dont l’esprit était obscurci, mais de quelqu’un qui interrogeait la limite entre le normal et l’anormal, qui en un certain sens, anticipait la critique à venir du cadre normatif des institutions psychiatriques. - The article is dealing with the turbulent life of German writer, essayist and satirist Oskar Panizza (1853–1921), also with his attacks against the law and authorities, because of which he was sentenced to one-year imprisonment. Balancing on the boundary line between reality and illusion, ingeniousness and insanity, this charismatic author spent a life full of contradictions: he began to work as a neurologist, but shortly afterwards he became a writer – finally, he ended his life odyssey as a patient in a sanatorium. Following the ideas of Max Stirner, Panizza subscribed to illusionism as a valid weltanschauung: hallucination is real, the reality is chimerical. The article aims to show that we do not have a case of a mentally disordered person, instead, of an author who was questioning the boundaries between normality and abnormality, anticipating the subsequent criticism of normative assumptions of the institutionalized psychiatry.
U: Synthesis philosophica (Online). - ISSN 1848-2317. - 35 (2020), 1 ; str. 63-78  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Illuzionizam -- Demonizam -- Individualizam -- Genijalnost
Panizza, Oskar


BEŠKER, Inoslav
Brutal highlanders and crooked seasiders [Elektronička građa] : two opposing Mediterranean literary archetypes / Inoslav Bešker.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 179-181. - Abstract. - This paper presents a philological and imagological analysis of the mutual contradictions of two types of characters in the corpus of Mediterranean literature. The highlander and the seasider, one brutal and the other imbedded in the hetero-conception of the other, belong to standard Mediterranean literary types, namely archetypes, from myths to the present. Literature on the Mediterranean and about the Mediterranean is abundant with typified descriptions of the highlander being a tough guy, violent, and the seasider as cunning, envious or a serial seducer. The imagology of these types and their mutual opposition is the topic of this philological analysis. The paper focuses on a comparative analysis of this imagotype/stereotype existing throughout the Mediterranean and transmitted from one literature to another throughout the centuries. The aim of the work is to review and summarize the literature concerning the archetypes of the highlander and the seasider in order to have a better understanding of the patterns of imagotypes and archetypes in the collective imaginary represented by Mediterranean literature.
U: Cross-cultural studies review (Online). - ISSN 2718-2509. - 1 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 147-181  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Književnost -- Imagologija -- Arhetipovi

Priča ili story kao instrument ili mašna (de)humanizacije ili--- [Elektronička građa] / Igor Gajin.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 422-423. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U znanosti i nastavi humanističke orijentacije sve je vidljivija favorizacija kvantifikacije, mjerljivosti, birokratizirane organizacije sadržaja i neopozitivizma, neo u smislu statističke obradivosti podataka, čime se evidentno prati logika računalne prezentacije informacija (umjesto znanja), a preko toga kapitalističko discipliniranje i nadziranje Gorzovog „nematerijalnog rada“. Internetom, filozofijom mreže, hipertekstom i hiperinformacijskim overloadom fragmentirana, disperzirana i dekontekstualizirana digitalna kultura zaziva u teoriji i praksi opozicijsku reakciju u pravcu reafirmacije klasične priče ili storytellinga kao arhetipske forme humaniziranja, organiziranja i osmišljavanja ljudskoga iskustva i znanja. Međutim, kada Amazon najavljuje da će autora honorirati onoliko koliko je stranica njegova teksta pročitano zahvaljujući aplikacijama za praćenje takvih rezultata, kada Christian Salmon otkriva storytelling kao novi instrument korporativnog businessa, kada storytelling postaje imperativ komercijalne književnosti i sredstvo industrijalizirane standardizacije književnosti, čemu se izlazi u susret trendom radionica za kreativno pisanje, pitanje je kome i čemu priča danas služi. Nije li prošlostoljetna (post)modernistička dekonstrukcija teksta i dezintegracija njegova ideologiziranog smisla bila onoliko humanija koliko se činila nečitljivom, za razliku od današnjeg zavođenja konzumerističkog objekta atrakcijama fabuliranja iz pera „dobavljača sadržaja“?. - In science and humanistic teaching, the precedence of quantification, measurability, bureaucratic content organization, and neopositivism – neo in terms of statistical data processing – is increasingly visible. It evidently follows the logic of a computerized presentation of information (instead of knowledge), and thus the capitalist disciplining and controlling of Gorz’s “intangible labor.” With the Internet, network philosophy, hyper- text, and hyperinformation overload, a fragmented, dispersed, and decontextualized digital culture invokes in both theory and practice an oppositional reaction towards reaffirming the classic story or storytelling as an archetypal form of humanizing, organizing, and conceiving human experience and knowledge. However, when Amazon announces that the author will be paid an amount corresponding to the amount of pages of his text that are read through apps for tracking such results, when Christian Salmon discovers storytelling as a new instrument of corporate business, when storytelling becomes an imperative of commercial literature and a means of industrialized standardization of literature, all facilitated by the trend of creative writing workshops, the question is to whom and to what purpose the story serves today. Was the last century’s (post)modernist deconstruction of the text and the disintegration of its ideologized meaning not as humane as it was unreadable, as opposed to today’s seduction of the consumerist object through fabrications from the pen of “content providers”?.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 405-424  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Digitalizacija -- STEM -- Postmodernizam -- Kapitalizam

BEKAVAC, Luka, književnik
Readability thresholds [Elektronička građa] : xenography and speculative fiction / Luka Bekavac.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 89-90. - Abstract. - The unreadable and the illegible tend to be treated as the “other” of writing. Playing on one of the meanings of xenography – writing in a language unknown to the writer – this paper explores the possibility that the metaphorical “gravity assist” of literature, rather than engaging the resources of content and imagination, actually resides in the cognitively inaccessible layers of writing as a material phenomenon. If we accept Harman’s definition of realism as something that can’t be translated into human knowledge without energy loss, regions of unintelligibility in literary writing take on a completely different meaning, and appear as zones coinciding with the asemic material exteriority, equally unavailable to thought and mimesis. Writings of Thomas Ligotti (The Red Tower), Reza Negarestani (Cyclonopedia) and Mark Z. Danielewski (The Familiar) are examined in the light of various atypical formal devices they use to convey a certain “otherness,” introducing varying degrees of unreadability as a response to the “inscrutability of the Real itself” (Fisher) and enforcing new types of non-hierarchical distribution of agency between writer, reader and text.
U: Cross-cultural studies review (Online). - ISSN 2718-2509. - 1 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 69-90  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Teorija književnosti -- Ksenografija -- Spekulativna fikcija -- Nečitko

Vidi br.: HA20-02161

Vidi br.: HA20-02122

Vidi br.: HA20-02826

Vidi br.: HA20-02579

821   Svjetska književnost

LAWAL, Nurudeen Adeshina
Oil wealth, corruption, and the multiple f(ph)aces of internal colonialism in Ahmed Yerima's Hard Ground [Elektronička građa] / Nurudeen Adeshina Lawal.
Bibliografija: str. 186-187. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - This paper explores Ahmed Yerima’s play Hard Ground (2011) to show how Yerima employs dramatic elements to interrogate manifestations of corruption and internal colonialism engendered by violent struggles for oil wealth in the Niger Delta region. Some scholars from the Niger Delta region have alleged that Yerima’s Hard Ground falls short of being a “realistic” portrayal of the oil crisis in the Niger Delta. Their claim suggests that the play is an exercise in the service of the establishment. However, this study contends that Yerima’s representations of corruption and internal colonialism in the crisis are meant neither to underestimate the role of the establishment nor to overlook the suffering of the people in the region. The playwright’s portrayals of corruption and various forms of internal colonialism generating the oil crisis are informed by postcolonial, multiple, contradictory, and complementary realities/truths, which often reveal the complexities of socio-economic and political crises in the postcolonial African state. The study reveals that leadership egoism and failure are among the key factors that aggravate violent crises which recur in the region. In its conclusion, the paper asserts that the multiple insights that Yerima’s Hard Ground offers on the oil crisis call for collective efforts within the Niger Delta region in particular and Nigeria as whole at finding lasting solutions to the region’s crises orchestrated by the violent struggle for oil wealth. - Ovaj se rad bavi analizom predstave Hard Ground / Tvrda zemlja (2011) Ahmeda Yerimaea da bi pokazao kako se autor koristi dramskim elementima u ispitivanju manifestacija korupcije i unutarnjeg kolonijalizma potaknutih nasilnom borbom za naftnim bogatstvom u regiji delte Nigera. Neki znanstvenici iz regije tvrde da Yerimaeova Tvrda zemlja nije „realističan“ prikaz naftne krize u delti rijeke Niger i da je to samo predstava u službi establišmenta. Međutim, ovo istraživanje pokazuje da Yerimaevo predstavljanje korupcije i unutarnjeg kolonijalizma u krizi nema svrhu ni podcijeniti ulogu vladajućih elita ni zanemariti patnje ljudi u regiji. Dramski prikazi korupcije i različitih oblika unutarnjeg kolonijalizma, koji generiraju naftnu krizu, prikazuju postkolonijalne, višestruke, oprečne i komplementarne stvarnosti/istine, koje otkrivaju složenost društveno-ekonomske i političke krize u postkolonijalnoj afričkoj državi. Studija otkriva da su egoizam i neuspjeh upravljačkih struktura među ključnim faktorima koji pogoršavaju strahovite krize koje se javljaju u regiji. U zaključku, rad tvrdi da različiti pogledi o naftnoj krizi koje donosi Tvrda zemlja pozivaju na zajedničke napore posebno unutar regije delte Nigera, ali i Nigerije u cjelini, kako bi se pronašla trajna rješenja za krizu orkestriranu silovitom borbom za naftnim bogatstvom.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 165-188  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nigerijska književnost -- Predstave -- Otuđenje
Yerima, Ahmed


821.11   Germanske književnosti

821.111   Engleska književnost. Književnosti engleskog jezičnog izraza

Ecological systems theory [Elektronička građa] : (re)constructing identity in Toni Morrison's beloved / Iva Donelli, Gordan Matas. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 128-130. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In this paper, Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved (1987) will be considered from the point of view of developmental psychology. Morrison’s works can be seen as representing an intertwinement of social, historico-political and emotional themes which play a crucial role in the identity construction of the author’s characters. Therefore, the Ecological Systems Theory proposed by Urie Bronfenbrenner will be employed to closely examine how the identities of Morrison’s characters are being shaped in the novel. The usage of the five systems on which Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model is based– chronosystem, macrosystem, exosystem, mesosystem and microsystem, will provide an often missing holistic approach necessary for better understanding of how and why Morrison’s characters are (un)able to complete their developmental journey of identity construction successfully. - U ovom radu roman Beloved (1987) autorice Toni Morrison razmatrat će se sa stajališta razvojne psihologije. Djela autorice Morrison često su isprepletanje društvenih, povijesno-političkih i emocionalnih tema koje imaju ključnu ulogu u konstrukciji identiteta autoričinih likova. Iz tog razloga, teorija ekoloških sustava Urija Bronfenbrennera koristit će se u svrhu detaljne analize načina na koje Morrison (re)konstruira identitet likova u romanu. Korištenje pet sustava na kojima se temelji Bronfenbrennerov bioekološki model – krono, makro, egzo, mezo i mikrosustav omogućit će često zanemareni holistički pristup koji je potreban zbog boljeg razumijevanja načina i razloga koji o(ne)mogućuju likovima Toni Morrison da uspješno završe svoje razvojno putovanje izgradnje identiteta.
U: Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu (Online). - ISSN 2459-5128. - (2020), 13 ; str. 111-130  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Romani -- Teorija ekoloških sustava -- Konstrukcija identiteta -- Holistički pristup
Morrison, Toni -- Bronfenbrenner, Urie


GIUNTA, Angelo
Il nazionalismo della letteratura britannica prima della Grande Guerra e l'esperienza dei war poets [Elektronička građa] / Angelo Giunta. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 85-86. - Riassunto ; Summary. - L’immagine di un Regno Unito visto come Eden inconsapevole della tragedia che sta per lacerarlo è diffusa, ma piuttosto falsa. L’apparente serenità nasconde una violenza latente e gravi questioni interne e la guerra, quindi, non fa altro che accelerare un processo già in atto. Di tutta la letteratura inglese del Ventesimo secolo, la poesia di guerra sembra, sotto molti punti di vista, una “parentesi” all’interno del panorama letterario. La war poetry è il prodotto di un determinato periodo storico, sociale e culturale venutosi a formare nella Prima guerra mondiale. Tra i migliori poeti della Grande Guerra troviamo Rupert Brooke, Wilfred Owen e Siegfried Sassoon. Il fatto che molti poeti siano ufficiali – ma non alti ufficiali – permette loro di essere in contatto, a livello socio-culturale, con i ranghi elevati dell’esercito e, fisicamente, con i soldati semplici. In questo modo hanno una visione più ampia della realtà in trincea. - The image of a United Kingdom as an Eden unaware of the tragedy that is about to tear it apart is widespread but rather false. The apparent serenity hides a latent violence and a huge inner problems and the war, therefore, only accelerates a process already underway. Of all the English literature of the twentieth century, war poetry seems, from many points of view, a “parenthesis” within the literary panorama. War poetry is the product of a specific historical, social and cultural period that came to form in the First World War. Rupert Brooke, Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon are probably some of the best poets of the Great War. Many war poets are young commissioned officers with a good education and high social position. The fact that many poets are commissioned officers - but not high officers - allows them to have a certain overview of the war and to be in contact on a socio-cultural level with the high ranks of the army and, physically, with privates. In this way they manage to have a wider vision of reality in the trenches.
U: Studia Polensia (Online). - ISSN 2459-6256. - 9 (2020), 1 ; str. 65-87  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Engleska književnost -- Ratni pjesnici -- Ratna poezija -- Prvi svjetski rat

KEIVAN, Shafigheh
The Lacanian "gaze" in John Keats's "The Eve of St. Agnes" [Elektronička građa] : a romance of resistance / Shafigheh Keivan.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 220-222. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - The Eve of St. Agnes is one of Keats’s most challenging poems when it comes to the poet’s emotions and beliefs on social structures, life, death, men, and women. Consequently, The Eve of St. Agnes becomes the arena of the conflict between femininity and masculinity, which preoccupied the poet during the composition of the poem. In the essay, we seek to examine this conflict in The Eve of St. Agnes through the Lacanian concept of the Gaze. This point of view allows us to analyze Keats’s ambivalence towards gender. - The Eve of St. Agnes / Večer uoči Svete Agneze jedna je od Keatsovih najizazovnijih pjesama o pjesničkim emocijama i vjerovanjima u društvene strukture, život, smrt, muškarce i žene. Slijedom toga pjesma postaje poprište sukoba ženskosti i muškosti, što je pjesnika posebno zaokupljalo tijekom pisanja. U ovom eseju želimo ispitati taj sukob kroz lakanovski koncept pogleda ili zurenja, što pruža nove uvide u analizi Keatsove ambivalencije prema rodu.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 209-223  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Engleska književnost 19. st. -- Književna analiza
Keats, John -- Lacan, Jacques


The laughter of other places [Elektronička građa] : humour and heterotopias in the works of Edward Gorey / Nikola Novaković. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 331-333. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The paper employs Michel Foucault’s ideas on heterotopias, outlined in his essay Of Other Spaces (1984), to analyse the interaction of humour and spaces in Edward Gorey’s works, with special emphasis on the book The Evil Garden (1966). Foucault’s theory of heterotopias is used to provide an understanding of Gorey’s fusion of sombre places and macabre tales with his characteristically dry humour and to examine what Gorey’s heterotopias can tell us about the problem of the categorisation of Gorey as an author of children’s literature. In the reading of The Evil Garden, the paper illustrates how Gorey’s disturbing heterotopias achieve a hybridity of spaces, genres, tones, and reader roles in order to encourage polyvalent readings. Gorey plays with the juxtaposition of various heterotopias, destabilising the reader’s position through recurring motifs and intertextual allusions, but the one element that is represented in all those “other” places is invariably humour in all its different forms. It is precisely at the intersection of the various spaces which collide in heterotopias that Gorey’s dark humour emerges and performs its subversive function. - Oslanjajući se na ideje Michela Foucaulta o heterotopijama, izložene u njegovu eseju „O drugim prostorima“ iz 1967., rad analizira interakciju humora i prostora u djelima Edwarda Goreyja, s posebnim naglaskom na tekst The Evil Garden [Zli vrt] iz 1966. Foucaultova teorija o heterotopijama upotrebljava se kako bi se ponudilo razumijevanje Goreyjeva spoja sumornih mjesta i jezivih priča s njegovim karakterističnim humorom te istražilo što nam Goreyjeve heterotopije mogu reći o problemu kategorizacije Goreyja kao autora dječje književnosti. U čitanju Zloga vrta pokazuje se kako Goreyjeve uznemirujuće heterotopije postižu hibridnost prostora, žanrova, tonaliteta i čitateljskih uloga da bi se potaknula polivalentna čitanja. Gorey se poigrava supostavljanjem raznolikih heterotopija, destabilizirajući čitateljev položaj ponavljanjem motiva i intertekstualnih aluzija, no sastavnica koja je uvijek prisutna u svim tim “drugim” mjestima jest humor. Goreyjev mračni humor izvire upravo na raskršću raznih prostora koji se sudaraju u heterotopijama kako bi ostvario svoju subverzivnu ulogu.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 9 (2020), 2 ; str. 313-333  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Američka književnost 20. st. -- Dječja književnost -- Heterotopija -- Humor -- Intertekstualnost
Foucault, Michel -- Gorey, Edward


Liberal failure [Elektronička građa] : possible worlds in John Updike's Rabbit, run / Hossein Pirnajmuddin, Sara Saei Dibavar.
Bibliografija: str. 162-163. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - John Updike’s Rabbit, Run addresses the human condition under the reign of capital in the context of a society in transition toward a neoliberal state. By depicting a protagonist preoccupied with desire and consciousness through recounting his immediate experiences, the narrative delineates the confusion inherent in the capitalistic state for the protagonist in search of a way out toward self-actualization. Through the application of possible world theory, it is argued that the imbalance between Rabbit’s counterfactual possible worlds and his actual world accounts for the failure he experiences in his quest. As such, the possible worlds’ disequilibrium, we argue, ultimately leads to Rabbit’s bitter failure in his search; too many possible worlds in their counterfactual state produce a kind of counter-reality where there are too many fantasy/wish worlds, but few obligation worlds, a situation that leads to all the inevitable consequences we witness at the end of Book One of the Rabbit tetralogy. - Roman Rabbit, Run / Bježi, Zeče, bježi Johna Updikea, govori o ljudskom postojanju ili „ljudskom stanju“ u društvu kojim vlada kapital i zahvaćeno je tranzicijom prema neoliberalnoj državi. Pripovijedanjem o neposrednim iskustvima glavnog lika i prikazujući ga zaokupljenog željom i svjesnošću, narativ ocrtava konfuziju u koju zapada u potrazi za samoaktualizacijom kao nešto inherentno kapitalističkom sustavu. Primjenom teorije mogućih svjetova, dolazi se do zaključka da neravnoteža između protučinjeničnih „mogućih svjetova“ Rabbita i njegova stvarnog svijeta dovodi do neuspjeha njegove potrage. Previše mogućih svjetova u svom protučinjeničnom stanju proizvodi neku vrstu kontrastvarnosti u kojoj ima previše svjetova mašte/želja, a malo svjetova obveza, što vodi neizbježnim posljedicama kojima svjedočimo na kraju prve knjige Rabbit tetralogije.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020),1 ; str.145-164  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Američka književnost 20. st. -- Američka proza -- Mogući svjetovi -- Kognitivna poetika -- Neoliberalizam
Updike, John


On the cusp of the canon [Elektronička građa] : English children’s literature in the first half of the 19th century / Sandra Williams.
Bibliografija: str. 22-23. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This period, the first half of the 19th century, stands on the cusp of the first Golden Age of English children’s literature. While publications from the mid-1800s onwards, such as Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, The Secret Garden and The Wind in the Willows, have become part of the cultural landscape, those from the first half of the 19th century are largely unfamiliar and forgotten. If read at all, they are studied by academics rather than read by children. Publications at that time reveal the tensions between the perceived need for improving, moralising books and those that might give pleasure to the reader. It will be argued in this article that amongst the more didactic works, there are indicators of what was to follow. Attention is drawn to chapbooks for children and to a number of titles which have enjoyed a degree of longevity. - Razdoblje prve polovice devetnaestoga stoljeća stoji na samom rubu prvoga „zlatnoga doba“ engleske dječje književnosti. Dok su djela objavljena od sredine toga stoljeća nadalje, poput romana Aličine pustolovine u Čudozemskoj, Tajni vrt i Vjetar u vrbama, postala dio kulturnoga krajobraza, ona iz prve polovice devetnaestoga stoljeća uglavnom su nepoznata i zaboravljena. Ako ih se i čita, čitaju ih znanstvenici i stručnjaci radi akademskoga istraživanja, a ne djeca. Naslovi objavljeni u to vrijeme otkrivaju napetosti između uočene potrebe za primjernim, moralizirajućim knjigama i onima koje bi čitatelju mogle ponuditi razonodu. U radu se pokazuje da među poglavito didaktičnim djelima postoje naznake onoga što će uslijediti. Posvećuje se pozornost jeftinim sveščićima za puk (chapbooks) koje su bile namijenjene djeci, kao i naslovima koji su dosegnuli određeni stupanj opstojnosti.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 9 (2020), 1 ; str. 11-23  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Engleska književnost 19. st. -- Dječja književnost -- Moraliziranje

GRGAS, Stipe
Structure and resistance in Thomas Pynchon's Bleeding edge [Elektronička građa] / Stipe Grgas.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 124-126. - Abstract. - From his first to his last novel, Pynchon has addressed the “constraints” hemming in human existence and gestured to different ways of transcending these. After summarizing the way his novels exemplify this twofold movement I will offer a reading of his last novel Bleeding Edge and show how the dialectic between structures of power and human resistance continue to order the narrative. My reading of the novel will argue that, like in his previous work, the cooption of utopian potential resurfaces in this work and offers a vivid way of analyzing “speculative change” in literature.
U: Cross-cultural studies review (Online). - ISSN 2718-2509. - 1 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 111-126  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Američka književnost 20./21. st. -- Američka proza -- Književna analiza
Pynchon, Thomas


MATEK, Ljubica
Teška vremena i humanističko obrazovanje [Elektronička građa] : tko danas uopće čita Dickensa? / Ljubica Matek.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 473-474. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Rad iščitava roman Charlesa Dickensa Teška vremena (1854) kroz prizmu problematike obrazovanja. U romanu se prikazuje racionalistički, pozitivistički, empirijski usmjeren obrazovni sustav koji se isključivo temelji na činjenicama i zabranjuje svaki oblik mašte ili umjetničkog rada i razmišljanja, a napose čitanje književnih djela. Prikazom sudbine likova (učenika Gradgrindove škole), propituje se opravdanost i učinkovitost takvog utilitaristički usmjerenog obrazovanja, dok se odgojem i odrastanjem Sissy Jupe, utemeljenom na humanističkim vrijednostima, prikazuje alternativa takvom obrazovnom procesu. U zaključku se ističe nužnost cjelovitog obrazovanja osobe kao društveno i moralno poželjnije alternative od obrazovanja radnika za tržište te se naglašava uloga književnosti i čitanja u procesu sazrijevanja, socijalizacije, razvoja empatije i samoaktualizacije. - By focusing on the issue of education, the paper looks at Charles Dickens’s novel Hard Times (1854) which depicts a rationalist, positivist, and empirical focus of Thomas Gradgrind’s school. The education there is based on pure facts and forbids any form of imagination, artistic work and thinking, and particularly reading fiction. The events in the students’ lives serve as a means to question the validity and efficiency of such a utilitarian education, whereas the humanist education that Sissy Jupe has received from her family stands as an alternative to the strictly rationalist educational process. The conclusion emphasizes the necessity of educating the whole person as a socially and morally more acceptable option than merely educating people to become the work force. The role of literature and reading is foregrounded as crucial in the process of mat- uration, socialization, development of empathy and self-actualization.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020), 2 ; str. 453-475  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Engleska književnost 19. st. -- Engleska proza -- Obrazovanje
Dickens, Charles


Uloga scenskoga prostora u produkcijsko-recepcijskom procesu na primjeru engleske topografske drame i dubrovačke komedije 17. stoljeća [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Krtinić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 118-119. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - U ovomu radu autorica istražuje ulogu izvedbenoga prostora stavljajući u komparativni odnos izvedbenu praksu engleskih i dubrovačkih komedija 17. stoljeća. Predstava se promatra kao složen produkcijsko-recepcijski proces u kojem odabir scenskoga prostora igra bitnu ulogu u oblikovanju predstave. U središtu su istraživanja javni prostori sa svojom konotativnom i denotativnom ulogom. Stavljajući u suodnos dubrovačke smješnice i englesku topografsku dramu analizira se percepcija sličnih ili gotovo istovjetnih prostora – poput gradskoga trga. Pojavljivanje trga u komedijama 17. st., označavao on realan ili imaginaran prostor izvedbe, značajno je iz razloga što scenski prostor s njime prestaje biti samo scenska kulisa već, kao na primjeru smješnica, postaje i mjesto izvedbene autohtonosti. Upravo stoga što u sebi nosi šire semantičko polje životne dramatike i specifične prepoznatljive dinamike takav scenski prostor gledatelja poziva na aktivno sudjelovanje i formiranje vlastita metajezika te istovremeno stvara kontrapunkt između scenskog i dramskog prostora koji kreira gledatelj. I engleski i dubrovački dramatičari 17. stoljeća prepoznaju važnost scenskoga prostora u ostvarivanju izvedbene uvjerljivosti svojih komedija, ali otvoreni prostor trga doživljavaju na različite načine. Uz standardnu konvenciju scenskoga prikaza komedije 17. stoljeća, i engleska i dubrovačka komedija u svojem će uprizorenju posegnuti za denotativima koji su bliski očekivanjima vlastite publike, ostvarujući na taj način određenu autohtonost izvedbe. Prizivajući društvenu dimenziju prostora autorica otkriva međuzavisnost recepcije utemeljene na mentalitetu pojedinoga naroda i odabira scenskoga prostora. - In this paper, the author explores the role of stage space by putting in a comparative relationship the implementation practice of comedies in 17th century England and Dubrovnik. The play is seen as a complex productive and receptive process in which the selection of the stage space plays an essential role in shaping the play. In the centre of the research are public places with its connotative and denotative role. By putting in correlation the comedies in Dubrovnik i.e. smješnice and the English topographical plays, the perception of similar or almost identical spaces is analysed - such as the city’s main square. The appearance of the square in the 17th century comedies, whether it marks a realistic or imaginary space, is significant because then the stage space stops being just a stage backdrop, and evolves into a space of performance authenticity, just like in Dubrovnik’s smješnice. Because it carries a wider semantic field of life’s dramatics and a specific, recognizable dynamics, that kind of stage space invites the audience to actively participate and to form their own metalanguage. At the same time, it creates a counterpoint between the stage space and playing space that is designed by the viewer. in the 17th century, playwrights of both England and Dubrovnik recognized the importance of stage space in achieving the performance persuasion in their comedies, but they saw the open space of a square differently. With the standard convention of stage display in 17th century comedies, comedies both in England and Dubrovnik will reach for denotations that are close to expectations of their own audience, while achieving performance authenticity. By evoking the social dimension of the space, the author discovers the interdependence of the reception based on the mentality of a nation and the choice of stage space.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 99-120  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 17. st. -- Dubrovačka komedija -- Engleska književnost 17. st. -- Engleska komedija -- Izvedbeni prostor -- Smješnice

AMANOLAHI Baharvand, Peyman
The upholders of anthropocentrism and biocentrism in Annie Proulx’s Barkskins [Elektronička građa] / Peyman Amanolahi Baharvand, Bakhtiar Sadjadi.
Bibliografija: str. 206-207. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - As the bedrocks of the French imperialism in North America, the fur trade and the logging industry led to a drastic depletion in the populations of fur-bearing animals, particularly that of the beaver, and massive deforestation on the continent. Examining Annie Proulx’s Barkskins from an ecocritical point of view, this article seeks to investigate the novel’s representations of the detrimental impact of anthropocentrism. We will show that the prevalence of anthropocentrism in New France resulted in the over-harvesting of beavers to procure precious pelts for European markets, where fur clothes were in vogue during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In this scenario, French merchants went from rags to riches at the cost of losing myriads of beavers. On the other hand, our study will also address the indirect endorsement of biocentrism by the indigenous North Americans, who refrained from inflicting irreparable damage on nature in a vast territory in which the European settlers relentlessly cut ancient trees to make their fortunes. Hence, the focus of this article is the distinction between the perspectives on the natural world held by French settlers and Native Americans in Barkskins. - Trgovina krznom i šumarska industrija, kao temelj francuskog imperijalizma u Sjevernoj Americi, doveli su do drastičnog iscrpljivanja populacije krznenih životinja, posebno dabrova, te masovnog krčenja šuma na kontinentu. Analizirajući roman Barkskins Annie Proulx s ekokritičkog stajališta, ovaj članak želi istražiti romaneskne prikaze štetnog utjecaja antropocentrizma. Pokazat ćemo da je prevladavanje antropocentrizma u Novoj Francuskoj rezultiralo prevelikim izlovom dabrova radi kvalitetnog krzna za europska tržišta, gdje je krznena odjeća bila u modi tijekom 17. i 18. stoljeća. U ovom su scenariju iz „uboštva“ do bogatstva, francuski trgovci ostvarili bogatstva po cijenu života mnogih dabrova. Naša će se studija također baviti neizravnom afirmacijom biocentrizma među sjevernoameričkim starosjediocima, koji su se suzdržali od nanošenja nepopravljive štete prirodi za razliku od europskih doseljenika koji su na golemom teritoriju nemilosrdno sjekli drevna stabla kako bi stekli bogatstvo. Prema tome, fokus je ovoga članka različito gledanje na prirodni svijet francuskih doseljenika i Indijanaca u romanu Barkskins.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 189-208  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Američka književnost 20. st. -- Ekokritika -- Antropocentrizam -- Biocentrizam
Proulx, Annie


PAREL, Vaibhav Iype
The White Knight's "inventions" [Elektronička građa] : creativity and "invention" in Through the looking-glass / Vaibhav Iype Parel.
Bibliografija: str. 35. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The figure of the White Knight in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass has often been read as part of a tradition of “nonsense literature”. While this is true, I wish to extend that argument and locate the figure of the White Knight in the context of the debates around the Patent Law of 1852. While defining and recognising the role of mechanical labour, the role and function of artistic labour also featured in these debates. The White Knight’s “inventions” are deeply resonant with these debates and prompt us to ask: what is the role of the artist in an industrial society? How can art retain its autonomy and justify itself when confronted with the pervasive discourse of utilitarianism? This paper argues that the anxiety around the role of the artist is palpable in the figure of the White Knight, and through him Carroll enunciates what may be read as his intervention in this debate. - Figura Bijeloga Viteza u djelu Što je Alica otkrila iza zrcala Lewisa Carrolla često se interpretira u obzoru tradicije „nonsensne književnosti“. To je prikladno, no namjera je ovoga rada proširiti tu argumentaciju i smjestiti lik Bijeloga Viteza u kontekst rasprava o Zakonu o patentima iz 1852. godine. One određuju i prepoznaju ulogu mehaničkoga rada, ali se također dotiču uloge i funkcije umjetničkoga rada. „Izumi“ Bijeloga Viteza dubinski su povezani s tim raspravama te nas vode k pitanju: koja je uloga umjetnika u industrijskom društvu? Kako umjetnost može zadržati autonomiju i opravdati se kad se suočava sa sveprisutnim diskursom utilitarizma? Ovaj članak pokazuje da je anksioznost koja se povezuje s ulogom umjetnika upravo opipljiva u liku Bijeloga Viteza te da Carroll kroz taj lik artikulira stajalište koje se može tumačiti kao njegov prinos spomenutoj raspravi.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 9 (2020), 1 ; str. 25-36  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Britanska književnost 19. st. -- Umjetnik -- Izum -- Znanost
Carroll, Lewis


Vidi br.: HA20-02726

821.112.2   Njemačka književnost. Književnosti njemačkog jezičnog izraza

Dekadenz und Konflikt in Thomas Manns Erzählung Mario und der Zauberer [Elektronička građa] / Vito Paoletić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 73-74. - Zusammenfassung ; Sažetak ; Abstract. - Mit dem vorliegenden Aufsatz leistet der Autor der unüberschaubaren Thomas- Mann-Forschung einen ergänzenden Beitrag. Einleitend wird Thomas Manns komplizierte Beziehung zu Italien und seiner Kultur skizziert und im Anschluss werden in einigen Abschnitten wesentliche Informationen über Stoff, Entstehungsgeschichte, Inhalt und Rezeption der Novelle Mario und der Zauberer zusammengefasst. Die analysierte Novelle ist vielschichtig und lässt sich infolgedessen unterschiedlich erschließen: Abgeraten wird davon, sie lediglich als Urlaubsbericht oder als Abbildung des faschistischen Italien zu deuten. Im vorliegenden Aufsatz geht der Autor vielmehr den bisher weniger erforschten dekadenten Aspekten der Erzählung nach, analysiert die von Cipolla verwendeten Strategien der Macht und deutet kurz die konfliktvolle Kommunikation zwischen dem Zauber und dem Publikum an. - Ovim se radom namjerava dati svojevrstan doprinos bogatoj znanstvenoj bibliografiji o književnom stvaralaštvu Thomasa Manna. Članak predstavlja Mannovu kompliciranu vezu s Italijom i njezinom kulturom te nadalje približuje čitatelju temu, izvor, sadržaj i recepciju pripovijetke Mario i čarobnjak. Djelo kojim se članak bavi višeslojno je te se stoga može interpretirati na različite načine: članak svakako ustraje na tome da se predmetno književno djelo ne bi trebalo tumačiti kao jednostavno izvješće o putovanju ili kao pogled u fašističku Italiju. U članku se autor ponajprije bavi dekadentnim motivima pripovijetke, što je manje učestali pristup u književnoj bibliografiji, istražuje strateške elemente kojima se koristi mađioničar Cipolla kako bi kontrolirao publiku te ukratko navodi sukobe prisutne u komunikaciji. - This paper aims at complementing the vast biography regarding Thomas Mann’s literary production. It begins with sketching Mann’s complicated relationship with Italy and its culture and it later provides the reader with basic information regarding the subject matter, the origin, the content and the reception of the novella Mario and the Magician. The tale that this article focuses on is multilayered and may hence be interpreted in diverse ways: the paper, however, advises against interpreting it solely as an account of a holiday or as a picture of fascist Italy. In his paper, the author examines primarily the decadent aspects of the tale, which is less common in the academic research, he analyses the strategies used by Cipolla in order to control the masses, and looks briefly at conflicts in communication.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 57-76  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Njemačka književnost 20. st. -- Njemačka proza -- Dekadencija -- Književna analiza
Mann, Thomas


821.12   Latinska književnost

Ovidio e le ambiguità dell'Eneide [Elektronička građa] / Marco Fernandelli.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 160-165. - Riassunto ; Sažetak. - L'ambiguità è un tratto caratteristico del linguaggio epico virgiliano. L'idea che essa sia l'espressione di un dualismo tra piani di significato rappresentati da voci (“Two voices theory'), cui attribuire un grado maggiore o minore di autenticità, è stata superata a favore di una lettura che riconosce tale autenticità nello stato aperto del testo, che insieme stimola all'interpretazione e si presta a una continua riattualizzazione dei propri significati. L'“ambivalenza” (del testo) ha preso il posto della dialettica di “ottimismo” e “pessimismo” (nella visione dell'autore). Virgilio, in Ovidio, è onnipresente. Le ambiguità dell'Eneide, la cui tipologia è varia, causano, in Ovidio, due risposte: lo invitano a illuminare le zone contraddittorie di quel testo già classico; oppure sono risolte o neutralizzate nel quadro di riscritture di genere e intonazione diversi, ma sempre in modo che la disambiguazione risulti palese e si configuri come una scelta conforme ai valori di una poetica nuova. Ciò si nota in particolare nelle Metamorfosi, dove i luoghi più complessi dell'Eneide nutrono l'invenzione poetica, mentre la loro conversione in situazioni, immagini, espressioni univoche asseconda la fluidità che il poema del continuo mutamento richiede al suo linguaggio. Ma questa semplificazione del complesso e determinazione dell'indeterminato è anche il filtro attraverso il quale l'inimitabile Eneide si offre all'imitazione delle generazioni successive. - Dvosmislenost je karakteristično obilježje vergilijevskoga epskog jezičnog izraza. Ideja da je ona izrazom dualizma među značenjskim razinama koje predstavljaju glasovi (“Two voices theory”) prevladana je u korist čitanja koje prihvaća takvu autentičnost u otvorenosti teksta, koja istovremeno potiče interpretaciju i biva otvorena za neprekidnu reaktualizaciju vlastitih signifikata. “Dvoznačnost” (teksta) zauzela je mjesto dijalektike “optimizma” i “pesimizma” (u viziji autora). Virgilije je kod Ovidija sveprisutan. Dvoznačnosti Eneide, čija je tipologija raznolika, uzrokuju kod Ovidija dva odgovora: pozivaju ga da rasvijetli kontradiktorne zone u tom, već klasičnom, tekstu; ili su pak razriješene ili neutralizirane preradama u okviru drugoga žanra ili intonacije, ali uvijek tako da razdioba ostaje jasna i poput izbora koji se prilagođava vrijednostima nove poetike. To se osobito zamjećuje u Metamorfozama, gdje najkompleksnija mjesta Eneide hrane poetsku invenciju, dok njihova konverzija u jednoznačne situacije, slike i izraze podržava fluidnost kakvu poema neprekidne izmjene zahtijeva od svoga jezičnog izraza. No to je pojednostavljenje složenoga i određenje neodređenoga i filtar putem kojega se Eneida, koju nije moguće imitirati, nudi na imitaciju kasnijim generacijama.
U: Tabula (Pula. Online). - ISSN 1849-1685. - (2020), 17 ; str. 125-167  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Latinska književnost -- Dvosmislenost
Vergilije -- Vergilius Maro, Publius -- Ovidius Naso, Publius -- Ovidije


ŽUPANIĆ, Kristian
Umanjenice u Plautovim komedijama [Elektronička građa] / Kristian Županić, Nada Bulić.
Prilozi na str. 369-378. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 366-368. - Sažetak ; Riassunto. - U radu se, na korpusu koji čine sve u cijelosti sačuvane Plautove komedije i fragmenti, istražuje pojava i upotreba umanjenica u latinskom jeziku – fenomen koji je posvjedočen u svim razdobljima njegove književne povijesti, a u najvećem obilju u Plautovim komedijama. Tvorbeno Plautove umanjenice pokazuju određenu pravilnost. Njihova pretjerana cirkulacija u komičkim dijalozima uz značajan gubitak deminutivnoga značenja naznačuje njihovu semantičku istrošenost i prelazak u stilsku kategoriju. Ispitivanje njihove tvorbe, upotrebe i značenja, s osvrtom na druge primjere u latinskom, pružili su tako jasniju sliku o umanjenicama u latinskom jeziku i fenomenu njihova procvata u pretklasičnom latinskom. - Il lavoro su un corpus di commedie e frammenti plautini interamente conservati, esplora la presenza e l’uso dei diminutivi nella lingua latina – fenomeno rinvenuto in tutte le epoche della sua storia letteraria e, soprattutto, nelle commedie plautine. Nel sistema di formazione i diminutivi di Plauto mostrano una certa regolarità. La loro eccessiva circolazione nei dialoghi comici con una pronunciata perdita di significato diminutivo indica una possibile perdita di valore semantico nel linguaggio ed una transizione verso una categoria stilistica. L’esame della loro formazione, uso e significato, con riferimenti ad altri esempi in latino, ha fornito così un quadro più chiaro dei diminutivi nella lingua latina e del fenomeno del loro sviluppo nel latino preclassico.
U: Tabula (Pula. Online). - ISSN 1849-1685. - (2020), 17 ; str. 345-380  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Latinska književnost -- Latinski jezik -- Deminutivi -- Vulgarni latinski -- Komedije
Plautus, Titus Maccius -- Plaut


821.13   Romanske književnosti

CAMICIA, Claudia
Eradicating illiteracy in the rural masses during the Great War [Elektronička građa] : the newspaper Il Piccolissimo / Claudia Camicia. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 357-359. - Summary ; Sažetak. - This study analyses a unique Italian publication linked to a wider project aimed at eradicating the illiteracy of the rural masses. Il Piccolissimo (1917–1919), a magazine written for children in the agricultural area around Rome, informed them about the Great War and educated them about better values and the importance of making savings. This cultural project, conceived and edited by Giovanni Cena and other intellectuals of the time, also envisaged the establishment and management of rural schools and infirmaries to provide children with a better and healthier life. In Italy, during those years, the magazine Il Corriere dei Piccoli was published to entertain and educate children of the middle and upper classes, while Il Piccolissimo sought to develop an awareness of social responsibility in the poor and hardworking children of the countryside. By examining its contents, graphic layout, iconic language, and educational aims we intend to highlight how the type of childhood it targeted acquired unprecedented social visibility in Italy. - U radu se analizira jedinstvena talijanska publikacija povezana sa širim projektom iskorjenjivanja nepismenosti ruralnoga stanovništva. List Il Piccolissimo (1917. – 1919.) bio je namijenjen djeci u poljoprivrednoj okolici Rima, a prenosio im je vijesti o Velikom ratu i poučavao ih boljim vrijednostima i štedljivosti. Taj kulturni projekt, novine koje je pokrenuo i uređivao Giovanni Cena u suradnji s drugim tadašnjim intelektualcima, također je pratio i poticao osnivanje i rad seoskih škola i ambulanta kako bi se djeci omogućio bolji i zdraviji život. Tih je godina u Italiji izlazio časopis za zabavu i pouku Il Corriere dei Piccoli namijenjen djeci srednje i više klase, dok je cilj časopisa Il Piccolissimo bio razvijati svijest o društvenoj odgovornosti među siromašnom i seoskom djecom koja su teško radila. Analiza sadržaja, grafičkoga dizajna, vizualnoga jezika i obrazovnih ciljeva toga časopisa, pokazuje kako se njegovom djelatnošću u Italiji ostvarila nepredviđena društvena vidljivost one vrste djetinjstva koja je bila svakodnevnica njegovih čitatelja.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 9 (2020), 2 ; str. 335-359  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Talijanska književnost 20. st. -- Dječja književnost -- Nepismenost -- Prvi svjetski rat
Cena, Giovanni


Laura Marchig e Carla Rotta [Elektronička građa] : considerazioni introduttive per un confronto tra due innovatrici della letteratura istro-quarnerina / Anna Bortoletto, Elis Deghenghi Olujić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 5 jed. - Riassunto ; Summary. - Questo lavoro desidera offrire una panoramica, comparativa, sulla produzione di due autrici appartenenti alla fase più recente della letteratura istro-quarnerina: Laura Marchig e Carla Rotta. Infatti, nonostante le due si dedichino a generi letterari differenti – rispettivamente poesia e prosa – le loro produzioni presentano dei punti di contatto particolarmente interessanti. Non solo, infatti, costituiscono un punto di rottura notevole con la tradizione letteraria istro-quarnerina precedente; ma entrambe, al netto delle evidenti differenze stilistiche, offrono una visione squisitamente femminile dei grandi temi della vita umana che, in più di un’occasione, tende a convergere. Il lavoro, dunque, dopo aver presentato brevemente le due autrici e averle collocate all’interno della letteratura istro-quarnerina, procederà con l’analisi di alcuni temi peculiari in due opere emblematiche: la silloge poetica T(t)erra per Marchig e la raccolta di racconti Femminile Singolare per Rotta. - The purpose of this paper is to compare the production of two writers belonging to the most recent phase of the Italian literature from the Istrian-Kvarner region: Laura Marchig and Carla Rotta. Despite embracing two different genres – poetry and prose respectively – their work presents some comparable features: they both are a turning point within the history of the Istrian-Kvarner literature; but also, despite the obvious differences in their styles, they both offer a common point of view – from a female perspective – on some important topics of human life. This paper, after a brief presentation of the two writers and their role in the Istrian-Kvarner literature, will analyse some key topics in two of their most important works: the collection of poetry T(t)erra by Marchig and the collection of short stories Femminile Singolare by Rotta.
U: Studia Polensia (Online). - ISSN 2459-6256. - 9 (2020), 1 ; str. 51-63  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Talijanska književnost -- Istarsko-kvarnerska književnost
Marchig, Laura -- Rotta, Carla


GALLO, Cinzia
Lo spasimo di Palermo fra crisi e memoria [Elektronička građa] / Cinzia Gallo.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 22-23. - Riassunto ; Summary. - Lo Spasimo di Palermo è esempio di una crisi che ha ripercussioni nella forma espressiva: da una parte, emerge la consapevolezza che «sul ciglio dell’abisso la parola si raggela, si fa […] simbolo sfuggente», dall’altra il romanzo appare un «genere scaduto, corrotto, impraticabile». Il conflitto generazionale fra Chino e Mauro rientra pure in quest’ambito. Da qui derivano varie soluzioni che portano al «poema narrativo» di Consolo e testimoniano il disorientamento prevalente: accumuli paratattici, metafore, figure retoriche, figure del discorso. Le suggestioni pittoriche trovano il loro centro nello Spasimo di Sicilia di Raffaello, simbolo di una sofferenza che da Palermo arriva alla Sicilia e a tutto il mondo, mentre gli spazi hanno una grande importanza e mostrano la perdita della memoria storica, responsabile della crisi. - Lo Spasimo di Palermo is example of a crisis that has repercussions on the expressive form: on the one hand, the consciousness that «sul ciglio dell’abisso la parola si raggela, si fa […] simbolo sfuggente» comes out, on the other hand novel seems a «genere scaduto, corrotto, impraticabile». The generational conflict between Chino and Mauro is included in this sphere too. Hence it follows many solutions that lead to Consolo’s «poema narrativo» and testify the prevailing disorientation: paratactic accumulation, metaphors, literary quotations, figures of speech. Pictorial suggestions find its centre in Raphael’s Lo Spasimo di Sicilia, symbol of a pain that from Palermo arrives to Sicily and all world, while the spaces have a great importance and show the loss of historical memory, responsible for crisis.
U: Studia Polensia (Online). - ISSN 2459-6256. - 9 (2020), 1 ; str. 7-23  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Talijanska književnost -- Talijanska proza -- Književna analiza
Consolo, Vincenzo


RAVEGGI, Patrizia
Luciano Bianciardi e l'uva della collera [Elektronička građa] : iter di un'immagine / Patrizia Raveggi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst : bibliografija: str. 183-184. - Riassunto ; Summary. - Luciano Bianciardi pubblicò per testate diverse, negli anni tra il 1944 e il 1971, quasi mille articoli di natura estremamente varia, (elzeviri, rubrica delle lettere, critica televisiva, inchieste, cronache locali, pezzi sportivi), oltre ai suoi più noti romanzi e a opere di divulgazione storica dell’epopea risorgimentale: il tutto scritto nelle ore di riposo da quello che dal 1954 in avanti costituì il suo vero lavoro e fonte di reddito, un immane impegno traduttorio. Questo contributo individua nel percorso creativo dell’autore in parola, caratterizzato dalla tecnica del riuso di testi propri e altrui, da lui o tradotti o consultati per studio, una immagine balenatagli in mente durante il servizio militare, in guerra, sotto un bombardamento e da lui annotata poco a valle dell’evento in un suo Diario; tale immagine periodicamente riaffiora in altri scritti fino a fungere da conclusione del romanzo che lo avrebbe reso famoso. - Between 1944 and 1971 Luciano Bianciardi published almost a thousand articles of extremely varied nature (elzeviri, mail column, television criticism, investigative reports, local chronicles, sports pieces), in addition to his well-known novels and to several works of historical dissemination of the Risorgimento epic: all of them written during his break time; from 1954 onwards his real job and source of income was a huge translation job. This contribution identifies in the creative path of the author in question, characterized by the technique of reusing his own and others’ texts, an image flashed in his mind during his military service, in war, under a bombing, and which periodically resurfaces in his writing until it acts as conclusion of the novel that would have made him famous.
U: Studia Polensia (Online). - ISSN 2459-6256. - 9 (2020), 1 ; str. 175-185  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Talijanska književnost -- Prevođenje -- Intertekstualnost
Bianciardi, Luciano


Macaronea folenghiana et alii [Elektronička građa] : reminiscenze europee dell’arte di mescolanza linguistica / Julia Krauze.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 271-272. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Makaronski se jezik tradicionalno definira kao vrsta jezičnog eksperimenta, kao proizvod kombinacije latinskoga i vernakularnoga jezika kojim su se služili neki talijanski pisci 16. stoljeća u sastavcima mahom komičkoga karaktera. Budući da se radi o vrsti ekspresivnoga jezika, karakterizira ga upotreba latiniziranih sjevernotalijanskih dijalekata zahvaljujući istaknutoj jezičnoj snazi koja se osobito postiže kroz zajedljivu karikaturu prikazanih likova. Brojni su razlozi uspona makaronskoga jezika, uključujući i neprijateljski stav akademskih krugova prema svečanom klasičnom stilu i sklonost k jezičnom eksperimentiranju usmjerenom na društvenu satiru. U Italiji i drugim europskim zemljama dobio je određeniju i rasprostranjeniju formu tek krajem 15. stoljeća doživjevši vrhunac u Teofilu Folengu, što je, u stoljećima koja su usljedila, iznjedrilo brojne ogranke u Francuskoj, Španjolskoj, Njemačkoj i Poljskoj. U radu se više prostora daje usporedbi Folengova djela i poljskih autora. - The Macaronic language is traditionally defined as a sort of linguistic experiment, that is the fruit of a combination of the Latin and the vernacular, used by some Italian writers of the sixteenth century in compositions mainly of comic character. Being a sort of expressive language, it is characterized by the use of the Latinized northern Italian dialects, due to a very marked linguistic force obtained in particular through a pungent caricature of the characters. The reasons that gave rise to the Macaronic were numerous, including the hostility of some academic circles to the solemn classical style and the inclination to linguistic experimentation focused on social satire. His fortune in Italy and in European countries assumes a more defined and widespread form only at the end of the fifteenth century, finding in Teofilo Folengo its highest manifestation which in the following centuries gave rise to the numerous local veins in France, Spain, Germany and Poland. Therefore, in this article the comparison with Folengo’s work will be given more space to Polish authors.
U: Tabula (Pula. Online). - ISSN 1849-1685. - (2020), 17 ; str. 259-274  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Makaronština -- Satira -- Mimeza
Folengo, Teofilo


CLAVIJO, Milagro Martín
L'umorismo sovversivo di Eva in paradiso [Elektronička građa] : l'altra storia della genesi raccontata da Franca Rame e Dario Fo / Milagro Martín Clavijo.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 16-18. - Riassunto ; Summary. - Franca Rame e Dario Fo hanno creato numerosi spettacoli imperniati sulla donna del mito, del passato e del presente, rimaneggiando in continuazione i tradizionali modelli femminili tramandati nel corso del tempo. Eva, classico modello che incorpora il l ruolo della donna nella società, appare di frequnte nel repertorio dei due autori-attori. Quest’articolo si basa sull’analisi di due spettacoli che vedono Eva protagonista assoluta di un’altra versione della creazione del mondo: Il diario di Eva e Adamo ed Eva e si sofferma in particolare sul momento della nominatio rerum. Con questi due testi Rame e Fo propongono un’altra Genesi che rompe una tradizione narrativa che per secoli ha condizionato il rapporto tra i generi. La storia della creazione viene raccontata da due punti di vista: da quello dell’essere umano in genere e da quello femminile in specifico, quest’ultimo, caratterizzato da umanità, comprensione e un’alta dose di umorismo. Sarà infatti proprio Eva, che ha il dono della parola, a dare vita al creato attraverso il linguaggio. - Franca Rame and Dario Fo have created numerous plays centered on the woman – in myth, in the past, in the present time – and have reconsidered the traditional women’s models that have been passed down for centuries until today. Eve is a founding model of the role of women in society and she could not be missed in their repertoire. This article focuses on the analysis of two plays with Eve as the protagonist of another version of the world’s creation: Il diario di Eva and Adamo ed Eva and it is particularly concentrated at the time of the nominated rerum. With these two dramaturgical texts, Fo and Rame propose another Genesis and violate the narrative that for centuries has influenced the way we perceive the relationship between the sexes and female identity. This is the creation story told by the creatures, particularly from a female point of view, full of humanity, understanding and a high dose of humor: Eve is the one who makes creation exist through language, the one who has the gift of speech.
U: Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu (Online). - ISSN 2459-5128. - (2020), 13 ; str. 3-18  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drama -- Talijanska drama -- Ženski identitet -- Humor -- Adam i Eva
Rame, Franca -- Fo, Dario


Vidi br.: HA20-02578

821.15   Keltska književnost

MORETTI, Violeta
Čudesni svjetovi Geralda od Walesa [Elektronička građa] : prijevod i komentar odabranih ulomaka iz djela Topographia Hiberniae / Violeta Moretti, Tara Pavlović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 416-417. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Članak je podijeljen u dva dijela, od kojih prvi donosi kratak filološki uvod i kontekstualizira sljedeći - odabrane ulomke djela Topographia Hiberniae anglonormanskoga arhiđakona Geralda of Walesa. Poznat i kao Giraldus Cambrensis ili Gerald de Barry, taj je autor bio klerik, političar, ali i eminentna intelektualna figura dvanaestostoljetne Britanije. Njegovo trodijelno djelo donosi opise, među ostalim, krajolika, flore i faune Irske, ali i anegdote i zgode o čudesima koje se mogu iščitavati u alegorijskome ključu, kao i nevjerojatne zabilješke o ljudima tih krajeva. Prevedene ulomke objavljujemo kako bismo ukazale na živopisan imaginativni svijet toga djela. - This paper is divided into two parts: the first is a short philological introduction providing the context for the second one – the first translation of selected fragments from Topographia Hiberniae by Gerald of Wales from Latin into Croatian. Also known as Giraldus Cambrensis or Gerald de Barry, the author was an eminent intellectual figure, a clergyman and politician from 12th century Britain. His tripartite work described the landscape, flora and fauna of Ireland, narrating at the same time miracles that can be read in allegorical key, and information of ambiguous credibility about the people of Ireland. The translated fragments should provide a glimpse into the vivid imaginative world we find in this writing.
U: Tabula (Pula. Online). - ISSN 1849-1685. - (2020), 17 ; str. 405-419  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Latinski izvornik -- Hrvatski prijevodi -- Srednji vijek -- Imaginacije
Giraldus Cambrensis -- Gerald od Walesa


821.16   Slavenske književnosti

Poližanrovska i transdiskurzivna tekstualnost (trans)romana Me'med, crvena bandana i pahuljica Semezdina Mehmedinovića [Elektronička građa] / Selma Raljević.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 21-22. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Me’med, crvena bandana i pahuljica hibridni je roman Semezdina Mehmedinovića, objavljen 2017., koji svoju priču kazuje primjenom medija konceptualne umjetnosti. Između ostalih, on se bavi temama identiteta, sjećanja i njihova gubitka, traume, rata, migracija, pripadanja, nostalgije, zdravlja, obitelji, ljubavi i umjetnosti. Kako je sam trasnacionalni postjugoslavenski bosanskohercegovačko / južnoslavensko / istočnoeuropsko-američki književnik s imigrantskim iskustvom, Mehmedinović propituje normirane pojmove i shvaćanja identiteta time što istražuje konstrukcije i osobnog i društvenog identiteta, ali i identiteta narativa, čime se remete i poništavaju ideje „čistog“ identiteta. Njegov roman, u svom poližanrovskom, transdiskurzivnom i transumjetničkom narativu, iskazuje potrebu odbacivanja ideje čistog identiteta i, umjesto toga, prihvaćanja hibridnosti koja, između ostaloga, podrazumijeva koegzistenciju različitosti, dekonstrukciju binarnih konstrukcija (bilo između nacija, kultura, rasa, klasa ili rodova), te reflektira i (pre)oblikuje mnoge ključne pojave suvremenog ljudskog iskustva, pri čemu njegov tekst i kontekst funkcioniraju kao način i/ili zaziv prevladavanja „zamišljenih“ granica i artikulacija glasa neasimilacijskog identiteta drugotnosti. - Semezdin Mehmedinović’s 2017 hybrid (trans)novel Me’med, Red Bandana and a Snowflake (Me’med, crvena bandana i pahuljica) employs a conceptual art medium to present its content. Among others, it deals with the themes of identity, memory and memory loss, trauma, war, migration, belonging, nostalgia, health, family, love, and art. Being himself a transnational Post-Yugoslav Bosnian and Herzegovinian/South Slavic/ Eastern European-American writer with immigrant experience, Mehmedinović challenges the normative conception of identity by exploring identity construction in terms of personal and social identity as well as of the identity of narrative that disrupt the idea of “pure” identity. In its multi-genre, trans-discursive and trans-artistic storytelling, the novel shows the need of abandoning the idea of pure identity and embracing instead hybridity, which, among other things, envisions a coexistence of differences, deconstructs the construction of binaries (whether between nations, cultures, races, classes, or genders), and also reflects and (re)shapes many key features of contemporary human experience, configuring the realm of transgressed “imaginary” borders and articulating a voice of unassimilable identity of alterity.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 1-23  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bosanskohercegovačka književnost 21. st. -- Bosanskohercegovačka proza -- Hibridni roman
Mehmedinović, Semezdin


Poželjni Drugi [Elektronička građa] : o pozitivnom odnosu prema Drugom u južnoslovenskoj ljubavnoj i svadbenoj usmenoj lirici / Ana Vukmanović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 45-46. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se razmatraju pozitivni odnosi prema Drugom u ljubavnim i svadbenim usmenim lirskim pesmama na južnoslovenskom prostoru. Usmena lirika modeluje odnose prema Drugom kao dinamične, određene relacijama stranosti i bliskosti. Zavisno od perspektive, značenja se nijansiraju: Drugi je neko ko izaziva interesovanje, ko budi želju (iskazanu kroz erotske igre, realizovanu u erotskom susretu ili snažnu želju koja prevazilazi odbijanja ili granice između svog i tuđeg) i s kim se uspostavlja bračna veza. Drugi je ambivalentan kao moćan i ugrožen, ali i kao biće u graničnoj (predsvadbenoj) situaciji. Kontrast sa svojim zaoštrava se tokom svadbe, kada je Drugi željeni mladoženja (ili željena nevesta), a susret s njim znak je prelaska iz jedne životne faze u narednu, odvajanje od svoje porodice i ulazak u novu. Muški tekst svadbenih pesama odnos prema Drugom označava prisvajanjem mlade. Široki raspon značenja od erotske igre do prisvajanja pokazuje da usmena lirika, prateći složena emotivna stanja ljudi, peva o poželjnom Drugom na različite načine, ali uvek sa svešću o nužnosti veze sa njim i prekoračenja granice svog i tuđeg. - The paper discusses the positive attitude towards the Other in love and wedding oral lyric songs in the South Slavic context. Oral lyricism models the relation with the Other as dynamic, determined by relations of strangeness and closeness. Depending on perspective, the meanings of the Other varies: he/she attracts attention, provokes desire (presented as erotic play, as realized in an erotic encounter, or as powerful desire which overcomes refusal and boundary between what is one’s own and what is alien) and becomes one’s husband/wife. The Other is ambiguous between being powerful and endangered, and as a being in liminal (pre-wedding) situation. The contrast is even more emphasized in a wedding context when the Other is a desirable groom (or a desirable bride), and an encounter with him/her marks the passage from one life phase to another, separation from one’s own family and entering a new one. In the male text of wedding songs, the relation with the Other represents the arrogance of the bride. The wide range of meanings, from erotic play to arrogance demonstrates the capacity of oral lyricism to deal with a desirable Other in different ways. Following complex human emotions, songs show the importance of the relation with the Other and surpassing the boundaries between one’s own and alien.
U: Narodna umjetnost (Online). - ISSN 1848-865X. - 57 (2020), 2 ; str. 33-47  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Južnoslavensko pjesništvo -- Usmeno pjesništvo -- Lirika -- Pjesme -- Erotika -- Drugi -- Svadbe

Srdžba Ivana Karamazova [Elektronička građa] / Edin Pobrić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 54-55. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Roman Braća Karamazovi F. M. Dostojevskog sa pitanjima koje postavlja – timotika čovjeka – ništa nije izgubio od svoje aktuelnosti. Ovaj rad je pokušaj da se savremenom čovjeku približe teme sa kojima se tzv. prva pitanja svode na egzistencijalna pitanja, metafizika na etiku. Dostojevski za čitatelje, putem svojih junaka, iznosi misli o povijesti življenja čovjeka na zemlji i njegovoj patnji, o slobodi i vjeri, vlasti i tajni, o autoritetu i moralu, te o samoj čovjekovoj prirodi. Zašto postoji zlo u svijetu, zašto postoji patnja?, da li čovjek, uopšte, može voljeti drugog čovjeka, može li voljeti „bez Boga“, je li u stanju „djelotvorno voljeti“, i može li, na koncu, Thanatos biti inkorporiran u Eros!? – pitanja su koja opsjedaju junake Dostojevskog. Dostojevski je u ovom romanu prikazao sukob nekoliko svjetova koji je u konačnici nerazrješiv bilo kakvim sistemom binarnih opozicija. Pojedinačni principi Ivana ili Zosime, Krista ili Velikog Inkvizitora, Aljoše ili Smerdjakova, uz svjetove svih drugih likova, čitamo kao jedan univerzum suprotnosti i, u isto vrijeme, neke čudne veze među svim tim svjetovima koji se, čini se, ne mogu do kraja razumski dokučiti. Stoga, dva oprečna pogleda na jednu te istu stvar ovdje ne znače raslojavanje stvarnosti, nego znače govor o njenoj suštini, njenoj očiglednoj istini. - The Brothers Karamazov novel by F. M. Dostoyevsky, with the questions he raises – the timothy of man – has lost nothing of its actuality. This paper is an attempt to bring closer to the contemporary man the topics with which the so-called primal questions are reduced to existential ones, metaphysics to ethics. Through his heroes, Dostoyevsky presents his thoughts on the history of man’s life on earth and his suffering, on freedom and faith, power and mystery, on authority and morality, and on man’s nature itself. Why is there evil in the world, why suffering exists? can a man, in general, love another man, can he love “without God,” is he able to “effectively love,”, and can Thanatos be eventually incorporated into Eros!? – are the questions that besiege Dostoyevsky’s heroes. In this novel, Dostoyevsky portrays the conflict of several worlds that is ultimately unsolvable by any system of binary oppositions. The individual principles of Ivan or Zosima, Christ or the Grand Inquisitor, Alyosha or Smerdyakov, with the worlds of all other characters, are read as one universe of opposites and, at the same time, some strange connections between all these worlds that do not seem to be wholly reasonably understood. Therefore, two opposing views at one same thing do not mean the stratification of reality here, but rather speaking of its essence, its apparent truth.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 25-56  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ruska književnost 19. st. -- Etika -- Filozofski pristup
Dostoevskij, Fëdor Mihajlovič


821.163.42   Hrvatska književnost

Antropologija siromaštva u književnim svjetovima Vjenceslava Novaka i Krležinim socijalnim feljtonima [Elektronička građa] / Suzana Marjanić.
2. senjski interdisciplinarni simpozij "Dragi Novače!", Senj, 26.-27.4.2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 162-164. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Antropologija prosjačenja i ekohistorija zbirke Podgorske pripovijetke (1889.) Vjenceslava Novaka, gdje se često ističe antologijska Podgorska lutrijašica (Vijenac, 1889.), u odnosu na dijadu očevi/majke – kćeri/sinovi, dokumentira subalteran odnos iz pozicije časti prosjačkoga štapa u kojemu su roditelji pokvarenom smatrali djecu koja su se sramila prosjačenja. U drugome dijelu članka navedena Novakova tematika antropologije prosjačenja i solidarnosti postavljena je u kontekst sa socijalnim feljtonima Miroslava Krleže. U tjedniku Narodna zaštita namijenjenom, prema atribuciji u podnaslovu, ratnim nemoćnicima i siročadi, Krleža je 8. studenoga 1917. objavio feljton, kao svoj prvi članak o sirotinji, Kako stanuje sirotinja u Zagrebu? Drugi Krležin članak o sirotinji, feljton Narod koji gladuje, koji određuje kao varijantu o sijerku/metlama kojima se Hercegovci "hrane kao pogačom", pisan je na temu potresnih primjera strategija preživljavanja Hercegovaca koji su, u arealu borbi vlastitih izgladnjelih tijela, bili prisiljeni hraniti se sijerkom. - The anthropology of begging and eco-history of the collection Podgorske pripovijetke (Podgorje Stories) (1889) by Vjenceslav Novak, where the anthological Podgorska lutrijašica (Podgorje Lottery Seller) (Vijenac, 1889) stands out, in relation to the dyad of father/mother -daughter/son, documents a subaltern relationship from the position of the honour of begging in which parents considered children corrupt who were ashamed of begging.In the second part of the article, Novak’s mentioned theme of the anthropology of begging and solidarity is placed in context with the social feuilletons of Miroslav Krleža. In the weekly publication Narodna zaštita (National Protection) intended, according to the attribution in the subtitle, for the wartime helpless and orphans, Krleža published a feuilleton on 8th November 1917, as his first article about the poor, How do poor people in Zagreb live? Krleža’s second article about the poor, the feuilleton Narod koji gladuje (The hungry people), which he defines as a variant about the sorghum/Osyris alba which Herzegovinians" fed on like flatbread", is written on the theme of the shocking examples of the survival strategies of the Herzegovinians who were, in the area of the struggle of their own starving bodies, forced to eat sorghum.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 47 (2020), 1 ; str. 147-164  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 19./20. st. -- Hrvatska proza -- Hrvatska publicistika -- Prosjačenje -- Siromaštvo
Novak, Vjenceslav -- Krleža, Miroslav


Crtica o Božiću Vjenceslava Novaka ili kako istinske ljudske vrijednosti prevladavaju tminu realizma [Elektronička građa] / Diana Njegovan.
2. senjski interdisciplinarni simpozij "Dragi Novače!", Senj, 26.-27.4.2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst : bibliografija: str. 230-232. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu je analizirana Crtica o Božiću Vjenceslava Novaka, s posebnim naglaskom na autobiografske i autoreferencijalne elemente, svjetonazor autora te ton djela. Crtica o Božiću unatoč svojoj kratkoći obiluje sadržajem. Djelo pruža nadu, vjeru u bolji, viši svijet. Ljubav prema obitelji u djelu ublažila je realnost neimaštine siromašnoga profesora i pisca koji s nelagodom iščekuje dolazak Božića jer ne može priuštiti darove svojoj mnogobrojnoj obitelji. Zanimljiva je i katolička inspiracija koja pruža optimizam u uobičajeno tamnom tonu realizma, predstavljenom kroz oskudicu i neimaštinu te zapostavljenost intelektualca koji obitava na socijalnoj periferiji. U našoj književnosti realizma Novak zauzima značajno mjesto, unatoč tome što njegov opus nije do kraja popisan i istražen. Upravo Crtica o Božiću oslikava autobiografske i autoreferencijalne elemente pisca koji stvara iz potrebe. Proživljenost opisanoga stvorila je zanimljiv doprinos hrvatskog Balzaca, onoga koji je vjerno prikazivao siromahe na rubu egzistencije, uspjevši periferiju smjestiti u središte pozornosti onih koji čitaju te onih koji analiziraju i tumače njegovo stvaralaštvo. - In the paper, Vjenceslav Novak’s Crtica o Božiću (A Sketch of Christmas) is analysed with a special emphasis on the autobiographical and self-referential elements, the author’s worldview and the tone that the work offers. Despite its brevity Crtica o Božiću is full of contents. The work offers hope and belief in a better, higher world. Love for one’s family in the work softens the reality of the poverty of a poor professor and writer who is uncomfortably awaiting the arrival of Christmas because he cannot afford gifts for his large family. Also interesting is the Catholic inspiration that provides optimism in the unusually dark tone of realism, represented via shortages and poverty and the neglect of an intellectual who lives on the social periphery. Novak occupies a significant place in our literature of realism, despite the fact that his opus has not been catalogued and researched completely. In fact Crtica o Božiću depicts autobiographical and self-referential elements of the writer who creates out of necessity. The experience of what was described created an interesting contribution by the Croatian Balzac, the one who faithfully portrayed the poor on the edge of existence, managing to place the periphery in the centre of attention of those who read and those who analyse and interpret his creativity.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 47 (2020), 1 ; str. 219-232  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 19./20. st. -- Hrvatska proza -- Autoreferencijalnost
Novak, Vjenceslav


DURIĆ, Dejan
Dimenzije prostora u Podgorki Vjenceslava Novaka [Elektronička građa] / Dejan Durić.
2. senjski interdisciplinarni simpozij "Dragi Novače!", Senj, 26.-27.4.2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 37. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Već je Ivo Frangeš zamijetio da se književni opus Vjenceslava Novaka može podijeliti u nekoliko krugova te ih je izdvojio na temelju tematskoga kriterija. Tako prvi čine Senj i njegovi problemi te društveni procesi; drugi čini senjska okolica ili Podgorje; treći se odnosi na građanski kontekst Senja i Zagreba, a četvrti na svijet obespravljenih urbanih masa u Zagrebu i Senju. Već iz ove podjele naslućuje se mogućnost drugačijega sagledavanja Novaka opusa: na temelju prostora, pa stoga možemo govoriti o Senju, Zagrebu i Podgorju kao glavnim toposima. Roman Podgorka Vjenceslava Novaka, kako i sam naslov upućuje, u tom bi kontekstu ulazio u domenu autorova stvaralaštva koja se bavi prostorom i problematikom Podgorja. Cilj izlaganja je povezati koncept književne geografije s modusom romanse. Sagledavat će se književna konstrukcija prostora te njezina isprepletenost s društvenom konstrukcijom prostora. Razmotrit će se kako su prostorne odrednice dovedene u vezu sa Sojinim konceptom thirdspace te modusom romanse kao primarnim oblikom organiziranja naracije. - Ivo Frangeš had already noticed that the literary opus of Vjenceslav Novak can be divided into several circles and he singled them out on the basis of thematic criteria. So, Senj and its problems and social processes made up the first; Senj’s surroundings or Podgorje made up the second; the third relates to the civic context of Senj and Zagreb, and the fourth was the world of the deprived urban masses in Zagreb and Senj. From this division, the possibility of a different view of Novak’s opus is already hinted at: based on space, and therefore we are able to speak about Senj, Zagreb and Podgorje as the main topoi. The novel Podgorka (Foothill Woman) by Vjenceslav Novak, as the title itself suggests, in this context would enter the domain of the author’s work that deals with the space and problematic of Podgorje. The goal of the presentation is to connect the concept of literary geography with the mode of romance. The literary construction of the space and its intertwinement with the social construction of the space will be examined. Also to be considered is how spatial determinants are brought into connection with Soya’s concept of thirdspace and the mode of romance as the primary form of the organisation of the narration.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 47 (2020), 1 ; str. 17-38  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 19./20. st. -- Hrvatska proza -- Prostor -- Književna geografija
Novak, Vjenceslav


ODŽA, Ivana
Dragojla, Ivana, Mani - subverzija kao dijalog? [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Odža.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 108-110. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se razmatraju dnevnički zapisi dviju hrvatskih autorica, Dragojle Jarnević (1812. – 1875.) i Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić (1874. – 1938.) te autobiografski roman Fališ mi u proljeću, u jeseni, u ljetu, u zimi, Mani Gotovac (1939. – 2019.). Navedena djela svojim poetičkim obilježjima, u širokom smislu riječi, slijede matricu ženskog pisma, nerijetko obilježenog iskustvom traume. Trauma se često manifestira autodestruktivnošću književnog subjekta iskazanom na dvama načinima: specifičnom uporabom jezičnih elemenata i/ili, na sadržajnoj razini teksta, eksplicitnim govorom književnog subjekta o vlastitim autodestruktivnim porivima, potaknutima nemogućnošću uspostavljanja zadovoljavajućeg odnosa s važećim društvenim paradigmama – obuhvatit ćemo ih simbolično nazivom ‘autoriteti’. Uz pretežno subverzivan odnos prema autoritetima, što rezultira autodestruktivnošću književnog subjekta, uočljiv je u Jarnević i Brlić-Mažuranić, obrnuto recipročan odnos između dinamike izražavanja autodestruktivnog i uvažavanja metafizičkog kao jednog oblika autoriteta. Kod Gotovac je odnos prema metafizičkom drukčiji u odnosu na njezine prethodnice, riječ je o svojevrsnom modelu »doživljaja vjere u nevjeri« (Šimundža). Cilj je rada: (1) razmotriti različite manifestacije autodestruktivnoga u književnih subjekata, (2) razmotriti odnos autodestruktivnog i metafizičkog te (3) otvoriti mogućnost drukčijeg iščitavanja subverzivnog elementa ženskog pisma razmatranjem pitanja može li se subverzivan odnos prema autoritetima promatrati kao latentna tendencija prema uspostavljanju dijaloga s njima. - The paper analyses the diaries of two Croatian authors, Dragojla Jarnević (1812 – 1875) and Ivana Brlić Mažuranić (1874 –1938), and Mani Gotovac’s autobiographic prose I Miss you in Spring, in Autumn, in Summer and in Winter. The poetic characteristics of said literary works follow the matrix of female literature, frequently marked by a traumatic experience. Trauma is manifested by the selfdestructive tendencies of the literary subject presented in two ways: by the specific use of linguistic elements and/or, at the level of content, through the authors` explicit narrative about their self-destructive tendencies. These tendencies were motivated by the authors` inability to establish a satisfactory relationship with the existing societal paradigms – symbolically denominated as authorities in this paper. This predominantly subversive attitude towards authorities, which results in the self-destructive tendencies of the literary subject, is particularly discernible in Jarnević and Brlić Mažuranić. These authors also exhibit an inversely reciprocal relationship between their self-destructive tendencies and their acknowledgment of the metaphysical domain as a form of authority. Gotovac`s attitude towards the metaphysical domain is different than that of Jarnević and Brlić Mažuranić; it is a sort of “experience of faith through infidelity” (Šimundža). The aim of this paper is: 1) to explore different manifestations of self-destructive tendencies in literary subjects, 2) to explore the relationship between self-destructive tendencies and the metaphysical domain, and 3) to enable the possibility of a different interpretation of the subversive element of female literature by tackling the issue of whether a subversive attitude towards authorities may be perceived as a latent tendency towards opening a dialogue with them.
U: Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu (Online). - ISSN 2459-5128. - (2020), 13 ; str. 93-110  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost -- Književna analiza -- Ženska književnost -- Žensko pismo
Jarnević, Dragojla -- Brlić-Mažuranić, Ivana -- Gotovac, Mani


Glazbeni pisac Vjenceslav Novak [Elektronička građa] / Sanja Majer-Bobetko. - Ilustr.
2. Senjski interdisciplinarni simpozij "Dragi Novače!", Senj, 26.-27.4.2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 56-62. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Vjenceslav Novak hrvatskoj je kulturnoj javnost uglavnom znan kao književnik. Manje je poznato da je bio jedan od rijetkih hrvatskih glazbenika sa završenim formalnim visokim glazbenim obrazovanjem te je egzistenciju sebi i obitelji osiguravao kao profesor različitih glazbenih predmeta. Usto je od 1888. godine petnaestak godina objavljivao brojne članke u periodici i monografska izdanja. Ti radovi razotkrivaju široku lepezu Novakovih profesionalnih zanimanja: od glazbene kritike preko teorije, pedagogije, metodike, organologije i estetike glazbe, do glazbene historiografije, što ga, uz utemeljitelja hrvatske muzikologije uopće, Franju Ksavera Kuhača, čini vodećim glazbenim piscem s prijeloma 19. i 20. stoljeća. - Vjenceslav Novak (1859 – 1905) is generally known to the Croatian cultural public as a writer. It is less well-known that he was one of the few Croatian musicians with an excellent formal higher education in music. In 1886 he acquired the title of organist at the Prague Conservatory, and in 1887 he was a teacher of singing and music theory. Therefore, he was able to provide for himself and his family as a professor of various musical subjects in the Male Teacher-Training School and the school of the Croatian Music Institute in Zagreb. Along with this, from 1888 he published numerous articles in periodicals and monographs for 15 years. These works reveal the wide range of Novak’s professional interests: from musical criticism via theory, pedagogy, methodology, organology and the aesthetics of music, to musical historiography, which, along with the founder of Croatian musicology in general, Franjo Ksaver Kuhač (1834-1911), makes him a leading writer of music from the turn of the 19th into the 20th century. His first works belong to the field of musical pedagogy and music criticism. He was the author of the first textbooks about the harmony in the Croatian language (1889, 1890 and 1898), Upute u orguljanje (How to play the organ) (1893), intended for teaching organ playing and numerous other works, in which he talks about various themes, from the most general views of music schooling and questions in relation to music and education, where he also touches upon the musical-social problematics of the unsatisfactory social position of music and musicians, to training in singing, which includes the problem of children’s health, voice-breaking, music theory and methodology. Novak’s small number of musical reviews mainly reveal a critic who strives and often manages to explain his views in a reasoned and expert way. From 1889 Novak directed his attention to music historiography.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 47 (2020), 1 ; str. 39-64  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Književnici -- Glazbenici -- Glazbena pedagogija -- Glazbena historiografija -- Povijest glazbe
Novak, Vjenceslav


ČULJAT, Sintija
Glazbeno tvorivo romana Dva svijeta Vjenceslava Novaka [Elektronička građa] / Sintija Čuljat.
2. senjski interdisciplinarni simpozij "Dragi Novače!", Senj, 26.-27.4.2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 5 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U psihološkom romanu prijelaza stoljeća Dva svijeta glazbenik Amadej Zlatanić ogleda svoj stvaralački potencijal u kulturnom arealu Austro-Ugarske Monarhije. Domaći prostor zanijekane pripadnosti oslabljuje vidljivost hrvatskog imena, a glazbenom naobrazbom osnažen Zlatanićev umjetnički integritet ugrožavaju društvene konvencije. Junakovu inicijaciju u glazbeni univerzum Novak ostvaruje sinkretičnim metajezikom glazbene umjetnosti. Muzikologinja Sanja Majer-Bobetko pronašla je Novakov pregled europske glazbene povjesnice. Romanom Dva svijeta Novak primjenjuje vlastito propedeutičko iskustvo prijenosa glazbenih u pripovjedne oblike. Novakova reprezentacija dvojnosti pojavnoga i zamišljenoga svijeta gradbena je dionica romana o postajanju umjetnikom. Prevodeći jezik glazbe u protomodernistički pripovjedni iskaz, Novak propitkuje perspektive hrvatskoga umjetničkoga identiteta u rečenom kulturnopovijesnome poretku. - In the psychological novel of the turn of the century Dva Svijeta (Two Worlds) the musician Amadej Zlatanić reflects upon his creative potential in the cultural area of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The domestic space of the denied affiliation weakens the visibility of the Croatian name, and social conventions threaten Zlatanić’s artistic, strengthened by musical schooling, integrity. Novak achieves a hero’s initiation into the musical universe with the syncretic metalanguage of the musical art. Musicologist Sanja Majer-Bobetko found Novak’s overview of European musical history. With the novel Dva Svijeta Novak applies his own propaedeutic experience of the transfer of musical forms into narrative forms. Novak’s representation of the duality of the apparent and imagined world is a building block of the novel about becoming an artist. Translating the language of music into a proto-modernist narrative expression, Novak questions the perspective of Croatian artistic identity in the said historical-cultural order.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 47 (2020), 1 ; str. 65-76  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 19./20. st. -- Hrvatska proza -- Glazba -- Sinkretizam
Novak, Vjenceslav


SABLIĆ Tomić, Helena
Književnik i grad [Elektronička građa] / Helena Sablić Tomić. - Ilustr.
2. senjski interdisciplinarni simpozij "Dragi Novače!", Senj, 26.-27.4.2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 15-16. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U svojevrsnom međuprostoru autorskoga sjećanja, između pamćenja i zaborava, figurama sjećanja i različitim mnemotehničkim mehanizmima konstruira se književni tekst u kojemu je grad bitan strukturni čimbenik. Grad je poprište zbivanja, ali zahvaljujući svojoj složenosti i dinamici, on je i uzročnik mnogih unutarnjih procesa koji se zbivaju u pojedincu, grad je, osobito u realističkim djelima, često i krivac za nesretnu sudbinu mnogih junaka, grad je simbol očuvanja identiteta i borbe protiv razaranja, destrukcije i mržnje. Devetnaesto stoljeće, koje je obilježeno prodorom novih ideja te znatnim ekonomskim razvojem u privrednim granama, imalo je veliki utjecaj na razvoj gradova. Lokalne trgovine šire se u sve razgranatiju trgovačku privredu, a čime industrijski kompleksi pokrivaju prikrivati većinu gradskih područja. Gradovi se razvijaju, stare kuće obnavljaju, gradske općine dobivaju svoje vijećnice, a javne kulturne i društvene ustanove bivaju sve brojnije. Sve one značajke života malih hrvatskih gradova poput Senja književnikovim okom dobivaju drugačiji miris ukoliko on posjeduje sposobnost da se izdigne iznad malograđanske svakodnevnice u kojoj živi i da kritičkim okom neprekidno promatra svoje sugrađane i njihov ograničeni život. Međutim, Novak nije bio samo promatrač i realist, iako književna kritika najviše cijeni ona njegova djela u kojima je dao kritičku sliku malograđanske sredine, u prvom redu senjske, već je on narav kontemplativna, s težištem i na promatranju ljudskih sudbina, a sredina i društvene prilike zanimale su ga više kao okvir. U toj njegovoj značajki treba tražiti i granice njegovu realizmu, on najčešće piše o uskoj i prostorno ograničenoj sredini, ali će korijeni tome biti više u njegovoj sklonosti da do kraja proniče u život pojedinca, malog čovjeka. - In a kind of interspace of authorial memory, between memory and oblivion, figures of memory and various mnemonic mechanisms, a literary text is constructed in which the town is an important structural factor. The town is the scene of events, however, thanks to its complexity and dynamics, it is also the cause of many internal processes that take place in the individual, the town, particularly in realistic works, is often the culprit for the unlucky fate of many heroes, the town is a symbol of the preservation of identity and a struggle against devastation, destruction and hatred. The 19th century, marked by the penetration of new ideas and significant economic development in economic branches, had a great influence on the development of towns. Local trade was expanding into an increasingly diversified commercial economy, whereby industrial complexes covered most of the urban areas. Towns developed, old houses were renovated, city municipalities gained their own town halls, and public cultural and social institutions became more numerous. All those characteristics of the life of small Croatian towns such as Senj gained a different flavour through the writer’s eye insofar as he had the ability to rise above the small-town everyday life in which he lives and to constantly observe his fellow citizens and their limited life with a critical eye. However, Novak was not only an observer and realist, although literary criticism appreciates most of his works in which he gave a critical picture of the small-town environment, primarily Senj, but he was contemplative in nature, with a focus also on observing human destinies, whilst the environment and social conditions interested him more as a framework. The limits of his realism should be also sought in his characteristics, he usually writes about a narrow and spatially limited environment, however, the roots of this will be more in his tendency to fully penetrate into the life of the individual, a small man.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 47 (2020), 1 ; str. 5-16  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 19./20. st. -- Grad -- Kulturni turizam
Novak, Vjenceslav


SABLJIĆ Vujica, Jela
Kritika tijela i tijelo kritike [Elektronička građa] : dekonstrukcija epohalnoga diskursa u liku Lucije Stipančić / Jela Sabljić Vujica.
2. senjski interdisciplinarni simpozij "Dragi Novače!", Senj, 26.-27.4.2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 206-208. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Svaka ozbiljna rasprava o prozi Vjenceslava Novaka uzima činjenicu nemogućnosti njezina smještanja u unaprijed zadani diskurzivni okvir kao normu. Od Frangeša do Nemeca, književna će kritika i teorija u Novakovim djelima s pravom uočavati elemente koji istovremeno potvrđuju i potiru nazore epohe. Ovaj će se rad, na primjeru ambivalentnoga tretmana lika Lucije Stipančić u romanu Posljednji Stipančići, baviti analizom upravo tih elemenata. Nema sumnje kako se kroz Lucijin lik prelamaju proturječni individualni i društveni motivi. Ono što izaziva pozornost jest točka prijeloma: kritika postaje moguća tek u trenutku kada njezina realizacija više nije moguća. Koristeći epistemološke uvide Foucaulta, Bachelarda i nazore performativne feminističke kritike (Butler), ali i Novakove estetske preokupacije (Čemu se uči teorija glazbe), u radu će se pokušati odgovoriti na pitanje u kojoj je mjeri moguće govoriti o umjetnički svjesnom činu subvertiranja epohalnoga jezika, a u kojoj je mjeri riječ tek o simptomatičnim ideološkim i diskurzivnim impulsima inherentno nazočnima u svakom jezičnom iskazu. - Any serious discussion about Vjenceslav Novak’s prose takes into account the fact of the impossibility of its placement into a predetermined discursive framework as the norm. From Frangeš to Nemec, literary criticism and theory in Novak’s works will rightly notice elements that simultaneously confirm and quash the opinions of the epoch. This paper, upon the example of the ambivalent treatment of the character of Lucija Stipančić in the novel Posljednji Stipančići (The Last Stipančićs), will deal with the analysis of precisely these elements. There is no doubt that contradictory individual and social motives are broken through Lucia’s character. What attracts attention is the turning point: criticism becomes possible only at the moment when its realisation is no longer possible. Using the epistemological insights of Foucault, Bachelard and the opinions of performative feminist criticism (Butler), as well as Novak’s aesthetic preoccupations (Čemu se uči teorija glazbe - Why music theory is taught), the paper will try to answer the question of the extent to which it is possible to speak of an artistically conscious act of subverting epochal language, and to what extent it concerns merely the symptomatic ideological and discursive impulses inherently present in every linguistic utterance.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 47 (2020), 1 ; str. 191-208  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 19./20. st. -- Hrvatska proza -- Književni likovi -- Epistemologija
Novak, Vjenceslav


MESIĆ, Hrvoje, profesor hrvatskog jezika
Luci(ferov)jin strah [Elektronička građa] : o slici Boga u Novakovu romanu Posljednji Stipančići / Hrvoje Mesić. - Ilustr.
2. senjski interdisciplinarni simpozij "Dragi Novače!", Senj, 26.-27.4.2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 94-95. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Kršćanska sućut, kojom brani potlačene i ponižene, temeljna je odlika stvaralaštva Vjenceslava Novaka. Naime, tadašnja zaostalost Hrvatske, potaknuta povijesnim, ekonomskim, socijalnim i političkim prilikama, nije zaobišla tragičnu sudbinu malih ljudi. Ponajviše je to osjetio Novakov rodni Senj, što je pisac iskoristio nastojeći životne činjenice svoje lokalne sredine prikazati što realnije i objektivnije. Kasnije se, ističe Krešimir Nemec, pod utjecajem školovanja u Pragu i života u Zagrebu, Novak okreće urbanom iskustvu, odnosno problematiziranju tamnih strana gradskoga života. Stoga je Novakova umjetnost, prema Antunu Barcu, najveći dokument srca, duše, suosjećanja s patničkim ljudstvom i svim onim slojevima što teško i beznadno nose svoj trh života. Tadašnja slikarija Senja karakteristična simbolima patnje, prevarenosti, oskudice, nečovječnosti, slika je stanja duša žena – Valpurge i Lucije Stipančić – gdje jedino zrakom para kriki/ili bura, zvuk bola i odlaska u smrt, ostavljajući prazninu i retoričko pitanje: Zar ih je i Bog ostavio?! U radu se interdisciplinarnim pristupom, prvenstveno i ponajviše filološkim, detektira i tematizira motiv lica milosrđa oblikovanog u Novakovim heroinama romana Posljednji Stipančići. U licu se, kao ogledalu čovjekova srca i nutrine, zrcali najdublji identitet i jedinstveni obris čovjekova bića. Novak, odgojen kao kršćanin, oslikao je u svojim djelima lica poraženih i poniženih: sirotinje, prosjaka, ovisnika, siromašnih učenika i studenata te beskućnika– gledajući u njima lice skrivenoga Boga kojega treba spoznati. - Christian compassion, with which he defends the oppressed and humiliated, is the fundamental feature of Vjenceslav Novak’s creativity. Namely, the then backwardness of Croatia, induced by historical, economic, social and political circumstances, did not bypass the tragic destiny of the young people. Novak’s native Senj felt this most of all, which the writer used by attempting to present the life facts of his local environment as realistically and objectively as possible. Later, Krešimir Nemec points out, under the influence of schooling in Prague and life in Zagreb, Novak turned to the urban experience, in other words, the problematizing of the dark sides of city life. Therefore, Novak’s art is, according to Antun Barac, the greatest document of the heart, soul, of compassion with a suffering humanity and all those layers that laboriously and hopelessly their burden of life bears. The then imagery of Senj, characterised by symbols of suffering, deception, poverty, inhumanity, is an image of the state of women’s soul – Valpurga and Lucija Stipančić – where through the air tears only a scream and/or the bura wind, the sound of pain and the departure into death, leaving a void and the rhetorical question: Did God leave them too?! The motif of the face of mercy formed in Novak’s heroines of the novel Posljednji Stipančići (The Last Stipančićs) is detected and thematised in the paper with an interdisciplinary, primarily and most of all philosophical, approach. Like a mirror of the human heart and inner self, the deepest identity and unique outline of a human being are reflected in the face. Novak, who was raised as a Christian, depicted in his works the faces of the defeated and humiliated: the poor, the beggars, the addicts, the destitute pupils and students and the homeless – seeing in them the face of a hidden God who should be recognised.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 47 (2020), 1 ; str. 77-96  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 19./20. st. -- Hrvatska proza -- Bog
Novak, Vjenceslav


BEKAVAC, Luka, književnik
Noise/Network [Elektronička građa] / Luka Bekavac ; english translation by Brian Willems, traduzione italiana di Srećko Jurišić.
Ulomci iz knjige Galerija likovnih umjetnosti u Osijeku: studije, ruševine / Luka Bekavac. Zaprešić, 2017.
U: Cross-cultural studies review (Online). - ISSN 2718-2509. - 1 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 185-218  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 21. st. -- Hrvatska proza

LIPOVAC, Marijan
Od plzenjskog piva do Dvořáka [Elektronička građa] : češki motivi u romanima Vjenceslava Novaka / Marijan Lipovac.
2. senjski interdisciplinarni simpozij "Dragi Novače!", Senj, 26.-27.4.2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 217-218. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Poveznice Vjenceslava Novaka s Češkom bile su višestruke, a najvažnija je njegovo češko porijeklo po ocu koji se iz Hradeca Králové doselio u Senj, a koje je vidljivo i u njegovom imenu koje je izvorno glasilo Václav, što je češki oblik imena Vjenceslav. Druga važna poveznica Novaka i Češke je činjenica da je od 1884. do 1887. studirao na Konzervatoriju u Pragu, što je očito imalo utjecaja na njegovo stvaralaštvo jer se radnja dva Novakova romana, Pavao Šegota (1888.) i Dva svijeta (1901.) djelomično odvija u Pragu. Novak u romanu Pavao Šegota prikazuje život nadarenoga seoskog mladića Pavla Šegote koji odlazi u Prag studirati prirodne znanosti te se ondje ženi Pražankom Lorom. Time Novak u hrvatsku književnost uvodi motiv ljubavne veze između hrvatskih studenata u Pragu i domaćih djevojaka. Čest motiv romana je češko pivo koje pridonosi dobrom raspoloženju među hrvatskim studentima, ali izaziva i svađe. Novak u ovom romanu donosi i opise Praga, posebno dijelova uz rijeku Vltavu. U romanu Dva svijeta glavni lik je Amadej Zlatanić, glazbeni genij iz maloga hrvatskog grada čiji talent otkriva mjesni glazbenik Čeh Jan Jahoda. Njegovom zaslugom Amadej odlazi na Konzervatorij u Prag. Novak time vjerojatno prvi u hrvatskoj književnosti piše o češkim glazbenicima doseljenima u Hrvatsku, a spominje i događaje u Češkoj 1848. Dokumentarno najvredniji dio romana je opis praizvedbe oratorija Stabat mater Antonína Dvořáka kojom je ravnao sam autor. Oba romana prevedena su na češki – Pavao Šegota 1925. pod naslovom Svět volá - moře čeká (Svijet zove – more čeka), a Dva svijeta 2015. - Vjenceslav Novak’s links with the Czech Republic were multiple, and the most important was his Czech origin via his father who settled in Senj from Hradec Králové. The Czech origin is also visible in his name, which was originally Václav and which is the Czech form of the name Vjenceslav. Another important link between Novak and the Czech Republic is the fact that from 1884 to 1887 he studied at the Conservatory in Prague, which obviously had an influence on his creativity because the plot of two of Novak’s novels, Pavao Šegota (1888) and Dva svijeta (Two Worlds) (1901) take places partially in Prague. In the novel, Pavao Šegota Novak depicted the life of a young talented village man, Pavao Šegota who goes to Prague to study natural sciences and there he marries Pražanka Lora. In doing so, Novak introduces the motif of a love affair between Croatian students in Prague with the local girls into Croatian literary. A frequent motif of the novel is the Czech beer that contributes to the good mood between the Croatian students but also causes arguments. In this novel, Novak also gives us descriptions of Prague, especially the parts long the River Vltava. In the novel Dva svijeta the main character is Amadej Zlatanić, a musical genius from a small Croatian town whose talent is discovered by a local Czech musician Jan Jahoda. Thanks to him, Amadej goes to the Conservatory in Prague. With this Novak is probably the first in Croatian literature to write about the Czech musicians who settled in Croatia, and he also mentions the events of 1848 in the Czech Republic. The most valuable documentary part of the novel is the description of the premiere of the oratorio Stabat Mater of Antonín Dvořák, which the composer directed himself. Both novels were translated into Czech the language – Pavao Šegota in 1925, under the title Svět volá – moře čeká (Svijet zove – more čeka), and Dva svijeta in 2015.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 47 (2020), 1 ; str. 209-218  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 19./20. st. -- Hrvatsko-češki odnosi
Novak, Vjenceslav -- Dvořák, Antonín


HADŽIĆ, Zorica
Pisma Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić Milanu Ševiću [Elektronička građa] : od građe za enciklopediju do diferenciranja u književnom polju / Zorica Hadžić, Željko Milanović. - Faksimili.
Sadrži i: Faksimili i prijepisi pisama Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić Milanu Ševiću na str. 282-292. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 279-280. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad donosi dosad neobjavljena pisma Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić upućena Milanu Ševiću 1909. i 1924. godine. Iz pisama se vidi da je Milan Šević tražio od Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić pisma Jovana Jovanovića Zmaja, biografske podatke o njoj kao i da je želio objaviti ćirilično izdanje Priča iz davnine ili nekoga drugoga djela. Ševićeva namjera da se dječja književnost formira i osamostali (sam Šević koristi izraz „diferencijacija“) dobila je potvrdu u stvaralaštvu Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić. Pisma Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić ponavljaju činjenične detalje ranije zabilježene u autobiografiji i donose jednak odnos prema pjesničkoj zbirci Slike (1912.). Ponovno ustrajanje na posebnom statusu pjesničke zbirke otvara mogućnost uočavanja namjera Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić da se u književnom polju pozicionira i izvan dječje književnosti, odnosno da se diferencira od nje, o čem mogu posvjedočiti brojna mjesta iz Autobiografije na kojima se govori o poeziji, ali i ustrajanje Želimira Mažuranića u pismu Milanu Ševiću na tom da Priče iz davnine nikako nisu knjiga za djecu iako ju i djeca mogu čitati zato što ima odgojnu vrijednost. - In this study, the letters of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić addressed to Milan Šević are published for the first time. From this material, it is clear that Milan Šević asked Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić for the letters of Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, and for her own biographical data, and that he planned to publish in Cyrillic script Croatian Tales of Long Ago, or some of her other literary writings. Šević`s view that children’s literature should be established on its own and become an independent fictional genre (Šević used to call it “differentiation”) obtained its approval in the creative work of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić. The letters of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić repeat facts and details noted earlier in her autobiography, treating her own poetry collection Slike [Images] (1912) in the same way in both sources (the letters and the autobiography). Her repeated insistence on the special status of this poetry collection suggests that she intended to position herself beyond children’s literature, i.e. to differentiate herself. Many spots in her “Autobiography” which speak of poetry support such a statement, as does the attestation of Želimir Mažuranić in his letters to Milan Šević that Croatian Tales of Long Ago is certainly not children’s literature, even though the tales may be read by children, too, and even though the book has educational value.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 9 (2020), 2 ; str. 267-292  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 20. st. -- Autobiografija -- Korespondencija
Brlić-Mažuranić, Ivana -- Šević, Milan


ROKNIĆ Bežanić, Andrea
Prikazi gradske vlastele u romanu Posljednji Stipančići Vjenceslava Novaka i njihova povijesna utemeljenost [Elektronička građa] / Andrea Roknić Bežanić, Bruno Raguž. - Ilustr.
2. senjski interdisciplinarni simpozij "Dragi Novače!", Senj, 26.-27.4.2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 137-138. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad kao polazište svoje historiografske analize uzima opise gradskih plemićkih obitelji iz romana Posljednji Stipančići Vjenceslava Novaka. Nakon što se iznese kratki povijesni okvir, koji se upotpunjuje s opisima što ih daje V. Novak, rad se kratko osvrće i na pitanje borbe za hrvatski jezik, no najvećim se dijelom bavi analizom povijesnog utemeljenja likova i radnje korištenjem egzaktnih i preciznih navoda iz stvarne povijesne zbilje. Na kraju se donose i Katastarski upisnici čestica iz Državnog arhiva u Zagrebu koji se također uspoređuju s navodima iznesenima u djelu. - The paper takes the descriptions of the urban noble families from the novel Posljednji Stipančići (The Last Stipančićs) by Vjenceslav Novak as a starting point of its historiographical analysis. After a short historical framework is presented, which is supplemented by descriptions given by V. Novak, the paper also briefly looks at the issue of the struggle for the Croatian language, although it deals mostly with the analysis of the historical foundation of the characters and action using exact and precise quotations from actual historical reality. In the end, the Cadastral registers from the State Archives in Zagreb that are also compared with the statements cited in the work are presented.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 47 (2020), 1 ; str. 125-138  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 19./20. st. -- Plemstvo -- Historiografska analiza
Novak, Vjenceslav


ŠEGO, Jasna
Religijski motivi u romanu Posljednji Stipančići Vjenceslava Novaka [Elektronička građa] / Jasna Šego. - Ilustr.
2. senjski interdisciplinarni simpozij "Dragi Novače!", Senj, 26.-27.4.2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 122-123. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se u šest poglavlja problematizira tema religijskih motiva u romanu Vjenceslava Novaka Posljednji Stipančići. U prvome se poglavlju iščitava simbolika nabožnih predmeta u Stipančićevoj kući. Tumači se značenje križa te se spominju slike svetaca koje vise na zidovima spomenute kuće. Opisuje se poznata slika "Majke Milosti" (čiji se original danas čuva u trsatskome svetištu). U Stipančićevoj su kući na vidnim mjestima predmeti koji pripadaju kršćanskomu kulturnom i civilizacijskom kompleksu i koji zrcale kršćansku simboliku (bol, trpljenje, kušnje, ali i vjeru i nadu u bolji svijet), koji čuvaju legende i prošlost, tradiciju i sjećanja. U drugome se poglavlju ovoga rada problematizira pitanje vjere i molitve u Novakovu romanu. Iako često u skrušenoj molitvi (popraćenoj postom), u poniznu i pokornu obraćanju Bogu, u svakodnevnoj praksi i majka Valpurga i kći Lucija pokazuju da su slaba i grješna bića: majka poticanjem Martina Tintora na pisanje pisama Luciji u Alfredovo ime krši osmu Božju zapovijed (koja zabranjuje laž), a kći upuštanjem u izvanbračnu spolnu ljubav s Alfredom krši šestu ("Ne sagriješi bludno!") te, pobačajem, petu Božju zapovijed ("Ne ubij!"). U trećem se poglavlju analizira, s katoličkoga motrišta, problematika pobačaja u romanu. Pobacivši plod abortivnim sredstvom koje joj je poslao Alfred, Lucija je prekršila petu Božju zapovijed "Ne ubij!". Iako Lucijin slučaj budi razumijevanje i suosjećanje, iakonse Alfreda smatra glavnim moralnim krivcem i poticateljem Lucijina pobačaja, činjenica je (s gledišta katoličke moralne teologije) da je Lucija ubila svoje dijete. Prema nauku Katoličke crkve čovjek je stvoren na Božju sliku i priliku. Čovjekov je život svetinja, a Bog je jedini gospodar ljudskoga života. U četvrtome poglavlju raspravlja se o uzništvu, patnji, obiteljskim sukobima i kajanju. - The paper discusses the topic of religious motifs in six chapters of Vjenceslav Novak’s novel Posljednji Stipančići (The Last Stipančićs). In the first chapter, the symbolism of religious objects in the Stipančićs’ house is discussed. The meaning of the cross is interpreted and the images of saints hanging on the walls of the said house are mentioned. The famous painting Majka Milosti (Mother of Mercy) (the original of which is today preserved at the shrine in Trsat) is described. In the Stipančićs’ house, objects belonging to the Christian cultural and civilizational complex and that reflect Christian symbolism (pain, suffering, temptations, as well as the faith and hope for a better world), which preserve legends and the past, tradition and memories, are in noticeable places. The second chapter of this paper discusses the issue of faith and prayer in Novak’s novel. Although often in repentant prayer (accompanied by fasting), in a humble and obedient approach to God, in everyday practice both the mother Valpurga and daughter Lucija show that they are weak and sinful beings: the mother breaks the eighth commandment (which forbids lying) by encouraging Martin Tintor to write letters to Lucija and the daughter breaks the sixth ("Thou shalt not commit adultery!") by engaging in extramarital sexual love with Alfred, and, by abortion, the fifth commandment ("Thou shalt not kill!"). The third chapter analyses, from the Catholic point of view, the issue of abortion in the novel. By aborting the baby using means sent to her by Alfred, Lucija broke God’s fifth commandment "Thou shalt not kill!" Although Lucia’s case evokes understanding and compassion, and although Alfred is considered as the main moral culprit and instigator of Lucija’s abortion, the fact is (from the point of view of Catholic moral theology) that Lucija killed her child.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 47 (2020), 1 ; str. 97-124  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 19./20. st. -- Hrvatska proza -- Religijski motivi
Novak, Vjenceslav


Sheme dinamike sile i promjenjivost glagolskih frazema [Elektronička građa] / Jelena Parizoska, Marija Omazić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 202-204. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovome se radu analiziraju promjene glagolskih frazema u engleskom i hrvatskom jeziku koji odražavaju sheme dinamike sile. Cilj je na temelju podataka iz računalnih korpusa utvrditi na koje načine sheme dinamike sile ograničavaju promjene leksičko-gramatičkog ustrojstva glagolskih frazema u tim dvama jezicima. Rezultati pokazuju da su oblici u kojima se javljaju glagolski frazemi u engleskome i hrvatskome ograničeni na one vrste konstrukcija kojima se jezično izražavaju odnosi među sudionicima događaja unutar pojedine događajne sheme, a to su akcija, prijenos ili kretanje. Također se pokazuje da s obzirom na specifičnu vrstu sheme dinamike sile koju glagolski frazemi odražavaju varira i njihov stupanj promjenjivosti pa se javljaju u manjem ili većem broju oblika. Sve to pokazuje da promjenjivost glagolskih frazema istodobno ograničavaju značenje i gramatička struktura. - The paper explores the variability of verbal idioms that reflect force-dynamic schemas in English and Croatian. The aim is to determine, using data from large electronic corpora, in which ways force-dynamic schemas constrain the variability of the lexical-grammatical structure of verbal idioms in these two languages. The results show that the forms in which verbal idioms occur in English and Croatian are limited to those types of constructions that express relations between the participants in an event within an event schema, namely action, transfer or motion. It is also shown that, given the specific type of force-dynamic schema that verbal idioms reflect, their degree of variability also varies, and they occur in more or fewer forms. This shows that the variability of verbal idioms is constrained by both meaning and grammatical structure.
U: Jezikoslovlje (Online). - ISSN 1848-9001. - 21 (2020), 2 ; str. 179-205  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Engleski jezik -- Glagolski frazemi -- Jezični korpus -- Leksičko-gramatičko ustrojstvo

Tito Dorčić as a forerunner of the ironic mode [Elektronička građa] / Dean Slavić.
2. senjski interdisciplinarni simpozij "Dragi Novače!", Senj, 26.-27.4.2019. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst : bibliografija: str. 189-190. - Summary ; Sažetak. - According to Northrop Frye, 20th-century literature is marked by characters whose intelligence and capabilities are lesser than those of the average human. Typical such figures are the protagonists of Kafka’s and Beckett’s works, who lack even the most basic information regarding their own position – due to which the reader has the sense of looking down on scenes of bondage, frustration or absurdity. Vjenceslav Novak’s Tito Dorčić, from the eponymous novel, is a forerunner of this type of character. He is trapped by his own predisposition and social environment and becomes unhappy in the "better life" imposed on him by his father. He is utterly unsuccessful in his career as well as in his family life. 20th-century interpreters found the cause of Tito’s state, or the source for such a character, in Darwinist theories supposedly praised by the novel’s author; a more recent critic emphasises the psychoanalytic motifs. Both theories unconsciously bear witness to the reduced power of the action of the protagonist. The novel’s final scene, in which Tito Dorčić’s left leg is stuck in a crevice whilst the upper part of his body immersed in the sea is a metaphor of his entire life. The scapegoat mechanism, as proposed by René Girard, also explains the events in Tito Dorčić’s life: the social crisis is seemingly only slightly present, yet Tito is depicted as a person holding a position in the judicial administration which, because of his low intelligence, immorality and lack of cultural refinement, he does not deserve. He commits mistakes in his prosecutor’s work and is punished because an innocent person has been hanged. Tito had previously been marked by the collapse of his marriage. Eventually, he loses his job, falls into madness, which might also be an act of selfpunishment, and at the end, he dies. The text, or the narrator, kills him, in the last step in the long procedure of attacking the protagonist. - Prema Northropu Fryeu, književnost XX. stoljeća obilježuju likovi koji imaju manje inteligencije i time slabiju moć te suženiji opseg djelovanja od prosječnoga čovjeka. Tipični su protagonisti Kafkinih i Beckettovih djela kojima manjkaju osnovne informacije o vlastitu položaju – stoga svjedočimo prizorima zarobljenosti i nemoći. Ovakvim likovima prethodi i dobrim dijelom pripada Novakov Tito Dorčić iz istoimenoga romana, koji je zarobljen svojim predispozicijama i sredinom te je nesretan u "boljem životu" koji mu obrazovanjem nameću roditelji. Potpun neuspjeh pokazuje u braku i u karijeri. Interpretatori nalaze uzroke u darvinističkim teorijama pripovjedača i samoga autora Novaka te psihoanalitičkim tumačenjima zbilje koje ističe novija kritika; obje teorije nesvjesno svjedoče o smanjenoj moći protagonista. Završni prizor u kojem je Tito Dorčić mrtav ukliješten između stijena i napola u moru sinegdoha je njegove ukupne životne situacije. Ustroj žrtvenoga jarca (scapegoat mechanism), kako ga tumači René Girard, također dobro tumači događaje u životu Tita Dorčića: društvena kriza tek naizgled nije jače naglašena, no Tito je prikazan kao osoba koja zauzima položaj što mu ne pripada zbog smanjene inteligencije, nemorala i nekulture; griješi na poslu, a za smrt nevinoga čovjeka on najviše strada; već je prije toga bio obilježen krivnjom za raspad svojega braka. Konačno gubi posao, zapada u ludilo, čime se i sâm kažnjava i napokon umire. Tekst ili pripovjedač ubijaju ga, što je samo posljednji korak u dugu postupku ocrnjivanja glavnoga lika.
U: Senjski zbornik (Online). - ISSN 1849-0999. - 47 (2020), 1 ; str. 165-190  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 19./20. st. -- Hrvatska proza -- Književna analiza
Novak, Vjenceslav


Tomislav Jonjić, Antun Gustav Matoš : pod Starčevićevim barjakom, AGM, Zagreb, 2019. : [prikaz] / Zlatko Matijević. - Ilustr.
U: Pilar (Zagreb). - ISSN 1846-3010. - 14 (2019), 1/2(27/28) ; str. 197-199  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Jonjić, Tomislav -- Matoš, Antun Gustav -- Starčević, Ante
Politika -- Pravaštvo -- Hrvatska književnost 19./20. st. -- Hrvatska povijest


Tradicijske zalihe zbirke pjesama Bunjevački blues (2003.) Tomislava Žigmanova [Elektronička građa] / Vlasta Markasović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 95-96. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Tomislav Žigmanov autor je koji pripada kopnenom, sjevernjačkom i panonskom dijelu književnoga korpusa po mnogim svjetonazorsko-filozofskim, tradicijsko-kulturološkim i jezičnim odrednicama svoga djela. Bunjevački blues je zbirka lirskih pjesama/pisama, koja je doživjela dva izdanja, a ovaj se članak bavi drugim, proširenim izdanjem iz 2003. (Subotica). Zbirka se temelji na bunjevačkim tradicijsko-kulturološkim zalihama kao što su jezična baština, tradicijski život, svjetonazorske i mentalitetne odlike, sraz tradicijskoga i modernoga i sl. Ponajprije su te zalihe implicirane i vidljive u motivsko-tematskom sloju, koji je apsolutno ukorijenjen u bunjevačku ikavicu. Stoga se članak djelomično fokusira na stilsko stigmatiziranje bunjevačkih ikavskih i leksičkih oblika u ritmičkom, melodijskom i značenjskom tkivu pjesničkoga teksta. Osim toga, propituju se tradicijski poticaji u filozofskoj svijesti pjesme i motivsko-tematskoj pjesmovnoj potki, koji joj daju posvema karakteristična obilježja i čine ju reprezentativnim štivom panonističkog književnog kruga. Pokušavaju se detektirati inspirativna i afektivna vrela koja vode tekst u regionalnu obojenost i ustoličuju postupak nijansiranja tradicijskih i mentalitetnih specifikuma. Posebice se ističe i naslovna odrednica, koja se utkiva u pjesničke tekstove kao misaoni lajtmotiv i ugođajni predznak, i tako potiče recipijentov horizont očekivanja, inaugurirajući tekst kao melankoličnu kantilenu i referirajući se na općepoznatu glazbenu tužbalicu. - Tomislav Žigman is an author who belongs to the mainland, northern and Pannonian sections of the literary corpus, according to many world-philosophical, traditional-cultural and linguistic determinants of his work. Bunjevački blues is a collection of lyric songs / letters, which was released in two editions. This article deals with the second, extended edition from 2003. (Subotica). The collection is based on Bunjevci traditionalcultural stock such as linguistic heritage, traditional life, worldview and mentality characteristics, a clash of traditional and modern etc. First of all, these stocks are implied and visible in the motif-themed layer, which is absolutely rooted in the ikavian dialect of Bunjevci. Therefore, the article partly focuses on the stylistic stigmatization of the Bunjevci ikavian and and lexical forms in the rhythmic, melodic and semantic fabric of the poetic text. In addition, the traditional stimuli in the philosophical consciousness of the poem and the motif-thematic fabric of the poem are questioned, which give it quite characteristic features and make it a representative work of the Pannonian literary circle. An attempt is made to detect the inspirational and affective springs that lead the text to regional colourfulness and to establish a process of nuance of traditional and mentality specificities. Particularly noteworthy is the title entry, which is woven into poetic texts as a thought leitmotif and atmosphere omen, thus stimulating the recipient’s horizon of expectation, inaugurating the text as a melancholy cantilena and referring to a commonly known musical jeremiad.
U: Anafora (Online). - ISSN 2459-5160. - 7 (2020), 1 ; str. 77-97  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 21. st. -- Hrvatsko pjesništvo -- Bunjevci -- Panonizam -- Ikavica
Žigmanov, Tomislav


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821.18/.8   Druge književnosti na prirodnim jezicima

KARIMI, Zeinab
A psychoanalytic reading of selected Persian children’s plays [Elektronička građa] / Zeinab Karimi, Bahee Hadaegh. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 310-311. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Once theatre aims at children, who are the citizens and decision makers of the future, it can influence the course of society through the values and worldviews that it promotes. The exceptional capacity of this medium in engaging the audience, along with children’s receptiveness, necessitates a meticulous study of the ideologies embedded in plays. This study unravels how these ideological factors can hamper the theatre’s main purpose which is to encourage the audience to form individual fantasies. Accordingly, Žižek’s theories are drawn upon for their hints on ideology, fantasy, reality, and subjectivity. Taking his psychoanalytic views into account, four Persian plays are examined to determine what ideologies underlie these plays’ motifs and instructions, as well as what may justify their presence in plays. On close inspection, it becomes evident that these plays are loaded with conscious manipulative ideologies which are intended to train homogeneous social members rather than present objective glimpses of real life. - Jednom kad se kazalište okrene djeci, budućim građanima koji će donositi odluke, ono vrijednostima i stavovima koje promiče može utjecati na smjer razvoja društva. Izniman kapacitet toga medija u poticanju i aktivaciji publike u kombinaciji s dječjom receptivnošću, nužno upućuje na važnost detaljnoga istraživanja ideologija kojima su igrokazi prožeti. Ovaj rad otkriva kako ti ideološki čimbenici mogu ugroziti glavnu svrhu kazališta, tj. poticanje gledatelja na stvaranje svojih vlastitih zamisli. Istraživanje se oslanja na Žižekovo razumijevanje ideologije, fantastike, zbilje i subjektivnosti. Polazeći od njegovih psihoanalitičkih uvida, analiziraju se četiri perzijska igrokaza kako bi se utvrdilo koje su ideologije u temelju motiva i pouka tih djela, kao i to kako se opravdava prisutnost takvih sadržaja u dječjoj drami. Detaljno razmatranje pokazuje da su analizirani igrokazi obilježeni svjesnim manipulativnim ideologijama s namjerom odgajanja homogeniziranih članova društva umjesto posvećenosti prikazivanju objektivnih uvida u stvarni život.
U: Libri et liberi (Online). - ISSN 1848-5871. - 9 (2020), 2 ; str. 293-312  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Perzijska književnost -- Dječja književnost -- Fantastika -- Zbilja -- Filozofsko gledište
Žižek, Slavoj


COETZEE, Paulette
Against the idea of Africa as "absolute dystopia" [Elektronička građa] : pragmatism and possibility in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Americanah and After the Flare by Deji Bryce Olukotun / Paulette Coetzee.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 109-110. - Abstract. - This paper examines two works that anticipate Africa-centred futures as positive and possible, without promising utopia. Americanah and After the Flare both embrace contradiction and complexity. Furthermore, their treatment of societies (mis)shaped by historical violence includes acknowledgement of their own imbrication in global structures of capitalist modernity. Against the grim backdrop of rising inequality, resurgent racism and the effects of climate change – a moment in which dystopic visions tend to predominate – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Deji Bryce Olukotun’s novels embody a kind of hope. Nonetheless, these alternatives to dystopia do not imagine that the problems and abuses of the present might easily be overcome. Thus, despite their employment of popular genres that invite rather than disavow pleasure, these fictions do not simply offer a form of escapism to distract us as the world burns. Rather, I would argue, they provide useful perspectives on Africa, on race and on humanity, that also have relevance in terms of current discourses of the Anthropocene. Before elaborating my argument in relation to Adichie and Olukotun’s works, I will examine some aspects of the contexts within and against which they operate – in terms of history, geography and representation concerning race, blackness, humanity, and Africa.
U: Cross-cultural studies review (Online). - ISSN 2718-2509. - 1 (2019), 1/2 ; str. 91-110  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Afrička književnost 21. st. -- Afrička proza -- Ekologija -- Znanstvena fantastika

Vidi br.: HA20-02191


902/904   Arheologija

The assortment of ceramic building materials from the pottery workshop of Sextus Me(u)tillius Maximus at Crikvenica (Croatia) [Elektronička građa] = Asortiman građevinske keramike iz keramičarske radionice Sexta Me(u)tillia Maxima u Crikvenici (Hrvatska) / Ana Konestra, Goranka Lipovac Vrkljan, Bartul Šiljeg. - Ilustr.
Tekst usporedno na engl. i hrv. jeziku. - Bibliografija: str. 91-94. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Roman building materials, especially brick and tiles (tegulae and imbex) marked a new era in the architecture of Roman Dalmatia. While imported materials seem to still form the bulk of the evidence, recently identified and definitely located local productions provide the possibility to place these products within a technological and economical framework. The in-depth analysis of the array of ceramic building materials (CBM) of the workshop of Sextus Me(u)tillius Maximus in Crikvenica (north-eastern Adriatic) evidences their forming methods and production technology, while some distribution aspects and their role within the rural economy indicate their relevance within the regional CBM market. This paper will highlight such aspects and place them within a wider debate on the onset of production, the organisation of rural property, and the transmission of technology and knowledge through the adoption of “Roman style” architectural solutions. - Rimska građevinska keramika, posebno ona za krovne pokrove (tegulae i imbex), ali i druge konstrukcije (opeke), obilježila je novu eru u arhitekturi rimske Dalmacije. Iako je i dalje u znatnoj količini prisutan uvozni materijal, nedavno locirane i utvrđene lokalne radionice omogućavaju smještanje njihovih proizvoda u tehnološke i gospodarske okvire. Detaljnom analizom asortimana građevinske keramike (nadalje GK) radionice Sexta Me(u)tillia Maxima utvrđene u Crikvenici (sjeveroistočni Jadran), moguće je razlučiti metode oblikovanja i proizvodnu tehnologiju, dok njihova distribucija i uloga unutar ruralnoga gospodarstva govore o važnosti ovih proizvoda za regionalno tržište GK. U ovome ćemo se radu posebno osvrnuti na potonje aspekte smještajući ih unutar šire rasprave o pokretanju proizvodnje, organizaciji ruralnih posjeda i prijenosu znanja i tehnologija kroz prihvaćanje „rimskih” arhitektonskih rješenja.
U: Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu (Online). - ISSN 1848-6371. - 37 (2020) ; str. 73-98  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Arheološki nalazi -- Keramika -- Građevinska keramika -- Radionice -- Arhitektura

OŽANIĆ Roguljić, Ivana
Clavi coctiles iz Cibala (Vinkovci) [Elektronička građa] = Clavi coctiles from Cibalae (Vinkovci) / Ivana Ožanić Roguljić, Jere Drpić ; prijevod / translation Rory Macleod. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografija: str. 222. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Manjim zaštitnim arheološkim istraživanjima koja su provedena 1990. godine u Vinkovcima na položaju Šokadija, otkriven je dio antičkoga stambenog objekta sa sustavom za grijanje. Detaljnom obradom arheološkoga materijala pronađenoga u ovome objektu indentificirano je, između ostalih nalaza, i više fragmenata šupljih kratkih keramičkih stožaca grublje izrade. Ovi predmeti se dovode u vezu s elementima jednoga specifičnog načina konstrukcije zidnoga dijela hypocausta, tj. zidnoga grijanja. Naime, riječ je o više fragmenata predmeta koji se nazivaju clavi coctiles, u hrvatskoj literaturi manje poznatih tipova keramičkih odstojnika korištenih u termalnim kompleksima diljem Rimskoga carstva. - Minor rescue archaeological excavations were conducted in 1990 in the area of the town of Vinkovci, on the position Šokadija, a part of an ancient residential building where a heating system was discovered. Detailed processing of the archaeological material found in this building revealed, among other finds, several fragments of hollow short ceramic cones of coarser quality. These objects are related to the elements of a specific way of construction of the wall part of the hypocaust, i.e. wall heating. Namely, there are several fragments of objects called clavi coctiles, which in Croatian literature are described as lesser-known types of ceramic spacers, used in thermal complexes throughout the Roman Empire.
U: Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu (Online). - ISSN 1848-6371. - 37 (2020) ; str. 211-226  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Arheološka istraživanja -- Sustavi za grijanje -- Zidno grijanje -- Hipokaust -- Terme

Grobnice halštatskih kneževa na lokalitetu Kaptol - Čemernica [Elektronička građa] : arheobotanički nalazi iz tumula III i XI = Graves of Hallstatt princes at Kaptol - Čemernica : archaeobotanical material from tumuli III and XI / Renata Šoštarić, Hrvoje Potrebica, Renata Bonić Babić, Marija Martinović, Tamara Novak ; prijevod / translation Tamara Levak Potrebica. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografija: str. 209. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Prapovijesni arheološki lokalitet Kaptol za sada je najznačajnije željeznodobno nalazište na području sjeverne Hrvatske te je i epomnimni lokalitet istoimene najjužnije skupine halštatskoga kulturnog kompleksa. Nekropola na položaju Čemernica istraživana je od 1965. do 1971. godine, kada je istraženo 14 tumula. Nakon toga u tri su navrata provedena kompleksna revizijska istraživanja: 2007. godine bio je istražen tumul XI – najsjeverniji tumul na nekropoli Čemernica, nakon dvije godine tumul III, te 2016. tumul IV. U ovome radu po prvi puta prezentiramo rezultate arheobotaničkih istraživanja halštatskih tumula III i XI na položaju Kaptol – Čemernica. Flotirane su ukupno 674 litre sedimenta iz tumula III i XI te izdvojeno ukupno 16285 karboniziranih biljnih ostataka. U oba tumula apsolutno su najbrojniji nalazi žitarica (preko 90%). Zbog loše očuvanosti materijala, polovica nalaza žitarica determinirana je kao Cerealia (krupnozrne žitarice), među bolje očuvanim nalazima u oba tumula prevladava pšenica (Triticum), a od izdvojenih tipova pšenica najbrojnija je obična ili krušna pšenica (Triticum aestivum). S obzirom na veliku količinu nalaza, prije svega žitarica, može se zaključiti kako je biljna komponenta grobnih rituala u starijem željeznom dobu imala puno veći značaj nego što se to do sada mislilo. - The prehistoric archaeological site of Kaptol is the most significant Iron Age site in northern Croatia discovered to date. It has given its name to the southernmost group within the Hallstatt cultural complex. The necropolis at the location of Čemernica was excavated between 1965 and 1971, with 14 tumuli encompassed by the archaeological investigation. Thereafter, three rounds of complex revision excavations were conducted: in 2007, tumulus XI – the northernmost tumulus in the Čemernica necropolis – was excavated; two years later, tumulus III; and, in 2016, tumulus IV. This is the first presentation of the results of archaeobotanical research of Hallstatt tumuli III and XI at the Kaptol – Čemernica site. In total, 674 litres of sediment from tumuli III and XI were floated, resulting in the recovery of 16.285 carbonized plant remains. The overwhelming majority (more than 90%) of finds from both tumuli are those of cereals. Due to the poor preservation of the plant material, half of the cereals have been identified as Cerealia (large-grained cereals). Wheat (Triticum) is predominant among the better-preserved remains from both tumuli, with common wheat (Triticum aestivum) being the most numerous among the types of wheat identified. In view of the large quantity of plant remains, predominantly cereals, the conclusion can be drawn that the plant component of the Early Iron Age burial ritual was much more important than we thought.
U: Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu (Online). - ISSN 1848-6371. - 37 (2020) ; str. 195-209  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Arheobotanički nalazi -- Tumuli -- Pogrebni rituali -- Žitarice

KRZNAR, Siniša
Kasnosrednjovjekovna i ranonovovjekovna populacija iz Ivankova, istočna Hrvatska [Elektronička građa] : rezultati (bio)arheološke analize = Late medieval/early modern population from Ivankovo, eastern Croatia : the results of the (bio)archaeological analysis / Siniša Krznar, Tamás Hajdu ; prijevod / translation Kristina Deskar. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 192-193. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu su predstavljeni rezultati zaštitnih arheoloških iskopavanja provedenih uz crkvu Rođenja sv. Ivana Krstitelja u Ivankovu pored Vinkovaca prilikom čega je istraženo 55 grobova. Riječ je o rimokatoličkome župnom groblju koje se, na osnovi stratigrafskih odnosa i pronađenih nalaza materijalne kulture, može datirati od kraja 13. sve do 18. stoljeća, tj. u kasni srednji i rani novi vijek. Arheološki nalazi su u skladu s vremenskim periodom skromni i uglavnom se radi o dijelovima nošnje te nakitu (prstenje, pojas, pojasna kopča, kopčice s kukom i ušicom, igle, nož). Pored arheoloških nalaza, funkcioniranje župe, a samim time i groblja, u vrijeme osmanlijske vladavine Ivankovom potvrđuju i povijesni izvori. Pokojnici su položeni u jednostavne zemljane rake i uglavnom orijentirani zapad – istok. Većina grobova oštećena je naknadnim ukopima tako da su i sami kosturi relativno loše (parcijalno) sačuvani. Detaljnu bioarheološku analizu koštanih ostataka iz Ivankova bilo je moguće provesti na 53 osobe (10 djece, 13 žena i 30 muškaraca). Analiza dento-alveolarnih oboljenja pokazuje visoke učestalosti karijesa i zaživotnoga gubitka zuba, što ukazuje na loše oralno zdravlje, ali i prehranu temeljenu na ugljikohidratima, tj. žitaricama. Visoke stope učestalosti pokazatelja fiziološkoga stresa (cribra orbitalia i linearna hipoplazija zubne cakline) kao i periostitisa te prisutnost zaraznih bolesti, kao što je tuberkuloza, svjedoči o generalno lošem zdravstvenom stanju za većinu stanovništva ovoga mjesta. Distribucija i morfologija koštanih ozljeda u uzorku iz Ivankova ukazuju da su nastale kao posljedica nesretnih slučajeva, najvjerojatnije povezanih sa svakodnevnim aktivnostima unutar zajednice kao što su rad u polju ili sa stokom te rad u kući. - This paper presents the results of rescue archaeological excavations conducted around the church of the Birth of St. John the Baptist in Ivankovo near Vinkovci during which 55 graves were excavated. Based on the stratigraphic relationships between the graves and archaeological finds of material culture, this Roman Catholic parish cemetery can be dated to the period from the end of the 13th to the 18th century, i.e. to the late Middle Ages and the early modern period. The archaeological finds are scarce and usually include parts of costumes and jewelry (rings, belts, belt buckles, hook-and-eye fasteners, pins, knives), which is common for this period. Aside from the archaeological finds, historical sources also attest to the existence of the parish and the cemetery during the Ottoman rule. The deceased were laid in grave pits, which were usually oriented in the west-east direction. Most graves were damaged by later burials and the skeletons themselves are also relatively poorly (partially) preserved. A detailed bioarchaeological analysis of skeletal remains from Ivankovo could be conducted on 53 people (10 children, 13 women, and 30 men). Dentoalveolar disease analysis showed a high frequency of caries and ante mortem tooth loss, which suggest poor oral health, but also a diet based on carbohydrates, i.e. grains. High rate of physiological stress indicators (cribra orbitalia and linear enamel hypoplasia), periostitis, and the presence of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis indicate that most residents were in poor health condition. The distribution and morphology of skeletal injuries from Ivankovo assemblage suggest that they were caused by accidents that probably occurred during everyday activities within the community, such as working in the field, with cattle, or in the house.
U: Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu (Online). - ISSN 1848-6371. - 37 (2020) ; str. 165-194  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Paleopatologija -- Koštani ostaci -- Materijalna kultura -- Grobovi

Prilog poznavanju prapovijesnih gradina na donjem toku rijeke Zrmanje [Elektronička građa] = A contribution to the study of the prehistoric hillforts in the lower course of the River Zrmanja / Šime Vrkić, Neda Kulenović Ocelić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 70. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se objavljuju prapovijesni gradinski lokaliteti smješteni uz donji tok rijeke Zrmanje. Lokaliteti su detektirani analizom zračnih i satelitskih snimaka, topografskih karata i arhivskoga kartografskog gradiva te potvrđeni i dokumentirani metodom terenskoga pregleda i zračnim snimanjem. Većina lokaliteta pripada gradinskim lokalitetima manjih površina koji su izgrađenim na pogodnim položajima na kanjonu rijeke Zrmanje i pojasu od 2,5 km oko rijeke. Prapovijesna suhozidna arhitektura pokazuje uniformne karakteristike. Mogu se izdvojiti grupe jednakih svojstava kao što je dominantna zastupljenost struktura linearnoga tlocrta te dominacija lokaliteta manje površine. Većina lokaliteta ne sadrži kulturni sloj. Prema površini se ističu Velika gradina i Bojnik u Kruševu koje spadaju u gradinske lokalitete velike površine, a Berberova gradina u Bilišanima kao lokalitet s najbogatijim arheološkim slojem. Gradina u Muškovcima je najmonumentalniji primjer suhozidne arhitekture koja se ističe kao važna prapovijesna utvrda. - This paper describes the hillfort sites situated in the lower course of the River Zrmanja. The sites were detected through the analysis of aerial and satellite imagery and topographic and historical maps. The sites were confirmed through field and aerial surveys. The majority of the sites are relatively small and built in favorable situations in the Zrmanja canyon or in the 2.5 km zone around the river. Groups may be defined for sites with specific characteristics, such as the dominance of linear and smaller structures. The majority of the sites lack soil deposits. Certain sites display different characteristics. Velika Gradina and Bojnik at Kruševo are considerably larger than the average sites in the area, while Berberova Gradina contains rich cultural layers. The hillfort Gradina at Muškovci has the most monumental dry stone wall architecture in the region, and it stands out as a significant prehistoric fort.
U: Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu (Online). - ISSN 1848-6371. - 37 (2020) ; str. 37-72  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gradine -- Prapovijesne gradine

SANADER, Mirjana
Promjena perspektive o ranim rimskim migracijama na Sredozemlju [Elektronička građa] : slučaj istočnoga Jadrana = A change of perspective on early Roman migrations in the Mediterranean : the case of the eastern Adriatic / Mirjana Sanader, Mirna Vukov, Domagoj Bužanić. - Ilustr.
Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 114-115. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Migracije ljudi neizostavan su dio ljudske povijesti. One mogu biti i uzrok i posljedica, ali isto tako i katalizator društvenih promjena na nekome području. Migracije u doba rimskih osvajanja donedavno su u znanstvenoj raspravi bile slabo zastupljene u odnosu na izvještaje i komentare ratova i ostalih političkih zbivanja i aktera. Isto vrijedi i za sukobe na istočnoj jadranskoj obali. Zbog toga je cilj ovoga rada istražiti tragove i prirodu migracija koje su se događale uslijed ilirskih ratova i postupnoga nametanja Rima kao vladara ovog područja od 3. st. pr. Kr. pa do sredine 1. st. pr. Kr. - Human migrations are an integral part of human history. They can be both a cause and a consequence, but also a catalyst for social change in an area. Until recently, migrations during the Roman conquests were poorly represented in the scientific discussion in relation to reports and comments on wars and other political events and figures. The same applies to conflicts on the eastern Adriatic coast. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to explore the traces and nature of migrations that occurred as a result of the Illyrian wars and the gradual imposition of Rome as the ruler of this area from the 3rd cent. BC until the middle of the 1st cent. BC.
U: Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu (Online). - ISSN 1848-6371. - 37 (2020) ; str. 99-115  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Migracije -- Rimska osvajanja

PERKIĆ, Domagoj
Tragovi prapovijesnih pokapanja ljudi u špiljama dubrovačkoga područja [Elektronička građa] = Traces of prehistoric human burials in the caves of the Dubrovnik area / Domagoj Perkić, Mario Novak ; prijevod / translation Marko Maras. - Ilustr.
Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 31-32. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U špiljama i drugim speleološkim objektima kao arheološkim lokalitetima ponekad se nalaze ostaci ljudskih kostiju. Za većinu takvih špilja može se pretpostaviti kako predstavljaju mjesto ukopa, odnosno izvjestan oblik nekropole, mada je ponekad riječ i o slučajnome, pojedinačnom nalazu. Na osnovi okolnoga arheološkog konteksta ili provedenih dodatnih radiokarbonskih analiza na uzorcima kostiju, zaključujemo kako je uglavnom riječ o prapovijesnim razdobljima. Sličnu situaciju nalazimo na širem dubrovačkom području gdje su analizirane špilje na poluotoku Pelješcu (špilja Crno jezero u Ponikvama i špilja Gudnja u blizini Stona), Dubrovačkome primorju (Zmajeva peć u Čepikućama) te zapadnome dijelu grada Dubrovnika (Vilina špilja iznad izvora Omble, Močiljska špilja iznad Mokošice i Kukova peć u Brsečinama). Kod pojedinih ljudskih osteoloških nalaza u navedenim špiljama obavljena je i bioarheološka analiza, što upotpunjuje još uvijek slabo poznavanje korištenja špilja kao mjesta pokapanja u prošlosti. - Caves and other speleological features as archaeological sites can contain the remains of human bones. Most of these caves can be assumed to be a burial site, or a sort of a necropolis, but they can also contain single chance finds. The surrounding archaeological contexts or additional radiocarbon analyses of the bone samples lead us to conclude that they mostly originate from prehistoric periods. A similar situation can be seen in the wider Dubrovnik area, with analysed caves on the peninsula of Pelješac (Crno Jezero Cave in Ponikve, Gudnja Cave near Ston), the Dubrovnik littoral (Zmajeva Peć in Čepikuće), and the western part of the city of Dubrovnik (Vilina Cave above the source of the Ombla, Močiljska Cave above Mokošica, Kukova Peć in Brsečine). Bioarchaeological analyses have been done for some of the human osteological finds from these caves, complementing the scant information on caves as burial sites from the past.
U: Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu (Online). - ISSN 1848-6371. - 37 (2020) ; str. 5-36  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nekropole -- Špilje -- Arheološki nalazi -- Kosti -- Radiokarbonska analiza -- Bioarheološka analiza

91   Geografija

ROTT, Dariusz
Mapping the early modern world [Elektronička građa] : Ptolemy’s Cosmography in sixteenth century Cracow / Dariusz Rott.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 326-327. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Around 1490 Cracow saw the development of humanist interests in geography, as well as in the works of Claudius Ptolemaeus (circa 100-147) and other ancient geographers. The stay of the renown German humanist, Conradus Celtes, in Cracow (1446-1495) most likely contributed to this shift. Laurentius Corvinus (circa 1465- 1527), Silesian humanist and Neo-Latin poet, who between 1484- 1494 studied and then lectured in Cracow as docens extraneus non de facultate (his lectures were attended by, for example, young Nicolaus Copernicus), belonged to Celtes’ circle. As a result of his lectures in Cracow, Corvinus wrote the textbook entitled Cosmographia dans nanuductionem in tabulas Ptolemai [...], which was then published in Basel, in 1496. This paper presents the main facts concerning Corvinus’ life and discusses the content of his work. It also presents the circles of contemporary Renaissance humanists in Cracow, in particular scholars of geography and astronomy. This work played an important role in developing geographical knowledge among the humanists of Cracow. It also influenced humanist circles in Basel, Nuremberg and Tubingen. Today, Corvinus’ Cosmographia is a rather forgotten work, not often analyzed by researchers of the history of Polish geography and historians of older literature. - Oko 1490. godine Krakov je bio mjesto pojačanoga humanističkog zanimanja za geografiju, pa tako i za djela Klaudija Ptolemeja (oko 100. – 147.) i drugih antičkih geografa. Tomu je najvjerojatnije pridonio i boravak znamenitoga njemačkog humanista Konrada Celtesa (1446. – 1495.) u Krakovu. Njegovu je intelektualnom krugu pripadao i Laurencije Korvin (oko 1465. – 1527. ), šleski humanist i novolatinski pjesnik koji je 1484. – 1494. studirao, a zatim i predavao u Krakovu kao docens extraneus non de facultate (njegova je predavanja pohađao i, primjerice, mladi Nikola Kopernik). Korvin je, kao rezultat svojih krakovskih predavanja, napisao udžbenik Cosmographia dans nanuductionem in tabulas Ptolemai, tiskan u Baselu 1496. U članku se predstavljaju najvažnije činjenice iz Korvinova života te se raspravlja o sadržaju njegova djela, a prikazuju se i intelektualni humanistički krugovi onodobnog renesansnog Krakova, osobito oni učenjaka geografa i astronoma. Korvinovo je djelo značajno utjecalo na razvoj geografskoga znanja krakovskih humanista, kao i na humanističke intelektualne krugove u Baselu, Nürnbergu i Tübingenu. Danas je njegova Cosmographia uglavnom zaboravljeno djelo, a istraživači povijesti poljske geografije i povjesničari književnosti njime se slabo bave.
U: Tabula (Pula. Online). - ISSN 1849-1685. - (2020), 17 ; str. 315-329  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Geografija -- Humanizam -- Kozmografija
Ptolomej, Klaudije -- Kopernik, Mikolaj -- Korvin, Laurencije


Vidi br.: HA20-02547

Vidi br.: HA20-02185

92   Biografske studije. Genealogija. Heraldika. Zastave

KRPAN Smiljanec, Marina
Dvorac Vižovlje i njegovi stanovnici [Elektronička građa] : prilog poznavanju povijesti plemićke obitelji Galjuf (Gallyuff, Gallyuf, Calliuff) i jedne plemićke kurije / Marina Krpan Smiljanec. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst : bibliografija i izvori: str. 33-34. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj rada je, u smislu interpretacije duha mjesta (genius loci), interdisciplinarnim pristupom, prikazati povijest jedne grane obitelji Galjuf, koja je u razdoblju od druge polovice XVIII. do početka XX. st. kao svoje sjedište imala dvorac Vižovlje, koji se nalazi na zapadnom dijelu Krapinsko-zagorske županije, nekoliko kilometara sjeverozapadno od Velikoga Trgovišća. U tom smislu, rad se fokusirao na biografske podatke onih članova obitelji koji su bili vlasnici dvorca. Problematiziran je i društveno-graditeljski status dvorca, na relaciji dvorac–kurija, budući da ni stručno-znanstvena literatura nije uspostavila jasne granice u određenju samih pojmova. Prikazani su osnovni arhitektonski elementi dvorca, njegove mijene tijekom promatranoga razdoblja, uz osvrt na sadašnje znanstvene spoznaje o njegovu izgledu temeljem dostupnih povijesnih izvora. Govoreći o društvenom životu u dvorcu i mijenama koje su pratile tadašnja društveno-ekonomska kretanja, važan izvor predstavlja Spomen-knjiga posjetilaca dvorca u Vižovlju, kao jedna od rijetkih sačuvanih spomen-knjiga zagorskih kurija i dvoraca, a koja je ujedno i paradigmatični prikaz života zagorskoga sitnog plemstva kraja XVIII. i XIX. st. - The goal of this paper is to, in way of interpreting the spirit of the place and using an interdisciplinary approach, present the history of one branch of the Galjuf family, which was seated at Vižovlje Manor in the west part of the Krapina-Zagorje County, several kilometers northwest of Veliko Trgovišće. In this sense, the paper is focused on the biographical data of those family members who were the owners of the manor. The social-architectural status of the manor in view of the terms dvorac and kurija is also discussed, since Croatian professional and scholarly literature has yet to precisely distinguish the meanings of these terms. The basic architectural elements of the manor are described, as are the changes during the observed period, with reference to the current scholarly knowledge about their appearance based on available historical sources. A significant source on social life in the manor and the changes that followed the social-economic developments of that time is the »Spomen-knjiga posjetilaca dvorca u Vižovlju« (Commemorative Visitor Book of Vižovje Manor), one of the rare preserved commemorative books from a Zagorje manor. It is also a paradigmatic portrayal of the life of Zagorje’s minor nobility in the late 18th and the 19th century.
U: Studia lexicographica (Online). - ISSN 2459-5578. - 14 (2020), 26 ; str. 7-35  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Plemstvo -- Dvorac Vižovlje -- Kurije
Obitelj Galjuf


Rovinjska Tipografia Istriana - kulturni moment povijesti [Elektronička građa] / Igor Dobrača. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 200-201. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Od otkrića, knjiga je oduvijek predstavljala medij prijenosa informacija i znanja. Izumom tiskarskog stroja 1450. godine započeto je novo poglavlje vrijednosti same knjige ali i otvaranje većeg broja tiskara. Braća Gaspare i Antonio Coana doselili su se početkom 1859. iz Venecije u Rovinj, tadašnji važan gospodarski centar, te 5. ožujka 1859. osnovali prvu tiskaru u Istri pod nazivom Tipografia Istriana. U radu je predstavljena djelatnost same tiskare Tipografia Istriana od njezina osnutka do transformacije u Istragrafiku u razdoblju nakon Drugog Svjetskog rata. Radom se želi dati akcenat na turističku valorizaciju tiskare i osvrt na izložbu otvorenu u Muzeju Grada Rovinja-Rovigno povodom 160. obljetnice njezina utemeljenja. - Since its discovery, the book has always been the medium of information and knowledge transfer. With the invention of the printing press in 1450, a book itself acquired new value while printing houses spread widely. The brothers Gaspare and Antonio Coana immigrated from Venice to Rovinj in 1859, then an important economic centre, and on March 5, 1859, established the first printing house in Istria called Tipografia Istriana. The aim of paper is to present the activity of the printing house Tipografia Istriana from its foundation to the transformation into Istragrafika that took place in the period after the World War II. The paper also seeks to emphasize the tourist valorisation of the printing house and give an overview of the exhibition opened on the occasion of the 160th anniversary of its founding in the Rovinj-Rovigno City Museum.
U: Studia Polensia (Online). - ISSN 2459-6256. - 9 (2020), 1 ; str. 187-201  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tiskare -- Kulturna baština -- Turizam
Obitelj Coana
Tiskara Tipografia Istriana


Vidi br.: HA20-02877

Vidi br.: HA20-02836

Vidi br.: HA20-02844

Vidi br.: HA20-02088

Vidi br.: HA20-02729

Vidi br.: HA20-02803

Vidi br.: HA20-02183

Vidi br.: HA20-02189

Vidi br.: HA20-02848

Vidi br.: HA20-02186

93   Povijest

930   Povijesna znanost. Pomoćne povijesne znanosti

Novija historiografija o grkokatoličkoj Marčanskoj (Svidničkoj/Platejskoj) biskupiji i crkvenoj uniji u Hrvatskoj [Elektronička građa] / Zlatko Kudelić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 194-200. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Autor analizira noviju domaću i inozemnu historiografiju o Marčanskoj (Svidničkoj/Platejskoj) biskupiji i crkvenoj uniji na području Hrvatsko-slavonske vojne krajine. Ukazuje na razlike u interpretacijama kod pojedinih autora i na moguće izvore njihovih zaključaka. - The author analyses Croatian and international historiography on the Greek Catholic diocese of Marčanska (Svidnička or Platejska) since the early 1990s, emphasizing that the increased interest in this topic at that time was partly driven by the political changes in Croatia and its surroundings. The topic has been in the focus of interest of historians dealing with the Military Frontier (Krajina) and the Catholic Church as well as authors of the syntheses of the history of Croatia and the Serbian Orthodox Church in Croatia. A number of scholars in Croatia have accepted J. Šimrak’s conclusions about the success of the union in the early 17th century as a consequence of the wider Union movement and the responsibility of the Vienna court and some Zagreb bishops for its failure. On the other hand, foreign historians have accepted conclusions about the Habsburg religious policy from Austrian historiography written in the second half of the 19th and the early 20th century, repeating stereotypes and inaccurate data that were not scientifically evaluated, such as the hypothesis about the Jesuits as the main factors in the expansion of the union and the constant Catholic pressure on the population of the Orthodox frontier region, allegedly carried out by the Krajina commanders. Only a few historians have indicated the unsustainability of these hypotheses and pointed out that the Frontier was a desirable settlement area for Orthodox Christians from the Ottoman Empire. There are noticeable differences among the scholars as to the interpretation of the beginnings, motives, and reach of the union, as well as different understandings of the basic concepts concerning this issue, and due to the lack of relevant studies and the use of unreliable older historiography, these 18th-century events have been described very scantily and inaccurately, especially the reign of Charles VI.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 39 (2020), 59 ; str. 165-201  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Historiografija -- Crkvena unija -- Pravoslavlje -- Vlasi
Marčanska biskupija -- Zagrebačka biskupija -- Pećka patrijaršija


Rukopis Nikše Ragnine kao izvor podataka o proračunu Dubrovačke Republike u 16. stoljeću [Elektronička građa] / Rina Kralj-Brassard, Nella Lonza. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 160-162. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se analizira sadržaj, utvrđuje datacija i autorstvo rukopisa R 3464 iz Zbirke rukopisa i starih knjiga Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu. Na temelju podataka o vrsti i visini državnih prihoda i rashoda Dubrovačke Republike zabilježenih u tom rukopisu određuje se razdoblje na koje se proračun odnosi. Vjerodostojnost strukture zapisa provjerava se usporedbom s vremenski najbližim pouzdanim podacima o državnim prihodima i rashodima s početka 17. stoljeća. Proračunski suficit pokazuje dobro stanje javnih financija Dubrovačke Republike u prvoj četvrtini 16. stoljeća, a struktura državnih prihoda potvrđuje izniman gospodarski položaj Dubrovnika. Premda obilježen mnogostrukim računskim pogreškama, koje upućuju na neobičan nemar prema brojčanim zapisima, Ragninin pregled proračuna, koji se donosi i transkribiran u prilogu, dragocjeno je svjedočanstvo o gospodarstvu Dubrovačke Republike početkom 16. stoljeća. - The paper analyses the content and determines the dating and authorship of the manuscript R 3464 from the Collection of Manuscripts and Old Books at the National and University Library in Zagreb. Based on the data concerning the type and amount of state revenues and expenditures of the Dubrovnik Republic recorded in this manuscript, the period to which the budget refers has been determined. The credibility of the manuscript structure has been verified by comparison with the historically closest reliable data on government revenues and expenditures from the early 17th century. The budget surplus shows the good state of public finances in the Dubrovnik Republic during the first quarter of the 16th century, while the structure of state revenues confirms the exceptional economic position of Dubrovnik. Although marked by multiple calculation errors, which indicate an unusual negligence towards numerical records, Ragnina’s review of the budget, which is here transcribed in the appendix, is a valuable testimony to the economy of the Dubrovnik Republic in the early 16th century.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 39 (2020), 59 ; str. 143-163  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Državni proračun -- Suficit
Ragnina, Nikša


JURAN, Kristijan
Vratkovići i drugi Morlaci u trogirskome distriktu u 16. stoljeću [Elektronička građa] / Kristijan Juran.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 41-42. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Recentna je historiografija iznjedrila nekolicinu zapaženih radova o mletačko-osmanskim odnosima na trogirskome pograničju u 16. stoljeću i ulozi koju su u njima imali novodoseljeni osmanski Morlaci. Iako je i ovaj prilog usmjeren k istome cilju, temeljna mu je nakana rasvijetliti još uvijek zamućenu i nedovoljno razrađenu problematiku prisutnosti morlačkih plemena (katuna) u pojedinim selima trogirskoga distrikta u razdoblju od 1530. do 1600. godine. Ovdje se o njima donose nove vijesti, uglavnom iz arhivskih spisa trogirske provenijencije. - Recent historiography has produced a number of notable works on the Venetian-Ottoman relations at the border of Trogir in the 16th century and the role of the newly settled Ottoman Morlachs therein. This paper is a contribution to the understanding of these relations, its research sensors focusing primarily on the previously unpublished archival data about the presence of the Morlach tribes (Katuns) in individual villages of the Trogir district in the period from 1530 to 1600. It has been noted that the majority of the newly arrived Morlachs belonged to the tribal groups of Vratković, Popović, and Vasarović. The Vratković tribe, which came from Herzegovina, was the most numerous. They inhabited six villages – Ljubitovica, Bristivica, Prapatnica, Dašini Doci, Vraca, and Blizna. The village of their elder (Katunar) was in Ljubitovica. The Popović tribe is mentioned in 1530 in Zbičje (the north-eastern part of present-day Prgomet) and later recorded in Suhi Dol and Kosmači (present-day Primorski Dolac). The Vasarović tribe was located in Trokolve and most probably owes its tribal name to Vasav, the father of Jacob, who in 1550 was the village's elder. Thus, the three Morlach communities demographically covered two-thirds of the settlements in the hinterland of Trogir, the area “behind the hills,” and the Trogir district. Perhaps future research will identify them also in the remaining third, for instance in Labin, Opor, Prgomet, and Radošić.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 39 (2020), 58 ; str. 29-42  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Historiografija -- Mletačko-osmanski odnosi -- Morlaci

Vidi br.: HA20-02876

930.85   Kulturna povijest

Rediscovering the Greeks [Elektronička građa] : the impact of intensified contacts between western Europe and the Byzantine world on shaping humanistic thought from the perspective of Istria / Milena Joksimović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 198-202. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The article explores the impact of Byzantines on Istrian Humanism and Renaissance. In the introduction author describes the alienation of the territories which used to be Eastern and Western part of the Roman Empire and, congruently, the fate of the classical (particularly Greek) heritage in the Dark and Middle Ages in those territories. This is followed by a description of the historical events that led to rapprochement of the East and West, with particular emphasis on the Byzantine exodus to Italy. The author then provides a methodological framework by analyzing the main aspects of „rediscovering” Greek cultural heritage and the influence of the Byzantine immigrants on them. The author than turns to Istria, providing, first, a short summary of Istrian contacts with the Greek cultural heritage throughout history and then the settlement of the Byzantines in Istria. The main part of the article follows, containing a detailed analysis of the described elements of „rediscovering” Greek cultural heritage – interest in Greek language, literature, culture and philosophy (particularly Neoplatonism), in translations, the editing and publishing of Greek classics, as well as in the presence of the idea of a common European identity based on a common ancient heritage, and the voices advocating for the formation of a united Christian European front against the Ottomans. - U radu se istražuje utjecaj Bizanta na humanizam i renesansu u Istri. U uvodnom dijelu autorica opisuje otuđenje teritorija koji su nekoć bili dijelom Istočnog i Zapadnog Rimskog Carstva, kao i sudbinu klasičnoga, posebice grčkoga, nasljeđa u ranom srednjem vijeku. Slijedi opis povijesnih događaja koji su doveli do zbližavanja Istoka i Zapada s posebnim naglaskom na exodus Bizantinaca u Italiju. Autorica nadalje postavlja metodološki okvir analizirajući glavne aspekte „ponovnog otkrivanja Grka” u smislu kulturnoga nasljeđa i utjecaja bizantskih emigranata na doseljeno područje. Zatim se osvrće na prilike u Istri dajući kratak pregled istarskih kontakata s grčkim kulturnim nasljeđem kroz povijest, a zatim i pregled naselja u Istri u kojima je bilo bizantskoga stanovništva. Glavni dio rada sadrži detaljnu analizu spomenutih elemenata „ponovnog otkrivanja” grčkoga kulturnog nasljeđa s naglaskom na grčki jezik, književnost, kulturu i filozofiju (posebno neoplatonizam), na prevođenje, uređivanje i izdavanje djela grčkih klasika, kao i prisutnost ideje o zajedničkom europskom identitetu utemeljene na zajedničkoj antičkoj baštini i zalaganjima za uspostavu ujedinjene kršćanske fronte protiv Osmanskoga Carstva.
U: Tabula (Pula. Online). - ISSN 1849-1685. - (2020), 17 ; str. 169-204  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Humanizam -- Renesansa -- Kulturno nasljeđe -- Grci -- Grčki jezik

Vidi br.: HA20-02670

Vidi br.: HA20-02842

Vidi br.: HA20-02729

930.85(497.5)   Kulturna povijest Hrvatske

Vidi br.: HA20-02838

Vidi br.: HA20-02834

Vidi br.: HA20-02860

94   Opća povijest. Povijest pojedinih zemalja i naroda

Czechoslovak seafarers' memories of Polish ports as their "second home" during the state socialism period (1949-1989) [Elektronička građa] / Lenka Krátká.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: 50 jed. - Summary. - Czechoslovakia began to develop its ocean fleet after the communist coup d’état in 1948. Prague was designated as the place of registration for these ships. From a practical point of view, however, it was necessary for the Czechoslovak fleet to reach a port located as close as possible to the Czechoslovak border. Szczecin (located 298 km from the border) became the base for the fleet not only due to the political circumstances of the Cold War but also for economic reasons. While Hamburg remained a vital harbor for international trade where “East meets West,” Polish ports were used not only for loading and unloading goods and transporting them to the republic but also to supply ships, change crews, carry out most shipyard maintenance, etc. Consequently, Czechoslovak seafarers themselves called Szczecin their “home port.” Numerous aspects of this perception as “home” will be reflected on in this paper. Specifically, the paper will touch on perceptions of Poles (mainly seafarers and dock workers), some aspects of the relationships among Czechoslovaks and Poles, including a discussion of some important historical issues (1968, the 1980s) in this area. This paper is based on archival sources, oral history interviews with former seafarers, and published memoirs. It should contribute to broader research and understanding of relationships among people living in various parts of the socialist block and show different images of life under socialism(s).
U: History in flux (Online). - ISSN 2706-4441. - 2 (2020), 2 ; str. 31-48  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pomorci -- Socijalizam -- Krijumčarenje -- Usmena povijest

JONJIĆ, Tomislav
Jedan razgovor i dva članka Ive Pilara o aneksiji Bosne i Hercegovine / Tomislav Jonjić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Sadrži i: Razgovor s dr. Ivom Pilarom objavljen u Die Zeit, Nr. 2169, Wien, 1908. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Pilar (Zagreb). - ISSN 1846-3010. - 14 (2019), 1/2(27/28) ; str. 163-184  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Politika -- Aneksija -- Bosansko-hercegovački Hrvati -- Političko organiziranje
Pilar, Ivo


GOLEC, Boris
Die Muslime im slowenischen Raum bis zum Zusammenbruch der Habsburgermonarchie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Bekehrung zum Christentum in der Frühen Neuzeit [Elektronička građa] / Boris Golec. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 270-272. - Zusammenfassung ; Sažetak. - Die Slowenen sind das einzige südslawische Volk, das in keinem Teil seines Ansiedlungsgebietes jemals eine Okkupation durch den Osmanischen Staat und eine Einbindung in sein Verwaltungssystem erlebt hat. Obwohl in der Sphäre des Westchristentums und seiner Kultur fest verankert, lebten Slowenen bereits seit dem 15. Jahrhundert in unmittelbarer geografischer Nähe zum Osmanischen Reich mit kompakt siedelnder muslimischer Bevölkerung. Die Anwesenheit von Muslimen im behandelten Raum kann in drei Hauptperioden mit mehreren Unterperioden unterteilt werden. Die erste und längste Periode dauerte von 15. bis zum Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts: Muslime beiderlei Geschlechts waren osmanische Kriegsgefangene, von denen sich einige christianisierten und in slowenischen Raum dauerhaft ansiedelten. Ihre Taufe erreichte ihren Höhepunkt während des Große Türkenkrieg von 1683-1699. Die zweite Periode erstreckt sich über etwas weniger als zwei Jahrhunderte und kann als die „stille Periode“ der mehr oder weniger friedlichen Koexistenz des habsburgischen Imperiums mit dem Osmanischen Staat genannt werden. Die dritte Periode beginnt mit der österreichisch-ungarischen Okkupation von Bosnien und Herzegowina (1878), nach dem wird es einen Prozess der freien Einwanderung von Muslimen in die slowenischen Provinzen ankommen. - Slovenci su jedini južnoslavenski narod čiji etnički teritorij nikada ni u jednom dijelu nije bio pod vlašću Osmanskog Carstva. No premda čvrsto usidreni u prostoru zapadnog kršćanstva i njegove kulture, ipak su još od 15. stoljeća bili geografski vrlo blizu prostora na kojem su kompaktno obitavali pripadnici islamske vjere. Nazočnost muslimana na slovenskom prostoru do 1918. može se podijeliti u tri glavna razdoblja. Prvo i ujedno najduže razdoblje traje od 15. do kraja 17. stoljeća: muslimani obaju spolova bili su ratni zarobljenici, od kojih su neki primili kršćanstvo te su se trajno naselili na slovenskom prostoru. Njihovo pokrštavanje doseglo je vrhunac u vrijeme Velikog bečkog rata 1683. – 1699. Drugo razdoblje proteže se kroz nešto manje od dvaju stoljeća, a moglo bi se nazvati dobom relativno mirne koegzistencije Habsburškog s Osmanskim Carstvom. Treće razdoblje započinje austrougarskom okupacijom Bosne i Hercegovine (1878), nakon kojega će doći do procesa slobodnog useljavanja muslimana u slovenske pokrajine.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 39 (2020), 59 ; str. 251-273  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Muslimani -- Pokrštavanje -- Ratni zarobljenici -- Migracije

Nos tuis supplicationibus inclinati: Pope Innocent IV and the decline of delegated jurisdiction in Hungary in the mid-13th century [Elektronička građa] / Gábor Barabás.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 25-29. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The paper discusses a special aspect of the papal-Hungarian relations, namely the operation of delegated jurisdiction after the Mongol invasion of 1241-42. The focus of the study is on the revival of the system in the 1240s, and on certain measures of Pope Innocent IV in 1252 and 1254. The first measure of this kind is traditionally considered to be the papal allowance granted to King Béla IV in order to avoid his ecclesiastical and lay subjects being cited outside of the realm. This prohibition, according to the opinion of the Hungarian legal historian György Bónis, was annulled as early as 1259. In the present study, we argue that, although the charters of Innocent IV and Alexander IV are indeed of great importance, their impact should not be overrated. The number of known cases supervised by the papal judges dropped significantly in the 1250s. However, the reason behind this decrease cannot be solely explained by the above-mentioned papal charter; other factors should also be considered in investigating this question. - U radu se govori o posebnom aspektu papinsko-ugarskih odnosa, djelovanju delegirane jurisdikcije nakon mongolske invazije 1241-42, pri čemu je naglasak na oživljavanju sustava 40-ih godina 13. stoljeća i na određenim mjerama pape Inocenta IV. iz 1252. i 1254. godine. Prvom mjerom ove vrste tradicionalno se smatra papina povlastica dodijeljena kralju Beli IV. kako bi se spriječilo da se njegovim crkvenim i laičkim podanicima sudi izvan kraljevstva. Ta je odluka, prema mišljenju mađarskog pravnog povjesničara Györgya Bónisa, poništena već 1259. godine. U ovoj studiji želimo pokazati kako se utjecaj povelja Inocenta IV. i Aleksandra IV. ne smije precijeniti iako su svakako bile od velike važnosti. Broj poznatih slučajeva koje su nadzirali papini suci značajno je opao 50-ih godina 13. stoljeća. Međutim, to se ne može se objasniti samo spomenutom papinskom poveljom, nego valja uzeti u obzir i druge čimbenike.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 39 (2020), 59 ; str. 7-30  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Papinsko-ugarski odnosi
Papa Inocent IV. -- Bela IV


Rat Svete lige, gospodarska kriza i njezine posljedice [Elektronička građa] : Köse Halil-paša i fiskalna transformacija u osmanskoj Bosni 1699.-1702. / Fahd Kasumović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 226-227. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj ovoga rada preispitivanje je dominantnih historiografskih predodžbi o transformacijskim procesima u ekonomskoj povijesti Osmanskoga Carstva te obrada nepoznatih aspekata osmanskih financijskih mjera koje su na području Bosanskoga ejaleta poduzete u prvih nekoliko godina nakon Karlovačkoga mira (1699.). Rad pokazuje kompleksnost osmanske strategije u borbi sa stvarnim i percipiranim učincima gospodarske krize koju je na zapadnoj periferiji svijeta islama izazvalo dugotrajno ratovanje s koalicijom Svete lige. Nastoji se pokazati da je za potpunije razumijevanje osmanskih transformacijskih procesa potrebno temeljitije ispitati mjere koje je vlast provodila u pograničnim provincijama. Kao primjer tih mjera istaknuto je trajno oslobađanje cijeloga Bosanskog ejaleta od poreza bedel-i nüzûl, namijenjenog za opskrbu i financiranje vojske. Ukazano je i na značenje krupnih promjena u režimu ubiranja državnih prihoda kao što je ukidanje „vlaških poreza” i odsjekom određenih novčanih podavanja u znatnom dijelu osmanskoga agrarnog gospodarstva u Bosni te prijelaz na režim naturalne desetine. Analizirani su uzroci koji su doveli do tih mjera, njihove dugoročne posljedice za osmanske financije, život lokalnoga stanovništva i gospodarstvo. Zaključci izneseni u radu zasnovani su na analizi neobjavljene financijske građe iz osmanskih arhiva. - This paper aims at re-examining the dominant historiographical views on the transformation processes in the economic history of the Ottoman Empire, and at expounding on the previously unknown aspects of the financial measures undertaken by the Ottoman government with an agenda of providing stability in the early 18th-century province of Bosnia. The research shows the nuances of the Ottoman strategy in dealing with the actual and perceived consequences of the economic crisis in the Western periphery of the Islamic world, caused by the long warfare with the Christian coalition of the Holy League. By critically evaluating the state-of-the-art in the Ottoman studies and by comparing the results with the unpublished primary sources, the author argues that a better understanding of the Ottoman transformation processes requires elaborate research on the governmental fiscal policies in the borderland provinces, along with the exploration of their long-term impact on the finance sector and market economy, as well as the material position of the power elites and the taxpaying local communities. As a primary example of these under-researched financial measures, this paper highlights the permanent exemption of the 18th-century eyalet of Bosnia from the bedel-i nüzûl, an important tax used to secure the provisions and financial resources for the army. Another argument for the above-mentioned hypothesis is the crucial change that occurred in the structure of the state revenue sources, as this research has established that the traditional monetary taxes, such as the so-called “taxes of the Vlachs” (rüsûm-ı Eflâkân), i.e. the resm-i flûrî (or resm-i flori) tax, were abolished and substituted by the in-kind obligation, the tithe. This phenomenon has been ascertained for numerous land plots in the early 18th-century agrarian economy of Ottoman Bosnia.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 39 (2020), 59 ; str. 203-228  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ekonomska povijest -- Gospodarska kriza -- Financije -- Porezi -- Transformacijski procesi

VRBANIĆ, Luka, povjesničar
Švedska "neutralnost" u Drugome svjetskome ratu [Elektronička građa] / Luka Vrbanić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i internetski izvori: 17 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Švedska je u, hobsbawmovski rečeno, „dugom“ 19. stoljeću prešla veliku transformaciju od prijašnje ratoborne države iz vremena Gustava II. Adolfa i Karla XII., do miroljubive zemlje kojoj je jedini cilj bio očuvati mir i prosperitet za svoje stanovnike. Iako je još za vrijeme trajanja Krimskoga rata, sredinom 19. stoljeća, Švedska već iskazala svoju neutralnost prema svim sukobima, tek je u Prvome svjetskom ratu njezina neutralnost došla do izražaja. Na svoj je neutralni način pomagala Njemačkome Carstvu, najviše u trgovinskom pogledu. U razdoblju između dvaju velikih svjetskih ratova Švedska se okrenula svojim susjedima i trgovala s njima. Pribojavala se rastućega nacionalsocijalizma u Njemačkoj i snažnoga komunizma u Sovjetskome Savezu. Početkom Drugoga svjetskog rata Švedska je, ne želeći sudjelovati u nadolazećem sukobu, ponovno proglasila svoju neutralnost. Međutim, Švedska nije bila toliko neutralna jer je u nekoliko navrata prekršila svoju neutralnu politiku. Osim humanitarne intervencije u Zimskom ratu, pomogla je Njemačkoj prevesti svoje vojnike i ratnu mašineriju do Finske. Ovu „pomoć“ Njemačkoj možemo pripisati agresivnoj vanjskoj politici Njemačke te prijetnji ratom ako Švedska ne pomogne Njemačkoj. Na kraju je ipak trgovinskim sankcijama pomogla poraziti Njemačku i samim time osloboditi cijelu Europu nacističkoga jarma. - During the period which Eric Hobsbawm termed “the long 19th century”, Sweden has undergone a major transformation from a belligerent state shaped by Gustav II Adolph and Charles XII, to a peaceful country whose only goal was to preserve peace and prosperity for its people. Even though it already hinted at its policy of neutrality in the mid-19th century, namely during the Crimean War, it was during the First World War that it actually came to the fore. By maintaining this policy of neutrality, Sweden aided the German Reich, mostly by allowing the troops to pass safely and to use its trade routes. In the interwar period, Sweden turned to its neighbors with the aim of further establishing and nurturing trade relations. However, the state feared the growing power of the German national socialism and the Soviet communism. At the beginning of the Second World War, Sweden re-declared its policy of neutrality, unwilling to participate in the upcoming conflict. However, it has proven not to be as neutral as it claimed, namely because it strayed from its policy of neutrality on several occasions. In addition to its humanitarian intervention during the Winter War, Sweden aided Germany by transporting its troops and war machinery into Finland. This “help” Sweden provided can be attributed to the Reich’s aggressive foreign policy, or the threat of imminent war in the lack thereof. In the end, however, Sweden allowed for numerous trade sanctions which further accelarated the fall of the Reich and liberated the world from its clutches.
U: Pleter (Online). - ISSN 2757-0460. - 4 (2020), 4 ; str. 97-114  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drugi svjetski rat -- Neutralnost -- Vanjska politika -- Zimski rat -- Trgovina -- Transport

Why the Italians set their sights on East Africa [Elektronička građa] : developments and unfulfilled aspirations in the Mediterranean during the 19th century / Nikolaos Mavropoulos.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 107-108. - Summary ; Sažetak. - In the wake of the Unification, the Italian expansionist designs were aimed, as expected, towards Africa. The fear of French aggression on the coast of North Africa drove Rome to the camp of the Central Powers, a diplomatic event of colossal importance for Europe's historical evolution until the First World War. The disturbance of the Mediterranean balance, when France occupied Tunisia and Britain Cyprus and Egypt, caused stress, anxiety and confusion among the statesmen of Italy, a fact which is reflected in their subsequent erroneous choices. The frustrations, the inability to find a colony in proximity to Italy's geographical area and the diplomatic defeats led Rome by inference to the Red Sea and Eritrea. - U jeku talijanskog ujedinjenja, talijanski ekspanzionistički nacrti bili su, kako se i očekivalo, usmjereni prema Africi. Strah od francuske agresije na obali sjeverne Afrike odveo je Rim na stranu Centralnih sila, što je bio diplomatski događaj od kolosalnog značaja za povijesni razvoj Europe do Prvoga svjetskog rata. Poremećaj mediteranske ravnoteže, kada je Francuska okupirala Tunis, a Britanija Cipar i Egipat, izazvao je nervozu, tjeskobu i zbunjenost među talijanskim državnicima, što se odrazilo na njihove kasnije pogrešne odluke. Frustracije, nemogućnost pronalaska kolonije u blizini talijanskog zemljopisnog područja i diplomatski porazi vodili su Rim do Crvenog mora i Eritreje. Napetost o sigurnosti i ravnoteži na Mediteranu, britanska suradnja, francusko rivalstvo, uvjerenje o teritorijalnoj kompenzaciji u Africi zbog prethodnih neuspjeha, opće političko ozračje, rastući nacionalizam i ponekad hladni, ponekad ravnodušni, a ponekad i srdačni odnosi s njemačkim i austrijskim saveznicima su činjenice koje se moraju uzeti u obzir kako bi se shvatio talijanski kolonijalizam.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 39 (2020), 58 ; str. 93-109  
 Elektronička verzija članka

Vidi br.: HA20-02333

Vidi br.: HA20-02321

Vidi br.: HA20-02865

Vidi br.: HA20-02148

Vidi br.: HA20-02295

Vidi br.: HA20-02329

Vidi br.: HA20-02210

Vidi br.: HA20-02091

Vidi br.: HA20-02222

94(497.5)   Povijest Hrvatske

MATKOVIĆ, Stjepan, povjesničar
100. obljetnica pravaške saborske interpelacije 1918.-2018. : grozote u Odesi 1916. – 1917., priredio Ante Čuvalo, Hrvatsko žrtvoslovno društvo, CroLibertas Publishers, Zagreb, Chicago, 2018. : [prikaz] / Stjepan Matković.
U: Pilar (Zagreb). - ISSN 1846-3010. - 14 (2019), 1/2(27/28) ; str. 206-211  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Čuvalo, Ante
Prvi svjetski rat -- Ratni zločini -- Zarobljenici -- Hrvati


Marginalne skupine kasnostaleškog društva Banske Hrvatske [Elektronička građa] / Petra Kolesarić, Valentina Markasović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 19 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Središnja tema rada jesu marginalne skupine kasnostaleškog društva Banske Hrvatske. U radu se na temelju relevantne literature donosi pregled skupina marginaliziranih ljudi i/ili naroda u prvoj polovici 19. stoljeća na području Banske Hrvatske. Nakon analize strukture društva Banske Hrvatske i objašnjenja pojma marginalnih skupina, rad daje pregled načina života Židova, Roma, skitnica, prosjaka, putujućih zabavljača, zatvorenika, neudanih majki i trudnica, izvanbračne djece, siročadi, bolesnika i invalida. Također je prikazan odnos društva prema navedenim skupinama. Posljednje poglavlje bavi se analizom prikaza marginalnih skupina u odabranim djelima hrvatske književnosti 19. stoljeća. - The central topic of the paper is marginalized groups in the late feudal society that is the Kingdom of Croatia. The paper is based on relevant bibliography and gives an overview of the groups of marginalized people and/or nationalities in the Kingdom of Croatia in the first half of the 19th century. After the analysis of the social structures of the Kingdom, the paper gives an overview of the ways of life of Jews, Roma people, vagabonds, beggars, travelling showmen, prisoners, single mothers, pregnant women, illegitimate children, orphans, sick people, and disabled people. The paper also shows how the aforementioned groups were treated by the society. The last chapter deals with the analysis of the representation of marginalized groups in several works of Croatian 19th century literature.
U: Pleter (Online). - ISSN 2757-0460. - 4 (2020), 4 ; str. 55-70  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kasnostaleško društvo -- Marginalne skupine -- Židovi -- Romi

ZADRO, Lucija
Miroslav Tuđman, Haški krivolov : analiza dokaza o ciljevima zajedničkoga zločinačkog pothvata u predmetu IT-04-74, Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, Hrvatski dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog rata u BiH, Zagreb, Mostar, 2019. : [prikaz] / Lucija Zadro. - Ilustr.
U: Pilar (Zagreb). - ISSN 1846-3010. - 14 (2019), 1/2(27/28) ; str. 201-206  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tuđman, Miroslav
Međunarodno kazneno pravo
Haški sud -- Međunarodni sud za zločine na području bivše Jugoslavije


POPIĆ, Tomislav
Najstariji sačuvani sveščić srednjovjekovnih zapisnika komunalnih vijeća grada Trogira [Elektronička građa] : pitanje datacije i kronologije / Tomislav Popić, Ante Bećir. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 63-64. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se predstavlja najstariji sačuvani sveščić zapisnika trogirskih komunalnih vijeća koji je Ivan Lučić datirao u 1316. i 1317. godinu. Uspoređujući sadržaj odluka u sveščiću s drugim poznatim izvorima, Lučićevim bilješkama i Svjedočanstvima o Trogiru, autori postavljaju tezu da rečeni sveščić zapisnika trogirskih komunalnih vijeća potječe iz 1314. i 1315., a ne iz 1316. i 1317. godine, te da svojim sadržajem završava neposredno pred rušenje trogirskoga franjevačkoga samostana i dolazak bana Mladena II. s vojskom pod grad u svibnju 1315. godine. Sukladno novoj kronologiji, autori razmatraju i politička zbivanja u Trogiru tijekom drugoga desetljeća 14. stoljeća. - This paper presents the oldest surviving volume of Trogir’s council proceedings, which Ivan Lučić Lucius dated in 1316 and 1317. Having compared the contents of the volume with other sources, Lucius’s notes, and his Memorie istoriche di Tragurio, the authors argue that the given volume dates from 1314 and 1315, and that its contents end shortly before the destruction of Trogir’s Franciscan monastery and the arrival of Ban Mladen II with his army in May 1315. In line with this new chronology, the authors have also considered the political developments in Trogir and its surroundings during the second decade of the 14th century.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 39 (2020), 59 ; str. 31-65  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Povijesni izvori -- Komune -- Komunalna vijeća
Veliko vijeće


BENYOVSKY Latin, Irena
Socijalna topografija srednjovjekovnog Dubrovnika [Elektronička građa] : primjer posjeda obitelji Mençe u burgusu na prijelazu 13. u 14. stoljeće / Irena Benyovsky Latin, Ivana Haničar Buljan. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 114-121. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se donosi detaljan pregled nekretnina koje je u dubrovačkom burgusu posjedovala vlasteoska obitelj Mençe tijekom 13. i u prvoj polovici 14. stoljeća. Prati se međusobna povezanost obiteljske strukture jedne od najutjecajnijih obitelji toga razdoblja, urbanoga razvoja grada te političko-društvenih okolnosti. U radu je primijenjena metodologija istraživanja socijalne topografije u urbanoj povijesti. - The paper provides a detailed overview of the real estate owned by the Mençe family in the burgus of Dubrovnik during the 13th and the first half of the 14th century. In this period, this very branched noble family played a very important role in the social, economic, and political life of the city, as well as the formation of the burgus. The author genealogically follows the estates of all those for whom we have data on real estate in the preserved documents. The expansion of the family shows that marriage strategy was crucial, namely marrying wealthy girls, who brought significant valuable assets in dowry and even real estate in the late 13th century. Another relevant factor for strengthening the family was the number of male descendants, and in case of widowhood, noblemen sought to remarry to a young girl from a family of affiliate interests. These were regularly families that were in some kind of relations – economic, neighbourly, clan, or all three. One can only speculate that the division of land in the burgus, outside the old city walls, had (among other things) to do with the political affiliation of those who largely stayed in Pustijerna and later, with the expansion of the city to the north, moved to a new zone near Pile. During the researched period, the spatially and functionally different suburbs of Dubrovnik – both new and old – were reshaped and unified to form a new city centre. This long and complex process was accompanied by the construction of city walls (in different phases) and changing the old lines of communications in relation to the key points of the city. The transformation of the suburban area into an urban one included, in addition to creating new streets, the division of large blocks into plots for building houses, which resulted in a change in the relationship between the centre and the periphery, as well as the residential mobility of the population.
U: Povijesni prilozi (Online). - ISSN 1848-9087. - 39 (2020), 59 ; str. 67-122  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Socijalna topografija -- Nekretnine
Obitelj Mençe


Vidi br.: HA20-02669

Vidi br.: HA20-02537

Vidi br.: HA20-02218

Vidi br.: HA20-02187

Vidi br.: HA20-02186

Vidi br.: HA20-02220

Vidi br.: HA20-02848

Vidi br.: HA20-02169

Vidi br.: HA20-02691