00   Prolegomena. Teorija znanja i kulture. Propedeutika

001   Znanost i znanje. Organizacija intelektualnog rada

Analysis of single comments left for bioRxiv preprints till September 2019 [Elektronička građa] / Mario Malički, Joseph Costello, Juan Pablo Alperin, Lauren A. Maggio.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Summary. - While early commenting on studies is seen as one of the advantages of preprints, the type of such comments, and the people who post them, have not been systematically explored.We analysed comments posted between 21 May 2015 and 9 September 2019 for 1983 bioRxiv preprints that received only one comment on the bioRxiv website. The comment types were classified by three coders independently, with all differences resolved by consensus.Our analysis showed that 69% of comments were posted by non-authors (N = 1366), and 31% by the preprints" authors themselves (N = 617). Twelve percent of non-author comments (N = 168) were full review reports traditionally found during journal review, while the rest most commonly contained praises (N = 577, 42%), suggestions (N = 399, 29%), or criticisms (N = 226, 17%). Authors" comments most commonly contained publication status updates (N = 354, 57%), additional study information (N = 158, 26%), or solicited feedback for the preprints (N = 65, 11%).Our results indicate that comments posted for bioRxiv preprints may have potential benefits for both the public and the scholarly community. Further research is needed to measure the direct impact of these comments on comments made by journal peer reviewers, subsequent preprint versions or journal publications.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-8  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Znanstveni radovi -- Objavljivanje radova -- Recenzije -- Medicinska biokemija -- Laboratorijska medicina

ŠUGAR, Violeta
Are individual inventors invisible?  : The missing link between creative people and support for innovation / Violeta Šugar, Alen Belullo, Emin Džanić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 37 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 6 ; str. 840-868  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Inovacije -- Upravljanje inovacijama -- Izumitelji

YEO-TEH, Nicole Shu Ling
Wilfully submitting to and publishing in predatory journals - a covert form of research misconduct? [Elektronička građa] Nicole Shu Ling Yeo-Teh, Bor Luen Tang.
Bibliografija: 41 jed. - Summary. - A predatory journal could be provisionally defined as one masquerading as a genuine academic publication but offer little, if any, rigorous peer review. Predatory journals or publishers place a focus on maximising financial profit, as opposed to regulated dissemination of scientific advancements. As a result, authors can often get their work published in such journals with little scrutiny on quality. Although generally warned against and discouraged, universally practiced sanctions against researchers' submission to and publication in predatory journals are not common. Predatory publishing thus remains prevalent, particularly in places where academic success is measured by the quantity rather than quality of publication output, which feeds the journal's business model that thrives upon significant market demand. However, such an undesirable enterprise has the potential to flood the scientific literature with unsound research that could be misleadingly perceived as authoritative. This may result in or add to the confusion of policy makers and the layperson, consequentially bringing disrepute to science and all parties involved. Here, we argue that wilfully submitting one's manuscript to a predatory journal may constitute an active act of avoidance of rigorous peer review of one's work. If such is the intention, it would be a questionable research practice and could be considered an, albeit covert, form of scientific misconduct. If labelled as such, and with institutional and funding rules erected to discourage the practice, predatory publishing could be effectively put out of business through diminishing the consumer demand.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 3 ; str. 1-8  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Falsificiranje -- Predatorsko izdavaštvo -- Predatorski časopisi -- Znanstvena komunikacija

Your article needs revision? [Elektronička građa] : How to improve it successfully and answer to the reviewers' comments / Daria Pašalić, Adrijana Dorotić, Patricija Banković-Radovanović.
Bibliografija: 4 jed.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 3 ; str. 1-4  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Znanstveni radovi -- Recenzije

Vidi br.: HA21-03525

Vidi br.: HA21-03636

Vidi br.: HA21-03667

Vidi br.: HA21-03893

003   Sustavi pisanja i pisma. Znakovi i simboli. Kodovi. Grafičko predstavljanje

Paleografska raščlamba ćirilične rukopisne knjige iz knjižnice Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku / Kristijan Paskojević. - Ilustr., faks.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku. - ISSN 1330-0598. - 59 (2021) ; str. 39-68  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slavenska paleografija -- Rukopisi -- Kodikologija -- Ćirilica -- Liturgija -- Književna baština
Vuletić-Vukasović, Vid


Vidi br.: HA21-03383

Vidi br.: HA21-03907

004   Računalna znanost i tehnologija. Računalstvo. Obrada podataka

MATHEW, Sujith Samuel
A deep learning approach for real-time analysis of attendees' engagement in public events [Elektronička građa] / Sujith Samuel Mathew, Manar AlKhatib, May El Barachi. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary. - Smart city analytics requires the harnessing and analysis of emotions and sentiments conveyed by images and video footage. In recent years, facial sentiment analysis attracted significant attention for different application areas, including marketing, gaming, political analytics, healthcare, and human computer interaction. Aiming at contributing to this area, we propose a deep learning model enabling the accurate emotion analysis of crowded scenes containing complete and partially occluded faces, with different angles, various distances from the camera, and varying resolutions. Our model consists of a sophisticated convolutional neural network (CNN) that is combined with pooling, densifying, flattening, and Softmax layers to achieve accurate sentiment and emotion analysis of facial images. The proposed model was successfully tested using 3,750 images containing 22,563 faces, collected from a large consumer electronics trade show. The model was able to correctly classify the test images which contained faces with different angles, distances, occlusion areas, facial orientation and resolutions. It achieved an average accuracy of 90.6% when distinguishing between seven emotions (Happiness, smiling, laughter, neutral, sadness, anger, and surprise) in complete faces, and 86.16% accuracy in partially occluded faces. Such model can be leveraged for the automatic analysis of attendees' engagement level in events. Furthermore, it can open the door for many useful applications in smart cities, such as measuring employees' satisfaction and citizens' happiness.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 2 ; str. 106-115  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pametni gradovi -- Javni događaji -- Prepoznavanje lica -- Konvolucijske neuronske mreže -- Duboko učenje

ZHANG, Yinbing
A machine learning classification algorithm for vocabulary grading in chinese language teaching / Yinbing Zhang, Jihua Song, Weiming Peng, Dongdong Guo, Tianbao Song. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 30 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 845-855  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Klasifikacijski algoritmi -- Strojno učenje -- Učenje jezika -- Vokabular -- Kineski jezik -- Vrednovanje

CHEN, Lifeng
A security, privacy and trust methodology for IIoT / Lifeng Chen, Zhixiao Ye, Shanyue Jin. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 55 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 898-906  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Industrija 4.0 -- IoT -- Internet stvari -- Sigurnost poslovanja

TUZKAYA, Umut Rıfat
A single side priority based GA approach for 3D printing center integration to spare part supply chain in automotive industry / Umut Rıfat Tuzkaya, Sinan Şahin. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 15 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 836-844  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Genetski algoritam -- Industrija 4.0 -- Automobilska industrija

COSTE, Claudia Ioana
Advances in clickbait and fake news detection using new language-independent strategies [Elektronička građa] / Claudia Ioana Coste, Darius Bufnea. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 43 jed. - Summary. - Online publishers rely on different techniques to trap web visitors, clickbait being one such technique. Besides being a bad habit, clickbait is also a strong indicator for fake news spreading. Its presence in online media leads to an overall bad browsing experience for the web consumer. Recently, big players on the Internet scene, such as search engines and social networks, have turned their attention towards this negative phenomenon that is increasingly present in our everyday browsing experience. The research community has also joined in this effort, a broad band of detection techniques being developed. These techniques are usually based on intelligent classifiers, for which feature selection is of great importance. The work presented in this paper brings our own contributions to the field of clickbait detection. We present a new language-independent strategy for clickbait detection that takes into consideration only features that are general enough to be independent of any particular language. The methods presented in this paper could be applied to web content written in different languages. In addition, we present the results of a complex experiment that we performed to evaluate our proposed method and we compare our results with the most relevant results previously obtained in the field.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 3 ; str. 270-280  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Korisnici interneta -- Klikanje -- Mamac za klik -- Detekcija -- Inteligentni klasifikator -- Prirodni jezik

TOLCIU, Dumitru-Tudor
Analysis of patterns and similarities in service tickets using natural language processing [Elektronička građa] / Dumitru-Tudor Tolciu, Christian Săcărea, Cristian Matei. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Summary. - In this paper we propose an approach for classifying documents, embedding documents into feature vectors and using these embeddings for finding similarities between them. Our chosen domain for applying this method is the IT-Service Support branch, where the documents we try to analyse are support tickets and the potential of classifying and finding patterns between tickets is huge for optimizing the service process. We aim to tackle the problem with multiple methods of text classification and recognition, and data analysis, followed by comparison and interpretation of the results. Following our previous work in this field, we propose further means of validating our models, so we can describe and visualize several methods of feature extraction and recognition for service tickets that help the business process for Service Support.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 1 ; str. 29-35  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obrada prirodnog jezika -- Klasifikacija -- Analiza podataka

Application of constructive modeling and process mining approaches to the study of source code development in software engineering courses [Elektronička građa] / Viktor Shynkarenko, Oleksandr Zhevaho. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 37 jed. - Summary. - We present an approach of constructing a source code history for a modern code review. Practically, it is supposed to be used in programming training, especially within initial stages. The developed constructor uses constructive-synthesizing modeling tools to classify a source code history by fine-grained changes and to construct an event log file aimed to provide information on students' coding process. Current research applies Process Mining techniques to the software engineering domain to identify software engineering skills. By better understanding of the way students design programs, we will help novices learn programming. This research provides an innovative method of using code and development process review in teaching programming skills and is aimed to encourage using code review and monitoring coding practice in educational purposes. The standard method of evaluation takes into consideration only a final result, which doesn't meet modern requirements of teaching programming.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 4 ; str. 342-349  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Programsko inženjerstvo -- Programiranje -- Izvorni kod -- Procesno rudarenje

RALEVIĆ, Nebojša, mlađi
Applications of the fuzzy metrics in image denoising and segmentation / Nebojša Ralević, Marija Paunović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 23 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 819-826  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fuzzy logika -- Neizrazita logika -- Uklanjanje šuma -- Filtriranje slike -- Segmentacija slike

Artificial intelligence and mathematical modelling of the drying kinetics of pre-treated whole apricots / Abla Bousselma, Dalila Abdessemed, Hichem Tahraoui, Abdeltif Amrane. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 41 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Kemija u industriji. - ISSN 0022-9830. - 70 (2021), 11/12 ; str. 651-667  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Umjetna inteligencija -- Matematičko modeliranje -- Kinetika sušenja -- Mikrovalna pećnica -- Voće

Assuring M2M secure transactions via blockchain and smart contracts [Elektronička građa] / Nuno Leite, Alexandre Santos, Nuno Lopes. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Summary. - The need to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data generated in industrial systems and applications has been increasingly highlighted over the years, due to the clear as well as urgent requirements of not disclosing sensible proprietary information, and ensuring that data is kept immutable since it is generated. Based on these background requirements, this paper discusses a system that promotes data privacy and immutability in industrial weighing systems. In this sense, the proposed solution includes a protocol definition for a secure IoT (Internet of Things) communication and an architecture for a blockchainbased platform that: i) automates the process of complying with standardized weighing guidelines; and ii) increases data traceability, promoting both its confidentiality and immutability. Additionally, to demonstrate the proposed system's compliance with the established goals, a proof of concept was assembled, and functional tests conducted. The main conclusions withdrawn from the results obtained show that: i) the process of registering and verifying weighing guidelines is properly automated by means of Machine-to-Machine secure transactions; ii) the solution is able to ensure that the data registered is authentic and iii) that it has been transmitted without any eavesdropping, can not be erased and is kept private.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 3 ; str. 260-269  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sigurnost podataka -- IoT -- Internet stvari -- Pametni ugovori -- Blockchain -- Komunikacije

Augmented reality aided inspection of gears / Uroš Urbas, Dedy Ariansyah, John Ahmet Erkoyuncu, Nikola Vukašinović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 35 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 1032-1037  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Proširena stvarnost -- Zupčanici -- CAD/CAM -- Kompjutorom podržano projektiranje

VASIĆ, Daniel
Automatic question generation using semantic role labeling for morphologically rich languages / Daniel Vasić, Branko Žitko, Hrvoje Ljubić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 32 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 739-745  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obrada prirodnog jezika -- Semantičko indeksiranje -- Prirodni jezici -- Jezici

SHARMA, Nishant
Cluster based distributed service discovery in internet of vehicle [Elektronička građa] / Nishant Sharma, Naveen Chauhan, Narottam Chand. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Summary. - As automobile sector is witnessing a paradigm shift from Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) based vehicles to smart electric vehicles, a new concept of connected vehicles has emerged that is able to provide a number of services to its users. Internet of Vehicles has now transformed to an indispensable platform of information exchange among vehicles, city infrastructure, drivers and other connected entities. Due to highly dynamic nature of Internet of Vehicles, there is need of a dynamic service discovery infrastructure that can cater to Internet of Vehicle specific challenges. This paper is a step ahead in that direction to provide a distributed service discovery protocol that facilitates service discovery and service selection for Internet of Vehicles environment. We have proposed a clustering based service discovery approach that makes use of neighbor awareness to find neighboring vehicles. Proposed protocol has been validated by running extensive simulations and results show the improvement in terms of query success rate, transmission rate and transmission cost by a considerable margin.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 3 ; str. 281-288  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Automobilska industrija -- Vozila -- Internet vozila

Comparative study of the execution time of parallel heat equation on CPU and GPU [Elektronička građa] / Safa Belhaous, Soumia Chokri, Sohaib Baroud, Mohamed Mestari. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 29 jed. - Summary. - Parallelization has become a universal technique for computing an intensive scientific simulation to shorten the execution time of complex problems. It consists of bringing together the power of several thousand processors to perform complex calculations at high speed. The choice of the runtime environment to execute parallel programs significantly influences the execution time. For this reason, this article aims to materialize the impact of computing architectures on the performance of parallel implementations. To better achieve this contribution, we have implemented the heat equation executed on CUDA platform and we have compared the results with those of SkelGIS implementation from the literature. Through the results of the experiments, we demonstrated that the execution time of the CUDA implementation on graphics processing unit (GPU) is almost 100X faster for very large meshes compared to the other implementations.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 4 ; str. 350-357  
 Elektronička verzija članka
GPU -- Grafički procesor -- CPU -- Centralna procesorska jedinica -- Paralelizacija -- Arhitektura računala

Constraint-based recommender system for commodity realization [Elektronička građa] / Hanna Yehoshyna, Vadim Romanuke. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 37 jed. - Summary. - In this paper, we suggest a novel recommender system where a set of appropriate propositions is formed by measuring how user query features are close to space of all possible propositions. The system is for e-traders selling commodities. A commodity has hierarchical-structure properties which are mapped to the respective numerical scales. The scales are normalized so that a query from a potential customer and any possible proposition from the e-trader is a multidimensional point of a nonnegative unit hypercube put on the coordinate origin. The user can weight levels. The distance between the query and propositions are measured by the respective metric in the Euclidean arithmetic space. The best proposition is defined by the shortest distance. Top N propositions are defined by N shortest distances. The system does not depend on any user experience, nor on the e-trader tendency to impose one's preferences on the customer.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 4 ; str. 314-320  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sustav preporuka -- E-trgovina -- Korisnički upiti

ZOHRA Benhamida, Fatima
Demand forecasting tool for inventory control smart systems [Elektronička građa] / Fatima Zohra Benhamida, Ouahiba Kaddouri, Tahar Ouhrouche, Mohammed Benaichouche, Diego Casado-Mansilla, Diego López-de-Ipiña. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 45 jed. - Summary. - With the availability of data and the increasing capabilities of data processing tools, many businesses are leveraging historical sales and demand data to implement smart inventory management systems. Demand forecasting is the process of estimating the consumption of products or services for future time periods. It plays an important role in the field of inventory control and Supply Chain, since it enables production and supply planning and therefore can reduce delivery times and optimize Supply Chain decisions. This paper presents an extensive literature review about demand forecasting methods for time-series data. Based on analysis results and findings, a new demand forecasting tool for inventory control is proposed. First, a forecasting pipeline is designed to allow selecting the most accurate demand forecasting method. The validation of the proposed solution is executed on Stock&Buy case study, a growing online retail platform. For this reason, two new methods are proposed: (1) a hybrid method, Comb-TSB, is proposed for intermittent and lumpy demand patterns. Comb- TSB automatically selects the most accurate model among a set of methods. (2) a clustering-based approach (ClustAvg) is proposed to forecast demand for new products which have very few or no sales history data. The evaluation process showed that the proposed tool achieves good forecasting accuracy by making the most appropriate choice while defining the forecasting method to apply for each product selection.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 2 ; str. 185-196  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Predviđanje potražnje -- Vremenske serije -- Statističko predviđanje -- Strojno učenje -- Pametni sustavi

VARGAS, Andres
Design and implementation of an automated colony counter using artificial vision / Andres Vargas, Cesar Peña, Luis Peña. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 11 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 718-724  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Računalni vid -- Automatizacija -- Bakterije -- Sirovo mlijeko

LEE, Sungwon
Design of automation environment for analyzing various IoT malware / Sungwon Lee, Hyeonkyu Jeon, Gihyun Park, Jonghee Youn. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 17 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 827-835  
 Elektronička verzija članka
IoT -- Internet stvari -- Malware -- Zloćudni softver

TAMI, Abdelaziz
Detection and prevention of blackhole attack in the AOMDV routing protocol [Elektronička građa] / Abdelaziz Tami, Sofiane Boukli Hacene, Moussa Ali Cherif. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Summary. - Mobile ad-hoc network is a collection of dynamically organized nodes where each node acts as a host and router. Mobile ad-hoc networks are characterized by the lack of preexisting infrastructures or centralized administration. So, they are vulnerable to several types of attacks, especially the Blackhole attack. This attack is one of the most serious attacks in this kind of mobile networks. In this type of attack, the malicious node sends a false answer indicating that it has the shortest path to the destination node by increasing the sequence number and decreasing the number of hops. This will have a significant negative impact on source nodes which send their data packets through the malicious node to the destination. This malicious node drop received data packets and absorbs all network traffic. In order overcome this problem, securing routing protocols become a very important requirement in mobile ad-hoc networks. Multipath routing protocols are among the protocols affected by the Blackhole attack. In this paper, we propose an effective and efficient technique that avoids misbehavior of Blackhole nodes and facilitates the discovery for the most reliable paths for the secure transmission of data packets between communicating nodes in the well-known Ad hoc On-demand multi-path routing protocol (AOMDV). We implement and simulate our proposed technique using the ns 2.35 simulator. We also compared on how the three routing protocols AOMDV, AOMDV under Blackhole attack (BHAOMDV), and the proposed solution to counter the Blackhole attack (IDSAOMDV) performs. The results show the degradation on how AOMDV under attack performs, it also presents similarities between normal AOMDV and the proposed solution by isolating misbehaving node which has resulted in increase the performance metrics to the standard values of the AOMDV protocol.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-12  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mobilne ad hoc mreže -- Sigurno usmjeravanje -- Vrednovanje performansi

CHA, Hyun-Jong
The detection data processing mechanism for vehicular cyber physical system in IoT environment / Hyun-Jong Cha, Ho-Kyung Yang, You-Jin Song. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 30 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 963-973  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Računalstvo u oblaku -- IoT -- Internet stvari -- Mobilni sustavi -- Vozila

BABIĆ, Ana, ekonomistica, 19--
Digitalne vještine kao perspektiva razvoja gospodarstva i važan čimbenik digitalne transformacije / Ana Babić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 45 jed. - Summary.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 1 ; str. 59-87  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Digitalne tehnologije -- Digitalne vještine -- Informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije -- Razvoj

Early detection of external neurological symptoms through a wearable smart-glasses prototype [Elektronička građa] / Andrea Sciarrone, Igor Bisio, Chiara Garibotto, Fabio Lavagetto, Mehrnaz Hamedani, Valeria Prada, Angelo Schenone, Federico Boero, Gianluca Gambari, Marco Cereia, Michele Jurilli. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Summary. - The Internet of Things (IoT) framework is moving the research community to provide smart systems and solutions aimed at revolutionizing medical sciences and healthcare. Given the extreme diffusion of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD), the demand for a solution to early detect neurological symptoms of such diseases strongly arose. According to the medical literature, such early detection can be obtained through the correlation between PD and AD and some external symptoms: the Essential Tremor (ET) and the number of Eye Blinks (EBs). In this paper, which can be considered as an extended version of [1], we present a prototype of wearable smart glasses able to detect the presence of ET of the head and to count the number of EBs at the same time, in a transparent way with respect to the final user. Numerical results demonstrate the reliability of the proposed approach: the proposed algorithms are able to i) correctly recognize the ET with an overall accuracy above 97% and ii) count the number of EBs with an overall error around 9%.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 2 ; str. 160-168  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Internet stvari -- E-zdravlje -- Nosiva tehnologija -- Pametne naočale -- Neurološke bolesti -- Obrada signala

Effect of epidemic interference on the performance of M-ASK, M-PSK and M-QAM modulation schemes [Elektronička građa] / Joel E. Cordeiro Jr, Marcelo S. Alencar, Marina V. Yashina, Alexander G. Tatashev. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 29 jed. - Summary. - This article presents a study on the performance of different digital modulation systems in the presence of epidemic interference. This type of interference is caused by the fast increase in the number of users in a system at a given time. The epidemic interference can be modeled as a non-stationary stochastic process, which presents random power levels over time. In a previous work, the authors assessed the effect of the epidemic interference on the performance of BPSK, QPSK, and M-QAM systems. The present paper extends the previous results for MASK and M-PSK systems. Furthermore, numerical results from Monte Carlo simulations are presented for all evaluated digital modulation systems.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 4 ; str. 358-365  
 Elektronička verzija članka

MARIN, Ivana
The effect of latent space dimension on the quality of synthesized human face images [Elektronička građa] / Ivana Marin, Sven Gotovac, Mladen Russo, Dunja Božić-Štulić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 40 jed. - Summary. - In recent years Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have achieved remarkable results in the task of realistic image synthesis. Despite their continued success and advances, there still lacks a thorough understanding of how precisely GANs map random latent vectors to realistic-looking images and how the priors set on the latent space affect the learned mapping. In this work, we analyze the effect of the chosen latent dimension on the final quality of synthesized images of human faces and learned data representations. We show that GANs can generate images plausibly even with latent dimensions significantly smaller than the standard dimensions like 100 or 512. Although one might expect that larger latent dimensions encourage the generation of more diverse and enhanced quality images, we show that an increase of latent dimension after some point does not lead to visible improvements in perceptual image quality nor in quantitative estimates of its generalization abilities.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 2 ; str. 124-133  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Generativna kontradiktorna mreža -- Sinteza slike -- Latentna dimenzija -- Evaluacija

SZABÓ, Péter
Efficient behavior prediction based on user events [Elektronička građa] / Péter Szabó, Béla Genge. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 45 jed. - Summary. - In 2020 we have witnessed the dawn of machine learning enabled user experience. Now we can predict how users will use an application. Research progressed beyond recommendations, and we are ready to predict user events. Whenever a human interacts with a system, user events are dispatched. They can be as simple as a mouse click on a menu item or more complex, such as buying a product from an eCommerce site. Collaborative filtering (CF) has proven to be an excellent approach to predict events. Because each user can generate many events, this inevitably leads to a vast number of events in a dataset. Unfortunately, the operation time of CF increases exponentially with the increase of data-points. This paper presents a generalized approach to reduce the dataset's size without compromising prediction accuracy. Our solution transformed a dataset containing over 20 million user events (20,692,840 rows) into a sparse matrix in about 7 minutes (434.08 s). We have used this matrix to train a neural network to accurately predict user events.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 2 ; str. 134-142  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Predviđanje ponašanja -- Korisnici -- Aplikacije -- Strojno učenje -- Kolaborativno filtriranje

SELMI, Sawsan
Energy efficient two-hop D2D communications underlay 5G networks [Elektronička građa] : a Stackelberg game approach / Sawsan Selmi, Ridha Boullègue. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Summary. - Although coverage and capacity are the key elements of the 5G user experience, a dominant part of the population living in rural areas still experience inferior connectivity. Several solutions have been proposed to address this issue. They include deploying small cells, increasing the number of sectors per eNodeB, and reusing signal repetition. However, most of them require complex deployment and expensive fees. Accordingly, many efforts have been deployed on coverage extension software. Even so, many critical issues related to public safety, relay capacity, and devices power constraints are still challenging. As a contribution, we propose in this paper a spectral and energy-efficient two-hop device to device (D2D) relay selection algorithm. Our main goal is to extend the connectivity to the out-of-coverage (OOC) devices. Contrarily to previous solutions in which the relay is selected centrally or individually, we propose a distributed two-stage algorithm based on the Stackelberg game to involve all the competing devices. In the first stage, the OOC devices (OCDUs) are matched with the relays maximizing their spectral efficiency, and the required bandwidth for each one is determined. Then, a power control stage is investigated to calculate the optimal transmission power. The numerical and simulation analysis shows that the proposed schema outperforms the former solutions in total system capacity, spectral efficiency (SE), and energy efficiency (EE) while reducing the complexity.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 1 ; str. 50-58  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mobilne mreže -- 5G mreže -- Pokrivenost -- Proširenje pokrivenosti -- Energetska učinkovitost -- Spektralna učinkovitost

Fast-prototyping approach to design and validate architectures for smart home [Elektronička građa] / Teodoro Montanaro, Ilaria Sergi, Giovanni Marco Bisanti, Alessandro Cambò, Luigi Patrono. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 45 jed. - Summary. - The Internet of Things has contributed to make smarter houses and buildings in the last decades. Different existing works already integrate IoT technologies in homes, but end-user needs continuously change and researchers must face this challenge in identifying platforms to fast prototype solutions satisfying these new needs. This paper presents a solution that demonstrates how well-known fast-prototyping technologies like Node-RED, IBM Watson, Telegram, Raspberry Pi 4, and secured MQTT can contribute to develop complex systems facing the challenge. The selected tools are used within a smart home context to support features inspired by people needs and allow users to: a) consult real time conditions (i.e., temperature, humidity, gas), b) remotely manage lights, c) save energy through a light management system based on user movements, d) remotely monitor the house through dedicated webcams, e) generate warning notifications in case of danger. Users can interact with the systems through a web Node-RED dashboard and a Telegram bot. Differently from existing works, the feasibility of the implemented system and the efficacy of the exploited platforms are demonstrated through a running scenario extracted from a consolidated study on user needs in smart homes. The performed experiment can facilitate the fast prototyping of new solutions.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 2 ; str. 177-184  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Internet stvari -- Pametne kuće -- Izrada prototipa -- Daljinski nadzor

HW/SW architecture exploration for an efficient implementation of the secure hash algorithm SHA-256 [Elektronička građa] / Manel Kammoun, Manel Elleuchi, Mohamed Abid, Abdulfattah M. Obeid. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 33 jed. - Summary. - Hash functions are used in the majority of security protocol to guarantee the integrity and the authenticity. Among the most important hash functions is the SHA-2 family, which offers higher security and solved the insecurity problems of other popular algorithms as MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-0. However, theses security algorithms are characterized by a certain amount of complex computations and consume a lot of energy. In order to reduce the power consumption as required in the majority of embedded applications, a solution consists to exploit a critical part on accelerator (hardware). In this paper, we propose a hardware/software exploration for the implementation of SHA256 algorithm. For hardware design, two principal design methods are proceeded: Low level synthesis (LLS) and high level synthesis (HLS). The exploration allows the evaluation of performances in term of area, throughput and power consumption. The synthesis results under Zynq 7000 based-FPGA reflect a significant improvement of about 80% and 15% respectively in FPGA resources and throughput for the LLS hardware design compared to HLS solution. For better efficiency, hardware IPs are deduced and implemented within HW/SW system on chip. The experiments are performed using Xilinx ZC 702-based platform. The HW/SW LLS design records a gain of 10% to 25% in term of execution time and 73% in term of power consumption.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 2 ; str. 87-96  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Računalna sigurnost -- Hash funkcije -- SHA algoritmi -- FPGA -- Programabilni sklop s vratima

IEGGR [Elektronička građa] : improved energy-aware and delivery guarantee geographic routing / Kenza Redjimi, Mehdi Boulaiche, Mohammed Redjimi. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 58 jed. - Summary. - Wireless Sensor Networks are a set of sensor nodes that probe their surroundings and send their data over multi-hop routes to a base-station (BS) for processing. Many routing protocols have been developed for WSNs. A great attention has been given to geographic routing protocols, which rely only on local knowledge of nodes to disseminate data towards the BS. In this paper, we propose a new energy efficient geographic routing protocol called Improved Energy-aware and delivery Guarantee Geographic Routing protocol (IEGGR). The proposed protocol exploits the positions of neighboring nodes, which are closest to the BS to forward packets through the shortest path in terms of energy consumption. IEGGR introduces a mechanism in order to forward packets efficiently around voids. IEGGR algorithm considers the WSN as a connected-graph and to route a packet from a source node to the BS, IEGGR tries making the locally optimal choice at each intermediate node with the hope of finding a global optimum path, which aims to minimize energy consumption. To find greedily the optimal path, each forwarding node exploits its neighbor positions that are closest to the BS in order to iteratively building the end-to-end optimal path. Simulation results show that IEGGR is efficient in energy management during packet forwarding.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 2 ; str. 143-153  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Potrošnja energije -- Energetska učinkovitost -- Bežične senzorske mreže -- Lokalizacija -- GPS

DILER, Huriye Gonca
Impact on inclusive development of information and communication technologies in Turkey [Elektronička građa] / Huriye Gonca Diler.
Bibliografija: str. 54-55. - Abstract. - In this study, the impact on inclusive development of information and communication technologies in Turkey's economy is analyzed. Information and communication technologies are represented by mobile phone penetration measured by mobile cellular subscriptions, and inclusive development is measured by the human development index (IHDI) adapted to inequality. The annual data used in this study covers the period 1990-2019. After examining the stationarity of the series of variables, the cointegration between variables was investigated using the ARDL approach. As a result of the ARDL test, a cointegration between inclusive development and information and communication technologies has been determined. Toda-Yamamoto causality test was conducted to find the direction of the relationship between variables. The findings obtained from the analysis of causality determined that it has an impact on inclusive development of information and communication technologies in Turkey.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 39-55  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije -- Gospodarstvo

SHI, Chunyang
Influencing factors of catering O2O customer experience : an approach integrating big data analytics with grounded theory / Chunyang Shi, Yilei Pei, Dandan Li, Ting Wu. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 62 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 862-872  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Veliki podaci -- Analiza podataka -- Korisničko iskustvo -- Ugostiteljstvo

DJEMAI, Tanissia
Investigating mobility-aware strategies for IoT services placement in the fog under energy and QoS constraints [Elektronička građa] / Tanissia Djemai, Patricia Stolf, Thierry Monteil, Jean-Marc Pierson. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 47 jed. - Summary. - Mobility of Internet of Things (IoT) objects is a key characteristic of IoT environments. It brings dynamicity, uncertainty and raises many challenges when it is associated with computation and network resources management for IoT applications. The resources management problem under objects mobility consideration is even more sensitive if we consider that various IoT applications have stringent Quality of Service (QoS) needs. Fog Computing is a distributed computation paradigm that increases data centers computation and storage abilities with nodes between end-users and the Cloud. Fog computing offers a large distributed infrastructure to support IoT applications needs by bringing services closer to end users. However, Fog infrastructures inherit the energy greediness characteristics of both data centers and network infrastructures. This work investigates the IoT services placement problem in the Fog as an optimization problem to minimize energy consumption and enhance QoS while considering mobility of IoT objects. We model the placement problem as a multi-objective optimization problem and we propose a location history based mobility model (HTM) to estimate future locations of IoT mobile nodes. We propose a framework composed of online strategies for IoT services placement and a Mobility-aware Genetic Algorithm (MGA) for services migrations. We evaluate our strategies through iFogSim simulator and compare the proposed framework to migrations and placement strategies from the literature based on Shortest Access Point migration strategy (SAP) and with Penguins Search Optimization Algorithm (PeSOA). Experiments show that the proposed framework outperforms literature approaches for the considered objectives and for various configurations of the mobile environment.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 2 ; str. 73-86  
 Elektronička verzija članka
IoT -- Internet stvari -- Računalstvo -- Mobilnost -- QoS -- Kvaliteta usluge -- Optimizacija

KIM, Jihun
Malicious behavior detection method using API sequence in binary execution path / Jihun Kim, Sungwon Lee, Jonghee Youn. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 37 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 810-818  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Malware -- Zloćudni softver -- Binarni kod -- API -- Programsko sučelje

NEELAM, Bhushana Samyuel
Observation of enhanced network performance in IoT process control and data sensing with RINA [Elektronička građa] / Bhushana Samyuel Neelam, Benjamin A Shimray. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Summary. - Internet of things (IoT) is one of the leading technologies which spanned from the trivial consumer applications to time-critical industrial applications. The current research in IoT focuses mostly on network performance as it is experiencing bottlenecks in data communication. IoT communication preferred UDP due to the limitations of TCP hard-state handshaking procedures on throughput. Proposed work developed a prototype with IoT devices communicating on a new internet architecture i.e. recursive inter-networking architecture (RINA) which has eliminated hard-state handshaking procedures. The impact of RINA on the network performance in process control and data acquisition is observed in terms of latency variations, network jitter and throughput. The results were compared against the network performance when the proposed prototype was communicating on TCP/IP. A Comparative analysis was provided to identify the improved network performance in RINA. This prototype was implemented in closed network configurations like LAN and WLAN in RINA as well as TCP/IP.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 2 ; str. 154-159  
 Elektronička verzija članka

ALI, Abdul
Pegasis double cluster head hybrid congestion control in wireless sensor networks [Elektronička građa] / Abdul Ali, M. Vadivel. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Summary. - Wireless sensor network (WSN) is the fastest growing technology that dominates the future world into wireless communication. It is a collection of a number of self-governing sensor nodes responsible to sense, process and manipulate the nodes. The sensor nodes are regulated by a battery where the network gets failed if the battery is dead. Thus, energy is an important factor to be efficiently used. Furthermore, congestion occurs in WSN when the incoming traffic load exceeds the capacity of the network. The major factors that lead to congestion are buffer overflow, varying rates of transmission, packet collision, and many-to-one data transmission. Due to these, the network suffers from packet loss, queuing delay, end-to-end delay, decrease in network lifetime, and increase in energy consumption. Hence, a clustering-based routing protocol is introduced in this paper to improve the performance of the network and reduce congestion. In the proposed method, Power-Efficient Gathering in Sensor Information Systems (PEGASIS) double cluster head with artificial neural network (ANN) is utilized to analyze the overall network lifetime. The proposed technique is comprised of four phases: clustering the network nodes, cluster head (CH) selection, chain formation, and secondary CH (SCH) selection. The sensor nodes are initially clustered with the firefly algorithm in which the cluster heads of each node are elected via an artificial neural network. Meanwhile, chain formation is processed by PEGASIS double cluster head (PDCH) and the SCH is selected through grey wolf optimizer (GWO) to afford equivalent energy utilization between the sensor nodes. The simulation outcomes proved that the proposed method efficiently increases the lifetime of the network and reduces congestion level in WSN.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 3 ; str. 221-231  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bežične senzorske mreže -- Klasteri -- Potrošnja energije -- Umjetna neuronska mreža

Quantitative research on the evolution stages of we-media network public opinion based on a logistic equation / Zhou Huizi, Li Xuewei. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 22 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 983-993  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Internet -- Javno mnijenje -- Logistički model

Semantic detection of targeted attacks using DOC2VEC embedding [Elektronička građa] / Mariam S. El-Rahmany, Ensaf Hussein Mohamed, Mohamed H. Haggag. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 22 jed. - Summary. - The targeted attack is one of the social engineering attacks. The detection of this type of attack is considered a challenge as it depends on semantic extraction of the intent of the attacker. However, previous research has primarily relies on the Natural Language Processing or Word Embedding techniques that lack the context of the attacker's text message. Based on Sentence Embedding and machine learning approaches, this paper introduces a model for semantic detection of targeted attacks. This model has the advantage of encoding relevant information, which helps to improve the performance of the multi-class classification process. Messages will be categorized based on the type of security rule that the attacker has violated. The suggested model was tested using a dialogue dataset taken from phone calls, which was manually categorized into four categories. The text is pre-processed using natural language processing techniques, and the semantic features are extracted as Sentence Embedding vectors that are augmented with security policy sentences. Machine Learning algorithms are applied to classify text messages. The experimental results show that sentence embeddings with DOC2VEC achieved high prediction accuracy 96.8%. So, it outperformed the method applied to the same dialog dataset.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 4 ; str. 334-341  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Klasifikacija teksta -- Slanje poruka -- Umetanje rečenica -- Otkrivanje napada -- Društveno inženjerstvo

ALTUNCU, Mehmet Ali
Simulation of academic computer networks using probability distributions : a case study in a campus network / Mehmet Ali Altuncu, Fidan Kaya Gülağiz, Hikmetcan Özcan, Sümeyya İlkin, Suhap Şahin. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 21 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 1017-1024  
 Elektronička verzija članka
LAN -- Lokalna računalna mreža -- Računalne mreže -- Kompjutorske mreže -- Statistička analiza -- Simulacija

Software evolution understanding [Elektronička građa] : automatic extraction of software identifiers map for object-oriented software systems / Ra'Fat AL-msie'deen, Anas H. Blasi. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 48 jed. - Summary. - Software companies usually develop a set of product variants within the same family that share certain functions and differ in others. Variations across software variants occur to meet different customer requirements. Thus, software product variants evolve overtime to cope with new requirements. A software engineer who deals with this family may find it difficult to understand the evolution scenarios that have taken place over time. In addition, software identifier names are important resources to understand the evolution scenarios in this family. This paper introduces an automatic approach called Juana's approach to detect the evolution scenario across two product variants at the source code level and identifies the common and unique software identifier names across software variants source code. Juana's approach refers to common and unique identifier names as a software identifiers map and computes it by comparing software variants to each other. Juana considers all software identifier names such as package, class, attribute, and method. The novelty of this approach is that it exploits common and unique identifier names across the source code of software variants, to understand the evolution scenarios across software family in an efficient way. For validity, Juana was applied on ArgoUML and Mobile Media software variants. The results of this evaluation validate the relevance and the performance of the approach as all evolution scenarios were correctly detected via a software identifiers map.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 1 ; str. 20-28  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Programsko inženjerstvo -- Identifikatori -- Formalna analiza koncepata -- Programski proizvodi

ALAA, Moualla
Towards trust model in unmanned aerial vehicle ad hoc networks [Elektronička građa] / Moualla Alaa, AlDakkak Oumayma, AlJnidi Mohamad. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Summary. - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ad hoc networks (UAANETs) are originally designed to work in a cooperative environment. These networks are vulnerable to a wide range of attacks due to the lack of predefined infrastructure and the dynamic topology. Security in ad hoc networks, in general, is handled through authentication and encryption. This can be considered as a heavy way to protect the network due to the lack of resources in the nodes. However, trust can be introduced to address a light weight solution for some security issues. In this paper, we focus on the concept of decentralized trust to design an efficient and trustful routing protocol, and ensure stable routes between nodes in spite of the rapidly changing topology, and to provide a mechanism for detecting malicious incorrect packet forwarding attacks. The proposed light-weight trust-quality routing protocol (TQAODV) provides two main functionalities: monitoring the behavior of the neighboring nodes and computing the trust value based on the historical information in the network. Moreover, the new proposed model reduces routing overhead and route discovery frequency. The simulations we used in NS-2 show that the proposed routing scheme gives better performance against attacks compared to the traditional Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV), and improves the packets delivery ratio with about 15%, routing packets overhead and average delay with about 20%, compared to trust AODV.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 3 ; str. 213-220  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bespilotne letjelice -- Ad hoc mreže -- Mobilne ad hoc mreže -- Protokol za usmjeravanje

Trend tehnologije ulančanih blokova u Hrvatskoj : kvalitativna analiza realnog sektora / Ena Fuzul, Vedran Juričić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 25-27. - Abstract.
U: Politehnika. - ISSN 2584-5373. - 5 (2021), 2 ; str. 15-27  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ulančani blokovi -- Razvoj tehnologije -- Kvalitativna analiza -- Realni sektor

Uloga korištenja alata za vizualizaciju na razumijevanje algoritama sortiranja u online nastavi / Monika Mladenović, Lucija Udiljak, Ivica Boljat. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 18-19. - Abstract.
U: Politehnika. - ISSN 2584-5373. - 5 (2021), 1 ; str. 10-19  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vizualizacija -- Online nastava -- Algoritmi sortiranja -- Informatika

Umjetna inteligencija, medicina i autonomija / Tomislav Bracanović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Nova prisutnost. - ISSN 1334-2312. - 19 (2021), 1 ; str. 63-76  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biomedicina -- Etika -- Autonomija -- Umjetna inteligencija -- Strojno učenje -- Dijagnostički sustavi

The visualization of a graph semantics of imperative languages / William Steingartner, Erik Gajdoš. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 13-14.
U: Politehnika. - ISSN 2584-5373. - 5 (2021), 2 ; str. 7-14  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kategorijska semantika -- Jezik -- Didaktika -- Vizualizacija -- Web aplikacije

Vidi br.: HA21-03466

Vidi br.: HA21-03426

Vidi br.: HA21-03777

Vidi br.: HA21-03694

Vidi br.: HA21-03698

Vidi br.: HA21-03729

Vidi br.: HA21-03619

Vidi br.: HA21-03737

Vidi br.: HA21-03497

Vidi br.: HA21-03821

Vidi br.: HA21-03808

Vidi br.: HA21-03660

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Vidi br.: HA21-03779

Vidi br.: HA21-03447

Vidi br.: HA21-03538

Vidi br.: HA21-03634

Vidi br.: HA21-03735

Vidi br.: HA21-03822

Vidi br.: HA21-03803

Vidi br.: HA21-03734

Vidi br.: HA21-03682

Vidi br.: HA21-03728

Vidi br.: HA21-03689

Vidi br.: HA21-03807

Vidi br.: HA21-03328

Vidi br.: HA21-03824

Vidi br.: HA21-03516

Vidi br.: HA21-03858

Vidi br.: HA21-03580

Vidi br.: HA21-03770

Vidi br.: HA21-03485

Vidi br.: HA21-03890

Vidi br.: HA21-03812

Vidi br.: HA21-03757

Vidi br.: HA21-03587

Vidi br.: HA21-03773

Vidi br.: HA21-03706

Vidi br.: HA21-03795

Vidi br.: HA21-03717

Vidi br.: HA21-03791

Vidi br.: HA21-03499

Vidi br.: HA21-03414

Vidi br.: HA21-03702

005   Menadžment

ZUBIĆ, Nikoleta
Efekti edukacije o poduzetništvu na poduzetničku samoefikasnost, poželjnost i namjere studenata / Nikoleta Zubić, Zoran Sušanj, Danijela Sokolić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 75 jed. - Summary.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 5 ; str. 750-773  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzetništvo -- Edukacija -- Samoefikasnost -- Studenti

Fostering maritime innovations through human capital : exploring the status quo of the Adriatic universities / Senka Šekularac-Ivošević. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Naše more (Dubrovnik). - ISSN 0469-6255. - 68 (2021), 3 ; str. 199-210  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pomorski fakulteti -- Pomorska industrija -- Inovacije -- Kooperativnost -- Ljudski kapital

Vidi br.: HA21-03500

Vidi br.: HA21-03460

Vidi br.: HA21-03492

Vidi br.: HA21-03482

Vidi br.: HA21-03469

006   Normizacija i norme

Vidi br.: HA21-03794

Vidi br.: HA21-03652

Vidi br.: HA21-03684

Vidi br.: HA21-03647

Vidi br.: HA21-03641

Vidi br.: HA21-03632

Vidi br.: HA21-03644

Vidi br.: HA21-03651

007   Teorija komunikacija. Kibernetika

MIAO, Jiawei
Multi-turn dialogue model based on the improved hierarchical recurrent attention network / Jiawei Miao, Jiansheng Wu. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija i internetski izvori: 32 jed.
U: International journal for engineering modelling. - ISSN 1330-1365. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 17-29  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Komunikacijske mreže -- Neuronske mreže -- Pozornost -- Dijalog

Vidi br.: HA21-03705

Vidi br.: HA21-03708

01   Bibliografije. Katalozi

Vidi br.: HA21-04043

Vidi br.: HA21-04029

02   Knjižničarstvo

Istraživački podatci hrvatskih autora na platformi Web of Science / Jelena Bolkovac, Tamara Krajna, Jelka Petrak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 40 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Kemija u industriji. - ISSN 0022-9830. - 70 (2021), 9/10 ; str. 543-549  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Otvorena znanost -- Istraživački podaci -- Repozitoriji -- Podatkovni članci

ERAK, Danijela
Kultura čitanja Baltazara Bogišića / Danijela Erak. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Sadrži i: Izbor pisama iz Bogišićeve prepiske o nabavi i kolanju knjiga / autori pisama: Velimir Gaj, Mijat Stojanović, Antonio degl'Ivellio: str. 270-276. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku. - ISSN 1330-0598. - 59 (2021) ; str. 243-277  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biografija -- Knjižnica -- Povijest knjige -- Povijest čitanja -- Pisma -- Korespondencija
Bogišić, Baltazar
Zbirka Baltazara Bogišića u Cavtatu


Vidi br.: HA21-03667

050   Serijske publikacije. Periodika

Vidi br.: HA21-03882

Vidi br.: HA21-03274

Vidi br.: HA21-03569

06   Organizacije. Udruge. Nagrade

Vidi br.: HA21-03496

069   Muzeji. Stalne izložbe

Marketing usluga dominikanskih muzeja u Republici Hrvatskoj / Đurđana Ozretić Došen, Ana Buljat. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija i internetski izvori: 45 jed. - Summary.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 2 ; str. 224-248  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Muzeji -- Samostani -- Usluge -- Marketing usluga


RUL, Mirna, kustosica
Muzeji u doba pandemije : promjene u radu i načinima komunikacije / Mirna Rul, Nevenka Šarčević. - Ilustr.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 14-18
Muzeji -- Galerije -- Programi -- Pandemija COVID-19

Pismo iz Londona : što je realno u virtualnom? / Flora Turner-Vučetić. - Ilustr.
Virtualna izložba Breaking into colour, VOMA, 2021.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 48-51
Virtualni muzeji -- Virtualne izložbe -- Aukcije
Bućan, Boris


Slovenski etnologi, kulturni antropologi in Slovenski etnografski muzej v času covida-19 : Slovenian ethnologists, cultural anthropologists and the Slovene Ethnographic Museum in the time of COVID-19 pandemic / Nena Židov.
Tekst na engl. jeziku tiskan u obrnutom smjeru: str. 27-39. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 36-38.
U: Etnološka istraživanja. - ISSN 0351-4323. - 26 (2021) ; str. 27-38  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Muzeji -- Pandemija COVID-19 -- Način života -- Istraživanje
Slovenski etnografski muzej


VUJIĆ, Žarka
Upravljanje zbirkama u 21. stoljeću : propitivanje u hrvatskom kontekstu = Collection management in 21st century : Questioning in the Croatian context / Žarka Vujić.
Tekst na engl. jeziku tiskan u obrnutom smjeru: str. 7-26. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 23-25.
U: Etnološka istraživanja. - ISSN 0351-4323. - 26 (2021) ; str. 7-25  
 Elektronička verzija članka

Uvid u percepciju muzeja i mogućnosti poboljšanja usluge muzeja : perspektiva studenata / Tanja Komarac, Stjepan Bešlić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 34 jed. - Summary.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 3 ; str. 358-376  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Muzeji -- Studenti -- Percepcije studenata

Vidi br.: HA21-03825

070   Novine. Tisak. Novinarstvo

Ekumenske teme Glasa Koncila od 1990. do 1999. godine [Elektronička građa] = Ecumenical topics of the Glas Koncila from 1990 to 1999 / Ivan Macut, Matej Jermelić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovom se članku bavimo ekumenskim temama u Glasu Koncila u razdoblju od 1990. do 1999. godine. U uvodu ukratko govorimo o kontekstu i nastanku Glasa Koncila, da bismo u prvom poglavlju donijeli temeljiti popis svih ekumenskih naslova u razdoblju od 1990. do 1999. godine koje su se našle na stranicama Glasa Koncila. U drugom poglavlju ekumenske teme analiziramo kroz sljedeće grupe tekstova: ekumenski susreti (ekumenska bogoslužja; ekumenski susreti visokih predstavnika; molitveni ekumenski susreti); ekumenizam i mladi; ekumenizam i obrazovanje; ekumenizam i kultura. Na koncu u zaključku jasno dolazi do izražaja činjenica da je Glas Koncila iznimno važan za proučavanje novije ekumenske povijesti kod nas. - This paper deals with ecumenical topics in the Catholic weekly Glas Koncila in the period between 1990 and 1999. The introductory part briefly presents the context and emergence of the Glas Koncila, then the first chapter brings a thorough list of all ecumenical titles found on the pages of the Glas Koncila from 1990 to 1999. In the second part the ecumenical topics are analysed through the following groups of texts: ecumenical meetings (ecumenical services; ecumenical meetings of high representatives; prayer ecumenical meetings); ecumenism and youth; ecumenism and education; ecumenism and culture. Finally, the conclusion clearly shows the fact that the Glas Koncila is very important for the study of recent ecumenical history in our country.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 61 (2021), 1 ; str. 46-72  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ekumenizam -- Demokratske promjene -- Časopisi -- Tjednici

Ekumenske teme Glasa Koncila od 1990. do 1999. godine = Ecumenical topics of the Glas Koncila from 1990 to 1999 / Ivan Macut, Matej Jermelić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Služba Božja. - ISSN 0037-7074. - 61 (2021), 1 ; str. 46-72  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ekumenizam -- Demokratske promjene -- Časopisi -- Tjednici

Obnova katoličkoga tiska u Hrvatskoj 1960-ih / Anto Mikić, Miro Radalj.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 1094-1097. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 3 ; str. 1071-1098  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Komunističke vlasti -- Katolički tisak
Katolička crkva -- Sveta Stolica


Vidi br.: HA21-03434

Vidi br.: HA21-03438

09   Rukopisi. Rijetka i posebno značajna djela

Vidi br.: HA21-03276

Vidi br.: HA21-03907


13   Filozofija uma i filozofija duha. Metafizika duhovnog života. Paranormalno. Okultno

Vidi br.: HA21-03390

Vidi br.: HA21-03391

14   Filozofski sustavi i gledišta

KRZNAR, Tomislav, filozof
(Ne)mogućnosti emancipacije : promišljanja društvenih uvjeta konstrukcija spolnosti u djelu hrvatskog filozofa Milana Polića / Tomislav Krznar.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Popis Polićevih radova u časopisu Žena: 18 jed. - Summary.
U: Nova prisutnost. - ISSN 1334-2312. - 19 (2021), 1 ; str. 77-95  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Feminizam -- Žene -- Filozofija odgoja -- Odgoj i obrazovanje -- Povijest filozofije -- Spolnost -- Hrvatska filozofija
Polić, Milan


Bog na obzoru očinstva / Arnaud Clément ; prijevod Roman Karlović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 140 ; str. 101-108
Bog -- Očinstvo -- Dijete -- Bratstvo -- Fenomenologija

Riječima i slikama iskovan isječak bezvremenosti / Mate Kovačević. - Ilustr.
Prikaz knjige: Slike iz pamćenja / Edo Pivčević ; priredio Stipe Kutleša. Zagreb : Matica hrvatska, 2019.
U: Zadarska smotra. - ISSN 1330-4577. - 70 (2021), 1/3 ; str. 429-432
Filozofi -- Autobiografije -- Politički progoni
Pivčević, Edo


Vidi br.: HA21-03869

Vidi br.: HA21-03431

Vidi br.: HA21-04045

Vidi br.: HA21-03388

Vidi br.: HA21-03585

Vidi br.: HA21-03356

Vidi br.: HA21-03372

Vidi br.: HA21-03394

Vidi br.: HA21-03396

159.9   Psihologija

Blue-eyed men prefer blue-eyed women [Elektronička građa] : the role of life history strategies and sociosexuality / Asmir Gračanin, Kevin Kutnjak, Igor Kardum. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 52-56. - Abstract. - Previous research (Laeng et al., 2007) conducted on Norwegian samples showed that blue-eyed men rate blue-eyed women as more attractive, while brown-eyed men and all the women show no differences in attractiveness assessments with respect to eye colour. Correspondingly, positive assortative mating was found for blue, but not brown eyes, and it most often occurred in blue-eyed men. We aimed to replicate this blue-like-blue effect in the Croatian population, which differs in the ratio of eye colour phenotypes (blue eye colour is the most prevalent in Norway while brown is the most prevalent in Croatia). Additionally, we examined whether this effect is moderated by life history strategies and sociosexuality. Our hypothesis was that the effect would be larger in those blue-eyed men who exert a slower life history strategy and who are sociosexually restrictive. One hundred and twenty-eight participants assessed the attractiveness of blue-eyed and brown-eyed models, whose eye colours were experimentally manipulated in such a way that participants were shown models with natural or artificially changed eye colours. The blue-like-blue effect was replicated in the context of preferences, although it was smaller than in the original study. However, unlike the original study, in a sample of 138 participants no assortative pairing by eye colour was found between participants and their romantic partners. Finally, the hypothesis about the moderation was supported for life history strategies, but not for sociosexuality. In addition to the rationale for the blue-like-blue effect based on the paternity uncertainty account, which was offered by the authors of the original study, we discussed other accounts of this phenomenon.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 30 (2021), 1 ; str. 31-56  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Boja očiju -- Asortativno sparivanje -- Socioseksualnost -- Strategija životnih puteva

Emotion regulation and romantic partners' relationship satisfaction [Elektronička građa] : self-reports and partner reports / Igor Kardum, Asmir Gračanin, Jasna Hudek-Knežević, Barbara Blažić.
Bibliografija: str. 157-159. - Abstract. - Studies investigating the effects of emotion regulation on romantic partners' relationship satisfaction (RS) found that proneness to use cognitive reappraisal exerts positive, whereas expressive suppression negative effects on both one's own and partner's satisfaction. However, no studies explored the effects of partner reported use of the two emotion regulation strategies on RS, which might allow the exclusion of method-related explanations of the previous findings and offer new insights into the mechanisms involved. We tested the hypotheses about the effects of reappraisal and suppression on RS on a sample of 205 romantic couples by using round-robin design and actor-partner interdependence modelling (APIM). Although the effects were relatively small, they were still in line with the assumptions that cognitive reappraisal has positive intra- and interpersonal effects on RS, that they can be generalized across self- and partner reports to a certain extent, and that they are somewhat stronger in women. Considering expressive suppression, only women's self-reported suppression exerted significant negative intrapersonal effect on RS. Implications of self- and partner reports of emotion regulation for the understanding of the mechanisms mediating its effects on RS are discussed.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 30 (2021), 1 ; str. 145-159  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Emocije -- Regulacija emocija -- Partneri -- Zadovoljstvo vezom

Exploring the link between bright and dark personality traits and different types of jealousy [Elektronička građa] / Dick P. H. Barelds, Pieternel Dijkstra.
Bibliografija: str. 93-98. - Abstract. - The present study set out to examine the relationships between "bright" and "dark" personality traits and three different types of jealousy: reactive jealousy (negative emotions in reaction to a partner"s infidelity), anxious jealousy (worrying about a partner's infidelity), and preventive jealousy (the need to prevent a partner from having contact with others). In so doing, we used both a general broad personality questionnaire and a Dark Triad questionnaire for the assessment of personality. In a heterogeneous sample of 680 participants, it was found that neuroticism was positively related to anxious and preventive jealousy, and introversion and hostility to all three types of jealousy. Structure was related positively to reactive jealousy, and Machiavellianism and narcissism to preventive jealousy. These results are largely in line with our hypotheses. The Dark Triad traits were found to have incremental validity in the prediction of preventive jealousy, with Machiavellianism being the best predictor of preventive jealousy. This suggests that preventive jealousy might be a bit "darker" than previously thought. Practical implications for dealing with jealousy in relationships are discussed.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 30 (2021), 1 ; str. 77-98  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Osobnost -- Ličnost -- Mračna trijada ličnosti -- Ljubomora

DREA, Kelsey M.
Functional altruism among agreeable and narcissistic donors [Elektronička građa] : evidence from crowdsourced fundraisers / Kelsey M. Drea, Mitch Brown, Donald F. Sacco.
Bibliografija: str. 138-143. - Abstract. - Given the increasing popularity of crowdsourced fundraisers, understanding how characteristics of funding initiatives and donors influence donations has critical real-world implications. Across two studies, we identified potential situational factors most conducive to successful crowdsourcing while also determining whether individual differences in various personality factors predicted differing levels of donation. Participants in Study 1 (MAge = 19.99; 309 women, 75 men) viewed descriptions that manipulated donation type (organizer donation, anonymous donation, no donation) and type of fundraiser (self-organized, other-organized), and reported their willingness to donate to an individual's medical treatment and completed inventories assessing Big Five personality traits. In Study 2 participants (MAge = 20.22; 322 women, 102 men) viewed vignettes describing fundraisers for an individual's vacation fun and completed inventories assessing participantslevels of narcissism using the Pathological Narcissism Inventory. Higher agreeableness in men predicted heightened donation interest, regardless of type of cause, particularly when someone else has already donated (Study 1). Unexpectedly, narcissistic men and women both reported heightened donation interest (Study 2). We frame these findings through a framework assessing the adaptive utility of altruism as a function of personality in modern donation contexts.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 30 (2021), 1 ; str. 125-143  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Crowdsourcing -- Nabava iz mnoštva -- Altruizam -- Narcizam

Genetic and environmental contribution to social dominance orientation and its overlap with HEXACO personality traits [Elektronička građa] : a twin study / Denis Bratko, Jelena Matić Bojić, Martina Pocrnić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 23-29. - Abstract. - Social dominance orientation (SDO), i.e. the preference toward egalitarian or hierarchically arranged relations within a society may be studied from social/contextual, but also dispositional perspective. The aim of the present study was to explore genetic and environmental contribution to the individual differences in SDO, and its overlap with HEXACO personality traits, both at phenotypic and latent genetic and environmental levels. The sample consisted of 830 Croatian twins aged 19 to 28 years who filled-in the self-report measures. Data analyses indicated the heritability of SDO was over 40%, with no evidence for the common environmental influences. SDO phenotypic variance substantially overlapped with Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, and Openness domains. Numerous significant correlations were found at the facet level, with the highest phenotypic overlap for the "interstitial" altruism facet. However, incremental predictive power of personality (over age and sex) was moderate: 13% and 19% of the phenotypic SDO variance was predicted by HEXACO traits at the domains and facet levels, respectively. Multivariate behavioural genetic analysis indicated that 19% and 3% of the genetic and unique environmental variance of SDO overlapped with the genetic and unique environmental variance of personality, respectively. Substantial genetic correlations of SDO with Honesty-Humility and Openness domains were found, while marginal unique environmental correlation was found for Openness domain only. The etiological overlap between SDO and personality represents an argument in favour of taking dispositional along with social/contextual perspective in explaining social behaviour.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 30 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-29  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Osobnost -- Osobine ličnosti -- SDO -- Orijentacija socijalnoj dominaciji -- Nasljednost -- Genetika

DEHAGHI, Ali Mohammad Beigi
Narcissistic personality features and social trust [Elektronička građa] : the mediating roles of the dangerous and competitive social worldviews / Ali Mohammad Beigi Dehaghi, Virgil Zeigler-Hill.
Bibliografija: str. 70-75. - Abstract. - Narcissism has been shown to be associated with a lack of trust in others, but little is known about the factors that may play a role in the tendency for narcissistic individuals to mistrust others. The present research examined whether the associations that specific narcissistic personality features had with social trust were mediated by social worldviews. A large study of Iranian community members (N = 3,446; mean age of 34.28 years) revealed that the antagonistic and neurotic aspects of narcissism had negative indirect associations with social trust through the competitive social worldview, whereas the extraverted aspect of narcissism had a positive indirect association with social trust through the competitive social worldview. In addition, the extraverted and neurotic aspects of narcissism had positive indirect associations with social trust through the dangerous social worldview. These results suggest that the extraverted, antagonistic, and neurotic aspects of narcissism diverged in their associations with social trust and that the dangerous and competitive social worldviews played important roles in these associations. Discussion will focus on the implications of these results for understanding the roles that social worldviews play in the connections between narcissism and social trust.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 30 (2021), 1 ; str. 57-75  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Narcizam -- Povjerenje -- Svjetonazor

KOZJAK Mikić, Zlatica
Promjene u nekim aspektima mentalnog zdravlja adolescenata tijekom srednje škole [Elektronička građa] / Zlatka Kozjak Mikić.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - S obzirom na rizike mentalnoga zdravlja, adolescencija pripada u kritična životna razdoblja, a osim čimbenika iz obiteljskog konteksta, za mentalno zdravlje od velike su važnosti i oni povezani sa školskim zahtjevima. U ovome radu analizirani su podaci prikupljani od 141 polaznika zdravstvenih programa tijekom četiri godine njihova srednjoškolskog obrazovanja. Prikupljani su podaci o učestalosti negativnih automatskih misli povezanih sa strahom od neuspjeha i ohrabrujućih automatskih misli za vrijeme učenja u ispitnim razdobljima pri kraju nastavne godine. Svrha istraživanja bila je provjeriti smjer i doprinos pozitivnih i negativnih automatskih misli u predviđanju dugoročnih emocionalnih ishoda, odnosno razine emocionalne uznemirenosti na kraju srednje škole. Osim deskriptivne analize, u obradi rezultata primijenjena je multipla regresijska analiza. Ovisno o godini obrazovanja, oko 16 % sudionika za vrijeme učenja ima iznadprosječno učestale negativne automatskih misli, 13 do 18 % pozitivne automatske misli, dok 16 do 18 % sudionika ima iznadprosječnu razinu opće emocionalne uznemirenosti. Rezultati su pokazali kako u ispitnim razdobljima pri kraju nastavne godine 15 % sudionika ima iznadprosječno povišenu razinu emocionalne uznemirenosti kroz više godina, pa i na završetku srednje škole. Negativne automatske misli povezane sa strahom od neuspjeha za vrijeme učenja na kraju drugog i trećeg razreda dobro predviđaju razinu emocionalne uznemirenosti na kraju srednje škole, što upućuje na važnost negativnih kognitivnih procjena za dugoročne nepovoljne emocionalne ishode. Prediktivnost pozitivnih misli u predviđanju dugoročnih emocionalnih ishoda nije potvrđena. Rezultati se komentiraju u kontekstu Lazarusove teorije stresa i suočavanja te Beckova kognitivnog modela disfunkcionalnog i neadaptivnog ponašanja. - Considering the risks of mental health, adolescence belongs to critical life periods. In addition to family context factors, factors related to school requirements are also of great importance for mental health. This paper analyzes data collected from 141 students of health programs during four years of their high school education. Negative automatic thoughts related to the fear of failure and encouraging automatic thoughts during learning in exam periods at the end of the school year have been assessed. The main goal of the study was to test the direction and contribution of positive and negative automatic thoughts in predicting long-term emotional outcomes, that is, the level of emotional distress at the end of high school. In addition to descriptive statistics, we used multiple regression analysis to analyze the results. Depending on the year of education, about 16% of participants have above-average frequent negative automatic thoughts during learning, 13 to 18% have positive automatic thoughts, while 16 to 18% participants have above-average levels of general emotional distress. The results showed that in the examination periods at the end of the school year, 15% of participants had an above-average elevated level of emotional distress during several years, as well as at the end of high school. Negative automatic thoughts related to the fear of failure while learning at the end of the second and third grade are good predictors of emotional distress at the end of high school, thus suggesting the importance of negative cognitive assessments for long-term negative emotional outcomes. The predictability of positive thoughts in predicting long-term emotional outcomes has not been confirmed. The results are discussed in the context of Lazarus' theory of stress and coping and Beck's cognitive model of dysfunctional and maladaptive behavior.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 7 (2021), 2 ; str. 191-201  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Adolescenti -- Mentalno zdravlje -- Automatske misli -- Emocionalna uznemirenost

Razumijevanje izvještaja o halucinacijama [Elektronička građa] = The understanding of reports on hallucinations / Dario Škarica.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovom su članku razrađene sljedeće ideje i teze: (1) halucinator može pretraživati vlastite halucinacije, što često i čini, iz čega slijedi da halucinacija, premda po naravi nefizička, ipak jest objekt, pretraživan (ili barem pretraživ), (2) premda povlašten, halucinatorov pristup halucinaciji nije neutralan, nego selektivan, (3) premda kompetentan očevidac vlastite halucinacije, halucinator može u mnogom pogledu biti inkompetentan izvjestitelj o njezinu sadržaju, (4) izvještaj o halucinaciji (koliko god da je ona sama po svojoj naravi privatna) moguć je zato što su javne kategorije pod koje ona biva u izvještaju podvedena, (5) izvještaji o halucinacijama mogu biti ciljani ili spontani, (6) glavna je svrha spontanih izvještaja o halucinaciji da izvijeste o situacijskom značenju halucinacije i o njezinu doživljaju, a ne o njezinu pojavnom sadržaju, (7) naše razumijevanje spontanih izvještaja o halucinacijama omogućeno je, u prvom redu, kognitivnom empatijom, a ne imaginacijom. - In this paper, the following ideas and theses are elaborated: (1) hallucinations can be, and often are, scanned by the hallucinator, from which it follows that, although nonphysical by their nature, hallucinations nevertheless are objects being scanned (or at least being scannable). (2) Though privileged, the hallucinator's access to his or her own hallucination is not neutral, but selective. (3) While being a competent "perceiver" of his or her own hallucination, the hallucinator may in many respects be an incompetent reporter on its content. (4) What makes a report on a hallucination possible (despite the fact that the very hallucination is, by its nature, private) is the public nature of the categories under which it is subsumed within the report. (5) Reports on hallucinations may be directed or free. (6) The main object of free reports on hallucinations is to convey the situational meaning of the hallucination and the lived experience of it, rather than its phenomenal content. (7) It is primarily cognitive empathy (rather than imagination) that makes our understanding of free reports on hallucinations possible.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 61 (2021), 3 ; str. 316-337  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Halucinacije -- Privatnost -- Izvještaji -- Nefizički objekti -- Kognitivna empatija

DI Blas, Lisa
Short-term effects of fluctuations in self-esteem, perceived stress and loneliness in depressive states [Elektronička građa] / Lisa Di Blas, Matteo Borella, Donatella Ferrante.
Bibliografija: str. 111-114. - Abstract. - Depression depends on risk factors such as loneliness, low self-esteem, and perceived stress when inter-individual differences are investigated in the long run. Depression, however, oscillates within-person over short-time periods as well, but there is a lack of evidence on its temporary correlates. The present study explored how transitory feelings of depression covariate with states of loneliness, stress, and self-esteem at the within-person level, further inspecting how inter-individual differences contribute to understanding intra-individual dynamics. Seventy-four adults (M = 33 years) took part in the study and reported on daily depression, stress, loneliness, and self-esteem for eight successive evenings. The main results showed that within-person fluctuations in depression depended on transient changes in loneliness, self-esteem, and stress, with stress further moderating the depression-self-esteem association; the link between depression and its predictors was reciprocal; inter-individual differences in depression instability across the assessment occasions enhanced the effect of transitory loneliness on feelings of depression. The present findings revealed that within-person associations for depression reflect correlation patterns between people, further highlighting how an individual's instability in depressive states is relevant for understanding who is more vulnerable to transitory depressive states, which might develop into trait-like conditions over longer time periods.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 30 (2021), 1 ; str. 99-114  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Depresija -- Samopoštovanje -- Fluktuacija -- Dijateza

Unaprjeđenje rezilijentnosti edukacijom potaknuto potresom i pandemijom / Zlatica Čolja-Hršak, Lidija Runko Luttenberger. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 57-58. - Abstract.
U: Politehnika. - ISSN 2584-5373. - 5 (2021), 2 ; str. 49-58  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rezilijantnost -- Potres -- Pandemija COVID-19 -- Prirodne katastrofe -- Edukacija

What people drink and where they drink informs us about their personality [Elektronička građa] / Peter K. Jonason, Daniel Talbot, Joel Anderson.
Bibliografija: str. 121-123. - Abstract. - Folk wisdom and research on personality inferences suggest one should be able to judge a person's personality based on their behaviour related to alcohol consumption. In a sample of Australians (N = 1,232), we compared the utility of knowing where and what people prefer to consume alcohol to understand people's personality (broadly construed). Where people drank had limited utility; predicting hopelessness in those who drank at home more than at a licensed venue and the consumption of spirits for those high in extraversion at a licensed venue. In contrast, there were several differences in people's personality across drink preferences. For example, neuroticism was higher in cider and spirit drinkers than beer and wine drinkers. Results are framed within the personality inference literature and qualified by (1) the traditional beer-drinking culture of our sample and (2) the complex relationships between personality and any behaviour, including habits surrounding alcohol consumption.
U: Psihologijske teme (Online). - ISSN 1849-0395. - 30 (2021), 1 ; str. 115-123  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zadovoljstvo životom -- Konzumacija alkohola -- Otpornost -- Beznađe

Vidi br.: HA21-03668

Vidi br.: HA21-03490

Vidi br.: HA21-03691

Vidi br.: HA21-03690

Vidi br.: HA21-03503

Vidi br.: HA21-03878

17   Moralna filozofija. Etika. Praktična filozofija

HERMAN Duvel, Maja
Homo amicus - biće sreće, radosti i blaženstva / Maja Herman Duvel.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Nova prisutnost. - ISSN 1334-2312. - 19 (2021), 1 ; str. 35-48  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Blaženstvo -- Bog -- Osoba -- Prijateljstvo -- Radost -- Sreća -- Kršćanska teologija -- Moralni život

Nature of the common good as the foundation of the community / Karol Jasiński.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Nova prisutnost. - ISSN 1334-2312. - 19 (2021), 1 ; str. 49-62  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Liberalizam -- Ljudska priroda -- Društveni život -- Opće dobro -- Personalizam

The theme of love in various pedagogical concepts / Maja Hmelak, Karakuma Samai.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Nova prisutnost. - ISSN 1334-2312. - 19 (2021), 1 ; str. 153-166  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dijete -- Ljubav -- Odgajatelj -- Pedagoški koncepti -- Učitelj

Vidi br.: HA21-03429

Vidi br.: HA21-03432

Vidi br.: HA21-03319


21/29   Religijski sustavi. Religije i vjere

"Between the mouth of the two rivers" : the agency of water, springs, rivers and trees in ancient Mesopotamian cosmology and religion / Anna Perdibon. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Waters of life : Aquatic sacred natural sites. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 50-52. - Sažetak.
U: Etnološka tribina. - ISSN 0351-1944. - 51 (2021), 44 ; str. 34-53  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Religija -- Kozmologija -- Voda

PAPOVIĆ, Dragutin
"Ekumenistička" politika Katoličke crkve u Crnoj Gori (1965. - 1970.) / Dragutin Papović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 513-514. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 2 ; str. 489-516  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Katolička crkva
Drugi vatikanski koncil


"Ne vode svi putovi do Boga, ali Bog ide svim putovima do ljudi" : doktrina prethodne milosti kao paradigma misijskog djelovanja / Cezarina Glendenning.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 89-90. - Abstract.
U: Kairos (Hrvatsko izd.). - ISSN 1846-4580. - 15 (2021), 1 ; str. 79-91  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Božja misija -- Milost -- Relacijska svetost -- Ljudska suradnja
Wesley, John


"Psallite sapienter" (Ps 47, 8b) [Elektronička građa] : teološka razmatranja Josepha Ratzingera o glazbenoj umjetnosti u liturgiji = "Psallite sapienter" (Ps 47, 8b) : Joseph Ratzinger's theological reflection on the art of music in liturgy / Bruno Diklić, Boris Vulić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Članak tematizira teološka promišljanja Josepha Ratzingera o glazbi u kontekstu liturgije Katoličke Crkve. Uvodno se kratko opisuju krize i izazovi te novija teološka učenja koja crkvenu glazbu u postkoncilsko doba dovode do stanja kulturološke shizofrenije i teoloških lutanja. Središnji dio članka posvećen je Ratzingerovoj teološkoj interpretaciji crkvene glazbe čija je posebnost otkrivanje i promišljanje biblijskih uporišta o glazbi u liturgiji. U tom se kontekstu nalaze i odgovori na izazove i krize koje su snašle crkvenu glazbu, ali se i jasno otkrivaju temeljna biblijsko-teološka načela koja određuju istinsku narav i ulogu glazbe u kršćanskom kultu. Zaključno se donose neka načela i putokazi za crkvenu glazbu danas. - The article discusses Joseph Ratzinger's theological reflections on music in the context of the Catholic Church liturgy. In the introduction, crises and challenges are briefly described, as well as the recent theological teachings that lead the church music in the post-Council period to a state of cultural schizophrenia and theological wandering. The central part of the article is about Ratzinger's theological interpretation of church music, the specifics of which is the detection and analysis of biblical foundations for music in liturgy. In this context, there are also answers to the challenges and crises that befell church music; moreover, the basic biblical-theological principles that determine the true nature and role of music in the Christian cult are clearly revealed. In conclusion, some principles and guideposts for church music today are presented.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 61 (2021), 3 ; str. 287-315  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Crkvena glazba -- Sveto pismo -- Liturgija -- Umjetnost
Ratzinger, Joseph
Katolička crkva


"Užegli Aristotel" : Stav Martina Luthera spram helenističke baštine teologije rane Crkve / Notger Slenczka ; prijevod Ivan Ivanda.
Tematski blok: Kršćanstvo i helenizacija. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 142 ; str. 32-41
Rano kršćanstvo -- Teologija -- Helenistička baština -- Bog -- Antropologija -- Filozofija
Luther, Martin -- Aristoteles


"Vidite i sami u kakvoj smo nevolji---" (Neh 2,17) : mjesta jadikovke u liturgiji / Ingrid Fischer ; prijevod Ivan Ivanda.
Tematski blok: O suzama. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 141 ; str. 99-107
Jadikovka -- Žalovanje -- Pokorničko žalovanje -- Liturgija -- Molitva

RAGUŽ, Ivica
"Žalost po Božju" : razmatranje o plaču / Ivica Raguž.
Tematski blok: O suzama. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 141 ; str. 73-78
Plač -- Grijeh -- Spoznaja -- Mistika -- Kršćanstvo

GLAVINIĆ, Ivan, teolog
(Ne)mogućnost eshatoloških implikacija na politiku / Ivan Glavinić, Iva Mršić Felbar.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Nova prisutnost. - ISSN 1334-2312. - 19 (2021), 1 ; str. 5-17  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Eshatologija -- Kraljevstvo Božje -- Nada -- Politika -- Prošlost

Adrienne von Speyr o sv. Josipu / Anton Štrukelj ; prevela Iva Pavković.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 141 ; str. 118-125
Brak -- Molitva
Speyr, Adrianne von -- Marija -- Josip


PAŽIN, Zvonko
Antropološko socijalni elementi u liturgijskim knjigama prije Drugoga vatikanskog sabora [Elektronička građa] = Anthropological and social features of the pre-council liturgical literature / Zvonko Pažin, Silvana Fužinato.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U ovome članku autori istražuju antropološke i socijalne elemente u liturgijskim knjigama objavljenim u XVI. i XVII. st., koje su većim dijelom nepromijenjene vrijedile sve do Drugoga vatikanskog sabora (1962. - 1965.). U prijašnjim je stoljećima Crkva imala isključivu ingerenciju i u nekim područjima koje danas pokriva građanskodruštvo (država): školstvo, zdravstvo, ženidbeni zakoni, vođenje matičnih knjiga. U svome istraživanju autori pokazuju kako su u spomenutim knjigama donesene i neke odredbe koje uz liturgijsko imaju i određeno antropološko i sociološko značenje. To su upute o čistoći crkvenoga ruha i crkvenoga posuđa, te o čistoći crkvenih službenika. Jednako tako susreću se podrobne odredbe koje se odnose na ćudoređe (stidljivost) te na odnos između muškaraca i žena, pri čemu je vidljivo da su žene u podređenom položaju u skladu s običajima prijašnjih vremena, što se dobrim dijelom temelji i na biblijskoj tradiciji. Knjige također donose uputei odredbe o drugim važnim vidovima života, osobito glede sklapanjaženidbe, pri čemu se pazi da budu ispunjeni svi naravni uvjetikao što su dob i slobodna volja. Iz ovog je istraživanja vidljivoda je Crkva imala važan utjecaj u društvenome životu te da je uprošlim stoljećima imala također važnu prosvjetiteljsku ulogu. - In this article, the authors explore the anthropological and social features in the liturgical books published in the 16th and 17th centuries, which were not significantly changed until the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). In previous centuries, the Church had exclusive jurisdiction in certain areas, which are today covered by the civil society (the state): education, health, marriage laws, church bookkeeping. In their research, the authors show that in the mentioned books some provisions were made that are not only related to the liturgy. These are the instructions on the purity of church vestments and church vessels, and on the purity of church officials. Similarly, there are detailed provisions relating to morals (shyness) and the relationship between men and women, and it is evident that women are in a subordinate position in accordance with the customs of the past, which is largely based on biblical tradition. The books also provide instructions and provisions on other important aspectsof life, especially with regard to marriage, taking care to meet allnaturalconditions such as age and free will. It is evident fromthis research that the Church had an important influence insocial life and that in the past centuries it also had an importantenlightening role in the society.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 61 (2021), 4 ; str. 445-460  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Antropologija -- Čistoća -- Liturgijske knjige -- Muškarci -- Žene -- Ženidba

Better than any doctor : Buddhist perspectives on hot springs in Sikkim, Himalayas / Marlene Erschbamer. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Waters of life : Aquatic sacred natural sites. - Bibliografija: str. 67-70. - Sažetak.
U: Etnološka tribina. - ISSN 0351-1944. - 51 (2021), 44 ; str. 54-70  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kulturno sjećanje -- Termalni izvori -- Budizam

Božje plakanje : potencijal i granice utješne figure u židovskoj teologiji / Alfred Bodenheimer ; prijevod Ivan Ivanda.
Tematski blok: O suzama. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 141 ; str. 39-45
Bog -- Božje plakanje -- Židovska teologija -- Rabinska književnost

The Church as the new family of God / Paweł Rabczyński.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Nova prisutnost. - ISSN 1334-2312. - 19 (2021), 1 ; str. 19-33  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Crkva -- Kraljevstvo Božje -- Nova Božja obitelj -- Etos

PETRIĆ, Hrvoje, povjesničar
Čuda koja su se dogodila zagovorom Majke Božje Drnjanske / Hrvoje Petrić. - Ilustr.
U: Scientia Podraviana. - ISSN 1331-257X. - 33 (2021), 35 ; str. 24-27
Čuda -- Marijanska pobožnost -- Župnici
Majka Božja Drnjanska -- Pakši, Ivan Krstitelj -- Petras, Grgur
Crkva Rođenja Blažene Djevice Marije, Drnje


KASPER, Walter
Drugi vatikanski koncil i postkoncilske sinode / Walter kardinal Kasper ; prijevod Ivan Ivanda.
Tematski blok: Poticaji za Sinodalni hod Crkve. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 142 ; str. 105-118
Bikupske sinode -- Sinodalnost -- Demokracija
Katolička crkva
Drugi vatikanski koncil


Franciscan order from reform of Fr. Paolo a Trinci to the division of the order in 1517 : the evidence from the Franciscan sources = Franjevački red od početka reforme fra Paola od Trincia do podjele Reda za pape Lava X. (1517.) u Franjevačkim izvorima / Daniel Patafta.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary ; Sažetak.
U: Služba Božja. - ISSN 0037-7074. - 61 (2021), 2 ; str. 214-256  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Reforma -- Opservanti -- Konventualci -- Franjevački red -- Pravilo sv. Franje
Papa Lav X.


Franciscan order from reform of Fr. Paolo a Trinci to the division of the order in 1517 [Elektronička građa] : the evidence from the Franciscan sources = Franjevački red od početka reforme fra Paola od Trincia do podjele Reda za pape Lava X. (1517.) u Franjevačkim izvorima / Daniel Patafta.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary ; Sažetak. - These article examine the circumstances which bring to the division of Franciscan Order in 1517. It begins with beginning of small Reform movement of Fr. Paolo of Trinci at 1368 which outgrow in 15th century in strong Observant movement. The question of observing the Rule of St. Francis was basic problem between Observants and Conventuals, and it grow in big ecclesiastical, political and social problem which was solved at 1517 bay division of the Order. Article is mostly based on published different sources of Franciscan history. Most of these sources are original sources published in various publications of Collegii di S. Bonaventura, in 19th and 20th century. - Već u 14. stoljeću pojavljuje se pokreti u Franjevačkom redu koji nastoje vratiti Red k izvornijem opsluživanju Pravila sv. Franje. Svi ovi pokreti poznati su pod nazivom "opservancija," a pripadnike tog reformskog pokreta od 15. stoljeća općenito se nazivalo opservantima. Opservantski pokret u Franjevačkom redu bio je od početak obilježen siromaštvom. Zbog toga se počeo pojavljivati uglavnom u eremitorijima u kojima se najbolje moglo živjeti izvorno siromaštvo. Za razliku od velikih samostanskih zajednica u gradovima ("conventus") gdje su franjevci uživali brojne papinske povlastice koje su dobivali kroz stoljeća, iz čega se razvio i naziv "konventualci." Tijekom 15. stoljeća opservantski pokret je sve više jačao i bio sve brojniji što je dovelo do sve oštrijih i otvorenijih sukoba između opservanata i konventualaca. Skandalozni sukobi naveli su svjetovne vladare i biskupe, osobito cara Maksimilijana, da se obrate papi Lavu X. Papa je sukob riješio tako da je na Generalnom kapitulu u Rimu 1517. dokumentom znanim kao "Bulla concordiae" odijelio konventualce i opservante, dajući prednost opservantima.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 61 (2021), 2 ; str. 214-256  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Reforma -- Opservanti -- Konventualci -- Franjevački red -- Pravilo sv. Franje
Papa Lav X.


PETROV, Emanuel
Die Frauenweihe zwischen der ursprünglichen und der geweihten Sakramentalität [Elektronička građa] = Ređenje žena između iskonske i zaređene sakramentalnosti / Emanuel Petrov.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Zusammenfassung ; Sažetak. - Die katholische Kirche steht sowohl in der natürlichen Reihenfolge der Schöpfung als auch in der übernatürlichen Reihenfolge der Erlösung für die Gleichwürdigung der Geschlechter. Diese zwei Reihen entsprechen zwei Sakramentalitäten: die ursprüngliche und die geweihte priesterliche Sakramentalität. Beide Sakramentalitäten beinhalten eine selbstlose Hingabe und eine gehorsame Sendung, Gott zu repräsentieren, seine Ehre zu bezeugen und damit die Teilhabe am göttlichen Leben zu beerben und tatsächlich zu leben. Beide sind die Grade des gleichen Planes Gottes mit dem Menschen. Trotzdem kann die geweihte Sakramentalität nur der getaufte Mann empfangen. Johannes Paul II. behauptet, dass die Kirche aufgrund ihrer göttlichen Verfassung keine Vollmacht habe, Frauen die Priesterweihe zu spenden. Anderseits gibt es zahlreiche Möglichkeiten und Dienste, damit die Frauen der Herrlichkeit Gottes dienen und die Verherrlichung des Menschen verwirklichen. Dementsprechend ist die Mutterschaft in der Hauskirche oder der Jungfrauenstand, eine Art Priestertum an sich. - Katolička crkva se zalaže za ravnopravnost spolova kako u naravnom redu stvaranja tako i u nadnaravnom redu otkupljenja. Ove dvije stvarnosti odgovaraju dvama sakramentalnostima: onoj iskonskoj i zaređenoj svećeničkoj sakramentalnosti. Obije sakramentalnosti uključuju nesebično predanje, ponizno poslanje predstavljanja Boga, svjedočenje njegove slave i na taj način ostvarenje dioništva na Božjem životu te življenje istoga već sad. Obije su stupnjevi istog Božjeg plana s čovjekom. Unatoč tome, samo kršteni muškarac može valjano primiti sakramentalnost sv. reda. Ivan Pavao II. tvrdi da Crkva na temelju svog božanskog utemeljenja nema ovlasti prepustiti žene svećeničkom ređenju. S druge strane, postoje brojne mogućnosti i službe kojima žene mogu služiti Božjoj proslavi i tako baštiniti spasenje. U tom smislu su majčinstvo u obitelji kao kućnoj Crkvi i zavjetovano djevičanstvo po sebi jedna vrsta svećenstva.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 61 (2021), 1 ; str. 91-114  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Svećenstvo -- Muškarac -- Žena -- Ređenje -- Identitet -- Poslanje

PETROV, Emanuel
Die Frauenweihe zwischen der ursprünglichen und der geweihten Sakramentalität = Ređenje žena između iskonske i zaređene sakramentalnosti / Emanuel Petrov.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Zusammenfassung ; Sažetak.
U: Služba Božja. - ISSN 0037-7074. - 61 (2021), 1 ; str. 91-114  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Svećenstvo -- Muškarac -- Žena -- Ređenje -- Identitet -- Poslanje

TOLIĆ, Željko
Il Concilio di Trento (1545 - 1563) [Elektronička građa] = Tridentski sabor (1545. - 1563.) / Željko Tolić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sommario ; Summary. - Secondo la numerazione cattolica è il XIX concilio ecumenico. Richiesto da decenni da più parti, e con sempre maggiore urgenza, il concilio non poté svolgersi per molto tempo. Infine, dopo tre inutili convocazioni, Paolo III con la bolla Laetare Jerusalem (1544) indisse l'assemblea per il 15 marzo 1545 a Trento, indicando compiti principali. Il concilio però si aprì solo 13 dicembre 1545 in presenza 31 vescovi, in maggioranza italiani. Durante il primo periodo, che comprese le sessioni I-X, quando fu deciso di trattare parallelamente le questioni dogmatiche e quelle della riforma ecclesiastica, furono approvati importanti definizioni e decreti, tra gli altri quelli sulla Santa Scrittura, il peccato originale, la giustificazione e altre cose. Nell'VIII sessione (11 marzo 1547) i partecipanti decisero di trasferire il concilio a Bologna. Dopo la morte di Paolo III fu eletto papa con nome di Giulio III il cardinale Del Monte, fino allora presidente del concilio. Sotto il suo pontificato ebbe luogo il secondo periodo del concilio (dal 1551 al 1552), che comprendeva le sessioni XI-XVI. In questo periodo al concilio vennero i delegati protestanti della Germania, ma si tornarono presto in patria, senza essere riusciti a imporre le loro richieste. Circostanze politiche condussero alla sospensione del concilio (1552). Ma ne novembre 1560 il nuovo papa, Pio IV, ordinò il proseguimento dei lavori conciliari: è il terzo periodo del concilio di Trento, dal 1562 al 1563, che comprese le sessioni XVII-XXV. I principi protestanti radunati a Naumburg decisero di non accogliere l'invito. Nelle sessioni si approvarono decreti sull'obbligo della residenza dei vescovi, il carattere sacrificale della santa messa, la consacrazione sacerdotale, il matrimonio, il purgatorio, la venerazione dei santi e delle reliquie, l'indulgenza, i seminari. Con la bolla Benedictus Deus et Pater (il 26 gennaio 1564) Pio IV confermava l'opera del concilio. - Prema katoličkom brojanju to je XIX. Ekumenski sabor. Mnogi su ga desetljećima tražili, sa sve većom hitnošću, ali koncil se dugo nije mogao održati. Napokon, nakon tri beskorisna poziva, papa Pavao III. s bulom Laetare Jeruzalem (1544.) saziva skupštinu za 15. ožujka 1545. u Trentu, naznačujući glavne zadatke. Koncil se, međutim, otvorio tek 13. prosinca 1545. u nazočnosti 31 biskupa, uglavnom Talijana. Nakon smrti Pavla III., kardinal Del Monte, koji je dotad bio predsjednik koncila, izabran je za papu i uzeo je ime papa Julije III. Pod njegovim pontifikatom odvijalo se drugo razdoblje koncila (od 1551. do 1552.), koje je obuhvaćalo XI-XVI. zasjedanje. U studenom 1560. godine novi je papa Pio IV. naredio nastavak rada koncila: to je treće razdoblje Tridentskog koncila, od 1562. do 1563., koje je uključivalo XVII-XXV zasjedanje. Bulom Benedictus Deus et Pater (26. siječnja 1564.) papa Pio IV. potvrdio je rad koncila.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 61 (2021), 3 ; str. 357-394  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Papa -- Car -- Koncilijarni oci -- Dekreti
Tridentski sabor -- Tridentski koncil


ROSOLINO, Guillermo
Juan Carlos Scannone - kad se teologija i filozofija inkulturiraju u pučku mudrost / Guillermo Rosolino ; prijevod Roman Karlović.
Tematski blok: Teologija naroda i papa Franjo. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 8 jed.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 142 ; str. 83-97
Katolički mislioci -- Teologija -- Filozofija -- Pučka mudrost -- Pučka pobožnost -- Teologija naroda
Scannone, Juan Carlos


BARKER, Jeremiah
Julijana iz Norwicha : crkvena autobiografija / Jeremiah Barker ; prijevod Roman Karlović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 140 ; str. 73-86
Mističarke -- Soteriološka antropologija -- Ekleziologija -- Hagiografija -- Teološka autobiografija
Julian of Norwich -- Julijana iz Norwicha
Katolička crkva


Katedrala danas / Jean-Marie Duthilleul ; prijevod Ružica Đikić.
Tematski blok: Katedrala. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 140 ; str. 46-51
Katedrala -- Crkve -- Biskupi -- Sakramenti

LOURS, Mathieu
Katedrala i grad u sklopu katoličke reforme : ponovno osvajanje središnjega položaja / Mathieu Lours ; prijevod Roman Karlović.
Tematski blok: Katedrala. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 140 ; str. 33-45
Katedrala -- Katolička reforma -- Grad -- Urbani prostor

HOU, François
Katedralni kaptol / François Hou ; prijevod Ružica Đikić.
Tematski blok: Katedrala. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 4 jed.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 140 ; str. 21-27
Katedrale -- Kaptol -- Prezbiteriji -- Liturgijski život -- Povijest

Kratka povijest humane ekologije i ekoteologije [Elektronička građa] = A brief history of human ecology and ecotheology / Luka Tomašević, Ana Jeličić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Humana ekologija dio je ekologije koji je nastao u prošlom stoljeću a bavi se proučavanjem odnosa između čovjeka i njegove okoline. Ona je sastavni dio ekologije, a povezana je uz tzv. ekološko pitanje iz druge polovice XIX. stoljeća kada je znanost otkrila da zemlja i sve žive vrste na njoj tvore jedinstveni sustav i da utječu jedne na druge preko svojih međusobnih odnosa. Kada su započeli prigovori kršćanstvu da je odgovorno za nastanak ekološke krize i za uništavanje prirode svojim biblijskim stavom o Božjem opunomoćenju za zahvate u prirodi, nastala je i nova grana teologije nazvana ekoteologijom. U krilu katoličke teologije nju su posebno razvijali rimski biskupi (pape), a njezin je vrhunac enciklika pape Franje Laudato si' koja je preuzela i razvila viziju integralne franjevačke teologije. - Human ecology is a part of ecology that emerged in the last century and deals with the study of the relationship between man and his environment. It is an integral part of ecology, and is associated with the so-called ecological issue from the second half of the 19th century when science discovered that the earth and all living species on it form a unique system and that they influence each other through their interrelationships. When reproaches began to Christianity that it was to blame for the ecological crisis and the destruction of nature with its biblical view of God's authority for interventions in nature, a new branch of theology called ecotheology emerged. In the bosom of Catholic theology, it was especially developed by the Roman bishops (popes), and its culmination is the encyclical of Pope Francis Laudato si' which took over and developed the vision of integral Franciscan theology.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 61 (2021), 4 ; str. 486-510  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ekologija -- Teologija -- Ekološki problemi -- Ekoteologija

BALTHASAR, Hans Urs von
Kulturno poslanje Crkve / Hans Urs von Balthasar ; prijevod Ivan Ivanda.
Izvornik: Christliche Kultur und Bilding, u Basler Volksblatt 250, (24. 10. 1952.). - Tematski blok: Poticaji za Sinodalni hod Crkve.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 142 ; str. 99-101
Kršćanstvo -- Crkva -- Poslanje -- Kultura

AZCUY, Virginia Raquel
Lucio Gera, teolog Medellína / Virginia Raquel Azcuy ; prijevod Roman Karlović.
Tematski blok: Teologija naroda i papa Franjo. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 142 ; str. 73-82
Medellín -- Buenos Aires -- Argentina
Gera, Lucio -- Bergoglio, Jorge Mario


CHRÉTIEN, Jean-Louis
Marta i Marija : dvojako gostoprimstvo / Jean-Louis Chrétien ; prijevod Roman Karlović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 140 ; str. 130-151
Gostoprimstvo -- Djelatni život -- Kontemplativnost -- Tumačenje

Mudrovanje ili utvrda vjere? : John Henry Newman o dvoznačnosti grčke filozofije u arijanskoj kontroverzi / Michael Fiedrowicz ; prijevod Ivan Ivanda.
Tematski blok: Kršćanstvo i helenizacija. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 142 ; str. 25-31
Kršćanstvo -- Arijanizam -- Teologija -- Helenistička duhovna baština -- Grčka filozofija -- Liberalizam
Newman, John Henry


Newman and Strossmayer on the relationship between the Church and the state : (II) / Šimo Šokčević, Tihomir Živić.
Nastavak iz br. 1/2020. - Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 122-123. - Sažetak.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 99-124  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Država -- Odnos crkve i države -- Povijest
Newman, John Henry -- Strossmayer, Josip Juraj
Katolička crkva


KUHAR, Kristijan
Novootkriveni glagoljski fragmenti iz 14.-15. st. u arhivu riječkih benediktinki / Kristijan Kuhar, Marko Medved. - Ilusttr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 478-480. - Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 2 ; str. 461-480  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Glagoljski fragmenti -- Glagoljica


ŽUPANČIĆ, Vatroslav
Njemački evangelici u područjima Moslavine i Bilogore : I. dio : Etno-konfesionalna pozadina i naseljavanje / Vatroslav Župančić. - Ilustr.
Nastavlja se. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 45-48. - Abstract.
U: Kairos (Hrvatsko izd.). - ISSN 1846-4580. - 15 (2021), 1 ; str. 29-48  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Evangelici -- Nijemci -- Protestanti -- Migracije -- Naseljavanje

Oration II Grgura Nazijanskog : vizija kršćanskog vodstva iz 4. stoljeća za 21. stoljeće / Eric Maroney.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 8 jed. - Abstract.
U: Kairos (Hrvatsko izd.). - ISSN 1846-4580. - 15 (2021), 1 ; str. 7-27  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kršćanska služba -- Kršćansko vodstvo -- Crkvena povijest
Gregorius Nazianzenus, sanctus -- Grgur Nazijanski


DI Ció, Andrés F.
Otajstvo naravi / Andrés F. di Ció ; prijevod Roman Karlović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 140 ; str. 87-100
Narav -- Otajstvo -- Teologija -- Bog -- Stvorenje -- Ljudska narav
Isus Krist


Pandemija: iščitavanje u sakramentalnom ključu / José Granados ; prijevod Roman Karlović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 140 ; str. 109-120
Pandemija -- Lockdown -- Kršćanska vjera -- Sakramenti -- Tijelo -- Patnja -- Virtualna komunikacija

Philosophische Themen in den Schriften kirchlicher Philosophielehrer in Kroatien von 1945 bis 1991 [Elektronička građa] = Filozofske teme u djelima katoličkih svećenika-filozofa u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 1945. do 1991. godine / Ivan Macut.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Zusammenfassung ; Summary. - In diesem Aufsatz werden Beiträge zur Philosophie in den Schriften einiger katholischer Priester, Philosophielehrer in Kroatien von 1945 bis 1991, erörtert. Neben Einleitung und Schluss umfasst der Hauptteil der Abhandlung folgende Kapitel: 1. Kurze Übersicht zum Ver-hältnis der kommunistischen Regierung zur Katholischen Kirche in Kroatien von 1945 bis 1991; 2. Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschulen in Kroatien und deren Zeitschriften von 1945 bis 1991 und 3. Philosophische Themen in den Publikationen von einigen katholischen Geistlichen im Zeitraum 1945 bis 1991. Da die Kommunistische Partei in der Zeit von 1945 bis 1991 in Kroatien an der Macht war, hat sie mit ihren repressiven Maßnahmen, Verfolgungen und Morden das gesamte Leben der kroatischen Gesellschaft und die Aktivitäten der Katholi-schen Kirche stark beeinflusst. Im Hinblick auf diese Tatsache werden philosophische Abhand-lungen, die einige Priester als Philosophielehrer verfasst haben, erforscht. Die philosophischen Themen, mit denen sie sich befasst haben, waren vielfältig: die Philosophie von Nikolai Berdjajew; Dialog mit Marx; Beiträge zur Kosmologie, Ontologie, Theodizee; die Philosophie von Baruch Spinoza; Grenzfragen zur Philosophie, Theologie und Naturwissenschaften. Fol-gende kirchliche Philosophielehrer werden in diesem Beitrag erfasst: Josip Kribl, Ivan Devčić, Mijo Škvorc, Tomo Vereš, Božo Milanović, Ante Kusić, Krsto Kržanić, Vjekoslav Bajsić und Rudolf Brajčić. - U ovom se radu bavimo filozofskim temama u djelima katoličkih svećenika-filozofa u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 1945. do 1991. godine. Rad uz uvod i zaključak sadrži slijedeća poglavlja: 1. Ukratko o odnosu komunističkih vlasti i Katoličke Crkve od 1945. do 1991. godine; 2. Bogoslovska i filozofska učilišta od 1945. do 1991. godine te crkveni teološki časopisi; 3. Filozofske teme u djelima katoličkih svećenika-filozofa od 1945. do 1991. godine. Budući da je u vremenu od 1945. do 1991. godine u Hrvatskom prisutna komunistička partija te je ona svojim represivnim mjerama, progonstvima, ubojstvima i sl. utjecala na cjelokupni život društva, a tako i Katoličke Crkve, u ovom smo radu istražili djelovanje svećenika-filozofa u naznačenom razdoblju te teme kojima su se bavili. Filozofske teme kojima su se bavili bile su raznolike: filozofija Nikolaja Berdjajeva; dijalog s Marxom; kozmologija, ontolo-gija, teodiceja; filozofija Baruha Spinoze; granična pitanja filozofije, teologije i prirodnih zna-nosti. Svećenici-filozofi koje smo ovim radom obuhvatili jesu: Josip Kribl; Ivan Devčić; Mijo Škvorc; Tomo Vereš; Božo Milanović; Ante Kusić; Krsto Kržanić; Vjekoslav Bajsić; Rudolf Brajčić.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 61 (2021), 3 ; str. 338-356  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Filozofija -- Svećenici -- Progonstvo

Plač i suze psalama / Gyõrgyi Szatmári ; prijevod Robert Almaši.
Tematski blok: O suzama. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 141 ; str. 17-26
Suze -- Plač -- Analiza biblijskog teksta

ŽIŽIĆ, Ivica
Pred Bogom koji dolazi : fenomenologija liturgije Jean-Yves Lacostea = In the face of the appearing God : phenomenology of liturgy of Jean-Yves Lacoste / Ivica Žižić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Služba Božja. - ISSN 0037-7074. - 61 (2021), 1 ; str. 5-45  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Liturgija -- Fenomenologija -- Svijest -- Iskustvo -- Bitak

ŽIŽIĆ, Ivica
Pred Bogom koji dolazi [Elektronička građa] : fenomenologija liturgije Jean-Yves Lacostea = In the face of the appearing God : phenomenology of liturgy of Jean-Yves Lacoste / Ivica Žižić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Suvremena teološka misao razmatra gotovo sva bitna pitanja s gledišta ili barem pod utjecajem neke filozofijske perspektive nerijetko fenomenološkog karaktera. U tom ozračju, pojavu liturgije u filozofijskome mišljenju, ali i u filozofijski orijentiranoj teologiji, uvjetovao je 'fenomenološki obrat' teologije. No posljednjih desetljeća bilježi se također i 'teološki obrat' fenomenologije koja se sve snažnije povezuje uz izvorne modalitete religioznoga života - Pismo i liturgiju. Filozofsko-teološki susret na području liturgije i Pisma ukazuje na obnovljeni pristup 'samim stvarima' vjere koje ponovno postaju izvor razumijevanja kršćanskoga religioznog života. U ovom radu kritički analiziramo jedan takav primjer domišljanja liturgije kao mjesta 'dvostrukog obrata'. Riječ je o projektu 'fenomenologiji liturgije' francuskog filozofa i teologa Jean-Yvesa Lacostea. U obradi fundamentalno-teoloških tema, on se vodi fenomenologijskim pristupom pitajući se o antropološkoj poziciji i eshatološkom identitetu liturgijskog bivstvovanja 'pred Bogom koji dolazi'. Prvi dio ovoga rada obrađuje teorijska polazišta Lacosteove 'fenomenologije liturgije', izdvajajući neke bitne odrednice koje formiraju njegov specifični pristup liturgiji. Fenomenološka ontologija prostora ('mjesto') i vremena ('interval'), u tome tematskom krugu, imaju ključnu ulogu. Drugi dio propituje fenomenološki i antropologijski profil Lacosteove fenomenologije liturgije koji se razvija polazeći od analitike iskustvenih stanja bivanja coram Deo. U tom okviru, kritika čuvstvene svijesti i kenotička izloženost subjekta, nalažu se kao dva stožerna teorijska trenutka preko kojih Lacoste razlaže artikulaciju čovjekove humanosti u okrilju obrednoga bogoslužja. - Contemporary theological thought considers almost all important issues from the point of view or at least under the influence of some philosophical perspective, often of phenomenological character. In this sense, the emergence of the liturgy in philosophical thought, but also in philosophically oriented theology, was conditioned by the "phenomenological turn" in theology. But in recent decades, there has also been a 'theological turn' in phenomenology, which is increasingly related to the original modalities of religious life - Scripture and the liturgy. The philosophical-theological encounter in the sphere of liturgy and Scripture points to a renewed approach to the "very things" of faith that are once again becoming a source of understanding of Christian religious life. In this paper, we critically analyse one such example of conceiving the liturgy as a place of "double turn". It is about a project of the 'phenomenology of the liturgy' by the French philosopher and theologian Jean-Yves Lacoste. In treating the fundamental theological topics, he is guided by a phenomenological approach, asking about the anthropological position and eschatological identity of liturgical existence 'in the face of the appearing God'.  The first part of this paper deals with the theoretical starting points of Lacoste's 'phenomenology of liturgy', distinguishing some important determinants that form his specific approach to liturgy. The phenomenological ontology of space ("place") and time ("interval"), in this thematic circle, play a key role. The second part examines the phenomenological and anthropological profile of Lacoste's phenomenology of liturgy, which is developing starting from the analytics of the experiential states of being coram Deo.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 61 (2021), 1 ; str. 5-45  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Liturgija -- Fenomenologija -- Svijest -- Iskustvo -- Bitak
Lacoste, Jean-Yves


HORVAT, Kristina, arheologinja
Prilog poznavanju duhovne kulture neolitičkih zajednica istočnog Jadrana = A contribution to understanding spiritual culture of the neolithic communities of the Eastern Adriatic / Kristina Horvat Oštrić ; translation Marija Kostić. - Ilustr., fotogr.
Table: str. 69-71. - Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 66-68.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 47-71  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Danilska kultura -- Zmija -- Simbolika -- Duhovna kultura

Promišljanja o dokumentu "Communio sanctorum: toward a theology of the Church as a fellowship of persons" Petera Kuzmiča i Miroslava Volfa, u kontekstu dijaloga između Pentekostalne i Katoličke Crkve / Ciprian Gheorghe-Luca.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 107-109. - Abstract.
U: Kairos (Hrvatsko izd.). - ISSN 1846-4580. - 15 (2021), 1 ; str. 93-109  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zajedništvo svetih -- Pentekostalizam -- Ekleziologija -- Ekumenski dijalog
Kuzmič, Peter -- Volf, Miroslav
Katolička crkva -- Pentekostalna crkva


TÜCK, Jan-Heiner
Raspeti pravednik u Platona / Jan-Heiner Tück ; prijevod Ivan Ivanda.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 141 ; str. 112-117
Pravednik -- Rano kršćanstvo -- Grčka filozofija -- Tumačenje
Plato -- Platon -- Socrates -- Sokrat


SÖDING, Thomas
Razgovor s Grcima : Ivanovsko promišljanje / Thomas Söding ; prijevod Ivan Ivanda.
Tematski blok: Kršćanstvo i helenizacija. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 142 ; str. 16-24
Grci -- Helenizacija -- Kršćanstvo -- Božja riječ -- Naviještanje


MOCAN, Beneamin
Religijska imaginacija i suvremena javna teologija / Beneamin Mocan.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 14 jed. - Abstract.
U: Kairos (Hrvatsko izd.). - ISSN 1846-4580. - 15 (2021), 1 ; str. 111-120  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Religijska imaginacija -- Javna teologija -- Globalizacija -- Antropologija -- Modernizam -- Postmodernizam

SINGH, Rana P. B.
Sacred water pools of Hindu sacredscapes in north India / Rana P.B. Singh, Pravin S. Rana, Sarvesh Kumar. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Waters of life : Aquatic sacred natural sites. - Bibliografija: str. 32-33. - Sažetak.
U: Etnološka tribina. - ISSN 0351-1944. - 51 (2021), 44 ; str. 12-33  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hinduizam -- Hodočasnički turizam -- Sveta voda

RUNJE, Domagoj
Sedam suza Josipovih / Domagoj Runje.
Tematski blok: O suzama. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 141 ; str. 5-16
Jakovljevi sinovi -- Josip -- Suze -- Analiza biblijskog teksta

Septuaginta - židovski i kršćanski tekst / Ludger Schweinhorst-Schönberger ; prijevod Ivan Ivanda.
Tematski blok: Kršćanstvo i helenizacija. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 142 ; str. 2-15
Biblijska vjera -- Grčka filozofija -- Kršćanstvo -- Prijevodi

PERRIN, Michel-Yves
Skrivena katedrala : zapis o povijesti označavanja biskupske crkve na latinskom Zapadu / Michel-Yves Perrin ; prijevod Ružica Đikić.
Tematski blok: Katedrala. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst i na kraju teksta.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 140 ; str. 28-32
Episkopalne crkve -- Katedrale -- Povijest

KRASICKI, Arkadiusz
Suze i plač u Novom zavjetu / Arkadiusz Krasicki.
Tematski blok: O suzama. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 141 ; str. 27-38
Suze -- Plač -- Analiza biblijskog teksta

Suze koje se sviđaju Bogu : askeza plakanja u ranom bizantinskom kršćanstvu / Tibor Gõrfõl ; prijevod Ivan Ivanda.
Tematski blok: O suzama. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 141 ; str. 46-54
Rano kršćanstvo -- Pustinjski oci -- Crkveni oci -- Askeza -- Suze -- Teologija

DULAEY, Martine
Suze svetoga Augustina / Martine Dulaey ; prijevod Ružica Đikić.
Tematski blok: O suzama. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 141 ; str. 55-61
Suze -- Obraćenje -- Duhovni rast
Augustinus, Aurelius -- Aurelije Augustin


Suze u kontekstu dinamike duhovnoga života prema karmelskim misticima: sv. Terziji Avilskoj i sv. Ivanu od Križa / Franjo Podgorelec.
Tematski blok: O suzama. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 141 ; str. 62-72
Suze -- Duhovni život -- Mistici
Theresia a Iesu, sancta -- Sveta Terezija Avilska -- Iohannes a Cruce, sanctus -- Sveti Ivan od Križa


Sv. Franjo, uzor integralne ekologije [Elektronička građa] = St. Francis, a model of integral ecology / Luka Tomašević.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Već u prošlom stoljeću, otkako je počelo zanimanje za ekološke probleme ili probleme ambijentalne ekologije, započelo je zanimanje ambijentalista i ekologa za sv. Franju Asiškoga i njegov spontani pristup prirodi. To je potvrdila i Katolička Crkva kada ga je 29. studenog 1979. proglasila zaštitnikom djelatnika ekologije. Sv. Franjo bio je kao svetac poznat po svojoj jedinstvenoj duhovnosti, posebice po svome putu siromaštva i po svojoj ljubavi prema siromasima, ali je u naše vrijeme postao poznat kao Franjo ekolog diljem svijeta, pa i u znanstvenim krugovima bez obzira na religiju. U članku se raspravlja o Franjinu bratstvu sa stvorenim, o bitnim oznakama franjevačke teologije prisutnosti, o samoj pjesmi stvorenja koju i papa Franjo citira 12 puta, dok se u zadnjem dijelu proučava Franjina Pjesma stvorenja, i aktualizira njezina originalnost, i povijesna i aktualna. - Ever since the last century, when the interest in ecological problems or the problems of ambient ecology began, the ambientalists and ecologists' interest in St. Francis of Assisi and his spontaneous approach to nature also began. This was confirmed by the Catholic Church when on November 29, 1979, it proclaimed him the patron saint of environmentalists. As a saint St. Francis was known for his unique spirituality, especially for his path of poverty and his love for the poor, but in our time he has become known as Francis the Ecologist all over the world, even in scientific circles regardless of religion. The paper discusses Francis' brotherhood with all creation, the essential features of the Franciscan theology of presence, the Canticle of Creation itself, which the Pope quotes 12 times, while in the last part it studies St. Francis' Canticle of Creation, and actualizes its originality, historical and current alike.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 61 (2021), 1 ; str. 73-90  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Franjevaštvo -- Ekologija -- Ekoteologija
Sv. Franjo Asiški


Sv. Franjo, uzor integralne ekologije = St. Francis, a model of integral ecology / Luka Tomašević.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Služba Božja. - ISSN 0037-7074. - 61 (2021), 1 ; str. 73-90  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Franjevaštvo -- Ekologija -- Ekoteologija
Sv. Franjo Asiški


KASPER, Walter
Svjedočiti Isusa Krista u današnjem svijetu : promišljanja o kristologiji / Walter Kardinal Kasper ; prijevod Ivan Ivanda.
Tematski blok: Kršćanstvo i helenizacija. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 142 ; str. 42-51
Kristologija -- Teologija -- Sin Božji -- Utjelovljenje -- Sloboda -- Duh Sveti

Što bi Isus učinio u modelu poučavanja na daljinu? / Maja Seguin.
Bibliografija: str. 60-61. - Abstract.
U: Kairos (Hrvatsko izd.). - ISSN 1846-4580. - 15 (2021), 1 ; str. 49-62  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Učenje -- Modeli učenja -- Učenje na daljinu -- Online učenje -- Konstruktivizam -- Prispodobe
Isus Krist


HOEVEL, Carlos
Teologija naroda : povijest, ideje i tumačenja / Carlos Hoevel ; prijevod Ružica Đikić.
Tematski blok: Teologija naroda i papa Franjo. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 142 ; str. 53-63
Teologija naroda -- Narod -- Pastoral -- Crkva -- Društveno-političke prilike -- Peronizam

Vjera kao najbolji mogući odgovor u kriznim vremenima : očekujući Božju intervenciju iz Habakukove perspektve - Habakuk 1,1-2,4 / Mihai Handaric.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 75-76. - Abstract.
U: Kairos (Hrvatsko izd.). - ISSN 1846-4580. - 15 (2021), 1 ; str. 63-77  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vjera -- Kriza -- Bog -- Evanđelje -- Proroci

Vjernički narod kao "teološko mjesto" kod Jorge Maria Bergoglija / Massimo Borghesi ; prijevod Ružica Đikić.
Tematski blok: Teologija naroda i papa Franjo. - Bilješka o teolozima teologije naroda: str. 72. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 142 ; str. 64-72
Narod -- Teologija naroda -- Teologija oslobođenja -- Crkva -- Država
Bergoglio, Jorge Mario -- Franciscus, papa -- Papa Franjo


The vulnerable therapeutic water spaces of the Virgen de Caysasay / Jeane Peracullo. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Waters of life : Aquatic sacred natural sites. - Bibliografija: str. 106-108. - Sažetak.
U: Etnološka tribina. - ISSN 0351-1944. - 51 (2021), 44 ; str. 92-108  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Voda -- Terapijski prostori -- Pobožnosti -- Iscjeljivanje -- Sveta voda

Vidi br.: HA21-03848

Vidi br.: HA21-03846

Vidi br.: HA21-03336

Vidi br.: HA21-03868

Vidi br.: HA21-03826

Vidi br.: HA21-03845

Vidi br.: HA21-04014

Vidi br.: HA21-03373

Vidi br.: HA21-03979

Vidi br.: HA21-03896

Vidi br.: HA21-03860

Vidi br.: HA21-03416

Vidi br.: HA21-03445

Vidi br.: HA21-03332

Vidi br.: HA21-04045

Vidi br.: HA21-03421

Vidi br.: HA21-03420

Vidi br.: HA21-03435

Vidi br.: HA21-03586

Vidi br.: HA21-03590

Vidi br.: HA21-03591

Vidi br.: HA21-03552

Vidi br.: HA21-03334

Vidi br.: HA21-03624

Vidi br.: HA21-03333

Vidi br.: HA21-03379

Vidi br.: HA21-03276

Vidi br.: HA21-03980

Vidi br.: HA21-04003

Vidi br.: HA21-03827

Vidi br.: HA21-03399

Vidi br.: HA21-03349

27   Kršćanstvo

272   Rimokatolička crkva


305   Rodne studije. Osobe s interdisciplinarne točke gledišta

Svojim trudom svagdašnji kruh dobiti : ženska zanimanja u Dubrovniku u 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća / Kristina Puljizević. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku. - ISSN 1330-0598. - 59 (2021) ; str. 279-306  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Žensko tržište rada -- Matične knjige -- Vjenčani -- Ženska zanimanja -- Učiteljice -- Primalje -- Sluškinje

Vidi br.: HA21-03369

Vidi br.: HA21-03370

Vidi br.: HA21-03335

311   Statistika

Vidi br.: HA21-03642

Vidi br.: HA21-03653

314   Demografija

TARISAYI, Kudzayi Savious
Afrophobic attacks in virtual spaces : the case of three hashtags in South Africa / Kudzayi Savious Tarisayi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 44-45. - Sažetak.
U: Migracijske i etničke teme. - ISSN 1333-2546. - 37 (2021), 1 ; str.  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ključna riječ -- Hashtag -- Ksenofobija -- Migracije -- Afrofobija

Broj Hrvata u Crnoj Gori prema popisima stanovništva 1948. - 2011. / Saša Mrduljaš. - Graf. prikazi., ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 97-98. - Summary.
U: Migracijske i etničke teme. - ISSN 1333-2546. - 37 (2021), 1 ; str. 73-102  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvati -- Popisi stanovništva

Demografska kretanja župe Vid kod Metkovića [Elektronička građa] : (1891. - 1900.) = Demographics of Parish of Vid near Metković 1891-1900 / Ivo Mišur. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Cilj je rada analizirati demografska kretanja stanovništva Župe Vid krajem 19. stoljeća. Utvrdit će se razlike u stopi nataliteta i mortaliteta od 1869. do 1900. godine po desetljećima. Detaljnije će se analizirati posljednje desetljeće u kojem će se obraditi natalitet, mortalitet i nupcijalitet. Pokušat će se utvrditi kakav je utjecaj naglog razvitka obližnje luke Metković te vinske klauzule iz 1891. godine imao na demografska kretanja župe. - The analysis of the demographics of the population of the parish of Vid from 1891 to 1900 showed that mortality of population remained as low as in previous decades, but the birth rate increased dramatically. The child mortality rate, however, remained as high as in the rest of Dalmatia. However high birth rate caused significant growth of population. The inactive migration balance slowed down population growth. Despite the infamous wine clause (1891.) and the development of Metković, the nearby parish of Vid did not record a significant increase in population emigration from 1891 to 1900 compared to previous decades. Apparently, the collapse of the most widespread economic branch in Dalmatia came after 1900. The end of the 19th century in the parish of Vid seems to be the last decade of relative economic prosperity which enabled the growth of birth rates to the biological limits of the population.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 61 (2021), 4 ; str. 429-444  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Demografija -- Demografska tranzicija
Župa Vid


HAMERŠAK, Marijana
Forest, forest, forest. Sometimes we sleep. Walking, sleep, walking, sleep. It's dangerous on this way. : weaponized migration landscapes at the outskirts of the European Union / Marijana Hameršak, Iva Pleše ; translated by Juraj Šutej.
Tema broja: Waters of life : Aquatic sacred natural sites. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 217-221. - Sažetak.
U: Etnološka tribina. - ISSN 0351-1944. - 51 (2021), 44 ; str. 204-221  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Izbjeglice -- Migranti -- Šume
Hrvatska -- EU


ŠARIĆ, Tatjana
Iseljenička služba Hrvatske u Jugoslaviji i kulturno djelovanje prema iseljeništvu - 1960-e i 1970-e : hrvatski glazbenici u inozemstvu / Tatjana Šarić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 96-98. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 1 ; str. 69-99  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kulturna politika -- Iseljeništvo -- Glazbena gostovanja
Robić, Ivo -- Vukov, Vice


HOFGRÄFF Marić, Darija
Iseljenički režim socijalističke Jugoslavije/Hrvatske 1945. - 1973. / Darija Hofgräff, Marina Selnik. - Faks.
Prilozi na str. 121-124. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 125-129. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 1 ; str. 101-130  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Socijalizam -- Iseljavanje
Matica iseljenika Hrvatske


RAPIĆ, Darko
Migranti i izbjeglice : nositelji života ili smrti? = Migrants and refugees : bearers of life or death? / Darko Rapić, Šimun Bilokapić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Služba Božja. - ISSN 0037-7074. - 61 (2021), 2 ; str. 188-213  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Izbjeglice -- Migranti -- Migracijska kriza -- Islam -- Kultura -- Kršćanske vrijednosti -- Solidarnost

RAPIĆ, Darko
Migranti i izbjeglice [Elektronička građa] : nositelji života ili smrti? = Migrants and refugees : bearers of life or death? / Darko Rapić, Šimun Bilokapić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Europa se posljednjih desetljeća hrva sa samom sobom. Kulturološke promjene koje su se dogodile bitno su uzdrmale njezin identitet, a poštovanje temeljnih načela i vrednota našlo se pred novim izazovom. Nove antropološke paradigme proizašle iz postmodernizma utjecale su na zaborav kršćanskih korijena i istina, koje su dobrim dijelom odredile smjer razvoja europske kulture. Posljedično, Europa kakvu poznajemo umire. Osnovna nakana ovog rada jest vidjeti u kakvom su odnosu umiranje Europe i migracijska kriza. Ne govori se o smrti (i životu) kao biološkom procesu, nego o filozofsko-teološkom promatranju "umiranja" i "oživljavanja" svega europskoga, kršćanskoga, ljudskoga... Na temelju promatranja najvažnijih današnjih kulturoloških obilježja Europe te vjerskih istina kršćanstva i islama, posebno u poimanju života i smrti, odgovorit ćemo na pitanje jesu li migranti i izbjeglice nositelji života ili smrti na europskom kontinentu. Čuvajući se idealiziranja imigranata kao spasitelje Europe, ali i njihova demoniziranja kao jedinih krivaca propadanja Europe, pokušat ćemo vidjeti može li pozitivan stav prema njima pružiti bitan preduvjet za plodnu integraciju. Život ili smrt Europe ovisi o njoj samoj, a migranti i izbjeglice mogu doprinijeti jednoj i drugoj stvarnosti. Ipak, za kršćane jest obveza ljubavi, za koju ne smijemo zaboraviti da ima snagu oživljavati i mijenjati. - Europe has been wrestling with itself in recent decades. The cultural changes that have taken place have shaken its identity significantly, and adherence to fundamental principles and values has faced a new challenge. New anthropological paradigms arising from postmodernism have influenced the oblivion of Christian roots and truths, which have largely determined the direction of the development of European culture. Consequently, Europe as we know it is dying. The main purpose of this paper is to see the relationship between the dying of Europe and the migration crisis. It is not about death (and life) as a biological process, but more about a philosophical-theological observation of "dying "and "reviving "of all that is European, Christian, human ... On the basis of the observation of today's most important cultural features of Europe and religious truths of Christianity and Islam, especially on the understanding of life and death, we will answer the question of whether migrants and refugees are the bearers of life or death on the European continent. Being careful not to idealize immigrants as saviours of Europe, but also not to demonize them as the only culprits of Europe's decline, we will try to see if a positive attitude towards them can provide an essential precondition for fruitful integration. Europe's life or death depends on itself, and migrants and refugees can contribute to both realities. Yet for Christians there is an obligation of love, and we must not forget that it has the power to revive and change.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 61 (2021), 2 ; str. 188-213  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Izbjeglice -- Migranti -- Migracijska kriza -- Islam -- Kultura -- Kršćanske vrijednosti -- Solidarnost

BIŠKUP Mašanović, Ljiljana
The mythologisation of the migrant issue in the Federal Republic of Germany as a result of the 2015 European migrant crisis and its effect on changes in German migration policy / Ljiljana Biškup Mašanović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 201-208. - Sažetak.
U: Migracijske i etničke teme. - ISSN 1333-2546. - 37 (2021), 2 ; str. 177-209  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Njemačka krajnja desnica -- Migrantska kriza -- Mitologizacija -- Teorija diskursa Laclaua i Mouffe -- Giddensova teorija strukturacije

Romi u Stupniku : primjer demografskog i socioekonomskog položaja Roma uoči Drugoga svjetskog rata / Alen Tahiri. - Graf. prikazi.
Prilog: str. 22-26. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 20-21. - Summary.
U: Migracijske i etničke teme. - ISSN 1333-2546. - 37 (2021), 1 ; str. 7-27  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Romi -- Popisi stanovništva -- Drugi svjetski rat

Vidi br.: HA21-03430

Vidi br.: HA21-03539

Vidi br.: HA21-04055

Vidi br.: HA21-03443

Vidi br.: HA21-03866

Vidi br.: HA21-03384

316   Sociologija

BUKAČ, Zlatko
Croatianess and children's popular culture : the analysis of chocolate stickers Cro-Army, Knights' Tales and Maki / Zlatko Bukač. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Waters of life : Aquatic sacred natural sites. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 184-185. - Sažetak.
U: Etnološka tribina. - ISSN 0351-1944. - 51 (2021), 44 ; str. 163-185  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nacionalni identitet -- Popularna kultura -- Hrvatstvo -- Djeca


LEKO Šimić, Mirna
Generation Z buying behavior change in the COVID-19 pandemic context / Mirna Leko Šimić, Ana Pap. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: 28 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 361-370  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Generacija Z -- Pandemija COVID-19 -- Kupovno ponašanje -- Kvaliteta života

ŠMIT, Marija
Internet usage and related behavior patterns of primary school children : Perceived differences between girls and boys in Croatia / Marija Šmit, Antun Biloš, Davorin Turkalj. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: 36 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 307-317  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Djeca -- Osnovnoškolska dob -- Digitalno okruženje -- Korištenje interneta -- Ponašanje

Kultiviranje sociokulturnoga identiteta Bosne i Hercegovine kroz jezičnu politiku 1965. - 1973. / Sabina Veladžić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 1017-1020. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 3 ; str. 989-1021  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Književnojezična politika -- Kulturni identitet -- Sociokulturna politika

Obilježja multikulturalizma i sekularizma u indijskom društvu / Ružica Čičak-Chand.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 68-69. - Summary.
U: Migracijske i etničke teme. - ISSN 1333-2546. - 37 (2021), 1 ; str. 47-71  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sekularizam -- Multikulturalizam -- Interkulturalizam -- Religijske manjine -- Muslimanska manjina -- Hinduistički nacionalizam

Od vizualne kulture do vizualne pismenosti - vizualnost u medijima i etička odgovornost medijskih publika u digitalnom dobu / Leali Osmančević.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Nova prisutnost. - ISSN 1334-2312. - 19 (2021), 1 ; str. 183-193  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Etika -- Medijske publike -- Vizualna kultura -- Vizualna pismenost -- Vizualni narativ

The role of media in shaping public perception of immigrants / Željko Karabuva. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 165-167. - Sažetak.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 143-167  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Konceptualna metafora -- Imigranti -- Javni diskurs -- Percepcija -- Mediji

The secret origins of communism : counterintelligence history from Marx to Mao / Josip Pandžić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 56-59. - Sažetak.
U: Polemos (Zagreb). - ISSN 1331-5595. - 24 (2021), 1(48) ; str. 41-59  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Komunizam -- Totalitarizam -- Povijest -- Protuobavještajno djelovanje

Validacija skale kozmopolitizma : empirijska verifikacija konceptualnog okvira kulturnoga kozmopolitizma / Sara Čović, Ivan Puzek. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 170-172. - Summary.
U: Migracijske i etničke teme. - ISSN 1333-2546. - 37 (2021), 2 ; str. 147-175  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kozmopolitizam -- Kulturni kozmopolitizam -- Transnacionalizam -- Validacija skale -- Konfirmatorna faktorska analiza

Vidi br.: HA21-03509

Vidi br.: HA21-03378

Vidi br.: HA21-03338

Vidi br.: HA21-03361

Vidi br.: HA21-03421

Vidi br.: HA21-03448

Vidi br.: HA21-03420

Vidi br.: HA21-03559

Vidi br.: HA21-03587

Vidi br.: HA21-03844

Vidi br.: HA21-03312

Vidi br.: HA21-03422

Vidi br.: HA21-03801

Vidi br.: HA21-03335

Vidi br.: HA21-03866

Vidi br.: HA21-03396

Vidi br.: HA21-03423

Vidi br.: HA21-03350

32   Politika

Javna polemika Stipe Šuvara i Šime Đodana iz 1969. kao primjer borbe ideja u (trans)nacionalnom kontekstu / Marino Badurina.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 847-850 ; izvori: 7 jed. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 3 ; str. 823-851  
 Elektronička verzija članka

DYMARSKI, Miroslaw
Poljsko javno mišljenje o nastanku Kraljevstva Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca 1918. / Mirosław Dymarski.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 695-696. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 2 ; str. 685-697  
 Elektronička verzija članka

Vidi br.: HA21-03449

Vidi br.: HA21-03548

Vidi br.: HA21-03427

Vidi br.: HA21-03409

Vidi br.: HA21-03878

Vidi br.: HA21-03359

321   Oblici političke organizacije. Države kao političke sile

Vidi br.: HA21-03431

Vidi br.: HA21-03523

322   Odnosi između Crkve i države

Institut poreznog izuzeća imovine vjerskih zajednica [Elektronička građa] : na rakrižju neprekinutih tradicija i suvremenih zahtjeva / Ana Dujmović, Jelena Zovko.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 258-261. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se daje povijesno-pravni prikaz instituta poreznog izuzeća imovine crkava i vjerskih zajednica u svjetlu presude Suda Europske unije u predmetu Crkvena zajednica protiv Općine Getafe (2017.). Riječ je o poreznoj olakšici duge tradicije koja se i danas univerzalno primjenjuje i koja je snažno određena nacionalnim odnosom države i crkve, i što se tiče financiranja i što se tiče uloge vjere u konkretnom društvu. Suočavanje crkava s novim društvenim i gospodarskim okolnostima poput rasta crkvene imovine i nedostatka javnih prihoda stavili su pitanje izuzimanja od oporezivanja crkvene imovine u središte interesa mnogih zemalja. Europska unija ne dovodi u pitanje status koji na temelju nacionalnog prava imaju crkve u državama članicama. Međutim, dok rasprave o ulozi vjere i vjerskih zajednica u modernome europskom društvu i dalje traju, čini se da Unija u poreznim izuzećima podvlači jasnu crtu dopuštenosti. Bez obzira na nacionalne razloge i specifičnosti uređenja, podvodeći pitanje izuzimanja pod unijska pravila državnih potpora i ispitujući prirodu djelatnosti vjerskih zajednica, ustoličuje se nov pravni okvir tretmana poreznih izuzeća dodijeljenih imovini vjerskih zajednica. Time dodijeljene porezne olakšice, unatoč drevnim temeljima i posebnim vezama, bivaju ukinute ili znatno revidirane. - The article provides an overview of the institute of tax exemption of churches and religious congregations in the light of the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Church Congregation against Municipality of Getafe (2017). The case involved a long tradition of tax relief which is still universally applied today and which is strongly defined by the relationship between the state and the church both regarding the financing and the role of religion in a society. New social and economic circumstances facing the church, such as the growth of church property and lack of public income have placed the issue of tax exemption of church property into the centre of interest in many countries. The European Union does not call into the question the status of the church in member states based on national law. However, while discussions on the role of religion and religious congregations in modern European society continue, it seems that the Union is drawing a clear line of admissibility regarding tax exemption. Regardless of national reasons and specific features, a new legal framework on tax exemption on property of religious congregations is being established, subsuming the question of exemption under the EU rules on state subsidies and inquiring into the nature of activities of religious congregations. In this way, tax reliefs are being abolished or considerably revised in spite of their ancient foundations and special relations.
U: Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1849-0778. - 12 (2021), 1 ; str. 245-262  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vjerske zajednice -- Crkve -- Porezna izuzeća -- Državne potpore -- Pravila -- Oporezivanje imovine

Vidi br.: HA21-03979

Vidi br.: HA21-03334

Vidi br.: HA21-03382

323   Unutarnji poslovi. Unutarnja politika

MATKOVIĆ, Stjepan, povjesničar
Dva nepoznata dokumenta Ive Pilara iz Prvoga svjetskog rata / Stjepan Matković, Tomislav Jonjić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 313-315. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 1 ; str. 276-316  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prvi svjetski rat -- Subdualizam -- Kvadralizam -- Hrvatska politika -- Južnoslavensko pitanje -- Hrvatska politika

KOVAČIĆ, Tomislav, pukovnik
Uzroci i učinci prijepora o ovlastima i nadležnostima za uporabu i korištenje Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske / Tomislav Kovačić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 37-39. - Summary.
U: Polemos (Zagreb). - ISSN 1331-5595. - 24 (2021), 2(49) ; str. 13-40  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Oružane snage -- Demokratski nadzor -- Ovlasti
Oružane snage Republike Hrvatske


Vidi br.: HA21-03337

Vidi br.: HA21-03440

Vidi br.: HA21-03446

Vidi br.: HA21-03415

Vidi br.: HA21-03414

324   Izbori. Plebisciti. Referendumi. Izborni rezultati

KARDUM, Tomislav
Medijska pristranost? : Izbori u Hrvatskoj 1990. u hrvatskom tisku / Tomislav Kardum. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 435-438. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 2 ; str. 405-439  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Medijska pristranost -- Medijski pluralizam -- Parlamentarni izbori -- Predizborne kampanje

327   Međunarodni odnosi. Svjetska politika. Međunarodni poslovi. Vanjska politika

Kosovo i Abhazija : pitanje neovisnosti / Ivan Marijan. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 76-78. - Summary.
U: Polemos (Zagreb). - ISSN 1331-5595. - 24 (2021), 1(48) ; str. 63-79  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Neovisnost -- Samoodređenje -- Međunarodno priznanje -- Međunarodno pravo

LOVRIĆ, Ana, magistra međunarodnih odnosa i diplomacije
Rusko-ukrajinski odnosi : od suživota u totalitarizmu do rata / Ana Lovrić.
Bibliografija: str. 82-85. - Summary.
U: Polemos (Zagreb). - ISSN 1331-5595. - 24 (2021), 2(49) ; str. 67-86  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Međunarodni odnosi -- Invazija


Sovjetski pogled na zbivanja u Hrvatskoj i Jugoslaviji u drugoj polovini 1950-ih i početkom 1960-ih / Mateusz Sokulski.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str.896-898. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 3 ; str. 875-899  
 Elektronička verzija članka

Vidi br.: HA21-04051

Vidi br.: HA21-03551

329   Političke stranke i pokreti

"Cvijeće zla" - Bijela knjiga Saveza komunista Hrvatske / Davor Marijan.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 39-41. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 1 ; str. 7-42  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ideologija -- Antikomunizam -- Bijela knjiga
Šuvar, Stipe


Hrvatski narodni dan : društveni događaj u hrvatskom iseljeništvu / Ivan Tepeš. - Fotogr.
3. hrvatski iseljenički kongres, Osijek, 29.6.-2.7.2018. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 546-547. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 2 ; str. 517-548  
 Elektronička verzija članka

Osnutak, struktura i djelovanje boračke organizacije na lokalnoj razini : Općinski odbor SUBNOR-a Labin / Tina Filipović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 66-67. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 1 ; str. 43-68  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Društveno-politička organizacija -- Socijalna zaštita -- Kultura sjećanja
Savez udruženja boraca Narodnooslobodilačkog rata


Politička orijentacija i političko djelovanje fra Ante Cikojevića [Elektronička građa] : (1910. - 1935.) = Political orientation and political activity of fr. Ante Cikojević : (on the 150th anniversary of his birth) / Stipan Trogrlić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu je prikazano političko promišljanje i politički rad fra Ante Cikojevića, uglednog i poznatog franjevca Provincije Presvetoga Otkupitelja, u predratnom i međuratnom vremenu, točnije od 1910. do 1935. godine. Kao član Hrvatskoga katoličkog pokreta(HKP) Cikojević je na početku svog političkog "aktivizma", slijedeći političku orijentaciju pokreta, prišao Stranci prava u Dalmaciji. Ta pravaška faza kratko je trajala. Kao član Hrvatskoga katoličkog seniorata, vodstva HKP kojeg su činili svršeni studenti, skupa sa Senioratom već 1912. postaje zagovornik jugoslavenske ideje. Poslije rata (1919.) seniori osnivaju Hrvatsku pučku stranku, čije je osnovno usmjerenje bilo "katoličko jugoslavenstvo". Cikojević se zdušno i aktivno uključio u rad stranke. I onda kad je s gašenjem stranke 1929. propala politika "katoličkog jugoslavenstva", Cikojević je ostao dosljedan sljedbenik njezine politike. - The paper presents the political ideas and political work of Fr. Ante Cikojević, a distinguished and well-known Franciscan of the Province of the Most Holy Redeemer, in the pre-war and interwar period, more precisely from 1910 to 1935. As a member of the Croatian Catholic Movement (Hrvatski katolički pokret - HKP), Cikojević joined the Party of Right in Dalmatia at the beginning of his political "activism", following the political orientation of the Movement. This Party-of-Right phase was short-lived. As amember of the Croatian Catholic Seniorate, the leadership of the Movement, which consisted of graduates, he became an advocate of the Yugoslav idea as early as 1912, together with the Seniorate. After the war (1919), the seniors founded the Croatian People's Party, whose basic orientation was "Catholic Yugoslavism". Cikojević participated ardently and actively in the work of the Party. Even when the politics of "Catholic Yugoslavism" collapsed with the closure of the party in 1929, Cikojević remained a consistent follower of its politics.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 61 (2021), 4 ; str. 461-485  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Politika -- Katoličko jugoslavenstvo
Cikojević, Ante
Stranka prava -- Hrvatska pučka stranka


BEŠLIN, Milivoj
Srpski liberali i Hrvatsko proljeće : hrvatsko-srpski odnosi i novi koncepti Jugoslavije krajem 1960-ih i početkom 1970-ih / Milivoj Bešlin, Petar Žarković.
Bibliografske bilješke i tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 818-820. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 3 ; str. 791-821  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatsko proljeće -- Srpski liberali
Tito, Josip Broz -- Dabčević-Kučar, Savka -- Nikezić, Marko


Vidi br.: HA21-04057

Vidi br.: HA21-03982

Vidi br.: HA21-03422

33   Ekonomija. Ekonomske znanosti

Digital economy : a bibliometric addition to understanding an "undefined" domain of the economy / Žarko Kruljac. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: 46 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 471-488  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Digitalna ekonomia -- Bibliografska analiza

POLOŠKI Vokić, Nina
Obilježja i dimenzije privlačnosti poslodavaca za ekonomiste / Nina Pološki Vokić, Vinko Mostarac. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Summary.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 3 ; str. 341-357  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poslodavci -- Privlačnost -- Ekonomisti -- Socio-demografska obilježja

BIRAČ, Dimitrije
Sovjetska industrijalizacijska debata : sukob Preobraženski - Buharin / Dimitrije Birač. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 58 jed. - Summary.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 5 ; str. 718-749  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Industrijalizacija -- Ekonomska politika -- Socijalizam
Preobraženski, Jevgenij Aleksejevič -- Buharin, Nikolaj


Vidi br.: HA21-03331

Vidi br.: HA21-03663

331   Rad. Zaposlenost. Posao. Ekonomika rada. Organizacija rada

MURATI-LEKA, Herolinda
Attitudes and beliefs about minimum wage in Kosovo - results of a public survey [Elektronička građa] / Herolinda Murati-Leka, Doruntina Ajvazi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 163-165. - Abstract. - The minimum wage has long been regarded as a vital tool for ensuring labour market stability and its impact and implications on employment, poverty reduction, the informal sector and economic development, in general, have sparked a multi-year discussion. Based on a poll of 635 respondents, we present an analysis of the minimum wage in Kosovo's economy in this study. Our poll results reveal that our respondents had good attitudes toward the minimum wage and its increase in the Kosovo economy, as measured by the standard of living, employment, private sector, poverty reduction and other factors. Kosovo has the lowest minimum wage in Central and Eastern Europe - 130 euros for those under 35 and 170 euros for those over 35.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 150-165  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gospodarski razvoj -- Tržište rada -- Minimalna plaća

Cijena neodmjerenoga investiranja : uzroci i posljedice štrajka u riječkoj luci 1969. godine / Ivana Dobrivojević Tomić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 871-873. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 3 ; str. 853-874  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Štrajk -- Luke
Savez komunista Jugoslavije


ADALID Ruiz, Pedro
Entrepreneurship among young people in Spain and Turkey [Elektronička građa] : incentives and challenges to overcome / Pedro Adalid Ruiz, Cantürk Kayahan.
Bibliografija: str. 213-215. - Abstract. - Entrepreneurs are the leading creators of employment, facilitating the economic-social regeneration of countries. The crisis that occurred in recent years, together with the negative impacts generated by COVID-19, has given rise to an unprecedented scenario, which leads to the need to deepen the study of the determinants of entrepreneurship in youth. This work aims to carry out a bibliographic review on the primary motivators for entrepreneurship in young people in Spain and Turkey and the challenges to overcome under the current scenario. The results show that although there is a positive attitude towards entrepreneurship among young people, they focus on working independently, being an alternative to unemployment or increasing income sources. Due to the devastating global economic-financial crisis that the pandemic has generated, their actions have had to either stop, be limited, or not be able to start. However, those who have done so have found a good option in the digital environment.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 201-215  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mladi -- Zaposlenost -- Poduzetništvo

Kolektivni ugovori kao izvor prava za reguliranje radnog statusa pomoraca u Republici Hrvatskoj / Ivo Rozić, Tony Vuković, Nenad Božiković.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 27 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (1991). - ISSN 1330-349X. - 42 (2021), 3 ; str. 695-715  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pomorci -- Kolektivni ugovori -- Radnopravni status

NAČINOVIĆ Braje, Ivana
The perspectives of variable pay in Croatia : is there a gap between employee pay preferences and actual compensation practices? / Ivana Načinović Braje. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 49 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 4 ; str. 550-570  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Plaće -- Zaposlenici -- Nagrađivanje -- Varijabilno nagrađivanje

ŞIRIN, Muhammed Sabri
The relationship between supervisor support and work-family conflict and the mediating role of work overload perception on this relationship / Muhammed Sabri Şirin, İlhami Yücel. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 59 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 145-159  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Preopterećenost radom -- Sukob na poslu -- Sukob u obitelji -- Podrška nadzornika -- Posrednička uloga -- Modeliranje strukturnih jednadžbi

Vidi br.: HA21-03413

332   Regionalna ekonomika. Teritorijalna ekonomika. Ekonomika stanovanja

IPŠIĆ, Irena
Vlasnička struktura i društveni odnosi na otoku Lastovu prema katastiku iz 1660. godine / Irena Ipšić. - Ilustr.
Prilog: Prijepis poreznih obveza i iznosa zemljišnog poreza izračunatog na temelju katastika iz 1660. godine (iznos izražen u dukatima:grošima:folarima): str. 158-167. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku. - ISSN 1330-0598. - 59 (2021) ; str. 137-168  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vlasništvo -- Katastici -- Porezne obveze

334   Oblici organizacije i suradnje u gospodarstvu

Vidi br.: HA21-03747

336   Financije. Bankarstvo. Novac

MÜLLER, Michal
A review of how behavioural insights have been applied to tax-related policy and field experiments in the European Union / Michal Müller. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 87 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 6 ; str. 799-825  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Porezna politika -- Javne financije -- Utaja poreza
Europska unija


HLADIKA, Mirjana
Assessment of transparency of audit reports based on presentation of key audit matters : the cases of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia / Mirjana Hladika, Jelena Poljašević, Josipa Grbavac. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: 27 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 459-470  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Revizija/izvješće revizora -- Ključna revizijska pitanja -- Odgovornost revizora -- Transparentnost revizijskih izvješća -- Pouzdanost financijskih izvještaja

Behavioural evolution of consumers of banking services in the COVID-19 pandemic situation [Elektronička građa] / Larisa Mistrean. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 98-100. - Abstract. - Managing customer relations is one of the main contemporary challenges facing banks, especially in terms of new social changes and major changes in human behaviour, generated by the COVID-19 crisis. The currently drifting economic climate affects all of the existing and potential customers and consumer behaviour, being much more demanding on the products and services purchased, their particularities, the conditions proposed by banks, prices and the bank-customer relationship. The new segmentation generated by the pandemic puts additional pressure on banks, which have a difficult task: to better understand these new behaviours and to meet consumer requirements with relevant products and convenient services. Whatever the options, banks must be receptive to the current needs of consumers of financial products and services and to the behaviour they must adopt in order to remain relevant on the market. The general objective of this study is to provide a practical perspective on the impact of the pandemic crisis on consumer behaviour of banking products and services.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 84-100  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Internetsko banskartvo -- Mobilno bankarstvo -- Pandemija COVID-19 -- Bankarske usluge -- Ponašanje potrošača

AMOLE, Bilqis Bolanle
Corporate governance and financial performance of money deposit banks in Nigeria [Elektronička građa] / Bilqis Bolanle Amole, Ik Muo, Kamaldeen A. Lawal.
Bibliografija: str. 93-96. - Abstract. - Purpose. The main cause of distress in the majority of Nigerian banks is poor corporate governance in the country. Corporate governance (CG) is a contemporary subject attracting the consideration of the corporate world, practitioners, consultants, academia and society at large. As a result, this study explores the financial performance (FP) of money deposit banks (MDBs) in Nigeria as a result of corporate governance put in. It went on to investigate the impact of board size and composition, as well as the audit committee, on bank financial performance. Methodology. A descriptive design method was adopted, while secondary data in the form of yearly financial reports of banks selected for the study were obtained and relevant documents via electronic search of databases. Descriptive statistics were used in analyzing the data and an econometric model of panel least square (PLS) regression test was employed for the study. Findings and Implication. The findings affirmed that the correlation between size of board of directors and bank performance was significant, however negative. The results of the study show that the board of directors (BOD) composition significantly influences the FP of MDBs. The study results further reveal that the correlation between size of the audit committee (AC) and FP of MDBs is significant and also a negative one. As a result, based on the empirical findings of the study, it is concluded that CG has a statistically significant influence on the FP of Nigeria"s listed money deposit banks. Mechanisms such as the large size and composition of the board as well as the size of the audit committee encourage a negative impact on the FP.
U: Review of innovation and competitiveness (Online). - ISSN 1849-9015. - 7 (2021), 1 ; str. 75-98  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Banke -- Korporativno upravljanje -- Financijsko poslovanje

KAYA, Pelin
The determinants of profitability large-scale and small scale Turkish deposit banks [Elektronička građa] / Pelin Kaya, Şenol Babuşçu, Adalet Hazar.
Bibliografija: str. 16-18. - Abstract. - This paper aims to explore the bank-specific and macroeconomic determinants of the banks' profitability by dividing the Turkish deposit banks into large-scale and small-scale entities. For this purpose, panel data analysis was applied using a fixed effects model, based on quarterly data for the period from March 2009 to September 2020 for 24 deposit banks. Return on assets and return on equity are used as a measure of the banks' profitability. According to the results, the determinants of profitability differ between large-scale banks and small-scale banks. With respect to the bank-specific determinants, the findings show that the equity/assets, deposits/assets and liquidity ratio have a significant impact on the profitability of large-scale banks, whereas they have no relationship with the profitability of small-scale banks. The profitability of large-scale banks is negatively affected by their asset quality ratios. On the other hand, while the ratio of loans to total assets has no impact on the profitability of small-scale banks, the non-performing loan ratio has a positive impact. While the asset size and income-expense ratios have positive and significant impacts on the profitability of small-scale banks, they exhibit no relationship with the profitability of large-scale banks. With regard to macroeconomic indicators, small-scale banks' profitability is negatively affected by economic growth, whilst large-scale banks are not. This study is aimed to contribute to the literature by analysing the determinants of Turkish deposit banks' profitability under the classification of large-scale and small-scale banks.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-18  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bankarstvo -- Banke -- Profitabilnost -- Analiza panel podataka

Direktiva 2003/49/EZ o zajedničkom sustavu oporezivanja isplate kamata i autorskih naknada između povezanih trgovačkih društava različitih država članica [Elektronička građa] : analiza Direktive i hrvatskog prijevoda nekih termina iz Direktive / Hrvoje Arbutina.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 222-223. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu su kritički analizirani prijevodi nekih termina u Direktivi EU-a o oporezivanju kamata i autorskih naknada na hrvatski jezik. Riječ je o terminima royalty (autorska naknada), beneficial owner (stvarni korisnik) i permanent establishment (stalna poslovna jedinica). Nakon te analize ukratko je prikazan i sadržajni aspekt Direktive. Službeni prijevod direktiva EU-a važan je, prvo, zbog njihove implementacije u pravne sustave država članica, a zatim i zbog mogućnosti izravne primjene direktiva pod određenim uvjetima. Sadržajno, Direktiva uređuje raspodjelu prava na oporezivanje primitaka od ulaganja (u obliku kamate na zajam i autorske naknade) dajući pravo oporezivanja državi rezidentnosti primatelja kamate i/ili autorske naknade. To je, napose što se tiče kamata na zajmove, bitno odstupanje od koncepta OECD modela ugovora o izbjegavanju dvostrukog oporezivanja. Termini spomenuti u kontekstu njihova prijevoda na hrvatski ključni su tehnički (provedbeni) elementi primjene Direktive. - The paper critically analyses translations into Croatian of some terms in the EU Directive on Taxation applicable to interest and royalty payments, namely the term royalty, beneficial owner and permanent establishment. After the analysis, the contents of the Directive are briefly presented. The official translation of EU directives is important because of their implementation in the legal systems of member states and because of the possibility of direct application of directives under certain conditions. In terms of its content, the Directive regulates the distribution of the rights to taxation on investments (in the form of interest and/or royalty payments), conferring the right to taxation on the state of residence of the receiver of interest or royalty payments. This constitutes a considerable departure from the concept of OECD Model agreement on avoidance of double taxation. The terms mentioned in the context of their translation into Croatian are important technical (implementing) elements in the application of the Directive.
U: Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1849-0778. - 12 (2021), 1 ; str. 207-223  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Autorska naknada -- Stvarni korisnik -- Stalna poslovna jedinica -- Porezno pravo
Europska unija


The effect of global risk indicators on developing country stock exchanges [Elektronička građa] : the case of BRICS-T / Ender Baykut, Selver Diyar.
Bibliografija: str. 112-117. - Abstract. - Global risk factors have great impacts on the economies and financial markets. It is observed that the stock markets of countries are affected by globalization especially in times of global crisis. To this end, CDS, VIX and Credit Ratings have started to be examined recently in order to decrease global risk factors. CDS, VIX, and Credit Ratings were determined as global risk indicators and these variables used as independent variables to detect the effect on BRICS-T (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and Turkey) stock market returns. Daily data set of these variables from 2008 to 2020 were gathered for each country. After preliminary analysis, ARDL model was determined as the best-fitted model for each data set. According to ARDL Bound test approach, except for China, it was detected long-term relationship between variables for the all-remaining (Brazil, Russia, India, South Africa, and Turkey) countries. It means that global risk indicators affect the returns of stock markets in emerging markets.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 101-117  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gospodarstvo -- Financije -- Financijski rizici -- Tržišta

KUDUZ, Necla
Green business [Elektronička građa] : sustainability and risk management in Turkish banking sector / Necla Kuduz.
Bibliografija: str. 196-200. - Abstract. - Global warming, climate change, reduction of natural resources, damage to biodiversity all increase poverty and unemployment, amongst other things. Environmental and social problems result from an unconscious lifestyle, excessive production and consumption activities. The starting point of sustainability originates from these environmental problems that have been increasing. Sustainable development means meeting the needs of today without endangering future generations and harming natural resources and attaches importance to environmental and social development as well as economic development. For businesses to survive, they need to consider all dimensions of sustainability. Banking is one sector that has come to the forefront in recent years regarding sustainable management. Although the banking sector does not directly affect the environment, it does have indirect effects. This study aims to examine the extent to which the six banks that signed the Responsible Banking Principles from Turkey pay attention to the dimensions of sustainability in their risk management activities announced on their websites. Although there are studies on sustainable banking or risk management in the literature, there is conceptual confusion when the analysis methods are examined. In this study, the author tries to clarify this issue. Results show that the six banks that signed the Responsible Banking Principles paid attention to the sustainability of the environmental and social aspects in their risk management activities announced on their websites.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 177-200  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Upravljanje rizicima -- Održivost -- Bankarstvo -- Održivi razvoj

The importance of a company’s capital structure in financial relations : The dynamic panel model / Dean Učkar, Manuel Benazić, Daniel Tomić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 45 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 417-430  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kapital -- Struktura kapitala -- Financijski odnosi -- Panel model -- GMM procjena

Information and communication technology capabilities and business performance [Elektronička građa] : the case of differences in the Czech financial sector and lessons from robotic process automation between 2015 and 2020 / Martin Zelenka, Marek Vokoun. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 115-116. - Abstract. - This paper analyzes the rapid onset of Robotic process automation (RPA) technologies in the Czech financial sector between 2015-2020. The development and experience from the "hype-and-fear" phase contributed to business process integration and technological spillovers are expected in the future. If ICT capabilities are the source of performance differences, then most likely candidates are inventory and finances business process integration and implemented Enterprise Resource Planning and Customer Relationship Management systems. The RPA should not be seen only as simple automation but as a complex instrument offering a lot of advantages with a focus on benefits for internal and external stakeholders. PURPOSE. The goal is to qualitatively analyze the experience with RPA implementation and quantitatively assess ICT capabilities via analysis of differences between various organizational ICT activities and types of companies in the Czech financial sector. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH. The qualitative case study was performed in the bank ČSOB, a.s. in 2019, respondents, owners of processes in the final part of automation, were chosen randomly from different departments of the bank. Data for the quantitative part comes from the ICT survey (Czech Statistical Office), business performance dataset (EMIS) and a case study about ICT capability implementation. Differences are assessed and indirectly interpreted using goodness-of-fit approach. FINDINGS AND IMPLICATIONS. The results from the RPA case study revealed that the Czech financial sector is past the "hype and fear" phase and many companies focused on their return on investment and are beginning to focus more on other stakeholders. According to this development, the requirements and outputs are suggested in the phases of RPA implementation. The possible source of rofitability performance differences are integrated business processes.
U: Review of innovation and competitiveness (Online). - ISSN 1849-9015. - 7 (2021), 1 ; str. 99-116  
 Elektronička verzija članka

KURT, Abdulkadir
Investigation of the relationship between Brent Oil and cryptocurrencies during the COVID-19 pandemic period [Elektronička građa] / Abdulkadir Kurt, Veysel Kula. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 144-149. - Abstract. - The function of money plays an essential and indisputable role in the development of trade. Typically, banknotes and coins have always been introduced by central authorities. Emerging after the 2008 crisis, however, Bitcoin, considered to be the original cryptocurrency, contributed to money in an unprecedented dimension as it is the first decentralized peer-to-peer payment network. Cryptocurrencies are in constant interaction and the casualty relationship, among other variables, with Brent Oil. This study attempts to investigate the relationship between Bitcoin, Ethereum and Brent Oil price movements using 210 daily data from 10.12.2019 to 01.10.2020, featuring the period of the start and the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, the casualty relationship among Brent Oil, Bitcoin and Ethereum was examined with the Granger Causality test. As a result of the study, a bidirectional casualty relationship is determined between Brent Oil and Ethereum. However, a one-way causality relationship is found between Brent Oil and Bitcoin. On the other hand, there is no causality relationship between Ethereum and Bitcoin.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 137-149  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kriptovalute -- Tržište nafte -- Pandemija COVID-19 -- Grangerov test uzročnosti

The investment-saving puzzle in MENA countries : disentangling gross saving / Marwan Alzoubi, Hamad A. Kasasbeh. - Graf. prikazi.
Prilozi na str. 789-794. - Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 5 ; str. 774-795  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bruto investicije -- Državna štednja -- Privatna štednja -- Upravljanje -- Vektorski autoregresijski model

Istraživanje odnosa upravljačkih struktura i eksterne revizije u korporativnom upravljanju / Mario Filipović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Summary.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 4 ; str. 522-549  
 Elektronička verzija članka

VUKOVIĆ, Ksenija
Konverzije kapitala poduzetnika u kreativnim i kulturnim industrijama sjeverozapadne Hrvatske / Ksenija Vuković, Ivana Fojs, Kristina Detelj. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 49 jed. - Summary.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 4 ; str. 597-618  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzetnici -- Kapital -- Bourdieuova teorija kapitala -- Fenomenološki pristup

ARNERIĆ, Josip, ekonomist
Makroekonomske determinante dioničkih cijena na primjeru Hrvatske / Josip Arnerić, Luka Vladović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Summary.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 2 ; str. 199-223  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tržište kapitala -- Makroekonomski pokazatelji -- Dinamički panel modeli -- Dionice
Zagrebačka burza


ŠKRINJARIĆ, Tihana, ekonomistica
Međuovisnost prinosa, rizika i volumena online pretraživanja tržišnog indeksa : pristup prelijevanja šokova na Zagrebačkoj burzi / Tihana Škrinjarić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 79 jed. - Summary.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 1 ; str. 3-33  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Burza -- Dionice -- Investitori -- Tržišni indeks
Zagrebačka burza


Međuzavisnost rentabilnosti i likvidnosti primjenom panel VAR modela / Aljoša Šestanović, Bojan Tomić, Dolores Pušar Banović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 38 jed. - Summary.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 6 ; str. 894-919  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Burza -- Rentabilnost -- Profitabilnost -- Likvidnost -- Panel VAR model
Zagrebačka burza


JOŠIĆ, Hrvoje
Modeling stock market volatility in Croatia : A reappraisal / Hrvoje Jošić, Berislav Žmuk. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: 29 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 431-442  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Europske burze -- Američke burze -- Volatilnost tržišta dionica -- GARCH model

TURSOY, Turgut
The Nexus between agricultural productivity, oil prices, economic growth and financial development in the USA [Elektronička građa] / Turgut Tursoy, Andrea Simbarashe Rabson. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 134-136. - Abstract. - Purpose. The study aims to examine the nexus between agricultural productivity by connecting oil prices, economic growth, and financial development. Design/Methodology/Approach. A newly formulated ARDL model was used to estimate an agricultural productivity nexus model using annual time-series data from 1962 to 2016. Innovation and additive structural break unit root tests were applied to determine the existence of unit roots, and the results reaffirmed that all the variables were stationary at first difference. The Chow Breakpoint test was applied to confirm a structural break in the year 2008 caused by the effects of the 2008 financial crisis.   Findings and Implications. The results depicted a long-run relationship linking agricultural productivity, oil prices, economic growth, financial development and a financial crisis. The results also showed that financial development and economic growth have positive effects on agricultural productivity. The empirical findings further suggested that an increase in oil prices and the prevalence of a financial crisis have severe adverse effects on agricultural productivity. Originality. The study provides a novel viewpoint of agricultural productivity by connecting oil prices, economic growth, and financial stability and development. The study successfully demonstrated that the financial sector and oil price stability are pivotal for enhancing agricultural productivity initiatives. This study highlights the policy implications of the estimated results for policymakers seeking to boost agricultural productivity by addressing economic misfortunes induced by oil shocks and a financial crisis.
U: Review of innovation and competitiveness (Online). - ISSN 1849-9015. - 7 (2021), 1 ; str. 117-136  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gospodarstvo -- Gospodarski rast -- Poljoprivredna proizvodnja -- Financije

LUKAČ, Zrinka
Optimalni porez za jedno homogeno dobro na dva tržišta uz troškove izvoza kao problem dvorazinskog programiranja / Zrinka Lukač. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Summary.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 6 ; str. 826-839  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzeća -- Fiskalna politika -- Porezna politika -- Troškovi izvoza

BOGDAN, Siniša
Predicting bankruptcy based on the full population of Croatian companies / Siniša Bogdan, Luka Šikić, Suzana Bareša. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 65 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 5 ; str. 643-669  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzeća -- Stečaj -- Multipla diskriminantna analiza -- Logistička regresija -- Financijski pokazatelji

ARNERIĆ, Josip, ekonomist
Predictive accuracy of option pricing models considering high-frequency data / Josip Arnerić, Maria Čuljak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 131-144  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Modeli određivanja cijena -- Visokofrekventni podaci -- Procjena jezgre -- Referentna funkcija gustoće -- Prediktivna točnost

Real effective exchange rate and unemployment across post-transition Europe : Evidence from wavelet coherence analysis / Mile Bošnjak. - Graf. prikazi.
Appendix: str. 263-264. - Bibliografija: 29 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 249-264  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Realni efektivni tečaj -- Valna koherencija -- Nezaposlenost -- Poveznica -- Posttranzijske zemlje

VURUR, Necmiye Serap
The relationship of BIST sector indices with exchange rate volatility [Elektronička građa] / Necmiye Serap Vurur. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 71-74. - Abstract. - Through globalization, the increased integration in financial markets has made the relationship between exchange rate and stocks important. The study aims to model the exchange rate volatility using daily data for the period 04.01.2010-15.10.2020 and investigate the causality relationship between sector returns and exchange rate return volatility. In order to model the volatility of the exchange rate return series, the GARCH model was used to reveal the possible asymmetry feature in the series. As a result of the model applications, GARCH (2,2) was determined as the most suitable model to measure volatility modelling. Then, the Granger causality test was used to see whether there is a relationship between BIST sector return indices and exchange rate return volatility. As a result of the study, one notes that there is a uni-directional causality from the exchange rate return volatility series to the service, technology, and industrial sector indices. There is a bi-directional causality relationship between the financial sector index and the exchange rate return volatility series. It is noteworthy that the causality relationship between the BIST100 index and the exchange rate is towards the volatility of the exchange rate return series from the BIST 100 index, unlike the sector indices. According to this result, it is seen that the changes in the dollar exchange rate affect the decisions of the investors who will invest in the relevant index. The results show that in the case of Turkey, mostly traditional theories are valid.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 56-74  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Burze -- Volatilnost tečaja

Service quality of conventional and Islamic banks in Turkey = Kvaliteta usluge konvencionalnih i islamskih banaka u Turskoj / Özgür Kökalan, Ibrahim Güran Yumuşak, Ahmet Bingöl.
Bibliografija: 39 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Tržište (Zagreb). - ISSN 0353-4790. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 59-74  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Banke -- Kvaliteta usluge

Service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior, service quality and customer citizenship behavior : comparison of implementation and evaluation from the perspective of bank customers = Uslužno orijentirano organizacijsko ponašanje prema građanima, kvaliteta usluge i ponašanje korisnika kao dobrih građana : usporedba primjene i procjena iz perspektive korisnika banke / Soni Harsono, Harry Widyantoro, Tjahjani Prawitowati, Basuki Rachmat. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 38 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Tržište (Zagreb). - ISSN 0353-4790. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 75-92  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Banke -- Organizacijsko ponašanje -- Kvaliteta usluge -- Korisnici -- Ponašanje korisnika

Stock dividend ex-day abnormal return : evidence from Turkish stock market / Eyup Kadioglu, Ayhan Kirbas. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 53 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 5 ; str. 670-696  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dionice -- Dioničke dividende -- Tržište -- Ulaganja

ANDRIJIĆ, Marijana
Utjecaj financijskih aranžmana Međunarodnog monetarnog fonda na priljeve inozemnog kapitala  : temeljne postavke i nalazi znanstvenih istraživanja / Marijana Andrijić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Prilozi na str. 108-111. - Bibliografija: 38 jed. - Summary.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 1 ; str. 88-112  
 Elektronička verzija članka

Utjecaj modernih tehnologija na posredno držanje dionica [Elektronička građa] : nacionalni modeli i globalna perspektiva / Edita Čulinović-Herc, Antonija Zubović, Morana Derenčinović Ruk.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 39-43. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Razvoj modernih, globalno primjenjivih tehnologija utječe osobito na dionička društva čijim se dionicama trguje na tržištu kapitala. Jedna je od njih blockchain (dalje u tekstu: BC) tehnologija koja je podvrsta tzv. tehnologije distribuirane glavne knjige (dalje u tekstu: DLT). Kako su dionice nematerijalizirani vrijednosni papiri, u hrvatskom pravu, kao i u drugim pravnim poredcima, podatke o nematerijaliziranim vrijednosnim papirima i njihovim imateljima najčešće vodi središnje tijelo, odnosno operater središnjeg depozitorija vrijednosnih papira. Također, opća je pojava da se dionice drže putem posrednika, koji često bivaju globalno ulančani, pogotovo u prekograničnoj trgovini. No smatra li se u tom slučaju zakonitim imateljem vrijednosnih papira sam ulagatelj ili (neki od) posrednik(a), različito je pravno riješeno na komparativnoj osnovi te je bilo predmetom pravnog ujednačavanja. U radu se nakon iznošenja komparativnih modela o tome tko se smatra zakonitim imateljem vrijednosnog papira kada ga drži posrednik iznose obilježja hrvatskog sustava u razvojnom kontekstu i sadašnje perspektive imajući u vidu i utjecaj europskog prava. U zadnjem dijelu rada, nakon iznošenja temeljnih obilježja BC tehnologije, kritički se motri na koji bi način njezina primjena promijenila postojeći sustav vođenja upisnika o vrijednosnim papirima s jedne strane te na koji način to utječe na posredno držanje dionica s druge strane. - The development of modern, globally applicable technologies has had a special impact on public limited companies. One of those is the blockchain technology (BC), a subcategory of the so-called Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). Since shares constitute intangible securities, data on intangible securities and their holders are most often managed by a central body, i.e. the operator of the central depository of securities both in Croatian law and in the other legal systems. Moreover, it is commonly accepted that shares are held via intermediaries who are often globally linked, especially in cross-border trade. However, the question of whether the legal owner of securities is the investor or (some of) the intermediaries has been resolved in different ways on a comparative basis and has been subject to legal harmonisation. After presenting comparative models related to the question of the legal owner of intermediated securities, the author presents the characteristics of the Croatian legal system in the development context and present-day perspective, also bearing in mind the impact of European law. Having presented the fundamental features of BC technology, in the final part of the paper the author analyses how this technology could be applied to the existing system of securities depository on the one hand, and how it impacts on intermediated securities.
U: Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1849-0778. - 12 (2021), 1 ; str. 21-44  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Blockchain -- Tehnologija distribuirane glavne knjige -- Vrijednosni papiri -- Središnji depozitorij vrijednosnih papira -- Posrednici

GÜREL, Sinem Pınar
The validity of the Fisher effect for an inflation targeting country : the case of Turkey / Sinem Pınar Gürel. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 52 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 5 ; str. 697-717  
 Elektronička verzija članka

Vidi br.: HA21-03463

Vidi br.: HA21-03886

Vidi br.: HA21-03450

Vidi br.: HA21-03693

Vidi br.: HA21-03506

Vidi br.: HA21-03805

Vidi br.: HA21-03435

Vidi br.: HA21-03790

Vidi br.: HA21-03454

338   Gospodarsko stanje. Gospodarska politika. Gospodarsko planiranje. Proizvodnja. Usluge. Cijene

A study of the impact of managerial innovation on SME performance in Africa [Elektronička građa] : the case of Cameroon / Ben Boubakary, Doumagay Donatienne Moskolaï, Gladys Che Njang.
Bibliografija: str. 27-31. - Abstract. - Purpose. Managerial innovation, if it constitutes a real lever for transformation and performance of companies in developed countries, in Africa, only a tiny part of SME managers make it a priority. At the same time, most African economies continue to be at the forefront of the adoption of global technological innovations. Given the fact that managerial innovation has proven itself in the Western context, and that the context of Sub-Saharan Africa is still unclear, it is important to develop management methods in this context by adapting them to new ones economic models, new objectives, new processes in order to see its impact on improving the productivity and performance of SMEs. Design/Methodology/Approach. A survey instrument based on the questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data to explain the performance of SMEs through the adoption of managerial innovation. For data analysis, multiple linear regression analysis was used. Findings and implications. The findings indicate that, managerial innovation, through its two main components, "change in management practices" and "change in organizational structure", make it possible to increase market share, production efficiency, the bottom line and, in turn, improve the overall performance of the business. Overall, the results of the study show that the fit model is of good quality and can be used to explain the theory. Limitations. The results of this study may not be generalisable to all African SMEs because they are based only on a sub-Saharan African country and the sample size therefore remains small. Originality. The contribution of this article is manifold: it supports the theories of contingency and resource dependence that organizations are adaptive systems that introduce changes to function effectively and improve their performance.
U: Review of innovation and competitiveness (Online). - ISSN 1849-9015. - 7 (2021), 1 ; str. 5-32  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mala i srednja poduzeća -- Poduzetništvo -- Inovacije -- Menadžment

KONTUŠ, Eleonora
Agency costs, capital structure and corporate performance : A survey of Croatian, Slovenian and Czech listed companies / Eleonora Kontuš. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 32 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 73-85  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Agencijski problemi -- Agencijski troškovi -- Omjer prodaje i imovine -- Struktura kapitala -- Korporativni učinak

Agribusiness changes caused by the Russian food embargo : an interfirm relationships perspective = Promjene u agrobiznisu uzrokovane embargom na rusku hranu : perspektiva međusobnih odnosa među poduzećima / Olga A. Kusraeva, Vera A. Rebiazina. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Tržište (Zagreb). - ISSN 0353-4790. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 7-24  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzeća -- Poljoprivredna poduzeća -- Embargo -- Tržište

FIRST Komen, Ivana
Conscious food choices : differences between perceived benefits and willingness to pay for different product types / Ivana First Komen, Nina Grgurić Čop, Antonija Puškarić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 41 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 371-384  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tradicionalna prehrana -- Domaći proizvodi -- Autohtoni proizvodi -- Ručni rad -- Percipirane koristi

Forecasting of warranty returns based on the reliability of delivery assessment / Teresa Gajewska, Grzegorz Kaczor, Maciej Szkoda. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 27 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 994-999  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Isporuka robe -- Povrat ulaganja -- Jamstvo -- Weibullova distribucija

Impact of technological innovation, research and development on the defense economy - Iran Country [Elektronička građa] / Bahman Khanalizadeh, Neda Ranjandish. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 73. - Abstract. - The Purpose. This research is to investigate the relationship between the variables of technological innovation, research and development costs, economic growth, sales and export of weapons and military costs in Iran for the years 2000 to 2017. Design/Methodology/Approach. In this study, we examine using Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) method to explore the estimating the impacts of technological innovation, research and development costs, economic growth, sales and export on military costs. Findings/Implications. The results of this study showed that the impact of technological innovation and research and development costs on military costs is negative in short-term and long-term. Although the effect that these two variables have on military spending in the short-term is very close, in long-term the effect that research and development costs have on military spending is far greater and more significant. Also, the impact of economic growth on Iran's defense economy is much less than the variables of technological innovation and research and development costs. So that this effect will be less in long-term. But, the amount of arms sales and exports in the short-term has a positive effect on defense spending, but in long-term it becomes negative and increase in arms sales and exports can help Iran's defense economy. Originality. The countries defense economy can always have positive effects on military and civilian research and development, scientific innovation and technological progress, in this condition that the country's macroeconomics can spend military spending on research and development and support innovation and inventions. Eventually adopt arrangements that use the innovations of the defense industry in the civilian sector, which will lead to economic growth.
U: Review of innovation and competitiveness (Online). - ISSN 1849-9015. - 7 (2021), 1 ; str. 59-74  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gospodarstvo -- Tehnološke inovacije -- Istraživanje i razvoj

Izlazna gospodarska strategija Hrvatske u vrijeme pandemije COVID-19 i značaj regionalne strukture gospodarstva / Željko Lovrinčević, Davor Mikulić, Damira Keček. - Graf. prikazi.
Prilozi na str. 475-484. - Bibliografija: 33 jed. - Summary.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 3 ; str. 449-485  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gospodarstvo -- Pandemija COVID-19 -- Input-output analiza

BILJUŠ, Helena
Potencijal i uloga biomase u hrvatskoj i europskoj energetskoj tranziciji = Potential and role of biomass in Croatian and European energy transition / Helena Biljuš, Martina Basarac Sertić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 47 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract.
U: Drvna industrija. - ISSN 0012-6772. - 72 (2021), 3 ; str. 309-318  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gospodarstvo -- Dekarbonizacija -- Energetska tranzicija -- Biomasa

GELO, Tomislav
Primjena input-output modela u analizi potrošnje vode kao inputa u gospodarstvu Hrvatske / Tomislav Gelo, Dominik Knez. - Graf. prikazi.
Prilozi na str. 296-306. - Bibliografija: 34 jed. - Summary.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 2 ; str. 272-308  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Voda -- Potrošnja vode -- Hibridni model -- Input-output analiza -- Gospodarstvo

RAŠIĆ Bakarić, Ivana
Suradnja i umrežavanje kao odrednice uspješnosti Hrvatskog drvnog klastera / Ivana Rašić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Prilog na str. 150-154. - Bibliografija: 38 jed. - Summary.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 1 ; str. 113-154  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Klasteri -- Industrijski klasteri -- Poslovni klasteri -- Suradnja -- Umrežavanje
Hrvatski drvni klaster


Vidi br.: HA21-03306

Vidi br.: HA21-03452

Vidi br.: HA21-03475

Vidi br.: HA21-03317

338.48   Turizam

Development and validation of the scale for measuring digital marketing orientation in the hotel industry / Kenan Mahmutović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 50 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 115-129  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Hotelijerstvo -- Tržišna orijentacija -- Digitalni marketing -- Razvoj ljestvice

KRSTINIĆ Nižić, Marinela
Linkage between tourism and sustainable development in urban areas / Marinela Krstinić Nižić, Maša Trinajstić, Zvonimira Šverko Grdić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: 44 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 175-186  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Urbana područja -- Održivi razvoj

GRAČAN, Daniela
Management of visitor satisfaction by using mobile digital tools and services to create concept of smart destination / Daniela Gračan, Zrinka Zadel, Damir Pavlović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 14 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 2 ; str. 185-198  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turističke destinacije -- Mobilne aplikacije -- Zadovoljstvo turista -- Regresijska analiza

RACZ, Aleksandar
Razlike u stavovima o klimatskim promjenama kod menadžera u turističkim smještajnim objektima različitih kategorija [Elektronička građa] / Aleksandar Racz, Dora Smolčić Jurdana, Krešimir Rotim.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U novije doba, više nego ikad ranije, klimatske su promjene globalnog karaktera i ozbiljno determiniraju razvoj i budućnost turizma u širem obuhvatu turističkih regija i svijetu u cjelini. Klimatske promjene ne predstavljaju samo hipotetski akademski izazov za čovječanstvo, već direktno utječu na sve aspekte ljudskog života, uključujući turizam, koji i sam postaje globalni ekološki problem. U ovom radu fokus interesa bio je usmjeren na istraživanje postojanja povezanosti između kategorije smještajnog objekta izražene zvjezdicama s iskazanim uvjerenjima i stavovima menadžera o klimatskim promjenama i međuutjecaju klimatskih promjena i turizma. U istraživanju je postavljena hipoteza prema kojoj postoje znatne razlike u uvjerenjima i stavovima o klimatskim promjenama i međuutjecaju klimatskih promjena i turističkog smještaja, kao i o klimatskim promjenama kao determinantama oblikovanja turističke ponude između menadžera u različitim kategorijama (dvije do pet zvjezdica) turističkih smještajnih kapaciteta (hoteli, aparthoteli, turistička naselja, kampovi ili marine). Stoga je specifični cilj istraživanja bio utvrditi utječu li kategorija različitih turističkih smještajnih kapaciteta (hoteli, aparthoteli, turistička naselja, kampovi ili marine) na uvjerenja i stavove menadžera o pitanjima klimatskih promjena i međuutjecaju klimatskih promjena i turističkog smještaja, kao i o klimatskim promjenama kao determinantama oblikovanja turističke ponude. Područje provođenja istraživanja bilo je prostorno određeno na cijelom području Republike Hrvatske i na ukupnoj populaciji svih kategoriziranih turističkih smještajnih objekata, odnosno na 1084 kategorizirana objekta na dan 7. ožujka 2019. prema kategorizaciji koju je provelo Ministarstvo turizma RH. - In recent times, more than ever before, climate change has become global and it seriously determines the development and future of tourism in the wider range of tourist regions and the world as a whole. Climate change is not only a hypothetical academic challenge for humanity but directly affects all aspects of human life, including tourism, which itself is becoming a global environmental problem. This paper focuses on exploring the existence of a correlation between the category of accommodation facility categorized by a star marking system with expressed beliefs and attitudes of managers about climate change and the interinfluence between climate change and tourism. The research hypothesized that there are significant differences in beliefs and attitudes about climate change and the interinfluence between climate change and tourist accommodation, as well as about climate changes as determinants in shaping the tourist offer, between managers in different categories (2-5 stars) of tourist accommodation facilities (hotels, apartholtels, resorts, camps or marinas). Therefore, the specific objective of the research was to determine whether the categories of different tourist accommodation capacities (hotels, aparthotels, resorts, camps or marinas) influence managers" beliefs and attitudes towards climate change and the interinfluence between climate change and tourist accommodation, as well as climate change as determinant in shaping the tourist offers. The research encompassed the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia and all categorized tourist accommodation facilities, i.e., all 1084 facilities which were categorized in accordance with the categorization carried out by the Ministry of Tourism on the date of 7 March 2019. Data collection was carried out using the e survey method, whereby out of the total number of sent survey questionnaires, 283 questionnaires were duly completed, which represented a response of 26.1%.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 7 (2021), 2 ; str. 151-160  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Klimatske promjene -- Stavovi -- Turizam -- Menadžment

BAŠAN, Lorena
Sustainable marketing factors : Impact on tourist satisfaction and perceived cultural tourism effects / Lorena Bašan, Jelena Kapeš, Lea Brolich. - Graf. prikazi.
Appendix: str. 399-400. - Bibliografija: 60 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 385-400  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kulturni turizam -- Učinci kulturnog turizma -- Čimbenici održivog marketinga -- Zadovoljstvo turista

Tourism insurance market, risks and prospects [Elektronička građa] : the case study / Maia Diakonidze. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 82-83. - Abstract. - According to the global pandemic conditions, tourism and therefore, the travel insurance market faces new challenges. This study is aimed to determine appropriate approaches that will contribute to tourism development during and post-pandemic period. Tourism insurance is one of the most important contents of travel planning, which protects tourists from certain financial risks and wastage that can occur during travelling. This wastage can be minor, such as delayed luggage, or significant - a medical emergency overseas. Within pandemic conditions, emergency medical care, which will cover Covid -19 has become an inevitability part of an offered insurance packages. The design of the article includes secondary data review, theoretical explanations and empirical evidence (survey) regarding insurance updates in the travel planning, development of proposals for the future tourism development in Georgia's without significant wastage or outcomes from the pandemic conditions. There are proposed some ideas and examples about to enhance knowledge in insurance adapting accordance with the requirements of the modern situation, with an aim for the future tourism unceasing development. It has been identified several approaches in terms of enhancement quality and gullibility of supplied tourism services, which is most important in the last pandemic period. This is a first attempt describing and identifying issues related to the Georgian tourism sector in terms of travel insurance adaptation to the Covid-19 conditions. It is a valuable piece of information for tourism product makers to adopt the article's proposals for the improvement of future tourism development.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 75-83  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turizam -- Osiguranje -- Tržište osiguranja

BAŠAN, Lorena
Tourist satisfaction as a driver of destination marketing improvements : the case of the Opatija Riviera = Zadovoljstvo turista kao pokretač unaprjeđenja marketinških aktivnosti destinacije : primjer opatijske rivijere / Lorena Bašan, Jelena Kapeš, Ana Kamenečki. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 87 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Tržište (Zagreb). - ISSN 0353-4790. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 93-112  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turistička destinacija -- Turisti -- Zadovoljstvo turista

BAĆAC, Robert
Turističko brendiranje destinacije na primjeru Podravine / Robert Baćac, Damir Demonja.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Nova prisutnost. - ISSN 1334-2312. - 19 (2021), 1 ; str. 195-210  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Brendiranje -- Turističko pozicioniranje -- Turističko odredište

Turističko i prostorno planiranje u Hrvatskoj i Jugoslaviji 1960-ih / Jasenka Kranjčević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 1203-1207. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 3 ; str. 1183-1208  
 Elektronička verzija članka

339   Trgovina. Međunarodni gospodarski odnosi. Svjetsko gospodarstvo

LUČEV, Josip
Economic policy independence in EU member states : Political economy of Croatian membership / Josip Lučev, Dario Cvrtila. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: 55 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 225-240  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Monetarna politika -- Fiskalna politika -- Ograničenja ekonomske politike

Explaining mobile commerce usage intention based on technology acceptance models in a developing market context = Objašnjenje namjere korištenja mobilne trgovine na temelju modela prihvaćanja tehnologije (TAM) u okviru tržišta u razvoju / Luis Edwin Chimborazo, Marta Frasquet, Alejandro Mollá. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 59 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Tržište (Zagreb). - ISSN 0353-4790. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 25-40  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Trgovina -- Mobilna trgovina

PAVLIĆ, Ivana, ekonomistica
Exploring loyalty of generation X in a retail store context / Ivana Pavlić, Katija Vojvodić, Barbara Puh. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 46 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 3 ; str. 431-448  
 Elektronička verzija članka

RONČEVIĆ, Ante, ekonomist
Intercultural differences between Austria and Croatia in the context of business communication / Ante Rončević, Ana Globočnik Žunac, Martina Car. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 173 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 163-173  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kulturna inteligencija -- Interkulturalna komunikacija -- Međukulturalno poslovanje -- Međunarodno poslovanje -- Kulturna raznolikost

GALOVIĆ, Tomislav, ekonomist
International competitiveness of ASEAN regional integration / Tomislav Galović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: 32 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 11-22  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Međunarodna trgovina -- Međunarodna konkurentnost -- Regionalna integracija
ASEAN -- Savez država Jugoistočne Azije


International trade of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) / Petar Mišević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: 20 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 187-195  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Međunarodna trgovina -- Pokazatelji globalne trgovine
Eurasian Economic Union -- EAEU


JOŠIĆ, Hrvoje
Trade creation and trade diversion effects from Croatia's CEFTA and EU membership / Hrvoje Jošić, Maja Bašić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 59 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 4 ; str. 489-521  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Trgovina -- Gravitacijski model
Europska unija -- CEFTA -- Srednjoeuropski ugovor o slobodnoj trgovini


Vidi br.: HA21-03467

Vidi br.: HA21-03555

Vidi br.: HA21-03462

Vidi br.: HA21-03489

34   Pravo. Pravna znanost. Pomoćne pravne znanosti

KORDIĆ, Ljubica
Einfluss der deutschen Rechtsterminologie auf die kroatische Rechtssprache am Beispiel des Strafprozessrechts / Ljubica Kordić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 24 jed. - Zusammenfassung ; Sažetak.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (1991). - ISSN 1330-349X. - 42 (2021), 3 ; str. 677-694  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pravo -- Pravna terminologija -- Hrvatski jezik -- Njemački jezik -- Metafore -- Povijesne veze

KOLIĆ, Marko, povjesničar
Sudska medicina i Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (1922. - 1945.) / Marko Kolić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 679-682. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 2 ; str. 661-683  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sudska medicina
Miloslavić, Eduard
Zavod za sudsku medicinu i kriminalistiku -- Medicinski fakultet u Zagrebu


Unlawful acts in maritime transport & civil aviation / Andrea Galieriková, Matúš Materna, Andrej Dávid. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: 34 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Naše more (Dubrovnik). - ISSN 0469-6255. - 68 (2021), 3 ; str. 211-220  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Terorizam -- Piratstvo -- Pomorska sigurnost -- Sigurnost na moru -- Zrakoplovstvo

VUKOJIČIĆ Tomić, Tijana
Upravljanje razlikama u javnoj upravi [Elektronička građa] : pristupi, primjeri dobrih praksi i stanje u Hrvatskoj / Tijana Vukojičić Tomić, Romea Manojlović Toman, Iva Lopižić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 324-326. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se predstavljaju tri pristupa upravljanju razlikama koji se mogu primijeniti u organizacijama javne uprave. Upravljanje razlikama u širem smislu označava niz mjera koje se primjenjuju kako bi se upravljalo razlikama koje postoje između zaposlenika pojedine organizacije, ali i kako bi se raznolikost koja postoji u društvenoj okolini preslikala u sastav radnog kolektiva pojedine organizacije. Prva dva pristupa upravljanju razlikama su starija, a radi se o politici jednakih mogućnosti u zapošljavanju i politici afirmativne akcije čiji je cilj, većinom kroz zakonodavne mjere, osigurati zapošljavanje pripadnika manjinskih skupina, odnosno pripadnika skupina koje svojim obilježjima odudaraju od sastava većinskog stanovništva. Novi pristup se naziva upravljanje raznolikošću  te se temelji na širokom shvaćanju razlika i na uviđanju koristi koje proizlaze iz osiguranja različitosti zaposlenika za organizaciju, zaposlenike u organizaciji te društvo u cjelini. Uz teorijski prikaz tri pristupa upravljanju razlikama, rad daje uvid u primjenu ovih pristupa u nekim europskim državama i gradovima te uvid u postojeću razinu primjene pristupa upravljanja razlikama u javnoj upravi Republike Hrvatske. Kako se uviđa da Hrvatska posebno zaostaje u primjeni upravljanja raznolikošću kao najnovijeg i najobuhvatijeg pristupa, u radu se iznose preporuke za njegovo unaprjeđenje. - The paper presents three approaches to managing diversity in public sector organizations. In its broadest sense, managing diversity includes a set of measures and tools used to manage the diversity of the workforce within a certain organization, but also measures and tools used to adjust the composition of an organization"s workforce to diversity existing in society. The first two approaches to managing diversity have emerged in the 1960s. These are Equal Employment Opportunity Policies and Affirmative Action policies. The main goal of these approaches is to assure the recruitment and employment of members of different minorities groups. The new approach to managing diversity that appeared in the 1980s is diversity management. It is based on the broadest concept of diversity and the full utilization of different talents in the organization and management thereof. Apart from providing an overview of the three approaches, the paper presents some good examples of the use of these approaches in some European states and cities. Also, the paper explains the Croatian situation when all three approaches all concerned. The data show that Croatia is lacking behind in the implementation of diversity management. Since this is the broadest and most encompassing approach recommendations for its improvement are being given.
U: Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1849-0778. - 12 (2021), 1 ; str. 305-326  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Upravljanje razlikama -- Upravljanje raznolikošću -- Jednake mogućnosti -- Zapošljavanje -- Afirmativna akcija -- Javna uprava

Vidi br.: HA21-03539

Vidi br.: HA21-03542

Vidi br.: HA21-03529

Vidi br.: HA21-03841

341   Međunarodno pravo

International jurisdiction under the EU property regimes regulations : bringing coherence into cross-border couples' property disputes / Jerca Kramberger Škerl.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 17 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (1991). - ISSN 1330-349X. - 42 (2021), 3 ; str. 717-735  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Imovinski režimi -- Imovinski odnosi -- Bračna imovina

KREŠIĆ, Mario, pravnik
Izbjeglička kriza pred vratima i zanemareno rješenje [Elektronička građa] : tri zablude o Direktivi o privremenoj zaštiti / Mario Krešić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 170-173. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Europska unija pronašla je rješenje za prvu izbjegličku krizu u zaustavljanju masovnog priljeva osoba pred svojim vratima u Turskoj, ali takvo rješenje moglo bi postati upitno. Privremena zaštita zanemareno je rješenje zbog zabluda o direktivi koja uređuje taj režim. U radu su analizirane tri zablude o Direktivi o privremenoj zaštiti: zabluda o supsumirajućoj tezi, zabluda o posljedicama i zabluda o suvišnosti. Analiza će pokazati kako se može rasuđivati o pravnoj kvalifikaciji izvanredne situacije, posljedicama pravnog instituta i njegovoj važnosti s obzirom na odnose između normativnih sustava te kako odnos prema takvim mogućnostima rasuđivanja ovisi o različitim pristupima problemu poput izbjegličke krize. - The European Union has found a solution to the first refugee crisis by stopping a mass influx of people on its doorstep in Turkey, but such a solution could become questionable. Temporary protection is a neglected solution due to misconceptions about the Directive regulating this regime. The paper analyses three misconceptions about the Temporary Protection Directive: the misconception about subsumption, the misconception about the consequences, and the misconception about redundancy. The analysis will present the way of reasoning about the legal qualification of an emergency, the consequences of a legal institution and its importance concerning the relations between normative systems. Furthermore, the analysis will show how the attitude towards such possibilities of reasoning depends on different approaches to the problem such as the refugee crisis.
U: Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1849-0778. - 12 (2021), 1 ; str. 153-173  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Izbjeglička kriza -- Privremena zaštita -- Supsumirajući iskaz -- Pravila -- Posljedice -- Dualizam

Ratni zločin protiv civilnog stanovništva vs. ratni zločin protiv ratnih zarobljenika [Elektronička građa] : ubojstvo Aleksandra Labe / Lucija Sokanović.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 201-204. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Ishodište je rada u pravomoćnoj oslobađajućoj presudi za ubojstvo Aleksandra Labe 19. studenoga 1991. godine u Vukovaru. Analiza kvalifikacije djela kao ratnog zločina protiv civilnog stanovništva naspram ratnog zločina protiv ratnih zarobljenika polazi od tumačenja pojma ratnog zarobljenika te ocjene o primjenjivosti Ženevskih konvencija i dopunskih protokola. Pritom se mogu izdvojiti tri moguća pristupa u sudskoj praksi: (1) ocjena da je u relevantno vrijeme sukob bio nemeđunarodni, pa je blanketnu normu potrebno dopuniti primjenom zajedničkog čl. 3. Ženevskih konvencija i Dopunskog protokola II; (2) ocjena da je sukob bio međunarodni, pa se primjenjuje Ženevska konvencija III i Dopunski protokol I ili (3) bez obzira na ocjenu sukoba blanketnu normu dopuniti primjenom odgovarajućih odredbi Ženevskih konvencija. Slijedi analiza postupaka označenih kao poticanje na ratni zločin i razmatranje kažnjivosti poticanja u konkretnom slučaju. Zakonit kazneni postupak imperativ je naspram pravnoj hipokriziji o nezastarivosti ratnih zločina. - The paper is based on and inspired by the final acquittal for the murder of Aleksandar Laba on November 19, 1991 in Vukovar. The analysis of the qualification of the crime as a war crime against civilians versus a war crime against prisoners of war starts from the interpretation of the concept of prisoner of war and the assessment of the applicability of the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols. Three possible approaches in the case law can be singled out: (1) an assessment that at the relevant time the conflict was non-international, so the blanket norm needs to be supplemented by the application of Art. 3. of the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol II; (2) an assessment that the conflict was international, so that Geneva Convention III and Additional Protocol I apply; or (3) regardless of the nature of the conflict, supplement the blanket norm by applying the relevant provisions of the Geneva Conventions. The second part of the paper consists in an analysis of the procedures marked as incitement to war crime and a consideration of liability for  incitement in a particular case. Legal criminal proceedings are imperative in the face of legal hypocrisy on the non-expiration of war crimes.
U: Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1849-0778. - 12 (2021), 1 ; str. 175-205  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ratni zločini -- Ratni zarobljenici -- Civili -- Međunarodni sukobi -- Ubojstvo

Razvoj pravila o međunarodnoj nadležnosti za potrošačke ugovore u hrvatskome međunarodnom privatnom pravu [Elektronička građa] / Danijela Vrbljanac.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 300-302. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se daje prikaz uređenja pravila o međunarodnoj nadležnosti primjenjivima na potrošačke ugovore u hrvatskome međunarodnom privatnom pravu, počevši od Zakona o rješavanju sukoba zakona s propisima drugih zemalja u određenim odnosima (ZRSZ), preko uredaba Bruxelles I i Bruxelles I bis pa do najrecentnijeg Zakona o međunarodnom privatnom pravu (ZMPP). U ZRSZ-u nije postojala posebna odredba o međunarodnoj nadležnosti za potrošačke ugovore pa su ti ugovori bili podvrgnuti odredbama o općoj međunarodnoj nadležnosti i posebnoj međunarodnoj nadležnosti za ugovore. Ulaskom Republike Hrvatske u članstvo Europske unije hrvatski sudovi postali su obvezni primjenjivati Uredbu Bruxelles I kao izravno primjenjiv izvor pravila o međunarodnoj nadležnosti u građanskim i trgovačkim stvarima. Zahvaljujući Uredbi Bruxelles I, koja je u međuvremenu preinačena u Uredbu Bruxelles I bis, prvi su put potrošači na hrvatskom sudu dobili zaštitu u smislu povoljnijih postupovnih odredaba o međunarodnoj nadležnosti. Personalno polje primjene Uredbe Bruxelles I, kao i Uredbe Bruxelles I bis koja ju je zamijenila, uređeno je na način da se uredbe primjenjuju kada tuženik ima domicil u EU-u. Uredbom Bruxelles I bis položaj potrošača dodatno je ojačan proširenjem polja primjene odjeljka o potrošačkim ugovorima i na slučajeve kada tuženi trgovac ima domicil izvan EU-a. U siječnju 2019. godine na snagu je stupio ZMPP čije se odredbe o nadležnosti primjenjuju podredno, odnosno kada nije primjenjiva neka od uredaba europskoga međunarodnog privatnog prava. U članku 46., stavku 2. ZMPP-a hrvatski je zakonodavac proširio primjenu određenih odredaba Uredbe Bruxelles I bis i na situacije kada tuženik ima u smislu te uredbe domicil u državi koja nije članica EU-a. U radu će se analizirati opisani zakonodavni razvoj i njegov utjecaj na zaštitu potrošača u Hrvatskoj. - The paper provides an overview of the rules on international jurisdiction applicable to consumer contracts in Croatian private international law, starting from the 1982 PIL Act, Brussels I and Brussels I bis Regulation to the most recent 2019 Croatian PIL Act. Given that the 1982 PIL Act did not contain a special provision on international jurisdiction for consumer contracts, these contracts were subject to the provisions on general jurisdiction and special jurisdiction for contracts. With the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union, Croatian courts became obligated to apply the Brussels I Regulation as a directly applicable source of rules on international jurisdiction in civil and commercial matters. Due to the Brussels I Regulation, which was subsequently replaced with the Brussels I bis Regulation, consumers were, for the first time, granted protection before Croatian courts in terms of more favourable procedural provisions on international jurisdiction. The personal scope of application of the Brussels I Regulation, as well as of the Brussels I bis Regulation which replaced it, is limited to defendants domiciled in the EU. The Brussels I bis Regulation further strengthened the position of consumers by extending the scope of the section on consumer contracts to cases in which the proceedings are instituted against the trader domiciled outside of the EU. In January 2019, the 2019 PIL Act entered into force. The application of its provisions on international jurisdiction are secondary, i.e. when one of the regulations of European private international law is not applicable. In Article 46(2) of the PIL Act, the Croatian legislator extended the application of certain provisions of the Brussels I bis Regulation to situations in which the defendant is domiciled in a non-EU country. The paper analyses the described legislative development and its impact on consumer protection in Croatia.
U: Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1849-0778. - 12 (2021), 1 ; str. 289-303  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Međunarodno privatno pravo -- Europsko pravo -- Međunarodna nadležnost -- Potrošački ugovori -- Zaštita potrošača

BUĆIN, Rajka
Transport upućen u Auschwitz iz Vinkovaca u kolovozu 1942. i sudbina srijemskih i bijeljinskih Židova za vrijeme Drugoga svjetskog rata / Rajka Bućin. - Graf. prikazi.
Prilog na str. 648-654. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; izvori: str. 655-656 ; bibliografija: str. 656-659. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 2 ; str. 611-660  
 Elektronička verzija članka

Utjecaj prijetnji modernog doba na značenje neposredno predstojećeg napada u kontekstu prava države na samoobranu / Petra Perišić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 774-777. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (1991). - ISSN 1330-349X. - 42 (2021), 3 ; str. 759-778  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Neposredno predstojeći napad -- Anticipatorna samoobrana -- Preemptivna samoobrana -- Terorizam -- Oružje za masovno uništenje -- Cyber napadi

Vidi br.: HA21-03439

Vidi br.: HA21-03535

Vidi br.: HA21-03556

Vidi br.: HA21-03528

342   Javno pravo. Ustavno pravo. Upravno pravo

BARIĆ, Sanja, pravnica
O Ustavu, rode, da ti pojem [Elektronička građa] : neizvjesnost evolucije ustavne vladavine nakon navršenja 30 godina Ustava RH / Sanja Barić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 16-20. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Ustavna demokracija opis je, obilježje, ali "i počelo, i cilj" suvremenih država civilizacijskoga kruga kojem RH pripada. Sama demokracija kao oblik vladavine u idealnom je slučaju asimptotski proces stalna usavršavanja. Isto vrijedi i za ustavnost. Dakako, ti procesi nipošto nisu ireverzibilni. I dok je u suvremeno doba u biti nemoguće povući potpun i oštar rez između pridjeva i imenice spomenute sintagme "ustavna demokracija", namjera je ovog rada promotriti prevladavajuće procese razvoja ustavnosti u našoj državi kako bismo upozorili na prijeteće točke, ali i na važne potencijale za buduća postupanja državnih tijela i samih građana. Identifikacija problema u svojevrsnom Dunning-Kruger sindromu pretpolitičkog stanja svijesti znatna dijela društvene potke u RH čini evoluciju ustavne vladavine osobito kompleksnom i nipošto izvjesnom. Dopuštamo si blag optimizam s obzirom na dosadašnje korake te podsjećanje na to da demokratski i ustavni procesi općenito nisu linearni. Ipak, stanje opasne stagnacije i zaglavljenost u glibu koruptivno-klijentelističkog mentaliteta nalaže ozbiljan i interdisciplinarni pristup svladavanju problema. Osnovno je pitanje ovdje kako ustavno pravo može doskočiti rečenim izazovima te koji su potrebni i mogući koraci u tom smjeru. U radu prvo analiziramo stvarnu vrijednost konstitucionalizma u našoj državi, i to preko njegova pozitivnog i negativnog naboja. Potom upozoravamo na uzroke identificiranih izazova koje nalazimo u stanju hrvatskoga društva i u refleksiji takva stanja u nedavnom djelovanju najviših državnih institucija. Ističemo bitnost preuzimanja institucijske i građanske odgovornosti. Imajući u vidu notornu potrebu ustavne revizije, fokusiramo se na formativno-edukativni potencijal budućega ustavotvornog procesa. Ustav bez odgovarajućeg stupnja internalizacije državnih tijela i građana ne može živjeti. - Constitutional democracy is a description, a characteristic, but it is also the "foundation and goal" of contemporary civilizations which Croatia belongs to. Democracy itself, as a form of governance, is ideally an asymptotic process of constant improvement. The same goes for constitutionality. These processes, however, are not irreversible. While it is impossible to draw a complete and sharp demarcation line between the adjective and the noun in the "constitutional democracy" syntagm, the aim of this paper is to look into predominant processes of constitutional development in Croatia  not only in order to point out challenges, but also to draw attention to  important potential for the future functioning both of the state  and its citizens. A major problem is identified as a form of Dunning-Kruger syndrome of pre-political state of mind of a significant part of the social matrix in the Republic of Croatia that in turn renders the evolution of constitutional governance particularly complex and not at all certain. We allow a mild optimism given the previous steps and remembering that democratic and constitutional processes are not linear. However, the state of dangerous stagnation and immersion in the corruptive-clientelistic mentality calls for serious and interdisciplinary approach to this problem. The fundamental question remains: to what extent can constitutional law provide remedies to these challenges and what are the necessary steps in that direction?  The paper firstly analyses the actual value of constitutionalism in Croatia  through its positive and negative aspects. Then we turn to the causes of problems we have identified. We find them both in the state of the social matrix and reflections of this state in recent acts of the highest state institutions. The importance of assigning institutional and civil responsibility is particularly pointed out.
U: Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1849-0778. - 12 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-20  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ustavna demokracija -- Predgrađansko društvo
Ustavni sud RH


Political and constitutional approach toward COVID 19 : the cases of Kosovo and Croatia / Murat Jashari, Behar Selimi, Islam Pepaj.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 58 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (1991). - ISSN 1330-349X. - 42 (2021), 3 ; str. 817-835  
 Elektronička verzija članka
COVID-19 -- Ustavni sud -- Ljudska prava -- Ljudske slobode

MLADINIĆ, Anamarija
Post-GDPR survey of data protection officers in research and non-research institutions in Croatia [Elektronička građa] : a cross-sectional study / Anamarija Mladinić, Livia Puljak, Zvonimir Koporc.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Summary. - General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) focuses on important elements of data ethics, including protecting people"s privacy, accountability and transparency. According to the GDPR, certain public institutions are obliged to appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO). However, there is little publicly available data from national EU surveys on DPOs. This study aimed to examine the scope of work, type of work, and education of DPOs in institutions in Croatia.During 2020-2021, this cross-sectional study surveyed DPOs appointed in Croatia. The survey had 35 items. The questions referred to their appointment, work methods, number and type of cases handled by DPOs, the sources of information they use, their experience and education, level of work independence, contacts with ethics committees, problems experienced, knowledge, suggestions for improvement of their work, changes caused by the GDPR, and sociodemographic information.Out of 5671 invited DPOs, 732 (13%) participated in the study. The majority (91%) indicated that they could perform their job independently; they did not have prior experience in data protection before being appointed as DPOs (54%) and that they need additional education in data protection (82%).Most DPOs indicated that they had none or minimal prior experience in data protection when they were appointed as DPO, that they would benefit from further education on data protection, and exhibited insufficient knowledge on basic concepts of personal data protection. Requirements for DPO appointments should be clarified; mandatory education and certification of DPOs could be introduced and DPOs encouraged to engage in continuous education.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 3 ; str. 1-11  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Institucije -- Znanstveno istraživanje -- Ankete -- Upitnici -- Osobni podaci -- Zaštita podataka

MIŠIĆ Radanović, Nina
Pravni aspekti odbijanja medicinskog postupka [Elektronička građa] / Nina Mišić Radanović.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 282-286. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Općeprihvaćen stav da sloboda pacijentove volje ima prevlast nad medicinskim razlozima, ipak, nije apsolutan jer se u novije vrijeme smatra da je načelo apsolutne prednosti prava na samoodređenje što se tiče života, tijela i zdravlja potrebno ograničiti. U radu se prikazuju međunarodni i domaći pravni okviri za pravo na odbijanje dijagnostičkog/terapijskog postupka te u kojim je slučajevima i pod kojim uvjetima to pravo ograničeno. Posebno se analizira postupanje liječnika i drugih zdravstvenih radnika te rješenje pitanja krše li oni prihvaćanjem odbijanja pravnu normu i pravila svoje struke ili postoji njihova obveza na neodgodivu intervenciju čije bi nepoduzimanje ugrozilo život i zdravlje ili izazvalo trajna oštećenja pacijentova zdravlja. Autorica obrađuje i pravne aspekte složene problematike odbijanja liječenja kod određenih kategorija vulnerabilnih osoba, djece, osoba s duševnim smetnjama, u odlukama o okončanju života umirućih bolesnika te štrajka glađu zatvorenika. U radu se naglašava da konflikt između prava na odbijanje medicinskog tretmana i interesa države za očuvanje života i zdravlja može otvoriti pitanja različitih vrsta odgovornosti zdravstvenih radnika, od nesavjesnog liječenja ili nepružanja hitne medicinske pomoći do odštetne i/ili disciplinske odgovornosti. Autorica posebno ističe neusklađenu i nejasnu pravnu regulativu koja dovodi zdravstvene radnike do njihove pravne nesigurnosti zbog dileme kojem propisu u praksi dati prednost. - It is generally accepted that the free will of the patient prevails over medical reasons, but this is neither absolute nor should be unconditionally accepted. The paper presents the international and domestic legal frameworks for the right to refuse  treatment,  and discusses cases and conditions in which  this right can be limited. In particular, the behaviour of physicians and other healthcare professionals is analysed, as well as the answer to the question of whether they violate the legal norm and rules of their profession by accepting a patient"s refusal, or whether they breach their obligation to undertake  emergency intervention. The author also deals with the legal aspects of the complex issue of refusing to treat certain categories of vulnerable people, such as  children, people with mental disorders, dying patients in decisions to  end their lives and prisoners on a  hunger strike. The paper points out that the conflict between the right to refuse treatment and the state's interest in preserving life and health can raise issues of various types of liability of healthcare workers, from negligent treatment and  failure to render medical aid in an  emergency, to compensation and/or disciplinary liability. The author focuses especially on inconsistent and unclear legal regulations that can result in legal uncertainty due to the dilemma on the part of  healthcare workers over which regulation should be  given priority in practice.
U: Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1849-0778. - 12 (2021), 1 ; str. 263-287  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Odbijanje medicinskog tretmana -- Odbijanje liječenja -- Djeca -- Umirući bolesnici -- Osobe s duševnim smetnjama -- Medicinski radnici -- Odgovornost

GRAHEK Ravančić, Martina
Razvoj pravosudnih vlasti i odgovarajućega pravnog okvira u Hrvatskoj 1945. godine / Martina Grahek Ravančić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 179-182. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 1 ; str. 157-183  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pravosuđe -- Sudovi -- Zakoni -- Javni tužitelj

BRITVIĆ Vetma, Bosiljka
Transformacija upravnog sudovanja zbog primjene nadnacionalnog prava [Elektronička građa] / Bosiljka Britvić Vetma, Frane Staničić, Božidar Horvat.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 63-64. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća primjećujemo sve veće približavanje europskoga pravnog poretka i nacionalnoga pravnog poretka. Stupanjem na snagu Povelje o ljudskim pravima Europske unije samo je pojačano nastojanje da sva javna prava država na kontinentu idu u istom smjeru. U okviru globalizacije prava Europa ima znak i tradiciju koju treba obraniti. Postoje dva načina za promicanje tog sustava. Prvi je pravna disciplina i suradnja ustanova, temelji se na obvezi koju imaju nacionalni (domaći) sudovi u poštivanju europskih obveza. Drugi način koji omogućava promicanje europskoga pravnog sustava razvoj je neformalne suradnje europskih sudaca kako bi se postupno razvila zajednička kultura i metoda rada. Taj je razvoj takav da ne omogućuje samo neupitan legitimitet nadnacionalnog prava u očima nacionalnih upravnih sudova već i povećan intenzitet utjecaja Suda Europske unije i Europskog suda za zaštitu ljudskih prava. Cilj je ovog rada analizirati utjecaj nadnacionalnog prava na razvoj upravnog sudovanja i detektirati promjene koje je taj utjecaj donio u tradicionalno upravno sudovanje koje je inherentno nacionalno usmjereno. Posebno treba istaknuti važnost, u slučaju potrebe, izravne primjene nadnacionalnog prava u upravnim sporovima na nacionalnim sudovima kao i utjecaj neformalne suradnje – "dijaloga sudaca" na razvoj upravnog sudovanja. - In the last few decades we notice the increasing merging of the European legal system and national legal systems. By coming into force of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union the efforts to continue in the same direction in the sphere of public law in member states have intensified. Within the framework of the globalization of law, the European identity and traditions should be defended. There are two ways of promoting this system. The first is legal discipline and cooperation of institutions based on the duty of national courts to implement their European obligations. The second is the development of informal cooperation among European judges in order to gradually develop a common culture and methods of work, thus enabling the promotion of the European legal system. This development not only enables the unquestionable legitimacy of supranational law in the eyes of national administrative courts but also intensifies the influence of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights. The aim of this paper is to analyse the influence of supranational law on the development of administrative justice and to detect changes that this influence has introduced in the traditional administrative systems which are inherently national. There are two issues that need have to be emphasized in the context of the development of administrative justice: first, the importance of direct application of supranational law in  administrative disputes before  national courts whenever this is necessary, and second, the influence of informal cooperation: the "dialogue of judges".
U: Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1849-0778. - 12 (2021), 1 ; str. 45-65  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Upravno sudovanje -- Nadnacionalno pravo -- Transformacija -- Dijalog sudaca

Vidi br.: HA21-03530

Vidi br.: HA21-03543

Vidi br.: HA21-03540

343/344   Kazneno pravo (opće i posebno)

GETOŠ Kalac, Anna-Maria
"Ružno pače" hrvatskoga kaznenog pravosuđa [Elektronička građa] : zatvorski sustav u svjetlu domaćih i europskih trendova / Anna-Maria Getoš Kalac, Reana Bezić, Petra Šprem. - Zemljop. karte, graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 107-111. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Znanstvena i stručna rasprava o strateški osmišljenom i na empirijskim podatcima utemeljenom upravljanju hrvatskim zatvorskim sustavom zapravo i ne postoji. Povremeno nailazimo na javnu raspravu o situaciji u hrvatskim zatvorima, no ona je uglavnom reakcija na medijski eksploatirane tragične događaje (npr. smrt pritvorenog generala 2011. u Zatvoru u Osijeku) ili navodne skandale (npr. fotografije osuđenika koji u Zatvoru u Valturi vježba golf 2013.). Na posljedično medijsko i javno zgražanje uglavnom slijede štura očitovanja nadležnih institucija, čime se okončava daljnja rasprava jednog u biti potpuno neshvaćena dubljeg problema. Radom autori žele potaknuti otpočinjanje znanstvene i stručne rasprave o hrvatskome zatvorskom sustavu na konceptualnoj, strateškoj i empirijski utemeljenoj razini vodeći računa o hrvatskim specifičnostima u kontekstu europskih zatvorskih trendova. Specijalna prevencija kažnjivih ponašanja pojedinaca njihovom resocijalizacijom u zatvorskim sustavima bitan je doseg kaznenopravne tekovine zapadnih društava. Premda se penalna politika može okarakterizirati kao stalna potraga za novim najboljim rješenjima, zatvorski sustavi imaju važnu ulogu u ostvarivanju svrhe kažnjavanja. No, upitno je ostvaruje li zatvorski sustav svoju svrhu, odnosno je li on svrhovit i u normativnom i u praktičnom pogledu. Odgovor na postavljeno pitanje može biti utemeljen jedino na empirijskim podatcima i evaluacijskim analizama te pretpostavlja konceptualnu i metodološku razradu jasnih pokazatelja 'svrhovitosti zatvorskog sustava'. Takva vrsta odgovora, a za kojim tragaju autori u radu, ima dvostruku funkciju. Osim što služi evaluaciji aktualnog stanja, možebitno i važnije, stvara polazišno uporište za strateško osmišljavanje budućnosti hrvatskoga zatvorskog sustava. - There is no scientific and professional discussion on the strategically designed and empirically-based management of the Croatian prison system. We occasionally encounter public debates about the situation in Croatian prisons, but these are mostly reactions to tragic events exploited by the media (e.g. the death of a detained general in Osijek prison in 2011) or alleged scandals (e.g. photos of a prisoner playing golf in Valtura prison in 2013). The consequent media and public outrage is generally followed by brief statements from relevant institutions, which conclude any further discussions of the underlying problem which is fundamentally not understood. The authors aim to encourage the scientific and professional discussion of the Croatian prison system on a conceptual, strategic and empirically-based level, taking into account the Croatian specificities in the context of European prison trends. Special prevention of criminal behaviour of individuals through their re-socialisation in prison systems is a significant achievement of the criminal law legacy of Western societies. Although penal policy can be characterised as a constant search for new-best solutions, prison systems play an important role in achieving the purpose of punishment. However, it is questionable whether the prison system achieves its purpose, both in normative and practical terms. The answer to the question posed must be based on empirical data and evaluation analyses, while it presupposes a conceptual and methodological elaboration of clear indicators of the 'purposefulness of the prison system'. Such an answer, which the authors are looking for in this paper, has a dual function. In addition to serving as an evaluation of the current situation, perhaps even more importantly, it creates a firm starting point for strategically designing the future of the Croatian prison system.
U: Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1849-0778. - 12 (2021), 1 ; str. 83-112  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kaznionice -- Zatvorski sustav -- Strategija -- Zatvorenici -- Penologija

VUČIĆ Blažić, Maja
Jednakost u postupovnom pristupu prema svakom maloljetniku u kaznenom postupku radi osiguranja pravičnog suđenja i jednakosti svih pred zakonom / Maja Vučić Blažić, Ljiljana Mikšaj-Todorović, Dijana Rizvić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 38 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (1991). - ISSN 1330-349X. - 42 (2021), 3 ; str. 631-656  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Maloljetni počinitelj -- Odgojne mjere -- Sud za maloljetnike

GLUŠČIĆ, Stjepan
Kažnjivo ponašanje sudionika u prometu utemeljeno na prethodnom iskustvu kažnjavanja / Stjepan Gluščić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 20 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (1991). - ISSN 1330-349X. - 42 (2021), 3 ; str. 611-629  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prekršaji -- Sigurnost -- Cestovni promet -- Prometne nesreće -- Kažnjavanje

HERCEG Pakšić, Barbara
Quo vadis, sramoćenje? : O (ne)opravdanosti umanjenja opsega kaznenopravne zaštite časti i ugleda u Republici Hrvatskoj : povijesni, pozitivnopravni i poredbeni argumenti / Barbara Herceg Pakšić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 812-814. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (1991). - ISSN 1330-349X. - 42 (2021), 3 ; str. 799-815  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sloboda izražavanja -- Kaznenopravna zaštita -- Zaštita časti i ugleda -- Teško sramoćenje

Vidi br.: HA21-03521

347   Građansko pravo

HELD, Henrik-Riko
Mala fides superveniens (non) nocet kod dosjelosti u rimsko-kanonskoj pravnoj tradiciji i suvremenim pravnim sustavima [Elektronička građa] / Henrik-Riko Held.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 145-150. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Autor analizira nastanak, razvoj i suvremenu primjenu načela vezanih uz utjecaj zle vjere, odnosno prestanka poštenja posjeda nastalih nakon početka posjedovanja, na dosjelost. Tako se najprije analiziraju nastanak i razvoj regule mala fides superveniens non nocet, vezane uz rimsko pravo, po kojoj naknadno stečena zla vjera ne smeta dosjedanju. Zatim se obrađuje regula mala fides superveniens nocet, čiji su nastanak i razvoj vezani uz kanonsko pravo i njegov utjecaj na svjetovne pravne sustave. Naposljetku se razrađuje stanje u suvremenim pravnim sustavima, počevši od najvažnijih europskih kodifikacija (njemačkog BGB-a i francuskog CC-a) do sustava na koje su oni utjecali. Načelno se utvrđuje snažan i neposredan utjecaj rimsko-kanonske pravne tradicije na suvremene pravne poretke u predmetnom kontekstu. Uglavnom na temelju različitih uređenja u BGB-u i CC-u, u ovom području ne postoji jednoobraznost te se u suvremenim pravnim sustavima mogu naći obje regule. Međutim, povijest kodifikacije navedenih uređenja, razrađenost u povijesnoj primjeni te najnovije analize upućuju na optimalnost načelne regule mala fides superveniens nocet, nastale u okviru rimsko-kanonske pravne tradicije. - The author analyses the origins, development and contemporary application of maxims associated with the influence of bad faith or mala fides occurring after acquiring possession on acquisitive prescription (adverse possession). The earliest origins and development of the maxim: Mala fides superveniens non nocet, which is associated with Roman law, are scrutinised. According to these, bad faith acquired after the beginning and in  the course of acquisitive prescription did not hinder it. Afterwards, mala fides superveniens nocet, a completely different maxim associated with canon law and its influence on the civilian (secular) legal systems is analysed. Finally, the situation in contemporary legal systems is investigated, including the most important civil codes (German BGB and French CC) and systems which were influenced by these codes. In principle, a strong direct influence of the Romano-canonical legal tradition on contemporary legal systems is recognized. Mainly due to different arrangements in BGB and CC, uniformity in this aspect does not exist, and both maxims may be found in contemporary legal systems. However, history of codification of the said maxims, the elaboration of their historical application and recent tendencies indicate the optimality of the general maxim mala fides superveniens nocet, developed within the framework of the Romano-canonical legal tradition.
U: Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1849-0778. - 12 (2021), 1 ; str. 131-151  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rimsko pravo -- Kanonsko pravo -- Suvremeno pravo -- Dosjelost

Modaliteti povrede medicinskoga tretmana liječnika s osvrtom na terapijsku liječničku pogrešku u hrvatskoj i poredbenoj praksi / Hrvoje Vojković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 795-796. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (1991). - ISSN 1330-349X. - 42 (2021), 3 ; str. 779-797  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zdravstvene usluge -- Liječnici -- Građanskopravna odgovornost -- Liječnička pogreška

Nove europske tendencije [Elektronička građa] : unifikacija rokova zastare odštetnih zahtjeva u svezi s osiguranjem od automobilske odgovornosti / Željka Primorac, Nenad Miletić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 239-243. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Polazeći od osnovnih europskopravnih odrednica građanskopravne odgovornosti i obvezatnosti osiguranja vlasnika vozila (osiguranika) od odgovornosti za štete koje mogu nastati trećim osobama upotrebom motornog vozila, autori naglašavaju da je provođenje postupka naknade štete osigurateljeva obveza, a postojanje odštetnog zahtjeva nužna je pretpostavka njegove odgovornosti. Predmet analize autora u ovom radu odnosi se na teorijsku raščlambu problematike prava oštećenika (žrtava prometnih nesreća) na podnošenje izravne tužbe prema odgovornom (štetnikovu) osiguratelju radi ostvarivanja prava na naknadu štete koja je nastala kao posljedica prometne nesreće s prekograničnim implikacijama. S obzirom na to da se nacionalni pravni sustavi država članica EU-a u znatnoj mjeri razlikuju u pravnim normama o mjerodavnim rokovima zastare potraživanja naknade štete, cilj je rada analizirati i preispitati rješenja Rezolucije Europskog parlamenta iz 2017. godine o rokovima zastare za prometne nesreće te preporuke za Direktivu Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća o zajedničkim minimalnim standardima za građanski postupak u EU-u čime se predlaže uspostava posebna sustava istih rokova zastare za podnošenje zahtjeva u vezi s odštetom za tjelesne ozljede i oštećenje stvari prouzročene u prekograničnim cestovnim prometnim nesrećama. Budući da predmetna rješenja imaju za cilj osigurati dostupnost pravnih sredstava za zaštitu žrtava prometnih nesreća, autori analiziraju u kojoj mjeri navedena rješenja pridonose učinkovitosti pravne zaštite oštećenika i pravnoj sigurnosti. - On the basis of basic European legal guidelines on civil liability and the obligation of the owner of a motor vehicle (the insured person) to have an insurance against liability for damage that may occur to third parties using a motor vehicle, the authors emphasise that compensation for damage is the insurer's obligation, and the existence of a claim for damages is a necessary presumption of his liability. The authors provide the theoretical in-depth analysis of the issue of the right of victims (victims of traffic accidents) to bring a direct action against the responsible insurer (party which caused the damage) in order to exercise the right to compensation for damage caused by a traffic accident with cross-border implications. Given that the national legal systems of the EU Member States have significantly different legal norms on the relevant limitation periods for compensation claims, the aim of this paper is to analyse and review the European Parliament resolution of 2017 on limitation periods for traffic accidents and recommendations for the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Common Limitations Periods for Cross-Border Road Traffic Accidents proposing the establishment of a special system of common limitation periods in relation to compensation claims for bodily injury and property damage caused  by cross-border road traffic accidents. Since the provisions in question aim to ensure the availability of legal remedies for the protection of traffic accident victims, the authors analyse the extent to which these provisions contribute to the effectiveness of legal protection of victims and legal certainty.
U: Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1849-0778. - 12 (2021), 1 ; str. 225-244  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Osiguranje od automobilske odgovornosti -- Zastara -- Rokovi zastare -- Odštetni zahtjevi

ČULO Margaletić, Anica
Obvezno savjetovanje i obiteljska medijacija kao oblici obiteljskopravne pomoći obitelji u krizi [Elektronička građa] / Anica Čulo Margaletić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 81-82. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Polazeći od kratka povijesnog osvrta na razvoj obiteljskopravnih oblika pomoći obitelji u krizi u hrvatskome obiteljskom zakonodavstvu, u radu su analizirani instituti obveznog savjetovanja i obiteljske medijacije uređeni u Obiteljskom zakonu iz 2014., odnosno 2015. godine. Poseban je naglasak u radu stavljen na smisao i odnose tih dvaju modela pomoći članovima obitelji u sporu. U radu se također daje komparativni osvrt na institute prethodnog i stručnog savjetovanja te obiteljske medijacije u slovenskom pravu. - Starting from a brief historical overview of the development of forms of assistance to families in crisis in Croatian family law, the author analyses the institutes of mandatory counselling and family mediation according to Family Act of 2014 and 2015. Special emphasis is placed on the meaning and relations between these two models of assistance to family members in a dispute. The article also provides a comparative overview of the institutes of preliminary and expert counselling and family mediation in Slovene law.
U: Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1849-0778. - 12 (2021), 1 ; str. 67-82  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obiteljska medijacija -- Obvezno savjetovanje

Ovrha na zrakoplovu : de lege lata i rješenja de lege ferenda / Dean Vuleta.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 21 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (1991). - ISSN 1330-349X. - 42 (2021), 3 ; str. 837-852  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zrakoplov -- Ovrha -- Zračni privilegiji -- Ovršni sud

Vidi br.: HA21-03527

Vidi br.: HA21-03541

Vidi br.: HA21-03538

Vidi br.: HA21-03517

Vidi br.: HA21-03526

Vidi br.: HA21-03520

Vidi br.: HA21-03540

Vidi br.: HA21-03556

347.7   Trgovačko pravo. Pravo trgovačkih društava

SISÁK, Ľuboslav
Smart marriage contracts : the future of blockchain in matrimonial property law? / Ľuboslav Sisák.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 40 jd. - Summary ; Sažetak.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (1991). - ISSN 1330-349X. - 42 (2021), 3 ; str. 657-676  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bračno-imovinsko pravo -- Pametni bračni ugovor -- Bračni ugovori -- Usporedno privatno pravo

Vidi br.: HA21-03453

Vidi br.: HA21-03462

Vidi br.: HA21-03485

348/349   Crkveno pravo. Posebne grane prava

Challenges for the contemporary international legal framework and the rule of law : is the international community doing its best for the protection of climate migrants? / Melita Carević, Rutvica Rusan Novokmet.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 44 jed. ; izvori: 17 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (1991). - ISSN 1330-349X. - 42 (2021), 3 ; str. 591-609  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Klimatske migracije -- Međunarodno izbjegličko pravo -- Izbjeglice -- Vladavina prava -- Populizam

DEŠIĆ, Josip
Komparativna rješenja odnosa publiciteta zemljišnih knjiga i zaštite osobnih podataka [Elektronička građa] / Josip Dešić, Luka Brajković.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 342-344. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu se analiziraju  dva naizgled konkurentna načela, načelo publiciteta zemljišnih knjiga i pravo na zaštitu osobnih podataka. Razmatra se hoće li Opća uredba o zaštiti podataka (GDPR) iz 2018. utjecati na pristup osobnim podacima u zemljišnim knjigama i njihovu obradu, imaju li nositelji knjižnih prava pravo na zaštitu osobnih podataka te kojim mjerama se takva zaštita može postići. Isto tako će se razmotriti komparativna rješenja u pogledu javnosti zemljišnih knjiga poput estonskog, švicarskog i škotskog, te na koji način nove digitalne tehnologije, osim što olakšavaju dostupnost podacima, mogu pomoći u kontroli pristupa informacijama. - The paper analyzes two seemingly incompatible principles, the principle of publicity of land registers and the right to protection of personal data. On 25 May 2018, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), entered into force. Therefore the paper considers how the GDPR will affect personal data in the land register, whether register rights holders have the right to personal data protection, whether they have the right to be forgotten. The paper will also consider how new digital technologies, in addition to making data easier to access, can help control with whom data is shared and who has the right to access it.
U: Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1849-0778. - 12 (2021), 1 ; str. 327-344  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zemljišne knjige -- Publicitet -- Zaštita osobnih podataka -- Pravo na zaborav

Zaštita i odgovornost za štetu od mobinga na radu i u vezi s radom / Trpimir Perkušić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 63 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (1991). - ISSN 1330-349X. - 42 (2021), 3 ; str. 853-872  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mobing -- Zaštita od mobinga -- Odgovornost za štetu

Vidi br.: HA21-03453

35   Javna uprava. Državni ustroj. Lokalna, regionalna, središnja uprava

KARLOVIĆ, Tomislav, pravnik
Neka razmatranja o uređenju organizacije zaštite od požara u rimskom pravu [Elektronička građa] / Tomislav Karlović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 126-130. - Sažetak ; Summary. - U radu su izložene opće odrednice zaštite od požara na temelju sačuvanih tekstova unutar titula De officio praefecti vigilum, pri čemu su detaljnije analizirane dvije povijesne etape i pitanja u vezi s pravnom regulacijom organizacije protupožarne zaštite u rimskom pravu. Nakon uvoda raščlanjen je problem identiteta triumviri nocturni u okvirima republikanskog ustroja magistratura. Zatim se obrađuju pitanja u vezi s obvezama i ovlasti praefectus vigilum i vigiles kao novog oblika organizacije vatrogasne službe u Rimu. Na kraju se iznosi rekapitulacija obrađene materije i zaključci o obrađenim pitanjima pravne regulacije borbe protiv požara u rimskom pravu. - The article elaborates on the general features of fire protection services in Rome through two stages of development, as provided by texts preserved within the Digest entitled De officio praefecti vigilum, and the pertaining legal issues concerning the organization of these services. After the introductory part, the author discusses the issue of the identity of triumviri nocturni and of their separate existence within the structures of magistracies in the Republican period. He goes on to present the Augustan creation of the service of vigiles, and the considerations on the duties of praefectus vigilum as their commander and the person entrusted with legal authority to deal with the fire fighting and prevention activities. In the concluding remarks the reassessment of key issues on the legal organization of fire prevention services according to the Roman legal sources is provided.
U: Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1849-0778. - 12 (2021), 1 ; str. 113-130  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Požar -- Zaštita od požara -- Vatrogasna služba -- Rimsko pravo

PRIMORAC, Damir, pravnik
Samoizolacija kao posebna sigurnosno-pravna mjera zaštite pučanstva od zaraznih bolesti u kontekstu koronavirusa (COVID-19) [Elektronička građa] : javnopravni aspekti / Damir Primorac.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 381-384. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad se bavi aktualnim pitanjima sigurnosno-pravnog uređenja zaštite pučanstva od zaraznih bolesti s naglaskom na izolaciju osoba u vlastitom domu ili drugome odgovarajućem prostoru (samoizolacija) sa svrhom sprečavanja i suzbijanja zaraznih bolesti u kontekstu koronavirusa (COVID-19). Aktualna zdravstvena situacija uzrokovana koronavirusom (COVID-19) koja je poprimila pandemijske razmjere dala je odgovor na postojeće mehanizme u borbi protiv te zarazne bolesti, ali jednako tako i upozorila na određene sigurnosno-pravne nedostatke koje je bilo potrebno u hodu ispravljati odnosno nadopunjavati. U tom smislu autor u radu iznosi prikaz važećih pravnih rješenja kojima se uređuje ta problematika kao i prijedloge de lege ferenda. Autor jasno naznačuje bitnu ulogu nadležnih tijela Republike Hrvatske u sprečavanju i suzbijanju zaraznih bolesti, pa i glede nužnih  oblikovanja kvalitetnih zakonskih rješenja, ne podcjenjujući ulogu svih građana u njihovu provođenju. Naime, ako građani nisu odgovorni, samodisciplinirani i svjesni situacije u kojoj se nalaze, kao odgovor na takvo ponašanje moraju postojati kvalitetni pravni propisi na temelju kojih će, kao izraz društvene osude, biti primjereno kažnjeni. - The paper deals with current issues of the security-legal regulation of population protection against infectious diseases, with particular emphasis on isolation of people in their own home or other appropriate facility (self-isolation), in order to prevent and combat infectious diseases in the context of coronavirus (COVID-19). Current health situation caused by coronavirus (COVID-19), which has reached pandemic proportions, has given the answer to the existing mechanisms in the battle against that infectious disease, but it has also pointed out the security-legal deficiencies which needed corrections or updates during the disease. In that regard, the author presents the review of valid legal solutions which regulate this issue and also puts forward the proposals de lege ferenda. The author clearly indicates the significant role of competent authorities of the Republic of Croatia in the prevention and fight  against the infectious diseases and necessary design of legal solutions, without underestimating  the role of all citizens in the enforcement of those solutions. Indeed, if the citizens are not responsible, self-disciplined and aware of the situation, high quality legal regulations must exist as an  answer to such behaviour providing  regulations under which those citizens will be adequately sanctioned, as an  expression of social disapproval.
U: Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1849-0778. - 12 (2021), 1 ; str. 367-384  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zarazne bolesti -- Koronavirus -- Izolacija -- Samoizolacija -- Karantena -- Nadzor -- Pravni aspekti

BUHIN, Anita
Samoupravni preobražaj kulture kroz delegatsku prizmu : primjer Samoupravne interesne zajednice kulture općine Pula 1974. - 1990. / Anita Buhin.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 485-486. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 2 ; str. 467-487  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kultura -- Samoupravljanje -- Socijalizam
Savez komunista Jugoslavije


Vidi br.: HA21-03794

Vidi br.: HA21-04046

Vidi br.: HA21-03516

Vidi br.: HA21-03528

351.74   Policija

Tragom Rikarda Vikerta, posljednjega međuratnog upravitelja zagrebačke policije / Mario Stipančević. - Fotogr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 216-218. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 1 ; str. 185-219  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Policija -- Redarstvo -- Biografija
Vikert, Rikard


Vidi br.: HA21-03417

355/359   Vojni poslovi. Ratna vještina. Vojna znanost. Obrana. Oružane snage

"Katastrofa izbjegnuta za dlaku" : njemački izvori o Kninskoj bitci 1944. / Gaj Trifković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 568-569. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 2 ; str. 549-570  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kninska operacija -- Drugi svjetski rat


KLARIĆ, Danijel
Clausewitzov koncept gravitacijskog težišta i uloga Knina u vojno-redarstvenoj operaciji Oluja / Darijo Klarić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 36-38. - Summary.
U: Polemos (Zagreb). - ISSN 1331-5595. - 24 (2021), 1(48) ; str. 13-39  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vojne operacije -- Vojno-redarstvena akcija Oluja -- Operativno umijeće

Jugoslavenska narodna armija u Socijalističkoj Republici Hrvatskoj 1959. - 1969. godine / Bojan Dimitrijević.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 949-950. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 3 ; str. 925-951  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kopnena vojska -- Mornarica -- Ratno zrakoplovstvo
Jugoslavenska narodna armija


KAKO smo branili Domovinu : (uz 30. godišnjicu početka Domovinskog rata u Hrvatskoj). - Ilustr.
Sadržaj: Povjesnica i ratni put 13. PO trd / Damir Vuković. Specijalna jedinica policije PU Koprivničko-križevačke "Ban" / Ivica Jurenec.
U: Scientia Podraviana. - ISSN 1331-257X. - 33 (2021), 35 ; str. 5-12
Domovinski rat -- Vojne postrojbe -- Specijalna policija -- Vojne operacije -- Vojno-redarstvena operacija Bljesak -- Vojno-redarstvena akcija Oluja

Koncepcija općenarodne obrane i društvene samozaštite : militarizam samoupravnoga socijalizma / Davor Marijan.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 983-986. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 3 ; str. 953-987  
 Elektronička verzija članka

O "drskosti" Dubrovčana : mletačko-dubrovački sukob u ljeto 1630. godine / Lovro Kunčević.
Sadrži i: Izvještaj Gianbattiste Grimanija na tal. jeziku / Giovanni Battista Grimani: str. 110-113. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku. - ISSN 1330-0598. - 59 (2021) ; str. 81-114  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Diplomacija -- Sloboda mora -- Pomorski sukobi -- Arhivski dokumenti
Grimani, Giovanni Battista


AKMADŽA, Miroslav
Operativne mjere komunističkih represivnih službi prema Katoličkoj crkvi u Hrvatskoj od 1951. do 1965. godine / Miroslav Akmadža. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 10 jed. ; izvori: 1 jed. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 3 ; str. 901-923  
 Elektronička verzija članka

Zarazne bolesti kao izvor ugrožavanja političke sigurnosti : slučaj epidemije koronavirusa u Republici Hrvatskoj / Pavao Jergović.
Bibliografija: str. 57-61. - Summary.
U: Polemos (Zagreb). - ISSN 1331-5595. - 24 (2021), 2(49) ; str. 41-62  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Politička sigurnost -- Zarazne bolesti -- Pandemija COVID-19 -- Izvanredno stanje -- Biopolitika

Vidi br.: HA21-04058

Vidi br.: HA21-03437

Vidi br.: HA21-03440

Vidi br.: HA21-03519

364/365   Socijalna skrb. Sigurnost stanovanja

Vidi br.: HA21-03536

366   Potrošnja. Zaštita potrošača

Vidi br.: HA21-03459

Vidi br.: HA21-03425

Vidi br.: HA21-03520

368   Osiguranje

PERVAN, Maja, ekonomistica
A comparative analysis of the efficiency of life and non-life sectors in selected CEE countries / Maja Pervan, Tomislava Pavić Kramarić, Marijana Ćurak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 36 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 279-290  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sektor osiguranja -- Učinkovitost -- DEA metoda

PADOVAN, Adriana Vincenca
Prekogranično poslovanje društava za osiguranje na jedinstvenom tržištu Europske unije : pogled iz Hrvatske / Adriana Vincenca Padovan, Mirela Duvnjak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 30 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (1991). - ISSN 1330-349X. - 42 (2021), 3 ; str. 737-758  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Društva za osiguranje -- Prekogranično poslovanje -- Sloboda pružanja usluga osiguranja -- Sloboda poslovnog nastana

Redefiniranje obveze osiguratelja od automobilske odgovornosti s obzirom na upotrebu vozila u kontekstu prakse Suda EU-a [Elektronička građa] / Loris Belanić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 362-366. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Šteta nastala upotrebom vozila jedna je od pretpostavki nastanka obveze za osiguratelja od automobilske odgovornosti. Sadržaj pojma "upotreba vozila" nije posebno određen (definiran) u Zakonu o obveznim osiguranjima u prometu niti u direktivama Europske unije koje se odnose na obvezna osiguranja u prometu. To je razlog nastanka mnogobrojnih sporova iz pokrića osiguranja od automobilske odgovornosti. U radu se nastoji prikazati sadržaj pojma "upotreba vozila" koji je proizišao iz domaće i europske sudske prakse uz istodobno upozoravanje na neke razlike u njegovu shvaćanju koje se vezuju uz tendenciju proširenja obveze osiguratelja od automobilske odgovornosti. - Damage caused by or arising from the use of a vehicle is a prerequisite for the emergence of obligations on the part of car insurers. The scope of the term "vehicle use" is not precisely defined either by the Compulsory Car Insurance Act, or by the EU directives on compulsory traffic-related insurance, which explains numerous car insurance disputes. The paper aims to shed light on the scope of the term "vehicle use" in Croatian and EU case law, as well as shift attention to the term"s varying interpretations, because of which car insurers tend to meet more obligations.
U: Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske (Online). - ISSN 1849-0778. - 12 (2021), 1 ; str. 345-366  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Automobilska odgovornost -- Osiguranje od automobilske odgovornosti -- Upotreba vozila -- Osigurateljsko pokriće
Sud Europske unije


Vidi br.: HA21-03502

Vidi br.: HA21-03535

37   Obrazovanje

ŠVIGIR, Domagoj
Didaktika povijesti nedavnih nasilnih sukoba i njihova prezentacija na primjeru nekoliko kurikuluma povijesti s osvrtom na hrvatski slučaj / Domagoj Švigir. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 460-465. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 2 ; str. 441-466  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nastava povijesti -- Kurikulum povijesti -- Nasilni sukob -- Rat

DULČIĆ, Francisco Jose Leria
Do instructions overwhelm the preschool classroom? : Early childhood educators’ use of instructional vs regulative directive commands / Francisco José Lería Dulčić, Roxana Nora Acosta Peña, Patricia Ester Sasso Orellana, Daniela Andrea Collao Jofré. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 261-264. - Sažetak.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 2(92) ; str. 247-265  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obrazovanje -- Predškolsko obrazovanje -- Odgajatelji -- Upute -- Kvaliteta -- Jezično ponašanje -- Učenje jezika

ŠIMIĆ Šašić, Slavica
Korelati korištenja medija kod djece predškolske dobi / Slavica Šimić Šašić, Marija Rodić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Nova prisutnost. - ISSN 1334-2312. - 19 (2021), 1 ; str. 167-182  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Predškolska djeca -- Mediji -- Roditelji -- Osobni čimbenici -- Čimbenici rizika

LUKAŠ, Mirko
Lektirom do empatije : poticanje vještine uživljavanja učenika uz likove iz lektirnih djela po slobodnom izboru / Mirko Lukaš, Ines Begović.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija i izvori: str. 77-79. - Abstract.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 57-80  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lektira -- Empatija -- Socijalne kompetencije -- Slobodni izbor -- Ponašanje

Objektivnost i subjektivnost ocjenjivanja u nastavi tehničke kulture / Nikola Marangunić, Mia Osibov. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 29-30. - Abstract.
U: Politehnika. - ISSN 2584-5373. - 5 (2021), 1 ; str. 20-30  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nastava tehničke kulture -- Ocjenjivanje -- Ocjena -- Dokimologija

Perspektive učenja i poučavanja na daljinu sa stajališta nastave tehničke kulture : iskustva učitelja tijekom COVID-19 pandemije i perspektive za budućnost / Damir Purković, Zvonimir Lapov Padovan, Dino Delač. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 36-37. - Abstract.
U: Politehnika. - ISSN 2584-5373. - 5 (2021), 2 ; str. 29-37  
 Elektronička verzija članka
E-učenje -- Udaljeno učenje -- Tehnička kultura -- Tehnički odgoj i obrazovanje -- Pandemija COVID-19

Vidi br.: HA21-03426

Vidi br.: HA21-03806

Vidi br.: HA21-03318

Vidi br.: HA21-03278

Vidi br.: HA21-03351

Vidi br.: HA21-03708

Vidi br.: HA21-03862

Vidi br.: HA21-03408

373   Vrste općeobrazovnih škola. Predškolski odgoj

ANDREC, Marijana
2021. - godina čitanja / Marijana Andrec. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Korak dalje. - Bibliografija: 4 jed.
U: Dijete, vrtić, obitelj. - ISSN 1331-1948. - (2021), 99 ; str. 26-28
Djeca -- Predškolska dob -- Poticanje čitanja

VIDAČIĆ Maraš, Biljana
Fotografija kao pedagoški medij / Biljana Vidačić Maraš. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 5 jed.
U: Dijete, vrtić, obitelj. - ISSN 1331-1948. - (2021), 96 ; str. 26-29
Rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje -- Odgojno-obrazovni proces -- Fotografiranje

Građanske kompetencije i dijete rane i predškolske dobi / Asija Murica, Irena Babić, Marija Vidas. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Participacija i aktivno građanstvo. - Bibliografija: 4 jed.
U: Dijete, vrtić, obitelj. - ISSN 1331-1948. - (2021), 97 ; str. 15-17
Djeca -- Rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje -- Građanski odgoj

IVIĆ Hercigonja, Vesna
Imam pravo ići u školu / Vesna Ivić Hercigonja. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Participacija i aktivno građanstvo. - Bibliografija: 4 jed.
U: Dijete, vrtić, obitelj. - ISSN 1331-1948. - (2021), 97 ; str. 23-24
Djeca -- Prava djece -- Građanski odgoj -- Rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje

CRNIĆ, Ivana
Interesna grupa za promicanje prava djece u dječjem vrtiću : mjesto podrške i novih ideja / Ivana Crnić. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Participacija i aktivno građanstvo. - Bibliografija: 4 jed.
U: Dijete, vrtić, obitelj. - ISSN 1331-1948. - (2021), 97 ; str. 13-14
Djeca -- Prava djece -- Dječji vrtić -- Rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje

Jedan svijet - svatko se broji / Ivana Matovina, Ana Sindičić. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Participacija i aktivno građanstvo. - Bibliografija: 3 jed.
U: Dijete, vrtić, obitelj. - ISSN 1331-1948. - (2021), 97 ; str. 21-22
Djeca -- Dječji vrtić -- Rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje

BURIĆ, Helena
Koraci razvoja časopisa 'Dijete, vrtić, obitelj' / Helena Burić. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: 25 godina promjena. - Bibliografija: 9 jed.
U: Dijete, vrtić, obitelj. - ISSN 1331-1948. - (2021), 96 ; str. 9-15
Časopisi -- Predškolski odgoj -- Rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje

RADOŠ, Ivana, odgajateljica
Kukci / Ivana Radoš, Mihaela Milharčić. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Korak dalje. - Bibliografija: 1 jed.
U: Dijete, vrtić, obitelj. - ISSN 1331-1948. - (2021), 99 ; str. 22-25
Djeca -- Rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje -- Odgojno-obrazovni rad -- Zoologija

Mentalne mape u radu s djecom predškolske dobi / Nela Dundović. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Korak dalje. - Bibliografija: 2 jed.
U: Dijete, vrtić, obitelj. - ISSN 1331-1948. - (2021), 99 ; str. 16-18
Djeca -- Predškolska dob -- Odgojno-obrazovni rad -- Mentalne mape

Mentorski susreti za dobrobit djeteta / Ivana Bucifal, Sandra Moslavac. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Participacija i aktivno građanstvo. - Bibliografija: 8 jed.
U: Dijete, vrtić, obitelj. - ISSN 1331-1948. - (2021), 97 ; str. 25-29
Rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje -- Odgojno-obrazovna praksa -- Razvoj djeteta

Nataša Puškar, Srpski bukvari 1965. - 2011. Socijalno-semiotička analiza. : Zagreb: SKD »Prosvjeta«, 2021. : [prikaz] / Virna Karlić.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 2(92) ; str. 331-333  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Monografija -- Početnice -- Politički aspekti -- Socijalni aspekti -- Semiotička analiza
Puškar, Nataša


Odgoj i obrazovanje djece u duhu građanskog odgoja / Jadranka Eda Tomljanović. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Participacija i aktivno građanstvo.
U: Dijete, vrtić, obitelj. - ISSN 1331-1948. - (2021), 97 ; str. 9-12
Djeca -- Rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje -- Građanski odgoj

MUSIĆ Milanović, Sanja
Oglašavanje prehrambenih proizvoda : skriveni utjecaji na prehrambene navike i zdravlje djece / Sanja Musić Milanović, Maja Lang Morović. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Korak dalje. - Bibliografija: 10 jed.
U: Dijete, vrtić, obitelj. - ISSN 1331-1948. - (2021), 99 ; str. 30-32
Djeca -- Zdravlje -- Prehrana -- Reklama

Participacija djece kao prostor zajedničkog učenja / Jelena Vranješević. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Participacija i aktivno građanstvo. - Bibliografija: 14 jed.
U: Dijete, vrtić, obitelj. - ISSN 1331-1948. - (2021), 97 ; str. 2-5
Djeca -- Odgojno-obrazovni proces -- Razvoj djeteta -- Suradnja -- Sudjelovanje

ANTULIĆ Majcen, Sandra
Participacija djeteta u ostvarivanju kvalitete ustanove za RiPOO / Sandra Antulić Majcen, Sonja Pribela-Hodap, Karmen Uljanić. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Participacija i aktivno građanstvo. - Bibliografija: 7 jed.
U: Dijete, vrtić, obitelj. - ISSN 1331-1948. - (2021), 97 ; str. 6-8
Rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje -- Djeca -- Suradnja -- Sudjelovanje

FRANZ, Ivanka
Pokret kao strategija podrške djeci s teškoćama u razvoju na prijelazu iz vrtića u školu / Ivanka Franz, Renata Karaman. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Korak dalje. - Bibliografija: 12 jed.
U: Dijete, vrtić, obitelj. - ISSN 1331-1948. - (2021), 99 ; str. 9-11
Djeca s teškoćama u razvoju -- Učenje -- Kretanje -- Dječji vrtić -- Škola

Umjetnost i djeca / Lana Gospodnetić. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Korak dalje.
U: Dijete, vrtić, obitelj. - ISSN 1331-1948. - (2021), 99 ; str. 12-15
Djeca -- Likovno stvaralaštvo -- Kreativnost -- Likovna umjetnost

Uporaba digitalnih tehnologija sa svrhom poticanja tjelesne aktivnosti kod djece / Tea Panijan. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Korak dalje. - Bibliografija: 13 jed.
U: Dijete, vrtić, obitelj. - ISSN 1331-1948. - (2021), 99 ; str. 19-21
Djeca -- Tjelesna aktivnost -- Rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje -- Digitalne tehnologije

Zajednice promišljanja pisane riječi ili kako potaknuti grupnu refleksiju stručnim člancima / Sanja Brajković. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: 25 godina promjena. - Bibliografija: 16 jed.
U: Dijete, vrtić, obitelj. - ISSN 1331-1948. - (2021), 96 ; str. 16-21
Odgoj i obrazovanje -- Učenje -- Grupna refleksija

NOVAK, Nataša, odgajateljica
Živjeti prava djece u vrtiću / Nataša Novak. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Participacija i aktivno građanstvo. - Bibliografija: 6 jed.
U: Dijete, vrtić, obitelj. - ISSN 1331-1948. - (2021), 97 ; str. 18-20
Djeca -- Prava djece -- Dječji vrtić

Vidi br.: HA21-04015

Vidi br.: HA21-03903

376   Obrazovanje posebnih skupina osoba. Specijalne škole

Vidi br.: HA21-03578

378   Visokoškolsko obrazovanje. Sveučilišta. Akademski studij

DOBRE, Costinel
The perceived value of higher education and university competitiveness [Elektronička građa] : the rubik cube metaphor / Costinel Dobre, Gheorghe Preda, Anca Milovan, Remus Ionut Naghi, Sorin Ioan Prada. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 53-55. - Abstract. - Purpose. Over the past two decades, concerned with how stakeholders perceive the value of their services, universities have adopted entrepreneurial orientations and relationship marketing approaches into their activities. The fierce competition on the global higher education market, forced university managers to innovate, to look for new ways to build their offer. Relationship marketing and the knowledge regarding the stakeholders, primarily the students' perception of their offerings, can provide universities with a competitive advantage. As such, university managers need to carry out satisfaction surveys, inquiries regarding the universities image or the perceived value of the academic programs and services offered, need to plan and organize offline and online integrated marketing communication campaigns. Methodology/Design/Approach. Based on the resemblance of perceived value with a Rubik's cube, university marketers can constantly innovate through the way they match the various dimensions of perceived value or facets of the cube to meet the stakeholders' expectations. Result /Findings. This research highlights the dimensions of the perceived value of the educational offer and determines the extent to which factors such as the university image, the source of financing the studies and the duration of the student - university relationship have an influence on the perception of value. For this purpose we conducted a quantitative research on a sample of 320 students from the largest faculty from the West University of Timișoara, Romania. To perform the statistical data analysis, the following steps were carried out: (1) the reliability of the measurement scales analysis; (2) the opportunity to perform the factorial analysis verification; (3) the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and (4) the research hypotheses testing.
U: Review of innovation and competitiveness (Online). - ISSN 1849-9015. - 7 (2021), 1 ; str. 33-59  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Visoko obrazovanje -- Visoka učilišta -- Konkurentnost

Vidi br.: HA21-03786

Vidi br.: HA21-03671

Vidi br.: HA21-03864

Vidi br.: HA21-03865

Vidi br.: HA21-03867

Vidi br.: HA21-03871

Vidi br.: HA21-03321

Vidi br.: HA21-03322

Vidi br.: HA21-03514

39   Kulturna antropologija. Etnografija. Običaji. Tradicija. Način života

Croatian sacred waters : from fairies and healing water in the imaginarium to contemporary water/river art / Suzana Marjanić. - Ilustr., fotogr.
Tema broja: Waters of life : Aquatic sacred natural sites. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 140-142. - Sažetak.
U: Etnološka tribina. - ISSN 0351-1944. - 51 (2021), 44 ; str. 123-143  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Voda -- Etnotradicija -- Umjetnost

Filozofija slomljenoga i praksa presloženoga : antropološki aspekti eseja Alfreda Sohn-Rethela o napuljskom odnosu prema tehnici / [napisao i] s talijanskog jezika preveo Andrea Matošević.
Tema broja: Waters of life : Aquatic sacred natural sites. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 202. - Summary.
U: Etnološka tribina. - ISSN 0351-1944. - 51 (2021), 44 ; str. 186-203  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tehnika -- Tejlorizam
Sohn-Rethel, Alfred


RAHEEM, Oluwafunminiyi
Folk liturgies and narratives of holy wells among the Yoruba of southwest Nigeria / Oluwafunminiyi Raheem. - Fotogr.
Tema broja: Waters of life : Aquatic sacred natural sites. - Bibliografija: str. 121-122. - Sažetak.
U: Etnološka tribina. - ISSN 0351-1944. - 51 (2021), 44 ; str. 109-122  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Narodne liturgije -- Narod Yoruba -- Sveti bunari

Humor katastrofe i internetski memi u vrijeme pandemije koronavirusa na primjeru dvaju instagramskih profila / Željko Predojević. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Prilozi: Popisi internetskih mema: str. 16-20. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 13-16. - Abstract.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-21  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Humor -- Vic -- Internetski mem -- Digitalni folklor -- Pandemija COVID-19 -- Društvene mreže -- Instagram

Kultura Haenyeo s otoka Jeju kao primjer očuvanja nematerijalne kulturne baštine u Republici Koreji na nacionalnoj i međunarodnoj razini = Haenyeo culture from Jeju island as an example of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in the Republic of Korea nationally and internationally / Matija Dronjić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Tekst na engl. jeziku tiskan u obrnutom smjeru: str. 61-74. - Bibliografija i izvori: str. 70-72.
U: Etnološka istraživanja. - ISSN 0351-4323. - 26 (2021) ; str. 59-72  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nematerijalna kulturna baština -- Haenyeo -- Ribarstvo

Ornament i identitet : oblikovanje tradicije na primjeru nošnje Hrvatice = Ornament and identity : Forming a tradition on the example of the folk costume Hrvatica / Aida Brenko.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Tekst na engl. jeziku tiskan u obrnutom smjeru: str. 41-60. - Bibliografija i izvori: str. 56-57.
U: Etnološka istraživanja. - ISSN 0351-4323. - 26 (2021) ; str. 39-57  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Narodna nošnja -- Vezovi -- Hrvatski identitet
Seljačka sloga


Problematic sources : nineteenth-century investigations into Russian healing springs / Evgenii Platonov.
Tema broja: Waters of life : Aquatic sacred natural sites. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 88-90. - Sažetak.
U: Etnološka tribina. - ISSN 0351-1944. - 51 (2021), 44 ; str. 71-91  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sveti bunari -- Ljekoviti izvori -- Mineralne vode -- Balneologija

BELAJ, Marijana
Shrine politics and non-institutional religiosity : the Mrtvalj spring in the choreography of the pilgrimage shrine of St. John the Baptist at Podmilačje (Bosnia and Herzegovina) / Marijana Belaj.
Tema broja: Waters of life : Aquatic sacred natural sites. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 159-161. - Sažetak.
U: Etnološka tribina. - ISSN 0351-1944. - 51 (2021), 44 ; str. 144-162  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Svetišta -- Politika svetišta -- Hodočasnička svetišta -- Religioznost

Zadarski tanac : geneza i dinamika novonastale tradicije / Dora Dunatov. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Waters of life : Aquatic sacred natural sites. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 239. - Summary.
U: Etnološka tribina. - ISSN 0351-1944. - 51 (2021), 44 ; str. 222-240  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zadarski tanac -- Kulturno-umjetnički amaterizam -- Glazba -- Ples

Vidi br.: HA21-03973

Vidi br.: HA21-03776

Vidi br.: HA21-03329

Vidi br.: HA21-03397

Vidi br.: HA21-03352

Vidi br.: HA21-03412

Vidi br.: HA21-03362

Vidi br.: HA21-04010


502/504   Ekologija. Očuvanje prirodnih resursa. Opasnosti za okoliš. Zaštita okoliša

Treatment of leachate from the Technical landfill centre Aïn Defla (Algeria) by oxidation and biosorption process / Brahim Feraoun, Abd Elmouneïm Belhadj, Khaled Otmanine, Mounir Hammoudi. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 54 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Kemija u industriji. - ISSN 0022-9830. - 70 (2021), 11/12 ; str. 627-638  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Odlagalište otpada -- Procjedne vode -- Uklanjanje organskih tvari -- Potrošnja kisika -- Kemijska potrošnja kisika -- Biološka potrošnja kisika -- Biosorpcija -- Oksidacija

Vidi br.: HA21-03885

Vidi br.: HA21-03786

Vidi br.: HA21-03500

Vidi br.: HA21-03464

Vidi br.: HA21-03842

Vidi br.: HA21-03699

Vidi br.: HA21-03377

Vidi br.: HA21-03405

Vidi br.: HA21-03767

Vidi br.: HA21-03494

Vidi br.: HA21-03406

51   Matematika

A note on weighted estimates for bilinear fractional integral operators / Yasuo Komori-Furuya.
Bibliografija: 6 jed.
U: Mathematical inequalities & applications. - ISSN 1331-4343. - 24 (2021), 2 ; str. 515-519
Bilinearni operator -- Integralni operator -- Parcijalni integrali -- Integralne nejednakosti

AMYARI, Maryam
Approximate ω-orthogonality and ω-derivation / Maryam Amyari and Marzieh Moradian Khibary.
Bibliografija: 16 jed.
U: Mathematical inequalities & applications. - ISSN 1331-4343. - 24 (2021), 2 ; str. 463-476
Hilbertov prostor -- Numerički radijus -- Ortogonalnost -- Derivacije

Best constant of the critical Hardy-Leray inequality for curl-free fields in two dimensions / Naoki Hamamoto and Futoshi Takahashi.
Bibliografija: 11 jed.
U: Mathematical inequalities & applications. - ISSN 1331-4343. - 24 (2021), 2 ; str. 399-404
Hardyjeva nejednakost -- Vektorsko polje

ACU, Ana-Maria
Bounds for indices of coincidence and entropies / Ana Maria Acu, Gülen Başcanbaz-Tunca and Ioan Raşa. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 17 jed.
U: Mathematical inequalities & applications. - ISSN 1331-4343. - 24 (2021), 2 ; str. 307-321
Raspodjela vjerojatnosti -- Majorizacija -- Konveksne funkcije

Direct and inverse approximation theorems of functions in the Musielak-Orlicz type spaces / Fahreddin Abdullayev, Stanislav Chaichenko and Andrii Shidlich.
Bibliografija: 37 jed.
U: Mathematical inequalities & applications. - ISSN 1331-4343. - 24 (2021), 2 ; str. 323-336
Aproksimacija funkcije -- Glatke funkcije -- Orliczovi prostori

SAKER, Samir H.
Discrete Hardy's type inequalities and structure of discrete class of weights satisfy reverse Hölder's inequality / S. [Samir] H. Saker and R. [Ravi] P. Agarwal.
Bibliografija: 29 jed.
U: Mathematical inequalities & applications. - ISSN 1331-4343. - 24 (2021), 2 ; str. 521-541
Hardyjeva nejednakost -- Hölderova nejednakost -- Nizovi i sumabilnost

Exact converses to a reverse AM-GM inequality, with applications to sums of independent random variables and (super)martingales / Iosif Pinelis. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 12 jed.
U: Mathematical inequalities & applications. - ISSN 1331-4343. - 24 (2021), 2 ; str. 571-586
Aritmetička sredina -- Geometrijska sredina -- Jensenova nejednakost -- Slučajne varijable

KIAN, Mohsen
How the type of convexity of the core function affects the Csiszár f-divergence functional / Mohsen Kian.
Bibliografija: 16 jed.
U: Mathematical inequalities & applications. - ISSN 1331-4343. - 24 (2021), 2 ; str. 559-570
Divergencija -- Konveksnost -- Aritmetička sredina -- Geometrijska sredina

Inequalities from Lorentz-Finsler norms / Nicuşor Minculete, Christian Pfeifer and Nicoleta Voicu.
Bibliografija: 33 jed.
U: Mathematical inequalities & applications. - ISSN 1331-4343. - 24 (2021), 2 ; str. 373-398
Cauchy-Schwarzova nejednakost -- Finslerova mnogostrukost -- Aritmetičko-geometrijska nejednakost

FEKI, Kais
Joint numerical radius of spherical Aluthge transforms of tuples of Hilbert space operators / Kais Feki and Takeaki Yamazaki.
Bibliografija: 37 jed.
U: Mathematical inequalities & applications. - ISSN 1331-4343. - 24 (2021), 2 ; str. 405-420
Hilbertov operator -- Norma operatora -- Numerički radijus

JAMESON, Graham J. O.
The ℓp-norm of C-I, where C is the Cesàro operator / G. [Graham] J. O. Jameson.
Bibliografija: 5 jed.
U: Mathematical inequalities & applications. - ISSN 1331-4343. - 24 (2021), 2 ; str. 551-557
Cesàroov operator -- Hardyjeva nejednakost

CHAYES, Victoria M.
Matrix rearrangement inequalities revisited / Victoria M. Chayes. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 18 jed.
U: Mathematical inequalities & applications. - ISSN 1331-4343. - 24 (2021), 2 ; str. 431-444
Matrične nejednakosti -- Singularne vrijednosti -- Majorizacija

Means produced by distances / Volker Diels-Grabsch, Mowaffaq Hajja and Panagiotis T. Krasopoulos.
Bibliografija: 18 jed.
U: Mathematical inequalities & applications. - ISSN 1331-4343. - 24 (2021), 2 ; str. 351-372
Udaljenost točaka -- Logaritamska sredina -- Teorem srednje vrijednosti -- Stolarskyjeva sredina

HU, Zejun
New equiaffine characterizations of the ellipsoids related to an equiaffine integral inequality on hyperovaloids / Zejun Hu and Cheng Xing.
Bibliografija: 40 jed.
U: Mathematical inequalities & applications. - ISSN 1331-4343. - 24 (2021), 2 ; str. 337-350
Afina geometrija -- Integralne nejednakosti -- Elipsoid

GUO, Zhitao
On Stević-Sharma operator from the mixed-norm spaces to Zygmund-type spaces / Zhitao Guo, Linlin Liu and Yonglu Shu.
Bibliografija: 37 jed.
U: Mathematical inequalities & applications. - ISSN 1331-4343. - 24 (2021), 2 ; str. 445-461
Omeđenost -- Kompaktnost -- Zygmundovi prostori

KIM, Sejong
Operator inequalities and gyrolines of the weighted geometric means / Sejong Kim.
Bibliografija: 32 jed.
U: Mathematical inequalities & applications. - ISSN 1331-4343. - 24 (2021), 2 ; str. 491-514
Pozitivno definitni operatori -- Geometrijska sredina -- Operatorske nejednakosti

MENEGATTO, Valdir Antonio
Positive definiteness on products via generalized Stieltjes and other functions / V. [Valdir] A. [Antonio] Menegatto.
Bibliografija: 19 jed.
U: Mathematical inequalities & applications. - ISSN 1331-4343. - 24 (2021), 2 ; str. 477-490
Pozitivno definitne matrice -- Stieltjesova funkcija -- Bernsteinove funkcije

Remarks on the monotonicity and convexity of Jensen's function / Yang Huang, Yongtao Li and Josip Pečarić.
Bibliografija: 15 jed.
U: Mathematical inequalities & applications. - ISSN 1331-4343. - 24 (2021), 2 ; str. 543-549
Jensenova nejednakost -- Hardy-Littlewood-Pólya nejednakost -- Konveksnost

LI, Dongwei
Splitting of operators for frame inequalities / Dongwei Li.
Bibliografija: 20 jed.
U: Mathematical inequalities & applications. - ISSN 1331-4343. - 24 (2021), 2 ; str. 421-430
Pozitivni operator -- Hilbertov prostor -- Operatorske nejednakosti

Weighted composition operators and their products on L2(Σ) / M. R. Jabbarzadeh, M. Gheytaran.
Bibliografija: 25 jed.
U: Mathematical inequalities & applications. - ISSN 1331-4343. - 24 (2021), 2 ; str. 291-305
Katoova nejednakost -- Operator kompozicije -- Polarna dekompozicija

Vidi br.: HA21-03709

Vidi br.: HA21-03285

Vidi br.: HA21-03731

Vidi br.: HA21-03314

Vidi br.: HA21-03715

Vidi br.: HA21-03491

Vidi br.: HA21-03877

Vidi br.: HA21-03284

Vidi br.: HA21-03312

Vidi br.: HA21-03713

Vidi br.: HA21-03784

Vidi br.: HA21-03712

52   Astronomija. Astrofizika. Svemirska istraživanja

528   Geodezija

River floodplain 1D/2D hydraulic modelling combined with recent LiDAR DTM technology / Slobodan Kolaković, Srđan Kolaković, Julius Fabian, Goran Jeftenić, Slaviša Trajković. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 31 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 880-890  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hidraulički model -- Poplave -- Lidar -- Snimanje terena

UAV for 3D morphological mapping applications : a case study of Koru mining site, Canakkale, NW Turkey / Oya Erenoglu. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 32 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 1044-1050  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Geomorfologija -- Fotogrametrija -- UAV -- Bespilotne letjelice -- 3D model

Vidi br.: HA21-03762

Vidi br.: HA21-03757

Vidi br.: HA21-03773

Vidi br.: HA21-03754

53   Fizika

Mjerenje protoka plina na platformi Ivana A / Bruno Orešković. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 6 jed. - Summary.
U: Naše more (Dubrovnik). - ISSN 0469-6255. - 68 (2021), suppl. 3 ; str. 5-11  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mjerenje protoka -- Protok plina -- Pad tlaka -- Odobalni objekti -- Naftne platforme
Platforma Ivana A


Vidi br.: HA21-03707

54   Kemija. Kristalografija. Mineralogija

PAVLOVIĆ, Gordana, inženjerka kemije
Arsen i njegovi spojevi : otrovi, pigmenti, lijekovi / Gordana Pavlović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Kemija u industriji. - ISSN 0022-9830. - 70 (2021), 11/12 ; str. 729-735  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nastava kemije -- Arsen -- Otrovi -- Pigmenti -- Lijekovi -- Ekotoksikologija

RAOS, Nenad
Kako definirati veličinu atoma / Nenad Raos. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Kemija u industriji. - ISSN 0022-9830. - 70 (2021), 9/10 ; str. 581-587  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nastava kemije -- Kvantna kemija -- Atom -- Modeli atoma -- Kovalentni radijus -- Van der Waalsovi radijusiVan der Waalsovi radijusi

Ternary multicomponent adsorption modelling using ANN, LS-SVR, and SVR approach : case study / Amina Yettou, Maamar Laidi, Abdelmadjid El Bey, Salah Hanini, Mohamed Hentabli, Omar Khaldi, Mihoub Abderrahim. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Kemija u industriji. - ISSN 0022-9830. - 70 (2021), 9/10 ; str. 509-518  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Teški metali -- Umjetne neuronske mreže -- Regresija potpornih vektora -- Adsorpcija

RADIĆ, Irena, kemičarka
Validation of the ICP-MS method for determination of trace elements provided by ICH Q3D guideline in fosamprenavir calcium / Irena Radić, Mislav Runje, Matija Cvetnić, Maja Halužan, Mario-Livio Jeličić, Martina Miloloža, Dajana Kučić Grgić, Viktorija Prevarić, Šime Ukić, Tomislav Bolanča. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Kemija u industriji. - ISSN 0022-9830. - 70 (2021), 11/12 ; str. 701-709  
 Elektronička verzija članka
ICP-MS -- Mikrovalna digestija -- Farmaceutska tvar -- Fosamprenavir kalcij -- Tragovi metala

55   Geologija. Meteorologija. Hidrologija

Analiza odnosa temperatura zraka, temperature površine mora i oborina na otoku Visu / Ognjen Bonacci, Duje Bonacci, Matko Patekar. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 287-288. - Abstract ; Zusammenfassung.
U: Hrvatske vode. - ISSN 1330-1144. - 29 (2021), 118 ; str. 275-289  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Temperatura zraka -- Temperatura površine mora -- Oborine -- Mann-Kendall test -- Gaussen-Walterov dijagram

Ekstremne pojave na umjetnim jezerima na primjeru jezera Oroville (SAD) / Tanja Roje-Bonacci. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 300.
U: Hrvatske vode. - ISSN 1330-1144. - 29 (2021), 118 ; str. 297-300  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Umjetna jezera -- Hidrotehnika -- Oborine -- Prelijevanje -- Suše

Neka obilježja klime i klimatskih elemenata na području grada Zagreba = Some features of climate and climatic elements in the area of the city of Zagreb / Damir Ugarković, Matko Matijević, Ivica Tikvić, Krešimir Popić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 487-488. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Šumarski list (1945). - ISSN 0373-1332. - 145 (2021), 9/10 ; str. 479-488  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Klima -- Klimatski elementi -- Urbani ekosustav

Potres u Đakovštini 1964. godine : stradanje i tijek obnove katedrale svetoga Petra u Đakovu / Slađana Josipović Batorek.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 1111-1112. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 3 ; str. 1099-1113  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bäuerlein, Stjepan
Đakovačka i Srijemska biskupija -- Katedrala svetog Petra (Đakovo)


Prilog unapređenju sustava hidroloških mjerenja prijelaznih voda : hidraulička i spektralna analiza protoka na rijeci Neretvi / Nino Krvavica, Goran Lončar, Dijana Oskoruš, Igor Ružić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 273-274. - Abstract ; Zusammenfassung.
U: Hrvatske vode. - ISSN 1330-1144. - 29 (2021), 118 ; str. 255-274  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rijeke -- Prijelazne vode -- Mjerenje protoka -- Numerički model -- Spektralna analiza

Vidi br.: HA21-03347

57   Biološke znanosti. Fizička antropologija. Bioraznolikost

Microbiological quality of seawater and mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis, Lamarck 1819) in the Dubrovnik coastal area (southeastern Adriatic) / Svjetlana Bobanović-Ćolić, Jakša Bolotin, Nikša Glavić, Enis Hrustić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 38 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Naše more (Dubrovnik). - ISSN 0469-6255. - 68 (2021), 3 ; str. 137-149  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Heterotrofne bakterije -- Dagnje -- Mytilus galloprovincialis -- Escherichia coli

577   Biokemija. Molekularna biologija. Biofizika

RULJANČIĆ, Nedjeljka
Antipsychotics-induced hyperprolactinemia and screening for macroprolactin [Elektronička građa] / Nedjeljka Ruljancic, Ana Bakliza, Sandra Vuk Pisk, Natko Geres, Katarina Matic, Ena Ivezic, Vladimir Grosic, Igor Filipcic. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Summary. - Introduction: High prolactin (PRL) concentrations are found in laboratory test results of patients on majority of antipsychotic drugs. Prevalencerates and degrees of severity of hyperprolactinemia (HPRL) based on PRL concentration may depend on the presence of macroprolactin in the serum.The aim of the study was to investigate the difference between PRL concentrations before and after precipitation of macroprolactin and to examineif there were any changes in the categorization of HPRL between samples prior and after precipitation.Materials and methods: Total of 98 female patients (median age 33; range 19-47 years) diagnosed with a psychotic disorder, proscribed antipsychoticdrugs, and with HPRL were included. Total PRL concentration and PRL concentration after macroprolactin precipitation with polyethyleneglycol (postPEG-PRL) were determined by the chemiluminometric method on the Beckman Coulter Access2 analyser.Results: Total PRL concentrations (median 1471; IQC: 1064-2016 mlU/L) and postPEG-PRL concentrations (median 1453; IQC: 979-1955 mlU/L) weresignificantly correlated using intraclass correlation coefficient for single measurements (mean estimation 0.96; 95%CI 0.93-0.97) and average measurement(mean estimation 0.98; 95%CI 0.96-0.99), and all investigated female patient had HPRL according to PRL and postPEG-PRL concentration.The median PRL recovery following PEG precipitation was 95; IQC: 90-100%. There was substantial agreement (kappa test = 0.859, 95% CI: 0.764-0.953) between the categories of HPRL severity based on total PRL concentrations and postPEG-PRL concentrations.Conclusion: The study demonstrated that HPRL was present in all subjects using the reference interval for total PRL concentration and postPEG-PRLconcentration with no significant impact of macroprolactin presence in the serum on the categorization of patients according to severity of HPRL.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 1 ; str. 113-120  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biokemija -- Hiperprolaktinemija -- Makroprolaktin -- Prolaktin

TEŠIJA Kuna, Andrea
Assessment of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) [Elektronička građa] : national recommendations on behalf of the Croatian society of medical biochemistry and laboratory medicine / Andrea Tešija Kuna, Lovorka Đerek, Vedrana Drvar, Ana Kozmar, Katarina Gugo. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 79 jed. - Summary. - Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) represent a family of autoantibodies targeting ubiquitous cellular constituents and are a hallmark of systemic inflammatory autoimmune rheumatic diseases named connective tissue diseases (CTD). The gold standard method for ANA determination is indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) on the human laryngeal epidermoid carcinoma cell line type 2 substrate (HEp-2), but with increasing demand for ANA testing, novel methods eased for automation emerged, which allows testing by staff less experienced in this specific field of laboratory diagnostic. In 2016 The working group (WG) for laboratory diagnostics of autoimmune diseases as part of the Committee for the Scientific Professional Development of the Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CSMBLM) published the data of a survey regarding general practice in laboratory diagnostics of autoimmune diseases in Croatia. Results indicated high diversity in the performance of autoantibody testing as well as reporting of the results and indicated the need of creating recommendations for the assessment of ANA that would help harmonize diagnostics of systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases in Croatia. This document encompasses twenty-seven recommendations for ANA testing created concerning indications for ANA testing, preanalytical, analytical, and postanalytical issues, including rational algorithm and quality control assurance. These recommendations are based on the relevant international recommendations and guidelines for the assessment of ANA testing and relevant literature search and should help to harmonize the approach in ANA testing and clarify differences in interpretation of the results obtained using different methods of determination.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-20  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Medicinska biokemija -- Laboratorijska medicina -- Nacionalne smjernice -- Antinuklearna protutijela -- Autoimunost
Hrvatsko društvo za medicinsku biokemiju i laboratorijsku medicinu


TEŠIJA Kuna, Andrea
Comparison of diagnostic accuracy for eight SARS-CoV-2 serological assays [Elektronička građa] / Andrea Tešija Kuna, Milena Hanžek, Ines Vukasović, Nora Nikolac Gabaj, Valentina Vidranski, Ivana Ćelap, Marijana Miler, Nevenka Stančin, Brankica Šimac, Marcela Živković, Marko Žarak, Marta Kmet, Marijana Jovanović, Sanja Tadinac, Sandra Šupraha Goreta, Josipa Periša, Ivan Šamija, Mario Štefanović.
Bibliografija: 27 jed. - Summary. - Introduction: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) serological tests have been suggested as an additional diagnostic toolin highly suspected cases with a negative molecular test and determination of seroprevalence in population. We compared the diagnostic performanceof eight commercial serological assays for IgA, IgM, and IgG antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.Materials and methods: The comparison study was performed on a total of 76 serum samples: 30 SARS-CoV-2 polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-negative and 46 SARS-CoV-2 PCR-positive patients with asymptomatic to severe disease and symptoms duration from 3-30 days. The study included:three rapid lateral flow immunochromatographic assays (LFIC), two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), and three chemiluminescenceimmunoassays (CLIA).Results: Agreement between IgM assays were minimal to moderate (kappa 0.26 to 0.63) and for IgG moderate to excellent (kappa 0.72 to 0.92).Sensitivities improved with >10 days of symptoms and were: 30% to 89% for IgM; 89% to 100% for IgG; 96% for IgA; 100% for IgA/IgM combination;96% for total antibodies. Overall specificities were: 90% to 100% for IgM; 85% to 100% for IgG; 90% for IgA; 70% for IgA/IgM combination;100% for total antibodies. Diagnostic accuracy for IgG ELISA and CIA assays were excellent (AUC ≥ 0.90), without significant difference. IgA showedsignificantly better diagnostic accuracy than IgM (P <0.001).Conclusion: There is high variability between IgM assays independently of the assay format, while IgG assays showed moderate to perfect agreement.The appropriate time for testing is crucial for the proper immunity investigation.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-13  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Teški akutni respiratorni sindrom -- SARS-CoV-2 -- COVID-19 -- Serološki testovi

DAVES, Massimo
Comparison of Freelite and N-Latex serum free light chain assays [Elektronička građa] : a critical review / Massimo Daves, Andrea Piccin, Vincenzo Roccaforte, Giuseppe Lippi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 22 jed. - Summary. - The measurement of serum free light chain (FLC) represents a fundamental aspect on the assessment of patients with monoclonal gammopathies (MG). Different analytical methods for FLC have become available with the possibility to obtain different value with a substantial impact on the assessment of patients with MG. This study aimed to evaluate FLC results obtained with two different assays and how the difference value obtained can impact in the patient"s assessment. Ninety-three patient serum samples that underwent analysis for FLC with two different methods, Serum Freelite (The Binding Site, Birmingham, UK) and N-Latex FLC (Siemens, Marburg, Germany), were included in this retrospective study. Statistical analysis was performed to evaluate correlation, difference, and the grade of concordance between the results obtained with the two methods. Significant statistical differences between the results obtained from the two methods were found (P <0.05). A good correlation was found (0.99 for κ FLC, 0.95 for λ FLC, and 0.94 for the κ/λ ratio, respectively). We found a weighted kappa value of 0.65 for κ/λ ratio, 0.65 for λ FLC and 0.90 for κ FLC. A positive bias found with the Bland-Altman plot mirrors overestimation of κ FLC and κ/λ ratio with Freelite compared to N-Latex, whilst a negative bias underscores underestimation of λ FLC by Freelite compared to N-Latex. Although in general the concordance between Freelite and N-Latex appears satisfactory, several discrepancies could be evidenced and consequently the two assays are not interchangeable.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 3 ; str. 1-8  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Monoklonska gamapatija -- Serum -- Slobodni laki lanci -- Imunotestovi -- Laboratorijska dijagnostika

PALLADINO, Mariangela
Complete blood count alterations in COVID-19 patients [Elektronička građa] : a narrative review / Mariangela Palladino.
Bibliografija: 100 jed. - Summary. - Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic represents a scientific and social crisis. One of the main unmet needs for coronavirus disease 2019 is its unpredictable clinical course, which can rapidly change in an irreversible outcome. COVID-19 patients can be classified into mild, moderate, and severe. Several haematological parameters, such as platelets, white blood cell total count, lymphocytes, neutrophils, (together with neutrophil-lymphocyte and platelet-lymphocyte ratio), and haemoglobin were described to be associated with COVID-19 infection and severity. The purpose of these review is to describe the current state of the art about complete blood count alterations during COVID-19 infection, and to summarize the crucial role of some haematological parameters during the course of the disease. Decreased platelet, lymphocyte, haemoglobin, eosinophil, and basophil count, increased neutrophil count and neutrophil-lymphocyte and platelet-lymphocyte ratio have been associated with COVID-19 infection and a worse clinical outcome. Our study adds some novelty about the identification of effective biomarkers of progressive disease, and might be helpful for diagnosis, prevention of complications, and effective therapy.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 3 ; str. 1-13  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pacijenti -- Virusne bolesti -- COVID-19 -- Kompletna krvna slika -- Hematologija

The concurrence of the current postanalytical phase management with the national recommendations [Elektronička građa] : a survey of the Working Group for Postanalytics of the Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine / Anja Jokic, Vladimira Rimac, Jelena Vlasic Tanaskovic, Sonja Podolar, Lorena Honovic, Jasna Lenicek Krleza.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Summary. - The detection and prevention of errors in the postanalytical phase can be done through the harmonization and standardization of constituent parts of this phase of laboratory work. The aim was to investigate how well the ongoing management of the postanalytical phase corresponds to the document "Post-analytical laboratory work: national recommendations" in Croatian medical biochemistry laboratories (MBLs). All 195 MBLs participating in the national external quality assessment scheme, were invited to undertake a part in a survey. Through 23 questions the participants were asked about management of the reference intervals (RI), delta check, reflex/reflective testing, postanalytical quality indicators and other parts of the postanalytical phase recommended in the national recommendations. The results are presented in numbers and percentages. Out of 195 MBLs, 119 participated in the survey, giving a response rate of 61%. Not all of the respondents provided answers to all the questions. Delta check has not been used in 59% (70/118) of the laboratories. Only 22/113 (20%) laboratories use reflex and/or reflective testing. In 53% of the laboratories, critical results were reported within 30 minutes of the confirmation of the results. In 34% (40/118) of the laboratories, turnaround time and reporting of critical results are two most often monitored postanalytical quality indicators. The results showed the critical results reporting and monitoring of postanalytical quality indicators are in the line with the recommendations. However, the management of RI verification, the use of delta check and reflex/reflective testing still must be harmonized among Croatian MBLs.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 3 ; str. 1-9  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Postanalitička faza -- Klinički laboratorij -- Pokazatelji kvalitete
Hrvatsko društvo za medicinsku biokemiju i laboratorijsku medicinu


YILMAZ, Niyazi Samet
Contribution of the laboratory to a diagnosis process by sequential reflective testing [Elektronička građa] : paraprotein interference on a direct bilirubin assay / Niyazi Samet Yilmaz, Bayram Sen, Ozlem Gulbahar. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Summary. - Errors in laboratory medicine occur in the preanalytical, analytical, and postanalytical phases. The errors are mostly detected in the preanalytical period. However, analytical errors are still an important source of error, despite their frequency is reduced significantly in years thanks to developments in laboratories. In this case, an analytical error was noticed during the verification of a patient's results. The direct bilirubin of a 66-year-old male patient admitted to the emergency department was higher than the total bilirubin. The patient's symptoms were fatigue and dyspnoea. Albumin and haemoglobin (Hb) concentrations of the patient were significantly low. After considering the patient's demographics and laboratory results, the laboratory specialist suspected a paraproteinemia interference. Total protein was performed as a reflective test. The albumin/globulin ratio was reversed. Thereafter, serum protein electrophoresis (SPEP) and immunofixation electrophoresis (IFE) were performed as another reflective tests, respectively. SPEP and IFE results were in favour of monoclonal gammopathy. The patient was directed to a haematologist, underwent a bone marrow biopsy, and the result was reported as Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia with plasma cell differentiation expressing IgM-Kappa. The patient went on a chemotherapy protocol, and his condition has been improved in subsequent months. Detection of analytical errors is of great importance, like in our case, and may be used as a tool to identify patients who have not yet been diagnosed. The laboratory specialist must dominate the entire process of each test in the laboratory, be aware of the limitations of tests, and turn these disadvantages into advantages when necessary.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-8  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Laboratorijske pretrage -- Bilirubin -- Paraprotein -- Refleksno testiranje

Decision support system through automatic algorithms and electronic request in diagnosis of anaemia for primary care patients [Elektronička građa] / Enrique Rodriguez-Borja, Adela Pozo-Giraldez, Macarena Díaz-Gimenez, Ausias Hervas-Romero, Africa Corchon-Peyrallo, Inmaculada Vinyals-Bellido, Arturo Carratala Calvo.
Bibliografija: 22 jed. - Summary. - An appropriate management of anaemia laboratory tests is crucial for a correct diagnosis and treatment. A non-sequential "shotgun" approach (where every anaemia related test is ordered) causes workload and cost increases and could be potentially harmful. We have implemented a Decision Support System through our laboratory information system (LIMS) based on reflexive algorithms and automatic generation of interpretative reports specifically in diagnosis of anaemia for primary care patients.When a request contained an "Anaemia Suspicion Study" profile, more than twenty automatic reflexive rules were activated in our LIMS based upon laboratory results. These rules normally involved the addition of reflexive tests. A final report was automatically generated for each interpretation which was always reviewed for their validity by two staff pathologists. We measured the impact of this system in the ordering of most common anaemia related tests and if a proper treatment was established based on the interpretive report.From all the studies performed, only 12% were positive being "iron deficiency" and "anaemia of chronic disease" the most frequent causes, 62% and 17%, respectively. Proper treatment was established in 88% of these anaemic patients. Total iron, transferrin, ferritin, folate and vitamin B12 demand decreased substantially after implementation representing a cost reduction of 40% only for these five tests.Our system has easily improved patient outcomes, advising on individual clinical cases. We have also noticeably reduced the number of over-requested tests and laboratory costs.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-8  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Anemija -- Dijagnoza -- Algoritmi -- Laboratorijski informacijski sustav

LIPPI, Giuseppe
Defining laboratory medicine [Elektronička građa] : a circle cannot be squared / Giuseppe Lippi, Mario Plebani.
Bibliografija: 5 jed. - Summary. - At the down of the third millennium, it is rather misleading to consider the "whole population" as a conceptual entity, whereby the population is actually composed by single individuals, who differ broadly in terms of age, sex, ethnic origin, occupation, health, wellbeing, lifestyle and risk factors. While reaffirming strongly that laboratory medicine shall aim to provide data that could be translated into actionable information on "BOTH" an individual and universal level, we confute and refuse the naive and too simplistic approach that the common beneficence shall always be prioritized over the individual good, since the common good is just the sum of many individual beneficences.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-2  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Laboratorijska medicina -- Laboratorijska dijagnostika

WATINE, Joseph
Defining laboratory medicine, or squaring the circle? [Elektronička građa] / Joseph Watine.
Bibliografija: 3 jed. - Summary. - In the August 2020 issue of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Giuseppe Lippi and Mario Plebani proposed a definition of laboratory medicine, which ends with this sentence: "The results of these measurements are translated into actionable information for improving the care and/or maintaining the wellness of both a single individual and an entire population". Nevertheless, the selfishness of individuals may, sometimes, jeopardize the interest of whole populations. The virtue of justice being within the reach of the entire human community more than of single individuals, the final sentence in the definition proposed by Giuseppe Lippi and Mario Plebani, should therefore, in our view, be rewritten, less selfishly, for example like this: "For a given investment, these measurements are preferably made when they bring as much beneficence, and non-maleficence, as possible to the whole population".
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-2  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Laboratorijska medicina -- Edukacija -- Metodologija istraživanja -- Znanstveni rad

VAN Elslande, Jan
Delayed diagnosis and treatment of extreme hypertriglyceridemia due to rejection of a lipemic sample [Elektronička građa] / Jan Van Elslande, Samira Hijjit, Katrien De Vusser, Michel Langlois, Björn Meijers, Ann Mertens, Bart Van der Schueren, Glynis Frans, Pieter Vermeersch. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Summary. - Most laboratories routinely determine haemolysis, icterus and lipemia indices to identify lipemic samples and reject potentially affected results. Hypertriglyceridemia is the most common cause of lipemia and severe hypertriglyceridemia (≥ 11.3 mmol/L) is a major risk factor of acute pancreatitis.A 56-year-old woman attended the outpatient clinic for a follow-up visit 1 month after a kidney transplantation. Her immunosuppressive therapy consisted of corticosteroids, cyclosporine, and mycophenolic acid. The routine clinical chemistry sample was rejected due to extreme lipemia. The comment "extreme lipemic sample" was added on the report, but the requesting physician could not be reached. The Cobas 8000 gave a technical error (absorption >3.3) for the HIL-indices (L-index: 38.6 mmol/L) which persisted after high-speed centrifugation. The patient was given a new appointment 2 days later. The new sample was also grossly lipemic and gave the same technical error (L-index: 35.9 mmol/L).The second sample was manually diluted 20-fold after centrifugation to obtain a result for triglycerides within the measuring range (0.10–50.0 mmol/L). Triglycerides were 169.1 mmol/L, corresponding to very severe hypertriglyceridemia. This result was communicated to the nephrologist and the patient immediately recalled to the hospital. She received therapeutic plasma exchange the next day and did not develop acute pancreatitis.This case illustrates the delicate balance between avoiding the release of unreliable results due to lipemia and the risk of delayed diagnosis when results are rejected. Providing an estimate of the degree of hypertriglyceridemia might be preferable to rejecting the result.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-9  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hipertrigliceridemija -- Ekstraanalitička faza -- Lipemija -- Metabolizam lipoproteina

CAPALDO, Clément
Detection of monoclonal protein by capillary zone electrophoresis can be challenged by iodinated contrast agent interference [Elektronička građa] : a case report / Clément Capaldo, Mourad Cheddad El Aouni, Damien Laurelli, Cyril Leven, Jean-Luc Carré. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Summary. - The detection of monoclonal immunoglobulins is a key element in the diagnosis of monoclonal gammopathy. In clinical practice, screening and measurement of monoclonal proteins are commonly performed using capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE). Some exogenous substances, such as iodinated contrast agents, absorb incident UV light at the same wavelengths as the peptide bonds and may therefore interfere with the detection of proteins in CZE. We herein use the description of a case to illustrate that iodinated contrast agents can mask the presence of monoclonal immunoglobulins in CZE and we discuss the strategy needed to confirm this interference. Performing immunofixation, immunosubtraction, or a second CZE at a distance from the first blood sample is not only necessary to confirm the presence of an iodinated contrast media interference but also to ensure the absence of monoclonal proteins.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-4  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kapilarna elektroforeza -- Smetnje -- Jodna kontrastna sredstva -- Monoklonska gamapatija

ÇAT, Abdulkadir
Effect of haemolysis on an enzymatic measurement of ethanol [Elektronička građa] / Abdulkadir Çat, Kamil Taha Uçar, Alper Gümüş. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Summary. - Introduction: We investigated the interference of haemolysis on ethanol testing carried out with the Synchron assay kit using an AU680 autoanalyser(Beckman Coulter, Brea, USA).Materials and methods: Two tubes of plasma samples were collected from 20 volunteers. Mechanical haemolysis was performed in one tube,and no other intervention was performed in the other tube. After centrifugation, haemolysed and non-haemolysed samples were diluted to obtainsamples with the desired free haemoglobin (Hb) values (0, 1, 2, 5, 10 g/L). A portion of these samples was then separated, and ethanol was added tothe separated sample to obtain a concentration of 86.8 mmol/L ethanol. After that, these samples were diluted with ethanol-free samples with thesame Hb concentration to obtain samples containing 43.4, 21.7, and 10.9 mmol/L. Each group was divided into 20 equal parts, and an ethanol testwas carried out. The coefficient of variation (CV), bias, and total error (TE) values were calculated.Results: The TE values of haemolysis-free samples were approximately 2-5%, and the TE values of haemolysed samples were approximately 10-18%. The bias values of haemolysed samples ranged from nearly - 6.2 to - 15.7%.Conclusions: Haemolysis led to negative interference in all samples. However, based on the 25% allowable total error value specified for ethanol inthe Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA 88) criteria, the TE values did not exceed 25%. Consequently, ethanol concentration can bemeasured in samples containing free Hb up to 10 g/L.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-8  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Etanol -- Hemoliza -- Predanalitička pogreška

ERCAN, Müjgan
Effects of specimen haemolysis on complete blood count results by Abbott Alinity hq system [Elektronička građa] / Müjgan Ercan, Emiş Deniz Akbulut, Nihayet Bayraktar, Şerif Ercan.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Summary. - The current study aimed to assess the interference of in vitro haemolysis on complete blood count (CBC) using Abbott Alinity hq system, and to determine which haemolysis levels affect the reliability of sample results. Blood samples obtained from 25 volunteers in K3-EDTA tubes were divided into four aliquots. The first aliquot was not subjected to any intervention. The second, third and fourth aliquots were passed through a fine needle 2, 4 and 6 times, respectively. Complete blood count was performed by multi-angle polarized scatter separation technology and haemolysis index (HI) was assessed from the plasma samples separated by centrifugation. Five groups were formed according to the HI values. The percentage biases between the results of non-haemolysed and haemolysed groups were compared with the desirable bias limits from The European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine database and reference change values (RCVs). In groups 1 to 4, the effects of haemolysis on CBC parameters were acceptable comparing to the analytical bias except for lymphocytes (7.26%-7.42%), MCH (2.59%), and MCHC (0.47%-2.81%). Results of group 5 (gross haemolysis) showed decreases in HCT(- 4.56%), RBC (- 4.07%) count and increase in lymphocyte (11.60%) count higher than the analytical performance specifications. Moreover, variations in MCH (4.65%) and MCHC (5.24%) were exceeding the RCVs. Gross haemolysis (haemoglobin concentration >10 g/L) is likely to produce unreliable CBC results on non-pathological samples. Further studies including pathological specimens are needed.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 3 ; str. 1-7  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kompletna krvna slika -- Referentne vrijednosti -- Hemoliza -- Smetnje

PAAL, Michael
Estimation of inter-laboratory reference change values from external quality assessment data [Elektronička građa] / Michael Paal, Katharina Habler, Michael Vogeser. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Summary. - It is common for patients to switch between several healthcare providers. In this context, the long-term follow-up of medical conditions based on laboratory test results obtained from different laboratories is a challenge. The measurement uncertainty in an inter-laboratory context should also be considered in data mining research based on routine results from randomly selected laboratories. As a proof-of-concept study, we aimed at estimating the inter-laboratory reference change value (IL-RCV) for exemplary analytes from publicly available data on external quality assessment (EQA) and biological variation.External quality assessment data of the Reference Institute for Bioanalytics (RfB, Bonn, Germany) for serum creatinine, calcium, aldosterone, PSA, and of whole blood HbA1c from campaigns sent out in 2019 were analysed. The median CVs of all EQA participants were calculated based on 8 samples from 4 EQA campaigns per analyte. Using intra-individual biological variation data from the EFLM database, positive and negative IL-RCV were estimated with a formula based on log transformation under the assumption that the analytes under examination have a skewed distribution.We estimated IL-RCVs for all exemplary analytes, ranging from 13.3% to 203% for the positive IL-RCV and - 11.8% to - 67.0% for the negative IL-RCV (serum calcium - serum aldosterone), respectively.External quality assessment data together with data on the biological variation – both freely available – allow the estimation of inter-laboratory RCVs. These differ substantially between different analytes and can help to assess the boundaries of interoperability in laboratory medicine.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 3 ; str. 1-5  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Laboratorijska medicina -- Referentne vrijednosti -- Međulaboratorijska usporedba -- Vanjska procjena kvalitete -- Mjerna nesigurnost -- Biološka varijacija

Estimation of the measurement uncertainty and practical suggestion for the description of the metrological traceability in clinical laboratories [Elektronička građa] / Raúl Rigo-Bonnin, Noelia Díaz-Troyano, Laura García-Tejada, Albert Marcè-Galindo, Míriam Valbuena-Asensio, Francesca Canalias.
Bibliografija: 40 jed. - Summary. - Clinicians request a large part of measurements of biological quantities that clinical laboratories perform for diagnostic, prognostic or diseases monitoring purposes. Thus, laboratories need to provide patient's results as reliable as possible. Metrological concepts like measurement uncertainty and metrological traceability allow to know the accuracy of these results and guarantee their comparability over time and space. Such is the importance of these two parameters that the estimation of measurement uncertainty and the knowledge of metrological traceability is required for clinical laboratories accredited by ISO 15189:2012. Despite there are many publications or guidelines to estimate the measurement uncertainty in clinical laboratories, it is not entirely clear what information and which formulae they should use to calculate it. On the other hand, unfortunately, there are a small number of clinical laboratories that know and describe the metrological traceability of their results, even though they are aware of the lack of comparability that currently exists for patient's results. Thus, to try to facilitate the task of clinical laboratories, this review aims to provide a proposal to estimate the measurement uncertainty. Also, different suggestions are shown to describe the metrological traceability. Measurement uncertainty estimation is partially based on the ISO/TS 20914:2019 guideline, and the metrological traceability described using the ISO 17511:2020. Different biological quantities routinely measured in clinical laboratories are used to exemplify the proposal and suggestions.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-12  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biostatistika -- Kontrola kvalitete -- Standardizacija -- Sljedivost

Evaluation of a new equation for estimating low-density lipoprotein cholesterol through the comparison with various recommended methods [Elektronička građa] / Eduardo Martínez-Morillo, María García-García, María Angeles Luengo Concha, Luis Rello Varas. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary. - Introduction: The accurate estimation of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) is crucial for management of patients at risk of cardiovascularevents due to dyslipidemia. The LDL is typically calculated using the Friedewald equation and/or direct homogeneous assays. However, both methodshave their own limitations, so other equations have been proposed, including a new equation developed by Sampson. The aim of this studywas to evaluate Sampson equation by comparing with the Friedewald and Martin-Hopkins equations, and with a direct LDL method.Materials and methods: Results of standard lipid profile (total cholesterol (CHOL), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) and triglycerides (TG)) were obtained from two anonymized data sets collected at two laboratories, using assays from different manufacturers (Beckman Coulter andRoche Diagnostics). The second data set also included LDL results from a direct assay (Roche Diagnostics). Passing-Bablok and Bland-Altman analysisfor method comparison was performed.Results: A total of 64,345 and 37,783 results for CHOL, HDL and TG were used, including 3116 results from the direct LDL assay. The Sampson andFriedewald equations provided similar LDL results (difference ≤ 0.06 mmol/L, on average) at TG ≤ 2.0 mmol/L. At TG between 2.0 and 4.5 mmol/L,the Sampson-calculated LDL showed a constant bias (- 0.18 mmol/L) when compared with the Martin-Hopkins equation. Similarly, at TG between4.5 and 9.0 mmol/L, the Sampson equation showed a negative bias when compared with the direct assay, which was proportional (- 16%) to the LDLconcentration.Conclusions: The Sampson equation may represent a cost-efficient alternative for calculating LDL in clinical laboratories.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-12  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kolesterol -- Lipoproteini -- Lipoproteini male gustoće -- Trigliceridi

ZHOU, Qianqian
Impact of combining data from multiple instruments on performance of patient-based real-time quality control [Elektronička građa] / Qianqian Zhou, Tze Ping Loh, Tony Badrick, Qianqian Zhou. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Summary. - It is unclear what is the best strategy for applying patient-based real-time quality control (PBRTQC) algorithm in the presence of multiple instruments. This simulation study compared the error detection capability of applying PBRTQC algorithms for instruments individually and in combination using serum sodium as an example.Four sets of random serum sodium measurements were generated with differing means and standard deviations to represent four simulated instruments. Moving median with winsorization was selected as the PBRTQC algorithm. The PBRTQC parameters (block size and control limits) were optimized and applied to the four simulated laboratory data sets individually and in combination.When the PBRTQC algorithm were individually optimized and applied to the data of the individual simulated instruments, it was able to detect bias several folds faster than when they were combined. Similarly, the individually applied algorithms had perfect error detection rates across different magnitudes of bias, whereas the error detection rates of the algorithm applied on the combined data missed smaller biases. The performance of the individually applied PBRTQC algorithm performed more consistently among the simulated instruments compared to when the data were combined.While combining data from different instruments can increase the data stream and hence, increase the speed of error detection, it may widen the control limits and compromising the probability of error detection. The presence of multiple instruments in the data stream may dilute the effect of the error when it only affects a selected instrument.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-7  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Laboratorij -- Kontrola kvalitete -- Pomični prosjek -- Pacijenti

SRIRAM, Harshini
Improved protocol for plasma microRNA extraction and comparison of commercial kits [Elektronička građa] / Harshini Sriram, Twinkle Khanka, Shweta Kedia, Priyanka Tyagi, Sitaram Ghogale, Nilesh Deshpande, Gaurav Chatterjee, Sweta Rajpal, Nikhil V Patkar, Papagudi G Subramanian, Sumeet Gujral, Syed Hasan, Prashant R Tembhare. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Summary. - MicroRNAs are small, non-coding RNA molecules that are becoming popular biomarkers in several diseases. However, their low abundance in serum/plasma poses a challenge in exploiting their potential in clinics. Several commercial kits are available for rapid isolation of microRNA from plasma. However, reports guiding the selection of appropriate kits to study downstream assays are scarce. Hence, we compared four commercial kits to evaluate microRNA-extraction from plasma and provided a modified protocol that further improved the superior kit's performance. We compared four kits (miRNeasy Serum/Plasma, miRNeasy Mini Kit from Qiagen; RNA-isolation, and Absolutely-RNA MicroRNA Kit from Agilent technologies) for quality and quantity of microRNA isolated, extraction efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. Bioanalyzer-based Agilent Small RNA kit was used to evaluate quality and quantity of microRNA. Extraction efficiency was evaluated by detection of four endogenous control microRNA using real-time-PCR. Further, we modified the manufacturer"s protocol for miRNeasy Serum/Plasma kit to improve yield. miRNeasy Serum/Plasma kit outperformed the other three kits in microRNA-quality (P <0.005) and yielded maximum microRNA-quantity. Recovery of endogenous control microRNA i.e. hsa-miR-24-3p, hsa-miR-191-5p, hsa-miR-423-5p and hsa-miR-484 was higher as well. Modification with the inclusion of a double elution step enhanced yield of microRNA extracted with miRNeasy Serum/Plasma kit significantly (P <0.001). We demonstrated that miRNeasy Serum/Plasma kit outperforms other kits and can be reliably used with a limited plasma quantity. We have provided a modified microRNA-extraction protocol with improved microRNA output for downstream analyses.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 3 ; str. 1-9  
 Elektronička verzija članka
MikroRNA -- Biomarkeri -- Plazma -- Reagensi

ZELJKOVIC, Aleksandra
Indirect reference intervals for haematological parameters in capillary blood of pre-school children [Elektronička građa] / Aleksandra Zeljkovic, Zsófia Csuzdi Balog, Eva Dukai, Jelena Vekic, Zorana Jelic-Ivanovic, Vesna Spasojevic-Kalimanovska.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary. - Introduction: Indirect estimation of reference intervals (RIs) is straightforward and inexpensive procedure for determination of intra-laboratoryRIs. We applied the indirect approach to assess RIs for haematological parameters in capillary blood of pre-school children, using results stored inour laboratory database.Materials and methods: We extracted data from laboratory information system, for the results obtained by automatic haematology analyser incapillary blood of 154 boys and 146 girls during pre-school medical examination. Data distribution was tested, and logarithmic transformation wasapplied if needed. Reference intervals were calculated by the nonparametric percentile method.Results: Reference intervals were calculated for: RBC count (4.2-5.4 x1012/L), haemoglobin (114-146 g/L), MCH (25.0-29.4 pg), MCHC (321-368 g/L),RDW-SD (36.1-43.5 fL), WBC count (4.5-12.3 x109/L), neutrophils count (1.7-6.9 x109/L) and percentage (29.0-69.0%), lymphocytes count (1.6-4.4x109/L) and percentage (21.9-60.7%), PLT (165-459 x109/L), MPV (8.1-11.4 fL) and PDW (9.2-14.4%). Gender specific RIs were calculated for monocytescount (male (M): 0.2-1.6 x109/L; female (F): 0.1-1.4 x109/L) and percentage (M: 2.5-18.3%; F: 1.8-16.7%), haematocrit (M: 0.34-0.42 L/L; F:0.34-0.43 L/L), MCV (M: 73.4-84.6 fL; F: 75.5-84.2 fL) and RDW (M: 12.1-14.3%; F: 11.7-13.9%), due to observed gender differences in these parameters(P = 0.031, 0.028, 0.020, 0.012 and 0.001; respectively). Estimated RIs markedly varied from the literature based RIs that are used in the laboratory.Conclusions: Indirect method employed in this study enables straightforward assessment of RIs in pre-school children. Herein derived RIs differedfrom the literature-based ones, indicating the need for intra-laboratory determination of RIs for specific populations and sample types.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-9  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hematologija -- Referentni intervali -- Kapilarna krv -- Djeca predškolske dobi -- Pedijatrija

LAPIĆ, Ivana
Laboratory professionals' attitudes towards ISO 15189:2012 accreditation [Elektronička građa] : an anonymous survey of three Croatian accredited medical laboratories / Ivana Lapić, Dunja Rogić, Matea Ivić, Marina Tomičević, Mirjana Mariana Kardum Paro, Lovorka Đerek, Ines Alpeza Viman.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Summary. - Effective implementation and continual compliance with ISO 15189:2012 require ongoing commitment and active involvement of laboratory staff. Our aim was to assess attitudes regarding accreditation implementation by conducting a survey in three Croatian accredited medical laboratories.An anonymous survey consisting of 34 questions was distributed either electronically or in a paper form a week prior to scheduled annual audits. Distributions of answers regarding age, work experience, laboratory workplace, and education level and according to the respective laboratory were compared.The overall response rate was 76% (225/297). Preference towards working in an accredited laboratory and a positive attitude were revealed by 70% and 56% participants, respectively, with better process documentation as the main advantage. Only 14% of responders considered themselves completely familiar with ISO 15189:2012. Total of 68% of responders felt that accreditation increases the usual workload, with excessive paperwork as the main contributor. Half of the responders declared partial agreement that accreditation requirements and expectations were clearly explained and claimed that their suggestions were taken into account only occasionally, which was especially emphasized by technical staff. The vast majority (89%) completely follow the prescribed protocols. Only 27% consider turnaround time monitoring useful. Competence assessment is considered efficient by 41% of responders. The majority (73%) prefer an online audit in times of COVID-19.Despite an overall positive attitude towards accreditation, further efforts are needed in providing better education about ISO 15189:2012 for technical staff and modifying formats of competence assessment, in order to achieve better adherence to ISO 15189:2012 requirements.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-11  
 Elektronička verzija članka
ISO 15189:2012
Norme -- Laboratoriji -- Akreditacija laboratorija -- Laboratorijska medicina


Macrolipasemia secondary to colon cancer chemotherapy [Elektronička građa] : a case report / Hatice Saracoglu, Gulden Baskol, Mevlut Baskol. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Summary. - We reported macrolipasemia in a colon cancer patient during the chemotherapy period without any evidence of pancreatitis. A 52-year-old man formerly treated for papillary thyroid carcinoma had elevated a carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) concentration in the latest control and was diagnosed with colon cancer. Xelox chemotherapy (oxaliplatin and capecitabine) protocol was planned for six months. Interestingly, the lipase activities gradually increased from 30 U/L to 434 U/L, and exceeded three times the upper limit of the reference range (13-60 U/L). There were no symptoms of pancreatitis, and the abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan was also normal. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) recovery % values of serum samples gradually decreased and were 27% in the recent sample before the end of chemotherapy. Interestingly, the serum lipase activity fell a month after chemotherapy, and PEG recovery % increased (39%). We considered the following possibilities: (1) macrolipasemia due to chemotherapy drugs, (2) macrolipasemia due to antibodies against chemotherapy drugs.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 3 ; str. 1-4  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Makroamilazemija -- Kemoterapija -- Pankreatitis -- Antineoplastični lijekovi

HAN, Yan-Qiu
Performance of D-dimer for predicting sepsis mortality in the intensive care unit [Elektronička građa] / Yan-Qiu Han, Li Yan, Lei Zhang, Pei-Heng Ouyang, Peng Li, Giuseppe Lippi, Zhi-De Hu. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Summary. - The prognostic value of D-dimer (DD) in sepsis remains controversial. This study aimed to investigate the performance of DD for predicting sepsis mortality in the hospital and for identifying its potential correlates.The clinical and laboratory data of adult sepsis patients were extracted from the Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care III (MIMIC III, v1.4) database using the structured query language (SQL). The database contains critical illness admitted to the intensive care unit at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center between June 2001 and October 2012. The association between DD and mortality was investigated with receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, restricted cubic spline and logistic regression analysis. Subgroup analysis was also used for identifying DD correlates.The study population consisted of 358 sepsis patients. Those who died during hospital stay (N = 160) had significantly higher DD values than those who survived (N = 198). The area under the ROC curve (AUC) of DD was 0.59 (P <0.010). In subgroup analysis, white blood cell (WBC) count >18 x109/L and vasopressor therapy significantly decreased DD diagnostic performance. Categorical DD value was independently associated with hospital mortality after sequential organ failure score (SOFA) and blood lactate adjustment. Restricted cubic spline analysis revealed a U-shape relationship between DD and in-hospital mortality.We conclude that the accuracy of DD for predicting in-hospital sepsis mortality depends on WBC count and vasopressor therapy. Both low and extremely elevated DD values are associated with higher risk of death.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-9  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sepsa -- Intenzivna njega -- Ishod liječenja -- Diseminirana intravaskularna koagulacija

Pre-amplification as a method for improvement of quantitative RT-PCR analysis of circulating miRNAs [Elektronička građa] / Ankica Sekovanić, Adrijana Dorotić, Jasna Jurasović, Daria Pašalić, Jelena Kovačić, Sandra Stasenko, Tatjana Mioč, Martina Piasek, Tatjana Orct. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 10 jed. - Summary. - Introduction: The assessment of circulating miRNAs is challenging and still limited due to their low concentrations, small size and lack of referencevalues in human biological samples. Pre-amplification of complementary DNAs may facilitate reliable miRNA quantification. The aim of our studywas to evaluate the efficacy of pre-amplification as a step to increase the sensitivity of qPCR analysis for five candidate circulating miRNAs presumablyrelated to toxic metals and cigarette smoke exposure: miR-1537, miR-190b, miR-16, miR-21, and miR-146a.Materials and methods: Candidate miRNAs expression was analysed in plasma samples of 19 mother-newborn pairs. For isolation, transcription,pre-amplification and qPCR quantification kits and protocols by Qiagen (Hilden, Germany) were used. Paired t-test or Wilcoxon rank test were usedto compare miRNAs expression levels with and without a pre-amplification step prior to qPCR, separately in maternal and cord plasma. Intraclasscorrelation (ICC) was calculated as an agreement measure between procedures for each miRNA.Results: Pre-amplification facilitated the detection of all assayed miRNAs with an overall cycle threshold (CT) improvement of 6.6 ± 0.89 (P <0.05).Excellent ICCs (>0.90) were found between data for preamplified and not preamplified miR-16, miR-21 and miR-146a. However, these correlationsfor low expressed miR-190b were moderate (0.79 in maternal; 0.61 in cord plasma) and poor for miR-1537 (0.49 in maternal; no correlation in cordplasma).Conclusion: Pre-amplification is a useful, necessary step in the analysis of miR-1537 and miR-190b as a reliable procedure facilitating extracellularmiRNA expression detection in human plasma by real-time PCR quantification.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-6  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Krvna plazma -- MikroRNA -- Epigenetika -- RT-PCR

Recommendations for the application and follow-up of quality controls in medical laboratories [Elektronička građa] / Jean-Marc Giannoli, Stéphanie Albarede, Thierry Avellan, Jean-Pierre Bouilloux, Régine Cartier, Richard Cohen, Nathalie Colard, Luc Essemilaire, Jean-Louis Galinier, Mathieu Kuentz, Mickaël Paris, Henri Portugal, Florian Scherrer, Jean-Pascal Siest, Anne Vassault, Jean-Michel Vialle. - Ilustr.
Objavljeno u časopisu Annales de biologie clinique br. 77/2019 pod naslovom "Recommandations pour la mise en place et le suivi des contrôles de qualité dans les laboratoires de biologie médicale". - Bibliografija: 37 jed. - Summary. - The recommendations proposed in this document are the result of work conducted jointly by the Network of Accredited Medical Laboratories (LABAC), the French Society of Medical Biology (SFBC) and the Federation of Associations for External Quality Assessment (FAEEQ). The different steps of the implementation of quality controls, based on a risk analysis, are described. The changes of reagent or internal quality control (IQC) materials batches, the action to be taken in case of non-conform IQC results, the choice of external quality assessment (EQA) scheme and interpretation of their results as well as the new issue of analyses performed on several automatic systems available in the same laboratory are discussed. Finally, the concept of measurement uncertainty, the robustness of the methods as well as the specificities of near-patient testing and rapid tests are described. These recommendations cannot apply for all cases we can find in medical laboratories. The implementation of an objective alternative strategy, supported with documented evidence, might be equally considered.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-23  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Laboratoriji -- Analiza rizika -- Unutarnja kontrola kvalitete -- Vanjska procjena kvalitete

Reporting of activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) [Elektronička građa] : Could we achieve better comparability of the results? / Ana Bronić, Sandra Margetić, Desiree Coen Herak, Marija Milić, Branka Krešić, Vanja Radišić Biljak, Jasna Leniček Krleža.
Bibliografija: 11 jed. - Summary. - Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) is determined and reported as clotting time in seconds aPTT(s), but it is presumed that reporting results as patient-to-normal clotting time ratio, aPTT(r), could minimize within-laboratory variability. The aim of study was to investigate differences in reporting aPTT results that can affect comparability of the results among Croatian laboratories and suggest further steps for its harmonization.The questionnaire on aPTT reporting practice was distributed to 83 laboratories through Survey Monkey application in March 2019 as the part of the first regular round of Croatian Centre for Quality Assessment in Laboratory Medicine proficiency testing.The survey response rate was 0.49. Majority of laboratories report aPTT results as both, seconds and ratio. Participants reported use of 23 different aPTT(s) reference intervals along with 17 different combinations of reagent/coagulometer and 25 aPTT(s) denominators of different origin for aPTT(r) calculation. Despite the same aPTT(s) results, the use of different denominators caused a dispersion of aPTT(r) results that can lead to exceeding external quality assessment performance criteria of 7%, particularly when results were compared for the same reagent group only. By applying aPTT(s) reference interval mean as denominator for calculation of aPTT(r) reference interval better concordance to harmonized one was obtained (17 vs. 27; χ2 = 3.972; P = 0.046).In order to improve comparability of the results, laboratories are advised to use mean of aPTT(s) reference interval as denominator for aPTT(r) calculation. Type of coagulometer need to be considered when evaluating aPTT proficiency test results and its currently acceptable limit of performance evaluated accordingly.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-7  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Koagulacija -- Aktivirano parcijalno tromboplastinsko vrijeme -- Laboratoriji -- Procjena kvalitete -- Laboratorijska medicina

SERDAR, Ceyhan Ceran
Sample size, power and effect size revisited [Elektronička građa] : simplified and practical approaches in pre-clinical, clinical and laboratory studies / Ceyhan Ceran Serdar, Murat Cihan, Doğan Yücel, Muhittin A Serdar. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 104 jed. - Summary. - Calculating the sample size in scientific studies is one of the critical issues as regards the scientific contribution of the study. The sample size critically affects the hypothesis and the study design, and there is no straightforward way of calculating the effective sample size for reaching an accurate conclusion. Use of a statistically incorrect sample size may lead to inadequate results in both clinical and laboratory studies as well as resulting in time loss, cost, and ethical problems. This review holds two main aims. The first aim is to explain the importance of sample size and its relationship to effect size (ES) and statistical significance. The second aim is to assist researchers planning to perform sample size estimations by suggesting and elucidating available alternative software, guidelines and references that will serve different scientific purposes.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-27  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Biostatistika -- Veličina učinka -- Veličina uzorka -- Medicinska biokemija

POLONI, José A. T.
Survey on reporting of epithelial cells in urine sediment as part of external quality assessment programs in Brazilian laboratories [Elektronička građa] / José A. T. Poloni, Adriana de Oliveira Vieira, Caroline R. M. dos Santos, Ana-Maria Simundic, Liane N. Rotta.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Summary. - Epithelial cells (ECs) are structures regularly observed during urine microscopy analysis. The correct identification of EC subtypes can be useful since renal tubular epithelial cells (RTECs) are clinically relevant. We investigate the urinary ECs report and the judgement of its clinical importance by Brazilian laboratories. A survey with four questions was made available to participants of the Urinalysis External Quality Assessment Program (EQAP) from Controllab. Laboratories composed 3 groups: (1) differentiating ECs subtypes: "squamous", "transitional" and "RTECs"; (2) differentiating ECs subtypes: "squamous" or "non-squamous" cells; (3) without ECs subtype identification. Participants did not necessarily answer to all questions and the answers were evaluated both within the same laboratory's category and within different categories of laboratories. A total of 1336 (94%) laboratories answered the survey; Group 1, 119/140 (85%) reported that ECs differentiation is important to the physician and 62% want to be evaluated by EQAP, while in Group 3, 455/1110 (41%) reported it is useful to them, however only 25% want be evaluated by EQAP. Group 2 laboratories 37/51 (73%) reported that the information is important, but only 13/52 (25%) are interested in an EQAP with differentiation of the 3 ECs subtypes.Most of the laboratories do not differentiate ECs in the three subtypes, despite the clinical importance of RTECs. Education of laboratory staff about the clinical significance of urinary particles should be considered a key priority.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-6  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Urin -- Analiza urina -- Epitelne stanice -- Laboratorijske pretrage

HICKS, Allan J.
Using clinical guidelines to assess the potential value of laboratory medicine in clinical decision-making [Elektronička građa] / Allan J. Hicks, Zoe L. Carwardine, Mike J. Hallworth, Eric S. Kilpatrick.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Summary. - Introduction: It is often quoted that 70% of clinical decisions are based on laboratory results, but the evidence to substantiate this claim is lacking.Since clinical guidelines aim to document best-practice decision making for specific disease conditions, inclusion of any laboratory test means thatthe best available evidence is recommending clinicians use it. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the world"s most common cause of mortality, so thisstudy reviewed all CVD guidelines published by five national/international authorities to determine what proportion of them recommended laboratorytesting.Materials and methods: Five leading CVD guidelines were examined, namely the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), the UK National Institutefor Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), the American College of Cardiology (ACC), the Australian Heart Foundation (AHF) and the Cardiac Society ofAustralia and New Zealand (CSANZ).Results: A total of 101 guidelines were reviewed. Of the 33 individual ESC guidelines relating to CVD, 24/33 made a direct reference to the use ofclinical laboratory tests in either diagnosis or follow-up treatment. The same applied to 15/20 of NICE guidelines, 24/32 from the ACC and 15/16 fromthe AHF/CSANZ. Renal function and blood count testing were the most recommended (39 and 26 times), with lipid, troponin and natriuretic peptidemeasurement advocated 25, 19 and 19 times respectively.Conclusions: This study has shown that laboratory testing is advocated by between 73% and 94% of individual CVD guideline recommendationsfrom five national/international authorities. This provides an index to assess the potential value of laboratory medicine to healthcare.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-11  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kardiovarskularne bolesti -- Kliničko-laboratorijska dijagnostika

Utility of icteric index in clinical laboratories [Elektronička građa] : more than a preanalytical indicator / Rufino Mondejar, María Mayor Reyes, Enrique Melguizo Madrid, Consuelo Cañavate Solano, Santiago Pérez Ramos. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Summary. - Total bilirubin tests are highly demanded in clinical laboratories. Since icteric index (I-index) has zero cost, we aimed to evaluate its clinical utility and cost-effectiveness to determine if total bilirubin is necessary to be tested. We took into account if haemolysis could interfere to icteric index determination.Retrospectively we reviewed I-index results in two cohorts (43,372 and 8507 non-haemolysed and haemolysed samples, respectively). All determinations were done using Alinity c chemistry analysers (Abbott Diagnostics). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to determine the optimal index cut-off to discriminate between normal and abnormal bilirubin concentration (20.5 µmol/L).The ROC curve analysis suggested 21.4 µmol/L as the optimal I-index cut-off but differences in sensitivity and specificity were detected between patient derivation. For rejecting purpose, 15.4 µmol/L and 17.1 µmol/L I-index thresholds were selected based on patient derivation (inpatients and emergency room; and primary care and outpatients, respectively) with 97% sensitivity and 0.25% false negative results. Sensitivity was much lower in haemolysed samples. We selected 34.2 µmol/L I-index as threshold to detect hyperbilirubinemia with 99.7% specificity and 0.26% false positive results, independent of haemolysis. With the icteric index cut-offs proposed, we would save 66% of total bilirubin requested and analyse total bilirubin in around 2% of samples without total bilirubin requested.This study supports the use of I-index to avoid bilirubin determination and to identify patients with hyperbilirubinemia. This work considers that the economic and test savings could help to increase the efficiency in clinical laboratories.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-9  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Žutica -- Bilirubin -- Hiperbilirubinemija -- Hemoliza

EMRE, Humeyra Ozturk
Utilization of biological variation data in the interpretation of laboratory test results [Elektronička građa] : survey about clinicians' opinion and knowledge / Humeyra Ozturk Emre, Fatma Hande Karpuzoglu, Cihan Coskun, Ebru Demirel Sezer, Ozlem Goruroglu Ozturk, Fatma Ucar, Hikmet Can Cubukcu, Fatma Demet Arslan, Levent Deniz, Mehmet Senes, Mustafa Serteser, Cevat Yazici, Dogan Yucel, Abdurrahman Coskun. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Summary. - Introduction: To interpret test results correctly, understanding of the variations that affect test results is essential. The aim of this study is: 1) toevaluate the clinicians' knowledge and opinion concerning biological variation (BV), and 2) to investigate if clinicians use BV in the interpretation oftest results.Materials and methods: This study uses a questionnaire comprising open-ended and close-ended questions. Questions were selected from thereal-life numerical examples of interpretation of test results, the knowledge about main sources of variations in laboratories and the opinion ofclinicians on BV. A total of 399 clinicians were interviewed, and the answers were evaluated using a scoring system ranked from A (clinician has thehighest level of knowledge and the ability of using BV data) to D (clinician has no knowledge about variations in laboratory). The results were presentedas number (N) and percentage (%).Results: Altogether, 60.4% of clinicians have knowledge of pre-analytical and analytical variations; but only 3.5% of them have knowledge relatedto BV. The number of clinicians using BV data or reference change value (RCV) to interpret measurements results was zero, while 79.4% of cliniciansaccepted that the difference between two measurements results located within the reference interval may be significant.Conclusions: Clinicians do not use BV data or tools derived from BV such as RCV to interpret test results. It is recommended that BV should be includedin the medical school curriculum, and clinicians should be encouraged to use BV data for safe and valid interpretation of test results.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-10  
 Elektronička verzija članka

RADIŠIĆ Biljak, Vanja
Women in sports [Elektronička građa] : the applicability of common national reference intervals for inflammatory and coagulation biomarkers (HemSter Study) / Vanja Radišić Biljak, Valentina Vidranski, Lana Ružić, Ana-Maria Simundic, Tihomir Vidranski.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Summary. - Introduction: Intensive physical activity causes functional and metabolic changes in the athlete's organism. The study aimed to verify the commonnational available reference intervals (RIs) for common inflammatory and screening coagulation tests in a population of healthy young female athletes.Materials and methods: One hundred and twenty-one female athletes (age range: 16–34), from various sports disciplines (water polo, handball,volleyball, football, basketball), were included in the study. All participants completed the international physical activity short-form questionnaire. Blood samples were collected between 8–10 am, after an overnight fast, before any physical activity. Reference intervals were determined accordingto Clinical & Laboratory Standards Institute EP28-A3C Guidelines. Results: Calculated RIs for white blood cell count (WBC), prothrombin time (PT), and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) ratio were inaccordance with the common national RIs. Calculated RI for C-reactive protein (CRP) was lower (<2.9 mg/L) than the proposed cut-off for a healthypopulation (<5.0 mg/L). Reference interval for fibrinogen was higher (1.9–4.4 g/L), than the available RIs (1.8–3.5 g/L). D-dimer cut-off value wasset at 852 μg/L fibrinogen equivalent units (FEU), higher than the proposed 500 μg/L FEU for venous thromboembolism (VTE) exclusion.Conclusions: The applicability of the available RIs for WBC count, PT, and APTT-ratio was confirmed. However, RIs for CRP and fibrinogen differedsignificantly than the available common national RIs for the healthy non-athletes' population. A higher cut-off for D-dimers should be extensivelyverified before implementation for VTE diagnosis exclusion in a group of healthy young female athletes.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-8  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sportašice -- Tjelesna aktivnost -- Biomarkeri

Vidi br.: HA21-03683

Vidi br.: HA21-03678

Vidi br.: HA21-03675

Vidi br.: HA21-03684

Vidi br.: HA21-03686

Vidi br.: HA21-03272

Vidi br.: HA21-03681

Vidi br.: HA21-03676

Vidi br.: HA21-03674

Vidi br.: HA21-03677

578/579   Virologija. Mikrobiologija

Vidi br.: HA21-03662

58   Botanika

Vidi br.: HA21-03910

59   Zoologija

GOMERČIĆ, Tomislav
Distribution and minimum population size of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in Croatia in the period 2018-2020 = Rasprostranjenost i najmanja veličina populacije euroazijskog risa (Lynx lynx) u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju 2018.-2020. / Tomislav Gomerčić, Ira Topličanec, Vedran Slijepčević, Silvia Blašković, Ivana Selanec, Ivan Budinski, Josip Tomaić, Josip Kusak, Gjorge Ivanov, Magda Sindičić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 532-533. - Summary ; Sažetak.
U: Šumarski list (1945). - ISSN 0373-1332. - 145 (2021), 11/12 ; str. 525-533  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Euroazijski ris -- Lynx lynx -- Rasprostranjenost -- Veličina populacije

Vidi br.: HA21-03570


60   Biotehnologija. Genetičko inženjerstvo. Produkti kloniranja

Optimisation and prediction of the coagulant dose for the elimination of organic micropollutants based on turbidity / Hichem Tahraoui, Abd-Elmouneïm Belhadj, Nassim Moula, Saliha Bouranene, Abdeltif Amrane. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 62 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Kemija u industriji. - ISSN 0022-9830. - 70 (2021), 11/12 ; str. 675-691  
 Elektronička verzija članka
ANFIS -- Umjetne neuronske mreže -- Koagulacija -- Fizikalno-kemijska analiza -- Metoda potpornih vektora -- Metodologija odzivnih površina

61   Medicinske znanosti

Vidi br.: HA21-03636

Vidi br.: HA21-03635

Vidi br.: HA21-03272

Vidi br.: HA21-03628

Vidi br.: HA21-03319

612   Fiziologija

Pre-analytical mysteries [Elektronička građa] : a case of severe hypervitaminosis D and mild hypercalcaemia / Emma Whittle, Elzahn de Waal, Tony Huynh, Oliver Treacy, Adam Morton. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary. - We describe a case of severe hypervitaminosis D and mild hypercalcaemia in a 68-year-old woman who presented with fatigue and weight loss. Her 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25OHD) was >400 nmol/L (50-150) and corrected serum calcium was 2.83 mmol/L (2.1-2.6). Her intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) was 4.9 pmol/L (2.0-9.5). Further investigation revealed an IgM kappa paraprotein, and a bone marrow aspirate confirmed a diagnosis of lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma/Waldenstrom"s macroglobulinemia (LPL/WM). As the vitamin D level was discordant with the patient"s other results and presentation, the presence of an assay interferent was suspected. A 1-in-2 dilution of the sample returned a 25OHD result of 84 nmol/L in keeping with the presence of an interferent. Testing for rheumatoid factor was negative. The sample was treated with an antibody blocking reagent (Scantibodies) and results were not consistent with heterophile antibody interference. The sample was then analysed using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), which returned a 25OHD result of 82 nmol/L. Testing on an alternative immunoassay platform produced a 25OHD result of 75 nmol/L. Reapeted testing on the original platform following reduction of the monoclonal paraprotein with chemotherapy, returned a result of 64 nmol/L. The patient"s mild hypercalcaemia persisted following resolution of the monoclonal paraprotein, in keeping with a diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism. This case highlights the potential for paraproteins to cause assay interference, and the importance of considering interference when results are incongruous with the clinical presentation.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-7  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Endokrinologija -- Hiperkalcemija -- Vitamin D -- Paraproteini

Vidi br.: HA21-03908

613   Higijena. Osobno zdravlje i higijena

Neki aspekti života starijih Europljana u pandemiji bolesti COVID-19 : nalazi iz istraživanja SHARE Corona / Šime Smolić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 143-145. - Summary.
U: Migracijske i etničke teme. - ISSN 1333-2546. - 37 (2021), 2 ; str. 125-146  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pandemija bolesti COVID-19 -- Starije osobe -- Zdravlje -- Usamljenost

Vidi br.: HA21-03338

614   Javno zdravstvo. Prevencija nesreća

KOVAČ, Nevenka, liječnica
Private health care sector in Croatia : is private spending on health care myth or reality? / Nevenka Kovač, Šime Smolić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 46 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 4 ; str. 619-639  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zdravstvena zaštita -- Privatno zdravstvo -- Dobrovoljno zdravstveno osiguranje

ŠOHER, Lidija
Public health perspective on magnesium [Elektronička građa] / Lidija Šoher, Ines Banjari.
Bibliografija: 66 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak. - Magnesium is a cofactor in more than 300 enzymes, it plays a vital role in energy metabolism, homeostasis of electrolites, and bone metabolism, and regulates a number of fundamental functions such as muscle contraction, neuromuscular conduction, glycemic control, and blood pressure. Magnesium deficiency has been associated with a wide range of diseases, from cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, to anxiety and other mental disorders, migraine and osteoporosis, and especially worrying is subclinical form which is estimated to affect up to 30% of the population. Recommended dietary intake of magnesium is 300 mg and 350 mg per day for adult males and females, respectively. While highly abundant in a variety of foods, especially green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, water is the main contributor to magnesium daily intake. Water has been the focus of a number of public health interventions aiming to improve magnesium status of populations, especially in Israel and Australia. Supplements are becoming a more important contributor to the total magnesium intake, especially among physically active individuals. Public awareness of the health benefits gained from physical activity is improving, and more individuals decide to engage in (recreational) physical activity. Even though physical activity increases the risk of magnesium deficiency, misuse of supplements due to lack of knowledge and misinformation shared on social networks can have a detrimental effect on individual"s health and physical performance. - Magnezij je kofaktor za više od 300 enzima koji ima ključnu ulogu u energetskom metabolizmu, homeostazi elektrolita, metabolizmu kostiju te regulira brojne fiziološke procese kao što su kontrakcija mišića, neuromuskulatorne funkcije, kontrola glikemije i krvnog tlaka. Deficit magnezija predstavlja čimbenik rizika za cijeli niz zdravstvenih problema, od kardiovaskularnih bolesti, hipertenzije, dijabetesa, do anksioznosti i drugih mentalnih poremećaja, migrena i osteoporoze. Posebice zabrinjava subklinički oblik deficita magnezija za koji se procjenjuje kako pogađa do 30% populacije. Preporučeni unos magnezija za odrasle osobe je 300 mg za žene i 350 mg za muškarce. Iako je široko rasprostranjen u hrani, posebice tamno zelenom lisnatom povrću, orašastim plodovima i sjemenkama, najveći doprinos dnevnom unosu magnezija dolazi iz vode. Upravo je voda u fokusu javnozdravstvenih intervencija koje imaju za cilj poboljšati status magnezija u populaciji, posebice u Izraelu i Australiji. Dodaci prehrani postaju sve važniji izvor magnezija, posebice među tjelesno aktivim osobama. S porastom svijest javnosti o zdravstvenim dobrobitima fizičke aktivnosti raste i broj (rekreativno) tjelesno aktivnih osoba. Iako rizik od deficita magnezija raste s fizičkom aktivnošću, pogrešno uzimanje dodataka prehrani uslijed nedostatnog znanja i dezinformacija koje se dijele na društvenim mrežama, povećava se mogućnost za negativne posljedice na zdravlje i tjelesnu sposobnost.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 7 (2021), 2 ; str. 203-212  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Magnezij -- Nedostatak magnezija -- Javno zdravlje -- Voda -- Fizička aktivnost

HRNJKAŠ, Ljubica
Raspodjela ostataka pesticida između kore i pulpe naranče [Elektronička građa] / Ljubica Hrnjkaš, Aleksandar Racz. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 4 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Cilj rada bio je dokazati transfer ostataka pesticida s kore na pulpu ako se dokaže njihova prisutnost na kori naranče. U tu svrhu u radu je analizirano 48 uzoraka naranči iz uvoza i domaćeg porijekla u kojima su analize bile usmjerene na detekciju 88 aktivnih tvari. Rezultati su pokazali da su bile potvrđene četiri aktivne tvari: imazalil, klorpirifos, tiabendazol i bifentrin, pri čemu je transfer aktivnih tvari dokazan na 11 uzoraka te se kretao u rasponu od 20 % do 30 %. - The aim of this paper was to prove the transfer of pesticide residues from the peel to the orange pulp if the presence of the pesticides is proven on the peel. For this purpose, the paper analy zed 48 samples of imported oranges and oranges of domestic origin in which the analyzes were focused on the detection of 88 active substances. The results confirmed the presence of 4 active substances: imazalil, chlorpyrifos, thiabendazole and bifenthrin, where the transfer of active substances was proven on 11 samples, and ranged from 20% to 30%.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 7 (2021), 2 ; str. 181-190  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Naranča -- Prijevoz -- Pesticidi -- Imazalil -- Klorpirifos -- Tiabendazol -- Bifentrin

KEVO, Mario
Uspostava veza Međunarodnoga odbora Crvenoga križa i Narodnooslobodilačke vojske i partizanskih odreda Jugoslavije za vrijeme Drugoga svjetskog rata / Mario Kevo.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 601-607. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 2 ; str. 571-609  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drugi svjetski rat -- Narodnooslobodilački pokret
Međunarodni odbor Crvenoga križa


Vidi br.: HA21-03797

Vidi br.: HA21-03387

Vidi br.: HA21-03534

Vidi br.: HA21-03526

Vidi br.: HA21-03543

Vidi br.: HA21-03854

Vidi br.: HA21-03327

Vidi br.: HA21-03542

615   Farmakologija. Terapeutika. Toksikologija

ZHAN, Yi Xiang
Evaluation of articles in metabolism research on the basis of their citations [Elektronička građa] / Yi Xiang Zhan, D'arcy Turner, Daniela Tritz, Kelly Natarajan, Mo Som, Matt Vassar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Summary. - Introduction: The number of research papers and journals each year is increasing and millions of dollars are spent. Despite this there is evidence tosuggest that many publications do not impact clinical practice. We used citation analysis to measure the influence of metabolism publications from2003-2013. Those papers with lower citation rates are likely to be of the least value and high rates of such publications may be a marker of researchwaste.Materials and methods: We analysed 67 journals with 81,954 articles related to metabolism indexed on the Scopus station database from 2003-2013. We identified those articles with less than 5 citations within 5 years from publication date as poorly cited. Journals were ranked by the percentageof articles that were poorly cited or uncited.Results: Over the 10-year period, the number of total articles increased by 127%. We found that 24% of articles were poorly cited within 5 years ofpublication. Journals in the bottom 25% and top 25% of rankings by citation rates accounted for a similar proportion of poorly cited articles. Most ofthe open access journals were ranked in the top 25% for citation rates.Conclusions: Our analysis contradicts concerns over increasing amounts of publications with little impact. The proportion of poorly cited articles arelow, with little change in the trend over 10 years. The top and bottom ranked journals produced similar proportions of poorly cited articles. Thesefindings suggest the necessity of pursuing further research to study waste in metabolism research.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-6  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Metabolizam -- Istraživanja -- Citiranje -- Bibliometrija

Iskustvo svakodnevnog življenja ljevorukih osoba [Elektronička građa] / Leda Račić, Andreja Bartolac.
Bibliografija: 33 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - Lateralnost ili dominantnost jedne strane tijela posljedica je evolucijskog razvoja ljudskog govora i kompleksnih vještina. Preferencija lijeve strane tijela javlja se u oko 10 % populacije. Osim genske predispozicije, i kulturološki čimbenici mogu utjecati na prevalenciju ljevorukosti. Cilj je ovog rada istražiti svakodnevna iskustva ljevorukih osoba u Hrvatskoj kroz odrastanje te u odrasloj dobi, identificirati aktivnosti koje ljevoruki pojedinci otežano izvode te kako procjenjuju svoju kvalitetu života u odnosu na ljevorukost. U istraživanju je primijenjen mješoviti istraživački nacrt. U svrhu prikupljanja podataka 686 sudionika ispunilo je elektronički upitnik kojim se ispituje iskustvo ljevorukih osoba pri sudjelovanju u svakodnevnim okupacijama, korištenju različitim priborom, alatom i načinu izvođenja okupacija te doživljena kvaliteta života. Rezultati ukazuju na znatan socijalni pritisak kojem su sudionici bili izloženi tijekom odrastanja (osobito očekivanje pisanja desnom rukom), kao i izazove s kojima se susreću u svakodnevnim okupacijama. Unatoč navedenim iskustvima, većina sudionika kvalitetu života ocjenjuje visokom, što tumače osobnom prilagodbom svijetu dešnjaka u kojem žive, no pritom naglašavaju potrebu za univerzalnim oblikovanjem uporabnih predmeta i okoline u smislu jednake pristupačnosti bez obzira na lateralizaciju. - The laterality or dominance of one side of the body is a consequence of the evolutionary development of human speech and complex skills. Left side body preference occurs in about 10% of the population. In addition to genetic predisposition, cultural factors may also affect the prevalence of left-handedness. The aim of this paper is to investigate the everyday experiences of lefthanded people while growing up and in adulthood, to identify activities that left-handed individuals have difficulty performing and how they assess their quality of life in relation to left handedness. A mixed research design was used. To collect data, 686 participants filled in an online questionnaire examining the experience of left-handed people in participating in everyday occupations, using various utensils, tools and methods of performing occupations, and their perceived quality of life. The results indicate considerable social pressure to which participants were exposed while growing up (especially the expectation of writing with the right hand), as well as challenges they face in everyday occupations. Notwithstanding these experiences, most participants rate the quality of life as high, which they explain by personal adaptation to the right handed world, but also emphasize the need for universal design of usable objects and environment in terms of equal accessibility regardless of lateralization.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 7 (2021), 2 ; str. 137-149  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ljevorukost -- Okupacijska povijest -- Ergonomija -- Kvaliteta života

Klinička evaluacija utjecaja medicinskih vježbi na smanjenje boli i tjelesnu sposobnost u bolesnika s osteoartritisom koljena = Clinical evaluation of the impact of medical exercises on pain reduction and physical ability in patients with knee osteoarthritis / Jan Aksentijević, Filip Dragičević, Dubravka Bobek. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 33 jed. - Abstract.
U: Fizikalna i rehabilitacijska medicina. - ISSN 1846-1867. - 35 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 19-33  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Osteoartritis -- Koljeno -- Invaliditet -- Bol -- Liječenje -- Vježbe

LAPIĆ, Ivana
The missing slope [Elektronička građa] : paradoxical shortening of activated partial thromboplastin time in a patient on unfractionated heparin therapy / Ivana Lapić, Ana Lončar Vrančić, Désirée Coen Herak, Dunja Rogić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Summary. - This case report describes false shortening of activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) due to erroneous optical reading of the clotting point in the presence of unfractionated heparin (UFH), and a biphasic waveform. Activated partial thromboplastin time performed on a coagulometer with photo-optical detection yielded an ambiguous clotting curve characterized by an early and steady decrease in light transmittance throughout the whole measuring range, with the clotting point read at 65 seconds. Further investigations included measurement of aPTT by means of a mechanical clot detection method as well as determination of another heparin-sensitive coagulation assay, that is thrombin time (TT), both being unmeasurably prolonged (>150 seconds). Communication with clinicians revealed that the patient was on continuous UFH therapy and had an underlying sepsis, with highly elevated C-reactive protein (289 mg/L). The aPTT measurements requested at three timepoints later during the same day revealed gradual aPTT shortening and unveiled a peculiar biphasic waveform pattern. In this case, unmeasurably prolonged aPTT due to UFH therapy was masked by a biphasic aPTT curve pattern making only the first slope of the biphasic waveform visible within the measuring range. The early decrease in plasma light transmittance mimicked optical changes related to clot formation, thus causing erroneous optical reading and yielding a falsely shortened aPTT. This case emphasizes that such a pattern should be carefully inspected, especially when a combination of a critically ill condition and UFH therapy is present, in order to prevent erroneous reporting of aPTT and potential adverse effects on patient care.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-5  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hemostaza -- Predanalitička faza -- Heparin -- Nefrakcionirani heparin

Mišljenje studenata i prvostupnika fizioterapije o teorijskoj i praktičnoj nastavi [Elektronička građa] / Dora Jurički, Olivera Petrak, Snježana Schuster. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Sažetak ; Abstract. - "Fizioterapeut mora posjedovati određena znanjai vještine…" Ova fraza odnosi se na stručne kompetencije potrebne za adekvatnu fizioterapijsku procjenu pacijenta, na postavljanje ciljane dijagnoze na temelju procjene te na provođenje fizioterapijske intervencije. Naglašava da je u obrazovanju učenje teorije jednako važno kao i svladavanje praktičnog dijela profesije. Cilj rada: Utvrditi koliko studenti tijekom obrazovanja smatraju zadovoljavajućima i usklađenima teorijske i vježbovne sadržaje iz struke te postoji li značajna razlika u mišljenju studenata treće godine u odnosu apsolvente i prvostupnike fizioterapije.   Metode: Istraživanje je provedeno sa studentima i prvostupnicima fizioterapije Zdravstvenog veleučilišta u Zagrebu (ZVU) 2019. godine. Sudjelovalo je 88 ispitanika, podijeljenih u dvije skupine. Prvu skupinu činili su apsolventi i studenti sa završenim preddiplomskim studijem, a drugu skupinu studenti treće godine redovnog studija fizioterapije. U trenutku ispunjavanja ankete studenti druge skupine odrađivali su kliničku nastavu.   Rezultati: Ispitanici smatraju kako bi na praktična znanja trebalo staviti veći naglasak te da postoji neusklađenost znanja koje dobivaju u edukaciji i praktičnog rada s kojim se susreću na radilištima. Mišljenja su kako bi bilo kvalitetnije da praksa iz određenog predmeta slijedi neposredno nakon teorijskog upoznavanja s predmetom te im je važan individualni angažman svakog studenta. Prva skupina u većoj mjeri smatra da im je potrebno dodatno usavršavanje osnovnih praktičnih vještina, kao i da je nužno usklađivanje znanja nastavnika i mentora.   Zaključak: Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da je povećana potreba za unaprjeđenjem aktualnih teorijskih i praktičnih znanja u cilju napredne fizioterapijske prakse uz otvaranje mogućnosti jedinstvenog kurikuluma za obrazovanje budućih prvostupnika fizioterapije u Hrvatskoj. - "A physiotherapist should have specific skills and knowledge…". This phrase refers to professional competences required for adequate assessment of the patient"s condition, making a specific diagnosis based on the assessment, and performing the physiotherapeutic intervention. It is emphasized that in education, it is as important to learn the theory, as it is to master the practical training.   Aim: To determine the students" beliefs towards the quality and compatibility of the theoretical and practical professional content, and whether there is a significant difference between the opinions of third-year students in relation to students in their senior year and bachelors of physiotherapy.   Methods: The research was conducted on undergraduate students and bachelors of physiotherapy at the University of Applied Health Sciences in Zagreb in 2019. The research included 88 participants divided into two groups. The first group included students in their senior year and students with a degree in physiotherapy, and the second group included students in the last year of the full-time study of physiotherapy. At the time of answering the questionnaire, the second group was in clinical training.   Results: Participants feel that there needs to be a greater emphasis on practical knowledge and that there is a mismatch between the theoretical knowledge and the practical work they experience on site. Participants believe that clinical training on a particular topic should be given immediately after the theoretical introduction in order to achieve better quality. In addition, the participants emphasize the importance of the individual commitment of each student. The first group believes to a higher degree that there is a need for additional training in basic practical skills and that harmonization between teachers and mentors in clinical workplaces is necessary.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 7 (2021), 2 ; str. 167-179  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fizioterapija -- Teorija -- Praksa -- Studenti -- Kurikulum

BOBEK, Dubravka
Preporuke Hrvatskog društva za fizikalnu i rehabilitacijsku medicinu Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora za zbrinjavanje i rehabilitaciju bolesnika oboljelih od COVID-19 infekcije / Bobek Dubravka, Schnurrer-Luke-Vrbanić Tea, Granec Darija, Grubišić Frane, Aljinović Ana, Fotez Ivica, Grazio Simeon, Sekelj Kauzlarić Katarina, Laktašić Žerjavić Nadica, Matijević Valentina, Moslavac Saša, Nekić Blaženka, Žagar Iva, Vlak Tonko. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 50 jed. - Abstract.
U: Fizikalna i rehabilitacijska medicina. - ISSN 1846-1867. - 35 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 1-18  
 Elektronička verzija članka
COVID-19 -- Pandemija -- Rehabilitacija -- Rehabilitacijska medicina -- Preporuke
Hrvatsko društvo za fizikalnu i rehabilitacijsku medicinu -- Hrvatski liječnički zbor


JAKŠIĆ, Katarina, doktorica
Torakalni bolni sindrom u fizijatrijsko-reumatološkoj ambulanti - diferencijalna dijagnoza = Thoracic pain syndrome in physiatricrheumatology outpatient unit - differential diagnosis / Katarina Jakšić, Zrinka Djukić Koroljević, Ana Ratajec, Porin Perić.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Summary.
U: Fizikalna i rehabilitacijska medicina. - ISSN 1846-1867. - 35 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 34-46  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kralježnica -- Torakalni bolni sindrom -- Prsni koš -- Bol -- Liječenje -- Fizikalna terapija -- Medicinska gimnastika

Vidi br.: HA21-03620

Vidi br.: HA21-03887

Vidi br.: HA21-03680

616   Patologija. Klinička medicina

CYLWIK, Bogdan
Comparison of hyaluronic acid in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus [Elektronička građa] / Bogdan Cylwik, Ewa Gruszewska, Ewa Gindzienska-Sieskiewicz, Otylia Kowal-Bielecka, Lech Chrostek.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Summary. - The aim of the present study was to determine and compare the concentration of hyaluronic acid (HA) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic sclerosis (SSc) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and its correlation with parameters of disease activity and duration. The hypothesis was that HA should be increased in rheumatic diseases. We also expected that HA could be a marker of disease activity and inflammation in some of these diseases.The study group comprised 149 patients with RA, SSc and SLE hospitalized in the Department of Rheumatology and Internal Diseases, Medical University of Bialystok (Bialystok, Poland) and 30 healthy controls. The concentrations of HA, C-reactive protein (CRP) and rheumatoid factor (RF) were measured using Architect ci8200; haemoglobin, platelets on Sysmex XS-800i; and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) on Sediplus S 2000 analysers. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistica 13.3 PL.Hyaluronic acid was increased in RA, SLE and SSc when compared to controls (P <0.001, P = 0.011, and P = 0.015, respectively). There were no differences in HA between rheumatic diseases (P = 0.840). Hyaluronic acid positively correlated with SLE activity (P = 0.025). In RA, HA positively correlated with ESR (P = 0.028) and CRP (P = 0.009). However, HA was not found to correlate with the duration of rheumatic diseases.Hyaluronic acid concentration undergoes changes in rheumatic diseases with no difference between RA, SLE and SSc. In RA, HA concentration can be a marker of inflammation, while in SLE patients an indicator of disease activity.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-10  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hijaluronska kiselina -- Reumatoidni artritis -- Sistemska skleroza -- Sistemski eritematozni lupus

The comparison of the three assays for determination of fecal calprotectin in inflammatory bowel disease [Elektronička građa] / Joško Osredkar, Tina Kurent, Teja Fabjan, Kristina Kumer, Elizabeta Božnar Alič, David Drobne. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Summary. - Fecal calprotectin is a biomarker for monitoring inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) activity. Our aim, therefore, was to evaluate two new assays, the point of care test Quantum Blue and the Liaison Calprotectin with respect to the Calprest, commonly used assay, and to determine their performance for IBD diagnosis.We included 73 prospective patients with IBD. Fecal calprotectin was measured and analysed with the routine Calprest assay and two recently introduced assays, the Quantum Blue and the Liaison Calprotectin. Furthermore, we compared the results by Bland and Altman analysis, and Passing-Bablok regression.We observed no difference in median calprotectin values obtained by the Calprest (94.6 µg/g, 95%CI 66.5 to 166.1) and Liaison assay (101.0 µg/g, 95%CI 48.1 to 180.1) whereas significantly higher concentrations were obtained with the Quantum Blue assay (240.0 µg/g, 95%CI 119.9 to 353.2). The mean absolute and relative difference between the Calprest and Quantum Blue methods was statistically significant (- 162.3 µg/g and - 143.1%). Mean absolute difference between the Calprest and Liaison calprotectin methods was positive (2.2 µg/g). The agreement between assays revealed that Quantum Blue and Calprest have fair agreement with Kappa coefficient of 0.38 (95%CI 0.26 to 0.51). Liaison Calprotectin and Calprest revealed moderate agreement with a weak Kappa coefficient of 0.47 (95%CI 0.32 to 0.62).Clinicians should be aware of these differences between the assays and avoid comparison of their respective results.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-7  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Upalne bolesti crijeva -- Izmet -- Biomarkeri

SOMBORAC Bačura, Anita
Current status of the lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in nasopharyngeal swabs [Elektronička građa] / Anita Somborac Bačura, Marija Dorotić, Leonarda Grošić, Monika Džimbeg, Slavica Dodig. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 43 jed. - Summary. - Early detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and diagnosis of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are priorities during the pandemic. Symptomatic and suspected asymptomatic individuals should be tested for COVID-19 to confirm infection and to be excluded from social interactions. As molecular testing capacity is overloaded during the pandemic, rapid antigen tests, such as lateral flow immunoassays (LFIAs), can be a useful tool as they allow greater test availability and obtain results in a very short time. This short review aims to present the analytical properties of LFIAs in the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in nasopharyngeal swabs. Lateral flow immunoassay is a method that combines thin-layer chromatography and indirect immunochemical sandwich method and allows the detection of a specific SARS-CoV-2 antigen in nasopharyngeal swabs. Swab specimens should be adequately collected and tested as soon as possible. Users should pay attention to quality control and possible interferences. Antigen tests for SARS-CoV-2 show high sensitivity and specificity in cases with high viral loads, and should be used up to five days after the onset of the first symptoms of COVID-19. False positive results may be obtained when screening large populations with a low prevalence of COVID-19 infection, while false negative results may happen due to improper specimen collection or insufficient amount of antigen in the specimen. So as to achieve reliable results, a diagnostic accuracy study of a specific rapid antigen test should be performed.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-10  
 Elektronička verzija članka
COVID-19 -- Imunotest -- Nazofarinks -- SARS-CoV-2

WULKAN, Raymond W
Detection and correction of incomplete duplicate 24-hour urine collections [Elektronička građa] : theory and practical evidence / Raymond W Wulkan, Martin van der Horst. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Summary. - Introduction: The intraindividual variability in urinary creatinine excretion is notoriously large. The aims of this study were to investigate the variabilityof duplicate consecutive 24-hour urinary creatinine excretions in patients and to develop a model for the detection and correction of discrepantcreatinine excretions.Materials and methods: A group of 270 patients (82 men and 188 women) were included in the study. We collected the following data: urinary24-hour volumes (volumetric/gravimetric) and urinary creatinine concentrations (Jaffé/enzymatic) on both collection days. We performed specificcalculations to detect discrepant creatinine excretions.Results: In 60 patients (22%) discrepant collections were found. Among the remaining 78%, 22% of the patients collected very accurately (almostidentical urinary creatinine excretions). In this subgroup the volume ratios and the creatinine concentration ratios behave inversely as in a dilutioncurve. A theoretical model and six collection scenarios were developed to detect, interpret and correct discrepant collections. Practical examples aregiven to illustrate the use of the model in successful correction of creatinine and other analytes for under- or overcollection.Conclusions: We conclude that missed or overcollected urine volumes are the largest source of variation in creatinine excretion. Discrepancies inconsecutive duplicate 24-hour creatinine excretions can be detected and corrected with specific calculations by means of the presented model. Theeffectiveness of these corrections is demonstrated with examples from daily practice. These calculations can be easily automated.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-10  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Urin -- Prikupljanje uzoraka -- Kreatinin -- Suradljivost pacijenta

OMAZIĆ, Jelena
Early markers of gestational diabetes mellitus [Elektronička građa] : what we know and which way forward? / Jelena Omazić, Barbara Viljetić, Vedrana Ivić, Mirta Kadivnik, Lada Zibar, Andrijana Müller, Jasenka Wagner. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 98 jed. - Summary. - Women's metabolism during pregnancy undergoes numerous changes that can lead to gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). The cause and pathogenesis of GDM, a heterogeneous disease, are not completely clear, but GDM is increasing in prevalence and is associated with the modern lifestyle. Most diagnoses of GDM are made via the guidelines from the International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADSPG), which involve an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy. Diagnosis in this stage of pregnancy can lead to short- and long-term implications for the mother and child. Therefore, there is an urgent need for earlier GDM markers in order to enable prevention and earlier treatment. Routine GDM biomarkers (plasma glucose, insulin, C-peptide, homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance, and sex hormone-binding globulin) can differentiate between healthy pregnant women and those with GDM but are not suitable for early GDM diagnosis. In this article, we present an overview of the potential early biomarkers for GDM that have been investigated recently. We also present our view of future developments in the laboratory diagnosis of GDM.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 3 ; str. 1-15  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gestacijski dijabetes -- Trudnoća -- Biomarkeri -- Dijagnoza

BOKULIĆ, Adriana
Establishing paediatric reference intervals for thyroid function tests in Croatian population on the Abbott Architect i2000 [Elektronička građa] / Adriana Bokulić, Ivana Zec, Domagoj Marijančević, Sanja Goreta, Marija Požgaj Šepec, Lavinia La Grasta Sabolić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Summary. - Evaluation of thyroid function is often requested and therefore defining paediatric reference intervals (RIs) is of vital importance. Currently, there is a distinct lack of paediatric RIs for thyroid function tests in Croatia. Thus, we established RIs for thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), total triiodothyronine (TT3), total thyroxine (TT4), free triiodothyronine (FT3) and free thyroxine (FT4) in the Croatian paediatric population. Reference intervals were calculated from 397 apparently healthy children, aged from 2 days to <19 years. Serum samples were analysed for thyroid function tests on the Abbott Architect i2000. Age- and sex-specific 95% RIs with 90% confidence intervals were established according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute guidelines. To express the magnitude of sex and age variation, standard deviation ratio (SDR) was calculated using two-level nested ANOVA. The criterion for considering partitioning reference values was set to SDR >0.3. All thyroid function tests required age partitioning, confirmed by SDR above 0.3. There was no need for sex partitioning, confirmed by SDR below 0.3. Still, FT3 was partitioned due to visually noticeable sex related difference for the oldest group (12 years to <19 years). This is the first study to establish RIs for thyroid function tests in the Croatian paediatric population. We propose RIs for widely used Abbott platform, thus giving laboratories method- and population-specific paediatric RIs for thyroid function tests that should improve clinical test interpretation.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 3 ; str. 1-8  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pedijatrija -- Štitnjača -- Poremećaji štitnjače -- Dijagnostički testovi -- Referentne vrijednosti -- Imunotest

JORDAN, Katarina
Fizikalna medicina i rehabilitacija i pulmonalna rehabilitacija za COVID-19 / Katarina Jordan.
U: Fizikalna i rehabilitacijska medicina. - ISSN 1846-1867. - 35 (2020), 1/2 ; str. 47-51  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Respiratorne bolesti -- COVID-19 -- Bolesnici -- Preporuke -- Pulmonalna rehabilitacija

ERCAN, Şerif
Order of draw of blood samples affect potassium results without K-EDTA contamination during routine workflow [Elektronička građa] / Şerif Ercan, Bahri Ramadan, Ozan Gerenli. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Summary. - A specific sequence is recommended for filling blood tubes during blood collection to prevent erroneous test results due to carryover of additives. However, requirement of this procedure is still debatable. This study was aimed to investigate the potassium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (K-EDTA) contamination in blood samples taken after a tube containing the additive during routine workflow. The study was also carried out to examine the effect of order of draw on potassium results, regardless of K-EDTA contamination.In 388 outpatients, to determine the probability of K-EDTA cross-contamination, blood was drawn sequentially into a serum tube, followed by a tube containing K-EDTA, and by another serum tube. In another 405 outpatients, to evaluate the effect of order of draw blood unrelated to K-EDTA contamination, two serum tube were successively collected. Potassium was measured on Cobas 6000 c501 analyser (Roche Diagnostic GmbH, Mannheim, Germany) by indirect ion selective electrode method.Of paired samples collected before and after a K-EDTA tube, 24% had a potassium difference of above 0.3 mmol/L. However, no EDTA contamination was detected in these samples as well as 95% confidence intervals (CI) of limits of agreement for calcium were within the allowable error limits based on reference change values. Interestingly, of blood samples drawn successively, 24% had also a difference greater than 0.3 mmol/L for potassium.Incorrect order of draw using closed blood collection system does not cause K-EDTA contamination, even in routine workflow. However, regardless of K-EDTA contamination, order of draw has significant influence on the potassium results.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-9  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Uzorci krvi -- Kontaminacija -- Sigurnost pacijenata -- Flebotomija -- Predanalitička faza -- Pseudohiperkalijemija

LIANG, Zhuang
Research on rectal tumor identification method by convolutional neural network based on multi-feature fusion / Zhuang Liang, Jiansheng Wu. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija i internetski izvori: 31 jed.
U: International journal for engineering modelling. - ISSN 1330-1365. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 31-41  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kolorektalni karcinom -- CT slika -- Kompjutorska tomografija -- Računalna tomografija -- Konvolucijske neuronske mreže -- Fuzija slike

EREN, Funda
The response of total testing process in clinical laboratory medicine to COVID-19 pandemic [Elektronička građa] / Funda Eren, Merve Ergin Tuncay, Esra Firat Oguz, Salim Neselioglu, Ozcan Erel. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Summary. - Following a pandemic, laboratory medicine is vulnerable to laboratory errors due to the stressful and high workloads. We aimed to examine how laboratory errors may arise from factors, e.g., flexible working order, staff displacement, changes in the number of tests, and samples will reflect on the total test process (TTP) during the pandemic period.In 12 months, 6 months before and during the pandemic, laboratory errors were assessed via quality indicators (QIs) related to TTP phases. QIs were grouped as pre-, intra- and postanalytical. The results of QIs were expressed in defect percentages and sigma, evaluated with 3 levels of performance quality: 25th, 50th and 75th percentile values.When the pre- and during pandemic periods were compared, the sigma value of the samples not received was significantly lower in pre-pandemic group than during pandemic group (4.7σ vs. 5.4σ, P = 0.003). The sigma values of samples transported inappropriately and haemolysed samples were significantly higher in pre-pandemic period than during pandemic (5.0σ vs. 4.9σ, 4.3σ vs. 4.1σ; P = 0.046 and P = 0.044, respectively). Sigma value of tests with inappropriate IQC performances was lower during pandemic compared to the pre-pandemic period (3.3σ vs. 3.2σ, P = 0.081). Sigma value of the reports delivered outside the specified time was higher during pandemic than pre-pandemic period (3.0σ vs. 3.1σ, P = 0.030).In all TTP phases, some quality indicators improved while others regressed during the pandemic period. It was observed that preanalytical phase was affected more by the pandemic.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-9  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pandemija COVID-19 -- Testiranje -- Pokazatelji kvalitete -- Laboratorijska medicina

MUKHOPADHYAY, Tapasyapreeti
The rise in preanalytical errors during COVID-19 pandemic [Elektronička građa] / Tapasyapreeti Mukhopadhyay, Arulselvi Subramanian, Shivam Pandey, Nirupam Madaan, Anjan Trikha, Rajesh Malhotra. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary. - The COVID-19 pandemic has posed several challenges to clinical laboratories across the globe. Amidst the outbreak, errors occurring in the preanalytical phase of sample collection, transport and processing, can further lead to undesirable clinical consequences. Thus, this study was designed with the following objectives: (i) to determine and compare the blood specimen rejection rate of a clinical laboratory and (ii) to characterise and compare the types of preanalytical errors between the pre-pandemic and the pandemic phases.This retrospective study was carried out in a trauma-care hospital, presently converted to COVID-19 care centre. Data was collected from (i) pre-pandemic phase: 1st October 2019 to 23rd March 2020 and (ii) pandemic phase: 24th March to 31st October 2020. Blood specimen rejection rate was calculated as the proportion of blood collection tubes with preanalytical errors out of the total number received, expressed as percentage.Total of 107,716 blood specimens were screened of which 43,396 (40.3%) were received during the pandemic. The blood specimen rejection rate during the pandemic was significantly higher than the pre-pandemic phase (3.0% versus 1.1%; P <0.001). Clotted samples were the commonest source of preanalytical errors in both phases. There was a significant increase in the improperly labelled samples (P <0.001) and samples with insufficient volume (P <0.001), whereas, a significant decline in samples with inadequate sample-anticoagulant ratio and haemolysed samples (P <0.001).In the ongoing pandemic, preanalytical errors and resultant blood specimen rejection rate in the clinical laboratory have significantly increased due to changed logistics. The study highlights the need for corrective steps at various levels to reduce preanalytical errors in order to optimise patient care and resource utilisation.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-7  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Klinički laboratorij -- Biosigurnost -- Predanalitička faza -- Pokazatelji kvalitete -- SARS-CoV-2

Risk factors and post-operative predictors for recurrent lumbar disc herniation [Elektronička građa] : a long-term follow-up study / R. Paracino, F. Mancini, S. Lattanzi, M. Dobran. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 12 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - The purpose of this study is to identify some risk factors and post-operative predictors for recurrent lumbar disc hernia (rLDH) during a long-term follow-up in patients treated with microdiscectomy. Aim of the paper: This study analyzes some risk factors and postoperative predictors for recurrent lumbar disc hernia (rLDH) during a long-term follow-up in patients treated with microdiscectomy. Material and methods. We analyzed retrospectively a consecutive series of patients who underwent lumbar spinal microdiscectomy for lumbar disc herniation (LDH) from January 2013 to June 2018 at our Institute. The rate of rLDH during long-term follow-up was analyzed and correlated with baseline and post-operative data. Results. A total of 263 patients were included with a median follow-up time of 24 months (from 13 to 43 months). Most of the patients had rLDH within the first 36 months after surgery. At multivariate analysis, recurrence of LDH was associated with higher pre-operative body mass index (BMI) and higher post-operative Oswentry disability index (ODI) with statistical significance. Conclusions. Baseline BMI and post-surgery ODI could predict rLDH after surgery during a long-term follow-up. - Cilj. Ova studija analizira određene čimbenike rizika i poslijeoperacijske prediktore za ponavljajuću herniju lumbalnog diska (engl. recurrent lumbar disc hernia – rLDH) tijekom dugotrajnog praćenjaa bolesnika liječenih mikrodiskektomijom.   Metode. Retrospektivno smo analizirali niz uzastopnih serija pacijenata koji su podvrgnuti lumbalnoj spinalnoj mikrodiskektomiji zbog hernije lumbalnog diska (engl. lumbar disc hernia – LDH) u razdoblju od siječnja 2013. do lipnja 2018. u našem Institutu. Stopa ponavljajuće hernije lumbalnog diska tijekom dugotrajnog praćenja analizirana je i korelirana s početnim anamnestičkim podacima i poslijeoperacijskim podacima.   Rezultati. U studiju je uključeno ukupno 263 pacijenta s prosječnim vremenom praćenja od 24 mjeseca (od 13 do 43 mjeseca). Većina pacijenata imala je ponavljajuću herniju lumbalnog diska u prvih 36 mjeseci nakon operacije. Pri multivarijantnoj analizi, recidiv hernije lumbalnog diska povezan je s višim indeksom tjelesne mase (engl. body mass index – BMI) prije operacije i višim Oswestry indeksom invaliditeta nakon operacije (engl. Oswestry disability index – ODI) sa statističkom značajnošću.   Zaključak. Početni indeks tjelesne mase i poslijeoperacijski Oswestry indeks invaliditeta mogu poslužiti kao prediktori ponavljajuće hernije lumbalnog diska nakon operacije tijekom dugotrajnog praćenja.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 7 (2021), 2 ; str. 121-126  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hernija lumbalnog diska -- Lumbalna mikrodiskektomija -- Diskektomija

Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in Croatian solid-organ transplant recipients [Elektronička građa] / Anna Mrzljak, Željka Jureković, Jadranka Pavičić-Šarić, Vladimir Stevanović, Irena Tabain, Željka Hruškar, Danko Mikulić, Ljubo Barbić, Tatjana Vilibić-Čavlek. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 13 jed. - Summary. - The data on the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in solid-organ transplant recipients (SOTRs) in Croatia is unknown. The aim of this study was to analyze the seroprevalence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in Croatian SOTRs.From 7 September to 27 November 2020 (beginning of the second COVID-19 pandemic wave), a cross-sectional screening for COVID-19 was performed in the adult outpatient liver (LTRs; N = 280) and kidney transplant recipients (KTRs; N = 232). Serum samples were initially tested for SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies using a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA; Vircell Microbiologists, Granada, Spain). All positive samples were confirmed using a virus neutralization test (VNT). Data on risk exposure and COVID-19 related symptoms were collected using a questionnaire.The transplanted cohort's seroprevalence detected by ELISA and VNT was 20.1% and 3.1%, respectively. Neutralizing (NT) antibodies developed in 15.6% of anti-SARS-CoV-2 ELISA IgG positive SOTRs. The difference in seropositivity rates between LTRs and KTRs was not statistically significant (ELISA 21.1% vs. 19.0%, P = 0.554; VNT 3.6% vs. 2.6%, P = 0.082). Overall VNT positivity rates were higher in patients who reported participation in large community events (5.9% vs. 1.0%; P = 0.027) as well as in patients who reported COVID-19 related symptoms in the past six months. In addition, symptomatic VNT positive patients showed significantly higher (P = 0.031) NT antibody titers (median 128, interquartile range (IQR) = 32-128) compared to asymptomatic patients (median 16, IQR = 16-48).This study showed that 15.6% of anti-SARS-CoV-2 ELISA positive Croatian SOTRs developed NT antibodies indicating protective immunity. Further studies are needed to determine the dynamic of NT antibodies and COVID-19 immunity duration in immunocompromised populations such as LTRs and KTRs.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 3 ; str. 5-11  
 Elektronička verzija članka
COVID-19 -- Seroprevalencija -- Presađivanje organa -- Primatelj organa -- SARS-CoV-2 -- Antitijela

LENIČEK Krleža, Jasna
Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection among children in Children's Hospital Zagreb during the initial and second wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Croatia [Elektronička građa] / Jasna Lenicek Krleza, Renata Zrinski Topic, Vladimir Stevanovic, Amarela Lukic-Grlic, Irena Tabain, Zrinjka Misak, Goran Roic, Bernard Kaic, Dijana Mayer, Zeljka Hruskar, Ljubo Barbic, Tatjana Vilibic-Cavlek.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Summary. - The study aimed to investigate the prevalence and titres of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in children treated at the Children's Hospital Zagreb in the first and the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Statistical significance of difference at two time points was done to determine how restrictive epidemiological measures and exposure of children to COVID-19 infection affect this prevalence in different age groups.At the first time point (13th to 29th May 2020), 240 samples and in second time point (24th October to 23rd November 2020), 308 serum samples were tested for anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA). Confirmation of results and titre determination was done using virus micro-neutralization test. Subjects were divided according to gender, age and epidemiological history.Seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies differs significantly in two time points (P = 0.010). In first time point 2.9% of seropositive children were determined and in second time point 8.4%. Statistically significant difference (P = 0.007) of seroprevalence between two time points was found only in a group of children aged 11-19 years. At the first time point, all seropositive children were asymptomatic with titre <8. At the second time point, 69.2% seropositive children were asymptomatic with titre ≥ 8.The prevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies was significantly lower at the first time point than at the second time point. Values of virus micro-neutralization test showed that low titre in asymptomatic children was not protective at the first time point but in second time point all seropositive children had protective titre of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-12  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pandemija COVID-19 -- Djeca -- SARS-CoV-2 -- Antitijela -- Seroprevalencija
Klinika za dječje bolesti Zagreb


ROTIM, Krešimir
Strategies for the prevention of complications in brain glioma surgery [Elektronička građa] : a case series analysis / Krešimir Rotim, Bruno Splavski, Filip Vrban, Ante Rotim.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Introduction: Brain glioma is the most common and lethal primary malignant intracranial tumor. Nonetheless, gross tumor resection remains the most successful treatment modality, which may prolong progression free survival of these patients. However, excessive surgery brings a danger of neurological, regional and systemic complications, which may be diminished/ avoided by better pre- and intra-operative care and by modern neurosurgical techniques.   Aim: To analyze the incidence and type of peri- and post-operative complications in surgical brain glioma patients. Computing the results, advice on complication prevention was made.   Methods: A single institution series of brain glioma patients operated on during a two-year period was analyzed. The incidence, type and time of complications were observed, as well as the patients' gender and age, and the extent of tumor resection complications, dichotomized as peri- and post-operative variables, were correlated with investigated parameters to find out their possible association.   Results: Transitory neurological deficit was the most common peri-operative complication. Seizures, meningitis, and permanent neurological deficit were commonly recorded among post operative complications.  Conclusion: Patients' gender and age, and the extent of tumor resection were not influential to the development of brain glioma complications. Aggressive surgery requires the avoidance of complications by cautious patient selection, multidisciplinary preoperative planning, and scrupulous neurosurgical technique augmented by up-to-date armamentarium. - Uvod: Gliomi mozga najučestaliji su smrtonosni primarni intrakranijski tumori. Unatoč tomu, njihovo radikalno kirurško uklanjanje i nadalje ostaje najuspješnija metoda liječenja kojom se može usporiti napredovanje bolesti i donekle produljiti život ovakvih bolesnika. Međutim, agresivno kirurško liječenje može povećati opasnost nastanka neuroloških, regionalnih i sustavnih komplikacija, koje se može pokušati izbjeći boljom pripremom prije i tijekom operacije, kao i uporabom suvremenih neurokirurških tehnika.   Cilj: Analizirati učestalost i vrstu perioperacijskih i poslijeoperacijskih komplikacija u kirurški liječenih bolesnika s gliomom mozga. Na temelju obrade rezultata, uspostaviti preporuke za sprječavanje nastanka komplikacija. Metode: Analizirana je skupina bolesnika operiranih zbog glioma mozga tijekom dvogodišnjeg razdoblja. Promatrana je učestalost i vrsta komplikacija, kao i vrijeme njihova nastanka. Također su zabilježeni podaci o dobi i spolu bolesnika te stupnju tumorske resekcije. Komplikacije su dihotomizirane kao perioperacijske i poslijeoperacijske varijable čija je moguća povezanost uspoređivana s istraživanim pokazateljima.   Rezultati: Tranzitorni neurološki deficit bio je najučestalija perioperacijska komplikacija. Epileptički napadaj, meningitis i trajni neurološki ispad zabilježeni su kao najčešća poslijeoperacijska komplikacija.   Zaključak: Spol i dob bolesnika, kao i stupanj tumorske resekcije nisu utjecali na nastanak komplikacija kirurškog liječenja glioma mozga, koje je moguće izbjeći pažljivim odabirom bolesnika, multidisciplinarnim predoperacijskim planiranjem i primjenom obzirne neurokirurške tehnike poduprte uporabom najsuvremenije operacijske opreme.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 7 (2021), 2 ; str. 115-120  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gliom mozga -- Kirurško liječenje -- Komplikacije -- Prevencija

Vidi br.: HA21-03459

Vidi br.: HA21-03799

Vidi br.: HA21-03886

Vidi br.: HA21-03467

Vidi br.: HA21-03637

Vidi br.: HA21-03670

Vidi br.: HA21-03638

Vidi br.: HA21-03631

Vidi br.: HA21-03649

Vidi br.: HA21-03654

Vidi br.: HA21-03298

Vidi br.: HA21-03299

Vidi br.: HA21-03524

Vidi br.: HA21-03648

Vidi br.: HA21-03948

Vidi br.: HA21-03345

Vidi br.: HA21-03656

Vidi br.: HA21-03643

Vidi br.: HA21-03553

Vidi br.: HA21-03629

Vidi br.: HA21-03646

Vidi br.: HA21-03655

Vidi br.: HA21-03627

Vidi br.: HA21-03329

Vidi br.: HA21-03493

Vidi br.: HA21-03673

Vidi br.: HA21-03669

Vidi br.: HA21-03672

617   Kirurgija. Ortopedija. Oftalmologija

Designing of patient-specific implant by using subdivision surface shaped on parametrized cloud of points / Jelena Milovanovic, Nikola Vitkovic, Milos Stojkovic, Milorad Mitkovic. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 39 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 801-809  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ortopedski implantati -- Oblak točaka -- 3D modeliranje -- Računalno modeliranje

Pouzdanost izvještaja o bonnetovskim halucinacijama / Dario Škarica.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Služba Božja. - ISSN 0037-7074. - 61 (2021), 2 ; str. 164-187  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bonnetov sindrom -- Halucinacije -- Introspektivni izvještaj -- Testimonijska pouzdanost -- Evidencija -- Koherencija

Pouzdanost izvještaja o bonnetovskim halucinacijama [Elektronička građa] / Dario Škarica.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Članak razmatra problem pouzdanosti izvještaja o bonnetovskim halucinacijama. Cilj je identificirati pojedine faktore koji takve izvještaje čine pouzdanima. Identificirani su sljedeći faktori: izvjestiteljeva iskrenost i kompetencija (predmetna, jezična i memorijska), izvanjska potvrda izvještaja (fiziološka, ekspresivna i bihevioralna) i koherencija između izvještaja i evidencije kao i između raznih evidencijskih potvrda i unutar svih izvještaja (ako ih je više). K tome, eksplicirano je i naše implicitno predrazumijevanje halucinacije (prema kojem ona nije tek pojava nego i halucinatorov doživljaj pojave, očit u njegovu facijalnom izrazu, ponašanju itd.). - The paper is focused on the problem of the reliability of reports on Bonnet's hallucinations. The aim is to identify particular factors that make such reports reliable. The factors identified are as follows: the reporter's sincerity and competence (the latter including his/her expert, language, and memory competences), the external (physiological, expressive, and behavioural) confirmation of the report, and the coherence between the report and evidence as well as between various kinds of evidence collected, and within all the reports given (when there are more than one of them). Additionally, our implicit preunderstanding of hallucination (as being not merely the appearance, but also the hallucinator's lived experience of it, manifested in his/her facial expression, behaviour etc.) is brought to light.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 61 (2021), 2 ; str. 164-187  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bonnetov sindrom -- Halucinacije -- Introspektivni izvještaj -- Testimonijska pouzdanost -- Evidencija -- Koherencija

618   Ginekologija. Porodiljstvo

NTAFAM, Carnot N
Sonographic assessment of the fetal heart circumference as a predictor of the gestational age [Elektronička građa] / Carnot N Ntafam, Chigozie Nwobi Ivor, David Otohinoyi, Okikiade Adedeji, Joseph Dimas. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Summary ; Sažetak. - Introduction: Ultrasound is a non-invasive imaging modality, safe for both the mother and the fetus, which uses a high frequency sound to generate images of body tissues and organs. It has been widely used for fetal evaluation and dating.   Purpose: To determine normative values of fetal heart circumference (FHC) as a predictor of the gestational age (GA) in black population and compare it to those of the Caucasian population. Material and Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study was carried at the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH), Nigeria. 324 women with a singleton pregnancy between 12-40 weeks, who conceived naturally, were scanned using a 2D ultrasound machine with a 3.5 MHz curvilinear probe. Two fetal heart diametersat right angle to each other were taken at the level of the four-heart chamber view, during diastole. - Uvod: Ultrazvuk je neinvazivni način snimanja, siguran za majku i fetus, koji upotrebljava visokofrekventne zvučne valove za stvaranje slika tjelesnih tkiva i organa. Uvelike se primjenjuje za fetalnu procjenu i datiranje.   Svrha: Utvrditi normativne vrijednosti cirkumferencije fetalnog srca (FHC) kao prediktora gestacijske dobi (GA) u populaciji crnaca i usporediti je s onom kod bijelaca.   Materijali i metode: Prospektivna presječna studija provedena je u Sveučilišnoj bolnici Maiduguri u Nigerija. 324 žene s jednoplodnom trudnoćom između 12 i 40 tjedna trudnoće, koje su začele prirodnim putem, pregledane su s pomoću 2D ultrazvučnog aparata sa zakrivljenom sondom od 3,5 MHz. Snimljena su dva promjera fetalnog srca pod desnim kutom na razini prikaza četiriju srčanih komora tijekom dijastole.   Rezultati: Postoji snažna pozitivna linearna korelacija između cirkumferencije fetalnog srca (engl. fetal heart circumference – FHC) i gestacijske dobi (engl. gestational age – GA) (r2 = 0,964, p <0,001). Jednadžba za predviđanje gestacijske dobi jest Y = 0,246X + 5,06 (gdje je y = GA, X = FHC). Tjedna stopa rasta FHC-a iznosi 3,81 mm. FHC je točniji između 12 i 20 tjedna gestacije i njegova se točnost smanjuje kako trudnoća odmiče. Postoji jaka korelacija između FHC-a i biparijetalnog promjera (engl. biparietal diameter – BPD) (r2 = 0,959), HC (r2 = 0,946) i duljine bedrene kosti (engl. femoral length – FL) (r2 = 0,962)  Zaključak: Studija je rezultirala izradom nomograma FHC-a kao prediktora gestacijske dobi u nigerijskoj populaciji i pokazala je da je FHC dobar prediktor gestacijske dobi, posebno u ranom drugom tromjesečju. Također, postojala je statistički značajna razlika između FHC-a u našoj istraživanoj populaciji (crnci) i populaciji bijelaca.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 7 (2021), 2 ; str. 127-136  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fetus -- Cirkumferencija fetalnog srca -- Gestacijska dob -- Utrazvučno skeniranje -- Nomogram

62   Inženjerstvo. Tehnika. Tehnologija

PEKANOV Starčević, Dubravka
Investing in CHP plants : Estimating external costs and benefits / Dubravka Pekanov Starčević, Boris Crnković, Ivana Fosić.
Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: 30 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 351-360  
 Elektronička verzija članka
CHP postrojenja -- Kogeneracijska postrojenja -- Analiza troškova i koristi -- Vanjski troškovi -- Zeleno računovodstvo

Vidi br.: HA21-03492

Vidi br.: HA21-03562

Vidi br.: HA21-03561

620   Ispitivanje materijala. Elektrane. Ekonomika energije

Evaluation the effect of particle sphericity on direct shear mechanical behavior of granular materials using discrete element method (DEM) / Muath S. Talafha, Istvan Oldal. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 54 jed.
U: International journal for engineering modelling. - ISSN 1330-1365. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-18  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Metoda diskretnih elemenata -- Zrnati materijal -- Oblik čestica -- Posmično naprezanje -- Simulacija

Influence of aggregated tillage implements on fuel consumption and wheel slippage / Robert Benković, Luka Šumanovac, Danijel Jug, Irena Jug, Božica Japundžić-Palenkić, Krunoslav Mirosavljević, Marina Popijač, Teuta Benković-Lačić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 35 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 956-962  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Oranje -- Traktori -- Potrošnja goriva -- Proklizavanje

Low velocity impact and tensile performance of GFRPs interleaved with electrospun nylon 6,6 nanofiber mats / Murat Yildiz, Ahmet Yapici, Vildan Özkan, Ömer Sinan Şahin. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 20 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 733-738  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Elektropredenje -- Nanovlakna -- GFRP -- Staklena vlakna -- Vlačno naprezanje

SLANY, Martin
Material and dimensional analysis of bimetallic pipe bend with defined bending radii / Martin Slany, Josef Sedlak, Jan Zouhar, Oskar Zemcik, Josef Chladil, Ales Jaros, Karel Kouril, Matus Varhanik, Jozef Majerik, Igor Barenyi, Robert Cep. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 22 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 974-982  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bimetali -- Inconel 625 -- Superlegura -- Analiza materijala -- Savijanje

Numerical modelling of heat dissipation for the pin-on-disc type tribometer / Marian Bartoszuk, Bougoffa Mohammed Seyf Eddine. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 16 jed.
U: International journal for engineering modelling. - ISSN 1330-1365. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 19-30  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Trenje -- Disipacija topline -- Tribometar -- Numerički model

AGIĆ, Enver
Overview of the efficient tehnologies for power generation based on coal / Enver Agić, Damir Šljivac, Branka Nakomčić-Smaragdakis. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 28 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 1051-1059  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ugljen -- Elektrane -- Energetska učinkovitost -- Onečišćenje okoliša

Vidi br.: HA21-03494

621   Strojarstvo. Nuklearna tehnika. Strojevi

BORAL, Piotr
Analysis of outline measurements methods of spur gear involute profile / Piotr Boral, Rafal Gołębski, Antun Stoić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 15 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 1008-1011  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Evolventni zupčanik -- Cilindrični zupčanici -- Profil zubaca

Casting of AA 7075 aluminium alloy into gravity die and effect of the die preheating temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties / Hakan Gökmeşe, Şaban Bülbül, Onur Gök. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 17 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 948-955  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Aluminijske legure -- Lijevanje -- Mehanička svojstva -- Mikrostruktura

The comparison of the amount of backlash of a harmonic gear system / Maroš Majchrák, Róbert Kohár, Slavomír Hrček, František Brumerčík. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 15 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 771-778  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mrtvi hod -- Zupčani prijenosnik -- Zupčanici -- Računalni model -- Računalna simulacija

ZHANG, Jiazheng
Effect of forced cooling contraction on shrinkage cavity and segregation of ultra-thick continuous casting slab / Jiazheng Zhang, Ling Yan, Changjun Xu, Dejun Li, Lianwang Zhang. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 13 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 1038-1043  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lijevanje -- Kontinuirano lijevanje -- Tanke ploče -- Hlađenje -- Makrosegregacija

The influence of surface roughness on laser beam welding of aluminium alloys / Michaela Lopatková, Jozef Bárta, Milan Marônek, Filip Šugra, Michela Kritikos, Ivan Samardžić, Dejan Marić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 10 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 934-938  
 Elektronička verzija članka
CT -- Kompjutorizirana tomografija -- Lasersko zavarivanje -- Poroznost -- Hrapavost površine -- Aluminijske legure

BABIČ, Matej
Modeling surface roughness of point robot laser hardening, with emphasis on the surface / Matej Babič. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 9.
U: Politehnika. - ISSN 2584-5373. - 5 (2021), 1 ; str. 6-9  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Modeliranje -- Hrapavost površine -- Kaljenje -- Robot -- Laser

DAGDUGHI, Mohammad
Non-linear analysis of the expanding stage in the UOE pipe manufacturing process / Mohammad Dagdughi, Perk Lin Chong, Justin Cox, Sajid Abdullah. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 35 jed.
U: International journal for engineering modelling. - ISSN 1330-1365. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 67-94  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Cjevovodi -- FEM -- Metoda konačnih elemenata -- Cijevi -- Optimizacija

CHEN, Xiuyun
Sensitivity analysis for coupled structural-acoustic system with absorbing material using FEM/BEM / Xiuyun Chen, Ling Yao, Ruhui Cheng, Xiaohui Yuan, Yanming Xu. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija i internetski izvori: 39 jed.
U: International journal for engineering modelling. - ISSN 1330-1365. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 49-66  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vibracije -- Analiza vibracija -- FEM -- Metoda konačnih elemenata -- Akustika

Trends and progress in collaborative robot applications / Saša Sladić, Robert Lesjak, Lidija Runko Luttenberger, Mateja Šnajdar Musa. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 36-37.
U: Politehnika. - ISSN 2584-5373. - 5 (2021), 1 ; str. 32-37  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kolaborativni robot -- Kobot -- Aplikacije -- Poučavanje -- Obrazovanje

Unidimensional analysis of oil velocity fields in lubricant film in effective lubrication of a sliding journal bearing / Piotr Rybacki, Zenon Grześ. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 30 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 699-707  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Klizni ležajevi -- Mehanika fluida -- FEM -- Metoda konačnih elemenata -- Podmazivanje

Vidi br.: HA21-03287

621.3   Elektrotehnika

EL Boutahiri, Abdelali
A design of telemetry system for small animals [Elektronička građa] / Abdelali El Boutahiri, Karim El Khadiri, Ahmed Tahiri, Hassan Qjidaa. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Summary. - The external unit of small telemetry system for animals uses inductive link to transmit both data and power to a small implant. In this work, firstly, we have presented a wideband frequency shift keying (FSK) transmitter, which is a class E power amplifier (PA) switches between two load networks that make the PA tuned correctly at tow input clock frequencies. Carrier frequencies used for data modulation are 5MHz/10MHz, the data rate of the proposed link is 2.5 Mbps. On the other hand, the analog circuits of the internal unit are designed in this paper. Internal unit has a demodulator circuit to derive directly a frequency clock from the FSK carrier and to sample the binary data stream. It also has a low power generator circuit to generate the supply voltage to the other blocks. The low power generator is composed of a high efficiency, low power rectifier, and a low power voltage regulator. To minimize the quiescent current of the regulator, we propose a control section which is a two-stage error amplifier to control the gate voltage of the PMOS transistors used in the differential pair of the voltage regulator and thus stabilize the direct current (DC) level at its output signal (Vreg). The output voltage of the proposed generator circuit is regulated at 1V, the quiescent current simulated is about 9.9μA and the line regulation performance is only 8mV/V. All circuits proposed in this paper were designed and simulated using Cadence in 180 nm CMOS technology.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 3 ; str. 244-253  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Telemetrijski sustavi -- Širokopojasne tehnologije -- Modulator -- Demodulator

PATRA, Jyoti P.
A low complexity optimal LMMSE channel estimator for OFDM system [Elektronička građa] / Jyoti P. Patra, Bibhuti Bhusan Pradhan, Poonam Singh. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Summary. - Linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) is the optimal channel estimator in the mean square error (MSE) perspective, however, it requires matrix inversion with cubic complexity. In this paper, by exploiting the circulant property of the channel frequency autocorrelation matrix RHH, an efficient LMMSE channel estimation method has been proposed for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) based on fast Fourier transformation (FFT) and circular convolution theorem. Finally, the computer simulation is carried out to compare the proposed LMMSE method with the classical LS and LMMSE methods in terms of performance measure and computational complexity. The simulation results show that the proposed LMMSE estimator achieves exactly same performance as conventional LMMSE estimator with much lower computational complexity.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 4 ; str. 321-325  
 Elektronička verzija članka
OFDM -- Ortogonalno frekvencijsko multipleksiranje -- Frekvencijski multipleks -- Bežične komunikacije -- Procjena kanala

GAO, Jinggeng
An adaptive detection algorithm for micro-grid harmonic power based on deep belief network / Jinggeng Gao, Xinggui Wang, Weiman Yang. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 30 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 763-770  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mikromreža -- Komunikacijske mreže -- Adaptivni algoritam -- Viši harmonici

Average bit error rate at signal transmission with OOK modulation scheme in different FSO channels / Jelena Todorović, Branimir Jakšić, Petar Spalević, Djoko Bandjur, Stefan Panić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 30 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 725-732  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prijenos signala -- Modulacija -- Gama distribucija -- Srednja pogreška -- K-sredina -- Simulacija

SASTRA, Nyoman Putra
Coexisting parallelogram method to handle jump point on Hough transform-based clock skew measurement [Elektronička građa] / Nyoman Putra Sastra, Komang Oka Saputra, Dewa Made Wiharta. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 35 jed. - Summary. - In this paper, we improve the robustness of the Hough transform-based clock skew measurement on the occurrence of a jump point. The current Hough transform-based skew method uses angle (θ), thickness (ω), and region (β), to create a parallelogram that covers the densest part of an offset-set. However, the assumption that all offsets are considered to line up roughly in only one direction restricts the ability of the current method when handling an offset-set in which its densest part is located separately, the jump point condition. By acquiring the parallelogram from coexisting angle-region tuples at the beginning and the ending parts of the offset-set, we completed the ability of the Hough transform-based method to handle the jump point. When handling the jump point problem, the proposed coexisting parallelogram method could reach 0.35 ppm accuracy compared with tens ppm by the current methods.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 4 ; str. 297-304  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Houghova transformacija -- Mjerenje signala -- Bežične senzorske mreže

BORNI, Abdelhalim
Comparative study of P&O and fuzzy MPPT controllers and their optimization using PSO and GA to improve wind energy system / Abdelhalim Borni, Mohcene Bechouat, Noureddine Bessous, Abdelhak Bouchakour, Laid Zarour, Layachi Zaghba. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 42 jed.
U: International journal for engineering modelling. - ISSN 1330-1365. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 55-76  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Energija vjetra -- Kontroler -- Optimizacija rojem čestica -- Genetski algoritam -- PSO algoritam

ORMAN, Kamil
Design of a memristor-based chattering free sliding mode controller and speed control of the BLDC motor / Kamil Orman. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 30 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 754-762  
 Elektronička verzija članka
DC motor -- Istosmjerni motor -- Memristor -- Kontrola brzine -- Klizni režim rada

TALBI, Nabil
Effect of nonuniform partial shading on the performance of photovoltaic systems / Nabil Talbi, Toufik Sebbagh, Abderrezak Metatla. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija i internetski izvori: 18 jed.
U: International journal for engineering modelling. - ISSN 1330-1365. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 43-54  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fotonaponski sustavi -- Diode -- Radne karakteristike -- Simulacija

Microstrip patch antenna miniaturization using magneto-dielectric substrates for electromagnetic energy harvesting [Elektronička građa] / Taher AlSharabati. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Summary. - A mathematical modelling, and a derivation of the main parameters of the Magneto – Dielectric materials (substrate) and their effect on microstrip patch antenna design is shown. The Magneto – Dielectric materials (substrate) is shown to miniaturize the antenna size and enhance the bandwidth when used in the design of the microstrip patch antenna. The progression of the foundational modelling starts with laying out the concepts of the ferrimagnetic materials in terms of their permeability and permittivity, the components of antenna miniaturization. First, a ground free elliptical microstrip patch antenna (GFDSEPA) is simulated for miniaturization purposes at the 900MHz cellular band. A size reduction of almost 50% as well as bandwidth enhancement (100%) is achieved by utilizing the GFDSEPA. More size reduction is achieved by employing the magneto – dielectric structure; in this case the commercially available Rogers MAGTREX 555 substrate is used. Other performance parameters show comparable results between the antenna simulated based on dielectric only substrate and the one based on magneto–dielectric substrate. A comparison of the main parameters between the results of this work and other results in the literature is shown. The application of the microstrip patch antenna design in energy harvesting, by using a rectifier circuit, is shown. Layout scenarios of the energy harvester are proposed. The proposed layout of the energy harvester ensures practicality of the proposed design and assures correlation between simulation results and experimental results.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 2 ; str. 116-123  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Elektromagnetizam -- Mikrotrakaste antene -- Impedancija

FILHO, Jose Carlos
Optimized method for locating the source of voltage sags [Elektronička građa] / Jose Carlos Filho, Fabbio Anderson da Silva Borges, Ricardo de Andrade Lira Rabelo, Ivan Saraiva Silva, Antônio Oséas de Carvalho Filho. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Summary. - Short-Duration Voltage Variations (SDVVs) are the power quality disturbances (PQD) that mainly affect industrial systems, and are originated for various reasons, in particular short circuits over large areas, even those originating in remote points of the electrical system. The location problem aims to indicate the area or region or distance from the substation that is connected to the source causing the voltage sags, and is a fundamental task to ensure good power quality. One of the strategies used to determine the location of sources causing SDVVs and for an implementation of machine learning algorithms in modern distribution networks, called Smart Grids. Monitoring a Smart Grid plays a key role, however mostly it generates a large volume of data (Big Data) and as a result, multiple challenges arise due to the properties of this data such as volume, variety and velocity. This work presents an optimization through genetic algorithm to select meters which already exist in the Smart Grid, using a voltage sag location method in order to reduce the data obtained and analyzed throughout the localization process. Optimization was evaluated through a comparison with a non-optimized localization method, this comparison showed a difference between the hit rates of less than 1%.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 2 ; str. 197-202  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pad napona -- Klasteriranje -- Algoritmi za klasteriranje -- Genetski algoritam -- Pametne mreže -- Veliki podaci

AL-RAYIF, Mohammed I.
PAPR reduction method based on in-phase/quadrature data symbol components in MIMO-OFDM systems [Elektronička građa] / Mohammed I. Al-Rayif. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 24 jed. - Summary. - To overcome unpredictable spikes in the peak-to average power ratio (PAPR) in the presence of an orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) for multi-input-multioutput (MIMO) systems, implementation of a new SLM scheme is presented in this paper, which is extended from our previous study of IQ-SLM in SISO-OFDM system. In each transmit antenna, both real and imaginary parts of the base-band data symbol were modified independently using a corresponding phase element within a commonly generated phase vector, instead of modifying the complex data symbol as a single component. After applying an inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) for the real, imaginary, and original base-band vectors, the minimum PAPR component was observed. Therefore, the phase vector that introduced the minimal PAPR was considered to convert the original data block for transmission. This technique is called the In-phase/Quadrature-SLM (IQ-SLM) scheme. In this proposal, only U phase vectors were generated to treat all Nt data blocks, simultaneously, unlike the conventional MIMO-SLM techniques which generate UNt candidate phase blocks. The thing which, in turn, can be considered as a further computational complexity reduction, specifically in data-phase conversion stages. As a result, in terms of the complementary cumulative distribution function of PAPR performance(CCDF-PAPR), the proposal achieved a greater decibel reduction than conventional SLM methods such as dSLM, oSLM, and sSLM, at different subcarrier lengths N, candidate phase vectors U, transmit antennas Nt. Also, it shows a comparable BER performances over the dSLM scheme referencing to the theoretical curves, in the case where Nt ≤ Nr for both zero-forcing (ZF) and ZF with vertical Bell laboratories layered space-time (V-BLAST) detector.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 4 ; str. 326-333  
 Elektronička verzija članka
PAPR -- Omjer vršne i prosječne snage signala -- Snaga signala -- MIMO sustavi -- OFDM -- Ortogonalno frekvencijsko multipleksiranje

VATTA, Francesca
Performance study of a class of irregular near capacity achieving LDPC codes [Elektronička građa] / Francesca Vatta, Alessandro Soranzo, Massimiliano Comisso, Giulia Buttazzoni, Fulvio Babich. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Summary. - This paper investigates the performance of a class of irregular low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes through a recently published low complexity upper bound on their beliefpropagation decoding thresholds. Moreover, their performance analysis is carried out through a recently published algorithmic method, presented in Babich et al. 2017 paper. In particular, the class considered is characterized by variable node degree distributions \lambda (x) of minimum degree i_1 >2: being, in this case, \lambda \prime (0) = \lambda_2 = 0, this is useful to design LDPC codes presenting a linear minimum distance growth with the block length with probability 1, as shown in Di et al.'s 2006 paper. These codes unfortunately cannot reach capacity under iterative decoding, since the achievement of capacity requires \lambda_2 \not>0. However, in this latter case, the block error probability might converge to a constant, as shown in the aforementioned paper.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 1 ; str. 59-65  
 Elektronička verzija članka

Unified performance analysis of near and far user in downlink NOMA system over η - μ fading channel [Elektronička građa] / Shaika Mukhtar, Gh. Rasool Begh. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 41 jed. - Summary. - The non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) scheme is considered as a frontier technology to cater the requirements of 5G and beyond 5G (B5G) communication systems. To fully exploit the essence of NOMA, it is very important to explore the behavior of NOMA users over the most realistic nonhomogenous fading conditions. In this paper, we derive unified closed-form expressions of the basic performance metrics of the NOMA users. Their performance is evaluated in terms of average bit error rate (ABER), average channel capacity (ACC) and outage probability (OP) over η−μ fading channel. These expressions are in terms of popular functions, such as Meijer G-function and Gauss hypergeometric function, leading to their versatile use in analytical research. Unlike the existing outage probability expressions in terms of Yacoub integral, the derived expressions are easier to implement in software packages like MATLAB. Moreover, we compare the obtained results with a reference system, consisting of genie-aided NOMA system. We interpret that genie-aided performance results provide benchmark bounds for the metrics. Extensive simulations are carried out to validate the derived analytical expressions.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 4 ; str. 305-313  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bežične komunikacije -- Komunikacijski sustavi -- Neortogonalni višestruki pristup

Utilization of compressed sampling for PAPR reduction in OFDM IEEE-802.11a system [Elektronička građa] / Hussein Al-Moukhles. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Summary. - Being spectrally efficient, easily implemented, and highly immune to selective channel imperfections and multipath fading, the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) can provide a sufficiently robust and high data rate modulation technique for emerging wired and wireless telecommunication applications. However, a major drawback of OFDM that is represented by its high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) of the transmitted signal, which leads to degrade the system's transmission accuracy. In this paper, a Compressed Sampling (CS) based approach is considered for reducing the PAPR without lowering its transmission capacity or affecting its Bit Error Rate (BER) performance. The proposed scheme adds a sampling stage after the IFFT block in the transmitter side, that is compressively represents the transmitted signal by fewer symbols that is transmitted instead of the original signal. At the receiver side, the received compressively sampled signal is then recovered before the FFT block by following the Basis Pursuit algorithm. The proposed scheme shows an enhanced PAPR and BER performances while preserving the rest of the system performance aspects.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 3 ; str. 254-259  
 Elektronička verzija članka
OFDM -- Frekvencijski multipleks -- Signal -- Bežične komunikacije

KRSTIĆ, Dragana
Wireless three-hop relay environment with line-of-sight [Elektronička građa] : investigation and performance analysis / Dragana Krstic, Petar Nikolic, Zoran Popovic, Sinisa Minic, Mihajlo Stefanovic. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 45 jed. - Summary. - Lately, the investigation of multi-hop relays is increased in both, academia and engineering practice. Multi-hop relay is introduced to enable data transmission between base station and mobile user dividing great distance into two or more segments to improve link quality. This improvement is specially expressed in environments under deep fading and shadow, where coverage is significantly increased using multi-hop relays. Here, wireless three-hop relay environment with line-of-sight was observed. Output signal from such system is defined as a product of three arbitrary, independent, but not necessarily identically distributed Rician random variables (RVs). For such system, some important performance of the first and second order were analyzed and graphically presented. The impact of Rician factor and signal powers on performance quantities was shown. Derived and displayed first order performance are: probability density function (PDF), cumulative distribution function (CDF), outage probability (Pout), moments, amount of fading (AoF) and channel capacity. Then, the following second order characteristics of wireless three-hop relay communication system working in Rician multipath fading environment were covered: level crossing rate (LCR) and average fade duration (AFD). These results have big application in wireless relay communications with a pronounced line-of-sight, where Rician model is used to describe fading.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 3 ; str. 232-243  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bežične komunikacije -- Analiza izvedbe -- Bazna stanica -- Mobilni korisnici -- Prijenos podataka

Vidi br.: HA21-03305

Vidi br.: HA21-03780

Vidi br.: HA21-03778

622   Rudarstvo

CARJOVA, Kristine
Acoustic emission leak detection on a technological pipeline / Kristine Carjova, Mukharbiy Banov, Leonids Vinogradovs, Guntis Strautmanis, Ineta Irbe. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 9 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Naše more (Dubrovnik). - ISSN 0469-6255. - 68 (2021), suppl. 3 ; str. 1-4  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Akustična emisija -- Cjevovodi -- Oštećenje

SRPAK, Melita
Chronological overview of management of raw minerals in Varazdin county / Melita Srpak, Silvija Zeman, Željko Knok. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 35 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 1060-1066  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sirova nafta -- Eksploatacija ugljikovodika -- Naftna polja -- Upravljanje resursima

Rudnici Glogovac i Petrovdol sredinom 1960-ih / Emil Čokonaj. - Ilustr.
Bilješke na kraju teksta. - Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta.
U: Scientia Podraviana. - ISSN 1331-257X. - 33 (2021), 35 ; str. 19-22
Rudnici -- Ugljenokopi -- Povijest rudarstva

Vidi br.: HA21-03616

623   Vojna tehnika

Research on parametric modeling optimization of trajectory correction projectile based on FVM / Wei Zhou, Jian Zhang, Qingjie Ni, Yufeng Hao, Yu Liang. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 9 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 907-913  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Parametrizacija -- Aerodinamika -- Projektil -- CFD -- Računalna dinamika fluida

MILEWSKI, Stanisław
Strength analysis of the marine weapon’s construction / Stanisław Milewski, Bogdan Szturomski, Radosław Kiciński. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Naše more (Dubrovnik). - ISSN 0469-6255. - 68 (2021), 3 ; str. 167-174  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ratni brodovi -- Topovi -- Otpornost na udar -- Strukturna analiza -- FEM -- Metoda konačnih elemenata

624/625   Građevinarstvo. Građevinsko inženjerstvo i tehnika. Gradnja prometnica

XU, Xu
A new load transfer model of skin friction for super-long pile under axially load / Xu Xu, Jingjing Xu, Wenjuan Yao, Tingchen Fang. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 19 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 1000-1007  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prijenos opterećenja -- Piloti -- Iterativne metode

ČARIJA, Jadran
A Voronoi based discrete numerical approach for modelling reinforcement in concrete structures / Jadran Čarija, Mijo Nikolić, Željana Nikolić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija i internetski izvori: 62 jed.
U: International journal for engineering modelling. - ISSN 1330-1365. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 77-98  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Armirani beton -- Beton -- Timošenkova teorija grede -- Grede -- Numerički model

ZHAO, Maolong
Analysis on the appropriate buried depth of the cold-proof drainage hole of the tunnel in the cold region / Maolong Zhao, Wei Zhu. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 48 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 922-933  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tuneli -- Drenaža

TANG, Peng
Experimental study on the bearing capacity of glass deck under the condition of vehicle traffic / Peng Tang, Sai Gong, Peng Liang, Gao Cheng. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 16 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 796-800  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Nosivost -- Staklene površine -- Ploče -- Opterećenje konstrukcije -- Rubni uvjeti

LI, Longqi
Finite element modeling and nonlinear analysis on the optimum opening location for continuous composite beams with web openings / Longqi Li, Wenyuan Liao, Bingyong Huo. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 17 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 891-897  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Grede -- Kompozitni materijali -- Sila -- Moment sile -- Numerički model

Numerical simulation of saturated and unsaturated consolidation behaviour of marl residual soil / Ana Raič, Mijo Nikolić, Nataša Štambuk Cvitanović, Mirela Galić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 25 jed.
U: International journal for engineering modelling. - ISSN 1330-1365. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 31-47  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lapor -- Zasićenje -- Tlo -- Hidromehanička analiza -- Numerička simulacija

HAN, Chunguang
Study on bridge structure damage and health diagnosis method based on health monitoring / Chunguang Han, Xu Luo, Xinping Li, Xinsha Fu, Lixiong Gu, Zhiyong Ouyang. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 13 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 746-753  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mostovi -- Mostovne konstrukcije -- Oštećenja mostova -- Ispitivanje konstrukcija -- Monitoring

DAI, Chunquan
Ultimate support force of excavation face in curved shield tunnels in composite strata / Chunquan Dai, Quanlei Wang, Kun Jiang, Tao Zheng. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 23 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 708-717  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tuneli -- Iskop tunela -- Potporni zidovi -- Numerička analiza

Vidi br.: HA21-03799

626/627   Hidrotehnika

Vidi br.: HA21-03622

Vidi br.: HA21-03614

628   Tehnika javnog zdravstva. Sanitarna tehnika i uređaji. Rasvjetna tehnika

TOMIĆ, Antonija, kemijska inženjerka
Nova mikroonečišćivala u vodenom okolišu / Antonija Tomić, Hrvoje Kušić, Tomislav Bolanča, Ana Lončarić Božić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 248-253. - Abstract ; Zusammenfassung.
U: Hrvatske vode. - ISSN 1330-1144. - 29 (2021), 118 ; str. 241-254  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vodeni okoliš -- Onečišćenje -- Farmaceutici -- Okolišni čimbenici -- Obrada vode

NAKIĆ, Domagoj
Primjena ACSOL® sustava pročišćavanja otpadnih voda na aglomeracijama u sklopu EU projekta Krk / Domagoj Nakić, Dragutin Zagorac, Josip Jozić, Ivica Plišić, Ana Šuljić Brajčić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 239. - Abstract ; Zusammenfassung.
U: Hrvatske vode. - ISSN 1330-1144. - 29 (2021), 118 ; str. 231-239  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Otpadne vode -- Odvodnja -- Pročišćavanje otpadnih voda -- Europski projekti

Vidi br.: HA21-03626

629   Tehnika vozila

KORLAK, Piotr Kamil
Analysis of operational efficiency of the proposed propulsion systems for selected large RoPax vessel / Piotr Kamil Korlak. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Naše more (Dubrovnik). - ISSN 0469-6255. - 68 (2021), 3 ; str. 199-210  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Brodski pogon -- Porivni sustav -- Radni parametri

Engine oil test method development / Máté Zöldy. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 16 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 1012-1016  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Motorna ulja -- Smanjenje emisije CO2 -- Emisija CO2 -- Potrošnja goriva

Increasing the wear resistance of marine diesel engines elements made of ductile iron / Zoran Veljačić, Krešimir Grilec. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Naše more (Dubrovnik). - ISSN 0469-6255. - 68 (2021), 3 ; str. 150-156  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Brodski dizelski motor -- Nodularni lijev -- Otpornost na trošenje

ZAKKI, Ahmad Fauzan
On the development of catamaran hull form for fish processing vessel to support domestic fishing activities in Indonesia / Ahmad Fauzan Zakki, Deddy Chrismianto, Aulia Windyandari, Rizaldy Ilham. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 47 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Naše more (Dubrovnik). - ISSN 0469-6255. - 68 (2021), 3 ; str. 175-188  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Katamaran -- Višetrupni brod -- Ribarski brodovi -- Dinamička stabilnost

GRM, Gašper
Testing the functionality and applicability of smart devices for a handheld celestial navigation system / Gašper Grm, Aleksander Grm. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Naše more (Dubrovnik). - ISSN 0469-6255. - 68 (2021), 3 ; str. 157-166  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pametni telefoni -- Astronomska navigacija -- Pomorska navigacija

ÇAKIR, Ersin
Tribological properties of the journal bearings used in tamping unit of railways tamping machines / Ersin Çakir, Recai Fatih Tunay. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 26 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 873-879  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Aluminijska legura -- Trenje -- Klizni ležajevi -- Tribološka svojstva -- Željeznička vozila

Vidi br.: HA21-03316

Vidi br.: HA21-03289

Vidi br.: HA21-03280

630   Šumarstvo

Chemical and structural characterization of poplar and black pine wood exposed to short thermal modification = Kemijska i strukturna obilježja drva topole i crnog bora izloženih kratkotrajnoj toplinskoj modifikaciji / Vasiliki Kamperidou. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 49 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Drvna industrija. - ISSN 0012-6772. - 72 (2021), 2 ; str. 155-167  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Celuloza -- Kemijski sastav -- Lignin -- Toplinski tretman -- Drvo

CHEN, Chen
The coupling coordination degree measurement of society-economy-ecosystem of regional National forest park in Heilongjiang province / Chen Chen, Zhenhua Qiao, Haitao Sun. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 20 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 779-785  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Park-šuma -- Ekosustavi -- Koordinacija -- Socioekonomski čimbenici

Dependence of dowel joint strength on welding temperature in rotary welding = Ovisnost čvrstoće spoja s moždanikom o temperaturi pri rotacijskom zavarivanju / Ivica Župčić, Ivan Žulj, Ivica Grbac, Kristijan Radmanović. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Drvna industrija. - ISSN 0012-6772. - 72 (2021), 2 ; str. 169-178  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drvo -- Zavarivanje drva -- Izvlačna sila -- Rotacijsko zavarivanje -- Temperatura

Development study of perceived institutionalization and perceived performance scales = Studija razvoja ljestvica za percipiranu institucionalizaciju i percipirani učinak / Ahmet Bora Kırklıkçı, Tarık Gedik. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 51 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Drvna industrija. - ISSN 0012-6772. - 72 (2021), 2 ; str. 131-142  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Proizvodnja namještaja -- Proizvodnja ploča -- Institucionalizacija -- Percipirani učinak -- Model strukturne jednadžbe

Diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with Quercus petraea in the national park Fruška gora in the Republic of Serbia = Raznolikost ektomikoriznih gljiva na hrastu kitnjaku (Quercus petraea) u Nacionalnom parku Fruška gora u Republici Srbiji / Marina Milović, Verica Vasić, Milan Drekić, Branislav Kovačević, Saša Pekeč, Zoran Galić, Saša Orlović. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 554-555. - Summary ; Sažetak.
U: Šumarski list (1945). - ISSN 0373-1332. - 145 (2021), 11/12 ; str. 547-556  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrast kitnjak -- Quercus petraea -- Ektomikoriza -- Morfo-anatomska karakterizacija -- Molekularna identifikacija

The effect of artificial weathering on surface properties of thermally modified oriental beech wood = Utjecaj umjetnog izlaganja vremenskim utjecajima na svojstva površine toplinski modificirane bukovine / Turkay Turkoglu, Hilmi Toker, Ergun Baysal, Ahmet Gunduz, Caglar Altay, Mustafa Kucuktuvek, Huseyin Peker. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 39 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Drvna industrija. - ISSN 0012-6772. - 72 (2021), 3 ; str. 273-278  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Toplinska modifikacija -- Bukovina -- Hrapavost površine -- Vremenski utjecaji -- Konstrukcijski materijali

KASK, Regino
Effect of soaking/oven-drying on mechanical and physical properties of birch (Betula spp.) Plywood = Utjecaj namakanja i sušenja u sušioniku na mehanička i fizička svojstva furnirske ploče od brezovine (Betula spp.) / Regino Kask, Harri Lille, Mihkel Kiviste, Silver Kruus, Johann Olaf Lääne. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Drvna industrija. - ISSN 0012-6772. - 72 (2021), 2 ; str. 121-129  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Furnirska ploča -- Čvrstoća na svijanje -- Modul elastičnosti -- Debljinsko bubrenje -- Sadržaj vode -- Rendgenska metoda

Effect of using urea formaldehyde modified with extracts in plywood on formaldehyde emission = Učinak upotrebe urea-formaldehida modificiranog ekstraktima na emisiju formaldehida furnirske ploče / Ugur Bilgin, Gursel Colakoglu. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 36 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Drvna industrija. - ISSN 0012-6772. - 72 (2021), 3 ; str. 237-244  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Emisija formaldehida -- Furnirska ploča -- Brijest -- Ljuska lješnjaka -- Hrapavost površine

Effects of biological works within the integrated watershed management of torrent catchments in the area of Grdelica Gorge and Vranjska Valley (Serbia) = Učinci bioloških radova u integriranom uređenju bujičnih slivova Grdeličke klisure i Vranjske doline (Srbija) / Milica Caković, Aleksandar Baumgertel, Sara Lukić, Nada Dragović, Miodrag Zlatić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 464-465. - Summary ; Sažetak.
U: Šumarski list (1945). - ISSN 0373-1332. - 145 (2021), 9/10 ; str. 459-465  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bujične poplave -- Erozija -- Prevencija -- Daljinska istraživanja -- Pošumljavanje

GÜNEY, Deniz
The effects of different factors on propagation by hardwood cuttings of some coniferous ornamental plants = Utjecaj različitih čimbenika na razmnožavanje zrelim reznicama nekih crnogoričnih ukrasnih biljaka / Deniz Güney, Ali Bayraktar, Fahrettin Atar, Ibrahim Turna. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 476-477. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Šumarski list (1945). - ISSN 0373-1332. - 145 (2021), 9/10 ; str. 467-477  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Razmnožavanje reznicama -- Ukorjenjivanje -- Supstrati -- Auksin -- Crnogorica -- Ukrasno bilje

Effects of pretreatment, sowing time, sowing environment and climate factors on germination in Acer pseudoplatanus L. = Utjecaj predsjetvene pripreme, vremena sjetve, zaštićenog prostora i klimatskih čimbenika na klijavost sjemena vrste Acer pseudoplatanus L. / Zafer Yücesan, Derya Bayram. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 564-566. - Summary ; Sažetak.
U: Šumarski list (1945). - ISSN 0373-1332. - 145 (2021), 11/12 ; str. 557-566  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gorski javor -- Acer pseudoplatanus L. -- Sjeme -- Klijavost sjemena -- Skladištenje sjemena -- Klimatski čimbenici -- Rasadnici

DRAŠKOVIĆ, Branislav
Estimating recent forest losses in Bosnia and Herzegovina by using the Copernicus and Corine land cover databases = Procjena recentnih gubitaka šume u Bosni i Hercegovini korištenjem Copernicus i Corine land cover baze podataka / Branislav Drašković, Marko Gutalj, Stefan Stjepanović, Boban Miletić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 588-589. - Summary ; Sažetak.
U: Šumarski list (1945). - ISSN 0373-1332. - 145 (2021), 11/12 ; str. 581-589  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šume -- Deforestacija -- Satelitske snimke -- Baze podataka

Evaluation of creep characteristics of single-staple furniture joints made of different wood species = Procjena obilježja puzanja spojeva namještaja s klamericom izrađenih od različitih vrsta drva / Samet Demirel, Seda Bas. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Drvna industrija. - ISSN 0012-6772. - 72 (2021), 2 ; str. 179-186  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Proizvodnja namještaja -- Drvo -- Puzanje -- Drveni spojevi -- Stupanj opterećenja -- Klamerica

Examining parameters of surface quality performance of paulownia wood materials modified by thermal compression technique = Ispitivanje parametara površinske kvalitete toplinski prešanog drva paulovnije / Zeki Candan, Oktay Gonultas, Hizir Volkan Gorgun, Oner Unsal.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Drvna industrija. - ISSN 0012-6772. - 72 (2021), 3 ; str. 231-236  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Toplinsko prešanje -- Paulovnija -- Kvašenje -- Kontaktni kut -- Hrapavost površine

TAŞ, Hasan Hüseyin
Fiberglass plaster mesh as reinforcement for cement bonded particleboard = Učinci ojačanja cementom vezane iverice primjenom fasadne mrežice od stakloplastike / mmmm.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Drvna industrija. - ISSN 0012-6772. - 72 (2021), 2 ; str. 187-192  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Cementom vezana iverica -- Fasadna mrežica -- Stakloplastika -- Fizička svojstva -- Mehanička svojstva

First and second phase of human centered design method in design of exterior seating furniture = Prve dvije faze dizajniranja vanjskog namještaja primjenom metode dizajna usmjerene prema korisniku / Sarah Szökeová, Lukáš Fictum, Milan Šimek, Alena Sobotkova, Marek Hrabec, Danijela Domljan. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Drvna industrija. - ISSN 0012-6772. - 72 (2021), 3 ; str. 291-298  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Proizvodnja namještaja -- Vanjski namještaj -- Dizajn namještaja -- Drvo -- Istraživanje tržišta

BALENOVIĆ, Ivan, inženjer šumarstva
Fotogrametrijska procjena volumena u sastojinama hrasta lužnjaka pokupskog bazena = Photogrammetric estimates of stand volume in pedunculate oak stands of the Pokupsko basin / Ivan Balenović, Luka Jurjević, Krunoslav Indir, Ante Seletković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 577-578. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Šumarski list (1945). - ISSN 0373-1332. - 145 (2021), 11/12 ; str. 567-578  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fotogrametrija -- Digitalni model reljefa -- Aerosnimke -- Hrast lužnjak -- Volumen sastojine -- Inventura šuma

ŠKVORC, Željko
Funkcionalna diferencijacija provenijencija hrasta crnike na istočnoj obali Jadranskoga mora = Functional differentiation of holm oak provenances in the east Adriatic coast / Željko Škvorc, Lucija Lisica, Vanja Zorić, Marko Bačurin, Krunoslav Sever. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 419-420. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Šumarski list (1945). - ISSN 0373-1332. - 145 (2021), 9/10 ; str. 415-420  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrast crnika -- Quercus ilex L. -- List -- Lisna površina -- Fotosinteza -- Klima

Heat-treated wood reinforced high density polyethylene composites = Kompoziti visoke gustoće na bazi polietilena ojačani toplinski modificiranim drvom / Kadir Karakuş, Deniz Aydemir, Gokhan Gunduz, Fatih Mengeloğlu. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 47 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Drvna industrija. - ISSN 0012-6772. - 72 (2021), 3 ; str. 219-229  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drvno brašno -- Toplinska modifikacija -- Toplinski tretman -- Polimerni kompoziti

ESIN Koksal, Suheyla
Installation of test setup and measurement procedures in fir wood hydraulic conductance measurement = Instaliranje opreme i mjernih postupaka pri određivanju hidrauličke vodljivosti jelovine / Suheyla Esin Koksal, Gokhan Gunduz, Menderes Kalkat. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Drvna industrija. - ISSN 0012-6772. - 72 (2021), 2 ; str. 111-119  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Jelovina -- Hidraulička vodljivost -- Mjerni sustav

KARAMAN, Abdurrahman
An investigation of flexural behavior of pure and hybrid wood composite panels using Weibull analyses = Istraživanje savijanja čistih i hibridnih kompozitnih drvnih ploča uz pomoć Weibullove analize / Abdurrahman Karaman, H. Ersen Balcioglu. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 19 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Drvna industrija. - ISSN 0012-6772. - 72 (2021), 2 ; str. 201-210  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drvene ploče -- Savijanje -- Iverica -- Bukovina -- Weibullova analiza

AMANI, Naghmeh
Investigation of the effect of using activated sludge treated with acetic acid on physical and strength properties of recycled pulp = Istraživanje utjecaja uporabe aktivnog mulja tretiranog octenom kiselinom na fizička svojstva i čvrstoću reciklirane celuloze / Naghmeh Amani, Ramin Vaysi, Abdollah Najafi, Seyed Eshagh Ebadi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 29 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Drvna industrija. - ISSN 0012-6772. - 72 (2021), 3 ; str. 299-307  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Reciklirana celuloza -- Aktivni mulj -- Octena kiselina -- Novinski papir -- Ekološki prihvatljiv biokompozit -- Otpornost

JUMIĆ, Vlado
May the trophy evaluation variables be utilized as population indices in cervids : example of the red deer from the hilly part of the Pannonian plain? = Mogu li elementi ocjene trofeja poslužiti kao populacijski indeksi u cervida? : primjer na jelenu običnom iz brdskog područja Panonske nizine / Vlado Jumić, Tihomir Florijančić, Tomica Marić, Siniša Ozimec, Krešimir Krapinec. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 441-443. - Summary ; Sažetak.
U: Šumarski list (1945). - ISSN 0373-1332. - 145 (2021), 9/10 ; str. 423-443  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Trofeji -- Ocjenjivanje trofeja -- Rogovlje -- Trofejna vrijednost -- Jelen obični

PETROVIĆ, Danijela
MOR and MOE of Serbian spruce (Picea omorika Pančić/Purkyně) wood from natural stands = Modul loma i modul elastičnosti drva omorike (Picea omorika Pančić/Purkyně) iz prirodnih sastojina / Danijela Petrović, Vojislav Dukić, Zdravko Popović, Nebojša Todorović. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Drvna industrija. - ISSN 0012-6772. - 72 (2021), 2 ; str. 193-200  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Picea omorika -- Modul loma -- Modul elastičnosti -- Prirodne sastojine

Performance of ANN in predicting internal bonding of cement particleboard manufactured from giant reed and bagasse = Primjena umjetne neuronske mreže u predviđanju čvrstoće na raslojavanje cementne iverice proizvedene od divovske trske i ostataka od prerade šećerne trske / Morteza Nazerian, Hossin Assadolahpoor Nanaii, Elham Vatankhah, Mojtaba Koosha. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 60 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Drvna industrija. - ISSN 0012-6772. - 72 (2021), 3 ; str. 255-271  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Cementna iverica -- Šećerna trska -- Mikrostruktura -- Čvrstoća raslojavanja -- Hidratacija -- Umjetna neuronska mreža

Possibility of use of NCC-reinforced melamine-urea-formaldehyde adhesive in plywood manufacturing = Mogućnost uporabe melamin-ureaformaldehidnog ljepila ojačanog nanocelulozom u proizvodnji furnirskih ploča / Jakub Kawalerczyk, Dorota Dziurka, Radosław Mirski, Joanna Siuda, Marta Babicka. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 73 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Drvna industrija. - ISSN 0012-6772. - 72 (2021), 3 ; str. 279-289  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Furnirska ploča -- Melamin-formaldehidna ljepila -- Nanoceluloza -- Punilo

Thermal behavior of insulation fiberboards made from MDF and paper wastes = Toplinska svojstva izolacijskih vlaknatica izrađenih od otpadnog MDF-a i papira / Bita Moezzipour, Aida Moezzipour. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Drvna industrija. - ISSN 0012-6772. - 72 (2021), 3 ; str. 245-254  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Izolacijske ploče -- Vlaknatice -- Recikliranje -- Toplinska stabilnost -- Otpad -- Otpadni papir

PANĐA, Lovre
Usporedba GEOBIA klasifikacijskih algoritama na temelju Worldview-3 snimaka u izdvajanju šuma primorskih četinjača = Comparison of GEOBIA classification algorithms based on Worldview-3 imagery in the extraction of coastal coniferous forest / Lovre Panđa, Ante Šiljeg, Ivan Marić, Fran Domazetović, Silvija Šiljeg, Rina Milošević. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 543-544. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Šumarski list (1945). - ISSN 0373-1332. - 145 (2021), 11/12 ; str. 535-544  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Šume -- Četinjače -- Satelitske snimke -- Klasifikacijski algoritmi

TUMPA, Katarina
Vegetativno razmnožavanje pitomog kestena i maruna = Vegetative propagation of sweet chestnut and marrons / Katarina Tumpa, Marilena Idžojtić, Mirna Ćurković-Perica, Marin Ježić, Davor Juretić, Damir Drvodelić, Mario Šango, Milovan Žigante, Igor Poljak. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 496-498. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Šumarski list (1945). - ISSN 0373-1332. - 145 (2021), 9/10 ; str. 489-498  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pitomi kesten -- Castanea sativa Mill. -- Maruni -- Kultivari -- Vegetativno razmnožavanje -- Cijepljenje

MIJOČ, David
Vrednovanje metode izračuna planske cijene usluge pridobivanja drva = Evaluation of the method of calculating the planned price of timber harvesting operations / David Mijoč, Nikola Perković, Mario Šporčić, Matija Landekić, Matija Bakarić, Andreja Đuka, Tomislav Poršinsky. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 523-524. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Šumarski list (1945). - ISSN 0373-1332. - 145 (2021), 11/12 ; str. 515-524  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pridobivanje drva -- Tržište -- Planska cijena -- Ugovorena cijena

Vidi br.: HA21-03821

Vidi br.: HA21-03659

Vidi br.: HA21-03623

631/635   Upravljanje seoskim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvom. Poljoprivreda. Agronomija. Hortikultura

Vidi br.: HA21-03665

Vidi br.: HA21-03695

636/639   Stočarstvo i uzgoj životinja. Proizvodi domaćih životinja i divljači. Pčelarstvo. Držanje i uzgoj kukaca. Lovstvo. Ribarstvo. Ribogojstvo

Vidi br.: HA21-03792

Vidi br.: HA21-03743

Vidi br.: HA21-03293

Vidi br.: HA21-03659

636.09   Veterinarska znanost

64   Ekonomika kućanstva. Domaćinstvo. Vođenje kućanstva

BOSANAC, Vesna, inženjerka prehrambene tehnologije
Svakodnevna prehrana u Dalmatinskoj zagori pedesetih godina 20. stoljeća = Daily nutrition in the Dalmatian hinterland in the 1950s / Vesna Bosanac, Ljiljana Nanjara.
Bilješka uz tekst. - Tekst na engl. jeziku tiskan u obrnutom smjeru: str. 75-95. - Bibliografija i izvori: str. 89-91.
U: Etnološka istraživanja. - ISSN 0351-4323. - 26 (2021) ; str. 73-91  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Selo -- Tradicijska prehrana -- Prehrambeni običaji -- Hranidbena vrijednost

640.4   Hotelijerstvo. Ugostiteljstvo. Catering

Ratio of the structure of hotel online booking channels and the monitoring of the quality of hotel websites in a multidimensional system : Identification and distribution of potentials / Mislav Šimunić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: 32 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 319-335  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hoteli -- Online rezervacije -- Kvaliteta web stranice -- Google faktori rangiranja -- Vidljivost tražilice

Vidi br.: HA21-03497

Vidi br.: HA21-03307

65   Komunikacijska i prijevozna industrija. Računovodstvo. Poslovno upravljanje. Odnosi s javnošću

654   Telekomunikacije i daljinsko upravljanje

ALMANOFI, Anas Mahmoud
3D target localization by using particle filter with passive radar having one non-cooperative transmitter and one receiver [Elektronička građa] : Anas Mahmoud Almanofi, Adnan Malki, Ali Kazem. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Summary. - In a passive radar system, localizing a target in Cartesian space is achieved by using one of the following bistatic geometries: multiple non-cooperative transmitters with one receiver, one non-cooperative transmitter with multiple receivers, or one non-cooperative transmitter with one receiver. In this paper, we propose a new method for localizing a target in Cartesian space by passive radar having the bistatic geometry "one non-cooperative transmitter and one receiver". This method depends on using two consecutive particle filters for estimating and analyzing the Doppler frequency and time delay of the target"s echo signal. The theoretical analysis of the proposed method is presented, and its efficiency is verified by simulating the passive radar system with a Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial (DVB-T) transmitter.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 1 ; str. 36-43  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pasivni radar -- Koordinate cilja -- Odašiljač -- Prijemnik -- Doppler frekvencija -- Vremensko kašnjenje

PENG, Haorui
Is cloud RAN a feasible option for industrial communication network? [Elektronička građa] / Haorui Peng, William Tarneberg, Emma Fitzgerald, Maria Kihl. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija:. - Summary. - Cloud RAN (C-RAN) is a promising paradigm for the next generation radio access network infrastructure, which offers centralised and coordinated base-band signal processing in a cloud-based BBU pool. This requires extremely low latency responses to achieve real-time signal processing. In this paper, we analysed the challenges to introduce cloud native model for signal processing in C-RAN. We studied the difficulties of achieving real-time processing in a cloud infrastructure by addressing its latency-constraint. To evaluate the performance of such a system, we mainly investigated a massive MIMO pilot scheduling process in a C-RAN infrastructure under a factory automation scenario. We considered the stochastic delays incurred by the cloud execution environment as the main constraint that has has impact on the scheduling performance. We use simulations to provide insights on the feasibility of C-RAN deployment for industrial communication, which has stringent criteria to meet Industry 4.0 standards under this constraint. Our experiment results show that, concerning a pilot scheduling problem, the CRAN system is capable of meeting the industrial criteria when the fronthaul and the cloud execution environment has introduced latency in the order of milliseconds.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 2 ; str. 97-105  
 Elektronička verzija članka
RAN -- Radio pristupna mreža -- Oblak-radio pristupna mreža -- Industrija 4.0

COMISSO, Massimiliano
Limiting performance of millimeter-wave communications in the presence of a 3D random waypoint mobility model [Elektronička građa] / Massimiliano Comisso, Francesca Vatta, Giulia Buttazzoni, Fulvio Babich. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 34 jed. - Summary. - This paper proposes a mathematical framework for evaluating the limiting capacity of a millimeter-wave (mmWave) communication involving a mobile user (MU) and a cellular base station. The investigation is realized considering a threedimensional (3D) space in which the random waypoint mobility model is used to probabilistically identify the location of the MUs. Besides, the analysis is developed accounting for path-loss attenuation, directional antenna gains, shadowing, and modulation scheme. Closed-form formulas for the received signal power, the Shannon capacity, and the bit error rate (BER) are obtained for both line-of-sight (LoS) and non-LoS scenarios in the presence of a noise-limited operating regime. The conceived theoretical model is firstly checked by Monte Carlo validations, and then employed to explore the influence of the antenna gain and of the cell radius on the capacity and on the BER of a fifth-generation (5G) link in a 3D environment, taking into account both the 28 and 73 GHz mmWave bands.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 1 ; str. 44-49  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bežične komunikacije -- 5G mobilne mreže -- Milimetarski val -- Mobilni korisnici -- Lociranje

GOEL, Nikita
Outage and rate evaluation of drone based decode and forward cooperation for hybrid fading channels [Elektronička građa] / Nikita Goel, Vrinda Gupta. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 28 jed. - Summary. - In this paper, we consider a drone as a relay in Cooperative Communication (CC) to improve the network performance in an upcoming wireless network. Drone Assisted CC (DACC) is more useful when the central coordinator (base station) gets disrupted. In such a scenario, the drone works as an aerial relay and provides CC diversity to the end-users. In this article, a Decode-and-Forward (DF) protocol is used as a relaying scheme at the drone, and the Maximal Ratio Combining (MRC) scheme is used at the end-users for combining the direct and relayed signal. Here, we assume Nakagami faded channel among Airto-Ground (A2G) links and Rayleigh faded distribution between Ground-to-Ground (G2G) links. The performance of DA-CC is evaluated in a hybrid channel environment and compared based on drone height, rate, horizontal distance, and transmitted power with the existing Rayleigh and Nakagami faded distributions. The analytical expression of outage probability and the rate have been derived for analysis purposes, and Monte-Carlo simulations are used to verify the analytical results. This work can have security and surveillance applications to improve the network performance in the absence of a central base station.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 2 ; str. 169-176  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bežične mreže -- Bežične komunikacije -- Poboljšanje performansi -- Kooperativna komunikacija

Performance analysis of compressive sensing based LS and MMSE channel estimation algorithm [Elektronička građa] / Ami Munshi, Srija Unnikrishnan. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 32 jed. - Summary. - In this paper, we have developed and implemented Minimum Mean Square Channel Estimation with Compressive Sensing (MMSE-CS) algorithm in MIMO-OFDM systems. The performance of this algorithm is analyzed by comparing it with Least Square channel estimation with compressive sensing (LS-CS), Least Square (LS) and Minimum Mean Square Estimation (MMSE) algorithms. It is observed that the performance of MMSE-CS in terms of Bit Error Rate (BER) metric is definitely better than LS-CS and LS algorithms and it is at par with MMSE algorithm. Moreover the role of compressive sensing theory in channel estimation is accentuated by the fact that in MMSE-CS algorithm only a very small number of channel coefficients are sensed to recreate the transmitted data faithfully as compared to MMSE algorithm.
U: Journal of communications software and systems (Online). - ISSN 1846-6079. - 17 (2021), 1 ; str. 13-19  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bežični komunikacijski sustavi -- Primopredajnik -- Kognitivne radijske mreže

Prvih deset godina Radiotelevizije Zagreb / Vesna Dubovečak. - Graf. prikazi, fotogr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 1065-1068. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 3 ; str. 1023-1070  
 Elektronička verzija članka

Vidi br.: HA21-03863

Vidi br.: HA21-03316

Vidi br.: HA21-03711

Vidi br.: HA21-03720

Vidi br.: HA21-03722

Vidi br.: HA21-03302

Vidi br.: HA21-03721

Vidi br.: HA21-03323

Vidi br.: HA21-03294

656   Prijevozne i poštanske usluge. Organizacija i kontrola prometa

GUO, Hongxia
Tractor and semitrailer routing problem of highway port networks under unbalanced demand / Hongxia Guo, Shaoquan Ni. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 29 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 939-947  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Autoceste -- Usmjeravanje prometa -- Problem usmjeravanja vozila -- Optimizacija rasporeda -- Matematički model

Vidi br.: HA21-03744

Vidi br.: HA21-03322

Vidi br.: HA21-03515

Vidi br.: HA21-03296

657   Računovodstvo

Issues relating to goodwill valuation : evidence from companies in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina / Amra Gadžo, Benina Veledar. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 23 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 2 ; str. 249-271  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Računovodstvo -- Goodwill

Vidi br.: HA21-03469

658   Poslovni menadžment, upravljanje, administracija. Organizacija poslovanja

Acceptability and perception of environmentally friendly products by student population in Croatia / Vesna Vučemilović, Andreja Katolik Kovačević, Ivona Blažević. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: 276-277 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 265-277  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zeleni proizvodi -- Zeleni potrošači -- Zaštita okoliša -- Održivi razvoj -- Studenti

Analysis of factors affecting the savings of private profit companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina expressed in relative amount of GDP by applying the ARDL methodology / Irma Đidelija. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 20 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-10  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Privatna profitna poduzeća -- Štednja -- Faktori štednje -- ARDL metodologija

RUPČIĆ, Nataša
Career development and learning as demotivators in large companies of Primorje-Gorski kotar county, Croatia / Nataša Rupčić, Marijana Jakopič Ganić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 38 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 1 ; str. 34-58  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzeća -- Ljudski potencijali -- Motivacija -- Karijera -- Učenje

GAVRIĆ, Tanja, ekonomistkinja
Conflict management strategies in family business : A case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina / Tanja Gavrić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 37 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 101-114  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obiteljska poduzeća -- Upravljanje sukobima -- Strategije upravljanja sukobima -- Prijenos znanja -- Sukcesija

Effect of individual entrepreneurship orientation on export intention in micro and small enterprises : The moderating role of access to finance / Ajit Dahal, Mahestu N Krisjanti. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 62 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 87-99  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mala i srednja poduzeća -- Izvozna namjera -- Pristup financiranju -- Strukturalne jednadžbe

BAZRKAR, Ardeshir
Effect of the social media marketing strategy on customer participation intention in light of the mediating role of customer perceived value = Utjecaj marketinške strategije društvenih medija na korisnikovu namjeru sudjelovanja u odnosu na medijatorsku ulogu korisnikove percipirane vrijednosti / Ardeshir Bazrkar, Mohammad Hajimohammadi, Erfan Aramoon, Vahid Aramoon. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 66 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Tržište (Zagreb). - ISSN 0353-4790. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 41-58  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Marketing -- Društveni mediji -- Korisnici -- Percipirana vrijednost

ALJINOVIĆ Barać, Željana
The effects of company characteristics on financial reporting quality : the application of the machine learning technique / Željana Aljinović Barać, Mario Bilić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografska bilješka uz tekst ; bibliografija: 54 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 57-72  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Karakteristike poduzeća -- Financijsko izvještavanje -- Kvaliteta financijskog izvještavanja -- Tehnike strojnog učenja -- M5 algoritam

APASIEVA, Tamara Jovanov
Entrepreneurial intentions of students at private universities in transition economies / Tamara Jovanov Apasieva, Edo Rajh, Jelena Budak, Ljupčo Davčev. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 92 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 2 ; str. 157-184  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzetništvo -- Poduzetničke namjere -- Studenti -- Tranzicija -- Teorija planiranog ponašanja

Implementing a quality management system in the Croatian public administration / Ivana Čandrlić-Dankoš. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 31 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 213-223  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sustav upravljanja kvalitetom -- Javna uprava -- ISO 9001

An integrated solution approach for flow shop scheduling / Ilknur Karacan, Ismet Karacan, Ozlem Senvar, Serol Bulkan. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 52 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 786-795  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Planiranje proizvodnje -- Višekriterijsko odlučivanje -- Genetski algoritam

SINČIĆ Ćorić, Dubravka
Istraživanje prakse hrvatskih poduzeća u razvoju i upravljanju markom poslovne usluge / Dubravka Sinčić Ćorić, Lucija Babić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 38 jed. - Summary.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 4 ; str. 571-597  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poduzeća -- Tržište -- Poslovne usluge -- Marka -- Brend

BAS, Murat
The mediating role of work engagement in the relationship between perceived organizational support and turnover intention - with an application to healthcare employees in Erzincan province of Turkey / Murat Bas, Orhan Çınar. - Graf. prikazi.
This study is derived from the PhD study titled "The mediating role of work engagement in the relationship between perceived organizational support and turnover intention - with an application on healthcare employees in Erzincan province of Turkey" under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Orhan Çınar, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Institute of Social Sciences. - Bibliografija: 68 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 291-306  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zdravstveni sektor -- Zaposlenici -- Radni angažman -- Percipirana organizacijska podrška -- Posredovanje

HASANI, Egzona
New product development : From idea to market launch : evidence from Kosovo banking sector / Egzona Hasani, Besim Beqaj. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: 32 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 491-503  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bankarski sektor -- Poslovanje -- Razvoj novih proizvoda -- Tehnologija

TURHAN, Miraç Savaş
Organizational foundings, disbandings, and the COVID-19 pandemic : Evidence from the Turkish construction sector / Miraç Savaş Turhan, Yakup Ari. - Graf. prikazi.
Appendix: str. 350. - Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: 36 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 337-350  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turski građevinski sektor -- Pandemija COVID-19 -- Organizacijska ekologija -- Osnivanja i raspuštanja -- ARDL test granica

LUČIĆ, Andrea
Review of national financial education policies aimed at the young : evidence for developing and implementing policy recommendations for Croatia / Andrea Lučić, Marija Uzelac, Luka Gaćina. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: 75 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 443-456  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mladi odrasli -- Financijsko obrazovanje -- Odgovorno financijsko ponašanje -- Financijska pismenost -- Nacionalne politike

RADOŠ, Goran, politolog
Social entrepreneurial intentions and motivational drivers among business students / Goran Radoš, Danijela Martinović, Irena Pandža Bajs. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 45 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 41-56  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Studenti gospodarstva -- Društveno poduzetništvo -- Motivacijski pokretači -- Društveno-politički čimbenici -- Situacijski i osobni čimbenici

SITNIKOV, Cătălina
Systematic approach to internal control and audit from the perspective of organizational culture practiced by entities of Romania [Elektronička građa] / Cătălina Sitnikov, Anca Băndoi, Mariana Paraschiva Olaru, Alina Mădălina Belu. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 176. - Abstract. - The internal control and audit system is a component of a company's management system that focuses on defining individual employee tasks, identifying and implementing the most efficient methods, implementing the most effective information system and meeting all stakeholders' needs, expectations and requirements. The different parts of the internal management control system can be integrated with the other parts of the general management system in order for the internal control objectives to complement the general objectives of an entity, such as development, financing, profitability and the environment. This integration can make resource planning and allocation easier, formulate complementary goals and evaluate the entity's overall efficiency. This reflects the current internal control and auditing method at the entity level regarding organizational culture. The study aims to use organized, statistically measurable (by applying markers of dispersion, central tendency, and correlation) evaluative, predictive and causal methodologies to verify the theories and hypotheses proposed on the subject. Insurance and counselling add value to the entities' activities and aid management in maintaining efficient and effective internal audit and control, assessing the reliability of the information, evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of operations funds and public property management processes and ensuring compliance with laws, regulations, and contracts.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 166-176  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Interna kontrola -- Interna revizija -- Poslovanje

Understanding social media marketing activities in Western Balkans : empirical insights from Kosovo / Visar Rrustemi, Gezim Jusufi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 68 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 6 ; str. 869-893  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Digitalni marketing -- Društveni mediji -- Mala i srednja poduzeća

BRLEČIĆ Valčić, Sonja
Using ANFIS in joint dynamics of monetization, financial development, public debt and unemployment analysis / Sonja Brlečić Valčić, Ante Samodol, Marko Valčić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: 32 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 23-40  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Monetizacija gospodarstva -- Financijski razvoj -- Nezaposlenost -- Strukturni problemi nezaposlenosti

BUNETA, Anđelka
Utjecaj subvencija na uspješnost poslovanja specifične skupine hrvatskih javnih poduzeća / Anđelka Buneta. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 18 jed. - Summary.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 3 ; str. 377-412  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Javna poduzeća -- Državne potpore -- Subvencije -- Uspješnost poslovanja

Vidi br.: HA21-03487

Vidi br.: HA21-03464

Vidi br.: HA21-03842

Vidi br.: HA21-03644

Vidi br.: HA21-03726

Vidi br.: HA21-03642

Vidi br.: HA21-03481

Vidi br.: HA21-03482

Vidi br.: HA21-03279

Vidi br.: HA21-03326

659   Reklama. Informiranje. Odnosi s javnošću

Attitudes and perceptions of sustainable marketing in higher education - designing a measurement instrument / Dunja Meštrović, Lidija Bagarić, Dina Lončarić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 82 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 401-413  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Više obrazovanje -- Održivi marketing -- Mjerni instrument -- Razvoj ljestvice

Challenges of navigating brands through social media : marketing managers point of view / Tajana Marušić, Tihomir Vranešević.
Bibliografija: 20 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Ekonomski pregled. - ISSN 0424-7558. - 72 (2021), 3 ; str. 413-430  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Društveni mediji -- Brend -- Marketing menadžeri

Vidi br.: HA21-03802

Vidi br.: HA21-03575

Vidi br.: HA21-03791

66   Kemijska tehnologija. Kemijska i srodne industrije

A contribution to the modelling of fouling resistance in heat exchanger-condenser by direct and inverse artificial neural network / Ahmed Benyekhlef, Brahim Mohammedi, Salah Hanini, Mouloud Boumahdi, Ahmed Rezrazi, Maamar Laidi. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Kemija u industriji. - ISSN 0022-9830. - 70 (2021), 11/12 ; str. 639-650  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Modeliranje -- Umjetna neuronska mreža -- Izmjenjivač topline -- Kondenzator -- Grafičko korisničko sučelje

Dragonfly support vector machine modelling of the adsorption phenomenon of certain phenols by activated carbon fibres / Mohamed Hentabli, Abd-Elmouneïm Belhadj, Farid Dahmoune. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 26 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Kemija u industriji. - ISSN 0022-9830. - 70 (2021), 9/10 ; str. 501-508  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Adsorpcija -- Fenoli -- Metoda potpornih vektora -- Aktivni ugljen

GEZERMAN, Ahmet Ozan
Industrial scale ammonia pipeline transfer system and exergy analysis / Ahmet Ozan Gezerman. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 25 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Kemija u industriji. - ISSN 0022-9830. - 70 (2021), 11/12 ; str. 711-716  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Amonijak -- Gnojiva -- Kriogeni uvjeti -- Višestupnjeviti kompresor -- Transport -- Skladištenje

Niskotemperaturna eutektička otapala : racionalnim dizajnom do zelenog otapala budućnosti / Mia Radović, Manuela Panić, Kristina Radošević, Marina Cvjetko Bubalo, Ivana Radojčić Redovniković. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 88 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Kemija u industriji. - ISSN 0022-9830. - 70 (2021), 9/10 ; str. 551-562  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Otapala -- Dizajnirana otapala -- Zelena kemija -- Niskotemperaturna eutektička otapala

EL Bey, Abdelmadjid
Practical artificial neural network tool for predicting the competitive adsorption of dyes on gemini polymeric nanoarchitecture / Abdelmadjid El Bey, Maamar Laidi, Amina Yettou, Salah Hanini, Abdellah Ibrir, Mohamed Hentabli, Hasna Ouldkhaoua. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 21 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Kemija u industriji. - ISSN 0022-9830. - 70 (2021), 9/10 ; str. 481-488  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Umjetne neuronske mreže -- Bojila -- Uklanjanje boje -- Obezbojavanje -- Adsorpcija -- Polimeri -- Nanostruktura

Primjena imobiliziranog TiO2 za uklanjanje Cu(II) iona / Igor Jajčinović, Anita Štrkalj, Ivan Brnardić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 17 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Kemija u industriji. - ISSN 0022-9830. - 70 (2021), 11/12 ; str. 669-673  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Adsorpcija -- TiO2 -- Titanijev dioksid -- Cu(II) ioni -- Izoterme

MRKALJ, Kristijan
Priprava i karakterizacija poli(metil-metakrilatnih) kompozita s nanocelulozom / Kristijan Mrkalj, Fabio Faraguna, Elvira Vidović, Ante Jukić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 31 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Kemija u industriji. - ISSN 0022-9830. - 70 (2021), 9/10 ; str. 535-542  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Poli(metil-metakrilat) -- Nanoceluloza -- Kompozitni materijali

TAIWO, Oluwayemisi Christiana
Recycling of waste expanded polystyrene as an effective adsorbent of naphthalene from aqueous solution / Oluwayemisi Christiana Taiwo, Tinuade Jolaade Afolabi, Funmilayo Nihinlola Osuolale, Ayobami Olu Ajani, Olufunmilayo Abiola Aworanti, Olabanji Raphael Ogunleye, Abass Olanrewaju Alade. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 59 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Kemija u industriji. - ISSN 0022-9830. - 70 (2021), 9/10 ; str. 519-534  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Adsorpcija -- D-optimalnost -- Naftalen -- Otpadni ekspandirani polistiren

Utjecaj obrade površine termoplastičnih poliolefina plamenom na adheziju premaza u industrijskim uvjetima robotskog bojenja / Vlado Merzel, Sanja Lučić Blagojević, Zrinka Buhin Šturlić, Mario Meheš, Mirela Leskovac. - Ilustr. ; graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 16 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Kemija u industriji. - ISSN 0022-9830. - 70 (2021), 9/10 ; str. 489-499  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Obrada površine -- Polipropilen -- Termoplastični poliolefini -- Obrada plamenom -- Slobodna površinska energija -- Premazi -- Adhezija

Vidi br.: HA21-03593

Vidi br.: HA21-03741

662   Eksplozivi. Goriva

ZAINI, Mohd Saufi Md
A preliminary study of the sustainability of oil palm biomass as feedstock : performance and challenges of the gasification technology in Malaysia / Mohd Saufi Md Zaini, Mohd Jumain Jalil. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 65 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Kemija u industriji. - ISSN 0022-9830. - 70 (2021), 11/12 ; str. 717-728  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Staklenički plinovi -- Biomasa -- Uljana palma -- Tehnologija rasplinjavanja -- Pretvorba energije

Projekcija količine i energetskog potencijala miješanog komunalnog otpada u Republici Hrvatskoj / Tomislav Domanovac, Igor Sutlović, Veljko Filipan, Dajana Kučić Grgić, Monika Šabić Runjavec, Marija Vuković Domanovac. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 30 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Kemija u industriji. - ISSN 0022-9830. - 70 (2021), 11/12 ; str. 693-700  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Komunalni otpad -- Otpad -- Energetski potencijal -- Bioplin

664   Proizvodnja i konzerviranje krutih prehrambenih proizvoda

Vidi br.: HA21-03490

Vidi br.: HA21-04031

669   Metalurgija

GOJIĆ, Mirko
Metalurški kombinat Željezara Sisak / Mirko Gojić. - Fotogr.
Bibliografija: 40 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Kemija u industriji. - ISSN 0022-9830. - 70 (2021), 9/10 ; str. 563-580  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Čelik -- Metalurgija -- Sirovo željezo -- Šavne cijevi -- Bešavne cijevi
Željezara Sisak


Vidi br.: HA21-03742

Vidi br.: HA21-03697

Vidi br.: HA21-03704

Vidi br.: HA21-03701

67/68   Različite industrije, zanati i obrti

PETROVIĆ Leš, Tihana
"Gorki okus tkanine" - zagrebačka i jugoslavenska tekstilna industrija 1960-ih u svjetlu odabranih hrvatskih tiskovina / Tihana Petrović Leš, Andrea Klobučar. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 152-155. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 1 ; str. 131-156  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tekstilna industrija -- Tiskovine -- Gospodarska povijest

LEGG, Brooklyn
Industry 4.0 implementation in US primary wood products industry = Implementacija industrije 4.0 u primarnoj preradi drva u SAD-u / Brooklyn Legg, Bettina Dorfner, Scott Leavengood, Eric Hansen. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 15 jed. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Drvna industrija. - ISSN 0012-6772. - 72 (2021), 2 ; str. 143-153  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Drvna industrija -- Prerada drva -- Industrija 4.0 -- Digitalizacija

Vidi br.: HA21-03766

Vidi br.: HA21-03758

Vidi br.: HA21-03760

Vidi br.: HA21-03746

Vidi br.: HA21-03749

Vidi br.: HA21-03765

Vidi br.: HA21-03752

Vidi br.: HA21-03761

Vidi br.: HA21-03767

Vidi br.: HA21-03771

Vidi br.: HA21-03751

Vidi br.: HA21-03770

Vidi br.: HA21-03753

Vidi br.: HA21-03764

Vidi br.: HA21-03772

Vidi br.: HA21-03696

69   Građevinski zanat. Građevinski materijali

GORETA, Marko, inženjer građevinarstva
Calibration of an existing creep model for analysis of aluminium members exposed to constant temperature / Marko Goreta, Neno Torić, Ivica Boko. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija i internetski izvori: 19 jed.
U: International journal for engineering modelling. - ISSN 1330-1365. - 34 (2021), 2 ; str. 1-15  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Aluminijske legure -- Puzanje -- ANSYS -- Numerički model

The influence of utilizing recycled and reclaimed coarse aggregates in producing concrete for structural applications / Saied Kashkash, Zoltan Orban, Oliver Czoboly. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 30 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 1025-1031  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Beton -- Armirani beton -- Agregat

BURGAN, Halil Ibrahim
Numerical modeling of structural irregularities on unsymmetrical buildings / Halil Ibrahim Burgan. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 25 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 856-861  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Seizmičko opterećenje -- Smična čvrstoća -- Posmični zidovi -- Zgrade -- Numeričko modeliranje


Iskoraci ravnatelja na čelu Nacionalnog muzeja moderne umjetnosti / Branko Franceschi ; razgovarala Nevenka Šarčević. - Ilustr., portreti.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 62-67
Muzeji -- Galerije
Franceschi, Branko
Moderna galerija -- Nacionalni muzej moderne umjetnosti


7.0   Teorija umjetnosti

"Monet. Ah, katedrale!" / Denis Coutagne ; prijevod Roman Karlović.
Tematski blok: Katedrala. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 140 ; str. 63-71
Slikari -- Impresionizam -- Katedrale -- Romantizam
Monet, Claude
Katedrala u Rouenu


Donum lacrimarum - plač i suze u ikonografiji zapadne umjetnosti / Marina Vicelja-Matijašić. - Ilustr.
Tematski blok: O suzama. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 141 ; str. 79-98
Plač -- Suze -- Ikonografija -- Slikarstvo -- Emotivna stanja -- Oplakivanje Krista -- Zapadna umjetnost

Duje Jurić : umjetnik-inovator u tradiciji konstruktivizma / Iva Körbler. - Ilustr.
O izložbi: Duje Jurić: Mreža oprostorene slike, MSU, Zagreb, 12. 12. 2020. - 28. 3. 2021.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 52-55
Slikarstvo -- Izložbe -- Konstruktivizam -- Likovna kritika
Jurić, Duje


RUL, Mirna, kustosica
Ines Krasić : utopijski urbanizam / Mirna Rul. - Ilustr.
O izložbi: Ines Krasić: Ekspedicija, Galerija MSU, Zagreb.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 92-94
Instalacije -- Izložbe -- Likovna kritika
Krasić, Ines


Jerolim Miše : korjenita transformacija izraza / Barbara Vujanović. - Ilustr.
O izložbi: Jerolim Miše: Od buntovnika do barda, Moderna galerija, Zagreb, 8. 12. 2020. - 31. 1. 2021.; Galerija umjetnina, Split, 11. 2. - 28. 3. 2021.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 68-71
Slikarstvo -- Retrospektivne izložbe -- Likovna kritika
Miše, Jerolim


RUSO, Anita
Likovna kritika : kako biti kritičan u oskudnim vremenima? / Anita Ruso. - Ilustr.
Razgovor o likovnoj kritici, dio programa Situacija koji se održavao u sklopu 35. Salona mladih 2020. godine.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 102-105
Okrugli stol -- Likovna kritika

ŠIMAT Banov, Ive
Nekoliko crtica o spomenicima i žrtvama spomenika / Ive Šimat Banov. - Ilustr.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 107-111
Spomenici -- Likovna kritika -- Figurativni spomenici -- Modernizam

Nikola Koydl : zapisi intimnih dijelova života / Sara Mikelić. - Ilustr.
O izložbi: Nikola Koydl: In memoriam - Izložbom i dubokim naklonom, Moderna galerija, Zagreb, 23. 2. - 11. 4. 2020.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 72-75
Slikarstvo -- Izložbe -- Likovna kritika
Koydl, Nikola


SLAVICA Gabout, Višnja
Nino Vranić : od portreta do priče o autoru i djelu / Višnja Slavica Gabout. - Ilustr.
O izložbi: Portret i djelo - donacija Nine Vranića, Moderna galerija, Zagreb, 20. 1. - 21. 3. 2021.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 89-91
Fotografija -- Foto-portreti -- Izložbe -- Likovna kritika
Vranić, Nino


Petra Feriancová : upisivanje sjećanja / Iva Körbler. - Ilustr.
O izložbi: Petra Feriancová: She was Unaware of Her Borders/Ego in Habitat, Galerija Bačva, Dom HDLU, Zagreb, 24. 9. - 11. 10. 2020.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 82-83
Instalacije -- Izložbe -- Likovna kritika
Feriancová, Petra


PINTARIĆ, Jadranka
Radenko Milak : o iznevjerenoj budućnosti / Jadranka Pintarić. - Ilustr.
O izložbi: Radenko Milak: Katastrofa neviđenog, MSU, Zagreb, 15. 10. - 29. 11. 2020.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 56-61
Slikarstvo -- Izložbe -- Likovna kritika
Milak, Radenko


Sintetski prikaz antičke baštine / Igor Borzić. - Ilustr.
Prikaz knjige: Umjetnost antike u hrvatskim krajevima / Nenad Cambi ; [prijevod [sažetka] na engleski Graham McMaster ; fotografije Zoran Antun Alajbeg ... et al.]. Split : Književni krug ; Zagreb : Institut za povijest umjetnosti, 2020.
U: Zadarska smotra. - ISSN 1330-4577. - 70 (2021), 1/3 ; str. 409-412
Antička umjetnost -- Arheološki nalazi -- Javni spomenici
Cambi, Nenad


Toni Franović : Slika u cvatu, slikar u raju / Nikola Albaneže. - Ilustr.
O izložbi: Toni Franović: Vrt, Galerija Gliptoteka HAZU, Zagreb, 5. 2. - 28. 2. 2021. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 76-79
Slikarstvo -- Izložbe -- Likovna kritika
Franović, Toni


Viktor Popović : bez naziva (Arhiv ST3: Sadržaj) / Sara Mikelić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 40-43
Instalacije -- Izložbe -- Split 3 -- Urbano planiranje
Popović, Viktor


TEKIĆ, Romana
Željko Subić : s osloncem na vlastite snage / Romana Tekić. - Ilustr.
O izložbi: Željko Subić: Novoj Gradiški na dar, Galerija Gradskog muzeja Nova Gradiška, 27. 11. 2020. - 19. 2. 2021.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 80-81
Slikarstvo -- Izložbe -- Likovna kritika
Subić, Željko


Vidi br.: HA21-03846

Vidi br.: HA21-03855

Vidi br.: HA21-03852

Vidi br.: HA21-03857

71   Prostorno planiranje. Regionalno, urbano i ruralno planiranje. Krajobrazi, parkovi, vrtovi

KAHLE, Darko
Građevni i urbanistički propisi u Hrvatskoj od 1956. do 1971. godine / Darko Kahle. - Ilustr.
Prilog na str. 1171-1176. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 1176-1180. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 3 ; str. 1149-1181  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Građevno zakonodavstvo -- Građevni propisi -- Urbanistički propisi -- Građevinska regulativa

ROGINA, Danijela
The role of financial viability in sustainability and the increase of green roofs as elements of green infrastructure / Danijela Rogina, Ivana Šandrk Nukić. - Graf. prikazi, fotogr.
Bibliografija i elektronički izvori: 24 jed.
U: Ekonomski vjesnik. - ISSN 0353-359X. - 34 (2021), 1 ; str. 199-211  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Milenijalci -- Zeleni krovovi -- Zelena infrastruktura -- EU financiranje -- Oodrživi razvoj -- Prostorno planiranje

Urbanistički program grada Zagreba iz 1965. : nastanak, planirano i realizirano / Lidija Bencetić, Zlatko Jurić. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 1245-1246 ; izvori: 10 jed. ; elektronički izvori: 3 jed. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 3 ; str. 1209-1247  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Urbanizam -- Urbanistički razvoj -- Socijalizam
Kolacio, Zdenko


NOVOSEL, Domagoj, povjesničar
Urbanizacija i modernizacija sjeverne periferije Zagreba 1960. - 1970. / Domagoj Novosel.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 1142-1146. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 3 ; str. 1115-1147  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Urbanizacija -- Modernizacija -- Usmena povijest

Vidi br.: HA21-04053

Vidi br.: HA21-03505

72   Arhitektura

LINAZASORO, José Ignacio
Baština katedrala u modernom gradu / José Ignacio Linazasoro ; prijevod Ružica Đikić.
Tematski blok: Katedrala. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 140 ; str. 52-62
Katedrala -- Urbani prostor -- Arhitektura -- Baština -- Povijest

Baština katedralnih crkava : razgovor Didiera Laroquea s Didierom Repellinom / Didier Repellin ; prijevod Ružica Đikić.
Tematski blok: Katedrala.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 140 ; str. 5-10
Sakralna baština -- Kršćanska arhitektura -- Crkve -- Katedrale -- Razaranja -- Konvencije o baštini

NIKOLIĆ, Vladan, arhitekt
Hovering architecture and using mirrors in architectural design / Vladan Nikolić, Olivera Nikolić, Petar Mitković, Srđan Živković, Jasmina Tamburić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 32 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 1067-1073  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Arhitektura -- Arhitektonsko projektiranje -- Efekt lebdenja -- Ogledala -- Vizualna percepcija

Katedrala i katedralni sklop rimskoga Zapada tijekom kasne antike / Jean Guyon ; prijevod Roman Karlović.
Tematski blok: Katedrala. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 7 jed.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 140 ; str. 11-20
Katedrale -- Građevine -- Krstionice -- Spomenici

RAČKI, Melita
Otpornost naslijeđa / Melita Rački ; razgovarala Danijela Tukić. - Ilustr.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 36-39
Arhitektura -- Urbanizam -- Modernizam -- Suvremena arhitektura -- Split 3 -- Urbano planiranje
Rački, Melita


Spomenik domovini : za svakoga i nikoga / Nevenka Šarčević. - Ilustr.
Sadrži i razgovore sa: Vinkom Srhojem, Sanjom Horvatinčić i Borisom Ljubičićem.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 26-35
Arhitektura -- Spomenici -- Komentari
Fabijanić, Nenad


JARAK, Mirja
Umjetnost kasne antike / Mirja Jarak. - Ilustr.
Prikaz knjige: Vernakularna umjetnost ranokršćanskog razdoblja u zaleđu rimske Dalmacije = The vernacular art ot the early christian period in the hinterland of Roman Dalmatia / Nenad Cambi ; [prijevod na engleski jezik Graham McMaster]. Split : Književni krug, 2020.
U: Zadarska smotra. - ISSN 1330-4577. - 70 (2021), 1/3 ; str. 412-415
Ranokršćanska arhitektura -- Ranokršćanska umjetnost -- Vernakularna umjetnost -- Skulpture
Cambi, Nenad


Vidi br.: HA21-03839

Vidi br.: HA21-03624

Vidi br.: HA21-03832

73   Kiparstvo i srodne umjetnosti

BEŠLIĆ, Milan, likovni kritičar
Ivan Kožarić : prizemljeno sunce (1971. - 2021.) / Milan Bešlić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 98-101
Kiparstvo -- Instalacije -- Likovna kritika
Kožarić, Ivan


TODOROVIĆ, Predrag, likovni umjetnik
Kad vječnost poprimi oblik trenutka / Predrag Todorović ; razgovarala Neva Lukić. - Ilustr.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 7-13
Likovna umjetnost -- Izložbe -- Kiparstvo -- Slikarstvo -- Instalacije
Todorović, Predrag


Vidi br.: HA21-04036

Vidi br.: HA21-03851

Vidi br.: HA21-03854

74   Crtanje. Primijenjena umjetnost i umjetnički obrt

Vidi br.: HA21-03945

Vidi br.: HA21-03589

75   Slikarstvo

Likovnjaci u pandemijskim mjerama / Nevenka Šarčević. - Ilustr.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 19-25
Likovni umjetnici -- Virtualne izložbe -- Pandemija COVID-19 -- Izolacija

RONČEVIĆ Elezović, Ivana
Vinko Draganja : portret Emanuela Vidovića u atelijeru, oko 1900. / Ivana Rončević Elezović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 95-97
Slikarstvo -- Biografije -- Portreti -- Likovna kritika
Draganja, Vinko -- Vidović, Emanuel


VIGATO, Teodora
Zaboravljeni slikar Dunav Rendić / Teodora Vigato. - Ilustr.
Prikaz knjige: Dunav Rendić : ili kako je jedan liječnik uspio istražiti životni put i stvaranje zaboravljenoga hrvatskoga slikara / Goran Grubišić. Zagreb : Medicinska naklada, 2018.
U: Zadarska smotra. - ISSN 1330-4577. - 70 (2021), 1/3 ; str. 473-478
Slikari -- Biografije
Grubišić, Goran -- Rendić, Dunav


Vidi br.: HA21-03840

Vidi br.: HA21-03830

Vidi br.: HA21-03838

Vidi br.: HA21-03833

Vidi br.: HA21-03579

Vidi br.: HA21-03828

Vidi br.: HA21-03853

Vidi br.: HA21-03836

76   Grafička umjetnost

Tonku posvećeno : vječnost u riječi i slici / Barbara Vujanović. - Ilustr.
Pjesničko-grafička mapa Hommage Tonku Maroeviću, Zbirka Biškupić, Zagreb, 2020.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 84-87
Pjesničko-grafičke mape -- Grafike -- Bakropisi -- Likovna kritika -- Hrvatska književnost -- Hrvatsko pjesništvo
Maroević, Tonko -- Paljetak, Luko


77   Fotografija i srodni postupci

BOCKOVAC Drožđek, Marijana
Infinite identities : internetska fotografija - fenomen današnjice / Marijana Bockovac Drožđek. - Ilustr.
O izložbi: Infinite Identities: Photography in the Age of Sharing, Huis Marseille Amsterdam, 28.11.2020. - 28.4.2021.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 44-47
Izložbe -- Likovna kritika -- Fotografija -- Društveni mediji -- Instagram

Vidi br.: HA21-03564

Vidi br.: HA21-03834

78   Glazba. Glazbeni instrumenti i oprema

VOJTEK Šabić, Nina
(Ne)povezanost melodija i tekstova popijevki u zborniku crkvenih napjeva Cithara Octochorda / Nina Vojtek Šabić. - Graf. prikazi, note.
Tema broja: 50. obljetnica osnutka Odsjeka za muzikologiju na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 148-149. - Summary.
U: Arti musices. - ISSN 0587-5455. - 52 (2021), 1 ; str. 131-150  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Crkveni napjevi -- Crkvene popijevke -- Kajkavske popijevke -- Književnopovijesna analiza popijevki -- Glazbena analiza napjeva

KOPREK, Katarina
Doprinos Andrije Szegedyja na području crkvene i svjetovne glazbe / Katarina Koprek.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 336. - Summary.
U: Arti musices. - ISSN 0587-5455. - 52 (2021), 2 ; str. 315-337  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski grkokatolici -- Grkokatoličko sjemenište -- Prostopjenije
Szegedy, Andrija
Nemčić, Antun


Eva Sedak, svjedokinja krize / Dalibor Davidović. - Faks.
Tema broja: 50. obljetnica osnutka Odsjeka za muzikologiju na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu. - Prilozi: str. 91-93. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 87-90. - Summary.
U: Arti musices. - ISSN 0587-5455. - 52 (2021), 1 ; str. 59-94  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Muzikologija u Hrvatskoj -- Historiografija glazbe -- Kritika glazbe -- Nacionalno u glazbi -- Dekonstrukcija
Sedak, Eva


Glazbene preferencije učenika prema durskim i molskim skladbama / Daniela Petrušić, Lidija Brkan. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Nova prisutnost. - ISSN 1334-2312. - 19 (2021), 1 ; str. 139-152  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Učenici -- Nastava glazbe -- Glazbene preferencije -- Klasična glazba -- Dur -- Mol

ČUNKO, Tatjana
Kako učiniti muzikologiju dostupnijom uz pomoć radija? : Poredbena analiza slušalačkih navika i preferencija njemačkih i hrvatskih slušatelja umjetničke glazbe na radiju : Studija slučaja : emisija Hrvatski glazbeni abecedarij Hrvatskoga radija / Tatjana Čunko. - Graf. prikazi.
Tema broja: 50. obljetnica osnutka Odsjeka za muzikologiju na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu. - Prilozi: str. 115-128. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 113-114. - Summary.
U: Arti musices. - ISSN 0587-5455. - 52 (2021), 1 ; str. 95-129  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Radio -- Muzikologija -- Muzikološki znanstveni tekst -- Umjetnička glazba -- Slušatelji

ĆURKOVIĆ, Ivan, muzikolog
Odsjek za muzikologiju Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu (1970-2020) : emancipacija discipline / Ivan Ćurković.
Tema broja: 50. obljetnica osnutka Odsjeka za muzikologiju na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 56-57. - Summary.
U: Arti musices. - ISSN 0587-5455. - 52 (2021), 1 ; str. 39-57  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Povijest glazbe -- Teorija glazbe
Muzička akademija u Zagrebu -- Odsjek za muzikologiju


Pokretanje Odsjeka za muzikologiju na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu - od osobnih sjećanja do općega konteksta / Ivan Supičić.
Tema broja: 50. obljetnica osnutka Odsjeka za muzikologiju na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu. - Izlaganje sa skupa.
U: Arti musices. - ISSN 0587-5455. - 52 (2021), 1 ; str. 9-18  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Studij muzikologije
Andreis, Josip
Muzička akademija u Zagrebu -- Filozofski fakultet


DOBROTA, Snježana
Povezanost stavova prema djeci izbjeglicama, interkulturalnih stavova i preferencija prema glazbi svijeta - glazbeno-pedagoške implikacije / Snježana Dobrota. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Nova prisutnost. - ISSN 1334-2312. - 19 (2021), 1 ; str. 123-138  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Glazbene preferencije -- Glazba -- Interkulturalni stavovi -- Nastava glazbenog odgoja -- Djeca -- Izbjeglice

TUKSAR, Stanislav
Prvo desetljeće Odsjeka za muzikologiju i Muzikološkog zavoda Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu : 1970-e godine kao prvo razdoblje jedinstva muzikološkog istraživanja i visokoškolske nastave / Stanislav Tuksar.
Tema broja: 50. obljetnica osnutka Odsjeka za muzikologiju na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Arti musices. - ISSN 0587-5455. - 52 (2021), 1 ; str. 29-38  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Muzikološko istraživanje -- Visokoškolska nastava
Muzička akademija u Zagrebu -- Muzikološki zavod -- Odsjek za muzikologiju


ŽIŽIĆ, Ivica
Ranjeni glas hvale Henryka Góreckoga / Ivica Žižić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 140 ; str. 121-128
Sakralna glazba -- Skladatelji -- Teološke teme
Górecki, Henryk Mikołaj


SVIBEN, Jelena
Roland Barthes kao slušatelj / Jelena Sviben.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 380. - Summary.
U: Arti musices. - ISSN 0587-5455. - 52 (2021), 2 ; str. 367-381  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Slušanje glazbe -- Amater -- Tijelo -- Značenje -- Metafora
Barthes, Roland


BEBAN, Hrvoje
Srednjovjekovni koralni kodeksi Badijske zbirke samostana Male braće u Dubrovniku kao svjedoci ukinutog dominikanskog samostana u Zadru / Hrvoje Beban. - Fotogr., graf. prikazi.
Badijska zbirka. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Arti musices. - ISSN 0587-5455. - 52 (2021), 2 ; str. 277-314  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Koralni kodeksi -- Gradual -- Antifonar -- Misal -- Litanije
Franjevački samostan Male braće -- Dominikanski samostan


KOS, Koraljka
Tako je počelo : Uz 50. obljetnicu osnutka Odsjeka za muzikologiju na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu / Koraljka Kos.
Tema broja: 50. obljetnica osnutka Odsjeka za muzikologiju na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 27. - Summary.
U: Arti musices. - ISSN 0587-5455. - 52 (2021), 1 ; str. 19-28  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Studij muzikologije
Andreis, Josip -- Supičić, Ivan
Muzička akademija u Zagrebu


PERUŠKO, Tatjana
The theriomorphic and dionysian in Silvio Benco’s libretto La Falena for Antonio Smareglia / Tatjana Peruško, Katja Radoš-Perković.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 274-275. - Sažetak.
U: Arti musices. - ISSN 0587-5455. - 52 (2021), 2 ; str. 261-275  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Libreto -- Ženski likovi -- Teriomorfno -- Dionizijsko
Benco, Silvio -- Smareglia, Antonio


Tragom istarske glazbene riznice : Pregled povijesti glazbe u Istri kroz stoljeća / Ivana Paula Gortan-Carlin, Nikola Lovrinić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 364. - Summary.
U: Arti musices. - ISSN 0587-5455. - 52 (2021), 2 ; str. 339-365  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Povijest glazbe -- Istarski skladatelji -- Zavičajna glazbena nastava

SZOLIVA, Gábriel
Treasures uncovered in the library of the archdiocese and the cathedral chapter of Zagreb : Reconstructing the sanctorale of Esztergom cathedral’s 13th-century notated breviary / Gábriel Szoliva. - Graf. prikazi, note.
Appendix: str. 257-260. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak.
U: Arti musices. - ISSN 0587-5455. - 52 (2021), 2 ; str. 235-260  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Srednjovjekovna glazbena notacija -- Srednjovjekovna fragmentologija -- Glazbena fragmentologija

BALTHASAR, Hans Urs von
Umjetnost fuge : paralipomena za izvođenje / Hans Urs von Balthasar ; prijevod Ivan Ivanda.
Izvorni tekst objavljen u: Schweizerische Rundschau 28 (1928), 84-87. - Tematski blok: Poticaji za Sinodalni hod Crkve.
U: Communio (Zagreb). - ISSN 1847-6465. - 47 (2021), 142 ; str. 102-104
Fuga -- Glazba
Bach, Johann Sebastian


Vokalni citati slavonskog melosa u skladbi Vukovarski requiem autora Davora Bobića / Zdravko Drenjančević. - Ilustr., note.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Nova prisutnost. - ISSN 1334-2312. - 19 (2021), 1 ; str. 111-122  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rekvijemi -- Simfonija -- Slavonski melos -- Vokalni citati
Bobić, Davor


Vidi br.: HA21-03418

Vidi br.: HA21-03355

Vidi br.: HA21-03592

791   Kinematografija. Filmovi

YOU, Xuemei
Movie score prediction model based on multiple nonlinear regression / Xuemei You, Yongdong Liu, Mingming Zhang, Man Zhang. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: 22 jed.
U: Tehnički vjesnik (Strojarski fakultet). - ISSN 1330-3651. - 28 (2021), 3 ; str. 914-921  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rudarenje podataka -- Prediktivni model -- Filmska industrija -- Gledanost -- Nelinearna regresija

Trauma and memory in post-Yugoslav cinema / Etami Borjan.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i filmografija: str. 176-179.
U: Umjetnost riječi. - ISSN 0503-1583. - 65 (2021), 3/4 ; str. 153-179  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Postjugoslavenska kinematografija -- Dokumentarni film -- Igrani film -- Sjećanje -- Trauma -- Rat

The visionary from Wackyland: Bob Clampett’s early films / Rajko Petković.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i filmografija: str. 250-253.
U: Umjetnost riječi. - ISSN 0503-1583. - 65 (2021), 3/4 ; str. 229-253  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Animacija -- Animirani filmovi -- Elitizam -- Vitalizam -- Nadrealizam -- Poremećeni humor -- Stil -- Hollywoodska kinematografija
Clampett, Bob


792   Kazalište

RUŽIĆ, Branko, scenarist
(Ne)vidljive niti memorije (od Prousta i Eliota pa unatrag do Platona) / Branko Ružić.
41. zagrebački književni razgovori "Književnost i pamćenje", Zagreb, 7.-10.10.2020.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 97-102
Književnost -- Kazalište

Kako su Mujičić, Senker i Škrabe redefinirali komediju / Snježana Babić Višnjić.
Tematski blok: Boris Senker. - Bibliografija: str. 51-52.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 42-52
Hrvatsko kazalište -- Komedije -- Komično -- Likovi
Mujičić, Tahir -- Senker, Boris -- Škrabe, Nino


Kazališne teme talijanskoga dramskog glumišta kroz riječki talijanski tisak 1900. - 1914. / Dolores Miškulin.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 236-237. - Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 221-238  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kazališne teme -- Periodične publikacije -- Kazališna kritika -- Multikulturalnost -- Talijansko dramsko glumište

Pusto mi je bez kazališta : intervju / s Borisom Senkerom razgovarala Ana Lederer.
Tematski blok: Boris Senker.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 5-21
Senker, Boris


Zatomljeni hrvatski kazališni kritičari: Mirko Jirsak i Martin Robotić / Ivan Trojan.
41. zagrebački književni razgovori "Književnost i pamćenje", Zagreb, 7.-10.10.2020.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 110-118
Kazalište -- Kazališna kritka -- Kazališni kritičari -- Biografski podaci
Jirsak, Mirko -- Robotić, Martin


Vidi br.: HA21-04050

Vidi br.: HA21-03969

Vidi br.: HA21-03872

796/799   Sport

Environmental sustainability and sports [Elektronička građa] : an evaluation of sports-induced adverse effects on the environment / Ahmet Atalay.
Bibliografija: str. 33-38. - Abstract. - The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are grouped under three main titles; economic development, environmental sustainability and improvement of social well-being. Environmental sustainability is one of the most important components of sustainable development goals because it is obvious that without a sustainable environment, economic and social development goals will be abandoned. While the unplanned use of the environment and natural resources threatens environmental sustainability, it can be said that one of the most important actors in this process is sports. Mass production and consumption, facility establishment, and increase in organizations in sports accelerate environmental and natural destruction. The sustainability of sports is directly proportional to environmental sustainability. Therefore, reduction of the sports-induced negative environmental impacts will make great contributions to environmental sustainability. In this way, it will be possible to transfer both the natural environment and sports to future generations. This study was limited to environmental sustainability, which is one of the three main titles set for sustainable development goals and the effects of sports on environmental sustainability were evaluated in the light of available literature. Again, regarding the existing literature, suggestions were developed to reduce the negative environmental impacts of sports.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 19-38  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sport -- Sportski objekti -- Sportska događanja -- Održivi razvoj -- Okolišna održivost

SEVIM, Adnan
Evaluation of financial statements of sports clubs for 2019 and 2020 operational periods in terms of the Covid-19 pandemic and research in terms of financial risk [Elektronička građa] / Adnan Sevim.
Bibliografija: str. 134-136. - Abstract. - The Covid-19 pandemic and the accompanying uncertainties deeply affected the activities and financial structures of businesses and caused negative effects on their financial statements in many respects. Sports clubs are at the top of the list of businesses that suffer the most from the negativities of the pandemic process and experience a lot of loss in their financial and operational activities. Considering the developments both in Europe and in the World, the temporary postponement of sports matches, the start of competitions without spectators, the restructuring of club debts have seriously affected sports clubs, which are currently experiencing economic difficulties, deteriorate their liquidity, cash flows and increase uncertainty by making debt payments difficult. In addition, as the impact of risks on future performance increases, risk management practices have gained importance. In this context, information on the current ratio, cash ratio, financial leverage ratio, financing ratio, debt/equity ratio, and financial risk ratio obtained from the financial statement data for the period of 2019 and 2020 were used to evaluate the financial risk levels of 12 sports clubs. The deterioration in the financial structures of the sports clubs most affected by the pandemic process was examined and the risks encountered were discussed. In addition, the comparative financial analysis results were evaluated by analysing the effect of the financial structure and financial reporting of the clubs.
U: Journal of corporate governance, insurance and risk management. - ISSN 2757-0983. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 118-136  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Sportski klubovi -- Financije -- Likvidnost -- Financijska analiza -- Pandemija COVID-19 -- Nogometni klubovi

Povezanost igračke pozicije na incidenciju ozljeda kod profesionalnih košarkašica u sezoni 2016./2017. [Elektronička građa] / Marija Pocrnjić, Ozren Rađenović, Ivan Jurak. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: 18 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Budući da je košarka sport s puno brzih promjena, doskoka i okreta, ozljede su njezin sastavni dio te treba staviti poseban naglasak na njihovu prevenciju. Uzroci ozljeda su različiti, mogu biti unutrašnji (genski, anatomski, biomehanički, hormonalni) i vanjski (podloga, obuća), a njihov mehanizam nastanka može biti bez kontakta ili uz kontakt s igračicom ili podlogom. Kako bi se ozljede smanjile, važnu ulogu ima fizioterapeut koji bi, kao sastavni dio svake ekipe, trebao provoditi edukaciju, prevenciju i rehabilitaciju ako se ozljeda već dogodila. Prema dostupnoj literaturi, prevencija bi se trebala uklopiti u program treninga i odvijati kroz minimalno tri treninga tjedno.   Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi povezanost učestalosti ozljeda s obzirom na igračku poziciju u sezoni 2016./2017. Za potrebe istraživanja napravljen je upitnik s devet pitanja na koja je odgovorilo 90 košarkašica iz 12 prvoligaških klubova. Nije pronađena statistički značajna razlika između ozljeda gležnja, koljena i Ahilove tetive s obzirom na igračku poziciju. - Basketball is a sport with a lot of quick movements, landings and turns. Injuries are an integral part of it and special emphasis should be placed on their prevention. Various factors influence the probability of an injury. The factors can be internal (genetic, anatomical, biomechanical, hormonal) and external (surface, footwear), and the mechanism of injury can be in contact with the player or surface or without any contact. In order to reduce injuries, an important role is played by a physiotherapist who, as an integral part of each team, should conduct education, prevention and rehabilitation. According to the available literature, prevention should be included into the training program and take place during a minimum of three workouts per week. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between the frequency of injuries with respect to the player position in the 2016/2017 season. A questionnaire with 9 questions was designed and given to 90 female basketball players from 12 first league teams. No statistically significant difference was found between ankle, knee and Achilles tendon injuries with respect to the player position.
U: Journal of applied health sciences (Online). - ISSN 2459-5640. - 7 (2021), 2 ; str. 161-166  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ženska košarka -- Ozljede -- Fizioterapija -- Prevencija

Vidi br.: HA21-03658


80   Filologija. Prozodija. Retorika

Filologija kao otpor / Predrag Brebanović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 580-581. - Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 2 ; str. 561-582  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Filologija -- Lingvistika -- Književna teorija -- Studije kulture -- Humanistika

TIMBAY, Alexey A.
Interruption as a reflection of speaker’s identity in the 2020 US presidential debates / Alexey A. Timbay. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 303-305. - Sažetak.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 2(92) ; str. 283-306  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Govornici -- Predsjednici -- Debata -- Strategije -- Prekidi -- Identitet

Vidi br.: HA21-03573

Vidi br.: HA21-03893

81   Lingvistika i jezici

Analiza modela sustava za automatsko statističko strojno prevođenje / Ivan Dunđer. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 44-46. - Abstract.
U: Politehnika. - ISSN 2584-5373. - 5 (2021), 2 ; str. 39-47  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Strojno prevođenje -- Statističko strojno prevođenje -- Jezične tehnologije -- Prirodni jezik -- Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti

BEDEKOVIĆ, Magdalena
Analiza sintaktičke složenosti dječjeg pripovjednog diskursa / Magdalena Bedeković, Gordana Hržica, Matea Kramarić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 438-442. - Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 2 ; str. 417-443  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pripovjedni diskurs -- Mikrostruktura -- Sintaktička složenost -- Dobne razlike -- Jezična sposobnost -- Djeca

Ideološki i drugi vrijednosni stavovi o jeziku : odgovor Mati Kapoviću / Ranko Matasović.
Bilješke uz tekst.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 2(92) ; str. 351-354  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Standardni jezik -- Ideologije -- Nacionalni identitet
Kapović, Mate


PERAK, Benedikt
Ivana Bašić, Dokazivanje i odnos prema znanju u jeziku znanosti, Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, Zagreb, 2020. : [prikaz] / Benedikt Perak.
Bibliografija: 5 jed.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 2(92) ; str. 341-345  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Lingvistika -- Dokaznost -- Akademsko pisanje -- Znanost -- Jezik
Bašić, Ivana


PAVIĆ, Martina, kroatistica
Ivana Brač i Ana Ostroški Anić (ur.), Svijet od riječi, Leksikografski i terminološki ogledi : Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, Zagreb, 2020. : [prikaz] / Martina Pavić.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 1(91) ; str. 99-102  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Leksikografija -- Leksikologija -- Terminologija -- Terminografija -- Strukovni diskurs

Lada Badurina, Od gramatike prema komunikaciji, Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 2021. : [prikaz] / Jana Jurčević.
Bibliografija: 7 jed.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 2(92) ; str. 325-330  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gramatika -- Modalnost -- Pragmalingvistika -- Sintaksa -- Diskursna analiza
Badurina, Lada


Lexicalization of the motion event of "going" in the Holy Quran : a cognitive approach / Fathyieh Fattahizadeh, Fatemeh Habibi. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 102-103. - Sažetak.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 75-104  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kognitivna lingvistika -- Glagoli -- Glagoli kretanja -- Leksikalizacija

Metalingvistički elementi i postupci u analizama starih indijskih gramatičara / Goran Kardaš.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 182-184. - Summary.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 2(92) ; str. 165-184  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Metalingvistika -- Sanskrt -- Indologija -- Gramatička analiza -- Metajezik -- Metapravila

PALAŠIĆ, Nikolina
O održivosti semantičkog poimanja presupozicija / Nikolina Palašić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 20-22. - Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 7-23  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Presupozicije -- Semantika -- Pragmalingvistika

Osvrt na osvrt: o jezičnoj politici i objektivnosti / Mate Kapović.
Osvrt na: Ranko Matasović (2019), [recenzija knjige: Anđel Starčević, Mate Kapović & Daliborka Sarić 2019, Jeziku je svejedno, Sandorf, Zagreb] Suvremena lingvistika 45/88. - Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 1(91) ; str. 103-118  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Preskriptivizam -- Hrvatski jezik -- Standardizacija -- Jezična politika -- Kritika
Matasović, Ranko -- Starčević, Anđel -- Kapović, Mate -- Sarić, Daliborka


VUKOVIĆ, Petar, lingvist
Prijelomna knjiga za hrvatsku standardologiju / Petar Vuković.
Prikaz knjige: Jeziku je svejedno / Anđel Starčević, Mate Kapović i Daliborka Sarić. Zagreb : Sandorf, 2019. - Bibliografija: 8 jed.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 317-326  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Standardizacija -- Standardni jezik -- Preskriptivizam -- Jezična politika
Starčević, Anđel -- Kapović, Mate -- Sarić, Daliborka


CVIKIĆ, Lidija
Writer visibility in L1 vs. L2 argumentative writing : use of the first person personal pronouns in Croatian / Lidija Cvikić, Antonia Ordulj. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografska bilješka uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 22-24. - Sažetak.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 1(91) ; str. 1-25  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Pisanje -- Autori -- Osobne zamjenice -- Izvorni govornici -- Neizvorni govornici -- Upotreba

Vidi br.: HA21-03988

Vidi br.: HA21-03919

Vidi br.: HA21-03911

Vidi br.: HA21-03914

Vidi br.: HA21-03278

Vidi br.: HA21-03558

Vidi br.: HA21-03288

Vidi br.: HA21-03916

Vidi br.: HA21-03915

Vidi br.: HA21-03902

Vidi br.: HA21-03929

Vidi br.: HA21-03912

Vidi br.: HA21-03888

Vidi br.: HA21-03903

Vidi br.: HA21-03909

811.11   Germanski jezici

811.111   Engleski jezik

ERK, Mirna
Early English language acquisition : how early is early enough? / Mirna Erk, Silvija Ručević. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 157-163. - Sažetak.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 2(92) ; str. 141-163  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Djeca -- Predškolska djeca -- Engleski jezik -- Strani jezik -- Usvajanje jezika

Katica Balenović, (Među)jezikom do inog jezika: kako ovladati engleskim članom : Zadar: Sveučilište u Zadru, 2020. : [prikaz] / Jakov Proroković.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 1(91) ; str. 93-97  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Engleski jezik -- Članovi -- Učenje -- Strani govornici -- Usvajanje jezika
Balenović, Katica


811.112   Njemački jezik

MARIĆ, Dario
Erschtens kann i sie net überreda a kalt a ovo a ono. : Prebacivanje na hrvatski u razgovorima na lokalnom varijetetu njemačkog jezika austrijskog grada Bludenza druge generacije tamošnjih govornika hrvatskog jezika / Dario Marić, Mari Kujundžić.
Bibliografija: str. 458-460. - Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 2 ; str. 445-460  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Njemački jezik -- Iseljenici -- Dvojezični govornici

ŠČUKANEC, Aleksandra
Velimir Petrović, Esekerski rječnik / Essekerisches Wörterbuch, drugo, dopunjeno i poboljšano izdanje; FF Press, Zagreb 2020. : [prikaz] / Aleksandra Ščukanec.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 2(92) ; str. 347-349  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Njemački jezik -- Narječja -- Rječnici -- Esekersko narječje
Petrović, Velimir


811.12   Latinski jezik

Pisma nada sviman pisman : leksički i frazeološki aspekt pojedinih mjesta starozavjetne pjesničke knjige / Siniša Vuković.
Prilog: Glosarij: str. 192-196. - Bilješke uz tekst. - Sadrži i: Originalni tekst Pjesme nad pjesmama na lat. jeziku te prepjev na čakavski dijalekt: str. 183.-192. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Čakavska rič. - ISSN 0350-7831. - 49 (2021), 1/2 ; str. 167-196  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Čakavsko narječje -- Mjesni govori -- Brački govori -- Prijevod -- Latinski jezik -- Biblijska književnost

Tri pojma za jedan : eksempl, pelda i prilika. Pokušaj značenjskoga i vrsnoga nijansiranja u prijevodu latinskoga leksema exemplum / Andrea Radošević, Marija-Ana Dürrigl.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 526-535. - Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 2 ; str. 499-535  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Glagoljski rukopisi -- Zbirka propovijedi -- Latinski jezik

811.13   Romanski jezici

The contribution of certain acoustic vowel measures to the overall speech intelligibility / Patrizia Sorianello. - Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 279-282. - Sažetak.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 2(92) ; str. 267-282  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Talijanski jezik -- Govorni poremećaji -- Samoglasnici -- Akustička analiza

Speakers’ attitudes and perceptions in relation to the maintenance of the Fiuman dialect / Maša Plešković, Branka Drljača Margić, Tihana Kraš. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 87-92. - Sažetak.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 1(91) ; str. 69-92  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Fijumanski dijalekt -- Govornici -- Očuvanje jezika -- Stavovi -- Percpecije

Vidi br.: HA21-04048

811.14   Grčki jezik

Vidi br.: HA21-03513

811.16   Slavenski jezici

Fitonimi zdravilnih rastlin v severnem Prekmurju / Mihaela Koletnik, Vlasta Kučiš.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 121-122. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 105-122
Slovenski jezik -- Onomastika -- Fitonimi -- Ljekovito bilje -- Dijalektologija

BOGETIĆ, Ksenija
MetaLangCORP : presenting the first corpus of media metalanguage in Slovene, Croatian and Serbian, and its cross-discipline applicability / Ksenija Bogetić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografska bilješka uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 139-141. - Sažetak.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 123-142  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Korpusna lingvistika -- Metajezik -- Jezični korpusi -- Mediji -- Slovenski jezik -- Hrvatski jezik -- Srpski jezik

Vidi br.: HA21-03988

Vidi br.: HA21-03427

811.163.42   Hrvatski jezik

ČULIG Suknaić, Janja
"Kad kokoš pomisli da je labud" : gradba diskursa putem dihotomizacije / Janja Čulig Suknaić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 45-46. - Summary.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 1(91) ; str. 27-47  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Diskurs -- Analiza -- Dihotomizacija -- Leksemi -- Antonimija -- Kontekst

Actionality and affixation of biaspectual verbs in Croatian in the light of formal-functional theory of verbal aspect / Zrinka Kolaković. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 210-214. - Sažetak.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 2(92) ; str. 185-214  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Glagoli -- Dvoaspektni glagoli -- Akcionalnost -- Afiksacija -- Fisherov test

TADEJ, Radovan
Besede krstijanske i nigdanje : poetsko-leksički prilog u srednjočakavskom ikavsko-ekavskom dijalektu / Radovan Tadej.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Čakavska rič. - ISSN 0350-7831. - 49 (2021), 1/2 ; str. 141-160  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Čakavsko narječje -- Ikavsko-ekavski dijalekt -- Srednjočakavski dijalekt -- Mjesni govori -- Govor Zlobina -- Pjesme -- Zapisi

BIOČINA, Zdravka
Diftonzi u bračkim čakavskim govorima / Zdravka Biočina, Iva Bašić. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 138-139. - Summary.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 2(92) ; str. 119-140  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Čakavski govori -- Brački govori -- Slušna analiza -- Diftonzi -- Formantska analiza

ĆOSO, Bojana
Eksperimentalni pristup negaciji : istraživanja u hrvatskome jeziku i njihov doprinos modelima obrade negacije / Bojana Ćoso, Irena Bogunović. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija: str. 377-385. - Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 2 ; str. 359-385  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Negacija -- Psiholingvistika -- Kognitivni procesi

MARKOVIĆ, Irena, lingvistica
Istarski čakavski govori i njihov lingvistički atlas / Irena Marković. - Ilustr.
Prikaz knjige: Lingvistički atlas istarskih čakavskih govora (LAIČaG) [Elektronička građa] = Atlante Linguistico delle Parlate Ciacave Istriane (ALPaCis) = Lingvistični atlas istrskih čakavskih govorov (LAIČaG) / Goran Filipi, Barbara Buršić-Giudici. Pula : Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile, 2019.
U: Zadarska smotra. - ISSN 1330-4577. - 70 (2021), 1/3 ; str. 403-404
Čakavsko narječje -- Hrvatski jezik -- Istarski govori -- Lingvistički atlasi
Filipi, Goran -- Buršić-Giudici, Barbara


HRŽICA, Gordana
Konektori i druge diskursne oznake u pisanome i spontanome govorenom jeziku / Gordana Hržica, Sara Košutar, Kristina Posavec. - Ilustr.
Prilozi: str. 49-52. - Bibliografska bilješka uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 43-48. - Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 25-52  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Korpusna analiza -- Konektori -- Pisani jezik -- Govoreni jezik -- Diskursne oznake

JURIĆ, Ante, lingvist
Leksik obalne toponimije trogirskog akvatorija / Ante Jurić, Ivan Pažanin. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 45-48. - Biobibliografska bilješka o autorima: str. 50. - Summary ; Riassunto.
U: Čakavska rič. - ISSN 0350-7831. - 49 (2021), 1/2 ; str. 9-50  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Čakavski dijalekt -- Toponimi -- Obalna toponimija -- Leksik -- Geografske oznake -- Etimologija

Morfološke i sintagmatske specifičnosti vokativnih obilježja splitske čakavštine 20. stoljeća / Petra Božanić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 110-113. - Biobibliografska bilješka o autorici: str. 114. - Summary ; Riassunto.
U: Čakavska rič. - ISSN 0350-7831. - 49 (2021), 1/2 ; str. 85-114  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Tekstovi -- Korpus -- Splitski govor -- Splitska čakavština -- Vokativ -- Morfološka analiza

MLIKOTA, Jadranka
Morfološko nazivlje u Slovnici hervatskoga jezika za selske škole Mate Meršića Miloradića / Jadranka Mlikota, Marijana Bošnjak.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 495-498. - Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 2 ; str. 481-498  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Gradišćanskohrvatski jezik -- Gramatike -- Hrvatska gramatikografija -- Morfološko nazivlje
Meršić Miloradić, Mate


GEIĆ, Duško
Ništo versih po trogirsku / Duško Geić.
Rječnik nepoznatih riječi uz pojedinu pjesmu.
U: Čakavska rič. - ISSN 0350-7831. - 49 (2021), 1/2 ; str. 161-166  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Čakavsko narječje -- Trogirski govor -- Dijalektalna poezija

O čudu velikih rječnika malih govora : u povodu "Rječnika govora mjesta Ložišća na otoku Braču" Filipa Galovića i Pavla Valerijeva / Joško Božanić.
Prikaz knjige: Rječnik govora mjesta Ložišća na otoku Braču / Filip Galović, Pavle Valerijev. Zagreb : Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište, 2021. - Bibliografska bilješka uz tekst.
U: Čakavska rič. - ISSN 0350-7831. - 49 (2021), 1/2 ; str. 209-212  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Čakavsko narječje -- Mjesni govori -- Govor Ložišća -- Rječnici
Galović, Filip -- Valerijev, Pavle


ŠKARIĆ, Antonio
O frazeologiji mjesnoga govora Lopara / Antonio Škarić.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 136-137. - Biobibliografska bilješka o autoru: str. 138. - Summary ; Riassunto.
U: Čakavska rič. - ISSN 0350-7831. - 49 (2021), 1/2 ; str. 115-138  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Mjesni govori -- Govor Lopara -- Čakavsko narječje -- Ikavsko-ekavski dijalekt -- Frazeologija -- Frazemi -- Analiza

O rezultativnoj konstrukciji s predikatnim instrumentalom u hrvatskome jeziku / Davor Krsnik. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 243-246. - Summary.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 2(92) ; str. 215-246  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Rezultativna konstrukcija -- Predikatni instrumental -- Rezultativni sekundarni predikat -- Kolostrukcijska analiza

JUKIĆ, Sandra, magistra edukacije hrvatskog jezika i književnosti
Prilog hrvatskoj povijesnoj složnici, krasnoslovju ili rječoslaganju / Sandra Jukić.
Prikaz knjige: Opis atributa u hrvatskim gramatikama od početaka do kraja 19. stoljeća / Anastazija Vlastelić. Zagreb : Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada ; Rijeka : Filozofski fakultet, 2020.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 305-316  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Gramatika -- Atribut -- Sintaksa -- Povijest
Vlastelić, Anastazija


BRALA Vukanović, Maja
Simile demonstratives in Croatian : quantity, quality and beyond / Maja Brala Vukanović, Peter Gärdenfors, Mihaela Matešić. - Ilustr.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 414-416. - Sažetak.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 2 ; str. 387-416  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Zamjenice -- Zamjenički prilozi -- Značenjska obilježja

Šjora Vinka gre u spizu : Govor grada Splita u kratkim pričama Dunje Kalilić / Filip Galović, Marijana Togonal.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 81-82. - Biobibliografska bilješka o autorima: str. 84. - Summary ; Riassunto.
U: Čakavska rič. - ISSN 0350-7831. - 49 (2021), 1/2 ; str. 51-84  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatski jezik -- Dijalekt -- Južnočakavski dijalekt -- Splitski govor -- Novoštokavski ikavski dijalekt -- Dijalektalna proza -- Očuvanje jezika -- Kratke priče
Kalilić, Dunja


Zastupljenost i funkcije konektora i u dječjem pripovjednom diskursu / Sara Košutar, Gordana Hržica. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija: str. 64-67. - Summary.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 1(91) ; str. 49-68  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pripovjedni diskurs -- Djeca -- Hrvatski jezik -- Jezično usvajanje -- Konektor i

Zvončanost poezije Joška Božanića : (dvije o pjesničkom univerzumu Joška Božanića - u povodu 40. obljetnice objavljivanja njegove čakavske stihozbirke »Peruśće besid«, 1981.) / Siniša Vuković.
U: Čakavska rič. - ISSN 0350-7831. - 49 (2021), 1/2 ; str. 197-208  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 20. st. -- Dijalektalna poezija -- Hrvatski jezik -- Čakavsko narječje -- Komiški govor
Božanić, Joško


Vidi br.: HA21-03900

Vidi br.: HA21-03911

Vidi br.: HA21-03932

Vidi br.: HA21-03906

Vidi br.: HA21-03931

Vidi br.: HA21-03892

Vidi br.: HA21-03893

Vidi br.: HA21-03895

Vidi br.: HA21-03901

Vidi br.: HA21-03904

Vidi br.: HA21-03894

Vidi br.: HA21-03899

811.18/.8   Drugi (prirodni) jezici

PAVELIĆ, Goran, prevoditelj
Ekrem Čaušević i Barbara Kerovec, Turski i hrvatski u usporedbi i kontrastiranju: Sintagma i jednostavna rečenica, Ibis grafika, Zagreb, 2021. : [prikaz] / Goran Pavelić.
U: Suvremena lingvistika. - ISSN 0586-0296. - 47 (2021), 2(92) ; str. 335-340  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Turski jezik -- Rečenice -- Komparativna gramatika -- Hrvatski jezik
Čaušević, Ekrem -- Kerovec, Barbara


ŽAGAR Szentesi, Orsolya
Mehanizam prefigiranja smjernog značenja u mađarskome - u kontekstu hrvatskog jezika / Orsolya Žagar Szentesi, Kristina Katalinić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 72-74. - Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 53-74  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mađarski jezik -- Hrvatski jezik -- Usvajanje stranog jezika -- Glagolski prefiksi

Vidi br.: HA21-03897

82   Književnost

LACKO Vidulić, Svjetlan
Autonomija književnog pamćenja? : Peter Handke i europski povijesni narativi / Svjetlan Lacko Vidulić.
41. zagrebački književni razgovori "Književnost i pamćenje", Zagreb, 7.-10.10.2020. - Bibliografska bilješka uz tekst.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 80-85
Književnost -- Kolektivno pamćenje -- Ideologije -- Povijesni narativi
Handke, Peter


ŽIC, Igor
Gabriele D'Annunzio i Rijeka : politika, književnost, sjećanja / Igor Žic.
41. zagrebački književni razgovori "Književnost i pamćenje", Zagreb, 7.-10.10.2020.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 126-134
Književnost -- Politika -- Sjećanja -- Povijest
D'Annunzio, Gabriele


ŠESNIĆ, Jelena
Goli otok kao "mjesto pamćenja" u suvremenoj književnosti svjedoćenja / Jelena Šesnić.
41. zagrebački književni razgovori "Književnost i pamćenje", Zagreb, 7.-10.10.2020. - Bibliografija: 8 jed.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 103-109
Književnost -- Sjećanje -- Svjedočenje -- Traumatični događaji
Badurina, Natka -- Grossman, David


Kakvu istinu pamti fikcija / Maciej Czerwiński.
41. zagrebački književni razgovori "Književnost i pamćenje", Zagreb, 7.-10.10.2020.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 62-66
Književnost -- Fikcija -- Istina -- Povijest
Šenoa, August -- Fabrio, Nedjeljko


JOVIĆ, Andrea
Naratologija mogućih svjetova : pojmovi, pristupi, horizonti / Andrea Jović.
Bibliografija i izvori: 7 jed. - Abstract.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 39-56  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Naratologija -- Naratologija mogućih svjetova -- Fikcija -- Istina -- Imerzija -- Interaktivnost

KOLAR, Mario
Od Šus Mirande do Vinka Vošickog / Mario Kolar.
Tematski blok: Marko Gregur: Vošicki.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 155-160
Hrvatska književnost 21. st. -- Hrvatska proza 21. st. -- Romani -- Biografska proza -- Književna kritika
Gregur, Marko


Pamćenje i sjećanje u romaninima Nedjeljka Fabrija / Tihomir Glowatzky.
41. zagrebački književni razgovori "Književnost i pamćenje", Zagreb, 7.-10.10.2020.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 74-79
Hrvatska književnost -- Romani -- Pamćenje -- Sjećanje
Fabrio, Nedjeljko


Vidi br.: HA21-03941

Vidi br.: HA21-03983

Vidi br.: HA21-03880

Vidi br.: HA21-03946

Vidi br.: HA21-03943

Vidi br.: HA21-03962

Vidi br.: HA21-03966

Vidi br.: HA21-03963

Vidi br.: HA21-03964

Vidi br.: HA21-03560

821   Svjetska književnost

Darstellung der inneren Welten von erkrankten Figuren in der deutschen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur / Ksenia Kuzminykh.
Tema broja: Krankheitsbilder. Aufbrechen von Tabus in der deutschsprachigen Literatur. - Bibliografija: str. 285-289. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 2 ; str. 267-291  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Književnost za djecu -- Književnost za mlade -- Bolesti -- Emocije -- Književna analiza

ČERVENÁ, L'udmila
Kad biografski roman pruži razumijevanje / L'udmila Červená. - Ilustr.
Tematski blok: Marko Gregur: Vošicki.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 147-150
Hrvatska književnost 21. st. -- Hrvatska proza 21. st. -- Romani -- Biografska proza -- Književna kritika
Gregur, Marko


Literarische Anamnesen : Krankheiten und ihre textlichen Anfänge / Nicolai Glasenapp.
Tema broja: Krankheitsbilder. Aufbrechen von Tabus in der deutschsprachigen Literatur. - Bibliografija: str. 261-263. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 2 ; str. 241-265  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Književnost -- Književni tekstovi -- Bolesti -- Tabu
Büchner, Georg -- Mann, Thomas -- Benn, Gottfried -- Kafka, Franz -- Heym, Georg -- Döblin, Alfred -- Wagner, David


821.11   Germanske književnosti

821.111   Engleska književnost. Književnosti engleskog jezičnog izraza

MOOSAVINIA, Sayyed Rahim
"Stark raving sane" : a deconstructionist reading of Tom Stoppard’s Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead / Sayyed Rahim Moosavinia, Fatemeh Raeisi.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 199-200. - Sažetak.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 187-200  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Engleska književnost -- Engleska drama -- Drame -- Čitanje -- Dekonstrukcija -- Ludilo -- Poststrukturalizam
Stoppard, Tom


Fear of displacement : disruption in place attachment in Don DeLillo’s White noise / Naghmeh Fazlzadeh, Nasser Motallebzadeh, Nasser Dashtpeyma.
Bibliografija: str. 182-184. - Sažetak.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 163-186  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Američka književnost -- Čitanje -- Ekokritika -- Prostor -- Identitet -- Privrženost mjestu
DeLillo, Don


ZALAR, Diana
Konstrukcija identiteta glavnih likova u književnim serijalima Gregovi dnevnici Jeffa Kinneya, Timi Promašaj Stephana Pastisa i serijalu o Mirku Melite Rundek i ilustratora Martina Zalara / Diana Zalar. - Ilustr.
Bibliografija i izvori: str. 301. - Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 277-302  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Američka književnost 21. st. -- Hrvatska književnost 21. st. -- Dječja književnost -- Identitet -- Ilustracije -- Polifoničnost
Kinney, Jeff -- Pastis, Stephan -- Rundek, Melita -- Zalar, Martin


PERIŠ, Lucija
Međuovisnost teksta i konteksta engleske književnosti / Lucija Periš.
Prikaz knjige: English literature in context : from romanticism until the late twentieth century / Ljubica Matek. Osijek : Filozofski fakultet, 2020.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 205-210  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Engleska književnost -- Romantizam -- Modernizam -- Povijest
Matek, Ljubica


Mythologizing the memory of Gloriana / Sihem Garrouri.
Bibliografija: str. 96-97. - Sažetak.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 81-98  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Reprezentacija -- Glorifikacija -- Mit -- Sjećanje
Bradstreet, Anne -- Elizabeth I, engleska kraljica


DIAMANDIS, Eleftherios P.
Poem [Elektronička građa] : Waiting for the barbarian Corona viruses / Eleftherios P. Diamandis.
U: Biochemia medica (Online). - ISSN 1846-7482. - 31 (2021), 1 ; str. 1-2  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pandemija COVID-19 -- Pjesništvo -- Kanadska književnost

Seeking solid subjectivity versus spotting trans-subjectivation in Winterson’s Gut Symmetries / Hoda Niknezhad-Ferdos, Bakhtiar Sadjadi.
Bibliografija i izvori: str. 146-147. - Sažetak.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 125-148  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Engleska književnost 20. st. -- Roman -- Identitet -- Transsubjektivacija -- Plastičnost -- Sadizam -- Tjelesnost
Winterson, Jeanette


821.112.2   Njemačka književnost. Književnosti njemačkog jezičnog izraza

SZABÓ, László V.
"Ich war als Neurotiker erkannt---" : Krankheit, Leiden und Schmerz bei Hermann Hesse / László V. Szabó.
Tema broja: Krankheitsbilder. Aufbrechen von Tabus in der deutschsprachigen Literatur. - Bilješka uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 306-307. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 2 ; str. 293-309  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Njemačka književnost -- Bolesti -- Genijalnost -- Umjetnost -- Psihoanaliza -- Poetika
Hesse, Hermann


"Ich wollte ein paar heilige Kühe schlachten." : zu Hildegard Knefs Krebsbericht Das Urteil oder Der Gegenmensch (1975) und seiner Rezeption / Diego León-Villagrá.
Tema broja: Krankheitsbilder. Aufbrechen von Tabus in der deutschsprachigen Literatur. - Bibliografija: str. 420-422. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 2 ; str. 403-424  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Njemačka književnost -- Autopatografija -- Autobiografska proza -- Narativi -- Bolesti -- Rak -- Metafora
Knef, Hildegard


SPENER, Anna Maria
"Meine Trauer war (k-)eine Krankheit"? : Achronologisches Erzählen einer anhaltenden Trauerstörung in Olga Grjasnowas Der Russe ist einer, der Birken liebt / Anna Maria Spener.
Tema broja: Krankheitsbilder. Aufbrechen von Tabus in der deutschsprachigen Literatur. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 474-475. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 2 ; str. 457-477  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Njemačka književnost -- Roman -- Bolesti -- Posttraumatski stresni poremećaj -- Tugovanje
Grjasnowa, Olga


GRUBIŠIĆ Pulišelić, Eldi
(Psiho)patološki fenomeni u Ekstazama Mele Hartwig / Eldi Grubišić Pulišelić.
Tema broja: Krankheitsbilder. Aufbrechen von Tabus in der deutschsprachigen Literatur. - Bilješka uz tekst. - Bibliografija: str. 398-399. - Zusammenfassung ; Abstract.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 2 ; str. 379-401  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Austrijska književnost -- Novele -- Žene -- Psihopatološko stanje -- Mizoginija -- Institucionalni mehanizmi
Hartwig, Mela


Das geisteskranke Genie in Daniel Kehlmanns Werk : zur Vernunftkritik bei Daniel Kehlmann / Nikola Mizerová.
Tema broja: Krankheitsbilder. Aufbrechen von Tabus in der deutschsprachigen Literatur. - Bilješka uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 330-331. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 2 ; str. 311-333  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Njemačka književnost -- Suvremena njemačka drama -- Roman -- Razum -- Kritika -- Genij -- Mentalne bolesti -- Analiza
Kehlmann, Daniel


Die Krankheit des Ritters / der Ritter als Krankheit : Funktion(-alisierung-)en der Syphilis in Erasmus’ von Rotterdam Coniugum impar (1529) / Lea Reiff.
Tema broja: Krankheitsbilder. Aufbrechen von Tabus in der deutschsprachigen Literatur. - Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 373-375. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 2 ; str. 353-377  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bolest -- Brak -- Sifilis -- Moral -- Vitezovi
Erazmo Roterdamski -- Erasmus Desiderius -- Hutten, Ulrich von


Krankheit in Hartmanns von Aue Der arme Heinrich / Luka Planinić.
Tema broja: Krankheitsbilder. Aufbrechen von Tabus in der deutschsprachigen Literatur. - Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 350. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 2 ; str. 335-352  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Njemačka književnost -- Bolest -- Grijeh -- Krivnja -- Staleško društvo -- Vitezovi
Hartmann von Aue


Krankheitsbilder im Roman Schornstein von Jan Faktor und Terminifera von Michael Stavarič / Renata Cornejo.
Tema broja: Krankheitsbilder. Aufbrechen von Tabus in der deutschsprachigen Literatur. - Bilješka uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 435. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 2 ; str. 425-437  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Njemačka književnost -- Austrijska književnost -- Romani -- Kliničke slike -- Bolesti
Faktor, Jan -- Stavarič, Michael


Die Problematik von Erkrankung, Tabu und Autobiografie : Masken- und andere Spiele in Richard Wagners Herr Parkinson / Monika Leipelt-Tsai.
Tema broja: Krankheitsbilder. Aufbrechen von Tabus in der deutschsprachigen Literatur. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 517-518. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 2 ; str. 497-520  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Njemačka književnost -- Neurodegenerativne bolesti -- Parkinsonova bolest -- Autopatografija -- Retorika -- Maske
Wagner, Richard


FASSEL, Michael
Tabubruch als Strategie? : zur Demenz-Darstellung in Tilman Jens’ Demenz. Abschied von meinem Vater (2009) / Michael Fassel.
Tema broja: Krankheitsbilder. Aufbrechen von Tabus in der deutschsprachigen Literatur. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: str. 452-454. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 2 ; str. 439-456  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Njemačka književnost 21. st. -- Autobiografska proza -- Bolest -- Tabu -- Demencija
Jens, Tilman


Den Tod mit dem Tod bekämpfen. : Suizid als Ausweg in Wolfgang Herrndorfs Arbeit und Struktur / Zarah Rietschel.
Tema broja: Krankheitsbilder. Aufbrechen von Tabus in der deutschsprachigen Literatur. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 494. - Abstract ; Sažetak.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 2 ; str. 479-496  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Njemačka književnost -- Autobiografija -- Bolesti -- Samoubojstvo
Herrndorf, Wolfgang


821.13   Romanske književnosti

(Auto)biografska subverzija Oriane Fallaci u romanu Jedan čovjek (Un uomo) : tekst kao verbalna projekcija vlastitog sebstva / Astrid Kovačević.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 273-275. - Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 255-276  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Talijanska književnost 20. st. -- Talijanska proza -- Autobiografija -- Žensko pismo -- Nomadizam
Fallaci, Oriana -- Panagulis, Aleksandros


ĆURIĆ, Mirko
Mjere protiv sile - uloga pamćenja u odnosu prema književnosti i vlasti kod Maria Vargasa Llose i Ive Andrića / Mirko Ćurić.
41. zagrebački književni razgovori "Književnost i pamćenje", Zagreb, 7.-10.10.2020.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 67-73
Književnost -- Pamćenje -- Sila -- Vlast
Vargas Llosa, Mario -- Andrić, Ivo


Vidi br.: HA21-03977

821.14   Grčka književnost

GLAVAN, Maria Mariola
Jason and the Greek epic hero in light of archetypal criticism / Maria Mariola Glavan.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 149-151.
U: Umjetnost riječi. - ISSN 0503-1583. - 65 (2021), 3/4 ; str. 133-151  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Grčka književnost -- Epski junaci -- Arhetipovi -- Jason -- Arhetipska kritika
Frye, Northrop


821.16   Slavenske književnosti

KOVTUN, Natal'ja Vadimovna
"A naked person" and "the unbearable world" : exodus variants (based on early works by A. I. Solzhenitsyn) / Natalia Kovtun, Natalya Klimovich.
Bibliografija: str. 202-205.
U: Umjetnost riječi. - ISSN 0503-1583. - 65 (2021), 3/4 ; str. 181-205  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ruska književnost -- Samoidentitet osobe -- Moral -- Volja -- Milosrđe -- Radni logori
Solženicyn, Aleksandr Isaevič


GJORGJIEVA Dimova, Marija
Audiatur et altera pars! : (Ekscentrizmot vo makedonskiot roman) / Marija Gjorgjieva Dimova.
Ćir. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 10 jed. - Sažetak ; Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 239-253  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Makedonska književnost -- Romani -- Postmoderna poetika -- Ekscentrizam

SZABÓ, Tünde
The transformation of three Dostoevsky themes in Lyudmila Ulitskaya’s oeuvre / Tünde Szabó ; translated from Hungarian by Kristóf Hegedűs.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 226-227.
U: Umjetnost riječi. - ISSN 0503-1583. - 65 (2021), 3/4 ; str. 207-227  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Ruska književnost -- Književne teme -- Sanjarenje -- Slučajna obitelj -- Demonizam
Dostoevskij, Fëdor Mihajlovič -- Ulickaja, Ljudmila Evgen'evna


821.163.42   Hrvatska književnost

ZIMA, Dubravka
Anarkiste u Viencu : literarni opus Vladimira Mažuranića / Dubravka Zima.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 595-596. - Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 2 ; str. 583-596  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 19. st. -- Nihilizam -- Anarhizam -- Književni opus
Mažuranić, Vladimir


SUNARA, Nikola
Biografija Ive Andrića / Nikola Sunara. - Ilustr.
Prikaz knjige: Vatra u vatri : Ivo Andrić - jedan europski život / Michael Martens ; s njemačkog preveo Andy Jelčić. Zagreb : Naklada Ljevak, 2020.
U: Zadarska smotra. - ISSN 1330-4577. - 70 (2021), 1/3 ; str. 479-483
Književnici -- Biografije
Martens, Michael -- Andrić, Ivo


Boris Senker ili pozornici nasuprot / Pavao Pavličić.
Tematski blok: Boris Senker.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 33-41
Hrvatska književnost -- Hrvatsko kazalište
Senker, Boris


Emocionološki pristup suvremenoj hrvatskoj drami (na primjeru Nore danas Mire Gavrana) / Jelena Alfirević.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 625-629 ; internetski izvori: 5 jed. - Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 2 ; str. 597-630  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 21. st. -- Hrvatska drama -- Emocionologija -- Konceptualna metafora
Gavran, Miro


JAMNICKI Dojmi, Mirko
Fascinantan postmodernistički roman / Mirko Jamnicki Dojmi. - Ilustr.
Prikaz knjige: Mladenka kostonoga : kazivanje o vještici Gili / kako ga uz gusle pjeva Želimir Periš. Zagreb : Naklada OceanMore, 2020.
U: Zadarska smotra. - ISSN 1330-4577. - 70 (2021), 1/3 ; str. 467-470
Hrvatska književnost 21. st. -- Hrvatska proza 21. st. -- Romani
Periš, Želimir


Fragmenti davnih sjećanja : (pola stoljeća u društvu sa Stipom) / Dubravko Jelačić Bužimski.
Tematski blok: Stjepan Čuić: Orden (1. izd. 1981.).
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 179-190
Čuić, Stjepan
Hrvatska književnost 20. st. -- Hrvatska proza 20. st. -- Književna kritika -- Sjećanja


Hrvatska književnost duvanjskoga kraja / Mate Kovačević.
Prikaz knjige: Duvno u hrvatskoj književnosti : tekstovi, ljudi, sudbine / Josip Tomić. Zagreb : Lilliput planet ; Tomislavgrad : Franjevački muzej, 2019.
U: Zadarska smotra. - ISSN 1330-4577. - 70 (2021), 1/3 ; str. 434-436
Hrvatska književnost -- Monografije
Tomić, Josip


IVON, Katarina
Izabrani Mažuranić / Katarina Ivon.
Prikaz knjige: Izabrana djela / Ivan Mažuranić ; priredio Božidar Petrač. Zagreb : Matica hrvatska, 2019.
U: Zadarska smotra. - ISSN 1330-4577. - 70 (2021), 1/3 ; str. 442-445
Hrvatska književnost 19. st. -- Poezija -- Proza -- Politički spisi -- Politički govori
Mažuranić, Ivan


ORAIĆ Tolić, Dubravka
Književne ljubavi Luka Paljetka / Dubravka Oraić Tolić. - Ilustr.
Prikaz knjige: Književni pretinci : studije iz novije hrvatske književnosti / Luko Paljetak. Zagreb : Matica hrvatska, 2020.
U: Zadarska smotra. - ISSN 1330-4577. - 70 (2021), 1/3 ; str. 432-433
Hrvatska književnost -- Povijest književnosti -- Književna kritika
Paljetak, Luko


PLEJIĆ Poje, Lahorka
Književnost, pamćenje i zaborav : nekoliko riječi o Vitezovićevoj Uplakanoj Hrvatskoj / Lahorka Plejić Poje.
41. zagrebački književni razgovori "Književnost i pamćenje", Zagreb, 7.-10.10.2020.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 92-96
Hrvatska književnost -- Pamćenje -- Patriotizam
Vitezović, Pavao Ritter


Kretanje prema suncu : Proljeća Ivana Galeba Vladana Desnice i Camusov mediteranski duh / Maciej Czerwiński.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 206-208. - Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 189-208  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 20. st. -- Francuska književnost 20. st. -- Egzistencijalizam -- Književne paralele
Desnica, Vladan -- Camus, Albert


Listovi otrgnuti zaboravu : (ulomak iz neobjavljene knjige) / Boris Senker.
Tematski blok: Boris Senker.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 22-32
Hrvatska književnost 21. st. -- Hrvatska proza 21. st.

Manje poznato javno djelovanje Jakova Čuke / Ivica Vigato. - Ilustr.
Prikaz knjige: Sabrani radovi dr. Jakova Čuke : od 1905. do 1928. / priredio Vjekoslav Ćosić. Zadar : Matica hrvatska, Ogranak, 2020.
U: Zadarska smotra. - ISSN 1330-4577. - 70 (2021), 1/3 ; str. 439-441
Monografije -- Kanonici -- Hrvatska književnost -- Književna kritika -- Lingvistika -- Crkveno pravo
Čuka, Jakov


TRŠKA, Tanja
Marino Vidra u Toskani u jesen 1565. godine / Tanja Trška.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku. - ISSN 1330-0598. - 59 (2021) ; str. 69-80  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Korespondencija -- Pismo
Držić, Marin -- Beccadelli, Lodovico -- Gondola, Ivan Marinov


Mjera zaslužnih, kritika poslušnih: naknadni zapis o Ordenu Stjepana Čuića / Ivica Matičević.
Tematski blok: Stjepan Čuić: Orden (1. izd. 1981.).
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 169-175
Čuić, Stjepan
Hrvatska književnost 20. st. -- Hrvatska proza 20. st. -- Književna kritika


O nekakvim nedozrelim djevojkama i njihovim sudbinama : pripovijedanje djevojaštva u romanu Alma Josipa Barkovića / Petra Požgaj.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 36-37. - Abstract.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 23-38  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 20. st. -- Proza -- Pripovijedanje -- Djevojaštvo -- Djevojke -- Socijalizam
Barković, Josip


Od Prozaka do Frica, s Markom / Kruno Lokotar.
Tematski blok: Marko Gregur: Vošicki.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 161-167
Hrvatska književnost 21. st. -- Hrvatska proza 21. st. -- Romani -- Biografska proza -- Književne nagrade
Gregur, Marko


ČUIĆ, Stjepan
Orden na Staljinovoj slici / Stjepan Čuić. - Ilustr.
Tematski blok: Stjepan Čuić: Orden (1. izd. 1981.). - Tekst o povijesti pisanja knjige.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 191-193
Čuić, Stjepan
Hrvatska književnost 20. st. -- Hrvatska proza 20. st.


Orden, putem (ne)zaborava / Iva Mirčić.
Tematski blok: Stjepan Čuić: Orden (1. izd. 1981.).
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 176-178
Čuić, Stjepan
Hrvatska književnost 20. st. -- Hrvatska proza 20. st. -- Književna analiza


Panoramski pregled tribine / Franjo Nagulov.
Tematski blok: Kritičarev izbor. - Prikaz knjige: Komplet za zaštitu građana : panorama hrvatskog pjesništva / Kemal Mujičić Artnam. Zagreb : Poezija subotom, 2020.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 221-223
Mujičić Artnam, Kemal
Hrvatska književnost 20./21. st. -- Hrvatsko pjesništvo 20./21. st.


Poetski oživljen dinosaurovski svijet / Tin Lemac.
Prikaz knjige: Dinosauri nisu nestali / [tekst] Mirjana Mrkela, [ilustracije] Sonja Gašperov. Zagreb : Iris Illyrica, 2019.
U: Zadarska smotra. - ISSN 1330-4577. - 70 (2021), 1/3 ; str. 448-450
Hrvatska književnost -- Hrvatsko pjesništvo -- Dječja poezija
Mrkela, Mirjana -- Gašperov, Sonja


Poljsko pamćenje o hrvatskoj književnoj baštini i prijevodi starijih djela hrvatske književnosti na poljski jezik / Leszek Małczak.
41. zagrebački književni razgovori "Književnost i pamćenje", Zagreb, 7.-10.10.2020.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 86-91
Hrvatska književnost -- Hrvatska književna baština -- Prijevodi -- Poljski jezik

Presjek jedne izvrsnosti / Franjo Nagulov.
Tematski blok: Kritičarev izbor. - Prikaz knjige: Vremenski putnici / Gordana Benić. Zagreb : Litteris, 2020.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 218-221
Benić, Gordana
Hrvatska književnost 21. st. -- Hrvatsko pjesništvo 21. st.


BILOSNIĆ, Tomislav Marijan
Priče napisane su sa šarmom i ljubavlju / Tomislav Marijan Bilosnić. - Ilustr.
Prikaz knjige: Zverinške priče / Branko Škifić ; [ilustracije Branka Škifić Riđički]. Zadar : vlast. nakl., 2020.
U: Zadarska smotra. - ISSN 1330-4577. - 70 (2021), 1/3 ; str. 457-466
Hrvatska književnost 21. st. -- Hrvatska proza 21. st.
Škifić, Branko


Prikaz knjige Praksa svijeta / Robert Bacalja.
Prikaz knjige: Praksa svijeta : biografija Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić / Dubravka Zima ; [izrada kazala Dubravka Zima]. Zagreb : Naklada Ljevak, 2019.
U: Zadarska smotra. - ISSN 1330-4577. - 70 (2021), 1/3 ; str. 483-490
Hrvatska književnost 20. st. -- Književnice -- Biografija
Zima, Dubravka -- Brlić-Mažuranić, Ivana


BOŠKOVIĆ, Ivan, profesor književnosti
Primjerena književna zadovoljština / Ivan Bošković. - Ilustr.
Prikaz knjige: Poezija / Josip Sever ; priredio Krešimir Bagić. Zagreb : Matica hrvatska, 2020.
U: Zadarska smotra. - ISSN 1330-4577. - 70 (2021), 1/3 ; str. 445-448
Hrvatska književnost -- Hrvatsko pjesništvo
Sever, Josip


Prvi do Smoleka, drugi do Besta / Franjo Nagulov.
Tematski blok: Kritičarev izbor. - Prikaz knjige: Košulja na cvjetove i pjesme na struju : tekstovi za pjevanje / Stanislav Habjan ; [crteži Klasja Habjan]. Zagreb : Petikat, 2020.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 215-218
Habjan, Stanislav
Hrvatska književnost 21. st. -- Hrvatsko pjesništvo 21. st.


BOŠKOVIĆ, Ivan, profesor književnosti
Prvo ime književne Istre / Ivan Bošković. - Ilustr.
Prikaz knjige: Istarsko troknjižje / Boris Domagoj Biletić. Zagreb : Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, 2019.
U: Zadarska smotra. - ISSN 1330-4577. - 70 (2021), 1/3 ; str. 437-438
Hrvatska književnost -- Hrvatski književnici -- Povijest književnosti -- Književna kritika
Biletić, Boris


TKALEC, Gordana, kroatistica
Reprezentacija smrti u proznom opusu Frana Galovića / Gordana Tkalec, Nikša Sviličić, Mario Kolar.
Bibliografija: str. 218-219. - Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 209-220  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 19./20. st. -- Hrvatska proza -- Smrt -- Arhetipski motivi -- Fikcija
Galović, Fran


DAKIĆ, Mirela
Rukopis na granici / Mirela Dakić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 186-187. - Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 1 ; str. 171-188  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 20. st. -- Hrvatska proza 20. st. -- Politika književnosti
Krleža, Miroslav


ŽIGMANOV, Tomislav
Sadržaji sjećanja na Domovinski rat u književnosti Hrvata u Vojvodini / Tomislav Žigmanov.
41. zagrebački književni razgovori "Književnost i pamćenje", Zagreb, 7.-10.10.2020.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 135-145
Hrvatska književnost -- Domovinski rat -- Hrvati -- Domovinski rat -- Sjećanja

Slavica Sarkotić / Đurđa Parać.
U: Luč (Velika Gorica). - ISSN 1334-627X. - 9 (2021), 9 ; str. 255-271
Hrvatsko pjesništvo 21. st. -- Hrvatska književnost 21. st. -- Poezija
Sarkotić, Slavica


Slikar koji nestaje : biografski roman : 3. poglavlje: Pisanje povijesti, pisanje pisama / Zlatko Kraljić. - Ilustr.
Nastavak iz broja: 149/150/2020.
U: Kontura art magazin. - ISSN 1334-6555. - 30 (2021), 151/152 ; str. 113-119
Hrvatska književnost 21. st. -- Hrvatska proza 21. st.

Slikarevi aforizmi / Vesna Grahovac-Pražić. - Ilustr.
Prikaz knjige: Slobodna misao veličina je svih veličina / [aforizmi i likovni prilozi] Stipe Golac. Zagreb : Stajer-graf, 2020. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Zadarska smotra. - ISSN 1330-4577. - 70 (2021), 1/3 ; str. 471-473
Hrvatska književnost 20./21. st. -- Aforizmi
Golac, Stipe


CRLJEN, Danijela
Strah od kupine : (ulomak iz neobjavljenog romana) / Danijela Crljen.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 195-204
Hrvatska književnost 21. st. -- Hrvatska proza 21. st.

Sudbina vrijedna romana - roman vrijedan sudbine / Antun Pavešković.
Tematski blok: Marko Gregur: Vošicki.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 151-154
Hrvatska književnost 21. st. -- Hrvatska proza 21. st. -- Romani -- Biografska proza -- Književna kritika
Gregur, Marko


Sveta ljubav Svete Katarine u mističnom spjevu Junija Palmotića / Ivana Brković.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku. - ISSN 1330-0598. - 59 (2021) ; str. 115-136  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dubrovačka književnost -- Mistična književnost -- Religiozne poeme -- Barokni plač -- Božanska ljubav -- Emocije
Palmotić, Junije -- Catharina Senensis, sancta -- Sveta Katarina Sijenska


NIKOLIĆ Aras, Stanislava
Svjedočenje vlastite boli / Stanislava Nikolić Aras.
Prikaz knjige: Pitomi urlici / Luko Paljetak. Pridvorje : Naklada Bošković, 2020.
U: Zadarska smotra. - ISSN 1330-4577. - 70 (2021), 1/3 ; str. 454-456
Hrvatska književnost 21. st. -- Hrvatsko pjesništvo 21. st. -- Poezija
Paljetak, Luko


Šarmantna memorizacija noći / Franjo Nagulov.
Tematski blok: Kritičarev izbor. - Prikaz knjige: Noć na Zemlji / Dorta Jagić. Zagreb : Naklada Ljevak, 2020.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 212-214
Jagić, Dorta
Hrvatska književnost 21. st. -- Hrvatska proza 21. st.


LISAC, Josip
Tomislav Meštrić (1931. - 2021.) : in memoriam / Josip Lisac.
U: Čakavska rič. - ISSN 0350-7831. - 49 (2021), 1/2 ; str. 221-222  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost 20./21. st. -- Hrvatsko pjesništvo 20./21. st. -- Čakavsko narječje -- Dijalektalna poezija -- Govor Kukljice
Meštrić, Tomislav


KATIĆ, Elvira
U duhu naloga ljubavi / Elvira Katić.
Prikaz knjige: Čavli zime / Ivan Kramar ; [pogovor Luko Paljetak]. Pridvorje : Naklada Bošković, 2020.
U: Zadarska smotra. - ISSN 1330-4577. - 70 (2021), 1/3 ; str. 450-454
Hrvatska književnost -- Hrvatsko pjesništvo
Kramar, Ivan


Vrijedan doprinos revalorizaciji jednoga opusa / Franjo Nagulov.
Tematski blok: Kritičarev izbor. - Prikaz knjige: Crna kosa tanatosa : poetičko-stilska obzorja u pjesništvu Marije Čudine / Tin Lemac. Sisak : Matica hrvatska, Ogranak, 2020.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 223-226
Lemac, Tin -- Čudina, Marija
Hrvatska književnost 20./21. st. -- Hrvatsko pjesništvo 20./21. st. -- Poetika -- Književni stil


Za sada solidno ponavljanje gradiva / Franjo Nagulov.
Tematski blok: Kritičarev izbor. - Prikaz knjige: 50 sati leta / Andrej Đeraj ; [ilustracije Tatjana Kostanjević]. Nova Gradiška : Matica hrvatska, Ogranak, 2020.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 227-229
Đeraj, Andrej
Hrvatska književnost 21. st. -- Hrvatsko pjesništvo 21. st.


BARAN, Tanja
Zapisivači i lokaliteti usmenoknjiževne zbirke Đure Deželića / Tanja Baran.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Nova prisutnost. - ISSN 1334-2312. - 19 (2021), 1 ; str. 97-109  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska književnost -- Usmena književnost -- Rukopisna zbirka -- Zapisivači
Deželić, Đuro


Zavičaj je grobište / Davor Velnić.
41. zagrebački književni razgovori "Književnost i pamćenje", Zagreb, 7.-10.10.2020.
U: Republika (Zagreb. 1945). - ISSN 0350-1337. - 76[i. e. 77] (2021), 1/2 ; str. 119-125
Hrvatska književnost 21. st. -- Hrvatska proza 21. st. -- Zavičaj

Vidi br.: HA21-03945

Vidi br.: HA21-03962

Vidi br.: HA21-03859

Vidi br.: HA21-03928

Vidi br.: HA21-03930

Vidi br.: HA21-03922

Vidi br.: HA21-03857

821.18/.8   Druge književnosti na prirodnim jezicima

DRKIĆ, Munir
Prijevodi poezije Hafiza Širazija na zapadnom Balkanu / Munir Drkić.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 555-557 ; izvori: str. 554. - Summary.
U: Fluminensia. - ISSN 0353-4642. - 33 (2021), 2 ; str. 537-558  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Perzijska književnost -- Pjesništvo -- Prijevodi
Širazi, Hafiz


The shadow archetype in Mahmud Dowlatabadi’s novel Yusef’s days and nights / Masoud Farahmandfar, Ghiasuddin Alizadeh.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 8 jed. - Sažetak.
U: Anafora. - ISSN 1849-2339. - 8 (2021), 1 ; str. 149-161  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Iranska književnost -- Roman -- Proza -- Arhetipovi -- Sjena -- Kolektivno nesvjesno -- Individuacija -- Zrelost
Dowlatabadi, Mahmoud -- Jung, Carl Gustav


Vidi br.: HA21-03906


902/904   Arheologija

Andautonija u kontekstu rimskodobne religioznosti / Ozren Domiter. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Ščitarjevo/rimski grad Andautonija. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 137-139.
U: Luč (Velika Gorica). - ISSN 1334-627X. - 9 (2021), 9 ; str. 123-139
Religioznost -- Religija

Arheologija kao znanost i materijalna kulturna baština u hrvtaskom školskom kurikulumu / Anja Bertol Stipetić, Jacqueline Balen. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i mrežni izvori: str. 25-26.
U: Obavijesti (Hrvatsko arheološko društvo. 1983). - ISSN 0352-177X. - 53 (2021) ; str. 9-26
Kulturna baština -- Kulturno dobro -- Predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje -- Arheologija

Bioarchaeological analysis of skeletal remains from Nadin necropolis = Bioarheološka analiza osteološkog materijala s nekropole u Nadinu / Tisa N. Loewen, Kenneth C. Nystrom, Martina Čelhar ; prijevod Marija Kostić. - Ilustr., fotogr., graf. prikazi.
Tekst usporedno na engl. i hrv. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 287-291.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 259-291  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Antropologija -- Bioarheologija -- Liburni

BOSIO, Luciano
La fonte nella fonte : L’Italia fisica nella descrizione Tabula Peutingeriana. : 4. L’idrografia. : 4.3. I Fiumi a settentrione del Padus. : Dal Cleusis al Tiliabinte = Izvor u izvoru : Fizička geografija Italije u opisu Tabulae Peutingerianae. : 4. Hidrografija. : 4.3. Rijeke sjeverno od Padusa. : Od Cleusisa do Tiliabinte = Source within a source : the physical geography of Italy in the description of Tabulae Peutingeriane : 4. Hydrography : 4.3. Rivers North of Padus : from Cleusis to Tiliabinte / Luciano Bosio, Guido Rosada ; preveo: Živko Nižić. - Ilustr.
Tekst usporedno na tal. i hrv. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 517-519. - Summary.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 503-519  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hidrografija -- Padske rijeke

The guardian ancestors : Burials at bronze age fortified sites in the Adriatic Area : Coppa Nevigata and the Istrian hillforts = Predci-čuvari : Ukopi na brončanodobnim utvrđenim lokalitetima na Jadranu : Coppa Nevigata i istarske gradine / Giulia Recchia, Alberto Cazzella ; prijevod Marija Kostić. - Ilustr.
Tekst usporedno na engl. i hrv. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 107-111.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 87-111  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Utvrđena naselja -- Ukopi

Ispod starog crkvenog cindora / Tatjana Pintarić. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Ščitarjevo/rimski grad Andautonija. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 42-46.
U: Luč (Velika Gorica). - ISSN 1334-627X. - 9 (2021), 9 ; str. 11-46
Arheološka istraživanja -- Arheološki nalazi

Istraživanja tumula u Dobropoljcima 1960. godine u svjetlu novijih spoznaja = Tumuli research in Dobropoljci in 1960 in the light of recent discoveries / Jure Šućur, Zrinka Serventi ; translation: Nina Matetić Pelikan. - Ilustr., fotogr.
Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 407-410.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 371-421  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Tumuli -- Kontinuitet korištenja

Japodski i liburnski antropomorfni privjesci = Iapodian and Liburnian antropomorphic pendants / Andrej Preložnik ; prijevod sa slovenskog Nina Matetić Pelikan. - Ilustr.
Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 237-239.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 201-239  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Japodi -- Liburni -- Nakit -- Potnia theron -- Tipologija -- Privjesci

Kameje iz Arheološkog muzeja Istre = Cameos from the Archaeological Museum of Istria / Alka Starac ; translation: Marija Kostić. - Fotogr.
Katalog: str. 458-460. - Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 462-463.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 449-463  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Kalcedon -- Kameja -- Ženski portret -- Šljem
Arheološki muzej Istre


Liburni and the Caput Adriae Region in the early first millenium BC : Discussing the Liburnian two-part bow fibulae = Liburni i regija Caput Adriae početkom prvog tisućljeća pr. Kr. - Razmatranje liburnskih dvodijelnih lučnih fibula / Biba Teržan ; prijevod Marija Kostić. - Ilustr.
Tekst usporedno na engl. i hrv. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 195-199.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 177-199  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Liburni -- Dvodijelne lučne fibule

UGLEŠIĆ, Ante, arheolog
Nezaobilazno djelo / Ante Uglešić. - Ilustr.
Prikaz knjige: Trogirski distrikt u srednjem vijeku do 1537. godine / Tonči Burić ; [prijevod [sažetka] na engleski Marija Kostić ; fotografije Zoran Alajbeg ... [et al.] ; crteži i rekonstrukcije Silvana Juraga ... [et al.] ; izrada karata Ante Šundov]. Split : Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika, 2020.
U: Zadarska smotra. - ISSN 1330-4577. - 70 (2021), 1/3 ; str. 406-409
Arheologija -- Povijest
Burić, Tonči


Novi nalaz žrtvenika na neolitičkom naselju u Smilčiću = New find of an altar from the neolithic settlement of Smilčić / Brunislav Marijanović ; translation Marija Kostić. - Fotogr.
Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 43-45..
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 31-45  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Naselja -- Nastambe -- Žrtvenici -- Keramika

Numizmatička svjedočanstva mongolske najezde na šire područje Splita iz ožujka 1242. godine = The numismatic evidence of the Mongol invasion in the wider Split region in march, 1242 / Mato Ilkić, Dejan Filipčić ; prijevod: Marija Kostić. - Ilustr., fotogr.
Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 568-569.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 559-569  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Mongoli -- Ostave novca -- Pećine
Bela IV, hrvatsko-ugarski kralj


O Andautoniji --- rimskom gradu na području Ščitarjeva / Dora Kušan Špalj. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Ščitarjevo/rimski grad Andautonija. - Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 73-74.
U: Luč (Velika Gorica). - ISSN 1334-627X. - 9 (2021), 9 ; str. 47-74
Arheološki lokaliteti -- Arheološki parkovi

O kultu i poštivanju rimskih carica i princeza na tlu provincije Dalmacije = On the cult and veneration of the Roman empresses and princesses in the province of Dalmatia / Ivana Jadrić-Kučan, Ivana Banovac ; translation: Nina Matetić Pelikan. - Fotogr.
Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 499-501.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 465-501  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rimski carski kult -- Rimske carice -- Rimske princeze

ČELHAR, Martina
O životu i djelu profesorice Sineve Kukoč = On the life and work of professor Sineva Kukoč / Martina Čelhar ; translation Marija Kostić.
Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Sadrži i: Bibliografija prof. dr. sc. Sineve Kukoč = Bibliography of professor Sineva Kukoč: str. 21-29. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: 21-29.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 11-29  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Hrvatska arheologija -- Sveučilišni profesori -- Kustosi -- Životopis -- Bibliografija
Kukoč, Sineva


Početak sezonskog stočarstva u Dalmaciji = The beginning of seasonal pastoralism in Dalmatia / Stašo Forenbaher. - Ilustr.
Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 83-85.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 73-85  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Stočarstvo -- Transhumanca

DOMINES Peter, Pio
Podvodno nalazište Sveti Juraj - Lisac i proizvodnja soli krajem brončanog doba = Sveti Juraj - Lisac underwater site and salt production at the end of the bronze age / Pio Domines Peter, Mate Parica ; translation Nina Matetić Pelikan. - Ilustr., fotogr.
Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 166-168.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 133-176  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Briketaž -- Produkcija soli -- Maritimne konstrukcije

Pojasna kopča s figuralnim prikazom iz Prozora = Belt buckle with figural scene from Prozor / Ivan Drnić, Ana Đukić, Slađana Latinović ; translation Marija Kostić. - Ilustr., fotogr.
Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 256-257.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 241-257  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pojasna kopča -- Japodi -- Situlska umjetnost

ČELHAR, Martina
Pojasne kopče tipa Nadin = Belt buckles of the Nadin type / Martina Čelhar, Marina Ugarković ; translation Marija Kostić. - Ilustr., fotogr.
Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 323-326.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 293-339  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Liburni -- Pogrebni obredi i nošnja -- Kulturni identitet -- Trapezoidne pojasne kopče -- Motiv koplja -- Motiv strijele

Rezultati rekognosciranja gradinskog naselja Brdo-Stine kod Žrnova na otoku Korčuli = The hillfort settlement Brdo-Stine near Žrnovo on the island of Korčula - Results of a field survey / Igor Borzić, Dinko Radić ; translation: Marija Kostić. - Ilustr., fotogr.
Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 363-366.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 341-369  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Iliri -- Gradinsko naselje -- Korint A amfore -- Korint B amfore -- Grčko-italske amfore -- Lamboglia 2 amfore -- Žrvnjevi

Rimskodobna ogledala s Velike Mrdakovice = Roman-era mirrors from Velika Mrdakovica / Toni Brajković ; translation: Marija Kostić. - Ilustr., fotogr.
Katalog predmeta: str. 440-444. - Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 445-447.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 423-448  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Rimski nadgrobni spomenici -- Ogledala -- Tipologija G. Lloyd Morgan -- Grupe A i K -- Skardonitanska nekropola -- Ostava iz Hildesheima

RADMAN Livaja, Ivan
Stanovništvo Andautonije kroz prizmu epigrafije / Ivan Radman Livaja. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Ščitarjevo/rimski grad Andautonija. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 119-121.
U: Luč (Velika Gorica). - ISSN 1334-627X. - 9 (2021), 9 ; str. 101-121
Arheološka istraživanja -- Epigrafski spomenici

Stočarstvo i ritual na gradini Vrčevo u brončano i željezno doba = Animal husbandry and ritual at Vrčevo hillfort in the bronze and iron ages / Maja Grgurić Srzentić ; translation Marija Kostić. - Graf. prikazi, fotogr.
Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 130-131..
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 113-132  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zooarheologija -- Gradinsko naselje -- Stočarstvo -- Ritual

BURIĆ, Tonči
Stomorija - Miri (Kaštel Novi), primjer prostornih relacija unutar naselja u kasnoj antici i srednjem vijeku = Stomorija - Miri (Kaštel Novi), example of spatial relations within settlements in late antiquity and the middle ages / Tonči Burić ; translation: Marija Kostić. - Ilustr., fotogr.
Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 556-557.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 541-557  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Agrarna naselja

PEROK, Nikoleta
Svakodnevni život u rimskom gradu Andautoniji / Nikoleta Perok. - Ilustr.
Tema broja: Ščitarjevo/rimski grad Andautonija. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 98-99.
U: Luč (Velika Gorica). - ISSN 1334-627X. - 9 (2021), 9 ; str. 75-99
Arheološka istraživanja -- Arheološki parkovi -- Radionice

BARAKA, Josipa
Ulomak pogrebne mense s lokaliteta Galovac - Crkvina = Fragment of a funerary mensa from the site of Galovac - Crkvina / Josipa Baraka Perica, Ante Uglešić ; translation: Marija Kostić. - Ilustr., fotogr.
Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 537-539.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 521-539  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pogrebna mensa -- Starokršćanski pokopi

GUSAR, Karla
Vjerske medaljice iz sv. Dominika u Zadru = Devotional medals from St Dominic in Zadar / Karla Gusar, Dario Vujević ; translation: Marija Kostić. - Ilustr., fotogr.
Katalog: str. 592-607. - Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i elektronički izvori: str. 608-609.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 571-609  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Vjerske medaljice
Crkva sv. Dominika u Zadru


Zračna arheologija kao metoda identifikacije formacije krškog kulturnog krajolika = Aerial archaeology as a method of identifying the formation of cultural landscape in the karst area / Neda Kulenović, Vedrana Glavaš, Igor Kulenović ; translation: Marija Kostić. - Ilustr., fotogr., graf. prikazi.
Tekst usporedno na hrv. i engl. jeziku. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 640-642.
U: Archaeologia Adriatica. - ISSN 1846-4807. - 15 (2021) ; str. 611-643  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Zračna arheologija -- Daljinska istraživanja -- Krški krajolik -- Dinarski krš

Vidi br.: HA21-03837

Vidi br.: HA21-03392

908   Studije područja. Proučavanje lokaliteta

Prikaz knjige Bibliografija radova o otoku Silbi autora Ivana Boškovića i Helene Novak Penge u izdanju naklade Bošković / Jadranka Vejmelka, Marijana Tomić, Ivica Vigato.
Prikaz knjige: Bibliografija radova o otoku Silbi / Ivan Bošković, Helena Novak Penga ; [prijevod sažetka na engleski jezik Branka Radman, prijevod sažetka na talijanski jezik Dora Kapetanović]. Split : Naklada Bošković, 2021.
U: Čakavska rič. - ISSN 0350-7831. - 49 (2021), 1/2 ; str. 215-220  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Bošković, Ivan -- Novak Penga, Helena


91   Geografija

PETRIĆ, Hrvoje, povjesničar
O doprinosima akademika Dragutina Feletara povijesti : (u povodu 80 godina života) / Hrvoje Petrić. - Ilustr.
U: Scientia Podraviana. - ISSN 1331-257X. - 33 (2021), 35 ; str. 32-34
Geografija -- Sveučilišni profesori -- Novinari -- Biobibliografija
Feletar, Dragutin


Vidi br.: HA21-03375

92   Biografske studije. Genealogija. Heraldika. Zastave

Filozofsko stvaralaštvo fra Bonaventure Radonića [Elektronička građa] = Philosophical work of fr. Bonaventura Radonić / Ivan Macut.
Bilješke uz tekst. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažetak ; Summary. - Rad uz uvod i zaključak podijeljen je na dva dijela. U prvom dijelu izlaže se ukratko o životu i radu fra Bonaventure Radonića. U drugom poglavlju prelazi se na njegovo filozofsko stvaralaštvo. Nakon što je donesen detaljan popis svih Radonićevih filozofskih članaka koje je objavio, autor prelazi na kronološko-sintetsko izlaganje njihovih sadržaja. Pri tom izlaganju autor jasno uočava i posebno naglašava Radonićevo vrsno poznavanje cjelokupnog Duns Skotova nauka te o tim temama utemeljeno i stručno piše. Na koncu rada u zaključku ukratko se rekapitulira Radonićev filozofski opus te iznose njegove bitne značajke. - Along with the introduction and conclusion, the paper is divided into two parts. The first part briefly presents the life and work of Fr. Bonaventura Radonić. In the second part his philosophical work is exposed. After the author has brought a list of all Radonić's published philosophical articles, he moves on to a chronological-synthetic exposition of their contents. In this presentation, the author clearly notices and especially emphasizes Radonić's excellent knowledge of the entire Duns Scott's doctrine, and writes about these topics in a well-founded and professional manner. At the end of the paper, in the conclusion, Radonić's philosophical opus is briefly recapitulated and it's essential features are presented.
U: Služba Božja (Online). - ISSN 1849-1057. - 61 (2021), 2 ; str. 149-163  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Filozofija -- Teologija -- Franjevci
Radonić, Bonaventura -- Scotus, John Duns


ČIPČIĆ, Marijan
Mirko Buić (1894. - 1967.) : biografska skica splitskoga gradonačelnika i bana Primorske banovine / Marijan Čipčić. - Fotogr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija: str. 269-272. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 1 ; str. 251-273  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Pravnici -- Političari -- Biografija
Buić, Mirko


Stjepan Radić u hrvatskoj povijesti i kulturi / Željko Holjevac. - Ilustr.
U: Luč (Velika Gorica). - ISSN 1334-627X. - 9 (2021), 9 ; str. 143-162
Hrvatska kulturna povijest -- Hrvatska povijest -- Političari
Radić, Stjepan


Sto godina od rođenja velikog hrvatskog romanista akademika Vojmira Vinje (1921. - 2007.) / Joško Božanić. - Portreti.
U: Čakavska rič. - ISSN 0350-7831. - 49 (2021), 1/2 ; str. 3-6  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Romanistika -- Lingvistika -- Francuski jezik -- Španjolski jezik -- Biobibliografski podaci
Vinja, Vojmir


CIK, Nikola
Zaboravljeni časnik, pisac i gradonačelnik Stjepan Šašić Kirinski (1822.-1895.) / Nikola Cik. - Ilustr.
U: Scientia Podraviana. - ISSN 1331-257X. - 33 (2021), 35 ; str. 27-28
Gradonačelnici -- Biografije
Šašić, Stjepan


Vidi br.: HA21-03998

Vidi br.: HA21-03884

Vidi br.: HA21-03968

Vidi br.: HA21-03856

Vidi br.: HA21-03991

Vidi br.: HA21-03545

Vidi br.: HA21-03337

Vidi br.: HA21-03969

Vidi br.: HA21-03868

Vidi br.: HA21-03883

Vidi br.: HA21-03861

Vidi br.: HA21-04044

Vidi br.: HA21-04006

Vidi br.: HA21-03445

Vidi br.: HA21-03972

Vidi br.: HA21-04029

Vidi br.: HA21-03325

Vidi br.: HA21-03411

Vidi br.: HA21-03980

93   Povijest

930   Povijesna znanost. Pomoćne povijesne znanosti

Vidi br.: HA21-04054

930.85   Kulturna povijest

Prvi svjetski rat u kulturi sjećanja : inozemne i srpske ratne drame na repertoaru hrvatskih kazališta 1919. - 1941. / Mislav Gabelica.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst ; bibliografija i izvori: 244-248. - Summary.
U: Časopis za suvremenu povijest. - ISSN 0590-9597. - 53 (2021), 1 ; str. 221-249  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Prvi svjetski rat -- Kazalište -- Ratna drama

Vidi br.: HA21-04015

Vidi br.: HA21-03588

Vidi br.: HA21-03544

930.85(497.5)   Kulturna povijest Hrvatske

Vidi br.: HA21-04047

Vidi br.: HA21-03873

94   Opća povijest. Povijest pojedinih zemalja i naroda

Vidi br.: HA21-03375

Vidi br.: HA21-03376

Vidi br.: HA21-03449

94(497.5)   Povijest Hrvatske

Dragomano nostro della Porta : dragomani Porte u službi Dubrovčana (15. i 16. stoljeće) / Vesna Miović.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku. - ISSN 1330-0598. - 59 (2021) ; str. 9-38  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Dragomani -- Jezični posrednici -- Diplomacija -- Veleposlanici
Visoka porta -- Osmanlije


FELETAR, Dragutin
Kalvarija zemnih ostataka Petra Zrinskog i Frana Krste Frankopana od 1671. do 1919. godine : (uz 350. obljetnicu pogibije) / Dragutin Feletar. - Ilustr.
U: Scientia Podraviana. - ISSN 1331-257X. - 33 (2021), 35 ; str. 3-5
Povijest -- Ekshumacija -- Preseljenje
Zrinski, Petar -- Frankopan, Fran Krsto


Moje sjećanje na sprovode i koprivničko groblje sv. Duha / Mira Kolar Dimitrijević. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta.
U: Scientia Podraviana. - ISSN 1331-257X. - 33 (2021), 35 ; str. 16-19
Povijest -- Groblja -- Sprovodi -- Sjećanje

O čudnim povijesnim kartama Turopolja / Ivan Rožić. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst.
U: Luč (Velika Gorica). - ISSN 1334-627X. - 9 (2021), 9 ; str. 235-250
Povijesne karte

Ostati ili otići : Francuzi u Dubrovniku početkom 19. stoljeća / Ariana Violić-Koprivec. - Ilustr., graf. prikazi.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku. - ISSN 1330-0598. - 59 (2021) ; str. 169-204  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Povijest stanovništva -- Imigracija -- Francuzi -- Napoleonova vojska
Napoleon I, francuski car


Poslijeratna Koprivnica 1919. godine / Niko Maras.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija: 2 jed.
U: Scientia Podraviana. - ISSN 1331-257X. - 33 (2021), 35 ; str. 13-16
Povijest -- Kriza -- Gospodarska kriza

Spomenik kao prijeporno mjesto : trodnevna proslava otkrivanja Gundulićeva spomenika u Dubrovniku 1893. godine / Ivan Grkeš. - Ilustr.
Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary.
U: Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku. - ISSN 1330-0598. - 59 (2021) ; str. 205-241  
 Elektronička verzija članka
Spomenici -- Nacionalizam -- Srbokatolici
Gundulić, Ivan


GERIĆ, Božidar
Židovi u Novigradu Podravskom / Božidar Gerić.
Bibliografske bilješke na kraju teksta ; bibliografija i izvori: 11 jed.
U: Scientia Podraviana. - ISSN 1331-257X. - 33 (2021), 35 ; str. 28-30
Židovi -- Stradanja Židova -- Popisi žrtava -- Drugi svjetski rat -- Logori

Vidi br.: HA21-04047

Vidi br.: HA21-04024

Vidi br.: HA21-03864

Vidi br.: HA21-03865

Vidi br.: HA21-03871

Vidi br.: HA21-03867

Vidi br.: HA21-03727

Vidi br.: HA21-03549

Vidi br.: HA21-03456

Vidi br.: HA21-03557

Vidi br.: HA21-03551